wisconsingrocers.com | Expo Issue 2018
ott Richter and Sue (Richter) Huber Mehmert Store Services Greg, Kari and Nick Hansen Paul Godin
Dave Spiegelhoff,
Richter’s Marketplace Peewaukee Hansen’s IGA Godin’s Piggly Wiggly, Mequon
Gooseberries Fresh Food Market
Doug Kulinski Tim Plevak
Iola Sentry Trig’s, Wausau
A great opportunity to Networking Happy Hour
connect, learn, and have a great
grocery time.
Wisconsin Grocery Trade Show
Chairman’s Banquet Great Wisconsin Bag-Off
2018 Expo Issue
GA Board of Directors Advertisers/Business Partner Listings
ir Jeff Maurer Acuity Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 56 Martor USA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 THE PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE
aurer’s Market, Wisconsin Dells, WI Albert’s Fresh Produce . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Mehmert Store Services . . . . . . . 35, 45
Anheuser Busch . . . . . . . . . . 23, 33, 64 Midwest Best Water . . . . . . . . . 47, 66 It’s that time of the year
e Chair Greg Hansen Arctic Glacier Ice of Wisconsin . . . . 46 MillerCoors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 33, 65
ansen’s IGA, Bangor, WI Associated Wholesale Grocers 2, 32, 64 MPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS
Avalara. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 46, 64 Next Energy Solution, Inc.. . . . . . . . 47
retary/Treasurer Badger Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 64 North Country Business Products 47, 52 WGA’s Election Guide
ichelle Harrington Baker Tilly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 52 Old Dutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 62
brecht’s Delafield Market, Bemis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 66 Pan O Gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 62, 65 MEMBER SERVICE UPDATE
elafield, WI Bernatello’s Pizza. . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 63 Pharmacists Mutual. . . . . . . . . . 47, 54
Berres Brothers Coffee Roasters 37, 46 Prairie Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 33, 65 Why not get in the game?
mediate Past Chairman BPI Color. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 46 Professional Supply . . . . . . . . . . 34, 48
arlin Greenfield, Bunzl Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 53 Quaker Bakery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 FOUNDATION
ogen’s Festival Foods Cedar Crest Ice Cream . . . . . . . . 46, 59 Retail Data Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Centec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Retail PlanIt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 The Expo is upon us!
g Cross Central City Distribution Co. . . . . . . 66 Risk Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
artanNash, St. Cloud, MN Certco, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 64, 67 Roundy’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 INNOVATION EXPO
CliftonLarsonAllen. . . . . . . . . . . . 39, 46 Russ Davis Wholesale . . . . . . 3, 33, 65
b Fleming Commercial Waste Sytems. . . . . . . . 46 S&R Egg Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 59 Get Ready for the 2018 Expo
x Run Sentry, Waukesha, WI Crystal Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 64 San-A-Care, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Schedule
Date Check Pro Saz’s BBQ Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 2018 Grocer of the Year Award
Hyland Sellers Publishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 2018 Excellence in Operations Award
undy’s/Pick ‘n Save, (Pinpoint Software) . . . . . . . . 35, 37 Shullsburg Creamery. . . . . . 15, 34, 65 2018 Community Service Award
lwaukee, WI DBS Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 34, 64 Society Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 2018 Vendor of the Award
Designer Greetings. . . . . . . . . . . 46, 52 Sparboe Companies . . . . . . . . . . 35, 57
b Jaskolski, T.A. Solberg, Inc., Emil’s Pizza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 SpartanNash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 32, 65 WGA BOARD 60, 61,
nocqua, WI Federated Insurance . . . . . . 33, 64, 68 Supervalu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 33, 65
Focus on Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 47 Temperature Monitoring WGA STAFF
ve Loehr Kwik Trip, La Crosse, WI Great Lakes Coca-Cola . . . . . . . 17, 34 MEMBER EVENTS AND
Grebe’s Bakery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 52 Solutions, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 HAPPENINGS
McClure H. Brooks & Company . . . . . 34, 41, 64 The Shelby Report . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 61
perValu, Green Bay,WI HH Multiple Solutions . . . . . . . . 47, 60 Upper 90 Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Indianapolis Fruit. . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 50 Valley Bakers Supply . . . . . . . . . 35, 40
k Roth J&B Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 37 Vern’s Cheese Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 51
eat Lakes Coca-Cola, Plover, WI Jones Dairy Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Wisconsin Food Hub Cooperative. . 66
KeHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 32, 64 Wisconsin Lottery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
bert Rothove Associated Kemps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 49, 65 Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable
holesale Grocers, Kenosha, WI Klondike Cheese Company. . . . . 43, 47
KRS Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Growers Association . . . . . . . . 51, 60
ve Ryman Krueger Wholesale . . . . . . . 35, 55, 65 Wisconsin Souvenir Collector
rtco, Madison, WI Libby’s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Lipari Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 32, 65 Promotions. . . . . . . . . . . . 43, 49, 51
y Spangler Luxury Linens USA . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 59 Wisconsin Wins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
ageo, Madison, WI Zone Mechanical North Inc. 21, 34, 65
ZT Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
ve Spiegelhoff
ooseberries, Burlington, WI Save the Dates for 2018 Events
n Symonds c o s Fo
pari Foods, Warren, MI
Innovation catio o
Tate Watertown Piggly Wiggly,
atertown, WI Innovation A Day in the
Expo Field
n Williamson
mps, Cedarburg, WI October 16 & 17 December 5
Hyatt Regency & KI Center
b Yerkes Milford Hills Hunt Club,
ne Mechanical North, Alsip, IL Green Bay
GA Staff
ndon Scholz
tive Vice President
helle Kussow
s Director
ryl Lytle
tions Director
ah Decorah
ber Service Representative
k Stellpflug
tive Director,
Education and Scholarship Foundation
e Kotwitz
eting Coordinator
ddy Harrison
Please help us conserve resources. If you are receiving multiple copies or wish to be removed from this mailing list, please EDITORIAL INFORMATION: Publication dates; March, May, August, December. Please submit all press releases and stories to
call the WGA office at 888/342-5942. Brandon Scholz, Publisher, at the Wisconsin Grocers Association; toll free 888/342-5942; fax 608/244-9030. Wisconsin
Grocer magazine is designed by Lorraine Ortner-Blake, [email protected].
Wisconsin Grocer is published four times a year by:
Wisconsin Grocers Association, 33 East Main Street, Suite 701, Madison, WI 53703 • www.wisconsingrocers.com. ADVERTISING INFORMATION: Please submit all advertising material and questions to Cheryl Lytle, Wisconsin Grocers Association,
33 E Main Street, Suite 701, Madison, WI 53703, call 608/244-7150; fax 608/244-9030; email [email protected].
Toll free 888/342-5942; fax 608/244-9030. Materials in this publication may not be reprinted in any form without permission
Brandon Scholz WGA President and CEO
It’s that time of the year
Most WGA members in their store or in Econofoods (a man who of Roundy’s did not know we
their parking lot, but
know that when July what it means when I doesn’t like surprises) pulled me had gathered behind him to
come around the
and August roll corner with the big aside and whispered in my ear, make a presentation. Jerry was
white board with their
around there’s a name and award on it! “I’m going to get you for this!” standing on an elevated
possibility the WGA And almost always, Just before the big crowd practice tee hitting golf balls
regardless of the
may come knocking award, the recipient rarely assembled outside of Kramer’s before a charity outing. About
takes credit—instead they
on their door. defer the credit to their family County Market in Abbottsford, 25 of us had gathered and we
and associates in the store or
This is the time of business. Dennis Kramer left to go get a were holding a large four-by-
the year when I have the
privilege of going to WGA Our Member Service haircut. He wasn’t supposed to eight white
members stores across the Representative, Mark
state to present one of the Stellpflug writes in his column leave the store! foamcore board
awards they were nominated (page 18) that some WGA
to receive. During this time, members wonder why they Fortunately, The WGA has with “1999 WGA
we deliver awards for haven’t received an award. As
Community Service, Mark explains, you need to be haircuts don’t been recognizing Grocer of the Year”
Excellence in Operations, nominated. Next year, when take long for printed on the
Vendor of the Year, and we put up the nomination
Grocer of the Year. Almost all forms and ask for you all to Dennis and the Grocer of the board. Jerry kept
of the presentations are a nominate one of your peers in when he pulled swinging away until
surprise to the recipient. the industry, you can help in the parking Year since 1974. In somebody called his
solve that problem!
Here’s how it works. In lot and saw 1998 we started name and asked
March, the WGA sends The WGA has been 50 people him to turn around.
nomination forms to its recognizing the Grocer of the standing in the “surprise” He was totally
members and we ask that they Year since 1974. In 1998 we
nominate people in the started the “surprise” front of the presentations surprised!!
grocery industry for these presentations with a radio
awards. commercial from Governor store he with a radio The WGA has been
Tommy Thompson thought it
The nominations are returned congratulating Trig Solberg of might be on commercial from honoring grocers
to the WGA by the end of Trig’s Food & Drug, airing as fire! with the Grocer of
April and are sent to the we presented the coveted
Board of Directors who score white foam core board before In 2008, Leo Governor Tommy the Year award for
them. The results are not we gave out the official award and Rosemary 44 years starting in
released to anybody except the at the Chairman’s Award Thompson... 1974. Then, in
WGA staff who works with Banquet at the WGA Expo.
the nominators to set up the Hansen of 2003, we started
announcements. Every presentation has a story
and there are many. In 2015, Hansen’s IGA recognizing general
These announcements are Jim Tadych of Tadych’s
often a surprise to the were lured into their managers, store managers,
recipients and that’s what
makes it so much fun! Not conference room for what owners and others with the
only are they uncertain why a
crowd of people has gathered turned out to be a bogus Excellence in Operations
meeting when I walked in and award. And for the last 11
said (in my best Bobby Flay years, we have been
Throw Down surprise voice), recognizing our vendor
“Surprise! You are the WGA community with the Vendor
Grocers of the Year!” Later, of the Year award, and grocers
Rosemary said she knew who give back to their
something was up because, community with our
“The kids were out polishing Community Service Award.
the gas pumps last night…and Being a part of these
they never polish the gas incredible moments makes
To this date, I have never it easy to understand when I
figured out how Jerry Lestina say it’s that time of year, and
it’s the best part of my job!
Election Guide 2018
WGA’s Election Guide 2018
The August primary election solidified the candidates that will be on the ballot for the November 7, 2018 general
election. In addition to the high profile race for Governor and U.S. Senate, there are many state Assembly and state
Senate races that could change Wisconsin’s political landscape.
Governor & Lt. Governor U.S. Senate
Democrat State Schools Superintendent Tony Evers came through a Republican State Senator Leah Vukmir is challenging
9-way primary in August’s primary election and is now using that Incumbent U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, Democrat.
momentum to try and unseat Scott Walker, who is seeking his third term
as Wisconsin Governor. Governor Walker has a long history of DEMOCRAT REPUBLICAN
supporting the retail food industry through decreased regulations and
lower taxes. The WGA Board voted to endorse Scott Walker and U.S. SENATE
Rebecca Kleefisch.
Tammy Baldwin (D) Leah Vukmir (R)
Tony Evers (D) Scott Walker (R) Incumbent Congress
LT. GOVERNOR In the 1st Congressional District, Paul Ryan’s retirement
from Congress has put a lot of focus on the race to
Mandela Barnes (D) Rebecca Kleefish (R) replace him. Attorney and former Paul-Ryan staffer
Incumbent Bryan Steil is the Republican challenger facing Randy
ATTORNEY Bryce, a democrat ironworker.
In the Sixth Congressional District, Congressman Glenn
Grothman is vying for a second term, but is facing a
significant challenge from a Democrat with high name
identification: Dan Kohl, the nephew of former U.S.
Senator Herb Kohl. In the remaining congressional
districts, it is expected that the incumbents will come
through with ease.
Josh Kaul (D) Brad Schimel (R) Incumbent DEMOCRAT REPUBLICAN
Doug La Follette (D) Jay Schroeder (R) Randy Bryce (D–Caledonia) Bryan Steil (R–Janesvill
Sarah Godlewski (D) Travis Hartwig (R) ENDORSED Steve Toft (R-Osseo)
Ron Kind (D-La Crosse)
DEMOCRAT REPUBLICAN Wisconsin State Assembly
CONGRESS naovapihlaobtloe Republicans have a stronghold on the lower house’s majority with
DISTRICT 4 64 Republican seats compared to 35 Democrat seats. It is expected
that several Republican seats will switch party control, however
Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee) Tim Rogers (R) there are no concerns that the Assembly Republicans will lose the
Incumbent majority. Several races were already determined by the primary
election, because they have no general election challenge,
CONGRESS AD-09 Marisabel Cabrera (D) Josh Zepnick lost re-election
DISTRICT 5 AD-12 LaKeisha Myers (D) Fred Kessler lost re-election
AD-16 Kayan Haywood (D) Leon Young Open Seat
ENDORSED AD-18 Evan Goyke (D) Won re-election
AD-59 Timothy Ramthun (R) Jesse Kremer Open Seat
Tom Palzewicz (D-Wauwatosa) Jim Sensenbrenner AD-77 Sheila Stubbs (D) Terese Berceau Open Seat
(R-Menomonee Falls) Incumbent
CONGRESS In addition, there are 32 seats in the Assembly that were
DISTRICT 6 unopposed in both the primary and general election, and therefore
they will automatically be re-elected:
Dan Kohl (D-Mequon)
ENDORSED AD-11 Jason Fields (D) AD-69 Bob Kulp (R)
AD-17 David Crowley (D) AD-70 Katrina Shankland (D)
Glenn Grothman AD-19 Jonathan Brostoff (D) AD-73 Nick Milroy (D)
(R-Glenbeulah) Incumbent AD-20 Christine Sinicki (D) AD-76 Chris Taylor (D)
AD-37 John Jagler (R) AD-78 Lisa Subeck (D)
CONGRESS ENDORSED AD-44 Deb Kolste (D) AD-79 Dianne Hesselbein (D)
DISTRICT 7 AD-46 Gary Hebl (D) AD-80 Sondy Pope (D)
Sean Duffy (R-Wausau) AD-47 Jimmy Anderson (D) AD-81 Dave Considine (D)
Margaret Engebretson Incumbent AD-48 Melissa Sargent (D) AD-90 Staush Gruszynski (D)
(D-Polk County) AD-54 Gordon Hintz (D) AD-95 Jill Billings (D)
AD-57 Amanda Stuck (D) AD-97 Scott Allen (R)
CONGRESS ENDORSED AD-65 Tod Ohnstad (D) AD-98 Adam Neylon (R)
DISTRICT 8 AD-66 Greta Neubauer (D) AD-99 Cindy Duchow (R)
Mike Gallagher
Beau Liegeois (R-Green Bay) Incumbent Finally, the following races have only a third-party (Independent)
(D-Green Bay) opponent:
AD-1 Joel Kitchens (R)
Contribute AD-7 Daniel Riemer (D)
AD-45 Mark Spreitzer (D)
We encourage all WGA members to support the AD-64 Peter Barca (D)
Wisconsin Grocers Association Political Support AD-82 Ken Skowronski (R)
Program. The Political Support Program is made up
of the WGA Political Action Committee (PAC) and
Conduit which allow retailers, warehouses and
vendors to ensure the grocery industry thrives and
survives by helping to elect pro-grocery candidates.
Wisconsin State Assembly District 2 Wisconsin State Assembly District 15 Wisconsin State Assembly District 28
Mark Grams (D-Two Rivers) Shae Sortwell (R-Gibson) Lillian Cheesman ENDORSED Kim Butler (D-Balsam Lake) Gae Magnafici (R-Dresser)
Wisconsin State Assembly District 3 (D-Milwaukee) Wisconsin State Assembly District 29
Joe Sanfelippo
(R-New Berlin) Incumbent
Wisconsin State Assembly District 21
Scott Gavin (D-Little Chute) Ron Tusler (R-Harrison) Incumbent Joh Calabrese (D-Menomonie) Rob Stafsholt
Wisconsin State Assembly District 4 (R-New Richmond) Incumben
Gabriel Gomez Jessie Rodriquez (R-Oakcreek)
(D-Milwaukee) Incumbent Wisconsin State Assembly District 30
Wisconsin State Assembly District 22
Terry Lee (D-Green Bay) ENDORSED Barry Hammarback (D-River Falls) ENDORSED
David Steffen (R-Green Bay) Aaron Matteson (D-Lisbon) Janel Brandtjen Shannon Zimmerman
Incumbent (R-Menomonee) Incumbent
(R-River Falls) Incumbent
Wisconsin State Assembly District 5 Wisconsin State Assembly District 31
Wisconsin State Assembly District 23
Matt Lederer (D-Fox Cities) Jim Steineke (R-Kaukauna) Brittany Keyes (D-Beloit) ENDORSED
Amy Loudenbeck (R-Clinton
Wisconsin State Assembly District 6 Incumbent
Liz Sumner (D-Fox Point) Jim Ott (R-Mequon) Incumbent Wisconsin State Assembly District 32
Wisconsin State Assembly District 24
chard Samwick (D-Sarnwick) Gary Tauchen (R-Bonduel) Dan Knodl (R-Germantown) Tyler August (R-Lake Geneva
Incumbent Incumbent Incumbent
Emily Siegrist (D-River Hills) Wisconsin State Assembly District 33
Wisconsin State Assembly District 8
Wisconsin State Assembly District 25
Brandon White (D-Jefferson) Cody Horlacher
JoCasta Zamarripa Angel Sanchez (R-Milwaukee) ENDORSED (R-Mukwonago) Incumbent
(D-Milwaukee) Incumbent Jennifer Estrada (D-Manitowoc) Paul Tittl (R-Manitowoc) Incumbent Wisconsin State Assembly District 34
Wisconsin State Assembly District 26
Wisconsin State Assembly District 13
Rebecca Clarke (D-Sheboygan) Terry Katsma (R-Oostburg)
ENDORSED Incumbent Chris Meier (D-Eagle River) Rob Swearingen
(R-Rhinelander) Incumbent
Rob Hutton (R-Brookfield) Incumbent Wisconsin State Assembly District 27
Dennis McBride Wisconsin State Assembly District 35
Wisconsin State Assembly District 14
Mark Martello (D-Tomahawk) ENDORSED
ENDORSED Mary Felzkowski (R-Irma)
obyn Vining (D-Wauwatosa) Matt Adamcyzk (R-Brookfield)
Wisconsin State Assembly District 36 Wisconsin State Assembly District 50 Wisconsin State Assembly District 61
naovapihlaobtloe ENDORSED Arthur Shrader (D-Reedsburg Tony Kurtz (R-Wonewoc) Gina Walkington (D-Bristol) ENDORSED
Wisconsin State Assembly District 51
Tim Comer (D-Niagara) Jeff Mursau (R-Crivitz) Incumbent Samantha Kerkman
(R-Salem) Incumbent
Wisconsin State Assembly District 38 Wisconsin State Assembly District 62
lissa Winker (D-Oconomowoc) Barbara Dittrich ENDORSED John Lehman (D-Racine) Robert Wittke (R-Wind Point
(R-Oconomowac) Incumbent Wisconsin State Assembly District 63
Jeff Wright (D-Bear Creek Township) Todd Novak
Wisconsin State Assembly District 39 (R-Dodgeville) Incumbent ENDORSED
Wisconsin State Assembly District 52 Joel Jacobson (D-Burlington) Robin Vos (R-Rochester) Incumb
Wisconsin State Assembly District 67
ENDORSED Kevin Booth (D-Fond Du Lac) Jeremy Thiesfeldt
Elisha Barudin (R-Fond Du Lac) Incumbent
(D-Beaver Dam) Mark Born (R-Beaver Dam)
Incumbent Wisconsin State Assembly District 53
Wisconsin State Assembly District 40
naovapihlaobtloe ENDORSED
Wren Keturi (D-Chippewa Falls) Rob Summerfield
(R-Bloomer) Incumbent
Joe Lavrenz (D-Fond Du Lac) Michael Schraa
(R-Oshkosh) Incumbent Wisconsin State Assembly District 68
Erin Tracy (D-Waupaca Kevin Petersen
(R-Waupaca) Incumbent
Wisconsin State Assembly District 55
Wisconsin State Assembly District 41
ENDORSED Dan Schierl (D-Fox Valley) ENDORSED Wendy Johnson (D-Eau Claire) Jesse James (R-Altoona)
Wisconsin State Assembly District 70
Frank Buress (D-Westfield Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) Mike Rohrkaste (R-Neenah)
Incumbent Incumbent
Wisconsin State Assembly District 42 Wisconsin State Assembly District 56
Cari Fay (D-Milwaukee) ENDORSED
Nancy VanderMeer
(R-Tomah) Incumbent
Diana Lawrence (D-Appleton) David Murphy Wisconsin State Assembly District 72
(R-Greenville) Incumbent
Ann Lloyd (D-Lodi Jon Plumer (R-Lodi) Incumbent
Wisconsin State Assembly District 58
Wisconsin State Assembly District 43
Rebecca Clarke (D-Sheboygan) Terry Katsma (R-Oostburg) ENDORSED
David Gorski (D-Grand Rapids) Scott Krug (R-Nekoosa) Incumb
Wisconsin State Assembly District 60
Wisconsin State Assembly District 74
n Vruwink (D -Milton) Incumbent Gabriel Szerlong (R-Milton)
Wisconsin State Assembly District 49
ENDORSED Beth Meyers (D-Bayfield) Incumbent Jeffery Fahl (R-Ogema)
Wisconsin State Assembly District 75
Robert Brooks (R-Saukville)
Mike Mooney (D-Platteville Travis Tranel (R-Cuba City) Incumbent Christine Rahlf (D-Cedarburg) Incumbent
Wisconsin State Assembly District 83 Wisconsin State Assembly District 92 Wisconsin State Senate District 1
Jim Brownlow (D-Muskego)Chuck Wichgers (R-Muskego) Incumbent Rob Grover (D-Galesville) Treig Pronschinske Caleb Frostman (D- Green Bay) Andre Jacque (R- Green Bay
Wisconsin State Assembly District 84 (R-Mondovi) Incumbent Wisconsin State Senate District 5
Wisconsin State Assembly District 93
Erica Flynn (D-Greenfield)Mike Kuglitsch (R-New Berlin) Incumbent Charlene Warner (D-Eau Claire) Warren Petryk (R-Eleva) Incumbent Julie Henszey (D-Wauwatosa) ENDORSED
Wisconsin State Assembly District 85 Wisconsin State Assembly District 94
Dale Kooyenga (R- Brookfie
Wisconsin State Senate District 7
Alyson Leahy (D-Shullsburg)Patrick Snyder (R-Schofield) Incumbent Steve Doyle (D-Onalaska) Incumbent Albert Rohland (R-La Crosse) Chris Larson (D- Milwaukee) Jason Arnold (R- Milwauke
Wisconsin State Assembly District 86 Wisconsin State Assembly District 96 Wisconsin State Senate District 9
ENDORSED Paul Buhr (D-Viroqua) Loren Oldenburg (R-Viroqua) ENDORSED
Nancy Stencil (D-Rib Mountain)John Spiros (R-Marshfield) Incumbent Kyle Whelton (D- Sheboygan) Devin LeMahieu (R- Sheboyg
Wisconsin State Assembly District 87 Incumbent
Wisconsin State Senate District 13
Elizabeth Riley (D-Hayward)James Edming (R-Glen Flora) Incumbent Wisconsin State Senate Michelle Zahn (D- Juneau) ENDORSED
Wisconsin State Assembly District 88
Republicans currently enjoy a three-seat Scott Fitzgerald
ENDORSED majority in the State Senate. Earlier this year, (R- Spring Green) Incumben
Republicans lost a seat in a special election
Tom Sieber (D-Green Bay) John Macco (R-Ledgeview) Incumbent when newcomer Democrat Caleb Frostman Wisconsin State Senate District 17
Wisconsin State Assembly District 89 beat State Rep. Andre Jacque. Both
candidates need to re-do the elections and Kriss Marion (D- Blanchardville) ENDORSED
ENDORSED Republicans are hoping to reverse the results.
In addition, four seats were unchallenged re- Howard Marklein
Ken Holdorf (D-Marinette) John Nygren (R-Marinette) Incumbent electing the following Senators: (R- Spring Green) Incumben
Wisconsin State Assembly District 91
SD-3 Tim Carpenter (D) Wisconsin State Senate District 19
SD-11 Steve Nass (R) Lee Snodgrass (D- Appleton) Roger Roth (R- Appleton) Incum
Jodi Emerson (D-Eau Claire) Echo Reardon (R-Eau Claire) Wisconsin State Senate District 21
SD-15 Janis Ringhand (D)
Lori Hawkins (D- Bristol) ENDORSED
SD-33 Chris Kapenga (R)
Van Wanggaard (R- Racine
Senators serve four-year terms, therefore only Incumbent
odd-numbered Senate Districts are up for re-
election this November. Of particular interest >
are several incumbents that have been
endorsed by the WGA because they received
either an “A” or “B” on the WGA’s
Legislative Report Card. We encourage your
support of these candidates.
Election Guide 2018 Wisconsin State Senate District 27 WISCONSIN STATE SENATE
Wisconsin State Senate District 23 Wisconsin State Senate District 31
Chris Kapsner (D- Sheridan Township) Kathleen Bernier Jon Erpenbach (D- Middleton) Casey Helbach (R- Madison) Jeffrey Smith (D- Eau Claire) Mel Pittman (R- Plum City )
(R-Chippewa Falls) Incumbent
Wisconsin State Senate District 25 Wisconsin State Senate District 29
Janet Bewley (D- Mason) Incumbent James Bolen (R- Park Falls) Richard Pulcher (D-Lubin) ENDORSED
Jerry Petrowski
(R-Marathon) Incumbent
WGA WGA Busines
WGA Business Partners support the WGA to
interact in WGA events, sponsorships, and
advertising to strategically promote their
products and services to WGA Members.
Redeem. Design-Build Solutions
Why not get in the game?
With the end of And the neat thing was we felt out-of-the-loop
baseball season in in the course of those Are you in the game or was when we were sittin
sight, and the start brief six hours at Cap are you sitting on the on the sidelines, and no
of football season Day I networked with bench?” This question engaged in WGA
right around the other retailers, received happenings and events.
updates on legislative and
corner a sports regulatory happenings in has been swirling in Cheers!
analogy is difficult Madison, was able to my mind since early in At this point some of y
for me to avoid— meet with my state may be saying, “My sto
has never made the Pre
Mark Stellpflug thus the title of this representative and the year, and I have Letter, or received an
article. senator to foster a been reminded of the award!” To that I’d simp
But maybe a better way relationship, and got to
know the WGA staff a
WGA Member to ask the question I’d little better. topic numerous times say “be your own best
Service Representative like us to ponder is throughout the year. cheerleader!” The reaso
“Are you in the game In summary, I never you see some stores
returned home feeling
or are you sitting on the bench?” This highlighted multiple
question has been swirling in my mind since like I had wasted a day,
early in the year, and I have been reminded but rather felt like I’d times in the Prez Letter
of the topic numerous times throughout the fulfilled my responsibility as the owner etc., is because they submit their news to th
of a company impacted daily by the same WGA. Simple as that!
government in which I had just engaged.
year. The fact is, this state is simply too big for a
The first time this question came to my mind small staff in Madison to be aware of all th
was in January during Grocers in the Capital Now that I’m firmly standing on my “soap store events going on around Wisconsin. G
box” I’m going to delve into a topic not often in the game! Email newspaper links to the
Day. This year’s attendance by WGA talked about publically in WGA settings, but WGA office, give one of us a call and tell u
members was about half that of a normal
year. Yes, it can be argued that there weren’t one I feel very strongly about. During my
about your remodel or store expansion, or
one or two high profile legislative initiatives years as a grocery retailer, and now as I visit simply send us a picture and a brief write-u
on our agenda. And yes, for many of us the stores as your Member Service Representative of happenings in your store.
I occasionally hear comments like “the WGA
preferred party is in power in Madison, and only cares about multi-store operators” or And to those who say, “Only big store
in Washington D.C. As a result it is easy to “the WGA is a club of fat-cats” or “only the operators get WGA awards” I’d simply
get a bit complacent and sit on the sidelines big stores get WGA publicity and awards.” remind you that the WGA does not
for a season. But the question I’d like us all to To all of those statements I simply say, nominate award recipients; that is solely th
consider is, is sitting on the sidelines a hogwash! responsibility of WGA members. So, quite
winning strategy? Because I can assure you simply if a deserving person has not receive
the “opposing team” is not sitting on the Each Member’s Voice the recognition they deserve, it’s likely
sidelines; they are fully engaged! because you have not yet nominated that
The size of the grocery store I was raised with person.
Participation Challenge was only 10,000 sq. ft. for the first thirty In closing, as a former WGA member, and
years of its existence. For another decade it now as a member of the WGA staff I have
With that as the setup, I will spend the hit about 15,000 sq. ft., for the last dozen observed this organization from both sides
remainder of the space on this page years the store was just shy of 30,000 sq. ft. and I can say with confidence, and all
challenging our tendency to sit on the From day one, my father was a proud and honesty, the WGA cares about all of its
sidelines at times. In the previous paragraph I engaged WGA member, and I followed in members regardless of size. And has a speci
referred to the Grocers in the Capital event, those same footsteps. affinity for independent grocers.
so that’s where I will begin. When I was a
retailer I regularly attended this event for Over the course of those almost fifty years we If you feel like you are a dues-paying mem
many reasons, but I particularly liked it were a small single store operation that never that has been forgotten I’d simply say, get i
because I could participate in a very felt that the WGA was not focused on our the game! A good place to start is by
worthwhile event and still be back in my wellbeing, and interested in the successes of attending this year’s WGA Innovation Exp
store later that same afternoon. our small store. Truth be told, the only time in Green Bay October 16 &17.
The Expo is upon us! Education an
And here’s five great Each group will have a moderator to guide the win a trip to San Diego for the National
discussion while the WGA takes notes and distills Championship. Signs, costumes and cheerleadi
reasons to make sure the knowledge of all into something we can use. make this the rowdiest hour of the Expo.
you attend the And that’s just on the first day! #5 The Chairman’s Banquet
Wisconsin Grocers #2 Pallet of Product Silent Auction Plan to applaud as your favorite grocer wins an
After the huge success of last year’s silent auction award this year and your favorite vendor does t
David Kotwitz Association expect more of the same great deals on pallets of Grocer of the Year and Excellence in Operation
Executive Director WGA Innovation Expo this product that you sell every day. From ice to milk winners will thank all of the people that made
Education and Scholarship year on October 16th to vegetables, the auction will have something for possible. Community Service winners will than
everybody but you have to bid often in order to their communities for supporting them as they
Foundation and 17th at the KI get the best deals. Thank you to all of the vendors to give back. Standing ovations will be given an
and suppliers that provide us with the product for tears will be shed. Why would you miss that?
Center in Green Bay. you to bid on at great savings.
Again this year, we will recognize the future
#1 Great Education Seminars #3 The Expo Floor leaders of the industry as the Leadership Institu
What is better than walking the WGA graduates take to the stage to receive their
Active Shooter Presentation by Green Bay Innovation Expo floor? diplomas for a job well done.
Police Officer Jeff Englebrecht
Look for new products and old friends as you Go home the next day exhausted but
Lieutenant Jeff is going to distill a four-hour check out what’s new in the grocery industry. energized about the industry you are
presentation into one hour to give grocers the Listen for your name to be called for a chance to part of. There is never a dull momen
basics of what to do and what to expect if an win trade show cash, luxury linens and booth
active shooter situation affects your store. This prizes. Also, plan to check out the new cake We’ll give you a year to rest until we do this all
presentation will be followed by a panel discussion decorating competition this year. again.
by three retailers willing to share their practices
and experiences to help you determine how to #4 The Great Wisconsin Bag-off Welcome to the 2018 Wisconsin Grocers
train your employees. You’ll cover your ears as crowds cheer for their Innovation Expo!
favorite baggers to blast past the competition and
Group Discussion
This new group discussion format will engage
seminar attendees. The group will divide into
thirds and each group will take turns discussing
Digital Marketing, Grocers Buy Local and Hiring
& Retaining Employees in three discussion rooms.
PALLET OFWisconsin GrocersAssociation
Education and
Attend the WGA’s Innovation Expo and WIN BIG!
Pallet of Product is one of the Bids taken Silent Auction bids will be accepted
WGA Education & Scholarship anytime during the Expo until 7 p.m., the
Foundation’s newest throughout the night of the Chairman’s Banquet. You are
fundraisers at the welcome to bid on all products or pick
WGA Innovation Expo. Innovation Expo! and choose from products selected.
Vendor companies have donated a pallet of FINAL BIDS Bid High! Bid Often!
their product for WGA members and Expo The highest bidder will
attendees to place a silent auction bid to Wednesday, receive the product!
purchase the product for your store! October 17, 7 PM,
during the
The Great Wisconsin Bag-Off has Wednesday,
been a WGA tradition since 1988. October 17, 2018
Alex Hind not only won $500 after coming in first place at last year’s Great Wisconsin 4:00pm
Bag-off competition but he also won a trip for two to Las Vegas to compete in the
National Best Bagger contest. Innovation
Now is your change to become Wisconsin’s Best Bagger!
The Great Wisconsin Bag-Off is exciting and energetic thanks to the spirited
contestant cheerleaders. With the DJ in the background providing extra
entertainment and excitement as well as Geoff Welch from the Shelby Report
announcing, this tradition has been a favorite for decades.
There is a lot on the line, too, including bragging rights for the finalist’s store. It’s a
great moral booster for associates as the store contestant is determined. Associates
are also to cheer on their favorite contestant at the Expo for no admission fee.
New this year, all contestents must bag 40% of their time (job) in order to compete!
First place winner takes home $500 and a trip for two to San Diego to compete
in the National Best Bagger Competition. The NGA provides each contestant with
$250 too! First place at the National competition wins $10,000!
Second place Wisconsin bagger receives $250 and a trophy and third place wins
$100 and trophy. Enter by October 2nd to be added to the program guide.
Warning! The Great Wisconsin Bag-Off can be addicting!
It’s a game show atmosphere with local talent that you’ll find yourself smiling through
the entire contest. Once you go, you’ll want to come back time and time again!
Register for the Great Wisconsin Bag-Off at
Zone Mechanical North
9645 S 54th Avenue, Suite N
Franklin, WI 53132-9179
The Wisconsin Grocers Association Presents
Register October 16 & 17, 2018
Hyatt Regency and KI Convention Center | GREEN BAY
Get ready for
We’re getting the 2018
geared up for our Innovation Expo
upcoming 2018 Written exclusively for the Wisconsin Grocers Association by Kat Boogaard
Innovation Expo—
Learn Something New presentation, will feature three WGA
and we hope members sharing experiences and the
you are too! Education has always been a staple benefits of having an education and
of the Expo, and that certainly isn’t
This year’s Expo is happening changing this year. We have plenty of policy in place for critical
on October 16 and 17 speakers, seminars, and educational situations. The panel will
opportunities that will ensure you leave include: Bob Jaskolski,
at the KI Convention Center with some actionable takeaways that COO at T.A. Solberg, Jackie
in Green Bay. And, while we benefit your own store. Johnson, Assistant Director
still have all of the traditions of Asset Protection at Festival
Seminars and Education Foods, and Vince Rampulla,
you’ve come to know and VP Security and Loss Prevention
love, we’re introducing a few Active Shooter Training at Kroger/Roundy’s.
It’s an unfortunate reality,
fun twists as well. but this is an area of These Wisconsin retailers will share real
concern. “We have to be situations that happened in their stores
We know how busy you are prepared and have better and what they did to take action and
and that taking time away increase their levels of safety and
working knowledge of how to plan for preparedness.
from your store can be a events like these,” says Jeff Maurer,
challenge. But, we’re also WGA Chairman. Jeff Englebrecht from Grocer Roundtables
confident that it’s worth it. the Green Bay Police Department will
Attending the Expo is one of share various tips and best practices We’re going to turn the tables, so to
the best ways that you can about what to do if something does speak, and facilitate open conversations
happen in your own store. between our members. During these
invest in your business. grocer-led discussions, you can share tips
Active Shooter Grocer Panel and examples and hear from other
Why? Well, right This panel, following the active shooter grocers as well. Topics discussed during
here we’re dishing these roundtables include hiring and
out all of the
important reasons
that the 2018
Innovation Expo is a
can’t-miss event.
retaining employees, digital media, and On Tuesday evening, join us for a casual Explore New Products
buying local. We are asking members to networking session from 5:30PM to and Services
participate in all three roundtable topics by 7:30PM in the gorgeous lobby of the
sharing ideas that work and lessons from Hyatt Regency Hotel. There will be With over 140 booths, this year’s tradeshow
ideas that didn’t. beverages, enlightening conversation, and leaves no stone unturned when it comes to
heavy hors d’oeuvres provided by Lipari pulling together innovative products and
Dignity in the Workplace Foods. Curious about the menu? Flip to services to keep your store running.
page 28 for the full buffet lineup.
“We’re excited to have Joe From logistical services like accounting,
Kiedinger come and share his While that portion of the schedule is insurance, and security to produce, baked
knowledge with us,” says Cheryl dedicated solely to networking, you’ll have goods, and meat department supplies,
Lytle, WGA’s Events Director, plenty of other opportunities to meet your there’s plenty to explore at the Grocery
“He comes highly recommended, and will industry peers during the trade show and at Industry Tradeshow.
talk about motivating and working with the Chairman’s Reception and Awards
Millennials and doing so in a way of Banquet. This year at the WGA booth on the
cooperation and trust with his dignity- tradeshow floor, we also have the Pallet of >
based communication. This will be a really
great leadership seminar.” There will also be Don’t miss out on this opportunity to
an interactive session, questions, and connect, learn, and have a great time.
answers following the presentation.
Grocery Industry Summit Honors and Awards
Hear an update on some of the
issues the grocery industry is up
against. Peter Larkin, President
and CEO of the National Grocers
Association, will provide a national
overview of what retailers around the
country are doing.
See? There’s definitely no shortage of
chances to soak up knowledge and bring
those lessons back to your own store. You
can turn to page 31 for more detailed
information about all of our speakers.
Expand Your Network Seminars & Roundtables
Great Wisconsin Bag-Off
“Without a doubt, networking is my Grocery Industry Trade Show
favorite part of the Expo,” says Maurer, “It’s
great to hear from my peers about what’s
going on in their markets and their stores. I
also enjoy networking with vendors to stay
current with new items, products, and
services—especially when it comes to
While we know that education is
important, we also recognize that the
chance to connect and network is another
core benefit of the Expo. During the Expo,
you’re able to forge beneficial relationships
that you can rely on to advance your
business well into the future.
Fortunately, we have plenty of events on
the schedule that are perfect for making
new connections and chatting about the
Product Silent Auction. (Details on page 20). Numerous vendor winners,” Lytle explains, “There’s a lot of heartfelt recognition,
companies have donated products for resale. Using a silent auction and that’s my favorite part.”
process, retailers can bid on the products that will then be
delivered to their store so that they can stock them on their shelves You can check out a full profile of each of this year’s award
and sell them. winners on pages 36, 38, 39, 42, and 44.
It’s a great way to conveniently get some new product into your Enjoy Some Festive Fun 900 902 904
stores, while also supporting a great cause. Since the products have
all been donated by our generous vendor partners, the bid money We know that the Expo provides tons of Open for Exit 11 10
all stays within the WGA Foundation. The foundation uses that opportunities to improve your business. But, WGA
money for worthy causes, like the Leadership Institute—which that doesn’t mean we’re all work and no play. 610 709 20 18 11
helps train future leaders in grocery stores. This year’s Expo has plenty of ways for you to 20 11 11 710 810
cut loose and have a good time.
Celebrate the Industry 608 707 708 808
The Chairman’s Reception and Awards Banquet is 19 606 705 706 806
our chance to recognize this year’s award winners—
people who have been accomplishing great things and 18
advancing the industry as a whole. Awards are
presented in the following categories: 17
• Grocer of the Year 16
• Vendor of the Year 15
• Excellence in Operations MEETING ROOM B & EXHIBIT HALL C
• Community Service Just like previous years, the Grocery Industry Main Entrances
Tradeshow will have Tradeshow Bingo and
“The best part is that you get to hear from each of the award Tradeshow Cash.
Tradeshow Bingo is simple: Stop at the booth numbers listed on
your bingo card to get a stamp. Once you’ve filled up the entire
card, submit it for a chance to win prizes. The top prize is
$1,000, with several second-place prizes of $250 as well.
Tradeshow Cash is an even easier way to win. Our
vendors on the show floor have each donated $100.
Every half hour, a name will be announced over the
loudspeaker. If it’s your name? Head to the WGA booth to collect
your $100 cash. It’s as simple as that.
“We’re trying something new this year.
The idea for networking came from vendors at our strategic planning meeting,” said Michelle Kussow, WGA Executive Vice President.
Five All-Star NEW in 2018!
All Star Speed
Five Vendors Networking
NETWORKING 3 SPOTS will be available via silent auction Five retailers, five vendors,
during the Expo and 2 SPOTS will be drawn five minutes each!
from contributions made by vendors to the
Don’t miss out on a
Political Action Committee. great opportunity!
5 retailers + 5 vendors 5 minutes each! Meet with five all-star retailers:
Andy Anundson, Woodman’s
Andy Anundson Ted Balistreri Pat Fox Greg Hansen Owner- Mark Skogen Market, Ted Balistreri, Sendik’s
Procurement Director- Owner-Sendik’s Food Owner-Fox Bros. Hansen’s IGA CEO-Skogen’s Festival Fresh Market, Pat Fox, Fox Bros.
Woodman’s Markets Piggly Wiggly Piggly Wiggly, Greg Hansen,
Market Foods Hansen’s IGA, and Mark
Skogen, Skogen Festival Foods.
Held immediately following the Trade Show
Be one of the five vendors!
Wednesday, October 17, 2018, 5:00 p.m. Three spots will be available at
the silent auction during the
Expo. The other two spots will
be drawn from contributions
made by vendors to the
Political Action Committee.
This once in a lifetime event
happens Wednesday Oct. 17
immediately following the
Of course, it wouldn’t be the Innovation We Can’t Wait to See You!
Expo without the Great Wisconsin Bag-
Off Contest. “The Bag-Off is always one of Have we convinced you that the Innovation Expo is something
the perennial favorites for me,” says Maurer. that’s well deserving of a spot on your busy schedule? While we
know it’s tough to get away from your store, the Expo is more than
There will be up to 20 contestants competing worth your commitment.
this year for a chance to win $500 and a trip to San Diego where
they can bag their way to the top at the NGA Convention. This “You get out as much as you put in,” concludes Maurer, “The
high-energy and lively event is one that you simply can’t miss at the opportunities to learn and grow your business are here, as long as
Expo. you invest the time and energy into them. And, that’s really what it
is—an investment. It’s an investment of your time, which I know is
Finally, brand new this year is our Creative Cake valuable. But, I believe there’s a very significant return on that
Competition in partnership with the Wisconsin Bakers investment.”
Association. Bakers can enter an existing cake in one of
two categories—a sheet cake or a dimensional cake— This one-of-a-kind industry event wouldn’t be what it is without
and bring it with them to the Expo. (Details below.) the incredible people like you who attend, connect, and share your
knowledge. So, we couldn’t be more excited to see you at this year’s
Cakes should all be decorated with a Halloween theme and will be Innovation Expo on October 16 and 17 at the KI Convention
judged by a panel of experts from the Wisconsin Bakers Center in Green Bay.
Association. However, a portion of the contest is a popular vote.
So, make sure to stop by to check out the cakes during the For more information about the Expo and registration, visit
tradeshow and cast your vote. The top two grocery cake awards will wisconsingrocers.com/innovationExpo. See you soon!
be announced at the WGA’s Chairman’s Banquet later that evening.
All other awards will be presented at a Wisconsin Bakers ACCOMMODATIONS
Association reception at 5pm also at the Hyatt Regency.
Hyatt Regency & KI Center
“We haven’t done this before, so I’m really looking forward to seeing
what our decorators are doing here in Wisconsin,” shares Maurer. 333 Main Street Green Bay, WI 54301
Hotel Reservations (920) 432-1234
$132 Room Rate Block held until September 26, 2018
NEW in 2018!
Wednesday, October 17, 2018 Set up between 8 and 10am, take down between 4 and 7pm
We’re looking for Wisconsin’s most creative cake artists!
The Wisconsin Bakers Association and Wisconsin HAL LOWEEN T HEMED! The theme is Halloween so bring your
Grocers Association have teamed up for the exciting spookiest and most festive cakes. The top
new event: Wisconsin’s Cake Decorating two grocery cake awards will be announced
Championship. The event happens during the WGA at the WGA’s Chairman’s Banquet Wednesday,
Expo’s industry trade show with these two categories: October 17. All other awards will be presented
at a Wisconsin Bakers Association reception at 5pm;
• 2D sheet cakes 18"x 26"x 24" max both events are at the Hyatt Regency.
• 3D shaped/sculpted cakes 24"x 24"x 24" max
Register for the Wisconsin Cake Deocorating Championship at
GOfrfieciaaltSBpWoangsios-rcsoooffnfthsein Find
Lipari Foods is a full-line distributor of
Lipari’s continues to EXPAND Organic, Gluten-Free and Non-GMO product offerings!
Lipari is known for some of the best customer service in the industry including regular sales
representative visits and unmatched store planning and merchandising. Look for these products
at our booths during the WGA Grocery Industry Trade Show.
Lipari Bakery Lipari Foodservice Acosta Sales &
Cookie Walk Program Grab & Go Meal Solutions
Sabrina Mochi Ice Cream Alouette
Pizza Program Aryzta
St. Pierre Bakery Belgioioso
Premo Sandwich Program David Cookie’s
Lipari Confections Tuscan Tamale Fiorucci
Creative Snacks Lipari Meat & Seafood Maplehurst
Dave’s Sweet Tooth Rana Pasta
Premo Stacy’s
Devon's Wholey Seafood
Perugina Advantage Solutions
Lipari Dairy Lantana
Lipari Packaging Nestle
Dairy Fresh Sandridge
Jim’s Cheese Lipari Specialty Saputo
Grocery Sara Lee
Yoder’s Tribe
“NEW” Specialty Grocery Wenner Bakery
Lipari Deli “NEW” Functional Beverages
Custom Sales &
Dairy Fresh Frozen Retail Marketing
Jim’s Cheese
Lipari Deli Programs Inspired Organics Frozen Garden
Lipari Imported Cheese Program Perfect pasta
Private Label Spiral Ham Program Huge range of simple, wholesome Pop Daddy Popcorn
and always organic food Sugarpova
Rib Fest Truck Stop Coffee
Salad Bowl Program
Innovation Expo Schedule
Tuesday, October 16 Wednesday, October 17
Registration: Dignity in the Workplace 8:15 am
Tuesday: Noon to 7 pm • Wednesday: 8 am to 3:30 pm, 5 to 7 pm
Joe Kiedinger shares why dignity matters in leadership today and how
Exhibit Set-Up: to live it. Plus Q&A discussion after the session.
Tuesday: Noon to 10 pm • Wednesday: 8 am to Noon
What the Future?(WTF) 9:35 am
Display Hours: Wednesday: Noon to 4 pm
Kevin Coupe presents how people, technology & culture are
Dismantle Hours: Wednesday 4 pm–7 pm reshaping the competitive landscape.
Active Shooter 1:00 pm WGA Grocery Industry Summit 10:45 am
Annual WGA Membership Meeting
Jeff Englebrecht from Green Bay Police Department shares
training needed for an active threat or hot situation. Plus presentation by Peter Larkin, NGA
Active Shooter Grocer Panel 2:00 pm Wisconsin Grocery Industry Trade Show
Wisconsin grocers share real situations and what they learned. Noo n –4 pm
Over 100 vendor companies represented!
Grocer Roundtables 3:00 pm
Great Wisconsin Bag-Off Contest 4–5 pm
Grocer-led roundtables to share lessons learned on what does
and doesn’t work regarding: 1) Hiring & Retaining Employees
2) Digital Media 3) Buying Local
Innovation Happy Hour Chairman’s Reception 5 pm
Chairman’s Awards Banquet 6:30 pm
5:30–7:30 pm in the Lobby of the Hyatt Regency
Enjoy this casual networking session prior to an evening on your
own. Heavy hor d’ouevers provided by Lipari Foods.
PRESENTATIONS Grocer Roundtables What the Future? (WTF)
Active Shooter Presentation 3:00pm, Tuesday, October 16 2018 9:35am, Wednesday October 17, 2018
1:00pm, Tuesday, October 16, 2018 We’re turning the tables at this year’s Expo. Kevin Coupe, The Content Guy
These grocer-lead roundtables allow
Do you have a store policy in place when it grocers to share. Bring ideas on what does Act strategically rather than tactically as
comes to an active shooter situation? Do not and doesn’t work for these topics: well as think differently about their
leave your head in the sand on this topic. You do organizations, customers, challenges and
not want to be in a situation and not be • Hiring & Retaining Employees goals. Kevin Coupe is sure to provide
educated on this subject. A little information can valuable information for both vendors and retailers
go a long way in making better decisions when • Digital Media on how to better their business and keep up with
time is not available. future changes.
• Buying Local
Jeff Englebrecht from the Green Bay Kevin Coupe, also known as the “content guy,” has
Police Department will share training Dignity in the Workplace been a working writer all his professional life. He is
needed for an active threat or hot the author of “Retail Rules! 52 Ways to Achieve Retail
situation. Jeff has been actively 8:35am, Wednesday October 17, 2018 Success” and has had his own website/blog for more
involved in the law enforcement than 14 years known as the Morning News Beat.
profession since 1996. He is a full-time police Learn why dignity matters in
officer with the Green Bay Police Department leadership and how to live it. Trends and Disruptions in the
and is currently assigned as a Lieutenant in the You will be educated and Supermarket Industry and Beyond
patrol division. From 2005-2011 he was also a entertained by Joe Kiedinger’s
part-time consultant and trainer for Blauer humor and storytelling. Through 10:45am, Wednesday October 17, 2018
Tactical Systems where he trained police officers stories, Joe invites us to be introduced to a
and soldiers throughout the United States and in fresh way of understanding people, and Peter Larkin, NGA,
Europe. shows how to effectively gain cooperation President and CEO
and trust through dignity-based
communication. Understand what’s important These days, the traditional supermarket
to millennials and how they are shifting the is undergoing profound change, and
leadership landscape. yet despite challenges and headwinds,
the grocery store is maintaining its place at the
Active Shooter Grocer Panel Joe reveals the 56 positive dignity traits that heart of the food shopping experience for the vast
motivate and inspire all people. majority of American consumers. 64% of local
2:00pm Tuesday, October 16 2018 Understanding these top five traits changes grocery store shoppers are very or extremely
everything. Now you can place them in the satisfied with their supermarket, according a
This panel features three WGA members sharing right position immediately and know exactly consumer survey conducted by Nielsen on behalf
experiences and the benefits of having an what they need to feel valued and productive. of NGA, and 80% of these shoppers prefer their
education and policy in place for critical
Gain an introduction to dignity-based
The panel leadership and communication, plus, three independent store to online competitors. From the
includes: leadership management styles. Which are explosion of new formats to omnichannel retailing
Bob you? and shifting consumer preferences, Peter will take
Jaskolski, a provide insights on the disruptors in the
COO at T.A. Solberg, Jackie Johnson, Assistant LEARN MORE Contact Cheryl Lytle marketplace, as well as those in Washington, DC,
Director of Asset Protection at Festival Foods, and the impact each is having on the supermarket
and Vince Rampulla, VP Security and Loss [email protected] or industry.
Prevention at Kroger/Roundy’s. (608) 210–3303
2018 Expo Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 31
A S S OCIAT Associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc (AWG) is the nation’s largest cooperative food wholesaler
D to independently owned supermarkets, serving over 1,100 member companies and over
GROCERS 3,800 locations throughout 36 states from 9 full-line wholesale Divisions.
The consolidated run-rate sales for AWG are approximately $10 billion. In addition to its cooperative
R wholesale operations, the company also operates subsidiary companies which provide certain real
TAIL E R E estate and supermarket development services, retail accounting, print and digital marketing services,
OWN and wholesale supply of heath and beauty care, general merchandise, specialty/international foods
and pharmaceutical products.
For more information, visit www.awginc.com or follow @AWGCorporate on Twitter,
or contact Mr. Wayne Hall at 608-347-7318, [email protected].
Thousands of brands. One name.
At KeHE, we stock the brands that consumers crave and
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BOOTHS 20-24
While distributing great food brands is their specialty, Lipari
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Lipari Foods is also committed to providing exceptional customer
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We offer more than 60,000 items, including basic
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Our commitment to our supermarket customers is strong. We strive for We make Miller Time!
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BOOTHS 405 TO 415
Since its founding more than 150 years ago, Anheuser-Busch has been a leader in BOOTH 107
the beer industry. With nearly 50 percent of the U.S. domestic market share,
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Anheuser-Busch has the resources in place to enhance beer
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changing needs of today’s consumer.
BOOTH 406 & 408
Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
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BOOTH 416 www.crazyfreshproduce.com | www.russdaviswholesale.com
BOOTHS 14, 15, 16
2018 Expo Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 33
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2018 Expo Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 35
The Wisconsin Grocers Association honors the recipient of the
2018 Grocer of the Year Award
David and his wife, Kathy. Many were present at the announcement, including David's family. Making the announcement to the community.
Dave Spiegelhoff, Gooseberries Fresh Food Market
Gooseberries Fresh Food Market, Burlington What sets David apart is his ability to see the customer trends ahead
of time in order to keep up with the demands. According to his
Nominated by Geoff Welch, Shelby Publishing nomination, “David embraces the fact that trends and customer
behavior will change but his motto is ‘if you plan your work and
David, who has sat on the WGA’s Board of Directors since 2006, has work your plan, you will not fail’”. He cares for his customers and
takes the time to educate them about the different foods, including
dedicated 53 years to pursue his passion. He began his career in the organic and holistic, and their preparation, many times by offering
cooking classes and other educational programs to help enhance the
grocery industry in second grade helping his family sort soda bottles at customer’s dietary choices.
the family store. He eventually managed the store for his father, Paul David not only goes above and beyond for his customers, he also
gives back to his community as much as possible. With David’s help,
and over the years, grew the David not only goes Gooseberries has been able to raise $15,000 for breast cancer
company from one store to seven. awareness by selling cupcakes every Mother’s Day weekend. He is
also an active member in his church, the Chamber of Commerce and
Several years ago, Roundy’s above and beyond for a strong supporter of school sports and theater programs. As
bought all but one store and his customers, he also mentioned in his nomination, “he is the person that the fire
David had a vision of where his department calls when there is an emergency, where the volunteers
are out for many hours and need to be fed”. During the Burlington
company was headed; back to his gives back to his floods in 2017, David opened up his store for the Red Cross to
roots of a single store fresh market distribute their emergency kits.
focusing on customer service that community as much
Many have recognized David for his outstanding contributions to
is an industry leader in market as possible. the grocery industry, including as a past recipient of the WGA’s
trends and ideas. Gooseberries Excellence in Operations Award, the Community Service Award and
the Grocers Care Political Action Award, given for his continued
Fresh Food Market opened and David has taken the mundane task of support and involvement in both state and federal grocery issues.
The Burlington community has recognized David with their
grocery shopping and turned it into a culinary experience. As a result, Community Service Award and Gooseberries has also been named
Best Wedding Caterer in Wisconsin.
Gooseberries has created a culture that the community can’t get
enough of.
36 WISCONSIN GROCER www.wisconsingrocers.com
Helping Wisconsin
grocers prevent
698,939 items from
expiring and counting.
Call us today for
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2018 Expo Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 37
The Wisconsin Grocers Association honors the recipients of the
2018 Excellence in Operations Award
Greg, Kari and Nick
Hansen and
Hansen’s IGA team
Greg, Above: Brandon Scholz and friends
Kari and Nick of Paul and Karen Godin, including
Hansen State Senator Alberta Darling (far
right), applaud during the surprise
Hansen’s IGA announcement.
Nominated by Pete Olson, Recognition is provided to Paul Godin with his customers
Associated Wholesale Grocers outstanding employees at the through reward
Hansen’s annual awards dinner Godin’s Piggly Wiggly, programs and sending
The family business of for team members and their Mequon holiday cards to the
Hansen’s IGA began in families. Bonus programs top 500 customers
Bangor, WI in 1968 with Leo reward store managers for Nominated by Ryan Mueller, which includes store
and Rosemary Hansen and meeting labor and profitability Godin’s Piggly Wiggly recognition. As for the
since then has grown into 11 goals and incentives are given employees, Paul is able to
stores across Wisconsin, to cashiers for exceptional Paul Godin started with Piggly strengthen and train associates
employing 400 full and part customer service. Wiggly in 1976 in Burlington, in order to be promoted from
time team members. After WI, holding several positions within. He follows an open-
finishing college in 1993, Leo The Hansen family business is before becoming store manager door policy, which he strongly
and Rosemary’s son Greg a responsible and giving at the Belvidere, IL store in stands by, that is available to
entered into the family grocery corporate citizen, with their 1982. In 1985, Paul was named both customers and employees.
business as a store manager at focus being on eliminating store manager of the Watertown Paul is always helping with
the Elroy store, then served as hunger, educating children Piggly Wiggly and in 1994, he hands on tasks such as bringing
the company’s Operations and serving specific became co-owner of the Piggly in carts, cleaning the store,
Manager and today serves as community needs. Their Wiggly in Mequon with his learning how to bake, bagging
company president. Greg’s annual golf outing has raised wife, Karen. Paul has been an groceries, stocking shelves and
wife Kari began working for over $30,000 to date in active member of the WGA for the list goes on. As Ryan
the company in 1997 and now contributions to area food 25 years and has committed Mueller mentions in Paul’s
serves as secretary and special pantries. Community many of these years supporting nomination, “In my past 18
projects coordinator. In 2008, involvement also includes government affairs as well as years in the grocery business,
Leo and Rosemary’s son Nick providing fund raising meeting with government Paul is the first ‘owner’ I have
joined the business as opportunities for local groups officials in support of the WGA seen do all the above and
Controller of the company through brat fry and bake and issues affecting the grocery always with a smile on his
and now serves as CFO and sales. Countless volunteer industry. In 2002, Godin’s face”.
vice president. In 2014, Leo hours have been donated to Piggly Wiggly was chosen as
and Rosemary transitioned out education and youth programs Business of the Year by the Paul is also very supportive in
of the day to day operation of in the schools, 4-H programs Mequon and Thiensville his community through his
the stores and today are and the Lions Club. Chamber of Commerce. involvement with local clubs
enjoying their retirement with Academic achievements of and organizations. He is an
friends, family and students are recognized by the Both customers and employees annual contributor to the
grandchildren. annual scholarship program benefit from the many Wisconsin Breast Cancer
offered Hansen’s IGA in each opportunities Paul provides in Coalition, as well as the annual
Hansen’s IGA continuously community it serves. his Piggly Wiggly store. He is sponsor for the non-profit
makes every effort to provide able to support and connect Gathering on the Green. Paul
for their employees is an active contributor to
throughout all their locations. numerous churches and schools
in the Mequon area, including
all of the Homestead Athletic
programs and Drama Club.
38 WISCONSIN GROCER www.wisconsingrocers.com
Brandon Excellence In Operations
Scholz honorees are recognized for
recognizes Tim their work ethic, commitment
Plevak, who to the grocery industry, and for
also receives a efforts that have positively
congratulatory influenced their company,
applause from associates, and customers.
Trig Solberg,
Chairman, T.A.
Tim Plevak online shopping program, which has had the Not only is Tim focused on the success of the
highest adoption in the history of E-grocery store, he is also very involved in various
Trig’s, Wausau and is still continuing to gain popularity. community service events. Tim was
instrumental in organizing Trig's first annual
Nominated by Nate Vollmer, Tim's leadership is shown through his charity golf outing, which raised over
HR Coordinator for T.A. Solberg. tremendous efforts when it comes to training $47,000. He also readies the store every year
his staff. His main focus is to make sure staff to host the annual St. Jude's Annual Telethon.
Tim Plevak has had many key roles in helping is well trained for any situation and as a result Tim was recently recognized with the 2018
to establish Trig's in Wausau. From when the many leadership positions are filled through Excellence in Operations TAS Award and his
store opened in 2004, where Tim was the internal promotions. According to Tim's store has been voted "Best Grocery Store" in
grocery department manager, he has since nomination, "Associates continuously rate the Wausau Daily Herald’s Choice Awards for
been promoted to Human Resources/Assistant Tim's leadership and coaching as the best in multiple years.
Store Director and is currently the Store the business."
Director. He was instrumental in initiating
Trig's To Go, the store's click and collect
2018 Expo Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 39
BPI Color
40 WISCONSIN GROCER www.wisconsingrocers.com
2018 Expo Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 41
The Wisconsin Grocers Association honors the recipients of the
2018 Community Service Award
L-R: Larry Richter (Scott & Susan's father and co-owner), Scott, Sue, Norm Richter (Larry's brother and co- Bethany, Wyat, Mary Beth, Doug, Nathan and
owner) and Brandon Scholz. Delilah Kulinski. (Photo credit: Holly Neumann)
Scott Richter and Doug Kulinski
Sue (Richter) Huber
Iola Sentry
Richter’s Marketplace
Nominated by Mike
Nominated by Alex Scandroli, Associated Jankovich, Supervalu
Wholesale Grocers
Doug Kulinski has worked
Being third generation family members, Scott in the grocery industry for
Richter, Burlington Manager, and Sue Richter most of his life and has
Huber, Assistant Store Manager, have continued to follow the been the owner of the Iola
stores 71 yearlong commitment of listening to their consumers and store for eleven years. During that time, he has built
only bringing them the best. Richter’s Marketplace has been a the Iola Sentry into a successful small business supporting
close-knit family affair since 1947 when brothers George, Scott the community of Iola with a great place to work, while
and Susan’s grandfather, and John Richter started their first grocery caring for the small-town dynamics that are part of the
store in Twin Lakes. In 1954, when George Richter bought out his central Wisconsin area.
brother John's share, he expanded the store on his Main Street
property. George Richter’s sons Norm and Larry currently own the Doug knows the importance of strong leadership and good
Twin Lakes store as well as a Burlington location, which started in business acumen, which he demonstrates both in his store
2001. Scott and Sue have been involved in the family business for and the community. According to his nomination, “When
over 25 years. Scott has been in Burlington since 2001 and Susan you think of Doug, the thoughts of honest, dependable,
since 2005 and have always been committed to serving and always looking out for his customers and associates show in
supporting the Burlington and Twin Lakes communities. the culture of his business.”
According to their nomination, “Scott and Sue have an
unwavering commitment to connecting their grocery business to Understanding the importance of the reinvestment in the
the community they serve”. community, Doug has been able to offer both his time and
financial support to the Iola community. From food drives
During the 2017 Burlington floods, Richter’s Marketplace was the for local food banks, the Iola Lions Club bagging groceries
only retailer to stay open to the community and supplied for diabetes awareness, to hosting Halloween parties for kids
truckloads of water to the members of their community. In 1992, and giving store tours to elementary students to learn about
the store also started the “Funds for Friends” community event. the grocery industry. Doug has served as the Vice President
This allows local nonprofit organizations to submit their receipts of the Iola Living Assistance Board, is a member of the Iola
and receive a 1% return on their total purchases. Since 2011, Lions Club, which includes being elected “Lion of the Year,”
Richter’s Marketplace – Burlington has donated $94,000 to local has given countless hours with the set-up of the Iola Old
churches, schools, clubs and animal shelters. Scott and Sue also Car Show and was a local soccer coach. On top of all the
help out the community by employing people who live in time commitments to the community, Doug has also
Burlington. The store also hosts an annual pledge drive to Love donated over $60,000 to the Brat Fry Fundraisers which
Inc. which helps support local food banks as well as participates in take place in front of the store and donates pizzas for the
the Chocolate Fest Week with annual donations. local prom parties.
42 WISCONSIN GROCER www.wisconsingrocers.com
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BOOTH 705 262-510-4513
2018 Expo Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 43
The Wisconsin Grocers Association honors the recipients of the
2018 Vendor of the Award
Dave Spiegelhoff, Steve Mehmert and Brandon Scholz Mehmert merchandising,
Store operational efficiencies,
Services equipment, décor and
much more. The
Nominated by David, company is 100 percent
Kathy & Mike Spiegelhoff, Gooseberries Fresh Food customer focused and does everything with the
Market retailer’s success in mind. Their willingness to go
above and beyond regardless of the size of the
Established by Steve and Shelley Mehmert in 1990, retailer they are working with is just one of the
Mehmert Store Services provides superior services many reasons they excel in the grocery industry.
for grocery store remodels, additions, and new store According to Mehmert’s nomination, “They love to
designs. For nearly 30 years, they have brought a get to know your operation and they truly care and
fresh perspective to supermarket projects including, truly want the retailer to succeed.”
site planning, building design, fixture planning,
interior decor, equipment management, and project The grocery industry as a whole has also benefited
management, with projects spanning from the from Mehmert Store Services, as they have been an
installation of a single bakery case to the ground-up active member and supporter of the WGA, as well
construction of a new store. as other state and local associations that support
independent grocery retailers. They are long-time
Mehmert Store Services uses their experience supporters of the WGA’s annual golf outing and
working with independent retailers across the Innovation Expo. Not only do they regularly
country and internationally to continue to support sponsor and attend the WGA’s Innovation Expo,
their unprecedented knowledge of the grocery they also have been invited to lend their knowledge
industry. Every day they work to stay up to date and expertise by participating in industry topic
with current trends including sales, profits, panels as guest speakers.
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44 WISCONSIN GROCER www.wisconsingrocers.com
2018 Expo Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 45
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219.663.5678 • BOOTH 417
CRYSTAL FARMS is a refrigerated
Bernatello’s Pizza dairy company providing quality dairy
products, including Crystal Farms Brand
BOOTH 28 Cheeses, Butter, English muffins and
David’s Deli Bagels to supermarkets
Made with over 1/2 pound
Wisconsin cheese. around the country. BOOTH 511
www.brewpubpizza.com Designer Greetings is the established brand chosen by independent grocery stores to
@brewpubpizza differentiate themselves from mass market stores and drive sales.
As featured on the Food Network We offer an extensive selection of everyday counter cards filling up to 160 feet,
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46 WISCONSIN GROCER www.wisconsingrocers.com
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Ratepayer funded program that BOOTH 422
assists Wisconsin businesses in implementing energy savings projects
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BOOTH 510 Klondike Cheese Company in Monroe, North Country Business Products
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Luxury Linen USA offers high-quality SPROUTED WHOLE GRAINS & SEEDS
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2018 Expo Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 47
48 WISCONSIN GROCER www.wisconsingrocers.com
Wisconsin Souvenir Collector
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Jones Dairy Farm
2018 Expo Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 49
50 WISCONSIN GROCER www.wisconsingrocers.com