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Published by PUSAT SUMBER SK.St.MARY (M) LIMBAHAU PAPAR, 2020-11-20 19:59:09



1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


People who are afraid to fail can Procrastination is the seed of
never experience the joys of self-destruction.

- Matthew Burton


Except and expect positive things, Thoughts are like a flame: small
and that is what you will receive. thoughts produce small heat, and

big thoughts make an inferno.

- Lori Hard - Jim Lu

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Page 245
Great Quotes from Great Minds

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


Success is not all about money. If you don't think everyday is a
It's about having the resources great day, try going without one.
and the ability to live the life that
you have personally dreamed of. - Jim Evans

- Pete Zafra

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The body achieves what the To learn, you have to listen.
mind believes. To improve, you have to try.

Great Quotes from Great Minds - Thomas Jefferson


Page 246

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Even if something has just a one One of the most important princi-
percent chance of success, success ples of success is developing the
boils down to how fast you exhaust habit of going the extra mile.

your ninety-nine failures.

- Napoleon Hill


The meeting of preparation .ff %,
with opportunity generates the The philosophy of the rich versus
the poor is this: The rich invest
offspring we call luck. their money and spends what is
left; the poor spends their money
- Anthony Robbins
and invest what is left.
- Jim Rohn

Great Quotes froaem Great Minds Page 247

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

.......-.....-. ....-

Perfection is our goal; Vision plus desire equals reality.
excellence will be tolerated.

If you can dream it, you can do it. We must have courage to bet on
Your limits are all within yourself. our ideas, take the calculated risk,

and take action!

- Brian Tracy - Martin Brown

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 248

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Impossibility is an opinion, not A winner never stops trying.
a fact. - Tom Landry

Life is a state of mind; imagine The secret to success is to do
the one that you want, and common things uncommonly well.
then create it.

- John D. Rockefeller, Sr.

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 249

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


The surest way not to fail is to be Winners must have two things:
determined to succeed. definite goals, and a burning

desire to achieve them.

- Brad Burden

I don't know what my future The three P's of success: Passion,
holds, but I do know who holds Persistence, and Patience.

my future. - Doug Bronson

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 250

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

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Better is not something you wish, He has achieved success if he
it is something you become. has lived well, laughed often,

and loved much.

- Jim Rohn - Bessie Stanley

Of If you are successful, you may win
false friends and true enemies.
O11f mmmmv Succeed anyway.

True success is overcoming the
fear of being unsuccessful.

- Paul Sweeney - Mother Theresa

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Page 251

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

J What is success? I think it is M

a mixture of having a flair for the

thing that you are doing; knowing

that it is not enough, that you must

have hard work and a certain No one lives long enough to

sense of purpose. learn everything they need to

- Margaret Thatcher learn starting from scratch. To

;bs '% Of be successful, we absolutely,

positively have to find people

J-1 who have already paid the price
to learn the things that we need
Some of the best lessons we ever
learn are learned from past to learn to achieve our
mistakes. The error of the past is
the wisdom and success of

the future.

- Dr. Dale Turner - Brian Tracy

-- - ----- --- '

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 252

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

If you can't find the key to Yesterday's failures are today's
success, pick the lock. seeds that must be diligently

planted to be able to abundantly
harvest tomorrow's success.

Some people succeed because they Forget about the consequences of

are destined to, but most people failure. Failure is only a tempo-

succeed because they are rary change in direction to set you

determined to. straight for your next success.

IGreat Quotes from Great Minds - Denis Waitley

Page 253

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


You don't pay the price for It takes a person who is
success. You enjoy the price wide-awake to make his

for success. dream come true.

- Zig Ziglar - Roger Ward Babson

You gotta have a dream! If you What distinguishes us from one
don't have a dream how are you another is our dreams, and what
gonna make a dream come true? we do to make them come about.

- Oscar Hammerstein, II - Joseph Epstein

=1/ Page 254
Great Quotes from Great Minds

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Within our dreams and You must see your goals clearly
aspirations we find our and specifically before you can
set out for them. Hold them in
opportunities. your mind until they become

I, second nature.
- Les Brown

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Work like you don't need the

Set your goals high and don't money, love like you've never

stop until you get there. been hurt, and dance like

nobody is watching.

- Bo Jackson - Mark Twain

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Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 255

Author Biography

Thomas J. Vilord is a licensed Financial Advisor with Morgan Stanley
in the Cherry Hill, New Jersey office. Mr. Vilord has been serving
clients in the New Jersey and Philadelphia area for the past six years.

In addition to motivational speaking, Mr. Vilord is an active speaker on
investments and financial planning. To book a speaking engagement,

please call 1-800-676-2201, or to reach Mr. Vilord directly, call


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- Brian Tracy Co-Author #1I nrernationalBest-Setter -
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"This book isa compilation of some of the best "Tom's collection of quotes from top achievers
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-Jim Rohir
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