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First Edition @ 2023<br>Copyright Reserved by Yayasan Sarawak<br><br>Published by<br>Yayasan Sarawak

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Published by Yayasan Sarawak, 2023-07-11 23:49:52

Review of Strategic Plan 2021-2025 Sarawak Foundation

First Edition @ 2023<br>Copyright Reserved by Yayasan Sarawak<br><br>Published by<br>Yayasan Sarawak

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b First Edition @ 2023 Copyright Reserved by Yayasan Sarawak Published by Yayasan Sarawak

Table of Content Foreword Premier Sarawak Preface Director of Sarawak Foundation PART 01 - Existing Strategic Plan 2021-2025 Yayasan Sarawak PART 02 - Strategic Plan 2021-2025 The Review Process PART 03 - The Action Plans PART 04 - Conclusion 1 3 7 15 33 49


f 1 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Greetings and warm wishes to all, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and Salam Sejahtera. Alhamdulillah, all praises, and thanks be to Allah SWT, and blessings and peace be upon the Prophet Muhammad SAW, as the Sarawak Foundation Strategic Plan 2023-2030 has been successfully published. The Sarawak Foundation Strategic Plan serves as the master policy plan to be strategically implemented by the Sarawak Foundation in developing human capital in Sarawak and is in line with the Sarawak Post-Covid-19 Recovery Plan 2030 (PCDS 2030). As a competitive state, the Sarawak Foundation Strategic Plan 2023-2030 prioritizes the development of human capital by enhancing skills, knowledge, and efficiency through the development of digital and physical networks. The Sarawak Foundation will be guided and monitored through four (4) main pillars that aim to bring Sarawak towards being first-class thinkers in terms of human capital development. This is based on the mission of the Sarawak Foundation which is committed to driving the development of quality human capital for Sarawak through effective assistance and support. Therefore, I urge all employees of the Sarawak Foundation to work together to achieve the Sarawak Foundation Strategic Plan 2023-2030, a comprehensive plan to make the Sarawak Foundation globally recognized in terms of the development of quality human capital for Sarawak. Simultaneously, the Sarawak Foundation Strategic Plan 2023-2030 pays attention to efforts made to strengthen governance and places emphasis on strategic financial management and empowerment of digital systems in providing digital infrastructure. Finally, I hope that all employees of the Sarawak Foundation will join hands in supporting the mission and vision of the Sarawak Foundation and in the implementation of all the strategies and programs outlined in the Sarawak Foundation Strategic Plan 2023-2030, so that we can collectively experience its effectiveness. Thank you, Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg Premier Sarawak cum Chairman of Board of Trustees Sarawak Foundation Foreword Premier Sarawak Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg Haji Mersal bin Abang Rosli Director, Sarawak Foundation


2 3 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Assalamualaikum warrahmatullah hi wabarakatuh and Salam Sejahtera (Peace be upon you and may the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you all). All praise and thanks be to Allah SWT, as with His permission, the Sarawak Foundation has been able to evaluate and rearrange the Sarawak Foundation Strategic Plan 2023-2030. The Strategic Plan serves as a manifestation and guideline to ensure that all plans can be realized in line with the Sarawak Government’s Post-Covid-19 Development Strategy (PCDS) and to face upcoming complex challenges. As time passes, the Sarawak Foundation faces challenges in providing the best and public-friendly services to meet the expectations of the community, especially after the country was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. This 2023-2030 Strategic Plan is an improvement and continuity of the 2021- 2025 Strategic Plan, which serves as a guiding source for the Sarawak Foundation to plan for a more efficient and dynamic direction. Programs and services have been designed and enhanced to improve accessibility to the community, especially rural communities. This commitment is therefore a sincere effort of the Sarawak Foundation to become an organization that is responsive and sensitive to the needs of the community. The Sarawak Foundation will continue to conduct annual evaluations to ensure that the strategic planning achieves the intended objectives. Monitoring will be carried out from the planning stage to the implementation stage, ensuring that the direction of the Sarawak Foundation aligns with the documented planning. Finally, I take this opportunity to express my highest appreciation and congratulations to all parties involved in formulating and preparing the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan. My hope is that this document will serve as a guide and reference to ensure the Sarawak Foundation remains relevant in providing excellent services to the community for the betterment and overall prosperity of Sarawak. Thank you, Haji Mersal bin Abang Rosli Director Sarawak Foundation Preface Director Sarawak Foundation Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg Haji Mersal bin Abang Rosli Director, Sarawak Foundation

4 STRATEGIC PLAN 2021-2025 Sarawak FoundationWILL UNDERGO MID-TERM REVIEW TO ASSESS ITS RELEVANCY AFTER THE UNPRECEDENTED Plan Strategic 2021-2025 Sarawak Foundationhas undergo mid-term review to assess its relevancy and objectives particularly after the whole world were affected by the unprecedented COVID 19 pandemic. The existing Strategy Map in the BSC system is reviewed to reflect the ever expanding roles of Sarawak Foundationin upgrading the stadard of education in Sarawak especially in the formation of YS International School and acquisition of major stakes in some local private universities. Another impetus for review is the launching of Post COVID-19 Development Strategy by the Sarawak Government. Sarawak Foundationwill need to map all its strategies to fulfill the requirement of its stakeholders based on this important policy. Finally, the United Nation is promoting the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 to ensure growth and sustainability demands complement one another and Sarawak Foundationis obliged to commit and support this global agenda. The review process is timely and inevitable in view of the current scenario surrounding the operational process of Yayasan Sarawak. THE STATEMENTS The Statements VISION MOTTO MISSION To be a world class foundation in developing quality human capital in Sarawak We are committed to advancing the development of quality human capital for Sarawak through effective assistance and support Catalyst for educational development

4 5 YAYASAN SARAWAK SIX(6) SHARED VALUES Shared Values 6 SHARED VALUES Integrity Kind and Caring Sense of Urgency and Ownership Team Spirit Result Oriented Profesionalism

01 Part


Existing Pelan Strategik 2021-2025 Yayasan Sarawak 8 CORE 1 Empowering human capital development 1. Providing sponsorship and educational assistance 2. Actively engaging in educational institutions and skills training 3. Capacity building among students and the community 4. Capacity building among students and the community 5. Tracking success and achievements 6. Students’ commitment to repay loans. FOUR CORE OBJECTIVES STRATEGIC PLAN YAYASAN SARAWAK 2021 - 2025 CORE 2 Strengthening financial management and maximizing revenue and investment returns 1. Efficient and effective financial management 2. Regular financial planning by controlling costs/ expenses through cost-saving measures and prudent spending 3. Rental income from properties 4. Maximizing investment returns 5. Enhancing and reinforcing the value of financial management integrity. CORE 3 Strengthening governance towards organizational excellence 1. Issues related to governance, integrity, and anti-corruption in YS 2. Publicity planning and media management 3. Upholding core values CORE 4 Strengthening and Empowering Information Technology (IT) 1. Client, systems & infrastructure 2. Services & automation 3. Cybersecurity, compliance & risk 4. Education, awareness & engagement 5. Continuous improvement & development 6. Data management & analytics Slide 3 Strategic Plan Yayasan Sarawak 2021 - 2025 24 Initiatives 91 Programs 4 Strategic Objectives 4 Core Areas


Existing Pelan Strategik 2021-2025 Yayasan Sarawak 10 Slide 61 & 62_Ringkasan Maklumat Pelan Strategik Yayasan Sarawak 2021-2025 4 Core Areas 20 Strategic Objectives 24 Initiatives 91 Programs CORE 1 Empowering human capital development as an asset of energy towards achieving Sarawak's status as a developed and high-income state by 2030 CORE 2 Strengthening financial management and optimizing revenue and investment outcomes for Sarawak Foundation CORE 4 Strengthening governance towards organizational excellence CORE Enhancing and empowering information technology 6 Strategic Objectives 6 Initiatives 30 Programs & Activities 3 Strategic Objectives 4 Initiatives 11 Programs & Activities 6 Strategic Objectives 8 Initiatives 33 Programs & Activities 5 Strategic Objectives 6 Initiatives 17 Programs & Activities BSC; CS1M1 F1M1 F3M1 F3M2 F4M1 F4M2 IP1M1 IP2M1 BSC; F4M2 F6M1 F6M2 F6M3 BSC; IP1M1 OC3M1 BSC; CS2M1 F5M1 IP1M1 IP4M1 IP5M1 OC1M1 OC1M2 OC1M1 OC3M1 SUMMARY OF STRATEGIC PLAN INFORMATION FOR YAYASAN SARAWAK 2021-2025

Review of Pelan Strategik 2021-2025 Yayasan Sarawak 10 11 YAYASAN SARAWAK BALANCED SCORECARD 2023 Item No BSC Perspective Strategic Objective (SO) Key Performance Indicator (KPI) KPI Owner IV/T/ST 1 Customer (15%) CS1: Enhance Customer & Stakeholders Satisfaction CS1M1 Customer & Stakeholder Satisfaction Rating (5%) Pn. Haznetta Sarenau Howell 85.00 / 90.00 / 95.00 CS1M2 Stakeholder Satisfaction Rating (Supplier) (5%) Pn. Temah binti Ibrahim 85.00 / 90.00 / 95.00 CS2: Enhance Employee Satisfaction (5%) CS2M1 Customer Satisfaction Index (Employee) (5%) En. Abang Azrianto bin Abang Bohari 85.00 / 90.00 / 95.00 2 Financial (45%) F1: Enhance Budget Utilization (State Funded - Programs) (5%) F1M1 % of Expenditure Against Allocation Received from the State (Programs) (5%) En. Mahathir Mohamad 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 F2: Enhance Budget Utilization (State Funded-Projects) (5%) F2M1 % of actual expenditure against annual estimated expenditure (Projects) (5%) En. Zulfiqqar Fadhely Randy 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 F3: Optimize Budget Utilization - Core Business (Scholarship, Programs & Assistance) (10%) F3M1 % of total disbursement (RM) of scholarship against budget (5%) Pn. Ratnasari binti Mansor 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 F3M2 % of total disbursement (RM) of education program & assistance against budget allocation (5%) En. Mahathir Mohamad 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 F4: Optimize Budget Utilization - Core Business (Educations Loans & Repayment) (10%) F4M1 % of total disbursement (RM) of education-loan scholarship against budget (5%) En. Yantiska bin Mahmud 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 F4M2 % of collection on student’s loan of the year (5%) En. Liew Zhe Rong 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 F5: Optimize Budget Utilization - Non Core Business (2%) F5M1 % Savings of Non.-Core (Administration) (2%) Pn. Temah binti Ibrahim 15.00 / 20.00 / 25.00 F6: Sustain Growth (9%) F6M1 Operating Income (Interest, Dividend & Profit of Sales of Investment) (5%) En. Ismalia Bohari 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 F6M2 Operating Income (Rental) (2%) En. Zulfiqqar Fadhely Randy 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 F6M3 Operating Income (Other Operating Income) (2%) En. Easmawi Razak bin Mohamad Eastern 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 F7: Maintain Unqualified Jabatan Audit F7M1 Electronic Compliance Self Assessment (eCSA) Rating(4%) Pn. Haznetta Sarenau Howell 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00

Existing Pelan Strategik 2021-2025 Yayasan Sarawak 12 YAYASAN SARAWAK BALANCED SCORECARD 2023 Item No BSC Perspective Strategic Objective (SO) Key Performance Indicator (KPI) KPI Owner IV/T/ST 1 Customer (15%) CS1: Enhance Customer & Stakeholders Satisfaction CS1M1 Customer & Stakeholder Satisfaction Rating (5%) Pn. Haznetta Sarenau Howell 85.00 / 90.00 / 95.00 CS1M2 Stakeholder Satisfaction Rating (Supplier) (5%) Pn. Temah binti Ibrahim 85.00 / 90.00 / 95.00 CS2: Enhance Employee Satisfaction (5%) CS2M1 Customer Satisfaction Index (Employee) (5%) En. Abang Azrianto bin Abang Bohari 85.00 / 90.00 / 95.00 2 Financial (45%) F1: Enhance Budget Utilization (State Funded - Programs) (5%) F1M1 % of Expenditure Against Allocation Received from the State (Programs) (5%) En. Mahathir Mohamad 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 F2: Enhance Budget Utilization (State Funded-Projects) (5%) F2M1 % of actual expenditure against annual estimated expenditure (Projects) (5%) En. Zulfiqqar Fadhely Randy 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 F3: Optimize Budget Utilization - Core Business (Scholarship, Programs & Assistance) (10%) F3M1 % of total disbursement (RM) of scholarship against budget (5%) Pn. Ratnasari binti Mansor 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 F3M2 % of total disbursement (RM) of education program & assistance against budget allocation (5%) En. Mahathir Mohamad 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 F4: Optimize Budget Utilization - Core Business (Educations Loans & Repayment) (10%) F4M1 % of total disbursement (RM) of education-loan scholarship against budget (5%) En. Yantiska bin Mahmud 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 F4M2 % of collection on student’s loan of the year (5%) En. Liew Zhe Rong 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 F5: Optimize Budget Utilization - Non Core Business (2%) F5M1 % Savings of Non.-Core (Administration) (2%) Pn. Temah binti Ibrahim 15.00 / 20.00 / 25.00 F6: Sustain Growth (9%) F6M1 Operating Income (Interest, Dividend & Profit of Sales of Investment) (5%) En. Ismalia Bohari 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 F6M2 Operating Income (Rental) (2%) En. Zulfiqqar Fadhely Randy 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 F6M3 Operating Income (Other Operating Income) (2%) En. Easmawi Razak bin Mohamad Eastern 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 F7: Maintain Unqualified Jabatan Audit F7M1 Electronic Compliance Self Assessment (eCSA) Rating(4%) Pn. Haznetta Sarenau Howell 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 3 Internal Process(30%) IP1: Enhance Customer Service Delivery(8%) IP1M1 Operational Efficiency Rating (5%) Pn. Haznetta Sarenau Howell 85.00 / 90.00 / 95.00 IP1M2 % of Invoices Checked and Verified For Payment Within 5 Working Days (3%) Pn. Temah binti Ibrahim 85.00 / 90.00 / 95.00 IP2: Effiecient Program Execution(5%) IP2M1 % of Claim Paid Against Allocation (Actual vs Planner) (5%) En. Mahathir Mohamad 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 IP3: Effiecient Project Execution(5%) IP3M1 % of Completion/Status each Projects/Delivery (Actual vs Scheduled) (5%) En. Zulfiqqar Fadhely Randy 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 IP4: Enhance Regulation & Compliance (6%) IP4M1 Enhance Quality of Legal Documentation (3%) En. Jolly bin Marikan 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 IP4M2 Number of Audit Execution Against Audit Plan (3%) Pn. Azalina binti Ali Omar 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 IP5: Manage Risks Efficiently(3%) IP5M1 Number of Risks Resolved/Improved (3%) Dr. Eliza Fazliaton Alias 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 IP6: Enhance Servie Delivery - Invoices (3%) IP6M1 % of Invoices (with complete supporting documents) Paid Within 9 Working Days (3%) En. Easmawi Razak bin Mohamad Eastern 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 4 Organisational Capacity(10%) OC1: Enhance Training & Development (5%) OC1M1 Number of staff completed required training hours (3%) Pn. Hajijah binti Morsidi 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 OC1M2 Number of staff achieved performance appraisal 80% and above (2%) En. Abang Azrianto bin Abang Bohari 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 OC2: Internalize Shared Values (2%) OC2M1 % of programme implemented in the year (2%) Pn. Hajijah binti Morsidi 80.00 / 85.00 / 90.00 OC3: Leverage on ICT To Drive Organisational Productivity (3%) OC3M1 System Average Response Time (3%) En. Mohammad Faisal Jaffar 3 sec / 2 sec / 1 sec

Review of Pelan Strategik 2021-2025 Yayasan Sarawak 12 13 Slide 10 Haji Mersal bin Abang Rosli 1. Mohamad Adzlie bin Ibrahim 2. Louis Simon Peter 1. Zamahari bin Haji Saidi 2. Suryani binti Abdul Hamid 3. Shamsuddin Sham Abdullah 4. Watson Chunggat Leornardo 1. Easmawi Razak Mohamad Eastern 2. Jolly Marikan 3. Dr. Eliza Fazliaton Alias 4. Hajijah Morsidi 5. Mohamad Faisal Jaffar 6. Abang Azrianto Abang Bohari 7. Ratnasari Mansor 8. Temah Ibrahim 9. Yantiska Mahmud 10. Zulfiqqar Fadzhely Randy 11. Liew Zhe Rong 12. Ismallia Bohari 13. Haznetta Sarenau Howel 14. Azalina Ali Omar 15. Mahathir Mohammad 1. Hajijah Morsidi 2. Randy Alexon Rozaiman 1. Azalina Ali Omar 2. Siti Asfajarina Salleh 3. Syaifariza Kamaruddini Chairman Deputy SO Owners KPI Owners Secretariats/ Coordinators Internal Auditors YAYASAN SARAWAK SCORECARD MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE

02 Part


The Revised Strategy 16 17 Slide 12_strategy review process Present strategy to BSC, deskstudy JANUARY Review of present strategy, mapping to PCDS 2030, proposed changes FEBRUARY Preparing of revised strategy, interviews, brainstorms, workshop, MARCH Produce revised Strategic Plan 2021-2025 APRIL Post COVID-19 DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2030 STRATEGY REVIEW PROCESS Education Committee Meeting

Review of Pelan Strategik 2021-2025 Yayasan Sarawak 16 17 PCDS 2030 ASPIRATION

The Revised Strategy 18 19

Review of Pelan Strategik 2021-2025 Yayasan Sarawak 18 19 Slide 17_mapping Reduce urban and rural development gap Facilitate human capital development Enhance work efficiency, enhance productivity via digital innovation PCDS 2030 Thrust 6 Enabler 01 Enabler 03 No poverty Quality education Reduce inequalities SDG 2030 SDG 4 SDG 10 SDG 1 YAYASAN SARAWAK ALIGNMENT TO PCDS 2030 AND SDG Yayasan Sarawak is committed in advancing the development of quality human capital for Sarawak through effective educational support and accessibility in higher education for all Sarawakians especially those under the B40 category and rural communities.

The Revised Strategy 20 21 Slide 24 THE STRATEGY MAP C1 Produce qualified human capital C2 Achieve customers satisfaction F1 Sustain financial growth F2 Develop Yayasan Sarawak institutions F3 Comply regulatory requirements IP1 Enhanced programs & assistance OC1 Create progressive culture OC2 High staff satisfaction OC3 Accelerate digital transformation IP2 Strengthen educational institutions IP3 Increase income generated IP4 Efficient service delivery CUSTOMER FINANCIAL INTERNAL PROCESS ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY THE REVISED STRATEGY MAP

Review of Pelan Strategik 2021-2025 Yayasan Sarawak 20 21 Organizational Capacity (OC) Sarawak Foundation will strengthen the organization’s capacity by creating a progressive culture. Sarawak Foundation staff will acquire comprehensive training and exposure to managing new challenges. The SCS Shared Values will be the basis of transforming into a new work culture being a dominant financial management entity the element of integrity shall be given special focus. In pursuing the new paradigm shift towards quality culture, Sarawak Foundation will ensure the percentage of staff satisfaction remains high. Internal staff issues be identified, given attention and resolved amicably/ Concerning ICT, Sarawak Foundation will be aggressively introducing change in this aspect. In a constantly changing world of IOT, data analytics and AI, there will be plenty for Sarawak Foundation to invest in and acquire in order to be contemporary and move towards Society 5.0. Internal Process (IP) Sarawak Foundation aims to outreach to a larger mass of customers that need to be served. One way is to collaborate with District Education Departments in all Divisions together with disseminate promotional materials through school counsellors. The outreach towards the B40 category and rural communities will be an important measure to ensure all hard-working students are provided with the educational support to excel in their studies. Sarawak Foundation is major stakeholders in many private tertiary institutions and international school in Sarawak. The Sarawak Foundation expansion and financial operations of these institutions has a direct impact on Sarawak Foundation services particularly in offering accessibility to the focus groups. Sarawak Foundation is obliged to strengthen the monitoring process and state of affairs of these institutions. For many decades, Sarawak Foundation is successful in providing education assistance for students due to its financial prudence. This aspect is a niche strength of Sarawak Foundation existence and will continue to be enhanced by introducing more initiatives like donations drive, financial accountability and diversification. Sarawak Foundation has an embedded culture of continuous quality improvements. The internal processes of all the Sections in Sarawak Foundation will be assessed and improved annually to achieve higher effectiveness and efficiency. This will be done by reducing bureaucracies, reducing processing time, empowerment and removal of pain points. Financial (F) Sarawak Foundation has a huge responsibility to maintain its annual financial growth. To ensure growth Sarawak Foundation revenue must be greater than its expenditure. This can be achieved by close financial monitoring, initiating cost-saving measures and reducing unproductive activities. Sarawak Foundation has seven institutions of higher learning that are at a stage of developing and expanding phSarawak Foundation ically. The development budget approved for these institutions must be executed properly to reduce the financial risk. As an institution, Sarawak Foundation is obliged to fulfil all stipulated benchmark standards by various stakeholders. Amongst these burdens of responsibilities are the eCSA, Inland Revenue, National Audit Department and Sarawak Foundation Risk Committee. Customers (C) Sarawak Foundation pride itself as an entity that provides quality human capital for various stakeholders in Sarawak. The population of graduates that enter the workforce will be an important measure of Sarawak Foundation ’s contribution. Similarly skills development and intensive training offered by Sarawak Foundation institutions will be quantified and highlighted as Sarawak Foundation contribution towards producing quality human capital. Also, special school programs like Exchange and HiPERS are directly contributing towards the same human capital agenda and significantly brought changes to the people. As an institution focus on quality, customer satisfaction must be high on the agenda. Sarawak Foundation will measure the outcomes from customer surveSarawak Foundation as a tool to evaluate Sarawak Foundation success in delivering its objectives. UNDERSTANDING THE STRATEGY MAP

The Revised Strategy 22 23 Yayasan Sarawak will CAPITALIZE on its current strength to propel towards greater achievements, MITIGATE its weakness and make good all shortcomings, REALIZE all available opportunities through innovative initiatives and COLLABORATE with stakeholders on dealings with imminent threats Weakness Threats Strength Opportunity Slide 20 CHALLENGING SCENARIO 2023 a) Acquisition of HE assets b) Diversified revenues c) Internationalization d) Lean management e) Positive culture f ) Increased capability a) Autonomous subsidiary b) Demand greater than supply c) Visionary government d) BOT is authoritative e) Group’s assets in RM billions a) Sharing of timber cess b) Increasing cost of living d) Sudden stakeholder’s demand e) High financial demand by Yayasan SSarawak institutions f ) New sets of management skills needed a) Unknown in rural Sarawak b) To adopt technology c) Require new skill sets d) Little attention to risk e) To tackle governance issues f ) Need to focus on outcomes CHALLENGING SCENARIO 2023

Review of Pelan Strategik 2021-2025 Yayasan Sarawak 22 23 Slide 22 THE ROAD MAP BEYOND 2025 STRATEGIC THEMES 1. Educational excellence 2. Financial management excellence 3. Service delivery excellence PRIDE OF SARAWAK 2023-2025 NATIONAL VISIBILITY 2026-2030 GLOBAL EXCELLENCE 2031-2035 STRATEGIC RESULTS 1. Produced quality human capital 2. Sustained growth 3. Attained global outreach THE ROAD MAP BEYOND 2025

The Revised Strategy 24 25 Slide 23 Haji Mersal bin Abang Rosli 1. Deputy Director (Core business) 2. Deputy Director(Education) 3. Deputy Director (YS institutions) - proposed 1. Principal Assistant Director (Scholarship & Program) 2. Principal Assistant Director (Education Loan & Repayment) 3. Principal Assistant Director (Administration & Communication) 4. Principal Assistant Director (Investment & Property) 1. Scholarship Section 2. Education Loan Section 3. Program and Assistance Section 4. Repayment Section 5. Account Section 6. Corporate Section 7. Investment Section 8. Property, Projects and Facility Management Section 9. Administrative, Asset and Procurement Section 10. Information Technology and System Management Section 11. Human Resources Management Section 12. Data Management and Public Communication Section 13. Performance Management and Quality Section 14. Risk Management Section Assistant Director (Performance Management and Quality Section) Assistant Director (Internal Audit and Compliance Section) Chairman (Director) Deputy (SO Owners) KPI owners (Principal Assistant Directors) Person-in-charge (Assistant Directors) Secretariats/ Coordinators Internal Auditors SCORECARD MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE

Review of Pelan Strategik 2021-2025 Yayasan Sarawak 24 25 MAPPING OF STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES TO STRATEGIC THEMES Perspectives STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES STRATEGIC THEMES Code Title Educational excellence Financial management excellence Service delivery excellence Customer C1 Produce qualified human capital C2 Achieve customers satisfaction Financial F1 Sustain financial growth F2 Strengthen educational Institutions F3 Comply regulatory requirements Internal process IP1 Enhanced program & assistance IP2 Develop YS institutions IP3 Increase income generated IP4 Efficient service delivery Organizational capacity OC1 Create progressive culture OC2 High staff satisfaction OC3 Accelerate digital transformation TOTAL 3 4 5

The Revised Strategy 26 27 MAPPING STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE OWNERS AND KPIS Perspectives STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Code Title Key Performance Indicators Owner Customer C1 Produce qualified human capital Percentage increase of graduates and skilled workers Deputy Director C2 Achieve customers satisfaction Percentage of customers satisfied (Core business) Financial F1 Sustain financial growth Percentage of annual growth Deputy Director F2 Develop YS institutions Amount of approved development budget (Education) F3 Comply regulatory requirements Number of financial regulatory requirements complied Deputy Director Internal process IP1 Enhanced program & assistance Percentage of stakeholders engaged (Core business) IP2 Strengthen educational Institutions Percentage of operational budget disbursed Deputy Director IP3 Increase income generated Percentage income increment (Core business) IP4 Efficient service delivery Percentage of processes improved Deputy Director Organizational capacity OC1 Create progressive culture Percentage of annual events done (Core business) OC2 High staff satisfaction Percentage of satisfied staff Deputy Director OC3 Accelerate digital transformation Percentage of ICT project completed (Education)

Review of Pelan Strategik 2021-2025 Yayasan Sarawak 26 27 MAPPING KPIs AND STRATEGIC RESULTS Perspectives Strategic Objectives KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS STRATEGIC RESULTS Measures Produced quality human capital Sustained growth Attained global outreach Customer C1 Produce qualified human capital Percentage increase of graduates and skilled workers C2 Achieve customers satisfaction Percentage of customers satisfied Financial F1 Sustain financial growth Percentage of annual growth F2 Develop YS institutions Amount of approved development budget F3 Comply regulatory requirements Number of financial regulatory requirements complied Internal process IP1 Enhanced programs & assistance Percentage of stakeholders engaged IP2 Strengthen educational Institutions Percentage of operational budget disbursed IP3 Increase income generated Percentage income increment IP4 Efficient service delivery Percentage of processes improved Organizational capacity OC1 Create progressive culture Percentage of annual events done OC2 High staff satisfaction Percentage of satisfied staff OC3 Accelerate digital transformation Percentage of ICT project completed TOTAL 4 6 2

The Revised Strategy 28 29 KPI FREQUENCY, TARGET & DATA SOURCE Perspectives Strategic Objectives KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FREQUENCY, TARGET & DATA SOURCE Measures Frequency (per year) IV/ Target/ Stretch Data source Customer C1 Produce qualified human capital Percentage increase of graduates and skilled workers 3 70/ 80/ 90 Senior Officers Meeting C2 Achieve customers satisfaction Percentage of customers satisfied 4 70/ 80/ 90 Customer Relation Committee Financial F1 Sustain financial growth Percentage of annual growth 1 1.5/ 2.0/ 2.5 JK Perakaunan & Pengurusan Akaun   F2 Develop YS institutions Amount of approved development budget 2 80/ 85/ 90 Board of Trustees Meetings F3 Comply regulatory requirements Number of financial regulatory requirements complied 1 80/ 85/ 90 Senior Officers Meeting Internal process IP1 Enhanced programs & assistance Percentage of stakeholders engaged 4 90/ 95/ 100 Senior Officers Meeting IP2 Strengthen educational Institutions Percentage of operational budget disbursed 2 85/ 90/ 95 Board of Trustees Meetings IP3 Increase income generated Percentage income increment 4 80/ 85/ 90 JK Perakaunan & Pengurusan Akaun IP4 Efficient service delivery Percentage of processes improved 3 85/ 90/ 95 Management Review Meeting Organizational capacity OC1 Create progressive culture Percentage of annual events done 3 80/ 85/ 90 Senior Officers Meeting OC2 High staff satisfaction Percentage of satisfied staff 1 85/ 90/ 95 Human Resource Committee OC3 Accelerate digital transformation Percentage of ICT project completed 2 60/ 80/ 100 Senior Officers Meeting

Review of Pelan Strategik 2021-2025 Yayasan Sarawak 28 29 KPI MEASURES & OWNERS Perspectives Strategic Objectives Key Performance Indicators Measures Owners Customer C1 Produce qualified human capital Percentage increase of graduates and skilled workers No of graduates produced by YS institutions Principal Assistant Directors (Education Loan And Repayment Division) No of scholarship & loan recipients Principal Assistant Directors (Education Loan And Repayment Division) No of student in Exchange program Principal Assistant Directors (Scholarship, Programs And Assistance Division) C2 Achieve customers satisfaction Percentage of customers satisfied No of respondents surveyed and satisfied Principal Assistant Directors (Administration And Communication Division) Financial F1 Sustain financial growth Percentage of annual growth Amount of expenditure disbursed Principal Assistant Directors (Investment And Property Division) Amount received from revenue Principal Assistant Directors (Investment And Property Division) F2 Develop YS institutions Amount of approved development budget Approved development budget allocated to YS institutions Principal Assistant Directors (Investment And Property Division) F3 Comply regulatory requirements Number of financial regulatory requirements complied Passing marks obtained from eCSA, JAN, LHD & Risk Principal Assistant Directors (Administration And Communication Division) Internal process IP1 Enhanced program & assistance Percentage of stakeholders engaged No of school counselors, PPDs & rural schools engaged Principal Assistant Directors (Scholarship, Programs And Assistance Division) IP2 Strengthen educational Institutions Percentage of operational budget disbursed Spending of operational budget by 7 YS institutions Principal Assistant Directors (Investment And Property Division) IP3 Increase income generated Percentage income increment Amount obtained from investment portfolios Principal Assistant Directors (Investment And Property Division) IP4 Efficient service delivery Percentage of processes improved No of YS Sections committed to process improvements Principal Assistant Directors (Administration And Communication Division) Organizational capacity OC1 Create progressive culture Percentage of annual events done No of activities focus on shared values and staff training Principal Assistant Directors (Investment And Property Division) OC2 High staff satisfaction Percentage of satisfied staff No of staff surveyed and satisfied Principal Assistant Directors (Investment And Property Division) OC3 Accelerate digital transformation Percentage of ICT project completed Percentage execution of ICT projects in next 3 years Principal Assistant Directors (Investment And Property Division)

The Revised Strategy 30 31 KPI MEASURES AND WEIGHTAGE Perspectives Strategic Objectives Key Performance Indicators Measures Weightage Customer C1 Produce qualified human capital Percentage increase of graduates and skilled workers No of graduates produced by YS institutions 45 No of scholarship & loan recipients 45 No of student in Exchange program 10 C2 Achieve customers satisfaction Percentage of customers satisfied No of respondents surveyed and satisfied 100 Financial F1 Sustain financial growth Percentage of annual growth Amount of expenditure disbursed 50 Amount received from revenue 50 F2 Develop YS institutions Amount of approved development budget Approved development budget allocated to YS institutions 100 F3 Comply regulatory requirements Number of financial regulatory requirements complied Passing marks obtained from eCSA, JAN, LHD & Risk 100 Internal process IP1 Enhanced program & assistance Percentage of stakeholders engaged No of school counselors, PPDs & rural schools engaged 100 IP2 Strengthen educational Institutions Percentage of operational budget disbursed Spending of operational budget by 7 YS institutions 100 IP3 Increase income generated Percentage income increment Amount obtained from investment portfolios 100 IP4 Efficient service delivery Percentage of processes improved No of YS Sections committed to process improvements 100 Organizational capacity OC1 Create progressive culture Percentage of annual events done No of activities focus on shared values and staff training 100 OC2 High staff satisfaction Percentage of satisfied staff No of staff surveyed and satisfied 100 OC3 Accelerate digital transformation Percentage of ICT project completed Percentage execution of ICT projects in next 3 years 100

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The Action Plans 34 35 YS enhance its culture of progress with systematic execution of activities that energize and synergize staff. The SCS shared values will be disseminated and reminded amongst staff with particular attention on integrity. In the next three years the OACP will be systematically implemented. Staff training aims to increase staff knowledge, skills and attitude with particular focus on leadership exposures. The training needs analysis is an important element in the process. Person in-charge of action plan: 1. Assistant Director (Performance Management And Quality Section) 2. Assistant Director @ Certified Integrity Officer (Human Resources Management Section) ACTION PLANS FOR OC1 2023 - 2025 OC1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 January March May July September November February April June August October December Sense of Urgency & Ownership ‰Ownership Talk & Morning Prayer Integrity ‰OACP & Morning Prayer Professionalism ‰Brown bag seminar (2 times) & Morning Prayer Sense of Urgency & Ownership ‰Talk on Sense of Urgency (2 times) & Celebration Integrity ‰OACP & Morning Prayer Result oriented ‰Morning Prayer Kind & caring and Professionalism ‰Hari Keluarga, Morning Prayer & Training Needs analysis Kind & caring ‰Health talk Result oriented & integrity ‰Quality, benchmarking & integrity Kind & Caring ‰Health talk Team Spirit ‰Gotong Royong

Review of Pelan Strategik 2021-2025 Yayasan Sarawak 35 2023 - 2025 Between 2023 till 2025 YS will ensure staff are satisfied working in the organization. Annual survey will be conducted to gauge staff motivation and challenges. Issues raised by staff will be recorded and analyzed for remedial actions. A progressive culture is driven by a group of satisfied staff working in the organization. Person in-charge of action plan: 1. Assistant Director (Human Resource Section) ACTION PLANS FOR OC2 Exhibition OC2 Annual survey (Dec) Jk Pengurusan Aduan Pelanggan (Mar & Sept) Majlis Bersama Jabatan (Mar, Jul & Oct)

The Action Plans 36 37 Yayasan Sarawak will be transforming its way of doing business by embracing ICT technology. It will ease the way of doing business by upgrading MyYayasan portal, future proofing infrastructure, upgrading EAMS, installing business intelligence software and strengthening YS-CAPS. An important milestone is to embrace data analytics in the work place. Person in-charge of action plan: 1. Assistant Director @ Certified Integrity Officer (Human Resources Management Section) ACTION PLANS FOR OC3 OC3 Upgrading MyYayasan portal Futureproofing infra EAMS V3 Business intelligence YS-CAPS 1. Projected 10 schools per year 2. Computer delivery 3. Performance report 1. Data platform & visualization requirement 2. Tender & installation 3. Integration with EAMS & financial 4. Launching 1. URS 2. Budget approval 3. Project execution 4.Acceptance test 5. Launching Infra initiatives 1. Digital filing 2. Security & compliance 3. WIFI network design Apps 1. Free school bus 2. School uniform 3. Student portal 4. YBStar 5. Sarawak ISM

Review of Pelan Strategik 2021-2025 Yayasan Sarawak 37 Yayasan Sarawak has a broad spectrum of customers and stakeholders comprising students, parents, teachers, schools, and others. Its core business will be always be supporting educational needs to these stakeholders. A systematic outreach on three particular stakeholders, PPDs, school counselors and students in rural schools, will be measured to produce the desired outcome. Person in-charge of action plan: 1. Assistant Director (Scholarship Section) 2. Assistant Director (Education Loan Section) 3. Assistant Director (Programs and Assistance Section) ACTION PLANS FOR IP1 IP1 MULTIPLE • Cakna pendidikan • Expo promosi • Hebahan akhbar • Medsos • MyUniversity MyChoice • Hari Kerjaya Pendidikan • YSKL prestigious schools visits • Iklan ambilan baharu TWICE • YS Bersama Konselor Sekolah ONCE

The Action Plans 38 39 Yayasan Sarawak is able to offer accessibility to international standard of education through its own International School. Having majority shares in various companies, Yayasan Sarawak can offer scholarships to students into Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak, Curtin University Malaysia, University Technology Sarawak, Kolej Laila Taib and iCATS. YS can offer skill training and workplace through enrolment in CENTEX which have campuses all over Sarawak. The sustainability of these institutions is a high stake liability to YS and its progress will be monitored through disbursement of operational budgets. 1. Person in-charge of action plan: Assistant Director (Corporate Section) ACTION PLANS FOR IP2 IP2 & F2 Twice Twice Once YS Education Group Meeting Financial report BOD Meetings Scorecard presentation Once

Review of Pelan Strategik 2021-2025 Yayasan Sarawak 39 The State vision towards developed state and demand of more scholarship, increased number of YS Institution and higher cost of living contributed a bigger challenge to YS financial capability. The ability to increase funding annually will be the dominant pressure towards achieving YS deliverables. It is pertinent that the financial strength of YS be monitored closely and income generation increases annually. Person in-charge of action plan: 1. Assistant Director (Account Section) 2. Assistant Director (Investment Section) 3. Assistant Director (Property, Projects and Facility Management Section) ACTION PLANS FOR IP3 IP3 ANNUAL FUND INCREASE Monthly monitoring of funds Annual increase of rental revenue Initiate donation drive from alumni Improve dividends from subsidiary

The Action Plans 40 41 YS will be improving its way of doing business and focus towards improving internal processes. There are 15 Sections or divisions in YS and each one has their own processes. All Sections or divisions will be required either to focus on reducing bureaucracies, reduce delivery time, empower staff or remove pain points in the way they are doing work. Person in-charge of action plan: 1. Assistant Director (Administration, Asset and Procurement Section) ACTION PLANS FOR IP4 No Sections in YS Reducing bureaucracy Reduce time Empowerment Remove pain points 1 Education Loan Section 1 1 2 Program & Assistance Section 3 3 3 3 3 Repayment Section 1 4 Scholarship Section 2 2 5 Account Section 2 2 2 6 Administration, Assets & Procurement Section 1 1 1 7 Human Resource Management Section 1 2 1 8 Investment Section 1 9 Internal Audit & Compliance section 1 1 10 Project, Property & Facility Management Section 1 1 11 Corporate Section 12 Information Technology and System Management Section 2 13 Data Management & Public Communication Section 1 1 1 14 Risk Management Section 1 1 15 Performance & Quality Management Section 1 1 16 Sarawak Foundation, Kuala Lumpur Office 6 6 6 6 17 Sarawak Foundation, London 4 TOTAL 24 18 19 13

Review of Pelan Strategik 2021-2025 Yayasan Sarawak 41 In order to become relevant, referred and respected, YS must be exemplary in sustaining its financial growth. In its operations, YS will exercise closely monitored and controlled expenditures, adopt different types of cost saving measures and introduce activities resulting in cost saving. With respect to spending, prudent management of revenues portfolios, focus on potential increment and identify good opportunities. Person in-charge of action plan: 1. Assistant Director (Account Section) 2. Assistant Director (Investment Section) ACTION PLANS FOR F1 F1 Rental interest & other income Close financial monitoring RMK grant Divident Timber premium Operating budget disbursement Impairment lost on investment & student loans RMK & grant disbursement Potential increment Good opportunity Close financial monitoring Cost saving measures Cost for value REVENUE EXPENDITURE Profit on sale of investment Depreciation, general admin & staff cost Conversion to scholarship Scholarship, grants & donation Submission of Contributions

The Action Plans 42 43 Yayasan Sarawak International School Kolej Laila Taib, Sibu Tunku Putra, Kuching Centre for Technology Excellence Sarawak Curtin Sarawak Malaysia University of Technology Sarawak i-CATS University College Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus

Review of Pelan Strategik 2021-2025 Yayasan Sarawak 43 Yayasan Sarawak take pride in managing 7 higher learning institutions under its company subsidiaries. These institutions are undertaking expansions and strengthening, thus it is important to appreciate the physical development required of these institutions. To achieve this agenda, YS will be keeping tab of the approved development budget of respective institutions. It will require a planning of 5 years from 2023-2027 in order to assist YS to cater the financial demands of these institutions. Person in-charge of action plan: 1. Assistant Director (Corporate Section) ACTION PLANS FOR F2 IP2 & F2 Twice Twice Once YS Education Group Meeting Financial report BOD Meetings Scorecard presentation Once

The Action Plans 44 45 It is stipulated that YS must spend 50% of its previous year income to benefit from the incentives by Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia. Also, the audit process by National Audit Department require a “Bersih” scorecard annually. The internal audit Electronic Compliance Self Assessment (eCSA) run by the Sarawak Premier Office must reach a minimum of 90% for an excellent outcome. Finally, YS risk management committees oversee all matters related to risk particularly finanacial risk and act as advisory in operational issues. Person in-charge of action plan: 1. Assistant Director (Account Section) 2. Assistant Director (Risk Management Section) 3. Assistant Director (Data Management and Public Communication Section) 4. Assistant Director (Performance and Quality Management) ACTION PLANS FOR F3 F3 RISK Identify Publish Report Mitigate Evaluate & endorse Rate & occurrence index

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