Electric sale edges forward
despite challenges. P9
Shores still hunting
for a town manager. P7
County comptroller critical of
School District financial controls. P9
For breaking news visit
Broad consensus for Developer: I
no new sidewalk, but will work with
wider A1A bike lanes Dodgertown
Staff Writer Staff Writer
Island residents, cycling Dr. Gerald Pierone and Marie Andress in front of Whole Family Health Center. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE Lakeland-based developer
groups, county commission- Mark Hulbert said he’ll provide
ers and the Metropolitan Plan- Whole Family Health’s role continues to grow the overflow parking area His-
ning Organization are now toric Dodgertown needs to ac-
united in their opposition to BY MICHELLE GENZ and importance as a health- taken the reins, is the former commodate big-crowd events
a new sidewalk along the east Staff Writer care resource in Indian River executive vice president and if the Vero Beach City Council
side of State Road A1A through County, offering free to low- CFO of Family Health Cen- sells him the long-idle, golf-
Indian River Shores and in Whole Family Health Cen- cost adult and pediatric pri- ters of Southwest Florida, a course property immediately
their support for a wider, safer ter has hired an impressive mary care as well as mental low-cost system with 32 lo- west of the sports complex.
bike lane along the same 6.74- new CEO at a time when the health services. cations and 78,000 patients,
mile stretch of road. clinic is gaining prominence “I’m willing to put it in writ-
Marie Andress, who has CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 ing,” Hulbert told Vero Beach
To that end, county officials 32963 last week, emphatically
have asked the Florida Depart- adding, “for perpetuity.”
ment of Transportation to re-
duce the speed limit to 45 mph In fact, Hulbert shared his
from the current 50 mph on the desire to cooperate with Indi-
section of A1A north of John’s an River County, which owns
Island when the seaside high- the adjacent Historic Dodg-
way is resurfaced next year. ertown grounds, in a Sept. 4
email sent to County Adminis-
Support for the speed-limit trator Jason Brown.
reduction and bike-lane wid-
ening was unanimous at the Hulbert wrote that he want-
MPO’s Sept. 12 meeting. ed to “express publicly my
commitment to working out
“Based on what was said at an agreement with the coun-
the meeting, it was obvious
New marine laboratory
MY City has no plans to buy Super Stop coming to Vero Beach
land to build a public parking garage Staff Writer
BY RAY MCNULTY best chance to buy the land A new marine laboratory fo-
Staff Writer it needs to solve the long- cused on restoring the health
standing parking problem in of the Indian River Lagoon is
The way Barbara Thomp- the Central Beach business coming to Vero Beach.
son sees it – and she has seen district.
a lot in her 53 years in Vero A collaborative effort of the
Beach – this is the city’s last, She might be right. City and the Ocean Research
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
New marine laboratory teach interested students and other Vero Beach will maintain the lab community in ways that haven’t been
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 residents how to conduct water-quality building, and provide a part-time possible before. It’s a huge deal for us
testing, survey seagrass beds, analyze lab technician to assist ORCA’s soon- and we’re hoping it’s going to become
& Conservation Association, the Cen- sediment samples, and keep tabs on to-be-hired director of citizen sci- a huge deal for Indian River County.”
ter for Citizen Science is on track to living shorelines made of oyster shells ence. City workers are making minor
open next month. Based in the old and mangroves – all in an effort to ex- plumbing and AC repairs and trim- Recruiting citizen scientists, Widder
Coast Guard station on the Fort Pierce tend its scientific reach and engage the ming the landscaping, and the city said, is vital to saving the lagoon.
Inlet, ORCA frequently conducts re- public in protecting the lagoon. will supply paint that volunteers from
search in Vero and has made a name the Youth Sailing Foundation will use “We need an actively informed elec-
for itself on the island as a leader in the The city will not charge ORCA rent, to spruce up the premises. In return, torate if we’re going to clean the en-
effort to save the lagoon. according to Water and Sewer Direc- Bolton said, ORCA’s work will enhance vironmental mess we’re in,” she said.
tor Rob Bolton. Bolton said the lab the city’s water quality data collection. “The lagoon is in terrible shape. It’s
Operating from the city water and has been closed for about seven years, the worst I’ve seen since living here in
sewer department’s long-vacant 2,500- ever since the city found it more eco- “I’m just so excited about this on so 1989.”
square-foot environmental lab off Avi- nomical to send out water samples for many different levels,” ORCA Senior
ation Boulevard, ORCA scientists will testing at a commercial facility instead Scientist Dr. Edie Widder said. “We’ll An infusion of educated adult and
of testing in-house. be able to work with schools and the student volunteers will enable ORCA
to expand its patchwork of pollution
maps and seek ways to stem pollut-
ants upstream before they reach the
lagoon – and lead to a new generation
of scientists.
“You don’t learn science just by
studying science,” Widder said. “You
have to practice and learn the scien-
tific method.”
ORCA scientists will work with Vero
Beach high school students who will
adopt an area of the lagoon to collect
data and monitor progress. In addi-
tion, the research organization hopes
to host summer camp field trips for
Indian River County students and in-
troduce earth and life sciences to local
middle schools.
The central lagoon where Vero is
located is much better off than the
northern lagoon, which has been
plagued by brown algae outbreaks,
and the southern stretch where toxic
blue-green algae has become a severe
problem, but it has suffered from high
levels of pollution from septic systems
and fertilizer runoff that have contrib-
uted to the loss of seagrass, reduced
fish populations and widespread ill-
ness among marine mammals.
“This is the time to be working on
it, before we find ourselves in an eco-
nomic collapse,” Widder said.
My Vero
Even City Manager Jim O’Connor
admitted “there are limited options
over there,” especially land-purchase
options the city can afford or is willing
to pay for.
That’s why, Thompson said, she has
offered to sell to the city – “at a reduced
price” – the property currently occu-
pied by the Super Stop convenience
store on Cardinal Drive, immediately
north of Camelia Lane and across the
street from The Tides restaurant.
She said she told city officials she
will take $500,000 off her initial asking
price of $2.9 million, merely because
she has lived here since 1965, loves
Vero Beach and, at age 78, wants to
help the community “before I leave.”
If the city isn’t interested, however, she
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 3
said she’ll probably accept an offer she “I’m not sure they’d park there and money for a parking garage, but he various sums to address the area’s park-
has received from an out-of-town buyer walk to Mulligan’s,” he added. “A lot warned that the benefits probably ing needs and, if necessary, purchase
and sell the property, which she and a of the people who go to Ocean Drive aren’t worth the cost. property for a lot.
business partner have owned since May want to park close to where they’re go-
2016, before the end of the year. ing, so we’d be spending several mil- “Even if we had all the money we The fund contained just over $192,000
lion dollars on a parking garage that at needed to build a garage,” he said, “I when it was dissolved in 2004 and the
She has given the City Council un- least some people won’t use.” don’t know that we can accommodate money was returned.
til the end of the month to decide if it everybody.”
wants the property to build a parking O’Connor said the city would be “Apparently,” O’Connor said, “they
garage. supportive if the Oceanside Business In fact, O’Connor said the city created never found a way to use it.”
Association retailers wanted to raise a “parking fund” in 1988, when some
“I bought the Grind & Grape prop- beachside business owners contributed Or, as Thompson put it: “They had
erty in 1978, when it was the Vero Beach
Motel, and even back then people were CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
talking about parking,” Thompson said.
“But no one has ever really done any- Exclusively John’s Island
thing to solve the problem, and they’re
still just doing a Band-Aid job. Beautifully updated, this exceptional 3BR/3BA residence enjoys
magnificent, panoramic water and fairway views of the South Course. The
“The City Council says it wants to unique, barreled ceiling entrance flows into the spacious living room with
address the beachside parking situ- fireplace and stately columns visually separating the lanai. All principal
ation, and this is their chance,” she rooms open onto the poolside terrace. Boasting 4,263± GSF, additional
added. “I’m not saying the city should features include an island kitchen with large dining area, wet bar, cozy
build a parking garage right now, but breakfast nook, family room with small office, and updated bathrooms.
at least they’d have the land to do it.” 240 Island Creek Drive : $2,700,000
Rumblings about the city possibly three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
buying the Super Stop property to build health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
a parking garage began in January,
when Thompson and her co-owner, 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL : JohnsIslandRealEstate.com
James Swainston of Nolensville, Tenn.,
put the .39-acre parcel on the market.
Thompson said she and Swainston
planned to build a boutique hotel on
the property – something the city en-
dorsed – but he suffered a heart attack
shortly after they purchased the land
and they abandoned the project.
O’Connor said he has had “four or
five conversations” with Thompson
this year, but quickly added that the
city never seriously considered buy-
ing the land – and not only because
the price was too high.
“Let’s say the city bought the prop-
erty at her price,” O’Connor began.
“We’d have to demolish the existing
building and resurface the lot. Even
then, we might be able to get 40 spaces
there. Now divide $2.4 million by 40,
and you’ll get the cost of each space.”
That’s $60,000 per spot.
And if the city wanted to build a
parking garage there?
“We’d have to put another $4 mil-
lion into it to go two stories up, which
would give us three levels, each with
40 spaces, if you use the roof, too,”
O’Connor said. “So now you’re looking
at $7 million – and that doesn’t include
the long-term maintenance costs of
operating a structure on the beach.”
At $7 million for 120 spaces, the cost
per space would be $58,333.
Seven-million dollars is a sizable
investment, O’Connor said, especially
for a project that only partially ad-
dresses the problem.
“First, the property is on Cardinal
Drive, which doesn’t have a parking
problem,” O’Connor said. “Second, it’s
on the south end of the business dis-
trict. How many people do you think
would park there and walk to Bobby’s
or the Vero Beach Hotel, or all those
shops north of Beachland Boulevard?
4 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero Whole Family Health ally become Whole Family, the Center Trooboff has spoken with leaders
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 receives HIV/AIDS referrals from all of United Against Poverty, which he
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 over the region, she says. In addition called a “perfect place” for a satellite
where she worked for almost 12 years. Pierone heads a research arm within clinic. He also has an eye on the Senior
all that money for all that time and With undergraduate and graduate the clinic that locates patients to par- Resource Association. “You’ve got our
didn’t buy anything.” ticipate in drug trials. patient population,” he told Hospital
degrees in business management and District Trustee Karen Deigl, who is
The city isn’t going to buy now, ei- finance from Widener University, she’s When Pierone first came to the Senior Resource’s executive director.
ther – not from Thompson, not at $2.4 also worked as treasurer of a regional Treasure Coast in the 1980s, he began “If you think about it, it’s a lot easier to
million, not for a parking garage. hospital system in Ohio, but says it working with an existing clinic in Fort take care to the patient with the kind
was the experience of working with a Pierce. At the time, a diagnosis of AIDS of patients we’re getting.”
“The city says it doesn’t have the large homeless shelter in Naples that was a death sentence; only in 1996 did
money, but what about all those tax opened her eyes to the healthcare the first combination drug therapy Trooboff spent 15 years on the board
revenues from the Ocean Drive ho- needs of the poor. give hope to patients. By then, Pierone of directors of an expanding hospital
tels?” Thompson said. “There’s the had founded his own AIDS clinic in system in New Hampshire. He joined
money the city is getting from the These days, she makes it a point to Fort Pierce. It too is now part of Whole Whole Family’s board when he retired
sale of the downtown post office. Now step out of the administrative offices Family, which opened in Vero in 2011. to Vero and has been board chair for
they’re talking about selling the old and into the clinics themselves, where Prior to that, Pierone saw AIDS pa- close to a year.
Dodgertown golf-course property. she shadows practitioners or front tients at the Vero medical practice
desk personnel to get a sense of who he still shares with Dr. Nancy Cho, a “We gross $12 million a year,” he
“It seems like the barrier island gets is receiving the care she oversees ad- prominent cardiologist. said. “Our goal is to make 2 percent
very little of that money.” ministratively. on the $12 million to pay our bills and
Today, Whole Family’s focus has move into the next year.”
O’Connor said the city “devotes a lot “It’s the only way you can get a feel greatly broadened and its presence
of time and resources” to the island, for the patients,” she says. “Adminis- expanded. Between its Vero clinic, Whole Family does not receive tax-
but the City Council has expressed no trators have no idea of what our prac- set amidst doctors’ offices across the payer dollars through the county’s
interest in spending $2.4 million to titioners do, when you have so many street from Indian River Medical Cen- Hospital District, unlike Treasure Coast
buy the Super Stop property. patients coming in with so many chal- ter, and the Fort Pierce clinic, Whole Community Health and the county
lenges. It really is a struggle to be able Family providers log 20,000 appoint- Health Department, the principal pri-
He did find her price curious, though. to provide all the services.” ments a year for 4,300 patients. The in- mary care providers for the poor in the
“It just happens to be the same price house pharmacies fill 15,000 prescrip- county. “They’ve never asked,” said Dis-
the city has been offered for the Dodger- Andress is particularly proud of tions annually and are a critical source trict chairwoman Marybeth Cunning-
town golf-course property,” O’Connor Whole Family’s HIV/AIDS compo- of income for the clinic since the drugs ham. “If they did, we probably would.”
said. “Just a coincidence, I guess.” nent, now about a fifth of its patient are provided to the clinic through the
Not that it matters. total. Thanks largely to Vero Beach’s federal government. Today, as the Hospital District tries
Right now, it’s hard to see the city Dr. Gerald Pierone, who founded the to reach deeper into pockets of unseen
spending that kind of money on a nonprofit clinic that would eventu- In addition to HIV, primary care and poverty in the county, as well as ease the
beachside parking problem that a ga- pediatrics, the clinic offers mental non-emergency burden on the hospi-
rage might not solve. healthcare with one full-time psychia- tal’s emergency room, low-cost primary
trist, a part-time psychiatrist and two care has become even more critically
mental health counselors. It also of- important. Whole Family Health Center
fers orthopedic consults and will soon may find itself increasingly arising in in-
be adding a dental component. digent care conversations.
While Medicare and Medicaid pa- Trooboff said data shows that in the
tients make up most of Whole Health’s three Indian River County zip codes
clients, 29 percent of the clinic’s pa- where most of Whole Health’s patients
tients have private insurance. live, there are 17,626 people with un-
met medical needs who are subsisting
Last fall, Whole Family earned a des- on income below 138 percent of fed-
ignation that will help it move forward eral poverty guidelines.
and grow. After an effort that began
in 2014, it finally became a Federally For now, the only way for those peo-
Qualified Health Center Lookalike, a ple to find out about Whole Family is
status that assures can continue with by word of mouth. For all the growth
its subsidized pharmacy program, but the clinic is enjoying, it does no ad-
a step beneath its competitor, Trea- vertising, passes out no brochures,
sure Coast Community Health, whose and buys no ads in newspapers or on
“access point” status allows it to get radio. “That’s probably the most inter-
government grants. esting thing to me – that we’ve done all
that without marketing,” Trooboff told
Whole Family board chairman the District board.
Stephan Trooboff spoke in June to
the Hospital District board, invited by Like all low-cost clinics, Whole
Chairwoman Marybeth Cunningham Family’s patient population has com-
in an effort to make the clinic more plex medical challenges. Clinic physi-
broadly known as a provider of low- cian Dr. Oni went to medical school
cost care. Trooboff said Whole Health’s in Nigeria, practiced in the U.K. and
business model will eventually require then came to the U.S. in 2005 to do a
more locations. residency in internal medicine in New
York. She described to the Hospital
“I’ve been talking to CEOs of com- District board heart-rending scenari-
munity clinics across the country and os among her low-income patients.
the real secret to their success is access.
They have 15 offices, 18 offices, they “They are in and out of care; they
operate out of public schools, they lose insurance all the time or don’t have
have mobile vans. You name it: they are insurance. They’ll visit the ER when
taking patient care to the patient, rath- there’s a problem, and sometimes visit
er than the patient coming to them.” three or four different ones. It’s a very
challenging population to look after.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 5
Describing a hypothetical example tion, and she may not even be able to reach her because her phone’s been dis- image of the adults,” Oni said. “They
of a typical patient, Oni talks about a read the labels on her drugs.” connected,” Oni said. “You can’t commu- too have bad Medicaid plans. They’re
60-year-old woman who hasn’t been nicate things within a prompt manner.” in and out of care, they come from
treated in a year and a half, despite A new complication brought the pa- dysfunctional households, and some
hypertension and diabetes that are tient in most recently – a sore on her foot That precipitates another cycle of can be a real challenge to look after.
close to out of control. “She may not related to diabetes. “You get her situated skipped appointments. And more
remember the names of her medica- and started back on medications, and complications. “We really do a lot of hand holding,”
you order lab results. But now you can’t said Oni, “and a lot of educating.”
Adolescent patients are “a mirror
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Broad unity on A1A project A buffered bike lane is a conven- ride nearly 100 miles per week on A1A. spent on widening the bike lanes – es-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tional bike lane paired with a desig- “My biggest fear is someone (driving pecially since there already is a wide,
nated buffer space separating the bike and mostly-unused, sidewalk on the
most of the people don’t perceive a lane from the adjacent motor-vehicle along the road) becoming distracted and west side of A1A
pedestrian problem, just a bike-safe- travel lane. FDOT standards recom- drifting into the bike lane,” he added.
ty problem,” MPO Staff Director Phil mend 5-foot-wide bike lanes with “They don’t want the sidewalk,” Mat-
Matson said. “The county is 100 per- 2-foot-wide buffers. County officials shared his con- son said, “which they saw as an expen-
cent behind the bike lane widening.” cerns. sive investment for very little benefit.”
Despite an email campaign launched
FDOT’s $7.5 million project, sched- by the local cycling groups last month, “The wider, buffered bike lanes Matson declined to predict what
uled to begin next summer at Tides FDOT officials said the approved proj- make it clear to drivers that bicyclists FDOT will do, saying only that he was
Road (north of Jaycee Park) and con- ect required only the repaving of the are on the road,” Matson said. “They encouraged by the public input and
clude a year later at Coco Plum Lane existing 4-foot-wide shoulder. In addi- also provide enough room for bicy- impressed by the civility shown dur-
(near Wabasso Beach), includes traf- tion, FDOT could delete some or all of clists to pass other bicyclists, which ing the MPO meeting.
fic-light and drainage improvements, the existing bike-lane markings along happens a lot along A1A.
new signage and pavement markings, the 50-mph stretch – because its new “We had a good discussion with a lot
and – as of now – the addition of a 2018 standards prohibit designated “It’s not just the most-traveled bike of robust public involvement,” Matson
6-foot-wide sidewalk along the east bike lanes on roads with a speed limit lane in the county – and by a good said. “Who’d have thought bike lanes
side of A1A. of 50 mph or higher. margin – but there’s also a wide range would evoke such passion?”
of expertise and experience among the
Current plans do not include any The speed limit on A1A for most of bicyclists who ride there,” he added. Dodgertown golf course
widening or buffering of the existing the project is 45 mph, but there is a “There’s no question wider, buffered CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
4-foot-wide bike lanes, an omission 2-mile section in Indian River Shores bike lanes would make riding there
members of the Vero Cycling Club and where it increases to 50 mph. significantly safer.” ty, should it be necessary to meet the
Bike-Walk Indian River County said vio- needs of Major League Baseball.”
lates FDOT’s preferred standards on the County officials hope reducing the At the same time, homeowners along
local roadway most used by cyclists. speed limit from 50 mph to 45 mph will the project’s path were “pretty much in County officials are backing an effort
require FDOT to amend the project to agreement” in their opposition to the by Peter O’Malley, the former Los An-
The cycling groups and county offi- include the wider, buffered bike lanes. proposed sidewalk, Matson said. geles Dodgers owner and now chief ex-
cials want FDOT to install 7-foot-wide, ecutive officer of Historic Dodgertown,
buffered bike lanes they say are needed “I can tell you that being one foot Matson said the homeowners com- to bring in Major League Baseball to
to enable cyclists to safely ride along from cars traveling at 45 mph is not plained that installing a sidewalk, take over the facility’s operations.
a two-lane highway where the speed comfortable and, frankly, is danger- which they believe is unnecessary,
limit varies from 35 mph to 50 mph. ous,” said Hugh Aaron, president of the would require the destruction of a siz- Dodgertown was the Dodgers’ spring
Bike-Walk group, a bike-safety instruc- able stretch of mature landscaping in training camp for more than 60 years
tor and an avid cyclist who claims to the state-owned right-of-way along-
side the road. They also argued that
the sidewalk money would be better
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 7
and is loaded with baseball history that the county’s interest in the property, some in the community would like to that would also generate much-need-
makes it attractive to Major League but firmly added: “I will not get into a see developed into a public park. ed tax revenue.
Baseball. O’Malley, who will turn 81 in bidding war.”
December, said it’s unlikely MLB would However, Mayor Harry Howle and “I know there are a lot of people who
agree to succeed him in Vero Beach Hulbert said he still plans to pursue councilmen Lange Sykes and Val Zu- want to preserve the grassy knoll, but
without a guarantee from the county the purchase and will attend the Oct. dans would like to see the property there are also a lot of people who like
that the overflow-parking area would 2 meeting at which the City Council developed into an entity compatible our idea,” Hulbert said. “I guess we
be available for big-crowd events, such could decide the fate of the land, which with Historic Dodgertown – but one
as concerts, festivals and sports con- CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
tests, especially baseball games.
Shores still hunting for a town manager
He then warned that the county’s
failure to make a deal with MLB could BY LISA ZAHNER 90 days of commencing employment. cil agreed to the $15,000 settlement.”
“jeopardize” the future of Historic Staff Writer The Aug. 23 employment contract had The Shores had not employed a
Dodgertown and the year-round boost
the complex’s training facilities, tourna- Indian River Shores is once again been executed by Day and the council search firm to find Day, but had cast
ments, business conferences and other searching for a new town manager to re- prior to receiving results of a routine a wide net via job posting services
activities provide the local economy. place the retiring Robbie Stabe, after the pre-employment background check. through the Florida League of Cities
Town Council andTim Day agreed to ter- and an international professional as-
Hulbert has submitted a proposal – minate Day’s employment agreement. In a special call meeting on Sept. sociation of municipal managers.
including a site plan – to develop the 11, the Town Council agreed upon a
former Dodgertown Golf Club prop- Day was set to begin work this past $15,000 settlement to cancel the con- In addition to contacting some of
erty into a pedestrian-friendly “urban Monday after the council executed tract with Day. the other finalists to see if they’re still
village” that would feature high-end a contract with him to manage the interested in the job, Stabe is currently
retail shops, restaurants, office build- Shores for $125,000 per year. When asked how the $15,000 figure obtaining proposals for formal ex-
ings, a hotel and green space. was arrived at, Stabe said “because he ecutive searches. The presentation of
Day, who previously was town man- (Day) had already given notice to his cur- search options and costs, council dis-
He first offered $2.1 million, and then ager in Melbourne Beach, and one oth- rent employer and was going to be un- cussion and possible interview of one
upped his bid to $2.43 million after the er candidate had emerged as finalists employed, he incurred some expenses. or more candidates is scheduled to
county jumped in earlier this month from a field of more than 20 applicants, He was asked what he felt was a fair set- take place at a special meeting at 2:30
with its own $2.4-million offer – which and he had promised to move his pri- tlement. He offered to settle for half the p.m. Thursday, Sept. 20, prior to a 5:01
came in response to O’Malley’s warning mary residence to the local area within available settlement included in his em- p.m. final budget hearing.
that the MLB deal could hinge on hav- ployment contract and the Town Coun-
ing land available for overflow parking.
Hulbert said he was surprised by
8 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
need some of those people to say nice BY FEDERICO MARTINEZ Welsh, her ex-boyfriend, would be- When deputies escorted Welsh to
things about us, because I think the Staff Writer come violent. the table, he allegedly grabbed the bag
county has confused the public. containing the pink crystal substance
A jilted lover’s luck went from bad When they arrived, deputies found and tried to put it into the cigarette
“What the county is talking about is to worse when he returned to his ex- Welsh exiting a patio screen door, ac- case. Deputies immediately placed
extremely inconsistent with what the girlfriend’s house on the island to de- cording to the sheriff’s report. When him in hand-cuffs.
city wants to do with that property, mand his belongings. Indian River deputies asked Welsh to fully step out
where nothing is being done,” he add- County deputies called to the scene of the patio, he returned inside where When deputies frisked Welsh they
ed. “We’re going to bring in hundreds allowed the man to gather up his pos- he set an object down on a small found marijuana in his pocket and an-
of jobs, enhance the place with beau- sessions – which happened to include round glass before complying with other bag containing a pink crystal sub-
tiful architecture and green space, and a plastic bag containing crystal meth- commands to come outside. stance. A field test indicated the crystal
create a place where the people enjoy- amphetamine – and then promptly ar- substance in both bags was metham-
ing Dodgertown can flow into. rested him. “As we relocated to the front of the phetamine – a combined total of 1.2
residence, I could smell an odor of grams, according to the sheriff’s office.
“What we want to do makes sense.” Peter Roy Justin Welsh, 29, of Palm an alcohol beverage emitting from
City Manager Jim O’Connor said Beach County, was charged with one Welsh’s breath,” Deputy Eric Getchell After Welsh was placed in a patrol
last week he had not seen Hulbert’s count of possession of controlled sub- wrote in his report. “Welsh would not car he said he was having difficulty
email to Brown, but he said the devel- stance, trespassing and possession remain in one spot, kept reaching for breathing and wanted medical treat-
oper has steadfastly expressed a desire of less than 20 grams of cannabis. No items in his pockets, repeated himself ment. He told deputies that he had
to work with the county and accom- bond was granted. multiple times, and yelled for Rummel recently been smoking “Molly,” but
modate Historic Dodgertown’s needs. as I attempted to interview him.” wasn’t certain what was in it. Molly is
“He has told me all along that he Sheriff’s deputies responded to a a street name for the chemical MDMA
wants to be a good neighbor,” O’Connor complaint at 5:56 p.m. on Sept. 5 that Welsh told Dep. Getchell that he had (3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphet-
said, “and do what’s best for Vero.” Welsh was trying to break into a resi- come to the house to reclaim his be- amine), also called “Ecstasy.”
Hulbert said his sentiment hasn’t dence at 2240 Seaside Street in a sub- longings, which included a tank top,
changed. division just south of the Moorings. cigarette case, cellphone, rolling pa- “Due to Welsh’s level of intoxication
“This is a win-win situation,” Hul- The complainant, Grace Rummel, per and a clear plastic bag containing and recently consuming ‘Molly,’ he be-
bert said. “Dodgertown would get all told deputies she had locked herself a pinkish crystal substance. The items gan to hyperventilate in the backseat of
the parking it needs when it needs in a room because she was afraid were lying on the small glass table on my patrol vehicle causing him to com-
it, and we’d benefit, too, because the the patio. plain of shortness of breath,” Getchell
people who go to Dodgertown for
those events will be our patrons.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 9
reported. “EMS responded to the scene Rummel told investigators that she
and transported Welsh due to him go- and Welsh, who is homeless, were in
ing in and out of consciousness.” a brief relationship, and only stayed
at the home together for a couple of
Welsh was treated at the Indian Riv- days. The home belongs to Rummel’s
er Medical Center and then released mother.
back to Getchell’s custody. He was
then transported to the county jail, “I just want him to leave and never
where he remains. come back,” Rummel told deputies.
BY LISA ZAHNER able to close, due to the failure to gain
Staff Writer Florida Public Service Commission ap-
proval or for some other reason, the sur-
While Vero Beach’s 34,000 electric plus declaration would be cancelled.
customers wait for the fate of the Vero
electric sale to be determined in Talla- The PSC approved the sale by a 3-2
hassee next month, the city is moving vote this summer but several parties
forward with legal housekeeping that have since filed objections, which the
needs to be accomplished before any PSC will consider in October.
closing and transition to Florida Pow-
er & Light service. A pre-hearing conference will be
held in Tallahassee on Oct. 3, with up
On its agenda for this past Tues- to two days set aside a week later for
day, the Vero Beach City Council was hearings on the three challenges filed
scheduled to undertake a public hear- by attorney Lynne Larkin, former Vero
ing on a proposed resolution to declare councilman Brian Heady and local
the city’s eight electric substations and resident Michael Moran, who object
the land they sit on surplus property, to the sale of Vero electric for various
“no longer needed by the City for mu- reasons. A fourth challenge by the
nicipal or public purposes,” so they Florida Industrial Power Users group,
can be sold in conjunction with the filed on behalf of large commercial
transfer of all the other electric utility FPL customers, has been dropped.
assets to FPL.
In preparation for these meetings,
City Manager Jim O’Connor con- the various parties have sent each oth-
firmed on Monday that this surplus er interrogatories to gather evidence.
declaration was tied to the sale of the Time for public comment has been set
electric utility to FPL and that the reso- aside at 5 p.m. on Oct. 9, the first day
lution would not allow the city to dis- of the hearings, but a notice published
pose of substations outside the larger by state officials says that any member
sale transaction. Should the sale not be of the public who speaks shall be sub-
ject to cross-examination.
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN paid leave while he is being investi-
Staff Writer gated.
In July, Indian River County School But a recent public records request
Superintendent Mark Rendell accused reveals Rendell does not sign off on
Assistant Superintendent of Financ- fund transfers, nor does anyone else –
es Carter Morrison of wrong-doing, meaning there is no audit trail to prove
claiming Morrison transferred $2.3 or disprove that Morrison usurped
million out of the general fund with- Rendell’s authority.
out his permission, causing cash re-
serves to fall below the level mandated That is a major problem, according to
by the School Board. School Board advisory audit committee
member Jeff Smith, who is clerk of the
Since then, Morrison has been on circuit court and county comptroller.
10 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Police nab man for illegally picking saw palmetto berries
BY FEDERICO MARTINEZ enue SW on Sept. 3 when Indian River Lesage was arrested and charged natural remedy for a variety of ailments,
Staff Writer County sheriff’s deputies spotted him. with illegally harvesting the berries. including enlarged prostrate. But it also
applies to homeowners who have pal-
A Vero Beach man who was picking When he saw the deputies, Lesage The Florida Endangered Plant Ad- metto berries in their own yards and
saw palmetto berries without a state made a run for it but did not get far. visory Council added saw palmetto to want to pick and sell them, according to
permit now finds himself in a jam af- After a very brief chase the 6-foot-1, the Department of Agriculture’s com- the Department of Agriculture.
ter trying to run from police while car- 240-pound forager collapsed under a mercially exploited plant list in July and
rying a 150-pound sack of purloined nearby tree and confessed that he did it’s now a first-degree misdemeanor to Applying for a permit is free, but can
fruit over his shoulder. not have a permit to pick the berries. transport or sell the tree’s fruit. take several weeks to be approved.
Jorel Lesage, 47, was gathering ber- “I signed up for a permit but it hasn’t The law is designed to combat pickers According to the Department of Ag-
ries in a wooded area west of 5th Av- got back to me from Tallahassee yet,” a who trespass on private property to pick riculture, the berries fetch about $3 a
winded Lesage told deputies. the berries, which many people use as pound wholesale.
Most often the berries are dried, ground
up and then sold to pharmaceutical and
herbal supplement manufacturers.
Lesage did not say what he intended
to do with the berries he picked. If con-
victed, he could face up to one year in
jail. He’s scheduled for arraignment
September 25.
School District finances
“Someone should always be ap-
proving transfers of any kind within
the organization,” Smith told Vero
Beach 32963. “This is a fundamental
internal control procedure.
“In this situation, the transfer was
actually a transfer in tentative budgets
amounts,” Smith said. “Any change
from the tentative budget to the ‘tenta-
tive budget book’ should have, in my
opinion, had a documented trail as
to why the change was made and ap-
proved by someone in a higher man-
agement capacity, in this case the su-
perintendent. And yes, in my opinion,
the approval should be documented. I
initial and date manually anything that
I review. Electronic signatures would be
fine, but I prefer the manual method.”
In response to a document request,
the School District said there were no
“responsive documents” showing Ren-
dell’s or any other reviewer’s approval
of Morrison’s general fund transfers
over $1 million since July 2017, al-
though at least three have taken place.
“It is only good internal control
practice and transparency for taxpay-
ers to have such significant transfers
and changes in proposed budgets
signed off by someone in a higher au-
thority,” Smith said.
The audit committee Smith served
on has been disbanded so the three
new School Board members coming
on after the November election can
each appoint their own committee
member. Smith said the next audit
committee should review board poli-
cy on internal controls. “If it were up
to me, I would insist that the policy re-
quire the secondary approval.”
Zoe Nichelson and Venezia Nichelson.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Starry Night’ gala benefits Gifford Youth Achievement
Dr. Ronald and Jackye Hudson. PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL Joe and Bernice Idlette. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
Angelia Perry and Trudie Rainone.
Dorothy Bagley, Willie Henry, Angeline Washington and Katherine Washington. Marvett and Wanda Gipson with Jeanette Cobb Rowe and Eddie Hudson.
BY MARY SCHENKEL – the children served through its af- Hudson, the last surviving found- that in addition to raising money
Staff Writer terschool and summer programs. er, said that while they expected en- for the expansion, that we secure
rollment numbers to increase over the future of the center by increas-
The Gifford Youth Achievement “The board has decided to em- time, they were overwhelmed with ing our foundation to help with in-
Center gymnasium was elegantly bark upon this expansion after five- requests from the very beginning. creased operational expenses,” said
decorated for a Starry Night fun- plus years of a growing waiting list Per r y.
draiser last Saturday evening that of between 50 and 60 students that “I’m most proud of the fact that
featured a delicious dinner catered we can’t serve due to space capac- this facility has opened up so many GYAC currently serves about 120
by Wilke’s 14 Bones Barbeque and ity,” said Perry. opportunities for young people,” he students, a temporarily low average
dancing to the fabulous Ladies of said, noting that graduation rates as they lost the use of three modular
Soul. Five modular units had previous- have increased as a result of their units, which were located where the
ly been added to the campus, but enhanced education programs. construction is taking place.
The nonprofit was founded as a the wait list continued to increase.
grassroots effort 20 years ago; the The 14,000-square-foot expansion, Commenting that GYAC has also “Our average prior to those units
vision of Chairman Emeritus Dr. expected to be completed by April helped reduce the anxieties of in- being gone was anywhere from
A. Ronald Hudson, the late Dan K. 2019, will feature eight additional dividuals living outside the Gifford about 180 to 200, on average,” said
Richardson and the late Dr. William classrooms, enabling them to clear community, Hudson added “that Perry. With the expansion they will
Nigh. Under the strong leadership the wait list and serve an additional pleases me a lot, to see people com- be able to serve about 300 students
of executive director Angelia Perry, 125 students. ing here, feeling comfortable and throughout the course of the year.
her staff, board and the support of interacting with the citizens in the
the community, it continues to grow “Our enrollment has increased community. I think it’s boded well “We’re excited about the expan-
in terms of children and programs. over 60 percent in the last 10 years. for everybody.” sion and we have to thank this com-
With no state or federal dollars to It’s through the generosity of this munity for equipping us with the
assist them, GYAC relies solely on community that we’re able to em- Construction costs are estimated ability to do that. Without dona-
local contributions and grants. bark upon an expansion now that at $3.4 million, with roughly an equal tions, the center would never have
will allow us to continue to im- amount required for furniture, fix- opened let alone expand 20 years
Starry Night proceeds will sup- pact the families and students that tures and equipment, and they are later,” said Perry. “We’ve had 20
port the GYAC Building Expansion we serve and make a difference in simultaneously raising money for an years improving lives and impact-
Fund and, ultimately, the real stars this community for generations to endowment for future needs. ing the community and we look for-
come,” said Perry. ward to the next 20.”
“The board felt it was important
14 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Willie and Don Reagan with Nola Wilson and William Holt. Mary B. McKinney and Anna Rogers,
Faye and Freddie Woolfork.
Dr. Deborah Long, Larry Staley
and Millicent Carpenter.
Jennifer Idlette and Jody Brown.
Mike and Jackie Rose.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 15
St. Ed’s School Day of Service: What a workout!
Suzanne Jutras and Eddie Pines. Samantha Camp (back) and Jane Callahan.
Saint Edward’s Upper School students fanned out across the county last
Tuesday to do their part as participants in the school’s annual Day of Ser-
vice. What was previously a half-day activity was expanded this time into
an entire day. Students volunteered their time and boundless energy to the
community-wide improvement project that this year focused on nonprofit
organizations. Freshmen worked at Gifford Youth Achievement Center,
sophomores at Fellsmere Elementary School and juniors were at Shining
Light Garden. Seniors spent the day at St. Francis Manor, Habitat for Hu-
manity and the Hope for Families Center.
Rebecca Wickham, John Atwater, and Cameron Pugh.
The SES freshman painting crew at GYAC.
Adam Rogers, Alice Grace Lockwood, and Aidan Heaney.
16 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Meeting, greeting, eating at First Responders ‘Cook-Off’
T.J. and Devon Dupuis with Justin Barenborg. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Ofc. Albert Iovino, Capt. Milo Thornton, Sgt. Fletcher McClellan and Dep. Chauncey Stoval.
Milton Rosario with son Nicholas Rosario. Bryan Levering and Bart Crosby. Roni Fuster and Scott Boatright.
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF building, the law-enforcement of- Each team received ribs, wings “From the minute that we heard
Staff Writer ficer who runs toward danger in the and pork butt to create their culi- that this was something that they
night, the lifeguard who swims out nary masterpieces, utilizing top- had put together and that the com-
Passersby needed only to fol- to rescue you from a rip current, or secret ingredients that ranged from munity wanted to be a part of, we’ve
low their noses to the Indian River the EMT who performs CPR on the vinegar to Sriracha chili sauce, lem- been excited about it,” said IRCSO
County Fairground’s Ag Pavilion 2-year-old who fell into the family on pepper to onions. Some items Maj. Eric Flowers. “It’s a time for
for a barbecue smorgasbord like no swimming pool. were smothered in homemade bar- us to have positive interaction with
other last Saturday evening at an in- becue sauces while others were in- the community. There are so many
augural First Responders Fall Cook- No matter the uniform, the brave jected with secret ingredients. times where we see people at their
Off. men and women are there to offer worst, or people call us when they’re
aid during the worst of times, and To top off the meal, a variety of having the absolute worst day of
Proceeds from the carnivores’ event organizer Devon Dupuis saw sides were generously sponsored by their lives, and this is an opportuni-
feast benefit will be distributed the cook-off as a way for the com- Wilke’s 14 Bones Barbeque. ty for them to see us as humans, just
among the Fellsmere Police Depart- munity to show their appreciation. like everybody else. It’s just a great
ment, Indian River County Fire Res- “The support has been phenom- day for the whole community all the
cue, Indian River County Sheriff’s “We really just wanted to do enal,” said Dupuis, noting that, way around.”
Office, Indian River Shores Public something not only to raise money through sponsorships and the pur-
Safety, Sebastian Police Depart- for them but also to bring the com- chase of the meat at cost from Jimbo With hunger satiated and globs of
ment, Vero Beach Lifeguard Asso- munity together to show them grat- Carroll of Cafe 66, initial costs were barbecue sauce licked from finger-
ciation and Vero Beach Police De- itude,” said Dupuis. fully covered. tips, the winners were announced
partment. – the Sebastian Police Department
Unlike during emergencies, when “When it comes down to ticket took home the People’s Choice
First responders are the individu- first responders work as a team, this sales and money made on the ac- Award, and the Indian River Coun-
als who risk their lives on a daily ba- time each department adopted an tual night of the event, not a penny ty Sheriff’s Office won the Judge’s
sis to assist others – the firefighter “every man for him or herself” at- of that will have to go to expenses. Choice Award.
who pulls people from a burning titude as they competed for Judge’s It all goes back to the first respond-
and People’s Choice Awards. ers,” she added.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 17
Maj. Eric Flowers, Dep. Jessica Ognoski and Dep. Teddy Floyd. Jo Cressor, Tinamarie Ioffredo and Cathy Sylvester with Miracle the pig. Attila Gabor, Shaun Dibble and Erik Toomsoo.
Ted Mooney, Barb Grass and Kim Wall. Sam Dipierro and Kate Strobel. Jeff Raynor, Guy Losey and Jeff Geyer.
Freddie and Yvonne Jones with John Moore.
Charlie Coulter with Anna and Michael Tillery.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Spreading the love for lagoon at ELC’s Estuaries Day
Staff Writer
Nature lovers flocked to the Envi- Jay Antenen with Patty and Walter Garrard. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Aleah Rose Hilliard, Charley Owen,
ronmental Learning Center last Sat- Kinsley Owen, and Elliette Smidley.
urday to marvel at the wonders of the we will truly accomplish to make our ed booths with hands-on activities
lagoon during the annual National world a better place for all,” said Mol- meant to engage and educate nature ery Station Interactive Museum.
Estuaries Day Celebration, sponsored ly Steinwald, ELC executive director. enthusiasts of all ages. “This was one of my favorite places
by the Indian River Lagoon Council.
The two events go hand in hand, Visitors learned about local wild- when I was a child, so it was great to
In addition to roaming among as the goal of the National Estuary life and the damages plastics have come out today and share it with my
the flora and fauna that inhabit the Week program is to increase aware- on the lagoon and its marine life. Sea children,” said Katherine Lazarus,
64-acre campus, attendees learned ness about the importance of estu- turtle goggles helped attendees iden- who grew up in Vero Beach. “The
about the far-reaching importance of aries, considered the “cradles of the tify their role in the pollution of our hands-on activities help kids un-
the Indian River Lagoon. It is identi- ocean.” waterways and various ways they can derstand. My daughter is 5 years old
fied by the U.S. Environmental Pro- be part of the solution going forward. and already concerned about the en-
tection Agency as one of 28 estuaries Various ELC community conserva- vironment. Estuaries Day is a great
of national significance, and the only tion partners, including Brevard Zoo, For anyone wanting to simply im- way to help her see how she can help
one identified as such on Florida’s Disney’s Vero Beach Resort, Harbor merse themselves in nature, there make a difference.”
east coast. Branch Oceanographic Institute at was dip-netting and seining in the
FAU, Pelican Island Audubon Soci- pond, canoeing, strolls along 1.5 For some ‘not so spooky fun for all
The lagoon, one of the most bio- ety, Pelican Island National Wildlife miles of boardwalks and trails, and ages,’ the ELC will host a Half-Haunted
diverse, shallow-water estuaries in Refuge and Plastic Free Florida host- visits to the Touch Tank and Discov- Halloween Oct. 26 at 5 p.m. For more
North America, spans 156 miles and information, visit discoverelc.org.
is home to more than 2,200 species of
animals and 2,100 species of plants.
Many visitors came early to par-
ticipate in the International Coastal
Cleanup Day, doing their part to im-
prove the environment by collecting
trash during a Canoe Trip Cleanup.
Volunteers earned conservational
kudos along with free admission to
the ELC for the rest of the festivities.
“I am extremely happy. Our staff
and volunteers worked together to
grow our National Estuaries Day
celebration to include teaming with
our fellow community organizations
to engage in active cleanup today of
our precious estuary. The more we
all work together as a team, the more
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 19
Shelby Moore, Cara Lazarus and Juliana Lazarus.
Ean Leaderstorf. Shirley Mikel, Aubrey McClure and Dean McClure. Kinsley Owen.
Dean McClure. Riley Reynolds. Keith Dalrymple with son Connor Dalrymple and Brevard Zoo education specialists Alana Wood and Virginia Rodda.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Auction-goers sold on Sebastian Chamber’s mission
BY MARY SCHENKEL merce had already existed for more Jay Davey, Susan Adams and Maggie Sammons. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Correspondent than 30 years, but the interrelation-
ship between north and south coun-
A large crowd gathered at the Pare- ties then wasn’t as robust.
idolia Brewing Company last Friday,
eager to toss back a few icy-cold brews, “I think that the business people in
network with their friends and stretch Sebastian at the time were a little bit
their advertising dollars at a special more isolated than we are today,” said
25th anniversary Lifestyle and Media Mitchell, noting that there wasn’t as
Auction, hosted by the Sebastian Riv- much overlap between the communi-
er Area Chamber of Commerce, which ties.
also celebrated its 60th anniversary in
February. Over the last two decades, Mitchell
and Penny Chandler, who also retired
The evening was a poignant one this year, having served 23 years as
for Beth Mitchell, who will be retiring president of the IRC Chamber, formed
from her position as president of the a strong collaborative relationship
organization on Dec. 31. that fostered countywide connections
on behalf of businesses, residents and
“It’s been a great run,” said Mitchell. tourists alike.
“It’s a little bittersweet but it is time
for me to move on. The chamber is in Mitchell said the Media Auction got
such good shape that it’s a good time its start when Maureen Nicolace, then
to go.” a marketing person for Capt. Hiram’s,
introduced the concept to the cham-
Boundaries today are the same as ber.
when the SRA Chamber was incorpo-
rated in 1958 – an area that runs south “We’ve carried the ball and it’s re-
to Wabasso, west to Fellsmere, north ally a fun event,” said Mitchell. “To ap-
to Grant and east to the ocean. The In- ply it to a chamber was a little differ-
dian River County Chamber of Com- ent, but it certainly made sense.”
Friday’s event featured a huge as-
Amy Selby, Joe Stout and Cindy Williams.
sortment of more than $20,000 worth their businesses; and the proceeds go
of donated media and lifestyle pack- to the chamber, which helps keep our
ages that people could bid on at a dues to an affordable rate.”
reduced rate – from print and radio
advertising to marketing services, Mitchell has seen a number of
concert tickets, dining certificates changes over the years, not least of
and staycations. In addition to silent- which was a complete renovation of
auction bidding, County Commis- the SRA Chamber building, now the
sion Chairman Peter O’Bryan elicited Pelican Porch Visitor Center. She also
some fierce bidding as auctioneer takes pride in the level of profession-
during the live auction. alism of her longtime staff members
and in the 500-strong membership.
“This particular event hits all three
points of our mission statement. We “So beyond the staff, who are all
support business, we support tourism very, very capable, the friendships
and we work on quality-of-life events,” and relationships that I have had over
said Mitchell. “In this case, the Media the last 18 years have added a lot of
Auction answers all of those elements. joy to my life,” said Mitchell. “You’re
It benefits the media partners, be- dealing with people who are volun-
cause they are able, hopefully, to ob- teering their time for everything. This
tain new clients; it benefits the busi- chamber really reflects the Sebastian
nesses, who can learn about all of community and I’m very happy that
the new and different ways to market I spent my time that way, working on
positive things for the community.”
22 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 Ralph Billings, Mickie Cooksey and Cindi Green. Nancy Johnson, Sue Skirvin and Brittany Melchiori.
Kim Ellis with Robert and Georgia Irish. Kevin Rollin and Beth Mitchell.
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24 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Enlighten up at One Zen Place music/art gallery
Amy Dyson and John Ryan.
BY STEPHANIE LABAFF talents with others. It’s a fitting un- ence with his music while Dyson, an blues interspersed with some of his
Staff Writer dertaking for the married couple, who experienced artist, creates a visual ac- original compositions. Klimt’s exqui-
settled in Vero Beach roughly eight companiment. site “Woman in Gold” is reproduced
John Ryan and Amy Dyson have years ago. on the inside of that piano’s lid, which
spent a lifetime devoted to exploring “Zen basically defies definition, but segued into Dyson’s showing and dis-
the arts and have recently opened In an intimate, salon-style setting, for One Zen Place it means that we cussing the works of Klimt. The Atlan-
One Zen Place to share their multiple Ryan, an accomplished pianist, com- create art and music in the moment,” tic Music Center in Melbourne pro-
poser and lyricist, entertains the audi- Dyson explains, noting that their goal vides Ryan with a different piano to
is to create an atmosphere in which use every few months.
patrons can immerse themselves in
art and music. They bill it as a place “It’s a small space,” says Ryan. “Ev-
that offers the “opportunity to not eryone is only a few feet away from
merely hear, but listen … not just to what’s going on and we can interact
look, but to see … not just to think, but with them.”
to experience.”
That interaction is part of the fun.
Adding a hint of mystery to the ven- Ryan gives a history of the genre du
ture, the music/art studio is located jour and the highlighted musical art-
off the beaten path. But despite that, ists, intermittently interrupted by
the concept has already been well- Dyson, who adds to the background
received; the salon is full on most history, demonstrates art techniques
evenings. The pair introduced their and creates pieces in tune with Ry-
Friday night soirées this summer an’s music.
with a series of Summertime Blues
performances. One evening former astronaut and
retired U.S. Navy Capt. Winston Scott
They kicked off the series with Ryan was in the audience. A talented musi-
tickling the ivories of a Bösendorfer cian, he just so happened to have his
Gustav Klimt piano, playing classic trumpet with him and, to everyone’s
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 25
lege as an advertisement model, Dy- paintings in the Caves of
son eventually decided she preferred Lascaux in France, which had been
being behind the camera, doing what- closed since 1963, were depicted in
ever she needed to do to further a ca- various texts.
reer as a photographer, before eventu-
ally exploring other avenues. She wrote numerous letters to the
French Ministry, which eventually
“I am an etiologist; I find the rea-
sons and causes for things,” said Dy- CONTINUED ON PAGE 26
son. “That’s what I do in art.”
While shooting a show at the Na-
tional Gallery of Art, Dyson rediscov-
ered the Natural History Museum and
ultimately changed the trajectory of
her work. After becoming fascinated
with prehistoric art, she began ques-
tioning the way the Upper Paleolithic
delight, joined in for a few tunes. Pentagon cryptologist.
By day One Zen Place is a working Ryan’s family moved to Melbourne
studio and gallery. Ryan spends his when he was in high school, after
time writing and composing while which he became a firefighter for the
Dyson explores and creates her vi- City of Melbourne. Throughout his
sion, as evidenced by the eclectic ar- 25 years of service, he continued with
ray of artwork on display in the gal- his music, honing his skills while
lery and the diverse mix of pieces in performing along the east coast of
various stages of completion around Florida as a solo performer. Locally
the studio. he is a popular favorite country clubs
such as The Moorings, John’s Island,
“One thing this place has offered us Grand Harbor, Oak Harbor and Or-
is freedom, as artists, to be able to do chid Island.
the things we want to do. To spread
our wings and have a platform to do In addition to having some of his
what we want,” shares Ryan. original compositions featured in
several HBO television series, Ryan
Ryan began playing the piano at a wrote and performed an original
young age; undeterred even after his song for Panasonic for the 2008 Olym-
piano teacher told his parents they pics. Another piece that holds special
were wasting their money. He be- meaning for him is “Never Forget,” an
gan performing publicly at age 13 as American anthem honoring the lives
a church organist for the whopping lost in 9/11. He has also written songs
sum of $5 per Mass. for Australian singer Jerin-Lei and
has released his own album, “Words
He is predominately a self-taught Alone.”
musician and attributes his natural
ability to genetics. His father was a After putting herself through col-
classically trained pianist, as well as a
26 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
agreed to look into 40 of the 200 depic- finding inspiration from the other’s
tions she had mentioned. Six months work. “I’ll hear him start playing and
later, the ministry contacted Dyson, I’ll see it on the canvas,” says Dyson.
inviting her to visit the caves and con-
sult with them regarding the paint- Pointing to three panels on the
ings. In the end, Dyson was proved wall she adds, “he was playing some
correct, resulting in the reclassifica- very big, expansive pieces when I
tion of 250 of the cave drawings. came up with this. We play off each
other a lot.”
Dyson does a lot of commission
work and is always in the midst of a “The Piano Man,” a musical comedy
variety of projects. Currently in the Dyson has written, is based on some
works are a series of composer paint- of the comical events of Ryan’s 35-year
ings in the style of Rembrandt, Solo career behind the piano. They eventu-
Stones (cairn rock sculptures to be ally plan to share the entire process,
used for neuroscience-based medita- from writing the songs to casting the
tion), Enso (a Japanese art form created play, through an interactive experi-
with a single brushstroke), Miksang (a ence at One Zen Place.
form of contemplative photography),
Through October, Ryan and Dyson
Sumi-e (Japanese ink painting), and will host evenings featuring differ-
prehistoric art designs. There are also ent themes each week – from prehis-
sculptures of marble, wood and met- toric art to the music of the late Aretha
al she designs and commissions out Franklin. In November they plan to
to her protégé, a professional welder unveil “Piano Night Live,” which will
who previously worked on the NASA be live-streamed at OneZenPlace.com
shuttle platform. for folks who want to watch from the
comfort of their own homes.
Although raised as children not
far from each other in Maryland, the The possibilities are endless, they
couple didn’t meet until Dyson flew say, envisioning One Zen Place as a
to Melbourne to conduct an art ap- blank canvas to be filled with new ex-
praisal. Dyson heard Ryan playing periences. Future performances will
at a restaurant and decided that he include sand animation, guest sing-
would be the ideal person to compose ers, jazz trios and possibly even work-
the music for several animated films ing on paintings while hanging from
she had written. aerial silks.
Now, the couple’s relationship has One Zen Place is located at 4005 43rd
become deeply rooted in the arts, each Ave. For more information, visit one-
zenplace.com, johnryanpiano.com or
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 27
Coming Up: Feeling Loopy? Hit Riverside’s Comedy Zone
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA lage Playhouse; Surfside Playhouse;
Staff Writer Brevard Arts Academy; Melbourne
City Dance Center; Central Bre-
1 Music and laughter aplenty this vard Art Association; Foosaner Art
week, starting with Comedy Museum; Space Coast Art Festival;
Space Coast Weavers and Fiber Art-
Zone weekend at Riverside Theatre, ists; Brevard Zoo; Brevard Renais-
sance Fair; and way more than I can
Friday and Saturday, Sept. 21-22. possibly list. But you get the idea.
Bring the kids, for sure. Time: noon
Sharing the stage will be laughmeis- to 5 p.m. Concert: 2 p.m. Admission:
free, no tickets required. Cultur-
ters Dean Napolitano, Hollywood alartsshowcase.com.
and TV vet; and world-traveling Race
Car City native Vinny Santino. Ac-
cording to his bio, Long Island-native
Napolitano is a throwback to the great
comics of the past, “but with a mod-
ern twist.” He kicked off his career 4 This is your last chance to catch
the Vero Beach Theatre Guild’s
playing the Florida club scene, where
he developed his gift for imaginative 3 Indonesian Dancers, part of the cultural arts showcase at the King Center Sunday. edge-of-your seat thriller “Yankee
storytelling and, through the years, Tavern,” about the owner of a shab-
he’s appeared on numerous TV shows by Big Apple bar who find himself
and opened for such Hollywood com- Park, Inc., has added music of the Orchestra, made possible by music increasingly entangled in private
human sort, with its Night Sounds patrons Harry and Wendy Brandon,
ic A-listers as Don Rickles and Joan Concert Series, September through and hosted by Lite Rock 99.3’s own and national intrigue. As the chaos
May. This terrific series opens its Mike and Mindy. All your favorite
Rivers. Born in Indianapolis, Santino 2018-2019 season this Saturday Sept. music, theatre, dance, and visual increases, a stranger appears, and
22, with the Ladies of Soul, a popu- art entities will be there. Here’s a
has been writing comedy since his lar 7-piece band, familiar to series- tiny sample: Brevard Community quickly the lines between conspiracy
goers. The “Ladies” are three pow- Chorus; Space Coast Jazz Society;
teens. A self-described “neighbor- erhouse female vocalists, who bring Brevard Symphony Youth Orches- theory and reality blur. Keep in mind,
tight harmonies and high energy to tra; Henegar Center; Vero’s River-
hood guy who’s been dragged all over music inspired by R&B, with a little side Theatre; Historic Cocoa Vil- “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t
funk and classic tunes to get the
the world,” Santino puts his straight- par-tay going. Night Sounds con- mean they’re not after you.” Show
certs are scheduled monthly, on the
up, pulls-no-punches “Rust Belt per- Saturday closest to the full moon, at times through Sept. 23: Thursday, Fri-
the Coconut Point pavilions, south
spective” on the resulting adven- side of the inlet bridge. Bring fam- day, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday,
ily pals, fold-up chair or blanket,
tures, with a razor wit and an Indy grab some foodstuffs at the nearby 2 p.m. Tickets: Adults, $30; students,
Surfside Grill, then relax and enjoy
car-quick delivery. Before the laughs music as the sun sets and the moon half price. 772-562-8300.
rises, in one of the most unique and
begin, and all through the evening, beautiful music venues you’ll come
across. Concert time: 7 p.m. to 9
you can enjoy Live in the Loop, free p.m. Admission: free with park en-
try. Admission Fee: $8/per vehicle,
live music under the oaks on the out- multiple occupants; $4/single oc-
cupant; $2/Pedestrians, bicyclists,
door stage. Friday, get your groove on extra passengers 772-388-2750.
with the two-guys-and-a-girl band
Collins and Company, playing music
from the ’50s to current: ’70s funk,
’80s rock, Motown, R&B. This expe-
rienced trio has been pit band for
the Florida tours of such groups as
Three Dog Night, the Allman Broth-
ers, Marshall Tucker, Steppenwolf
and Molly Hatchett. So there you go.
Saturday Live in the Loop music will
be courtesy of another hot Loop fave
– Rappture: according to the show
promo, a trio of seasoned profession-
als out of Jensen Beach who play a
wide range of jazz, soft rock and pop
classics. The Loop also always offers 3 A dazzling day of performing
arts is in store this very Sun-
a full outdoor bar and grill. There’s
lots of seating (200 seats), but you can day, Sept. 23, at the King Center for
bring your own fold-up just in case, the Performing Arts in Melbourne.
because this is one popular spot. And it’s free! It’s “Brevard’s Ultimate
P.S. Don’t B.Y.O. food or beverages. Performing Arts Festival,” lovingly
Comedy Zone times: 7:30 p.m. and created for the whole family and
9:30 p.m. Live in the Loop: 6:30 p.m. presented by the highly regarded
Comedy Zone tickets: $12 to $18. Live Brevard Symphony Orchestra in
in the Loop: free, no ticket required. partnership with the King Center.
772-231-6990. This dynamic cultural arts show-
case is Brevard’s best, pull-out-
2 A brilliant idea for a truly all-stops celebration of the arts: a
unique music venue: the “mu-
day filled with displays, cultural
sic” of the one-and-only Sebastian demonstrations, (really cool) fam-
Inlet State Park is typically seabirds’ ily activities, and live performances
cries and the sounds of the surf. across three stages. A highlight is
Now, and for the past few years, the not-to-be-missed special family
the Friends of Sebastian Inlet State concert by the Brevard Symphony
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The North Pole is a destination Captain Lobusov was forced to A white rainbow across the where we now stood, to meet, in the
without a marker. Unlike its southern spend several hours overnight Actic sky as seen from the words of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the
equivalent, which is located deep with- steaming around in search of Russian icebreaker “challenge of human daring.” It is also,
in the frozen continent of Antarctica an area that was suitable for 50 Let Pobedy. increasingly, to consider the future – to
and delineated with an actual pole and him to park the ship. wonder whether, just as the window of
a nearby scientific base, the North Pole versed the sea ice and stood at the Pole accessibility is cracking open, the op-
is in the middle of a constantly shifting were now here, that we were standing could be counted on the fingers of one portunity to see the North Pole as we
mosaic of ice atop the Arctic Ocean. at the top of the world, placed us in hand with a digit or two to spare. know and imagine it is already starting
rarefied company. to close.
There are no mountains, no per- Its accessibility is not the only way in
manent topographical features of any Less rarefied, however, than it used which the Pole and its environs differ If, as Robert Peary claimed, he, Mat-
kind, just a jumbled, jagged icescape. to be. from half a century ago – a difference thew Henson and a team of Inuit were
Historically, to be at the North Pole that was evident during our journey. the first men to stand at the North Pole
has been to feel as removed from the In 1977, another nuclear-powered on April 6, 1909, they did so after more
rest of humanity as it is possible to icebreaker, the Arktika, became the first “I have been working in the area for than a month of hard slogging from
feel, isolated in a harsh environment, surface vessel to reach the Pole. The 30 years and been doing North Pole Canada's Ellesmere Island.
thousands of miles from civilization journey has been completed multiple voyages for 24 years, and I’ve seen many
and warmth. times by several vessels in the four de- changes in the ice conditions,” Captain Sixty years later, when Wally Herbert
cades since; our voyage was the 123rd. Lobusov said during the voyage north. became the first person universally
It is a place that as recently as 1846 “As we approach the North Pole, you acknowledged to have walked to the
was described by Sir John Barrow, an The top of the world has become a can see we have many stretches of open Pole, he and his team had been on the
English statesman who midwifed the tourist destination: an extraordinari- water.” ice for fully a year, having been forced
Victorian age of Arctic exploration, ly expensive one, certainly, and one to make camp over the long Arctic
as “the only thing in the world about reached only infrequently. It is none- To travel to the North Pole is to be winter and wait until currents carried
which we know nothing.” Long after theless achievable with far greater ease acutely aware of not only the isolation the sea ice in a favorable direction.
its true nature has been unveiled, it than anyone might reasonably have of the present, but also the weight of
has continued to bedevil and torment imagined even 50 years ago, when the the past, of those who sought to be In 2017, those of us on board 50 Let
many who have dared to impinge on it. number of expeditions that had tra- Pobedy made the trip in less than five
For decades, men and women have
striven to reach the top of the world; We arrived in Murmansk, the sec-
they have struggled on skis, hauled ond- largest port in northwestern Rus-
sleds and endured a litany of miser- sia, on an August afternoon and began
ies – including death – in pursuit of our smooth, steady journey northward
that goal. But when I went to the North that evening. We had been instructed
Pole, all I had to do was board a flight not to take any photographs until we
to Helsinki and catch a charter to Mur- were clear of the port, which is home
mansk, Russia, where I boarded a ship. to the Russian nuclear fleet; but as the
From there, all that was required of me ship slipped from its moorings, as the
was to kick back and enjoy the scenery, mood lightened and as the celebratory
the wildlife and the three multicourse on-deck toasts loosened inhibitions,
meals per day. that admonition was soon forgotten.
After we reached the Pole, that ship, Cameras and cellphones clicked
a 500-foot, 28,000-ton, red-and-black away as Victory eased quietly out of
nuclear-powered Russian icebreaker harbor, into Kola Bay and northward
called 50 Let Pobedy – or, in English, into the Barents Sea.
50 Years of Victory – towered over us,
about 130 fee-paying passengers from Within two days, we had reached
around the world, accompanied by a Franz Josef Land, an archipelago of
small handful of scientists and journal- 192 islands that is the most northerly
ists, as we stood in a large circle, each land in Eurasia – at its northernmost
of us wearing expedition-issued bright point, a mere 560 miles from the Pole.
yellow parkas. We would visit it again on the way
south, but in between, once the archi-
The ship’s captain, Dmitriy Lobusov pelago had slipped over the horizon
– tall, gray-bearded and looking every astern of us, we would see no land.
inch a Russian sea captain – spoke
into a microphone, his words trans- The journey to the Pole was devoid
lated by an aide by his side. of craggy cliffs and stunning vistas, the
only variants the extent and thickness
“Congratulations to you all on of the ice floes that surrounded us, the
achieving your dream,” he said. And amount of water that separated them
if none of us could lay claim to any and the wildlife that crossed our path
achievement even remotely on the or tailed in our wake.
scale of those who had danced with
death as they battled to be where we Our first sightings of ice came as we
now stood, just the very fact that we made our way past the archipelago,
but it was in the evening that we left
the islands behind us that the sea ice
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 31
BY KIERAN MULVANEY Polar bears often lie On board Victory, Captain Lobusov
THE WASHINGTON POST at the edge of a floe, con- had no such cares; even as the din-
serving energy and perhaps ner plates and wineglasses rattled,
shifted from being an occasional in- hoping a seal might pop out the ship plowed through the ice as if it
terloper to the dominant feature of were wet tissue paper.
our surroundings. The ship rattled of the open water.
and shuddered as it entered the Arctic Russian sea captain Initially, our wonderment was at Vic-
Ocean ice pack, crushing and plowing tory’s immense strength, a product of
through the floes. Smaller ones were Dmitriy Lobusov. twin nuclear reactors driving engines
tossed casually to one side, but even that generate an almost-unfathom-
the larger sheets offered little to no re- Cape Tegetthoff, in able 75,000 horsepower. The passage
sistance. Franz Josef Land, an through open water on our first couple
archipelago of 192 islands. of days out of Murmansk had been ef-
“The experience of hearing and fortless. But our expectation was that
watching the ship break ice is as such effortlessness would ultimately
mesmerizing as watching fire,” ad- be somewhat tempered the farther
vised Solan Jensen, a hyper-efficient north we traveled and the thicker and
Alaskan with a Zen mien who func- more extensive the ice became; in-
tioned as assistant expedition leader stead, onward Victory barreled, barely
for Quark Expeditions, the adventure breaking a metaphorical sweat.
travel company that had chartered
the vessel. The ship’s log underlined just how
little opposition the ice offered: In
As if to prove him right, I leaned open water, its daily average speed
over the bow for hours on end and was between 18 and 18.5 knots, and
watched as a crack would appear in although it naturally slowed as its path
the ice then race ahead in jagged fash- grew increasingly frozen, on the day of
ion, splitting a floe asunder then wid- our approach to the North Pole, it was
ening and ultimately separating the still clocking an impressive 13 knots as
floe into two or more pieces as Victory the would-be resistance yielded meek-
waltzed arrogantly through. ly before it.
Victory makes only five trips to Once sea ice became the dominant
the North Pole with paying passen- feature of the seascape, it remained so
gers each year, chartered alternately until we were well south of the Pole on
by Quark and Poseidon Adventures; the journey home. There was substan-
it spends the bulk of its life breaking tially more sea ice on the surface of
through the ice of the Northern Sea the Arctic Ocean than there was open
Route, which connects the Barents Sea water. There was sea ice in every direc-
to the Bering Sea across the top of Rus- tion, and lots of it. But there should
sia, opening pathways at the head of have been: We were, after all, closing
convoys of cargo and container ships. in on the North Pole. What was notable
was the seeming absence of meaning-
It is a working ship, not a cruise liner, ful progression in the extent and, es-
and the accommodations – notwith- pecially, thickness of that sea ice as we
standing the journey's starting price journeyed north.
tag of $27,000 for the 11-day round
trip – reflect as much. Still, if the Even in August, at the height of sum-
cabins were not ornate, they were mer, as Arctic sea ice cover is racing to-
functional – the one I shared with ward its minimum extent for the year,
friend and fellow Arctic obsessive the outer reaches surrounding the Pole
Geoff York had a pair of bunks, a should have been guarded by old, thick
desk, a small bathroom with show- floes, those that had survived melt sea-
er and plenty of storage space – and son after melt season, piling on top
replete with nice touches, including of one another and growing over the
daily housekeeping service topped years, wizened icy sentinels forming a
with a nightly treat of 50 Let Pobedy- barrier to further easy progress.
branded chocolate.
But wherever we looked, and how-
My first Arctic voyage 20 years pre-
viously had been on a 950-metric-ton, STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 32
ice-strengthened converted sealing
ship; the vessel coped admirably with
all but the very thickest of ice floes,
but its captain dealt with them cau-
tiously, slowing down on approach,
avoiding them whenever possible,
pushing them out of the way when he
could and riding on top of them and
breaking them when necessary.
32 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ever far north we steamed, such old ice helicopter.” But the ease of our jour- Once he had done so, and while the Once we descended on the ice, most
just was not there; even when at their ney did not diminish the significance rest of us slept, the Quark team set up of us took short walks. A few played
most extensive, the pans through which of the destination. the site to be as safe as possible for pas- soccer. At lunchtime, we sat at picnic
we barreled were largely flat and new. sengers to disembark. Flags marked a tables and had a barbecue.
The passengers partied into the trail deemed sufficiently secure, across
Captain Lobusov supported our night; as they did so, the ship got under- thick enough ice and away from treach- A hundred yards or so from the ship,
suspicions: “Now, we hardly see the way again. If anything, the ice seemed erous water. For the more daring sorts, a replica British phone booth marked
thick, multiyear ice we used to have even thinner and more scattered at the an open patch of water next to the ship the spot at which Quark staffers stood
two decades ago,” he acknowledged. Pole than at any point since Franz Josef provided an opportunity to leap – while with a satellite phone, so every one
Land, and Captain Lobusov was forced securely tethered – into the freezing of us could call a loved one – briefly –
Solan Jensen had made this voyage to spend several hours overnight steam- Arctic Ocean and emerge as swiftly as from the North Pole.
many times before with Quark; now ing around in search of an area that was possible.
he closed his eyes, conjuring the im- suitable for him to park the ship. I handed back the phone and wan-
agery in his head and searching for the dered off for a moment of solitary
words to describe the experience of contemplation. A sharp wind, unin-
being at the North Pole. terrupted by any geology, drove across
miles of sea ice.
By the evening of Day 5, the goal was
in our grasp, and with just a couple of We had been parked at – or, more
hours to go, Solan, in the wheelhouse, accurately given the ice conditions,
began counting down the remaining as close as possible to – the Pole for 12
time and distance over the ship’s PA hours or so; we would remain for only
system like a NASA controller. Slow- a few hours more until we began the
ly but surely, a crowd swelled on the journey south. Most of the passengers
bow, where Quark staff stood ready now retreated to the comfort of Victory
with glasses of champagne and shots or were preparing to; only the hardiest
of vodka. At a little after midnight, we were still on the ice playing soccer.
came to a halt, to several long, loud
blasts of the ship’s whistle and an erup- Soon all signs of our presence
tion of cheers from the 130 or so pas- would be gone: the barbecue tables,
sengers assembled on deck. the soccer goal, the phone booth and
then even 50 Years of Victory itself,
“I’ll be honest,” said Palle Weber, a disappearing over the horizon. In
passenger from Southern California, two weeks it would return, for the last
expressing a disconnect I shared at time in the season, and then it would
reaching such a formidable location be gone again, taking with it the last
in such pampered fashion, “it feels a signs of life at this most remote of lo-
little like we just summited Everest by cations.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 33
Summer would be over, the temper- we approached, the sun punched its miles, breaking off from an ice shelf sary millennia in the making, and its
ature would plummet, and the North way through the haze, shining a spot- in Greenland and drifting slowly east, size suggested it should exist for mil-
Pole would surrender anew to the cold light on the cathedral of ice that lay gathering sea ice around its base as it lennia more. But once it had broken
and the dark. before us and illuminating it in all its did so, until it stood before us, a vast, free, it was doomed, vulnerable to the
glory. It was immense, an ice island solitary sentinel of ice seemingly vis- wind and the waves, slowly shrinking
On the first day of our journey south, with mountains and valleys. It had iting us from an Arctic era long gone. day by day until, in a matter of years,
we encountered an iceberg, looming almost certainly traveled hundreds of It was undoubtedly ancient, an emis- it would be gone.
out of the gloom in the distance. As
34 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BY KAREN TUMULTY | WASHINGTON POST His language did not have the speechwriter-pol- intervening years before he married Nancy Davis,
ished sheen we associate with the president who he had an active social life, chronicled by the gos-
Something tugged at Ronald Reagan on that oth- came to be known as the Great Communicator. It sip columns. (“A newly created bachelor is watched
erwise slow August weekend in 1982. was an intimate, humble profession of faith. like a hawk, and a simple dinner date becomes a
new romance,” he once lamented.)
“Again at the W.H.,” the president noted in his It was “a miracle,” Reagan wrote, that “a young
diary. “More of Saturdays work plus a long letter I man of 30 yrs. without credentials as a scholar or But there is no evidence that he was anything
have to write to Loyal. I’m afraid for him. His health priest” had “more impact on the world than all the but devoted to Nancy after they wed. The couple
is failing badly.” teachers, scientists, emperors, generals and admi- was routinely mocked for their starry-eyed affec-
rals who ever lived, all put together.” tion.
Loyal Davis, Reagan’s father-in-law and a pioneer-
ing neurosurgeon, was just days away from death. “Either he was who he said he was or he was The letter to his father-in-law – the only man
the greatest faker & charlatan who ever lived. But who would ever come close to Ronnie in Nancy’s
Something else worried Reagan: The dying man would a liar & faker suffer the death he did?” estimation – revealed how marital fidelity inter-
was, by most definitions of the word, an atheist. twined with Reagan’s religious beliefs. He saw it
Religious faith, for better or worse, is a proxy in not only as a source of happiness in this life, but a
“I have never been able to subscribe to the di- our politics, offered as proof that those who lead us reward in the next.
vinity of Jesus Christ nor his virgin birth. I don’t start from a foundation of values. Americans seem
believe in his resurrection, or a heaven or hell as to expect piety from their presidents. Polls over the Loyal Davis and Nancy’s mother, Edith, who
places,” Davis once wrote. “If we are remembered years suggest at least 4 out of 10 would not support themselves experienced early divorces, were in
and discussed with pleasure and happiness after an otherwise-qualified candidate who does not be- many ways a model for the Reagan marriage.
death, this is our heavenly reward.” lieve in God.
“Loyal, you and Edith have known a great love
Reagan, on the other hand, believed everyone Reagan represented a conundrum for social – more than many have been permitted to know.
would face a day of judgment, and that Davis’s was conservatives: He had arisen from the Gomorrah That love will not end with the end of this life,”
near. So the most powerful man in the world put of Hollywood, divorced, signed the most liberal Reagan wrote. “ . . . all that is required is that you
everything else aside, took pen in hand and set out abortion law in the country when he was California believe and tell God you put yourself in his hands.”
on an urgent mission – to rescue one soul. governor, and rarely set foot inside a church while
president. Did the letter have any impact? Nancy Reagan,
“Dear Loyal,” Reagan began. “I hope you’ll for- who was with Loyal Davis when he died, and who
give me for this, but I’ve been wanting to write you But he managed to marshal an army of funda- saved the letter he received from his son-in-law,
ever since we talked on the phone. I’m aware of the mentalists in 1980 to defeat a born-again Christian, would later claim that her father did turn to God at
strain you are under and believe with all my heart Jimmy Carter, who taught Sunday school. the end of his life.
there is help for that. . . . ”
That election marked the emergence of the reli- Two days before his death on Aug. 19, 1982, Da-
The letter dated Aug. 7 is not part of the presi- gious right as a force in politics. vis sought out a hospital chaplain, and prayed with
dential records publicly available at the Reagan him, Nancy said. “I noticed he was calmer and not
Library. I came across it earlier this year, in a card- These days, there is a certain cynicism about as frightened.”
board box of Nancy Reagan’s personal effects. what presidents actually believe: Does it really
matter what a president carries in his heart and A deathbed conversion? That may have been a
The discovery of this intimate missive, four pag- how he lives his personal life? daughter’s wishful thinking.
es of White House stationery randomly tucked in a
file, stopped me. You do not have to be a believer In July, amid a new round of furor over President One thing, however, is certain. Faith was not an
yourself – or believe that Reagan’s policies were Trump’s alleged extramarital affairs with an adult- electoral stratagem for Ronald Reagan; his private
perfectly aligned with Christian teachings – to ap- film star and a Playboy model, Robert Jeffress, pas- words show it was his starting point, and the core
preciate what this private letter said about him. tor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, chuckled of who he was.
and told Fox News that “we’ve been here before.”
I could sense Reagan’s earnest intensity, how This article first appeared in The Washington Post.
carefully he had collected his thoughts. Not a word Reagan, Jeffress declared, had been “a known It does not necessarily reflect the views of Vero Beach
of his small, round script was crossed out. Had he womanizer” in his acting days. 32963.
written and revised several versions, sending the
one that said just what he wanted it to? The truth is, Reagan was devastated when his
first wife, actress Jane Wyman, left him. In a few
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D Stomach F Nausea and vomiting 9. A stroke is a “brain attack,” a brain equiva- https://www.donatelifeflorida.org/
E Small intestine G Increased appetite/weight gain lent of a heart attack, that results when the register/.Organ Donation. 6/20/18
F Pancreas supply of blood and oxygen to the brain is 9. True. Stroke, Part I. 6/27/18
G Liver 6. This year nurses were ranked No. 1 as blocked. 10. True. It is imperative for hospitals to be
the most ethical and honest professionals a part of an updated system of electron-
2. All people with GERD (gastroesophageal in America by the Gallup poll. How many True False ic communications. Healthcare’s Rapidly
reflux disease) experience heartburn. consecutive years have nurses received Merging Environment, Part III. 1/03/18
this award? 10. A very important aspect of a hospital
True False A 3 joining a larger corporation is increased IT SCORING Excellent!
B 7 (information technology) capabilities. A+ (10 correct) Very Good
3. Blood tests to measure levels of two di- C 11 A (9 correct) Good Job
gestive enzymes – amylase and lipase – are D 16 True False B (8 correct) Astute
reliable indicators for diagnosing pancre- C (5-7 correct) Keep Learning
atitis. 7. Advanced registered nurse practitioners ANSWERS D (3-4 correct) Persevere
(ARNPs) can: 1. C. Digestion: Food for Thought, Part II. Under 3 correct
True False (Pick ONE or MORE) 1/24/18
A Examine patients 2. False. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Your comments and suggestions for future
4. If you sign a document called a health- B Take medical histories Part I. 2/14/18 topics are always welcome. Email us at
care power of attorney, your healthcare C Maintain patient records 3. True. Pancreatitis, Part III. 3/21/18 [email protected].
advocate can act as your legal guardian and 4. True. For more information about
healthcare power of attorney, go to
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38 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The Global War on Terrorism four themed sections: eager to kill yet also afraid of death. His extended sec-
War Memorial Act that Congress “Storm,” “Bad Hand,” tion on Army Spec. Robert Soto, a former theater major
passed last year calls for a new “Counterinsurgency” from New York who found himself in Afghanistan’s Ko-
monument on the Mall. Like the and “Reckoning.” This rengal Valley, captures the duality of war as powerfully
Vietnam Veterans Memorial, it division loosely follows as anything I’ve read.
will be designed by the winner the arc of both wars and
of a national competition. Unlike is kept intentionally Here is the horror after Soto is caught in an ambush:
the Vietnam project – or any oth- simple. It’s as if Chivers “Block, he thought. Block, block, block. Shut down
er war memorial on the Mall – it emotions. You can’t dwell. You can think about this now
must solve this riddle: How does doesn’t want to burden or we can get back safe and you can think about it later.
one memorialize a war still be- or distract the reader Soto chose later. At eighteen, he had learned how to
ing fought? The question extends with an overly byzan- switch himself off.” And here is the thrill of Soto initiat-
beyond architecture. C.J. Chivers, tine rendering of his ing an ambush a few weeks later, against more than a
a Pulitzer Prize-winning corre- subject. The complex- dozen of the same Taliban fighters who had ambushed
spondent for the New York Times, ity he seeks is a moral him and his comrades: “Adrenaline rushed through
has taken it up in his second book, one. Soto. His heart rate spiked. His muscles seemed coiled
“The Fighters: Americans in Com- to pounce. … He entered the peculiar mind-set that can
bat in Afghanistan and Iraq.” One of the most settle over a combatant in the seconds before battle, a
compelling stories feeling of absolute, intoxicating clarity.”
When erecting a war memorial, in “The Fighters” is
in stone or in words, it can be dif- that of Chief War- Much of the “reckoning” in the last section of Chiv-
ficult to say anything new: the lives rant Officer Michael ers’ book occurs as the fighters return from war and
cut short, the misguided strategies Slebodnik of the Air attempt to reconcile the thrill with the horror. A dec-
of politicians, the societal journey Cavalry, pilot of a orated veteran I know who is often invited to speak
from idealism to disillusionment. Kiowa Warrior he- about the actions that earned him his medal equates
We’ve heard it all before, haven’t we? licopter who flew the experience to being continually honored for the
After nearly 20 years, our wars in worst day of his life. Can the worst day of your life also
Iraq and Afghanistan have exhausted missions in both be the best day of your life? This, obviously, isn’t a ques-
our collective attention spans. I’m a veteran of both Iraq and Afghani- tion only veterans wrestle with. It’s universal. And so is
conflicts, and I admit that they have come to exhaust stan. In one particularly vivid passage, he the appeal of “The Fighters.”
my attention span, too. I was hesitant to pick up “The and his co-pilot, Mariko Kraft, catch three insurgents
Fighters.” What a mistake that would have been. This setting up a rocket in broad daylight. They gun two of Although the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan haven’t
book is remarkable. them down, with the third managing to escape. That ended, they have wound down. The building of a me-
night, Slebodnik finds Kraft: “‘I feel bad for their fami- morial on the Mall, scheduled to be completed by 2024,
Authors like Steve Coll (“Ghost Wars,” “Directorate lies,’ she told Slebodnik. “…‘They did not just sacrifice seems to be a point of departure, a gesture that these
S”) and Tom Ricks (“Fiasco,” “The Gamble”) have writ- themselves. They sacrificed their families.’ … Slebodnik wars might finally begin to consign themselves to the
ten sweeping and definitive accounts of the so-called was unmoved. … He sat down and wrote home, sharing past. Like many veterans, I am curious to see what de-
global war on terror. “The Fighters” belongs alongside with [his wife] Tanja a detailed account. ‘Today I killed sign is selected.Whatever it is, I hope to one day take my
those volumes, but it achieves its own broad scope by a man,’ he began. For years he had trained for a mo- children there. If the memorial is done well, perhaps it
relying on the more intimate canvas of individual ex- ment that at last had played out in front of his Kiowa will convey to them a sense – no matter how ephem-
perience. Chivers writes in the prologue, “This human windscreen. … ‘My only real thoughts,’ he wrote later, eral – of what it was like for those of us who fought. If it
experience of combat is often unexpressed by the pub- ‘have been how could I have done it better to get all 3.’” doesn’t, we’ll have books like “The Fighters,” which is a
lic relations specialists and senior officers who try to ex- A singular aspect of our most recent wars is that they memorial in pages.
plain the purposes of operations rather than describe are the first protracted conflicts to have been fought by
the experience of them.” an all-volunteer military. Chivers doesn’t shy away from THE FIGHTERS
the moral complexity of volunteerism. What does it say
Chivers, then, chooses to follow six primary charac- about us that we chose to fight? Chivers gives the thrill AMERICANS IN COMBAT IN AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ
ters from the Army, Navy and Marines through multiple of combat and its horror equal time. What he vividly
deployments. Their stories are told in fragments across portrays in the character sketches is a group of fighters BY C.J. CHIVERS | SIMON & SCHUSTER. 356 PP. $28
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 39
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist AQ
Jean Nidetch, a co-founder of Weight Watchers, said, “It’s choice — not chance — that K85
determines your destiny.”
A Q 10
That is not always true at the bridge table. Sometimes, as we have seen over the last few
weeks, you make your choice for a line of play, and it is up to chance whether it works or WEST EAST
not — unless it has a probability of 100 percent. —
?872 96
Does declarer have a guaranteed line in today’s deal, or must he choose the approach that 9643
is mathematically most likely to work? ?8652 ? 10 9 5 4
West leads a low heart against South’s six-spade contract. What should declarer do? J 10 2
North blasted straight into Blackwood, eventually putting his partner into six spades when ?73
he learned that two kings were missing.
South starts with 11 winners: six spades, one heart, three diamonds and one club. There
are two obvious chances to make this small slam: Either the heart or club finesse works. A J 10 8 5 2
But there is a third line; do you see it?
If East has the heart king, the slam is laydown with an endplay. Declarer wins with
dummy’s heart ace, draws trumps, cashes his diamond winners and exits with a heart. AQ7
Assuming East takes that trick, he must either lead a club around to the dummy or
concede a ruff-and-sluff (South sluffs a club from his hand and ruffs on the board). Note J4
also that if West does produce the heart king, the club finesse is still available.
Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
Finally, yes, it would have been simpler if North had signed off in six no-trump. North has
12 tricks after taking the club finesse, even if it loses. The Bidding:
1 Spades Pass 4 NT Pass
5 Hearts Pass 5 NT Pass LEAD:
6 Clubs Pass 6 Spades All Pass 2 Hearts
40 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Bloke (7) 1 Bedlam (5)
5 Lap (5) 2 Idiotic (7)
8 Farewell (5) 3 Chubby (5)
9 Gives (7) 4 Tolerate (6)
10 Captain (7) 5 Realm (7)
11 Thick (5) 6 Consumed (5)
12 Fashionable (6) 7 Doubt (7)
14 Convey (6) 12 Morsels (7)
17 Catches (5) 13 Fate (7)
19 Severe (7) 15 Mediocre (7)
22 Envisage (7) 16 Stroke (6)
23 Proverb (5) 18 Prize (5)
24 Alas (5) 20 Jargon (5)
25 Portion (7) 21 Occasion (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 41
ACROSS (anagram of AS A CLUE) 52 The Beatles’ The Washington Post
1 Razor by Gillette 103 Ottoman VIP “Let ___”
5 Little Gilbert on the prairie 105 Little actor Billy 53 “And lived MY MIND IS RACING! By Merl Reagle
12 Mil. outfit for Drew Carey 107 “To ___ not to ...” ___ about it”
16 Abundance of racing 108 ___ fizz (cocktail)
110 Most important 55 Kool-Aid container
victories? 57 Sewing cases
19 Minister of “positive thinking” 112 On the debit side 58 Chihuahua coat?
115 H-deux-O 60 Lie on a ___ nails
fame 116 Subject of Morita’s Made in 64 Monkey’s uncle
21 Compulsion to race? 65 Headlong scramble
23 Fiber from old ropes Japan 67 Classic Bobby
117 No-way-out situation
24 Strip 119 Clark’s love Hebb tune
25 Tallow source 121 ___ in the bucket 68 Fades
123 Speedway feature? 69 Root for the frontrunner?
26 Hairpin or U 127 Coil guy 70 Treacherous speedway?
28 Latin shortening 128 First-place finisher’s 72 Straight-arm
29 Salinger girl 73 Vichyssoise, e.g.
expression? 79 Pointer
30 Beverly Hillbilly Max Jr. 129 Burgundies 81 Mint, as condition
32 Spacious 130 “___ and say we did” 82 Allegro, e.g.
34 Verb ending 131 Tips 84 ’60s drug
35 The British and the Greek, 85 Eddy Arnold’s “What’s He
DOWN Doing ___”
e.g. 1 Lower forty, e.g. 86 Enervate
37 Villain’s visage, maybe 2 Postprandial sweets 87 LBJ VP
40 Old game show, ___ Clock 89 Hang-glide
42 All-news network 3 Bob Hope 91 Long, narrow inlets
44 Chase out of Hollywood specials, e.g. 92 Columbo, Tragg,
4 See 84 Down
46 Not yet anted 5 A Little Woman et al.
48 Like some cheddar 95 Bill used at Disneyland Paris
49 Flail one’s fists 6 Obliterate
51 Gets a flat? 7 Madagascar primates 98 Kobe robe tie
54 ___ of Two Cities 8 “___ delighted!” 99 Jousting weapons
56 Key to success, in racing? 9 Type of ball, curl, 101 Pound ___
or fire (patrol on foot)
59 Supercilious sorts 10 Convened 102 Warbled
61 Cornfield sound 11 “Just ___ thought!” 104 “___ my position can’t afford
62 Comic section, formerly 12 Second word in a fairy tale
13 The Black, Red, to take chances”
63 Joist or lintel or Yellow 106 On the road ___
66 Soleil time 14 Builds speedways? 109 Breckinridge or Hess
15 Gear-shifting stratagems? 111 Part of a renter’s address:
67 Terrier type
68 Start of the 8th century 17 Vanished author Fletcher abbr.
18 Dog that exposed 113 Mischief makers
71 Racer Al or Bobby 114 Darin’s darling
went by? the Wizard 116 Curative springs
74 Nation that found 20 Host 117 Mrs. Dumbo’s dress?
21 Cold War pres. 118 Ex-pres. and son
breaking up hard 22 Novocained 120 Pinnacle
to do: abbr. 27 Yeasty-sounding breads 122 Clichéd
75 Hot rod org. 31 One way to learn 124 Tool common in
76 I, in Innsbruck 32 Bull Run victors
77 Tokyo, before 33 Cookies in ice cream Concentration rebuses
78 Bank offer 34 Coup d’___
80 ___ culpa 36 Oft-numbered print, briefly 125 Rock ’n’ roll will never do it,
81 ___ in the arm 38 Bawlroom? says Neil Young
83 Racing anticlimax? 39 Double-bond suffix
88 Sex, Italian-style 41 Brainstorming shouts 126 One of two dimensions:
90 How racing judges might 42 Tai ___ abbr.
argue? 43 Little louse
93 Birdbrained talker 45 Member of a Philippine tribe
94 River through the Alps 47 Melodies
96 Utters 50 Heart parts
97 Pineapple producer
100 Racing abbr.
101 Poet friend of Sappho
The Telegraph
42 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Tell daughter she’s always right … except when she’s not
BY CAROLYN HAX cushion between yourself and her drama. ter with your whole heart while still retaining suf-
Washington Post Either way, it doesn’t affect your path now, just ficient objectivity to know unkindness when you
see it. Say this to her outright.
Hi, Carolyn: your relationship’s prospects: Be loving, be princi-
My 27-year-old daughter re- pled, be firm. You can recognize and respect that If she doesn’t like your assessment of the situ-
cently broke up with her live-in she’s in pain and offer your support accordingly; ation, then she can respectfully disagree like an
boyfriend. Now she wants me to you can also do this while acknowledging that adult, or lash out or go silent like a child. Up to
tell her I’m on her side of every her behavior was not above reproach. Yes, it’s her her.
dispute. right to leave this relationship, and yes, he’s no
It’s her life, she’s an adult: Got it. But should I re- doubt partly to blame for their unraveling – but How she acts/reacts doesn’t affect your posi-
ally be expected to tell her she acted well when she there are still kind and unkind ways to get out. You tion; that’s the beauty of principled choices. Care-
didn’t? She was needlessly cruel, and she doesn’t are capable of loving and supporting your daugh- ful thought + loving action = the power to with-
care at all that she insisted we welcome him as stand pressure. It’s difficult, but it’s not chaotic
family for three years – no problem, we loved him the way a life submitting to an emotional black-
– and now we’re supposed to forget him. I dread mailer tends to be.
seeing her again. Help.
As for the closeness she “insisted” on and the
– Mothering an Adult Who Wants to Be Told forgetting you’re “supposed to” do, please see the
She’s Right who-demanded-what as outside the scope of your
concern. You welcomed her boyfriend into your
Mothering an Adult Who Wants to Be Told She’s life because you chose to, when your daughter
Right: I hope I can say without sounding like an welcomed him into hers, and he won’t be a part of
utter twit that you’re about 26 years, give or take, your life now because they’ve parted ways.
past the ideal time to put up this emotional guard-
rail. This is just the business of kids and their friends,
and it isn’t appreciably different from when she
If you have indeed held to your principles all was 6 and refused to play with little Dana any-
along against her emotional strong-arm tactics, more even though you thought Dana was a cutie
then please accept my apologies – and my sympa- and you and Dana’s parents had become friends.
thy, too, for wanting a break from her. Some per- You respect her right to choose her people at any
sonalities just won’t be denied. stage, for any reason, and you adapt your role ac-
“Dread,” though, is so strong – devastating, re-
ally – that I suspect you haven’t kept a healthy Certainly some ties among exes and families
can survive beyond the primary friendship or ro-
mance, but those are exceptions, not rules, an-
chored to a family’s core of trust and respect.
44 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Beware! Flesh-eating ‘Vibrio’ lurks in our waters
BY TOM LLOYD We think we’re bacteria-proof.
Staff Writer But we’re not.
At Indian River Medical Center, criti-
As a nation we’ve grown blasé when it
comes to bacteria. cal care specialist Dr. George Mitchell,
infectious disease specialist Dr. Charles
Maybe that’s because we’ve spent Callahan, and registered nurse and
years going through store aisles lined Infection preventionist Diane Bain
with antibacterial everything: soaps, are raising the alarm about an all-too-
sprays, deodorants, cosmetics, kitchen- common water-borne bacterium: Vib-
wares, house paint, clothing, humidifi- rio Vulnificus.
ers, foot warmers and even yoga mats.
What exactly is this worrisome bug?
Dr. George Mitchell, Dr. Charles Callahan and Diane Bain, RN. PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
You might know it better by its hor- can and does kill people. Quickly. Es-
ror movie-like nickname: the “flesh- pecially here in Florida.
eating bacteria,” or perhaps as “nec-
rotizing fasciitis.” By any name, it is As the Centers for Disease Control
a potentially lethal bacterium found said in a statement this past July, about a
naturally in salty or brackish wa- dozen Vibrio species can cause human
ter, particularly during the warmer illness, but Vibrio Vulnificus stands out
months – a malicious microbe that from the pack. It causes an estimated
80,000 illnesses and 100 deaths in the
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 45
United States every year. New doc helps bariatric team tackle obesity plague
“Most people with a mild case of vib-
BY TOM LLOYD Why? Because, according to the Cen- back in 1996, and few of those em-
riosis recover after about 3 days with no Staff Writer ter for Disease Control and Prevention, ployed today’s safer, minimally invasive
lasting effects,” according to the CDC, more than one-third (36.5 percent) of laparoscopic techniques.
but “people with a Vibrio Vulnificus When Dr. Natalee Stone joined the U.S. adults are now considered clinically
infection can get seriously ill and need Riverside Surgical & Weight Loss Center obese and “Bariatric Centers of Excel- Today the number of bariatric pro-
intensive care or limb amputation.” and Steward Medical Group at the Se- lence” like SRMC are seeing a huge in- cedures is well over 230,000 a year and
bastian River Medical Center, she went crease in demand for surgical services to growing. SRMC’s bariatric case load has
The Florida Department of Health to work immediately, preforming five combat the epidemic. increased 35 percent in just the past 12
says Vibrio Vulnificus infected 346 peo- separate bariatric surgeries on her very months.
ple here between 2008 and 2017, 99 of first days on the job – which happened According to the National Institutes
whom died. to be Labor Day weekend. of Health, a mere 12,775 bariatric sur- Simply put, with that kind of increase
geries were performed in this country in demand, the hospital’s bariatric sur-
Generally, a Vibrio Vulnificus infec-
tion presents in one of two ways: either CONTINUED ON PAGE 46
it attacks the skin and soft tissue of the
body, or the gastrointestinal tract, after
contaminated food has been eaten.
As Mitchell puts it, “If you get an in-
fection and you have the skin type of in-
fection and you go longer than 24 hours
[without treatment], the mortality rate
is 50 percent, but if you go 72 hours, it’s
100 percent.”
It gets worse. Especially for gour-
mands. Eating uncooked seafood in
general and raw oysters in particular is
the most common way this particular
pathogen finds its way into our system.
Additionally, Mitchell adamantly
warns that the risk of infection and
death is much higher for very elderly
people, those with chronic liver disease,
immunocompromised patients who
have HIV or are on chemotherapy to
treat cancer, people who are on dialysis,
and those who have other chronic med-
ical conditions. He flatly states those
people should not eat uncooked sea-
food or wade in the Treasure Coast’s
brackish waters, especially between
the months of April and October when
that water is at its warmest.
Callahan says Vibrio Vulnificus bac-
teria “can exist in high salt content
such as the ocean, but it prefers brack-
ish water.”
Bain joins the conversation by point-
ing out “the goal here is to increase the
awareness in the community that this
organism does exist and that there
are measures you can take to protect
yourself. Those include wearing shoes
when you’re walking in the water so
you don’t cut yourself on those shells,”
because another prime way for Vibrio
Vulnificus to enter your bloodstream is
when a cut, puncture or open wound is
exposed to water the pernicious patho-
gen calls home.
And while Florida leads the nation in
the number of Vibrio cases, as global
temperatures continue to climb, the
bacteria is expanding its range.
Mitchell reiterates that “patients
with liver disease need to be particu-
larly careful, because for some reason
that is the one organ that tends to at-
tract this bacteria,” so if you notice
any unusual symptoms – especially
pain – after downing a plateful of raw
oysters or wading in the lagoon, river
or ocean, seek medical help as soon as
46 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
gical team decided it needed to add a Bringing Dr. Stone onboard allows us I could join that felt like I was joining a gram that’s working together.”
surgeon. One who met their already to continue to offer world-class care lo- miniature family.” Dr. Natalee Stone has joined the Riv-
high standards. cally to our community. We are thrilled
she is a part of our team.” Like any skilled bariatric surgeon, erside Surgical & Weight Loss Center and
They picked Stone. Stone is keenly aware that no surgi- the Steward Medical Group at Sebas-
A former minimally invasive and bar- “Team” is a word that Stone, too, uses cal procedure is without risk and she tian River Medical Center. Her office is
iatric surgery fellow at the Thomas Jeffer- frequently. echoes the Journal of the American at 14430 U.S. 1 in Sebastian. The phone
son University Hospital in Philadelphia, Medical Association in pointing out that number is 772-581-8003.
Stone earned her medical degree from “What I was looking for,” she ex- constantly improving safety is always a
Drexel University College of Medicine plains, “was a group of people who were top priority with her, as is improving re- Dr. Natalee Stone.
after receiving her B.A. at Florida State. surgeons, well known in the commu- sults, and both those things, she says,
According to SRMC’s chief of surgery, nity, who were phenomenal [and] had also require teamwork. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
Dr. Patrick Domkowski, “Dr. Stone is a a beautiful reputation proceeding them
highly trained, board certified surgeon and were team players. That was very “Weight loss,” Stone says, “is a jour-
in bariatrics and advanced laparoscopy. important for me, because I am a team ney. It’s not a quick fix.”
player. I was really looking for a group
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48 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Inside Ralph Lauren’s sumptuous 50th anniversary show
BY ROBIN GIVHAN cess story but that of so many
The Washington Post others. By the time guests
drifted off toward the hazy
At the end of his 50th anni- lights of the city, they had the
versary show in Central Park, undeniable sense of how big,
Ralph Lauren cried, and the how defining and how mag-
audience stood and applaud- netic fashion can be.
ed. At the beginning of the
elegant dinner that followed, Lauren has long said that
Oprah Winfrey toasted the he was not interested in
powerful symbolism imbued creating clothes that go in
in his work, reflecting not and out of style. There is, of
only his own American suc- course, a difference between
a garment that always seems
timeless vs. one that appears Christmas card.
to exist in a bubble. Lauren hasn’t al- These clothes were inviting, aspi-
ways made that distinction clear.
rational and beautifully made. And
He has a studied approach to style although they weren’t breaking any
– the jeans wrecked just so, the collar new ground, they underscored what
flipped at a prescribed angle, the boots has already been built. It was impos-
weathered but not scuffed, the model’s sible not to marvel at that feat of con-
stubbly beard grown out to a precise struction – a fashion house erected on
5:01 p.m. shadow. If there is ease on his a foundation of sheer stubborn opti-
runway, it’s often the self-conscious mism about the power of dress.
sort, as if the models are silently tell-
ing themselves: breathe in, breathe out, The story that Lauren was telling
smile, now swing your arms. as models poured down the steps of
Bethesda Terrace was one of breadth,
But on Sept. 7, it was a different story. depth and influence. It was about
Perhaps it was the joy in the occasion, what we strive for professionally;
or perhaps the sheer scale of the show how we yearn to belong; our passion
during this city’s Fashion Week pre- for big-sky freedom; and our endur-
vented it from being so taut. Maybe it ing belief in the promise of bootstrap
was the range of models, from several capitalism. His work ranges from the
gray-haired men – and one similarly formality of banker stripes to lumber-
mature woman – to children and one jack plaids. And it was invigorating to
sleeping toddler, who injected energy see it en masse, as an all-encompass-
and humanity. Grizzled men with flow- ing universe.
ing hair showed off giant tweed blazers
and mountain-man hats. Nimble young The spectacle was less about clothes
women strolled along in silver fringed and more about the narrative. It was
skirts and crewneck sweaters. Jeans and an assessment of a long-standing story
black-tie, cowboy style in the city. Cos- about American fashion as both a busi-
tumes for life, yes. But it looked like a life ness and a part of our popular culture.
that one might want to live.
The entertainers and business mo-
It was impossible to absorb the guls, media titans and politicians all
endless details of nubby tailoring, rolled in to pay homage to Lauren,
patchwork velvets, leather bombers, spanning generations and races. Hillary
ski jackets, flannel shirts, denim over- Clinton, Steven Spielberg, Chance the
alls, heirloom cardigans and charm- Rapper, Priyanka Chopra, Jessica Chas-
ing children’s clothes that, although tain, Robert De Niro, Bruce Springsteen,
a bit too posh for the playground, Tracee Ellis Ross, Tony Bennett, Kanye
would look spectacular on the family West, Iman, Anne Hathaway, Lauren’s
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 49
her career. She was coming a fashion company, it’s re-
into her own. She was mak- markable, particularly be-
ing money. She stocked cause Lauren remains at
her bathroom with Ralph the helm. For years, Ameri-
Lauren bath sheets – not can fashion was defined by
bath towels, but luxuri- Ralph, Calvin and Donna.
ous, indulgent, enormous Calvin Klein long ago sold
bath sheets. They symbol- his business. Donna Karan
ized having accomplished has also moved on and
something, having gained the collection was shut-
entry, perhaps just a toe- tered by its owners. Other
hold, into the American monumental names such
clubhouse of success. as Oscar de la Renta and
Bill Blass have died and the
The night unfurled with legacy of their brands is yet
cinematic élan. Guests ar- to be determined.
rived at the entrance to
Central Park where they Ralph doesn’t simply
boarded little white trol- remain. He continues to
leys that rolled through the dream.
park, past the curious eve-
family and, of course, Winfrey. ning joggers and dog walkers, to the
The guests also included the many entrance of Bethesda Terrace where
they disembarked in their tuxedos and
designers who have worked for Lauren, evening dress. The entry was aglow
who have been inspired by him or who with LED screens projecting archival
simply have admired his ethos: John images of Lauren’s work, which is es-
Varvatos, Jeffrey Banks, Thom Browne, sentially the story of all the things in
Carolina Herrera, Tommy Hilfiger, Cal- our closet that we think of as quintes-
vin Klein, Donna Karan. sentially American: the jeans and polo
shirts, button-down Oxfords, crew-
The diversity reflects the many neck sweaters, Western jackets and
roles that Ralph Lauren plays in the cowboy boots and flannel shirts. Lau-
culture. He hasn’t just shaped his own ren didn’t invent them; but he turned
company. He has helped to shape an them into a cohesive vocabulary that
entire industry. There are designers gave us the capacity to describe a col-
such as Varvatos whose work repre- lective aesthetic identity. He gave us a
sents a kind of stripped-down, rock- national uniform.
and-roll iteration of Ralph Lauren. The vintage footage reminded
Browne draws upon Lauren’s ethos guests that he brought racial diversity
of classicism and tailoring. Other to his runway – and to his advertising –
designers subvert Lauren’s preppi- before doing so became a rallying cry,
ness. They copy his lifestyle business long before there was social media and
model by branching into housewares, the capacity to tweet a company into
furniture or restaurants. So much of submission.
what is now common practice, Lau- The waiters served cocktails, the
ren pioneered. guests mingled, and the rain held until
everyone was seated for dinner under
The audience defines what Ralph rows of white canvas umbrellas. There
Lauren is: a dream factory, a billion- was filet mignon from Lauren’s ranch,
dollar publicly traded company, one of mini chocolate cakes and key lime
the original pillars of Seventh Avenue, a cheesecakes for dessert. And in the dis-
philanthropic organization, a cultural tance, a view of this city that served as
touchstone, a husband, a father and a a reminder of why Hollywood, small-
guy from the Bronx with a love for the town dreamers and ambitious strivers
movies, the usual human insecurities can’t shake its allure.
and an abundance of ambition. For any American company, 50
years is something to celebrate. For
In her toast to the designer, Win-
frey described a moment early in her
professional life when she began to
feel that she was making headway in
50 Vero Beach 32963 / September 20, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
3.1 Phillip Adeam Boss Brandon Calvin Carolina Coach
Lim Maxwell Klein Herrera
Cushnie Dion Lee Escada Gabriela Kate Longchamp Marc
Hearst Spade Jacobs
Michael Milly Monse Noon by Oscar de Prabal Proenza
Kors Noor la Renta Gurung Schouler
Ralph Rodarte Self Sies Tom Tory Ulla
Lauren Portrait Marjan Ford Burch Johnson