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Published by ghanemsn, 2018-12-19 04:05:40



Key to exercises

UNIT 12 3a ('I'm going to get* suggests an UNIT 14
intention without a definite
12.1 arrangement; 'I'm getting' 14.1
Suggestedverbsaregiven. suggests a definite Suggestedverbsaregiven.
1 'm going to sit arrangement - perhaps the 1 will be talking about/is talking
2 is starting speaker has bought the car
3 'm going to complain and is simply picking it up about (a planned event)
4 is going to stop next week) 2 will be suffering from (not 'are
5 are meeting
6 is increasing 4c (there is little difference in suffering from'; this does not
7 going to answer meaning here between 'you refer to a planned activity)
8 'm teaching won't get' and 'you aren't 3 will be living / am living (a
9 'm going to get going to get') planned event)
10 are playing 4 are getting (not 'will be
UNIT 13 getting'; a surprising event)
12.2 5 won't be needing/using/wearing
1 are going to starve (C: an event 13.1 (not 'am not needing/using/
over which we have no control) Suggestedverbsaregiven. wearing'; this does not refer to
2/ a planned activity)
3 'm going to bed (D: 'going to 1 opens ('will open' is also 6 will be carrying out / are
go to bed' is also possible but possible) carrying out (a planned event)
less likely) 7 will be coming / are coming (a
4 's going to be (C: verb 'be') 2 will become planned event)
5 's going to explode. (C: an 3 starts ('will start' is also 8 will be taking (not 'are taking';
event over which we have no this is not a definite, fixed
control) possible) arrangement)
6/ 4 talk ('will talk' is also
7 is going to like (C: permanent 14.2
future situation) possible) 1 a will be opening ('will open'
8 is going to transform (C: an 5 will walk
event over which we have no 6 begins ('will begin' is also is also possible); b will open
control) 2 a will be trying ('will try' is
9 's going to leave (C: possible)
permanent future situation) 7 is ('will be' is also possible) also possible); b will try
8 will open 3 a won't go; b won't be going
10 / ('is inheriting' would also 9 leave ('will leave' is also 4 a will tell; b will be telling
be possible if the focus was on
the arrangement; for example, possible); don't reach ('won't ('will tell us' is also possible)
if a recent meeting had been reach' is also possible) 5 a will be driving; b won't
held at which this detailed 10 will come
decision was made) drive (it would also be possible
13.2 to use 'go' in these sentences)
11 is going to Switzerland (D: 2 Before I decide to buy the 6 a will be organising; b will
'going to go to Switzerland' is organise
also possible but less likely) house, I will have it looked at
by an expert. 14.3
12.3 3 Until she is a little older, we Possibleanswersaregiven.
lc ('is going to enjoy' implies won't let her walk to school 2 Will you be going anywhere
that this is prediction based 4 Unless he takes his work more near the supermarket? or Will
on some evidence - perhaps seriously, he will fail his exams. you be going to the
Dan has previously shown 5 In case one pen runs out, I'll supermarket?
that he enjoys being take two into the exam room. 3 Will you be going by car (to
independent; 'will enjoy' 6 If I don't see you after school, the cinema)? or Will you be
suggests an opinion, not I'll meet you outside the driving (to the cinema)?
necessarily based on anything cinema at 8.00. 4 Will you be selling your car
the speaker knows about Dan) 7 Provided the traffic isn't too soon? or Will you be selling
bad, I'll pick you up from your car in the near future?
2a (Tm going to drive' suggests a work.
personal intention; 'I'm UNIT 15
driving' suggests a more 13.3
definitearrangement— 1 does 15.1
perhaps the speaker has been 2 makes 1 is to appear ('will appear' is
told to go there by their 3 will be destroyed
employer) 4 have to / will have to also possible)
5 will be 2 will become
292 6 finishes /will finish 3 is to move ('will move' is also


Key to exercises

4 will feel 16.4 UNIT 18
5 is to begin ('will begin' is also Suggestedanswers:
1 I was going to tidy up my 18.1
possible) 2/
6 is to resign ('will resign' is also room, but I had a headache 3 agreed
and had to lie down. 4/
possible) 2 I was going to help you do the 5/
7 will arrive shopping, but Tom came round 6 made; brought
8 will fit just as I was leaving the house. 7 did
3 I was going to do the washing 8 helped
15.2 up, but we'd run out of 9/
The verbs given are those used in washing powder. 10 /
the original extracts. 4 I was going to go out for a run,
1 are to bring but it was raining. 18.2
2 are to improve 2 will have forgotten
3 is elected UNIT 17 3 would have called
4 are to operate 4 would have passed
5 fail 17.1 5 will have received
6 is to flourish 2 should be kept ('should' is 6 will have spent
7 would have saved
15.3 more likely than 'ought to'; 8 would have enjoyed
2 Before he gets home from outside authority) 9 would have collapsed
3 should meet / ought to meet 10 will have developed
school tonight Peter will have 4 should stay ('ought to' is not
eaten three bars of chocolate. possible) 18.3
3 By the time the last runners 5 should have checked / ought to Suggestedanswers:
start, the ones at the front will have checked 2 The door won't shut.
have been running for several 6 should be refrigerated 3 The video won't play
minutes. ('should' is more likely than
4 By next month I will have been 'ought to'; outside authority) (properly).
writing this book for 3 years. 7 should have listened / ought to 4 The computer won't print
5 By the time the software goes have listened
on sale, the company will have 8 should have planned / ought to (properly).
spent $5 million on developing have planned ('checked' is also 5 The tap won't turn off.
it. possible) 6 The car won't start.
6 When you get back, I will have 9 should include ('should' is 7 The cork won't come out.
painted (or will have finished more likely than 'ought to';
painting) the front door. outside authority) UNIT 19

UNIT 16 17.2 19.1
1 should / ought to... 2 would get
16.1 2/ 3 began
3 should/ought to... 4 wanted
1 would disturb 4 you'd better not go 5 would spend
2/ 5/ 6 will wear
3 are discussing 6 should not / ought not to 7 would stand up
4• 8 would call out
5 will have finished 17.3 9 returned
6 was to be seen 1 should or must: 'must' gives a 10 will have
7/ 11 will ask
8/ stronger recommendation 12 invited
2 must
16.2 3 must 19.2
1 would fly / was going to fly 4 should or must: 'must' gives 1 used to
2 was going to resign 2 will
3 was going to move / was stronger advice and is perhaps 3 used to
more likely than 'should' in 4 would / used to
moving this context. 5 used to
4 was going to jump 5 should or must: 'must' gives a 6 will
5 would be leaving / were leaving stronger recommendation 7 would / used to
6 was going to fall down 6 must
(2, 3 and 6 include logical
16.3 3b conclusions, so we use 'must',
la 2b 6b not 'should'.)
4b 5a


Key to exercises

19.3 3 The President may well step 22.3
down soon. 2 can count
1 ('We met every day...' is also 3 can give
possible) 4 Mexico could well face severe 4 be able to start
storms and flooding. 5 will be able to investigate
2 We worked in Tokyo for three 6 will be able to work
years. 5 One day we could conceivably 7 being able to put forward
drive cars powered by a soya- 8 can meet
3 We used to live on the east based fuel.
coast. ('We lived on the east UNIT 23
coast.' is also possible) UNIT 21
4 We met on the 22nd June last 21.1 Suggestedverbs aregiven.
year. l b 2a 3a 4b 5b 1 has to go
2 must come
5 We used to play tennis 21.2 3 must tell
together. ('We played tennis Suggestedanswers: 4 has to wake
together.' is also possible) 2 He may/might/could have got 5 have to do
6 have to go
UNIT 20 lost. 7 must take/do
3 He may/might/could have had
20.1 23.2
1 yes an accident. 1 must
2 no 4 He may/might/could have been 2 Both are wrong, '...can't...' is
3 no
4 yes delayed at work. the most likely alternative.
5 yes 5 He may/might/could have 3 must
6 no 4 Both are wrong, '...can't...' or
7 no broken down.
8 yes '...couldn't...' are the most
9 no 21.3 likely alternatives.
1 might 5 had to
10 yes 2 might 6 had to
3 might/could 7 must
20.2 4 could
1/ 5 could 23.3
2 It couldn't/can't be true. 6 may/could 1 ('has to be done' is also
3 it may/might/could take 7 may
4 they may not / might not have 8 could possible)
('they won't have' is also 2 Did you have to pay Bob to
possible) UNIT 22
5/ paint the fence? ('Had you got
6 Possible answers: Could you 22.1 to' is not possible)
be given...; Could it be that 1 £aa, is able to 3 The road has got to be built to
you'll be given...; Are you 2 was able to take traffic away from the city
likely to be given...; Might 3 can, are able to centre, ('has to be' is also
you be given... (rather formal) 4 can't. I'm not able to possible)
7 I may/might be wrong 5 can 4 You rarely have to tell Mary
8/ 6 can, am able to anything twice. ('You have
9/ 7 could rarely got to' is less likely)
10 Possible answers: Could it be 8 can, are able to 5 Have we got to get up early
from; Is it likely to be from; 9 can tomorrow morning? ('Do we
Might it be from (rather have to' is also possible)
formal) 10 couldn't, wasn't able to 6 She didn't have to take time off
work when her son was ill.
20.3 22.2 ('She hadn't got to' is not
la 2b 3a 1 a were able to; b could/was possible)
7 Peter sometimes has to clean
20.4 able to his parents' car before they give
Suggestedanswers: 2 a could/was able to; b was him any pocket money. ('Peter
1 Mt St Helens might well erupt has sometimes got to' is less
able to likely)
again in the near future. 3 a could/were able to; b was
2 Marcel could conceivably
able to
break the world 1,500 metres
record tonight.


23.4 UNIT 25 Key to exercises
1 A: Have you heard that Tom's 25.1 7 got
2 Could I leave my books with 8 became
joined the army?
B: You've got to be kidding. you? 26.3
3 Can I call my brother from 2 turned forty
(= joking) ('You must be 3 went/turned black
kidding.' and 'You have to your phone? 4 went dead
be kidding.' are also 4 Could I talk to you about my 5 went/turned white
possible) 6 went missing
job application? 7 turned into a film
2 A: It says in this letter that we 5 Can't/Couldn't I park my car 8 went wild
still owe £2,000 in tax.
on your drive? 26.4
B: There must be some 6 Can I ask you exactly what 1 came/grew
mistake. ('There has (got) to 2 got
be...' is also possible) your job is? 3 gone
7 Can't/Couldn't I pick some of 4 came/grew
3 A: I'm going bungee jumping 5 went
next weekend. the apples off the tree in your 6 came/grew (The context
B: You must be mad. 8 Can't/Couldn't I come with suggests a gradual change, so
4 A: Hello, I'm Alex. you to your summer house? 'got' is unlikely here.)
9 Could I have the last piece of
B: Oh, you must be Jane's your birthday cake? UNIT 27
25.2 27.1
UNIT 24 2 was allowed to 1 've (have) got (= possession)
3 were allowed to ('have' is also possible)
24.1 2+h 3 +e 4+a 4 couldn't / wasn't allowed to 2 to have got (= obtained) ('to
6+b 7+g 8+d 5 was allowed to have' is also possible)
1+f 6 couldn't / wasn't allowed to 3 to have (= to-infinitive)
5+i 7 were allowed to 4 have got (= obtained/
9+c 8 couldn't / wasn't allowed to received)
5 having (= -ing form)
24.2 ... could / was allowed to 6 have got (= received) ('have' is
1 needn't / don't need to 9 could / were allowed to also possible)
2 don't need to 10 was allowed to 7 to have (= used to)
3 needn't / don't need to 8 having got (= obtained/
4 needn't / don't need to 25.3 received)
5 don't need to 1/ 9 have (= short answer)
6 don't need to 2 would you like to go
7 needn't / don't need to 3/ 10 had (= past)
8 don't need to 4 would you like to do 11 had got (= obtained) ('had
5 would you like to order
24.3 6/ had' is also possible)
Suggestedverbsaregiven. 7 would fd) like 12 've (have) got (= possession)
1 needn't have spent 8/
2 didn't need to have 9 would fd) like ('have' is also possible)
3 needn't have happened (Note that we can also use a form
4 didn't need to take 10 would ('d) like of 'get' in some of these sentences:
5 didn't need to do 3 to get; 4 get; 7 to get; 8 getting;
10 got)
24.4 UNIT 26
1 I need hardly tell you 27.2
2 / ('I don't need to remind you' 26.1 4N 2 took a dislike (notice that we
IN 2 O 3 N 8N say 'take a liking', not 'take a
is also possible) 50 6N 7O like')
3 We mustn't allow 9 O 10 N 3 took/had a stroll
4 that we didn't have to sell (or 4 take care
26.2 5 had an effect
didn't need to sell) off 1 got 6 have a say
5• 2 became 7 took/had a sip
3 got (more natural than 8 taken/had a holiday
6 You don't have to (or don't 9 had a fall
need to) work 'become' in this informal
context) 295
7 You needn't worry ('mustn't 4 Get
worry' or 'don't have to worry' 5 became
are also possible) 6 became

Key to exercises

10 took power 28.4 UNIT 30
11 take/have a look Possibleanswers:
2 I think it would make a useful 30.1
1 He had a meal / something to pencil holder. 2 Large areas of forest are being
3 I think it would make a perfect destroyed every day.
2 They had a quarrel. home for my pet mouse. 3 The land next to our house
3 He had a wash. has been bought.
4 He took a photograph. UNIT 29
5 They had/took a break. 4 The accident had already been
6 They had/took a walk/ stroll. 29.1 reported before I phoned.
7 They had/took a swim. 1 passive: were destroyed / have
been destroyed 5 I hope (that) all the marking
27.4 2 active: arrived will have been completed by
1 Why don't you have a go? 3 active: exists/existed tomorrow.
4 passive: was prevented
(= try) 5 passive: are needed 6 The tennis court was being
2 Well, that really takes the 6 active: have happened used, so we couldn't play.
7 active: deteriorated / has
biscuit! (= used to show that I deteriorated 7 You will be told when you
think it's one of the most 8 active: receded should go in to see the doctor.
surprising or stupid things I've 9 passive: were worn
ever heard of someone doing) 8 The hotel should have been
3 I'll have to take the plunge and 10 passive: has been developed / finished (or should be finished)
tell her. (= decide to do is being developed / was by the time you arrive.
something, particularly developed
something that I don't want to 9 No doubt I will be blamed for
do and have been thinking 11 active: followed the problem.
about for a long time) 12 passive: will be released / are
4 She was always taking the 10 Better results are expected
mickey out of me. (= making being released soon.
fun of me in an unkind way,
particularly by copying what I 29.2 11 An unexploded bomb has
said or did) 2 The problem was mentioned to been found in Hubert Square
and the area is being
UNIT 28 me. evacuated.
3 The theft had been reported to
28.1 30.2
la 2b 3b 4a the police. The test was conducted in the
4 I was told the story. / The story school library to minimise noise.
28.2 The children were taken out of
2 She does a lot of letter-writing was told to me. their normal lessons and (were)
3 I enjoy doing the cooking 5 The charity has been given tested in groups of four. All the
4X tests were carried out in January
5 I'll do the ironing if you do the £1,000. / £1,000 has been 1996. The test consisted of two
given to the charity. components. First, the children
washing up. 6 The game will be demonstrated were shown a design (or a design
6 to do some bird watching. to the children. was shown to the children) (these
7X 7 The guests were being offered were presented in Chapter 3) and
drinks. / Drinks were being (they were) asked to describe
28.3 offered to the guests. what they saw. All their answers
2 made a definite arrangement 8 The procedure was explained were tape recorded. They were
3 made a startling discovery to me. then given a set of anagrams
4 made/makes an important 9 Tom was sold the car. / The car (or A set of anagrams was given
contribution was sold to Tom. to them) (words with jumbled
5 doing some research letters) which they were
29.3 instructed to solve in as short a
6—10Possibleanswers: 2 No passive. time as possible. I remained in the
6 did herself a serious injury. 3 When I was young I was room while the children did this...
7 doing him a favour.
8 made an excuse looked after by my aunt and 30.3
9 make a choice uncle. Suggestedanswersaregiven.
10 didn't do any good ('didn't 4 He was operated on for nearly 2 Permission to use the site for
12 hours (by the surgeons).
make any difference' would 5 No passive. the festival was eventually
also be possible) 6 No passive. given/granted/received.
7 His decision was approved of 3 The transfer of the money to
296 (by all his relatives). my bank account has taken
place / gone through / been

Key to exercises

4 The presentation of the trophy 3 The girls at the front tended to UNIT 33
will be made / will take place be ignored by the teacher,
after the speeches. (corresponding meaning) 33.1
2 What needs to be done next?
5 No announcement of the 4 Tim refused to be 3 Who did give you that ring?
findings will be made until next congratulated by Lesley, ('did' is stressed)
week, (or The announcement (different meaning) 4 Who invited you to the
of the findings will not be made restaurant?
until next week.) UNIT 32 5 Have you finished your
6 The demolition of the building 32.1 6 Did you go to the concert last
was completed/finished in only 2 It has been agreed that the UN night?
two days. 7 What was the result of your
will send in troops. exam?
7 The production of the new car 3X 8 Which do you like best -
will take place in a purpose- 4 It has been claimed (by chicken or turkey?
built factory. 9 Who did you invite to the
scientists) that the Earth is meeting?
UNIT 31 shrinking by ten metres each 10 Have you got any brothers? /
year. Do you have any brothers?
31.1 5 It has been calculated that the ('Have you any brothers?' is
2 a caught; b were caught earthquake (has/ will have) cost rather formal)
3 a heard; b was heard $3 billion.
4 a was kept; b kept 6X 11 What do you need from the
5 a found; b were found 7 It has been reported that rebel shop?
6 a saw; b were seen troops are/ were entering the
capital. 12 Where did you go last
31.2 weekend?
2 seemed to be designed 32.2
3 denied being paid 2 The brakes have been 13 Were you pleased with the
4 resented being asked present?
5 tended to be forgotten discovered to be badly worn.
6 avoided being run down 3 The petrol tank is considered 14 Which comes first — your
7 didn't mind being birthday or your brother's?
to be dangerous.
photographed 4 The electrical system is thought 15 Are you playing cricket this
8 appeared to be cracked weekend?
to be a fire hazard.
31.3 5 The repairs are expected to be 16 What did happen to your eye?
1 No passive. Possible correction: ('did' is stressed)
very expensive indeed.
People wanted Ken to be the 17 Do you speak Italian?
leader of the party. 32.3 18 Where does (your friend)
2 I had been taught to play 2 There were estimated to be half
chess... John live?
3/ a million refugees in the camps.
4 The painting has been reported 3 It was assumed that the gas 33.2
(to be) missing. 2 Who do you think would be a
5 No passive. Possible correction: was poisonous.
Everyone hates Derek to be 4 It was expected that the good person to ask?
away from home so often. 3 When do you suppose (that)
6/ President would make a
7 No passive. Possible correction: statement later. (There was he'll be arriving?
Her parents prefer Jane to ride expected to be a statement 4 What do you recommend (that)
her bike where they can see from the President later.' is also
her. possible.) I should do to lose weight?
5 There was shown to be a fault 5 When/What do you suggest is a
31.4 in the equipment.
1 James struggled to be 6 It was felt that Beijing was not good time to arrive?
yet ready to hold the Olympic 6 Where do you advise (that) we
understood by the Japanese Games.
visitors, (different meaning) 7 There were said to be over 100 should go in town for a good
2 David appeared to be confused winners in the competition. meal?
by the questions, 8 It was understood that she had 7 Why do you propose (that)
(corresponding meaning) resigned from the government. Max should be asked to resign?
9 There was shown to be a 8 What do you suppose is wrong
connection between the disease with Daniel?
and eating fish.
2 She asked me if/whether I

would be coming back later.
3 She asked me when I

expected/expect to finish the


Key to exercises

4 She asked me when I was 34.3 2 no UNIT 36
leaving. 1 yes 4 yes
6 no 36.1
5 She asked me where I (had) 3 no Suggested answers are given.
got the computer from. BARRISTER: Could you begin by
5 yes
6 She asked me why I didn't tell telling the court what happened
her earlier. / ...why I hadn't 34.4 on the evening of the 26th July.
told her earlier. Example answers: SANDRA: Yes, I was walking
1 Why not give up chips? home from work when I saw
7 She asked me how you get (or 2 Why don't you go to night someone who I thought was my
how to get) to Northfield. (or friend, Jo. I went up to her and
She asked me the way to school? touched her on the arm. But
Northfield.) 3 Why not call it "Atlantic when the woman turned round
it wasn't Jo at all. I just said,
8 She asked me whether (or Spirit"? "I'm sorry, I mistook you for a
not) meals are/were included 4 Why don't you write a protest friend."
in the price, (or ...if meals are/
were included in the price.) letter to the council? BARRISTER: And could you
describe the woman in detail.
9 She asked me what I wanted. UNIT 35
10 She asked me if/whether I am/ SANDRA: Well, to be honest, her
35.1 face shocked me. She reminded
was happy in my new job. 1 What me of a witch from.a children's
11 She asked me what I (had) 2 which/what ('which' is more story - a long nose and staring
eyes. When I tried to walk past,
thought of the performance likely) she stood in my way. I couldn't
(the previous day). 3 Which/What avoid her. She grabbed my arm
12 She asked me if/ whether I 4 What and prevented me from
had ever eaten snails. 5 What escaping. I struggled, but she
6 Which/What ('which' is more pulled me into a car parked
UNIT 34 nearby. She forced me to give
likely) her my purse and she wanted
34.1 7 Which/What ('which' is more me to give her my ring, too. But
Suggestedanswers: I wasn't going to let her take
2 Didn't you drive here? likely) that. So I hit her with my bag
3 Weren't you happy there? 8 Which/What and leapt out of the car. Then I
4 Can't you remember where you just ran (an adverb, e.g.
35.2 away, could be used, but is not
put it? 1 Who necessary here). At first I could
5 Don't you think she'll like it? 2 Which hear her following (an object,
6 Isn't there anything / any more 3 Which ('What' is also e.g. me, could be used, but is
possible) not necessary here), but then
we can do to help? 4 What she disappeared. After that I ran
8 Did you not get my message 5 Which into the town centre and
6 Which reported the attack to the
that I would be late? 7 Who police. They took a statement,
9 Did/ Could you not understand 8 Who and then they drove me home
9 Who and warned me to lock my
my instructions? doors and windows. Later that
(In 7, 8 and 9 the contracted 10 Which night they phoned (an object,
forms 'aren't', 'didn't' and 'didn't 11 what e.g. me, could be used, but is
or couldn't' might also be used. not necessary here) to say that
The full forms are used to show 35.3 2 What they had arrested the woman.
particular surprise or annoyance.) 1 Which 4 What is
3/ 6 Who is 36.2
34.2 5/ The most likely answers are
2 Wasn't there any sign of Don given.
at the station? / Was there no How's (e) 1 my students with
sign of Don at the station? What/How (b) 2 the idea as
3 Why don't you ever phone me? / What (f or h) 3 my children in
Why do you never phone me? What (c) 4 his calculations on
4 Can't you find anybody to What's (g) 5 my ladder to
come with you? / Can you find 6 between London and Sydney.
nobody to come with you? 6 How (a)
5 Isn't there anywhere else to put 7 How (f or h)
it? / Is there nowhere else to 8 What (d or f)
put it?


Keyto exercises

7 in a vaccine to prevent the 8 He warned me not to go out 39.2
disease. without an umbrella. He noticed two men looking into
all the parked cars.
8 to public recognition UNIT 38 He recalled hearing a car being
9 to being called English driven away.
10 for my mother 38.1 He didn't consider telling the
1 b racing/tearing, c to police.
36.3 He denied stealing the car.
1 You wash (the dishes) and I'll admire, d tearing/racing He regretted going into town that
2 a talking, b smoking/ night.
dry (them / the dishes).
Washing up in a kitchen. spending, c to introduce, The following sentences can be
2 Are you ready to order (your d to say rewritten with having + past
meal)? In a restaurant. 3 a to tell / to notify, b to tell / participle
3 Do you drink (alcohol)? to notify, c turning down, He admitted having been in town
4 Who scored (the goals)? d spending around midnight.
Question about a football 4 a living, b to buy, c to He recalled having heard a car
match. check, d putting being driven away.
5 It's your turn to deal (the He denied having stolen the car.
cards).Flayingcards. 38.2 He regretted having gone to town
6 I'll weed (the garden) and you Exampleanswers: that night.
can water (it / the garden). 2 to push / pushing it towards
Gardening. 39.3
the garage. 2X
UNIT 37 3 to give it to you yesterday but 3 The plan envisages Tony's

37.1 I couldn't get to a bank. becoming
2 a allowed; b agreed 4 you to cut out fats from your 4X
3 a arranged; b wanted 5X
4 a warned; b threatened diet. 6 We objected to the company's
5 a appealed; b forced 5 aching when I lay on the
6 a told; b promised building
7 a arrange; b need floor. 7 It amuses me to think of his
8 a persuaded; b decided 6 thinking about waves
37.2 breaking on the shore, ('to 8X
1 longed for the holidays think' is also possible, but less
2 overheard him say likely; it suggests that I find it 39.4
3 watched them-to-play football difficult to think about waves The more likelyanswers are...
4 consented -her-to lend breaking on the shore.) 1 crying ('most of the night'
5 encouraged me to work hard 7 to play when all the lights
6 campaigning for an inquiry to went out. suggests an action that went on
be held to-heW-into 8 to call me if you need any over a period of time)
7 let them -to- stay more information. 2 bite ('biting* is also possible,
8 promised tne-to show me 9 shouting / to shout for help. but this would perhaps suggest
9 to make them to do with 10 to lift my suitcase, ('lifting' is that the snake bit me several
also possible, but less likely; it times)
10 hear-her tell that suggests that I picked up the 3 playing (the situation suggests
11 entitles you to take suitcase in order to find out if that the children were playing
12 let me to- borrow I was able to lift it.) before you came out of the
11 waiting for a couple of hours. station and after you left; that
37.3 is, you don't watch them
Mostlikelyanswers: UNIT 39 playing from start to finish)
2 He encouraged me to continue 4 slip (here we are probably
39.1 talking about a single, short
the course. Example objects are given. action)
3 He promised to phone me 3 denied
4 put off UNIT 40
soon. 5 found Jane
4 He agreed to come with me. 6 heard someone 40.1
5 He ordered me to stop the car. 7 imagined (Jo) Most likely answers; example
6 He invited me to go out for 8 watched the stars objectsaregiven.
9 missed (him) 2 + a Scientists have discovered
7 He volunteered to work late at how bananas can be made to
grow straight.
the weekend.

Key to exercises

3 + b The crew advised us what 4 we had/got it rebuilt 9 could you take (her) some
we should do in an emergency. 5 she had/got it dry-cleaned flowers for me?
6 I had/got it photocopied
4 + i Nobody asked (me) why I 7 he had/got it mended 10 1 had to write all her
wanted to buy a gun. 8 we had/got it redecorated Christmas cards for her.
9 she had/got it framed
5 + f I must check when the 11 to tell his problems to his
library books are due back. 41.2 parents.
1 have
6 + d Before you go to the travel 2 get 12 The university awarded a
agent, decide when/where you 3 get/have £10,000 grant to Dr
want to go. 4 had Henderson
5 have
7 + c I couldn't begin to imagine 6 got/had 42.2
why she wanted me to bring a 7 got 2 I had to deny him his request.
ladder to the party. 8 have 3•
4 She announced her decision to
8 + h The course taught me how 41.3 the delegates.
I could improve my teaching 2 her paintings displayed 5/
methods. 3 my bike repaired 6 Her new coat cost her a
4 the play performed fortune.
9 + e From that distance I 5 your bedroom tidied 7 I reported the theft to my
couldn't see who had won the 6 herself lifted up boss.
8 The surgeon demonstrated the
40.2 41.4 new technique to his students.
1 decide get/have a prescription filled = 9/
2 wondering (we could, however, take a prescription (a piece of
paper on which a doctor writes 10 /
use 'thinking about whether the details of a medicine needed)
to...') to a chemist and exchange it for 42.3
3 debating medicine Example answers:
4 know get/have something fixed = 2 Can you introduce me to your
5 choose repaired
get/have a job costed = have sister?
40.3 someone calculate how much a 3 Can you explain the rules to
The villagers warned me what the job will cost
conditions were like at higher get/have something overhauled = me?
altitudes, and advised me to take examine something in detail (e.g. 4 Can you collect a parcel for
enough food for a week. In the machinery, plans) and repair or
morning they showed me (the improve them if necessary me?
way / how: one of these must be get/have your house done up =
deleted) to get to the track up the repaired or made to look more UNIT 43
mountain... When the snow attractive
started falling it was very light, get/have your hair permed = have 43.1
and I couldn't decide whether to your hair made curly using The most likely reporting verbs
carry on or go back down. Soon, chemicals are given in these answers, but
however, I couldn't see where to others are possible.
go...I wondered whether to UNIT 42 2 'Don't come near me,' she
retrace my steps and try to find
the track again...As the snow got 42.1 commanded.
heavier I began to realise that 2 Can you leave some food for 3 'Why did they do that?' he
('realise my life' is also possible) him?
my life was in danger. 3 The company owes money to wondered, (or Why did they do
Fortunately, my years in the six that? he wondered.)
Andes had taught me what to do 4 My grandfather left all his 4 'We're getting married,' Emma
in extreme conditions. I knew books to me announced / announced Emma.
that there was a shepherd's hut 5 Jane took some flowers to her 5 'I think Robin was right after
somewhere on this side of the mother all,' he decided, [or I think
mountain that I could shelter in, 6 she poured some coffee for us Robin was right after all, he
but I didn't know whether it was 7 can you fetch/pour a glass of decided.)
nearby or miles away... water for me? 6 'Those flowers look nice,' Liz
8 had only lent it to him until remarked / remarked Liz.
UNIT 41 7 'This coffee's cold,' she
41.1 8 'Please let me go to the party,'
2 he had/got it delivered pleaded Dan / Dan pleaded.
3 we had/got it put down (In 3 and 5, the alternatives in
brackets are for a report of what
300 'he' thought. (See Appendix 2C.))

Keyto exercises

43.2 44.3 7 She confessed that at first she
2 She didn't believe that I could Possibleanswers (Check inEthat was confused / had been
you have the correctpreposition confused by the question.
jump across the river. with the verb you have used.)
3 She complained that she 2 checked with 45.3
3 demanded of 1 When I mentioned to Nokes
couldn't see the stage clearly. 4 mentioned to
4 He said he didn't want me to 5 agreed with that he had been seen / (or
6 admitted to was seen) in a local shop last
wait for him. 7 required of Monday, he protested that he
5 He explained that it wasn't 8 explained to was at home all day. He swears
that he doesn't own a blue
possible to see Mr Charles that 44.4 Ford Escort. He claimed that
day. 1 'police that his neighbours' is he had been / (or went) to the
6 They didn't expect Alan to lend paint factory two weeks ago to
them his car. more likely. look for work. Nokes alleges
2 S (It is not necessary to include that he is / a good friend of
43.3 Jim Barnes. He insisted that he
2 The newspaper has now 'that' (in 'I thought that I'd didn't telephone / (or hadn't
bought...'). telephoned) Barnes last
dropped its claim to be the 3 it reminded me that Monday morning. When I
oldest in Scotland. / The 4 explained to us that or pointed out to Nokes that a
newspaper has now dropped its explained that large quantity of paint had
claim that it is the oldest in 5/ been found / (or was found) in
Scotland. 6 to persuade my parents that his house, he replied that he
3 We have received a guarantee (An object such as 'my parents' had been storing or was storing
that the building work will be is necessary.) it for a friend.
finished (by) next week. 7 'warned that the building' is
4 It was the British Prime more likely. 2 At the beginning of the
Minister Harold Wilson who 8 pleaded with the soldiers that interview I reminded Barnes
made the observation that a 9 reassured her parents that that he is / (or was) entitled to
week is a long time in politics. have a solicitor present. He
5 My parents gave me a lot of UNIT 45 denies that he knows anyone
encouragement to do well at by the name of Bill Nokes.
university. 45.1 Barnes confirmed that he had
6 We went on to discuss the issue 1 goes (more likely if Jim is been / (or was) in the vicinity
of who should represent us of the paint factory last
in/at the negotiations. talking about a regular Monday, but said that he was
arrangement that is still visiting or had been visiting his
UNIT 44 continuing.) mother. He admitted that he
2 is/was was walking or had been
44.1 3 die/died walking along New Street at
2X 4 has improved / had improved around 10.00. He maintains
3 They believed that the mine 5 walks that he is innocent.
6 is growing
contained (or contains) huge 7 is UNIT 46
deposits of gold. 8 has been reached / had been
4X reached 46.1
5 Most people consider that she 1 is/was
is the best tennis player in the 45.2 2 are
world today. 2 She moaned that she was too 3 depends/depended
4 is
44.2 hot. 5 are looking / were looking
1 promised 3 She announced that she had 6 is
2 reminded/warned
3 advised found her keys. 46.2
4 informed/told 4 She boasted that she easily beat/ 2 She told me that Jim was (or
5 warned
6 convinced/taught had easily beaten everyone else would be) arriving at their (or
7 advised in the race. her) house the next (or
5 She alleged that the police following) day.
forced / had forced her to
confess. 301
6 She confirmed that they (or we)
were losing.

Key to exercises

3 She told me that Pam visited 6 agreed ('said' would only be 8 The chairperson proposed that
(or had visited) them the day appropriate in informal Carrington should become a
before (or the previous day). speech) non-voting member of the
4 She told me that she was (or 7 advised/proposed
had been) late for work that 8 expected 9 I was anxious (= keen) that
morning. 9 requested Susan should be involved in the
10 promised decision.
5 She told me that she liked my
coat and was looking for one 47.3 48.3
like it herself. Exampleanswers: 1 The law stipulates that new
1 reading through our notes.
46.3 2 told 3 said 2 taking more exercise. cars be fitted with seatbelts.
1 said 5 told 6 said 3 increasing income tax. 2 I am amazed that anyone
4 told 8 told 9 said 4 listening to the BBC World
7 said objects to the proposal.
Service. 3 I suggested to Paul that he
1 He denied taking the money. 47.4 work in industry before
2 He mentioned seeing Megan in 3 To raise more money, the starting university.
4 She contended that people be
town. government proposed to allowed to vote at the age of
3 He admitted lying to the police. increase income tax. 16.
4 He reported seeing bright 1 'suggested to read' is not 5 I am surprised that she feels
possible annoyed.
flashing lights in the sky. 2 'advised to take more exercise.' 6 We demanded that the money
is not possible be returned to the investors.
46.5 4 '...recommended to listen to ..." 7 I am disappointed that she
1 He denied that he took / had is not possible wants to leave so early.
8 The chairperson proposed that
taken the money. UNIT 48 Carrington become a non-
2 He mentioned that he saw / voting member of the
48.1 committee.
had seen Megan in town. Mostlikelyanswers: 9 I was anxious (= keen) that
3 He admitted that he lied / had 2 We suggest that (around) $10 Susan be involved in the
lied to the police. million of public funds should
4 He reported that he saw / had be allocated to the project. 48.4
3 We recommend that a Exampleanswers:
seen bright flashing lights in the pedestrian precinct should be 2 It is essential that they should
sky. established.
4 We propose that (the) be motivated to give up.
UNIT 47 redevelopment should be 3 It is important that they should
completed within/in 5 years.
47.1 5 We advise that a committee to find an isolated place to
2 He threatened to resign (if I/we monitor progress should be set practise in.
up. / ...a committee should be
didn't give him a pay rise). set up to monitor progress. UNIT 49
3 He asked to borrow my pencil,
48.2 49.1
(or He asked me to lend him a Possibleverbsandadjectivesare 2 She said (that) I should / ought
pencil.) givenin theseanswers.
4 He demanded to know my 3 I suggested to Paul that he to look for a new job now.
decision soon. 3 She said (that) she may/might
5 He reminded me to go to the should work in industry before
supermarket after work. starting university. have to leave early.
6 He asked me to give him a lift 4 She contended that people 4 She said (that) I should
to the station, (or He asked to should be allowed to vote at
get a lift from the station.) the age of 16. have/ought to have used
7 He warned me to stay away 5 I am surprised that she should brighter wallpaper for the
from him. feel annoyed. bedroom.
8 He volunteered to drive me to 6 We demanded that the money 5 She said (that) she would/will
the airport (if I couldn't find should be returned to the be disappointed if she
anyone else). investors. didn't/doesn't get the job.
7 I am disappointed that she 6 She said (that) I should / ought
47.2 should want to leave so early. to take the jumper back to the
1 promised shop.
2 suggested 7 She said (that) I could/can
3 promised/volunteered borrow her guitar.
4 demanded
5 agreed


Keyto exercises

8 She said that she was sorry she 2 luggage (equipment) / bags 51.2
couldn't come to visit me/us 3 equipment/tools 1 was/were
last summer. 4 jewellery (equipment) / 2 has/have
3 have
49.2 paintings 4 were
1 will 5 work/jobs 5 has/have
2 would 6 accommodation (equipment) / 6 was/were
3 would/will 7 were
4 may/might houses 8 has/have
5 can 9 has ('have' is also possible
6 will/would 50.2 here, if we think of the
7 won't 1 chickens decision to spend money as
8 could/can 2 an improvement one taken by individuals in
3 successes the college)
49.3 4 Life
2 He said (that) he would be 5 a dislike 10 were
6 language
extremely interested to see the 51.3
results. 50.3 1 are complex
3 He asked what he should (or 1 a through a very strict and 2•
ought to) do next. 3•
4 He told me (that) I mustn't traditional education; 4 is very disturbing.
forget my membership card. b Education has been hit 5 have changed
('He told me not to forget my 2 a Traffic was building up; 6 is an illness
membership card.' might also b war, an illegal traffic in 7•
be used here.) ('war, illegal traffic in' is also 8 is no longer
5 He told me (that) I must / had possible) 9 is now compulsory
to / have to collect more data. 3 a he knew that resistance was
6 He said (that) he would always useless; b to build up a 10 compete in the games.
remember her kindness. resistance to mosquitoes. 11 are worrying investors.
7 He said I must have woken the 4 a Mr Sinclair damages of 12 •
baby (or her). nearly; b caused some
damage to my car UNIT 52
49.4 5 a Muriel gave a paper at the
2 He admitted that he couldn't conference; b The use of 52.1
recycled paper is saving 1 have
remember where he had left the 6 a to be speech that 2 is
car. (No alternative with a to- distinguishes; b long and 3 is/are ('are' is perhaps more
infinitiveclause.) boring speeches after likely here)
3 The army leaders vowed that 4 are
they would turn back the UNIT 51 5 has/have
invaders or die fighting. ('The 6 is
army leaders vowed to turn 51/1 7 is/are ('are' is perhaps more
back the invaders or die 2 (Smuggling) illegal immigrants likely here)
fighting.' is also possible.) 8 have
4 He expects that he will be out of Mexico is against the 9 is
finished by this evening. ('He law.
expects to finish... / He 3 The country's first general 10 is/are ('are' is perhaps more
expected to finish...' are also likely here)
possible.) (election) since it won
5 She said that she can/could independence is to be held next 11 is/are ('is'is perhaps more
show me the way. (No month. likely here)
alternative with a to-infinitive The only (people) who are
clause.) interested in the bbook seem to 12 has
be lawyers. 13 has
UNIT 50 5 The (view) of the manufacturing 14 have
and tourist industries is that 15 is
50.1 the economy is improving.
The most likely answers are 6 An early (analysis) of the 52.2
given. Other possibilities are results shows that the Socialists 1 Either the Prime Minister or
given in brackets. have won.
1 sunshine/showers 7 (Reliance) only on written tests her deputy is opening the
of English to measure language debate, ('are opening' is also
ability appears to be a cheap possible in informal English.)
option. 2 Either Tom or his friends are
going to clean the car.


Key to exercises

3 Either the children or their 53.2 7 cost-cutting
mother is/are delivering the 1 yesterday's announcement 8 losing battle
letters. 2 the extension of the airport 9 breathing space
3 David's guitar playing 10 video recording
4 Either the management or the 4 The completion of the road 11 film-making
workers are going to have to 5 last week's shopping list (Notice the word order in 7, 10
give way in the disagreement. 6 the responsibility of the firm and 11.)
who built the houses
52.3 7 last year's calendar UNIT 55
The new premises we plan to 8 Alice's opinion
occupy in Camford are • now 9 his brother's shoulder 55.1
being built. The outskirts of this noun + noun
city are an ideal site for a 10 the friend of a man I know at
company like ours. R and D are ^ work 2 a newspaper headline
('is' can also be used here) an 3X
important part of our work, and 11 The evacuation of the 4 car insurance
next year fifty per cent of our building 5X
budget is to be spent on our 6X
Camford centre. Some of our staff 53.3 7X
in the US are f' being asked to 2 They protested about the 8 a bicycle wheel
relocate, and eventually around 9X
ten per cent of our US workforce introduction of the new rules. 10 a dish cloth
are •/ ('is' can also be used here) 3 They were shocked by Bill's
to move to Britain. However, the noun + 's + noun
majority of our new employees rudeness. 2X
are to be recruited locally, and we 4 They were happy about the 3 a bird's nest
think that the local community 4X
are ('is' can also be used here) extension of the railway line. 5X
going to benefit enormously from 5 They were lucky to escape this 6 a nurse's uniform
this development. A number of 7X
business leaders and the local morning's fire. 8X
Member of Parliament are being 9 a man's voice
invited to a meeting next week. 53.4 10 X
Unfortunately, neither the Thesignsshouldhaveread: Note: 3 'a birds' nest' (= a nest
Company President nor the CONSULTANTS' PARKING for birds/a nest with birds living
Managing Director of NEW SEASON'S CARROTS in it) might also be used
Macroworth is • ('are' can also TO FLATS NOS: 38-45
beusedhere;informalEnglish) ONE OF EUROPE'S GREATEST 55.2
available to address that meeting, FLAMENCO GUITARISTS b hideout (related to the two-
but I and other senior managers
are to attend. UNIT 54 word verb in sentence 2)
c setbacks (7)
UNIT 53 54.1 d downpour (5)
2 pedestrian precinct e tip-offs (8)
53.1 3 bargain hunters f telling-off (1)
1 Tony's 4 pen friend g passers-by or by-passers (6)
2 girls' 5 package tour h flashbacks (3)
3 Dickens' (or Dickens's) 6 mother tongue
4• 7 sign language 55.3
5 birds' 1 very unlikely to happen
6• 54.2 2 ordinary and disappointing
7 Lewis's (we don't use Lewis' 2 a goods train 3 difficult to reach
here because the V at the end 3 a drugs test 4 lazy and worthless
of Lewis is pronounced /s/, 4 a pencil case 5 having just about enough
not ITJ) 5 a two-hour film
8• 6 the contents page money to survive
9 mother's (or 'of my mother.') 7 a robotics expert 6 not generally known that
10 world's airlines 8 a toy shop
11 readers' 9 a four-page essay something is happening
12 • ('Edinburgh's' is also 10 a human rights issue 7 not showing any emotion
304 2 mailing list
3 selling point
4 answering machine
5 waiting-list
6 turning point

Keyto exercises

UNIT 56 4 France is a member of the 3 The car's; the house (= it is
European Union. understood which house; the
56 .1 2a 3 an most likely context is that it is
1 an 5a 6 an 5 Ghana became a republic in the speaker's house); a/the
4a 8a 9a 1957. camera (both 'a' and 'the' are
7a 11 a 12 an possible here; 'the camera'
14 a 6 Wall Street is an important would suggest an already-
10 an financialcentre. known camera - perhaps
13 a 'our' camera)
7 Nelson Mandela became the/-
56 .2 president of South Africa in 4 a tin opener; the woman next
1994. door, ('the woman' suggests
1 -ene-a the speaker is talking about a
2 / (both 'one' and 'a' are 8 The Great Wall of China is the woman who is known by the
1possible) only constructed object visible hearer; 'a woman' is unlikely
3 -ene- a from space. here)
4 / (both 'one' and 'a' are
9 Greenland is the largest island 5 A: a fridge; a washing
possible) in the world. machine; but the washing
machine; the kitchen door;
5 / ('a' is not possible) 57.2 2 the/- 3a
1a 5 the/- 6 the B: the shop;
6 -ene-a 4 the 8 the 9a A: a smaller one.
7 -ene- a 7- 6 the car; the clutch; a/the
8 / (both 'one' and 'a' are garage, (both 'a' and 'the' are
57.3 possible here; 'the garage'
possible) 1 has a wonderful would suggest that the hearer
2/ will know which one is being
9 -ene-a 3/ referred to - perhaps the
10 one 3 4 in the fashion industry garage that they always use)
11 / (both 'one' and 'a' are 5/
6/ 7 an excellent restaurant; The
possible) 7 with a high level food; the service
8 for the environment?
12 / ('a' is not possible) 9 on the world's 8 A: the tea pot? (= the one we
13 -ene-a always use or the one I
14 i_)tlC A 10 / know you have)
11 become an important figure
15 -one- a;-ene- a 12 / B: the cupboard; the right
16 / (both 'one' and 'a' are A: a blue one.
B: a new one.
possible) 9 B: a new jumper?
A a very interesting present.
56.3 UNIT 58 B: the set of golf clubs?
1 a/one (compare 'Why don't you buy
2 one 58.1 him a set ofgolf clubs?')
The most likely answers aregiven A: a great idea.
3a together with a briefexplanation
4 a/one whereappropriateanda 10 a way; The method
5a commentonalternatives. 11 A: the woman
6 One
7 one 1 the street... (= it is understood B: a journalist; a/the local
8 an which street - perhaps the one newspaper.
9 one outside his house); a red car;
a teacher ('the teacher' would (both 'a' and 'the' are possible
10 one suggest that it was a here; 'the' suggests that B will
11 a; an particular teacher who had understand which local
12 a ('one' is also possible if we already been talked about newspaper is being referred to
which seems unlikely in this - perhaps there is only one)
want to emphasise that we context) 12 a competition; a holiday; a
heard only one bell, but 'a' Volvo; the car
seems more likely here) 2 The University (= it is
understood which university); 58.2
UNIT 57 a new library; the existing one
('the' suggests that there is 2 The management structure of
57.1 only one, which seems most the company is complex.
2 Javier Perez de Cuellar was likely in this context); the year
2005. 3 The effect of the drought on
the/- Secretary General of the agriculture was severe.
UN from 1982 to 1991. or The effect on agriculture of
3 Le Monde is a newspaper the drought was severe.
published in France.

Key to exercises

4 The influence of Picasso on 8 a teachers ('the teachers' 7 / (If we say 'the university,
modern art has been would suggest a particular we assume that the hearer
substantial. group of teachers rather than knows which particular
or The influence on modern art 'all teachers'); b Teachers university we are talking
of Picasso has been substantial. about; perhaps it is the local
60.2 university. With zero article -
5 The importance of Crogan's 1 The white rhinoceros which seems more likely here
discovery should not be 2 The bicycle / A bicycle - we mean something like 'she
underestimated. 3 The development of the is studying French at
university level'.)
6 The completion of the bridge railway
was delayed by the bad 4 The fridge / A fridge 8 the school
weather. 5 a letter 9 / ('the theatre' is also
6 the ball-point pen
UNIT 59 7 The experienced test pilot / An possible, but less likely here)
10 the hospital
59.1 experienced test pilot 11 /
1 some:(/sAm/) 8 The Jumbo Jet 12 / ('the prison' would be
2 some:I(/ssm/) 9 The credit card / A credit card
3- referring to a particular
4 some:I(/sam/) 60.3 prison known to the hearer)
5 some:I(/SAm/) The most likely answers are
6- given. 61.3
7- A camera is a piece of equipment 1 Karl Marx (although other
8 some I(/sam/) used for taking photographs. The
9 -;- camera lets in light (or the light) answers are possible)
from an image in front of it and 2 John F. Kennedy
10 some directs the light onto 3 Elvis Presley (although other
11 some (/SAm/) photographic film. The light has
12 - an effect on the chemicals (or on answers are possible)
chemicals) which cover the film
59.2 and forms a picture on it. When UNIT 62
1/ the film is developed it is washed
2 Some medicines in chemicals which make the 62.1
3/ picture permanent. It is then
4/ possible to print the picture onto l a - ; b a; c the/ - (If we
5/ photographic paper.
6/ use zero article here, we mean
7 some water
8 some people 'last Monday', and the accident
9 Some books
occurred at some time between
1 same then and now.)
2 different
3 same 2 a the; b a; c-
4 different
5 different 3a-; b the; c a

UNIT 60 UNIT 61 4 a a; b the; c the/-

60.1 61.1 5 a the/-; b a; c the
b the
1 the 2 the 3a 62.2
magazines The answers given here are as
2 a Music; b the music 4 the 5 the 6- they appeared in the original
3 a the French; b French texts.Possiblealternativesare
4 a the advice; b advice 7 the 8 a or - ; the 9 a given.
5 a the food; b The food
6 a history; b the history 10 a or — (If we use - we mean 1 a night ('the night' is also
7 a coffee; b The coffee possible: 'a night' = one night;
that he likes to imagine that 'the night' = a particular
306 night)
he is the footballer, Paul
2 the morning
Gascoigne. With a we mean 3 at night
4 in the afternoon
that he likes to think that he 5 On Saturday morning ('The

has the same footballing Saturday morning is also
possible = a particular
qualities as Paul Gascoigne.) Saturday morning)

11 the 6 used at night
7 during the afternoon
61 .2 8 at night
2 the theatre 9 it was an evening
3/ 10 during the night

5 S ('the hospital' would be

referring to a particular

hospital known to the hearer)
6 the church


62.3 63.3 64.3
Thanks for your letter. Sounds something Likelychangesareindicated.
like you had a good Christmas. anything 1 In recent years the relationship
Ours was pretty good, too. Joan somewhere
arrived just after (-the) breakfast between diet and heart disease
and we went for a long walk in 4 something has received much / a great
the morning. By around (the) 5 anyone/anybody deal of attention in the
midday we were starving, but by 6 anything scientific community. Many
the time we got home Mark had 7 anywhere studies have found that...
cooked us a wonderful dinner - 8 somewhere 2 She was born in Poland, and
turkey, Christmas pudding, and 9 anything wrote many of her early novels
all the trimmings. We just sat in 10 anywhere there. Much of her earlier
front of the TV during the 11 someone/somebody work...
afternoon watching old films. 12 something 3 The last decade has witnessed
Joan went home in the early 13 anything (we can also use improved living standards in
evening as she doesn't like driving many Asian countries. Much /
at (the) night. We hope to see her 'something' here, although A great deal has been done to
again in the New Year. Then, this would suggest that it is change...
around midnight when we were likely that something will 4 Many (Many people is also
just going to bed, Louise phoned happen to them) possible, but less likely) have
from Australia to say 'hello'. She observed the concentration of
says she's hoping to come to see UNIT 64 butterflies in this area, and
us (the) next Christmas... many / a large number of
64.1 suggestions have been put
UNIT 63 1 discussion/debate forward to explain the
2 work/employment phenomenon. Much research
63.1 2 any 3 any 3 questions/problems has found that...
1 some 5 some 6 any 4 baggage/luggage
4 some 8 any 9 some 5 resources/facilities/computers 64.4
7 any 6 details/facts 1 'Plenty of...' is not possible

10 any 64.2 here. Possible answers include
1 A: There's a lot of food left. Many and A large number of.
63.2 2 'Plenty of...' is possible here.
2 tf ('some' is also possible) Take as much as you want. 3 'Plenty of...' is not possible
3 as some give off ('some of B: Thanks. I've already eaten a here. Possible answers include
A great deal of and A large
them' is also possible) lot. amount of.
4 Some of the money ('Some 2 ...Tim spends much of (or a lot 4 'Plenty of...' is not possible
here. Possible answers include
money' is also possible) of; much of is correct here, but many of and a large number of.
5• 'a lot of is perhaps more likely 5 'Plenty of...' is possible here.
6 v' ('Some of is also possible, in this informal context) his
time listening to music, and he UNIT 65
although this would mean spends too much time
'not all of them'.) playing computer games... 65.1
3 ...There were so many people 1 have all
7 some of his at the last party, that I didn't 2 All his
8 some (of it) for you? ('any (of get a chance to talk to many of 3 all my
my friends... 4 are all
it)' is also possible, although 4 ....I don't drink much (or a lot 5 were all
this might be heard as a less of; both are possible here) 6 all three of her brother's .
sincere offer, or that the German wine, and I think a lot 7 have all
answer 'no' is expected) of English wine is too sweet.... 8 were all
5 ...He's putting on a lot of
9 Any large wild animals weight. He's always eating a 65.2
10 for some years. lot of biscuits and crisps... 1 The whole course
11 v'('any'is also possible, 2 whole families
3 all of the schools
although this might suggest
that getting milk might be

12 any of the buses
13 Any students


Key to exercises

4 The whole plan 4 The regulations say that 67.3
5 the whole performance students must pass every one of 1 was no date
6 All of the countries their exams to gain a 2 / ('is set' is also possible)
qualification. 3 we were given was
65.4 4 no birds
1 Not all the children came. 5 Nowadays we seem to have 5 no seats
water shortages virtually every 6 / ('were no police officers' is
(Notice, however, that 'All the year. The one this year was also possible)
children didn't come.' might very bad and lasted all 7/
occur in informal spoken summer. 8 is done
English. 'None of the children' 9 / ('makes' is also possible)
would mean 'Not one of them.') 6 I hope everyone will be
2 Many, if not all (of) the comfortable here. We try to 10 was no answer
students make each (every is also
3• possible) guest feel at home. 67.4
4 Neither of us spoke again Possibleanswers:
5/ 7 Everyone calls her Maggie, but 2 We wanted to buy John's car,
6 both of them teachers her real name's Margaret.
7 not all (of) these are bad. but no amount of persuasion
8• 8 Has anyone seen Lucy could make him sell it.
9 Everyone at the meeting recently? I haven't seen her all 3 I asked the children if someone
day. would move the chairs, but not
UNIT 66 one of them offered to help.
66.3 4 The damage to the paintings
66.1 1 occasionally was so extensive that no
1 every 2 everyone has their own opinion amount of effort could repair
2 Each/Every them.
3 each or likes (to do) different things; 5 My cousin Frank has written
4 every we can also say 'each to her (or six novels, but not one of them
5 each his) own' has ever been published.
6 every 3 equally good as; we can use 6 Although local residents say
7 each/every adjectives other than 'good' in that they don't want the new
8 every this expression (e.g. 'every bit supermarket to be built, no
9 every as rich as', 'every bit as amount of protest will prevent
intelligent as') it. (or ...not one of them has
10 each ('every' is also possible, 4 an emphatic way of saying 'all written a letter to the
but 'each' emphasises that the of them' government about it.)
names are separate and is 5 in many different directions; an
perhaps more likely here) expression mainly used in UNIT 68
North America.
11 every 6 occasionally 68.1
12 every 1 few of
13 every UNIT 67 2 a few of
14 each 3 a little
67.1 4 little
66.2 2 none of the children 5 a few of
1 Each (Every is also possible) 3 none 6 a little
4 no solution 7 a few of
member of the team has to 5 no alternative 8 the few
undergo a fitness test before 6 None 9 few
almost every match. 7 none of the arguments ('none'
2 All (of) the evidence seems to 10 little
suggest that he is innocent, and (= no person) is also possible 11 the little
he has every chance of being here)
released soon. 8 none 68.2
3 Each (Every is also possible) 9 No author Most likely changes are given.
soldier was praised for his/her/ 10 none of the books 1 I don't have much / haven't got
their (we use 'his' if we know 11 none
that all the soldiers are male, 12 No expense much money myself.
and 'her' if we know that all 2 there aren't many left.
the soldiers are female; 67.2 3 I don't usually have many
otherwise, we use 'their') 4 Changing jobs wasn't any
bravery, and were each given a days ...didn't have much
medal. answer to her problems. energy...
5 but there isn't any alternative.
308 8 there aren't any.

Key to exercises

4 'a little string' is possible here, 23 each of 5 'something that worries me' is
but 'a bit of string' sounds 24 Many of / Some of / A few of more natural in written
more natural. 25 all of English, but 'which worries me'
26 few might be heard in spoken
5 Few researchers 27 All (of) English.
6 Scientists still know (very) little 28 a few
7 Little attention 29 anyof 6•
8 Few studies 30 all 7 it
31 many of / some of 8 / - but 'whom' is very formal;
68.3 32 few of
Exampleanswers: 33 many 'who' is more natural here
1 ('Less students' would also be 34 little 9/
35 all (of)
acceptable for many people.) UNIT 71
2 In 1970 fewer than 5% of UNIT 70
students owned a car. ('less 70.1 2 Dr Richard Newman, who is
than' is also possible) 1 that
3 Students spent less time 2 that/- an aviation expert, was asked
watching television in 1970 3 that/-/whom ('whom' is very to comment on the latest
than they do now. formal here) helicopter crash.
4 Students have fewer lectures 4 that/which 3 The strike by train drivers,
and tutorials now than they did 5 that/- ('which' is also which ended yesterday, is
in 1970. ('less lectures and possible, but less likely) estimated to have cost over £3
tutorials' would also be 6 that/- million.
acceptable for many people.) 7 which/that 4 John Graham's latest film,
5 Today, students spend less than 8 which/that/- which is set in the north of
five per cent of their income on 9 which/that/- Australia, is his first for more
alcohol. than five years.
10 who/that 5 The police are looking for two
Surprisingresultsmightbe: 11 that ('which'is also possible, boys aged about 14, who stole
In 1970 students spent no less a computer from the office.
than 20 per cent of their income but less likely) 6 The hurricane, which caused
on alcohol! 12 that/- such damage in the islands, has
Today students spend on average now headed out to sea.
no fewer than (or no less than) 21 70.2
hours a week watching television! 2 The house which/that is next 71.2
2 The island's two million
UNIT 69 to ours is for sale.
3 Most of the forests which/that inhabitants, most of whom are
69.1 peasant farmers, have been
once covered Britain have now badly affected by the drought.
1 much been destroyed. 3 She has two older brothers,
2 a little / some 4 He took me to see the old neither of whom went to
3 some of / a few of farmhouse which/ that/- he is university.
4 many rebuilding. 4 About 30 of her friends and
5 Much of 5 There have been complaints relations, many of whom had
6 many about the noise from people travelled long distances, came
7 little who/that live in the flats. to the airport to welcome her
8 any/many 6 A doctor who/that/-/whom we back.
9 some/many know has had to retire through 5 The minister has recently
10 None of ill health, ('whom' is very visited Estonia, Ukraine, and
11 a few / some formal here) Kazakhstan, all of which have
12 Both (of) large Russian minorities.
13 a little 70.3 6 The fish, the biggest of which is
14 Both 1 -he (In spoken English we might only 2cm long, are multi-
15 some / many / a few coloured. (Also possible is 'The
16 some of / many of / a few of say 'My brother who is in the fish, of which the biggest is
17 any army - he came to see us.) only 2cm long, are multi-
18 none 2 all that was... coloured.')
19 few of 3/ 7 Scotland have won their last
20 Many/Some 4 the people who/that farm five international matches, one
21 some of / a few of / many of of which was against England.
22 some / a few

Key to exercises

71.3 5 A referendum is a vote in 7 The book is enjoyed by adults
2 at which point which all the people in a as well as children, who it was
3 by which time country are asked to give their primarily written for.
4 in which case opinion about a policy.
5 at which point 8 There are still many things in
6 during/in which time 6 Morse code is a system for our solar system (which/that)
sending messages in which we know nothing about/of.
UNIT 72 letters are represented by short
and long marks or sounds. 73.3
72.1 2/
2 My friend Miriam, whose 7 A chat show is a television 3 who/whom I looked after
programme in which famous
mother is Indonesian, has gone people are asked questions ('whom' is very formal here)
to live in Jakarta. about their lives and their ('looked after' is a two-word
3 He's a teacher in London work. verb)
working with children whose 4 who I work with ('whom' is
first language is not English. UNIT 73 not appropriate in this
4 People whose work involves informal context)
standing for most of the day 73.1 5 which they had to put up with
often suffer from backache. 2 I would like to thank my tutor, ('put up with' is a three-word
5 It has been found that the trees verb)
are being destroyed by a moth without whom I would never 6/
whose caterpillars tunnel under have finished the work. 7 who he is engaged to or to
the bark. 3 She has now moved back to the whom he is engaged 'whom' is
6 The airline, whose head office house on Long Island in which very formal here (we don't use
is situated in France, has she was born. 'who' after a preposition)
recently begun to fly between 4 The star is to be named after 8/
Paris and Lima. Patrick Jenks, by whom it was
discovered. 73.4
72.2 5 This is the ball with which 2 Tom Hain, on whose novel the
2 The agreement whereby Dennis scored three goals in
3 the time when the final. TV series is based, will appear
4 the situation whereby 6 He is now able to beat his in the first episode.
5 The building where father, from whom he learned 3 Dr Jackson owns the castle
6 the reason why how to play chess. through whose grounds the
7 The book is enjoyed by adults main road passes.
72.3 as well as children, for whom it 4 Tessa Parsons is now managing
1 that ('zero relative pronoun' is was primarily written. director of Simons, the
8 There are still many things in company in which she was
also possible) our solar system about which once a secretary.
2 Whichever we know nothing, ('of which' 5 Allowing the weapons to be
3 V ('zero relative pronoun' is is also possible) sold is an action of which the
Government should be
also possible) 73.2 ashamed.
4 what 2 I would like to thank my tutor, 6 The dragonfly is an insect of
5/ which (or about which) we
6 whichever or whatever who I would never have know very little.
7 whatever finished the work without.
8 what 3 She has now moved back to the UNIT 74
house on Long Island
72.4 (which/that) she was born in. 74.1
Exampleanswers: 4 The star is to be named after Mostlikelyanswers:
2 An orphan is a child whose Patrick Jenks, who it was 2 + c The teachers attending the
discovered by.
parents are dead. 5 This is the ball (which/that) meeting decided to go on
3 A plumber is a person whose Dennis scored three goals with strike.
in the final, (or which Dennis 3 + a The people driving past
job it is to fit and repair water scored three goals in the final waved to us.
pipes. with.) 4 + b The man operating the
4 A refuse collector is a person 6 He is now able to beat his equipment was dressed in
whose job it is to empty father, who he learned how to protective clothing.
people's dustbins and take their play chess from. 5 + f The girl waiting for the bus
rubbish away. is Jack's daughter.
6 + d The steps leading down to
310 the river are dangerous.


74.2 75.3 10 with ourselves
Other verbs may be sometimes 1 Having taken (not Taking) 11 /
possible. 2 Having climbed or Climbing
2 made/taken at today's meeting 3 Having worked (not Working) 76.3
3 damaged in the storm 4 Having spent (not Spending) 2 to avoid / avoiding eac
4 chosen/selected to represent 5 Having arrived or Arriving 3 complement each other
4 are collaborating with each
Britain 75.4
5 given to the players 2 + c Not expecting anyone to other
6 stolen/taken from the jeweller 5 had faced each other
7 printed/given on the label be in the house, I walked 6 to communicate with each
straight in.
74.3 3 + f Having been painted in other
2X dark colours, the room needed 7 to help each other
3 equipment allowing far more some bright lights. ('Being
4 children being moved painted in dark colours...' is UNIT 77
5X also possible.)
6 forests being cut down 4 + e Being unemployed, Dave 77.1
7 people hurrying to had time to consider what job 1 -one* one
8X he really wanted. 2 -seme-ones
9 The trees blown down 5 + b Not speaking Italian, I 3 -ernes-some
10 X found life in Sicily difficult. 4 -ene»some ('one' or 'any' are
6 + a Having been a teacher for
UNIT 75 14 years, Barbara knew how to also possible here)
keep children interested. 5/
75.1 (Note: The -ing, being + past 6 -seme-one
2 Impressed by Jo's work, the participle (-ed), etc. clauses could
also come after the main clause in 77.2
manager extended her contract these sentences, and in spoken 1 one
for a year. English it is more natural for 2 No
3 Having acquired the money them to come in this position.) 3 No
through hard work, he was 4 ones
reluctant to give it away. UNIT 76 5 one
4 Having started the course, Alan 6 one (in informal speech only;
was determined to complete it. 76.1
5 Not wanting to offend him, we 2X many people would prefer
said nothing about his paintings. 3 himself 'but his doesn't' in careful
6 Not having seen all the 4 myself speech)
evidence, I am reluctant to 5 themselves 7 No (if we replaced 'cup of
make a judgement. 6X coffee' with 'one', this would
(Note: Rewriting these sentences 7 yourself give us 'a one', which is
with -ing or past participle (-ed) 8 itself ('ourselves' is also incorrect)
clauses makes them more formal 8 one
and more natural in formal possible here: 'itself 9 No
written contexts than in informal emphasises 'the Universe; 10 one
writing or speech.) 'ourselves' emphasises that 11 No
'we' need to do it on our own, 12 ones (but some people would
75.2 without the help of others.) consider 'those ones' to be
2 'It was here a moment ago,' 9X incorrect.)
10 X 13 No
said Sandra (or Sandra said), 11 herself 14 one
pointing to the empty table. 12 myself
3 'I'll get up in an hour or so,' 77.3
groaned Helen (or Helen 76.2 2/
groaned), turning over in bed. 2/ 3 (ones)
4 'Well, I'm back,' exclaimed 3/ 4 (one)
Mark (or Mark exclaimed), 4 of yourself or yourselves 5 (ones)
smiling cheerfully at them. 5 behind them 6/
(See Unit 43 for more on word 6• 7 (one)
order in sentences like these.) 7 he corrected himself 8/
8/ 9/
9 they applied themselves 10 (one)
11 (ones)
12 /


Key to exercises

UNIT 78 5 Amy's piano teacher told her 80.2
that she must practise every 1 do
78.1 day, and she has done (so) 2 is
since then without exception. 3 have/do
3 I expect so. (or she has done since then 4 does / has (done)
4 I refuse to accept that she did. without) 5 had/did
6 did
(or that she has.) 6 We have always tried to give 7 hasn't/doesn't (or hadn't/
5 I agree that he should. the best value for money in our didn't)
6 I suspect so. shops, and (we) will continue 8 had (done) (or did)
7 I know that she would. to try to do so. 9 are
8 It certainly seemed so.
9 It appears so. 79.2 10 have (done)
10 I must admit that I do. 1 does so
2 does (or did) 80.3
78.2 3 did (or does) 1 will ('will do' is also possible)
2 I hope not. 4 do ('does' is also possible if we 2 would (be)
3 We don't believe so. ('We 3 should ('should have' is also
believe not.' is also possible, think of 'none' as a singular
but more formal.) noun) possible)
4 It doesn't seem so. / It seems 5 did so 4 will be
not. 6 doing so 5 should be
5 We presume so. 7 does 6 will (be) ('will' = will go
6 I don't expect so. ('I expect (In informal English we might
not.' is also possible, but also say: 1 does it/that; 5 did shopping; 'will be' = will be
more formal.) it/that; 6 doing it/that; 7 does going shopping)
7 I don't imagine so. ('I imagine it/that.) 7 would be
not.' is also possible, but 8 will/would
more formal.) 79.3
8 I don't suppose so. / 1 suppose 2 Such symptoms UNIT 81
not. 3 such a request.
4 such reforms 81.1
78.3 5 Such research 1 continue to be
2 Yes, we do. or So we do. 2 appears to be
3 Yes, you did. 79.4 3 fail to
4 Yes, she is. Example answers: 4 deserved to be
5 Yes, they are or So they are. 2 Symptoms of this kind are 5 afraid to ('afraid' - without 'to'

78.4 often the result of food - is also possible)
Possible answers: poisoning, 6 allowed to ('allowed' - without
2 So it appears. 3 he couldn't say 'no' to a
3 So I gather. request like that, (or 'like this.') 'to' - is also possible)
4 So I understand. 4 it will not be easy to get this
5 So he tells me. sort of reform passed by 81.2 2 to 3 (to)
parliament. 1 (to) 5 to 6 (to)
UNIT 79 5 That (or'That') sort of 4 to 8 (to) 9 to
research helped scientists to 7 (to)
79.1 develop a treatment for the
2 I have never met the disease. 81.3
1 wanted to
Ambassador, but (or and) (I) UNIT 80 2/
would welcome the 3/
opportunity of doing so. ('the 80.1 4 like-to-.
opportunity to do so.' is also 2 could/could be 5 I want to.
possible.) 3 might / might have / might 6/
3 Janet doesn't normally sell any 7/
of her paintings, but (she) have been 8 like to.
might do (so) if you ask her 4 are 9 liked -fc*.
personally, (or but (she) might 5 should / should have
do if) 6 isn't 10 like to
4 I thought the children would be 7 would / would have / would
unhappy about clearing away
their toys, but (they) did so have been
without complaining.


Key to exercises

UNIT 82 6 deeply disappointed 83.4
(gradable) Suggested corrections are in
82.1 italics.
7 totally absurd (ungradable) Dear Alan,
Suggested corrections are given. 8 pretty hard (gradable)
1 a similar problem I'm writing this letter from my
2/ (informal) beautiful new flat in Stratford.
3 Themanwhowasill 9 immensely popular (gradable) Although it's modern, it's in a
4/ 10 completely terrified very old building which was
5 living creatures totally renovated last year, and
6 seems content. (ungradable) the original wooden beams have
7/ 11 hugely successful (gradable) been kept in the sitting room. It's
8/ 12 absolutely essential quite small, and is a flat suitable
9 frightened crowd for one person / a suitable flat for
(ungradable) one person, but it's extremely
10 sleeping children comfortable for me. The sitting
83.2 room leads on to a garden similar
82.2 Suggested answers: to yours / a similar garden to
1 b immediate 2 I'd be incredibly upset. yours which is full of wonderful
2 a entire/long; b long 3 I'd be pretty angry. yellow and red flowers at the
3 a insignificant; b mere/ 4 I'd be rather embarrassed. moment. Stratford is a nice small
5 I'd be extremely annoyed. town and is very quiet in the
insignificant winter. At the moment, though, in
4 a terrible; b nuclear/terrible 83.3 the middle of the tourist season,
5 a utter/understandable; The most likely order is given, the traffic is absolutely terrible.
without special focus. But despite this I think I'm going
b understandable to be very happy here, and I hope
1 small (= size) blue (= colour) you'll get over to see me soon.
82.3 Japanese (= origin)
1 such a responsible boy AH the best, Mark
2 the people involved 2 large (= size) old (= age)
3 All the companies concerned furnished (= participle UNIT 84
4 hundred people present adjective)
5 This involved process takes 84.1
6 The present situation cannot 3 beautiful (= opinion) wooden Most likely answers. Notice the
7 were the children responsible (= material) coffee (= purpose) word order in these sentences.
1 Thomas allegedly committed
for 4 powerful (= opinion / physical
quality) combined (= the robbery on the afternoon of
82.4 participle adjective) military the 21st June.
Suggested answers: (= type) 2 Thomas's wife wholeheartedly
2 It was the only suitable supported his claim that he was
5 fantastic (= opinion) new innocent.
response, ('the only response (= age) German (= origin) 3 A police spokesman said, 'Peter
suitable.' is also possible.) Thomas undoubtedly knows
3 It was the hardest decision 6 wonderful (= opinion) soft something about this robbery.'
imaginable. (= physical quality) woollen 4 Thomas reputedly hid the
4 It was the most economical (= material) money somewhere close to his
method available. home.
7 small (= size) square (= shape) 5 His wife realised (only)
UNIT 83 metal (= material) jewellery belatedly that Thomas had
(= purpose) been lying to her.
83.1 6 He repeatedly denied being
Suggested adverbs are given. 8 popular (= opinion / physical involved in the crime.
quality) outdoor (= type) 7 Thomas unexpectedly
1 really marvellous (ungradable) confessed to the crime over a
2 very simple (gradable) 9 mud and straw (= both year later.
3 simply enormous (ungradable) materials; ungradable) 8 After the trial, Thomas's wife
4 utterly devastated said, 'Peter was deservedly
10 famous (= quality) medical given a severe sentence.'
(ungradable) (= type)
5 extremely complicated
11 important, urgent or
(gradable) important and urgent (= both
quality; gradable)

12 boring, depressing or boring
and depressing (= both
participle adjectives; gradable)


Key to exercises

84.2 85.2 86.2
Most likely answers: 1 a surprising level 2 Scientists now say that butter is
2 It was hard to accept her 2 The sandbags provided
3 the damage caused. good for you.
decision. 4 suggested answer oil-powered 3 The election result is good for
3 They won, but the result was
generators (An additional democracy.
hardly surprising. noun, such as 'oil' is necessary 4 The children in the family I
4 The leaflet is available free to complete the sense: all
generators are powered, but we was staying with were good to
from the town hall. need to know what they are me.
5 He walked directly into the powered by.) 5 I like cooking because I am
5 / ('the areas affected' is also good at it.
office. possible) 6 As she was good with animals,
6 I freely admit that I was 6 / ('Any interested people' is she became a vet.
also possible) 7 When he found the money that
wrong. 7 she was worried; alarming rise the old lady had lost, he felt
7 I became a nurse shortly after 8 / ('Any remaining children' is good about it.
also possible)
I left school. 9 suggested answer Recently 86.3
8 Even though it was 2 am, I arrived troops ('arrived' is not 1 answerable to the court for
used as a participle adjective in 2 anxious about having to sing
was wide awake. this way without a preceding 3 glad of an opportunity; keen
9 Her name is widely known. adverb)
10 The report was highly critical on going ('keen to go' is also
85.3 possible)
of the Minister's conduct. 2 We hired a Singapore-based 4 sorry for herself; good at
hiding her emotions;
84.3 design team. 5 capable of doing the job; right
1 fluently 3 It was a record-breaking for him.
2 in a very cowardly way
('manner' and 'fashion' are performance (at the Olympic 86.4
also possible) Games). Examplesentencesaregiven.
3 enormously 4 The public square was tree- It was unfair of our teacher to
4 / ('slowly' is also possible) lined. give us a test without warning.
5 in an astonished manner 5 Tom's a self-employed builder. The teacher gave the class a test
('way' and 'fashion' are also 6 The new 'Aircap' is a labour- without warning. I think it was
possible) or in astonishment saving device. unfair of him. (or unfair on us.)
6 good ('well' would mean 7 It was a long-running/ lasting He was frightened of going alone
'healthy') dispute. into the empty house.
7 remarkably well 8 The consequences of the The children had now been gone
8 / ('fine' is also possible) proposals are far-reaching. for 12 hours and we began to be
9 in satisfied way ('manner' and frightened for their safety.
'fashion' are also possible) or UNIT 86 We were wrong about her
in satisfaction birthday. It's actually next week.
86.1 It was wrong of Sue to take
UNIT 85 angry with Dave's bike without asking him
sorry about first.
85.1 pleased with
2 the suffering caused. angry about UNIT 87
3 the examples quoted. afraid of
4 the changes proposed. 87.1
5 the work submitted. 6 pleased about/at 1 to see
6 the fees charged. 7 sorry for ('concerned about' is 2 braking
7 the methods used. 3 to walk
(Notice that we could also use: also possible here) 4 obtaining
1 the allocated amount; 3 the 8 concerned about 5 to alarm
quoted examples; 4 the proposed 9 afraid for ('concerned about' 6 to hear ('in hearing' is also
changes; 5 the submitted work;
but not 2 the caused suffering; is also possible here) possible)
6 the charged fees; 7 the used 10 concerned with 7 preparing
methods.) 8 to admit
9 winning


Key to exercises

87.2 4 The gas leak was serious 89.3
2 It was very kind of you to come. enough for the police to 1 The painting was so unusual as
3 It's important for you to take evacuate the building. / The gas
leak was sufficiently serious for to seem almost a joke, or The
some exercise every day. the police to evacuate the painting was so unusual that it
4 It was wrong of you to ride building. seemed almost a joke.
2 The difference between the
your bike across Mr Taylor's 88.3 figures was so negligible as to
garden. Examplesentences: be insignificant, or The
5 It was greedy of you to take the 2 The price is too high (for most difference between the figures
last cake. was so negligible that it was
6 It is unacceptable for people) to afford. insignificant.
newspapers to publish this kind 3 The pieces of wood were too 3 The council has been so
of story. cooperative as to let me employ
7 It was careless of you to drop long to fit into the car. five people, or The council has
all those plates. 4 My grandfather thought he been so cooperative that they
8 It isn't necessary for you to (have) let me employ five
have all these books at the start was too old to learn about people.
of your course. computers. 4 The music was played so softly
5 After her long journey, she was as to be nearly inaudible, or
87.3 too tired to tell us about her The music was played so softly
1 similar meaning holiday. that it was nearly inaudible.
2 a Mike does it well; b Mike
88.4 89.4
is very kind. Examplesentences: 1 Not so loud ... they're not such
3 a They want to rent it out very 2 The higher the temperature,
bad neighbours
much; b They are worried the greater the demand for 2 wanted as much as £60,000 for
about renting it out. ice cream.
4 similar meaning 3 The more courses a meal has, it, but £50,000 was as high as
5 a = I think that he will win; the more expensive it becomes. we could go.
b = He thinks that he will win. 4 The bigger the European Union 3 How large a garage have you
gets, the more inevitable will be got... but that's not too big a
87.4 differences between the problem.
1 busy preparing member countries. 4 It's not such a beautiful garden
2 We think it unlikely 5 The better the party the night ... a huge tree as little as 3
3 for him before, the more difficult it is metres
4 worth seeing to get up in the morning. 5 I'm not so sure ... in the car for
as much as 3 hours
88.1 89.1 Examplesentences:
2 wider 2 as normal a life as 2 The weather was so hot that
3 most forceful ('most 3 not as beautiful a house as or
confident' is also possible) the road surfaces were melting.
4 more alike not such a beautiful house as 3 The music was so loud that it
5 likelier / more likely 4 not such well-behaved children
6 commonest / most common hurt my ears.
7 more confident as 4 I was so happy that I hugged
8 more complex 5 not as popular a president as or
9 hottest everyone in the room.
10 more simple / simpler not such a popular president as
6 not as major an issue in the UNIT 90
2 Young adults aren't informed town as or not such a major 90.1
issue in the town as 2/
enough about politics to vote. / 3 I have just bought
Young adults aren't sufficiently 89.2 4 He speaks five languages
informed about politics to vote. 1 as many as
3 The company felt confident 2 as much as fluently.
enough about its new product 3 as few as 5 Jenny has recently been
(for it) to take on over 100 new 4 as little as
employees. / The company felt 5 as many as appointed
sufficiently confident about its 6 as much as 6/
new product (for it) to take on 7/
over 100 new employees. 8 He had never been to London

9 Susan soon became bored


Key to exercises 4 + a in front of them lay the 7 (very) much
clear blue ocean, (subject-verb 8 very
10 John was frequently away inversion) 9 very much
from home 10 (very) much
5 + f in the bedroom Miriam 11 (very) much
11 They are hardly ever at home slept soundly, (no subject-verb 12 very
these days. inversion:otherintransitive
verb) 92.3
12 • 2 virtually
13 We had already been given 6 + h around her head was a 3 perfectly
14 Being alone usually brought blood-stained bandage. 4 badly
(subject—verbinversion) S severely
her 6 enormously
15 / 7 + b in the middle stands a
statue of Queen Victoria. 92.4
90.2 (subject-verbinversion) 2,4, 5, 7, 8 and 10 are followed
1 often by non-gradable adjectives, so
2 soon 8 + e in Manchester the Dallas quite should be replaced by
3 never Symphony Orchestra will be completely or adverbs with a
4 totally performing pieces by similar meaning.
5 recently Beethoven,(nosubject—verb 1, 3, 6, 9, and 11 are followed by
6 always inversion:transitiveverb) gradable adjectives, so
quite should be replaced by fairly
9 0•.3 91.2 or adverbs with a similar
1 I last saw my keys on 2 [1],[2] 8c [3] meaning.
Monday,(object+adverb) 3 [1] & [3]
2 She sailed around the world 4 [3] UNIT 93
in ten months, (place + time) 5 [2]
3 He was arrested last week at 6 [1], [2] 8c [3] 93.1
the customs desk of Bangkok 7 [1] & [3] 2 Naturally
international airport, (short + 8 [3] 3 Apparently
long) 4 Unbelievably
4 He stayed at home all day. 91.3 5 Frankly
(place+time) 2 ...not until August 17th did the 6 Generally (or 'Typically'
5 You shouldn't take what she 7 Personally
says seriously, (object + government agree to a meeting. 8 Luckily
adverb) 3 ...rarely have I seen a 9 Typically (or 'Generally')
6 He walked dangerously along 10 In theory
the top of the wall, (manner + restaurant so filled with smoke.
place) 4 ...often I heard strange noises 93.2
7 The recipe uses only the finest 2 globally, it has without doubt
Indian ingredients, (adverb + in the attic.
longobject) 5 ...seldom had she experienced caused climatic warming.
8 She sat silently for five 3 traditionally, it has been
minutes, (manner+ time) such sincere hospitality.
9 We're going to Athens next 6 ...twice a week I play tennis. produced in Scotland.
summer, (place + time) 4 economically, it needs the
10 He waited patiently outside UNIT 92
the door, (manner + place) support of its larger
11 They cheered excitedly 92.1 neighbours.
throughout the match. 1 too 5 statistically, it is highly
(manner+time) 2 very unlikely.
3 very
UNIT 91 4 too 93.3
5 very/too (informal spoken 2 down Ella had tidied up and
2 + g on the way back home English; negative) even made tea.
6 very 3 during September alone.
they told stories, (no 7 very/too 4 but only Alice put up ('but
transitiveverb) 92.2 Alice alone' is also possible)
3 + d outside John sat patiently. 1 very 5 Even my brother enjoyed
(nosubject—verbinversion: 2 very much 6 that money alone can't
intransitiveverb+adverbof 3 (very) much 7 the machine could only analyse
manner) 4 (very) much 8 the tickets alone would
5 very
316 6 very much

Keyto exercises

UNIT 94 13 when 6 + c They had to buy the
14 when machine abroad since the
94.1 15 when prices at home were sky high.
1 Before you know it 16 as/when
2 As I took my seat 17 When/As 7 + b 'Hello, again,' was an odd
3/ 18 As thing to say, seeing that they
4 'After I have painted' is more had never met before.
likely. 95.2
5 after he has served 2 The chair broke when Sam sat 96.2
6/ 1 (We can't use 'owing to' here
7 When the two leaders met down. after 'was')
8 'when they had eaten' is more 3 Everyone shouted 'Happy 2 due to a mechanical failure.
likely: 'when they ate' 3 due to / owing to the postal
suggests 'at the time they were Birthday' when Judith stepped strike.
eating their main course'. through the door. 4 due to the dry weather.
9/ 4 The students waited patiently 5 due to / owing to an ankle
10 before I have finished while the results were being injury
distributed. 6 because I have other
94.2 5 He shook me by the hand commitments.
until when he recognised me. 7 because of the strong wind.
before/until (In 1 and 4, 'while' is more likely 8 because of her illness.
as we are talking about two 9 because of flooding on the
3 before longer events going on at the road.
until same time.)
before/until 10 because my computer isn't
until 95.3 working.
before 2 + b Parents become good at
94.3 holding a conversation while 2 She couldn't hear John talking
Suggestedanswers: they arc also keeping a
2 Scarcely had the road been watchful eye on their children. for all the noise, ('with all the
3 + f It is essential to take anti- noise' (= because there was a
completed when/before malarial tablets when you arc lot of noise) is also possible)
3 Hardly had the research visiting certain countries in 3 With prices falling, ...
Africa. 4 ...we couldn't see anything for
findings been published 4 + e My parents were watching the mist, ('with the mist'
when/before television downstairs while I (= because there was mist) is
4 I had no sooner got to work was reading in my bedroom. also possible)
than (The two clauses have different 5 With the snow,...
5 Donna had scarcely stepped subjects, so subject + be can't 6 I've been left to do all the
into the house than be left out in the second work, with Ron and Bill
when/before clause.) (being) on holiday.
6 No sooner had the new runway 5 + a The manufacturers claim
been built than that the insecticide is perfectly UNIT 17
safe when it-is-used as directed.
UNIT 95 6 + c She was found guilty of 97.1
driving while she was under 2 + e We crept up the stairs in
95.1 the influence of alcohol.
1 When order not to wake Suzanne.
2 as/when UNIT §6 (or so as not to wake)
3 As/When/While ('As' could 3 + d I swept the broken glass off
also mean 'because' here: 96.1 the path in order to prevent an
Because they were waiting for accident, (or so as to prevent)
a taxi...) 2 + d She walked carefully 4 + g We wrote Katie's name on
4 as/when/while because the streets were the calendar in order not to
5 as/when covered in ice. forget her birthday, (or so as
6 When not to)
7 when 3 + a As he is now 17 years old 5 + a I didn't say anything about
8 when he can learn to drive. Colin's red nose in order not to
9 when embarrass him. (or so as not to
4 + g I had to ask for help as I embarrass)
10 As/When had no idea how it worked. 6 + f He bought a truck in order
11 as/when to carry out his business, (or so
12 as/when/while 5 + f Because they had been as to carry)
married for ten years, they
were going to have a party. 317

Key to exercises

7 + b She left the party quietly in 98.2 7 There isn't any truth in her
order not to have to say 1 even though allegations, so I won't resign.
goodbye, (or so as not to have) 2 Even if
3 even though 8 I would have written to you
97.2 4 even if earlier, but I've been busy, (or I
1 • 2 X 3 / 4X 5 even if was busy.)
5 X 6 / 7X 6 even though
7 even though 99.3
97.3 8 Even if 1 he would have returned...
2 he can film his holiday. 2/
3 it is always in the sun. 98.3 3 If she had really wanted to see
4 we could hear the door bell. 2 In spite of a losing a lot of me...
5 he is/will be ready to take over 4 If he didn't break...
blood 5 If Claire continues...
the job. 3 In spite of having a bad cough 6/
4 In spite of her success 7 ...if I stayed... or I'll be able to
97.4 5 In spite of his illness visit Jim first thing in the
2 So ill did she look that her 6 In spite of his promise that he morning if I stay...
parents immediately took her wouldn't be late, (or In spite of 9 If you knew... or If you know
to the doctor. his promise not to be late,) what it's going to be like...
3 So relaxing was the bath that
he went to sleep. 98.4 10 /
4 So surprised were they that Exampleanswers: 11 ...the children would have
they could hardly speak. 2 Beautiful though it was, the
5 So sorry did he sound that I objected.
just had to forgive him. scenery wasn't as impressive as 12 ...if all goes according...
in Scotland.
97.5 3 Even though I met a lot of UNIT 100
1 to stop it people, I didn't really make any
2 So worried was Tom friends. 100.1
3 So precisely did the victim 4 Despite having a very Most likely answers:
comfortable bed, I had 2 were to fail
describe difficulty sleeping. 3 knew
4 not in order to 4 were to win
5 so as not to laugh UNIT 99 5 understood (or knew)
6 for covering walls 6 liked
UNIT 98 2 real 100.2
3 unreal Most likely answers:
98.1 4 real 2 Should you have any
2 + d Unlikely though/as the 5 real
6 unreal complaints about the product,
results seem, they are 7 real return it to the shop.
nevertheless correct. 8 unreal 3 Were they to arrive today,
3 + e Tired though/as she was, there would be nowhere for
Sandra walked home. 99.2 them to stay.
4 + a Poor though/as she is, she Most likely answers: 4 If it hadn't been for Suzanne's
always buys me a birthday 2 If he had prepared for the help, I wouldn't have finished
present. this book.
5 + f Ingenious though/as the interview, he would (or might) 5 But for John giving me a lift, I
invention is, nobody will ever have got the job. wouldn't be able to visit you.
buy it. 3 If more money were/was spent 6 Were it not for e-mail, it would
6 + h Huge though/as the on cancer research, a be difficult for us (or Megan
building was, it wasn't prevention would be found, (or and I) to keep in touch.
sufficiently vast to hold the city would have been found.)
library. 4 If Andrew had been brave 100.3
7 + g Outnumbered though/as enough, he would have asked 2/
they were, they put up a good Frank Sinatra for his 3 / (a request)
performance. autograph. 4/
8 + b Excellent though/as the 5 You didn't listen to me, so we 5 If anyone asks...
food is, there is still room for went the wrong way. 6 If he continues to improve...
improvement. 6 They found him in time, so
they were able to save his life.

Keyto exercises

100.4 3 Supposing UNIT 103
1 If you would excuse me, I have Exampleanswers:
4 ...I'm going to build an 103.1
to make a telephone call. 2 At that time he was working as
2 If you would (care to / like to) observatory in my garden.
5 will I pay the rent on a librarian
leave your name and telephone 3 ...though the acting was
number, I'll call you back as my flat?
soon as I can. 6 ...hundreds of animal and plant superb.
3 If you would stay here until I 4 ...when the snow began to fall.
return, I'd appreciate it. species will disappear. 5 ...before we met each other.
6 Nevertheless, I was still late for
100.5 UNIT 102
2 If you happen to be at home... work.
3X 102.1 7 Then he began his story.
4 If I happen to be in New 2 While agreeing
3 Since arriving (or walking) 103.2
York... 4 Besides teaching 1 Consequently,
5 If you happen to like... 5 Since being sentenced 2 while
6 After walking 3 Even so,
UNIT 101 7 Before leaving 4 so
8 While being blamed ('After 5 Instead
101.1 6 However,
2 Unless the hospital gets more being blamed...' is also 7 Even though
possible) 8 since
money, it will close. 9 Nevertheless
3 You shouldn't keep medicines 102.2
2 + a On hearing of Ed's 10 as
in the fridge unless it is 11 yet
necessary. accident, she immediately went 12 afterwards
4 Don't speak to her unless she to see him in hospital. 13 Even so
speaks to you first. 3 + g By studying two hours 14 while
5 Unless it rains within the next every evening, she passed her 15 After that,
week, water supplies will be university course.
cut off. 4 + f By (or In) leaving work 103.3
early, she was able to avoid the Exampleanswers:
101.2 heavy traffic. 2 We are unlikely ever to find a
1 If it hadn't been 5 + b On opening the box, she
2 if you don't take was surprised to find a new cure for the common cold,
3 Unless we cut / If we don't cut watch. however much research is
4 unless they are given / if they're 6 + c In taking the back off the done.
computer, she damaged some 3 However well you play a
not given of the circuits. ('By taking' is musical instrument, it's always
5 Unless we hear from you / If inappropriate here as it would possible to improve.
suggest that she took the back 4 I never get tired of listening to
we don't hear from you off the computer in order to Beethoven's 5th Symphony,
6 unless you want damage the circuits.) however many times I hear it.
7 unless we can attract / if we 7 + e By moving into a smaller
house, she managed to save UNIT 104
can't attract money.
8 if he hadn't 104.1
9 if you don't go 102.3 Prepositions with the most likely
1 With the holidays approaching, phrases.
1 if/whether she was starting to get excited. 1 at a dinner
2 whether 2 Without checking with Sue, I 2 in Tunisia
3 whether 3 on the pitch
4 if/whether can't tell you whether we're 4 at the Opera House
5 Whether free tonight. 5 on the main road
6 whether ('if is also possible, 3 Without wishing to be rude, I 6 in this country
think you've got your jumper 7 at parties
but 'whether' is more likely on back to front. 8 at the top end
here) 4 With so many people crowding 9 in this booklet
7 if/whether around the entrance, we 10 on your lawn
8 whether couldn't get into the shop. 11 in his pocket
12 on the table
1 Provided / As long as 319
2 Unless

Key to exercises 4 get under someone's feet = be 5 in a moment
in the way when someone else 6 at midnight
104.2 is trying to do something
1 a at; b in/at 107.3
2 a on; b in 5 over the moon = very happy 1 at
3 a on; b on/in 2 on ('—' is also possible
4 a at; b in UNIT 106 3 at
5 a in/at; b at 4 at
6 a in/at; b in 106.1 5 in
7 a at {= the university) / in between 6 On
between 7 in
(= the city); b in among 8 in
104.3 between Q
1 on between 7
2 at
3 on 7 among 10 at
4 on 8 between 11 _
5 at 12 in
6 on 106.2 13 in
7 in/on 2 among the successful 14 _
15 in
1UNIT 105 applicants 16 on
3 among young men 17 on
105.1 4 between/among the members 18 at
1 across
2 across/over of the choir UNIT 108
3 over 5 between Poland
4 over 6 between the President 108.1
5 over 7 among the many winners 1 during/in
6 across/over 8 between the North 2 during
7 over 9 between butter 3 during
8 across/over 4 During/Over
9 across 106.3 5 during (Here 'over' would
Likelycorrectionsaregiven. mean that the building started
105.2 1 near Paris... on 1st January 1300 and
1 through 2 near the Eiffel Tower... finished on 31st December
2 across 3/ 1399, which seems unlikely)
3 through 4 the nearest window... 6 during/in
4 across/over 5 the next stop... 7 for
5 along 6• 8 during/over
6 along 7 among other things... 9 for
7 over 8/
8 through 9 near the capital... 10 during/over
11 during
105.3 UNIT 107 12 For
1 over 13 during
2 / ('under' is also possible) 107.1 14 during/in
3 under 1 at Christmas. 15 for
4 / ('above' is also possible) 2/ 16 during
5 over 3 in the middle of January. 17 during/over
4 in the night...
6/ 5• 108.2
7 above 6/ 1 a until; b by
8 below 7 at night... 2 a By; b until
9 / ('over' is also possible) 8 on the morning of Friday, 21st 3 a by; b until
4 a until; b By
105.4 January. 5 a by; b until
1 over the hill = too old 6 a until; b By
2 pull the wool over someone's 107.2
2 in half an hour
eyes = try to deceive them 3 in the week before Christmas
3 feel under the weather = feel 4 on the 4th July



Keyto exercises

UNIT 109 110.2 5 It's my job to think of
1 a about/on; b about suggestions for improvements.
109.1 2 a about/on; b about
1 except (for) 3 a about; b about/on 6 What do you think of my new
2 except 4 a about; b about/on guitar?
3 except 5 a about/on; b about
4 except H UNIT 112
5 except for 110.3
6 except (for) 1 with a rolled-up newspaper. 112.1
7 except 2 by adding sugar. 1 about
8 except (for) 3/ 2 from
9 except for 4 with my credit card. / by 3 at
4 about/on
10 except credit card. 5 of
5 by standing on a ladder. 6 with
109.2 6 by air. 7 about/on
1 besides 7/ 8 of
2/ 8 on the train. / by train. 9 at
3 except (for) 9/ 10 with
4 Besides 10 with a key. 11 to/on
5 except (for) 11 on the phone. 12 about
13 at
109.3 UNIT 111 • 14 about/of
2 + a But for the great 15 with
111.1 16 from
encouragement of his family, 1 about 17 of
he would never have become a 2 about 18 of
writer. 3 of 19 on/to
3 + c But for the tremendous 4 about/of
energy of the two reporters, the 5 about 112.2
story would probably not have 6 about/of 1 + c 'agree about' and 'agree
come to light. 7 for
4 + e But for the financial 8 of on' have a similar meaning
support of British people living 9 about/of here.
abroad, the party would not 10 about 2 + d You don't have to agree
have been able to mount such a 11 about/of with Campbell's political views
successful election campaign. 12 for to enjoy his writing.
5 + b But for the millions of 13 about 3 + f Many of my colleagues
dollars' worth of aid (given by 14 into agree/agreed with me about
governments around the our working conditions.
world), most people in the •14 4 A 4 + a The rebels have agreed to
country would have starved to 111.2 the release of all prisoners.
death. ('agreed on the release' is also
1 enquire into possible, 'agreed to' suggests
UNIT 110 2 thought of that the rebels are allowing the
prisoners to be released (and
110.1 O lCailll ... 3DOUI seems more likely here), while
2 argument about 'agreed on' suggests that
3 reflect on 4 asked/enquired after (or asked/ various groups within the
4 asked ... about / taught... enquired about) rebels have reached an
agreement on the release of the
about 5 knows ... about prisoners.)
5 focused on 6 thought about 5 + b Despite early opposition,
6 taught... about 7 ask/enquire after (or local residents have now agreed
7 letters about to the proposal to build a road
8 inquire about ask/enquire about) through the area.
9 chat about
10 comment on 111.3
11 knew about 2 I didn't think much of the film.
12 insist on 3 They're thinking about/of

going to Mexico for their
4 I'm sure I know what their
house number is, but I can't
think of it for the moment.


Key to exercises

6 + h The two airline companies 7 pointed/points to 8 flicked through the article
have agreed on a plan to co- 8 shout to
operate in scheduling trans- 114.4
Atlantic flights, ('agreed to' is 113.4 1 ...patients looked up to Dr
also possible, 'agreed on' 1 You smile to yourself (when
suggests that the companies Hickman ...
have reached a decision about you are pleased with yourself); 2 If I let you in on the secret,...
a plan which they themselves you smile at someone else. 3 come in for a lot of
have put forward (and seems 2 He called at his mother's. (=
more likely here), while 'agreed He visited her); He called to his criticism...
to' suggests that they have mother. (= He said something 4 —to put his bad mood down to
allowed a plan, perhaps to her to attract her attention)
imposed by some external 3 You look to someone in the tiredness ...
authority, to go forward.) hope that they will provide 5 out UP with the cold...
something you want.
7 + g I don't often agree with my 4 When you protest to someone, UNIT 115
brother, but I think he's right you complain to them about
this time. something you object to. When 115.1
you protest at something, you 3 There was nothing on her desk
8 + e We'd hoped to have a object to it. We can use 'protest
holiday this year, but we against' or 'protest about' but a calculator.
couldn't agree about/on instead of 'protest at'. 4 There was a big orange sign on
whether to go hill-walking or
laze on a beach, ('agree about' UNIT 114 the window.
and 'agree on' have a similar 6 There was something odd
meaning here.) 114.1
1/ about his voice.
UNIT 113 2/ 7 Is there any information on the
3 ...see through her story...
113.1 4/ label about the ingredients?
1 about 5 ...tell the sisters apart 8 There were no traffic lights on
2 for 6 ...ordering people about.
3 about/for 7 More likely is ...turned in an this stretch of the road.
4- (Sentences with 'There...' are
5 for excellent essay... unlikely in 2, 5, 9 and 10 because
6 of the subjects have a definite or
7 about ('for' is also possible, but 114.2 specific meaning, indicated by
2 I'll find a pen so that I can get 'Peter', 'my', 'the' and 'this'.)
less likely. 'Care for' means
that he doesn't like his / the details /. 115.2
appearance; 'care about' means 3 You can play with Lynn when 1 is 2 is 3 is
that he isn't concerned about 4 are 5 is 6 are
his appearance.) you've drunk / your milk J'. (In spoken English we might use
8- 4 If you drink it / quickly , 'There is...' in sentences 4 and 6.)

113.2 the medicine won't taste so 115.3
1 b pointed at/to bad. 2 + c There was a narrow bridge
2 a shouting at; b shouting to 5 He quickly sorted / his clothes
/ , and hung them back up in that/which connected the two
('shouting at' is also possible if the wardrobe. halves of the village.
Sam is angry with 'me', but this 6 When I've sorted / the 3 + a There are still people in the
seems less likely here) problems that John left behind world who/that have never
3 a throwing a rock at; when he resigned , I can seen a television.
b throwing pieces of bread to start on my own work. 4 + h There aren't many Beatles
4 a Pointing at/to; b points to songs (that/which) he can't
114.3 play on the piano.
113.3 2 called on the United Nations 5 + b There have been rumours
2 shouted at ('shouted to' is also 3 shot two aircraft down / shot (that) the finance minister is
going to resign.
possible if, for example, the down two aircraft 6 + f There aren't many workers
speaker is giving a warning 4 resulted from John's mistakes who/that would welcome an
rather than speaking in anger) 5 checked into a hotel increase in income tax.
3 wonder at 6 gathered up his papers / 7 + d There are a lot of toys in
4 care about the shop (that/which) I would
5 throwing stones at gathered his papers up like to get for the children.
6 wonder about 7 made up her mind / made her 8 + e There was a man at the
barbecue who/ that was
322 mind up wearing only a pair of shorts.

Key to exercises

115.4 4 It is expected that around It's no good/use or There's no
2 There being only one train a 100,000 will attend the rally. point in

week to Mount Isa, I decided 5 It is believed that the men UNIT 118
to fly. escaped through a broken
3 There being no objections to window. 118.1
the proposal, we moved on to 2's in the Queen Mary
the next agenda item. 6 It is not yet understood how
4 There being no demand for the accident happened. Hospital (that/where) she's
their products, the company having the operation.
was forced to close. 116.4 3 was because they wanted
Exampleanswers: to watch TV (that) they came
UNIT 116 2 It takes considerable patience to visit us.
4's because he's working so
116.1 to teach small children. hard (that) he's feeling unwell.
2 It was a miracle that she wasn't 3 It takes courage to go bungee
hurt in the fall. jumping. 2 No, what I meant was that I
3X 4 It takes a lot of application to
4 It was far from clear where the will/would lend you the money
learn a foreign language. until next week.
light was coming from. 3 No, what I thought was that he
5X UNIT 1.17 was going on his own. (or
6 It is obvious that you already would be going)
117,1 5 No, what I did was (to) repair
know my secret. 2 noticed the old one. (or (to) get the old
7 It will be surprising if the two 3 enjoyed it one repaired.)
4 leave it 6 No, what I did was (to) phone
countries don't reach an 5 owe it the managing director directly.
agreement soon. 6 love it 7 No, what I did was (to) invite
8X 7 remembered him to my house instead.
(In spoken English we might say: 8 consider it
3 It was a serious drawback, their 118.3
decision.; 5 It's to be made this 117.2 2 No, not exactly; the place
evening, the announcement.; 1 Other possible answers: I see it
8 It's arrived, the parcel I was (where/that) Nick lives is called
expecting. However, these are as necessary to perform the Broomfield.
unlikely in written English.) operation... / ...that we should 3 Yes, in fact the reason
perform the operation... (why/that) we moved house
116.2 2 I take it as a good sign that was that we wanted a bigger
Mostlikelyanswers: Alan is now able to get out of garden.
2 + d It seemed to be the case bed. 4 If you ask me, somebody
3 I take it as an indication of the who/that takes excellent
that Beckman had a wrist success of the treatment that he photographs is David Diskin.
injury for most of the match. can already walk again.
3 + e It emerged after the 4 I view it as important that he UNITIfi
concert that this was to be the returns to work... / ...that he
band's last world tour. should return to work... / 119.1
4 + a It transpired during the ...that he return to work as 2 ...down came a heavy snowfall.
trial that Jacobs possessed soon as possible. 3 In front of the station, the two
three handguns. 5 I regard it as remarkable that
5 + b It follows from the results he has made a complete men were talking, (no
of the survey that people are recovery. inversion)
happy with the quality of (For more information about the 4 Behind the protesters was a line
supermarket food. alternative answers in 1 and 4, see of police officers.
(These sentences would be more Unit 48.) 5 At the end of the street ran a
likely in written than in spoken small stream. Across the stream
English.) 117.3 (there) was an overgrown
1 There's no need garden.
116.3 2 It's no surprise 6 ...and suddenly round the
2 It is planned to hold the 3 There's no chance/hope/ corner it came, (no inversion)

competition again next year. question 323
3 It is not known why the 4 it's no longer
5 There's no doubt
robbery was not reported 6 there's no point
earlier. 7 It's no secret

Keyto exercises

7 In front of them was a white 5 I know a lot more about 120.2
pillar, and on top of it stood a computers than my sister does, Suggestedanswers:
small, marble statue. ('than my sister.' would be 2 was the force of the wind
ambiguous here. It could mean 3 is the demand for the book
8 ...and off ran the children. 'I know a lot more about 4 unlikely did his story sound
computers than I know about 5 confident was he of passing
119.2 my sister.') Inversion in this 6 serious was the famine
Most likely answers: case - 'than does my sister.' -
1 + d ('Should the government would be rather formal and 120.3
less appropriate in this context. Correctionsaregivenin the
be forced into another election' underlinedsections.
is also possible.) 6 After forty years, the hotel is The people of Sawston were
2 + f Should you wish to make still there, as is the man who evacuated yesterday as forest fires
an appointment to see Dr first ran it. headed towards the town. Such
Simons, she is available was the heat of the oncoming
between 9.00 and 11.00. UNIT 120 inferno that trees more than 100
3 + e Had she become a lawyer, metres ahead began to smoulder.
as her parents wished, she 120.1 Only once in recent years, during
would have earned a large 2 Never before had the race 1994, has a town of this size had
salary. been won by a European to be evacuated because of forest
4 + b Were the chemicals to leak athlete. fires. A fleet of coaches and lorries
(or Should the chemicals leak), 3 Scarcely had the plane taken arrived in the town in the early
a large area of the sea would be off when smoke began to morning. Into these vehicles
contaminated. appear in the cabin. climbed the sick and elderly
5 + g Should you have further 4 Not a sound did she make as (inversion is more likely in this
problems with your printer, she crept upstairs. written context), before they
contact your dealer for advice. 5 On no account must this headed off to safety across the
6 + h Were Germany to beat window be unlocked without river. Residents with cars were
Romania {or Should Germany prior permission. ordered to leave by mid morning.
beat Romania), they would 6 Not until he retired did he Later in the day, as the wind
face Italy in the final. think about having a holiday changed direction and it became
7 + c Had anything gone wrong, abroad. clear that the fire would leave
I would have been held 7 Barely had he left the office Sawston untouched, complaints
responsible. when/before the telephone were heard from some residents.
8 + a Should you decide to started ringing, (or No sooner "At no time did the fires pose a
accept the post, you will be had he left the office than...) real threat," said one local man.
expected to start work on 1st 8 Seldom is the interior of the "I didn't want to leave my home,
April. island visited by tourists. and nor did most of mv
9 No sooner had I stepped neighbours." But Chief Fire
119.3 through the door than Judith Officer Jones replied, "Had we
2 Germany has more company- started asking me questions. not taken this action, lives would
(or Barely had I stepped have been put at risk. Only when
cars on its roads than does through the door when/ the fires have moved well away
France, ('than France.' would before...) from the town will residents be
also be possible.) 10 Only after they had finished allowed to return to their
3 The European Union is in eating did they get round to homes."
economic difficulties, as are the business. (Notice where the
USA and Japan. inversion occurs.)
4 We now know a lot more
about the Universe than we did 11 In no way is the existence of
ten years ago. ('than ten years extraterrestrial life confirmed
ago' would also be possible.) by the report.
Note that inversion is not
possible here - not 'than did 12 Little did she realise what
we ten years ago.' - as the would happen to her next.
subject is a pronoun ('we').


Key to Additional exercises

1A 8 finished 2C
9 was feeling ('felt' is also 1 has sent
1 's not looking (or isn't 2 didn't get / didn't receive
looking) possible here with a similar 3 (tele)phoned/called
meaning, although the 4 turned
2 's not sleeping (or isn't continuous form emphasises 5 had lost
sleeping) that my feeling of annoyance
grew as Alex took more and 2D
3 sleeps more time over the job) 1 had only just finished / had
4 's worrying 10 complained
5 know only just eaten (notice the
6 works (more likely than 'is 1D position of 'only just')
2 arrived/came
working' as the next line 1 was buying 3 doesn't like / hates
('...ever since he left 2 saw 4 went/got
university...) suggests that this 3 turned
is not a temporary 4 was slowly putting (past 2E
arrangement) 1 lost/won
7 left simple in 3 and past 2 had won / had lost (if you use
8 's working continuous in 4 seem most
9 's driving ('drives' is also likely here as 'turned round' 'lost' in 1, you should use 'had
possible, although the describes a completed action won' in 2, and if you use 'won'
continuous form emphasises and 'was slowly putting' in 1 you should use 'had lost'
that this is a temporary describes the action that was in 2)
arrangement) going on at that time. 3 had ever played / had ever been
10 takes However, past continuous is (notice the position of 'ever')
11 's suffering also possible in 3 and past
12 is having ('has' is also possible simple is also possible in 4.) 2F
here, although the continuous 5 was carrying 1 produced/gave
form emphasises that this is a 6 walked 2 led / had led (either past simple
temporary problem) 7 thought
8 was looking or past perfect is possible here
1B 9 put with a similar meaning)
10 had
1 is mounting 11 noticed 1 I'll (A decision made at the
2 are missing 12 was watching moment of speaking. Unit
3 raised 13 hurried 11C)
4 failed 14 were walking
5 is now becoming 15 ran 2 are going ('are going to go' is
6 hit also possible, but we tend to
7 are blaming ('blame' is also The most likely verbs are given. avoid this pattern. Unit 12D)

possible, although this might 2A 3 will succeed (We don't use
suggest that the conditions and present simple to make
the consequent avalanches are 1 has invented predictions. Unit 13B)
a regular phenomenon, or that 2 runs/operates/works
the experts have spent some 3 stands 4 I'll (A future event - in the
time considering their cause 4 resembles / looks like main clause - follows another
and have reached a fairly 5 has - in the if-clause; 'if has a
definite conclusion) 6 runs meaning similar to 'when'.
7 is Unit 1 ID)
2B 5 go (We use the present simple,
1 was working ('worked' is also not 'will' to talk about the
possible here, and has a 1 is future in an adverbial clause
similar meaning) 2 show or have shown (either with 'before'. Unit 13C)

2 became present simple or present 6 is having (We use the present
3 found perfect is possible here with a continuous rather than the
4 started similar meaning) future continuous to talk
5 was forever losing 3 have changed about unexpected future
6 making ('made' is also 4 have achieved events. Unit 14B)

possible; 'making' implies 325
'was forever making')
7 spent

Key to Additional exercises

7 are going to be (The present 21 will seat (Permanent future 5A
continuous is not used with arrangement. Unit 12C) 2 built up
'be' to talk about the future. 3 was closed
Unit 12C) 22 takes (The present simple is 4 was flown
more likely here as the 5 were involved
8 will (We don't use 'be to + information is part of an 6 happened
infinitive' to talk about things official schedule or
that can't be controlled by programme. Unit 13B) 5B
people. Unit 15A) 1 has been awarded or has been
23 I'll be waiting (The future
9 bring (We use the present continuous is used to talk given
simple, not 'will' to talk about about an activity going on at 2 will join
the future in a conditional a particular future time; the 3 will be taught
clause with 'provided'. Unit present simple is used only for 4 has played or has been playing
13C) future events that are part of 5 was given
an official arrangement. Unit 6 plans
10 is devoting (A definite 14A)
arrangement. (Unit 12B)) 5C
1 used to can complete all three 1 were freed
11 gets (We don't use 'be + to + sentences: 2 had been held
infinitive' here because the a will / would / used to ('will' 3 were driven
event in the if-clause is not refers to now (and the 4 were reunited
dependent on the event in the foreseeable future) and 5 included
main clause. Unit 15B) 'would' and 'used to' refer 6 insisted (the past simple is most
what happened in the past)
12 is taking (Although 'going to' b would / used to likely here although 'insists'
is possible here, the present c used to and 'has insisted' are also
continuous is more likely as a possible)
definite arrangement is being 2 must can complete all three 7 had been paid or was paid
talked about. Unit 12B) sentences:
a should / ought to / must 6
13 I'm going to (A prediction b must 1 How can I help you?
based on something that we c should / ought to / must 2 When did it first appear?
feel now. Unit 11B) 3 Haven't you been to see me
3 mustn't can complete all three before about this?
14 are to have (We use 'be + to + sentences: 4 What happened to the rash
infinitive' if something must a mustn't / don't have to/ when you put it on?
happen first (in the main needn't 5/
clause) before something else b mustn't / don't have to / 6 'Have you a cat...?'Is rather
can happen (in the if-clause). needn't formal. More appropriate
Unit 15B) c mustn't would be 'Do you have a
cat...?' or 'Have you got a
15 she'll (A prediction based on 4 must can complete all three cat...?'
our past experience. Unit sentences: 7/
11B) a must / have to / need to 8 So what do you advise (that) I
b must (should) do about it? or What
16 arrives (We use the present c must / have to / need to do you advise me to do about
simple, not 'will' in a wh- it?
clause when both the main 5 could can complete all three 9 When will your neighbour be
and wh-clause refer to the sentences: back?
future. Unit 130) a Could/Might ('Might' would
be rather formal here.) 10 Isn't there anybody you could
17 will clear (Reporting a b may/might/could ask to look after it during that
prediction about an event c could time?
which we can't arrange. Unit
12C) 6 is (or was) able to can complete 11 Which of them should I use
all three sentences: first?
18 will play (We use 'will', not a was able to
the present simple in a that- b is able to / can 12 What are the tablets for?
clause when the main clause c was able to / could 13 How long is it likely to be
refers to the present. Unit
13D) before the rash clears up?

19 they're going to (A decision
made some time before it is
reported. Unit 11C)

20 ... will not (A future event
arranged in detail; formal
style. Unit 11C)


Keyto Additionalexercises

Example answers are given. 9 6 -; read (plural form)
1 ...waiting, (not mind + -ing; 1 School classrooms have 7 (of); have (plural form)
note that 'not mind + object + 8 (of); live (plural form)
-ing' is possible in other changed very little over the last 9 of; agree (plural form)
contexts) century. The walls may be a 10 of; live (plural form)
little more colourful and the 1 1 - ; remain (plural form)
2 lend it to me. (refuse + chairs may be more 12 -; sends (singular form)
to-infinitive) comfortable, but a (or the) 13 -; believe (plural form)
school-child of 100 years ago
3 ...failing his exams, (risk + would have no difficulty in 11
-ing; note that 'risk + object recognising today's classroom. 2 I picked up the paper on
+ -ing' is possible in other There are still rows of desks, which Richard had written his
contexts) perhaps a blackboard, and address, or I picked up the
shelves of books. However, paper which Richard had
4 ...him to drive to the bank. these days there is something written his address on.
(force + object + to-infinitive) found in classrooms that would 3 My grandfather, whose house
bewilder them - the computer. is at the top of a steep hill, is
5 meet him after work at a And it is this that is completely the fittest person I know.
restaurant, (agree + to- changing the way we learn at 4 The office to which Gail led
infinitive) school, at college and in the the way had windows on
home. three sides, or The office
6 reach an agreement soon. (which) Gail led the way to
(hope + to-infinitive) 2 When a crime is first had windows on three sides.
discovered, the police often 5 The choir, whose members
7 give me a new pair, (offer don't know who has done it or are all over 60, is touring
+ to-infinitive) why. Usually, though, the Norway next month.
person who has committed the 6 She took me for a ride on the
8 go anywhere near one. crime will have left some motorbike (which/that) she'd
(can't bear + to-infinitive; evidence of their identity at the recently bought.
note that 'can't bear + object scene such as a footprint, 7 The Earls of Euston, after
+ to-infinitive' is possible in blood, or fibres from clothing. whom Euston Station is
other contexts) This evidence often forms the named, were landowners in
basis of any case against a London.
9 ...going out. (feel like + -ing) suspect who the police may 8 He set about cleaning off the
10 ...going in to ask for take to court. dirt (which/that) was covering
the floor and walls. (Also
directions, (admit + -ing) 3 A space satellite does not need possible is '...the dirt covering
11 ...her to join the choir. to be streamlined in order to fly the floor and walls.')
since there is no air in space to 9 I went to stay with the
(persuade + object + to- slow it down. However, it does Watson family, who/that were
infinitive) need a source of energy to friends of my mother's.
12 ...them taking flowers from power its electronic circuitry,
our garden, (discover + object so a (or the) satellite has large 10 Having seen Joseph off at the
+ -ing) solar panels that convert airport, Sue {or she) went
13 ...her giving it to me. / sunlight into electricity. In back to work.
...taking it from her. addition, it is necessary for a
(remember + object + -ing or (or the) satellite to stay in 11 Alderson wrote a number of
remember + -ing) exactly the right position so books about British coal
14 find our way to the exit. that its antennae face the (zero miners, in whose history he
(find + to-infinitive) article is also possible) radio specialised.
stations on the ground. For this
8 reason it is equipped with gas 12 Not wishing to disturb her, I
1 war thrusters which can move the put the papers on her desk
2 a thought satellite into the correct orbit, and left.
high above the Earth.
3 some land 13 The agreement (which/that)
4 business 10 was signed yesterday ended
5 a time Example verbs are given. six months of negotiation.
6 sight (Also possible is 'The
7 a competition 1 of; want (plural form) agreement signed yesterday
8 a land 2 -; contains (singular form) ended...')
9 competition 3 -; cost (plural form)
10 a war 4 of; draws (singular form) 327
11 a sight 5 of; make (plural form)
12 some thought
13 time
14 a business

Key to Additional exercises

12A the council have planted trees denying that it's very pleasant
1 from at the side of the road.) to be able to swim whenever
2 for 7 + g The parcel had been you want.
3 about delayed due to a (or the) 4 James didn't want to play his
recent strike by postal violin in front of the whole
4 at workers, (or Due to a (or the) school, so it was no accident
recent strike by postal that he forgot to bring it with
12B workers, the parcel had been him.
1 on 5 You worked hard during your
2 in/with 8 + j We've put a table and course and you prepared well
3 for chair in the spare bedroom in for your exams, so there's no
4 with order that Dave has (or can reason to worry that you might
have) somewhere private to fail.
12C study before his exams, (or In
order that Dave has (or can 15
1 for have) somewhere private to 2 Never before had I tasted
2 with study before his exams, we've
3 to put a table and chair in the such a wonderful
4 of spare bedroom.) combination of flavours.
5 of 3 In no way can Keith be held
9 + b Since she didn't have to be responsible for the accident.
12D at work until 10.00 that 4 Rarely has (or had) a military
morning, she called in on her campaign been fought with so
of/about sister, (or She called in on her little loss of life.
for sister since she didn't have to 5 Such was the ignorance of the
with be at work until 10.00 that disease at the time, that
in morning.) sufferers were simply told to
about go to bed and rest.
with 10 + e We really enjoyed visiting
the Alhambra when we were 6 Should you change your
13 in Spain in spite of having to mind, there will always be a
2 + i I still won't be able to get queue for two hours, (or In job for you here.
spite of having to queue for
to a meeting at 8.30 even if I two hours, we really enjoyed 7 Only when the findings had
catch an earlier train, (or visiting the Alhambra when been published did the
Even if I catch an earlier train, we were in Spain.) researchers realise that they
I still won't be able to get to a had made an error in their
meeting at 8.30.) 14A calculations.
3 + f With Davies as its captain,
the team is likely to do well 1 There 8 So eager was Julia to move
this season, (or The team is away from Newtown, that
likely to do well this season 2 it she sold her house for much
with Davies as its captain.) less than it was worth.
4 + d The building work is still 3 There
on schedule even though there 9 Had Australia been beaten,
was a problem in digging the 4 It Taylor would certainly have
foundations, (or Even though resigned as captain.
there was a problem in 5 It
digging the foundations, the 10 Little did I think that one day
building work is still on 6 there. I'd be appearing in films
schedule.) rather than just watching
5 + a We've decided not to go 7 it them.
on holiday this year in order
to save money for a new car. 8 there 11 Barely had he walked into the
(or In order to save money for house when the telephone
a new car, we've decided not 9 it rang.
to go on holiday this year.)
6 + h The council have planted 10 There 12 Only by chance had the
trees at the side of the road so archaeologists discovered the
as to reduce traffic noise, (or 14B secret chamber in the tomb.
So as to reduce traffic noise, Exampleanswers:
2 As the party had lost its

majority in parliament, there
was no alternative but to call a
general election.
3 Having your own private
swimming pool is an expensive
luxury, although there's no


Key to Study guide (see p. 280)

Tenses Reporting Adjectives
1.1 B, C 8.1 D 14.1 C,D
1.2 A, D 8.2 B 14.2 B,C
1.3 A 8.3 A,C 14.3 C,D
1.4 C 8.4 D 14.4 A, C,D
1.5 B 8.5 C 14.5 D
1.6 D 8.6 A, C,D 14.6 A
1.7 B,C 8.7 B, D 14.7 B, D
1.8 A 14.8 D
1.9 C Nouns and compounds
1.10 A, B 9.1 B Adverbsandconjunctions
9.2 A,C 15.1 C
The future 9.3 A,C 15.2 B
2.1 A,D 9.4 B,D 15.3 B
2.2 A, C 9.5 B, C 15.4 A,D
2.3 D 9.6 D 15.5 B,D
2.4 A, D 15.6 A
2.5 B Articles 15.7 C,D
2.6 A 10.1 B 15.8 A,D
10.2 C 15.9 B,C
Modals 10.3 B 15.10 C
3.1 C 10.4 C 15.11 D
3.2 D 10.5 A, D 15.12 A,B,C
3.3 C 10.6 A, C 15.13 B
3.4 A, C,D 10.7 C 15.14 A
3.5 A,D
3.6 A Determinersandquantifiers Prepositions
3.7 C 11.1 B, C, D 16.1 D
3.8 A, B 11.2 B 16.2 A
3.9 D 11.3 A,C 16.3 D
11.4 D 16.4 B
Be, have, do, make, etc. 11.5 A,D 16.5 D
4.1 B,D 11.6 B 16.6 A, D
4.2 A 11.7 B, C 16.7 A
4.3 D 16.8 D
Relative clauses and other types 16.9 A
Passives ofclause 16.10 C
5.1 D 12.1 A, B 16.11 C
5.2 C 12.2 D
5.3 B 12.3 B Organisinginformation
5.4 C 12.4 A, C 17.1 B
12.5 B,D 17.2 A, D
Questions 12.6 C 17.3 B
6.1 B 17.4 B,D
6.2 A, D Pronouns,substitutionand 17.5 A
6.3 C leavingout words 17.6 B,C
13.1 B,D
Verbs. : infinitives, -ingforms, etc. 13.2 A,D
7.1 D 13.3 C, D
7.2 B,C 13.4 A
7.3 B, D 13.5 A,B,D
7.4 C 13.6 A
7.5 B
7.6 A, B, D
7.7 A, C


Index was advised to 31B amazed and amazing 85C
advise +-inglsomeone to 3 8A, amazed that/to 87A
The numbers in the index are unit among
numbers, not page numbers. 39C, 47A/F among and between 106A/B
advise someone + wh- clause 40B amount
a/an 56-58,60-62 advise (someone) that 44D, 47D,
a/an and one 56 a /flrge amount of 64B
a/an and the 57, 58 48C no amount of 67D
a/an, the and zero article 60 angry
a/an with people and places 61 advise...whether 101D angry about/with 86A
a/an with holidays, meals, afraid (be afraid) 82B angry that/to 87A
etc. 62 announce
I'm afraid so (etc.) 78B/C
able (be able to) 22, 81B, 87A afraid of/for 86A it was announced that 32A
be able to and can/could 22 afraid that/to 87A announce something to someone
after 103
about 42D
verb or noun + about/on 110A/B after with past perfect and past announce (to someone) that 44E
about and cm HOC simple 9D announcement (rfiaf) 43D
above after with present simple 13C
above and over 105B after in adverbial clauses of time annoyed about/with 86
annoyed that/to 87A
acknowledge (that/something to be) 13C, 94A another (one another) 76E
44C after all 103 answer (verb) (ffcaf) 44B
after that 103 answer (noun) (f/?af) 43D
acknowledgement (rtaf) 43D afterwards 103 answerable (for/to) 86A
across ago (with past simple) 5A anticipate (someone) + -ing 31A
agree anxious (about/for) 86A
across and Ofer 105A any fa/) 69
adjectives 82-89 agreed to be + past participle 31B
it is agreed that/to 32A any o/" 52A
articles and superlatives 57C agree to 37B, 38A, 47B aray and some 63
position of adjectives 82-83 agree (that) 44B not any 67B
gradable and ungradable adjectives agree (with someone) that 44E anyone (anything, etc.) 52A
agree that/to 47C
83A, 92D agree with each other 76E anyone (etc.) and someone (etc.)
participle adjectives (losing, agree with/to/on/about 112C 63C
selected, etc.) 83B, 85 aimed to be + past participle 3IB anyone and everyone 66D
adjectives and adverbs 84 aim to 38A apart from 109B
adjective + preposition 86 alarmed apostrophe s fs) 53
adjective + that/to 87 alarmed and alarming 85C appeal (/or someone to) 37D
it + linking verb + adjective (it alarmed that/to 87A appear
all (of) 52A, 65, 69
became clear ..., etc.) 87C all and all of 65A-C appear (linking verb) 26
comparison with adjectives 88-89 not all and none (of) 65A appear to be + past participle 3IB
superlatives 88A all (of) the and the whole (of) 65D it appears so (etc.) 78
admit (+ing) 38A, 39C, 46D all (of) and both (of) 65E apply (/or something to be + past
all and efery 66C
admit something to someone 42D all over 105A participle) 37D
admit (to someone) that 44E allege (# is alleged that) 32A appropriate (if« appropriate that)
adverbial clauses of time (As I was along 105A
allow 48E
waiting..., etc.) 13C, 94-95 argue
adverbs 90-93 was allowed to and could 25B
M/as allowed to 31B argwe (fto) 44B
adverbs with present perfect and allow someone to 37A argue (with someone) that 44E
past simple 5 allow someone something 42C arrange
already arrange for someone to 37D
adverbs and adjectives 84 arrange + M^-clause 40A
position of adverbs 90-91 already with present perfect 5A articles 56-62
adverbs of place 91A already with past perfect 9D a/an 56
adverbs of indefinite frequency also 103 a/an and tfce 57,58,60
alternate (between) 36C zero article 57, 60
(often, rarely, never, etc.) 91B alternatively 103 zero article and some 59
adverbs of time 91D although 103 articles with people and places 61
degree adverbs (very, too, articles with holidays, times,
although and though 98A
extremely, quite, etc.) 92 always meals, etc. 62
adverbs with gradable and as
always with present continuous
ungradable adjectives 92D 2C as soon as 9D, 94A, 103
comment adverbs (apparently, as much/many 64B
always with A>afe to 23E (in comparison) 89
sadly, bravely, etc.) 93A amazed (that) 48D no? (in comparison) 89
viewpoint adverbs (financially,

physically, etc.) 93B
focus adverbs (even, only, alone)

advice (+ that) 43D



as in adverbial clauses of time because 96A, 103 by contrast 103
94A because and because of 96C by (place) 106C
by and until 108D
as, when and while 95 become fryandw/tfc HOD
as (reasons) 96A, 103 become (linking verb) 26
as long as 101E calculate
as well 103 before it w calculated that 32A did Jim etc. (inversion in calculate + wh- clause 40A
before with present perfect and
comparisons) 119E past simple 5A call (on someone to) 47A
ashamed campaign (for something to be + past
before with past perfect and past
be ashamed of 76D, 87B simple 9D participle) 37D
ashamed that/to 87A can 20-22,25
ask before with present simple 13C
was asked to 31B before in adverbial clauses of time can/could and be able to 22
ask to 38A, 47B can't (cannot) in negative
ask (someone) + wh- clause 40B 94A
ask someone something 42C before and until 94B conclusions 23C
ask (of someone) that 44E, 48C before (that) 103 can in permission 25A/B
ask someone to 47A beg ca« in offers 25C
ask someone that 48C beg (of someone) that 44E, 48C can in reporting 49
ask about and enquire about 111B begin care
as& after and enquire after 111B care for 36C, 113A
ask for 11 IB begin to be + past participle 31B care about 76D, 113A
aspire (to) 36C begin tol-ing 38A take care of 76D
associate (something with) 36C being + past participle clauses 74D/E careful (to) 87A
assume being + past participle clauses with careless (of someone to) 87D
it is assumed that 32A case
assume that/something to be 44C adverbial meaning 75
I assume so (etc.) 78 preposition + being + past m which case 71C
assure (someone that) 44D catch
astonished (that/to) 87A participle 102A
at believe was caught +-ing 31A
catch someone + -ing 39A
tff present with the present was believed to 3IB cafe/? something for someone 42A
continuous IB believe someone to 37A cause (someone to) 37A
believe that/something to be 44C cease (+to/-mg) 38A
at rte moment with the present believe in 76D certain (be certain that/to) 87A
continuous IB 1 believe so (etc.) 78E check
I believe it essential (etc.) 87D
at (time) 5A, 107 belong (to) 36C + ^-clause 40A
at which point/time 71C below ('M-'/W someone) that 44E
at (place) 104 below and under 105B choose
attempt (to be + past participle) 31B beside 106C choose + M/b-clause 40A
attract (eacfc other) 76E besides choose whether 40D
auxiliary verbs choose something for someone
leaving words out after auxiliary besides and except (for) 109B 42A
between church (a/the/zero article) 61B
verbs 80 cinema (the/zero article) 61B
avoid between and among 106A/B claim (verb)
bit of (a bit of) 68 rt w claimed that 32A
avoid being + past participle 31A book (verb) cfe'ra that/to 47C
avoid + -ing 38A claim (noun) (that/to) 43D
avoid each other 76E book something for someone 42A close to 106C
award bored coincide (wz'rt eacfe other) 76E
award someone something and collaborate (tt/ftfc eacb other) 76E
bored and boring 85C collect (something for someone)
award something to someone both(o/) 65,69 42D
42A college (a/the/zero article) 61B
aware (tfotf) 87A both (of) and a// (o/) 65E come
both (of) and neither (of) 65E come to be + past participle 31B
bad (at/for) 86A bring come tol-ing 38B
barely was brought +-ing 31A come (linking verb) 26
bring something to/for someone command
inversion after barely 120A command someone to 37A, 47A
base (something on) 36C 42B command someone that 48C
be build (something for someone) 42A comment (noun) (ffcif) 43D
busy (+ -mg) 87A communicate (with each other) 76E
fee to + infinitive for the future but compare (something with) 36C
15A, 15B compel (someone to) 47A
but and except (for) 109C
be (linking verb) 26 bwt /or and except for 109C 331
bear (can't bear) ta/or(+noun) 100C
buy (something for someone) 42A
can't bear (someone) to 31B, 37C by
by the time (that) with past perfect

and past simple 9D

by which point/time 71C
by +-ing 102B


compete (with each other) 76E continually despite
complain continually with present despite and in spite of 98C
continuous 2C
complain (that) 44B determine
complain (to someone) that 44E contrast (wtf/; eac/> other) 76E determine + M^-clause 40A
complement (each other) 76E convince (someone that) 44D determine whether 40D
compound nouns 54-55 cook (something for someone) 42A
conceivably co-operate (iwf& eac/; other) 76E detest
cost (someone a fortune, etc.) 42C detest + -ing 38A
may/might/could conceivably could 20-22,25 detest (someone) + -ing 39B
20D,21C detest someone + -ing and detest
could well 20D,21C someone's + -ing 39E
concerned could have + past participle 21
concerned about/with 86A could be +-ing 21B difficult (to) 87A
concerned that/to 87A could/can and &e aWe to 22 direct (that) 48B/C
couldn't in negative conclusions disagree
conclusion (that) 43D
conditional sentences 99-101 23C disagree (with someone) that 44E
cott/d in permission 25A/B disagree with each other 76E
verb tenses in conditionals 99 could in offers 25C disappointed (that/to) 87A
if...were to 100A could in reporting 49 disapprove of (= if...should do) crazy (to) 87A
crucial (it is crucial that) 48E disapprove of someone + -ing and
100B, 119D culminate (in) 36C disapprove of someone's + -iwg (= if...were to) 100B, curious (to) 87A 39E
currently (with the present
119D discover
continuous) IB
had...not done (= if...had not done) it was discovered that 32A
100B, 119D deal (a great deal of) 64B discover someone + -ing 39A
debate (verb) discover + w^-clause 40A
if it was/were not for 100C discuss
if...will 100D debate + wh-c\a\ise 40A discuss + wh-dause 40A
if...happen to 100E debate whether 40D discuss whether 40D
if...should 100E debate (noun) discuss...whether 101D
if...should happen to 100E debate as to whether 101D discussion (as to whether) 101D
if.,.not and unless 101A/B decide dislike
if and whether 101C/D it was decided that/to 32A
provided/providing that 101E decide to 37B dislike (someone) +-ing 31A, 39B
supposing (that) 101E decide + wh-dause 40A dislike (someone) + -ing and
as/so long as 101E decide whether 40D
confess decision (that/to) 43D dislike someone's + -ing 39E
confess something to someone 42D declare do
confess to someone 44E it was declared that 32A
confide (that) 44B declare that/something to be 44C do + noun and make + noun 28
confident (that) 87A decline (to) 38A do +-ing (do the ironing etc.) 28B
confirm delay do tw'f/; 76D
delay being + past participle 31A do so 79
confirm (with someone) that 44E delay +-ing 38A, 39C doubt (noun) (as to whether) 101D
consent (to) 37B delighted (that/to) 87A dread
consequence demand (verb) dread (someone) + -ing 31A, 38A,
demand to 3 8A, 47B
as a consequence 103 demand (of someone) that 44E, 39B
in consequence 103 due to
consequently 103 48C
consider demand that/to 47C due to and owing to 96C
demonstrate (something to someone) during
consider being + past participle
31A 29B, 42D during which time 71C
deny during and in 108A
was considered to 3 IB during and ofer 108B
it is considered that 32A dewy being + past participle 31A during and /or 108C
consider someone to 37A deny +-ing 38A, 39C, 46D
consider + -ing 38A, 39C dewy someone something 42C each (of) 52A, 69
consider + if^-clause 40A dewy ftfejfj 44B fo/) and ei/ery 66
consider whether 40D, 101D describe rter76E
consider that/something to be 44C describe something to someone
/ consider it essential (etc.) 87D easy (to) 87A
constantly 29B, 42D easy for someone to 87D
constantly with present continuous describe being + past participle
2C 31A either of 52A
contend (with) 36C deserve (+ -ing) 39C either...or 52C
embrace (each other) 76E
continue to be + past participle enable (someone to) 37A
31B encourage

continue tol-ing 38A encourage someone to 37A, 47A
continue + -iwg 39C encourage + -mg and encourage

332 someone to 38A


encouragement (to) 43D /ee/ something + bare infinitive future perfect (/ will have done) 15C
enjoy (+ -ing) 39C 37E future perfect continuous (/ will have

enjoy being + past participle 31A /•ee/ftfee 38A been doing) 15D
enough 88B/C /ee/ something + -ing 39A
enquire /ee/ something + -ing/batt infinitive gather
so I gather (etc.) 78E
enquire about and ask about 11 IB 39F / gather with present simple 2D
enquire after and ask after 11 IB /ee/ someone + past participle 41E
enquire into 11 IB feel that/something to be 44C get
entitle (someone to) 37A / feel it essential (etc.) 87D get (linking verb) 26C
envisage fetch (something for someone) 42A get + broken/dressed etc. 26C
envisage (someone) + -;«g 3 8A, few (of) 69 get down 29C
get something back 29C
39B few (of) and a / a c (b/) 68 get something done 41
envisage someone + -ing and as few as 89C get up/hot/tired 76C
envisage someone's + -ing 39E fewer than and /ess than 68C give
envy (someone something) 42C wo fewer than 68C give with the passive 29B
escape (+ -ing) 39C give someone something and give
essential fight (eacfc otfeer) 76E something to someone 42A

it is essential that 48E find glad
essential for someone to 87D glad for/of 86A
establish (+ wh-dause) 40A was found + -ing 31A glad that/to 87A
estimate (it is estimated that) 32A it was found that 32A
even find someone + -ing 39A go
find out + wh-dause 40A go (linking verb) 26
even and ow/y 93C find something for someone 42A go + off/dead/missing etc. 26D
even though and eferc // 98B find that/something to be 44C go on to/-iwg38B
even though 103 / find it awful (etc.) 87D
even so 103 finish (+-/«g) 38A, 39C going to 11,12, 13B
even though &n& even so 103 for (time) going to and will 11
ever going to and will in if-sentences
ei/er with present perfect and past for with present perfect and past 11D
simple 5A going to and present continuous
simple 5D for the future 12
every 52A for and during 108C going to and future continuous
for (reason) 96B/D 14D
every and each (of) 66 for (purpose) 97C
every and all 66C forbid (it was forbidden to) 32A good(to) 87A
everyone (everything etc.) 52A force (someone to) 37A good and well 84E
everyone and anyone 66D forecast (noun) (that) 43D good about/at/for/to/with 86A
except (/or) forever (with present continuous) 2C
except and except for 109A forget (+ -ing) 39C greedy (of someone to) 87D
except (for) and besides 109B grow (linking verb) 26
excepr (/or; and to 109C forget (someone) +-ing 31A grumble (that) 44B
excepf /or andfcwt/or 109C forget someone + -ing and forget guarantee
excited and exciting 85C someone's + -ing 39E guarantee someone something 42C
expect (to) forget +wh-dause 40A guarantee to 47B
expect forgive (someone something) 42C guarantee that/to 47C
expect (to) with past perfect 9C free (to) 87A guarantee (noun) (that) 43D
was expected to 31B frightened guess
it is expected that 32A guess + wh-dause 40A
expect that/something to be 44C frightened and frightening 85C I guess so (etc.) 78
expect that/to 47C furthermore 103
/ expect so (etc.) 78 future 11-16 had
explain had... in conditionals (e.g. Had
explain + w^-clause 40A going to 11, 12 Alex asked...) 100B, 119D
explain something to someone present continuous for the future had...not done in conditionals
29B, 42D 12
explain (to someone) that 44E had better 17C
explanation (t^at) 43D sfca/Z 11 had to (in reporting) 49
wi// 11 hand (verb)
face (+-ing) 39C present simple for the future 13
/ace eac/7 other 76E future continuous 14 hand with the passive 29B
be to + infinitive 15 hand someone something and
fail (to) 37B, 38A future perfect 15
feel future perfect continuous 15 hand something to someone
future seen from the past 16 42A
was felt to 31B future continuous (I will be doing) happen
it is felt that 32A if...happen to 100E
14 if...should happen to 100E

future continuous and present 333
continuous for the future 14B

future continuous and will 14C,


happy (that/to) 87A if -ing
hard (to) 87A if with present simple 13C may be + -ing 21B
//with be to for the future 15B might be + -ing 21B
hard for someone to 87D if...were to 100A passive forms of verb + -ing and
hardly if it was/were not for 100C verb + to-infinitive 31
if...will in conditionals 100D verb + -ing: passive 31A
hardly with can't/couldn 't 20C if...will in requests 100D could be + -ing 2IB
hardly with need 24E if...would in polite requests 100D do + -ing (do the ironing etc.) 28B
hardly with past perfect 94C if...happen to 100E verb + to-infinitive or -ing 38
inversion after hardly 120A if...should 100E verb + -ing 39
hate if...should happen to 100E verb + bare infinitive or -ing 39F
hate (someone) +-ing 31A, 39B -ing clauses in reporting statements
hate (someone) to 3 IB, 37C if...not and unless 101A/B 46D
fcate someone + -ing and fcate ifandwhether 101C/D -ing clauses 74B/C
imagine -ing clauses with adverbial
someone's + -ing 39E imagine being + past participle 31A meaning 75
have 27 imagine (someone) + -ing 38A, byion/in + -ing 102B
with/without + -ing 102C
fctfi/e someone + bare infinitive 39B what with +-ing 102C
imagine someone + -ing and in order [that/to) 97A/B, 103
fcwe (gof,) to and must 23 imagine someone's + -ing 39E inquire (see enquire)
fcare to and have got to 23E insist (that) 47D, 48B/C
don't have to and needn't/mustn't imagine + wh-c[ause 40A in spite of
I imagine so (etc.) 78
24 imperative (if K imperative that) 48E in spite of and despite 98C
have and have got 27A important instead 103
/;tffe a (noun) and tafee a (noun) it is important that 48E instruct
important for someone to 87D
27B impossible (to) 87A was instructed to 31B
have something done 41 impossible for someone to 87D instruct someone + wh- clause 40B
having + past participle clauses in instruct someone to 47A
m + -mg 102B instruct (someone) that 48C
(Having driven..., etc.) 75 i« (place) 104 instruction (to) 43D
hear m (time) 107 intend
in and during 108A
I hear with present simple 2D in addition 103 intend to 47E
was heard +-ing... 31A inasmuch as 96B intend that 48C
hear someone + bare infinitive in case interest (someone in) 36C
in that 96B
37E in case with present simple 13C introduce (something to someone)
hear tell 37F in any case 103
hear someone + -ing 39A in which case 71C 29B, 42D
hear someone + -ing/bare infinitive in contrast 103 inversion (Rarely had he seen..., etc.)
inclined (to) 87A
39F indicate 119-120
hear someone + past participle invite (someone to) 37A, 47A
indicate (to someone) that 44E invitation (to) 43D
41E infinitive issue (of) 43D
hear about 76D, 112A it 116-117
so 7 hear (etc.) 78E be to + infinitive for the future
fowo/ 112A 15A/B it is clear why... (etc.) 116A
hear from 112A it helps to... (etc.) 116C
help -ing and verb + to-infinitive 31 it was agreed that... (etc.)
fce/p (someone) to/bare infinitive verb + to-infinitive: passive 3IB
it + passive verb + to-infinitive 116D
37C it takes... 116D
help each other 76E 32A/B / thought it a waste of money
hence 103 bare infinitive 37
hesitate (to) 38A verb + to-infinitive or bare to...(etc.) 117B
hope / take it as encouraging
infinitive 37
hope to be + past participle 31B when...(tic.) 117C
it was hoped to 32A verb + to-infinitive or -ing 38
hope to 37B, 38A verb + bare infinitive or -ing 39F it's no (wonder etc.) and there's no
hope that/to 47C leaving out to-infinitives 81 (doubt etc.) 117D
1 hope so (etc.) 78 adjective + that-c\ax\se and
hospital (a/the/zero article) 6IB I hate it that... (etc.) 117D •
how adjective + to-infinitive 87 it-clause
how in questions 35 to-infinitive for purpose (I'm
how in iffc-clauses 40 it + passive verb + that-dame
how and f^e way 40C saving to buy a new car etc.) 32A/B
fcow significant a role (etc.) 89B 97C
how long...? (with present perfect inform it + passive verb + to-infinitive
continuous) 7B inform someone + wh- clause 40B
however 103 inform someone that 44D it + linking verb + adjective (it
hurry (to) 38A became clear, etc.) 87C



focusing rt-clauses (It was Tom little (o/) 68-69 mind
that bought the car, etc.) 118A to/e (of) and a //»/e (b/) 68A not mind (someone) + -ing 31 A,
as little as 89C 39B
joke (with each other) 76E inversion after little (Little did I
just know. ..etc.) 120A miss
miss (someone) + -ing 38A, 39B
just with present continuous IB long (to) 47E
just with past perfect 9D /o«g for someone to 37D mistake (someone for) 36C
mix (with each other) 76E
keep look modal verbs 17-25
was kept + -ing 31A look (linking verb) 26
keep (linking verb) 26 look after 76D modals in reporting 49
look at 76D modals with do (I might do, etc.)
kind (of someone to) 87D /oofe at each other 76E
kiss (each other) 76E 80C
know lot moment
a lot of 52A, 64C
it is known that 32A /o£s of 64C at the moment and in a moment
know + wh-dause 40A /ois 64B 107A
know whether 40D
know and know about/of 111A love more (in comparatives) 88A
know about/of and learn about/of love (someone) to 31B, 37C moreover 103
/o^e (someone) + -ing 39B most (in superlatives) 57C, 88A
111A /(we someone + -ing and /ore much(o/) 64,69
someone's +-ing 39E
last much (of) 64
last (= most recent) with past majority (a/We majority of) 52A much (of) and many (of) 64B
simple 5A make as much 64B
so much 64B
laugh (about/at) 112B rcwfee + noun and do + noun 28 too much 64B
learn make someone + bare infinitive not much and not many 68B
as much as 89C
learn + u^-clause 40A 37E (very) much + verb 92C
/earn about/of and know about/of make believe 37F much as (much as I enjoyed it...,
Wiife do 37F
111A raafee something for someone 42A etc.) 98A
learn about and know about manage (to) 38A must 23
many (of) 64,69
111A many (of) and much (of) 64B must and should/ought to 17D
leave as many 64B must and have got (to) 23
must have + past participle 23D
leave something + -ing 39A 50 OT««y 64B must in reporting 49
leave something to/for someone too many 64B mustn't 24
as raa«;y as 89C mustn 't and needn 'tldon 't have to
42B marry (each other) 76E
lend may 20-21 24
mustn't in reporting 49
lend with the passive 29B may well 20D, 21C
lend something to 36C may have + past participle 21 near (to; 106C
lend someone something and lend may be +-ing 21B necessary
may (nof) in permission 25A
something to someone 42A may in reporting 49 /'(is necessary that 48E
less mean (to) necessary for someone to 87D
mean (to) with past perfect 9C need 24
less than and fewer than 68C was meant to 3IB «mi (someone) to 3IB, 37C
no less than 68C need (something) done 41D
let raearc to/ -ing 38B needn't/didn't need to 24
let in (water etc.) 29C meanwhile 103 needn't and mustn't/don't have to
let out (a scream etc.) 29C meet (eacfc other) 76E
let someone + bare infinitive 37E mend (something for someone) 24
let (it) slip 37F needn't and don't need to 24C
let go 37F 42A7D didn't need to (or didn't have to)
like mention
//'fee (someone) + -ing 31A, 39B and rceeJ «of /?ai>e 24D
//'fee (someone) to 37C it was mentioned that 32A neither
/z'&e someone + -/'«g and //'fee mention something to someone
neither of 52A
someone's + -ing 39E 29B, 42D, 44 neither...nor 52C
like and would like 81C mention (to someone) that 44B/E neither (of) andfcoffc(o/) 65E
\ikdy (be likely) 20B mention + -ing 46D inversion after neither (...neither
likewise 103 might 20-21
linking verbs (appear, be, become, might well 20D, 21C could he see, etc.) 120B
might have + past participle 21 never
etc.) 26 might be +-ing 21B
linking verbs with adjectives might in permission 25A «et>er with present perfect and past
might in reporting 49 simple 5D
z't + linking verb + adjective (it never W\x\\ can't I couldn't 20C
Merer with ^afe to 23E
became clear..., etc.) 8JD never in negative questions 34C



inversion after never (before) observation (that) 43D participle adjectives (losing, selected)
120A of 83B, 85

nevertheless 103 any of, each of, etc. 52, 69 participle clauses (see -ing, past
next (to) 106C of and 's 53 participle and being past
nice (to) 87A offer participle clauses) 74
offer with the passive 29B
nice of someone to 87D offer to 38A,47B/E participle clauses with adverbial
no offer someone something and offer
meaning 75
no in negative questions 34C something to someone 42A preposition + being + past
no + noun 67 on
no with singular and plural nouns participle 102A
on (time) with past simple 5A pass
67C on + -ing 102B
no amount of 67D on (place) 104 pass someone something and pass
inversion after preposition + no {at on (time) 107 something to someone 42A
verb/noun + on or about 110A/B
no time, in no way, etc.) 120A on and about HOC passive 29-32, Appendix 1
nobody (nothing, etc.) 52A on the contrary 103 passive form of two- and three-
on the other hand 103 word verbs 29C
(in negative questions) 34C once (with past simple) 5A passives and active 30
none (of) 67,69 one passive forms of verb + -ing and

none of 52A, 67 a/an and one 56 verb + to-infinitive 31
none of and not all 65 A one...other/another 56B passives in reporting 32
nor not one (of) 67D it + passive verb + f^af-clause
inversion after nor 120B one another 76E
normally (with have to) 23E 32A/B
not one/ones (pronouns) 77 there + passive verb + to be 32C
not a + noun 67 only 93C past (see past continuous, past
not one (of) 67D
not (I hope not etc.) 78C only with can't/couldn't 20C perfect and past simple) 78C only with need 24E past continuous (I was doing) 2B
inversion after not + only/until etc. only a few/little 68B
inversion after only after/later/if past continuous and past simple 6
120A past continuous and past perfect
nothing (in negative questions) 34C etc. 120A
notice continuous 10D
inversion after only by/in/with etc. past perfect (/ had done) 9
was noticed + -ing 31A 120A
notice someone + bare infinitive past perfect and past simple 9
opera (the/zero article) 61B past perfect and past perfect
37E opposite 82C
notice someone + -ing 39A order continuous 10
notice someone + -ing/bare past perfect continuous (I had been
was ordered to 31B
infinitive 39F order someone to 37A, 47A doing) 10
notice + M^-clause 40A order something for someone 42A past perfect continuous and past
notice (that) 44B order that 47D, 48C
notify (someone that) 44D order (noun) (to) 43D perfect 10
nouns other (each other) 76E past perfect continuous and past
reporting using nouns 43D otherwise 103
countable and uncountable 50, ought to 17 continuous 10D
past simple (I did) 2B, 3, 4, 5
59, 60 ought to and should 17A
compound nouns 54—55 ought to have + past participle past simple and present perfect
noun + preposition + noun (a cup
17B 3,4,5
of tea, etc.) 55A ought to in reporting 49 past simple with today, this
singular and plural 51,52,59,60, over
morning, etc. 5B
67C over and across 105A past simple and past continuous 6
nowhere (in negative questions) 34C over and above 105B past simple and past perfect 9
number over and during 108B past participle (-ed) clauses 74D/E
overhear pay (something to/for someone) 42B
a number of 52A overhear someone + bare infinitive per cent (percent) 52D
a large number of 64B performative verbs 1
37E permit (someone something) 42C
object (to) 36C overhear someone + -ing 39A persuade
object to someone + -ing and overhear someone + -ing/bare
object to someone's + -ing 39E persuade someone to 37A,
infinitive 39F 47A
observe owe
observe someone + bare infinitive persuade someone that 44D
37E owe someone something and owe phrasal verbs (see two-word verbs
observe someone + -ing 39A something to someone 42A
observe someone + -ing/bare and three-word verbs)
infinitive 39F owing to plan
owing to and due to 96C
336 it was planned to 32A
plan for something to 37D
plan to 38A, 47E
plan + wh-c\a\xsz 40A
play (something to/for someone)



plead present simple (I do) 1-2 recall
plead (with someone) that 44E present simple and present recall (someone) + -ing 31A, 38A,
continuous 1-2 39B
pleased present simple for the future 13 recall someone + -ing and recall
present simple for the future in someone's + -ing 39E
pleased and pleasing 85C adverbial clauses of time 13C
pleased about/at/with 86A present simple for the future in recently (with present perfect and
pleased + that/to 87A conditional clauses 13C past simple) 5A
plenty (of) 52A, 64C present simple for the future in
point that-c\auses 13D recommended
point out something to someone present simple for the future in wh- it is recommended that 32A
clauses 13D recommended (to someone) that
42D 44E
presume recommended someone to 47A
point out (to someone) that 44E presume that/something to be 44C recommend + -ing 47F
point (something) at and point / presume so (etc.) 78 recommend that 48B/C

to/at/towards 113B pretend recommendation (to) 43D
point to 113B pretend (to) 37B reflexive pronouns (herself,
positive (+ that/to) 87A
possessives 53 prevent (someone from) 36C themselves, etc.) 76
prison (a/the/zero article) 61B
possessive + -mg 39E problem (of) 43D verbs with and without reflexive
possessive forms and compound promise pronouns 76

nouns 55 promise with the passive 29B refuse
possibly (may/might/could possibly) promise (that) 44B refuse to be + past participle 31B
promise (someone) that 44D refuse to 37B, 38A,47E
20D,21C promise to 47B refuse someone something 42C
post (something to/for someone) promise that/to 47C
promise (noun) (that/to) 43D regard (someone as) 36C
42B propose regret
pour (something for someone) 42A it is proposed that/to 32A
prefer propose + -ing 39C, 47F regret tol-ing 38B
propose (to someone) that 44E regret (someone) + -ing 39B
prefer (someone) to 3IB, 37C propose to 47B relative clauses 70-73
prefer something done 41D propose that/to 47C denning relative causes 70
prepare (to) 38A prove (something to someone) 42D non-defining relative clauses 71
prepared (to) 87A provided defining relative clauses and
prepositions 104-113 provided with present simple 13C
provided/providing that 101E participle adjectives 85B
noun + preposition + noun (a cup put relative pronouns 70-73
of tea, etc.) 55A put out (a hand etc.) 29C
put (something) on 36C zero relative pronoun 70-73
adjective + preposition 86 put off +-ing 39C that 70-73
preposition + -ing (after waiting which 70-73
quarrel (with each other) 76E who 70-73
etc.) 102 question (noun) (of) 43D whom 70-73
preposition + being + past whose 71-73
question as to whether 101D where, when, whereby, why 72B
participle 102A questions preposition + which 72B, 73
verb + preposition 111-113 what 72C
prepositional verbs (see two-word forming questions 33A-D whatever, whoever, whichever
negative questions 34
verbs and three-word verbs) zffc-questions 33, 35 72C
present (see present continuous, yes-no questions 33 preposition + whom 73A
quite 92E preposition + whose 73B
present simple, present perfect) quoting 43A, Appendix 2 remain
present continuous (/ am doing) 1-2 remain (linking verb) 26
raise (something for someone) remember
present continuous and present 42A/D remember being + past participle
simple 1-2
rarely 31A
present continuous for the future rarely with have to 23E remember tol-ing 38B
12, 13B inversion after rarely 120A remember (someone) + -ing 31A,

present continuous for the future read (something to/for someone) 39B
and going to 12 42B remember someone + -ing and

present continuous for the future ready (to) 87A remember someone's + -ing 39E
realise (+ ^-clause) 40A remember + wh-dause 40A
and future continuous 14B reassure (someone that) 44D remind
present participle clauses (see -ing) remind someone of 36C
present perfect (/ have done) 3, 4, 5 remind someone that 44D
remind someone to 47A
present perfect and past simple 3, repel (each other) 76E
reply (verb) (that) 44B
present perfect with today, this 337

morning, etc. 5B
present perfect and present perfect

continuous 8
present perfect continuous (/ have

been doing) 7

present perfect continuous and
present perfect 8


reply (noun) {that) 43D seldom some (of) 52A, 69
report inversion after seldom 120A some and zero article 59
some and arcy 63
report with the passive 29B sell (with the passive) 29B
was reported to 31B send someone (something etc.) 52A
it was reported that 32A
report something to someone 29B, was sent + -ing 31A someone etc. and anyone etc. 63C
send something to/for someone sometimes (with fca^e to) 23E
42D soon 103
report (to someone) that 44E 42B sooner
report that/something to be 44C shall
report + -ing 46D the sooner the better 88D
reporting 43-49 shall and will HE no sooner with past perfect 94C
reporting with passive verbs 32 shall in offers 25C inversion after no sooner 120A
reporting questions 33B shall in reporting 49 sorry
negatives in reporting 43C shocked (that/to) 87A
reporting using nouns 43D should sorry about/for 86
reporting statements 44-46 sorry that/to 87A
reporting offers, suggestions, etc. should and ought to 17A sound (linking verb) 26
should have + past participle 17B speculate (that) 44B
47 should in offers 25C spot (someone + -zwg) 39A
request should like in requests 25C stand can't stand (someone) + -ing
should in ££>af-clauses 48
request someone to 47A should in reporting 49 39B
request that/to 47C should in conditionals 100B, start
request that 48C
require 119D start to be + past participle 31B
was required to 3 IB if...should 100E start to 37B
require (of someone) that 44E, if...should happen to 100E start to/-ing 38A
shout (af/to) 113B
48C show start (someone) + -mg 39B
resent was shown + -z'wg 31A statement (that) 43D
states 2A, 4B
resent being + past participle 31A rt was shown that 32A state verbs 2, 79B
resent (someone) + -ing 38A, 39B stow someone to be 37A
resent someone + -mg and resent s^ow (someone) + wh-dause 40B state verbs with past perfect 10C
sliow someone something and stay (linking verb) 26
someone's + -ing 39E still
result {as a result) 103 show something to someone
right {about/for) 86A 42A still with present continuous IB
risk {someone) + -ing 38A, 39B still with present perfect 5A
stow (someone) that 44D stipulate (that) 48C
save {something for someone) 42A stow o/f 29C stop
say silly (of someone to) 87D
similarly 103 stop tol-ing 38B
if is said that 32A since (time) stop (someone) + -ing 39B
say + w/7-clause 40A struggle (to be + past participle)
say something to someone 42D smce with present perfect 5A, 5C
say (to someone) that 44E since with past simple 5C 31B
say (fto; 44B, 47D s/wce in adverbial clauses of time subject
say and fe// 46C
she said so {etc.) 78 94A agreement between subject and
scarcely since (reasons) 96A, 103 verb 51-52
scarcely with «eeJ 24E sing (something to/for someone)
scarcely with past perfect 94C subjunctive 48
inversion after scarcely 120A 42B subsequently 103
school (a/the/zero article) 61B so such
7 see with present simple 2D so far with present perfect 4B, 5A such + (a/an) noun 79C
was seew + -ing 31A so much/many 64B inversion after such + be...that
i/ was seen that 32A so (I think so, etc.) 78
see someone + bare infinitive 37E 78C 120A
see someone + -ing 39A so (So they are, etc.) 78D sufficiently 88B/C
see someone + -ing/ bare infinitive do so 79 suggest
not 89
39F so straightforward a problem (etc.) suggest with the passive 29B
see + wh-chuse 40A it is suggested that 32A
see someone + past participle 41E 89B suggest + -ing 38A, 39C, 47F
seeing {that/as) (reasons) 96A suggest something to someone
seem so + adjective/adverb + that 89D,
seem to be + past participle 3IB 97D 29B, 42D
seem (linking verb) 26 suggest (to someone) that 44E
it seems so (etc.) 78 so + adjective + as to 89D suggest that 47D
so as to 97A supply (someone with) 36C
338 so that 97B, 103 suppose

so (= therefore) 103 it is supposed that 32A
so long as 101E / suppose so (etc.) 78
inversion after so + adjective...that be supposed to and should/ought

120A to 17E
supposing {that) 101E


sure there being 115D university (a/the zero article) 61B
be sure 76B, 82B there's no (doubt etc.) and it's no unless
sure that/to 87A
(wonder etc.) 117D unless with present simple 13C
surprised (thai) 48D therefore 103 unless and if...not 101A/B
surprised and surprising 85C think until
until with present simple 13C
suspect think with past perfect 9C until in adverbial clauses of time
/ suspect so (etc.) 78 it is thought that 32A
think of someone + -ing and think 94A
swear (to) 47B until and before 94B
ofsomeone's + -r«g 39E until and by 108D
take (about) + wh-c[ause 40A up
take a (noun) and have a (noun) (that) 44B up to now with present perfect 4B,
take after 29C that/something to be 44C 5A
take something to/for someone I think so (etc.) 78 upset (that) 48D
42B / ife'n/i: tf dreadful (etc.) 87D
think about 111C upset that/to 87A
talk think of 111C urge (someone to) 47'A
though 103 used to 19
talk about + wh-c\ause 40A
talk with each other 76E though and although 98A used to and would 19B
teach adjective/adverb + though (Hot ws«/ to in reporting 49
teach with the passive 29B
was taught to 31B though it was..., etc.) 98A verbs see also present, past, future,
teach someone to 37A threat (to) 43D passive, etc.
teach someone + wh-clnuse 40B threaten (to) 37B, 47B
teach someone something and three-word verbs (phrasal/ verbs with and without objects
29A, 36
teach something to someone prepositional verbs) 114
42A through 105A verbs with two passive forms 29B
teach (someone) that 44D throughout 108A two- and three-word verbs
tell throw
tell with the passive 29B (phrasal and prepositional
was told to 31B throw with the passive 29B verbs) 29C, 114
?e// someone to 37A, 47A throw someone something and verb + -ing: passive 31A
te// someone something and te// verb + to-infinitive: passive 3IB
something to someone 42A throw something to someone verb + to-infinitive or bare
te// someone that 44D 42A infinitive 37
tell and say 46C throw something to/at 113B verb + to-infinitive or -ing 38
he told me so (etc.) 78 thus 103 verb + -ing 39
tend time verb + w^-clause 40
at the same time 103 verb + two objects 42
/ercc/to foe + past participle 31B at that time 103 verb tense when reporting
than tired statements 45, 46
tired and ft>;«g 85C verb + preposition 111-113
inversion in comparisons (...than too 103 very 92
do their colleagues, etc.) 119E too much/many 64B very and too 92B
too + adjective 88B/C very much + verb 92C
that-clauses 40E too strong a word 89B vital
that-c\&usts with present simple too and very 92B it is vital that 48E
13D try vital for someone to 87D
that-c\austs with iW/ 13D volunteer (to) 37B, 47B/E
f^af-clauses in reporting 44, 45 try to be + past participle 31B vow (that/to) 47C
rfwf-clauses as relative clauses try to/-ing 38B
70-73 turn (into) (linking verb) 26 wait (for someone to) 37D
that...of in relative clauses 73B two-word verbs (phrasal/ want
adjective + that/to 87
that-c\auses after there + be + noun prepositional verbs) 114 want (someone) to 31B, 37C
(there is a chance that..., etc.) want to 3 8A, 47E, 81C
115C unacceptable (for someone to) 87D want something done 41D
uncertainty (as to whether) 101D warn
the under warn someone to 37A, 47A
the and a/an 57, 58 warn someone + wh-clause 40B
the, zero article and a/an 60 under and below 105B warn (someone) that 44B/D, 48C
the with people and places 61 understand warning (that/to) 43D
with holidays, meals, etc. 62 was
/ understand with present simple was/were to 16B
theatre (the/zero article) 61B 2D was/were to have + past participle
then 103
was understood to 31B 16B
then with past simple 5A it is understood that 32A if it was/were not for 100C
there understand + wh-c\amt 40A
understand that/something to be 339
there + be (there is/was, etc.) 115
so I understand (etc.) 78E


watch whenever 103 w/7/ and the future continuous
watch someone + bare infinitive where 14C,14D
watch someone + -ing 39A where in wh-dauses 40 will have + past participle 18B
watch someone + -ing/ bare where in relative clauses 72B will have to 23A
whereas 103 «/«// in reporting 49
infinitive 39F if...will in requests 100D
watch someone + past participle whereby (in relative clauses) 72B willing (to) 87A
whether wish (someone to) 31B, 37C, 38A
41E with
way whether in wh-dauses 40D/E with (reasons) 96D
with and by HOD
the way and how 40C if and whether 101C/D with/without (+ -ing) 102C
welcome (to) 87A which wonder
well wonder + wh-danse 40A
which in questions 35 wonder whether 40D
could/may/might well 20D, 21C which in wk-dax\ses 40 wonder about/at 113C
well and good 84E all/both/some (etc.) of which 71B worried
were worried and worrying 85C in conditionals 100B, at which point/time 71C worried that/to 87A
fcy which point/time 71C worth (+ -mg) 87A
119D during which time 71C would 18, 19
///Y was/were not for 100C !« which case 71C would have + past participle 18B
wh-clauses would and Msed to 19B
M^-clauses with present simple which in relative clauses 70-73 would you like...? in offers 25C
preposition + which in relative would like in requests 25C
13D would like something done 41D
«/fc-clauses with iw7/ 13D clauses 73 would like to 81C
verb + w/j-clause 40 whichever (in relative clauses) 72C would in reporting 49
M'fc-clauses after rtere + be + noun while 103 if...would in polite requests 100D
write (something to/for someone)
(There is no reason why..., etc.) while in adverbial clauses of time
115C 94A 42B
focusing with if^af-clauses (What wrong (of someone to) 87D
while, as and w^e« 95
you need is..., etc.) 118B/C who yesterday (with past simple) 5A
what yet
if^o in questions 35
what in questions 35 who in «^-clauses 40 yrf (time) with present perfect 5A
what in M^-clauses 40 who in relative clauses 70-73 yef (despite that) 103
what in relative clauses 72C whoever (in relative clauses) 72C
w-^af w;rt> + -ing 102C whom zero article 57
focusing with what-dauses (What zero article and some 59
all/both/some (etc.) of whom 71B zero article, the and a/an 60
you need is..., etc.) 118B/C whom in relative clauses 70-73 zero article with people and places
what's more 103 preposition + whom in relative 61
whatever (in relative clauses) 72C zero article with holidays, meals,
when 103 clauses 73A etc. 62
whole (the whole of) 65
when with past perfect and past
tfce whole (of) and a// (b/) the 65D
simple 9D whose (in relative clauses) 71-73
when with present simple 13C why
when in w/?-clauses 40
when in relative clauses 72B why not + verb...? 34E
when in adverbial clauses of time why don't (etc.) ...? 34E

94A fc in wh-dauses 40
when, as and while 95 y in relative clauses 72B

will 11,12,13,18,19
will and going to 11

if/7/ and gomg to in if-sentences



in Use

A self-study

reference and

p r a c t i c e b o o k for

a d v a n c e d learners

of English


Martin Hewings



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