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Published by tiro.ilievski, 2016-02-09 07:14:11


design and

we Believe in Best


CONTACT Phone & More Info Online Information

Address Phone 1: +97470748494 Email 1: [email protected]
Studio 7 Phone 2: +974 Email 2: [email protected]
Doha Qatar
Fax: +974 Web:
Studio 7
Studio 7 Confidential


Design and BRAND
Visual Identity GUIDELINE


contenttable of

page 04 | section 01 | brand manual Introduction
page 08 | section 02 | brand elements
page 12 | section 03 | brand logo
page 13 | section 03 | logo elements
page 14 | section 03 | clear space and size
page 16 | section 03 | font information
page 17 | section 03 | type hierarchy
page 18 | section 03 | brand colors
page 20 | section 03 | acceptable backgrounds
page 21 | section 03 | logo placement
page 22 | section 04 | summery and contact



1.1 Introduction
1.2 Our Mission
1.3 Brand Promises


brand manual

How To Fit in
This Guide

More than a name or a logo.
More than a name or a logo on a box.
And more than what the box contains.
What’s inside the box may change or to be
succeeded by some other product that’s
better, faster and less expensive.

The guidelines that directs communications
for Studio 7 products and services are
part of a larger effort to build awareness,
understanding and preference for the
Optimus brand and products and services
in the markets in which we compete. To
build a brand that endures.

The Studio 7 Design brand including the
logo, name, colors and identifying elements
are reserved as company assets. We are
responsible for protecting the company’s
interests throw preventing unauthorized
use of the Studio 7 Design. name and

Studio 7

1.2 Our mission

“ Our corporate mission and “ Studio 7 revolutionizes
positioning, as well as our how the world dig for creative
brand platform, reflects the ideas to design.
design heritage.

Studio 7 has established a
strong brand identity. Our

products have earned a
reputation for quality and

excellence that few can

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the
industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type
and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the
leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Page 6 2016 / Studio 7

Studio 7

1.3 brand promise

Studio 7

brand promise

The Studio 7 promise directly addresses the customer’s desire for design in life and at work. Our
brand promises to every customer: Studio 7 enables people and organizations to dig creativity
through design. We believe exploring creativities are:

Available Compelling Easy-to-Use

Readily available to the Studio 7 provides the best Interactions and transactions
customer any time, anywhere graphic items which are more are easy anywhere based on
based on their choice. We are interactive, ready to meet their choice. We are offering
offering customers premade perpose and entertaining. customers premade and
and custom made design Beacause we worth your time. custom made design option so
option so that customer can With us customers experience that customer can take decision
take decision based on their unlimited customization based on their demand. As
demand. As example - if any offers. Here customer can example - if any customer want
customer want any graphic make order fully customized any graphic item instantly to
item instantly to choose from graphic items and more. Lorem choose from a bunch of already
a bunch of already designed Ipsum is simply dummy text designed items and may
items and may customize a of the printing and typesetting customize a little bit; then our
little bit; then our premade industry . Lorem Ipsum has premade offer is the perfect
offer is the solution. been the industry’s standard. solution for them.

2016 / Studio 7 Page 7


Studio 7

2.1 Guide to Fit In
2.2 Identity Elements

Studio 7

2.1 guide to fit in

How To Fit in LOGO color
This Guide imagery
Studio 7 have a portfolio
of world-class designs and type
experts. With our design
elements and principles,
we use to communicate
a collective vision to our
valuable customers, all
over the world.

These guidelines cover
both the shared design
elements are used by
Studio 7 and our unique
product brands.

2016 / Studio 7 Page 9

Studio 7

2.2 identity elements

LOGO color
Studio 7

type Layout grids content grids
Open Sans Regular
Open Sans Semi Bold Studio 7 Lorem Ipsum is simply
Open Sans Bold dummy text of the printing
Open Sans Bold Italic Awesome Headline and typesetting industry.
Goes Here
tile Studio 7
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy
text of the printing and typesetting
industry. Lorem Ipsum has been
the industry’s standard dummy text
ever since the 1500s

Page 10 2016 / Studio 7

Studio 7

2.2 identity elements



2016 / Studio 7 Page 11


Studio 7

3.1 Logo Elements
3.2 Clear Space and Minimum Size
3.3 Font Information
3.4 Type Hierarchy
3.5 Color Variations
3.6 Acceptable Backgrounds
3.7 Logo Placement

Studio 7

3.1 logo elements

The Ultimate

representator of Studio 7

Introduction The Studio 7 corporate logo is of our corporate identity that
of the playing role as representator ensure our strong existance
logo of our company, our people, and reperesents our company,
and our brand to the world. our people, and our brand
The logo is a valuable corporate to the world. The logo is a
asset that must be used in the valuable corporate asset that
proper and approved way. Our must be used in the proper and
orporate logo is d building block approved way of designing.

The Studio 7 logo have two components, the logo symbol and logo type. The logo Symbol is palying
powerful role in visualizing the company’s strong promises, and the logotype that’s being used Open
Sans typeface to brand our products and marketing communications. It also directly addresses the
Studio 7 brands inner feeling of design in life and at work.

The corporate logo symbol color has been selected based on International standard. So that it can
be implemented very easily. Three corporate colors are used here - Blood Red, Black and White. The
combination of these two colors have made the logo modern and timeless. The symbol alone is only
used as a icon by corporate sites: Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. No other use is allowed. If you have
further query please contact info@studio7com

symbol Logotype



2016 / Studio 7 Page 13

Studio 7

3.2 clear space & size

1 1/2O 1/2O
To Fit in Studio 7
To ensure the legibility
we let the logo breath by
giving it some clear space.
The minimum clear space
that must be covered by
the half of the height of
full logo; or half of the blue
colored capiatal letter S.

2 Studio 7
On screen: 70 px
Minimum Print: 1” (25 mm)
size of logo
Studio 7
The Studio 7 logo
represents its visual On screen: 113.4 px
strength in various sizes. Print: 1.18” (30 mm)
However, when the logo
is reproduced for print Studio 7
in too small’ then it’ll not
be legible no longer & its On screen: 151.2 px
impact is diminished. Print: 1.58” (40 mm)

In print, the logo should
never appear smaller than
1” (25 mm). On-screen, it
must appear at least 70
pixels wide.

Page 14 2016 / Studio 7

Studio 7

3.2 clear space & size

3 bigger

Maximum always better
size of logo

There is no maximum size
for Studio 7.
Whenever using the Studio 7
logo at very large sizes (over
3 feet wide) you will need to
adjust the size and position
of the ®.

2016 / Studio 7 Page 15

Studio 7

3.3 font information

Proper selection of Studio 7 have selected Open Sans as our primary corporate font;
primary font which allows us for representing our messages from the enthusiastic
& in detail to the practical understanding. Using the careful use of typography
reinforce our brand personality to valued customers.
Designer of Open Sans: Steve Matteson


regular A B C D E F G H I J KL M

figures 0123456789

special !Ҥ$%&/()=?`;:
characters ¡“¶¢[]|{}≠¿‘

Page 16 2016 / Studio 7

Optimus Design.Inc

3.4 type hierarchy

Maintaining proper One of the most important techniques for communicating properly
level of hierarchy is the use of typographic hierarchy. It’s another form of visual
& in detail hierarchy, a sub-hierarchy per se in an overall design project; to
establishe an order of importance within the data. Typographic
hierarchy creates contrast between elements. Designers achieve
this through the use of typefaces, size, weight, capital and lowercase
letters, orientation and color.

caption text Studio 7 (Sample Text)
copy text Open Sans Regular - 6 Point Type & 0 Point Tracking or Leading
Open Sans Bold - 6 Point Type & 0 Point Tracking or Leading

Studio 7 (Sample Text)
Open Sans Regular - 8 Point Type & 0 Point Tracking or Leading
Open Sans Bold - 8 Point Type & 0 Point Tracking or Leading

headline text Studio 7 (Sample Text)

Open Sans Regular - 8 Point Type & 0 Point Tracking
Open Sans Bold - 8 Point Type & 0 Point Tracking or Leading

subline text Studio 7 (Sample Text)
large title
Open Sans Regular - 14 Point Type & 0 Point Tracking
Open Sans Bold - 14 Point Type & 0 Point Tracking or Leading

Studio 7

Open Sans Regular - 26 Point Type & 0 Point Tracking
Open Sans Bold - 26 Point Type & 0 Point Tracking or Leading

2016 / Studio 7 Page 17

Studio 7

3.5 color variations


To make it creative
use colors and

colorshave fun!
The Studio 7 love to play with contrast for the logo’s color
variety of colors; specially and elements. If the color
strong and high contrast colors reproduction is not available,
which makes our brand more the logo should be reproduced
appealing to the viewers. The in solid black. It can be used on
most effective background color reverse background of white
is white; on which to reproduce color. When the Studio 7 logo is
the color logo as it gives a clean placed on a photographic image

the image behind the logo must be light enough to ensure high contrast for the positive logo or dark
for the reverse logo. The full-color reverse logo may be used on dark color backgrounds, as well as dark
areas within photographs. Please contact studio7@ for guidance.

reverse white Studio 7 logo a
Background Type Colored Version

solid black Studio 7 logo B
Background Type Colored Version

Page 18 2016 / Studio 7


Let’s play with
colors and
have fun!

Studio 7

3.6 acceptable background

Perfect Studio 7 The most effective background color is white; on which to
background reproduce the color logo as it gives a clean contrast for the logo’s color
and elements. If the color reproduction is not available, the logo should
To Choose be reproduced in solid black. It can be used on reverse background of
white color as yellow or grey color.

yellow Studio 7 logo a
Background Type Colored Version
Studio 7
solid black Studio 7 logo B
Background Type Studio 7 Colored Version
Studio 7
grey color logo c
Background Type Colored Version

cyan color logo c
Background Type Colored Version

Page 20 2016 / Studio 7

Studio 7

3.7 logo placement

Try to make sure that the Studio Clear space from the bottom and Clear spacing
7 logo should appear in the right or left edge is minimum for the logo
lower left-hand corner, in full 1” as illustrated in the demo placement
color, on a black background. below. If the logo placement is
The proper placement in this not applied in the lower right
location for communication corner, an alternate placement
purpose helps to build Studio 7 can be applied in the top right
brand-awareness. How do you corner. Please make sure that it
measure the proper clearspace? have clear spaces to breath.

preferred alternate
Placement Demo Placement Demo

Studio 7 1”
Studio 7

Spacing for
Preferred Placement

Studio 7 Spacing for
Alternate Placement

Studio 7

2016 / Studio 7 Page 21


Studio 7 Brand

4.1 Summery
4.2 Contact


summery of
brand manual

How To Fit in
This Guide

The guidelines that directs communications
for Studio 7 products and services are
part of a larger effort to build awareness,
understanding and preference for the
Studio 7 brand and products and services in
the markets in which we compete. To build
a brand that endures.

The Studio 7 brand including the logo,
name, colors and identifying elements
are reserved as company assets. We are
responsible for protecting the company’s
interests throw preventing unauthorized
use of the Studio 7 name and marks.

Studio 7

4.2 contact info

contact Mr. Rudolf Lobo
information Doha - Qatar
[email protected]
We have tried our level best to studio/information/support
focus our brands portfolio of
world class designs and expert Scan to Download Total
group; through our corporate Gudeline and Information
extended brand guideline. Here
you’ll got to know brand tools
has additional resources and
guidance on the entire Studio 7
brand. If you have any question
please feel free to contact with
our specila team.

Page 24 2016 / Studio 7

To Make
your Design
Strong &

Scan to Download Total
Address Gudeline and Information
Studio 7
Doha - Qatar Studio 7 Confidential

Studio 7

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