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Published by g-94415579, 2021-01-27 03:11:49



Keywords: YEAR 5

gotoschool(velbphrase) , !iru t. sometimes (adv) I srrnta mr Or caribou (n) ,'karrhurl
son (n) rs.\n, on .at (n) ,krerl OF
'sku:1r i'grl]:ndr:lrlr)l Or
sound (f) \aond or climb (v) kiarm'Oi
lpecial(adj)'srefl' OE close up(n) , klit)\ ,\ri'
have a specja: family meal (verb (olourfulladj),t^lrfl,
study (v) rl. il O
phrdse) , mcrk i rpcll ltljm11i'mi:1] (ommon (adj) , kL]llr.fl, Or
havea brea k (verb ph rase) h.r\. brerkl 5lmmer(n) , \ \me(rI OH communicate (v) ,ll) rniu:nrkertr Ollr
have breakfast (verb phrase) ' hr\ creature (n) , kri:drtf), OE
usually(adv) I, Or d.raonccoedsilaels(an(v)er'bkprhnrLais(elt)Url'dd:Ds'\rl\.,
haveclasses (verlr phrase) , h.Lr
ll0r\ r7r visit people (verb phrase) \ zr1 pi:flr danger(n) , dcrndlrr11' OF

wash myface (verb phrase) r$nl mru dog (n) ,dnq, oE

havedinner(verbphrase)' hur\ drink(v) (l rk, OF

have lunch (verbphrase) , hrv l\ni washthedishes (verbphrase) ,,s D.l (). dull(adj) 11^lr OF
help (v) h.lf, OF easle (n) ,lr!ll
help withthe housework(verb phrase) ' vrdi:iiz -.: ri: \ir eai (v) rlr I OF
h.lp $ r(i rl.r hao\r 3:kl
wear crazy clothes or costumes (verb elephant (n) ' elrf:nl
international(adj) lnr.r n.llnil, OF phrase) ,,\\ci.krrrri klruaz 1 expldin (v) |k \pleln, Ok
farmins (n) ,'to:nlrrr Ol'r
invite people to you r ho use (verb fimstar(n) irlnr.\to:(lll
phrase) ,rn,\arr pirnlt. j., h!iosl
I on (n) ' lar.n, website (n) 1$cb\rrr, Or ffiislhhln(gn()n'1)r.1irOlrF!, Oh
mmiinniib(audsl()n)' mrni, O' about(adv) ra brur OB
fly (v) '1hl OF
, r r. iir.\.,,
never (adv) 'n.\.r1r),1 O' forexample(phrase) rirr rg z(1:rnpll

normally(adv) l n.rrnrli, OE adopt(v) rr dnpr, OB o

often (adv) , oln,'O' amazing (adj) ri mcrzL.t, Oi frog (n) /IrDql

organized (adj) ,' rrg.nrrzdr OF around (adv) /o'raund OF siraffe(n) 16r ro:f,

parade (n) /p.'rerd, a(icle (n) i urrkl, OE gorilla (n) rgr lll.i
grow(v) igrrui Or
parent (n) i pe.rintl Or O'backwdrds (adv) l bil-klvedzr hear(v) /hrr{r)l O;
heavy (adj) / hevi,/ Or
playmusic(verbphrase) i,flc,'mju:zrki bat (n) i hari,
hotdog (n) r hDI dnq./
playvideo games (v€rb phrase) r plcr bear (nJ rhci(r), O;
beautifui(adj) 1 blurtrfli Or hunting(n) r h^ntrni OF
vrdii(J gcrmzl OB
become extinct (verb ph rase) ,hr,k^m jump (v) /q^mpi Oi
proqramme(n) i praulr;enr/ o' kill(v) i krli O'
relax(v) ,r'l:eksi o; ,k str!kr/
singsongs(verb phrase) / !r! sD0z/ between (prep) ,/br t!r,irn,/ OF land (n) /l.cnd/ OE

sister(n) /'srstr(r)/ OE butterfly(n) /'b^taflari
camel(n) / keeml/
sleep(v) / slirp, Oi

102 Wordlist

\v J{* -'fiv*
leaflet(n) /'1iif1at/ wildlife proqramme(n) / warldlarf listento (v) / Lsn ,tur, tr/ OF
leg (n) /lcs/ oF listening (n) /'lrsnrr/ O'
like (prep) /lark/ O'l winq (n) /r n/ oF
make notes (verbphrase) /,merk ,n.0rs/
list(n) /lrst/ OF wolf(n) ,'uull/
Mandarin (n) i mandefln/
live (v) / lrv/ Or world (n) /wsrld/ Ot maths (n) /n.Eos/ otr

many(pron) i mcni/ Ot Arabic(n) / arebrk/ medium-sized (adj) / mi:dirm ,sarzd/
move(v) ,'mu:v/ Ot askquestions (verb phrase) /,orsk
mime (v) /marm/
musica I instrument (n) /mju;zrkl boardingschoo (n) /'brrdtll,sku:li
boat(n) ,'barJt/ Or mosquito(n) /nrcskiteu/

nationalpa (n) i,n€.lncl 'pork/ businessstudies(n) /'brzn.s,st^dizl notebook(n) / nrotbiik/
check(v) /liek/ OF PE (Physic I Ed ucation) (n) / pir'i;
North Pole (n) / nr:e p.ol/
octopu! (n) /'Dktapas/ <lass (f) / klors/ Oi (,frzrkl equ'kcrJn)/

ostrich (n) I Dslrrd/ comic (n) /'kDmrk/ practical(adj) /'pr.lktikU OF
panda (n) /'picndr/ practise (v) r' pftektrs/ O'.
planetln) / plenrt/ Ot compubory(adj) /kamp^ls3ri/ p rima ry school (n) /'prarmiriskurl/
O'(nlpollution private school (n) /'prarvit \kut,/
/pa'1u:.1n,' concentrate (v) /'konscntrert/ oE
difilcult(adr,/'drfrkrlr/ OF project(n) / proqekti OF
prot€ct(v) /pra tekt/ O'i English (n) / rtslrl/
pronunciation(n) ipran^nsi'crln, Or
quickly(adv) / kwrklir' OR enjoy(v) ,'rn q.r/ OF
exam (n) /rg zem/ OF PSHE (Personal,Social and Health
rabbit(n) / ftebrr/
exchange programme(n) rks'lfernLt Education)(n) / pir ,cs ,crS il
rare (adj) /rea(r)/ Ot ,prrugreem/ (,p3rsrnl.,sil'l I an'hcl0 crtu ker.l n)
read (v) /rird/ OF
rat (n) / genius(n) /'ti:nias/
run (v) /r^ni Ofi geography(n) /6i osrafi/ OF repeat (v) hr pirt/ Oi
grammar(n) / grEma(.)/ Oir
scorpion(n) /'sk.ipian/ revise(v) /fl'varz/ OF
great(adj) /srert/ O;
see(v) /sir/ O' Russian (n) / r^lnl
history(n) / hrstrv o'n
situation (n) /sr{u'crln/ OR homework(n) /'haumw3rk/ Orr lseconda ry school (n) sckandri skutl/
science(n) / \arons/ Ch
snake(n) /sncrk/ O' ICT (lnformation and Communication Spanish (n) /'sp€nrJ/
speaking (n) i spirkrli On
south Pole(n) /,saoe 'pauU Technology)(n) /,ar ,si: 'ti:
(rnfa,merjn en ke,mjurru'kerjn spell(v) /spel/ Ot
species(n) /'spirJirz/ tek'nDlsqi/ strict(adj) /strrkr/ Oi
Italian(n) /r'telian/ subje((n) / s^bqrkt/ Oi
spider(n) / sparda(r)/ Otr teader(n) /'tirdr(r)/ O'
know(v) /neu/ Oi
strong (adj) /strD!/ Ot
language(n) /'lelgwr6/ Olr
su(has(phrase) /'s^S,ez, rzl Or?
learn (v) tuml Oi
survive(v) /sc'varv/ O textbook(n) /'tekstbuk/

swim (v) /swrm/ On tomorow(adv) /te'moreu/ Or
traditional (adj) /tra'drJanl/ O;
tail(n) /terl/ OF
team (n)
weird (adj^) ir/wmr/ed/
understand(v) /^nde'stend/ Oir
whale(n) /werY
uniform (n) /'jurnrf.:n/ Oir
wildlife(n) /'warldta /
vo..bulary{n) /va'kebioleri/ On

woodwork(n) /'\i,odw3tk/

.vYoi{lbt 103

wordlist(n) /'w3rdlrstl fat(n) /frcti Or olive(n) /'olrvi

write (v) /rart/ OF finally(adv) /' O' option (n) /'Dpln/ Or
pasta (n) / pJcsli/
witing (n) /'rartrt/ O; first(adv) /f3:5t/ Oir
pear(n) /pei(r)1
active (adj) 1',rktrv/ O; fit(ad, /fit/ oF
pence(n) /pens/ OF
advice(n) /.d vals/ Otr fizzydrink(n) r frTi'drr!k/ pepper(n) l pcp.(r)/ O,tr
after that (seq uence, / o:ft., pound(n) /paund, OR
fridge (n) /IrrdJ/ O
apple (nl /',cpl/ OF fruit(n) /lruil/ Or laisin (n) I rcrznl
beans (n) /hirnz/
blos (n) /trlDsi grapes(n) /irre rps/ rice(n) krrs/ Oi
bowl(n) /haol,/ Oi
bread (n) /bred/ OE habit (n) /'h.!br, o' salad (n) / sarled/ oir
health (n) thcle/ O' sandwich (n) /'s&n$ r!1
burger(n) i b3:s.(r, healthy (adj) / helei/ O'
hungry (adj) / h^tgri/ O' lerve(v) /!3r\/ Oi
cent(n) /seni/ Ot
ill(adj) /rli oB sfack(n) /snrek/
cheese (n) rSirzl Or
.hicken (n) / {IkIn/ OE insredient(n) /rn sri:diant/ OF soup (n) /!urp/ OB

chips (n) /SIps/ o' juice(n) ,/6u:s/ oF starter(n) / \ro:ta(r)/
chop(v) /dop/ Ot sumowrestler(n) i surmao,
lamb(n) ilarn/
cook(v) /kuk/ Otr sweets(n) /suirts/ Oi
couch(n) /kaul[/ lasasne(n) /lr'zaenja/ taste(v) /ters, oi
last (adj) / Iarsti
<risps (n) /krlsps/ Oir tasty(adj) / tersti/
lazy(adj) /'lcrzi/ oti
dessert(n) /dr'zsrtl temperature(n) / tempr.Sa(r)/ OF
lifestyle(n) /larfstarl/
dish (n) /dr/ Oi lunchbox(n) / I^nfboks/ OF thirsty(adj) /'e3rsri/ O'
dollar(n) /'dDlc(r)/ O;
maincou6e(n) /'mern,krrs/ Ot tired (adj) /'tarod/ OF
drink(n) /dfltu Oir
marathon (n) / meerierrl/ train (v) /lrern/ Ot
eSg(n) /esl OF
euro(n) /'juereu/ Oir meat(n) /mi:t/ Oi tuna{n) /'lju:ne/
mind (v) /mdnd/ O'
104 Wordlist typi€al(adj) /'trprkl/ O'
mineralwate.(n) /'mrneral,wrrte(r)/
unfit{adj) /^n'frr/
next(adv) /rckst/ Oi
unhealthy(adj) /^n'heloi/
nuts (n) /n^ts/ Oir
v€getable(n) / ve6tabl/ o;

vegetarian (n) /veqa'teeriar/

vending mach ine (n) /'veDdrn golf(n) /gnlf/ travel(v) / trarvu O;
vitamin (n) / vr13n1rn/ gymnastics (n) /qrm n.Estrks/
water(i) /'w.:t.(r)/ oE trip(n) ,/rnp/ Ortr
hockey(n) / hDki/ volleyball (n) /'r,Dlibrrl/
well(adj) /wcl/ O; war(n) Av.r(ri OF
well(adv) /$el/ Or hicoerhsoe-crkideiyn(gn)(n/ )ar/s'hh.rDsk,i/raOrdir!/
woffy (v) /r^ / Ot wat(h (v) /\volf/ O'
intemet(n) / lnllnet/ win (v) /wrn/ O'
yoghurt(n) /riDgel/ Gqu3rrnniic/ (O0/;Oi winner (n) /'wrna(r)/ Ot
journey(n) /
athlete (n) /'e0lirr/ junior(adj) i wrestlinq(n) r"rcslr!1
athletics (n) /e0 letrksr'
last(adv) Io:st/ Or actor(n) /'Ekte(r)l Orr
basketball(n) /'borskrtbr:l/ match (n) /mar!7 oir
actress (n) / aktr.s/ O;
bdttle(n) / b.erl/ ot medal(n) /'mcdl/
become (v) /br k^m/ O' apostrophe (n) /a postrrfii
medallist(n) /'medalrsl/ apparently(adv) /.'pEranrli/ OB
breaka iecord (verb phrase) /,brerk a avatar(n) /'eveto(r)/
messenger(n) /meslnGr(r/ average (adj) /'evarrq/ O
rekird/ Or bald (adj) ib:]rld/
moment(n) / nrument/ Oir beard (n) /brad/ Olrr
brilliant(adj) / brrlionr/ Oi
news(n) /njurz/ Ortr black(adj) /hlek/ O'
bron2e(adj) /hrDnz/
Olympics (n) /a lmprks/ blonde (adj) /blond/ OF
career(n) /ka rri(r)/ Oi
change(v) / lJeindj/ Ot player(n) / plere(r)/ OF build (n) /brld/ Oi
O'capital letter (n) /,keeprtl 'lete(r)/
.champion (n) / SEmpian/ race(n) /rers/ Oli collect(v) /ke lekt/ O;
(limbing (o) /'klarmrn/ On
(ompete (v) /kam'pi:t/ OF rugby(n) / r^sbi/ comma (n) /'kome/
.urly(adj) / k3di/ O'i
competition (n) /kDmpo'tljn/ Ot sailing (n) /'scrlrn/ OF cute (adj) /kjur/
dark brown (adj) /,dork'braur/ Or
competitor(n) /kam petrtr(r)/. score(v) /sk.:0')/ OF
description (n) /dr sknpjn/ O'
crazy(adj) /'krerzi/ Oi silver (adj) i srlvr(r)/ Or die (v) /dar/ Oi
do(v) /dur/ O; skiing (n) /'skirr0/ exactly (adv) /rg zEktli/ ott
event{n) /rrvent/ Ot
fan (n) /feer/ Oi spectator(n) /spek'tcrta(r)/ exclamationmark(n) /ekskle'merjn

football(n) /'futb.:l/ OE spend (v) /spend/ G? ,mc ,

goal(n) /geuv Ot sprint(n) /sprrnt/ wordlist 105
Sold(adj) /Seuld/ O;
stadjum (n) / steldiem/

start(v) /storf/ On

strange(adj) /strern*/ Ot

swimming(n) /'swrmrl/ Orr

tabletennis(n) /'terbl,tenrs/

tennis (n) I'tenrs/

text(v) /tekst/

fimdkector(n) / frlm do rckt.(.)/ havechildren (verbphrase) / hev round (adj) /ral'ndi O'
fullstop(n) / ful 'stop/ sad (adj) ised/ O'
gentle(adj) /'6entl/ Oir ['ldrrn/
get ajob (verb phrase) /,get e'BDb/ short(adj) i h:t/ oE
geta qualification (verb phrase) /,gel c height(n) /hart/ OF
skin (n) / skrn/ Oi
kwDhfr'kerJn/ italics (n) /r'tEhks/
getmarried (verb phrase) /,get m&rid/ slim (adj) islrml
keymoment(n) / kir,m:){)m.ntl
qiant(n) /'*arant/ Or leave 5chool (verb phrase) /,lirv skury spiky(adj) / sparki/
glasles (noun pl) / glo:srz/ Or lightbrown (adj) /,lart'braon/ square (adj) / skwe.(r)/ O
goto school(verb phrase) / tr logicalorder(n) /,lo*rkl'rrdc(r)i
straight(ad, /streIt/ Oi
skurl/ long (adj) /lD!/ O'
goto university (verb phrase) /,9.{Jla sunglasses (n) / s^Dglorsrz/
moustache(n) /me sto:.1'/ surfing (n) I s3:frt/
green(ad, /grirn/ O; omlt(v) /3'mrt/
Srey(adj) /srcl/ O; overweight (adj) /sova wert/ take (v) /terk/ Oi
thin (adj) /ern/ o'i
qrow up (phrv) /,gr.u ^p/ personallife(n) / p3rsanl larf/
truckdriver(n) / tr,\k,drarv.(r)/
questionmark(n) /'kwcsfon,mork/ tutor(n) /'t iurrr(r,

react(v) /ri'Ek!/ O;

red (adj) /rcd/ Oir

106 Wordlist

autumn (n) 1rr:trm/ Ot probably(adv) ./'probrbli/ Otrr
(ampinq (n) / kamprn/ Or
promise (v) l pronrs/ Or
campsite(n) /'ki.mpsart/
rainy(adj) / rcrnii OF
cary(v) / kerii O' rucksa.k(n) /'r^

cloudy(adj) i klaudi/ shampoo (n) i.lsm pui/
cold (adj) /kroldi Ot' sleeping bag (n) i sli:prn ,

continent(n) / kDnlInrnt/ O snowy(adj) I snr{rir

cool(adj) /kurli Or soap (n) rsr0pi Oir
spring (n) /sprrn/ OF
(uise(n) /kru:7i
cyclilt(n) l sarklrsti stay(in)(v) /,stcr ('rn)l

fosgy(adj) / fnqii stormy(adj) l'sbxri/
suitcase (n) i'su:lkers,/ Orr
get wet (verb ph rase) ,/gcl '!|et/
sun.ream(n) 1 \^D,krirmi
qoaway (phrv) l geu a wer/ Or
guidebook (n) / gard bokl 5unny(adj) /'snnii

hot(adj) ihDr/ Oir suf(v) i s3rfi

huse(adj) thju:qi Oi swimming costume {n) I swrnll

ice(n) /nrr OF ,kDsijulml
i.y(adi) / !,\i/
tent(n) lrcnt/ O'r
insectspray(n) / rnsekl sprcrr OF
ightninq(n) /'lartnrn/ thunder(n) /'e.\nde('),/
lottery(n) 1'lDtrri/
toothbrush(n) /1u:0br^J/
lucky(adj) / l^ki/ OF
toothpaste (n) /'1u:epersi/
outdoor(adj),Iautdrr(r')/ O'
torch(n) /t:):S/
penguin(n) / pcngwrn/ towel(n) /'taucl./ OE
penknife(n) /'pennarf/ trunks (n) r'tr^!ks/
phrasebook(n) / frerzbuk/'
picnic(n) /'prknrk/ washbag (n) /'wDJ bss/
waterbottle (n) / wrrte,bDti/
plan (n) /plen/ O;r waterproofs (nou n pl) /'writepru:fs/
polarbear (n) /,paule 'bee(r)/
weather(n) /'weda(r)/ Orr
post a comment (verb phrase) /ipeust o
kDmenl/ weigh (v) /we/ OE

wet (ad, /wet/ O;
wind(n) /wrnd/ Or

windy(adj) /,wrndi/
winter(n) / wmta(r)/ OF

Wordlist 107

Talking about hobbies and interests Comparing answers Talking about school 5ubjects
What haveyou gotfornumberl? I've got no/a bitof /loadsof (maths)
.l'm interested in . . I'm not interested in . , . Ithinkit'strue/false.
what aboutyou? our (aft) teacher is / isn't very / quite (stid).
l'm into ... I'm not into.., What doyou think? l'm great/notgreatat...
Timeexpressions l'm really good at . . .
llike... ldon't like... ln the holidays/the summer/ lenjoy...
I'm notgood at... l'mOKat
l'm good at... theevening,... I prefer ...
IVyfavourite... islare... 0n weekdays/ lvlonday/Tuesday,... Askinglor help with languages
At the weekend / New Year . . .
lntrodudng people How doyou spellthat?
Making plans and suggestions How do you say ('tomorrow' in Freoch)?
How arethings?/ How areyou? Can you say that a9ain, please?
Thisis(Yasmin). whatdoyou wantto do /see? Can you help me with somethinq, please?
(Yasmin)is into ... I'm not really interested in (the) -..
see you latet llikethe sound of(the) ... Giving intormation about your r.hool
Whataboutlthe) ... ?
Adverbs oI degree Let's qo to (the) ... I'm really(happy).that...

It isn't very (expensive). Talking about a celebration It\ a small/medium-sized /bi9 school.

Itt very (expensive). There's a celebration ca lled . . . Some subjeds like (maths) a nd (English) are

It's quite (expensive). Thereare... inthenreet. Other subjects are optional.
It's really (expensive). It'sa lotof(fun).
l4aybe you can emailme...
Thinking ofansweff ldentifying things
Ithink he/ she / it\ --. Likesand dislikes
Whatdo you think it is?
Yes, thatt right. I (quire/really) like...
ldon'tknow. It!ounds likea /an ... ldon'tmind...
l'vegotnoidea. I (really)don'tlike...
writing about yourself lilaybe it's a /an ... ? lhate...
l'm a studentat...
l'm into...,especially... Estimating Ordering food
(A new baby)k usuallybetween (2.s)and
Email or message me in (Engli!h). Can lhelpyou?
lspeak/study ... (a.s kilor. Can I have (a cheese sa ndwich), please?
(Gorillas)can grow to around (250 kilos). Would you like (salad orchips with tha0?
Talking about places (Camel!) can surviveabout (6 months) Anythingelse?
l'll have(acola), please.
There's a/an... There isn'ta / an,.. Requesting permi5sion Thafs (t5.50), please.

Therearesome... Therearen'tmany,,, ls it OK ifllwe .-- ? Writing a food blog
i\4yfavourite place is... It's easy/fun / cheap / difficu lt to make.
Comparing opinions Can l/we /you ... ? They taste terible / OK/ great.
Yes, youle right. Giving permission MmmlDeliciousl
Really? lthink... Enjoyyourmeall
Yes, ofcourse you can. loin me next month.
Asking and sayingwhere pla(es are
Excuse me. Arewe nearthe... here? Refusing permission
No,l'm afraid you can1.
Howfar is itlthe... from here? I'm sorry but..-

It3 about... minuteson foot / by bus. Deslribing anima15 in danger
Thank!foryour help. Tleycan weigh /grcwto / be...

Des(ribing a town ordty It's one of the (biggest birds)i
Itt in the north /south/west/east/centre The... is now in danger.
You can find informatjon (onthewebsite).
ht a /an {interesting) town / city.

It's gota population ofabout (500,000).
My favourite places are... and ...

Itt only(a few kilometres)from (the sea).

110 lGy,pbrases ' ,' I

Talking about sports Talking about holidays Unit4
llove / like going on ...
l'm in a swimming club. Itdepends where/when you... Cotnparing
I don't enjoy {getdng up early every Some places havegota lot of... whatcanyou see (onthewall)?
... is / are important, ls there a / an ,.. in yourpictureT
mornind. ... islare (probably) a good idea. How many (pen, are there?
l'm in the Gchool) tea m. Itlalways qood to have... Whatcolour is / are the ... ?
l'm a (basketball)fan. Making offers and prcmises
I want to try Gkiing). lcan bring (some piza). /What islarethe (teacher / students) doing

Past time expressions lcan make Gome sandwjches). wearingT
l'll ask (Han na h) to (brinq some drin k5).
last Tuesday / weekend / week / year/ August l'iltext (Jim)and see if he wants to come too. ln mypicturqthere'sa/an... /thereare/
in Auqust/2014 Ivly(mum)can drive u! (to the beach).
On Friday/Sunday I'llbe (atyour houseat nine). aren't some / any , . .

ten minutes /two we€ks /a month aqo Writing an email about a friend's visit Unit5
Talking about the week€hd Saying weights
l'm emailing you because.,, 100q =a /one hundred grams
How was yourweekendT On Friday eveninq I'm going to --. 325 g = th ree hu nd red a nd twentyjive g rams
That'sgood /bad news! On Saturdaywe're going to ...
675 q = six hundred and seventy five grams
Whydon'tyoucomenexttime? On 5undaythe weatherwill be... 1 kg = a7on" 1,,o
Sure.Whynot? lcan'twaitto seeyoul
Text me when youle going. %kg=halfakilo
Unitl 2 %kg =two and a halfkilo!
Profile ota sports star Asking Ior personal infonnation Yakg=aquarterofakilo
His/ Herfullname is ...
At the age of... he / she... Whatl yourfirn name? Buying thingsatthe market
Hel / Shetone ofthe mostruccessful ... in what's your sumame?
Good morning.Whatwould you like?
the historyof... When's your birthdayT
What's your (town) like? How much islare... ?
H€/Shefirstcompeted /played in... Have you gotany brothers orsisteu? It!/Theyare...
He/ Shewas born on... l'd like..., please.
He /Shecontinued to... Unit2
He/Shefirst --- in... Talking about timetables ls thateverythingT
How much is that?
Guessinganswers /Whattime doesthe Gwimming pool)open
Ithinkit\ Whattime does itna(/finishT
Talking aboutvideo galnes
ldonlrhinkit\... At (eig ht o'clock). Whatdo/didyouthinkof it?
From (qua rter to five)to (quarter pastsix)on It is/wasfun / great/exciting.
Maybe/Perhaps it\... It is /was boring/complicated/
l'm sure it's... teffible/violent.
Unit3 Whatt yourscorefor it?
Ooing an interview Talking on the phone (8)/10 = (eigh0 outoften
Do you wantto meet later?
Ive got a fewquestionsforyou, ifthat's OK. UnitT
Sure.Goahead. Give me a call.
Goodquestionl It's(Dylan). Talking about a photo
-Olhnaelsmoae question. ls itgood there? ... in the middle.
-lhankafodriyffoicuurhtiomnee.. Howareyou? ... on the right.

A biography: questionsand answers ... on the left.
What's (Ch s Hemswo(h)like in reallife? ... nextto (l\,4ark).
... at the ba(k.
lvhere/When /Howexactly... I
Unit 8
He / she becamewell-known
He1/She's best known for hi5 / her role(s) in Talking about the weather

/forhis/hersonq... What will the weather be like (tomorrow)?
There'll be some (rain).
about (his personal life)7
rently... in the no(h/sourh/east/west

on the (north) coast
(twenty-two) degrees (22f )

be &ir,b/ rere been /birr/

begin /br'grn/ was /wrz,wozl,were /w3(r), wa(r)/ begun,/br'g^r/
broken /'breuker/
build 6r1d/ began 6i'gen/
6uy lbarl built /brlt/
built turlt/
catd /kEf/ bought tu.rtl bought /brrt/
could /krd/ could /kud/
do /dur/ (aught /k.:t/ caughr /kr:r/
come /k^m/
drink /drrtk/ did /drd/
eat /irt/ drunk /&^tk/
find /farnd/ drank /drE4k/ eaten /irtr/
found ffaund/
lry /flat/ found /faund/
get /get/ qot /gD,
get up / get got /gDr/ got up /'gDt

qive /gN/ ^p/ qotup / gDt qiven /grvn/ ^p/
gave /qerv/ ^p/ qone /gorl/
go lgaal had /hed/
had /hed-i hidden /hrdn/
hide /hard/ hid /hrd/
lnew hju:/ learnt/leamed /l3rnt/
learn /l3rn/
leave learni/l-"amed /13:nt/ left /left/
lote /l^ui|rzv// left left/
meet /mitt/ read /red/
rcad /rird/ said /sed/
ran /r&n/
say /ser/ sent /sent/
slept /slept/
send /send/ spoke /spauk/ slept /slepl/
spent /spenl/ spoken /'spauken/
sleep /slirp/ spent /spent/
speak /spirk/ took /tuk/
spend /spend/ taught /t.rtl taken /'terkad
rold /tar,ld./ taught
teach /ti:S/ thought /tu:t/
told /te^uJld:t//
tell /tel/
thouqht /oc:t/
think /01{U


5ix pages ofadditional practi(e per unit ofthe Studentt Book
All core unit exercises at three levels of diff culty
Workbook listening activities a llow students to listen at their own pace
Two page review afterevery unitwith self-assessment
Regular cumulative reviews of language and skills
Languagefocus reference with additional pra(tice exercises

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