Details of John Kim’s death
remain unclear. P4
Jay McLaughlin
buys Garage Pizza. P8
Accused island murderer acts
as his own attorney at hearing. P8
Christ by the Sea For breaking news visit
reinstalls windows
shattered by vandal School Board bid
for relief from deseg
order going to judge
Staff Writer Staff Writer
Almost six months after The School Board believes it
the Easter Week vandalism has made substantial progress
at Christ by the Sea United in fixing racial inequality in
Methodist Church, during our public schools and wants
which several one-of-a-kind to be let out from under some
of the federal oversight it has
Scott Lambeth of Indian River Exchange Packers surveys damage to the grapefruit crop caused by Hurricane Irma. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD been subjected to for nearly a
half century.
Irma destroyed up to half of Indian River citrus
But the local NAACP disputes
stained-glass windows were BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA den heaps on the ground, dealt said Indian River Citrus League the board’s claims, and says
shattered, the repaired and Staff Writer already struggling Indian River Executive Director Doug Bour- little has been accomplished
now better-protected win- orange and grapefruit growers nique, so all the wind-stripped in recent years to comply with
dows have been re-installed, Hurricane Irma, which blast- a devastating blow, destroying grapefruits and oranges are a federal desegregation order
and a dedication service is ed through citrus groves across 30 to 50 percent of the crop. compost. More fruit will be dating from the 1960s.
scheduled for this Sunday. the state, ripping trees apart lost in a second drop, he said,
and leaving young fruit in sod- “Once fruit touches the U.S. District Court Judge
CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 ground, it can’t be salvaged,” CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 Kathleen Williams will decide
who is right.
MY Narrowing the Twin Pairs: A
VERO On Aug. 11, Williams or-
dered federal Magistrate Judge
very bad idea that doesn’t go away Shaniek Maynard to handle
discovery in the case at the
U.S. District Courthouse in
School Board sued
over body slam by
a wrestling coach
Staff Writer
BY RAY MCNULTY 60 to make Vero Beach's PHOTO BY BRUCE CADY The Indian River County
Staff Writer downtown more pedestrian School Board is facing yet an-
friendly. other lawsuit, this one filed
Every few years, some folks by a mother who says her son
suggest we need to redo the They want to constrict the suffered a broken collar bone
traffic pattern along an often- traffic flow on Indian River when he was slammed to the
busy stretch of State Road County's major east-west ground by a wrestling coach
September 28, 2017 Volume 10, Issue 39 Newsstand Price $1.00 Cultural Council
shines ‘guide’-ing
News 1-10 Faith 53 Pets 52 TO ADVERTISE CALL light on arts. P15
Arts 19-24 Games 39-41 Real Estate 55-64 772-559-4187
Books 38 Health 25-28 St. Ed’s 54
Dining 46 Insight 29-42 Style 43-45 FOR CIRCULATION
Editorial 36 People 11-18 CALL 772-226-7925
© 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero Pairs, the wide, divided thorough- engineers thought two wide, one-way of the county's Metropolitan Plan-
fare that runs one way in each direc- segments through town would keep ning Organization.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tion – four lanes going west, three traffic from bogging down.
going east – from U.S. 1 to 20th Av- To this day, proponents of lane re-
route, which connects the beach to enue right through a revitalized As fate would have it, the I-95 pav- duction and other traffic-calming
Interstate 95, and use eliminated lanes downtown. ing was completed long before the methods – downtown business own-
for parallel parking. Twin Pairs project began. ers, cycling enthusiasts, professional
The Twin Pairs were conceived in planners and some local politicos –
They believe narrowing that strate- the 1970s, before the stretch of I-95 Yet, for most of the past 25 years, op- continue to push for change.
gic section of road will make pedes- linking Vero Beach and Fort Pierce was ponents to the Twin Pairs have com-
trians feel safer, attracting more foot even finished. plained that motorists speeding on In fact, the City Council recently
traffic and, thus, generating more what some of them dishonestly call a gave serious consideration to Twin
business for downtown merchants. To keep traffic flowing, engineers "superhighway" posed a danger to pe- Pairs modifications in updating Vero
decided to divert southbound I-95 destrians in a busy area and hampered Beach's 500-page comprehensive
And they say doing all this will motorists onto eastbound State Road downtown re-development. plan, which will mold city policies
help "Keep Vero, Vero," whatever that 60 to U.S. 1, then route them south to through 2035.
means. the turnpike feeder road and put them "The desire to knock this down
back onto I-95 near Fort Pierce. The has been around as long as the Twin Wisely, though, council members
Yes, I'm talking about the Twin Pairs," said Phil Matson, staff director decided to remove the costly and un-
needed project from the plan.
"It won't be in the comprehensive
plan," City Planning Director Tim Mc-
Garry said. "The council doesn't seem
to want to deal with it right now, and
we don't have the money to do any-
thing, anyway.
"That doesn't mean we won't try
to do some things to make it safer for
pedestrians," he added. "But nothing
much will happen until FDOT (Florida
Department of Transportation) is ready
to resurface State Road 60, which won't
be for another five or seven years."
So why spend $1 million in tax dol-
lars, most of which would come from
the state, to decrease capacity along
a much-traveled stretch of a major
Matson said reducing the Twin Pairs
to two lanes in each direction would
not produce "unacceptable delays" or
drop the level of service to the "failure"
category, which means not being able
to make it through an intersection in
one light change.
It would, however, produce a slow-
er, more congested drive through the
downtown – much slower than the 20
seconds predicted by consultants and,
possibly, so much slower that many of
us might opt for an alternate route and
avoid the area entirely.
"To put it in letter-grade terms,"
Matson said, "we'd probably drop
from a B to a C, not from a B to an F."
But why drop at all?
There's no evidence of pedestrians
being run down by drivers speeding
along the Twin Pairs. Nor is there any
reason to believe more people would
flock downtown if the roadway was re-
duced to two lanes and parallel park-
ing was made available.
Despite the claims of lane-reduc-
tion supporters, who say their propos-
al would add as many as 200 parking
spaces, there is no downtown parking
"Lane reduction would include a re-
duction in speed, which would improve
pedestrian safety," McGarry said, "but
it's not catastrophic if we don't do it."
Actually, we're more likely to see
catastrophic accidents if the city does
eventually reduce lanes, add parallel
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 3
parking and drastically reduces the ing to the Indian River County Court- skills to repair and recreate the broken time since the April vandalism, pastor
current 40 mph speed limit. house Criminal Division, McFarlane segments and painstakingly reassem- Melvin said, "When I walked into the
has not been charged as an adult. ble each window. sanctuary and saw the beautiful glass
Consider: back in place after five months, it was
Lane reduction would create more The windows had been designed As a result of donations from con- like a wonderful shock to my system.
congestion that would put more ve- and created in the 1990s by world- gregants and friends, the church was
hicles in closer proximity and increase renowned stained-glass artist, sculp- able to purchase clear, impact-resis- “I had forgotten how much they
the chance of crashes; it also would tor and painter, the late Conrad Pick- tant glass sections, positioned in front add to the awe and overall 'feel' of our
generate more frustration and, per- el, in his Vero Beach Studio. Pickel's of the stained-glass, to protect the del- sanctuary. I am so thankful for Pickel
haps, incite more road-rage incidents. son, Paul, had worked on the original icate works of art. Studios and their excellent work re-
Allowing on-street, parallel park- project and has carried on his father's pairing and renewing our precious
ing would increase the possibility that business, so he and his staff had the Upon seeing the brightly-colored, windows.”
someone would open their driver's richly symbolic windows for the first
door into traffic, or be struck by a ve-
hicle while exiting their car. Exclusively John’s Island
Reducing the speed limit to 25
mph might tempt pedestrians to cross Nestled on a generous 1.49± acre homesite along a private stretch of the
State Road 60 in the middle of the Indian River, this alluring 4BR/5.5BA retreat enjoys nearly 180’ of river frontage,
street, rather than at an intersection, colorful sunsets and breathtaking, panoramic water views. Ideal for entertaining,
and would further increase traffic the large island kitchen opens onto the vaulted ceiling family room with
congestion and driver frustration. fireplace looking out to the lap pool. Features include 7,027± GSF, dock, library
"Speed-limit reductions are prob- with fireplace, spacious great room with fireplace, two wet bars, and office.
ably going to happen," McGarry said. 45 Dove Plum Road : $6,475,000
"We don't want people driving 40 or
45 mph through downtown, and we
can address that without spending a
whole lot of money."
To lower the speed limit on the
Twin Pairs to anything less than 35
mph, however, would be causing
more problems than it would solve. So
would reducing lanes.
Fact is, today's Twin Pairs – with
their seven lanes of traffic and 40 mph
speed limit – aren't hurting our thriv-
ing downtown, which has come back
to life and become a dining, cultural
and entertainment destination.
They're doing what they're sup-
posed to do, providing an easy and
efficient east-west ride through down-
town. They're also a recognizable part
ofVero Beach's Rockwellian landscape.
You truly want to "Keep Vero, Vero?"
Keep the Twin Pairs the way they
Christ by the Sea
After the three incidents of van- three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
dalism in April, the windows were health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
shuttered, and the congregation cel-
ebrated Easter Sunday without the 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
jewel-colored sunlight that normally
floods into the sanctuary.
Shock and sadness prevailed in the
congregation as word of the damage
spread, and no one appeared to have
any idea of who might have done such
a thing – or why. Pastor Cliff Melvin
included the unknown perpetrator(s)
in the congregational prayer on Easter
Then, on May 2, Vero Beach Police
charged Keith Andrew McFarlane III
with three felony counts of criminal
mischief. McFarlane was a troubled
17-year-old at the time of the vandal-
ism, but turned 18 while the case was
moving through the courts. Accord-
4 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Irma destroys citrus an River County, where grapefruit has Besides lost fruit and wind-wrecked Henry F. Schacht, and grandfather
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 always been the name of the game. trees, damage to remaining trees due Henry H. Schacht, who started their
to flooding is a major concern, Ham- citrus business 67 years ago. Today
withering due to twisting stress that Currently, the district raises 70 per- ner said, noting that the area had heavy the family-run Schacht Groves still
damaged tender stems as high winds cent of the grapefruit grown in Florida, rainfall before as well as during the encompasses 145 acres and Louis
whipped though the groves. and district packinghouses ship more storm. Trees begin to deteriorate after Schacht and his father run a gift fruit
than 12 million cartons of iconic Indi- they are submerged for three or four shipping service that handles thou-
Florida University Extension Agent an River grapefruit to customers in 24 days and it takes them years to rebound. sands of orders each season.
Gene McAvoy said Irma was “prob- countries around the globe each year,
ably the worst hurricane that we’ve according to the Citrus League. Although no one is making precise “We’ve definitely got wind dam-
ever seen” in terms of damage to cit- official loss estimates yet, Hamner age,” says Louis Schacht. “Looks to be
rus groves. Prior to the storm, the emerging said, “there’s a good chance it’d be 30 about 30 percent down [so far]. It’s a
grapefruit crop had “never looked to 50 percent here and 70 to 80 percent bad situation.”
His assessment was backed up by better,” said George Hamner Jr., the [in central and southwest Florida]. It’s
Florida Agriculture Commissioner fourth-generation of his family to worse than we originally thought. We’ll To prevent foot rot, Schacht is “doing
Adam Putnam, who called the scope head Indian River Exchange Packers. continue to assess for another two to a treatment” on the trunks of the trees
of damage “unprecedented” after a four weeks.” that have been standing in water, and
post-storm aerial tour of citrus lands. Hamner, well known for his leader- he’ll continue intensive care to ward
ship in the state’s citrus industry, is still Louis Schacht is a third-generation off greening. In spite of the signifi-
Bournique said the storm hit at the assessing the extent of wind and water Indian River County citrus grower, fol- cant damage, Schacht is determined
worst possible time, destroying the ban- damage on the 4,000 acres of groves lowing in the footsteps of his father to “pick up and carry on. There’s been
ner crop Indian River growers anticipat- his company handles or manages. Schacht Groves here since 1950.”
ed would get the industry out of the red
for the first time since greening brought To cover the damage, growers prin-
it to its knees over a decade ago. cipally rely on crop insurance, which
can pay 50 to 70 percent. It is pur-
Greening is a bacterial plant disease chased through private companies
that weakens citrus trees, leading to and subsidized by the federal gov-
lower fruit production, and eventu- ernment. Hamner says there is also a
ally kills them. Since it hit the state in program called TAP – Tree Assistance
2005, Florida’s citrus production has Program – that can help replace trees.
dropped by more than 70 percent Bournique is also hoping for federal
and state emergency funding.
But it is still big business in and
around Vero Beach. Citrus industry infrastructure took
a hit, too, and packing and shipping
The Indian River Citrus District is a schedules are being adjusted, but
narrow strip of land that lies between Hamner said the remaining fruit in
Daytona and West Palm Beach that is the groves continues to mature at its
home to 21 packinghouses, scores of regular pace.
gift fruit shippers, several big citrus
sales agencies, and processing plants. “We’ve started harvesting,” he said,
stressing that it is quantity, not the
Most of the district’s 70,000 acres of quality, of the fruit that has been af-
groves are in Indian River and St. Lucie fected.
counties, with about half that in Indi-
Details of death of John Kim, aspiring politician, remain unclear
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN Here is what is known – and un- took him to Portofino Shores, where he paid the fare, and Klub Kar’s part in
Staff Writer known – at this time, based on in- was living with his aunt and uncle. the case ended there, according to
formation from the St. Lucie County McPherson. He said Price was too dis-
It’s clear a tragedy occurred with Sheriff’s Office, witnesses and friends The cab arrived at the subdivision, traught to speak to the press.
the death of well-liked Vero resident of John Kim: which is located on the Turnpike Feed-
and aspiring politician John Kim, but er Road, a mile south of the Indian School Board Member Laura Zorc
considerable mystery surrounds the Kim, who ran a credible but unsuc- River County line, around 1 a.m. on and her husband, County Commis-
circumstances of how his body came cessful campaign for a seat on the In- Monday. sioner Tim Zorc, were friends of John
to be found in a subdivision pond in dian River School Board last year, had Kim, and Laura Zorc says the official
St. Lucie County. recently been hired as an assistant “Upon arrival at the gatehouse of version of events is mistaken.
manager at the Macy’s store at the Portofino Shores where he lives,”
So far, the only document made pub- Indian River Mall, according to Store states the missing person’s report, According to her, Kim watched a foot-
lic by the St. Lucie Sheriff’s Office is a Manager Greg Page. “while the cab driver was talking to the ball game with friends on Sunday and
missing person’s report filed by Kim’s gate guard, John jumped out of the cab then asked them to join him for drinks
aunt, Terri Kim, who lives in Portofino He was due to start his new job and ran into the neighborhood.” at Filthy’s “to celebrate his new job.”
Shores where Kim’s body was discov- on Monday, Sept. 18 and apparently Kim’s party arrived there about 10 p.m.
ered around 11 a.m. last Tuesday, Sept. was out celebrating on Sunday night, “We’re the designated driver serving
19, a day and half after he went missing. drinking at Filthy’s Fine Cocktails & the area,” said Paul McPherson, who Zorc said Angela Novak, who owns
Beer on 16th Street. owns the Klub Car business. “We picked Filthy’s, told her Kim drank four beers
An autopsy was performed on the him up and he was fairly well intoxicat- from 10 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. and he was
24-year-old man’s body the next day, There, according to the sheriff’s re- ed. When they got to Portofino Shore’s the only person left in the bar.
and the Sheriff’s Office says “there port, Kim “had some type of argument gate house, he tried to run on the fare.
were no signs of foul play,” but the re- . . . and they called him a cab to take That’s why we called 911. [Price] . . . said “There was no argument,” Laura
port is not public record yet and it is him home.” Kim told the gate guard, ‘You handle Zorc said. She also said Price related a
unknown if drowning was the cause this,’ and then aimed toward the lake.” different version of events at the gate-
of death. A toxicology report will take Brian Price was the driver of the Klub Price and a sheriff’s deputy “went to the house to Novak on Monday, while Kim
about six weeks. Kar that Filthy’s employees called for house address he had given us.” was still missing. Novak did not return
Kim, according to the missing person’s a request for comment.
report. Price picked Kim up in Vero and Kim’s uncle came to the door and
After the deputy and driver came
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 5
to their door in the early hours of the because he calls her all the time and volunteers fanned out around the sub- Laura Zorc thinks Kim drowned in
day Kim was supposed to start his new she thinks he may have fallen into one division, continuing the search until the pond shortly after leaving the cab.
job, his relatives must have been con- of the ponds or gotten hurt running in 3:30 a.m. on Tuesday. “I thought he fell in the pond but I
cerned. On Monday afternoon, the the woods,” states the report. didn’t want it to be true. It was so dark
family filed a missing person’s report The effort resumed after daylight out there he could easily have stepped
with the St. Lucie Sheriff’s Office. Kim’s family called the Zorcs and on Tuesday and around 11 a.m., Kim’s off the sidewalk and slid down the
other family friends to help search for body was spotted floating in a storm
Kim’s aunt, Terri Kim, “is worried him on Monday evening. About 30 water retention pond. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
6 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
School wrestling injury and landed on top of him, injuring The board and Topp have denied “The child told this coach no and [the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 the sophomore so badly he required wrongdoing and the School Board’s coach] continued to do it. He demand-
emergency medical care and surgery. Deerfield Beach lawyers tried unsuc- ed that the child spar with him. If there
at Vero Beach High School after the boy cessfully to have the case dismissed in was a waiver, the child withdrew it.”
told the coach he was too tired to wrestle. The small-framed young man, February, citing a long delay between
whose lawyers estimate he weighed the accident and the complaint, and Neither the athletic director nor the
In return, lawyers for the board at least 50 pounds less than his coach, arguing that the plaintiffs failed to wrestling coach at Vero Beach High
pointed a finger at the minor child and fractured his clavicle and needed sur- comply with Florida law when making School responded to a request for
his mother. gery to put screws and pins inside his allegations against public officials. comment. District spokeswoman Cris-
body, said attorney Jerome Stone. ten McMillan said it would be unusu-
In a court filing, Anthony Gonzales, On July 28, Gonzales made his coun- al for the school to speak on an issue
an attorney with Carman, Beauchamp, Witnesses said that earlier that day, terclaims, blaming the student and his pending litigation. A records request
Sang & Gonzales, P.A., said the boy the coach had instructed the other wres- parents and citing the waiver they signed. for documentation of the alleged in-
could have been negligent in his par- tlers to go hard on the boy who had said jury was refused by the district with the
ticipation at practice, and his mother he wanted a break, attorneys maintain. The Indian River County Parent and excuse of student privacy concerns.
may have been guilty of poor supervi- “We believe the coach was doing this to Player Agreement, Permission and Re-
sion for allowing her son to compete. try to ‘toughen up’ the kid,” Stone said. lease notes that participation in inter- Indian River School District is also
Gonzales also argued the boy and his scholastic athletics is voluntary and fighting a civil suit filed by the family
parents signed a waiver releasing the Angelone’s legal team is claiming comes with the “possibility of serious of William Shogran. The high school
district from liability. negligence on the part of Topp, who injury or possibly death.” football player died in August 2014
is named as a junior varsity coach on after an early-morning conditioning
Alene Ruggieri Angelone filed the the official Facebook page of the Vero Signing the document, it says, practice called the “Dawn Patrol” with
complaint in December 2016 on behalf Beach High School Fighting Indians waives any claims against the School the Sebastian River High School team.
of her son with the help of Stuart-based Wrestling Team, even though a School Board or its respective agents.
law firm Stone and Capobianco. She is District spokeswoman said he is not Shogran vomited several times in
suing the school board and the coach, listed as having ever been employed But those sort of contracts are based front of his coaches and peers before
Brian Topp, in the 19th Circuit Court with the school. on what is foreseeable, attorneys for falling unconscious, a filing with the
for damages in excess of $15,000. the injured child said. 19th circuit alleges. A coach called 911 at
The attorneys also allege the School 10:47 a.m., but the boy was pronounced
The mother’s lawyers allege that Board acted with neglect. Members of His parents expected he would be dead at Shands Starke Regional Medical
on Dec. 14, 2015, Topp wanted to the School Board should know how to wrestling with other students of simi- Center. His body temperature was 107
wrestle the boy to show him a move. prevent “physical interactions by its lar size. It was not foreseeable that a degrees Fahrenheit, according to court
Even though the student said he was employees,” Capobianco argues. They much bigger adult male was going documents. Heat stroke was the prob-
tired and needed a break, the coach assume a “duty of care to the children slam him onto the mat and cause a se- able cause of his death.
picked him up, slammed him on a mat of VBHS . . . to provide such children a rious injury.
safe environment.” The district has denied wrongdoing
“The child said he did not want to
continue wresting,” Capobianco said.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 7
in that case as well. It’s possible that School desegregation order The board claims it has eliminated letters of intent offered to black teach-
Shogran himself is the one who was CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 discrimination “to the extent prac- ers, and the number refused.
negligent, court filings on behalf of ticable.” It says it has “equalized or
the school suggest. School represen- Fort Pierce. An April 2018 trial date is closed all previously African Ameri- The NAACP response brief said no
tatives are protected from such litiga- expected. can-only schools,” and that “the few such documents have been provided
tion as agents of the state, it says. schools with relatively higher African to them or the court, and asks for dis-
The desegregation order, which American enrollments have facilities covery, followed by depositions.
High school athletics account for an was imposed in 1968 and modified capable of providing access to the
estimated 2 million injuries, 500,000 in 1994, defines eight school district same quality of education as those Black students comprise about 17
doctor visits, and 30,000 hospitaliza- functions in which whites and blacks schools with lower African American percent of the local student popula-
tions annually, the Centers for Dis- were not treated equally that will re- enrollments.” tion but only about 8 percent of In-
ease Control reports. Researchers at a main under court oversight until cor- dian River teachers are African Amer-
children’s hospital in Ohio found that rected. The NAACP response states, “Even ican, according to figures compiled
football was the most dangerous sport, if this were true – which the NAACP by Chicago law firm Husch Blackwell,
with an injury rate of 4.36 per 1,000, The School Board believes it has disputes – the fact that the facilities which represents the School Board
followed by wrestling and soccer. created equality in three areas, and within the School District are ‘capable’ in the case, along with the board’s
wants to be relieved of court oversight of providing equal quality education regular attorney, Suzanne D’Agresta
More students are playing sports in those areas, filing for something is not evidence that the facilities do in of Garganese, Weiss, & D’Agresta in
now at a more specialized level, which called “partial unitary status” on July fact provide such education.” Orlando.
is resulting in more injuries, explained 31. The district cannot attain full “uni-
Dr. Daryl Osbahr, Chief of Sports Med- tary status” until the court rules black The School Board also claims it has Husch Blackwell found that dur-
icine for Orlando Health. and white students are treated equally attained equality in faculty and staff- ing the 2015-16 school year, 32 or 4.63
in all regards and closes the case. ing. The 1994 order requires faculty percent of elementary teachers were
Osbahr was raised on Vero Beach’s and staffing reflect the overall black black, 31 or 13.54 percent of middle
barrier island and played sports for The local NAACP, which is the plain- student population, give or take 9 per- school teachers were black and 22 or
both St. Edward’s School and Vero tiff in the case, responded to the dis- cent. 6.63 percent of high school teachers
Beach High in his youth. He now trict’s motion on Aug. 28. were black.
chairs the STOP Sports Injuries Com- The order said the district should
mittee for the American Orthopedic The two sides could hardly be fur- make a “significant effort” to attain the In its court filing, the School Board
Society for Sports Medicine. ther apart. appropriate black faculty ratio, which claims it “has made every effort to
it defined as hiring 20 percent to 40 resolve these issues through negotia-
Sport is one of the best things for a The School Board brief says its fa- percent black teachers each year until tions [with the NAACP] but those ef-
child’s emotional and physical devel- cilities, faculty and staff meet either achieved. forts have not succeeded.”
opment, and it’s an entire commu- the 1994 order or standards set by the
nity’s responsibility to keep activities Supreme Court in two court cases that In addition, the order requires that The NAACP sees it differently, stat-
safe, Osbahr said. ruled on partial unitary status. the school district show the number of ing: “For at least a decade, the School
8 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Desegregation order onstrates a lack of a good faith effort to vestiges of segregation,” and will soon plied with the order, the NAACP said,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 comply with the desegregation Order pass policies to insure compliance. evidenced by the lack of yearly re-
on the part of the School Board.” ports required by the order. The court
Board has refused to work with the The NAACP said there has been should not grant partial unitary sta-
NAACP to accomplish the goals of the The School Board brief claims the no good faith commitment and that tus, but rather the 1994 order “must
applicable desegregation Order, de- court no longer has to oversee facili- claiming policies will be passed is “in- be made stronger and impose sanc-
spite a court Order to do so. This dem- ties, faculty and staff because it will sufficient” proof they will be imple- tions for failure to comply with the
“continue to exhibit a good faith com- mented and get results. reporting requirements.”
mitment” to eliminate the “remaining
The School Board has never com-
Owner of Village Shops Jay McLaughlin buys Garage Pizza
BY MICHELLE GENZ that Lander and his investors gutted of retail and restaurant success. Starting successful restaurant a block from
and restored with red banquettes and with one store in NYC, he and his broth- Central Park on Madison Avenue in
Staff Writer a large 850-degree wood-fired pizza er Kevin McLaughlin built the high-end the Upper East Side of Manhattan, for
oven at its center. chain of women’s and men’s clothing 30 years. As part of the Village Shops
It’s been two years since Village stores that carry his name, expanding remake they opened Citron Bistro at
Shops developer and national retailer That oven will stay, but much of the brand to more than 50 stores before the plaza, which Jay McLaughlin de-
Jay McLaughlin developed a yen for the interior will change to reflect selling a majority stake in the business scribed at the time as “a French bistro-
pizza that couldn’t be sated by Vero’s McLaughlin’s goal of attracting island to a private equity group in 2011. type environment with pastries and
plethora of pizza parlors. customers, says Billy Moss, who bro- fresh bread and the best coffee,” with
kered the sale of the business through In 2013, McLaughlin and his wife indoor and courtyard seating
He wanted to open a spot at his Lambeth Commercial Real Estate. Joan bought, renovated and revived the
boutique shopping center in Indian “He’s going to turn it into something Village Shops on North A1A, modeling McLaughlin was reached briefly
River Shores, but when plans to in- really special,” says Moss. the renovation on the iconic Brent- by phone on vacation in Ireland, and
stall pizza ovens in a former flower wood Country Mart in Los Angeles. promised to divulge more details
shop in the plaza fizzled, he set his Moss’ assessment may well be pre- about his mainland venture when he
sights on the mainland. scient, considering McLaughlin history The couple has owned Islands, a returns next month.
Last week, McLaughlin bought the Lander will continue to operate a
business that was Garage Woodfired limited version of Michael’s Table at
Pizza, which closed right after Hurri- the beachside Orchid Island Brew-
cane Irma passed through Florida. ery. Since March, with no real kitch-
en – no hood, no grease trap – he’s
That downtown pizza place at 1802 been mustering up a menu Tuesday
Old Dixie Highway opened in late 2015 through Sunday, opening at 2:30 in
under the creative hand of Michael the afternoon, and 11:30 a.m. for a
Lander, former executive chef of the Sunday brunch.
Moorings Club who went on to open
the fine dining restaurant, Michael’s “It’s chef-touched sandwiches, and I
Table. Lander’s son Dylan, a culinary try to run an entrée or two in season,”
school graduate who eventually ran Ga- says Lander, who was spending his
rage Pizza on his own, has left Vero for a Saturday afternoon working up a spe-
restaurant job in Colorado Springs. cial of lamb chops and ratatouille.
The building now leased by “It’s what I do,” he says.
McLaughlin is a former Texaco station
Accused island murderer acts as own attorney at hearing
BY BETH WALTON Perkins was arrested in connec- took money from their account and tle more than Google searches and
Staff Writer tion to the murder of Cynthia Betts “continually nagged him.” printouts of publicly available case
in November 2015 after Indian River law. Months had gone by without
Asbury Perkins II, the island resi- County sheriff’s deputies found him In a September 2016 letter to the proper communication, he said.
dent charged with the murder of his inside Betts’ home on Seagrape Drive court, he announced his intention to
estranged wife, appeared Sept. 20 as with her body wrapped in a rug in the prepare an insanity defense based on “Did you ever send anyone out to
both defendant and legal counsel in laundry room, according to an arrest his wife’s behavior. physically meet with anyone, to talk
a contentious, hour-long hearing be- affidavit filed with the court. with anyone on this case,” he asked
fore Judge Cynthia Cox. During last week’s hearing, Perkins, Pinstripe employees.
There were garbage bags tied over a wiry, 6-foot-tall man with thick,
Dressed in a red, jail-issue jump- her hands and her legs were sepa- framed glasses, salt and pepper hair Investigators with the Melbourne-
suit, with his legs shackled and hands rated. Someone had shot her in the and gray stubble on his face, lashed based company forcefully defended
bound in metal cuffs, Perkins de- back. There was a blood trail between out at the investigative company that their work from the witness stand. On-
manded and got approval for a new the laundry room and a bedroom and had been hired to help him prepare line research and case review is a large
investigative team to help prepare his detectives found a loaded .38 caliber his defense. part of private investigation, they said.
defense. revolver in a dresser drawer.
Pinstripe Investigations was re- Representatives from the company
The accused was allowed to drop Perkins entered a not guilty plea to tained by the court to help locate twice met with Perkins at jail, but to
his public defender in August 2016 first-degree murder shortly after he potential witnesses and review bal- keep findings confidential, the firm
and is now representing himself pro was apprehended. According to an listics evidence to assist Perkins de- did not mail information to the deten-
se, a Latin phrase that means “on his arrest affidavit, he told detectives he fense, but Perkins told the court the tion center, testified John Aiani, owner
own behalf.” shot his wife three times because she work done by the company over a of Pinstripe Investigations.
four-month period amounted to lit-
“Under normal circumstances, we
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 9
would have gone to the attorney who preparations. She said the work previ- The two have yet to have a substantial he prepares his defense from behind bars.
is handling the case, but you being pro ously done could not be duplicated. conversation. In a flurry of handwritten motions
se, we didn’t have that opportunity,”
he said. “We have a client privilege “I’m not entering orders like this Fernandez-Ruiz said he tried to sent from the jail, the defendant has
obligation that we need to meet and again,” Cox warned. meet with Perkins at the jail, but was asked for access to word processing
whether the jail adheres to that is not denied entry. “One of the comments software, law books and approved
in our control.” Perkins wants Miami investigator was, ‘Well, you know what [Perkins] leave to conduct depositions. He also
Pedro Fernandez-Ruiz, who was pres- did,’” the private investigator said out- requested his handcuffs be removed
Pinstripe was hired by the court for ent in court, to take over some of the side of the courtroom. while he is in court.
a certain number of work hours and investigative work in his case.
its investigators had run out of time, Court records show that Fernandez- Cox frowned at the defendant
Aiani said. In addition to reviewing 52 Cox declined to assign him to Per- Ruiz was told he wasn’t allowed inside turned lawyer as the proceedings
items Perkins asked them to investi- kins’ team Wednesday, saying Fernan- because he was not yet an investigator came to a close. “You send all this stuff
gate, the agency’s contractors stud- dez-Ruiz first needed to review the assigned to the case. Officials at the and I don’t understand,” she said. “It’s
ied hundreds of crime scene photos work of Pinstripe and then prepare an jail did not respond to a request for not clear and in order what you want.”
and documents related to the case. estimate of time and funds needed. comment about the impasse.
He called Perkins’ allegations of poor “It’s not an open checkbook,” she said. Perkins is being held at the Indian
work unfounded. Communication is just one of River Detention Center without bond
Perkins and the investigator seemed many problems Perkins is facing as as he prepares for trial.
“We followed your directions that baffled about how to move forward.
you gave us and what you wanted us
to do,” a visibly frustrated Aiani retort-
ed. “You didn’t allow us to do our own
investigation. You specifically directed
us on what you wanted.”
Aiani reminded Perkins that he re-
viewed a receipt for the agency’s work
and signed the invoice. “I think you
have the problem, sir, not us,” the in-
vestigator snapped.
Tension was high as Perkins and his
investigative team continued to de-
bate the merits of the investigators’
work in open court. Judge Cox, agitat-
ed by the proceedings, finally stopped
the testimony.
“I don’t need to know all this,” she
said, telling Perkins to move things
along. “This isn’t your time to speak
with people, this is my hearing.”
Christopher Taylor, the prosecu-
tor assigned to the case, asked Cox
to deny Perkins’ request for a new
investigator and more investigative
resources based on his lack of cred-
ibility. This is a pattern, Taylor said.
Perkins is not satisfied with anybody
or anything.
Pinstripe Investigations is the sec-
ond investigative company assigned
to Perkins that hasn’t met his expec-
tations. Communication with investi-
gators while in jail, court documents
note, has been his biggest challenge.
“We will be in the same position
a couple of months from now,” Tay-
lor said, arguing against Perkins’ re-
With a show of sympathy, Cox told
the prosecutor she agreed, but that
she was bound by the rules of the
court. Perkins needs to prepare for
trial and it wouldn’t be right to make
him work with an agency with which
he is not comfortable with, she rea-
There is obviously a problem be-
tween Perkins and Pinstripe, Cox said.
“If he needs additional work, whether
it be with them or someone else, then I
am required to provide him with that.”
Cox told Perkins he had 10 days to
submit to the court the names of new
experts who can assist him in pretrial
10 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
John Kim’s death Sheriff’s Office to get a warrant for the STORM SLOWS THE COMPLETION OF
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 guard house tape,” Zorc said. “It’s close ST. PAUL’S CHURCH ON THE ISLAND
enough to determine what happened
embankment into the pond. It was at the guard house and how John fell BY RAY MCNULTY said the September storm – which
very slippery and the water was much into the pond. Staff Writer produced 60-plus mph winds, more
higher because of the storm.” than a foot of rain and an evacuation
“I don’t want him to be remembered Hurricane Irma has delayed for at of the island – has forced him to push
She said the Kim’s family is upset he for this bizarre accident. He was a least a month the opening of St. Paul's back the date of the first public servic-
has been accused of trying to get out wonderful person. I have never seen Church, currently under construction es to November.
of paying his cab fare. “That would be a person with more friends – from all on Flamevine Lane.
so out of character for him.” walks of life and all ages – from 8 to 80 "Irma definitely has impacted us,"
years old.” St. Paul's Rector Jon Robbins was Robbins said last week. "Exactly to
The family asked the homeowners’ planning to welcome worshipers to what extent . . . and how much it will
association if they could view security It is unknown if the sheriff’s office the new sanctuary on Oct. 8, but he delay us, we're still figuring that out.
camera tape from the guard house, will seek a warrant to obtain the tape.
Zorc said, but were told “not without a St. Lucie Sheriff’s Detective David Di- "I suspect it's going to be at least a
search warrant.” onisio is in charge of the investigation. month, but I don't know for sure, so I'm
Terri Kim did not return a request for reluctant to say," he added. "We're still in
“We strongly urge the St. Lucie’s comment. the process of working with the builder."
Robbins said work on the new
church, located just west of Ocean
Drive in the Central Beach business
district, came to a halt as the hurri-
cane passed through the area.
"We were shut down for an entire
week," Robbins said.
Then, he added, the final stages of
construction were slowed by delays in
getting materials and the departure of
some work crews in Irma's aftermath.
"Whenever you have a storm like
that, it puts pressure on your supply
chain," Robbins said.
Robbins held a groundbreaking cer-
emony on the site in May 2016, after the
church finally secured a shared-parking
agreement with a neighboring business,
the Amalgamated Realty Corporation.
The church has room for only 20
parking spaces on its property, but the
agreement provides enough parking to
accommodate congregants attending
services in the 150-seat sanctuary.
The 6,500-square-foot, two-story
building also will include administra-
tive offices and classrooms on the sec-
ond floor.
St. Paul's has "just over 100 mem-
bers," Robbins said, but not all are
regular church-goers. He said church
leaders and members of the congre-
gation are "sensitive" to the parking
concerns of their beach business dis-
trict neighbors.
The St. Paul's ministry was established
five years ago with Robbins as its rector
– the Anglican Church's title for pastor –
and held services in a conference room
at the old Surf Club Hotel until it was
sold in March 2015 and torn down.
The church then moved its services
to the Garden Club of Indian River
Now, he's hoping to open the
church's doors to the public soon.
“We're getting lots of positive feed-
back on the building," he said. "Our
goal now is for the interior of the
church to be as beautiful as the exte-
Carla Blouin with children
Nicolas and Alexandra.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
12 6
34 7
1. Brooke and Kirsten Farmer. 2. Jaime Unser and
Dalysa Bennett. 3, Cheyenne Dong, Lillie Harris,
Sarah Rhodes-Ondi and Alexi Dong. 4. Margaret
Bartlett and Cat Mangold. 5. Kim Wilson with
daughters Cecilia and Margaret. 6. Alicia Klaase
with daughter Sage. 7. Carissa Moore with children
Dorian and Halia. 8. Julia Patterson and Chase
Patterson. 9. David Unser.
Critter-lovers in their element at ELC’s Estuaries Day
BY MARY SCHENKEL tend enjoyed personalized attention touch the whiskers on the life-sized William Myers.
Staff Writer as they wandered the 64-acre cam- manatee head, little Adalyn sweetly
pus, learning about the significance declared that it was a “cutie pie.”
Unlike 2016, when Hurricane Mat- of the Indian River Lagoon and its
thew flooded the Environmental ecological standing as one of the There was also an informative
Learning Center with roughly 5 feet most biologically diverse estuaries presentation on dolphin fun facts
of water, killing trees and grass and in North America. by Master Naturalist Chuck Toll in
washing all of their 600-pound pic- the new Tidal Gallery, guided nature
nic tables deep into the mangroves, Activities included perennial fa- walks and mangrove propagule pot-
this year’s unwanted guest left mini- vorites such as canoe trips through ting in the native plant greenhouse.
mal damage in her wake. As a result, mangrove tunnels, dip-netting in
ELC volunteers and staff were eager the pond for juvenile marine life, “We wanted to be able to have sein-
to welcome visitors last Saturday to and getting up close and personal ing out in the lagoon, which is really
the National Estuaries Day Celebra- with critters in the touch tank. exciting, but the water level is too
tion. high still,” said Steinwald, who not-
“We’re touch tank volunteers,” ed that they had the water tested and
“We did a lot of work this week to stated 7-year-old Finnegan Bradley the quality was good. “But children
fix up our campus so that it was safe as he headed off to get in a quick ca- and their parents can be at least dip-
for the public,” said Molly Steinwald, noe trip with his mother beforehand, netting in the pond and catching a
ELC executive director. “We were re- adding, “I like animals and nature.” variety of the creatures that are here.
ally fortunate this time around but There were other things we planned
there are still a lot of things to be Two-year-old twins Ava and Ada- but the hurricane just didn’t allow us
done.” lyn were thrilled with the Discovery to do it.”
Station Interactive Museum, guided
With many people still in post- under the watchful eye of parents Next up: Half-Haunted Halloween,
hurricane mode, crowds were spars- Michelle and Brandon Humes, who 4 p.m. on Oct. 27, which promises ‘not
er than usual. But those who did at- gently led them from one exhibit to so spooky fun for everyone.’ For more
another. Lifted up by her mother to information visit
14 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
A crowded Wieners’ Circle at H.A.L.O. benefit
Pete and Lynn Anderson. Beth Larson and Kimber. Harley. Rebecca Grohall, Jan Howington and Allyson Bootes
with H.A.L.O. Rescue dog Dominick
Geri Skulk with Lily. H.A.L.O. Wiener Dog Races at Pareidolia Brewing Company. Trish Raynal with Nathan.
The Art & Science BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF of making a dash toward glory.
of Cosmetic Surgery “It’s so much fun to watch the dogs,”
Staff Writer
SPECIALTIES INCLUDE: said Etta Schaller, whose dog Schatzi
• Minimal Incision Lift for the There was no question about “Who won the inaugural Run of the Wieners
let the dogs out?” last Saturday after- and came back to compete again this
Face, Body, Neck & Brow noon at Pareidolia Brewing Compa- year. “Schatzi loves to race. She’s a
• Breast Augmentations & Reductions ny’s third annual Run of the Wieners, rescue dog and has raced at the Vero
• Post Cancer Reconstructions which commemorated the Sebastian Beach Dog Park, Bark in the Park and
• Chemical Peels • Botox • Laser Surgery microbrewery’s third anniversary Bow Wow Bark N’ Brew. She’s 10 years
• Obagi Medical Products while also benefitting the H.A.L.O. No- old but not quite ready to retire yet.”
• Liposculpture • Tummy Tucks Kill Rescue.
• Skin Cancer Treatments The dachshunds raced in heats of
“We are always thankful to our lo- three, with two advancing to the semi-
Proudly caring for patients over 25 years. cal businesses that come up with such finals. In the end, Max headed to the
fun and creative ways to raise much- Wiener’s Circle while Lucy took first
3790 7th Terrace, Suite 101, Vero Beach, Florida needed funds, promote adoptions and place in the Open Class.
spread the word supporting no-kill res-
772.562.5859 cue,” said Jacque Petrone, who found- “We know what H.A.L.O. does. It’s a
ed the nonprofit in 2006 as a safe haven grassroots, bootstrap kind of place, so for abused and abandoned animals. it was an easy decision to support what
they do,” shared Anderson, whose dogs
Ralph M. Rosato “We try to attach all of our events to are all rescues. That includes Ingrid,
MD, FACS some form of charity,” explained brew- who threw her paws into the wiener
ery owner Pete Anderson, who came race.
up with the lighthearted wiener race
idea one day while surfing the Internet. “I don’t know if Ingrid has ever
“That’s been our business plan from crossed the finish line,” he admitted.
the start. If we have a busy day and we “She has a short attention span, but
can bring money in for a charity, then she’s got a great attitude.”
it’s only right that we share that.”
Pareidolia added to the fun and
The excitement grew as wiener-han- welcomed the change of seasons
dlers held their dogs at the start line with the return release of their Au-
and released them to run toward call- tumnal Equinox Vanilla Porter.
ers waiting at the finish line. Or not. As Next month the brewery will move
the crowd cheered them on, many of three blocks north to a new location
the little doxies had a hard time focus- at 712 Cleveland St. in Sebastian. Also
ing on the finish line, often running in next month, get ready for the Oct. 21
the wrong direction, refusing to budge H.A.L.O. Hoedown at the Indian River
or taking off through the crowd instead County Fairgrounds. For more infor-
mation, visit
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 15
Cultural Council shines ‘guide’-ing light on Vero arts
Barbara Hoffman, Oscar Sales and Kathleen MacGlennon. Anna Valencia-Tillery, Barbara Russell and She noted that the Boutique House to let the community know the depth
Sophie Bentham-Wood. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE will also enable members to display and the quality of all of the cultural
and sell some of their artistic cre- arts in our community. It’s just a
ations. whole variety of offerings and every
one of them showcases our mem-
A large pavilion on the grounds bers.”
will be open throughout the week-
end, where people will be able to pur- Free copies of the Arts & Cultural Guide
chase snacks and box lunches to sit are available at the Cultural Council of-
and enjoy a variety of musical enter- fice, 2041 14th Ave. For more informa-
tainment. tion, visit
“To us it’s just a very exciting way
Sharon Morgan, Beverly Ostler and Judy Burgarella. April Vetromile and Trey Vetromile.
Staff Writer
Hurricane Irma left a waterlogged Patty Casale and Jenny Tipton.
Riverside Park in its wake and with
more rain in the forecast, organiz- The buzz Friday night also per-
ers of the Cultural Council of Indian tained to the Cultural Council’s in-
River County’s Celebrate the Arts augural House of Art, Culture and
Festival sensibly opted to call off last Design, scheduled to take place Nov.
Saturday’s scheduled outdoor event, 16-19, featuring a Designer Show
which annually gives local cultural House in Old Oak Lane, Riomar’s
arts organizations a platform to in- newest community. The multi-fac-
form the public of their upcoming eted affair kicks off with a Thursday
seasonal offerings. evening Opening Night Gala and
continues throughout the weekend.
However, the Friday evening pre- Special events include a Wine Tasting
festival event proceeded as planned, and Cigar Bar, Luncheon and Fash-
with Riverside Theatre playing host ion Show, High Tea with a panel of
to an Art of Networking reception Vero’s leading designers, and a Clas-
for the unveiling of the 2017-18 Arts sic Car Show.
& Cultural Guide. This 11th annual
publication features roughly 1,200 “We wanted to have a unique event
events listed by 130 local organiza- that would get our members in-
tions, showcasing the diverse collec- volved,” said Hoffman, adding that
tion of cultural opportunities offered they wanted something with various
by our artistic utopia in the areas of price points to appeal to the general
Theatre & Dance; Concerts; Fine Art; public.
Lectures, Film & Meetings; Commu-
nity Events and Children’s Events. “Everybody that’s participating
over these four days is a member of
“As you can see, all of you can stay the Cultural Council,” said Hoffman.
very, very busy this season,” said Bar- “So it’s showcasing our members,
bara Hoffman, Cultural Council ex- giving them an opportunity to have
ecutive director. exposure.”
The free guide will be distributed
to numerous hotels, real estate offic-
es, businesses and nonprofit organi-
zations throughout the county.
“Folks who have signed up to re-
ceive the guide will be visited by
White Glove team members who will
bring the boxes right to their offices,”
said Anna Valencia-Tillery, vice pres-
ident of marketing for White Glove
Moving, Storage & Delivery.
16 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Reel’ interest in preservation
at Lines in the Lagoon event
Catherine Stevens, Shannon Hauser, Fenia Hiaasen, Jennifer Croom and Helen Johnson. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF measured a total of 134 inches.
Staff Writer “The lagoon has been in decline
The fish were “reeling” Saturday for a very long time; really as long as
as young anglers participated in the we can remember. Four years ago we
fourth annual Lines in the Lagoon decided to come together and fight
Tri-County Junior Angler Fishing for something that we’ve been sur-
Tournament. The tournament pro- rounded by our whole lives,” shared
vides a platform to educate the next Bryce Hauser. “At first, Lines in the
generation about the importance of Lagoon was just an idea. It was scary
keeping the waterways clean and and uncomfortable to try and make
working to reverse the declining our idea a reality as just a group of
health of the Indian River Lagoon. ninth-grade kids. But through hard
work and persistence, it’s become a
More than 100 anglers did their major organization within the Trea-
best to catch and release as many sure Coast community.”
fish as possible between 7 a.m. and
2 p.m., and were then joined by In addition to raising awareness
family and friends for an awards and attracting like-minded pres-
ceremony at the Capt. Hiram’s ervationists, the first three tour-
Sandbar, where they shared stories naments raised roughly $104,000
about “the one that got away” and to fund programs at the Ocean Re-
received prizes for redfish, snapper, search & Conservation Association
snook and trout, the largest non- and Coastal Conservation Associa-
premium fish, a Jack Crevalle, and tion of Florida.
the ugliest fish, a lizardfish.
“I’ve seen a big change in the boys
Neil Helseth took home the title since they first started,” said Jenni-
of Grand Champion, proving his fer Croom, LITL parent organizer.
fishing prowess with six snook that “The goal of this whole event wasn’t
a fundraiser. The boys know it’s
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 17
Beth Carson, Michael Hauser, Donovan Boesch and Heather Boesch. Mac Johnson, Eliot Stevens, and Bo Johnson. Edie Collins with Craig and Arlene Fletcher.
Steven Croom and Bryce Hauser. Katie Kluge and Retta Rohm. Scott Collins, Geoff Collins and Charlie Johnson.
Mike Conneen and Quinn Hiaasen. Anne Patrick and Rylie Patrick.
their generation that’s going to have could catch anything you wanted to
to solve the lagoon’s problems.” out there. Nowadays you’re lucky if
you go all day and you catch some-
Florida Institute of Technology thing. It’s really sad.”
research indicates that the lagoon
is home to more than 3,000 species “It’s been a journey to see the
– 2,000 plant, 600 fish, 300 bird and whole thing grow,” said Quinn Hi-
53 threatened or endangered spe- aasen. “We never anticipated that
cies – that are suffering from a half- we would have this many anglers or
century of neglect and pollution. raise this much money. It’s great to
be able to show this many kids what
“I’m so proud of what they are the lagoon is all about and how to
doing,” said Craig Fletcher, a Vero use it safely. This is a resource that
Beach native and former city may- we use all the time, and it’s some-
or, of his grandsons Jacob, Bennett thing everyone should care about;
and Owen Collins, who were in- not just people who use it regularly,
volved with the tournament. “We because it affects all of us whether
had so few things like this when I you fish or not.”
was growing up. People weren’t in-
terested in the lagoon in those days For more information, visit line-
because there was no pollution. You
50s ARE ‘WILD’
20 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
50s are ‘Wild’ at Museum’s Maurice Sendak exhibit
BY ELLEN FISCHER rice Sendak: The Memorial Exhibition” “Where the Wild Things Are,” has sold masterpiece. On display are original
Correspondent bounded into the museum’s Holmes over 20 million copies in a Babel of drawings for “Where the Wild Things
Gallery with a public rumpus – er, re- languages since its publication, and al- Are,” as well as set and costume designs
“There should be a place where only ception – last Friday, and won’t be dis- though the current exhibition presents for an opera, celluloids from a 1975 ani-
the things you want to happen, hap- lodged until after the New Year. a selection of artworks from through- mated short, and concept drawings for
pen,” wrote author and illustrator Mau- out Sendak’s career, “Wild Things” is the 2009 movie, all based on the book.
rice Sendak. From now through Dec. Sendak died five years ago at 83, its drawing card. Spin-offs from the book’s success in-
31, that magical place can be found but his wit and wisdom live on in the clude limited-edition lithographs and
inside the Vero Beach Museum of Art. books that made him a household The “50 Works” of the title signifies a cast bronze sculpture. These, too,
“50 Works, 50 Years, 50 Reasons – Mau- name, at least in homes where children the number of objects in the exhibition, are based on the book’s rambunctious
are found. His most famous creation, most of which have to do with Sendak’s
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 21
The Maurice Sendak exhibit at the Vero Beach Museum of Art.. PHOTOS BY: GORDON RADFORD Disney’s creation; he and the mouse
both entered the world in 1928.
According to the Vero Beach
museum’s new curator, Danielle
Johnson, none of the original “Wild
Thing” compositions included in the
show are in the book; they were done
prior to or after it was published. In
addition, Johnson estimates that
the show is comprised of 60 percent
original works and 40 percent pub-
lished matter – posters, limited-edi-
tion prints and a bronze sculpture
from an edition of 63.
Titled “Max and the Sea Monster,”
tures with the fellow award-
monstrous Wild winning artist/ laughing dog2910 CARDINAL DR.
Things who at authors Eric Car- VERO BEACH, FL
first try to fright- le (The Very Hun- THEL AUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
en him, then be- gry Caterpillar)
friend him and fi- and Art Spiegel-
nally crown him man (“Maus”).
their king.
The exhibition
Also on dis- was organized
play are artworks by Opar, Inc., a
from Sendak’s New York-based
own “In the Night traveling exhibi-
Kitchen” and il- tion and stage
lustrations for the show company
“Little Bear” book founded by for-
series written by mer San Diego
Else Holmelund Art Museum di-
Minarik. Of particular interest to bud- rector Steven Brezzo. Nick Leone and
ding artists will be a series of illustra- Heidi Leigh, owners of a New York City
tions of Shakespeare’s Macbeth that art gallery that specializes in illustra-
the shy 16-year-old Sendak did in lieu tion art, curated the exhibition. But the
of a book report to pass his high school gallerists’ association with Sendak goes
English class. back a ways. In 2009 their AFA Gallery
(then known as Animazing Gallery)
“50 Years” refers to the anniversary mounted an exhibition in cooperation
of “Where the Wild Things Are,” which with Sendak to sell his original illustra-
was published by Harper & Row in tions. The poster for that show, “Sendak
1963. For those of you who just did the in SoHo,” is part of the current exhibi-
math, the 50th anniversary of publica- tion.
tion was in 2013 – which is when this Maurice Sendak: The Memorial Ex-
traveling exhibition made its debut at hibition was inspired by a retrospective
the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana, Ca- show of the artist’s work at AFA Gallery
lif. Since that time the exhibition has that opened little more than a month
been displayed at 22 public institu- after Sendak’s death on the eve of what
tions, including 15 public libraries. Af- would have been his 84th birthday:
ter the show in Vero Beach, it will travel June 9, 2012.
to at least five more venues, ending up Reached at her gallery on a busy day
in Mobile, Ala., in the spring of 2019. last week, Heidi Leigh said that some
works from the 2012 show are on dis-
“50 Reasons” represents the quotes play in the present offering. These in-
by Sendak’s friends, colleagues and ad- clude a drawing executed in the late
mirers that accompany the exhibition, sixties or early seventies that shows
one for each object. In addition to the Max dancing to the beat of a Wild
pervasive Oprah Winfrey, celebrities Thing’s drum; and an ink and water-
quoted include Presidents Bill Clinton color self-portrait with Mickey Mouse.
and Barack Obama, actors Tom Hanks Sendak was not only influenced by
and Whoopee Goldberg, authors Dan-
iel Handler (aka “Lemony Snicket”) and
22 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
the bronze was sculpted by an artisan movie based on the book. for casting in a limited edition. ing nooks that were created in conjunc-
after one of the illustrations in “Wild Says AFA Gallery owner Heidi Leigh, The current show, she notes, in- tion with the exhibition at some of its
Things.” The sculpture commemorates previous venues. To her knowledge,
the 2009 release of the Warner Brothers “It was the only sculpture based on his cludes Sendak artworks from her and however, none of them placed a play-
artwork that was approved by Sendak” other collectors’ personal holdings, room inside the exhibition gallery, as
along with “much” material from Sen- the Vero Beach museum has done.
dak’s estate.
“We want people to be playful and
While the original concept behind interact with the space,” Sommers says.
the memorial exhibition might have
been sentiment, the idea behind the And what of the art? The relative-
current one is entertainment. Families ly small, framed artworks are hung
with children are the show’s intended against mural-sized reproductions of
audience. Sendak’s Wild Thing illustrations. They
tend to be overwhelmed by the bill-
A “Wild Rumpus Room” built inside board images behind them.
the gallery recreates Max’s bed (which
visitors are encouraged to lie on) and Situated among the looming figures
Max’s bookshelves, which are full of of 10-foot high Wild Things, a Rumpus
Sendak’s books for visitors to peruse. Room and interactive cut outs, it will be
Not coincidentally, those titles are the rare child – indeed, the rare adult
available in the museum shop. There is – that gives more than a glance to the
even a free-standing cut-out of Max in art objects the show is supposed to be
his famous wolf suit in the room. about. Thank goodness for the excep-
tional children – of every age – who will
The museum’s Family Programs stop and wonder at the inconspicuous
Manager, Pam Sommers, says that she gems that line the walls.
based the Rumpus Room on the read-
Coming Up: Hoot at one last ‘Howl’ this weekend
BY SAMANTHA BAITA 1 We get to Howl at the Moon one p.m. and 9:30 p.m. And the weekend’s
Staff Writer last time in September over at music just keeps on going, with Live
on the Loop, Riverside’s free out-
‘Howl at the Moon.’ side concert series, in sync with the
Howl. This Friday it’ll be rockabilly
Riverside Theatre, as Rob Volpe and with Professor Pennygoode and the
Ken Gustafson face off again over Mighty Flea Circus. Saturday brings a
dueling pianos this Friday and Satur- change of pace with Wiley Nash styl-
day. These guys are not only wizards ing classic rock and blues. Live on the
of the ivories, they’re also funny, and Loop shows are 6 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.,
they know tons of tunes. The audi- Friday and Saturday. There’s seat-
ence gets to pick most of the eve- ing for about 100, but it’s a good idea
ning’s play list, so see if you can sug- to bring your lawn chairs, because
gest something they don’t know. (It these are very, very popular events.
rarely happens.) Show times are 7:30 In case this’ll be your first time, there
are some really good eats and a full
bar available. No outside foodstuffs
2 Cross the lagoon to catch Ve-
ro’s downtown vibe this Friday.
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 23
‘The Jacks Band.’ Redding, these guys will bring it all.
Downtown Fridays always support a
local charity, and this month it’s the
Buggy Bunch.
3 Then, next Friday, Oct. 6, head
back downtown for a monthly
event with a different vibe. It’s the
First Friday Gallery Stroll, encom-
passing three blocks along 14th Av-
enue, where 10 vibrant and diverse
galleries are clustered, and open
their doors to visitors from 5 p.m. to 8 ‘Ron Teixeira Trio.’
pm. Sometimes other businesses will organist Teixeira; Rich Walker, guitar
and vocals; and Walt Hubbard, drums.
feature local artists’ work as well, and Show time is 7:30 p.m.
typically offer refreshments, too. Per-
haps you’ll pause to chat with an art-
ist at work on a creation, or catch an
intriguing demonstration. 5 Jazz is also on the bill as the Se-
bastian Inlet State Park’s popular
4 Jazz fans, take note: The acclaimed concert series, Night Sounds, begins its
Ron Teixeira Trio, scheduled for
season this Saturday at the park’s Coco-
mid-September in the Henegar Center’s nut Point pavilions. The 15-piece 20th
Jazz Legends Series, got blown into Oc- Street Jazz Band will be laying down
tober by Irma and will now appear this “traditional jazz standards, favorite
Gather up family, friends, the kids music. Taking the stage this month Wednesday. Teixeira, as you jazz buffs swing and pop,” and they invite audi-
and the dog (leashed, of course) and will be The Jacks Band, four lo-
celebrate the end of soggy Septem- cal musicians who do classic hits, know, is music director at Heidi’s Jazz ence members to “cut the rug” should
ber at Downtown Friday in Vero’s dance music, rock, blues and Mo-
Historic Downtown District. This town, and are always busy making Club in Cocoa and has earned major the beat move them to do so. Concerts
well-attended, free, last-Friday-of- music somewhere in the area on any
the-month street party features food, given weekend. From the Beatles, Joe cred up and down the eastern seaboard are free with regular park admission,
drinks and lots going on from 6 p.m. Cocker, and Billy Joel, to BB King and
to 9 p.m. And, of course, there’s live the BeeGees, to Sam Cooke and Otis – NYC, Boston, etc. – over decades in the and you can buy pop, water, burgers,
biz. Wednesday will be especially cool dogs and snacks at the Inlet Grill. En-
because pianist/organist Teixeira will ter on the north side of the inlet, 9700 S.
be performing “live at the Henegar,” A1A, Melbourne Beach. Music starts at
recording a new CD with his trio – jazz 7 p.m.
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‘Rock Steady’ method helps
patients fight Parkinson’s
26 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
IRMC’s ‘navigators’ are the GPS for cancer care
BY TOM LLOYD Cancer Center in Vero Beach.
Staff Writer Eventually that trio would prob-
If you are curious, you could go to ably get around to offering an official-
the National Institutes of Health’s sounding definition of their job. They
website and look up the definition of might say something like “they help pa-
a “cancer navigator,” but if you want tients and family members navigate an
an even clearer picture, just spend ongoing maze of doctors appointments,
some time with Sandy Webster, De- treatment schedules, clinics, outpatient
nise Hudspeth and Joanna Brown, centers, insurance forms, payment sys-
patient navigators at Scully Welsh tems, psychological hurdles and trans-
portation issues.”
Sandy Webster and Doris Plym.
In the meantime, however, Hudspeth Webster chimes in almost instantly
describes their task much more simply. to talk about one of the newer and most
popular additions to Scully-Welsh. Its
“We’re the GPS of cancer,” she says Dignicap machine.
“It was a donation from our com-
A global positioning system for can- munity. Answers for Cancers – the
cer patients is probably every bit as ac- Grand Harbor folks – who are wonder-
curate as any fancier description. Web- ful. Initially, it was FDA-approved only
ster, Hudspeth and Brown can tell their for females undergoing breast cancer
patients exactly how to get where they treatment,” Webster explains, “but now
need to go in order to get where they it’s been opened up to more than just
want to be: cancer-free.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 27
breast cancer patients.” ‘Rock Steady’ helps sufferers fight Parkinson’s
The Cliffs Notes description of the
BY MARIA CANFIELD The Rock Steady Boxing program has gross motor movement – could be of val-
Dignicap is that it helps many patients Correspondent its roots in decades-old research on the ue to Parkinson’s sufferers. This is where
undergoing chemotherapy avoid los- benefit of exercise for movement, flex- Gus Curren, a highly-regarded trainer of
ing their hair. If you were asked to make a con- ibility, posture and gait – things that are both amateur and professional boxers,
nection between Parkinson’s disease often a struggle for those with Parkin- comes in.
Narrowing or constricting the blood and boxing, you’d likely think of the son’s, a chronic and progressive disor-
vessels in the scalp by cooling them, late, great Muhammed Ali and his long der caused by the death of neurons in Curren has owned the House of
the Dignicap reduces the volume of struggle with the disease. But a national the brain that control movement and Champions Boxing Club & Gym in Vero
chemotherapy drugs that are able to program called Rock Steady, which has coordination. for over two decades. In July, he and his
reach the hair follicles or roots. If the found a home right here in Vero Beach, wife Macy attended a two-day training
follicles stay healthy, the hair stays put. is connecting boxing to Parkinson’s in The research found that specific types camp on the Rock Steady method and
a much more positive and hopeful way. of rigorous exercise – with an emphasis learned its specific boxing-related work-
The Journal of the American Medi- on balance, core strength, rhythm and
cal Association says 66.3 percent of pa- CONTINUED ON PAGE 28
tients in a multi-center study were able
to avoid total hair loss with the use of
To Webster’s way of thinking, that al-
lows women to “keep their cancer pri-
vate if they so wish.”
The device has proved so popular
that a second machine has now been
ordered and, as Webster says, its use is
no longer restricted only to breast can-
cer patients.
Webster then changes gears by point-
ing out that “lung cancer is the number
one killer in Indian River County” and
to combat that, she says, “we’re trying
to initiate lung cancer screenings –
which are being done at Vero Radiology
– with low-dose CAT scans. Our goal
is to pick up lung cancer at its earliest
stage where – with surgery alone – it
can be cured.”
Low dose CT scans not only use lower
levels of radiation, adds Hudspeth, they
also provide better imaging: “Low-dose
CT scans,” say says, “can pick up any-
thing as small as a rice grain.”
“When [lung] cancer advances,”
Webster points out, patients “may have
to have chemo, radiation and possibly
surgery as well.”
“We are a full-service cancer center
here,” Webster adds. “We have a sup-
port groups for prostate, breast and
other cancer patients as well as ones
for caregivers.”
“If somebody has a cancer diagno-
sis,” she continues, “they can come
into this building for everything from
medical oncology to radiation oncol-
ogy, chemotherapy, to see a navigator,
to get spiritual counseling or mental
health counseling or nutritional sup-
port. We’re just continuing to offer all
that we can to support that patient go-
ing through that cancer journey. It re-
ally is a privilege to be able to say that
we can offer that to them.”
While it may be a privilege, it’s also
a lot of work. Hudspeth, Webster and
Brown are currently “navigating” for
some 300 patients in various stages
of cancer care or treatment. A fourth
will likely soon be hired, which should
ease the workload at least a little.
The Scully-Welsh Cancer Center is lo-
cated at 3555 10th Court in Vero Beach,
just behind the Indian River Medical
Center. The direct line to the center’s
navigators is 772-226-4827.
28 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
out techniques. tween 60 and 90 minutes, and in addi- is the complete package that boxing
They also learned about Parkinson’s tion to the health benefits, the boxers training is. Lap swimming, for example,
have a lot of fun.” helps with muscle strength, but it does
and why the method is widely accepted not improve balance or force the partici-
to be “neuroprotective,” meaning it can There is, of course, no combat in- pant to produce a variety of movements.
actually slow the progression of the dis- volved in the workouts, but there are Boxing training, with its rhythms and
ease by increasing the delivery of oxy- many activities anyone who has seen body rotations, does that and more.
gen and neurotransmitters to various even one “Rocky” movie will be very
parts of the body, including the nervous familiar with – including stretching Dr. S. James Shafer, a Vero Beach
system. exercises, punching of heavy bags, jab- neurologist, is an advocate of the Rock
bing of speed bags, and training on “fo- Steady program; the first Parkinson
Gus and Macy are now certified cus mitts” (a padded target attached to boxers being trained at the House of
to teach the Rock Steady method to a glove). There are also jump ropes for Champions are his patients. He says
people with Parkinson’s. They already those Parkinson’s boxers who may be the improvements seen as a result of
have a half-dozen trainees (whom they feeling a little more adventurous. the boxing training may allow the dose
call “Parkinson’s Boxers”) enrolled in of any prescribed medications to be re-
the three-day-a-week program. Macy Other forms of exercise can be benefi- duced. This is important, as resistance
says, “Each session is somewhere be- cial to those with Parkinson’s, but none to Parkinson’s drugs can sometimes oc-
cur; over a period of time, they can be-
come less effective or stop working alto- GGuuss CCuurrrreenn,, GGiill DDaavviiss,, DDrr.. JJiimm SShhaaffeerr, and
gether. If a lower dose is given, the risk of Macy Curren. PHOTOS BY: GORDON RADFORD
this resistance is lowered.
“level” from 1 to 4, which allows for the
Rock Steady Boxing was founded in training program to be customized to
2006 by an Indiana attorney named their individual needs.
Scott Newman, who was diagnosed
with early-onset Parkinson’s at the age Gus Curren’s House of Champions is
of 40. He began intense boxing training located at 4378 U.S. 1 in Vero Beach. The
a few years after his diagnosis, and saw phone number is 772-770-0262. Gus and
a dramatic improvement in his physi- Macy are currently offering a free lesson to
cal health, agility and daily functioning. those interested in the Rock Steady Boxing
Wanting to share his success, Newman Program.
created the Rock Steady program based
on his personal experience. Dr. Shafer sees patients and conducts
research at the Vero Beach Neurology and
At the House of Champions, each Par- Research Institute, located at 1040 37th
kinson boxer is assessed and assigned a Place, Suite 201, in Vero Beach. The phone
number is 772-492-7051.
30 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BY LIZ SLY AND AASO AMEEN SCHWAN the fighting, returning millions of dis- the original Iraqi insurgency in 2003, the streets, music blares from markets
WASHINGTON POST placed people to their homes, and rec- and its reincarnation in the form of and stores are piled high with con-
onciling the communities that once the Islamic State after 2011, Iraqis sumer goods, such as cellphones, air
Two months after Iraqi and U.S. welcomed the Islamic State’s brutal and other observers say. conditioners and satellite dishes, that
forces drove ISIS from of Mosul fol- rule as preferable to their own govern- were banned or hard to find under Is-
lowing a brutal occupation, the Iraqi ment’s neglect and abuse. But it is a vast and potentially insur- lamic State rule.
city is coming back to life. mountable challenge, laid bare in the
A failure to manage the post-con- traumatized communities of Mosul. In the ravaged west, which bore the
The collapse of the Islamic State in flict situation risks a repeat of the cy- In the city’s relatively unscathed east, brunt of the fighting, entire neighbor-
its most important Iraqi strongholds cle of grievance and revolt that fueled life has bounced back. Traffic clogs hoods have been leveled beyond re-
has brought a rare moment of hope pair. In the Old City alone, 230,000 peo-
for a country mired in war for most of ple have been left without habitation,
the past four decades. and “they are not going home soon; the
whole district has to be rebuilt,” said
It is also a moment of peril, as Iraq Lise Grande, the deputy special repre-
emerges from the fight against the sentative of the U.N. mission in Iraq.
militants only to be confronted with
the same problems that fueled their So far, there is no sign of any recon-
spectacular rise in 2014. struction effort on the scale that will be
required, said Hoshyar Zebari, a for-
Old disputes between Sunnis, Shi- mer Iraqi foreign minister who is from
ites and Kurds over territory, resourc- Mosul and now works as an adviser
es and power already are resurfacing with the Kurdish regional government.
as the victors of the battles compete
to control liberated areas or jostle for “All the writing is on the wall that
political advantage in the post-Islam- there will be another ISIS,” he said, us-
ic State landscape. ing an acronym for the Islamic State.
“The scale of frustration. The lack of
These rivalries now are compound- hope. The lack of government stepping
ed by the mammoth task of rebuild- in. What can you expect?”
ing the towns and cities destroyed by
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 31
Meanwhile, distractions loom as over how far to go to reconcile minor-
Iraq’s focus shifts to the long-stand- ity Sunnis with the Shiites.
ing political rivalries that were put on
hold by the imperative of confronting These issues are expected to come
the Islamic State. to the fore in elections due in the
spring that could become a focus for
The Kurdish region is pressing ahead conflict as the political parties be-
with a referendum on independence – hind the Iranian-backed militias that
over the strenuous objections of Iran, played a big role in the fighting seek
Turkey and the United States – that has to capitalize on their victories by win-
the potential to ignite a new war be- ning a bigger share in parliament.
fore the present one is over. The vote
is reopening the contentious question The country’s Sunnis are in disar-
of where the borders of the Kurdistan ray, scattered among refugee camps or
region lie, and tensions are rising in returning to wrecked homes in towns
areas where the Kurdish peshmerga and cities that have been laid waste.
forces and Iranian-backed Shiite mili- Some 2 million of the 5 million people
tias have been brought face-to-face by displaced by the fighting over the past
the war against the Islamic State. three years have returned home. But
3.2 million still live as refugees, main-
Rifts are emerging within Iraq’s gov- ly in dismal camps, according to the
erning Shiite majority, which rallied United Nations. Many have no homes
behind the country’s security forces to which they can return, and others
and militias – known as al-Hashd al- fear retribution from neighbors or the
Shaabi, or the popular mobilization security forces, Grande said.
units – for the sake of fighting the Is-
lamic State. In Mosul, there is relief that the mili-
tants have gone but also trepidation
There are sharp divergences, how- about what the future holds. Multiple
ever, over the future identity of the militias roam the streets, loyal to a va-
country, over whether it should tilt riety of political masters, government
further toward Iran or maintain an ministers, tribal leaders and members
alliance with the United States, and
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34 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
of parliament. The government secu- services, and a man who commanded “I don’t think there will be any sup- But Iraq has no budget for recon-
rity forces are spread thin, and some the fighters in Bashir’s neighborhood; port for another insurgency. The peo- struction, government officials say.
have been withdrawn and deployed Bashir ran into the man while visiting ple of Mosul have learned a lesson,” Years of declining oil prices and the
elsewhere for the other battles still to a different part of Mosul. he said. “But it’s unpredictable what financial demands of the war against
be fought before the final territorial de- will happen, especially if the situation the Islamic State have left the country
feat of the militants. continues like this, with no recon- bankrupt, forced last year to take a
struction and corruption inside the bailout from the International Mon-
Some of the armed men in ¬Mosul government.” etary Fund.
are local Sunnis, trained as part of a
U.S.-promoted initiative to include The absence of a discernible recon-
locals in the city’s future security ar- struction plan in turn fuels percep-
rangements. Others are members of tions among Sunnis that the Shiite-
the Iranian-backed Shiite militias that led government is neglecting them,
were kept out of the battle for fear they said Hassan Alaf, the deputy gover-
would inflame sectarian tensions, but nor of Nineveh, the province in which
that have moved in to set up offices Mosul lies.
and recruit local allies.
“It seems some of the politicians are
The militias are needed because there not keen to bring life back to Mosul,”
are not enough police and other securi- he said. “We still suffer from sectarian
ty forces personnel to keep the city safe, conflict, and its implications are re-
said Mohammed al-Sayyab, a business- flected in the reconstruction.”
man originally from the majority-Shiite
city of Basra who heads a small Sunni It will be left to the international
fighting force controlled by the minister community to come up with the mon-
of education. “We cannot say it is 100 ey to repair the damage, much of it
percent safe. It is 70 percent safe,” he caused by the relentless airstrikes and
said. “There are still ISIS sleeper cells. artillery bombardments conducted
We are working to clear them, but we under the auspices of the U.S.-led
are up against a very clever enemy.” coalition formed to fight the Islamic
State, according to Grande, the U.N.
Few think the Islamic State has gone representative.
away. Everyone, it seems, has a story
about someone they know who was The United Nations is planning a
with the militants and has reappeared fundraising conference in Kuwait at
in their neighborhoods, sometimes which it will seek up to $100 billion in
after being detained and freed. Cor- donations for Iraqi reconstruction.
ruption within the security forces and
judiciary contributes to the perception But the countries that enthusiasti-
that Islamic State fighters have bought cally prosecuted the war are proving
their way out of prison. less willing to pay to fix the resulting
damage, U.N. and aid agency officials
Omran Mohammed Bashir, 32, say. The U.S. military has spent $14.3
who runs a laundry in eastern Mosul, billion on fighting the Islamic State
ticked off on his fingers the former in Iraq and Syria over the past three
Islamic State members he has seen years, according to Pentagon figures,
around his area and elsewhere in the but just 10 percent of that – or $1.4 bil-
city. Among them are a relative who lion – on repairs.
has not been detained, even though
her father reported her to the security The State Department has asked
for $300 million to fund basic repairs
such as fixing electricity and wa-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 35
ter systems in 2018, but the United One glimmer of hope lies in a re- ister Haider al-Abadi has visited the wealthy Arab states of the Persian Gulf
States does not plan to contribute to cent rapprochement between the kingdom, and so has the Iraqi Shiite will provide much of the funding. But
the reconstruction effort. The U.S.- Iraqi government and Saudi Arabia, cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, who has bro- they are embroiled in their own con-
led military coalition “is not in the which have been icily estranged since ken ranks with Iran’s Shiite allies in flicts, disputes and budget shortfalls,
business of nation-building or recon- the 2003 U.S.-led invasion brought Iraq to champion calls for reconcili- and may not have the will or inclina-
struction,” Secretary of State Rex Til- a Shiite-dominated government to ation with Sunnis. tion to come up with the many bil-
lerson said earlier this year. power in Baghdad. Iraqi Prime Min- lions of dollars required.
U.S. and U.N. officials hope the
36 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
A naval blockade: The best option to cut off North Korea
BY JAMES STAVRIDIS | BLOOMBERG as any illegal imports would be obvious proof of of the willing” operation. The U.S. would certainly
Chinese violations. approach Pacific allies including South Korea, Japan,
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is fixated on ob- Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. The ships
taining a serious nuclear arsenal, and continues to Setting up a naval blockade is a tactical challenge, operating in such a blockade do not all need to be
thumb his nose at the U.S. and other world powers. even for the United States. North Korea operates super-high-end destroyers; frigates, corvettes and
The latest round of United Nations Security Council commercial and military ports on its east and west other lighter surface combatants from allies could be
sanctions are not going to change that. But one aspect coasts. It also has ports in the far northeast of the very helpful. A force of at least six to eight vessels on
of them – new measures to interdict ships breaking country on the edge of Russia, which has been one both coasts of North Korea would be required.
trade embargoes against Pyongyang – could be baby of Kim’s apologists on the world stage. Shutting down
steps toward much stronger sanctions enforcement. the entire flow of goods into and out of North Korea The real challenge, of course, would be political,
would significantly tax the U.S. Pacific Fleet. not operational. While North Korea will strenuously
The new resolution gives the U.S. and other coun- resist, it does not have the long-range targeting ability
tries the power to inspect ships going in and out of But it wouldn’t be impossible. Given the highly vola- or enough combatant vessels to realistically challenge
North Korea’s ports but, unfortunately, does not au- tile North Korean regime, the U.S. would be prudent to a blockade. But objections from both Russia and Chi-
thorize the use of force if the target ships don’t com- have at least one aircraft carrier on station in the Sea of na, who certainly have the ability to confront a U.S.-
ply. Equally bad, the inspections would need the con- Japan, with its 80 airplanes capable of helping protect led effort, would be a big hurdle. They might choose,
sent of the countries where the ships are registered. the blockade ships and participating in the surveil- for example, to disregard the blockade, escort North
lance over the vast ocean approaches to Korea. The Korean and third-party ships through it, or even ac-
This is a far weaker regime than what was initially real work of the blockade would be done by Navy de- tively oppose it by challenging U.S. ships at sea.
proposed by the Trump administration, which would stroyers and cruisers, mostly those based in Japan. The
have empowered U.S. military vessels to “use all neces- U.S. would probably move a another full carrier strike The biggest downside of a naval blockade would
sary measures” to force compliance.That language was group – about eight to 10 ships, including the carrier be the possibility of an at-sea confrontation between
watered down to avoid a veto from Russia or China. – to the region to augment the forces of Seventh Fleet. U.S. and allied warships and those of either China or
Russia. But neither China nor Russia are so invested
The fact is, the only way to keep the Kim regime from The blockade would be broken up into what we call in North Korea as to risk combat with the U.S., par-
violating U.N. sanctions would be a stringent naval “at-sea zones”: likely a green zone more than 500 miles ticularly at sea, where our navy holds a significant
blockade. While a full-on blockade would require a Se- from the Korean Peninsula; a yellow zone from 200 comparative advantage.
curity Council resolution, it would be possible for the nautical miles off the North Korean coast out to 500
U.S. to immediately start putting in place the rudiments nautical miles; and a red zone consisting of the sov- The U.S. has solid experience in implementing
of a comprehensive inspection regime on the high seas, ereign waters of North Korea – a 12-nautical-mile ter- blockades over the years, from the CivilWar and Cuban
which could be easily adapted over time as more allies, ritorial area, a 24-nautical-mile contiguous zone, and missile crisis to the more recent conflicts in the Balkans
partners and ultimately geopolitical competitors like then a 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone. and Haiti. We know how to do this, and it presents an
China and Russia can be persuaded to sign on. opportunity to throw the North Koreans off their stride
This is a vast water space to manage, and would and pinch their economy in a way that may avoid the
Such a blockade would serve three key purposes: require nonstop surveillance by overhead satellites, need for a huge military conflict down the road.
definitively cutting off North Korea’s access to oil im- long-range maritime patrol aircraft and unmanned
ports from the sea; stopping Korean exports, espe- “long-dwell” drones – those with the ability to linger While Kim is not irrational, he is well-named: the
cially textiles and seafood (which are of significant over a target for the longest time – working in concert “Un” could stand easily for “un”-predictable, “un”-
hard currency value to the regime); and ensuring to maintain maritime situational awareness and a tested and “un”-stable. He feels he needs a nuclear
that high-tech machinery and raw materials that viable plot of approaching and departing ships. Ev- deterrent to keep his family dynasty in power, and
might support Kim’s nuclear-weapons and missile ery ship entering the yellow zone would need to be he’s a clever tactician who finds ways to confound
programs are not allowed into the Hermit Kingdom. tracked, and boarded for inspection and possible traditional responses to his behavior, always operat-
confiscation when it entered or departed the red zone. ing with the logic of his own. A strong naval block-
While China might continue to provide such sup- ade might be the best chance to break the cycle in
plies across the long Chinese-North Korean land Until the Security Council passes a resolution en- which he initiates action, and the U.S. and its allies
border, a naval blockade would increase pressure forcing a blockade – as it did during the intervention simply respond.
on Beijing to comply with existing U.N. sanctions, in Libya in 2011 – this would have to be a “coalition
THE POWER OF A SECOND OPINION gators, some hospitals provide patient navigators for orthopedic,
heart and other specialties.
Most insurance companies will pay for a second opinion. Some actu-
ally require it before approving payment for certain tests and treat- If your case is not presented for a tumor board review or a patient
ments. Medicare and some insurers even approve third opinions. navigator is not assisting you, request your medical records from
your doctor(s) and the hospital. There is usually a fee to have cop-
As the most important member of your healthcare team, be sure ies made.
to speak up and communicate openly. Educate yourself about your
diagnosis, the medical tests you are undergoing and your treatment Once your second opinion appointment is set:
plan. Use hospitals, clinics, surgery centers or other types of health- Mail or ask your doctor to mail your medical records to the
care organizations that have undergone rigorous on-site evaluation doctor giving the second opinion.
against established, state-of-the-art quality and safety standards, Ask a friend or loved one to accompany you. Encourage him or
such as that provided by The Joint Commission. her to ask questions.
Write down a list of questions to ask the doctor.
An excellent resource for a second opinion for patients who have Tell the doctor what surgery/treatments you’re considering
been diagnosed with cancer is hospitals accredited by the American and what tests you’ve already had.
College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer. These hospitals prac- Be prepared – you may or may not need to repeat tests you’ve
tice a treatment planning approach in which physician experts from already had.
different disciplines review and discuss the medical condition and Call before you go to make sure the doctor received your records.
treatment options of a patient. According to the National Cancer In-
stitute at the National Institutes of Health, a “tumor board review” If the second healthcare provider agrees with the first, you can
(also called a multidisciplinary opinion) may include a medical on- move forward with more confidence. If not, and you’re still not
cologist (who provides cancer treatment with drugs), a surgical on- sure which treatment plan is best for you, ask for a third opinion.
cologist (who treats cancer with surgery) and a radiation oncologist Participate in all decisions about your treatment and medical care.
(who treats cancer with radiation).
Ultimately, the choice is yours.
Hospitals affiliated with academic medical centers may also have
doctors from their school of medicine participate remotely in tumor To learn about Medicare second opinion rules visit www.medi-
board reviews using an online live video program similar to Skype., then search “second opinions.”
Hospitals that offer patient navigators may also be able to help Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
you and your doctor access and coordinate second opinions, lo- welcome. Email us at [email protected].
cally and nationally. In addition to oncology (cancer) patient navi-
38 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Ian Fleming’s first James Bond any and all communist countries and frog dies.” citing. Adam Hall’s Quiller “neither
novel, “Casino Royale,” appeared in a variety of “super-rich and power- For the most part, Ripley doesn’t lin- drinks nor smokes, only works alone,
1953, and Jack Higgins’ “The Eagle Has mad villains, traitors, dictators, rogue and takes on the most dangerous mis-
Landed” – about a Nazi plot to kidnap generals, mad scientists, secret societ- ger over writers who made their mark sions for the Bureau, a very shadowy
Churchill – came out in 1975. In the ies” and “ruthless businessmen.” They before the Second World War, even part of British Intelligence, confident
two decades between these two fa- were seldom books that asked “Who- if they continued to publish into the that he has a security rating of ‘9’
mous books, the British thriller domi- dunit?” but rather “How will the hero 1950s and beyond. Consequently, you meaning he is reliable under torture.
nated English-language adventure fic- ever manage to survive?” As Ripley will find only passing allusions to Gra- He knows firearms and ballistics,
tion. It was, as those of a certain age notes, a thriller is usually about a con- ham Greene (“This Gun for Hire”), Eric though never carries a gun.
know, a particularly blissful time to spiracy rather than a crime. Ambler (“A Coffin for Dimitrios”) or
be a youthful reader, especially if you Geoffrey Household (“Rogue Male”). He knows unarmed combat, but
were a teenage boy in a small, provin- Even now, their titles ring with a Far more valuably, Ripley reminds us also sleep-mechanisms, psychotro-
cial town, where nothing ever seemed distinctly masculine poetry: “The of titles meriting rediscovery. At the pic drugs, fast-driving techniques, G-
to happen. Guns of Navarone,”“The Ipcress File,” back of my copy of “Kiss Kiss, Bang forces in jet aircraft, and the personal-
“From Russia With Love,” “The Rose of Bang” I’ve scribbled a list of some ity patterns of suicides. … The reader
As Mike Ripley writes in “Kiss Kiss, Tibet,” “The Spy Who Came in From I’ll be looking for: Desmond Bagley’s is never in doubt that Quiller is always
Bang Bang” – the title derives from a the Cold,” “The Day of the Jackal,” “High Citadel,” Alan Williams’ “Snake in danger, never off-duty, and never
phrase used by Fleming to character- “The Pass Beyond Kashmir.” Their au- Water,” Peter Van Greenaway’s “The relaxed.”
ize his 007 novels – these books dealt thors – in the above, Alistair MacLean Man Who Held the Queen to Ransom
in color and excitement and provided , Len Deighton, Fleming, Lionel Da- and Sent Parliament Packing,” Vic- In his last chapter, “Endgame,” Ri-
escape from England’s gray post-World vidson, John le Carré, Frederick For- tor Canning’s “The Rainbird Pattern,” pley briefly glances at modern Ameri-
War II years of austerity. Their heroes syth and Berkely Mather – were nearly Francis Clifford’s “The Grosvenor can thrillers: Donald Hamilton’s Matt
regularly confronted Nazis, ex-Nazis always male and had usually served Square Goodbye” and Brian Callison’s Helm series, the beautifully written
and proto-Nazis, the secret police of in the war or worked as journalists or “A Flock of Ships.” This last was ac- spy fiction of Charles McCarry, Robert
spies. Moreover, by the time of Flem- claimed by MacLean as “the best war Littell’s award-winning “The Defec-
ing’s early death in 1964, there were story I have ever read. ” Like many of tion of A.J. Lewinter” and, least of all,
dozens of fictional secret agents hop- the others, it has recently been reis- Robert Ludlum’s international best-
ing to outdo James Bond, including sued by Ostara Publishing. sellers, starting with “The Scarlatti In-
Adam Hall’s unstoppable Quiller, Pe- heritance.”
ter O’Donnell’s sexy Modesty Blaise Ripley usefully distinguishes be-
and James Munro’s John Craig, hero of tween spy fantasies and spy fiction: More than 125 pages of appendixes
“The Man Who Sold Death,” a superb James Bond and SPECTRE on the one then provide short biographical appre-
thriller now largely forgotten – though hand, George Smiley and the Circus ciations of individual authors, ranging
not by me. on the other. He points out books that from the world-famous, such as Dick
shy away from sex, such as Hammond Francis, to those who should be bet-
A longtime reviewer as well as a Innes’ sea stories, and those that stress ter known, including John Blackburn,
crime novelist himself, Ripley writes the glamour or perils of faraway plac- Gavin Lyall and Anthony Price.
with breezy, infectious enthusiasm. As es. He examines the rise of fictional
he announces in his introduction: moles after the defection of traitors While “Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang” obvi-
Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean, ously provides a nostalgic walk down
“There will be little, if any, discus- eventually followed by the even more memory lane, it is also, as Lee Child
sion of heroic mythology, social in- notorious Kim Philby. He also remi- says in his foreword, “a catch-up man-
dividualism, the atemporality of the nisces about the popularity of Berlin ual,” a guide to books worth reading,
appeal of the thriller, the symbiotic re- as a setting for intrigue and calculates or rereading, today.
lationship between hero and conspir- that 1966 was the high water mark for
acy, or genre theory. Those debates spy films, with 22 released that year in KISS KISS, BANG BANG
are left to others on the ground that, the United Kingdom. The Boom in British Thrillers from
to paraphrase E.B. White: dissecting ‘Casino Royale’ to ‘The Eagle Has Landed’
a thriller is like dissecting a frog – few Above all, though, Ripley conveys
people are really interested and the something of why these books are ex- By Mike Ripley
HarperCollins. 448 pp. $27.99
Review by Michael Dirda
The Washington Post
1. The Cuban Affair 1. What Happened 1. Dog Man: A Tale of Two Kitties
Ordinary People Change the World 2. A Legacy of Spies 2. Killing England 3. Creepy Pair of Underwear
3. A Column of Fire 3. Miss D and Me 4. Hard Luck (Diary of a Wimpy Kid
5. Thornhill BY PAM SMY
4. The Girl Who Takes an 4. Unbelievable BY KATY TUR
Eye for an Eye 5. Arnie BY TOM CALLAHAN
5. My Absolute Darling
RICK CAMPBELL 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
A Novel
St. Martin's Press
Saturday, October 14th at 1 pm
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 39
Vin Scully, who just retired as the Los Angeles Dodgers commentator, said, “Losing WEST A J 10 6 EAST
feels worse than winning feels good.” KQJ 10 5 3 10 3
5 4 72
Do you agree? I have a feeling that it depends on what you are winning or losing. In K74 Q9862
bridge, whether you win or lose a trick can decide whether you win or lose — or lose or Q 10 9 5 3 2 SOUTH KJ86
win — a contract. A65
In this deal, how should South plan the play in five hearts after West leads the spade AJ
king? A7
North’s three-heart response was pre-emptive. With game-invitational values or more, Dealer: South; Vulnerable: North-South
he would have cue-bid three clubs. This probably should have persuaded South to
double West’s five-club sacrifice, which would most likely have gained 300 (after The Bidding:
North’s heart-ace lead), but could have brought in 500 if North had led a pointed suit,
and South got a diamond ruff. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
1 Hearts 2 Clubs 3 Hearts 4 Clubs
Yesterday, we looked at West’s defense after South won the first trick, drew trumps, 4 Hearts 5 Clubs Pass Pass LEAD:
and returned a spade. West had to shift to a diamond to establish a third defensive trick 5 Hearts Pass Pass Pass K Spades
This week, South, with three potential losers in two spades and one diamond, should
see that he needs to establish dummy’s spade suit before the opponents can take their
diamond trick. He has one other valuable card on the board: the diamond 10.
Declarer must duck the first trick. If West leads another spade, South wins, draws
trumps, and leads a third spade. Or, if West shifts to a diamond, declarer takes East’s
queen with his ace, draws trumps, and returns the diamond jack. A spade loser
evaporates on the diamond 10. He loses only one spade and one diamond.
Don’t get nervous, call Scott Tree Services
CELL: 772-473-7150
OFFICE: 772-569-3874
40 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Truthful (6) 2 Danger (6)
4 Javelins (6) 2 Titles (5)
9 River in Africa (7) 3 Style of hat (7)
10 Tag (5) 5 Aviator (5)
11 Perils (5) 6 Egg white (7)
12 Try (7) 7 Greet (6)
13 See-through (11) 8 Vanished (11)
18 Energy (7) 14 Actuality (7)
20 Rattle (5) 15 Echo (7)
22 Corrects (5) 16 Respect (6)
23 Teach (7) 17 Acute (6)
24 Chaos (6) 19 Problem (5)
25 Stick (6) 21 Conscious (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 41
ACROSS 87 Mineral ___ 28 Little dickens 91 French churches
88 Surface holes 29 Crisis call 92 Tourist’s eyeful
1 Out of alignment 90 The Day of the 33 Elvis hit, “In the 95 “C’mon! Giddyap!”
5 Bryn ___ 96 Flea attacks
9 Hand holders? Locust author ___” 97 Bother
13 Koi or gripe 93 Alfonso’s aunt 34 Painter Auguste or 98 Body extreme
17 Sung soliloquy 94 See 26 Across 99 “Parking ___”
18 Competition foil 101 Ethiopian of director Jean 100 Burger option
19 Console features 35 Opined 104 Sweat unit
21 Original Videos puzzledom 105 Ex-name of Exxon
102 Time enough to sonorously 106 Test
host Bob 36 ___ mind (in 107 (To) microwave:
22 Help you can drop evolve a little
23 Speaker of 103 Crooner Redbone agreement) slang
104 See 26 Across 37 Nine, in Nice 108 First murder
baseball 112 Beau ___ 38 Former Spice Girl
24 Near, as beer 113 Ooze scene
25 Sadistic 114 Hardly any effort Halliwell 109 Steve Martin’s
26 You’ve seen it 39 Donkey and
at all Texas birthplace
on America’s 115 Site of mon stallion’s offspring 110 Nifty
Funniest Home 40 Almanac guts 111 Nobel-winning
Videos oncle’s monocle 41 Lacking a charge
30 Scoreless football 117 Las Vegas and 42 Low level author of The
game, perhaps 48 Tape alternatives: Counterfeiters
31 “___ little rusty ...” Palm 112 Petroleum, e.g.
32 Orgy regular Springs abbr. 116 Murphy has one
33 See 26 Across 118 Occupied 50 Clock-stopping
43 That boat 119 Maple genus (or 51 Agenda infinitive The Washington Post
44 Presuming that one who cruises 53 “___-you-are”
45 “I can ___ all now through a test?) 54 The face ___ LET’S GO TO THE VIDEOTAPE By Merl Reagle
...” 120 Zip, to Zapata
46 Boys Town st. 121 Dump emanation angel
47 Make into a 122 The ___ room 55 Com or fat
statute 123 Sanguine
49 On strike 124 Prepare prunes preceder
52 Twenty-cup server 57 Crude street
53 Schmoozefest DOWN
56 See 26 Across weapon
61 Slipknotted 1 Dickensian 58 Insinuate
apparel exclamation 59 Language of Iran
62 Philippine shoe 60 ___-frutti
queen 2 Olympian Heiden 65 Lobby
63 Western Arizonan 3 Name that
64 Mun. Code item announcement
65 Very soft, to a Hirschfeld hides in 67 Variety
virtuoso his caricatures 68 Utah lily
66 Actors Dick and 4 Arm art 70 Gulf War reporter
Susannah 5 Ways
69 Brunch time 6 Based on logic Peter
70 Opposite of rej. 7 Gewürztraminer, 71 Orange acid
73 Former U.S. $10 to a German 72 Old quarter of
gold coin 8 Pass over again
75 Tijuana time-out 9 Shelley’s elegy to Algiers
77 Cold, in Keats 73 Harris and
Cuernavaca 10 Engagement
78 See 26 Across clincher Sullivan
83 Korea’s former 11 Gunsmoke guy 74 Shiner over
name 12 Serb, for one
84 Lady of Sp. 13 Part of a woman’s Mexico
85 ___-wop music juggling act 76 Demonstrated
86 Sour in taste 14 Water, to Juanita 77 Simile start?
15 There’s film all 78 Plain Dealer’s
over it
16 Disgraced TV club state
20 Apathy opposite 79 Lounge (about)
21 Cancel a mission 80 Major players who
27 Burger option
know the score:
81 Munro’s nom
82 ___ of the arts
83 Wheel tooth
88 Lois Lane’s paper
89 Supreme Court
justice appointed
by Ford
The Telegraph
42 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Is it time to look at your parents from a new perspective?
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST their parents that way with them? Was the culture might have interesting things to say if you asked
around them one of “seen and not heard” and “spare them different questions, and/or with a different
Dear Carolyn: In my childhood, the rod” orthodoxy? Did they tend not to question objective in mind. Not “I want them to say they’re
criticism from my parents was the things about life in general, their parenting views sorry” or “I want just once for them to be warm and
constant theme. My grades were among them? Was one of them softer but not strong welcoming,” but maybe “I want to see them as their
never good enough, my room was enough to counteract the other? friends do,” or one of my favorite suggestions from
never clean enough, whatever. As a a long-ago chatter, “I want to approach them as an
result, I feel little to no affection for And: What did they become after their active anthropologist would and see what I find out.”
my parents now that I’m an adult, child-rearing years were over? Did they remain
and I don’t spend much time with locked in a cold orthodoxy, or did they bloom a little
them or talk to them much. I just when the weight of responsibility was removed? Are
don’t like them very much. they trying to get to know you now, or are you still
However, some people who know this say I’m going 12 to them?
to regret distancing myself from them when they’re
gone. Do you think that’s true? Should I make more of Do you know them all that well as people, or did
an effort to spend more time with them now so I don’t you distance yourself effectively enough that your
regret it later? last real impression of them was formed as you fled
their home after high school?
– Criticized
I ask these questions entirely without judgment.
Criticized: Your friends would regret distanc- People have their natural, even reflexive ways of
ing themselves, if they were in your position. That looking out for their own health, and kids of un-
doesn’t mean you will. happy childhoods can even have this need as their
central motivation. It makes sense.
So, no, I don’t think that is universally true that
distance equals regrets. But when you get to the point where you’re asking
whether this is the right way to go, my inclination
However, I do believe that seeing parents as peo- is to suggest that you keep asking questions and see
ple, instead of just as parents, is a more useful way where your inquiry leads you. If you don’t feel up to
to determine how to adapt your relationship with digging all that out, that’s reasonable. Your preroga-
them over time. tive. It might also make sense to spend a few ses-
sions with a skilled therapist.
What you describe of your parents is a child’s
view of people who, apparently, thought that being And it might be liberating just to try, once or twice,
a parent meant being strict and teachy all the time. with no great expectations, to talk to your parents
I agree with you that it’s a cold way to go, and tough with a different image of them in mind as you do it.
to forgive, but there are other aspects of parenthood
that could provide a fuller and fairer picture. Were They’re people. Possibly kind of stunted people
who meant no harm but had no clue. People who
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 43
Elton John is the muse for Gucci’s latest out-there collection
The Telegraph
Gucci and Elton John – was there
ever a more compatible combination?
Actually, in its current incarnation
under creative director Alessandro
Michele, the luxury fashion super-
brand is such a layered, maximalist
mille-feuille of ideas and embellish-
ment it makes Sir Elton, even the Bob
Mackie-designed plumage of his early
days, look slightly reined-in.
The two have become friends since
Michele took the Gucci tiller two and
a half years ago, culminating in a
trip for Michele around Sir Elton’s ar-
chives. The results could be seen on
Gucci’s spring/summer catwalk last
week, which shimmered with swag-
gering, gold embroidered capes and
starred several sequinned jackets
with extravagantly large shoulders
vention of Gucci is not to everyone’s does things. Sometimes it seems like
liking. “There are some who think an industry that wants to change
I’m trying to destroy all of fashion’s with the times, but can’t quite stop
traditions,” he acknowledges. “All thinking in a way that hasn’t really
I’m doing is questioning the way it changed since Dior’s New Look”
and the initials EHJ across the back. with shredded silk, Michele took time
The H stands for Hercules. If you’re out before the show to reflect on the
going to change your name, make it a phenomenal upward trajectory of the
memorable one. label under his stewardship.
1970s glam rock is clearly a fruit- In July 2017, Gucci announced re-
ful mine, but sprinkled between were cord growth in revenue and profits
allusions to neo-classical sculpture, in the first half 2017 – revenues of
magical spells, the Mitfords and the +43% (3.4 billion dollars) and profits
architectural musings of an eigh- of +69% (1.1 billion). At this rate it’s
teenth century monk. Chinese em- on track to be an $8.4 billion-a-year
broidery on skirt suits, knitted dresses label – an achievement all the more
with beaded seams, patchwork suede noteworthy because Michele’s in-
jackets, Prince of Wales check blazers fluences – Heidegger, Camus, inter
… it’s possible to find anything you alia – are so abstruse. “Maybe it’s to
want here. Therein lies Gucci’s cur- do with authenticity and because
rent success. From trainer to spiky I’ve tried to use fashion not just as
talon, you can feel like an individual clothes but as a bridge to different
while buying into the security of a tribes,” he says.
global status symbol.
The idea of a community based
Wearing an idiosyncratic version around a love of Gucci logos might
of a sports jacket, which later ap- seem trite. But the sense of clan that
peared on one of the models on the comes from a shared appreciation
catwalk – striped, webbed cuffs, se- of specific brands can be a genuine
quined front and a fan-tail of purple bond – witness the Morris Minor or
gemstones across the shoulders – and Marmite brigade Marmite’s not a bad
sitting on an antique sofa upholstered analogy: Michele’s glittering rein-
44 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Feathers are the ultimate glamorous adornment
The Telegraph
“The weapons of seduction are al- Tracing The Trend the lifelong nickname ‘Feathers’ from “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.”
ways the same,” Miuccia Prada told 1930s: The showgirl staple dance partner Astaire.
a flutter of waiting fashion journal- From Louise Brooks to Clara Bow, 2017: Feathers for day
ists backstage after presenting her every flapper girl and star dancer 1950s: Bombshells in boas Miuccia Prada trimmed tweed
autumn 2017 catwalk show in Milan. shimmied on stage in a feather-cov- Quills became symbols of seduc- skirts and natty cardigans with posh
“Feathers. Lingerie. When you are an ered dress. The ostrich plume gown tion by the 1950s thanks to Sophia plumage, while at Calvin Klein, de-
educated feminist, sometimes you that costume designer Bernard New- Loren, Brigitte Bardot and more who signer Raf Simons compressed their
reject this, but it is true that these man created for Ginger Rogers to wear posed in boas and marabou-trimmed volume into plastic dresses. Which
have stayed the same for many, many in “Top Hat” is now one of the most fa- mules. Marilyn Monroe’s sense of ever direction you may choose to take
years. How is it that desire is neces- mous gowns from Hollywood’s Gold- boudoir chic was immortalized in them in, there’s undoubtedly an oc-
sarily linked to these things?” en Age, its shedding earning Rogers films like “The Seven Year Itch” and casion for feathers in autumn 2017.
Prada’s point, that feathers are syn-
onymous with sexiness, stems back
decades – through the showgirls and
flappers of the 1920s, and even the
excessive trims favored by the fanci-
ful Edwardians or Marie Antoinette
and her French court. Wearing them
evoked girliness, frivolity and fashion
fun at its best.
In more recent years, however,
the boas of Dame Edna and Strictly
Come Dancing have tipped marabou
into tackier territories. Perhaps that’s
why, on the catwalk, Prada and oth-
ers like Raf Simons at Calvin Klein
and J.W. Anderson set out to make
them cool again, trimming grungy
granny cardigans for day, or chain-
mail dresses for night, in an entirely
new take on disco.
Those on the hunt for cheap quills
will also be pleased with the high
street offering (Zara’s got a plumage-
packed shoe for every woman on ev-
ery budget) and anyone who already
owns a feather trimmed-something
should be shaking it off for another
whirl come party season.
They can be revived “as long as
they are not squashed,” advises Lulu
O’Connor, the founder of Clothes
Doctor, a new, web-based fash-
ion repairs and tailoring service.
“Sealed plastic bags are good, but I
keep mine in my hat boxes. They can
be washed with warm soapy water,
but most importantly they should be
dried gently and not left on a radia-
tor, or the glue holding them togeth-
er might melt.”
Another critical style note; feath-
ers do shed. Fred Astaire famously
complained about the plumes that
Ginger Rogers’ dress left on his tails
as they danced cheek to cheek in
“Top Hat.” Little did she know that a
quick trip to a craft store would have
solved the problem entirely. “You
can reattach any feathers you find
with a standard glue gun,” O’Connor
says of what to do once you’ve swept
up your barbs after a swoosh around
the dance floor.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 45
The chicest and craziest looks from Milan Fashion Week
Chic S
Crazy L
46 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Kyle G’s Prime: New restaurant, same spectacular location
BY TINA RONDEAU Day Boat Sea Scallops.
There’s something quite sad about
seeing a restaurant that you have en-
joyed go dark.
That’s why our taste buds perked up
a while back when we drove by the for-
mer Pietro’s on the Ocean – a spectacu-
lar dining venue on Hutchinson Island
that closed abruptly in mid-June – and
saw a “coming soon” sign on A1A for
Kyle G’s Prime Seafood & Steaks.
This is the fourth restaurant to our
knowledge to occupy this soaring
building, with its nautical ambiance
and large glass walls that open to ex-
pansive ocean views. Some might re-
member it as the Island Reef, a happen-
ing place in the ’80s and ’90s. And when
we first encountered it prior to the 2004
hurricanes, it was Rottie’s.
Kyle G, it turns out, was a teenager at
the time chopping veggies in Rottie’s
kitchen. Fast forward 14 years and Kyle
Green, a graduate of Florida Culinary
Institute with a wealth of experience
who was executive chef at Pietro’s until
it closed, now has his own restaurant.
Ahi Tuna Tataki. ‘El Toro’ Calamari. Broiled North
Atlantic Swordfish.
Last Saturday, we visited the just wasabi, and a jicama-cilantro slaw. An vibe than we remembered from previ- [email protected].
opened Kyle G’s (packed, by the way, excellent start. ous incarnations. And in addition to the The reviewer is a beachside resident
both inside and out) and finished the seafood and steaks (where prices for a
evening hopeful it might be the best Then for entrées, I chose the day boat 20-ounce bone-in ribeye go up to $44), who dines anonymously at restaurants
incarnation of this venerable dining sea scallops ($31) and my husband or- there also are variety of soups, salads at the expense of this newspaper.
spot yet. dered the broiled North Atlantic sword- and sandwiches on the menu ranging
fish ($26). from $7 to $15 ($24 for a lobster roll). Hours:
Our server Michael (a veteran of the Daily, 5 to 10 pm
Island Reef) brought a basket of warm The swordfish was topped with There also is an outside deck with Lunch, daily, 11 to 2:30
bread to the table, and efficiently took chunks of fresh jumbo lump blue crab, live music on weekends, a great spot for Beverages: Full bar
our order for a bottle of Mer Soliel char- and was surrounded by a sauce made drinking and/or dining (though every-
donnay of roasted corn pico and chopped avo- one including the band got drenched Address:
cado. My husband thought there was in an unexpected cloudburst Saturday 10900 South Ocean Drive,
For starters on this visit, I decided to slightly too much competing with the night).
try the ‘El Toro’ calamari ($13) and my taste of the sword. But my beautifully Jensen Beach
husband opted for the ahi tuna tataki seared scallops were topped with a With many of Vero’s top restaurants Phone: (772) 237-5461
($16). white truffle lemon butter, and were closed on Sunday, you might want to
served with an excellent succotash. consider taking a leisurely drive south
The flash-fried calamari were served Perfection. to Hutchinson Island – the barrier is-
atop a very tasty arrabbiata sauce and land immediately below us – to try Kyle
topped with a roasted garlic aioli and We finished our meal with a slice of G’s Prime. And if you are disinclined
tiny sweet peppers. (The calamari ap- house-made Key Lime pie. Dinner for to drive after dark, the restaurant also
petizer is more than large enough to two ran about $140 before tax and tip. serves lunch.
share.) My husband’s lightly seared
tuna served rare was accompanied During the evening, we couldn’t I welcome your comments, and en-
by pickled onion, ginger, a very potent help noticing that the restaurant had a courage you to send feedback to me at
younger, more casual, more energetic
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 47
Vero restaurants aiding victims
of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma
Restaurants all over the U.S. – includ- million for hospitality industry victims
ing three in Vero – are inviting patrons in New Orleans of Hurricane Katrina.
to “dine out for a cause” this Monday in
support of an emergency relief fund for Vero Beach restaurants that had
victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. signed on by press time to participate in
the 2017 “One Meal, One Night, One Na-
This fund-raising effort, coordinated tion” dine out day Oct. 2 include Citrus
in Florida by Chef Scott Varricchio of Grillhouse, Costa d’Este’s Wave Kitchen,
Citrus Grillhouse, is the third of its kind. and The Tides.
The first in 2001 raised funds for sur- A spokesperson for the relief fund,
viving family members of employees of which is being coordinated by Com-
Windows of the World, the restaurant mander’s Palace in New Orleans, said
atop New York’s World Trade Center 100 percent of the money raised will go
where more than 70 workers lost their to hospitality industry workers and food
lives on 9/11. The second National Dine banks in Texas and South Florida com-
Out Day in 2005 raised more than $1 munities hit hard by the hurricanes.
4-6 PM | 772.410.0100
48 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
“The Art of
Moving Forward.”
Back by popular demand...
Monday - Chef’s Whim
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5 - 6:30pm ~ in the Bars only
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 49
Thai & Japanese Cuisine Live Music and Jazz
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Nightly 4:30 pm -10 pm
713 17th Street|(17th Shoppes Center)
50 Vero Beach 32963 / September 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero & Casual Dining
Every Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Thursday
Game Time Football Tapas $7.00 Each
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Japanese Steak House with Special Appetizer Menu
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1335 US-1,Vero Beach Shrimp Shumani 3.95
772-492-3530 • Gyoza 3.95
STORE HOURS Spring Roll 3.95
Golden Rangoon 3.95
Lunch Fried Calamari $4.95
Monday - Friday 11 am - 2:30 pm Sashimi Guacamole $5.95
Dinner Tuna Tartaki $5.95
Monday - Thursday Tuna or salmon Roll $3.95
Seaweed or Kani Salad $3.95
4:30 pm - 10 pm White Tiger (Escolar) $4.95
Friday 4:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Saturday 12:30 pm - 10:30 pm Hibachi Entrée Menu
Sunday 12:30 pm - 10 pm
Served with soup, salad, fried rice, noodles and vegetables.
Maitai • Margarita • Mojito • Bahama Chicken $13.95 • New York Steak $16.95
Mama • Long Island • Bloody Mary Scallop $17.95 • Shrimp $16.95 • Salmon $14.95
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Homemade Cannoli Pepperoni
Chicken Parmigiana