1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Opportunities are usually Don't be afraid of the space
disguised by hard work, so most between your dreams and reality.
people don't recognize them. If you can dream it, you can
make it so.
- Ann Landers - Belva Davis
--- If you proclaim it and believe it,
you will absolutely achieve it.
You don't have to be a fantastic hero
to do certain things to
compete. You can just be an
ordinary person, sufficiently
motivated to reach challenging goals.
- Sir Edmund Hillary
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 95
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Luck is when preparedness meets When you get into a tight Placem
opportunity. and everything goes against you, until
it seems as though you could not hang
- Earl Nightingale
on a minute longer, it is then when
'A you should never give up, for that is
just the place and time when the tide
will turn.
bQ 1%- Harriet Beecher StoweA.Vr
It takes no more effort to expect Begin somewhere; you can't
the best, than to fear for the worst. build a reputation on what
It's healthier, more productive, you intend to do.
and a lot more fun.
- Philip E. Hambert, Ph.D. -L~~ - Liz Smith
1ii s
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 96
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
It had long since come to my We cannot discover new oceans
attention that people of until we have the courage to lose
accomplishment rarely sat back and sight of the shore.
let things happen to them. They went
- Muriel Chen
out and made things happen.
=E- linor Smith
-ff %- The best way to predict your
future is to create it.
Dreams are renewable. No matter
what our age or condition, there
are still untapped possibilities
within us, and a new beauty
waiting to be born.
- Dr. Dale Turner
Great Quotes from Great Minds OMMZ==U
Page 97
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Hope sees the invisible, feels the It is our duty as men and women
intangible, and achieves the to proceed as though the limits of
our abilities do not exist.
- Charles Caleb Colton - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin I
It -A-
Life begets life. Energy creates Living never wore one out so
energy. It is by spending oneself much as the effort not to live.
that one becomes rich.
- Sarah Bernhardt - Anais Nin
. eA--
Great Quotes from (ireat Minds in Page 98
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
J It seems to me that we can Eo
never give up longing and wishing
Effort equals results.
while we are alive. There are
certain things we feel to be
beautiful and good, and we must
hunger for them always.
- George Eliot
If mmmmmmv
Sometimes life may seem like a Do your work with your whole
tunnel, endless and dark, but heart, and you will succeed
because there is so little
don't concentrate on the competition.
darkness. Concentrate on the
- Elbert Hubbard
light at the end, and you
will succeed.
A t-4 Page 99
Great Quotes from Great Minds
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Of J-M
Men of genius are admired, men of If you are not happy every
wealth are envied, men of morning when you get up, leave for
work, or start to work at home, and
power are feared, but only men
of character are trusted. are not enthusiastic about doing
- Zig Ziglar that, you will not be successful.
I, - Donald M. Kendall
I ====.a
You can change the way you feel When you believe in yourself and
by changing the way you think. dream big, anything is possible.
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 100
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Strength does not come from If you want your dreams to come
winning. Your struggles develop true then WAKE UP!
your strength. When you go
through hardship and decide not
to surrender, that is strength.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
A ==== a,
If you continue to work hard, Success is to stand in the presence
success will follow you. of God unashamed.
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 101
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success 1k
Success is not the position you If you always do what you've
stand, but the direction in which always done, you'll always be what
you look. you are now.
5 mmmk PI
A habit is like a cable: we weave a Life is too short to ponder the
thread of it everyday, and at last "what if's" and fear rejection.
we cannot break it - so we must
- T. Dufek
form good, positive, and
productive habits.
- Horace Mann
Great Quotes from Great Minds 'I
Page 102
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
What is fear? F= false, E= evi- To be number one, you have to
dence, A= appearing, R= real. train like you are number two.
Don't be afraid of any false
evidence and just do it.
"Withauit ecntinuoiu nereonal U
development, you are now all
that you will ever become,
Live your imagination, and hell starts when the person
not your history. you are meets the person you
could have been.
- Stephen Covy - Eli Cohen'
, ,
A= Page 103
Great Quotes from Great Minds
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Ambition is success's best friend. There is only one way to fail and
that is to quit.
% AF
Don't let your success of today lay If you want to win, go and meet
you into complacency for those who lost.
tomorrow. For that is the
worst form of failure.
- Og Mandino Page 104
Great Quotes from Great Minds
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
You can get everything you want It is no sin to attempt and fail.
if you help enough others The only sin is to not make
get what they want. the attempt.
- Zig Ziglar - Suellen Fried
L ====Ir
Your current conditions do not When you think big,
reflect your ultimate potential. your results are big.
- Anthony Robbins - Thomas J. Vilord
rah -
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 105
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Life is change; growth is optional. Everything changes when you
Choose wisely. change.
- Karen Kaiser Clark - Jim Rohn
'I I,
You don't have to be great to get The key to unlocking my potential
started, but you have to get started is within me. It is the power of
to be great. my thought, my vision, and
my commitment!
- Les Brown
'A 'ii,
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 106
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
I will...until.
Living itself is a risky business.
If we spent half as much time - Brian Tracy
learning how to take risks as we
spend avoiding them, we wouldn't
have so much fear in life.
- E. Paul Torrance
The best way to cheer yourself up The law of cause and effect:
is to cheer everybody else up. If you do what other successful
people do, you will eventually
- Mark Twain
get the results that other
successful people get.
- Brian Tracy
I= A,
Great Quotes from Great Minds
Page 107
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Dream big dreams. Only big A person with a clear purpose
dreams have the power to will make progress on even the
move men's souls. roughest road. A person with no
purpose will make no progress
- Marais Aurelius
even on the smoothest road.
- Thomas Carlyle
IL J a
I am the captain of my soul. I am When you start doing what you
the master of my fate. love to do, you will never work
another day in your life.
- William Henley - Brian Tracy
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 108
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
The harder I work, Continuous learning is the
the luckier I get. minimum requirement for
- James Thurber success in any field!
- Denis Waitley
I '-MMMW Self-discipline is the ability
to make yourself do what you
Thought is the original source of should do, when you should do it,
all wealth, all success, all material whether you feel like it or not.
gain, all great discoveries and
inventions, and all achievement.
- Claude M. Bristol - Elbert Hubbard
I =M=M=f' A ====J
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 109
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Nothing can take the DIa
persistence. Talent will not; nothing is
more common than unsuccessful men IWe need men who can dream of
things that never were.
with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded
- John F. Kennedy
genius is almost a proverb. Education
will not; the world is full of educated
The principle of competing is
derelicts. Persistence and determination against yourself. It's about
self-improvement, and being
alone are omnipotent. better than you were the day
Pi ^ .. GHA *1 Ai before.
- Steve Young
-1% - k&IIVInI I.Aotlugep,
I must create a system, or be
enslaved in another man's. I will
not reason and compare; my
business is to create.
- William Blake
L~ . - , -- , = .I,
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 110
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success I
In the middle of difficulty lies Nurture the dreams that will
opportunity. inspire you to go beyond
your limits.
- Albert Einstein
The mind quickly responds to Achievement comes when you
teaching and discipline. You can decide to live your possibilities!
make the mind give you back
anything you want.
- Norman Vincent Peale Page 111
Great Quotes from Great Minds
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
V WJI Exce...llence ... a-t-t-a--i-n--ed w-he---n- I.
i-s N
you care more than others think is
If you want to double your success wise; risk more than others think
rate, you need to dotible your is safe; dream more than others
failure rate. think is practical; expect more
than others think is possible.
- Thomas John IWatson, Sr. - Jim Gentil
bt A
`q -I,
Don't think problemn, think If you worry about yesterday's
opportunity.I failures, then today's
successes will be few.
A -N l
I AIGreat Quotes from Great Minds Pa2e 112
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
\o,F TThhpe hhiicsttoarrvy aoff tthhpe hhiuiimmkann 'k Success could be described as
50/50 - 50% vision and
race is the history of ordinary 50% action.
people who have overcome their
fears and have accomplished
extraordinary things.
- Brian Tracy
O'Rf mmmmmk IF Ik
Get enthusiastic and excited about
your dreams. This excitement is
Dreams are the reality of like a forest fire - you can smell it,
tomorrow. taste it, and see it from
a mile away.
- Dean Marshall - Denis Waitley
N-%k *RF414, 'a IN==
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 113
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
There will never be another now. The man who can drive himself
I will make the most of today. farther once the effort gets painful,
There will never be another me.
I will make the most of myself. is the man who will win.
- Robert H. Schuller - Roger Bannister
P.I6 Wha--t this Dower is I cannot %Iq, I,
-- e-v -
say. All I know is that it exists and it Every worthwhile
becomes available only when a man accomplishment, big or little, has
is in that state of mind in which he its stages of drudgery and
knows exactly what he wants and is
fully determined not to quit until triumph; a beginning, a struggle,
and a victory.
he finds it. - Ghandi
- Alexander Grahm Bell _,
ii 4 bE ,a
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 114
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
j mmmmv
The only good luck many great Obstacles don't have to stop you.
men ever had was being born with If you run into a wall, don't turn
around and give up. Figure out
the ability and determination to how to climb it, go through it, or
overcome bad luck.
work around it.
- Channing Pollock - Michael Jordan
Tholgolc ma I ===II
Knowing is not enough; You can't leave footprints in the
we must apply. sands of time if you are sitting on
you butt, and who wants to leave
Willing is not enough; buttprints in the sands of time!
we must do.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe b~ - Bob Moawad
1% PI
Great Quotes fromAGreat Minds Page 115
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Relentlessness and discontent are First say to yourself what
the first necessities of progress. you would be, then do what
you have to do.
- Thomas A. Edison - Epictetus
-If b -'A
Be all that you can be. There is no achievement
without goals.
- ARMY sloganla b, - Robert J. McKaine
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 116
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Don't start the day until you have V
it finished. Don't start the week
until you have it finished. Don't Never let the fear of striking out
start the month until you have it get in your way.
finished. Plan your day. - Babe Ruth
- Jim Rohn
k Af-
Be absolutely determined to enjoy There is always, always, always
what you do. something to be thankful for.
- Gerry Sikorski Page 117
Great Quotes from Great Minds
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
You don't just stumble into Life is too short to be little.
the future; you create your - Benjamin Disraeli
own future.
- Roger Smith
Do not go where the path may Of 'I
lead, go instead where there is no
Success seems to be largely a
path and leave a trail. matter of hanging on after
others have let go.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson - William Feather
1 d-
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 118
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Flaming enthusiasm, backed up
This one step, choosing a goal and by a horse sense and persistence, is
sticking to it, changes everything.
the quality that most frequently
- Scott Reed
makes for success.
&s - Dale Carnegie
If at first you don't succeed, Never confuse a single defeat with
skydiving is not for you. a final defeat.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
-%p Page 119
Great Quotes from Great Minds
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
You cannot have any success There is no failure only feedback.
unless you can accept failure.
- Robert Allen
- George Cukor
No dreamer is ever too small; no Believing in yourself is an endless
dream is ever too big. destination. Believing you have
failed is the end of the journey.
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 120
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Without goals and a plan to reach Consider the postage stamp: its
them, you are like a ship that has usefulness consists of sticking to
set sail with no destination. one thing until it gets there.
- Fitzhugh Dodson k - Josh Billings
Expect to succeed even before
you start. All winners, no matter
what their game, start with the
A thousand mile journey begins expectations that they are going to
succeed. Winners say, "I want to do
with one step.
this and I CAN do this",
not "I would like to do this,
h, - Lao Tsu but I don't think I can".
- Denis Waitley
I la
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 121
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
D Conlk: There is no telling " j
what you can do when you get PI
inspired by them. There is no Aim for the top, for there is plenty
of room up there. There are so
telling what you can do when few at the top it is almost
lonely there.
you believe in them. There is no
telling what will happen when you PI
act upon them.
aI, - Jim Rohn9, -
Failure? I never encountered it.
All I ever met were Some people dream of success,
temporary setbacks. while others wake up and work
hard at it!
- Dottie Walters A
Was 'I
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 122
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
The closer one gets to the top, the 11 mmmmm
more one finds that there is no top.
May the pain you have known and
- Nancy Barcus the conflict you have experienced
give you the strength to walk
through life facing each new
situation with courage and
You must have long-term goals to The future belongs to those
keep you from being frustrated by who believe in the beauty of
short-term failures. their dreams.
- Charles C. Noble - Elanor Roosevelt
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 123
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Never give up on what you really
You are successful the moment want to do. The person with big
you start moving toward a dreams is more powerful than the
worthwhile goal. one with all of the facts.
- Quote from Life's Little
- Charles Carlson Instruction Book 'A
k AV s
I ====IF
What you get by achieving your Never underestimate the potential
goals is not as important as and power of the human spirit.
what you become by achieving
your goals.
- Zig Ziglar
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 124
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Learn to listen. Opportunity Great minds have purpose, while
sometimes knocks very softly. others just have wishes.
- Washington Irving
o-0f Our goals can onn1lyv bhe %%,
reached through a vehicle of a If I have correct goals and I keep
plan, in which we must fervently pursuing them the best way I
believe, and upon which we must know how, everything falls into
vigorously act. There is no other line. If I do the right thing,
route to success. I am going to succeed.
- Stephen A. Brennan - Dan Dierdorf
1% -= FK
Great Quotes froimnGreat Minds Page 125
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
O- Oe}-
From a certain point onward Decide what you want, and decide
what you are willing to exchange
there is no longer any turning for it. Establish your priorities
back. That is the point that must and go to work.
be reached. - H.L. Hunt
'N%, - Franz Kafka at
P1 MV Dhi-I-oso- *nhv--' in li
Nothing can stop the man with if we make up our mind what we
the right mental attitude from are going to make of our lives,
achieving his goal; nothing on then work hard toward that goal,
earth can help the man with the we never lose - somehow we
wrong mental attitude. win out.
- Thomas Jefferson bd - Ronald Reagan
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 126
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
IF '%I,
By recording your dreams and
goals on paper, you set in motion Begin with the end in mind.
the process of becoming the person - Stephen Covy
you most want to be. I ===.J
- Mark Victor Hansen
-% \ 4r1-
Opportunity does not knock; Everyone has a fair turn to be as
it presents itself when you beat great as he pleases.
down the door.
- Kyle Chandler - Jeremy Collier
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 127
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
" An emDowered oranz - aI I- -- -1
At--x- -- -- - 8-- A
The man who succeeds is the one
is one in which individuals have who seizes the moment.
the knowledge, skill, desire, and
opportunity to personally succeed
in a way that leads to
organizational success.
- Stephen Covy
w X4
Goals that are not written down Set your goals high enough to
are just wishes. inspire you and low enough to
encourage you.
.. ... . ......... -.- I '4,
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 128
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
If a person gets his attitude
towards money straight, it will
You'll never achieve your dreams straighten out almost every
if they don't become goals. other area in his life.
1 a - Billy Graham
Ii F
Ability is what you are capable of Only those who dare to fail greatly
doing. Motivation determines can ever achieve greatly.
what you do. Attitude determines
how well you do it.
- Lou Holtz - Robert Francis Kennedy
A Great Quotes from Great Minds if
Page 129
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
It is time for us all to stand and II -1
cheer for the do'er, the achiever
f a%
- the one who recognizes the
challenge and does something Someone has defined genius as
intensity of purpose: the ability to
about it. do, the patience to wait. Put these
- Vince Lombardi
together and you have
- Leo J. Muir
O- K 'I0 --
Achievement is largely the product Do not let what you cannot do
of steadily raising one's levels of interfere with what you can do.
aspirations and expectations.
- John Wooden
ยข.-, Page 130
Great Quotes from Great Minds
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Opportunity often comes It still holds true that man is most
disguised in the form of misfor- uniquely human when he turns
tune obstacles into opportunities.
or temporary defeat.
N- - Eric Hoffer
Let your heart soar as high as it Challenge yourself all the days of
will. Refuse to be average. your life.
- A.W. Tozer MOMMONN=
'"'_t Page 131
Great Quotes from Great Minds
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
The more you seek security, the Success is a journey, not a
less of it you have. The more you destination.
seek opportunity, the more likely it
will be that you will achieve the - Ben Sweetland
security you desire. '% &I
- Brian Tracy
Desire is the key to motivation,
What seems impossible one but it's the determination and
minute, through faith, becomes commitment to an unrelenting
pursuit of your goal, a commiment
possible the next. to excellence, that will enable you
- Norman Vincent Peale to attain the success you seek.
- Marrio Andretti
L - ===111Ir
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 132
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Success is not permanent, neither Determination is the wake up call
is failure. to the human will.
- Dell Crossword - Anthony Robbins
There is no limit to what a man Unless you are willing to try, fail
can achieve if he so believes this. miserable, and try again, success
won't happen.
- Thomas J. Vilord - Phillip Adams
Ah Page 133
Great Quotes from Great Minds
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
-. &q mmmm~
An unfailing success plan: at each
day's end, write down the six most
Act as though it is impossible important things to do tomorrow;
to fail.
number them in order of
importance, and DO them.
No planning will work unless
we take action.
'A 4,
The more goals you set, Man is always more than he can
the more goals you get. know of himself; consequently, his
accomplishments, time and again,
will come as a surprise to him.
-Mark Victor Hansen - Golo Mann
I' I1
= r'I
Great Quotes from Great Minds
Page 134
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success VV
-,I Truusstt vyourself.- Create the \%, 'ff
kind of person that you will be
happy with all your life. Make the
most of yourself by fanning the Failure is a success if we
tiny inner sparks of possibility into learn from it.
flames of achievement.
- Foster C. McClellan - Malcolm Forbes
A AA, ...
The truth of the matter is that thf,e,rree is nothing you can't accomplish
if you clearly decide what it is tht ait you are absolutely committed to
achieving, you are willing to take mrnaassssiive action, and you continue to
change your approach until you a(chiieve what you want, using whatever
life gives yotu along the way.
I- Anthony Robbins
GrQeauottes~~f..rmGea1id-Pg 3
Page 135
Great Quotes from Great Minds
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
For every problem there is an jW
The will to win, the desire to suc-
ceed, the urge to reach your full
potential.. .these are the keys that
will unlock the door to
personal excellence.
- Eddie Robinson
II~ %
Nothing splendid has ever been
The harder you fall, the higher achieved except by those who
dared to believe that something
you bounce. inside them was superior
to circumstances.
b~ - Bruce BartonId
Page 136
=====off A4
Great Quotes from Great Minds
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
If God shuts one door, another Our reach should exceed
door opens. our grasp.
- Irish Proverb I 1g
We must leave our mark on our or
life while we have it in our power.
If you want to succeed and
prepare to do so, you WILL
achieve your dreams.
- Isak Dinesen
A, r
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 137
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
We all have the gift of unlimited God's gifts put man's best dreams
potential. to shame.
.. I. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
- - -- -- - - - - -/T
The key to will power is Joy is when anticipation meets
want power. People who want action.
something bad enough can usually
find the will power to achieve.
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 138
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
D. MvIo will shall shaDe my future. > 'I
- .,
Believing that you can is half the
Whether I fail or succeed shall be no battle.
man's doing but my own. I am the Aa
force; I can clear any obstacle before
me, or I can be lost in a maze. My
choice, my responsibility, win or lose,
only I hold the key to my destiny.
1., - Elaine MaxwellO
Within us are the seeds of Choose your dreams and leave
triumph or defeat. your doubts behind.
Which seeds will you plant?
- Longfellow Page 139
Great Quotes from Great Minds
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Embrace life, have confidence in J11
yourself, take action.
Your thoughts become your
P words. Your words become your
actions. Your actions become your
habits. Your habits become your
character. Your character
becomes your destiny.
.F I&
Take a moment to reflect and Seek not outside yourself for
recharge; its time well spent. success lies within.
I' - Mary Lou Cook
Great Quotes from Great Minds Iv
Page 140
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Without continual growth Every great achievement was once
and progress, such words as considered impossible.
improvement, achievement, and
success have no meaning.
- Benjamin Franklin
Nothing is as real as a dream. You are on the road to success
Have the courage to reach for it. when you realize that failure is
only a detour.
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 141
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
. ...............
Never give up?on a dream just Happy are those who dream
because of the Itime it will take to
dreams and are willing to pay the
accomplish iit. The time will
pass. anyway. price to make them come true.
MMMMMMM ~ J mmm4
Success is detiermined by those Success is the sum of small efforts
who prove tiie impossible to repeated day in and day out.
be p ossible.
- James W. Pence - Robert Collier
kh. I
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 142
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Try not to become just a man of Great work is done by people who
success, but rather try to become a are not afraid to be great.
man of value.
- Albert Einstein - Fernando Flores
N -----F A .11.=1114,,
If you want a thing done well, In order to attain the impossible,
do it yourself. one must attempt the impossible.
- Napoleon Bonaparte - Miguel de Cervantes
\-F M tF
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 143
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success mm
Hunker down! Whatever you are, be a good one.
- Steve Johnson - Abraham Lincoln
N..... - ...... . .. ........
The only real failure is the one Difficulties mastered are
from which we learn nothing. opportunities won.
- John Powell - Winston Churchill
- .1 ... ..... Page 144
Great Quotes from Great Minds