Serious Deficiency Process c Ac WTHSoaaGmmnRa,dtMSowweinsiis,ics-CRchuohclelSusemlsiebdeersrs J l ccAaGClhnotiatldvtalohelcmeethcnsahhpgyrieikaelnderstsnrrhepsweanticaoknarlikonddesWesorscsltotdoawtr-osfaloaetkcseeprheootiihsfrionsetsn.htiesredoyinwwctanohnoetidggreeohntotrtmcohlpoeaitenrhwdesaplkiner.
#mcKChiAiednCesiF-sPrleooC,vlRtloeEsDm.eSIaTaeAttrioBnvL,geaEnwsdliitdcheurmcusiilmzkebfdoerrsasanlibdcaewlsaicnohcneewsd.hmLoaelyeaelgr. rhaainm-,rich shoiATntaurpsvietipgsendilgdcehyhteocth.iorlreBdlnpoaorilelrpananecgnedetcatmiahTkneeargoiostrkdwpucireidnontohrgslereawtmflarappalusotkesoibctnloolgneatsorah.docerdoofllnseosotohtrrheiPefgVytrioCoguuhp’ntrriedpoep,e
Barbara Smith, USDA Food and Nutrition Service Ci Lessons for LifeNutrition Calendar & Record Keeping System
Are you in a quandary about the SD process? thfizlWWhiiebkneaeehcrdhrov,t,ilaiowgdetnaeihlgsdmseoertplaaiienvGisoneegEtsrasr,asaayvansisriidnitetuanesdmmrmsriiceai..nhdbAueBwttc6oeiet,pshmtahsnanoeundurgtrirhacsienkeenlepoostffse,
Get an overview of the serious deficiency process,
hear about the most common errors in responding
to serious deficiencies, and better understand the
elements of the appeals process and role of the
hearing official. Bring questions and concerns.
S4 columbus gh
Program Administration & Operations June 2020 JulyF S
56 August 2020 S
1 2 34 12 13 SMTWT F 1
7 8 9 10 11 19 20 8
14 15 16 17 18 26 27 23 4 567 15
21 22 23 24 25 22
28 29 30 What do tightrope walkers eat? A balanced diet. 9 10 11 12 13 14 29
Centers Nationwide: A Perspective Sunday 16 17 18 19 20 21
on their New Meal Pattern 23 31 24 26 27 28
Implementation CACFP BEST PRACTICE Monday Tuesday Wednesday 30 25
oPfrowvhidoleeagtrlaeians-tritcwhogsrearivnisngs 1
Jamie Chriqui & Rebecca Schermbeck per day. SNACK SUGGESTIONS Thursday Friday Saturday Hours
University of Illinois at Chicago WWWWWhhhhhooooollllleeeeegggggrrrrraaaaaiiiiinnnnn-----rrrrriiiiiccccchhhhhctpctoeorraraerestctiaztklellaealanrsnscdahdaneinpbgddasghncauahnmnedaemassveuoscado 2 4 Worked
Learn about the results of a nationwide study on Week 1
the implementation of the updated CACFP meal
pattern standards. Hear about the pre and post Submit Claim Independence Day Week 2
implementation responses as well as qualitative
information on independent centers’ experiences 56 789 10 11
with and training and technical assistance needs
relative to the food program. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Week 3
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Week 4
26 27 28 29 30 31 Meal Pattern Week 5
SELF CONTROL Take charge of your life. Create balance. At least one serving of
grains, per day, must be
whole grain-rich.
Total Hours Worked This Month:
S1 michigan 3
Research & Resources
Look What I Grew! Kid-Friendly Thanks to our SENDCAA Provider, Megan Training Program
Gardening Gaffney for sharing this picture of the children
enjoying the “pizza anytime” recipe from During each month of 2020 we will go
Cheryl Moss, A Mother’s Touch Center for Child the National CACFP Sponsors Association visit the big top to learn life lessons
Development calendar. They are giving it a thumbs up! from those who call the circus home.
Michelle Smith, Pennsylvania Head Start Association You will find fun CACFP creditable
recipes and snacks, physical activities,
Children love to play in the dirt, so make it table crafts, nutrition education,
purposeful. Create a kid-friendly garden to get New Meal Patterns, and CACFP Best
children eating the vegetables they’ve planted. Practices.
Learn how you can grow healthy habits in
children and how early learning standards are
achieved when gardening with children.
S1 columbus kl
Research & Resources
Health-e Pro Demo: Making Training Program Includes:
Ingredient and Recipe Management
Easy with Menu Planning Software ✶✶ 2020 Nutrition Calendar Training Module Parent CJonnnections - January 20202621H2tttbbbeosssuapppnrpbmctaerierslHmakcdheesciacarkunletmcnhhbtyeseensCdee,hrgsircatkeden upstGWostiineicdvkakieen, vcooytorroihrnpuweaarthgpeikina.tiWGertdassslduttaaierere.nlsiaattdmritgcoeekracsaa.wnIrdotd’sosadttpoteeacnrckfhcehrcreateaftdtro,t
a#baaDCatAmik4pCe2iFxe5PataCnducRoerhEetgDhsroIteeTfrrAeibpBs5rLfeomEoafridcn8hcu-i1rtc0uekmsmeunbinnsitnuailtnmecdsoi,lcokthkuaeernneddsotehtv.hreBoeraun, kagiennhd. mwlhPMeaoaaalurdrkacasiihndrengiegclne,aightnrctowiiranuannigwtnyghdltwihkntTeanhgyeoecoehtyghnsialeehdarydilrtlgechofhnhor.oeuttoahrrkssre,eoo:utsrugkrihnpstphineg,
Linsey LaPlant, Health-e Pro ✶✶ 5-hour training module Ci c Ac
✶✶ Daily meal pattern and best cvroNIoeennamegcdwefepytalaf.ieotnIbmnoilstefdeasdsNnneastttnhobecdorrtemeurefaerlidsusantilbestmsd,egoiitlrnhkataeiratnrontsmddh,uaeaicynrneodyadnrpn-egfuuordrtarreetdiievefiudenealtodolslrpyftommhtroaeamtinsnuhtfaleaaldnl.yts
Health-e Pro is simple, intuitive software offering Lessons for LifeNutrition Calendar & Record Keeping System
nutrient analysis and menu planning, including practices reminder
one-click publishing to interactive menus. ✶✶ Monthly provider newsletters Tips for Using the Record Keeping System
Color-coded menus make meal planning easy
while maintaining compliance. With over 5,000 and activity pages Business Expenses & Income Family child care providers can choose to use For “Standard Meal Allowance” record the total (Month) 2020
pre-loaded products and recipes, it’s everything ✶✶ Micro-site webpage support year-round Received Records
you need to make your standardized recipes ✶✶ Motivation moment posters the Standard Meal Allowance instead of keeping number of meals and snacks served including Income Received
fully compliant. Easily plan compliant menus ✶✶ 52-Week curricula with activities As purchases for your business are made each
for CACFP, SBP, NSLP, SSFP and Smart Snack detailed food receipts to claim itnhethdeeidr uccatrieo.CnYAouCFP meals and snacks not reimbursable by CACFP. Date Source Amt
standards. featuring Circus Acts & CACFP reminders for meals provided to children DBiroesankofataisnntscludienydouir_co_wa_n_t_ch_o_ilr_d_re_no_’_sf_m__eqa_l_us. ality child CACFP $
✶✶ CACFP record-keeping system optional
can claim up to one breakfast, one lunch, one care.
month record the date, place of purchase, check dinner and three snacks per child per day for tax
number and type of purchase. Most columns AM Snacks _________________ This month’s total $
purposes, including meals not reimbursed by the Lunches _________________ payments received from $
match the tax deductible items listed oonfIRtrSafoirnmingCiAnCsFiPd. e PM Snacks _________________
Schedule C. Five hours & more! Dinners _________________ parents
Other (specify)
Evening Snacks _________________ Other (specify) $
(Month) 2020 Business Expenses & Income This month’s total income $
For IRS Schedule C (Form 1040) Profit or Loss from Business =
Record your business expenses below. Record 2017 utilities and home expenses on the worksheet provided at the back of the calendar. Previous YTD Income $
+ Received Balance Brought
CACFP is an indicator of quality child care.Date Purchased Chk# Food Household Program Supplies, Toys & Business Laundry & Training & Wages Travel Ad
Postage, & Equip. Repair & Cleaning Dues Expense Forward
Bank Fees Maintenance
From Supplies Supplies = New YTD Income $
Received Balance
6/3 XYZ Store 123 $108 $32.90 $12.43 Amount put in savings for $
tax payment
Utilities & Home Expenses Worksheet Expenses for Business Use of Your Home
Electric Natural Gas Water & Trash & General Homeowner’s Real Estate Rent or
A separate worksheet is provided near the back of the calendar 2020 Sewer Recycling Home Repairs Insurance Taxes Interest on
to record your monthly utility and home expenses. PDraotegraAmmouCntomDmate unAimtyount Mortgage
Paid Paid
For IRS Form 8829 - Adult Care Food 1/7 $62.90 1/7 $45.12 Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount
NatioExnpaenlsPeslafotrfBoursimnesfsoUrsetohfeYoCurhHilodmeand January Paid $15.71 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid
A National Platform for the Child and Adult
Attendance & Payments Record (Month) 2020 Attendance & Payment Record Care Food Program Community
In & Out - Use to recordtime child is admitted in and out of child car. $ Due & $ Paid - Use to record amuonts each parents owes. Record
Each month, record the hours children attend your child care total monthly payments collected on monthly Business Expense & Income page.
home and record the amount each parent owes and has paid. Child’s Month 2020 Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
If you have more than nine children, NCA grants permission Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
to make an extra copy of this page. Carry over the total monthly
payment received to the workspace provided on the Monthly Time In 8 8 11 8 11
Business Expense and Income Received page.
Time Out 5 5 5 5 5
$ Due 25 25 20 25 20
Additional Pages Include $ Paid 115
Federal Tax Worksheet & Telephone Contacts Page Time In
v randolph 1 Less than $4 per provider.
Order by June 13, 2019. August delivery for distribution and training in the fall.
thursday, April 25th Empowering Teachers as Nutrition
SESSION TEN ǀ 2:30 pm–3:30 pm
Ricardo Berrios, Acelero Learning
Portion Distortion: Seamless Summer vs Summer Food
Bigger isn’t Always Better Service Program Get easy, conversational tips for use at meal
time in order to engage children during family
Carrie Pierce, YWCA Metropolitan Chicago Crystal Cooper, Chicago Public Schools style dining and discover nutrition education
opportunities outside of meal time like center-
Over the past twenty years there has been a Have you ever thought about changing your based gardens, taste-testings, and incorporating
major change in portion sizes and the perception summer feeding programs? Learn the differences the curriculum into the menu. Hear why
of what’s normal. We’ll look at how that has between seamless summer and the summer food relationships matter within your organization and
impacted our society and share resources and tips service program. Chicago Public Schools made with the families you serve to improve nutrition
for better portion control. the switch in July 2017 to increase their revenue education.
and will share the challenges with switching,
compliance, operational and fiscal requirements. S3 columbus ef
S1 columbus ij Meal Time Success with Local Foods:
Best Practices in Menu Planning
Nutrition michigan 2 & Procurement of Local Foods
S2 Summer Food Lacy Stephens, National Farm to School Network
Erin McKee, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
Organic? Good Fat? Groundbreaking Download Efficiency:
Evidence on How Food Choices CACFP Web Tool & Mobile App The new CACFP meal pattern requirements
Impact Health emphasize fruits, vegetables, unflavored milk,
Angie Davis & Robin Holz protein variety and whole grain-rich foods. Learn
Michelle Lombardo, The OrganWise Guys Iowa Department of Education how incorporating local and seasonal foods can
help you serve enticing meals, create educational
Learn the latest science on hot topics such as Learn about two innovative, no-cost technologies opportunities for children, and support your local
the importance of eating organic foods and why for CACFP participants aimed at making meal farmers. Learn about best practices and resources
fat may not be what’s making us fat. Find out pattern and eligibility compliance a breeze. on how to find and purchase local foods.
how you can shop for healthy foods on a limited CACFP Shopper is a mobile application to help
budget and leave armed with nutrition facts, and identify creditable foods at the point of purchase
meal pattern tips. and ICAVES is a web-based application which
determines benefit eligibility using information
S1 michigan 1 submitted on household income applications. S2 randpolh 1
Nutrition Program Administration & Operations
Overcoming Barriers to Prevent S3 columbus cd Birth to 24 Months: Parent Attitudes,
Food Allergies Perceptions and Behaviors Feeding
Program Spotlight Children
Sherry Coleman Collins, National Peanut Board
Investigating Fraud, Waste & Abuse Alexandra Lewin-Zwerdling, International Food
As many as 6-8% of children have a food allergy in Federally Funded Programs: Imformation Council Foundation
and this number has grown significantly over Red Flags in the CACFP & SFSP
the past two decades. Recent research shows Research examining parent attitudes, trends,
that early introduction of potential allergens in Cherese Myree & Monica Miles and habits focused on feeding children birth to
the first year can reduce the risk of developing MH Miles Company, CPA, PC 24 months offers insight about how to tap into
food allergies. Learn how to address barriers parent desires and perceptions while identifying
by breaking down the research and making Gain insight on investigating allegations of non- gaps for nutrition educators. Learn how parents’
introduction practical for parents and caregivers compliance in the CACFP and SFSP. Learn how knowledge and concerns influence a child’s diet
to help reduce the future prevalence of food to identify red flags during a monitoring review and why it matters.
allergies. and take home interview techniques, sampling
methodologies, and best practices which have grand ballroom ef
michigan 3 been instrumental in identifying fraud, waste, and S1
abuse in federally funded programs. Research & Resources
S1 Nutrition
Promoting Year-Round Meals S5 columbus kl Sesame Street in Communities:
Supporting Our Most Vulnerable
Megan Kuchar & Christina Smith Financial Management Children
Illinois State Board of Education
Jessica Willis, Northern Illinois Food Bank Collaborative Planning: Antonio Freitas, Sesame Workshop
Kelsie Kliner, Greater Chicago Food Depository How You Can Build Buy-In
Beyond our health curriculum, Sesame Street in
The Child and Adult Care Food Program along Carolyn Wait, Kara Panowitz, and Derrick Lambert Communities addresses some of the most adverse
with the Summer Food Service Program help Share Our Strength experiences affecting our most vulnerable families
provide children access to meals Year-Round and children – from trauma to homelessness and
outside of their normal school hours. Learn Without internal and external support, even foster care to substance abuse. Explore why these
about the similarities and differences of each brilliant plans fail. A collaborative approach resources are being created and their significance
program, as well as how to make the transition to helps you build buy-in and achieve success. This in the work you do.
potentially facilitate both programs. interactive skill-building session will teach you
how to engage partners, design effective meetings, S3 columbus ab
and develop shared solutions.
Research & Resources
roosevelt 1
S2 S6 roosevelt 3
At-Risk Afterschool
it’s not over yet
FEATURED SPEAKERS ǀ 3:45 pm –4:45 pm
As we come to the close of a remarkable week, sit down with more expert speakers about policy and programming, nutrition and
research, and resources and tools. Learn about the state of the summer food service program, hear why food choice matters, and discover
the tools available to you today to better serve the child nutrition community. Leave feeling inspired and ready to take action in your role
at home.
&AnAgneldareKaliFnaermer Richard D. Mattes
USDA Policy Update Professor of Nutrition Science, Purdue University
Summer Food Service
Program Nutrition, Sensory, Food & Psychological
Sciences: Why They Matter When
Hear from USDA as they present an overview Feeding Kids
of new and revised policy guidance for the
Summer Food Service Program and share a Ever wonder why we love to eat certain foods? Learn how the sensory properties of
state-of-the-state update on SFSP program food play an important role in the foods we choose to eat. There are inherently pleasant
developments, policy, and guidance. The and unpleasant sensations when eating foods, but that may be changed through dietary
USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) exposure. We’ll review the differences in eating sweet, salty, and fat according to the
works to end hunger and obesity through sensory experience of the eater and what opportunities are available for making dietary
the administration of 15 federal nutrition changes.
assistance programs including the Summer
Food Service Program which is crucial to S4 grand ballroom cd
ensuring year-round access to foods for
children. Featured Speaker
Lisa Mack
Executive Director, National CACFP Sponsors Association
S4 grand ballroom ab CACFP Creditable Thursday
Featured Speaker At NCA, we’re helping sponsors help their providers,
center staff, and afterschool teams with tools, resources, and worksheets. Come
take a look at what we already have available free-of-charge to download, help
inform our plans for new education resources, and go home with a tool-kit of
new meal pattern materials.
S4 grand ballroom ef
Featured Speaker
town hall meetingǀ 5:00 pm–5:30 pm
The USDA Food and Nutrition Service team values feedback. Take some time to visit with them and share your
thoughts and ideas for their consideration. Ask questions and offer suggestions. Your participation is welcomed!
v grand ballroom ab
Featured Session
53 bbooootthh ##883355
getting together
SHOP TALK ǀ 5:30 pm–6:00 pm
Exercise Matters
Glenn Gaesser, Healthy Lifestyles Research Center
Arizona State University
You know physical activity is important for you
and the children in your care. Drill down to the
science of why adding regular exercise to your
day matters.
randolph boardroom Photo provided by Maria Claudia Ortega with My Little Geniuses, Atlanta, GA
S3 Shoptalk
Fiber Facts Menu Planning on a Budget Whole Grain-Rich FAQ
Julie Miller Jones, St. Catherine University Angela Ginn-Meadow, University of Maryland’s Lisa Mack, National CACFP Sponsors Association
Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology
Fiber’s in fashion again. Wondering why fiber Shopping healthfully and wisely can be done on Have trouble identifying what products are
matters? Get the 411 on how it can help grow a budget. Talk about how to transform a grocery Whole Grain-Rich? Need specific guidance?
healthy children. ad into a smart shopping list. Bring in nutrition labels and let’s talk!
michigan boardroom S2 monroe 5 boardroom S1 monroe 3 boardroom
S1 Shoptalk Shoptalk Shoptalk
Fundraising 101 Sponsoring At-Risk Afterschool
Alexia Thex, National CACFP Sponsors Association Kati Wagner, Wildwood CACFP
It starts with a plan. So let’s talk about what a Are you a sponsoring agency that wants to
good plan for fundraising looks like. sponsor at-risk, afterschool meals who still has
questions on how to make it happen? Let’s talk.
S5 roosevelt boardroom S4 monroe 2 boardroom
Shoptalk Shoptalk
Healthy Diets for Special Needs
Dyan Hes, Gramercy Pediatrics
Menu planning can seem daunting when you
have to consider the dietary requirements for
children with special needs. Talk strategy and
S1 monroe 4 boardroom I will use the information I learn to assure that we are in Thursday
compliance and implementing best practices with our
Shoptalk childcare centers as well as with our Healthy Start Healthy
Children Program where my goals with my visits include:
IBS Mysteries introducing new foods to the provider and children in care,
involving the children in the prep and cooking process with
Pamela A. Cureton, MassGeneral Hospital Center hands-on learning opportunities, and including parents
for Celiac Research and Treatment through open house demonstrations, and taste test examples
of what the children experienced while in care. The ultimate
We’ll talk about what it means to feed and goal is to increase healthy foods consumption, enjoy physical
manage care for children with Irritable Bowel activity together, and introduce gardening both at the centers/
Syndrome (IBS). family day homes, and for the parents to see that this is not
only healthy but fun to do together!
S1 monroe 1 boardroom
2019 Scholarship Winner - Lisa Laclede
ChildCare Group, Dallas, TX
• On-the-go
• Variety of flavors
• Quality source of protein
• Chicken raised with
No Antibiotics Ever
• Commodity Eligible
• Easy Prep: Thaw & Serve.
Heat & Serve
• Whole grain-rich flour options
Learn more:
©2019 Tyson Foods, Inc. Trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by Tyson Foods, Inc. or its subsidiaries, or used under license.
FRIDAY, APRIL 26TH today’s checklist
one last time! ☐☐ Attend CORE training.
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ☐☐ Go to Day Nursery
learning excursion.
State Agency Afterschool Sponsored by
☐☐ Participate in the State
& Summer Meals symposium Agency Symposium.
8:00 am – 12:00 pm ☐☐ Chat with us in the
Michigan Foyer.
This interactive symposium geared toward state agency staff will feature insights
and best practices related to year-round meals, program administration, and ☐☐ Get your CACFP
streamlining. Topics include effective coordination among staff within state Professionals Certification
agencies responsible for the administration of the SFSP and CACFP, strategies lapel pins.
for staff and sponsor training to improve program integrity, and collaboration
with community-based organizations to enhance outreach and compliance. ☐☐ Head home! Have safe
Expect to be actively engaged with networking, peer learning, and action travels and healthy days.
planning. Pre-registration is required.
Carolyn Wait & Derrick Lambert
Share Our Strength
Learning Excursion ǀ 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Farm To Table In Action at The Day Nursery
This morning we will visit The Day Nursery one more time. This hands-on
tour, will be about helping prep the garden for the spring, taking part in a
food experience lesson, and learning from the teams at The Day Nursery and
the Illinois Farm to School Network about how to advance your own farm to
early childhood education activities. Pre-registration is required. Ticketed event.
CORE Training for CACFP Sponsors ǀ 8:00 am – 10:00 am Friday
This train-the-trainer session will cover one module of the CORE training developed for sponsors on CACFP 57
Administration. CORE is a USDA FNS funded initiative designed to provide practical CACFP sponsor focused
training solutions. Pre-registration is required. Space is limited. Ticketed Event.
last call Certification ǀ 8:30 am–12:00 pm
Before you leave, don’t forget to apply for you CACFP
Professionals Certification! Visit us in the Michigan Foyer for more
get to know our
Represents pulse crops - lentils, chickpeas, National Ally Industry Partner
dry peas, and dry beans - a nutrient-dense,
delicious, and sustainable source of
plant-based protein.
Bringing health and wellness to children, Assisting child care centers by saving families, and communities by providing 10-35% on their food expenses with a
healthy recipes and cooking and nutrition discounted pricing program.
Licensed by 8 state agencies, we provide a education curricula.
library of online courses for CACFP, SFSP Visit us for a chance to win a $100 Visa Gift Card
and child nutrition. USDA FNS funded initiative designed to
provide practical CACFP sponsor focused An online marketplace of ingredients and
Helping organizations participating in the training solutions. inspiration that connects chefs and operators
USDA Summer Food Service Program with variety and collaboration to maximize
(SFSP). Build recipes. Create menus. creativity and efficiency. Milk with 12 months shelf life and no
refrigeration required until opened! Industry Partner
Take a test flight! Navigate through CACFP
turbulence into clear skies. Our flight pattern Visit us for a chance to win a $100 Visa Gift Card Enhancing Communities
pre-plans meals and ensures that all meal
pattern requirements are met.
Visit us for a chance to win a 10” Android Tablet Committed to supplying the consumer and One of the leading nutritional, health, and
our customers with the finest, high-quality wellness management groups in the country products. with a focus on improving health and quality
of life.
Provides a nutritional line of shelf-stable Visit us for a chance to win a Single Serve Blender Kit
breakfast, lunch, snack, and supper packs with Travel Cup
for schools, food banks, and faith based
community organizations. Looking to introduce more plant-based
options to students? Forward Food has you
Visit us for a chance to win a $100 Visa Gift Card Provides delicious, convenient options for covered. Find free resources including tool-
all times of day. kits, recipes, menu templates, and in-person
training events!
Visit us for a chance to win a $100 Visa Gift Card
Visit us for a chance to win a Cooking Gift Basket
Industry Partner
Crystal clear bags to package items for FFV, Geber products provide unsurpassed entire meals, etc. We also carry ovenable nutrition and product safety for the first 1000
bags and sealing equipment. days of your child’s growth journey.
Cultivates healthy young eaters by providing
child-inspired, chef-created, compliant meal Visit us for a chance to win a Coffee Bundle
programs and innovative food products that
taste great and are good for you. We believe food should make us better,
so we work hard to make food people
Visit us for a chance to win a $100 Visa Gift Card Ultra-filtered for more natural protein and love, while improving the nutrition of our
calcium that comes directly from milk. products. With less sugar and no lactose, it’s simple
nutrition you can feel good about. Visit us for a chance to win a General Mills Swag Bag
Helping preschools world-wide fix
business challenges and become stronger
organizations. Our mission is to improve the
lives of 1 million children!
Industry Partner
Industry Partner Achieving excellence across Illinois by formulating and advocating for policies that
enhance education, empower institutions,
Producer of “clean label,” all non-GMO, and ensure equitable outcomes for all Providing software solutions to meet the
shelf-stable cheese. All cheeses are a one to children. business management and food program
one meat equivalent. needs of ALL aspects of the child care
Visit us for a chance to win a Nutrition Swag Bag community. Visit us for a chance to win an iPad
Breakfasts, snacks, lunches, and suppers
provided to early childhood and K-12 ALL of the resources offered by ICN
schools and institutions with a focus on new are available at no charge! Visit online
and innovative ways to healthier meals. for courses, posters, videos, face-to-face Provides low priced, high quality
training materials, and much more. educational products to teach families how
Visit us for a chance to win a $100 Visa Gift Card to live healthy. LA Publishing focuses on early childhood education and breastfeeding education.
National Ally A leader and innovator in the snack food
industry. Provides America’s favorite brands to foodservice segments.
Go paperless for your CACFP and SFSP
Grain foods pack more of a nutrient punch Visit us for a chance to win a SuperPretzel Swag point of service meal forms!
than a caloric one. Visit booth 608! Play with Echo Dot
games for fun prizes, and get meal planning Visit us for a chance to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card
Industry Partner
Visit us for a chance to win a Fitbit Charge 2 Mexican Entrees - Burritos, Enchiladas, Quesadillas, Tamales!
Providing nutritious, shelf-stable kids meals
Peanut and tree nut free K-12 facility nationwide. Our breakfast, snack, and
featuring multiple snack breads and our lunch options meet the reimbursable USDA Industry Partner
famous Brekkie. guidelines for CACFP and SFSP. Visit us for a chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card
Over 18 years of experience in providing
Planning delicious, USDA-compliant menus audit, consulting, investigation, training, and
should be simple. We provide smart, fast, compliance monitoring services for CACFP
and user-friendly software that saves you #1 branded protein snack globally. Check and SFSP.
time, money, and keeps you compliant. out our products that credit as a meat/meat
alternate with the new policy changes. Visit us for a chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card
Visit us for a chance to win a $50 or $100 Amazon
Gift Card Visit us for a chance to win a $100 Visa Gift Card Moonstone Press LLC Small, award winning publisher of quality
photographic books in English and Spanish
Online portal for childcare staff to plan Offering fully cooked, pre-portioned for children and adults dedicated to nutrition
meals, complete CEUs, and fulfill corrective products like spaghetti and meat sauce and health.
action requirements related to implementing and twin pack cheeseburgers. Perfect for
the new CACFP meal patterns. afterschool and summer feeding programs! Visit us for a chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card
National Ally
Shelf-stable, aseptic 100% vegetable and Proudly representing American Mushroom fruit juice blends that provide at least 1/2 Farmers. Here to share our Farm to
cup of vegetables or fruit per serving. School Kit and recipes your kids will love
Nonprofit that offers preK to adult baking exploring.
STEAM, literacy, meal and snack-building Visit us for a chance to win a $75 Amazon Gift Card
whole grain options for child and adult Visit us for a chance to win a Mushroom Growing Kit
healthy, cost-conserving lifestyles.
get to know our
PARTNERS, SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS Offering creditable tomato products like
Salsa Cups and Marinara Cups in various sizes, plus enhanced low sodium condiments
National Ally Industry Partner for the child nutrition programs. Visit us for a chance to win a $50 Walmart Gift Card provides resources and Providing creative and colorful nutrition
tools for the child nutrition community to education tools, curriculums and training
help build healthier diets. materials for child care providers and All students deserve access to high quality,
parents. clean-label meals. Visit and learn how
we can partner together to create lifelong
Visit us for a chance to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card healthy eaters! Made by moms.
Engaging nutrition education materials Nationwide provider of shelf-stable meals Hummus is perfect for any time of day!
including The Fruit & Veggie Wheel, an and components for the CACFP and SFSP. Swing by to check out some meal pattern
interactive book, portion plates and more. ideas and try our new Sabra Singles Taco
Bulk discounts. Customization. Available in Visit us for a chance to win a $100 Visa Gift Card Hummus.
English and Spanish.
Visit us for a chance to win a Tower of Truffles
Healthy Eating Starts Early National Ally An array of products from our top brands,
including Quaker, Tropicana, and Frito-Lay.
NATIONAL Compliant for meal and snack offerings. Hand-held calculators with a customized
CHILD NUTRITION Available for all meal occasions. program that complies with CACFP
FOUNDATION guidelines to calculate the quantity of food
to prepare for childcare and Head Start.
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meet all of our
Speakers & Presenters
Aarie Wade, MSW NCA Regional Sponsor Representative
Alice Zacharie
Child Development Center Director Executive Director
Baxter Community Center Supportive Nutritional Aid Program
Alice is committed to serving and supporting
Aarie has worked in early childhood education for CACFP on all levels to ensure nutritious meals are served to all
several years. She uses her passion for growing children and adults, ensuring they do not miss a meal and are never
and eating fresh to communicate the importance of nutrition to the without a meal or go hungry. She is responsible for the sponsorship
children and families she serves. Aarie is a native Grand Rapidian of homes, centers and afterschool sites. Alice has worked in the
and graduate of Western Michigan University where she received CACFP since 2001 beginning as a part-time monitor.
her master’s degree in social work.
featured session speaker Alicia White, MS, RD
Branch Chief, Nutrition Education and Promotion
Adam Russo
USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Director, Office of School Food and Nutrition Services
Prince William County Public Schools Alicia leads the dynamic group developing Team
Nutrition’s Child and Adult Care Food Program
Adam directs the award-winning school nutrition (CACFP) training and nutrition education resources, CACFP
program in Northern Virginia. He transitioned from owning and Halftime and CACFP Trainer’s Circle webinar series, and Team
operating fine dining and quick service restaurants to school Nutrition social media. In this role, Alicia also oversees program
nutrition six years ago. He believes in bringing the same exceptional management for the Team Nutrition Training Grants program.
guest service, quality and scratch cookery to school kitchens
that were so successful in private enterprise. Adam says the only NCA Regional Sponsor Representative
thing better than serving nutritious food to the future, is being the Alix Pasillas, CMP
cheerleader for the department. Executive Director
Food for Kids
Alex Hyman, MPH Alix has been with Food For Kids, Inc. for 19
years. She joined Food For Kids as a field monitor and has served
Content Specialist the last 5 years as their Executive Director. Alix has provided
Nemours Children’s Health System guidance that has resulted in growth of the program and continues
to reinforce its success with passion and determination for bringing
Alex works on the National Early Care and healthy, nutritious meals to children and adults in programs that are
Education Learning Collaboratives (ECELC) a part of the CACFP.
Project. She provides support to the ten states implementing
ECELC, a project supporting and training Early Care and Education Allison Polke, RDN, LDN
providers in meeting best practices for healthy eating and physical
activity. Registered Dietitian
Chicago Public Schools
Alexandra Lewin-Zwerdling, PhD, MPA
Allison oversees food access programs, supports
Vice President, Research and Partnerships menu development and enforces wellness and
International Food Information Council Foundation chronic conditions policies. Over the past three years, Allison has
helped drive menu innovation using student voice and community
Alex oversees IFIC’s consumer research, tracking feedback. She has assisted in expanding the LunchStop summer
the latest in food and nutrition trends, habits, meals program from 30 to 100 sites providing children across
perceptions and other factors that effect what drives America’s Chicago improved access to food in the summer months. Allison
eating habits. She develops IFIC’s partnerships across sectors, from graduated from Purdue University and has a background in
food and agriculture companies and nutrition leaders, to public dietetics, wellness, and chronic condition management.
health experts, government agencies and others.
Alyssa Morrison
Alexia Thex, MEd
Coordinator of Child Nutrition Programs
Partnerships Manager Operation Food Search
National CACFP Sponsors Association
Alyssa oversees the after school meals and summer
Alexia is charged with forming mutually long-term meals programs. Her responsibilities include
and beneficial partnerships with corporations and recruiting new meal locations, recruiting AmeriCorps members, and
organizations that fit the mission. Previously she helped secure analyzing program data to help expand and improve the programs.
funding for several organizations, including the Holocaust Museum
Houston and Downtown Houston YMCA. Alexia realized the lack
of funding available to develop health and wellness programs,
which led her to a career in development.
Amanda Dyes Angela Ginn-Meadow, RD, LDN, CDE
Program Manager Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator
Georgia Nutritional Services University of Maryland’s Center for Diabetes and
Amanda is committed to the business goal of
ensuring day care facilities are serving balanced, Angela leads programming and counsels patients
nutritious meals to children and adults in care to foster nutritious on treating and managing diabetes and other endocrine diseases. She
eating habits. She started at GNSI in 2014 and holds a Bachelor of is passionate about food, and helping people make better choices in
Science degree in computer science with a concentration in business their everyday lives to improve overall health.
featured session speaker
Amanda Tucker, LSS Green Belt, CHES
Angela Kline
Child Nutrition Consultant
Texas Education Services Center Region 11 Director, Program and Policy Development Division
USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Amanda specializes in CACFP, At-Risk, and
SFSP programs. She has been working in child Angela is the Director of Policy and Program
nutrition for over 10 years through WIC and then in CACFP. Lean Development with the USDA Food and Nutrition Service. She has
Six Sigma Certified, Amanda takes a holistic approach to program presented at numerous national conferences including the 2016
management. She is a subject matter expert for program operations, conference where the New Meal Patterns were announced and the
management, meal patterns, planning, and appeal. Amanda holds 2018 conference as a featured speaker.
a BS in nutrition and hospitality management from Texas Tech
University. Angela Young, MS
Amanda Wampler Vice President, Operations
Development Manager
Columbus Recreation and Parks Angela was employed by a large nonprofit agency
in Dallas, TX for over 26 years and administered
Amanda is responsible for development at the City the CACFP in day homes and centers. With over a quarter of a
of Columbus Recreation and Parks Department, century of CACFP administrative and training experience, she
the 14th largest city in the nation. Amanda is at her best using her knows what center directors and cooks need and want in menu
exceptional needs assessment skill set and passion for improving planning and claims processing software. Angela also served in
community programs to drive change. She focuses on improving various officer positions for the Texas CACFP Sponsors Association
structure and implementing strategic road maps to effectively guide and remains on board as their manager.
organizational growth. Amanda is a graduate of Otterbein College
and the Leadership Columbus 10-month signature program.
Amy Bianco
Principal Consultant-SFSP
Illinois State Board of Education
Amy has been a coordinator of the Summer Food
Service Program for 14 years. Each year ISBE
continues to empower sponsors with strategies to run a successful
summer program as it strives to serve more meals to those children
who daily face food insecurity. Amy is responsible for locating
sponsors and sites throughout the state to feed nutritious meals to
children 18 and under during the summer months when school is
not in session.
featured session speaker THANK YOU
Chief, Community Meals Branch in the Policy and
Program Development Division To find out how No Kid Hungry can support
USDA Food and Nutrition Service your summer and afterschool meals programs,
Andrea’s responsibilities are the Child and Adult Care Food visit us at
Program (CACFP) and the Summer Meal Programs. Prior to her
role as branch chief, she served as a nutritionist and led a USDA
effort to create resources and guidance materials for CACFP. Before
joining FNS, Andrea found her passion for the child nutrition
programs as a compliance specialist with the Florida Child Care
Food Program.
Angie Davis, MEd Antonio Freitas, MS
Project Manager Senior Content Manager, U.S. Social Impact
Bureau of Nutrition and Health Services, Sesame Workshop
Iowa Department of Education
Antonio works to develop content and professional
Angie is a training and implementation specialist development coursework for the Sesame Street in
currently partnered with the Iowa Department of Education to Communities website. His career is grounded in educational spaces
execute the goals set within the Child Nutrition Technology that included years as a second grade teacher, school recruiter, early
Innovation Grant. It is her mission to introduce the opportunity childhood director, teacher trainer and adjunct professor. Antonio
programs have to thrive by enhancing employee and consumer holds a BA in social work from Seattle University, and a master’s in
experience. Angie is formally educated in therapy, coaching, the science of teaching from Pace University. His favorite Sesame
training and development, and organizational behavior. She holds a Street muppet is Bert.
bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Iowa and a
master’s degree in education from Western Illinois University. Arnita Rena Hall, MA, EdD
Anji Armagost, CMP, CCNP, MBA CEO
Together We Can Consultants
Nutrition Works Arnita has been a leading innovator in education
for the past twenty-seven years holding positions
Anji directs the team supporting child care homes in higher education, nonprofit management and within the federal
and centers on the food program and also serves as government. She is the owner of Together We Can Consultants, the
a program monitor. Previously Anji directed a nationally accredited executive director of Grace M. Eaton Early Learning Center and an
child care center specializing in inclusive learning environments for adjunct faculty member at Columbia State Community College. The
children of all abilities. There she implemented the food program programs under her purview are highly interactive and based upon
to address the need for better nutrition and regular meals for the a broad compendium of experimental and research approaches.
children. Anji received her bachelor’s degree in social science and
master’s in business administration. we’re social!
Ann Hall, MSS, RDN, LDN Tag us: @NationalCACFP #CACFP19
USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Since 2011 Ann has worked in the Child Nutrition
Programs. Her duties include providing technical
assistance and program guidance to Child Nutrition Program
operators and industry. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in
dietetics from the College of Saint Benedict, a master’s in religious
education from Loyola University, and a master’s in strategic
studies from the US. Army War College.
Anne Fiala
Program Analyst
USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Anne joined USDA FNS in 2012. She currently
works on policy and program development for
the CACFP and SFSP, and manages USDA’s Summer Food for
Children Demonstrations. Prior to joining USDA, she worked
as a legislative aide in the U.S. Senate advising on nutrition and
agriculture policy.
NCA Board of Directors
Annetta Rutland, CMP, CCNP
Strategic Director, Quality Programs
4C for Children
4C is a Cincinnati-based nonprofit that serves as an
advocate and resource for high-quality education and care. Annetta,
a 30-year veteran, has worked with her team to develop a series of
trainings for new family child providers that include Family Child
Care Orientation and How To Workshops: Maximize Your Dollars,
Market Your Business, and Establish Personal Insurance Benefits.
She also recruits centers for participation in CACFP.
Ashley Roth, MS, RDN NCA Board of Directors
Blake Stanford, CMP
Partnership Engagement Manager President
and Registered Dietitian Southwest Development of Human Services
Common Threads Blake founded Southwest Human Development
Services, a private, Texas-based, nonprofit agency and sponsor of
Ashley serves on the curriculum team, manages CACFP. He also founded the Southwest Region CACFP Sponsors
medical partnerships and dietetic interns, and supports research, Association and has been on the boards for Texas CACFP Sponsors
evaluation activities, and communication activations. She started Association, Southwestern University, and Shade Project. He has
with Common Threads over two years ago as the Pittsburgh served on the National CACFP Sponsors Association board for
program manager. Ashley earned her bachelor’s and master’s 16 years.
in human nutrition, food, and exercise from Virginia Tech.
general session keynote speaker
Barbara Jirka, PhD
Brandon Lipps
USDA Food and Nutrition Service Administrator & Acting Deputy Under Secretary
USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Barbara works within the Center for Nutrition
Policy and Promotion. She manages the MyPlate Brandon leads the agency in administering the
National Strategic Partnership program working with public and nation’s 15 federal nutrition assistance programs. Lipps served
private industry partners focused on communicating MyPlate as the Chief of Staff for the Office of the Chancellor at the Texas
messages. She earned a doctorate degree from Iowa State Tech University System, working closely with Chancellor Robert
University’s Child Nutrition Leadership Academy and has been Duncan to develop policy initiatives, identify strategic priorities,
involved in nutrition marketing throughout her career as an educator and execute plans to achieve goals across the system’s more than
and working for food manufacturers. 20,000 employees. Previously, Lipps served as counsel and senior
professional staff to the U.S. House Committee on Agriculture
Barbara Smith during the 2014 Farm Bill. He also served as Chancellor Duncan’s
legislative aide and rural district director during his time as a Texas
Senior Program Analyst State Senator. Lipps is a former associate at the Lubbock law firm
USDA Food and Nutrition Service of Crenshaw, Dupree & Milam. He hails from Woodson, Texas, and
earned a bachelor’s degree in agricultural economics from Texas
Barbara’s responsibilities include leading the Tech and a law degree from Texas Tech University School of Law.
project team in CACFP Management Improvement
Initiative projects and being the FNS level point-of-contact Brenda Koester, MS
on CACFP related matters. She also assists regional offices in
conducting management evaluations. She has been recognized for Assistant Director of the Family Resiliency Center
special efforts in providing guidance to regional, state and local University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
staff in the administration of the CACFP and for excellence in the
development and updating of training materials for CACFP. Brenda’s research and policy work centers on food
insecurity, children’s food programs, and child
Bianca Smith, RD, MDA and family health. Her work has been funded by Feeding America,
Walmart Foundation, USEPA, NIEHS, and the Christopher Family
Program Specialist Nutritionist Foundation.
WA Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Brenda Wattles, RDN
Bianca as worked in child nutrition in Washington
state for four years, serving a variety of roles, Culinary Chef
including Team Nutrition grant coordinator, farm to school
coordinator, and child nutrition program specialist. Bianca
collaborated with the Smarter Lunchrooms National Office on Brenda consults for child nutrition programs to
the development of their national resources to support Smarter empower CN professionals to embrace nutrition,
Mealtimes implementation and has provided over 40 Smarter influence greatness within each other, and craft culinary cultures in
Lunchrooms and Smarter Mealtimes trainings, including their kitchens to ultimately inspire children to make healthy choices.
presentations at two national conferences. She is a trainer for ICN’s Healthy Cuisine for Kids and serves on the
SNA’s National Chef Task Force. Brenda has published USDA child
Bill Wagoner nutrition standardized cookbooks and was a member of Michelle
Obama’s Let’s Move! Chef’s Move to Schools, National Advisory
Senior Technical Advisor, Policy and Program Group.
Development Division
USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Bill works with other staff to formulate national
policy and regulatory changes in the Child and Adult Care Food
Program, the Summer Food Service Program and the various school
Program Get access to high-quality materials for
Member training and support as well as the latest
and greatest crafts, recipes, and fun physical movement ideas.
Brian Davis Caitlin Boland, RD, LDN
Community Outreach Coordinator Registered Dietitian
Ohio Department of Education Novick Brothers
Brian meets regularly with the USDA Food and Nutrition Caitlin has a passion for using nutrition to make a
Service Midwest Regional Office as well as state and national positive impact on the lives of children and their
organizations such as the American Commodity Distribution families. Prior to joining Novick Brothers, she was the health and
Association and the Ohio Association of School Business Officials. nutrition manager of a multi-site Head Start program. There, she
He covers procurement, compliance, communication, training, focused on introducing the children to new, healthy foods and
and development for all USDA child nutrition programs in Ohio. ensuring CACFP compliance.
Previously he served in the Office for Child Nutrition as an attorney.
Caliste Chong, MS
Brian Wieher, CMP, CCNP, SNS
Early Childhood Program Coordinator
Director of Child & Family Nutrition Alabama Partnership for Children
Operation Food Search
Caliste has spent the last three years leading the
Brian is an entrepreneur with a degree in hospitality implementation of the National Early Care and
and restaurant administration from Missouri State Education Learning Collaboratives Project in Alabama to embed
University. He is an award-winning School Nutrition Specialist obesity prevention efforts into state systems. She has worked with
with 20+ years of experience in developing, implementing, and Voices for America’s Children in Washington, DC as a policy intern
managing nutritional and other public health related programs. As and then as a development associate. Caliste earned her bachelor’s
a child nutrition advocate, he enjoys working collaboratively with and master’s degrees in human development and family studies
organizations to develop relationships that will have the greatest from The University of Alabama.
impact on ending childhood hunger.
Candice McElhaney, MA
Brigette Hires, PhD, RD
Policy Associate
Assistant Director, Office of Integrated Student Supports National CACFP Sponsors Association
Ohio Department of Education
Candice assists NCA’s policy team in advocacy
Brigette has a bachelor’s degree in dietetics from for the CACFP through conducting research,
The Florida State University and a master’s and outreaching to contacts and developing policy partnerships, creating
PhD in nutritional sciences from the University of Kentucky. press releases, and producing policy-related content for NCA’s
She has served 13 years as an assistant director in the Office for website and social media outlets.
Integrated Student Supports at the Ohio Department of Education.
Cara Brumfield, MA Carolyn Sutter, PhD
Senior Policy Analyst Postdoctoral Fellow
Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Cara leads research and policy development Carolyn’s research focuses on children developing
projects on issues related to jobs, education, and eating behaviors and the risk of childhood obesity
democracy. She is co-authoring a report on postsecondary education from early childhood through adolescence with specific focus on the
in prison and is conducting research and technical assistance to role of parental and peer relationships in shaping dietary habits. She
ensure an accurate count of marginalized communities in the has experience helping to develop, implement, and evaluate healthy
decennial census. habit and nutrition education programs.
Caree Jackson Cotwright, MS, RD, PhD Carolyn Wait, RD, MPH
Assistant Professor Senior Manager
University of Georgia Department No Kid Hungry Center for Best Practices
of Foods and Nutrition Share Our Strength
Caree’s research is focused on early childhood Carolyn develops resources and provides training
obesity prevention. The goal of her work is to create healthy ECE to schools and nonprofits in order to improve and expand access to
environments to prevent obesity in our youngest children ages 0-5 CACFP Afterschool Meals. Before joining Share Our Strength in
while working to decrease health disparities. Caree earned a PhD 2015, Carolyn was a CACFP specialist for the District of Columbia
and MS in foods and nutrition from the University of Georgia. She state agency. Carolyn holds a bachelor’s in nutrition from Ohio
is an esteemed graduate of Howard University, earning a BS in State University and master’s in public health from UNC Chapel
biology. Hill.
Cari Christoff Carrie Pierce
Executive Director Training & Education Coordinator
The Day Nursery YWCA Metropolitan Chicago
Cari has served at The Day Nursery since 2013, and Carrie has held various positions at the YWCA over
her work with young children and families spans the last 20+ years. Her roles have included teacher
more than 30 years in the Chicago area and Southern Arizona. She assistant, lead teacher, assistant director, and center director. Her
believes that building strong healthy relationships is essential to goal is to share experiences and promote teamwork, leadership,
success, both personally and professionally. Cari continues to look and innovative thinking with other professionals in Early Care and
at every day as an opportunity to learn how she might better support Education. Her passion is working with children and partnering
children, families and her community. with families to support, guide, and share in children’s growth and
Caroline Sluyter, MS
Casey Cortes
Program Director
Oldways Whole Grain Council Infant Toddler Quality Specialist
YWCA Metropolitan Chicago
Caroline oversees the Whole Grain Stamp program
and manages many of the WGC’s promotional Casey specializes in working with parents and
activities, including Whole Grains Month, Whole Grain Sampling infants. She started her career as a preschool
Day, and a biannual Whole Grains Conference. Caroline holds a MS teacher, was promoted to assistant director, then began with
from the Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and YWCA in 2012 working in the classrooms and training on child
Policy, and a BA from Smith College. development. She is a Registry and ITN Approved Trainer, and
provides guidance for ExceleRate Illinois, a system shaping quality
Carolyn Miller care programs around Illinois. Casey is a graduate of Northern
Illinois University with a BS in family and child studies.
Child Nutrition Consultant
Texas Education Services Center Region 11 Casey Goldvale
A consultant for CACFP and SFSP, Carolyn works Policy and Research Analyst
closely with sponsors to assist in the application Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality’s Economic
process, troubleshooting claims, and any request that Texas Security & Opportunity Initiative
Department of Agriculture requires. She is passionate about feeding
the children of Texas. Carolyn has presented several years at the Casey specializes in data analysis and visualization
NCA Conference focusing on policy and business development. She on topics ranging from employment outcomes for people with
holds a BS degree from Tarleton State with emphasis in business disabilities to the geographic and social impact of deep poverty
leadership, psychology, and social work. in America. She has co-authored reports, impact analyses, and
policy briefs on societal importance of paid leave to people
with disabilities and their families and strategies for improving
caregiving services and jobs. Casey previously served as an intern
at the White House National Economic Council during the Obama
Cassandra Mobley Cheryl Yarrington, MS, RDN
Agency Relations & Program Director Public Health Nutritionist
Mississippi Food Network Nutrition Matters
Cassandra has over 13 years of experience directing Cheryl has worked with the USDA WIC Program
daily operations of partner agency relationships for more than 30 years and enjoys promoting
including nutrition education at MFN. She is recognized by the healthy lifestyle habits with moms, dads, children and others. She is
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for innovative partnerships now a business owner and likes to create new recipes and education
formed in Mississippi. materials that are easy to read with lots of helpful hints and ideas.
NCA Regional Sponsor Representative Christa Widener, CMP, CCNP
Cathy Harper, CCNP, CMP
Nutrition for Children CACFP Manager
Champaign, Illinois Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency
For 30 years, Cathy has served as the executive
director with the responsibility to oversee operations of the 501- Christa began her career with the CACFP at
C3 not for profit CACFP program located in Champaign, IL. She Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency
coordinates all aspects of the USDA CACFP including the annual nearly 27 years ago as a claims processor. She has served in her
management plan and budget. Cathy completed a dietetic internship current role for the last 11 years and is involved in all aspects of the
at the University of Illinois. program including provider training, daycare home and Head Start
Cherese Myree, CFE monitoring, and preparing budgets.
Vice President
MH Miles Company, CPA, PC Christina Burger, MS
Cherese is a certified fraud examiner who
specializes in the USDA Food Programs and Team Nutrition Coordinator
governmental compliance. She has over 15 years of experience in Nebraska Team Nutrition
the fields of auditing, accounting, and consulting with specialized
experience in governmental contract auditing and contract Christina completed her master’s degree in
compliance. She testifies as an expert witness for the CACFP community nutrition and health promotion in 2014
and SFSP and manages MHMC’s review, consultant and training from the University of Nebraska and is currently working on her
engagements across the United States. PhD in the same field. She is researching how the updated CACFP
Cheryl Jackson-Lewis, MPA, RD, LDN meal pattern impacts child care providers’ practices across the state.
National Director, Nutrition, Education, Training and She has a unique understanding of local early childhood practices
Technical Assistance Division and continues to foster relationships with providers.
USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Cheryl provides leadership and technical direction Christina Smith
on Team Nutrition and the Institute of Child Nutrition. Cheryl
has held multiple technical and management positions in support Principal Consultant-CACFP
of the Child Nutrition Programs at the local, state, national and Illinois State Board of Education
international levels. Cheryl is a member of the Academy of
Nutrition and Dietetics and is a licensed and registered Dietitian. Christina has over 10 years prior experience in the
Cheryl Moss administration of child nutrition programs including
Owner, Director NSLP, CACFP, At-Risk and Special Milk. She works closely with
A Mother’s Touch Center for Child Development Sponsoring Organizations on application processes and providing
Cheryl realized potential as a family development technical assistance.
specialist for the Sharon School District conducting
monthly home visits. The hour visits allowed her to accomplish Christine Vineyard
great things with parents and children developing her philosophy:
If I can have your child for five hours out of a day, I will help shape Branch Chief
their destiny. Now a business owner, wife of 40 years, mother of USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Midwest Regional
six and grandmother of five, Cheryl stayed home 15 years before Office
Christine’s responsibilities surround the Child and
68 Adult Care Food Program and the Summer Food Service Program.
Before joining FNS, Christine worked for the USDA Human
Nutrition Research Center in Grand Forks, ND. After leaving
the research center, she spent many years working for Homeland
Christopher Primiano
Executive Vice President
Food & Supply Source
In his current role, Chris heads up the marketing
team and leads the supply division for Food &
Supply Source. Chris has over 30 years’ experience at the executive,
operational and functional levels of procurement covering small
organizations less than $10M to multi-billion dollar, publicly traded
companies. Chris’ expertise is in how to drive costs down and
enhance services at the same time.
Enhancing Communities
Food Services Group is the leading Nutritional, Health and Wellness Management Group
in the Northeast Region for all Non-Profits. Our programs include Head Start,
Early Head Start, Child Care, Family Child Care, Family Day Care, Charter Schools,
After School Programs, Settlement Houses, Shelters, Transitional & Supportive Housing,
Senior Programs, and more...
• CACFP Experts • STEAM Programming
• Food Service Management • Clinical & Nutrition Counseling
• Family Child Cares (FCC) • Physical Assessments & Health
• Home Base
• Menu Planning & Design Screenings
• Food Cost Analysis • Child Nutrition
• Kitchen Design & Expansion • Nutrition Education Workshops
• Recipe Development • Pregnancy & Lactation
• Cooking Classes & Training
• After School Programs Workshops
• Health & Wellness Programming • Obesity Prevention Program
• Green House & Gardening • Food Policy
• Arts & Craft Programming • Food Accessibility
• DI Internship Programs
• Professional Development
Building Healthier Communities and Developing Healthier Programs
Proud Sponsor of the Northeast Regional Networking
& Afterschool Functional Networking Sessions
Industry Partner
Clarissa Hayes Crystal Cooper, MBA
Child Nutrition Policy Analyst Director of Nutrition Support Services
Food Research and Action Center Chicago Public Schools
Clarissa works with anti-hunger organizations and Born and raised in Chicago, Crystal was a
local, state, and national organizations to expand participant in the breakfast and lunch programs
the use of afterschool and summer nutrition programs. Before in CPS, which now serves approximately 350,000 students at 660
joining FRAC, Clarissa was an anti-hunger program associate at schools. Crystal believes all students regardless of race, ethnicity, or
Maryland Hunger Solutions (an initiative of FRAC) and worked economic status have the right to high-quality, nutritious food and
to increase participation in the child nutrition programs across the advocates to drive this thinking forward. She holds her BA degree
state. She has completed two years of national community service from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and received
through AmeriCorps NCCC and AmeriCorps VISTA. her MBA from DePaul University in Chicago.
Claudine Pauselli, MPP Curtis Peace, MA
Senior Analyst Executive Director
U.S. Government Accountability Office Illinois AfterSchool Network
Claudine is an analyst-in-charge leading teams in Curtis provides professional development to afterschool providers
reviewing a variety of federal programs. Over the in Illinois. He is a trainer who has presented at the following
last few years, she has worked on issues related to human services, conferences: NAA, National Association of Elementary School
with a focus on child welfare resulting in recommendations to Principals, National Older Kids Conference and others. Previously
federal agencies for program improvement. Claudine has presented Curtis was the national manager for community relations and
her GAO’s findings at a number of national conferences. outreach for the Knowledge Learning Corporation and served as
adjunct faculty at the Harold Washington College in Chicago. He
Cole Momcilovich still serves on a number of local councils.
Student Danya Johnson
Park Tudor School
Co-Director of AR Team Nutrition Grant
Cole is a senior in Indianapolis. Indy Parks and University of AR for Medical Sciences
Recreation came to his school and asked for help
increasing the participation of their Summer Food Service Program. Danya disseminates nutrition training to child
Knowing the amount of time kids spent on their phone, and after nutrition processionals and early childcare
interviewing 30 eligible students, Cole knew that an app would be providers. She has developed training for the new CACFP meal
the easiest way to reach the students and provide them information patterns and early childcare providers.
regarding available food sources. Cole began this project in 2016,
and hasn’t looked back.
Coleen Donnelly
Corporate Chef K-12/Higher Education
Chef Coleen, 1996 graduate of The Culinary
Institute of America, has an extensive career
including executive chef/restaurateur, private chef, and instructor.
In 2000, she started cooking at a private school in East Hampton,
NY and has now helped many districts convert to a healthy and
sustainable model utilizing scratch cooking. In 2012, Chef Coleen
joined InHarvest, where she works with school-nutrition operators
across the country to find intact grain solutions that satisfy USDA
CACFP Coordinator
Health Promotion Council
Connor has been working in the food access field
for three years. His focus is on expanding the
role of his organization in overseeing the six emergency housing
shelters within their scope. He leads trainings and cooking classes.
Before Health Promotion Council, Connor attended culinary school
and worked as a chef in NYC. He earned his Bachelors of Arts
degree from Columbia University and is currently attending Drexel
University for his MPH.
Dawn Perez Diane Chapeta
Director of Implementation and Training IL Farm to School Network Program Manager
Minute Menu Systems Seven Generations Ahead
Dawn has 15 years of experience working with Diane’s career in food service has spanned
sponsors, providers, and centers in the CACFP. In thirty-two years. She committed the last fifteen
addition to assisting hundreds of sponsors in implementing solutions of those years to school nutrition, working in Wisconsin school
that help streamline agency processes, she has provided training districts. She developed successful and prosperous farm to school
workshops at national conferences, state agency training, and is a programs, building relationships with many Wisconsin farmers and
subject matter expert on Minute Menu and KidKare applications. processors. Diane now builds programming for the Illinois Farm to
School Network. She educates and trains school food service staff
Deborah Wilson expanding farm to school participation in Illinois, her home state.
Executive Director featured session speaker
Georgia Nutritional Services
Diane H. Craft, PhD
Deborah has over 20 years of experience working
with child and adult care programs and has been Professor
in business as a CACFP sponsor since 1996. Under her directive, SUNY Cortland
guided by her passion for the cause and with an outstanding and
committed team, GNSI exists to improve and maintain the health Diane has co-authored four books on
and nutritional status of children and adults. developmentally appropriate, inclusive physical activity for young
children including Active Play! Fun Physical Activities for Young
NCA Board of Directors Children. In addition, Diane has given over 240 highly-acclaimed
Denise Andrews, CMP, CCNP presentations, workshops and keynotes on early childhood physical
Co-Founder & Executive Director activities to audiences across the nation. She consults with the
For the Children CACFP Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as the subject matter
Denise helped establish For The Children CACFP expert on Early Childhood Physical Activity.
in Oklahoma in 2000, a nonprofit CACFP Sponsor for licensed child
care homes. Denise and her team support 92 child care homes. She Diane Doherty
represents small sponsor membership on NCA’s board of directors
while participating in the development of programs, activities, and Executive Director
policy positions. Illinois Hunger Coalition
Denise Meyer Diane works to expand and improve all of the
federal nutrition programs. She has been with IHC
State Director since 1996. Diane served on the faculty of Georgetown University’s
Association for Child Development Department of Pediatrics Child Development Center and in the
National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health. She
Denise has 11 years of program experience was also a faculty member at Catholic University. She has founded
monitoring family day care homes and centers. She several programs focused on ending homelessness among women
currently serves as the director for Michigan. Denise graduated from and children.
Central Michigan University with a bachelor’s degree in community
development and community services. Dominique Gardner
Derrick Lambert, MA Project Manager
Greater Chicago Food Depository
Senior Manager
No Kid Hungry Center for Best Practices Dominique manages CACFP and SFSP programs
Share Our Strength at the largest food bank in Cook County. She works
ensuring that youth have access to healthy, nutritious meals during
Derrick leads the summer meals strategy for the out of school times. Dominique has over 10 years of experience in
Center for Best Practices. Before joining in 2016, Derrick was a youth development including previous work at the
Program Manager with Hunger Free Vermont working with state world-famous Museum of Science and Industry. She is a certified
agency staff, school districts and statewide partners to expand youth professional with the Chicago Area Project and serves as a
federal child nutrition programs, particularly summer meals. pro Bono youth development consultant in her spare time.
Derrick has a master’s in international political economy from the
University of Kent (England) and a bachelor’s in political science Dominique Harris, MPH
from Union University.
SNAP-Ed Extension Educator
For complete bios on all our speakers and presenters... University of Illinois Extension
Yapp ID CACFP19 Dominique’s role as a SNAP-Ed Educator is
Join the conversation with #CACFP19 to provide policy, system, and environmental
intervention support to local communities and organizations, leading
to the ultimate goal of decreasing obesity by making the healthy
choice the easy choice.
Dyan Hes, MD Elizabeth Del Rio, MS
Medical Director Nutrition Educator
Gramercy Pediatrics Houston Food Bank
Dyan is Board Certified in both pediatrics and Elizabeth is a full-time graduate student and
obesity medicine, and practices both in her New Nutrition Educator at the Houston Food Bank. She
York office. In addition, she serves as Clinical Assistant Professor is currently working on her master’s degree in nutritional sciences
of Pediatrics at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University, as at the University of Texas at Austin with an emphasis on health
Director of the American Board of Obesity Medicine, and on the promotion and disease prevention. Elizabeth also develops and
Grain Foods Foundation Scientific Advisory Board. delivers trainings for Kids Cafes to support and encourage healthy
Eddie Longoria Elizabeth Dixon, MS
Regional Division Director, Special Nutrition Programs Education and Training Specialist
USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Southwest Regional Institute of Child Nutrition
Liz has a master’s in food, nutrition, and culinary
Eddie is responsible for the administration of all sciences from Clemson University and a bachelor’s
child nutrition and food distribution programs in TX, NM, OK, in nutrition and food science from Auburn University. She is
AR, and LA including NSLP, SBP, SFSP, CACFP, TEAFP, CSFP, certified in designing learning and writing for instructional design
WIC, and FDPIR. Prior to joining FNS in 2009, Eddie worked at and training from ATD Education. She is also an ACE-certified
Department of Homeland Security and served in the Marine Corps. health coach and personal trainer, AFAA-certified group fitness
He received his BS from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale instructor, and certified zumba instructor. She has 14 years of
and master’s degree in management from the University of Phoenix. experience. She enjoys teaching her fitness classes and hiking with
her dog.
Elan Patterson
Workshop Presenters are subject to change after printing. Please refer to our
Conference and Partnerships Coordinator website at or download the Yapp App for most current
National CACFP Sponsors Association directory of presenters.
Elan works to develop relationships with many
partners and with the participants in our annual
conferences including presenters, exhibitors, and venue personnel.
Elan graduated from The University of Mississippi with a BA in
Elizabeth MacQuillan, RDN, PhD Emily Keenum, MS
Assistant Professor, Clinical Dietetics Health Initiative Coordinator
Grand Valley State University Virginia Early Childhood Foundation
Elizabeth has special interests in nutrition Emily coordinates Virginia’s Nemours-funded
education, bariatric surgery nutrition and maternal- Healthy Kids, Healthy Futures initiative which
infant nutrition and health. Prior to GVSU, Libby was an instructor advances partnerships and systems changes to improve child health
in the dietetics program at Western Michigan University, where and nutrition practices in early care. Prior to joining the foundation,
she earned a PhD in interdisciplinary health sciences. She is Emily worked in early care professional development for 20 years,
committed to the development of competent, compassionate providing training and consultation services on social-emotional
dietetics professionals and advancing nutrition and dietetics through competencies, child resiliency and health, and classroom behavior
excellence in teaching and research. supports. She holds a master’s degree in counseling from Virginia
Commonwealth University.
Elizabeth Sherman
Enola Foust, MA
Office Administrator
National CACFP Sponsors Association Educational Consultant
EKs Consulting Services
Elizabeth works with members and conference
attendees. She manages the NCA certification Enola brings a wealth of knowledge, expertise,
program and social media. Elizabeth was a CACFP provider in experience, and passion to inspire the early
South Dakota. childhood professional to think outside the normal routines of
caring for and educating young children. Her vision is to provide
Elizabeth Villegas, MS educational grant writing services and customized training to
the early childhood community including Faith-based Youth
Graduate Student Organizations. She’s been married to Douglas for 42 years, is the
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign mother of four, and grandmother of four.
Elizabeth is currently working on her doctorate Erica Hobby
degree in human development and family studies
at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research Regional Director, MD, DC & VA
and policy work centers on understanding the myriad factors that Novick Brothers
threaten or support the health of low-income, Hispanic families and
children in general populations. Erica works with 600+ childcare center clients on
their overall food program and nutrition needs.
Emily Branton, MBA Previously, she worked as a center director and trainer for Sylvan
Learning Systems and has served on the leadership team for a
President large nonprofit. Erica believes in Novick’s mission of impacting
Link2Feed children’s nutrition, one childcare center at a time. She holds a
master’s in clinical social work from the University of Maryland.
Emily leads an international social enterprise that
believes data can truly make a difference. She Ericca Whitley
speaks internationally on topics related to hunger and technology for
social good. Emily holds a Masters of Business Administration from Member Communications Specialist
the University of Windsor. National CACFP Sponsors Association
Emily Chatelain, MBA Ericca is responsible for creating resources for
NCA’s sponsors and providers. She has over 15
Executive Director years of marketing and design experience.
Three O’Clock Project
Erin McKee
Emily is the executive director of a CACFP
Sponsoring Organization. She received her BS from Community Food Systems Program Director
Louisiana State University and MBA from the University of New Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
Orleans. Emily has successfully managed K-12 nutrition programs
for the past seven years, helping schools and after school programs Erin works on Farm to School and Farm to Early
with budgets, contracts, best operating practices, audits and general Care, getting fresh healthy produce from local
food service compliance issues. growers into school and early care meals. She also tests and
promotes curricula and educational models that encourage food
Learn more about the National CACFP literacy as children make the connection between those locally
Sponsors Association @ grown foods and farmers. Erin works with a broad coalition of
Sign up to get eNews and updates stakeholders to push forward state-level policy to support Farm to
delivered directly to your inbox. School and Early Care in Minnesota.
512.850.8278 [email protected]
general session speaker Fran Ransom-Canning, MA
Evan Robinson Review Coordinator
MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
8th Grade Student
Kenwood Academy High School Frances has worked with child nutrition programs for over 15
years. Her position requires clear and effective communication
At age 10, Evan was in the top six of contestants of Federal regulation and policies and State policy guidance with
on the popular tv show, MasterChef Junior. Since the show, he participants through on-going training and technical assistance.
has raised over $4,000 through his #PiesForPuertoRico fundraiser She has created and delivered numerous CACFP and SFSP training
and over $1,000 through his #PiesForPeople fundraiser benefiting sessions for institutions and sponsoring organizations. In addition to
Chicago’s homeless. Evan is eager to do what he can to support managing the review and serious deficiency processes, Frances has
child nutrition. The Whole Kids Foundation and Chef Rick Bayless written State policies and procedures enhancing the Massachusetts’
teamed with Evan and raised over $60,000 for beehives and administrative review practices.
gardening education for Chicago Public Schools. He has co-created
a line of cereals for kids under the Kashi brand. At age 13, Evan Gabriela Rangel
enjoys math, reading, tennis, lacrosse, taekwondo, and is a Star-
ranked Boy Scout. He plans to have a career in culinary and wants Program Director
to carry out his mission of taking ordinary foods to the next level to Child and Family Resources
“evanate” recipes.
Gabriela has worked for Child & Family Resources
Florence Rivera, MPH for nine years, serving as in her current role for
five years. She has a bachelor’s in family studies and human
Manager development from the University of Arizona, a Social Innovation
National Center on Early Childhood Nonprofit Leadership Certificate from Eller Executive Education,
Health and Wellness and is a Certified CACFP Child Nutrition Professional. She is
currently working on her master’s in early childhood studies.
Florence manages initiatives at the American
Academy of Pediatrics. She began her career as a manager of a Geri Henchy, RDN, MPH
Women, Infants and Children clinic developing health strategies
with high risk families to achieve healthier lifestyles. Florence has Director of Nutrition Policy
extensive experience designing and implementing public health Food Research and Action Center
programs specifically Early Head Start and home visiting programs.
She serves as the lead on obesity prevention strategies for the Geri’s work focuses on nutrition policies, such as
Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight within the National Center increasing the healthfulness of nutrition programs,
for Early Childhood Health and Wellness. necessary to reach the goals of eradicating domestic hunger and
improving the nutrition and health of low-income individuals and
families. She has been honored to receive numerous awards for
her work and serves as advisor to the National CACFP Sponsors
Vertical Gardening Systems Glenn Gaesser, PhD
We have invented a Vertical Educational Gardening Professor and Director Exercise and Wellness Program
System to enable Children in Schools to stem the Healthy Lifestyles Research Center,
growth of childhood obesity. Arizona State University
For more information, contact: Glenn’s research focuses on the effects of exercise
Barb Wehmer and diet on cardiovascular fitness and health and his work has been
(217) 653-2513 published in scientific journals, trade publications, and newsletters.
He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of California,
[email protected] Berkeley, where he also received his MA and PhD degrees with a
specialization in exercise physiology.
Vertical Gardening Systems
Sales Representatives for Environmentally Greg Piotrowicz
Friendly Outdoor and Indoor Products. Program Specialist
USDA Food and Nutrition Service,
Northeast Regional Office
Greg has been with FNS’s Northeast Regional
Office for four years, working with the CACFP and Summer
Programs. Prior to that, he worked in the Administration for
Children and Families’ Office of Head Start.
Helen Woo, MS, RDN, LDN Jane Pakan
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Special Programs Manager
Jefferson Parish Head Start Chicago Public Schools
Helen’s mission is to improve the nutrition of Jane oversees all local, state, and federal reviews
young children by increasing scratch cooking for school nutrition programs with CPS. She is the
in Head Start kitchens, reducing sugar and sodium, empowering lead for NSLP, CACFP and SFSP audits. Jane serves as the liaison
kitchen staff with skills to fulfill this mission, and educating families for CPS’ Nutrition Support Services and the Illinois State Board of
and children on how to meet nutritional needs. Helen earned her Education, Nutrition Programs department. She has been with CPS
MS in clinical nutrition and dietetics from NYU and completed her for 10 years and has a background in compliance. Jane was born and
internship at Tulane University in New Orleans. raised in Chicago.
Holly Prestegaard Jayme Flowers, RN
Senior Program Specialist and CACFP Team Lead Registered Nurse
USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Western Regional Office Purple Asparagus
Holly provides administrative oversight, training, Jayme is a registered nurse with a BSN degree from the University
and technical assistance to CACFP stakeholders. of Iowa and will be completing her master’s in nutrition and
Prior to working for the USDA, she held a variety of positions integrative health in August 2019. As the mother of five children,
including nutrition coordinator for a local Head Start program, nutrition has been her passion. She is a three-time cancer survivor
clinician dietitian for the Department of Veteran Affairs, and who strongly believes in prevention of chronic disease through
nutrition consultant for state and local agencies that deliver training whole-food nutrition.
to early care and education professionals.
NCA Regional Sponsor Representative
Illeme Amegatcher, PhD Jean Bianchi, CCNP
Nutrition Director
Associate Manager, Global Scientific and Regulatory Affairs Clarendon Early Education Services
General Mills Bell Institute of Health and Nutrition Jean began her career with the CACFP as a family
child care provider almost thirty years ago and has served as
Illeme leads health and nutrition initiatives for Foodservice. She director of nutrition since 2006. Jean has been an active member
also leads the Health Influencer Outreach program for Child of the Sponsors Association for almost twenty years.
Care, an area that is dear to her heart as a mother of 2 young
children. Illeme has an MS and a PhD in food science from Jen Jobrack, MA
Cornell University and a BS in food science from Alabama A&M
University. Vice President
Food Allergy Research & Education
Jackie Haven, MS, RD
Jen is a nationally recognized expert on food allergy policy and
Deputy Director legislation, industry practices, and strategies to improve the health,
USDA Food and Nutrition Service safety and inclusion of people with life threatening food allergies.
She has worked with and advised food service, food safety,
Jackie oversees the development and promotion education, hospitality and other industries on the development
of national Federal nutrition policy, the Dietary and implementation of best practices to manage the needs of the
Guidelines for Americans and the food icon, MyPlate within the growing epidemic of people living with and managing this disease.
Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion. She has been with
USDA for over 25 years. She holds an MS degree in clinical Jenie Farinas
nutrition from New York University and a BA in psychology and
marketing from the State University of New York at Albany. Senior Program Specialist
USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Midwest Regional
Jami Lee, LN, CFPM, CLC Office
Child Nutrition Services Manager Jenie works in the Child and Adult Care Food
Tri Valley Opportunity Council Program and the Summer Food Service Program. In addition to
helping State agencies navigate federal policies and regulations,
Jami has been practicing in the field of nutrition Jenie has been helping promote Farm to School activities in CACFP
for six years. For the past three years, farm to and the Summer Meals Program.
early care has been Jami’s passion. As an advocate in the state of
Minnesota, she partners with the Institute of Agriculture and Trade
Policy to not only implement farm to early care but also to pass the
Farm to School Bill in MN.
Jamie Chriqui, PhD, MHS Learn more about the National CACFP
Sponsors Association @
University of Illinois at Chicago Sign up to get eNews and updates
delivered directly to your inbox.
Jamie teaches health policy and administration and serves as
co-director of the Health Policy Center in the Institute for Health 512.850.8278 [email protected]
Research and Policy in the School of Public. She has been leading
nationwide research on ECE center experiences with the CACFP 75
Jennie Plewka Jill Castle, MS, RDN, CDN
Education Director Owner
Red Rabbit Jill Castle Nutrition
Jennifer is an experienced, innovative educator Jill is one of the nation’s premier childhood
whose passions for gardening and teaching about nutrition experts. Known as a paradigm shifter
food have combined with her background in horticulture and who blends current research, application and common sense, Jill
sustainability to enrich the lives of countless children. She has inspires audiences to think differently about nutrition and feeding
served as the garden and compost educator at seven branches of the kids. Jill serves on the board of advisors of Parents Magazine,
Queens library and has worked for the New York Botanical Garden advises a handful of child nutrition companies, authored Eat Like a
and Phipps Community Development Corporation as the director of Champion, co-authored Fearless Feeding, pens The Nourished Child
environmental education managing a 2.5 acre organic community blog, and contributes to US News & World Report’s For Parents.
garden in the Bronx.
Jill Cox, MS, RD
Jennifer Basey, MEd
Program Development Specialist
Program Associate Penn State Better Kid Care
National CACFP Sponsors Association
Jill develops nutrition, health, and wellness
Jennifer has served in many roles for the materials for early care and education professionals.
association including membership, website, Through her work at Better Kid Care, she has partnered with several
conference, sales, and education. She’s currently responsible for national, state and community agencies, and organizations to offer
the development of education materials. Jennifer spent ten years in evidence-informed resources on a variety of relevant health topics
education as an elementary teacher and as an instructional coach including obesity prevention, healthy eating and physical activity
working directly with teachers. promotion.
Jennifer Little, MS, RDN, LD Jill Turley, MS, RD, SNS, LD
Dietetic Internship Experience Coordinator Co-Founder & Managing Partner
Bluffton University Argunas Consulting
Jennifer has worked in her role for over six years. Jill has a talent for simplifying complex science
She previously worked in long term care, public into easy bites for real life. She is an experienced
health, and Extension services. Jennifer and her husband Scott have trainer with a background in kids’ health and the food industry. Her
lived in Bluffton, Ohio for the past 20 years, and the couple has two areas of expertise include nutrition, policy and employee well-
grown children. being. Jill co-founded Real Noshes, a food and nutrition consulting
team, and Argunas Consulting, specializing in kids’ health and
Jessica Soldavini, RD, LDN, MPH wellness and in training and coaching to help speakers, trainers and
educators shine.
Graduate Research Assistant Jocelyn Moss, MA
No Kid Hungry North Carolina
CACFP Centers Program Director
Jessica’s work focuses on food insecurity, federal YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh
nutrition programs, and community-based nutrition
and cooking interventions. She coordinates the nutrition education In her role, Jocelyn oversees childcare centers
program and leads the research and evaluation efforts for No Kid and at-risk after school programs in Pittsburgh
Hungry NC, which focuses on addressing child hunger through and surrounding areas.
increasing access to underutilized federal child nutrition programs, Jodi Kuhn
including Summer Meals, At-Risk After School Meals, and School
Breakfast. Director of Nutrition & Wellness
KinderCare Education
Jessica Willis
Jodi oversees CACFP participation in more than
Child Nutrition Programs Manager 800 KinderCare Learning Centers across 34 states
Northern Illinois Food Bank which collectively serve more than 2 million meals and snacks
monthly. She has the perspective of working with many agencies
Jessica graduated from Northern Illinois University and sharing best practices across the country. Jodi is the secretary
in May 2013 with a bachelor’s in science and for the CACFP Forum, and participates on national work groups
emphasis on nutrition and dietetics. She currently oversees all of including the USDA’s technical assistance and guidance group,
the operations for the Summer Food Service Program, At-Risk paperwork reduction workgroup, and the ICN’s CACFP National
Child and Adult Care Food Program, and Back Pack Program at the Advisory Committee.
Northern Illinois Food Bank.
For complete bios on all our speakers and presenters...
Join the conversation with #CACFP19
Judy Shanley, PhD Justin Behlke
Assistant Vice President, Education and Youth Transition, Culinary Director
Co-director Pilot Light
Easterseals & the National Center for Mobility
Management Justin oversees a core group of volunteers who
support the implementation of food education and
Judy manages projects for the Federal Transit Administration, develops and provides training to further the food education of
provides technical assistance to human services and transit teachers. His background is in professional restaurant settings and
professionals, and conducts research regarding inclusive mobility food anthropology.
innovation. Through Easterseals she brings together school and
public transportation providers to support youth access to education, Kaitlyn Streitmatter, MS, CHES
employment, and community living. Judy worked previously at the
U.S. Department of Education, where she wrote federal grants and SNAP Education Educator
ensured compliance. She earned her PhD in special education from University of Illinois Extension
the University of Florida.
Kaitlyn brings her passion for supporting healthy
Julie Miller Jones, PhD, LN, CNS families to her work where she provides
evidence-based nutrition and physical activity education to low
Distinguished Scholar and Professor Emeritus resource families in a variety of community settings. Kaitlyn’s work
Foods and Nutrition, St. Catherine University focuses on implementing policy and system change to promote a
healthier environment and ultimately encourage behavior change.
Julie is a board-certified and licensed nutritionist
and professor of nutrition. She was awarded Kara Panowitz, MSW
“professor who made a difference in people’s lives.” Julie is
especially interested in whole grains, dietary fiber, carbohydrates Senior Out of School Time Manager,
and dietary solutions. She actively educates consumers against No Kid Hungry Maryland
frauds and myths in nutrition and food safety. She is on the scientific Share Our Strength
advisory panel for the Grain Foods Foundation and many other
organizations. She is a fellow of the AACCI, ICC and IFT. Kara focuses on increasing access to and
participation in the summer and afterschool meal programs at Share
Our Strength. She received her master’s in social work at University
of Maryland, has been a Peace Corps Volunteer in Madagascar, an
executive director and filmmaker with Megaphone Project, and a
teacher in Baltimore City.
Karen Ray, CMP, CCNP, CCHC Kayla Swaar, MPH
Head Start SNAP Education Educator
Regina Coeli Child Development Center University of Illinois Extension
Karen has been with Regina Coeli Child Development Center for Kayla’s goal is to improve the likelihood that
38 years. She was a ServSafe instructor/proctor for three years and a persons eligible for SNAP will make healthy
child care health consultant for eleven years. choices within a limited budget and choose active lifestyles
consistent with the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans and
Karla Dumas, RDN, LDN MyPlate. She aims to make the healthy choice the easy choice by
increasing healthy food access, providing professional development
Director, Food & Nutrition Forward Food opportunities, and conducting environmental assessments.
The Humane Society of the United States
Kelly Horn
Karla’s background is in school foodservice
management and child nutrition. The nonprofit Director
Forward Food partners with institutional dining operations to Sunshine Connections
cultivate sustainable food systems by increasing plant-based menu
options. Karla works directly with programs by developing menu Kelly has spent over 24 years in the foodservice
cycles, recipes, and hosting hands-on culinary workshops. Dumas and child nutrition industry. She began her career
received her plant-based culinary certification through Rouxbe working for Kansas State Research and Extension and spent 10
cooking school. years as a director of school nutrition services. After working for the
Kansas State Department of Education, Child Nutrition & Wellness
Kate Abernathy, MS, RD, LD, CCNP Program, she started work at the grassroots level and has spent the
last six years at Sunshine Connections, CACFP Sponsor of homes
Director of Nutrition Education and centers.
Providers Choice
Kelly Lothian
Kate is passionate about training and development
and loves to work with staff and providers to serve Summer Food Service Program Director
nourishing meals. She is responsible for yearly nutrition education Food Service Professionals
training, which includes over 160 workshops that reach more than
4,000 providers. Kate received her BA in dietetics from the College Kelly spearheaded her organization’s participation
of Saint Benedict and her MS in human nutrition from Eastern in the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) in
Michigan University. 2010. Since SFSP inception, the organization has become the one of
the largest non-affiliated Summer Food Service Program sponsors
Katey Halasz, MPH, RD in the state of Illinois. Kelly also manages the daily operations for
120 schools in the National School Lunch Program. She earned a
Nutritionist bachelor’s degree in psychology from Illinois State University.
USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Kelsey Miller, MS
In her role, Katey works on the development of
resources and training materials for the Child and Program Manager
Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) to support the implementation Common Threads
of the CACFP meal patterns.
Kelsey manages partnerships with 30+ school and community-
NCA Board of Directors based organizations engaged in nutrition and culinary education
Kati Wagner, CMP, CCNP in Chicago. Kelsey approaches her work from the perspective of
President a social work community practitioner. She is passionate about
Wildwood CACFP celebrating the many strengths and gifts of Chicago’s diverse
Kati’s business background allows her to see communities.
unique opportunities for providers, and her expertise in handling
the budget, dealing with legislation, and management has allowed Kelsie Kliner
her organization success and growth in the CACFP. Kati has led
Wildwood in expansion to Wyoming where they are the sole Senior Manager of Programs
Sponsoring Organization. Greater Chicago Food Depository
Katie Colvin, MA Kelsie manages the staff and day-to-day
initiatives of serving children and older adults.
Director of Education Her role focuses on program development and expansion, and
Pilot Light she has established key partnerships, including collaborations
with Chicago Public Libraries, Chicago Public Schools and City
Katie oversees and supports over 80 teachers in the Colleges of Chicago. Kelsie contributes to high-level strategy and
Chicago Public School District who are leading program development, working towards long-term expansion and
food education lessons that are infused into their reading, writing, partnerships to ensure that the organization is increasing food access
math, and science curricula. She is a former teacher and school in the community.
administrator in Baltimore, Maryland and on the south side and west
side of Chicago.
Kendra Vandree, MS LaShawn Robinson
Program Specialist Senior Program Specialist
USDA Food and Nutrition Service USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Southeast Regional
Kendra oversees the administration of CACFP and
SFSP in Midwest states, leverages partnerships to LaShawn takes pride in knowing that child
expand access of healthy meals to low-income populations, and nutrition programs enhance the lives of many children and adults.
advocates for the use of local foods in federal nutrition programs. She ensures CACFP and SFSP program compliance and provides
She has a master’s in nutrition and spent two years in Ethiopia technical assistance throughout the Southeast region. She has been
conducting nutrition research and girls’ empowerment trainings with SERO for four years and has over 20 years of local level
through Peace Corps Masters International prior to joining USDA. experience working with CACFP and SFSP. LaShawn, a native
She admits to becoming a coffee snob after daily jebena buna in of Richmond, VA, earned her BS degree from James Madison
Ethiopia. University and her MBA from Averett University.
Kenza Woods, MBA, MPA Lauren Tucker, MA
Senior Manager Healthy Way to Grow CACFP Program Analyst
American Heart Association City of Philadelphia Office of Homeless Services
Kenza is responsible for program development and Lauren has worked for the City of Philadelphia for
expansion of Healthy Way to Grow, which focuses over 12 years serving the homeless population of
on improving healthy habits for young children, their families Philadelphia, PA. Lauren is in charge of monitoring six city-funded
and community. Healthy Way to Grow, a joint program of AHS homeless shelters and three contracted vendors for CACFP program
and Nemours that supports obesity prevention in early care and compliance.
Leah Feagin, SNS
Keven Vicknair, PhD
School Nutrition Director
President and CEO Mayfield Independent Schools
Equal Heart
Leah found her passion in school nutrition after
Keven founded the nonprofit in 2015 with the intent to use her working in university and health care settings. She
experience to bring innovation to hunger programs for families. is committed to enhancing the quality of her own family’s meals and
Equal Heart supports summer and after-school programming in ten plans to continue to advocate for all students in her home district
states with the bulk of operations in Texas where their central office and nationally with the SNA legislative efforts.
is located.
Leanne Whiteside-Mansell, PhD
Kory Keimig
Nutrition Services Operations Manager University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Houston Independent School District
Leanne has over 25 years of experience conducting
Kory is responsible for managing the team leads research in implementation of supportive programs
and food service attendants in his area to ensure all targeting at-risk children. She has published over 90 academic
performance and production standards are met. He has been a key articles and has focused on nutrition education for over eight years.
part of the operation’s team and often serves on cross-functional
committees representing the operation’s perspective. Lesley Kohn, MBA
Kristi Lewis, PhD, RD Executive Director
Research Scientist
The Institute of Child Nutrition Lesley has been leading the way to feeding children
healthy meals that are CACFP compliant for the
Kristi’s research focuses on childhood obesity, past 18 years and loves what she does.
community health programs, the development of
best practices for serving young children, and wellness in child care Levell Baker
operational issues facing food service staff. Kristi is a registered
dietitian and nutrition consultant working in rural community Program Coordinator
organizations in which she serves on several boards and volunteers YWCA Metro Chicago - Tummy Nutrition
to provide nutrition and health services. and Education Services CACFP
Lacy Stephens, MS, RDN Levell started his career as a home child care
provider 25 years ago. He has been recognized for his passion
Program Manager and work with the “Visionary Excellence Award 2010” – Chicago
National Farm to School Network Urban League, “Beacon of Light Award 2011” – Illinois Action for
Children, and the “Unsung Hero Award 2015” – Women’s Business
Lacy works to promote the development and Development Center. He prides himself in attuning his life’s
expansion of the farm to school and early care purpose and passions to systemically serve the early education field.
and education movement through information sharing, network
building, and advocacy. Based in Bozeman, Montana, Lacy is a
registered dietitian with a master’s in sustainable food systems.
Leyla Marandi, MPH Linsey LaPlant, MS, RDN
Program Manager Sales Manager
California Food for California Kids® Health-e Pro
Leyla is a public health professional whose work Linsey has extensive experience in child nutrition
focuses on chronic disease prevention, child programs. She worked 11 years with Washington
nutrition programs, and local school wellness policy. She supports State Child Nutrition Services ensuring program compliance and
a statewide network of 89 public school districts in serving healthy, assisting program operators with implementing the Healthy Hunger
freshly prepared school meals featuring California-grown food. Free Kids Act of 2010. Linsey also worked in a large public school
as dietitian manager implementing Health-e Pro software.
Linda Funk
featured session speaker
Executive Director
The Soyfoods Council Lisa Mack
Linda develops and executes soyfood programing. Executive Director
She works with the national food and nutrition National CACFP Sponsors Association
media, develops chef training, creates promotional programs for
foodservice and retail, works with manufacturers, and develops food Lisa works with the board of directors to develop
sponsorships for local and national food conferences. In her 30+ and implement the long-term operating plan to ensure the growth
year career in food marketing, Linda has been recognized with a and success of the National CACFP Sponsors Association. Central
number of awards and has served on multiple boards. She graduated to that plan is managing member relationships, resource and
from Stout University with a degree in home economics. product development, training and conference programming, and
partnership development. She has a BBA from Pace University.
Lindsay Ball Londa Tindle
Administrative & Greenhouse Programs Assistant Director
Baxter Community Center Providers Premier Choice of SEK
Lindsay obtained her BS in public health education Londa has a BS in finance and has spent her career
from Central Michigan University, completed in small business management with an emphasis in
an internship at Baxter Community Center, and was hired in her child nutrition programs. Londa’s had diverse duties in accounting,
current role upon completion of her internship. She works with data budgeting, inventory and time management. She has been in her
collection and is involved with the Garden Club curriculum. Lindsey role for 17 years and is also a licensed caterer who enjoys preparing
also assists in all garden and greenhouse programs at Baxter. meals and teaching others to create healthy meals for themselves.
Lori Ferris, CMP, CCNP, RN Lynn Loflin changemaker award
Teaching Kitchen Executive Chef
CACFP Consultant / Health and Nutrition Manager Lenox Hill Neighborhood House
Health and Nutrition Consulting of Iowa
Lynn transformed food services at Lenox Hill
Lori has been a registered nurse for over 27 years. Neighborhood House to a farm-to-institution
While managing the CACFP in different settings model serving 350,000 healthy and delicious meals annually with
she has worked with at-risk programs, as the health and nutrition more than 90% fresh food (30-40% locally sourced) with a focus
manager for Head Start and Early Head Start Programs and as an on scratch cooking. In 2015, Lynn led the launch of The Teaching
independent CACFP consultant. These positions have allowed her to Kitchen, a groundbreaking training and technical assistance
introduce, maintain, and manage CACFP programs with the goal of program designed to help other nonprofit organizations serve more
continually improving practices and educating staff to give children fresh, healthy and local food.
a high-quality food program.
Lorrene Ritchie, MS, RD, PhD Maggie Mae Kennedy
Director Nutrition Trainer
Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Houston Independent School District
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Maggie has led child nutrition compliance classes
Lorrene has devoted her 25-year career to to over 1700 Houston ISD staff members and
synthesizing and conducting research to inform nutrition programs 300 Houston ISD managers. She designed and implemented
and policy with an emphasis on the youngest and most vulnerable processes to streamline onboarding and training for incoming
populations and the federal nutrition assistance programs. She has a middle management, which has reduced early turnover and created
MS and PhD in nutritional sciences from UC Berkeley. efficiency.
Lucy Ann Amos, MEd Malissa Marsden, SNS
CACFP Training Specialist Consultant
Maryland State Department of Education Child Nutrition Support Services
Lucy Ann earned her bachelor’s of science in child Malissa provides culinary training and assistance
and family studies from Syracuse University and in creating recipes, meals, and menus that utilize
her master’s in early childhood education from Towson University. available commercial and USDA foods for child nutrition for
She has over 13 years of teaching experience with adult learning two agriculture marketing boards. She focuses on speedy, simple,
principles and also works as an associate professor at Northern scratch recipes and menus that operators can utilize in their
Virginia Community College, Howard Community College, and operations and that the kids will eat. Malissa has a BA and AA from
Anne Arundel Community College. Purdue University.
Lupe Villanueva, MBNM Marisa Paipongna
Director of Child Nutrition Supplement Services Project Associate
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago Afterschool Alliance
Lupe has over nine years of experience managing Marisa supports health and wellness initiatives while also
and administrating the SFSP & CACFP programs. coordinating the national cohort of AmeriCorps VISTA members.
She manages staff in coordinating all outreach activities and This includes VISTA members who focus on capacity building for
services: planning and conducting trainings for local sites, afterschool and summer meals programs. Marisa is passionate about
monitoring sites for program compliance, ensuring that agency/ ensuring that youth have the opportunities they need to best support
divisional goals are met, and maintaining financial and statistical their enrichment and wellness.
reports. A consummate professional, Lupe has communicative
acuities in team development, management, and in the ability to Mark Messina, PhD
establish and maintain vital business relationships with stakeholders.
Executive Director
Lutina Cochran, MS, PDS Soy Nutrition Institute
Education and Training Specialist In addition to serving as the executive director of
Institute of Child Nutrition the Soy Nutrition Institute, Mark is the co-owner of
a nutrition consulting company and an adjunct associate professor
Lutina develops resources and provides technical assistance to at Loma Linda University. He is a former program director with
CACFP professionals. Prior to joining the Institute in 2010, she the National Cancer Institute and has spent more than 30 years
served in both classroom and management roles in the field of investigating the health effects of soy. Mark has published more
early childhood education. Lutina has a master’s in early childhood than 100 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and has given
education, and is currently pursuing a doctorate in higher education. over 600 presentations in 54 countries on soyfoods.
Workshop Presenters are subject to change after printing. Please refer to our Community Get child nutrition
website at or download the Yapp App for most current Member resources delivered directly
directory of presenters. to your email inbox!
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Mark Speight Maureen Lyons
Senior Program Specialist Director of Training & Center-Based Programs
USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Southwest Regional Wildwood CACFP
As a national trainer specializing in early &
Mark works for FNS in the regional office based elementary childhood topics, Maureen brings
in Dallas, TX. Prior to joining FNS, he was the audit coordinator/ genuine enthusiasm and passion for health equity to the forefront.
compliance administrator for Arkansas Department of Human She creates and presents engaging evidence-based training to
Services in the Division of Childcare and Early Childhood showcase successful initiatives combined with experimental
Education. Mark has over 20 years’ experience as the CFO of a concepts for programs across the U.S. including CACFP Sponsors,
privately held holding company. He graduated with a BSBA in National Head Start, National Childhood Obesity Conference and
accounting from the University of Arkansas. countless regional and state conferences.
Marlie Wilson, MS Megan Kuchar, MBA
Good Food Purchasing Project Manager Principal Consultant-SFSP
Chicago Food Policy Action Council Illinois State Board of Education
Marlie has spent the past decade working to foster Starting out with a background in accounting and
more fair, healthy, and sustainable food systems. management, Megan currently administers the
Prior to joining CFPAC, she served as Illinois Farm to School Summer Food Service Program for the entire State of Illinois. She
Network Coordinator with nonprofit Seven Generations Ahead, also plays a role in the Chicago Work Group Meeting which strives
where she connected local food to child nutrition programs fostering to provide access to meals to all children in the Chicago Land area
more food and garden-based education across the state. Marlie holds when school is not in session.
a BA from New York University and MS from the University of
Wisconsin-Madison. Melanie Wong, MA, RDN
Marta Fetterman, CYC-P Registered Dietitian
Association for Child Development
Director of Statewide Program Support
Early Learning Indiana Melanie develops nutrition education materials on
CACFP meal patterns and assists with training over
Marta has lead the Taking Steps to Healthy Success 3,000 child care providers and 150 centers across Michigan and
project for five years, housed within Early Learning Illinois.
Indiana. Taking Steps to Healthy Success is designed to support
healthy practices within early childhood programs and is funded
by Nemours. She brings decades of experience in curriculum
development, technical assistance, workshop facilitation, leadership
and stakeholder support. Marta also develops partnerships
that consistently expand our state’s ability to nurture physical
development, nutrition and healthy environments for early learners.
Matt Nattinger, MS, PhD
U.S. Government Accountability Office
Matt has contributed to the reviews of a variety
of federal programs at the U.S. Government
Accountability Office (GAO). Over the last couple of years, he
has worked on issues related to human services, including child
nutrition assistance, Medicaid, and veterans’ care.
Mattie Young-Burns
Senior Program Manager
Common Threads
Each school year Mattie and her team connect over 25,000 students,
teachers, and parents with culinary and nutrition education in
Chicago. Before joining Common Threads, Mattie worked for
various nonprofits including Habitat for Humanity and Amigos de
las Americas after getting her start in the restaurant industry at the
age of 15. Her passion is ensuring that every child knows how to
make themselves a healthy meal.
NCA Board of Directors Michael Gomez
Melissa Moore, CCNP
Director of Programs Chef of Education
Family League of Baltimore Love My Diet – Delight in Every Taste
Melissa has been working with the federal
nutrition programs for over six years. In her role, she oversees Michael teaches students through hands-on
the afterschool, summer, and family child care home programs demonstration how to make better choices in the
in Baltimore, Maryland. She is treasurer of the National CACFP kitchen to develop a healthier lifestyle. Using his training as a
Sponsors Association and chair of the Baltimore Partnership to End professional chef and his own experience in losing 130 pounds,
Childhood Hunger. he has been able to connect with youth who are searching for a
workable solution to their weight and obesity problems.
Melissa Tramontana, RD
Michelle Fombelle, MPH, CHES
Team Lead, CACFP & SFSP
USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Mountain Plains SNAP-Ed Extension Educator
Regional Office University of Illinois Extension
Melissa provides oversight of program Michelle’s work experience includes academia at
administration as well as technical assistance to team members and Illinois State University, Eastern Illinois University,
state agencies regarding the Child and Adult Care Food Program and Southern Illinois University, healthcare at Sarah Bush Lincoln
and the Summer Food Service Program. Melissa joined FNS in Hospital. Michelle’s current work in community-based education
2007 after obtaining her bachelor’s degree in nutritional sciences at for low-income families focuses on providing evidence-based
Rutgers University. programming in hopes of initiating behavior change. She focuses on
low-income populations within schools, early childhood, and food
pantry settings in four counties of central Illinois.
Merdis Hudson, MEd, MBA Michelle Lombardo, DC
Team Lead President
USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Midwest Regional Office The OrganWise Guys
Merdis is responsible for providing leadership and Michelle founded The OrganWise Guys in 1993
technical assistance to state agencies (IL, IN, MI, with the goal of making complicated medical
MN, OH, and WI) and to other members of the child nutrition team. research relevant and usable for kids of all ages to make health-
She has been with FNS since 2010. Merdis has a MEd from Virginia oriented behavior changes. The nutrition and physical activity
State University and an MBA from Averett University. programs she developed underwent extensive research and results
are published in top-tier, peer-reviewed journals.
Shelf Stable & Cutomizable! Michelle Smith, MSW, LSW
Breakfast, Lunch/Dinner and Snack Kits! Outreach Manager
Designed to meet USDA requirements for Pennsylvania Head Start Association
CACFP and SFSP programs. PHSA has partnered with The Food Trust in
Pennsylvania’s Farm to Early Learning initiative,
Visit our booth #901/903, and learn Ready, Set, Grow in an effort to further farm to early learning
what JA Foodservice can do for you! activities in Pennsylvania. Michelle works to involve a diverse
group of stakeholders including educators, parents, farmers, and community leaders in this task force to develop strategies that will
build a foundation for access to fresh, local foods and high-quality
(800) 592-1173 learning environments.
Minerva Delgado, MA
Director of Coalitions and Advocacy
Alliance to End Hunger
Minerva is an accomplished nonprofit professional
in the areas of hunger, poverty and civil rights
with over 28 years striving for social and economic justice. She
builds public and political will to end hunger worldwide. She
oversees the work to strengthen Hunger Free Community coalitions
and champions legislative solutions. She is a former food bank
executive director and has held senior positions at the Children’s
Defense Fund, LatinoJustice and in NYC government.
Mimi Wu, MS, RD Olivia Blanchflower
Nutritionist Director of Wholesale and Distribution
USDA Food and Nutrition Service Greenmarket Co.
Mimi develops and promotes nutrition education Olivia oversees Greenmarket Co., GrowNYC’s local food hub and
and technical assistance materials to support those wholesale distribution programming, and its related food access
participating in Child Nutrition Programs, with an emphasis on programs, Youthmarket and Fresh Food Box. Olivia is a member
projects that support the Child and Adult Care Food Program. of the Farm to Institution New York State Leadership Team, and
LEAD New York’s Class of 2017. She holds a Bachelor of Arts
Molly Reidy, RD, LDN degree from Sarah Lawrence College.
Registered Dietitian Olivia Newman, MPH, RD
Purple Asparagus
Nutritionist, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for
Molly got a BS in nutrition and completed her Women, Infants and Children
dietetic internships at the UT Austin. She has USDA Food and Nutrition Service
worked as an RD around Chicago since 2016, and most recently at
the Shirley Ryan Ability Lab on the pediatric unit. Molly witnessed Olivia works on a team that develops national
the need for enhanced education around food introduction and policy and provides technical guidance in the areas of nutrition
exploration with children in the hospital. She is pursuing a master’s education, infant and toddler nutrition and breastfeeding promotion
degree in nursing at DePaul and is an intern with Purple Asparagus. and support. She received her BS in nutrition from Radford
University and completed her dietetic internship at the University of
Monica Miles, CPA, CFE Maryland Eastern Shore.
President Pamela A. Cureton, RD, LDN
MH Miles Company, CPA, PC
Clinical & Research Dietitian
Monica has more than twenty years of experience MassGeneral Hospital Center for Celiac Research and
in the fields of auditing, consulting, and contract/ Treatment
grant compliance. She has managed and participated in hundreds
of CACFP and SFSP reviews and investigations. Additionally, Pam’s work includes coordinating the clinical
she regularly serves as a presenter at state agency, sub-recipient, management of patients with celiac disease and gluten intolerance,
and trade association annual trainings and conferences. Monica educational programs and lectures for the celiac community,
has testified as a state-appointed expert witness in several state physician, dietitians and other health care providers and
administrative hearings of CACFP and SFSP institutions. involvement in research projects at the Center.
Naomi Czerwinskyj, MS Patricia Smith
Senior Implementation Specialist CACFP Compliance Monitor
Link2Feed City of Philadelphia Office of Homeless Services
Naomi believes that data is the key to “feeding Patricia provides CACFP support to six of the
change” and enjoys working directly with city’s emergency shelters through ongoing training,
nonprofits to help them better understand the people they serve. evaluation, and technical assistance, adapting to each providers
She has worked for international social-mission businesses in individual concerns. Patricia has worked with children and youth
Afghanistan, throughout Central America, and in the U.S. Naomi experiencing homelessness for over 13 years. A former educator and
holds an MS in international public service from DePaul University. health advocate, she is dedicated to teaching children that being fit
can be fun and that “good for you” can taste good!!
Natalie Clark advocacy award
Phillip Hester, CMP, CCNP
Chief Operating Officer
Minute Menu Systems President
Our Daily Bread of TN
Natalie has worked with sponsors of homes and
centers, state agencies, and child care providers Through Phillip’s leadership, Our Daily Bread
across the country for over 20 years. She has led Minute Menu’s of TN has grown to be one of the largest CACFP
partnerships with national CACFP and child care advocacy Sponsors in Tennessee and recently opened sponsorship in
organizations and is a member of the USDA Paperwork Reduction Kentucky. Taking Root TN, a branch of ODBTN, has installed 37
Workgroup. raised bed gardens at child care facilities since 2015 and continues
to teach children sustainability, economic development and social
justice within the local food system.
Nell Dochez We welcome for-profit
companies who sell goods and
Program Manager Industry Partner services to the child nutrition
CitySquare community to join us as an
Industry Partner.
CitySquare’s Mobile SFSP program serves 80 sites
daily. Through a partnership with AmeriCorps, 85
Nell supervises a staff of 60 each summer. Nell focuses on
program excellence and innovation, developing strategies to drive
participation and connect with communities, while making sure her
team leaves with experience and knowledge.
Patti Delger, RDN Rebecca Schermbeck, MS, RD, MPH
Team Nutrition Co-Director Research Specialist
Iowa Department of Education University of Illinois at Chicago
Patti works on the grant that supports and improves Rebecca has been working with Institute for Health
healthy child care environments through nutrition Research and Policy (IHRP) since 2009 and is a
education, smarter mealtimes, and training child care nutrition staff team member responsible for conducting research on the revised
to plan and prepare healthy meals. Patti is committed to promoting meal pattern standards for the Child and Adult Care Food Program.
life-long healthy eating and physical activity habits in children and She is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in public health
youth, including her five adorable grandchildren. She joined the and nutrition.
Iowa Department of Education in 2008 as project director for Team
Nutrition and has over 30 years of experience. Rebekka Lee, ScD
Rachael Morkunas Research Scientist
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Director of Education and Programs Prevention Research Center on Nutrition and
Purple Asparagus Physical Activity
Rachael is a Chicago native whose background is Rebekka has spent the past decade using mixed methods to
in food service and food management. Wanting to conduct evaluation research with partners at the YMCA, Boston
make a shift into the nonprofit world, Rachael began volunteering Public Health Commission, and Massachusetts Department of
with Purple Asparagus in 2016 running the Delicious Nutritious Public Health. Her research focuses on designing and evaluating
Adventures program at the National Teachers Academy. In 2017 community-based interventions that translate into real world policy
she joined Purple Asparagus to coordinate and develop the program. and environmental change.
Rachel Weiler NCA Board of Directors
Rhonda Kobylecky, CMP, CCNP
Sales Manager, DNO Produce Director of Food Services
Acelero Learning
Rachel serves as the liaison between research and Rhonda has been working in Head Start for over
fresh produce supply at DNO. She previously 15 years. While overseeing the Clark County, NV Head Start Food
worked as a food scientist for an infant formula Services, Rhonda also monitors and supports delegate Head Start
company and has a BS in food science from Ohio State University. Programs in Wisconsin, Philadelphia and New Jersey. Rhonda has
served as a Regional Representative with National CACFP Sponsors
Association and is a current board member.
· Meal Production Records based on the Food Buying Guide Rhys Powell
· Completelyweb based
· Customized to your State’s Regs and Eligibility Forms Chief Executive Officer
· Helps your sponsored sites with accurate reporting Red Rabbit
· Migrate meals to affiliated sites
Red Rabbit’s mission is to fix the school food
The all new CenterPilot program navigates your centers through CACFP danger zones! Glide system—one community at a time. Rhys leads the
through whole grains requirements and juice restrictions. Just a glance at the color coded team of 150 people in serving made from scratch, healthy meals to
instrument panel updates you instantly and helps you follow a smooth meal plan. The new children in 180 schools all over New York City while staying under
meal patterns are are ALL programmed into your flight plan. the reimbursement level.
Now you can fly through your paperwork!
Ricardo Berrios
Safety Features: CP
Food Services Coordinator
· pre-program your meal flight plans Acelero Learning
· pre-saved meals including infant meals
· pre-saved weekly menus Ricardo oversees operations at five Head Start
centers within Middlesex County, New Jersey
· print menus and grocery lists where he strives to excel in nutrition education for the children
· alerts enrollment expiration dates enrolled in his program. This includes menu development, staff
· automatically calculates free/reduced/paid status training/education and hands on learning through gardening and
· generates printable attendance templates with names and ages educational activities with food. He obtained his bachelor’s in
· prevents service of juice more than twice a day nutrition from Montclair State University, and has previous work
· prevents saving flight plans without whole grains experience in food and nutrition within a clinical setting.
· print complete meal production records based on the Food Buying Guide
· tracks planned, served and purchased milk and compares daily
· accurately calculates payments to sites
· deducts admin fees
· generates ACH file
Serving Sponsors of Child Care Centers, Independent Child Care Centers,
Head Start Centers and Sponsors, Adult Daycare Centers, At Risk Afterschool
Programs and Summer Food Service Programs for over 14 years.
Contact us today to take a test ight!
[email protected] or call 214-427-4467
featured session speaker Sarah Smith-Holmes
Richard D. Mattes, MPH, PhD, RD Director, Program Monitoring and Operational
Support Division
Professor of Nutrition Science USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Purdue University
Sarah oversees the compliance of the Child
Richard’s research focuses on the areas of hunger Nutrition Programs including NSLP, SBP, CACFP, and SFSP
and satiety, regulation of food intake in humans, food preferences, at both the State and local levels. She provides support to State
human cephalic phase responses and taste and smell. He was partners through grant funding activities and has responsibility for
recently appointed as one of 20 nationally recognized scientists to State Systems and Direct Certification processes. Sarah previously
serve on the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Their worked in the Mountain Plains Regional Office in Denver,
review, along with public and agency comments, will help inform Colorado. She has worked with all 15 of the USDA-FNS Programs
USDA and HHS’ development of the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines during her 29-year tenure.
for Americans (DGAs). Richard earned an undergraduate degree in
biology and a Masters degree in Public Health from the University Savannah Thornburg
of Michigan as well as a doctorate degree in Human Nutrition
from Cornell University. He conducted post-doctoral studies at the Director of Wyoming Operation
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and the Monell Chemical Wildwood CACFP
Senses Center.
As the director of a child care center, a CPR instructor, or as a
Rita Kidwell Serv-Safe Food Safety Professional, Savannah Thornburgh shares
her passion for food, nutrition, and children in all that she does. She
Executive Director has been in serious deficiency and made her way out.
Joyce Network
Selena King, MPA
Rita has been a sponsor of the Child and Adult
Care Food Program for nearly 30 years. She has Wellness Manager
trained many daycare providers the value of feeding children well Midwest Dairy
balanced meals and how to comply with all CACFP regulations.
Rita expanded Joyce Network Inc. to sponsor unaffiliated centers Selena works with and through partners. Her
and ministries on the Child and Adult Care Food Program. Rita is mission is to share dairy’s farm-to-table story
past NCA board member. with consumers by developing, executing and evaluating wellness
strategies and channels.
Robin Holz, MS, RDN general session speaker
Lead Consultant, Centers NCA Board of Directors
Bureau of Nutrition and Health Services, Senta Hester, CMP, CCNP
Iowa Department of Education Executive Director
Our Daily Bread of CACFP
Robin is the lead consultant for center-based Senta established Our Daily Bread of CACFP twenty-four years ago
CACFP programs and has worked in the CACFP for over 21 years which today services over 15,000 children daily. She first began her
in both Iowa and Minnesota. She received her master’s degree CACFP career as a home provider. The CACFP and ODBCACFP
from Iowa State University. Robin enjoys cooking, gardening, and both have since become her passion. Senta has served on the board
spending time with family and friends. of directors for several child care and child nutrition organizations
including her current role as president of NCA. She is an active
NCA Board of Directors member of the Childhood Obesity Coalition.
Robin Paul, CMP, CCNP
Chief Executive Officer Shannon Amos, MFCS, CMP, CCNP
Mid Michigan Child Care Centers
Robin oversees the sponsoring of the CACFP Senior Director of Agency Programs
for Family Day Care Homes, Unaffiliated and Affiliated Centers, Children’s Hunger Alliance
At-Risk, Head Start and Emergency Shelters serving over 26,000
children. She has served on the board of directors of the National Children’s Hunger Alliance is dedicated to ensuring
CACFP Sponsors Association for 13 years. children in Ohio receive healthy food, nutrition
education, and physical activity. Shannon oversees program work
Samia Hamdan, MPH, RDN including sponsorship of the USDA’s Child and Adult Care Food
Program to provide food for afterschool sites, child care centers,
Senior Nutritionist and family child care homes; expanding access to school breakfast
USDA Food and Nutrition Service, and summer programs; and education. Her degrees are in child and
Midwest Regional Office family community services and human development and family
For the past 13 years, Samia has led nutrition
training and technical assistance for six State Agencies 87
administering the Child Nutrition Programs, and 23 Intertribal
Organizations that participate in the USDA Food Distribution
Program on Indian Reservations. Samia has an MPH degree from
the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities and two undergraduate
degrees in agricultural journalism and dietetics from the University
of Wisconsin-Madison.
Shannon Raymond, MPH Sheila Tompkins-Hess
Training Specialist ECE Professional
MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Sheila has been a supporter of Head Start for
As the CACFP and SFSP training coordinator, much of her life. She attended Head Start as a
Shannon is responsible for developing and child and then worked as a teacher, a director and
facilitating trainings on all aspects for Sponsoring Agencies to a supervisor for Head Start and Early Head Start programs. Sheila
ensure their successful operation. She has over five years experience loves working with children and with helping staff to increase their
working with out-of-school time programs and supporting their skills with the children they support. Sheila has been a trainer at
efforts to provide healthy environments for participants in their care. NAEYC and state conferences as well as many local ECE trainings
in Las Vegas.
Shannon Wells
Shekila Smith, MPA, CLC
Culinary Specialist
Forward Food, A program of The Humane Society of the Principal Consultant-CACFP
United States Illinois State Board of Education
Shannon is a classically trained chef, graduate of Shekila is a coordinator of CACFP for family
Le Cordon Bleu, and has over 15 years experience in the restaurant day care homes. She has a master’s degree in
industry. She began her career in craft services in Hollywood where public administration and policy analysis and a bachelor’s degree
she created plant-based offerings. Shannon’s passion is to excite in corporate and organizational development, both from Southern
others through using proper cooking techniques to bring out the best Illinois University Edwardsville. Shekila is also a certified life
in ingredients. Cooking is a family passion and she and her partner coach, business strategist, and is the founder of leadership group for
Josh love cooking with their children at home in California. entrepreneurs.
Sharon Davis Shelby Beverly, MSA
Family & Consumer Sciences Education Procurement and Compliance Analyst
Home Baking Association Georgia Nutritional Services
Sharon is passionate about baking whole grain Shelby started her career with GNSI in December
while building food skills for all ages. She has 40 of 2016 and has been engaged in training and
years’ experience developing test kitchen recipes. She has conducted development, programming, and new initiatives that support the
hundreds of teacher, extension and food service workshops across health and nutritional status of children and adults within the
the U.S as a licensed secondary teacher with the desire to serve CACFP. She is dedicated to making a difference in day to day
consumer food educators. Sharon graduated from Iowa State programs and meal service that benefit young children and adults.
University with a degree in family and consumer sciences and is
proud to be an NCA CACFP ally. Sherry Coleman Collins, MS, RDN, LD
NCA Regional Sponsor Representative Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Consultant
Sharon Ray National Peanut Board
Nutriservice Sherry is passionate about helping overcome the
Sharon’s 30 years in CACFP include sponsoring divide between nutrition facts and fiction. She has
home day care providers, child care centers, and adult day care spoken at dozens of conferences across the country on the topic of
centers. She has served various CACFP committees. Her favorite food allergies. Sherry helped develop the Academy of Nutrition and
CACFP activity is sharing training and resources with care givers. Dietetics’ Certificate of Training in Food Allergies and wrote the
Academy’s Practice Paper on the Role of the RDN in Food Allergy
Diagnosis and Management.
Shaista Shaikh Simone M. Moseley, JD
Family & Consumer Sciences Education Director of Program Strategy
Illinois State Board of Education After School Matters
Shaista administers the Child and Adult Care Food Simone directs After School Matters’ strategies
Program for the State of Illinois. This includes for optimizing program systems and operations,
serving as the primary Illinois contact for program related questions empowering instructors and staff to better support youth
from program participants, legislators, USDA, and program development and deliver programs of the highest quality. Before
advocates. joining ASM, Simone worked on implementation of large-scale
change initiatives at the Chicago Public Schools. She earned a Juris
For complete bios on all our speakers and presenters... Doctorate from DePaul University College of Law and is currently
DOWNLOAD THE APP! working towards a Master’s in public policy at the University of
Yapp ID CACFP19 Chicago.
Join the conversation with #CACFP19
Sonya Barnes, MS, RD, CHC Stephanie Manchester
Branch Chief, USDA Child Nutrition Programs Nutrition Food Coordinator
and Technical Assistance Acelero Learning
USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Stephanie received her certification in culinary arts
Sonya leads teams on projects and initiatives and a BA in psychology. Acelero allows Stephanie
relating to Child Nutrition Programs such as the National School to work with both of her passions - children and food. She’s been
Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. The Nutrition and in food services for 10+ years and child care 7+ years. Stephanie
Technical Assistance Branch produces materials and guidance for strives to serve fresh, nutritional meals to children as well as create
Child Nutrition Program operators and representatives from the gardens at sites exposing and educating children and families
food industry. Sonya has an MS in health promotion management ensuring they get the love, care and kindness they each deserve.
with a concentration in alternative medicine.
Stephanie Schenkel, MPA
Staci Coussens, MPH, NDTR
Education Consultant
Extension Educator, SNAP-Ed Michigan Department of Education
University of Illinois Extension
Stephanie advises child care centers, community
Staci works with the Illinois Nutrition Education agencies, schools, afterschool programs and interest
Program to make the healthy choice the easy choice groups on the operation and administration of the Child and Adult
for our most vulnerable populations. The main focus of her master’s Care Program. Prior to CACFP, Stephanie worked as a departmental
internship was researching choosy eaters and how to encourage analyst in the Child and Development Care program in the Office of
them to become adventurous eaters. She presented the material to Great Start, where she analyzed and recommended modifications to
parent groups around the area to help parents learn how to overcome child development and care policies for the state of Michigan. She
this difficult stage. has a master’s degree in public administration.
Stacy Lofton, MS, RD, SNS
Director of Food & Nutrition Support
Premier, Inc.
Stacy works collaboratively with members and
suppliers to grow and drive greater savings and
efficiencies within Premier’s portfolio of contracts and solutions.
Stacy has a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and food management
and a master’s degree in health promotion and education and has
completed the requirements for school nutrition specialist through
the School Nutrition Association.
Stella Marshall
Director, Child Care Centers
Children’s Hunger Alliance
Children’s Hunger Alliance is a statewide
nonprofit dedicated to ending childhood hunger.
Stella is responsible for the management and administrative
oversight of operations and monitoring staff of the Child Care
Centers Department. She has over 25 years of experience in the
early care and learning field working with children from birth
through 12 years. Since the launch of the Child Care Centers
Department in 2016 , Stella has been dedicated to the expansion
Stephanie Berno, MS, RD, LD
Director of Outreach Services
Houston Food Bank
Stephanie has been a registered dietitian for 23
years and oversees programs addressing child and
senior hunger including CACFP and SFSP. Stephanie managed the
nutrition education program at HFB for five years and helped create
a train-the-trainer program for the many partner sites receiving
meals for at-risk youth and children in child care.
Workshop Presenters are subject to change after printing. Please refer to our
website at or download the Yapp App for most current
directory of presenters.
NCA Board of Directors Tara Evans
Susan Ison, CMP
Executive Director Child Development Manager
Helping Hands Spokane Tribe of Indians
With degrees in music performance and therapy,
psychology, and recreation therapy, Susan stumbled into the child Tara oversees two early learning centers as well as
nutrition arena when asked to temporarily take charge of Helping manages the Tribe’s Child Care Development Fund
Hands. Susan has been in the CACFP now for 25 years and is (CCDF), CACFP, SFSP, Early Childhood Education and Assistance
passionate that the at-risk kids in Salt Lake City have access to Program (ECEAP) and Tribal Licensing Program. Additionally, she
enough food to start life healthy and happy. represents the Spokane Tribe on the Indian Policy Early Learning
Committee under the Department of Children Youth and Families
Susan Stanton, JD for Washington State. Tara has over 16 years’ experience in the early
Network Lead learning field.
Susan joined ACT Now in November 2016 and Tatiana Andreyeva, PhD
is responsible for leading the work. She has a Associate Professor
background in education and policy. Susan taught middle school
in Boston through Teach For America then earned her Juris Doctor University of Connecticut Department of Agricultural
from Villanova University School of Law in Pennsylvania. There and Resource Economics
she worked at the Education Law Center and represented children
with special education and school discipline related legal issues Tatiana’s research on obesity and food policy
while conducting policy work advocating for equitable education focuses on the role of economic incentives in food choices and
funding. diet with the main areas of expertise in economic evaluation of
policy changes, assessment of the food environment in food stores,
Sylvia Melendez-Klinger, MS, RD communities and child care settings, obesity cost analysis, and
interventions in food assistance programs. She earned her PhD in
Founder policy analysis from the Pardee RAND Graduate School.
Hispanic Food Communications
Temitope Erinosho, PhD
Sylvia is an award-winning author and global
nutrition entrepreneur. She is a leading expert in Research Assistant Professor of Nutrition
cross-cultural Hispanic nutrition and health issues. It’s her Hispanic University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
background that has fueled her passion for nutrition, which has led Department of Nutrition
her to empower and encourage those in her community through the
foods (recipes) they make in their kitchens. Temitope’s PhD research focuses on the prevention of obesity
and cancer risk in children and families through interventions that
Tamara Baker promote healthy eating and physical activity behaviors. She holds a
doctorate degree in nutrition from New York University.
Communications and Project Director
No Kid Hungry North Carolina Teresa Castaneda
Director of Food Programs
Based at UNC-Chapel Hill’s Center for Health
Promotion and Disease Prevention, NKH NC Equal Heart
works to improve access to underused federal child nutrition
programs. Tamara leads the communications and summer and Teresa has managed on the ground mobile meal teams for the past
afterschool nutrition programs for children. She also directs the ten years. At Equal Heart, she is responsible for the operations of
team’s federal SNAP-Education grant for improving nutrition over 60 mobile meal sites in Texas and Colorado, and she has a
policy, systems and related environment for children in low income wealth of knowledge on how to customize solutions to different
areas. communities.
Tamara Early, MS Teresa W. Murray, Esq.
Regional Civil Rights Officer Special Assistant to the Director, Civil Rights Division
USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Midwest Regional Office USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Tamara is responsible for the management of FNS’s Civil Rights As a senior staff member, Teresa develops civil
(CR) compliance efforts within the Midwest region and reports to rights policy and related guidance, and provides
the Compliance Branch of the National FNS Civil Rights. She is the training for State Agencies administering programs that receive
regional technical authority on CR including Title VI of the Civil Federal financial assistance. She provides a high level of technical
Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, assistance to FNS staff and State Agencies, investigates and
and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. Tamara graduated from mediates complex Program Discrimination Complaints, and leads
University of Illinois and completed her MS in journalism. special assignments that promote non-discrimination in FNCS
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Terri Burch Tim Walsh
Quality Programs Team Leader Branch Chief, Community Nutrition Programs
4C for Children USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Mid-Atlantic Region
Terri has 20 years experience working with Tim and his team work directly with six states, DC,
children, families, and childcare professionals. Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands in administering
Working at 4C for children since 2012, she has successfully the Food Distribution, Child Care, Summer Food Service and
supported providers with achieving quality program outcomes Disaster Assistance Programs. Tim has over 30 years of federal
using strength-based coaching methods. Terri is also a certified service, including 25 years with USDA FNS.
strengthening families coach and presenter.
Tom Copeland, JD
general session speaker
Tim English Tom Copeland Consulting
Regional Administrator of the Midwest Region Tom is the leading expert on the business of family
USDA Food and Nutrition Service child care. He is a trainer, author, consultant
and blog writer with over 1,000 articles on how providers can be
Under Tim’s leadership the Midwest Regional more successful as a business. His workshops and webinars reach
Office provides oversight of program operations and technical thousands of providers each year. Tom successfully lobbied the
assistance to State and local partners who administer the Agency’s IRS to pass the standard meal allowance method for claiming food
15 nutrition assistance programs. He oversees the administration of expenses.
these federal nutrition assistance programs with nutritional benefits
and services valued at over $15 billion dollars in Illinois, Indiana, Toni Kay Wright, MS, RDN
Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Tim commits his
talents and energies to creating positive change in programs serving Extension Educator, SNAP-Ed
our nation’s most vulnerable low income families and elderly. He is University of Illinois Extension
a graduate of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois as well
as the American University School of Public Affairs Key Executive Toni Kay works to create healthier environments
Leadership Certificate Program in Washington, DC. throughout communities. She has previously
worked with the Head Start and WIC programs to help children
and families live healthier lives and make a positive impact on
childhood obesity throughout communities.
Valarie Hodges Veronica Day
Food Service Coordinator Program Manager
Harrisburg Community Unit School District #3 CitySquare
Valarie is a mother of three wonderful children, Veronica manages the CACFP and SFSP programs.
ages 15, 12 and 6 years old. She has a strong She is a current member of Texas Department of
heart for God and a passion for bridging the gap of hunger in her Agriculture’s CACFP Work Group as well as an inaugural member
Harrisburg, IL community. for Texas Hunger Initiative Leadership Council. Veronica also
volunteers with Dallas Hunger Solutions, Eating Well is a Snap! to
Valarie Meinen promote nutrition education to seniors.
Operations Area Manager NCA Board of Directors
Houston Independent School District Vicki Lipscomb, CMP
Founder & President
Valarie is responsible for leading the operations Child Nutrition Programs
managers, team leads and chef trainers to ensure Vicki has led CNP to steady annual growth.
all performance and production standards are met. She has been a With her background in Public Administration, she has a deep
key part of the operations team and often serves on cross-functional understanding of how to run an effective federal program. Vicki
committees representing the operations perspective, coaching stays up to date on the latest regulations and changes to the food
colleagues, and handling special projects. program to inform and interpret the policies and help sponsors
function in this complicated regulatory environment.
Valerie Fountain
Wande Okunoren-Meadows
Texas Education Service Center, Region 2 Early Childhood Program Administrator
Little Ones Learning Center
Valerie serves as a food and nutrition programs
specialist and school health and safety specialist for Wande manages the daily operations of the early
the CACFP, the School Breakfast Program, the NSLP, and the SFSP. childhood education center which provides
Valerie previously worked for Wimberley ISD as the district day preschool, afterschool and pre-kindergarten education to 175
care director, and then she opened her own centers. Valerie received children.
a BS in occupational education with a specialization in early
childhood development from Wayland Baptist University.
Wendy Siskin food buyingguide
WITS Senior Program Director for Child Nutrition Programs
Wellness in the Schools
Get all of the current information in one manual to help
Wendy runs operations, training, and curriculum you and your purchasing agent:
development for the food and fitness programming • Buy the right amount of food and the appropriate
that is in 140 schools nationwide serving over 70,000 kids. She has
worked in youth development and fitness for over 20 years. Wendy type of food for your program(s).
received her degrees in kinesiology and dietetics from Louisiana • Determine the specific contribution each food
State University and has acquired additional certifications from the
American College of Sports Medicine and the International Youth makes toward the meal pattern requirements.
Conditioning Association. The Food Buying Guide Goes Digital!
The web-based Interactive Food Buying Guide allows
Whitney Bieber you to: easily search and navigate food yields, compare
food yields, and create and save favorite foods lists.
Quality Program Specialist It also includes:
YWCA Metropolitan Chicago The Interactive Product Formulation Statement
Workbook allows manufacturers to easily calculate
Whitney provides consultation, professional their product’s contribution statement and generate
development, training and technical assistance crediting documentation.
to programs involved in the ExceleRate Illinois Quality Rating The Recipe Analysis Workbook which helps program
System. She mastered HighScope methodology while strengthening operators determine the meal pattern contribution
the family involvement throughout the program. Whitney graduated for recipes! Easily search for creditable ingredients,
in 2010 from Northern Illinois University with a BS in early calculate the meal pattern contribution, and print a
childhood education with special education approval a teacher contribution statement.
certification. The FBG Calculator assists Child Nutrition Program
operators in creating a shopping list to streamline food
Xaviera Davis, MS ordering needs for their programs.
Nutritionist, Child Nutrition Programs The Food Buying Guide Mobile App
USDA Food and Nutrition Service provides quick access to food yield
information to help you make purchasing
Xaviera develops nutrition education and technical decisions from your mobile device.
assistance materials for CACFP operators. Download it today.
Previously she served as a program administration specialist for
Maryland State Department of Education where she also worked The Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs is
with CACFP providing training and technical assistance to available to download and/or print as a PDF.
sponsoring organizations and CACFP operators. Xaviera received
her BS degree in applied nutrition from the University of Delaware
and a MS degree in healthcare administration from The University 93
of Maryland University College.
Yanni Papanikolaou, MPH, PhD candidate
Vice President, Nutrition Science Research
Grain Foods Foundation
Yanni, an accomplished, peer-reviewed author,
currently leads Nutritional Strategies which focuses
on nutrition science research and global regulatory affair issues. He
previously worked for the Kellogg Company as director of nutrition
marketing in the U.S., and associate director for nutrition and
regulatory affairs in Canada. Yanni holds a master’s of health
science in public health nutrition, is completing a PhD at University
of Toronto, and has presented at conferences worldwide.
Zainab Rida, RD, PhD, LMNT
Team Nutrition Director
Nebraska Department of Education
Zainab has been involved in promoting health
and wellness professionally and academically for
more than 16 years. She has implemented building healthy school
and child care environments by developing a comprehensive
nutrition education program for early childhood programs via an
environmental approach to improve nutrition and physical activity
related policies, behaviors, and practices at child care facilities.
Zainab enjoys teaching college students in her other position as an
adjacent professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Visit Our Booth 911
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& Online
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Yoplait Yogurt*
Wednesday, April 24th: 7:00 – 8:00 AM
Proud Sponsor of the General Session
Wednesday, April 24th: 8:00 – 9:30 AM
Attend Our Workshop
Power of Partnerships:
Procurement, Standardized Recipes & Compliant Menus
Wednesday, April 24th: 9:45 – 10:45 AM
Presented jointly with Premier * Qualifies for CACFP Meal Pattern
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm ☐ 4 Preconference Training: PRESENTER(S) NAME
2:00 pm – 6:00 pm ☐ 4 Learning Excursion: PRESENTER(S) NAME
8:00 am – 12:15 pm ☐ 4 CORE State Agency Training DATE
8:00 am – 12:00 pm ☐ 4 Preconference Training Academy:
1:45 am – 3:00 pm ☐ 1.25 Featured Session:
3:15 pm – 4:15 pm ☐ 1 Regional Networking Session
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm ☐ 1 Functional Networking Session
7:15 am – 7:45 am ☐ .5 Shop Talk:
8:00 am – 9:30 am ☐ 1.5 National Conference General Session
9:45 am – 10:45 am ☐ 1 Workshop One:
11:00 am – 12:00 pm ☐ 1 Workshop Two:
1:15 pm – 1:45 pm ☐ .5 Shop Talk:
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm ☐ 1 Workshop Three:
3:15 pm – 4:15 pm ☐ 1 Workshop Four:
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm ☐ 1 Workshop Five:
5:30 pm – 6:00 pm ☐ .5 Shop Talk:
7:15 am – 7:45 am ☐ .5 Shop Talk:
8:00 am – 9:00 am ☐ 1 Workshop Six:
9:15 am – 10:15 am ☐ 1 Workshop Seven:
10:30 am – 11:30 am ☐ 1 Workshop Eight:
12:30 pm – 1:00 pm ☐ .5 Shop Talk:
1:15 pm – 2:15 pm ☐ 1 Workshop Nine:
2:30 pm – 3:30 pm ☐ 1 Workshop Ten:
3:45 pm – 4:45 pm ☐ 1 Featured Session:
5:00 pm – 5:30 pm ☐ .5 USDA Town Hall
5:30 pm – 6:00 pm ☐ .5 Shop Talk:
8:00 am – 10:00 am ☐ 2 CORE Sponsor Training
8:00 am – 12:00 pm ☐ 4 State Agency Afterschool & Summer Meals Symposium
8:00 am – 12:00 pm ☐ 4 Learning Excursion:
find your way MICHIGAN 1
registration & ROOSEVELT 2 ROOSEVELT 3
information desk ROOSEVELT 1
shop talk workshops
featured sessions 2
GH IJ KL workshops exhibit hall
LOBBY S1 michigan
Save the Dates
APRIL 14-16, 2020
Support right at your fingertips... en español
Child Nutrition Today is just a click away.
Find recipes, helpful tools, resources, and much more.
Sample Cycle Menu
Here is a sample cycle menu to help you plan your spring calendar with creditable recipes.
DAY 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Milk Whole Milk (age 1) or Whole Milk (age 1) or Whole Milk (age 1) or Whole Milk (age 1) or Whole Milk (age 1) or
Low/Fat Free Milk (2-5) Low/Fat Free Milk (2-5) Low/Fat Free Milk (2-5) Low/Fat Free Milk (2-5) Low/Fat Free Milk (2-5)
BREAKFAST Fruit/Vegetable Banana Mixed Fruit Pears Apple Sauce Blueberries
Sample Infant Cycle MenuGrain/Meat+ WGR Puffed Cereal
English Muffin Cream of Wheat WGR Flake Cereal Waffles
Whole Milk (age 1) or
Milk Whole Milk (age 1) or Low/Fat Free Milk (2-5) Whole Milk (age 1) or Whole Milk (age 1) or Whole Milk (age 1) or
Low/Fat Free Milk (2-5) Low/Fat Free Milk (2-5) Low/Fat Free Milk (2-5) Low/Fat Free Milk (2-5)
Here is a sample cycle menu for infants, 6 to 11 months old, to helFpruyito/uVpeglaentabyloeu* r calendarMwanigtoh Peas Mandarin Oranges Cut Grapes Peaches
Cauliflower Spinach Baked Potato Carrots
creditable recipes that meet the New Meal Pattern guidLUelNinCeHs. Vegetable Broccoli
en español 0-5 6-11 MONDAY TUESDGAraYin WEDNEWSGDRATYoast THURSHDamAbYurger Bun FRIDAYWGR Tortilla Corn Bread WGR Pizza Crust
Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Turkey Slices Baked Chicken --
4 - 6 oz. 6 - 8 oz. Breastmilk Meat/Meat Alternate Soft Boiled Egg Ground Beef Whole Milk (age 1) or --
or Formula Low/Fat Free Milk (2-5) --
Milk Breastmilk Breastmilk Breastmilk Breastmilk Triscuits
or FormMulialk orWFhoormleuMlailk (age 1) oror Formula or Formula --
Low/Fat Free Milk (2-5) -- --
Vegetables -- 2 tbs. Fruit/Vegetable Mashed Banana Mashed orFCrubited Applesauce-- Pureed MaSnlgicoeedsApplePsureed PeachePsineapple
SNACK Avacado -- -- -- Pretzels
When kids help grow their own produce, they are more likely to eat it! If you can’t Vegetable
create a backyard garden, consider getting a regular produce box delivery from a local
gardener or take your children on a weekly trip to the farmers’ market together. Farm to -- 0-4 oz. Grain/Meat Infants Rice Cereal Scrambled Eggs Infants Rice Cereal Infants Oatmeal Plain Yogurt
preschool is a great way to get your kids invested in gardening and healthy eating. Grain --
Crackers --
4 - 6 oz. 6 - 8 oz. Milk Breastmilk MBeraeta/sMtmeailtkAlternate Breastmilk -- BreastmPeilkanut Butter BreastmiClkottage Cheese -- Tuna
-- or Formula DAY 9 Day 10
-- or Formula or Formula or Formula or Formula
LEARN IT GROW IT 1E/A2TcupITloGwasroddeiunmStcihLVriecEFgkAreeytnRabbNlreosItaThre a key component in a SENSE IT LUNCH 4 - 6 oz. Cauliflower DAY 6 DAY 7 DAY 8
How does your garden grow? Container Gardening Plant plastic and/or paper vegetables in --
-- 2 tbs. Fruit / Vegetable Mashed LMWCoawahrs/orFholeaettsdMFrileke(aMgielk1()2o-P5ru) reLeWodwhP/oFeleaatrMsFrileke(aMgielk1M()2oa-5rs)heLdWoPwhe/oaFlseatMFrileke(aMgielk1()2o-5r) Whole Milk (age 1) or Whole Milk (age 1) or
Green BeMainlks Low/Fat Free Milk (2-5) Low/Fat Free Milk (2-5)
Every garden must start with Not everyone has the space 1/2 tablespoon of cornhestaaltrhcyhdiet and help our bodies grow big your sensory box. Using dried beans as the FineClyhCichkBoeRpnEpAeKdFASTInfantFsrGRuriicat/eiVnCe/Megreeetaaatlb+le Finely ChStorpapwebderries Hashbrowns Banana Melon Kiwi
Turkey Cheese Oatmeal French Toast Sticks
a seed, but how does that seed to plant an elaborate garden. 1 teaspoon soy sauce and strong. They can be eaten in a variety soil. The children will have fun tending 0-4 oz. Grain/Meat Infant Rice Cereal Cottage
become the plants we can cook and eat in That’s okay! You can still have a 1 tablespoon sesame oorfowliavyeso–iflresh, canned, frozen, baked, this garden and harvesting the vegetables. WGR Waffles Scrambled Eggs WGR Puffed Cereal
Fruitour homes? This is a fantastic opportunity to garden with a container garden. Tires, 2 tablespoons garlic msinaucteéded, or roasted. They are an important Using spoons or plastic shovels can they 2 - 4 oz. Milk Breastmilk Breastmilk BWrehasotlme Milkilk (age 1) orBreaWshtmolielkMilk (age 1) BoreastWmhilokle Milk (age 1) or Whole Milk (age 1) or Whole Milk (age 1) or
teach the children in your care what a seed is, buckets, large planting pots, or even 5 cups of your favoritepgaratrodfena hveeaglethtaybdleiest and provide our or Formula or FormMulialk oLroFwo/rFmatuFlaree Milk (2-5o)r FLoorwm/Fualat Free Milk (2o-r5F) orLmowul/aFat Free Milk (2-5) Low/Fat Free Milk (2-5) Low/Fat Free Milk (2-5)
dig out the vegetables? When they have REPLANT IT
examples of seeds, and what those seeds need tubs can all be used as your container. 3 1/3 cups diced chickbeondies with vitamins and minerals such as all the vegetables, can they sort them by Did you know you can grow vegetables
from scraps? When children look at them, SNACK FMruaitsh/ eVdegetable* Mashed Potato Cut Grapes Mashed Strawberries Cucumbers Carrots
to become strong, healthy plants that we can Hanging baskets are great for fruits like Whole Grain Rice potassium, folic acid, Vitamin A, colors? Now replant the vegetables for they might think the seeds and trimmings Seedless Sweet Potato Zucchini Tomato Slices Peas
of vegetables need to go in the trash, 2 tbs. Fruit / Vegetable Watermelon Mashed Kiwi Mashed Broccoli
but we can show them how to grow a
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and lettuce can be regrown by placing
the leaves or tops in a dish of shallow 0-4 oz. Grain/Meat Teething Biscuit Puffed CGeraeainl CrackBerresad Sticks Teething BiscuiRt oll Crackers Toast WGR Hamburger Bun WGR Macaroni
water. Place the dish in sunlight. After
about a week, you will see roots and/or All foods are subject to the individuMael aitn/MfaeanttAlatenrndatteheir oGrwounnddBeevefelopmeBnakteadlChicken Ham Steak Fish Patty Cheese
leaves. Once this happens, they are ready -- -- --
to transplant into the soil. For potatoes readiness to consume tMhilak t food itWehmole. Milk (age 1) or --
and sweet potatoes, cut chunks with an Low/Fat Free Milk (2-5)
eye. Suspend with only one end slightly
in the water by placing toothpicks in to Important SNACK Fruit -- -- Oranges -- Peaches
the potato. Once potato chunks grow Vegetable -- -- -- Celery/Carrot Sticks --
roots, they are ready to be transplanted.
Tomatoes and peppers can be grown 1. Breastmilk or formula, or portions of both, must be served; however, Grain Soft Pretzels WGR Tortilla Graham Crackers -- --
simply by saving the seeds and planting it is recommended that breastmilk be served in place of formula from Yogurt
them. Children will love this science
project and starting their own gardens. cboirntshutmhreoluesgsht1h1anmtohnetmhsi.nFimorusmomame oburenatsotffebdrienafsatnmtsilkwpheorrfeegeudlianMrgley,aat/Meat Alternate -- Cheese -- Cottage Cheese
READ IT serving of less than the minimum amount of breastmilk may bweiollffere+dWM, eaatetrasnhdomuledabtealoteffrenraetdesatmeaaychbemseearlvteimdein. place of the entire grains component at breakfast
Try these books during your circle time to with additional breastmilk offered at a later time if the infant a maximum of three times per week.
learn more about vegetables. consume more.
Oliver’s Vegetables by Vivian French 2. Infant formula and dry infant cereal must be iron-fortified. * The fruit component at lunch may be substituted by an additional vegetable.
The Vegetables We Eat by Gail Gibbons 3. Beginning October 1, 2019, ounce equivalents are used to determine Visit for more information.
the quantity of creditable grains. CACFP is an indicator of quality Child Care.
I Will Never Not Eat A Tomato
by Lauren Child 4. A serving of grains must be whole grain-rich, enriched meal, This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
or enriched flour.
Rah, Rah, Radishes!: A Vegetable Chant
by April Pulley Sayre 5. Breakfast cereals must contain no more than 6 grams of sugar per dry
ounce (no more than 21.2 grams sucrose and other sugars per
Monsters Don’t Eat Broccoli 100 grams of dry cereal).
by Barbara Jean Hicks
6. Fruit and vegetable juices must not be served.
Verse: Visit for more information.
I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. CACFP is an indicator of quality Child Care.
I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
This is sure to be a favorite for kids and Vowel Practice with soft e:
great way to get them involved in the I like to eat, eat, eat, epples and benenes.
kitchen where age appropriate. Wash, peel, I like to eat, eat, eat, epples and benenes.
and dice fruit as needed. To keep the fruit
looking fresh, squeeze a lemon or lime
over the fruit. Mix together and enjoy!
Snack Crediting: Serve 1/2 cup for ages 1-5 Vowel Practice with Long E: PLAY IT
I like to eat, eat, eat, EEpples and
Beeneenees. Fruit Basket Turn Over. Create a circle
I like to eat, eat, eat, EEpples CACoofnFePchcisahiairlnsdi.wnTditihcheateosntraoonufdgqihunagclihtcyahciirhlsdildfwocrialarlelsl. tbaurtt the
and Beeneenees.
game from the center as the fruit announcer
Continue to repeat the verse and will call out fruit. All the children will
for each vowel sound. be given a fruit card. The children with the
fruit called out will stand up and quickly
try to find a new seat. The child in the
center will try to sit in one of the empty
seats. The child without a seat will then
become the fruit announcer.
CACFP is an indicator of quality child care.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Best Practices for Menu Planning 12 TIPS FOR PROGRAM INTEGRITY
Thoughtful menu planning will ensure healthy, balanced and nutritious meals. The USDA has outlined the five
basic steps of careful menu planning.
en español IS YOUR YOGURT CACFP Creditable? Planning meals in advance Attendance records should rtroiTeomefgrqoutapubhlifoianotrertaiertnoCimanrgCAnyeAyCitnsCtoFtcrauFP.oanrPBmin.aeipnnsongunureeanlt
will help ensure that you have be maintained daily, and should
How to identify if your yogurt is within Balance Variety what you need available to be in support the number of meals
the Sugar Limit compliance with the CACFP meal claimed for reimbursement. An
pattern. Work with your sponsor attendance record is not a meal
to be sure that your meals meet record.
requirements before the meal
service. Facilities must have
documentation of a child’s
Step 1 Use the Nutrition Facts label to find the Serving Size,
in ounces (oz) or grams (g), of the yogurt. sample yogurt Contrast Appeal Anybaoiaolfytlwmwubyyeaaoohoyuyuuausssenvrtdretahestssiopvbnk.aieoTekrenqrweynutscohenhhprseiocotaktaiwieodnnndbsaked, enrollment, signed by a parent
Identifying Cereal Sugar LimitsStep 2 Find the Sugars line. Look at the number of grams (g) or guardian, and indicating the
normal days and hours of care CACFP records must be kept
next to the sugars. Here areStehrvrieneg wSiazyes1tcoudpe(2te2r7mg)ine if a breakfast cereal is Healthy Cooking MethodsExperiment and the normal meals served. for three years, plus the current
Enrollment documentation must year. Keep copies of any records
Step 3 Using the Serving Size identified in Step One, find the within thSeerCvAinCgFsPpesrucgoanrtaliimneitr.4As long as a breakfast cereal Color be updated annually. At-Risk you submit for food program
Afterschool sites and homeless participation and back up
Serving Size of the yogurt in the table below. meets the sugar limit using AT LEAST ONE OF THESE METHODS shelters are excluded from this electronic copies securely.
roasrteeqdu, isrteimr fernietd. , and
describeAdmboeunlotwPe, ritSiesrvciongnsidered within the sugar limit. with new cooking methods that you may Payment information from
parents is confidential and must
Sugar Limits in Yogurt SERVING SIZE SERVING SIZE SUGARS Calories 150 Calories from Fat 15 grilled. Pay attention to what method the children like thceobrerset.cItt .might even be that they find a new favorite
Use your State agency’s Sp%ecDaiailylValues **Product Example: dish when prepared a different way. Remember in your cooking to always keep a colorful plPataeyimn menintds. Mraatkees are determined
(use when serving size Sugars cannot be
is not listed in ounces) more than:
1 WIC WICW9ogmraemns• Infants • Children
SuTpoptalel Fmaet n1t.5agl Nutrition Program3% Dora the Explorer sure the result features a dish from all the food groups: protein, fruit, vegetable, grain and dinaisrey.veral different ways depending