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Rifts - Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions - PAL852P

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Published by Ithiria, 2022-02-19 00:50:03

Rifts - Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions - PAL852P

Rifts - Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions - PAL852P

wake up and they never know the difference. Sometimes the not work because the zombie is an "un" dead. Banishment does­
P.P.E. is diminished when the victim awakens, but only by 1 0010 n't work because it is not actually a living supernatural being.
and often goes unnoticed. Negation simply does not work and Remove Curse is not appli­
cable. However, the zombie has its vulnerabilities, the trick is
Some people fear Sleepwalkers serve as "secret agents" for knowing what to use.
some horrific Alien Intelligence. On the Palladium World they
are suspected of being agents of the dreaded Old Ones and seek Zombies will rise again, even if riddled with silver bullets or
a way to reawaken them, and bring about a new age of night­ blown to bits. The only way to stop a zombie is to sever its head
mares and chaos. Certainly the Sleepwalkers are an enigma from its body and bury both separately. An exorcism will also
wrapped in evil. serve to dispel the Necromantic energies to turn the creature
back into an inanimate corpse. Otherwise, it will regenerate all
Spell Magic Zombie S.D.C. and body parts within 48 hours and seek out its master
for new instructions. There is no limit to the number of zombies
Creature of Necromancy a mage can create, control and command.

The traditional spell magic zombie is the result of a R.C.C. Skills: Designed as a magical slave, the creature knows
Necromantic ritual that turns a corpse into the undead. To create only very basic things, like how to open and close a door or
a zombie, the sorcerer must fmd a recently deceased body, not window, what a truck is and similar. They don't generally talk,
more than six hours dead, lay it on a white or silver linen, draw have emotions, desires or motives of their own. Magic zombies
a circle around it and light three scented candles. The candles do as they are told. The only applicable skills are Land Naviga­
are then placed on the body: one on the forehead, one on the tion 90%, Climb 70%/60%, and Basic Math 90%.
mouth and one on the chest above the heart. As the incantation
reaches its climax, the mage cuts his fmger and draws a Attacks per Melee : Two.
pentagram on the corpse' s throat with his still warm blood. Mo­ Dam age: Bite: 1 D4, punch or kick: 2D4 S.D.C. damage. Power
ments later, the monstrosity rises to pseudo-life, the obedient punch does 1 M.D. point but counts as two melee attacks. Or by
slave of his creator. The ceremony must be done secretly in a
graveyard or burial place during a night of a full moon. weapon, however, only guns and other basic weapons can be
used, and at -4 to strike. Zombies are not intended to be war­
Alignment: Generally considered evil, but as an undead slave riors, they are mindless slaves.
its actions reflect the alignment and wishes of its master - does Bonuses : +2 to paryr and dodge. No initiative bonus . Work or
only as it is told to do. fight tirelessly and without pain. Impervious to disease, poison,
Attributes: I.Q. 7, M.E. not applicable, M.A. not applicable, drugs, pain, fatigue and fear. Fearless; no Horror Factor scares
P.S. 20 (Bionic Equivalent), P.P. 8, P.E. not applicable (works it. However, large fires and energy weapons/barriers will hold it
tirelessly), P.B. 1 D4 (it's a walking corpse!), Spd 1 0 at bay. A protection circle will also keep it away. Most psychic
Size: Typically human equivalent size, 5-7 feet ( 1 .5 to 2 . 1 m) and magic powers have no effect, only energy attacks.
tall and weighs 1 1 0 to 200 Ibs (49.5 to 90 kg). Vulnerabilities: A zombie is vulnerable to magical energy at­
Hit Points: Not applicable (not really alive). tacks, such as Energy Bolt, Fire Bolt, Circle of Flame, and Call
S.D.C.: 1 50 ; will regenerate within 48 hours unless head and Lightning, all of which do full damage as S.D.C. (point for point
body are buried separately. Can wear M.D.C. body armor or conversion) . Normal electricity, lasers, particle beam weapons
power armor although it lacks the intelligence and skill to use and similar energy weapons do half their normal damage. Nor­
power armor as anything other than protective armor. Only mal fire inflicts full damage. Weapons made of, or covered in,
wears body armor iftold to do so by its master. silver will do full damage whether it be blade or bullet. Zombies
Horror Factor: 1 2 can also be trapped/imprisoned and blown up, but will regener­
P.P.E.: 1D6 ate within 48 hours unless an exorcism is performed over the re­
Magic: None. Psionics: None. mains.
Natural Abilities : Nightvision 300 feet (9 1 .5 m), see the invisi­ Average Life Span: Immortal until slain, decapitated and
ble, and magical regeneration within 48 hours. The zombie is burned to ashes.
more intelligent than a mummy and can speak, read simple signs Habitat: Can be created and deployed anywhere. Zombies are
and sentences, perform simple tasks and even drive a car. This most commonly created and used by Necromancers and evil
means a zombie(s) can be sent to retrieve an artifact, follow practitioners of magic, as well as evil dragons, demons and su­
somebody, kidnap a person and so on. Moreover, this undead pernatural beings with advanced spell knowledge. Zombies
slave only obeys the one who created it and select individuals were, for example, deployed at Tolkeen before it fell, mostly as
whom its creator may designate as authorities. robot-like work forces. Wherever Necromancy is strong, one
will fmd zombies and other forms of animated dead.
Like the mumym , a zombie is a walking corpse. It feels no Enemies : Those of its master.
pain, no fears, no goals and little emotion. Bullets, knives, clubs, Allies: Those of its master.
and other physical attacks do NO damage. Mental assaults by Spell Cost & Requirements: 1 2th Level Invocation. Requires
psychics, magic charms, illusions, sleeps, curses, sickness, pa­ the recently deceased, full moon, spell knowledge and sufficient
ralysis, and other similar attacks, do no damage. Turn Dead does P.P.E. to perform the invocation. Range : Touch. Duration: Ex­
ists until destroyed. Saving Throw: None. P.P.E. Cost: 250.


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