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Published by g-94415579, 2021-01-27 03:11:49



Keywords: YEAR 5

5I Labelthe pictures l-6 with theword5.There 3 fll Read the clues and write with the words.

are nine extra words. These are every four years. You can watch them on TV

athletics basketball 0lyttlpi! &|t!es
climbing cycling football
lotl1 This person llkes a team a l
golf gymnastics H€y 2 This is a game oftennis orfootball.
horse-riding rugby sailing
skiing swimming tennis 3 You can play golf,tennis or hockey with this th ing. i

M&volleyball wrestlinq I

4 This person plays a sport liketennis, hockeyor l

-@c You go tothisvery big place to watch a game of
football or rug by.
This person is the bestat hi5 or hersport.

7 This is a group ofpeople in a game such asfootball.

8 This is when peopletryto run orcy(le the fastest.

gt- Complete the dialogue with some of the 9 When a lotofpeople come to a place and playsport

words in exerdse 1. to find the best person orteam.

Johnny What'syourfavouritesport? 4 ffil Completethe sentences. l

Pete llike walking andjumping on things - so it's qdI like playing Dagkatball b eaau<g tt:s fast .-

gYlrll4asliqg , lthink. or maybe I I love playing onl
2 llike watching
1 because I love animals.
3 I don't like watchinq onT!
What about you?

Johnny llove running andjumping so

'? i5 myfavourite sport.8ut

at schoolwele learning a new team sport.
You use your handsto movethe ball up in
the's (alled

Pete Oh l'm terrible at thatlAnd what about 4 I don't like playing

sport on TV?

Johnny I like watching Japanese sumo 5 ldon't understand

1 ! But it isn't onTV

veryoften. 6 Myfriend is really into
Pete Yes, that's reallycool.l love watching fast
team games like5
- my

favourite team is Chelsea. I also enjoy
- it's greatwhen

the players run with the ball.l'm into winter
sports likel

3Johnny Yeah, I like doing dangerous sports outside. I
love and 1

in the mountains in


52 Sport

ftre was, there were was, wefe
1 SlComptetethetable wirh the word5.
3 fllLookatthe table. Complete the sentences
a an any some Thele$qs
wilh wos, wosn'|, werc ot weten't.
Therewasn't There were There weren't

Tharc wa3 Patri.k BtF
' exciting player



football match 7 good teams in
(rl Friday.
the competition,

2 (EI You wereatan important football match at Patrick rasrl atthe library on Satuday. He
was atthe sports centre.
a ttadium last week. Write affirmativeand negative 1 Muhammad and Arthur

sentences using lr,ere lyol, fherc wosn't, fherc werc, atthe
sports centre on Saturday.They at
ard fhek weren't,

matcha lot ofspectators at the r' the cinema,

fhatc wcta a lol of spactatorc at tha datah. 2 Katy atthe libraryon Saturday. She

'I a lot of buses with fans 3 Patrick at the park.
atthe cinema on Sunday. He

atthefootball stadium.
Muhammad and Arthur
2 atrain station nearthe stadium x atthe
3 any famous players in ourteam parkon Sunday.They atthesports
centre. atthe libraryon Sunday. She


at the swimminq pool.

4 a verygood playeron the otherteam |Ef,4 ) whut ,r"r" you interested in when you were

5 a nice cafe in the stadium ,l younger? Use the wordsto helpyorr.

ofatthe age lastsummer holidays

when l/we were nine/ten bea fan of
be really into be interested in

6 a great sports shop nexttothe stadium

7 a lotofgoals inthe match

Sport 53

1 fl write the past simple form of the verbs. 4 Stl O Listen again and.omptetethe

learn 3do 6 travel sentences with one, two or three words.
7 waich
I become 4 go 8 win Ryan is s.t!o|l.$tt years old.

2 de(ide 5 start 1 Ryan is from the

2 Ryan wentskiing every whenhe

laa ed 3 6 was younger.
I 7
4 8 3 Ryan watched skijumping onTVwhen he was
5 years old.

(ll:l complete the text using the pa5t simple 4 At first, Ryan didjumps of

form of the verbs. metres. when

inRyan went to a competition

become compete do go learn he was sixteen.

staft travel watch win The Winter Olympics SpecialTV programme is

at every daY.

IWhen I was eleven years old, wp"ni to my friend Saral ffi Tom did a lot of different things last week.
Ihouse one evenin&and we
our homework. Look atthe picture. Writesenten(es aboutTom using

After charwel the past simple form of the verbs.

an Olympic basketballmatch on

TV - irwas reallyexciting lthen' more about

l'basketballin my PE lessons at s€hool and very

interested in the sport. to play afterschoolwith my friends


at the localsports centre. Soon,lwas in the under-fourteens

baskerball team in my town. bybustoacityl00km
in a bigcompetition. we
6Lasr monrh, our team
1away and we

h and I now have a gold medal in my bedrooml

3 (:El (D Listen and (hoosethe competein 6 go learn start

corredanswers. watch win

The proqramme is about .... Last week ...

@thewinter olympics Toln did ik lohrwork.

b the Summe.olympic5

( the X Games

I Ryan Jones is oneofthe... competitors.

a smallest b mostsuccessful ( youngest
2 Ryan learned to skiwhen he was... years old.

a four b five c 5ix

Ryan went skiing with hi5 ... when he wasyounger

a familyfriends b parents c grandparents

At first, Ryan's parents were ... about the ski
jumping lessons.

a excited b happy ( unhappy

5 Ryan did ... jumps atfirst.
a small b bad c dangerous

6 Lastyear, Ryan won a ... medal,

a gold b silver ( bronze

54 Sport

,.st simple: affirmative Past time expressions

ff! Completethe tablewith the words. 3 (lll Complete the senten(es with the words.

ago + July last played watched went ago first in Jaftary last week when

CD write sentences with the pa5t simple form inWevisited the new stadium Jatiuary

using the phrases. 1 I competed in myfirstfootball match

iffip{viefretres play volleyball lwas eight.

run 100 metres score a goal 2 Shewon an Olympi( medaltwo years

swim 200 metres Alice and lwatched an exciting game oftennis

watch the competitions win a medal week.
My parents sawthe newfilm abourthe Olympics a
t the school game5 last week...
:t ", Thatfamous wrestling champion won a gold medal


I played rugby at the age often.

Now I play rugby every Saturday.

4 IFEEI write sentences that a.e true for you

using the past simple. Usetheverbs and pasttime

expressions to help you.

do go see play practise run

scote staft travel watch win

/last night/ Friday a"r''""

llweekend / week / year / I tweeKs/avearlI

I wenl to fiy friand's hoBa lact galurday ah"d we
playad footb4ll.



Sport 55

'I C:I Read the text. Choose the @rect answer 3 flll Read the text again. write fiue or fate.

Fhe text is about ... Wheelchair basketball is slow.

a famous wheelchair basketball players. I Wheelchair basketball is never dangerous.
b different information about
2 Thefirsi wheelchair basketballmatch was
wheelchair basketball.
in 1950.
( the historyv ofBriitiisshh wheeeellc.heair hbai(skkpetibhaillll.
The first Paralympics were in ltaly.
4 Swlmming was one ofthe first paralympic


@ ft's one ot the most exciting Wheelchair basketball is very differentto
modern sports lor bolh players
Wheel(hair basketball is popular in different
and spedators, lt's fast, itl noisy (ountlies,

and sometimes dangerous. What 4 ffi

is at? lt's wheelchair basketball.

O But wheelchah basketball isn't Answer the questions. Write complete
a new sport.Ihe first organized
wheelchak basketball match was senten(es.
in November 1946 and il was
between two team5 in the USA. Wheelchair basketball Why is basketballgood to warch?
at the Paralymplcs
h s fast ahd exciting-

I Wherewasthefirstwheelchairbasketball match?

O ln the 1950q wheelchair basketball became more and more 2 When werethe first ParalympicGames?
popular and in 1960 it was one ol eight sports in the fir5t
How many sportswere in thefirst Paralympic
Paralympic Games in nome, ltaly. The winners ofthe lirst
gold medal were the British team, Games?

O Other sports at the first Paralympics were table tennit 4 Who were thewinners oftheflrst paralympjc
athletics and swimming, butfor many people, basketball
was perhaps one ofthe most exciting. basketballgold medal?

(O Wheelchair basketball isn'tvery diffurent to basketball. For 5 How long are wheelchair bdsketball matches?

examplq there are five players in each team and the hoops 6 Whatother Paralympi( sports doyou know about?
are three metres high.Ihe match is forty minutes long with
four parts often minutes. lhese things are allthe same as

@ Ther" ur" now arornd 100,000 wheelchair baskerball et- VocABULARy pLUs completethe senten

players in different (ountries,some people playlorfun with with the (orred form of the words.
friends, Other people play in nationalOlympic teamr Watch
them onTV atthe next Olympi6 and enjoythe game! compete medal spectate 5!rim win

2 trEI Read the text again. Where can you find Lookat that boy in the swimming pool. He,s a fantastic

the information? Write the paragraph. 1 Two thousand watched the race

The name ofa fastand exciting sport. yesterday.

1 The number ofwheelchair basketball 2 She was a gold at the 2012 Olympi(s.

players in the world. 3 I was the best person in the (ompetition. I was the

2 The date ofrhe first wheelchair in this marathon


3 The homc city o, rhe firrt pardly.npics.
4 The number ofplayers in a basketball


5 The sports in the llrsi paralympi(s.

56 Sport

Language point: Paragraphs TASK

1 (K Read the text, Number the paragraphs 1-3. 3 €lln Read the fa<tfile. Then (omplete the text.

Sports superstar: Missy Franklin Name: CaudiaFragapane Nationality:Britsh

A she first broke a world record Sporl gymfasl
Born: 241h october 1997 Brstot
in2011for the 200 metres. and
she won fourgold medals Lln ted K rgdom
at the London 0lympics.
Lives: Brisio area
She's one ofthe best young
swimmers in the world. Family: pareris,sisters

B Missy Franklin's fullname is Melissa Jeanette First started:six years old

Franklin and she is a swimmerfrom the United First important competition: e even yearc old
States. She was born on loihMay 1995 in California British gymnastics team:sxteen years old
inthe USAand she now lives inColorado.
Greatest moments:
C she first narted swimming when she wasfive.
four gold medals al Commonweath cames 2014, most
she began to (ompete in important competition5 successfu qymnast n eOhty years, BBCYoung Sporls
in 2010 at the age offourteen.
Pesona lty ol tl'te Year 2014

2 ffifrffi completethe textwith the phrases.Then My lile

write the firstsenten(e ofparaqraphstwo and three. l\ry nome ls Cloudio Frogopone ond l'm q
I gymnosi,l, on
324'h oclober
ofafterthat he won atthe age continued to play 4of the in Brislol, o city in the wesl

first played football He is one ofthe .I now llve in the Brlstol oreo wiih

onHe was born my porenls ond my 5

N€ym€*+uX name i5

My spon

Sports superstar: Neyrnar Ifirslbegon 1o do gynnosrics wher l6

yeors old.lsloried 1o compete in importont compeilions
7when I
3gymnost in the yeors old ond I firsl becqme o

Nayfiar'sfull hafieis Neymar da Stlva when

Santos Jinior and he is a footbal player from lwos sixteen.

Brazi .1 5,r February My greolesl moments

1992 near Sao Pau o in Brazil, blt he now ives '\ily g'eo'esl mornenlwos whea lwon

: r lr Europe and p ays footba ihere. Neymar ot the Commonweollh Gomes in Glosgow in

hen he was a ro when lwos sevenleen - I become
rrthe British gymnost in eighly yeorsl
eieven he became a junior player with t'2I 0lso won BBCYoung Sports Personolily of theYeor in

the famo!s Brazilian team Santos. He .Thql wos reolly excitingi

a for Saftos

and ir 2009 he became a player in

the Santos first team. Neymar first played for

Brazil in 201o, and 5

Solth Anrerlcan footba er of the year in 2Orr

and 2 012. H€ a so won the Samba cold award in

2015 for ihe best Brazilian fooiballer in Europ€.

ost successfu

1 lleylnar's full hahs is ll ayrnar da gilya Sahlos Jihior 4 €K3lmagine you arc a famous sports star,Write

ahd he i9 a f oolball playet from Erazil- a short arllcle about your life usirg'l'. Use the fadfile
3 and text in exercise 3 to help you.

Sport 57

I need to trythis again. @@@ utt tam happywith this.

@O@@ lcould dothis better. 1'). @@ tcandothisverywell.


VOCABULARY Sports LANGUAGE FOCUS there was, therc were
. wos, wete
1 Complete the words.
3 Complete the senten(es with the words.
I There are eleven pldyers on d h

team. There was There wasn't Therewere
Thereweren't was wasn't were weren't
2 The i00 metres and 200 metres races are

a events.

Machester [J nited is a famousfootball manyfans atthe mat(h on Saturday.

t Onlyfive or six.

oThe Gamestake place everyfour Theydon't like sport so they

years, interested in the golfon TV lasr night.

Ihe'lour de I ran(e ir a famou5 c My favourite football player at theWorld Cup

race. Mesutozil.

(Wimbledon is a famous tennrs in five hundred runners in the

London. marathon.

S is a good sportto do in the a really excitinq film at the cinema

mountains when it's snowinq. last week. very happyon ourfantastic
TheWorld cup is a famousf

competition. holiday in August.

lcan talkabout different sports. a train station in this town 300 years

tiMY EVALUAToN l:i (:, (a ago. in the race.

helames is ill. so

READING The Olympics then and now l(an talkabout past events.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the t'MY EVALUATION (, (T) {*)


a1 He's got a gold medal. He was 4 Qp Listen and wntetrueot folse.

the last 0lympics Games. (medal) Hannah Bufton...

2 5hewas thefirst person in the marathon. Shewas I won the silver medal last night.
. (win) 2 did one very d ifficu lt trick last night.
3 started to snowboard atthe aqe offifteen.
lwasn't in the race.lwas only a 4 became interested in the sport on holiday.
5 learned tosnowboard in two months.
. (spectate) in 6 did gymnastics when shewasyounger.

Usain Bolt was the mostfamous lcan understand a programmeabout the XGames.

the olympicl00 metres race. (compete) . MY EVALUATION .:: ):::::I::';)
5 She'sthe best
in Australia. (swim)

lcan read for specifi( information.

i\,lY TVALUATION t:r.l l]-: ) l::l i;l

58 Sport

LANGUAGE FOCUS Past simple: affirmative WRITING A sports star
. Past time expressions
7 Order the words to make sentences.
5 Complete the sentences using the past simple form of
1 name /Andy Murray's/ i5lfull /Andrew Baron
become compete score Andy l\4uray's
swim travel watch
2 player/tennis / he's/a / Scotland / from
I thatTv programme about the New
York Marathon last ni9ht.
born / he/15'h 1\4ay1987lwas /on
We in the sea
was cold.
first /Mufiay/(ompeted / in /tennis matches/
3 [4y brother to]apan lastyear.
4 Thattennis playerfirst when /atl he / school/ was
years ago. a goalyesterdayl
/age / seventeen / at / ofl won / the Junior Us open
he / the
That's great! in a tennis competition
6wo n / medal / qold /a / he /the 0lympics/at
one /the / successful/ most / British / players /'
lcan talk aboutevents in the past. tennis / he's / of
MY EVALUATION write a profile ofa sports 5tar for a website.
SPEAKING Last weekend MY EVALUATTON .-.):.t..)1 .,) :t..

5 Completethe dialoguewith the words.There arefour Sport 59


bad don't good go hello how
news not was went were when with

.Jamie Hi Luke.l are things?

Luke He, Jamie. Greatthanks. How to

z your weekend?
3Jamie lt was brilliant, thanks. I

Luke aan ice hockey mat(h on Sunday.
Really? Was it ?

5Jamie Yes, it was amazing.There
a lot ofgoals. Brighton

6Tigers won 7-6 in the end. lWho were you
you come next
Luke That's good


3Jamie My dad. Why

me'Luke Yes. Why notTText you're


I l(an talk aboutwhat ldid atthe weekend.


1 fD Match sentence halves l-7 with a-9. 4 85D Complete the text with the words.

----\1 Your fdce isn't round, rt's a tdll. bald blue glasses light long
brown,2 Jack's eyes aren t
!b <quare. moustache overweight round
a straight. short slim spiky tall
3 That singer i5n'tshort, she's d blue.
4 Daisy's hair isn't dark, it's e slim. At ldlr$r(}e
5 Ed hasn't gota beard, This is atamily photo from seven years ago.l'm the girlin
f blonde. had lotgthe photo and at that time I
he's got a
g moustache.
6 That man isn't ovetueight, he's
7 My hair isn't curl, it's hair

Now. my hair is ditferent - its short and '

brown. 0f course, my eyes are lhe same colour - theyfe

&which word isthe odd oneout? quite small and 3
My dad is really different now! ln the photo, he had
blonde, light brown,@fair
1 blue, green, brown, red .he hasn't got ary haia - he's really 5 . but
2 thin, shon, average height,tall 6he's got a beard and a l He's fit and he
3 beard, bald, glasses, mousta(he 1always eats healthyfood s0 he's
4 curly, straighi, spiky, round and he
5 blonde, round, square, thin
6 grey, sunglasses, dark, black isn'ts .Heuses" when

he reads now.

And my brother? His hair is more modem and

{3x Lookatthe pi(tures and complete 11And he's verv now. tt's the same colour- dark brown.
now- his heiqht;s one

metre ninetv. He's biogerihan our dad!

5 6-X-Y3 Describe some of yourfriends and family.

My aunl Mali.a has gol datk t urly haia, browk eyas

ahd a squaru face.

3JIAlBirogmec-shn-hyt--i-sbii-ssrl5oatsawasc-n.-ehLh-a-aLiirr-,,ab?naig9nd,dwrbrsritozh-w--sh,n'o--,-e-l-y--we-si-t--whan2ai-dtnblsadl'-o6anasds-3e-_-t-_h--a_--d-;r_a, r_-akfafaccee..
60 Growing up

Obje(t pronouns (tL complete the using the affirmative

1 (IFID choose the corect answers. and negative forms of the past simple.

helplvly homeworkis difflcult. Please ! goWewent tothe theatre last week, butwe
didn't tothe cinema.
€@ b her cit The actors wotkod on Eriday, buttheydidn't

1 This is a good photo. Doyou wantto see work on Saturday.

ait b them . him I I the main course ofmy meal, but I

2 We're qoinq to the cinema. Come with didn't enjoy the dessert.

a them b her cu5 2 My grandmother studied German atschool, butshe

3 My uncle is in this picture.Ihat's French.

a them b him c you We Mehmetatthe swimming pool,

4 I don't eat burgers because ldon't like but we didn'tsee Osman.

a him b them tus they4 They phoned l\4ia, but claire.

5 l'vegotyourbag.l(an giveitto onFriday. 5 Freya a lotofpasta, butshe didn'teat
a you bus
(me any beans.

6 ldon\knowthatnewqirl.Doyouknow ? I6 I visited the park, but the museum.
( her
a him b them 7 MrTaylortaught history lastyear, but he

Past simple: affirmative and negative 8 You geography.
somejuicewith your breakfast,
2 5i& complete the table with thewords.
butyou didn't have any milk.
didn't live didnttake didnlvisit
63?l4 Georgia needed to do differentthings
k visited took
yesterda, but she didn't do them all. Write sentences
using the affirmative and negative forms ofthe past


l/You in a different
He/ She / lt village lastyear

lstanbulon j r' Anish the scienc' Wied
s y' Revjsrlot el/|,ad$ tuihl
some nice photos
this morning. v M6ke notes 6bofi chinn

He/she/ lt lastyear. ,'(6re iott1e photos tor Atr.
lzmiron holiday.
Help with t\e housell/ofi.
any photosthis
morninq. t/ l\a! vnnis wi* Satni$t

Rtad $src ol ttdt n?u lrll*

thq fitBh.4 lh. saiewe projecl.
tho didb't phona Molisa.

Growing up 6l

CDPutthe life events in the@rect order. 3 ffiDQp Lkten and (omplete the answers to
the questions.
Number the phrases l-8.

a _- get a university qualiflcation
b ll] be born

c !get a lob

id ]leave school
e laie
f i-, have children

g lget manied

h [- ]goto school

(ED2 Complete the text using the past simple

form of the verbs.

get ajob g+or+!p go to school leave school

not go notget a qualification travel


Tollest E@NuE 4 {33 & Listen again and write fiue or fdlie.

lhe world's tall€st living man is Sultan Kdsen. Pnuline,..

He was born in 1982 and he qtqv !P in

l\,4ardin in south east Turkey. When he was a was th irty-six centimetres Iong when she was
boy he r
near his home. But he a baby. talee

early because it was difficult for I was good atdancing.
3him because o'f hjs height- He
to 2 often had very nice clothes.
3 only became famous when rhe was older
university and he 1. . After school, he 4 appeared at a theatre in NewYork on
5 and he worked {rom time to time
NewYeaas Day.
as a farmer.
5 died because she became ill.
He frst became famous 6 was eighteen when she died.

in 2009.This was when

he first got the title 5 €ff& trnugln" you are veryfamous. write about

of 'The World's Tallesi your life using the past simple. LJse theverbs to help

Living Man'.In March you.

2014 he visited Australia,

and in November 2014, be born get ajob grow up

he 6.... .... . to goto school leave school qoto university

London and he met inget a qualification travel

the world's shortest

living man at the time I was born i$ Burca and I gtaw up lhara.

- Chandra Bahadur

Dangifrom Nepal.

Sadl, Chandra died in

September 2015.

62 Growing up

1 f.llCompiete thetable with the words. (lll Complete the dialogues using questions in
# did did didn't win win what
the past simple.
Did I / you / he / she / itl we / you / they r
'My friends saw a famous actor earlier.'
Affirmative 'Who eaadid thay
Yes.l/ you / he/ she / itlwe / you / they, ?' 'Zac Efron.,
No,l/vou / he/ she / ir/ we/ you / rhey 3 I'latea lotof foodatdinner'
l/you/he/she/it/we/you/they6 ? ?'

2 f3ll Write questions using the past simple. Then 'An enormous pizza and a chocolate dessert.,

write shortanswers- 2'David got upvery latetoday.'


3'Wewenton a fantastic holiday!' ?'


'To Antalya in Turkey.'

'We learned a lotofnew words in classtoday.
'How many

'More than thirty.'

'We finished school qu ite early today.'



'llistened to some great musi( this morning.'

'A song by EllieGoulding.'

4 SIlltmagineyou are doing a history projecrat

school. You need to interviewan older person about
theirlife. Writequestions using the past simple. Use
the words to helpyou.

do leave school live getajob
sget qualification go to school/work
grow up play remember study travel

Growing up 63

1 d-W Read the text. choose the (orrect words. 2 i.;3iii Read the text again. Put the story in the
(otre(t order. Number the senten(es.
This is a story about a 'phone / (amera.The end ofthe
story is'?sad / happy. a Chris's friend saw the photos on Facebook.
b Chris went on a boat in Byron Bay.
A true story c !-Chris Hesford visited lhe uSA.
d Steve Carmody found the (amera.
Twentv-two-yeai-old B tish student, Ctiris e Chris's camera went into the watet
f Now Chris is in the uK. Het got the photos.
Hesford, went on a long holiday. First, he Ig Steve put the photos on Facebook.
tlavelled to the USA, and next, he visited h Next, Chris wentto Byron Bay in Australia.
Australia- He had a camera and he took photos.
a-r-d&) Read thetextagain. write true or forJe,
Ir Austlalia, be visited a place next to ihe sea teacher.Chris Hesford is a
called Byron Bay. One day, be went on a boat
with ftiends afld he took his camera, I (hri\'\ holiddy wds lonq.
But the boat moved a iot and his camera went
into the water. Chris looked for the camera, but 2 Ch s went on a boal with Steve.
he didn't firld it. He was sad because his holiday
photos were on it. 3 Steve is from Australia.
Six months later, an Auslralian man, Steve
Carmody, found the camera. But he didn't 4 ahr;s i5d short man.
find it in Byron Bay, he found it ninety'seven
kilometres awayl 5 \rpve pJl live photos on [acpbook.
He looked at the photos. There were a Iot of
pictures of a tall young mar with short, lair hair 4 i.,&ii, Answer the que5tions. write

- someLimes wlih sunglasses. He was ofLen in (omplete sentences.

,ronr ol a monumenr or in a lamous place. How old was Chris Hesford?
Steve wanted to give me photos back to the He was twehly-two years okl.

man - so he put two of the piciures on Facebook 1 WhywasChrisverysadaboutthecamera?

and asked 'Do you k.Irow this man?' More 2 Where was the camera when Stevefound it?
than 8,000 people shaied the photos. One of
3 Where was Chris in a lot ofthe photos?
Chns s iends saw rhFm and he Lold Chris
4 Where is Chris now?
the good news.
Chds is at home in the UK. Because of steve's 5 Whattype ofperson do you thinkSteve is?
help he's now got all his amazing photos.
Thari( you, Steve I t'.,1: $'r;TVOCABULARY PLUS Complete the
sentences using the past simple form oftheverbs.
Thereare three extta verbs,
64 Growing up
collect have give grow

make p ay practise take watch

heWhen Dad was younq had curly hair
He1 Paul is tall.
a lot last year.

2l a nice presentforlane.
3 My aunt
me some money.

4 My mum a photoofme.
photos ofmyfavourite film star.

l've got a lot oftheml

Language point: pun(tuation TASK

1 SJchoosethe (orred words. 3 (!I Write questions. Then use them ro

That singer on TV is ca ed (omplete the biographi@l question5 and answers
@/1 What is thatactor like in real life!/ life?sia.

2 l'm listening totheradio. Bequiet!/quiet? a where / exactly / she / grow up
b what / she / write / now
3 This is Sashas/Sasha,s favourite song. c r*E+l#*€teliFq+li*e+in-rcaHif€
4 Poddington lpaddington is a greatfilm. d we / know /anything / about

5 do/Do you like that new magazine? her favourite writeB
6 rhr\ isd poputdrTurkish turkish IVserjps.
7 DanielRadcliffe is a famous ador. /actor Het from fe when/she/make it big/asa writer
be / there/ any other important moments / in her
the llK writing career

8 Read the book / book, then watch the DVD. g she / study / writing / at university

2 (EiD Rewrite the senten<e5 with punctuation. when / she /write/ herfirst book

will smith k a famous american actor
Will SrrM isa fahrotrg Am eriaan aclor.

I he lives in the city oflos angeles

2 he5 interested in musjc golfand football Whal'. J.K.Rowlirig tik ih roal lifo?

3 he< gota dauqhter her name iswi{{ow She s a]/erage heighl (one metr€ slxty fve). She s got blonde
4 ilike willsmith a lot ha r, blue eyes and a friendly lace. Sho liyes in tdinburqh
Scolland. right, But..
5 doyou like him too
Sh€ grew up ln the to\\]n 0f Chepst0l\, tf Wa es

No, sh€ didn'1 She siud ed French and classics al univ€rs ty.

She !1lrote her frst book when she uras s r years 0 d

She made it b g as a wriier in I997 when her iirst book Harr

Po ' ,nt tt p Dtun<aoh"_. J/on! oo!dn p pOp. d.

Yes an im!orlant moment was when her frst book became a

ilm n 2001

0ne of her fa\rourle wrters sJanelusten

She s !!rtinq the storv for a newiim

4 C dl writ" u liographi€al question and

answer artide about a per5oh you admire. Use
the text in exe.dse 3 to help you.

Growing up 65

@@OO tne€dtotrythisasain. @eOO I am happywith this.
6 eO @ lcould dothis better. @@OO lcandothisverywell.

VOCABULARY Describing people LANGUAGE FOCUS Past simple: affirmative
and negative
I Complete the words.
3 Write affirmative and negative sentences using
1 My uncle is average h - - - - - . He isn't very t - - - .
2 My hairwasn't straight and darkwhen lwas young. the pastsimple.

---It was c andb 1 l/see/anicephotoofyou

3 Our grandmother had g - - eyes and 2 we / not enjoy/that borinq film

I ---brown hair 3 she/teach / hergrandmotherabout computers

'What colour is yourdad's hair?"He hasn'tgot 4 you /eat/a big pizza last niqht
any hair now - he\ -.Buthishairwas 5 he / not read /that old book

bl -- before.' lcan ta Ik about situations and events in the past.
Tonydoes a lotofexeraise. He isn't
, MY EVALUATON er lr'r i.9
o- -he\s
g r--My mum's face is quite
- -. Shet got some new

---for reading.

lcan des.ribe peopl€.



2 Completethe senten(es u5ing the past simple form of 4 @ Listen and <hoose the corred answers.

theverbs. 1 Wherewas JeanneCalmentborn?Shewas born in

change colle(t have give a north b south c east
grow make take

sheWhen the girlwas young Why was she an amazing person?

biS theShe was special because she was person who

brown eyes and dark hair. ever lived.

2 Herfather a photo ofhereveryday. a lallest b richest . oldest
3 Everyyeatthe girl
biggerand she What type offood did she eat a lot of?

He a little. She ate a lot of c chocolate
allthe photos and he
a pasta b crisps
an enormous picturefrom them.
He the big pictureto hisdaughter What did sheappear in? She appeared in a film about

lcan understand the q€neral idea ofa text, a asinqer b an artist a ateacher

MY EVALUATION 6I(;OG) When did she die? ln

a 1995 b 1996 c 1997



66 Growing up

5 Com plete the questions using thewords. WRITING Biographical questions and answers

Anna / play you /eat you / listen 7 Complete the questions and answers with the words.

you / revise your friends / watch yoursister/ go anything apparently become big

What eyes exactly qrew qrow key life
When sinqinq tall well won

for breakfasttoday? Whatb laylot Swift like in rcalt ?
forthis exam?
basketball after school?

onTvin theevening?

to bed last night?
toa good song earlier?

lcan askquestions about events in the past. She's quite 2 (one metre eighty) and
she 5 got olonde hair and blue '

Where4 did shes up?
She 6
up in Pennsy vania in the

SPEAKING Role play: an interview with a east of the [JSA, but she moved to Nashville
famous person
Tennessee at the age of fourteen.
6 Read the dialogue and choose the best answer. Write
to1Did she study a singet?
a letter {A-H)forea(h answer.There aretwo extra and acting lessons
3Yes, she had

when she was young.

Layla Hi. lt's qood to meet you.1 itsWhen did she rcally'nake '?
She became ro
Jake known in 2006 at

Jake 3Layla When did you decide to become an actor? the age of sixteen, when she was successful with
I decided when I was at school.
the song called llm Mccraw.

aJakeLayla Cool!Where did you 90 to school? Werc therc any other"
ln 5an Francisco.
Layla What was your most interesting film She t, fou r Grammy

role? awards in 2010. She has now got

Jake I I th in k it wa s the boy in Last Troin. many other awards, too.

Layla That was great.6 Do we know13

A Good question! abolt het hobbies?
B When did you learn to sing?
C l've got a few questions for you, ifthat's 0K. cooking and dancing.

D One more question. I can write biographical questions and answers for a

E Do you like travelling? t9o@
F Thanksforyourtime.

G 5ure.6o ahead.

H Thatt a difficuh one-

Growing up 67

1 5I complete the crossword. 3 (lfL Read the <lues and writethe objects.

guidebook phrasebook d€epingbag
insect spray shampoo swimming (ostume

waterproofs sun cream toothbrush

You sleep in this when you are camping.

1 This helpsyou to saywords in a different language.

2 When you wash your hait you need this.

3 You read this when you want to learn more about a


4 Girls wearthis when they swim in the sea.

5 You usethis when you brush your teeth.

6 Mosquitos don't like this.
7 "fhese clothes are usefulwhen it is raining.

8 When it's hot, people putthis on theirface.

2 fllcompletethe senten@swith the words. lEEl complete the senten<es with some of the

penknife sleeping bag soap teFt words from this pageandyourown ideas.
toothpaste towel waterbottle One of the ni(esl things for a (amping holiday i5

On thecamping holiday, there were six of us in our nice a goad sloapin! bag beaqsq ygq cat' eleap well ih il,

new tgl,t i The mo5t usefulthinq fora (ampinq holiday is

1 Rememberto putyol.rrtoothbrush and some 2 The bestthinq fora beach holiday is

in your washbag. The most importantthing for a visit to a different
country is
2 I'mverythirstyand I need adrink.Where i5
my1 4 When people (ome to my country they need
3 Be carefulwith your
. Don't PlaY 5 When people visit the (apital (ity of my (ountry, they

with it. need

4 lalwayswashmyfa(ewith 6 When I go on holiday, I always take

and water.

5'DidAlex getupearlytoday?"No,hedidn't. He'sin

his over there.'

6 I wantto gofora swim. I need mytrunksand


68 Going away

1 fiJComplete the tablewith the words. fl'lD What are / aren't these dildren going to do
am Am are Are aren't aten't is ls
isn't isn't h 'm not 'm not 're ,s at the adventure and activity(amp?

He/She/ ltl goingto take a rucksack on holiday.
swim in the sea.
You,^ e/You/They, lvalk in the molntains | 4a**,
stay in a tent.
going to learn to climb )ake

help with the cooking

13 going to

He/ she / lt a goingto Oscarand Ashraf ar4going lo swiln in the river.
You /We / Yo u / They ,
I Jake
going to to climb.

2 Eve, Maya and Peter tennis.
3 Oscar
6 I going to 4 Daisy with the cooking.
7 he/she/ itgoing to
t you /we/you /they 5 Oscar and Ashraf in the mountdins.

to climb.

goinq to tlt- lt is the first day ofa s(hool(amp. Write the

Negative questionsthe studentsask,

No, he/she/ itt qpWhattime aru wegoing io gqt everymorning?

(we / get up) my things here? (l / put)

putA,n I going lo (l/ sleep)?
1 Where
2 ,n my tent (,o / be)?

2 fllI Order the words to make sentences. 3 What outdoor a( tivities

holiday/going / l'm /to/ on /go (we/do)? me with my rucksack?

l'tn goitg lo go oh holidaf. 4

I train /travel/we're/ bylgoing /to (you / help) the nearesttown?


2 mum / myl goinq /take/ suit(ase / isla /to (we/visit)

3 going / l'm / rucksack /to /a lsmall /.afiy (!I3l What are / aren't you going to do at the

4 to /aren't / to / my / work / parents / going / 90 weekend? Use the words or your own ideas,
5 to /going / brother/study/ isnl/my
compete in tolisten meet play read
6 homework/any/ not ll'm /going ldo /to relax sit stay study visit wat(h

l'!, goi|4io rnae.t fiy triahds dtdw''t goinglo pla,t
toolballir, th.park.Wc dr.n't goinglo ctu -

7 sister/ my / going / take / to / photos / is

8 aren't / watch / to / going /TV / we

Going away 69

g!-Lookatthe pi(tures. Choose the (ored CXI Onnay,lndyt mum and Ben are

words. talking abouttheir holiday plans. Readthe sentences

J. rJl1J''taJ'l first. Can you guess anyofthe answers?Then listen
and answer the question5.

ll'.'i \ inBen i5 going to visit san Francisco July.

1 Thetemperature in 5an Francisco will be about

It\foOofl@ 1 lt's stormy / icy. dC in July.

2 ln the morning,theweatherwill probably be

ru,ffi in san Francisco.

3 lt's snowy / rainy. 3 lntheafternoon,theweatherwill sometimesbe

I2 lt's sunny / foggy. -rpaz; 4 Ben willneed totake to
4 lt's hot / cold. 5 lt's cloudy / sunny. 5an Franci5co.
ffl Y|N -5 Andy isgoing to go on a

6 lt's snowy / windy 7 lt'5 icy / stormy. Italy.

be6 The weather will

8 lt'5 windy / cloudy. 9 lt's (old / hot. Cf,l O Listen aga,n. correctthe

2 fll Complete the dialogueswith theadjectives information in the senten(es.
Ben is 9oin9 to visit his grandmothe/s bl6t+€r,
in exer(ise1.
'lthink it'll rain laterthis afternoon.' 'Yes, it's dark and
? Andy's mum worked in San Francisco fortwo years.
Olqudy outside.'
2 The weather in San trancit(o never changes.
1'Areyou going to go skiing in the mountains?"Yes,
it's very 3 lnSan Francisco, it'ssunnierin Decemberthan in
there now.'
2 'ls it a good idea to put sun cream on myface?"Yes.
It's very 4 The weather is sometimes snowy in San Francisco
3'We're goingoutinthecarnow."Becareful.You
5 Andy is going to stay in the north ofltaly.
(an't see far\ 6 Andy's tent is verysmall.

4'ls itcold in yourarea in May?"No. lt'5 quite 5 33El Complete the sentences about the weather

sometimes.' at d ifferent times.

5'Do I need mywaterproofstoday?"Yes, it's really 'lln the summer holidays, it's roally hot aM s nry

outside.' This morning / afternoon /evening,

6 lt's very cold - it's -4"C. The roads are very 2 Thi) week,

3 At NewYeaL

4 On my birthday,


6 ln the winter holidays,


70 Going away

1 [Completethetable with the words. 3 t':t- tily i5 Soing to visit her aunr and uncte in
take won't + Will wonl will
Sydne, Australia, Complete the emailwith lror u/ort

and the verb.

l/You / He / She / lt /We /
You /They'll
]qotothebeach. Dear Lily,

We're really happy about your visit here. We can't

l/You /He / she / rr/We/ wait to see you. You 'll like (like) Sydney it'sa

You /Theyr sray at home. great place for a holiday!

The weather is good atthe moment. lthink
it' (be) very hot and sunny a I
': itl/ you / he/ she / the time and it,
/ we / you / theyr I (rain). So you

atowel? ' (need) any waterproofs - you can

leave those aat homel
Yes, you
Affirmative (need) a ot of

Yes,l/you / he I Negative itl summer clothes and also a swimming costume.

a/ you / they / she/ it / we I Nro,l/ you / he/ she/ But don't bring any insect spray because
(sive) you some of our special

2 (!lI Rewrite the sentences u5in9 the spray - it's really soodl
Your uncle and I are {ree when you?e here, so
affhmative, negative or que5tion form.
-weyocuan6take you to all the great places in Sydney
It'll be sunnytomorrow. ,. (love) visiting then'r. We're

'lll won'l ba sunny tonorfwt- sure you 7

I won't come to the cinema with you. y' (enjoy) your stay here

and you .

(forget) your visitl

2 You'll bring some crisps for the picnic. ? See you next week.

3 WillDaisydo wellin herexams? y'

4 We'll qo to the beach later X 4 flTl I friend trom the UK is going to visit

your (ountry for the firsttime thii srmmer. Write

sentences with wrrl and wor,'l

5 David willhelp with the bags. ?

6 We won't have nice weather on holiday. y'

7 Esin will be at sdool tomofiow. x

8 Willyourfriends like thatTV programme? y'

Going away 71

flIl Read thetextagain. Complete the sentene

Wednesdoy 5'June with one or two wordsfrom the text.

Deor sludenls ond pqrents, olThe adventure day is in the month Jufie

A l'm wriiing to tellyou oboul ihe plqns for ourexclling 1 Theyle going io meetat the

odvenlure doyon Fridoy l4'h June otlheWoodlonds outdoor 2 The students are going to iravel rn
Adventure Centre in Ashom.
dif{erent buses.
B Wete going to leove from oulside the school 0t 8 0.m. Pleose
3 ll\ important lor ltudents to wear
con oll studenis be ot the school 01 7.45. Don't be lotelWe're
going 10 go in two buses ond we need iime for oll ihe sludents 4 Studenis do4't need to caIy
ond teochers 10 get on lhe buses.
in their rucksacks.
C Siudenls need 10 weor outdoor clolhes qnd loke q smoll
5 Atthe adventure centre, students can learn to climb
rucksockwith wolerproofs, sun creqm ond some sondwiches
in it. Don'l toke woter bottles -you con get drinks otthe
4 tllEt Answerthe questions. Write
(omplete senten(es.
oD We're going lo veotoboul9.15 ond beglnthe octivilies
What is the tea(her writin g about?
0t9.30. Before lunch,ollihe sludenls qre going to leorn tree fhe plane lor lhe advanlure day.
climbing.lhis is o sofe octivity-the students ollweor helmels
ond lhey cqn leorn lo climb wiih the speciol teqchels 01 1 Why do the students need to be at the school

the centre. at7.45?

E Atier lunch, ihe studenls qre going to study mqp reoding qnd who is going toteach the students about
then spend lhe otternoon wolking in the hugewoods oround tree climbinq?
lhe cenlre.
Where are they going to walk after lunch?
I Wele going io leove ot obout 4.00 ond be bqck qt the school
Whattime are the students going to be back at
ot oround 5.l5.We think you'll oll hove on ornozing dqy - we theirschool?

hope lhe weother isn't Do you like the sound ofthe adventure day?
going 10 be well
elu- vocABULARY pLUs comptetethe
See you oll on Fridoy l4n
dialoques with the words.
boring cold €oel expensive huge new
l\,,1r Collins -Yeor 5 teocher
'We wenttoa great clothes shop in Paris."yes, itwa5
SlRead the letter. Choose the correctwords.
really aool
A very'small/big group ofstudentsare going to go by
1 'This Olympic swimming pool is very biq., ,That,s
/'?train / bus to an adventure centre with their 3teachers's
2'That guidebook is a lotof money."Yes, it's
flll Read thetext again. Match questions
. Don't buy it.'
'l-5 with paragraphs A-F.
'Myschoolbag is old."Maybe you can buya
Where istheadventure day going to be?
1 What time are we going to come home?
2 Whatdo lneed to rake? 'ThatTV programme about skiing holidays was very
3 Whatam lgoing to do in the afternoon? lonq."Yes, it was really
4 How arewe going totravel? l'
5 What acttvrty am I going to do before
'Do I need totake my winter clothes on
holidayT"Yes, it'll be,
72 Going away

fanguage point: because SK

1 fl choose the correctwords. fi - im i! going to go on a weekend trip with

Ilhan has 9or a new steepinq tog so r(ica_@ne Charlie's family. Read the notes.Then (omplete
Iwants to go (ampinq this summer.
We need to buya guidebookfor lsranbulbeeuse/

and we don't knowthe city.

The swimming poolis sjx kilometres away, sol

be(ause we can'twalkthere.

ln London, youle going to visita beautifulpark
because / and some famous monuments.

I like bea(h holiday5 be(ause / but I enjoy swrmming
and sitting in the sun.

My gra n dfather was born in France, be(ause / so he
speaks perfect French.

0n Friday, you can go shoppinq orlbecausetake a
boat on the river.

fII Complete the sentences with berduseand

the phrases.

fit illhe's very he's tcan\ speak tralian

l'm really hot itt an interesting subject

itwas reallyexciting it's very expensive
wele hunqry *dr+late

runningWe're bacaue. we'ru lale.

1 My dad isn't ai work

2 I never go to that sports shop

3 Wele making some sandwiches

4 l've got a phrasebook

5 John can swim fast

6 l'm going to open the window
7 I alwaysenjoygeography

8 We loved that newfilm

4 tR?? lmagine a friend is going to (ome on

a weekeEd trlp with your family. Use the text in
exercise 3 to help you.

Going away 73


\/t.i,\/\,?4\\7/i\:Z\ //:\ r need totrythis aqain. \, \J \r' \, lam happy wirh this.
!:r' \, \r' El lcan do this verywell.
@eOO lcould do this better.

VOCABULARY Things for a holiday LANGUAGE FOCUS be going toi affiwnative,
negative and questions
1 Complete the words.

1'l need tolearnsome Frenah wordsformytrip 3 Completethe senten(es using affirmative. negatjve
p _-to Paris."Have you gota
_ ?, or question forms of be 9oir9 to and the verb.
2'l think it's going to rain a lot on holidayl,,lake your
w__ I1 (visit) my grandparents

_withyou., on Friday.

'ltt going ro be darkoutsideourtentat night!,,ltt .lack (meet) his friend at

newt _0K, you can use my .' s.00.

'l'll need to wash my hairon holiday.,,put some Myfriends (rravel)to ttaly

s- _- in your rucksack.' this summer

'Wele going to visita country with a lot ofmosquitos.,
i _'Take some
s- nextyear.

'ldidn't brush myteeth this morning.,,Did you leave E la (not take) a ru(ksack
Yourt _ (not stay)at home this
__ athome?' on holiday. (your sister/ buy)

'We need to wash our h ands., ,l thin k Tereza has got I
_in herwashbag.' afternoon,

lcan talk aboutthethings I need for a holiday. a quidebookT

My EVALUATIoN -a .. :: - talk about future plans and intentions.

MY EVALUATToN !':,l i-],.? ,eir


2 Choose the (orre( words. Weather (onditions
i This summerwele going to stay in a hotelwith 500

rooms!lt's huge/(old / boringl

2 I don't want to visit that old museum with my parents.

It looks really cool/ new/borin9.

3 'ls the weather going to be hot in Canada?,

'No, it's going to be expensive / (old / new.,

4 Ed is going to swim in the boring /expensive/

newswimming pool- it opened last weekand it,s


5 We wantio visitthat smallskatepark peoplesayit,s

fantastic and really (ool/ huge / cold.
6 My holiday is in isnla cheap country.

It\ very expensive / new / (ool.

lcan read for detailed informarion. lcan understand a weather forecast.


74 Going away

1ANGUAGE FOCUS will and won't WRITING An email

5 Complete the sentences using affirmative, negative or 7 Read the email and <omplete the text. Write one

question forms of wil and the verbs. word on each linp.

be eat get up need EIlryg "H, .I" ;" ,.fi,.,.r^""

not play not swim

We Hl Ryan

footballon ourholiday because l'm realy excited that you're going to stay wlth

we haven't got a ball. 1us soon. l'm emailing you lwant
a good sleeping bag on yourtrip to tell you about our plans for the weekend.

to's cold at night. On Friday afternoon, l'm'z to meet

It verysunny atthe beach tomofiow. you ar rhe bJS crai or because your ous a.nves

Take some sun cream with you. there at 4.00.

I haven't got myswimming costume so I On Saturday, we're going 3

in the sea today. drive to York. We're going to vlsit the big train

you late every museum there and then take a boat on the River

morning on holiday? Ouse. lhope ita rainl After that,

6 What food we wete going to go s in some o d
streets cal ed The Shamb es the shops there
in Franre?
6are greatl
I (an ma ke predictions a bout the future. wi I be sunny,
On Sunday, the
7so we can go to the beach near my house or we
have a picnic in the garden with

3my friends- to see youl

SPEAKING Offers and promiset Bye for nowl

6 Choose the (orrectwordsand writethem on the lines. Dy an

Ruby lt'll be hot on Sunday. Let's go to the swimming

pooland take a picnic.
l1Kate That's a good idea.
some chicken and a salad. b:ring i lcan writean emailabout a fri€nd's virit.

can'?Ruby Cool! I some €eMY EVALUAToN 8i a,

FKate Ann to bring some{f

Ruby l'll phone Jessica and 1...... ....-.- :i:=..:j
wantsto come too.

Kate Let's meet at your flat at n. Mt ni{+=a

6Ruby Great.l . us to the

la can\ . at


2a have b make

3a 'llask b ask

4a listen b

5a b

6a be b

l<an make offers and promises.


CUMULATIVE REVIEW . Starter unit - Unit 2


1 Look atthe photo of a city in the UK. What things do

you 5ee in the photo? whatwords des(ibe
the city?

Reading Listening

2 Read Holly's email. Whatthing in the photo doesshe 4 @ lolly is on ttre school trip in chester. Listen to

talkabout? conversation between Hollyand herfriendSarah.

gEtlr<.\. two pla(es do they want to visit?

Hl Katarina, 5 (DD tisten again and @mplete the senten@s with

How are you? l'm really happy because there's word.
a school trip on Friday. Every year, we visit a
different city with our class. We haven't got any 'Hl oSldlryadh olikeessnth'etliskoeundshoofrphpeif;g
lessons for the day and its always a lot offun! 2 There'sa
This year, the trip is to Chester in the north of 3 Theaastle is about in Sarah's bag.

England. lt! smaller and older than our city, 4 Sarah's minutesonfoot.

but our teacher, Mr Swift, says it's really nice. ln wants a photoofthe clock.
the centre, there's a castle, a big market, a new
shopping centre, a park and a very{amous clock 5 The grrls a.e very nearto the
on a bridgel
Every year, there are two exciting parades in the
city. There's a parade in June caled Midsummer 6 A TASK lmagine there is a s(hooltrip nextweek.
Watch and a parade in December cal ed Winter
Watch. Peop e play music, and sing and dance in an emailto a friend aboutthe trip.
the streets.
Email me or message me soon,
1 Whatisthe name ofthetown or city?Where is it?
Bye for nowl 2 What i! it like?

Holly 3 What can you see or do there?
4 Give one more piece of information aboutthe town or
Read Holly,s email again. Then find six more mistakes
in the text below. .iry

Chester is o very #5em citT in the soufi ol Englond C WRITE Usethetext in exer(ise 2 and the writing g
below to help you.
with interesting ploces lrc visil. There s o costle, o smol
morket, o pork ond o shop on o bridge. You con see
firee porodes every yeor in the city, ond people sing,
ploy gomes ond donce in their houses.

76 CUMULATIVE REVIEW . Starter unit - Unit 2 Did you know..,

There ore about six hundrcd costles in the UK includinq
Chestet costle.

Findthe nameofthefamous castle in the
(entre ofLondon.

CUMULATIVE REVIEW . Starter unit - unit 4

5peaking Listening

1 Lookatthe photo. Where arethe people? What 4 (DD Hannah is at the 'Meet the giraffes' experien(e

are they doing? at the zoo. Listen to heraonversation with the
zookeeper. Can Hannah take photos of

the giraffes?

Q[ Listen again and completethe senten(eswith

the numbers.

two t$Jee five twenty fifty-five 1,000

There are lhree giraffes atthezoo.
1 Giraffes are about
2 A giraffe is heavierthan kg.

to3 A giraffe can run up gorillas.

tmj,.t is about tlaC simfrar at London zitb.The zfu)e kilometres
of the oldest zoor in the Ul( - ies more th4, I 80 )aars
Over a fiillion people visit the zoo every year because an hour. students can givethegiraffes

re inLeresled in the rate and ex.iting animals thete 4 only
the zoo, visitos can have a special'Meetthe gircffes'
food at a time. minutes with
ce - they aan go near the qiraffes in small groups
got5 The students have
give them food. l?s really .}.tcitinqt But of cou$e, the
the qiraffes.
need a zookeeper next to the . fhe zookeeper helps
visito6 and talks about the qiraffes.
out geography lessons, we're leaning about some of the 6 A TASK lmagine you aredoing a projed about rome

irnpoftaht animals in danger. The biggest problefi interesting animalsata zoo ora wildlife (entre. Writethe
giraffes is hunting artd there arc row only around first three paragraphs of your project.

qiraffes in Afti.a - it sounds a lot, but it isn'tl B THINKAND PLAN

Reading 1 What animal is your project about?
2 What zoo can you seethese animals at?What k special
2 Read the text. What is Hannah'! projedabout?
aboutthis zooT
What is she learning aboutat sahool?
3 What can you do when you see the animals? Can you take
3 Complete the questions with the words. Then read
phoros? Can you givethem food?
thetext again and answerthe questions. There are
two extra words. 4 What are some ofthe prcblemsforthese animals

h€t# how many what who in the wild? Are you learning aboutthem atschool?
why how many what
C WRITE Use thetext in exerdse2and thewriting
llow old is London Zoo? guide below to help you.

More lhah 180 yearc old. tlyParaqraph 1: Paraqraph 2: Ai lia
people go tothezoo every proJ..l is .tod .. .
r0o, vicitors 6a[ . . .
Paragtaph 1 h olrl glognplry l.ssotre,
helps the visitors at the
'Meet the g iraffes' expe rien ceT w.'r. l.rflillg ltod . , .

3 is the biggest problem for giraffes? Did you know...

qiraffes are there in Africa? Giroffes sleep fat between ten ninutes and twa hours every
day. Allother mammals sleep longetthon gioffes!
Find outwhich animals sleepthe longestevery day.

4CUMULATIVE REVIEW . Starter unit - Unit 77

CUMULATIVE REVIEW . Starter unit - Unit 6

Speaking Listening

1 Lookat the photo. Whatare the people doing? Do 4 @]@.tasmine tatks to herfriend sia aboutthe

you likethe look ofthis sport? Why/Why notT beach volleyball competition, who were the
Solurdoy 25rh JLrne
5 OHB Listen again and write true or fdlse,
Todoy wqs on imporiqntdoy-we troined
tor seven ilouIs!Why? Wele goi q big lasmine...

beoch volleyboll competiijon iomofiowl had fun at the competition.
lhere ore eightleoms in ihe competilion wilh
the bestyoung ployers in the counlry. Every 1 went with her parents and her brother
leom hos qot lwo ployers.l'm in o teom wilh 2 was atthe competition allday.
3 won the firstfour matcheswith her
Noomi - shet reol/y good!
We storred ot 8.30lhis morning - ldon't !
i: 4 was in the final ofthe competition.
mind geiiing up eorly! Firsf,we went on our 5 is in a beach volleybal{ competition in

bikes for iwo houfs.llove cycling - il's good Augun.

exeacise ond you con become veryil. Nexl, Writing

we proctised beoch volleyboll- il's o fost 6 A TASK lmagineyou are in a big.ompetition. Write a
gome ond you need 1o move ond jump ollthe
blog about the day beforethe competition and howyor
tirnel preparefor it.

Al 12.30 we were lired,hungry ond thi6ryso we hod o heolthy B THINKAND PLAN

lunch - i13 imporlonl to hove o good dietwhen you're doing o I What competition are you in?

lot of sporll 2 How long did you prepare for it7
3 How many people and fans are at the competition?
ln the otlemoon, we ployed moiches with friends,ond we 4 What did you do in the morning and the afternoon to
wotched some oihet ployers.l'm very exciled oboutlhe
compeiilion lomorrowl
C WRITE Usethetext in exer(ise2and thewriting guid
below to help you.
2 Read the sports blog. Why is Jasmine tra in,n9?
Paraqraph l: Today ras a, il'porLhtday...
Read thetext again. Correctthe senten(es.
ln the competition, there are ffieF teams. Paftgftphzwa 3laded at ... First, ...

1 Naonii is quite good at beach volleyball. Paragraph3:At 12.30,.-.
2 Jasmlne hates qetting up early in the morning.
Paragraph4: h tle.flermon, -..
Jasmine lovesswimming because she wants to befit.
Did you know ...
4 Bea(h volleyball is a slow sport.
5 Jasmine had unhealthy food for lunch. ll4osl volleyboll ployers jump obout 300 times o

Jasmine and Naomi played matches in the morning. Find out how long the longestvolleyballgame
Jasmine isn'tvery excited about the competition.

78 CUMULATIVE REVIEW . Starter unit - Unit 6

CUMULATIVE REVIEW . Starter unit - Unit 8

5peaking Listening

1 lookatthe photo, What orga n ization doyou think 4 QD Adam is tatking to Michael about their plans.
What willthe weather be like?
the people are ih? What are they doing?

(flf,i u5lsn 696;n 666 completethe notes aboutthe

food and drinkthat people are going to bring.


Reading Ale,

2 Read Adamt email to his cousin. What is Adam going 0u;e

to do? Writing

E I r <+. )'. 5 A TASK lmagineyou are going on a cy(lingtrip this

-l Michael, weekend with the s(outs oryour s(hool. Write an email
to a friend orcousin aboutyour plans.
:hanks {or your email. think this weekend wi I be
rxcitingL I can't wait for our 15 km wa k with the
Scouts this weekendl I How long isthecyclingtrip?

went to a meeting about the wa k last Tuesday. The 2 Whattime are you going to startyourtrip?
3 How many people are in yourteam orgroupT
>coL-. eloers qdve L, a lot o{i-po1"n, r,o.--tdr01. 4 What will the weather be like?
There were a ot of thtnos to rernem6er 5 Whatare you going to take?Whatare you notgoing to

,Ve're going to start at Ja.m. and wa k in teams ot take?
s xwith a helper- Wele go ng to use a map. The
C WRITE Use thetext in exercise 2 and the writing
_rh"el.las"teas-ts6te,^a"m.!6 --a ..dmo 01< dte r1e o.ople ,1 guide below to help you.

The weather will be cloudy at f rst, but ttwont rain. Paragraph 1: lli ..,

Then, it'll be hot and sunny in the afternoon. We Paragraph 2: I waft to . t 4elitg abouf the cyolibg
arenl going to take ourwaterproofs, but wele
going to carry big water botrlesl trip lrst ..-

Can I call you on Friday to talk about our plans? Paragraph 3: lvs'r. goirg to st rt€t...

Paragraph 4: Tis weatlgr willb. ...

3 Read the text again. Match senten.e halves t-6 with Did you know...
fhe Scouts first started in 1908.
a-f. Find out how many Scouts there a re in the

I The walk is going to begin a 5ix scouts- - 8CUMULATIVE REVIEW . Starter unit Unit 79
2 lneveryteam,thereare b wet.
3 The weatherwon't be c a water bottle.
4 The weather will be nicer d waterproofs.
5 Adam is going to take e at 8.00.
6 Adam isn't going to take f in the afternoon

3 **urouE Focus REFERENCE. Starter unit r*

be: affirmative and negative Possessive's

lr,ttto',', Isno,tro.- lr,ttro,- lsr,"'.t",- I For singular nount add 3to the noun.

II vt"o.,,'" lI vr'o, ,'," l,u,"no, l,'.no, I M.*'3 rooln lhe ctudsrl'e pen
l*"0 lr", I
I v",,,. n"t I v",,,,o"r For plural nouns, add ',
IIsthi." it lI rsttt"t lr.on, lha toaahorc' desks
lr"ono, I
lI tsrh"i.i,nn.o, , lI rsnie.nis"nr I For iregular plural nouns, add 'i.
Ibe chiLlreh'e laechet
l*"u," l*"r"I You are l*"","no, l*"u,"nt I
I Youle When therei5 morethan one noun,add 3t the last noun
I You are not I you arent I
lrheyare lttreyte lttey are not l+reyarent ]
(o!h and Rdy'3 rrotl6r
The verb be is aft€r the subte.t (1, he, she, you . . .l
I afilwalva. lla i. ftofi Barlin. [he possessive 'i shows that something bel rngsto

To make the negative form, add rot after the verb. r person.

Rillard'srook tlsgirls'ch€irs

ln spoken or infomalwritten English we usethe short forms.
.rt.-3h. isr't good at
W. ar.n't inlo shopping. Affirmative N€gative
Yes,lam, No,l'm not.
Subject pronouns and possessive h he... ? No, you aren't,
adjectives h she ... ? Yes, you are.
ls it ... ? No, he isn't.
l, 1.,I ty'o"u Yes, he is. No, she isn't.
Are you ... ? Yes, she is. No, it isn't.
Irshe Are they ... ? Ye5, it i5.

rlI hvnc"oru, I Yes, you are. Nq you aren't.
I Yet they are. Nq theyaren't.

IIlI it*vrt"o'"uv 1lit.',, I n yei / no questions, the verb be is the first word ofthe
|I i,to'"*i'
I ientence before the su bject.
] Atoyouinto cyaling?

I n spoken or informalwritten English, we use the shonfoms

I )f negative short answers.

j ls ha lwalvs? No, ho igri't.

Usage lemember:There is no short form of affirmative short answer

We use subject pronouns in place of names Uessico, Meliso, Ara you inlo gpod? Ya., l al,. NOTiA,# .

lon . . .) ot nouns lbook, phofo, frierd . . . ). We use them when Jsage
we knowthe person orthing wearetalking about.
Ve use the verb be for personal infomation - age' names,
Ja$ica ic fron Lolldo[. tha'sfro Loridon.
flris book is good. ll'sgood. obs and nationa lities, and with be interested in, be into and be
pod at.
Remember: Subiect pronouns cannotbe left out of
fhoy'r. taaaherc- fhey'ru inl.reslad in ad.
-a sentence. Ua\ toufteen. Ua'9 good al epod.
Wa aren'l ltoh 0xtoad-
ghe'3 fron oxford. NoT H.oftOffi ghs isi't ltali.r.

Possessive adjectives showthatsomething belongsto a

person. We use them when we knowthe person orthing we

are talking about.

Dai i9I9o0d frisd.l.lis hoos6 is [sx-t fo lt,y ho6s.

Ann and Paul ara intaraEled iri photography-

fiai? plolos are reall,l good.

80 TANGUAGE FOCUS . Starter unit


th is, that, these, those Usage
we use hove got to ta lk about possession. lt i5 also usedtotalk
This is my brotherOs(ar lThese are mylriends tola
and Erin- about ourfamilies.
Thatl a cool bag. We've gol a good dicliohaq-
I Those are nice photos.
Ella les['t gol a poroilii lt.r rag.
Use t ,5 and fheie forthings that are close to the person who is
Uava you gol a laplop? No, I havan't.
speaking. I've got two btolhers and a gister.
l{as Jo*ica goi a sktor? Y.s, sho has. Uer na,,.e\ Ernily-
Use thdtand thore for things that are further away from the
person who is speakinq. Uaveyou got abrolhar or sist ratthisBolool? yr3,Ihrvo.
My sktgr is an olass 88-
have got
Question words: Wherc ,,. ?,What ... ?,
l\egota pen. I thavenlqota pen. Who.., ?
You've got a pen. lYou haven't gota pen.
Whera'g your ftiaj/'d ftofit?
He's gota pen. J He hasn\got a pen. What'e lh. oapilal ol kanae?
| she hasn'tqot a pen. Who\ Iha fl,asidenl ol thair aounlry?
She's gota pen. I lr hasn\gota pen. Use the question words ,yh erc, What, Who at the beginning of

Itt gota pen. lWe haven\ gota pen. q uestions to ask about specific information.
lYou haventgota pen. ln informaland spoken English we often conilact the verb be
We've got a pen. lThey haven'tgot a pen. with question words Whe rc, What and Who.
You've gota pen.
They've got a pen. Who\ yonr tawqrila taaahot?
What'g her naha?
We make the affirmative fom with have got or hdJ got plus the Wheru'syour alaseroo ?

subject. Coniunctionsi and, or, but

To make the negative form , use hove not got ot has not got plus Tojoin words and sentences, useand,
thesubject. l're gol a peh a$d a nolabook.
ln spoken or informalwritten English,we use the short forms
've got,'s got, hdven't got and hosn't qot. Ue's twolv. atid h.'s tao Lohdon-

Have Igota pen? Affirmative lNegative Io talk about altematives, use or
Have you got a peni Yes,lhave. lNo,lhaven't. ls hk ra$o Rory or Billy?
fho fiobila phona ie und6r lhe lable ot undat lhe bed-
Yes, you have. I No, you haven't.
To show contrast, u5e but
Has hegota pen? | Yes, he has. I No, he hasn't.
Has shegota pen? | Yes, she has. I No, l.lo'3 i[fo r usio, bql ho isn t intsr.stod ih art.
Has it got a pen? | Yes, it has. I No, she hasn't. At{y k fivE, bd she's v6ry good al readihg-

I hasnl. TANGUAGE FOCUS . Starter unit 81

Have we qot a pen? I Yes, we have. I No, we hasn't.

Have you gota pen? lYes,you hdve. lNo.youhasn't.
Have they got a pen? lYes,they have. lNo,theyhasn,t.

We make questions with fioyel hrJ plus subject plus got

We make short answers with haye, butwithout got

Y6s, I lavs. NoT l&+,+}avagri:

Notethatwe do not make questions and negative forms with

do / does ot don't / doesn't.

Ua$ you gol a nolebook? NoT Mraragot-


llo lagnt gol a skl,r- NOT lHorsif@..<irtrr


be: affirmative and negative 4 Choosethecorredanswers.

1 Complete the dialogues usingthe aflirmative Hi!Youle Nathan.Their,@ Her house is next to my

toJm ol be, house.

'This is myfriend samira.' 1 Welike(ycling- it'sour/its/hisfavouritesport.
2 Michaelis good at basketballand their/ his/her
'Hello Samira.' things?'
brother is good atfootball.
I 'Hello Ben. How
3 l'm eleven, and my/ its/hisfriend istwelve.
'Not bad.' 4 This is a good book. Myl lts/ His name is

2 'This lakeand this TheHungetGame'
l\4ark.Ihey myfriends.'
5 My sister i5 into films - thei./ her/ ourfavourite film it
The Lego Movie.
'l3 from Bristol.'
dad'Oh, my mum and 6 Anna and Lily are my friends. Her/Your /Their parent
from Bristol.'
are from Australia.
4 'lvly brother .. intofootball.'
he'Yes, Possessive 's
very good at it.'
5 Write the sentences with ' in the <orrect pla(e.
5 'We Chrisand Alex.We into
This is Davids favourite book.
fliig i9 David:g favoqrito Dqok.
The students chairs are new.
2 writesentences using the negativeform of be.
ITha elqd"ott'ls: ahats are i.w.
Yasmin / interested in an Where i5 l\4arys notebook?

Yashr iI k[:t hlor-o9tgd iI €rt. 2 This isthechildrens (lassroom.

I l/ from the uK 3 Whatare theteachers names?

2 William and Lewis/ brothers 4 I like l\4arias photos.

3 you / into video games 5 Ryan and Anns house h nextto myhouse.

4 David / good atfootball

5 we /fourteen

Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives be: questions

3 Com plete the 5enten<es with subject pronouns. 6 Completethe questions and answer5,

My brother Steven is eleven. ll9'S. eleven. ' Ata Iyou atschool?"Yes, a$
1 Emre and Ahmet are from Marmaris.
1: .. Ali(e and Sophietwelve?'
:re from Marmaris.
'No,they the laptop on your deskT'
2 Jane is interested in music. you OK?'
's interested in music.
'No, it
3 David and I are into chafting onthe internet.
.'re intochatting on the internet. 3'

4 You and Kate are good at art. 'Yet I

're good atart. we near your house?'

5 Thiscomputer is very good. 'Yes, we your mum atwork?'

:s very good. 5'

6 John i5 ateacher. 'Yes, she you from Dublin?'

. 'sa teacher 6'

82 LANGUAGE FOCUS. Starter unit 'No, I


this, that, these, those 4 Order the words to make question!, Then write the

1 Chooie the @rrect words. shortanswers.

@rethis /That my cousins, James and sam / got / Has / game / video / new /a / ?

Lottie. Uagga got ? hew vidoo gaha?
I took!That /Those / This laptops are expensive. hae

2 Ihese / Those / That student is in my class. 1 you I sister / Have I got I a l-!
3 Happy birthdaylThe5e /That / This presents are for
Yes. I
2 friend / your/ pet/ Has /a lgot /?
4 Those / These / This is my friend Ollie.

5 He, those / that / this posters are cool. No, he..

6'lsyourfood goodT"Yer,that/this/thosepizza is 3 qot/ Has/Amira / brothers/two/ ?


have got Yes, she

2 Complete the senten<es with the affirmative form of got/they/nice/a / Have/ house/ 7

have got. Yes,they

Gemma is inro reading. She sgot new / we /teacher / Have /got/ a / ?
an interesting book.
No, we
I We like animals.We

a yellow parrot. Question words: Wherc ... ?,What ... ?,Who ,., ?

I2 I'm into in photography. a camera. 5 Complete the questions with Whete, Whot ot Who,
' whale 's you r bag?' 'lt's underthe desk.'
3 Julia is interested in ltalian food. She 1' :s yourfavourite sports starT'lt's

a book about ltalian cooking.
Are you reallyinto music?You
big Gareth Bale.'

speakers in your rooml 2' 's your school?' 'lt's in London.'
3' 's your name?"lt's Mehmet.'
My cousin isgood atfootball. He 4' 's you r sister?' 'She's at home.'
5' 's you r favou rite food?' 'lt's pasta.'
a nice sports bag.

My mum and dad are really interested in films.They
a newTv

Write affirmative or negative senten(er using hoye Conjunctions: on4 or, but

got Use short forms where possible. 6 Complete the dialog ues with ondt ot or but.
l/ new mobile phone cover I like music and shopping.

l'vc gol a hew l,r',obiL lhona covat. 1 'Have you got a brother?' 'Ye5, l've got a brother,

I she / th ree sisters . lhaven'tgota sister'

2 you / not/a notebook 2'What'syourfavouritefood?"1'm'sltalian
3 we/a friend in Spain Mexicanfood.'

4 he/not/a big desk 'Who are your school friends?' 'They're Chris, Alex

5 Jasmineand Ava /a niceteacher Jack.'

6 I / not / a good camera 'Whdt are your hobbies?"1'm really inrerested in
l'm not into reading.'
'Are you in this class
that class?'

'What's in your bag?"|'ve got three schoolbooks

my tDcard.,

LANGUAGE FOCUS. Starter unit 83


there's, therc ate + o, dn, some and any ln negative short an5we6, we often usethe short forms,sn't
and orcn't.
singular There is a /an ... There'sa/an.,.
No, tlsrs isnl.
Plural There are some...
No,lbere aran'I.
We use rhere 6 with o/ dn and singular nouns and there are When asking about a specific numberofpeople or things, use
with p,uralnouns. How mdny ... arcthere?

Thgro k a firrk€t in lny towr. Ua any cinanae a?e Ihere? lfiore trd lwo.
Thara's an illarasling no&hront near ths 3tation.
fhare are .otno patks ih lhi. at.a. comparative adjectives

ln spoken or informalwritten English, we use the short form Regular add -er
old > older
therc's. There ate does not have a shott form, Ends with -€ add -r

Singular There ir nor d /an... I There isn\a/an... EndS consonant +y )safe safer

Plural Therearenotany... l Therearen'tany... Ends remove -yand add -ler

To makethe negativeform, u5e ther€lrnorwith singular nouns (onsonant+vowel )pretty prettier
and there dre notwith pluralnouns. + conSonant
ln spoken or informalwritten English, we use the shortforms double consonant and add -er
therc isn't and there oren't. We use any with plural nouns. big > bigger

fhoroisr'l a ainafia near heru. )modern more modern
fhota arun1 any good aale3 ir tlis Etr€at.
good > better
We use therc is / there arclo express the existence or absence far >funher

of someone or something. Usage
fharo's a new hotel in our airy.
We use com pa rative adj€ctives to (ompa re things, places or
fhara ara so a biaallate naat lha sohool. people.The comparative adjective qoes
flera arcn'l a,r'-y ChiMsa rastauranis i, lny towri- belote than.

lg lhara a ehopping canlra? No, thata isk't. Tlis park is flrister tha[ ihal big fiarkel.

lsthete... ?, Arc there ... ?, How many.,. ? kMy echool ore fiodefl tlE[ yoqr solool.

Affirmative lNeg.tive Are thosa olliao buildius bwot lhak lha slaliok?
is.Yes, there fhiB .nall uta is niaar lhan Luigi's ruelaurahl.
15 there a / an ... ? I No,there isn't. ls lha book bafiat lhan the new tibl?
How many .., are there? Yes, there are. I No, there aren\. lla'3 rcisier lhan his brolhgr.
19 youf town ll,,rc inl.resling lhan tny towk?

We usethequestion fom /s there with o / o, anda singular

lc lhara a lhaalru in your araa?
19 lheru an lw)iah realauranl neat heru?

We use Are thete with any and a plura I noun.

Ata lhata at y intaru.titig plaa.s for foung poopla?



there's,there are + a, an, some and any Order the words to make questions. Then w te short

1 Complete the affirmativeand negative senten(es answe15.

with is, dre, isn't and oten't. lhete /is lin / good /a / cinema / area / your / ?

There is a cinemaon that big ship.y' ls lheta a good cihefia ih your area? Yss, lhero is.
1 There
2 There a shopnearoursahool.x I pens / there / are / any I bag / yout I in / ?
3 There
4 There some cafes in the street. y' 2ll aty lis/a ltherc /in /school/your/ ?
5 There an old bridge in paris. y'
6 There any buses today. x /(lass / many / students / there / are / your

a library here. X in / how / ?

ten flats in the building. y'

2 Complete the text with o, on, some ot ony.

My town

My town nn't very big and it i'n,t { very good your / any / school /arc/interestinq / places/
place for viriton| There aren't, ... hotet, here:nd
many / how/ posters / in /bedtoom /arc /
there aren't,. . tntere'Ung monumena. There irn,t
r ....... tiain'on yout / thete /1
- there,' only 1.. bu,,ta!.on.
But there are 1 . intererrhg ptacer foryoune
people here. There" 1 7. ... park u,rth
there\ 3 cafe,

o.citinS rpo.rr centrc and '
twimmin8 pool too. Ther€ are r9.
there1 rr.. old theatre, and r? nice rhopr, Comparative adjectives

ier.eallycool! aew cinema - Write the comparative adjedive5.

ls there ... ?, Are there ... ?, How many ... ? small snaller 6 comfortable

3 Completethe questionsand can use the 'I pretty

words morethan once. 2 easy 7 safe

3 fast 8 far

4 bad 9 expensive

are how is two there,s l0 new

many there isn't Com plete the 5enten(es with the comparativeform of

13 there a market?"No, there ig['t the adjectives in bra(ketsand fhor.
' thereany restaurants?,
Ihjstheatre is oldartlar that(inema. (old)
1 Yourcafe is
'Yetthere Luigi,s

' manyschools are there?, restaurant. (popular)

'There are is2 Our new flat our old house.

' there a nice square?, (nice)

'Yes, there 3 London is Rome. (biq)
is4 James
'Are any bookshops?' 5 Arethe shops in yourtown Dan. (friendly)
'No, aren't.'
' many newstreets are there?.There are the

shops in this shopping centre? (good) those

These book are

' therea zoo?' books from the library. (interesting)

'No, there bridges are there?, isFreya her sister (young)
7 'How




Present simple: affirmative and negative

I help dt home. I Idon\ help at home. does plav?
You helpar home. I You don\ help al home. do
He helps at home. I Hedoesn't help at home. do Harry
She helps at home. doe5 getup?
It help, at home. | she doelnl helpat home. do they
thefilm like?
I lt doesn't help ar home. start?

we help at home. lWedonl helpat home. Put question wods at the beginning ofthe question.
You helpat home.
They help at home. I You don'L help at home. Wharc doos ha work?
Rememberto include theauxiliaryverb doldoet in qu
lTheydonl helpat home.
Whata do'{oulive? NO'l W\e$$q+te
The affirmative form is the baseform ofthe verb (infinitive
without ro). To make the third person singular (he /5he / rr),
add -i or -es, or for verbs endinq in -y, remove -yand add _iet We use the present simple:

lsing she sings I totalkand ask que5tionsabout habits, routinesand

you go hegoes things that happen regularl}/.

he studies What lino do You gel uP?
Fatna aalg btoaktagl al
To makethe negative form, use do notor doei notplus the
base fom of the verb. 2 to describe things that a re alwaystrue, oralmost
ln spoken or informalwritten English, we use the shortforms
always true.
I dor'l get hotno lala. I liva inKiev. MY leachat doQ,sh'l qpaaktueioh.
Ue doosa'l gel hoha lala-
3 to talk aboutwhatwethink, feelorlike

Do yo( liks lurkish hr(gic ? ltalian food.

Present simple: questions Adverbs offrequency .....
Affirmatlve I Negative always ...oo
Yet I do. I No,l don't. normally, usually
Do lwash the car? do.Yes, you often o"ooooooo
Do you wash the car? I No, you don't. sometimes

Does hewash thecar? lYe5, hedoes. lNo,hedoesnl. In sentenceswith b€,adverbs offrequencygo after the verb

Does she wash the car? I Yes, she does. I No, she doesn\' be.
Yes, ft does. I No, it doesn't.
Does it wash the car? Robort k alwaYs ftiondlY.

car? do.Do we wash the I No, we don\' However, with allotherverbs, adverbs offrequency go before
| Yes, we
do.Doyou wash the car? | Yes, you theverb.
I No, you don't. '(ha't olteh halp withlho hot/sawork.
Dotheywash the(ar? | Yes, theydo. I No, theydonl.
tn questiont adverbs of frequenry always go after the
Do lha,( play vidao ganes? yas, lhaY do.
Do yoq watdli TVa lot? No,ldon'i. subject.
To makethe questionform, usedo or does plusthe
Do yor rc.rally wash your faaoiklha norhihg?
subject plus theverb. Ara yout dlway. Nic't?
We make short a nswers with do or does in the affirmative a nd
do, t or doein'f in the negative. We use adverbs of freq uenq to descibe howoften we do




Present simple: affirmative and negative 4 Write the que5tions. Then w te short answers that

1 Complete the senten(es usinqthe affirmative form of aretrueforyou.

theverbs. ltfDgea yout lo$hat near the school? (you r

(hat eat 9o Hp love play study teacher / live)Yps, rllo dpas. in an office


SheKaty i5 very nice. ltglps herfriends building? (your mum /work) in the park?

with their homework. 2

l Een and Dan are never quiet.They a (your friends / play football) in the libmry?

lotl 3

He2 Robert is a good student. allthe (your best friend / study) to the cinema

time. 4

3 We often tennis afterschool. every week? (you / go) in a big town?

4 Osman to schoolbytrain. 5

5 l'm interested in languages.l our (you / live) .. lunch in a cafe

English and French lessonslThey're great. 6

6 Harry always every day? (yourdad / have)

a big lunch.

Make the sentenes negative. Adverbs offrequency

Ri(hard watchesTV a lot. 5 Look at the key. Write senten(es with the coftect
Ric&rd doosh'l w."atoh TV a lot.
adverb offrequency.
I [4y qrandfathergets up early.
always .aaoa
2 I do my homework at school. normally, usually
often ...oo
3 They help with the housework. ...oo

4 We qo to school on foot. .....We get up at 7p.m.

5 You likethe new shoppinq centre. Wo alwa"w got un at 7p.r1t-

I You help at home.....

..2 I play computer games.

Present simple: questions ...o.3 This street is dirty.

3 Complete the questions in thedialogues.
'Where do you llve ?"1live in London.' 4 She cleansthe cat oo.

I 'Whattime . you ?''lget up at

7.30; 5 The people are friendly...
6 Freddie wallc to school. ooooo
2 'Where yourfather .?"Myfather

works in the library.'

3 'How yourfriends. . . to

school?' 'They come to schoolby bus.'
4'Howoften you
?"lread every


5'Whattime yourteacher

home?' 'Our teacher goes home at 4p,m.'

2LANGUAGE Focus . Unit 87


Superlative adjectives We makethe negativeform withthesubject plus rart

Regulal add -est (conrot) plus the baseform.
cold > the coldest ln spoken and informalwritten Englhh,weoften usetheshort
Endr with -e add -st lotm can't.

Ends(onsonant+y )stmnge the strangest Adad can't run verf fait.

Ends remove yand add -esf oslridhes oant fly.
noisy > the noisiest We make questionswith ra, plusthesubject piusthebase
(onsonant+vowel fom.
doubleconsonant and add e5f
hot > the hotrest Can you plaf a nusiaal inctruni.ahl?
Car aanele suryiyo in cold plaaog?
common ) the mostcommon Remember:Always usethe base form ofthe verb with adn, not
good > the best
Rabbits ,a[ rul fasl. NOT Rat0ik+aii+o#t++as*
bad > the worst
Remember Never use the auxiliary verb do / doer in questions
with rdr.
dCan yon ae? N1l$o'tou+a*4$ee?
We use superlative adjectives to compare th ree ot more
things, places or people.To make 5upedatives, put rhe before Usage
the adjective, and add -estto the adjectve, or morr before Ca, is usedtoexpress abilityand permission.
longer adjectives.
fhe goulh Pole k oM of tha aoldasl plaoB in tha world-
What is tis hottssl part of fonr oounlq? I aah epeak Frerch and C.rfian.
Tho ,io.4rLh gorilla is o[ a ot lhe rarost ania.ale ih Afriaa.
fho bloblieh ie ohe of lhe &o.t ifitar.siing ,raat res in Cah your sietar swi,lr',? Yee, ehe aan.
Can you play lekhis? No, I aan'I -
lha eaa-
Loodoh Zoo is tho bosl zoo in lhe UK- Can youa old* brotharc sp.ak Frakch? yas, thoy cah.

Jauary i9 tlg worst l'lolth to visil tlrig oo(rlry. Permission
This k lh. f(rtltosl town fron tls oapital oify.
Cah I watah lhal naw progranno on fV?
Remember: fhe always goes before the superlative.
fhese girattae ar. lh6 toet berutiful arrihals ia lha Can wo go to lhe lheatro todot?ovt?
tlatioml Park. NoT+l.3oji#fo3ffo+ro3++o.idif{+ No, you cah't

aitinak+i+lo+{a+ieiia Questions with How.., ?

Whare is the highesl rnountain i, this arra? NoT To make questions with How, use Howplus an adjective or
adverb plus a verb.
ligtca+{o{ifrini a?
can for ability and permission llow fasl can at osltiah ruh?
llow far is lha stalion tru$ hare?
To ma ke the affirmative form ofaar, use the subject plus (an Uow long k thie wildlite prugrahne?
plus the base form. Can has the same form for /, you,5he, he,lt, Use How mony ... ? to ask aboutthe number ofthings.
we,you and they. UN nan( pandae are lhere in Chi',,a?

I can play baekalball.gha oa, sp.ak Elglisl. Uo nary alaphan|l3 arc thar. ii thie zoo?
Bearg aan swih.



Superlative adjectives can lor ability

1 Complete the sentences usingthe supedative form of 3 Rewrite the sentences in the affirmative, negative or

theadjectives, question form.

beautiful boring ffily good heavy Crocodiles can't swim. y'

modern noisy old stranqe Ctoagdile_s a?n gwifi.

iuy mum always says'hello'to people. She,s 1 Kemal can playa musical instrument. ?

.lhqt"li9t1dlig.l person in ourstreet. 2 Myun(lecan't speak English. y'
I That book isfantasti(!lt's really interesting. lt,s one of
t3 Ourcatcan run veryfast,
books in the library.
4 My grandmother can't make clothes. y'
2 My grandfather is 102. He's
man in ourtown. 5 Elephantscan survive in a verycold place. X

3 LooklThisanimalis reallyweird and differentl lt,s one 6 Frogs canjump high. ?

of .. ... ceatures in thezoo. 7 Can you I you nger 5ister da nce? y'

4 Our village is very's f8 Theycan understand the old film.

village in the area. 4 Write questions with How... is... ?ot How... con .., ?

5 Those mobile phones are new. Theyle heavy/ a camel/ ?
AM hoaw is a LArnal?
phones in the shop. farl a bear/walk/ in one day / ?
llow far can a baar walk in one day?
6 Tom is neverquiet. He\ oneof
t high /this mountain / ?
students in ourcla5s.
2 fa5t/a whale/swim / ?
7 'lsthat newfilm interesting?' 'No, it isn,,s
3 lonq / a scorpion / ?
'what is... ..filmatthecinema!'
4 big / the nationalpark/ ?
animalin thezoo?,,lt,s
5 fatlagiaftelseel?
that elephant. lt's about 3,OOO kg.'
6 cold /the North Pole/ ?
Look at the information aboutthree s(hool bags. Write
superlative sentenaes. 7 fast/aspider/move/?

Bag A Bag B Bag C 8 expensive / a cat/ ?
Ss S15
30 cm
How big? 40cm 30 cm
x50 cm x35cm x40cm

HowgoodT (cheap)

BN Aig tha ahgapget.








Present continuous: affi rmative and Present continuous: questions

l.m studying. I l'm not rtudyinq. Am llistenjng? Affilmative I Negatlve
I You aren't studying. Are you listening? I No, I'm not.
Youle studying. Yes,l am.
He\ studying. I He isnl studying. Yes, you are. I No, you arenl.
Sl'e's studyrng.
I She isn't studying. ls he listeningT is.I Yes, he I No, he isn't.
It's studyrng. I lt isn\ studying. ls she listening? is.I Yes, she I No, she isn't.
ls it listening? i5.I Yes. it
studyrng. IWearen\studying. I No, it isn t.

Youle studying. I You aren'r studying. Are we listenjnq? lYes, we are. I No,wearen't.
studying. I They aren't studying. Are you listening? No, you aren't.
Are they listenjng? I Ye5, you are. I Nqtheyaren't.

We make the affirmative form ofthe present continuous with To make the question form, invetthe verb be and the -irg
the verb beand the -ing form ofthe verb.
l'ln lookirg atlny Eiglish diotaomry. An I eifiihghare?
talfia is spaaking lo iha toaahat. le Alet, playing foolball?
Wa'to laathing abod lito ik Chha.
you'ro doilg a difficull science qraelion. A.eyo checkihg lhe anewer to lhal quecliori?
1o make the negative form, use the verb be plus rotand Whal arewa sl dying?
the -ing form oftheverb. ara thos. studorls going?
ln spoken or informalwritten English, we use shortforms in We make short answers with the verb be onl, withoutthe -ing

both the affirmative and the negative. Ate you laafling Mahdatil ? No, l'& hot.

I'n raading tha nolos. ls S.lin doilg a[ exam? Yos, sh. k.
l.lo is['i lictsnirg to his frisnd. Are ttoy fiiisling their I No, thay areh'|.
They aret'l doing lhoir hofiewotk.
Present continuous and present simple
Spelling rules
With the maiority of verbs: add -mq. We Lrse the present (ontinuous totalk aboutactions in
progress. We often use it with words and phrases like at lhe
watch )watching check> checking
moment, now ot todoy.
)play playinq eat - eating
oft lea,het is apaakihg English t ow.
With verbs that end in-e:remove -e and add -ing.
fhey'ra watahihg a rideo itl ,lass today.
revise > revising have > having Paval attd Tofiae aran'l coocehtalihg al lho ,i/.ofiant.

move> moving make > making Ar. wa naking no!.s fro lhi.booknow?

With verbsthat end invowel+ sing le consonant: We usethe presentsimpletotalkabout routine or repeated
action.Weoften u5e itwith words and phrases like a/rvoys,
doublethe consonantand add -ir(r. usuolly. nomally, often, sometimes, never, evety doy ot evety

sit) sitting )swim swimming Ue galg lhq bw lo achool gleq dd'..
I alway3 got {rp at 7.00.
run > running get up ) getting up fhay don'l usually help wilh tha hoqeawork.

Do you play foolball avaq gatutday?
Note thatthere are some verbs (stative verb, which we don't
usually use in the continuous form.These include: und€6tdnd,
know, think, fike, love, hote and want.

I like history and arf. NoT#i+lil4rg+k+ory{i+0r+
I k[oi{ lhe arcwar. NOT l+*xs*ixg,+aal'3*oB



Present continuous: affirmative and 4 Write questions and shortanswe6.

negative y'yor.r / study/ English and Gernan?

'l Write the -i,rg form of the verbs, Arpypu stndyilgEf,glkh af;{ Sernat? yes,! al,,.

ask askirg 5 5it I you /concentrate /on thisTV programme/ ? X
1 swim 6 repeat
7 survive 2 we/practise/our pronunciation /? y'
2 drink 8flv 3 you/sit/inmychail!X
3 run
4 practise 4 yoursister/ make/some new clothes/? y'

2 Complete the dialogues using the present contin uous 5 they/ revise /for the hisloty exam / ? y'
form ofthevefts.
6 he / read /that book about animals / ? X
chat have help noteat
notstudy not use wash

'lsVeronika in bed?"No, she s lavihg

breakfast at the moment., . the (ar.'

I 'Where's Tamer?,.He

2'Can I goon the computer?,.yes. I

. itatthe moment.,

3 'ls Mark doinq his homework?' ,No, he ro Present continuous and present simple

. now. He,s in the garden., 5 Complete the sentences using the phE5es.
I4 'Are you on the phone?,,yes,

my friend, l\4artina.'

5'lsthat giraffe in the zoo OK?,,Not reall, it

anyfood at the moment., doesn'twork get.dp isn'tworking plays
'5 playing 'stalking talks 're watching watch
6 'Are David and Anna busyl',yes, they
I upgel earlyevery morning.
. with the housework.,

Plesent continuous: questions 1 Eva and Grace Tvforhours

every day.

3 Complete the questions using the present (ontinuous. 2 Mohamed is atthe parknow. He

Ed We're watching a fa ntastic TV progra m mel Mydad . football-

Mike What et9 yqq w"etslilg ? in a shop. He,s a

I Melisa I'm cooking dinner teacher. i

Nuran What l .Julia is into sport. She
Erin2 My mum istea(hingthe piano,
Who .Megan basketball every day.
. _. ?
Ann3 Taylor Swift is singing a reallynice songl Ourgrandfather has qota lotoffiiends. He

Alice What ? My mum to them every day.
Dan Peterand Ben are going out now. at her office today.
She's at the beach.
Mark ..Where
Dad Tho5e birdsareflying high in the sky. ? 'Where are your brothers?"They

Robbie Where .. ..? a film aboutanimals., ro

Kemal i\4y uncle is studying at university. SheMysister isn't busy.
Osman What
her friend Sophie on the phone.




Countable and uncountable nouns + some, verb + -ing

any, much, many and o lot of Aftet the vetbs like, love, prcfer, hote and don't mind, we use

Countable nouns havea singularand a pluralform. the -ing fom oftheverb.

appla applos I lliLe lcooking.
lJse o/ar, with singular countable nouns. You I don\ like
a ah applo He doesn t hate swimming.
She loves running.
Countable nouns have a plulalform. It likes
prefer playing games.
fhe appla is ii lha bag. They hate I singing.
don't mind I waitinq.
fha apples are in lha bag.
Uncountable nouns don't have a pluralform. Be carefulwith the spellinq ofthe -mq form. Checkthe rules on
page 90.
The 3oup ie vatf haallhy- NoT Its<oup{r+{€+y+oa+tltr
Use the or no article with un(ountable nouns. Don't use d/ on Usage
We can use like, love, prefer, hote and don't mind + -inq to talk
or numbets. about everyday things that we like or don't like.
aal, riaa, lha braad,Iho paela
My sister lovs rqJlnikg and plaving baekelball.
NOT,rroa+, +ri!o, * ebrg€&,*e#+a3 My brolhar prufarc ealinghealthf food-
Do you like doing spott?
Use some, any and a lotofwith pluralcountable nouns and
uncountable nouns.
Eat heakhy snacks. I Donteat unhealtl.yfood.
Use some in affirmative sentences for an undefined amount of Goto bed early. I Dontqoto bed late.
Bequiet. I Don't be noisy.
I've gol gone grapeg. The imperative form is the baseform ofthe verb.There is only
Thar.'s sofia p^sla tot lutiah loday. one form of the verb forthe singular and plural.

Use d/otofin aftirmative sentenaes for a large quantityof Be aaliyel Cyala lo sahool avarf day.
Ao tu lha doalor- Yon'ru rery ill.
something. To make the negative fom ofthe imperative, use dor'tand the

Ihare are a lol of ewaelc in this ehop. baseform.
fhoru'. a lol of ohiakan tot dinnat.
lJsedryin negative sentences and que5tions, Dolt oat a lot of swoots or uhloaltly sraoks.
fhe.o arak'l any vegstablas in tlis disi.
fhara isn't arty soup ot lha ,|r',ot u. Usage
k thara aW in thal bwg.r?
Use much in negative sentences with uncountable nouns. We usethe affirmative form ofthe imperative to g ive advice,
instructions and orders.
fl6ra kh'l fiuch bread ih the 9hop.
Drilk ors wat6r. Re6d I he quaslions- gil dowh.
U5emdnyin negative sentences with plulalcountable nouns.
fhore areb'l fiany ahips in rho bowl- We use the negativeform of the im perative to express
Use not much and not mony for a small amou nt of someth ing.
ilDon'l aat before dinnar. Don't gal up latg. D0n1 talk
fhereign't nuah uoh.,lthy food al out .eahool.
Th.r. aran'I ,,,any sat dwiahas in lha lunchbol. cla!<.



Countable and uncountable nouns + some, Verb + -rng

any, much, many and a lot of 4 Writesenten@s with the -ing form.
1 Complete the table with the words.
my grandmother/ love/dance
boy camera cinema food fruit lesson My gtuhdritglh.t lo,to. dat cihg.

music pollution rain table I Osman / like / gol to the cinema

llbla 2 we / prefer / sit / on the sofa

2 complete the rext w ilh a, on, some o. any, 3 I / don't mind/chat/ in English

lly br€aHa8t, lunch and dlrlrer 4 you /like/playtennis/ ?
by J€sElca Perry
5 she / hate /swim / in the sea
I alwai,€ get up eady ard have brealdast at 7.30. I
6 Denisa / not like / (ook /at home
usualyhave !pA* coldmilk,and1 egg with
r. ... . brown head, and a bowl oi yoghult. 7 my brothers/ hate/ make notes/ in class

8 yourdad / prefer/walklot run /7

At school,I have lunch with my tiends at 12.30. I
1. juice,lirsually have
l. 6crisps and ........ enormous sandwich, lmperatives

...healthy snacklil(el..
apple,l.. ..... peajorl ..... grapes.l never have 5 Complete the 5enten(es using affirmative or negative
1.. .. nuts because I can't eat tlem.
impevative forms ofthe verbs.
At homq dhner is usually at 6 30. We have a tot of
drink eat help kill listen
.different things. For example, we oft en have n.. .. .. get up repeat sing talk

meat with rico and vegetables. On Fridays we always
havellllave E
.. .. .. . big pizza each - that s my favourite dayt t aatDor't sweets before dinnerl
always alrial( .. ..... watet with every meal - we
B. nevet

fizzy ddnks at home I a lot of water every day. lt's good for you.

3 Complete the sentences with the words. 2 nowllt'svery late.

alot alot ak.€f howmany howmany 3 that 5mall spider! lt isn'tdangerous.
4 tothis m usicl lt's fa ntastic!
how much howmuch many much
5 Be quieL Emma! inthisexam.

has ofAmira always 6 this word after me.The pronundation is

a lot salad with diffi(ult.

her lunch. Please with the housework. l'm

1 apples do you eateveryweek? very busy.

2 ldon't usually eat fruit for breakfast. that songl We don't like it.
3 food isthere in your lun(hbox?
qot4 Bi(hard has

5 There aren't chips with this meal.

6 burgersdoes David eat every week?

7 Doyou drink ofjuice at home?

8 cheese is there on the pizza?



thefe was, there were We make the affirmative form of past simple regular verbs by

adding -edto the base form ofthe verb. Note thatthe past

Singular I simplehasonlyoneformforall personsoftheverb.
There was a stadium. lThere wasnta swimming pool.
I played tootball. you played golf. gh. playad tanrk.

lrregularverbs each have their own pastsimpleform.
camecome >
plural I There weren't any swimmers. do > did go > went

There were a lot of )run ran


ljThere was and therc were are the past sim ple forms of there Usage

and there are. We use thefe wai with sinqular forms and there We use the past simple to talkabout finished actions in the
past and actions that happened ata specific time.
were with plura I forms. Ih ere wasn't and therc weren't arc the
Wo watched thal toolball r/.aloh last waak-
negativeforms. ghe won an olyrnpb nadal in 2016.

fherc was a big baltla h.te 2,000 ,lears ago- Spelling rules: past simple affirmative

fh.t. ditlarcnl evcnts in tho olydpica. With the majoity of verbs, add -ed

Thare wasn'l d ahena hara bafore. watch ) watahed check>.h€.ked

Theruwarcr't aW aare lhifiy fearc ago.

was, wefe Utith verbs that end in -e add -d.

)like liked live > lived

hungrylwas | twasn't thirsty.
hungry.You were
I You weren\ rhirsty. With verbsthatend in avowel+ single consonant, doublethe
He/ she/ltwas hungry. I He/ She/ tt warn tthirsty.
wereWe / You /They consonant and add 'ed
I We /You /They weren't
hungry. lthirsty. stop ) stopped travel)tlavelled

Ihe past simple affirmative form oftheverb be i5 yyai or were. Past time expressions

I was va\ qniel ih alass. Wecan usethe past simple with a number of [me exprestions:
Iast week / nonth / yeat / weekend / Monday
We w6re lired atlor lha gafie of tootball. in the 18th tentuty
in 1995 / July 18,5
The past sim ple negative fo tm is wot not ot werc not. yestetday

We usually use the contra ations wasn't ot wercn't. four doys / thtee week / 200 yeaB ago
Thetime expressions usually go atthe end ofa sentence or
I wasn'l vary fil lasl year. phrase, butthey can also go at the beginning.
Wo wsr.['t ir llta library y.sterda'l nofiing-
We visil.d London lasl y.aL
Past simple: aff irmative Iast y6ar, wo visitsd lo[do[.

I played volleyball. J lwon a.ompetition.
You played basketball. I You won a gold medal.
He/ She/it played rugby.
I He/She/ ltwon a march.

We/You /They played hockey. I We / You / They won a




there was, therc were Past simple: affirmative

1 Complete the senten aes with therc wos, thete wosn' t, 4 Complele the text using the past simple form ofthe

therc wete ot therc wercn't. verbs in brackets.

fherewash'l a big sports centre here before. ILast week, played (plavl in our school

a lot oF[ans at the rugby match 30,000 'i\voleyod I real 'o, .l^e i-F - t I

ofthem! onan interesting programme we,(bel exclting because {competel in an

2 Last night, importart competitionl

TV about the Olympic Games. 3First, we (travell by train to the next town
and wel (gol to the few sports centre in the
ago3 200 yedr5 any computers.

4 fhis afternoon, a fa ntastic footba ll centre of the town-

match on the radio. lt was 6 5 in the endl 5After that, we (practise)for thirty minutes

buta cinema here in 1800, iand then we (have] our first two qames - we
? [oe)ve.y l'appy becaLse we 3
a theatre.
anyeggs in the shop yesterday- [win]theml
game'gour third
roin the other team [not be)easy. The p ayers
(be)very good and
wos, were 11we [become] tired. So, in the end, we
1'? (not be) ln the final of the competition.
2 Rewritethe sentences using the past5impleform. Wher I tl
(o-e)lore, l'' (be)
The race isn't very exc ting.
fhe rac. wasn t very axcilirlg. realy tired, but very happy. I want to p ay in the team again

I He's a famous skiinq champion. next weekl

2 Allthe players are verygood. Past time expressions
3 She isnl in the qymnastics competition.
4 This football book isn't expensive. 5 Complete the dialogues with thewords.
5 Areyou excited about the match? ago in k last october week when
6 ls heinterested inthat golf maqazine?
'Are you watching that newTV programme?"N0, it was
3 write sentences with wos, wosn't, werc ot wercn\.
on last night.'
thattennis match / very exciting y'
'l'When was your holiday?"lt was two
Thal lenkis fialch was yery ey.cilihg.
'I you /veryfast in the race y'
'ls yourfather in the UsA?"No, he wasthere
2 ourteacher/reallyhappythismorningy'
3 Merve and Esra / in the park earlier X week.'

'Are you interested in horse-riding now?"No,lwas

itinterested in I was seven.'

4 'When was yourskter born?" 2004.'

a5 'ls your brother ill?"No, he was ill ago

and now he's OK.'

'When wds lhat tanta<ti( tootball mat(h?"lt was in

4 the journey / very long X

5 l/reallytired/thisafternoony'

f6 Ryan /at s(hooltoday


@ **urouE Focus REFEREN.E' unit 7 tI

Object pronouns Past simple: questions

I live naat Palor. I lire naat hi$. We make the question form with the auxiliary verb dtd plus the

lofhatuaahat said'hollo' y brolher andn..Tho baseform.
Didyou plry avideo ga,,i,ola!t nighl?
loarh* edtul'h.,llo' lo u9.
l,Did Iistoi to that radio progranno?
Note thatforthings we use it (singular) or tlEm (plural).
Did she laka lha photo?
You'ru inlo foolba,ll. You'ru good al it.
I lova wllcyball ahd tonnis. l' tl good al the . Didthey finish lho book?
lla livas nart to lhe cinona. Ilo livte tisrt to it
did l/you/he/ help?
fhey liv. naat tho gtiops. Tha! live haat lha,ir'.. she/ itl we / play?
whattime visit?
Usage you / they study?

We use object pronouns in place of names or nouns.we use

Past simple: affirmative and negative luestion words go at the beginning ofquestions.

rn",""IlY, obu""likoed",th""atactor. IlYtoliuandiitdono\ llik"et tt pt otor. I wharo didlhs fil,,,. dire.lot go lo sahool?
tha"t actor
ttt seeShe/lt sawthe film. He/She/ hdidn\ I Why did sho $ake lhal tiki?
l{ow mry osoars did tlgy wi[?
tttlHe/ II Whon did yor litst sea ltia nw flhn?

lwe /Youp/iTchteuy rmead.e a lWe/You/Theydidn't I lemember: don't use did in questionswith be.
I makea specialpicture. ]
lspecial iWas sh, ff..tod i[ t]at fili! direotor?

To make the affirmative fom of past simple regularverbs, add Vlerc you at lhe.ine . yactorday?
-edto the base form ofthe verb. lrregular verbs each have
e make short answers with the auxilia ry verb only.
their own past simPle form.
We make the negative form of both regular and irregularverbs 'Did you s.othefilrl.?' 'Yas, wa did.'

with ddrot plus the base form. We usually use the contraction 'Did thrye oy th. progra$ne?' 'yes,lhey did.'
'Did gara likethk book?' 't{0, sia didr't '
I didn't watol tiat llarry Poltat tiln oi Monday.
gh. didn'l go lo tho filld. feslival. 'Did you kmw tfat aotor's naha?' 'No,l didn'1.'

-Rememberi use didn't to make the past simple negative. U5age
Usethe past simpleto describe events which happened at a
I didlt sae tlEl fahous aotor 0n W bst rigtt- NOT Flro+
rpecific point in the past. Forthis reason, sentences in the past
rimpleoften includea time phrasesuch as:
But donl use ddrt in negatives with 6e
vesterday, in 2014, two weeks ago, last year.
Tlat filir w.s[t vsry goo d. We watan'l inlara.lad it
I saw hsr fivg l,ind63 ago.
lho aloq.
Wa ad.lhis pialqre yaEIerdiy.

I look thal pholo in 2014.
Ue won lha 0saat la.t yaar.



Object pronouns Completethe dialoguer usingthe past simple. Use
the affirmative or negativeform oftheverbs in
1 Complete the sentences with theword5.
her him it me them them you bra€kets.

My brotheris into videogames. But l'm not interested 1 'l . lo'led (love) that new Ed Sheeran

in . ![ell, song on the radio ea rlier.' 'Really? I
I llike myaunt.lvisit .. .. everyweek.
(not like) it.l (prefer)his othersongs.'
2 This is a cool film. I really love
3 Ed and Joe are atthe cinema. Leo is with 2 'l\4y brother (not do) any homework

4 l'm in a nice restaurant. lvlyfriend is sitting nextto last night."Oh, my sister (study)for

When myfather isvery h ungry, I sometimes make a hours butshe (watch)Watthe same
sandwich for
You'vegot my dictionary lgave ifto
'We .. (not have) a holiday this yea r What
Past simple: affirmative and negative weaboutyou?"Yes,
(qo)to our local
2 Make the affirmative senten(es negative and the
webeach every dayand (swim)in the
negative sentences aff irmative.
Italked to my friend on the phoneearlier sea. lt was wonderfull'

I didxt talk t"o |lly frierd o n thg ptl.o"f,"a_ eeiieL '1. (not5ee)you onthe busthis

1 Wetooka photoof thatfilm star molning.Wherewere you?"1.

2 Ann didnt see the new James Cameron film. I(get up) at8.00 and (leave) the

3 Thatactress had blonde hair. Ihouse very late. (run) really fast butl

4 He didn't read the Hary Potter book. (not get) the bus!'

Those actors became very famous. Past simple: questions

ldidn't knowthe answerto his question. 4 Write questions using the past simple. Then write

7 she sang a song from thefilm. shonan5wers,

8 lt didn't rain last night. xyou / eat / a lot of sweets / ea iet I-?

1 Bttak I scorc I a goal I in the match / ? y'

2 your friends / go / to London I yesterday / ? y'

3 Helen/rtart/universily / lastyeat / ? X

4 you / practise /your English / in the UK/ ?y'

5 we / go / to that cafe / two weeks aqo / ? ,(

you / spend time /with your grandparents / at

the weekend /? y'



be going tot affitmative, negative Usage
and questions We use be golr9 to to talk about plans and intentions in the
future. We often use itfor things we planned to do before the
swim.I'm going to I I'm notgoing to run.
swim,You'regoingto lYou aren'tgoing to run, moment of 5peaking.

will and wonl

He's going to swim. He isnlgoing to run. I lyou / He / She / lt /We / You /They willstay here.
I / You / He / She / lt NVe / You / They won't get wet.
She's going to swim. ] she isn'tgoing to run.
It's going to swim. I lt isnt going to run.

swim.Welegoingto I We aren't going ro run.
swim.Youle going to I You aren't going to ru n.
swim.Theyle going to
Theyarentgoing to run.

We make the affkmative form with the velb 6€ and 9oi49 fo Affirmative lNegative
plusthe base form. Willl/you/he/she/itl Ye5,l/yo'rl No,l/you/
Wo't6 going to btry a guidobook on holiday. we / you / they stay? he/she/it / I he/ she/ itl

To make the neqative form, use the neqative form of the verb we/you/ lwe/you/

be and ,oirg to plus the base form. theywill. ltheywon't.
Thoy a.en'l going lo rce a phrage book.
We make the affirmative form with wil/ plus the baseform.
ln spoken or informalwritten English, we u5e shortforms. fhe w.athar will b6 bold 6od rairy tornoftow-
Ae'e going Io lake ineecl gpray. Wa'll go lo lhe ainena.

Am lgoing to cook? Attirmative I Negative To make the negative form, use won't plusthe base form.
Are you goingtocook? Wawon'l go lo lhe baaah.
Yet I am. I Nq l'm not.
Riolard wort swiltl in lho soa.
Yes, you are. I No, you aren\. In spoken or informalwritten English we use shortfoms.

ls heqoingto cook? lYer he is. I No, he isn't. Slo'llwatoh a DVD al lohe.
h she qoing to cook? she is. We makethequestion formwith wil/ plus subject plusrhe
ls itgoinq to cook? | Yes, it is. I No, she isn't. base form. Question word s like What, Wherc ot When go atthe
I No, it isn't.
lYet beginning of the question.
Will you gaI up oh holidaf?
Arewegoingtocook? lYes, weare. I No, wearenl. Whara will ,tou liva when you'ra oldor?
Areyou going tocook? lYes, you are. I No, you aren't.
We make short answers with will
Are they going to cook? lYes. theyare. I No,lheyaren't.
lvillyoq b0 fanoq3 ii ths tututo? yae,lwilll
To make the question form, use the question fom ofthe verb
6e and 9oir9 to plus the baseform. Question words like Whdt We use wiil to talk aboutfuturc predictions.We also use it for
Wherc ot When go atthebeginning ofthe question. offert promises and things we decide to do at the moment of

ls yoar broth.r goirrg to ttauofto goudh Afietiaa? speaking.

Ar. ws goirg to vi3il son a nugou$e on ofi ltip?

Whal ato you going lo do ia Betlit ?

Wher. i9 yofi triand going lo go on holiday?

To make short answers, only use the velb be without4oirq to.
Aru yor.r going to walk in t[ e lr'.ounrairis? yes, I atri.



be going tot attfumative, negative 3 Order the word5 to make questions.
and questions
you I going lgo I arc /to lhotiday / on /?
1 Write sentences usingthe correct form of begoiag fo.
Ar. you goihg to go on holiday?
we / stay / in tents
I are /where /you /stay lto lgoing l?
IWe'ra gpillgla 9la:r in'!gnll.
l/ take / a big torch 2 going /ate lyolj lparents /to / the river / in /swim / ?

2 my parents /buy/ some new sleeping bags 3 to / you / what/ going /eatlare/!
3 my sister / carry / her things in a rucksack
4 we / leave / our expensive camera at home 4 is lgoing ldad /yout /do lto /ababecue l?

5llnotuse/mylaptop 5 going / you /take/are / washbag / to/ yout t?
6 my brother/ not take / his skateboard
7 we/notget up / late every mohing 6 to / when / you /qoinqlha.klarc /come /?
8 it / not rain / on our holiday/ I
will and won't
Complete the text using the affirmative or negative
fotm of be going to and the verbs in blacketr. 4 Complete the 5entences using the affirmative or

negative form of will and the verbs in brackets.

He cotn.Ithink Dan is ill.
won't to school

tomofiow. (come)

I The weather is very good at the moment. l,m sure it

(be) sunny tomorrow.

2lknowalotaboutprague.We (need)

a guidebook on our vkit there. (play)tennis

She3 Anna isverytired.


4 Mehmet is good at drama. He

Hi Gemma, (become)a famous actor one day.

Ol:r class is goilg togo (qo) on a 5 Mary isn't interesled in animals. She

school trrp tomorrow We I (enjoy) hervisit to the zoo.

(visit) thai new science ,rr"u, - I .rni *"it! 5 Complete the offers and promises with !vil/ or won,t

My mum usually makes sandw:ches buL she and the verbs.

: (not male)any rood be text carry ea+ forqet help

lor rre thrs rime ard I 3 'This cake ls for my sister."l wolt't aal it.,
(not put) a water bottle in my bag because we I Your bag is heavy.l
(have) lunch in the museum
cafe. 2 l'm going to come to your house at exactly 7.00.

Our teacher, Mr Edwards s I latel
6(takc] us round rhe d {fe.err pa.ts ot ll^e .nuseJm
and he 3 'l haven't got my phone.,,lt,s OK. I

(tat\) to us about the Maria for you.'
thrngs there. lt all sounds very e,(citingl
4 Wele going to take some food tothe picnic.We

See you soon it!We promisel

Becky 5 ldon't understand my homework.


Thewords in bold arethetarqet vocabulary. Learn these words after ea.h unit.Words wjth the OF are

afrom the Oxford 3000- Iist. Thls is st of the 3000 molt usefL I words to learn in Enolish

Phonetic symbols nextto (prep) /rnekst ,tu:, tol Ori

t1/ happy ni(e (adj) /nars/ Oi

ltl it animal(n) / enrml/ On notebook(n) /rnaotbuk/

tit he art(n) /o:t/ Oi old (adj) /euld/ Oi

lEl flag Austra,ia(n) /D'strerlia/ on(prep) /on/ O'r

lol art bad (adj) /baed/ O' oppositelprep) i'Dpazrtl OF

eg9 bag (n) /b:eg/ O'i parot(n) /'pEr.t/

bl her between (prep) /br twi:n/ Ot pen (n) /pen/ O'

not bis (adj) /bls/ Otlr people(n) / pirpu O'r
look board (n) /b.:d/ Oi pet(n) /peti Oi
boring (adj) /'brrrr0/ Oi
sugal photography(n) /fc togrrfi/ OF
day Brazil(n) /br3'zrl/ pocket(n) /'pokrt/ O

latl camera (n) i'kar .r.i Ot' popular(adj) / pDpjalr(r)i Oi

lxl noisy capital(n) / kicprrli Otl poster(n) / piuslc(r)/

go chair(n) /i irp/ Oir present(n) / preznl/ OF
here chatting online (n) r',1l.ct rn ,Dn'larn/
cheap(adj) ,/( i:p/ Ori quite (adv) lkwarr/ O'
tourist reading (n) /'rirdrt/ Oi
Consonants China (n) / (arn./ really(adv) r" Oi
shelf(n) ilelf/ O'
lpl pen clock(n) /klnk/ Oi shopping (n) /'JDprt/ Or
coat(n) rkl)t/ O' skateboarding (n) /'skcItb.rd|ll
kl big (omputer(f) /k.m'pjuxr(,ll OF
slow(adj) / slcui O'i
ht cookinq (n) i krJkr!/ O'
/dt dog small(adj) i smr:11 ollr
(ourin (n) i k^znl Ot.
tkt Spain (n) /spcrn/
cover(r1) /'k^vc(r)l Olr
lsl good (urrency(n) / k^rcnsi/ speaker(n) / spi:kr(r)/ O'

Itll beach curry(n) / k^ri/ sport(n) /sprrt/ OF

t*t job (ycling (n) /'sarklr!i Oi sportsstar(n) /'sp.:ts stor(r)/ Oir
desk(n) /desk/ Oi
fit food di(tionary(n) / drk.loDrii O; sure(adi) /lir.(r)/ Oir
drawer(n) /drir(ni o' table (n) /'rcrbl./ Oi?
t0t think
t6t then Esypt(n) i i:6rpt/ theUK(n) /6i .iu: kcr/ Or
lsl speak theusA(n) /0. .iu: cs er/ oF
lz,l zoo email (v) /'i:merl/ o'
Turkey(n) i'13;ki/
tl she
especially (adv) 1r spcl'eli/ Oti under (prep) / OF
Bt television unpopular(adj)^ni^dnr(pryD'p.ial:)(r)i
expensive(adj) /rk'spcnsrv/ Oi videogam€s (nJ /'vrd;.u,qcrmz/ Oi
tht house fast(adj) /luisli Oli
favourite (adj) / lervrnti Oi watchinqTV(n) i x,o{'rn ,1i:'vir/ OE
/rnl meat
lnl film(n) /lr1 / O
lDl sing flag (n) /ll.,eg/ O'
tv late ((and)j)i'hi !orubdii/ Oi
good 3Dcinema(n) ./,eri: dir's,nrm./
radio hobby OF
3Dfilm (n) i,erir di: 'frlmi
tji yes horrible(adj),"hDrrbl/ beach (n) ,/bir(1 O

lDcard (n) /ar dir kord,/ bike(n) /bark/ O'
bridge(n) /brrG/ O'
in (prep) /rni O' building (n) i hrldr!1 O'

lndia{n) /'rndie,' bus station (n) / b^s sterjn/

interested (adj) /'rntr.strd/ Or business(n) /'brznrs/ OF

interesting (adj) l rntro5trn./ O' cabin (n) ,/ksbrn,'
Italy(n) i rt.lii
Japan (n) /rti p0n/ cale(n) / kefer/
laptop (n) /'leprDp/
castle(n) / korsl/ O'
meetingfriends (n),/,mi:tr!'frcndz/
messase (v) /'mesrq/ OF chef{n) lfeli

Mexico (n) /'mcksrkao/ Chinatown(n) /'Saln.taon/

mobilephone(n) / meubarl 'feud O; cinema(n) / srnamr/ OF

music(n) /'miu:zrkl Oir clean(adj) /klir Oi

nationality(n) /ne.fenelcti/ climbingwall (n) /'klarmrt,w l/

nearlprep) /nrc(r)/ Oir (omfortable(ad) / k^mftcbl/ ol'
new (adj) /njur/' On
cruiseship(n) /'kru:z,.frp/

dangerous(adj) /'dern6eros/ O'

100 Wordlist

dnty (adj) /'d3rri./ Ot shoppingcentre(n) /lDprn,senrr(r),/ celebrate (n) / selrbreri/ O'
skateboadpark(n) I skertb.rd,pu;ki celebration (n) /seir'brer.fni Oi
district(n) /'drstrrkr/ OE
exciting (adj) /rk sarrlll,/ O,n sports centre (n) /,sp:rrls sentok),/ c€lebrity(n) r's: lcbr.ti/
sportsteam (n) / sprrrs,tirm/
famous(adj) r lerm$/ O'r chat online (verb phrase) /,Ist
square (n) Akwer(n,/ O'
fantastic (adj/adv) /tsn,t.Estrkl street(n),/slrj:t,/ O,i
far(adjladv) /for(r)/ Otlr chatwith friends (verb phrase) ,,ll.El
swimming pool(n) /,swrmll ,pu:t/ OF
flat(n) /fl.eti OF concet(n) / kDnsrr/ Oir
tall(ad) /brlj o; cooking class (n) ,/ kukrn klors/
friendly(adj) /,1rendli/ O' theatre (n) ,/'er.rc(r)/ OE

help (n) /help/ OF tourist(n) r"!ua sr/ OF culturequiz(n) /'k^lg.,kwrz/
hot(adj) ,/h.t/ Ol'r
tou rist information centre (n) /,tu.rrsr dailyroutine(n) /derli ru:,1i:n/
hotel(n) /hoo re| O' dance{v) /dorns/ Ollr
library(n) r larhr.ri/ Oi trarinn listmatieolnjn(,ns)cn/ttrr(e.)r/n sterln/ Ot
dance com petition (n) /,dorn\
market(n) /'morkrtl Oir transport(n) / rrlenspr:r/ Otr
tree(n) /t ri r/ O;
modern (adj) / modnr Or ugly(adj) /'^qli/ Oi dauqhter(n) r"di):ti(.)/ OH
unfriendly(adj) /^n'f.endli/ Or
monument(n) /'mDniunlantl weJ.ome (adj) l welkrm/ Orr do my homework (verb phrase) /,du:
noisy(adj) /,nrizil ollr mar'hJUmw3rU
early(adv) / 3r,i/ O'
office (n) /'Dfrs/ OF zooln) l^11
officebujlding (n) ,/'Dfrs brldrn,/ Or enormous (adj) ,/ r n.:mas/ otll

old part(phrase) /,3uldport/ OE fa(epaintingln) /'fcrs petnir!1

park(n) /po:k/ O' fireworks(n) /'farair3rks/

part(n) /pox/ OF add (v) /ed/ Ot general(ad, /'qcnrou
passenger(n) /,peesrnGe(.)/ O gethome(verb phrase) / get ,haum/
plane (n) /plern/ O'r also(adv) /'rrlseri/ OF
ggievteupprelpsehnrtvs)(v/egrbept h^rpas/ eO) /' grv
plant(n) /ptdrnt/ G always(adv) /'.llwerz/ Ot
lation (n) /pDpja Ierjn/ Ot 'preznts/
bakery(n) / berkeri/
r€tty (adj) /'prrri/ O; 9o outwith yourfamilyorfriends (verb
iet(ad, / kwarrr/ oli barbecue(n) /'borbrkiu,
phrase) / geu,aut wrdj.l ,f.emali.:
rant(n) /'restmn, Or brother(n) /'br^6e(r)/ Oi
(ad, /serfi Oi ftendz/
hool(n) /sku:Y O; brush myteeth (verb phrase) /,br^[
(n) ./"lDp/ oi
,maIrtir0/ go to bed (verb phrase) /,qau ta,bed,/
camival{n) /'kornrvl/

Wordlist 101

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