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Published by moh.riadi57, 2022-12-10 09:05:47

B Inggris Guru Kelas XII

B Inggris Guru Kelas XII

Task 2: 5.wareness
1. reduction 6. landill
2. municipal 7. trash
3. household
4. composting center

Task 3:
1. The main agenda was to increase the awareness of the waste

management for economic and environmental beneits.
2. The main reason was probably because there were waste

management problems in the participants’ countries and the
participants wanted to learn how to solve that from Surabaya.
3. Surabaya was selected to be the conference venue because it
has successful waste management. (or, Surabaya became the
conference host because of its success in managing municipal waste
through the 3Rs program.)
4. Jawaban bisa beragam. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh:
a. It was important because the conference can inspire other cities

in Indonesia to learn how to manage their municipal waste
from Surabaya.
b. It was important to make Indonesia famous because of good
c. etc
5. Jawaban bisa beragam tergantung informasi yang diketahui guru
dan siswa.
• At least Surabaya has implemented the three Rs so far.
6. Rismaharini believed that the best way to solve the waste
management problem was to involve household in recycling
7. There was a reduction in the volume of trash that ended up in the
8. The mayor told the schools to tell their students to bring their own
plates and cups, and not to use drinking straws to reduce plastic
9. Jawaban bisa beragam tergantung pendapat siswa. Misalnya:
• Excellent

Chapter 7 93

• Good
• Environmentally friendly
• Very important for the environment
• Other cities should have that program too.
• I like it. Awesome.
• etc.
Task 4:
Good Morning. Welcome to Our Morning News Program.
I Am Dina Sudina

Indonesia has opened a regional recycling conference aimed at
increasing awareness of waste management for economic and
environmental benefits.

The Fifth Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific, which opened
in Surabaya Tuesday, is being
attended by 300 participants from nearly 40 Asia and Pacific

The city was chosen to host the event because of its success in
managing municipal waste through the 3Rs, Reduce, Reuse, and

Ucok Harahap Reports

Mayor Tri Rismaharini said waste transportation is expensive and
that the best way to address the problem is at its sources, with
every household involved in recycling activities. "We can see that
every year there is a reduction in the volume of trash that ends up
in the landfill. When I was the head of Sanitation and Parks, it was
2,300 cubic meters per day. Currently it’s 1,200 cubic meters," she
explained. "So you can see the reduction, which goes to composting
centers, also in the community, and waste management centers."

The mayor said the city also runs a program for children called eco

94 Bahasa Inggris

"The school does not only teach about the environment but also
introduces environmental-friendly practices, such as the eco
school program where they bring their own plates and cups to
reduce plastic waste. They even don’t use drinking straws," added
Tri Rismaharini.

The conference will continue until Thursday.

I am Marcell

And I’m Dini Sudini. Join us again tomorrow for another
Morning News from your favorite radio station.


Opening Welcome to American Mosaic
The broadcaster in from VOA Learning English.
the studio welcomes I’m Caty Weaver.
listeners to the program
and introduces her

main event/ Making art with found materials is not a new idea.
newsworthy event Recycled paper, cloth and metal goods can become
The broadcaster in important pictures and sculptures. An artist near
the studio tells the Washington, D.C. just had her recycled art on exhibit
newsworthy event in at the Prince George’s African American Museum and
the form of a summary. Cultural Center in Maryland. She uses a material
found in every American home.

Chapter 7 95

Elaboration June Simms reports.
The reporter on the Plastic bags are not costly to produce. They are
ield introduces her also strong and easy to carry. This is why they are a
name and reports popular container in much of the world.
the event with more But they are also a major source of pollution. It
detailed information can take hundreds of years for plastic bags to break
by interviewing some down. As they do, tiny pieces can poison soil, lakes,
actors and witnesses of rivers, and oceans. So, environmental experts urge
the event. people to reuse and recycle plastic bags.
Maryland artist Allita Irby does just that. It starts
with the morning newspaper.
Ms. Irby will read it later in the day. What is more
What is more important is getting that plastic bag the
paper comes in.
The mixed media artist recognized its rich
possibilities about three years ago.
"As I was talking the newspaper out. I felt the
texture of the bags, they were soft. I just looked down
and realized it takes three to make a braid. I'll just put
a few staples in here just to keep it from unraveling."
Since then, Irby has been using plastic bags to
create abstract lines in her art works.
Before incorporating plastic bags in her pieces,
Irby used natural materials like feathers, leather and
dried plants.
All those elements represent her Native
American ancestry and identity, like her piece called
"Navaho Bundles."

96 Bahasa Inggris

"I was replicating a hair style, a Navaho hair style
when the hair is heavy and it's looped back on itself.
I took the piece and looped it back onto itself and
secured it with a tie."

Ms. Irby’s neighbors praise her ability to turn
trash into treasure. Some, like Charlotte Hogan,
asked the artist to teach them how to create art from
used plastic bags.

“I think it’s fascinating, it's wonderful. I do plan to
share with my seniors at my church.”

Neighbor Aleta Meyer expressed surprise.
“I’ve never given any more thought to what to do
with a plastic bag. This is deinitely diferent.”
Shirley Watts also lives in the neighborhood. She
plans to show others her art.
“I want to make a masterpiece that I can put in
a frame and put it up on my wall and then I know
that I did it.”
Allita Irby says anyone can do it.
“I think we’re all artists really, and there is beauty
all around us."
The artist says all you have to do is open your
eyes and bring the outside in. people to reuse and
recycle plastic bags.

Closing I’m June Simms.

The reporter on the

ield mentions her

name to end the


And I’m Caty Weaver.

The broadcaster in Join us again next week for

the studio ends the another American Mosaic from

program by mentioning VOA Learning English.

her name and invite

listeners to join the

program again.

Chapter 7 97

9. incorporate
1. sculptures 10. master piece
2. reduce, trash, landfill 11. replicate
3. containers, containers 12. loop, unravel
4. break down 13. municipal, compost
5. tiny 14. awareness
6. braids, braid
7. loop, secure


Task 1 incorporation
Verb exhibition
1. incorporate replication
2. pollute creation
3. exhibit promotion
4. represent donation
5. replicate contribution
6. create production
7. promote
8. donate
9. contribute
10. produce

Task 2:
1. Think of what you can contribute to make your school atmosphere and

environment better. Your meaningful contribution will make you feel
better about yourself.
2. The artist replicates the hairstyle of an Indian ethnic group in America,
the Navajo. The replication looks beautiful.
3. I promote Sita and Budi to be the representatives of our class in the
student organization. I will use poster for the promotion.
4. The architect incorporates environmentally friendly materials in the
design of the public library. The incorporation will make the new
building harmonious with the surrounding.
5. The painting exhibition (or exhibit) will take place in the main hall of the
library. Not only national artists but also some high school students will
exhibit their works there.
6. Do not pollute this lake. If you do, the pollution will finally harm our health.
7. Be proud of being able to create this pop-up book yourself. Though it is
not the best, your should appreciate the originality of your creation. This
is really much better than copying other people’s work.
8. Children in the landslide area need our donation for buying books and

other learning materials. I suggest that everyone in this class donate some

of their pocket money.

98 Bahasa Inggris

Chapter 8

How To Make


Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Setelah mempelajari Bab 8, siswa diharapkan mampu
melakukan hal-hal sebagai berikut:

3.6 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan beberapa teks prosedur lisan dan tulis dengan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait manual penggunaan
teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips), pendek dan sederhana, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.6.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks prosedur lisan da
ntulis, dalam bentuk manual terkait penggunaan teknologi
dan kiat-kiat (tips).

4.6.2 Menyusun teks prosedur, lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk
manual terkait penggunaan teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips),
dengan memerhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan, secara benar, dan sesuai konteks.

Halaman Apersepsi 99

Bab 8, 9, 10 merupakan teks prosedur. Jika tidak memungkinkan untuk
melaksanakan pbm untuk ketiga bab itu di kelas, Guru bisa memilih salah satu
atau 2 bab. Bab 8 adalah bab yang paling mudah berkaitan dengan prosedur
pembuatan makanan, bab 9 terkait dengan mengolah berbagai bahan bekas
untuk menjadi produk-produk yang dapat dimanfaatkan dan kiat-kiat (tips), bab
10 berisi prosedur cara menggunakan teknologi. Jika guru memilih bab 10 untuk
kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas, bab 8 dan 9 bisa dikerjakan siswa di rumah.



- Pada saat siswa masih menutup
bukunya, Guru menjelaskan tentang
boardrace yaitu siswa secara
berkelompok berlomba untuk
menuliskan kata-kata sebanyak-
banyaknya di papan tulis. Kelompok
dengan kata-kata terbanyak
menjadi pemenang.

- Guru membagi siswa menjadi 4
kelompok dan meminta mereka
untuk berdiri berbaris menghadap
papan tulis sesuai dengan
kelompok masing-masing.

- Siswa dalam kelompok diminta
menuliskan kata-kata yang
berhubungan dengan proses
pembuatan kue.

- Aktifitas ini bagus untuk
mengidentifikasi kemampuan kosa
kata siswa yang berhubungan
dengan topik.

100 Bahasa Inggris

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
bake banana
sugar mix
chocolate dip
ingredients chop strawberries prepare
bowl whipping almond extract
glass cream
measuring cup melt microwave refrigerate
freeze stir

baking sheet



- Guru meminta siswa untuk - Okay, now prepare to listen

menyiapkan buku tulis dan alat to a recipe that I'll read for

tulis. Buku teks tetap tertutup. you. Write down important

- Guru membacakan resep tings on your paper.

‘Chocolate Dipped Strawberries’ - Now, show your notes to

dan meminta siswa untuk mencatat your friends. Exchange

informasi penting tentang resep information. What

tersebut. information you miss?

- Siswa mencocokkan catatannya - Listen again, and add more

dengan teman terdekat dan notes.

mendiskusikan kata-kata sulit di


Chapter 8 101

- Guru meminta siswa untuk
mendengarkan lagi dan
melengkapi catatannya.
Selanjutnya, guru meminta siswa untuk menutup kembali buku mereka dan

mendengarkan instruksi guru tentang pembuatan resep "Chocolate Dipped".



- Guru meminta siswa mencari
sinonim dari kata-kata dalam
vocabulary builder. Setelah selesai,
guru dan siswa membahasnya.

- Guru mengajak siswa
mempraktikkan pelafalan kata-
kata secara benar.

1. dip (v) immerse, submerge, plunge
2. ingredient (n) item, thing, element
3. chop (v) cut, slice
4. dash (n) splash, drop
5. combine (v) mix, blend
6. melt (v) dissolve, soften
7. stir (v) beat, whisk, mix
8. cool (v) cold
9. excess(v) surplus, extra
10. drip off (v) drop, trickle
11. set (adj) solid



- Guru meminta siswa mendengarkan
dengan teliti

102 Bahasa Inggris

pelafalan dari kata-kata dalam
pronunciation practice dan
meminta siswa untuk menirukan.


After you listen to my
Task 2 - explanation about the
structure in a procedure
- Guru meminta siswa untuk text, now complete the
blanks in the text.
melengkapi teks percakapan
Now, look at the recipe you
dengan merujuk pada resep brought from home. Then,
complete the column with
‘Chocolate Dipped Strawberries’. information you got from
the recipe.
- Guru meminta siswa untuk

mempraktikkan percakapan

dengan teman sebangku.

Task 3 -

- Guru meminta siswa untuk melihat

resep yang mereka bawa dari rumah

dan melengkapi kolom yang ada.



Task 1 - Now, practice giving
- Guru meminta siswa untuk instructions to your friends
and your friends will follow
memberikan resep tadi kepada your instructions .
teman sebangku.
- Guru meminta siswa untuk praktik
memberikan instruksi seperti yang
ada dalam resep yang mereka bawa
dan meminta temannya untuk

Chapter 8 103


apakah instruksi yang diberikan

sudah tepat sesuai dengan resep

yang ada.

- Setelah selesai, guru meminta

siswa untuk berganti peran, antara

yang memberi instruksi dan yang

mendengarkan instruksi.

Task 2

- Setelah selesai, siswa berdiskusi - Now, exchange roles.

tentang perbedaan resep yang

mereka miliki. - Next, discuss with

Task 3 your friends about the

- Guru meminta siswa untuk diferences between your

melengkapi teks rumpang. recipe and your friends'

Task 4 recipe.

- Guru meminta siswa untuk praktik

memberikan instruksi kepada

teman, teman lain mengikuti

instruksi tersebut. Siswa melakukan

ini secara bergantian.


- Guru meminta siswa untuk
mengingat kesulitan yang
mereka alami ketika memberikan
instruksi dan ketika mengikuti
instruksi lalu menuliskannya
pada kolom yang tersedia.

- Guru mendiskusikan dengan
siswa tentang cara mengatasi
kesulitan tersebut.

104 Bahasa Inggris

- Guru meminta siswa untuk
melakukan refleksi.


Task 2

A: Which one do you like, the semisweet or the bittersweet one?
B: I like the bittersweet one.
A: Do you know how to make chocolate dipped strawberries?
B: Sure, first prepare the ingredients .
A: What are the ingredients?
B: 2 squares semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, ½ tablespoon

whipping cream, dash almond extract and 8 strawberries.
A: What’s the next step?
B: Mix chocolate and the whipping cream in a glass measuring

cup or bowl. Then microwave at medium power for 1 minute
until the chocolate melts, stirring after 30 seconds. Stir in
the almond extract and cool slightly.
A: Why should it be cooled slightly?
B. To keep the strawberry dipped into it fresh and crunchy.
A: What’s the next step?
B: Dip each strawberry into the melted chocolate.
A: How long do you put it in the refrigerator?
B: About 15 minutes?

A: Do you know what text structure is used in the text about how to make
chocolate dipped strawberries above?

B: It’s a sequential text structure.
A: What’s the author do in this kind of text structure?
B: The author puts steps in making the chocolate

dipped strawberries.
A: What’s the author’s purpose?
B: The author would like to inform the readers about the way

to make chocolate dipped strawberries.

Chapter 8 105

Chapter 9

Do It Carefully!


Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Setelah mempelajari Bab 9, siswa diharapkan mampu
melakukan hal-hal sebagai berikut:

Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan


beberapa teks prosedur lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait manual penggunaan teknologi dan
kiat-kiat (tips), pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks

Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,


struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks prosedur lisan dan
tulis, dalam bentuk manual terkait penggunaan teknologi dan
kiat-kiat (tips).

Menyusun teks prosedur, lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk manual


terkait penggunaan teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips), dengan
memerhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan,
secara benar, dan sesuai konteks.

106 Halaman Apersepsi



- Bersama-sama guru siswa saling - Today we are going to talk about

berbagi informasi tentang something special. First, read

benda, tanaman, atau binatang the questions in the warmer

kesayangan. Informasi ini section, and try to answer them

diharapkan mengarah pada individually. After that share

identitas benda, tanaman, atau your answer with your classmate

binatang serta penjelasan tentang sitting next to you:

cara merawatnya.

a. Do you have something

that is very special to you?

b. What is it that is special to


c. Why is it special to you?

d. Does that thing need

special care?

e. How do you take care of it?


- Guru memberi contoh dua teks Task 1

dalam bahasa Inggris (Task 1)
yang di dalamnya terdapat time Now, read the following reading
sequencers (urutan penanda waktu). texts. Then, read the questions. Work
Selanjutnya, guru membimbing siswa in pairs to ind the answer. You can
menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur read again to ind the answers.
teks, dan ciri kebahasaan kedua a. Read text 1 and text 2. What
teks melalui kegiatan menjawab are they about?

pertanyaan yang ada (Task 1).

Chapter 9 107


b. For what purpose did the writer
write the text? Do you think the
texts have the same purpose in
society? Why do you think so?

c. Do the two texts use time
sequencers, such as: irst,
second, next, then, etc?
What is the function of the

After you inish discussing the answers
with your partner, let’s check them

Now, let’s continue our discussions.

answer the following questions:
- Melalui kegiatan tanya jawab,

siswa memberikan komentar dan a. What is the social function of

pandangannya tentang fungsi sosial the text?

masing-masing, ketepatan unsur
kebahasaannya, format, tampilan, b. How are the ideas in the texts
dsb. Hal-hal yang dapat diidentiikasi ordered or arranged?

siswa adalah: c. Can you ind the dominant
o Fungsi sosial language features in the two
o Struktur teks texts?
o Ciri-ciri kebahasaan

o Sumber teks d. What are the sources of the

o Cara penyajian texts?

Let’s discuss together.

108 Bahasa Inggris

- Guru membimbing siswa Task 2

menemukan adverbials dalam - Read the texts again. Try to ind
dua teks model (Task 2). some adverbials there.

- Guru membagi siswa ke dalam - Do you know what adverbials
kelompok. Secara berkelompok are? Look at the examples see
siswa membahas pertanyaan- them in the sentences.
pertanyaan yang ada pada
Task 3. Jawaban siswa dapat - What do you think are the
bervariasi karena pengalaman functions of those phrases?
masing-masing. Secara bergiliran
siswa menyampaikan hasil - What information do you get
diskusi kelompoknya. Guru from the phrases?
membimbing proses diskusi
kelas. Now try to ind other examples of
adverbs in the two texts.

Task 3

- Now sit in groups of four
students. Discuss the questions
in the work book in Task 3. Talk
about geckos.

- What are geckos?

- Have you even seen geckos or
their pictures?

- Have you ever read anything
about leopard geckos?

- What information about geckos
did you get from reading?

Chapter 9 109


Is there anyone who wants
to share the result of your
discussion with the class?

- Siswa membaca teks tentang Task 4 & 5
leopard geckos (Task 4) secara
individu dengan metode - Now, read the text individually.
skimming. Hasil skimming Read and skim each paragraph
dimanfaatkan untuk menjawab in the reading text. Skim through
pertanyaan yang ada. to ind information about how
to breed gecko. Then answer the
questions that follow. Discuss the
answers together in your group.

Task 6 - Now, it’s time to share the groups’
Guru meminta para siswa untuk answers with the class.
membaca teks pada Task 6 dan
menjawab pertanyaan no. 1 sd 5 Task 6
berdasarkan bacaan tentang bagaimana
caranya memandikan anjing. Pertayaan - Okay students, the next passage
1 s/d 5 tersebut telah digunakan untuk is interesting. What is it about?
teks sebelumnya tentang leopard gecko.
Dengan demikian diharapkan siswa tidak - Read the text and then answer
mendapat banyak kesulitan. Guru bisa the questions. The questions are
meminta siswa menjawab pertanyaan- the ones that we already used for
pertanyaan tersebut di luar jam kelas the previous text about leopard
secara individu atau kelompok. gecko.

110 Bahasa Inggris


- Answer the questions at home
outside of this meeting. You can
do it individually or in groups. We
can check the answers together
in the next meeting.



- Siswa berusaha mencari makna - Find the meaning of the words.

kata (Task 4), baik dengan menebak - Read the text about how to breed

melalui konteks maupun melihat geckos and then individually

makna kata tersebut di kamus. Guru guess the meaning of each word

memberikan contoh cara melafalkan in the vocabulary list. Use the

kata-kata dalam Task 4 dan siswa sentences surrounding the words

menirukan pelafalan yang benar. to help you make the best guess.

- If you cannot guess it, you can

consult your dictionary.

After that, compare the meanings of

the words with your classmates’.


- Now, let’s learn how to pronounce

the words.

- Listen carefully and repeat after

Chapter 9 111

- I will read them and you can
identify which word I am reading.

Now, it’s your turn to read and
the rest will identify the words
being read. Is there anyone
volunteering to read the words



- Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa Read again the texts about how to

dapat menemukan kalimat perintah breed leopard geckos.

(commands/imperative sentences) - Find the commands or
yang ada dalam teks (Task 4). instructions. Circle all the
Selanjutnya dengan bimbingan guru commands in the text.
siswa menemukan adverbials dalam

teks (Task 6). - In the commands there are

adverbials. Examples of

adverbials are above the vent, for

cent, without the need, etc.

- Do you remember what is the
function of adverbs in sentences?

- Underline any adverb/adverbials
you can ind in the text.

112 Bahasa Inggris


Grammar Exercise - In this grammar exercise, practice
making imperative sentences
- Dengan bimbingan guru siswa that you can use to tell people to
do something.
mengingat kembali konstruksi
Fill in the blanks with appropriate
kalimat perintah commands verbs that indicate commands/
imperative sentences.
(imperative sentences). Pemilihan -
kata kerja yang tepat disesuaikan When you inish, read all the
items again and then circle the
dengan konteks dalam kalimat. Siswa adverbials you can identify.

diharapkan dapat mengisi dengan

kata kerja seperti berikut. Selanjutnya -
mereka menemukan adverbials yang

ada dalam semua butir soal.



Guru membimbing siswa - Read the explanation in part F,
menemukan struktur teks Task 1 that tells you how ideas in
procedure: goal, materials/things, procedure texts are arranged or
steps. Guru mengelaborasi isi dari structured.
masing-masing bagian struktur
teks jenis ini (Task 4). Tabel yang - Ask the teacher if you still don’t
sudah dilengkapi oleh siswa juga understand after reading the
dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan explanation.
penguatan pemahaman terhadap
struktur teks. - Then, read the model text on
how to breed leopard gecko, and
write in the table the appropriate
parts of the procedure text.

Chapter 9 113


- Parts of the Text

- Diiculties
How to breed leopard geckos
- Parts of the Text
- Diiculties

Things you’ll need: cage for geckos;
laying box; incubation; lots of crickets
dusted with calcium for egg growth;
very small crickets for the babies.
- Parts of the Text
- Diiculties
Steps 1: Get a male and female
leopard gecko.
Steps 2: Prepare a large cage for
the male and female to live in
Steps 3: Get the incubator ready
for the eggs and provide a lay box.
Steps 4: Ready the laying box to
put in the cage.
Steps 5: Place the eggs in the
incubation medium.
Steps 6: Observe the developing
Steps 7: Have tiny crickets readily

114 Bahasa Inggris


- Guru membimbing siswa
menemukan ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks
prosedur, yaitu berupa commands
(imperative sentences) seperti Get,
Prepare, dll. dan time sequencers
seperti irst, second, dll; serta
adverbials seperti above the vent, dll.



- Siswa mempelajari kembali informasi - Read again the information you

yang ada pada tabel. have written down in the table.

- Secara bergiliran siswa menceritakan - Based on the information,

kembali di depan kelas prosedur prepare some notes for oral

mengembangbiakkan leopard presentation. Take turns

geckos. presenting the information you

have in front of the class.

- As an alternative, if you don’t like
talking about geckos, you can
present a topic that you like on
a procedure of doing something,
like how to take care of cats,
or dogs, etc. Use the table to
prepare your presentation. Then,
take turns presenting your topic
with your classmates.

Chapter 9 115

Yaitu berupa commands (imperative - Pay attention to the commands,
sentences) seperti Get, Prepare, dll. dan and time sequencer. Write the
time sequencers seperti irst, second, time sequencers below the table.
dll; serta adverbials seperti above the
vent, dll.



Task 1: Task 1
- Secara berkelompok siswa mencari
- Now I want you to ind other
teks prosedur (Task 1) baik dengan examples of procedure texts. You
cara pergi ke perpustakaan atau can look for it in magazines and
mencari melalui internet. Teks Internet. Try to ind a procedure
prosedur yang dimaksud dapat text on how to make something
berupa cara membuat sesuatu or how to do something.
atau cara mengerjakan sesuatu.
Guru menekankan pentingnya - Then, read your text that you
memerhatikan pertanyaan- have got and answer the
pertanyaan penuntun berikut untuk following questions:
dapat mengambil kesimpulan bahwa
teks yang mereka pilih termasuk a. What is the author’s purpose in
dalam kategori teks prosedur. writing the text?

- What is the goal? b. What are the materials/things
- What are the materials/things/ /ingredients needed?

ingredients needed? c. What are the steps to do?
- What are the steps to do?

d. Do the assignments in groups
of four students.

116 Bahasa Inggris


Task 2: Task 2
- Dengan bimbingan guru, secara
- Now, try to ind the commands/
berkelompok siswa menemukan imperative sentences.
kalimat perintah commands
(imperative sentences) dalam teks Task 3
mereka (Task 2).
Don’t forget to also ind the time
Task 3: sequencers.
- Dengan bimbingan guru, secara
Task 4
berkelompok siswa menemukan
penanda urutan waktu time Find also the adverbials used in your
sequencers dalam teks mereka (Task text.
Task 5

Task 4: - Write all of the results of your
- Dengan bimbingan guru, secara discussion neatly. Then exchange
it with another group to get
berkelompok siswa menemukan feedback.

adverbials dalam teks mereka (Task Now that you are more
4). knowledgeable about procedure
text, let practice writing a
- Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa - procedure text of our own.
berbagi hasil diskusi kelompok
When you write, use the
dengan kelompok lain. following guiding questions:

Task 5: a. What is your goal? Or what
is your purpose in writing
- Dengan bimbingan guru siswa the procedure text?
mencoba mengembangkan teks jenis -
b. What are the materials /
procedure (Task 5). Siswa diminta ingredients needed?

memerhatikan struktur teks sebagai


Chapter 9 117


Task 6: c. What are the steps to do?
- Dengan bimbingan guru siswa
d. Write your text neatly and
memeriksa hasil pekerjaan teman attractively. You can give
(Task 6). Pada saat membaca good illustration.
pekerjaan teman, mereka diingatkan
untuk memperhatikan hal-hal Task 6
a. The text structure: goal, - After you inish, exchange your
work with your classmate. Read
materials, steps it carefully and give feedback
b. The use of commands based on the following items:

(imperative sentences) a. the text structure: goal,
c. The use of time sequencers material, steps.
d. Spelling
e. Punctuation b. the use of commands
f. Capitalization (imperative sentences)
g. Formatting
h. References c. the use of time sequencers

d. spelling

e. punctuation

f. capitalization

g. references

Task 7: Task 7
- Dengan bimbingan guru siswa
- Read the instruction for Task 7.
mengurutkan kalimat menjadi Rearrange those sentences into a
paragraf yang baik (Task 1) seperti good paragraph.
berikut. Guru meminta siswa
memerhatikan penggunaan time

118 Bahasa Inggris

- Do it individually irst, then
compare it with your partner’s



- Dengan bimbingan guru siswa - Read again the meanings of
mengingat kembali makna some words you studied in
kata yang sudah dipelajari dan Vocabulary Builder activities.
mengaplikasikannya dalam konteks
yang lain (Task 1). Siswa dapat - Make sure you know the
melengkapi kalimat dengan kata meaning of the words. Read the
yang benar seperti berikut. sentences around the words to
give clearer understanding about
the meaning of the words.

- Now, put the words in the context
of the following new sentences.

- Understand the message of the
sentences irst, then decide which
word from the list provided can
be used to ill in the blanks.

- Do this individually irst, then
discuss your answer in pairs.
Discuss any diferences. Whose
answers are correct and why?

- After that, we can check the
answers together.

Chapter 9 119


- Before we end our discussion on
- Dengan bimbingan guru siswa
melakukan releksi tentang this chapter, do you know how to
pemahaman mereka. Respon siswa create a procedure text?
dapat bervariasi.
- Now, respond to the following
1. Do you have the goal to accomplish? questions to check whether you
2. Do you have the materials/things understand how to create a
procedure text.
3. Do you know the steps? a. Do you have the goal to
4. Do you use commands? accomplish?
5. Do you use time sequencers?
6. Do you pay attention to spelling, b. Do you have the materials
/ things/ ingredients?
punctuation, capitalization, and
formatting? c. Do you know the steps?
7. Do you use references?

d. Do you use imperative

e. Do you use time

f. Do you pay attention
to spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, and

g. Do you use references?

120 Bahasa Inggris



Task 5 How to breed leopard geckos.
1. To describe or to explain how to breed leopard geckos.
2. Things you’ll need and Steps.
3. Five different materials (things).
4. Seven steps.
5. (Students can just copy from the text)
6. Yes, because they indicate the procedure that we have to follow.
7. If we want girls, we have to set the incubation temperature 80 to
8. 85 degrees; if we want males, we have to set the temperature 90 to 95
degrees, and if we want a mix, we have to set the temperature in the


Task 2 Mop the floor please. It looks so dirty because of the
1. muddy spots.
Get the scissors; they are on my desk. We need to cut the paper
2. into smaller pieces.
All the dishes seem to be ready to serve for dinner except the
3. crackers. Fry them with the new cooking oil.
Pour the hot water into the cup. Add some sugar and then stir it.
4. Chop the lamb for tomorrow is barbeque.

6. You do not have to see the teacher for submitting this
assignment. Just put your work in her mailbox.

7. Get dressed soon. We are running out of time for the party.
8. Wash your dirty clothes today, please; otherwise, you do not have

anything to wear tomorrow.
9. Slice the onion to be fried and then put into the

vegetable soup.
10. Take a bath now if you do not want to be in a long queue.


Task 7 Rearrange Sentences
Using medicated lotion or spray is an alternative method of treating head lice.
However, no medicated treatment is 100% efective. Consult your pharmacist for
the right over-the-counter lotion or spray. Remember that medicated treatments
should only be used if a living (moving) head louse is found. Follow instructions
that come with the medicated lotion or spray when applying it. Depending on
the product you are using, the length of time it will need to be left on the head
may vary, from 10 minutes to 8 hours.

122 Bahasa Inggris


1. Dina has bought a more unique cage for the newly-hatched birds.
2. Throughout the experiment, the students have to ensure that the

temperature is relatively the same from time to time.
3. The family intend to breed a new species of leopard geckos.
4. The neighbors finally decided to separate their areas by using

5. Salamanders are oviparous and lay large eggs in clumps in water.
6. It seems to take about twenty days for this egg to hatch.
7. On the lid of the plastic container is a wooden sculpture of an

8. The animals have to be separated because the male one shows

much aggression.

Chapter 9 123

Chapter 10
How To Use Photoshop?


Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Setelah mempelajari Bab 10, siswa diharapkan mampu:

3.6 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan beberapa teks prosedur lisan dan tulis dengan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait manual penggunaan
teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips), pendek dan sederhana, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.6.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks prosedur lisan dan
tulis, dalam bentuk manual terkait penggunaan teknologi
dan kiat-kiat (tips).

4.6.2 Menyusun teks prosedur, lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk
manual terkait penggunaan teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips),
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesua ikonteks.

124 Halaman Apersepsi



- Pada saat siswa masih menutup - Do you know Photoshop? What

bukunya, Guru meminta siswa do you know about Photoshop?

untuk mendiskusikan dengan - You're going to do Wall Race.

teman terdekat tentang sesuatu Look at those papers on the

yang mereka ketahui mengenai wall. Write down words related

Photoshop. photo editing on the papers I

- Setelah itu, Guru menjelaskan attached on the wall.

tentang Wall race yaitu siswa - Okay, I'll divide you into 4

secara berkelompok berlomba groups. Let's count 1, 2, 3, 4.

untuk menuliskan kata-kata 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3,4.... Okay, who

sebanyak-banyaknya di kertas is the number 1, raise your

yang telah ditempel guru di hands. Good, you will be group

dinding kelas (tempat berbeda 1. Number 2, raise your hands.

antara satu kelompok dan You'll be group 2. Three, raise

kelompok yang lain). Kelompok your hands. You're group 3.

dengan kata-kata terbanyak Four? Raise your hands. You'll

menjadi pemenang. be group 4.

- Guru membagi siswa menjadi 4 Group 1, please write on that

kelompok dan meminta mereka paper, group 2 please write

untuk berdiri berbaris menghadap over there, group 3 over there

papan tulis sesuai dengan and group 4 on that wall.

kelompok masing-masing. Okay, let me check whether you

- Siswa dalam kelompok diminta understand my instructions.

menuliskan kata-kata yang Anto, what group are you?

berhubungan dengan proses Good. Where will you write?

pengoperasian Photoshop. Excellent.

- Aktivitas ini bagus untuk Okay, now move. Group 1,

mengidentifikasi kemampuan make a line here. Group 2,

kosakata siswa yang berhubungan make a line here...

dengan topik.

Chapter 10 125

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
crop enlarge blur photo
tool pictures interesting area
software beautiful portrait
graphic color function image
artists enhance focus software
photographers control pictures
easy size image color
interesting editing enlarge resize
enhance complex intensity beautiful
beautiful elliptical complex
intensity easy artists interesting
function outline photo graphic


126 Bahasa Inggris



- Guru meminta siswa mencari - Now, ind the synonyms

sinonim dari kata-kata dalam of the following words.

vocabulary builder. Setelah selesai, If you don't know the

guru dan siswa membahasnya. synonyms, you may open

your dictionary.

graphics = illustrations, pictures, visuals, charts

edit = revise, improve

common = normal, customary, usual, ordinary

daunting = discouraging, scaring

image = picture, appearance

alter = change

isolate = separate

spot = mark, place

enhance = heighten, boost, increase, enrich

excellent = outstanding, exceptional, admirable

crop = cut, shorten, trim, curtail

fraction of time = super quick

the ins = the inputs, raw materials

clarity = clearness, precision, intelligibility,


opacity = vagueness, complexity, not


saturation = satiety, difusion

accurate = precise, exact, perfect, correct

Chapter 10 127



TASK 1: - Listen and repeat after me

- Guru meminta siswa mendengarkan

dengan teliti pelafalan dari kata-

kata dalam pronunciation practice

dan meminta mereka untuk




TASK 1: - Okay, now prepare your
- Guru meminta siswa untuk pen and paper. You're
going to listen to me
menyiapkan buku tulis dan alat reading a text about
tulis. Buku teks tetap tertutup. Photoshop. Write down
- Guru membacakan teks tentang important things that
‘Photoshop Tools’ dan meminta you listen.
siswa untuk mencatat informasi
penting tentang teks tersebut.

TASK 2: Matching Activity
- Guru meminta siswa untuk

mencocokkan gambar tools dengan
nama dan deskripsi tentang tools
tersebut. Untuk membuat aktivitas
lebih menarik, guru membuat
gambar, nama dan deskripsi
tersebut dalam bentuk potongan-

128 Bahasa Inggris


- Siswa mencocokkan catatannya - Discuss your notes with

dengan teman terdekat dan your friends.

mendiskusikan kata-kata sulit di


- Guru meminta siswa untuk - Now, listen again and

mendengarkan lagi dan melengkapi complete your notes.




TASK 1: Predicting Activities - Okay. Do you have photos
- Guru memberikan beberapa at home? Do you want to
improve the quality of your
pertanyaan yang menggiring siswa photos? What do you want
untuk memprediksi isi teks bacaan. to improve?
Hal ini penting untuk mengaktifkan Do you know how you can
background knowledge siswa do it? Yes, now there's a very
tentang topik. good computer program
that can help you improve
TASK 2: Reading Text the quality of your photos.
- Siswa membaca teks bacaan untuk The program is called
memahami pesan dalam teks How many of you can
prosedur. operate Photoshop?
Allright, in this chapter
TASK 3: Comprehension Questions - you're going to learn how to
- Guru mengarahkan siswa untuk operate Photoshop.
Now, read the text and
menjawab pertanyaan sesuai answer the following
dengan isi bacaan. Pertanyaan- questions.
pertanyaan diarahkan agar siswa
berinteraksi dengan teks.

Chapter 10 129

Task 2:

1. 5 tools
2. Layers are the most important thing in photoshop.
3. It will make our layers organized and it will ease our job,

especially if we are working on a project with a large number of
4. With layers, we can select, add, delete, and duplicate them. We
can also do all sorts of cool things like making animated pictures.
5. To customize color, open the Color Picker by double-clicking on
the top box either in the Color module, or in that menu on the
left. Then, you'll see a vertical spectrum of color with a slider on
it, which you can adjust to create your own custom color.
6. To add text to your graphic, click the "T" icon on the left side
bar, drag the text box over any particular area you want text to
appear, and you’re set to go.
7. No, it can be done using The Custom Fonts and The Text Tool
8. Crop tool.
9. It is originally continued with further information of how to
operate Photoshop.
10. I want to know how The Select Tool, The Move Tool, The Zoom
Tool, The Eraser, The Fill Tool, and The Eyedropper operate. I also
want to know a number of features to enhance the look of our

130 Bahasa Inggris



- Guru mengajak siswa membaca - Now, let's focus on the
informasi tentang struktur teks. text structure. Identify
the structure of the
- Guru meminta siswa text and write it in the
mengidentifikasi struktur teks pada provided column.
teks ‘How to Operate Photoshop:
Tutorial for Beginners’.

- Guru dan siswa mendiskusikan hasil
identifikasi struktur teks.The text
misses some paragraphs related to
operate The Select Tool, The Move
Tool, The Zoom Tool, The Eraser,
The Fill Tool, and The Eyedropper
operate. It also does not have
a concluding paragraph.


TASK 1: - To understand better about
- Guru meminta siswa untuk
Photoshop, please open the
membaca informasi di website website. Open the link. Then,
yang sudah ditunjukkan write down the information
tautannya lalu menuliskan hasil that obtain from the website.
bacaannya pada kolom yang
telah disiapkan.

Chapter 10 131

TASK 2: - Now work in pairs. Tell yours

- Guru meminta siswa untuk friends about the information

berpasangan dan menceritakan that you've obtained from the

prosedur penggunaan website.

Photoshop tools kepada

temannya secara bergantian.


- Preparation:

1. Guru memberi pekerjaan rumah

kepada siswa untuk membaca - For your homework, read

teks prosedur, baik di media procedure text about how to

cetak maupun internet, terkait operate technological products,

dengan penggunaan produk such as rice cooker, hair dryer,

teknologi, seperti, kalkulator, vacuum cleaner, washing

rice cooker, pengering rambut, machine, mobile phone, Qur'an

vacuum cleaner, mesin cuci, digital. You can read from the

google map, hp, Quran digital, internet, book, magazines, and

dll. so on.

2. Guru meminta siswa membuat

catatan hasil membaca dan - Make a short note on the

berlatih memberikan instruksi procedures of how to use those

cara mengoperasikan alat yang things. Then, practice explaining

telah dipilih. and doing demo of how to use

3. Guru meminta siswa untuk the technological products.

membawa peralatan yang Next meeting you'll explain and

akan diceritakan prosedur show your friends how to use the

penggunaannya. Jika tidak ada products.

alat yang sebenarnya, siswa - Don't forget to bring the

dapat membawa gambarnya. products to the class next

meeting. If you do not have the

real thing, you can bring the

picture of the products. One

person brings one product.

132 Bahasa Inggris

- Communicating the Procedures

(Group work)

1. Guru membagi siswa dalam - You'll present and show your
products in groups of four.
beberapa kelompok. Masing-
Now, in groups do the demo and
masing kelompok terdiri dari 4 guide your friends to follow your
instructions and tips.
Do it in turns.
2. Guru meminta siswa -

mendemonstrasikan prosedur

penggunaan alat. Jika

memungkinkan penonton dapat

mencoba mengikuti instruksi

penggunaan alat tersebut. Siswa

melakukannya secara bergantian.



- Guru membimbing siswa - Now, let's check the aim of

memeriksa tujuan pembelajaran the lesson. Do you think

dan menilai apakah tujuan tersebut we've achieved the aim of

telah mereka capai. Jika ada yang the lesson?

belum, maka siswa disarankan - If not, which one? Why?

mengulang mengerjakan kegiatan How can we improve?

yang masih dirasakan sulit dan bisa What can I do for you?

berkonsultasi dengan guru atau What can you do to help
teman yang dianggap bisa. your friends?

Chapter 10 133

Chapter 11

Let's Make a Better
World for All


Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Setelah mempelajari Bab 11, siswa dapat melakukan hal-hal
sebagai berikut:

3.7 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu
terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK

4.7 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial
dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja

134 Halaman Apersepsi



Task 1: - People say that songs can
- Guru bersama siswa berdiskusi - create our mood. What is
- mood?
tentang lagu-lagu (terutama - Is there anyone who knows
yang berbahasa Inggris) yang - what mood is? (Beri waktu
menciptakan atau mempengaruhi - siswa menjawab. Setelah
kondisi emosional seseorang, itu guru mengkonfirmasi
membuat orang gembira, jawaban siswa).
bersemangat, tenang, atau sedih. Mood is temporary state
- Guru meminta siswa berdiskusi or condition of our mind
secara berpasangan, setelah itu or feeling, like feeling sad,
guru membimbing diskusi kelas. happy, enthusiastic, religious,
Siswa bertukar pendapat tentang angry, etc.
lagu-lagu yang mempengaruhi Do you know any song that
mood mereka. can create certain mood?
- Guru bertanya bagian apa dari What mood can the song
lagu yang berpengaruh, misalnya induce?
apakah liriknya, melodinya, What element of the song
penyanyinya, dsb. induces that certain mood?
Contoh jawaban: Is it the melody? Or is it the
1. We are the Champion by Queen lyrics? Is it the way the singer
-> membangkitkan semangat sings?
untuk menang dalam suatu Discuss that in groups.
pertandingan (olah raga)
2. Dance with My Father by Luther Van
Bross… -> membangkitkan rasa
haru terutama pada mereka yang
ayahnya sudah meninggal dunia.
3. …

Chapter 10 135


Task 2: Brainstorm – Questioning - You are going to listen to a
song. The title of the song is
- Guru menulis di papan judul lagu, Heal the World. From the title
guess what the lyrics of the
Heal the World, dan bertanya kira- song tell about.
Read the possible answers in
kira apa isi lirik lagu tersebut. Task 2. You can also add the
list with your own prediction.
- Siswa diminta membaca frasa Discuss in pairs what the song
is probably about and why do
yang disediakan yang merupakan - you think so.
If you already know the
prediksi atas isi lirik lagu. Mereka song, check whether some of
the phrases provided there
juga dimotivasi untuk membuat already tell what the song is
prediksi mereka sendiri berdasarkan -

interpretasi terhadap judul lagu.

- Atau, kalau mereka sudah

mengetahui lagu tersebut, mereka -

bisa diminta untuk memeriksa

apakah dari frasa yang tersedia ada

yang mencerminkan isi lagu Heal

the World. Kalau ada tanyakan yang

mana dan mengapa. Kalau tidak ada

mereka bisa menambahkan dengan

frasa buatan mereka sendiri. Pada

intinya Heal the World mengajak

kita semua untuk membuat dunia

yang penuh masalah ini menjadi

tempat yang lebih baik bagi semua

dengan cara berbuat baik yang

bersumber dari rasa cinta.

136 Bahasa Inggris



Task 1: - Now, we are going to listen
to the song. While listening,
- Guru memperdengarkan rekaman try to catch the message. You
can take notes if necessary.
lagu Heal the World. After that, read again the
phrases in the previous
- Sebelumnya Guru meminta siswa activity, and circle the
untuk membaca lagi Task 2 pada - phrases which are relevant
with the song and tell the
bagian WARMER dan selama reasons.
Do that in pairs first, and
menyimak memperhatikan frasa then share your opinion with
the class.
yang mana yang mengandung Let’s listen to the song.

pesan yang termaktub dalam lirik

lagu. Frasa yang relevan dengan isi

lagu dicoret atau dilingkari. -

- Semua jawaban bisa benar

tergantung pada argumentasinya.
Setelah itu siswa saling bertukar -

pendapat dan bertanya pada

partner diskusinya alasan

melingkari suatu frasa. Jawaban

yang diharapkan adalah sebagai


Contoh jawaban:

1. Caring for other people

2. Solving world problem

3. Making peace together

4. Giving sympathy

5. Helping each other

Chapter 10 137

6. The word heal implicitly tells that - When we hear a good song,
the world is ‘sick’ because of many we may have some questions
problems. Heal the world is an about the song because we
instruction, or request, to do good are curious to know some
things to cure the world’s sickness information about it. What
or problems. can the information be
about? (Siswa memberikan
Task 2: pendapatnya).
- Guru mendorong siswa untuk
- After you listened to song,
bertanya tentang hal-hal yang Heal the World, what question
berkaitan dengan lagu. Guru can you ask about the song?
bisa memberi contoh hal-hal
yang bisa ditanyakan, seperti - Now, in pairs, write one
siapa penciptanya, kapan question about the song on a
diciptakan, perasaan apa yang piece of paper. Roll the paper
muncul jika mendengarkan and give it to me.
lagu tersebut, dan sebagainya.
Guru bisa membuat kegiatan - Now, collect the rolled paper.
ini seperti permainan dengan Each pair will take one and
meminta setiap pasangan/ answer the question.
kelompok siswa menulis sebuah
pertanyaan di secarik kertas - If they cannot answer the
kecil. Kertas kemudian dilipat question, the others will help.
sehingga menjadi seperti lotere. If no one can answer the
question, then that question
will become our homework to

138 Bahasa Inggris

- Kertas dikocok kemudian setiap
pasangan atau kelompok
mengambil satu kertas, membaca
pertanyaan, dan menunjuk
pasangan kelompok lain untuk
menjawab pertanyaan tersebut.
Kelompok yang ditunjuk menjawab.
Bila kelompok yang ditunjuk tidak
bisa menjawab, semua dipersilakan
untuk membantu menjawab.
Pertanyaan yang tidak terjawab
menjadi PR bagi semua (Guru
dan para siswa). Pertanyaan yang
harus ada adalah tentang siapa
yang menciptakan lagu tersebut.
Pencipta lagu dan penyanyi yang
mempopulerkan lagu tersebut
adalah Michael Jackson. Selain itu
perlu juga ada pertanyaan tentang
tujuan komunikatif lagu. Contoh

- The answers depend on the
students’ answers. The followings
are some possible answers:

1. Who sings/sang the song?
2. Who created the song?
3. Is it a sad or happy song?
4. Why is the song very popular?
5. What inspired the creation of the

6. What is the communicative purpose

of creating or playing a song or

Chapter 10 139

- To entertain people?
- To communicate certain message?
- To create certain mood?

Task 3:

- Guru meminta siswa membaca

lirik rumpang lagu Heal the World. - Now, look at the gapped text
Setelah itu guru memperdengarkan - in task 3. Those lines are the
lagu dan siswa mengisi rumpang lyrics of the song. I will play
dengan kata-kata yang tepat. Guru the song again and try to fill in
bisa memainkan lagu sekali lagi the blanks with the words or
supaya siswa bisa memeriksa hasil expression that you hear.
pekerjaannya. Setelah itu jawaban After that, exchange your
saling dipertukarkan dan siswa work with your classmate’s
saling mengoreksi. Jika terjadi sitting next to you. Compare.
banyak perdebatan atau kesalahan, Are your answer similar or
guru bisa memainkan lagu itu lagi. different? Who is right? Why

do you think so?

- Now, let’s listen again to find

out the correct answers.



- Pada kegiatan ini siswa mencari - Now, try to find the meaning
informasi atau (mengkonfirmasi) of some words. Most of the
makna kata-kata baru yang words already match with the
ditemukan di dalam lirik. meanings. Put a tick when
they match, and find two
- Siswa melakukan itu dengan words whose meanings are
memeriksa apakah semua kata incorrectly matched.
tersebut telah terpasangkan
dengan maknanya secara benar.

140 Bahasa Inggris

- Ada dua kata yang tidak - When we hear a good song,
terpasangkan dengan benar, we may have some questions
yaitu kata sorrow dan grace yang about the song because we
maknanya saling tertukar. are curious to know some
information about it. What
- Untuk membantu mengidentifikasi can the information be
makna, siswa bisa diminta untuk about? (Siswa memberikan
mencocokkan makna kata dari pendapatnya).
kata yang bersangkutan pada
konteks frasa atau kalimat - After you listened to song,
di mana kata tersebut dipakai. Heal the World, what question
can you ask about the song?
1. Sorrow
2. Bliss - Now, in pairs, write one
3. Dread question about the song on
4. Conceive a piece of paper. Roll the
5. Grace paper and give it to me.
6. Strangle
7. Crucify - Now, collect the rolled paper.
8. Glow Each pair will take one and
9. Plain answer the question.
10. Entire
- If they cannot answer the
a. polite and pleasant question, the others will help.
b. perfect happiness or If no one can answer the
question, then that question
enjoyment will become our homework to
c. to feel worried about solve.

something that is going to
happen or may happen
d. imagine a particular
situation that is going to
happen or may happen
e. a feeling of great sadness
f. to limit the growth or
development of something

Chapter 10 141

g. go kill someone by
crucifying them to a cross

h. a soft steady light
i. very clear and easy to

j. all of a group, period of

time, amount, etc.



Task 1: - Now, let’s listen to the song
- Guru membaca nyaring again. Pay attention to the
pronunciation of the words
kata-kata yang ditargetkan you just studied.
untuk menunjukkan atau
mengkonfirmasi lafal bunyi kata- - Now listen to me reading
kata tersebut. aloud the words. Repeat after
Task 2:
- Siswa menyanyikan lagu dan - After you learn how to
pronounce the words
memperhatikan pelafalan yang correctly, now it’s to sing.
- Listen to the song and sing
along. Pay attention to the

142 Bahasa Inggris

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