Tradewinds restaurant set for
Royal Palm Pointe. P8
New drug helps
with dry eye. P26
Road racing runs in
family at the ‘Depot.’ P12
For breaking news visit
MY VERO Will money tell
the tale in next
BY RAY MCNULTY week’s elections?
Which candidates are BY STEVEN M. THOMAS
you backing for judge? Staff Writer
One of the things voters With the height of hurricane season upon us, you will want to keep an eye on the tropics this weekend. ILLUSTRATION BY DAN ALEXANDER This hasn’t been the most
seem to care about is wheth- dramatic county election sea-
er Donald Trump or Hillary $30 million more spent on schools here than in Stuart son in memory, but it’s always
Clinton will be the President interesting to look at the cash
who nominates the next ap- BY KATHLEEN SLOAN will spend $30 million more school year. Martin County flows of local campaigns, if
pointees to the U.S. Supreme Staff Writer than Martin in the current School District, with 19,000 only because you can see who
Court. And with good reason. school year. students, will run its operation your friends and neighbors
Even though the Indian Riv- on a budget of $219 million. are mailing checks to. The
But what about judges who er County School District has About 17,000 students at- numbers also provide clues
serve closer to home? fewer students than the Mar- tend school in the Indian Riv- Not surprisingly, Indian about who is likely to win.
tin County School District, it er District, which expects to River County School Dis-
Maybe you haven't noticed, spend about $249 million this Thanks to the website
but there has been almost no CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 maintained by Supervisor of
public discussion of the se- Elections Leslie Swan, it is
lection of judges who preside easy to go online and see not
over cases in our county and just totals raised and spent for
circuit courts, state appellate every race in the county but
courts and Florida Supreme an itemization of every single
Court. individual contribution, who
gave it, and how contributions
That's typical, even with and expenditures compare
two seats on the 19th Judicial to money raised and spent in
Circuit bench up for grabs, six prior elections.
candidates vying for them and
the election only days away. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
Judicial elections, which A good summer for
are non-partisan, historically sea turtles – except
draw far less media scrutiny along South Beach
and community attention
Such a deal! Celling hotel rooms for This summer has been aus-
picious for endangered Log-
only $200 a night in former Vero jail gerhead sea turtles in Indian
River County, but it could
BY MICHELLE GENZ furry friends (pets allowed).” have been even better had
Staff Writer For a bargain $200 a night,
“Spend a night in PRISON! you can have a “room” with
In Vero Beach,” reads the no view, just a slit for a win-
Airbnb posting. “The estab- dow, with clouded glass so
lishment is good for cou- you can’t see out of it. The
ples, solo adventurers, big decor is drab. The yard is
groups, families (with kids), fenced, to say the least; de-
August 25, 2016 Volume 9, Issue 34 Newsstand Price $1.00 ‘Pink Men’ group
steps up for
News 1-10 Faith 39 Pets 40 TO ADVERTISE CALL breast cancer. P15
Arts 19-22 Games 41-43 Real Estate 55-64 772-559-4187
Books 38 Health 23-28 Style 45-47
Dining 48 Insight 29-44 Wine 49 FOR CIRCULATION
Editorial 36 People 11-18 CALL 772-226-7925
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Sea turtles On a sadder note, Winger also re- area, many with 100 percent disori- violators in that area. Having multiple
ported that one pocket of Vero Beach entation with hatchlings ending up hatchling disorientations in that area
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 – the condominiums that hug South in condo pools and wandering the only solidifies there is a lighting issue,”
Beach Park – have apparently caused dunes,” Cope said. “South of the park Cope said.
condo residents near South Beach serious loss of life among turtle hatch- are many major condos which all have
Park followed lighting regulations. lings. When the tiny turtles break out visible exterior lights.” “County Staff has been in contact
of their shells, their only directional with VB code enforcement to solve
As of lastThursday, county officials re- cue to get safely to the ocean is the Unlike the familiar gopher tortois- the lighting issues,” Cope said. Vero’s
port 7,142 Loggerhead nests, which Sea moon. When other, artificial lighting es seen in coastal areas, sea turtles code enforcement falls under the ju-
Turtle Coordinator Kendra Cope said is confuses the hatchlings, they can trek must remain wet to stay healthy, and risdiction of Police Chief David Cur-
499 more than the previous record year west toward the dunes and buildings if stranded away from their saltwater rey, who said “Code Enforcement has
in 2012, when turtle monitors found instead of to the surf, leaving them home, they will perish in just a few issued warnings and informational
6,643 nests. That was the good news exposed to the elements, to predators short hours. literature to this point.”
that Vero Councilman Dick Winger re- and to man-made hazards.
ported back to the City Council from his Surveyors monitor oceanfront City code regulates artificial light-
most recent Beaches and Shores Preser- “We have recorded a large number lighting on a monthly basis, using a ing on the beach during turtle season,
vation Committee meeting. of hatchling disorientations in that protocol followed countywide, Cope March 1 through Halloween, requiring
said. “These surveys have revealed that “the point source of light or any
reflective surface of the light fixture is
not directly visible from the beach.”
“The best thing these condos can
do is recommend their residents close
their blinds or curtains at night, shield
exterior lights used for safety to di-
rect light away from the beach, and
turn off unnecessary exterior lights
to reduce glow or illumination of the
beach,” Cope said.
Beachgoers can also help protect
turtles by walking along the water’s
edge at night, as opposed to traips-
ing around on the dune where turtles
nest. Also, informational cards pro-
duced by the county state, “Don’t ap-
proach, touch, or stand in front of an
adult sea turtle; don’t touch or dig out
hatchlings; fill in holes on beach; re-
move beach furniture or recreational
equipment overnight; dispose of trash
Individuals violating regulations set
up to protect sea turtles can be fined
and even prosecuted, under a variety
of local, state and federal laws. To re-
port disoriented or distressed turtles,
call the Florida Fish and Wildlife Con-
servation Commission at 888-404-
3922, or Indian River County’s turtle
protection staff at 772-538-0616.
With better education and height-
ened enforcement, sea turtle advo-
cates like Cope are hopeful Indian
River County can build on this year’s
momentum with regard to sea turtle
hatching and success rates. “County
staff is excited to keep monitoring sea
turtle nesting in future years to look
at long-term trends of nesting to help
with the management of these pro-
tected species,” Cope said.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 3
Campaign finances By contrast to that low-dollar race, as much as was raised in the three- Davis seems to have the upper hand,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 a record amount of money has been person District 3 school board race, outraising Nolte $89,630 to $39,430.
raised by two candidates for the Dis- where Laura Zorc has taken in $12,769 The other constitutional officers – su-
This is the time to look at campaign trict 5 school board seat. Highly mo- and two other candidates have raised pervisor of elections, clerk of the court
finances because, since no Democrats tivated opponents Tiffany Justice a combined total of less than $2,000. and tax collector – are running unop-
are running, almost all county races and John Kim both hauled in more posed.
will be decided in the Aug. 30 Republi- than $30,000 for a combined total of The only competitive race for a con-
can primary. Whoever wins the prima- $69,015, the most money ever raised stitutional office is the acrimonious In state races here, candidates run-
ry is, in effect, elected, several months in a school board contest. contest between longtime incumbent ning for the House District 54 seat,
ahead of the full-on November elec- Property Appraiser David Nolte and which is being vacated by term-limit-
tion. The total is more than four times County Commissioner Wesley Davis.
This cycle, 47 candidates for 21
county positions raised a total of Exclusively John’s Island
$769,694 in cash through mid-August.
Add $73,309 worth of “in-kind” do- Tropical ocean breezes are captured throughout this commanding 6BR/6.5BA
nations – things like food, campaign oceanfront “smart home” located on a quiet cul-de-sac street. Offered with
material and professional services – premium furnishings, features include 125’ of ocean frontage, breathtaking
and the county office total raised for ocean views, pool, 11,311± GSF, luxurious first-floor master wing, gourmet
this election comes to $843,000. Three island kitchen, summer kitchen, upper lever guest and 2nd master suite,
county commission seats, two school elevator, private dune walkover and convenient access to the south gate, tennis
board seats, all the constitutional of- and squash courts. 5 Sea Court : $10,900,000
fices and a bunch of other less promi-
nent positions are up for grabs. three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
One thing that jumps out of the
numbers is that Deryl Loar does not 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
feel much threatened by his oppo-
nent Darrell Rivers. Loar raised only
$89,625 ahead of the primary, far less
than the $179,150 he collected in 2012
to fend off a more serious challenge
from Bill McMullen, and less than half
of the $209,594 he raised in 2008 when
he was running for sheriff the first
District 5 County Commissioner
Bob Solari on the other hand was
taking no chances facing a challenge
from Vero Beach Mayor Jay Kramer.
Kicking his fundraising into high gear,
he pulled in $130,591 as of mid-Au-
gust, giving him the highest total of
any candidate running for a county
office this year.
Solari spent most of it, too, doling
out $100,957 for advertising and pro-
motion in what looks like will be a
successful effort to hang onto his job,
more than the spending total for all
four candidates in a hard-fought con-
test for the District 3 County Commis-
sion Seat.
In that race, incumbent Tim Zorc
has raised $42,579 to fend off three
challengers, including a well-funded
effort by retired county fire depart-
ment captain Joe Earman. Earman,
who’s also been general manager of
the county fair, has hauled in $52,592,
$10,000 more than Zorc, but the pow-
er of incumbency and name recogni-
tion may swing the race Zorc’s way.
The District 1 commission race
has been low key, with a combined
total of only $46,000 raised by three
candidates – two active and one who
has withdrawn. Former Fellsmere
Mayor Susan Adams raised almost all
the money, $36,285, which probably
means there will be a woman on the
county commission for the first time
in years.
4 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Campaign finances in cash contributions and another state senate and county offices have My Vero
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 $36,083 worth of in-kind donations. A taken in $2.6 million in cash, loans
fourth candidate, island physician Greg and in-kind donations. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
ed Debbie Mayfield and includes all of MacKay, has spent nearly $40,000 of his
Indian River County, have raised half a own money running for the house seat. Based on donations, to the extent than other local government races. As
million in cash as of the second week they reflect political support, Loar, Da- a result, voters tend to know very little
in August. Loans and in-kind contri- Trying to move up the political food vis, Solari and Adams look like shoo- about the candidates.
butions raise the total to $635,000. chain, Mayfield is one of five contend- ins, while the contests between Zorc
ers in State Senate District 17 – which and Earman, Justice and Kim, and Most don't seem to care.
Lange Sykes leads the fundraising includes all of Indian River County Sykes and Grall could go either way. "Most people don't have much
sweepstakes with $249,878 in cash col- and about half of Brevard County – interaction with the courts, so they
lected, much of it from insurance com- who have spent nearly a million dol- To look at the county numbers your- don't really think about it," said Bruce
panies and political action committees, lars seeking a job that pays $30,000 per self, go to: http://www.voteindianriver. Colton, our longtime state attorney
while Erin Grall took in $210,530 with year. Mayfield has been the biggest com/Candidates/Candidate-Profiles- and a Vero Beach resident. "Unless
strong support from fellow attorneys. spender by far, shelling out $604,738 and-Financials. State numbers can be you're involved in the legal system,
Minister Dale Glading received $36,589 in pursuit of the seat. found here: http://dos.elections.myflor- or know someone who is, you prob- ably don't know very much about the
All told, candidates for state rep, judges or lawyers that are running.
"For people to vote intelligently,
OUR TRUSTED CONSERVATIVE LEADER they really need to make the effort,
and most people aren't going to work
COMMISSIONER TIM ZORC that hard," he added. "There are pub-
IS WORKING HARD lic forums, and some candidates do
meet-and-greets, but the average per-
or has other priorities.
PROMISES MADE. PROMISES KEPT. “I have called Indian River County "It's a shame, too, because what
home all my life. I understand that our these judges do is important."
PRESERVING THE INDIAN RIVER LAGOON Lagoon is not only a beautiful place for County and circuit court judges
For Our Future Generations to Enjoy families to explore, but it is also a very preside over local trials and hearings
important economic resource. Shortly in both criminal and civil cases. Most
STOPPING THE ALL ABOARD FLORIDA TRAIN into office, I started to push for solutions are elected, but some are appointed
From Destroying Our Community and because of my unified efforts we by the governor if a new seat is created
now have the Fertilizer Ordinance and or when an existing judge resigns, re-
PROTECTING OUR TAX DOLLARS expansion of storm water projects that tires or dies.
To Help Our Families and Businesses Thrive are benefiting our Indian River Lagoon Florida Supreme Court justices and
Not Just Survive today. We have slowed the decline but appellate court judges – our circuit
we still have much work to do.” belongs to the Fourth District Court of
Appeal in West Palm Beach – are ap-
–Tim Zorc pointed to six-year terms by the gov-
ernor. However, jurists who want to
WWW.TIMZORC.COM I (772) 633-2004 I [email protected] stay on the bench are subject to merit-
retention elections in which they must
Political Ad Paid for and Approved by Tim Zorc, Republican, for Indian River County Commission, District 3. receive a majority of ballots marked
"yes" by voters to earn another term.
Since this system was implemented
in 1976, no justice or appellate judge
has failed to be retained. That's not
surprising, given that focus-group re-
search conducted in 2012 on behalf of
the Florida Bar revealed that 90 per-
cent of the participating voters didn't
understand what "merit retention"
"It's very difficult to remove an ap-
pellate judge through the merit-reten-
tion system," said Dan Vaughn, who
spent 10 years as a St. Lucie County
judge before being appointed in 2000
to the circuit court bench, where he
still sits. "People don't know them, so
they don't know how to vote."
On the local level, too, judges often
go unchallenged when seeking re-elec-
tion. Both Indian River County judges
have enjoyed long tenures: Joe Wild
since 1989; David Morgan since 1997.
Next week, though, two circuit
judge seats are up for election: Incum-
bent Jim McCann is being challenged
by Fort Pierce attorney Beth Allen;
and four lawyers – Bob Meadows and
Kiernan Moylan of Vero Beach, Leon-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 5
ard Villafranco of Port St. Lucie and "Most of the time – I'd say 90 percent judges are challenged, how do voters vote – meaning that county residents
Michael McNicholas of Stuart – are or better – incumbent judges run unop- decide? who voted in other races on the ballot
seeking to replace F. Shields McManus, posed,"Vaughn said. "I ran the first time opted to not choose any of the candi-
who is not seeking re-election because in 1990, and I've been on the ballot five Not all of them do. dates for judge.
he would reach the mandatory retire- times since with no opposition." A review of election results, dating
ment age of 70 early in his next term. back to 2008, revealed that judicial "If you look at the numbers," county
And on those rare occasions when elections are prone to a sizable under-
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero ground," he added, "but they cannot So for those of us who don't have the Such a deal!
be critical of another candidate." time to research all six circuit judge can-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 didates on next week's ballot, how are CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
Nor can they make predictions and we supposed to know who to vote for?
Supervisor of Elections Leslie Swan said, promises about issues that could arise signers didn’t skimp on the razor wire.
"you'll see fewer people voted in the if they were on the bench, because Ask people you know in the local Maximum security is the goal here.
judges’ races than most of the others." they're supposed to be impartial and legal system – lawyers, clerks, bailiffs, Once you’re locked in for the night,
make decisions based on the law, judges, even the candidates them- you can feel quite secure.
In the 2014 primary, for example, without regard for personal beliefs or selves – for their opinions, then formu-
Circuit Judge Michael Heisey's victory political agendas. late your own. That was the advice giv- For that price, you could stay in off-
over Fort Pierce attorney Steve Zis- en by everyone interviewed. They all season at Ocean Drive hostelry. Or
kinder included an undervote of 2,404, "It's especially tough to campaign said they've already been approached. you could spend a night or two at the
and Dwight Geiger's back-from-retire- as a sitting judge," DeBraal said. "You old Indian River Correctional Institu-
ment victory over Fran Ross and Faith can't talk about your rulings or sen- "My problem is, I've got to work tion, closed in a 2012, which has been
Litvack in the 2008 primary produced tences as achievements, as you might with the people who are running," reimagined by two Fort Lauderdale
an undervote of 3,545 – significantly if you were a candidate for a different Vaughn said, "so when I get asked, I entrepreneurs as an Airbnb listing-
higher than the undervote for other office. So, really, you're running with try to change the subject." slash-film set, with an algae-growing
races on the ballot. one hand tied behind your back." business on the side.
But as a longtime judge who has
It was in the 2008 general election, You won't find many news stories been both appointed and elected, he The listing has been circulating on
however, that a massive undervote about judicial candidates – because doesn't want to change the system. Facebook for the past two weeks, and
likely impacted the outcome of a ju- they can't say much of what you'll has generated some 2,000 views (but
dicial election. Geiger returned to the hear from other politicians. Vaughn opposes those who argue so far no bookings), says co-owner
circuit bench, winning by only 101 that, because the public is too often Rob Goodman, a former actor now
votes in a race that produced an un- "I'd imagine," DeBraal said, "the read- ill-informed about judicial candi- working in film production. He post-
dervote of 18,378. ers wouldn't find it very interesting." dates, judges should be appointed ed the listing in the hopes of attract-
rather than elected. ing filmmakers who might want to use
"Judicial elections are different from Even less compelling would be the site as a set.
other elections," said Deputy County At- stories about appellate judges from "There's no perfect way to do it –
torney Bill DeBraal, who also serves as somewhere else. Be honest: Can you there are pros and cons to both – but I Goodman’s longtime friend, Geron-
the president of the Indian River County name ANY of the justices on the Flori- still prefer elections," Vaughn said. "Ei- imo Dimitrelos, also is moving his
Bar Association. "Candidates have to op- da Supreme Court? ther way you go, it's going to be politi- algae farm to the facility. Algae to
erate under a different set of rules. cal. The way it works now is, if you've Omega Holdings uses a proprietary
And just so you know: DeBraal said got a bad judge, you can vote him out method to produce algae with high
"They can talk about themselves the county bar association, which has . . . we shouldn't give away our rights levels of astaxanthin, a powerful anti-
and their qualifications, including about 160 members, does not endorse to properly elect our representatives." oxidant, and essential fatty acids like
their education and professional back- judicial candidates or make recom-
mendations regarding appellate and Even when most of the voters are
state Supreme Court judges. guessing?
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 7
Omega-3 to use in animal feed and PHOTO BY PHIL SUNKEL classes, at meals or in a day room so- “I put the Airbnb thing up there as
other products. cializing. a joke but you know what? There are
building, where narrow double-bunks crazy people out there that maybe will
“I received my patent four months border a steel toilet and sink with not Today there isn’t much of the com- do it.”
ago,” says Dimitrelos. “There are may- so much as a partition for privacy. pound that doesn’t seem punishingly
be three companies in the world doing Turns out, the young inmates only bleak. Prison tourism is not a new concept
it like me.” Dimitrelos first learned ex- slept there, says Jack Mihalovich, who and it’s been on the rise in the past
actly a year ago that his bid of $850,000 for a year was senior psychologist at “The irony isn’t lost on me that peo- decade. The defunct Ohio State Re-
had been declared the winner in an the prison around 2008. ple might pay to stay there,” says Mi- formatory was named in a 2010 USA
auction for the 99-acre compound, a halovich. Today article for hosting weddings, av-
mile south of Oslo Road on 76th Av- The rest of the time, they were in eraging 10 a year; built in 1886, it has
enue, which sits in the shadow of the considerable more charm that Vero’s
county landfill and borders the north- prison.
bound lanes of I-95.
Then again, that may be an asset.
Built in 1976 to house close to 400 Goodman suggests parents visit with
male “youthful offenders” age 14 to 18, their teenagers as a sort of scared-
the prison offered vocational classes straight approach.
as well as standard high school cours-
es – former Vero Beach mayor Kevin ”This is a prison so think camping
Sawnick taught there. and bring necessities,” he cautions in
the listing. “The whole idea is to have
When it closed, 160 people lost their an experience or even show young ones
jobs, and its inmates were transferred where they DO NOT want to end up.”
to the state’s only other youthful of-
fender facility 200 miles away. Goodman has been approached
about using the prison for a big-bud-
In addition to the two-story build- get haunted house. He envisions it as
ing housing the tiny, two-person cells, the ideal setting for a zombie hunt. At
there are nine other open dormitory- this point, with the grounds still unfa-
style buildings that each housed 16 miliar, he has to fight his own imagina-
inmates. tion when he arrives on the property
after dark. “To throw the light switch,
With its ubiquitous razor wire, un- there’s a control room I have to climb
kempt grounds and peeling paint, a ladder to get into. All I’ve got is my
the exterior is haunting enough to little cell phone light,” he says. “It’s
rival Hitchcock’s Bates Motel. The scary.”
real fright comes inside the cell block
8 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Tradewinds to open in October on Royal Palm Pointe
BY MICHELLE GENZ Equipment website. concept is overlaid with 21st century “It’s a fresh market table,” he says.
Staff Writer Lately, though, he’s been mulling nutritional concerns; his menu will “I deconstruct the meal. You walk in,
include “a gluten-free section, a no- you order your drink and you go to the
Since taking over his father’s manu- over wood-fired grills and Singapore GMO section, a casein-free section,” fresh market table. By the time you get
facturing business and relocating it to Slings for Tradewinds, the new 1950s and he calls main course selections back to your table, your drink is there
Vero, Tim Girard has focused mainly Tiki bar-themed steak and seafood “your protein.” and you order your protein.”
on pressure relief vents and magnetic restaurant going in the old Dockside
vacuum breakers for tanker trucks, rail Grill location on Royal Palm Pointe. And don’t try to suggest that the long Your “protein” can range from fish
cars and containers. table of lettuces, vegetables and side to a “16 oz. Porterhouse,” he says, on
Girard closed on the property sev- dishes – with a stack of plates to grab display in a glass case at the entrance.
“Getting your rig back on the road eral months ago, but has tried to keep from and load up – is a salad bar; it is Behind it, the chef is manning the grill.
is our main objective,” says the Girard the project under wraps while decid- not, he claims emphatically. “The chef is going to cut your meat in
ing on a menu and décor. His retro front of you, size it, weigh it and put it
on the grill.”
If it sounds like a busy schedule, Gi-
rard is used to that. Rising at 5 a.m. to
speak to associates in Ireland, he says,
he expects to remain at the restaurant
until 2 a.m., when the last revelers
from the bar are finally drifting out the
door. “I don’t sleep much,” he says.
Though his company has offices in
New Jersey, Texas and Illinois, as well as
the Netherlands and China, Girard as
CEO brought the company’s headquar-
ters toVero Beach, largely for its lifestyle.
His first trip to Vero was in the 1980s,
when he was a student at the Univer-
sity of Tampa. He crossed the state to
stay with a friend when a hurricane
was headed for Tampa Bay.
Years later in 2003, heading home
after visiting his parents in Jupiter, he
pulled off of I-95 to take a look at how
the town had changed. Back home, as
he went through yet another dreary
New Jersey winter, the memory of Vero
beckoned. He called the Chamber
of Commerce and was given the full-
court press to relocate the $20 million-
a-year business here. Next thing he
knew, by 2008, he had bought an old
packinghouse near Gifford Middle
School, and moved company head-
quarters south.
For the past 30 years, Girard’s only
experience with restaurants was eat-
ing in them. He says he is a keenly
observant customer, logging in details
like “what kind of soap they’re using
behind the bar.”
But before he was dragged into the
family vent and valve business, he
was happily running a restaurant in
his hometown of Long Branch, New
Jersey. Just 19, having quit University
of Tampa and started at Monmouth
College, he was studying hospitality
management when, by his account,
he turned around a failing restau-
rant and made it profitable in only six
“Two vascular surgeons owned it
and they didn’t much care about the
place. It wasn’t making a profit. They
were $300,000 in debt. So I went to
them and said, ‘I’m available. Why
don’t you get rid of these clowns run-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 9
ning the place and I’ll turn it around.” going on,” he says. “I’ve been served in Girard says he has already lined ment. If all goes well, he hopes to open
Six months later, he claims, television restaurants around the world, watch- up a local chef but isn’t ready to an- in October.
news crews were covering the place, ing how things are prepared. I’ve been nounce his choice, only that “he’s in a
with its “lines around the block.” to Brazil – the food’s delicious. Lots of big place.” “The bars in this town, they would
steaks. In Argentina too. They don’t do not want me as a manager. I don’t think
“I believed in my vision,” he says. a lot of rubs when they grill – just salt He says his plans for the building, any one of them has captured what
“When I go to bars and restaurants, and pepper.” which he has already gutted, are cur- people want.
I’m completely observant about what’s rently with the city’s planning depart-
10 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Tradewinds restaurant visioned hybrid of restaurant and rate a street-legal golf cart with palm Vero schools
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 nightclub, people will first come for fronds and offer rides home to cus-
the food, and then “come back for the tomers who live nearby. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
“It’s a hard business – and it is a busi- fun,” he says.
ness.” “You know the expression, ‘Every- trict will tax property owners more,
“After the food is put away, we take body’s got one book in them?’ Well I at $7.41 per $1,000 of property value
He has great confidence in things off the floor and clear out a think it’s one good book and one good compared to Martin County School
Tradewinds – not so much for being dance floor,” he says. “There’s a stage restaurant,” he says. District’s $6.88 tax rate, a difference of
profitable but for being top quality. that comes out big enough for a ten- about $250 per year for someone with
“I’m running five companies,” he says. piece band, or an eight-piece band. The Dockside Grille closed a year a $500,000 home.
“I don’t need to fall back on my res- Let’s just say a full band.” ago with promises to the daily paper
taurant. I’m never going to serve a bad by owner Jerry Maher that he would An analysis of budget figures shows
meal ever. I can rest on that a little bit.” The music will start around 9 p.m., open again in the fall. the IRC School District spends more
and he says he doesn’t expect to go than the Martin County School District
Girard believes the first six months home before 2 a.m. “I live in the fin- That claim was disputed by employ- because it has higher legal expenses, is
after opening will be critical to es- gers, which is right there,” he points ees and the restaurant never reopened. more deeply in debt, purchases more
tablishing a reputation. With his en- out. He has a plan to get his neighbors Before Maher took over Dockside in from outside the district, lays out far
in on the action: he wants to deco- 2008, it was a fine-dining restaurant more for healthcare and insurance, and
known by its street address, 41. is spending freely on technology and
technology personnel. It also spends
more on “non-instructional manage-
ment,” forking out $1.6 million in salary
for top administrators, $300,000 more
than the larger Martin County District.
Running through the list in order,
the Indian River County School Board
is embroiled in more legal suits than
the Martin County School Board. It
will spend $1.6 million on court bat-
tles compared to Martin’s $661,000.
Indian River will spend $10 million
more on debt service than Martin.
Indian River borrows against future
revenue, racking up interest costs and
fees, while Martin often pays for capi-
tal projects in cash.
Despite running its own health insur-
ance fund, supposedly to save money, the
school district here will spend $6.4 mil-
lion on healthcare expenses for current
and retired employees in the coming year
than Martin.
Indian River County School District
also spends more on outside person-
nel – nearly $24 million last year com-
pared to Martin’s $13 million.
Indian River County School District
is spending much more on technology
than Martin. It will spend $9.3 million
on “instruction related technology”
this school year compared to $2.5
million Martin plans to spend. At the
same time, Indian River will spend $4
million on “administrative technology
services” this school year, while Mar-
tin County will spend $662,000.
Meanwhile, Martin spends more on
teachers and student support: Last year
the district paid nearly $91 million in
salaries, over $60 million of which went
to teachers and $4.1 million to student
support staff, compared to Indian Riv-
er’s $83 million in salaries of which $55
million went to teachers and $2.7 mil-
lion to student support staff.
Indian River is especially stingy in
spending for teaching assistants who
help special-education students and
English-language learners, planning
to spend this year about half of the
$10 million Martin will spend. Indian
River has 220 teaching assistants com-
pared to Martin’s 295.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Footwear, road racing run in the family at ‘Depot’
There is no question that the local RUNNER’S DEPOT PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
running world has been positively im-
pacted by a decision made 11 years ago 12
by Bill and Linda Urban, when they re-
located from Davie, Fla., to Vero Beach 3 RUNNER’S DEPOT CAPTIONS Van Veen, who met wife Meredith on
and opened Runner’s Depot on Mira- a cross-country team at Florida State,
cle Mile. In addition to selling running people showed up. 1. Standing: Linda Urban, Meredith and Jim Van also works one day a week at Runner’s
footwear, its Run Vero racing division “We weren’t prepared mentally for Depot, which helps keep him in touch
is now the area’s prime running estab- Veen, and Kara Iwaskiewicz. Sitting: Bill Urban. with the runners. He says he gets great
lishment – organizing, timing and pro- that and we were doing the timing by satisfaction from watching people
moting roughly 48 races each year. hand so it was an adventure, but we 2. Ursula Duguid gets some assistance from progress in the sport one day at a time.
were able to pull it off even though it
“I started running with the girls was a slow process.” Runner’s Depot owner Linda Urban. 3. Jaymes “It is so great to see people coming
when they were in fourth grade, when in the store to get a good pair of run-
they wanted to have Daddy time,” The event later morphed into the an- Cole wins the race just ahead of Bill Schutt. ning shoes. They start doing races
says Bill Urban, who ran with daugh- nual Thanksgiving Day Trot Against they didn’t think they could finish and
ters Meredith and Lindsay as a way Poverty, aka the Turkey Trot, a 5K walk/ PHOTOS: PHIL SUNKEL & DENISE RITCHIE then just keep getting better,” says Van
to de-stress from his job in the corpo- run that draws close to 1,700 partici- Veen. “We had a woman that wanted
rate world. “I ran with both of them pants to benefit United Against Pov- sured accuracy, which is especially im- to do the Candy Cane run to motivate
through high school but they just got erty. portant for runners looking to rank on her and her husband to get running
too fast for me.” U.S. Track and Field Association-certi- and now she has done it for the last
A switch to electronic timing has en- fied courses. The majority of the races two years and has lost 85 pounds. It’s
Wanting a profession that would al- they organize are fundraisers for non- incredible to see people go through
low him to remain active after retire- profit entities, but they also have their that transformation. It may not be an
ment, he looked into opening a run- own Run Vero Race Series. Most races Olympics story but it’s a personal tri-
ning retail outlet and methodically they coordinate draw between 300 and umph.”
researched areas that would benefit 500 participants.
and turn a profit, also considering the “I hope we’ve demonstrated to ev-
size and projected growth of the coun- As requests for their services grew, erybody that we’re going to take care of
ty. they eventually spun off the racing as- people and make them comfortable,”
pect as Run Vero, a separate division says Urban. “It’s been a good town
“I looked at the closest store in an managed by Urban’s son-in-law, Jim to us and we think that we have been
area Linda and I both wanted to live, Van Veen. good for Vero too.”
and one was 38 miles south of Vero and
another 40 miles north. I knew that I “The store just kept getting busier The next race, Love’s Miracle Run 5K
would never drive that far to go get a and the races were growing,” explains for Children’s Miracle Network, takes
pair of running shoes, so Vero looked Van Veen. “There is a lot more to put- place Aug. 27 at Riverside Park. For a
right,” Urban explains. “I didn’t think it ting races together than people think full list visit
would be a multimillion-dollar opera- – permitting, arranging volunteers
tion but I felt comfortable that it would and police, and regulating the route to
be a nice niche that we could move make sure it does not affect the flow of
into. I never thought that it would in- traffic or impact neighborhoods.”
clude the races. That was just an aside.”
To drive traffic to the store, they or-
ganized what he jokingly called the “I
can’t believe I ate the whole thing” run
on Thanksgiving Day. Thinking they
might attract around a hundred peo-
ple, they were blown away when 500
14 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
5. Tessa, Mark and Laurie Stanley. 6. Melissa,
89 Nicholas, Zachary and Wilf Knecht. 7. Brendan
Devuyst, Bobby Hurst with Aimee and Steven
Markford. 8. Stephanie and Angeli Aviless.
9. Richard Radcliff, Susy Meade and Christine
Davis. 10. Leigh Anne Davis and Brian Curley.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 15
‘Pink’ Men Group steps up for Breast Cancer walk
ide Business Association Sunset Satur- Bresett, who spoke from the heart be-
day Concert. fore the crowd of approximately 125
people. “The American Cancer Soci-
They join thousands of others ety was such a resource of information
around the county and the country and programs, which helped me im-
raising money to support the 2,600 mensely. To have this kind of support
men and 240,000 women who are di- and compassion from people on the
agnosed annually in the United States. walk and at ACS kept inspiring me to
never give up, to keep going.”
“Every year I have attended the
walk, since even when I was in chemo Kick-off attendees included a num-
and only could do a little of the way,”
said breast cancer survivor Jeanne CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
Fran Basso, Jeanne Bresett and Lin Reading. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Jessica Francis and Bill Penney. Larry Macke.
Robin and Dr. Daniel Glotzer with Jenny Fee.
There will be a new
team at this year’s Mak-
ing Strides Against
Breast Cancer walk to
benefit the American
Cancer Society, which
is scheduled to take
place Oct. 15 at Riverside Park. Sixteen
“Pink Men” officially began their Real
Men Wear Pink initiative last Wednes-
day at the MSABC Kick-off Party at the
Heritage Center. This year’s walk is
chaired by Dr. Daniel Glotzer and is
presented by the Scully-Welsh Cancer
Center at Indian River Medical Center.
The Pink Men – Andrew Barton,
Travis Beckett, Dr. Will Crook, Wesley
Davis, Dr. Charles Eberhart, Michael
Kissner Jr., Larry Macke, Michael Na-
tale, Dr. Patrick Ottuso, Bill Penney,
Edwin Perkins, Nic Peterson, Chris
Pinson, Adam Preuss, Karl Steene and
Tim Zorc – had also displayed their
team spirit the weekend before, when
they were introduced at the Oceans-
16 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PEOPLE Rebecca Beehler, Lynne George and Priscilla Reascos.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 FUNdraiser. Introduced to cheers and
a few good-natured jeers, Pink Men
ber of established teams along with team members showed off their rosy
others looking to start new ones. To side by dressing in pink from head to
encourage fundraising efforts there is toe, including hot pink flip-flops.
always some friendly competition be-
tween teams, so in true pep rally style, “I didn’t actually have to go out and
pointers were given on ways to raise buy the pink clothes because I already
top dollars. owned them,” said Wesley Davis with
a laugh, saying he joined the team to
“After I was diagnosed I formed a honor his grandmother, Rosemary
team and went on Facebook and most- Hinkle, who he lost to breast cancer.
ly hounded my friends until they joined “I did have to buy those flip-flops for
and contributed,” joked Linda George, 99 cents at Walmart, though. I am
on how to best get others to contribute. betting they are sold out after every-
one saw us looking so good wearing
Despite the cause being a serious them at the concert!”
one, humorous themes are encour-
aged, which is why ACSIRC calls it a
Michelle Bollinger, Dr. James Grichnik and Lori McCormick.
Kathryn Wilson, Lillie Holt and Venda Burgess are greeted by the VBHS Varsity Cheerleaders.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 17
It’s happenin’! Big Red’s a welcome addition for all
Michael Zito and Jason Brown. PHOTOS: LEAH DUBOIS Dori Roy, Joe Wiggins and Greg Jiruska.
BY CHRISTINA TASCON 40,600-square-foot, state-of-the-art fa-
Correspondent cility.
The strategy, when discussions first A crowd of county and city officials,
began for the new Indian River County non-profit agencies, members of the
Intergenerational Recreation Center in public and affiliated guests gathered
south Vero, was to go big or go home. in the shade of the mammoth red
They went big, as visitors discovered building before entering its soaring
at a ribbon cutting last Wednesday lobby. A coffee and light-bite reception
morning to introduce the impressive hosted by Di’Michelli’s Catering took
Wesley Davis with John and Pat Durrell. Will Willmot, Erik Isaacson and Brandon Wagner.
Beverly Adkins, Alma Lee Loy and Fran Adams.
Vero politicians, supporters and organization members cut the ribbon.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 PEOPLE Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Chelsea Warren, Jeff Hancock and Julie Leatherbury. Jillian Sparks passes out scissors for the ribbon cutting. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17
place against a backdrop of a white ar-
chitectural wall and a reception desk
highlighted by a bright, decorative light
Assistant County Administrator Mi-
chael Zito introduced some of those in
attendance, including IRC Commis-
sion Chairman Bob Solari as well as
architects from Borrelli + Partners and
builders from KAST Construction, who
spoke about the project. Coined the iG
Center by staff, Big Red by others, the
venue will be rented out for events,
sporting functions, scheduled classes
and activities.
“This was a collaborative effort with
a lot of people,” said Jorge Borrelli. “This
is an iconic building that we believe will
put you on the map in terms of sports
and event venues.”
“This facility represents your com-
munity,” said associate architect Dan
Trbovich. “It directly relates to your
county commissioners and staff down
to the end-users who realize the value of
having a quality building such as this.”
“This project was initially planned
for 2002,” said IRC Administrator Jason
Brown. “We had the hurricanes come
and then the economic downturn came
and we had concerns about operating
costs and keeping our taxes low.”
Joe Wiggins, former president of the
Oslo Concerned Citizens League, ini-
tially proposed the rec center when his
daughters, now grown and married,
were just 8 and 9 years old. “I want-
ed something for the children in our
neighborhood to have some place to
play and stay active so they could stay
out of trouble,” said Wiggins. “I am glad
I am still around to see it built.”
“Joe was the squeaky wheel even
when I was back on the commission,”
said former IRC Commissioner Fran
Adams. “He was a great advocate for the
children and still is.”
“People are going to love the whole
building and the kids are going to love
this gymnasium,” said Michael Red-
stone, county recreation manager.
“We normally rent the fairgrounds
for our big combined reunions,” said
Gene Bishop, referencing the Vero
Beach High School Golden Grads re-
unions. “It appears that the parking lot
would be easier for handicapped and
seniors to navigate here. The lighting
is better and the soundproofing in the
gym makes it easier to hear.”
“They closed the senior center and
we don’t have a place to play cards any-
more,” said Marie Jeffes, anticipating
the new game room might fit the bill.
“We used to go there and dance and
play games and it was a sin that this
town did not have a place to go any-
“This facility is very versatile and I
think wonderful things are going to
happen here,” said Brown.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Teen actors’ dramatic talent at play in ‘Recess Time!’
BY MICHELLE GENZ stark white studio, finding a seat
Staff Writer on fake green turf or a spot to stand
among the hand-built swings, see-
For three nights this weekend, when saw and sandbox. Around them, graf-
an audience limited to 20 is allowed fiti on the walls screams as loudly as
into Project Space 1785, they will find the sound track: electronica overlaid
they are not just viewers but a part of with distorted spoken words.
“It’s Recess Time!” – an art and sound
installation within which a one-act Run by producer Jared Thomas,
play is performed in their midst. the gallery’s co-founder, the music is
cued to the actions of two 18-year-old
Each will find a space within the actors, Finn Barrett and Will Com-
Actors/writers Finn Barrett and Will Commerford (back). Tech member April Consalo and producer
Jared Thomas (front).
Finn Barrett and Will Commerford during a performance run-through.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 21
you say some stuff, people look at you ing session when the three of them
and it’s over. So I decided to find out.” took a break to eat some tacos. “All
of a sudden, Will jumps up and says,
By his second semester, Charter ‘OK, I’m going to do two monologues,
drama teacher Michael Naffziger was one comedic, one dramatic.’ He didn’t
guiding the class through the acting care if anyone watched or not.”
methods of Michael Chekhov and
Uta Hagen. That sort of interruption is just
fine Thomas. “I hate that once you’re
Commerford went on to be scouted grown up, you’re not supposed to play
in a state theater competition by the pretend anymore.”
New York Academy of Dramatic Arts,
and won a scholarship to its month- “It’s Recess Time!” plays this Friday,
long summer program. Now when he Saturday and Sunday at 7 p.m. at 1785
starts talking, Thomas says, “the odds Old Dixie Hwy., across from Garage
are 50-50 he’s improvising.” Pizza in downtown Vero. Tickets, $10,
are available on line at www.itsrecess-
“Will loves to play pretend,” Thomas
says. He describes a recent set-build-
‘I hate that once you’re a grown up, you’re not
supposed to play pretend anymore.’
– Jared Thomas
merford. They play children whose developed the script together, Barrett
longed-for liberation from structure creating the sound track on his iPad.
and discipline gives way to the chaos It is Barrett’s artwork that adorns the
of life without direction. walls, while Thomas built the play-
ground set – all with a budget of zero.
By turns comedic and disturbing,
“It’s Recess Time!” derives its authen- Barrett and Commerford met a
ticity from the perspective of three year ago in a Charter High production
artists barely out of childhood them- of “The Curious Incident of the Dog
selves. It is the story of two friends who in the Night-Time.” Barrett played
don’t age and can’t change, locked in Christopher, a 15-year-old autistic
an alternate universe. The authors boy; Commerford played his father.
were inspired by the apathy of some
of their peers, trapped in a town with The two budding actors imme-
limited job opportunities for young diately connected. Within a few
people, a disproportionately older pop- months, they found themselves deep
ulation and a cultural scene dismissive in conversation walking along Ocean
of youthful tastes and interests. Drive in the middle of the night trying
desperately to figure out why some of
“I have many, many friends who their favorite friends seemed so stuck.
have all these aspirations but they don’t
take the initiative to achieve them, or “We were on a rampage talking
they’re self-deprecating and down on about all this stuff that was going on
themselves. You admire their talent with our friends. Like, ‘That’s bad,
but they’re stifling their potential,” that’s bad, they could be doing this,
says Thomas. “They’re frustrated at they could be doing this,’” recalls
where they’re living, so they’re drink- Barrett. “Suddenly we just said, ‘Let’s
ing or getting high or finding solace make a show of all this.’”
in romantic relationships, but it’s all
to cover up what is the overwhelming Late one night soon after – late
feeling that their not achieving things.” nights are common in their creative
process – they were propped up on
Thomas says even among his friends, opposite ends of a couch calling out
his invitation to come see the show lines and typing them into their iPads.
has been met with blank stares. “It’s
like, OK, but like, what do we do? They Barrett, who just graduated from
aren’t used to going out to see art.” Charter, is the son of Ken Barrett, a
P.E. teacher, and Kim Schroeder, who
If “It’s Recess Time!” is a 45-minute- heads the school system’s print shop.
long study in aimlessness, its theme
is defied by its creators. The trio of A remarkable actor, Barrett didn’t
current and past Vero Beach Charter act until last year. Until then, he
High School students have devoted didn’t get why drama kids were so
much of their own summer recess to rapturous about their efforts. “People
the project. Barrett and Commerford would be sobbing after their plays,
like, ‘Oh, we’re never going to get to do
this again!’ I just thought acting was,
22 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming up: It’s Winestock ...
Drop in, chill out, listen up!
Peace of Woodstick performing Saturday at Endless Summer Winery for Winestock.
BY MICHELLE GENZ awards for Best Jazz Vocalist and Best
Staff Writer Jazz Arrangement. She also performed
with Joel Grey on the television 1991 Or-
1 August is national Woodstock ange Bowl half-time show of Cole Porter
month, time for hundreds of flow- music. She’s gone to perform with some
of the biggest names in jazz.
er power-themed parties recalling the
The Space Coast group is led by Patrick
Summer of ’69. The music festival on Hennessey, another jazz veteran who
has played with the greats. He leads the
the now legendary farm in upstate New Stetson University Jazz Ensemble. The
3 p.m. concert is only $20, and free for
York gets a tropical translation Satur- those 18 and under.
day afternoon at our Florida facsimile
right up the road: the Endless Summer
Winery, a wonderfully relaxing week-
end music venue in the palm-studded
plains between Fort Pierce and Vero. 3 The “Star Trek” franchise is aging
well. At 50, it’s reaching a whole
Landscape nursery owner-turned-
vintner Gary Roberts hosts the an- new universe of viewers than it did back
nual Winestock event, situated among in the 1960s – considering the original
trellises of his muscadine grapes. The TV series was canceled in 1969 due to
surfer-themed open-air tasting room poor ratings. But like the geek in high
is featuring the Tampa-based tribute school who turns into a brainiac billion-
band Peace of Woodstock along with its aire, the reruns became wildly success-
house-made muscadine wine, which, ful and spawned not only a resurrected
for those of us whose virgin buzz was series for TV but the long list of films in-
off Boone’s Farm Apple Wine, deserves cluding the latest this summer.
a degree of reverence. Florida Institute of Technology is cel-
ebrating that landmark birthday with a
2 Sunday afternoon, jazz lovers get free public lecture Friday by engineer-
their summer fix when the Space
ing professor Scott Tilley, who’s going
Coast Symphony Jazz Band delivers its to take apart the science-based fantasy
summer concert. This year, along with of “Star Trek” and see what stuck.
the usual roster of excellent Central Tilley is a life-long Trekkie who spent
Florida-based professional jazz mu- his boyhood summers on the beach in
sicians, the concert features vocalist Maine reading paperbacks of the origi-
Lisanne Lyons, Ph.D., a jazz vocal pro- nal series and making hand-written
fessor at Florida International Universi- summaries of each one.
ty in Miami and director of the recently After his talk, if the skies are clear, the
formed FIU Jazz Vocal Ensemble. Student Astronomical Society is going to
Lyons, a native of Sarasota, started open up the 32-inch Ortega telescope
singing straight out of high school when for everyone to look through. Three
she became featured vocalist for the Air smaller telescopes will also be available.
Force Bands. She went on to earn grad- The Trek-fest takes place at the Olin
uate degrees from the Frost School of Engineering Complex on West Univer-
Music at the University of Miami; while sity Blvd. The lecture starts at 8 p.m.; the
she was there, she won two Down Beat telescopes come into play about 9.
24 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ENT-er a new specialist at Sebastian Medical Center
BY TOM LLOYD Haggard’s song, but that’s where the University, earned his Doctor of Os- treatment of abnormalities of the
Staff Writer similarities pretty much end. teopathic Medicine degree in Tulsa, face and neck and ears, deviated
and then went on to serve an oto- septum, obstructive sleep apnea,
A real, live honest-to-goodness For starters, this tall, lanky oto- laryngology head and neck surgery endoscopic sinus surgery, salivary
“Okie from Muskogee” just opened laryngologist – or ENT physician – residency with the Freeman Health gland surgery, rhinoplasty, face
a new medical practice in Sebas- would have towered over the 5-foot- System just across the Oklahoma lifts, cleft palates and a host of other
tian. 8-inch Haggard. state line in Joplin, Mo. conditions affecting the head and
neck to Tudor’s potential “to-do”
Dr. T. Seth Tudor may be from the Moreover, while Haggard dropped And, while many may immediate- list.
Oklahoma town made famous by out of high school during his first ly associate “ear, nose and throat”
the late country music legend Merle year, Tudor completed his Bachelor doctors with simply treating aller- It also says ENT specialists “dif-
of Science degree at Oklahoma State gies or – as many parents know – fer from many physicians in that
with finding and safely removing they are trained in both medicine
a whole slew of foreign object like and surgery. Otolaryngologists do
crayons, beads and rubber bands not need to refer patients to other
from their children’s ears and noses physicians when ear, nose, throat,
and such, Tudor notes there’s much or head and neck surgery is needed
more to his chosen specialty than and therefore can offer the most ap-
that. propriate care for each individual
He points to “head and neck can-
cers” along with oral cancers, skin The young Oklahoma State Cow-
cancers, throat cancers, thyroid boys fan says simply, “I plan on do-
surgeries and parathyroid surgeries ing a true general ENT practice,”
as being “fair game” for ENT physi- including “the full gamut of proce-
cians like himself. dures and operations.
The American Academy of Oto- “I really like ENT,” says the soft-
laryngology and Head and Neck spoken Tudor, “because I get to
Surgery adds facial plastic and re- treat patients in all stages of their
constructive surgery, the surgical lives. I’ll see babies. I’ll see adults
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 25
and adolescents and all the way up of patients they’re sending to me,”
into [those in] their later years. I get Tudor confides.
to see a wide range of patients that
have a wide range of problems. ENT Then he adds, “I’ve talked to some
is never boring. That’s one of the of the pediatricians and they also
main things that appeals to me.” say they’ve got a long list of patients,
so hopefully I’ll get to see a lot of
As to why the town of Sebastian kids, as well.”
and the Sebastian River Medical
center appealed to him, that answer At the opposite end of the age
is similarly simple. spectrum, Tudor says he also ex-
pects to see as many seniors as chil-
“I looked at a couple other places dren since, “sun damage is cumula-
in Florida and the folks that worked tive” and in Florida, “a lot of older
here at SRMC seemed to be a lot folks have got skin cancers and that’s
more close-knit, and everybody was the kind of thing that we would take
very welcoming and warm and that care of.”
really appealed to me,” Tudor says.
In fact, Florida – with its seem-
“My wife and I are newlyweds ingly never-ending seasons of aller-
as of October and we love Flori- gy-triggering pollens, molds, rag-
da. We’ve visited many times for weeds and dust mites, along with its
vacation and conferences, so we burgeoning senior population now
thought, why not? Let’s try to live starting to suffer the consequences
there, it’s so great.” of long-term exposure to the sun –
and its Treasure Coast might just be
It probably didn’t hurt the Tudor’s the perfect place for a young, ener-
decision-making process that it has getic board-certified otolaryngolo-
been a while since a true general gist from Oklahoma to open a gen-
ENT practice has been available in eral ENT practice.
Dr. T. Seth Tudor’s new offices are at
“Every primary care practice doc 12920 U.S. Highway One in Sebastian.
that I’ve talked to and also some The phone number is 772-228-9808.
specialty doctors say they have a list
26 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Weep no more: New drug should help dry eye sufferers
The FDA has recently OK’d the first
prescription eye drop approved to
treat both the signs and symptoms of
dry eye, a widespread and often pain-
ful condition. The drug – Xiidra – is
expected to launch in the next few
Stephen Tate, M.D., a board-cer-
tified Vero Beach ophthalmologist,
says, “The approval of Xiidra is a huge
deal, as dry eye is incredibly common
and bothers people so much. It also
tends to be a chronic condition that
needs to be managed long term. This
approval will offer another treatment
Approximately 16 million people
in the United States have been diag-
nosed with dry eye disease, in which
too few “good quality” tears are pro-
duced, resulting in pain, itching, red-
ness, scratchiness and burning. In
advanced cases of dry eye, the front
surface of the eye may be damaged,
impairing vision.
There are several glands in and
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 27
around the eyelids that produce tears. • Age. Dry eyes are a part of the have symptoms of dry eyes. Also, in- Under normal circumstances, most
Simply having an adequate amount natural aging process. The major- flammation of the eyelids or of the people blink about every 4 seconds.
of tears, however, is not enough to ity of people over age 65 experience surfaces of the eyes can cause dry We have a tendency to blink less fre-
prevent dry eyes; the three layers of some symptoms of dry eyes. eyes to develop. quently when reading or staring at a
tears – oil, water and mucus – must computer screen – so we miss out on
be in the right balance. A smooth oil • Gender. Women are more likely • Contact lenses and eye surgeries. some of the cleaning and lubrication
layer helps prevent evaporation of to develop dry eyes due to hormonal Long-term use of contact lenses can of the eye that blinking provides. So,
the water layer, and the mucus layer changes caused by pregnancy, the be a factor in the development of dry when engaged in those activities –
spreads the tears evenly over the sur- use of oral contraceptives and meno- eyes. Vision-correcting procedures make a conscious decision to blink
face of the eye. pause. such as LASIK can decrease tear pro- regularly!
duction and contribute to dry eyes.
You may be saying, “Hold on! I’ve • Medications. Certain medicines Mild cases of dry eyes can often
seen TV ads for Restasis. How can – including antihistamines, decon- • Environmental factors. Living in be successfully treated by over-the-
Xiidra be the first prescription eye gestants, blood pressure medications a dry climate, and exposure to smoke counter artificial tear solutions (pre-
drop for dry eye?” The answer is in and antidepressants – can reduce and wind can increase tear evapora- servative-free are best, because they
the “indications” for the two drugs tear production. tion, resulting in symptoms of dry contain fewer irritants). Dr. Tate says
– the indication for Restasis is only eye. that it’s important to use artificial
for “tear production” and not for the • Medical conditions. People with
rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and Infrequent blinking can also con- CONTINUED ON PAGE 28
thyroid problems are more likely to tribute to the drying of the eyes.
Approximately 16
million people in the
United States have
been diagnosed with
dry eye disease, in
which too few “good
quality” tears are
produced, resulting in
pain, itching, redness,
scratchiness and
burning. In advanced
cases of dry eye, the
front surface of the
eye may be damaged,
impairing vision.
broader “signs and symptoms of dry
eye disease.” Vero’s Dr. Tate clari-
fies: “Xiidra and Restasis are in dif-
ferent drug classes, but they work in
a similar fashion, by decreasing the
inflammatory response seen in dry
Dry eyes can develop for a number
of reasons; here are several, courtesy of
the American Optometric Association:
28 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 27 • Point fans away from you. The air
they blow can have a drying effect on
tears regularly – three or four times a eyes (and skin).
day – so the surface of the eye stays
smooth and lubricated. • Wear sunglasses. Those with
wraparound frames reduce exposure
There are other forms of self-care to drying winds.
for mild dry eye:
• Ask your ophthalmologist about
• Increase the humidity in the nutritional supplements. Dr. Tate
air in your home. Humidifiers work says that supplements containing es-
great, but there are other things you sential fatty acids may help decrease
can do to add moisture to the air: dry eye symptoms in some people.
lay wet clothes on a drying rack in-
stead of putting them in the dryer; When the condition doesn’t re-
place a few bowls of water around spond to artificial tears or other
your house; when you can, opt for forms of self-care, prescription eye
cooking on the stovetop rather than drops (Restasis, and the upcoming
in the oven. Xiidra) are often the next option.
Patient Marjorie Weischedel with Dr. Tate.
There are also more invasive treat- ing dry eye, but we do have a num-
ments, the purpose of which is to keep ber of tools,” Dr. Tate says.
natural tears in the eyes longer – this
can be done by blocking the tear ducts “Hopefully, the approval of Xiidra
(through which tears normally drain) is the start of a trend in new and bet-
with tiny silicone or gel-like plugs, or ter medicines becoming available.”
by permanently closing the tear ducts
through a surgical procedure. Dr. Tate practices at New Vision Eye
Center, located at 1055 37th Place in
“There is no magic bullet in treat- Vero Beach. The office phone is 772-
30 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
In the moments before Barack or died at different stages, and the ad- done in a different way? Could Demo- and many wondered whether health-
Obama prepared to sign the health- ministration turned to the exercise of crats have kept control of Congress for care reform should be the top priority.
care reform law that would forever de- executive power to achieve its goals. another two years or more? Was Obam-
fine his domestic legacy, Joe Biden fa- acare worth it? “I begged him not to do this,” for-
mously whispered into his ear: “This “I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone,” mer chief of staff Rahm Emanuel told
is a big [expletive] deal.” he said in 2014, describing his levers The debate roiled Democrats, in- a reporter in 2010, airing his prefer-
of power as his dealings with Congress cluding some inside the administra- ence for a hard focus on jobs and the
On that day, just 14 months into continued to deteriorate. tion, from the earliest days of the presi- economy even after the passage of the
Obama’s presidency, Biden could not dency. At the time, the nation remained stimulus bill.
know just how profoundly correct he Thus, Obama’s legislative legacy beset by the economic turmoil sparked
was in that assessment. comes down to this question: What if? by the 2008 global financial meltdown, On Capitol Hill, many Democratic
lawmakers, aides and consultants
One word – “Obamacare” – would Could health-care reform have been wondered – openly and not – about the
come to represent the promise and political costs of the dogged pursuit of
the pitfalls of Obama’s presidency. The Then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) walks to the Capitol with Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), health-care reform. The costs were to
March 2010 signing of the Patient Pro- second from left, and others on March 21, 2010, ahead of a vote on the health-care law. be measured not only in congressional
tection and Affordable Care Act stands seats but in policy priorities.
as a pivot on which Obama’s legislative
agenda turned, where the audacity of What would this mean for other
hope gave way to the reality and frus- major items on the Democratic agen-
trations of divided government. da, ones requiring major outlays of
presidential political capital? What
Obama would sign only one more about cap-and-trade, union “card
blockbuster policy bill – the Dodd- check,” the Dream Act or the Employ-
Frank financial reform law – which, ment Non-Discrimination Act – each
together with Obamacare and the fis- one a major priority for key parts of
cal stimulus package he signed short- the Democratic base?
ly after taking office, will share top
billing in the legislative history of the None of those bills would pass the
Obama administration. 111th Congress, even though for the
first time in more than 40 years one
Instead, Democrats lost the House party held the presidency and domi-
and later the Senate, and Obama nant majorities in both houses of
spent the final six years of his presi- Congress.
dency mired in a series of high-stakes
negotiations focused solely on keep- The passage of the health-care law
ing the federal government open for meant that, for the first time, Ameri-
business and preventing the country
from defaulting on its debts.
Other major pieces of his legisla-
tive agenda – on climate change, on
immigration, on civil rights – stalled
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 31
cans would be legally obligated to pur- nedy cemented the peril for Democrats people.” Nine months later, he became of spending cuts that reined in Obama’s
chase insurance under the threat of tax – and for the president’s agenda. the 53rd speaker of the House. domestic ambitions.
penalties. In return, the law created
new mechanisms to allow access to af- In aWashington Post op-ed days later, The GOP leveraged Obamacare Fifteen years earlier, President Bill
fordable insurance to millions who had Obama political adviser David Plouffe into massive political gains, and they Clinton took his own midterm lumps
been priced out of the market. acknowledged a “white-knuckled ride” didn’t end with the profound Demo- and proceeded to make a centrist
ahead for his party’s candidates but cratic losses in the 2010 midterms. By peace with new GOP House Speaker
New restrictions would keep em- warned against “bed-wetting.” the last year of the Obama administra- Newt Gingrich (Ga.), cutting deals on
ployers and insurers from excluding tion, his party had lost 14 Senate seats, welfare reform, crime and other bills.
the sick; a system of subsidized state “I know that the short-term poli- 68 House seats, 12 governorships and
exchanges would serve individuals tics are bad,” he said. “But politically hundreds of state legislative seats. With the exception of a brief and
without access to insurance through speaking, if we do not pass it, the GOP unsuccessful attempt at a fiscal “grand
their jobs; and an expansion of Medic- will continue attacking the plan as if One academic paper suggested that bargain” in 2011, Obama did not seek
aid would cover a swath of Americans we did anyway, and voters will have no the Obamacare vote alone cost the compromise at a Clintonian scale – the
teetering above the poverty line. ability to measure its upside.” Democrats roughly 25 House seats – the gulf between his progressive agenda
and a hard-right House majority was
Many of the ideas embedded in the Michelle Peele of College Park, Md., joins chants of “kill the bill” during a protest March 20, 2010. too wide, and seemingly unbridgeable.
law, including the individual mandate
to buy insurance, had rattled around Then-House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) speaks to then-Senate Minority Leader When he did seek to push a contro-
conservative think tank circles for de- Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) after a meeting March 18, 2010, on the health-care bill. versial priority though Congress – no-
cades as potential GOP alternatives to tably, seeking to expand firearm back-
previous, more government-centric After a series of unusual legislative difference between a historic landslide ground checks – he lost. Instead, he
Democratic health-care plans. maneuvers and a flurry of intraparty and two more years in the majority. shifted his efforts away from a branch
deal-making, the Patient Protection of government he did not control to the
But that history didn’t forestall a furi- and Affordable Care Act passed Con- The Senate remained under Demo- one he did. His domestic legacy would
ous partisan backlash – one that gave gress without the support of a single cratic control until 2015, but a Republi- be written in policy memos and the
Republicans a crucial rallying point Republican lawmaker, and Obama can House majority, with an ascendant obscure pages of federal agency rule-
just months after the 2008 electoral signed it into law March 23, 2010. But cadre of hard-line tea party conserva- makings.
rout. In his recent memoir, Senate Re- the political consequences extended tives unwilling to compromise, meant
publican leader Mitch McConnell re- well beyond any definition of the short that Obama’s progressive agenda was The Keystone XL pipeline would not
called his advice to his GOP colleagues: term. a dead letter two years into his presi- be built; power plants would emit less
“Don’t muddy this up.” dency. carbon dioxide; investment advisers
The Republican vows to “repeal and would adhere to higher standards; and
“I didn’t want a single Republican replace” Obamacare began that very Card check and cap-and-trade were environmental regulators would have
to vote for it,” McConnell (Ky.) wrote. day – one that then-House Minor- out. A series of high-stakes fiscal cliff- new authority over U.S. waterways.
“It had to be very obvious to the vot- ity Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) hangers were in, starting with a show- The Obama administration did those
ers which party was responsible for called “a somber day for the American down over a potential U.S. credit de- things by itself over the loud objections
this terrible policy, and I wanted a clear fault that ended in a deal forcing years of the Republican Congress.
line of demarcation – they were for this,
and we were against it. . . . So the strat- Meanwhile, what Obama could ac-
egy, simply stated, was to keep every- complish by legislation lay in a few
body together in opposition.” scant areas where he had significant
agreement with Republican congres-
The president craved the idea of a bi- sional leaders. And those have, by and
partisan bill, and Obama and congres- large, failed to come to pass.
sional Democrats labored for months
to get at least a few Republicans to buy An attempt at the most ambitious
in, soliciting input and suggestions immigration reform effort in decades
from a few Republican senators, in had some early momentum in Obama’s
particular. Ultimately, those talks went second term.
nowhere; every GOP senator agreed
not to “muddy this up.” Then an unknown college profes-
sor with an anti-immigration platform
Meanwhile, the shoots of a grass- and tea-party support deposed the sit-
roots uprising began to show. What ting House majority leader, Eric Cantor
would become the tea party movement (Va.), in a little-noticed 2014 primary.
had started to coalesce in opposition Republicans were spooked, unwill-
to the financial recovery bills passed in ing to move ahead. Obama responded
the earliest months of Obama’s presi- with a new set of executive actions, fur-
dency, and the health-care push gave it ther alienating Congress.
potent new fuel.
And his bid to ratify the Trans-Pa-
When the congressional summer cific Partnership trade agreement, the
recess came, protests erupted with centerpiece of a foreign-policy “pivot
chants of “kill the bill” in town hall to Asia,” now appears dead on arrival
meetings across the country. thanks to grass-roots revolts in both
parties. If the TPP moves forward, it
“People are signaling that we ought will probably not be during Obama’s
to slow up and find out where we are presidency.
and don’t spend so much money and
don’t get us so far into debt,” Sen. Any reasonable analysis must con-
Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa), one of clude that the political opportunity
three key Senate GOP negotiators, said costs of Obamacare have been con-
that August after a pummeling series siderable. The other side of the legacy
of home-state meetings. Lawmakers ledger – the human benefits – are only
never came any closer to compromise. beginning to be measured.
The surprise victory the following More Americans are insured than
January of a Republican, Scott Brown, in ever before, with federal data showing
the Massachusetts special election to fill the uninsured rate dropping from 15
the seat of the late Sen. Edward M. Ken- percent to 9 percent in the first three
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34 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
years of the law’s implementation. gaps in the pre-Obamacare health sys- McConnell, after describing how he Even as Donald Trump’s candidacy
Upwards of 20 million more Ameri- tem. And the sketch of an alternative forestalled any attempts at compro- scrambled the GOP policy agenda,
cans now have insurance, and the rise released by House Republicans in sum- mise, wrote in his memoir that the opposition to Obamacare remained
in health-care prices has slowed – al- mer 2015 presented no estimates of the “chaos this law has visited on our near the top. “We are going to replace
though it is not clear how much can be plan’s costs, nor did it lay out how many country isn’t just deeply tragic, it was Obamacare with something so much
directly attributed to the reform law. fewer Americans might be insured if entirely predictable.” better,” said Trump, who has offered
their changes were implemented. the barest outline of such a plan, in a
Meanwhile, the long-term political He added: “That will always be the February primary debate.
benefits that Plouffe predicted have But the political calculus has been case if you approach legislation with-
not materialized – far from it. Polls clear: Hard-line opposition has been out regard for the views of the other For Obama, the law has entered a
show a country sharply and continu- awfully good for GOP candidates, even side. Without some meaningful buy-in, mythic adolescence. The exhilaration
ally divided on the law, largely along if the arguments don’t always add up. you guarantee a food fight.” of its passage and the frustration at its
partisan lines.
A June 2016 survey from the Kaiser
Family Foundation found that 29 per-
cent of Americans say that Obamacare
has hurt their family, compared to 18
percent who say it has helped. Most
cited increased costs; others pointed to
new difficulties in accessing care.
But Republicans faced political diffi-
culties of their own. The party was con-
sumed with attempts to repeal the law,
even though another Kaiser poll found
that only about a third of Americans fa-
vor a full repeal and about a third want
to expand it. Polls also show voters
still trust Democrats over Republicans
to handle health care, although the
margin has narrowed somewhat since
Obamacare became law.
What congressional leaders never
did, until way late in the game, was put
forth a coherent alternative that at-
tempts to address at least some of the
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 35
botched rollout have given way to a he- and the killing of Osama bin Laden all those people who came up to me He was not, in the end, a one-term
roic narrative. in a story about an embattled presi- with tears in their eyes telling me they president. But his decision carries a
dent’s resolve to serve the American need this to save themselves,” former more complicated accounting. Given
In a video aired before Obama’s people. And Emanuel, the doubter, is speechwriter Jon Favreau intones in a all the chaos, Obamacare may or may
address to the Democratic National the foil. voice-over. “And if that means that I’m not have been the smart play at the
Convention this year, the passage of a one-term president, then I’m a one- time, but it was most certainly a “big
Obamacare took its place alongside “He’s thinking to himself, if I decide term president.” [expletive] deal.”
his handling of the financial crisis not to push forward, what do I say to
36 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
A preview of what we can expect with Hillary
Will Hillary Clinton be a standard-order main- was Nixon’s chief of staff, H.R. Haldeman, a former parties. They are constrained to run what the political
stream liberal Democrat if she is elected in Novem- advertising executive who had never worked for an- scientist Richard Skinner calls “partisan presidencies.”
ber? That view received some supporting evidence other Republican.
last week with the announcement of the leadership If she wins in November, Clinton is likely to incor-
group for her transition planning team. Later, presidents typically empowered close porate in her administration a full range of groups
aides from home, such as Jimmy Carter’s Georgians aligned with the Democratic Party. After all, she ran
If personnel is policy – and it most certainly is – (Hamilton Jordan and Jody Powell), Ronald Reagan’s her campaign based on winning their support. And
then Clinton's choices matter. Based on the eight Californians (Michael Deaver, Ed Meese), George W. her transition team has deep ties to those networks.
people she named to her transition team, she'll fill Bush’s Texans (Karen Hughes, Karl Rove) and Barack
her administration with governing professionals who Obama’s Chicago team (David Axelrod, Rahm Eman- Of course, staff can become fiercely loyal to a poli-
have strong ties to the party, including some with uel, Valerie Jarrett). tician regardless of their previous biographies. And
strong ties to the current president. presidents are not entirely constrained by the people
In recent years, such aides were more likely to have they hire.
The team consists of chair Ken Salazar; co-chairs had separate careers and connections. Rahm Eman-
Tom Donilon, Jennifer Granholm, Neera Tanden uel may have been from the same city as Obama, but Still, a candidate who surrounds herself with
and Maggie Williams; policy wonks Ed Meier and he had a very separate career before and after serving mainstream liberal Democrats is going to find that
Ann O’Leary; and chief economist Heather Boush- as Obama’s first chief of staff. her policy choices strongly tend to reflect main-
ey. stream Democratic liberalism. All of which makes
Presidents who rely on party loyalists to staff their a Clinton administration relatively easy to predict.
Several have worked for Clinton in the past. The administrations are much less independent of their She’ll be a mainstream liberal.
one most closely associated with her is Williams, who
was Clinton’s chief of staff in the White House, and
was called in, in the late innings of the 2008 Demo-
cratic primary, to run Clinton's campaign. The two
first worked together in the 1980s, when Williams
was communications director at the Children’s De-
fense Fund. Williams is also a former chief of staff to
Bill Clinton at the Clinton Foundation.
Before the Clinton White House, Williams had a
career in Democratic politics, working for former
Representatives Mo Udall and Robert Torricelli, the
Democratic National Committee, and the Center for
Budget and Policy Priorities, a liberal think tank.
Salazar, a former Senator and Secretary of the
Interior, and Granholm, former Governor of Michi-
gan, have plenty of Democratic Party experience but
aren't known particularly as Clinton people. The
same is true of the economist, Boushey.
Altogether, the group has deep ties to the Dem-
ocratic Party. That’s typical of recent White House
staffs. But it hasn’t always been that way. John F. Ken-
nedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon staffed
their White Houses with loyalists who had few ties
to the president's party. Perhaps the best example
SLEEPLESS IN … PART IV ing too close to bedtime; caffeine late in the day; to causing injuries, sleep spells make it challeng-
reading/watching TV in bed; and shift work. ing to work and maintain normal personal and
SLEEP DISORDERS social relationships.
Author Mary Shelley claims the idea for her novel Sleep apnea occurs when your breathing stops People with narcolepsy may experience over-
Frankenstein came to her in a dream. Likewise, Paul or becomes very shallow during sleep. You like- whelming daytime sleepiness, sudden muscle
McCartney woke up from a dream one morning in ly snore loudly and frequently. More men than weakness, a temporary inability to talk or move,
1964 to write down the melody for “Yesterday.” women have sleep apnea and the majority of pa- and vivid dreams that are so lifelike they can be
tients are overweight. It’s important to note, how- confused with reality, when falling asleep or wak-
Indeed, a good night’s sleep can produce creative ever, that just because someone snores doesn’t ing up.
ideas, insight, problem solving and innovation. But necessarily mean he or she has sleep apnea. Also,
many sleep disorders can keep you from getting a some people who do not snore have sleep apnea. DO YOU HAVE A SLEEP DISORDER?
good night’s sleep. Talk to your doctor if you…
RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME (RLS) Consistently take more than 30 minutes each
More than 70 sleep disorders affect at least 40 mil- People with RLS have a difficult time falling asleep night to fall asleep
lion Americans each year. and staying asleep due to an unpleasant prickling Consistently wake up more than a few times or
or tingling in their legs, especially in the calves. for long periods of time each night
The four most common sleep disorders are: Many also experience brief, sometimes abrupt Take frequent naps
limb movements during sleep. These repeated Often feel sleepy during the day or fall asleep at
INSOMNIA interruptions reduce total sleep time. Symptoms inappropriate times during the day
If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep can usually be relieved by moving or massaging Fall asleep in less than five minutes
at least three nights per week for more than one the legs. Often inherited, RLS is treatable but not
month, or if you sleep enough hours but wake up always curable. For more information, go the National Center on
feeling unrefreshed, you may be among the 10-15 Sleep Disorders Research website at www.nhlbi.
percent of adults who suffer from chronic insom- NARCOLEPSY
nia. Even though they receive adequate nighttime
sleep, people with narcolepsy often fall asleep at Your comments and suggestions for future topics are
Some causes of chronic insomnia include: depres- inappropriate times and places. These daytime always welcome. Email us at editor@32963staff.
sion/anxiety; medications such as decongestants/ “sleep attacks” can last from seconds to more com.
pain relievers/steroids; drinking alcohol; exercis- than one-half hour, without warning. In addition
© 2015 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
38 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Much of the material in “Trump Revealed” – a him from membership until he promises not to go friendships. There was a “considerable, unusual
biography of the GOP’s nominee Donald J. Trump after married women who were coming there “be- pause” before Trump struggled to answer. He stum-
quickly but deftly wrought by Washington Post re- cause I was young and good-looking” (or so Trump bled around, trying to explain that he had business
porters Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher from deep recounted in his book, “The Art of the Deal”). friends, not social friends, because he had no time for
reporting by a score of colleagues – may appear fa- social friends, unless you count the ones met “when
miliar, but the many revealing scenes cohere into a In the bar of Le Club, Trump finds a man with you go out to a charity event or something.” Then he
fascinating portrait. hooded eyes and a scarred face – the sinister Cohn, named three men but put their names off the record.
Sen. Joe McCarthy’s henchman, who has long He had done business with them years before, he
In a vignette at once slightly comical and chilling, since clawed back from McCarthy’s televised awkwardly said, but had rarely seen them in recent
Trump discovers, or is discovered by, the malevolent downfall in the 1954 Army-McCarthy hear- years. It was apparent that Trump had no friends,
Roy Cohn. The year is 1973, and Trump, scion of an ings (“Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long outside his immediate family.
outer-borough housing developer, is trying to make last?”) to become a potent lawyer/fixer in Manhat-
the jump from the bridge-and-tunnel crowd to the tan. Young Donald explains to Cohn that he has a Always attack, Trump learned from Cohn. When
Manhattan glitterati. He has been an eager guest at a problem: His real estate company has been sued by New York Times columnist Gail Collins called
New York establishment called Le Club, whose mem- the state for racial bias. Trump says he is thinking Trump a “financially embattled thousandaire,” he
bers supposedly include “13 princes, 13 counts, four of settling the case. Nonsense, says Cohn. You never sent her column back with her face circled. Next to
barons, three princesses, two dukes.” The club rejects settle: Hit back. Countersue. Trump promptly hires it, he had written, “The Face of a Dog!” That is the
Cohn, the beginning of a beautiful friendship. avenger Trump wants you to know. Kranish and
Fisher and the Post’s reporters have given us a more
Never mind that Trump eventually was forced complex and human Trump. They point out, for in-
to settle, on about the same terms he would have stance, that the reality-TV star most famous for say-
agreed to if he had never met Cohn. Cohn contin- ing “You’re fired!” actually “felt uneasy getting rid of
ued to mentor young Donald in important lessons an employee. If it had to be done, he would rather
of self-aggrandizement, the most important of delegate the task to an underling.”
which is that all publicity is good publicity. In the
1970s, Rupert Murdoch was transforming the New Trump the outrageous poseur becomes sadder
York Post into a racy tabloid, and Trump soon be- and more real in this fine book.
came a poster boy, his affairs and divorces almost
daily fodder. “Best Sex I’ve Ever Had” was a favorite TRUMP REVEALED: AN AMERICAN JOURNEY OF
headline, attributed to Trump’s mistress, later sec- AMBITION,EGO, MONEY, AND POWER
ond wife, Marla Maples.
Stories about Trump and women have intrigued Scribner. 431 pp. $28.
more highbrow publications. “Beyond the parties
and sightings with models and actresses, despite the Review by Evan Thomas,
screaming headlines, his relationships with women The Washington Post
rarely seemed romantic or even libidinous,” the au-
thors write. “With Trump, his friends said, women
were always the object of a chase or a quest.”
The Post team quotes Trump from a 1994 televi-
sion interview with journalist Nancy Collins. “I love
creating stars,” he boasted. “I’ve really given a lot
of women great opportunity. Unfortunately, after
they’re a star, the fun is over for me. It’s like a creat-
ing process. It’s almost like creating a building. It’s
pretty sad.”
For a moment, it appeared, Trump showed a flicker
of self-knowledge.Visiting him in his office high above
Fifth Avenue, Kranish and Fisher asked about his
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 39
Life is about choices, and the wisdom to choose well
We recently heard a story about a the genie before disappearing with a to live. We choose values, we claim al- often made choices that were not life-
faculty meeting that occurred at a uni- bolt of lightning. legiances, we determine our direction. giving and life-sustaining. And can’t we
versity some years ago. The professor of These choices can be momentous, can’t understand that?
archaeology had just returned from a The startled faculty members gazed they? The outcome of such life choices
dig in the Middle East where many rare wonderingly at the dean, and one of may leave us satisfied, pleased and We’ve made bad choices, too. Some-
treasures had been unearthed. He rose them summoned the courage to say, proud – or discouraged, humbled and times our poor choices are motivated
to address his colleagues. “Ladies and “Dean, please speak to us. What wise disappointed. What makes the differ- by selfishness or arrogance. Sometimes
gentlemen,” he said, “I have brought insight can you offer us?” The dean ence? Can we find a way to unerringly they are the result of ignorance or indif-
one fascinating artifact from my re- thought a moment and then respond- choose what will result in a positive out- ference. But we’ve all known that sink-
cent horde of finds to show you today. ed, “I should have taken the money.” come instead of a negative one? ing realization that comes in knowing,
It is most intriguing because an ancient somewhere down the road, that the
legend is attached to it.” Then he lifted Choices. We make hundreds of There’s an ancient biblical story from choice we made was the wrong one.
a lamp for the faculty members to see. them every day. Most are fairly trivial the Book of Deuteronomy about Mo-
“This lamp,” he continued, “is reported – cereal or eggs for breakfast, the red ses leading his people to the Promised As Moses counsels his people in their
to contain a genie that will grant a wish shirt or the blue, go out to a movie Land but stopping them one day with choice-making habits, he offers advice
to the one who summons it.” or stay home to watch television. We a challenge. He turned and confronted none of us should ignore. It’s advice
don’t agonize over these decisions be- them with these words: “I have set be- that is likely to consistently steer every
To everyone one’s surprise, the dean cause their significance to our lives fore you life and death, blessings and decision-maker in the most life-affirm-
darted out his hand, grabbed the lamp seems so small. curses. Now choose life, that you and ing direction. He simply suggests this:
from the professor, and rubbed it. Sure your children may live.” that the people listen for God’s voice
enough, a puff of smoke emerged from But there are other decisions we and hold fast to God.
the lamp followed by an imposing ge- make, sometimes with as little fore- Seems like an easy one, doesn’t
nie who said to the dean, “I offer you a thought, which have tremendous im- it? Who would fail to make the right Whose advice do you seek when
choice from among three options. You pact upon our lives and our futures. We choice? And yet, Moses’ people had decisions loom before you? Who has
may choose wealth, wisdom or beauty. choose a career path, a spouse, a place your ear?
Which do you choose?”
Without hesitation the dean replied,
“I will take wisdom.” “Done!” bellowed
40 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonzo’s so fond of Sophie, a pretty Pit Bull
Hi Dog Buddies! ter me til I could find a permanent Sophie, the Pit Bull. PHOTO BY LEAH DUBOIS
home. But I knew right away she
This week I got to yap with a pretty was gonna be my Forever Mommy, I fell into a swimming pool once. I still makes yummy turkey and duck jerky.
poocheroo, Sophie Mercer. She’s a Pit even before she did. And I was right! walk in the middle and crouch waa-ay When she gets the toaster oven out, I
Bull rescue with a really shiny coat, down. But now I can stand up on the start drooling.”
sorta copper with white, and really “When she brought me home the paddle board the whole way over to
cute flop-over ears. She lives in a nice, cats were already livin’ here, so I just one of those little islands. Then I run “Where do you guys sleep?”
woodsy place called an Arvee Park, grew up with‘em.We get along great. all over the place. There’s a ton of stuff “We all pile in with Mommy. It’s al-
which I found out is a neighborhood of There’s Mama, she’s an Outdoor to do. Like chasing lizards and crabs. ways snuggly and safe there.”
long, narrow houses with their own ac- Girl. She goes for walks with me and And swimmin’. And diggin’ holes. Heading home, I was thinking about
tual wheels – but not like cars. Anyway, Mommy. Then there’s Titten, she’s Sophie’s pretty amber eyes, and re-
Sophia’s three and a half and she lives a Foster Failure, like me. And Kit- “An, I get to ride shotgun in Mom- minded myself to get her phone num-
with her Mom, Nicole, and her three tie Girl, she’s really old – 16! Back- my’s pick-up. I love the wind in my ber from my Assistant. Recently, seems
sisters and two brothers who are all – hoe – he’s a boy – Mommy named face and my wiffles flapping all over like I’ve been meeting more and more
get THIS – CATS!! (‘cept for her Mom.) him that cuz she operates heavy the place.” blended families. I guess we’re all pret-
Can you buh-LIEVE it? equipment and really likes back- ty much the same under the fur and
hoes. And then there’s my Totally “Me, too! Any non-cat pals?” feathers.
Sophie was right there at the door Best Friend Leo. He’s the youngest. “Oh, sure! I love Grammy and Frank.
to greet us and, just as we entered, I We chase each other all over the They live down the street. I stay with ‘em Till next time,
caught a glimpse of a gray-and-white camper and wrestle on Mommy’s when Mommy’s away. And Dakota, my
blur zooming past, which is all I ever bed. I practice the Ancient Art of dog park pal, she’s a chow-shepherd. The Bonz
saw of Sophie’s feline sibs, who love So- Pup-Foo and Leo practices his Fearless Then, at Mommy’s work, there’s Layla
phie, but other pooches, not so much. Jungle Feline Pounce, It’s the Cat’s PJ’s!” and Rocky – Rocky’s my boyfriend but” Don’t Be Shy
(she gave me a big smile) “we’re not go-
I got out my notebook and Sophie That was a new one on me. Sophie ing STEADY or anything.” We are always looking for pets
settled onto the couch next to her had taken a brief break to slurp on her “Good to know,” I thought to myself. with interesting stories.
Mom. When she wasn’t telling me her Stuffed Bone. But, since I was On the Job, I just said,
story, she was industriously slurping on “Whaddya like to eat?” To set up an interview, email
a soggy brown stuffed bone. “Your name is pretty,” I commented. “Mommy makes me special food cuz [email protected].
“Before Mommy got me, My name I have Allergies. She cooks duck in a big
“How did you find your Forever Fam- was Athena. I KNOW, right? But I never pot with vege-tubbles and rice. And she
ily,” I inquired. answered to it. It just wasn’t ME! Mom-
my likes that TV show called ‘Golden
She petooied out the stuffed bone. Girls’ and she really liked the Golden
“Mommy says I’m a Foster Failure.” Girl called Sophia. Soon as she tried
it on me, I knew it was the right one.
“How’s that?” Now I always come when I’m called.
“When I was a little puppy, like, 5 or “Didja notice our kayak and paddle
6 weeks old, my humans brought me to board outside? Me and Mommy go
H.A.L.O., that shelter in Sebastian, cuz on lots of adventures. Mostly we go
they couldn’t take care of me anymore. I weekend camping and hiking in the
got this scar, see, on my back, from when Sebastian Preserve. Hiking’s my fa-
I was attacked by a big, scary, older dog.” vorite. Once we went 14 whole miles
“Oh, Woof!” I said. I had noticed in one day. I have my own side packs
a long, narrow place along her back and EVERYthing! I have a camp bed,
where there was no hair. too. Mommy makes a campfire and
“Mommy gets me special shampoo, cooks our food. And we kayak and
and puts baby sun block on me when paddle board on the Lagoon. I always
we go outside,” she said. “Anyway, hafta wear my life jacket. I was scared
Mommy was working at H.A.L.O. when at first, specially walking on docks, cuz
I was brought in and she was gonna fos-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 41
A J 10 9 2 4 Q7
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist AJ6 94 10 7 5 2
10 3 AJ865 Q94
Benjamin Disraeli, the British prime minister from 1874 to 1880, said, “I feel a very K85 AJ972 Q 10 6 3
unusual sensation — if it is not indigestion, I think it must be gratitude.”
We have been looking at the Michaels Cue-Bid. Now let’s move to its poorer cousin, K8653
the Unusual No-Trump. If your right-hand opponent opens one of a suit, and you jump KQ83
to two no-trump, you show at least 5-5 in the two lowest-ranking unbid suits. This K72
was devised by Al Roth in 1948. 4
The snag with the Unusual No-Trump, especially when the opener bids a major, is that Dealer: West; Vunerable: Neither
you are fighting with the minors, always having to go one level higher to outbid the
opponents. And if they buy the contract, their declarer will accurately steer through The Bidding:
the deal now that your hand is an open book.
In this week’s deal, though, South plays in three diamonds. What should West lead? 3 Diamonds 1 Spades 2 NT Pass
Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
South has 11 high-card points, but his minor-suit fit is not good enough to ??
contemplate game unless North has a strong hand, with which he would move over
three diamonds.
After this auction, the best lead is a trump. West wants to reduce the number of club
ruffs South can take in his hand.
Here, suppose West leads a weird club five. South wins with dummy’s ace, ruffs a
club, and drives out the heart ace. He wins West’s trump shift in his hand, cashes his
high heart, ruffs a heart, ruffs a club, ruffs his last heart, cashes the diamond ace, and
plays a spade. South must score dummy’s diamond jack to make his contract. But an
initial trump lead defeats the contract.
42 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
7 Courage (8) 1 Coach (8)
8 Cooker (4) 2 Similar, like (4)
9 Type of small bird (4) 3 Long pillow (7)
10 Example (8) 4 Gem (5)
11 School bag (7) 5 Vacations (8)
13 Consignment (5) 6 Bazaar (4)
16 Type of dye (5) 12 Deliberate (8)
17 Year divisions (7) 14 Regretful (8)
19 Tentative (8) 15 Moorland plant (7)
21 Unmixed (4) 18 Bread maker (5)
22 Persuade (4) 20 Buff or beige (4)
23 Forever (8) 21 Color or a flower (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 43
ACROSS 75 ___ Hari weapon classic, “Only The Washington Post
79 Bay window 11 Carries with effort ___”
1 Few and far 82 ASCAP 12 Doubter’s riposte 78 Potok’s Lev
between 13 Young Jetson 80 Understanding
alternative 14 Symbol of words
7 Metal marble 83 “Stop 81 Sicilian volcano
14 “Look ___ ...” penance 86 Is the boss of
procrastinating!” 15 Frustrating 87 Piece of advice
(start of “Misty”) 84 Newspaper 16 Chow follower 88 Swiss river
18 Happening of 17 Cimarron author’s 90 Where blackbirds
pioneer Adolph were baked
1937 85 Work stoppage first name 91 Deterred decay
22 Happening of 86 Stopwatch 18 Garfield dog 92 Less hectic
19 Actor Parker 97 Interest-bearing
1937 instruction 20 “Hello ___!” items
23 River Jordan 88 Lovers’ lane, 99 Tie the knot
(Marty 100 Not for
nation: abbr. eventually? Allen’s greeting) 102 Lucy’s landlady
24 Much Ado 89 Happening of 21 “The end ___!” 103 Debt paper
28 They’re 104 Glasgow girl
About Nothing 1937 degrading 105 Benders or sports
character, Don 93 Woman of Paris? 29 Word before cars
___ 94 Work for paper or pilot 106 What King Kong
25 Former New York 95 Saucy 31 Beach shades ran in NYC
Times columnist, 96 Like a Studs 33 Aileen Quinn role 108 Teresa Brewer
James B. ___ 35 Julie Andrews’s hit, “Let ___,
26 Japanese airline Terkel topless film Lover”
27 FDR’s Hyde history 37 She, to Gina 109 Woman’s address
Park, 98 West Point sch. 38 Former European 110 Artist Romain de
for one 101 Play the nation: abbr. Tirtoff, familiarly
30 Singer James middleman 40 A bat or a phobia 112 Modern movie-
32 Once around the 105 Peerce or 41 SE Asian nation buff purchases
sun Stenerud 42 Seasoned rice 113 Latest thing
34 Crenshaw and 107 French fruit 43 Caliphs 116 Mormon letters
others 111 Novelist Gide 44 Dinner at Eight 117 Attorneys’ org.
36 Amount of “My 114 Hispanic relative director George 118 Dalmatian total
Way” regrets 115 Happening of 45 Settle debts 119 Place to swim
39 Conductor Dorati 1937 46 Mountain pass
42 Happening of 120 Happening of 47 Set up for use THE YEAR WAS 1937 By Merl Reagle
1937 1937 48 Frees the
50 “___ be 121 “The ___ the mooring
dreaming!” limit” 49 It means “people”
51 Cable car 122 Eventually 56 Startling example
shelters 123 Daytime soap, 59 Greek letter
52 Wired, e.g. e.g. 60 Gave the
53 Japanese-girdle thumbs-up sign
box DOWN 61 A time to
54 Charles or 1 “Quick on the remember
Victoria, e.g. 63 Inits. seen on TV
55 Nod’s meaning uptake on Sun. or Mon.
56 Singer Brooks 2 Word before bull 65 Decorate
57 They can clash 66 Chinese
on or crew restaurant boast
the set 3 Oh, to Cologne 67 Went “waaaah!”
58 Loren’s love 4 Delves into again, 68 Pain mongers
60 California mill 69 Race car driver
owner as a case Alain
62 Medieval motel 5 Cracker’s target 70 Flexible
64 Happening of 6 Bridge builder’s 71 Parking or postal
1937 device
72 Lord Byron’s degree: abbr. 75 Io, for one
daughter 7 1930’s 76 Hurt deep
73 Hurdles for 77 Roy Orbison
Hercules Hawley-___
74 Jumbo Tariff Act
8 Three times:
9 Attach one plant’s
shoot onto
another plant
10 Quarte or quinte
The Telegraph
44 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Older sis feels helpless, but she can still be helpful
BY CAROLYN HAX and roles and certainty (oldest protects youngest,
Washington Post fittest doesn’t get sick) is at the foundation of your
sense of well-being.
Dear Carolyn,
If so, your brother’s diagnosis is a bulletin: That
My younger brother, 29, was foundation is basically sand. You can’t control out-
comes, any more than your brother could exercise
diagnosed with cancer yester- his way out of developing cancer.
day. He’s the healthy, extremely People control their actions, not their results.
And that defines the limits of certainty, too, for
fit one of the family, so it is ex- anyone: We can be certain of what we put in – to a
relationship, project, job, trip, experience – but not
tremely unexpected. of what we ultimately get out.
As the oldest, I have always In that context, your helpless feeling makes per-
fect sense, because reality finally took a turn that
looked out for my younger broth- collided with your illusion of control. (It’s surpris-
ing it took this long.) But the deceptively simple
ers, and now I just feel helpless. And I don’t know how solution can make sense, too: Choose to build on
things you actually can count on and control.
to process this. He lives about 2,000 miles away and
● You can’t keep bad things from happening to
hasn’t decided whether he’s going to do his treatment you, but you can make the best choices available
to you at any given time.
in our home town (an area with abundant medical
● You can’t keep bad things from happening to
resources) or where he lives now. Any advice? people you love, but you can be there so they don’t
have to go through them alone.
– The Oldest
No doubt this feels like a poor substitute for
Dear 'The Oldest': things and with all people where we’re not in con- the comfort you once took from feeling in charge.
I’m sorry about the tough news. trol. You can shout to warn someone who’s blindly Once you get the hang of it, though, embracing
I’m also sorry to have to spell out what I’m sure running into the street, literally and figuratively limits can be so powerful that you never feel help-
on some level you already know: that your brother speaking, but you simply can’t always be there. less again. That’s because the things you build on
and the cancer are calling the shots, not his well- are real – love, effort, connections, impermanence,
meaning oldest sib. The fact that you cite your brother’s place as the acceptance of the unexpected – in a way your sense
It goes further than that, though – you’ve been “healthy, extremely fit one” in the family as incon- of invincibility could never be.
“helpless” for years now. Arguably you’ve been so gruous to cancer suggests your sense of control
since your brothers became adults, and it’s never
a bad idea to rethink childhood roles when you Embracing limits can be so powerful
all aren’t kids anymore. More important, though, that you never feel helpess again.
you’ve been helpless in profound ways all along,
from the very beginning of your looking-out-for-
them tenure, because there comes a point in all
Mysterious murmuration:
Flight of the Tree Swallows
Tree Swallows nest in trees, not banks, cliffs, caves, or barns,
the locations where other species of swallow nest and get
their names. When young are raised and insects decline in
their northern nesting grounds, Tree Swallows (Tachycineta
bicolor) remain in the north a while longer, eating wax-coat-
ed Myrtle berries which provide fuel for their high-energy
migration. Later in the fall, sometimes as late as November,
they gather across Northern U.S. and Canada, preparing
to fly south, and by December vast numbers reach Florida,
streaming high overhead, searching for Wax Myrtle thickets.
Ellie Van Os, with Canon, 100-400mm photographed this
flock with iridescent blue backs and white bellies.
After sunset, swallows gather from all directions, in gigantic
flocks. The spectacular, rarely seen phenomenon is called
murmuration, a high-speed, seemingly choreographed swirl
of graceful birds. Undulating pattern of waves of swallows fly
in tandem, twisting and turning, filling the sky. Thousands
circle isolated roost sites, flocking so thickly they are visible
on NASA’s radar. An hour after dusk, as if on cue, thousands
begin funneling into one roost or another on an isolated wet-
lands or island. During the day they disperse, with smaller
flocks darting after insects with acrobatic flying or alighting,
covering trees, as they feed or rest.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 45
Fashion photos present a picture of Ivanka we’ve seen before
BY ROBIN GIVHAN that identity. And that part of her pub- table with her legs stretched out and
lic persona is celebrated in the sec- her Jimmy Choo pumps propped up
The Washington Post ond of the two Seliger photographs. on the table’s edge. She is wearing one
In it she sits at the end of a conference of her self-branded dresses – a short-
The lead photograph of Ivanka sleeve, form-fitting navy dress that
Trump in the September issue of sells for $118. It is accessorized with
Harper’s Bazaar has her standing atop about $10,000 worth of rings and ear-
an elegantly distressed ladder with an rings from her fine jewelry collection.
inner-city skyline in the background.
She is wearing a strawberry-colored, Fashion photos are not truth. They
$6,990 Carolina Herrera gown with a are fiction, hyperbole and sleight-
portrait neckline and a pair of bare- of-hand. But they also tell a story in
ly visible, but clearly glorious, $725 a single, perfectly lit, costumed and
Manolo Blahnik shoes that do not choreographed frame. They are a con-
receive nearly enough love from the trolled environment in which a new
photographer. view of a familiar figure can be un-
veiled. A presidential campaign un-
Fashion magazines regularly work folds in the public square and in un-
their aesthetic magic on the subjects predictable, unwieldy ways. A fashion
that they profile, and Trump is no photo is a unique opportunity to add
exception. Her skin looks especially well-considered, fresh details to the
poreless. She has no lines, no creases, political narrative, to expand it – not
no shadowy folds. Her golden hair is organically, but with beautifully ma-
gently blowing in a perfectly calibrat- nipulated precision.
ed wind. She is luminous.
The pictures of Trump are on mes-
The New York City over which sage. But they don’t expand the story.
Trump towers does not look espe- They offer an airbrushed version of
cially glamorous. There are no iconic the airbrushed Ivanka Trump that
skyscrapers in glass and chrome glit- the public has already seen but still
tering in the distance – no TRUMP in doesn’t really know.
big, gilded letters. Instead, the hori-
zon is dominated by brick high-rises: aware. And in the imagery, she is com-
modest and just a little bit dreary. It fortably advantaged.
is gritty and real. In contrast, Trump
looks especially ethereal. Often, in fashion photographs,
women, in particular, will try to ex-
The headline, “Growing up Trump: press – in an idealized way – a side of
Ivanka Trump tells all,” promises their personality that is mostly hidden
that the story will give readers some- from public view. The wonky politi-
thing – if not authenticity, then at least cian exudes glamour. A demoralized
some tidbit that will allow people to first lady shows gleaming confidence.
know her better, to know her as more A typically prim and controlled po-
than the titles that are applied to her. litical spouse poses in jeans and with
Daughter, mother, businesswoman, windblown hair.
sister. Writer Lisa DePaulo questions
Trump on her friendship with Chel- Not Trump. She has been referred
sea Clinton, her father’s unorthodox to as a “princess” by her brother, Eric.
presidential campaign and her self- And the image of her in Carolina Her-
declared women’s advocacy. She an- rera underscores that.
swers; she doesn’t answer. It’s a famil-
iar, coy dance. She has been touted as a smart, con-
fident businesswoman – an executive
The pictures, however, are a blatant in the Trump empire. A go-getter. “The
study in avoidance. In both images, Apprentice” sold Middle America on
by photographer Mark Seliger, view-
ers see Trump in profile. She never
looks her audience in the eye. Her
gaze is focused off into the distance.
The viewer is kept more than an arm’s
length away. As she stands perched on
the ladder, we look up at her. She is el-
evated. The positioning suggests that
she is, in some way, above politics and
above the fray.
But also, in her rather regal gown
set against a grimy landscape, her
privileged life and position are under-
scored. She makes it very clear in the
accompanying article that her wealth
has afforded her a host of advantages.
In the story, she comes across as self-
46 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
It wears on you: Women spend 17 minutes a day deciding on outfits
BY EMMA SPEDDING ing routine, as 15 percent said that How to clean out your closet
finding an outfit ruins their mood for
The Telegraph the entire day. Possibly because one in • Warning: You will be tempted to have a glass of wine to ease
10 people regularly arrive late to work the process. Don’t. It will make you overly sentimental about your
Whether you are the type of person because of the struggles to find some- garments, making it harder.
who manages to squeeze in both a spin- thing to wear.
ning class and avocado on toast before • Separate summer and winter clothes. Put away the season
work, or you wake up only 20 minutes Despite this universal feeling that that is not relevant into storage bags. You can only do one season
before you need to leave, it seems the we all have “nothing to wear,” the aver- at a time.
struggle of trying to find something to age wardrobe is made up of 152 items,
wear in the morning is universal. but only 44 percent of these items are • Put your clothes into the six piles. Ask yourself:
worn regularly. If you are more likely to • Does it fit me now? (Or will it fit me, realistically, in the next
A new survey has found that on av- spend 2 minutes in the morning trying six months?) Do I feel good when I wear it? Do I look good when I
erage women spend 17 minutes in the to find a matching pair of socks than wear it? Do I love it? Am I comfortable in it? Does it hold any sen-
morning each day trying to find some- settling upon an outfit, the solution is a timental attachment?
thing to wear to work they are happy thorough wardrobe cleanse. • Try to remain detached and clear-headed. Don’t try too much
with. That 17 minutes adds up to four on if you can help it.
whole days a year and six months of While we are still holding out for Cher • Hang or store your remaining clothes in sections categorized by
our working lives hunting for an ironed Horowitz from Clueless’ computerized use and occasion rather than by color or garment type, i.e. work-
shirt or a missing shoe. wardrobe to solve all of our dressing di- wear, occasion wear, weekend wear. This will save you from having
lemmas, there are a few simple organi- to look right through your wardrobe when you are getting ready.
Marks & Spencer questioned 2,000 zation tips that can turn your wardrobe
men and women about how long they from dysfunctional to functional. If you
spend getting ready in the morning and want to have the time to have a leisure-
found that 62 percent of women admit ly cup of coffee before work, instead of
to having “irrational tantrums” over battling with tangled wire hangers and
this morning battle. Even men experi- a rapidly growing floordrobe, see per-
ence this dressing rage, as one in five sonal stylist and womenswear buyer
men admitted to having tossed their Anna Berkeley’s guide to editing your
clothes across the room while getting wardrobe so you have less stuff, but
ready. even more to wear.
And it doesn’t just ruin your morn-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 47
The blue shirt 2.0: Workday classic with a modern update
BY KRISSY TURNER oversized striped blue shirts are down Embellishment Embroidery
to the ease and practicality of the style,”
The Telegraph reports Lisa Aiken, retail fashion direc- A shirt with snazzy detail can glide This has a floral
tor at Net-a-Porter. (Tory Burch designs smoothly from work to play. design on the back,
The blue shirt are available in Vero at Sassy.) as well.
has always been a
stealth workday Chosen carefully, the updated Collarless Ruffles
blue shirt will blend seamlessly into
classic – less wait- your current wardrobe. The new tie- Ideal for work if Go for it and ruffle, but be wary
ress-y and more waist styles work with rigid denim for a blazer is a neces- of where they’re placed.
flattering than weekends, and bolder stripes can be sity. Two collars =
white. But, if a tucked into a wrap skirt for evening. fussy neckline.
simple button-
down gets you Issa counsels that “it’s nice to sub- csoaospsyer
down, then be vert a classic shirt and make it femi-
charmed by the nine, try it with a round skirt or col-
next generation ored suit.” Opting for a longer-length
of offerings, which shirt will extend your styling options.
feature heady de- They can be tucked in, worn open as
tails such as embel- a cover-up with a simple top under-
lishments, frills, cut- neath, or cinched in with a thin belt.
outs, appliqué and even
patchwork to boot. The new details
On the autumn/ The stripe
winter ’16 catwalks,
this tribe of new blue Bold, skinny, horizontal, wide – as
shirts featured heavily, with Jacque- long as there are two or more, it’s a hit.
mus opting for cut-outs and extra
long sleeves, Vetements going over- Asymmetric
sized, and Palmer//Harding’s blue
V-neck offering with cow-hide tiled This shirt has a flattering peplum
cuffs, which are detachable and can style and long length.
be added to any of their long-sleeved
“Shirting was an opportunity to
bring creativity to a versatile piece
that applies to all aspects of a wom-
an’s life, from work to event dressing,”
say the Central St. Martins-trained,
London-based design duo Levi Palm-
er and Matthew Harding, who are
known for their directional shirting.
Palmer//Harding are to launch a
collaboration with John Lewis next
month, which sees the label combine
their signature oversized and asym-
metric shirts with the retailer’s slight-
ly more accessible price points (the
shirts will be around $100). Caroline
Issa, fashion director at Tank maga-
zine and an avid blue-shirt wearer,
notes that these classic-with-a-twist
shirts “have that element of surprise
but still won’t be too crazy for board-
rooms.” Whether that surprise is a
contrasting collar and cuffs combo,
or origami-style folding worthy of tro-
phies, the aesthetic of the simple blue
shirt is fast evolving.
The blue shirt 2.0 is being backed
heavily by Net-a-Porter, which has
increased its buy since last season,
which saw sales double compared
with the season before. It is currently
stocking 39 blue shirt styles, includ-
ing an excellent short-sleeved em-
broidered number by Tory Burch. Its
most popular design is the oversized
style. “We believe our strong sales for
48 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bistro Fourchette: Not quite the winner it could be
BY TINA RONDEAU Steak Tartare. PHOTOS BY LEAH DUBOIS Parfait Citron. inquire, or offer an apology, but that did
not occur. Chef Becht never emerged
Columnist Asparagus and Fresh handled l’affaire poulet. At the end of from the kitchen in the two hours we
Morel Feuillete. the meal – when only the largely in- were there except to walk across the
Goodness knows, we had hoped this tact chicken breast remained on an restaurant floor to visit the restroom –
would be a totally positive review of Lorraine also was a classic, accompa- otherwise clean plate – I mentioned with nary a word to anyone.
Bistro Fourchette, now nearing the end nied by a very nice spinach salad. the problem as the dishes were being
of its first year in the old downtown. cleared to our server. “I will tell the That is not a classic French bistro
My breaded chicken also was topped chef,” she said. proprietor.
This is the closest we have in Vero to by the wonderful morel sauce, and was
a classic French bistro – those wonder- served with excellent vegetables fea- One would have expected a true bis- Roquefort Burger.
ful little unpretentious places we have turing Provençal tomato and aspara- tro proprietor to then have come out to
discovered over the years where the gus. Bistro Fourchette could fill a sweet
dishes are traditional, the ingredients spot in our dining firmament. Loretta
seasonal, the service attentive, and the But my chicken breast was black- Becht certainly seems to be doing more
proprietors interact with the diners. ened around the edges – not a fatal than her part to make the venture a suc-
problem, I thought – but further ef- cess. A little more out-of-the-kitchen
There is no intrinsic reason why Bis- forts to eat it found it overcooked to the effort is required from the proprietor.
tro Fourchette should not be exactly point where it was no longer cuttable,
like that. The space long occupied by let alone chewable. I should have sent I welcome your comments, and en-
the beloved Swiss Melody Inn now has it back, but I didn’t (my fault), enjoying courage you to send feedback to me at
a very French feel, enhanced by French the marvelous veggies that surrounded [email protected].
cabaret music, and is more attractive the chicken.
and cozy than ever. The reviewer dines anonymously at
For dessert, we shared a plate of cof- restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
The menu is a winner as well. And fee ice cream profiteroles with a warm 32963.
we have never seen a harder-working chocolate sauce ($6).
hostess than Loretta Becht, who on the Bistro Fourchette
night we visited this past week, was What keeps me from giving Bistro
graciously and attentively serving 20 Fourchette high marks is how they Hours:
diners that included a dozen walk-ins Tuesday through Saturday,
(yes, we were among them).
5:30 pm to 9 pm
And Chef Stephane Becht, her hus- Adult Beverages:
band, a native of Alsace and until a year
ago executive chef at Windsor, would Beer & wine
certainly seem to have the culinary Address:
credentials to make Bistro Fourchette a
winner. But does he have the qualities 1309 19th Place, Vero Beach
of a great bistro proprietor? Phone: 772-770-2071
If so, they have not yet been on dis-
play on our visits.
On our most recent visit, our party
of three started with glasses of Bree-
zette Rosé, a very light, refreshing
wine from Côtes de Provence. An ex-
cellent way to prepare for dinner on a
hot summer night.
For starters, I ordered the salade de
saison ($8), my husband had the escar-
gots bourguignon ($9) and our com-
panion had the soup of the day ($6),
which was an asparagus velouté.
The salad was a beautifully present-
ed mix of seasonal greens, dressed with
Dijon mustard vinaigrette, and lent a
little crunch by house potato strips.
The snails, flambéed with cognac and
then baked in a herb garlic butter, were
a sumptuous rendition of this clas-
sic. The asparagus velouté was very
Then for entrées, I opted for the es-
calope de poulet pane ($23), my hus-
band chose the evening’s special meat-
loaf ($21), and our companion had the
quiche Lorraine ($19).
My husband’s meatloaf, topped with
a heavenly morel sauce, could not have
been better. It was accompanied by
delicious truffle mashed potatoes and
broccoli rabe. Our companion’s quiche
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 49
Hippie hooray: Organic wine passes the taste test
The Washington Post
Do organic wines taste better than ganic, but it allows the winemaker to note, their findings may actually un- made with certified organic grapes.
conventional wines? Conventional add sulfites to protect the wine. derstate the effect of eco-friendly farm- Lyle prefers it that way.
wisdom would say no. We may shop at ing on wine quality.
MOM’s Organic Market, and we may The study did not single out wines “If they aren’t willing to put in on
pull over in traffic at the sight of a farm- labeled as “sustainable” or other sorts Maybe wineries should be touting the label, then I don’t want the wine
er with a load of tomatoes on a flatbed of “eco-labeling” that do not involve their organic certification. At MOM’s on our shelves,” she told me. “I would
truck, but apparently we raise a skepti- formal certification. Many wineries fol- Organic Markets, “we have custom- prefer they have a certification on the
cal eyebrow at the word “organic” on a low sustainable, organic or biodynamic ers who seek out wines made without label so our customers know what they
wine label. practices but don’t seek certification, sulfites, and the only way to get that is are buying.”
which can be expensive. And if the with the organic seal on the label,” says
Organic wine is still stuck with the weather turns bad during the growing Crystal Lyle, the wine buyer for seven Personally, I’ve found eco-certifica-
“hippie wine” image of grapes trodden season, vintners like to have the flex- MOM’s outlets in the mid-Atlantic tion is not a guarantee of high quality.
with unsanitary feet and juice that goes ibility to save their crop with conven- states. MOM’s does carry wines labeled But wines made from organic grapes or
funky in the bottle. tional methods. Therefore, the authors as sustainable, but Lyle said most are with biodynamic viticulture – or even
those labeled “sustainable,” with or
Maybe it’s time to rethink that im- without certification – often taste more
age. A new study out of UCLA published lively, even compelling, than other
in the Journal of Wine Economics con- wines.
cludes organic wines do taste better —
as measured in the scores of leading Other factors may influence this
wine critics. perception. Wineries certified organic
or biodynamic tend to be small, fam-
The authors analyzed the reviews ily producers who may take other steps
and scores of more than 74,000 Cali- to increase quality, such as maintain-
fornia wines from the 1998 to 2009 ing low yields or other labor-intensive
vintages from three magazines: Wine farming practices.
Advocate, Wine Spectator and Wine
Enthusiast. They found “eco-certified” And maybe that’s just another reason
wines scored significantly higher than to seek these wines out.
other wines and that reviews used
more positive words about them.
Here’s why this finding could be
important: All three publications rate
wines blind, meaning the reviewers
don’t know what wines they are tasting.
The researchers used all sorts of statis-
tical wizardry to control for vintage
variation and other factors, so the dif-
ference in scores should be attributable
just to environmental certification.
The results counter what can best be
called a counterintuitive conventional
wisdom – that “organic” in wine means
lower quality. As the authors noted,
many of the certified wines did not
mention the certification on the label
because the producers fear a consumer
backlash. They may be missing a po-
tentially important marketing point.
The problem is in definition, and
here we can blame the U.S. government
for some of the confusion. Under U.S.
Agriculture Department regulations
issued a decade ago, an “organic” wine
is not only made without synthetic her-
bicides and pesticides in the vineyard,
but also without sulfites added in the
winery. (The limit is 10 parts per mil-
lion natural sulfites.)
Sulfur is an important preservative
that keeps wine from spoiling in the
bottle, so this restriction accounts for
much of organic wine’s poor reputa-
tion. As a compromise, the USDA al-
lows wines to be labeled as “made from
organically grown grapes.” This means
the vineyard practices are certified or-
50 Vero Beach 32963 / August 25, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero & Casual Dining