Riomar lot sale for $4.4 million
seen as ‘bargain.’ P10
Guitars are star at
‘Rock of Ages’ gala. P14
Contractors sued in collapse
of Portales De Vero parking lot. P12
For breaking news visit
Johnny Benjamin Cleveland Clinic closer to putting Vero on its map
claims his stash of
pills seized illegally Field seeking to take over
Indian River Medical
BY BETH WALTON Center narrowed to one
Staff Writer
Attorneys for Dr. Johnny BY MICHELLE GENZ
Benjamin, the Vero Beach Staff Writer
spine surgeon facing life in
prison on federal drug charg- After three years of rumi-
es, has asked a judge to sup- nating on how to lift Indian
press evidence they say was River Medical Center out of
illegally obtained at the Mel- financial decline, the boards
bourne International Airport. of Vero’s publicly-owned hos-
Benjamin, dressed in medi- pital have picked a path from
cal scrubs, was stopped Oct. small-town to world-class.
6with thousands of pills that Tuesday afternoon, fol-
appeared to be oxycodone lowing a morning of presen-
tablets and a ticket to Phila- tations, Indian River Medi-
delphia. He was arrested six cal Center officials selected
days later. PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY DAN ALEXANDER Cleveland Clinic as their
Donnie Murrell, a West partner of choice, the IRMC
Palm Beach defense attor- board of directors voting
ney, asked in a Jan. 12 motion IRMC BOARD DELIBERATIONS HOSPITAL DISTRICT DELIBERATIONS unanimously and the Hospi-
that the pills found in Benja- tal District trustees splitting
min’s backpack at the airport, BY MICHELLE GENZ BY MILTON R. BENJAMIN four to three. They now move
videotape of the seizure and Staff Writer Staff Writer into the negotiation phase of
statements the doctor gave to a deal for Cleveland to take
the police not be allowed as Two months ago, a starry-eyed Indian Riv- The Indian River County Hospital Dis- over the hospital.
evidence. er Medical Center Board of Directors picked trict’s 4-to-3 vote to enter into negotiations If all goes well, by the end
The DEA had no probable out Cleveland Clinic from among eight care- with Cleveland Clinic masked the fact that of the year, Vero Beach will
cause to search Benjamin so fully curated healthcare systems that had each of the four suitors of Indian River Medi- join Abu Dhabi and Lon-
Long-awaited Shores cell tower to MY Road-rage mom: I don’t know how my son wasn’t killed
be delivered to site next Tuesday VERO
BY LISA ZAHNER struction site at the rear of the BY RAY MCNULTY her ex-husband’s SUV a few
Staff Writer Shores Public Safety Complex if Staff Writer inches higher.
all goes as planned.
Amy Clemente tries to not “I can’t,” she said.“I just can’t.”
think about what might’ve Instead, the 35-year-old St.
Edward’s School graduate and
The long-awaited Indian Riv- Town Manager Robbie Stabe happened if any of the stray island resident prefers to be-
er Shores “monopine” stealth said as of last Monday after- bullets fired during the No- lieve in miracles – particularly
cell tower will be delivered by noon plans were still on for the vember road-rage incident the miracle that enabled her
truck on Tuesday to the con- CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 on State Road 60 had struck Bullet holes in vehicle circled in red. CONTINUED ON PAGE 9
February 1, 2018 Volume 11, Issue 5 Newsstand Price $1.00 Yacht Club sails
into hospital with
News 1-12 Faith 52 Pets 61 TO ADVERTISE CALL Teddy bears. P26
Arts 33-38 Games 53-55 Real Estate 75-88 772-559-4187
Books 48 Health 57-60 St. Ed’s 49
Dining 66 Insight 39-56 Style 63-65 FOR CIRCULATION
Editorial 46 People 13-32 Wine 67 CALL 772-226-7925
© 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Cleveland Clinic as five other hospitals in the state, all dards.” That evolved into a firmer offer a larger financial commitment was
in a three-year time frame. this time for capital improvements to- desired.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 taling up to $250 million over the next
The vote to go with “The Clinic,” as 10 years, with an assumption of $102 Just one switched vote when the
don’s Belgravia neighborhood – with it is known in its host cities as well as million in liabilities. definitive agreement comes back to
views of Buckingham Palace – as the to the international clients it draws, the Hospital District trustees a few
latest entry on the Cleveland Clinic’s came after investment bankers from That sum, coming from the famed months from now, and the deal falls
map. The system, with eight regional Chicago-based Juniper Advisory elic- clinic, was somewhat less than jaw- through.
hospitals in northeast Ohio, also has ited more specifics from Cleveland’s dropping. Zudans wasn’t the only one
facilities in Las Vegas and Toronto. preliminary proposal, which was so cocking an eyebrow. The IRMC board of directors on
vague that one trustee, Tracey Zudans, the other hand seemed almost rev-
Its only Florida hospital – until now found it off-putting. District trustees Allen Jones and erent. Seated at a conference room
– is in Broward County. Marybeth Cunningham, the board’s table, with Dr. Wayne Hockmeyer, the
While the other potential partners finance chairman and chairman re- board’s chairman, leading the pro-
If plans presented to Vero officials gave a dollar amount for proposed spectively, voted for Cleveland Clinic ceedings, they all but joined hands
in Cleveland last month work out, capital improvements, the Clinic com- – but noted that the group’s four- for the blessing delivered unto them
Cleveland Clinic Weston will soon be mitted to whatever it took to bring the three vote might send a signal as the – if all goes well with negotiations –
joined by not only Vero but as many place up to “Cleveland Clinic stan- two sides head into negotiations that sometime before the end of the year.
The final proposals, made avail-
able to the boards over the weekend,
evolved over the course of the 10-
week courtship, but also extended the
time span for the outlay. Adventist
Health System – the second choice of
six of the District trustees, as well as
the first choice of one – increased its
commitment for capital expenditures
to $300 to $325 million over 10 years
(the original proposal was over five
Cleveland, whose preliminary pro-
posal, as summarized by IRMC’s ad-
visers, read only “TBD: Cleveland
Clinic Standard,” this time spelled out
a $200- to $250-million commitment
to capital improvements. Orlando
Health, offered $200 million over sev-
en years, or an amount projected to be
approximately $285 million over 10
Those were the three nonprofit part-
ners; they all proposed a transaction
known as member substitution in the
nonprofit world, and they all offered
to lease the hospital’s physical plant.
All three of the nonprofits offered
to keep current IRMC employees, al-
though Adventist limited the offer to
all “frontline” employees – primarily
nurses and physicians.
Adventist was the only system that
would have insisted on a new union
contract; that, some trustees feared,
could have thrown a wrench into the
works at the last minute if a contract
could not be negotiated.
HCA, the only for-profit, proposed
a long-term lease, pre-paid in the
amount of $150 million, along with
$265 million in capital expenditures
over 10 years.
For-profit HCA would have been
the only hospital to contribute direct-
ly to the county – through the prop-
erty taxes it would pay on the IRMC
campus – a sum of about $2.5 mil-
lion annually, according to estimates
tossed about on Monday.
But all four would offer tax relief
by picking up the tab for indigent
patients, substantially reducing the
need for tax money currently collect-
ed by the Hospital District, a taxing
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 3
The decision reached Monday re- District will be looking over the terms should have completed due diligence That done, only the imprimatur of
quired two separate boards to agree to “make sure it’s a good deal,” as Cun- and have a full accounting of hospi- federal and state agencies – the Fed-
on a single suitor, one of four that ningham told the trustees. The valu- tal’s existing circumstances as well a eral Trade Commission and the Flori-
have been closely examined since No- ation expert adds another layer of re- solid sense of its potential. da Attorney General – will be needed
vember. assurance to taxpayers that a process to finalize the deal. If all goes well –
that has already included strenuous At that point, if terms are agreeable and Juniper’s advisors say they see no
After listening to three hours of vetting by the two boards will have the to Indian River trustees and IRMC snags on that front – the deal should
analysis led by Juniper, the hospi- official OK of another set of profes- board members, a binding definitive close within five months.
tal transaction experts, before ap- sionals. agreement will be drawn up and once
proximately 100 onlookers at the again it will be submitted to both So far, Juniper Advisory’s timeline is
county’s InterGenerational Center, In three to four months, the Clinic boards for approval. exactly on schedule.
the 16-member Indian River Medi-
cal Center board of directors drove NEW PRICE
across town to a hospital conference
room to deliberate. The seven trust- Exclusively John’s Island
ees of the Indian River County Hos-
pital District returned to their offices Nestled in the quaint seaside setting of Oceanside Village, just steps to
for separate but parallel discussions the beach, is this desirable 3BR/4.5BA courtyard home with detached
(for details, see the two other stories cabana. Overlooking a beautifully landscaped garden and pool with
on Page 1). spa, this 4,546± SF retreat offers a gracious living room with fireplace,
sunroom, generous master suite with dual baths and a handsome
Within 10 minutes of the Hospital library. A bright, spacious kitchen with dining area and copious amounts
Board of Directors convening, and of outdoor living areas, and a 2-car garage complete the picture.
within two hours of the District Board 241 Sundial Court : $2,850,000
beginning deliberations, accord was
reached, their matching selection three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
having “bubbled to the surface,” as health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
the District’s consulting attorney Bill
Boyles had predicted it would at their 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
last meeting.
Now Boyles will huddle with a half-
dozen other attorneys and advisers to
write a letter of intent, a non-binding
agreement that gives Cleveland Clinic
exclusivity to negotiate with Indian
Signed by the chairman of the Hos-
pital Board, Wayne Hockmeyer, and
the chairman of the District trustees,
Marybeth Cunningham, the letter ini-
tiates yet another phase in the care-
fully choreographed process.
It will likely include issues like the
structure of the acquisition; the as-
sets and the liabilities involved; the
terms of payment; and issues of con-
Those are of particular concern
since the hospital’s public ownership
– represented by the Hospital Dis-
trict – can involve Government in the
Sunshine laws. Cleveland, like all of
the other partner candidates, wants
out from under those laws.
At any point during the timeframe
for negotiations – spelled out in the
forthcoming letter of intent – either
party can withdraw from the process.
That is not likely to happen on the
partner’s end, Juniper Advisory’s Ja-
mie Burgdorfer told IRMC officials
last week.
All of the four suitors are trying to
expand their footprint in Florida, and
backing out of a deal might discour-
age future partnerships.
Indian River stands to lose just as
much if it chose to pull out, since any
future partner – presumably drawn
from one of the initial four – might
view Vero as a less than reliable deal-
While those negotiations take place,
a valuation firm hired by the Hospital
4 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Hospital District I know everyone worries about Orlando three apparent votes, with a four-vote “It was exactly a year ago that Ma-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Health being small, but I feel for our majority needed for a recommenda- rybeth (Cunningham) and I talked
community, they wouldn’t be too huge.” tion. That left it up to Cunningham. about the future of IRMC and the
cal Center had at least one advocate right structure going forward,” Board
among the seven trustees. So at this point, the board was split “The worst thing we could do is not Chairman Wayne Hockmeyer said, as
four different ways. go forward,” she told her fellow trust- if he were beginning a toast to some-
In fact, during discussions that pre- ees. Cunningham spoke of talking to thing momentous, even before the
ceded vote, the takeover candidate But the last three trustees to weigh a variety of Vero Beach doctors about ‘aye’s’ were spoken.
that had the broadest support was in – Karen Deigl, Allen Jones and the Cleveland Clinic. “Some are very,
the Adventist Health System, the first chairman Marybeth Cunningham – all very nervous about the Cleveland “This has been a very deliberate,
choice of Dr. Michael Weiss and the came down in favor of Cleveland. Clinic coming here. Some are really thorough, careful, diligent process,”
second choice of all six of the other excited about it taking us to a new lev- said Hockmeyer, the retired chief of
trustees. “Each of the systems was outstand- el, and wanting to be part of it. I would immunology at Walter Reed Medical
ing,” Deigl said. “But we want trans- like to be part of the best.” Center and founder of the biotech
As the discussion went around the formation and who is going to do firm Medimmune.
table Tuesday, each of the first four that best. Cleveland Clinic has a very With that, it was time to vote. Again,
trustees to speak had a different view specific brand, and they enforce that they went around the table on the mo- Hockmeyer then turned to the se-
as to which health system would be brand. The economic driver for our tion to enter into negotiations with nior board member, Dr. Hugh Mc-
the best partner for IRMC. community is a huge one. What will Cleveland Clinic. Weiss, Zudans and Crystal, a retired surgeon and 24-year
drive people to come here. What a Bodnar all voted “Nay,” but the votes chief of staff at IRMC. He and his wife
Weiss, the first to speak, said he fa- great opportunity to expand our mar- of McCrystal, Deigl, Jones and Cun- Ann Marie McCrystal are legends in
vored Adventist. But Ann Marie Mc- ket share. I believe Cleveland Clinic ningham carried the day. philanthropic and leadership circles;
Crystal, up next, said she had come will bring that.” she serves on the District Board. It
to conclude “for our hospital and IRMC Board was McCrystal who made the motion
this community, our best placement Jones then weighed in, reporting to to choose Cleveland Clinic.
would be with Cleveland Clinic.” the group at some length on his de- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
tailed analyses of quality data and fi- McCrystal summoned a tone of
“Not so,” said the third speaker, Trac- nancial data for all four health systems. put together preliminary proposals to gravitas that for once didn’t end in a
ey Zudans. “I was not impressed with take over the hospital. And that was it; joke. “I don’t think we can do any bet-
my visit to Cleveland Clinic on a touchy- “Cleveland Clinic and Adventist they wanted to stop right there. ter than the Cleveland Clinic,” he said.
feely basis,” she said. “I was turned off stand out to me as the two that are fi-
by the idea of standardization and effi- nancially sustainable. When I look at No, no, no, their advisor told them. Board member Kathleen Hendrix
ciency. HCA would be my first choice.” financial sustainability and quality, You have to pick some more. spoke next; she formerly worked in
Cleveland Clinic and Adventist differ- strategic planning for the intelligence
But the fourth speaker, Barbara Bod- entiate themselves,” he said. “I have Turns out, they had it right the first community and for the White House.
ner, said she had “kind of cancelled come to a conclusion that Cleveland time. Though it was wise to go through It was she who nudged in the Orlando
out HCA. I think it is way too big. My Clinic is the best, followed very closely the process, Cleveland had their hearts. Health system as a board finalist pick
number one choice is Orlando Health. by Adventist.” in December.
His support gave Cleveland Clinic
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 5
Now, though, she was backing the “I keep coming back to the fact that do a good job, and in terms of com- minute it hits the marketplace and
Clinic. “I’ve been a patient four times there are more than enough dollars munity perceptions, in the minds of I cannot imagine why we wouldn’t
at Cleveland Clinic and I couldn’t have from any of the four,” said Michael everyone that sees us, we might get choose them.”
been in better hands. From the support Hammes, a CPA and retired chairman better with the others, but it will take
group to the physicians, to the aides and president of KeyBank in Indiana. years and years and years. With Cleve- Here, Hockmeyer rejoined the piling
and the people who admitted you.” “It seems like the other three all could land, the expectations change the on of accolades with a reprise from the
6 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
IRMC Board Click. Click. Have you voted yet? Click. Click.
morning session’s public comment BY RAY MCNULTY earn the official designation" as Amer- cial well-being of locals, geographic
from Dr. William “Bill” Kelley, former Staff Writer ica's Happiest Seaside Town. diversity, and "our editors' assessment
CEO of the University of Pennsylvania of each town's coastal vibe."
Medical Center and a former IRMC The keys to happiness in Vero Beach, The release includes the necessary
board member, who gave an impas- according to Coastal Living magazine, link – There was no explanation for how a
sioned plea to choose Cleveland be- can be found on your personal comput- pytowns2018 – accompanied by the community's "coastal vibe" is measured.
fore the meeting broke up to vote. ers, laptops and smart phones – and the words: VOTE NOW.
Indian River County Chamber of Com- However, in describing Vero Beach,
“Dr. Kelly said it best: There’s an merce wants you to reach for them. "It's an honor to simply be nomi- the magazine wrote: "Sophisticated
enormous difference between hospi- nated," Chamber Tourism Director Al- and low key, this under-the-radar jew-
tals like the Mayo Clinic and the Cleve- Then click every minute of every lison McNeal said in an email. "How- el of the Atlantic Coast has it all: art,
land Clinic (and the rest of top hos- hour of every day. ever, we want to win! I truly believe food, shopping, historic architecture,
pitals.) It’s a great testimonial to our Vero Beach is a special place, and the gorgeous ocean beaches, and a bliss-
doctors and the quality of this orga- From now until 5 p.m. Feb. 6. locals take pride in where we live. ful absence of high-rise buildings."
nization that the Cleveland Clinic has That's when Coastal Living's online-
chosen to really push to be a partner only voting ends for its "America's "We embody everything America's Previous winners of the contest were
of ours. I think they emphasize what Happiest Seaside Town" contest, which Happiest Seaside Town stands for," she not eligible, and the final rankings will
this board has always said: The patient includes Vero Beach among its 10 final- added. "We would love to have brag- be revealed online June 12.
comes first, and quality has to be sec- ists for the 2018 title. ging rights for a year."
ond to none.” And the local Chamber is taking this Why all the fuss over a magazine
event seriously, fully embracing the Coastal Living announced the 10 fi- contest? "With the amount of media
“I tried not to be blinded by the non-scientific, criteria-doesn't-matter, nalists on its website, saying they were coverage that comes with winning the
brand,” said Keith Morgan, a long- anyone-can-vote-as-much-as-they- selected from a list of communities designation, we will see an increase
time Vero CPA, who initially support- want rules of the contest. nominated via social media. in tourism, simply from an awareness
ed Adventist ‘by a razor thin margin.’ Already, the Chamber has sent out standpoint," McNeal said.
But when I heard Dr. Kelly’s passion, press releases to local businesses and The website stated nominees were
I arrived at the conclusion that this is media, alerting them to the contest then evaluated using something called So the Chamber wants your help. It
where we need to go.” and urging people here to vote in an the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being In- needs you to show some hometown
effort to "make it to the No. 1 spot and dex, as well as percentage of clear and pride and do your civic duty.
The vote was unanimous, with all sunny days, healthiness of beaches,
16 members voting ‘aye.’ commute times, walkabililty, crime Vote early and often.
ratings, standard of living and finan- That's the key to happiness in Vero
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 7
Johnny Benjamin as Fentanyl-laced Oxycodone, a highly drug transaction outside his office. October 2016, Benjamin denied entry
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 addictive narcotic that would be sold Benjamin denied knowing why the until officers had a warrant, McMillian
for a high value on the street, Benjamin explains.
police to look in his bags, argued Mur- told airport police the drugs were for tablets had an “A-215” marking and
rell, who did not respond to a request his alleged tonsil cancer. He then drove asked to call a deputy at the Indian The doctor was charged with a fel-
for comment. “This was illegal.” back to Vero Beach and wrote himself a River County Sheriff’s Office. He also ony in that case, but later pled guilty
prescription for Fluoresce – a chemo- offered to call his office. to a misdemeanor. “There can be no
More than 40 years ago, the courts an- therapy drug – when officers asked for question as to his identity as the per-
ticipated law enforcement would try to more paperwork. Prosecutors contend there was noth- son who refused to consent to a search
take advantage of warrantless, adminis- ing wrong with the way the DEA con- previously,” he says.
trative searches and ruled evidence ob- When Benjamin returned to the air- ducted its investigation. In his Jan. 26
tained this way should be inadmissible, port with the prescription he wrote, of- written response to the motion filed by Benjamin is highly educated and
he said. Airport searches are strictly lim- ficers told him they had done research Benjamin’s attorneys, Assistant United intelligent, the prosecutor added. He
ited to preventing firearms or explosives while he was away and knew the pills States Attorney John McMillan said the clearly believed no incriminating evi-
from being taken onto a plane. were oxycodone. The police said they search was voluntary. Not only did Ben- dence would be found. “Few people –
would confiscate the drugs pending jamin offer consent, but at one point he other than possibly a pharmacist would
Shortly after Benjamin’s luggage further investigation. asked if the officer needed help opening have any idea what the designation ‘A-
cleared the TSA X-ray machine, offi- and searching his bag. 215’ on a pill meant, and most would
cers told the doctor that TSA suspect- The day before Benjamin’s impasse take the word of a doctor at face value.”
ed there were bullets in his backpack. at the airport, DEA agents and an un- The doctor was free to leave at any
“This was a ruse. TSA had no such sus- dercover informant orchestrated a drug time, argued the prosecutor. In fact, The DEA did have probable cause,
picion,” Murrell wrote. transaction with the doctor behind Vero Benjamin did leave “to manufacture McMillan said. Investigators didn’t
Beach’s Pro Spine Center. Investigators prescriptions for his purported ‘cancer have a warrant because it wasn’t clear
“TSA discovered no evidence that say Benjamin took approximately 4,000 medication,’” the prosecutor said. what Benjamin’s luggage would look
Benjamin possessed any material or pills marked with an “A-215 stamp.” like or how he would carry the drugs.
objects prohibited on an airplane. The The tablets, made to look like oxycodo- Investigators are allowed to deceive These details are necessary for a search
Melbourne Police, at the request of the ne, were actually lactose. The price was defendants within reason, McMillan warrant application.
DEA, used the administrative search $4 a pill. contended. The police did not falsely
by TSA as cover to conduct a search to claim to have a warrant or tell Ben- Had Benjamin refused the search at
further a criminal investigation,” the After stopping Benjamin, agents did jamin he had no right to resist the the airport, agents would have identi-
lawyer claimed. a field test and determined the pills he search. Plus, the doctor had shown an fied themselves to him, legally seized
was carrying as he attempted to board understanding of his right to refuse a his luggage for safekeeping and im-
Confronted with the pills, which were the flight to Philadelphia were the same warrantless search in the past. mediately applied for a search warrant
counterfeits given to the doctor by a composition as the tablets handed to based on their lengthy, undercover in-
confidential informant and presented him the day before during the staged When Michigan State Police sus- vestigation, McMillan added.
pected a marijuana grow operation on
Benjamin’s Salinac County property in CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
8 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Johnny Benjamin more than a month ago and cured for
Evidence obtained unlawfully may Once upright, the tower will be
be admissible if the government can adorned with fiberglass “branches”
prove that it ultimately would have that will be attached to the main pole.
been discovered by lawful means. The branches will arrive the same day
as the tower and be stored on-site un-
The DEA began investigating Ben- til crews are ready to install them.
jamin in 2016 after a Palm Beach
woman died from an overdose and More important than the green tree
the fentanyl-laced oxycodone found boughs is the cellular transmission
in her possession was allegedly traced equipment that will go atop the tower.
to him. The doctor is a registered con-
trolled substance prescriber in Indian Verizon Wireless has signed on to
River County and holds staff privileges lease a spot on the tower. The town’s
at the Indian River Medical Center. contractor, Datapath Towers is still in
negotiations with AT&T. Town Coun-
Benjamin entered a not guilty plea cil members have stated that residents
shortly after his October arrest. He was have been telling them they’re switch-
denied bond and is being held at the ing their mobile services toVerizon, and
Federal Detention Center in Miami. An are excited about getting service strong
evidentiary hearing to consider the de- enough to use inside their homes.
fense motion to suppress the Melbourne
evidence is set for Feb. 9 The case is “It will take six to eight weeks to get the
scheduled to go to trial in April. carrier on it and in place,” Stabe said.
Shores cell tower While tower construction and land-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 scaping work is winding down, another
major project will be ramping up just
115-foot-tall structure to arrive in two yards away.
primary sections and be fitted togeth-
er atop a concrete foundation poured Town officials have put out a bid
packet on the new Shores Community
Center, and if all goes well, demolition
of the old community center will begin
by March 1. Completion of the commu-
nity center is on a strict deadline, since it
needs to serve as a polling place for the
November 2018 election.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 9
My Vero by Timothy Daniel Sartori at about 7 During hours of questioning at the discharging a weapon the way he did,”
p.m. Nov. 20 at the intersection of State scene by deputies, detectives and As- Loar told this newspaper in Novem-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Road 60 and 53rd Avenue, where, ac- sistant State Attorney Steve Gosnell, ber. “It wasn’t like it was one or two or
cording to sheriff’s office reports, an Sartori claimed he had acted in self- three rounds. It was 10 to 15 rounds.
3-year-old son to escape unscathed, escalating road-rage incident erupted defense under Florida’s controver- He emptied the gun.”
despite the SUV being hit four times. into gun play. sial “stand your ground” law – even
though no gun was found in Hicks’ car As of Monday, however, Gosnell still
Her son was buckled into a child’s The reports say the incident began and Hicks wasn’t available to tell his hadn’t decided whether to charge Sar-
car seat in the middle of the SUV’s when Hicks, 38, became irate with an side of the story –and Sartori eventu- tori with a crime in connection with an
back seat, and photos show one of the unidentified motorist – not Sartori – ally was released. incident that occurred 10 weeks ago.
bullets struck the vehicle just above while driving along 58th Avenue.
the backseat door handle, only inches Detectives continued to investigate The delay prompted Clemente
below the side window. With all three vehicles stopped at the shooting, and Sheriff Deryl Loar has and her family to launch last month
the traffic light at the State Road 60 in- said publicly that Sartori should be ar- a petition urging Gosnell
Another bullet hit an inch behind tersection, Hicks began angrily honk- rested and charged, possibly with reck- to charge Sartori, saying the shooter’s
the door and was found next to her ing his horn at the unidentified motor- lessly discharging a firearm in public. “right to defend his own life did not
ex-husband’s bowling-ball bag in the ist. The three vehicles turned east onto give him the right to expose innocent
trunk area. Clemente said the bullet State Road 60. “We can’t condone someone just
was on a trajectory that put her son in CONTINUED ON PAGE 11
the line of fire. Hicks, of Vero Beach, and Sartori, of
Sebastian, were stopped side-by-side
“When I saw the car and where the at the traffic light of 53rd Avenue, in
bullets hit, all I could think was: I don’t front of Applebee’s restaurant, when
know how he wasn’t killed,” Clemente the shooting occurred.
said. “If he wasn’t in the middle seat, if
the bowling ball wasn’t there, if it were Sartori, 29, told deputies that his
a different-type car . . .” window was down when Hicks pulled
alongside, looked over and said, “What’s
She stopped herself, knowing where your problem?” By his account, Sartori
her thought was headed. Then, af- replied, saying he didn’t have a problem.
ter taking a deep breath to regain her
composure, she continued. It was then, Sartori told deputies, that
Hicks verbally threatened to shoot him
“I’m just trying to be positive, be and appeared to reach for something,
with my son and enjoy every mo- so Sartori grabbed his gun and emp-
ment,” she said, “because it really is a tied the magazine at the busy intersec-
miracle that he’s here.” tion. Sartori then drove into a nearby
parking lot, calmly called 911 and gave
Dennis Wayne Hicks isn’t. his version of what happened.
That’s because he was fatally shot
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10 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Riomar oceanfront lot sells for ‘bargain’ $4.4 million
BY STEVEN M. THOMAS the north side of the country club, the
Staff Writer only other one in Vero that is on both
the ocean and a golf course, sold for
One of the last prime pieces of building anymore golf courses on the gust 2013 for $2.7 million, a price made $7 million in 2015, and the 1.7-acre lot
oceanfront development land in Rio- ocean in Florida.” possible by the multimillion-dollar next to it at 2310 Ocean Drive sold in
mar sold last week for the “bargain” losses borne by the bank and prior de- 2016 for $8,875,000 – more than twice
price of $4.4 million. One of only a handful of lots in the veloper, and tried marketing it as a lot/ the price of the Riomar Point lot, even
state that is on both the ocean and a home package for $12,950,000. though the property is only slightly
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s agent Rory golf course, the property was tangled larger.
O’Dare, who handled the transaction up for years in post-real-estate-crash He created a website, Riomarpoint.
and also owned the property, said the complications involving an overlev- com, that showcased two virtual O’Dare, a lifelong surfer and self-
buyers were a local family who live eraged developer and badly bruised 12,000-square-foot homes, one mod- described waterman, said he stayed
in John’s Island. He said they plan to bank. ernist and one Mediterranean, show- focused on the Riomar Point property
build “a modest home” that will be ing what they would look like against for nearly 10 years because of its ex-
about 5,000 square feet. O’Dare first listed it for sale in 2010, the backdrop of the ocean and coun- ceptional qualities and his fascination
after it had been foreclosed on, but the try club, and networked with top Vero with the shoreline there.
Situated behind a live reef that shel- real estate recession was approaching brokers to find a buyer.
ters the accreting shoreline and cre- its nadir that year and the lot did not “It is virgin land that has never been
ates Hawaii-style surf when condi- sell. He then decided to buy and devel- When no one bit on the package built on. The reef in front of it acts like
tions are right, the 1.5-acre property op the property himself and worked deal, he continued to seek a buyer an underwater seawall and blocks
at 1930 Ocean Drive has 154 feet of for several years to put a deal together. for the lot. The property was under the northeast current,” reducing the
Atlantic Ocean frontage, with a deep contract a couple of times in the last impact of nor’easters that erode the
buffer of dunes and sea grass. It’s also Backed by private financing, he few years, but the deals fell through, island shoreline each winter and re-
a golf course property, stretching for eventually closed on the land in Au- mainly due to an odd restriction on sulting in a 75-foot-wide dune and ex-
267 feet along the southern edge of the deed. pansive beach.
Riomar County Club.
“The major issue was an easement What’s more, the reef creates a point
“This is a once-in-a-lifetime legacy attached to the golf course,” O’Dare break surf spot when southern storms
property,” said O’Dare, who has a long said. “When they plotted the course bring a heavy southeast swell.
history with the scenic piece of land. and the private lots around it, they put
“There is nothing else like it and it will a landscape buffer between them, and “It is very rare, but when it comes
never be reproduced. They are not at some point the course moved a T- head high or double overhead, it peels
box into the buffer area.” Apparently perfect and looks spectacular – like
Vote: RANDY HEIMLER that means golfers have access to part Laniakea Beach on the north shore of
of the lot – something the buyers who Oahu. In September when there was a
for School Board, District #4 backed out did not like. large swell, we had 10-foot faces, pret-
“For Our Children” ty as could be.”
Probably because of the landscape
buffer issue, the buyers who finally “Rory had the foresight to under-
pulled the trigger – signing a contract stand the unique value of this estate
in December and closing last week homesite in Old Riomar,” said Trea-
– got what appears to be a phenom- sure Coast Sotheby’s broker Michael
enal deal if you look at the comps: The Thorpe. “He kept his energies laser fo-
1.7-acre lot at 2300 Ocean Drive on cused selling this gem.”
It was well worth the effort in the
end. Even though the land sold at
a bargain, O’Dare and his backers
grossed $1.7 million on the deal and
carrying charges were low. Property
taxes during their period of ownership
were less than $200,000 and there were
no bank interest charges, so a substan-
tial profit was made.
Paid for by Randy Heimler
for School Board District #4
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 11
My Vero He couldn’t have pulled over? Or run While one law gave Sartori a right to Gosnell’s decision must be based
the light? Or did something to get away defend himself, another law prohibits only on the facts and the law – not on
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 and diffuse the situation? Did he have him from recklessly discharging a fire- sentiment, not on politics. The last
to pull out a gun and start shooting? arm in public. And firing 10 to 15 shots thing anyone here should want is for
bystanders to potential death or seri- into a car at a busy intersection, where Sartori to be charged with a crime be-
ous injury.” “Someone needs to really look at four stray bullets struck another moving cause of public pressure.
this, because this person is still out vehicle, might be considered reckless.
The family also states in the petition there with a gun and I don’t want any- Knowing Colton as I do, I’m confi-
that failing to charge Sartori “will set a one else to get shot.” “If that child had been shot,” Loar dent that won’t happen.
dangerous precedent for our commu- said, “we’d be looking at a manslaugh-
nity.” Just so you know: Florida’s “stand ter charge.” Yet, as Clemente put it: “There’s still
your ground” law permits a person to a car with four bullet holes in it.”
Clemente, who was driving to West use deadly force, with no duty to re- Miraculously, that child wasn’t shot.
Palm Beach when her father called to treat, if he or she reasonably believes Nor was his father, who was driving And there’s a 3-year-old boy who
tell her about the shooting, said she’s such force is necessary to prevent im- the SUV and making a U-turn at the continues to talk about the night his
not saying Sartori is guilty. She wants minent death or great bodily harm to intersection when the shooting began. car was hit by bullets.
him to be charged and judged by our themselves or others. Hicks was the lone victim.
legal system. “The night it happened, they called
Therefore, if Sartori’s account of the So which law takes precedence? me on FaceTime so I could see that he
“This was a very emotional event for incident was truthful – if Hicks verbal- Does the “stand your ground” law was safe, and he said, ‘Mommy, there
me, and it took a while to process it,” ly threatened him and made a move provide a legal defense for someone are bullets in my car,’” Clemente said.
Clemente said. “But after a month went that could be reasonably interpreted who, acting in self-defense, recklessly “He talks about it quite a bit. Whenev-
by and nothing was happening – I kept as reaching for a weapon – then it was discharges a firearm in public? er I swerve, he says, ‘Mommy, we had
reading what seemed like the same not an unlawful killing. Does it matter if innocent people to swerve when the bullets were hit-
story over and over again in the news- get shot? And should it? ting the car. It sounded like fireworks.’
papers – I couldn’t take it anymore. I Of course, there’s no way to know Those are some of the questions,
felt we needed to do something. exactly what Hicks said or did. All we I’m sure, that Gosnell and other local “I still can’t believe something like
have are the statements given by Sar- prosecutors – including State Attorney that could happen, especially here.”
“Someone died,” she continued. tori and his passenger. Bruce Colton, who lives in Vero Beach
“With that many bullets flying around – are trying to answer. But it did and the more she thinks
a very busy road at that time of day, Sartori, with a barrage of gunfire, Something Gosnell’s team shouldn’t about it, the more she believes Sartori
someone else could’ve been killed, made sure we’ll never hear Hicks’ ver- consider, though, is the Clementes’ pe- needs to answer for his actions.
too. And why? Because some guy felt sion of what happened, but it is known tition.
threatened? that Hick’s was not armed, so Sartori The family’s cause might be just, but “Everything is OK for us, but what
was not actually in danger of being shot. the online document should be given happened isn’t OK,” Clemente said.
“They keep talking about the stand- no weight in deciding whether Sartori “He shot because he felt his life was
your-ground law, but you’re telling me But it’s not that simple – which, I’m should be charged. threatened, but his shooting was a
there were no other options?” she add- guessing, is why Gosnell is struggling threat to the lives of everyone around
ed. “He was the first one at the light. to reach a decision. him. Isn’t that against the law?”
Two laws are in conflict. Yes, it is.
One of them, anyway.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Contractors sued over collapse of Portales De Vero parking lot
BY BETH WALTON a civil negligence complaint with the Jimmy’s A/C to install a 4,000-pound on behalf of Frontline and Portales
Staff Writer 19th Judicial Circuit in Indian River air conditioning unit on April 25, the De Vero.
County, arguing liability for the acci- lawsuit contends.
A massive hole left behind after a dent rests with Jimmy’s A/C and Re- The truck-mounted crane was po-
50,000-pound truck-mounted crane col- frigeration and Beyel Brothers Crane The Vero Beach company then sitioned on the building’s south side
lapsed the parking lot of an Ocean Drive and Rigging of South Florida. subcontracted Cocoa-based Beyel in a small parking lot. Underneath the
building last year required more than Brothers to lift the two-ton machine asphalt was a long-forgotten concrete
$33,000 in repairs. Now, the insurance Portales De Vero, a white two-sto- onto the roof. But the air condition- tank, a large cistern that measured 47
company for Portales De Vero wants the ry commercial complex with a large er hardly got off the ground before a feet wide, 19 feet long and 5 feet deep.
contractors involved to pay up. breezeway and popular dining options frightening accident ensued, accord-
located at the intersection of Ocean ing to the complaint drafted by attor- The underground chamber, once
Frontline Insurance Unlimited filed Drive and Flamevine Lane, retained neys Phillip Sheehe and Karen Fultz part of a drainage system used to col-
lect stormwater run-off for irrigation
purposes, had been covered over years
before and since forgotten. City plans
indicate the cistern was privately in-
stalled by the property owners in 1979.
When crane operators attempted
to lift the two-ton air conditioner, the
truck broke through the asphalt and top
of the cistern with a loud crash, tipping
over and leaving behind a 20-foot by 30-
foot hole, court documents say.
Spectators, who snapped cellphone
photos of what they thought was a
sinkhole collapse, said they heard a
big boom before the truck dropped
into the earth. No cars were parked
on the lot and the crane operator was
able to extricate himself from the par-
tially submerged vehicle.
An investigation done by Frontline
engineers revealed the truck-mounted
crane was inappropriately parked, al-
leges Fultz, who represents the insur-
ance company.
The contractors did not perform an
adequate inspection of the parking
lot before starting the job, an industry
standard when using this type of heavy
equipment, she said. They failed to sta-
bilize the 50,000-pound crane before
attempting to lift the air conditioner.
Further, there were latches protrud-
ing from the ground indicating an
opening. Physical inspection of the lot
and examination of municipal records
would have indicated there was some-
thing there that would have not have
been able to withstand the weight of
the equipment, according to Fultz.
Frontline paid Portales DeVero $33,500
to cover the damage, but Sheehe and
Fultz argue Jimmy’s A/C and Beyel Broth-
ers should bear the ultimate burden.
A receptionist at Jimmy’s A/C said
last week the company declined to
comment. Its attorney, Roland Bernal
of Bernal & Bernal in Port St. Lucie,
also would not speak in the early stag-
es of the litigation.
Beyer Brothers Crane and Rigging
of South Florida did not respond to a
request for information. Its Boca Raton
attorney, Christopher Burrows, did not
return a call seeking comment.
Records show both contractors asked
the court for additional time to respond
to the complaint.
Amy Higgins with
daughter Scarlett.
14 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Guitars star at Vero Museum’s ‘Rock of Ages’ gala
Paul and Diane Keimig, George Nagy and Kristen Yoshitani with Joanne and Claude Limoges. BY STEPHANIE LABAFF theme, turning spaces around the mu-
Staff Writer seum into replicas of dance clubs in
PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 16 Lynn and Rick Kentz. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF the ’50s, Motown and Studio 54. And
Trini and HP Newquist. Cactus Jack & the Cadillacs. later in the evening, guests toured the
1960s era of rock and pop music from
More than 330 partiers “tripped the across the pond.
light fantastic” last Friday evening at
the Vero Beach Museum of Art’s 2018 “It’s the best party ever!” exclaimed
Gala, Rock of Ages. The nostalgic, mu- Ferro, watching as guests roamed from
sical journey was inspired by one of one musical genre to the next while
the museum’s newest exhibits, Medi- partaking of a moveable feast catered
eval to Metal: The Art and Evolution by Elizabeth Kennedy & Co. “The ex-
of the Guitar, a touring exhibition of hibit was the starting off point for the
40 instruments celebrating the artistic gala and for the first time you can actu-
development of the guitar through the ally go into the featured exhibit during
ages. the event.”
Presenting guests with a blast from “The guitar exhibition is fabulous.
the past, the event featured several It’s fascinating on a historic level, on
bands – Cactus Jack & the Cadillacs, a design level and a popular cultural
the Paradise Band, DJ Willie and the level. It touches on a lot of bases, but
British Invasion – performing music for anyone who likes music, there are
from bygone days; tugging at musi- points of nostalgia,” said Brady Rob-
cally inspired memories from the ’50s erts, VBMA executive director/CEO.
through the ’80s. Guests had dusted off “The gala is a huge event for us. It sup-
their dancing shoes and came adorned ports the operations of the museum
in everything from psychedelic T- and allows us to do all the great things
shirts and poodle skirts to heavy-metal we do for the community. We just com-
garb. Many also did their best to “bust pleted our strategic plan so it gives us
a move” amid the disco balls, 45s and a roadmap for the coming years. There
neon lights. are a lot of great things coming around
that we’ll be talking about in the
Co-chairs Kathy Kemp, Ellen Ferro months ahead. We’ve got a lot of great
and Geri Altieri fully embraced the exhibitions and programs on deck, so
it’s going to be exciting times at the
“We’re excited about the event to-
night, and we’re certainly focused on
making the museum open to every-
body,” added Sandra Rolf, VBMA board
chair, referencing the opening of the
new Art Zone for children.
16 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 Gail Alexander, Pat Anwyl and Jackie Farrell. Lila and Abbott Stillman with Emily and Ned Sherwood.
Geri Altieri, Brady Roberts, Kathy Kemp and Ellen Ferro.
Dace and King Stubbs. Randy and Sandy Rolf.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 17
Rich and Joan Marra with Jim Altieri. Ellen and Dennis Ferro. Sandy and Mike McManus.
Maryanne and Jerry Bohlinger. George and Madeline Long.
Tuny and Toby Hill. Neely and Suzanne Mallory.
Fred and Laurie Gaertner. Tim and Susan Lawrence.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
20th anniversary bash fetes GYAC on ‘incredible strides’
BY MARY SCHENKEL by 1996, the graduation rate for Af- one of the side benefits to all of the ty life to become responsible citizens
Staff Writer rican-American students had plum- other fine things that this facility has in our community. They are learning
meted from 92 percent in 1969, when done and still is doing. If we don’t get the study and work habits they will
The Gifford Youth Achievement Gifford High School was a segregated a chance to learn what’s going on in a use for the rest of their lives to be-
Center celebrated two decades of “giv- school, to a disturbing 23 percent. community or where we live, we will come successful.”
ing youth a chance” at a lovely 20th Richardson, a philanthropist and cit- never get to know each other. I think
Anniversary Gala Celebration last rus industry leader, and Nigh, pastor that by the fact that this building is Freddie Woolfork, Public Relations
Saturday evening at the Oak Harbor at Community Church of Vero Beach, here and has provided an opportuni- & Facility Operations director and
Club. The vision of Chairman Emeri- reached out to Hudson, an educator ty for that to happen; I think we have a 20-year veteran of GYAC, stressed
tus Dr. A. Ronald Hudson, the late Dan and Gifford community leader, and by a better community, we have a better that their goal has always been “nur-
K. Richardson and the late Dr. William February 1998, with the support of the county.” turing youth to be the best that they
Nigh, GYAC has been buoyed by Exec- community, GYAC opened its doors. can be in life.”
utive Director Angelia Perry’s skillful “Our success dictates a need for
management and her efficiently en- “It is just amazing how everybody another extension; we need addition- Guests also heard from Vonisha
thusiastic staff and board. came together and worked together,” al space,” said Richardson’s son-in- Kaigler, a dual-enrolled National
said Hudson in the video. “My sat- law Carter Hopkins, GYAC Founda- Honor Society student in the top 10
GYAC now enjoys more than 50 isfaction is that it has broken down tion Chairman Emeritus. “We have a percent of her class, who has been se-
community-wide partnerships which, some of the racial barriers in this waiting list every year now of 40 or 50 lected to represent Vero Beach High
in conjunction with highly qualified county, and I continue to see that as children.” School and the state of Florida at the
teachers and mentors, provide rough- prestigious Congress of Future Medi-
ly 140 students from 22 area schools “GYAC is looking forward to its fu- cal Leaders in Boston.
with a host of far-ranging after-school ture growth to be able to serve more
programs. Another 200-plus children students and build on the achieve- Kaigler, who hopes to become a
attend the GYAC summer camps. A ments of our teachers, staff and pediatric surgeon, said that in addi-
multi-functional community center, board,” said Perry. “We’ve already tion to academic opportunities, “not
GYAC also offers a host of programs made such incredible strides, with only did they open doors to me, but
for local seniors, from exercise and more than 74 percent high school they gave me the tools to open doors
computer classes to caregiver respite. graduation rates among African- myself. I know that with all your do-
American students. GYAC gives our nations and your help, you can help
A brief historical video noted that children a hope to live a better-quali- many more kids like me.”
For more information, visit
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 19
Vonisha Kaigler and Barbara Pearce. PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL Faye and Freddie Woolfork with Carmel Bryant-Graham and Millicent Carpenter. Jackye and Dr. A. Ronald Hudson.
Carter Hopkins, Rene Perez and Susan Hopkins. Teddy Floyd and Angelia Perry. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 20
Nancy Hopwood with George and Sandy Kahle.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 19 Tina and Bob Discipio with Cis and Bill Glavin and Alice Clark. Barbara Diemer, Terry Flaherty and Trudie Rainone.
Scott and Gail Alexander with Becki and Matt Rundels.
George and Marlen Higgs. Peggy and Norm Rickard. Brittany Bolinger and Adam Bolinger. Ryan and Sarah Cobb.
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22 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Attention, kids: You are entering the awesome Art Zone
VBMA Art Zone Aquarium Wall. PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL 2-year-old J.J. Lugas.
Laura Spillis shows daughter Beatrice’s artwork. Beatrice Spillis, Ellie Matzinger and Ella Castle. 1-year-old Ezra Hengst.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 23
The Vero Beach Museum of Art hosted a decidedly younger crowd last Wednesday morning at the official open-
ing of its new Art Zone, an interactive gallery dedicated to children up to age 12 and their families. The hands-
on, floor-to-ceiling, multi-sensory space caters to little ones, enabling them to not only view art but to immerse
themselves and connect to it with their other senses as well, through such innovative features such as a sketch
aquarium, chalk and magnetic walls, aroma and soundscape sensory panels and even constellations on the ceil-
ing. Read the full story on Page 34 in Arts.
Isobel Reynolds, 2, and Jaxxon Collins, 3. Chase Brazitis with daughter
Olivia Brazitis and Laurie Gaertner.
2-year-old Laurel Musselman at the chalk walk.
24 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Ready, Set, Glow’ runners light it up for Charter chorus
Zee Sturtsman, Savannah Tanner and Regan Duffy. Amber Besaw, Deborah Janssens and Christina Tyler. Alyssa Horton, Kaitlyn Scott and Christopher Moreland.
Lucia Azzollini and Jazmyn Caro. Victoria Earlywine and Arianna Padulazzi. AJ Musgrave and Andrew Hammond. Marianne Day and Sue Rebenauer.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 25
The Campbell Family: Darlayna, Blake Jr., Chelsea and Blake. Victoria Pearsaul and Megan Hipple. Karen Vercillo with Dan Stromak and Ruth Stromak.
Savanna Hayes and Kayla Ross.
Like fireflies against the darken-
ing sky, runners sporting glow-
stick necklaces and a few fanci-
ful outfits brightened the night
at the annual Ready, Set, Glow 5K
Run/Walk to benefit the Indian
River Charter High School Cho-
rus. More than 150 illuminated
runners ‘got their glow on’ as they
traversed a route that took them
through the high school and ad-
joining Indian River State Col-
lege campuses and along College
Lane, which for safety was closed
off to vehicular traffic. Overall
winner was Reece Johnston, in
21:16, and first-place female was
Jessica Schmitt, 23:19.
26 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Yacht Club sails into IRMC, stuffed with Teddy bears
Bill Walker, Carin Fedderman and Milley LaCanfora. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF Leonardo De Larosa with a new cuddly friend.
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF bears and other cuddly creatures provide comfort to frightened pedi- Teddy Bear Dance.
Staff Writer arrived in style, transported in eye- atric patients and anxious individ- “The children who go to the ER
catching convertibles with ‘bearly’ uals suffering from Alzheimer’s or
The Indian River Medical Center any room to spare, and were wel- dementia who visit the emergency are traumatized,” explained Ander-
Emergency Room saw an influx of comed by hospital staff with open room. son. “We also give stuffed animals
visitors last Wednesday morning as arms. to the Community Service Unit at
a group of Vero Beach Yacht Club Committee chair Mert Anderson the Indian River County Sheriff’s
Shipmates came bearing gifts. A Vero Beach Yacht Club members said members collect the stuffed Office. They give them to children
collection of more than 300 Teddy have made the annual delivery of animals through appeals to the in car accidents, that get locked in
plush pals for more than 10 years to community and at their annual cars, or who have to be taken away
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 27
from their family.” on the bears and patch them up ing when you see them with their good to know that we care and the
“The stuffed animals make the just like the children they’re treat- stuffed animal,” said Carbone, as people that donate the stuffed ani-
ing. The huggable animals give the she looked in on a young patient mals care about their children too.”
children feel so much better,” said patients something to love, taking cuddling his new furry friend. Not-
Darlene Carbone, IRMC patient ad- their focus off how scary it can be to ing that staff members hand out the In addition to last week’s deliv-
vocate. “Just having something to visit the hospital. stuffed animals on a daily basis, she ery, Yacht Club members replenish
cuddle makes a difference.” added, “It makes the parents feel the supply as needed throughout
“It gives you such a good feel- the year.
The nurses often put Band-Aids
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28 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Camp Haven gala features inspirational testimonials
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF congressional aide in Ohio, only to needed and he is now a successful ment,” and was featured in a TEDx
Staff Writer make a series of poor choices that entrepreneur. Talks video.
caused his world to come crashing
Camp Haven supporters were down. Harris moved to Vero Beach “I never knew a program like this Camp Haven programs help local
impressed by the success stories with just $400 in his pocket and existed. I don’t know where I would men to transition from homelessness
of program graduates at its annual quickly found out he was in an even be right now if I hadn’t reached out to to a life of self-sufficiency by provid-
Diamonds in the Rough Gala at the worse situation. Homeless and alone, Mrs. Janke,” said Harris, referencing ing a stable environment, food, shel-
Grand Harbor Golf & Beach Club his call to Camp Haven was the point Lalita Janke, Camp Haven executive ter, medical care, counseling and
last Saturday evening. In addition at which his life turned the corner. director. He said he was humbled by mentorship.
to cocktails, dinner, auctions and the stories of fellow residents, and
music by the Deja Blue Band, guests Through hard work, self-reflection noted that in the black community “They come to us in various stages
were treated to a peek into the lives of and Camp Haven’s programs and there is a stigma toward counseling of brokenness. They are financially,
the men at Camp Haven, a support- support, Harris was provided with and seeking help. emotionally, mentally and spiritually
ive transformational shelter for local the “hand up” he so desperately broken. They initially claim they just
homeless men. “Camp Haven helped save me. want a bed for their head, but we help
They gave me an opportunity to re- them find their hearts through psy-
Former Camp Haven resident Vet- set the dial. I was able to gather my chological education. Every man is a
son Derisse sent a surprise video thoughts and create a new plan. I ‘diamond in the rough’ and it is our
message from Texas, where he is cur- went through the business program job to bring out the best in him,” said
rently serving as a private in the U.S. at IRSC, received the 2015 [Student] Janke, noting that they have assisted
Army. Derisse credited the two years Entrepreneur of the Year Award and 175 men over the past four years.
he lived at Camp Haven for enabling put my business plan in motion, all
him to rise out of homelessness and because of Camp Haven and the re- Janke added that these men have
move forward to a better life. sources that they offered me,” ex- often lost faith in themselves, per-
plained Harris. ceiving that they were looked down
In another moving video and later upon by society. The goal of the non-
as the evening’s keynote speaker, Wil Today, Harris lives on his own, profit is to help them overcome the
Harris shared his story of finding his has a car and his own business as a brutal reality of homelessness and
way out of a rough Miami neighbor- professional speaker. He has written the feeling that they are nobodies.
hood and into a successful life as a two books, “The Wicker Diary” and
“A Quick Guide to Personal Develop- For more information, visit cam-
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 29
Jermey Gable and Richard Schlitt. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF Linda Teetz, Brian Korkus and Lalita Janke. Diana Stark with Jim and Madeleine Kerns.
Margaret and Martin Desmery with Judy and Jim Schorner. Robin Korkus, Jim Popiel and Marie Ek. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 30
DeDe Layer, Rita Lewis and Debbie Lewis.
30 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 29 Mel Teetz, Dr. Walter Janke and Paul Teresi.
Pat Stelz, Lalita Janke, June Bercaw, Lisa Ghin, Joanne Knoetgen and Connie Bishop.
Gerri Smith with Ed and Susan Smith. Chuck and Brenda Bradley. Wil Harris and Joseph Cofield. Walter Janke Jr. and Vanessa Janke with Dr. Walter Janke.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 31
‘5210 Let’s Go’ fills school kids with healthy habits
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF casa, noting that a recent Community plains Benincasa. “The kids absolutely love the cos-
Staff Writer Health Needs Assessment indicated A major focus is on how much sugar tumes. It’s a super-simple, easy hook
that the rate of students at or above to get them paying attention at the
In 2015, in an effort to counter the 95th percentile in BMI (body mass should be consumed, especially zero- beginning of the program. The sillier
the growing number of overweight index) had increased by nearly 3 per- ing in on the sugar content of drinks. you are, the more they listen to you for
school-aged children, the Indian Riv- cent from 2008 to 2012. He says there some reason.”
er County Community Health Advi- have been positive trends since the “A lot of this information is new to
sory Council began introducing the program’s introduction, including a the kids, especially the sugar stuff. And, while he enjoys interact-
5210 Let’s Go: Health Education and 4 percent to 5 percent BMI decline They just don’t understand the con- ing with the children, he says one of
Wellness Program, a nationwide obe- among third-graders. cept of a gram of sugar,” he says. the most rewarding aspects is hear-
sity prevention initiative originally ing from parents that the lessons are
launched in Maine in 2012 that pro- “It’s important to focus on kids be- To add a bit of fun, Benincasa starts
motes evidence-based healthy living fore they develop any habits,” says Be- each session colorfully dressed as a CONTINUED ON PAGE 32
strategies in schools. Peter Benincasa, nincasa. “The rate of childhood obesi- banana.
Florida Department of Health Human ty is above average in our community,
Services program specialist, says the so we wanted to take that on.”
program is currently in place at 12 of
the 13 area elementary schools. Benincasa designs individual pro-
grams to meet each school’s needs
The 5-2-1-0 healthier lifestyle recipe and wants, and makes age-appropri-
is a simple one: consume “5” or more ate presentations through various
fruits and vegetables; spend “2” hours class activities.
or less on recreational screen time; get
“1” hour or more of physical activity; “I work with the teachers in each
and consume “0” sugary drinks, re- special area class to develop lessons
placing them with water and low-fat and activities that tie into the stan-
milk. dards. In art class we talk about mar-
keting and the kids do an art project
“Childhood obesity is a big problem along those lines. In music I focus
in Indian River County,” says Benin- on physical activity. In media I teach
them how to read food labels,” ex-
32 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
making their way home. Chef Taylor Rye demonstrates healthy cooking techniques at Vero Beach Elementary School. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Peter Benincasa and Michelle Lamscha.
“I’ve gotten a lot of feedback from
giving presentations at community to make any recipe healthier. girls were intrigued by what was going
parents saying, ‘My kid is bugging me events and conducting cooking class- “We feel it is important that students on and wanted to be involved.”
about how many fruits and vegetables es to teach families how to shop for
we bring into the home,’ or ‘My kid and prepare healthy meals. learn healthy eating habits,” says An- After becoming a father, Rye says
doesn’t want to go to McDonald’s any- gelia Perry, GYAC executive director. he reevaluated his own eating habits
more.’” Recently, Moorings Yacht & Country “It is an opportunity for our students and subsequently lost 100 pounds.
Club Sous Chef Taylor Rye joined Be- to experience preparing healthy foods, “I needed to make a change and I
Fellsmere Elementary School Prin- nincasa for a visit to the Gifford Youth sampling those foods and seeing how wanted to share what I’ve learned
cipal Ramon Echeverria has also seen Achievement Center to teach students important it is that a person eats with other people so they can better
the message spreading out to the how to make braised chicken tacos, ci- healthy food; because it impacts their themselves. I was eating the wrong
broader community through his stu- lantro rice, cabbage slaw and pico de long-term health in ways they can’t kinds of things too often and not ex-
dents. gallo. Throughout the demonstration, imagine at 11, 12 and 13 years old.” ercising enough. All the knowledge in
Rye explained the benefits of the vari- the world does you no good if you are
“They are more aware of the foods ous ingredients and gave tips on how Rye says he was surprised by the unwilling to use it.”
they have been eating and how det- students’ level of interest, adding, “The
rimental their choices can be to their
health and their well-being,” says Ech-
everria. “The awareness of their eating
habits is a key factor.”
On the other hand, what goes on
in the home can also be a significant
roadblock. “We can send kids home
with all the information they need and
they can try to make a positive impact
on their family; but at the end of the
day, it’s still the family that chooses
what kinds of foods to purchase,” says
Benincasa, noting that more than 90
percent of the drinks in convenience
stores are sugary sodas or juices. Add-
ing to the problem, unhealthy fast
food and junk food is easier to obtain
and can be less expensive.
To reach more people, Benincasa
has taken the program on the road,
34 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Museum’s Art Zone: A multi-sensory masterpiece for kids
BY MARY SCHENKEL VBMA Executive Director/CEO Brady Roberts and Pam Sommers, Youth and Family Programs manager, with “The goal is to
Staff Writer donors Virginia and Warren Schwerin. PHOTO BY MARY SCHENKEL connect families
With the official opening last week of Brady Roberts, VBMA executive direc- making, the Art Zone was kick-started with art and also
the Art Zone at the Vero Beach Museum tor/CEO. “What I love is the diversity. with an initial $125,000 grant from
of Art, a din of children’s chatter and We have all sorts of creative activities the Hearst Foundations. Local phi- inspire creative
chortles, periodically punctuated by the they can do related to our special exhi- lanthropists Warren and Virginia
unmistakable toddlers’ screech, now bitions and our permanent collection, Schwerin gifted a Children’s Educa- thinking.”
emanates from what was previously the so it’s just a world of opportunity.” tion Fund to support Art Zone pro-
peaceful Helen Ecclestone Library near grams and to fund the delightfully in- - Pam Sommers
the Education Wing. Films are still avail- “So the idea is empowering parents novative sketch aquarium.
able at the Helen Ecclestone Stone Film to teach their children about art; of was designed to enable children, from
Library located near Visitor Services, but being family-friendly all the time and “I think the Museum is one of the babies to age 12, to totally immerse
the 672-square-foot space is now a hub- having a space where it is catering to a legs on which Vero Beach stands and themselves in multi-sensory art expe-
bub of children and family activities. child’s developmental needs. The goal yet there are children who have never riences and learning. “The idea is to
is to connect families with art and been,” said Warren Schwerin. “I think treat it as another gallery, but it’s an
While the museum has always en- also inspire creative thinking,” says this will improve that immensely. I interactive gallery rather than just for
couraged participation by children Sommers, adding that the concept en- saw something like this 50 years ago viewing,” says Sommers.
and families – its annual Children’s dorses the Moonshot Moment initia- and finally we’ve got an opportunity
Art Festival began five years before the tive of ‘parents as first teachers.’ to do it here.” The pièce de résistance is a colorful
doors even opened – a hushed ambi- 25-foot interactive sketch aquarium
ance permeated all but the classrooms. Roughly a year and a half in the From floor to ceiling, the Art Zone wall which uses software to scan chil-
dren’s drawings, which then float about
“This space is designed to be multi- as creatures in the aquarium. “So once
sensory; everything is hands on. When it’s in the aquarium it becomes interac-
kids are in the galleries looking at art, tive in the way that children can touch
they can’t touch. This is the complete their fish and they can also feed their
opposite,” says Pam Sommers, Youth fish,” says Sommers, noting that ‘food’
and Family Programs manager. “And comes out by touching a floating bag.
so we want the children to connect
with the art. Just looking at art, and A floor-to-ceiling chalk wall encour-
not being able to touch it, is challeng- ages children to express their inner
ing developmentally when they’re at artist with colored chalks. Innovative
the stage when they need to touch and aroma and soundscape sensory pan-
feel it, and hear and taste it. When it’s els let them experience art through
interactive they just take to it auto- smell and hearing – such as pushing
matically. They don’t need direction; a button to get a whiff of fruit in a still
they just go up to it and start playing life, or listening to animals in a jungle
with it and they’re learning.” scene. Flexible drawing figures help
them imagine the body movements of
“So finally we have a dedicated
space for our Family Programs.
They’ve been growing so rapidly we
absolutely needed the space,” said
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 35
artistic characters, and a large metal Coming Up: Lose yourself in ‘La La Land’ on the Green
wall contains a plethora of magnets to
move about. BY SAMANTHA BAITA Thursday, Feb. 1, as part of the Emerson was the key to racial advancement. She
Staff Writer Center’s free Florida Humanities Series. was the only one of 17 siblings to attend
“We have one game that’s called ‘play Author/actor/reporter Ersula Knox- school, walking miles each way when a
the curator,’ where the children can 1 This Friday, you have the opportu- Odom brings her well-researched por- missionary started a school for African
take pictures from our permanent col- nity to watch – on a huge screen – trayal of the legendary Black leader to American children, and sharing what
lection and change them around,” says venues throughout Florida and beyond, she had learned with her family. Bet-
Sommers. “So the kids can actually the film that reeled in (pun intended) a in the tradition of Hal Holbrook’s Mark hune completed her education and, in
get face to face with something they’re Twain or Fonda’s Clarence Darrow. The 1904, founded Daytona Normal and In-
going to see in the galleries. They can record-breaking seven Golden Globes, child of former slaves, according to bi- dustrial Institute, which later became
touch it, they can feel it, they can look, Bethune was an educa- Bethune-Cookman College. The pro-
at it; and then when they go out into the five British Academy Film Awards; and tor and activist who believed education
galleries they’ll have experienced it.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 36
six Oscars – “La La Land.” It’s Starry
Every space is utilized, including
the ceiling, which projects constella- Night on the Green, the monthly Vero
tions that children can change at the
touch of a switch. “The idea is con- Heritage (outdoor) Film Series, and the
necting dots and lines and of course
the beginnings of drawing and imagi- romantic musical comedy-drama is be-
native storytelling.”
ing shown on the lawn at Pocahontas
The cork flooring is augmented with
colorful carpet tiles that children can Park. It’s free, sponsored this month by
pick up and move about to create pat-
terns on the floor. Multi-functional the Vero Beach Wine and Film Festival.
furniture can be flipped and rotated to
accommodate different ages and uses. Just grab a blanket or a couple of lawn
With flexibility literally built into the chairs and watch Ryan Gosling and
endeavor, she can introduce new activ-
ities to coincide with rotating exhibi- Emma Stone hoof their way through the
tions, such as having little guitars to go
along with the Medieval to Metal: The story of a jazz pianist and an aspiring
Art & Evolution of the Guitar exhibit.
actress who meet and fall in love while
For more information, visit vero- pursuing their dreams. The film’s title,
according to Wikipedia, refers simulta-
neously to the city of Los Angeles and
the idiom for being out of touch with
reality. Show time is 6 p.m. (aka dusk).
2 A moving one-woman per-
formance, “The Voice of Mary
McLeod Bethune,” will take place this
The Treasure Coast’s largest collection of
contemporary glass and one of America’s
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36 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
gram begins at 7 p.m. can youth. “Live from Laurel Canyon”
features songs by Canyon residents
3 Next up in the Live From Vero the Mamas and the Papas, Buffalo
Beach series, “Live from Laurel Springfield, Crosby, Stills and Nash,
Neil Young, James Taylor, Carol King,
Canyon - Songs & Stories of American Joni Mitchell, the Eagles and Jackson
Browne. A band of Phoenix musicians
Folk Rock” is coming to the Emerson and three excellent vocalists, Khani
Cole, Kip Fox and Brian Chartrand, do
Center next Thursday, Feb. 8, and, if justice to the songs and the singers of
this amazing decade during a memo-
the folk music of the mid-’60s to mid- 3 rable 90-minute journey through
American Folk Rock history. Curtain is
’70s is the soundtrack of your life, you Strip, an artist community that rivaled at 7 p.m. Tickets are $25 to $55.
Greenwich Village or Haight-Ashbury.
definitely don’t want to miss this. Ac- In the mid-’60s, singers and songwrit-
ers began moving there to be closer to
cording to the “Live from Laurel Can- a new sound that was “blending lyrical
elements of folk and the instrumenta-
yon” website, Laurel Canyon was a tion and attitude of rock-n-roll.” Folk
Rock had struck a chord with Ameri-
quiet neighborhood nestled in the
Hollywood hills, right off the Sunset
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 37
Outerbridge’s photographic prowess on display in Vero
The exhibition “Paul Outerbridge: by American of Curatorial Assistance pictured. Outerbridge, with his
New Color Photographs from Mexico photographer Paul Outerbridge (and its non-profit arm, CATE), Graham commercial and fashion photography
and California, 1948-1955” opened to between 1948 and 1955. Lowe. The seller was the photographer’s background, had an unerring sense of
the public in the Schumann Gallery at widow, Lois Outerbridge Cunningham. style in depicting sophisticated women
the Vero Beach Museum of Art on Jan. That means that the images in the in smart outfits, bathing beauties and
20 and runs through June 3. While it show, taken at least 63 years ago, are not The collection’s subjects are scenes chic watering holes. Those pictures will
is new to Vero Beach, the “New” in the new, either. of people and locations in and around have some members of the VBMA audi-
show’s title is puzzling. Laguna Beach, Calif. (Outerbridge’s ence reminiscing about their own trav-
Outerbridge died in 1958, before he home for the last decade of his life) and els in that time to those places, while
Organized by Pasadena-based Cura- could realize any of the shots he took in Mexico – especially the seaside resort the rest of us will merely wish we could
torial Assistance Traveling Exhibitions as photo prints. All of the color prints in town of Mazatlán. The 1950s time pe- have been there.
(CATE), the show has been available the show were created in recent years. riod is readily apparent in the clothing,
for public display since at least 2008, The original collection of transparen- architecture, cars and leisure activities CONTINUED ON PAGE 38
when it appeared in Ann Arbor, Mich., cies, along with the rights to reproduce
courtesy of the University of Michigan them, were purchased nearly 40 years
Museum of Art. ago by the founder and current CEO
That was 10 years ago; so that part of
“New Color Photographs” isn’t new, is it?
The exhibition was curated for CATE
by William Ewing, an independent
curator and author on photography,
and Phillip Prodger, head of the Pho-
tographs Collection at the National
Portrait Gallery in London, England.
The 33 images they chose to include
in the exhibition are representative of
some 500 Kodachrome images taken
38 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
What then, is new about these “new where he photographed for New York, he experi- printed in 2008 by Todd Gangler of
color photographs?” If you substitute Paris Vogue. There Outerbridge met fel- mented with the technically diffi- Art and Soul Photo in Seattle) most
the phrase “seldom-seen” for the word low photographers Man Ray and Bereni- cult tri-color carbon process, which are printed (beautifully) in the
“new,” you will be getting to the heart of ce Abbott, as well as Marcel Duchamp, he mastered and made his own. This modern color digital technique, as
the matter. These photo images, hidden Pablo Picasso and other members of the made him not only more desirable as a well as a few dye transfer prints,
away until after the artist’s death, have avant-garde. Outerbridge returned to commercial photographer; it also gave
not found the audience that his widely New York in 1929, where he continued a new dimension to his fine artwork which the digital color very much
reproduced early work has. his successful commercial career. and especially to his depiction of the resembles.
female nude. The tri-color carbon prints are
At this point you might ask, “Who To illustrate his early work, the cur- If you do not know Outerbridge’s “Woman with Turquoise Dress, Laguna
was Paul Outerbridge, and why should rent exhibition has on view a 1931 still early fine art photography, you do not Beach, California” of c. 1952 and “Car-
we care about his pictures?” life from the collection of the late Ray- know Paul Outerbridge. The handsome nival Carriage, Mexico” of c. 1950. The
mond Kassar, a Vero Beach resident. It hard cover catalog for the show (a copy images do not disappoint. The latter de-
Paul Outerbridge Jr. was born in 1896 was something of a coup for the VBMA of which is available for visitors to pe- picts a party of masked and begowned
to an affluent family in New York City. to obtain the loan of one of the collec- ruse in the gallery) reproduces two ex- revelers seated in a black carriage; the
After service in World War I (briefly with tion’s prints. In the past, objects from amples of these: “Avocado Pears,” a still former shows a bleached blond in a
the Canadian Royal Flying Corps and that substantial collection of works by life from 1936, and “Descending Night” satin evening gown whose charms are
then with the US Army, where he took renowned photographers have only of 1935. The latter is, perhaps, Outer- fiercely compressed by a tight bod-
his first photographs) Outerbridge stud- rarely been displayed to the public. bridge’s most lyrically beautiful nude. It ice. The woman’s half-length figure is
ied in New York at the Clarence White is on the strength of iconic images such placed to voluptuous advantage in front
School of Photography. His first fine art Titled “Consciousness,” the black- as these that Outerbridge fans will go to of an industrial-looking louvered win-
photographs were nudes and still life and white gelatin silver print presents see the current exhibition, in hopes of dow. It is her sun-hardened squint and
printed on paper in platinum an ex- the forms of a cone and two eggs pre- viewing the artist’s late images, printed parted red lips, however, which trans-
pensive and very permanent black and cariously perched on a narrow ledge. An in the now rare carbon color technique. form a flesh-and-blood being into an
white printing process. He often pre- original print signed by Outerbridge, the Alas, this is not the case. While two allegory of louche sophistication.
visualized his photos’ compositions in image owes a debt to the nascent Surre- of the photos in the show are executed Off all the pictures in this show, it
sketches prior to tripping the shutter on alist aesthetic that he would have expe- as tri-color carbon prints (impeccably alone suggests the fetishistic nature of
his carefully lit studio arrangements. Al- rienced in Paris. Outerbridge’s depictions of women in
though composed of common objects, his 1930s heyday. By all means, look up
Outerbridge’s still-life pictures are cel- After Outerbridge’s 1929 returned to some of his classic nudes and still-life
ebrated as modernist abstractions. compositions before you visit the show
at the museum. It will bring a depth
Commercial commissions for product to the late work that, for all its techni-
illustration followed, and Outerbridge’s cal virtuosity and picturesque subject
work began to appear in Vanity Fair and matter, it would not otherwise have.
other magazines. He went to Europe in
1925 and lived in Paris for several years,
40 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The last time that America almost of nuclear devices and bombmaking hurry who has to date never met a for- Just because war in Korea would be
risked a pre-emptive strike on North sites. “The difference today is that the eign leader, even from China, the clos- unspeakably dangerous does not mean
Korea the gamble offered a spectacu- North Koreans are very good at hiding, est his all-but-friendless kingdom has that it will not happen.
lar pay-off. Ashton Carter, a leading burying and moving around their nu- to an ally.
architect of that plan, recalls that his clear infrastructure,” says Carter, now Sober officials with long careers in
scheme for bombing the Yongbyon at Harvard University. North Korea has tested six nuclear Asia policy talk of being more fearful
nuclear facility in 1994 assumed that devices between 2006 and 2017, in- than at any time in recent memory.
in one or two days, the entirety of the If the potential upsides of a strike have cluding what appeared to be a hy- America is governed by Donald Trump,
regime’s nuclear program could be lev- shrunk, the risks have grown hugely.The drogen bomb, and produced enough who revels in matching North Korea in
elled and entombed in rubble. crisis of 1994 saw Kim Il Sung thwart in- plutonium and uranium for possibly bluster. He has promised that contin-
ternational inspections and threaten to dozens more warheads. Its missiles ued North Korean threats to America
Carter, who went on to become de- put plutonium from Yongbyon into half credibly threaten American territory in “will be met with fire and fury like the
fense secretary in the Obama admin- a dozen primitive bombs. Guam, Hawaii or even the continental world has never seen.”
istration, now thinks that an American United States, though officials do not
first strike would only put “a signifi- Since then, power passed to the believe a North Korean nuclear-tipped Trump has at times called diplo-
cant dent” in North Korea’s arsenal despot’s son and in 2011 to his grand- rocket can yet reach an American city. macy with the Kim regime “a waste of
son, Kim Jong Un, a young man in a time.” He is also scornful of allies and
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 41
alliances, causing one Japanese ex- force to check a North Korean nuclear options that would not put Seoul in cials, diplomats and spies, including
pert to identify a grave concern: “that menace. “What’s unimaginable to me harm’s way, Abraham Denmark of the several with personal experience of
Trump will come up with a military op- is allowing a capability that would al- Wilson Centre, and a Pentagon official negotiating with North Korea.
tion and not take the costs seriously.” low a nuclear weapon to land in Den- during the Obama era who worked on
ver, Colorado,” he said. Korea policy, answers simply: “I can’t First, will China ever break deci-
It is not just President Trump. The imagine what those could be.” sively with North Korea, its infuriating
generals seen as a steadying influence In August 2017 H.R. McMaster, a neighbor but valued buffer against the
on the president have given warnings lieutenant-general who is national se- Discussions of Korea strategy quick- world? Second, can Kim be deterred?
that the Kim regime cannot be per- curity adviser to Mr Trump, scolded an ly drift into seemingly impossible tan- For if he cannot, then any responsible
mitted to build weapons that threaten Obama-era predecessor, Susan Rice, gles, involving deadly Stalinist court American president must contem-
American territory. plate a strike, risking what the Japa-
for suggesting that their country could politics and fantastical perils. Official nese expert summarizes as “tens of
General Joseph Dunford, chairman contain and deter a nuclear-armed reports detail the North’s nuclear, bio- thousands of casualties today to pre-
of the joint chiefs of staff and a man North Korea, as it did the Soviet Union. logical and chemical arsenals, and ar- vent millions tomorrow.”
who wields his influence discreetly, “She’s not right,” chided McMaster, tillery pieces in hardened bunkers just
last year chided anyone who thinks it asking how “classical deterrence theo- north of the demilitarized zone (DMZ) Aides to Trump boast that the presi-
unimaginable that America might use ry” could apply to so brutal a regime. that divides the two Koreas, which dent’s resolve explains China’s support
some analysts estimate can fire 10,000 for U.N. Security Council sanctions
Even the defense secretary, James rounds a minute at Seoul. of unprecedented severity, including
Mattis, a cerebral former Marine gen- curbs on North Korean exports of coal
eral who says his job is to “buy time A Pentagon report of 2015 talks of and textiles and on flows of oil and re-
for our diplomats” to solve the North North Korean drones, midget-sub- fined petroleum from China.
Korean crisis, has weighed in. Put on marines and of commandos who may
the spot by reporters in September attack targets in South Korea “via sus- A senior State Department official
2017, he insisted that there are military pected underground, cross-DMZ tun- recalls Trump’s order to strike Syria
options that would not imperil Seoul, nels.” Mattis has said a Korean conflict with Tomahawk cruise missiles in April
the South Korean capital, though its 10 “would probably be the worst kind of 2017, during dinner with the Chinese
million inhabitants live within range of fighting in most people’s lifetimes”. president, Xi Jinping, at Mar-a-Lago,
the North’s artillery and missiles. Such his Florida estate. That strike, enforcing
options exist, he said, “but I will not go Still, responding to presidential de- a red line over Syria’s use of chemical
into details.” mands for more and better options, weapons, “put military action back into
officials are debating possible “preven- our diplomacy,” says the official. “It was
Others sound less certain. Carter tive” strikes, a term denoting actions an important data point that China in-
notes – with tact – that retaliating against taken earlier than“pre-emptive” attacks ternalized.”
a foreign attack is the standing policy of in response to an imminent threat, like
the North Korean armed forces. “If the a missile being readied for launch. In fact, China has yet to abandon a
U.S. and South Korea decided to initi- long-standing hierarchy of Korean hor-
ate a strike, we would have to make sure At root, however, debates about ror in which a nuclear-armed North
that we were thoroughly prepared for a Korea strategy turn on two starkly ranks second. For China, it is topped by
full-on conflict,” he says. straightforward questions, spelled out the prospect of a chaotic fall of the Kim
in interviews with serving and former regime, followed by a reunification of
Invited to contemplate military defense and national-security offi- the two Koreas on Western terms, lin-
ing China’s border with American allies
and high-powered American radars.
Team Trump has tried sweet reason.
Rex Tillerson, the secretary of state,
joined Mattis in assuring China pub-
licly that as it pursues the denuclear-
ization of the Korean peninsula, Amer-
ica has no interest in regime change
or accelerated reunification, seeks no
excuse to garrison troops north of the
DMZ and has no desire to harm the
“long-suffering North Korean people,”
as distinct from their rulers.
Revealing a once closely held secret,
Tillerson told the Atlantic Council, a
Washington think-tank, last Decem-
ber about “conversations” with China
about how the two countries might
secure loose nuclear weapons should
North Korea fall into chaos. This in-
cluded assurances that American
forces would retreat south of the DMZ
when conditions allowed.
Less sweetly, the senior official at
the State Department says that when
Tillerson first met his Chinese coun-
terparts, Yang Jiechi and Wang Yi, in
March 2017, he told them that “we are
out of time” and to drop their long-
standing view of North Korea as an as-
set that keeps America usefully tied up.
Tillerson told China that it can help
America do more “the easy way or the
42 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
hard way”, with the hard way meaning secondary Korea’s claim that it wants nuclear weapons that can raising seemingly insuperable questions about when
sanctions on Chinese entities that trade with North hit America for self-defense. to evacuate Americans from the region without trig-
Korea, and credible threats that Mr Trump is “seri- gering chaos.
ous about the military option if we cannot resolve Logic, and Kim’s own words, point to a nuclear pro-
this diplomatically.” gram with grander ambitions, perhaps to “drive the An unclassified letter sent by the Pentagon to
US from the peninsula” or reunify Korea under the Congress in November 2017 offered the assessment
Put that way, the Korean dilemma arguably re- North’s flag, argues the senior administration official. that only a ground invasion could find and secure all
volves around a single question: is President Trump weapons sites.
bluffing? Should North Korea, China and the wider Several officials and ex-officials who see the value of
world believe that America will use force to prevent frightening Mr Kim to the negotiating table hope pri- A senior American official recalls being asked
Kim from building a nuclear missile that can strike vately that Trump is bluffing, believing that a limited by foreign counterparts why Kim could not simply
Washington, DC, or Los Angeles? be killed. In reply, he pointed to the outside world’s
strike would risk massive retaliation. Even narrowly-fo- dangerous lack of knowledge about what orders
Team Trump is at pains to explain why the boss is cused operations North of the border are deemed risky. the leader’s death might trigger: “We seriously don’t
not bluffing, and why 2018 is, in the words of one se- know that there isn’t some sort of automatic dooms-
nior administration official, “a very dangerous year.” In late 2016, President Obama’s National Secu- day process that pulls down the pillars of the temple.”
That official pointedly praises Israel for twice launch- rity Council organized a war game, asking military,
ing air strikes against suspected nuclear weapons diplomatic and intelligence officials to simulate a Scenarios for limited strikes could include the
sites, once in 1981 against the Osirak reactor being mission to secure nuclear weapons in a North Korea shooting down of a North Korean ballistic missile
built by Iraq, and in 2007 against a reactor in Syria al- tumbling into instability. test. But a failure would damage the credibility of
legedly under construction with North Korean help. American defenses.
Participants call the exercise deeply sobering, with
The official calls those strikes “textbook cases” of so many American troops needed to secure the large Optimists note that America has real points of le-
preventive action. He draws attention to a Trump number of nuclear sites that it could take months to verage, even without force. Carter urges step-by-step
tweet in late December, linking to a television inter- build them up, losing any element of surprise, and “coercive diplomacy,” setting out specific sticks and
view that Trump gave as a private businessman in carrots for discrete North Korean actions, from mis-
1999, urging America to “negotiate like crazy” with sile tests to underground nuclear tests.
North Korea but, if talks failed, to “do something
now” before warheads are aimed at New York and Daniel Russel, former assistant secretary of state
other cities. for East Asian and Pacific affairs during the Obama
era, shares the pessimists’ belief that North Korea
Insiders deny that the Trump administration is does not need nuclear weapons for deterrence, se-
dividing into camps of hawks and doves, with each curing its safety with its ability to bombard Seoul.
taking a different view of the utility of talks. A clearer
divide turns on relative optimism or pessimism about Russel argues that the North’s goal is money and
Kim’s intentions, with McMaster a leading voice of other concessions. If through sustained sanctions
doom (he has compared this moment of geopolitical “North Korea is denied the pay-off, the ransom it is
peril to 1914). In particular, pessimists doubt North seeking, it hasn’t actually achieved the [right] return
on investment on the nuclear program,” says Russel,
now at the Asia Society.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 43
Ironically, given all the focus in Washington on pressing dread about Kim misjudging some provo- has launch authority on the North Korean side in
Trump’s impulsive ways, insiders worry most about cation. the middle of the night?”
a crisis that is thrust upon him. They fear that Chi-
na and North Korea are both waiting Trump out, He fears Kim – or someone else – overreacting to On the other side stands President Trump, a wild
hoping that he loses the White House or become American demonstrations of will, such as bomber card who may soon face risks he deems intolerable
distracted by other crises. flights off the coast. while lacking any good options. “The president may
be forced to take action,” a U.S. official soberly says.
Denmark speaks for several officials when ex- “What’s to stop the North Koreans thinking that’s “The potential for conflict is very high.”
the beginning of an attack? That keeps me up. Who
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46 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BY ROBERT J. SAMUELSON Economist Mark Zandi of Moody’s omy is already strong and that his poli- aging of home loans in bond-like secu-
Analytics says stocks could be over- cies will make it stronger. rities – was supposed to reduce risk by
The stock market is going gang- valued by as much as 20 percent. informing investors of varying loan qual-
busters – but whether this reflects the One skeptic is Shiller. Although con- ity. Perversely, this lulled investors into
economy’s underlying strength or run- What these economists are saying ceding in a recent column that high a false sense of confidence that justified
away speculation is a question that is that euphoric investors are pushing U.S. P/E ratios are a “mystery,” he many dubious loans. When this became
stumps many experts. Hence, the ques- prices higher because they believe ev- doesn’t credit “the Trump effect.” For clear, the economy and stocks collapsed.
tion: Will the red-hot stock market sus- eryone else is pushing prices higher. starters, he says, the CAPE ratio has
tain the economy or ultimately kill it? Herd mentality prevails. been high since 2013; Trump’s policies It’s an open question whether some-
can’t explain this. The market’s upward thing similar is happening now. The in-
The boom is undeniable. In 12 out But sooner or later, this self-decep- march preceded his election. fatuation with bitcoin symbolizes grow-
of the first 15 trading days of 2018, tion becomes obvious. Then, stock ing speculation, Nations says. Another
stocks reached record highs, with an prices “correct” – a modest decline Nor do high P/Es reflect exception- source of potential instability could be
overall gain of 6 percent, worth about of, say, 10 to 15 percent – or “crash,” a ally rapid growth in profits, Shiller ar- index products – exchange-traded
$1.9 trillion, according to Wilshire As- much larger loss. Since the 1930s, there gues. Just the opposite: Adjusted for funds (ETFs) or index mutual funds –
sociates. Since Donald Trump’s elec- have been 13 full-fledged bear markets inflation, profits are only 6 percent that allow investors to buy and track a
tion on Nov. 8, 2016, stocks are up with declines exceeding 20 percent, higher than a decade earlier. basket of stocks, such as the S&P 500.
one-third, or $8.4 trillion. according to Silverblatt’s figures. Their
drops averaged 40 percent. The reality is that stock-market These index products have grown
Nor is there much quarrel that, at booms and busts are often driven by fi- rapidly in popularity, reflecting low
present levels, stock valuations are The counterargument is that some- nancial innovations that initially seem fees and a belief that most investors
“stretched.” In layman’s language, this thing (examples: tax cuts, regulatory to make investing safer, argues finan- can’t “beat the market,” so why try? In
means that stock prices are high rela- policies, new technologies, low inter- cial consultant Scott Nations in his November 2017, there were 1,828 ETFs
tive to company profits. Since 1936, est rates) has brightened the economic absorbing new book, “A History of the and index funds worth a total of $3.3
the median price-earnings ratio for outlook, justifying higher stock prices. United States in Five Crashes.” trillion, up from 923 products worth $1
the Standard & Poor’s 500 stock index President Trump and his allies have trillion in 2010, reports the Investment
is 17; the present P/E is about 24, says taken this view, arguing that the econ- For example: In the early 2000s, the Company Institute (ICI), a trade group.
Howard Silverblatt of S&P Dow Jones “securitization” of mortgages – the pack-
Indices. Although index products are in-
vestor-friendly, their effect on market
Or consider another measure, the trends is not clear. The need to buy and
CAPE index. This stands for “cyclically sell huge baskets of stocks may exagger-
adjusted price-earnings” ratio. De- ate swings in both directions, increas-
vised by economists Robert Shiller of ing gains in bull markets and losses in
Yale and John Campbell of Harvard, it bear markets. Still, ICI economist Sean
provides a longer view of market be- Collins doubts there’s much overall im-
havior. The CAPE averages 10 years of pact, noting that – despite their growth
P/Es and corrects for inflation. This – index products represent only 13 per-
index, too, is historically high at 34, cent of stock-market wealth.
which is roughly double the long-term
median of 16. What seems clearer is that the mar-
ket remains vulnerable to unexpected
With evidence such as this, some ex- economic and political shocks. A sig-
perts conclude that stocks are overval- nificant decline in stocks would under-
ued. Writing in the Wall Street Journal, mine confidence and spending. Main
economist Burton Malkiel asserts that Street is, to some extent, hostage to
“all asset classes appear overpriced.” Wall Street.
DIGESTION: FOOD FOR THOUGHT pancreatic juice and bile. Bacteria within the small intestine pro- © 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
duce some of the enzymes needed to digest carbohydrates. Glu-
PART III cose molecules resulting from the final break down of proteins
and starches are absorbed into the blood. Digestion is completed
Enzymes are substances that act as a catalyst in living organisms, in the small intestine.
regulating the rate at which chemical reactions proceed without
themselves being altered in the process. HOW DO DIGESTED FOOD MOLECULES GET DISTRIBUTED?
The small intestine passes digested food molecules, water and
Digestive juices contain enzymes. These digestive enzymes speed minerals onto other parts of the body for storage or further
up chemical reactions to break food down into different nutri- chemical change. Specialized cells help absorbed materials cross
ents. the intestinal lining into the bloodstream. The bloodstream carries
SALIVARY GLANDS simple sugars, amino acids, glycerol and some vitamins and salts
Saliva, produced by the salivary glands, moistens food so it to the liver. The lymphatic system, a network of vessels that carries
can move more easily through the esophagus into the stom- white blood cells and a fluid called lymph throughout the body,
ach. An enzyme in saliva breaks down starches from the food absorbs fatty acids and vitamins.
you eat.
Glands in the lining of the stomach produce stomach acid Hormone and nerve regulators control the digestive process.
that digests protein. HORMONE REGULATORS
PANCREAS The cells in the lining of the stomach and small intestine pro-
Digestive juice in the pancreas produces several enzymes that duce and release hormones that control the functions of the
break down carbohydrates, fats and proteins in food. These digestive system. These hormones stimulate production of
juices are delivered to the small intestine through small tubes digestive juices and regulate appetite.
called ducts. NERVE REGULATORS
LIVER Extrinsic (outside the GI tract) nerves connect the digestive
The digestive juice produced by the liver, bile, is stored in the organs to the brain and spinal cord. They release chemicals
gallbladder between meals. When a person eats, the gall that cause the muscle layer of the GI tract to contract or relax,
bladder squeezes the bile through the bile ducts, which con- depending on whether there is food that needs to be di-
nect the gallbladder and the liver to the small intestine. The gested. Intrinsic (inside the GI tract) nerves, triggered when
bile mixes with fat in the food and the bile acids dissolve fat food stretches the walls of the hollow organs, release sub-
into the watery contents of the intestine so intestinal and stances that speed up or delay movement of food and pro-
pancreatic enzymes can digest the fat molecules. duction of digestive juices.
The small intestine, major site of digestion for food absorp- Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always wel-
tion of nutrients, produces digestive juice that combines with come. Email us at [email protected].
48 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
“In times of war,” declared the Roman orator Cice- Bergman writes in “Rise and Kill First.” “They were of- of killing innocent civilians alongside their enemies,
ro, “the laws fall silent.” When faced with an existen- ficially sanctioned extrajudicial killings.” but inevitably they justify their own deeds – and cover
tial threat to their survival, he was suggesting, even up their occasionally embarrassing miscalculations.
the most democratic of states are entitled to use vio- The chief defense correspondent for Yedioth Ahro-
lence without legal restraint. But at what point does noth, Israel’s largest daily newspaper, Bergman has Many of the stories Bergman offers are not new,
violence in the name of self-defense become an end a reputation as an indefatigable journalist who has but he adds telling details. Still, after a while the ac-
in itself, so addictive to its practitioners, who in time developed hundreds of informed sources in the de- counts begin to blur and the chapters start to read
become so adept at its use, that it undermines the fense establishment over the past two decades. He is like an endless police blotter. Call it, literally, “Israel’s
very values it is meant to preserve? in a privileged position – defense correspondents get Greatest Hits.”
regular briefings from high officials but must submit
This question is the underlying theme of Ronen their reports to the military censor’s office, which of- There have been storied triumphs. Israel’s clan-
Bergman’s authoritative and exhaustive history of Is- ten excises much of the juiciest stuff. But Bergman destine assassination campaign against German
rael’s targeted killings of its enemies, which he calls has a secret weapon: the chatty, introspective men nuclear scientists working for Egypt in the 1950s and
“the most robust streamlined assassination machine he writes about. He clearly has excellent sources in early ’60s and against Iranian scientists during the
in history.” all three components of the secret killing machinery: past decade probably helped impede both countries’
the Directorate of Military Intelligence, the Mossad nuclear weapons programs. The targeting of the men
Since World War II, Bergman calculates, the Jew- spy agency and the Shin Bet internal security service. behind the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972
ish state and its pre-state paramilitary organizations “On the one hand, nearly everything in the country Munich Olympics probably contributed to Palestine
have assassinated more people than any other coun- related to intelligence and national security is clas- Liberation Organization (PLO) leader Yasser Arafat’s
try in the Western world – some 2,300 “targeted kill- sified as ‘top secret,’ ” he writes. “On the other hand, eventual decision to cease the Black September ter-
ing operations,” most of them against Palestinians, everyone wants to speak about what they’ve done.” ror operations. And the famed 1976 commando raid
but also aimed at Egyptians, Syrians, Iranians and that rescued 102 hostages at the Entebbe airfield in
others. And other Western countries have followed The general impression he gives is of clever, dedi- Uganda was perhaps the ultimate in daring and ef-
its bloodstained example: President Barack Obama cated, self-righteous, over-caffeinated warrior princ- ficient military action.
authorized 353 drone strikes against individuals dur- es constantly seeking creative new ways to identify
ing his eight years in office. and kill their enemies, convincing themselves that But many of the so-called successes came at a
they are not only the best at what they do but also the high price. For example, in April 1988, during the
The threat Israel has faced is all too real. Since before most moral. They agonize over the personal burden early days of the first Palestinian uprising in the Is-
the founding of the state, Arab terror gangs and sui- raeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza, Israeli leaders
cide bombers have aimed at civilian targets – schools, targeted Khalil al-Wazir, known as Abu Jihad, Ara-
cafes, supermarkets, passenger buses, commercial fat’s chief lieutenant and military leader of his Fatah
airliners, even a Passover dinner attended by dozens movement. A team of commandos landed ashore in
of elderly Jews have all been singled out by gunmen Tunis, made their way to Abu Jihad’s villa and shot
and bombers looking to inflict the maximum amount him 52 times in his bedroom in front of his wife. The
of pain on the most innocent of people. Imagine how mission was designed to undermine the intifada by
swiftly and brutally the United States would respond if eliminating a charismatic PLO leader with much Is-
a gang of terrorists from Canada laid waste to a kinder- raeli blood on his hands. But Bergman says it had
garten or two in Detroit. the opposite effect – weakening the PLO leadership
abroad while bolstering the popular committees in
Israel’s leaders have developed a reputation for the occupied territories that were the true leaders
ruthless efficiency, honoring the Talmudic mandate, of the intifada. And Bergman quotes Israeli officials
“If someone comes to kill you, rise up and kill him who now believe Abu Jihad could have made a sig-
first.” Clandestine, behind-enemy-lines operations, nificant contribution to the peace process.
Bergman writes, became “the core principle of Is-
rael’s security doctrine.” RISE AND KILL FIRST
In the name of state security, Israeli officials didn’t THE SECRET HISTORY OF ISRAEL’S TARGETED ASSASSINATIONS
just walk the line of legality, they trampled it. “Sum- BY RONEN BERGMAN | RANDOM HOUSE. 753 PP. $35
mary executions of suspects who posed no immedi- REVIEW BY GLENN FRANKEL, THE WASHINGTON POST
ate threat, violations of the laws of Israel and the rules
of war – were not renegade acts by rogue operatives,”
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 49
Big goal in sight, St. Ed’s soccer gets tournament tough
BY RON HOLUB Juan Torres Will Sternberg “I started playing varsity soccer in
Allan Ross eighth grade,” Will Sternberg said.
Correspondent PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD “I learned so much in my first three
seasons, but now in my fourth year
St. Ed’s varsity boys soccer team on us we like to get the ball to them to I have really learned how important
was a lofty 11-3-1 at the end of the create scoring chances. every person is on the field. Our new
regular season and found two famil- coach Jamie Hutchison is leading us
iar and very formidable adversaries “Will Sternberg is a classic striker strongly.
looming this week in the District 10- up front. He has great ball skills and
1A tournament. The Pirates were pit- can take people on one-on-one.” “We had to move people around
ted against Pine School in the semis into positions they don’t typically play
on Tuesday. Getting past that one Will Sternberg, a junior, led the in order to do what was best for the
would mean an automatic berth in team with 16 goals during the regular team. It has really brought us closer
the regionals and, barring the unfore- season. Three seniors were next: Tor- together as a team. Thus far we have
seen, a Friday date for the champion- res had nine, Ross eight and Felipe had a very successful season. We were
ship against host Holy Trinity Episco- Catao eight. disappointed about losing the SSAC
pal. championship game on penalty kicks.
The route to a second consecutive “We hope to continue our season
district championship won’t be easy deep into the playoffs. I personally
by any stretch. St. Ed’s defeated Pine hope I can continue to stay on the
School twice during the regular sea- scoresheet, but without my team-
son, however the first encounter was mates making passes to me behind
a come-from-behind 4-3 win at their the defense, it is nearly impossible for
place. The rematch at home resulted me to score. I owe them, especially my
in a much more comfortable 5-1 vic- midfield, for my success this year.”
tory on Senior Night. The Pirates were
shut out twice by HTE, 4-0 and 1-0. Ross has been a varsity soccer
player for four years. He was a var-
A disappointing 3-2 loss in the sity swimmer dating back to middle
SSAC championship game on Jan. school. In high school he combined
20 concluded a flurry of four games varsity cross country with swimming
in five days to close-out the regular in the fall and eventually became a
season. The best news after that was star 5K runner for coach Greg Garzon.
10 days off to lick some wounds and
prepare for Pine School. “I always look forward to the soc-
cer season after competitive cross
“This is a good time to start put- country and swimming,” Ross told
ting things together,” assistant coach us. “We were a little rusty early on,
and AD Jeff Lamscha said on the eve but we bounced back well after hard
of the playoffs. “No matter what your practices and a couple of games with
record is, you go 2-0 and you are dis- our new coach.
trict champs. That’s what we’re shoot-
ing for. “Personally, this season has been
my most prolific in terms of goals
“We have a great mix of veteran play- and assists, but most importantly I
ers, especially our six seniors. They’ve feel as though I have a much more
done a real nice job of leading the important role as a senior and team
team. The freshmen and sophomores captain.
give us a good nucleus behind them.
We also have a good mix between our “My fondest memories have come
offensive and defensive players. We’re playing soccer with the varsity team.
pretty well balanced. We always have fun playing the game
we love so much.”
“We had to redo our defense. We
have two freshmen back there with
Jack Zoltak and Drew Sternberg. They
play very well together. Britt Reisman
(1.14 GAA) is our defensive anchor
in goal. He has made some key saves
for us. Paul Siegl has settled in at left
outside defender. Ben Vigneault and
Edgar Chavez are also doing a good
job back there.
“The midfield is really solid be-
cause that is where Allan (Ross) and
Juan (Torres) play. They attack really
well. Liam Kavolius is a new starter
this year and he concentrates more
on defense so Allan and Juan can go
on attack. River Flynn and William
Franco give us a lot of speed on the
outside. When teams try to pack it in
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