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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-12-06 12:40:33

12/06/2018 ISSUE 49


Cleveland names future Vero
hospital president. P10
Do-over Vero Council
vote set for Feb. 26. P9

Foes launch email campaign
in bid to block island Publix. P8

For breaking news visit

MY VERO Judge refuses to
dismiss charges
BY RAY MCNULTY in ‘pill mill’ case

New option is floated for
Dodgertown golf property

Earlier this fall, when con- BY FEDERICO MARTINEZ
templating the fate of the for- Staff Writer
mer Dodgertown Golf Club
property, Vero Beach City A motion to dismiss charges
Council members rejected a
$2.4 million offer from the against defendants accused of
county and a $2.43 million
bid from a developer. operating a “pill mill” in Vero

Instead, they chose a third Beach was rejected by Judge
option: They voted to keep
the land. Cynthia Cox during a three-

Now, City Councilman Val hour hearing on Nov. 30.
Zudans has floated a fourth
option – one he believes will Attorneys for the 12 defen-
allow proposed commercial
development to proceed while dants in the high-profile case
also satisfying Major League
Baseball, which won’t agree argued the charges should
to take over Historic Dodger-
town’s operations unless the be dismissed because under-
county guarantees enough
parking for big-crowd events cover detectives “lied” about
– which ownership of the golf
club property would provide. their identities and engaged

“I’d like to explore getting Dr. George Mitchell (left) and Dr. Richard Rothman with Florida State University medical student Jennifer Riche. PHOTO: LEIGH GREEN in extreme methods to pro-
the city, county and the de-
duce fake documents used to
CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 “entrap” those charged.

Historic day for Vero Dr. George Mitchell named to lead expansion of “This is not about our cli-
electric customers and ents breaking the law,” said
staff two weeks away
Indian River hospital’s medical education program Daniel Aaronson, a Fort Lau-
BY LISA ZAHNER derdale attorney who spoke
Staff Writer
BY MICHELLE GENZ Clinic leadership agrees, and fellowships could be avail- on behalf of the other attor-
Unless something goes Staff Writer if in the weeks ahead Cleve- able here to medical school neys present. “This investiga-
awry, 50 Vero electric em-
ployees will clock-in for their land’s merger with IRMC graduates from around the tion was started for political
first day of work with Florida
Power & Light on Dec. 17. Dr. George Mitchell, a long- passes regulatory hurdles, fu- country and abroad. reasons and nothing else.”

They’ll get new badges, new time critical care physician at ture graduate residencies and CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Indian River Medical Center,

has been named the hospital’s
first director of medical educa-

Great white shark Katharine returns to our waterstion.
His appointment comes as

the hospital launches an ex- BY SUE COCKING
pansion of existing third- and Staff Writer

fourth-year medical school

rotations, potentially beyond Along with the annual migration of

the dozen or so students who snowbirds, another repeat visitor arrived

train each year at IRMC as for Thanksgiving and the holidays: Katha-

part of the current program rine the Great White Shark.

with Florida State University’s Katharine, who is more than 14 feet

Fort Pierce medical school long and weighs 2,300 pounds, popped up

campus. CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 Katharine’s satellite tag being implanted by OCEARCH.

If the incoming Cleveland

December 6, 2018 Volume 11, Issue 49 Newsstand Price $1.00 Christmas Parade:
Jolly good fun in
News 1-10 Faith 46 Pets 66 TO ADVERTISE CALL very merry Vero. P12
Arts 29-34 Games 47-49 Real Estate 69-80 772-559-4187
Books 44-45 Health 51-55 St. Ed’s 67
Dining 60 Insight 35-50 Style 56-59 FOR CIRCULATION
Editorial 42 People 11-28 Wine 61 CALL 772-226-7925

© 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Electric External Affairs Manager Amy Brunjes, 34,000 local customers to an investor- was impossible to find a new director
a key player who has been pushing for owned utility with 4.9 million custom- who would sign on to lead a utility that
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 the Vero electric deal since the begin- ers statewide. was in the midst of being sold.
ning, encouraging local leaders and
uniforms and new FPL fleet trucks. pro-sale activists to hang in there. There will be a “welcome event” for After he turns over the keys to Big
Then at 10 a.m., FPL and the city’s the employees where they will receive Blue and the other equipment to FPL,
lawyers will host a public ceremonial “There will be an appreciation lun- their new safety equipment and ID Fletcher’s new role will be operations
closing in City Council chambers at cheon [after the ceremony] ... to thank badges, plus an “onsite benefits pre- leader for distribution. “I will be on
Vero Beach City Hall. the many community leaders and cus- sentation and enrollment,” Fletcher the transition team helping integrate
tomers who have supported us over said Monday. COVB/FPL system together,” he said.
“Our attorneys in coordination with the years,” said Brunjes.
FPL attorneys will have most if not Fletcher expanded his role after All these plans and changes were
all the signatures prior to the seven- Vero’s Director of Electric Utility Vero’s last electric utility director, Tom made possible by a unanimous vote
teenth,” said Vero Beach City Manager Operations Ted Fletcher will be one of Richards, left, and O’Connor’s four de- last week by four members of the Flor-
Jim O’Connor. the 50 employees – who know Vero’s cades of municipal management expe- ida Public Service Commission sans
system and customer accounts well rience include overseeing electric utili- the absent Chairman Art Graham, who
O’Connor said the closing ceremony – making the transition from work- ties. Between them, they’ve kept things had opposed the terms of the $185 mil-
is being coordinated by FPL’s Regional ing for a municipal-owned utility with running the past three years when it lion deal, saying FPL should not be al-
lowed to pay $116.2 million more than
the book value of the Vero system.

Graham and the Florida Office of
Public Counsel’s office advocated for
some way of recouping that cash, pos-
sibly via a surcharge on Vero electric
customers, postponing major rate re-
lief for Vero, county and Indian River
Shores customers for several years.

FPL rates plus a hefty surcharge
would have amounted to a substan-
tially different deal than what was ap-
proved, but under the current contract,
Vero will close its billing books on Sun-
day and issue final bills. The first FPL
bills should be cut in late December,
with later billing cycles getting their
first prorated FPL bills in January.

The terms of the deal, FPL said
throughout the PSC proceedings, were
“carefully crafted” to provide long-
term, system-wide economic benefit
with no negative impacts to existing

Any future FPL rate increases would
need to pass muster with the PSC
through a petitioned rate case anyway,
and the PSC would likely not allow the
excess money spent to acquire Vero
electric to be counted in the cost of pro-
viding service to the rest of FPL’s system.

The $116.2 million is essential to
Vero, giving the city the money it
needs to pay its way out of two long-
term wholesale power deals partially
responsible for high rates.

About $108 million will go to the
Florida Municipal Power Agency so
Vero can exit its membership in the
power co-op. Another $20 million
will compensate the Orlando Utilities
Commission for letting Vero out of its
wholesale power supply contract sev-
eral years early.

In the end, the PSC staff came around
to FPL’s arguments, and to the pleas of
Vero’s customers. After an appeal and
an evidentiary hearing, the Commis-
sion affirmed an earlier vote to go ahead
with the sale terms as written. Com-
missioner Gary Clark, who supported
the sale from the start, said it was the
commission’s chance “to do something
very good for the people of the state of

Ironically, even Commissioner Don-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 3


ald Polmann, who voted with Graham serve the 35-acre parcel as open space. running the iconic sports complex. agreement with them to use the land
against the deal in June, was swayed Also, county officials are still pushing “One of the requirements of the when we need it,” he added. “Our re-
after the October evidentiary hearing quest is that the city doesn’t sell the
where appellant Lynne Larkin cross- to purchase the land so they can be ab- deal with Major League Baseball is property to a third party.”
examined Vero and FPL officials and solutely sure of meeting the aforemen- that the county must provide 2,000
experts on behalf of the Civic Associa- tioned parking demands in their hand- parking spaces for the big Holman However, Zudans said he checked
tion of Indian River County. shake agreement with Major League Stadium events, so we’ll need access with City Manager Jim O’Connor and
Baseball, which, if the deal is finalized, to that property,” County Administra- was told the parking agreement, which
Polmann said a thorough case was would sign a long-term lease with the tor Jason Brown said. requires no payment from the county,
laid out to establish the “extraordinary county and succeed former Los Ange- has no termination date.
circumstances” necessary to warrant les Dodgers owner Peter O’Malley in “We’re OK if the city wants to hold
the terms of the sale. “When you look onto it, because we have a parking CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
at the big picture, there are no issues
with this being in the public interest,” NEW PRICE
Polmann said.
Exclusively John’s Island
After all electric utility debt in the
form municipal bonds is paid off, Vero Nestled along the Intracoastal Waterway, this desirable 4BR/5.5BA
taxpayers are expected to have about waterfront property commands mile-wide, breathtaking, panoramic views
$30 million in residual cash proceeds and 180± feet of direct river frontage. Sited on 1.49± acres, this 7,027±
from the sale. GSF home is adorned with natural stone finishes, architectural detailing and
voluminous living spaces. Enjoy gorgeous pool and brilliant sunset views.
In addition, as part of the sale, FPL Additional features include a library with fireplace, luxurious master suite,
is leasing the Big Blue property for $1 bonus office, lush landscaping, lap pool and a new dock with lift and ramp.
million per year while a new substa- (Interior 3D renderings reflect potential updates) 45 Dove Plum Road : $5,999,000
tion is built across Indian River Boule-
vard on a portion of the “old postal an- three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
nex” property. FPL will also pay tax on health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
all of its newly acquired electric utility
assets, providing nearly $2 million in 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
annual revenue where there was none
under city tax-exempt ownership.

Several proposals have been made
about what to do with the $30 net sale
proceeds, and preliminary discussions
have taken place at city meetings, but
nothing final has been decided as city
leaders have been focused on getting
the regulatory approvals needed to
close the deal. 

My Vero


veloper together and come up with
a more comprehensive solution that
satisfies everyone,” Zudans said. “I see
the value in Major League Baseball
coming to Vero Beach and the impact
it can have on the local economy, and
the city doesn’t want to mess that up.

“But there’s a way to accommodate
those needs, using only part of the
golf-course property plus the two city-
owned lots on the north side of Aviation
Boulevard,” he continued. “We also
might be able to use some of the fields
on airport property and run shuttles
back and forth to Historic Dodgertown.

“That would still allow for the sale
and development of the golf-course
property,” he added. “So the county
would get everything it needs to satisfy
the parking requirement on their term
sheet with Major League Baseball, and
the city gets the tax revenues it needs.

“It’s a win-win for everyone.”
Well, almost everyone: Based on the
scene at its Oct. 2 meeting, when it
spent four hours discussing the sale of
the golf-course property, the council
can expect strong opposition from the
Keep Vero Vero crowd that wants to pre-

4 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


My Vero city and/or developer signing an “We can certainly look at it and see While FSU provides training for
agreement to allow the county to use what makes the most sense,” Cleve- physician assistants, the closest in-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 up to 500 spaces on the golf-course land Clinic Florida’s CEO and presi- stitution training advanced-practice
property to accommodate overflow dent Dr. Wael Barsoum told Vero hos- registered nurses is Florida Atlantic
“As I understand it, the agreement parking for big-crowd events at His- pital officials last March. University.
terminates if the city finds a better toric Dodgertown; and the county
use for the property,” Zudans said. signing a long-term lease with the With Mitchell’s new post and the “We will be getting medical stu-
“When the city bought the property, city to use the two parking lots on expansion of the program, there is dents from other medical institutions
we weren’t using it for anything, so we the north side of Aviation Boulevard hope that IRMC will one day reach full so we’re looking at other options right
let the county use it when it needed to. and, when needed, the fields on the teaching hospital status. now,” said Mitchell. “But our commit-
But there’s no lease.” Vero Beach Regional Airport prop- ment is strongly to FSU – to continue
erty with shuttle service to Historic “We’ve put the bricks and mortar to- to train and expand the training at this
O’Connor said the developer – a Dodgertown. gether for that process to move ahead institution. There are students from
partnership between Lakeland-based smoothly,” said Mitchell, though he other schools who want to do elec-
builder Mark Hulbert and Vero Beach Brown said he hoped to present to added that so far, physical spaces such tives here, and they can, as long as it
resident Terry Borcheller – still is in- the County Commission a finalized as offices and classrooms are being doesn’t infringe on our relationship
terested in purchasing the parcel and lease agreement with Major League shared with other departments. with FSU.”
building an urban market that would Baseball this month.
include a hotel, restaurants and office At the same time, the interest from Mitchell said any programs begun
space, all in a park-like setting in which O’Connor said negotiating a park- physicians is proving strong, he said. at IRMC will have to be approved by
more than 40 percent of the property ing deal with the county could involve Already, some 70 physicians from Vero FSU’s medical school as well as its
would be green space. the city demanding a share of the Beach are on the FSU-Fort Pierce fac- dean, Dr. Juliette Lomax.
county’s tourism and hotel tax rev- ulty. Mitchell says new hires at IRMC
Zudans said his fourth-option pro- enues.  are being asked if teaching is of in- Lomax was asked to join the IRMC
posal would allow the city to sell the terest, and those who say ‘yes’ are in- board of directors, where she now
land to Hulbert and Borcheller, as Medical education program creasingly getting the jobs on offer. serves, by retired hospital CEO Jeff
long as they agreed in writing to pro- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Susi. Susi for years hoped IRMC would
vide 500 parking spaces when Major “When we look at the landscape develop a rigorous medical education
League Baseball needs them. All parties speak guardedly about and new physicians coming on board, program.
those more advanced programs, but what we see is that there’s a lot of in-
The developers already have said it’s clear that the groundwork is being terest in medical education,” Mitchell Lomax said she expects her stu-
publicly they would provide the over- laid for graduate medical education said. dents, who learn in community-based
flow parking sought by Major League should Cleveland Clinic choose to clinics and hospitals as opposed to
Baseball and, at the council’s request, have it here. “We have named several physicians training with residents at a university-
agreed to remove the residential con- representing specialties like internal affiliated hospital, will continue to get
struction in their initial plans. medicine, OB-Gyn and surgery, as “one-on-one, apprenticeship style op-
well as physician assistants and nurse portunities” at IRMC.
Zudans’ proposal includes: the practitioners, which will be an integral
part of our education program.” “The formalized medical educa-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 5


tion program that has been developed Studies have shown that having more ference room and two training rooms lenging cases, much as the cancer
at IRMC will enhance our students’ eyes on patients saves lives at teach- in the administration wing. center does with tumor boards.
learning opportunities,” she said. ing hospitals.
Mitchell hopes to use those spaces As for the new department’s ad-
Mitchell pointed out that students For now, IRMC’s medical education for discussion-based learning sessions ministrative office, Mitchell the in-
from Cleveland Clinic’s medical department doesn’t have a dedicated that help medical students analyze tensivist has found a de facto home.
school may one day come to Vero to space within the hospital. Students published research, or to brainstorm “It’s up in the surgical intensive care
train, which would benefit patients. and faculty are using a medical con- on diagnoses and treatment of chal- unit,” he said. 



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6 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Vero ‘pill mill’ case He cited more than a dozen exam- members who were not doctors and turned by the Fourth District Court of
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ples of incidents where undercover had no medical background. Appeals in July 2018. The appeals court
detectives visited clinics and used fake ruled that Flowers’ actions outside of
Aaronson alleged that investigators identification and documents – in- The Indian River County Sheriff’s Of- his jurisdiction were admissible.
for the Indian River Sheriff’s Office be- cluding fake addresses – to persuade fice embarked on a year-long investiga-
gan harassing Stuart Pain Management clinic doctors to prescribe them the tion of Stuart Pain Management Center Prosecutors and law enforcement
Center staff and clients the first day drugs requested. Undercover investi- in 2011. Those efforts led to an expanded have long maintained that fraudulent
the clinic opened for business in Vero gators also lied to clinic doctors about investigation that targeted a complex pain management clinics, including
Beach in 2011. He claimed the Indian their ailments and levels of pain. web of doctors and clinics that extended the now closed Stuart Pain Manage-
River Board of County Commissioners from Miami to Pensacola and resulted in ment Center in Vero, broke the law by
ordered the investigation after attempts Aaronson also argued during the 14 widely publicized arrests in 2012. prescribing excessive and unneces-
to stop the clinic from opening failed. hearing that the defendants were vic- sary pain killers.
tims of a misinformation campaign The investigation was spearheaded
“Police began pulling people over launched by large pharmaceutical by then Indian River County Sheriff’s Patients from as far away as the Mid-
every day as they left the clinic and companies that wanted to increase Detective Eric Flowers. During the west traveled to Florida for drugs like
used those opportunities to search pill sales. Staff at clinics like the Stuart course of the investigation, Flowers Oxycodone, while doctors and other
and seize” drugs, Aaronson said. Pain Medical Center followed guide- got search warrants for clinics outside healthcare professionals made mil-
lines they were given in good faith, he of Indian River County and obtained lions of dollars off their patients’ addic-
Investigators also created elaborate said, and only later learned the guide- permission to wiretap clinics being tion and pain, prosecutors have said.
fake identities to pose as clients and lines that got them in trouble were targeted. Flowers has since been pro-
were assisted by local pharmacies and written by the drug companies. moted to major and now oversees the Prior to the hearing on Friday, de-
doctors who created fake prescription Indian River County Sheriff’s bureau fendants and their attorneys gath-
histories and health records, the attor- State Prosecuting Attorney Pris- of administration. ered in the public lobby outside Cox’s
ney added. cilla Prado, who said little during the courtroom were confident of success.
hearing, did rebut some of Aaronson’s In earlier motion, filed in the sum-
“All charges are because of under- claims. She pointed out that investiga- mer of 2017, lawyers for the defen- Several defendants and attorneys
cover law enforcement efforts,” Aar- tors discovered many incidents where dants asked the court to suppress the laughed loudly and high-fived each
onson said. “There were never any visitors to the clinics, who were not evidence obtained by the search war- other as one attorney boasted that they
complaints filed by clients. undercover investigators, were repeat- rants and wiretapping based on the ar- were going to “kick Prado’s (expletive)”
edly given drugs at cheap prices even gument that Flowers did not have the in court. Several attorneys said the case
“Investigators created this crime.” though they lacked proper identifica- authority to operate as a police officer would be dismissed by the time the
Aaronson repeatedly argued that tion or documents. outside of Indian River County. hearing was over.
the defendants are being denied due
process because investigators en- She also alleged that in many cas- Cox ruled in favor of the defendants Aaronson mocked Prado during the
gaged in illegal “subterfuge” and “lies.” es the drugs were dispensed by staff in that instance, ordering the evidence hearing.
be excluded, but that decision was over-
“Prado says she agrees with the facts
of the case, but we say undercover of-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 7


fices lied; she says they gave ‘false in- Cox also approved the defense’s mo- lite and then downloaded to OCEARCH that populations of the apex predators
formation,’” Aaronson told Cox. “I tion to obtain Brady material from the computers. The organization posts her were in trouble, a trend that put the
don’t see the difference.” state involving a similar case currently tracks, along with those of numerous health of oceans worldwide in peril.
pending. other sharks and marine animals around
Prado responded by telling Cox that the world, on its website “As they go, so goes the system,” Fisch-
she and Aaronson were going to have Brady material is evidence that a er said. “They balance the system. If you
to “agree to disagree.” prosecutor is required to disclose that Katharine – named for Cape Cod don’t get things rolling the right way,
could be favorable to the accused – native Katharine Lee Bates who wrote then our kids don’t eat fish sandwiches.”
“What he calls lies and subterfuge, I facts that might negate a defendant’s “America the Beautiful” – has attract-
call good police work,” Prado said. guilt, reduce a defendant’s potential ed a large group of admirers over the So Fischer and the crew of the 118-
sentence, or impact the credibility of a 36,000 miles she has travelled in the foot research ship M/V OCEARCH
Cox listened patiently for two hours witness. past five years. With more than 56,000 began tagging great white sharks for
as Aaronson presented his case for dis- Twitter followers at @Shark_Katha- scientists. The aim is to learn as much
missal but eventually ruled the argu- Defense attorneys said they want to rine, she is especially popular in Flor- as possible about the animals’ life his-
ments were better suited for presenta- study the documents from the state ida where she has made several trips tory – where they travel, feed, mate,
tion at a jury trial. A trial date has not case to see if the information can help to both the Atlantic and Gulf regions. and give birth.
yet been set. bolster their strategy. 
She spent several months swim- The crew catches the sharks on
The judge did approve two other Katharine the Shark returns ming around the Space and Treasure heavy fishing lines from small tenders
motions filed by attorneys for the de- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 coasts in 2017, and in 2014, she pinged and brings them aboard the ship on a
fendants. about a quarter-mile off Sebastian In- platform that can be raised and low-
about 30-to-40 miles off Melbourne let. Along the way, she dished about ered into the water.
Vero Beach Attorney Brooke Butler on Nov. 23, Black Friday, then surfaced her journeys and marine conservation
asked Cox to intervene because St. Lu- three times about 30 miles off Fort topics on social media. While pumping fresh sea water
cie County is billing her $500 to inter- Pierce on Nov. 28. through the sharks’ gills, the fishermen
view that county’s medical examiner, “The people of Florida seem to be and scientists work with the speed and
who is a witness in the case. Her whereabouts are tracked by a sat- demonstrating you can have an in- efficiency of an Indy pit crew – im-
ellite tag she wears on her dorsal fin that formed, respectful relationship with planting satellite, acoustic and accel-
Cox agreed that was inappropriate, was implanted by the nonprofit ocean white sharks,” OCEARCH founder erometer (speed and orientation) tags;
noting that part of a medical examin- advocacy group OCEARCH when it Chris Fischer said. taking DNA and blood samples; con-
er’s job is to provide depositions and caught her off Cape Cod, Mass., in 2013. ducting ultrasound examinations of
take the witness stand without charg- Fischer, 50, of Park City, Utah – a life- females suspected to be pregnant; and
ing a fee. Whenever she surfaces, her loca- long recreational angler, former televi- then releasing the animals back into
tion is beamed from the tag to a satel- sion fishing show host, and married the ocean – all in about 15 minutes.
“I’m kind of dumbfounded,” Cox father of three – formed his nonprofit in
said. “As a county examiner he’s re- 2007 after learning from shark scientists They’ve learned a lot in the past
quired to do things. He is a witness
and must appear in court. The county CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
can’t demand $500.”

8 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Katharine the Shark returns into the far Western Atlantic past Besides the scientific contributions of is free to scientists, the costs under-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 Bermuda may indicate she was preg- Katharine and her friends, Hueter notes written by corporate sponsors and
nant. And Katharine’s trips to Florida the goodwill they’ve spread among hu- private donors.
decade from Katharine and her shark in winter and spring don’t actually mans.
colleagues, according to Dr. Robert mean she’s a snowbird seeking warm All data generated is open-source;
Hueter, senior scientist at Sarasota’s waters; instead, she likely is feeding “Now people are rooting for them,” the public has access to everything,
Mote Marine Laboratory, who serves on right whales that migrate through he said. anytime. Teachers in Florida and ev-
as OCEARCH’s chief science advisor. the area, along with large fish such as erywhere else are invited to incorpo-
tunas. Since its inception, OCEARCH has rate OCEARCH’s work into their STEM
For example, Hueter said, Katha- conducted 33 ocean expeditions with classes (science, technology, engineer-
rine’s forays around Nova Scotia and Hueter said scientists are still trying 174 researchers from 90 institutions ing, mathematics).
Newfoundland show that area is im- to figure out where white sharks mate; around the world.
portant to big females. Her track out they found and tagged 20 pups recent- “We give away the data,” Fischer
ly off Long Island, New York. Expeditions, which usually last said. “We’re including the world in the
about three weeks, cost about $25,000 journey.” 
per day. But Hueter said ship time

Opponents of island Publix launch campaign to stop project

BY RAY MCNULTY noise, traffic, crime, light intrusion They wrote that they wanted Powers Town Council, both of which are legally
Staff Writer and potential environmental damage “to be deluged with emails from ex- required to hold quasi-judicial public
they say would accompany the com- tremely upset neighbors saying ‘NO’ hearings before rendering a verdict.
Opponents of Publix’s plans to build mercial development. to Publix,” adding, “It is still fairly early
a supermarket-anchored strip mall in in the overall process.” Powers predicted the LPA would
Orchid have stepped up their efforts, Last week, a group that identified it- hold its hearing in January and the
asking residents of nearby subdivi- self as “The Seasons 32963 Committee” Publix’s representatives submitted to Town Council would follow with a
sions to join them in an email cam- distributed flyers in the Summerplace Orchid officials in October the compa- hearing in February.
paign to derail the project. and Oceanaire Heights subdivisions, ny’s application to build a 31,000-square-
where residents were invited to “Come foot supermarket and five retail stores on “We certainly want to have it fin-
Dozens of residents of the Old Or- Join The Protest Against Publix.” a seven-acre parcel in the southeast cor- ished by March,” he said. “A lot of our
chid and Seasons at Orchid commu- ner of the town. residents leave town in April.”
nities already had sent a barrage of The flyers, placed in mailboxes,
emails urging town officials to reject asked residents to send emails to Or- The application, which includes a site Powers said it was “too soon to say”
Publix’s proposal, citing increased chid Town Manager Noah Powers ex- plan and traffic study, must be approved whether Orchid residents support the
pressing opposition to Publix’s plans. by Orchid’s Local Planning Agency and proposal, because Publix’s plan was
still being reviewed by the town’s out-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 9


side planner, Fort Lauderdale-based who lives in Old Orchid, wrote that,
Mellgren Planning Group. while he shops at Publix and has noth-
ing against the company, he believes
“Until everyone has a chance to see building a supermarket and strip mall
the final plan,” Powers said, “there’s no in Orchid would diminish the charm
way to know.” and quality of life in the area.

Many of Orchid’s neighbors, however, “There is a reason there are no stores
already have seen enough: As of Friday of that size anywhere on the island,”
night, 77 of the 93 emails Powers had Morse wrote. “The town of Orchid is a
received on the subject were from resi- special place to live. Let’s not lose sight
dents opposed to the Publix develop- of that and turn our piece of paradise
ment. Fifteen supported the proposal, into another ordinary part of Florida
and one expressed “mixed feelings.” with the high traffic, noise, litter and
the crime that will follow.”
Many of those opposed to Publix’s
proposal wrote that building a super- Susan Hazard Rimato of Summer-
market in the town was unnecessary, place expressed a similar sentiment,
because the company had two main- writing, “The charm of Orchid Island
land stores within seven miles of the site. will be destroyed if this shopping cen-
ter comes in. We hear the ocean at night
Frank and Leaura Salmonese of Old now and have beautiful, star-lit skies.”
Orchid explained in their email that
people who bought a home on that part Her Summerplace neighbor, Ann
of the island knew they’d need to drive Seeman, was more succinct: “Please
to the mainland to visit a supermarket. don’t turn this area into another Port
St. Lucie.”
“We had a choice to buy on the other
side to be nearer to stores or buy over Some of those who support bring-
the bridge,” they wrote. “We chose to ing Publix to Orchid challenged claims
be away from all of that and selected that residents in neighboring commu-
Old Orchid. We don’t understand why nities are overwhelmingly opposed to
Publix wants to ruin a very high-end the development.
area with this store.”
Rick Chuma wrote, “As a 20-plus-year
Or as Oceanaire Heights resident resident of Summerplace, I have spo-
Tom Adams put it: “The nearest Pub- ken to many of my neighbors and have
lix at Barber Street is close enough. … yet to find one family who does not fully
Nobody needs this nightmare.” support the Publix project.” 

Chalmers Morse, a local realtor


BY LISA ZAHNER – incumbents Laura Moss and Tony
Staff Writer Young, plus challengers Robbie Brack-
ett and Bob McCabe.
Thankfully for anyone who is sick of
hearing about election challenges and The move to settle came after the
lawsuits, Vero Beach has settled litiga- parties began exchanging interroga-
tion filed by disqualified City Council tories and witness lists in preparation
candidate Linda Hillman and a trial for a Dec. 17 trial.
will not be needed.
Hillman claimed she was wrongly
On Nov. 29, Circuit Judge Paul Kanarek disqualified by city staff and removed
issued an order in response to a joint from the ballot after her name was in-
motion to settle the case filed with the cluded in the list of candidates sent to
court that day. Supervisor of Elections Leslie Swan.

“The City of Vero Beach will hold a Until the Feb. 26 election is held
special election at the City’s expense and certified, Vice Mayor Lange Sykes,
on February 26, 2019, and Plaintiff who opted not to seek re-election,
Linda Hillman shall be on the ballot, will remain on the council. Moss and
as well as the other candidates, as stat- Young will also keep their seats for at
ed in the September 7, 2018 letter from least another two-and-a-half months.
the City to the Indian River County Su-
pervisor of Elections in the order listed Mayor Harry Howle said Monday he
in the letter,” Kanarek wrote. was glad to put the matter in the rear-
view mirror. “The series of events which
That means Brian Heady who, like occurred with the COVB election pro-
Hillman, was removed from the Nov. 6 cess, before, during and after the quali-
ballot for incomplete paperwork, will fying period, is certainly unfortunate.
benefit from Hillman’s fight.
“Fingers can be pointed in all sides
Per the judge’s order, Heady will be of this fiasco,” Howle said. “Rather than
on the Feb. 26 special election ballot drag it out I felt moving on, and chang-
with Hillman, plus the four candidates ing city election processes and ordi-
voters had to choose from last month nances so this never happens again,
was the best choice for everyone.” 

10 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Cleveland Clinic names future president of Vero hospital

BY MICHELLE GENZ medicine doctor who heads Cleveland who has led the hospital since the re- family medicine, pediatrics and infec-
Staff Writer Clinic’s Medicine Institute, has been tirement of Jeff Susi at the end of 2017. tious diseases among other specialties.
named president of Indian River Medi- Davis is going back to her previous po-
With the merger of Indian River cal Center. The publicly-owned hos- sition as a healthcare consultant with “I am excited and privileged to return
Medical Center and the Cleveland pital is expected to become Cleveland the firm Alvarez and Marsal. to Cleveland Clinic Florida as the fu-
Clinic all but a done deal, the trickle- Clinic Indian River as soon as state and ture president of Indian River Medical
down of talent has already begun. federal regulatory agencies clear the The move to Vero will be a return to Center,” said Rosencrance. “Together
Two top physicians at the prestigious merger, expected sometime in January. Florida for Rosencrance. He formerly we will advance access to world class
health system’s Cleveland flagship chaired the Department of Internal healthcare.”
hospital have been tapped for leader- Rosencrance, who joined Cleveland Medicine at Cleveland Clinic Florida
ship positions here. Clinic after a long tenure at West Vir- in Weston. Since February 2016, he has Rosencrance’s expertise in popula-
ginia University, will replace interim chaired Cleveland Clinic’s Medicine tion health is good news to trustees of
Gregory Rosencrance, an internal IRMC President and CEO Karen Davis, Institute, which includes primary care, the Indian River County Hospital Dis-
trict, which owns the hospital on be-
half of county taxpayers. The Hospital
District’s focus is on taking care of the
county’s medically underserved com-
munities. District Board chairwoman
Marybeth Cunningham has met Dr.
Rosencrance and is pleased by his ap-

“I am really excited about his lead-
ership and background in population
health as the District becomes more
focused on this for our community,”
she said. “We will learn a lot from him
and look forward to a great partner-
ship to benefit the whole county.”

For interim CEO Davis, her expect-
ed departure from IRMC will be “bit-
tersweet,” she said.

“My time at IRMC has been incred-
ibly rewarding,” said Davis, who won
praise for her initiatives in improving
the emergency department and oth-
er parts of the hospital. “I am so im-
pressed with everyone and will miss
the camaraderie I developed during
this transition period.”

She cited the launch of the Vero
hospital’s interventional stroke pro-
gram as a source of pride, as well as
the increased collaboration with other
healthcare agencies to ease patients’
transition from hospital to home.

Another key post affecting medical
staff at Indian River – the Florida divi-
sion chief of staff – also will be filled
by a Cleveland Clinic physician, Dr.
Joseph Iannotti.

Iannotti, who has been with Cleve-
land Clinic since 2000, currently is
co-director of Cleveland Clinic’s Or-
thopedic and Rheumatologic Insti-
tute. He maintains a clinical practice
as an orthopedic surgeon and has a
joint appointment in the department
of biomedical engineering.

A past president of the American
Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons, Ian-
notti has some 60 patents to his name.
He has written two textbooks on the
shoulder and authored more than 200
peer-reviewed papers.

He will oversee physicians in what is
expected to be a network of five com-
munity hospitals, if all goes well with
regulatory approval of the Cleveland
Clinic Florida expansion. 


12 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Christmas Parade: Jolly good fun in very merry Vero

Archie Challenor and Charlie Challenor. PHOTOS: LEIGH GREEN Overall winner Shane Streufert and wife Brittany Streufert. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
Lisa Gehin and Sami Main.

Melanie Lockhart, Dr. Nancy Baker, Meagan Baker and Sophia Lockhart. Stacey McKinley and Tyler McKinley. Mattie Stollenwerk and Maddie Spaulding.

Jordyn King and Jemma King. Laura Ellis.

BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF and antlers were sprinkled in decrees, ordering one and all to sharks, while local celebrities,
Staff Writer among racing elves, Santas and have a happy holiday, snowflakes including Miss. Hibiscus and Ms.
snowmen. Shane Streufert was the wafted from winter wonderlands Vero Centennial, were joined by
Adorned with jingle bells and overall winner with a time of 10:16 and miniature horses trod down the such holiday favorites as the Grinch,
Santa hats, it appeared as if every and Emily Tato was the first-place festively illuminated street. Abominable Snowman and Snoopy.
resident in town lined Ocean Drive female at 11:30. Santa Clause, the jolliest of them all,
from Flamevine to Live Oak to Each group was more closed out the parade riding high
watch or participate in the 34th an- As parade-goers watched with extravagantly decorated than the atop the Dubose and Sons’ sleigh.
nual Vero Beach Christmas Parade, wide-eyed glee, the Vero Beach High last, many providing entertainment
sponsored by the Oceanside Busi- School Marching Band got everyone as they passed by. Bagpipers piped, The annual spectacle grows bigger
ness Association and the Sunrise in the mood playing jolly holiday the Crossover Mission basketball and better each year, according to
Rotary Club. tunes, twirlers and cheerleaders team bounced lighted balls in sync Al Benkert, parade coordinator with
performing alongside them. to music, the Vero Beach Karate Georgia Irish, OBA president.
More than 500 red-and-white- Association showed off their skills,
striped runners kicked off the Parade participants rode, and living Nativity scenes played “We hold the Christmas parade,
festivities, racing in the fourth tumbled, pedaled and drove along out the miracle of Christmas. the Farmers Market and the Sunset
annual Runner’s Depot Candy the route, bringing smiles to the Saturday concerts all for the same
Cane 3K clad in their holiday best. crowd as they waved and passed Tractors, airplanes, helicopters, reason,” said Bankert, “to foster
Lighted tutus, candy cane stripes out candy. Mini barristers and swamp buggies and Jeeps carried a sense of community and small-
adjudicators handed down their reindeer, dinosaurs, pelicans and town America.” 

14 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Ms. Vero Centennial Anna Valencia Tillery.
Lisette Wright, Meridee Romie and Lynn Seehafer.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 15


Tessa Johnson and Mackenzie Cooley. Emily Odom, Ellie, Addison and Jennifer Corey. Lynn Kranze, Audrey Elliott and Laura Brewer.


Best of Parade:
Dubose and Sons Jewelers

Best Performance:
Vero Beach High School Band

Most Humorous:
Flinchum Builders, LLC.

Most Original:
Crossover Mission

Most Creative and Most Holiday Spirit:
Treasure Coast Jeep Club

Best Community Nonprofit Entry:
Vero Beach Elementary PTA

16 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Blondie’s Toy Drive for SafeSpace: Giving shifts into gear

BY MARY SCHENKEL associate, spoke a little about their Crisis Intervention programs.
Staff Writer services.
As Manwaring explained, “We will
Guests mingled poolside at the “We’re saving and changing
Caribbean Court Boutique Hotel last lives,” said Manwaring. “We really work out a safety plan and determine
Thursday evening, watching as a pile are probably regarded as the most
of toys grew higher at Blondie’s 12th comprehensive provider of resources lethality – how lethal is he? Does the
annual Toy Drive and Fashion Show in the state of Florida, from prevention
to benefit SafeSpace, hosted by Trish all the way through to after-care.” batterer beat you with a hand, with a
In terms of housing, SafeSpace bottle; does he torture pets to frighten
Hickey-Jones, formerly the owner of has one 12-person Supported Living
Blondie’s on Ocean, recently launched facility in Vero Beach for women you? Does he choke you? I always like
Blondie’s Fashion & Frills, an online without dependent children, who
boutique, and used the opportunity would otherwise have no place to go. to say that if a batterer uses choking as
to debut some of her collection while The women can reside there up to
making the holidays a little brighter for 18 months to stabilize themselves. a method to control a woman, she is
the women and children assisted by In Martin County, their Emergency
SafeSpace. Shelter can house 60 people at a time, seven times more likely to end up the
generally at a ratio of about one woman
“One of my models, who’s also on the to two children. The average length victim of a homicide.”
board of SafeSpace, told me a story that of stay there is 6 to 8 weeks, meaning
made my mouth just fall open; I was hundreds of women and children Comprehensive prevention
in absolute shock,” she said, recalling every year.
why she first began hosting the annual programs include going to schools
event. That particularly tragic case Toys from the event will be secreted
involved a badly beaten woman who Tom Manwaring and Diane Dzadony. in a room where mothers in the shelter to talk about healthy relationships
was killed by her husband after she can choose up to five gifts for each of
returned home from the hospital. used to have with Blondie’s on Ocean,” their children. and parenting, and a new legal
said Hickey-Jones. “I called them and
“I have all of my same models that I they were thrilled to do it again.” About four times as many women are service with four full-time attorneys
assisted through their Nonresidential
The five ladies – Lisa Green, Melissa provides women with much-needed
Mittag, Lewanda Dupree, Jan Fleischer
and Laura Guttridge – each modeled assistance with injunctions and court
six lovely outfits, shivering a bit in
the chilly night air as they circled the appearances.
pool to show off the fashions, before
returning for a quick change and a “This is a marvelous event; it really
helps out,” said Manwaring. “Many
Earlier in the evening, Tom
Manwaring, a SafeSpace development women come in with just the clothes

on their back. They’re escaping,

they’re frightened, they’re battered;

it’s terrible, terrible stuff and all too


For more information, visit 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 17


Janet Farnan-Dyer with June and Harry Shultz. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Sammy Fashona, Julie Amelio and Lora Amelio. Jessie Knapp, Nancy Kuehn and Nancy Feldpausch.

Trish Hickey-Jones and Peter Jones. Edith Mochachino and Sabre Mochachino Elizabeth Twohy-Baucom and Rich Chuma. Pam Hendrix and Vanessa Struve.

18 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Beatniks in their bailiwick at ‘Poetry, Wine & Jazz’

BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF John Lunar Richey and Quentin Walter. he took the audience back to his of his stained-glass installations and
Staff Writer childhood, sharing what life was like original oil paintings as well as the Seth
PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE living with cerebral palsy. Thelonious Alvin Foster Art Collection
The Heritage Center was overrun of works by artists from around the
with beatniks and cool cats at the masterpieces unfold, as poet and “It was poignant; it was very hurtful world.
recent Poetry, Wine & all that Jazz musician John Lunar Richey, the to hear,” said Walter.
fundraiser to benefit Stouthouse, a not- current Stouthouse artist-in-residence, “Art is like breathing to me. It speaks
for-profit artist residency founded by painted pictures with his words. Others who took the stage included to me and I speak through it,” says
Quentin Walter to preserve the home Alesandra Valenzuela, the first Walter, explaining her commitment
and legacy of her late husband, Weldon “Quentin, I applaud you. Having Stouthouse musician-in-residence, to provide space for artists to practice
J. Stout. these artists come from all over the and Indian River County Poet Laureate their craft in solitude.
world to work in Sebastian is a unique Sean Sexton, who read selections from
Smooth jazz by the Ron Pirtle feature of this very unique area, his soon-to-be-published book, “May “Tonight was a unique opportunity
Quartet set the stage at the Heritage which is so rich with culture, art and Darkness Restore.” to hear amazing poetry,” said Jerusha
Center, where the atmosphere was artists. I feel like I’ve found a little Stewart. “Stouthouse is such a rare
reminiscent of a dimly lit coffeehouse Eden here,” said emcee Xaque Gruber, Richey follows a line of artists institution here in our community.
in the era of the Beat Generation’s who charmed the audience as he afforded the opportunity to immerse It’s something that you expect to find
literary movement. Listeners could introduced the poets and musicians. themselves in their work. In addition to in a larger, sophisticated city. The
almost hear Jack Kerouac call out to Richey and Valenzuela, Stouthouse has fact that Quentin Walter has actually
the bass player, “You’re one cool cat, As Richey imparted his rich prose, hosted Swedish painter and musician persevered to create this type of
daddy-o.” Ulf Enhorning; Nashville portrait artist experience for people who live here is
Kyle Baker; Cuban contemporary artist phenomenal. Tonight I’m just amazed
Guests, attired in bohemian-chic Manuel Ojea; and Americana singer/ at the intimacy of the gathering but
stripes paired with black pants, berets songwriter Peter Myers. also the strength of the ambiance and
and soul patches, got into the spirit of the experience that she’s created.”
the 1950s social movement, a time of Funds from the evening will
philosophical poetry and prose. go toward a stipend for the next Walter plans to host a Martini
artist-in-residence, Mary Pratt, an Madness event in April, featuring an
Aesthetes gathered in small clusters impressionistic painter from Atlanta, exhibit of works by Mary Pratt.
and perused silent-auction items Ga.
before savoring the chance to hear For more information, visit
Stouthouse, designed and built by 
Stout in the ’80s, showcases several

20 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Downtown Mural Project focuses on the big picture

Staff Writer

Linda Moore, Kilted Mermaid co- Guests review prospective murals for the Downtown Vero Beach Mural Project. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Brooke Malone and Linda Moore.
owner with Rick Norry, has a vision for
the Downtown Arts District – and it a 57-by-17-foot space, just shy of 1,000 River Charter High School, but there or deals or ‘do this for exposure’ but
does not include blank walls. Moore, square feet. And I painted somewhat were also several well-known artists I can personally attest that spending
who is heading up the Downtown of an ecological piece.” from outside the area. six weeks on a wall and spending
Vero Beach Mural Project, hopes to $1,000 on paint really doesn’t help
dot the downtown landscape with Malone volunteered her time Guests wandered the space, for exposure. What it does is break an
colorfully creative murals. for that first mural to get the noshing on hors d’oeuvres by artist’s bank.”
project going, but added that while Wild Thyme Catering and liquid
Although the vibrant work by businesses are often happy to offer refreshments from Kilted Mermaid, A team mural resplendent with ‘all
acclaimed muralist Nicole Salgar their walls, the costs cannot be Walking Tree Brewery and Southern things Vero Beach’ by IRCHS students
painted above the Kilted Mermaid borne by artists alone. She noted that Social – all donated – while pausing to Alexa Werner, Molly Phillips, Hannah
doorway is not part of the Mural Richards Paint and Benjamin Moore watch a slide show of artists’ entries. Lafferty and Kenneth Betancourt was
Project, it does give a sense of the supplied the paint, and Skyline chosen as the first student project.
sort of beautification the project Scaffold has donated the use of their “What we fund tonight will get There was enough funding also for
committee has in mind. A newer scaffolding. painted next,” Moore told the crowd, murals by Vero Beach artist Arielle
mural is painted on the alleyway saying the number of murals – there Chandonnet and Melbourne artist
between Kilted Mermaid and the Prospective mural artists had are eight potential walls now – would Derek Gores.
Firestone building, whose blank wall an opportunity to showcase their depend on their generosity.
was ripe for some attention. ideas recently at an event at the Raw “It is our intention to get as many of
Space Gallery, with attendees voting “One of the main objectives here these artists on our walls as possible,
“It took us two years to get on the ones they hoped would be is to make sure that artists get paid. one mural at a time,” said Moore.
permission. There are so many blank funded first. Most artists were local, They’re artists; they’re making a
walls and it doesn’t have to be that including a number from the Indian living,” said Moore. “Artists are For more information, visit
way,” said Moore, stressing that notoriously asked to give discounts 
murals have become a nationwide
movement as people recognize their
economic draw.

“We’ve always had this vision
of how downtown should be just
covered in murals. Especially in out-
of-the-way places; down a side street,
down an alley. To just make it more
fun for people to walk around, have a
drink here, have dinner there, listen
to some music,” Moore added.

Once Firestone agreed, Brooke
Malone remembers, “I begged her –
let me have the first one. She gave me

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 21


Jacob Turner, Kelsey McCord, Rick Norry and Rachel Moran. Niurka Barroso, Paula Vibert and Silvia Medina. Lori Morgan, Theresa Delpup, Greg Morgan and Kelly Morgan.

Paul and Rae Beth Pointer with Gina and Billy Weinstock. Lou Mullen, Rob Kuhlman and Maria Maul. Hayley Sinclair, Abby O’Connell, Mackenzie O’Connell and Mickey O’Connell.

Pam and Jake Hund. Paul Genke and Lila Blakeslee. Drew and Kim Bottalico with Cora. Nella Fusco and Liz Stewart.

22 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Businesses and pleasure at Sebastian’s Light Up Night

BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF the business participation,” said Beth added to the excitement. “People and the over-21 crowd stopped in at
Staff Writer Mitchell,SebastianChamberpresident/ are thrilled that they’ve moved into Pareidolia Brewing Company for a
CEO. “We’re up to 54 businesses this a community that has this kind of cup of good cheer.
The streets of Sebastian were burst- year and some of those businesses have thing happening.”
ing with holiday spirit last Friday eve- never participated before. To have so Giant gingerbread men stood guard
ning, as businesses stayed open late for many of them that are willing to do that Thousands of happy shoppers over the GFWC Sebastian River Junior
the 30th annual Light Up Night, hosted is very exciting, especially since this is enjoyed the beautiful evening, Woman’s Club, a beacon of brilliance
by the Sebastian River Area Chamber of our 30th anniversary.” mingling at one business before with twinkling lights. Good boys and
Commerce and its members. moving on to another; a little like girls visited with Santa, whispering
She commented that an influx of a jolly Christmas treasure hunt. Christmas wishes in his ear, before
“We’ve broken all records in terms of new people into the community has Patrons picked up maps at the picking out a free book and settling
chamber, where many also stopped in by the fire to snack on goodies.
to watch the sunset from the porch.
Others visited with Miracle, the Other folks strolled through the
Sebastian River Police Department’s Village Square, stopped for chili
mini-potbellied pig, who grunted doled out by Mariner Pete at Marine
with pleasure from the attention. Bank, visited with the Grinch at the
Florida Eye Institute, watched movies
By foot and by car – no sleighs in at The Hair Tiki, and decked the halls
sight – visitors followed the lights with visits to the animals at LaPorte
that lined the streets. A large crowd Farms off Roseland Road.
amassed at the Sebastian River
Medical Center, where visitors “This truly was all about supporting
enjoyed a spread of delectable foods the local businesses during the
while listening to the Sebastian River holiday season,” said Mitchell,
High School Marching Sharks. noting that the event was designed
long before “support local business”
Shoppers hummed Christmas campaigns became popular. “But
tunes as they traveled north and this has evolved into something
south, nibbling all the way on vast bigger, a huge community event.” 
amounts of hot cocoa and cookies,

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 23


Allison Cloughley, Georgann Schreiber and Katie Swing. Sandra Clark, Chris Bates and Shirley Reul. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 24
Patti Williams, Beth Mitchell and Sue Skirvin.

SRMC’s Ralph Taylor and Kyle Sanders.

Melinda Judson with Saylor.

Betty Lou Hamilton and Bill Blaine.

24 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 23 Santa and Mrs. Claus. Furwa Alikhan, Hannah Flood and Angelita Brickles.
Mike and Susie Craig with Deborah and Tom Mahoney.

Miguel Ortiz, Alexander Smith, Emmitt Stutzman and Sondra Weeks (rear).

26 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


‘Trail’ of enlightenment as Vero artists show and tell

BY MARY SCHENKEL and discussed their works. to have water in it. That’s all I’ll sell.” out here 10 hours a day. It’s what I
Staff Writer Paul Davis, who paints his Davis Davis echoed the sentiments of love to do.”

Local artists shared a little of their Marine Art from his Indian River many of the others when he said “the “I’m versatile, that’s for sure,”
inner souls last Saturday, giving visi- Shores home studio, first became Art Club unknowingly has made my said Shotsi LaJoie, who paints from
tors a glimpse into the magic behind intrigued with the “magic” of mix- life. It’s just an exciting group.” her Central Beach home studio and
their methods at the 2018 Art Trail, ing colors as a child. works on clay art at Tiger Lily Art
hosted by the Vero Beach Art Club. “Art is therapy,” said Heidi Hill, a Studios and Gallery. “Right now I’m
Ticketholders made their own way Deciding he didn’t want to blend Flametree Clay Art Gallery artist, focusing on larger abstract work. I’m
to 10 studios throughout Vero Beach, in with everyone else, he switched who creates pottery, sculptures and trying to put the paint on in a way
where 13 VBAC members showcased from painting still-lifes to water, paintings from her home studio. “I that’s unique to me.”
telling himself, “OK, here’s the rule. quit my real job about three years
Every single painting you paint has ago to do this full time. I’m usually Ray McLendon’s Florida
Highwaymen Landscape Art Gallery
on 14th Avenue showcased his
vibrant work and he also provided
space for pastel artist Keri Keen.

“I started with abstracts in the
’70s,” said McLendon, adding that
about 20 years ago he switched to
the style of his father, Roy (R.A.)
McLendon, an original Florida High-

“We actually made a bet and I lost
the bet. So I had to start painting
this. It was kind of funny.”

“The artwork that I like to do is
historical to Florida,” said Keen, a
lifelong Floridian. “I like to do a lot
of citrus, a lot of landscapes, Florida
palm trees, the cracker cattle, the
cracker horses.”

Well-known pastel artist and
teacher Dawn Miller works out of a
studio in her Cultural Arts Village
house. Of the inspirations for her
work, she said, “it has to just have
an emotional connection to me.”
Adding that art is her livelihood, she
said “I’m very lucky to be able to do
this, both here and at the museum.”

Catherine Musham, who paints in
oil and acrylics, shared her 100-year-
old log cabin studio “fun house”
with Sebastian-based artist Sharon
Morgan, known for acrylic paintings
and intricate mandalas.

“I’m calling these natural
abstracts; they’re abstracts but
I’m drawing from nature in terms
of organic shapes,” said Musham,
a former psychologist. “It’s
pretty much generated from my

“I’m influenced by surrealists. I
paint a still-life in my studio and
then I make up the background
or invent the landscape,” said
Morgan. “I’m concerned about the
environment, so I paint things that
talk about destroying the natural
lands and overdevelopment.”

“I’m whimsical; I think a sense
of humor is important,” said Ginny
Piech-Street, co-founder of Indian
River Clay. “The thing about clay is
it feeds your soul. Every clay person
I’ve ever met has a big heart.”

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 27


Judy Chatterton with artist Paul Davis. Deena Wynne, artist Shotsi LaJoie and Cary Schott. Evan Schwarze and Lisa Rose.

Vero newcomer Evan Schwarze “Art has always been my passion,” Diane Reheis with the bowl she purchased from Heidi Hill. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 28
graciously shared his home studio said Sara Shankland, who creates
with Lisa Rose. He prefers oils and “wearable art” jewelry using Precious PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE AND MARY SCHENKEL
she pastels, but their colors and com- Metal Clay, malleable silver clay that
positions meshed beautifully. fires to 99.9 percent silver, often
incorporating materials collected on
“I like to paint tropical landscape their travels such as unusual beads,
and seascapes,” said Schwarze, who scarabs, gems and coral.
began painting as a teenager. He
relocated here in July, after exhibiting “We live in this great environment
several times in the juried VBAC and we need to protect it; we need
Under the Oaks Art Show. to love it,” said artist Barry Shapiro
from his Studio on 60. Shapiro said
After retiring from interior design, his current focus is on landscape
Rose took an art class with Dawn works with an environmental theme.
Miller and was hooked. “I just fell in “It’s more about trying to make
love with it. I was off and running statements.” 
after that and having a ball.”

28 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 27 Dorinda Walker, Keri Keene and Alicia Callander. Michele Berlin, Ray McLendon and Lori Davidson.
Gracie Busk and John Gould with Dawn Miller.

Sharon Morgan and Catherine Musham.

Ginny Piech-Street and Cathy Cahn.

Laurie McManus, Barry Shapiro and Julie Roskin.
Bill and Sara Shankland.


30 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


U. of Tampa ensures Krupp is the big artist on campus

“They treated me like royalty,” says
Vero Beach artist Barbara Krupp, who
was honored this summer at the dedi-
cation of a brand new, six-story Gradu-
ate and Health Studies building at the
University of Tampa. At 91,000 square
feet, it is the biggest building on cam-
pus and is now also the permanent
home of the largest collection of Krupp
paintings in the world.

The university began to purchase
Krupp’s abstract paintings specifically
for the building early this spring, while
the structure was still under construc-
tion. They eventually acquired 53 works
for their collection, comprised of acrylic
on canvas paintings from the most re-
cent five years of the artist’s career.

In addition to UT’s Office of Gradu-
ate and Continuing Studies, the build-
ing houses classrooms for its nursing
and physician assistant medicine pro-
grams, health science labs, a phys-
ics research lab, student gathering
and study spaces, and faculty offices.
When the building was dedicated on

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 31


Breath of Immortality.

Aug. 31, a major part of the ceremonies front desk. And throughout the build-
revolved around Krupp and her art. ing, an acrylic title card next to each
painting elevates the work from mere
“The heads of every department decoration to ‘Art to be Looked At.’
were there,” says Krupp. “They had
flower arrangements made for each “Everything is just perfect,” sighs
floor to go with my paintings for the Krupp, happily.
opening reception.”
The first works an art tourist will
And when the university’s presi- see hang in the spacious student
dent, Dr. Ronald L. Vaughn stood to gathering area – part lounge, part
speak, “he talked about me,” she says. study hall – on the first floor. The
room’s warm gray walls, black arm-
Not bad for a painter who never chairs and red occasional tables are a
went to art school (or any college for low-key backdrop for two luminously
that matter) and whose art career be- colorful paintings that hang on adja-
gan as a mother of four young chil- cent walls.
dren in Wakeman, Ohio, who wanted
to “play around” with watercolor. While all of Krupp’s other works in
the building were purchased by UT
After a few lessons and some suc- from her existing oeuvre, those two –
cess selling her paintings for $15 apiece each one 5 feet high and 15 feet wide –
at a local flea market, Krupp decided were commissioned by the university,
to buy a tent and hit the art show cir- which, according to Krupp, was an easy
cuit – which she retired from five years taskmaster when it came to the paint-
ago after a very successful 38 years. Her ings’ themes.
earnings made life markedly more com-
fortable for her family and put her kids “I could do anything I wanted,” she
through college. says.

“I have always made a good living Although they are as abstract as
doing art,” she says. any other work in Krupp’s oeuvre, the
paintings contain messages for and
The UT sale is not only her biggest about the school and its students.
sale to date, it is also her most pres-
tigious. Visitors to the new building With Krupp acting as interpreter,
cannot miss the large plaque that the one titled “Breath of Immortality”
identifies Krupp as the artist of all of can be “read” from the right-hand
the paintings on display. For those side of its long composition to the left.
who come especially to view the art, a
glossy, illustrated checklist of the col- Executed in a palette of violet, blue,
lection can be had for the asking at the red, orange and ochre with black and


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32 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


white accents, the visual tale begins Mr. Toad Is At It Again. social event at the gallery occasioned informed the Dabberts they had decided
with two peanut-shaped forms that the Vaughns’ first glimpse of her to go with Krupp’s work for the entire
represent swaddled twin babies. the artwork out,” says Krupp, who adds work. It was not to be their last. building.
Small squares of black, red, scarlet “the Dabberts deserve a lot of credit. This
and gold – the school colors – appear wouldn’t have happened without them.” The Vaughns soon returned to exam- “The Vaughns wanted to meet me.
in a vertical row between them. ine the Dabberts’ stock more closely, When Pat and Dave phoned me to ar-
Pat and Dave Dabbert are the own- hoping to select works by several artists range a meeting, they said, ‘Barbara,
Those babies “will be going to the ers of Dabbert Gallery in Sarasota, to enhance UT’s newest building. The bring every painting you have over here.’”
University of Tampa,” Krupp explains. which offers paintings and sculpture Vaughns purchased 17 of the 30 Krupp
by a variety of contemporary artists. paintings the gallery had on hand, and The purchases continued over the
The forms that follow are abstract Krupp has been represented there for next few months. According to Krupp,
representations of internal organs – the past 14 years. Nearly a year ago, a Ronald Vaughn “would have bought 100
a uterus and a kidney among them, more” of her paintings, but Mrs. Vaughn
from which ruddy blossoms spill. The held the number to a manageable 53.
cascade’s spray drifts toward a heart,
whose pulsations are implied by the What is about Krupp’s work that so
flame-like shapes that surround it. caught the imagination of a univer-
sity president that he wanted to fill a
Beyond that traditional seat of life building with it?
and love appears a detail from the
heart of the campus, one of the onion- Krupp believes that the appeal of her
domed minarets of Plant Hall. Built in paintings is due in large part to their
1898 as a hotel, the unique structure being abstractions; not only of things,
is more than a fine example of Moor- but also of thoughts and emotions.
ish Revival architecture. It is the sym-
bol of University of Tampa itself. “They make you feel, they make you
think. You get to decide what they are
Since assuming the presidency in about,” she says.
1995, Vaughn has seen UT’s enrollments
nearly triple, its academic programs ex- The students of UT are intelli-
pand to more than 200 areas of study, gent and hardworking, says Krupp.
and annual revenue increase exponen- Whether they are taking a break in the
tially. Vaughn has also overseen $600 study area or walking down the halls
million in new construction on campus. to their classes, President Vaughn
“wants them to see something of in-
It’s no surprise, then, that Vaughn’s terest to keep their minds working in
fingerprints are all over the selection a different way.”
of art for the Graduate and Health
Studies Building. Also, “He loves the titles of the
paintings. The first painting the
“Ron and his wife, Renée, picked all Vaughns bought was called ‘The
Beauty of Wisdom.’” 

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34 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Coming Up: ‘Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol’ graces Guild

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA seven seasons. Times: Friday, 7:30 p.m.; opened for a number of top bands, in-
Staff Writer Saturday and Sunday, 2 p.m. Tickets: cluding Florida Georgia Line on their
$12.50. 772-562-8300. “This Is How We Roll” Tour. Wallen
has released three singles: “The Way I
1 A fun, funny (and award-win- 2 Batten down the hatches, wiggle Talk,” “Up Down,” which featured Flor-
ning) twist on a Christmas fa- yourself into those skinny jeans, ida Georgia Line, and his current single
“Whiskey Glasses.” Gates open: 4 p.m.
vorite: it’s “Jacob Marley’s Christmas Concert: 5 p.m. Tickets: $45-$150. jake-
Carol,” coming to the Vero Beach pull on your cowboy kicks and head for

Theatre Guild this weekend, Dec. 7-9, the Indian River County Fairgrounds

as part of the Guild’s Apron Series for Dec. 8 for the Jake Owen Foundation

Reader’s Theatre. This “anthem to hu- Benefit Concert – the final stop on his

man nature and to imagination,” says “Life’s Whatcha Make It” tour. Singer/ 3 A satisfying and heartwarming
holiday tradition: Gather family
the Guild promo, is the “back story” to songwriter Owen is, of course, our very

Dickens’ iconic “A Christmas Carol.” It own hometown country star, born and and friends and share one of the sev-

is the tale of Jacob Marley’s heroic be- raised in Vero Beach. Lots of us can re- 2 Jake Owen Foundation Benefit eral winter concerts presented by area
Concert Dec. 8.
hind-the-scenes efforts to save the soul member an early concert here, when schools this season. They’re a fine way
Joe Diffie, Chris Lane and Morgan
of his old partner, Scrooge, as well as – with painted-on jeans and a zillion- Wallen. According to Wikipedia, Dif- to bolster your holiday spirit, and they
fie charted 35 singles on the Billboard
his own. According to kilowatt grin – he blew us all away with Hot Country Songs chart, five at No. 1, wonderfully showcase our commu-
including “Home,” “Third Rock from
The story begins as Marley grumps, his first big hit single, “Yee-Haw!” Along the Sun” and “Pickup Man,” and a nity’s talented young musicians and
dozen others made the Top 10. Coinci-
“I have to redeem old Scrooge? The the way, he’s scored the Academy of dentally, like Owen, singer/songwriter vocalists. One such is the “Winter Won-
Lane has a twin brother. Before going
one man I knew who was worse than Country Music Top New Male Vocal- solo, he fronted the Chris Lane Band, derland” Winter Concert featuring the
which charted on the 2012 Billboard
I was? Impossible!” Nevertheless, he ist for 2009; and, in 2012, the American Top County Albums. Solo, Lane has students of the Vero Beach High School

sets out with side-kick Bogle, a mean Country Awards Breakthrough Artist symphonic and jazz bands, chorus and

little hell-sprite with an agenda of his of the Year; and a bushel of hit singles orchestras, Dec. 9-10 at the VBHS Per-

own, on a hilarious journey that takes including “Barefoot Bluejean Night,” forming Arts Center. The concert pro-

them “from the Jaws of Death to the “Eight Second Ride” and “Something mo describes “Winter Wonderland” as

Mouth of Hell, and beyond!” “Jacob About a Woman.” Now, several years “a celebration of warmth, joy and fes-

Marley’s Christmas Carol” has played and a pick-up truckload of fame and tivity for the entire family.” Time: Sun-

in theatres across the country and has fortune down the road, he’ll be bring- day, 2 p.m.; Monday, 7 p.m. Tickets: $10

been broadcast nationally on NPR for ing along a trio of pals: special guests and $15. 772-564-5537. 

That day in 2014 started with such for Virgin and Branson, a master of to fly people in a new space race of lems, especially as it tried to build a
promise. marketing and hype who for years ventures backed by a group of bil- new rocket engine. But Branson has
has become an evangelist for space lionaires – Elon Musk, Jeffrey P. Bezos steadfastly stood before the cameras
The rocket engine lit, and they were exploration. and Branson. promising the stars, a Disney ride to
off. Within seconds, the spacecraft the expanse only a big-thinking bil-
crested 600 mph, fast approaching Since the space shuttle retired in They are vying to fly humans and ul- lionaire could offer.
the speed of sound. Then, suddenly, 2011, not a single human being has timately open up space to the masses,
there was the surreal sensation of the launched to space from U.S. soil. If but along the way they have faced re- That was supposed to happen in
wings ripping off as if they were made Virgin is able to make it, the com- peated delays and setbacks with their 2007, as Branson initially declared. But
of paper. pany would not just restore that ca- human spaceflight programs. it’s been 14 hard years. Then the low
pability, but it would become the first point: the horrific crash in 2014.
Debris littered the desert floor. Perhaps no venture has more en-
And in the wreckage, first-responders Above: Dave Mackay, chief test pilot for Virgin Galactic, capsulated the triumphs and agonies The National Transportation Safety
found the lifeless body of the co-pi- climbs into a simulator for a test flight at the company’s of the effort to open the frontier than Board would find widespread prob-
lot, Michael Alsbury, a father of two, headquarters. Virgin Galactic, founded by Branson lems with the program, namely that
then ages 10 and 7, still strapped into more than a decade ago with the loft- Scaled Composites, the company
his seat. iest of ambitions. hired by Virgin to build the space-
craft, failed to properly train its pilots
Dead for the moment, too, was the Virgin has faced all sorts of prob- and did not implement basic safe-
hope that Virgin Galactic, the compa- guards to prevent the human error
ny founded by Richard Branson, was Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo crashed Oct. 31, 2014, that caused the accident.
on the verge of fulfilling the dream of in Southern California’s Mojave Desert. One pilot was
flying tourists to space. But before that investigation, in
killed and another seriously injured. the emotional days after the crash,
But today, four years later, the Branson and Virgin Galactic bore the
company says it is once again at that brunt of the criticism.
moment. Branson, chastened by the
crash and the ensuing federal investi- In an op-ed in Time magazine titled
gation, recently said that the compa- “Enough With Amateur-Hour Space
ny is “more than tantalizingly close” Flight,” Jeffrey Kluger, an editor at
and that “we should be in space with- large, wrote that Branson was “a man
in weeks, not months.” driven by too much hubris, too much
hucksterism and too little knowledge
Virgin Galactic’s next flight of of the head-crackingly complex busi-
SpaceShipTwo, its winged and sporty ness of engineering.”
space plane, is scheduled for launch
in the coming weeks and could, after Given all the setbacks, many thought
years of trying, give Branson his long Branson would call it quits after Als-
elusive conquest of blasting through bury’s death.
the atmosphere.
Rushing to Mojave after the crash,
It would mark a historic milestone he wondered whether it was worth

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 37


the risk, and whether he had taken on weight feeling three times the force ing in real time. Suddenly, the ground ahead, Earth below. There’s the Cali-
a project too dangerous and difficult, of gravity, pinned back into your seat, isn’t where it used to be. The spacecraft fornia coast. The Baja peninsula. The
that maybe he should just give up. But as the spacecraft leaps forward near is pointed up, to the stars. Pacific. A magnificent view of a land-
he was buoyed, he said, when he ar- the speed of sound. scape at once familiar and, without the
rived and his team urged him to keep “We’re through Mach 2. We’re going formal demarcation of borders, utterly
going, as did many customers. “There’s the transonic pitch up,” he through 80,000 feet, and we’re pointing foreign.
says, as casually as if going over a speed more or less straight up,” Mackay says.
“We had the biggest hug in history,” bump. “And now I’m pulling the aircraft “You can see straight ahead. The sky is “So, you’re in weightlessness right
he said. “And I made it clear that we up into the vertical. It pitches up pretty already dark. Going black.” now,” Mackay says. “At this point, we
would continue.” dramatically as you can see.” would allow our customers to unstrap
Soon, at Mach 3, the motor shuts and float around the cabin.”
The support overrode the some- Surrounding the cockpit simulator off. Mackay has flipped the simulated
times “very cruel” treatment he re- are computer-generated images of spacecraft over, so it is upside down, That’s the experience Branson has
ceived in the press, he said. Virgin what Virgin’s customers would be see- floating up, the blackness of space been selling since he bought the rights
Galactic responded by taking over to the spacecraft’s technology in 2004
construction of the spacecraft from Virgin Galactic’s WhiteKnight2 and Chris Taylor, an avionics technician, works from Paul Allen, the co-founder of Mi-
Scaled Composites and redesigning it SpaceShipTwo soar above the run- on a horizontal stabilizer at the Virgin crosoft. A space enthusiast, Allen had
to make it more safe. way at the New Mexico Spaceport. Galactic headquarters. invested $20 million to build Space-
ShipTwo’s predecessor, SpaceShipOne,
“From now on, we’ve taken every- Below: Mike Moses, Virgin Galactic which made it to the edge of space
thing in-house and anything that hap- president, said, “We’re going to go show three times that year, winning the $10
pens from today will be down to Virgin that the thing we built can do what we’ve million Ansari X Prize and becoming
Galactic,” he said in the interview. always said it could do: It can take people the first privately funded vehicle to get
to space regularly and routinely.” to space.
Today, Alsbury’s death is always in
the background, a reminder of the Richard Branson But Allen, who died last month, was
danger of the endeavor, company of- petrified by the flights – one went ini-
ficials said. Not far from Virgin’s hangar tially off course; in another, the space-
at the Mojave Air and Space Port in the craft spun like a top almost all the way
desert here there is a plaque commem- up – and ultimately decided that the
orating the test pilot. endeavor was too risky.

There Alsbury is – smiling in his Knowing the “person whose life
flight suit, the deep blue sky behind hung in the balance,” he wrote in his
him – with a saying etched under- memoir, was “hard to handle.”
neath his photo:
Branson, however, showed no such
“Ad Astra per Aspera.” fear. And his team got to work on a
“To the stars through hardships.” much bigger and more complicated
Dave Mackay, Virgin’s chief test spacecraft. Allen’s SpaceShipOne was
pilot, is a calm and reassuring pres- designed for three people, but Bran-
ence in the cockpit. Even at 61, he son’s version would be able to hold as
looks like the former Royal Air Force many as eight – two pilots and six pas-
pilot he once was – close-cropped sengers.
hair, bright eyes, square jaw with the
sunken cheeks and bony build of a From the beginning, he vowed that
marathon runner. He acts it, too, de- the company would fly 3,000 people
livering the step-by-step narration of in the first five years. No matter that
going to space in a monotone Scot- the spaceship was more fantasy than
tish brogue, wholly at odds with the anything else. Or that he had no expe-
supersonic thrill his passengers are rience in the rocket business.
supposedly experiencing.
He’s sitting in Virgin Galactic’s flight Branson had triumphed in all sorts
simulator, where the crew of test pilots of endeavors, building an empire that
have logged hour after hour. During at various times has covered every-
drills, mission control will throw all thing from airlines to wine, hotels and
sorts of curveballs to see how the pilots casinos. Space would be the ultimate
react in emergency situations. But to- conquest, and the promotion started
day, Mackay (pronounced Mac-Eye) is immediately. Virgin Galactic declared
going for a mere stroll, an easy ride to that it would become the “world’s first
space – virtually. commercial spaceline.”
“Here we go,” he says, as if off for
a Sunday drive of his native Scottish “One day children around the world
highlands. will wonder why we ever thought that
Unlike more traditional rockets that space travel was a dream we read
launch vertically, SpaceShipTwo is about in books,” Branson said.
tethered to the belly of a mother ship,
known as WhiteKnightTwo, which car- That was in 2004.
ries it to an altitude of 40,000 feet or so. Today, though, they are close. Again.
Once aloft, the spaceplane is released Initially, the company hopes to fly
and falls for a few seconds before the 50 miles high or more. While that is
pilots light the motor. short of the 100-kilometer, or 62-mile,
In the cockpit of the simulator, “Karman line” that is often considered
Mackay fires the engine. the edge of space, military and NASA
“Now we’ve got the three-G ac- pilots were awarded astronaut wings
celeration,” he says. “So you’ve got for reaching 50 miles or higher in the
to imagine what that feels like.” X-15 rocket plane. And many, includ-
The sudden sensation of your body ing Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysi-
cist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Cen-
ter for Astrophysics who keeps a list of


38 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 INSIGHT COVER STORY Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 37 was outside the spacecraft in a free fall,
hurtling toward the ground, uncon-
all spaceflights, say that space begins at Still, the spacecraft had to go through scious. Siebold landed in a creosote
50 miles. a few more test flights before it was bush, his arm broken in four places, a
ready. And on Halloween, Alsbury, then piece of fiberglass in his left eye, but
“My plan is to count those people as 39, and his co-pilot Peter Siebold, then otherwise okay.
astronauts and to include them on my 43, climbed aboard for another flight
list,” he said. designed to put SpaceShipTwo through Alsbury was not so lucky. The cause
the paces. of death, according to the coroner:
Virgin believes 50 miles qualifies as “blunt force trauma to the head, neck,
well. At first, all seemed fine. SpaceShipT- chest, abdomen, pelvic area and all ex-
wo was released from the mother ship. tremities and internal organs.”
“We’re going to go show that the Alsbury ignited the engine, and they
thing we built can do what we’ve al- were off. Virgin’s test pilots didn’t need Als-
ways said it could do: It can take peo- bury’s death to remind them that they
ple to space regularly and routinely,” Then Siebold heard grunting noises, had chosen a dangerous profession.
Virgin’s president, Mike Moses, said a jolt and bang and then the sound of
in an interview. “For the longest time the spacecraft ripping apart, like “pa- “Mike is not the first person I’ve
it’s always been a year away, or a per fluttering in the wind.” known that has lost his life in pursuit
month away. Now it’s back to it’s right of a goal,” said Todd Ericson, Virgin’s
around the corner.” He blacked out. When he came to, he vice president for safety and test. “We
all recognize that we are taking a risk
The hype worked. Customers signed in this business. . . . And I think all of
up in droves – 200, then 300. Celebri- us would say that the ultimate goal of
ties, space enthusiasts, adventurers making space accessible for human-
who paid $200,000 before the cost of kind and what that impact will have
the ticket rose to $250,000. Eventually, on humanity is certainly worth some
Virgin had more people on its waiting personal risk and sacrifice.”
list than the 560 people who had ever
been to space. Today, they come from But the death had humbled them, and
58 countries and are overwhelming- they came back slowly, vowing to move
ly, 84 percent, male. The youngest to deliberately through the test program.
sign up was 11 years old (but 18 is the
youngest to fly). The oldest is in his 90s. “The test program is all about me-
thodically and safely advancing to
Branson kept crowing that the com- make sure the vehicle performs as it
pany was close. And by late 2014, he does,” Ericson said.
could barely contain his excitement,
telling a British talk show that getting Three months ago, on July 26, they
to space was “right around the corner,” fired the rocket engine for the third
hopefully by Christmas.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 39


time. Mackay was in the cockpit with On this day in the desert, they’d pulled back on the controls, pointing gin’s goal of at least 50 miles high.
test pilot Mike Masucci, a former Air let the engine burn a little longer, 42 the vehicle nearly straight up, leav- But close enough for the daytime
Force lieutenant colonel. In its two seconds, pushing them higher and ing an L-shaped tail of dark smoke
previous flights, SpaceShipTwo had faster. behind. This time, they hit Mach 2.47 sky to go black.
broken the sound barrier while climb- and an apogee of 170,800 feet, or more Close enough for Mackay, ever the
ing to 84,271 feet and then more than The spacecraft leaped, responding than 32 miles.
110,000 feet. like a horse to a jockey’s whip. Calm as cool test pilot, to take a moment and
he had been in the simulator, Mackay Technically not into space, or Vir- peek out the window at the expanse.

“Amazing view,” he said. 

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42 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



The Ford Fusion is an excellent car. And that is certainly true. Of the top This is so even though cars like the Ford bodies proper integration of form and
First manufactured in 2005, it’s a stylish 20 best-selling vehicles in the U.S. so Fusion are as good as any Japanese se- function, a car that works,” he wrote.
midsize sedan in the same basic price far in 2018, 14 are either trucks or SUVs. dan. But why?
range as the Honda Civic or the Toyota According to the Wall Street Journal, Meanwhile, the American automak-
Camry. The Insurance Institute for High- sedans made up 50 percent of the U.S. The seeds of this problem were sown ers raced to come out with their own
way Safety named it one of its top safety market as recently as five years ago; to- in the early 1970s, when OPEC imposed small, fuel-efficient sedans. But their
picks for 2017. It gets decent gas mileage. day that number is down to a third. its oil embargo, causing Americans to products were often shoddy, poorly de-, which rates autos, gave care for the first time about gas mileage. signed and technologically deficient.
it high marks, praising the “comfortable But it’s not like nobody’s buying se- The U.S. car companies were caught It was during this time that it became
interior, user-friendly tech and great dans. The Toyota Camry and Corolla flatfooted, but Honda and Toyota were commonplace to scorn U.S. cars as in-
driving dynamics” of the 2018 model. sold a combined 700,000 cars in 2017. perfectly positioned. The Honda Civic, ferior to Japanese autos. And they were.
Ditto the Honda Civic and Accord. And for instance, got 39 miles a gallon.
In 2016, Ford sold 300,000 Fusions. the Nissan Altima and Sentra came in Today, American sedans are vastly
But last year, that number fell by almost at around 475,000 last year. Once Americans began driving improved. The Edmunds review of the
100,000 cars. If current trends continue, Hondas and Toyotas, they discovered 2018 Cruze described it as having “an
Ford will sell no more than 180,000 Fu- If you look at the historical sales fig- that these cars had a lot more going appealing mix of technology and safe-
sions when 2018 ends. ures of the top Japanese sedans, you’ll for them than just gas mileage — they ty features” as well as “a ride quality
see a small decline in recent years, but broke down infrequently, could last for that is both sporty and comfortable.”
The recent news that both General nothing like the big drop-off in sales hundreds of thousands of miles, and Its review of the Chevy Impala took
Motors Co. and Ford Motor Co. will that have hammered the American were even fun to drive. note of its “smooth ride quality,” “spa-
soon be exiting the sedan market in the companies. cious interior” and “plenty of power.”
U.S., to focus on high margin trucks and In 1978, the legendary auto writer,
SUVs, raises the question: Just how bad- So in addition to the overall decline Brock Yates, who had long champi- It doesn’t matter. Most car reviewers
ly have things deteriorated for the U.S. in sedan sales, there is a second, large- oned the American muscle car, admit- still rate Japanese cars like the Accord
car makers. The answer is: very badly. ly overlooked, dynamic taking place: ted in Car and Driver magazine that he and the Camry a bit higher than Ameri-
Americans have only stopped buying owned a Honda Accord. “A wide body can sedans. The Big Three have never
The Ford Fusion, it turns out, is the American sedans, not Japanese sedans. of customers exists for a car that em- been able to convince the reviewers –
bright spot in the company’s array of or, more importantly, the car-buying
sedans. More typical was the Ford Fo- public – that their sedans were as good
cus, which saw sales drop from 235,000 as their Japanese competition.
in 2013 to an estimated 115,000 in 2018.
What’s more, most sedans are
At General Motors, the picture is just as bought in big cities where trucks make
ugly. The Chevrolet Cruze – that’s the car no sense. City dwellers by and large
made in the Ohio factory the company are far more likely to stick with the Jap-
is shutting down – saw sales drop from a anese sedans they’ve been buying for
peak of 273,000 in 2014 to a likely 145,000 years than switch to an American car.
in 2018. The Chevy Impala topped The tug of nationalism is nonexistent.
300,000 in sales in 2007. The number
was under 76,000 last year. And so on. The American car companies now
say they are going to count on profits
Much of the analysis about Ford from trucks and SUVs while moving to-
and GM’s exit from the sedan market ward autonomous and all-electric ve-
stressed that sedan sales have lost hicles. They had better hope that tran-
ground in recent years “as consumers sition takes place quickly. 
have gravitated toward pickup trucks
and sport-utility vehicles,” as the New This column by Joe Nocera of Bloom-
York Times put it. berg does not necessarily reflect the
views of Vero Beach 32963.

PROSTATE CANCER man may not experience any of the symptoms for asymptomatic men younger than 40
and still have prostate cancer. years or routine screening for men ages
PART III, SCREENING SCREENING FOR PROSTATE CANCER 40 to 54 years who are at an average risk
In addition to taking a medical history, noting for cancer of the prostate. Men younger
Although prostate cancer is the most com- the patient’s health habits, past illnesses and than 55 years who are at increased risk
mon cancer and second leading cause of can- treatments, the physician performs a physical for prostate cancer (family history or
cer death of men in the United States, most exam looking for general signs of health and African American race) should talk about
men diagnosed with prostate cancer do not disease. screening with their urologist. Men ages
die from it. Screenings for asymptomatic men include: 55 to 69 years seem to derive the great-
 Digital rectal exam (DRE) est benefit from screening. The AUA re-
ASIGsiNleSnOt FdiPsReaOsSeTAinTEitCsAeNaCrlEyRstages, prostate The healthcare provider inserts a commends they share decision-making
cancer signs and symptoms can include: lubricated, gloved finger into the regarding PSA screening with their phy-
 Weak or interrupted (“stop-and-go”) rectum and feels the rectum, anus sician and proceed at two-year intervals
flow of urine and prostate through the rectal wall depending on the patient’s values and
 Sudden urge to urinate looking for lumps or anything preferences. PSA screening is not recom-
 Frequent urination abnormal. mended for men older than 70 years or
(especially at night)  Prostate-specific for any man with less than 10 to 15 years
 Trouble starting the flow of urine antigen (PSA) blood test of life expectancy.
 Trouble emptying the bladder The PSA blood test measures the Men should be screened with both digital rec-
completely level of PSA (a protein made in the tal exam and the PSA blood test, not just one
 Pain or burning while urinating prostate) in the blood. An elevated or the other.
 Blood in the urine or semen PSA level may indicate prostate cancer.
 A pain in the back, hips, or pelvis This test is also used after diagnosis Future columns will cover diagnostic tests us-
that doesn’t go away (which might and treatment to see if a patient’s ing ultrasound and MRI, biopsy procedures
indicate it has spead to the bones) prostate cancer is spreading (meta- including the new MRI ultrasound fusion-
These and other signs and symptoms may be stasizing) outside the prostate. PSA guided biopsy, how doctors grade and stage
caused by prostate cancer or by other condi- levels adjust by age. prostate cancer, treatments and more. 
tions such as benign prostatic hypertrophy � PSA screening guidelines
(BPH), which is not cancer. Talk regularly with The American Urologic Association Your comments and suggestions for fu-
with your doctor about prostate cancer, as a does not recommend PSA screening ture topics are always welcome. Email us at
[email protected].


44 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


In September 1774, Benjamin political theories. Franklin
Franklin sat down to write what is perhaps the most probably didn’t guess when
famous letter of reference in American history. He he wrote the letter that
used the phrase “an ingenious, worthy young man” Paine would become an
to describe Thomas Paine, an out-of-work former tax essential voice in the fight
collector whom he had met in London and who was for American independence.
planning to sail for America. Paine made good use But he probably saw
of Franklin’s introduction. Just a year after arriving a bit of himself in the
in Philadelphia, Paine wrote “Common Sense,” smart, curious, working-
which passionately argued for independence class striver with strong
from England, and later he would become famous egalitarian political views
on both sides of the Atlantic for his writing and and a streak of resentment
over class, privilege and
AAskSTfoRrAyocuarta2l0o1g8! authority. Franklin also saw
ingenuity. It was a quality
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Come see why shopping with us is a favorite Vero Beach tradition! Ingenuity is the central
theme of Nick Bunker’s
book about the first half of
Franklin’s life. “Ingenuity”
was Franklin’s favorite word,
and in the 18th century
it meant a combination
of intellect, imagination, practical skills, wit
and sociability – all traits Franklin possessed in
abundance. In “Young Benjamin Franklin: The
Birth of Ingenuity,” Bunker offers ample evidence
to illustrate how Franklin developed ingenuity
and how it influenced the rest of his life. Franklin’s
origins, character and background, Bunker writes,
serve to explain the man he would become.
It is the ambitious, flawed young printer Bunker
is describing, not the world-famous scientist,
successful businessman, prominent civic leader,
diplomat, revolutionary and Founding Father who
has been immortalized in countless other books.
Most Americans are familiar with the rags-to-riches
life story Franklin created in his “Autobiography,”
published after his death. The truth is more
complicated, argues Bunker, who attempts to fill in
the gaps.
Bunker uses extensive original research from
lesser-known sources to examine Franklin’s
formative experiences, ancestors, immediate
family, the patrons who helped him achieve success


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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 45


and the business competitors he battled along the the birth of his illegitimate son William; his common- Paine, whom many found annoying or a bit strange
way. Franklin had many friends and was a master law marriage to Deborah; the birth and death of his but whom Franklin appreciated.
at cultivating mentors who could help him. But toddler son Franky from smallpox; and the birth of
he was not always the best judge of character in daughter Sally. Anyone interested in Franklin and early America
his youth, which led to numerous personal and should find this book fascinating. It offers important
financial difficulties. Franklin was brilliant, talented, This is Bunker’s third book. “An Empire on the Edge: insight into the internal struggles Franklin wrestled
complicated and intensely ambitious. But as a young How Britain Came to Fight America” was a Pulitzer with as a youth and the questions he strove to
man, Bunker asserts, he was also constantly afraid of Prize finalist in 2015. In “Young Benjamin Franklin,” answer. Ultimately, though, it is as much about the
failure. Bunker offers newly discovered information about emergence of the concept of ingenuity in the pre-
Franklin’s friends and family and vivid descriptions revolutionary age and among Franklin’s intellectual
The story begins with Franklin’s great-grandfather of the political and cultural atmosphere Franklin and scientific mentors and friends as it is about
Henry, who was a blacksmith in Ecton in the English knew in London and Philadelphia. At times the Franklin’s own path to ingenuity. 
Midlands, about 70 miles northwest of London. From research can be overwhelming, and Franklin’s story
there Bunker moves more or less chronologically gets a bit lost in the details about what can seem YOUNG BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
through Franklin’s first 40 years, stopping right on like every person he knew in his first 40 years. But
the cusp of his scientific discoveries and his later these little-known people do offer an interesting cast THE BIRTH OF INGENUITY
greatness as a national figure. of characters, and many are the kind of eccentrics BY NICK BUNKER | 445 PP. $30
Franklin hugely enjoyed. They were people like REVIEW BY LINDA KILLIAN, THE WASHINGTON POST
Franklin’s father, Josiah, was a Presbyterian Puritan
and Whig who left England for Boston
in 1683 seeking economic opportunity
and freedom from religious and
political persecution. Described as
“pious and prudent” by Benjamin,
Josiah was a candle- and soapmaker
who sang psalms, played the violin
and had a love of books that he passed
on to his youngest son. Although
Benjamin was forced by his father to
leave school at age 10, he became a
voracious reader and autodidact.

Franklin’s early struggles with
organized religion and faith, and his
flirtation with atheism, are explored,
along with his not-always-successful
quest to be good. We know so much
about Franklin’s internal struggles
because of the extensive letters and
writings he left behind, including
the “Autobiography.” Even though he
wanted to project a positive image,
his faults and mistakes are often on
display there, including his temper
and frequent lack of self-control.
These are qualities Franklin strove
mightily to regulate later in his life.
“We remember Franklin as the apostle
of hard work, temperance, and self-
control,” Bunker writes. “This is the
way he hoped to be remembered. But
when a human being writes so much
about prudence, virtue, and sobriety, it
may be because he or she would prefer
to be wild, intemperate, and rash. This
seems to have been true of Franklin as
a young man.”

Despite a heavy emphasis on
Franklin’s family, friends and
acquaintances, Bunker covers all
the important events of his early life,
including his apprenticeship at his
brother’s newspaper; authorship of
the Silence Dogood letters; running
away to Philadelphia: his first trip to
England and his time spent working in
print shops there; the founding of the
Junto, a networking and improvement
society for Philadelphia craftsmen
modeled on the English clubs he had
observed in London; launching the
Library Company of Philadelphia and
the American Philosophical Society;
writing “Poor Richard’s Almanack” and
taking over the Pennsylvania Gazette;

46 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


When life goes awry, it’s time to sing a new song

BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT answer the phone, the vacuum tube encing this unprecedent-
Columnists tilted up a bit, and she heard the un- ed assault? Ever felt like
mistakable sound of Chirpy being Chirpy? Sucked up, hosed
Years ago a newspaper in Galves- sucked into the vacuum cleaner. down, and blown dry?
ton, Texas, ran a story about a woman
and her parakeet, Chirpy. Chirpy was Immediately, the frightened When we hear the na-
the woman’s pride and joy, and he woman threw down the phone and tional news, many of us
responded to her loving attentions ripped open the vacuum collection could very well feel like the
by singing all day long. But one day, bag, where she found little Chirpy, unfortunate bird. After all,
the woman decided to do a thor- stunned but still alive. Since the bird we’ve been sucked up into a
ough cleaning of Chirpy’s cage. She was now covered with soot and dirt, mess not of our own making.
brought out her canister vacuum the woman grabbed him and ran We’ve been subjected to a
cleaner and set about vacuuming the into the bathroom, held him under hosing-down in an attempt
debris from the bottom of Chirpy’s the faucet, and washed all the soot to rectify the problem. And
cage. In the midst of this process, her and dirt from his feathers. When she then we have listened to
phone rang. As she reached over to finished this, she saw the hair dryer blast after blast of hot air
sitting by the sink. She turned it on, concerning how we got
held Chippie up in front of the blast here and how to fix it.
of hot air to dry him off, then placed Frankly, it leaves us all
him back in his cage. a little stunned, doesn’t
it, and like Chirpy,
When her friends and family heard caught in a kind of in-
about poor Chirpy’s mishap, they ertia of uncertainty?
asked about how he was doing. The
woman replied that Chirpy seemed to We may feel justified
have weathered it all, unscathed. But in simply sitting on our
sadly, he no longer sang. He simply perches and staring for a
sat on his perch all day and stared. time.

Can’t we understand Chirpy’s re- But ultimately withdraw-
sponse of stunned inertia at experi- al, resignation and inaction
are not consistent with the
messages of our faith. We must be saved by love.” Faith, hope
are called to be people who and love.
look for possibility and en-
gage with others in the world’s If you’ve been stunned into silence
renewal. by events in your life, and become
songless, then we urge you to review
This is possible, despite trying cir- your convictions. What does your
cumstances, when we call upon our faith teach you about the mandate to
deepest spiritual convictions. We like become engaged with others in solv-
the way theologian Reinhold Niebuhr ing problems? What does it say about
phrased his convictions: “Nothing that the possibility for renewal and the
is worth doing can be achieved in our hope for better things? Let’s leave our
lifetime; therefore, we must be saved perches and sing out that good news.
by hope. Nothing that is true or beau- No matter what life has dealt us, don’t
tiful or good makes complete sense we all still have a song to sing 
in any immediate context of history;
therefore, we must be saved by faith.
Nothing we do, however virtuous, can
be accomplished alone; therefore, we

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 47


10 9 8 6 Q53 72
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist KQ86 54 J9732
K Q 10 6 82 54
Eighteenth-century sibling authors Augustus and Julius Hare wrote, “A weak mind sinks 7 QJ8542 K 10 9 6
under prosperity, as well as under adversity. A strong and deep mind has two highest tides.”
A bridge play by declarer that often results in prosperity is leading a weak suit. The AKJ4
opponents assume declarer has values there and steer clear of it. This deal occurred during A 10
the 2016 Yeh Online World Bridge Cup. Matches were played simultaneously among four AJ973
teams in three venues: Beijing, Turin and Seattle. A3

How did Lin Rongqiang of the Chinese Contract Bridge Association play in three no-trump Dealer: East; Vulnerable: Both
after receiving a spade lead?
The Bidding:
South’s strong-club sequence promised a balanced 22-24; he rightly upgraded for the five-
card suit and excellent controls (four aces and a king). SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
West, nervous of leading a red-suit king, chose the spade 10. 1 Clubs Pass 1 Diamonds Pass LEAD:
2 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass 10 Spades
Declarer won with his jack and played two rounds of clubs. After West threw the heart six,
East won with the king and returned his second spade. South took the trick with the ace,
played a spade to the queen (East pitched a heart) and cashed the club queen. Declarer
discarded a diamond, and West shed the spade nine.

Now South threw a curve: He led a heart to his 10! West won with her queen and shifted
to the diamond king. When that held the trick, West, misled by South’s play, continued with
the diamond six. This gave declarer nine tricks via four spades, one heart, two diamonds
and two clubs. Then West discarded a diamond on the spade ace, so Lin took 10 tricks and
gained 10 international match points when South’s opening bid of one diamond was passed
out at the other table.

48 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



1 German songs (6) 1 Most recent (6)
4 Fed up (5) 2 Powerful ruler (7)
8 Subject (5) 3 Swap (8)
9 Precisely (7) 4 Vessel (4)
10 Taverns (anag.) (7) 5 Quotient (5)
11 Ripped (4) 6 Dehydrating (6)
12 Blue (3) 7 Warms up (5)
14 Show off (4) 13 Find (8)
15 Theory (4) 16 Went in (7)
18 Finish (3) 17 Adorned (6)
21 Classify (4) 19 Sup (5)
23 Repeats from memory (7) 20 Appearance (6)
25 Cowardly (7) 22 Racket (5)
26 Poetry (5) 24 Read superficially (4)
27 Vision (5)
The Telegraph 28 Praise (6)

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 49


ACROSS 96 Groucho’s Memoirs of a 57 Initiates a fax The Washington Post
1 Mimicking bird Mangy Lover, e.g. 60 Alley pick-ups?
4 Much more than major 62 Some runners VIOLENCE ON TV By Merl Reagle
8 Where some junk 97 Party container 63 Made a solemn promise
102 Scrumptious 66 MacArthur’s last stand This Holiday Season
accumulates 108 Out of the way 67 The H of H & R Block Give Yourself the
15 Where in the world is 109 Brouhaha 68 Japan’s second-largest city Gift of a Lift
111 Dr. No star’s first name 70 Drudges
Carmen Sandiego? 112 Memo opening 71 Excessive SPECIALTIES INCLUDE:
18 Second person 113 Common veggie 72 Alcohol advisory, • Minimal Incision Lift for the
19 Sepia, for one 118 Rich-dessert comment Face, Body, Neck & Brow
20 From cause to effect 120 “Twas ___ was born” (Shak.) party-style • Breast Augmentations & Reductions
21 Lady of the haus 121 Curie and Trudeau 74 CSA supporter • Post Cancer Reconstructions
22 Sandwich staples 122 Topaz author 78 Grand slam? • Chemical Peels • Botox
24 Chinese veggies 123 Shade tree 79 Dr. Seuss creature • Laser Surgery • Tummy Tucks
26 Deputy 124 Priest or prophet addition 80 Isl. instrument • Obagi Products • Liposculpture
27 Brooklyn team 125 Moderate in tempo 81 It means “wing” • Skin Cancer Treatments
29 Big-ticket item 126 Rind lining 82 Attorney-___
30 Play section 127 Kidnapped auth. 83 Dawns
31 One way to make desserts 84 Sammy Cahn specialty
34 Common veggie DOWN 87 Rhyme scheme
38 Took the bait? 1 Unexciting drink 88 Ankle bones
39 Lorry driver’s drink 2 To have, in Le Havre 89 Host of “Monsterpiece
40 Sty cry 3 Hidden hiker
41 Decorator color 4 Common Latin abbr. Theatre,” Alistair ___
43 Texas stewpot 5 Attack, puma-style 94 The other Van Gogh
45 Severe 6 National opening? 95 Hiding place, sometimes
47 Decorator color 7 Jai alai basket 96 Highwayman
51 Dine 8 English fairy queen 97 Check recipient
53 One way to buy fruit 9 Cochise was one 98 They get hands-on
55 Never Wave at a ___ 10 My Friend of film
11 The seventh sign experience
(1952 Roz Russell film) 12 Shocking shout 99 McKinley’s Ohio birthplace
56 With me 13 Minero’s find 100 Temperatvre in a Ray
57 Emphasis word after yes or 14 They follow the nu’s
15 Plasm preceder Bradbvry title
no 16 Shirt-dyeing method 101 Preminger classic
58 Having zero dinero 17 “Wake Up” girl of song 103 Frame job
59 Second-hand caveat 21 Actress Nina 104 Certain New Zealander
61 Farm animal? 23 Great Impostor Ferdinand 105 I imply, you ___
62 Food list 25 Two-bit practitioner 106 Rock ___ music
63 Occupied a swing 28 ___ 17 107 Infection culprits
64 Cry like a dog 32 German dive bomber 110 “Fooey!”
65 Source of the violence in this 33 Dressed 114 New Deal agcy.
35 Delivery circuit 115 Sloth, for one
puzzle 36 Church support 116 Letters after a proof
69 Swift’s The Tale of ___ 37 Arrow poison 117 Abbreviated abode
73 Biblical chest 41 Wipe out 119 Bull or bear ending
75 Ye ___ Pie Shoppe 42 Well-traveled Rhodes
76 It means “within” 43 U. of Maine town
77 PlayStation maker 44 Slow in tempo
78 Sky-blue 45 Go on ___
81 Trims, as pears
83 Angry dog’s greeting (run amuck)
85 Berlin’s “What’ll ___” 46 Founder of Persian Empire
86 Fixings for a dessert 47 Major blood carriers
88 Popular sandwich 48 Quid pro ___
90 Spouses, once removed 49 Your ol’ dad’s bro
91 Bartok and Fleck 50 Stock ending?
92 Author Seton 51 Times Sq. thoroughfare
93 Byrne of Bridesmaids 52 Choice in chess
94 Fictional estate 54 Pin-bashing org.
95 Actor Gulager

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Ralph M. Rosato

50 Vero Beach 32963 / December 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


She’s having trouble overlooking her in-laws’ flaws

BY CAROLYN HAX them to change, and saying, “Hey, pay attention to other circumstances, and maybe they’re just not
Washington Post clicking with you the way you or they would like,
me!” feels … immature. How do I change my thinking and their way of keeping things friendly is to keep
Dear Carolyn: up a level of patter … about … whatever feels safe
I’m not wild about my in-laws. so I’m more on board the grandparent train? and handy, i.e., little stuff in their lives. Which
They’re not awful people, but their comes off as self-absorbed when really they’re
conversations tend to be heavy on –Bugged just trying to support their son and his marriage
themselves and light on others – I and not do anything to mess that up. Possible?
don’t feel like they have made much Bugged: What you describe here is basic human
of an effort to get to know me. I think they care, but Now think of these possibilities and ask yourself,
they don’t communicate it effectively. frailty. So your outlaws are a little self-absorbed. is any of this a violation of character or behavior
We have 5-month-old twins, our first kids. My in- serious enough to warrant the punishment of
laws have visited a couple of times since they were OK. Or, maybe they’re not really self-absorbed in losing their grandkids? And to warrant punishing
born, and I struggle watching them interact with the your kids by taking away such attentive family?
kids. They ooh and ahh and take pictures and hold the And to punish your husband by denying him
babies and do all the things adoring grandparents do the “love and adoration” moment you find so
– and it bugs me. gratifying from your parents?
I don’t want to share the kids with them. I feel like
they haven’t taken the time to get to know me, but they I do not minimize how hard it is to be in your
want to play with the babies. It’s just my in-laws, too. spot: hormonal and healing and forced to have
My parents bring us dinner every weekend, and it’s the people around who don’t feel like allies. But if
high point of my week to see my dad holding my son these grandparents are good for your babies and
or daughter. The look of love and adoration on his face husband – and not undermining your marriage
makes me so happy. – then you owe it to everyone to look for ways
But watching my father-in-law dance with my to appreciate their presence. A little relief, a few
daughter while my mother-in-law took pictures – I extra helping hands, more people in the world
kept thinking, “She’s not a show!” I don’t want my who love your kid. Right? Deep breaths.
issues to get in the way of the kids’ relationship with
their grandparents, and I know my feelings about If they were writing to me, by the way, I’d advise
his parents make life hard for my husband. He them to be mindful not to treat you as just the
understands where I’m coming from. I don’t expect grandchild vessel. But they aren’t, so: Keep your
attention on your marriage. Be mindful of your
husband’s attachment to his parents. Save your
protests for actual harm. 

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