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Published by kjohnson_lca, 2019-06-10 12:03:52

PLAYBOOK Final 2019

PLAYBOOK Final 2019



Table of Contents

Blue Grass Principles
Blue Grass Promises to God………………………………………………………………….…… 7

Our Core Values..................................................................................................................... 8

Scriptural Foundation............................................................................................................. 9

Blue Grass Promises to Campers & Parent……………………………………………………... 10

Staff Promises……………………………………………………………………………………… 11

Blue Grass Promises to Staff…………………………………………………………………...…. 12

Staff Counselor Mission………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
How To Be A Great Counselor……………………………………………………………………. 15
Staff Conduct……………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
Staff Appearance…………………………………………………………………………………… 16
Staff Policies………………………………………………………………………………………… 18
Time-Off Policies……………………………………………………………………………………. 20
Penalties for Broken Trust…………………………………………………………………………. 21

Campers 25
Our Greatest Asset…………………………………………………...……………………………. 26
Conduct with Campers…………………………………………………………………………….. 27
Year Round Camper Contact……………………………………………………………………... 28
Camper Conduct……………………………………………………………………………………. 29
Camper Discipline…………………………………………………………………………………..
Camper Policies……………………………………………………………………………………..

Activities 33
Activities Lead to Relationship…………………………………………………………………....
Be An Excellent Instructor…………………………………………………………………………

Safety 37
Safety Management #1………...………………………………………………………………….. 38
Counselor Safety Standards………………………………………………………………………. 38
Safety Officer……………………………………………………………………………………….. 40
General Safety Policies…………………………………………………………………………….
Critical Situation Procedure………………………………………………………………………..

Appendix 43
History of Blue Grass Camps……………………………………………………………………… 45
Plan of Salvation……………………………………………………………………………………. 46
The “No” List………………………………………………………………………………………… 48
Character Qualities………………………………………………………………………………….
Homesick / Bed Wetters ……………………………………………………………………………



Blue Grass

Staff Playbook




Blue Grass Promises to GOD

BGCC Mission

Blue Grass Christian Camp
exist to

Disciple Youth
Empower Familiesd
Encourage the Church
and Engage the Community
by providing a beautiful surrounding
where people of all age can come to

7/11 Mission Statement

We want campers to encounter Christ
with counselors who know Christ
and together make memories
that will last a lifetime.


Our Core Values

We aim to...


Be safe in all we do.


Bring fellowship through service to one another.


Be faithful to those we are in relationship with.


Scriptural Foundation

What We Believe…

ONE TRUE GOD: Genesis 1:1; Exodus 3:14; Isaiah 43:10 – 11
We believe the one true God has revealed Himself as the eternally self-existent “I AM,”
the creator of Heaven and Earth.
THE LORD JESUS CHRIST: Colossians 1:15-22; 1 Thessalonians 4:16; 1 Peter 3:18
We believe that Jesus Christ is the “Image of the invisible God” and that in Him, “all deity
dwells in bodily form.” We believe in His virgin birth, His sinless life, His death on the
cross as the substitutionary atonement for sin, His literal bodily resurrection from the dead,
His present ministry of intercession in Heaven, and His personal future return to the earth.
THE HOLY SPIRIT: John 14:16; Rom. 8:14,16; Eph. 1:13; Phil. 1:6; Phil. 2:13
We believe the Holy Spirit convicts men of sin and regenerates, indwells, seals, sets apart,
and empowers believers for service and for Holy living and a Holy life. We believe that
“God is at work within us both to will and work to His good pleasure” and that “He will
continue to perfect us until the day of Christ Jesus.”
THE GODHEAD: Genesis 1:26; John 1:14, 15:26, 17:21; Ephesians 4:4-6
We believe in the unity and trinity of the Godhead existing in three persons: The Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three persons are One God having the same nature,
attributes, and perfection.
MAN: Genesis 1:27; Genesis 2:22; Romans 3:23; Hebrews 9:27; Romans 5:12
We believe that man was created in the image of God but was separated from God by sin
and shall be judged; and that only through the Blood of Christ and regeneration by the
Holy Spirit can salvation and spiritual life be obtained.
SALVATION: Ephesians 2:8-10; I Corinthians 15:3-4; John 1:12
We believe in salvation by grace, a free gift from God apart from works. Salvation comes
through repentance, a turning from one’s own way to God’s way, and accepting Jesus
Christ in personal faith.
THE SCRIPTURES: II Timothy 3:15, 16, 17; II Peter 1:19-21
We believe both the Old and the New Testaments of the Bible to be the inerrant Holy
Word of God, inspired in every part by the Holy Spirit. The Bible is the revelation of
God for the equipping of man and is the supreme and final authority for faith and life.


Blue Grass Promises to Campers & Parents

“The Best Week of the Summer!”


A staff that encourages the very best in every child
A staff enthusiastically engaged in every event
A staff in pursuit of excellence in all things
A staff that loves and listens unconditionally


Challenges that build courage
Achievements that build confidence
Relationships that build camaraderie
Spiritual endeavors that build character


Role Modeling for every observer
Plan of Salvation for every seeker

Discipleship for every believer
Faith training for every camper


Mind – skills that increase ability
Body – strength that increases performance
Soul – sportsmanship that increases enjoyment
Spirit – passion that increases commitment


Staff Promises

Meditate on His Word Psalms 1:2

Pray Continually 1 Thes. 5:17

Body, Mind, and Spirit Pure 2 Tim. 2:22

Do What’s Right 1 Peter 2:12

Love Every Child Unconditionally 1 Cor. 13:4-8

Disciple Every Child Consistently Matt. 28:19

Protect Every Child Completely




Camp Policies Rom. 13:1-2
Camp Traditions 1 Peter 2:13-14
Camp Leadership Team 1 Peter 5:5

TO Blue Grass…


The Image
The Facilities
The Equipment
The Grounds


Positive Christian Environment

Unconditional Love
Everlasting Friendships

Fulfill Our Contract

Room & Board

Time Off (when applicable)

Faith Training
Staff Training

Small Groups

Group Bible Study

Leadership Training

Teach You
Model For You
Utilize You
Evaluate You

Restoring Trust

When Promises Are Broken…

1. Recognize a Promise Has Been Broken
2. Confess to Appropriate Person
3. Seek Forgiveness
4. Accept Consequences
5. Repent – A Change of Behavior
6. Restore Relationship


Blue Grass

Staff Playbook




Counselor Mission

As a Blue Grass counselor, you will be a mom, dad, teacher, coach, counselor, mentor and friend to every kid who
walks through the Camp gates. You will be pouring out your life and investing in theirs by building character,
teaching sportsmanship and giving them a strong spiritual foundation through your example. The kids will
watch you 24 hours a day, six days a week. They will walk like you, talk like you, dress like you, and want to
be like you. Your mission as a counselor is to reflect the love of Christ in all that you do and say. You must be
faithful, patient, selfless, energetic, compassionate, and willing to be used by the Lord to change a life forever!

How To Be A Great Counselor

Be Safe – Kids are our greatest asset! Parents have entrusted
you with their child. Be aware and alert at ALL times and in ALL
areas. Be on the lookout for any possible dangerous situations.
If you are not sure, err on the side of caution. Every staff
member is personally responsible to take action if needed.

Be With The Lord – You cannot pour into your kids unless you
are feeding yourself from God’s Word. Make it a priority to be
with the Lord and read His Word every day! He is the ONLY one
who will satisfy and give you the strength to be a great counselor!

Love Your Kids – This is easy with some, hard with others. However, Christ calls us to love every child
unconditionally. Great counselors love their kids. (1 Cor. 16:14) Love the unlovable and reach out to the
unreachable. They don’t care what you know until they know that you care. When friendships form and
relationships grow, then the ground is fertile for you to share the seeds of faith.

Live First…Teach Second – Your kids will watch your every step. They don’t want to hear a sermon until
they see one lived out. Whether you serve them in the Dining Hall or teach them a new basketball move…be
imitators of Christ. (Ephesians 5:1-2)

Be Excited! – In the Lord’s presence is the fullness of joy! (Psalms 16:11) Camp is exciting…so be excited and
joyful in all that you do and say. Your excitement is contagious! Great counselors constantly encourage and
enthusiastically engage every child.

Be With Kids – When in doubt…be with kids! You are
here at Camp to be with kids. Campers are never without
supervision….in the cabin, at activities, free time, meals,
etc. Great counselors are constantly with kids.

Be A Team Player- It is the responsibility of each
counselor and staff member to help the Camp run
smoothly and efficiently. Take pride in your Camp! We
are all a part of the body…with one mission! (Romans 12:3-8)

Be Faithful - Be faithful in the little things. (Luke 16:10). Be
faithful in all that you do. . .whether you’re putting up equipment,
doing paperwork, or picking up a piece of trash when nobody is


Staff Conduct


Jesus Christ is to be glorified in everything we do and say at Camp! Therefore, we stand firm on His Word and
His example. Legalism is not the object, but kids need to see that we are living examples of an exemplary way
of life. We will walk by the fruit of the Spirit! (Galatians 5:22)

1. We will positively encourage one another in both word and deed. We will constantly love one another
and build each other up. (1 Thes. 5:11) We will never tear down or make fun of another person at
Camp. We want Camp to be the most encouraging place on earth! We will also treat the opposite sex
with the utmost respect!

2. Our staff does not condone, or personally use illegal drugs, alcohol, or tobacco of any kind - either on
duty or off duty (i.e. wedding receptions, restaurants, etc.) We also do not condone the act of
pornography (any form), or homosexuality. We ask for and expect your complete commitment and
faithfulness on these issues.

3. Integrity, loyalty, honesty, and faithfulness are the pillars of our staff. We expect all staff members to
report any deviation of Camp’s rules, policies, or practices by campers or staff members to the Camp
Director immediately.

4. We also expect our staff to portray a Christ-like lifestyle both in and out of the Camp gates. Please be
aware of how your behavior/actions not only represent Christ, but also the Blue Grass ministry. We
desire all staff to walk in a way that is pleasing to the Lord throughout the year. (Please be extra
careful using new forms of communication such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Text
Messaging, etc. Kids are watching you!)

Physical Relationships

Camp will not be a place for physical relationships with other staff members. All staff members will be above
reproach and treat each other with the utmost respect and honor. Remember, the kids are watching! Our
actions and intentions must always be pure. The following guidelines should be used regarding staff conduct:

1. There should never be a time when a guy and girl staff member are together in an undesignated area
or at an undesignated time. A male staff member meeting a female staff member at a secret location
will be cause for instant dismissal from Blue Grass staff.

2. Kissing, frontal hugs, holding hands, back rubs, tickling, etc. with the opposite sex is inappropriate.

3. Sexual touching of any kind is inappropriate between staff members.

4. Any evidence of homosexual behavior (including jokes) will NOT be tolerated. Violation of this policy
will be handled by the Camp director and could result in instant dismissal from staff.

Staff Appearance

Project All-American
Our staff will always convey a clean-cut, athletic, and modest image to both campers and parents.
Please do your part to uphold the following guidelines:

Athletic Haircuts / No Long Hair Only Modest One-Piece Swimsuits
(Above Collar & Not Covering the Ears)
No Dreadlocks, Buzzed, or Shaved Heads No Low Cut Tops or Midriffs
No Tight Clothing
No Dyed or Bleached Hair No Body Piercings
No Underwear Showing
No Underwear Showing (Including Bra Straps)
No Jewelry (Exceptions: See Dress Code)
No Wild, Colored, or Punk Haircuts


Dress Code
At Camp, we will be above reproach and always lean to the side of modesty. The way we dress is an important
issue to the Blue Grass ministry as we are guardians of a child’s innocence. Each staff member will do his/her
part to uphold the following dress code at Camp:
1. Modesty: A Blue Grass staff member will never be naked
unless showering or dressing/undressing in a timely
manner. (See Shower Protocol – page 25)
2. Swimsuits: Swimsuits must always be worn at the pool
or creek. Males should wear swim trunks that cover
their thighs and sit on their hips (no low-riders). Females will

wear modest one-piece swimsuits. (2-piece swimsuits, mesh
swimsuits, tankinis, low-cut v-necks, or high leg cut swimsuits
are NOT allowed) Girls must also wear shorts and shirts over
their swimsuits when not at a water activity.
3. Shoes: To prevent injury, athletic shoes and socks must be worn at all Camp activities. Waders or
“Tevas” can be worn at water-related activities. Any water shoe must have a strap around the heel.
Flip Flops are allowed in the shower. Your Camp Director will inform you if there are specific times when
sandals, Birkenstocks, Clogs, Crocs, etc. can be worn at your Camp.
4. Guys Clothing: No underwear may be showing at any time. No sagging. Guys will wear shirts when
attending meals, social events, worship services, etc. where females are present.
5. Girls Clothing: No short shorts (Below Finger Tip Rule). No underwear may be showing at any time.
Skirts may be worn to parties with shorts underneath. Girls must wear a bra at all Camp activities. Jog bras may
show at the shoulders only…not under the arms. Racerback shirts are allowed with appropriate bras and used
with discretion. No spaghetti strap tops!

6. Shirts: Inappropriate slogans or designs on clothing (i.e. beer slogans, sexual innuendos, inappropriate
musicians, etc.) may not be worn at Camp.
7. Cross-Dressing: No cross-dressing at any time during Camp!

The Camp Director has ultimate discretion on the above policies. If you have a question or concern regarding
the Camp dress code, please talk with your Director.


Staff Policies

Denominational Dogma

We will NEVER cut down other religious faiths or denominations at Camp. We will not get into the differences in
denominations (i.e. Communion, Catholic Mass, etc.). We will ONLY lift up the person and work of Jesus Christ!

We will NEVER use fear tactics (“end of the world” / Hell / etc.) or pressure to get a kid “saved.” The Holy Spirit
is the only one who draws a child’s heart and gives a heart conviction.

Music Policy

Camp has created a playlist of music for use in chapel, parties, mealtimes and cabins. This will be provided to you
ahead of time if you wish to download any of that music to use in your cabin with your campers. Camp will also make
a Spotify playlist available that you can access if you have Spotify Premium. If you would like to suggest a song to be
added to the playlist, please contact the 7/11 Intern or Mr. Fudd directly for it to be considered. If a song is not on the
playlist, we ask that you not play it when you are working with your campers. We’ve tried to create a playlist of music
that all camper families would approve. We appreciated your understanding as we work to stay within the boundaries
that parents would expect of those working with their children.

Phone / Computer Policy

Telephone and computer access will not be available for staff during Camp unless approved by the Camp
Director. People calling Camp for you will be told that you will return their call on your next time off. Please
DO NOT ask the office personnel to make calls or schedule reservations for you.

Cell phones are NOT allowed at Camp. Personal computers are also not allowed at camp. Internet access will
not be available at Camp. ALL cell phones and personal computers should be left in your car or turned into the
office until your next time off. You may not plug your personal computer or other electrical devices into the
Camp phone line/network. No Exceptions!

Lost Items

Blue Grass is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen personal items. As a staff member it is your responsibility to
secure your personal items. Glasses, contacts, clothes, electronics, CD’s, jewelry, etc. that are lost or damaged at
Camp are your responsibility. Please leave valuable personal items (including money and medicine) in your car. You
are responsible to provide your own insurance coverage for your personal belongings in the event of loss.

ALL items must be labeled when you arrive at Camp. If you pick up a lost item…put it in the Lost & Found. DO
NOT take anything out of the Lost & Found if you are not the owner! All “unclaimed” Lost & Found will be
donated to charity.

Food Policy

No eating in Camp except at scheduled meal times unless approved by the Director. Outside food should not be eaten
in front of campers, and should be reserved for porch time or counselor appreciation only. If you bring food for meals, it
should only be for 1-2 meals a week, and should be a supplement to what is already provided, not a replacement. We
know eating the same menu for 8 weeks gets old, but there are hundreds of counselors before you who have done it...
you won’t die, we promise :)

Parent Interaction

As a Blue Grass staff member, we request that you be clean, professional, personable, and respectful when
interacting with parents in and out of Camp. When visiting campers outside of Camp, please be sensitive to
families schedules and requests. Do not take advantage of Camp families.


Staff Arrival / Departure
You MUST be at camp on your assigned training date. You WILL NOT be
allowed to arrive late without prior permission from the appropriate camp
director as part of your contract.
You will NOT be allowed to leave Camp early unless it was requested and
accepted prior to your arrival by your Director as a part of your contract.
Please be aware of all visitors! If you see someone who is not involved
with Camp walking around…go introduce yourself and see if you can help
them. Report any suspicious person to the Director immediately!
All visitors should notify camp that they are coming before they show up by calling the camp office and getting approval
from the camp director. We are also looking into creating a way for visitors to sign up online before they come out to
ALL visitors MUST sign in with the Office or the Safety Watchdog at the office immediately!

(Exception: Closing Ceremonies)
Visitors must be wearing their visitor badge from the office, and are only allowed at camp on Monday and Wednesday
nights from 7 - 10 PM. Visitors may only be in the Mill Lodge and the gym of the Retreat Center, so as to keep counsel-
ors with their kids and to minimize distraction.
Overnight guests are not allowed at Camp. Parents and friends may only visit with the Director’s approval. No
visitors may be invited to meals either without prior approval of the Camp Director.
Please do not go visit another Blue Grass Camp (Tribal/Outcamp) without your Director’s permission.


Time-Off (not applicable to 1 week staff)

Camp is a full time ministry and each staff member is expected to be at Camp at all times unless taking
scheduled time-off. All summer staff members are allowed the following time-off. Your Camp Director will
inform you of specific times and scheduling procedures for your Camp.

Weeks Time Off
No time off
1 One 24 plus all day Saturday and Sunday Morning


3 Two 24’s plus Saturdays and Sunday Mornings between weeks
4 Two 24’s plus Saturdays and Sunday Mornings between weeks

Note: Each individual camp may have certain restrictions on how and when time off can be used.
Please see your camp’s time off policy or Director for specific guidelines.

You may combine two (2) Nights Off for a “24.” (2 Nights Off = 1 “24”)

“Night Off” – The night off is a short evening off from Camp. You must be back in bed by 12:00 a.m.

“24” – Continuous leave for 24 hours beginning and ending around dinner time.

Time-Off Policies & Expectations

Remember, you are representing Blue Grass and the Lord when you leave the Camp premises. Please conduct
yourself on your time-off with the same standards you use at Camp. Use your time-off to be a witness for
Christ in the surrounding community. Please be courteous, generous and safe.

You may NOT leave your cabin until your co-counselor is back on duty with the kids. No exceptions! You may
not take time-off when your co-counselor is gone.

We don’t talk with kids about time-off or display night-off clothing in Camp or in the Dining Hall. Please be
sensitive to both staff and campers who are not leaving.

When leaving on time-off…you must sign out and sign back in upon your arrival back to Camp. Failure to sign
in or sign out will result in consequences. Do not drive into Camp for any reason. Cars need to stay in the staff
parking lot. Please empty ALL trash, food, and drink from your time-off.

If you plan on staying at the Retreat Center during you time off please see Retreat Center Guidelines.

It is not permitted for male and female staff to stay together in the same hotel room, apartment, campsite, etc.
This includes adjoining rooms at the same sleeping location. Always be above reproach and aware of how your
actions can be interpreted to a stranger!

DO NOT BE LATE! Give yourself plenty of time for traffic and make it back to Camp on time. You are expected
to be back on duty (or in bed from a night off) by your Camp’s designated time. (Just being inside the Camp
gates doesn’t make you on time.) If you are in an accident or cannot make it back to Camp on time…please
call your Camp’s office and let them know immediately. If you are late…it is your responsibility to notify the
Director personally by the next meal.


Penalties For Broken Trust

Blue Grass is a professional organization where trust is paramount and kids’ lives are our responsibility.
Deliberate breaking of promises in any professional organization will have consequences and will jeopardize
chances for re-employment along with compromising your resume.

All Blue Grass staff members agree to report any deviation of the Camp’s rules, policies and/or practices by
campers or staff to the Camp Director immediately.

Note: Penalties may be adjusted by Director depending on the intent & severity of the infraction.

Time Off Infractions: Miss 2 hours off end of next time off
Not signing in or out (Double if not reported by next meal)

Late: Up to 30 minutes Director’s discretion
Over 30 minutes

Emergencies: Phone call to camp to keep us informed

Unattended Camper Infractions: 24 will be cut in half, possible dismissal from staff
Cabin/Camper Unattended/Skipping classes Loss time off + $25 fine, possible dismissal from staff
2nd offense
$100 fine, possible dismissal from staff
Premeditated/unauthorized leaving of cabin at night.

Conduct Infractions: Reprimand, Fine, and/or dismissal from Staff
Negligent/unsafe at High Risk Activity
Instant dismissal from Staff
Physical, Sexual, Verbal, Emotional Abuse Possible dismissal from Staff
Inappropriate Behavior Camp will not be responsible for lost or theft

Valuable, Jewelry, Medicine in cabin

Policy Infractions in or out of Camp:

Use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco products, pornography, Maximum Fine of $100 & Instant Dismissal from Staff
homosexual activity or sexual impurity (including female/
male staff sharing accommodations; adjoining hotel rooms)

Unauthorized Cell Phone Usage 24 will be cut in half (loss of 12 hours);
(if there is no remaining time off there will be a $25 fine)



Blue Grass

Staff Playbook




Our Greatest Asset

Kids are our greatest asset and America’s greatest natural
resource. Kids are why we do what we do. At Blue Grass, kids
are always our focus. We have been entrusted with
someone’s child…a parent’s greatest gift. Parents are
trusting you with their most valued possession. This is a
huge responsibility and we will do everything in our power
to love, protect, serve, encourage, and challenge every kid
who comes through the Camp gates.

Conduct with Campers

We will ALWAYS be above reproach when interacting with campers both in and out of Camp. Unfortunately,
our world has become so stained that people are quick to judge. Our actions and intentions must always be
pure. Our affection will ALWAYS be in the light and with others around. The potential for misunderstanding
comes in the dark and when others are not around. The subject of physical contact is so fragile with kids and
should be taken very seriously by every staff member.

Staff: The following are some specific guidelines for appropriate physical conduct with campers. Please
consider that the violations listed below are offenses that could cause permanent damage to a child we have

been faithfully entrusted with. This could also damage your reputation and disqualify your future ministry.

Appropriate Conduct

a. An arm around the camper’s shoulder

b. Girls walking hand-in-hand

c. Piggybacks with small campers

d. Short congratulatory or greeting hugs

Inappropriate Conduct

a. Frontal hugs with opposite sex.

b. Touching of private parts (No Exceptions! Not even to remove ticks or giving a slap on the rear)

c. Touching or speaking to a kid in a sexually connotative way

d. Lying or sitting (day or night) on a camper’s bed. Standing or sitting on the floor is allowed.

e. Back rubs, arm tickles, wedgies, mooning, etc

f. Walking around the cabin without clothes

g. Touching a kid in anger or disgust

h. Kissing

i. Sexual Jokes or Bathroom Humor

j. Homosexual innuendoes or jokes

k. Verbal Harassment

Shower Protocol

We must always be above reproach during shower period. We will never “sit around” or “walk around” the
cabin or cabin area without a towel or clothing covering personal body parts. Towels must be worn at all
times…going to and from the shower. We will NEVER in any way display sexual body parts intentionally or
touch someone else’s. NO EXCEPTIONS! Removal of shorts/swimsuits/tops for girls will NOT be allowed for
“off site” bathing (trips, gorge, etc.). Absolute personal modesty MUST be used at all times! All staff must help
monitor this policy.

Note: Any infraction of the above policy involving even the slightest form of sexual misconduct will result in
immediate dismissal from Blue Grass with no chance for rehire.

There may also be potential legal consequences.


Year Round Camper Contact

Relationships are at the heartbeat of what we do at Blue Grass. We hope all staff members will keep investing in
the relationships that were forged at Blue Grass. However, in today’s world, we seek to be diligent in portraying a
Christ-like lifestyle in all we do and helping you be successful in healthy communication for a lifetime of
ministry. We will strive to be a model of excellence in all we do. We expect all staff members to be above
reproach and use the following guidelines when contacting campers during the year.

Phone Calls / Texting / E-mail

• Consistent communication must have parent involvement.

• Be considerate. All phone calls & texting must be done between the following non-school hours:

o Elementary / Jr. High – 8:00am to 8:00pm

o Senior High – 8:00am to 10:00pm

• Should be limited in duration and frequency.

• Only communication to same gender.

• Texts should be kid initiated or have parent approval. (Copy of texts should be sent to parent’s cell as well)

• Appropriate and encouraging content for all individuals.

• Must have parent invitation and permission. Never show up unannounced.
• Don’t disrupt the flow of the household.
• If invited to stay the night…be respectful of family/camper privacy.
• Don’t stay the night in a room with the camper.
• Go to bed when the family goes to bed.
• Be polite and helpful. Offer to wash dishes, empty trash, drive car pool, etc.
• Leave living area better than you found it. Make bed, clean bathroom, etc.
• Write the family a thank you note.
• Avoid all one-on-one situations.

Facebook / Snapchat / Instagram / Twitter (Social Networking)
• Should be G-Rated, spiritual, and encouraging content.
• Be extra careful what “friends” are posting to your site.
• Monitor consistently for inappropriate content.
• You should not “friend” anyone under 13 years of age.

Excursions / Trips
• Must have parents approval. Never assume anything.
• Drive extra careful, obeying all traffic laws.
• Two adults are expected on all excursions. No one-on-one trips.
• Communicate early. Have a plan and communicate with the parents.
• Never room alone with a camper.
• Never sleep in the same bed with a camper.
• Never lay on the same bed with a camper.

• Professional counseling should be left to the professionals.
• Personal counseling should be encouraging, uplifting, Christ-centered. Avoid personal experience if possible.
• No one-on-one situations. Always have a third person involved.
• Parents need to be aware and involved.
• Please choose appropriate place and setting.
• Must be with the same gender.

We expect complete faithfulness to the guidelines outlined above when communicating with campers and their
families during the year. Any infraction of the above guidelines could result in dismissal from the Blue Grass staff.

If you have any questions, please see your director.


Camper Conduct

Camper Behavior

Every camper is expected to follow the same behavioral guidelines that are outlined in our Staff Section (page 16).
We will all build each other up and encourage one another in love at all times! The following camper
behavior will not be tolerated at Camp and must be brought to the Director’s attention immediately:

- Alcohol, Drug, or Tobacco (Use or Possession)
- Homosexual Behavior
- Self-Mutilation / Eating Disorder
- Stealing or Lying
- Profanity / Inappropriate Language or Conversation
- Negative / Disrespectful Attitude
- Skipping Classes
- Bullying
- Contraband (Use or Possession)
- Gossip
- Keeping Meds or Cell Phone

Abusive Behavior and Defiant Disobedience

Abusive behavior and defiant disobedience will NOT be tolerated at Blue Grass and will be potential grounds for a
camper’s dismissal from Camp. This includes abusive behavior to self (drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, self-mutilation)
and others (bullying, fighting, verbal abuse). If abusive behavior or defiant disobedience becomes
apparent, please notify your Director immediately.

Sexual Misconduct

Sexual misconduct will not be tolerated at Blue Grass. Sexual misconduct will be grounds for a camper’s dismissal
and will require a meeting with the Camp Director and notification of the Executive Director. If sexual
misconduct becomes apparent, please notify your Director immediately.

A history of sexual misconduct may be grounds for a camper not to be accepted to Camp or dismissed from
Camp. The Camp Director and Executive Director will determine the appropriate action.

Camper Relationships

Camp will not be a place for physical relationships between campers. All staff members should be aware of
inappropriate conduct between guy and girl campers. Campers of the opposite sex should NEVER be alone
together. Regarding relationships, campers are expected to follow the same guidelines that are outlined in our
Staff Section (page 16) including:

- No sexual touching of any kind
- No kissing, frontal hugs, holding hands, back rubs, tickling, etc.
- No verbal harassment of any kind

Please report any violation of this policy to the Director immediately.

Camper Dress Code

All campers are expected to follow the same dress code as outlined in the Staff Section (page 17). The only
difference is that campers are NOT allowed to wear a watch at any time. Any camper in violation of this dress
code policy should be corrected immediately. All staff are responsible for enforcing the camper dress code. If a
difficulty or question arises regarding a camper’s dress, see your Director.


Camper Discipline

At Blue Grass, we will only discipline in love. Discipline minus love equals rebellion and hatred. However, love
without discipline is not love. At Camp, we will “earn” the right to properly discipline a camper by spending
time loving them and showing them we care. We believe that discipline is a premium opportunity to dig deep
and really get to the core of a kid’s problems.
As a staff member, you will NEVER administer discipline to a kid without first talking with the Director. This
includes running, push-ups, time-out, etc. The Director will either administer the discipline or give you approval
to perform the actions discussed.
We will NEVER lay our hands on a kid in any way during a disciplinary situation. We will also not raise our voice
or express our anger towards a kid in a verbal way. These actions will not be tolerated!
We will always do the disciplinary action with the kid. If we ask a kid to run a mile…then we will run it with
them. We will go the “extra mile” to show kids we care!
Steps to Effective Discipline
Our desire with any behavior problem is to express love and concern for the camper and to help them
understand how their behavior is hurting themselves as well as others. We want to partner with them in their
pursuit to overcome their inappropriate behavior. The following steps should be taken to change inappropriate
behavior at Camp:
1. Remove camper from the situation
2. Communicate care, love, and concern for them
3. Define inappropriate behavior without attacking Camper’s character
4. Communicate lack of tolerance for behavior
5. Partner with camper in helping change behavior
6. Seek the root problem
7. Administer consequence with help from Discipline Coordinator, Leadership or Director
8. Spend time extending grace and forgiveness. Christ is the perfect example.
9. Restore relationship
10. If behavior continues, notify your Director

The ABCD Rule of Thumb!

Affection + Boundaries + Consistency = Discipline


Camper Policies

Personal Belongings / Money
Campers should not bring their personal belongings to Camp. All personal belongings (iPod’s, Cell Phones, CD’s,
Laptops, Jewelry, Books, Magazines, etc.) should be collected and turned into the office the first day of Camp.
(Some books and magazines will be allowed at the Director’s discretion.) All personal money and contraband
should also be turned in according to your camp’s individual policy. Blue Grass will NOT be responsible for the loss
or damage of a camper’s personal belongings or money while at Camp.
Lost & Found
Please help your campers keep track of their personal clothing. ALL camper clothing must be labeled when
they arrive at Camp. All unclaimed clothing should be placed in the Lost & Found at your Camp.
Camp Store Credit
Each camper will have a camp store credit that they may use to purchase Camp clothing, etc. The campers store credit
amount will be determined by their parents at the time of enrollment. Campers DO NOT have to spend this credit. Please
be sensitive to parent requests.
Phone / Computer Access
Telephone or computer access will not be available for campers. Camper cell phones or personal computers are
also not allowed.
Parents may e-mail their camper daily and the office will print them out and distribute them during meal times.
Homesick / Bed Wetters
We will always be sensitive to campers who are homesick or wet the bed. Please see the Appendix for specific
instruction on dealing with these kinds of campers.
Suicide / Abuse
If you notice or suspect any behaviors/comments toward potential suicide or abuse with a camper, notify your
Camp Director immediately.

Runaway Camper
If you are missing a camper or suspect one of your campers
has run away, notify your Camp director immediately. The
Director will respond with the appropriate action.



Blue Grass

Staff Playbook




Activities Lead to Relationship

At Blue Grass, we believe that it’s not what we do, but who we
do it with that matters. Activities are a great platform
to reach kids with the message of Christ.

Be An Excellent Instructor

You will spend more time as a counselor teaching activities than just about anything. It is crucial that you lead
and teach an activity effectively at Camp. Here is the “top ten” list of how to be an excellent instructor.


1. Safety first and safety last. Know and keep the safety standards. Be alert. Be aware. Take
plenty of water breaks.
2. Speak the language. Know and use the terminology and coaching playbook correctly.
3. A person’s name is the sweetest word in the English language. Know the campers and
call them by name.
4. Enthusiasm rules! If you’re excited, they’re excited.
5. The closer, the better. When teaching, stay as close to and as
involved with the kids as humanly possible.
6. Happy counselors make happy campers. Smiles are
7. Experience is the best teacher. Try a little, teach a little, try
a little, teach a little.
8. Praise Motivates – Criticism Kills. Are you a praiser or a
groaner? Encourage each kid 10x/class
9. It’s a sin to bore a kid. Never a dull moment.
10. No lines, No benches. The only way to learn is to participate.
11. 10-10-20 Rule: No more than 10 minutes of instruction, play for 10 minutes, pause to check for

understanding, then play for 20 more minutes.



Blue Grass

Staff Playbook




Safety Management #1

Safety and risk management is important at Blue Grass. Each staff member should endeavor to provide an
environment conducive to promoting and protecting the physical and emotional well-being of the campers
and staff. As a counselor who is teaching activities, you must always be conscious and aware of potential
dangerous situations around Camp at all times. Each activity at Camp is designed to operate in a specific
manner. It is imperative that you instruct and operate each activity as designed to eliminate unnecessary
injury or harm to a child we’ve been entrusted with. Every staff member is to be wholeheartedly committed
to our risk management program which help protect and provide the right environment for camp.

Counselor Safety Standards

All staff members are expected to perform his/her job in accordance with the following safety standards:

a. A High Risk activity shall not be operated without a trained Certified Operator (known as the C.O.)
for that activity on duty. Do not allow an unqualified person to open a high-risk activity. It is the
responsibility of the Certified Operator to know and understand the rules and regulations of that
high-risk activity and to ensure that all persons teaching the activity adhere strictly to the
operational guidelines established by Blue Grass Camps.

b. Do not operate, or allow to be operated, any activity, vehicle, boat, or piece of equipment that you
know or perceive to be unsafe or which could harm others.

c. It is the responsibility of each staff member to notify the Director of any potential
problems or risk that may be a threat to the welfare of staff or kids.

High Ropes Instructors

It is the responsibility of a Certified High Ropes Instructor to carry out the proper steps and insure that all participants are
participating safely. The Instructor has the ability to close an activity if deemed unsafe.

Always feel free to encourage your campers during high ropes activities,
but it is important that you defer to the Instructor when it comes to
talking kids through activities, regardless of whether or not you yourself
are certified.

A Certified High Ropes Instructor must be on duty to open any High Risk
Activity. To become a Certified Instructor, the following criteria must be

a. Trained and instructed in all aspects of activity.
b. Demonstrates and knows the Safety Standards.
c. Taken and passed the Safety Standards Test.
d. Approved by the Camp Director.

Super Slip ‘n Slide Pool Giant Swing
Watercraft Ropes Course Creek Swimming

Canoe/Kayaks Vehicles
Challenge Course Zip line

Pamper Pole


Safety Watchdog

Each week will have a designated Safety Watchdog who will serve to insure that Camp is being run according to risk
management guidelines. The Safety Watchdog has the authority to warn, reprimand, or correct ANY member of the
Camp staff when a safety regulation has being violated.

Safety Violations

If a safety regulation has been violated, the Safety Watchdog (or Leadership Staff) will immediately inform the staff
member of the violation. The Safety Watchdog will then inform the leadership staff of any violation within the next 24
hours. The second violation issued to a staff member must be discussed with the Director in person within 24 hours of
violation.Two safety violations issued to the same staff member will result in a review by the Camp Leadership staff.
Three violations are grounds for dismissal from activity and possibly Camp.

General Safety Policies

Lifeguard Policy

When our swimming pool is being utilized by campers and/or staff, we are required to have a lifeguard present
and on duty. Lifeguards will also be assigned per Camp directors to cover the creek or other water activities that
occur outside of Camp. See your Director for specific details about lifeguards and water activities at your individual

Exception: A staff member who would like to train/swim in the morning is not required to have a lifeguard, but must
have a workout partner present to watch while they swim.

High Elements

All high elements operators must be Blue Grass certified before operating any high elements equipment. A Certified
Operator must always be present and participating when operating a high element.

Vehicle / Driving Policy

If you are driving a Camp vehicle (gator, golf cart, or 4-wheeler) and NOT transporting passengers, then you MUST:

1. Be at least 18 years old.
2. Have a current driver’s license from you home state.
3. Have no more than 1 accident and no more than 2 moving violations in the past 3 years.

If you are driving a Camp vehicle and transporting passengers, then you MUST:

1. Be at least 21 years old.
2. Have a valid Kentucky Class E (Chauffeur’s License) or your home state’s equivalent.
3. Have no more than 1 accident and no more than 2 moving violations in the past 3 years.

Please do not drive your personal vehicle into Camp. Kids should never be around moving vehicles. All vehicles
backing up when people are present will need someone behind the vehicle to back them up. All pick-ups must have
the tailgate closed when transporting people in the back. NO staff may ride on top of luggage. All vehicles should be
parked on the top side of camp before camp begins on Sunday afternoon.


Tornado / Inclement Weather Policy
In the case of inclement weather (tornado), there will be a LONG BLOW on the airhorn as a signal. Seek cover at the
Mill Lodge if possible or the nearest concrete/stable wall (dorms or Retreat Center). Please help the Director keep every-
one calm and orderly. See your Camp’s Tornado policy for specific instructions and shelters.
Lightning Policy
When lightning is present, immediately move all persons to
suitable cover. Immediately evacuate the swimming pool,
waterfront, high element activities, and all open fields. Keep
in mind that conditions favorable to lightning may be very
high even when rain and other storm conditions may not be
Fire Policy
In the case of a fire, please evacuate the building as quickly
and orderly as possible. Move the campers as far away as
possible and keep them calm. Campers should never be
involved in a fire-fighting effort.
Active Shooter Policy
In the event that there is an active shooter on site, you will hear RAPID SHORT BLOWS from the airhorn if possible.
When you hear this or hear shots fired, immediately get off site with all your campers. Once you are safely offsite,
call 911 and alert them. In the event that you are not able to get offsite, barricade yourself and all your campers in the
Life Jackets
Due to the age range of the campers, Blue Grass’s policy for life jackets will vary from Camp to Camp for both staff
and campers. This will include areas related to our pool, creek, trips, slides, and all other water activities.
Please refer to your Camp Director for details about life jacket and swim test policies for your Camp. Please refer to
your Camp Director for details about life jacket and swim test policies for campers and staff involved at your Camp.
Optional Events
All high-risk events at Blue Grass are “Challenge By Choice” and completely optional. We will never force a camper to
do an activity, but always encourage him/her to overcome their fear. Never keep an unwilling camper on an event
longer than five minutes. If a camper will not participate or make progress within five minutes…the Certified
Operator will take the appropriate action.


Critical Situation Procedure

In a critical situation, the following steps should be taken:
a. The victim should not be moved. Immediately notify the Nurse and Camp Director of the accident! The
victim should be stabilized and emotionally reassured to calm him/her.

b. If the victim is unconscious, check and make sure he/she is breathing. Should the victim not be
breathing, then the closest and most qualified person shall perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation while
waiting for the Nurse and Director to arrive. If there is no pulse, perform CPR.
c. Should there be excessive bleeding, the individual in charge should apply direct pressure to areas of
d. If there is a suspected neck or back injury, DO NOT move the victim at all. They may be in
excruciating pain, but this is still no reason to move the victim. In this case, wait for the Nurses arrival.
If necessary, an emergency vehicle will be called for proper transportation. You would ONLY move a
person with suspected head, neck or back injuries to prevent any further injuries.
It is crucial that the Camp Director be notified immediately upon the occurrence of any incident of this nature, so
that he can take the proper action.


Blue Grass

Staff Playbook




History of Blue Grass Camps

Blue Grass Christian Camp was simply a dream in the minds of church leaders in the Central Kentucky area who
saw a need and acted upon it. Young people needed a haven from daily distractions where the quietness and
beauty of nature could provide a setting to encourage Christian growth and the opportunity to piece together all the
puzzles of life. A week of camp was organized in June of 1936, at the State YMCA Camp, Valley View on the Ken-
tucky River to give young people this opportunity. It was a great start, but the dream needed a permanent home.
Nine men from area churches purchased ten acres of land formerly known as “Gentry’s Old Mill” in 1949. Their
purpose for Blue Grass Christian Camp was to develop Christian character through worship, Bible study, and fun
The old mill, originally built in the 1790’s out of local limestone was powered by the water of Boone’s Creek. The
mill continued to be used through the years to grind meal and flour until 1917. Charles and Henry Gentry bought
the mill in 1939, thus receiving the name Gentry’s Mill. The mill was turned into a dance hall in the late 1940’s, but
never turned a profit.
The old mill building still stands today and is used for registration and other functions for camp. The dining hall area
was once the dance hall and still contains the hardwood floor. Isn’t it amazing what God can do in changing the use
of a facility, from a dance hall to a sanctuary that rings with sounds of Christian joy and praise?
From 1949 to 1973 the camp functioned only in the summer without a full time caretaker. In 1973 the Ralph Byers’
family came to live on the grounds and act as full time camp minister. Ralph provided great leadership and insight
to what camp could be and was able to make numerous improvements to the grounds and add new buildings.
From 1991 to 2003 Richard Hargrove was Camp Minister. The camp continued to prosper under his leadership and
guidance. Numerous improvements (siding on the dorms, heat and air conditioning in dorms) and new programs
(Out Camp) started, the biggest project being the construction of the Summit Retreat Center and Lodge.
Kelly Brandenburg became Associate Camp Minister in 1997 with a primary role of public relations. Kelly oversaw
the construction of the High Ropes course and improvements to the confidence course. In 2003 Kelly took over as
the Camp Minister/Director.
Bobby Cairell started with Blue Grass in 2003 as the Associate Minister. Bobby held oversight for the programming
of the camp and the technology aspect of camp.
In 2007 Adam Tipton joined the staff as Maintenance/Facilities director.
In 2011, after spending several years as a camp dean and co creator of 7/11 camp, the camp board decided to
bring on Michael Fann as the new executive director with the goal of expanding our donor base and community
relations along with broadening our scope of programs and events that Blue Grass Christian Camp has to offer.
Blue Grass Christian Camp still holds to the original purpose for which the camp was started. Camp provides
meaningful programs in a beautiful outdoor setting where youth, adults, and families can come to strengthen and
deepen their relationship with Christ. Blue Grass is a place to prepare for service, to enjoy fellowship, and to en-
courage one another in our daily pursuit of holiness, faithfulness, and righteousness.


Plan of Salvation


The List of “No’s”

1. NO verbal, physical, sexual or emotional abuse
2. NO cussing or slang allowed. (We don’t say “butt”, “kick butt”, “get your tail over here”, “shut up”, “stupid”,
“crap”, “butt head”, “you little jerks”, “butt munch”, “suck”, “raggin’”, “screwed”, “dang it”, “frick/fricken”,
“freaking”, “shafted”, “pissed”, “Jewjee” or anything that can be used in a derogatory way.
3. NO homosexual innuendoes – No gay, lesbian, transvestite dressing, language slurs, motions, jokes
4. NO “potty humor” - no bathroom chants, cheers, noises, expressions or anything of the kind.
5. NO talks of Satan, demons, rituals, etc. - All of this is prohibited; only the acknowledgment of Satan is
6. NO descriptive stories of pre-Christian days - This means personal testimonies or stories of any kind
regarding drinking, drugs, premarital sex, etc. Focus on growth not the past!
7. NO ghost stories
8. NO nudity anytime, anywhere except when showering
9. NO mooning; NO shorts dropping, NO wedgies
10. NO hair cutting (without Director’s approval), NO hair pulling
11. NO frogging, NO thumping of heads.
12. NO food throwing, food fights or improper use of food other than eating it.
13. NO urinating off porches
14. NO swirlies - putting kids heads in the toilet.
15. NO nose booger picking contests
16. NO males may paint their toenails or fingernails
17. NO body painting, piercing, or marking. This includes: fake tattoos, body artwork with markers, etc.
18. DO NOT allow kids to pick on each other - This should be stopped immediately!
19. NO games that degrade, humiliate, or punish (haze) staff or camper.
20. NO racial put-downs or racial jokes.
21. NO pass-out, holding your breath games.
22. Always intervene on any negative verbal situation or on any talk about camper’s interaction with
boyfriends/girlfriends pertaining to sexual relationships.


Character Qualities

Adaptable - Able to adjust without difficulty to new unfamiliar and unexpected conditions. Phil 4:6
Agreeable - Willing or ready to agree or consent.
Amiability - Having a kindly or attractive disposition, friendly, pleasing. Micah 6:8
Aspiration - Ardent desire after what is great and good. Phil 4:8
Assured - Certain, convinced, not doubting or doubtful. Matt 7:24, Phil 4:13
Attentiveness - Paying or giving attention, intent, observant. Proverbs 22:17-19, Phil 2:3-4
Boldness - Daring, courageous, bravery, confidence, speaks out. Phil 1:20, Ephesians 3:11-12, Psalm 138:3
Bravery - To encounter with courage and fortitude. Psalm 31:3, Psalm 31:24
Compassion – Sympathetic, desire to help others, concerned, kind hearted Col. 3:12, Psalm 103:13
Confidence - Certain, self-reliant, assurance. Hebrews 4:16, II Cor. 3:4-5, Psalm 71:5, Prov. 14:26, Heb 10:35-36
Considerate - Regard for others’ circumstances or feelings. Ephesians 4:32, Hebrews 10:24, 25, Phil 2:4
Contentment - Satisfaction with what one has and circumstances or feelings. Phil 4:11, Phil 4:7.
Cooperative - To work or act together jointly or as a group for a common goal. Romans 12:3-5.
Courage - Ability to encounter danger or difficulties with firmness and without fear. Deut 31:6, II Chron.15:7.
Creativity - Imaginative, gives rise to new things and ideas.
Decisiveness - Final and conclusive decision-making marked by prompt decision.
Dedicated - Given wholly to a purpose, goal or thing, devoted. Col 3:23-24, Phil 3:14.
Dependability - Reliability, trustworthy, rest with confidence in. Psalm 62:6,7, Luke 16:10.
Desire - To wish or long for a person, thing, or goal.
Determined – Showing firm intentions, resolute, unwavering, firm Luke 22:42; Hebrews 12:1; I Cor. 9:24
Diligence - Steady application, constant effort to accomplish what is undertaken. Hebrews 6:11-12; Jer. 29:13
Discerning – Discriminates between good and evil, judicious, perceptive Psalm 119:65-66; Proverbs 17:27.
Discipline - State of order maintained by training and strict self-control. I Tim 4:7; II Tim 1:7; Gal 5:22, 23.
Discretion - The ability to make sound, tactful judgments
Earnestness - Serious in intention, purpose or effort, characterized by depth. Prov.23:23.
Endurance - A continuing or bearing-up under pain or distress without yielding. Hebrews 12:1
Enthusiasm - A keen and active interest, ardent zeal in pursuit of something. I Peter 3:13, Prov. 15:13, Rom 12:11.
Expressiveness - Full of expression, vividly representing the meaning or feeling to be conveyed.
Fair-Mindedness - Reasonable and unbiased, free from prejudice.
Fairness - Honest, open, frank, impartial or unbiased.
Faith - Confidence or trust in person or thing, loyalty to a person, promise or commitment. I Tim 1:12
Firm - Steadfast and unwavering, showing determination, Ephesians 6:14
Flexibility - Capable of being adapted or modified.
Forgiveness - Inclined to overlook offenses, to cease to feel resentment against. Ephesians 4:32.
Fortitude - Strength of mind, resilience, staying power, determination, courage 1 Chronicles 29:20.
Friendly - Inclined to approve, help or support. John 15:13, Psalm 41:1-2, Proverbs 17:17.
Generosity - Free and unselfish in giving. Proverbs 22:9.
Gentleness - Kindly, mild, not severe. Galatians 5:22-23, I Peter 3:4, Colossians 3:12, Matthew 5:5.
Giving - To commit or offer oneself to be used or helpful. II Corinthians 9:7, Matthew 22:37-39
Good-Natured - Natural mildness and kindness of spirit. Colossians 4:6.


Goodness - Virtue or integrity, kindness. Galatians 5:22.
Gratefulness - Thankfulness of kindness shown or benefits received. Ephesians 5:20, I Thess. 5:18
Honesty - Upright, integrity, honorable in intentions, principles and actions. Matt 5:18.
Honorable - Worthy of being honored, motivated by principles of honor, consistent. Matt 5:6.
Humility - Not proud or arrogant, modest and submissive to authority. I Peter 5:6, Psalm 10:17, Pro 22:4.
Imaginative - Being able to create new things or ideas consistent with reality.
Initiative - Power or ability to take the lead or originate action. I Chronicles 29:20
Integrity - Unimpaired moral principles, honest, soundness, whole and undivided. Prov. 20:7, Prov. 10:9.
Intent - Fixed with earnest attention on some purpose or thought.
Joyfulness - Gladness, delight, causing satisfaction and happiness. John 15:11, Prov. 17:22a, James 1:2,3.
Kindness - Good, helpful, friendly. Ephesians 4:32, Micah. 6:8.
Leadership - Ability to lead or guide. Matthew 20:26, Romans 12:1,2, Exodus 18:21
Listener - To give close attention in order to hear, pay attention to. Prov. 4:1, Mark 4:24, James 1:19.
Loyalty - Faithful to one’s obligations, commitments and leaders. Romans 12:9-10, Matthew 25:21.
Meekness - Mild of temper, gentle, not easily provoked or irritated. Gal 5:22-23, 1 Cor. 13:4-5.
Obedience - Act of complying with rules and standards imposed by one in authority, submission. I Kings 8:61.
Open-Mindedness - Having a mind open to new arguments or ideas, unprejudiced. Prov. 22:17.
Patience - Waiting with calmness, not hasty, calmly diligent. Prov. 14:29, Prov. 17:27, II Tim 42:2-4.
Perseverance - The act or habit of persistence in anything undertaken. Romans 5:3-4.
Persistence - Steady continuance of a course, tenacious of purpose. Ephesians 6:14, Hosea 6:3.
Persuasiveness - Having the power to influence or convince toward a certain course of action. I Tim 4:12.
Pleasing - Giving pleasure or satisfaction, agreeable, gratifying. II Corinthians 5:9, Psalm 104:34.
Practical - Mindful of results, usefulness, advantages or disadvantages of action or procedure, matter-of-fact.
Purposefulness - Having an objective to be reached or accomplished
Reasonable - Having or exercising sound judgment
Respectfulness - Regard, high consideration and courtesy. I Peter 2:17, I Peter 2:13.
Resoluteness - Having a fixed purpose, determined, steadfast, firm. I Cor15:58, Gal 6:9-10, Prov. 4:25-27.
Responsibility - Accountable for performance or discharge of duty. I Peter 4:10, Phil 4:13.
Reverence - An attitude of deep respect and esteem mingled with affection. Prov. 1:7, I Peter 5:5.
Security - Freedom from apprehension, confidence of safety, freedom from danger or risk. Prov10:9, Psalm 16:8-9.
Self-Control - Control of one’s actions or feelings. Galatians 5:22-23.
Self-Starter - One who applies his/her efforts without instruction, urging, or directions from others.
Sensitivity - Having feelings easily excited, readily and acutely affected. Colossians 3:12.
Sincerity - Freedom from hypocrisy, truthfulness, genuineness. Hebrews 10:22, Prov. 3:3, James 3:17.
Steadfast - Fixed, firm, constant or firm in resolution, not fickle or wavering. I Cor. 15:58, Prov12:27B, Prov. 21:5.
Tactful - Skill in doing or saying exactly what is required. Prov. 25:11, Ephesians 4:15.
Tenacious – Keeps a firm hold, tough, persistent, determined. Prov. 12:27B, Prov. 4:25, 26- 27, Gal 6:9.
Thankful - Expressive of gratitude, grateful, appreciative. Ephesians 5:20, I Thessalonians 5:18.
Trustworthy - Worthy of trust or confidence, reliable. Hebrews 2:13, Matthew 25:21, Isaiah 6:4.
Truthfulness - Conformity to fact or reality, honesty by nature. Proverbs 10:9.
Unselfish - Not unduly attached to one’s own interests or welfare, generous. Phil 2:3-5, Matthew 20:26-28.
Wise – Sound judgment, common sense, extensive knowledge, discerning. Prov. 1:7, Prov. 15:20A, Eph 5:15-17


Homesick Kids

Most likely, you will encounter a homesick kid during your time at Camp. Look at this opportunity as a chance
to love on them and show them the tenderness of Christ. The following tips will help you work with a homesick

1. Love them unconditionally. Be intentional.

2. Keep them busy (especially during down times)

a. Play Games

b. Tell Stories

c. Get the other kids involved

3. Seek counsel or help from the Leadership Team

4. Sit with them at meals

5. Please do not drop them off at the Nurse’s Station.

6. Help them make friends

7. Help them find their activities, walk with them to meals, etc.

Bed Wetter

This is not an uncommon problem. A bed wetting situation must be handled with extreme care as kids are
extremely embarrassed about it. Here are some guidelines to help you if you encounter a bed wetter.

1. Be sensitive…it’s embarrassing to them! Don’t let other kids find out.
2. Encourage them that it’s OK.
3. Make them use the bathroom before going to bed. Make sure they are on the bottom bunk.
4. After the kids have left, take all the sheets to the Nurse’s Station so they can be washed.
5. Wipe down the mattress pad with bleach.






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