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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-12-06 12:40:33

12/06/2018 ISSUE 49



52 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Team steers IRMC toward elite stroke-center status

BY TOM LLOYD Dr. Akram Shhadeh.
Staff Writer
About 75 percent of strokes in this
country occur in people 65 or older.
That makes Vero Beach with its old-
er demographic a ‘ground zero’ for
these debilitating and often deadly
medical emergencies.

“I can tell you on average we get
eight to 15 stroke alerts every day,”
says Dr. Akram Shhadeh of the
Arubah Neuroscience Institute, now
one of the leaders of the Indian River
Medical Center’s stroke team.

As Vero’s winter residents flow back
into town, he warns: “Here’s the bad
news: It’s the holiday season now.
[Those numbers] will go up.”

Strokes occur when blood vessels
inside the brain are blocked by a clot
(ischemic strokes) or when blood ves-
sels rupture inside the brain (hemor-
rhagic strokes), disrupting the proper
flow of blood to brain cells. Either
scenario can be lethal.

The Centers for Disease Control says
“stroke kills about 140,000 Americans
each year. That’s one out of every 20

deaths. Someone in the United States As the Oregon Health and Science
has a stroke every 40 seconds. Ev- University’s Brain Institute explains,
ery four minutes, someone dies of “if you have an ischemic stroke, cer-
stroke.” tain doctors can do a procedure
called a thrombectomy to remove
That’s why the Indian River Medi- the clot.
cal Center turned its eyes south and
lured neuro-interventionists Shha- “The doctor threads a catheter
deh, Dr. Vikas Gupta and Dr. Ayman through an artery in your groin up
Gheith here to Vero Beach. to your brain. Once the catheter is in
place, the doctor uses a tiny mechan-
Pioneers in an impressively suc- ical device to break up or remove the
cessful surgical approach to treating clot.”
ischemic strokes – which constitute
roughly 87 percent of all stokes na- Not only is this a potentially life-
tionwide, according to the CDC – the saving procedure but at the Interna-
Arubah Neuroscience team has now tional Stroke Conference in Los An-
brought its ‘mechanical thrombec- geles this past January, researchers
tomy’ procedure to Indian River determined “a thrombectomy can
County. double a patient’s chances of avoid-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 53


‘... there was a signed hybrid operating suite with a instance, and at other times, Shha- For information on the signs of a
clear vision from neuroangiography machine. A sig- deh is able to almost instantly diag- stroke, go to www.strokeassociation.
leadership here and nificant advancement for the diagno- nose the situation and relay instruc- org.
from all the teams sis and treatment of strokes, the neu- tions directly to his colleagues from
involved. This is roangiography equipment provides wherever he is. If you or a loved one should expe-
what they want. They highly detailed three-dimensional rience any of those symptoms, Shha-
want do whatever views of the blood vessels leading Without a hint of self-aggrandize- deh says the best thing to do is to call
it takes to help the into the brain as well as those deep ment, Shhadeh concludes by say- 911 immediately. That way treatment
inside the brain, making interven- ing, “what we’ve achieved here took can begin even before reaching the
community here.’ tional surgeries possible. us only 10 percent of the time that it hospital, further increasing the pos-
took us at [Arubah Neuroscience In- sibility of a full recovery.
– Dr. Akram As the conversation continues, stitute’s previous hospital] because
Shhadeh IRMC nurse practitioner Brianna there was a clear vision from leader- Dr. Shhadeh is with the Arubah
Parker hands Shhadeh a phone. On ship here and from all the teams in- Neuroscience Institute at Indian River
its screen are high-resolution images volved. This is what they want. They Medical Center. His office is at 3450
of a stroke patient’s brain scans per- want to do whatever it takes to help 11th Court in Vero Beach. The phone
formed just moments earlier. In this the community here.” number is 772-448-8600. 

ing disability after a stroke,” even if
the procedure is done as much as 24
hours after stroke symptoms present.

But there is a catch. Not just any
hospital and not just any doctor can
perform this procedure.

It takes a team, and Shhadeh says
he, Gupta and Gheith “are a com-
prehensive team. We deal with very
high-risk situations and patients, and
we need a lot of resources in place
and a lot of other team members from
different departments to work col-
laboratively. And you need one leader
for the team that orchestrates every-

“That’s what attracted us to Indian
River Medical Center. Every single
one we met and dealt with and nego-
tiated with had a genuine interest in
improving patient care in this insti-
tution and in this area.”

Indeed, Shhadeh and his col-
leagues have their sights set on
nothing less than delivering an elite
“comprehensive stroke center” desig-
nation for IRMC, awarded by JCAHO
– the Joint Commission on Accredita-
tion of Healthcare Organizations.

While IRMC already has a JCAHO
“primary stroke center” designation,
there are some 1500 of those nation-
wide, while fewer than 200 facilities
have been certified as “comprehen-
sive stroke centers.”

Shhadeh points out that “JCAHO
accreditation holds us to a much
higher standard” than those set by
individual states. “We have all the
pieces in place. If you just look at
the data and the capability, we are
already comprehensive, but [the ac-
tual] paperwork needs a year or two
to get through.”

One of those pieces already in
place, Shhadeh says, is what he calls
“a biplane room.”

A biplane room is a specially de-

54 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


‘Training’ for elective surgery can reduce complications

BY LESLIE QUANDER WOOLDRIDGE hospital data from the American Col-
Tbe Washingtong Post lege of Surgeons on 551,510 general
surgery patients found a complica-
Americans train to get in shape for tion rate of almost 17 percent.
marathons, weddings and backpack-
ing trips. So why not for surgery? But several hospitals say bet-
ter preparation could help patients
Tens of millions of surgeries are awaiting elective surgeries – those
scheduled each year in the United planned in advance, such as hip re-
States, and each can result in com- placements or cosmetic procedures,
plications such as shock, infection or rather than done in an emergency –
pulmonary issues: A 2012 study citing avoid those problems. They have de-

signed workout programs to help en- geon who started the program. “The
sure patients enter surgery in the best analogy I use is that if you and I were
condition possible. going to run a 5K race, you wouldn’t
do it without preparing – you would
A preoperative program at the In- prepare, you’d train. A two-hour op-
diana University Health Center “dra- eration is about as physiologically
matically reduced” hospital-acquired hard on a patient” as running that
infections in surgical patients, ac- race.”
cording to research published in the
October Annals of Surgery. A similar Like fitness-training programs,
program developed at the University preparing for surgery includes physi-
of Michigan “decreased hospital du- cal and mental components. It is par-
ration of stay, lowered costs of care, ticularly important for older patients,
and was well accepted by patients,” patients who have “any component of
read a study appearing in the June frailty” (such as functional problems
2017 issue of Surgery. or difficulty with mobility), patients
having major surgeries with extend-
“At the University of Michigan, ed hospital stays and patients with
we train every patient who has … malnutrition, Englesbe says.
abdominal and thoracic surgery.
And the reason we do that is we feel Because older adults, especially
strongly that it helps people to better those with chronic conditions, are at
weather the stressors of surgery,” says increased risk for surgical complica-
Michael Englesbe, a transplant sur- tions, Duke University Hospital in

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 55


North Carolina offers the Periopera- Steps to consider and discuss with harmful outcomes. “Giving yourself
tive Optimization of Senior Health your surgeon a smoking holiday, or, even better
(POSH) program. Participants on yet, [stopping] smoking for good, will
average had shorter hospital stays, Start moving • Prepare your mind • Breathe dramatically improve your recovery
lower readmission rates and a greater and stop smoking • Stay hydrated and eat well from surgery and will also dramati-
likelihood of being discharged home, cally improve your health,” he says.
researchers wrote in the May issue of says. To help build your endurance, techniques – such as prayer, medi- Talk to your doctor if you need help
JAMA Surgery. you can start a walking program at tation or guided imagery – to use to quit.
least two weeks before surgery, even before and after surgery, according
One key to training is establishing if it’s for 20 minutes a day. Strength- to Shelley R. McDonald, part of the Stay hydrated and eat well: “If peo-
start and stop dates, Englesbe says. ening your core, arms and legs also research team and an assistant pro- ple are malnourished or dehydrated,
For instance, Michigan patients usu- is helpful. “The No. 1 thing that helps fessor of internal medicine in the ge- they have a greater chance of getting
ally train between two and six weeks [patients] after surgery is getting up riatrics division at Duke University delirium,” McDonald says, referring
until the day before surgery. He ex- and out of bed,” McDonald says. So, Medical Center. to the post-surgical complication
plains that about 30 days before is a exercising beforehand can give you a (more common among older adults)
“bit of a sweet spot” because it allows leg up (literally) after the procedure. Breathe and stop smoking: Breath- that can initiate issues such as lon-
for ample training time and high pa- ing exercises before surgery can help ger hospital stays. Make sure you’re
tient compliance. The Indiana pro- Prepare your mind: Before agree- strengthen your lungs and protect drinking enough water and getting
gram can be done in as few as six ing to surgery, understand the pro- against respiratory complications. good nutrition, especially in the sev-
days, though the more time you have cedure, benefits and risks, and what Ask your doctor which exercises may en to 10 days before surgery, she says.
to prepare, “the better you will be,” recovery will be like, among other work best for you. And if you smoke Talk to your surgeon if you have ques-
says William A. Wooden, director of key points. “Getting people pre- or use tobacco, quitting before sur- tions, and ask what time before your
operative services at IU Health. pared for surgical pain and the ex- gery (even for just a few weeks) can surgery you should plan to stop eat-
pectations around it can really help help your recovery. “Oxygen is one ing and drinking.
“I think everyone should train for them have better pain care after the of the most important things that
surgery,” Englesbe says, though if you operation,” Englesbe says. And be- you need to heal well,” Wooden says, Another potential training benefit
have problems with falling, he advis- cause stress and depression can be noting that smoking impairs lung is the sense of control it can give a
es consulting your physician about associated with surgical complica- function and increases carbon mon- patient. Hugh Tenison, 68, of Rich-
physical activity. tions, patients can adopt relaxation oxide in the blood, along with other mond, participated in the POSH pro-
gram before having back surgery in
Here are some other steps to con- October and appreciated learning
sider and discuss with your surgeon that there were steps he could take
– even if your hospital doesn’t offer a to improve his outcome. “All that in-
formal program. formation caused me to feel empow-
ered,” he says, adding that he feels
Start moving: “People really get stronger every day. 
shocked sometimes at how tired
they are after surgery,” McDonald

56 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

7 things to buy now that will still be big news next season

The Telegraph

I’m all about smart, responsible
shopping, and while it’s nice to dip
your toe into the latest trend (boil-
ersuits, anyone?) and add a new sea-
son touch to simple outfits, there’s
a lot to be said for buys that are far

from boring and will The hiking boot has
stand the test of time. been taking center stage
recently as a practical
Each of these seven and stylish boot that will
buys will look just as see you through winter,
relevant tomorrow as
they will in six months or a year, so but I’d advise you not
feel safe in the knowledge that you’re to overlook the cowboy
investing in something that will soon boot which – particularly
become a staple. in a leather, low-heel iteration – will
see you through winter and spring.
From the must-have bag to the midi Suede isn’t the most practical for
skirt that will work day and night, here the winter months, so be sure to gen-
are the pieces that you can buy now erously spritz suede protectant, or
and still wear in Spring. Better update save them for dry days.
the Christmas wish list ...
2. A utility jacket
1. Cowboy boots Blazers are often thought to be the
pinnacle of layering, adding a smart
touch to casual knits and underneath

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 57

trench coats, but if Pair with black suede boots and a tedious, and since we’ll likely be is strictly off
you’re after more of knit for a modern, tactile combination stuck in them until late March, limits come
a casual option, the for the office, then with embellished it’s worth investing in a few jazzy January, a hair
utility jacket is just the thing. mules and statement earrings to nail options – and cardigans in particu- accessory will be
Khaki is the obvious choice, but desk-to-dinner dressing. lar. While they have a reputation for a welcome luxe
cream or navy are equally chic and being frumpy, this season’s offerings touch to our in-
will look great with blue denim, gray 4. A mock-croc bag have proven to be anything but. evitably drab
turtlenecks and under classic camel Croc-effect leather has proven to be Erdem, Christopher Kane and Christmas-
trench coats for weekend wear. When the key fabric for bag designers this Preen by Thornton Bregazzi all sent comedown looks.
the weather warms up, throw them season. Polish label Chylak is spear- models down their autumn/winter ’18
on over a T-shirt and midi skirt. heading this trend with its minimal- catwalks in printed granddad cardis 7. Cosy co-
ist shapes finished in patent mock- paired with everything from evening ords
3. A slinky skirt croc, and my trusty favorite Staud dresses to denim.
There’s no denying that the leop- has updated a few of its cult styles in If you’re dubious about wearing Is there
ard print silk skirt was the cult buy of embossed leather, including the Edie one to the office, it’s best to keep the anything
the summer months, with the origi- bucket. While it’s very of-the-moment, rest of your outfit classic: pair with comfier than
nal ‘It’ offering from Realisation Par there’s longevity in a croc-effect style, a simple collarless shirt, navy wool a knitted two-
consistently selling out and garner- particularly if you opt for black, bur- trousers and brogues. piece? By day,
ing a long wait list. Since then, the gundy or brown. these are the
versatile slip skirt has undergone a There’s nothing like a glossy bag 6. A luxe hair accessory closest you can
jewel-toned makeover, ideal for party to get you in the back-to-school vibe, The Duchess of Cambridge set a get to wearing
season and beyond. and come January, it will be just the perfect example when she donned pajamas, and
thing to get you excited about head- a black velvet ribbon in her ponytail while a matchy
ing back to work. last week, the ideal finishing touch to set will always
a simple look. If you’re keen on mak- look smarter
5. A statement cardigan ing a bigger statement, look to pearl- and more pulled
Sporting similar navy, gray and encrusted pins, shimmery barrette together than separates, do stick
black knits day in, day out can feel clips and velvet hair bands. to muted tones rather than printed
Embellished Alice bands were the knits to err on the more polished
talk of both the Prada and Miu Miu SS19 side. Pair with a glossy crossbody, as
shows, where models sported huge above, and burgundy leather knee-
satin offerings or skinny silk ones with high boots to ensure you’re office-ap-
bows. propriate. Come spring, you can for-
While anything red, green or glittery go a jacket and pair with sleek white
sneakers. 

58 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Rainbow options to make

BY ROSIE BOYDELL and Valentino. Crimson tones are
The Telegraph most commonly associated with love,
warmth and passion, which surely
As the cooler months approach, it’s means treating yourself to a red cash-
tempting to wrap up in safe shades mere sweater or pleated skirt is an act
of black and gray – but it’s unlikely to of pure self love.
do wonders for your Monday morn-
ing mood. The Millennial pink moment shows
no sign of waning, which is no sur-
Treating yourself to a wardrobe full prise given its pretty yet tranquil ef-
of pattern texture and most impor- fect. Magenta, fuschia and bubble-
tantly color could be the answer to gum are all packing a pink punch in
brighter, more positive days. So retire stores too, especially when combined
your neutral knits and enjoy a rain- with one of this season’s luxe fabrics
bow revolution. such as corduroy or crushed velvet.

There were many iterations of the Peter Pilotto and Bottega Veneta
LRD (long red dress) at the AW18 shows sent models down the runway in
from the likes of Tibi, Christian Dior silky ochre ensembles that flowed

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 59

your winter more cheerful

and shimmered like liquid gold. As at their shows. However, this is just
the color of sunshine, summer and one of blue’s myriad moods. Navy
sunflowers, it’s hard to imagine a knitwear and blue chambray shirts
shade better suited to brightening up are stables of most workwear ward-
a cold, murky day. And don’t worry robes but test the water with blue
about yellow’s versatility as a winter jewels, velvet and cord this season for
color – it pairs perfectly with khaki, a new twist on this calming color.
burgundy and navy.
Berry tones have always been a
Symbolic of the natural world, popular choice for winter wardrobes
good luck and health, it’s thought but lilac is certainly the shade to be
that some shades of green can aid in see in this winter. As the shades most
relieving stress, which means an em- commonly associated with royalty,
erald dress or coat could be just the purple works perfectly in rich tex-
beautiful boost your wardrobe needs. tures such as velvet, silk and faux fur.
Go tonal by pairing darker shades
Cobalt blue was popular among with pale lilac for a regal take on the
designers for AW18, with Boss, Marni trend. 
and Chanel all showcasing the shade

60 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


The Tides: Still setting the standard for excellence


In looking back the other day over a Roasted Beets and Bacon & Herb Crusted
decade of dining reviews, I was not sur- Root Vegetables. Local Pompano.
prised to find that I had pretty much ex-
hausted my supply of superlatives in de- Blue Point Oysters corn rock shrimp relish. PHOTOS BY LEIGH GREEN
scribing The Tides. 2-2-2. We concluded the
Grilled Atlantic
This venerable restaurant on Cardinal meal with three of The Swordfish.
Drive has been a beachside dining favor-
ite – and arguably the island’s best restau- Tides’ fabulous des-
rant – for many years, and after a recent The reviewer dines anonymously at
visit, I can assure its loyal fans that The serts – a slice of choc-
Tides is still at the top of its game. restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
olate cake, a piece of 32963. 
While the dishes at The Tides are con-
sistently wonderful, much of this restau- banana cake and a Hours:
rant’s success has to do with making pa- Nightly from 4:30 p.m.
trons feel like family. crème brulee (each Beverages: Full bar

On a lovely fall evening, our party of $10). Address:
four was warmly greeted at the door by 3103 Cardinal Drive,
Valerie Martin, host at Maison Marti- Dinner for two with a
nique during its glory days when her late Vero Beach
husband presided over the kitchen, who modest bottle of wine, if you Phone:
ushered us to a table in an attractively
decorated inside room. have dessert, will run approxi- 772-234-3966

As very personable server Rainey took mately $160 before tip.
our wine order, über-host Claudia Arens,
who directs the dining room staff, bustled As we departed on this evening, chef/
over to welcome us and catch up on what
we’d been doing. delicious herb encrusted chicken saltim- owner Leanne Kelleher emerged from

Claudia and Valery spend all evening bocca ($28). the kitchen to say hello. We would tell you
going from table to table, making sure
all are well taken care of. Servers drop All three seafood dishes were superb. what we told her: For a combination of
by tables other than their own to greet
diners remembered from previous vis- The swordfish was a thing of beauty, delicious food and a great total dining ex-
its. Many other restaurants would ben-
efit from an evening spent at The Tides perfectly grilled and topped with a perience, there is no place in Vero better
observing all this.
pineapple salsa. The lightly egg-washed than The Tides.
For appetizers on this occasion, I de-
cided to simply start with the house salad halibut was seared, served with tomato
($10). My husband, though, chose the oys-
ters 2-2-2 ($16). One of our companions and broccolini. And the plantain en- I welcome your comments, and encour-
opted for the roast carrots and beet sal-
ad ($12) and the other went for a crusted pompano was topped with a age you to send feedback to me at tina@
cup of lobster bisque ($8).

The carrot and beet sal-
ad was as tasty as it was
attractive, with organ-
ic greens, goat cheese
and roasted almonds,
all tossed in a sherry
wine vinaigrette. The
lobster bisque came
with a shot of brandy on
the side that did not remain
on the side very long.

As for the Blue Point oysters 2-2-2,
this is one of my husband’s favorite dish-
es: two oysters cornmeal flash fried, two
crab encrusted, and two oysters Rock-
efeller. Decadent.

For entrées, three of us went for the
evening’s seafood specials. I chose the
halibut ($38); one of our guests ordered
the swordfish ($38), and my husband
opted for the third seafood special, pom-
pano ($38). Our other companion had a

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 61

Vintage port is pricey, but here are some styles to enjoy

The Washington Post

“There’s a risk in a few years time as Graham’s Six Grapes. cent of the wine is lost: some in the dis- subset of port called “colheita” is a single-
that no one will know what aged vin- Late-Bottled Vintage, or LBV, is es- carded sediment, the rest – the “angels’ vintage tawny.
tage port tastes like,” Rupert Syming- share” – to evaporation. Before the final
ton said, shaking his head wistfully as sentially a single-vintage ruby, meant blend is bottled (usually beginning six White port can be hard to find, but it
we sipped one of his family’s newest re- to offer some of the character of a vin- years after harvest), the pipes are topped makes a nice dry aperitif and is useful in
leases, the Graham’s 2016 vintage port. tage port but at a fraction of the price. off with younger and/or older wine to cocktails, such as the port tonic, a great
They are aged longer than vintage ports balance the flavors and create a house summer cocktail to start an evening
Symington was promoting these before bottling, so they are more acces- style unaffected by vintage variation. right.
wines, released only in June, but his sible and meant to be drunk right away. Because the wine is exposed to oxygen
mind was partly in the future, a quar- in this way, it takes on a browner “taw- Port of any style is an excellent des-
ter-century or so from now, when these Tawny port is the opposite of the vin- ny” color and a nutty flavor. Aged tawny, sert wine, or dessert by itself. Rubies and
new wines should reach their prime. tage and ruby styles. Aged in 600-liter labeled as 10, 20, 30 or 40 years old as an younger vintage ports are great with
vats called pipes, the wine is drawn off, approximate average age of the wine chocolate cakes or other pastries, espe-
“Being lucky enough to have tasted or racked, into large vats once a year so in the blend, is a special treat. A special cially if there is a fruit element to the des-
a 25-, 50-, even a 75-year-old bottle of sediment can be removed, then returned sert. Older vintage ports are favored by
vintage port, I know how wonderful it to the pipes. In the process, about 3 per- cigar hounds. 
can be,” Symington added. “The great-
est wines I’ve ever tasted have been old

Times are changing. British wine mer-
chants traditionally aged ports in casks
for years before bottling and selling
them, but few if any are doing that today.

Producers rarely hold back reserves of
their vintage ports, preferring to capital-
ize on instant cash flow from high rat-
ings and the fanfare of a new release.
And wine lovers rarely have the extensive
cellars to allow them to collect wines and
age them for decades. Today, most wine
is consumed within days of purchase.

“People live much more rapidly today,”
Symington added. “That port moment,
where everyone lingers over a bottle af-
ter dinner, still happens over the holi-
days, but otherwise we rarely take time
to open and enjoy a bottle.”

Vintage port, of course, is too scarce
and pricey (usually over $100 a bottle) to
drink every day. But luckily for us, there
are other styles of port, more affordable
and easy to find, that we can enjoy any-
time. Here’s a quick primer of the various

Vintage port is aged in cask for two
years before bottling, with minimal ex-
posure to oxygen. It is meant to age for
years and even decades in the bottle (in
your cellar after you pay for it, mostly)
before it sheds its tannins and unfurls an
exotic compote of dried fruits. But with
our modern lifestyle, it’s good to know
that vintage port is wonderful at release;
just be prepared for primary, upfront
fruit flavors and lots of tannin. After
about four years from the vintage, they
tend to close down and hibernate until
they are about 10 years old.

Ruby ports are fruitier and more sup-
ple than vintage and are intended for
immediate enjoyment. They typically
are blends of wines from several years,
meant to promote a house style immune
to vintage variation. A ruby is often not
labeled as such, but it may be called “re-
serve” or have a proprietary name, such

62 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 & Casual Dining Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 63

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64 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 65

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66 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Bonz looks up to the ‘Great’ Johnny Walker Blue

Hi Dog Buddies! burn Founders Day Festival, WJBoahlnlukneeyr Udder Brudder. He’s goin’
and There I Was, onna leash, in the Air Force like Daddy
This week’s innerview was with a hangin’ out with a buncha kids, pretty soon. When he calls
Big (125 pounds), Ferocious-Looking chill as anything. An there was Mommy an Daddy, I get to
pooch, Johnny Walker Blue Zoller, a this sign: ‘Free To Good Home.’
Great Dane/Pit mix. He looks like the Well, Mommy an Daddy almost talk to him, too. We do Phone
kinda pooch you’d see workin’ as a couldn’t buh-LEEVE it was ME.
bouncer in the Howlin’ Hound Pub. If What happened was, my Dad Barks. When he lived here, he
he hadn’t Woofmailed me a picksure of got CAN-ser an hadda move an
himself wearing fluffy bunny ears with couldn’t take me. He was a good was my Bed Buddy.”
pink feathers, I wudda been a liddle ap- Dad an I wish I cudda helped
preHENsive. him somehow. “So, whaddya like to eat?”

But, as it turned out, Johnny Walker “Anyway, turns out my Forever “Pizza crust! I’m a Daddy’s
Blue Zoller is a cool, amiable marshmal- Daddy usta have a pooch
low, who likes Tummy Rubs. who was even huger than me Boy except when Mommy’s
(Winston, a 140-pound Bull Mastiff), so
Him an his Mom, Stephanie, greeted Daddy was familiar with Big Pooches. in the kitchen. Then I’m a
me an my assistant, an we got all comf- Him an Mommy hadda dis-CUSH-un,
tubble. an they decided to adopt me, Thank PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER Mommy’s Boy. If she’s not
Lassie! I was 3-ish then. Now I’m 10-ish.” there at Supper Time, I nudge
“You can call me Johnny,” he said.
“My Daddy’s Michael. He’s an Air Force “Woof! That was a Majorly Lucky her in, an follow her around in
PIE-lut. He teaches ROTC, an knows a Coincidence. I think it was Meant To
buncha complicated space stuff, called Be.” on a soggy, stuffed animal (species case she drops anything. But my absolutely
“Me, too. Totally. I learned the house undiscernable). When he began rippin’ favrite snack is fat-free Fig Newtons!”
“Woof!!” rools pretty fast, cuz Dad knows how to
“I KNOW! He’s Way Cool Kibbles. I’m a teach stuff so you Never Forget. I know its extremities, his Mom removed it and “Fat-free Fig … seriously?”
Daddy’s Boy. He sometimes lets me wear my Boundries and I Never Touch Any-
his dogtags! I can’t wait for him to get thing on the Counter. admonished, “Don’t rip.” “Don’t knock ’em ’til you’ve tried ’em.
home: I grab my Best Bone an run to the
door to greet him. It’s an o-CAY-shun!” “Whenever I hafta go outside to Do “Well, poo,” he said. “I keep forget- You might be surprised. And, for an Alpo
Johnny has long legs, big pointy ears, My Duty, I use my special wooo-wooo
one blue an one brown eye, an a short bark to alert Mommy and Daddy. After ting. I enjoy munchin’ my toys, but treat, I do my rooTINE.” Johnny an his
coat in silvery gray, but it’s called blue. dark, right before bed, I Multi-Task. I
“So how’d you find your Forever Family?” do a Perimeter Check: walk all the way sometimes I get carried away. What I Mommy demonstrated. He Bowed. Sat.
“My first Dad was a NAY-burr. Back around our backyard fence, check every
then, I’d hang out in the front yard an nook and cranny to secure the house- REALLY love is swimmin’! Me an Daddy An SPOKE! It was like he had back-up
growl at the humans walking by. Of hold AND, at the same time, I potty (No.
course, I would never DO anything, I 1 only), all the way around.” play Frisbee in the pool. At the beach, singers. His bark was so impressive, I
was just Protecting the Perimeter. But,
well, I know I can look kinda scary …” “That is So Smart!” I told him. “And ef- I spend hours bodysurfing. (But I don’t dropped my pencil.”
“You got THAT right,” I inner-jected. ficient.”
“Anyway, when Mommy an Daddy ride in the car as offen anymore, cuzza “That’s a nice big mat you got there. Is
walked by (before they knew the Real “Thank you, Bonzo! I thought of it
Me), THEY were a liddle scared, too. I myself.” Hip Issues.) Still, swimmin’ is Cool Kib- that where you sleep?”
always thought they looked likeVery Nice
Humans, but I had my Growly Job to do. “What’s your day like?” bles! YOU’RE a Spaniel. YOU know what “No. I have my own bed in Mommy
A few months later, Mommy an Daddy “Well, we usually go onna leash walk,
were at that big celebration, the Mell- check out the neighborhood. I usta drag I’m talkin’ about!” an Daddy’s room. But, full disclosure,
Mommy around before I learned Leash
Manners. Now I walk politely, a liddle “I sure do,” I agreed. “Any special when Daddy goes to work, I creep in
I noticed he was doin’ a lotta munchin’ pooch pals?” with Mommy.”

“Not many. I don’t get a lotta chances Heading home, I was thinkin’

to make frens, cuz most pooches are how we all should remember not to

scared of me. My one pooch fren is Taco, judge anybody by how they look. And

who isn’t the slightest bit afraid. He’s wonderin’ if Gramma might have a fat-

a chihuahua. My head probly weighs free Fig Newton stashed away that I

more than his entire body, but I don’t could try.

think he even notices. We have a lotta

fun. He can crawl right under me. The Bonz
“My other pals are the Backyard

Squirrel Bunch. Mommy feeds ’em

an the Blue Jays every morning, when Don’t Be Shy
I’m usually outside, an those squirrels
just run right up an jump all over me. We are always looking for pets with
Doesn’t bother me a bit. They’re lotsa interesting stories.
fun, ackshully. Same with the birds. To set up an interview, email

They know I’m not gonna hurt ’em.

“Aside from Mommy an Daddy, my [email protected].
human Bestie is Bryant. I call him my

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 67


St. Ed’s girls weightlifters motivated to raise their game


St. Ed’s hosted a girls weightlifting From left, Saint Edward’s School girls weightlifters Fiona Zimmerman, Grace Kennedy and Grace Rodriguez.
meet last month that included teams
from Vero Beach High, Port St. Lucie fun. After giving it a go, I realized how value of weight training, and moving have. They have to know that other
High and Fort Pierce Westwood. The much I really enjoyed it. This is now my the program forward. people are relying on them and that
visitors packed the middle school fourth year on the team. they have to be responsible in terms of
gymnasium to the rafters with large “With the girls in three different sportsmanship.
contingents of participants and “Weight training has been really weight classes, we will actually be
supporters. good for me personally. It has helped able to pull some points along the “Our program has had its ups and
me mentally because I’m the happiest way,” Rogers said. “But my main focus downs. I’m sure at some point we will
St. Ed’s countered with one when I’m the most active. Lifting is is just to help these girls get better have girls dedicated enough to try to
experienced holdover and two
seventh-graders brand new to the also very good for my health. Keeping Saint Edward’s head coach Les Rogers. PHOTOS BY LEIGH GREEN
sport. Head coach Les Rogers has been my fitness up is really important to me.
here before and remains undaunted. themselves. I want to teach them the accomplish something like making it
He is among the best weight training “At the beginning of this year we sport, and then along the way teach to the state level, but we didn’t always
instructors around and will work with started with seven or eight girls, but them how to be kind and respectful to have that either. It’s always nice to
anyone willing to try. There have been now we are down to three. I’ve always their peers, teachers and coaches. have kids who want to improve in the
lean times before; not too long ago he been able to form great relationships sport itself, and maybe use it (as cross
had only one girl on the team. with those younger than me. Being a “My big thing is to impart a sense training) to improve in other sports.” 
leader is very important not only to the of responsibility to the lifters that I
“We have a lot of programs here at team, but to me.
St. Edward’s,” Rogers said. “We don’t Sifford’s Exxon Service Center
have the huge population that you will “I have a love-hate relationship with IS CLOSING ITS DOORS
find at larger private or public schools. meets. I love them because I can push
With relatively few kids and so many myself to lift heavier weights, espe- DECEMBER 14
programs, it’s tough to field a team cially at the end of the season when I’m
in some years, especially if you don’t stronger. I also appreciate the time we Last Day Of Business
have kids particularly interested in get to spend together as a team. The
weightlifting.” only bad part is how long they usually 1550 U.S. 1
run. But overall, it’s worth it.” VERO BEACH, FL 32960
This is not an activity with a natural
gravitational pull for preteen or The trio of St. Ed’s weightlifters will
teenage girls. Rogers must have been participate in separate weight classes
pleased when he was graced with – Rodriguez at 101, Kennedy at 110
the appearance of the two young and Zimmerman at 129. Competition
newcomers. against other schools will not be the
main thrust, however. Instead, the
“These two seventh-graders (Grace primary concern is keeping the girls
Rodriguez and Grace Kennedy) interested, having them recognize the
actually came to me. They knew there
was a weightlifting program because
their PE teacher promoted it in her
classes. When the season came and it
was time to sign up, they both showed
up and said they wanted to do it. I was
excited to work with them.

“What we are doing is teaching them
the basics. You have heard me talk
about technique and that’s all I work
on with them. I had a conversation
with one of them because she wanted
to put more weight on the bar. I told her
no, first you have to work on technique.

“If they focus on that and develop
the proper technique, hopefully in the
future that hard work will pay off.”

What Rogers would really like to see
is the youngsters gaining a true appre-
ciation for the sport and sticking with
it. There is always a certain rate of attri-
tion in the girls weightlifting program,
especially with that tug-and-pull from
a variety of programs and distractions.

Junior Fiona Zimmerman is the
lone veteran in the program this sea-
son. She said, “I originally joined the
team because my older brother lifted
for a year and seemed to have a lot of

68 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


ONGOING Choral Department, 7 p.m. (doors open 6:15 sourced fare, entertainment and auction to benefit 8 Be Your Own Hero’ themed 5K to benefit
p.m.) at Westminster Presbyterian Church. $20. HALO No-Kill Rescue Shelter. $125. 772-589-7297 Girls on the Run, a youth development
Vero Beach Museum of Art - 150 Years of Painting 772-564-5185 program for girls, 8 a.m. at Indian River Charter
& Sculpture from the Permanent Collection thru 7|8 Riverside Theatre Howl at the High School.
Jan. 13; Made in Germany: Contemporary Art 6-8 Riverside Theatre for Kids presents Moon Ugly Sweater Party, 7:30
from the Rubell Family Collection thru Jan. 6. Emmett Otter’s Jug Band Christmas, p.m. & 8:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop free 8 ChristmasattheAirport,10a.m.toNoonatVero
an adaptation of Jim Henson’s Muppet entertainment at 6 p.m. 772-231-6990 Beach Regional Airport, with Pelican Elementary
Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge tours, 8 production, 7 p.m. Thurs. & Fri., 2 p.m. & 7 p.m. School concert, light refreshments and the arrival of
to 10 a.m. Wednesdays through March. Free; Sat. on Stark Stage. $10. 772-231-6990 7-9 Jake Owen Foundation Benefit Santa at 10:30 a.m. Free. 772-978-4930
RSVP required. 772-581-5557 X 2 Weekend begins Fri. 4 to 6 p.m.
6-9 Prism Concert at Sebastian River Singer Songwriter Happy Hour at Vero Beach 8 Grand opening of the U.S. Navy Armed
DECEMBER High School, showcasing the SRHS Hotel & Spa showcasing new generation of Guard/Merchant Marines National
Concert Bands, Jazz Band, Flag & Dance Line and country artists (free; portion of food/drink Headquarters and Museum, 10 a.m. at 32 North
6 A Night in the Garden, 5 p.m. at Garden the SRHS Choral Program, 7 p.m. Thurs., Fri., benefits JOF); Fri. 7 p.m. An Evening with Jake Broadway, Fellsmere. 772-532-8749
Club of IRC to benefit Gifford Youth Sat.; 2 p.m. Sat. & Sun. $5 to $30. 772-564-4387 VIP Reception & Performance at Vero Beach
Orchestra, with hors d’oeuvres, music, silent Country Club; Sat. Concert at Indian River 8 Ballet Vero Beach presents Tea Up for the
auction and mingling with the ‘stars’ of the GYO. 7 Wreaths & Wine, 6 p.m. at Dasie Hope County Fairgrounds, the final stop on Owen’s Nutcracker, 12 Noon at Oak Harbor Club, a festive
$50. 772-213-3007 Center, with entertainment, wine, hors “Life’s Whatcha Make It” tour, with special holiday afternoon of fun for all ages. 772-905-2651
d’oeuvres and auctions to benefit Dasie Hope guests Joe Diffie, Chris Lane and Morgan Wallen.
6|7 HolidayMadrigalDinnerspresented afterschool programs. $40. 772-589-3535 Gates open 4 p.m.; 5 p.m. concert. $45 to $150; 8 Wonderland Gala, 6 p.m. at Moorings
by Sebastian River Middle School and Sat./Sun. Hale Groves Indian River County Yacht & Country Club, an elegant black-
7 Love at First Bite Farm to Table Dinner, 6:30 p.m. Grapefruit Golf Pro-Am Invitational at Vero tie dinner dance to benefit Hibiscus Children’s
at Magnolia Manor Vero Beach, with locally Beach Country Club. Center. $250. 772-299-6011 x 313

Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 8-10 Reader’s Theatre Productions
in November 29, 2018 Edition 1 CREEK 2 CHARMER at Vero Beach Theatre Guild
4 HEATERS 2 ENTER presents Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol, by
8 ACT 3 KETCHUP Tom Mula. 772-562-8300
10 INANE 5 ALIBI 9 St. Lucia Swedish Christmas Celebration,
11 MARCH 6 ERA 2 to 4 p.m. at Hallstrom House hosted
12 UNICORN 7 SHEEN by Indian River County Historical Society. Free.
15 URGE 13 NEAR 772-778-3435
19 ARABLE 16 REDO 9|10 Winter Wonderland Winter
22 DARE 18 CON Concert featuring Vero Beach
24 SENATOR 20 REVERIE High School Symphonic and Jazz Bands, Chorus
26 VALUE 21 ELECTOR and Orchestras, 2 p.m. Sun. & 7 p.m. Mon. at
28 TITAN 23 ARDOUR VBHS PAC. $10 & $15. 772-564-5537

Sudoku Page 50 Sudoku Page 51 Crossword Page 50 Crossword Page 51 (BABY TALK)


Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753

This directory gives small business people eager
to provide services to the beachside community an
opportunity to make themselves known to island readers at
an affordable cost. This is the only service directory mailed
each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the
Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a listing
in the Vero Beach 32963 Business Directory, please
contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.


122 Springline Drive in the Anchor at the Moorings: 4-bedroom, 4.5-baths, 6,000-square-foot
waterfront home offered for $2,400,000 by The Moorings Realty Sales Co.: 772-231-5131

70 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Moorings home situated on one of finest riverfront lots


Staff Writer

The 4-bedroom, 4-full-bath, 1 half-
bath waterfront home at 122 Spring-
line Drive in the Anchor subdivision
at The Moorings sits right at the tip
of the “anchor,” but it’s the stunning
sunset views that really “moor” this
spectacular home.

Situated at the central point on the
cove, this spacious, perfectly-placed
house benefits from its protective
environment while allowing for a
broad open view of the Indian River
Lagoon. Situated just south of The
Moorings Clubhouse, as the dolphins
swim, this lot is considered to be one
of the best in the Moorings.

Bruce and Pat Wardell were ready to
“come South” from the New York area
two decades ago and looked all over
Florida before settling down in Vero
Beach. “We looked everyplace, and no
place is like Vero. It’s so unique. We’re
boaters and golfers, so The Moorings
is perfect for us; it really is paradise,”
says Pat Wardell.

“They had the vision to take a two-
bedroom ranch with low ceilings
and create this beautiful home,”
says Moorings Realty broker Marsha
Sherry. All of the windows have been
replaced, a pool, master suite and a
bedroom were added.

The open-concept living space
has the river as a backdrop, framed
through floor-to-ceiling windows.
Lush gardens incorporate nature into
the home with access points to the
outside from every room.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 71


A feeling of peace pervades the
property from the first glance, says
Sherry, starting with the pretty garden
that greets you when you arrive,
“There are gardens everywhere.
With this gracious entrance and
circular drive, you’ve got a lot of room
for parking. It’s a great house for

Red bricks pave the way to the front
entry where a half wall creates a cozy,
welcoming garden. It’s hard to tell
that you’re leaving the outdoors when
you step over the threshold into the
family room and formal dining area
with a vaulted ceiling, skylights and a
wall of sliders opening onto the patio.

A wooden staircase leads to the
loft situated just above the family
room. The loft is the perfect place
for an office, art studio, library or
playroom, but perhaps not the best
place to try and get any serious work
accomplished – with the three large
windows offering dreamy views of
the river.

A deck juts off the loft like the bow
on a ship and allows for still more
expansive views. The crow’s nest is a
great place to settle in when the Blue
Angels are in town and The Moorings
Realty Christmas Boat Parade passes
by, according to Wardell.

Guest rooms affording complete
privacy occupy the southern wing of
the house. At the rear of the home, the
original master suite is a grand space
with fantastic river views. Palatial,
as far as guest rooms go, the suite
includes walk-in closets and dual
sinks. Down the hall, a second guest
bedroom awaits grandchildren or
teens wanting a little more privacy.

The northern wing houses an air-
conditioned two-car garage, storage
room, generous laundry room and
third bedroom at the front of the
house. Heading toward the rear of
the home, the kitchen is conveniently
located for easy access to the dining
room and outdoor seating area.

Gleaming granite countertops
grace the sunny kitchen. The island
holds a farmer’s sink and provides
additional meal-prep space, extra

72 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


storage space and seating for two.
Wolfe appliances and a gas cooktop
make working in the kitchen a joy. Off
to the side, a wine cooler, ice maker,
sink and perfectly placed wet bar
finish off the room.

The breakfast room is adjacent
to the kitchen where every meal is a
garden party. A partial wall of lattice
and garden access make this cozy
room just right for a spot of tea.

The Wardells opened up the formal
living room with a tray ceiling and
by enlarging the windows beside the
wood-burning fireplace.

Tucked into this corner of the
house, the master suite and den enjoy

space away from the rest of the house. spaces. Brick pavers surround the
This retreat has high ceilings and en- pool with plenty of covered space
suite bath, including a water closet, for dining and lounging along the
shower and two walk-in closets. huge deck. Head down the short path
leading to the water where a large boat
Sliders line two walls of the master dock awaits with a 24,000-pound boat
bedroom with an oeil-de-boeuf lift along 155-feet of water frontage.
between them, giving the room a
nautical feel almost as if you’re at sea. When the dock was replaced sev-
eral years ago, the Wardells raised the
The patio can be accessed from any dock and had the seawall expanded.
of the rear-facing rooms, all of which There’s plenty of room for grand-
open to the outdoors. The sliding children to safely fish, and the wider
windows enhance this hybrid indoor- berth adds a layer of protection from
outdoor space and offer unrestricted turbulent waters.
“Boaters really like the space on
“We’re looking directly west. the seawall. There is so much room
The sunsets are magnificent,” says here that you can get in, even on the
Wardell. windiest day,” explains Wardell.

This home has fantastic outdoor

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 73


“This is a boater’s dream right “We throw open all the doors, and
here,” adds Sherry. everybody is outside. A bagpiper
pipes all the guests in and then at
There’s a generous backyard with sunset he pipes ‘Amazing Grace’ on
plenty of green space to play and a the seawall.”
deck positioned for the nightly show
of reds, oranges, and pinks as the sun “We’ve been in this house for 20
goes down. The Wardells enjoy sip- years,” shares Wardell. “I’ll miss the
ping a glass of wine and watching the view and the amazing sunsets.”
dolphins put on a show as manatees
lumber past. As a member of the Moorings
Property Owners Association,
“It’s a great house for a big party,” residents have private beach access
says Wardell. And the couple puts and patrolled security. Designed as
this to the test with their quadrennial a boating community, The Moorings
Leap Year party which has swelled Yacht & Country Club offers all the
to include 100 people over the years. amenities residents desire, including


Neighborhood: Anchor at the Moorings
Year built: 1981

Lot size: +half acre
Home size: 6,000 sq. ft.
Construction: Concrete block

Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 4 full baths, 1 half-bath
Additional features: Gated subdivision, security-patrolled community,
waterfront, fireplace, backup generator, ice machine, two wine coolers,
loft, impact glass, storm shutters, swimming pool, air-conditioned two-
car garage, dock, boat lift, granted beach and waterway access.
Listing agency: The Moorings Realty Sales Co., 772-231-5131

Listing price: $2,400,000

Don’t get nervous, call Scott Tree Services

CELL: 772-473-7150

OFFICE: 772-569-3874

74 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Pete Dye’s signature course, Jim from Vero’s Ocean Drive for shopping
Fazio’s Hawk’s Nest championship and dining. The nearby Riverside
course, tennis and croquet courts, a Theatre and Vero Beach Museum of
state-of-the-art fitness center with Art offer world-class cultural outings.
pool and spa, yacht club, as well as For families with children, Saint
fine and casual dining. Edward’s School conveniently abuts
the community. 
The Moorings is a short drive away



Gated, natural gas community with parks and lush landscaping
surrounding Lake Sapphire - the beautiful lake the community
is named after and inspired by.
Lake Sapphire is located on 5th Street SW between 43rd Avenue
and 58th Avenue convenient to shopping and centrally located
to take advantage of everything Vero Beach has to offer!

4624 5TH ST SW, VERO BEACH • MON - SAT: 10AM - 5 PM • SUN: NOON - 5 PM


Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a
developer to a buyer or lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 75


Be wary of scams when buying dream home in exotic locale

BY KENNETH R. HARNEY fat and fast profits if buyers chose consumer fraud in connection with of justice.” Sanctuary Belize officials
to sell their parcels. The promoters a debt-counseling scheme; Pukke covered up his involvement, according
Washington Post pushed on-site tours to people such ultimately agreed to forfeit millions of to the FTC, repeatedly lying to buyers
as the Balluffs, who flew to Belize to dollars in assets that could be used to such as the Balluffs, who had discovered
Ever fantasize about fleeing the win- inspect the property before putting refund money to victims. his connection to the development
ter cold and getting in on the ground down any money. But the FTC says after their purchase. Neither Pukke nor
floor of a beachfront-real-estate deal in “many consumers” bought lots costing James Kohm, director of the FTC’s officials of his company, based in Irvine,
which you double your money in a few $150,000 to $500,000 sight-unseen. consumer protection enforcement Calif., could be reached for comment last
years? If you’ve dreamed that dream, division, called Pukke “a hardcore week; the main number for Sanctuary
here’s how it could turn nightmarish. Balluff says he was attracted by the recidivist scammer” who perpetrated Belize marketing and sales was no
promoters’ innovative “no-debt” ap- the Sanctuary Belize scheme “even while longer in service. 
When Frank Balluff and his wife, Re- proach; unlike most real estate devel- serving a prison sentence for obstruction
becca, bought a lot in what seemed to opers, they wouldn’t depend on lend-
be an exciting new Caribbean resort ers to finance their activities. Instead
development, little could they imagine they would plow sales revenues back
what they were getting into. It was what into the resort to speed its completion
the Federal Trade Commission now within two to five years.
calls the biggest real estate scam in-
volving overseas property it has ever in- High on the Balluffs’ priority list was
vestigated. Promoters allegedly fleeced that the project be completed as quick-
1,000-plus lot buyers out of $100 million ly as promised, because they wanted to
or more. This month, the FTC sought build a home and get away from Michi-
and obtained a federal court order tem- gan’s harsh winter weather. When they
porarily shutting the project down and periodically inquired about progress at
freezing promoters’ assets. the site, they were assured by officials
that Sanctuary Belize “would meet its
Balluff, a business owner from Mich- timelines.” But six years have passed,
igan, estimates that his personal losses and most of what was promised hasn’t
exceed $310,000, but he says he has been delivered.
heard of others who “invested their full
retirement funds” and planned to build Hardly any homes have been built,
homes and move to the resort. Now according to the FTC, and Balluff says
“they just have nothing left,” he says. the developers seem “to be doing little
more than moving dirt around and
Balluff and others – mainly Ameri- making excuses for delays.” When buy-
cans nearing retirement age or already ers ask for the developers to buy back
retired – bought into a slickly marketed their lots or they stop making pay-
development known variously as Sanc- ments, the developers refuse refunds
tuary Belize, Sanctuary Bay and the Re- and resell the lots to new buyers, the
serve. The 14,000-acre project is on the FTC alleges.
Caribbean coast in Belize, an English-
speaking nation bordering Mexico. Butitgetsworse.Togatherinformation
on Sanctuary Belize, the FTC created
Through advertising pitches on a sting operation that involved a
Bloomberg News, Fox News and fictitious small business whose owners
infomercials, developers promised fit the profile of Sanctuary’s target
buyers a seductive list of amenities marketing. They posed as buyers and
– fine restaurants, a luxury hotel, in the process documented disturbing
a world-class marina and shops, facts, according to the FTC: The
a hospital staffed by Americans, a person orchestrating the Sanctuary
championship golf course, a casino and development, Andris Pukke, is a felon
even an airstrip, according to the FTC. who had been sued by the FTC for
Plus they dangled financial catnip:

76 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Nov. 23 to Nov. 29

The week after Thanksgiving Week saw the barrier island real estate market continue
its time out with only three transactions closing, including one for more than $1
The top sale of the week was of an oceanview condo in Southwinds at The Moorings.
Unit 314 at 1250 West Southwinds Blvd. was listed with an asking price of $1.15
million. The sale closed on Nov. 28 for $1.15 million.
The seller of the property was represented by Terri McConnell of The Moorings
Realty Sales Co. The purchaser was represented by Judy Hargarten, also of The
Moorings Realty Sales Co.



SOUTH BEACH 1486 PELICAN LANE 8/4/2017 $399,000 $325,000 11/29/2018


SOUTHWINDS 1250 W SOUTHWINDS BOULEVARD, #314 11/26/2018 $1,150,000 $1,150,000 11/28/2018 $1,150,000
BAYTREE VILLAS $439,000 $439,000 11/27/2018 $418,500
8406 RED BAY CT. 5/25/2018

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 77


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: South Beach, Address: 1486 Pelican Lane Subdivision: Baytree Villas, Address: 8406 Red Bay Ct.

Listing Date: 8/4/2017 Listing Date: 5/25/2018
Original Price: $399,000 Original Price: $439,000
Recent Price: $325,000 Recent Price: $439,000
Sold: 11/29/2018 Sold: 11/27/2018
Selling Price: $295,000 Selling Price: $418,500
Listing Agent: Larry Seagrist Listing Agent: John Stringer

Selling Agent: Weichert, REALTORS Hallmark Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc.

Chris Butler Susan Rane

Villa Realty Associates Inc Keller Williams Realty

Subdivision: Sea Oaks, Address: 8810 E Orchid Island Circle Subdivision: Vero Beach, Address: 435 Greytwig Road

Listing Date: 6/27/2018 Listing Date: 3/2/2018
Original Price: $675,000 Original Price: $465,000
Recent Price: $675,000 Recent Price: $399,000
Sold: 11/1/2018 Sold: 10/29/2018
Selling Price: $645,000 Selling Price: $395,000
Listing Agent: Loraine Leithiser Listing Agent: Janyne Kenworthy

Selling Agent: Florida Choice Realty, Inc Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Kathleen Provancher Janyne Kenworthy

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

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78 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Land-use swap means new possibilities at 41st and U.S. 1

BY KATHLEEN SLOAN Warren Schwerin at the 79th St. property he gave to the submitted and Schwerin could not be reached for
Staff Writer Indian River Land Trust in 2015. comment. His attorney, Bruce Barkett, said he had
no comment on what sort of development may be
The Indian River County Commission held a Boling, the county’s director of community going in on the site.
public hearing and then approved a land-use swap development, because it doesn’t increase overall
at its Nov. 20 meeting. The swap opens the door for density or commercialization. About a dozen land- Most of the 11.5-acre parcel along 41st Street will
light commercial development on 11.5 acres at 41st use swaps have been approved in the past 10 years, be zoned “limited commercial,” which excludes car
Street along U.S. 1 that had been zoned residential. he said. dealers, landscape services, construction yards,
dry cleaners, machine shops and other heavier
Because the land-use swap changes the county’s It is not known what type of commercial commercial enterprises. The remaining land will
comprehensive plan, it requires a state review. The development Schwerin has in mind for the 41st be zoned “Office Commercial Residential,” which
plan will come back to the board, probably in early Street property. Requesting a change to the further limits development to mostly offices, as a
2019, with state comments that will be considered comprehensive plan doesn’t require site plans to be softer transition to an adjacent single-family home
during another public hearing. subdivision to the north.

In a land use swap, the allowed use of a property Despite gaining residential zoning under the
is “swapped” with the allowed use of an equivalent terms of the land swap, Land Trust Executive
piece of land. Director Ken Grudens said the Trust has no
intention of developing the 79th Street acreage,
In this case, Warren Schwerin, retired president which is part of the Toni Robinson Waterfront Trail
of Related Properties, a commercial real estate property.
development company, owned two similar-sized
parcels along U.S. 1. Three years ago, he gave the The 50-acre Toni Robinson parcel includes an
parcel at 79th St. and U.S. 1 to the Indian River unpaved parking lot and a one-mile public trail
Land Trust, which will preserve it as a conservation that winds through an open canopy scrub habitat
property. and oak forest to the mangroves along the river.
There is also a boardwalk and a dock that extends
That 79th Street parcel was zoned for commercial into the lagoon.
use, while Schwerin’s other property at 41st Street
was zoned residential. The swap approved by the Besides providing recreation, the Land Trust
county simply flip-flops the zoning. property serves as a “buffer,” Grudens said, filtering
out nutrients and other pollutants in rainwater runoff
A land-use swap is the most likely means of before the water enters the Indian River Lagoon. 
changing the comprehensive plan, said Stan

RIOMAR BAY 5/5F 3H $4,195,000 NEW PRICING OLD RIOMAR 4/3 $1,895,000 OLD RIOMAR 4 /4F 2H $1,875,000
Karen Smith 772-559-1295 Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388
Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 211359 SEAGROVE 5/5.5 $2,970,000 Karen Smith 772-559-1295 211229 Karen Smith 772-559-1295 200953
Karen Smith 772-559-1295
Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 201699

SEA COLONY 3/3.5 $1,595,000 OLD RIOMAR 3/3 $1,275,000 SOMERSET BAY CONDO 2+Den/3 $999,000 NEW LISTING
Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 Carolyn Lange 772-473-7982 Kit Fields 770-312-5165 211141
Karen Smith 772-559-1295 207789 Lange Sykes 772-473-7983 211406 SEAGROVE 4/3 $880,000
Karl Dietrich 772-538-3453 212092

Carolyn Lange 772-473-7982 211717 John Stringer 908-377-1626 202101
SEASONS 3/3.5 $610,000 BETHEL ISLE 4/3 $599,000
Judith Freni 772-532-4892 211864 Carolyn Lange 772-473-7982 211404

NEW LISTING NEW LISTING ISLAND CLUB OF VERO 3+Ofc/3 $455,000 GRAND HARBOR Harbor Village 2/2 $329,000
Kit Fields 770-312-5165 207654 Patty Valdes 772-473-8810 211034
OAK HARBOR St. James 3/3 $565,000 GRAND HARBOR Harbor Links 3+Den/2.5 $545,000
Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 Diane De Francisci 772-538-1614
Diane De Francisci 772-538-1614 212038 Karl Dietrich 772-538-3453 212239

TARPON ISLAND CLUB 2/2 $299,000 COQUINA PLACE 2/2 $279,000 DUNMORE Riverfront/ 2.26 Acre Lot $275,000 NEW LISTING
Kit Fields 770-312-5165 210918 Kit Fields 770-312-5165 210868 Alex MacWilliam IV 772-473-6972 193818
BRIDGEPOINTE 3+Den/3.5 $269,000
Kimberly Keithahn 772-321-4656 211846

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