clearly and accurately concise manner.
document and report their • Adjust voice and writing style to align with audience and purpose.
work using technical writing
practice in multiple forms. • Support design ideas using a variety of convincing evidence.
• Utilize an engineering notebook to clearly and accurately
document the design process according to accepted standards
and protocols to prove the oriqin and chronoloqy of a desion.
Sketches, drawings, and • Create drawings or diagrams as representations of objects, ideas,
images are used to record
events, or systems.
and convey specific types of
information depending upon
the audience and the
purpose of the
In order to be an effective • Demonstrate positive team behaviors and contribute to a positive
team member, one must
team dynamic.
demonstrate positive team
behaviors and act according
to accepted norms,
contribute to group goals
according to assigned roles,
and use appropriate conflict
resolution strategies.
Unit 4 Modeling Skills
Time Days: 17 days
Understandings Knowledge and Skills
An engineering design • Identify and define the terminology used in engineering design and
process involves a
characteristic set of • Identify the steps in an engineering design process and
practices and steps.
summarize the activities involved in each step of the process.
• Complete a design project utilizing all steps of a design process,
and find a solution that meets specific design requirements.
Brainstorming may take • Describe a variety of brainstorming techniques and rules for
many forms and is used to brainstorming.
•generate a large number of Generate and document multiple ideas or solution paths to a
innovative, creative ideas in problem through brainstorming.
a short time.
A solution path is selected • Clearly justify and validate a selected solution path.
and justified by evaluating
and comparing competing
design solutions based on
jointly developed and
agreed-upon design criteria
and constraints.
Physical models are • Construct a testable prototype of a problem solution.
created to represent and
evaluate possible solutions
using prototyping
technique(s) chosen based
on the presentation and/or
testing requirements of a
potential solution .
Problem solutions are • Describe the design process used in the solution of a particular
optimized through
problem and reflect on all steps of the designprocess.
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evaluation and reflection • Justify and validate a problem solution.
and should be clearly • Identify limitations in the design process and the problem solution
communicated. and recommend possible improvements or caveats.
• Analyze the performance of a design during testing and judge the
The scientific method solution as viable or non-viable with respect to meeting the design
guides the testing and • requirements .
evaluation of prototypes of •
a problem solution. • Calculate statistics related to central tendency including mean,
Statistical analysis of uni- median, and mode.
variate data facilitates • Use statistics to quantify information, support design decisions,
understanding and and justify problem solutions.
interpretation of numerical • Calculate statistics related to variation of data including standard
data and can be used to deviation, interquartile range, and range.
inform, justify, and validate •
a desiqn or process. Use a spreadsheet program to store and manipulate raw data.
Spreadsheet programs can Use a spreadsheet program to graph bi-variate data and
be used to store, determine an appropriate mathematical model using regression
manipulate, represent, and analysis.
analyze data. Use function tools within a spreadsheet program to calculate
statistics for a set of data including mean, median, mode, quartiles,
An equation is a statement • range, interquatile range, and standard deviation.
of equality between two • Note: lnterquatile range is included for continuous
quantities that can be use to improvement beyond 2013-2014.
describe real phenomenon • Represent constraints with equations or inequalities.
and solve problems. • Formulate equations and inequalities to represent linear
relationships between quantities.
Solving mathematical • Compute (using technology) and interpret the correlation
equations and inequalities coefficient of a linear fit.
involves a logical process of • Construct a scatter plot to display bi-variate data, investigate
reasoning and can be • patterns of association, and represent the association with a
accomplished using a • mathematical model (linear equation) when appropriate.
variety of strategies and Solve equations for unknown quantities by determining appropriate
technological tools. substitutions for variables and manipulating the equations.
Functions describe a
special relationship Explain the term "function" and identify the set of inputs for the
between two sets of data function as the domain and the set of outputs from the function as
and can be used to the range.
represent real world Use function notation, evaluate functions for inputs in their
relationships and to solve domains, and interpret statements that use function notation in
problems. terms of a context.
Build a function that describes a relationship between two
• quantities given a graph, a description of a relationship, or two
• input-output pairs.
Interpret a function to solve problems in the context of the data.
Technical drawings convey • Interpret the slope (rate of change) and the intercept (constant
information according to an • term) of a linear function in the context of data.
established set of drawing Identify line types (including construction lines, object lines, hidden
practices which allow for lines, cutting plane lines, section lines, and center lines) used on a
detailed and universal technical drawing per ANSI Line Conventions and Lettering
interpretation of the Y14.2M-2008 and explain the purpose of each line.
Determine the minimum number and types of views necessary to
fully detail a part.
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drawing. • Choose and justify the choice for the best orthographic projection
of an object to use as a front view on technical drawings.
• Identify and correct errors and omissions in technical drawings
including the line work, view selection, view orientation,
appropriate scale, and annotations.
• Create a set of working drawings to detail a design project.
• Fabricate a simple object from technical drawings that may include
an isometric view, orthographic projections, and a section view.
Dimensions, specific notes • Dimension orthographic projections and section views of simple
(such as hole and thread
objects or parts according to a set of dimensioning standards and
notes), and general notes accepted practices.
(such as general • Identify and correct errors and omissions in the dimensions
tolerances) are included on applied in a technical drawing based on accepted practice and a
technical drawings set of dimensioning rules.
according to accepted
practice and an established
set of standards so as to
convey size and location
information about detailed
parts, their features, and
their configuration in
Hand sketching of multiple • Hand sketch isometric views of a simple object or part at a given
representations to fully and scale using the actual object, a detailed verbal description of the
accurately detail simple object, a pictorial view of the object, or a set of orthographic
objects or parts of objects is projections.
a technique used to convey • Hand sketch orthographic projections at a given scale and in the
visual and technical correct orientation to fully detail an object or part using the actual
information about an object. object, a detailed verbal description of the object, or a pictorial an
isometric view of the object.
Computer aided drafting • Create three-dimensional solid models of parts within CAD from
and design (CAD) software sketches or dimensioned drawings using appropriate geometric
packages facilitate virtual and dimensional constraints.
modeling of parts and • Compare the efficiency of the modeling method of an object using
assemblies and the creation different combinations of additive and subtractive methods.
of technical drawings. They • Generate CAD multi-view technical drawings, including
are used to efficiently and orthographic projections, sections view(s), detail view(s), auxiliary
accurately detail parts and view(s) and pictorial views, as necessary, showing appropriate
assemblies according to scale, appropriate view selection, and correct view orientation to
standard engineering fully describe a part according to standard engineering practice.
practice. • Dimension and annotate (including specific and general notes)
working drawings according to accepted engineering practice.
Include dimensioning according to a set of dimensioning rules,
proper hole and thread notes, proper tolerance annotation, and the
inclusion of other notes necessary to fully describe a part
according to standard engineering practice.
• Explain each assembly constraint (including mate, flush, insert,
and tangent), its role in an assembly model, and the degrees of
freedom that it removes from the movement between parts.
• Create assemblies of parts in CAD and use appropriate assembly
constraints to create an assembly that allows correct realistic
movement among parts. Manipulate the assembly model to
demonstrate the movement.
Technical professionals • Organize and express thoughts and information in a clear and
clearly and accurately
concise manner.
document and report their • Adjust voice and writing style to align with audience and purpose.
work using technical writing • SuQport design ideas usinQ a variety of convincing evidence..
© 2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
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practice in multiple forms. • Utilize project portfolios to present andlustify_design projects.
Create drawings or diagrams as representations of objects, ideas,
Sketches, drawings, and • events, or systems.
images are used to record
and convey specific types of
information depending upon
the audience and the
purpose of the
communication .
Unit 5 Geometry of Design
Time Days: 13 days
Understandings Knowledge and Skills
An engineering design • Complete a design project utilizing all steps of a design process,
process involves a
and find a solution that meets specific design requirements.
characteristic set of
practices and steps.
A problem and the • Define and justify a design problem, and express the concerns,
requirements for a
needs, and desires of the primary stakeholders.
successful solution to the
problem should be clearly
communicated and justified.
Brainstorming may take • Generate and document multiple ideas or solution paths to a
many forms and is used to problem through brainstorming.
generate a large number of
innovative, creative ideas in
a short time.
( Physical models are • Construct a testable prototype of a problem solution.
created to represent and
evaluate possible solutions
using prototyping
technique(s) chosen based
on the presentation and/or
testing requirements of a
potential solution.
Problem solutions are • Identify limitations in the design process and the problem solution
optimized through and recommend possible improvements or caveats.
evaluation and reflection
and should be clearly
The scientific method • Analyze the performance of a design during testing and judge the
guides the testing and
solution as viable or non-viable with respect to meeting the design
evaluation of prototypes of requirements.
a oroblem solution.
•Spreadsheet programs can Use a spreadsheet program to store and manipulate raw data.
be used to store, • Use a spreadsheet program to graph bi-variate data and
manipulate, represent, and determine an appropriate mathematical model using regression
analyze data. analysis.
• Use function tools within a spreadsheet program to calculate
statistics for a set of data including mean, median, mode, quartiles,
rang_e, and standard deviation.
An equation is a statement • Construct a scatter plot to display bi-variate data, investigate
of equality between two patterns of association, and represent the association with a
quantities that can be used mathematical model (linear equation) when appropriate.
to describe real
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phenomenon and solve • Solve equations for unknown quantities by determining appropriate
problems. substitutions for variables and manipulating the equations.
Solving mathematical •
equations and inequalities Convert quantities between units in the Sl and the US Customary
involves a logical process of • measurement systems.
reasoning and can be Convert between different units within the same measurement
accomplished using a • system including the Sl and US Customary measurement
variety of strategies and • systems.
technological tools.
Units and quantitative • Measure linear distances (including length, inside diameter, and
reasoning can guide • hole depth) with accuracy using a scale, ruler, or dial caliper and
mathematical manipulation report the measurement using an appropriate level of precision.
and the solution of • Measure mass with accuracy using a scale and report the
problems involving • measurement using an appropriate level of precision.
quantities . Measure volume with accuracy and report the measurement with
Error is unavoidable when • an appropriate level of precision.
measuring a physical Identify three dimensional objects generated by rotations of two-
property and a • dimensional shapes and vice-versa.
measurement is
characterized by the Define the term "physical property" and identify the properties of
precision and accuracy of length, volume, mass, density, surface area, centroid, principle
the measurement. axes, and center of gravity as physical properties.
Solve volume problems using volume formulas for rectangular
Two- and three-dimensional solids, cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres.
objects share visual Solve real world and mathematical problems involving area and
relationships which allow surface area of two- and three-dimensional objects composed of
interpretation of one triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, cubes, right prisms, cylinders
perspective from the other. and spheres.
Physical properties of Calculate a physical property indirectly using available data or
objects are used to describe perform appropriate measurements to gather the necessary data
and model objects and can (e.g., determine area or volume using linear measurements or
be used to define design determine density using mass and volume measurements).
requirements, as a means Use physical properties to solve design problems (e.g., design an
to compare potential object or structure to satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost).
solutions to a problem, and Use function notation, evaluate functions for inputs in their
as a tool to specify final domains, and interpret statements that use function notation in
solutions. terms of a context.
Interpret the slope (rate of change) and the intercept (constant
Functions describe a • term) of a linear function in the context of data.
special relationship
between two sets of data • Identify types of polygons including a square, rectangle, pentagon,
and can be used to • hexagon, and octagon.
represent real world Identify and differentiate geometric constructions and constraints
relationships and to solve • such as horizontal lines, vertical lines, parallel lines, perpendicular
problems. • lines, colinear points, tangent lines, tangent circles, and concentric
Geometric shapes and Identify types of angles including an acute angle, obtuse angle,
forms are described and straioht anole, and right angle.
differentiated by their
characteristic features.
• _)
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Computer aided drafting • Create three-dimensional solid models of parts within CAD from
and design (CAD) software sketches or dimensioned drawings using appropriate geometric
packages facilitate virtual and dimensional constraints.
modeling of parts and
assemblies and the creation
of technical drawings. They
are used to efficiently and
accurately detail parts and
assemblies according to
standard engineering
Computer aided drafting • As sign a specific material (included in the software library) to a
and design (CAD) software part and use the capabilities of the CAD software to determine the
packages allow virtual mass, volume, and surface area of an object for which a 3D solid
testing and analysis of model has been created.
designs using 3D models, • Assign a density value to a new material (not included in the
assemblies, and
animations. software library) and apply the material to a 3D solid model within
CAD software in order to determine the physical properties of the
In order to be an effective • Demonstrate positive team behaviors and contribute to a positive
team member, one must
team dynamic.
demonstrate positive team
behaviors and act according
to accepted norms,
contribute to group goals
according to assigned roles,
and use appropriate conflict
resolution strategies.
Unit 6 Reverse Engineering
Time Days: 13 days
Understandings Knowledge and Skills
Material and fastener • Evaluate and compare multiple materials and fastener choices for
choices used in a product
a product design based on the impact on the design's cost,
design should be carefully performance, marketability, environmental impact, and expected
chosen based on the impact service life.
to the product's design,
cost, performance,
marketability, environmental
impact, and expected
service life.
Error is unavoidable when • Measure linear distances (including length, inside diameter, and
measuring a physical
hole depth) with accuracy using a scale, ruler, or dial caliper and
property and a report the measurement using an appropriate level of precision.
measurement is • Measure mass with accuracy using a scale and report the
characterized by the
measurement using an appropriate level of precision.
precision and accuracy of
the measurement.
Technical drawings convey • Determine the minimum number and types of views necessary to
information according to an fully detail a part.
established set of drawing • Choose and justify the choice for the best orthographic projection
practices which allow for of an object to use as a front view on technical drawings.
detailed and universal
u interpretation of the
© 2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
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drawinq. • Hand sketch isometric views of a simple object or part at a given
Hand sketching of multiple scale using the actual object, a detailed verbal description of the
representations to fully and • object, a pictorial view of the object, or a set of orthographic
accurately detail simple projections .
objects or parts of objects is Hand sketch orthographic projections at a given scale and in the
a technique used to convey correct orientation to fully detail an object or part using the actual
visual and technical object, a detailed verbal description of the object, or a pictorial an
information about an object. isometric view of the object.
Create three-dimensional solid models of parts within CAD from
Computer aided drafting • sketches or dimensioned drawings using appropriate geometric
and design (CAD) software and dimensional constraints.
packages facilitate virtual • Generate CAD multi-view technical drawings, including
modeling of parts and orthographic projections, sections view(s), detail view(s), auxiliary
assemblies and the creation • view(s) and pictorial views, as necessary, showing appropriate
of technical drawings. They scale, appropriate view selection, and correct view orientation to
are used to efficiently and • fully describe a part according to standard engineering practice.
accurately detail parts and
assemblies according to • Assign a specific material (included in the software library) to a
standard engineering part and use the capabilities of the CAD software to determine the
practice. • mass, volume, and surface area of an object for which a 3D solid
Computer aided drafting model has been created.
and design (CAD) software
packages allow virtual Organize and express thoughts and information in a clear and
testing and analysis of concise manner.
designs using 3D models, Adjust voice and writing style to align with audience and purpose.
assemblies, and Utilize an engineering notebook to clearly and accurately
animations. document the design process according to accepted standards
and protocols to prove the oriqin and chronology of a desion.
Technical professionals Deliver organized oral presentations of work tailored to the
clearly and accurately audience.
document and report their
work using technical writing Create drawings or diagrams as representations of objects, ideas,
practice in multiple forms. events, or systems.
Select and utilize technology (software and hardware) to create
Specific oral communication • high impact visual aids.
techniques are used to
effectively convey • Identify and describe the visual principles and elements of design
information and • apparent in a natural or man-made object.
communicate with an • Define aesthetics and explain how the visual elements and
audience. principles of design affect the aesthetics and commercial success
• of a product.
Sketches, drawings, and
images are used to record • Describe the process of reverse engineering.
and convey specific types of
information depending upon
the audience and the
purpose of the
Visual elements and
principles of design are part
of an aesthetic vocabulary
that is used to describe the
visual characteristics of an
object, the application of
which can affect the visual
appeal of the object and its
commercial success in the
Reverse engineering
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involves disassembling and • Justify the use of reverse engineering and explain the various
analyzing a product or • reasons to employ reverse engineering, including discovery,
system in order to • documentation, investigation, and product improvement.
understand and document
the visual, functional, and/or Perform a functional analysis of a product in order to determine the
structural aspects of its purpose, inputs and outputs, and the operation of a product or
design. system.
Perform a structural analysis of a product in order to determine the
• materials used and the form of component parts as well as the
configuration and interaction of component parts when assembled
In order to be an effective • (if applicable}.
team member, one must Analyze information gathered during reverse engineering to
demonstrate positive team identify shortcoming of the design and/or opportunities for
behaviors and act according improvement or innovation.
to accepted norms,
contribute to group goals Demonstrate positive team behaviors and contribute to a positive
according to assigned roles, team dynamic.
and use appropriate conflict
resolution strategies.
Unit 7 Documentation
Time Days: 25 days
Understandings Knowledge and Skills
An engineering design • Identify the steps in an engineering design process and
process involves a
summarize the activities involved in each step of the process.
characteristic set of • Complete a design project utilizing all steps of a design process,
practices and steps.
and find a solution that meets specific design requirements.
Research derived from a • Utilize research tools and resources (such as the Internet; media
variety of sources (including centers; market research; professional journals; printed, electronic,
subject matter experts) is and multimedia resources; etc.) to gather and interpret information
used to facilitate effective to develop an effective design brief.
development and evaluation • Utilize research tools and resources (such as the Internet; media
of a design problem and a centers; market research; professional journals; printed, electronic,
successful solution to the and multimedia resources; etc.) to validate design decisions and
problem. justify a problem solution.
A problem and the • Define and justify a design problem, and express the concerns,
requirements for a
needs, and desires of the primary stakeholders.
successful solution to the • Present and justify design specifications, and clearly explain the
problem should be clearly
criteria and constraints associated with a successful design
communicated and justified. solution.
• Write a design brief to communicate the problem, problem
constraints, and solution criteria.
Brainstorming may take • Generate and document multiple ideas or solution paths to a
many forms and is used to
problem through brainstorming.
generate a large number of
innovative, creative ideas in
a short time.
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A solution path is selected • Jointly develop a decision matrix based on accepted outcome
and justified by evaluating
criteria and constraints.
and comparing competing • Clearly justify and validate a selected solution path. -:
design solutions based on
jointly developed and
agreed-upon design criteria
and constraints.
Physical models are • Construct a testable prototype of a problem solution.
created to represent and
evaluate possible solutions
using prototyping
technique(s) chosen based
on the presentation and/or
testing requirements of a
potential solution.
Problem solutions are • Describe the design process used in the solution of a particular
optimized through
problem and reflect on all steps of the design process.
evaluation and reflection • Justify and validate a problem solution.
and should be clearly
Two- and three-dimensional • Identify the shapes of two-dimensional cross sections of three
objects share visual dimensional objects.
relationships which allow
interpretation of one
perspective from the other.
The scientific method • Analyze the performance of a design during testing and judge the
guides the testing and
solution as viable or non-viable with respect to meeting the design
evaluation of prototypes of requirements.
a problem solution.
An equation is a statement • Represent constraints with equations or inequalities.
of equality between two
quantities that can be used
to describe real
phenomenon and solve
Technical drawings convey • Determine the minimum number and types of views necessary to
information according to an fully detail a part.
established set of drawing • Choose and justify the choice for the best orthographic projection
practices which allow for
of an object to use as a front view on technical drawings.
detailed and universal • Create a set of working drawings to detail a design project.
interpretation of the • Create specific notes on a technical drawing to convey important
information about a specific feature of a detailed object, and create
general notes to convey details that pertains to information
presented on the entire drawing (such as units, scale, patent
details, etc.
Dimensions, specific notes • Dimension orthographic projections and section views of simple
(such as hole and thread objects or parts according to a set of dimensioning standards and
notes), and general notes accepted practices.
(such as general • Identify and correctly apply chain dimensioning or datum
tolerances) are included on dimensioning methods to a technical drawing.
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technical drawings • Identify and differentiate between size dimensions and location
according to accepted
practice and an established • Identify and correct errors and omissions in the dimensions
set of standards so as to applied in a technical drawing based on accepted practice and a
convey size and location set of dimensioning rules.
information about detailed
parts, their features, and • Read and interpret a hole note to identify the size and type of hole
their configuration in
assemblies. including through, clearance, blind, counter bore, and countersink
• Model and annotate (with a hole note) through, clearance, blind,
counter bore, and countersink holes.
A degree of variation • Identify and differentiate among limit dimensions, a unilateral
always exists between
tolerance, and a bilateral tolerance.
specified dimensions and • Define and determine the specified dimension, tolerance, upper
the measurement of a
manufactured object which limit, and lower limit for any given dimension and related tolerance
(or any distance that is dependent on given dimensions) shown on
is controlled by the use of a technical drawing.
tolerances on technical • Determine the allowance between two mating parts of an
assembly based on dimensions given on a technical drawing.
• Differentiate between clearance and interference fit and identify
the type of fit given a drawing, a description, or a physical example
of two mating parts.
• Compare the effect of chain dimensioning and datum
dimensioning on the tolerance of a particular specified dimension.
Hand sketching of multiple • Hand sketch orthographic projections at a given scale and in the
representations to fully and correct orientation to fully detail an object or part using the actual
( accurately detail simple object, a detailed verbal description of the object, or a pictorial an
objects or parts of objects is isometric view of the object.
a technique used to convey • Hand sketch a scaled full or half section view in the correct
visual and technical orientation to fully detail an object or part given the actual object, a
information about an object. detailed verbal description of the object. a pictorial view of the
object or a set of orthographic projections.
Computer aided drafting • Create three-dimensional solid models of parts within CAD from
and design (CAD) software sketches or dimensioned drawings using appropriate geometric
packages facilitate virtual and dimensional constraints.
modeling of parts and • Generate CAD multi-view technical drawings, including
assemblies and the creation orthographic projections, sections view(s), detail view(s), auxiliary
of technical drawings. They view(s) and pictorial views, as necessary, showing appropriate
are used to efficiently and scale, appropriate view selection, and correct view orientation to
accurately detail parts and fully describe a part according to standard engineering practice.
assemblies according to • Dimension and annotate (including specific and general notes)
standard engineering
practice. working drawings according to accepted engineering practice.
Include dimensioning according to a set of dimensioning rules,
proper hole and thread notes, proper tolerance annotation, and the
inclusion of other notes necessary to fully describe a part
according to standard engineering practice.
• Explain each assembly constraint (including mate, flush, insert,
and tangent), its role in an assembly model, and the degrees of
freedom that it removes from the movement between parts.
• Create assemblies of parts in CAD and use appropriate assembly
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• constraints to create an assembly that allows correct realistic
movement among parts. Manipulate the assembly model to
Technical professionals • demonstrate the movement.
clearly and accurately Create a CAD assembly drawing. Identify each component of the
document and report their • assembly with identification numbers and create a parts list to
work using technical writing • detail each component using CAD.
practice in multiple forms. Organize and express thoughts and information in a clear and
• concise manner.
Adjust voice and writing style to align with audience and purpose.
• Support design ideas using a variety of convincing evidence.
Utilize an engineering notebook to clearly and accurately
Sketches, drawings, and • document the design process according to accepted standards
images are used to record • and protocols to prove the origin and chronology of a design.
and convey specific types of • Create a technical report according to the American National
information depending upon Standards Institute (ANSI) technical report layout and format
the audience and the specifics.
purpose of the Create drawings or diagrams as representations of objects, ideas,
communication . events, or systems.
Reverse engineering
involves disassembling and Analyze information gathered during reverse engineering to
analyzing a product or identify shortcoming of the design and/or opportunities for
system in order to improvement or innovation.
understand and document
the visual, functional, and/or Demonstrate positive team behaviors and contribute to a positive
structural aspects of its team dynamic.
In order to be an effective
team member, one must
demonstrate positive team
behaviors and act according
to accepted norms,
contribute to group goals
according to assigned roles,
and use appropriate conflict
resolution strategies.
Unit 8 Advanced Computer Modeling
Time Days: 12 days
Understandings Knowledge and Skills
An engineering design • Complete a design project utilizing all steps of a design process,
process involves a
characteristic set of and find a solution that meets specific design requirements.
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practices and steps.
Brainstorming may take • Generate and document multiple ideas or solution paths to a
many forms and is used to
problem through brainstorming.
generate a large number of
innovative, creative ideas in
a short time.
Physical models are • Construct a testable prototype of a problem solution.
created to represent and
evaluate possible solutions
using prototyping
technique(s) chosen based
on the presentation and/or
testing requirements of a
potential solution.
Problem solutions are • Identify limitations in the design process and the problem solution
optimized through
and recommend possible improvements or caveats.
evaluation and reflection
and should be clearly
The scientific method • Analyze the performance of a design during testing and judge the
guides the testing and
solution as viable or non-viable with respect to meeting the design
evaluation of prototypes of requirements .
a problem solution.
An equation is a statement • Formulate equations and inequalities to represent linear,
of equality between two
relationships between quantities.
quantities that can be use to
describe real phenomenon
and solve problems.
Solving mathematical • Solve equations for unknown quantities by determining appropriate
equations and inequalities
substitutions for variables and manipulating the equations.
involves a logical process of
reasoning and can be
accomplished using a
variety of strategies and
technological tools.
Two- and three-dimensional • Identify three dimensional objects generated by rotations of two-
objects share visual dimensional shapes and vice-versa.
relationships which allow
interpretation of one
perspective from the other.
Geometric shapes and • Identify and differentiate geometric constructions and constraints
forms are described and
such as horizontal lines, vertical lines, parallel lines, perpendicular
differentiated by their lines, colinear points, tangent lines, tangent circles, and concentric
characteristic features. circles.
The style of the engineering • Identify the proper use of each technical drawing representation
graphics and the type of including isometric, orthographic projection, oblique, perspective,
drawing views used to detail • auxiliary, and section views.
an object vary depending •
upon the intended use of Determine the minimum number and types of views necessary to
the graphic. • fully detail a part.
Technical drawings convey Choose and justify the choice for the best orthographic projection
information according to an of an object to use as a front view on technical drawings.
established set of drawing Create a set of working drawings to detail a design project.
practices which allow for
detailed and universal
interpretation of the
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drawing. • Create specific notes on a technical drawing to convey important
information about a specific feature of a detailed object, and create
general notes to convey details that pertains to information
presented on the entire drawing (such as units, scale, patent
details, etc.
Dimensions, specific notes • Dimension orthographic projections and section views of simple
(such as hole and thread objects or parts according to a set of dimensioning standards and
notes), and general notes accepted practices.
(such as general • Identify and correctly apply chain dimensioning or datum
tolerances) are included on
dimensioning methods to a technical drawing.
..·.·• technical drawings
• Model and annotate (with a hole note) through, clearance, blind,
according to accepted counter bore, and countersink holes.
practice and an established
set of standards so as to
convey size and location
information about detailed
parts, their features, and
their configuration in
A degree of variation • Identify and differentiate among limit dimensions, a unilateral
always exists between
tolerance, and a bilateral tolerance.
specified dimensions and
the measurement of a
manufactured object which
is controlled by the use of
tolerances on technical
•Hand sketching of multiple Hand sketch orthographic projections at a given scale and in the
representations to fully and correct orientation to fully detail an object or part using the actual
accurately detail simple object, a detailed verbal description of the object, or a pictorial an
objects or part of objects is isometric view of the object.
a .technique used to convey
visual and technical
·information about an object.
Computer aided drafting • Create three-dimensional solid models of parts within CAD from
and design (CAD) software sketches or dimensioned drawings using appropriate geometric
packages facilitate virtual and dimensional constraints.
modeling of parts and • Generate CAD multi-view technical drawings, including
assemblies and the creation orthographic projections, sections view(s), detail view(s), auxiliary
of technical drawings. They view(s) and pictorial views, as necessary, showing appropriate
are used to efficiently and scale, appropriate view selection, and correct view orientation to
accurately detail parts and fully describe a part according to standard engineering practice.
assemblies according to • Create relationships among part features and dimensions using
standard engineering
practice. parametric formulas.
• Dimension and annotate (including specific and general notes)
working drawings according to accepted engineering practice.
Include dimensioning according to a set of dimensioning rules,
proper hole and thread notes, proper tolerance annotation, and the
inclusion of other notes necessary to fully describe a part
according to standard engineering practice.
• Create sketch elements and relationships among part features in
CAD using precise input (and an applicable coordinate system).
• Explain each assembly constraint (including mate, flush, insert,
and tangent), its role in an assembly model, and the degrees of
freedom that it removes from the movement between parts.
• Create assemblies of parts in CAD and use appropriate assembly
constraints to create an assembly that allows correct realistic
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movement among parts. Manipulate the assembly model to
demonstrate the movement.
• Create a CAD assembly drawing. Identify each component of the
assembly with identification numbers and create a parts list to
detail each component using CAD .
• Create an exploded view of a given assembly. Identify each
component of the assembly with identification numbers, and create
a parts list to detail each component using CAD. (OPTIONAL)
Technical professionals • Utilize an engineering notebook to clearly and accurately
clearly and accurately
document the design process according to accepted standards
document and report their and protocols to prove the origin and chronology of a design.
work using technical writing
practice in multiple forms.
Sketches, drawings, and • Create drawings or diagrams as representations of objects, ideas,
images are used to record
events, or systems.
and convey specific types of
information depending upon
the audience and the
purpose of the
In order to be an effective • Demonstrate positive team behaviors and contribute to a positive
team member, one must
team dynamic.
demonstrate positive team
behaviors and act according
to accepted norms,
contribute to group goals
according to assigned roles,
and use appropriate conflict
resolution strategies.
Unit 9 Design Team
Time Days: 33 days
Understandings Knowledge and Skills
An engineering design • Identify the steps in an engineering design process and
process involves a
summarize the activities involved in each step of the process.
characteristic set of • Complete a design project utilizing all steps of a design process,
practices and steps.
and find a solution that meets specific design requirements.
Research derived from a • Utilize research tools and resources (such as the Internet; media
variety of sources (including centers; market research; professional journals; printed, electronic,
subject matter experts) is and multimedia resources; etc.) to gather and interpret information
used to facilitate effective to develop an effective design brief.
development and evaluation • Utilize research tools and resources (such as the Internet; media
of a design problem and a
centers; market research; professional journals; printed, electronic,
successful solution to the and multimedia resources; etc.) to validate design decisions and
problem .. justify a problem solution.
• Summarize key ideas in information sources including scientific
and engineering texts, tables, diagrams, and graphs .
A problem and the • Define and justify a design problem, and express the concerns,
requirements for a
needs, and desires of the primary stakeholders.
successful solution to the • Present and justify design specifications, and clearly explain the
problem should be clearly
criteria and constraints associated with a successful design
communicated and justified. solution.
C.. • Explain design requirements and function claims using STEM
principles and practices.
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• Write a design brief to communicate the problem , problem
constraints, and solution criteria.
Brainstorming may take • Generate and document multiple ideas or solution paths to a /
many forms and is used to
problem through brainstorming. )
generate a large number of
innovative, creative ideas in
a short time.
A solution path is selected • Jointly develop a decision matrix based on accepted outcome
and justified by evaluating
criteria and constraints.
and comparing competing • Use a decision matrix to evaluate and compare multiple design
design solutions based on
solutions in order to select a solution path that satisfies the design
jointly developed and requirements.
agreed-upon design criteria • Clearly justify and validate a selected solution path.
and constraints.
Problem solutions are • Justify and validate a problem solution.
optimized through • Identify limitations in the design process and the problem solution
evaluation and reflection
and recommend possible improvements or caveats.
and should be clearly
Project planning tools and • Create and utilize a Gantt chart to plan, monitor, and control task
management skills are often completion during a design project.
used in the process of
solving engineering design
The style of the engineering • Identify the proper use of each technical drawing representation
graphics and the type of including isometric, orthographic projection, oblique, perspective,
drawing views used to detail auxiliary, and section views.
an object vary depending
upon the intended use of
the graphic.
•Technical drawings convey Determine the minimum number and types of views necessary to
information according to an fully detail a part.
established set of drawing • Choose and justify the choice for the best orthographic projection
practices which allow for
of an object to use as a front view on technical drawings.
detailed and universal • Create a set of working drawings to detail a design project.
interpretation of the • Create specific notes on a technical drawing to convey important
information about a specific feature of a detailed object, and create
general notes to convey details that pertains to information
presented on the entire drawing (such as units, scale, patent
details, etc.
Dimensions, specific notes • Dimension orthographic projections and section views of simple
(such as hole and thread objects or parts according to a set of dimensioning standards and
notes), and general notes accepted practices.
(such as general • Identify and correctly apply chain dimensioning or datum
tolerances) are included on dimensioning methods to a technical drawing.
technical drawings • Identify and differentiate between size dimensions and location
according to accepted dimensions.
practice and an established • Model and annotate (with a hole note) through, clearance, blind,
set of standards so as to counter bore, and countersink holes.
convey size and location
information about detailed
parts, their features, and
their configuration in
A degree of variation • Identify and differentiate among limit dimensions, a unilateral
always exists between
tolerance, and a bilateral tolerance.
specified dimensions and
© 2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
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the measurement of a
manufactured object which
is controlled by the use of
tolerances on technical
Hand sketching of multiple • Hand sketch orthographic projections at a given scale and in the
representations to fully and
correct orientation to fully detail an object or part using the actual
accurately detail simple object, a detailed verbal description of the object, or a pictorial an
objects or part of objects is isometric view of the object.
a technique used to convey • Generate non-technical concept sketches to represent an object or
visual and technical
part to convey design ideas.
information about an object.
Computer aided drafting • Create three-dimensional solid models of parts within CAD from
and design (CAD) software sketches or dimensioned drawings using appropriate geometric
packages facilitate virtual and dimensional constraints.
modeling of parts and • Generate CAD multi-view technical drawings, including
assemblies and the creation orthographic projections, sections view(s), detail view(s), auxiliary
of technical drawings. They view(s) and pictorial views, as necessary, showing appropriate
are used to efficiently and scale, appropriate view selection, and correct view orientation to
accurately detail parts and
assemblies according to fully describe a part according to standard engineering practice.
standard engineering
practice. • Create relationships among part features and dimensions using
parametric formulas
• Dimension and annotate (including specific and general notes)
working drawings according to accepted engineering practice.
Include dimensioning according to a set of dimensioning rules,
proper hole and thread notes, proper tolerance annotation, and the
inclusion of other notes necessary to fully describe a part
according to standard engineering practice.
• Create assemblies of parts in CAD and use appropriate assembly
( constraints to create an assembly that allows correct realistic
movement among parts. Manipulate the assembly model to
demonstrate the movement.
• Create a CAD assembly drawing. Identify each component of the
assembly with identification numbers and create a parts list to
detail each component using CAD.
• Create an exploded view of a given assembly. Identify each
component of the assembly with identification numbers, and create
a parts list to detail each component using CAD.
Styles and modes of • Identify an appropriate mode of two-way communication based on
the audience and intended goal of the communication.
correspondence are tailored • Use an appropriate and professional tone and vernacular based
to the type of audience and
on the audience of the correspondence.
intended goals.. • Document correspondence and conversations in an accurate and
organized manner.
• Review and evaluate the written work of peers and make
recommendations for improvement.
Technical professionals • Organize and express thoughts and information in a clear and
clearly and accurately
concise manner.
document and report their • Adjust voice and writing style to align with audience and purpose.
work using technical writing • Support design ideas using a variety of convincing evidence.
practice in multiple forms. • Utilize an engineering notebook to clearly and accurately
document the design process according to accepted standards
and protocols to prove the origin and chronology of a design.
• Utilize journaling as a means of documentation and reflection to
demonstrate original thought and reasoning.
• Utilize project Q_ortfolios to present andjustify design_Qrojects.
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Specific oral communication • Document information sources using_ a_QQro_Qriate formats.
techniques are used to Deliver organized oral presentations of work tailored to the
effectively convey • audience.
information and • Establish objectives for the presentation that are appropriate for
communicate with an the audience.
audience. • Facilitate engaging and purposeful dialog with the audience.
Sketches, drawings, and •
images are used to record • Create drawings or diagrams as representations of objects, ideas,
and convey specific types of events, or systems.
information depending upon • Select and utilize technology (software and hardware) to create
the audience and the • high impact visual aids.
purpose of the Select and utilize videos and images from CAD software to convey
communication. information appropriate for the given audience.
Use presentation software effectively to support oral presentations.
Engineering has a global e Assess the development of an engineered product and discuss its
impact on society and the impact on society and the environment.
environment. •
Describe the contributions of engineers from different engineering
Engineering consists of a • fields in the design and development of a product, system, or
variety of specialist sub- • technology.
fields, with each
contributing in different Identify and describe the steps of a typical product lifecycle
ways to the design and (including raw material extraction, processing, manufacture, use
development of solutions to and maintenance, and disposal.
different types of problems. Identify and explain how the basic theories of ethics relate to
Engineering design and engineering.
practices are governed by Incorporate the use of the visual elements and principles of design
ethics, values, and laws. in the design of an engineered product.
Visual elements and • Identify team member skill sets needed to produce an effective
principles of design are part team.
of an aesthetic vocabulary • Identify and assign team member roles.
that is used to describe the • Define the term group norms and discuss the importance of norms
visual characteristics of an • in creating an effective team environment.
object, the application of • Identify strategies to resolve team conflict.
which can affect the visual • Demonstrate positive team behaviors and contribute to a positive
appeal of the object and its • team dynamic.
commercial success in the • Establish common goals, equitable workloads, accountability, and
marketplace. create a set of team norms.
Effective design teams can • Contribute equitably to the attainment of group goals based on
improve the efficiency and assigned roles.
effectiveness of the design • Practice appropriate conflict resolution strategies within a team
process. Effective team environment.
members have good
collaboration skills. Identify appropriate technology to support remote collaboration
among virtual design team memberslsuch as asynchronous
In order to be an effective
team member, one must
demonstrate positive team
behaviors and act according
to accepted norms,
contribute to group goals
according to assigned roles,
and use appropriate conflict
resolution strategies.
Virtual design teams include
people in different locations
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who collaborate using communications, audio and video conferencing, instant
communication methods messaging, synchronous file editing, and file transfer).
other than face-to-face
contact. • Participate on a virtual team using remote collaboration tools to
su(Jp_ort team collaboration and problem solving.
Unit 10 Design Challenges
Time Days: 12 days
Understandings Knowledge and Skills
An engineering design • Complete a design project utilizing all steps of a design process,
process involves a
characteristic set of and find a solution that meets specific design requirements.
practices and steps.
Research derived from a • Utilize research tools and resources (such as the Internet; media
variety of sources (including centers; market research; professional journals; printed, electronic,
subject matter experts) is and multimedia resources; etc.) to gather and interpret information
used to facilitate effective to develop an effective design brief.
development and evaluation • Utilize research tools and resources (such as the Internet; media
of a design problem and a
centers; market research; professional journals; printed, electronic,
successful solution to the and multimedia resources; etc.) to validate design decisions and
problem . justify a problem solution.
A problem and the • Define and justify a design problem, and express the concerns,
requirements for a needs, and desires of the primary stakeholders.
successful solution to the • Present and justify design specifications, and clearly explain the
problem should be clearly
criteria and constraints associated with a successful design
communicated and justified. solution.
• Explain design requirements and function claims using STEM
principles and practices.
• Write a design brief to communicate the problem, problem
constraints, and solution criteria.
Brainstorming may take • Generate and document multiple ideas or solution paths to a
many forms and is used to problem through brainstorming.
generate a large number of
innovative, creative ideas in
a short time.
A solution path is selected • Jointly develop a decision matrix based on accepted outcome
and justified by evaluating
criteria and constraints.
and comparing competing • Use a decision matrix to evaluate and compare multiple design
design solutions based on
solutions in order to select a solution path that satisfies the design
jointly developed and requirements .
agreed-upon design criteria • Clearly justify and validate a selected solution path.
and constraints.
Problem solutions are • Describe the design process used in the solution of a particular
optimized through
problem and reflect on all steps of the design process.
evaluation and reflection • Justify and validate a problem solution.
and should be clearly • Identify limitations in the design process and the problem solution
and recommend possible im_l>fovements or caveats.
The style of the engineering • Identify the proper use of each technical drawing representation
graphics and the type of including isometric, orthographic projection, oblique, perspective,
drawing views used to detail auxiliary, and section views.
an object vary depending
upon the intended use of
the Qraphic.
Technical drawings convey • Determine the minimum number and types of views necessary to
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lED Detailed Outline - Page 23
information according to an fully detail a part.
established set of drawing
practices which allow for • Choose and justify the choice for the best orthographic projection
detailed and universal
interpretation of the of an object to use as a front view on technical drawings.
• Create a set of working drawings to detail a design project.
• Create specific notes on a technical drawing to convey important
information about a specific feature of a detailed object, and create
general notes to convey details that pertains to information
presented on the entire drawing (such as units, scale, patent
details, etc.
Dimensions, specific notes • Dimension orthographic projections and section views of simple
(such as hole and thread objects or parts according to a set of dimensioning standards and
notes), and general notes accepted practices.
(such as general • Identify and correctly apply chain dimensioning or datum
tolerances) are included on dimensioning methods to a technical drawing.
technical drawings • Identify and differentiate between size dimensions and location
according to accepted dimensions.
practice and an established
set of standards so as to
convey size and location
information about detailed
parts, their features, and
their configuration in
assemblies ..
A degree of variation • Determine the allowance between two mating parts of an
always exists between
assembly based on dimensions given on a technical drawing.
specified dimensions and
the measurement of a
manufactured object which
is controlled by the use of
tolerances on technical
Hand sketching of multiple • Hand sketch isometric views of a simple object or part at a given
representations to fully and scale using the actual object, a detailed verbal description of the
accurately detail simple object, a pictorial view of the object, or a set of orthographic
objects or parts of objects is projections.
a technique used to convey • Generate non-technical concept sketches to represent an object or
visual and technical part to convey design ideas.
information about an
Computer aided drafting • Create three-dimensional solid models of parts within CAD from
and design (CAD) software sketches or dimensioned drawings using appropriate geometric
packages facilitate virtual and dimensional constraints.
modeling of parts and • Generate CAD multi-view technical drawings, including
assemblies and the creation orthographic projections, sections view(s), detail view(s), auxiliary
of technical drawings. They view(s) and pictorial views, as necessary, showing appropriate
are used to efficiently and scale, appropriate view selection, and correct view orientation to
accurately detail parts and fully describe a part according to standard engineering practice.
assemblies according to • Create relationships among part features and dimensions using
standard engineering
practice. parametric formulas.
• Dimension and annotate (including specific and general notes)
working drawings according to accepted engineering practice.
Include dimensioning according to a set of dimensioning rules,
proper hole and thread notes, proper tolerance annotation, and the
inclusion of other notes necessary to fully describe a part
according to standard engineering practice.
• Create sketch elements and relationshl.Q_s among part features in
© 2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
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CAD using precise input (and an applicable coordinate system).
• Explain each assembly constraint (including mate, flush, insert,
and tangent), its role in an assembly model, and the degrees of
freedom that it removes from the movement between parts.
• Create assemblies of parts in CAD and use appropriate assembly
constraints to create an assembly that allows correct realistic
movement among parts. Manipulate the assembly model to
demonstrate the movement.
• Create a CAD assembly drawing. Identify each component of the
assembly with identification numbers and create a parts list to
detail each component using CAD.
• Create an exploded view of a given assembly. Identify each
component of the assembly with identification numbers, and create
a parts list to detail each component using CAD.
Technical professionals • Organize and express thoughts and information in a clear and
clearly and accurately
concise manner.
document and report their • Utilize an engineering notebook to clearly and accurately
work using technical writing document the design process according to accepted standards
practice in multiple forms. and protocols to prove the origin and chronology of a design.
• Document information sources using appropriate formats.
• Incorporate the use of the visual elements and principles of design
Visual elements and
principles of design are part in the design of an engineered product.
of an aesthetic vocabulary
that is used to describe the
visual characteristics of an
object, the application of
which can affect the visual
appeal of the object and its
commercial success in the
Effective design teams can • Identify and assign team member roles.
improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of the design • Define the term group norms and discuss the importance of norms
in creating an effective team environment.
process. Effective team • Identify strategies to resolve team conflict.
members have good
collaboration skills.
In order to be an effective • Demonstrate positive team behaviors and contribute to a positive
team member, one must
team dynamic.
demonstrate positive team • Establish common goals, equitable workloads, accountability, and
behaviors and act according create a set of team norms.
to accepted norms, • Contribute equitably to the attainment of group goals based on
contribute to group goals
assigned roles.
according to assigned roles, • Practice appropriate conflict resolution strategies within a team
and use appropriate conflict environment.
resolution strategies.
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Principles Of Engineering Detailed Outline
Unit 1 Energy and Power
Time Days: 49 days
Lesson 1.1 Meehanisms (13 days):
Concepts Addressed in Lesson:
1. Engineers and engineering technologists apply math, science, and discipline-
specific skills to solve problems.
2. Engineering and engineering technology careers offer creative job opportunities
for individuals with a wide variety of backgrounds and goals.
3. Technical communication can be accomplished in oral, written, and visual forms
and must be organized in a clear and concise manner.
4. Most mechanisms are composed of gears, sprockets, pulley systems, and simple
5. Mechanisms are used to redirect energy within a system by manipulating force,
speed, and distance.
6. Mechanical advantage ratios mathematically evaluate input work versus output
work of mechanisms.
Performance Objectives Addressed in Lesson:
It is expected that students will:
• Differentiate between engineering and engineering technology.
• Conduct a professional interview and reflect on it in writing.
• Identify and differentiate among different engineering disciplines.
• Measure forces and distances related to mechanisms.
• Distinguish between the six simple machines, their attributes, and
• Calculate mechanical advantage and drive ratios of mechanisms.
• Design, create, and test gear, pulley, and sprocket systems.
• Calculate work and power in mechanical systems.
• Determine efficiency in a mechanical system.
• Design, create, test, and evaluate a compound machine design.
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Lesson 1.2 Energy Sources (10 days):
Concepts Addressed in Lesson:
0 1. Energy source classifications include nonrenewable, renewable, and
2. Energy source processes include harnessing, storing, transporting, and
3. Energy often needs to be converted from one form to another to meet the needs
of a given system.
4. An understanding of work, energy, and power is required to determine system
5. An understanding of the basics of electricity requires the understanding of three
fundamental concepts of voltage, current, and resistance.
6. The atomic structure of a material determines whether it is a conductor, an
insulator, or a semiconductor.
Performance Objectives Addressed in Lesson:
It is expected that students will:
• Identify and categorize energy sources as nonrenewable, renewable, or
• Create and deliver a presentation to explain a specific energy source.
• Summarize and reflect upon information collected during a visit to a local
utility company.
• Define the possible types of power conversion.
• Calculate work and power.
• Demonstrate the correct use of a digital multimeter.
• Calculate power in a system that converts energy from electrical to
• Determine efficiency of a system that converts an electrical input to a
mechanical output.
• Calculate circuit resistance, current, and voltage using Ohm's law.
• Understand the advantages and disadvantages of parallel and series circuit
design in an application.
Lesson 1.3 Energy Applications (10 days):
Concepts Addressed in Lesson:
1. Energy management is focused on efficient and accessible energy use.
2. System energy requirements must be understood in order to select the proper
energy source.
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3. Energy systems can include multiple energy sources that can be combined to
convert energy into useful forms.
) 4. Hydrogen fuel cells create electricity and heat through an electrochemical
process that converts hydrogen and oxygen into water.
5. Solar cells convert light energy into electricity by using photons to create electron
6. Thermodynamics is the study of the effects of work, thermo energy, and energy
on a system.
7. Thermo energy can transfer via convection, conduction, or radiation.
8. Material conductivity, resistance, and energy transfer can be calculated.
Performance Objectives Addressed in Lesson:
It is expected that students will:
• Test and apply the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance
relating to a photovoltaic cell and a hydrogen fuel cell.
• Experiment with a solar hydrogen system to produce mechanical power.
• Design, construct, and test recyclable insulation materials.
• Test and apply the relationship between R-values and recyclable insulation.
• Complete calculations for conduction, R-values, and radiation.
Lesson 1.4 Design Problem- Energy and Power (13 days):
Concepts Addressed in Lesson:
1. Design problems can be solved by individuals or in teams.
2. Engineers use a design process to create solutions to existing problems.
3. Design briefs are used to identify the problem specifications and to establish
project constraints.
4. Teamwork requires constant communication to achieve the desired goal.
5. Design teams conduct research to develop their knowledge base, stimulate
creative ideas, and make informed decisions.
Performance Objectives Addressed in Lesson:
It is expected that students will:
• Brainstorm and sketch possible solutions to an existing design problem.
• Create a decision-making matrix for a design problem.
• Select an approach that meets or satisfies the constraints provided in a
design brief.
• Create a detailed pictorial sketch or use 3D modeling software to document
the best choice, based upon the design team's decision matrix.
• Present a workable solution to the design problem.
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Unit 2 Materials and Structures
0 Time Days: 45 days
Lesson 2.1 Statics (14 Days):
Concepts Addressed in Lesson:
1. Laws of motion describe the interaction of forces acting on a body.
2. Structural member properties including centroid location, moment of inertia, and
modulus of elasticity are important considerations for structure design.
3. Static equilibrium occurs when the sum of all forces acting on a body are equal to
4. Applied forces are vector quantities with a defined magnitude, direction, and
sense, and can be broken into vector components.
5. Forces acting at a distance from an axis or point attempt or cause an object to
rotate .
6. In a statically determinate truss, translational and rotational equilibrium equations
can be used to calculate external and internal forces.
7. Free body diagrams are used to illustrate and calculate forces acting upon a
given body.
Performance Objectives Addressed in Lesson:
It is expected that students will:
• Create free body diagrams of objects, identifying all forces acting on the
• Mathematically locate the centroid of structural members.
• Calculate moment of inertia of structural members.
• Differentiate between scalar and vector quantities.
• Identify magnitude, direction, and sense of a vector.
• Calculate the X and Y components given a vector.
• Calculate moment forces given a specified axis.
• Use equations of equilibrium to calculate unknown forces.
• Use the method of joints strategy to determine forces in the members of a
statically determinate truss.
Lesson 2.2 Material Properties (11 Days):
Concepts Addressed in Lesson:
1. Materials are the substances with which all objects are made.
2. Materials are composed of elements and area categorized by physical and
chemical properties.
3. Materials consist of pure elements. Compounds and mixtures and are typically
classified as metallic, ceramic, organic, polymeric, and composite.
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4. Material properties including recyclability and cost are important considerations
for engineers when choosing appropriate materials for a design.
) 5. Material selection is based upon mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, and
chemical properties.
6. Raw materials undergo various manufacturing processes in the production of
consumer goods.
Performance Objectives Addressed in Lesson:
It is expected that students will:
• Investigate specific material properties related to a common household
• Conduct investigative non-destructive material property tests on selected
common household products. Property testing conducted to identify
continuity, ferrous metal, hardness, and flexure.
• Calculate weight, volume, mass, density, and surface area of selected
common household product
• Identify the manufacturing processes used to create the selected common
household product.
• Identify the recycling codes.
• Promote recycling using current media trends.
Lesson 2.3 Material Testing (10 Days):
Concepts Addressed in Lesson:
} 1. Engineers utilize a design process and mathematical formulas to solve and
document design problems.
2. Material testing aids in determining a product's reliability, safety, and
predictability in function.
3. Engineers perform destructive and non-destructive tests on material specimens
for the purpose of identifying and verifying the properties of various materials.
4. Material testing provides a reproducible evaluation of material properties.
5. Tensile testing data is used to create a test sample stress strain curve.
6. Stress strain data points are used to identify and calculate sample material
properties including elastic range, proportional limit, modulus of elasticity, elastic
limit, resilience, yield point, plastic deformation, ultimate strength, failure, and
Performance Objectives Addressed in Lesson:
It is expected that students will:
• Utilize a five-step technique to solve word problems.
• Obtain measurements of material samples.
• Tensile test a material test sample.
• Identify and calculate test sample material properties using a stress strain
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Lesson 2.4 Design Problem- Materials and Structures (1 0 Days):
Concepts Addressed in Lesson:
1. Design problems can be solved by individuals or in teams.
2. Engineers use a design process to create solutions to existing problems.
3. Design briefs are used to identify the problem specifications and establish project
4. Teamwork requires constant communication to achieve the desired goal.
5. Design teams conduct research to develop their knowledge base, stimulate
creative ideas, and make informed decisions.
Performance Objectives Addressed in Lesson:
It is expected that students will:
• Brainstorm and sketch possible solutions to an existing design problem.
• Create a decision making matrix for the design problem.
• Select an approach that meets or satisfies the constraints given in a design
• Create a detailed pictorial sketch or use 3D modeling software to document
the best choice, based upon your team's decision matrix.
• Present a workable design solution.
Project Lead The Way, Inc.
Copyright 2010
POE - Course Description - Principles Of Engineering Detailed Outline - Page 6
Unit3 Control Systems
Time Days: 45 days
) Lesson 3.1 Machine Control (15 days):
Concepts Addressed in Lesson:
1. Flowcharts provide a step by step schematic representation of an algorithm or
2. Control systems are designed to provide consentient process control and
3. Control system protocols are an established set of commands or functions
typically created in a computer programming language.
4. Closed loop systems use digital and analog sensor feedback to make operational
and process decisions.
5. Open loop systems use programming constants such as time to make
operational and process decisions.
Performance Objectives Addressed in Lesson:
It is expected that students will:
• Create detailed flow charts utilizing a computer software application.
• Create control system operating programs utilizing computer software.
• Create system control programs that utilize flowchart logic.
• Choose appropriate inputs and output devices based on the need of a
) technological system.
• Differentiate between the characteristics of digital and analog devices.
• Judge between open and closed loop systems in order to choose the most
appropriate system for a given technological problem.
• Design and create a control system based on given needs and constraints.
Lesson 3.2 Fluid Power (15 days):
Concepts Addressed in Lesson:
1. Fluid power systems are categorized as either pneumatic, which utilizes gas, or
hydraulic, which utilizes liquid.
2. Fluid power is possible because in a system of confined fluid, pressure acts
equally in all directions.
3. The most basic components of all fluid power systems include a reservoir or
receiver, a pump or compressor, a valve, and a cylinder.
4. Fluid power systems are designed to transmit force over great distances, multiply
an input force, and increase the distance that an output will move.
5. Laws about the behavior of fluid systems and standard conventions for
calculating values within fluid systems aid in the design and understanding of
such systems.
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Copyright 2010
POE - Course Description - Principles Of Engineering Detailed Outline - Page 7
6. Standard schematic symbols and conventions are used to communicate fluid
power designs.
Q Performance Objectives Addressed in Lesson:
It is expected that students will:
• Identify devices that utilize fluid power.
• Identify and explain basic components and functions of fluid power devices.
• Differentiate between the characteristics of pneumatic and hydraulic
• Distinguish between hydrodynamic and hydrostatic systems.
• Design, create, and test a hydraulic device.
• Design, create, and test a pneumatic device.
• Calculate values in a fluid power system utilizing Pascal's Law.
• Distinguish between pressure and absolute pressure.
• Distinguish between temperature and absolute temperature.
• Calculate values in a pneumatic system, utilizing the perfect gas laws.
• Calculate flow rate, flow velocity, and mechanical advantage in a hydraulic
Lesson 3.3 Design Problem- Control Systems (15 days):
Concepts Addressed in Lesson:
1. Design problems can be solved by individuals or in teams.
2. Engineers use a design process to create solutions to existing problems.
3. Design briefs are used to identify the problem specifications and to establish
project constraints.
4. Teamwork requires constant communication to achieve the desired goal.
5. Design teams conduct research to develop their knowledge base, stimulate
creative ideas, and make informed decisions.
Performance Objectives Addressed in Lesson:
It is expected that students will:
• Brainstorm and sketch possible solutions to an existing design problem.
• Create a decision-making matrix for a design problem.
• Select an approach that meets or satisfies the constraints provided in a
design brief.
• Create a detailed pictorial sketch or use 30 modeling software to document
the best choice, based upon the design team's decision matrix.
• Present a workable solution to the design problem.
Project Lead The Way, Inc.
Copyright 2010
POE - Course Description - Principles Of Engineering Detailed Outline - Page 8
Unit 4 Statistics and Kinematics
Time: 31 Days
) Lesson 4.1 Statistics (6 Days):
Concepts Addressed in Lesson:
1. Engineers use statistics to make informed decisions based upon established
2. Visual representations of data analyses allow for easy distribution and
understanding of data.
3. Statistics is based upon both theoretical and experimental data analysis.
Performance Objectives Addressed in Lesson:
It is expected that students will:
• Calculate the theoretical probability that an event will occur.
• Calculate the experimental frequency distribution of an event occurring.
• Apply the Bernoulli process to events that only have two distinct possible
• Apply AND, OR, and NOT logic to probability.
• Apply Bayes' theorem to calculate the probability of multiple events
• Create a histogram to illustrate frequency distribution.
• Calculate the central tendency of a data array, including mean, median, and
• Calculate data variation, including range, standard deviation, and variance.
Lesson 4.2 Kinematics (10 Days):
Concepts Addressed in Lesson:
1. When working with bodies in motion, engineers must be able to differentiate and
calculate distance, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration.
2. When air resistance is not taken into account, released objects will experience
acceleration due to gravity, also known as freefall.
3. Projectile motion can be predicted and controlled using kinematics equations.
4. When a projectile is launched, velocity in the x direction remains constant;
whereas, with time, the velocity in the Y direction in magnitude and direction
changes due to gravity.
Performance Objectives Addressed in lesson:
It is expected that students will:
• Calculate distance, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration from
• Design, build, and test a vehicle that stores and releases potential energy
for propulsion.
• Calculate acceleration due to gravity given data from a free fall device.
Project Lead The Way, Inc.
Copyright 2010
POE - Course Description - Principles Of Engineering Detailed Outline- Page 9
• Calculate the X and Y components of a projectile motion.
• Determine the angle needed to launch a projectile a specific range given
0 the projectile's initial velocity.
Lesson 4.3 Design Problem- Statistics and Kinematics (15 Days):
Concepts Addressed in Lesson:
1. Design problems can be solved by individuals or in teams.
2. Engineers use a design process to create solutions to existing problems.
3. Design briefs are used to identify the problem specifications and establish project
4. Teamwork requires constant communication to achieve the desired goal.
5. Design teams conduct research to develop their knowledge base, stimulate
creative ideas, and make informed decisions.
Performance Objectives Addressed in Lesson:
It is expected that students will:
• Brainstorm and sketch possible solutions to an existing design problem.
• Create a decision-making matrix for their design problem.
• Select an approach that meets or satisfies the constraints provided in a
design brief.
• Create a detailed pictorial sketch or use 3D modeling software to document
the best choice, based upon the design team's decision matrix.
• Present a workable solution to the design problem.
Project Lead The Way, Inc.
Copyright 201 0
POE - Course Description - Principles Of Engineering Detailed Outline - Page 10
Name: Subject: Grade Level: Team:
J. Wax Principles of Engineering )1Oth
Week 1 1.1 Simple machines levers I wheel
Week2 1. 1 Simple machines gears & pulleys
Week3 1.1 Simple machines building I testing
•W£;ek4 1.1 Compound machines testing
WeekS 1.2 Energy Sources Electricity
WeekS 1.2 Energy Sources motor/generator
Week? 1.2 Energy Sources Efficency (winch)
1.3 Energy Apps Solar/Hydrogen
weet< a • 1.3 Energy Apps Insulation
Week 10 1.4 Energy & Power Project
Week 11 1.4 Energy & Power Project
Week 12 3.1 Machine Control lntro
Week 13 3.1 Machine Control Loops & variables
Week 14 3.1 Machine Control Project
Week 15 3.2 Fluid Power lntro
Week 16 3.2 Fluid Power Pneumatics
Week 17 3.2 Fluid Power Hydraulics
Week 18 Review for Semester test
WeeK 19 3.3 Control Systems Project
Week20 3.3 Control Systems Project
.Week2.1 2.1 Statics lntro Centroids, Free body
•Week22 2.1 Statics Force Vectors Moments Trusses
Wee.~23 '
2.1 Statics Truss Design
.Week 24 . 2.2 Material Properties
Week'25 ' 2.2 Manufacturing & Recylcing
.Week26 2.3 Materials Testing calculations
-week27 2.3 Materials Testing Samples
Week28 2.4 Materials Design Problems
Week 29 4.1 Kinematics
Week 30 4.2 Kinematics Self-propelled
Week 31 4.2 Kinematics Projectile
Week 32 4.3 Kinematics Design
Week 33 4.3 Kinematics Launcher construction
Week 34 4.3 Kinematics Launcher test
Week 35 Career presentaion
Week 36 Review for final
Name: Subject: Grade Level: Team:
J. Wax lntro Engineering Design 19th Engineering
Week:1 - Design process, lab notebooks
week2 Product invention I innovation
Week .3 ~: Isometric sketches
W e e k. 4 obliques I perspective sketches
we.ek § Orthographic sketches
Week6 lines styles I intermidiate Ortho
Week7 metric I standard; linear measurements
WeekS Calipers; linear dimensioning I portfolio
• Week ·9 Applied Statistics
Week 10 design process app/ Sketch: puzzle cube
Week 11 CAD: puzzle cube parts
Week 12 CAD: Assemple of puzzle cube
Week 13 CAD: drawing of puzzle cube
Week 14 linear dimensioning: puzzle cube
Week 15 Prototyping: puzzle cube
Week 16 Additional view: auxiliary & section
Week 17 Properties of shapes /Inventor sketches
Week 18 Properties of solids /Inventor 3D
'VVe"ek '19 Additive I subtractive
VJeek .20 Advanced sketching : Train
yveek21. Advanced 3d parts : Train
Advanced 3d assembly: train
.wee~22 ·
Hole & thread notes ANSI
We e k 23;.·. Design Principles & Elements
· '-· Visual Analysis
Week2~ · Advanced Design process:
Sweeps & advanced part creation
. wieJ< .2s ;.
Week 28 Advanced views: detail and broken
Week 29 Advanced design: desk organizer
Week 30 se Engineering: functional Team work: teams & r
Week 31 RE: structural; Team: Gantt Charts
Week 32 Team work: evaluation
Week 33 Engineering Ethics
Week 34 Architecture, lntro & Sizing
Week 35 Architecture,floor plan &elevation
Week 36 Review for final
Unit Title Week Blocks Activities
1 1 Safety
Unit 1.1 Fundament 1 Basic Electrons
1 Prefixes
Unit 1.2 analog 2 2 Soldering
lntro 2 analog
2 555
32 Combinational
Unit 1.3 dititallntro 2 sequential
Unit 2.1 Into to AOI 4
Unit 2.2. Truth 5
Boolean 6
Unit 2.3 Karnaough 7
Logic 8
Unit 2.4 Xor/Xnor & 9
Unit 2.5 Programm 10
Unit 3.1 Latches & 11
Unit 3.2 Sync 12
Unit 3.3 Async 13
Unit 3.4 State 14
lntro to 15
Unit 4.1 Micro-
Unit 4.2 BoeBot 16
Unit 4.3 Basic 17
18 Final
Name: Subject: Grade Level: Team:
J. Wax
Aerospace Engineering I12th Engineering
We"ek 1 Unit 1.1 Evolution of Flight
Week2 Un1t 1.2 Phys1cs of Flight: COG, 4 four forces,
Unit 1.2 PhySICS of Flight: Wind tunnel,
WeeK4 Unit 1.2 Physics of Flight: Gliders
Weei<S Unit 1.3 Planning and Navigation:
Week'6 Unit 1.3 Planning and Navigation: Flight SIM
Week 'J Unit 1.3 Planni~g_ and Navigation: Flight SIM
WeekS Unit 2.1 Material: Overview, Inventor
J:i.!E.ek 9 Unit 2.1 Material: Desig_n a frame
Week 10 Unit 2.1 Material: Composites
Week 11 Unit 2.2 Propulsion: Jets
Week 12 Unit 2.2 Propulsion: Rockets
Week 13 Unit 2.2 Propulsion: Test Rockets
Week 14 Unit 2.3 flight Physiology
Week 15 Unit 3.1 Space lntro
Week 16 Unit 3.2 Orbital Mechanics
Week 17 Unit 4.1 alternate Applications
Week 18 Review and final
Aerospace Engineering
A Pre-Engineering Course by Project Lead the Way®
Instructor: Joseph Wax ([email protected])
This is class on Aerospace engineering. Students will learn mechanics of flight including lift, drag,
propulsion and control. They will learn about flight navigation and use flight simulator. They wi ll build
model rockets and airplanes. They will build sections of a wing and test them in a wind tunnel.
Class Structure
• Bell ringer problems: almost every lesson wills start with some sort of warm up problem that
students are expected to do in their lab notebook.
• Lecture - Often to introduce concepts and the "problem" to be worked on and to give knowledge
of tools you will need - both hand tools and knowledge (math/science) tools.
• Projects - Most of the class grade will be projects, usually individual projects, some group work.
You will be expected to use the steps of the design process to create you project.
• Presentation - Some projects will be presented to the instructor or to the rest of the class.
• Tests and quizzes- Quizzes will be given on knowledge and skills taught during each unit and
tests will be given at the end of the semester and at the end of the course.
Class Expectations:
• This is a Professional I Technical Education class. Professional behavior is expected. Please see
the reverse of this page for a more complete list of those expectations.
• Material: Bring a pencil and a pen to every class. A calculator would be very helpful. Other
material will be required during the year; you will get advance notice.
• Additional information can be found in .
Other Graded Aspects of the class.
• Engineering notebook. Maintaining an engineering notebook is expected in most all engineering
occupations and will be expected in this class. The materials will be supplied, but you must use
the notebook and keep it up to date.
• You will be required to turn in a portfolio that displays some of your best work.
• Both of these items will be graded and can be left in the classroom in a folder location that will
be provided.
Grade Breakdown
Type of Grade Percentage of Grade
Projects 20%
Daily Work I Homework 20%
Portfolio 10%
Engineering notebook 10%
Quizzes 15%
Unit Tests 15%
End ofSemester Tests 10%
A = 90-100%, B = 80-89%, C = 70-79%, D = 60 - 69% !!! Anything lower will be done over
Late Work: Work more than one class period late will earn a maximum of90%, more than two weeks
late will earn a maximum of 70%.
Re-do: I will gladly allow anyone to redo work to improve their grades. The two grades will be
averaged to find the final grade, up to a maximum of 90%. Re-do must be done within two weeks or an
additional 30% will be docked from the grade.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
A Pt·e-Engineering Course by Project Lead the Way®
Instructor: Joseph Wax ([email protected])
This is class on modern manufacturing. Students must be competent in using Inventor. Knowledge
of control systems with Fischertechnik is also expected. The class will teach concepts in modern
manufacturing including how manufacturing is part of a product team, material flow, manufacturing
processes and factory automation. Students will complete projects using a CNC mill, control
systems and use of a robotic arm.
Class Structure
• Bell ringer problems: almost every lesson wills start with some sort of warm up problem that
students are expected to do in their lab notebook.
• Lecture- Often to introduce concepts and the "problem" to be worked on and to give
knowledge of tools you will need - both hand tools and knowledge (math/science) tools.
• Projects- Most of the class grade will be projects, usually individual projects, some group
work. You will be expected to use the steps of the design process to create you project.
• Presentation - Some projects will be presented to the instructor or to the rest of the class.
• Tests and quizzes-will be given on knowledge and skills taught during each unit.
Class Expectations:
• This is a Professional I Technical Education class. Professional behavior is expected.
Please see the reverse of this page for a more complete list of those expectations.
• Material: Bring a pencil and a pen to every class. A calculator would be very helpful.
Other material will be required during the year; you will get advance notice.
• Additional information can be found in .
Other Graded Aspects of the class.
• Engineering notebook. Maintaining an engineering notebook is expected in most all
engineering occupations and will be expected in this class. The materials will be supplied,
but you must use the notebook and keep it up to date.
• You will be required to tum in a portfolio that displays some of your best work.
• Both of these items will be graded and can be left in the classroom in a folder location that
will be provided.
Grade Breakdown
Type of Grade Percentage of Grade
Projects 20%
Daily Work I Homework 20%
Portfolio 10%
Engineering notebook 10%
Quizzes 15%
Unit Tests 15%
End of Semester Tests 10%
A = 90-100%, B = 80-89%, C = 70-79%, D = 60 - 69% !!! Anything lower will be done over
Late Work: Work more than one class period late will earn a maximum of90%, more than two
weeks late will earn a maximum of 70%.
Re-do: I will gladly allow anyone to redo work to improve their grades. The two grades will be
averaged to find the final grade, up to a maximum of90%. Re-do must be done within two weeks
or an additional 30% will be docked from the grade.
Digital Electronics
A Pre-Engineering Course by Project Lead the Way®
Instructor: Joseph Wax ([email protected])
This is class digital electronics and digital logic. Introduction to Engineering Design is a prerequisite for
this class so students understand the design process and use of engineering notebooks. Although the
emphasis is digital electronics, we will cover some analog electronics so students understand power and
possible issues with digital electronics. Students will learn now machines 'think' in binary. They will
Jearn soldering, Boolean logic equations, Karnaugh mapping for simplification, programming of FPGAs
and other associated skills necessary for an understanding of basic digital design.
Class Structure
• Bell ringer problems: almost every Jesson wills start with some sort of warm up problem that
students are expected to do in their lab notebook.
• Lecture - Often to introduce concepts and the " problem" to be worked on and to give knowledge of
tools you will need - both hand tools and knowledge (math/science) tools.
• Projects - Most of the class grade will be projects, usually individual projects, some group work.
You will be expected to use the steps of the design process to create you project.
• Presentation- Some projects will be presented to the instructor or to the rest of the class.
• Tests and quizzes- Quizzes will be given on knowledge and skills taught during each unit and tests
will be given at the end of the semester and at the end of the course.
• Material: Bring a pencil and a pen to every class. A calculator would be very helpful. Other
material will be required during the year; you will get advance notice.
• No using the restroom during lectures or presentations. You may use the restroom during work time
with permission of the rest of the group. Ask permission from the instructor, then write your name
and time on the sign out sheet and take the pass.
• Additional information can be found in This will include links to all assignments and
presentation. You will be assigned a password to this website and are responsible for it.
Other Graded Aspects of the class.
• Engineering notebook. Maintaining an engineering notebook is expected in most all engineering
occupations and will be expected in this class. The materials will be supplied, but you must keep it
up to date. Most bell ringer problems will be in this notebook as well as projects.
• You will be required to turn in a portfolio that displays some of your best work. Both of the above
items should be left in the classroom in a folder location that will be provided.
Grades Grade Breakdown
Percentage of Grade
Type ofGrade 50%
Projects 5%
Portfolio 10%
Engineering notebook 15%
Quizzes 10%
Unite Tests 10%
End of Course Tests
A = 90-100%, B = 80-89%, C = 70-79%, D = 60 - 69% !!! Anything lower will be done over
Late Work: Work more than one class period late will earn a maximum of90%, more than two weeks
late will earn a maximum of 70%.
Re-do: I will gladly allow anyone to redo work to improve their grades. The two grades will be
averaged to find the final grade, up to a maximum of 90%. Re-do must be done within two weeks or an
additional 30% will be docked from the grade.
Classroom Expectations
# 1 is that you are here to learn. Learning is your responsibility. The teacher is here to help you in this
#2 is to be respectful
Of the school equipment
Of the teacher
Of your fellow students
Of yourself
Respectful of the equipment includes (but is not limited to):
Do not move or damage the computers, mice, keyboards, tables, ect.
Do not rock on the chairs
Do not turn off anyone's computers.
Be prepared to start class on time
Bring a pencil AND a pen to class
Have your engineering notebook out by the time the bell rings
Log on to computer prior to bell (when appropriate)
Learning is Bell to bell - stay in your seat until the bell rings
No playing games on the computer
Respectful listening when someone is speaking
Turn and face the speaker
Computer monitors are blank
No texting or phone use during class
Violations will results in phones confiscation and turned in to office
Exception: Phone may be used as calculators except during quizzes or tests
No using the restroom during lectures or presentations. You may use the restroom during work time
with permission of the rest of the group.
Show up for Griz period if you have an F or are missing any assignments
Check PowerSchools for assignments as well as grades
Many assignments will have a link on PowerSchools
Do this outside of class time
Feb 14,2014 PLTIV Standards and Objectives Alignment
Showing Results for:
Course: Introduction to Engineering Design
Units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10
Lessons: Please note that course structure for the selected course does not contain lessons.
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts, Standards for Technological Literacy,
Next Generation Science Standards & Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice (HS)
Common Core State Standards for English
Language Arts
Key Ideas and Details
Unit 1 1 Unit 9
1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it;
cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.
Unit 1 1 Unit 9
4. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical,
connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or
tone. (AS.R.4)
Unit 1
7. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media, including visually and
quantitatively, as well as in words. (AS.R.7)
Unit 1 1 Unit 9
10. Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.
Unit 9
2. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key
supporting details and ideas. (AS.R.2)
Unit 9
3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text.
Unit 9
8. Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, including the validity of the
reasoning as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence. (AS.R.8)
Text Types and Purposes
Unit 1 [PREVIEW], Unit 6 1 Unit 7 1 Unit 9
2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly
and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. (AS.W.2)
Project Lead The Way, Inc. ©2014 1!14
Feb 14,2014 PL1W Standards and Objectives Alignment
Unit 1 [PREVIEW], Unit 6 , Unit 9
4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (AS.W.4)
Unit 1 [PREVIEW]
5. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a
new approach. (AS.W.5)
Unit 1 [PREVIEW], Unit 7 , Unit 9 , Unit 10
6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and
collaborate with others. (AS.W.6)
Unit 1 , Unit 9
7. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions,
demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. (AS.W. 7)
Unit 1 , Unit 9 , Unit 10
8. Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and
accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism. (AS.W.8)
Unit 1 , Unit 9 , Unit 10
9. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Unit 1, Unit 4, Unit 6, Unit 7, Unit 9, Unit 10
10. Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and
shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Unit 6 , Unit 9
1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid
reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. (AS.W.1)
Comprehension and Collaboration
Unit 1 , Unit 3 , Unit 5 , Unit 6 , Unit 7 , Unit 9 , Unit 10
1. Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with
diverse partners, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Unit 1 , Unit 3 , Unit 4 , Unit 5 , Unit 6 , Unit 7 , Unit 9 , Unit 10
4. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of
reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and
audience. (AS.SL.4)
Unit 1 , Unit 4 , Unit 6 , Unit 7 , Unit 9 , Unit 10
5. Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and
enhance understanding of presentations. (AS.SL.5)
Unit 1 , Unit 4 , Unit 5 , Unit 7 , Unit 9 , Unit 10
6. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of
formal English when indicated or appropriate. (AS.SL.6)
Unit 3 , Unit 4 , Unit 5 , Unit 6 , Unit 7 , Unit 9
2. Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually,
quantitatively, and orally. (AS.SL.2)
Conventions of Standard English
Project Lead The Way, Inc. 102014 2/14
Feb 14,2014 PLTIV Standards and Objectives Alignment
Unit 1, Unit 4, Unit 5 , Unit 7 , Unit 9 , Unit 10
1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing
or speaking. (AS.L.1)
Unit 1 [PREVIEW], Unit 7, Unit 9, Unit 10
2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing. (AS.L.2)
Unit 1 [PREVIEW], Unit 4 , Unit 7 , Unit 9
3. Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to
make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or
listening. (AS.L.3)
Unit 1 [PREVIEW], Unit 4 , Unit 5 , Unit 6 , Unit 7 , Unit 8, Unit 9 , Unit 10
6. Acquire and use accurately a range of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases
sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level;
demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase
important to comprehension or expression. (AS.L.6)
http: //www .corestandards. org/
© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief
State School Officers. All rights reserved.
Retrieved: February 14, 2014
Standards for Technological Literacy
Students will develop an understanding of the
characteristics and scope of technology.
Unit 1
G. The development of technology is a human activity and is the result of individual and collective
needs and the ability to be creative. (1.6-8.G)
Unit 1
L. Inventions and innovations are the results of the specific, goal-directed research. (1 .9-12.L)
Students will develop an understanding of the core concepts
Project Lead Th e Way, Inc. ©2014 3/14
Feb 14,2014 PLTIV Standards and Objectives Alignment
of technology.
Unit 1 I Unit 4 I Unit 7
R. Requirements are the parameters placed on the development of a product or system. (2.6-8.R)
Unit 9 1 Unit 10
S. Trade-off is a decision process recognizing the need for careful compromises among competing
factors. (2.6-8.S)
Unit 9
T. Different technologies involve different sets of processes. (2.6-8.T)
Unit 1 1 Unit 9 I Unit 10
Z. Selecting resources involves trade-offs between competing values, such as availability, cost,
desirability, and waste. (2.9-12.Z)
Unit 1 1 Unit 4 1 Unit 7 I Unit 10
M. Requirements involve the identification of the criteria and constraints of a product or system
and the determination of how they affect the final design and development. (2.9-12.M)
Unit 1 I Unit 4 I Unit 10
BB. Optimization is an ongoing process or methodology of designing or making a product and is
dependent on criteria and constraints. (2.9-12.BB)
Unit 3
DD. Quality control is a planned process to ensure that a product, service, or system meets
established criteria. (2. 9-12. DD)
Students will develop an understanding of the cultural,
social, economic, and political effects of technology.
Unit 1 I Unit 9
D. The use of technology affects humans in various ways, including their safety, comfort, choices,
and attitudes about technology's development and use. (4.6-8.D)
Unit 1 1 Unit 9
E. Technology, by itself, is neither good nor bad, but decisions about the use of products and
systems can result in desirable or undesirable consequences. (4.6-8.E)
Unit 1 1 Unit 9
F. The development and use of technology poses ethical issues. (4.6-8.F)
Unit 1 1 Unit 9
G. Economic, political, and cultural issues are influenced by the development and use of technology.
Project Lead The Way, Inc. ©2014 4/14
Feb 14,2014 PLJW Standards and Objectives Alignment
Unit 1, Unit 9
I. Making decisions about the use of technology involves weighing the trade-offs between the
positive and negative effects. (4.9-1 2.1)
Unit 1, Unit 9
]. Ethical considerations are important in the development, selection, and use of technologies.
Unit 9
H. Changes caused by the use of technology can range from gradual to rapid and from subtle to
obvious. (4.9-12.H)
Students will develop an understanding of the effects of
technology on the environment.
Unit 1 , Unit 9
L. Decisions regarding the implementation of technologies involve the weighing of trade-offs
between predicted positive and negative effects on the environment. (5.9-12.L)
Unit 9
D. The management of waste produced by technological systems is an important societal issue.
Unit 9
F. Decisions to develop and use technologies often put environmental and economic concerns in
direct competition with one another. (5.6-8.F)
Students will develop an understanding of the influence of
technology on history.
Unit 1
C. Many inventions and innovations have evolved using slow and methodical processes of tests and
refinements. (7.6-8-C)
Project Lead The Way, Inc. ©2014 5/14
Feb 14,2014 PL1WStandards and Objectives Alignment
Students will develop an understanding of the attributes of
Unit 1 I Unit 4 I Unit 9 I Unit 10
E. Design is a creative planning process that leads to useful products and systems. (8.6-8.E)
Unit 1 1 Unit 9 1 Unit 10
F. There is no perfect design. (8.6-8.F)
Unit 1 1 Unit 3 1 Unit 4 1 Unit 5 1 Unit 7 1 Unit 8 1 Unit 9 1 Unit 10
G. Requirements for design are made up of criteria and constraints. (8.6-8.G)
Unit 1 1 Unit 3 I Unit 4 1 Unit 8 1 Unit 9 1 Unit 10
H. The design process includes defining a problem, brainstorming, researching and generating
ideas, identifying criteria and specifying constraints, exploring possibilities, selecting an approach,
developing a design proposal, making a model or prototype. (8.9-12.H)
Unit 1 I Unit 3 I Unit 4 I Unit 8 I Unit 9 I Unit 10
]. The design needs to be continually checked and critiqued, and the ideas of the design must be
redefined and improved. (8.9-12.])
Unit 3 I Unit 8 1 Unit 9
I. Design problems are seldom presented in a clearly defined form. (8.9-12.1)
Unit 3 1 Unit 4 I Unit 7 I Unit 8 1 Unit 9 1 Unit 10
K. Requirements of a design, such as criteria, constraints, and efficiency, sometimes compete with
each other. (8.9-12.K)
Students will develop an understanding of engineering
Unit 1 1 Unit 3 1 Unit 4 1 Unit 8 1 Unit 9 1 Unit 10
F. Design involves a set of steps, which can be performed in different sequences and repeated as
needed. (9.6-8.F)
Unit 1 1 Unit 3 1 Unit 4 1 Unit 8 1 Unit 9 1 Unit 10
G. Brainstorming is a group problem-solving design process in which each person in the group
presents his or her ideas in an open forum. (9.6-8.G)
Unit 1 1 Unit 3 1 Unit 4 1 Unit 8 1 Unit 9 1 Unit 10
H. Modeling, testing, evaluating, and modifying are used to transform ideas into practical solutions.
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Feb 14,2014 PLTIV Standards and Objectives Alignment
Unit 11 Unit 3 1 Unit 4 1 Unit 8 1 Unit 9 1 Unit 10
I. Established design principles are used to evaluate existing designs, to collect data, and to guide
the design process. (9.9-12.1)
Unit 11 Unit 3 1 Unit 4 1 Unit 8 1 Unit 9 1 Unit 10
J. Engineering design is influenced by personal characteristics, such as creativity, resourcefulness,
and the ability to visualize and think abstractly. (9.9-12.])
Unit 1 I Unit 3 I Unit 4 1 Unit 8 1 Unit 9 1 Unit 10
L. The process of engineering design takes into account a number of factors. (9.9-12.1)
Unit 3 I Unit 4 I Unit 8 I Unit 9 1 Unit 10
K. A prototype is a working model used to test a design concept by making actual observations and
necessary adjustments. (9.9-12 .K)
Students will develop an understanding of the role of
troubleshooting, research and development, invention and
innovation, and experimentation in problem solving.
Unit 1
G. Invention is a process of turning ideas and imagination into devices and systems. Innovation is
the process of modifying an existing product or system to improve it. (10.6-8.G)
Unit 1
]. Technological problems must be researched before they can be solved. (1 0. 9-12.j)
Unit 6
I. Research and development is a specific problem-solving approach that is used intensively in
business and industry to prepare devices and systems for the marketplace. (10.9-12.1)
Students will develop the abilities to apply the design
Unit 1 1 Unit 3 , Unit 4 1 Unit 7 , Unit 8 I Unit 9 I Unit 10
H. Apply a design process to solve problems in and beyond the laboratory-classroom. (11.6-8.H)
Unit 1 1 Unit 4 1 Unit 7 1 Unit 8 , Unit 9 , Unit 10
I. Specify criteria and constraints for the design. (11.6-8.1)
Unit 1 1 Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 7 1 Unit 8, Unit 9, Unit 10
]. Make two-dimensional and three-dimensional representations of the designed solution. (11.6-8.])
Unit 1 , Unit 3 1 Unit 4 I Unit 7 , Unit 8 I Unit 9 , Unit 10
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Feb 14,2014 PL1W Standards and Objectives Alignment
K. Test and evaluate the design in relation to pre-established requirements, such as criteria and
constraints, and refine as needed. (11.6-8.K)
Unit 1 1 Unit 3 1 Unit 4 I Unit 7 I Unit 8 I Unit 9 I Unit 10
L. Make a product or system and document the solution. (11.6-8.1)
Unit 1 1 Unit 3 1 Unit 4 1 Unit 7 1 Unit 8 1 Unit 9 I Unit 10
N. Identify criteria and constraints and determine how these will affect the design process.
Unit 1 1 Unit 3 I Unit 4 I Unit 7 I Unit 8 I Unit 9 I Unit 10
0. Refine a design by using prototypes and modeling to ensure quality, efficiency, and productivity
of the final product. (11.9-12.0)
Unit 1 1 Unit 3 1 Unit 4 I Unit 7 1 Unit 8 I Unit 9 I Unit 10
P. Evaluate the design solution using conceptual, physical, and mathematical models at various
intervals of the design process in order to check for proper design and to note areas where
improvements are needed. (11.9-12.P)
Unit 1 1 Unit 3 1 Unit 4 1 Unit 7 1 Unit 8 I Unit 9 I Unit 10
Q. Develop and produce a product or system using a design process. (11.9-12.0)
Unit 1 1 Unit 3 1 Unit 4 1 Unit 7 I Unit 8 I Unit 9 I Unit 10
R. Evaluate final solutions and communicate observation, processes, and results of the entire design
process, using verbal, graphic, quantitative, virtual, and written means, in addition to
three-dimensional models. (11 .9-12.R)
Unit 7 1 Unit 9 I Unit 10
M. Identify the design problem to solve and decide whether or not to address it. (11.9-12.M)
Students will develop the abilities to use and maintain
technological products and systems.
Unit 11 Unit 4 1 Unit 5 I Unit 7 I Unit 8 I Unit 9 I Unit 10
]. Use computers and calculators in various applications. (12.6-8.])
Unit 4
H. Use information provided in manuals, protocols, or by experienced people to see and understand
how things work. (12.6-8.H)
K. Operate and maintain systems in order to achieve a given purpose. (12.6-8.K)
Unit 1 1 Unit 4 1 Unit 5 1 Unit 7 1 Unit 8 1 Unit 9 I Unit 10
P. Use computers and calculators to access, retrieve, organize, process, maintain, interpret, and
evaluate data and information in order to communicate. (12.9-12.P)
Unit 4 I Unit 6
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Feb 14,2014 PL1W Standards and Objectives Alignment
L. Document processes and procedures and communicate them to different audiences using
appropriate oral and written techniques. (12.9-12.L)
Students will develop an understanding of and be able to
select and use infonnation and communication technologies.
Unit 1 1 Unit 2 I Unit 4 I Unit 5 I Unit 7 I Unit 8 , Unit 9 I Unit 10
K. The use of symbols, measurements, and drawings promotes a clear communication by providing
a common language to express ideas. (17.6-8.K)
Unit 2 1 Unit 4
]. The design of a message is influenced by such factors as intended audience, medium, purpose,
and the nature of the message. (17.6-8.])
Unit 1 1 Unit 2 1 Unit 4 1 Unit 8 I Unit 9 1 Unit 10
P. There are many ways to communicate information, such as graphic and electronic means.
Unit 1 1 Unit 2 I Unit 4 1 Unit 5 1 Unit 7 1 Unit 8 1 Unit 9 I Unit 10
Q. Technological knowledge and processes are communicated using symbols, measurement,
conventions, icons, graphic images, and languages that incorporate a variety of visual, auditory,
and tactile stimuli. (17.9-12.0)
Unit 9
M. Information and communication systems allow information to be transferred from human to
human, human to machine, machine to human, and machine to machine. (17.9-12.M)
Students will develop the abilities to assess the impact of
products and systems.
Unit 3 9/14
F. Design and use instruments to gather data. (13.6-8.F)
Unit 3
]. Collect information and evaluate its quality. (13.9-12.])
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Feb 14,2014 PL1W Standards and Objectives Alignment
International Technology Education Association. (2007). Standards for technological literacy. Reston,
Retrieved: February 14, 2014
Next Generation Science Standards
Middle School
Engineering Design
Unit 1 , Unit 7
MS-ETS1-1. Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to
ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts
on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions. (MS.ETS1.1)
Unit 1, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 7, Unit 8, Unit 9, Unit 10
MS-ETSl-2. Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well
they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem. (MS.ETS1.2)
Unit 1 , Unit 3 , Unit 5 , Unit 6 , Unit 7 [OPTIONAL], Unit 8 , Unit 9 , Unit 10
MS-ETSl-4. Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed
object, tool, or process such that an optimal design can be achieved. (MS.ETS1.4)
Unit 3 , Unit 10
MS-ETS1-3. Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design
solutions to identify the best characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to
better meet the criteria for success. (MS.ETS1.3)
Earth and Human Activity
Unit 9
MS-ESS3-3. Apply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing a human
impact on the environment.* (MS.ESS3.3)
High School
Engineering Design
Unit 4 , Unit 7 , Unit 9 , Unit 10
HS-ETSl-2. Design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down into smaller,
more manageable problems that can be solved through engineering. (HS.ETS1.2)
Unit 4 , Unit 7 , Unit 9 , Unit 10
HS-ETSl-3. Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world problem based on prioritized criteria and
Project Lead The Way, Inc. C2014 10/14
Feb 14,2014 PL111' Standards and Objectives Alignment
trade-offs that account for a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics,
as well as possible social, cultural, and environmental impacts. (HS.ETS1.3)
Unit 4 , Unit 7 , Unit 9 , Unit 10
HS-ETSl-4. Use a computer simulation to model the impact of proposed solutions to a complex
real-world problem with numerous criteria and constraints on interactions within and between
systems relevant to the problem. (HS.ETS1.4)
5th Grade
Matter and its Interactions
Unit 5
5-PS1-3. Make observations and measurements to identify materials based on their properties.
© 2011, 2012, 2013 Achieve, Inc. All rights reserved. NEXT GENERATION SCIENCE STANDARDS
and the associated logo are trademarks of Achieve, Inc.4
Retrieved: February 14, 2014
Common Core State Standards for
Mathematical Practice (HS)
Modeling With Geometry
-Apply Geometric Concepts In Modeling Situations
Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5, Unit 7, Unit 8, Unit 9, Unit 10
1. Use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects (e.g., modeling a
tree trunk or a human torso as a cylinder).* (G.MG.1)
Unit 5
2. Apply concepts of density based on area and volume in modeling situations (e.g., persons per
square mile, BTUs per cubic foot).* (G.MG.2)
Unit 5 , Unit 7 , Unit 9 , Unit 10
3. Apply geometric methods to solve design problems (e.g., designing an object or structure to
satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost; working with typographic grid systems based on
ratios).* (G.MG.3)
Geometric Measurement And Dimension
-Explain Volume Formulas And Use Them To Solve Problems
Project Lead The Way, Inc. ©2014 11! 14
Feb 14,2014 PL1W Standards and Objectives Alignment
Unit 3
3. Use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems.* (G.GMD.3)
-Visualize Relationships Between Two-Dimensional And Three- Dimensional Objects
Unit 5 1 Unit 7
4. Identify the shapes of two-dimensional cross-sections of three- dimensional objects, and identify
three-dimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects. (G.GMD.4)
Number and Quantity
-Reason Quantitatively And Use Units To Solve Problems.
Unit 3 I Unit 4 [PREVIEW]
1. Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems;
choose and interpret units consistently in formulas; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in
graphs and data displays. (N.Q .1)
Unit 3 I Unit 4 [PREVIEW]
2. Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. (N.Q .2)
Unit 3 1 Unit 7
3. Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on measurement when reporting quantities.
(N.Q .3)
Creating Equations
-Create Equations That Describe Numbers Or Relationships
Unit 3
3. Represent constraints by equations or inequalities, and by systems of equations and/or
inequalities, and interpret solutions as viable or non- viable options in a modeling context. For
example, represent inequalities describing nutritional and cost constraints on combinations of
different foods. (A.CED.3)
Unit 4 [PREVIEW] 1 Unit 8
2. Create equations in two or more variables to represent relationships between quantities; graph
equations on coordinate axes with labels and scales. (A.CED.2)
Unit 4 [PREVIEW] 1 Unit 5
4. Rearrange formulas to highlight a quantity of interest, using the same reasoning as in solving
equations. For example, rearrange Ohm's law V = IR to highlight resistance R. (A.CED.4)
Unit 5 I Unit 8
1. Create equations and inequalities in one variable and use them to solve problems. Include
equations arising from linear and quadratic fu nctions, and simple rational and exponential functions.
Reasoning With Equations And Inequalities
-Solve Equations And Inequalities In One Variable
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