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Rifts - Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions - PAL852P

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Published by Ithiria, 2022-02-19 00:50:03

Rifts - Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions - PAL852P

Rifts - Conversion Book 3 - Dark Conversions - PAL852P

Alignment : Diabolic only. Living Chariots
Attributes: I.Q. 2D6, M.E . 3 D6, M.A. 3D6, P. S . 3D6+ 1 4, P.P.

2D6+ 10, P.E. 3 D6+6, P.B. 1 06, Spd I D4x 1 O on the ground, The belief that many if not most of the Nightlord minions
I D4x l 0+40 flying. Supernatural Strength and Endurance.
used to be the mysterious shape-shifters known as the Formless
Size : 7 feet tall (2. 1 m) and weighs 400 lbs ( 1 80 kg) . Ones is reinforced by the fact that some Nightlords enjoy the
A.R. : l 3 against nonnal weapons (zero against magical and su­ services of a strange breed of creatures known as Living Char­
iots. These living beings can transfonn themselves into all man­
pernatural attacks).
ner of vehicles for their masters, most typically assuming the
M.D.C.: 4D4x 1 O+66 on Rifts Earth. (Has P.E. attribute number fonns of an ancient-style war chariot or barge that pulls itself
without need for horses, but in recent times, they have also
x3 for Hit Points, 1 80 S.D.C. and an A.R. of l 3 in S.D.C. envi­ turned into cars, stretch limos, large motorcycles and flying plat­
ronments . ) fonns. Living Chariots also have the ability to cross in and out
of the Nightlands at will, as well as transfonn themselves and
Horror Factor: 1 5 their passengers into Astral Beings and enter the Astral Plane,
P.P.E. : I D6x l 0 and can fly, drive or swim at astounding speeds. Living Chariots
Natural Abilities: Immune to all illusions and powers of con­ are not mindless constructs and have minds and personalities of
their own, though generally of a low to average intelligence.
cealment (can see through the Shroud Talent, invisibility spells, Many of them hate and resent their masters and serve them out
and any magical or psionic powers of disguise, illusion, or cam­ of fear. Others enj oy being party to the destruction of other life
ouflage); nightvision 2000 feet (6 1 0 m) range, expert tracker fonn s .
and magically understands all languages at 85%. Cannot actu­
Only the most powerful Nightlords enjoy the services of
ally speak, but can make noise similar to that of an eagle or
these creatures. They are highly valued, because Living Chariots
can protect their passengers from all kinds of harm, freeing the
Self-Healing: Will heal all damage taken if allowed to stand riders to use their powers in entirely aggressive ways with little
still for an entire hour (enters a regenerative trance). Otherwise concern for self-defense. While defended by the magical forces
recovers 4D6 M.D . per hour of activity. generated by their Living Chariots, Nightlords can unleash their
entire might on enemy armies and cities in relative safety. Liv­
Supernatural Tracking: Can smell supernatural creatures and ing Chariots are also considered to be symbols of status among
track them (range: 1 00 feetl3 0.5 m). Base skill : 40% +5% per
level of experience.

Partial Invulnerability: Takes half damage from all
non-magical M.D. weapons and attacks. Impervious to ordinary

R.C.c. Skills: Track Humanoids (+20%), Track Animals these Ba'al demon lords. Some legends suggest these strange
(+ 1 5%), Surveillance & Tailing (+3 0%), Prowl (+5%), Detect living vehicles were once the most powerful and learned leaders

Ambush (+5%), Detect Concealment (+5%), Climb (+20%), of the Fonnless Ones, and that the Nightlords have stripped

Swim, W.P. Pole Ann and W.P. Sword. Can use any weapon, them of most of their powers and memories and have bound

including guns, but without benefit of W.P. bonuses. them into slavery. However, most scholars scoff at these legends
and believe they are enchanted devices embodied with the life
Attacks per Melee : Equivalent to Hand to Hand: Assassin, with

one additional attack at level one. essence of a living being similar to the fabled rune weapons.
One of these creatures' limitations is that they cannot act of
Dam age: As per Supernatural P.S., but a beak attack only does

2D6 M.D., or by weapon. Their favorite weapons are a curved their own free will and are unable to move without a passenger
sword (3 D6 M.D.) or a pole arm (5D6 M.D.). or unless their owner/master gives them a verbal or mental com­
mand. This limitation also makes escape and rebellion impossi­
Bon uses : + 1 on initiative when on the ground, but +3 to initia­ ble. If the Living Chariot is stolen by a third party, or its original

tive in the air, + 1 to strike, paryr and dodge, +2 to dodge while

flying, +3 save vs magic and psionics, +5 to save vs Horror Fac­ master is slain, the control of the previous owner is broken and
tor, +4 on all perception rolls, immune to illusions and conceal­ the Chariot falls under the control of his new master. A couple

ment magic and psionics. of Nightbane and a famous Doppleganger have managed to steal

Psionic Powers: None. Living Chariots after slaying their masters, but they are the ex­
Magic Powers : None. ceptions, not the rule.
Average Life Span: Unknown; may live for centuries, but are
Note: Due to the fact that Living Chariots can only assume
often killed in combat or war.
the shape of medium-sized or large vehicles, they can only ac­
Experience Level : I D4+2. Almost no Hunter progresses be­
commodate 4-8 human-sized passengers at any given time. They
yond the 6th level of experience. are not appropriate as player characters.

VulnerabilitieslPenalties : Takes double damage from artifact Alignment : Considered a passive Anarchist.
Attributes: I.Q. 2D4+3 , M.E. I D6+3 , M.A. 1 06, P.S. 4D6+ 1O,
weapons and powers.
P . P . 4D6+2 , P . E . 4D6+6, P.B. 1 0 6+6, Spd maximum 1 00 mph
Allies: Hunters tend to work alongside Hounds and other min­
( 1 60 km) on the ground, 2 00 mph (320 km) flying, and 50 mph
ions of the Nightlords. (80 km) in or on water.
Size: Varies from the size of a motorcycle to a large van.
Enemies : The enemies of its Lord and master are its enemies. M.D.C.: I D6x l 00+200 on Rifts Earth, plus force field protec­

Otherwise hates Gargoyles whom they see as lowly rivals and tion for passengers. (Has P.E. number x l 0 for Hit Points,
1 04x l 00+200 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 14 in S.D.C. settings.)
upstarts and dislikes and distrusts most other supernatural be­
Horror Factor: 1 2 when one realizes what it is.
ings, especially deceivers, tricksters and shape-changers.

Weapons: Darkblade Scimitars (3D6 M.D.) and a Pole Ann

(5D6 M.D.). Rarely issued other weapons, but a few wield

Darkblade Spears (4D6 M.D.).

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