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Published by Industrial Automation Magazine, 2022-12-15 05:20:46

Industrial Automation Magazine Dec - 2022

December Edition 2022

Keywords: Industrial automation magazine, Artificial intelligence, Robotics, Smart cities, Green energy, Industry 4.0, IIOT, products, interviews, news, articles, automation magazine, factory, process, careers, magazine

Subscriber copy not for sale VOL. 21 | ISSUE. 04 | DECEMBER 2022 | WWW.INDUSTRIALAUTOMATIONINDIA.IN

Future Trends

in Process Industry

• The Refinery of the Future
• Race Towards Digital Manufacturing
• Digitalisation & IIoT Concepts for Process Industry

| PI11-03E |

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Welcome to JUMO.

INDUSTRIAL As the year draws to an end, one of the biggest gains of 2022 is the
AUTOMATION rebounding of the trade fairs industry. While the Covid pandemic that broke
out in early 2020 impacted the entire world and all spheres of business, it was
India's No.1 Industrial Automation Portal the events industry that took the biggest hit. An industry estimate shows a
contraction of 68% in the global exhibition industry in 2020, leading to a grand total
of $330 billion in lost trade amongst attending exhibitors. After the initial shock,
organisers used technology to first organise digital events, and as the pandemic
started showing signs of waning, hybrid events were also held with mixed success.
The same survey also indicated that 95% of the industry professionals said they
prefer in-person events over virtual or hybrid shows. The later half of 2022 witnessed
some landmark shows returning, beginning with the Hannover Messe which was
held in late May/early June 2022. Shows like Bi-Mu, Milan, K 2022 in Dusseldorf and
bauma 2022 in Munich attracted record crowds in October. November witnessed
more shows in Germany including SPS, electronica and Formnext, all reporting
enthusiastic support from visitors, domestic and international. It may be pertinent to
note that Automation Expo 2022, held in mid-August this year, was also a huge
success. All this augurs well for the industry.

Process industries, traditionally high on the automation adoption curve, were a little
slow in embracing digital transformation due to a host of factors. Today, these are
under pressure from fluctuating commodity prices, decreased capital expenditures
and increased competition, to cite a few reasons. As the world is passing through a
serious energy crisis and facing pressure on the sustainability front, digital
transformation could offer many solutions. The cover story of this edition of Industrial
Automation has some interesting perspectives on the subject, along with some
articles complementing the theme.

Dr. M Arokiaswamy
Editor & Publisher

Infinite Opportunities…


• Process Automation & Control • Robotics • Factory Automation

• Field Instrumentation • IIoT • Control Rooms

• Electric Automation • Industrie 4.0 • Turnkey Solutions

• Hydraulics and Pneumatics • Cyber security • E-mobility

• Building Automation • Warehouse Automatio • Valves & Pumps


INDUSTRIAL Editorial 08
AUTOMATION Contents 10
News 12
India's No.1 Industrial Automation Portal Future Trends in Process Industry 18
The Refinery of the Future 24
Edited & Published by Building a More Resilient Supply Chain 26
Dr. M Arokiaswamy PC-based Control: Automation and Process Technology in One System 28
[email protected] Building Safe and Intelligent Refinery 33
‘We are working on creating a digital backbone that has digital enablers’ 36
Associate Editor Dynamic Inclination Sensor with Unique Angular Stability 38
Milton D’Silva How a Dual-Chamber Design Solves Common Solenoid Valve Limitations 40
[email protected] Combating Cyber Threats in Oil & Gas Sector 44
Digitalisation & IIoT Concepts for Process Industry 46
International Editor Oil & Gas: How Unified Operations can Improve Productivity and Profitability 48
Bridget Joseph BAC Day 2022 – Building a Better Tomorrow 51
[email protected] Race Towards Digital Manufacturing 54
33.BI-MU: Crowded Aisles and Full Exhibition Stands 56
Strategic Developments Musings on Automation: Does Technology Lead Applications? 58
Benadicta Chettiar Optimisation and Control of Nationwide EV Charging Stations 61
[email protected] Whitepaper: Moving from Manual to Engineered Palletization 64
Creatives & Design Lightweighting Potential for Aerospace Engineers with Simulation 70
Creatives Department Designing Automation Architecture Under Purview of Ethical AI Model 72
[email protected] 5 Common Myths about Automated Warehouses – Debunked 74
Are Data Centers a Valuable Asset to Business Agility? 76
Registered Office: Industrial Dream Jobs: A Human-Centric Future for Industrial Jobs 78
IED Communications Ltd The Users Future Proofing the DCS 82
64, Empire Building, D N Road, Fort, Mumbai 400001 Products
Tel: 91 - 22-22079567 / 22073370 Fax: +91-2222074516

Printed, published and owned by Dr. M Arokiaswamy.

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63, Shiv Shakti Industrial Estate, Andheri Kurla Road,
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All content/information published in the magazine is
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Industrial Automation will not be responsible for claimed
attributes in product information, Highly recommend
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articles and interviews are entirely that of the automation
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Mr. Sandip Shetye
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Cover Photo by Nicola Giordano from Pixabay

‘Future Trends in Process Industry’ 18

How is the availability and maturity of new

technologies shaping the Refinery of Future?

Cover Story TM


16th India International Trade
Show BEC, Goregaon(East),


23rd to 26th August

‘PC-based Control: Automation and 28
Process Technology in One System’

Franziska Dreisewerd and Lennart Winkler elaborate on the specific
solutions Beckhoffoffers for the process industry.

‘We are working on creating a digital backbone that has 36
digital enablers’

Chanpreet Sahni, Vice President Sales – India, Hexagon.

‘Combating Cyber Threats in Oil & Gas 44

Successful cyber-attacks threaten the competitiveness of
the Oil & Gas sector, and the cost of the breaches will also be
higher, cautions Titli Chatterjee.

‘33.BI-MU: Crowded Aisles and Full Exhibition Stands’ 56

33.BI-MU showcased the best international products; the next edition of the biennial will
be from 9 to 12 October 2024.

‘Whitepaper: Moving from Manual 64
to Engineered Palletization’

The white paper authored by Premier Tech Systems
& Automation covers key elements of bag

‘5 Common Myths about Automated Warehouses –
Körber reviews the common myths of automating warehouses and sorts fact from



Kennametal India inaugurates new facility Tata Power-DDL joins hands with TERI
Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited
Kennametal India Limited (KIL), a subsidiary of (Tata Power-DDL), the pioneering power
Kennametal Inc., and an industrial technology leader, utility supplying electricity to a populace
has announced the launch of its new Metal Cutting of over 7 million in North Delhi, has
inserts manufacturing facility on its Bengaluru, India signed a Memorandum of Understanding
campus. The facility was inaugurated by Sanjay (MoU) with The Energy and Resource
Chowbey, Vice President Kennametal Inc. and Institute (TERI) to promote Urja Arpan
President Metal Cutting Segment, and Vijaykrishnan initiative. The collaboration promotes the
Venkatesan, Managing Director, KIL. This state-of-the core strengths of both entities for
art facility, which was part of Kennametal Inc.'s global effective utilisation of green energy
modernisation program, will support growing demand
for Kennametal and WIDIA brand inserts from efficiency. The MoU was signed by Mr Ganesh Srinivasan, CEO of Tata Power-
customers across India and beyond. DDL, and Dr Vibha Dhawan, Director General of TERI at the TERI office in New
Delhi, in the presence of other senior officials of the company.
"Modernisation at its core is about bringing value to
our customers, and that's exactly what we are doing Speaking about this collaboration, Ganesh Srinivasan, CEO, Tata Power-DDL, said,
with our new inserts facility in Bengaluru," said "Tata Power – DDL and TERI are connected with their core value of resource
Chowbey. "Through expanded capacity, advanced efficiency and energy management. Hence, we look at this collaboration to amplify
equipment, and a highly skilled and talented the importance of green energy and sustainable living standards across
workforce, we will bring improved quality, product communities. Leveraging the theme of sustainability under the banner of 'Urja
performance, innovation and delivery to our Arpan', we will educate the consumers about the significance of clean energy
customers, so they can build better every day." solutions. With the support of TERI, we will look at leveraging technology and
bringing about awareness about energy efficiency, state of art energy efficient
Customers around the world rely on Kennametal and solutions and behavioural change among customers". By joining the Urja Arpan
WIDIA brand inserts for performance and value to Program, customers can reduce their power bill, choose from multiple options to
help them build everything from automobiles and reduce their energy consumption and contribute towards ensuring power reliability.
aircraft to medical devices and power generation
technology. The new facility consolidates inserts AVL and Rohde & Schwarz collaborate to automate EMC tests
manufacturing operations previously housed in Electric vehicles contain many electronic
multiple production units within the Bengaluru plant components that emit radio-frequency interference
and incorporates intelligent manufacturing systems which may have a negative impact on the vehicle
for improved quality, consistency and lead times – performance and driving experience. To ease and
while also expanding Kennametal's capabilities and speed up the development process, AVL and Rohde
capacity to support growing demand from the Asia & Schwarz, two of the world’s leading providers of
Pacific market. The company has also invested in automotive test systems, present an innovative
training the workforce with specific skillsets. solution for automated electromagnetic compatibility

(EMC) data analysis of an electric drivetrain under real driving conditions.

The electrification of vehicles leads to new EMC challenges because of higher
switching frequencies of semiconductors and higher emissions due to high voltages
and currents. EMS (Electromagnetic Susceptibility) and EMI (Electromagnetic
Interference) testing of components and vehicles addresses these challenges. To
meet time to market requirements, test automation is key. Additionally, the tests
must be as realistic as possible, so there is a trend from static EMC testing of
vehicles to dynamic testing where the drivetrain is active, varying in speed as well
as torque during the execution of the EMC test. The real-time synchronisation of
measurement data between the EMC testbed, measurement system and
automation software is key to efficient and repeatable EMC-compliant component
and vehicle development. Therefore, AVL and Rohde & Schwarz have developed a
solution that supports automated testing with simulation of real driving conditions
while covering typical automotive standards.



Eplan Smart Mounting software for control Alfa Laval Application & Innovation Centre boosts productivity
cabinets Want to optimise your manufacturing processes
with the best components? Or accommodate a new
Control cabinet and switchgear manufacturing is formulation or new application while boosting
under increasing time pressures and the lack of production?
skilled employees may also be causing bottlenecks
in many cases. This is where Eplan Smart Mounting Let the Alfa Laval Fluid Handling Application &
comes in: the new software – presented for the first Innovation Centre conduct trials under near-actual
time at the 2022 SPS – leads the way through the operating conditions to determine how to achieve
entire control cabinet assembly process. the best outcomes. Get superior performance: Faced with a tight construction time
frame, a leading soft drink manufacturer asked Alfa Laval to select equipment for a
It supports technicians in assembling and mounting new mixing processing line. After analysing the shear-sensitive syrup formulation
all the components in a control cabinet and on and testing mixing equipment under actual operating conditions, our experts found
mounting panels. Presented in a user-friendly way the Alfa Laval Rotary Jet Mixer delivered superior performance compared with
and supported by a 3D visualisation, the technician conventional agitators. Cut mixing time by more than 80%: Installing the right
immediately recognises where components must be equipment ensures more uptime, higher productivity and yields, and sustainable
placed. cost savings. The Application & Innovation Centre determined the Rotary Jet Mixer
reduced mixing time from 20 minutes using their conventional agitators to just two
Eplan Smart Mounting provides production minutes while ensuring the formulation’s structural integrity.
employees a complete list of all the work steps to be
carried out. It starts with the mounting of DIN rails “Using the right equipment and components boosts productivity, reduces costs and
and cable ducts – as examples – and ends with enhances your sustainability profile," says Murat Boztepe, Global Beverage
electrotechnical components including auxiliary Industry Manager, Alfa Laval. Highlights: get proof of performance with validated
switches and timing relays. test results; raise process efficiency and yield by choosing the right components
from the start; reduce costs for capital investment, utilities and cleaning media; and
The browser-based application with a central web enhance product safety
server doesn’t require any installation and can be
used directly in the workshop, for instance on a HARTING and TTI Europe expand their sales partnership
tablet computer. The HARTING Technology Group, one of the
world's leading suppliers of industrial connectivity
The digital twin in Eplan Pro Panel provides the for the three lifelines of ‘Power’, ‘Signal’ and ‘Data’,
relevant engineering information – including and TTI, Inc., Europe, a leading specialty
dimensions, positioning, drill holes and the type of distributor of electronic components and preferred
fastening needed for each component. distributor for manufacturers in the industrial,
defence, aerospace, transportation, medical and
Technicians can enter comments about components communications sectors, are expanding their
directly into Eplan Smart Mounting and send them
back to the engineering department. This means that authorised sales partnership to the European region.
the electrotechnical documentation is always up to
date – improving communication across The companies are thus following up on their successful partnership in the USA.
departments. Another practical advantage is that There, the TTI subsidiary Mouser is active as a sales partner for HARTING
changes to the project can now be quickly Americas. The European agreement further consolidates the existing partnership.
implemented. “Based on TTI's proven and successful go to market model with a clear technical
focus and strong stock commitment HARTING is absolutely sure to set the course
for joint growth,” says Edgar-Peter Düning, Managing Director at HARTING Electric,
Electronics and HCS. “Introducing the HARTING products into our portfolio and
making them available to our sales and engineering teams, backed by our in-depth
stocking models, means customers will be able to benefit from more choice and
flexibility to advance their designs,” adds Geoff Breed, Vice President TTI Europe.
The HARTING Technology Group is one of the world's leading providers of
industrial connection technology for the three lifelines of Data, Signal and Power
and has 14 production plants and 44 sales companies.



scan to watch



FPT Industrial features in the ‘Tractor of the Rockwell Automation and Comau power automation efficiency
Year 2023’ Since launching their collaboration in
2021, Comau and Rockwell Automation
The New Holland T4.120F powered by F36 engine Inc., have been jointly working to
and the McCormick X6.414 P6-Drive powered by leverage the power of robotic solutions to
NEF45 engine have been awarded as “Tractor of the help businesses increase the speed of
Year®” respectively in the Best of Specialised and innovation and maximise their
Best Utility categories. Launched in 1998 by Italian manufacturing efficiencies. Recently
magazine ‘Trattori’, the prestigious annual TOTY Comau joined Rockwell Automation at
awards recognise the latest innovations throughout
the international tractor sector. This year the jury the 31st annual Automation Fair®, in Chicago to showcase the benefits of the full
comprised 26 journalists in representation of the most integration of Comau’s articulated robots with the unified robot control platform by
influential agricultural magazines, websites, TV Rockwell Automation.
programs and social networks across Europe.
Integrating Rockwell Automation components and Comau’s robots, using one PLC
FPT Industrial engines are the preferred choice of for controlling both, eliminates the need for additional robot programming skills,
winning tractors. Out of all the candidates in the three required by other robot manufacturers. By better synchronising robots, processes,
“Tractor of The Year” 2023 categories, almost one workflows and peripherals, companies can operate robot systems that reduce time
half was powered by FPT Industrial engines, to market and improve their manufacturing uptime, accelerate deployment times
reconfirming the trust that the world-leading tractor and shorten recovery speeds (MTTR) if needed. The use of one programming
brands put on its technology, reliability, efficiency, and language, the seamless integration of components and the use of one environment
sustainability for the most demanding applications. for a continuously enhanced robot applications library provide customers with a
modular and scalable future proof solution, reducing total cost of operations and
The compact and integrate layout of the new F36 improving work efficiency. Companies of all sizes can control one or more robots
Stage V FPT Industrial engine was one of the key via their existing PLC environment, eliminating the need for a dedicated controller
features acknowledged by the TOTY jury for the Best for every robot. This in turn helps drive greater sustainability as fewer components
of Specialized prize awarded to New Holland are needed, resulting in the better use of expensive manufacturing floor space.
T4.120F: “All the components required for Stage V
approval are under the bonnet and do not affect the Deep learning for B&R cameras with MVTec and Hailo
size of the tractor or visibility. The design concept B&R is enhancing its smart camera portfolio with
comes directly from higher ranges of New Holland. powerful deep learning functionality. A three-way
Among the most interesting features we can find is a collaboration with machine vision software
standard flat deck cabin”. Thanks to the latest specialist MVTec and AI processor specialist
generation Common Rail injection, single-stage Hailo makes the B&R camera a powerful and
turbocharging solution and redesigned hardware, the efficient edge device. At the SPS trade show in
N45 Stage V engine ensures optimal combustion Nuremberg, the companies celebrated the first
efficiency. function to come from their joint project. Machine

vision algorithms based on deep learning are opening up exciting new ways to
improve quality, boost productivity and prevent waste while making manufacturing
more flexible. "Our collaboration with MVTec gives machine builders access to the
best selection of the best performing vision functions around," says B&R's machine
vision expert, Andreas Waldl. "They're an industry leader in both deep learning and
classic rule-based algorithms – two complementary approaches that each play an
essential role in machine automation." The first product to emerge from the project
is a deep-learning-based optical character recognition (OCR) function. Called Deep
OCR, it achieves remarkably fast read rates, even on fonts that are otherwise
difficult to recognise. "For many years, we have been working together with B&R to
develop machine vision solutions for customers that set technological standards,
especially for embedded systems," says Thomas Hopfner, product manager for
licensing and interfaces at MVTec. "This goal is also being followed by our latest
cooperation. As a result, customers benefit from the advantages of the deep
learning technology Deep OCR without having to sacrifice performance."



Workstations from Pepperl+Fuchs: Modular Universal Robots reaches a new milestone of 1,000 employees
design for maximum flexibility Universal Robots, the biggest company in
a fast-growing Danish robotics hub, has
The VisuNet GXP and VisuNet FLX HMI device become the cluster's first organisation to
families enable maximum flexibility for use in the reach 1,000 employees – one of only a
process industry. few Danish companies founded in this
millennium to hit this milestone.
The modular design allows HMI systems to be
configured to meet precise individual needs, Since its first collaborative robot (cobot)
providing extremely quick, simple service options in was launched in 2008, Universal Robots
the field. has grown to be a global market leader in
cobots with offices in more than 20
This means that a comprehensive range of countries worldwide. The company's
technologies, installation options, and peripherals is success is reflected in the growth of an
available for customers. Each HMI system consists of entire robotics cluster, meaning Denmark
at least one computer unit and one display unit, each is now home to more than 400 robotics companies and making the Danish city of
of which can be individually configured. Odense one of the leading robotics hubs in the world.

The operator workstations from Pepperl+Fuchs are Speaking on the announcement, Kim Povlsen, President & CEO, Universal Robots,
designed and certified for use in ATEX/IECEx Zone said: "This is an historic milestone for us, and we are proud of how we have evolved
1/21, Zone 2/22, and Div 1 applications. In addition, from being a local startup in the basement under the university to becoming a
all products can be used in non-hazardous areas. global cobot pioneer and market leader. Above all, it shows that we have a fantastic
product and that many companies around the world can see the benefits of using
The VisuNet RM Shell 5 firmware developed by our robots to develop their business." Universal Robots has developed a range of
Pepperl+Fuchs for VisuNet thin clients is based on cobot products, most recently adding the new UR20 to its portfolio, and has sold
Windows 10 IOT 2019 LTSC and offers a simple way more than 50,000 cobots worldwide.
to make individual adjustments.
HP launches Jet Fusion 5400 Series and Metal Jet S100 Solution at
The highest safety standards and flexible Formnext
configuration options allow connection to numerous
virtualised and conventional process control systems. At the recently concluded Formnext, the
The product range is rounded off by rugged box thin world’s largest additive manufacturing
clients for use in control rooms and switch cabinets. event, HP showcased its new commercial
Jet Fusion and Metal Jet 3D printing
In addition, mobile tablet thin clients from solutions, new post processing capabilities,
Pepperl+Fuchs ensure a complete portfolio for expanded Digital Manufacturing Network
virtualised and conventional process control systems. (DMN), new materials and recycling
With the VisuNet Control Center software, the thin program, and a variety of industrial
clients can be managed seamlessly and centrally — production applications. The show marked
from Zone 1 to the control room. the first time HP publicly exhibited its new HP Jet Fusion 5420W Solution including
white applications, and the full modular HP Metal Jet S100 Solution including a new
The Pepperl+Fuchs Group is one of the leading John Deere production application. “Additive manufacturing delivers on today’s
companies for industrial sensor technology and most urgent market demands including sustainable innovation, hyper-
explosion protection. personalisation, and business resiliency,”said Didier Deltort, President of
Personalization & 3D Printing, HP Inc.“Together, with our global network of partners
and customers, we are scaling additive manufacturing to meet these needs.” HP’s
Metal Jet S100 Solution is enabling industrial customers such as Domin Digital
Motion, Lumenium, and Schneider Electric, to achieve better productivity, low part
cost, and outstanding quality. John Deere, the global manufacturing leader of
agricultural and construction equipment, is using Metal Jet technology for the
production of a valve in the tractor fuel system. Together with GKN, John Deere is
now manufacturing Metal Jet-printed valves in its agricultural machinery.


Future Trends

in Process Industry



Future Trends in Process Industry

How is the availability and
maturity of new technologies
shaping the Refinery of Future?

Process industry was an early adopter of Limited, German Engineering Federation (VDMA). processes ahead in the digital transformation
automation in its operations but has been slow in According to him, along with artificial intelligence efforts than the refining industry, for example.
the journey to digital transformation. Discrete (AI), advanced analytics, and the cloud, process This is strictly related with the process risks that
manufacturing stole a march ahead by rapidly automation is a core component of digital are inherent of the crude oil refining sector and
adopting industrial automation and digital transformation. Smart manufacturing solutions the whole oil & gas industry, this characteristic
transformation in one step. But recent cover the areas of Operations Management, lead the management to be more conservative
developments both in technology, and also in the Production Optimisation, Supply Chain in the experimentation and implementation of
manufacturing eco-system, have nudged process Management, Plant Asset Management, SDGs, and digital transformation projects, but it's
industries to get serious about incorporating data Energy Management & Optimisation. Further, it is important to highlight great advances in this
technologies. So which process industry domains not just the process industry as in Oil & Gas that is area like the use of drones to carry out some
are ready for digital transformation? Ready in a benefiting from digital transformation, but also operational routines and the IoT devices to
sense of having a technology base and several other segments like farming and monitoring critical process equipment like
competence, and also ready in a sense of agriculture, healthcare and telemedicine, banking pumps and compressors,” he elaborates.
management acceptance? and finance, training and education, and even the
legal and judicial services are increasingly looking “In the process industry manufacturing domain,
“Companies across industries are looking to at digital solutions to address bottlenecks. many large companies from sectors like oil
enhance their data-driven decision-making skills, refining, exploration & production (E&P), metals
Dr Marcio Wagner da Silva, Process Engineer & and bulk chemicals are already at some level of
“ Project Manager, Crude Oil Refining Industry is of digital maturity as they had the benefit of being
the view that it is industry as a whole that is early adopters of technology like MES and
‘‘Intralogistics automation can help advancing in the digital world, since it is obviously Advanced Process Control,” says Sushant
enterprises move to smart not a question of choice any longer, but is strictly Rabra, Partner Digital Strategy, KPMG in India.
production’’ related to the survival of the companies in an “Such companies are ready for the next leap of
increasingly competitive environment. “Despite digital maturity in areas like compliance, worker
Rajesh Nath, Managing Director, VDMA this, it's possible to see some industries like food, safety, supply chain management, asset
India Services Private Limited, German paper and cellulose, and other manufacturing performance management and ESG. Also, the

Engineering Federation (VDMA).

agility, and speed in the ecosystem. Adopting a
bionic approach involves the right blend of
human capabilities and digital capabilities, and
organisations that are undergoing digital
transformation apply those capabilities to all
aspects of their business, thereby keeping the
momentum going,” explains Rajesh Nath,
Managing Director, VDMA India Services Private



Pharma industry is expected to take this leap as compared in this case,” says Khurshed R Printer, which demand even more concern from the
well, due to the stringent needs of the sector Proprietor, M D Fusion Technologies. According to industry players about their impact on the
and high impact benefit areas like R&D.” him, oil exploration and processing is an extremely society,” he notes.
challenging engineering subject. What makes it
Adding another perspective, Shyam Warialani, very different from factory automation is that there Pranav Thakkar, Associate Director, Industry
Managing Director, Baumer Technologies India is no margin for error. The work environment is X.0, KPMG in India, holds the view that while
Private Limited, is of the opinion that there are always hazardous from exploration to production. improved productivity, higher efficiency,
three groups across the sectors that have better increased cost savings, sustainability, and
digital maturity and hence better digital Digital transformation has been seen as a health and safety remain the key triggers for
consumer driven impetus for discrete process industry to upgrade and invest in digital
“ manufacturing of consumer products. How does it transformation journey, the drivers of digital
translate for process industries? Which drivers disruption are expected to be end-to-end
‘‘The process industry requires a work for the process industry to embark on digital commercial optimisation, real-time plant
more detailed analysis before transformation? adaptation to macro-economic hazards and
implementation’’ deployment of AI/ML systems to optimise
Rajesh Nath believes increasing efficiency at all process control systems. “Additionally, the
Dr Marcio Wagner da Silva, Process stages of the manufacturing value chain, Covid-19 pandemic introduced a few more
Engineer & Project Manager, Crude Oil optimising cost structures, as well as producing drivers as disruptions in supply chain and
and delivering products and services at certain personnel availability forced the process
Refining Industry. quality levels will remain important in order to stay industry to consider digital solutions like
globally competitive. “However, being able to command control centers among others,” he
transformation – Technology, respond appropriately and smoothly to fast- adds.
Telecommunication and Financial Services. “The changing and increasingly complex customer
group comprising the consumer and industrial requirements will be an ever-greater challenge in “
sectors (process industry) are on an average less the very near future and, more than ever, should be
digitally mature. The consumer sector would fully integrated into every manufacturer’s strategy. ‘‘With advent of process
have a better chance of success. This is due to A first step on the path towards a consumer-driven automation, safety levels have
the fact of consumers’ pressure for better digital manufacturing approach is to digitally transform all
expectations (online, purchase, Uber service or relevant value chains in manufacturing in a way increased’’
Air-BnB kind of experiences). The industrial that enables increased agility and flexibility,” he
goods sectors still have to take a long time for emphasises. Sushant Rabra, Partner Digital
digital transformation. The process industry can Strategy, KPMG in India.
adopt digital transformation but this has to be “The traditional implementation pattern of digital
more towards improving internal processes, transformation, ‘experimentation, failure, “I feel the digital transformation for the process
production activities, automations and experimentation’, finds some barriers in the industry is far behind in terms of adoption and
improvising consumers with faster deliveries, process industry due to the most severe safety success as compared to discrete industrial
best after sales services and products with risks which lead the management staff to be more manufacturing or consumer sector and financial
better quality,” he says. conservative and reserved with the changes banking sector. This is because the maximum
implementation, especially for those related to the benefit and exposure of digital technologies is
“My expertise is limited to the upstream oil and substitution of human action in the process seen by consumers as outlined in the previous
gas industry. My views therefore are restricted to control,” observes Dr Marcio. According to him, reply,” says Shyam Warialani.
automation and digitisation in this area of the this characteristic tends to enlarge the lifecycle of
process industry. One must understand that this digital transformation projects in process For Khurshed R Printer, the oil industry has
is a niche field rarely open to the normal process industries. “In my point of view, digital never lagged in adapting to new technology in
environment. Hence the normal process control transformation is advancing in the whole industry
or digitisation in factory or pharma cannot be but the process industry requires a more detailed
analysis, especially considering the growing
pressure over these industries due to ESG policies,



automation. It is the automation providers that transformation, but it's alway important to plant look like? Is it possible to meet all safety
take time to reach the oil industry standards of remember that the real digital transformation is and other regulatory compliances in such a
safety; and the standards of safety are way related to people, only a culture change is capable highly automated and autonomously operating
above any other process industry due to its of promoting a real digital transformation in any factory?
hazardous environment. “The oil industry industry. “The technologies will allow us to achieve
primarily looks for safety and reliability. An oil the data, but the people will transform these data “A ‘lights-out’ refinery or a pharma plant is
processing facility will have a mix of different into information, knowledge, and finally in designed to operate in an automated way. In a
automation systems like pneumatic, electric, wisdom,” he opines. lab, for example, all the filling robots and all
and digital. The selection depends on the area of
operation with safety being the prime criterion,” “Technologies like Machine Learning are mature “
he says. and thus easy to tap into with modern low-cost
cloud infrastructure (pay-as-you-go). For example, ‘‘Digital transformation for
What is the role of availability and maturity of computing the state of fouling equipment like heat process industry is far behind
new technologies like cloud computing and exchangers (HeX) or forecasting Remaining Useful
AI/ML in making this topic attractive for Life (RUL) for reactors or early detection of in terms of adoption’’
continuous process industries? Which are the anomalies in equipment can be achieved using ML.
most attractive applications, the low-hanging Hence, we see asset performance management Shyam Warialani, Managing Director,
fruit? and operational efficiency as two major low- Baumer Technologies India Private
hanging fruits,” says Sushant Rabra. Limited

According to Shyam Warialani, though the the quality control robots operate at the same
‘‘The pandemic forced the process continuous process industry is more advanced in time – the robotic arm, in the meanwhile,
industry to consider digital terms of automation, plant based web shuttles dozens of trays up and down the
solutions’’ communications, etc., but in terms of digital production floor, making sure that each
maturity, e.g., use of new technologies like cloud capsule is filled with the right drugs in a certain
Pranav Thakkar, Associate Director, computing, use of AI or ML in production process, time period. This process, with a non-
Industry X.0, KPMG in India. it is very low. “The most attractive applications fluctuating speed as opposed to human labour,
could be plant and machinery based AI. does not mitigate the production process and
“Cloud Computing, Machine Learning and Transforming digitally and controlling productivity yields a maximised output,” explains Rajesh
Artificial Intelligence are fast becoming improvements through machine learning and data Nath.
important cogs in the wheels of enterprises. analytics; improving data communication between
Using one's enterprise data effectively is only production and stockiest using non critical data by Taking a cautious approach, Dr Marcio, is of
possible when you leverage these advanced digital transformation, etc.,” he says. the view that we are not able to do this
technologies. It can help solve complex currently. “As quoted earlier, the operational
problems that allow businesses to scale “An offshore oil process platform is probably one risks of a crude oil refinery for example are
operations quickly,” says Rajesh Nath. “Several of the best feats of human engineering,” says very high to allow a totally autonomous
digital transformation platforms use cloud Khurshed R Printer, as the control room of these operation, but I strongly believe that we can
computing and/or AI to offer a 360-degree view platforms could easily make a space launch centre use the current technologies to help the
of members' needs based on their browsing look small in comparison. “The level of automation operators and minimise the risk of human
history, EDM analysis, and click-through rates.” can only be imagined, as a single complex is failures. The use of simulators has been
connected to over 20 thousand plus sensors, increasingly applied to the operators training,
To Dr Marcio, the availability and maturity of valves, instrumented open and closed loop especially in the critical scenarios of the
powerful technologies like AI and cloud systems and often controlled by a single operator. process plants. I believe that the technology
computing is fundamental to the digital In such a complex field AI and cloud computing development will reach the autonomous
would surely find its way once fool proof security is operation of process plants in the future, but
established,” he explains.

What would a ‘lights-out’ refinery or a pharma



some questions need to be answered previously, experience; be it purchase or complaints, and low- With his long experience in ONGC, Khurshed R
mainly related to the cybersecurity issues,” he cost, high-quality products delivered through an Printer certainly knows the importance of data
elaborates. agile and efficient digital supply chain. Intangible in the process industry. “Oil production is
“With advent of process automation, safety benefits would include a low carbon-footprint extremely capital intensive; hence data and
levels have increased and the requirement of product produced with high ESG standards key communication channels need to be fully
personnel as guardians and operators around achieved via digitalisation,” says Sushant Rabra. protected. In most cases fully owned and
machines has gone down. A 'lights-sparse' – dedicated channels are used by the field
rather than the futuristic 'lights-out' – refinery or “ operator. Seismic data is the key to upstream
pharma unit would be possible with numerous oil production. This involves collection and
IIoT devices, automated machines, and AI ‘‘The oil industry primarily storage of huge amounts of data. Deciphering
driven robots or Intelligent Automation, along looks for safety and reliability’’ the data is the key to establishing oil reserves.
with advanced Manufacturing Operations AI is in its infancy presently. There are signs of
Management (MOM) software. Stakeholders can Khurshed R Printer, Proprietor, M D AI entering the automation field. It will take
remotely supervise operations and perform Fusion Technologies. time to sort out the security and safety issues
complementary actions, in case of alerts,” says before large scale implementation in this area
Pranav Thakkar. of oil production,” he cautions.

What benefits would an end-user consumer “Digital technology shall transform consumer
experience when large process plants adopt habits. Mobile devices, apps, machine learning,
data technologies? automation and much more will allow
customers to get what they want almost
Speaking of the benefits of data technologies “In case of large process plants the consumer exactly at the moment they need it. What’s
from end user perspective, Dr Marcio, says, doesn't buy products directly from the producer. more, these new digital technologies will have
“The end-user consumer can enjoy a more There are several middle agencies probably taking caused a shift in customer expectations,
stable, reliable and safe production process care for products to reach the consumer's hand. resulting in a new kind of modern buyer,”
which is translated into a more uniform supply However, using data analytics, the producer can explains Rajesh Nath. “Today's consumers are
chain with lower probability to deliver a failed gather a lot of data regarding consumption, usage, constantly connected, app-native, and aware
product.” habits and geographical preferences of product, of what they can do with technology. Because
packing, cost, etc., and then adopt this in plant and of the opportunities that rise from using
“When large process plants adopt data production so that consumers will benefit,” says modern technology, customers often rate
technologies they can deliver, using enablers like Shyam Warialani. organisations on their digital customer
customer analytics, a great customer experience first,” he concludes.

22| INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION MAGAZINE | December 2022 Edition | [email protected] | +91 733889775

Chennai, India | Sharjah, UAE | London, UK | Delaware, USA


Representative image. Photo by PilMo Kang on Unsplash

The Refinery of the Future

AI is becoming a natural part the quick decisions and approvals at all levels showing operations, demand, sales, and
and extensive use in a well- simultaneously. Training workers for indepth sustainability. The optimal scheduling for
managed role in refinery subject knowledge needs to be constantly given as production, sales and delivery is now made fully
businesses for high GRM, says the customer demands the output better than the autonomous.
Jasbir Singh. other competitors. Human machine interface for
visual tracking with integrated systems will be Use of prescriptive maintenance for defined
Considering the top 10 fastest growing markets provided to the customer, like how the product failures
of the next generation by Oxford Economics, chain from one end to other is better optimised to Use of prescriptive maintenance systems will
most of them are in Asia with India in the lead meet the demand and improve profitability shared stabilise the situation that can improve the stage
position with 6.5%, second is Philippines, third between each other. Refinery and petrochemical planning for shutdown, time, duration and level
Indonesia, fourth China, and fifth Malaysia in companies need to digitalise with application of of maintenance requirement in the refinery. The
terms of projected (GDP) growth. The demand for powerful artificial intelligence (AI) having analytical refinery can buy crude alternatives available for
refined fuel and petrochemical products is good algorithms to understand business low-cost production to improve the gross
impacted by economic growth in Asian countries. opportunities presented by the market to meet the refining margin (GRM). Trained data-based AI
The major challenges are seen as how the supreme quality and delivery. The system needs to supported dashboard helps the operators to
industries can expand but it remains flexible to be made highly adoptable. derive the best possible asset utilisation, with
meet the upcoming demand. increased safety and quality. This integrated
The refiners of the next generation will operate scheduler works autonomously to provide
Intelligent, adaptable and flexible production with the knowledge worker’s seamless data closed loop optimisation results, with AI
and supply chain exchange at every level. Planning, scheduling and assisted advanced process control (APC)
The future plants will be fully demand driven with manufacturing will be integrated. The production software.
planner system will be supported by an AI expert
on visual systems with a defined dashboard, In leveraging the Industrial Internet of Things



(IIoT), data sensors will be pervasive in this planning and its execution will reduce the built intelligence in the system improves its
plant. Real time analytics deployed at the edge requirement for workers to access the dangerous ability to function within defined and precise
will provide process stream compositions. areas, which may become risky places and face operating limits. This increases the life of
Catalyst nano sensors will add to the array of the dangerous situations. critical assets functionality and its reliability.
data to better drive control over the process
performance. All of which will drive APC and the Digitalisation of plant with IIoT sensors for Modelling of the units in the plant
underlying control software to operate via data acquisition and transmission Online model for system optimisation
dynamically adjusted setpoints to achieve and The highly competitive refinery is facing the integrated with overall process control is
exceed plan. Major process units and equipment demand changing patterns, complex modelling constantly watching and optimising the use of
in the next generation refinery will be smart and exponentially data volumes generation. The energy and utility requirements for the right
plant building blocks. This built-in intelligence plant should be able to compete with the highest- operation of the asset with optimum cost. The
will greatly improve its ability to run process level performers in the world with increased refinery is becoming more hypercompetitive
operating limits, which will be critical to asset worker’s safety, high process performance and over the period, due to globalisation effect and
flexibility. improved profitability. This refinery of the future dynamic market demand.
is taking advantage of IIoT technologies by taking
Advanced capability of digital software analytical Conclusion
systems will bring humans out of danger at even “The highly The future of automation will work on
remote areas of the refinery or petrochemical competitive augmented intelligence, with AI to support the
units. Further intelligence is derived from new development of human intelligence. Human
development of sensor data, prescriptive refinery is facing the intelligence with the use of AI is
maintenance with AI solutions and unit complementary for growth oriented operations.
analytics. The refiner will have the information to demand changing Considering the outcome of augmented
better understand actual asset conditions, intelligence including IDP, AI chatbots, together
deteriorating trends, risks and if emergencies to patterns, complex with predictive analytics, and automated
act. It reduces the requirement for workers to be reporting, AI is becoming a natural part and
physically present all the time or on schedule to modelling and extensive use in a well-managed role in refinery
inspect the equipment and other issues. AI businesses for high GRM. Cybersecurity
enabled stations with advanced solutions are exponentially data capabilities of the digital platform and prompt
provided at strategic locations to manage start- warnings will be built into each layer of the
up and shutdown procedures from even distance volumes generation. refinery operation.
and remote locations.
data from pumps, rotary equipment and with Jasbir Singh is an Automation
The unit in-charge of the refinery uses the machine learning develops new insights of the Expert having long experience in
intelligence data output having an AI based plant to enhance its decision-making process. Factory Automation, Line
decision tool to model the right configuration of IIoT being used as remote wireless sensors in the Automation, Implementation
the plant to suit requirements changing on shortest time is more popular in the plants. Real Strategist, Business Coach,
demand from time to time. The prescriptive time analytics on IIoT can be deployed at the Regular writer on automation, Artificial
maintenance system on top, not only highlights edge configuration and may provide a better Intelligence, Robots/Cobots, Digital Technology,
the future failure models of prediction for process stream understanding. The development Network Communication, Industrial Internet of
equipment and overall unit. It links the planning of nano sensors adds the advantage of arrays of Things (IIoT), Wireless Communication, Block
and process operating changes. This approach data to improve the drive control for the reliable Chain and use of advance digital technologies.
reduces the risk of future failure being delayed process performance. These data are collected He has established a long association with
or completely eliminated. from the advanced Neno sensors that provide Business Houses/large production houses to
APC the real time information and its control improve factory automation in their production
Advanced industrial robotics solutions enable software dynamically adjusted setpoints to lines as well as productivity improvement in
the refiner to perform multiple tasks even achieve right output. The process units and its factories in India and overseas; and in advising
without sending workers to dangerous equipment will be more effective to become a and designing the units to transform into digital
situations. The integration of process operation smart plant with autonomous operation. The in- platforms by use of Artificial Intelligence. Email:
and intelligent measurement of reliability, [email protected]



Building a More Resilient
Supply Chain

By developing strong
relationships with your
suppliers, you will create a win-
win situation, says Jeff Winter.

A resilient supply chain is one that can withstand Changing trends. Source: Oden Technologies, 2022 State of Manufacturing
disruptions and continue operating. Many factors
can contribute to supply chain disruptions, supplier experiences a disruption, you can quickly bridge the gap between business strategy,
including natural disasters, political instability, switch to another supplier without missing a beat. industry trends, technology implementation,
and transportation issues. In recent years, we Diversifying your supplier base will help reduce risk and change management.
have seen an increase in the frequency and and keep your business running smoothly during
severity of supply chain disruptions, which has times of disruption. I enjoy building collaborative relationships
led many manufacturers to re-evaluate their with clients, partners, coworkers, and industry
supply chains. Developing strong relationships with suppliers evangelists to help empower manufacturers to
Finally, it is important to develop strong achieve more. As an Industry Executive for
There are several steps that manufacturers can relationships with your suppliers so that they are Microsoft, I focus on helping companies that
take to build a more resilient supply chain. A few more likely to continue doing business with you build “things” (discrete manufacturers) or
include: during times of disruption. This means being clear “stuff” (continuous/process manufacturers)
about your expectations and communicating digitally transform.
Adopting new technology regularly. It also means paying invoices on time
One of the best ways to increase resilience in and being responsive to their needs. By developing I am very active within the
your supply chain is to adopt new technology. strong relationships with your suppliers, you will industry as an
Cloud-based solutions, for example, can give you create a win-win situation where both parties ambassador and
real-time visibility into your supply chain so that benefit from a long-term relationship. influencer to help inspire
you can quickly identify and respond to companies, professionals,
disruptions. Advanced analytics can help you Jeff Winter – Industry 4.0 & Digital Transformation and students to be excited
optimise your operations and make them more Enthusiast/Business Strategist/Avid about the future created by the fourth
flexible so that you can adapt as needed. By Storyteller/Tech Geek/Public Speaker. industrial revolution.
investing in new technology, you can make your
supply chain more agile and better able to My passion is helping companies digitally transform I write, speak, and share content on LinkedIn
withstand disruptions. in innovative ways through the use of Industry 4.0 to foster a conversational environment and
technologies. Doing so requires a unique ability to build meaningful connections.
Diversifying your supplier base
Another way to increase resilience in your supply
chain is to diversify your supplier base. This
means having multiple suppliers for each
component of your product or service. For
example, if you are a clothing manufacturer, you
might have one supplier for fabric, another for
buttons, and another for zippers. This way, if one



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With a comprehensive Ex component portfolio, Beckhoff enables holistic solution concepts from zone 0/20 to the cloud.

PC-based Control: Automation and Process
Technology in One System

Franziska Dreisewerd and Driven by customer requirements and today’s PLC-based systems, even I/O points in
Lennart Winkler elaborate on technological progress, both DCS and PLC have the high five digits do not pose a challenge
the specific solutions advanced and increasingly converged over the anymore. In addition, modern engineering
Beckhoffoffers for the process years. As a result, PLC systems have acquired ever environments like TwinCAT 3 software feature a
industry. more extensive visualisation systems. These are broad range of libraries and plenty of function
very similar to those that process engineers have blocks so that even highly complex closed-loop
With specific solutions for the process industry, used from the start and are implemented to control structures can be designed quickly and
Beckhoff is bringing together two automation manage many wide-ranging and complex reliably.
concepts that developed separately for decades. processing workflows. Distributed control systems,
While traditional PLC-based systems were on the other hand, were optimised with regard to Developments regarding system architectures
optimised predominantly for short cycle times as their performance and cycle times, so that even also deserve special attention. Distributed
a replacement for complex relay technology in very time-critical processes can now be mastered. control systems focused on decentralised
machine controls, DCS (Distributed Control architecture with distributed I/Os. These
Systems) were developed for classic PID The systems also converged in terms of scalability. systems can collect data from areas exposed to
(Proportional Integral Derivative) closed-loop Distributed control systems, which were designed explosion hazards with little wiring complexity
control focused mostly on scalability and system from the start for large installations with tens of and accommodate installations that are spread
integration. thousands of I/Os, were successful with simple over large areas. PLC-based systems, on the
engineering and retrofit capabilities. However, for other hand, initially concentrated on self-
contained machines in small areas.



This has changed as simple machines have With TwinCAT MTP, automation software from Beckhoff meets the
evolved into highly complex production lines requirements for increasing plant modularity in the process industry.
within networked plants. Therefore, operators
have become more interested in using diagnostics of globally distributed systems via IoT connection allows remote monitoring from
distributed peripherals that can be linked to fast centralised process control systems. Thus, anywhere at any time.
fieldbus systems. As a result, systems that can systems can be made more efficient and reliable
offer distributed intelligence, like the DIN rail- by the use of extensive diagnostic and analysis The benefits of integrated and open automation
mountable Embedded PCs in the CX series from tools. systems from Beckhoff become especially
Beckhoff, are now a prevailing option, enabling apparent when designing new plants. On the
direct connection of the EtherCAT based I/O Open and modular automation technology as a field level, the use of ELX-series EtherCAT
system. In addition, deploying EtherCAT complete solution Terminals for the direct connection of
communication throughout the entire plant With PC-based control, Beckhoff offers the ideal intrinsically safe field devices enables
allows operators to implement extremely time- automation toolbox to implement all these significant reductions in space requirements,
critical and highly synchronised control requirements in a complete and integrated and thus cost requirements. In addition, the
processes across distributed production steps. solution. elimination of the need for separate safety
This includes the ability to integrate with central barriers delivers clear advantages with regard
production control systems, and to perform data The openness of the PC-based control concept to installation and diagnostics. DIN rail-
analysis and optimise processes. deserves special mention, as support for all major mountable Embedded PCs from the CX series,
bus systems allows the easy integration of equipped with up to 12 CPU cores, make it
The PLC system offers maximum innovation Beckhoff controllers into existing architectures. In possible to distribute the execution of even the
potential addition, long-term product availability and most complex controls. Comprehensive product
In terms of system architecture, the backward compatibility provide the best-possible certifications ensure compliance with explosion
developments mentioned above have already investment protection and ensure outstanding protection requirements and enable installation
made PLC systems very similar to the remote I/O spare parts supply. Benefits like these also make in close proximity to the actual process.
systems that users are familiar with from the it easy and affordable to upgrade existing
process control field. Especially in the context of systems, for example by adding cloud On the control level, the finely scalable portfolio
Industrie 4.0 concepts, the PLC approach has connectivity and IoT functions. This is possible, of Industrial PCs from Beckhoff enables
proven to be an innovation driver, and has taken for example, with the EK9160 Coupler, which custom-tailored solutions that can not only
on a highly advanced structure that is clearly connects EtherCAT I/Os directly to the Internet of perform a wide range of control tasks, but also
superior, particularly in terms of performance. Things without the need for a control program. An provide easy integration into process control
systems. Support for many standards and
It is above all the vision of the Internet of Things
(IoT) which has led PLC-based systems to take
on some characteristics of distributed control
systems in the past few years, especially in
terms of integration capabilities. This has
increased support for mature protocols that
offer cross-system data exchange, for example
based on OPC UA, but also for communication
between the supervisory control level and the
cloud through protocols such as MQTT.

While machine builders use these capabilities to
implement the Industrie 4.0 concept in its
totality, process engineers require fully
integrated solutions for a variety of reasons.
They must cover all hierarchy levels ranging from
data acquisition in hazardous areas to remote



protocols ensures cross-system data production as a reaction to fluctuating markets. included are the aspects of services,
communication on both the higher-level control communication and a P&ID structure for
and field system levels. This requires the shortest possible time-to- generating a HMI in the DCS. Interfaces defined
market through accelerated development cycles in the MTP specification enable plug-and-
The advanced TwinCAT HMI software solution as well as the profitable and individualised produce behaviour. In this way, the production
enables the implementation of visualisation production of even small batches. units are developed only once and can then be
tasks according to the highest standards for integrated into different plants independent of
efficient and reliable plant operation. In A suitable solution to meet these challenges is the manufacturer.
addition, the responsive TwinCAT HMI runs just the modular design of production plants and the
as well on mobile devices as on industrial resulting ability to reuse modules. The entire With TwinCAT MTP, the engineering of MTP-
Control Panels and Panel PCs. For process process is broken down into sub-processes and capable modules for process plants integrates
visualisation and control in hazardous areas mapped by corresponding modules. With a directly into the engineering environment of
(Zone 2/22), specific devices are available in the separate controller for each module, a completely TwinCAT. It offers all options, from the
form of the highly attractive CPX panel series modular system is achieved. Finally, by definition of the module and the import/export
with state-of-the-art multi-touch technology and connecting the individual modules to a higher- of an MTP to automatic PLC code generation.
robust aluminium enclosures. level control system (e.g., a DCS), the entire The goal in developing this new TwinCAT
process can be orchestrated. function was to minimise the required guideline
With the wide range of TwinCAT functions, expertise and enable the module developer to
engineering for the entire plant operation and As a result, the development work shifts from focus on the actual control logic.
data transfer to a higher-level control system or plant engineering to module engineering,
cloud services becomes a very intuitive process. enabling flexible modification of the plant with Further reading:,
Beckhoff thus offers plant operators integrated little effort, depending on current requirements.
solution concepts for numerous process This way, additional modules can easily be added (Beckhoff Automation Pvt Ltd, Pune. Tel: 91-20-
technology applications: from the hazardous or already existing ones can be rearranged or 67064802. Email: [email protected])
zone 0/20 to data storage and processing in the removed.
cloud. Franziska Dreisewerd, Business
The Module Type Package Management Process Industry,
Current requirements of the process industry In practice, the concept is implemented by a Beckhoff Automation.
Nevertheless, plant operators are constantly vendor-independent standard for the description
faced with new challenges. of process modules: the Module Type Package. Lennart Winkler, Business
This file contains all the information necessary to Management Process Industry,
Currently, the process industry is increasingly integrate a process module into a modular plant Beckhoff Automation.
requiring individuality and flexibility in by importing the description. Functionalities

Delta Electronics India awarded CII – IGBC GreenPro Award

Delta, a global leader in power and thermal management solutions has been awarded the prestigious GreenPro award by the Indian Green Building Council
(IGBC), a part of the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII). In a first for Delta Electronics, 23 products of its Indoor Air Quality Business Unit (IAQBU)
which applied for GreenPro have been awarded the certificate.

The key agenda of GreenPro awards is to promote sustainable products which in turn reduce the carbon footprint in the world. Delta's IAQ products ensure
thorough air quality monitoring, delivering visualisations and statistics, and adjusting air conditioners and ventilation systems in real-time. GreenPro is also
recognized by UN Environment and is in line with UN Environment guilders on providing product sustainability information.

Commenting on the achievement, Niranjan Nayak, Managing Director, Delta Electronics India said, "As a global leader in power and thermal management
solutions, we have always stayed ahead of the curve with our sustainable product offerings that encourage circular economy and meet the needs of our
eco-conscious customers. We see the GreenPro award for IAQ business as a milestone in our journey to becoming carbon neutral by 2030. This also
reaffirms our blended approach that is accelerating the global transition to a green reality." Delta IAQ Products will now be listed on the GreenPro directory
where builders and architects will access the directory webpage of certified products to attain higher green certification for their buildings.



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Photo by Alex Simpson on Unsplash

Building Safe and Intelligent Refinery

SUPCON offers reliable Challenges ahead process, investing in low-cost and low-
products and intelligent The challenges ahead pertain to making oil & gas manpower labour, increasing profits, etc.
solutions to help create a safe, safe, productive and profitable.
intelligent, and green plant, Clean and safe energy is also a vital requirement
says Kim Hock Teo. As per a recent survey, oil demand in India is for developing countries as they seek access to
projected to register a 2x growth to reach 11 modern energy services in their often protracted
As a process automation leader, SUPCON million barrels per day by 2045. struggle for socio-economic development.
explores our vision for innovation and provides
oil and gas digitalisation solutions to optimise The oil and gas industry faces huge challenges To fulfil our mission, we take multiple steps to
your operation. from constant market changes, an extreme help build an intelligent and safe society. We
production environment, and operational cooperate with our partners and clients to
challenges such as running a massive oilfield develop digital plants with 5T Technologies and



help achieve high-quality, low-carbon, and developing tailor-made solutions to overcome transformation solutions, you can enhance your
sustainable development for the process them and increase efficiency. refining performance in the most efficient way.
industries.We help upgrade oil and gas and other
utilities with automation and digital solutions to The SUPCON integrated automation control Build safe and intelligent refinery
offer a green and reliable environment for solution provides seamless integration across the On the basis of a new generation of information
people around the world. entire plant control platform. With one full technology, with large control systems as the
hardware product line that can meet a wide core platform, together with intelligent
Solution range of demands, from compact systems to instruments, control valves, safety systems, and
SUPCON, an intelligent automation solution large-scale systems, from basic control to various software or APPS for production
provider, offers highly reliable products and the advanced optimisation, we help clients build management, energy management, supply
latest digitalisation solutions that can help you safe, stable, simple-to-maintain, efficient green chain management, and equipment
maximise your production return, reduce plants. management, we help promote autonomous
manpower, improve operational safety, and perception, learning, analysis, decision making,
improve reliability in exploration, production, Digital transformation enhances refining communication, and coordination control
transportation, storage, and refining. performance abilities.
The process of digital transformation offers many
SUPCON is helping industries achieve RoI and solutions that can enhance the performance of a We have much experience in 10-million-tonne
increase productivity in a better way by refinery. oil refining combined units and large-scale
implementing many modules in different areas refinery and petrochemical integration projects.
as Safety guarantee, higher quality, lower cost, With our reliable products and intelligent
i. Supply Chain efficiency improvement, and environmental solutions, we will help you create a safe,
ii. Production Monitoring protection are becoming the main targets for intelligent, and green plant.
iii. Asset Management refineries. A total intelligent production solution
iv. Energy management that covers planning, scheduling, control, Kim Hock Teo joined
v. HSE, and optimisation, and management is required to SUPCON Technology on
vi. Artificial Intelligence – Digital Twin achieve these long-term goals. February 20, 2021, as
Technology. Vice President,
Combining full-range products, industrial International Business. He
As a leader in automation and digitalisation software solutions, and operation services, is helping to create long-
technologies for the process industry, SUPCON SUPCON hopes to forge ahead together with term value for the process industry by assisting
collaborates closely with the petrochemical users and help every refinery client achieve in the development of a safe and secure
industry, understands its challenges, and is intelligent production. With our digital management solution.

Delta Electronics India hosts Technology Day event for Tata Steel

Delta, a global leader in power and thermal management solutions, recently hosted a technology day event on November 24 in Jamshedpur. The event
witnessed participation from 140 attendees from Tata Group. This event serves as a showcase for Delta's vision, which encourages partnerships to tackle
some of the most critical problems facing the planet and enables everyone to effect positive change. Sustainability is at the centre of everything Delta does.
It was an occasion for celebrating accomplishments, fostering relationships, and planning for a sustainable future. Tata Steel is committed to reducing its
emissions, with the ambition of achieving CO2 neutral steelmaking. In order to accomplish this, Tata Steel is engaged in a significant number of projects to
reduce CO2 emissions.

Further, "To provide innovative, clean, and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow" has been Delta’s corporate mission for the past 50 years. Delta
has a long history of meeting such challenges, and we believe passionately in steel’s vital role in society’s low-carbon future. Hence, to aid the Tata Group in
its sustainability journey, Delta Electronics Technology Day event was held to provide a collaborative platform for Tata Group, while also showcasing the
latest technological trends in the industry to better prepare for holistic, sustainable growth. Senior management from both Delta and Tata group graced the
occasion with their presence. Commenting on the event, Niranjan Nayak, MD, Delta Electronics India, said, "We are all on the same mission to accelerate the
path to net zero. I have no doubt that this is the start of a successful collaboration that aids our Indian partners in modernising their industries and advancing
sustainability. We aspire to continue offering our customers and business partners top-notch sustainable products and services."



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©2022 Hexagon AB and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates. All rights reserved.



‘We are
working on
creating a
backbone that
has digital

Chanpreet Sahni, Vice
President Sales – India,

How is the pace of the process industry in resilience these technologies offer to weather the management systems to digital systems. The
general, Oil & Gas in particular, in adopting industry’s downturns. data must be orchestrated correctly in a unified
digital transformation? manner and the infrastructure management
Almost every industry is rewriting its operating Data is at the core of any meaningful solution system must be firmly in place. A lack of any of
landscape thanks to digital technologies. The oil and given its humongous nature, how effective is the above can lead to a systemic failure of the
and gas industry is no stranger to this and is the solution in extracting the useful nuggets? digital solution in place.
slowly but surely, progressing towards digital The convergence of Industry 4.0 technologies to
maturity. Like all adoptions, the oil and gas enable a successful digital transformation has Sustainability is today a major recurring
industry is not the first mover, but once made one thing clear – data-driven foundation is theme across industries. While Greenfield
established, it moves quickly; the same has been the key. Data-based insights can enable oil and gas projects can factor this at the concept stage,
true for Digital Transformations as well. The companies to not only maintain their assets but what about the challenges faced by legacy
recent few years have witnessed government also optimise production, reduce unplanned plants?
institutions take giant strides in adopting a downtime, and secure the assets from various Climate change and technology are affecting
digital-first strategy. The industry has rapidly threats. almost every industry on a global scale; none
realised the potential benefits of going digital – more so than the oil and gas sector. This is a
like increased productivity, safer operations, and For any digital solution to effectively extract moment for oil and gas companies to make
cost savings. Furthermore, for the process meaningful insights, the primary step is to thoughtful choices: improve their economic and
industry, one of the biggest advantages of aggregate the data through system integration, reputational resilience and consider whether
adopting digital technology could be the sensorisation, and shifting from paper-based and how to reposition themselves to take



advantage of the accelerating low-carbon winds obstacles, since these technologies can transform implementing our Operations Management
of change. A number of oil and gas companies the industry and create a synchronised ecosystem solution. We have also worked on projects in
have already set net-zero-emissions targets. to meet future energy demands, an increasing which the RoI is through the lifecycle of the
number of oil and gas companies are upgrading asset in which the client has utilised our Project
Legacy plants particularly face a major challenge their assets with digital technologies for long- Monitoring and management solution to see
to improve their environmental footprint to meet term gains. better on-time delivery and on-budget projects.
the increasingly stringent standards while Hence, if we focus on the pillars, as I mentioned
improving performance to ensure the Breaking the siloes is a recurring theme when above, we are directly contributing towards the
valorisation of their assets and reducing the discussing implementation of emerging RoI of the asset.
costs to remain competitive. Evolving technologies. How does Hexagon approach this
government climate policies, direct public and issue? The industry is also wary, not without
shareholder activism, and changing investment The key to success in any industry is justification, about safety and security of
strategies by major institutions are creating communication. If your teams aren’t assets and information. Are there adequate
urgency for oil and gas companies to reduce communicating clearly and working together, the safeguards?
emissions. Again, data holds the key in workflow is going to break down. Securing assets and information is paramount –
Brownfield or so-called legacy plants. If the for the national economy and environmental
operator can make the right decisions on We at Hexagon encourage our customers to adopt wellbeing. A breakdown in security measures at
emissions without impacting efficiency or tech and tools to improve visibility throughout energy sites can cause operational havoc and
production, it would be much easier and faster their asset’s lifecycle. Investing in an intelligent disruption, which could have a devastating
to reach our goals. data management solution can help mend the impact on the national economy. It will cost the
broken processes, reorganise storage, and put industry millions of dollars, risk lives, and may
Another example is efficiency increase. data into a more logical order so employees will do severe ecological damage. Therefore,
Currently, we at Hexagon are working with our find the required information much faster. We are safeguarding the oil and gas assets throughout
clients globally to break the silos of data to bring working on creating a digital Backbone that has the lifecycle, from exploration and extraction to
them more and importantly, the right data to digital enablers such as AI/ML and Big data at its refining and transportation, is now considered a
make informed decisions. In the end, we do base, which, in turn, through a Single Pane of top priority.
more with the same assets and hence create Glass, provides structured data to the end client
more sustainable assets. based on their role and function to have a longer Companies are continuously looking for and
asset lifecycle and improve productivity. This adopting comprehensive security risk
How are emerging technologies like AI & ML, allows different employees, teams, and management strategies and new technologies to
AR/VR/XR, Digital Twins, etc., impacting departments to lock in their workflows and make address emerging threats and mitigate security
asset lifecycle management for better data-driven decisions that align with the risks effectively. However, there needs to be
profitability? company’s goals. more adequate safeguards and subject matter
Like any other industry, the oil and gas industry experts who can consult energy sector
also recognises the power and impact that Solutions exist, but often the will to implement is companies to make intelligent decisions. We at
emerging technologies can have on the lacking. Typically, what is the RoI or the time span Hexagon have constantly been emphasizing the
industry’s performance. The Covid-19 pandemic to show results? What is the Hexagon experience? importance of securing assets and information
has led to their immediate rather than transitory RoI is essential in any project we undertake. At through our PAS solution.
adoption. Adopting emerging technologies such Hexagon, we have four pillars: Safety,
as AI, big data, cloud computing, cybersecurity, Productivity, Efficiency, and Sustainability. Every Chanpreet Sahni heads the India Business
and IioT in day-to-day oil and gas operations, solution or implementation we undertake needs Operations for Hexagon Asset Lifecycle
enables the oil and gas industry to improve to have end results under these pillars. These, in Intelligence division. He has 16 years of
productivity and profitability by streamlining turn, provide the RoI to our customers. experience in Oil & Gas industry, majorly in
operations and cutting costs. These digital Downstream. He has held various leadership
technologies can deliver actionable insights for If we talk about timelines, for each solution, it’s positions prior to Hexagon and holds a
an oil and gas asset and help companies to different. Some of our solutions have provided Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. He
reduce their capital and operating expenditures. real-time RoI’s in which the downtime in shift spearheads Hexagon’s strategy to support
My observation is that apart from all the change and handover have reduced by 30% by customers in their digital transformation journey.



Dynamic Inclination Sensor with Unique Angular

The IMU F99 facilitates position
measurements on wheel loader,
bulldozer, crane, etc., using just
one device.

Have you ever tried to hang a picture horizontally IMU F99 with J1939.
using a spirit level? Yes, it's easy – the bubble of
the spirit level indicates when the picture is IMU F99 used to determine the boom angle on an excavator.
hanging horizontally. Have you ever tried to keep
the bucket of a wheel loader horizontal while the
machine is accelerating, braking, or travelling
over a gravel path or potholes? No, of course not;
neither a spirit level vial nor even a static
inclination sensor is able to provide a meaningful
value in this case! The new IMU F99 inclination
sensor from Pepperl+Fuchs provides reliable
inclination values for dynamic applications like
these because it is able to immediately filter out
external interference (e.g., potholes). The unique
software adjustment via CAN bus also ensures
excellent angular quality, even when the driving
behaviour of machines varies greatly.

Static inclination sensors quickly reach their IMU F99 used to determine the payload of a wheel loader. acceleration rates for each of the three axes in
limits when used with machines that move parallel to the angle output. This means that the
dynamically, such as wind turbines, AGVs, and This makes it possible to achieve a reliable angle product can be used in a wide range of
machines used in construction, agriculture, and output. Nevertheless, it is clear that the different applications. For example, the device can be
forestry. This is because static inclination sensors types of machine movement mean that the rotation used to determine the rotation speed of wind
detect a change in angle based on gravitational rate and acceleration need to be merged in a way turbines. At the same time, it can also monitor
acceleration that is always on the same axis. Any that is adapted to the particular machine. the blade acceleration rates, which may
additional acceleration triggered, e.g., by braking Pepperl+Fuchs therefore offer a unique and user- fluctuate when unwanted ice forms on the
or travelling over a pothole, cause significant friendly adjustment setting so that position blades. In this way, it is possible to control
interference which makes reliable angle measurements can be performed on a wheel rotation speed and perform predictive
measurement impossible. loader, bulldozer, crane, etc., using just one device. maintenance on the wind turbine.

The IMU F99 dynamic inclination sensor has The IMU F99 also provides the rotation and
been specially developed for this type of
application. At its core, rotation rates and
acceleration are both measured in all three
spatial directions and are then merged in the
intelligent algorithm to produce an angle value.



scan to watch



Valves play a critical role in process industry.

How a Dual-Chamber Design

Solves Common Solenoid Valve Limitations

Tatsuo Ueoka explains the finer and maintenance work performed on-site. This phenomena” within the valve. Over a period of
aspects of valve design and the article will discuss the reliability and safety risks operating time, this will allow moisture to enter
challenges posed to operation that common solenoid valve designs pose and the chamber.
and from the design viewpoint introduce an alternative approach that can
of a valve designer. eliminate these problems. Moisture ingress also occurs through the narrow
cavities of the wire within the coil — a condition
Solenoid valves have long been an effective Risk Factor #1 – Moisture ingress known as the capillary effect. When a solenoid
means of fluid control, but if your valve does not In many common solenoid valve designs, the coil coil is energised and heated, the air inside the
operate properly, the repercussions can be and termination ports are housed inside a single coil expands, causing the air to exit the coil. If
serious. From production losses to safety chamber. When an operator connects the the coil is de-energised and cooled, the air
hazards, there’s a lot riding on your solenoid equipment wiring to the solenoid valve, they must inside the coil contracts, drawing moisture into
valve’s reliability. Many explosion-proof solenoid open the chamber cover and thus expose the coil the coil. The wiring will corrode and short-circuit
valve malfunctions are caused by design or to the atmosphere. Since a significant portion of the coil, leading to consequences that include:
physical limitations. Moisture, corrosion and high today’s explosion-proof solenoid valves operate in
power (heat) consumption are common threats wet or humid environments, moisture is likely to - Unnecessary spurious trips resulting in
to the coil’s integrity, along with poor installation enter the chamber. Other operating environments production downtime and losses.
are subject to frequent ambient temperature - Additional man hours required to deploy
changes and thermal cycling that cause “breathing personnel to a site for maintenance and repair.



- Compromised safety and reliability for the
entire process system or plant.

Risk Factor #2 – Installation difficulty Emerson’s ASCO JE-327 Dual Chamber Series helps
Common explosion-proof solenoid enclosure operations lower energy consumption and costs.
designs also create problems on-site during
installation. As industrial facilities prioritise accessibility and ergonomic freedom to safely
smaller processes and equipment, installation wire and install the solenoid valve onto
spaces typically become limited. Space equipment. Operators need more flexibility
constraints often deprive operators of the during installation in order to reduce the risk of
errors that can compromise the performance of
the valve and the system. For example, an
improperly installed solenoid valve in a critical
system or emergency shutdown application can
prevent the final element from going into safe
mode. This situation may cause an entire
process to fall into an unsafe state, risking the
well-being of both operators and plant assets.

Design Concept – Effectively reduces
moisture ingress and installation errors
Fortunately, engineers no longer have to accept
the limitations of common solenoid valve
designs. For example, Emerson is at the
forefront of innovation with its ASCO JE Dual
Chamber Series Solenoid Valve. This enhanced
series is poised to help solve moisture ingress
as well as improve installation and termination.
Here’s how:

Emerson’s ASCO JE 327 series with TopWorx GoSwitch solution for digital feedback to control room. Dual-chamber design
The best way to prevent a coil from
malfunctioning is to isolate it from moisture
sources. The new solenoid valve design
approach accomplishes this by using two
chambers: One chamber contains the coil, and
another chamber houses the conduit area for
electrical termination. This separate, dedicated
chamber for the cable entry and termination
means that the operator can connect the wiring
to the solenoid valve without worrying about
exposing the coil to the outside environment.



The right solenoid valve partner makes a
Selecting a solenoid valve designed for
moisture protection and installation ease is
critical to your operation’s productivity and
safety, so be sure to work with a trusted and
experienced valve manufacturer who can guide
you through the process. Additionally, having a
trusted partner for all your application needs
will help standardise part specifications, with
ease of administrative and inventory

Emerson’s ASCO JE safety system solutions Emerson applies its proven solenoid domain
(with 141 series Advanced Redundant Control System – ARCS). expertise through its ASCO™ brand to help
customers solve application challenges.
The coil safely resides in its own chamber and chamber also reduces installation time. Other Whether you require a 2/2 way, 3/2 way or 5/2
the conduit chamber also ensures there is no benefits that come with, the ASCO JE Dual way solenoid valve, technical experts stand
risk of interfering with the solenoid valve’s other Chamber Series Solenoid Valve includes: ready to help select the best ASCO JE Dual
functions. Not only does the double-chamber - Ex db IIC certified for flameproof and explosion- Chamber configuration for your requirements.
approach prevent outside moisture from proof installations in HazLoc environments.
reaching the coil, it also prevents potential Improved reliability, performance and
moisture from permeating the coil through the “System lifetime
cavities of the lead wire. designers cannot System designers cannot risk process
risk process interruptions or safety incidents caused by
Easy installation and access interruptions or safety solenoid valve malfunctions due to water
A dual-chamber design also removes the incidents caused by ingress or improper installation. ASCO JE Dual
barriers that can hinder operations and solenoid valve Chamber Series Solenoid Valves remove the
maintenance, making the valve more human- malfunctions due to limitations associated with common explosion-
centric. For example, the separate conduit water ingress or proof valve designs, preventing corrosion and
chamber provides sufficient space to allow improper installation. providing better operator access to significantly
personnel to perform electrical termination improve the reliability, performance and
work. Operators can also rotate the chambers to - Certified according to IEC 61508 functional lifetime of the valve for greater safety and
achieve the best orientation for their assembly safety standards with SIL-3 capability. operational certainty.
requirements. The coil chamber offers 360- - Comprehensive low power range which
degree rotation, while the conduit chamber eliminates the need for extra power supplies, Tatsuo Ueoka is Engineering
rotates 180 degrees at 90-degree intervals. This enabling to power more coils with single DCS/PLC, Manager for Fluid Control &
easy rotation, along with a space-optimised improving overall energy efficiency and savings. Pneumatics at Emerson
conduit chamber, gives operators greater Japan. Emerson’s Automation
freedom to make proper and safe wiring Solutions platform enables it
connections within tight spaces. For additional to collaborate across
safety, a Y-shaped barrier in the conduit automation businesses to
chamber helps prevent potential flashover develop more complete solutions for customers
caused by accidental wire crossing. Directly based upon the company’s deep industry
terminating the wiring through the conduit experience, and further leverage its global
presence, domain expertise and industrial
software to help industries achieve key
sustainability and operational goals.


Go sustainability.

Emerson’s Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions and analytics
software provide the actionable insights needed to identify
compressed air waste and optimize energy efficiency.
Scan to learn more


Components of the value chain that needs to be protected. Source – External Research

Combating Cyber Threats in Oil & Gas Sector

Successful cyber-attacks major concern of the businesses still revolves same time, the oil & gas sector is increasingly
threaten the competitiveness of around the increasing dependence on technology becoming more vulnerable with the hackers
the Oil & Gas sector, and the and web-based communication that has paved to targeting the operational domain. The
cost of the breaches will also be such vulnerabilities that could cause significant underlying reason being the Operational
higher, cautions Titli Chatterjee. losses to the company and compromise process Technology (OT) and the Industrial Control
safety. In the wake of technological advancements Systems (ICS) working in silos in a legacy
With the rising interest in the offshore oil & gas in this sector with the oil & gas relying heavily on environment and physically isolated from
sector to utilise digital technologies, Industrial the Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), outside networks, with many ICS components
Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industrial Cyber- Distributed Control Systems (DCS), Human not connected to Information Technology (IT)
Physical Systems (ICPS), there has always been a Machine Interfaces (HMI), industrial technologies networks. Though this ensured less exposure to
simultaneous concern of cyber attacks targeted like IIoT and Cyber-Physical Systems, what needs other attack prone surfaces and was restricted
at oil & gas enterprises. Digitalisation in oil & gas to be protected is the immediate concern of the to their scope of their operations locally, due to
involves the adoption of digital technologies, industry. the need to make faster business decisions
paving for Industry 4.0 in the sector that causes equipment are now being integrated with
all the more reasons for significant threats which Threat implications in Oil & Gas sector multiple digital technologies synced with the
can cause plant shutdowns impacted by The offshore oil production plants require remote Industry 4.0 vision and mostly referred to as “Oil
sabotage and interruption of utilities. access to and control of large and complex & Gas 4.0”. Although the IT/OT convergence and
hardware resources that can be achieved by the rapid development of embedded systems,
Before we speculate on the attacks mostly integrating Supervisory, Control and Data sensors and networks have led to significant
impacted by the digitalisation of the sector, we Acquisition (SCADA) systems and IIoT efficiency gains and maximise equipment
sure want to delve into the nuances of the technologies; at the same time a cyber attack availabilities, this also exposes ICS
various technologies deployed along with all against the sector could have a major impact on communication protocols to
other protocols that could potentially the environment and the safety of personnel. This vulnerabilities/attacks like:
compromise process safety. Since, there is a scenario makes it even more important to protect
pressing need among the enterprises to reduce the industry from increasing cyber threats. It has 1. Denial of Service (DoS) – The DoS attacker
cost and maximise equipment availability, the been quite a while that companies are striving to identifies the network traffic to understand the
address the cyber threats and develop a proactive rate of communication in the Modbus protocol
approach to prevent business disruptions. At the



Example of Cyber-Physical System in Oil & Gas. Source – Research Gate more on offshore production. On the other
hand, Equinor, a Norway based petroleum
and crafts out malicious packets similar to attack by altering operational log and system refining company already having a large
legitimate Modbus protocols with the aim of control-related data, especially for offshore portfolio of assets in the US Gulf of Mexico, is
rupturing the network and disabling the control stations where these log files can be a planning to divest its onshore assets in the
Emergency Shut Down (ESD) systems, which is perfect target by the attackers. Bakken Field. Perhaps, this indicates that
typically used to prevent unsafe operating enterprises dealing with the offshore oil & gas
conditions. Interestingly, the shift of the attackers varies in production are to retain their share of global oil
2. Oil Tank Spoofing Attack–The processed oil the offshore and onshore production. Due to the production and more likely to grapple with the
that has been stored in tanks, ready for export remote locations and the dire need for real-time cyber exposures. Unfortunately, there is no
are usually fitted with level control sensors to single adversary and individual threat to the
transmit information and prevent tank overfills. “There is an information technology (IT) and operational
Such assets are prone to Man-in-the-Middle adequate technology (OT) infrastructures of the industry.
attacks falsifying sensor readings leading to tank need to map out the Attackers run the gamut each with their
explosions indicating that the tank level is budget for IT and OT advanced skill sets and deployment of
actually lower than it actually is. network security as technologies to hack their best.
3. Production Data Exfiltration – An attacker well as data security. Successful cyber-attacks threaten the
could easily be privy to sensitive information and competitiveness of this sector, and the cost of
exploit readily available information by monitoring and control, offshore oil & gas the breaches will also be higher. The
discretely deploying malicious software on companies face a frequent challenge of security enterprises will then have to react to the lost
compromised workstations disruptions impacted by a larger attack surface production, safety and environmental risk,
4. Command Injection–The attacker can tamper as compared to other sub-sectors. This is crucial breach of insurance conditions and loss of
the set point limits of PLCs (Programmable Logic because offshore production almost bears the licence to operate. Therefore, the onus is on the
Controller) which usually are programmed to weightage of almost 30 percent of global oil & CIO and CISO of the company responsible for
control the process and operate within safe gas production. A classic scenario is how ensuring the security of the enterprise. There is
operational parameters. These could lead to International Oil Companies (IOC) in Nigeria is an adequate need to map out the budget for IT
unsafe operational states and cause explosions divesting their onshore producing assets to focus and OT network security as well as data
due to presence of volatile hydrocarbons in oil & security. There is no getting around the fact that
gas, and managing and protecting both the physical and
cyber assets at the same time will always be a
5. Data Tampering–Processed data can be challenging proposition for both the security
tampered by muddling the details of a wider service providers as well as the enterprises.

Titli Chatterjee is Senior Lead,
SME – Smart Manufacturing
Practice, ISG (Information
Services Group). She is closely
working with the industry
thought leaders, advisors, consultants and other
stakeholders in formulating research practices
for smart manufacturing, also focusing on other
industry challenges/trends and highlighting how
technology can be a game changer at the
industrial front.

(The views expressed in interviews are personal,
not necessarily of the organisations represented)



Digitalisation & IIoT Concepts for Process Industry

Suresh Jan elaborates on the Figure 1: NOA pyramid.
concept of NOA and how it
brings modern technologies
around Industry 4.0 to older
process plants.

The NAMUR Open Architecture (NOA) aims to
make production data easily and securely usable
for plant and asset monitoring as well as

Idea of NOA
NOA stands for NAMUR Open Architecture, and it
is a concept to bring modern technologies around
Industry 4.0 into older process plants.

The NAMUR is a user organisation of mainly the plant by doing asset management, predictive interfaces on each input module or with
German chemical companies like BASF or Bayer. maintenance or artificial intelligence. integrated predictive maintenance
It was founded after the Second World War. functionalities, for example, are not in focus of
Meanwhile they have over 140 members and A typical architecture of a plant in general is the this concept!
became worldwide important. In over 40 ‘Automation Pyramid’ with an ERP system in the
workgroups, technical recommendations for the top and a sensor/actor layer in the bottom, in Architecture/technology scheme
process and chemical industry are elaborated. between control system layers. The target of this NOA concept is to place
The NAMUR publishes periodically ‘NEs’ which additional devices in the NOA side channel,
stand for NAMUR Empfehlung (NAMUR A main requirement of almost all plant operators is which allows collecting data from the plant
Recommendation). An example is one of the first not to change the main control system. without touching the existing control system.
NEs, which recommended using a 4…20mA These devices must be secure from the ‘IT’
instead of 0…20mA to detect sensor failures. This brings up the idea of a ‘Side Channel’ to place view.
smaller additional controllers for new additional
It is a fact that process plants have a long functionalities. Another main requirement of the Examples:
lifetime compared to a car production plant, for plant operators was that these new plant 1. A controller must have a protected user
example. This makes it harder to bring new components must be safe against unauthorised interface with user and password. Other (Data)
technologies like the Profinet Fieldbus into the access from outside, which adds the topic that this Interfaces must have a protection as well like
plant. The NAMUR searched for ideas to bring side channel has to be OPEN and SECURE. OPC UA has.
new technologies into the older plants and 2. The security on the sensor lever can be: HART
founded the NOA concept. The NOA concept is mainly for older plants where communication with Read Only functionality, a
new technologies are not integrated and with the signal splitter on 4…20mA or current transducer
Another fact is that a lot of unused data is in a help of new technology components it can be done. for energy measurement or an additional sensor
process plant. The sensors became more and which is not connected to the main control
more complex and they have a lot of information Newer process plants, which already have HART system.
inside which is not transferred to the control
system because the connection is still a 4…20mA
signal. This additional data could help to improve



Key device of this solution is the PLCnext
controller. It has…
1. Security functionalities (Restricted access with
user + password, HTTPS…)

Figure 2: NOA with HART connection to existing process plant sensors. 2. OPC UA Interface fora protected Figure 5: Digital twin technologie scheme.
communication with higher systems
3. To use existing fieldbuses requires careful During the installation an internet connection
planning and a security concept for the specific 3. Open Source Platform for High Language Data is necessary. After the setup and download of
fieldbus. Applications and Cloud connections the data package the internet connection can
4. The collected data has to be transferred to a be disconnected. The requirement of most
target (e.g., Internal Cloud, Internet Cloud or 4. Docker® Functionality, which makes it easy to customers is, the interface to the customer is
DCS System) in a safe and protected way. This install applications like IIoT server OPC UA.
can be made with a VPN tunnel by an mGuard
Security Router. 5. Access to almost all Fieldbuses by using the One controller OPC UA integrated can handle
Whether the new NOA concept or a traditional Axioline Family up to five full extended HART Gateways with
data collector in a plant, Phoenix Contact has a 40 connected sensors = 200 sensors in sum.
good and very large portfolio for this task; 6. Complete IO Module Portfolio
beginning with 4…20mA signal splitter of the
MCR/MACX family, the modular HART Gateway 7. ATEX Zone 2 Approbation, and 1. This solution needs no application
or the Motor Manager modules for energy 8. Attractive Price. programming. The IIoT server will be installed
measurement and many more. A conversation by using the Docker functionality. For the
with the customer helps to find the right devices installation an application engineer is
fitting to the customers’ needs and necessary.
requirements. 2. A field engineer has to install the physical
HARTconnections. Several terminals are
Figure 4: IIoT server: Description files pool. usable.
3. In most cases a loop check is necessary
after the installation.

Figure 3: NOA with Motor Manager EMM 3-XXX Suresh Jan, Head –
and current transducer. Process Industry,
Phoenix Contact India
Digital twin Pvt Ltd, is a Graduate
By using the HART GW, the AXC F 2152 with an Engineer with 27 years
8GB PLCnext SD Card and an IIoT server of the experience. He started
company, we can offer a smart solution for his career with sales &
collecting all unused HART data of connected marketing of factory
sensors. automation and process automation products
for the process industry and has worked with
The IIoT server has a pool of 1800 description various process automation organisations in
files of HART sensors (eDD, FDI) integrated, different positions and regions in India.
which allows the access of all HART parameters Currently Suresh heads the Process Industry
of the connected sensors instead of the standard Vertical at Phoenix Contact India, and is
commands of a solution without this IIoT server. responsible for domestic and international
The factor is 3…10 times more data from each projects. He may be reached on maail at
sensor, depending on the complexity of the [email protected]



Representative image. Photo by Dean Brierley on Unsplash

Oil & Gas: How Unified Operations can Improve
Productivity and Profitability

By unifying business operations from the sudden need for remote working through by 2040. BloombergNEF’s New Energy Outlook
into a single interface, oil and to the oil price crash. Many of last year’s challenges 20202 predicts demand for oil will peak in 2035,
gas companies can improve helped reveal areas of low digital maturity, while gas will continue to rise until at least
their efficiency, agility and including the industry’s reliance on engineers out 2050. At the same time society is calling for
reliability, in turn raising in the field and the fact their work was often cleaner energy, and so O&G companies must
profitability, says Rashesh reactive, rather than pre-emptive. This has led to look to supply their energy with a greater focus
Mody. an acceleration of digital transformation projects as on environmental performance. With this in
organisations look to secure business continuity mind many are focusing on energy transition and
The oil and gas industry (O&G) is no stranger to and improve automation. net-zero goals.
uncertainty, but the events of 2020 highlighted
the importance of agility and adaptability more Pivoting to a new energy future Pivoting to this new energy future is challenging,
than ever. Covid-19 brought many disruptions, As the global population grows and living but digitalisation has an important role to play in
standards improve, energy needs are set to helping the sector make this transition.
continue rising. According to ExxonMobil’s latest Solutions such as remote operations centres can
Outlook for Energy1 global demand will rise by 20% help to optimise efficiencies and meet



environmental targets, all while ensuring reactive maintenance into predictive. This is visibility and analytics will be key to their
competitiveness thanks to lowering costs and thanks to advanced diagnostics that enable continued success. A ROC allows better
downtime. workers to anticipate faults before they occur collaboration among stakeholders and connects
through the use of big data analytics. people, sites, systems and processes. It
The role of a RemoteOperations Center empowers businesses to make the most of their
A Remote Operations Center (ROC) helps Real-world results assets, and those that do so are most likely to
organisations to make better informed decisions Many O&G businesses including upstream, lead the way in this new energy future.
by bringing together disparate systems and midstream, downstream, and retail have already
providing a 3600 view across the value chain. made the move to ROCs. This includes ADNOC – References
one of the world’s largest oil companies in terms 1.
Pulling together information technology (IT), of production. ADNOC’s Panorama Digital /media/Global/Files/energy-and-carbon-
operational technology (OT) and engineering Command Centre3 is enabling savings of between summary/Energy-and-carbon-summary.pdf
technology (ET) into a converged industrial US$60-100m through optimised operations. By 2.
internet of things (IIoT) interface, a ROC enables integrating and monitoring more than 10m tags coal-have-peaked-as-covid-19-saves-2-5-
organisations to create a single management across in excess of 120 dashboards, the Unified years-of-emissions-accelerates-energy-
environment that provides full visibility across Operations Center allows the oil company to see transition/
the business. new value opportunities for the first time – even 3.
in brownfield operations.
Create actionable insights -stories/adnoc/
ROCs take advantage of technologies such as Times are changing – so must you
artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) The world still relies on oil and gas, but customer Rashesh Mody is Senior Vice
and cloud computing to gather, store and demands are changing. They expect energy that’s President and Head of
analyse data, which is then turned into clean, affordable and reliable. Monitoring and Control
actionable insights that drive operational business unit of AVEVA that
efficiency and safety performance. Operational To provide this, O&G companies must continue to comprises the world’s leading
measures such as yield, efficiency, emissions, look for efficiencies that will keep costs down, all real-time monitoring and control capability,
throughput and utilisation can be calculated while doing everything they can to lower enabling customers to visualise, monitor and
from the plant down to asset level, enabling emissions. In addition, they must continue to control their operations, from the smallest of
meaningful comparisons of performance across weather uncertainties ¬¬– those that they’re used edge installations to enterprise-wide capability.
multiple sites and departments, and ensuring to in the sector, but also those new disruptions In this role, Rashesh is responsible for product
key performance indicators (KPIs) are met. that came into being with the pandemic. strategy, industry strategy and go-to market
activities related to Operations control solutions
Furthermore, reporting tools and dashboards O&G firms that are able to access the right including HMI/SCADA, Midstream Pipeline
allow users to route staff to the highest priority information, and quickly, will weather these offerings, Enterprise Visualisation and industry
assets, while the overview of assets transforms changeable times more favorably, and business focused Unified Operations Center.

Addverb and Element Logic announce strategic partnership

Addverb, a global robotics company providing complete end-to-end warehouse automation solutions, announces a strategic partnership with Element
Logic, a warehouse optimization provider, and the world's first and largest AutoStore™ partner. "We are thrilled to enter into this partnership with Element
Logic and are proud to work together with such a prestigious player of the industry renowned across Europe and globally," said Pieter Feenstra, Addverb's
CEO of the EMEA region. "Our ability to serve the market demand will exponentially increase, offering access to a complete automation solution combining
AutoStore systems and Addverb's Mobile Robots. We believe the strong portfolio, innovation expertise, and depth of resources we are bringing together
through this partnership will allow us to create even more value for our customers." Addverb offers a unique logistics combination of fixed and mobile
automation and advanced warehouse software solutions. Their expertise involves providing end-to-end warehouse automation solutions based on Industry
4.0, IoT, and robotics. Addverb has provided solutions to customers in various industries such as Unilever, Flipkart, Amazon, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Dabur,
Johnson & Johnson, and more. "This partnership will spark the ability to create use-cases around AutoStore projects, which will turn around a better RoI for
customers and have less dependency on the scarce labor," said Hans-Jörg Braumuller, Group Design & Consulting Director at Element Logic. "At Element
Logic, our global expansion is happening at an exciting rate and Addverb will be a part of that. We're looking forward to working with them to make for more
flexible warehouse automation technology."



Team Marksmen has designed a unique initiative.

Manufacturing – Forging New Pathways

Team Marksmen has designed a global standards, the need to create a better workplace Preferred Workplace 2022-23 – Manufacturing that
for all has started to take hold of the collective brings together leaders from the manufacturing sector
unique initiative Most Preferred consciousness in the corridors of power. One of the key to discuss the best workplace practices. After the
focus areas in this great transition is that of Diversity, stupendous success of the inaugural edition of this
Workplace 2022-23 – Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). As per the GE and Avatar landmark event, Most Preferred Workplace 2022-23,
2021 survey, women representation in manufacturing we turn our lens to the manufacturing industry at a gala
Manufacturing. has just moved up from 8% to 12% in the period of 2019 event in Mumbai, to laud companies that have
to 2021. Increasingly, we are seeing manufacturers of all particularly succeeded in their holistic reorientation of
The Indian manufacturing sector has undergone a stripes taking the National Association of Manufacturers’ the manufacturing landscape, which has seen them
significant transformation owing to the fourth industrial Pledge for Action in the industry by 2030, pushing DEI to create an employee experience that is purpose driven.
revolution also known as Industry 4.0, which originated the forefront. Nurturing workplace safety is another top
in 2011. Industry 4.0 primarily refers to leveraging priority for the companies that actively demonstrate their Key discussions
technologies such as cloud computing, big data, AI, IoT dedication to improving workplace culture. Today, -Insightful discussions around current HR trends in the
and automation that enable smart manufacturing. Over manufacturing companies do not shy away from manufacturing industry
the years, globalisation, digital transformation, investing in improving health and safety measures of -Overcoming the talent crisis: reskilling, upskilling, and
government reforms and lucrative incentive schemes their workforce. It requires behavioural changes from the managing growing attrition rates
have attracted global corporations to set up top levels of management across the manufacturing or -Best practices to ensure workplace safety and
manufacturing facilities in India. This not only provided the shop floor. Indeed, fostering this culture can certainly employee well being, and
increased access to modern manufacturing practices, be challenging, but it’s what defines an organisation's -Approaching the future of work with a diverse and
technological know-how but also transformed commitment for employees’ wellbeing. inclusive workforce.
workplace standards. With globalisation becoming
more prevalent in the manufacturing sector, it is bound Keeping these workplace trends and challenges related
to impact Indian companies that now strive to be at par to compensation, upskilling, employee retention in mind, Manufacturing.pdf
with their global counterparts. Team Marksmen has designed a unique initiative Most

As the industry kicks into a higher gear to meet the


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