My Vero: Cartographer recalls
meeting President. P4
Shores awaits PSC
electric decision. P8
Chamber claims Vero got
$10 million in free publicity. P9
For breaking news visit
Problem-plagued INEOS
closing down; plant for sale
School Board BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA son Brown confirmed that the
fights to block Staff Writer plant, recipient of the second
2 new charters largest taxpayer investment in
The $130 million INEOS Indian River County history,
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN biofuel plant on Oslo Road is indeed shutting down. The
Staff Writer – which opened with great closure looks to put between
fanfare and huge govern- 50 and 60 well-paid employ-
The Indian River County ment subsidies in 2013 – will ees out of work.
School Board has filed a major close its doors in six months,
brief in District Court as part according to informed sourc- After a heads-up on the
of a long-running effort to es. In the meantime, INEOS’ planned closure from a former
keep Somerset Academy from parent company is seeking a INEOS worker, Vero Beach
opening two charter schools buyer for the property. 32963 contacted the local
here that might siphon stu- plant, and was referred to the
dents and funding from the County Administrator Ja- company's Houston operation,
school district. where Manager of External Af-
Two years after Duve murder, trial still not set fairs Charles Saunders relayed
The school board denied a terse official statement: Plant
Somerset’s initial elementary BY LISA ZAHNER der charges for the strangu- Judge Cynthia Cox inher- owner INEOS Group Limited is
and middle school applications Staff Writer lation death of his girlfriend, ited the case in January when “seeking potential buyers” for
last summer, but Somerset ap- 26-year-old Moorings resident she took over the criminal its local facility.
pealed the local board’s deci- It has been two full years and Sebastian River Medical caseload from Judge Robert
sion to the state Board of Edu- since former beachside bank- Center nurse Diana Duve. But Pegg as part of a routine reas- INEOS Group Limited is a
cation and won in February. er Michael David Jones was attorneys still aren’t ready to signment of duties through- global manufacturer of petro-
indicted on first-degree mur- try the case. chemicals based in the United
CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 Kingdom. It sold government
Stylish nightspot CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
Swine & Co. opens
in Vero downtown Retailers try various
September strategies
Staff Writer BY ALAN SNEL
Staff Writer
One of the more styl- Bartenders Jacob Turner, Charlie Cox and Alex Lombardo. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
ish nightspots to open in It’s the toughest time of the
downtown Vero in years year for island retail shop own-
debuted over the weekend er Lisa Davidson.
CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 The kids are back in school,
so family vacations are over.
The snowbirds won’t be
here until mid-October at the
earliest, and winter tourists
September 1, 2016 Volume 9, Issue 35 Newsstand Price $1.00 Hospital is pumped
about its advanced
News 1-10 Faith 47 Pets 48 TO ADVERTISE CALL heart care lab. P28
Arts 21-26 Games 49-51 Real Estate 63-72 772-559-4187
Books 44-45 Health 27-32 Style 53-55
Dining 56 Insight 33-52 Travel 46 FOR CIRCULATION
Editorial 42 People 11-20 Wine 57 CALL 772-226-7925
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
INEOS closing able quantities of ethanol, a fact state considered proprietary information stream that was negatively impacting
government officials and company ex- (aka trade secrets) and, thus, no lon- operations.”
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ecutives attempted to conceal behind ger available to the public – despite
a cloak of secrecy that got thicker as the tens of millions in taxpayer dollars However, in January 2015, Vero Beach
officials on its Indian River County time went on. invested in the operation. 32963 discovered that operations had
plant, INEOS Bio, with promises to pro- again been halted, mainly because bio-
duce up to 8 million gallons of ethanol From the beginning, the plant was With local company employees for- organisms essential to the fermentation
per year from fermenting yard waste, se- caught in a roller coaster cycle of re- bidden to talk to the press on pain of process were being destroyed by high
curing $50 million from the U.S. Depart- peated start-ups and shut-downs as firing, obtaining information about levels of hydrogen cyanide created dur-
ment of Energy, millions more from Rick employees tried to get the cellulosic what was happening at the plant be- ing ethanol production, and rumors
Scott’s economic development team, as ethanol production technology online. came increasingly difficult. began to swirl of employee health and
well as almost $1.2 million in county job safety issues at the plant – claims man-
incentives and tax credits. Shortly after a Florida Department In September 2014, INEOS Bio re- agement has always denied.
of Environmental Regulation report ported its Vero Beach facility had
In the three years since the grand revealed that INEOS had produced no “recently completed a major turn- In the wake of revelations by Vero
opening, the plant has been plagued biofuel in 2013, the department's gen- around” that included technology up- Beach 32963 that the plant had gener-
by a series of miscues and malfunc- eral council decided specifics on how grades intended to bring the facility ated little if any of the product it was
tions and has never produced market- much fuel – or whether any fuel – had back on-line. A scrubber was installed built to produce, informed sources
been produced at the plant would be to remove impurities from a “process said plant operators were given a
deadline by the company’s owner: Get
the ethanol flowing soon or you will all
be looking for work.
According to sources, a new manag-
er was brought in to help solve boiler
and turbine problems, and in July 2015
INEOS management apparently de-
cided Indian River County yard waste
it was using as fermentation feedstock
was to blame for the plant's failure and
considered importing feedstock from
out-of-county or even out-of-country.
Now, three years after announc-
ing its grand plans to produce a river
of eco-friendly biofuel, INEOS has
thrown in the towel. What some ex-
perts in the industry have found to be
true seems to apply here: So far, cel-
lulosic ethanol technology seems to
work in the pilot project phase, but
falters when it is scaled up to a com-
mercial-size operation.
The failure of INEOS “is not another
Digital Domain,” said County Admin-
istrator Brown, referring to what might
be the largest jobs incentive failure
in state history: Digital Domain Me-
dia Group declared bankruptcy and
closed its Port St. Lucie animation stu-
dio in 2012, putting hundreds of peo-
ple out of work and creating a bond
payback burden for St. Lucie County,
as well as tens of millions of dollars in
losses from defaulted state and private
loans and incentives.
Since starting operations in Indian
River County, Brown says, INEOS has
received $1,167,000 in County tax
credits and job incentive payments,
but has paid $1.4 million in local prop-
erty taxes.
The County funding INEOS re-
ceived, Brown explains, has been no
more than what is available to any new
business that qualifies for the Coun-
ty's incentive programs.
He says INEOS intends to keep its
facility open for the time being so po-
tential buyers can see it as an active
facility. Yard waste mulching will also
continue for now.
Of the INEOS experience, Brown
simply says, with only a touch of wea-
riness in his voice, “We wish them the
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 3
Duve murder trial Assistant State Attorney Brian Work- expect any hiccups like that when and a videotape showing Jones at a
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 man, who is prosecuting the murder Jones is tried for murder in Vero. Wendy’s restaurant on Babcock Street
case, was in the Fort Lauderdale court- across from where Duve’s body was
out the 19th Judicial Circuit. Prose- room when Jones was acquitted on an “It’s all about care and effort from found in the trunk of her vehicle.
cutors and defense attorneys agreed unrelated domestic battery charge the time you get the call. Care and ef-
as last week’s docket call approached filed by a former girlfriend. In that fort and usually things work out,” he The tape shows Jones getting into
that they needed more time to pre- case, inexperienced police officers said. a taxi, which took him to Vero Beach
pare for trial. were called into question for shoddy and let him out near his Carolina Trace
record-keeping and a lack of memory Most of the key witnesses for the townhome where police say the mur-
Jones has been in jail since he was of the incident. Currey said he doesn’t state are expected to be Currey’s offi- der had occurred. The cab driver was
taken into custody on June 26, 2014, cers, backed up by technical evidence
after police searched for several days in the form of cellphone locator data CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
for Duve, who had been reported
missing by her mother Lena Andrews, Exclusively John’s Island
and for Jones. Jones was found in a
hotel room near I-95 in Fort Pierce, A magnificent oceanfront location coupled with stunning, panoramic ocean
with the help of cellphone search views is evident throughout this six-bedroom retreat with 120’ of ocean
technology. Duve’s body was found in frontage. Sited on 1.33± acres, this 8,640± GSF home features a lushly
the trunk of her car in a Publix parking landscaped poolside terrace, architectural detailing, double-height living room
lot on Babcock Street in Melbourne. with fireplace, lower level living areas, game room, detached 2BR/2BA cabana
with kitchenette and private boardwalk. 636 Ocean Road : $7,250,000
Jones’ Fort Pierce location at the
time of his arrest violated the terms three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
of his probation in a Broward County health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
aggravated stalking case involving
one of his ex-girlfriends. To face that 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
and another Broward County charge,
Jones was transferred to Fort Lauder-
dale, where he stayed for a year and a
half awaiting trial.
After his Broward cases concluded
this June, with Jones having his proba-
tion revoked in the aggravated stalk-
ing case and being found innocent
in a domestic battery case, he was re-
turned to Indian River County.
Since Jones returned to the Indian
River County Jail, his legal team in
the Public Defender’s office here has
scheduled depositions of numerous
law enforcement officers involved in
the investigation, including lead Det.
Bradley Kmetz, who has yet to be in-
terviewed by attorneys.
Police Chief David Currey said he’s
confident in the police work of his
team of detectives and officers who
handled the search for Duve and the
eventual murder investigation that
led to Jones’ indictment two years
ago. Currey has not yet been sched-
uled for a deposition and he said he
does not know whether he will be
called to testify.
“Our job is to do everything right
from the beginning and to see every-
thing through, to dot the I’s and cross
the T’s, knowing that it’s not going to
be anytime soon,” Currey said, not-
ing that the island’s last big murder
trial, the Brian Simpson case, took a
full three years from senseless killing
to sentencing.
“I think the families would like to
see it come to a close before it does,
and so would we, but once our case is
prepared, unfortunately it’s a waiting
game,” Currey said. “We make sure
regardless of when it is going to go
to trial that we’re prepared . . . That’s
the key when your case does come
to trial, it’s about thoroughness and
4 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Duve murder trial MY
Vero cartographer recalls meetingCONTINUEDFROMPAGE3
found and interviewed and is expect-
George W. Bush at the White Houseedtotestifyattrial.
Notices have also been issued for
the taking of depositions from sev-
en employees of the Ocean Drive BY RAY MCNULTY he described as a “small, cozy, warm Geographic, helping create its first “At-
branch of PNC Wealth Management Staff Writer room just off the Oval Office.” There, las of the World” in 1963, eventually
where Jones worked. Jones had a law Scouten introduced him to America's becoming a map editor and assistant
degree but had never been licensed Even for a man who once wiped the 41st president. director of cartography before retiring
as an attorney. Soviet Union off the face of the globe, “Rex opened the door and there in 1994.
He was using the financial plan- meeting the President of the United was President Bush, leaning back in It was in February 1992 that Rog-
ning training he received at the Uni- States remains the bigger thrill. his chair with his jacket and shoes off, ers, armed with 400-grit sandpaper,
versity of Miami to work as a wealth “It was a very special day,” Vero his feet propped up on a table and his wiped the Soviet Union off the face of
management advisor. Beach Yacht Club member and retiree hands clasped behind his head,” Rog- the globe – the 11-foot-in-diameter,
Jones is on record in jailhouse visi- Richard Rogers said, “one I'll never ers said. “He was listening to Crystal 1,550-pound globe on display in Ex-
tation videos telling his co-workers forget.” Gayle’s ‘Don't It Make My Brown Eyes plorer’s Hall at National Geographic’s
he can’t wait for the chance to tell his A career cartographer with the Na- Blue’ on the stereo, and he had a pleas- headquarters in Washington, D.C.
side of the story, but he didn’t indicate tional Geographic Society, Rogers’ du- ant smile on his face. “Having been born in the genera-
what that might entail. In the Broward ties included occasional visits to the “I remember him saying that she tion of the Cold War, this is kind of
domestic battery case in which Jones White House to make sure maps and was his favorite country music singer.” fun,” Rogers told the Associated Press
was acquitted this spring, he took the charts used by the president were up Bush also told Rogers that the Map as he sanded away the Soviet Union,
stand in his own defense and present- to date and accurate. Room – so named by President Frank- which had fractured into the Com-
ed a version of events that succeeded So when President George H.W. lin Roosevelt, who used it as his Situa- monwealth of Independent States,
in planting the seed of reasonable Bush summoned him in the early days tion Room during World War II – was the collection of new nations that re-
doubt with the jury. It is yet to be seen of his administration – actually, the his favorite White House chamber, be- placed the communist monolith.
whether Jones will testify in the mur- call came from Rex Scouten, then the cause it provided a quiet place where He later added: “I guess this is the
der case here. White House's chief usher – Rogers he could relax and be alone with his first time in history, at least in our
If convicted of first-degree murder, made the three-block walk from Na- thoughts. lives, that we've seen 17 new nations
Jones could face the death penalty tional Geographic's headquarters. “He said he loved to peruse maps, born all at once. It's kind of a momen-
should 10 of his 12 jurors deem that Arriving at the White House, Rogers too,” Rogers said, and their shared in- tous occasion.”
punishment appropriate. was escorted to the Map Room, which terest sparked a conversation. It was so momentous, in fact, that
“We talked for a while that day,” he the AP story and accompanying pho-
added. “He was a very nice, home- tograph appeared in hundreds of
spun guy and I think he enjoyed talk- newspapers around the world, Rogers
ing to regular people. I really liked said.
him. He seemed to be very interested Thirty years earlier, Rogers had an-
in maps and cartography.” other memorable experience in Ex-
And for more than half a century, plorer’s Hall, putting on an impromp-
maps and cartography have been Rog- tu show for tourists and visitors while
ers’ passion – though, as a young man astronaut John Glenn was becoming
fresh out of the Navy Seabees in 1958, the first American to orbit the Earth.
his plan was to move from the Wash- Using the original version of the 11-
ington, D.C., suburbs to San Diego and foot globe, Rogers projected a bright
join the marine patrol. image of Friendship 7 and, relying on
“I wanted to be a water cop,” Rogers television reports, presented a real-
said. time portrayal of Glenn's three orbits
Before he could go west, however, in his famed capsule.
his brother responded to an employ- “Luckily, my timing was just right for
ment ad in the Washington Post for an his re-entry,” Rogers said. “And the in-
unnamed company seeking someone stant it was reported on TV that he had
with an arts and maps background – splashed down, I threw a small model
using Rogers’ name, education history of his capsule into the reflecting pond
and Seabee experience as a surveyor under the globe.”
and draftsman. There was a splash, and then cheers
“He applied for me,” Rogers said, as the crowd saw the capsule floating
“without me knowing about it.” in the pond.
Not too long afterward, Rogers in- “There was nothing scientific about
terviewed for the job, which turned it, but the people enjoyed it,” Rog-
out to be with National Geographic. ers said. “It was fun for me, too. John
“My first job was putting names on Glenn has always been a hero to me.”
maps. From there, I just kept learning More than four decades later, while
and doing more and moving up,” said Rogers and his wife were managing a
Rogers, who, along with his wife An- bed and breakfast in Maryland, friends
nie, relocated to Vero from Solomons, who worked at General Electric ar-
Md., in 2009. The couple lived in the ranged for them to meet Glenn, who
Central Beach area on the island until was in the area to present an award at
January 2015, when they moved into a the nearby Naval Air Station-Patuxent
new home in Riverwind. River.
Rogers spent 36 years with National Glenn and his wife, also named
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 5
Annie, used the bed and breakfast to produced far more memories than date maps of a changing world are still when someone needs directions and
freshen up before the award banquet. he expected when he first walked necessary to government officials and doesn't have access to a GPS.
through the doors at National Geo- private citizens, even if they’re digital
“I met my hero,” Rogers said, “and graphic. images transmitted via satellite. “When he does, you should see
even got a picture with him.” them,” his wife said. “They're a lot
Nowadays, GPS has replaced print- Rogers still enjoys perusing maps, more extensive than you'd get from
That was in 2005, long after he re- ed maps for many people, but up-to- but the only time he draws one now is the average person.”
tired as a cartographer – a career that
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
September strategies Lisa and Ron Davidson of Exclusively Coastal. PHOTO BY LEAH DUBOIS to Davidson’s sale wait until Septem-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ber to visit. Davidson said it’s this slow
mostly shell items, but the Davidsons In September, Davidson breaks out time of year when she will see more
will stay north until they get their first have expanded the merchandise se- her biggest business strategy to stay rel- locals because they like the smaller
harsh dose of cold weather in Novem- lection, though they still keep a small evant during a slow time of the year – a crowds and the increased availability
ber. souvenir shell area for the kids. storewide 20 percent sale. She has to get of parking on Ocean Drive.
special permission from Marahlago to
From mid-August, through the The store now sells ocean-theme put that particular brand of jewelry on She also uses the down time to take
months of September and October, artwork, jewelry, handbags, decorative sale because the jewelry maker doesn’t care of other business chores such as
cash-flow slows and it is a struggle coral and souvenirs at a broad spec- like dealers discounting the line. getting rid of any merchandise that’s
for Davidson and her husband, Ron, trum of price points, with Davidson’s not selling, re-arranging displays and
to move merchandise at Exclusively Marahlago gemstone collection a ma- Davidson joked that sales are so touching up the paintwork on the
Coastal, their gift store on Ocean Drive. jor seller. The Marahlago price range is poor in September she has thought of 1,000-square-foot store.
$150 to $1,000, while a souvenir shell calling it the “I Hate September Sale.”
Sales in September typically drop 30 can go for two bucks. “It is what it is. It’s a good time to
percent from those in July. Decorators and other locals savvy clean house,” she said.
“I stay busy until mid-August but once The Davidsons also use the slow
the kids go back to school, September is time to prepare Christmas items that
traditionally my worst month,” said Da- will be rolled out in mid-October.
vidson, who has owned the 3119 Ocean
Drive shop for the past 13 years. “Some- “It’s a good time to get ready for the
times I wonder why the store stays open holiday season,” Davidson said.
in September.”
Taking a broader view of how to bol-
The annual off-season economic ster sales during this sluggish period,
doldrums are hardly new to season- Davidson said she would like more
based businesses on Vero’s beachside stores along Ocean Drive to stay open
and across Florida. But 32963 took in the evenings and Sundays. “People
a closer look at how one particular are staying in the hotels and they’re
island shop copes with the steep de- looking for something to do,” she said.
crease in customer traffic and sales.
Davidson said evening hours can
Davidson purchased the former boost sales by 10 percent.
Shells & Things store in 2003 and re-
branded it as Exclusively Coastal. Tom Kindred, regional director
Shells & Things – no surprise – sold of the Small Business Development
Center at Indian River State College,
knows all about the challenges facing
local businesses that deal with the
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 7
ebb and flow of seasonal tourists and tion for the low cash-flow months – a Charter schools the Department of Education for the
traffic. strategy Davidson employed when she past four years – and believes they
held a Christmas in July sale to clear CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 would be a great addition to our area.
Kindred, who came up with the idea shelves ahead of the doldrums. He also said the $35,000 the school
of a Friday Fest street event in Fort Two school board members – board voted to spend on litigation could
Pierce, said season-based business “Build up cash so you can get Charles Searcy and Shawn Frost – be better used on student education.
owners need to build diversification through those low cash-flow months,” thought the state board’s decision
into business models from the get-go. Kindred said. should settle the matter, but the other Searcy first voted against allowing
three members – Mathew McCain, Somerset to open schools here, saying
“Sell things that your full-time resi- Finally, Kindred suggested season- Dale Simchick and Claudia Jimenez – he found its applications unimpressive.
dents will buy and get the word out to based stores team up and hold events voted to appeal the decision. But when the State Board of Education
them,” Kindred said. “Find your niche to drive traffic during the lean times overruled the local board, he bowed to
and find what the locals want and of the year. The case is now before the Fourth the decision: “[Somerset] went through
market to your locals.” District Court of Appeals, located in all the hoops and they’re going to get in.
Davidson said she tried that tactic, West Palm Beach, where the district’s Why throw good money after bad?” he
Kindred said seasonal owners too, asking fellow stores to collabo- brief was filed recently. said, arguing against further litigation.
should expand their online presence rate in creating a joint promotion or
as well, so that they’re selling not only event, but could not get any other Somerset applied under a special The reason given by the Indian Riv-
to customers in their brick-and-mor- shops to buy into her idea. category that skips part of the normal er County School Board for trying to
tar locations, but to customers around arduous review process planned char- block the Somerset schools is ironic:
the globe. Maria Sparsis, who owns the Tea and ter schools have to undergo, propos- The board claims Somerset didn’t lay
Chi tea room downtown, is trying to ing the “replication” of already existing out a desegregation plan in sufficient
“Now you have the world as your rally locals behind independent busi- high-performing schools. detail to satisfy a federal desegrega-
marketplace,” he said. nesses this time of year with an online tion order that the district itself has
effort that has quickly gained fans. The education company, which op- failed to meet in the 49 years since it
Kindred also said it’s a good idea to erates 50 schools in Florida, wants to was first imposed.
collect emails from the seasonal cus- Well aware that sales crater for local model new schools here on existing
tomers and stay in contact with them stores in September, Sparsis created the charter elementary and middle schools The order, written in 1967 and
when they’re living in other part of the “SeptemberInVero” page on Facebook. in South Miami that have language- amended in 1994, requires the district
country. immersion programs, which create bi- to maintain African-American student
“It was designed to encourage those lingual students with heightened multi- and teacher populations in schools at
“Stay in contact with your seasonal of us who live here year-round to shop cultural awareness. Developing social about 17 percent, which is the current
contacts through summer months and at an independent business instead consciousness in a high-tech environ- percentage of black students enrolled in
keep them engaged,” he said. “Maybe of spending money at a big box or a ment are other parts of the charter. the school district. After nearly five de-
offer them free shipping on items pur- chain store,” Sparsis said. cades the school district has not come
chased in the summer months.” Frost said he toured the Miami close to meeting that standard.
She started the Facebook page last schools – which earned A grades from
Kindred also suggested a strategy that Sept. 1 and it had 3,467 members by
Davidson has already used. He suggest- mid-August. “It’s been an overwhelm-
ed winding down inventory in prepara- ing positive experience,” Sparsis said.
8 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Swine & Co. The logo, a simple outline of a pig tures live music and creative cock- cious, priced accordingly ($6, $9, $12).
with lettering beneath, was designed tails, including some they bottle on By the bottle, wines start at a $22 and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 by Angela Novak. premises. go up to $65.
with a menu as meat-forward as its The name, which appears in foot- Swine & Co. won’t have live music Tending bar at Swine is Jacob Turn-
name: Swine & Co. Kitchen and Bar. high letters across the bar room, is a but the sound track will skew toward er, son of well-known retired firefight-
tongue-in-jowl reference to the No- blues and indie rock – “geared for any er Toby Turner. Jacob is a three-year
What was once the Tuscan-themed vaks’ other establishment, Filthy’s age group,” the owners say. veteran of Filthy’s.
exterior of Avanzare, at the southern Fine Cocktails and Beer. That bar,
end of the 14th Avenue arts district, popular with a younger crowd, fea- Wines by the glass come in three “He just has a clear vision on cock-
is now an industrial-chic slate gray. categories: tasty, interesting and deli- tails,” says Angela Novak, who devel-
Inside, in two rooms, long wood ta- oped a drinks menu with Jacob that
bles seat from 6 to 14, with bare-bulb includes advanced mixology tools like
chandeliers for lighting. a centrifuge and liquid nitrogen.
Evocative of farm-to-table but free “We use the centrifuge to separate
of any new-food taboos, the menu of liquors that are poured into a chilled
Swine & Co. is in the hands of chef Mike glass,” explains Novak, who saw the
VanBuskirk, former chef of Cobalt at technique on a visit to craft cocktail
the Vero Beach Hotel and Spa, and one- bar Booker and Dax in New York’s East
time sous-chef in charge of the kitchen Village. “We made a mojito with mint
at the Orchid Island Golf Club. solidified with the nitro then crushed
into a powder and it makes a really in-
A graduate of Indian River State tensely flavored drink.”
College Culinary Institute, VanBus-
kirk worked under Orchid’s executive The Novaks, parents of an 8-month-
chef Chris Sozio, an 18-year veteran old boy, Sawyer, both moved to Vero at
of John’s Island Club and graduate of age 3; they began dating in high school
Culinary Institute of America. and married in 2013.
VanBuskirk came to the attention “We met at Big Apple Pizza out on
of husband-and-wife Nick and Angela SR 60,” says Angela. “Nick was a deliv-
Novak and their longtime friend John- ery driver and I was a server.”
ny Scharr as they sought a fine-dining
chef for their new 14th Avenue space. The restaurant is open seven days a
week from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.
It’s a space that would make a
professional restaurant design firm Shores awaits PSC decision on electric territory
proud. After the trio got the keys to
the building last Valentine’s Day, they BY LISA ZAHNER day. The city (Vero) has missed a tre- cuss legal strategy just prior to the Sept.
raised the low ceiling with plywood mendous opportunity,” Barefoot said 22 town hall meeting, and the regular
sheets painted black, laid distressed Staff Writer at last Thursday’s council meeting. monthly meeting of the Shores Town
wood planks as siding behind the bar Council is set for 3:30 p.m. that same
and put in a patinaed concrete floor. Indian River Shores’ 30-year electric The now-expired offer by FPL more day, with the final budget hearing to fol-
franchise with Vero Beach is set to end than doubled the utility giant’s previ- low at 5:01 p.m. as it’s required by law to
Seamless black chalkboards that in about two months, but chances are ous offer of $13.4 million, but it still commence after 5 p.m. to give residents
cover much of the wall space have fading that the Town will get any good fell short of the $47 million Vero of- who work a chance to attend and weigh
been put to excellent use by the cal- news about breaking free from Vero’s ficials said they need to make other in on planned town expenditures.
ligraphy and imagery of Scharr, whose grip before the Nov. 6 expiration. utility ratepayers “whole” for a period
artistic talents were clearly underuti- of 30 to 50 years after the Shores’ exit Barefoot said he wants to brief
lized at Riverside Café, where he tend- The last glimmer of hope is that the from the system. A majority of the Shores’ residents about why the legal
ed bar for many years, and the old Florida Public Service Commission will Vero council led by Mayor Jay Kramer bills are mounting, as Shores residents
Black Pearl restaurant, where he was rule in the Shores’ favor on Sept. 13. wanted Shores residents to pony up not only pay their own attorneys di-
front-of-the house manager. $20 million on top of FPL’s $30 million rectly, they also indirectly pay Vero’s
Public Service Commission Chair to bridge the gap. That killed the deal. attorneys fighting against them as
Under “Shareables” and “Supper,” Julie Brown in July declined to rule all those legal fees are charged to the
the farmhand-friendly fare includes on the Shores’ petition to have Vero’s Vero’s demand was not, Barefoot electric utility and passed on to elec-
hanger steak, smoked brisket and electric territory opened up for review, said, in the spirit of finding a negotiat- tric customers.
Kansas City-style “burnt ends,” the saying then that the parties needed ed solution, as the parties were urged
blackened snippets from the narrow more time to sort out an amicable so- to do by the regulators who now hold “I think everybody needs to be
end of the brisket. lution. the Shores’ fate in their hands. “It was brought up to date,” Barefoot said.
disappointing not only to us, but also
“Handhelds” include short rib slid- With the rejection by the majority of to the PSC chair,” Barefoot said. In a statement released Monday to
ers, a pork stack sandwich with green the Vero Beach City Council of Florida residents, Barefoot summarized the
tomato, and the “company” burger: a Power & Light’s latest offer of $30 mil- Should the Town not prevail at the Town’s legal argument. “Our complaint
mix of pork and brisket in the patty, lion to purchase the Shores portion of PSC, Barefoot said he sees the mat- is straightforward. Under the pretense
topped with bacon jam and barbe- the Vero system, attorney Bruce May ter being appealed to the Florida Su- of a territorial agreement, Vero Beach
cue sauce. Sides are mostly southern- and his team from Holland and Knight preme Court. At the last Vero City is operating an unregulated monopoly
themed: succotash, collard greens, now have no choice but to argue the Council meeting, Vice Mayor Jerry in Indian River Shores, and is subject-
and dumpling mac and cheese. But Town’s case before the state utility reg- Weick told council members the dis- ing its captive customers in our Town
there are salads, including one with ulators in Tallahassee. pute might end up being resolved in to monopoly abuses such as excessive
quinoa, and meatless offerings in- federal court under antitrust provi- rates and poor service quality,” Bare-
cluding ratatouille, shrimp and grits, Regardless of the outcome of that sions should the Shores not be able to foot said.
and fried catfish on a cornbread and hearing, Mayor Brian Barefoot has get a redress of the Town’s home-rule
cream puree – a favorite at the soft called a meeting in the Town’s Com- rights via the PSC’s process. “It is our strong belief that Article
opening. munity Center at 2 p.m. on Sept. 22 to VIII, Section 2 (c) of Florida’s Consti-
bring concerned residents up to speed The Shores Town Council is sched- tution forbids the City from unilater-
That all gets cooked up in a closed- on all the latest developments. uled to meet in a “shade” session to dis- ally exercising unregulated monopoly
off kitchen in the back, outfitted with
a 10-burner stove and some smokers “FPL’s [$30 million] offer lapsed to-
for the barbecue meats.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 9
powers within our Town’s municipal Vero permission to operate within its
boundaries after our franchise agree- borders, and 20 percent of Shores resi-
ment with the City expires in Novem- dents are already served by FPL.
ber,” he continued.
Municipal utilities are not regu-
Bruce May and his team have asked lated by the PSC in the same way that
the PSC to crack open the borders of investor-owned utilities like FPL are
Vero’s long-standing territory on ac- scrutinized for every proposed rate
count of “changed circumstances” as increase, but the PSC awards the geo-
the franchise agreement is expiring, graphic territory in which the munici-
the Town no longer wishes to grant pal utility can serve.
Chamber claims Vero received
$10 million in free publicity
BY ALAN SNEL agreed that assigning exact monetary
values to the stories is not an empirical
Staff Writer science.
Last week’s tourism numbers pre- 32963 reached out to Evok to ex-
sentation in the Indian River County plain the numbers, especially about
Commission chambers was loaded how 18 articles can translate into more
with the usual rosy stats – the increas- than $10 million worth of “PR value.”
ing number of visitors, room nights
and bed tax collections. Nina Zapala, Evok public relations
strategist who oversaw the Indian
But when Allison McNeal, the River County numbers, acknowledged
county Chamber of Commerce tour- the AVE methodology is controver-
ism director, presented one particular sial and relies on an array of measur-
smiley-face number to the Tourism ing sticks ranging from ad rates and
Development Council, it grabbed ev- multipliers to readership totals and
eryone’s attention as something way Google analytics.
out of the ordinary.
Evok reached the Indian River
McNeal said that, according to County PR value numbers by multi-
chamber public relations consultant plying the cost of advertising by three,
Evok Advertising of Orlando, 18 articles McNeal said. She cited an example:
and blog posts from travel writers visit- “An article was placed in a magazine
ing Indian River County in the past year with a circulation of 30,000. If the cost
created a circulation of 250,529,941, of advertising in the magazine were
with nearly a billion impressions and $1,200, the PR value would be, $3,600.”
a public relations value of $10,312,971.
Zapala said the multiplier of three was
McNeal was taking credit for this a reasonable number and some ad agen-
phenomenal exposure on behalf of cies actually use higher multipliers.
the chamber, which orchestrated the
travel writer visits. One of the 18 articles that beefed up
the PR numbers was a Huffington Post
Members of the tourism council, an blog item written by Xaque Gruber,
advisory committee composed main- who is a writer with local connections
ly of local hotel and business owners, invited by the chamber to check out
appeared delighted by the lofty num- Vero Beach attractions such as staying
bers, even if some may have not been for free at Vero Beach Hotel & Spa, kay-
quite sure exactly what the numbers aking on the lagoon, lunching at Cap-
represented. tain Hiram’s and touring Vero Beach
Museum of Art.
The PR industry calls these num-
bers “advertising value equivalencies,” Gruber’s “Five Reasons Vero Beach
or AVEs. Is Your New Favorite Florida Destina-
tion” post on Huffington Post was a
A day after the meeting, McNeal side- valentine to Vero Beach that was re-
stepped a bit, explaining to 32963 that posted on Facebook and embraced by
those “AVE” numbers from the 18 ar- the local business community.
ticles did not come from the chamber.
They were generated by Evok, she said. It is possible the chamber and Evok
are overestimating the impact of Gru-
McNeal also acknowledged to ber’s post, however. As of the second
32963 that the concept of advertising week in August, it had been read by
value equivalencies is controversial 2,300 people, not millions, according
and hotly debated – something she to the Huffpost counter at the top of
did not mention when presenting the the post.
numbers to the tourism council.
At last count, McNeal’s explanations
County Commissioner Joe Flescher, were still a long way short of adding up
who chairs the tourism panel, said the to $10 million in publicity.
county tourism articles have value but
10 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
School District’s lack of transparency thwarts expert advice
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN of Vanguard Group Inc., the biggest and he serves on Vero’s utilities com- The Indian River County School
Staff Writer mutual-fund company in the world, mission, where he analyzed Florida Board had been told by the district’s
where he managed 125 people who Power & Light’s offer to buy Indian Chief Financial Officer Carter Mor-
The Indian River County School handled $750 billion in bonds and River Shore’s electric customers for rison that the district needs a bridge
District could have gotten advice on money market funds. $30 million. loan to make it to November.
its proposed $8.3 million tax antici-
pation note from a leading financial “I’d be happy to give them my view- Auwaerter showed up at Superin- At the workshop, Morrison told the
expert who lives in the district had it point on [the tax anticipation note],” tendent Mark Rendell’s Tuesday, Aug. board to look at an analysis provided
been willing to share more informa- said Auwaerter, who has lent his fi- 23 workshop, which had the tax antici- by the district’s outside financial advi-
tion with the public. nancial savvy to a number of other lo- pation note as an agenda item, but dis- sor, Jonathan Ford, vice president of
cal entities. trict personnel did not share enough Tampa-based Ford & Associates, for
Robert Auwaerter recently retired information for him to give meaning- details. That document, sent the day
as head of the fixed-income division Auwaerter is the chairman of the In- ful input on the financing plan. before – which did not give the board
dian River Shores finance committee a lot of time to consider the facts – was
not shared with the public.
Parts of the analysis flashed brief-
ly on a screen, but when Auwaerter
asked for a copy of the analysis, he was
A school board member said a copy
would be available to media, but none
was forthcoming by press time.
Ford provided handouts with gener-
ic examples to help explain the financ-
ing plan and showed an unnamed
school district’s monthly tax revenue,
state funding, federal funding and ex-
penditures in his presentation.
“Frankly, that’s the transparency lack-
ing here. Why not show the real data
[from Indian River County School Dis-
trict]?” Auwaerter said. “There is noth-
ing proprietary in the information.”
The district has advertised a Re-
quest for Proposals, Morrison said, for
banks to buy the $8.3 million of tax an-
ticipation notes, but he did not go into
Deciding if it is better to pay bond is-
suance, consulting and legal fees possi-
bly offset by selling the notes at a pre-
mium in a favorable market, or whether
a straight loan from a bank with a set
interest rate would be less costly, is the
kind of decision Auwaerter has a history
of making with great success.
But the needed information to make
that evaluation was withheld, making
it another missed opportunity for the
district and ultimately the taxpayer.
“Transparency is the best antisep-
tic,” Auwaerter said.
The story about the former
Indian River Correctional Insti-
tution last week contained edit-
ing errors. The overnight stays
posted on Airbnb were actually
listed at $102 a night. Rob Good-
man, who posted the listing, is
not an owner but a friend of a
part-owner. His name was ac-
cidentally omitted from a quote
about posting the Airbnb listing.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
For at-risk kids, ‘Crossover’ makes Mission: Possible
“The rest of the time they're driving
Staff Writer Bill Harris, Rev. Gregory Pitts, Jennifer Amos, Antoine Jennings, these kids around to sports and after-
Cathy De Schouwer, Gavin D’Elia and Robi Robinson. PHOTOS: PHIL SUNKEL school activities, helping with home-
At first glance, Cathy De Schouwer work and doing whatever they can to
and Antoine Jennings are an unlikely ketball Game, Crossover presented its right way to dress according to the set- help them. They’re sort of filling in the
duo. But their disparate backgrounds inaugural Unity Award to the Commu- ting. It’s things that we think of as basic gaps of the family structure that many
actually speak to the core values of nity Church, recognizing their efforts but it's a lot to them and helps with the of these kids lack.”
Crossover Mission, the organization to unify the community. transformation process.”
they co-founded to help at-risk youth D’Elia is recruiting National Honor
reach their full potential through Within the first two months they Often students come from homes Society students to tutor and inspire
sports and education, building a had 50 youngsters in the program. with little structure, their parents lack- Crossover youngsters to work toward
“bridge of friendship between cul- Boys and girls ages 8 to 16 are enticed ing the ability or resources to enroll long-term gains and a successful fu-
tures” in the process. through basketball and, if their grades their children in other after-school ture.
are not 2.0 or higher, must join their tu- programs. Crossover Mission charges
Although both are Indian River toring program, run with assistance by a modest $25 for the year-round pro- “Basically, the way I see it is I talk to
County natives, De Schouwer, a CPA roughly 50 volunteers. gram. my friends who say they want to travel
with a master’s from UF, is married thousands of miles across the world
with three children, ran a success- “They're taking the most at-risk kids, Crossover Mission is now a full-time to some impoverished micro-nation
ful business with her husband, lives the kids that are falling through the job for both Jennings and De Schou- to try to help families and kids,” says
in a lovely home just feet from the cracks. The kids that haven't had much wer, who are in many ways considered D’Elia. “I tell them, you don’t have to
ocean and embodies the essence of a of a leg up in Gifford, kids that are re- surrogate parents. travel that far. You just have to travel
Vero Beach lifestyle. Jennings was the ally struggling in school,” said board a few miles down the road to our own
quintessential bad boy, raised in Gif- president Bill Harris. “It’s a daily effort, but it’s based on back yard where families and kids
ford in an impoverished, dysfunction- what we would do for our own kids. face the same problems. When you're
al family. He allowed crime to steal his “It’s more like life skills than any- There is a tremendous need,” says De working in the community here on a
dreams before finally escaping his self- thing. We're starting from scratch,” Schouwer, noting that funding is need- constant basis, you’re able to see this
destructive lifestyle. said Jennings. “We’re teaching them ed for everything from transportation direct, immediate and consistent im-
the importance of a handshake and and snacks to sports equipment and pact.”
“I made a lot of bad decisions and the importance of speaking the right even eyeglasses.
missed a lot of great opportunities. I way. A lot of our kids struggle with Crossover has had remarkable suc-
made some decisions that nearly cost English simply because they write the “Antoine and Cathy basically have cess. The first year, just 5 percent of
me my life,” says Jennings, now mar- way they talk, which is a lot of Ebon- about three hours of personal time to their enrollees were academically eli-
ried with two children. “So I want to ics. Another thing is teaching them the themselves each week,” says Gavin gible to compete on sports teams and
tell kids my story and tell them about D'Elia, a Vero Beach High School se- most were at risk of failing their grade.
decision making and about wrong- Now 95 percent are academically eli-
fully placing sports ahead of academ- gible for school sports and none are at
ics. And to just tell them that they can risk of failing.
make it and they can be whatever they
want to be.” Unfortunately, there are significant
obstacles to joining school teams –
Their worlds collided thanks to their physical exams, an extensive applica-
sons’ mutual love of basketball. tion process and numerous expenses
such as fees, transportation and gear.
“We met because our sons were
playing on the same recreation depart- “We are helping them with all as-
ment basketball team four years ago,” pects of trying to be on a school team,”
De Schouwer explains, noting that af- she says. “We believe that it helps them
ter watching Jennings coach his son AJ, rise to a higher level of peer acceptance
then 9, her son Louis, a year younger, and raises their mindset for the future.”
wanted to train with him. “It wasn’t re-
ally a natural at first. It went very well, “It gives them confidence; hope,”
but it was kind of awkward. There was adds Jennings. “It makes them believe
that cultural difference. He seemed that what they're doing works and it’s
kind of like a gangster to me, but he was worth continuing.”
just such a great coach.”
Harris stresses the term crossover
Eventually, De Schouwer says, “he also pertains to the community at
started telling me his life story and his large, with people who would not oth-
vision and I was so moved. For days I erwise cross paths now interacting,
was very deeply moved by it, thinking, adding, “It’s way beyond just the kids;
somebody should help him get that we’re helping the community in every
started. I didn't think it would be me.” aspect. The crossover name is in fact
the mission.”
The idea for a program slowly began
to gel and they submitted a business “We’re literally crossing over races
plan to Rev. Bob Baggott, senior min- and gender,” adds D’Elia. “Now at least
ister at Community Church of Vero one of our objectives is to make sure
Beach. He liked the idea and provided that each of these kids realizes there is
them with start-up funding in Febru- no distinction between our races. We’re
ary 2014. That September they received making a seamless crossover with these
their 501(c) 3 nonprofit status. At the kids. It's just a family. We don’t think
recent Sheriff’s Annual Exhibition Bas- black or white anymore; this is the
Crossover Mission family.”
14 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 23
5 6
1. IRCSO vs. Crossover Mission tip off. 2. Crossover Mission’s Bill Harris (left), Cathy De Schouwer and Antoine Jennings (in red) present
Community Church representatives Scott Turner and Rev. Dave Johnson with the Unity Award. 3. AJ Jennings and Louis De Schouwer.
4. IRC Sheriff's Office Team. 5. The Crossover Mission basketball team. 6. Crossover Mission vs. Boys and Girls Club. PHOTOS: PHIL SUNKEL
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 15
A Sock-sess! Fifties fundraiser had ’em hopping
Tunes from the ’50s and ’60s filled SOCK HOP PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 17 PHOTOS: LEAH DUBOIS
the air at the 101-year-old Vero Beach
Woman’s Club last Saturday night at Lynne Glass, Mary Frances Womack, Mark Holt and Pat Kroger.
an inaugural Sock Hop fundraiser
hosted by the Indian River County Myra and Al Miller.
Historical Society. Funds raised
benefitted both organizations, and Lynne Glass, another on the com-
will help them to maintain three of mittee. “We balance each other out
the oldest properties in Vero Beach really perfectly. It has been an abso-
– the Woman’s Club, the Vero Beach lute blast.”
Train Station and the Hallstrom
Farmstead. “We’re such a great team,” agreed
Womack in mutual admiration. “It
Dozens of old 45-rpm records was a lot of fun. We thought this
decorated the doors and hung from would be a good time of the year to
chandeliers, and nostalgia-minded hold an event so our local people can
guests could have their photo taken enjoy something every summer.”
with a cut-out of Marilyn Monroe
before dancing to music of the era Pat Kroger, manning the raffle
spun by DJ Brandon. booth out front, said she was a fan
of the era but had been too young
Many attendees got into the spirit to attend sock hops back in the day.
of the evening, with men dressed As she spoke, three ladies – Sheri
in straight jeans and white T-shirts, Brown, Debbie Smith and daughter
and ladies flouncing their poodle Holli Smith – came up the walkway
skirts or wearing jaunty jackets em- wearing matching poodle skirts,
blazoned with Pink Ladies on the bobby socks and saddle shoes.
back in a nod to the movie “Grease.”
“We are here to do the Cha-Cha,
Mary Frances Womack, the IRCHS the Twist and hula-hoop contest,”
vice president in charge of fundrais- said Holli Smith. “I think I will win
ing, said that when she brought the the Twist contest though. I have
idea to the advisory committee, they young knees so I can get all the way
quickly and enthusiastically jumped to the ground.”
on the concept. She credited her
hard-working crew with making the
dance a success.
“We have a disc jockey, trivia
games, raffles and a cool 1957 Chevy
Bel Air outside, so people can get
their picture taken with the car,”
said Carolyn Bayless, IRCHS presi-
dent, whose husband had cooked up
some mouth-watering sloppy joes.
The Woman’s Club and Historical
Society have worked together pre-
viously and hope to make this an
annual fundraiser to benefit both
“We have several projects going
that we need to underwrite,” said
Bayless. “Unfortunately, the Hall-
strom House needs a new roof and
our train station depot needs to be
tented for termites.”
“The Woman’s Club was built over
a hundred years ago. It takes a lot of
money to maintain this building,
which is such a big part of Vero’s his-
tory,” said Susan Heath, Woman’s
Club president. The building was the
area’s first library and also served
long ago as a stand-in for a fledgling
“It was an absolute pleasure to
work with Mary Frances,” said
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 17
SOCK HOP PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 Al Smith with Mark and Linda Morris.
Marcia Albrecht, Carolyn Bayless and Susan Williams.
Eula Helpling and George Blythe. Rob and Melody Hardie.
Nancy Fregly, Sandra Dimino and Jessica Jacobs.
Will Daulby, Kaley Bogard and Adam Hide.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Was Tahiti-style wedding party a surprise? Isle say!
1. Scotty Studley, Sally Fish, Nece Buckle,
Lucille Pew, Gloria Pappalardo, Barb Schwin,
Linda Kouns and Emily Bullard. 2. Mary and
TAHITI WEDDING PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 20 Gene Simonsen. 3. Joe Pappalardo, Mark Kritz
and Tom Fish. 4. Nece Buckle, Lucille Pew and
BY MARY SCHENKEL Any excuse for a party!”
Staff Writer Pappalardo had introduced the
Tennis friends of Mary (Med- widow and widower, setting up
lin) and Gene Simonsen threw a the fun-loving pair on a blind date
surprise Tahitian-themed wed- a little over a year and a half ago.
ding reception last Friday to make Both were avid tennis players, but
up for the fact that the couple had lived on opposite ends of the coun-
jetted off to the beautiful island of ty and had not yet met – Simonsen
Moorea, Tahiti, to tie the knot on in John’s Island and Sea Oaks, and
June 22. Medlin in Timber Ridge.
“We were all at Ocean Grill and “They’re both wonderful people;
she walked in and blinded us with awesome individuals,” said Scotty
her engagement ring,” said Gloria Studley, beaming at the happy cou-
Pappalardo. “We all said we wanted ple.
to be part of their wedding party,
but they went off to Tahiti to get The bride is one of a group of
married. So we decided to do this. about a dozen women who get to-
gether regularly for birthday cele-
brations and thought she was head-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 19
ing to Captain Hiram’s Friday night thing, throwing a festive Polynesian plete with a veil and floral head- ing Mary Simonsen, taking a cue
to celebrate the August birthdays of reception. The “bridesmaids” wore piece. Tables were decorated with from the Mike Myers “Saturday
Sally Fish and Lucille Pew. matching dresses of blue and coral coconuts, pineapples, flowers and Night Live” character, about the
highlighted with colorful leis. They palms, as well as two lush wedding wonderful surprise. “My friends are
But the ladies had other plans. purchased a matching style in white cakes. amazing; I’m so blessed. This is un-
Deprived of their duties at the ac- for the bride to change into, com- believable.”
tual wedding, they did the next best “I’m verklempt,” laughed a glow-
20 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
5. Bud Anderson, Tom Fish, Gene Simonsen,
Phil Schwin, Mark Kritz and Joe Pappalardo.
6. Scotty Studley, Barb Schwinn, Joe
Pappalardo, Emily Bullard and Mary Kritz.
7. Sue Anderson, Mary Kritz and Katherine
Bauman. 8. The couple in Tahiti on their
wedding day.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Harak Rubio: Minimalist art, maximum talent
Harak Rubio is an artist who thinks
big. With one eye set on art stardom, the
Puerto Rican-born Rubio, now living
in Melbourne, creates works of a scale
that is guaranteed to make a splash.
A new solo exhibition at Melbourne’s
Foosaner Art Museum, “Harak Rubio:
Symbols and Guardians,” presents the
artist’s latest series of elegantly mini-
malist paintings and sculptures. The
34 works, expertly arranged and lit by
Foosaner staff, create the effect of a
big-city gallery exhibition.
Right off, what strikes the eye are the
paintings, large tonalist maelstroms
of freely brushed and textured oil and
metallic paint. Most of these bear at
their centers a simple device: two fat
bars of heavily stroked-on color, ar-
ranged one above the other like an in-
sistent equal sign.
“That’s my new line of paintings,”
says Rubio.
“The equal symbol is a universal
symbol. I studied mathematics, and
there’s a lot of mathematics in that
Harak Rubio.
symbol,” he says. “It’s also represen- that rise over 9 feet from the floor, are
tative of other stuff. That’s the beauty composed of gently curving ribbons
of abstract art. People see it and can of steel. They put this viewer in mind
think whatever they want.” of the arrested traces of movement
that a dancer might leave on the air.
Compared to his two-dimension-
al works in the show, Rubio’s free- Most of the sculptures are coated
standing sculptures favor poise over with a layer of textured brown-gray
power. Both the smaller pedestal- paint with select bits picked out in
mounted sculptures, as well as those vivid red, blue, yellow, orange or green
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 23
pigment. Three of the larger sculptures terpiece of downtown Melbourne’s Rubio grew up in a house designed “It’s like the blood calls you. And I
make use of the steel’s rust-stained Campbell Park. by his father, “a paradise,” says Rubio, said, what the hell am I doing here
natural patina, against which the sleek with a huge studio and gallery plus a studying law?”
slivers of painted surface pop. Nature and nurture combined to guest room. Rubio remembers a com-
make an artist of Rubio; his father fortable childhood with plenty of en- The study of art occupied him un-
Rubio embodies his art. Sturdily Pablo Rubio is a prolific sculptor and couragement – and opportunity – to til age 22, when he got a job in the art
built and 6-foot-2, he can’t be missed painter, as well as a professor of art at express himself as an artist. department of a movie production
in a crowd, even one as dense as that the University of Puerto Rico. studio in Puerto Rico. He worked on
at the exhibition’s opening earlier Young Rubio created his first sculp- films and made-for-TV movies for
this month. In conversation Rubio is “He is a big-league sculptor,” Harak ture at age 9, “because I had the tal- such companies as Lifetime Televi-
charming and, like the brushstrokes Rubio says. ent,” he says. sion, USA Network and Universal Pic-
on his canvases, nimbly animated. tures, eventually seeing his name roll
In addition to creating monumen- “My goal in life was to be a marine bi- by in the credits as Property Master
Rubio was 35 when he and his fam- tal sculptures for civic buildings, ologist. I loved Jacques Cousteau. I was for several films.
ily moved to Melbourne from Puerto university campuses and city plazas a big fan of his. I was fascinated about
Rico 11 years ago. He wasted no time in his native Puerto Rico, the elder everything to do with the sea and the After moving to Melbourne, Rubio
in reestablishing his art studio in Flor- Rubio has executed public sculpture waves, the reef, the ecosystem.” continued to work in movies, but the
ida. Since 2003 he has created a dozen commissions in Ecuador, South Ko- travel involved kept him away from
public sculptures for city, university rea, Spain, Venezuela and the French “When I went to university, I didn’t his wife and children – three sons and
and private collections in the United territory of Guadeloupe. Maestro want to be like my dad, because art a daughter.
States and Puerto Rico as well as Ar- Rubio’s exhibition record is also im- is a tough life. I saw my dad working
gentina and Mexico. pressive: He was twice a member of a nights, sweating and welding. I didn’t “It was super consuming work. It’s
group of artist delegates who repre- want to be like that.” not like 8 to 5. Movies are 15 hours a
Examples of Rubio’s monumen- sented Puerto Rico in the prestigious day minimum, working every day. No
tal sculpture can be found within an International Biennial in Sao Paulo, For that reason, Rubio began his holidays, no nothing.”
hour’s drive of Vero. “Ocean’s Guard- Brazil. college career in the biology depart-
ian,” a 16-foot-high steel sculpture, ment of the University of Puerto Rico. During this time, Rubio was also
stands in Palm Bay; “Vision of the As a kid with a famous father, did working on his art. Then he received
Harbor Guardian,” an aluminum Harak ever feel intimidated by his When he learned that he had to take an invitation to exhibit in an interna-
sculpture with wire-brushed and dad’s success? multiple courses in chemistry to earn tional group show.
blue-painted elements, is the cen- a degree in biology, Rubio changed
“I grew up in that environment,” his major to sociology with a minor “I said ‘OK,’ but then my art started
Rubio responds simply. in economics. Then he went into the overlapping with my movies. And you
university’s law department, where have to make a decision,” he says.
he took an elective class in art. From
there, he said, it was a matter of fate. His decision to become a full-time
One art class led to another. artist is one that he does not regret.
And neither does his new hometown
“In my first semester of law school, of Melbourne.
I made more than 26 sculptures,” Ru-
bio says. “Harak Rubio: Symbols and Guard-
ians” runs through Oct. 15, 2016.
24 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Summer’s here! Gill begins pop-music journey
Staff Writer
Indie pop singer and songwriter ran the restaurant and the inn next at Fort Pierce’s Harbortown Marina to
Summer Gill has spent her life im- door. They didn’t find out for 14 years sing a song – KT Tunstall’s “The Other
mersed in music. Well-known around when they went back to visit and the Side of the World,” she recalls. “The
Stuart as a duo with her dad, folk art- chef, still on premises, confessed to owner wrote me a check for $25.”
ist Ken Gill, she is the granddaughter being so incensed at their decision not
of a piano teacher and niece of a rock to baptize the baby that she whisked That was a year after she was strick-
guitarist. Every family get-together is Summer into the kitchen and did it en with fear singing the same song at
its own Gill music fest, she says. Her herself. her fifth-grade talent show and “pret-
earliest musical memory is standing ty much shaking the whole time.”
on her grandmother’s stairs with a Ken himself orchestrated the bap-
guitar-shaped pillow singing Shania tism-by-fire that launched Summer Stage fright behind her, she and her
Twain’s “Feel Like a Woman.” into the music world. Gill, whose day dad started learning more songs to-
job was as a biology teacher at Port gether. “Whenever he’d have a show I
Now she is a woman, and at 20, St. Lucie High School, had his then would go up and sing with him.”
making a name for herself in a differ- 11-year-old daughter join him on stage
ent sphere – pop music. Standing be- Within a year Ken and Summer Gill
hind her keyboard, she has spent her were booking gigs together.
summer entertaining crowds from
the Kilted Mermaid in Vero to the re- Summer played keyboard to her
cent Dancin’ in the Streets festival in dad’s guitar. A classical piano stu-
Stuart. dent since the age of 7, what she really
wanted to learn now was how to ac-
This fall, she will release her first company herself as a pop singer. At 14,
recording, “Stormy Weather,” a seven- she found the perfect teacher in Peter
song EP recorded at Stuart’s Rain Cat Jones at Stuart’s Starstruck, a pre-pro-
Studios; it will available on iTunes and fessional arts academy. “Piano didn’t
Amazon. The songs are her original come as naturally as singing. Doing
music, picked from more than a dozen them together was like tapping your
she has written. head and rubbing your stomach at the
same time.”
The recording sessions were fund-
ed by a Kickstarter campaign Gill Summer learned to imitate songs
launched in April. In less than three by listening to them while reading the
weeks she reached her goal of $2,000, chord charts and lyrics.
and went on to raise another $895 to
help with distribution and marketing. “Peter has one of the best musical
ears I’ve ever heard,” she says.
Last weekend, she picked up the fi-
nal mix of the EP and headed to Talla- “It was usually the first time he
hassee where she’s finishing up her last ever heard the song and he would im-
semester as a media and communica-
tion studies major at Florida State Uni-
versity. A Bright Futures scholar, she is
graduating a year-and-a-half early.
Writing songs mostly about relation-
ships, she hasn’t yet mined this anec-
dote: She was secretly baptized in the
sink of a restaurant kitchen in Tortola.
Her parents, Ken and Michele Gill,
mediately be able to play it.”
Her lessons with Jones continued
until she graduated from high school.
But there, too, she had a great experi-
ence, singing in Jensen Beach High
School’s award-winning Jubilate
Choir. “I really credit the choir with
helping me develop my ear for har-
monies,” says Gill. “I was in the sec-
ond alto section, and we always had
the weird parts – we didn’t have the
melody line that everyone could latch
on to.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 25
Summer Gill and Deal James. ARTS & THEATRE
As she was checking on college
scholarships online, she came across
the National YoungArts Foundation,
which offered week-long scholarships
in the arts to study with master teach-
ers in their discipline at its Miami
campus. Gill applied to the regional
“I sent in my four videos and kind of
forgot about it. Then a few months later
I got an acceptance packet in the mail.”
Her final concert there, backed
up by musicians and dancers from
the competition, was one of the high
points of her performance experienc-
es, she says.
While she still plays with her dad,
for the past year she has also per-
formed with Deal James, a young mu-
sician from St. Louis who moved to
the area three years ago. They teamed
up musically a year ago, and are now
dating. They met when he walked into
Rain Cat Studios on a day she was re-
cording the song “Ocean Heart.” To-
gether they have opened for some of
the touring bands at Terra Fermata.
And he has been a “massive, massive
help” getting her album out, she says,
largely by waking her up to get the
studio on time after late-night gigs.
“Honestly, it would have gotten done
but probably not until December of
next year.”
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26 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming up: Shakespeare takes center stage at high schools
BY MICHELLE GENZ High School, the Cambridge University
Staff Writer American Stage Tour – CAST for short –
will be spending their off-stage time giv-
1 All the county’s a stage next week ing acting and playwriting workshops at
when a touring group of actors both schools.
from Cambridge University arrives to Shakespeare’s pastoral comedy, writ-
ten in 1599, follows Rosalind as she
perform Shakespeare’s “AsYou Like It” at flees the persecution of her uncle’s
court and, dressing up as a boy, hides
Vero and Sebastian public high schools. out in the Forest of Arden with her
cousin Celia for company. There in
With performances Thursday, Sept. 8,
at 7 p.m. at Vero Beach High School and
Saturday, Sept. 10, at Sebastian River This Friday is September Art Stroll in Downtown Vero.
the forest they meet a slew of country 14’s exhibit of the photography of mag-
characters, including Jacques, the mel- azine photographer Greg Hill as well as
ancholic traveler who delivers some the summer show of its resident artists.
of Shakespeare’s choicest speeches, The gallery will be closed for the rest of
including “All the world’s a stage.” A September.
tangle of romance ensues and sorts it-
self out with a big group wedding, after 4 Terra Fermata in Stuart turns the
which they learn the grumpy uncle has sand into a dance floor Friday
decided to right his wrongs and they
can all go home again. night with the Orlando party band
The actors are here through the Lau- Sweet Bea and the Boys doing covers
ra Riding Jackson Foundation, Vero’s
non-profit literary organization. From of Daft Punk, Rihanna, Marvin Gaye –
here they’ll take their production to a
number of universities around the U.S. you get the idea. Beatrice Roberts, who
It’s thanks to Susan Lovelace, the A.P.
coordinator at Sebastian who’s now on founded the band, has a degree from
the board of Laura Riding Jackson, that
CAST has been coming to town for the UCF in Musical Theater performance
past nine years.
and got her start singing jingles around
Orlando as well as playing in musicals.
If you’re intrigued by unusual string
instruments, you might want to catch
Fort Lauderdale’s Flint Blade at Kilted
Mermaid Sunday night playing the
guitar-bass hybrid known as the Chap-
2 This is the last weekend to see the man Stick. Developed in the 1970s, the
Vero Beach Museum of Arts’ exhi-
stick looks like a wider and longer guitar
bition from its collection, curated with fretboard and is played by both hands
the theme “From Exhibition to Collec- tapping its 10 or 12 strings. As a result,
tion,” meaning it features works of arts it can sound many more simultaneous
acquired from exhibitions over the years. notes. Blade plays jazz and standards
Sunday is the exhibit’s last day – the mu- but with a slightly New Age, psychedelic
seum is open from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. sound. He also writes his own music.
The other two exhibits currently on
view also wrap up this month. Out of 5 If you’ve never been to the brick-
walled, intimate bar called The
This World, the exhibition of 71 works
of art in the collection of NASA, comes Social in Orlando, here’s a reason to
down Sept. 25; Masters of Studio Glass go: The exquisite alt-country singer/
ends Sept. 11. songwriter John Moreland is playing
Friday night. A favorite of Stephen Col-
3 Friday night is the first Friday bert and Rachel Maddow, Moreland is
of the month, and the intrepid
not the kind of country artist who skips
artists of the downtown Arts district across stages. Instead, he is known for
are persevering with a September Art his deeply felt, poignant music.
Stroll, banking on a big turnout be- Moreland made his television debut
cause there isn’t much else going on. on Colbert’s show in February. His 2015
Flametree Clay Gallery will be featur- album “High on Tulsa Heat” was named
ing new works by its resident artists to Rolling Stone’s list of best country
and still has a show in the back room albums for 2015. Saturday, Moreland
of floral containers. Tiger Lily has heads to St. Augustine’s Sing Out Loud
some new paintings by Julia Carter Festival; Sunday he’ll be at Loosey’s in
inspired by her recent trip to Italy. Gainesville (tell your kids).
There’s also Glenda Taylor’s commis- The Social is across Lake Eola from the
sioned mosaic, a 5x5-foot exterior Thornton Park District, a tiny old Or-
panel for a barrier island home. And lando neighborhood worth at least a
there’s a new series by Travis Blanton stroll-through, with brick streets, gor-
of female figures in clay. geous old homes and massive live oaks,
And it’s the last chance to see Gallery and plenty of bars and restaurants.
28 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
IRMC pumped about debut of advanced heart care lab
BY TOM LLOYD dimensional video-like views of the
Staff Writer heart muscle in action with much
less radiation than previous sys-
Starting this month, the Indian tems.
River Medical Center will become
the first hospital in the state of Flor- Dr. Brett Faulknier will lead the
ida to add “MediGuide” technology electrophysiology lab, where Medi-
to its heart care regimen at its new, Guide technology will be one of
state-of-the-art electrophysiology many tools for diagnosing and treat-
lab. The software provides three- ing heart conditions.
So, just what is “electrophysiol-
Dr. Brett Faulknier. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
ogy” and why should you care? But irregular heartbeats – or ar-
You should care – if you have a rhythmias – says the American
Heart Association, can cause the
heart – because electrophysiology heart to beat too fast or too slow
may be what helps keep that heart or in an irregular manner and that
beating properly as you grow older. can lead to problems that range
from the merely bothersome to the
A human heart beat is a muscle downright lethal.
contraction and every one of those
contractions begins when an elec- Deadly blood clots, sudden car-
trical signal is sent from the heart’s diac arrest and strokes can all be
sinoatrial node in the upper right brought on by various forms of ar-
chamber. Those signals move, cell- rhythmia.
by-cell, throughout the rest of the
heart muscle, making it pump blood Faulknier, a fellow of both the
to the entire body. American College of Cardiology
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 29
and the Heart Rhythm Society, uses Irregular heartbeats – or arrhythmias –
a more down-home analogy to de- says the American Heart Association, can
scribe the problem. cause the heart to beat too fast or too slow
or in an irregular manner and that can lead
“Just imagine your house,” says to problems that range from the merely
Faulknier. “Electricity is coming bothersome to the downright lethal.
into the breaker box. When the
electricity goes there, it’s supposed heart tissue to try to cause the ab- introduction of the MediGuide soft- Faulknier says.
to leave and go out to the rest of the normal heart rhythm so that it can ware from St. Jude Medical, a global For IRMC, already a two-time win-
house nice and smoothly. With ar- be evaluated and its cause can be medical device manufacturer.
rhythmias, however, that electric- found.” ner of the American College of Car-
ity can get stuck in the breaker box Training on this new software re- diology’s “Platinum” performance
and begin to spin around in a circle, The most commonly seen type cently took Faulknier to Montreal, award, the new electrophysiology
and it’s at that point where the heart of arrhythmia is atrial fibrillation, where, he says, he “worked with a lab is an important new asset. Pace-
goes very fast,” or far too slow. which, Faulknier says, “is more world renowned electrophysiologist, makers, implantable cardioverter
common in the older population. Dr. Bernard Thibault, at the Montre- defibrillators and prescription drugs
Electrophysiology can trace the I’ve been telling a lot of people atri- al Institute of Cardiology.” are other tools doctors in the lab will
source of various arrhythmias and al fibrillation is like arthritis of your employ.
help doctors decide on the best heart. As we get older the heart gets Faulknier says the software is so
course of treatment. In many cases, a little stiffer. You can image your new, there are only a limited number Those experiencing symptoms
it can even “cure” or fix electrical knees get stiff and get a little creaky, of places where training is available. such as dizziness, lightheadedness,
roadblocks inside the heart. well, so does the heart.” fainting or heart palpitations should
“I was able to work that with Dr. immediately consult their physician
According to Baltimore’s Johns While basic EP studies have been Thibault in a special research labo- or cardiologist, who may well send
Hopkins Medical Center, “During performed for nearly two decades, ratory where they have an entire lab them to Dr. Faulknier for an EP study
an EP study, small, thin wire elec- the new twist in this story is the set up and was able to do live scenar- right here in Vero Beach.
trodes are put into a vein in the ios where I utilized the equipment,”
"The wire electrodes are [then]
threaded through the vein and into
the heart, using a special type of X-
ray ‘movie,’ called a fluoroscopy.
“Once in the heart, the heart’s
electrical signals are picked up by
the electrodes and measured. Elec-
trical signals are also sent through
the electrodes to stimulate the
30 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Time to tackle anemia problem among seniors
Recent research has made it clear
that anemia is a serious health con-
cern for the elderly population.
The condition affects 13 percent of
those age 70 and over in the United
States – well over a million people.
Many in that demographic re-
member the old TV ads for Geritol, a
liquid tonic advertised as a “remedy
for those who feel tired because of
iron poor blood.” The ads, of course,
were referring to anemia and were
wildly successful; Geritol was the
top iron and vitamin supplement
from the 1950s through the 1970s.
Although Geritol’s “iron poor
blood” tagline is a catchy way to de-
scribe anemia, a more technically
accurate definition is helpful: Ane-
mia develops when a person’s blood
does not have enough healthy red
blood cells (hemoglobin) and the
body’s cells don’t get enough oxy-
gen. As a consequence, those with
the condition often feel weak, tired,
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 31
There are ways to help stave off certain types of anemia, including having an iron-rich diet, getting plenty of folic acid, and eating foods rich in vitamins B-12 and C.
dizzy or irritable; they can also ex-
perience headaches, shortness of
breath, cold hands and feet, and
pale or yellowish skin. If untreated,
anemia can force the heart to work
harder, which can lead to chest pain
and more serious cardiovascular
In older people, anemia is often
caused by an underlying condi-
tion. Cassie Jones, DO, an internal
medicine physician associated with
the Sebastian River Medical Center,
says “some causes are fairly benign
and easily treatable; others are se-
rious and need immediate medical
attention. It’s important to know
the cause and to rule out the serious
conditions related to anemia, such
as cancer or kidney failure.”
Inflammatory disorders, such as
rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s
disease, can cause anemia; as can
chronic infections and “Myelodys-
plastic Syndromes” – a group of dis-
orders in which the bone marrow
does not produce enough healthy
blood cells. Significant weight loss
or deficiencies of iron, vitamin B-12
or folic acid can also be culprits.
About 30 percent of cases are “idio-
pathic,” meaning no cause for the
anemia can be identified.
Before 1990, there was no pre-
scription treatment for anemia it-
self; only the underlying condition
– if one existed and was diagnosed
– could be treated. That changed
when the FDA approved epoetin
alfa (brand names Epogen and Pro-
crit), a man-made, injectable drug
that stimulates bone marrow to
produce red blood cells.
Sebastian’s Dr. Jones says that
epoetin alfa was a game-changer in
the treatment of anemia. “It gives
us a way to help improve a patient’s
quality of life without them hav-
ing to endure blood transfusions,
which was commonly happening
before epoetin alfa was an option.
But it isn’t used for all types of ane-
mia, which it’s why essential to get
to the root cause.”
32 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED ON PAGE 31 by viral, bacterial and fungal patho-
gens. Other things that often go
According to research supported hand-in-hand with a hospital stay
by the National Institute on Ag- (immobility, diagnostic testing, and
ing, older people with anemia have changes in drug regimens) can also
twice the risk of experiencing phys- pose health risks.
ical declines that can eventually rob
them of their independence. Even There are ways to help stave off
mild anemia, with few noticeable certain types of anemia; these tips
symptoms, can compromise well- are courtesy of the Mayo Clinic:
• Eat an iron-rich diet. Foods
There’s another risk associated high in iron include beef and other
with anemia in the older popula- meats, beans, lentils, iron-fortified
tion: a higher incidence of hospital- cereals, dark green leafy vegetables
ization, with its own set of potential and dried fruit.
problems – including hospital-ac-
quired infections, which are caused • Focus on folic acid. This nutri-
ent is found in fruits and fruit juices,
Ask your doctor whether a multivitamin may be right for you.
dark green leafy vegetables, green about getting enough vitamins from the
peas, kidney beans, peanuts and en- food you eat, ask your doctor whether a
riched grain products such as bread, multivitamin may be right for you.
cereal, pasta and rice
Dr. Jones says, “Anemia can really
• Vitamin B-12 is important. Foods affect your quality of life and ability to
rich in vitamin B-12 include meat, care for yourself. If you have anemia,
dairy products, and fortified cereal or think you might, please work closely
and soy products. with your physician to determine if
there is there is an underlying disease,
• Vitamin C helps increase iron so that you can receive the appropriate
absorption. Citrus fruits and juices, treatment.”
peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, melons
and strawberries are all high in vita- Dr. Jones’ practice, Sebastian River
min C. Medical Group, is located at 13480
U.S. 1 in Sebastian. The office phone
• A vitamin supplement might is 772-581-0334.
make sense. If you’re concerned
34 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The newly discovered planet Proxi- near enough that humans could take star it orbits, Proxima Centauri, is the ologists such as Dr. Barnes. And the
ma Centauri b is about to change the pictures of it, if not with today’s tele- sun’s closest neighbor. Significantly, discoverers are a transnational team
focus of astronomy for decades to scopes, then with ones that will come astronomers believe the planet, like of astronomers who have been using
come – and maybe longer, if it reveals online soon. If the planet is like Earth, ours, is in the “habitable zone” of its telescopes at the European Southern
signs of life. The planet, some 25 tril- these near-future telescopes could star, which means liquid water could Observatory (ESO) in the Atacama des-
lion miles away from our own, is like pick up hints of vegetation and sun- exist on its surface. And liquid water ert, in Chile, for planet-hunting.
a twin to Earth, but one separated at light glinting off the ocean. could mean life.
birth and living a very different kind Though they have not seen the new
of life. And Proxima Centauri b looks a lot “We’ve been wondering what planet planet directly (they have inferred its
like Earth. It’s only a little bigger than we’re first going to look for life on,” existence from its effect on its parent
The discovery, announced last week our planet, according to scientists’ said University of Washington’s Rory star’s light), their paper in Nature de-
in the journal Nature, represents by far calculations, and it sustains about Barnes. “Now we know.” scribes what they have been able to
the closest habitable planet to Earth – the same average temperature. The deduce about it.
A prize discovery, then, for astrobi-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 35
Artist’s impression of the exoplanet Proxima BY Faye Flam | Bloomberg
Centauri b. The Alpha Centauri binary system can
be seen in the background. This Earth-like planet
orbits the Sun’s nearest neighbor every 11 days
Proxima Centauri b, as it is known, It is not the only Earth-sized extrasolar Studying Proxima Centauri b very hot when they are young and
probably weighs between 1.3 and planet known to orbit in a star’s hab- could reveal something important then cool off. As an analogy, Univer-
three times as much as Earth and orbits itable zone. There are about a dozen about the timeline of life in the uni- sity of Washington astronomer Vic-
its parent star once every 11 days. This others. verse, and whether we earthlings toria Meadows says, think of turn-
puts its distance from Proxima Cen- are early to the party. That’s because ing on a gas stove. That initial burst
tauri itself at 4.3 million miles, which But it is the closest to Earth – so close, stars like Proxima Centauri are the of high heat would likely boil off any
is less than a twentieth of the distance at four light-years, that it is merely out- future of the universe. Called red water and destroy any atmosphere
between Earth and the sun. rageous, not utterly absurd, to believe dwarfs, these make up the majority on nearby planets.
a spaceship (admittedly a tiny one) of stars in the galaxy, and they live
But because Proxima is a red dwarf, might actually be sent to visit it. Before about 1,000 times as long as our sun. Still, that doesn’t mean life couldn’t
and thus much cooler than the sun, this happens, though, it will be subject- exist on a planet orbiting a red dwarf.
the newly discovered planet will expe- ed to intense scrutiny from Earth itself. In a paper made public last Planets can move around in the early
rience a similar temperature to Earth’s. month, Harvard astronomer Avi stages of a forming solar system, she
CONTINUED ON PAGE 38 Loeb looked at the cosmic implica- said, so it’s possible Proxima b was
tions of life surrounding red dwarfs. at a safer distance when the star was
Loeb calculated that if life is just as firing up.
likely to form around these stars as
sun-like ones, then the vast major- A pair of papers on the potential
ity of life in the universe has yet to habitability of Proxima Centauri b
be born, and we earthlings are not came out alongside the announce-
just early, he said, but “premature.” ment of its discovery. One author,
Villanova University astronomer
That's because scientists believe Edward Guinan, said he was sur-
eventually, all the raw materials for prised life looks to be possible there.
star formation will be used up and
all the stars will die, leaving a dark “When they first told me about
universe of dust and black holes. it, I thought ‘This doesn’t have a
For most of the trillions of years chance,’” he said. Not only is the star
stretching between now and cosmic hot in its first billion years, it would
darkness, red dwarfs will be the only bombard the planet with hundreds
game in town. of times the intensity of X-rays and
ultraviolet light that our planet gets
Why wouldn’t red dwarfs be just from the sun. But scientific models
as good at nurturing life as stars like showed that a protective magnetic
the sun? There are many hazards. field could preserve an ocean and
The main requirement scientists an atmosphere on the planet.
use for habitability is the potential
for water to remain in liquid form, The scientists say that until they
since all life on Earth requires it. But look closer, they won’t know if Prox-
because red dwarfs are dim, their ima b is a desert planet, barren as
planets would have to orbit so close Mars, or perhaps overheated as Ve-
that they get “tidally locked,” with nus. But they can’t rule out the pos-
one side of the planet roasting in sibility that it’s lush, watery and blue.
permanent daylight and the other
trapped in perpetual darkness. This If there is life on Proxima b, it has
is what happened to Mercury, the a better future than Earth, which is
planet closest to our sun. already more than halfway through
its habitable existence. The sun
Still, while planets like Mercury are won't actually die for another few
hellish, tidal locking isn’t necessarily billion years, but scientists say that
the end of the world, according to a billion years from now it may
planetary scientist James Kasting of brighten enough to sterilize our
Penn State University. With enough poor planet. Proxima b’s star is just
air and water circulation, even a a child, by contrast, with trillions of
locked planet might sustain life. years stretching into its future.
The other, slightly more serious If the planet turns out to be a nice
problem is that red dwarfs start out place, said Harvard’s Loeb, we may
end up moving there.
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38 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 INSIGHT COVER STORY Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 35 two objects thus requires a telescope
with a resolution good enough to dis-
That scrutiny will probably be led tinguish between the left and right
by ESO. The data which led to Proxima headlights of an oncoming car in Den-
Centauri b’s discovery came from the ver from the distance of Berlin.
observatory’s 3.6 meter telescope at
La Silla, in Chile. But ESO is also build- Things get worse. Dim as it is, Prox-
ing a much bigger device, the 39-metre ima Centauri is still more than 10 mil-
European Extremely Large Telescope lion times brighter than its planet is
(E-ELT), at another site in Chile. expected to be. It is as though one of
those headlights in Denver was actu-
Since the late 2000s Markus Kasper ally the open door to a furnace, while
has led a team at ESO which is de- the other was a tea light. This is what
signing a specialized planet-spotting makes the E-ELT and EPICS crucial.
instrument, the Exoplanet Imaging
Camera and Spectrograph (EPICS), to EPICS contains a coronagraph – a
fit on this telescope. tiny shield that blocks out a star’s light
so that adjacent planets can be seen.
Dr. Kasper’s camera has a price Unfortunately, a coronagraph reduces
tag of $60 million, and there have al- a telescope’s resolution, meaning you
ways been questions in the past about need an even bigger one to see the tar-
whether it is worth the money. But EP- get in the first place. To observe Prox-
ICS stands a better chance of produc- ima Centauri b using a coronagraph,
ing actual pictures of Proxima Centauri and looking in the infrared wave-
b than any other camera in the world lengths that are likely to provide the
(or off it). Its future can now scarcely be best information about its atmosphere,
in doubt. you need a telescope at least 20 meters
across; 30 meters would be better.
The problem for astronomers trying
to catch a glimpse of Proxima Centauri Two other large telescopes besides
b is that, though close to the Earth by E-ELT, of 27 meters and 30 meters di-
interstellar standards, it is even closer ameter, are under construction and
to its parent star by more or less every planned. But some suggest the first of
other standard short of that of walking these, the Giant Magellan Telescope,
down the road to the store. also in Chile, is not well suited to the
use of a coronagraph, and the second,
Seen from Earth, star and planet are the Thirty Meter Telescope, is planned
35 thousandths of an arc second apart
(an arc second is a 3,600th of a degree).
Producing a picture that separates the
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 39
at the moment for Hawaii, which is discovered by the radial-velocity tech- the face of its parent and thus slightly study its spectrum by subtracting the
in the northern hemisphere. Proxima nique, there is about a 1.5% chance dims it. Various southern-hemisphere star’s spectrum when the planet is
Centauri is in the southern skies, and that it might also be detectable by the telescopes are already looking for the hidden behind it from the spectrum
therefore not so easy to study from transit technique. 0.5% dimmings of Proxima Centauri’s measured during a transit. That would
north of the equator. brightness which would be observed if reveal the chemical composition of
This would require Earth to sit in the Proxima Centauri b were transiting. its atmosphere, if it has one – which
There may, just possibly, be a short same plane as the planet and its star,
cut. Though Proxima Centauri b was so that, seen from Earth, it crosses If it is, then it will be possible to CONTINUED ON PAGE 40
40 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
might, in turn, give a clue as to whether interstellar, is collaborating with the
it harbors life. Parkes radio telescope in Australia and
the Meerkat radio array in South Afri-
Life on Earth leaves a sign of its ca. According to Dan Werthimer of the
existence in the atmosphere, in the University of California, Berkeley, who
form of oxygen. This is produced by works on Milner’s program, Proxima
plants and it is such a reactive chemi- Centauri will now be getting a lot more
cal that if their photosynthesis stopped attention.
it would disappear rapidly from the air.
Free oxygen in Proxima Centauri b’s at- That there is intelligent life in the
mosphere would therefore get a lot of nearest planetary system to Earth’s is
people excited – but possibly without surely the longest of shots. And despite
justification, for there are ways (such as its nice-sounding location in the “hab-
the dissociation of water by ultraviolet itable zone”, the existence of life itself
light) to put oxygen into atmospheres on Proxima Centauri b is far from a
abiotically. foregone conclusion.
A stronger indicator of life would be For one thing, there are doubts
finding both oxygen and molecules as- about how easy it is for planets around
sociated with biology that cannot long red dwarfs to develop and retain at-
persist in its presence, and must thus mospheres.
be produced continuously.
Even if it avoids this problem, it will
On Earth nitrous oxide and methane still be whipped persistently by the
fit this bill, though these molecules are star’s magnetic field and lashed by its
present in amounts much too low to flares. Though they are dim, red dwarfs
be seen light-years away. But David are given to all sorts of eruptive activ-
Catling, a colleague of Dr. Barnes at ity and pump out X-rays at a prodi-
the University of Washington, points gious rate. These are both things which
out that there are models of planetary might make an atmosphere hard to
atmospheres which allow methane hold on to and life itself a bit tricky.
to build up quite a lot on a planet like
Proxima Centauri b. If spectra showed Such doubts will not stop people
methane and oxygen together, the like- looking. Indeed, the discovery of Prox-
lihood of life on Proxima Centauri b ima Centauri b may accelerate plans to
would rise dramatically. construct space telescopes designed
specially to look directly at exoplanets
Another way to look for life on Prox- by employing what is known as a star-
ima Centauri b would be to search for shade, instead of a coronograph, to
radio signals. Life in general does not block the light from parent stars.
generate radiation at radio frequencies.
But intelligent life does – at least it does A starshade is a second spacecraft,
on Earth. And that Earth-bound life flown in formation with the telescope,
also puts a tiny bit of effort into looking that eclipses the parent while leaving
for such emissions from elsewhere, an the planet visible. Sara Seager, a planet
endeavor known as the search for ex- hunter at the Massachusetts Institute
traterrestrial intelligence, or SETI. of Technology, is a fan. She wants all
future space telescopes to be designed
There have been SETI studies of with the use of starshades in mind.
Proxima Centauri in past decades, but
they have not been particularly sensi- The most radical form of follow-up,
tive. If the inhabitants of Proxima Cen- though, is an idea for interstellar flight
tauri b were beaming powerful trans- that Mr Milner is working on in paral-
missions at Earth all day and night they lel with his SETI project. Light beams
would have been heard; if they were exert pressure. A powerful laser fo-
merely using radio for their own ends, cused on a low-mass spacecraft could
in the way that broadcasters and radar in principle accelerate it to a significant
systems do on Earth, they would not. fraction of the speed of light.
Now, though, a big new SETI proj- This would be awesomely difficult
ect bankrolled by Yuri Milner, a Rus- in practice. It would require hundreds
sian billionaire with a taste for things of thousand of lasers yoked together
to make a single coherent beam of
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 41
100 gigawatts or so. That is about the collisions with dust particles that the craft lions of dollars to test the idea. If en- will look for evidence of other nearby
maximum electrical-power consump- would inevitably encounter en route; and couraged by the results, he may try to planets – including around Proxima’s
tion of France. a method of getting data back to Earth build a test rig in which a laser zaps a bigger, more sunlike companions, Al-
once the probe reached its destination. tiny object to the highest speed ever pha Centauri A and B. The discovery of
It would also require a spacecraft achieved outside a particle accelerator. Proxima Centauri b is a huge step for-
weighing just a few grams that could sit But it might not be impossible. Over ward in the search for life elsewhere. But
at the beam’s pinnacle without getting the next six years Milner’s “Starshot” Meanwhile, Dr. Kasper will get on the journey is nowhere near over yet.
fried; a way of coping with high-speed program plans to spend tens of mil- with his camera for the E-ELT. Others
42 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Five myths about mosquitoes Even mosquitoes born in swamps can pose a dan-
ger to humans who don’t live nearby. The species
BY KIM KNOWLTON | WASHINGTON POST Aedes sollicitans prefers stagnant salt marshes along
the ocean for its eggs and larvae. However, the insect
It’s a hot, steamy summer, and mosquito bites are pregnant women to stay inside, in air conditioning. can fly 10 miles or more inland to find animals or
as much a part of the season as backyard barbecues. Prevention magazine says avoiding the outdoors, people to bite.
This year, though, daily headlines remind us that a at least at certain times of the day, is one of the best
bite can bring more than an irritating itch. ways to avoid exposure. MYTH NO. 4
Mosquitoes hate citronella candles, bats and Listerine.
Mosquitoes are highly efficient disease-transmis- It’s true that spending the bulk of your time inside,
sion machines. The outbreak of Zika virus in parts of with doors and windows shut, will lower your risk. The Internet is awash in ideas for repelling mosqui-
South Florida has put pregnant women there at risk. toes. Websites sell wooden bat homes for back yards,
Mosquitoes can also transmit West Nile virus, dengue But that doesn’t mean mosquitoes can’t be a prob- promising that their omnivorous occupants will de-
fever and chikungunya, another viral illness finding lem inside. Some, especially the Aedes aegypti mos- vour the pesky bugs. Emails circulate suggesting that
its way into the United States. Separating fact from quito which can carry Zika and dengue, can live in a bowl of water with a few drops of liquid soap, a
fancy can help us better protect ourselves against nooks and crannies in homes and yards. One exter- spray of Listerine or half a lemon stuffed full of cloves
mosquito bites and the diseases they can spread. minator wrote about discovering mosquitoes breed- will keep the bloodsuckers away. Amazon even sells
ing in potted-plant containers. On another blog, a an “eco friendly” device that emits ultrasonic waves.
MYTH NO. 1 homeowner vividly described the mosquito popula-
Mosquitoes find everyone equally tasty. tion he found in his bathroom. “Right now the mos- Unfortunately, most “natural” solutions provide
quitoes are much worse inside of our house than little, if any, relief. Take citronella candles – Harry
Female mosquitoes don’t much care who they bite; outside,” he wrote. That’s why, in high-risk areas, ex- Savage of the CDC told CNN that they don’t do much.
they’re just out for blood, which they need to pro- perts recommend sleeping under mosquito netting “To me,” he said, “citronella only protects the candle.”
duce eggs. This has led some people to conclude that at night, particularly for infants.
the bugs don’t show any preference when it comes to Research shows that the best mosquito repel-
their victims. MYTH NO. 3 lents are Environmental Protection Agency-regis-
You’re safe from mosquitoes if you’re not tered sprays for use on the body, such as products
But research has shown that some mosquito spe- that contain DEET or picaridin. (Groups like the
cies prefer certain types of people. The insects rely near a swamp. CDC, Consumers Union and Environmental Work-
primarily on smell to find prey, and female mosqui- Most mosquito species crave warm weather and ing Group offer useful guides.) As one expert noted,
toes seem to flock to certain individuals over others moist soil or still water to lay their eggs. This makes “Many, many studies throughout the world have
based on differences in the odoriferous chemicals swamps particularly appealing – as one website ex- shown that botanical based repellents provide sub-
produced by the human body. One study, for ex- plains, mosquitoes “most commonly infest ponds, stantially less protection against biting mosquitoes
ample, found that pregnant women were especially marshes, swamps and other wetland habitats.” Some than DEET or Picaridin.”
attractive to the Anopheles mosquitoes that can people have even suggested draining wetlands to cut
transmit malaria. Another study found that beer con- down on these pests. MYTH NO. 5
sumption increased subjects’ attractiveness to the We should wipe mosquitoes off the face of the Earth.
same type of mosquitoes. In reality, that would do little to reduce mosquito
populations. Many species don’t need a swamp to In reality, total extinction of all mosquito species
That doesn’t mean you can change your diet to reproduce; some are more comfortable in human could be risky and almost impossible. First, not all
change your smell. You won’t stop a skeeter, for ex- habitats. Female Aedes aegypti chiefly lay their eggs mosquitoes are problematic – although there are
ample, by eating garlic or taking vitamin B supple- in artificial containers with vertical walls and a bit of about 3,500 varieties, only 200 or so bite us. Addition-
ments, studies suggest. And there aren’t clear, consis- standing water. They find the perfect incubators in ally, in many places, such as the Arctic, the bugs are a
tent dietary explanations for why some people seem those flower pots, tires, buckets, planters, toys, bird- vital source of food for animals.
to be mosquito magnets. baths, empty garbage cans and lids in our yards and
on our decks. Once the eggs hatch, the larvae drop In the future, experts say, we might be able to limit
MYTH NO. 2 down into the water, where they mature into adult certain species of mosquitoes using genetic modi-
You’re safe if you spend most of your time mosquitoes.This is why it’s so important to check your fication to make them infertile. But even that could
house, yard and neighborhood weekly for these kinds be a challenge – the number of modified mosquitoes
in air conditioning. of containers. Empty and scrub them. Turn them over, you’d have to release would be phenomenal.
When Zika was discovered in the United States, the cover them, dry them out or throw them out.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised Kim Knowlton is the senior scientist and deputy
director of the Natural Resources Defense Council’s
Science Center.
SLEEPLESS IN … PART V Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) to keep your nose and mouth more open while © 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
MSLT is a painless daytime sleep study that’s usu- you sleep, usually improves sleep.
Tests and Treatments for Sleep Disorders ally performed after an overnight PSG test. It’s es-
pecially useful for diagnosing narcolepsy (defined While no medications cure sleep apnea, some
If your doctor thinks you might have a sleep disor- below). Monitoring devices are placed on your may help relieve excessive sleepiness.
der, he or she may ask you to keep a sleep diary scalp and face. You nap four or five times for 20
for a few weeks. minutes every two hours. Technicians note how Use of a mouthpiece (an oral or dental appli-
quickly you fall asleep and how long it takes to ance) may be beneficial. Surgery to remove ton-
“DEAR DIARY,” reach various stages of sleep. sils, adenoids, the uvula and/or part of the soft
Information to record in your sleep diary palate is another alternative.
DISORDERS INCLUDE: Restless legs syndrome (prickling or tingling
Quantity and quality of sleep Insomnia (trouble falling asleep or in legs; brief, sometimes abrupt, limb
Use of medications, alcohol and caffeinated staying asleep) movements during sleep)
beverages Go to bed only if sleepy and get out of bed if you Your doctor may recommend dopamine-like drugs
Exercise can’t sleep. Try relaxation therapy, including med- and iron supplements. If your symptoms are mild,
Sleepiness during the day itation and progressive tensing/relaxing of muscle sedatives or behavioral strategies may be sufficient.
groups. Avoid daytime naps. Since the effective-
TESTS PERFORMED IN A SLEEP CENTER ness of “natural” remedies such as melatonin and Narcolepsy (fall asleep at inappropriate
If indicated, your doctor may order one or both of valerian teas/extracts is inconclusive, most doc- times and places during the day)
the following tests: tors don’t recommend them. Some prescription In addition to taking short naps two to three
drugs can be helpful. times a day, you may be prescribed stimulants
Polysomnogram (PSG) to reduce daytime sleepiness and/or antide-
PSG is a painless overnight test. Electrodes/moni- Sleep apnea (breathing briefly stops or becomes pressants and other drugs to suppress rapid
tors are placed on your scalp, face, chest, limbs very shallow during sleep; loud snoring) eye movement (REM) sleep (the stage of sleep
and finger to measure brain activity, eye move- Sleep on your side. Avoid alcohol, smoking, sleep- in which muscle weakness, sleep paralysis and
ments, muscle activity, heart rate and rhythm, ing pills, herbal supplements and other medica- vivid dreaming tends to occur).
blood pressure, how much air moves in and out tions that make you sleepy. A continuous positive
of your lungs, and oxygen in your blood. In some airway pressure (CPAP) machine, in which air is This concludes our five-part series on sleep.
cases, a PSG test can be done at home. delivered through a specially designed nasal mask
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are
always welcome. Email us at [email protected].
44 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, known as the shah, has nomic disruptions and miscalculations by Western any sensitivity to the unique pressures that the shah
always been portrayed as both ruthless and craven powers, as well as a well-funded opposition, crippled faced at home by supporting U.S. foreign policy in
– the last emperor of Iran who fled on the eve of the the shah’s efforts to save himself. the Middle East, selling oil to Israel, and guarding
1979 Islamic revolution. Nearly four decades after the approaches to the Persian Gulf from any array
his death, a new book offers a more sympathetic, Cooper’s narrative describes in depth the build- of adversaries,” Cooper writes. Sullivan even joked
nuanced portrait of him and the dynasty he was ing blocks of the movement against the shah. Most about the shah’s fall and a possible revolution in
born into. shocking perhaps were the deceptive tactics the op- front of the royal family’s friends and advisers. In his
position used to demonize him. Cooper claims, for communications with Washington, Sullivan contin-
In “The Fall of Heaven,” Andrew Scott Cooper uses example, that Abol Hassan Bani-Sadr, a nationalist- ued to dismiss worries by moderate religious leaders
newly declassified U.S. documents from the Carter left activist who deposed the shah with Ayatollah – including opponents of the shah – over the conse-
administration, interviews with the shah’s aides and Ruhollah Khomeini and later served as the first presi- quences of the shah’s departure, arguing that their
revolutionary leaders as well as his own research in dent, told him how they manipulated the Western fears “were not very coherent or well reasoned.” It
Iran to make the case that the shah has been mis- media’s coverage of Iran. The revolutionaries “stud- was only in the shah’s final days in Iran, Cooper con-
interpreted, reduced to “a bloodless enigma.” Coo- ied western journalists’ reporting methods, fed them cludes, that “Ambassador Sullivan received crucial
per, a Middle East specialist and the author of “Oil story ideas, steered them toward sympathetic inter- intelligence suggesting that he might have backed
Kings: How the U.S., Iran and Saudi Arabia Changed viewees, and supplied them with the revolutionary the wrong horse after all.”
the Balance of Power in the Middle East,” offers a movement’s facts and figures,” Cooper argues, citing
convincing narrative about who the man was and Bani-Sadr. This led to the publication of grossly in- Until the end, “nationalism was like a religion” for
the dynamics that led to his downfall. flated numbers of activists jailed and executed by the the shah, Cooper argues. Over nearly four decades,
shah’s secret police. The figures, Cooper says, helped the shah transformed a backward, poverty-stricken
The shah came to power in 1941 after the Brit- provoke anti-shah sentiments and were not correct- country into a powerful one with the most educated
ish and the Soviets forced his father, Reza Pahlavi, ed, even after Red Cross inspectors investigated and workforce in the Middle East. In the days leading to
to abdicate in his favor. He survived two major po- rejected the claims. Revolutionaries themselves, the the revolution, as protests against him culminated,
litical upheavals, and by the early 1960s, oil wealth book notes, have since refuted the numbers. lymphoma ravaged his body. Yet he refused to kill to
enabled him to modernize Iran. Religious leaders, keep his throne. According to Cooper, an aide at the
however, accused him of Westernizing the country. To bolster the impression that the shah was bent shah’s deathbed asked the former ruler, “Why didn’t
Communist and nationalist activists criticized him, on murdering his people, the opposition initiated vi- you finish all out against Khomeini?” The shah’s an-
saying he distributed wealth and power among the olence and blamed it on the shah. In the year before swer: “I wasn’t the man. If you wanted someone to
ruling elite. His secret police grew more repressive, the victory of the revolution, the Islamists burned kill people you had to find somebody else.”
seeking to end opposition but instead alienating hundreds of private businesses, including cinemas,
students and intellectuals. Cooper writes. The most brutal attack came in Au- This sober narrative will resonate with many Ira-
gust 1978, when 430 men, women and children nians – including myself – who lived under the grim
The seeds of the shah’s downfall began in 1977, were burned to death at Rex Cinema in the south- conditions Khomeini introduced after the revolu-
Cooper argues, after Saudi Arabia flooded markets ern city of Abadan – the worst arson since World tion. As other countries in the Middle East are go-
with cheap oil. The shortfall in Iran’s oil revenue, War II. The inferno was intended “to destabilize and ing through similar transformations and vying for
combined with a drought, forced dissatisfied labor- panic Iranian society,” Cooper argues. It also suc- political reform, Cooper reminds us of the ability
ers to flock to larger cities, looking for work. The shah cessfully fanned the flames of hostility toward the of power-hungry leaders, capable of manipulating
introduced political and social liberalization to ease shah across the country. The culprit, Cooper writes, people’s desire for change, to build even more brutal
the mood, unaware, Cooper notes, that his policies based on evidence in the 2013 book “Days of God” and unaccountable systems.
provided religious extremists with a context to mo- by James Buchan, was Hossein Takbalizadeh, an Is-
bilize the masses against him. According to Cooper, lamist linked to a local Khomeini underground cell THE FALL OF HEAVEN: THE PAHLAVIS AND
by the time he left the country in January 1979 the who was eventually tried and convicted of murder THE FINAL DAYS OF IMPERIAL IRAN
shah had, by his reforms, reduced his role to that of a by an Iranian court after the revolution. BY ANDREW SCOTT COOPER
constitutional figure¬head. A series of missteps, eco- Henry Holt. 587 pp. $36.
The arrival of William Sullivan, U.S. ambassador Review by Nazila Fathi,
to Tehran, in the summer of 1977 was not good news The Washington Post
for the shah, Cooper contends. “He showed little or
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 45
Back in my college days, I took a course in 17th tion by Mark Valentine, I kept wondering about the ligious faith. Henry falls in love with Dora Winslow
century poetry from an elderly professor of English. book’s “species of utterance.” According to a con- and the two are obviously meant for each other. The
To launch the discussion of each poem, he would in- temporary review, it was “quite the jolliest crime young couple even receives the blessing of Father
variably ask the class, “What species of utterance is story that has come our way in many moons.” Yet Reginald, a de Birkett who has converted to Ca-
this?” That is to say, was it an elegy or an ode? Was it’s not at all comic in the manner of, say, a Donald tholicism and actually become a Jesuit. The shrewd
it an epithalamium praising a forthcoming marriage Westlake caper about Dortmunder and his lovable priest alone recognizes the real wickedness in Ara-
or a seduction lyric drawing on the classic argument gang of burglars. Black humor, gallows humor, sar- bella, though Dora suspects it. The rather weak-
of “carpe diem” – seize the day, live for the moment? donic humor – these better describe the overall tone willed Henry doesn’t know what to believe.
Only when you knew a poem’s genre, he insisted, of Greenwood’s tale of the 83-year-old Dowager
could you begin to understand and appreciate its Duchess Arabella, Lady Engleton, who decides to do Alas, poor Henry! Arabella soon resolves that he
underlying strategies and artistry. away with a handful of her inconvenient relatives. really must marry the daughter of an immensely
wealthy grocery mogul. Lily Peploe turns out to
As I was reading Edwin Greenwood’s 1934 novel, Arabella becomes a serial killer for what she believes be a brazen, modern girl, who does her best – and
“The Deadly Dowager,” newly reissued in paper- is the best of reasons. Her own two sons having died, her best is quite considerable – to seduce the prig-
back with a characteristically excellent introduc- one in the BoerWar and the other in the GreatWar, and gish young man. Will he surrender to her multiple
the de Birkett family’s fortunes having precipitously charms? Lily isn’t just sexy, after all, she is also lively
declined, she has taken it upon herself to establish her and full of common sense and really seems to care
20-year-old grandson Henry in a manner befitting his for him. Perhaps Henry should just bow to his steely
noble station. Initially, she persuades various childless grandmother’s wishes? But, sigh, he really loves
in-laws – a dotty clergyman, a blustery India hand, a Dora. What to do? It’s hardly worth saying that Ara-
Harley Street doctor, a stupid businessman, and a pair bella knows precisely what to do.
of sisters, one repulsively fat, the other mousy – to al-
low her to insure their lives, making Henry the benefi- Though she lacks magical powers, Greenwood’s
ciary. Arabella will naturally pay all the fees against the deadly dowager gradually emerges as one of the
day – no doubt quite distant, of course – when each great witches of modern literature, insidious, cruel,
finally shuffles off this mortal coil. While maintaining hypocritical and inveterately manipulative. Still,
a demeanor of sweetness and innocence, she then she’s only an extreme case: Half the characters in the
starts killing them off, one after the other. novel are secretly jockeying for status, wealth or sex.
Arabella quickly blackmails one respectable gentle-
At this point, a reader might decide that “The man when she fortuitously discovers his cache of
Deadly Dowager” should be categorized with Patri- pornography. She frets that without her strictest
cia Highsmith’s “The Talented Mr. Ripley” (1955) or vigilance some actress will get her claws into Henry.
Roy Horniman’s “Israel Rank: The Autobiography of a As she frostily explains to her unscrupulous lawyer:
Criminal” (1907) the source for the classic film “Kind
Hearts and Coronets.” In these, a few judicious homi- “Henry … is broody. His condition is ripe for pos-
cides allow an outsider to gain entree into the ranks sible mischief; his visit with this Winslow girl yes-
of the glamorous upper classes. Watching Tom Ripley terday to the Priory was dangerous. Anything might
or Israel Rank literally “get away with murder” is part have happened in that plaintive and romantic at-
of the fascination of these smoothly urbane narra- mosphere. My son, fool that he was, once forgot
tives. After all, what matter a few seductions, frauds himself there with a girl from the village, and it cost
and murders when the perpetrators are so charming, two hundred and fifty pounds to rectify the error.
so handsome, so much more interesting than the vic- The consequence is, I believe, at Bristol.”
tims! Israel, in particular, recalls his life and crimes
in a drily witty, civilized voice reminiscent of Evelyn THE DEADLY DOWAGER
Waugh’s in “A Handful of Dust.” BY EDWIN GREENWOOD
Valancourt Books. 233 pp. Paperback, $19.
And like Waugh’s exactly contemporary master- Review by Michael Dirda,
piece, Greenwood’s novel – its surface cynicism
notwithstanding – subtly champions fidelity and re- The Washington Post
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Learned from a Little Golden
Carl's new full-tilt, razor-sharp, BY DANIEL SILVA & EILEEN MCGANN Book BY DIANE MULDROW
unstoppably hilarious and 3. Passenger BY ALEXANDRA BRACKEN
entertaining novel, is now 3. Underground Railroad 3. Crisis of Character 4. Fish in a Tree BY LINDA MULALLY HUNT
available for pre-order. 5. On the Night You Were Born
Autograph line tickets will be BY NANCY TILLMAN
issued with books purchased 4. A Certain Age 4. Hillary's America
from Vero Beach Book Center.
5. Truly, Madly, Guilty 5. Vero Beach
Seating will be available for 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
autograph line ticket
customers on a first arrival,
space available basis.
46 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Your flight is canceled … how should airline respond?
The Washington Post
If your flight is canceled, does your by-case basis. During the disruptions, many major domestic airlines, says it still does today. Advocates, such as
airline still have an obligation to get for example, some Delta and Southwest that during the latest IT outage, carri- Hudson, disagree and say they think
you to your destination on time? passengers were re-booked on other ers either refunded tickets or re-booked the government must protect con-
airlines at no cost, even though neither their passengers without charging sumers against “unfair and deceptive”
Rosemarie Dagostino thinks so. carrier was legally required to do so. them extra. “Proposals to re-regulate practices. Either way, issuing an emer-
She and her husband were recently the industry, such as a mandatory reci- gency order would almost certainly in-
scheduled to fly from Chicago to San But maybe they should be, some con- procity rule, would be a disincentive vite a legal challenge.
Francisco on Frontier Airlines. “But sumer advocates say. They’re urging for airlines to improve and compete on
on the morning of our departure, as the Transportation Department and service quality, and it would make fly- As far as passengers are concerned,
I was calling for the cab to take us to Federal Aviation Administration to is- ing more expensive,” Medina says. this conflict isn’t really about contracts
O’Hare, the airline sent me a notice sue an emergency order to immediately or regulations. It’s about right and
that there was a delay, and asking me reinstate the reciprocity rule when an Reciprocity was never a government wrong. How can an airline sell a ticket
if I wanted a refund,” she says. airline cancels or delays flights. Offi- requirement. Rather, it was part of an from Point A to Point B and then walk
cials say the request is being reviewed. old FAA regulation called Rule 240, away from its implied obligation?
A refund? Dagostino, a retired teach- which outlined what carriers would do
er from Oak Park, Ill., had a better idea: The airline contract of carriage, the for passengers whose flights were de- Perhaps the most irritating part of
Why not transfer her tickets to anoth- legal agreement between the passen- layed or canceled. One of the Rule 240 this problem is a glaring double stan-
er airline so they could make it to the ger and airline, specifically says the air- requirements was something called dard: An airline can change its own
wedding anniversary celebration they line isn’t required to keep its schedule. “endorsing” a ticket to another carrier, flight schedule and, at worst, it must
were supposed to attend in Napa, Ca- That’s wrong, says Paul Hudson, presi- which meant re-booking a passenger refund the ticket. If air travelers change
lif.? But that’s not how it works. Fron- dent of, the advocacy on another carrier at the airline’s own an itinerary, they have to pay change
tier was only required to either refund group leading the reciprocity effort. expense. And it could be expensive. fees and fare differentials. They could
the ticket or send the Dagostinos on its Airlines typically charged each other lose the entire value of their tickets.
next flight with available seats. “To force passengers to reschedule the walk-up rate – the most expensive
on the airline’s time frame, due to an economy class ticket available – for a “This situation really needs to be
“I found another flight on United Air- airline error, is completely unreason- coach ticket. changed so that passengers, through
lines and booked it myself,” she says. able,” he says. “In the instance of a no fault of their own, aren’t left strand-
computer outage, the airline should Rule 240 faded away after deregula- ed,” says Jan Major, an attorney from
Airline reciprocity, or the idea that offer a full refund or re-book flights at tion. But insiders say that even before Corte Madera, Calif., who recently was
carriers should accept each other’s tick- no additional cost.” deregulation, the federal government stuck after a flight cancellation. Al-
ets, is a hot-button issue in Washington. lacked the statutory authority to re- though other airlines had flights to her
It became a regulatory cause célèbre Many airlines say a new rule is un- quire reciprocity, and, in all likelihood, final destination, her carrier, United,
this summer after the mass cancella- necessary. Jean Medina, a spokeswom- refused to endorse her ticket.
tions caused by the IT meltdowns at an for A4A, a trade group that represents
Southwest Airlines and Delta Air Lines,
which left thousands of air travelers
stranded. Consumer advocates support
reciprocity; airlines are opposed to it.
Analysts say it might be difficult to
force reciprocity on the airline industry,
but there are ways to persuade airlines
to honor each other’s tickets on a case-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 47
Looking for God in the mirror
BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT We thought about “mirroring” re- Whose eyes mirror your face? Your ror. Maybe from time to time we all
Columnists cently when we came across the Bib- family and friends, your colleagues need to place ourselves before One
lical story from the Gospel of Luke or neighbors? What do they tell you who will look deeply into our hearts
Psychologists tell us that “mirror- about the tax collector, Zacchaeus. about yourself? We hope what you see and souls, discerning the best in us.
ing” is the copying of one person’s Tax collectors in Zacchaeus’ day were mirrored back to you gives you peace, Maybe we need that One to mirror us.
behavior by another. The behaviors despised. They were usually a little increases your confidence, and affirms Maybe we need confirmation that we
copied could be gestures, movements, more than cheats and extortionists. you in being your best, truest, most have the ability to become ever more
facial expressions, attitudes or speech Zacchaeus was a short man, and so worthy self. We hope you see whom like the One in whose image we were
patterns. Sometimes mirroring is al- the day Jesus came to his town he you were truly meant to be. made.
most unconscious or unintentional. ran ahead of the crowd and climbed
a sycamore tree to get a better view But if you are not getting that sort Have you been fortunate enough to
Yet, Dr. Beverly Amsel in a recent of everything. And when Jesus spot- of reflection mirrored back to you, see yourself through God’s eyes? We
article, notes that mirroring actually ted Zacchaeus in his perch up the maybe you need a different mir- hope so. It can work wonders.
has some very significant results. For tree, he went directly to him and he
example, it is vital for parents to begin asked Zacchaeus to come down be-
mirroring their babies’ behaviors very cause, Jesus said, he wanted to go to
early in life. When the baby smiles, Zacchaeus’ house for dinner that
the parent makes eye contact and re- night. The story tells us that
turns the smile. Laugh meets laugh. from that moment on Zac-
Babbling results in a spoken response chaeus was a changed
from the parent. All this mirroring man. He refunded all
contributes to the child’s self-esteem those he had defraud-
and self-confidence. According to Dr. ed and made four-fold
Amsel, positive mirroring ought to restitution to those he
continue right through adolescence cheated.
and early adulthood, as identities are
forged and affirmed. If positive mir- When ancient
roring doesn’t occur, if a child is ne- Biblical com-
glected or critically smothered, the mentators
child fails to see him or herself as in-
teresting, worthwhile and admirable. examined this story, they struggled to
explain the astonishing and instanta-
neous change in Zacchaeus that day.
One of them imagined a later conver-
sation between Zacchaeus and Jesus
that explained it. In this conversation
Jesus asked, “What did you see from
your perch in the sycamore tree that
made you desire God’s peace, Zac-
chaeus?” And Zacchaeus replied, “I
saw mirrored in your eyes, the face of
the Zacchaeus I was meant to be.”
48 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
She's lovin' life: Bonz riveted by Rosie's story
Hi Dog Buddies! Society, just to look around.’ So they after I was rescued, Dad brought Rosie. PHOTO BY LEAH DUBOIS
did. I was still there. It was right be- home a surprise: a stray white cat. His
This week I went over to the Vero Dog fore Christmas. By then, I was all name’s Rodger-With-a-D. At first I’m “My pal across the street, Ruby, she’s
Park to meet an energetic, friendly little by myself, in a little cage. I was Sad like – whaaat? But it turned out OK. a Rhodesian Ridgeback. We take walks
lady pooch, Rosie Klein. Didja ever hear and Confused. All the other dogs He popped me on the head. I growled. together, in step. Mom says we look
about that cartoon movie, “Lady and were yapping like mad so humans’d Then we both figured, hey, this could be cute cuz Ruby’s so big and I’m so not
the Tramp”? Well, Rosie sorta reminds come over and see ’em. But I was fun. And we’ve been besties ever since. big. I’m strong, though. When Mom’s
me of the Tramp, ’cept, of course, she’s real quiet. Rodger-With-a-D likes to chew on my friend was in a wheelchair, I could pull
a lady. But she rocks that same hairdo floppy ears. And when it’s stormy and I her along on walks.
and has the same really cool bounce to “Mom felt sorry for me, specially get scared and hafta wear my Thunder
her step. I’m pretty sure she’s got some when she heard about my pup- Shirt, he stays right by me and helps me Then it was time to go. Heading
Schnauzer in her. Curly eyebrows, long pies and the garage. So she told be calm. home, I was thinking about little Rosie,
hair on her head, little beard. Dad (he’s Don) about me and they flying through her neighborhood, feel-
came back the next day to meet “Mom and Dad call me an Escape ing Wild and Free. All us dogs love that
Me and my assistant got there early, me. Soon as I was brought in, I Artist. I’d sneak out and take off run- feeling, right? We are, after all, descend-
and were hanging out on a bench un- jumped right into their laps. You ning. I’m VERY speedy. The neighbors ed from wolves.
der some trees on the Little Dog Side, know how us dogs just sometimes like me, and they’d form Search Parties.
watching a bunch of poocheroos tea- know stuff, right?” Once our neighbor, Clay, saw me zoom- Till next time,
rin’ around, havin’ a blast. We spotted ing past. He offered me some cheese
Rosie and her Mom comin’ in the gate. “Totally!” I said. so I’d stay til Mom and Dad came to The Bonz
Rosie zipped off to greet her pals. “Well, I knew they were my For- get me. I sure do love cheese. I know
ever Humans. I’m almost 9 now. I shouldn’t run away, but sometimes I Don’t Be Shy
When she finished makin’ the rounds, Cuz I was so quiet at first, Mom thought just can’t help myself. I think it’s ’cuz of
she ran up, a little out of breath, for the I’d be a quiet, calm pooch. Well, turns all that time I was locked in the garage. We are always looking for pets
Wag-and-Sniff. “Mr. Bonzo! I knew that out I’m The Opposite. I love running I just hafta feel FREE. But I’m trying to with interesting stories.
was you cuz of your notebook. This is and playing and chasing stuff. cut back.”
my Mom, Nancy.” She popped onto “When I realized I didn’t hafta live in To set up an interview, email
the bench and gave my Assistant some a garage anymore, and discovered the “That’s probly a Good Idea for several [email protected].
slurps. “I love your column. You’re even World, and trees and grass and squir- reasons,” I observed.
cuter in the fur than your picture! Re- rels, it was So Exciting! Still is! One time,
ally!” before I Learned Better, I was running
so fast chasing a squirrel I ran smack
“Well, thank you, Miss Rosie,” I said, into the back of a car and bounced off.
sorta flustered. “I know you have a good Scared the kibbles outta me. Thank
rescue story.” Lassie I didn’t get totally squashed. Me
and Mom snuggled all night.
“Yes. I was a new mother when my “Even now, Mom and Dad have to
family brought me and my puppies keep patching our screen porch cuz I’m
to the Humane Society. We’d been liv- always trying to get at the squirrels. And
ing in a garage. The nice Humane So- one time, when Mom was leash-walk-
ciety people got us all spiffed up. I was ing me, I took off after a squirrel so fast I
a terrible mess. We all had lotsa fleas, I pulled her right over! I think I might be
had hardly any hair left. I hadda go on a Squirrel-a-holic.”
Meds.” A little dog ran over, and off they both
went, did a coupla laps, then Rosie
“Wow, Soggy Dog Biscuits,” I sympa- skidded back up to the bench.
thized. “’Scuse me” she said, a little out of
breath. “I haven’t seen Sadie in weeks.
“It sure was.Well, my future Mom had Where was I? Oh, yes. A couple years
never had a dog! Can you buhLEAVE
it? And she always wanted one. So her
friend Sue said, ‘Let’s go to the Humane
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 49
Q J 10 9 8 A5 643
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist QJ6 542 10 9 7
K7 Q J 10 9 86532
Zig Ziglar, an author and motivational speaker who died in 2012, said, “It’s not what Q J 10 8643 97
you’ve got, it’s what you use that makes a difference.”
We have been looking at the Michaels Cue-Bid and the Unusual No-Trump. There is K72
one important difference between them. If the dealer opens the bidding with one of a AK83
suit, and two passes follow, in the fourth position, the Michaels Cue-Bid still applies, A4
but the Unusual No-Trump does not. A balancing two-no-trump overcall is natural, AK52
in principle showing a hand worth a normal two-no-trump opening with at least one
stopper in the opener’s suit. (You might also have only 18 or 19 points when you have Dealer: West; Vunerable: Both
a respectable six-card minor to compensate for the shortfall.)
The Bidding:
You can see this bid in action in today’s deal. When one spade comes around, South
might double, but if North advances with two diamonds, South will have no good call. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
A 4-4 heart fit is unlikely to be lost after South jumps to two no-trump, because North ?? 1 Spades Pass Pass
can use Stayman, assuming he has sufficient points for game. Note also that bidding LEAD:
aggressively is a good idea, because South knows where (almost) all of the missing Queen Spades
honor cards lie.
How should South play in three no-trump after West leads the spade queen?
Declarer has seven top tricks: two spades, two hearts, one diamond and two clubs.
The simplest line is to win the first trick with his spade king, cash the diamond ace,
and lead another diamond to establish two more diamond winners while dummy
retains the spade ace as an entry.
50 Vero Beach 32963 / September 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
7 Title, term (4) 1 Soak meat, fish etc (8)
8 Scented (8) 2 Frail (4)
9 Permit (6) 3 Forts (7)
10 Partition (6) 4 Show off (5)
11 Lawn flowers (7) 5 Union (8)
13 Pastries (5) 6 Eat (4)
16 Thigh bone (5) 12 Cooking pot (8)
17 Young hare (7) 14 Choice (8)
19 Globe (6) 15 Instructor (7)
21 Diagrams, graphs, tables (6) 18 First appearance (5)
23 Delight (8) 20 Ashen (4)
24 Portal (4) 22 Increases (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph