Palladium Books® Presents:
Rifts® WorldBook33:
Rifts® NorthernGun™ 1
& KevinSiembieda
Violence, War, Magic & the Supernatural
The fictional worlds o Ri ts are violent deadl and filled it aliens ar and supernatural on-
sters. Ot er-di ensional eings often referred to as de ons tor ent stal and pre on u ans. lien
life for s onsters va pires g osts ancient gods and de igods as ell as agic insanit ps c ic
po ers and co at are all ele ents in t is oo . All of it is fiction.
So e parents a find t e violence agic and supernatural ele ents of t e ga e inappropriate for
oung readers pla ers. e suggest parental discretion.
Please note t at none of us at Palladiu Boo s condone or encourage t e occult t e practice of
agic t e use of drugs or violence.
Ri ts World Book 33
Northern Gun™ One
Ri ts Northern Gun One is an epic orld Boo t at contains a ealt of infor ation c aracters locations O.C.C.s
ro ots and eapons fro t e largest ar s dealer and independent anufacturer on t e continent Northern Gun .
! In-depth look at Northern Gun its robots stores politics and operations
! 0 NG weapons old and new
! NG giant combat and exploration robots Described in detail
! Many new robot weapon systems and eatures including alternative power supplies anti-monster gear and experi-
mental weapons
! Northern Gun reighter ships and hovertrains
! Notable cities and people o the Ishpeming Republic Northern Gun
! NG O s police specialists and NG Mercenary army
! The NG Bounty Board the largest collection o bounties and mercenary contracts anywhere on Ri ts Earth
! ey locations people and dangers around Northern Gun
! Northern Gun s relationship with the S and other nations
! 4 pages written by Matthew lements and evin Siembieda
An epic sourcebook or the Rifts® series
ompatible with the entire Palladium Books Megaverse
Dedication from Matthew
This book is dedicated to the people of Michigan; in the past, present, future and all the various realities of the Megaverse. Geography
shaped us like a mitten, politics gave us a beautiful second peninsula, and people have built a state that both Palladium Books and I are
proud to call home. It was a privilege to breathe life into such a pivotal player on the world of Rifts Earth, a task that I enjoyed immensely
both as a writer and as a fan. I only hope you all have as much fun exploring Northern Gun as I did.
– Matthew Clements, August 2013
Dedication from Kevin
To the millions of Rifts® fans. Your love and support is what kept us going during the worst of times, and keeps us striving to do
our best, always.
– Kevin Siembieda, August 2013
The cover, by Charles Walton, depicts the immediate aftermath of a battle between a hostile dragon and a Northern Gun mercenary
company armed with NG combat robots and power armor. The location, a remote part of Upper Michigan.
First Printing – October 2013
No part of this publication may be scanned, OCRed, reproduced or distributed in any way for electronic publication on the web/
internet or any other medium.
Copyright 2013 Palladium Books Inc. & Kevin Siembieda
All rights reserved, worldwide, under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole,
in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews. All incidents, situations,
institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or persons living or dead, is
strictly coincidental.
Rifts®, The Rifter®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Phase World®, Splicers®, Coalition Wars®, Af-
ter the Bomb®, RECON®, Nightbane®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game® and Palladium Books® are registered trademarks
owned and licensed by Palladium Books Inc. and Kevin Siembieda.
Anti-Monster, Archie-Bot, Archie Three, Arzno, Baby Boom Gun, Boom Gun, Bandito Arms, BigBore, Bio-Armor, Biomancy,
Biomancer, Bio-Constructs, Biomancer Gene-Mage, Bio-Wizard, Blind Warrior Women, ‘Bot, ‘Borg, ‘Burb, Brodkil, Chaos Earth,
Chicago Network, Chi-Town, City Rat, Coalition States, CS, Coalition State of El Dorado, Colorado Baronies, Combat Cyborg, Com-
ing of the Rifts, Crazy, Cyber-Doc, Cyber-Knight, Dead Boy, Deluded Vampire, Doc Reid, Dog Boy, Dog Pack, Dinosaur Swamp,
Dyna-Bot, E-Clip, Elemental Fusionist, Emperor Prosek, Erin Tarn, Federation of Magic, Free Quebec, Gargoyle Empire, Glitter Boy,
Great Cataclysm, Gunbot, Gunwolf, Headhunter, Horune Pirates, Hunter Mobile Gun, Iron Heart, Juicer, Lazlo, Lemurian, Le Marche
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Melter, Mobile Medical Robot, Multibot, Naruni, Naruni Enterprises, Naut’Yll, NGR, New German Republic, New Navy, Northern
Gun, Okemos Explorer, Pecos Empire, Psi-Stalker, Psyscape, Psykes, Reid’s Rangers, Rifts Earth, Rift Runner, Secondary Vampire,
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Wilk’s, Xiticix, Mega-Damage, M.D.C., S.D.C., I.S.P., P.P.E., and other names, titles, initials, characters, character likenesses, and
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Palladium Online: – also visit us at
Rifts® Northern Gun™ One – A Rifts® World Book is published by Palladium Books Inc., 39074 Webb Court, Westland, MI
48185-7606. Printed in the USA by McNaughton & Gunn.
Palladium Books® Presents:
Rifts® World Book 33:
Northern Gun™ One
Conceived by: Matthew Clements
Written by: Matthew Clements & Kevin Siembieda
Additional Writing & Ideas:
Carl Gleba
Carmen Bellaire
Charles Walton
Editors: Alex Marciniszyn
Wayne Smith
Kevin Siembieda
Proofreader: Julius Rosenstein
Cover Illustration: Charles Walton
Interior Artists:
Amy L. Ashbaugh
Wayne Breaux Jr.
Mark Dudley
Kevin Long
Allen Manning
Brian Manning
Michael Mumah
Tanya J. Ramsey
Benjamin Rodriguez
Charles “Chuck” Walton II
Art Direction: Kevin Siembieda
Typography and Layout: Wayne Smith
Based on the RPG rules, writings, characters, settings,
concepts and Megaverse® created by Kevin Siembieda.
Special Thanks to Matthew Clements for his ideas and wonderful words, to Carl Gleba and Carmen Bellaire
who are always an inspiration, to Chuck Walton whose imagination and artistry sends my own imagination into
overdrive, to all of Palladium’s incredible artists, Chuck, Mike, Mark, Brian, Allen, Tanya, Ben, Mike, and Amy,
and to the Palladium crew, Alex, Wayne, Kathy, Julius and Jeff, all of whom have made this book, and so many
others, a reality.
– Kevin Siembieda, 2013
Megaverse® Insiders Morehead, Kevin Myers, Warren Nelson, David Nemoseck, Evan
Odensky, Joe Oertly, Michael J Osborne, Charles Pickering, Ryan
Inside Help Rawlings, Bradley Reeser, Michael Kyle Rose, Michael Sausaman,
Steven Schlosser, William Shaffer, Ross Simmerman, Ed Surrett,
Juan Baez, Nathaniel Baker, Ben Bingham, Steven Brewington, Nate Swalve, Daniel “OGRE” Thomas, Gregory John Ullman, D.
Amanda Butka, Rosalena Butka, Dan DeLuca, Andrew Gillespie, Vroman, Nicky Warren, Steven Whittredge, Chris Williams, Dr.
Steven A Hauser, Paul Herbert, Nathan Jacobus, Steven Lambert, Winston, Joseph A Yerger
Frank Loose, Jason Martin, Colin McBride, Jacob Postlewaite, Mel
Primus, Sean Reed, Martin Schultz, Frank Uhrmann Steel Insiders
In Memoriam Kristopher Akers, Brandon K. Aten, Scott Banzhaf, Anthony
Barrios, Mathew Bollman, Stan Chesser, Michael Copeland, Jeff
Susan A Beasley, Anne Brett, Lee Carroll, Michael Collins, Ste- Costello, Jason DeLong, Cody Dobbs, Robert Dugan, Brett Easter-
ven Glenwood Knorr, Jason Lee, Bill “Shepherd” Sheets, Jeanette brook, Michael Gale, Dale Gifford, James L. Giltz, Brian Hatherly,
Spahr Richard “Fathom” Hill, Dennis Hughes, Iscerus, Dave Keiger, David
Klett, Jason Lamb, Aaron Leonard, Kris Main, Stephen McDonald,
A Real Character Tribute Jason Mendoza, Blake Moorcroft, Scott Norman 783, Kris Perlock-
Campeau, Michael Pointer, Allan “ZeroArmour” Randall, Mathew
Big Bubba, Mega Juicer, Daventhalas de Mont Hault, Jack Chri- Robertson, John Santa Barbara, Edward Sauerland, Shaun Savage,
ax, Jirad Crocker, Kasha “Night Shard” Morimoto, Leon “Captain Jeff Schuler, Dave Waller, Isaac Xavier-Santos, Zyxiger
Guam” Martinez, Lord Silverthorn, Martean Mursi, Melena Alys’ka
of Jages Clan, Papa Zen, Sakura Hayase, The Great Mysterious Tat- Steel-Plus Insiders
tooed One King Zarchron
Doug Buhlman, Eric Canapini, Rob Daily, Erich Eisenmenger,
Cyber-Insiders Jeffery Gilbert, Kenneth Gunther, Howard Holland, Torrey Jones,
Shawn Kennedy, John King, Bonnie Krueger, Chadd J Leath, Arnal-
Sabrina Akins, Chris Altobelli, Thomas Andary, Andrew An- do Lefebre, Timothy Letts, Branden Loizides, Mangels, Jason Mc-
tolick, Damon Armstrong, Nathaniel Baker, Michael Barakofsky, Quain, Tyvernos Oriflamme, John Polack, Kerry “DeadFall” Reed,
Benjamin Barbre, Nathan Bingham, Benjamin Bonds, James Briggs, James Eric Ritchie, David Rogers, Wade Rohl, Thaddeus Ryker,
Jeff Bunde, Brent Burnett, Barry Buse, Anthony Casab, Bruno Cer- Dave Simmens, Will Sproul, Erik Stewart, Chris Thomas, Charles
belaud, James Chance, Oswin Chang, Frederic Christie, Phillip A Viaud, Shepard Williams, Stanley Woo, Steven Yeung
Compher, Mike Creelman, Donald Dalton, Matthew Daye, Greg Di-
aczyk, Jason Domke, Bryan Downing, Kevin Dyal, Stewart Easton, Top Insiders
Robert Edmunds, Michael Estrada, Jeff Farrar, Curtis Fielder, Allan
Fierro, Brandon Fong, Glenn Francis II, John Frederick, Daniel Gar- Peter Adams, Eric Auger, Chris Axtell, Randy P. Belanger, BGJP
za, Scott Gibbons, Scott Goric, James Grey, Ron Guest, Kimihiro Gaming, Rob Byrne, Steven Carroll, Brent Casavant, Jason Chap-
Hamaura, Craig Hammer, Jonathan Harris, Jacob Healey, Alexander man, Jason Cogshall, Glenn Cole, Jonathon E. Conroy, Jim Cross,
Heck, Paul Herbert, James Holt, David A Hughes, Charles Huighe, Dayton DeFoe, Robb Dunn, Jason Dvorchak, Bryan Ellis, Marc Fer-
Michael Ivie, Sean Jenkins, Jeff Jensen, Michael Johnson, Neil rari, Father Morpheus, Fillinger, Trevor Fitch, Travis S. Guerrero
Johnson, Alan Jones, Demetrius Karanikolas, Nolen Keith, James (Prysus), Jeremy D. Helton, John Kallil, Stephen B. Keith, Dennis
Kenagy, Chris Kluge, James Koski, Ralph Lajara, Magnar Laksa, Kelley, Andrew Kelsoe, Scott Kendrick, Derrick Landwehr, Jorel
Seth Lamble, David N Lang, Scott Leopold, Brian Lindholm, Joseph J. Levenson, Christina Liu, Jonathon Lovejoy, Dylan Lundrigan,
MacIsaac, Michael Macolley, Jeffery Martin, Luis Martinez, Ben- Ryan Mahoney, Charles J. McComb, III, Ryan McDaniel, Daniel
jamin Mason, Sara McLauchlan, Peter Melendez, Frederick Meyer, Ogle, Ramzie Othman, Donovan Pankratz, Richard J. Perez, Orion
Peter Michalenka, Chris “Wolff” Miller, Frank Mitchell, David A Pobursky, Peter Porcaro Jr., Benoit Provencher, Redapple, Ammon
Moffatt, Thaddeus Moore, Christopher Murray, Aaron Nelson, Mat- Redman, Albert Rosado, Doug Roy, Michael Satran, Frederick R.
thew Newton, Becky Northaven, Joseph Olewnicki, leigh O’Neil, Seibel 5th, Ian Small, Peter Smith, David Snell, Cory Sommer, Larry
Michael Ong, Brandon Pack, Pepsi Jedi, Jeff Peterson, Victor Peter- Todd Stanley, Chris Steinbrenner, Robert Steiner, Lawson Steven-
son, James Plowman, Melissa Powell, Jeff Reade, Michael Reagin, son, Mike Sykes, Brian Terrill, David Thompson, Ryan Thomsen,
Stephen Schneider, Thomas Schrupp, Trent Slater, Michael Smith, Jason M. Volinsky, Christopher Wilmer, Matthew Wood
Michael Strom, Chad Trantham, H. E. Werkheiser, Ryon Wiebens,
Jason Williamson, Matthew Wontroba, Jeff Woodman Ultimate Insiders
Palladium Insiders Benjamin Barton, Joshua Hill, Shayn Lavender, Douglas Rood,
James Walker
Dylon Amerasinghe, Jeremy Berkowitz, Brendan Blackmer,
Rick Bray, Connor A. Brown, Vernon Brown, Brent Burnett, Ste- Benefactors
phen Butka, Eric Campion, David Chittim, Gregory John Clark,
Cory Crandall, Eric Crump, Stephen Daniel, Jeremy Davis, Greg Derek Boudreaux, Lucas Buck, Terrence Carter, Kerry Cook,
Diaczyk, Timothy Dixon, Brett Easterbrook, Carl J. Gleba, John David Dunham, Ryan Fuerst, Shawn Johnson, John Klinkel, Todd
Guibert, Denny “Kegleneq” Ham, Hendrik Harterich, Josh M Ka- Spencley, Brad Whitcomb
plan, Thomas Karras, Chris Kluge, Nick Krupar, Chad Lasecki,
Patrick Le Houllier, Jeff A Lee, Russell Lenhares, James Lukow, Ultimate Benefactor
Maffy, Jeff Maltby, David Marble, Wayne Maynard, James McDon-
ald, William McGoldrick, Casey Michels, Thomas Molen, Trevor Federico Franceschi
Our sincere apologies to anyone whose name was misspelt.
Rifts® Northern Gun Contents Other Areas of Northern Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
A note about building size & security . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Northern Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
The History of Northern Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Downtown Northern Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
The Mall of Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
The Alliance with the CS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Ed’s Used Vehicle Emporium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Northern Gun, 109 P.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The Operators’ Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
The Hovertrain Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
The Republic of Ishpeming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Vanderman Castle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Manistique Imperium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 NGMI Central Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
NG’s Current Priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Otherworldly Animal Reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Overall Tech Levels in North America . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 The Ishpeming Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Additional Tech Manufacturers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Northern Gun Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Map of Upper Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
NG Brand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Fort Sawyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Non-Contract Employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Marquette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Employees of Northern Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Pride and Corporate Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Naval Development Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
NG Factories & Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 The IM Highway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Northern Gun Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Trenary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Northern Gun’s Policy on Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Lake Michigan Coast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Techno-Wizardry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Escanaba – “MercBay” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Northern Gun Policy on D-Bees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 The Escanaba Docks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Spies, Theft & Corporate Espionage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Active Intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Purchasers and Resellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Naruni Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 The Discount Docks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Coalition States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Downtown Escanaba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Policy on Reverse-Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
The Reverse-Engineering Labs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 The Escanaba Robodome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
NG Research and Development Branch . . . . . . . . . . 19 Escanaba Airfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
The Research & Development Complex . . . . . . . . . . . 19 The Hub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Loss Prevention Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 NG Bounty Registry: Escanaba Office . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Andrea Callister, Chief LPO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
NG Trade Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Jailhouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Trade Council Positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Escanaba’s NG Corporate District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
The NGMI Credit System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 The Escanaba Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Northern Gun Retail Outlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Escanaba Coastal Defenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Showrooms and Warehouse Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
NG Returns Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Gladstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Northern Gun Foreign Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Stone Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Coalition States: Allies or Overlords? . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Menominee, “Pirate’s Point” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
The Black Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Map of Michigan & Surrounding Region . . . . . . . . . 52
Naruni Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Menominee Air Depot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
The Republic of Ishpeming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Wisconsin Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Cities of the Republic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 The Iron Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Welcome to Ishpeming, Home of NG . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Iron Mountain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Secure Storage Bunkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Ironwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
The Parking Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Iron Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Hovertrain Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Porcupine Mountains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
The Safe Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 The Michigan Lower Peninsula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Security Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Green Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Defensive Bunkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Plum Island Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
The City of Ishpeming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Washington Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
City Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 The Rest of Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Corporate District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Lake Superior & Northern Ishpeming . . . . . . . . . . . 58
NG Headquarters, Ishpeming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Houghton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Notable Corporate Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Keweenaw Peninsula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Apostle Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Ontonagon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Task Force X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
IMCN: Ishpeming Military Contract Network . . . . . . 62
Monthly Pay Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Common Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Weapon Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Contract Bidding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 NG-V50 Bigfoot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
IMCN School of Soldiery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Weapon Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Annual Mercenary Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Special Rapid-Fire Strafing Burst . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Notable Military Contractors of IMCN . . . . . . . . . . 66 Communications and Sensor Suite . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Big Money Militia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 AX-44 Bison Battler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
The Lakeguard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Light Flamethrower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Duckworth’s Marines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Blocker Combat Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
The Patrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Blocker Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
The NG Bounty Registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 NG-V32 Bruiser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Standard Bounty Registry Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 High-Impact Piston Arms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Other Common Bounties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 NG-V34 Buffalo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Notable Bounties Wanted Dead Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Twin Particle Beam Turrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Northern Gun O.C.C.s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 EX-20 Bulldog Explorer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Bush Pilot O.C.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Gunbot Robot-Killer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
NG Loss Prevention Officer (LPO) O.C.C. . . . . . . . . . . 78 Grenade Cannon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Monster Responder O.C.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Gunwolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
NG Police Officer O.C.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Dual NG-232 Rail Guns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Special Ammo Rounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Police Interceptor Rocket Bike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Wolf’s Head Weapon Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Light Police Power Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Wolf’s Howl Anti-Monster System . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
NG Robot Control O.C.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 NG-V67 Grizzly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
NG Sales Rep O.C.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Shoulder Flare Chaff Launchers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Freighter Traffic on the Great Lakes . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 HEX Grenades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Random Freighter Generation Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 3-D Camera & Holographic Projector . . . . . . . . . . 140
Step One: Ship Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Wooden Spike Thrower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Step Two: Shipping Vessel Armaments . . . . . . . . . . 90 Hunter Mobile Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Step Three: Ship’s Crew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Howitzer Rail Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Step Four: Ship’s Cargo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Hunter Moble Gun, Block IV Upgrade . . . . . . . . . . 143
Step Five: Presence of Cargo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Rail Gun Cannon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Tugboats & Lake Escorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 ‘Big Papa’ Mobile Medical Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Northern Gun Hovertrains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Utility Arms & Jaws of Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Hovertrain Locomotive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 M.D. Chainsaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Hovertrain Boxcars/Flatbed/Passenger Cars . . . . . . . . . 96 Sensor Arm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Hovertrain Weapon Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Finger Multi-Medical Scanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Random Hovertrain Generation Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Field Hospital Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Northern Gun Robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Nano-Robot Medical Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Alphabetical List of NG Combat Robots . . . . . . . . . . . 100 ‘Junior’ Mini-Mobile Medical Robot . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Standard Features of NG Robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Clamp Finger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Reinforced Pilot Compartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 ‘Original’ Multibot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Alternative Fuel Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Flying Hovercraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Scissor Launchers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Standard Solid Oxide Fuel Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 NG-M57-2N1 Megabot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cells . . . . . . . . . . . 102 M.D.C. of Combat Racer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Dangers and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Statistical Data Megabot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Converting Vehicles to Solid Oxide Fuel Cells . . . . . . . 102 Statistical Data Combat Racer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
NG’s Electric Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Heavy Ion Cannon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Beachmaster Amphibious Assault Robot . . . . . . . . . 103 Tactical Cameras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Heavy Flamethrower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 NG-EXC-17 Ogre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
M.D. Chainsaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Pop-Up Mini-Missile Launcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Electric Field Antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 EX-11 Okemos Explorer Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
EX-5 Behemoth Explorer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Heavy Machine-Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
EX-9 Behemoth Super-Explorer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 NG-EX-V50 Scorpion Battler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Super-X Features of Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Tail Multi-Weapon Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Other Notable Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Chainsaw Pincer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 NG-P7 Particle Beam Rifle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
NG-SE48 Sunfire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 NG-P9 Heavy Particle Beam Rifle (new) . . . . . . . . . . 202
NG-P85 Personal Particle Beam Cannon (new) . . . . . . . 203
Solar-Powered Laser Cannon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 NG Plasma Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Variable Bore Rail Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 NG-E4 Plasma Ejector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Holographic Decoys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 NG-E12 Heavy Plasma Ejector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
NG-V10 Super Labor Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 NG-E15 Pulse Plasma Ejector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
NG-8000 Super Max . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Rail Guns & Non-Energy Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Robot Handheld Rifle: Rail Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 NG-T9 Dart Tranquilizer Pistol (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Robot Handheld Rifle: Particle Beam . . . . . . . . . . . 178 NG-T12 Dart Tranquilizer Rifle (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Beehive Grenade Launchers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 NG-MC1 Mega-Crossbow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Command and Control Head/Pod . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 NG-B10 Bangstick (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
NG-V58 Thundercaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 NG-B20 Bangstick Hammer (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Variable Projectile Cannon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 NG-B30 Bangstick Staff (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
NG-V41 Viking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 NG-B40 Bangstick Anti-Vampire Weapon (new) . . . . . . 207
Automatic Grenade Launcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 NG-B50 Thunderer BigBore Combat Hammer (new) . . . . 208
NG-V39 Volcano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 NG-11S Sawed-Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Heatwave Emitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 NG-R50 Mini-Rail Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
NG Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 NG-101 Rail Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Northern Gun Production Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 NG-202 Rail Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
NG-33 Laser Pistol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 NG-303 Infantry Mini-Rail Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
NG-35 Heavy Laser Pistol (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 NG-404 Heavy Rail Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
NG-Super Laser & Grenade Pistol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 NG-505 Heavy Rail Cannon (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
NG-45LP Long Pistol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 NG-1001 Robot Rail Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
NG-LP25 Laser Pulse Submachine-Gun . . . . . . . . . . . 192 NG-R1002 Robot Rail Gun/Assault Rifle . . . . . . . . . . 212
NG-L5 Laser Rifle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 NG-101-ARG Automated Rail Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
NG-LG6 Laser Rifle & Grenade Launcher . . . . . . . . . . 193 Other Weapons & Ammo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
NG-SR3 Marksman Laser Sniper Rifle . . . . . . . . . . . 193 NG Specialty Rail Gun Ammunition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
NG-SL20 Sniper Laser Rifle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 NG Explosives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
NG-SSL20 Super-Sniper Laser Rifle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Seasnake Series Lasers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 NG Hand Grenades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
NG-SE3 Laser Emergency Side Arm (new) . . . . . . . . . 195 Plastique & Other Explosives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
NG-SE5 Laser Pistol (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Grenade Knife (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
NG-SE9 Sharpshooter Laser Pistol (new) . . . . . . . . . . 195 NG-GL10 Grenade Launcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
NG-SE14 Laser Burst Pistol (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 NG Mini-Missiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
NG-SE17 Laser Carbine (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 NG-ML6 Mini-Missile Launcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
NG-SE20 Laser Rifle (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 NG-ML7 Mini-Missiles Launcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
NG Solar Powered Lasers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 NG-Mines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
NG-UV1 Solar Powered Mini-Laser (new) . . . . . . . . . 197 NG Anti-Personnel Mines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
NG-UV4 Solar Powered Laser Pistol (new) . . . . . . . . . 197 NG Anti-Vehicle Mines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
NG-UV7 Solar Powered Laser Rifle (new) . . . . . . . . . 198 NG NM-3 Firefly Plasma Mine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Heavy Energy Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 NG NM-4 Claymore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
NG-H5 Holdout Ion Pistol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 NG NM-9 Plasmore Mine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
NG-56 Light Ion Pistol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 NG NMBS-11 Bio-Sensor Mine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
NG-57 Heavy Duty Ion Blaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 NG NM-12C Smart Scatter Mine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
NG-59 Ion Pistol & Grenade Launcher (new) . . . . . . . . 199 NG NMX-18 Stinger Anti-Flyer Mine . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
NG-IP7 Ion Pulse Rifle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Product Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
NG-IR5 Ion Rifle (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 NG Vibro-Blades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
NG Ion Scatter Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Dare to Imagine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
NG-I26 Ion Scatter Rifle (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Experience Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
NG-I8 Light Ion Scattergun (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Quick Find Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
NG-I13 Medium Ion Scattergun (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Also from Palladium Books® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
NG Particle Beam Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
NG-PB713 Particle Beam Pistol (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
NG-P5 Light Particle Beam Rifle (new) . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Northern Gun
and the Republic o Ishpeming
On all of Rifts art t ere is one co pan t at provides e uip- ed t eir product line it an e e to ards e uipping ercenaries
ent for ore ercenaries adventurers and independent soldiers and adventurers as ell as ilderness settlers and filling lucra-
t an an ot er Northern Gun. ile Triax a en o a virtual tive ilitar contracts. e ear P. . as seen t e unveiling
onopol in urope and t ere are state ar ies and alien corpo- of an i pressive arra of ne e ploration and co at ro ots
rations it ore advanced tec nolog it is t e infa ous and po er ar or and ve icles. ings t at NG ad een developing
an ould sa heroic Nort ern Gun t at do inates t e free for so e ti e.
ar et in North America. e produce ever t ing fro oots
and electric lanterns to co at ro ots and long-range issiles. Northern Gun is many things n ar s erc ant an eco-
Custo ers it distinguis ed tastes ave learned to associate t e no ic po er ouse an independent state a Blac ar et col-
Nort ern Gun rand na e it sturd relia le e uip ent t at la orator and a strong old of u anit . it out t e illions of
can ta e a eating. n recent ears NG as dra aticall e pand- s all ar s and ilitar eapons and ve icles t e ave provided
over t e decades u anit s grip on Nort erica ould e
significantly reduced. Even the Coalition has purchased Northern Soon, Ishpeming became the seat of the loosely organized
Gun products in mass quantities and supports their stores and out- Kingdom of Ishpeming. Various “kings” appointed by the NG
lets to a limited degree. The corporate entity that is NG has grown Trade Council would officially rule, but it was Northern Gun,
so powerful that it has eclipsed the state of Ishpeming that gave the corporation, that they served, and continue to serve. NG is
it birth. Many of the average folk encountered in North America the real power behind the central government, and the NG Trade
will be confused when asked about “Ishpeming,” but all know the Council is the executive branch. As a result, profits are a state
Northern Gun name in an instant. Next to the Coalition Death’s concern and market shares are brought up at every legislative as-
Head symbol, the Northern Gun “NG” logo is the most recogniz- sembly. The adventurers, travelers and refugees who have pur-
able image on the continent, even to the completely illiterate. chased goods at Northern Gun, and the endless shipments of arms
and equipment sent round the continent, have made the company
The History of Northern Gun rich and famous.
During the Dark Age, mankind teetered on the brink of ex- The rise of the Coalition States has done little to reduce NG’s
tinction. Strange new forces had come to dominate the world and market presence. In fact, many scholars believe that without the
there was little that could be done to stop them. What defenses pressure of the Coalition on so many of Northern Gun’s custom-
mankind did have were primarily based on technology, the weap- ers, NG’s products would not have been in such great demand,
ons and war machines left over from the Golden Age’s mastery nor would it have grown to be the power it is today. Many clients
of science. Those who hoarded these weapons were the only who purchase big-ticket military items, in particular, are looking
hope for desperate refugees and survivors and quickly became for something to combat, fend off or compete with the Coalition
centers of power. The Coalition States are built on the technologi- States. The CS undoubtedly sets the human technological stan-
cal bones of the old world, and the New German Republic could dard in North America, but Northern Gun is at worst, second,
never have stood up to the Gargoyle Empire without Triax In- and making progress swiftly as it advances countless research
dustries and its nearly intact pre-Rifts lineage. These two centers projects.
of preserved technology grew into great nations, the pinnacle of
human civilization on Rifts Earth. With the Campaign of Unity, Northern Gun and its neigh-
bor, the Manistique Imperium, both signed nonaggression pacts
There were other cities and kingdoms that grew out from the and limited alliances with the Coalition States. They have entered
cracks and crevices of the apocalyptic landscape. Far away from into trade agreements and now provide certain civilian products,
outside aid, forced to fend for themselves, they clung even more parts and tech to the much larger CS, adding more to their cof-
fiercely to the scraps of technology that had been left behind. Sur- fers. In return, they have received promises of military defense
vival depended on uncovering caches of abandoned equipment and support from the CS, as well as technological exchanges that
and reviving pre-Rifts plans and designs. Every kingdom had its have given them a glimpse of the Coalition’s futuristic wonders.
armory, its gunsmiths and engineers. The most successful even-
tually became something similar to actual corporations from ages The alliance with the CS has also had an effect on Northern
past. Gun’s relationship with its traditional customers. As part of the
treaty, Northern Gun has agreed to discontinue direct sales and
In Northern Michigan, just such an event was taking place. weapons shipments to Lazlo, New Lazlo, the Federation of Mag-
The secluded Upper Peninsula had weathered the magical storm ic and other states designated as “enemies of the Coalition.” Of
of the Great Cataclysm, thanks to being remote and without many course, this edict has had little or no effect on the secondary re-
nearby ley lines and nexus points to threaten it. Lightly populated sale market, but there has been a noticeable percentage decrease
even before the Coming of the Rifts, the Upper Peninsula was in the amount of Northern Gun products that kingdoms of magic
undergoing a kind of renaissance of new development and grow- have been able to get their hands on. Secretly, the Northern Gun
ing population when the Great Cataclysm struck and the Rifts Trade Council does allow shipments to be dispatched to magic-
appeared. There was much in the way of high technology to be using clients, but never on the books and always with a large
salvaged, especially at the sites of the region’s former universi- degree of subtlety. There are so many intermediaries, wholesalers
ties and high-tech design and manufacturing companies. and middlemen that tracking the ultimate destination of a particu-
lar shipment is often impossible. Likewise, a certain percentage
The dwindling survivors of the Golden Age banded together is hijacked by Black Marketeers, pirates and mercenaries, and
into cities and tiny kingdoms. In one Michigan city, Ishpeming, still ends up on the open market. (Actually, half of the “hijacked”
the remains of pre-Rifts mining and manufacturing giant North- shipments are purchased in secret, under the table, from NG.)
ern, Inc. became the roots of the Two Hundred Years Dark Age
weapons producer that would become known as Northern Gun. All in all, cooperation with the Coalition States creates many
It converted and rebuilt factories and managed to fight off the ad- more benefits for Northern Gun than it does hindrances, at least
vances of men and monsters alike. The demand for their products for the moment. Nobody believes NG has sold out to the CS, even
was so great that the factories might as well have been producing if Northern Gun does lip service to the Coalition.
gold out of thin air. As the only reliable source of the weapons
and vehicles that kept the denizens of the Rifts at bay, North- The biggest change has been increased pressure on D-Bees
ern Gun became so crucial that they used their position to place and practitioners of magic, which has caused the D-Bee popula-
corporate sovereignty above that of the local government. The tions to decline by 5.3 percent in Northern Gun’s large cities,
various city-states of the Upper Peninsula were forced to adhere especially Ishpeming itself. Few D-Bees have actually left “the
to the dictates of the NG Trade Council or lose access to the republic.” Instead they opt to live unobtrusively in one of North-
technology that kept them alive. ern Gun’s many smaller towns and keep a lower profile than they
once did. Frontier communities of D-Bees or where magic is no-
ticeable have always been part of Northern Gun, and the merce-
naries ired to protect t e countr rarel arass non- u ans or t ere as Nort ern Gun offering ope and ar a ents. Countless
ages. cities and u an ingdo s ould ave peris ed over t e long
Outrig t persecution of -Bees and agic practitioners at ears if not for NG. an still did. But t ose a le to trade it
Nort ern Gun and ac uire precious . . eapons fuel and sup-
Nort ern Gun is ore t eater t an real polic . ere is ore plies ad a fig ting c ance.
pu lic all oo and displa s as in actual signs t e occasional
ill oard and pu lic service announce ent a out t e dangers oug fa ous for its ar a ents Nort en Gun as al a s
of -Bees and agic ut it s all done it a in and a nod ade and sold asic goods li e generators tools uilding ate-
and t ere is little uscle put e ind an of it. ver one ut t e rials ve icles and ot er supplies t at a e survival possi le in
CS see s to e in on t e o e. n s ort -Bees and ages are as t e see ingl endless frontier t at Nort erica as eco e.
ven toda outside t e Coalition States Nort ern Gun is often
elco ed in Nort ern Gun as ever efore. NG is app to sell to t e onl a or anufacturer and sales outlet of note (t oug t e
t e or etter et t eir u an iddle an ro er an t ing t e Blac ar et is catc ing up). ere are ot er ar s sellers to e
can afford. Nort ern Gun ust insists it is no done in a discreet sure specialists li e il s as ell as ellington ndustries and
t e Blac ar et ut none can co pare to t e s eer range of
anner e ind closed doors and a a fro t e paranoid e es of products or availa ilit of Nort ern Gun. nd no od offers t e
t e CS. us en a visiting Coalition dignitar is in ears ot a ide range of eapons co at ro ots and ve icles.
-Bee ig t e s o n is a out t e front door it uc fan- is position as given Nort ern Gun virtuall unli ited con-
fare and apparent disdain ut sold t at ver ite at the back door trol over t e nation of s pe ing. Long ago ever a or ev-
at a - discount for is cooperation and inconvenience. er governor inor onarc gangster and local arlord it in
t e region ac uiesced to t e po er of t e Northern Gun corpo-
Northern Gun 109 P A ration. it no ot er source of eapons and a unition t e
“King and country? Try ‘nation and corporation’.” ere all dependent on t e ar s giant as a lifeline and to sever t at
lifeline ould leave t e e posed to an nu er of vile on-
f ou define fascis as t e co ination of state and corporate strosities or opportunistic raiders. a es and tri ute ere put in
po er one ig t t in t at Nort ern Gun is a fascist state. n place and efore long t e se lance of a state ad egun to ta e
realit o ever t e corporate ele ents are so uc ore po - s ape. ll overseen fro Nort ern Gun s corporate oardroo s.
erful t an t e supposed govern ent t at to call t e nation fas-
cist is unfair and inaccurate. t is a corporation it territorial ic igan s pper Peninsula ad al a s een a political ac -
oldings and citi ens. series of local govern ents rapped up ater an a and t e corporate s ste t at eventuall evolved
in a large co pan instead of a federal govern ent. e ulti ate into Nort ern Gun ad en o ed undue in uence over t e local
co pan to n. political process for ears even efore t e Co ing of t e Rifts.
Today Nort ern Gun is a assive corporation a political
uring t e ar ge t e industrial centers t at provided t e uggernaut and t e econo ic life lood of Nort erica. ile
eapons and ve icles t at ept t e invading deni ens of t e Rifts t e Coalition as a uc larger anufacturing ase and superior
at a eca e so crucial t at so e used t eir position to a ass tec nolog no nation or co pan co es close to Nort ern Gun
great ealt and po er. n ost cases t e eventuall eca e in anufacturing tec reputation or nu er of custo ers. Fro
one it traditional govern ents ut in s pe ing t e ig t t e Coalition States to t e Pecos pire and e ond fro er-
Nort ern Gun corporation clung to its sovereignt and enforced cenaries to practitioners of agic virtuall ever one in Nort
its ill over t e fe scraps of local governance t at could even
atte pt to resist it. r ed it a co parativel endless suppl erica as eard of Nort ern Gun and as used t eir products.
of ilitar eapons and a unition Nort ern Gun s securit an people fro outside ic igan even lu p s pe ing t e
personnel ere t e est e uipped arriors in t e area and t e anisti ue periu and t e an s aller to ns around NG
pla ed a vital part in securing Nort ern ic igan during t e ar toget er under t e title Nort ern Gun a ing no distinction
ge. et een t e neig oring states uc less et een t e countr
of s pe ing and t e Nort ern Gun corporation.
ven ore vital to NG ere t e scores of freedo fig ters The Republic o Ishpeming. ile t e Nort ern Gun corpo-
local guards en ercenaries and adventurers o survived ration is t e real po er in t e estern pper Peninsula t e Re-
t e grace of god and Nort ern Gun eapons. Guns and gear des- pu lic of s pe ing is t e figure ead nation and official govern-
peratel needed for attles against foes fro t e Rifts. it out ent t at rules over t e people. ntil P. . it as no n as
t e eapons and e uip ent provided Nort ern Gun one can t e Kingdom of Ishpeming until t e Nort ern Gun rade Coun-
argue t at u anit on t e continent ig t ver ell ave per- cil c anged t e na e to sound ore politicall correct. n real-
is ed. Before t ere as a Coalition States and as t e eroes of it s pe ing as never a ingdo or a repu lic and Nort ern
t e gone era of u an superiorit over t e art slipped a a Gun s ad inistration is an t ing ut de ocratic. e Repu lic
of s pe ing e ists to serve t e Nort ern Gun corporation and
10 etter oversee civil affairs. t is at e ould no in our ti e
as local govern ent responsi le for civil ordinances fire protec-
tion gar age re oval ater and po er street aintenance and
ot er civic duties. t is t e Nort ern Gun corporation t at a es
t e la s and aintains t e police and ilitar leaving t e Re-
public of Ishpeming little ore t an an e pt ureaucratic s ell.
Nort ern Gun as a do inant relations ip it t e Manis-
tique Imperium its s aller less developed neig or. NG as
been a market force for generations, while the Imperium’s pres- put all three much lower in the rankings of the technologically
ence has only really been felt over the last few decades. For advanced in North America.
though they have been a large-scale manufacturer and provider
of natural resources for quite some time, only lately have strong 1. Splugorth/Kittani & Other Splugorth Alien Technology
and visible brand names like Titan Robotics and Wellington In- 2. Naruni Enterprises (Advanced alien technology)
dustries begun to appear. The Coalition’s influence and the long, 3. Archie Three (Golden Age tech improved upon by the A.I.)
undefended border between Ishpeming and Manistique both keep 4. Triax Industries (Arguably the most advanced human tech)
any rivalry friendly, or at least, nonviolent, and the two kingdoms 5. The Republicans (Golden Age technology)
have always been each other’s largest trading partners and most 6. Coalition States
staunch allies. 7. Free Quebec (ex-Coalition State)
8. Northern Gun
Northern Gun’s current priorities are three-fold. Their 9. Manistique Imperium
first goal is to strengthen their ties with the Coalition States and 10. Bandito Arms (a new player in the tech market)
develop the alliance into a partnership that is beneficial for Ish- 11. Black Market
peming/NG, but does not threaten its independence. Northern 12. Wilk’s Laser Technologies
Gun sees the CS as the major political power in North America, 13. Iron Heart Armaments
and adapting to their dominance and hegemony will be part of 14. Wellington Industries
Ishpeming’s continued survival. 15. Golden Age Weaponsmiths
The second priority is to build up market share. Competitors 1. The Splugorth of Atlantis. Though Atlantis is its own
have been cropping up, particularly over the last decade, and island continent, the Splugorth and their weapons and war ma-
Northern Gun’s grip on the North American market has been chines (both tech and magical) are common enough to be includ-
slowly eroded. In order to make up for lost sales, the NG Trade ed and counted on the tech list of North America. Nobody but the
Council’s plan is to get back to Northern Gun’s roots. The focus Naruni comes close to their tech level. Thankfully, most Splu-
for the future is on preserving the company’s share in the market gorth, Kittani and other alien tech at the Splugorth’s disposal has
for robots, power armor and adventure gear, and selling more ci- limited availability in North America. In most cases, the tech has
vilian technology and vehicles to state customers like the CS and to be purchased on Atlantis or procured from Splugorth minions
Free Quebec. To this end, NG is expanding its already famous operating on North American soil.
line of robots, and producing better and more diverse military
weapon systems, adventuring vehicles and gear for mercenaries, 2. Naruni Enterprises. This is a trans-dimensional, alien
independent kingdoms and similar clients. arms dealer of notorious reputation. The Naruni tech is on par
with the Splugorth (some say, superior). They are included on
Third, Northern Gun’s experience with Naruni Enterprises the list because the Naruni have made two efforts to break into
has taught them several things about alien weapons manufactur- the arms market in North America. Because their weapons are so
ers. They know that their homegrown technology cannot com- superior and coveted by mercenaries and armed camps, almost
pare to many otherworldly designs, and have chosen to attempt all the other weapons manufacturers conspire against them for
to fight alien rivals rather than try to compete with them. The fear of the competition. Northern Gun, the Coalition, Splugorth
backlash against the Naruni was heartening to Northern Gun, and Black Market are all especially diligent and aggressive in
who enjoys great public relations and customer loyalty. NG was “removing” the Naruni from the North American market.
pleased as well with the Coalition’s willingness to do most of
the heavy lifting in eliminating the interdimensional arms mer- 3. Archie Three, rather than Titan Robotics, is on the list at
chants. Should another company like Naruni Enterprises crop up, Number Three because the insane A.I. (artificial intelligence) is,
Northern Gun will be quick to brand them as “alien invaders” itself, a creation from the Golden Age and has at its disposal, not
and “terrorist sympathizers” and request CS assistance in elimi- only a vast range of Golden Age knowledge and technology, but
nating their vendors and capturing their sales stock. Until Triax its superior manufacturing capabilities via a massive network of
develops a consistent trade route with North America or another underground factories. Without a doubt, Archie Three is in con-
native manufacturer somehow manages to swiftly expand, North- trol of the most advanced human technology, having improved
ern Gun will continue to be the premier provider of weapons and and gone beyond Golden Age tech levels. However, the insane
technology on the continent. A.I. with delusions of godhood doesn’t share its tech secrets
with others. Only bits and pieces are doled out through Titan
Overall Tech Levels in North America Robotics, located in Upper Michigan and often mistaken to be
a Northern Gun subsidiary by many outsiders. Of course, Archie
While Northern Gun is a technological powerhouse and uses its technological wonders for its own secret machinations for
center for research and development, it is by no means the most continental domination. (See Rifts® Sourcebook One for con-
advanced high-tech manufacturer on the North American Conti- siderable information about A.R.C.H.I.E. Three, as well as the
nent, let alone Rifts Earth. In North America, among the human Shemarrian Nation sourcebook, as Shemarrians are the android
population, Northern Gun officially ranks Number Three after creations of Archie.)
the Coalition States and Free Quebec. Many would justifiably
argue that NG should be ranked Number Two, before Free Que- 4. Triax Industries. Some people may balk at having a for-
bec (Erin Tarn is among those who sees NG as Number Two), eign country included on the list. However, Triax products are
but that is a debate that has gone on for generations. Certainly the greatly valued and desired in the American market and more and
two are very close, as are many on the list. However, there are more are being imported into the Americas via Free Quebec, and
external, foreign and unknown forces that, when included, would a gruding Coalition States. Triax tech is derivative of Golden Age
technology and factories that survived the Great Cataclysm and are many, NG included, who would be glad to locate the manu-
is arguably the most advanced human technology under human facturing facility and secretly pass it on to the CS.
control. (Archie doesn’t count.)
11. The Black Market is a major player in the marketplace,
5. The Republicans are another secret organization with ac- but its overall tech level is below the Manistique Imperium;
cess to Golden Age technology from just before the Great Cata- roughly 22-30 years behind the CS. Bandito Arms is the excep-
clysm. This super-secret organization also has limited access tion and a recent development. That said, as “the Black Market,”
to Archie Three and the old NEMA factories under the A.I.’s the criminal organization sells all kinds of contraband and prod-
control. The Republicans, like Archie, work in secret, behind the ucts from wherever they can get them. They also make and sell
scenes, so they and their tech have had little obvious influence on cheap “knock-off” products of most of the manufacturers listed
the Americas. above, as well as selling some of the actual products of all those
mentioned above. In the latter case, such items are likely to be
6. The Coalition States. The CS – Chi-Town in particular – is stolen goods or acquired by other nefarious measures. As sto-
the reigning technological and military power in North America. len “Black Market” goods, those who purchase them may run
They remain consistently 15-20 years ahead in fields like robot- into trouble with the law or the rightful owners. The Splugorth,
ics, armor, military vehicles, aircraft, cybernetics, weapons engi- Naruni, CS, and Northern Gun’s LPO try to ferret out bandits
neering, and communications. CS weapons and all things military and criminals who steal their products and try to sell them to the
are exclusive to the CS Army and not sold on the open market, Black Market. Such brigands generally meet with a violent end.
except for what can be procured by the Black Market and other
second-hand arms dealers. 12. Wilk’s Laser Technologies is easily on par with the CS or
maybe even Triax, except it is limited to the area of laser weap-
7. Free Quebec, once a member State of the Coalition, is only ons, laser tools and other laser technologies and products. This
10-15 years behind the CS, but puts much of their technology very narrow and specialized range of products makes them a
in their old-tech Glitter Boys with some new twists. That said, small player with a popular niche.
the fiercely independent and isolationist nation has virtually NO
presence in the arms and tech markets, as they seldom make their 13-15. Iron Heart Armaments, Wellington Industries and
products available outside their borders. Golden Age Weaponsmiths are all on about the same level and
20-30 years behind the CS. Wellington is still growing into a real
8. Northern Gun is the premier tech-power that is also a free corporation, owing its startup and most of its capital to the Man-
and independent nation and manufacturer. As such, NG supplies istique Royal Family.
EVERYBODY from towns, cities and kingdoms to adventurers,
mercenaries, and criminals. It is 12-15 years behind the CS, but Additional Tech Manufacturers:
manufactures a vast range of military hardware to commercial
products. Angrar Robotics is not on the list because it is barely a player
on the tech scene and incorporates dark magic into its very lim-
9. The Manistique Imperium has always existed in the ited designs.
shadow of Northern Gun and the Coalition States. While not as
advanced and flashy as NG, the nation is a manufacturing work- Chipwell Armaments is not on the list because it is a strug-
horse, making and selling a wide range of common adventuring gling weapons manufacturer that has found itself barely able to
and household goods and supplying parts and products to other compete. It is largely overshadowed by Northern Gun, the Man-
manufacturers, including Northern Gun, the Black Market, Iron istique Imperium, the Black Market, and . . . well, really . . .
Heart, Wellington, Golden Age Weaponsmiths and others. Man- everyone. Though it has managed to stay in business, it is on few
istique is 18-25 years behind the CS. people’s radar and is not a major player.
10. Bandito Arms is listed separate from the Black Market Other manufacturers. There are other, small factories and
even though it is run by the criminal organization, because it rep- manufacturers, but they are all obscure and/or regional with little
resents a new and distinct level of technology. As a recovered, or no impact on the weapons market.
secret Golden Age military compound, its tech level is only 5-10
years behind the CS and may hold yet undiscovered secrets that Techno-Wizard and other magic weapons manufacturers
could improve upon that. However, this superior tech is limited to were not considered for the “tech” list because their creations
SAMAS power armor and some robotics and weapons, providing fall into a completely separate category, and most are relatively
a severely narrow area of high-tech expertise. Worse, Bandito low-tech, roughly on par with Black Market or lower tech levels.
Arms is very reliant upon the capabilities of the ancient military
base, and they don’t understand half of what they are making. Northern Gun Products
NG and most other manufacturers consider Bandito Arms to The weapons, robots and vehicles Northern Gun produces
be a new and dangerous player in the tech market, especially with are tough, rugged and dependable. Each one is thoroughly tested
its Coalition-style SAMAS power armor product line. The CS by both Northern Gun’s quality control department and years of
wants the company’s manufacturing facility itself – which they actual use in the field. Many products are used and tested for
are certain to be a previously undiscovered Golden Age military months or even years by Northern Gun Loss Prevention Officers,
factory compound. If they can find it, they’ll seize it for their own privileged mercenaries and Task Force X troops before an item is
use. Northern Gun and most other competitors would love to do made available on the open market.
likewise, except such an action would create all-out war with the
Black Market, and nobody wants to be on the Black Market’s Northern Gun weapons might be thought of as the AK-47s
hate list. As a consequence, NG and others ignore the growing of the arms market in Rifts North America. They are heavy,
market presence and arrogance of Bandito Arms. Of course, there solidly-built weapons that will still fire after being dropped, the
butt slammed into the side of a monster’s head, and immersed
under water or in mud or covered in dirt and grime. Misfires, survive in the field. It is that durability and reliability that has
weapons jams and malfunctions are rare, and most Northern Gun made NG products famous and wanted. Northern Gun’s com-
models have been refined and simplified several times over their mitment to quality and dependability has saved countless lives
field-life, making them even more reliable and well designed than since the Dark Age and everyone knows it. When backed into
when they first premiered. a corner, a person knows the NG weapon they have will work
under the worst of situations. Demons, monsters and misguided
The newer weapons are a bit lighter than those of years past, humans alike, have all perished under the namesake products of
thanks to lessons learned from reverse-engineering technology the Northern Gun corporation.
acquired from the Coalition, Wilk’s, Triax and other sources.
They still maintain Northern Gun’s reputation for sturdiness and Non-Contract Employees,
quality, and some new weapons released by NG’s competitors the Citizens of Ishpeming
and even the CS, have adopted some of Northern Gun’s design
features for added dependability. In the eyes of Northern Gun, every citizen of Ishpeming and
the other cities of the Republic is technically an employee of the
Northern Gun is also known for its robots and armored company. While they do not receive regular pay and do not hold
vehicles. They manufacture their own versions of many popular positions within the actual corporate structure, they are on the
vehicles like the Mountaineer and Big Boss ATVs, as well as a books and can be treated just like any other employee by the head
wide selection of body armor, motorcycles, hovercycles and jet office. This condition gives the Trade Council greater control
packs. Their power armor and robots are the stars of the show, over the people who live in Northern Michigan and asserts the
however, and in addition to old favorites like the Samson and dominance of the company over the state.
Hunter Mobile Gun, there are new models appearing that should
appeal to more mercenaries, soldiers and adventurers than ever Being a non-contract employee is quite similar to being a
before. New hovercraft and aircraft are also on the drawing regular citizen elsewhere. Taxes are simply labeled as “corporate
boards at Northern Gun, and the company is offering a few of its dues” and laws become “company standards and regulations.”
own ships and submarine designs! Northern Gun sees competi- Government workers are paid just like the actual employees of
tors appearing all around it and is responding by blazing ahead the Northern Gun corporation and many of the mechanisms of
with new products and innovations to keep longtime customers state have been combined with the company’s management and
happy as well as attract a wide range of new buyers to the NG finance departments.
Compared to many monarchies and dictatorships and the fas-
Some of the hallmarks of the NG brand are the practicality cist, paternal grip of the government of the Coalition States, life
of its products, the military hardware cut and look of its designs under the Northern Gun’s Trade Council and Management Office
and the reasonable price. NG’s designs may not be sleek or exotic is actually quite free and just. Northern Gun’s relentless concern
in appearance, but they are reliable workhorses that a merc can with profits and market share means micro-managing the citizen-
count on under most circumstances. Northern Gun products are ry is a foreign concept and a distant priority. The Republic of Ish-
the pinnacle of reliability and getting the job done. In fact, one of peming is certainly a corporate state, but a very libertarian one.
NG’s most popular advertising slogans is, “Sturdy and reliable, The people are generally free to do what they like as long as it
like the men who count on them.” does not interfere with the workings of Northern Gun corporate.
Besides, the less of a nanny-state that the “Republic” becomes,
Even though there may be more complex and sophisticated al- the more the populace is forced to purchase Northern Gun goods
ternatives, many mercenaries and men at arms still prefer the rug- and services in order to take care of themselves.
gedness of Northern Gun technology. NG equipment is durable
and thoroughly tested, and always crafted for maximum reliabil- Employees of Northern Gun
ity and dependability in the field. Northern Gun weapon systems,
vehicles and gear are not temperamental and are designed to be Northern Gun has its own corporate culture and attitude. Its
simple and easy to use. Weapons can be cleaned and disassem- employees are proud of their work and of the company as a
bled with little or no training or experience, and are generally whole. Loyalty is fierce and a sense of heritage, importance and
heavy enough to be used as a club or blunt weapon. Water, mud, elitism over outsiders is ingrained. NG employees and Ishpem-
rust damage and barrels scorched by overuse are all but ignored ing civilians won’t say it to anyone’s face, but they believe they
by the average Northern Gun energy weapon. are better than most people. A shining star in an ugly, brutal and
uncivilized world.
“Durable, dependable, deadly” has been the sales slogan be-
hind Northern Gun small arms for decades, and is still the mantra Northern Gun’s management team tries to instill in them a
used by many salespeople. sense of belonging, camaraderie and purpose. They are working
not just for a paycheck, but to provide humanity with the weap-
Vehicles, robots and power armor are also built in the de- ons and tools necessary for survival in the hostile environment of
pendable Northern Gun style. While they may not be quite as Rifts Earth. It may not be on the same level of brainwashed zeal
fast, powerful or as heavily armed or armored as Coalition war shared by most Coalition citizens, but the employees and citizens
machines, they have all the features of durability, dependability, of Northern Gun are convinced they are making a difference in
functionality and deadliness NG customers have come to expect. the world and are on the side of progress.
They are much less likely to break down by the side of the road
and when they do, they don’t require full-blown engineering sup- Northern Gun takes good care of its employees. With over
port to make the repairs like CS robots and vehicles. Northern 100,000 of them, there has not been a corporate entity in America
Gun and most of its customers do not have access to any kind of such size since before the Coming of the Rifts. With such a
of reliable supply chain, garage or support network, and must
rely on themselves and the hardy nature of their equipment to
course. ven citi ens of s pe ing o do not or for NG usu-
all refer to t e selves as living in or eing citi ens of Nort -
ern Gun rat er t an s pe ing. Nort ern Gun is t e na e t e
identif it . Li e ise of people outside ic igan sa
t e ave never eard of t e nation of s pe ing ut t e all
no Nort ern Gun.
ere are an ingdo s in Nort erica t at use Nort -
ern Gun products al ost e clusivel . ll-enco passing deals are
availa le and en t e are accepted a ingdo is ooded it
NG products fro large ve icles and eapons to si ple t ings
li e oots and atteries. ost NG goods are c eaper t e closer
one gets to s pe ing as ell and t e ig l active resale market
for NG products eans t at used or re- anufactured products are
al a s availa le to t ose o cannot afford to s op rand ne .
Nort ern Gun is also illing to lo er prices and offer e i le
ter s especiall to ingdo s cities and ercenar groups t at
aren t et NG custo ers. ver t ing is a out e panding ar-
et s are and getting people oo ed on t e Nort ern Gun rand
na e.
e people of Nort ern Gun ta e great pride in eing no n
across t e land for t eir products. e Northern Gun rand
na e is no n for eing sturd and relia le t o traits t e
people of s pe ing see in t e selves. NG s reputation is t eir
ndeed ost citi ens of s pe ing are ard or ing strong
onest no-nonsense straig t-tal ing individuals o ta e tre-
endous pride in t eir or . e are ore concerned it
su stance and functionalit t an fanc as and st le. is as
vast nu er of e plo ees Nort ern Gun s a alga ation it caused so e NG co petitors to critici e t e so eti es o
t e Republic of Ishpeming is ver eneficial. e co pan as
its o n territorial reserves and does not need to negotiate it a ilitar ard are loo of NG products ut even t eir ars est
ost state or ingdo . ts resources and t ose of t e Repu lic are
one and t e sa e and Nort ern Gun o ns its ines and factories critics ave done little to i pact t e co pan s sales or reputa-
and pa s not ing for t e ore it e tracts fro t e ground ot er
t an la or. tion. en ou ant a product ou can count on ou turn to
Considering t e nation and t e co pan are asicall one Nort ern Gun. e citi ens and or ers of NG love t at reputa-
and t e sa e official contract employees (t ose o actuall
tion and ear it li e a adge of onor.
or for NG) en o a ind of super-citi en status. ile -Bees
are ept out of sig t and so eti es oppressed -Bee contract NG Factories & Manu acturing
e plo ees are treated as e uals it in t e co pan and receive
special and preferential treat ent it in t e countr . ll NG e eaviest ost dangerous and repetitive grunt or of
contract e plo ees are often allo ed to s ip lines and s irt regu- anufacturing and uilding is done ro ots and la or drones.
lations receive free goods and discounts get free edical en- Lig t and eav la or ro ots are used to ove cargo and eav
efits and discounted corporate ousing and are generall s o n o ects perfor construction tas s operate asse l lines and
greater lenience la enforce ent and ercenaries on garrison or inside factories. n esti ated of t e ro ot drones used
dut . Nort ern Gun e plo ee . . card carries nearl t e sa e at factor sites are po ered electric and Solid Oxide batteries
t e uc ore e pensive nuclear odels are reserved for sale to
eig t as a police adge or govern ent position ould in ost custo ers it out access to relia le po er supplies and rec arg-
ot er ingdo s. One reason is t e ealous lo alt of all NG e - ing facilities. Nuclear po er supplies ere a rea t roug dur-
plo ees and t e fact t at all are trul dedicated to serving and ing t e Golden ge of u anit and created ainl for ilitar
protecting t e co pan a i i ing profits and pro oting t e and special duties t at re uired e tre el long service periods.
NG a of life. is old ilitar tec nolog is one of t e fe tec nological tri-
u p s t at survived t e Great Catacl s and is used al ost
Pride and orporate ulture e people of s pe ing and ever ig -tec anufacturer on art Nort ern Gun included.
t e contract e plo ees (citi ens) of Nort ern Gun in particular e are ideal for long stints in t e field and adventuring t roug
ta e a vast a ount of pride in t eir nation s reputation as t e t e ilderness across t e glo e as ell as suppl ing t e energ
continent s pre ier anufacturer. e NG rand na e is ever - needed energ eapon s ste s. Human beings supervise t e
ro ots fairl closel and so eti es ear industrial e os eletons
ere and outsider products are fro ned upon. at oung NG or po er ar or or pilot ro ot ve icles t e selves.
e ecutive o ants to s o off it a rand ne ria over-
car a find it e ed vandali ed or orse and certain corpo- n factories parts are cast electronics undles t readed
rate uildings actuall ave separate fenced-off par ing lots for t roug t e and t en ole fra es are soldered and lasered
an one o drives a non-NG ve icle for t eir o n safet of toget er read to e finis ed off it eapons e tra e uip ent
and ar or plating. ualit control testing is i portant especiall
with military weapons and systems that will be used in combat there are so few practitioners of magic is there is little to attract
and wilderness survival. NG’s designs are so robust and redun- them to a place like Ishpeming and Upper Michigan. The com-
dant, though, that quality control rarely finds defects. The bored, munities there are mainly centers for technology. Its citizens are
lazy quality control agent with nothing to do has become a run- blue-collar factory workers and technophiles whose outlook on
ning joke within the corporation’s manufacturing division. life is widely seen as inimical to the mystic arts. In short, there is
little interest or need for magic. There are a few scientists, techs
The most creative, complex and less repetitive tasks, including and designers who find the idea of Techno-Wizardry intriguing,
industrial design and engineering, as well as light factory work but there are no TW manufacturers nor any desire to get into that
and assembly line production, are performed by Northern Gun’s line of work.
human and D-Bee labor force, with the latter doing most of the
hardest and least rewarding work. As a result, TW manufacturing is outlawed and the NG corpo-
ration fires any employee they discover who dabbles in any sort
Northern Gun employees are well paid, especially by the stan- of magic. As the largest and best paying employer in the region,
dards of other communities throughout Rifts Earth. Surprisingly, this alone has been an effective deterrent to the practice of magic.
Northern Gun factories use less automation than the Coalition The people of Upper Michigan are doing well and nobody wants
States or Free Quebec, so they can employ a larger number of to rock the boat. Besides, from their point of view, who needs
‘live’ workers per factory. Blue-collar employees and low-level magic? They are proud, independent “techies.”
managers and specialists make up the middle-class of Ishpem-
ing, and a whopping 63% of the population is considered mid- As with most policies and practices at Northern Gun, these
dle-class. It is a slice of the population that is fairly tight-knit laws and regulations are not a bias against magic, but rather a
considering they all work for the same company. Only 20% of business decision. NG has a sweet thing going for it. The CS has
the population is considered low income, 6% poor (less than 2% embraced them as an ally. Business is booming. They are making
unemployment) and the remaining 11% are wealthy. Many of the and selling more products than ever. The community is one of the
so-called independent machine shops, small manufacturers and safest in North America and the majority of citizens are healthy
businesses do work for or related to NG products. One could even and happy. Why get entangled with the unknown aspects of mag-
argue that most of the entertainment and hotel business is ancil- ic or invoke the Coalition’s disapproval (and wrath) by develop-
lary to Northern Gun. All NG workers, even D-Bees, are com- ing a line of magic products or embracing magic practitioners?
pensated well for their labor, and the promise of a steady job is
enough to draw some of the best and brightest in North America. Of course, many misconceptions about magic prevail in and
All of this makes Northern Gun one of the most stable, safe and around Ishpeming/Northern Gun. Most citizens believe a lot of
wealthy nations on the continent. the Coalition’s propaganda, especially the parts about magic de-
fying the laws of science, that it is unstable, that it corrupts the
Keeping its employees happy ensures reliability. And reliabil- minds and souls of its practitioners, and that magic is unpredict-
ity is how the Northern Gun corporation makes its money. In a able, alien and dangerous. However, while Coalition citizens fear
world where instability and strife are the only constants, many and hate magic, Ishpeming/NG citizens take the pragmatic view
turn to Northern Gun because of the consistent quality and reli- of: if magic is dangerous and we don’t need it, let’s keep it out of
ability of their products. The Black Market and small weapons our lives. End of debate. And most people throughout the tech-
makers cannot compete with Northern Gun’s reputation and sup- savvy Michigan Upper Peninsula share that view.
ply chain. Speaking of the Black Market, the organization’s pres-
ence in Ishpeming is minimal. Visitors who practice magic may be viewed with varying
levels of concern, but are not Boogie-men or enemies to be in-
Northern Gun Policies stantly feared, hated and destroyed. That said, NG defenders take
a hard line with practitioners of magic. Any mage, even when he
Northern Gun’s Policy on Magic does not have conventional weapons on his person, is considered
“armed and dangerous,” allowing the authorities and defenders
Its overall laissez-faire attitude is reflected in Northern Gun’s to use lethal force without hestitation or recrimination. This also
policies towards magic and Dimensional Beings (D-Bees). In both holds true of anybody who kills a mage in “self-defense,” be-
cases, they are “officially” illegal, yet both exist in Ishpeming and cause he is armed with magic and could have been in the process
throughout the Michigan peninsula, and are mostly ignored. For of casting a spell of unknown consequence. Since magic is an
example, magic is officially outlawed, yet there is nothing close unknown quantity, the rule of thumb is, it is better to be safe than
to the war on magic found within the Coalition States. As long as sorry. Extreme force and lethal responses are common against
the use of magic isn’t seen or heard, and doesn’t cause a public anyone able to cast magic or wielding magical devices. Loss Pre-
commotion or complaints, Northern Gun Loss Prevention Of- vention Officers have been trained to recognize Techno-Wizard
ficers (NG-LPO) are in no hurry to investigate claims of inci- devices and practitioners of magic. When TW and magic items
dents involving the “possible” use of magic. are recognized, they are to be confiscated and destroyed, and the
owner subject to possible arrest or, more likely, a small fine and
The scarcity of ley lines and nexus points within the penin- a stern warning. And no, the magic device is never returned to
sula also means that incidents involving magic and dimensional the individual when he leaves town. Remember, most people, in-
threats are much less common than in other parts of the world. cluding the law, may look the other way, but magic is illegal in
Groups of magic practitioners have sprung up, especially in the Ishpeming. Those who get a magic item(s) confiscated and have
frontier areas and smaller cities around Ishpeming, but they re- to pay a fine should be happy that’s the only consequence they
main discreetly in the shadows, avoid attention and are few in have to face.
numbers compared to most other communities. Another reason
Note: Confiscated TW and magic items may be studied. A few
may be kept on hand for further analysis and some are used in
covert operations against the supernatural and creatures of magic and complicit in keeping them under the radar. For many years,
by NG operatives. Half, however, are turned over every quarter Northern Gun had an “all-customers, no-exceptions” policy that
to their CS ally to keep them happy and convinced that Northern extended to all non-supernatural beings. Many NG/Ishpeming
Gun is doing its job to stop magic. It is assumed such items given citizens and employees are D-Bee sympathizers who have never
to the CS are destroyed. Some are, but many go into the legend- been exposed to the kind of hate or fear found in the Coalition
ary Black Vault. The remaining magic contraband collected by States, and are happy to help D-Bee customers even if it may be
NG is quietly and unofficially sold or traded to the Black Market. against regulations. However, D-Bees are often required to enter
shops through the back door and to be discreet inside shops and at
It is widely known to Techno-Wizards, mages and adventur- workplaces. D-Bees might stand out a bit at midday in the middle
ers in the possession of magic items, that they should leave their of the public market, but at night and in the periphery of major
mystical devices at home, or at a secret location before entering cities, they are usually able to go on their way without harass-
Northern Gun or any community in the Upper Peninsula. NG is ment, even by the Loss Prevention Officers or racist mercs. Many
a Techno-Wizard’s dream come true and a shopping bonanza for small towns and minor cities in the Upper Peninsula are even
all kinds of tools, parts, used equipment and second-hand guns less prejudiced and D-Bees enjoy many to all the same rights as
and gizmos that Techno-Wizards use as the base for their magi- human citizens. Granted, these rights are not secure and may be
cal creations. And often at bargain prices. Precious and semi-pre- taken away at any moment, but most D-Bees have nothing to fear
cious stones, an ingredient in many mystic ceremonies and TW if they avoid drawing attention to themselves.
items, are also available at Northern Gun. Prices are generally 10-
25% lower for such stones than the standard market list prices, as Out in the small farming towns, logging camps and fishing
Ishpeming has many active mines and the entire area has become communities, non-human species are even more intermingled.
a regional center for mining and ore collection. As a result, Tech- Entire villages of D-Bees can be found near the Wisconsin bor-
no-Wizards and mages are frequent and regular customers. They der, and D-Bees are not uncommon in the backwoods of central
just need to leave their magic items outside the community, keep Ishpeming either. Market Towns like Escanaba and Menomi-
a low profile, and not allow themselves to be provoked into using nee see so many visitors that it is impossible to filter out all the
magic even in a conflict. Otherwise, it may be their last visit. D-Bees, and unless they are particularly terrifying or disruptive,
they are treated as any other customer. Northern Gun is happy to
Northern Gun Policy on D-Bees have their business, especially if it can claim total ignorance and
maintain a good face for its relationship with the Coalition States.
Dimensional Beings (D-Bees) occupy a legal gray area within
Northern Gun and most Northern Michigan communities. While Spies, Theft & Corporate Espionage
they are not technically considered “non-contract employees”
(citizens), there are populations of D-Bees living on the penin- Many divisions of Northern Gun, and most retail outlets, are
sula and within Northern Gun communities (and even NG itself). honest, hardworking and care about their customers, be they hu-
They are never portrayed in Northern Gun commercials and are man or not. Others seek any opportunity to expand the compa-
kept out of all footage aired in the Coalition States, but D-Bees, ny’s market share and are willing to go to extreme lengths for the
especially those who are good customers, are not viewed as mon- Northern Gun corporation. The latter includes espionage, back-
sters or as a threat to Northern Gun. room negotiations, shady deals and strange bedfellows.
Second-class citizen is a good term to describe D-Bees inside NG is, arguably, the largest employer of Freelance Spies, Pro-
the Republic of Ishpeming and the Northern Gun corporation. fessional Thieves and similar covert agents in North America.
They are not allowed to run for public office, serve within the There is the CS, of course, but nobody knows how many op-
Northern Gun management branch or hold officer rank within the eratives “outside” the CS military are hired for covert ops. The
IMCN (Ishpeming Military Contract Network). Most are relegat- Federation of Magic is even more secretive of cloak and dagger
ed to menial jobs and often see themselves pushed to the outskirts operations. The Black Market is the only other organization that
of NG communities or crammed into specific districts and known comes close to NG, but is seldom included in such estimates be-
D-Bee neighborhoods. They are not recognized by the state, can- cause it is an open criminal enterprise, not a legitimate business
not become citizens and are politically disenfranchised, but there or an established nation. Northern Gun, on the other hand, hires
are no shopkeepers who are willing to flat-out refuse a sale. “independent operatives” for everything from national defense to
spying. Mercenaries, spies, thieves and other “freelance” agents
Some D-Bees contribute to their “lost-between-the-cracks” are hired to keep an eye on their rivals (including the Black Mar-
place in Ishpeming, because a large percentage of the D-Bees ket and CS) and to engage in what is commonly called “active
living inside Ishpeming’s borders are perfectly happy to go un- intervention.”
noticed. Many are refugees fleeing the Coalition or other human-
supremacist kingdoms and are quite content to have found a place Active intervention can include any of the following: Sur-
in a relatively safe and stable nation such as NG. The Northern veillance and data theft to find out about new products, product
Gun corporation is willing to turn a blind eye to D-Bee labor and releases, release dates, prices, sales data, and marketing strate-
remote settlements, but can only do so as long as the Dimensional gies, as well as the theft of new prototypes, product designs and
Beings involved don’t make trouble. Occasionally, the Loss Pre- concepts, stealing away suppliers and distributors, hiring away
vention Office makes D-Bee rights activists disappear, but more executives and technical specialists, sabotaging competitors’ re-
often they are simply intimidated or encouraged to move to Man- search and sabotage of all kinds – though nothing that results in
istique or anywhere but there. loss of life, just loss of sales, market, and product or that causes
delays and problems in the marketplace. Reverse-engineering
For human-looking D-Bees or those who know how to keep competitors’ products is another common practice. Anything to
their heads down in public, Northern Gun is remarkably tolerant
eep an edge over t eir rivals s of actual p sical violence NG agent ad to do as go to t e rig t Blac ar et u or Na-
e tortion lac ail and serious destruction of propert is accept- runi sales rep and purc ase t e li e an ot er custo er or eep
a le. e t eft or destruction of a co puter or set of lueprints an e e out for visiting ercs and adventurers o ad stu led
or a protot pe or even a s all office fire or sa otage done to a across so et ing unusual. Of course uc of t e Naruni tec
protot pe t at causes its iring to urn out or co puter s ste to is e ond NG s understanding and anufacturing capa ilities
go a ire doesn t count. But an t ing ore serious is a no-no. ut t at doesn t ean t e co pan can t learn fro it get ideas
Nort ern Gun always makes it clear t at urder violence e tor- or figure out ne designs fro stud ing t e alien tec .
tion t reats and acts of destruction and terror are not desired nor
tolerated. f a ired agent goes too far or even causes accidental Stealing ideas and designs fro co panies li e Wellington
deat or destruction is contract is ter inated and e ill N - Industries Golden Age Weaponsmiths Iron Heart Arma-
ments and even t e Black Market and various Manisti ue
R e ired NG again. is a also appl to is tea ates Imperium co panies is eas since t ese co panies ave sales
and associates even if t e re ove i fro t eir group or eep outlets and anufacturing operations located relativel close to
t eir distance. NG as ig standards and strict policies t e e - Nort ern Gun. o ever ile t e occasional design and idea
pect t eir irelings to up old. Fail to do so and ou are out. Still is i ac ed t ese co panies are ore li el to tr to steal NG
t ere are different lengt s to ic t e co pan is illing to go designs t an t e ot er a around. n ost cases t e co panies
depending on o adl its corporate officers ant a particular na ed anufacture pedestrian designs t at are ore si ple and
tec nolog and t e level of ris associated it its ac uisition. less advanced t an Nort ern Gun. n s ort t e don t offer uc
t at interests NG. ost of t eir products can e purc ased on t e
dvanced alien e uip ent is prefera le in an a s. lien open ar et and use t e sa e or lo er level of tec nolog .
tec as t e potential of eing e ond Nort ern Gun s o n tec -
nolog and as an ite t at as een Rifted to art t ere is not Co panies li e Wilk s Titan Robotics Triax so e Black
li el to e a anufacturer or co unit to co plain a out an Market gear (especiall an of t e ne products co ing fro
features or tec NG a lift to incorporate it into t eir o n ne Bandito Arms) and t e oalition States tec nolog are anot er
designs. ile ot er co panies in Nort erica a atte pt stor . an of t ese eapon and ve icle designs are ore ad-
revenge or so e sort of legal action against Nort ern Gun alien vanced t an Nort ern Gun. s suc t e are inspiring goals to
ai for and tec to e ulate. Stealing t eir designs via reverse-en-
erc ants -Bees and invaders ave no place on Rifts art gineering o ever is a uc ore delicate prospect and tric
and no legal resources at t eir disposal. ven t e ell-e uipped operation. f caug t t ere can e serious repercussions. e least
and ell-funded Naruni Enterprises ere essentiall elpless of ic can result in da aging pu licit turf ars it escalat-
ing acts of retri ution (legal and illegal) sa otage price ars
en Nort ern Gun anaged to convince t e Coalition States and ot er t ings t at can in ure a co pan and urt sales.
t e Naruni ere a priority threat. e Naruni si pl cannot get
enoug people or products to Rifts art to carve out a nic e for at so e people don t reali e is t at all of t ese industrial
t e selves. nd getting one s ands on e a ples of Naruni tec ingdo s and co panies ave gro n to po er ecause t e
appened to possess a andful of t e pre-Catacl s designs and
as eas for Nort ern Gun. o procure t e alien eapons all an t e anufacturing capa ilities factories to a e t e . is edge
elped t e gro into a political ilitar or co ercial po er.
Free ue ec ad Glitter Bo tec nolog il s ad superior
laser eapon tec nolog Nort ern Gun a ide range of eap-
ons ro ots and ve icle tec as ell as i pressive anufacturing
capa ilities (factories ac ine s ops etc.) ile t e Coalition
States ad ot anufacturing and an N and S ilitar
designs availa le to t e including t e S S a ing t e
t e ost po erful ilitar and tec po er in Nort erica.
aving designs is not enoug . co unit or co pan also
needs t e anufacturing capa ilities and it out t e ass-
producing t e product a not e possi le. n eac of t e e -
a ples a ove t e group ad t e tec nolog designs and anu-
facturing capa ilities. Secrets and anufacturing plants t at ere
idden and ealousl guarded. For e a ple t ere is no ot er na-
tion in Nort erica t at can anufacture a Glitter Bo t an
Free ue ec. Li e ise until t e Bandito r s S S-st le
po er ar or it t e ar et onl t e CS ad t e S S in t eir
arsenal. is is t e CS as frea ed out over Bandito r s
o vious S S designs itting t e open ar et. Not onl does
it put t e S S in t e ands of ene ies and rivals ut it
also eans Bandito r s as access to one or ore rare S
N ilitar anufacturing facilities and t e CS ants it for
t e selves.
noc ing off stealing and selling t e eapons and e uip ent
of t e oalition States is t e ost dangerous. ile Coalition
gear does find its a into t e ands of t e Blac ar et and
Northern Gun, the latter has no desire to put their alliance with abilities to “read” Titan machines. Strangely enough, even this
the CS at risk by being caught using their designs. Even NG’s method has been unable to produce much useful information.
new Red Hawk power armor may be pushing their luck, and the
NG executives know it. If the CS should come down on Northern However, a single Titan Reconnaissance Robot under study
Gun, the company is prepared to pull the power armor from the in 107 P.A. saw a malfunction in its self-destruct system. North-
shelves, destroy existing inventory and stop its manufacture. A ern Gun was able to study the robot for nearly an hour before
fact that is known through the grapevine on the street and is fuel- the destruct mechanism kicked in unexpectedly, destroying the
ing tremendous sales. NG plans to defend the product as a way to robot and injuring three engineers. All they were able to glean
counter the soaring sales of Bandito Arms SAMAS. from their brief look was a respect for the incredibly complex
arrangements of wiring and circuitry inside the robot, and a kind
Studying Triax technology is a less dangerous proposition, of self-diagnostic sensor system that was probably installed as
but NG is respectful of the political ties and awkwardness be- an advanced prototype. This has led them to suspect that Titan
tween the New German Republic and the Coalition States. They Robotics may be using alien science and technology or some
do not wish to antagonize the CS by angering their German as- other source of advanced knowledge. This has also made Titan
sociates. Still, Europe is far away, and older Triax designs are the target of increased espionage efforts and spying. If NG can
examined and design elements “borrowed” with little fear of find enough evidence of alien technology in Titan products, they
repercussions at this time. Stealing other people’s technology is will notify the Coalition to investigate further and destroy the
tricky business. company and its inventory.
Policy on Reverse-Engineering The Reverse-Engineering Labs
One of the ways the Northern Gun Research & Develop- Most of Northern Gun’s reverse-engineering efforts take place
ment branch stays ahead of its more mundane competitors is by at the main reverse-engineering labs located in Ishpeming. The
reverse-engineering sophisticated foreign, alien and pre-Rifts kind of shadowy projects that the labs work on must be kept se-
artifacts. Even amongst normal, human corporations there are cret, and are isolated from normal research efforts. Hidden be-
specialists that Northern Gun can learn from. Wilk’s lasers, Wel- neath an ordinary looking corporate office, the labs are one of the
lington’s missile and grenade launchers and Iron Heart Arma- most secure sites within the entirety of Northern Michigan. Sam-
ments’ aircraft can all be found in the reverse-engineering labs ples of Coalition and unknown/alien tech are secretly brought to
being disassembled and closely studied. Coalition States and the labs to be picked apart, studied, tested and copied.
Triax equipment is kept in secure vaults and dissected, in secret,
by special teams working under oaths of secrecy. Studying the There are objects kept in the labs that are so advanced it will
Coalition’s original weapons lineup like the UAR-1 Enforcer and take decades to even understand how to study them, much less
classic SAMAS (decades before their alliance) gave Northern Gun actually recreate the designs. Naruni force fields, inertia beams,
a boost in their tech level, but new post-Campaign of Unity equip- and exotic Atlantean technology are all very different from the
ment is still a sensitive issue and NG would prefer it if the CS common devices found on Rifts Earth. While advanced creations
remained unaware of their efforts to learn new tech secrets by of man may seem astounding, there are alien creations that border
reverse-engineering their newest weapon systems. on the magical, with capabilities and features seemingly beyond
the explanation of science. Even when unknown/alien tech is be-
Throughout their history, the reverse-engineering labs of yond their own understanding or defies replication, their study
Northern Gun have dealt with many strange and miraculous piec- may give NG technicians and scientists new ideas of their own or
es of technology. Techno-Wizard devices that defy the laws of suggest new principles and applications to investigate.
physics have passed through the labs, as well as alien artifacts
that used principles far beyond their understanding. Moments of The labs are divided into three levels. Alien artifacts are kept
wonder and profound joy unfold as Splugorth weapons are disas- exclusively in the massive, secret sub-basement along with any
sembled to free the Faerie Folk trapped inside. An operation to Coalition and Triax equipment currently being studied. The sec-
pick apart an Angrar robot, however, released something much ond level is for priority projects like foreign designs that have
worse. The disassembly had to be cancelled as a demon somehow somehow found their way to Northern Gun, as well as new re-
concealed inside burst forth, killing the technicians and requiring leases from North American competitors. The exploded remains
the lab to be locked-down and cleared by psychics and an “exor- of Titan Robots can be found here, as well as bits and pieces
cist.” The reverse-engineering labs’ overseers were never able to from companies like Wilk’s and Bandito Arms, and even some
determine how the demon managed to inhabit the robot without far-away places like ArmaTech in Japan, or the Republic of Co-
being noticed, and the Angrar combat robot itself was destroyed lombia in South America, or Kitanni items from Atlantis. The
completely. top level is the minimal security area, a repository for run-of-the-
mill weapons, modified and customized versions being tested,
Most perplexing, however, are the amazingly effective anti- and maybe a few things that haven’t been recognized as valuable
tamper devices built into the products of Titan Robotics. Every enough to be moved to a more secure lab.
attempt to reverse-engineer Titan robots or power armor has led
to failure and activation of a sophisticated self-destruct mecha- Jason Mendoza, Head of Reverse Engineering Depart-
nism, in some cases killing or injuring the technical crew! Rather ment, Quick Stats: R&E is an “unofficial” and Top Secretive
than put a full halt to their efforts, the Trade Council has man- Northern Gun department, which is just the way Jason likes it.
dated that all further reverse-engineering attempts made on Titan Alignment: Unprincipled. Attributes: I.Q. 23, M.E. 14, M.A.
products are to be conducted using robots and remotely operated 13, P.S. 15, P.P. 23, P.E. 14, P.B. 10, Spd 8. Experience: 14th
tools. They have even gone so far as to hire psychics to use their level Operator with a number of cybernetic implants to help him
in his work.
David Waller, Chief Weapons Theorist & Engineer, Quick Anything that can improve Northern Gun’s products will be
Stats: Dave is Mendoza’s go to guy when it comes to alien and considered, and hefty bonuses are handed out in return for good
“weird” gizmos. The two are good friends. Alignment: Scrupu- ideas. Likewise, the subcontracted field-testers are often given
lous. Attributes: I.Q. 25, M.E. 10, M.A. 10, P.S. 12, P.P. 18, P.E. the opportunity to purchase the first models to roll off the as-
15, P.B. 11, Spd 10. Experience: 12th level Rogue Scientist with sembly line at a 50% discount, and sometimes the most helpful
a number of cybernetic implants to help him in his work. are even allowed to keep the imperfect prototype “test model” as
a bonus for their services, should they be interested in keeping
NG Research & the unit.
Development Branch
Federico Franceschi, Director of Research and Develop-
The earliest Northern Gun products were all designs that were ment, Quick Stats: Federico is a dedicated gear-head who eats,
salvaged in the opening days of the company’s history: Golden breathes and lives for the development and creation of new NG
Age weapons and technology pulled out of the ruins by eager tech. Alignment: Scrupulous. Attributes: I.Q. 26, M.E. 14,
scavengers as well as a number of towns, factories and a couple M.A. 17, P.S. 13, P.P. 15, P.E. 12, P.B. 14, Spd 9. Experience:
military bases that survived the Great Cataclysm. Some of the 15th level Rogue Scientist with a focus on robotics, armor and
company’s most notorious equipment came into being this way, weapon systems.
with systems still in use, like the Samson power armor (originally
designed for the Canadian military), Hunter Mobile Gun, Labor The Research & Development Complex
‘Bots and various vehicles and small arms for the US military.
But in the last few decades, Northern Gun has grown out of its Level One of the Research and Development complex is the
dependency on recovered Golden Age plans and documents to vast Weapons Development Center headed by Benjamin Bar-
manufacturing a greater and greater percentage of its own, origi- ton. Virtually every new Northern Gun pistol, rifle and heavy
nal designs. (Or derivative designs with new elements and fea- weapon design from the last twenty years has come out of this
tures incorporated from several sources with NG’s own spin on magnificent testing range. Many of the standardized weapon sys-
things.) This has led to an increasingly military hardware styling tems used on robots and vehicles are also created here. Hundreds
and emphasis on practical form and function. of armorers, weapons experts, engineers and scientists put in
long hours to make sure that Northern Gun weapons work well
In order to come up with these weapons and vehicles, the under every imaginable condition. A large portion of the weap-
Northern Gun corporation maintains an extensive research and ons development center is devoted to product-testing, and after
development division headed by Federico Franceschi. Federico the weapons are designed, they are thoroughly put through their
answers only to Jon Kaminsky, the Research & Development paces. The end result are guns with superior reliability and long
Councilor, and the CEO and the President of Northern Gun. This performance lives, perfect for the heavy use, inconsistent main-
gives Federico a wide degree of latitude in creating new weap- tenance/cleaning and harsh environmental conditions that most
ons, robots, power armor and combat designs. Though one might endure in the outside world.
expect rivalry, Federico and Kaminsky are like minds who get
along with each other very well. Benjamin Barton, Chief of Weapons Engineering, Quick
Stats: Alignment: Scrupulous. Attributes: I.Q. 20, M.E. 12,
NG research used to be based out of the old R&D labs located M.A. 17, P.S. 14, P.P. 19, P.E. 14, P.B. 13, Spd 10. Experience:
beneath the pre-Rifts headquarters of Northern, Inc., but were 12th level Techno-Headhunter with numerous weapon systems
moved to their own dedicated industrial complex almost twenty built into his bionic limbs. He also has a personal collection of
years ago. Located deep within the Ishpeming corporate district firearms and access to the NG collection which he has helped to
amidst miles of factories and warehouses, the NG Research and build. Both are impressive, but the latter has virtually every fire-
Development complex is one of the unknown marvels of Rifts arm and energy weapon that has ever reached the shores of the
Earth. Inside, mock-ups of new Northern Gun designs are put to Americas. Including some alien and magic weapons.
the test as engineers and technicians explore the designs’ physical
limitations. Old units are often used as a base and as test plat- Level Two is the even larger Vehicle Development Center
forms, mounting experimental weapons and features. Everything which includes a wide range of conventional and robot vehicles.
from standard crash-testing to mixed-terrain capability and resis- The automotive division, including hovercycles is headed by
tance to various types of damage is worked out within the R&D President of Automobiles, Douglas Rood. Top among his army
labs. NG does not have the technology level of their Coalition of automotive and combat vehicle engineers and designers are
States or Triax counterparts, but Northern Gun’s facilities are run Warren Nelson, Nick Krupar, Steven Schlosser and Trevor
with a surprisingly open-minded and “can-do” attitude. Many Morehead, each of whom runs his own crack team of designers
on-the-spot improvisations and upgrades worked out by the lab’s and engineers.
Operators, scientists and engineers are later built into production
models. When they feel they need “real” field testing, they turn to The Center is connected to the surface by a dozen massive
a large number of known and trusted mercenary and adventurer elevators, where full-sized combat robots, tanks and vehicles of
groups to run the new design through its paces out in the wil- every type appear and disappear into the depths of the labs. Inside
derness. Such reports of strengths, weaknesses and suggestions cavernous testing chambers, vehicles are put to the test until they
serve to improve and fine tune the new designs. are deemed ready for field use. Giant treadmills and conveyor-
belt climbing walls are part of the facilities, as well as hot and
cold rooms for temperature tests and other specialized equipment
Loss Prevention O fice
e ost s ado ranc of Nort ern Gun t e sterious Andrea allister
Loss Prevention Office (LPO) is a co ination intelligence
agenc police force and para ilitar organi ation. e oni- hie Loss Prevention O ficer
tor t e citi ens of s pe ing its visitors and t e custo ers of
s pe ing Nort ern Gun. e LPO asicall runs a s all stand- ndrea Callister is t e so e at notorious current ead of
ing ar of spies and secret police t at ensures t e Nort ern t e Loss Prevention Office (LPO). espite t e secret nature of t e
Gun corporation aintains its grip on s pe ing and t e Nort organi ation C ief Callister s reputation as t e sp aster and
ran ing enforcer of t e LPO as spread t roug out t e countr .
erican sales ar et. t is er o to see out re els rivals spies ene operatives
en t e Naruni ar s erc ants ere first declared a t reat pirates raiders and s ugglers to protect Nort ern Gun t e cor-
it as t e Loss Prevention Office (LPO) t at leapt into action.
e aliens ere onitored and several undercover agents ere
sent in to purc ase products. So e of t ese purc ases ent to
t e reverse-engineering la s for secret anal sis at Nort ern Gun
ile ot ers ere delivered to t e Coalition States as proof of
t e t reat posed t e Naruni. Loss Prevention Officers or ed
side side it Coalition Special Forces and t e ISS in unting
do n arresting and iping out as an Naruni personnel as t e
could find. e continue to loo for Blac ar et agents and
o livious iddle en o sell Naruni nterprises e uip ent
so eti es arning t e against t eir current course of action
so eti es placing t e under arrest and so eti es illing t e
on t e spot.
e Loss Prevention Office s ti e is split et een defend-
ing t e ar et presence of t e Nort ern Gun corporation and
aintaining its control over t e Repu lic of s pe ing. ere
ave een fe independence ove ents a ongst t e cit -states
and lesser settle ents t at co prise t e ole of Nort ern Gun.
uc of t is is due to t e level of prosperit s ared ost citi-
ens o don t ant to lose a good t ing. o ever t e LPO
e erts su tle pressure and ta es uiet covert easures to eep
dissenters uiet and trou le a ers pacified.
e Loss Prevention Office is resented feared and ated ost
it in t e Manisti ue Imperium. ile relations et een
t e t o countries ave al a s een generall good t e LPO is
no n to ave used its pacification easures industrial espio-
nage and tec nolog t eft it in t e periu for decades. s a
result so e it in t e periu resent Nort ern Gun on an
levels and elieve t e corporate nation as ta en deli erate steps
to eep anisti ue in its s ado and under its t u .
ese da s suc LPO practices are generall confined to cor-
porate rivals and alien t reats not ot er ingdo s. e t o co -
panies on t e LPO s radar are Bandito r s and itan Ro otics.
e LPO sees Bandito r s as a t reat to its do inance in t e
eapons and ro otics ar et and since t e no t e CS is gun-
ning for t e is uietl tr ing to find infor ation t e can pass
along to t e CS to cripple or destro t eir operations. ean ile
t e LPO is suspicious of itan s tec nolog and infrastructure.
e suspect t e co pan a ave affiliations it aliens and
as egun a covert investigation of t e co pan its practices and
anage ent.
poration and the nation. This includes corporate rivals, foreign the Northern Gun corporation expanded and became wealthy,
threats and agents from competitors like Naruni Enterprises. each Council member’s personal power grew until they rivaled
Chief Callister presided over the Loss Prevention Office (LPO) that of most kingdoms. Over the years, the roles the Council
when the Naruni were effectively wiped off the map, and won a members played became defined and formalized. Today, they
lot of respect and political capital from the NG Trade Council for may be considered the department heads of the different divisions
her swift and decisive actions in the matter. She also has a good of the strange corporate-political entity that Ishpeming/Northern
reputation and rapport with officials within the CS military, par- Gun has become.
ticularly the CS Intelligence Division.
Trade Council Positions
These days, Chief Callister is content to run “the Office” like
her own personal fiefdom. No higher-ups bother her nor tell her 1. Chief Councilor/Ishpeming: The Ishpeming Councilor is
how to do her job as long as the company’s enemies are silenced in charge of the capital city, the populated surrounding region
and pacified. Callister is ruthless in that pursuit and she does not and its connecting port at Marquette. Whoever holds this posi-
flinch when ordering ambushes, acts of sabotage and preemptive tion also serves as Council Chairman and Chief Executive Of-
strikes (and assassinations) against pirates, Black Marketeers, ficer of the Northern Gun corporation. This post is limited in its
dark wizards and other ‘threats’ to Northern Gun. Sometimes that scope, especially compared to the autocratic kings, dictators and
includes D-Bee rights activists, mages, adventurers and outspo- overlords found elsewhere on Rifts Earth, but is still considered
ken troublemakers. All dealt with as a necessary part of law en- the highest office in the country/company, and a position of great
forcement and national security. Being “dealt with” can include responsibility. The Loss Prevention Office (LPO; Ishpeming Spe-
being kicked out of the nation, arrest and imprisonment, arrest cial Operatives) is under the direct control of the Trade Council,
and coming to an understanding (e.g. threatened or tortured into as dictated by the Chief Councilor, and many times in the past,
submission or leaving town), to more permanent solutions like they have conducted schemes and participated in conspiracies for
being gunned down in the act of a crime or terrorist act. the sole interest of whoever holds the Chief position.
Andrea Callister, Chief of the LPO, Quick Stats: Align- 2. Manufacturing and Labor: Without its factories and its
ment: Unprincipled. Attributes: I.Q. 18, M.E. 22, M.A. 20, workers, Northern Gun would be forced to desperately scrape by
P.S. 17, P.P. 19, P.E. 14, P.B. 15, Spd 9. Experience: 12th level like so many other kingdoms. With them, however, it is a strong,
Super-Spy. Psionics: I.S.P.: 90. Major Psychic. Ectoplasm (6+), independent manufacturing giant that, if the need ever arose,
Ectoplasmic Disguise (12), Impervious to Fire (4), Nightvision could direct all of its capacities towards the defense of the nation
(4), Mind Block (4), Resist Fatigue (4), Telekinesis (varies) and and corporation. Until that need manifests, though, the manufac-
Telekinetic Push (4). turing arm of Northern Gun will continue to be used to swell the
nation’s coffers and boost its economy. Part of that plan entails
Loss Prevention Officer O.C.C. the crusade-like sales campaign to sell the weapons and the tech-
nology that keeps humanity in North America alive in the face
See the O.C.C. section for the Loss Prevention Officer O.C.C. of all opposition. The M & L Councilor is not only responsible
and more information on the practices of the Loss Prevention Of- for maintaining the output of these products, but for insuring that
fice, page 78. Northern Gun’s employees are kept happy, healthy and hard at
NG Trade Council
3. Escanaba: As Northern Gun’s most vital port and sales
The ultimate power within Northern Gun is the Trade Coun- center, Escanaba is almost as important as the capital and the
cil, a group of eight executives from within the Northern Gun Northern Gun company’s manufacturing capabilities. More
corporation and high-ranking administrators of the Republic of wealth enters the nation from Escanaba than at any other one
Ishpeming. The Trade Council has control over the corporation point, and its sales alone are comparable to the combined total of
and the mechanisms of state. They are responsible not just for all of Northern Gun’s other business.
maintaining sales and market presence, but for seeing to Ish-
peming’s defense and managing foreign affairs. And consider- The Escanaba Councilor is in charge of the upkeep of the city
ing Northern Gun and its products’ influence over all of North and the docks, as well as the collection of taxes, tolls, fees and
America, the Trade Council are some of the most powerful fig- other payments. Escanaba Councilors have historically skimmed
ures on the continent, able to make or break entire kingdoms and a little off the top, becoming incredibly wealthy in the conduct of
city-states. their office. With all the goods going out of Escanaba and all the
customers and tradespeople coming in, it is difficult, if not impos-
The Trade Council’s origins lie in the Board of Directors of sible, to determine just how much they are taking for themselves.
Northern, Incorporated, the company that was the heart of the
early Northern Gun. During the Dark Age, each board member 4. Research and Development: One of the reasons the North-
had carved him or herself a kind of fiefdom out of Northern Gun ern Gun corporation was able to begin producing weapons and
land, people, property, resources and manufacturing capabilities. vehicles even in the Dark Age was the efforts of a network of
Before long, what had once been a handful of suit-wearing ex- salvagers and treasure hunters. This group excavated the univer-
ecutives had evolved into the Dark Age equivalent of rail barons sities at Houghton and Marquette as well as the ruins of factories
and merchant princes. Some of the positions were handed down and laboratories along the coasts of the Great Lakes and through-
through heredity, others were fought for in bitter turf wars or out the Midwest. These secrets were brought to Ishpeming and
passed on using their own rites of succession. As Ishpeming and the still-standing HQ of Northern Inc. Over the years, the salvag-
ers and the company’s scientists became one, first recovering and
reproducing Golden Age technology and, later, designing their
own weapons and war machines. In its modern incarnation, the and its farmers enjoy a level of safety and technology found at
Northern Gun Research and Development branch is both ac- few places in the rest of the world.
tively developing products and ruthlessly stealing and reverse-
engineering anything it can get its hands on. The R&D Councilor Brett Morgan, Manufacturing & Labor Councilor
is charged with keeping the scientists busy, as well as organizing
the theft, purchase, capture and other ‘procurement’ of desirable While the Chief Councilor is technically head of both the cor-
foreign technology. For this part of the job, the full services of porate and state elements of Ishpeming/Northern Gun, it is Brett
the Loss Prevention Office are at the disposal of the Research and Morgan, the Manufacturing & Labor Councilor, who plays the
Development Councilor. greatest role in the daily operations of the company itself. He is a
former factory chief and supervisor who rose up within the com-
5. Shipping and Ports: Northern Gun/Ishpeming has long pany until he was given the top office in his department.
miles of coastline within its territory, a handful of major ports and
countless small docks, off-loading points and accessible rivers. During his tenure, Morgan has introduced greater use of ro-
To attempt to monitor and oversee all the traffic coming into and bots within Northern Gun factories. As the country’s population
going out of the country, a full Councilor position is dedicated growth has stabilized (few Tolkeen refugees made it through the
to regulating ports and shipping. Land borders are not a concern Coalition lines and the Wisconsin wildlands), automation allows
for this position, though its authority overlaps a bit with the Ish- factories to make up for the growing cost of labor. Even though
peming and Escanaba Councilors as the S&P Councilor has the Northern Gun’s people are considered to be its greatest resource,
ultimate decision-making authority regarding the country’s ports labor robots put to heavy use and some of the traditional assem-
and clearance practices. bly lines found throughout the nation are starting to look more
like Golden Age factories or at least their CS equivalents. Still,
6. The Military/IMCN: The highest-ranking military officer the company makes sure there are plenty of jobs to keep its citi-
in the country is the Military Councilor. While Northern Gun zens employed and happy. With an unemployment rate of less
does not maintain a traditional military, it is the Military Coun- than 2%, it is a job well done.
cilor’s job to coordinate the many mercenary and privateer com-
panies in its employ and see to an overall national defense policy. Brett Morgan, Quick Stats: Alignment: Scrupulous. Attri-
With the establishment of Task Force X to monitor the Xiticix butes: I.Q. 21, M.E. 20, M.A. 19, P.S. 15, P.P. 14, P.E. 12., P.B.
threat, the Military Councilor’s office has troops directly subser- 14, Spd 11. Experience: 12th level Operator.
vient to it for the first time, though they are under the command
of their own general to avoid distracting the Military Councilor Jacob Wyman, Chief Councilor of Northern Gun
and to oversee the relationship between the Councilor and most
mercenary commanders. Should the homeland ever be invaded Running the continent’s largest company and the nation-state
or face an emergency that requires its full attention, the Military that supports it is not an easy job. It all falls squarely on the shoul-
Councilor is expected to serve as Field Marshal and overall com- ders of Jacob Wyman, Chief Councilor of Northern Gun and head
mander for the combined security, militia and mercenary forces of the Trade Council. Wyman has held the top position for over
of Northern Gun. The Military Councilor is in charge of training a decade, and is responsible for Northern Gun’s gradual shift to-
and equipping the Loss Prevention Office as well as Task Force wards an alliance with the Coalition States. He represents both
X. the power and authority of the Trade Council and the overriding
economic force that is the Northern Gun corporation.
7. The Iron Fields/Western Border: One of Northern Gun’s
greatest assets is the wealth of iron deposits found along its west- Jacob Wyman grew up in Marquette, a city not far from Ish-
ern border and around Marquette. In the Dark Age, this area was peming itself. He has been a contract employee since age eigh-
relatively cut off from Ishpeming and grew into independent cit- teen when he signed up to unload cargo ships at the docks, a
ies with their own system of government. In time, they joined tough job for anyone. Wyman refused to let the work get to him
forces with Northern Gun and let themselves be absorbed by and soon enough, was coordinating the loading and unloading
the corporation. The region is still somewhat isolated, and the of entire vessels and shipping companies. He was transferred to
overseer/governor of the cities and mines of the Iron Fields has corporate in Ishpeming soon after, and made a name for himself
evolved into a full Councilor position. Not only is the Western by turning Escanaba into a thriving city that Northern Gun can be
Councilor responsible for developing and exploiting the Iron proud of, instead of just a massive shipping hub and warehouse
Fields, but also for the security of Ishpeming’s entire western district. The efforts to make downtown Escanaba attractive and
border. The mines in Marquette and elsewhere throughout the inviting are all initiatives put forth by Wyman’s administration,
peninsula are also regulated by the Western Councilor’s office, and he has used his position at the top to see them through to
no matter where they are located. completion. Considering Northern Gun is already the top brand
name in America, he wants visitors and tourists to see the Re-
8. Agriculture: Feeding the people of Ishpeming/Northern public of Ishpeming as a healthy and viable state with a growing
Gun is the responsibility of the Agricultural Councilor. The ma- population, not just a giant shopping mall for mercenaries and
jority of the country’s food supply comes from a few belts of fledgling kingdoms. The Manufacturing & Labor Department is
productive farmland, most of which are located within the center good enough at keeping up production levels that Wyman can
of the nation. Importing and exporting food to and from Manis- focus most of his attention on the needs of the state, confident that
tique, Iron Heart, New Lazlo, Lazlo, Free Quebec and Chi-Town Northern Gun will remain strong and competitive.
is also under the purview of the Agricultural Councilor, though
this part of the job is a more recent development. The farmland of Jacob Wyman, Quick Stats. Alignment: Scrupulous. At-
Ishpeming is rich and fertile, even if the growing season is short, tributes: I.Q. 19, M.E. 14, M.A. 23, P.S. 14, P.P. 11, P.E. 14,
P.B. 13, Spd 12. Experience: 11th level Vagabond Merchant/
City Planner specializing in logistics and political maneuvering.
Doctor Jon Kaminsky, advantage over smaller competitors and helps maintain the flow
Research & Development Councilor of new products to customers.
Dr. Jonathan Kaminsky is the head of Research and Develop- Northern Gun Retail Outlets
ment for Northern Gun. Armed with a keen scientific mind seem-
ingly from birth, Kaminsky has been a part of R&D since he was Northern Gun has two primary types of “stores” away from its
a teenager and has spent many thousands of hours testing his own hometown in Michigan. The first are outlet shops, most of which
designs and carefully taking apart alien and foreign technology to are small to medium-sized retail locations where Northern Gun
learn secrets he can incorporate into NG products. Kaminsky is products are available in a limited range and sold in small quanti-
behind many of Northern Gun’s recent advances in hover tech- ties, often to civilian customers. The second are showrooms and
nology, a field in which he specializes. He personally designed a warehouse centers, large to massive stores where vehicles, giant
handful of the company’s hovercraft in addition to conducting his robots and other “high-priced” items are available in good sup-
duties overseeing the entire research department. ply and large amounts of merchandise are displayed and stored.
While any NG store can place special orders and have one or
Working on his own projects and watching his engineers and more items shipped to them, showrooms and warehouse cen-
scientists create new mechanical wonders is fulfilling, but noth- ters are priority outlets that can usually get special orders within
ing satisfies Doctor Kaminsky‘s curiosity like examining new 1D4+3 days; half that time if within 800 miles (1,280 km) of
technology for the Reverse-Engineering Department. Cracking Northern Gun. In addition, orders for large, high priced items or
open the armored shell of a vehicle from another world or dimen- large quantities of items can be placed on behalf of a customer,
sion, or disassembling an unknown weapon can reveal secrets and shipped to a showroom or warehouse center anywhere. Small
years beyond the capacity of Northern Gun. And while the com- stores and shops, especially those in remote areas and danger-
pany cannot necessarily recreate every discovery, Kaminsky can ous territories, may not be allowed to accept delivery straight
certainly appreciate and get ideas from them. He is currently for- from the factory in Michigan, and may have to have the item(s)
mulating a technological advancement plan for the next twenty shipped to the nearest NG warehouse center and pick it up them-
years of Northern Gun technology, slowly upgrading the com- selves, then transport it to their outlet shop. This can add days or
pany to the CS pre-Campaign of Unity standards before incorpo- even weeks to the delivery time for the smaller shops. Note: All
rating newer, more difficult technologies recovered from new CS special orders require advance payment in full.
designs, Triax and alien equipment. Kaminsky is familiar with
science and tech that would leave the average Operator speech- The average Northern Gun outlet shop is a candy store for
less, and could easily hold his ground in a debate with ranking mercs and adventurers, a combination gunshop and wilderness
scientists on an advanced planet or Golden Age academic forum. outfitter. Most people only think about the big robots and the
flashy weapon systems, but the majority of the company’s profits
Jonathan Kaminsky, Research & Development Councilor, come from selling boots, outdoor clothing, canned food, freeze-
Quick Stats: Alignment: Unprincipled. Attributes: I.Q. 25, dried rations, small tools, medical kits and equipment like flash-
M.E. 19, M.A. 20, P.S. 18, P.P. 15, P.E. 18., P.B. 14, Spd 9. Level lights and camp stoves. All are for sale at Northern Gun outlets,
of Experience: 15th level Rogue Scientist. and the most common small arms and basic items are in good
The NGMI Credit System
Outlets can be of almost any size, and most warehouse centers
A combined effort of Northern Gun and the Manistique Impe- will have one or more outlet shops located in the same town as
rium, the NGMI credits system is, arguably, the second (or third) well as nearby communities to saturate the area with the North-
most reliable currency on the market. Depending on who you talk ern Gun brand and to be more accessible to everyday customers.
to, Coalition credits – better known as Universal Credits – are Small outlets tend to specialize in 2-6 areas, such as adventuring/
more stable because they are backed up by a much larger nation wilderness gear and weapons, or weapons, armor and power ar-
and accepted almost anywhere. Others say Black Market credits mor, or hovercycles, body armor, farm vehicles and robot horses
are more useful because they are widely accepted and not tracked and drones, or may offer only personal weapons, tools, E-Clips
by the Coalition. NGMI credits, however, can be exchanged for and batteries, and so on. Only 25% of outlet stores offer any giant
Universal Credits at many locations, and are also accepted by robots or heavy combat vehicles, and even then are not likely to
most Black Market outlets. Northern Gun is both a nation and have more than 4-12 on site and available for immediate pur-
the largest corporation in North America, and they use their dual chase. High-end products like giant robots, combat vehicles and
status to bolster faith in their currency. a wide range of power armor, weapons, body armor and vehicles
are usually limited to showrooms and warehouse centers. Though
The circulation of NGMI credits keeps the Northern Gun medium and large outlet stores are likely to have some power ar-
brand name in people’s minds and forces them to interact with mor, hovercycles, small vehicles, weapons and armor actually on
Northern Gun in order to do their banking. Customers who use display, they will have only a few (1-4) of each in stock. For full-
NGMI credits in their daily life spend a much larger portion of size combat robots, aircraft, ships and large vehicles, customers
their income on Northern Gun products, and the Trade Coun- will be taken to a nearby warehouse center, airfield or shipping
cil knows this. They are currently pushing NGMI credits as a dock or will need to arrange for a special order and delivery of
“neutral” non-Coalition alternative for small kingdoms and city- their purchase to a specific location. For this purpose, each “of-
states. The credits can be used to conduct business with Coalition ficial” Northern Gun outlet shop will always have one or two
interests, but are also accepted in places like Lazlo, New Lazlo, Ordering Agents who can call in special requests by radio back
Kingsdale, Whykin, Arzno, the defunct Tolkeen, and even parts of to Ishpeming itself. Most Northern Gun outlet employees know
the Federation of Magic, Pecos Empire, Colorado Baronies and
elsewhere. The NGMI credit system gives Northern Gun a huge
how to call in special orders, but only the Ordering Agent is given care and regular maintenance, so the company’s warranty is lim-
the verification codes necessary to clear them. ited to two decades of use. Thus, a power drill, ion pistol or power
pack that is non-functional will be fixed or swapped out for a
Showrooms and warehouse centers are 10-40 times larger replacement, no questions asked. Note: This return/replacement
than most outlet shops and have a bit more of a carnival-like at- policy does NOT apply to the more expensive weapon systems,
mosphere. Warehouse centers fulfill a different role than outlet equipment and multi-million credit vehicles and robots, but certi-
stores. They are designed to sell the high-end, big ticket items fied NG garages perform maintenance, repairs and upgrades at a
– including literally “big” product such as giant robots, combat 20% discount on all high-end NG equipment, no questions asked.
and exploration vehicles, commercial vehicles, heavy equip-
ment and the full range of product lines such as hovercycles, With the hundreds of retail outlets and advanced repair fa-
body armor, power armor, weapons and so on. Such facilities are cilities and subcontractors available to Northern Gun, fixing me-
likely to have firing ranges and testing areas on site or nearby. chanical problems is much simpler for them than many of their
Likewise, concealed warehouses or well fortified and defended clients and competitors. The product will be repaired, cleaned
corporate bunkers are likely to be located nextdoor or down the and repainted if necessary, and returned to the customer. Items
road. Showrooms and warehouse centers are always large, well- exchanged for a new replacement are likewise repaired and re-
lit buildings with high ceilings to accommodate large products. painted to be as good as new, and set back out on the store shelf
Some are very slick and glitzy while others have more of a ware- for the next customer who comes along. This is another advan-
house look and feel, but all are stuffed with crates and vehicles tage of Northern Gun products having such a long shelf-life.
ready for a test-run or immediate sale. Customers are NEVER Since products are so durable and seldom discontinued, a 20 year
allowed to wander through warehouse centers unescorted, except product design is still a viable sales item. Mercs and adventurers
in the actual showroom where display product is locked down brag about their equipment and compare weapons and vehicles
and their power supplies often removed, making theft difficult all the time, and keeping customers happy is a good way to main-
and attempts impossible to go unnoticed. Northern Gun employ- tain reputation and keep them coming back for more.
ees are expected to direct them to the experienced sales staff and
assist to complete the purchases, help show off different product As long as a customer has a sales receipt and the item is un-
options, etc. When the customer has made his selection (most used/the packaging unopened or the goods are in like-new condi-
already know exactly what they are looking for and what they tion, NG retailers can issue a full refund credit voucher. How-
can afford), the item is prepped and made ready to drive or carry ever, the voucher can only be accepted and cashed out at NG
off the lot or packaged and loaded up for scheduled delivery to a showrooms, warehouse centers or Ishpeming itself. Likewise,
suitable destination. Many mercenaries and experienced adven- any credit voucher for more than 45 million credits can only be
turers skip the outlet stores and go right to the showrooms and redeemed at Ishpeming. Vouchers are only issued when there is
warehouse centers whenever they can. clear proof of purchase and ownership. If anyone is caught trying
to “return” stolen goods as a purchased product (and NG has a
As one might imagine, these large showrooms and warehouse comprehensive list of serial numbers and identifying marks on
centers are comparatively few and far between, whereas at least all its goods), the merchandise is seized and the “thief” taken into
one or two NG outlet shops seem to be present in every flea-bitten custody and brought up on charges. Stealing NG goods, espe-
town – at least the ones that cater to mercenaries and adventurers. cially its big robots and war machines, has severe consequences.
In some cases, the general store is, in effect, an NG outlet store. Like horse thieves of the Old West, they can be imprisoned or
Meanwhile, prosperous city-states and small kingdoms may have executed for their crimes. At the Coalition States, execution is
dozens of outlet shops and multiple warehouse centers like Merc- the common penalty, and it may be exercised right on the spot at
Town. Each warehouse center also serves as a supply hub for the the discretion of Coalition soldiers and CS law enforcement when
smaller outlet stores who replenish their shelves from the ware- the perpetrator is a D-Bee, practitioner of magic, or member of a
house’s stocks. Large deliveries are made to warehouse centers known rebel, terrorist or enemy group. The CS considers the theft
and showrooms, and then distributed by truck and hover-lifter to and resale of stolen military-grade NG goods to be handling dan-
outlet stores for miles around. This is also where most “special gerous contraband and such criminals can be shot dead on sight.
orders” end up, requiring someone from the outlet shop to come
and get it to its final destination. This simple network system has Northern Gun
worked for Northern Gun to expand into new and old markets
with alarming efficiency and ease, increasing in number and size Foreign Relations
as the community and market grows.
Northern Gun conducts all diplomacy regarding the Repub-
NG Returns Policy lic of Ishpeming under its own Corporate Public Relations De-
partment. Ambassadors from Ishpeming are also sales reps for
Northern Gun has a return policy and warranty that nobody Northern Gun, and discounts on products or the threat of a With-
else can match. As a general rule, anything with a value of less hold Order are tools available to an NG diplomat. As a result,
than 100,000 credits can usually be exchanged for a new or re- the foreign policy of Northern Gun is designed to enhance the
built one, as long as the original does not appear to have been de- corporation’s sales and put it in a position to access new markets.
liberately broken or clearly damaged in combat or left to rot in the When the Northern Gun corporation can help secure the Repub-
elements. In short, any item that breaks under “normal” use and is lic of Ishpeming, they use their resources as a manufacturer and
less than 20 years old, NG will accept, repair, rebuild or replace arms merchant to do so. When the national presence, territory and
for the customer. The 20 year cap is in place because Northern
Gun products are known to last for decades when given a little
sovereignty of Ishpeming can help further the profits of Northern So far, the alliance with the CS has done nothing to hurt
Gun, it does. Northern Gun’s sales or reputation. Only a tiny percentage ac-
cuse NG of selling out and serving as the pawns or lackey of the
Coalition States: Allies or Overlords? CS. Many others believe NG is actually playing the Coalition as
a fool and using inside information to find better routes and ways
Many people were surprised by the announcement of a non- to sell weapons and armor to independent kingdoms, city-states
aggression pact and economic cooperation agreement between and adventurers.
Northern Gun and the Coalition States. After all, a huge percent-
age of the dissidents and independents that resist the Coalition are The Manistique Imperium
equipped with Northern Gun gear. Any deal with the CS could be
a serious blow to Northern Gun sales and would certainly com- For decades, the Manistique Imperium has been Ishpeming’s
plicate the political picture of North America. “little brother.” Located just east of Ishpeming and also protect-
ed by the geography of the Upper Peninsula, it has long been
For many years, Northern Gun has conducted trade with the a manufacturer of industrial and agricultural equipment, as well
Coalition States. CS Iron Heart is close by, and actually is just as appliances, generators, civilian vehicles and other products. It
across a river from the neighboring Manistique Imperium. Goods has been known as the Second Gun for decades, and many still
either leave Ishpeming and follow the northern half of the Impe- refer to it as such, some mockingly, some with an air of affection.
rium, or are shipped from Marquette directly to Iron Heart via Within the last twenty years, however, the Manistique Imperium
Lake Superior. Lake Michigan also provides a relatively safe has grown out of its reputation as a second-rate Northern Gun and
travel route, and ships regularly make the north-south run from subcontractor to NG.
Escanaba to the Coalition’s Chi-Town ports near Old Chicago.
The Imperium today is a nation on the move as well as a de-
Still, trade is one thing, and an actual alliance is another. veloping market force to be reckoned with. First, with various
Northern Gun had a long-time policy of remaining politically independent products and knock-offs of NG gear (much of it
blind and neutral. They opened their doors to any customer, and sold to the Black Market), then under the Wellington Industries
this is often still the case. To develop a deeper relationship with brand, the Imperium has moved to claim a larger and larger share
the Coalition States puts all that at risk, threatening to associate of the North American arms market. They now supply merce-
Northern Gun with human supremacists and alienate their D-Bee nary groups, adventurers and small kingdoms’ militaries, just like
and magic practicing customers. Northern Gun.
The NG Trade Council is willing to chance it, however, and Historically, the Imperium has made up for NG’s huge advan-
sees many benefits to closer ties with the Coalition States. Should tage in size and reach by turning a blind eye to the Black Market.
a serious threat like the Xiticix, the Splugorth or a new invader A vast percentage of the less flashy gear that the Black Market
from the Rifts ever spill over into a general invasion of North sells was originally manufactured in the Imperium. Northern Gun
America, Northern Gun is under no illusions as to who might resents this arrangement a bit, but they have their own complex
come to their aid. Lazlo and New Lazlo, while well-intentioned, relationship with the Black Market. And due to their even closer
are too small, too weak militarily and would have their own share ties to the Coalition and greater range of military products, the
of problems to deal with should such a dire situation arise. The NG must be more careful to whom they sell their goods, especial-
Federation of Magic has an actual disdain for technology, and ly weapons. Even with the Imperium making moves, they have
many people within it would probably be happy if Northern Gun barely made a dent in Northern Gun’s sales, and the Imperium’s
collapsed and see it as proof of the superiority of the mystic arts. “Big Brother” tolerates “Little Brother” flexing its muscles.
Free Quebec is a strong, human supremacist power, but after their
recent near-war with the CS, they have become even more aloof Despite the rivalry and modest resentment, the two neighbors
and reclusive and would be unlikely to risk significant resources of Northern Michigan have extremely close ties, both culturally
to protect anyone but their own self-interest, certainly not North- and geographically. Their 50 mile (80 km) border is watched by
ern Gun or the Manistique Imperium. It is the Coalition States, only a few token forts and guard posts, more to direct traffic and
and only the CS, that would stand ready to fight for Ishpeming if maintain the Ishpeming-Manistique Highway than to stay alert
it should come under threat. The Coalition is already deploying for military attacks. This stretch of road is still the longest unpro-
soldiers to contain and neutralize the Xiticix Hivelands, the great- tected border between nations anywhere in North America, and
est known danger to Northern Gun, and already views Atlantis as possibly the entire world of Rifts Earth. Likewise, both nations
a continent of enemies marked for elimination. have come to each other’s assistance in times of need and disas-
ter, and would do so again in a heartbeat. Both exchange infor-
In return for a greater assurance of survival into the future, mation and work together to keep their borders safe from pirates,
the NG Trade Council is willing to dance to the Coalition’s tune, bandits, invaders, Xiticix and other threats.
or at least make things appear so. The suspension of trade to the
Coalition’s enemies, for example, looks good on paper, but has The Black Market
much less of an effect on the real arms market than one might
assume. Magic has long been officially outlawed within Ishpem- A large percentage of Northern Gun’s customers never enter
ing, so meeting the Coalition’s demands in that regard has been a Northern Gun outlet or interact with an official retailer. They
easy. And while D-Bees are by no means hunted down like they make their purchases on the Black Market, buying from the shad-
are inside the CS, they have never been seen as equals next to owy, illegal collection of criminal groups that sell to anyone who
humans and were relegated to the status of second-class citizens has the cash.
and outsiders long before a Coalition alliance was ever an option.
Northern Gun goods are a mainstay of the Black Market’s outright, especially if they are freelancers and not standing mem-
sales. They are the most plentiful and easiest way to access weap- bers of the Black Market organization) in order to reestablish the
ons on the continent. Northern Gun has manufactured so many proper balance. This way, Northern Gun can rely on the Black
robots, vehicles and hovercraft that even their larger and more Market to spread its goods to customers it cannot sell to openly,
expensive items can be found at many Black Market outlets – in all the while maintaining plausible deniability and a certain level
used and new condition. Since NG has been churning out and of respect for the legitimate operations of the company. When it
selling products for decades, older Northern Gun gear has filtered comes to protecting its profits and its market share, Northern Gun
down through multiple buyers and sellers to end up on the Black can be just as ruthless and vindictive as any mobster.
Black Market Storage Services. The Black Market also
The Black Market also gets many missiles, and other items makes good money simply storing contraband and illegal goods
that are difficult to manufacture on their own, from NG (and the for travelers who need to go into Ishpeming to shop. Carrying
Manistique Imperium). Since most of those things are high-profit around Naruni or Techno-Wizard devices can attract undue at-
products (mini-missiles are surprisingly cheap for NG and the tention, leading to the equipment being confiscated and possible
Imperium to produce), Northern Gun does whatever it can to help arrest or fines for the owner, or even complications with CS sol-
supply the Black Market without making it look like they’re sell- diers and spies in town. The Black Market has no such restric-
ing to them. This is done by arranging for cargo to be seemingly tions, and those who know where and how to look for them can
“hijacked” and getting paid under the table or getting trade goods, find market storehouses near the outskirts of most Northern Gun
raw materials, etc., via a legitimate front company or Black Mar- cities. The Black Market will store virtually any item for a few
ket pawn. hundred credits per week, or a vehicle, robot or suit of power
armor for 1,000-2,000 credits a week. The Black Market oper-
The Black Market manufactures very little of what it sells. In- ates in secret and is not under observation by the CS, so most of
stead, it purchases knock-offs from the Manistique Imperium and these storage safe houses are quite safe and secure. The Ishpem-
other companies, and acquires stolen goods for the vast majority ing authorities NEVER go looking for these facilities and turn a
of its remaining stock. Buying and selling contraband and stolen blind eye to D-Bees and practitioners of magic who keep a low
goods is their stock in trade. Northern Gun, by contrast, needs to profile. Should the LPO or mercenary law enforcement actually
manufacture items to survive. Ishpeming could never have grown raid a Black Market storehouse, it is usually for show or because
so strong so fast without the billions of credits that have poured the facility is being used to store goods stolen from NG against
into the nation from customers outside of Northern Gun. its will or involved in some other nefarious activity. There is no
compensation or insurance for lost property from a storage safe-
As a matter of practicality, Northern Gun and the Black Mar- house, but those types of raids are quite rare. The Black Market
ket have grown into long-term business partners, whether they knows how far it can push things and seldom oversteps its bounds
like it or not. Even Northern Gun’s best agents and mercenary in Michigan.
network cannot match the Black Market for reach, and without
the criminal organization, Northern Gun’s profits would shrink It doesn’t happen as often, but the Black Market sometimes
noticeably (by an estimated 30%), even with all the products provides storage services for Northern Gun, itself. This can hap-
the Black Market actually steals and hijacks. The Black Market pen when the company is transporting more goods than it can
is responsible for 90% of every Northern Gun weapon, armor accommodate at its own warehouses, is trafficking in contraband,
and combat item sold within the Coalition States, including the and when NG is operating far away from its home base in Michi-
‘Burbs. Energy weapons are outlawed in CS population centers gan or is trying to avoid complications with the CS. Northern
and the mass of squalid humanity known as the Coalition ‘Burbs. Gun NEVER stores, transports or sells Black Market products.
Those caught trading in contraband are interrogated, imprisoned,
and often put to death, but the Black Market defies the odds and Naruni Enterprises
makes a fortune doing so. Similar restrictions in Free Quebec and
a few other kingdoms also make the Black Market the only dis- Nadine stole a quick look around as the lights dimmed.
tributor of Northern Gun weapons, even in areas with official NG Twenty-three other potential Northern Gun Sales Reps had been
outlets that sell civilian goods. squeezed into the small classroom. Each one focused on the
screen ahead, not daring to show distraction or familiarity.
Agents within the Black Market. As complicated as North-
ern Gun’s arrangements with the Black Market are, both organi- Dr. Jonathan Kaminsky appeared on the viewscreen. He was
zations are actively involved in working together and at the same head of Research and Development for the entire Northern Gun
time, interfering with each other’s business. The Black Market company; making the man both a political powerhouse and ex-
definitely has people on its payroll who officially work for North- tremely well versed in technology.
ern Gun, but, more surprising, NG hires Freelance Spies and de-
ploys LPO (Loss Prevention Officers) to infiltrate Black Market “Good afternoon, Northern Gun employees. I am here today
groups and find out what is really happening behind closed doors. to talk to you about the dangers of Naruni technology.”
Northern Gun is happy to sell products off-the-record to agents Kaminsky took a large, bulky, alien energy weapon from a
of the Black Market, or “arrange” for theft and hijackings and get table behind him and held it up.
paid under the table. But the Black Market also buys goods from
bandits, pirates and adventurers they know have been stolen from “Now, some of you may have seen these already, probably
Northern Gun and even tip such crooks off about NG trade routes being confiscated by Loss Prevention Officers. This is a Naruni
and scheduled deliveries. If too much of the latter is going on, plasma cartridge rifle. It is a powerful, short-range weapon and
a handful of Black Market smugglers and thieving “associates” should not be underestimated. It is, however, manufactured using
will have to be taken down (arrested and imprisoned or killed slave labor – and even more despicable methods, on dozens of
different alien worlds. The Naruni have a different outlook on life
than we do, and have no qualms about destroying entire popu- sion into the North American market. Since then, Northern Gun
lations in order to sell their products. Our intelligence efforts has kept up the pressure, dispatching spies, mercenary hit squads
indicate that this is their plan for Earth: to enslave people in and Loss Prevention Officers to track down the new wave of
remote areas and force them into slave labor in their factories, Naruni imports. When discovered, they either take action them-
and to create dissension and war across the continent to drum selves or report to the Coalition States. The CS is zealous in their
up sales. They will sell to any group, including Xiticix, Horune efforts to eradicate Naruni Enterprises and their alien technology
Pirates, Brodkil, vampires, dimensional raiders, demons, and from the face of the planet, always responding quickly and with
other monsters. For these reasons, Naruni weapons and technol- deadly force.
ogy are a danger to us all and not allowed within the Republic of
Ishpeming. Those who insist on trafficking in these goods must be Trading in Naruni Equipment and Personnel. For former
identified, tracked down, arrested and prosecuted. We have the Naruni customers who have realized the error of their ways,
Coalition States’ help in that regard, so do not hesitate to call Northern Gun offers redemption in the form of cash vouchers and
upon them. percentage discounts for those who trade in Naruni products. All
working Naruni products may be traded in for half the value of an
“This not about eliminating a dangerous market rival. This is NG equivalent item and get the individual a Northern Gun vouch-
about a real and present danger from an alien invader seeking er that can be spent at any NG retail outlet or warehouse center.
to undermine our way of life. And the danger doesn’t end there.” Or the individual can turn over the Naruni gear and get equivalent
NG goods at an impressive 50% discount. Such trades must be
Kaminsky pulled on a pair of surgical gloves and picked up done with care, however. If the trader is suspected of being in
one of the gun’s shells with a pair of plastic tweezers. cahoots with Naruni Enterprises or a seller of Naruni goods, that
individual(s) is likely to be arrested and face imprisonment or
“What I have here is a Naruni plasma cartridge. There is a execution. If turned over to the CS to investigate, execution is
lot of heat and power stored inside such a small container. Too all but a certainty. This cunning campaign has enabled Northern
much, it seems. Our science and medical teams have been able Gun to successfully paint Naruni as monsters, taking their Naruni
to disassemble Naruni ammunition and measure the output of competitor’s products off the street, and replacing them with their
dangerous radiation that they produce. Each one of these shells own. Mercs who are tired of worrying about the Coalition or the
emits as much radiation as a leaky nuclear power core. Pro- Loss Prevention Office coming after them for possessing Naruni
longed exposure can lead to hair and skin loss and cancer, as equipment may be happy to get rid of equipment that has become
well as mental and reproductive side effects. Handling broken or a liability, no matter how superior it is. Naruni weapons and ve-
cracked ammunition can cause severe blisters, open sores and hicles are certainly outlawed in the Ishpeming Military Contract
cause permanent respiratory damage in a matter of 48 hours. Network, and Loss Prevention Officers keep an eye out for them
at every Northern Gun sales outlet.
“For these reasons, we must ask that you stay away from any
and all Naruni products and immediately report those you find There is a catch when turning in Naruni products, however.
to the Loss Prevention Office. Let customers know the dangers The Loss Prevention Office monitors and records anyone and ev-
of Naruni technology, and remind them how safe and reliable eryone who receives a voucher or discount in return for Naruni
Northern Gun products are. I have been authorized to give our gear. For someone who exchanges a handheld weapon or a few
sales force permission to offer these people, ignorant to the dan- cartridges of ammo, there is little to fear. Keep coming back with
gers of ALL Naruni technology, a Northern Gun product replace- Naruni and/or other alien guns and equipment, however, and the
ment at a hefty 50% discount – something from our line of plasma LPO will take note, and most likely share that information with
ejectors or particle beam weapons, perhaps. If they agree, make the Coalition Army. Show up with an expensive vehicle or drone
the sale and take the dangerous Naruni weapon to the nearest NG and one is automatically on the list, watched with concealed sus-
police officer or better yet, the LPO. If the individual refuses to picion and sometimes secretly arrested or detained until more
exchange the weapon, do not press the matter, but try to get in- information can be extracted. One way or another, whoever is at
formation about who the individual is, where he is staying, where the end of that trail is about to have a very unfriendly run-in with
he acquired the item, and turn the info immediately over to the mercs, LPOs or Coalition Special Forces.
LPO, NG law enforcement, CS military or law enforcement, or a
senior Northern Gun sales agent. Do not hand it over to the local Relations with Other
authorities. Foreign Powers and Corporations
“At Northern Gun, we care about our employees like our own Lazlo: Lazlo is a consistent customer of Northern Gun’s
family, and that same feeling extends to our customers. Do your wares. While they are a city of magic, and many residents use
part to keep them safe – and keep Naruni gear away from Earth. Techno-Wizardry and other methods in place of technology, Laz-
Thank you.” lo also has a sizable non-magic population. Many of these people
feel more comfortable using normal devices, tools and weapons,
Northern Gun finds competition from other-dimensional rivals because they are more familiar, less expensive, and due to a per-
extremely unwelcome and unfair. Competitors like Wellington sonal lack of magic energy. The government of Lazlo is quite
and Wilk’s are one thing, but Naruni Enterprises represent a permissive regarding the presence of Northern Gun products,
technology base decades ahead of Northern Gun and even Tri- who maintain several “unofficial” outlets in the city in addition to
ax. The D-Bees’ reputation for being ruthless and underhanded numerous Black Market run stores offering NG goods. Lazlo and
precedes them, and the Trade Council is happy to do anything all communities of magic practitioners are of grave concern to the
they can to undermine Naruni operations, including exaggeration
like the presentation above. It is to this end that they cooperated
with the Coalition States to eliminate the alien arms merchants, a
move that dealt a decisive blow to the Naruni’s plans for expan-
Coalition States and regarded as a serious threat if not an outright that Northern Gun is behind this ban, and doesn’t really care one
Enemy of Humanity. way or the other. Note: NG attempts to reverse-engineer every
new Wilk’s release, a practice that has taught their techs quite a
New Lazlo: Just like its parent city, New Lazlo is located few things about making high-quality laser weapons, but has still
close enough to Northern Gun that it is by default, a major client. left them unable to accurately replicate Wilk’s lasers.
Sited within Southeastern Michigan (on the bones of pre-Rifts
Ann Arbor), New Lazlo conducts most of its trade with Northern Iron Heart Armaments: Northern Gun watched with in-
Gun from its port south of Detroit. While it does provide rela- tense interest as the upstart weapons manufacturer known as Iron
tively easy water access, ships must make the dangerous journey Heart Armaments was established by Coalition rogues only to
down the St. Clair and Detroit rivers. The St. Clair River is a rela- be subsequently re-conquered and absorbed back into the CS.
tively peaceful trip, but the Detroit River has the haunted ruins of The large ships and aircraft they produced were viewed as a le-
Detroit on one side and Windsor on the other, both of which are gitimate threat to the Coalition States, a lesson the Trade Council
notorious hot-spots for Rifts and demonic activity. Ships’ crews has taken to heart. Long-range bombers, missile ships, nuclear
tend to “button up” and seal themselves off in the best defended weapons and similar development projects are all prohibited by
portions of the ship during this leg of the journey. Means of magi- the Trade Council for fear of pushing the Coalition into reacting
cal transport and the use of ley lines are also used, but such magic with a military response. The two Sea King missile cruisers that
must be performed outside the knowledge of Ishpeming and most Ishpeming acquired from IHA, the NGS Superior and NGS Mich-
Northern Michigan cities and towns to avoid issues with the CS. igan, are both used strictly for coastal defense purposes and are
well known to the Coalition Navy. Michigan even participated
Titan Robotics: The mysterious robot manufacturer has been in a joint naval exercise with CS forces in the summer of 108
a mystery to Northern Gun for many years. It is only recently, P.A., the first time that the two nations’ militaries have officially
however, as Titan’s sales numbers and product line have expand- worked together.
ed, that they have become a real cause for concern. What is most
frustrating is that NG’s spies have produced almost no informa- Golden Age Weaponsmiths: Golden Age Weaponsmiths are
tion on the secretive corporation, even after years of scrutiny. known for their advanced, Mega-Damage conversions of pre-
Attempts to infiltrate an undercover agent into the company have Rifts vehicles and weapon systems. Overall, however, their gear
also been fruitless. Titan produces some of the best open-market is usually slightly below Northern Gun’s in tech level and ar-
robots and power armor in America, and Northern Gun would guably patchwork. The Trade Council sees GAW as a specialist
very much like to know where and how they do it, as there is working in a market that is just different enough that NG doesn’t
no way the Titan factories at New Cedarville can manufacture view them as a direct competitor, but more of an ambitious sub-
all the robots Titan sells. There has to be a secret manufacturing contractor.
center somewhere, but where? And why the secrecy? The Loss
Prevention Office is determined to find out. So far, NG has kept Triax Industries: The European and North American markets
its concerns and suspicions from their CS allies. see very little overlap, and Northern Gun is unconcerned with
Triax and its virtual monopoly over the arms trade in Europe. For
Wellington Industries: Wellington is quickly becoming the while Triax products do make it to North America, their agree-
signature brand name of the Manistique Imperium. Northern Gun ment with the Coalition States has drastically cut down on the
has been preparing for this eventuality for a long time, watch- overall amount. Northern Gun’s fears that the continent would
ing as the Imperium’s market share increased every year. In re- be swamped with German exports have so far turned out to be
sponse, they have reacted to Wellington’s specialty in explosives unfounded. For now, Northern Gun is happy to purchase Triax
and ballistic weapons by scaling back new research into similar technology and attempt to reverse-engineer it, all while trying
projects and by making sure that Northern Gun ammunition is to formulate a plan to get their wares into the European market.
compatible with all Wellington products. They have also been
quietly producing knock-offs of Wellington’s grenade and mini- The Xiticix: The growing Xiticix infestation in Canada and
missile launchers and selling them at a 10-25% discount to the northern Minnesota has alarmed the Trade Council into finally
Black Market and to unaffiliated vendors. organizing a response. In addition to the creation of Task Force
X, Ishpeming’s western field army, the research and development
Wilk’s Laser Technologies: While Wilk’s does manufacture labs have also begun to design and test new anti-Xiticix weapon
a huge volume of laser tools and weapons, and an almost immea- systems, including robots such as the Bison, Bruiser and Buffalo.
surable amount of circuits and electronic parts, their efforts have The Council believes that containing the Xiticix threat will be a
not yet branched out into other areas such as robotics, vehicles, 10-20 year operation and may represent a significant profit-mak-
armor or other weapon systems. There was a former Wilk’s ex- ing opportunity (and possible threat to all life on Earth). With this
ecutive on the NG Trade Council for several years, and the rela- in mind, they will take a back seat in any offensive action against
tionship between the two companies is tense, at best. the Xiticix, offering discounted weapons and equipment but put-
ting very few of their own troops or resources at risk. Should
Northern Gun has quietly and recently convinced the Coali- all-out war with the Xiticix become a reality, Northern Gun will
tion to issue a blanket-ban on all Wilk’s weapons within Co- commit Task Force X to the battle and follow up by hiring or re-
alition territory, citing their ability to slip past metal detectors. deploying several large mercenary units along the eastern border
However, Wilk’s remains popular in and outside of CS held ar- of the Hivelands.
eas. The corporate leaders at Wilk’s would be more outraged, but
the highly-publicized Coalition ban has given their products an
illicit appeal that has actually increased their sales, especially in
the Black Market and to CS resistance groups. Wilk’s is unaware
The Republic of They live much as their ancestors did, simple lives unfettered by
Ishpeming politics or war. The weapons and war machines the Northern Gun
corporation manufactures go to conflicts far away (or at least on
Republic of Ishpeming Total Population: 1,125,000-1,500,000. the other side of the lakes), leaving the Republic of Ishpeming
Ishpeming – 697,000 alone and at peace.
Escanaba – 260,000
Menominee – 50,000 Cities of the Republic are an interesting collection of the
Ontonagon – 15,000 high-tech and familiar low-tech. Simple wood and stone cottages
Houghton – 10,000 and houses are the norm, yet across the street or down the road
Iron Mountain – 5,000 may be a high-tech bunker, warehouse or factory made of M.D.C.
Iron Bay – 3,000 materials. The most quaint dwellings are log cabins and many
Ironwood – 2,500 farms resemble something out of the old pioneer days – only the
Iron River – 1,500 giant robot standing guard or modern farm vehicles and equip-
ment indicate otherwise. Hovercycles and giant robots compete
Notes: for room on the streets with teams of horses, oxen and mules,
along with everything from primitive automobiles to pushcarts.
Population Distinctions. For most purposes, the populations
of Marquette, Palmer, Negaunee, Gwinn, Trenary and Fort Saw- The general technology level is equal to 20th Century Ameri-
yer are counted as within the Ishpeming urban area. Each of the ca, even in the most primitive parts of the Upper Peninsula. Most
cities is linked by continuous roads and suburbs and it is difficult homes have running water, air conditioning, a heating system,
to tell where one begins and the other ends. There is also a huge and are wired with electricity – personal generators, windmills
amount of traffic in the form of daily commutes between Ishpem- and solar panels are all common sources of energy. In towns and
ing and Marquette. Some people even make the commute all the small communities, hovercycles, jeeps and ATVs, along with
way to Escanaba, made possible by the IM Highway. horses and labor drones carrying parcels back and forth, are as
typical as seeing excited groups of visitors and tourists. In the
In addition, another 100,000 people and D-Bees live in small biggest cities like Ishpeming and Escanaba, there are more hover-
communities, temporary camps and unlicensed settlements craft than wheeled vehicles and almost all the high-tech luxuries
throughout the country. of a Coalition or German city are available, though in shorter
supply. The atmosphere is very different in these cities, too. Es-
Outsiders. Approximately 30,000-40,000 tourists, visitors, canaba and Ishpeming are a giant, ongoing party compared to
customers and transients are also present at the nation’s ports, many of the work-a-day frontier towns and industrial districts.
border cities and Ishpeming itself at any given time. More than
90% of the nation’s visitors will be found in three places: Ishpem- The people who inhabit Ishpeming also differ from the big
ing, Escanaba and Menominee, in that order of popularity. cities to the small towns. Ishpeming and Escanaba are full of
tourists, businesspeople, mercenaries, adventurers, bandits, dip-
The literacy rate is high throughout the Ishpeming Republic lomats, soldiers and outsiders come to buy and trade goods or
(and Manistique Imperium) at 63%, at least among its permanent spend their spoils on entertainment, hot meals and a soft bed.
residents. Illiteracy and lack of book learning is really only found D-Bees, Psi-Stalkers, mages, Cyber-Knights and other “exotic”
among some of the factory workers and labor force, farmers, people are much more likely to be found at these thriving me-
homesteaders, pirates, bandits, wilderness people and the poor. tropolises and trade centers than anywhere else. The suburban
Of course, illiteracy is prevalent among outsiders and visitors; communities are typically full of Northern Gun employees, sub-
less than 25% can read and write. contractors, small business owners, entrepreneurs, specialists and
Ishpeming’s middle-class.
Northern Gun,
aka the Republic of Ishpeming The cities and towns further away from the trade centers are
lower middle-class factory workers and laborers, while the small
A seemingly endless expanse of pine trees and rocky coast- towns are made up of farmers, ranchers, fishermen, laborers,
lines, the Republic of Ishpeming was saved from the full ravag- shopkeepers, outdoorsmen, loggers, and hunters. Unlike big-city
es of the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts thanks to folk, they are well removed from the politics of the world at large
its isolation and a bit of luck. When the modern world collapsed, and content to live peaceful lives away from war and conflict.
the cold, deep, Great Lakes provided natural obstacles to anyone While they may hear about the broad strokes of major events like
or anything that wished to reach Ishpeming. Its only land border, the war in Tolkeen, the near-miss showdown between the Coali-
where the peninsula meets the old American state of Wisconsin, tion and Free Quebec, trouble with the Xiticix and the brewing
is a remote wilderness, lightly traveled and scarcely populated. Minion War, they are thin on details and most don’t care. The
Federation of Magic and the tall tales of the Vampire Kingdoms
Inside the country is an atmosphere of peace and prosperity of Mexico might as well be half a world away. And that’s how
virtually unknown throughout the rest of Rifts Earth. Ishpeming’s most locals like it. By contrast, the big cities are constantly abuzz
people may not be the wealthiest, and are certainly not the most with the latest news, rumors and speculations about everything,
worldly, but they are spared the dangers of the wilderness, the everywhere on the continent. This is due to the vast number of
oppression of the Coalition States and the uncertainties of magic. mercenaries, adventurers and visitors who pass through Northern
Gun, as well as the many mercs and freelancers hired by NG.
The Republic of Ishpeming is also home to an entire social
class of fishermen, sailors, merchant-sailors, ship captains, priva-
teers and ferrymen, not to mention pirates and freebooters. They
are t e unc allenged e perts on t e Great La es fa iliar it Welcome, you are entering
ever a island and ad oining river. ven t e ig t Coalition Ishpeming the Home o Northern Gun
as a a it of iring s ip pilots and navigators fro a ongst t e
sailors of s pe ing rel ing on t e to safel aneuver its as- I remember the very first time I saw what has since become
sive ars ips t roug unfa iliar stretc es of t e la es and rivers known as Northern Gun. I was 11 or 12, and I had convinced
and up into Canada. my mother to let me accompany my father and some of the
other townsmen on a bi-annual supply run to the Kingdom of
Cri e is ini al t roug out t e Repu lic even in t e ig Ishpeming. The only place that would have a bigger impact
cities. e Nort ern Gun corporation runs a tig t s ip and as a on my adolescent mind would be my first visit to the Great
fir grip on aintaining la and order. sta le centuries old Library of Chi-Town.
govern ent and t e overall level of prosperit and content ent
in t is or ing an s industrial nation elps i ensel . s For most of our trip from Wisconsin to Ishpeming, we had
does t e strong presence of so an ercenaries and police o traveled through wilderness. We had traveled what seemed
like an endless expanse of forest, broken only by the oc-
or for t e co pan to eep s pe ing safe. ven t e Blac casional homestead, woodland cabin, farm or tiny trading
ar et as fe outlets and little in uence inside s pe ing and post. Then, the trees suddenly vanished. Cut down to create
its neig ors. o ever t oug cit streets and co unities are a wide, flat expanse of grass and wildflowers that stretched
safe and peaceful ( an people leave t eir doors unloc ed) an- several miles ahead of us. Even from there, in the distance,
ditr e ond its orders as ell as pirac across t e Great La es I could see the shadow of a city outlined beyond the empti-
are ra pant. ness. My heart skipped and I must have looked startled or
confused, because I realized my father was speaking to me
and explaining why the trees were cut down.
It’s for defense and security, he explained. If Northern Gun Many first time visitors, young and old alike, have a simi-
left the trees, the forest would provide a place for bandits, lar experience to the young Erin Tarn’s. If anything, the city of
hijackers and monsters to hide and take cover. Cutting down Northern Gun, gem of the Ishpeming Republic, is even more of
the trees created a wide open expanse around the industrial a brightly colored wonderland than it was back then. Its wide
city. This enabled Northern Gun defenders to see a band of streets filled with crowds of people, vehicles, robots, lights, and
raiders or an invading army coming for miles. Most weapons the sounds of music, announcers, and pure adrenaline.
cannot fire that distance, either, so the city defenders could
respond to an incoming attack before the raiders got within Years ago, the gravel covered parking lot was expanded and
shooting range. I remember feeling sad that they had to cut replaced by a massive, paved parking lot. (Think Disneyland.)
the forest down because of bad people, but it made sense, Several large, bunker-like buildings are way-stations where visi-
and my thoughts were quickly occupied with other sights and tors can stow the weapons and gear that are not allowed in the
sounds. city. Audio instructions are announced at intervals, and there are
hundreds of kiosks with headphones for more detailed informa-
Up ahead, the wide road was getting congested. There tion and instructions inside the buildings.
were many other trucks and vehicles, but also animal-drawn
carts and travelers on foot; some of them pulling carts. The Swords, side arms, and body armor are allowed in the city,
slow animal-drawn carts and people on horseback traveled though discouraged, but to keep the people and property of Ish-
off to the side of the road, to let the faster, larger vehicles peming safe, heavier weapons such as rifles, power armor, and
drive down the main highway. As a child, I was excited to see combat vehicles are NOT allowed into the city, and must be left
a range of different riding animals like Fury Beetles and Rhi- behind. To protect visitors’ belongings, there are Secure Storage
no-Buffalo, as well as horses and mules. I remember marvel- Bunkers located 2-3 miles (3.2 to 4.8 km) away from the city.
ing at a pair of dinosaurs ridden by Simvan. And there were Each building has thousands of indoor lockers of all sizes as well
Psi-Stalkers and D-Bees present too, and what I was certain as small to large storage cages and bays like those you’d expect
were a small group of Ley Line Walkers in their traditional at a rental storage place. Each Secure Storage building is a simple
robes and headgear. M.D.C. bunker with several floors: four levels underground and
six floors high. They provide a relatively safe place (break-ins are
Even the highway itself was a marvel to me. After traveling rare, but they do happen) to stow weapons, armor and valuables.
hundreds of miles of dirt roads and open ground, a smooth, ALL rifles, heavy weapons, explosives, power armor, robots,
concrete road wider than 8 or 10 houses placed side by side combat vehicles, magic items, Techno-Wizard items, and contra-
left me dumbstruck. I remember thinking it was like a giant red band must be left outside the city.
carpet welcoming us to Northern Gun. Off to the side of the
road was an array of pitched camps with curls of smoke spi- The parking area is brightly lit at night, monitored with cam-
raling up into the sky from campfires and portable stoves. All eras and patrolled by NG guards. However, visitors can pay for
manner of vehicles and carts were parked at these campsites an armed guard to watch their vehicle around the clock, provided
and in the fields off in the distance. I started to count them, they can afford it; 144 credits per 12 hour shift, per guard. Most
but we were traveling too quickly for me to take account of are honest, first to third level Mercenary Soldiers, Vagabonds, or
them all. There were hundreds and hundreds of them. other Men-at-Arms O.C.C.s who have been checked out, vetted,
and cleared by the Northern Gun Corporation for the purpose of
Back when I was a child, the designated parking area was private guard. If serious trouble arises, the police (or LPO) are
covered in loose gravel. That was where you parked, two called in for support.
miles (3.2 km) away from the city gates. Giant robots and
tank-like vehicles stood guard over the parking area. From City Rats who, of course, have not been vetted or authorized
there, you had to walk the rest of the way. But with Northern by the company are often willing to guard vehicles for 50-70
Gun clear in the distance, our feet moved as if they had wings, credits per 12 hours, per “unofficial” City Rat guard (level 1-4
and we were there to see new wonders in what seemed like City Rats). If they run into trouble they can’t handle, they cause
no time. a ruckus and shout for help that should attract the NG patrol and
guards and scare away thieves. Most City Rats who make a liv-
Before we left our truck to embark down the beckoning ing or supplement their living doing this work are honest and do
road, I remember looking up at my father’s smiling face as a good job, but none will risk their own life to protect the vehicle
he took my hand in his. I was surprised to realize he was (or a campsite; they offer the same service to watch over camp-
as excited as I, this being only his second visit to Northern sites). HOWEVER, any City Rat guard who is willing to take less
Gun. My eyes trailed from papa’s face and up to the gigantic, than 50 credits is either an untested and unreliable amateur, or is
neon sign over the road. It read, “Welcome, you are entering just going to run off after an hour (especially if paid up-front), or
Ishpeming, Home of Northern Gun.” For those who could works with a gang of thieves or is one himself.
not read, which I imagine was most of the visitors, an audio
recorded welcome blared from speakers on the sign. Bus-like shuttles pick up visitors and take them to the nearest
Hovertrain terminal at no cost, or people can walk. Hovercycles
I couldn’t help but to feel giddy and thought to myself, this and light commercial vehicles (i.e. non-combat vehicles) are al-
must be how Dorothy felt as she walked down the Yellow lowed into the city, but the traffic through the city gates is long
Brick Road toward the Wonderful Emerald City of Oz. and slow moving. The train takes visitors to the main terminal in
the city or to other authorized destinations. The Ishpeming Re-
– From the writings of Erin Tarn, Circa 101 P.A. public is very open, and visitors can travel anywhere within its
in her book, Traversing our Modern World borders and beyond, with few limitations. However, the two main
places of interest are the City of Ishpeming/Northern Gun and the
City of Escanaba. Few visitors, even merchants and mercs, ever
go an ere else. O viousl t ere is little of interest in t e uiet The ity o Ishpeming
su ur an neig or oods and factor ones. t is t e ar et areas
and cit attractions ere stores otels and places of entertain- Home to the Northern Gun orporation
ent are located. s pe ing etter no n as si pl Nort ern Gun is t e
The Sa e one as Nort ern Gun li es to call it is t e treeless
area rin arn spea s of. Onl toda it is e panded uc of it largest independent cit in ic igan and t e u of tec nolog
paved and used for par ing and t ere are Secure Storage Bun ers
as ell as defensive un ers it ig guns to discourage raids and culture. t is t e o e and ead uarters of t e Nort ern Gun
and invasion. e Safe one goes ac a a fro t e cit for
a couple of iles. t is devoid of trees and as een so tra pled corporation and as en o ed t e enefits of t e co pan s ig -
upon and ridden over ve icles t at alf of it is dirt t at turns
to ud en it rains. ravelers are still allo ed to pitc ca p out tec eapons and anufacturing for longer t an an ot er co -
in t e open in t is one ut suc ca ps are te porar ean-
ing a fe da s to a couple of ee s a i u . ile Nort ern unit on t e erican continent. Since t e o undred ears
Gun aut orities tr to eep t e peace in t e Safe one and t e
certainl c ase off an one dee ed a potential t reat to cit se- ar ge it as prospered safe in Nort ern ic igan far fro
curit including platoons and co panies of ercenaries and
ot er ell-ar ed groups ca pers are prett uc on t eir o n. t e continent s ost active agic ones and protected t e ic
at eans t e s ould N R leave t eir ca p unattended and
ust e prepared to defend it and t eir elongings an eans Great La es.
necessar . et er ot er ca pers co e to anot er ca p s de-
fense is a atter of luc and t e align ent of t eir neig ors. ile s pe ing s less desira le neig or oods are covered
Bet een t e Safe one and t e cit gates t ere is a co plete-
l e pt dirt and gravel covered Security one t is t o iles in soot fro t e factories t at ring t e cit it is graduall gro -
( . ) of dirt lig tl covered in gravel it s all patc es of
grass and eeds. No od is allo ed to par or ca p in t e Se- ing out of t e giant industriali ed ca p t at it once as. Ra -
curit one and it is al a s e pt . ravelers o venture off
t e road and into t e Securit one ill e et securit and s ac le tene ents and collections of i provised s elters ave
escorted ac to t e road. is is in effect a defensive ill one
in ic t e cit defenders can see and fire upon an ostile at- een cleared a a to a e roo for odern apart ent uildings
tac ers co ing to ard t e cit . ravelers e are. n one o
loo s suspicious resists escort or appears to e rus ing to ard and odest rental properties. ore sc ools and ospitals ave
t e cit it un no n intentions a e su dued arrested and
interrogated or gunned do n ere t e stand. gone up in t e last fe generations and s pe ing s population
Nort ern Gun does not ave Bur s li e C i- o n and ot er
CS cities ut it does ave visitors o ca p for s ort periods in is co posed of fa ilies and corporate e plo ees o can trace
t e Safe one and neig oring ilderness. S uatters o eless
people and supposed visitors o oversta t eir visit are c ased t eir lineage ac to efore t e Great Catacl s ile e rac-
a a fro t e cit NG ercenaries or t e police.
Giant de ensive bunkers it cannons t e si e of s scrap- ing ne oung fa ilies o ave co e to t e Repu lic of s -
ers are placed at strategic locations at t e edge of t e Securit
one and around t e cit . e alone are a sig t to e old. pe ing to find or and uild a ne life. ost of t e tourists
No od no s t e incredi le level of da age t e ust in ict
ecause no invader as ever tested Nort ern Gun s defenses to o visit t e cit co e for t e large ar ets do nto n or t e
t e degree t at t ese eapons ad to e unleas ed. is as led
so e to uestion et er or not t e are a as uerade. s a . spectacle of t e Ro odo e and avoid t e densel populated su -
ig -tec scarecro s designed to inti idate t eir ere pres-
ence ut not real. On t e ot er and t e ig t e e actl at ur an neig or oods and far co unities.
t e loo li e. s ou can i agine ru ors a ound a out t e
assive defensive to ers and t eir giant cannons. t is a co on Nort ern Gun s fa led o nto n Cit Center is a spra l-
elief t at one last can ato i e a tan giant ro ot or an entire
co pan of soldiers. ing collection of s o roo s tall uildings otels stores s ops
entertain ent and attractions t at as an of t e features and
ualities of pre-Rifts destination cities suc as an attan C i-
cago oronto Las egas and Los ngeles. ere are otels
and restaurants ars dance clu s and a see ingl endless ar-
ra of stores s ops and sig ts to see. e largest Nort ern Gun
s o roo s and are ouse centers all lit up it lig ts and
neon t at rival a rain o in color and outs ine it in pure inten-
sit are a ong t e ain attractions of do nto n. Best of all
all NG retail stores t roug out t e Repu lic are eavil stoc ed
and R NG Nort ern Gun as to offer can e found in
a undance. is a es Nort ern Gun a onderland for en of
ar s and adventurers of ever stripe.
e infa ous Ro odo e sports arena lit up spotlig ts and
ologra s is pac ed to capacit ever nig t. o nto n is said
to never sleep and near on t e edge of t e NG Corporate is-
trict Nort ern Gun ead uarters loo s do n over t e cit .
true s scraper li e t e ind nor all onl found in t e Coalition
States it i presses a sense of po er and resilience upon all t ose
o see it even fro a distance.
ity Highlights
Northern Gun orporate District
n entire section of do nto n s pe ing and t e ad acent
industrial districts are all devoted purel to t e operations of t e
Nort ern Gun. e corporate is found it in t e center of
t e Corporate istrict and it t e e ception of a fe outl ing
uildings t at are open to t e pu lic t ere are no foreigners or
non-contract e plo ees allo ed in t e area.
For t e or ers engineers and anagers o or it in co ing anagers and s ift osses an auditoriu for lectures and
it t e Corporate istrict is a ee ive of activit . Fro t e upper eetings and ot er services and a enities including a de on-
oors of t e to ering corporate one can e old t e ar ies of stration la t at ta es up ost of an entire oor ere ne to s
truc s or ers la or ro ots trains and s all aircraft t at a e are s o n off to t e corporate leaders ip.
up t e co ercial eart of t e Nort ern Gun. e Corporate is-
trict lends into a factor elt ad acent to s pe ing itself far The first twenty oors are open to all Nort ern Gun contract
enoug fro t e actual cit t at onl a oderate a ount of soot e plo ees. ere are corporate cafeterias a g classroo s for
falls on o es and usinesses. learning ore a out Nort ern Gun s products and sales strate-
gies and even a corporate firing range in t e ase ent ere
NG Head uarters Ishpeming e plo ees can practice it t eir o n personal eapons or fa-
Located in t e Corporate istrict near o nto n t e tallest iliari e t e selves it ne products. e rest of t e ase ent
uilding in all of s pe ing is t e i pressive corporate ead- is devoted to underground par ing structures.
uarters for t e Nort ern Gun corporation. Built during t e Gold-
en ge of an t e uilding as designed ell enoug to survive Floors 1- 4 are all security No elevator or stair ell goes
t e eart ua es of t e Great Catacl s and as een aintained t roug Floor t e all stop at or efore t e securit levels. -
for centuries Nort ern Gun as a s ol of u an ind s tenac- ecutives and Ps o need to get to t e upper oors stop at
it and perseverance. t as all t e glea and sop istication t at and are cleared to use special elevators t at can onl e reac ed
one ould e pect fro Golden ge construction t oug eat - fro t e securit section.
ered long decades of e posure to t e point ere no a ount
of restoration can a e it loo li e ne . it in t e securit levels are onitoring facilities for eep-
ing atc over t e entire uilding and t e surrounding area.
e ead uarters is t e eeting place for t e rade Council Ca eras infrared sensors and Coalition-st le agic detectors
and one of Nort ern Gun s largest offices. ile t e researc and are rigged t roug out t e ead uarters and reaction s uads of
develop ent la s elo t e uilding ere oved an ears guards are uic to appear if t e surveillance center s ould report
ago to t eir o n co ple t e ead uarters is still t e center of an t ing a iss.
corporate operations. t as ost of t e co pan s istor rep-
resented inside statues and oc -ups of t eir ost fa ous Floor 22 contains all t e a or onitoring s ste s and e er-
products and paintings and p otograp s of i portant people and genc generator.
Floor 3 as a su stantial ar or t at eeps t e uilding s
e uilding itself is a stor s scraper t e li es of ic guards outfitted and e uipped stoc ed it ever t ing fro pis-
are rarel seen outside of t e Coalition States. t ouses an of tols to po er ar or.
t e co pan s ig -ran ing e ecutives in secure offices a ove
t e t oor as ell as custo er service pu lic relations and ere is a large Loss Prevention O fice LPO Division on
several ranc offices. ere is a large training center for up-and- Floor 24. ile t e LPO ead uarters is else ere an of its
top agents ave offices at t e corporate and t ere are officers
per anentl assigned t ere as liaisons and securit specialists.
S ould an pro le s occur at Nort ern Gun t e are ar ed
it NG eapons od ar or and po er ar or and prepared
to respond at a o ent s notice.
Floors 5-39 contain t e ul of t e uilding s e ecutive of-
fices. Nort ern Gun is t e largest e isting sales and distri ution
net or in erica ne t to t e illegal Blac ar et and t e
largest anufacturer outside t e Coalition States. Coordinating
t e efforts of one of t e planet s iggest corporations falls on t e
s oulders of t e fe do en e ecutives o or it in t ese of-
fices. Fro e ico to anito a fro Nevada to Ne foundland
t e fruits of t eir efforts are Nort ern Gun eapons and products
t at ave spread near and far. ac ranc or division of t e co -
pan is represented in t is P section it its o n corporate
office even if li e t e Research and Development Branch t e
ave t eir o n ead uarters else ere in t e cit . ere is an
e ecutive lounge four-star restaurant tavern nu erous private
eeting roo s and a fe ot er lu ur facilities for t e ig er-
Floors 40-4 are t e personal offices of t e rade Council
and t e ig est-ran ing e ecutives and overseers of Nort ern
Gun. ac oor is paneled it Red Oa fro t e forests of s -
pe ing lending a sense of class and sop istication to t e upper
corporate section t at still represents t e co pan s rustic roots.
ac rade Councilor as is or er o n large ell-appointed
office and offices for t eir closest staff e ers.
Floor 40 features an elegant e ecutive dining roo and itc -
Floor 41 as a s all stage ere presentations are ade to t e
top rass and i portant guests.
The Trade Council’s boardroom is on Floor 47, along with outer-rim of factories. Most “neighborhoods” are composed of
the office of the Chief Councilor and his or her staff. Access to one and two-story houses and condos. Schools, parks and small
this floor is restricted even to the other company executives and shopping areas are sprinkled throughout. Most are well kept with
security staff are specially cleared by the Loss Prevention Office. manicured lawns and small gardens. Apartment buildings are sel-
dom taller than four stories and some neighborhoods are dotted
The top floor, Floor 48, is devoted to roof security and air- with industrial parks composed of machine shops, warehouses
craft operations for the building’s four helipads. Trade Council and light manufacturing.
members often use their status to travel around Ishpeming by he-
licopter or hovercraft and landing right at the HQ is the ultimate Hovertrains and traditional rail systems transport ore direct
in privilege and convenience. The security staff is paranoid about from the iron fields on the western border, and more comes from
the top floor and the potential for supernatural flyers or jet pack- the fields around Marquette. Hovertrains are also used to trans-
equipped attackers to get inside the building. They are also wary port workers and the civilian population.
regarding the maintenance personnel who come to work on the
air-conditioning and heating units, and the flight technicians who Ships and barges unload their cargo at various ports around
service the Trade Council’s aircraft. the city. From there, the ore, along with endless tons of other
raw materials, is refined, processed, sorted, treated, and prepared,
Notable Corporate Officers before being distributed to the various factories of Northern Gun
and trade partners located in Upper Michigan.
CEO – Chief Executive Officer & Chairman: Bradley Whitcomb
P – President of the Company: Ryan Fuerst A note about building size and security. While Downtown
VP – Vice President of the Company: Lucas Buck Northern Gun may have all the flash and glitz of the pre-Rifts
CFO – Chief Financial Officer: David Dunham Las Vegas strip, there is practicality to the architecture. Com-
CAO – Chief Accounting Officer: Kerry Cook paratively few buildings are taller than 8-12 stories downtown,
CIO – Chief Information Officer: Shawn Johnson and seldom more than 4-6 stories elsewhere, they have few glass
CRO – Chief Risk Officer: Terrence Carter windows, and many are designed more like Mega-Damage bun-
CSO – Chief Sales Officer: Derek Boudreaux kers than office buildings or skyscrapers.
Automotive, President: Douglas Rood
Business Liaison, Director: David Klett Tall buildings are impressive and eye-catching, which is ex-
Business Analyst, Director: Warren Nelson actly why Northern Gun avoids them. The taller the building,
Chief of Bionics: Michael Satran the more attractive a target. This is Rifts Earth. Northern Gun is
Chief of Engineering: James Walker a wealthy arms manufacturer. Attacks and raids are inevitable.
Chief of Loss Prevention Office: Andrea Callister Thus, the typical building seldom exceeds four or five stories in
Chief of Robotics: Joshua Hill height, and one third have an equal or greater number of secure
Chief of Weapons Engineering: Benjamin Barton underground levels that can be sealed off from the ground floor.
Customer Service, Director: Jorel J. Levenson Most other average buildings have 1-2 basement levels and/or
Distribution & Logistics Specialist: Shayne Lavender fallout shelters in case of attack.
Internal Affairs, Director: Todd Spencley
Legal Department, President: Dennis Hughes Tall buildings are easy targets. The taller the building, the
Managing Director: Christina Liu more likely it will be targeted, and the more susceptible it is to
Manufacturing, Director: John Klinkel damage. Tall buildings also cause a wider radius of collateral
National Defense Director: Timothy Letts damage and are more subject to partial collapse when upper lev-
Perimeter Defense, Director: Brent Burnett els are severely damaged. Explosions in the upper floors cause a
Project Manager, President: Bonnie Krueger rain-down effect to a much wider radius, resulting in damage to
Public Relations, Director: Michael Copeland surrounding buildings from shrapnel and flying debris. Likewise,
Human Resources, Director: Scott Norman falling debris can block streets, shower street level pedestrians
Research and Development, Director: Federico Franceschi and defenders, and send clouds of flying glass and debris for sev-
Risk and Safety Officer: Kris Perlock-Campeau eral city blocks. Low, bunker-style buildings with few windows
Sales and Promotion, President: Kenneth Gunther make difficult targets more easily defended from the ground
Senior System Analyst: Cody Dobbs and the air, and create much smaller debris fields when they are
Senior Weapons Officer: David Keiger blown up or collapse. For these reasons, few buildings anywhere
Senior Test Pilot: Branden Loizides in Ishpeming, except Downtown, are taller than four stories.
Security, Director: Jason Lamb
Low-profile buildings, 1-6 stories tall are smaller targets, don’t
Other Areas of Northern Gun block one’s view of the sky, and are easier to defend on a number
of different levels. With the exception of Downtown – which is
Most of Northern Gun’s manufacturing facilities are located a deliberate showcase for product and intended to look big and
in large belts of factories and warehouses that surround Ishpem- impressive – most factories and buildings in Ishpeming are only
ing. Factories, and then entire districts of factories, sprung up as 1-4 stories tall. Many factories and some warehouses look more
Northern Gun grew and the Upper Peninsula was reclaimed for like massive, M.D.C., concrete bunkers than traditional factory or
humankind. warehouse buildings. Windows and glass are kept to a minimum
and many factories often have 1-4 underground sub-levels. Even
Residential areas. Homes, condominium style housing, and many warehouses have one or two basement levels where the
low-profile apartments fill in the area between Downtown and the most valuable stock is housed. Some buildings even have under-
ground tunnels to concealed exits away from the building that
lead to underground shelters. All of this is done for security and
survivability should any portion of the city fall under attack. It is
a practice that extends to other cities and towns in the Ishpeming munities. Northern Gun is civilized, wholesome, safe and law-
Republic and its neighbors. abiding. Outside of the Kingdom of Lazlo, Chi-Town itself, Free
Quebec, and some of the other fortress cities, Ishpeming/North-
Downtown Northern Gun ern Gun is one of the safest, cleanest and civilized communities
in North America. There is no dark and dangerous underbelly.
The majority of the downtown area is the Market District Even the Black Market has little presence or influence within Ish-
devoted to NG showrooms, stores, shopping plazas, sales and peming and the surrounding area.
entertainment. The sprawling downtown area is all glitz, glamor
and lights. For mercenaries and adventurers, it is rather like Dis- The Mall of Michigan
neyland or the Las Vegas strip of pre-Rifts Earth.
The Mall of Michigan is the largest single sales outlet any-
Downtown has wide streets that can accommodate giant ro- where in Northern Gun. It is a sprawling complex of shopping
bots, tanks and massive vehicles of all kinds. There are a lot of arcades, several NG warehouse centers and outlet stores, store-
chrome, neon signs, spotlights and spectacle for all to see. Giant fronts, restaurants and service centers. Virtually any basic item or
Robots are on display in outdoor plazas for sale, while others piece of civilian technology can be acquired at the Mall, and for a
walk down designated paths or are stationed on select street cor- price 10-15% lower than suggested list price elsewhere.
ners, and piloted by NG defenders to provide city defense and to
help enforce the law. Their presence, especially iconic ‘Bots like Located in the Downtown area, the Mall of Michigan is anoth-
the Hunter Mobile Gun and Wolverine, as well as Gladiatorial er part of the carnival experience and in-your-face showmanship
Robots on display, provide tourists with another sight to see, a the city has come to be known for. Thus, it is as much of a mar-
photo op, and considerable peace of mind that the city is safe and keting device and promotional mechanism as anything else, and
well protected. And it is. Police clad in stylish power armor can it works. Visitors are always wowed by the variety and availabil-
be seen walking the streets, helping citizens and visitors, and rid- ity of merchandise, and keep talking about NG products and their
ing police hovercycle interceptors throughout the city, with their NG experience for years afterward. While the Mall of Michigan
greatest presence in the expansive “Downtown” area. does host a huge number of shopping outlets and individual item
sales run high, the lower profile and more practical showrooms
Some of the tallest and flashiest buildings in all of Ishpem- and warehouse centers of Escanaba and Marquette are just as ef-
ing are found in the downtown area. The ground floors are almost fective and profitable.
always massive showrooms with tall ceilings. Likewise, the sec-
ond and third floors above, and sometimes the basement levels Still, the Mall of Michigan is a bustling retailers’ paradise with
are smaller showrooms, stores and shops. stores that have the entire Northern Gun product line, as well as
many competitors’ non-military products and a wide range of
Most showrooms are dedicated to a specific range of prod- wilderness exploration and adventuring goods, spare parts, prac-
ucts: Giant robots, work ‘Bots and cargo haulers, robot horses and tical clothing, survival gear and specialized equipment. One can
animal companions, power armor, adventuring vehicles, combat outfit anything from a family to a mercenary company using what
vehicles, commercial vehicles, hovercycles, jet packs, water ve- they find in the Mall of Michigan. New products premier at the
hicles, aircraft (very limited), recreational vehicles, sports gear, Mall all the time, usually kicked off with food, drinks, free give-
wilderness exploration gear, hunting/trapping equipment, spy- aways and prizes. Robo-Gladiators and other celebrities are often
ware, electronics, clothing, farm work vehicles and equipment, brought in for these events, and there were even a few Erin Tarn
electrical generators, building materials, Body-Chop-Shops and book signings many years ago when the Mall was much newer
bionic augmentation, and on and on. Think MercTown only 20 and smaller and the original “Traversing Our Modern World”
times bigger, slicker and more commercial, and dedicated exclu- had just appeared on Black Market bookshelves. Trade Council
sively to Northern Gun products. And that’s just the hardware members, high-ranking Northern Gun executives and proud engi-
part. neers all sometimes linger at the Mall in order to see the public’s
response to their products firsthand. There is a certain excitement
Downtown is also where visitors can find all kinds of civi- in all the shopping and showmanship of the Mall, an element that
lized, mostly family friendly entertainment: hotels, motels, movie is much lower key in Escanaba, where most sales involve merce-
theaters, live theater (plays, comedies, music), an orchestra hall, naries and state armies making bulk purchases by the crate and
nightclubs, dance clubs, restaurants, bars, pubs, legal gambling truckloads of prepacked equipment.
casinos (clean and above board), stores and shops of all kinds.
The only types of businesses not found are places that cater to Clothing and Fashion in North America. Northern Gun’s
magic, D-Bees and criminal enterprises. To keep Downtown Mall of Michigan features a wide selection of different clothing,
Northern Gun a high-tech wonderland and playground for every- from the most basic work clothes to expensive and high quality
one from mercs and adventurers to visiting heads of state, farm- brands. As a center of commerce, Ishpeming has many native
ers and families, half the business establishments are owned and entrepreneurs who run textile factories or clothing outlets; busi-
operated by the NG corporation and all others are slick, clean and nesses that require the kind of stability found in Northern Gun.
wholesome. There are no pawnshops, drug dens, rowdy taverns,
illegal gambling, prostitution or seedy establishments allowed in The Huntsman’s Choice line of S.D.C. (and M.D.C.) armors
the Market District. Places of ill-repute and questionable char- and light M.D.C. field clothing and other items is popular among
acter are found on the outskirts of Ishpeming and at some of the Wilderness Scouts and outdoorsmen of all kinds. The Opera-
other smaller, industrial towns that make up the greater Northern torPlus line of mechanic’s jumpsuits, jackets and accessories is
Gun area. Even then, they are nothing like the dumps, dives and made for the many technical types who work for Northern Gun
dens of iniquity you encounter in many of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs, or buy its products, from factory workers to traveling Opera-
MercTown, Ciudad Juarez and most other kingdoms and com- tors to full-time mechanics. They include numerous pockets and
straps for holding tools, as well as padded knees and elbows and Prices are dirt cheap (average meal costs less than 5 credits), but
a fireproof treatment that helps protect the wearer from burns. the food quality is very good and very fast (generally, less than a
The Fireblood Line is stylish clothing, leather accessories, leather 5 minute wait). A few have even introduced something they call
trench coats, gauntlets, body armor and gear designed for Juic- a “drive-thru window.”
ers and Juicer wannabes. There are other specialized clothing
lines such as combat fatigues with built-in webgear and uncom- Brandon Aten, Owner, Quick Stats: Brandon is the owner
mon camouflage patterns for mercs and adventurers; waterproof, who started the chain and is making a killing. Alignment: Prin-
buoyant work attire and clothing for sailors; as well as a line of cipled. Attributes: I.Q. 18, M.E. 13, M.A. 21, P.S. 12, P.P. 12,
clothing and gear with a Western/Cowboy look for those heading P.E. 13, P.B. 14, Spd 12. Experience: 9th level Rogue Scholar.
out to the Pecos Empire and the New West, and others. Note: He is considering starting a new chain of stores. One that
combines playing parlor games and selling drinks and snacks.
In addition to clothing made for a specific purpose or occu- Like many businessmen in Northern Gun, Brandon has spon-
pation, there is also a good variety of standard civilian apparel sored the creation of a few gladiatorial events at the Robodome,
and dress clothing. Mass produced, cheap clothing is cranked out but has only won once. He also hosts numerous charity events for
for export and sale to those on a limited budget. High-quality, orphans and sick children.
modestly-priced clothing that stands up to rough use and Mich-
igan’s winters is the norm in Ishpeming and throughout much The Robodome
of the Manistique Imperium. Both communities are relatively
wealthy and stable, and mostly devoid of the rag-clad urchins of Northern Gun is much too civilized and peace-loving to pit
the ‘Burbs and most small kingdoms and cities. living combatants against each other in brutal, life and death
gladiatorial games, even against monsters. So they came up with
Howard Holland, Director of Operations, Quick Stats: a tech-solution and created a new sport and spectacle: Battling
Howard is a logistical genius who keeps the Mall running robots. And it has become a hugely popular sport – one of the
smoothly and the many shop owners happy. He also coordinates largest attractions in Ishpeming amongst visitors and locals alike.
special events at the Mall. Alignment: Anarchist. Attributes: The place for these exciting games is the infamous Robodome.
I.Q. 20, M.E. 19, M.A. 17, P.S. 10, P.P. 11, P.E. 12, P.B. 13, See the entire section devoted to the Robodome and Robo-Gladi-
Spd 15. Experience: 12th level Rogue Scholar with connections ators in Rifts® Northern Gun™ Two, for complete details.
within NG, the Black Market and most of the shop owners and
other notable people in Ishpeming. This also means he keeps up Prototype Previews
on all the rumors and celebrity scuttlebutt.
Whenever a new Northern Gun product premiers, the corpo-
John King, Head of Security at the Mall, Quick Stats: John ration is sure to make a publicity event out of the occasion. The
has experience as a mercenary and private investigator. He is a majority of new products are shown off in two places: the Mall
good leader, dedicated to his job and incorruptible. Alignment: of Michigan and the Central Sales Headquarters in Escanaba. The
Principled. Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 15, M.A. 14, P.S. 20, P.P. prototype demonstrations normally consist of trained technicians
13, P.E. 11, P.B. 12, Spd 21. Experience: 11th level Military doing a little target shooting or taking the new vehicle or robot
Specialist with skills in surveillance, undercover ops, computers, out for a spin on the test-track. Sometimes customers and shop-
and security. pers are invited to test out the new weapon systems under con-
trolled conditions on the gun range there, and take light vehicles
Trigger-Quick Burgers & Fries (with weapon systems deactivated) for a ride on the test-track.
One thing visitors to Ishpeming are sure to remember is Trig- Most previews go hand in hand with early sales efforts. When
ger-Quick Burgers and Fries. More than just a single restaurant, a weapon, vehicle or product first appears, it is sold at a discount
Trigger-Quick is an entire fast-food franchise that has spread (usually between 10-20%) for the first week or two it is offered.
throughout the Republic of Ishpeming, the Manistique Imperium The discount helps put the product in people’s hands, and North-
and even has a handful of locations in CS Iron Heart. Remem- ern Gun customers who return to their lives all over the continent
ber, fast-food restaurants and food chains are a thing of the past spread word of the new item far and wide. Seeing it in use is
that vanished, for the most part, after the Great Cataclysm. So for normally enough to increase sales, and once the news is out, cus-
many travelers on Rifts Earth, this is something new, different tomers begin making requests and large purchasers ask about the
and interesting, plus the food is surprisingly tasty (better qual- new inventory.
ity than pre-Rifts fast-food of the 20th Century) and amazingly
fast compared to most traditional sit-down restaurants. Trigger- Shawn Kennedy, Director of Previews, Quick Stats: Shawn
Quick is an actual chain of restaurants with a standardized food loves marketing and promotion almost as much as the Northern
menu, food preparation, and prices. One can order a burger at any Gun corporation. Alignment: Anarchist. Attributes: I.Q. 14,
Trigger-Quick location and expect to receive the same food and M.E. 12, M.A. 24, P.S. 10, P.P. 9, P.E. 13, P.B. 11, Spd 12. Ex-
service they have known to rely upon. Trigger-Quicks are found perience: 11th level Rogue Scholar with skills involving com-
throughout the city of Northern Gun as well as at least a few in munication, promotion and TV/Video.
virtually every sizable city and town in Ishpeming, as well as at
neighboring large cities in Manistique and the City of Brass in Ed’s Used Vehicle Emporium
CS Iron Heart. They serve a few different types of burgers and
fries, fish sandwich and fries, chicken sandwich and fries, chick- Many of Northern Gun’s robots, vehicles and products wear
en strips and fries, chicken salad, soft drinks, milkshakes, a few out or are damaged beyond repair as part of their normal working
desserts and Trigger-Quick’s famous “Bull’s-Eye” onion rings. life cycle. The husks of giant robots, combat vehicles and scrap
often find their way back to Northern Gun for salvage. All the
industrial cities of Upper Michigan salvage and recycle. In Ish- and have a hodgepodge of patchwork armor and no body work
peming, there are dozens of scrap and salvage operations, large to make it look good. Still, it is a bargain and every one is guar-
and small, happy to tear out usable components, clean them up, anteed to work.
rebuild those that require it and sell them as spare parts, as well as
recycle scrap metal and plastic, and sell them back to the North- There is also a scrap metal crushing operation and process-
ern Gun corporation. Salvage and recycling is a huge business in ing center for metal and plastic, but both are away from the Em-
Ishpeming with many outfits owned and operated by NG itself. porium and customers. Out in the scrap yard, covered by tarps
There are also many private salvage and scrap yards, and places and arranged by model type, are millions of vehicle parts, com-
that sell spare parts and rebuilt engines, circuit boards, weapon ponents and subsystems. Ed and his staff, assisted by a few dozen
systems and components. NG Light and Heavy Labor Drones, are experts as sifting through
the mountain of machinery and finding the exact piece a customer
The largest and most famous second-hand lot in all of North- is looking for. Odds are, if you need it, Ed has it. (There is a 92%
ern Michigan is Ed’s Used Vehicle Emporium. It is a massive likelihood of success!) And at prices half the cost of a new part
storehouse of vehicles, robots, hovercraft and mountains of spare and just as reliable. All rebuilt parts are as good as new.
parts, making Ed’s Used Vehicle Emporium part used car lot (a
very large one), part warehouse store and part scrap yard. The Ed’s Used Vehicle Emporium also has an excellent body shop
most expensive ‘Bots and vehicles are showcased toward the and repair garage on site and another in the industrial part of
front and inside the big warehouse showroom. Some are select town. The Operators who work here are very skilled and known
items at bargain prices, to draw customers inside. Behind the for their custom paint jobs and ability to paint designs, logos and
used vehicles (including robot vehicles) is a large fenced-in area, characters on ‘Bots and vehicles. The problem is, there is such
topped with barbed wire and lights. Inside are junk vehicles, used demand for their services, even with the Operators’ Room and
items waiting to be cleaned up or salvaged, and mounds of spare other good shops in town, that a typical wait, especially for a
parts and scrap. The more valuable parts are sorted and stored on custom paint job, is 2D4 weeks.
open shelves under canopies and inside barn-like storage build-
ings. The best and fastest selling spare parts and weapon sys- Edward Sauerland, Owner, Quick Stats: Alignment: Un-
tems are kept inside the back half of the massive Emporium Store principled. Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 12, M.A. 22, P.S. 18, P.P.
which is more like a giant warehouse with robots and vehicles in 13, P.E. 15, P.B. 14, Spd 11. Experience: 10th level Operator
the front half and the rest lined with shelves 20 feet (6.1 m) tall. with a number of piloting skills and a bionic right arm. Note:
As a hobby, Ed makes and enters gladiatorial robots to fight for
Prices for purchasing “totaled” and severely damaged robots prize money at the Robodome. He and his crew are friendly rivals
and vehicles are higher at Ed’s and at other Ishpeming scrap yards with the guys from the Operators’ Room, who also enter ‘Bots in
thanks to the pressing need for Northern Gun spare parts and the gladiatorial competitions. Both have had their share of triumphs
robust secondary repair and modification market. Typically 2-3% and defeats in the arena.
of the original list price (where most scrap yards outside Upper
Michigan seldom pay more than 0.5 to 1%). Sometimes Ed’s The Operators’ Room
Used Vehicle Emporium will pay as much as 8% if Ed and his
Operators believe the robot or vehicle can be rebuilt and resold The Operators’ Room is the most advanced and exclusive me-
quickly, or contains a wealth of salvageable weapon systems, chanics’ shop in the city. It is a candy store for gearheads and
parts and power supply. Of course, vehicles that are truly just grease monkeys, tankers and pilots, and power armor comman-
bricks of junk might only fetch 1,000 credits. dos and adventurers. The most talented and creative Operators,
Cyber-Docs and other technicians from the Midwest are drawn to
Used, working vehicles and robots, of course, command a bet- the Operators’ Room, a place where field armorers are artists and
ter price, but Ed and company NEVER pay more than 50% of the every war machine is a masterpiece.
original list price for a ‘Bot or vehicle in excellent condition. A
purchase price of 20-30% is the typical price for a ‘Bot or vehicle Customers are greeted by polite, efficient receptionists. The
in good to very good shape, half for “fixer-uppers” and “junkers.” Operators and mechanics of the Operators’ Room are not chosen
for their skill in public relations, so most customer interaction is
Owner Edward Sauerland and his team of Operators take the left to others. The Operators’ Room handles a huge number of
purchased used vehicles, clean them up, may do some body work, jobs, so careful organization is a necessity, and there is a large
fix obvious and known serious problems, and put them up for staff to take care of it. Once the pertinent information has been
sale at around double what the Emporium paid for them, more for recorded and a down payment made, customers are taken back to
good looking items, but seldom more than 70% of the list price the Build Floor, a huge warehouse full of sparks and hydraulic
for a new one. Only vehicles in high demand and souped-up ro- lines and crews of workers. There they meet with the Operator
bots and vehicles with a number of special features and enhanced in charge of their order and hammer out the technical details of
performance capabilities may sell for as much as the original list repairs and/or custom modifications. Every standard Northern
price or more. However, such high-ticket items are a rarity. Ve- Gun vehicle accessory or upgrade is available, but the seasoned
hicles of most kinds are available, though most are older models. mechanics of the Operators’ Room are typically looking for more
challenging assignments. Swapping out weapon systems, replac-
Bargain Vehicles at Ed’s. Bargain vehicles are rattletraps ing armor, cosmetic customization, stealth paint, souping-up
and old robots and vehicles not in tip-top condition. They look speed and performance by 2D4+10% and personalized control
banged up and rebuilt, but most sell for 30-40% of the cost of a interfaces are all routine tasks for the pros at the O.R. However,
new one. All bargain vehicles have 40% less M.D.C., reduced this quality workmanship comes at a 20% higher price than most
speed and maneuverability (-1D4x10% to Spd and are -5% on other garages in town, and rush orders (within 72 hours) cost an
Piloting skill rolls). Moreover, they are almost certain to be miss- additional 30%, but the workmanship is impeccable.
ing 1D4 standard features and/or a couple of weapon systems,
The Operators’ Room is located conveniently down the street of problems at the hotel for the owner, and fixes “issues” the
from Ed’s Used Vehicle Emporium, so spare parts and bits of guests may encounter, including avoiding entanglements with
Mega-Damage armor are never hard to come across. the law and bad publicity. Sometimes, that includes fixing things
that even the owner and the manager never know about. His ser-
In addition to repairing giant robots and vehicles of every vices also include the acquisition of contraband. Alignment: An-
variety (including those not of NG manufacture), the O.R. has archist. Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 18, M.A. 13, P.S. 22, P.P. 20,
a Body-Chop-Shop for cybernetic augmentation and bionic up- P.E. 14, P.B. 10, Spd 23. Experience: 9th level Freelance Spy.
grades that is also one of the best in town. Standard prices. According to rumors, he served as a Sheriff in the New West or
Pecos Empire in his youth, but Chris never talks about it.
Stan Chesser Quick Stats: Stan is the owner of the O.R.
Alignment: Scrupulous. Attributes: I.Q. 18, M.E. 14, M.A. 15, The Hovertrain Terminal
P.S. 17, P.P. 14, P.E. 12, P.B. 12, Spd 10. Experience: 12th level
Operator. Note: For fun, Stan and his crew build and enter com- The busiest part of town is, without doubt, the Ishpeming Ho-
bat robots to fight for prize money at the Robodome. The O.R. vertrain Terminal. A giant expanse of concrete berths and bays,
team has won six times more than Ed at the Emporium, which the terminal is a stopping point for hovertrains laden with passen-
keeps their friendly rivalry burning. gers – whether they be citizens, NG employees or visitors. Half-
underground, the terminal consists of an upper section where
The Ishpeming Arms Hotel vehicles park or drop people off, along with a control tower that
watches over everything and insures that two hovertrains never
Renowned for its luxury and service, Ishpeming’s most fa- try to cross the same space at the same time.
mous hotel is the Ishpeming Arms. A favorite of Robo-Gladiators,
mercenary commanders and NG Corporate Execs, “the Arms” is Below the surface is the hovertrain terminal. Huge tunnels
more than just a place to stay – it is an experience. bring the vehicles in from up above and down into the boarding
areas. Elevators, escalators, stairs and moving sidewalks carry
First, valets wait outside to take customers’ vehicles. No mat- passengers around the central hub, and a giant, semi-automated
ter how many wheels (or legs) the vehicle has, a skilled valet cargo-sorting apparatus fills many of the surrounding mainte-
will take it and park it off somewhere unobtrusively. Guests’ lug- nance rooms.
gage is handled for them by robot bellhops that do not need to be
tipped. Hovertrains enter the respective tunnels radiating outward
from the terminal on the outskirts of Downtown Ishpeming. Ho-
Standard rooms are equal to the most luxurious accommoda- vertrains are simply too big to navigate through the city without
tions that can be found in most other places in the world. Suites prohibitively interrupting traffic, so they are kept belowground,
are incredibly sumptuous; equipped with full-sized kitchens, leaving the surface streets clear for pedestrians and private
whirlpool baths, 1-4 private bedrooms and a balcony that over- wheeled, legged and hover vehicles. The massive hoverdrives on
looks downtown Ishpeming. Normal rooms run 500 credits per hovertrains also have a tendency to blow pedestrians off their feet
night, while suites go for 2,000. and make things uncomfortable at ground level, and confining
them to tunnels mitigates this problem. Tunnels also help to keep
The entire building is only eight stories tall, but covers an en- them safe from possible attacks and raids.
tire city block, has a massive courtyard, gardens, a skating rink in
the winter (duck pond in the summer), a large indoor swimming Once loaded with passengers, the hovertrains depart using the
pool and three restaurants with courtyard dining. same tunnel system. Cargo hovertrains typically load up and un-
load at designated depots around the factories and corporate areas
The Arms is a good place to stay if one is looking to bump of the city and Republic, joining the normal flow of traffic only
into Robo-Gladiators, other celebrities and well-to-do merchants, when necessary. Of course, one of the main destinations is to and
adventurers and travelers. Trade Council members frequent the from the Visitors’ Depot five miles (8 km) outside the City of
Arms, as well as successful mercenaries, foreign diplomats and Northern Gun.
wealthy businesspeople. Secret meetings and exchanges often oc-
cur in its courtyard gardens, lobbies and corridors. The Old Rail Station
Chadd J. Leath, Owner, Quick Stats: Chadd is a perfec- Before hovertrains became a ubiquitous part of Northern
tionist who strives to make the hotel the most luxurious, four- Gun’s infrastructure, traditional rail lines did most of the heavy
star experience on the continent. He enjoys socializing with his lifting. And they are still used today, though mainly for cargo
celebrity guests and powerful people. His parties are amazing. hauling. There are still railroads that run from Ishpeming to Es-
Alignment: Scrupulous. Attributes: I.Q. 17, M.E. 12, M.A. 22, canaba, across to Manistique, and inland at many points, connect-
P.S. 10, P.P. 9, P.E. 10, P.B. 11, Spd 11. Experience: 11th level ing to logging camps, mines and small communities.
Rogue Scholar with skills involving communication, promotion
and TV/Video. Normal trains are smaller and much cheaper than hovertrains,
even though they require tracks, bridges and equipment like lo-
Jeffery Gilbert, Hotel Manager, Quick Stats: Jeffery is a comotive turntables. The expense of hovertrains means that many
cagey fellow who has his finger on the pulse of everything hap- “less important” areas of the Republic are serviced only by dirt
pening at the hotel and with his many celebrity guests. He and roads and conventional rail transit. The Keweenaw Peninsula,
owner Chadd make a great team and have no secrets between home to Houghton and the Copper Island mining region, is one
them. Alignment: Scrupulous. Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 18, such place, and many people prefer to take the hovertrain to On-
M.A. 20, P.S. 10, P.P. 11, P.E. 14, P.B. 13, Spd 14. Experience:
10th level Vagabond with skills involving communication, com-
puters and business (including Pick Locks skill).
Christopher Thomas, Head of Security, Quick Stats: Chris
is the hotel “fixer,” the guy who quietly and discreetly takes care
tonagon and travel to oug ton ater rat er t an endure t e ne Repu lic of s pe ing an act t at re uired c anging a
entire ourne on one of s pe ing s aging rail trains. fe signs and re oving t e figure ead ing ut little ore.
The Old Rail Station is a us large uilding it i pres- en t e countr as considered a ingdo Louis ander-
sive asonr and tall indo s. t as uilt during t e s P. . an as its final ing. e fift generation of is fa il to old
a testa ent to t e refined i age t at t e (t en) Kingdom of Ish- t e title ander an as orn into ealt and privilege onl
peming as tr ing to create for itself. Sculptures and reliefs of to ave it all stripped a a in is late forties. Surprisingl t e
Nort ern Gun ro ots and ve icles are carved into t e uilding s e perience as not left i itter. e gets a stipend fro Nort -
facade far ore ela orate t an t e urals ill oards and sales ern Gun t at ould a e ost people dance it o e en o s
pro otions plastered across t e overtrain ter inal. or ing as a PR spo es an and diplo at and s oulders little ac-
tual responsi ilit . One ig t e orried t at ander an ould
Vanderman astle eco e a itious and decide to install i self as actual ing
of s pe ing or sa otage Nort ern Gun ut neit er is t e case.
Former Ishpeming Royal Residence ander an never reall cultivated connections it t e ilitar
or political po er structure and is ver uc a prett o and
not er popular tourist attraction in s pe ing is t e an- part ani al o en o s is cus life of privilege. Neit er e
der an Castle. ntil t e ingdo of s pe ing as re randed nor an e er of is fa il are illing to sacrifice t at. e
as t e Repu lic of s pe ing t e Castle as off-li its to t e as al a s een a cele rit in function and ing in na e onl .
pu lic a prestigious ro al ansion t at stood for t e e inence t is t e title of ing t at as een stripped a a fro i . e
of Nort ern Gun. Since t e ander an fa il as een do n- re ains a recogni ed cele rit and ell paid corporate spo es-
graded fro ro alt to cele rities t e Castle as een repos- person.
sessed t e Nort ern Gun corporation and converted into a ind
of useu and cultural center. ing Louis Vanderman Quick Stats oug an as-
su e e ust resent eing det roned ander an is o a it
ic ets are sold at t e front door ( credits for adults cred- it. is position co es it an per s and a calendar filled it
its for c ildren under t e age of ) and t e entire e perience is social functions. e li es not aving an responsi ilities e-
a loo at t e istor of s pe ing and Nort ern Gun. fe pre- ond PR and eing a cele rit spo esperson for s pe ing and
served placards ve icle parts and a fe s o piece old ve icles NG. Alignment narc ist. Attributes . . . . . .
it t e ords Nort ern nc. etc ed into t e ail ac to P.S. P.P. P. . P.B. Spd . Experience t
Nort ern ic igan s Golden ge past. P otograp s aps and level Rogue Sc olar and for er ing. Notable Skills Include
artifacts fro efore t e Great Catac ls and t e su se uent Co puter Operation Creative riting ance Ga ling . .
o undred ears ar ge are t ere to e ga ed upon in on- ndercover gent Literac erican Perfor ance and Pu lic
der as ell as e a ples of so e of t e first eapons and ve icles Spea ing.
t at Nort ern Gun produced. ere is also a section for t e ing-
do of s pe ing ears and records plus p otos and artifacts of ristopher Akers Bodyguard Quick Stats ris is t e
Nort ern Gun as it rose to econo ic pro inence. e outdoor strong silent t pe o stands in t e ac ground ut is uic to
court ard is filled it a displa of t e ost nota le NG ro ots
po er ar or and ve icles fro t roug out t e ages.
n addition to t e istorical useu an videos and audio
presentations guests can tour t e lu urious ander an estate.
For t ose o ave not seen t e agical opulence of t e Federa-
tion of agic or t e enc anted gardens and par s of La lo t e
ander an estate is a slice of life t at t e cannot even i agine.
ig er-ups it in t e Coalition States don t live as ell as t e
ander ans once did. e i pressive grounds large ig l or-
na ental ouse and anicured la ns and gardens are a far cr
fro t e t pical ru le-stre n streets of an average post-apoca-
l ptic cit -state.
Louis ing Vanderman
Former ing o the ingdom o Ishpeming
For an ears t e political state do inated t e Nort ern
Gun corporation as tec nicall a ingdo li e so an ot er
Rifts-age settle ents. Nort ern Gun as een in control since t e
ar ge ut in order to a e s pe ing see ore legiti ate
t e appointed a ing and declared t e countr t e ingdo
of s pe ing. fe ears ago t e NG Trade Council reevalu-
ated t eir position o ever. Surve s of Nort ern Gun custo ers
see ed to s o t at t e status of t e nation of s pe ing ad
little to no effect on t eir purc asing patterns. it in ust a fe
da s t e old ingdo of s pe ing as replaced t e rand
take action to keep the King safe. Guard to the King is a good Coalition States Embassy
paying gig, but Kris always keeps his ears open to opportuni-
ties on the side. Alignment: Anarchist. Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. Standing proudly in downtown Ishpeming is an imposing,
18, M.A. 12, P.S. 22, P.P. 15, P.E. 14, P.B. 13, Spd 14. Experi- monolithic M.D. building with a pair of Coalition banners dan-
ence: 8th level semi-retired Bounty Hunter. Psionics: 53 I.S.P. gling from it. The Coalition flag flies overhead, and this spot is
A Major Psychic with these abilities: Empathy (4), Nightvision technically Coalition soil. It is the Coalition embassy, a symbol
(4), Object Read (6) See the Invisible (4), Sixth Sense (2), and of hate and of changing times to the D-Bee population of North-
Telekinetic Leap (8). ern Michigan. To human supremacists and the leaders of North-
ern Gun, it represents a more secure future, part of a larger politi-
NGMI Central Bank cal system.
The central hub of the Northern Gun/Manistique Imperium The embassy is a large, eight story, bunker-style building,
credit system is found in downtown Ishpeming. The NGMI Cen- more of a compound, really, with a picturesque courtyard at the
tral Bank is a magnificent structure, designed by several talented center and a rooftop garden for meetings and parties. Also on the
architects and festooned with sculptures and statues, many of roof is a sky-dock for accommodating SAMAS patrols, helicop-
them of famous people and products from Northern Gun’s his- ters, and Death’s Head Transports, the primary means of resupply
tory. and exchanging personnel for the CS Embassy. Inside, CS citi-
zens receive the papers that allow them to travel or work within
On the main floor are rows of tellers, and offices that service Michigan and neighboring CS Iron Heart across the lake. They
big-name clients, as well as a few well-appointed meeting and must routinely check-in to make sure their paperwork is up to
presentation rooms. Offices for the bank staff and executives are date and that they don’t “disappear” in hostile country.
located upstairs, along with the bank’s boardroom and other fa-
cilities. Deep within the center of the bank, in a sub-basement, are Ishpeming natives who wish to apply for Coalition citizen-
the mainframes and computer cores that keep track of the cred- ship can do it here; many people claim the application process is
its in circulation and tie accounts to individual cards. The cards 1-4 years faster this way than going through the massively over-
function just like paper bills, and once a given number of credits loaded ‘Burb system. Whether this is true or not, a small trickle
have been placed on a card they are considered transferred from of people do manage to become CS citizens via Northern Gun/
the bank to a spendable holding card. If the card is lost or stolen, Ishpeming (unofficial preferred consideration).
the credits go with it.
The guards and embassy staff are all selected for their loyalty
A system that automatically debits purchases from users’ ac- to the CS and come from Chi-Town and other States. It would be
counts is not possible throughout most of Rifts Earth, as commu- extremely embarrassing to have even a few low-ranking guards
nication with a central server requires reliable connections that defect or run away from the Coalition, much less an ambassa-
simply do not exist. Within Ishpeming and Manistique, however, dor or ranking official. To safeguard against this, only the most
individual credit cards are common, and usable at any retail out- dedicated soldiers and proven civilian personnel are allowed to
let that has a hardline or radio connection to the NGMI Central serve at the embassy. Soldiers are expected to conduct them-
Bank Network. Like modern day credit cards, these cards can be selves properly and impress an image of professionalism upon
backed up, insured against theft or loss, and connected to various the local populace. Most of them would rather die than leave the
accounts with different spending limits. Coalition States and are virtually impossible to corrupt or pay off.
The fringe benefits of working in Ishpeming are a nice bonus, and
The Central Bank oversees shipments of cash destined for Es- most troop assigned to the embassy are career soldiers who have
canaba and Marquette every day. Mercenaries provide security been given a cushy assignment as a reward for service before they
for these transfers, which involve either paper credits, vouchers are promoted to new positions or retired.
or pre-credited NGMI bank cards. Cases of theft are rare, though
occasionally a few of the security personnel will try to pull an in- Blake Moorcroft, CS Ambassador, Quick Stats: The Am-
side job and disappear with a pay shipment. The Loss Prevention bassador has been rewarded with the cushy NG post for years of
Office (LPO) is especially vigilant when it comes to this kind of dedicated service in the Coalition Army. His reputation is that
crime, and is not shy about putting out kill orders on mercs and of a staunch CS hardliner, but the truth is Blake has always been
bandits who think they can steal from Northern Gun and simply out for himself. He is a master of skullduggery, backstabbing and
walk away. politics, and adept at “playing the game” to get ahead and stay
ahead. Thus, Ambassador Moorcroft receives a wide range of
Once the cash has left the city proper, it is up to the security special considerations and rewards for putting Northern Gun’s
people to get it through the lightly populated wilderness. Ship- interests ahead of the Coalition’s. This has guaranteed his turning
ments go west towards Houghton to be exchanged for copper and a blind eye to the presence of D-Bees, mages and other people of
furs or to Ontonagon to pay the troops of Task Force X. The most “questionable character” doing business in Ishpeming, as well as
common run, however, is currency exchange with Escanaba. So NG practices that might be considered inappropriate. His every
much commerce is conducted out of Escanaba/MercBay that new report to Chi-Town is favorable to NG. Alignment: Aberrant.
cash supplies have to be brought in at all times. So many vari- Attributes: I.Q. 18, M.E. 19, M.A. 24, P.S. 12, P.P. 14, P.E. 13,
ous credits are cashed in that overflow from the NGMI bank in P.B. 12, Spd 10. Experience: 10th level CS Military Specialist
Escanaba is taken by hovertrain to the main bank in Ishpeming to (still has his SAMAS power armor).
be sorted through and processed.
James L. Giltz, Head of Embassy Security, Quick Stats:
Captain Giltz is a friend who served under Moorcroft in the Co-
alition Army and was appointed to the NG post as a favor. He is a
veteran soldier with good skills and an eye for treachery, trickery
and danger. His loyalty is to Moorcroft and himself first, then the age viewing windows that provide a good view of the creatures.
CS. Alignment: Anarchist. Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 12, M.A. Safaris inside armored ATVs are also popular, letting visitors
13, P.S. 21, P.P. 19, P.E. 14, P.B. 10, Spd 15. Experience: 8th drive safely amongst the giant monsters of Rifts Earth.
level CS Commando. He also has a SAMAS and other armor and
gear. Kris Main, Zoo Manager, Quick Stats: Kris loves animals
and loves running the Reserve. Always has an eye out for making
Manistique Imperium Embassy the park better and for exotic animals to add to it. Alignment:
Scrupulous. Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 17, M.A. 15, P.S. 11, P.P.
Much more utilitarian than its Coalition counterpart, the five 9, P.E. 10, P.B. 11, Spd 15. Experience: 10th level Rogue Sci-
story Manistique Imperium embassy is a working building, pro- entist with skills that emphasize biology, zoology, and animals.
cessing thousands of citizenship requests, dual-citizenship forms,
work permits, shipping permits, arrest warrants, mining claims Ishpeming’s Granaries & Farmland
and a wide range of business and trade documents. The close re-
lationship between Ishpeming and the Imperium means people Outside the warehouse districts and rows of factories, Ishpem-
are frequently visiting and engaging in commerce together, and ing’s farm country begins. Towering grain silos dot the horizon,
even switching citizenship, moving from one nation to the other full of tons of corn and wheat that feeds the citizens and guests of
or conducting business across borders. The LPO (Loss Preven- Northern Gun. Should an emergency scenario unfold (Xiticix in-
tion Office) also works closely with Manistique law enforcement vasion, demon plague, etc.), the silos hold almost a year’s worth
to track down criminals who think they can escape by border- of foodstuffs and make the entire nation resistant to a trade em-
jumping, and both countries are known to contribute to bounties bargo or siege. A certain percentage of every farmer’s output is
on the heads of notorious pirates and criminals. In fact, the two contributed to the national reserves, only tapped into in times of
work together on all matters of national security, including pa- need.
trolling the Great Lakes and battling piracy, raiders and banditry.
The farmland that surrounds the capital is safe and well-cared
The embassy includes at least one representative from each for, but has a somewhat brief growing season and long, cold win-
of the city-states of the Manistique Imperium. Manistique is the ters. Ishpeming’s farmers have learned to deal with the weather,
capital and preeminent city of the Imperium, but each of the city- and rely on sophisticated agricultural machines provided by the
states has a certain measure of independence and is free to negoti- Northern Gun corporation to bring in the harvest. Thanks to robot
ate its own trade terms. Enterprising Northern Gun employees are farmhands and M.D. plowshares, the limited number of farmers
always looking for city-states willing to purchase or trade for NG in Ishpeming are able to feed the populace with little worry of
equipment at advantageous terms. Due to this competition and famine and lean times. Combined with imports from Manistique
intrigue amongst the city-states of the Imperium, its embassy has and the Coalition States, Ishpeming is well-fed and cases of mal-
become a hotbed for spies and information theft. nutrition and starvation, so common elsewhere, are almost un-
heard of inside the country.
Brian Hatherly, Ambassador of Manistique, Quick Stats:
A fair-minded merchant and politician who is diligent and good Beyond the large belt of farmland surrounding the capital, for-
at his job. He, like so many people of Manistique, have a love/ ests and the wilderness begin. Unlike the rest of the continent,
hate relationship with NG and resents Ishpeming’s arrogance and however, these forests are dotted with cabins, small farms, log-
superiority. Alignment: Scrupulous. Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. ging camps, miners and trappers. The presence of Northern Gun
18, M.A. 20, P.S. 11, P.P. 10, P.E. 12, P.B. 12, Spd 9. Experi- and the vigilance of the country’s Monster Responders make the
ence: 9th level Vagabond with skills involving communication, woods a relatively safe place to explore. Monsters and strange
computers and business (including Math). animals are still common, however, and hikers should take care
to bring along proper precautions.
Otherworldy Animal Reserve
Charles Erroy, Agriculture Councilor
On the outskirts of Ishpeming is the expansive Otherworldly
Animal Reserve – part zoo with an area of cages and enclosures Agriculture Councilor Charles Erroy is tasked with oversee-
and part animal preserve. It is a large section of forest and for- ing the production and safety of the nation’s crops. Ishpeming
mer farmland that has been ringed with electrified M.D.C. fences, has long winters and imports much of its food from other states
moats and concrete walls. When Monster Responders capture around the Great Lakes, but its farmland is safe and untroubled
dangerous creatures alive, they are sometimes sent to the Other- by monsters from the Rifts. Add to that the high technology that
worldly Animal Reserve rather than be destroyed. Here there are Northern Gun makes available to its farmers and it becomes clear
sections for Fury Beetles and Spiny Ravagers, Rhino-Buffalos, how Ishpeming’s farms can compete with more southern opera-
Heliodons, and others. There is an entire dinosaur zoo section tions.
where the Reserve’s collection of the beasts are exhibited out-
doors in the summer and kept inside a heated enclosure in winter. Erroy is a combination minister of the interior and food safety
czar. Farms, woodlands and commercial fishing are all under his
There are prehistoric Ice Age creatures like mammoths and purview. Food collection and safety are the two priorities that
mastodons that are shown off year-round, along with the Re- have to be balanced out. Refrigeration and proper food storage
serve’s hardier monsters. No intelligent animals are kept penned are not easy to maintain in the post-apocalyptic world, especially
inside the Reserve (at least, that the park rangers know of), and for those who work in the wilderness. Spoiled fish and rotten pro-
the openness of the park lets the animals behave in a natural man- duce can be life threatening, and the Agriculture Councilor’s job
ner. There are numerous observation platforms and Mega-Dam- is to make sure that the average citizen does not have to worry
about such things. As a result of his work, food standards have
risen dra aticall it in s pe ing s cities and are slo l e-
ginning to catc up in outl ing co unities as ell.
harles Erroy ouncilor Quick Stats at fe people
no a out C arles rro is t at e as a past as an adventurer e
seldo tal s a out. Ru or as it t at e ran it a toug cro d
of ercs and adventurers in t e agic one and Pecos pire
and even foug t va pires. Alignment nprincipled. Attri-
butes . . . . . . P.S. P.P. P. . P.B.
Spd . Experience t level Ro ot Pilot.
The Ishpeming Region
enter o Northern Michigan ivili ation Fort Sawyer
n addition to t e spra ling capital cit of Nort ern Gun s - Included as part o the Ishpeming Republic
pe ing t e Ishpeming region is also o e to several ot er large
industrial cities. s pe ing s port at Marquette is ell no n Fort Sa er is t e na e t at as given to Sawyer Air Force
ut an outsiders don t consider t e s aller cities of Palm-
er, Negaunee and Gwinn or Fort Sawyer en t e t in of Base during t e o undred ears ar ge. Located onl
Nort ern Gun. ll t ese co unities are located near t e capi-
tal (Nort ern Gun s pe ing) and all ave si a le populations. a out iles ( ) fro s pe ing t e ase as anot er
Su ur s and outl ing villages and far co unities ave gro n
up et een t e cities t e selves. s pe ing and its surrounding aven for u anit en t e Coming of the Rifts t reatened t e
cities are all loosel connected neig or oods are ouse dis-
tricts far s and ell- aintained roads a ing t e one large ver art itself. an ilitar and civilian aircraft diverted
se i-ur an one it s all e panses of forest in et een t e .
to Sa er en larger air force ases ere destro ed or over-
Outside of t at central area t oug ost of t e land clai ed
t e Republic of Ishpeming is forest it patc es of far land el ed e ond capacit . e soldiers and eapons t at uilt-
and so e o esteaders and trappers. ere are forts ines and
villages along t e estern order it Wisconsin and large cities up t ere elped t e people of t e pper Peninsula eat er t e
at Houghton Ontonagon and Escanaba ut travel a a fro
t ese population centers and ou are in dangerous oodlands. stor of agic and onsters t at as ed over t e planet.
e pper Peninsula as al a s een lig tl populated and re-
ains t at a even no t at it as eco e a sanctuar for u- No generations later Fort Sa er is an air ase once again.
an ind.
ts old run a s and angars ave een renovated or replaced and
t e fort is t e pri ar design co ple and proving ground for
ne Nort ern Gun aircraft and ing po er ar or. e co pa-
n s ne line of elicopters overcraft and planes are all found
at Sa er and secret e peri ental designs are to e found in t e
fort s angars and la s.
The farmland and countryside to the west of the fort regularly Marquette Naval Development Center
report sightings of strange lights and unidentified aircraft, almost
always at night. These are top-secret projects, things Northern Along with its commercial port, Marquette also hosts a high-
Gun does not yet want their competitors to be aware of. Some- security area: the Northern Gun Naval Development Center.
times test-flights head north, out over Lake Superior, for even Just as Fort Sawyer is the center for aircraft development, Mar-
more secrecy and isolation. quette and the frigid waters of Lake Superior give life to Northern
Gun’s ships and submarines. Recent models like the Beachmas-
In addition to its use as the NG Aircraft Development Cen- ter amphibious robot and a variety of water vessels are products
ter, Fort Sawyer is the center of the Republic of Ishpeming’s of the Marquette labs. While ship hulls for Harbormaster patrol
air-traffic control and radar warning system. Powerful radar sta- boats and others are laid down in Gladstone, the first prototypes
tions are sited at Ishpeming, Marquette, Houghton, Ontonagon, were built and tested in Marquette and sailed down through the
Escanaba, Gladstone, Menominee and Ironwood, tied together to river at Sault St. Marie. Where locks were once needed, the river
give Ishpeming some semblance of radar coverage. All of their has widened and deepened to such a degree since the Great Cata-
input is received at Fort Sawyer, where the data is analyzed for clysm, that the locks are no longer necessary.
threats. If a problem should arise, a mercenary company equipped
with various aircraft is kept on standby just to protect Ishpem- The development center comprises several large, sheltered
ing’s skies. Should their forces not be adequate to the task, other docks where new ships can be constructed away from prying
mercenaries and flying power armor forces can be called in or eyes. There are also four submarine pens where new designs for
Northern Gun pilots organized into attack squadrons. subs are in progress. Inland are laboratories and workshops that
connect to the special, highly-secure docks. Privateers and naval
Marquette captains from Task Force X and the small Northern Gun Corpo-
rate Security Fleet are coming and going all the time, testing out
Included as part of the Ishpeming Republic new ships, offering their feedback and participating in drills and
One of the main reasons Ishpeming survived the Great Cata-
clysm so well is its landlocked location within Michigan’s se- Hannah Gaspard
cluded Upper Peninsula. As Northern Gun expanded and turned
into the center of a commercial empire, Ishpeming needed a bet- Shipping & Ports Councilor
ter outlet to the rest of the world. The majority of Northern Gun’s
products have always been shipped south by hovertrain or tra- Hannah Gaspard is the first female S&P Councilor in North-
ditional rail to Escanaba and Gladstone. From there they make ern Gun’s history. She is a former freighter captain who was just
their way around the Great Lakes and are sent out to customers another Northern Gun customer for years. She began taking work
and way-points across North America. Ishpeming, however, is directly from Northern Gun corporate back in 100 P.A., and built
much closer to the Lake Superior coast than that of Lake Michi- herself a strong working relationship with the company over the
gan, and the city of Marquette has grown to become its primary next seven shipping seasons. Before long, Gaspard was organiz-
port and the center for most trade with CS Iron Heart and lake ing shipping for all of Escanaba, and within two years was of-
shipping destined for the Manistique Imperium. fered the same job for the entire country.
In addition to its value as a commerce hub and naval base, the Unlike most of the rest of the Council, Gaspard did not rise
ruins of Northern Michigan University are also located at Mar- through the ranks of Northern Gun corporate structure. She was
quette. The city all but disappeared with the Coming of the Rifts, sought out and hired for the job for her particular expertise and
but as it was resettled and redeveloped during the expansion of her knowledge of the Great Lakes and the various ports of Ish-
Northern Gun, it has yielded an incredible amount of scientific peming. She has much in common with Field Marshal Reeves, in
and academic knowledge. The university’s libraries and technical that they are both outsiders who were brought in to perform their
laboratories were disassembled piece by piece and reconstructed current jobs and have only gradually become part of the Northern
back in Ishpeming, and played a significant role in the techno- Gun social elite.
logical renaissance that has created Northern Gun as we know it
today. Hannah Gaspard, Councilor, Quick Stats: Alignment: Un-
principled. Attributes: I.Q. 17, M.E. 14, M.A. 23, P.S. 14, P.P.
The modern city of Marquette is arranged around the port. 11, P.E. 15, P.B. 17, Spd 10. Experience: 12th level Merchant
There is a well maintained road that is part of the Ishpeming- Marine.
Manistique Highway and leads from the port directly to Ishpem-
ing itself. Using this thoroughfare and the four rail lines that run The IM Highway
along it, Northern Gun is able to keep a constant volume of prod-
ucts moving in and out of Marquette. Defending the port is a high Running 103 miles (165 km) from Northern Gun, capital of
priority, and the coastal defenses found in Marquette are second the Ishpeming Republic, to Manistique, capital of the Manis-
only to the shore guns that protect Escanaba. Marquette is, in ef- tique Imperium, is the Ishpeming-Manistique Highway – better
fect, part of Northern Gun. Outsiders even think of it as one of known simply as the IM Highway or just “the IM.” A collabora-
the suburbs. tion of the Northern Gun Trade Council and the royal family of
Manistique, the IM highway is the most active land-link between
the two nations, and follows along their mutual border for most
of its length.
In a world with few paved streets outside of city centers, the
Ishpeming-Manistique Highway is truly unique. It is a fully
paved stretch of road that leads from one city-state to the other and travelers down the IM. Their orders are to bring back car-
with no portages, no rickety rope bridges or dirt trails through jackers and con men dead or alive in order to discourage further
dark woods. The road was built along the course of the old Route criminal action along the highway. So far, the efforts of the LPO
41 and Route 2, pre-Rifts motorways that once linked the Upper haven’t worked.
Peninsula. It is well-lit, mostly safe and kept in good repair.
Monsters and supernatural beasts are a much less frequent
Crews from Ishpeming and the Manistique Imperium can be problem, but they do happen from time to time. While “normal”
encountered during non-winter months working on the high- monsters stalk the woodlands, the lack of ley lines and nexus
way. Damage must be repaired before it can interrupt traffic, and points means there is little to attract powerful demonic beings or
monsters and supernatural creatures that have taken up residence creatures of magic. That said, there is the occasional Sasquatch
within the woods always make projects more difficult than they sighting and infrequent incidents involving Armored Slayers,
have to be. Giant robot traffic also rips up the road much worse Loup Garou, Windigo, Wishpoosh Demon Beavers and Faerie
than tracks or tires, and workers are always laboring to fill in the Folk. In fact, the enigmatic Faerie Bots seem to have increased
deepest footprints. During the winter, automated plows manage in numbers in Upper Michigan, perhaps attracted by all the tech-
the heavy snowfall along the highway. nology and spare parts available. Fury Beetles are probably the
most common and troublesome of the “big monsters” mainly be-
In addition to functioning as a trade route and border between cause of their size and the unintended damage they do to crops,
the two nations, the IM highway also serves a definite military fences and property. (All the creatures noted above can be found
purpose. Not only does it connect the neighboring countries, it in World Book 20: Rifts® Canada.)
also cuts north-south through the entire Upper Peninsula. If a
threat to Ishpeming were ever to emerge, troops from either the The traffic and military activity along the highway also dis-
northern or southern coasts could swiftly reach the other side of suades dangerous animals from making themselves known; most
the peninsula or the nation’s capital. The highway links Ishpem- are hunted down by mercenaries eager for bounties the moment
ing to Marquette, its principal northern port, along with the cities they are reported to be in the area.
of Gladstone and Escanaba, the two main shipping outlets on
the southern coastline. Should the need arise, it also runs all the The Annual IM Highway Multi-Marathon. Every year,
way to Manistique (as its name implies), and military relief from towards the beginning of May, the Republic of Ishpeming and
one nation or the other would use the IM highway to come to its the Manistique Imperium hold the annual IM Highway Multi-
neighbor’s assistance in time of emergency. So far, this threat has Marathon.
not emerged, but the massive amount of commercial and civilian
traffic that uses the highway makes it a worthy venture for each The Multi-Marathon is a “casual” 103 mile (165 km) jog along
of the contributing nations. the IM highway for nearly its entire length. The run is grueling in
its length and departs from the highway at many points to wind
Dangers of the Highway. Trenary, a small community mid- through the woods and follow scenic trails. It is a contest rec-
way along the highway, houses a small defense force that guards ommended only for Juicers, Crazies, Cyborgs and D-Bees, and
the lengthy interior. The IM is well maintained and monitored by relatively normal looking non-human competitors are generally
troops from both Ishpeming and Manistique and Trenary defend- tolerated and permitted to compete.
ers in the middle, but the IM highway can still be dangerous. It
stretches over many miles of thick forest terrain that is difficult The race begins in Manistique. It is always a party, an ex-
to patrol, especially at night. Attacks by Highwaymen, Bandits, cuse for a big public gathering that kicks off the start of spring.
Raiders and other rogues are more common than either country There is a parade where the runners are delivered to the starting
would like. line, and throngs of fans line the highway even beyond the city
limits. The race follows along the border between the Republic
Con Artists have learned to use the highway to steal money of Ishpeming and the Imperium, sometimes deviating slightly to
and goods, and gather information they can sell. They hitch-hike pass through a border town or crossing. The course is basically
or pretend their vehicles have broken down and wait for a pass- four marathons back to back, and is a 6-8 hour event even with
ing good Samaritan to stop. The con artist then hitches a ride to superhuman competitors.
get information about the goings-on in the area, particularly new
shipments coming and going, problems with security, etc. Armed The final stretch of the race begins as the Manistique border
with information about deliveries and arrivals, the con artist may ends near the pre-Rifts site of Harvey, Michigan. The last 20 miles
sell that information to bandits and raiders for a small percentage (32 km) follow the shoreline up from Harvey to Marquette, then
of the stolen goods or for cash or trade goods up-front. Others cut inland straight to Ishpeming. And for anyone who thought the
hijack the truck or break in to a train boxcar or warehouse (often party at the start of the race in Manistique was big, the celebration
with accomplices/teammates) to attempt to steal the goods. Still in Ishpeming is overwhelming. It ranks right up with New Year’s
other con artists ply their trade to be accepted and travel from Eve and the Robodome Championship Finals in August, as one of
place to place, get handouts and to steal whatever small valuables Northern Gun’s biggest spectacles. Cameramen on the backs of
they can (credit cards, side arms, electronics, jewelry, drugs, hovercycles film the runners as they make the home stretch. This
booze, and whatever they can) and pawn or sell them before their is the most competitive portion of the race, as anyone who has
victims even realize the items are gone. Others steal the vehicle toughed it out to this point will be making a big, final push for the
itself at the first opportunity. These IM Con Artists always know win. Dirty tricks and violence are both common in the last few
the latest rumors and news, but may charge for that information. miles and the crowd loves both, even if the race’s referees do not.
The Loss Prevention Office is particularly incensed by this kind
of crime and routinely sends agents disguised as hapless truckers
Trenary For ile eno inee is a good-si ed cit t e oods around it
are lig tl in a ited on t e s pe ing side of t e order and a
renar is a s all rural co unit . large portion of its aunted land over in isconsin.
population is far ers fis er en river cargo aulers loggers Outside scana a t e Green Bay coastline is surprisingl
uaint and peaceful. Pirate raids do occur fro ti e to ti e ut
trappers and unters. eir co unit as een given a second t e over el ing response t at Nort ern Gun sends in after suc
events is a ing t e a rarit . ost pirates go and attac vessels
lease on life t an s to t e ig a . Located ust a fe iles out on t e open la es retreating ac to t e a onl to ta e ref-
uge and s elter t eir s ips. e sout ern coastline is a co on
sout est of pre-Rifts renar t e s all odern cit is sited at retirement destination for Nort ern Gun e plo ees ercenaries
and ealt foreigners loo ing for safet and securit ut un-
t e con uence of several rivers. Before t e ig a ent illing to settle inside t e Coalition States. it scana a to t e
nort east and eno inee to t e sout est sout ern s pe ing
up renar as essentiall ust a logging depot a stopping point is its o n little orld even it in t e larger Repu lic.
for lu er s ip ents follo ing t e dirt roads nort to s pe ing Escanaba MercBay
or sout to anisti ue. it t e construction of t e ig a ile s pe ing a e t e capital of Nort ern Gun s-
cana a is its door a to t e orld. Located on a pro ontor
renar found itself as t e onl pit stop along its route it in along s pe ing s sout ern coast scana a is it in eas reac
of an one traveling across nort ern La e ic igan and close
t e eavil forested center of t e pper Peninsula. ravelers enoug to t e anisti ue periu for da trips. t is t e Repu -
lic of s pe ing s principal port t e u for s ipping NG goods
stop at renar at all ours of t e da to resuppl stop and eat to t e rest of t e orld and t e ost fre uent s opping stop for
and rest for t e nig t. s a result do ens of ars otels diners ercenaries privateers pirates and state ilitaries. t is elieved
t at ore eapons are sold in ul out of scana a t an an
uaint s ops and fueling stations ave appeared it in t e last ot er single place in Nort erica (t e Cit of Nort ern Gun
s pe ing is second). ore t an Stor spire in t e Federation of
fe ears.
agic ore t an erc o n or r no or even anisti ue.
e rivers t at run t roug renar are also valua le transpor- no n collo uiall as ercBa scana a is a cit uilt
tation routes even it t e ig a in place. Dexter reek and it custo ers and logistics in ind. e entire co unit is
t e West Branch Whitefish River run t roug e cellent logging designed it ide concrete streets eas accessi ilit to and
countr and far land. Barges full of ti er and fres produce
go up and do n t e rivers during spring and su er. ere isn t
uc for sale in renar e cept for fres produce o e-coo ed
food a ed pies and pastries local crafts ve icle fuel and Solid
O ide atteries. s ost visitors are eit er going to or co ing
fro one of t e great s opping eccas in Nort erica re-
nar as to rel on local c ar and cuisine. o ever t e cit
is a Black Market haven it s ip ents and cac es of illegal
goods (including drugs) availa le at discreet locations in to n
and drop points in t e oods. e Blac ar et runs several of
t e taverns a Bod -C op-S op and ot rot els in t e s all
cit and as ot er illicit entertain ents availa le.
n order to atc over t e cit and protect t e ig a re-
nar ouses a large garrison of t e ig a Patrol alf of
o are renar residents. e Patrol is overseen and an-
aged Nort ern Gun s Loss Prevention Office. LPOs and Pa-
trol en travel t e ig a and so e side roads li e pre-Rifts
State roopers on overc cles patrol cars ing po er ar or
and lig t aircraft all of ic oo up and do n t e atc -
ing for trou le and elping travelers. e do at t e can to
suppress t e Blac ar et in renar as ell t oug allegations
of corruption and ri er are a routine pro le for t e ig a
Patrol and LPO or ing out of t e renar ranc office.
The Lake Michigan oast
and Southern Ishpeming
part fro t e s pe ing cit region t e Repu lic s ost
populous area is t e La e ic igan coast. e sout ern ost por-
tion of t e countr t e coastline is largel s eltered islands
t e re ains of t e various peninsulas t at used to protect Green
Ba and is o e to an fis er en la e cargo aulers and pri-
vateers (and so e independent pirate gangs) o pl ot t e
a and La es ic igan and uron. e coast is densel settled
it s all co unities ever fe iles and far s ouses and
cottages interspersed t roug out. ings re ain relativel su ur-
an until one starts to ead do n t e road to ards Menominee.
from the docks, hovertrain and conventional rail systems, hun- source. Cranes and dry docks of all sizes are present to help out
dreds of warehouses, and an array of stores, shops and garages in the process.
with weapons dealers, sales centers, dry-docks, repair facilities,
Juicer clinics, Body-Chop-Shops, restaurants and supply depots Not far from the docks are hundreds of warehouses and sec-
all within easy reach. It has the same variety of stores and en- ondary service providers. Doctors, shopkeepers, Operators and
tertainment as the City of Northern Gun/Ishpeming but built for others whose clientele often visit for a short time are located right
function, without all the flash and showmanship. Think simple, there, convenient for anyone who doesn’t wish to explore the
functional warehouse store vs dazzling showroom. town. Pirates, prostitutes and con artists also frequent the docks,
looking for new marks fresh off a ship.
For those looking to stay more than a few hours, there are
hotels (60-120 credits a night), hostels (40-70 credits) and bunk- The docks are also a haven for pirates, bandits and Black
houses (10-20 credits a night) available further inland, typically Market thieves. In all the hustle and bustle, a few missing crates
increasing in quality the further one gets from the controlled won’t even be noticed, and the blast of a ship’s horns can disguise
chaos down by the docks. Restaurants, brothels, storage facilities a gunshot or the cries for help of someone being dragged off into
and parking structures are all found in this district. Further inland the shadows. Nearby ships also provide an easy escape route,
yet are Northern Gun corporate warehouses and service centers, and despite the restrictions on submerged travel, there are always
connected to the docks by underground tunnels. Adjacent to the Smugglers, mages and thieves willing to attempt to run past the
IM Highway and the railroad tracks that run along it, the corpo- harbor patrol in sea scooters and mini-subs or via a bit of magic.
rate portion of Escanaba sees a constant flow of goods going to
restock the sales outlets on the coast. Products from Manistique. Manistique City, the capital of
the Manistique Imperium, is also located along Lake Michigan
MercBay is also the site of the quarterly Escanaba Airshow. and has its own docks and shipping centers. For most custom-
Spectators thrill as planes, helicopters, rocket cycles and flying ers who come to Northern Michigan, however, MercBay is one-
power armor all twist and turn overhead in high-speed races, stop-shopping, and any product that is unavailable there will not
death-defying tricks and stylized faux-firefights. The Airshow is even receive consideration. To make up for this, the Imperium
an attraction for the whole family, but definitely contributes to a has a trade deal in place with Ishpeming that allows it to sell its
monthly spike in sales to mercenaries and non-military custom- products from warehouses and outlets in Escanaba. Wellington
ers. Special sales and offers usually coincide with the event, and weapons and equipment are off-limits (to limit competition for
new aircraft always debut at the Airshow before even being seen arms sales), but virtually anything else can be found. So many
at Ishpeming and other Northern Gun outlets. The Airshow is run Imperium products are sold out of Escanaba that some visitors
and coordinated by NG exec and flying ace, Jason DeLong. (most notably Erin Tarn) have mistakenly assumed that MercBay
is an independent kingdom, or one of the city-states of the Man-
The Airshow isn’t Escanaba’s only attraction, and traveling istique Imperium. In reality, it is thoroughly under the control of
shows, visiting Robo-Gladiators and small-scale Robodome Northern Gun and the Republic of Ishpeming.
League games are also found here. Theaters, drinking halls, Juic-
er sports arenas, gladiator games, live shows and other entertain- Purchasers and Resellers. A vast number of the ship captains
ments are set up to attract visitors and bring tourist credits into and merchants visit the Escanaba docks not just to drop off or
the city. All of this may be icing on the cake compared to the pick up cargo, but to buy weapons and vehicles for themselves.
incredible volume of military weapons and NG equipment that They are either looking for specific items to deliver to a specific
goes through Escanaba, but to anyone other than wholesalers, the customer or searching for good deals they can later resell them-
nightlife and the amenities are the really memorable part about selves at some distant frontier port or faraway kingdom. For
the city. many practitioners of magic, mercenaries, D-Bees and criminals,
it is preferable to use a middleman to acquire goods and supplies,
Escanaba is a melting pot of various cultures from North and hiring a ship’s captain to act as such a middleman is quick,
America. While the D-Bee population is less than 5%, the humans easy business. Most Great Lakes captains are well-known and are
found in Escanaba are the most diverse anywhere in Northern asked few questions about their acquisition, regardless of what it
Michigan, maybe the entire continent. Visitors from the Coali- may be or how out of character the purchase may be. A commu-
tion, Manistique, Free Quebec, Lazlo, New Lazlo, the Federation nity of “Purchasers,” as they are known, has developed to meet
of Magic, Tolkeen, Whykin, Kingsdale, and even the New West this need, their job being a combination of a traveling merchant,
and Canada have all resettled in Escanaba, or may be living there freelance ship captain and Black Market smuggler. They live off
for a short time. the commission they charge their customers for procuring goods
from Escanaba and delivering them safely over the Great Lakes
The Escanaba Docks to a predetermined location. A location that can be another port or
a secret drop point on shore or with another vessel in the middle
The docks at the City of Escanaba are some of the busiest in of the lake.
all of North America. Boats and ships are constantly coming and
going, dropping off or picking up shipments of cargo or passen- Piracy is a crime and frowned upon, but bold and cunning pi-
gers. Sometimes vessels come into port just for the ship-servicing rates dare to resupply, buy and sell goods and find rest and re-
facilities, probably the best in the continent outside the Coali- laxation at MercBay. To keep the peace, the law tries not to ask
tion and Free Quebec. Almost any damage can be repaired and too many questions, so pirates who keep a civil tongue and a low
any upgrade applied, from scraping a few zebra mussels off the profile can come and go from the port city without incident. Only
hull to extending the size of the vessel or swapping out a power the most infamous and obvious can expect trouble from the local
lawmen, mercs and bounty hunters.
The Discount Docks isitors can also find a level of co fort and acco odation fe
ot er places on t e continent can offer. ile t ere isn t uc in
Set a it apart fro t e ain port area t e iscount oc s t e a of culture to e found t e average visitor to scana a
doesn t iss it. ar eds a ot s o er indoor plu ing good
are no n as scana a s designated argain section. an of food and general securit are a lu ur in t e selves on Rifts
t e sales outlets in scana a s pe ing and else ere sell t eir art especiall to ard-fig ting ercenaries loggers traveling
erc ants and adventurers.
defective gear t e ton to erc ants do n at t e doc s eager Spending a fe credits t oug ill open an doors in s-
cana a. e entire cit is a out a ing one and t ose o are
to unload inventor t e cannot sell t e selves. Finding t e rare illing to part it t eir ard-earned cas ill e ell ta en care
of. ere are ot ostels and fine otels food carts and five-star
non- ro en purc ase is a luc coincidence ut t ere are ge s restaurants. ver Nort ern Gun product availa le is for sale and
if so e specific product s ould appen to e sold out ore are
to e found and deals to e ad. pro a l alread on t e a fro s pe ing. at said t ere is
ver little corruption and ri es do not generall or even at
l ost an t ing can e found in t is spra ling open-air ar- restaurants.
et ut onl t e ost ra s ac le e uip ent finds its a to t e The Escanaba Robodome
iscount oc s. ere t e prices for da aged used old ut li e ile not as large or opulent as t e original Ro odo e in s -
pe ing t e - o e sees atc es ost nig ts of t e ee and
ne and salvaged parts are e tre el good ( of list price) as a constant rotation of visiting co petitors and ercs o
ave spontaneousl decided to participate in t e nig t s ga es.
ut an t ing purc ased fro t e an argain ins as to e
is rando ele ent is reall pla ed up t e anagers of t e
e a ined carefull . an are old rusted alfunctioning orn scana a o e and ever evening of ga es features Rando
Card atc es ere unsc eduled co petitors are divided
do n or actuall ro en. On t e ot er and an ite s a e eig t class and paired off en cards it t eir na es ritten
on t e are dra n visiting Ps or audience e ers. Ro o-
scratc ed dented and loo li e un ut or great or can e Gladiators are al a s s uttling ac and fort et een scana a
and s pe ing for atc es and at least one nig t a ee one of
fi ed ver easil . n s ort t ere are an great argains provided t e t ree c a pions fro s pe ing osts t e scana a ga es
and so eti es co petes. e events at t e - o e are livel
ou no at ou re loo ing for. and unpredicta le and an fans and sports ga lers prefer t e
scana a Ro odo e s events to t e ore c oreograp ed t eat-
e iscount oc s are also o e to traveling erc ants and rical outs of t e ig league in s pe ing.
da sellers o rent a location on t e street or in an e pt Arnaldo Le ebre Robo-Gladiator Quick Stats rnaldo is
t e reigning c a pion at t e - o e. e as ins and as
stall in a nu er of ea ar et-li e are ouse uildings for a
on t e last five local co petitions. e s also a t ree-ti e in-
da or t o. t t ese locations discounts a range fro to ner at t e Nort ern Gun Ro o- o e ut as etter luc in t e
s aller arena at ercBa . ccording to so e ru or as it e
ut t is is also ere nerv t ieves andits pirates raid- is a sp fro Free ue ec or Old Bones. Ot er ru ors sa e
is a retired pirate fro ontreal. rnaldo laug s off all accusa-
ers and Blac ar eteers sell stolen goods rig t out in t e open tions and refuses to spea of is past. Alignment Scrupulous.
Attributes . . . . . . P.S. P.P. P. .
and t e reall good stuff (translation ot as ades stolen goods
and contra and) under t e ta le. ere are of course an le-
giti ate vendors including esta lis ed erc ants loo ing to sell
old and da aged inventor professional discounters anti ue
dealers pa ns op dealers refur is ers un dealers traveling
erc ants and ercenaries and adventurers do n on t eir luc
loo ing to sell atever t e can spare to cover de ts or go o e.
Richard Fathom Hill Merchant Marine aptain Quick
Stats Fat o is a ell no n erc ant arine o u s c eap
and sells at a odest profit to poor co unities all around t e
Great La es and so eti es e ond. Captain ill is a retired
Privateer (so e sa pirate it connections to t e Blac ar-
et) it a good reputation in scana a. Note Over t e ears
Fat o as ta en privateering contracts it Nort ern Gun t e
periu Free ue ec and t e Blac ar et a ong ot ers.
oug e clai s to e retired an elieve it is a cover for is
current secret contractor. Alignment narc ist and as a soft
spot for t e underdog. Attributes . . . . . .
P.S. P.P. P. . P.B. Spd . Experience t level
Privateer (see Ri ts Sourcebook Four oalition Navy for t is
and ot er naval O.C.C.s).
Downtown Escanaba
ust on t e ot er side of t e doc s is t e eginning of s-
cana a proper. otels and ga ling ouses private o es and
offices are all located in t is part of to n. ere is a spra ling
do nto n district t at caters to t e needs of visiting ercenaries
adventurers NG custo ers and tourists co plete it casinos
restaurants t eaters ars clu s and cul inating in t e scana a
Ro odo e.
For t ose loo ing for so et ing ot er t an t e ga es t e rest
of t e cit provides a ide range of entertain ent fro pu s
taverns nig tclu s and dance alls to ovie ouses live t eater
concert alls g nasiu s a sports stadiu and ot er activities.
P.B. Spd . Experience t level Ro ot Pilot speciali ing
in Gladiatorial ro ot co at.
Will Sproul Robo-Gladiator Quick Stats ill is a local
resident o is no n for is ild antics at t e - o e. e is
a Cra o as orn in scana a ut spent uc of is out
engaged in adventure and ilitar ca paigns across Canada and
t e Nort ern nited States including t e uicer prising and
confrontations it itici and ae oni . ild illia sel-
do ins a ro o-co petition due to is erratic e avior ut is
al a s entertaining to atc and a fan favorite. e is a local ce-
le rit ost fa ous for a andoning is gladiator ro ot and c al-
lenging po er ar or and ro ot opponents ust clad in is od
ar or or claptrap po er ar or. e loves roug ousing fig ting
and co petitions and drin s li e a fis . Alignment Scrupulous.
Attributes . . . . . . P.S. P.P. P. .
P.B. Spd . Experience t level Cra nd level Ro ot
Pilot. Psionics .S.P. . ntuitive Co at ( ) ac ine G ost
( ) and See ura ( ).
Escanaba Airfield ason DeLong Airshow Director Quick Stats ason is a
se i-retired Ro ot Pilot o as traded in t e adrenaline rus
e site of t e popular scana a irs o t e irfield is part of co at for t e t rill of t e c eering cro d and spectacle of
Nort ern Gun pu lic relations and part corporate suppl u . aerial derring-do. ason o ns t e largest no n collection of -
Broad- inged cargo planes co e and go at all ours of t e da ing po er ar or in Nort erica it an of t e on displa
and nig t and s aller aircraft and over ve icles transporting at t e airfield useu . ong t e are t e NG-Sa son t ree
different st les of S S and a ue ec iolator S S (all
Ps a e use of t e ter inal and airstrip as ell. portant sup- ar ed and or ing). e presence of t e S S suits as led
plies li e critical parts and design secrets go plane rat er t an to ru ors in so e circles t at ason is a CS sp . Alignment
t e overtrains t at carr ul ite s and t e Loss Prevention Of-
fice also stages an of its operations out of t e irfield. narc ist. Attributes . . . . . . P.S. P.P.
P. . P.B. Spd . Experience t level Ro ot Pilot
Brett Easterbook Airfield Operations Manager Quick
Stats Brett is t e rass-tac s logistics i ard o eeps t e ir- speciali ing in ing ar or and aircraft.
field running s oot l . e is so good at is o t at e see s to
e in t ree places at once and never sleeps. not er lo al and The Hub
dedicated NG e plo ee. Alignment Scrupulous. Attributes
. . . . . . P.S. P.P. P. . P.B. Spd scana a s usiest district is t e doc s no uestion a out it.
But co ing in at a close second is t e u t e rail overtrain
. Experience t level aga ond Pilot speciali ing in run- depot and s opping district t at connects to ot t e doc s and
ning a usiness and ing aircraft. t e ig a . Passengers and cargo co e and go fro all
over Ishpeming, Manistique and CS Iron Heart. ere are con-
The Escanaba Airshow ventional rail lines and loading stations large a s for over-
trains s uttle services t at run ac and fort to t e doc s and
Once ever t ree ont s t e site is opened to t e pu lic for t e onra ps t at lead rig t to t e ig a . s a result t ere
t e scana a irs o . Gri led ercs and oung fa ilies ali e are are ouse centers retail outlets s ops and places to eat and
cro d toget er to see Nort ern Gun s ne est aircraft protot pes drin located all around t e depot. is is ideal for people o
and old standards pus ed to t e li it daredevil pilots. Old fa- ave a connecting train to catc and don t ave ti e to go do n-
vorites li e t e S ing are never a sent fro t e s o ut to n or fear t e doc s are not safe.
rand ne elicopters et pac s planes and ing po er ar or
are t e real ain attraction. udience e ers get to see ne e fren of activit a e inti idating to t ose not used
products up close and personal t en atc in a e as t e ta e to large cro ds and even larger ac iner ut t e u is all
to t e s in a series of races acro atic displa s for ation - laid out in an e tre el si ple anner. e rail train station is
ing and ot er i pressive aneuvers. Sales reps tout t e i prove- at t e center it t ree different overtrain loading areas around
ents and perfor ance statistics de onstrate cool features and
do an t ing t e can to generate a u of e cite ent regarding
ne products.
irs o pilots are cele rities on par it Ro o-Gladiators
it in Nort ern Gun. e are part race car driver part test pilot
part stunt an and t eir o is to a e aircraft do t ings t e
ere never intended for. pressing t e irs o cro d gets
arder ever ear and contraptions li e souped-up and odified
po er ar or and aircraft et pac s and ing pac s ave all een
used to produce so e prett spectacular stunts.
it. The first is for traffic to and from Ishpeming. The second de- P.S. 22, P.P. 20, P.E. 19, P.B. 11, Spd 18. Experience: 10th level
parts for border towns along the Imperium and into Manistique to Wilderness Scout.
the capital city itself. The third hovertrain area is for hovertrains
heading west, on their way to Menominee, the Iron Fields, and Tyvernos “Danger” Oriflamme, LMLC Guide, Quick
the cities of the Iron Chain. Stats: Ty, a Wild Psi-Stalker, is another popular guide, renowned
for his courage and derring-do. For Ty, no request is too crazy
Matthew Bollman, Depot Manager, Quick Stats: Known or too dangerous, and he is often willing to waive the 50% haz-
as “the Man” by all who work with Bollman, he is the gent who ard pay if the expedition sounds fun or challenging. Ty also has
manages the Hub. As a result, he always looks tense and busy, the highest record (nobody else even comes close) for number
yet somehow remains calm even when dealing with 20 things of fatalities (42), serious injuries (219) and lost property (don’t
at once. He is well-liked and respected. Alignment: Scrupulous. ask). Yet he is consistently among the top five most requested
Attributes: I.Q. 18, M.E. 15, M.A. 12, P.S. 9, P.P. 8, P.E. 14, LMLC guides for those looking for dangerous adventure. Align-
P.B. 12, Spd 15. Experience: 11th level City Rat turned admin- ment: Anarchist. Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 19, M.A. 10, P.S. 19,
istrator, but still has many connections on the street as well as P.P. 17, P.E. 20, P.B. 9, Spd 25. Experience: 9th level Wild Psi-
amongst many businesses at NG and Manistique. Stalker. Psionics: I.S.P.: 156. All standard Psi-Stalker abilities
and bonuses, plus Intuitive Combat (10), Meditation (0), Mind
Lower Michigan Limited Company Block (4), Object Read (4), Remote Viewing (10), and See the
Invisible (4).
Escanaba is home to the Lower Michigan Limited Company, a
tour outfit that makes regular trips to the wilderness of the lower NG Bounty Registry
peninsula. LMLC’s experienced guides know the northernmost - Escanaba Office
portion of the peninsula well, and are somewhat familiar with
the western and eastern coastal areas of Michigan and southeast- One of the busiest of Northern Gun’s Bounty Registry offices,
ern Canada. They use small, fast boats and the occasional heli- (the others are in Ishpeming, Menominee and MercTown), the
copter to deliver groups of adventurers, hunters, explorers, and Escanaba Bounty Registry is a gathering point for mercs, adven-
thrill-seekers to locales that fit their interests. At least one “native turers, specialists and soldiers for hire. New business is posted
guide” – usually a Wilderness Scout, Psi-Stalker, Dog Boy or Na- every day and announcements made hourly for the benefit of il-
tive American – is strongly suggested. Cost is 100-400 credits per literate Bounty Hunters and mercenaries.
each guide, per 24 hour period; the higher the cost, the more ex-
perienced the individual (up to 8th level). Reduce cost by half for Not only is the Registry itself helpful, but the presence of so
short excursions that last only 4-6 hours. With or without a guide, many like-minded men-at-arms can also have its benefits. Im-
a time and place for extraction is arranged. Miss it, and you are provised teams and on-the-spot partnerships often form right
on your own to find your way home. Wilderness Tours can be any there inside of, or outside on the steps of, the Registry building as
of the following: A simple trek through the wilderness, camping, mercs join forces to accomplish a particular job. A merc company
exploration expedition, salvage operations (exploring ancient ru- that has just accepted a new assignment may realize that they are
ins for relics and artifacts), game hunting (S.D.C. animals such as in need of a specialist. Someone with the necessary skill set or
game birds, deer, etc.), and big game hunting, literally “big” as in special abilities, and that somebody is probably nearby and look-
hunting bear, Fury Beetles, Rhino-Buffalo, Ostrosaurus, Aqua- ing for work.
Hydras, Dragonfish, Water Serpents, Giant Waterstriders, Giant
Leeches, and other large, dangerous animals. (Note: Many of the Robert Dugan, Manager of the Escanaba Office, Quick
beasts listed are described in Rifts® Sourcebook Four: Coali- Stats: Robert is a retired Bounty Hunter who enjoys helping
tion Navy). Big game hunts may also include hunting intelligent his “brothers-in-arms” find work. He knows a great deal about
monsters such as Xiticix, Black Faeries, Brodkil, Demons, or bounty hunting and the NG Bounty Registry has connections to
even Horune Pirates and other dangerous beings that are known dozens and dozens of different merc outfits. Alignment: Unprin-
to prey upon or attack humans, but at a 50% premium as hazard cipled. Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 13, M.A. 14, P.S. 21, P.P. 15,
pay for the guide(s). P.E. 14, P.B. 12, Spd 10. Experience: 9th level Robot Pilot spe-
cializing in flying armor and aircraft.
Anyone looking for an interesting wilderness expedition or
salvage mission, LMLC will get them there. Once on shore, the Shaun Savage, A Merc Company Commander, Quick
result is up to the customers and luck. Note: All fees are paid in Stats: Colonel Shaun Savage is leader of the Savage Riders, and
advance and there is NO guarantee of success or of a safe return. frequently recruits temporary help and specialists at the Escanaba
All customers sign-off to free LMLC of any liability for loss of Office for various missions. Alignment: Anarchist. Attributes:
property and loss of life. I.Q. 18, M.E. 14, M.A. 24, P.S. 21, P.P. 20, P.E. 14, P.B. 11,
Spd 15. Experience: 8th level Headhunter Techno-Warrior (see
Kerry “DeadFall” Reed, LMLC Guide, Quick Stats: Kerry World Book 20: Rifts® Canada for more details about different
is one of the most popular guides working at LMLC. He is smart, types of Headhunters).
capable and knows the forests of the entire Northern Michigan,
eastern Wisconsin and Ontario Canada better than most humans. The Patrol
Kerry is a cagey individual skilled at finding game animals for
his clients; he never engages in salvage operations, only hunting The mercenary company that functions as Escanaba’s police
and exploration. He has only ever lost one client under his care. force and defenders is known as the Patrol. See the Ishpeming
Alignment: Scrupulous. Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 14, M.A. 12, Military Contract Network section, page 62, for complete de-
tails on this group and its key leaders.