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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-02-01 14:18:50

02/01/2018 ISSUE 05


Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 51


Seven Seas Explorer cruises into the and has a view of the wake every bit as
Venetian Lagoon (as it will on an Oc- spectacular as the view from your suite
tober sailing)! out over the bow.

Entering the Regent Suite, you walk So what do super luxe accommoda-
past two Picasso lithographs and into tions like this run on the elegant Seven
a lavishly appointed living area of mar- Seas Explorer? Approximately $11,000
ble and exotic woods, Murano glass a day for two, including business and
bowls, Lalique vases, limited-edition first class airfare to and from the cit-
art books, golden chandeliers, and a ies where you embark and disembark,
custom Steinway grand Maroque piano a night in a luxury hotel before the
($250,000) designed by Dakota Jackson. cruise, private car and driver waiting
for you in every port, fine wines and
Off to the port side of the suite is the spirits, and of course the run of this
master bedroom, where a Savoir bed extraordinary ship (14 years newer
awaits that costs more than most Mer- than The World, by the way).
cedes cars. Its king-size mattress alone
retails for more than a Porsche Cayenne. Since the Seven Seas Explorer’s
cruises mostly run 7 to 12 days, your
Next to the bedroom is a lavish bath- cruise will run in the neighborhood of
room and private spa – with heated $80,000 to $130,000 (somewhat more
tile loungers, sauna, hot tub on the ve- if you want to bring a couple of kids
randa, and where you can have unlim- along, and put them in the Regent
ited in-suite treatments from the ship's Suite’s spacious second bedroom).
Canyon Ranch spa.
A lot of money? Sure. But with the
You no doubt will wish to take some annual maintenance and other fees
of your meals in-suite. In addition to for owners of an apartment on The
breakfast, your butler will serve you World now averaging more than
course-by-course meals ordered from $400,000 annually – and close to $1
any of the Explorer’s specialty restau- million a year for The World’s largest
rants. But if you are traveling with fam- apartments – booking the Seven Seas
ily or friends (or quickly make a lot of Explorer’s Regent Suite for a cruise
new ones), you also have at your dis- vacation to remember would seem a
posal “The Study,” a secluded private high-end bargain. 
dining room, seating up to 20 people,
on Deck 10 at the stern of the ship. NOTE: If you don’t need 3,026 square
feet, other luxury suites on the Explorer
The Study is located between the are available at attractive prices.
ship’s steak house, Prime 7, and Char-
treuse, Explorer’s French restaurant,

52 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


How are we to exercise dominion over God’s creation?

BY REV. DRS. CASEY & BOB BAGGOTT To be made in God’s image, this some reflection on just how God
Columnists verse suggests, grants us the privilege might exercise dominion, if God had
and the duty to exercise royal domin- chosen to do the job instead of of-
One of the best known and most ion on God’s behalf over God’s cre- fering it to us, would be a good idea.
thought-provoking verses in the bible ation. Creation includes such a vast What would God do – with fish and
comes to us from its first book: “Then array of things, doesn’t it? – from fish, birds and cattle and wild animals and
God said, ‘Let us make humankind in birds, cattle, and wild animals, to all yes, with those pesky cockroaches?
our image, according to our likeness; the creepy crawly things, and more. What values would God rely upon?
and let them have dominion over the How are we to exercise our domin- What standards would God employ
fish of the sea, and over the birds of ion rightly? We’ve wondered about for decision-making about the futures
the air, and over the cattle, and over this over the years. And when a fam- of various creatures?
all the wild animals of the earth, and ily of cockroaches materialized in the
over every creeping thing that creeps kitchen cabinet, we were motivated When the well-being of human
upon the earth.’” to exercise our dominion in a partic- creatures and other creatures came
ularly fierce and deadly manner. into conflict, what perspective would
God use to decide on a course of ac-
But the word “dominion” actually tion?
holds a puzzling range of meanings.
Dominion can indeed imply mastery, We felt rather humbled recently, in
supremacy, and dominance. But it can reading an article about the creepy
also imply protection and responsibil- crawly things of the world, to realize
ity for dependents. that our first assessment of them was
likely to be swayed by revulsion (ick,
Presumably, as we strive to be God’s cockroaches!) which was often a seri-
regents of God’s glorious creation, ous misreading of their actual value
to us.

As Liz Langley recently wrote (“With-
out These Flies, There’d be No Choco-
late,” National Geographic, Nov. 22,
2017), flying gall midges are the primary
pollinators of the cacao plant that gives
us our chocolate. Dung beetles are avid
recyclers that keep our world clean.
Blue bottle flies, blowflies, and hover
flies are the best pollinators of carrots.
And, we learned, even the much-ma-
ligned cockroach plays its role – which
is to be a food source for other insects
and animals and to break down plant
products for soil fertilization.

Who knew?We didn’t. But this knowl-
edge has given us pause. As people who
are made in God’s image, and charged
to act on God’s behalf to oversee cre-
ation’s fruitfulness and functioning, we
feel newly inspired to know more about
how God’s complex and lovely creation
operates. And then, humbly, to play our
part in keeping it all in good working or-
der. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 53





Robert Benchley, a humorist who died in 1945, said, “Drawing on my fine command of K7
language, I said nothing.”
WEST Q J 10 9 8 7
Declarer is in total command of his side’s forces; he fights the battle alone. The 10 9 8 6 3 EAST
defenders usually work together to defeat a contract; rarely does one defender take Q
total command and leave his partner playing third violin, just trying not to renege. J8632 742
Which applies in this deal? West leads the heart queen against South’s contract of K 10 9 7 6 3
three no-trump.
South’s jump to game indicated a balanced hand with a good 12 to 15 points, typically
at least two stoppers in the intervenor’s suit and fewer than four spades because he did AK
not make a negative double. North had no reason to believe that five clubs would be
better. (Note that that contract goes down if East leads a heart, or cashes a high trump SOUTH
and shifts to a heart at trick two.)
South has six top tricks: three spades, one heart and two diamonds. He will get a
second heart winner, but must establish dummy’s clubs, which involves losing the lead AJ8
twice. He is in jeopardy.
A 10 9 4
A meek East would signal exuberantly with the heart 10 at trick one. Then, after South
played low, East would sit back and wait ... and wait ... and wait ... for partner to lead a 632
second heart. Probably West would shift to a spade, but now South would get home
with an overtrick. Dealer: North; Vulnerable: East-West

A more commanding East will see that he is getting on lead twice in clubs. He will The Bidding:
overtake the heart queen with the king and continue the suit should declarer duck. Now
the contract goes down. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
3 NT Pass 1 Clubs 1 Hearts
If you see how to defeat a contract, take command. Pass Pass LEAD:
Q Hearts

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54 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

1 Tiny creature (5) 1 Virtuoso (7)
4 Farm vehicle (4) 2 The old joanna (7,5)
8 Sensory organ (3) 3 Notice (4)
9 Ancestry (9) 4 Curve-beaked bird (6)
10 Roman garb (4) 5 Give up (8)
11 Puts back together (8) 6 Fonteyn, say (6-6)
12 Oath (3) 7 Honey makers (4)
13 Set of clothes (6) 11 Balderdash (3)
14 Cutting tool (6) 12 Grape orchard (8)
16 Glimpse; get (3) 14 Hanky-panky (3)
17 Larynx (5,3) 15 N. England football club
18 Wax and -- (4) 16 Electricity point (6)
20 Rifled (9) 17 Alter (4)
21 Tiger, e.g. (3) 19 -- O’Brien, novelist (4)
22 Prepare for publication (4)
The Telegraph 23 Protective clothing (5)

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

Come and see 1”Thin Paver Overlays
our newly remodeled 2 3/8”Thick Pavers
parking lot display. Cleaning & Sealing
Travertine & Marble The Telegraph
Fire Pits
Concrete Removal
Asphalt Removal
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 55


ACROSS 80 Where peas live American co. Caen) The Washington Post
1 The answer I 84 Essential 13 Melodic subject, 79 The H of W.H.
85 Carpenter’s
was expecting to in music Auden
the riddle in this spinner 14 Convince 81 Ton o’ dough
puzzle 87 Riddle, part 5 82 Enid’s home:
7 Jabber 89 Estate dividers (with “over”)
10 A card game, not 91 Bemused remark 15 In itself abbr.
a singing style 92 “It’s ___ big 16 Russian opera 83 Grand old man
14 Jokers 86 “Once ___ die”
18 They have mistake!” composer 88 “___ say more?”
mysterious odas 93 Riddle, part 6 17 Defining 89 Runner
19 Get-together, of a 98 Most of the
sort “carriers” as Sebastian
21 Remote refuge earth’s surface “mailmen,” 90 Major Idaho river
22 Like bedroom 99 Frasier’s brother perhaps 93 Sort of
eyes 100 Pelvis parts 20 Commercial 94 Cassiterite
23 Start of a riddle 101 Time out? claim! 95 Red Bordeaux
25 Easy multiplier 103 ___ for effort 24 Whips with a 96 Kidman or Miller
26 Creepy creatures 104 Connecticut Ivy pistol? 97 Added (on) as an
28 Boyfriend 27 Freezing-
29 Start of a verse? Leaguers temperature afterthought
30 TV colleague of 108 Rifleman Lucas word 98 Lake in James
Goldie 30 221-B Baker et
and Lily and son Mark al. Fenimore
31 The lessor 110 B. Favre and S. 32 Square root of Cooper stories
amount nueve 102 Mischievous
33 Sounds like a Young, once 34 Communications 105 Sure thing, in
bomb 113 End of the riddle giant: abbr. sports
35 With 10 Down, 116 Prof’s security 35 Players 106 “___ hollers ...”
a dead end 118 Part of the 36 At the level of 107 The Lion King
38 Riddle, part 2 37 Pipe gripe villain
43 Mimicked country 39 Sponsorship 109 In the matter of
44 Minor worker 119 Little links 40 Hawaiian girl 110 University green
45 Need replacing 120 The Night of the 41 Serious speakers 111 Part of “Bren,”
46 Riddle, part 3 42 Barrett or Jaffe the gun
50 The “come back” ___ 44 Slangy $100 bill 112 Line of clothing?
kid 121 Frosty’s freaky 47 Part of 34 Down 114 My ___, Vietnam
51 Penultimate letter 48 Volare 115 Type of bone or
54 “... my soul ___” cousin? 49 Employers joint?
55 Yvonne’s 122 Where the 51 Pal o’ mine on a 117 Role for Whoopi,
evening palomino 1992 and 1993
57 Galileo and sidewalk meets 52 Catch
Garibaldi the road, 53 1960s series with TRICK QUESTION By Merl Reagle
59 Caution sign in Britain a Culp following
61 City 155 miles 123 Tokyo, once 56 Does again, as a
SE of 124 The answer I bow
San Francisco wasn’t expecting 58 Skating arena
63 Discarded metal to the riddle in 60 Stimulated
64 Knockout props this puzzle 62 Prefix meaning
67 Riddle, part 4 DOWN “standing”
70 Pacing, perhaps 1 David’s 1960s 64 Punch
71 Gave the eye to deskmate 65 Author-critic
73 City near 2 Unusually good James
Cleveland 3 Whacker for 66 Word after word
74 Blimp, e.g. Faldo or sword
76 “It never ___ 4 Rendezvoused 68 A word for God
amaze me” 5 Political refugee 69 Reprove mildly
78 Murder, She 6 Tie or track 72 Dispatched nits
Wrote doctor 7 Southerner’s 75 Clinton and Gore
boat? after November
8 “Cotton Candy” 1992
blower 77 “That’s ___ there
9 Any of a well- is, there ain’t no
known nine Mort” (Herb
10 See 35 Across
11 Push-button
12 Archetypal

The Telegraph

56 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


I can never thank you enough … and that’s the problem

BY CAROLYN HAX general assurances: “Mom, you always get us lovely
Washington Post gifts.” It’s either a preemptive balm for her concerns
or, if there’s more to it, a nudge for her to articulate
Hi, Carolyn: Whenever my what her concerns really are. There’s something to
this, obviously, or else she wouldn’t do it; getting at it
mother gives me or my fam- with love and tact might help you both.

ily member a gift, she ends up

asking about it several times

afterward. Does not matter if it Re: Gifts: When I give something to the grandkids, I

was $5 or expensive. like to hear about it, so I ask. We elderly need to hear

We always thank her for gifts, that what we do is appreciated and liked. Sometimes

and these comments feel like we like to hear it over and over again to bring a smile

she’s asking for thank-yous over and over again. Asking to our faces. I don’t think it is a negative that needs to

her about it would not be productive, so any words of be dealt with.

wisdom would be appreciated. – Anonymous

– We Always Thank Her

We Always Thank Her: The easiest answer is the Anonymous: Well, if your intentions aren’t clear to
nuisance mulligan: Assume everyone has at least the people you’re asking, and if they take your inqui-
one obnoxious but otherwise harmless trait or habit, ries as pressure for repeated thank-yous, then it is a
and resolve just to be cheerful about it. negative that needs to be dealt with.

The more involved answer is to use your response Communication would do it, though. Tell your kids
to shift the dynamic more to your favor. You can, for you ask these follow-up questions because it makes you
example, respond to her questions with a non-an- so happy to bring the grandkids happiness. Say that’s all
swer in the form of a question – “Oh, did you not get you mean by it and hope you aren’t misconstrued.
our thank-you note?” By doing that, you’re essentially
saying, “We already thanked you for this, remember?” The answer with serious investment is to rethink Re: Gifts: To me it sounds like she is very anxious
without actually saying it. And when she (presumably) the option you reject as not “productive.” You know
responds by taking your question literally, then you can her, your judgment prevails, but: I’ve found over and about whether her gifts are actually appreciated. That’s
non-answer again: “Oh, good, I was afraid it got lost.” over again that the one path we rule out is the useful
The trick of this tactic is to remain polite and cheerful one, particularly with recurring problems. different from wanting to be thanked.
but also not engage even a little bit in the inappropriate – Different
line of questioning. Keep answering the question that I’m not suggesting you call her out and put her on
is appropriate, as if that’s the one she actually asked. the defensive. Instead, use questions yourself: “Are Different: Again, better communication would be
you worried we didn’t like it?” Or, use deliberately … better. “It’s so important to me to give the kids gifts
they’ll enjoy. Please tell me what they like and dislike
so they don’t feel forced to be polite.” 

58 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Hurtin’ for certain? Doc specializes in treating chronic pain

BY TOM LLOYD Dr. Harold Cordner and
Staff Writer Danielle Larocca.

While it is certain chronic pain is PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
one of the most common problems
facing Americans, the number of peo-
ple affected is not clear.

The National Center for Comple-
mentary and Integrative Health at
the National Institutes of Health, for
example, says there are 25.3 million
Americans suffering from chronic
pain, while WebMD, evidently using a
different definition, puts the figure at
more than 100 million.

Meanwhile, the National Institute of
Neurological Disorders claims 80 per-
cent of all adults will experience chronic
pain in their lifetime and adds that it be-
comes increasingly common with age.

Dr. Harold Cordner at Florida Pain
Management Associates in Sebastian
puts the problem into more local-
ized terms, saying “it amazes me how
many people we see a day that can
barely go up the aisles at Publix.”

“We see about 10 new patients a
day,” Cordner adds. “It amazes me
there’s that many people who have

pain so bad that they have to go see a ders, currently provide the best clues
specialist for it.” as to the cause or causes of chronic
pain as well as the best available road-
NIH says “chronic pain is often de- map for treating it.
fined as any pain lasting more than
12 weeks,” but again, timelines – and It’s here that Cordner takes at least
even descriptions – vary widely. some of his fellow physicians to task.

The Centers for Disease Control adds
there is no single test that can measure
chronic pain with any kind of precision.

About the only area of general
agreement is that health professionals
– from primary care doctors to sur-
geons to pain specialists like Cordner
– have to rely mainly on their patients’
self-descriptions of the type, timing
and location of their pain.

Those descriptions, according to
the Institute of Neurological Disor-

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 59


“In medical school you make a di- Getting testy: Debate rages over value of PSA screening
agnosis and then you treat,” he says,
“but in a lot of these pain cases, they BY MARIA CANFIELD but Dr. Raul Storey, a medical oncolo- liter.” A high level may indicate the pres-
treat, treat, treat, treat, treat, but no Correspondent gist with practices in Vero Beach and ence of cancer.
one ever makes the diagnosis of what’s Sebastian, says the debate still has no
causing the pain.” There’s been a debate in the medical clear answer. However, PSA tests can yield “false
community for a while about whether positive” results, as there are health con-
Indeed, according to Cordner, many prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screen- Let’s back up. PSA screening, well- ditions other than prostate cancer that
of his patients have already been to ing cuts the risk of death from prostate known to men of a certain age, is the can raise a man’s PSA levels – including
chiropractors, had massages, had acu- cancer. A new study detailed below has most-frequently used way to diagnose an enlarged or infected prostate and the
puncture and had physiotherapy but, just weighed in on the pro-PSA side, re- prostate cancer. It measures the levels presence of a urinary tract infection. In
he claims, no one ever diagnosed where porting that use of the test is strongly of an antigen (a protein) produced by light of this, the United States Preventive
their pain was actually coming from. correlated with reduced risk of death, the cells in the prostate gland; the levels Services Task Force (USPSTF) states that
are expressed as “nanograms per milli-
And, Cordner claims, the lack of an CONTINUED ON PAGE 60
accurate diagnosis often leads to inef-
fective or inappropriate treatment.

Citing compression fractures of the
spine as an example, Cordner says
“the traditional treatment from pri-
mary care physicians might be [the
patient goes to] the hospital and then
they put you into [physical] therapy.”

But Cordner bluntly asks, “Why
would you go to therapy? You broke
your spine. If you broke your arm,
would you be exercising? No. They’d
put you in a cast and you rest it for six
weeks to let it heal.”

Cordner says he often employs a
technique called “kyphoplasty” to treat
compression fractures. In a nutshell ky-
phoplasty attempts to replace bone lost
to osteoporosis or various cancers – by
filling that void with a solid, cement-
like mixture.

(Kyphoplasty has become increas-
ingly available nationwide but NIH
warns that “studies have questioned
the effectiveness of these procedures.”)

Cordner treats chronic pain brought
on by a wide variety of problems. In
addition to compression fractures he
cites pinched nerves, shingles, unsuc-
cessful back surgeries, degenerative
disks, arthritis, hip and knee pain,
neck pain and a host of other joint and
musculoskeletal problems.

“If your primary care physician does
some treatment or some physical ther-
apy and it takes your pain away, that’s
great. Then you don’t need me. But if
your pain persists despite treatment or
despite time, and it’s not getting better,
then I think you need the help of some-
one who’s a pain specialist.”

Clearly not lacking self-confidence,
Cordner goes on to claim “even other the
pain management physicians send their
really, really tough cases to us to treat.”

The American Chronic Pain Asso-
ciation states, “It is actually possible to
increase your level of functioning and
quality life while reducing your sense
of suffering” from chronic pain, but it
sternly warns “the road is not always an
easy one.”

Dr. Harold Cordner is with Florida
Pain Management just north of Steward
Heath’s Sebastian River Medical Cen-
ter campus. The address is 13815 U.S.
1. The phone number is 772-388-9998.
The website is 

60 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


“there is convincing evidence that PSA- research out of Seattle may be some- Dr. Raul Storey. the complexity of this issue, he stresses
based screening for prostate cancer re- what oversimplified, saying “if a that this is not a definite conclusion.
sults in considerable overtreatment and screening test shows a high PSA level, PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
its associated harms.” additional tests are done, which are While the Mayo Clinic has not
not without risk and side effects, and says “men with a PSA level under 4 have weighed in on this debate, they do pro-
The USPSTF actually goes one step can cause anxiety. And not every case a 15 percent chance of developing pros- vide notes of caution about the reliabil-
further, recommending against PSA- of prostate cancer is the same. Some tate cancer in the next 10 years. That ity of PSA testing. In addition to false
based screening, saying that existing are slow-growing and some are ag- percentage goes up to 30 or 35 percent if positives that can lead to further test-
studies have demonstrated only a “very gressive. So the life expectancy of the the PSA level is between 4 and 10, and 67 ing and unnecessary treatment, their
small” decrease in deaths from pros- man, based on his age and overall percent if the PSA level is over 10.” And website states that, according to re-
tate cancer as a result of this screening. health, has to be taken into account.” a PSA test may help detect prostate can- search studies, between 23 percent and
cer at an early stage, when it’s easier to 42 percent of men with prostate cancer
However, the new review, conducted One thing that is clear is the associa- treat and more likely to be cured. detected by PSA tests have tumors that
by researchers from the Fred Hutchin- tion between PSA levels and the risk of wouldn’t result in symptoms during
son Cancer Research Center in Seattle, developing prostate cancer. Dr. Storey Dr. Storey says that some studies have their lifetimes. These men are consid-
concludes that PSA screening is in fact shown that men over age 70 do not ben- ered to be “overdiagnosed”; having can-
linked with a considerable reduction efit – do not reduce their risk of dying cer that’s not likely to cause poor health
in the risk of prostate cancer death, from prostate cancer – by getting their or to present a risk of death.
and suggests that the USPSTF guide- PSA levels tested. But, in keeping with
lines may need to be reviewed. The message Dr. Storey wants to
share with the men of our community is
The researchers, led by Ruth Etzioni, this: “There is no specific recommenda-
Ph.D., recently reported their results in tion about PSA screening that will apply
the Annals of Internal Medicine. They to all men. There are too many variables
re-examined the two studies on which for that to be possible. It is important
the USPSTF guidelines were based, us- that men over the age of 50 have a dis-
ing a mathematical model to account cussion with their primary care physi-
for differences in how each study was cian or urologist about whether PSA
conducted. In doing so, Etzioni and screening is right for them, based on
her colleagues found that both studies their individual circumstances.”
demonstrated evidence of a significant
reduction in prostate cancer death as a Dr. Storey’s private practice is part of
result of PSA screening. Florida Cancer Specialists, with locations
at 1880 37th St. in Vero Beach, 772-589-
Back to Sebastian’s Dr. Storey. He 0879, and 13060 U.S. 1, Suite A, in Sebas-
says whether or not to screen for PSA tian, 772-228-3381. 
levels remains a controversial and
complicated topic, and suggests the

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 61


Bonz meets mysterious Kiya, a beautiful Basenji

Hi Dog Buddies! “Yes, ma’am.” Mom discovered me dig-
“Please have a seat and I’ll begin.”
This week I innerviewed Kiya Morris, I did, and she did. ging under the fence, an
an I realized I was a liddle intimidated. “First of all: Basenjis Do not shed. Or
Don’t laugh. I know it wasn’t my first Dog smell doggie. We Do Not Even Bark. We Bentley was helpfully hold-
Show. But still. yodel. Just so you know. Now then: It was
in California, five years ago. Near San ing a piece of artificial turf
See, Kiya is a Basenji, another breed Diego. My Mom was dog-sitting her em-
unfamiliar to me. So I Read Up, pre-in- ployer’s dog, a Basenji, and Mom wisely out of my way that Mom
nerview, and found out Basenjis were, grew to love the breed. She has excellent
like, ANCIENT. I’m talkin’ pre-hiss- taste. So she acquired a Basenji of her had put there to keep me
TOR-ick. They were wild, fearless hunt- own, from a lady in the nearby moun-
ers livin’ in The Bush. (Musta been One tains. It was I, of course: pick of the litter. in. It didn’t work. I’m very
Big Bush.) When they finally started An Egyptian princess. I was only a pup,
hanging out with humans, it was with and it was quite a dramatic transition fast. Like a gazelle. No-
the FAIR-ohs, in EE-gipt. (Kiya was the at first. I threw up in the car, going to
name of one of the FAIR-oh’s wives.) You my new home, and I was extremely ap- body could catch me till
know those Serious Dog-Headed Statues prehensive about, well, everything. And
with the big pointy ears? Basenjis look a I absolutely DID NOT TOLERATE THE a neighbor brought out
lot like that. VERY mysterious. Anyway, CRATE.
when the FAIR-ohs vanished, so did the “As it happened, I was not the only pet some of his homemade
Basenjis. Didn’t pop back up till, like, in the household. There was Bentley.
hundreds of years later, in the heart of He is a cat. A Ragdoll, to be precise. Very deer jerky.”
Africa. See what I mean? Mysterious. fluffy. When I first arrived, as a playful
puppy, I’d bop him on the nose. Inces- “Cool Catnip,” I ven-
Kiya’s mom an grandma opened the santly! Then one day I bopped him on
door, an Kiya was right there. Lookin’ the nose and POOF! he transformed into tured, with sincerity. “Do
at us. She was small (17 pounds); slim; this ferocious, demented puffball. His
short, silky, gold an white coat; long legs; fur stuck out everywhere and he made you have dog frens?”
tail curled over her back. Fox-lookin’ a frightening noise I’ll NEVER forget. It
face, super pretty, but not in a fluffy way, took some time, but we’ve became true “I quite enjoy the ca- Kiya
if you know what I mean. She greeted my companions. I realized I groom myself maraderie at day care.
assistant. Me, not so much. just as he does. And curl up to nap. And
stalk things. And he doesn’t tolerate oth- It’s called DogKidz, and
“Hello,” I said. “I’’m Bonzo. It’s a great er dogs in our home, either.”
pleasure!” Just then, a large, fluffy gray and the greeter is a par-
white cat strolled in, an I sat quietly and
“Humpf,” Kiya said. “I agreed to speak tried to look like a piece of furniture. He rot named Lola. The first
with you only because Mom wanted me looked at me, flexed his claws, turned to
to. I have no wish to be rude, but you Kiya and asked (in very nice Dog, I no- time I walked into the lobby, I heard this
should know that I do NOT like other ticed), “Is everything all right?”
dogs in my home. It’s different on neu- “We’re fine,” Kiya assured him, and voice: ‘Hey, Girl!’ My hackles shot up it was her yodel. Ah-
tral ground, but here, I am making an Bentley disappeared into the kitchen.
exception for you.” I breathed what I hoped was an incon- like a Mohawk! I looked all around, an ROOOOOOoooooooo!
spicuous sigh of relief.
“I understand, Miss Kiya, and I greatly “When I was younger I was always finally spotted this Bird! Talking! I didn’t Kiya’s Mom boarded her
appreciate that.” (Scratch the Wag-and- running away,” Kiya continued. “Our
Sniff, I decided prudently.) neighbors called me Houdini. Once know whether to chase it or chat with bike, leash in hand, and off

“All right, then. This is my Mom, Liz it. I also have a French Bulldog neigh- they went. Her Mom peddled briskly,
Morris; and my grandparents Mima and
Pops. So I will talk an you will write it bor, Coco; and a lovely human friend, Kiya blithely galloped alongside. They
down, is that correct?”
a pleasant lady we often visit on Ocean circled back.

Drive. She is always so happy to see me. “See?” She wasn’t even breathing

“In San Diego there were many dog- hard.

friendly beaches: I had several dog frens Heading home, I was thinking about

there. Actually, I am currently working the exotic, bold little Egyptian princess

with a human called John. He’s a county who could run like the wind and was

commissioner. I’m endeavoring to es- determined to create a dog park for her

tablish a dog park at the South Beach fellow pooches. I felt proud to be a Dog.

Community Center. Mom’s helping, too.

She’s in real estate.” Till next time,

“Woof! That’s pawsome, Miss Kiya!” The Bonz
“I know. Isn’t it? We’re trying to spread
the word. I think the activity I enjoy most

is when Mom an I go down to the Barrier Don’t Be Shy
Island Sanctuary. Mom rides her bike,
and I trot alongside. We go several miles We are always looking for pets
and I’m not the slightest bit winded. Peo- with interesting stories.
ple smile and wave. It’s our daily routine. To set up an interview, email

Come, see.”

Kiya’sMomgrabbedtheleash,andKiya [email protected].

let out this BIG happy sound. I realized

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 63

What will Oscar nominees Margot, Meryl and Mary wear on the red carpet?

BY GEORGINA LUCAS Margot Robbie Saoirse Ronan Meryl Streep with Ai-jen Poo
The Telegraph

The 2018 Oscar nominees have been
announced, and with the Paris couture
shows in full swing, stylists and nomi-
nees are likely to be holding fittings,
calling in samples and commissioning
bespoke gowns in anticipation of the
spate of best dressed lists which follow
the evening.

This awards season, red carpet
dressing is a hot topic with the Golden
Globes turned black in support of the
#TimesUp campaign. So far nothing
similar has been announced for the
Oscars, so actresses have their pick of
the collections. Here’s what we’d like
to see on the night ...

Margot Robbie
The Australian actress’ first Oscar
nomination is for the title role in “I,
Tonya.” The star is one of a clutch of
talented Hollywood women, includ-
ing Natalie Portman, Michelle Wil-
liams and Dakota Johnson, whose
sartorial decisions are guided by su-


64 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 63 creative director Alessandro Michele
referenced ice-skating costumes in
per-stylist Kate Young. Since working his show notes.
with Young, there has been a notable
shift in Robbie’s style, with more di- Saoirse Ronan
rectional pieces appearing in her line- The 23-year-old Irish actress’ third
up. nomination sees her recognized for
her leading role in “Lady Bird,” di-
For the previous two academy rected by Greta Gerwig (the first fe-
awards, Robbie has turned heads in male nominee for best director in
plunging, floor-sweeping gowns, but eight years). Recently, Ronan has been
recent looks suggest she may opt for working with Elizabeth Saltzman, the
something edgier this year. Chanel is stylist behind Julia Roberts, among
a favorite – we can see her in the bead- others. The pair have honed Ronan’s
ed jumpsuit from its recent couture red-carpet DNA with dynamic em-
show. Or, if she wanted to make refer- bellishment and feminine pieces by a
ence to the film she is nominated for,
Gucci would be an inspired choice, as

Sally Hawkins Mary J. Blige

mix of labels from Gucci to Rejina Pyo. around a Versace commissioned gown.
For the Golden Globes she worked If she opts for the same formula for the
Academy Awards, Givenchy would be a
with an all-female team (including hair strong choice. The label debuted its first
and makeup) for her look which centred

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 65

Octavia Spencer Tom Ford cape moment which made actress’ red-carpet style has favored main’s brand new red carpet capsule
fashion headlines after the 2012 awards. eclectic details, vintage pieces and Brit- collection, 44 Francois Premier? The
couture collection under new creative ish designers. She has recently been label’s strong silhouettes surely make
director, Clare Waight Keller, this week Meryl Streep pictured in a series of styles by smaller, it a contender, and creative director
in Paris. Saltzman might even work with Meryl Streep’s best actress nomi- niche designers including Romona Kev- Olivier Rousteing knows a thing or
Ronan to recreate Gwyneth Paltrow’s nation, for her role in “The Post,” ex- eza and Edeline Lee. two about power dressing ...
tends her Oscar nods record to 21. The
Hollywood icon has been walking For this year’s SAG and Golden Globes, Octavia Spencer
the red carpet since the 1970s, and in styled by L.A.-based sisters Wendi and With her third academy award nom-
2015 hired Micaela Erlanger, Lupita Nicole Ferreira, she wore mega Dior cou- ination for her role in “The Shape of
Nyong’o and Diane Kruger’s stylist, ture creations. And we think she’ll make Water,” Octavia Spencer, who received
to revamp her look while she was pro- it a hat trick. The recent Paris show of- the best supporting actress accolade
moting Ricki and the Flash. fered several Hawkins-worthy options, for The Help in 2012, becomes the first
With Erlanger’s encouragement, she though the house may well already have black actress to receive nominations
has dabbled with younger designers, in- something bespoke in production. in two consecutive years. The second
cluding Erdem and Derek Lam, but her actress in the nominees line-up who is
red carpet style favors the big houses Mary J Blige styled by the Ferreira sisters, Spencer
– Givenchy, Lanvin, Valentino and Elie The R&B singer turned actress has rarely puts a red carpet foot wrong.
Saab. And she often opts for bespoke made history with a double nomina- Last year she wore bespoke Marche-
pieces, like the off-the-shoulder Vera tion – best original song and best sup- sa, something she is unlikely to repeat
Wang gown she wore for the Golden porting actress – for her first major film given the cloud over the label in the
Globes. This year, Ralph and Russo may role in “Mudbound.” Styled by Law wake of the Weinstein allegations. Our
be a contender – the couture show re- Roach, a fashion authority and judge bets are on Tadashi Shoji; the Japanese
vealed the strong, structured silhouettes on America’s Next Top Model, Blige is evening wear designer has dressed the
and vivid colors that Meryl favors, and likely to aim for impact for her first ap- actress numerous times, and credits
the duo excel at creating one-off pieces pearance on the Oscars red carpet. her as a label muse. Back in 2012, she
with serious impact. Her event style tends toward sculpt- wore a hand-beaded Tadashi Shoji cre-
ing lines and daring thigh splits, each ation to collect her first gong, so surely
Sally Hawkins look carefully curated for maximum the label is a lucky charm?
British actress Sally Hawkins won her drama. Her recent looks have seen a While the Golden Globes might have
second Oscar nomination this year for line up of top names – Elie Saab for offered a united vision of solidarity, it
her lead role in “The Shape of Water” the Productions Guild Awards, Alber- seems the Oscars will offer a return to
(the first was as best supporting ac- ta Ferretti at the Golden Globes and the color and sparkle so synonymous
tress in Blue Jasmine). Historically the Vivienne Westwood for the Critics with the red carpet. Place your bets ... 
Choice Awards. Will she turn to Bal-

66 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


First Bites: A new Mama Mia’s Kitchen in Vero

BY TINA RONDEAU Left: Shrimp Scampi.
Columnist Right: Mama Mia’s Lasagna.

A half-dozen or so years back, there PHOTOS GORDON RADFORD
was a “red sauce” restaurant in a shop-
ping center on U.S. 1 in Roseland called Saltimbocca Italian Ricotta
Mama Mia’s Kitchen. It had been Alla Romano. Cheesecake.
around a fair while, served the Italian-
American classics, and had quite a

A couple of weeks ago, a new
restaurant opened on 14th Ave-
nue – in the space that once was
the French Quarter, across the
covered courtyard from Baci
– calling itself “The Original

Ziti Vodka Sauce.

Mama Mia’s Kitchen.” The dishes are sampled four starters, two large sal- were leaden and doughy. One of our will want to give this new incarnation
not regional Italian, or modern Italian; ads, two rather watery soups (pasta two orders of veal parmigiana was also of an oldie-but-goodie a try.
they are Tony Soprano Italian. fagioli and minestrone), a half-dozen disappointing; the veal had not been
entrées, and a dessert (cannoli). pounded enough, and was tough and I welcome your comments, and en-
Headline news: While the chef and chewy. courage you to send feedback to me at
the recipes are said to have come from For starters, we tried the clams ore- [email protected].
the Mama Mia’s of yore, this is not pre- genatta ($9.95), the stuffed mushroom But the eggplant parm was deli-
cisely the “original” Mama Mia’s. It caps ($8.95), the fried calamari ($10.95) cious, the ziti with vodka sauce drew The reviewer dines anonymously at
has, for starters, a different owner, and and the mozzarella en carozza ($8.95). raves, and the lasagna was very tasty. restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
some loyalists say dishes aren’t quite 32963. 
as they remembered from yesteryear. First prize went to the calamari, Drink: Mama Mia has a full bar,
which was very lightly breaded, ten- with a nice selection of cold beers and Hours:
Look & Feel: The new Mama Mia’s der and served with a spicy marinara offers a choice of wines by the glass as Daily, 4:30 pm to closing
is a white (not checkered) tablecloth sauce. well as the bottle.
restaurant, set among comfortable Beverages: Full bar
black booths and banquets. No chianti A close second was the fresh mozza- Service: Service was very attentive, Address:
bottles with candles here. rella, lightly breaded and fried golden though on one of our two visits, the
brown, served with marinara. courses were not very well spaced. En- 1920 14th Avenue, Vero
The rather austere décor features trées came out only seconds after the Phone:
an interesting selection of art on the We also tried the abruzzese salad appearance of salads.
walls, and on the first evening we vis- ($8.95) and the scungilli salad ($10.95); (772) 213-8888
ited, the stylings of Frank Sinatra were in the latter, the conch was pretty Prices: Prices for starters range from
playing unobtrusively in the back- much missing in action. $7.95 to $11.95, with pastas mostly in
ground. the $16-$18 range, and entrées run-
For entrées, various members of our ning $19 to $22 (zuppa di pesce was the
Food: Our two visits these past cou- party had the ziti with vodka sauce highest on the menu at $29.95).
ple of weeks got off to slow starts, when ($16.95), lasagna ($18.95), gnocchi
servers brought baskets of doughy gar- ($16.95), veal parmigiana ($19.95), lin- Initial impressions: Our second
lic rolls not in the same league as the guine with fresh clam sauce ($19.95), visit was much better than our first, so
addictive garlic knots at Pomodoro or eggplant parmigiana ($16.95) and the hopefully things are going in the right
Johnny D’s. fiesta platter ($18.95). direction.

But over the course of two meals, Of the entrees, the biggest downer And if you were a fan of the old
my husband, three companions and I was the gnocchi – potato dumplings Mama Mia’s (or for that matter love
that should be pillow-light and instead classic Italian-American cuisine), you

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 67


There’s nothing wrong with being a little sweet on wine

The Washington Post

There’s a popular misconception know what we’re buying – is the Ries- in Riesling, such as Michigan’s Old ness in wine. Don’t just say “yuck.” Ask
about wine that dry is better than ling dry? Is it sweet? Worst of all, is it Mission Peninsula, produce Ries- yourself: Is it just sugary, or is it show-
sweet. I’m no specialist in national neither? lings they label “dry” and “semi-dry.” ing ripe fruit flavors of peaches, apricots
psychology, but this fear of sweetness Some indicate sweetness levels using and berries? Does the acidity balance
might stem from our collective aware- “We can’t get away from the ques- a scale on the back label. I’ll admit an the sweetness and leave your palate
ness of our American sweet tooth and tion of sweetness,” says August De- instinctive bias toward drier wines, refreshed, ready for another sip or bite
a quaint notion that wine is European imel, winemaker at Keuka Spring but I often find myself reacting more of food? Fruity wines, with or without
and therefore sophisticated and bitter. Vineyards in New York’s Finger Lakes, enthusiastically to semi-dry versions. some degree of residual sugar left after
a region known for Riesling. “We spend They tend to be more harmonious, fermentation, are often great partners
We love sugary sodas, sweet tea, a lot of time explaining to consumers more complete and more compatible to the spicier cuisines we favor today.
sweet and sour chicken, sticky sweet and the trade what the sweetness level with food.
barbecue sauces, cookies and cakes is. Unfortunately, one person’s off-dry Come on, America. Embrace your
and more. And overtly sweet wines is another person’s bone dry, and an- So let’s reassess our fear of sweet- sweet tooth. 
are popular, too, judging from sales other person’s uber-sweet.”
figures. Yet there is still a perception
that sweet wines are unsophisticated Deimel sees a generational factor
and somehow inferior to dry. in this anti-sweet bias. “There are
definitely people out there who still
They aren’t. They’re just different. say the only good wine is a dry wine,”
The key is that the sweetness needs he told me. “I don’t see that so much
to be balanced by acidity. I’m not with my peers as with baby boomers
going to indulge in a techno-geeky or Gen Xers.” (He’s 35.) “You don’t see
discourse about grams per liter of re- that bias so much with millennials.”
sidual sugar vs. titratable acidity, or
precise definitions of dry, semi-dry, We’ve seen this before, in their will-
medium-dry or sweet. (Note how the ingness to try wines from unfamiliar
nomenclature reinforces the bias by countries, states or regions, “natural”
emphasizing degrees of dryness?) wines fermented in amphorae with-
Truth is, the wine industry is ap- out sulfur, or trendy petillant-naturel
pealing to our sweet tooth by flood- sparklers, bottled before the fermen-
ing supermarkets and convenience tation is complete to produce bub-
stores with cheap treacle whose only bles, and topped with unpretentious
defining characteristic is sweet. Not crown cap closures. Younger drink-
fruitiness or acidity, just sweet. And ers are eager to experiment, unen-
maybe heavy. These clunky wines cumbered by the preconceptions and
may sell because they are cheap, but prejudices that shape their parents’
they probably also reinforce the idea perspectives.
that sweet wines are lower quality.
Terry Theise, a wine broker famous Many wineries in the Finger Lakes
for his portfolio of high-quality wines and other regions that specialize
from Germany, Austria and Cham-
pagne, chafes at the market prejudice
for dry wines. He has chided German
producers for insisting that their top-
of-the-line wines must be dry.
“Show me someone who truly hates
sweetness, and I’ll show you someone
to invite on a picnic,” he says, “since
you can eat all the delicious strawber-
ries on top of the basket, and he can
eat all the runty little green ones that
sank to the bottom.”
His point, of course, is that nobody
really hates sweetness.
Except when it comes to wine, too
many of us think we should. And our
fear of sweetness is linked to some de-
gree with Riesling, the quintessential
German wine.
Riesling can be amazingly delicious
when bone dry, or unctuously sweet, or
anywhere in between, because it can
have the acidity to balance the sugar.
Some would argue it needs the sugar
to balance its acidity. The problem
for consumers is that we don’t always

68 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 69


Valentine's  Celebrate With Us
Costa d'Este invites you to celebrate Valentines Day with
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70 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 71

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72 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 73

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74 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


ONGOING 1-4 Celebrating 60 at Vero Beach The- ation Dept., 2 p.m. at VB Community Center. $25 4 Atlantic Classical Orchestra and Vero Beach
atre Guild with Broadway blockbust- per duo; $10 each additional. 772) 770-3775 Museum of Art Chamber Music Series
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Paul Outerbridge: ers from then and now, 7 p.m. Thurs. & Fri.; 2 present Three Generations of Beautiful Wind
New Color Photographs from Mexico and Califor- p.m. Sat. & Sun. $30. 772-562-8300 3 Wine & Dine - Taste of France to benefit Music, 3 p.m. at VBMA. 772-231-0707 x 136
nia, 1948-1955 thru June 3 and Medieval To Met- Hibiscus Children’s Center, 6 p.m. at Grand
al: The Art & Evolution of the Guitar thru May 6. 2 Stories of Gratitude Luncheon, 12 Noon at Harbor Golf Club – pairing French culinary de- 4 First Presbyterian Church Chamber Music Con-
Costa d’Este Beach Resort to benefit Haiti lights and wines. $90. 772-299-6011 x 313 cert Series presents four-hand piano concert
Riverside Theatre - The Mystery of Edwin Partners. $25. 772-539-8521 featuring Sergey Belyavskiy and Jacob Craig, 4 p.m. in
Drood on the Waxlax Stage thru Feb. 4 and 3 Vero Beach Opera presents An Evening with the sanctuary. Donations appreciated. 772-562-9088
Lombardi on the Stark Stage thru Feb. 18 2 Vero Beach Wine + Film Festival presents Verdi featuring Susan Neves and David Per-
Starry Night Screening Under the Stars of shall, 7 p.m. at VBHS PAC. $30 - $50. 772-564-5537 4 Florida Craft Brew & Wingfest VIP event,
King of the Hill Tennis Tournament to benefit La La Land, 6 p.m. at Pocahontas Park in Down- 6:30 p.m. at Walking Tree Brewery, with
Youth Guidance, 6 p.m. Tuesdays at The Moor- town Vero Beach. Free. 3|4 Garden Club of Indian River County home brews paired with restaurant tapas-style
ings Yacht & Country Club thru Feb. 20. hosts Gardenfest: Nature’s Finest dishes and entertainment by the Jacks Band. $75.
2 Indian River Symphonic Association pres- Marketplace, Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sun. to 4 p.m.
FEBRUARY ents the Brevard Symphony Orchestra at Riverside Park, with 85+ vendors of plants 5 Riverside Theatre’s Distinguished Lecturer
POPS Concert with Maestro Christopher Con- and garden accessories, Ask the Experts lectures Series presents former U.K. Prime Minister
1 Emerson Center’s Humanities Series pres- fessore and vocalist Michelle Amato honoring & demos, food court and children’s activities. David Cameron on Stark Stage and simulcast in
ents actor Ersula Knox-Odum on The Voice Leonard Bernstein’s 100th birthday, 7:30 p.m. at Free. 772-567-4602 Waxlax. 772-231-6990
of Mary McLeod Bethune, 7 p.m. at Emerson Vero Beach Community Church. 772 778-1070
Center. Free. 772-778-5249 3 to May 13 - Vero Beach Museum of Art - 5|6 Starfest Luncheon at Quail Valley
3 Mother Daughter ‘Art Party’ themed Tea Martin Lewis: Shadow & Light: The Etch- River Club to benefit Childcare Re-
Party hosted by City of Vero Beach Recre- ings of Martin Lewis. 772-231-0707 sources featuring attorney, author and children’s
advocate Liz Huntley. $175. 772-567-3202 x 108
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
in January 26, 2018 Edition 1 PURR 1 PLAYGOER 5-11 ChamberFest Vero Beach hosted
3 PULP 2 REORIENT by VBHS Orchestra Boosters
9 HATCH 4 UNPAID and First Presbyterian Church of VB: Thurs. 6:45
10 APOCRYPHA 5 PHANTOM p.m. talk, 7:30 p.m. solo piano recital by Michael
11 NERVY 6 STAR Brown; Fri. 7:30 p.m. concert with festival artists
12 GUITARIST 7 WHEY and VBHS Orchestra and 8:30 p.m. community-
15 ERNEST 8 ARIA wide chamber music sight-reading party; Sat.
17 IMPUGN 13 JUVENILE 6:45 p.m. talk, 7:30 p.m. ChamberFest Artists’
19 APARTMENT 14 ANATHEMA Concert. All free. 832-372-3286

Sudoku Page B16 Sudoku Page B17 Crossword Page B16 Crossword Page B17 (BED AND BREAKFAST ALTERNATIVES) 6 Film Studies 3 - Stranger than Fiction:
Amazing True 1:30 p.m. or 7 p.m. Tuesdays
thru Oct. 24 at Vero Beach Museum of Art. $60
& $80. 772-231-0707


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76 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Sophisticated renovation sets
Seagrove West home apart

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA selected item in place: from the fur-
Staff Writer niture to the gold-splatter Jonathan
Adler dishware, from the sumptuous
It is the very essence of elegant bedclothes and white linen drapery
simplicity: Clean, uncluttered lines, to the top-of-the-line Jenn-Air appli-
a pristine palette, soaring ceilings ances. Most of the interior décor was
and sophisticated fixtures inform the acquired by homeowner and design-
handsome turn-key home at 335 Riv- er Mariann Casarella from the pres-
erway Drive in the gated community tigious High Point Market in North
of Seagrove West. Carolina, one of the largest furnish-
ings shows in the world.
You need only bring your tooth-
brush. The home sits a bit back from the
street, beyond a circle driveway and
Airy and light-filled, displaying an oak-shaded lawn. Slender palms and
unwavering attention to detail, this blue-shuttered windows flank the
posh, lakeside residence welcomes high, covered entryway; the elegant
its new owners with every precisely

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 77


foyer chandelier can be glimpsed with sunshine. Beyond the glass
though the hexagonal window above doors, the eye takes in a lovely pan-
the dark wood-and-glass entrance orama that includes a sparkling pool,
door, with its long, slender sidelights. spacious bricked patio and deck, and
broad stretch of beautifully land-
The view upon stepping though scaped lawn extending to the lake
the doorway includes the antique shore.
bronze foyer chandelier and the el-
egant white living room with shell- The chef’s kitchen will delight the
stone floor, soaring ceiling and twin, Family Foodie, with loads of drawer,
curved sofas. Two skylights and a counter and cabinet space, including
glass-door back wall flood the room fitted drawers, a convenient pull-out

78 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


pantry, and a lazy Susan. The ap-
pealing under-cabinet lighting is en-
hanced by an abundance of natural
light through corner windows. White
marble countertops provide beauti-
ful, practical workspace, and even al-
low for a tidy lunch counter. Luxury
appliances are Jenn-Air. Below the
stylish range hood, the stove features
a double oven, and the lower oven can
also serve as a warming drawer.

A handy laundry room off the
kitchen includes sink, closet and fit-
ted drawers.

The kitchen flows into a sunny
family room/dining room, made
cozy by a handsome fireplace with
shellstone surround and white wood
mantel. Rotating above, practical and
eye-catching, is a sleek 4-blade fan,
its Hermes Orange hue a clever, unex-
pected pop of color. Here, as through-
out the home, you will find excellent
art pieces, placed sparingly, with pre-
cision and artistic savvy.


Neighborhood: Seagrove West

Complete renovation: 2017

Lot size: 122’ X 155’

Home size: 2,400 square feet

Bedrooms: 3

Bathrooms: 2

Additional features: Roomy,
2-bay garage; fireplace; shell-
stone floors; skylights; Jenn Air
appliances; ceiling fans; fenced
yard; pool; laundry room; 24-
hour manned security gates

Listing agency:
Premier Estate Properties

Listing agent:
Cindy O’Dare, 772-713-5899

Listing price: $1,195,000

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 79

An open den invites relaxation: A pleasant REAL ESTATE
space to watch TV, read, doze or enjoy a quiet
conversation, it contains comfy seating and a room, large windows and sliders provide a mood-
wide-screen TV. lifting view of the lovely lake as well as access to
the pool patio and yard.
With its volume ceiling, gentle blue walls, and
contrasting white crown molding, the master Here, as throughout, the simple, fully-lined
suite offers an inviting retreat. In the master bed- white linen drapes glide smoothly via ball
bearings on traverse rods that extend the
length of the room, creating another design

RIVER CLUB at Carlton 5/5.5 $3,470,000 CARLTON 4/4.5 $3,200,000 OLD RIOMAR 3/4.5 $2,100,000 OLD OAK LANE 0.49 Acre Lot $1,500,000
Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 180847 Kit Fields 772-312-5165 198417 Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388
Karen Smith 772-559-1295 197425 Karen Smith 772-559-1295 198202

CACHE CAY 3/3.5 $945,000 ISLAND CLUB Riverside 4/2F/2H $699,000 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING
Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 Judy Freni 772-532-4892 195661 TREASURE COVE 4/3 $689,000 SEASONS 3/3.5 $669,900
Karen Smith 772-559-1295 180620 Cheryl Gerstner 772-539-2100 198766 Cheryl Gerstner 772-539-2100 198815

NEW LISTING SEASONS 4/4.5 $599,000 ANTILLES 4/4.5 $574,800 CACHE CAY 3/3 $529,000
CENTRAL BEACH 3/2.5 $649,000 Judy Freni 772-532-4892 197252 Judy Freni 772-532-4892 198128 Carolyn Lange 772-473-7982 183711
Carolyn Lange 772-473-7982 198879

RIVERWIND 3/3 $528,500 OLD SAVANNAH 3/2 $499,000 NEW PRICING GRAND HARBOR Wood Duck 3/2.5 $299,900
Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 180295 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 177068 GRAND HARBOR Harmony Island 3/3 $315,000 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 189452
Wendy Eckert 772-559-7064 193236

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2911 Ocean Drive Vero Beach 32963 2901 Ocean Drive Vero Beach 32963 Celebrating 69 Years as “ e Trusted Name in Real Estate” 2901 Ocean Drive Vero Beach 32963
772 . 2 34 . 8 500 772.231.6509
772 . 2 31 . 6 509

80 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


element, and another example of a pair of guest bedrooms possess the
Casarella’s unflagging attention to same serene, ambiance, as well as
detail. pleasant views of water or tropical
landscape. One has slider access to
The master suite includes two the patio, and each sports its own at-
walk-in closets and a gorgeous bath- tractive ceiling fan. The shared bath-
room with recessed lighting and an room features a white marble vanity
immense double shower. This beau- with two sinks and large, individual
tiful wall-to-wall space features a mirrors, opposite a roomy dressing
rainforest shower head, six body table. There’s also a lavish marble
sprays, a hand-held sprayer on each soaking tub.
side, a water volume control and a
linear drain. There is a water closet, The broad brick patio extends the
and two beautiful white marble van- length of the house and accommo-
ities face each other across the shell- dates a rectangular umbrella table
stone floor. and chairs to seat six, plus ample,
comfy poolside seating. A remote-
On the opposite side of the home,

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 81

controlled awning can be unfurled to shade the REAL ESTATE
patio and protect from tropical showers. Casa-
rella, a former school district superintendent the charming seaside village of Vero Beach, with
and successful New York developer, is installing its variety of excellent restaurants, pubs and
a row of Areca palms to provide additional pri- boutiques, and Riverside Park with an impres-
vacy on the north side. sive menu of cultural and recreational attrac-
tions including a tennis center, the renowned
Seagrove is only a few minutes’ drive south of Riverside Theatre (Equity); and the world-class
Vero Beach Museum of Art. 

82 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Building a good night’s sleep into your dream home

BY ROXANA POPESCU ogy and stress, toward a calmer way. mental ratings. “We are increasingly Time,” brought the message of sleep’s
Washington Post IPhones have that “do not disturb” set- cognizant of how our homes and importance to a mass audience. Peo-
our offices directly contribute to our ple are more interested than ever in
The home design world is start- ting. Companies are adding nap rooms. health and wellbeing.” sleep, she said in an interview.
ing to tune in the tremendous value Schools are pushing start times later.
of a good snooze, with developers Last year, the Nobel Prize in medi- “The level of receptiveness is sky-
and architects approaching a peace- “Sleep, like clean air, increasingly cine, given for research on circadian rocketing,” Huffington wrote in an
ful night’s sleep as a challenge worth has the potential to be the new luxu- rhythms, renewed the spotlight on email. “I can see a clear difference
solving. It’s a nascent awareness that ry good,” said Rachel Gutter, the chief the link between sleep and health, from when I first started writing the
follows a shift across other industries, product officer of the International and Arianna Huffington’s recent book and telling people about it com-
moving away from relentless technol- Well Building Institute, which offers book, “The Sleep Revolution: Trans- pared with now. These days, people
a health and wellness building stan- forming Your Life, One Night at a are much more aware of the science
dard modeled after LEED environ- about how important sleep is . . . but
what they want to talk about now is
LUXURY HAS A NEW ADDRESS FROM THE MID $400S less the ‘why’ than the ‘how.’ ”

Allow yourself to be inspired by the Bermuda and West Indies architectural style of Gutter said that while sleep-opti-
GHO Homes’ newest floor plans and elevations featured in Lily’s Cay. mized homes are still a rarity, a focus
on how design can support sleep is
Located at the intersection of 41st Street and Indian River Boulevard, Lily’s Cay is just minutes starting to take root, “particularly in
from five-star restaurants, trendy beachside boutiques, golf courses, medical care, theaters, higher-end housing and particularly
museums, galleries and more! in urban areas” where quality sleep is
MOVE-IN READY HOMES AVAILABLE threatened by light and noise.

772.342.0061 y Between high-tech solutions, such
as light bulbs that promote alertness
Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to this in the day and rest at night, and more
advertisement and to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be primal ones, such as moving the bed-
model or other homes built of similar design. room or sometimes the whole house
away from busy streets and into na-
ture, the various approaches to sleep-
friendly housing say one thing: “A
good night’s sleep is one of the great-
est gifts we can give ourselves and
our families,” Gutter said.

The Lakehouse, a luxury water-
front condominium tower in Denver
slated to open in 2019, where condos
are priced from half a million to more
than $3 million, treats quality sleep
as one of many health and wellness
perks – including strategically placed
elevators that nudge people to take
the stairs, organic gardens cultivated
by residents and a “harvest room,”
where people can wash their fruits
and veggies while mingling.

Blackout shades in bedrooms and
dimmable LED lights are standard,
said Brian Levitt, president and co-
founder of Nava Real Estate Develop-
ment. The project, which has set out
to be Colorado’s first Well-certified
project, also has sound attenuation
that exceeds code and air filtration
“that might help the sleep for occu-
pants with asthma or other environ-
mental sensitivities.” Circadian light-
ing and an extra air filter are optional.

Levitt, in his late 40s, started valu-
ing sleep when it became scarce: after
he had kids. He soon began to won-
der: What sleep sustaining features
can he add to his projects?

“You start to think about – well,
people live in these buildings. A third
of their life they’re sleeping,” he said.

Levitt doesn’t expect people to
spend more for wellness amenities,
but he thinks his own investment

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 83


should pay off in terms of reputation He feels “less anxious” when he bathroom – dim, to prevent melato- Luce said. “It will become a ritual, to
and resident satisfaction. dozes on the still undeveloped land. nin disruption. leave the house, and to leave the daily
“When you sleep near a 200-year-old world, and enter this really special
“They’re just going to have a better tree, it puts today’s rapid-fire news into It would have French doors over- place.”
experience in their home. How do you perspective. It’s meaningless,” he said. looking a serene body of water and
capitalize that?” The long view: If, over a small meditation space where he Another feature: metal slat screens
time, it is proven that living in a healthy This ties into Huffington’s “number could calm down before bed. around the building are timed to
space, walking more and sleeping one tip” for creating a sleep-friendly move automatically based on the
more can add years to someone’s life, environment: charge your phone Jennifer Luce, principal of Luce hour and time of year, darkening the
“the economic value of our buildings anywhere but in the bedroom. et Studio, in San Diego, recently de- room at night and brightening it in
will be exponentially increased.” signed a “sleep pavilion” and custom the morning.
“Our phones are repositories of ev- bed for a pair of clients who wanted
On California’s Monterey Penin- erything we need to put away to allow a bedroom that would help them Luce said she had been thinking
sula, Nick Jekogian said he hopes his us to sleep – our to-do lists, our in- wind down. In some ways, it is un- architecture and empathy when she
nature- and mindfulness-themed boxes, our anxieties. So putting your conventional. The approximately started the project: “How does space
community will entice overworked, phone to bed outside your bedroom 500-square-foot room is a standalone honor and react to human tendencies,
Type-A tech heads from Silicon Valley as a regular part of your bedtime rit- building in the garden. human emotions, human ways of life?
to unwind – after spending $5 million ual makes you more likely to wake up And certainly, one of those is sleep.” 
for a lot of approximately 20 acres and as fully charged as your phone,” said “It will be the only place they sleep,”
several million more to build on it. Huffington.

“I think that the ability to discon- Michael Breus, a board-certified
nect, and using nature to do that, is sleep doctor based in Los Angeles,

going to be of huge value in people shared two essential tips for better
being able to sleep better,” he said. sleep: Make your bed and clean your
bedroom to make it feel welcoming.
While other luxury developments Slightly pricier, but still accessible for
tout their curated art collections or many, is investing in better pillows,
pet spas, the first feature Jekogian biological light bulbs, an updated
mentioned in an interview was the mattress or a mattress topper.
land’s centuries-old oak trees – a fea-
ture John’s Island residents here in For bigger budgets, he recommends
Vero Beach enjoy as well. insulating walls for sound and tem-
perature and considering the cardi-
Jekogian named the community nal direction the bedroom’s windows
Walden Monterey, inspired by his ex- are facing.
perience camping on the property and
by Henry David Thoreau’s masterpiece With a blank slate, Breus’ sleep-
“Walden,” which praises early rising. optimized bedroom would be high
tech, yet atavistic: On the top floor,
“Rise free from care before the at the back of a house built on a quiet
dawn, and seek adventures,” Thoreau piece of land, with at least two out-
wrote there. side walls, to minimize sounds from
inside. Blackout curtains would run
Jekogian described his sleep as on a timer, opening about an hour
“phenomenal” in Monterey and ter- before his wake-up time. If he has
rible in New York. “I personally know to get out of bed at night, sensors by
that keeping my phone next to me at the bed would feel his feet swinging
night when I’m in New York City is out and light a dim pathway to the
probably one of the worst things I can
do for my sleep,” he said.

84 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Jan. 19 to Jan. 25

Real estate activity on the barrier island was a bit quiet for late January with 7 transactions reported,
including one for more than $4 million.

The top sale of the week was of an extraordinary lot in Riomar. The property at 1930 Ocean Drive, with
frontage both on the ocean and on the Riomar Country Club golf course, has been on the market for
several years. The most recent asking price as of Nov. 28 was $4.595 million. The sale closed on Jan. 24 for
$4.4 million.

Both the seller and the purchaser in the transaction were represented by Rory O’Dare of Treasure Coast


SEAGROVE WEST 370 RIVERWAY COURT 9/26/2016 $850,000 1/24/2018 $420,000

VERO BEACH ESTATES 557 DAHLIA LANE 12/14/2017 $439,000 $439,000 1/22/2018


KENTUCKY CLUB CONDO 1556 OCEAN DRIVE, #103B 10/5/2017 $299,000 $275,000 1/25/2018 $270,000
PORPOISE BAY VILLAS 1/24/2018 $400,000
SOUTH COVE CONDO 300 HARBOUR DRIVE, #307A 1/20/2017 $415,000 $415,000 1/19/2018 $364,000
SEA OAKS 1/19/2018 $640,000
1480 OCEAN DRIVE, #1H 2/22/2017 $370,000 $370,000

8865 W ORCHID ISLAND CIRCLE, #201 10/15/2017 $649,000 $649,000

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 85


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Seagrove West, Address: 370 Riverway Court Subdivision: Vero Beach Estates, Address: 557 Dahlia Lane

Listing Date: 9/26/2016 Listing Date: 12/14/2017
Original Price: $995,000 Original Price: $439,000
Recent Price: $850,000 Recent Price: $439,000
Sold: 1/24/2018 Sold: 1/22/2018
Selling Price: $800,000 Selling Price: $420,000
Listing Agent: Lucy Hendricks Listing Agent: Scott Reynolds

Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Peter Marini III Scott Reynolds

Coldwell Banker Paradise Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Subdivision: Porpoise Bay Villas, Address: 300 Harbour Drive, #307A Subdivision: Sea Oaks, Address: 8865 W Orchid Island Circle, #201

Listing Date: 1/20/2017 Listing Date: 10/15/2017
Original Price: $415,000 Original Price: $649,000
Recent Price: $415,000 Recent Price: $649,000
Sold: 1/24/2018 Sold: 1/19/2018
Selling Price: $400,000 Selling Price: $640,000
Listing Agent: Judy Hargarten Listing Agent: Helen Ederer

Selling Agent: The Moorings Realty Sales Co. Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc.

Susie Perticone Fran Smyrk

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S


Riverfront lot located in a tranquil and wooded setting Immaculately maintained 3BR/3.5BA lakefront courtyard East of A1A, 3BR/2.5BA Mediterranean style townhome,
with approx. 120 feet of water frontage and dock in place home, separate guest cabana, heated pool, gated community one block to the ocean, 1st floor master, 2 private courtyards

$945,000 $789,000 $575,000

Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.

direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |

86 Vero Beach 32963 / February 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Don’t get nervous, call Scott Tree Services

BILL BARRY Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

CERTIFIED ARBORIST Subdivision: Kentucky Club Condo, Address: 1556 Ocean Drive, #103B
CELL: 772-473-7150
SCOTT TREE Listing Date: 10/5/2017
SERVICES OFFICE: 772-569-3874 Original Price: $299,000
OAK TREE SPECIALIST Recent Price: $275,000
LANDSCAPE & DESIGN SERVICES Selling Price: $270,000
Listing Agent: Patty Rennick

Selling Agent: Rennick Real Estate

Rosanne Moler

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Subdivision: South Cove Condo, Address: 1480 Ocean Drive, #1H

Listing Date: 2xx/2x2/2017
Original Price: $370,000
Recent Price: $370,000
Sold: 1/19/2018
Selling Price: $364,000
Listing Agent: Mac Thompson

Selling Agent: Seaside Realty of Vero Beach

Neil Flynn

Billero & Billero

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