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Published by Industrial Automation Magazine, 2022-12-15 05:20:46

Industrial Automation Magazine Dec - 2022

December Edition 2022

Keywords: Industrial automation magazine, Artificial intelligence, Robotics, Smart cities, Green energy, Industry 4.0, IIOT, products, interviews, news, articles, automation magazine, factory, process, careers, magazine


Bringing together a community of various stakeholders.

Representative image. Photo by PilMo Kang on Unsplash

BAC Day 2022 – Building a Better Tomorrow

BAC Day 2022 is an exclusive INBAC: Integrated Building Automation protocols in building automation and control
event for INBAC members, Community systems through standardisation,
event partners and esteemed INBAC, a community dedicated to technology with interoperability testing, events, seminars,
guests. social impact, is a non-profit organisation that drives training programs and promotional activities on
a community of various stakeholders involved in a global platform.
Building Automation Community Day (BAC Day) building automation in India. Its mission is to drive
is a celebration of the remarkable efforts and standardisation within the industry by creating How is INBAC positioned in the building
ideas of every person in the Building Automation awareness around various building automation automation market in India?
Domain, working towards the goal of a better technologies and open communication protocols INBAC works on the well-known fundamentals
tomorrow. Let’s know more about the INBAC which meet the critical needs of the Indian building of “The whole is always greater than the sum of
community and its work. automation market. The INBAC association its parts.” The association is uniquely
facilitates successful use of open standards and positioned toward developing a building



automation ecosystem by bringing stakeholders INBAC is working in the interest of user centric wants to identify, satisfy and retain customers.
together. building automation in India. We focus on At the same time, customers want to have safe,
creating brand agnostic awareness on the “Why” healthy, and comfortable environments, and
Stakeholders include: and “How” of building automation by listening to value for money solutions.
1. Consumers: building owners, facility the customer requirements closely. BAC Day
operators and occupants 2022 offers the opportunity to join a Symposium INBAC is bringing “the need” and “the solution”
2. Government: public authorities responsible + Exhibition with esteemed industry experts who together.
for regulations covering the affected markets have a deep understanding of India and global
3. Industries: Real estate developers, industries competence. Stakeholders must be supported in the shift
and industry associations, and from the traditional surveillance-based
4. Businesses: OEMs, consultants, architects, The entire INBAC team, along with collaboration approach towards the use of data analytics
system integrators, ISV (independent software from the global community, are working together based on high-quality, real-time data without
vendors), cloud providers, academic institutions, creating a new wave of collective success for compromising personal privacy.
independent testing laboratories and accrediting building automation stakeholders and the
bodies and standardisation organisations. resulting benefits for the consumer. By the extensive adoption and use of
international standards in the built
INBAC is the neutral platform for collaboration BAC Day 2022 is supported and partnered by: environment, considerable savings in time,
among these groups. Hiranandani Group of Companies materials and money can be achieved.
Platinum Partners: Belimo Automation India Pvt
BAC Day 2022 Ltd The attendees will benefit from INTalks, Panel
INBAC Association is thrilled to announce in- Gold Partners: Shrirang Automation and Discussions and facetime sessions with the top-
person Building Automation Community Day in Controls, San Telequip (P) Ltd notch talent in the Building Automation
Pune, India. Silver Partner: Claypot Technologies, MSD Industry in India.
Controls LLP
BAC Day 2022 campaign is powered by IoP Collage Partner: Concord Technologies Who should join the BAC Day 2022?
(Internet of People) with the vision: Media Partner: IED Communications Ltd. BAC Day 2022 is an exclusive event for INBAC
i. To champion the cause of interoperable, data- members, Event Partners and Esteemed
driven and sustainable smart spaces. What are the benefits of attending the BAC Day Guests.
ii. To build the customer trust and grow the 2022?
Building – Automation market. India is a consumer driven market. Everyone To join the event, contact – [email protected]

OnRobot launches D:PLOY in India

OnRobot, the world’s leading provider of hardware and software solutions for collaborative robotic applications, has launched the industry's first automated
platform for deployment of collaborative applications – D:PLOY – in India.

D:PLOY – the biggest innovation since the collaborative robot (cobot) – will revolutionise and simplify automation for manufacturers in almost every
industry. It offers dramatic savings of up to 90% on deployment and redeployment time, enabling manufacturers of all sizes to reap the benefits of
automation. D:PLOY will work with any leading collaborative or light industrial robot. The launch is timely as demand for robotic adoption soars in India.
This is particularly so as manufacturers turn to automation to cope with rising inflation, labour shortages and supply chain delays. In India, industrial
automation is expected to reach US$23.09 billion by 2027, increasing at an annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.26% from 2020 to 2027.

“The launch of D:PLOY marks a huge milestone for OnRobot and offers a foundational market shift that will alter the way automation is deployed across
industries,” says Enrico Krog Iversen, CEO of OnRobot. “D:PLOY is set to benefit manufacturers, system integrators, distributors and robot manufacturers.
As deployment and redeployment becomes drastically faster, easier and less complex, manufacturers of all sizes can increase productivity and solve their
labour shortage challenges. System integrators can complete more projects in less time for greater returns while distributors can tap into new customers
segments. Robot manufacturers can expect higher sales from greater automation adoption. D:PLOY is an automation and market enabler for the entire
industry,” he added. “D:PLOY offers tremendous potential in India and supports the Indian Government’s goal of shifting towards more automation driven
manufacturing, increasing its GDP share of manufacturing to 25% by 2025,” said James Taylor, General Manager, APAC, OnRobot.



Race Towards Digital Manufacturing

It is often challenging to get an 1. Digitisation is transitioning from analog or 4. Stakeholders know the future 'state' of the
off-the-shelf solution, as each physical format to digital. business in real-time.
company has different needs, 2. Digitalisation is the process of utilising 5. Leveraging technology (ML/AI) to collect and
says Gopinath PS. digitisation to enhance business operations. Means analyse data/information. ML predicts future
making digitised content work for you. outcomes based on past patterns and current
Manufacturing industries globally are becoming 3. Digital transformation is taking advantages from state.
smarter every day. What people want from their digitalisation to create new business concepts. 6. AI recommends operational adjustments to
purchase has changed for good. There are new improve future outcomes.
expectations. In a world of dynamically changing You should not simply adopt digital processes out 7. Stakeholders execute (or not execute) AI
markets, shorter product life cycles, higher of desperation to keep up with others in the recommended operational adjustments.
product complexity and global supply chains, industry. The key to becoming a successful digital
companies are pursuing their digital business resides in how a manufacturer answers The immediate bottom-line production benefits
transformation journey to adapt, be more flexible its own challenges. are evident: optimised inventory, fewer machine
and responsive to keep up with the expectations failures, improved quality, less scrap and
of the market. Implemented successfully, these solutions deliver downtime issues, faster changeovers, reduced
irresistible returns. energy and improved efficiency and yield – ‘The
The digital revolution is not in the future, but it is profit from within’.
the present. The fourth industrial revolution has What does a successful implementation look
the power to drive outcome-based changes in like? Digital transformation is not all about
the manufacturing space. The common problems 1. Everything and everyone are plugged into the implementing new software, and processes that
prevalent are the legacy systems, labour network. are more efficient and automated than
shortages, silos of information, material 2. Unified manufacturing process. The layers of the traditional business practices and processes. It
shortages, sequencing, disconnected IT systems business (ERP to Factory Floor) are integrated and is an entirely new, innovative way of doing
and unseen wastes. So, how to transform a operate based on data and information from all the something that is core to your business.
typical manufacturing unit into a digital factory? other layers in real-time.
There are three steps: 3. Stakeholders know the 'state' of the business in That means organisations must consider
real-time. everything when taking on a digital
The three steps for transformation.



cybersecurity is complex, dynamic, and fast-
changing. The latest reports from industry
research experts like Forrester and Gartner are
pointing towards the same concerns. Follow a
security-first approach. Security must be
embedded into all applications as the first line
of defense.

So where do I start?
Start with a DTMA (Digital Transformation
Maturity Assessment) of your plant, process,
and people. Identify use cases with a justified
RoI. Begin with a proof of concept (PoC), then a
pilot, scale up into different phases and slowly
reach the full deployment into a smart factory.

Successful digitalisation requires complex interactions. Photo by Simon Kadula on Unsplash Final thoughts
The value proposition is king. Successful
transformation initiative – from how people will The new winners will be of 2 categories: One – digitalisation requires complex interactions
react to the change, how it will impact customer those who transform their manufacturing. They between technology, processes, people, and
relations, the cost, how it will align to business will become the market leaders, and Two – new business models both within the company and
goals, and so forth. Digital transformations entrants. Implementing digital strategies is externally in the ecosystem.
empower organisations to take their business easier in a Greenfield plant than a brownfield
into the future, and position companies to plant. Entrepreneurs, who understand the future It is often challenging to get an off-the-shelf
withstand competition and grow into new areas. of digitalisation and see incumbents lagging in its solution, as each company has different needs.
adoption, will build their digital factories from Choosing the right technology partners is the
But all of that is easier said than done – scratch and leave the incumbents behind. key. These partners must understand the
according to digital transformation statistics, domain function and process, company’s
70% of all digital transformation programs fail The importance of AI for manufacturing cannot existing operations, technology, and data. As
due to employee resistance and lack of support be understated. No matter where you are on the complexity differs for each company, the
from management (McKinsey) and only 16% of digitalisation spectrum, you as a manufacturer imperative is to co-create solutions that fit their
employees said that their company’s digital are constantly creating lots of data that should be needs, requirements, and budgets. Digital
transformation efforts improve their managed and analysed properly to achieve any transformation is more like a marathon than a
performance or are sustainable. level of process improvement. 100-metre race. Just ensure that you know
where the finish line is (near-/mid-/long-term)
So why are the success stories so far and few The volume of data being created will only grow and continue at a consistent pace. Investors,
between? To get the digital transformation right exponentially. Human minds are limited to employees, and your customers will thank you.
requires the following 5 things: the right processing fewer dimensions, while the AI can
strategy, a dedicated team, the right technology, look at more than 200 different dimensions, Gopinath PS is the Deputy
adequate budget and importantly, the right learn from the past and contextualise the data Managing Director of
partners. It requires professionals who are into actionable insights. This comes in very handy BASE Automation
experienced in every layer of the Automation in root cause analysis, predictions on possible Technologies Pvt Ltd,
Stack, from Control Systems on the shop floor to failures and quality control analytics there by Chennai. He is a TUV
the ERP and Business Systems on the technical alerting in advance and a projection into future certified DTMA assessor.
side and people from finance, supply chain, accounting the current state. Are you a manufacturer
planning, technology, production, quality, concerned about your digital maturity? Connect
maintenance to come together towards a Data security is a concern for most visionaries as with him on email: [email protected]
common goal.



33.BI-MU: Crowded Aisles and Full Exhibition Stands

33.BI-MU, the most important Italian exhibition.

33.BI-MU showcased the best representing almost 700 exhibiting companies, of Among the foreign visitors, there were also 100
international products; the next which 37% from abroad, occupying a total surface operators, mostly end users, in addition to
edition of the biennial will be area of 65,000 square metres within the four halls several journalists, coming from 13 countries –
from 9 to 12 October 2024. set up for the event. Australia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada,
Croatia, India, Mexico, Poland, Romania,
Fieramilano Rho hosted 33.BI-MU in mid- In addition to the over 42,000 professional Slovenia, Turkey, USA, Uzbekistan, Vietnam -
October 2022, the most important Italian operators registered at the turnstiles (5% from invited within the business mission organised by
exhibition dedicated to the manufacturing abroad), it is estimated that about 8,000 visitors UCIMU-Sistemi Per Produrre in cooperation with
industry of machine tools, robots, automation came from Xylexpo. The number is calculated ICE-Italian Trade Agency and the Ministry of
systems, digital and additive manufacturing and based on the intention expressed by 85% of the Foreign Affairs and of International Cooperation.
subcontracting. Organised by EFIM-Ente Fiere operators during their pre-registration for the trade
Italiane Macchine and promoted by UCIMU- show dedicated to woodworking technologies (held Alfredo Mariotti, general manager of UCIMU-
Sistemi Per Produrre, the Italian machine tools, in the neighbouring halls). These data confirm that Sistemi Per Produrre, stated: “We haven’t seen
robots and automation systems manufacturers' the organisers made a positive choice to organise such crowded aisles and such full exhibition
association, 33.BI-MU shows the best BI-MU and Xylexpo in full conjunction, because all stands for many editions. It is a sign that the
international products of the sector, this allowed free circulation of visitors from one proposal of this BI-MU met the approval of the
event to the other. public, despite the uncertainty of the context



affected by many problems, first of all by the Machine tools and production systems at 33.BI-MU.
energy crisis”.

“The first exhibitors’ opinions we collected are
definitely positive, with regard to the number, as
well as to the quality of contacts collected.
Considering the number of present operators –
continued Alfredo Mariotti – if compared with
the 2018 edition, the last one before the
pandemic, 33.BI-MU was more successful.”

The 2018 edition had registered 65,000 visitors
for over 1,000 exhibiting enterprises, i.e., 65
operators per capita, whereas 33.BI-MU
recorded about 50,000 entries for 700 exhibiting
companies, i.e., 71 operators per capita.”

These data confirm the appreciation of the world of ICT and technologies for connectivity; researchers and experts, engaged in the
public for the formula devised for this edition of Metrology & Testing, centred on testing, academic and research activity focused on the
the biennial, which, around machine tools and measuring and quality-control machines and world of industrial robotics.
production systems, proposed 5 innovation systems and finally, BI-MU Logistics, dedicated
areas for 5 technological themes. RobotHeart, to logistics for the mechanical industry. With UCIMU Academy, about 3,500 students
sponsored by SIRI, the Italian Robotics and visited the exhibition accompanied by their
Automation Association, and dedicated to the Moreover, 33.BI-MU offered the present teachers. In addition, 300 more students took
world of robotics; piùAdditive, sponsored by operators a full programme of in-depth cultural part in the tours guided by tutors of the
AITA-Italian Association Of Additive and thematic meetings, hosted within the BI- Association, who illustrated features, value and
Technologies and centred on additive MUpiù arena. Over 60 speeches were arranged strengths of the sector.
technologies; BI-MU Digital, focused on the by the organisers and exhibitors and involved
more than 1,900 attendees and about 12,500 The interest in the event shown by the
Alfredo Mariotti, users connected online thanks to the live manufacturing world is proven by the lively
general manager of UCIMU-Sistemi Per Produrre. streaming service available in the homepage of activity on the website and on the digital
the website Among these 12,500, over communication channels (Facebook, Instagram,
3,000 users stayed online between 30 minutes Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube).
and two hours.
From 1st January to 15th October 2022, the
About twenty meetings, organised in the website registered the visits of 70,558
piùAdditive area, also attracted hundreds of single users (+22% versus 2020), totalling
operators interested in learning more about 356,070 page views (+36%).
additive manufacturing and its multiple and
varied applications. The BI-MU webApp registered over 2,400
downloads considering only the exhibition days.
The Annual Conference of I-RIM, the Italian
Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Machines, The next edition of BI-MU will take place from
which has chosen the biennial to hold its two-day 9 to 12 October 2024. Updated information on
work session, gathered about one hundred
attendees, including professors, scholars,



New components offer enhanced specifications. Photo by Alexandre Debiève on Unsplash

Musings on Automation: Does Technology Lead

When a break-through happens would be in vogue in future, and which companies other. There are the people who are working on
in one field, it spurs imagination might find most for automation. manufacturing methods, who try to refine the
in developers in other fields, products and means to manufacture. There are
says PV Sivaram. I thought I will offer some clarity on these the people who are developing machines used
thoughts, since many in the student population in manufacture, who continuously try to find
Anand was in an excited mood today. Reason for might be having similar questions sprouting in their more efficient algorithms and strategies to serve
this excitement was that the annual season for mind. It is good to have young people thinking the new methods developed by the first team.
campus recruitments had started. Of course freely, but it is important to give direction to this The third team is the people who work at
Anand, being just into his first semester, could speculation so that at some time in future, there developing components for automation, which
only play the role of an interested observer from might be results of great value. A fundamental will sit inside the machines. These new
the side lines, but he was excited, as he would be question, which crops up time and again, is components offer enhanced specifications, and
an active participant in three years' time. whether technology development is pursued to make it easier to realise the developments of
Alongside he was also wondering what would be solve a problem; or is it that a developed the second team.
the prospects for employment when his turn technology is used to address the problem; or,
came. I let him first pour out his slightly since a product becomes available, an application Automation consists of the following ingredients
incoherent observations about the exciting is constructed around it? Which comes first – the – the components (the sensors, actuators, the
companies who were making the pitch, and the egg, the chick or the hen? controllers, software, and communication), the
‘package’ being offered. After some time, he algorithms of control (open loops, closed loops,
started with asking about what new technologies There are three different teams who are working on speed control, position control and so on), and
development, in loose coordination with each the interfaces to humans for interacting with the



to dramatically innovative solutions.

By this point, Anand exhausted his store of
patience. Yet he tried another sally. Will
development continue forever like this? Last
time we discussed the serious side-effects of
technology. I had to only smile at this
philosophical question, put forth in a naive
manner. My dear Anand, there are two things
which drive development by man. These two
things are greed and laziness. Man would like to
maximise his profit at all times, and he would
like to put in minimal effort. This gives rise to all
inventions – tools, machines, automation and
all that follows. As long as these basic traits of
man do not change, developments and
innovation will keep happening.

Greed and laziness lead to development of man. Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

automation. There is development going on in hostile environments are developed for space PV Sivaram, Evangelist for
continuously – to improve features, to improve applications. These components might be very Digital Transformation and
accuracy, to improve ease of operation. There rugged and suitable for use in extreme conditions. Industrial Automation, is
are also below the surface developments – to So, a spinoff development could take shape to mentor and member of steering
improve ease of installation, to improve make controllers or sensors for deployment in committee at C4i4. He retired
diagnostics and debug, to reduce power underground coal mines which are a challenge to as the Non-Executive Chairman of B&R
consumption and so on. regular automation components. Another Industrial Automation and earlier the Managing
example – due to miniaturisation in electronics, it Director. He is a past President of the
At this point, Anand interjected, so it is the becomes possible to mount processor and Automation Industries Association (AIA). After
problem which comes first, and then automation wireless communication components on one his graduation in Electronics Engineering from
comes up as a solution? Nay, not so, I had to board. This can lead to automation architecture IIT-Madras in 1976, Sivaram began his career
counter. In life things do not move so linearly or for distributed controls. Actually, when a break- at BARC. He shifted to Siemens Ltd and has
smoothly. I will give you an example. Highly through happens in one field, it spurs imagination considerable experience in Distributed Systems,
rugged modules with specification for operation in developers in other fields of work and gives rise SCADA, DCS, and microcontroller applications.

Siemens and Eplan enter strategic partnership

Siemens Smart Infrastructure and Eplan have signed a strategic partnership to strengthen collaboration in the area of software solutions for the industry and
infrastructure market segments. As part of this agreement, Siemens’ Electrical Products business unit will join the Eplan Partner Network as a strategic
partner. The objective is to coordinate the products of both companies in a more targeted manner in order to offer optimized solutions for switchgear
manufacturers and electrical planners. Sebastian Seitz, CEO of Eplan, and Andreas Matthé, CEO of Electrical Products at Siemens Smart Infrastructure,
signed the agreement to this effect on September 26, 2022. “The overall goal of our collaboration is to create a plug-and-play structure for electrical
planners. We want to open our tools bidirectionally for both sides and thus simplify and accelerate workflows,” said Andreas Matthé. Sebastian Seitz of
Eplan has also emphasized the benefits for joint customers: “In switchgear construction, we can use Eplan Pro Panel to optimize processes and automate
them to a greater extent. In addition, we will more specifically address the growing area of power distribution and work with Siemens to create end-to-end
solutions for integrative, more efficient workflows.” The industry segment comprises offerings and products for control panel building, while the
infrastructure segment includes switchgear construction for power distribution. In the industry market segment, Siemens and Eplan will intensify the
excellent cooperation that has existed for many years, for example, to provide Eplan data across all configured Siemens products. For the infrastructure
market, Eplan and Siemens have decided to jointly optimize and automate customer processes, for instance in the Sivacon and Alpha environment (power
distribution systems) by integrating Simaris (planning tools) and the Eplan platform.


Industrial Automation Magazine
63, Shiv Shakti Industrial Estate, Andheri Kurla Road,Opp Mittal Estate, Andheri (E) Mumbai 400059

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EREC Firalp EV charging.

Optimisation and Control of Nationwide EV Charging

How PcVue supervises the volume includes passenger vehicles, light trucks the group, through its subsidiary EREC, has
charging stations of the FIRALP and light commercial vehicles. Moreover, the chosen PcVue Solutions for the supervision of its
e-vehicles fleet. number of electric vehicles on the road should charging stations.
reach at least 145 million units by the end of the
FIRALP, a French company of public works and decade as per the International Energy Agency EREC Technologies is a national specialist in
specialised sectors (Energy, Civil Engineering, (IEA) estimates. process management and has been a PcVue
High Voltage, etc.), monitors its charging stations partner for over 20 years; it supports its
using advanced diagnostic features to increase At FIRALP, the move to electric vehicles has been customers in the maintenance and operation of
availability and optimise maintenance activities. underway for several years now. However, 2022 turnkey solutions in electricity and automation.
marks a decisive shift, with more than 100 electric
As sustainable mobility has become a priority for vehicles ordered and charging stations already The project began in 2020 with the aim of
many countries, notably in Europe where the installed in the branches. The deployment of dual- managing internally the hundred-22kW charging
parliament just voted to end sales of petrol and energy pods is also continuing, as is the order for a stations of FIRALP’s fifty branches, with an open
diesel cars by 2035, e-vehicles have grown into a dozen gas (CNG) trucks. This renewal meets and flexible solution.
booming market. environmental expectations and anticipates the
restriction of the most polluting vehicles in low- The tests carried out during the lockdown,
According to a new report by specialised site EV- emission mobility zones by 2025. allowed communication configuration with the
Volumes, global EV sales reached 6.75 million charging stations of various manufacturers.
units in 2021, 108% more than in 2020. This Managing mobility OCPP was the selected protocol to monitor the
To support its transition to electric vehicles, stations for it ensures interoperability.



driver on his mobile of the charging station to

Once the vehicle is connected, PcVue will
trigger the charging. A configurable time-out is
also available if the driver decides to finally not
charge his vehicle, in that case PcVue move to
the next charging request available in its ticket

The mobile application dedicated to vehicle
charging stations is realised without a single
line of code thanks to PcVue's bot functionality.
It allows the creation of a mobile graphic
interface adapted to the client's needs, both
functional and graphic.

Mobile app for charging optimisation. free, but each branch has a portal to control it. In the FIRALP context, it will be possible for the
The charging stations also rely on Load The number of charging stations is currently driver receiving the charging authorisation on
Management Systems which require several sufficient for the number of e-vehicles, but the his mobile to transfer it to a third person in case
firmware updates in order to obtain the desired strong desire of the FIRALP group to expand their of unavailability, or simply to postpone it.
performance. fleet of e-vehicles may make access to the
stations increasingly difficult. These mobile and intelligent solutions allow the
“The mobile three parties involved: vehicles, charging
application In the coming months, FIRALP will receive an stations and drivers, a perfect match between
dedicated to vehicle order of more than 100 electric vehicles to availability, charging and time.
charging stations is complete their fleet, thus requiring the
realised without a implementation of resource optimisation tools. It Adopted by all the employees, "Absolutely no
single line of code is in this context that the innovative mobility one wants to go back to thermal vehicles," says
solutions offered by the PcVue platform were Jerome Dorne, head of studies and execution,
Several pieces of information are reported in the presented to the FIRALP group. about 40 new charging stations of various
PcVue application: power delivered by station powers and from various manufacturers, as well
during charging in time, end-of-charge event, Digitising the Queue Ticket Machine as a hundred electric vehicles have been
alarms, start/stop of charging. In addition, 10 The main problem that EV car drivers may ordered by FIRALP.
WebVue clients provide access to reports encounter concerns the cars remaining connected
visualisations for a better use of the stations. A even after a full charge, making the charging One of main ambitions is to have a solution
BMS supervision of the head office, the Château, station inaccessible for other waiting vehicles. ensuring MOC (Maintenance in Operational
is also coupled. Condition), that is to say an obligation of
To solve this challenge, PcVue Solutions offers a maintenance contract for each installation of a
As of today, access to the charging stations is solution that allows e-vehicles drivers to sign in charging station.
with their cell phone when they arrive at parking
lots and to indicate the desired charge rate. PcVue In the near future, EREC would also like to
stores this information regarding the charge need become an installer for several other
and rate and when a charging station becomes customers.
available, the PcVue platform is able to notify the
Towards even greater energy efficiency
Finally, the energy performance of FIRALP's
assets has always been the subject of



innovation: the Montereau-sur-le-Jard site,
south of Paris, is already covered with 600 m2 of
photovoltaic panels managed by the
Departmental Energy Syndicate. The next new
buildings will also be equipped with them. The
Group plans to go one-step further by recovering
solar energy for its own consumption. The
principle is to use the energy produced by the
panels of its truck shelters to power the heating
and air conditioning of buildings or to charge
electric vehicle terminals.

"Our objective is to control the energy of our The goal is to reduce their CO2 emissions.
buildings, whether it comes from the panels or
from the ENEDIS network, an expertise will be a time for experimentation and action. - A hundred vehicles ordered in 2022, and
mastered by our subsidiary EREC. These actions - A smart mobile application to optimise
should reduce the footprint of our buildings by To carry out this low-carbon approach, the Group charging.
10%," emphasises François Chapel, real estate has relied on the firm Oksigen. Following the
manager at FIRALP. assessment, 4 priority actions were defined to act With its headquarters in Paris, France, ARC
on the carbon footprint (concrete, recycling, Informatique is a global SCADA provider. Driven
In addition to self-consumption, the next high alternative energies and carbon calculator) and by innovation and technical excellence, the
tension site in Meyzieu, near Lyon will working groups were set up. The goal is to reduce company designs products that integrate the
experiment with energy storage using recycled their CO2 emissions by 10% by 2025 and by 20% latest technologies including cloud and mobility
batteries. It will be the first site to be built with by 2030. solutions. Its flagship product, PcVue, provides a
low-carbon asphalt. A composition based on flexible solution with features, add-ons and
Landes pinesap will also be tested. The project in figures tools to handle communications, networking,
- About one hundred 22kW terminals alarms and database management. With its
In 2021, FIRALP has carried out a full carbon - About 50 agencies partner Moxa, PcVue completes its suite with
assessment to calculate the direct greenhouse - About 40 new charging stations of various Industrial Ethernet.
gas (GHG) emissions generated by the Group's powers and from multiple manufacturers by 2023
activity. After the time of measurement, 2022

Crestron celebrates Technology Day

Crestron, a global leader in workplace automation and collaboration solutions, celebrated another edition of its Technology Day on November 18, 2022, in
Hyderabad. The event celebrated the customers, technology and people through multiple touch-points.

The Covid-19 pandemic had pushed all of us to work remotely. As the shackles of the pandemic started loosening up, we started with a hybrid work model.
In both the scenarios, technology is playing a key role, and this is what they want to celebrate.

This celebratory gathering helped people to get a hands-on experience of Crestron's innovative solutions for a seamless modern workplace. However, this is
not it. The event involved:
• Live demonstrations of the latest Crestron AV and UC Solutions' Portfolio
• Networking with industry peers and learning from Crestron Solution Experts, and
• Explore ways to transform a traditional workplace into a Digital Workplace.

Speaking on the successful conclusion of the event, Gagan Verma, Vice President-India & SAARC, quoted, "Technology has always been an integral part of
our business. It plays a very important role in today's communication with our people and for enterprises, especially with widely spread resources across the
nation. Therefore, we at Crestron, always strive to continue delivering world-class technology solutions to our customers, while strengthening collaboration,
uplifting productivity and innovating for the people."



Bag palletization.

Whitepaper: Moving from Manual to Engineered


The white paper authored by became dramatically more efficient. Unloading a assembly that is attached to the supporting base
Premier Tech Systems & truck or train wagon could take days, and of the pallet.
Automation covers key elements palletizing reduced that process to one or two
of bag palletization. hours. Bag palletizing is one of the most common ways
of transporting products. It can be done using
Palletization refers to the process of placing In fact, in the effort to continually improve supply various types of bags, from paper, plastic or a
goods or materials, either packaged or bulk, onto chain operations, pallets are sometimes looked at hybrid depending on the type of product being
pallets. The pallet provides a base for the goods as a technology to be avoided, in an effort to carried. Bags are usually favoured because they
and materials, thereby promoting efficient eliminate their cost, their weight or their cube (the can be filled directly on the production line and
storage, handling and transport for the space that they require in transport and storage.) are very efficient for products sold by volume.
combination of goods and the pallet base, There are a myriad of patterns that have been
referred to collectively as the unit load. The pallet, typically a form of tertiary packaging, is invented to optimise the way you set up the
a flat structure used as a base for the unitisation of bags on your pallets but also to protect the
Palletizing is a way to transport goods that first goods in the supply chain. The MH1-2016 standard product.
appeared in the 1950s, and it completely defines the pallet as a “portable, horizontal, rigid,
revolutionised the way people work. By putting composite platform used as (a) base for The advantages and use cases of bag
products on slotted wooden bases, pallets, the assembling, storing, stacking, handling and palletizing
act of loading and unloading them for transport transporting goods as a unit load; often equipped As previously mentioned, the main advantage of
with (a) superstructure.” The superstructure is the bag palletizing is the ability to quickly and



efficiently load and unload products onto the
mode of transportation. Since products are all
placed on a pallet, one can also separate them
into categories, prioritise which type of product
gets unloaded first and organise them in the
most optimal fashion possible.

Another major advantage of palletizing to
transport goods is how it standardised the loads
one is carrying around. This in turn produces
many benefits for the overall operation. You can
plan your entire workflow simply with the
measurements of the transport vehicle. If you
are carrying perishable goods, you can ensure
that they are moved quickly, saving on costly
transit refrigeration.

Perhaps the most overlooked advantage of Robot-enabled palletization from PT Systems & Automation.
palletizing is that it protects the bags by keeping
them off the ground. Whether it is a truck or a is often taken for granted. It’s a simple concept at Like many industries across the world,
warehouse, we all know that the floors can be heart that is sure to be improved on for a long palletizing was revolutionised by the advent of
dirty, dusty or wet: All things you don’t want time still. Adding a robotic bag palletizer is an automation and robotics. Robotic palletizers are
anywhere near your bags. Since pallets are investment in the health of your business but also essentially large robotic arms that load
slotted, they also provide drainage and aeration of your employees. It is a machine that will have a products onto pallets and then move the entire
for perishable products, which also ensures that variety of positive outcomes and always ends up pallet to its next location. Not only can they lift
your goods remain fresher longer. paying for itself. much heavier weights than human workers, but
they also eliminate repetitive movements that
Working of bag palletizing in practice Types of palletizations can have long term consequences on the bodies
Bag palletizing works best for industries where There are four types of palletizations. These are of your employees. They are also extremely
products are sold by volume or are not suited to manual palletization, semi-automated precise and can be customised with a variety of
being put in a box. Various types of animal feed, palletization, automated palletization, and robotic end of arm tooling to perfectly fit your needs.
crops such as corn and soybeans, but also palletization.
chemicals and minerals like ice-melting salt are
all transported and sorted using bag palletizers. Manual or conventional vs robotic Robotic palletizing refers to a variety of different
Bag palletizers are often key parts of production When bag palletizing was first invented, it relied options, and not all of them are as costly as you
lines with spouts to fill bags with products on a rudimentary machine that would feed might think. The main goal when considering
directly integrated in the palletizer. stacked pallets one at a time onto a conveyor belt. robotic palletizing is to pinpoint tasks that are
The pallet would then be filled by hand by specifically dangerous to human workers, even
One of the big advantages of robotic bag workers, and then moved with a pallet jack. This when using proper techniques. Robotic
palletizers is that they can have a variety of end method is still used today, although the machines palletizers can also handle much higher outputs
of arm tooling, allowing delicate and precise have been greatly improved upon and made than humans, up to 200 cases/minute for
handling of the bags. This is a key feature faster. While fully manual palletizing is still quite certain applications.
because bags can be prone to tear in a fast- risky for workers, conventional palletizing has
paced environment, potentially causing come a long way and can still allow a high output Drawbacks of manual palletization
expensive product loss. per minute. Conventional palletizing also has a Palletizing to efficiently transport goods has
larger footprint simply because of the size of the been around for a long time. Manual palletizing
Bag palletizing is a massive technological machines involved, but certain conventional is centered around one major innovation, the
advancement for the manufacturing space that palletizers could still surprise you with their pallet itself. These wooden structures acting as
compact size. a base for crates or bags of merchandise



you’ve put in place to ensure the operator’s
safety as well as the workers around the new
robotic palletizer. Have everything in writing,
plainly explained to make this a positive
experience for everyone involved.

Injury risks using manual palletization. the pallets themselves. Wooden pallets can easily Human workers will always have a role in
cause splinter wounds to workers, especially industrial operations; there are simply too many
allowed companies to organise and load when working quickly. Pallet wear can also cause touchpoints that can’t realistically be handled
products faster. However, it relies on manual products to fall over, potentially hurting workers by robots. However, there is no reason to keep
labour to carry the products, and that practice is in the vicinity. Robots obviously are not affected your workers in situations that are dangerous,
still surprisingly common today. Not only is by weight, and since robotic palletizers operate in or that have long term effects on their health.
manual palletizing a practice that requires more gated off areas, falling products are less of a Adding a robotic palletizer is not only an
space, it’s also significantly more dangerous to threat to your labor. investment in your productivity, but also an
the workers than the alternatives. investment in your most important resource:
A few tips when switching to robotic palletizing your team.
The dangers of manual palletizing Bringing a robotic palletizer into your operation
While there have been several improvements must be done carefully. The main concern from an The Premier value proposition for automation
over the last few decades, warehouses and operator point of view will be the cost. While it is & robotic palletization
production floors are still considered by most undeniable that robotic palletizers can have steep
people and organisations as dangerous upfront costs, they pay for themselves extremely The Premier Advantage
workplaces. As an employer, there are countless quickly in increased productivity. No matter the 1. Moving from Manual Palletizing to
ways you can make your workforce’s robotic palletizer company you decide to go with, Automation
environment safer, but several risks related to your first task should be working with them to
manual palletizing simply don’t have a good crunch the numbers behind the project. This is a) Increase in efficiency.
solution. also a great opportunity to gage their service and In early days, Pallet loads were created by
how they answer your questions. Robotic laborers to produce arranging on a row forming
Heavy weights being carried by workers cause palletizers are complex machines, area and pushed onto a layer forming area.
back strain, even when correct lifting techniques However, this was a very lengthy process with
are being used. The same can be said for Another important step that should be handled lots of risk, efficiency and time taking process.
repetitive motions causing stress on muscle early is putting in place a health and safety plan But nowadays using automatic palletization is
tissue. Industrial workplaces and techniques around the use of the robotic palletizer. For most something most facilities rely on to increase
have greatly evolved but these are limitations of of your employees, this will be a new experience, customers loading and unloading efficiency and
the human body. Even the best methods of and can be perceived as dangerous. After you’ve to protect their products during transportation
lifting weights and managing the movements reassured your employees that this new and reduce strain on their workforce.
found on a production line are never optimal for equipment won’t replace them but rather help
your employees in the long run. them, explain to them all the safety measures b) Better organization for batch-wise
Another often overlooked danger is related to Using an automatic palletizer machine, we can
increase packaging’s consistency. Loading
pallets by hand often leads to issues with
consistency due to human error and normal
variation. Even the best manual palletizer in the
business can’t make every pallet exactly the
same. Still, consistency is necessary to protect
products. The products are kept safe during
transport by palletization only when the
containment force is exactly right. To achieve
this, the pallets should be stacked with square



boxes/bags that fit snugly on the pallet. This is
very important for batch wise production

c) Better Aesthetics for customer visits

d) Realtime warehouse talk management A case for robotic palletization.
possibilities in future
Many industries and market drivers continue to -Reduced labor costs -Multi-fold increase in turnover
push the supply chain community to innovate. -More efficient use of floor space, and -RoI less than one to two year
Automation is rapidly changing the palletizing -The ability to build taller pallets. -100% visibility and traceability with real time
industry and robotics continues to emerge as a track and trace – cross check serial numbers
large and influential market. Now a days, WMS f) Integrity of Pallet compared to Manual and codes with intelligent product scanning
integrated palletizer system is providing Stalking. technology
following benefits to the customers - Manual palletizing has many drawbacks when it -High palletizing throughput
-Labour optimisation comes to productivity. There can be many -Reduction in operational expenditure through
-Increasing overall efficiency different reasons for this, but the following high productivity
-Improve inventory management reasons are - -Optimise manpower
-Order accuracy, and -Staff are not able to keep up with palletizing -Zero damages and pilferages
-Final customer satisfaction when the production process is running at full -Seamless integration with upstream and
capacity, and as a result the production process is downstream systems
e) Ready for ASRS implementation in Future not run at full capacity. Production stops when -Process safety
As e-commerce transforms the marketplace, staff stops for breaks, forklift movements, to fill -AI and machine learning, video analytics driven
manufacturers and warehouse and distribution out paperwork, etc. annunciations for product discrepancies or
operators must adapt to greater consumer -Revenue loss anomalies, and
demand and more SKU varieties. Further, -High Op-Ex -Consistent 24x7 performance.
industries such as Chemical, Petrochemical, -Low OEE – Overall Equipment Effectiveness
food and beverage, FMCG and pharmaceutical -Inefficient utilisation of upstream and Conclusion
operate under stringent regulations that require downstream machinery Robotic palletizers continue to prove
safe and secure product handling in sometimes -Low productivity, and themselves as valuable enhancements to many
temperature-sensitive environments. With all -Bottlenecked palletizing area. bagging operations. Regardless of the
such operational concerns, manufacturing motivating factors leading to your consideration
industries are exerting huge amounts of Automation loves predictability and simplicity. of automated bag stacking, a review of the
pressure on the supply chain through That is why, automated palletizer systems not factors affecting reliability, stack appearance
uncertainties, sporadic supply-demand cycles only remove these issues and enable your and functionality will be key to a successful
and unavailability of workforce. To tackle these production process to function at full capacity, but implementation of this technology.
challenges, building supply-chain resilience is also have additional benefits as well -
the key and automation coupled with ASRS
Integrated palletizer system is the stepping-
stone to it.

Leveraging a palletizing system such as the one
described above can help customer operation
realise a number of benefits, regardless of
whether you choose to pursue conventional or
robotic palletizer automation. These include:
Save up to 50% of otherwise wasted floor space
-Improved ergonomics and fewer injuries
-Increased efficiency and throughput



Credit: Image of Lockheed-Martin Orion hatch covers, courtesy of Stratasys Inc.

Lightweighting Potential for Aerospace Engineers
with Simulation

Hexagon and Stratasys unlock use and increasing the range of new aircraft. When parts printed with the chosen material and
3D-printed PEKK’s the material and processes are fully exploited by approved aerospace-ready Stratasys printer will
lightweighting potential for product designers, it may also reduce the cost perform in a digital reality with real-world use
aerospace engineers with caused by over engineering and the waste and lead cases and certification tests before any physical
simulation. times of traditional manufacturing. However, the prototypes are manufactured.
adoption of plastics and additive methods for
Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division structural components has remained slow due to Developed to be open, Digimat software gives
and Stratasys, a leader in polymer 3D printing the industry’s safety-critical nature and manufacturers the ability to design lighter parts
solutions, have applied Hexagon’s simulation regulations. Providing engineering teams the that can match metals in performance and avoid
technology to capture the behaviour of Stratasys’ simulation tools to validate that these materials costly overengineering using their preferred
high-performance, ultra-lightweight Antero™ will achieve the required part performance when finite element analysis (FEA) and computer-
reinforced polyetherketoneketone (PEKK) manufactured is the “missing link”, enabling aided engineering (CAE) tools. Moreover,
materials and its additive manufacturing designers to apply these breakthroughs today. companies that use Digimat in conjunction with
processes. These rigorously validated Hexagon’s MSC Nastran and MSC Apex will
simulations offer Stratasys customers unique Rigorously-validated multi-scale models of these accelerate the certification and documentation
insight so they can lightweight components and new high-performance aerospace-approved of their work.
introduce new sustainable aircraft and spacecraft materials — Stratasys Antero 840CN031 and
faster. Antero 800NA2 — have now been added to The Antero™ materials are already being used at
Hexagon’s Digimat materials exchange ecosystem, the cutting edge of aerospace engineering,
3D printed plastic parts offer transformative with associated print process parameters from bringing major innovations to reality on time,
lightweighting for aerospace, reducing the energy Stratasys’ aerospace-ready 3D printers. Using such as Lockheed Martin using Antero 840CN03
these detailed proprietary models, engineers can to create NASA’s Orion spacecraft docking hatch
create digital twins that accurately predict how cover3. By making rigorous digital engineering



and virtual manufacturing possible with these technology, manufacturers gain access to Through the partnership between Stratasys
new simulation tools, more product proprietary information sotheir engineers can and Hexagon, which has spanned more than
development teams can apply and de-risk ‘work the problem’ with reliable information. a decade, several high-performance
Stratasys’ aerospace additive manufacturing We’re excited to see how this next chapter with thermoplastic materials — including
solutions. Stratasys will help the industry createlighter, Ultem™9085, Ultem 9085 CG, Ultem™
stronger designs in any design engineering tool 1010, and Nylon12CF — have been
This pie-shaped component (see picture) is part with more confidence and less cost and help bring characterised and added to Hexagon’s
of the hatch cover assembly for NASA’s Orion next-gen aircraft to market faster.” Digimat material modelling software.
spacecraft. It was 3D printed using Stratasys®
Antero™ 840CN03, a PEKK-based thermoplastic Foster Ferguson, aerospace business segment References
with low outgassing and consistent electrostatic leader, Stratasys, said: “The Antero 840CN03 and 1.
dissipative (ESD) properties. Antero 840CN03 Antero 800NA thermoplastics provide
gives manufacturers a high-performance, ESD- unprecedented strength, heat, and chemical ials/materials-catalog/fdm-
compliant 3D printing material that meets resistance. When combined with Hexagon’s materials/antero-
demanding applications such as space flight. simulation insights and actionable data, these 3D 840cn03/mds_fdm_antero840cn03_0921a
printed materials’ ability to replace certain .pdf?v=48e0fa
Aziz Tahiri, vice president of global aerospace applications of aluminium and steel clearly points 2.
and defence for Hexagon’s Manufacturing to growing use in the aerospace industry. We
Intelligence division, said: “As the aerospace believe they meet manufacturers’ increasingly ials/materials-catalog/fdm-
industry continues to push for more sustainable complex performance needs, and by combining materials/antero-800na/mds_fdm_antero-
designs, unlocking the lightweighting potential innovative modelling software with 3D printing, 800na_0921a.pdf?v=48e37a
of thermoplastics and 3D printing will be key. By can reduce production timelines from months to 3.
leveraging the power of our simulation days.” studies/lockheed-martin/

Additive manufacturing is shaping the future of industrial manufacturing

For four days in November, Formnext 2022 turned host city Frankfurt into the global capital of industrial 3D printing. And this year’s exhibition was very much
in tune with the times. As the coronavirus pandemic continues and new political and economic challenges emerge as a result, additive manufacturing can
play a key role in decentralising manufacturing processes and production, making supply chains more resilient, and facilitating resource and energy efficient
production in order to get innovative new products onto the market faster. A glance at the figures shows just how important Formnext has become. With 802
exhibitors (the corresponding figure in 2021 was 606) and 51,148 square meters of booked exhibition space, the performance of the world’s leading
exhibition for additive manufacturing and modern production was virtually on a par with pre-Covid levels. And with the lineup of eager experts and executives
expanding by 65,6% to 29,581 (the corresponding figure in 2021 was 17,859), Formnext 2022 was a testament to the enthusiasm that exists for meeting
and sharing ideas face-to-face. These figures confirm the impressive track record of the event, which is now in its eighth year.

Leading international companies such as 3D Systems, Additive Industries, AddUp, Arburg, BigRep, Carbon, Desktop Metal, DMG Mori, Dyemansion, EOS,
Farsoon, Formlabs, GE Additive, HP, Keyence, Markforged, Materialise, Renishaw, Ricoh, Siemens, Sisma, SLM Solutions, Stratasys, Trumpf, Voxeljet, XJet,
and Zeiss dazzled visitors with even more efficient production systems and an array of innovations. In addition, numerous well-known international
corporations, including BASF, Covestro, Evonik, GKN Sinter Metals Components, Henkel, Höganäs, Linde, Mitsubishi Chemical, Nikon, Oerlikon, Sandvik, SMS
Group, and many more presented innovative solutions for every stage of the process chain. The numerous world premieres and innovative developments
included novel AM technologies and new and improved AM systems, as well as new materials ranging from wood to ceramics, software solutions, service
offerings, post-processing solutions, and much more. “We are proud of the fact that Formnext has returned to its impressive pre-Covid level,” says Sascha F.
Wenzler, Vice President Formnext at event organiser Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH. “We have once again demonstrated the importance of Formnext as the
world’s premiere AM platform and the vital role of face-to-face interaction at Formnext for the further development of this highly innovative sector.”

Visitors to the event were impressed by how Formnext has grown and by the sheer number of innovations on show. “The possibilities of AM are limitless and
we have to unleash this potential in a way that ensures more sustainable manufacturing,” states Frank Rosengreen Lorenzen, CEO at Danish AM Hub. “Having
Formnext as the world’s leading meeting point to discuss and develop these opportunities is of extreme importance for the AM ecosystem, but also for
manufacturing as a whole.”



Representative image. Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

Designing Automation Architecture under Purview of

Ethical AI Model

Ethical AI models should be the While AI is fast becoming the mainstay for most applications which are biased. However, there
foundation for designing and applications, driven by machine learning and fast are always chances of them entering automation
developing automation decisions, these systems are not fully error-proof. architecture. Whenever there is improper
architecture, feels Dipak Singh. At times, seemingly harmless or minor errors may architecture or an unsuitable model is used,
lead to unwarranted outcomes, particularly in biases end up forcing their way into the
Ethical artificial intelligence (AI) models are circumstances involving activities like recruitment, proceedings with absolutely avoidable
taking centre stage with regard to designing law enforcement, sanctioning loans, justice, and consequences.
automation architecture and frameworks. more.
Automation frameworks are platforms created What can be done to counter this darker side of
through the integration of diverse software and This is where algorithmic or AI bias comes into artificial intelligence? Several experts feel that
hardware resources, along with other tools and play. This means repeated machine learning ethical AI models should be the foundation for
services on the basis of qualified assumption system errors, leading to outcomes that may turn designing and developing automation
sets. out to be illegal or grossly unfair. Those building AI- architecture. This should be built on core
based software do not necessarily aim to create philosophies such as accountability, fairness,



trust, and transparency. Ethical AI architecture most ML techniques, the connections between Everyone in the ecosystem should rather focus
usually comes with data, model, and governance output decision-making and input information is on the suitable ways of leveraging and
layers. vague. Input information goes through various deploying machine learning and AI, along with
complex evolutions, while the inner mechanisms their vulnerabilities or limitations. Getting rid of
The Data Layer – ML (machine learning) is may be out of the grasp of the data creator as biases is a core principle upheld by ethical AI
intrinsically deployed for finding recurring well. This directly contradicts the principles of architecture. This should be the core foundation
patterns across data sets. This data is made by fairness. For instance, many people have seen for designing automation architecture, keeping
human beings or they take the decisions on the their loan applications turned down by algorithms fairness and transparency sacrosanct.
data which is to be used. Staying aware of the without proper reasons.
chances of biased decision-making and also Dipak Singh, Lead Data
taking measures for combating potential issues There is explainable AI as a technique to solve Scientist, INT (Indus Net
are also responsibilities of human beings. There these issues, where models offer reasons and Technologies), is a Machine
should be a concerted effort towards proper explanations for final conclusions. Governance Learning Researcher,
usage, labeling, and collection of data. Layer – This is the vital layer with all the tools, Corporate Trainer and
tech, and also training and education. A central Educator, engaged in
This will ensure that algorithms are not source of ML systems/models and relevant analytics and business modelling in various
encouraged to keep repeating and implementing descriptions will automatically enhance reuse domains such as Banking, Insurance, Retail,
biases or stereotypes that get into while encouraging the maintenance of consistent and Pharma.
recommendations and predictions. ML models operational standards throughout the
sometimes end up shedding their accuracy after organisation. Audits are enabled through version INT (Indus Net Technologies) is a full-stack
being deployed. There will be newer biases or control for models, decisions, and datasets alike. software engineering solutions company
scenarios or completely new contexts Companies can even get back to other versions in focusing on the banking, insurance, financial
altogether. AI architecture should have a case any latest model starts showing signs of services and pharmaceuticals industries. Over
mechanism for garnering real-time human problematic and sudden behavior. There has to be the last 25 years, the company has served
feedback while these inputs can be integrated a mindset change and we need to wake up about nearly 500 clients with human-centric and
via retraining. Such patterns enable consistent AI decisions not being superior to our own (not at outcome-driven solutions. INT. has a presence in
performance tracking. The Model Layer – For least all the time). India, UK, USA, Singapore and Canada.

Large battery enclosures made from plastic series-ready

Technical plastics such as polyamide 6 offer numerous benefits for the design of battery enclosures for electric vehicles
– in terms of sustainability, manufacturing costs, weight savings and economical functional integration, for example.
However, there were previously lingering doubts as to whether these large and complex components are also able to
meet the very demanding requirements in relation to mechanical strength and flame-retardant properties. Kautex
Textron and LANXESS have now carried out a comprehensive examination of precisely this using a jointly developed
technology demonstrator made from polyamide 6. LANXESS was responsible for the material development and Kautex
Textron for the engineering, design and the manufacturing process of the demonstrator.

"The near-series demonstrator passes all mechanical and thermal tests that are relevant for such enclosures. In
addition, solutions for the thermal management and leak tightness of the enclosure, for example, have been developed.
This all has proven the technical feasibility of these safety components, which are complex and subject to high levels of stress," explains Dr Christopher
Hoefs, Project Manager e-Powertrain at LANXESS. At the moment, an enclosure prototype is being road tested in a test vehicle to verify its suitability for daily
use. "We are currently jointly tackling the first series-production development projects with automotive manufacturers in order to implement the new
technology in series production," explains Felix Haas, Director Product Development at Kautex Textron.

"Calculations revealed that the carbon footprint of the plastic enclosure is over 40 percent smaller compared to an aluminium design. The lower energy use
in the production of polyamide 6 compared with metal as well as other factors – such as the omission of time-consuming cathodic dip painting to prevent
corrosion where steel is used – help to minimize the carbon footprint," says Hoefs. The thermoplastic component design also makes recycling the enclosure
easier compared with thermoset materials such as sheet moulding compounds (SMC), for example.



5 Common Myths about
Warehouses –

Körber reviews the common
myths of automating
warehouses and sorts fact from

Often seen as ‘static’ entities within dynamic and Forklifts are used to transfer goods from one location to another.
fast-paced logistics supply chain systems,
warehouses can in fact play a crucial and direct Still, with the plethora of benefits that are attached appointment of a strong intralogistics provider is
role in ensuring successful and seamless to adopting automation in warehouses, essential, so small business owners can identify
logistics handling. With rapid advancements in manufacturers can be hesitant to jump on the and implement the right automation solutions
technology, warehouses have grown beyond their bandwagon. Let’s review the common myths of for their needs.
basic function of simply storing inventory. automating warehouses and sort fact from fiction.
Instead, they now serve to add greater value to Automated equipment is expensive
the supply chain, even anchoring the entire Debunking 5 automated warehouse myths Most companies can easily appreciate how
logistics process in some cases. automated processes offer the benefits of quick
Smart solutions are suitable only for large, and consistent logistics handling with little to no
Traditional vs automated warehouses multinational businesses human involvement. However, just like any other
Workers in traditional, manual warehouses Some small businesses worry that automated major investments, there are many factors to
typically use long-established methods of order solutions will complicate their otherwise clear-cut consider before signing on the dotted line – and
picking such as paper sales orders for retrieving logistics processes. However, automation isn’t the high cost of automation is one of them.
items from shelves. And to handle the movement reserved for big corporations – smart solutions can Companies will do well to realise that
of goods from one pick location to another, benefit businesses of any scale. Small business automated solutions are not short-term
manual handling systems and mechanisations owners can devote time to tasks and goals that solutions; in fact, it will often be difficult or close
like forklifts and conveyors may be utilised. Yet really matter, for example, automating repetitive to impossible to justify the short-term relevance
while the use of such equipment can help to processes. Today, automation technology is the key and value associated with these solutions. A key
reduce workers’ physical fatigue, some real risks to empowering small businesses where logistics is point to remember is that these smart
include workplace safety, damaged inventory and concerned, as automated solutions enable small technologies help to streamline processes by
inaccuracies in order picking. businesses to not only process tasks quicker but to reducing costs in the long-run. Furthermore,
also expedite orders more efficiently, improving smart solutions help companies control their
For these reasons, warehouses cannot rely solely customer service across the board. However, budgets more efficiently by generating higher
on manual, traditional processes to keep up with business owners may feel hesitant to adopt rates of accuracy and efficiency, reducing the
demand, especially with the increase in land and automation due to a lack of experience in reliance on labour and in turn, lowering a
labour costs, as well as with rising consumer seamlessly integrating and running new warehouse’s average cost per error. The initial
expectations in service levels. Automated technologies. Therefore, careful selection and cost of automated solutions may seem high but
warehouses bring together a variety of
complementary technologies, all of which work in
harmony to receive, process and dispatch goods.



More companies will be exploring and investing
in smart warehouse solutions in the years to
come, as it is estimated that the global
warehouse automation market will double by
20251. As businesses look for more
opportunities to expand services, investing in
technology is an important step to not just
surviving but also thriving in a highly
competitive and fast changing environment.

Warehouses have grown beyond their basic function. However, companies need to be aware that
implementing an automated warehouse goes
the return on investment will more often than not systems can provide full, 24-hour visibility into beyond simply installing robots and smart
justify the outlay. operations, inventory and warehouse conditions solutions – capability and capacity need to be
with little to no human involvement. added seamlessly to the warehouse within an
Smart solutions only benefit warehouses with optimum timeframe. Intralogistics experts like
sizeable items or large volumes of goods Automated solutions are bulky Körber have the expertise to conquer supply
Smart solutions are designed to efficiently handle Space is a finite resource that needs to be designed chain complexities by creating customised
all kinds of products, regardless of size or volume. mindfully, and smart warehousing systems can be warehousing solutions for customers across a
For example, businesses that need to store and installed so that limited spaces are most efficiently variety of industries, regardless of warehouse
transport small products like microchips can tap utilised. For example, warehouses that employ size. With the help of the right intralogistics
on smart solutions like the mini-load ASRS, which robots for product retrieval and storage eliminate experts, businesses can look forward to running
provides fast and efficient storage and retrieval for the need for wide aisles. Such spaces can instead productive, efficient warehouses that will
containers, trays and bins. Solutions like the be used for additional storage. Another popular ensure their market competitiveness in the
Warehouse Management System (WMS) are smart warehousing system that can help store more long-term.
designed to constantly optimise warehouse products in limited areas is the automated storage
operations by adapting quickly to different and retrieval systems (ASRS), which utilises vertical Article courtesy: Körber Supply Chain
situations. As such, businesses with smaller storage spaces to achieve a higher storage density Automation (Asia Pacific)
volumes are also able to reap the benefits of as compared to conventional warehouses with low
smart solutions. Another benefit companies can height racking. Reference
enjoy with smart automation is the freedom and 1. LogisticsIQ, Warehouse Automation Market
flexibility to scale their businesses. When properly
designed, smart warehouses will be able to use-automation-market/
handle new surges in growth smoothly, giving
these warehouses a competitive advantage over
manual ones.

Smart system breakdowns carry risks of High initial cost of automated solutions is justified by the RoI.
lengthier downtimes and higher recovery costs
While some data-based IT issues and some 73 | INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION MAGAZINE | December 2022 Edition
downtime may invariably occur down the line,
smart solutions like a WMS can help to mitigate
risks by alerting warehouse operators to potential
equipment failures, reducing the possibility of
lengthy or unexpected delays or downtime. And
unlike traditional warehouses, smart warehouse


Energy efficient air solutions are critical for data centre performance.

Are Data Centers a Valuable Asset to Business Agility?

Dr Vijay Chaudhry explains how for any threat looming around the centre. In order contaminants are the major causes contributing
quality air solutions play an to protect the integrity of the facility, close to the formation of harmful environments. The
important role in shaping the vigilance must be conducted with the help of problem is magnified in facilities near landfill
data-driven businesses. manual intervention for the early detection of sites, sewerage/drains, high-density traffic,
threatening factors within the space. process industries, etc. There is a continuous
Data Centres have become an inevitable part of release of highly corrosive gases like SO2, H2S,
the digital age. Easing up various functions like According to industry experts, Airborne Molecular NO2, etc., which permeates through air
computation, data storage, and networking, Contamination is a serious threat to data centres. It conditioners into the server rooms, data
along with various business applications, from occurs when vapor gases like sulphur, oxides of centres/control rooms, switchgear rooms,
big conglomerates to even medium and small nitrogen, chlorine, ammonia, etc., trigger chemical process control, and signalling/switching rooms.
enterprises are highly investing in data for contamination. Airborne Molecular Contamination
access to critical and sensitive information. plagues the efficiency of the system by causing Looking at the damage, failing to control the
corrosion which can damage the sensitive contamination can escalate downtime in data
Looking at the fast-paced adoption of data information stored in it. Together in combination centres and server rooms. The situation further
centres, Large Data Centres have become part with atmospheric particulates like smoke and becomes out of control in case high relative
of the mission-critical initiative that offers suspended dust in the air, it can cause the humidity comes in contact with gases, only to
essential services across a wide range of sectors downtime of the machine. The impact is even more form a corrosive element on the electronic
entailing banking, telecom, large firms, intense in miniaturised electronics, which are circuits. All the factors give rise to faulty
consultancies sectors, and even small highly vulnerable to undergoing micro corrosion/e- operations, reliability issues, and meddle with
businesses. But considering data centres hold corrosion in the presence of harmful gases. the longevity of sensitive electronic process
such a crucial position in the industry, control equipment in industrial control rooms,
companies must be vigilant enough to look out It has been found that a harmful environment is the besides data centres.
major factor triggering corrosion in data centres1.
Infiltration of outdoor particulates and gaseous To curtail the menace of contamination,



DataCenter Air Purifier2 (DAP) and advanced Gas is there to recognise the corrosive gases, which applications/applications-of-gas-phase-
Phase Filtration systems must be installed in the also specifies the percentage in which they are filtration-system/corrosion-prevention/data-
facilities to inhibit the process of contamination. present. It categorises corrosivity into G1, G2, centre-corrosion-control/
The systems efficiently protect the data centres G3, G4, etc., levels after analysing the criticality 2.
by simply directing contaminant-laden air of the gases. As part of the mission-critical solutions/gas-phase-filtration-systems/data-
streams through a gas adsorbent that contains initiative, India comes with the back-up of media center-air-purifier-dap-series/
neutralising chemicals. It filters out corrosive testing and lab services that is well adept at
gases which inhibit damage to the microcircuitry conducting predictive maintenance for checking Dr Vijay Chaudhry, President,
of PCBs. Along with this, the air filtration the process of corrosion. International Business & Gas
systems also maintain the humidity at optimum Phase Filtration business
levels, for preventing condensation on As air filtration comes with the ability to division of Bry-Air (Asia), has
equipment. efficiently remove contaminants from the vicinity over 28 years of comprehensive
of data centres, it must be installed for quality air experience in managing the entire business
Forming a better understanding of the process, it solutions, helpful in controlling moisture and value chain including balance sheet and P&L
comes to light that media testing forms an contamination in server rooms. It ensures the management. His area of specialisation is in the
important part of controlling corrosion in data smooth functioning of data centres for enabling field of Industrial Air & Gas Pollution Control
centres. It comes with corrosion coupons that efficient working of business dependent on it. (APC) and Purification Systems. He has held
detect the influx of gases while identifying various key positions and roles for
corrosion within the facility. Along with corrosion References implementation of growth strategies and
coupon ACM – Atmospheric Corrosivity Monitor 1. building businesses on a sustainable basis.

Emerson to help enable carbon-efficient production from Martin Linge North Sea Development

Emerson, a global software and engineering leader, has signed a five-year framework agreement with Equinor to provide operational support
services to ensure continued safe and optimised oil and gas production from its pioneering Martin Linge platform in the Norwegian North Sea.
The service agreement, which includes options for three additional five-year periods, covers maintenance and upgrades of the control
technology, software and instrumentation. These technologies are helping to accelerate carbon-efficient production and empower remote
operation from onshore for increased worker safety and reduced operating costs.

Martin Linge is a significant development for Norwegian oil and gas production, with expected recoverable resources of around 260 million
barrels of oil equivalent. Emerson's technology, project expertise and global resources were crucial in helping achieve first oil safely, and with
the award of this service contract, Equinor gains continued support to optimise production, reduce energy consumption and emissions, and
maximise the potential of the Martin Linge development. Martin Linge, situated 42 kilometres west of Oseberg, was the first platform on the
Norwegian continental shelf to be started up from shore. The 63 billion Norwegian krone (USD 7.3 billion) mega-project includes a
production platform and a permanently anchored floating storage and offloading (FSO) vessel. These facilities are powered from onshore via
the world's longest alternating-current sea cable, helping to reduce CO2 emissions by 200,000 tonnes per year. Oil is processed on the FSO
vessel before being transported in shuttle tankers to the global market, while gas is transported via pipeline to St. Fergus, Scotland.

"With proven automation technologies, collaborative work practices and extensive experience, Emerson is the ideal choice for a trusted
partner on energy industry projects of this scale and magnitude," said Mark Bulanda, executive president of Emerson's Automation Solutions
business. "With this service agreement, we look forward to helping Equinor achieve continued safe and carbon efficient production."

The award of the service agreement follows Emerson's implementation of a complete automation solution for the project, which incorporates
the company's DeltaV™ distributed control system; advanced wired and wireless measurement instrumentation; critical control, emergency
shutdown and isolation valves; metering technology and asset management software.



Industrial Dream Jobs: A Human-Centric Future for
Industrial Jobs

How can industrial companies reduce labour shortages?

Role of digital assets and networks. Supply chains becoming more like partner networks.

How can industrial companies Industrial work is changing. The main drivers of Other phenomena play a part in the
reduce labour shortages, entice transformation are the digital and green transformation of work as well. For example,
people to continue their careers transitions, which push companies to invest in since the beginning of the Covid-pandemic,
and attract the next generation technology and sustainability. At the same time, millions of people have quit their jobs globally.
of workers? there is increasing pressure to remain competitive In addition, the aging workforce in many
while global material shortages are impacting developing countries is creating labour
many industries. shortages. How can industrial companies reduce



labour shortages and entice people to continue security because it’s a field that has become Industrial Dream Job 2
their industrial careers when there are many increasingly important in our company’s everyday “The best part of my work is that I get to be in
other exciting options? In addition, there is life.” contact with people from all over the world.”
massive competition for future talents in several -Eduardo, Cyber Ethics Manager -Connie, Data-Driven Supply Manager
fields. How can the industry attract the next
generation of workers? As the role of digital assets and networks As supply chains become more and more like
becomes critical to manufacturing, cyber security partner networks with digital threads, new
However, the future doesn’t have to be bleak. and ethical questions in working with shared expertise is needed to guarantee a flexible and
information become vital for all companies. sustainable flow of goods.
Advances in digitalisation, AI, and new robot co-
working solutions, among others, could enable Eduardo, 33, works as Cyber Ethics Specialist for Connie, 27, has an engineering degree
more enjoyable and meaningful industrial jobs a multinational packaging manufacturing specialising in logistics. She spent her youth
for the next generation. company. He has been interested in computers living in an apartment overlooking the harbour
and hacking since he was young. He got his first of Hamburg. Perhaps that is why she has been
To combat the flight of employees and to attract bug bounty at only 15, so a career in curious about the transport and movement of
future generations, a human-centric approach is cybersecurity felt like a natural progression from goods since she was very young.
needed. This means gaining insight into the this hobby. Eduardo was recruited to the
actual work of individuals through studies, company around six months ago to oversee its Today, Connie works as a Data-Driven Supply
observation, and data-driven research. The cybersecurity strategy. He was especially Manager. As a very outgoing person, Connie
purpose is to identify opportunities to make interested in this position because ethical likes that most of her work is social. She works
tasks more engaging and attractive. In addition, questions had been prioritised in addition to the with suppliers, vendors, and partners practically
it is essential to design flexible solutions so that more traditional cyber security questions. These daily. The meetings are primarily virtual, as she
they can adapt to the user’s preferences on past few months, he has been busy assessing the works as a part of the global pool of experts.
where and when to carry out the work, using company’s overall cyber security risks and
various interfaces ranging from traditional ones setting guidelines for the ethical use of network Right now, Connie is about to start leading a
to novel virtual technologies. Right now, it is data. One of the goals has been to establish the new project. The goal is to dramatically reduce
usually the worker that is forced to adapt to the company’s first bug bounty program for its smart the number of spare parts in her employer’s
tools. Many people today expect their job also to packaging tracking system. main production sites since they plan to close
match with their individual values. Therefore their warehouses. To achieve this goal, Connie
building different aspects of sustainability into With the foundations of the cybersecurity will adopt data-driven tools capable of
jobs is essential in attracting future talent. In the strategy in place, Eduardo is moving more and collecting and analysing real-time maintenance
long run, a happy worker is an efficient worker. more towards management and training best data from the sites, warehouse inventory, the
Flexibility and job satisfaction increase practices in sharing inter-company data in the spare parts supplier’s inventories, and the
productivity. whole value network. As the company has logistics partner’s data. Different AI tools will
started developing smart packaging, the help her identify the supply network’s
It is crucial to proactively co-design new extended organization from the factory floor to bottlenecks and predict the need and
industrial dream jobs that motivate and partners and vendors needs to be familiar with availability of spare parts.
empower workers. At the same time, these jobs the new policies Eduardo is setting in place.
drive productivity in all human centric domains Just last week, Eduardo was alerted by AI about She is determined to make a real business
from manufacturing to logistics, maintenance anomalous user behaviour in the network. As impact with the project – to move from
and construction. As examples of future dream Eduardo quickly isolated the impacted systems, warehousing to an on-demand self-optimising
jobs, we’ve created six employee personas. They it looked like the risk affected two of their partner supply network and improve the company’s
are fictional but realistic depictions of companies operating in the same network. He sustainability.
tomorrow’s industrial jobs. We hope they can act immediately contacted his colleagues in the
as an inspiration in helping industrial companies affected companies to prevent the spread of any Extracted from Industrial Dream Jobs, a new
to imagine a bright future. confidential information. Eduardo was handbook by VTT Technical Research Centre of
acknowledged by the partner company for his Finland Ltd. Reproduced with permission. For
Industrial Dream Job 1 quick actions because there was a real risk of more information, contact: Karoliina Salminen.
“I love working with ethical questions in cyber losing data that could harm them if leaked. Email: [email protected]



DCSs are becoming ever more open, expandable, and flexible.

The Users Future Proofing the DCS

Luis Duran looks at three Centralised Computer Control Systems, which at of the DCS, making it much more agile. This
initiatives that are helping to the time were too complex, rigid and costly for the offers the opportunity to introduce plug and play
pave the way for systems plant environment, transform on what is today components and shifts the industry away from
offering new levels of openness, known as purpose built Operational Technology proprietary solutions that tie users to a single
security and interoperability. (OT), they have since adopted commercial off-the- manufacturer.
shelf technology (COTS) to offer more flexibility
Attention is increasingly being focused on the and options to users and returned to Information In the age of the Internet and enhanced
evolution of Distributed Control Systems (DCS) Technology (IT) to link up previously isolated connectivity, it is becoming clear that current
into the automation systems of tomorrow as islands of control. DCS solutions have a number of shortcomings,
plant owners accelerate the Industry 4.0 digital most notably their lack of robust cybersecurity.
transformation. Yet the evolution of the DCS has not stopped there This has become a critical issue in many
and current users are demanding that their DCSs industries over the last decade and has driven
Distributed Control Systems (DCS) have come a become ever more open, expandable, and flexible. changes in the way the DCS handles information
long way since their first introduction 40 years The traditional DCS market was largely based on and indeed how it works.
ago. Originally evolving from the hybrid proprietary technologies, hardware with hard
conception of pneumatic controls and coded functionality, whereas today DCSs are Some major industries that employ DCSs also
largely software-based. Shifting knowledge from use them in different ways. For example, a
hardware to software, changes the whole dynamics pharmaceutical company experimenting on



producing a new drug will need to scale up to get
to mass production of the new product. It will
need to look for different ways to reconfigure
equipment to achieve this scale up, with
elements requiring a high degree of modularity.
Modular production that allows reconfiguration
on the fly will require a DCS able to control
changing processes without affecting core DCS
applications such as control, safety, history logs
and alarms.

Modularity can also allow a more cost-effective Select IO and Ethernet IO Fieldkit with xStream Commissioning.
deployment. A company may conceive a DCS as
a large capital investment project but may want technology seamlessly through having a standard 110- end-user, automation suppliers and
to start at a lower level of production to bring way of communicating across multiple devices system integrators companies from a broad
costs down. The ability to copy and paste across a manufacturing facility. range of fields including oil and gas, chemical,
infrastructure between applications would allow pharmaceuticals, and mining, as well as the IT
a more cost-effective scale up of production and The interoperability enabled by open and telecommunications sector, the group is
allow the user to manage capital costs and communications allows a more cost-effective aiming to define a standards-based, open,
improve its investment strategies. integration of system components, allowing secure, and interoperable architecture that will
software to be uncoupled from hardware and set the pattern for tomorrow’s Process
More value from data enabling a move towards hardware agnosticism. Automation Systems.
The development of the Industrial Internet of
Things or IIoT has also highlighted the need to User groups drive change The organisation aims to give readier access to
get value from information, such as sensor In both the EU and US markets, initiatives are leading-edge capabilities for DCS users. This
readings and production data that is today emerging to tackle the issue of accessing will allow best-in-class components to be
largely trapped within the DCS. information and making more efficient use of integrated into a DCS, while preserving asset
technology, in the process transforming the owners’ application software and thus saving
To extract this value, we need to process this nature of the DCS. the cost of replacement. The standard is
information and make it available to users, many designed as a framework for an open systems
of whom will not be regular users of the DCS. DCS providers have been conflicted by the need architecture that promotes innovation and value
to adopt the latest developments in IT and creation. It also meets the needs of multiple
The latest generation of engineers are communications technology and continuing to industries, is commercially viable, and allows
accustomed to today’s immersive digital provide the stable, reliable performance that DCS for collaboration among DCS users and
technologies and expect more modern tools that users demand. However, fundamental change in suppliers.
allow them to interact with industrial technology the DCS is being driven by these very users, who
in the same way they interact with consumer have formed dedicated groups to drive towards NAMUR is a global consortium of process
devices in their personal lives. Similarly, some openness, security, and interoperability. industry end-user organisations that has grown
information doesn’t need to be in the DCS and from Germany’s chemical industry. The group
could instead be made available in different These user-initiated groups include the Open has defined an open architecture model known
ways. Process Automation Forum (OPAF). Made up of a as NOA, for NAMUR Open Architecture. This

With the rise of new technologies such as
wireless and 5G and smart digital devices such
as sensors and motors, the DCS requires a
different, more digitalised, more open
infrastructure. The aim is to be able to insert



Modular enabled System 800xA – orchestration of process modules. want to choose a standard for the control
system, either OPAF or NAMUR, each of which
allows different paths for users to get access to
their information.

Some of the major industries pushing for more
open standards include chemicals and
pharmaceuticals, oil and gas refining and
petrochemicals, pulp and paper, mining and
metals and even areas such as data centres.
The trend is towards more advanced
technologies to make best use of their capital
investment and get the production they need as
fast as they can. Other factors include the
desire for long term stability and lower TOTEX.

architecture segregates core control and can it be designed to be more interoperable and Early adopters are companies of all sizes, with
automation functionality from non-time-critical simpler to upgrade? smaller companies benefitting from the
monitoring and optimisation. modularity and the scalability it provides.
NAMUR is taking a more hands off approach Although change can often be resisted, many
It effectively separates out information that is when it comes to the DCS. It seeks to create a companies are now realising that open DCS
less critical and that can be used for optimising structure to work alongside the DCS to obtain the standards provide the data they need to be
the company’s facilities, creating a new information needed without having to alter the more efficient and compete more effectively in
maintenance and optimisation layer that has way the DCS operates. the face of a challenging and highly changeable
separate access to information currently trapped business environment.
in the DCS. Another initiative is Modular Automation, an
industry-wide effort that aims to move away from Luis Duran is Global Product
By participating in standardisation bodies, engineering monolithic automation systems for a Line Manager, Safety
NAMUR seeks to help its member companies complete production plant to a methodology Systems, Industrial
avoid wrong investments, become involved based on more flexible modules that can be more Automation Process Control
dearly with promising technology and influence easily combined to build a rapidly deployable Platform at ABB. He has a
technology standards to take account of user system. The aim of the initiative is to allow faster BSEE and MBA from
interests. process implementation, easier scaling of Universidad Simon Bolívar in Caracas Venezuela
capacity and more rapid changeovers of product. with over 30 years of experience in numerous
Both bodies are trying to define a common areas of Automation. This includes process
communications interface and a common Towards open standards automation, process control systems, process
information model, though they are approaching Open standards essentially define how we can simulation, manufacturing execution systems
this goal from different directions. OPAF is communicate with the different equipment and safety instrumented systems/critical control
attempting to define a standard with guiding within the plant. As standards become more in a variety of roles and responsibilities from
principles, with the idea of rethinking the DCS – digital and there is more flexibility, industries will application engineer, project and commissioning
engineer to product manager, product marketing
manager, brand director, and product line
manager. Luis is currently responsible for ABB
Safety System Product offering and actively
involved in the Open Process Automation Forum
where he is currently co-chair of the Business
Working Group.



TwinCAT Controller Redundancy Radar Level Sensor

Plant availability plays a crucial role in the process industry in particular, Traditionally, the search for a
so building redundancy into automation technology designs is vital. This suitable radar level sensor
is why Beckhoff expanded its extensive range of solutions in this area to begins by asking which
also include a software solution for redundant control operation: frequency would be best for
TwinCAT Controller Redundancy. While the robust design of the the specific application, or by
company’s Industrial PCs alone already ensures a high level of determining the properties of
availability, Beckhoff is now expanding its product portfolio to check yet the medium, the temperature
another box with TwinCAT Controller Redundancy (TF1100). This ranges involved and the
entirely software-based solution allows two standard industrial PCs that process fittings required. Until
both run the same PLC program to operate as redundant controllers in now, choosing an instrument
just a few easy steps. An additional, high-performance network was a laborious task, but VEGA
connection between the two controllers provides the necessary is now transforming the
synchronization. Standard Ethernet is used here, so no dedicated process completely with its
hardware components are required. With minimal effort, this ensures new VEGAPULS 6X.
that only one of the two industrial PCs addresses the fieldbus
components at any given time, and that the control programs are The success story of today’s world market leader in radar level
executed simultaneously on both computers. This synchronicity is the measurement began 30 years ago, and in the meantime, VEGA’s sensors
basic prerequisite for changing the primary industrial PC in the event of have optimised millions of industrial processes. The story includes
a fault without losing any information. milestones such as the world’s first two-wire radar instrument and the
first 80-GHz radar sensor for liquids on the market. Behind this success
are the many people who share a common passion: “At VEGA we don’t
do a hundred different things, we concentrate on what we do best:
radar,” says product manager Jürgen Skowaisa, speaking for all of them.

The new VEGAPULS 6X offers the best that is technically feasible today:
a self-diagnosis system that immediately detects damage or
interference that ensures significantly higher availability and safety, it
has new radar-chip technology, with expanded application possibilities
and simpler operation. In addition to SIL certification, the matter of
cybersecurity has also been fully taken into account: Compliance with
security standard IEC 62443-4-2, which specifies the strictest
requirements for secure communication and access control.

In addition to controller redundancy, the well-established EtherCAT Level sensors should make it easier for users to monitor their industrial
Redundancy (TF6220) software protects against failures caused by processes. The ultimate purpose of VEGAPULS 6X is: maximum
faulty cable connections. The I/O modules are connected by two simplification. It is the one sensor that can handle any application. In
separate cables, which should ideally be laid in different locations. While the future, the customer will no longer have to worry about the
EtherCAT Redundancy addresses communication from the controller to technology, frequency or instrument version. Even setup and
the fieldbus, the TwinCAT Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP, TF6230) commissioning has been reduced to a minimum, requiring now just a few
now also provides cable redundancy for Ethernet communication clicks and basic application parameters. In many cases, all application-
according to IEC 62439-3 to higher-level systems such as MES or specific settings can be made in VEGAPULS 6X before it leaves the
decoupled HMI systems. The protocol defines a redundant and factory. Mount, connect, done: It couldn’t get any simpler.
transparent network connection, which can be monitored and diagnosed
in TwinCAT. More information available at

Beckhoff Automation Pvt Ltd, Pune. Tel: 020-67064802. Email: VEGA India Level and Pressure Measurement Pvt Ltd, Pune. Tel: 020-
[email protected] 67314000. Email: [email protected]



Plant Automation Solutions Pressure Transmitter, JUMO dTRANS p33

BASE Automation Technologies Pvt JUMO dTRANS p33
Ltd (BATPL) offers a wide range of Pressure Transmitter
Plant Automation Solutions: measures the pressure
i. DTMA (Digital Transformation of non-aggressive and
Maturity Assessment) aggressive gases,
ii. Centralised web based plant steam, liquids, and
information system dust on the basis of the
iii. Control automation (PLC, DCS), piezoresistive
MCC, IMCC panels measuring principle. It
iv. Process batch with electronic was designed and
batch reports certified according to
v. Track and trace – traceability solutions ATEX directives. The
vi. Process analytics and historian transmitter is used,
vii. AI/ML based plant efficiency improvements among other places, in
viii. Utility equipment control solutions flour and grain silos.
ix. Boiler controls
x. Air compressors controls The pressure
xi. Substation monitoring transmitter measures
xii. DG controls the pressure in both
xiii. Load shedding corrosive and non-
xiv. HVAC controls, and corrosive gases,
xv. Water treatment plant (ETP, RO). vapors, liquids, and dust. It operates on the piezoresistive measuring
principle. The output signal is a DC current that is proportional to the input
Why BASE Automation? pressure.
a. 27+ years of experience in wide range of factories – Automotive, Auto
Components, Food & Beverages, FMCG, Pharma, Metal, Chemicals, Oil & Gas The pressure transmitter fulfills the following requirements for equipment
b. Highly competent resources who are our fundamental success driver for group II:
our business a. In zone 1 and 2 areas with an explosion hazard arising from gas (Gas). The
c. Expertise across all major automation brands (PLC, DCS & SCADA) – pressure connection (process connection) may also be mounted onto zone 0.
Rockwell Automation, Siemens, Mitsubishi, Schneider, Omron, and Ignition b. In zone 21 and 22 areas with an explosion hazard arising from dust (Dust).
d. We continuously augment our capabilities in pace with market trends; The pressure connection (process connection) may also be mounted on zone
expertise in IIoT platforms and digitalisation 20. The pressure transmitter can also be used as a level probe.
e. We are technology centered, and brand agnostic. We use the best tool for c. Explosion group II, category 2G with extra code 406, and
the job. d. Explosion group II, category 1G with extra code 407 The EC type-
f. We are a values-driven organisation – we prioritise Authenticity, Expertise examination certificate is designated: SEV 09 ATEX 0140 X. The device is
and Transparency, and certified according to EHEDG in the versions with process connections
g. Our customer service is unparalleled – our customers’ production is our (clamp) DN 25, 32, 40, and 50 as well as VARIVENT.
In just a few decades, JUMO has grown from minuscule beginnings to
BASE Automation Technologies Pvt Ltd (BATPL) is an ISO 9001:2015 become an internationally successful company.
company, incorporated in the year 1995 in Chennai, India with a primary
focus on providing Industrial Solutions to manufacturing industries through JUMO instruments and systems are at work on all five continents. They
our Automation and Software services. BASE aims to be the best technology measure, control and record physical parameters in an extraordinarily wide
service provider and to be the catalyst in solving various challenges faced by range of industries and applications. User-friendly and reliable, these are
the manufacturing industries through our technical and conceptual system available in every quantity and version that is requested; and always with the
integration expertise. guarantee of perfect quality and comprehensive service.

BASE Automation Technologies Pvt Ltd, Chennai. Tel: +91 7338897775. Contact Person – Mr Rupesh Desale
Email: [email protected] JUMO India Pvt Ltd. Tel: 9004297776. Email: [email protected]



HxGN SDx® – Enabling Digital Transformation Balanced Control Valves, LM85/87 Series

The engineering and construction industry has been transitioning from SUPCON offers LM85/87 series cage guided
traditional processes to more data-driven, collaborative process, reducing high pressure Balanced Control Valves that are
working in isolation while seeing the project completely. The challenge to characterised by super dynamic stability, large
making that transition has been software systems inadequately designed to allowable on-off pressure differential and
meet the needs of EPCs and contractors. At Hexagon, we heard what our smaller thrust force. All valves use three-piece
customers need and we’ve delivered it with HxGN SDx®. separated cage combined optional spring-
energised seal type or piston seal type and
It’s designed to be the “Digital Twin” for project execution, enabling feature excellent control precision and higher
everyone on the project access to a single source of truth for the design. seat leakage rate. The temperature range
Stakeholders from all over participate in the design process. Collaboration varies with the sealing of different structures.
increases between contractors, clients and vendors. No more surprises and They are best suitable to large pressure drop ratio, wide temperature change
reduced rework and confusion. SDx becomes the “Digital Thread” that your and high pressure conditions. SUPCON Group is a leading supplier on
clients need, eliminating or drastically reduces the costs, effort and hassle instrumentation products, distributed control system (DCS), automation and
associated with handover. information technology products and solutions. Since 1993, SUPCON’s
business has spread over China, Vietnam, Pakistan, Sudan, North Korea,
Quality, on-time, on-budget delivery generates satisfied clients and helps Myanmar, Thailand, India, Canada, etc. SUPCON headquarter is in Hangzhou,
win more work. The risks of overrun are high with increasingly complex and in India the company is known as SUPINCO Automation Private Limited,
projects and schedules. A collaboration platform reduces these risks, which is a 100% subsidiary company of SUPCON and working for India
enabling communication to all involved, while providing all stakeholders projects in various segments.
access to connected, quality information at the right time. Owners are
starting to mandate digital twins as part of project deliverables and offering Supinco Automation Private Ltd, Bangalore. Tel: 080-23579156/57/58.
a “Project Twin” during execution can make you the EPC of choice. HxGN Email: [email protected]
SDX is an Asset Lifecycle Information Management (ALIM) solution that
optimises efficiency, improves profitability and ensures safety throughout E-car Wallboxes with Retractable Cable
the asset’s lifecycle, improving project and operational efficiency while
reducing risk and costs. One quick tug and
the power cable
SDx significantly reduces time spent looking for design information, rolls up: with the
provides a single source of truth for current and working designs, facilitates e-tract 2.0
collaboration through controlled access and communications.Knowing that automatic
no two companies work exactly the same, SDx is also highly configurable to retraction system,
adjust to your unique processes. igus wants to
make charging on
HxGN SDx®. Email: [email protected] wallboxes a bit
more convenient
84| INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION MAGAZINE | December 2022 Edition for e-car owners.
The special feature: thanks to the ingenious interplay of two guide rollers,
long extension lengths are possible with limited installation space. Many e-
car owners will be familiar with the dilemma: after charging the vehicle on
the in-house wallbox, they would have to wind up the power cable by hand.
The cable stays on the ground. It presents a tripping hazard and is
unsecured. The system is particularly compact thanks to the ingenious
interplay of two guide rollers. The rollers sit at the ends of the rectangular
housing. The cables are wound up in multiple tracks like with a pulley. If the
user pulls the power cable, the lower guide roller moves towards the upper
roller on a linear rail while unwinding.

igus (India) Private Limited, Bangalore. Tel: 080-45127827. Email:
[email protected]


Small Gas Pressure Regulator High Feed SP Milling Systems

With the new Mini pressure regulator Milling challenging materials like
series from Witt-Gasetechnik, even the tough steels, stainless steels,
smallest flow rates can be controlled superalloys and titanium cause
precisely and reliably. The compact built-up or notched edges and
pressure regulators can be used for broken inserts that increase
oxygen and carbon dioxide, for fuel gases tooling costs and cause
such as hydrogen, methane or propane, unexpected downtime. To
as well as technical gases and, of course, overcome these challenging ISO
compressed air. This makes the high- P, M and S materials, the new
quality fittings ideal for all applications next-generation Seco High Feed SP milling system features a combination of
with high demands on accuracy, e.g., for dedicated cutting geometries and insert grades, as well as optimized lead
analysis technology, for sampling and angles, that combine to boost material removal rates, maximize chip
dosing as well as for small burner systems or as pilot pressure regulators. evacuation and extend tool life. Packed with versatility, one High Feed SP tool
Both in-line and panel mounting are possible. For medical applications, Witt handles a complete range of high feed milling operations and materials. The
also supplies the Mini with FDA-approved elastomers. An outstanding tool optimizes such operations as copy milling, ramping, pocketing, face
feature is the explicit suitability for use with oxygen. Witt has designed the milling and plunging to further reduce tooling inventories. Users optimize
Mini pressure regulators specifically for oxygen (per EIGA 13/20 and CGA G- milling performance while eliminating the need to switch among numerous
4.4) and, unlike the 'compressed air' regulators commonly available on the tools to implement various machining strategies and part materials. High
market, uses elastomers that are proven to be resistant to oxygen. Feed SP milling tools provide simple foolproof insert indexing.

WITT Gas India Pvt Ltd, Kolkata. Tel: 033-24010009. Email: Seco Tools India (P) Ltd, Pune. Tel: 02137-667300. Email:
[email protected], [email protected] [email protected], [email protected]

Digital Sensing Module Add-in for PCAN-Diag FD

The HTM502 sensing For the handheld
module by Austrian device PCAN-Diag
sensor manufacturer E+E FD from PEAK-
Elektronik offers a cost- System for
effective solution for diagnosing
humidity and temperature communication on a
measurement. It is CAN bus, a
characterised by easy separately available
implementation, high add-in is now
accuracy and reliability. Integration and interchangeability via the I2C available to also
interface allow for rapid project implementation. The integrated sensor analyse J1939 data
protection and the mechanically robust enclosure support a wide range of traffic. The SAE
applications. The module is particularly suitable for price-sensitive J1939 standard describes communication in utility vehicles via CAN. The
applications in the HVAC sector but also for industrial applications. The CAN data traffic is interpreted according to the included J1939 database and
HTM502 sensing module measures humidity and temperature with an is represented in a way that is understandable for the user. In addition, the
accuracy of ±2.0% RH and ±0.3 °C (0.54 °F) and can be used in applications add-in includes functions such as the decoding of multi-packet messages,
between 5°C and 60°C (41...140 °F). The robust enclosure gives the module address claiming, and the handling of diagnostic information. The J1939
great mechanical stability and ensures ease of handling by preventing Add-in is activated with a device-bound license file which can also be
accidental contact with the sensing element. The integrated E+E sensor purchased afterwards for a PCAN-Diag FD. Updates for the included J1939
coating protects the sensing element against dirt and corrosion, improving database are included for a period of 2 years. PEAK-System Technik GmbH is
measurement performance and long-term stability in harsh and demanding a leading provider of hardware, software and services for automotive and
environments. industrial communication. The focus is on the CAN and LIN fieldbuses.

E+E Elektronik India Pvt Ltd, Mumbai. Email: [email protected] PEAK-System Technik GmbH, Germany. Email: [email protected]



LoRaWAN Smart Sensor Pull-Wire Switches

Advantech WISE-2410X is an explosion- Schmersal Group showcased a
proof LoRaWAN smart sensor that new range of pull-wire switches
detects the vibration and temperature of at SPS in Nuremberg for the very
equipment 24 hours a day and meets first time – the TQ215/TQ315
ISO 10816 standards – a vibration pull-wire switches and the
monitoring standard to evaluate machine ZQ215/ZQ315 pull-wire
vibration, without the need for coding or emergency stop switches. The
algorithms. Feature highlights: Explosion new space-saving range of pull-
proof and IP-65 protection – WISE- wire switches from Schmersal is suitable for applications in cramped
2410X is ATEX and IECEx (Zone 2 and installation spaces. The dimensions of these compact switches are based on
Zone 21) certified for installation in hazardous and explosive environments; the standards for position switches – EN 50047 and EN 50041. The small
Wireless technology – line of sight coverage can be up to 5 km with 2 years pull-wire switches also have a robust metal enclosure, wide temperature
of battery life; even under low power warning conditions, the power supply range and the high protection class IP67, which makes them suitable for
can still operate for up to three months; 3-axis vibration inspection – WISE- outdoor use and use in challenging environmental conditions, such as in the
2410X uses 3-axis composite measurements to detect vibration and mining industry, heavy industry and raw materials processing. The
transfers those characteristic values via automatic functions; and Preventive TQ215/TQ315 pull-wire switches can be used as signal transmitters, for
maintenance with ISO 10816 – operators can obtain the vibration condition applications such as starting machinery and plants. The switching command
of 4 classes of machine with 4 levels from WISE-2410X. Ideal for explosive can be triggered at any point along the wire, with wire lengths of up to 25 m
environment such as oil refineries, gas plants, and food and beverage available.
Schmersal India Pvt Ltd, Pune. Tel: 02138-614700.
Advantech Co Ltd. Tel: 1-800-425-5070. Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Touchless Switches, Low-Profile Screwdriving System DEPRAG Plus

IDEC Corporation The screwdriving system DEPRAG
has introduced a Plus ensures the highest flexibility
new line of CW and can be used as a central
low-profile platform for both handheld and
touchless spindle screwdrivers. The system is
switches suitable extremely versatile in the face of
for many hygienic changing assembly requirements. It
industrial and reduces the need for and expenses
public of training and the AST Manager
automation applications, addressing cleanliness concerns for protecting provides intuitive operator
against Covid-19 and other contamination. Touchless switches are durable guidance. With the DEPRAG Apps,
and reduce total cost of equipment operation. The CW touchless switches are additional software solutions and updates are available at any time. A wide
designed with a sleek and nearly flush (just 2mm rise) low-profile surface variety of interfaces and screwdriving procedures can be unlocked according
silhouette. They are built for an industry standard 22mm mounting hole and to requirements. Another new option is the setting of customer-specific logic
require only a shallow 35mm space behind the panel face, plus room for the functions: various assembly sequences, such as scanning, part locking,
wiring connector. The typical installation pitch is 30mm width and 50mm screw position monitoring can be logically linked with one another. There are
height. Operating temperatures range from -25 to +55DegC. A rubber washer five inputs and eight outputs available. By connecting handheld or spindle
and locking ring ensure IP65/67 and NEMA Type 4X ratings are maintained. screwdrivers with the controller, the DEPRAG Plus screwdriving system now
The CW1H housing and bezel is black plastic resin, and the CW4H is silver also enables supply of the same torque to manual or stationary screwdrivers.
aluminium alloy metal. The switches, rated for outdoor use, are made from The company provides full service packages for almost every branch of
weather resistant materials. industry.

Orbital Mechatronik Systems Pvt Ltd, Mumbai. Cell: 77100-52535. LEAPTECH Corporation, Mumbai. Tel: 022-20874004/5/6.
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]


Pressure Transmitter, Rosemount 3051 Connector, Han Q Hybrid

Emerson recently introduced the Machine builders, automation and
enhanced Rosemount™ 3051 Pressure robotics manufacturers need compact,
Transmitter that adds new capabilities to space-saving interfaces for their modular
the device that has been trusted by users and highly precise designs. HARTING has
for over three decades. Powerful new developed the Han® Q Hybrid for
features make the Rosemount 3051 connecting motors, actuators and sensors
easier to use, provide more insights and in the medium power range. The
add diagnostic capabilities – all of which miniaturised interface enables the safe
allows commissioning, maintenance and and interference-free supply of
troubleshooting tasks to be completed faster. The Rosemount 3051 delivers components with power, data and signals.
the same reliability and quality customers expect from Emerson, but now Application areas include mechanical
with modern features that help teams to be more efficient, facilities safer engineering, automation and robotics, as well as transport and energy
and overall operations more profitable. The Rosemount 3051 Pressure infrastructure. The Han® Q Hybrid is compatible with all Han® 3 A enclosures
Transmitter user interfaces have been redesigned to provide a simplified, – a very compact and versatile standard. The combination of Han Q Hybrid
task-based menu structure with common navigation across host and and Han® 3 A including U-clip requires less space than comparable circular
configuration tools for a faster, more intuitive user experience. The new, connectors, while offering high mechanical protection at the same time.
high-contrast, graphical and back lit display can operate in eight different Users have the choice between plastic and metal housings –and they can, for
languages, and its visual icons give better insight to transmitter status for a example, also fall back on special housings for outdoor use (High Pressure
more intuitive experience. Railway) or EMC-protected transmission. In addition, the Han® Q Hybrid
provides coding options.
Emerson Process Management (India) Pvt Ltd. Tel: 91 22 6662-0566.
Email: [email protected] HARTING Technology Group. Tel: 044-43560417. Email: [email protected]

AS-Interface 3 Gateways Butterfly Valves with Oxygen Approval

AS-Interface has long been established as A special version of the GEMÜ R480
a simple and cost-effective solution for Victoria butterfly valve series from
integrating sensors and actuators in the Ingelfingen-based valve specialist GEMÜ is
field. But for almost 20 years, there have approved with immediate effect for the
been no changes at all to one of the most medium of oxygen. In the design for the
important system components — the AS- medium of oxygen, all media wetted seal
Interface gateways. The innovative AS- materials and auxiliary materials
Interface 3 gateways from Pepperl+Fuchs (lubricants and screw locking agents) from
are opening up completely new the Victoria butterfly valve series have
opportunities in this regard. A sophisticated been tested and approved by the Federal
design, modern operating concept, Institute for Materials Research and
multiprotocol capability, and IIoT capability Testing (BAM). Unsuitable oils and greases
take the AS-Interface 3 gateways to a new can lead to the development of fires, which
level and provide significantly simplified operation for customers. It is is why all media wetted components must
ingeniously simple and consistently well thought-out — just as customers be cleaned accordingly. The examination
have come to expect from AS-Interface 3. Highlights include: sophisticated for BAM approval was based on the DIN EN
design; extremely narrow design with a width of just 37.9 mm; modern 1797 and ISO 21010 standard. Approval is
operating concept; easy configuration due to integrated web server; limited to the use of gaseous oxygen at a
multiprotocol capability; IIoT capability – REST API for IIoT communication; maximum operating temperature of 60 °C and a pressure of 15 bar. The
access to all data about the gateway and connected AS-Interface devices; butterfly valves of the GEMÜ R480 Victoria series approved for oxygen
and streamlined protocol for machine-to-machine communication. applications are recognisable by the special function O.

Pepperl+Fuchs (India) Private Limited, Bangalore. Tel: 080-28378030. GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG, Germany.
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]



Butterfly Valve, Tight Shut Off dataFEED OPC Suite

AVCON offers 2-way tight shut off Butterfly With the integration of OPC UA
Valves in sleeved design with quarter turn Reverse Connect into its dataFEED
pneumatic actuators (wafer type, centric OPC Suite Extended V5.22, Softing
design, with elastomer liner). Features: Size – enables secure communication
40mm (1½”) to 300mm (12”); Testing & between OPC UA components in OT
Inspection – in accordance to ISO 5208; and IT that are separated by
Pressure Rating – Body ANSI, Class 150, firewalls or DMZs. dataFEED OPC
holding between flanges, Shaft ASTM A511 Suite Extended is an all-in-one
Gr.TP – 410 and liner and temperature EPDM- solution for OPC communication and cloud connectivity, providing access to
ISO 1691,(-)20°C to 120°C BN-ISO 1691(- controllers and IoT devices of leading manufacturers. With the new OPC UA
)5°C to 80°C; End Connection – suitable for Reverse Connect functionality, the suite ensures secure communication
holding between the flanges of ANSI between OPC UA components separated by firewalls or DMZs. OPC UA
CI.150,ISO 7005- 1, BS 5811,DIN 2533 PN 16; Velocity – Size 40 mm to Reverse Connect avoids traditional client-server connections where the client
200 mm, 4m/sec for liquid and 35m/sec for gases; Sizes – 250 and 300 mm establishes the connection to the server. Instead, the server actively
3m/sec for liquid and 30 m/sec for gases; Face to Face – EN558/20, DIN- connects to the client. This is important for networks where the server is in a
3202/K1, API 609; Pressure Temperature rating – as per ASTM A 16.34; and protected environment, such as the production network of a factory. There is
Bodies – SGI-ASTM A536 60/4018 CS – ASTM A216 WCB (DIN1.0619) (GS- no need to open firewall ports from the IT network to the OT network. The
C 25), SS-ASTM A351CF8M (DIN 1.4408) (GX6 Cr.Ni MO 1810) SS-ASTM risk of an attack on the production network is thus eliminated, as the firewall
A351CF8 (DIN 1.4301). remains closed.

Avcon Controls Private Limited, Mumbai. Email: Softing Industrial Automation GmbH. Mobile: 91-9886137102.
[email protected] Email: [email protected]

Cable Design with EMC Solution Smart Gas Detectors GT-2500 Series

Machines and systems The GT-2500-series Smart Gas
need to be increasingly Detectors from Ambetronics
networked in a smart have a LED display which is
factory. This increases resistant to poisoning and
the requirements with etching and shows digital
regard to electromagnetic display of gas concentration on
compatibility (EMC). At it. These are broadly used as
the SPS trade fair in toxic gas detectors or
Nuremberg (Hall 2, Stand combustible gas detectors and
310), LAPP presented a new, innovative EMC solution with zeroCM® can be customized as per the
technology. Especially in industrial plants where frequency-converter- gas used at site. They have the
controlled motors are used, there is an increase in undesirable currents on feature of easy handling and
the potential equalisation cables or protective earth cables. LAPP therefore programming with 3 keys for weatherproof model and can be programmed
set itself the goal of investigating the physical coupling mechanisms within using remote control from 10 meters in line of site distance. These Gas
motor connection cables and deriving an innovative cable design from this. Transmitters have non-intrusive programming and password protected
In developing the zeroCM® technology, LAPP took completely new paths. programming with password changing facility. They can also be provided
Instead of solving the EMC problem via shielding as usual, the entire cable along with optional alarm relay contacts with two configurable alarm levels
design of the ÖLFLEX® SERVO FD zeroCM has been rethought. Three phase and one as fail safe relay. The GT-2500-series are available in weatherproof
conductors are now arranged symmetrically and twisted in an inner layer. enclosures and also in CMRI tested flameproof enclosures. Optional alarm
The insulation of the conductor is capacitance-optimised and consists of relay contacts with two configurable alarm levels and one relay for fail safe
polyethylene, polypropylene or a foam variant. relay.

LAPP India Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru. Tel: 080-47405000. Ambetronics Engineers Private Limited, Mumbai. Tel: 022-28371143.
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]



Oscilloscope, R&S MXO 4 Precision Link Conveyor, LTL Series

Rohde & Schwarz recently unveiled Light Duty Series Precision Link
the new R&S MXO 4 series Conveyors are built to better suit the
oscilloscope at electronica 2022, the productivity, durability and flexibility
world's leading electronics trade fair, needed for a modern automation. The
among other products. The next modular design of the “LTL” conveyors
generation oscilloscopes of the R&S combines excellent accuracy and
MXO 4 series excel not only with a speed capability with maximum
brilliant 13.3” full-HD capacitive versatility. The careful selection of the
touchscreen. The 4-channel materials that compose the linear
oscilloscopes deliver a number of industry firsts that electronica 2022 conveyor warrantees stability over
visitors can experience first-hand. The new R&S MXO 4 features the world’s time and maintenance free applications. The high level of configurability of
fastest real-time update rate of over 4.5 million acquisitions per second, the components permits to the “LTL” to operate in critical environments.
letting development engineers see more signal details and infrequent Please contact CDS for further information. Features: reduced inertia of the
events than with any other oscilloscope. The 12-bit analog digital converter moving components; versatility; modularity; high accuracy and repeatability;
in the R&S MXO 4 series has 16 times the resolution of traditional 8-bit stability over time; maintenance free; and capability to operate in critical
oscilloscopes at all sample rates and no trade-offs for more precise environment. Cam Driven Systems (CDS) is a specialised company in the
measurements. A standard acquisition memory of 400 Mpoints on all four study, development and manufacture of high precision mechanical
channels gives them 100 times the standard memory of comparable components. CDS represents a resource for customers that are seeking
oscilloscopes. motion control solutions and ideas for industrial automation, packaging and
Rohde & Schwarz India, Bangalore. Tel: 080-41780400.
Email: [email protected] Bettinelli Automation Components Pvt Ltd, Pune. Email: [email protected]

Handheld Barcode Reader M12 Connectors for Single Pair Ethernet

Cognex Corporation, the The new M12-size SPE
leader in industrial machine connectors from Phoenix
vision, has introduced the Contact provide identical
DataMan® 8700LX, a high- mechanical installation
performance handheld conditions and easy integration
barcode reader for label- into conventional sensors. Male
based codes. Like all models and female versions also enable
in the DataMan 8700 family, flying leads. The single-pair data
the DataMan 8700LX is easy cabling transmits data at speeds
to use, oil and water of up to 1 Gbps and powers of up
resistant, and built to perform in harsh conditions. The system is rugged in to 60 W over a range of up to
design that withstands the most demanding manufacturing environments, 1,000 m. In addition to IP67
and can be set up in minutes, streamlining deployment while improving part degree of protection, the connectors also feature a reliable shield connection
traceability and throughput. A built-in OLED display screen simplifies setup with Advanced Shielding Technology. This enables secure Ethernet
and gives operators quick and intuitive feedback without connecting to a PC. communication from the field right through to the cloud. The standardized
DataMan 8700 handheld readers support a broad range of industrial interfaces in accordance with IEC 63171-5 make them particularly suitable
communication protocols, enabling them to operate efficiently in any facility. for efficient and consistent data transmission in factory and building
Other models in the DataMan 8700 family include the DataMan 8700DQ, automation applications. Phoenix Contact is a global market leader and
designed for fast, accurate direct part mark (DPM) code reading, and the innovator for electrification, networking, and automation on the path to a
high-performance DataMan 8700DX with liquid lens for reading the toughest smart world. The Group includes fifteen German and four international
DPM and label-based codes. companies as well as 55 sales companies all over the world.

Cognex Sensors India Pvt Ltd, Pune. Tel: 020-40147840. Email: PHOENIX CONTACT (I) Pvt Ltd, New Delhi. Tel: 011-30262800.
[email protected] Email: [email protected]


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