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Published by, 2019-03-29 19:11:22

2019 NCA National Child Nutrition Conference Program

2019 NCNC Chicago Program


learn. . listen. . do!

greetings and welcome Board Members

Senta Hester, CMP, CCNP
Dear Conference Attendees,
On behalf of the National CACFP Sponsors Association Board of Directors, Founder & Executive Director
I am happy to welcome you to our 33rd annual National Child Nutrition Our Daily Bread of CACFP
Conference! We are excited to bring together over 1,600 child nutrition Knoxville, Tennessee
professionals for a week of training and discovery with over 150 workshops,
featured sessions, shop talks, learning excursions and much more. Equally VICE PRESIDENT
important is the opportunity our conference provides to meet and network Kati Wagner, CMP, CCNP
with other sponsors, state agencies, and USDA representatives from all over
the country. President, Wildwood CACFP
Working collaboratively is critical to ensuring that our programs reach the Centennial, Colorado
children who need our services. This is also the time that we should use
every opportunity to streamline our activities so that our efforts are spent SECRETARY
where needed most: expanding access to our programs for our under-served Robin Paul, CMP, CCNP
population and ensuring that we are able to train and assist our providers in
their efforts to embrace the CACFP, Afterschool Meals, and Summer Food CEO, Mid Michigan
programs. Child Care Centers
We respect the task that each of you has before you – ensuring our nation’s Freeland, Michigan
children receive nutritious meals! Thank you for being a part of our
conference. TREASURER
My Best, Melissa Moore, CCNP

Senta Hester, President Director of Programs
National CACFP Sponsors Association Family League of Baltimore
Baltimore, Maryland
Vicki Lipscomb, CMP

President, Child Nutrition Programs
Charlotte, North Carolina

Denise Andrews, CMP, CCNP
Co-Founder & Executive Director
For the Children
Vici, Oklahoma

Susan Ison, CMP, CCNP
Executive Director
Helping Hands
Taylorsville, UT

Rhonda Kobylecky, CMP, CCNP
Director of Food Services
Acelero Learning
Las Vegas, Nevada

Annetta Rutland, CMP, CCNP
Strategic Director, Quality
Programs, 4C for Children
Cincinnati, Ohio

Blake Stanford, CMP
President, Southwest Human
Development Services
Austin, Texas

schedule of events Table of Contents

Monday, April 22nd Schedule At-A-Glance .................4-5
Workshops Index..........................6-7
10:00 am – 8:00 pm Conference Registration | Information Desk Open Sponsored by Shop Talks Index ............................ 7
General Information ........................ 8
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Preconference Training Academy * Monday Events ............................... 9
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm USDA State Agency Training * Training Academies ................... 9-11
Learning Excursions ...............9 & 57
2:00 pm – 6:00 pm Learning Excursions * Tuesday Events .......................10-18
Exhibit Hall Map ........................... 12
Tuesday, April 23rd Partners, Sponsors, Exhibitors ..... 13
CORE Training
7:00 am – 7:00 pm Conference Registration | Information Desk Open Sponsored by for State Agencies ........................ 14
8:00 am – 12:00 pm Preconference Training Academy * CACFP Professionals Overview ... 14
First Timers’ Orientation ............... 14
8:00 am – 12:15 pm CORE State Agency Training * Featured Speakers ....................... 15
Networking Sessions ...............16-18
9:00 am – 1:30 pm Exhibit Hall Open Networking Reception .................. 18
Excellence Awards ....................... 19
12:15 pm – 12:45 pm CACFP Professionals Certification Program Overview Wednesday Events ..................20-37
General Session ......................22-24
1:00 pm – 1:30 pm First Timers’ Orientation Workshops One........................26-27
Workshops Two........................28-29
1:45 pm – 3:00 pm Conference Welcome & Featured Speaker Sessions Workshops Three.....................32-33
3:15 pm – 4:15 pm Regional Networking Sessions Sponsored by Workshops Four.......................34-35
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm Functional Networking Sessions Sponsored by Workshops Five............................. 36
Thursday Events......................38-55
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm Windy City Networking Reception & Excellence Awards Presentation Workshops Six.........................42-43
Workshops Seven....................44-45
Wednesday, April 24th Workshops Eight......................46-47
Workshops Nine.......................50-51
7:00 am – 6:00 pm Conference Registration | Information Desk Open Sponsored by Workshops Ten.............................. 52
Featured Speakers ....................... 53
7:00 am – 8:00 am Coffee & Conversation with Grab & Go Yogurt Sponsored by Friday Events................................ 57
State Agency Afterschool
7:15 am – 7:45 am Shop Talk & Summer Meals Symposium ...... 57
8:00 am – 9:30 am National Conference General Session Sponsored by CORE Training for Sponsors ........ 57
Exhibitor Directory ...................58-61
9:45 am – 10:45 am Workshops Session One Presenter Directory .................62-93
Certificate of Participation ............ 95
11:00 am – 12:00 pm Workshops Session Two Hotel Map ..................................... 96

11:00 am – 2:00 pm Exhibit Hall Open 3

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch in Exhibit Hall

1:00 pm – 1:30 pm CMP/CCNP Professionals’ Celebration*

1:15 pm – 1:45 pm Shop Talk

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Workshops Session Three Tracks Sponsored by

3:15 pm – 4:15 pm Workshops Session Four

4:30 pm – 5:30 pm Workshops Session Five

5:30 pm – 6:00 pm Shop Talk

Thursday, April 25th

7:00 am – 6:00 pm Conference Registration | Information Desk Open Sponsored by

7:00 am – 8:00 am Coffee & Conversation with Grab & Go Fruit + Hard Boiled Egg

7:00 am – 7:45 am National CACFP Sponsors Association Annual Meeting*
7:15 am – 7:45 am Shop Talk or Walkaround Elmo Meet & Greet in the ballroom lobby

8:00 am – 9:00 am Workshops Session Six

9:15 am – 10:15 am Workshops Session Seven

10:30 am – 11:30 am Workshops Session Eight

10:30 am – 1:15 pm Exhibit Hall Open

11:30 am – 1:00 pm Lunch in Exhibit Hall

12:30 pm – 1:00 pm Shop Talk

1:15 pm – 2:15 pm Workshops Session Nine

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Workshops Session Ten

3:45 pm – 4:45 pm Featured Speaker Sessions

5:00 pm – 5:30 pm USDA Town Hall

5:30 pm – 6:00 pm Shop Talk

Friday, April 26th

8:00 am – 10:00 am CORE Sponsor Training * *
8:00 am – 12:00 pm State Agency Afterschool & Summer Meals Symposium Sponsored by

8:00 am – 12:00 pm Learning Excursion * * Ticketed Event

Schedules are subject to change after printing. Please refer to the Yapp app or to stay informed.

Monday, April 22, 2019

10:00 am - 8:00 pm Registration & Information Desk Open - Grand Ballroom Lobby

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Preconference Training Academy - Refer to Ticket for Program Location Schedule At-A-Glance

2:00 pm - 5:00 pm USDA State Agency Training - Refer to Ticket for Program Location

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm Learning Excursions - Refer to Ticket for Program Location

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

7:00 am - 7:00 pm Registration & Information Desk Open - Grand Ballroom Lobby
8:00 am - 12:00 pm Preconference Training Academy - Refer to Ticket for Program Location
8:00 am - 12:15 pm State Agency CORE Training - Refer to Ticket for Program Location
9:00 am - 1:30 pm Exhibit Hall Open - Riverside Center
12:15 pm - 12:45 pm CACFP Professionals Certification Program Overview - Grand Ballroom AB
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm First Timers’ Orientation - Grand Ballroom AB

Grand Grand Grand Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Michigan Michigan Michigan Randolph Randolph Randolph Roosevelt Roosevelt Plaza
Ballroom Ballroom EF GHIJ KL 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 3 Ballroom
Ballroom EF ABCD
AB CD Southeast Western Mountain Plains
Region Region Region
1:45 pm - Featured CACFP Supper, Active Play!
3:00 pm Speakers USDA Policy Summer, and Fun Physical
Update Saturdays Activities

3:15 pm - Regional Midwest Southwest Northeast Mid-Atlantic
4:15 pm Networking Region Region Region Region

4:30 pm - Functional Field Monitors Head Start Home Sponsor At-Risk Child Care Summer Food Home Sponsor Nutritionists State Agencies State Agencies Tribal Nations Food Banks Head Start Sponsor
5:30 pm Networking Large Directors - Small Afterschool Centers Sponsors Directors - Large CACFP SFSP Small Agency Staff

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Windy City Networking Reception & Excellence Awards Presentation - Grand Ballroom ABCD

Wednesday April 24, 2019

7:00 am - 6:00 pm Registration & Information Desk Open - Grand Ballroom Lobby
7:00 am - 8:00 am Coffee & Conversation with Grab & Go Yogurt - Grand Ballroom Lobby
7:15 am - 7:45 am Shop Talk - Refer to Page 21 for Program Locations

Grand Grand Grand Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Michigan Michigan Michigan Randolph Randolph Randolph Roosevelt Roosevelt
Ballroom Ballroom Ballroom AB CD EF GH IJ KL 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 3


8:00 am - 9:30 am National Conference General Session
& Keynote Speaker

9:45 am - Workshops CACFP and Prep to Plate: Civil Rights US Poverty Choosy Carrying the Prepare Nuts and Bolts National & Farm to Early Power of Partner- The ClickList A Rainbow How KidKare Food Safety
10:45 am Session Head Start Portion Sizes in 101: & Its Impact Eaters Can Agency on Your Creditable of Planning a Local Nutrition Care and ships: Procurement, Project: A a Week: Can Lighten & Sanitation
One Food Services CACFP Compliance on Children Become Shoulders Meals in the Successful Resources for Education 101 Standardized Pilot Project To Embrace Your Workload
Regulations with Civil Rights Healthy Eaters, CACFP Mobile Meals After School Recipes & Minimize CN Changing
Requirements Too! Operation Programs Compliant Menus Disallowances Meal Patterns

11:00 am - 2:00 pm Exhibit Hall Open - Riverside Center

11:00 am - Workshops Ace Your CACFP Menu The Essence MyPlate The Role of CACFP Streamlining Technical Providing Soyfoods: Accommodating Collaborating How To Help OSNAP: Grain Food
12:00 pm Session CACFP Audit Planning Made of Me: Partner Insights: Sponsors in Helping Your Office Assistance At-Risk and Health Benefits Participants with with Partners in Kids Grow Tools for Out Consumption:
Two Easy Growing Taking Nutrition Providers Respond With No-Cost Training SFSP Meals in & Versatility Disabilities in SFSP Heathy of School What Does the
Healthy- Education to the to a Serious Technology Alternate Sites Community Meals Relationships Time Nutrition Scientific
Minded Next Level Deficiency Allegation Programs With Food and Physical Evidence Say?
Children Activity

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Lunch - Exhibit Hall Riverside Center
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
1:15 pm - 1:45 pm CMP/CCNP Professionals Celebration - Refer to Ticket for Program Location

Shop Talk - Refer to Page 31 for Program Locations

2:00 pm - Workshops 50,000 Providers Get the Facts! Garden to Sponsoring Rebranding State Findings Build Your Building Menu Motivated by Baking Whole Going Community Better Together: Defining Food
3:00 pm Session Can’t Be Wrong: CN Labels Early Summer Supper as for New Meal SFSP A-Team! Leadership Planning: Movement: Grain-Rich Garbanzo: Connections: Partnerships Education with
Three Nutrition, Training, and Product Childhood Food: Keys “Super Snack” Pattern Skills Networking & Engaging Foods Meat Promoting Support Healthy Pilot Light
and Record Formulation Education to Financial Readiness Collaborating Children and Alternates for Breastfeeding to Nutrition in Young
Keeping Made Easy Statements Management with Parents Staff Special Diets Reduce Children

3:15 pm - Workshops Making Engaging Serving Fly through Making the Nutrition for the Plan Your Summer Meals: Peaks & Taking Steps Food Banks Nonprofit Heritage
4:15 pm Session Nutrition Fun Parents: Communities Your CACFP Dollar Stretch: Autistic Child Preschool Meal Actions Needed to Pitfalls: to Healthy as Leaders for Board Grains for
Four Healthy Eating Year-Round through Paperwork with Effective Pattern Improve Strategies Success Community-Wide Recruitment New
Feeding Habits Start Afterschool Meals CenterPilot Purchasing Writing Participation for Effective Obesity and Generations
Infants: CACFP at Home and the Summer Practices Recipes Right Teaching It and Address Professional Prevention for Development NOURISHED:
Halftime Live! Food Service Taming the Forward— Challenges Development Children and Pioneering Family A New Model for
Program Inefficiency Farm to Cultivating Families Style Service for Raising Healthy
Healthy Mind, Monster Classroom: Healthy Eaters Marketing Afterschool Meals Kids
Workshops Healthy Life Smart Guide for Teaching by Example Summer Meals CHEF: Veggie Power: in a School
4:30 pm - Session & Simple Family Child Care Children to Increase Build a Bridge, Choosing Hands-On Environment
5:30 pm Five Snacking Providers About Healthy Participation Gain a Fan Healthy, Approach to
Facing Serious Foods Exciting Foods Plant-Strong
Deficiency Meals

5:30 pm - 6:00 pm Shop Talk - Refer to Page 37 for Program Locations

surveys wanted! Don’t forget to complete your survey and return them to the conference information desk before you leave town. We will use your feedback to

develop conference programming that you want. Be frank with us – we want to improve any area you think needs additional attention. Your input will help our Atlanta 2020
conference be even stronger.

Thursday April 25, 2019

7:00 am - 6:00 pm Registration & Information Desk Open - Grand Ballroom Lobby
7:00 am - 7:45 am National CACFP Sponsors Association Annual Meeting - Refer to Ticket for Program Location
7:00 am - 8:00 am Coffee & Conversation with Grab & Go Fruit + Hard Boiled Egg - Grand Ballroom Lobby
7:15 am - 7:45 am Walkaround Elmo Meet & Greet and Selfies Too #CACFP19 @NationalCACFP - Grand Ballroom Lobby
7:15 am - 7:45 am Shop Talk - Refer to Page 41 for Program Locations

Grand Grand Grand Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Michigan Michigan Michigan Randolph Randolph Randolph Roosevelt Roosevelt
Ballroom Ballroom Ballroom AB CD EF GH IJ KL 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 3

AB CD EF Family Style Twelve Best Identifying Farm to Table: Maximizing Standardized Cuisines Across Smarter Bridging the
Meal Service Food Whole Fit and Tasty! Summer Recipes and Cultures: Mealtimes: Gaps: CACFP
8:00 am - Workshops Addressing Go Paperless: Effective Empowering The Magic With Infants Practices Grain-Rich Participation with You Flavors to Make the Growing Stronger, Better Site in Emergency
9:00 am Session Hunger through Bringing Approaches CACFP of Healthy & Toddlers, in the Early Positioning Collaborative Please Healthy Sustainable Year- Management Housing
Six Collective Impact: CACFP to Recruiting Trainers: Eating through Really? Childhood Please Pass Your Nonprofit Partnerships Food is Fuel Palates & Spice Choice the Round Programs Means Higher Shelters
Hunger Free Sponsorships and Retaining Adult Learning Interactive Classroom the Peas: up Menus Easy Choice with Summer Reimbursement
Communities into the Digital Providers & Techniques Learning Understanding Healthy Eating Strategies Centers and Afterschool Rates Crave the
Age Centers Activities Healthy Picky Eaters Starts With to Improve Nationwide: A Meals F-A-V: Fresh
Habits in Early Positive Role Nutrition & Perspective on Fruit and
9:15 am - Workshops CACFP CACFP Sesame Math, Making the More than Serving Childhood: Back to Ba- Models Physical Their New Meal Building a USDA Vegetable
10:15 am Administrative Street in Science, Most of a Meal: Strategies Research & sics: CACFP Activity Pattern Healthy Eating National Program
Session Trainers’ Budgets Communities: Language & CACFP in for a Successful Engagement Requirements Sourcing Environments Implementation Environment Breastfeeding Intervention
Let’s Get Literacy At the Current Summer Meals for Centers Locally for Campaign for
Seven Circle Cooking! Lunch Environment Program Food Safety in Culturally The OrganWise Overcoming Millennial WIC Collaborative
Family Child Look What Appropriate Guys: Barriers to Moms Planning: How
Care I Grew! Foods Evidence-Based Prevent Food You Can Build
10:30 am - 1:15 pm Exhibit Hall Open - Riverside Center Kid-Friendly Nutrition & Allergies Buy-In
Nourishing Gardening Organic? Healthy Living
10:30 am - Workshops All About Food is Fun: Grant Writing Understanding Streamlining Serving up Removing Students: Using Good Fat? Tools Creative Cross- Nurturing the Next
11:30 am Sensory- & Financial Food Allergies Paperwork Multicultural Barriers to Enrichment Investigating Groundbreaking Training for Program Generation of
Session Ounce Based Food Management Menus in Summer Activities to Fraud, Waste Evidence on How babyBerk: Driving Cooks and Marketing in Foodies: Whole
Education CACFP Meals Engage Children & Abuse in Food Choices a State Teachers Ohio Grain Strategies
Eight Equivalents through Food and Federally Funded Impact Health Partnership for for Children
Health Programs: Red Summer Meal
11:30 am - 12:00 pm Walkaround Elmo Meet & Greet and Selfies Too #CACFP19 @NationalCACFP - Exhibit Hall Riverside Center Flags in the Success
11:30 am - 1:00 pm Lunch - Exhibit Hall Riverside Center Portion CACFP & SFSP
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Shop Talk - Refer to Page 49 for Program Locations Distortion: Seamless
Bigger isn’t Summer vs
1:15 pm - Workshops Accountability Nutrition: Marketing & CACFP Always Better Summer Health-e Pro: Supporting
2:15 pm Session & Leadership Building the Promotion Afterschool & Food Service Making Ingredient Early Care
Nine Foundation Essentials Beyond Program and Recipe and Education
2:30 pm - All About for Health and Management and CACFP
3:30 pm Workshops Grains: Elements of Development Empowering Serious Easy with Partnerships
Session CACFP a Successful Teachers Deficiency Menu Planning
Ten Halftime Live! Home Visit Birth to 24 Months: Sesame Street Download as Nutrition Process Software Promoting
Parent Attitudes, in Communities: Efficiency: Educators Year-Round
Perceptions and Supporting Our CACFP Web Meal Time Meals
Behaviors Feeding Most Vulnerable Tool & Mobile Success with
Children Children App Local Foods:
Best Practices in
Menu Planning &
Procurement of
Local Foods

3:45 pm - Featured SFSP Nutrition, CACFP
4:45 pm Speakers USDA Policy Sensory, Creditable
Update Food &

5:00 pm - 5:30 pm USDA Town
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm Hall

Shop Talk - Refer to Page 55 for Program Locations

Friday April 26, 2019 we’re so happy you’re here!

7:30 am - 12:30 pm Information Desk Open - Michigan Foyer

8:00 am - 10:00 am CORE Training for Sponsors - Refer to Ticket for Program Location

8:00 am - 12:00 pm State Agency Afterschool & Summer Meals Symposium - Refer to Ticket for Program Location
8:00 am - 12:00 pm Learning Excursion - Refer to Ticket for Program Location

Join the conversation with #CACFP19


find it fast WORKSHOPS PAGE

WORKSHOPS & SHOP TALKS Farm to Early Care and Education 101 27
Farm to Table: Fit and Tasty! 42
WORKSHOPS PAGE Feeding Infants: CACFP Halftime Live! (TWO HOURS) 34
Fly Through Your CACFP Paperwork with CenterPilot 35
50,000 Providers Can’t Be Wrong: Nutrition, Training, 33 Food Banks as Leaders for Community-Wide Obesity Prevention
and Record Keeping Made Easy for Children and Families 35
A Rainbow A Week: Embrace Changing Meal Patterns 26 Food is Fuel
Accommodating Participants with Disabilities Food is Fun: Sensory-Based Food Education 44
in Community Meals Programs 29 Food Safety & Sanitation 46
Accountability & Leadership Food Safety in Family Child Care 26
Ace Your CACFP Audit 50 Garden to Early Childhood Education 47
Addressing Hunger through Collective Impact: Hunger Free Communities 28 Get the Facts! CN Labels and Product Formulation Statements 32
All About Grains: CACFP Halftime Live! (TWO HOURS) 43 Go Paperless: Bringing CACFP Sponsorships Into The Digital Age 32
All About Ounce Equivalents 50 Going Garbanzo: Meat Alternates For Special Diets 42
babyBerk: Driving a State Partnership for Summer Meal Success 46 Grain Food Consumption: What Does the Scientific Evidence Say? 32
Back to Basics: CACFP Requirements for Centers 50 Grant Writing & Financial Management 29
Baking Whole Grain-Rich Foods 46 Growing Stronger, Sustainable Year-Round Programs 46
Better Site Management Means Higher Reimbursement Rates 32 with Summer and Afterschool Meals
Better Together: Partnerships Support Healthy Nutrition in Young Children 43 Guide for Family Child Care Providers Facing Serious 42
Birth to 24 Months: Parent Attitudes, Perceptions 32 Deficiency Allegations
and Behaviors Feeding Children Health-e Pro: Making Ingredient and Recipe Management Easy 36
Bridging the Gaps: CACFP in Emergency Housing Shelters 52 with Menu Planning Software
Build a Bridge, Gain a Fan Healthy Eating Starts With Positive Role Models 51
Build Your SFSP A-Team! 44 Healthy Habits in Early Childhood: Research & Engagement
Building a Healthy Eating Environment 36 Healthy Mind, Healthy Life 46
Building Leadership Skills 32 Heritage Grains for New Generations 45
CACFP Administrative Budgets 44 How KidKare Can Lighten Your Workload 36
CACFP Afterschool & Beyond 32 How To Help Kids Grow Healthy Relationships with Food 34
CACFP and Head Start Food Services Regulations 44 Identifying Whole Grain-Rich 27
CACFP Menu Planning Made Easy 50 Investigating Fraud, Waste & Abuse in Federally Funded 28
CACFP Trainers’ Circle 26 Programs: Red Flags In the CACFP & SFSP 42
Carrying the Agency on Your Shoulders 28 Look What I Grew! Kid-Friendly Gardening
Centers Nationwide: A Perspective on Their New Meal 44 Making Nutrition Fun 52
Pattern Implementation 26 Making the Dollar Stretch: Effective Purchasing Practices
CHEF: Choosing Healthy, Exciting Foods Making the Most of CACFP in the Current Environment 51
Choosy Eaters Can Become Healthy Eaters, Too! 51 Marketing & Promotion Essentials 34
Civil Rights 101: Compliance with Civil Rights Requirements Marketing Summer Meals to Increase Participation 35
Collaborating with Partners in SFSP 36 Math, Science, Language & Literacy at Lunch 45
Collaborative Planning: How You Can Build Buy-In 26 Maximizing Summer Participation with Collaborative Partnerships 50
Community Connections: Promoting Breastfeeding to Reduce 27 Meal Time Success with Local Foods: Best Practices 36
Intergenerational Diabetes 28 in Menu Planning & Procurement of Local Foods 45
Crave the F-A-V: Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Intervention 52 Menu Planning: Networking & Collaborating with Parents 42
Creative Training for Cooks and Teachers More than Serving a Meal: Strategies for a Successful
Cross-Program Marketing in Ohio 33 Summer Meals Program 52
Cuisines Across Cultures: Flavors to Please Palates & Spice Up Menus Motivated by Movement: Engaging Children and Staff
Defining Food Education with Pilot Light 46 MyPlate Partner Insights: Taking Nutrition Education to the Next Level 32
46 National & Local Nutrition Resources for After School Operators
Download Efficiency: CACFP Web Tool & Mobile App 46 Nonprofit Board Recruitment and Development 44
Effective Approaches to Recruiting and Retaining Providers & Centers 42 NOURISHED: A New Model for Raising Healthy Kids (TWO HOURS)
Elements of a Successful Home Visit (TWO HOURS) 33 Nourishing Students: Using Enrichment Activities to Engage Children 32
Empowering CACFP Trainers: Adult Learning Techniques 52 through Food and Health 28
Empowering Teachers as Nutrition Educators 42 Nurturing the Next Generation of Foodies: Whole Grain 26
Engaging Parents: Healthy Eating Habits Start At Home 50 Strategies for Children 35
Family Style Meal Service With Infants & Toddlers, Really? 42 Nutrition: Building the Foundation for Health and Development 35
Farm to Classroom: Teaching Children About Healthy Foods 52 Nutrition for the Autistic Child
35 Nuts and Bolts of Planning a Successful Mobile Meals Operation 50
42 Organic? Good Fat? Groundbreaking Evidence on How Food Choices
36 Impact Health 47





OSNAP: Tools for Out of School Time Nutrition and Physical Activity 29 A Kid Helping Kids! 37
Overcoming Barriers to Prevent Food Allergies 52 Advancing Good Food Purchasing with CACFP 41
Peaks & Pitfalls: Strategies for Effective Professional Afterschool Meals: Exploring Policy and Practice 41
Development (TWO HOURS) 35 Agency Reviews 31
Pioneering Family Style Service for Afterschool Meals Building an Amazing Company Culture 21
in a School Environment 36 37
Plan Your Preschool Meal Pattern CACFP Budgets 21
Please Pass the Peas: Understanding Picky Eaters 34 CACFP Certification Benefits 21
Portion Distortion: Bigger isn’t Always Better 44 CACFP Week 31
Positioning Your Nonprofit 52 Comer Sano 31
Power of Partnerships: Procurement, Standardized 44 Comidas Hispanas - Ricas y Saludables 21
Recipes & Compliant Menus Conference Management Tricks of the Trade 37
Prep to Plate: Portion Sizes in CACFP 27 Cooking Hacks for Quick Meals 41
Prepare Creditable Meals in the CACFP Diabetes & Kids’ Meals 49
Promoting Year-Round Meals 26 Exercise Matters 55
Providing At-Risk and SFSP Meals in Alternate Sites 27 Farm to Early Care 49
Rebranding Supper as “Super Snack” 52 Fiber Facts 55
Removing Barriers to Summer Meals 28 Fundraising 101 55
Seamless Summer vs Summer Food Service Program 32 Getting Personal About Chef 41
Serious Deficiency Process (TWO HOURS) 46 Going Paperless 49
Serving Communities Year-Round Through Afterschool Meals 52 Health at Every Size 49
and the Summer Food Service Program 51 Healthy Way to Grow 37
Serving Up Multicultural Menus in CACFP Healthy Diets for Special Needs 55
Sesame Street in Communities: Let’s Get Cooking! 34 Hispanic Foods 41
Sesame Street in Communities: Supporting Our Most Home Visits Gone Wrong 37
Vulnerable Children 46 How to Handle Surplus Funds 31
Smart & Simple Snacking 45 IBS Mysteries 55
Smarter Mealtimes: Make the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice Infant Developmental Readiness 31
Sourcing Locally for Culturally Appropriate Foods 52 Innovative Fresh Menu Ideas 41
Soyfoods: Health Benefits & Versatility Managing Food Allergies 21
Sponsoring Summer Food: Keys to Financial Management 36 Marketing CACFP to Providers 31
Standardized Recipes and You 43 Menu Planning on a Budget 55
State Findings for New Meal Pattern Readiness 50 Milk! 41
Strategies To Improve Nutrition & Physical Activity Environments 28 Millennial Meet-Up 37
Streamlining Paperwork 32 Mini-Camp Marketing for Mobile Meals 31
Streamlining Your Office With No-Cost Technology 42 Mobile Meals Made Easy 37
Summer Meals: Actions Needed to Improve Participation 33 Mobility Options for Summer Meals 21
and Address Challenges 44 Nutrition Calendar Training Program 21
Supporting Early Care and Education and CACFP Partnerships 47 Ounce Equivalents 49
Taking Steps to Healthy Success 28 Overweight Children 49
Taming the Inefficiency Monster Preguntas Frecuentes Sobre la Planificación del Menú de Head Start 37
Teaching It Forward—Cultivating Healthy Eaters By Example 35 Promoting Yourself 37
Technical Assistance Training Record Keeping Training Tools 31
The ClickList Project: A Pilot Project To Minimize CN Disallowances 50 Serving Cold Meals 21
The Essence of Me: Growing Healthy-Minded Children 35 Serving SFSP Outdoors 49
The Magic of Healthy Eating through Interactive Learning Activities 36 Social Media & CACFP 21
The OrganWise Guys: Evidence-Based Nutrition & Healthy Living Tools 36 Sponsoring At-Risk Afterschool 55
The Role of CACFP Sponsors in Helping Providers Respond to a Serious 28 Sponsoring Child Care Centers 49
Deficiency Allegation 26 Strategies for Promoting Physical Activity in ECE Settings 41
Twelve Best Food Practices in the Early Childhood Classroom 28 Succession Planning 37
Understanding Food Allergies 43 Taking Action at the Grassroots Level 31
US Poverty & Its Impact on Children 47 Tummy Troubles 49
USDA National Breastfeeding Promotion and Support What Are You Doing About Water? 41
Campaign for Millennial WIC Moms 28 Whole Grain-Rich FAQ 55
Veggie Power: Hands-On Approach to Plant-Strong Meals
Writing Recipes Right 42




the basics Selfie Spot

GENERAL INFORMATION Gather your friends and take a selfie at our
NCA Selfie Spot, located by the conference
Conference Registration & Information information desk. Stop by, snap a picture,
Desk Hours and post to social media or send home.

Monday, April 22nd 10:00 am – 8:00 pm special guest thursday morning!

Tuesday, April 23rd 7:00 am – 7:00 pm Win a Two Night Hyatt
Wednesday, April 24th 7:00 am – 6:00 pm
Get a raffle ticket each time you post
Thursday, April 25th 7:00 am – 6:00 pm to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and
tag #CACFP19 or @NationalCACFP.
special thank you to our Visit the conference information desk to
Conference Registration Sponsor receive your raffle ticket. Winner will be
drawn at the end of the conference.

Social Media Bring Your Smile

Enhance your professional profile with a new
photo! We’ll take your headshot and email your
new glamshot to you following the conference.

Join the conversation at #CACFP19. Share your experience Tuesday, April 23rd 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
through our social media pages and don’t forget to:
grand ballroom lobby
Like us:

Follow us: Nametag & Ticket(s) Policy
Nametags must be worn at all times to gain access to conference
Tag us: @NationalCACFP #CACFP19 events. Tickets and/or invitations must be presented when required.

Conference Right At Your Fingertips

Download Yapp from the app store on your smartphone or tablet to get access to:

»» Conference Details & Documents »» Find Friends

»» Customize Your Schedule »» Share Photos

»» Explore Exhibitors »» Post Comments

»» Read Presenter Biographies

Download the App

• Open the app and tap “Download an Existing App”

• Enter Yapp ID: CACFP19 in the field. The app will then download
into Yapp.

• You can also download here:

Yapp ID: CACFP19




learningexcursions ǀ 2:00 pm–6:00 pm

Farm To Table In Action Afterschool Meals & Summer

at The Day Nursery Foods at Chicago Public

At The Day Nursery, the children play an active Schools
role in the life cycle of the foods they eat. On
Cari Christoff this hands-on tour, help prep the garden for the Jane Paken Observe an after-school meal service at a Chicago
Executive Director spring, take part in a food experience lesson, Special Program Public School (CPS) site and learn about their
successes and challenges with program marketing,
and learn from the teams at The Day Nursery Manager menu planning, community outreach, and

and the Illinois Farm to School Network about how to operations. CPS is the third largest district in the US
advance your own farm to early childhood education
activities. Ticketed event. S4 operating 646 schools, of which 400 offer Afterschool S4
and 360 offer Summer Food Service. Ticketed event.

preconference trainingacademy state agency

Show Me the Money: Getting Through FEATURED SESSION
the Budget Approvals Process
1:00 pm– 5:00 pm USDA Training
2:00 pm– 5:00 pm
This training is a 101-level overview of the generally accepted
source documentation to support allowable costs for CACFP Join together with State Agency staff and
operations. Learn about best practices for determining if the USDA for this roundtable session. Come
proposed program costs are necessary, reasonable, and with questions from your state sponsors
allowable. Discover the impact the management plan has on the and providers for the USDA and leave with
budget; what constitutes a related party transaction; and who answers and insight into the present and future
has the burden of proof for ensuring proposed costs are necessary, reasonable, of the Child Nutrition Programs.
and allowable. Training will include group activities, discussion on proposed
program costs that are often questioned, and tools to assist with avoiding State Agency Staff Only. Pre-registration is required.
common budget submission mistakes. Pre-registration is required. Ticketed event.
S5 Monica Miles & Cherese Myree
MH Miles Company, CPA, PC 9


preconference trainingacademy ǀ 8:00 am–12:00 pm

Pre-registration is required. Ticketed events.

Healthy Kids, Healthy Future Motivation, Communication,
Train-The-Trainer and Training: Lessons from
The Wizard
If your job is to train early care and education
(ECE) childcare providers, come explore the Come on an Oz-mazing journey to learn,
urgency of early intervention obesity prevention. experience, and practice invigorating techniques
Learn about the wide range of free tools from to empower yourself and your employees. Bring
Healthy Kids, Healthy Future for assessment, your heart, brain, and courage to explore ways to
action planning, policy building, and goal-setting influence your staff with training, motivation, and
which meet nutrition and physical activity best communication. While documentation, compliance,
practices. Discover how to use evidence-based and menu appeal pave the yellow brick road, the biggest way to
toolkits to promote nutrition and physical activity best practices have more success over the CACFP rainbow is through inspiring
with ECE providers. your employees.

Alex Hyman, Nemours Children’s Health System Amanda Tucker & Carolyn Miller

S3 Emily Keenum, Virginia Early Childhood Education S6 Texas Educational Service Center Region 11

Thirty on Thursdays LIVE: Summer Foods:
New Meal Patterns Planning,
Participation, Policy
Get training on hot topics related to the CACFP Meal Pattern & Partnering for
requirements as covered in USDA's Thirty on Thursdays training Success
webinar series. Dive deep, ask questions, practice what you've
learned, answer scenario-based questions, and explore training The Summer Food Service Program
worksheets for cereal and yogurt sugar limits, grain-based desserts, (SFSP) is an important tool for
healthy cooking, and serving milk and meat/meat alternates. addressing the nutrition gap
low-income children face when the school year ends. Success
Annetta Rutland, 4C for Children depends on collaboration, proactive planning, and partnerships.
Whether you are a CACFP sponsor operating SFSP for the first
S1 Cheryl Jackson Lewis, Alicia White, time, or a year-round sponsor looking to expand your current
operations, come learn what you need to know and leave with
Mimi Wu, Katey Halasz, and Xaviera Davis practical resources and a concrete plan to reach more children with
USDA Food and Nutrition Service nutritious meals during the summer months.
Brenda Wattles,
Clarissa Hayes, Food Research Action Center
S2 Kelly Lothian, Food Services Professionals

Lupe Villanueva, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese
of Chicago
Anne Fiala, USDA Food and Nutrition Service

Head Start Success: CACFP 101: Homes Tuesday
Meeting Performance and Centers
New to the Child and Adult Care
Come learn how nutrition, Food Program? Learn the basics of
gardening, and training are all tied CACFP from experienced CACFP
into the performance standards that sponsor operators and USDA’s
govern Head Start Food Service. Nutrition Promotion and Technical
Learn how Head Start requirements Assistance staff. This 101 course
align with CACFP to provide will cover Program Administration,
good nutrition to children and how center-based Program Operations, Nutrition, Financial
gardening can help meet these standards–while Management, Nonprofit Management,
also providing education opportunities for families and Civil Rights as required to operate a
and children. Take home new insights on how to CACFP sponsoring organization.
provide the training your staff needs and will enjoy.
Blake Stanford, SW Human Development Services
Rhonda Kobylecky, Ricardo Berrios, and
S2 Vicki Lipscomb, Child Nutrition Program
S2 Stephanie Manchester, Acelero Learning
Senta Hester, Our Daily Bread of Tennessee
Kristi Lewis, The Institute of Child Nutrition Kate Abernathy, Providers Choice
Helen Woo, Jefferson Parish Head Start Katey Halasz, USDA Food and Nutrition Service

CACFP 101: P Management Profe ssional continuing
Afterschool Meals education credits
onal CACFP Sponsors AssociaNati
Only 1 in 10 children who qualify CACF over 25 hours of CEU credits are
for afterschool and out-of-school Child Nutrition Prof
time meals are receiving them. The tion available for attending. These are recognized
Child and Adult Care Food Program onal CACFP Sponsors Associa by organizations including the Academy
offers a solution to this nationwide ession of Nutrition and Dietetics and the School
problem. Learn the basics of Nutrition Association, as well as for NCA’s
CACFP Afterschool and hear from Nati CACFP Certification Program.
a panel who are already implementing the program successfully CACFP
at their sites. Discover how you can sponsor the program or work
with a sponsor to serve children who are at-risk. Congress has tion
offered a solution. Don’t send kids home hungry. This session is
for anyone who works with afterschool programs in school S# location
or off-site and for CACFP sponsoring agencies.
Kati Wagner, Wildwood CACFP
Look for the Specialty ID#
S2 Melissa Moore, Family League of Baltimore
Each session and workshop provides
Emily Chatelain, Three O’Clock Project hours towards your CACFP Professionals
Simone Moseley, After School Matters Certification. Log all the sessions you have
attended on the Certificate of Training
I am deeply committed to making a difference Participation log on page 95.
in day-to-day programs and meal service that
contributes to the well–being of young children Specialties S5 - Financial Management
and adults while also ensuring daycare facilities S6 - Non Profit Management
are serving balanced, nutritious meals to S1 - Nutrition S7 - Civil Rights & Policy
children/adults in their care–helping to develop S2 - Program Operations
sound and nutritious eating habits. S3 - Training and Technology
S4 - Program Administration
2019 Scholarship Winner - Shelby Beverly
attention Illinois Residents!
Georgia Nutritional Services, Conyers, GA
Gateways to Opportunity Illinois
Professional Development System

Conference attendees will receive credit on Section 4 of their
Professional Development Record for each session they attend.

Gateways Registry Verified Conference


EXHIBIT HALL HOURS 833 834 835 836 837 838 931 932 933 934 935 936

discover new 620 828 8299
619 826 827 83208
Resources & Products 618 824
tuesday, April 23rd LUNCH 600 602 606 608 614 818 815 923 919 915 911 907 903
501 503 507 509 6515 816
9:00 am – 1:30 pm 6514 814 807
500 502 506 508
wednesday, April 24thLUNCH 401 403 407 409 KEEP CLEAR

11:00 am – 2:00 pm 400 402 406 408
301 303 307 309
thursday, April 25th

10:30 am – 1:15 pm


300 302 306 308 ENTRY


NCA 700 702 704 706


American Pulse Association........................................................915 KidKare by Minute Menu.............................................................801
Brighton Training Group..............................................................816 LA Publishing...............................................................................600
CORE: CACFP Operational Resources & Education..................500 Link2Feed....................................................................................933
Cartewheel..................................................................................308 Los Cabos Mexican Foods..........................................................303
CenterPilot ..................................................................................824 MH Miles Company, CPA, PC.....................................................502
Champion Food Service..............................................................836 Moonstone Press........................................................................606
Chefables....................................................................................907 Mushroom Council......................................................................614
Child Care Marketing Solutions.................................................... 407 MyPlate.......................................................................................830
Common Threads........................................................................932 MyPlate Materials........................................................................507
Diversified Foods.........................................................................814 National Food Group/Zee Zees...................................................700
Dole Packaged Foods.................................................................702 Novick Brothers...........................................................................828
Ekon-O-Pac.................................................................................401 Nutrition Matters..........................................................................826
ES Foods.....................................................................................402 Optimum Foods...........................................................................919
Fairlife..........................................................................................306 Penn State Better Kid Care.........................................................936
Food & Supply Source................................................................706 PepsiCo Foodservice..................................................................815
Food and Nutrition Services - WIC..............................................827 Peterson Farms Fresh, Inc..........................................................508 Preferred Meals...........................................................................923
Forward Food, a program of The Humane Society of the US ����620 Premier, Inc.................................................................................309
General Mills...............................................................................911 PrimeroEdge...............................................................................300
Gerber Baby Foods and Good Start Formula.............................302 Red Gold LLC..............................................................................833
Gilman Cheese............................................................................307 Revolution Foods........................................................................818
Gourmet Gorilla...........................................................................602 Sabra Dipping Company, LLC.....................................................821
Grain Foods Foundation..............................................................608 Simplex Solutions........................................................................403
Great Northern Baking Company................................................301 Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior .............................503
Health-e Pro................................................................................835 Soy Connection...........................................................................501 Sprouts: Growing Healthy Habits................................................838
Home Baking Association............................................................509 Sustainable Sales........................................................................400
Illinois State Board of Education.................................................935 Tajin.............................................................................................406
Institute of Child Nutrition............................................................834 Team Nutrition.............................................................................829
J&J Snack Foods........................................................................618 The OrganWise Guys..................................................................837
JA Foodservice............................................................................903 Trident Beverage.........................................................................506
Jack Link’s Protein Snacks..........................................................408 Tyson Foods................................................................................807
JTM Food Group.........................................................................514 Watermelon Board.......................................................................619
Juice Bowl...................................................................................409 WISE: We Inspire Healthy Eating................................................515
YWCA Metropolitan Chicago.......................................................934

thank you to our today’s checklist

PARTNERS, SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS ☐☐ Learn about resources
from exhibitors.
☐☐ Get your CACFP
NATIONALHealthy Eating Starts Early Professionals Certification.

CHILD NUTRITION ☐☐ Go to first timers’
☐☐ Take selfies and
sponsors post to social media Tuesday
gold exhibitors @NationalCACFP.

silver exhibitors ☐☐ Attend conference
welcome and hear
bronze exhibitors from featured
we inspire smart eating ☐☐ Play people bingo at the
functional networking
Health & Nutrition News About Soy session.

nonprofit exhibitors ☐☐ Make new friends at the
Windy City reception.
metropolitan chicago
Moonstone Press LLC



special can’t miss


CORE Training for State Agencies First Timers’ Orientation
8:00 am – 12:15 pm 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm

This train-the-trainer session will cover two modules of the CORE Learn more about what to expect, how to navigate the
training developed for state agencies on CACFP administration. schedule, and where you need to be to get the most out of this
CORE is a USDA FNS funded initiative designed to provide practical national training event. We’ll make sure you are able to walk
CACFP sponsor focused training solutions. away from this jam-packed, three-day conference with new
insights and knowledge to use and to share with colleagues
State Agency Staff Only. back in the office.

S4 Pre-registration is required. Get prepared to take home credit hours, handouts from
presenters, new contacts from the USDA, state agencies,
Ticketed event. sponsoring organizations and providers, and swag. Take it
all in, but promise us you’ll spend some time enjoying the
CACFP Professionals Certification historical city of Chicago and its famous Navy Pier with
a coworker or new friend!
Program Overview ǀ 12:15 pm –12:45 pm

Interested in learning more about how to earn the CACFP
Management Professional or the CACFP Child Nutrition Professional
designation? Join NCA Board members to hear why the program was v grand ballroom ab
started, what the qualifications are, and next steps to getting the
Featured Session

certification complete!

CACFP Management Professional CACFPChild Nutrition Profession

v grand ballroom ab Nati tion Nati tion
onal CACFP Sponsors Associa onal CACFP Sponsors Associa
Featured Session

congratulations to these CACFP p rofessionals on receivingtheir certification!

★★ Adraine Garner, CCNP ★★ Ashley Gill, CMP, CCNP ★★ Chelsea Sterling, CCNP ★★ Erica Jordan, CMP
★★ Alan Mills, CMP, CCNP ★★ Barbara Wagner, CMP, CCNP ★★ Christina Nichols-Flythe, CCNP ★★ Evelyn Lopez, CCNP
★★ Alice Zacharie, CMP ★★ Bertressia Patterson, CMP ★★ Christy Frazier, CMP, CCNP ★★ Gabriela Rangel, CCNP
★★ Alisa Davis, CCNP ★★ Betel Tegegne, CMP ★★ Constantine Autry-Boykin, CCNP ★★ Gale Pounds, CCNP
★★ Alix Pasillas, CCNP ★★ Beth Carlton, CMP, CCNP ★★ Corina Cortez, CCNP ★★ Gladys Seals, CCNP
★★ Alma Langrum, CMP ★★ Bianca Gaytan, CCNP ★★ Crystal Rozelle, CCNP ★★ Ida Davis, CCNP
★★ Amanda Tucker, CMP, CCNP ★★ Bilkis Karim, CMP ★★ Decenia Fernandez, CCNP ★★ Jean Bianchi, CCNP
★★ Amy Ballain, CCNP ★★ Brendia Moses, CMP, CCNP ★★ Demond Woods, CMP ★★ Jean Brown, CCNP
★★ Ana Barranco, CMP ★★ Brian Wieher, CMP, CCNP ★★ Denise Andrews, CMP, CCNP ★★ Jeanette Wiley, CMP
★★ Angela Kellogg, CCNP ★★ Britney Fontaine, CCNP ★★ Donna Darlene Vukmanic, CMP, CCNP ★★ Jen Brown, CCNP
★★ Anna-Marie Billups, CCNP ★★ Carolyn Miller, CMP, CCNP ★★ Dorleen Wolbaum, CMP, CCNP ★★ Jennifer Nutt, CCNP
★★ Anne Zschoche, CCNP ★★ Casey Pittis, CCNP ★★ Elizabeth Flores, CCNP ★★ Jenny Wallinger, CMP, CCNP
★★ Annetta Rutland, CMP, CCNP ★★ Catherine M. Harper, CMP, CCNP ★★ Elizabeth Wittusen, CMP, CCNP ★★ Jessica Trevino, CCNP
★★ Annitar D. Frank, CMP, CCNP ★★ Chanda Washington, CMP ★★ Ellla Grimes, CMP, CCNP ★★ Joanne Norman, CMP, CCNP
1★4★ April Curry, CCNP ★★ Charlotte Baumgartner, CMP, CCNP ★★ Erica Hayes, CMP ★★ Jocelyn Moss, CMP, CCNP

let’s get started

WELCOME & FEATURED SPEAKERS ǀ 1:45 pm –3:00 pm

At the 2019 National Child Nutrition Conference Welcome, we kick-off the conference with our opening from NCA board members:
President, Senta Hester, Immediate Past President, Vicki Lipscomb, and Conference Chair Robin Paul. Following immediately for your
professional development are featured speakers on CACFP policy, summer programs, and provider connections.

&AnAgneldareKaliFnaermer Adam Russo Tuesday

Director, Offices of School Food and Nutrition Services
Prince William County Public Schools

Supper, Summer, and Saturdays:
Food as an Education Intervention

Summer, supper and even Saturday meals have been incredibly important
to our school division’s goal of taking care of the whole child. Everyone
has a “why.” Learn how to share yours and ways to leverage it to increase
opportunities for your scholars.

USDA Policy Update S4 grand ballroom cd
Featured Speakers
Hear from USDA as they present an overview
of new and revised policy guidance for the Diane Craft
Child and Adult Care Food Program and share
a state-of-the-state update of the CACFP. Professor, SUNY Cortland
The USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS)
works to end hunger and obesity through Active Play! Fun Physical Activities
the administration of 15 federal nutrition for Young Children
assistance programs including the Child and
Adult Care Food Program which is crucial Learn fun, inclusive, developmentally appropriate physical activities to promote
to ensuring children have access to nutritious wellness among young children. These physical activities, for children ages
foods and where healthy eating becomes 6 months-5 years, use inexpensive equipment, work in small spaces and are ideal
a habit. for CACFP childcare homes and centers. View videos of children playing these fun
activities and try some yourself!
S2 grand ballroom ab

Featured Speakers grand ballroom ef

S4 Featured Speakers

★★ John Tyson Caldwell, CCNP ★★ Lorraine Scuccimarra, CMP, CCNP ★★ Norma Collado, CMP, CCNP ★★ Spencer Tengan, CCNP
★★ Josue Vilbrun, CCNP ★★ Maria Elena Florez, CMP, CCNP ★★ Olga Contreras, CMP ★★ Stephanie Manchester, CMP, CCNP
★★ Joyce Mason, CCNP ★★ Marie Archer, CMP ★★ Olutoyin Okunoren, CMP, CCNP ★★ Tamar Wynn, CMP
★★ Joyetta Johnson, CCNP ★★ Mark Atkins, CMP ★★ Patrick Dibert, CMP, CCNP ★★ Tammy Lynn Montgomery, CCNP
★★ Karen Ray, CMP, CCNP ★★ Mark Wainwright, CCNP ★★ Rachael Liles, CCNP ★★ Tanya Mead, CMP, CCNP
★★ Karen Velasco-Sanchez, CMP ★★ Mary Beth Rogers, CMP, CCNP ★★ Rhonda Garvin, CMP, CCNP ★★ Teresa Johnson, CMP, CCNP
★★ Karina Nunez, CCNP ★★ Mary Greer, CMP, CCNP ★★ Rhonda Kobylecky, CMP, CCNP ★★ Teresa L. Ortega, CCNP
★★ Kathleen Abernathy, CCNP ★★ Melek Yavuz, CCNP ★★ Rhonda Perry, CMP, CCNP ★★ Terri Sluss-Cole, CMP, CCNP
★★ Katie Waara, CMP, CCNP ★★ Melissa Reynosa, CCNP ★★ Ricardo Berrios, CCNP ★★ Tina Bischoff, CMP, CCNP
★★ Kelly Mendez, CCNP ★★ Michelle Rosegreen, CMP ★★ Rocio Hernandez, CCNP ★★ Tina Clifton, CMP, CCNP
★★ Keriann Shine, CCNP ★★ Michelle Buckson, CCNP ★★ Rosa Franklin, CMP ★★ Tom Saunders, CMP
★★ Kimberly Fleming, CCNP ★★ Michelle Johnson, CMP, CCNP ★★ Salome Pemberton, CCNP ★★ Veronica James, CCNP
★★ LaRae Steffan, CCNP ★★ Michelle Stickley, CCNP ★★ Sandy Zook, CCNP ★★ Wande Okunoren-Meadows, CMP, CCNP
★★ Leslie Schmille, CCNP ★★ Migdal Leon, CCNP ★★ Shannon Petz-Musacchia, CCNP ★★ Wesley Myrick, CCNP
★★ Lisa Rosa, CCNP ★★ Misty Sheppard, CMP, CCNP ★★ Sharvonda Bratton, CMP
★★ Lizbeth Maturin, CMP, CCNP ★★ Nancy Lopez, CMP ★★ Shauna Best, CCNP 15
★★ Londa Tindle, CMP, CCNP ★★ Nanzetta Webster, CMP ★★ Sheron Givings, CCNP
★★ Lori Ferris, CMP, CCNP ★★ Nicole Harris, CMP ★★ Sonia Ahuja, CCNP


Networking is one of the most valued benefits of attending a national conference with fellow child nutrition
community professionals. With over 1,600 attendees, NCA helps facilitate that right from the start by hosting the Regional and Functional
Networking Sessions on day one.

tuesday, April 23rd ǀ 3:15 pm–4:15 pm Southwest Region

REGIONAL NETWORKING SESSIONS Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico,
Oklahoma, Texas
Get to know your USDA regional office team, the National CACFP Sponsors Association
board members, and regional sponsor representatives. We will also have an opening roll Sharon Ray
call by state so get your friends to join you and represent!
Rockwell, Texas

MPRO MWRO NERO Eddie Longoria
Southwest Regional Office


Blake Stanford

Southwest Human
Development Services
Austin, Texas

SERO columbus abcd

S2 Regional Networking

Midwest Region Western Region Mountain Plains Region

Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri,
Ohio, Wisconsin Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota,
South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming
Session Sponsored by Session Sponsored by
Susan Ison
Cathy Harper Alix Pasillas
Helping Hands
Nutrition for Children Food for Kids Taylorsville, Utah
Champaign, Illinois Reno, Nevada

Christine Vineyard Holly Prestegaard Melissa Tramontana

Midwest Regional Office Western Regional Office Mountain Plains
Regional Office

Robin Paul Rhonda Kobylecky Kati Wagner

Mid Michigan Acelero Learning Wildwood CACFP
Child Care Centers Las Vegas, Nevada Centennial, Colorado
Freeland, Michigan

S2 grand ballroom ef S2 columbus kl S2 michigan 1

Regional Networking Regional Networking Regional Networking


Southeast Region Northeast Region Mid-Atlantic Region

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey,
Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands,
Tennessee Vermont Virginia, West Virginia, Washington DC

Alice Zacharie Session Sponsored by Session Sponsored by

Supportive Nutritional Jean Bianchi Melissa Moore
Aid Program
Jonesboro, Georgia Clarendon Early Education Services Family League of Baltimore
Bedford, Massachusetts Baltimore, Maryland

LaShawn Robinson Greg Piotrowicz Tim Walsh

Southeast Regional Office Northeast Regional Office Mid-Atlantic Regional

Vicki Lipscomb Senta Hester Denise Andrews Tuesday

Child Nutrition Programs Our Daily Bread of Tennessee For the Children
Charlotte, North Carolina Knoxville, Tennessee Vici, Oklahoma

S2 columbus ghij S2 columbus ef S2 plaza ballroom

Regional Networking Regional Networking Regional Networking

labor of love


For Shirley Philips, of
Cushings, Oklahoma, child
care wasn’t just a chapter in If you give up on getting
her life. It is her life. After the children to taste
57 years, Shirley still talks new food, they will too.
about ‘her’ kids with a level I don’t give up.
of passion and commitment
that makes anyone listening Belinda Mercer, from
understand why, for her, Baltimore, Maryland, took
I can’t imagine doing anything this is the best position in an interesting path that led
else. I have taken care of kids the world. Through her time her to home child care. After 25 years in training adults in the
all my life and I’d rather do that as a provider, many things banking industry, she decided she wanted to ‘train’ preschool
than anything else out there. have changed, but she says, children. She opened Positive Images of Love; this is not just a
name to her, it’s a philosophy. Belinda is teaching the children
“If a child care provider surrounds children with the educational how to love, care and be respectful of the people around them,
tools they need and a loving, nurturing environment the kids in addition to learning basic preschool skills. She believes that
can have a successful start.” She adds that there is nothing more a healthy diet can work “miracles” in children—changing them
rewarding than seeing the kids learn and grow, knowing she has not only physically, but also mentally and academically as well.
played a key role in their lives.

Since September 2011, Idarme María Martín Santos has taken care of children in her home in
Tampa, Florida. She takes pride in maintaining a high-level of care and believes that several
components are essential for a quality family care home. Preparing and providing breakfast, lunch,
snack, and dinners, Idarme is committed to proper nutrition. Idarme is extremely passionate about
her meaningful work as a provider. She involves both the children and their parents in the process
of preparing her menus. The most important thing to her is that children feel safe and welcome in
her home. She loves working with all children in her care and finds joy in watching them grow.

The children depend on me for their protection. I am dedicated to support
their health and I have so much love for them.


tuesday, April 23rd ǀ 4:30 pm–5:30 pm


Meet with people who do what you do every day! Join your moderator and
S2 colleagues to talk about workplace issues. Find a mentor. Share your experience.

Make contacts. Talk shop and learn from one another. This is one of the most
powerful sessions of the conference.

Home Sponsor Directors Sponsor Agency Staff don’t forget to bring
Small Agency your bingo card!
Annetta Rutland
Denise Andrews Strategic Director, Quality Programs At-Risk Afterschool
Co-Founder & Executive Director 4C for Children
For The Children Session Sponsored by
columbus ef Brian Wieher
Child Care Centers Director of Child & Family Nutrition
Home Sponsors Directors Operation Food Search
Large Agency Maureen Lyons
Director of Training & Center-Based columbus ghij
Gabriela Rangel Programs
CACFP Director Wildwood CACFP Nutritionists
Child & Family Resources
columbus kl Allison Polke
michigan 2 Registered Dietitian
Summer Food Sponsors Chicago Public Schools
State Agencies CACFP
Melissa Moore michigan 3
Shaista Shaikh Director of Programs
Principal Consultant Family League of Baltimore Tribal Nations
Illinois State Board of Education
michigan 1 Tara Evans
randolph 1 Child Development Manager
Head Start - Small Spokane Tribe of Indians
State Agencies SFSP
Christa Widener randolph 3
Megan Kucher CACFP Manager
Principal Consultant - SFSP Upper Cumberland Human Resources Food Banks
Illinois State Board of Education
roosevelt 3 Dominique Gardner
randolph 2 Project Manager
Head Start - Large Greater Chicago Food Depository
Field Monitors
Rhonda Kobylecky roosevelt 1
Denise Meyer Director of Food Services
State Director Acelero Learning
Association of Child Development
columbus abcd
grand ballroom ef

windy city Networking Reception
tuesday, April 23rd ǀ 5:30 pm–6:30 pm

Make new friends and greet the old! Come together for
a drink and to meet the recipients of the National Child
Nutrition Foundation Excellence Awards. We’re creating
room to keep the conversation going after the
networking sessions so you can talk one-on-one
with attendees and make lasting connections. windy cityreception networking
drink voucher

grand ballroom one complimentary drinkValid for

TLiunimecsitdlouanyde, Aivnporugilc2hw3e,ri2pn0e1er9a,tǀtbe5n:e3d0eeperm,du–sri6on:g3f0tthpdemrreincekp,tioonronblyo. ttled water.



COLLABORATION Award highlights an organization ADVOCACY Award recognizes an organization or person who Tuesday

which develops successful partnerships between government, demonstrates leadership for increased improvements and
sponsoring organizations and nonprofit, business, foundation, or participation in the CACFP for sponsoring organizations,
other entity which result in improved impact and achieves greater child care providers and centers, and afterschool programs
outcomes for child nutrition programs. at community, state, and national levels.

The unique collaborative relationship between CACFP Natalie Clark
at-risk sponsors, Feeding San Diego, and Kitchens for Good
was fostered by the San Diego Hunger Coalition resulting in Minute Menu Systems
an increased number of local afterschool programs receiving Natalie has built on her relationships
free supper and snacks to feed children in their communities. with providers, sponsors, state agencies
Through advocacy and action, the San Diego Hunger Coalition and the USDA to strengthen the CACFP.
is building awareness of the importance of the Child and Adult She volunteers for committees such
Care Food Program and collectively leading the fight against as the Paper Work Reduction Work Group and shares her
hunger in our region. Their goal is that all children have knowledge in a way that is understandable and relatable to
year-round access to three square meals a day for an active, those who make decisions about our program operations. By sharing
healthy life. data and trends in the CACFP, Natalie has improved sponsors’
ability to be effective and assisted stakeholders to better understand
CHANGEMAKER Award celebrates a CACFP community provider and sponsor needs. Natalie’s passion for the food program
and her intellect for reasonable solutions has improved the program
member whose masterful achievements in their role have directly for the millions of children served by CACFP.
benefited the CACFP community.
CHAMPION Award celebrates a CACFP community member
Lynn Lofin
for their success in promoting the CACFP through effective
Lenox Hill Neighborhood House advocacy, partnerships, and collaboration to increase program
As Executive Chef at Lenox Hill participation and ensure access for every child.
Neighborhood House, Lynn Loflin
transformed Food Services into a model Celia Cordero
farm-to-institution program serving 390,000
fresh, healthy and local meals a year through our Early Connecticut Department of Education
Childhood Center, two senior centers, a homeless shelter, Child Nutrition
supportive housing residence, after school, summer camp and Celia Cordero has demonstrated outstanding
Alzheimer’s day program. She created The Teaching Kitchen passion and humility as she has worked
at Lenox Hill Neighborhood House to train other organizations tirelessly through the years to increase CACFP
how to serve more fresh, healthy and local food through which, participation among family day care providers in the state of
to date, has trained 74 organizations serving 5.5 million meals. Connecticut. Her work has helped feed children from the most
She is changing New York City’s institutional food systems and vulnerable families. Celia understands that CACFP provides
working to share that message beyond New York to show people healthy, nutritionally sound meals and snacks to children who
how simple, really, it is to serve better, healthier food. often otherwise would not have nutritious food. She believes
in the power and mission of the CACFP and has dedicated her
professional career to the program. The considerable impact she
has made on promoting and building a stronger CACFP in the
state of Connecticut cannot be overstated.

Healthy Eating Starts Early Supporting nutrition education, grant programs, professional development,
and scholarship opportunities for the child and adult nutrition community.
Donate Today!


good morning!
today’s checklist

Coffee & Conversation ☐☐ Map out your day.
7:00 am – 8:00 am
☐☐ Visit the exhibit hall
Rise and shine with the aroma of fresh brewed coffee between 11:00 am - 2:00 pm.
and the sounds of people networking before the day
gets started. ☐☐ Pick your workshops.

grand ballroom lobby ☐☐ Check in on social media
don’t forget
☐☐ Get a good seat at the
Get Your Grab & Go Yogurt! general session.

Sponsored by

☐☐ Network at lunch.

thank you ☐☐ Get deep into conversation
at a shop talk.
The Board of Directors of the National CACFP Sponsors Association (NCA)
and the 2019 Conference Committee would like to express its deepest appreciation ☐☐ Attend Succession Planning
to all of those individuals and organizations whose talent and time have made this or Millennial Meet-up.
conference an outstanding example of collaboration and success. We honor your
contributions to the educational mission of the National Association and thank you ☐☐ Go out to dinner with new
for helping make this conference a showcase for the CACFP and SFSP community. friends.


do you have questions?

SHOP TALK ǀ 7:15 am–7:45 am

Throughout the conference join these small group conversations to share
stories, learn from each other, and connect with professionals who are facing
the same challenges and opportunities you do. They’re unscripted, dynamic,
and real, focusing on those subjects we face every day.

Managing Food Allergies Photo provided by Alicia Quiroga with Alicia Bee’s Daycare, Woodbridge, VA

Jen Jobrack, Food Allergy Research & Education CACFP Certification Benefits Nutrition Calendar Training Program

Food allergies are a growing public health issue, Rhonda Kobylecky, Acelero Learning Jennifer Basey, National CACFP Sponsors
affecting one in thirteen children. Let’s talk about Association
what food allergies are and how to manage them Hear why having the CACFP professional
to create inclusive and safe environments for all. certification has made a difference in my career. Swap stories about how to take advantage
Find out why you should pursue it too. of all the elements that make up this highly
S1 monroe 5 boardroom acclaimed program: 5-Hour Training Module,
Parent Newsletter Templates, Activity Pages,
Shoptalk monroe 4 boardroom Motivation Posters, Calendar Nutrition
Building an Amazing Company S2 Shoptalk
Comidas Hispanas - Ricas y S3 monroe 2 boardroom
Phillip Hester, Our Daily Bread CACFP Saludables
Every organization, whether large or small has Sylvia Melendez Klinger, Hispanic Food
a workplace culture. We will dive deep into our Communications Serving Cold Meals Wednesday
organizations to build an amazing culture that
will give you unstoppable momentum. La cultura es una gran parte de la planificaión del Denise Andrews, For The Children
menú. Hablaremos de estrategias para cocinar
S6 randolph boardroom recetas saludables sin sacrificar el sabor. Sometimes the best meals are those
that don’t require any cooking! How
Shoptalk is that possible and what makes them
appealing? Let’s share menu plans and
CACFP Budgets S1 roosevelt boardroom favorite no-cook meals.

Kati Wagner, Wildwood CACFP Shoptalk

Looking to ask specific questions about your Mobility Options for Summer Meals S1 monroe 1 boardroom
budget plan? Bring them on!
Judy Shanley, Easterseals Inc. & The National Center Shoptalk
for Mobility Management
S5 monroe 3 boardroom Social Media & CACFP
A lack of transportation can create challenges
Shoptalk related to access to food programs. Learn about Kate Abernathy, Providers Choice
services available to strengthen transportation
connections between food service programs and Social media plays an important role in
transit. connecting with providers and promoting the
CACFP. Come share your social media successes
S2 michigan boardroom (and challenges) and we’ll workshop strategies
that work.

S6 roosevelt 2 boardroom


My work is my passion. I ensure we cook from scratch,
following the CACFP guidelines. I hire and train the staff
to hopefully have a passion for feeding the children good
quality and nutritious meals. I want every child to know
what a “home cooked” meal is and that food can be fun
as well as nutritious.

2019 Scholarship Winner - Faith Cox

Southern Oregon Head Start, Central Point, Oregon


join us in the grand ballroom special thank you to our
General Session Sponsor
GENERAL SESSION ǀ 8:00 am –9:30 am

Senta Hester

President, National CACFP Sponsors Association, Board of Directors
Founder and Executive Director of Our Daily Bread of CACFP, Senta’s organization
sponsors child care homes and centers in both Tennessee and Kentucky, feeding over
15,000 children daily. Having begun her career as a child care home provider, her roots
are deep for the care of children. Under her leadership, the national association will keep
support and education of the child nutrition community its highest priority.

Tim English

Regional Administrator of the Midwest Region, USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Under Tim’s leadership the Midwest Regional Office provides oversight of program
operations and technical assistance to State and local partners who administer the
Agency’s 15 nutrition assistance programs. He oversees the administration of these
federal nutrition assistance programs with nutritional benefits and services valued at over
$15 billion dollars in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Tim
commits his talents and energies to creating positive change in programs serving our
nation’s most vulnerable low income families and elderly.

our keynote speaker

Brandon Lipps

Administrator & Acting Deputy Under Secretary, USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Brandon Lipps is Administrator of USDA’s
Food and Nutrition Service where he leads
the agency in administering the nation’s 15
federal nutrition assistance programs. He
is also currently serving as Acting Deputy
Under Secretary, reporting to Agriculture
Secretary Sonny Perdue. Prior to joining
USDA, Lipps served as the Chief of Staff
for the Office of the Chancellor in the
Texas Tech University System, working closely with Chancellor Robert Duncan to develop policy
initiatives, identify strategic priorities, and execute plans to achieve goals across the system’s more
than 20,000 employees. Previously, Lipps served as counsel and senior professional staff to the U.S.
House Committee on Agriculture during the 2014 Farm Bill. He also served as Chancellor Duncan’s
legislative aide and rural district director during his time as a Texas State Senator. Lipps is a former
associate at the Lubbock law firm of Crenshaw, Dupree & Milam. He hails from Woodson, Texas,
and earned a bachelor’s degree in agricultural economics from Texas Tech and a law degree from
Texas Tech University School of Law.


evan’s sweet meet masterchef junior
potato gnocchi
Evan Robinson
with Brown Butter Sauce,
Sage Leaves & Kale 8th Grade Student, Kenwood Academy High School
Not many people have the opportunity to showcase their cooking skills
2 sweet potatoes on national TV. Even fewer have the confidence at age 10 to compete for
2 cups of flour a chance to earn the honor of MasterChef. But that was just the beginning
1 tsp salt for Evan who has turned his love for cooking, healthy foods, and
inspiring others into real take action opportunities. One weekend,
Bake the potatoes in aluminum foil. Once baked, peel Evan made over 400 empandas
and rice the sweet potatoes. If you don’t have a ricer, you which he sold to raise over $4,000
can just mash them. In a separate bowl, sift the flour and for the people affected by Hurricane
salt. Mix the flour and salt with the sweet potatoes. Take Maria. #PiesforPuertoRico was
the dough and break it into pieces. Roll those pieces into followed by a #PiesforPeople
1/8-inch logs. Cut the logs into 1-inch pieces. Boil the fundraiser benefiting Chicago’s
gnocchi until they float or for about 2-3 minutes. homeless, and then another for
Chicago Public Schools. Evan
Brown Butter Sage Sauce, optional continues his charity work
3 tablespoons of butter and making the world
10 sages leaves a better place by
salt and pepper to taste “evanating” recipes
Melt butter in pan. Once brown spots begin to form add and changing ordinary
sage leaves and season. Cook for another 20 seconds on food into extraordinary
medium heat and take the pan off the heat. meals.

Garnish with grated parmesan. Wednesday
For more recipes, check out

child nutrition community in action

Summer Food

The Meal Machine

Hagerstown, Maryland

CACFP Afterschool Meals

Olu’s Center Frederick County Public Schools
Frederick, Maryland
Minneapolis, Minnesota

2019 FRIEND OF CACFP AWARD Congressman Scott sponsored the bill
for improved quality child care access
Congressman with CACFP support known as the
Comprehensive Child Care and Early
Bobby Scott Learning Bill to Ensure Child Care for
All. Prior to his service in Congress,
Representing the 3rd District of Virginia he served in the Virginia House of
The National CACFP Sponsors Delegates from 1978 to 1983 and in the
Association Friend of CACFP Award Senate of Virginia from 1983 to 1993.
honors and recognizes an individual We appreciate Congressman Scott’s
who has demonstrated a commitment diligent, lifetime work to expand and
to supporting and improving the USDA protect child nutrition programs in our
Child and Adult Care Food Program country. We recognize the challenges he
(CACFP) through leadership and has undertaken to push for changes in
initiative. We are pleased to present the hunger relief programs and food security
award this year to Congressman for our nation’s children and elderly. We
Robert C. “Bobby” Scott. thank Congressman Scott for his work
Congressman Scott has represented and honor him with the 2019 Friend of
Virginia’s third congressional district CACFP Award.
in the U.S. House of Representatives
since 1993 and currently serves as
the Chairman of the Committee on
Education and Labor. Most recently,

Over 4.5 million children served each day.
2,037,687,363 meals served in 2018 in CACFP.

103k 64k 22k 50k 2.5k

Family Child Child Care Afterschool Summer Meals Adult Day Care
Care Homes Centers Sites Sites Sites

13.9 million lunches during summer months. (2018) (FY2017)



Welcome to the
33rd National
Child Nutrition (800) 545-7892, [email protected]
From ISBE’s
Nutrition Division!

OUR VISION: Illinois is a state of whole, healthy children nested
in whole, healthy systems supporting communities wherein all people
are socially and economically secure.

Child and Adult Care Food Program / USDA Foods
Summer Food Service Program / Special Milk Program
National School Lunch Program / School Breakfast Program
After-School Care Program / At-Risk Afterschool Care

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

wednesday, April 24th The ClickList Project:
A Pilot Project To Minimize
SESSION ONE ǀ 9:45 am –10:45 am CN Disallowances

A Rainbow a Week: Prep to Plate: Portion Sizes in CACFP Stella Marshall, Children’s Hunger Alliance
Embrace Our Changing Meal Patterns Caitlin Boland & Erica Hobby
Novick Brothers One of the most common challenges that CACFP
Malissa Marsden, Child Nutrition Support Services participants often struggle with is obtaining
CACFP portioning can be confusing on paper and Child Nutrition Labels. Learn about helpful
An analogy on how we changed society in one in practice, many more questions come up. See tools and tips on creative ways to minimize CN
generation by reaching our youngest leads off correct portion sizes illustrated and get answers disallowances which will ultimately increase
this uplifting and positive message meant for to common real-world portioning and service monthly reimbursement and help to provide
everyone. While it’s impractical to expect child questions. Get tips for the kitchen and find out healthier foods to the children.
care to serve a ‘rainbow a day,’ we can absolutely what tools help compliance and reduce food
serve ‘A Rainbow A Week.’ Learn simple concepts waste. S4 randolph 2
to increase our rainbow of choices and take home
Program Spotlight

recipes to try which feature fruits and vegetables. Carrying the Agency
on Your Shoulders
S1 randolph 3 S1 columbus ab
Arnita Rena Hall, Together We Can Consultants
Nutrition Nutrition
As a leader of a nonprofit, have you ever
Choosy Eaters Can Become Healthy National & Local Nutrition Resources wondered how you would raise funds, cover
Eaters, Too! for Afterschool Programs training, juggle the budget, purchase supplies and
the many other tasks associated with leading?
Toni Kay Wright & Staci Coussens Curtis Peace, Illinois AfterSchool Network Yes? Come explore the rationale behind collective
University of Illinois Extension Susan Stanton, ACT Now impact, the ability to diversify roles and the
Only one in five children eats the recommended importance of shared responsibility.
servings of fruits and vegetables each day which Get an overview of the afterschool nutrition
is unfortunate as they are also developing food landscape, learn about collaborative organizations S6 columbus ij
preferences during early childhood years. Learn providing advocacy, public policy, and
strategies to get children to try new foods so you professional development opportunities, and take Management
can shape healthy eaters in the child care setting home nutrition resources to support your program.
or be better equipped to counsel providers during
home visits. S2 michigan 2 Food Safety & Sanitation

At-Risk Afterschool Karen A Ray, Regina Coeli Child Development Center

S1 columbus gh Nuts and Bolts of Planning In childcare, food safety is everyone’s
a Successful Mobile Meals Operation responsibility, not just food service staff. Teachers
Nutrition and other personnel often come in contact with
Brian Wieher & Alyssa Morrison food served to children and should be familiar
Operation Food Search with safe food handling practices. Learn how to
Dr. Keven Vicknair & Teresa Castaneda protect children from possible foodborne illness
Equal Heart by establishing a HACCP (hazard analysis critical
control points) system and offering training to all
Taking summer meals programs on-the-go employees.
increases access for children typically excluded
from structured programming. Successful S2 roosevelt 3
adoption of this model requires additional
planning and investment compared to traditional Train-the-Trainer
fixed sites. Learn about planning for mobile
operations and effective resource management for CACFP and Head Start Food
sustainable operations. Services Regulations

S2 michigan 1 Rhonda Kobylecky, Acelero Learning

Summer Food This training will focus on the HSPS 1304.22 that
govern child nutrition and how they align with
the CACFP program to provide good nutrition to
children in Head Start. Also, learn what’s new in
the HS Performance Standards concerning child

The CACFP Professionals S4 grand ballroom ef
Certification is a quality recognition
that shows I am committed to the Program Administration & Operations
CACFP and my continued higher
level of education.

Terri Sluss-Cole, CCNP, CMP

Child Care Resource Center


Power of Partnerships: Procurement, Farm to Early Care and Education 101 Civil Rights 101: Compliance
Standardized Recipes & Compliant with Civil Rights Requirements
Menus Lacy Stephens, National Farm to School Network
Wande Okunoren-Meadows, Little Ones Tamara Earley, USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Illeme Amegatcher, General Mills Bell Learning Center
Institute of Health and Nutrition The session will address the Civil Rights training
Stacy Lofton, Premier, Inc. Farm to early care and education (farm to ECE) requirements as outlined in FNS Instruction
connects young children and their families to 113-1, Civil Rights Compliance and Enforcement
From procurement of ingredients and products healthy, local food and experiential learning – Nutrition Programs and Activities. State agency
beyond the grocery store to recipe development opportunities. Learn how to get started with staff who interact with program applicants,
and menu creation using single products in farm to ECE, including easy, first steps for participants and potentially eligible individuals
multiple applications, join the conversation and local procurement, edible gardening, and food, and those persons who supervise front line staff
dig deeper for a portfolio of solutions and tools. agriculture, and nutrition education. must receive annual Civil Rights training. This
session will fulfill this requirement.

S2 randolph 1 S2 michigan 3 S7 columbus cd

Program Administration & Operations Research & Resources Advocacy

Prepare Creditable Meals US Poverty & Its Impact on Children How KidKare Can Lighten
in the CACFP Your Workload
Casey Goldvale & Cara Brumfield
Ann Hall, Sonya Barnes, and Bill Wagoner Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality Dawn Perez, Minute Menu Systems
USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Across the country, Americans are struggling to Come see how KidKare can help increase
Discover USDA Team Nutrition resources secure jobs that offer the prospect of long-term accuracy, make your business run more efficiently,
available to support you in meeting CACFP meal financial security and the promise of a real future and make it easier than ever for centers and
pattern requirements. Hear about newly released for themselves and their families. Learn about the providers to participate in the CACFP.
tools that can help you credit recipes, purchase root causes of poverty, understand how poverty
the right amounts of food using the Food Buying impacts families and children, and explore policy v roosevelt 1
Guide, and reflect a variety of cultures in the ideas and strategies for reducing poverty and
meals you serve. mitigating its negative effects. Commercial

S1 columbus kl S7 columbus ef

Program Administration & Operations Research & Resources

special thank you Wednesday
to our Nutrition Track

Apply today! You can apply for the CACFP Professional Certification here at the National Child Nutrition Conference.

Visit the conference information desk to find out how to apply or hear more on the certification program and the specialties.

essionChild Nutrition ProfCACFP Child Nutrition Professional (CCNP)

National CACFP Sponsors Associa Education / Experience - Child Care Home or Center enrolled in CACFP and/or CACFP Agency (Sponsor, Head Start, State)

CACFP Experience: 3 Years Experience: 1 Year Experience: 1 Year

tion Education: OORR Education: Education:
• 16 Hours of Nutrition Training • Associates or Bachelors degree OR • Associates or Bachelors degree
• 16 Hours CEU Total w/ min. of 3 hours • 12 Hours in Specialty 1
• 4 Hours in Specialties 2 & 3 • 16 Hours of Nutrition Training
in each of the Specialties 1-3

P Management Profe CACFP Management Professional (CMP)

onal CACFP Sponsors Associa Education / Experience - Child Care and/or CACFP Agency (minimum 5 years)


CACF Experience: 8 Years OORR Experience: 5 Years OR Experience: 5 Years

tion Education: Education: Education:
• 4 Hours of Nutrition Training • Associates or Bachelors degree • 12 Hours of Nutrition Training
• 4 Hours of Management Training • 4 Hours of Nutrition Training • 12 Hours of Management Training
• 8 Hours CACFP Specific Training • 4 Hours of Management Training • 12 Hours CACFP Specific Training
• 8 Hours CACFP Specific Training • 24 Hours CEU in Specialties 1-7 with

a minimum or 2 hour per Specialty

Note: CEU’s cannot be duplicated for Dual Certification.


wednesday, April 24th Ace Your CACFP Audit

SESSION TWO ǀ 11:00 am –12:00 pm Emily Chatelain, Three O’Clock Project

CACFP Menu Planning Made Easy The Essence of Me: Growing CACFP is a wonderful way to provide healthy
Healthy-Minded Children meals to needy children. Don’t let all the red tape
Kate Abernathy, Providers Choice of administering this program get you caught in
Valerie Fountain, Texas Education Service Center the weeds. Learn how to prepare for a successful
Get the tools and resources you need to simplify audit, get checklists and take home tips for
the menu planning process in the CACFP and Teaching nutrition and wellness to children organization.
to train program participants to do the same. starting at a young age is a critical component
Take home a list of free-to-access websites, of creating the essence of who they grow up to S5 grand ballroom ab
apps, guides, recipes, menus and portion size become. With childhood obesity on the rise, the
visuals that all providers need to meet program importance of building a strong foundation is Financial Management
regulations while saving time and money in the paramount. Learn creative ways to incorporate
kitchen. nutrition in the classroom, increasing parent Streamlining Your Office With
involvement, and partnering with the community. No-Cost Technology

S1 grand ballroom ef S1 columbus ab Levell R. Baker, YWCA Metro Chicago

Nutrition Nutrition Learn solutions for minimizing program chaos
and retire from being a CACFP Fire Fighter.
How to Help Kids Grow Healthy Providing At-Risk and SFSP Meals There are no-cost ways to simplify daily CACFP
Relationships with Food compliance tasks related to managing your team
in Alternate Sites and CACFP Providers. Align your field and
administration team, monitor schedules, methods
to simplify provider communication and increase
your program’s efficiency.

Rhys Powell, Red Rabbit

Prepackaged may be convenient but the human Jane Pakan, Chicago Public Schools S2 columbus gh
component of making real food is critical to the Serving afterschool and summer meals in
way kids see it when it hits their plate. They can non-traditional school settings is not without Management
taste fresh mango swirled into yogurt and they can challenges. Hear how we collaborated with other
tell that cauliflower changes the consistency of organizations and provided training to non-food CACFP Sponsors Role in Helping
their mac and cheese, and still gobble it up! Learn service professionals to make it possible to Providers Respond to a Serious
why preparing real foods from scratch can cost the support the children in our community. Get ideas Deficiency Allegation
same and take home three recipes that take those on how to grow your program participation.
extra steps. Tom Copeland, Tom Copeland Consulting

S1 randolph 1 S2 columbus kl Sponsors need to do more to communicate to
providers their rights when responding to a
Nutrition At-Risk Afterschool Corrective Action Plan or Serious Deficiency
notice. Review a guide designed to walk providers
Soyfoods: Collaborating with Partners in SFSP through the process and help them understand
Health Benefits & Versatility their rights.
Amy Bianco, Illinois State Board of Education
Mark Messina, Soy Nutrition Institute Diane Doherty, Illinois Hunger Coalition S7 columbus ef
Linda Funk, The Soyfoods Council
The Chicago Work Group was formed in 2006 Program Administration & Operations
Do you know that soy products meet CACFP to help eradicate childhood hunger during the
requirements for meat|meat alternate, vegetables, summer months by collaborating with partners in Technical Assistance Training
and milk? The versatility of soy makes it an the city to map out the areas of Chicago that were
invaluable option for food providers. Learn about not being met by the SFSP. Learn from the panel Denise Andrews, For the Children CACFP
the unique health benefits of soy and easy tips to discussion of group leaders from the USDA, State Susan Ison, Helping Hands
make soy a tasty and affordable part of children’s Agency, Sponsor Organizations, and Advocacy Rita Kidwell, Joyce Network
diets. stakeholders.
What’s the most common technical assistance
S1 michigan 1 S4 michigan 3 your team offers to their providers? Hear from a
panel of CACFP Sponsors as they share their tips
Nutrition Summer Food on providing technical assistance to mistakes that
prevent providers from being reimbursed. Learn
MyPlate Partner Insights: Taking from their experience and workshop possible
Nutrition Education to the Next Level solutions together.

Jackie Haven & Barb Jirka S4 columbus ij
USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Program Administration & Operations
An interactive panel of CACFP sponsors,
providers, and MyPlate National Strategic
Partners will share insights and best practices on
how to use MyPlate nutrition education resources.
Learn about available MyPlate resources and
share ideas on what new resources are needed.

DOWNLOAD THE APP! S3 columbus cd
Join the conversation with #CACFP19 Program Spotlight


Grain Food Consumption: What Does need a break?
the Scientific Evidence Say?
Yanni Papanikolaou, Grain Foods Foundation
Exhibit Hall ǀ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Hear results of the most recent US National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Learn Spend time getting to know the companies and organizations who can support
about the myths and realities associated with grain you in your mission to promote health. Find out the amazing ways they
food consumption in the diet of American children contribute to the community we all care for so much.
and adults.
Lunch Served ǀ 12:00 pm– 1:30 pm
S1 randolph 3
While you enjoy your meal in the exhibit hall, talk shop with attendees at your
Research & Resources table or reflect on your notes from the general session and workshops you’ve
attended. This is the time to make sure you are nourished body and mind.
OSNAP: Tools for Out of School Time
Nutrition and Physical Activity time to network!

Rebekka Lee, Harvard University CACFP Professionals’ Celebration ǀ 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Jill Cox, Penn State Better Kid Care

OSNAP (Out of School Nutrition and Physical
Activity) supports out-of-school-time (OST)
programs to improve nutrition and physical
activity practices and policies. Explore the
evidence-base for practice recommendations for
healthy foods, beverages and physical activity
levels for children in OST care and learn about
free, online resources and tools to support
afterschool staff.

S2 randolph 2 CACFP Child Nutrition Child Nutrition Prof P Management Profe
Professionals (CCNP) and CACFP ssional
Research & Resources Management Professionals
(CMP) are invited to come Nati
together for an inspirational
message, to celebrate, and to learn ession
from fellow CACFP professionals.
Join us after you enjoy lunch! Nati
Accommodating Participants with Don’t forget your lapel pin. onal CACFP Sponsors AssociaCACFPonal CACFP Sponsors Associa
Disabilities in Community Meals
Programs This event is by invitation. tion

Teresa Murray, USDA Food and Nutrition Service CACF

Get requirement updates related to tion
accommodating participants with disabilities
participating in CACFP, as required by Wednesday
Federal law, USDA regulations and the Policy For over thirty years our association has been elevating
Memorandum, Modifications to Accommodate the professional standards of our community.
Disabilities in the Child and Adult Care
Food Program and Summer Food Service Program Now we have the means to recognize those who continually
to ensure equal access and opportunity. go above and beyond with true passion for the program and

what it means to millions of children.

S7 michigan 2 Top Five Things To Do in Chicago You’re halfway through

Advocacy your first full day of learning. What are you doing later? Take a break and enjoy
one of the many things to do in Chicago.
special thank you 1. Visit the Navy Pier. Enjoy the Ferris wheel looking

to our Afterschool Track over Lake Michigan, listen to live music, or stroll
Sponsor through the gardens.
2. Appreciate the Arts. The Art Institute of Chicago is
the home of Chicago’s famous Edward Kenny’s lion
statue and many other well-known exhibits.
3. Take a cruise. Learn about Chicago’s unique building
designs during a Architecture River Cruise.
4. Get above the city. Journey up to the SkyDeck or 360
Chicago to see views of the city like no other.
5. Go shopping and eat! The Magnificent Mile is a stretch
of Michigan Avenue with lots of restaurants and shops
for some retail therapy.


Enhancing Communities


Classes led by Registered Nutritionists

• Nutrition Education Workshops • NYC Food Handler Preparation
• Obesity Prevention Program Class
• Culinary Classes and Cooking
• Lactation Program


Wellness Classes led by Certified Instructors
Art and Music Therapy are led by Licensed ATR-BC, LCAT instructors

• Yoga & Chair Yoga • Salsa
• Tai Chi & Self Defense Tai Chi • Falls Prevention
• Physical Activity and Movement • Junior and Master Chef for
• Zumba, Zumba Gold & Zumba
ages 3-18
Chair • Licensed Music Therapy
• Pilates & Chair Pilates • Licensed Art Therapy
• Chair Stretch • Indoor and Outdoor Gardening
• Dance


• Sewing • Drawing
• Knitting • Art & Illustration
• Quilting • Jewelry Making and Beading
• Crocheting • Origami


• Basic Computer Class • STEM Programming
• Coding 101 for Children • ESL Classes
Building Healthier Communities and Developing Healthier Programs

Proud Sponsor of the Northeast Regional Networking
& Afterschool Functional Networking Sessions

Industry Partner

let’s chat

SHOP TALK ǀ 1:15 pm–1:45 pm

Agency Reviews

Susan Ison, Helping Hands

They happen. Let’s talk about how to prepare
your sponsoring organization and share our
processes for managing them.

S4 monroe 3 boardroom

Shoptalk Photo provided by Kristall Davis with Little Blessings Childcare, Champlin, MN

CACFP Week Marketing CACFP to Providers Record Keeping Training Tools

Ericca Whitley, National CACFP Sponsors Denise Andrews, For The Children Amanda Tucker, TX Education Service Center
Association Region 11
How do you reach new providers and market the
Unsure how to use all the materials available to food program? Let’s share strategies on how to If you train home child care providers (or are
promote the CACFP in your community? Come increase family home care providers participation one!) on how to do CACFP record keeping,
learn how to make the postcards, posters, social in the CACFP. come get a super quick primer on the free tools
media graphics, nutrition education fliers, parent we have available to make your job easier!
newsletters, and toolkit work for you.
michigan boardroom
S6 S2 monroe 1 boardroom
roosevelt 2 boardroom Shoptalk
Mini-Camp Marketing for Mobile
Comer Sano Meals Taking Action at the Wednesday
Grassroots Level
Sylvia Melendez Klinger, Hispanic Food Alyssa Morrison, Operation Food Search
Candice McElhaney, National CACFP
¡Podemos! Sugerencias para mejorar la nutrición Discover how to create a mini-camp experience Sponsors Association
y vivir sanamente. that draws children to your meal locations and
encourages repeat participation. If you are new to the process of being
an advocate, come learn about what
S1 roosevelt boardroom S4 monroe 4 boardroom resources are available to you. Spark
positive change in your community!
Shoptalk Shoptalk

How to Handle Surplus Funds S7 monroe 2 boardroom

Kati Wagner, Wildwood CACFP Shoptalk

Surplus Funds? Almost impossible to imagine
and yet it can happen. Child care centers have
to account for them in a very specific manner so
let’s take a look at how to handle that accounting.

S5 randolph boardroom My hope is to continue to nourish the minds and
bodies of “my kids” and their families. By encouraging,
Shoptalk empowering and involving the children and their families
in creative, easy, and inexpensive ways to incorporate
Infant Developmental Readiness healthy eating, I am in essence leaving a legacy of love.
In the 39 years I have been caring for children, I have
Vicki Lipscomb, Child Nutrition Programs always held fast to the notion that what goes into their
little bellies is just as important, if not more so, than
Let’s talk about the successes and challenges lesson plans. A well-fed child is a healthy child.
homes and centers are facing with A healthy child is a happy child. A happy child embraces
implementation and monitoring of infant
developmental readiness. life and learning. In this, we all win!

S1 monroe 5 boardroom 2019 Scholarship Winner - Kristall Davis

Shoptalk Little Blessings Childcare, Champlin, MN


wednesday, April 24th Building Leadership Skills

SESSION THREE ǀ 2:00 pm–3:00 pm Maggie Mae Kennedy
Houston Independent School District
Baking Whole Grain-Rich Foods Build your SFSP A-Team!
Think about the best and worst bosses you’ve had.
Sharon Davis, Home Baking Association Nell Dochez & Veronica Day You can probably recognize that those you’ve
CitySquare categorized as best understood that different styles
Whole grain-rich baking can be a signature part Staffing makes or breaks the success of your of leadership and communication are needed for
of your program that benefits menus, snacks, and program. Learn how to effectively engage your each individual. Learn three different leadership
acceptance while also helping your bottom-line. summer staff, how to build processes to ensure styles and how to build a relationship with your
Learn how to choose a few signature favorite their performance, and how to create strategies to staff that encourages productivity and decreases
foods and align them with baking activities to foster buy-in and ownership among every member high staff turnaround.
involve children and parents in the science, of the team. Be prepared for interactive games and
literacy, art, food safety and math to boost benefits useful takeaways to use this summer. S6 columbus kl
beyond the plate. Take home whole grain-rich
baking resources. Management

S1 michigan 3 S6 columbus ij Motivated by Movement: Engaging
Children and Staff
Nutrition Summer Food
Kaitlyn Streitmatter & Kayla Swaar
Going Garbanzo: Meat Alternates Better Together: Partnerships University of Illinois Extension
for Special Diets Support Healthy Nutrition in Young
Children Actively engaging in physical activity in childcare
Karla Dumas & Shannon Wells is essential for a child’s growth and development.
The Humane Society of the United States Florence Rivera, National Center on Early Childhood Hear about the importance of physical activity,
Health and Wellness learn innovative strategies for staff and child
The demand for more plant-based meals and engagement during indoor and outdoor play, and
special diets, like vegetarian or vegan options, Community providers serving young children share creative approaches for indoor activity.
continues to grow. Investigate these diets and have mutual nutrition goals. They all strive to
identify ingredients that can be used to meet this support child development with healthy foods. S3 michigan 2
need, remain within budget and offer allergen- Learn about the common standards among WIC,
friendly options for all. Test your plant-based CACFP, and Head Start. Discover how programs Trian-the-Trainer
knowledge and watch demonstrations of three are partnering to serve these goals and explore
popular plant-based dishes for childcare. opportunities to strengthen partnerships in your Garden to Early Childhood Education
Aarie Wade & Lindsay Ball
S1 randolph 1 S6 randolph 3 Baxter Community Center

Nutrition Program Spotlight Learn how to implement a Garden to Early
Childhood program model in your curriculum.
Menu Planning: Networking Defining Food Education Hear about suggested best practices, fundamentals
& Collaborating with Parents with Pilot Light of teaching gardening to young children, planning
year-round gardening activities, and incorporating
a garden-to-table element for a healthy and fresh
food program.

Stephanie Manchester, Acelero Learning Katie Colvin & Justin Behlke S2 columbus ab

By introducing new and healthier choices to Pilot Light Program Administration & Operations

our children, we strive to change poor eating Learn why food education is important and how Get the Facts! CN Labels and Product
habits. Getting parents involved in taste-tests and we can integrate it into education. Get to know Formulation Statements
allowing input on our menus makes it possible for Pilot Light, a food education nonprofit in Chicago,
us to change views of the different foods we serve and their Food Education Standards. Sonya Barnes & Ann Hall
one tastebud at a time. Parents also open our eyes USDA Food and Nutrition Service
to new, authentic, cultural foods.
roosevelt 1 When should you request a CN Label or PFS?
michigan 1 S3 Is the crediting documentation for your product
Program Spotlight acceptable? Get clarity on common issues
S1 Nutrition related to inaccurate or misleading product
documentation. USDA experts will provide
Sponsoring Summer Food: guidance on accepting documentation for meal
Keys to Financial Management pattern requirements and share sample Product
Rebranding Supper Formulation Statements and CN Labels.
as “Super Snack” Cherese Myree & Monica Miles
MH Miles Company, CPA, PC
Brian Wieher & Alyssa Morrison
Operation Food Search You’re already working the food program and are S3 grand ballroom ef
Learn how one sponsor agency transformed their ready to expand to summer feeding. Hear about
offering by using a non-traditional approach, best practices to ensure proper internal controls Program Administration & Operations
while remaining in compliance under the CACFP for successful financial management and mitigate
supper reimbursement. Discover how rebranding high risk program areas.

into a Super-Snack model increases participation S5 columbus cd
and meets the needs of providers unable to prepare
and serve traditional hot dinner foods. Financial Management

S4 columbus ef

At-Risk Afterschool


Community Connections: State Findings for New Meal Pattern 50,000 Providers Can’t Be Wrong:
Promoting Breastfeeding to Reduce Readiness Nutrition, Training, and Record
Intergenerational Diabetes Keeping Made Easy
Geri Henchy, Food Research and Action Center
Elizabeth MacQuillan, Grand Valley State University Tatiana Andreyeva, University of Connecticut Lisa Mack & Jennifer Basey
Lorrene Ritchie, University of California National CACFP Sponsors Association
Diabetes is the most common pre-existing Temitope Erinosho, University of North Carolina
condition in pregnancy and increases health Caree Jackson Cotwright, University of Georgia Find nutrition information, CACFP best practices,
risks to affected mothers and infants. Postnatally, table crafts, physical activities, business tips
breastfeeding mitigates many of these risks. Learn Is your program or sponsorship easily meeting for providers, provider training modules, parent
practical ways to assess community resources the new nutrition standards or are there still a provider connection letters, child care curriculum,
for promoting breastfeeding to mothers with few sticking points? Panelists will share research and record keeping all in one place! NCA’s
gestational diabetes and ideas for interprofessional and insights learned from studies of CACFP Nutrition Calendar & Training Program is perfect
collaboration to reduce Type 2 diabetes in programs in their states. Learn about current food for providers, centers, and afterschool sites. The
communities. environments and practices, compliance with the 56-37alendar, record keeping system, and 5-hour
new meal patterns, and technical assistance and training program is available in bulk for less than
randolph 2 training needs of providers. $4 per provider.

S1 Research & Resources grand ballroom ab

S3 columbus gh v Commercial

Research & Resources

fCrohmeckouoruftriaelnl odfstahtetseeagmreatnreustoruirtcieosn! Trainers’ Circle: CertificCaAteCoFPfTrhaCiHhnuinoiargrmslWtfdetybpiiamnalyresest:ioCneiSnrettirhfvieicnCagAtVeCeFogPef tAabttleesndance
Creative Online LearningThis certifies that
foSeMrrvoirndgiscSHocshpoaorleaMlaesaaal4slu321tdolPtreshchCohooloesres:BSrecah4koC32f1oahlstoYoCesaeerrYe2aol0gs1uT8rh-t2as0tTA1h9raeNtYLAuuCoOmrtwermhefLirfyitoeilinBwdorrAeanNrVadniddunnFeeCtAdrdaresdScriAuduettageissdldaorSSusnuelgtraFCvrasecatirnse tFhoeod ProgramPreschool Meal PatternFood and Nutrition ServicBe oletineNsuFitnoPBrttTtgfhhihoroytrraeeeieodprotsawpmpecfnkrasorhtefeahloNoanslsSOOtoosfccaedipzetwlhvhrn.mevwPmo=oordNiantioroVsOhltesgMdoolukluAaeelegrdsmemntsleFgavGilrpMrsczettmaanrieeeeeerettrsumlsadisetiaaentaoelros;lsiyaklanrrptimOuc/rnp(nbposvseMamzhNtfaeai.slfmrtonfSetetedeeSeiottorqiciesneaneLsmt.llritrairhrtóm=P.mnrvnuPrgnOu:o,imaeeacmucruynaprnehpsogdlseca.oieuhpelnrSrrdrtaetavit½BrothqssietnucPenpebOns1iho)cvrge.caU½-oanp1fauhco*2¼dlsso.eetrtSmSYipititenrelryofezpohe.oetrrpcsenec.atdr(zvvD:usahsoola4a/iuees./nneunen.lwsfrdpdg:eyoFopigeIswghMgfesqrioahnzaewniBtnrzrSelhIs.t7CslI5r.5.4ne3e2e2t1pffnseeope)r4ea9u5s5m1stnU6ed2gFherir-SUhym-l-sst-yp-ntry-svha7a-6r5sv4ieh3sa,eo3ieiv1.teae7nsio3uz8clroee9/i5oie0tyusn6ndkremvamnsndoeusegetggosggtrteigfgrgtd,gfgrumtrhnnrsartoreurrsra3hraaoroeaihcasgadseaevpbaganSom(ar.meemsifeimfeomfgnm¾miegltzzsesiedterneigsccottlNesiAzsn)esrmeSsshesdz,tgaevqhrer3crtnetuautaaaa/elgTrncAtv*eloeihcou(sot½eilttm-hmggeilqor1iehau:risensod5txsem½naeheaeziuih-c:ersohckttmprngnlre2iroapfontrinyropuneeutp(tohcsemtfsseaeaotoosgqcniny/eooueyl(nzmeprtmilOrarfttt)ut6eeeuznit’aSesecuh.,s,treensFrpiyeewecahoee:urnsrpuoariaeeagttaot/Wroremetsntheegiosn/ft.tlmecrssiudqmmws’tazamoanebd)Lttosats-rseisna,hr.hahnueewn.eickamomonsncnSN)enaarrnlmehen.a.y6ottweaysuedhnroitl1tlocakrbsfytbgehng-e.udueie,tyuotnfseaeee,yrfaiarnCnsn2dorllgeparodecIptils“a0stuAimnantegaehntet.ifSocic1noCofhrgudlnsnsrfaikas1.d1au711flehea½nfs*sFnstlr76mo6t3nadt32iOgSS,0ohdof.trdShshnnePnoStftonarbeggftugetgueggpaeosgq,eeadp1eruerfrdrccrcnrrrcr,rsOgstrgp.uyspara½auame-tvnaTNatgbea:(rhltAutayilbuai”a1mma2⅛mm/iehemamaiuCm⅛ro2rsgo5S/gno1nb3herurobbf8rde36ekwvaepsmin4.c.sshvnssgeso.sS,aed2sAsyoae3etneiloauoms5fteocowrtorte/rmSao5oiotkrocearrllaesogcweinlzozvC(lzzszhCsooIosfztwertisrIelpf.ubbstoeuotaL4vuziuhaz:uigueffizrnth.ifer.hrnht.leo*miFigeTezsef(cOaenftAnegtohgIUprsunyavcoipFgtrrosteheennloohtcfS/UoiPrlsthathtaouvtnedeohilin“ftzcdhiessdhehft.stnqeinqserFtn)frrew)e.zSmsuegh.eacntrgeriNuroweit,etgeodteom.reann.dyrurhhm.hrl.arkvthasfteoeedcn)c:baafLdehougbetsdeltise(yoratihtoP5mbueqhrnrUeeaanlt-ahfus(tsotyuCenereaerlsnieolsWrr.uhrgserevstsefgsygeionnltsngyAeoptehederobNtiaie1,Saons”uegScs(nrrvi.egCcIwlinber,dsovltagot,eusetSsaCueugrievcotC,telyrehh/FowGezdrsg.)omnc2tergorctdoairleo-)lsvt2prerPt1tirs1nhiae1ren¾aaw-n0hrsihotlt.vmifkia29,.v76eFizeoa5htcuf1gqhthainegren1oetaei.n79iFeni04ifpl0oosh3mumdanauaxsaaongen3pdls7sresoaptytciggtfcggdiggptntvngig1eg/oisleh.½snr-,rrnstmnorsozittfbu:etseceeb¼n5fheeoin.½sS¼hsrFc(y(ouesgod.zyyremgnui3eptvoeeaieguyvmnaoCuzealzy-Boi),gnl)novltrt.arramhum.ecAtolmieutoGtdytrfhtecionntiPa.ohq2TsPonuSChvkoedneotdetgdSOTfSnmSS3rDS2C(ut2sDSPe1hSArsMTo13SPhdsTleeSagurfro,CgaCor1uuohu39uit0olen5i.fue3etieiudeaateemrtleulemrooofnogeahtghsogednnrggetuaotegsaYgtaggrromgstiga-rlrregraevtdalae3wtoteeaphmnoaormrsiyeslfCvetvlalnuauSrestcsotiurst2rlaaeo.rsroiusouptitinhet(riC(nsrksit1rrsInaeasOnnnrbds1bthotmnoAFmg.osrsnninCyrausCn(fgoihed:hr•ncr:eeycegegeaei)i.YragdF_tOt•taegvtn1sVu-irefbdooisyse5y-AqasrFose-fesSFtsra)CO_*-nisafct1as-kSvu4FeoFomen,mugbfrooGlmmsiVrtcdeibSN_ocbMFooCtbaiPnrb4t1flf0hhze0rfcfooigiooeuoosorureo_utzpefrerNof0reomeeteoe0eF0ago.iyoleemetprhFodaultreeur9owre_ai5ehralgti:qseognrdesahhem0renarmlargdomeden_tfao0Prr0irp_d.sgsakgegsuyuada:tceyht:3rantt3ttsC_kemtnAwY_/imlo)BuiaPgettl/ceotdgatoisdreTmgttso4F0tc_,afhef_rrabeeneonoehdrtnysmaleprdmrorgahfgtoCeb_gthcayoer_belntaoludoneaeirmodeessoi?sum_uemFatlfslgt_ooagonAtnatmtpthatedetpctdees_4F:aprlu_Aavn5bes,suth—teestkrtoaaa,pt_iCerti.e_aeheteaoh3vns1tean(mnitdb2nVfmCfr_ShPVoaelP_T4tsl3t0tTFrSPemle4CfraetoflSuoTo2eS._ine(CvetfAsn_iaatDS6rS0.oC0tigaTouolhtsoraCagPoc(aseafoHhduosuol_vwgammenlelede_noaegeCegItrcoitAtSysditotDttdrmahooggrtmotmi_eeaaeeTteYtgdooStl/seatrinrso.t)naedfvCieousuChAeufosvbxitalvaul’u.ds.mrudiiseesuefaiieeliisncso,taimmgeasti.rnnicrreFCftlnorstteCnnTnsmnCtattts—stkeisFistehttanpaoogauitacaetPDrrugn1gitaAmgr1eceFtPmfeephai1eh3Ferausyrlerntphe:drsob,eYesdnrtose1syeas1o7_aat03eogr56aSatr0qemaP1Snpbfp6ara0r1Fml6hg1ctas1uoeagun%s_ed%%2%i9oFr%iFec%uco%ieltS%rn0o)tyit%a%acz0.tn4n3e)yo5bresoetidg_azgoeslseiiod4eo5pnho0etytbmathamfuNyD0.rotsremr_av1l0symmsovneo0ghyytseoarooFep,*taio,lgMfnmldfestg_.neaaia3tia_ehetsogsen)m_meaatele_ahbmmtigdarrds_rsel_assevarnfrski_etwcertne_oliefecobeepnaafxredioh3uytievtsnvlksUCmdlortrpp,mi.HefheoaecoaangbecdlpneoegloseoduouteatftroctiIiV:rm)ecwteraoffrsaoierosboatnalpnaasol%llobfaftmdetrtoe0oddoleloaDdusn%eiomrnsaa,nclneiOdUttblofCiydnFanrrps1mfwVtauitse4ufae7a7n71.3at8ie3ae%lapp%rs%%ut%F%2Fg%%rktss.reop0oiOe*ot,fVAcneOoeairoirdeemNstpV.arVsenrtobaIn,sbxfattfSnSrrusdluea3oeuctm:s:imrotmtf.scasgTnoOnao1osTrfuSKioAkioiaimcpzrI.htatlnvns-nVef-hon-hPbekh-seltOencaterbeGMatemkFla,-V:eStlesMcvsoie,eivfhoiacshorst2cIMrneenfahtwbefeufayiham3oheir.eoogsealonlrs(idttittnirceerraCOtkneswahothonOloet,it3“soaLodu”ttg*leeohactscarhlrfhaoytrVmrmpcrisecfnhlucoeipsbnn,eeaaom.aeplioheiSanafpdmeeslnmdmvnroTFler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Strategies to Engage Providers0.5 hours credited CEU’shas attended_t_h_e__U_S__D_A__T_h__ir_ty__o_n__T_h_Pu_a_rsr_td_ica_ip_ya_sn_Tt_s_raN_i_an_mi_ne_g__W_e__b_in_a__r_a_b_o_v_e__a_n__d_h__as received:
CAhChuFiPrrstHdyalaftyimse:1 hour credited CEU’sha_s__c_o_m__p_le__te_d__t_h_e__U_TS__hD_Ai_s_Pq_auc__ra_te_i_rc_rtN_i_epta__arit__lifnoy__itn__sewa__SlNs_e_Ce_a_bnA_mt_ti_Canh_e_FaH__aP_re__ts_Sst__pee__orr,_n_iP_es__ors_e_r_ss_a_iA_dn__sed_s_no__thc__i_a_a_t_si_o__nr_e___c__e__i_ved: Wednesday
ChMilodreNturtariintiionng,PmroegnruamplsancanMninobgtreh,eeaftonrCudaAinnndCiunatFgrtPi,thimcotatnepnnesub:d/eu/ptcfleaoaantuminnoidnnnugamtt,raahMitntteitdroopitrnanhsel:.uesu/t/rCsftaiodetAiraianomCt.inghnFnoegePvu,d.mtucraceinatnitoubionepn.fluaomsnudanntaiden.rggaioat,vlahs.Mntftdoportnsrhe:ue/t/trtrCieatAaiionmCninFnegPud, tumcrcaieatnnitoibuonenp.uflmoasnudanntaeid.nrgiagoat,vlsha.ntftodprns:u/t/rtietaiomnneudturciatitoionn.umsdaate.grioavls. for

Training Materials _____N_a_ti_o_n_aS_le_Cn_At_aC_HF_Pe_s_St_ep_ro,_nP_s_roe_rs_si_dA_es_ns_to_c_ia_t_io_n___ Training Webinars

Monthly Webinars
You earn CEU’s toward
CACFP Professionals Certification.

TReeasmouNrcuetrCitioatnalog Resource
28 pages of where to find even
Resources to help you: more amazing resources.
• Teach kids about MyPlate and
Recursos en español
being physically active.
• Offer nutritious and delicious

meals kids want to eat.
• Work with others to build a

healthy environment.


Visit or for more!


wednesday, April 24th Plan Your Preschool Meal Pattern

SESSION FOUR ǀ 3:15 pm–4:15 pm Stephanie Schenkel
Michigan Department of Education
Feeding Infants: Making Nutrition Fun
CACFP Halftime Live! It doesn’t matter if you’re starting from scratch or
Mattie Young-Burns, Kelsey Miller, and Ashley Roth looking for new ideas or improvements on menu
Katey Halasz & Alicia White Common Threads planning. Learn how to make the most of your
USDA Food and Nutrition Service preschool meal pattern in this hands-on workshop
Learn about healthy eating principles, discover and meet the CACFP meal pattern requirements.
USDA’s Team Nutrition initiative brings its activities for teaching children about fruits,
popular webinar series to NCA with this special vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein, and S2 columbus ij
in-person session on the infant meal pattern. Join sample a nutritious CACFP snack. Go home
us for an interactive discussion on breastfeeding, with access to free, online, resources supporting Nutrition
formula feeding, developmental readiness, solid CACFP wellness initiatives.
foods, and more. Learn about Team Nutrition’s Serving Communities Year-Round
new Feeding Infants and Breastfed Babies S1 grand ballroom cd through Afterschool Meals and the
Welcome Here guide! Summer Food Service Program
Andrea Farmer & Anne Fiala
S3 grand ballroom ab Nutrition for the Autistic Child USDA Food and Nutrition Service

Nutrition Dyan Hes, Gramercy Pediatrics The Summer Food Service Program, Seamless
Summer Option, and At-Risk Afterschool
Heritage Grains for New Generations Child care providers and nutritionists/RDs can component of the CACFP help serve children
make changes in diet and lifestyle to prevent year-round outside of school hours. Learn
Lynn Loflin, Lenox Hill Neighborhood House obesity in children, including autistic children and about strategies for making these programs
Olivia Blanchflower, Greenmarket Co. other special needs groups. Learn about programs operate efficiently, best practices (including for
which have successfully reduced obesity in these transitioning between programs), and resources
Serve healthy and delicious meals to your kids young children and the medical complications for engaging communities and increasing access
while supporting local farms. Learn from a farm- of obesity in childhood when special needs are to nutritious meals when school is not in session.
to-school provider and an innovative nonprofit factors.
food hub about the wide range of whole grains S4 columbus ab
available to take your meals to the next level –
and help you meet CACFP grain standards. At-Risk Afterschool

S1 columbus gh

roosevelt 1 Nutrition

S3 Nutrition

More amazing resources at

United States Department of Agriculture United States Department of Agriculture be a fit kid Eat Smart To Play HardFRUITSUse MyPlate to help you fuel up withM(Owfaroaiktonehgodseuusstr,eefprxyeotoarumarsrs,juubegFieacareucrr)iiehesaslr1,fe0owU0jaou%ptsdetfrWarmgufieretilowojtuunhio,cpfepFt..ehraeucghiertessa, traacithsionMisc,eeasna. dlsapoplresSauncaecks

MyPlate 10 tips for being active every day VEGETABLESTry to eat more dark-green, redC, oanldoorraYnogeuvregPeltaabtlees,WanidthbeaGnsreanadtp-Teaass. ting Veggies
1gehtouyrouervehreyardtayp.umLpooinkg,foarndwamyaskteoymouakfeeeplhgyosoicdalaabcotuitviytyouarspealfr.t of your day.

kids are physically active and play for at least
Do activities that build your muscles,
Meal planning1made easy 6Start
opflatnimniengc,asntahretlpsmtyaoakelultGitniaohsseetntfieodscautrkdapwairotwosfoyaretolkavakeukaurhirnyrpegocaulhttanlhaotdcnehceymbyeosuuoyesroraaounertneg.iiaendgsthg!kbRiwnosegratmhyfleokolmoerdb.aeIorrfritdwoea.blFkeotsroagfyeeotbutryhfuesreiinelegnvdsa’istdoehrwouaasnlkeds dive right in! pool and swim. Swim laps, play
Go to your local indoor or outdoor diving contests for fun.
Planning healthy meals ahead games with friends, or have
healthy eating yoonue’sretenpeawt water

simple and take Make Half Your Plateand crosswalks. get paid to be fit
Earn extra cash by mowing
walking dogs for your family
2 Fruits & V7egetablesyour btSsoouhdmayrke.neDh,aiurpnapchtitonltpge,h,icsaeonaudngmtrrroeuylals,ttsiowcaalysyoau,troorfgapevotopsroimtmeuessiopcnhagynssd.icTmauloravncetoinvity. lawns, washing cars, shoveling snow, or
or for your neighbors. Listen to music

while you work to keep you going. GRAINSwChhoooles-ewwhehaotlet-ogrrtaililMnasfa,obokrdoesw, ansutrcichLeae, saanwsdhtoliglHeh-twaphlofepaYct oobrrune,armdG,oorreaatomifnteeasnl,.Whole Grains

while stGrtiirrnlalykbh! aIysvtoik’nsuagretfafrsuiiynne!gntRodesolmearaenrmdnsbgakeonradtttoaoeagwbrleoeoacaaratlrywpodaauryirnkthgooerlbmienedatocaotnirvdeskating
safety pads.
3 8Focus on whole fruits
45 There are so many ways to ea91t F0ruits & Vegetables every day.wdbInreiTticerhorlduipyedfoswreuuthorfitorfupliaeniavt-tongoacrrtihaatbeoiknretefscroau,eakoirttfer,amaasmeltd!aidxl.
vsCtefoeogwovVreek,atlgaasratoybgevulieyreebaOp.aaosserU,sut.iMuveaostMaferntleroaiyrandgvarpatkeeoughtsepoghifeemadauegecmsvesextoeiwa.teatlyafBnosrsloeosaoderderufmyikuasssronulheaumar.necpdektlaaosulnsstleiotsootiVNta!aebnrxyeetawytnaospcu,orcrohnatpceoniiorcgdIindofnvkhaet,eeytgierlF,ronmiryikit,uaan,nreeoilyanldharrsn5soalah,bBdvudiirfneaneoidtpmelciotaivrnfnlhopd.ueneget,gdceggeneirgyneioyofexrmuuasutpt,nliitatskrGbosjSc.eiirtkoedhaiaenciobnetnswtdey,orodyahas.uoaacTrunvhbrhtcehoieIfeioCetnffokrlelgmuahmeyootae,noromrmeedas!yVotuoragsseacrsstaphtca,reenthibeayordaorravinryfto,pseosoveasuaruowfoacgnogrefdrdihgthmfti,efeirysjocmbuioitekungnoyiiennneettatdgfoanhaetosn,rfheasaoosaamperpn,nndnodrsddlwdeeosrastetategdueynenoaecnjasitohknnf.yyiy.o,asora.suCarbrihdabsoseicokkhiseenoetrotbaihldaneoellra.,ncecRbtioiagidmvsheiembtbyyouaorntlhulhi,rtoayotd. way toepPkvleleaaennptnwfatiitnthd.aBygeorguosarwurrfferldoiteweonendcrshs!,eCcfrrkeuoaitntsiny, goaunardgpvaleragdnetetsnaaibsnldetsowuwagithtehwryotorhukermafnaedmvaeilrgyyo, ododray! PROTEINTry fish, shellfish, Vary Your Protein Foods
FfrlyieandksigDat.neoiTtd.crHehoyavutjveuhetnmeaypTaoHinuVnugrldaaprn-oedHpptoseglo!.oapWOyocruaotlsnksitimydeopesultywr. iPpdtllohaagyyf. rbaMiaegasnakkdmeeseta,bfosaafnlmlotwwialiymgt,.han. Keep on Moving!burrito, hummus,
stuck inside? beans, and peas more often. Some tasty ways include
Play a game of hide-and-seek or plan a veggie chili, fish taco, shrimp or tofu stir-fry, or grilled
scavenger hunt in your house with friends a bean
stay active indoors salmon.
and family. Another great way to jacks―see how You need at least 60 minutes of
is by doing crunches and jumping
physical activity each day. Whether
many you can complete! 13
MP4K-2 (8-12 years old) that’s skateboarding, tossing a ball,

May 2013 or playing tag, every little bit counts!
USDA is an Ceqeunatel rofpoproNrtuutnriittiyonprPoovliidceyraannddPermomplootyioenr.
United States Enjoy the crunchy, juicy goodness of apples and grapes in this DAIRYaDCnahdioroyhsefeoaloftahdtys-fctreeoeenGtthoa.reinltocwaYl-cofaiutummriflCokr,asytolrcgoiunurgtm,baon-ndRescihceheseFaotomdeasls or snacks.
lCohwic-fkaetndWresaslidnogr.fESnadlaydo, suerrmveedalownimthixBelduegbreeernrys-aLnimdetoYpopgeudrwt. ith
Find these recipes and more idesBGftaafoiosMrvAet-ooodfdadrrCoykdishnteoewdtbfohohivrsehsroeeahDoMwagleiylefgesntnPya.iluraegroCyttisrceurGoa.ieagurtmioiinndotgvbdoesurfliioansnypreioermsmnoufyosoetrroereaAuilin.nmrfoerrimcaantiso. n.wpfiatEtahwMtnr-fojffaoorriuvymeBGtieSaeotmfaosottetamaroaladrofMeonroklCobtirwdlerhlfaenorkboo.-amketnwoyfohCdoeaauseeder-lkyrttiDoaaMfssfagyyihlsaytesgtootistrPasnUoaoryltgvgoraoSgo.yuoetugDurfeTcGpuifAre.rnoogeutsittipogtinrs.deviylreanahmeflnionlnadiersensqitmsetoyudfonaoo.rlrteuosACipDnmpefronoeiCrtrneimtcuorakasnfnottoaiitsahorkyctanneNuopda.udrlcrmPitoedtdnaravrfeiheupgttienttLdieaodooroarpeoindetsMmvrrna,sveaedPPelegrufeeevaoMmireafelsegtsitWoptycanshea,mylopomnoDtneTarsyadasduieusoenpoonwcrsrdrlstu,retndtd.hoaeemPilgeeiopneraeuebyhdoflftdkeemmtlNyraoe.oon2ftogoTnMUl,ftovori0d.aimumSrdoa1eiee1an4D8atnrrsrSt.ketA.odpsFpieisaiminsniglss,iashcghhaaeenrtnwrt.oiitetahsnqDA,wdcugeeaQalrpremiulcraiyocur,RktaplmoCtnMuapdeesre____otenoane_rt_n_t_tdteiSoou___P_arnfneu_s__f_acioatre____sryr,e,pa____NkLnape_i_d__urryieoVt_s__dt_rovati_w_n__titdihiil_mt_o__liheasn__r__bwC,MorrP_h__oe_eoPcoarm___l_cmeMleoi-_p__c_.lWily__t_o_iya____TpenOi____pgrtFds,hcrl__s_a_aiatsPhvno_n__S_oorebmdrol___aef_uemo,tl_l__a_rkehnNoy_n_2e__dtMrod0b_i_y__ou.eeo1s62dngrt.augGrrrdteo-peManratfbpaoelitea.nwSsawalmndownro.. CFasothreddoepsoosestartet,oeMensjoyroyPuanlfdaruotitue,t.gnaPooninvndefaaSftpoofpurorlrezP,emconarykroro,orsgteeusr,rvtaie.nnddfwtooithmrmaatcoaoeltosiraofudlndsa.tlaandg. FtoinitshhiswSitwheet
as at ChooseMyPlate.govU.S.DepartmentofAgriculture Serving Up MyPlate

U.S. Department of Agriculture • Food and Nutrition Service • September 2012 • FNS-451 • USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. TKhneyofwill yYououuprso“Sthoatmyoeutdiomn’et hsa”veFroooomdfosr

UCSenDtAerisfoarnNeuqturiatiloonpPpoolrictuynaitnydpProrovmidoetrioannd•emOcptlooybeerr. 2011 • CNPP-26 Look out for foods with added sugars or solid fats.
• Recipes by EatingWell the foods that help you eat smart and play hard.

Informative Tips, Handouts, and Activities Download Free Posters!

Did you know that

Visit or for more! MyPlate materials come in
21 different languages?


Food Banks as Leaders for Peaks & Pitfalls: Strategies Taking Steps to Healthy Success
Community-Wide Obesity Prevention for Effective Professional
for Children and Families Development Jill Cox, Penn State Better Kid Care
Alex Hyman, Nemours Children’s Health System
Michelle Lombardo, The OrganWise Guys Arnita Rena Hall, Together We Can Consultants
Cassandra Mobley, Mississippi Food Network Learn about the National Early Care and
The days of sit and get workshops have longed Education Learning Collaboratives (ECELC)
Community-based locations working with past. Explore seven strategies for effective Project, a program to improve healthy eating,
Food Banks provide ideal settings to implement professional development and how to avoid physical activity, screen time, and breastfeeding
healthy living programming for children and those that don’t work. Learn how to ensure staff support in ECE programs. Through the
their families. Hear about a Mississippi Food is actively engaged and motivated while also collaborative work of CDC, Nemours and Penn
Network-led project that incorporates a ‘School implementing an accountability measure for State Extension Better Kid Care, free training
Pantry Night’ and a backpack program to provide your training. resources are offered for program implementation.
nutrition education.

S1 michigan 3 S3 michigan 1 S3 michigan 2

Program Spotlight Train-the-Trainer Research & Resources

NOURISHED: A New Model Engaging Parents: Healthy Eating Fly Through Your CACFP Paperwork
for Raising Healthy Kids Habits Start at Home with CenterPilot

Jill Castle, Jill Castle Nutrition Shekila Smith, Illinois State Board of Education Angela Young, CenterPilot

Our nation tends to look to popular diets and It is possible to have parents that champion the CenterPilot is a software program that can reduce
trendy foods as a guaranteed solution for raising CACFP nutrition initiative with their children the stress of claims processing for CACFP centers.
a healthy child - but a sole focus on food does at home. Collaborate to create strategies which Learn how the new meal patterns are easily met
not nourish the whole child. Blending food, support parent buy-in for healthier eating habits and documented when using CenterPilot and how
nutrition and feeding kids with a sprinkle of what outside of childcare hours. sponsors of Head Start and affiliated sites can
to expect during different stages of childhood, easily copy pre-saved menu weeks out to all sites.
be challenged to think differently and implement S1 grand ballroom ef Afterschool and Summer Meal sites can claim
creative strategies and solutions to help nourish without enrolling or income assessing participants.
and raise healthy children from infancy through Program Administration & Operations
Summer Meals: Actions Needed v columbus cd
to Improve Participation
and Address Challenges Commercial

S1 roosevelt 3 Claudine Pauselli & Matt Nattinger Wednesday
U.S. Government Accountability Office
Program Spotlight
Learn about the findings from a recent GAO
Making the Dollar Stretch: report on the Summer Food Service Program,
Effective Purchasing Practices including what is known about participation
in the program, other programs that help feed
Christopher Primiano, Food & Supply Source children over the summer, challenges, and the
efforts that states, providers, and the federal
Smaller, independent centers can functionally government have made to address them.
operate and purchase as if they were a large,
multi-location organization. Learn how you S4 columbus kl
can leverage buying power through a Group
Purchasing Organization (GPO). Learn how to Research & Resources
build consensus in a multiple priority setting
which is key to successful collaboration.

S5 columbus ef new for child care: Feeding Infants in the

Financial Management Child and Adult Care Food Program

Nonprofit Board Recruitment This new Team Nutrition resource for the Child and Adult Care Food Program
and Development (CACFP) supports child care providers in implementing the CACFP infant meal
pattern requirements and best practices for infant feeding.
Alexia Thex, National CACFP Sponsors Association
Check out the guide for information on: Food and Nutrition Service
What makes an effective Board Member and • CACFP infant meal pattern
how do you find one? Learn about recruiting • Developmental readiness for solid foods Feeding Infants
high quality board members and implementing • Hunger and fullness signs
strategies to help you maintain a highly effective • Handling and storing breastmilk and infant formula in the Child and Adult Care Food Program
board. Get an overview of what constitutes • What is creditable, and more!
an effective board and leave with a sample
recruitment letter, sample job description and For more information visit:
networking strategies.

S6 randolph 1



wednesday, April 24th Guide for Family Child Care
Providers Facing Serious Deficiency
SESSION FIVE ǀ 4:30 pm–5:30 pm Allegations

Smart & Simple Snacking Marketing Summer Meals Tom Copeland, Tom Copeland Consulting
to Increase Participation
Jennie Plewka, Red Rabbit Family child care providers often don’t know how
Amy Bianco & Megan Kuchar to present evidence to properly defend themselves
We are often pressed for time and making a fresh Illinois State Board of Education when responding to a Corrective Action Plan or
snack may seem daunting but there are great Valarie Hodges, Harrisburg Community Serious Deficiency notice. Learn what the serious
benefits to serving nutritious, well-balanced Unit School District No. 3 deficiency process is and get practical suggestions
snacks. Learn about how they can impact strong for responding to a Corrective Action Plan.
academic performance and take home a couple of Getting the word out about your SFSP can be a
easy to prepare snack recipes. challenge. Learn ways to market your program S7 columbus ab
in an appealing and fun way. Discover resources
that could help you increase participation at your Program Administration & Operations
feeding sites. Hear about the unique strategies a
S1 grand ballroom ef rural Illinois sponsor is doing in their community Taming the Inefficiency Monster
to increase participation.
Nutrition Amanda Tucker & Carolyn Miller
Texas Education Service Center Region 11
Veggie Power: Hands-On Approach S2 columbus kl
to Plant-Strong Meals Learn how to improve and maximize policies,
Summer Food procedures, and training to counteract the most
Karla Dumas & Shannon Wells common findings and inefficiencies in your
The Humane Society of the United States CHEF: Choosing Healthy, programs. Get step-by-step guidance and handouts
Exciting Foods on finding opportunities for improvement while
Programs are faced with meeting a demand for receiving inspirational ideas on how to strengthen
diverse meal options while maintaining fiscally Chef Michael Gomez your business flow and keep the inefficiency
responsible, health-promoting menus. Explore the monster at bay.
nutrition research for alternative protein options, Your stomach is a fuel tank, not a storage tank.
while identifying opportunities to promote Hear Chef Michael’s personal story, and struggles, S4 columbus cd
farm-to-school initiatives and allergen-friendly and learn how to teach children to make nutritious
menus. Participate in a culinary demonstration food choices and develop a healthier lifestyle. Program Administration & Operations
incorporating plant-based protein and fresh
produce. Farm to Classroom: Teaching
Children About Healthy Foods
S1 randolph 1 S1 michigan 3
Samia Hamdan, USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Nutrition Program Spotlight Lacy Stephens, National Farm to School Network
Diane Chapeta, Seven Generations Ahead
Writing Recipes Right Build a Bridge, Gain a Fan Vicki Gregor, The Day Nursery

Linsey LaPlant, Health-e Pro Jill Turley, Argunas Consulting Farm to early child care can help foster children’s
learning and exposure to new foods. Learning
Standardized Recipes are a requirement in any Are you building bridges? Bridge building is a opportunities can increase the curiosity of young
federal meal program. What exactly does a great marketing strategy that helps you create minds, and their familiarity with new foods. Hear
standardized recipe involve? Why are they so fans. Fans are the best kinds of customers – they how to use available resources to employ simple
important? With fun, hands-on activities, review keep coming back, but they also share their nutrition education activities and get children
the important components of a standardized recipe experiences and inspire others. Let’s explore excited about new foods.
and learn how to ensure your recipes are written innovative ways to gain fans as a strategy for
for accuracy, scalability, and clarity. multiplying promotion efforts! columbus ef

michigan 2 S3 Research & Resources

S1 columbus gh S6 Management

Nutrition Healthy Mind, Healthy Life

Pioneering Family Style Service Teaching It Forward: Cultivating Casey Cortes & Whitney Bieber
for Afterschool Meals in a School Healthy Eaters By Example YWCA Metropolitan Chicago
Stephanie Berno & Elizabeth Del Rio Mental health development is just as important
Kory Keimig & Valarie Meinen Houston Food Bank as a child’s physical development. Children
Houston Independent School District in environments that nurture their ability for
Adults and peers have a great influence on self-control, planning, working memory, and the
Learn how HISD Nutrition Services answered children’s eating behaviors. Learn practical ways ability to stay focused tend to enjoy healthier,
the How, What, When, Where, and Why as they to train staff to encourage children to explore happier, lives. Learn key components to
implemented family style service in a school healthy eating, including a tasty hands-on recipe supporting children’s social and emotional skills
environment. Gain an understanding of best and simple nutrition education activities adaptable which is a key part of human behavior.
practices and take home tools for starting a family to a variety of age groups.
style service program.
columbus ij S2 grand ballroom cd
Train-the-Trainer Research & Resources

S2 randolph 3

At-Risk Afterschool


we have answers

SHOP TALK ǀ 5:30 pm–6:00 pm

A Kid Helping Kids!

Cole Momcilovich, Park Tudor School

Many sites provide free, nutritious meals for kids
18 years of age and under, but only a percentage
of eligible students are utilizing the free meals.
Meet a student who developed an app to help
underprivileged children receive these meals
during the summer months and after school.

Photo provided by Danni Katchia with Warm Springs Head Start, Warm Sprinigs, OR

S3 monroe 2 boardroom Millennial Meet-Up Promoting Yourself

Shoptalk Melissa Moore, Family League of Baltimore Lisa Mack, National CACFP Sponsors Association Under 40? Let’s get together, share mobile Looking for ways to climb the ladder in your
numbers, and connect so we can keep the organization without appearing to blow your own
Ericca Whitley, National CACFP Sponsors conversation going after the conference is over. horn? We’ll talk about ways you can help make
Association that happen.

So many resources! So many links… We’re S3 randolph 2 S3 monroe 1 boardroom
redesigning the site this summer so come talk to
us about what would make the most impact to Shoptalk Shoptalk
you and your agency.

S3 monroe 3 boardroom Mobile Meals Made Easy Succession Planning

Shoptalk Brian Wieher, Operation Food Search Vicki Lipscomb, Child Nutrition Programs Wednesday

Conference Management Tricks We’ll discuss logistics behind types of vehicles Looking to retire in the next five years?
of the Trade used, meals served, how locations are chosen and Have you started planning for it? Tell us
what level of manpower is required to manage a more! Looking to share tips and
Elan Patterson, National CACFP Sponsors mobile meals program. strategies for how to make it happen.
S2 randolph boardroom S6 roosevelt 1
Many sponsors are putting on training events
for their providers. Wonder how it’s done or Shoptalk Shoptalk
looking for answers to the how-to of conference
management? We’ll share trade secrets! Preguntas Frecuentes Sobre la
Planificación del Menú de Head Start
S3 michigan boardroom
Sylvia Melendez Klinger, Hispanic Food
Shoptalk Communications

Traiga sus preguntas frecuentes sobre la
planificaión del menú y lo solucionamos juntos.

Healthy Way to Grow S2 monroe 4 boardroom

Kenza Woods, American Heart Association Shoptalk

Let’s talk about how to implement the free
resources for early childhood providers, available
in Spanish and English, supporting nutrition,
physical activity, infant feeding, screen time,
staff wellness and family engagement.

S3 roosevelt boardroom I have made it my mission to understand and assure our
Tribal program is abiding by all the rules and regulations
Shoptalk set forth by USDA/CACFP. It is my hope that our Head
Start/day care program can become known in our
Home Visits Gone Wrong community as serving our children the best nutritious
meals possible.
Denise Andrews, For The Children
2019 Scholarship Winner - Danni Katchia
Let’s look at how to handle a day when your
home visits are stressful! Bring your what- Warm Springs Head Start Program, Warm Springs, OR
would-you-do experiences and we’ll all
workshop ways to manage them.

S2 monroe 5 boardroom



rise and shine!
today’s checklist
☐☐ Take a selfie with Elmo.

Coffee & Conversation ☐☐ Visit exhibitors between
7:00 am – 8:00 am 10:30 am - 1:15 pm.

Start the day off right with portable protein and ☐☐ Make the most of lunch
whole fruit! Grab a cup of coffee or tea and head conversations.
to a shop talk, the annual meeting for members of
the National CACFP Sponsors Association, or the ☐☐ Visit the NCA booth.
meet and greet for Sesame Street’s beloved furry
red monster.

grand ballroom lobby

don’t forget Get Your Grab & Go ☐☐ Go to USDA Town Hall.
Fruit + Hard Boiled Egg
☐☐ Post to social media
for a Hyatt Getaway
raffle ticket #CACFP19

Meet & Greet Walkaround Elmo ☐☐ Connect with other
7:15 am – 7:45 am attendees at shop talk.

That’s right! Our friend, Elmo, from Sesame Street and Sesame Street ☐☐ Make plans to attend
in the Communities will be visiting the NCA Selfie Spot. Come on by #CACFP20 in Atlanta
and get your picture with this super star whom we all love. next year!

grand ballroom lobby


annual meetingǀ 7:00 am–7:45 am Service pins are available at the conference
information desk for $5.
Join members of the National CACFP Sponsors Association for our annual
meeting to learn about where we are today and what we have planned for the future! Hear from our
candidates for the NCA board of directors. By invitation.

meet our board of director candidates

Annetta Rutland, CMP, CCNP Melissa Moore, CCNP

33 Years CACFP 8 Years CACFP
Strategic Director, Quality Programs Director of Programs
4C for Children, Cincinnati, Ohio Family League of Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland

• 400 Family Child Care Homes with over 2,500 children served • 156 Family Child Care Homes with 1,500 children served
• 35 Centers with over 1,500 children served • 103 Afterschool Sites with over 5,000 children served

“NCA has allowed individuals to have a voice of many. “Supporting the CACFP community during Child Nutrition
I believe we as an organization can move mountains with our Reauthorization, as well as continuing to serving as treasurer
membership and impact all communities that serve children.” for the association, would be my focus if I were elected to
another term.”

Brian Wieher, CMP, CCNP Vicki Lipscomb, CMP

3 Years CACFP 27 Years CACFP
Director of Child & Family Nutrition President/Executive Director
Operation Food Search, St. Louis, Missouri Child Nutrition Program, Charlotte, North Carolina

• 16 Afterschool Sites with 500-700 children served • 175 Family Child Care Homes with 1,600 children served
“I am committed to finding innovative and collaborative • 260 Centers with 16,200 children served
ways to connect people with nutritious food and interactive • 40 Afterschool Sites with 4,200 children served
learning while at home, at daycare, and when school is not
in session.” “Reducing barriers to participation, ensuring integrity in
operations and streamlining activities is of utmost importance
Gabriela Rangel to me and I am committed to ensuring that the CACFP remains
a viable and productive program.”
4 Years CACFP
CACFP Director Thursday
Child & Family Resources, Tucson, Arizona

• 385 Family Child Care Homes with 2,750 children served
“I commit to serve this board to support the CACFP community.
I would like to make a positive impact nationwide by being productive,
energetic, supportive and as an advocate for this wonderful

national and community allies The National CACFP Sponsors Association is honored to work

with a number of national and community nonprofit organizations whose commitment to the child nutrition community knows
no boundaries. We hope you will take some time when you get home to learn more about them.

NATIONALHealthy Eating Starts Early


all about discussion

SHOP TALK ǀ 7:15 am–7:45 am

Advancing Good Food Purchasing
with CACFP

Marlie Wilson, Chicago Food Policy Action Council

Local food economies, environmental
sustainability, fair treatment of workers, animal
welfare, and nutrition are keys to the Good Food
Purchasing Program. Let’s talk about how that

Photo provided by Tonja Wright with Hammond Boys & Girls Center

S6 monroe 3 boardroom Innovative Fresh Menu Ideas Strategies for Promoting Physical
Activity in ECE Settings
Shoptalk Lesley Kohn, Chefables
Diane Craft, SUNY Cortland
Afterschool Meals: Exploring Policy Many times coming up with unique and exciting
and Practice new menu ideas that are compliant with the Let’s gather to discuss ways to promote physical
newest regs is a challenge. Let’s share practical activity in various child care settings. Come
Marisa Paipongna, Afterschool Alliance experiences and ideas of fresh and new menu with your challenges and ideas and we can share
ideas for the future. resources, curricula, and practical experiences.
We’ll talk about the current policy landscape and
the ways in which this influences the service of michigan boardroom monroe 2 boardroom
CACFP and SFSP meals.
Shoptalk Shoptalk
S1 S3

S7 roosevelt 2 boardroom

Shoptalk Milk! What Are You Doing About Water?

Cooking Hacks for Quick Meals Selena King, Midwest Dairy Lorrene Ritchie, PhD, RD, Nutrition Policy Institute,
University of California
Cheryl Yarrington, Nutrition Matters Inc. We’ll discuss concerns, debunk common milk
myths, and share fun facts about the dairy It’s a crucial healthy habit and it’s required in
Meals need to be quick when children are hungry process. CACFP. Come chat about healthy hydration and
and time is short. Share tips and tricks on how strategies to make water available and offered.
you prepare your favorite meals with other day
care providers. S1 randolph boardroom monroe 1 boardroom

Shoptalk S3 Shoptalk

S1 monroe 5 boardroom


Getting Personal About CHEF We provide both CACFP At-Risk and SFSP. There is definite Thursday
room to grow these to meet the community need in all
Chef Michael Gomez nine of the counties we serve! I hope that attending the
CACFP conference will help me to improve our practices
Ask me more about why training students to be and network to hear what other sponsors are doing to
chefs - where cooking is healthy, exciting, and innovate and meet their community needs. As a food bank
fun - is my most important mission in life. employee, time is short and we don’t need to reinvent the
wheel, but rather network to improve what we are doing for
S1 roosevelt boardroom our clients. I would like to see us expand these programs
and continually improve quality, service and innovate to
Shoptalk reach unmet needs.

Hispanic Foods 2019 Scholarship Winner - Elizabeth Rhine-Egelhoff

Sylvia Melendez Klinger, Hispanic Food The Food Depot, Santa Fe, NM

Culture plays a large part in meal planning. Let’s
talk strategies for wellness while keeping the

S1 monroe 4 boardroom



thursday, April 25th Empowering CACFP Trainers:
Adult Learning Techniques
SESSION SIX ǀ 8:00 am –9:00 am
Lucy Ann Amos, Maryland State Dept. of Education
Cuisines Across Cultures: Flavors Maximizing Summer Participation
to Please Palates & Spice Up Menus with Collaborative Partnerships Adult learners are driven by internal motivations
and rely on past experiences to implement the
Karla Dumas & Shannon Wells Shannon Amos, Children’s Hunger Alliance CACFP. Learn how you can incorporate adult
The Humane Society of the United States Amanda Wampler, Columbus Recreation and Parks learning principles into training and provide
technical assistance to help build long term
Learn how to elevate recipes using a variety of Open summer food service site locations in results. Take home resources created to reach our
spices and ingredients that can turn your menus targeted at-risk areas can offer much more visual, verbal, writing/reading and kinesthetic
into a culinary trip across the world. Explore the than just food. Collaborative partners offering learners in a fun, meaningful and relevant manner.
distinct flavors and spices used in cultural dishes structured programming and behavioral health
with a variety of plant-based recipes and creative intervention in a safe environment both increases S3 columbus cd
twists to favorite classics. Pack your passport and and retains participation. Learn how a group
join us on this culinary journey. of stakeholders pooled resources to launch a Train-the-Trainer
successful summer pilot program.
Effective Approaches to Recruiting
S1 randolph 1 S2 michigan 2 and Retaining Providers & Centers

Nutrition Summer Food Jocelyn Moss, YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh

Identifying Whole Grain-Rich Farm to Table: Fit and Tasty! Do you have providers or centers who go through
the orientation process with your agency and
Lisa Mack, National CACFP Sponsors Association Londa Tindle, Providers Premier Choice of SEK then decide to not enroll on the food program?
Kelly Horn, Sunshine Connections Or do you have those who decide to leave the
Serving whole grain-rich (WGR) grains is an food program altogether? Learn about our keys
important element of the new meal pattern. Learn Farm to Table is a fun and fit topic in Kansas and to success with rapport, communications, and
how to identify which products meet the whole one of USDA’s strategic initiatives. Learn about support and take home strategies that will help
grain-rich regulations. Trainers can use this the nutritional, economic, and educational benefits you enroll and retain childcare centers.
workshop to support CACFP participants. for serving local foods and take home suggestions
for finding locally sourced foods in your state. S4 columbus ab
Get connected with nutrition education resources
including recipes and meal planning. Program Administration & Operations

S1 columbus kl Family Style Meal Service with
Infants & Toddlers, Really?
Sheila Tompkins-Hess, ECE Professional
Standardized Recipes and You S1 michigan 1
Yes, really! Early Head Start staff can serve
Malissa Marsden, Child Nutrition Support Services Program Spotlight family style meals with even the youngest of
children. Many skills are developed at the table
Learn how to create standardized recipes and why Go Paperless: Bringing CACFP when kids are allowed to do it on their own. Get
it’s important you use them. Review and take Sponsorships into the Digital Age practical tips and tools for how to incorporate
home a flow chart which helps create a standard family style meal service into your everyday
operating practice for recipe development. Learn Maureen Lyons & Savannah Thornburg routines and how to document the experience as a
how to better use foods you have on your shelves Wildwood CACFP learning opportunity.
to create new recipes and how to look for recipe
concepts online. Paper records use valuable space, paper, ink,
and time to sort through when you’re looking
S1 michigan 3 for forms. Find out how simple it is to take your S2 columbus gh
program into the cloud with digital documents,
Nutrition records, and files. Get a step-by-step plan to Program Administration & Operations
follow if you’d like to be more tech savvy
Growing Stronger, Sustainable and efficient with your resources. Successful Twelve Best Food Practices
Year-Round Programs with Summer implementation requires purchase of a scanner in the Early Childhood Classroom
and Afterschool Meals and cloud based hosting service.
Danya Johnson & Leanne Whiteside-Mansell
Clarissa Hayes, Food Research and Action Center S3 grand ballroom ef University of AR for Medical Sciences

Sponsors and students both benefit when Management Do you understand the best practice
year-round meals are provided seamlessly in recommendations related to supporting young
communities through the Summer Food Service children’s healthy eating habits? Are you using
Program and Afterschool Meal Program. Learn them? Learn what they are, what the barriers are
about current best practices, policy opportunities, and how to overcome them, and evaluate your
and new resources for establishing strong, approaches to language and healthy nutrition
financially viable year-round meal programs. modeling for children.

randolph 3 S1 columbus ij

S2 At-Risk Afterschool Program Administration & Operations


Smarter Mealtimes: Make the Healthy
Choice the Easy Choice

Bianca Smith, Office of Superintendent
of Public Instruction

Research shows that making simple, low or
no-cost changes to the mealtime environment
using behavioral economics strategies can
increase children’s selection and consumption
of healthier foods. Learn about twenty such
evidence-based mealtime strategies and free
Smarter Mealtimes tools.

S3 randolph 2 CACFP Week is a national

Research & Resources education and information campaign
sponsored annually the third week of
The Magic of Healthy Eating through March by the National CACFP Sponsors
Interactive Learning Activities Association. The campaign is designed
to raise awareness of how the USDA’s
Deborah Wilson, Amanda Dyes, and Shelby Beverly Child and Adult Care Food Program
Georgia Nutritional Services, Inc. works to combat hunger. NCA develops
and provides tools for the entire child
Food insecurity across America means that it is nutrition community to share and help
vital we ensure children eat the meals we provide spread the word.
through the CACFP. Eating patterns adopted
during childhood affect health across a lifespan. Last March, thousands of sponsors, child
Get information, tools, and activities that help care providers, centers, state agencies,
promote healthier living and encourage healthy associations, and caring people around
food choices. the country rose to the challenge to
showcase the food program during
S1 columbus ef National CACFP Week. Together, we
spread the word and celebrated the
Research & Resources people who work tirelessly to ensure that
over 4.5 million children have access to
Addressing Hunger through healthy meals and snacks through the
Collective Impact: Hunger Free Child and Adult Care Food Program.
Save the Dates
Minerva Delgado, Alliance to End Hunger CACFP Week
March 15-21, 2020
To end hunger at the local level a broad range
of community stakeholders must unite behind
a common vision and strategy. Learn about the
initiative to support broad-based, multi-sector
coalitions committed to ending hunger in their
communities. Listen to the impact it’s making,
hear case studies and explore how to engage in
local efforts.

S7 grand ballroom ab Thursday


Better Site Management Means Take the Seven days / Seven challenges
Higher Reimbursement Rates
Emily Branton & Naomi Czerwinskyj
Link2Feed CelebrateOver a dozen challenges to choose from. Select one each day Sample Menu
Nationalto help spread the word that the Child and Adult Care Food Program
Site management is critical to running a successful 4,000,000 childrenserves over with healthy meals and snacks daily.
CACFP or SFSP program. But with all of the AGES AGES AGES
paperwork, sometimes it feels like herding cats. Awareness is the key to fighting hunger together. 1-2 3-5 6-18 ADULTS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY
Learn how sponsors are leveraging technology Whole Milk (age 1) or
called “Link2Feed” to streamline their processes, LIetlomveettehlel CyAoCuFwP!hy. Milk 1/2 cup 3/4 cup 1 cup 1 cup Whole Milk (age 1) or Low/Fat-Free Milk (ages 2-5) Whole Milk (age 1) or Whole Milk (age 1) or Whole Milk (age 1) or
automate compliance, increase reimbursements Low/Fat-Free Milk (ages 2-5)
and go completely paperless. BREAKFAST Sliced Bananas Low/Fat-Free Milk (ages 2-5) Low/Fat-Free Milk (ages 2-5) Low/Fat-Free Milk (ages 2-5)

Fruit/Vegetable 1/4 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup Dried Cranberries French Toast Sticks Potato Hash Browns Strawberries Applesauce

Grain/Meat 1 1/2 oz eq 1/2 oz eq 1 oz eq 2 oz eq Whole Grain-Rich Whole Milk (age 1) or Scrambled Eggs Whole Grain-Rich Pancakes
1 cup 1 cup 3 Cereal Low/Fat-Free Milk (ages 2-5) Oatmeal

Milk 1/2 cup 3/4 cup Whole Milk (age 1) or Whole Milk (age 1) or Whole Milk (age 1) or Whole Milk (age 1) or
Low/Fat-Free Milk (ages 2-5)
Low/Fat-Free Milk (ages 2-5) Low/Fat-Free Milk (ages 2-5) Low/Fat-Free Milk (ages 2-5)

LUNCH & SUPPER Vegetable 1/8 cup 1/4 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup Green Beans Broccoli Chicken Tacos Broccoli Cheese Pizza
Lettuce, Tomato Tomato Sauce

Fruit 2 1/8 cup 1/4 cup 1/4 cup 1/2 cup Applesauce Fruit Cocktail Avocado Slices Spaghetti Cantaloupe
Tomato Sauce

Grain 1/2 oz eq 1/2 oz eq 1 oz eq 2 oz eq English Muffin Whole Grain-Rich Chicken Tacos Spaghetti Cheese Pizza
Spaghetti Noodles Whole Grain-Rich
Dinner Roll use leftover Taco Shell
Pizza Crust

Baked Chicken chicken Chicken Tacos
Meat / Why shoulGdrIojwoiHneCaAltChFyPK?idsBoneless Chicken
Parent Tips1 oz 1 1/2 oz 2 oz Spaghetti Cheese Pizza
To accept the challengeMeat Alternate 2 oz Cheese Cubes Boneless Chicken Ground Turkey Mozzarella Cheese
Why should I join CACFP? little
go to aEn1d/d2ucmcupaotrei1ot/2onc.hupeClApCPHhF1rPeceouapvrpielrdtoheavryirsd1efetcoesusapoomcdmhasthe.eerqaialutlshi,cytkreaatintipiinnsggt,howabohirteksls.phogpest your ones to eaEtducation. CACFP provides materials, training, workshops
Fruit and more to help Providers teach healthy eating habits.
’sMixed Berries
and find tools & resources 11/2 cup 1/2 cup Watermelon
Vegetable Support. Join
to help you succeed. SNACK th3e/4ccoump m1u/n2 iPctuyrpaoifsperohveidaMelatrnshd,aysripncsohnosiocressa.nd Support. Join the community of providers, sponsors and
2sot1fa/t2fhfceuwpchhoil1cd/a2rerceunpaabnod3u/4atcdtuhupeltsh1ien/a2tlcKthuheep,iewrpcealolrnene.lsys hanedadltehvyelsonpamceknst aCtarhroat nStidck.s Red &sGtraefefnwBehllo care aabnoduatdthuelt_sh_ie_na_tl_thh_e,_iwr__cea_llr_ne_e._s_s_a_Jnic_ad_m_da_e_v_e_lo_p_m__e_n_t___________________
Peppoerfs tShliceedchildren

L1o/2wozeeqr F1/o2 oozdeqCo1sotzseq. Pr3o1voizMdeeqarskceainf rfeucCnera!ivcEkeexrrspeiemrbimuresenmt ewnitthforntehwe mfoeoaldss. Healthy EatingWholeLGorawin-ReicrhFood Costs. Providers can receive reimbursement for the meals
roosevelt 1 they serve through the US4DAHCahvilde and Adult Care Food Program. PitathBereyadserve through the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program.
kids help plan meals.
Commercial Q1u/2aolzity.1C/2AoCz FP is1aonz indic1aotzor of quality child care. Quality. CACFP is aYnogiunrdt icator of quality child care.
Lead by example.
v Join the Program JRoeiandytthoeJoPinrogram Call TODAY! Ready to Join BookCa!ll TODAY!5Meat/ Hummus
Meat Alternate
This institution is an equal opportu1 nMietaytpanrodvmideaetra. lternates may be served in place of the entire graionsrcdomopoynoenut aht barevaekfaastnaymaqxiumeumstoifothnrese?times per week. 2 The fruit component at lunch may be substituted by an additional vegeotarbled. o you have any questions?
3 A serving of milk is not required at supper meals for adults.
Visit or contact my Sponsor at Visit cacfp.oorzgeqo=roucnocenetqauivcatlemntsy Sponsor at

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. CACFP is an Indicator of Quality Child Care
Learn more at

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Provider today! Provider today!Why should I join CACFP? Why should I join CACFP?
Learn more at
Education. CACFP provides materials, training, workshops Education. CACFP provides materials, training, workshops
Join the Program and mLeoraertno hmeloprPeroavitdecrasctefapc.hohrega.lthy eating habits. and more to help Providers teach healthy eating habits.

Support. Join the community of providers, sponsors and Support. Join the community of providers, sponsors and
staff who care about the health, wellness and development staff who care about the health, wellness and development

of the children and adults in their care. of the children and adults in their care.

Lower Food Costs. Providers can receive reimbursement for the meals Lower Food Costs. Providers can receive reimbursement for the meals
they serve through the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program. they serve through the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program.

Quality. CACFP is an indicator of quality child care. Quality. CACFP is an indicator of quality child care.
Join the Program Call TODAY!Ready to Join Ready to JoinWhat is the CACFP? The Child and Adult Food Program (CACFP) is Call TODAY!
offereodrbdyothyeoUuShDaAveFoaondyaqnudeNsutitorintiso?n Services to encourage child care providers or do you have any questions?

Visit or caonndtaacdtumlt ycaSrepopnrosvoidrearts to serve healthy, nutritious meals. To help offset thVeisit or contact my Sponsor at

cost of serving healthier choices, the USDA will reimburse a percentage of food

expenses. CACFP also provides education, training, and support on nutrition and

healthy eating habits. CACFP is an indicator of quality child care.

Learn more about CACFP at

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. 43
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Provider today! Provider today!
Learn more at Learn more at

thursday, April 25th Positioning Your Nonprofit

SESSION SEVEN ǀ 9:15 am –10:15 am Arnita Rena Hall, Together We Can Consultants

Building a Healthy Eating More than Serving a Meal: Strategies Investigate three key dynamics of nonprofit
Environment for a Successful Summer Meals management as well as the core elements
Program to position any organization for success
Florence Rivera, National Center on Early Childhood via collective engagements and effective
Health and Wellness Jessica Soldavini & Tamara Baker communication. Engage in a review of best
No Kid Hungry NC practices related to the securement of funding
The eating environment is as important to healthy along with a robust discussion and action planning
child development as the foods we serve. Offering A successful summer meals program requires session.
a positive eating environment supports mealtime more than just serving a great tasting, healthy
behavior, picky eaters, and the child experiencing meal. Learn how to use creative strategies related S6 michigan 1
food insecurity. Discover strategies and to marketing and promotion, enrichment activities
resources to support building a healthier, positive at meal sites, and innovative partnerships that can Management
environment in your program. help to increase participation and the impact that
summer meals can have in your community. CACFP Trainers’ Circle

S1 randolph 1 S2 columbus gh Alicia White, USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Lutina Cochran, Institute of Child Nutrition
Nutrition Summer Food Patti Delger, Iowa Department of Education
Stephanie Schenkel, Michigan Department of Education
Please Pass the Peas: Strategies to Improve Nutrition
Understanding Picky Eaters & Physical Activity Environments USDA’s Team Nutrition initiative brings its new
webinar series to NCA with a special in-person
Maureen Lyons, Wildwood CACFP Christina Burger & Zainab Rida session on innovative ways to provide CACFP
Nebraska Department of Education meal service training. The Institute of Child
Dive into an interactive discussion of the Nutrition and USDA grantees will highlight
underlying causes of picky-eating to better Hear about innovative approaches and resources strategies they are using to expand the reach and
understand the negative health impact of long- available to CACFP participants as they effectiveness of their training efforts.
term food issues. Learn a variety of strategies to implement the updated meal pattern. Review
improve acceptance and willingness to try new strategies used that target child care providers, S3 grand ballroom ab
foods. Get best practices for mealtime roles and children, families, educators, and support
resources to support children’s efforts. organizations to improve nutrition and physical Train-the-Trainer
environments, including a blueprint for states for
S1 columbus kl online based training for child care providers. Food is Fuel

Nutrition Wendy Siskin, Wellness in the Schools

USDA National Breastfeeding S3 michigan 2 Learn how to teach nutrition and fitness lessons
Campaign for Millennial WIC Moms to children and message the importance of both
Program Spotlight components together in a fun, engaging style. Go
home with takeaways to improve these healthy
initiatives together.

Olivia Newman, USDA Food and Nutrition Service CACFP Administrative Budgets S1 michigan 3

Get an overview of USDA’s campaign, which Melissa Tramontana, Mark Speight, and Merdis Hudson Train-the-Trainer
supports breastfeeding moms with comprehensive, USDA Food and Nutrition Service
current and culturally appropriate messaging,
materials, and website. Campaign goals are Learn tips and best practices on the preparation of Bridging the Gaps: CACFP
to encourage initiation and continuation of an acceptable administrative budget. Topics will in Emergency Housing Shelters
breastfeeding; increase knowledge and ability include the importance of strategic planning, using
to breastfeed; increase referrals to WIC; and historical financial information to develop the Lauren Tucker & Patricia Smith
provide technical assistance in the promotion of budget, determining what expenses are allowable/ City of Philadelphia Office of Homeless Services
breastfeeding. unallowable, identifying staffing requirements, Connor Lightcap, Health Promotion Council
how excess administrative funds affect the budget
and updating the budget throughout the year. Learn the CACFP monitoring guidelines for
randolph 3 sponsoring emergency housing shelters and
S7 grand ballroom ef better understand the challenges with large
Nutrition emergency housing shelters versus small shelters,
Financial Management participation numbers, food complaints, and
S7 maintaining accurate records. Hear about our
role when working with outside contracted
United States Department of Agriculture agencies and vendors who provide services to our
emergency housing shelters.
Summer Food,
summer food S2 roosevelt 3
Summer Food, Summer Moves is a fun, hands-on resource Program Administration & Operations
Look inside for over 30 fun games and educational kit from USDA Team Nutrition designed to get kids and
activities to do at your summer meal site! families excited about healthy eating and physical activity
during the summer months.
•Provide families with tips and tools for a healthy summer
•Promote your summer meal site
•Boost attendance

Get this resource kit and more Summer Food Service
Program materials at


Math, Science, Language & Literacy Sesame Street in Communities: ReAregyoiusatry
at Lunch Let’s Get Cooking! member?

Sheila Tompkins-Hess, ECE Professional Antonio Freitas, Sesame Workshop To make sure your training
appears on your PDR:
Head Start Staff can use meal times in their lesson Learn how to support child and adult care
planning. Get some ideas on how to incorporate institutions and family or group day care homes Be sure to place your session labels on the
meal time into the curriculum to take advantage with our free resources specifically designed to conference certificate provided and include
of all the math, science, language and literacy promote healthy eating. your name, address, and/or Member ID#.
opportunities. Take home tools to help teachers Your certificate will be collected during the
look at meal times in some fresh ways. columbus ab final session, scanned by Gateways staff, and
returned to you.
S1 Research & Resources If you plan to leave before the final session,
please stop by the Gateways table to have your
S2 columbus cd certificate scanned.

Program Administration & Operations Making the Most of CACFP
in the Current Environment
Healthy Habits in Early Childhood: Administered through
Research & Engagement Geri Henchy, Food Research and Action Center
Vicki Lipscomb, National CACFP Sponsors Association
Elizabeth Villegas, Carolyn Sutter, and Brenda Koester
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Take home a dynamic CACFP action plan and
the strategies needed to strengthen the role of the
Learn more about what cutting-edge research says CACFP. Learn how we can create positive change
about children’s healthy habits formation and through safeguarding access to the program,
get practical steps for incorporating topics into ensuring the effective implementation of the new
your program addressing picky eating, social and meal standards, and maximizing opportunities to
emotional development, environmental exposures, expand participation.
and physical activity. Create a collaborative
workbook to take home with resources for S7 columbus ef
engaging children in healthy habits.

S1 columbus ij

Research & Resources

National CACFP Sponsors Association

has partnered with Sesame Street in Communities to create creditable recipes

that the whole gang will love!


Visit to download these recipes and more! 45

thursday, April 25th Grant Writing & Financial

Enola R. Foust, EKs Consulting

SESSION EIGHT ǀ 10:30 am –11:30 am Learn how to apply the principles of management
–planning, organizing, implementing and
All About Ounce Equivalents Removing Barriers to Summer Meals evaluating–to the grant writing process. Review
how your budget can be used to prepare a
Andrea Farmer & Bill Wagoner Jane Pakan & Allison Polke proposal and identify the components needed to
USDA Food and Nutrition Service Chicago Public Schools write a successful grant proposal.

Grains have long been credited in the CACFP Children receive free, nutritious meals over S5 grand ballroom ef
meal pattern by “serving.” In October 2019, summer break at outdoor school locations through
centers and day care homes must begin using Chicago Public Schools’ LunchStop program. Management

ounce equivalents (oz eq) instead of servings for Learn how they operate this alternative to meals
the grains component when they plan their menus served indoors, the lessons learned, and how to Creative Training for Cooks
and claim their meals and snacks. This session grow summer meal participation. and Teachers
will help program operators understand the change
and look at ways to ease implementation. Helen Woo, Jefferson Parish Head Start
columbus gh
S2 Does the word training fill your team, centers,
Summer Food and providers with dread? Have they had it up
grand ballroom ab to their eyeballs with the same topics–record
S1 keeping, food safety, meal patterns? Do you dread
Nutrition having to present the same type of training again
Crave the F-A-V: Fresh Fruit and
Vegetable Program Intervention and again? Fear not! Training is necessary but
Food is Fun: Sensory-Based it doesn’t have to be boring. Learn how to make
Food Education Jennifer Little, Bluffton University training hands-on, collaborative, and yes, fun!

Rachael Morkunas, Molly Reidy, and Jayme Flowers Rachel Weiler, DNO Produce
Purple Asparagus
Learn why our approach to sensory-based food Learn about the collaborative project, CRAVE S3 randolph 1
education is successful in empowering kids the F-A-V, being held in Lima City Elementary
Schools and the 15-minute educational activity Train-the-Trainer
curriculum shared with students during their lunch
to make healthy food choices for themselves. period. Hear about the study of the impact of
We will also have an interactive tasting of an
ingredient to showcase how we engage children in this intervention on the student’s knowledge and Back to Basics: CACFP
our programs. acceptance of fruits and vegetables as a part of a Requirements for Centers
healthy diet.
Lori Ferris, Health and Nutrition Consulting of Iowa

S1 grand ballroom cd S1 roosevelt 3 Feeling overwhelmed trying to implement the
CACFP in your center? Review the basics of the
Nutrition Program Spotlight CACFP meal requirements, menu planning, record
keeping, supervision, training requirements and
Serving Up Multicultural Cross-Program Marketing in Ohio mealtime expectations for preschool and childcare
Menus in CACFP centers. Learn how to meet requirements with
Brian Davis & Dr. Brigette Hires simple tips you can start using in your centers
Samia Hamdan, USDA Food and Nutrition Service Ohio Department of Education today.

Erin McKee, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy In Ohio, child nutrition programs engage in
Kara Loman, Partners in Quality Care cross-marketing and cross-program support at columbus kl
both the State and Sponsor levels. Staff are trained S2
CACFP serves a diverse group of participants. to provide in-depth technical assistance across all Program Administration & Operations
Learn how two organizations integrated
multicultural foods to meet the needs of their programs and promote collaboration opportunities
communities. FNS Team Nutrition resources between CACFP, NSLP, and SFSP. Learn how
will be shared to help you successfully serve up this model expands programs in both access and Healthy Eating Starts With Positive
multicultural menus that meet the meal patterns. participation. Role Models

Dominique Harris & Michelle Fombelle
University of Illinois Extension
randolph 2
S1 columbus ef S3 With the amount of time children spend in
Program Spotlight childcare, it’s important for staff to realize their
Nutrition potential impact in children’s nutrition intake.

Learn more about instilling the importance of
Understanding Food Allergies positive role models, how to incorporate role
modeling into your nutrition policy, and ideas for
Melanie Wong, Association for Child Development providing staff nutrition education.

Food allergies are becoming more prevalent in S1 michigan 1
child care and can be difficult to manage with an
already busy schedule. Learn the basics of food Program Administration & Operations
allergies, solutions for managing them in the
child care setting, and mealtime ideas for allergy
friendly menus.

S1 columbus ab



Food Safety in Family Child Care let’s get energized

Elizabeth Dixon, Institute of Child Nutrition WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW

Food safety is an important part of family child Exhibit Hall ǀ 10:30 am – 1:15 pm
care. Learn food safety best practices, easy ways
to incorporate them into daily work, and take a When you think you’ve seen everything, think again. Do another round
look at the Family Child Care Food Safety Kit, a and check in with all our exhibitors. Ask those questions you forgot the
free resource for family child care providers. first time, make sure you’ve entered all your door prize tickets, and keep
your fingers crossed. Door prize winners announced at 11:30am.
S2 columbus ij Check back with exhibitors to see if you’ve won!

Research & Resources Lunch Served ǀ 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Nurturing the Next Generation You’re halfway through the day. Get re-energized with a quick, nutritious
of Foodies: Whole Grain Strategies lunch, sure to hold you until the end. Served once again in the Exhibit
for Children Hall for you to network as you eat.

Caroline Sluyter, Oldways Whole Grain Council Walkaround Elmo ǀ 11:30 am – 12:00 pm
Coleen Donnelly, InHarvest
Elmo is back! Stop by the NCA Booth in the Exhibit Hall for
Switching to whole grains is a simple way to your last chance to get a photo with this star celebrity. The
support healthy development, but intake falls kids you serve will go crazy when they see you’re friends
below recommendations. Get research updates with the one and only.
on the role of whole grains in children’s health
and share strategies for getting kids excited about
eating healthy options. Watch a chef demonstrate
creative ways to incorporate whole grains into
child-friendly meals and menus and learn how to
prepare intact grains.

S1 randolph 3

Research & Resources

Streamlining Paperwork

Vicki Lipscomb, Child Nutrition Programs
Geri Henchy, Food Research and Action Center
Natalie Clark, Minute Menu Systems
Jodi Kuhn, KinderCare Education

Administrative paperwork can be one of the most
difficult areas to navigate when operating a child
nutrition program. Learn about the intricacies of
paperwork from the ground up. Listen to a brief
history on paperwork streamlining efforts, hear
about current efforts, and help brainstorm new
ideas for future action.

S1 columbus cd motivation Thursday

Advocacy Most days, sweet smiles are all the reward we need. For additional
encouragement, download these posters, plus more at
The OrganWise Guys: Refresh each month for a new, motivational message!
Evidence-Based Nutrition
& Healthy Living Tools 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Reach for the sky.

Michelle Lombardo, The OrganWise Guys It matters what you do You will find
because teaching kids crlaikareeisnubnoswhsi,nea,nd
Learn how to include this fun, effective Because you
program designed for use with “kids” of all to count is fine, for each child
ages. Replicable and scalable, the program is
available digitally in both English and Spanish. but teaching kids shooting starsa different flower, .
The OrganWise Guys evidence-based tools are
customized for use in Early Childhood, Schools, what counts together they make
Summer Camp/Afterschool, Food Banks,
Emergency Shelters and Native American settings is best.
– on any budget.
michigan 2 a cbacfpe.oarg utiful garden.

v Commercial


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open conversation

SHOP TALK ǀ 12:30 pm–1:00 pm

Diabetes & Kids’ Meals

Angela Ginn-Meadow, University of Maryland’s
Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology

Translating a clinical diet prescription for
children with diabetes can be hard. Get shopping
ideas for easier menu planning.

S1 roosevelt 2 boardroom Photo provided by Adrian & Ruby Abascal with Green Monkey Daycare, Austin, TX


Farm to Early Care Overweight Children Sponsoring Child Care Centers

Jami Lee, Tri Valley Opportunity Council Dyan Hes, Gramercy Pediatrics Vicki Lipscomb, Child Nutrition Programs

We’ll share how we are incorporating Farm to There are ways caregivers can incorporate If you are sponsoring family child homes but
Early Care into classroom curriculum, parent nutrition education, exercise, and group-based aren’t sponsoring centers yet, come talk with us!
engagement activities, and menu planning. strategies in their home or center that won’t We’ll share the steps it takes to get started.
single out the overweight child. Explore how to
roosevelt boardroom help an obese child move toward better health. S4 michigan boardroom

S1 Shoptalk monroe 4 boardroom Shoptalk

S1 Shoptalk

Going Paperless Serving SFSP Outdoors Tummy Troubles

Susan Ison, Helping Hands Melissa Moore, Family League of Baltimore Pamela A. Cureton, MassGeneral Hospital Center
for Celiac Research and Treatment
Does it take time to make it happen? Yes! Is it Summer happens outside, a lot! How do you
worth it? You bet! Get the 411 on how it was manage summer food service when your facility Celiac sensitivities? Menu planning for children
done at one organization and ask questions on if is a park picnic table? Let’s talk through ideas who may not have a diagnosis but who may be
it’s right for you. and options that work and don’t work. trying elimination diets as “tests.”

S4 monroe 2 boardroom S1 monroe 1 boardroom

Shoptalk monroe 3 boardroom Shoptalk

S6 Shoptalk

Health at Every Size Thursday

Glenn Gaesser, Healthy Lifestyles Research Center
Arizona State University

All calories are not created equal when it comes
to weight loss/gain. Exercise and complex
carbohydrates can help you achieve optimal

S1 randolph boardroom Participating providers have been declining
and I feel this conference would be beneficial to
Shoptalk network and gather resources to grow our
small agency. Our mission is to improve the health
Ounce Equivalents and nutrition of children in the CACFP program,
while promoting the development of good eating
Anji Armogost, Nutrition Works habits through nutritional education.

Share training stories! We’ll share our training 2019 Scholarship Winner - Linda Brehm
and we can talk about what it all means to credit
ounce equivalents for grains in for CACFP. Northwest Nutrition Service, Milwaukie, OR

S1 monroe 5 boardroom



thursday, April 25th Accountability & Leadership

Maggie Mae Kennedy
Houston Independent School District

SESSION NINE ǀ 1:15 pm–2:15 pm No excuses, you’re the leader. Creating
accountability for your employees starts with
All About Grains: CACFP CACFP Afterschool & Beyond you. Learn how looking at the big picture will
Halftime Live! help with the small stuff. Leave with keys to
Leah Feagin, Mayfield Independent Schools successfully create a culture of accountability.

Cheryl Jackson Lewis, Mimi Wu, Alicia White, Facing how to supply healthy meals and snacks S6 grand ballroom ef
Xaviera Davis, and Bill Wagoner during the school day and then again for evening
USDA Food and Nutrition Service meals may seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t Management
have to be insurmountable. Learn the basics
USDA’s Team Nutrition initiative brings its of how to begin with the CACFP or expand an Elements of a Successful
popular webinar series to NCA with this special existing program. Take home ideas for easing the Home Visit
in-person session on grains. Learn ways to add burden of paperwork and how to plan for financial
whole grains to your CACFP menu, how to management, staffing, meals, and administrative Annetta Rutland & Terri Burch
identify whole grain-rich foods, and participate duties. 4C for Children
in a listening session on draft training materials
focusing on ounce equivalents. Monitoring, mentoring, and coaching matters.
Child care providers need support at times with
S1 grand ballroom ab S4 columbus ef meeting program guidelines and CACFP monitors
know that there is a wealth of information to give
Nutrition At-Risk Afterschool providers around meeting the requirements of
the program. This workshop will explore how
Nutrition: Building the Foundation babyBerk: Driving a State monitors can guide providers to compliance by
for Health and Development Partnership for Summer Meal using strength-based coaching methods.

Florence Rivera, National Center on Early Childhood Shannon Raymond & Fran Ransom-Canning S2 grand ballroom cd
Health and Wellness Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Nutrition is vital for healthy brain development Access to meal sites is a common barrier Train-the-Trainer
and all child care staff play a role in supporting to participation in SFSP. Learn how the
healthy nutrition for both child and family. Massachusetts State Agency partnered with a Nourishing Students: Using
Discuss the spectrum of nutrition for children State University and their food truck to overcome Enrichment Activities to Engage
birth to five and get strategies for encouraging this barrier. This model capitalizes on a trending Children through Food and Health
healthier eating during the program and at home. food delivery system, reducing stigma around
free summer meals and targeting under-served Leyla Marandi, Center for Ecoliteracy
columbus ab locations.
Nourishing Students is a program designed
S1 Nutrition to teach practitioners how to engage children
in exploring the abundance of locally-grown
S2 michigan 2 produce. Experiential activities make out-
of-school time programs more fun and
Sourcing Locally for Culturally Summer Food memorable while enabling children to broaden
Appropriate Foods their understanding of food, health, and the
Supporting Early Care and Education environment.
Diane Chapeta, Seven Generations Ahead and CACFP Partnerships

Many child feeding site meals promote an Marta Fetterman, Early Learning Indiana S1 columbus ij
‘Americanized’ diet. This creates a new normal Caliste Chong, Alabama Partnership for Children
for culturally appropriate foods, devaluing Emily Keenum, Virginia Early Childhood Foundation Train-the-Trainer
traditional foods and practices. Learn how to step
beyond processed pizza and burritos sourcing We all want to increase access to healthy food
local, traditional ingredients to create healthy for children, but often run into roadblocks when Marketing & Promotion Essentials
recipes and traditions for your young, diverse working with Early Care and Education programs. Jill Turley, Argunas Consulting
eaters. Learn how Indiana, Alabama and Virginia worked
with stakeholders to increase participation of child How are you marketing your program? Do you
S1 michigan 1 care programs in CACFP through partnerships and have a plan? Or is marketing an afterthought?
targeted outreach. There are easy things we can do that can benefit
Nutrition our programs and our students. Let’s explore a
few easy marketing and promotion strategies that
randolph 3 may end up paying off big for your program.
Program Spotlight
columbus cb
Program Administration & Operations

Join the conversation with #CACFP19


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