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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-02-08 16:16:28

02/08/2018 ISSUE 06


Chronic pain relief? P26 Rooms with a view. P34 Teenage
Medical pot can be ‘godsend’ Renovated penthouse condo
for millions of sufferers. offers mesmerizing vistas. Henegar’s
‘I & You’

teems with


A PERSONAL NOD Brevard backs Brightline, but stresses safety
PROFESSIONALISM A Brightline train at the STORY BY HENRY A. STEPHENS CORRESPONDENT authorities said, the girls, all
West Palm Beach station. students at Southwest Middle
STORY BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER Melbourne Mayor Kathy School, may not have heard
[email protected] PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Meehan can recall clearly the the train soon enough to jump
evening of Feb. 20, 2010. It was into the creek.
This story is part embar- a Saturday, she was home, and
rassing cautionary tale, and three teenage girls died nearby Freight trains travel at about
part shout-out to the Satellite while walking across a train 40 mph to 60 mph, industry
Beach Police Department. trestle over Crane Creek. sources say. But in about a year
or two, FEC’s sister company,
Last Wednesday after early “I knew something was All Aboard Florida, is expect-
school dismissal, my son and wrong,” she said last week. ed to send its new Brightline
I went to Lowe’s with a list of “The train whistle kept blow- passenger trains into Brevard
ing and blowing. The traffic County on 235-mile trips be-
COMMENTARY (on U.S. 1) was backed up and I tween Miami and Orlando.
called the police. They told me
needed supplies to tackle some they had just had three fatali- The company is expected
small household projects. ties. It haunts me to this day.” to lay a second track for pas-
More than an hour later, we senger service along the single
emerged with an impromptu The girls were hit by one of track from Miami north to Co-
Google-fueled lesson on na- the freight trains crossing the coa, then lay an all-new track
tive, Florida-friendly plants trestle, part of the Florida East
under our belt, and a minivan Coast Railway. At the time, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
full of everything we needed to
plant a butterfly garden. Decorated Air Force Colonel killed in crash

We both enjoy being elbow- Ret. Col. Christopher Hannon. STORY BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER New Mathers Bridge
deep in dirt and cultivating [email protected] schedule commences
plants, plus I thought putting
in a garden would help cheer A long, dark shadow was cast on Patrick STORY BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER
us up from a recent loss in the Air Force Base on Feb. 2 when the 920th Res- [email protected]
family. Excited, we unloaded cue Wing lost one of its beloved, its former
the topsoil, the plants, the Operations Commander, Retired Colonel The U.S. Coast Guard announced last
gravel and the stepping stone. Christopher “Sunshine” Hannon, to a traffic week that it would be implementing a new
We got out our tools and got crash. opening schedule to allow larger boats to
straight to work. When we were pass Mathers Bridge, which traverses the
finished and our mess cleaned Hannon, 58, who lived in Sunnyland Banana River connecting Indian Harbour
up, it was high time for home- Beach south of Melbourne Beach, was pur- Beach to the stately residential neighbor-
work. My son had already suing his passion for cycling Friday after- hood of South Tropical Trail on the south-
taken his backpack and lunch noon around 12:45 p.m. when he was struck
box inside as he’d gotten the by a motorist driving a 1998 Chevrolet at the CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
keys and let himself in to use intersection of Indian River Boulevard and
the bathroom. Only after the the Merrill Barber Bridge in Vero Beach. Ac-
garden was complete did I go cording to Vero Beach Police, Hannon was
inside to get washed up and transported by paramedics and later pro-
start dinner.
The next morning, I went


ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Healthy competition

NEWS 1-6 DINING 30 PEOPLE 7-10 Town teams get a move
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 21-23 PETS 20 on for the annual Mayors’
BOOKS 19 HEALTH 25-28 REAL ESTATE 33-40 Fitness Challenge. PAGE 8


2 Thursday, February 8, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


CYCLIST TRAGEDY witt said on Saturday, “The driver is a Fire Department Captain Hank Aprea personally. He was like an older broth-
33-year-old male with no obvious sign echoed that sentiment. “There are er to me, but more importantly he was
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 of impairment.” people you remember, there are peo- an incredible husband and father to
ple you will never forget, Chris is one his immediate family. This tragic news
nounced dead at Indian River Medical Fellow cyclist Jim McKinley was we will never forget, an officer, a gen- reminds me that we need to hug our
Center. on the scene. “I was with Chris when tleman, a family man, a fair and car- loved ones and make time as he al-
he lost his life,” he said. “I was lucky ing person to all, you will be missed, ways did for those closest to us.”
Hannon leaves behind his wife of enough to be a friend and get to know prayers and thoughts to the family, ac-
more than 35 years, Theresa, daugh- him not from a military background tive or retired we are all with you.” Former colleague Frank Dailey said,
ters and extended family. The recently but as Chris/Sunshine. A man with “I am crushed by the news. I worked
retired officer and pilot was remem- strong family beliefs, passion, desire Nephew Jason Weber took heart in and flew with Chris and remember
bered as a patriot, a leader and an in- and a deep love for his family, espe- the remembrances and condolences him riding to work on his bike and the
spiring, positive person, earning him cially his wife. I count myself lucky to of more than 200 people linked to clip-clip of his bike shoes on the tile as
the nickname Sunshine. have met him and more importantly the 920th Rescue Wing, saying he was well as the smart comments about his
(to) be by his side at his time of need. “completely overwhelmed with every- bike shorts. He was a good man, great
Police are investigating the crash as Don’t think I will ever forget you!” one’s comments. Thank you all who flight commander and friend.”
a homicide, so scant information was either served with him or knew him
being released as of press time, but Indian Harbour Beach Volunteer Hannon was photographed in a cer-
Public Information Officer Megan De-

BRIGHTLINE Kamm, executive director of the Space
Coast Transportation Planning Organi-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 zation, said he recently discussed the
matter with company officials.
40 miles along State Road 528 from Co-
coa west to the Orlando International “They don’t know how long it will
Airport. take to lay the continuous rail, then do
the crossing upgrades, then go west
Unlike Indian River, St. Lucie and to Orlando. It’s all timing,” he said.
Martin counties to the south, where “They’re now working on the (Fort
activists and officials have spent re- Lauderdale to) Miami track. Once
cent years opposing All Aboard Florida that’s done, they can bring their full at-
loudly and publicly, Brevard County tention to the track north of West Palm
leaders have worked with the train Beach.”
Part of the Brevard work, meanwhile,
In fact, Meehan said, she can’t recall will be a new $26 million overpass at
anyone contacting her in anger at All the Pineda Causeway, taking motorists
Aboard Florida. over the FEC tracks instead of making
them cross the railroad.
“We’re very supportive of Brightline
itself,” she said. “But they definitely “It’s a win-win,” FEC Senior Vice
need safety measures and [to] put in President Bob LeDoux said.
place protections for pedestrians, first
responders and the children who come It will be one less crossing for the
into downtown Melbourne.” FEC to maintain, he said, a job the
county now has to pay for.
She couldn’t believe it, she said,
when she heard four pedestrians al- The state Department of Transporta-
ready have been killed by Brightline tion has granted the county about $20
trains, as the trains only recently start- million toward the overpass. County
ed trial runs and partial service. The purchasing officials have scheduled a
four were killed after trying to cross the bid opening on March 1. The job is ex-
tracks between Brightline stations in pected to take almost two years.
West Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale.
Kamm said other crossings will be
The Brightlines are planned to make improved, but not with an overpass.
32 trips a day, 16 each way, from 6 a.m. About five years ago, he said, the coun-
to 9 p.m. In Brevard they would go over ty was planning to widen the Pineda
21 crossings in Melbourne, nine in crossing, from two lanes to four, and
the unincorporated county, six in Co- needed a permit from FEC. The rail
coa, five in Rockledge, four in Grant- company issued it, Kamm said, but
Valkaria and three in Palm Bay, records only on condition that the county re-
show. place the crossing with an overpass in
five years.
And they’ll be going up to 110 mph,
supporting the company’s goal to get The TPO in 2016 asked for a new sta-
passengers between Orlando and Mi- tion and suggested two possible sites, a
ami in three hours or less. That’s two former FEC Railway passenger station
or three times as fast as the freight straddling the Cocoa-Rockledge city
train that killed the girls. It would limits and a parcel site on Michigan Av-
leave even less time, if any, to jump enue in Cocoa. The TPO is still waiting
out of the way. for the company’s review.

But under pressure from Florida’s All Aboard Florida officials currently
two U.S. senators, Republican Marco don’t have any planned stations be-
Rubio and Democrat Bill Nelson, All tween Miami and Orlando, other than
Aboard Florida is adding extra signs West Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale.
to its South Florida crossings, warning But they have said they would consider
pedestrians not to cross the tracks. other stops once the trains are running
the full route – if the project shows a
When the company works its way profit. 
to Brevard, however, is unknown. Bob

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 8, 2018 3


emony turning over command of the Retired Air Force Crew Chief Ken- him at a young age (his) and I was solutely crushed. Chris was the best
920th Rescue Wing to current Opera- neth Santos paid his respects from blessed to know him. RIP Rescue and hardest working guy. He was a
tions Commander Col. Kurt Matthews California. “This man was one in mil- Brother. To fly is heavenly to hover is warrior and leader that we all loved
in June 2010. A representative said lions, yes millions. Stone cold when Divine. So others may live. You walked and respected. Sunshine adored and
Matthews had gone to be by the Han- needed and a hand on your shoulder the walk and talked the talk.” cherished Theresa and his daughters.
non family’s side, and that details of when you did not realize you needed The world is a darker place without his
services would be forthcoming. it. I had the pleasure of working with Friends Hugh and Penne Funk ex- light and life shining in it.” 
pressed their sentiments, “I’m ab-

4 Thursday, February 8, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


MATHERS BRIDGE to the bridge and control house in 2007. open mechanically to allow watercraft dents who are weary of getting stuck
The 700-foot structure is one of the few to pass. waiting for the bridge to close – espe-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 remaining low-level “swing bridges” cially on weekends when there is more
remaining in Florida, with the old Ti- The matter of shifting from an on- boat traffic. Residents complained that
ern tip of Merritt Island. The iconic tusville swing bridge being replaced in demand opening system to scheduled boaters called to have the bridge opened
Mathers Bridge was built in 1927 by John 2011. Instead of lifting vertically like a openings had stirred up controversy for at certain times and then were late, or at
Mathers, then moved to its present loca- drawbridge, a span of the bridge swings many months, pitting boaters against times a no-show. Boaters claimed the
tion in 1952, with improvements made some of the South Tropical Trail resi-

Local politicians support push for smoke-free zones in parks

STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER where smoking is and is not allowed. sion closed March 9. of voters also said that local govern-
[email protected] Two bills have been introduced by “The state doesn’t have the resourc- ments should have the right to prohib-
state Sen. Debbie Mayfield (R-Rock- it smoking in public places wherever
Local lawmakers and Indian Har- ledge) and state Rep. Thad Altman (R- es to monitor every park so there’s re- children may be present,” Hummel
bour Beach City Manager Mark Ryan Indialantic) giving rights back to the ally no regulations governing those said. “A single legislator should not be
are supporting an effort in the state communities to regulate smoking in assembly areas. We’re not saying no able to hold up legislation supported
Legislature that would allow mu- parks and some other public facilities smoking in parks. We’re giving them by such a large percentage of the pop-
nicipalities to designate and enforce owned by cities. authority to designate smoking and ulation in Florida, as well as advocates
smoke-free zones in public parks. non-smoking areas,” Altman said. for public health.”
Ryan recently spoke in favor of May- “The cities, like Mark Ryan with Indi-
That may seem like a logical step, field’s Senate Bill 562. Altman, who brings the unique
considering the growing trend toward an Harbour Beach, have perspective of having served eight
the establishment of other smoke- “The youth of our com- come out in force. It’s a years on the Brevard County Board of
free areas. But the legislation may be munity and communi- big deal across the state County Commissioners before head-
delayed as a bigger battle is waged. ties throughout the state because they really want ing to Tallahassee, says there’s a ma-
Smoke-free zones are only the latest currently play on play- to do this.” jor disconnect between the bicameral
skirmish in the ongoing conflict be- grounds or athletic fields state legislature and those running
tween state and local governments with inconsiderate indi- The Legislature has things day-to-day in cities and coun-
over the concept of home rule. Oth- viduals smoking around eroded more and more ties around Florida.
er measures up for debate involve these children provid- of that local control and
whether cities can regulate the cutting ing them with unhealthy local responsibilities and “It’s interesting. Some of the things
of trees, or the types of businesses that second-hand smoke. The duties, but there are a lot that make the most amount of sense
can operate locally. Cities like Indian current law prohibits municipalities of powerful interests still seem to be the hardest. This particu-
Harbour Beach want local control, but from setting up a reasonable smoke- that are lobbying in Tallahassee on lar bill is very unfortunate and I think
certain factions at the state level want free zone for our young people to en- smoking issues, Altman said. what we’re fighting is this attitude in
to take that power away under the joy playing on public playgrounds, One of the groups pressing for a lo- Tallahassee is that they can do better
guise of reducing over-regulation. athletic fields or watching a sibling cal clamp-down on outdoor smoking than everyone else and they know ev-
play youth sports,’’ he said. is the QuitDoc Foundation, based out erything,” Altman said.
Voters in 2002 passed the Flori- of Coral Springs. Its CEO, Dr. Barry
da Clean Indoor Air Act, which also Senate Bill 562 was passed unani- Hummel, MD, asserts that the public He should know, as Altman served
regulates outdoor air, which cre- mously in the Community Affairs and wants smoke-free public areas, but in the Florida House before rising
ated smoke-free indoor work spaces. Health Policy Committee and now the difficulty of getting this put on to the Senate, and now he’s back in
However, a clause was added to the goes to the Florida Senate Rules Com- agendas and passed puts politics over the House representing Melbourne
legislation that “expressly preempts mittee. the public will. Beach, Indialantic, beachside Mel-
regulation of smoking to the state and “Our organization conducted a sur- bourne, Indian Harbour Beach, Satel-
supersedes any municipal or county Altman’s bill, House Bill, HB 627, is vey of likely voters in 2015 to gauge lite Beach, South Patrick Shores and
ordinance on the subject.” The result having a harder time of it. It has not support for smoke-free parks and South Tropical Trail.
is that the state dictates all smoking had a committee hearing, although beaches. In that survey, 65 percent
rules, indoors and outdoors. requested, before the Local, Federal of voters believed that local govern- “When you consider there are hun-
and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee, ments should have the right to estab- dreds of cities and tens of thousands
Florida is one of the few states in the and is hanging on by a thread with lish smoke-free municipal parks and of parks, I think it would be good for
country that lets state lawmakers – not time running out, he said. The gavel playgrounds. Seventy-two percent the state to give the cities that author-
the county, city or town – determine is set to bang the 2018 regular ses- ity,’’ he said. 


Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
George White, 321-795-3835 Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 For our advertising partners, we pledge [email protected]
to provide the most complete consulta-
Columnists tive and marketing programs possible for Corporate Editor
Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 the best return on your investment. Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
Cynthia Van Gaasbeck, 321-626-4701 [email protected]

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 8, 2018 5


proposed opening schedule on the hour the time for public comment to be filed according to an announcement by the the bridge will open for vessels on the
and half hour would inconvenience before a decision would be handed Brevard County Board of County Com- hour and half hour.”
them and cause a bottleneck. down. In the end, a compromise was missioners. “the bridge will open for ves-
struck, keeping the on-demand system sels requesting passage on the hour and That schedule will remain in effect
The Coast Guard held hearings, but for part of the year and establishing a set half hour, from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday through Aug. 4.
boaters objected to what they saw as in- schedule the rest of the year. through Thursday. On Friday, Saturday
adequate public notice. So at the boat- and any federal holidays, 24 hours a day, For more information, please contact
ers’ request, the Coast Guard extended Starting at 6 a.m. this past Monday, Brevard County Road and Bridges at
321-455-1389. 

6 Thursday, February 8, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


COMMENTARY After looking for hours for my purse ering these types of seemingly random I might do to move forward.
just to make sure I hadn’t misplaced property crimes over the past 20 or so Still in shock, I only remembered a
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 it, and even going to Dunkin’ Donuts years, I know that more reports from
where we’d stopped on the way home more victims increase the chance that fraction of what was in my purse and
to write a check for class picture day at from Lowe’s, I went to my bank and something will stick, that some evi- wallet to list on the report. Over the
school and realized I’d left my purse in started what would be several days of dence will be found leading to a suspect next day I remembered in greater detail
the minivan. This sounds like a ditzy piecing my identity back together and or suspects. as I went looking for things that were
thing to do, but that recent loss I men- protecting my accounts. missing. Sgt. Owens patiently took the
tioned has had me a bit foggy lately and Sgt. Steve Owens came out with new information for the report and
I’ve been misplacing things. I dreaded going to the police station some paperwork for me to fill out and thanked me for keeping him updated.
and admitting I’d left the door unlocked to interview me. He was professional,
I went to the van and my door was and oh, yeah, left my purse and wallet courteous and extremely kind, con- We think we live in a place safe
locked, but there was no purse. The in view between the two front bucket sidering how I’d left myself wide open enough to keep our doors unlocked,
passenger side door nearest the street seats. Genius move, right? But I felt for this crime. And he took the matter but sadly we don’t. It’s a lot safer here
was left open. We’d been burgled that I should report the crime, in case very seriously, looked over my vehicle, than many places, but beachsiders still
overnight. On a street that’s lit up like detectives were trying to piece together asked lots of relevant questions and need to use common sense to protect
a church at night with street lights and a case against the perpetrators. In cov- offered helpful suggestions about what lives and property.
floodlights on the buildings.
My incident is one of many that
have taken place in our area in recent
months. Single-family homes, apart-
ments, businesses, gated communities,
park and beach parking lots – no place
is immune. And even if you lock your
doors, they sometimes smash and grab.
Sometimes they steal the car, too. My
minivan is 15 years old and used for
Mom duty and Cub Scout camping,
so if you have a nice, new, expensive
vehicle, be extra careful.

The attacks are quick, systematic
and they wreak havoc in peoples’ lives
replacing lost items and documents.
Sgt. Owens asked me if I would be
willing to press charges and I an-
swered an emphatic yes. I know how
backlogged the Brevard courts are,
and that the State Attorney’s prosecu-
tors won’t pursue charges if they don’t
have a great chance of conviction.
This can make police work especially
frustrating. If a victim is hesitant to
take the case all the way, it will go
nowhere even if detectives have rock-
solid evidence. But if these hooligans
are stealing from cars all over the bar-
rier island, they absolutely need to be

The day after I filed the report,
Sgt. Owens told me that he’d already
obtained nearby video surveillance
footage that would take a good many
hours to review. He also said that after
some old-fashioned gumshoe police
work, he thought he had a suspect. He
also ordered up some extra patrols on
my street for the weekend, which were
dutifully carried out.

As of press time the case is ongo-
ing, but I just wanted to handout some
praise to Satellite Beach Police Chief Jeff
Pearson and his entire department and
say how much I appreciate Sgt. Owens’
professionalism and follow-through,
and the extra night patrols. I’m certain
that I received no special treatment be-
cause I’m the editor of the Beachsider.
I’m confident that every single case –
large and small – is handled the same
way mine is being handled.

Law enforcement is often a thank-
less job (so is journalism), but one perk
of running a newspaper is being able
to say thank-you in a very public way.
Thank you. 

Towns get a move
on for Mayors’

Fitness Challenge

Indialantic Mayor Dave Berkman, Indian Harbor Beach
Mayor David Panicola and Satellite Beach Mayor Frank Catino.

8 Thursday, February 8, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Town teams get a move on for Mayors’ Fitness Challenge


STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT Indian Harbour Beach’s Gleason Get Healthy Brevard, a United Way opportunity for weight loss! So I’m
[email protected] Park was a riot of color last Saturday of Brevard organization focusing on personally really excited about this
as beachside teams gathered for the improving the health of the commu- fitness challenge.”
For those needing a reason to get fit kickoff 5k run/walk, one of four such nity, to motivate residents to embrace
this year, other than it’s good for you, gatherings being held around the better living. The fitness challenge Next up was Catino, who said a
how about a little friendly competi- county. Participants wearing T-shirts runs through April 28, when the win- little something about Indian Har-
tion? in team colors gathered for camara- ning team will receive a trophy and bour Beach lacking a post office,
derie and instructions on the east be crowned the “Most Fit City 2018.” which earned surprised howls. He
A proposition among friends can side of the lake. The mood was jovial, told them not to worry: “Dave and
turn a trial into a thrill and awaken less like a race and more like a family Last year, Cape Canaveral won as I have known each other for a long
the spirit of competition that can reunion. more than 1,300 participants across time. By the way, do any of you care
drive one toward success. the Space Coast logged more than about fashion? I just want to let you
Indian Harbour Beach Mayor Da- 2.4 million minutes of exercise. know, that in New York and Paris,
That’s the impetus behind the vid Panicola in red, Satellite Beach This year’s other participating cit- THE color this year is purple!
Health First 2018 Mayors’ Fitness Mayor Frank Catino in purple and ies are: Melbourne, Cocoa Beach,
Challenge, a 12-week competition led Indialantic Mayor Dave Berkman in Grant-Valkaria, Cocoa, Palm Bay, Indialantic’s Berkman could not
by the mayors of 12 Brevard County yellow traded good-natured barbs Rockledge, West Melbourne and pass up a solid opportunity: “We
municipalities. as they met with residents and col- Titusville. The 45th Space Wing at also have a post office! I noticed
leagues. Patrick Air Force Base/Cape Canav- you were trembling a bit because
Teams are made up of residents eral Air Force Station is also fielding not only are we going to win, it’s not
and the winning team is determined Health First is partnering with a team. even going to be close!”
by the total number of minutes exer-
cised by each team. A second challenge, the Great Earlier, Panicola noted that his
Weight Off, will earn one male and city and Satellite Beach are com-
one female $500 each for losing the bining resources to offer the best
most weight during the competition opportunities for their residents to
period. Registration for this has get and stay active.
closed but anyone from anywhere
in the county may still sign onto a “We are going to use each other’s
fitness team. facilities and we are going to have
some group functions. We don’t
Organizers and mayors addressed mind being friendly while we beat
the crowd from the lake’s board- them,” he said.
Satellite Beach City Manager
“Good morning, everyone! I am Courtney Barker explained that
very honored to have the second- the two cities trade hosting du-
and third-best cities in Brevard ties as well. “Last year we did the
here to join us today,” Panicola kickoff with a field day in Satellite
deadpanned to the crowd. A self- Beach. We’re going to share events,
less public servant, he said: “I de- so we’ve been meeting to come up
cided to bulk up, to give us the best with a joint calendar for all of our
residents,” she said. 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 8, 2018 9


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Satellite Beach Councilwoman Mindy Gibson with daughters Vesper, Astrid and Lorelei, and husband Mike.

10 Thursday, February 8, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 Satelite Beach City Manager Courtney Barker, Councilwoman Mindy Gibson, Mayor Frank Catino and Recreation Director Cassie Warthen.
Jim Caple, Event Coordinator Shauna Hume and Wendy Stewart.

Teresa Duce, Kathleen Holton and Linda Jasperse.

12 Thursday, February 8, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Teen drama ‘I & You’ teeming with complex issues

STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH Correspondent Keenan Carver and
Kai Nashalie.
A play revolving around two teen-
agers working on an English Lit PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER
homework project about Walt Whit-
man’s “Leaves of Grass” may sound
simple. Indeed, even its title is about
as easy as can be – “I & You.”

But like Whitman’s work itself,
the award-winning drama written
by California playwright Lauren
Gunderson is rich with complex issues
about life and death, determination
and acceptance and the scope of love.

And it takes quite a team of actors
and designers to make it work.
Take a look at the Henegar Center’s
production opening tonight and
running through Feb. 18 in its intimate
Studio Theatre.

High school is a thing of the past for
the actors taking on these roles. Both of
them admit that playing a younger role
is challenging if you want to create a
realistic character and not a caricature.

A Kissimmee resident, Kai Nashalie,
20, brings a world-weariness to her
role of Caroline, a high school senior
whose illness forces her to spend her
days at home.

“Playing a character that is slightly
younger than me was harder than I
anticipated,” she said. “I had to play
around with higher pitches in my voice
to be able to feel the character out and
truly step into Caroline’s shoes. I did a
lot of writing in journals to put myself
in a teenage mindset and would play
music that Caroline would listen to
while writing.”

At 26, Keenan Carver, who lives in
Palm Bay, had even further to go to
create his role of Anthony, a high school
basketball player who arrives with the
homework assignment.

“Playing Anthony has been
interesting,” Carver said. “Being that
I’m almost a decade older, tapping into
the youthful energy of my character has
been my biggest challenge. Anthony is
so full of life. He’s a basketball player,
poet, jazz enthusiast, lady’s man, a son.
So being an African-American young
man with so many interests, I identify
with him in that respect.”

Both actors also had to learn
how to perform on a traverse stage,
which has audience on both sides of
the stage. Similar to theater in the
round, a traverse stage requires more
movement in order to “cheat” to both
sides so all the audience can “feel the
love.” That can be especially difficult
for actors when they are caught up in
an emotional moment of the show.

“The trick in working in a traverse
setting is to make sure each audience

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 8, 2018 13

ARTS & THEATREKeenan Carver and Kai Nashalie with
Stage Manager Nathan Dobson.

gets an equally pleasurable experience,” Pam Harbough directs As stage manager, he is there from
Carver said. “With the help of the Keenan Carver and Kai Nashalie. the beginning, doing the director’s
director we have to use thoughtful bidding and helping actors memorize
speech delivery and blocking to ensure their lines. He is “on book” for the
that we are both visible and audible rehearsals, so, toward the end of the
to each seat in the audience. This is five-week rehearsal period, when
my first time performing on a traverse an actor can’t remember what he’s
stage and it’s great preparation for supposed to say, he calls out “line” and
theater in the round.” Dobson feeds it to him.

And then there are those emotional He also calls the shows, quietly
moments, and for two teenagers, those informing the people running sound
are plentiful. and lights when their cues are to “go.”

Fear quickly turns to rage. Laughter “Being able to watch Kai and Keenan
flips into anger. Hope disappears at the first table read, where they
into despair. Tears flow, laughs were trying to figure out and develop
ring out. To have those emotions these characters, then now (watching
accessible, an actor needs to believe them) at the beginning of tech
in their character and in what they week has been a great experience,”
experience. That means table reads Dobson said. “Both of them have
and rehearsals where the actor grown tremendously throughout this
explores motives and goals in every process. I can’t wait to add the rest of
single line. They look for the turning the show elements and witness the
points in their characters and final product.”
connect. Then comes the blocking
and stage business which adds “I & You” opens tonight and runs
interest, creates aesthetic pictures, through Feb. 18 in the Henegar’s
advances theme and enhances the second-floor Studio Theatre. The show
reality of the situation. performs 8 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays
and Saturdays, and 2 p.m. Sundays.
Like actors who give blood and sinew Tickets are $26 general, $23 seniors
to a playwright’s words, designers give and military and $16 students. The
breath to the vision of the director (in Henegar is at 625 E. New Haven Ave.,
this case, yours truly). Stepping up to Melbourne. Call 321-723-8698, visit
that challenge from the Henegar are 
production manager/scenic designer
Brighid Reppert, lighting designer Josh love designing lights for the venue’s
Huss, sound designer Taylor Torres small second floor Studio Theatre.
and costume designer Vanessa Glenn. This is the place, he said, where
Just as important to the process is the grittier, more intimate works are
stage manager, Nathan Dobson, who produced and where he can stretch
keeps it all together. his artistic reach.

The director analyzes the play and “We come up with these really, really
comes up with an overriding concept stunning design concepts,” he said.
and a visual metaphor to express that “The circle motif has presented a bit of a
concept. With “I & You,” the concept challenge, but in the end I think the final
became “we are one” and a simple product is really something unique. We
circle as the visual metaphor. The tend to do some interesting stuff like
visual metaphor, also known as a this upstairs, and this certainly is a new
master symbol, unifies all elements of one. I think this is really going to blow
the production, from all things visual some people away.”
to all things aural.
Just as lighting enhances mood of
Coincidentally, at the show’s first a piece, so does sound. To that end,
production meeting, Reppert also Torres looks for the show’s “emotional
came up with a circle as a motif in her strings.”
design. Part of that was born from the
script, she said, the other was born “It is definitely a show to catch you
from the space housing the show. off guard and one that will tug on your
heart,” she said. “It’s my job to help
“We aren’t able to do traditional relay that emotion and message to the
scene changes because of the layout,” viewers. Hands down the most difficult
Reppert said. “So as a designer you part would be finding and creating an
have to come up with different creative effect that is the right one. You can
ways to get around that.” have over 20 different sound effects of
the same thing, but none of them could
Charged with the basic practicality be the best one.”
of lighting the set, Huss also works
with the play’s theme and mood. Glenn has the same headache. She
might be able to find a dozen basketball
“I’m reading through this play and warmup suits and still not have the
it really grows into a beautiful story,” exact one needed. Much of her work is
he said. “But without giving anything done in thrift stores, online and, when
away, I do want to give the audience all avenues are explored, sitting in
some surprises.” front of a sewing machine.

Huss, who has a reputation for Holding it all together is Dobson.
his sumptuous lighting of Henegar
mainstage musicals, has grown to

14 Thursday, February 8, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Coming Up: You asked for it … and Symphony delivering

STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER requests from the past nine seasons
[email protected] (Collins says the orchestra’s “dedicated
and knowledgeable audience” has
1 The Space Coast Symphony never had a problem “letting me know
Orchestra’s concert this Saturday what they like”). That abundance of
choices resulted in an exciting musical
at the Scott Center for Performing Arts evening brimming with the biggest
and best-loved symphonic works
in Melbourne could be called “SCSO’s by Gershwin, Stravinsky, Respighi,
Rimsky-Korsakov, Prokofiev, Debussy,
Greatest Hits.” Preparing the program Ravel, Grie, and others: official title –
“Fan Favorites.” Making this concert
certainly required more time than even more of a Must Attend event,
2017 Van Cliburn piano competition
usual, and the orchestra will definitely quarter-finalist Sergey Belyavskiy
will join the orchestra. Belyavskiy,
be playing favorites: Artistic Director a Russian and a highly regarded
interpreter of Liszt, will play two big
Aaron Collins and the musicians fan favorites, Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in
Blue” and Liszt’s “Totentanz” (Dance
reviewed hundreds of audience of the Dead), a thrilling piece which,
according to Wikipedia, is notable
requests from the past nine seasons for “being based on the Gregorian
plainchant melody “Dies Erae,” and for
(Collins says the orchestra’s “dedicated its daring innovative style. Tickets are
$20 in advance; $25 at the door; and
and knowledgeable audience” has free for 18 and under or with student
ID. Show time is 7 p.m.
never had a problem “letting me know

what they like”). That abundance of

choices resulted in an exciting musical

evening brimming with the biggest interpreter of Liszt, will play two big 2 The Space Coast Symphony
fan favorites, Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Orchestra’s concert this Saturday
and best-loved symphonic works Blue” and Liszt’s “Totentanz” (Dance
of the Dead), a thrilling piece which,
by Gershwin, Stravinsky, Respighi, according to Wikipedia, is notable at the Scott Center for Performing Arts
for “being based on the Gregorian
Rimsky-Korsakov, Prokofiev, Debussy, plainchant melody “Dies Erae,” and for in Melbourne could be called “SCSO’s
its daring innovative style. Tickets are
Ravel, Grie, and others: official title – $20 in advance; $25 at the door; and Greatest Hits.” Preparing the program
free for 18 and under or with student
“Fan Favorites.” Making this concert ID. Show time is 7 p.m. certainly required more time than

even more of a Must Attend event, usual, and the orchestra will definitely

2017 Van Cliburn piano competition be playing favorites: Artistic Director

quarter-finalist Sergey Belyavskiy Aaron Collins and the musicians

will join the orchestra. Belyavskiy, reviewed hundreds of audience

a Russian and a highly regarded requests from the past nine seasons

(Collins says the orchestra’s “dedicated 4 The Space Coast Symphony
Orchestra’s concert this Saturday
and knowledgeable audience” has

never had a problem “letting me know at the Scott Center for Performing Arts

what they like”). That abundance of in Melbourne could be called “SCSO’s

choices resulted in an exciting musical Greatest Hits.” Preparing the program

evening brimming with the biggest certainly required more time than

and best-loved symphonic works usual, and the orchestra will definitely

by Gershwin, Stravinsky, Respighi, be playing favorites: Artistic Director

Rimsky-Korsakov, Prokofiev, Debussy, Aaron Collins and the musicians

Ravel, Grie, and others: official title – reviewed hundreds of audience

“Fan Favorites.” Making this concert requests from the past nine seasons

even more of a Must Attend event, (Collins says the orchestra’s “dedicated

2017 Van Cliburn piano competition and knowledgeable audience” has

quarter-finalist Sergey Belyavskiy never had a problem “letting me know

will join the orchestra. Belyavskiy, what they like”). That abundance of

a Russian and a highly regarded choices resulted in an exciting musical

interpreter of Liszt, will play two big evening brimming with the biggest

fan favorites, Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in and best-loved symphonic works

Blue” and Liszt’s “Totentanz” (Dance by Gershwin, Stravinsky, Respighi,

of the Dead), a thrilling piece which, Rimsky-Korsakov, Prokofiev, Debussy,

according to Wikipedia, is notable Ravel, Grie, and others: official title –

for “being based on the Gregorian “Fan Favorites.” Making this concert

plainchant melody “Dies Erae,” and for even more of a Must Attend event,

its daring innovative style. Tickets are 2017 Van Cliburn piano competition

$20 in advance; $25 at the door; and quarter-finalist Sergey Belyavskiy

free for 18 and under or with student will join the orchestra. Belyavskiy,

ID. Show time is 7 p.m. a Russian and a highly regarded

interpreter of Liszt, will play two big

3 The Space Coast Symphony fan favorites, Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in
Orchestra’s concert this Saturday
Blue” and Liszt’s “Totentanz” (Dance

at the Scott Center for Performing Arts of the Dead), a thrilling piece which,

in Melbourne could be called “SCSO’s according to Wikipedia, is notable

Greatest Hits.” Preparing the program for “being based on the Gregorian

certainly required more time than plainchant melody “Dies Erae,” and for

usual, and the orchestra will definitely its daring innovative style. Tickets are

be playing favorites: Artistic Director $20 in advance; $25 at the door; and

Aaron Collins and the musicians free for 18 and under or with student ID.

reviewed hundreds of audience Show time is 7 p.m.. 

16 Thursday, February 8, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly





When Vietnam veteran Gordon J. nam veterans, the 50th anniversary helicopter rotor blade and human re- pill-style boxes. Some are in plastic
Castro died six years ago, his older of the worst year of fighting and Ken mains have been left. bags or Tupperware containers, ac-
brother, Leon, had him cremated and Burns and Lynn Novick’s powerful cording to a Park Service list.
placed his remains in a specially in- Vietnam War documentary, the Park The artifacts are gathered and stored
scribed, stainless-steel box. Service said, there has been an in- in the Park Service’s large Museum Re- A 155-mm artillery shell casing said
crease in remains being left. source Center in suburban Maryland. to contain the cremains of a Daniel
He glued on Gordon’s Purple Heart The human cremains are kept in a Dhee Hughes was left in 2006.
medal, his silver and blue Combat In- “It’s been happening for years and locked metal cabinet with the windows
fantryman Badge and a 1st Cavalry Di- years,” said Janet Folkerts, a Park Ser- papered over. An elegant wooden box labeled
vision insignia. vice curator. “But it’s becoming more “Master Gunnery Sergeant Ronald Wil-
and more of an issue . . . It’s something About 70 cremains – some in con- liam Looney” was left after he died in
Then he got into his Ford pickup, that we have to definitely deal with.” tainers, some scattered – have been left 2008. It is adorned with the Marine
put the box on the passenger seat and at the Wall over the years, said Folkerts, Corps globe-and-anchor insignia and
drove from Corpus Christi, Tex., to the This past fall, signs were erected at a curator at the resource center. The first has an ornate metal clasp.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Wash- the Wall telling visitors that human re- were left in 1990, she said. The most re-
ington to fulfill his brother’s wish that mains “and associated objects” should cent appeared several weeks ago. A silver container labeled “Mar-
he be laid to rest at the Wall. not be left or scattered there, or any- tin Ranko” still bears the logo of the
where on the Mall. Thirty-one have been left in the past Long Island Cremation Co. of West
It was hard to leave him so far from five years, including five in 2017. Babylon, N.Y. It was left Veterans Day
home, Leon Castro said, but Gordon Leaving mementos at the Wall has weekend, 1990.
had said he “left the better part of him- been a tradition since the polished Dick Lundskow’s family and friends
self” in Vietnam. stone memorial bearing the names of left two small manila packets there A small gold cylinder left in May
the 58,000 Vietnam War dead was dedi- this past Memorial Day. He wasn’t a 2011 has a taped-on label, reading:
Gordon Castro’s remains are among cated in 1982. veteran but was devoted to veterans’
scores that have been left at the Wall causes, his daughter Angela Childers SFC William R Shales
over the years, in gestures of devotion, Hundreds of thousands of letters, said, and would have wanted part of 174th assault helicopter company
but in a practice the National Park Ser- photographs, jungle boots, stuffed him left there. Retired 20 years of service
vice is now trying to stop. animals, sculptures, dog tags, college 3 tours of Viet Nam
rings, a motorcycle, cigars, a piece of a Some cremains are in wooden, 1937 - 2011 Rest in peace.
With an aging population of Viet- glass or metal urns. Some are in small

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 2, 2018 17


An envelope containing the cre- remember as ‘forever young’ who This box contains the cremains of periences, he said in a telephone
mains of Roger B. Probst Sr. was left laid down their lives in Vietnam, and Vietnam veteran Gordon J. Castro. interview from Corpus Christi. The
June 21, 1991. Someone had written to ease their pain that time cannot men and their sister, Linda, had been
on the envelope: “You finally made it. heal.” Mike Litterst, spokesman for the Mall and raised there by a single mother who
Enjoy your reunion . . . ” Memorial Parks, and curator Laura Anderson worked as a secretary.
Leon Castro, 70, said that in the fi- remove containers left at the Vietnam War
Many of the containers are not Memorial from a cabinet at the National Leon, a retired carpenter, had gone
marked with a name, said Laura An- Park Service archive in Landover, Md. to Vietnam first, serving in 1966 and
derson, curator for the Mall and Me- 1967.
morial Parks. nal months of his brother’s life, Gor-
don abruptly announced he wanted Gordon entered the Army and
“We don’t have a way of knowing his cremains left at the Wall. served in the infantry with the 1st Air
if it’s even a Vietnam vet,” she said. Cavalry Division in 1970
“Some of them could be other fam- Both men had served in Vietnam
ily members. They could be veterans but had rarely talked about their ex- He lived inVictoria, Tex., and worked
from other wars. . . . We don’t know.” at a nearby Alcoa plant. His sister said
he was a gentle person who played the
Spokesman Mike Litterst said the violin and did fine woodworking. He
remains can’t be added to the Park had been married and divorced twice
Service’s official collections. and had no children.

“We’re not permitted,” he said. “And But the brothers were very close.
right now, we don’t have an answer “We didn’t have a father and grew
for what to do with these remains. up fairly poor,” Leon said. Later, “we’d
But we do know that they won’t be- go ride motorcycles all over.”
come part of the collections.” When Gordon got sick, he asked
to be cremated, Leon said. And “one
Anderson, in an interview at the day, out of the blue, said he wanted
resource center this month, said: me to take his . . . remains and leave
“We’ve been talking for a long time them on the Wall.”
now about what to do about it . . . try- “I didn’t quite understand it,” he
ing to come up with a policy for how said. “Trying to figure out why he
we want to handle this. wanted that, I asked him, and he just
said he felt he left the better part of
“Because we’re not really himself” in Vietnam. “He kind of felt
equipped,” she said. “I imagine it’s a he died there, sort of.”
big decision – what do you do with His sister said he had made an
your loved one – especially if some- emotional visit to the Wall several
body is asking to be left here. You years ago and took rubbings of the
want to honor those wishes. But we’re names of friends.
not allowed to accept them.” Gordon died April 20, 2012, age 61.
Leon had the box specially fabri-
Most parks do allow the scatter- cated and engraved. He drove the
ing of remains under certain circum- 1,600 miles from Corpus Christi to
stances and with a permit. But rules Washington in his red pickup. It was
vary from park to park, according to a two-day drive. He said he didn’t feel
regulations provided by Litterst. alone: “My brother was with me.”
He said he stayed in a hotel in Vir-
Shenandoah National Park allows ginia and took a cab to the Wall.
scattering but does not allow urns. “It was hard to leave him there,” he
said, his voice breaking. “I preferred
At Pearl Harbor, cremains of survi- to keep him close, but that’s what he
vors of the World War II attack on the wanted.”
USS Arizona can be placed in urns Leon put the box down near the
aboard the sunken wreck. And the center of the Wall and walked away.
ashes of Pearl Harbor attack survivors Feeling a pang, he went back and
can be spread in the harbor. picked it up, but then put it down
again and left.
Yosemite National Park prohibits “I look at this as a homecoming,”
scattering from the air. It requires re- he wrote in a note he put with the
mains to be further “pulverized” after box.
cremation and prohibits any public- Leon Castro said he had called
ity of the scattering event. someone in the Park Service, he be-
lieves at the resource center, before
Colonial National Historical Park, he made the trip from Texas.
in Virginia, allows scattering by air He said he was told that it was okay
but from a minimum altitude of 2,000 to leave the remains.
feet and not over developed areas or Litterst, the Park Service spokes-
bodies of water. man, said that person was mistaken
or misinformed.
The Wall is unique. Asked about the agency’s new ef-
“A lot of Vietnam veterans feel very fort to halt the practice, Leon Castro
connected to the memorial,” Folk- said in an email:
erts said. “It speaks to them in a way “It is understandable. Caring for the
that many other places in the country cremains of those Vets left at the Wall
don’t. So they would like to become is an eternal responsibility.” 
part of it.”
Jan Scruggs, founder of the Viet-
nam Veterans Memorial Fund, which
built the Wall, said in a email:
“Many veterans and their families
want ashes spread at THE WALL and
will do as they please. The vets want
to be reunited with those who they

MEDICAL ALPHABET SOUP QUIZ 2: vices called leads that are adhered to spe- dentialed hospitals are equipped to treat a
CARDIAC TESTS AND TREATMENTS cific locations on the body. Patterns on the STEMI patient.
EKG can reveal heart conditions.
9.  TAVR Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement

How familiar are you with cardiac tests and treatments? 5.  HDL High-Density Lipoprotein A relatively new procedure that delivers a
Give yourself one point for each acronym/abbreviation A blood test, often called “good cholesterol.”
you know. The higher your HDL, the lower your risk fully collapsible replacement heart valve to
of coronary artery disease.
the valve site through a catheter.

CARDIAC TESTS AND TREATMENTS* 10.  TEE Transesophageal Echocardiography
A type of echocardiography (“echo”). The
1.  AED Automatic External Defibrillator 6.  LDL Low-Density Lipoprotein doctor guides a flexible tube (probe) with
Used to treat sudden cardiac arrest. A por- A blood test, often called “bad cholesterol.” a transducer at its tip into your esopha-
table device that checks a person’s heart Too much LDL in the blood can clog arter- gus (which is located directly behind the
rhythm and, if needed, sends an electric ies. The lower your LDL, the lower your risk heart) to get detailed pictures of your heart.
shock to the heart to try to restore a nor- for heart disease or stroke.
mal rhythm.
7.  PCI Percutaneous Coronary Intervention *This is a partial list of cardiac tests and treatments.
(also called coronary angioplasty or angioplasty)
2.  CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting A non-surgical procedure that opens nar SCORING
rowed coronary arteries of the heart. A
Open-heart surgery to treat severe coro- catheter is inserted through the groin or A+ (10 correct) Either you’re a doctor or you could
wrist and threaded through blood vessels
nary heart disease/blocked heart vessels. until it reaches the site of the blockage in play one on TV.
the heart. A tiny balloon can be inflated to
Improves blood flow to the heart. open the vessel or a stent (tiny tube) may A (9 correct) Science and Biology were your two
be placed at the site of the blockage to hold
3.  CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation the artery open. favorite classes.
An emergency procedure that traditionally
includes chest compressions plus rescue B (7-8 correct) You’re a very bright individual.
breathing to help a person whose breath
ing and heartbeat have stopped due to C (5-6 correct) You are smarter than a 5th grader.
sudden cardiac arrest.
D (3-4 correct) You must not be a big Dr. Oz fan.

Under 3 correct You’d rather be golfing, swimming or

8.  STEMI ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction playing bocci.

4.  EKG Electrocardiogram (also abbreviated as ECG) Most severe type of heart attack. A blood Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
A noninvasive test that measures the elec- welcome. Email us at [email protected].
trical activity of the heart via sensing de- clot blocks the coronary artery and heart
© 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
muscle begins to die. Only specially-cre


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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 8, 2018 19


Amid the breathless enthusiasm for tal paternity fight waged strong, young Kerkor showed promise are plenty of historic moments in pop
Google, Netflix, Airbnb, Uber and other by Lisa Bonder, a former as an amateur prizefighter, earning the culture, whether it’s the International
darlings of the new economy, it can be tennis player 48 years his nickname “Rifle Right.” Hotel’s chief doing a deal on a tablecloth
hard to find reason to remember some junior, that played out in with Elvis Presley’s manager after an ear-
of the legends of corporate America’s the courts and the press But a chance opportunity to ride along ly record-setting sellout performance in
earlier eras. That’s a shame, because during those years and with a friend in a single-wing plane 1969, or Kerkorian acquiescing to Para-
the annals of capitalism are filled with afterward. led him to become besotted with fly- mount head Robert Evans’ request to
visionaries, risk-takers and colorful per- ing – and prompted a stint as a contract let a young, unknown actor named Al
sonalities who, well before the phrase And yet most of the pilot for the Royal Air Force Ferry Com- Pacino out of a contract with MGM so
“digital transformation” entered the lex- world knows little else mand, a Montreal-based division that Paramount could cast him with Marlon
icon, formed the building blocks of our about Kerkorian, who hired civilian pilots, including Ameri- Brando in a movie called “The Godfa-
society, creating wealth for themselves was fiercely private cans, to ferry new bombers and fighter ther.” In the early 1960s, Kerkorian be-
and shareholders and dominating the even by billionaire planes from their factories in America friended an Armenian waiter and part-
headlines (and their takeover targets) standards. Now, al- and Canada across the North Atlantic. time tennis instructor named Manny
while doing it. most three years af- The first scene in the book is a treacher- Agassi at the Tropicana; they became
ter his death in 2015 ous minute-by-minute account of one lifelong friends, and when Agassi’s next
Easily one of the most compelling of of these crossings that nearly led to a child came along, he named him Andre
these figures is Kirk Kerkorian, the Ar- at age 98, William C. mid-air evacuation – one of Kerkorian’s Kirk Agassi, who became, of course, a
menian American billionaire financier Rempel’s “The Gam- several close brushes with death. Back tennis legend.
who played an enormous role in shap- bler: How Penniless in Los Angeles, he set up a small charter
ing modern-day Las Vegas, along the Dropout Kirk Ker- flight service that made enterprising use Kerkorian’s character is as striking as
way also shaking up Hollywood and the korian Became the of surplus military planes, and was soon his business adventures. While many
auto industry. When I was starting out as Greatest Deal Maker in Capitalist ferrying the likes of John Wayne and masters of the universe are known for
a fact-checker at Forbes in the late 1990s, History” chronicles Kerkorian’s singular Bugsy Siegel to the then-nascent gam- short fuses and big egos, Kerkorian, in
Kerkorian was at his height. As a report- career and his engrossing life story: how ing mecca in the desert, Las Vegas. Rempel’s telling, was the opposite. He
er assigned to the Forbes 400, I remem- the son of Armenian immigrants and an was gentle and gracious, and didn’t as-
ber calculating his wealth through his eighth-grade dropout became one of In 1962, Kerkorian began buying up sume that the world revolved around
holding company, Tracinda, named for the most influential tycoons of the 20th land in Vegas, over time building three him. (“Do you have a minute?” was
his daughters Tracy and Linda. I can also century. Rempel’s account is expansive resorts that were the largest in the world how he would start phone calls.) He
remember the headlines about the bru- and exhaustive, which is all the more for their time: the International Hotel, despised displays of wealth. He refused
impressive given that he had little au- opened in 1969; the MGM Grand Hotel comps at his hotels or anyone else’s,
thorized access. The official Kerkorian and Casino, opened in 1973 and later and he was reluctant to let employees
camp refused to cooperate (though acquired and renamed by Bally’s; and know who he was. In one anecdote, a
Rempel, who spent 36 years as an inves- the new MGM Grand Las Vegas, opened check-in clerk at the MGM Grand was
tigative reporter and editor at the Los in 1993, with a casino, Rempel tells us, having an argument with her boyfriend
Angeles Times, got many friends and that was bigger than the playing field in on the phone while Kerkorian waited
associates to speak with him), and Ker- Yankee Stadium. He purchased MGM at the counter; when she hung up,
korian gave almost no interviews during Studios in 1969 and would sell and apologized and asked for his name, she
his life. buy it back three times, each time for was mortified. “We all have our days,”
And what a life it was. Rempel spends a profit. He bought and sold plenty of he reassured her.
more than half the book chronicling other resorts, including the Mirage from
Kerkorian’s early years, but it’s hard younger rival Steve Wynn in 2000 and The book is gripping and fast-moving,
to imagine a more cinematic rags-to- Mandalay Resorts in 2004; at his peak, with short chapters and plenty of sus-
riches story. Born Kerkor Kerkorian, the Kerkorian controlled nearly half of the pense. 
future billionaire was the youngest of Strip. An attempted takeover of Chrysler
four children to Armenian immigrants in the early 1990s would see him in and THE GAMBLER
who had settled in Fresno, Calif. His fa- out of the auto industry for almost two HOW PENNILESS DROPOUT KIRK KERKORIAN
ther, Ahron, saw success as a fruit ped- decades.
dler turned raisin farmer, but he lost BECAME THE GREATEST DEAL MAKER IN
the business when the market turned The deals seem innumerable, each CAPITALIST HISTORY
and debt loads came down, prompting recounted in hyper-specific, often sus- By William C. Rempel
a relocation to Los Angeles. Scrappy but penseful detail (lay readers may find
those dealmaking details dense). There Dey Street. 414 pp. $28.99
Review by Leigh Gallagher

The Washington Post


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20 Thursday, February 8, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Bonz meets sweet friends Norman and Candy Cane

Hi Dog Buddies! “Well, here I was, doing terrific in

This week I innerviewed Norman Agility, really goin’ places, LOVED
Inglehart, a 15-year-old Welsh Corgi,
and his cat, Candy Cane the 4th. They the competition! I mean nothing
usta live in Colorado onna ranch with
horses. NormanPHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD motivated me more than runnin’

Norman, a big, pretty pooch, an a Springer Spaniels bo- those courses, or a good Tug-of-War,
lady holding a liddle cat were at the inging up an down like a Jack Russell-
door. Surprisingly Norman didn’t in-the-box, with those big ol’ ears just the harder the better. Not even food
come up for the Wag-and-Sniff, he a flappin,’” he chuckled, an nudged
stood next to his Mom and sniffed me. could compare.”
around in my general direction, so I
said, “Good morning. I’m Bonzo the “That’s me – The Bonz.” (This is “Woof! That’s sayin’ something!” I
Columnist. You must be Norman. I’m One Cool Poocheroo, I said to my-
happy to meet, er, ALL of you.” self.) “And I always thought, when exclaimed.
you Corgis were getting all your
“Ah, yes, I thought it was you. Wel- parts, you forgot to get in the Legs Then, Bonz, if you can buhLEAVE it,
come.” Norman finally came over Line.”
for the Wag-and-Sniff, then, “Come one day – I went blind.”
along. We’ll sit.” As we were getting “Now THAT’s funny,” he said. “So
settled, I noticed the liddle cat was let’s get to business. When I first joined Wait!! WHAAAT? YOU? … You’re
quite pretty, delicate-looking, Sia- the famly, back in Colorado, there was
mese-y but with long fluffy hair. a buncha animals, like now. Mom- BLIND?”
my an Dad got me as a pooch pal for
“This is my Mommy, Julie, and Molly, an Australian cattle dog called “As a bat!”
my cat and dear friend, Candy a Blue Heeler. I was startin’ to learn
Cane the 4th (on accounta Mom- Agility (had a Natural Gift), and me I had noticed that he moved delib-
my an Dad had three cats named an Molly played all the time. But sud-
Candy Cane before). We call her denly Molly went blind. Just like that. erately, an did a LOTTA sniffin,’ but it
Candy.” So then I was her Seeing-Eye dog.”
wasn’t like he was bumpin’ into every-
“Or Ma’am,” the German Shepherd “Oh, Woof! That’s Soggy Dog Bis-
interjected, helpfully. cuits!” thing. “I had no idea,” I said.

“She’s a real old lady now: 17 anna “Sure was. But we did OK. An I kept “Took me a liddle time to learn the
half human years,” Norman ex- getting’ better an better at Agility.
plained. I wasn’t scared of ANYthing. It was lay of the land, but now I’m good. My
about that time we got Her Fluffy-
“Puh-lease,” said Candy, with ness. See, Mommy’s Mom worked for nose sorta took over for my eyes. An
a small smile. “I am the Dowager a vet, an there was this liddle cat, not
Queen. And WHO rules the house?” a kitten, already 6 years old, and kin- Her Fluffyness here keeps
da wild an sickly. She wasn’t aDOP-
“You do, your Fluffyness!” Norman tubble, so she got on the Put To Sleep track of me, hangs out
said. List. (We all know what THAT is.)
But Mommy’s Mom said, ‘NO WAY.’ with me a lot.”
Their mom placed her gently on the So I gotta cat. Even though she was
couch, where she curled up regally, sick (diabetes), from the minute she “It’s a bummer you
tucking her tail around her paws.
can’t compete anymore.
“It’s an honor, Miss Candy, or should
I call you Your Fluffyness?” I said re- You must miss it.”
“Fer sure. But I still do
“I rather like Miss Candy. Reminds
me of my kitten days.” She closed her the course just for fun,
eyes, and Norman continued the in-
troductions. with Mom, even the off-

“Our Dad is Mark. He’s workin.’ the-ground parts, an I’m
This is our sister, Isabel.” The German
Shepherd trotted over for a liddle nose still not scared. Mommy
and Dad have to take me
“Hi, Mr. Bonzo! I never met a re-
PORder before! I promised Norman, if an Izzy on separate walks
I could meet you in the Fur, I’d just sit
over here quietly, OK?” now, cuz I stop and smell

“Of course, Miss Isabel.” Candy Cane every blade of grass. It
“Norman,” Candy sat up suddenly, makes Izzy NUTS, cuz she
“you should tell your story now.” And needs to Go-Go-Go. I also
she went back to her catnap.
“Oh, right. So Bonz, may I call you love rollin’ in the grass or the
Bonz? Cool name. Like The Fonz, on
TV, back in the day, right? So you’re rug. I make a special rollin’-
a Springer, eh? I always pictured you
walked in, she in-the-grass sound Mommy

was QUEEN. Still runs things.” says sounds like Chewbacca.

Miss Candy looked up. “You bet To demonstrate, Norman’s Mommy

your whiskers! I may look small an got down on all fours with Norman:

weak, but I survived the Mean Streets, They began to ruff-house and Nor-

scrounging through garbudge for food man burst out with this woofy-grow-

and standin’ up to ferocious dogs.” ly-howly sound.

“But then,” Norman continued, “Yep! Definitely Chewbacca!”

“Molly went to Dog Heaven. Woof, did Heading home, I couldn’t get over

I miss her. The cats an horses were how well Norman faces all his challeng-

fine, but I missed my pooch Bestie. So es. It’s no wonder he sounds like Chew-

Mommy an Dad got Isabel.” bacca. The force is strong in this one. 

Isabel walked over to Norman, an

gave him a liddle nose bump an slurp.

“Thanks, Izzy!” Norman said. “We hit

-The Bonzit off right away, which was a real for-

tunate thing for me, cuz it wasn’t long
after that the Kibbles Hit the Fan.”
“Why, what happened?”

Don’t be shy!
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
an interview, please email [email protected].

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 8, 2018 21





Jack Welch, former chairman and CEO of General Electric and a bridge player, said, J52
“Number one, cash is king ... number two, communicate ... number three, buy or bury the
competition.” J9632

At the bridge table, number one, make or break the contract ... number two, WEST EAST
communicate with your partner ... number three, bury the opposition. 9652
J9853 10 8 4 3
This week’s deal has elements of that, but also three and one are relevant — why? 3
South is in three notrump. West leads his fourth-highest heart, and East puts up the A74 K 10 7 6
king. What should declarer do?
South’s three-notrump rebid shows some 18-20 high-card points, at least six diamonds,
in principle stoppers in the two unbid suits and often a singleton in responder’s suit. (It K5
is a hand too strong for one diamond - one spade - three diamonds.)
South apparently starts with eight top tricks: four spades, two hearts (given trick one)
and two diamonds. He can also establish three or four more diamond winners. But to A
collect all of those spade tricks, how does declarer get into the dummy?
The temptation is to cash the top diamonds and assume that the queen will drop, which
it is supposed to do 58 percent of the time. Note, though, that if declarer can win six A K 10 9 6 4
diamond tricks, he has nine tricks via one spade, two hearts and six diamonds. But just
in case the diamond queen will not drop, South should be willing to sacrifice one trick to Q 10 8
get the three spade winners in return.
Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Neither
After winning trick one and cashing the spade ace, declarer should lead his diamond 10
or nine. If East ducks, South has six diamond tricks. If East wins, the diamond jack is a The Bidding:
dummy entry.
1 Diamonds Pass 1 Spades Pass
3 NT Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
5 Hearts

Simulcast Wagering
Doors Open @ 11:45







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22 Thursday, February 8, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly

1 Tom and --, cartoon (5) 1 Adorn strikingly (8)
8 Bureaucrat (8) 3 Set aside (8)
9 Very poor (7) 4 Worth (5)
10 Pest (8) 5 Eventful journey (7)
11 Bombardment (7) 6 Suntanned (7)
12 Soft cap (5) 7 Add to the end (5)
15 Hard question (5) 8 Tropical fruit (5)
18 Alpine song (5) 13 Unruly behaviour (8)
19 Lowest point (5) 14 Skiing manoeuvre (8)
22 Young child (7) 16 Young tree (7)
23 Belief system (8) 17 Lock of hair (7)
24 Naval chief (7) 20 Musical form (5)
25 Suggestive remark (8) 21 Celtic priest (5)
26 Fume (5) 22 Sycophant (5)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 8, 2018 23


ACROSS 55 SST 7 75 Across helped 57 Left in a rocket The Washington Post
1 Times up 57 Testing, as build a big one 58 Primary
7 Sound of a 59 Certain WORD SALAD, CHUNKY-STYLE By Merl Reagle
mattresses, kid- 8 Pub pint
French financier style 9 Neither trailer Japanese-
being hit on the 60 Shapes of some 10 Jolly Roger American
head? lenses 60 Klinger’s rank:
11 Mu ___ pork 61 Major mistakes features abbr.
14 North Pole 62 Celeb 11 More like a 61 Pierre who wrote
addressee 64 Claimed to be, in The Bridge on
19 Hot pink or lime court Sharon the River Kwai
green 65 Members of the Stone love scene and Planet of the
21 Faucet house 12 Accelerates Apes
22 Red as ___ 66 Price of rice, 13 Increasing 63 Location of the
23 The Joker on maybe 14 Bass or Bellow sentry
TV’s 67 NewsHour host 15 Sit-ups tone ’em 65 Indigo D&C No.
Batman 68 Windy, as a day 16 Shipshape 6 and others
24 Position or a senator 17 Airing 66 Salon offering
statements 69 Shimon who 18 Classic 68 Woody Allen
26 Make out schmoozes with documentary, comedy featuring
27 Poet’s foot Shamir Victory ___ Howard Cosell
28 Like the 70 Lubricates 20 Make it 69 Volkswagen
relationship of 71 Flaw finders 25 Meal or cake inventor’s
two architects 72 Dickens’s Little opener other car
in love ___ 29 Bit of buckshot 71 Cooked cereal or
30 Prop for Arnie 73 Metry preceder 32 Nefertiti, to Tut Little Rascal
31 ___ latté (popular 74 Some wall 33 Indecorousness 72 Unhook
hot drink, Italian- installers 34 Betakes (oneself) 73 Joyce Carol or
style) 75 Atomic chain- away Warren
33 Where the reaction pioneer 35 Mercenary 74 Riley or
furnace is, 76 Try: abbr. 36 Tennis star who Robertson
usually 77 Showed off took his 75 Bean preferred
35 “___ Nagila” 78 Victuals apartheid fight to by Hannibal
(traditional 79 Short on watts the United Lecter
Jewish song) 82 Itty-bitty Nations 77 The “fire” type of
36 Perceptive 84 Sabin’s 37 “See the USA” maniac
38 Getting involved breakthrough singer 78 Desire Under
(in) superficially 88 Trial partner 38 Stretches out the ___
39 “Sure! No 89 Scot’s negative 39 “Freak Brothers” 80 Arrow poison
problema!” 90 Transmission creator Gilbert 81 State of disarray
40 Like a new devices and Bull Durham 83 Ph. directory
penny 91 In Rome, it director Ron contents
41 Certain layers in means 41 Noted talking 85 Charlotte of Car
shoes “stone,” not “back horse 54, Where Are
42 Put into words talk” 42 Blends You?
44 Holler mate 92 Jerk beforehand, as 86 Jack’s weapon in
45 One with his ear 93 Extra costs yogurt The Shining
to 94 Benson partner 43 Chang’s twin 87 El ___
the ground DOWN 45 Stays the night
46 Enter stealthily 1 First-grade 46 Division of Great
47 North extension lesson Britain’s High
48 One of a 2 The monkey Court of Justice
flamenco pair puzzle, 48 Waterfalls
49 Stripping Mr. for example 49 Water-depth
Peanut 3 Angle operations announcers
50 Tough exams, for 4 A Khan 51 Teatro ___
some 5 Boy Scout Law (opera house in
52 Rodomontade item Naples)
53 Yeses 6 Rake with gunfire 52 Cads, or cats,
54 Trust in sometimes
54 Wooer
55 Beetles’ order
56 Near-perfect

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24 Thursday, February 8, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


She wants a big rock, leaving him in a hard place

BY CAROLYN HAX field of vision is occupied by expectations she built
Washington Post before she met you and apparently hasn’t reflected
on since?
Dear Carolyn: My girlfriend of
The way it usually plays out, unfortunately, is that
three years always badgered me people use fixed expectations to build relationships
that work for a while as role-playing before they in-
about getting married before our evitably collapse – when, as the years pile up, reality
refuses to be ignored.
four-year anniversary. At first, the
It’s also possible I’m overstating the role of expec-
arbitrary deadline annoyed me, tations here and your girlfriend really does see you
and know you and love you. But that’s not what you
but after living together for two see. You see “badgered” and “annoyed” and “arbi-
trary” and “particular about jewelry” and “beyond
years and working through the death of her moth- my means” and “lost patience” and “refused to dis-
cuss” and “impossible stunts” and, mercifully, “I’m
er, I really am taking the thought seriously. I’ve even starting to wonder if I can ever live up to her fantasy.”

started to save up for a ring. So, yes. Please escalate from “starting to wonder”
to full-on, hot-lights questioning of this three-year
She’s very particular about jewelry, and I’ve never relationship where she writes emotional invoices
and you pony up.
bought her any before, so I opened up a conversation
What are you getting out of it emotionally? What is
about engagement rings and she immediately be- she getting out of her life with you that she couldn’t
get from any other guy who agreed to her terms?
came uncomfortable. A few days later, she brought it
What would happen if you proposed without an
back up and had talked to some of her friends who I audience, performed zero stunts, used a Cracker
Jack ring and said, “Hey, let’s elope”? Would the sim-
suspect might have given her ideas for a ring beyond ple, profound act of your giving yourself to her for
the rest of your lives be enough?
my means. When I attempted to temper her expecta-
Anyone willing to go into stupid debt can find a
tions, she immediately lost patience with me and re- way to buy a big ring.

fused to discuss the matter any further. Only you can be you.
Don’t give yourself away cheap. 
When we started dating she’d always tell me she

had a pretty elaborate picture of how her wedding

would go down and often showed me fantastic online since she was a kid?
This isn’t about your worthiness as a partner, to
videos of guys proposing while pulling off impossible
her or anyone else; she might like or even love who
stunts. I love my girlfriend, but I’m starting to wonder you really are if she stops thinking about herself
long enough to see it.
if I can ever live up to her fantasy, especially when
It’s strictly about the danger of such a single-
talking about the future only crushes her dreams. minded focus on what a romance is supposed to
look like and the attention it can afford her. How
– Confused can a person see what’s really there when her whole

Confused: Does she love you? Or just your willing-
ness to squeeze yourself into the role she’s imagined

Medical pot
can be ‘godsend’ for
chronic pain sufferers

26 Thursday, February 8, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Medical pot can be ‘godsend’ for chronic pain sufferers

STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER National Academy of Sciences, suffer doing that as part of my practice, so I Dr. Alita Sikora.
[email protected] would have a non-medication or non-
from chronic pain. injection alternative to help patients PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
Dr. Alita Sikora practices integrative with really minimal risks and I found
medicine, which Duke Medicine defines That’s nearly one-third of the it helped a lot of people.”
as “an approach to care that puts the
patient at the center and addresses the country’s total population. And, Sikora, who earned her medical
full range of physical, emotional, mental, degree at the University of Connecticut
social, spiritual and environmental according to the World Health and served her residency at New York
influences that affect a person’s health.” Presbyterian Hospital, knows the
Organization, today’s epidemic of medical marijuana aspect is likely
WebMD adds that “with integrative the most controversial part of her
medicine, you get science-backed opioid overdoses and deaths has practice, but she is quick to point out
therapies that your doctor has chosen to she isn’t operating a marijuana clinic
treat your condition.” largely been fueled by ever-increasing and quicker still to share some other
insider information.
In Dr. Sikora’s case, those therapies prescriptions to treat chronic pain.
include medical marijuana to treat For starters, she says, to get an order
chronic pain. She says medical The American Academy of Pain for medical marijuana, “You have to
marijuana isn’t for everyone, but in meet one of the qualifying conditions,
certain cases it can be a godsend. Management says dependence on pain which include cancer, epilepsy,
Parkinson’s disease, Crones disease,
“I have one lady with ALS [Lou medications “exacts a tremendous glaucoma or HIV-AIDS” or be suffering
Gehrig’s disease]. It took forever for from a diagnosed form of chronic non-
the state to get it but this is one person cost on this country,” and if you want malignant pain.
who I felt really, really needed it,”
Sikora recalls. Then she happily adds to put a price tag on that, the Institute “I have many older beachside residents
that what was once “a horrible quality coming to me for this. They’ve gone
of life” for that particular patient has of Medicine claims it is “a minimum of through pain medications, epidural
gotten much, much better now with injections and surgeries, and they’re
medical marijuana. $560-$635 billion annually.” saying ‘What more can I do? I don’t want
to be on narcotics,’ so a lot of them come
More than 100 million Americans, Dr. Sikora, who has spent nearly a
says the Institute of Medicine at the
decade in practice here, started looking

for a better way of treating chronic pain

than – as she puts it – just “giving pills and

medications. That’s where my interest

began in more integrative therapies.”

Besides medical marijuana, she uses

acupuncture, platelet-rich-plasma

injections and bio-identical hormone


“In 2011,” Sikora explains, “I took an

acupuncture class for physicians at

the University of Miami and I started

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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 8, 2018 27


Integrative medicine How to resist sugar and escape a dangerous addiction

An approach to care STORY BY CASEY SEIDENBERG an addictive drug. In fact, quickly enough of the right nutrients? Last,
that puts the patient The Washington Post removing it from your diet can cause do you sleep enough, and are you
withdrawal symptoms, including able to manage stress? The answers to
at the center and It is the beginning of February, fatigue, depression, headaches and those questions will help you figure
addresses the full range and Instagram is bursting with self- muscle aches. No wonder it isn’t easy out what, specifically, you need to
of physical, emotional, effacing pictures of people who swore to quit. address to beat sugar successfully.
mental, social, spiritual off sugar at the start of the new year, And there are some additional hacks
only to fail. My boys both decided to Not easy, but not impossible, that can help anyone trying to tame
and environmental cut back on the sweet stuff that became although there are a few questions to their sweet tooth.
influences that affect a commonplace over the holidays, but answer before weaning yourself off
they too are struggling. sugar. Blood sugar issues: Many sugar
person’s health. cravings stem from a blood-sugar
Sugar has been shown to have an First, is your blood sugar
effect on the brain similar to that of unbalanced? Next, are you getting CONTINUED ON PAGE 28

to me. Because I’ve been here for almost
10 years, a lot of people know me [and]
their physicians know me.”

Sikora emphasizes that she keeps
no marijuana (oil, pills or otherwise)
on the premises and even if she did,
the drugs would not get anyone high.

“Most of these older people, they’re
getting low-THC marijuana so they
are not getting high from this.”

The active ingredients in low-
THC marijuana, according to the
National Cancer Institute, can still
“relieve pain, lower inflammation and
decrease anxiety,” without causing
the ‘high’ that THC does.

If you want to try medical marijuana,
be prepared to wait a bit.

According to Sikora, “It takes usually
about four weeks” for patients to get it.

“First they need to send an application
to the state of Florida to get a medical
marijuana card. Until recently, you
had to have a Florida driver’s license or
ID [but] I just found out yesterday that
‘snowbirds’ can actually get one, too.
If you’re in the state of Florida for 31
days and you have a temporary Florida
address, you can get [a card].”

And in Vero, be prepared to wait
some more, even after you get the
card. With no local dispensaries,
you’ll probably have to arrange some
kind of home delivery – though not
through the USPS, since medical
marijuana is still a prohibited class-
one drug under federal law – despite
being legal in 29 states and the District
of Columbia. Sikora can explain how
to set up delivery.

Of course, anyone considering any
“outside-the-box” form of treatment –
integrative or otherwise – should first
consult their primary care physician
and talk about their options.

Dr. Alita Sikora can be reached at
Sikora Integrative Medicine at 1040
37th Place, Suite 102 in Vero Beach. The
phone number is 772-228-6882. 

28 Thursday, February 8, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


imbalance. When your body ingests relying on ice cream to soothe sad-
sugar, your blood sugar spikes and ness. Listen to cravings and try to de-
your body releases insulin to lower it termine their root: true hunger, emo-
to a safer level. If the insulin brings tional eating or habit.
your blood-sugar level a bit too low,
as often happens, your body craves Hacks to outsmart cravings and suc-
foods that will raise it and increase cessfully kick the sugar habit:
your energy. You are on the blood-
sugar roller coaster and it’s hard to 1. Start with a solid breakfast. The
get off it. less sugar you eat in the morning, the
more balanced you will be all day.
The key to balancing blood sugar High-protein breakfasts have been
is to eat foods that prevent too much
insulin from being released, such as proven to reduce cravings.
protein and healthy fats, and consum- 2. Plan your meals in advance, to
ing only small amounts of sugar or
prevent dips in blood sugar.
none at all. It’s also impor- 3. Dehydration can make you
tant to eat regular meals and snacks,
because blood sugar drops when you feel hungry, so drink plenty of
skip a meal. water. Add lemon, berries or other
fruit to your water to make it more fla-
Consume the essential nutrients: vorful.
Protein and fat are crucial to kicking 4. When you crave sweets, wait 10
a sugar habit. Unlike sugar, healthy minutes and change your environ-
fats and protein provide a slow, steady ment. Take a walk, or get into a project.
stream of energy, more like a flat, Perhaps you can distract yourself out
newly paved road rather than that of at least one sugar fix.
glucose-flavored roller coaster. 5. To satisfy your sugar cravings in
a more healthful way, turn to vegeta-
When your body doesn’t find sugar bles such as sweet potatoes, squash,
for fuel, it turns to fats, so eating plenty beets and carrots. Other naturally
of healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, avo- sweet foods include coconut, banan-
cados and olive oil can help your body as, frozen grapes, dates, vanilla, raw
adjust to getting its energy elsewhere. cacao and cinnamon (which has been
Protein helps you feel satiated, which shown to reduce sugar cravings by
can reduce hunger and cravings, and helping to manage insulin sensitiv-
many of the amino acids in protein ity). Berries are another option, and
help build the brain chemicals – such their sugars are released more slowly
as dopamine – that make us feel good. than those of other fruits. And high-
When we feel balanced and energized, fiber foods such as broccoli, cauli-
we are less likely to seek a sugar high. flower and kale make you feel full
longer than many quickly digested
Other important nutrients that can foods such as cereal, bagels and other
help you wean yourself from sugar simple carbohydrates.
include fiber, which slows digestion 6. Smoothies are a sweet treat that,
and stabilizes blood sugar; iron, which if made without added sugars or too
when depleted can cause low energy many sweet foods and with plenty of
and cravings; and the energizing B vi- fiber, will satisfy without causing a
tamins, which are often depleted by blood sugar surge.
sugar consumption and stress. 7. Avoid artificial sweeteners, such
as aspartame, saccharin and sucra-
Lifestyle red flags: Some cravings lose, which have been shown to in-
emanate not from your belly, but from crease sugar cravings.
your brain, as a result of lifestyle. 8. Trick your body by eating some-
Stress causes the hormone cortisol thing sour when you want something
to flood your body, releasing glucose sweet. The sour flavor can stimulate
from your liver, which in turn raises the taste buds and distract you from
your blood sugar. We know fluctua- the sugar craving.
tions in blood sugar can cause crav- 9. Ginger and turmeric help prevent
ings, so being constantly stressed is insulin resistance, so don’t be afraid
like begging for trouble. Poor sleep to consume them freely, in turmeric
also can trigger excess eating, includ- lattes or ginger-infused smoothies,
ing increased sugar consumption, as as you work to balance your blood
you seek energy to combat your fa- sugar.
tigue. It’s critical to get enough sleep If sugar has hijacked your body
when trying to cut back on sugar. and you want off the scary ride, hold
on tight because you will likely have
Sometimes we experience crav- those drug-like withdrawal symptoms
ings that are nothing but a habit. for two or three days, and the cravings
Perhaps throughout your childhood, will likely remain for at least the first
you watched your parents overeat week. After that, some of the negative
on Thanksgiving, so now you do the habits and hankerings will dissipate,
same, eating too much pie, for exam- and hopefully, you can take off your
ple, even when you are not hungry. Or seat belt and enjoy a smoother transit
perhaps you’ve spent decades reach- through life. 
ing for chocolate to combat stress, or

30 Thursday, February 8, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Brano’s Italian Grill: Satisfying meal and dining experience

REVIEW BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER House Favorite B.I.G. Signature meal with good com-
[email protected] Pork Osso Bucco. Warm Spinach Salad. pany. Dinner for two at Brano’s with a
House Mozzarella Caprese. glass of house wine or a beer will cost
Brano’s is not a trendy bistro with PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD $75-$85 with tip. Add an appetizer and
artistically plated, overpriced dishes of Homemade Cannoli with dessert to share, and you can plan to
food you can’t quite identify. It doesn’t Godiva Chocolate Drizzle. um-rare to order and served with sat- spend around $100 on date night.
try to be that kind of place. isfying mashed potatoes and steamed
maybe needs a little updating. It’s pretty vegetables. The meat was tender, had We encourage you to send feedback to
It’s a chef-owned restaurant featuring rare to see a chunky iceberg lettuce mix a nice smoky grilled flavor and was a [email protected].
classic Italian dishes, plus steakhouse served anymore, without some romaine generous 12-ounce portion, about one-
standards and a good helping of fish and or more interesting greens, unless you third of which came home in a doggie The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
seafood. It’s the kind of place you’d take order a classic wedge salad. bag. Gentlemen, you will not go away dines anonymously at restaurants at the
your Mom for her birthday if you wanted hungry from Brano’s and be raiding the expense of this newspaper. 
her to enjoy the meal and not think you Our entrees arrived just in time, as refrigerator an hour after getting home.
spent half your paycheck. the service is both attentive and friendly RESTAURANT HOURS
at Brano’s. My companion ordered his Of the six dessert choices, which in- 4 to 9 p.m. daily
Though Brano’s Cocoa Beach loca- seafood dish less spicy than normally clude Cannoli, Chocolate Torta, Key BEVERAGES
tion is open for lunch, the Indian Har- served, and the kitchen got that request Lime Pie, Lemon Berry Marscapone Full Bar
bour Beach restaurant on A1A just off just right, he said. The capellini pasta and New York Cheesecake, I ordered ADDRESS
the southern edge of the Lowe’s park- was perfectly cooked and served hot, the Tirimisu, which was light and
ing lot between Burger King and Sher- the scallops tender and the zesty red creamy, chocolatey and doused in 1940 Highway A1A,
win-Williams is open just five hours a sauce with fresh garlic and capers was coffee. A perfect choice to end a nice Indian Harbour Beach
night for dinner. The hours of 4 p.m. to complementary to the dish as a whole.
9 p.m. should offer some hint of Brano’s PHONE
core clientele – the beachside retired, My steak was cooked medi- (321) 757-2833
or semi-retired set, plus family gather-
ings. Senior Monday $13 dinners and
Kids Eat Free Tuesdays are designed to
bring in both ends of the demographic
spectrum. Wine Wednesdays with $10
off a bottle, I’m assuming, are targeted
at weary school teachers and parents.

To be honest, Brano’s is not the type
of place that would lure me in from A1A,
but a dear old friend of mine had been
urging me for months to give it a go.
Finally taking his advice, I invited him
to join me last Thursday evening for
dinner at 6:30 p.m.

On the way in, we passed people
already leaving having enjoyed an early
dinner and Brano’s Happy Hour. The
live music on the patio had already
started, a two-man guitar team plus
what sounded like some synthesizer
backup playing vintage tunes. The
evening was cool with a nice breeze, but
the music was a bit loud to enjoy dinner
conversation. Seemed like it was more
geared toward a bar crowd outside.
Inside, the feel is a solid notch up from
casual, but not quite fine dining either.
We were quickly seated in a booth and
our server, Arjana explained the specials
and brought us some warm bread rolls
served with tasty garlic butter.

The menu offers a good selection of
appetizers, entrees and desserts, two
soups, beer, wine and cocktails. Not ex-
tremely hungry, we decided to forego
any starters and ordered our entrees.
My companion ordered one of the Ital-
ian dinner specials, the Sea Scallops Ar-
rabiata ($19 on special, regular $22) and
I opted to test out the “grill” end of the
business, ordering a New York Strip with
Bearnaise sauce ($26).

Our entrees included salads, which
were crisp and fresh and topped with
flavorful dressings, but the salad itself

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 8, 2018 31


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32 Thursday, February 8, 2018 Barrier Island Newsweekly

Join us for CALENDAR
Please send calendar information tor T-shirt. Participants are encouraged to dress
® at least two weeks prior to your in cancer awareness colors. Register at
Multiple Locations! event to
[email protected] 10 Vendors sought for the March 10 Flori-
Melbourne/Suntree 321.428.4145 Vero Beach 772.257.6039 dana Beach Bazaar, to take place from
4840 N Wickham Rd 1226 US Highway 1 ONGOING 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 6635 A1A, Melbourne Beach.
Melbourne, FL 32940 Vero Beach, FL 32960 Oceanfront spaces and business table tops are
ABC Yoga literacy-based yoga class for kids available for $25. Contact Beth Glover for infor-
Downtown Melbourne 321.802.4587 Palm Bay/West Melbourne 321.821.4897 age 7 and younger, 3:30 to 4:15 p.m. Wednes- mation (321)726-0800 or email glovprop@bell-
1511 S Harbor City Blvd 4480 Hollywood Blvd days at Bikram Yoga with Helena 1401 High- Deadline January 30.
Melbourne, FL 32901 land Ave Eau Gallie Arts District; Cost: $5/
West Melbourne, FL 32904 child (Adult is free). For more information, call 10 Seventh Annual Pioneer Day, 10 a.m.
Denice Santos at (321)-806-0830. to 4 p.m. at Sams House/Pine Island
BOGO BOGO $7 DOZ. and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 5555 and 6195
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 N. Tropical Trail, Merritt Island. Celebrating the
Buy Any Buy Any Bagels p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park early settlers with displays, demonstrations,
Egg Sandwich, Lunch Sandwich, Sat & Sun Only food, music, art, nature and historic tours. Also
Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- a farmers market, kids games and crafts, guided
Get the 2nd Get the 2nd add a tub of shmear days at Ocean Side Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, hikes and a fish fry dinner. Details on facebook at
Egg Sandwich Lunch Sandwich for only $2.99 Melbourne Beach. Sams House Pine Island.

FREE FREE Good for a dozen bagels for $7. Valid Saturday and Sunday Only. FEBRUARY 10 Cinderella’s Wedding and you can be
Includes bagels only. Additional charge for gourmet bagels. Limit a part of the celebration, 2 to 4 p.m.
Good for any egg sandwich. Limit one coupon per person. Valid Good for Any Lunch Sandwich- Limit one coupon per person. Valid one coupon per person. Valid at participating Einstein Bros.® 8 Free parent presentation on Sleep Dis- at the D.R. Schechter Satellite Beach Recreation
at participating Einstein Bros.® locations only. This offer cannot at participating Einstein Bros.® locations only. This offer cannot locations only. This offer cannot be combined with other special ordered Breathing and Your Child by Dr. Center, 1089 South Patrick Drive. Princess event
be combined with other special offers or promotions and is not be combined with other special offers or promotions and is not offers or promotions and is not valid for catering, past purchases Claire Staff of Health Connections Dentistry, 6 includes having nails painted, a touch of makeup
valid for catering, past purchases or orders. No reproduction valid for catering, past purchases or orders. No reproduction or orders. No reproduction allowed. Cash redemption 1/20 of one to 8 p.m. at 2120 Highway A1A, Indian Harbour and a hair clip, as well as dancing in the ballroom
allowed. Cash redemption 1/20 of one cent. Applicable taxes allowed. Cash redemption 1/20 of one cent. Applicable taxes cent. Applicable taxes paid by bearer. ©2014 Einstein Noah Beach. Learn about the connection between and a reception. Tickets cost $18 for ages 2 to
paid by bearer. ©2014 Einstein Noah Restaurant Group, Inc. paid by bearer. ©2014 Einstein Noah Restaurant Group, Inc. Restaurant Group, Inc. Expires: 12/31/18 a lack of sleep and many common childhood 10 years, $10 for ages 11 and older. Register at
Expires: 12/31/18 Expires: 12/31/18 health issues. Call (321)777-2797 or go to www.
10 Ninth Annual Kids’ Night Out hosted
10 Coloring the Causeway for a Cure 5K by Girl Scout Troop 57, 5:30 to 9 p.m.
walk over the 192 Causeway and back, at the Melbourne Beach Community Center at
9 a.m. to noon, Front Street Park. Registration Ryckman Park. Open to kids ages 3 and older.
is at 8:30 a.m. and the cost is $25 for adults, or Teen volunteers (with parents present) entertain
$10 for kids 12 and under and includes a collec- kids and feed them dinner so parents can have a
pre-Valentine’s Day date night. Games, dancing,
movies, crafts and prizes. Cost is $20 for the first
child, $10 per sibling. R.S.V.P. by Feb. 8 to Natalie
Carl (321)514-5960.

Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 10 Eau Gallie Arts District Onesie Bar
in February 1, 2018 Edition 1 MOUSE 1 MAESTRO Crawl, 6 p.m. to midnight. Meet up
4 CART 2 UPRIGHTPIANO at the Salty Fox, 602 W. Eau Gallie Blvd. www.
10 TOGA 5 RENOUNCE 10 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
11 REBUILDS 6 BALLETDANCER presents Fan Favorites, 7 p.m. at the
12 VOW 7 BEES Scott Center for the Performing Arts at Holy Trin-
13 OUTFIT 11 ROT ity Episcopal Academy. Featuring works from
14 SCYTHE 12 VINEYARD Stravinsky, Respighi, Rimsky-Korsakov, Prokofiev,
16 SEE 14 SEX Debussy, Ravel, Grieg, and more, this is a concert
17 VOICEBOX 15 EVERTON just for you with wall-to-wall classics. Tickets
18 WANE 16 SOCKET $19.99 for adults, ages 18 and younger admitted
20 RANSACKED 17 VARY free.
21 CAT 19 EDNA

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Mesmerizing views from
renovated penthouse condo

205 Ballyshannon Dr., No. B501, in the Wexford condominium community: 3-bedroom, 2.5-bath,
2,950-square-foot penthouse condo with ocean and river views offered for $825,000 by
Dale Sorensen Real Estate agent Susan Williammee: 321-795-4860

34 Thursday, February 8, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Mesmerizing views from renovated penthouse condo

STORY BY BRENDA EGGERT BRADER CORRESPONDENT enough to make a buyer want to sign ceiling wood-burning fireplace. Ad- is a large window view overlooking a
on the dotted line. But wait, there is ditional sunshine streams into the state preserve on the narrow strip of
The water views are breathtaking as more, much more. room through large skylights. The land between the ocean shore on one
you enter the Wexford penthouse con- opulent view of the Indian River is side and the Indian River on the other,
dominium at 205 Ballyshannon Drive Beginning in the foyer, beautiful seen through the large French doors making it an exclusive forever view.
in Melbourne Beach, creating the sen- maple hardwood flooring extends opening from the living room to the
sation of living on a cruise ship. throughout the home. The foyer holds first of four rooftop balconies. The enormous kitchen features ev-
two large closets, one for storage and ery treasure for the gourmet – char-
Expansive river and ocean pan- the other for utilities, and a pretty Built in 1989, the entire condo- coal-colored matte finish cupboards,
oramas mesmerize seen through ex-

pansive windows, and with the bright powder room takes up a corner. minium was completely remodeled an island with cooktop and storage
sunshine shimmering and sparkling The open dining room, with seat- into an open concept by the current with Stilestone countertops through-
on the water, just staring out through owner about five years ago. out. Stainless-steel appliances in-
the large French doors makes you feel ing for six and room for a china buf- clude double oven, double drawer
relaxed and happy. The view alone is fet and table, flows into the living “We took all the walls out and re- dishwasher, side-by-side refrigerator,
room featuring a floor-to-cathedral built it,” said owner Paula Savage. a wine cooler, a breakfast/entertain-
ment bar seating eight, a niche for a
Facing south from the living room
toward the kitchen and family room,

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 8, 2018 35

table with seating for four, and the kitch- REAL ESTATE have their own sitting room, but it can
en’s piece de resistance – a large closet/ be made into another bedroom with the
counter appliance park with microwave. doors closed,” Savage said. “Both rooms
The ample closet laundry area is off the have closet space, separate entrance and
kitchen hallway. their own balcony.”

Two guest bedrooms and full bath are Circling through the foyer and back to
found on the first floor of the penthouse. the living room, stairs lead to the second
Each bedroom has large closets and space floor where the master suite is located. A
for a queen-size bed. Doors open off the loft sitting room with skylight is found just
bedrooms to private balconies. The sec- outside the master bedroom. This area
ond bedroom, currently used as a sitting would make a quiet, lovely private office.
room, has double doors that can close to
the first bedroom. The sitting room then Double doors open to the massive mas-
becomes another private bedroom with ter suite with electric fireplace, elevated
its own closet. sitting area and room for a king-size bed.
French doors open to yet another balco-
“We thought company would like to ny/deck with a view of the Indian River.

36 Thursday, February 8, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


The south side of the bedroom has a VITAL STATISTICS tance of the penthouse. The Wexford
large window with a view of the mas- 205 BALLYSHANNON DRIVE, NO. B501, IN MELBOURNE BEACH condominiums also are pet friendly
sive preserve and the ocean. All win- and have secure lobby entrances.
dows have blackout shades. Neighborhood: Wexford Condominium
Year built: 1989 “It is a very friendly, nice commu-
The spa-like master bathroom has nity,” Savage added. “Everything is so
a steam shower with bench, spacious Architecture: Concrete/stucco convenient. You can walk to the gro-
free-standing bathtub with balcony Lot size: Penthouse condominium cery store, shops and the beach. It is
view and a horseshoe-shaped van- hidden here. Most people don’t ever
ity with double sinks and makeup Home size: 2,950 square feet know it is back here.”
bench. A large walk-in closet and sep- Bedrooms: 3
arate linen closet complete the area. Susan Williammee, sales partner
Bathrooms: 2.5 with Carpenter/Kessel Homeselling
Tennis courts, a community pool/ Association fees: $775 per month Team at Dale Sorensen Real Estate,
clubhouse, a fishing pier, and a se- Additional features: Maple hardwood floors, two fireplaces, handcrafted Indialantic, is the listing agent. The
cure gated ocean beach access with staircase railing, two-drawer dishwasher, wine cooler, high impact win- penthouse is on offer for $825,000.
beach cabana (bathrooms and show- dow glass, blackout shades, kitchen appliance pantry, one-car garage,
ers), all come with the condominium. fishing pier, pool/clubhouse, tennis courts, private/secure ocean beach Williammee is holding an open
All amenities are within walking dis- house at the property from 12 pm to 4
access with cabana. pm on Feb. 11. 
Listing agency: Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc., Indialantic
Listing agent: Susan Williammee, sales partner with Carpenter, Kessel

Homeselling Team: 321-795-4860
Listing price: $825,000

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 8, 2018 37


Survey: Real estate transactions smoother these days

STORY BY KENNETH R. HARNEY WASHINGTON POST from where they were a couple of
years back. During early 2015, be-
They are gnawing questions that tween 9 and 10 percent of all real es-
many home buyers inevitably pon- tate contracts were canceled before
der: What are my chances of getting final settlement. Today, that’s down
the house I’ve fallen in love with at a to just 4 percent.
price I can afford, which happens to
be well below what the seller is ask- In the often contentious and com-
ing? What are the odds that pesky plicated world of real estate, that
contract contingencies, such as mort- passes for great news. Buyers and
gage financing or the appraisal, could sellers are working out their problems
jeopardize my good deal? . . . rather than walking away. 

Sellers have different concerns: covered in the survey were contin-
What are the chances that I could ac- gency-free. That’s an eye-opener be-
tually get a higher price than what my cause contingency clauses can be
cautious realty agent has persuaded crucially important for buyers and
me to offer? Might I have to throw in sellers.
costly incentives to attract a buyer or
– horrors – slash my price? Say you sign a contract on a home
that looks great but has defects you
A new survey of 4,283 members of missed: The roof is 10 years beyond
the National Association of Realtors its economic life or the plumbing is a
offers some valuable insights, no mat- disaster waiting to happen. Without
ter which side of the deal you’re on. an inspection clause, you may have
no escape hatch out of the deal and
Take pricing. Except in a handful no way to argue for a lower price.
of superheated markets where few
houses are available for sale, the odds Why do buyers agree to contracts
are strong that you will be able to get like this? The survey provides no
the house you want for less than the details, but there are several possi-
list price. Just 34 percent of agents in bilities: Multiple bids on the house
the survey reported sales above or at can push buyers to offer “clean” con-
the original asking price. So you’re tracts; all-cash or distress sales may
probably more likely to write a suc- require the buyer to take the house
cessful below-list contract than you “as is”; and some sellers may simply
assume. voluntarily waive certain contingen-
What about sales incentives – the
sort of financial goodies that sell- But most buyers and sellers are
ers throw into the pot to sweeten the smart: 75 percent of all final con-
deal? Are they commonplace? You tracts include at least one contingen-
might think so, but statistically they cy clause; 55 percent require a home
are not. inspection (still surprisingly low);
and 43 percent have mortgage con-
Barely 20 percent of sellers of- tingencies.
fered any sweeteners whatsoever,
according to the survey. Typically How about your prospects of not
those offered involved the seller going to settlement on time – or,
paying some of the buyer’s closing worse yet, having your sale blow up
costs or fronting the premiums for before or at closing? A few years ago,
home warranty insurance coverage. delays and cancellations were shock-
Another concession: Sellers agreed ingly common, but in the latest survey
to set aside money to remodel the things look much better: Seventy-one
kitchen or a bathroom to the buyer’s percent of sales settled on schedule in
specifications. But overall, 80 per- December, while 25 percent encoun-
cent of sellers avoid concessions. If tered delays but eventually went to
there needs to be a cost adjustment, closing.
presumably they prefer simply to
subtract it from the price they’re What caused the delays? Buyers’
asking. inability to obtain the mortgage they
wanted topped the list, accounting
Sales-contract contingencies are for 31 percent of all delays. Examples
another key factor in your transac- might include glitches that turn up in
tion. But here’s a surprise: Although the buyers’ credit files or the discov-
they are boilerplate standard in many ery of previously undetected liens or
local realty contracts, large numbers judgments that must be resolved be-
of final contracts end up with none. fore the lender could commit to the
No language requiring the buyer mortgage. Appraisal issues triggered
to obtain a mortgage commitment 16 percent of all delays, home-inspec-
within a specified time, no require- tion disputes another 12 percent.
ment regarding appraisal, not a word
about an inspection. But here’s a really encouraging sta-
tistic: Total blowups are way down
Twenty-one percent of contracts

38 Thursday, February 8, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Jan. 26 to Feb. 1

The last week of January saw an uptick in real estate activity in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903, and 32937.
Indialantic reported 10 sales, while Satellite Beach reported 8, Melbourne Beach 4 and Indian Harbour
Beach 2.
The top sale of the week was of a home on a deep-water canal in Satellite Beach. The home at 690 Jackson
Court was placed on the market Oct. 13 with an asking price of $749,900. The sale closed Jan. 31 for
The seller in the transaction was represented by Patrick McLoughlin of National Realty of Brevard. The
purchaser was represented by Lindsey Whitney, also of National Realty of Brevard.


HARBOR EAST SEC 3 AM 446 RIVERVIEW LN 11/24/2017 $679,000 $679,000 1/26/2018 $455,000
ROMAC SUBD 1617 PINE ST 11/10/2017 $489,000 $489,000 1/26/2018
CRYSTAL LAKES SUBD 390 LAKEVIEW DR 5/18/2017 $560,000 $515,000 1/26/2018 $419,100
SALES FOR 32903 $379,900

RIO VILLA NORTH P2-3 470 VERACRUZ BLVD 7/11/2017 $469,000 $419,000 1/30/2018 $519,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 140 9TH AVE 11/18/2017 $399,900 $399,900 1/30/2018 $435,000
INDIALANTIC ONE COND 601 N MIRAMAR AVE 209 8/25/2017 $410,000 $389,000 1/26/2018 $350,000


HOLMES SUBD SEC 1 660 ANDERSON CT 12/15/2017 $524,000 $524,000 1/26/2018
WATERWAY ESTATES 3RD 429 CARDINAL DR 11/6/2017 $449,000 $449,000 1/31/2018
MICHIGAN BEACH 4TH A 384 NORWOOD AVE 11/10/2017 $369,000 $364,500 1/31/2018

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 8, 2018 39


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Romac Subd, Address: 1617 Pine St Subdivision: Harbor East Sec 3 Am, Address: 446 Riverview Ln

Listing Date: 11/10/2017 Listing Date: 11/24/2017
Original Price: $489,000 Original Price: $679,000
Recent Price: $489,000 Recent Price: $679,000
Sold: 1/26/2018 Sold: 1/26/2018
Selling Price: $475,000 Selling Price: $589,000
Listing Agent: Patricia Halpin Listing Agent: Rhonda Pavone

Selling Agent: Salt Water Realty of Brevard Selling Agent: RE/MAX Aerospace Realty

Lynda Rippolone Rhonda Pavone

La Rosa Realty, LLC RE/MAX Aerospace Realty

Subdivision: Indialantic One Cond, Address: 601 N Miramar Ave 209 Subdivision: Rio Villa North P2-3, Address: 470 Veracruz Blvd

Listing Date: 8/25/2017 Listing Date: 7/11/2017
Original Price: $410,000 Original Price: $469,000
Recent Price: $389,000 Recent Price: $419,000
Sold: 1/26/2018 Sold: 1/30/2018
Selling Price: $379,900 Selling Price: $419,100
Listing Agent: Robert Norton & Jantina Getz Listing Agent: Valerie Garofalo

Selling Agent: RE/MAX Solutions Selling Agent: Home Buyers Marketing II Inc

Amanda Gonnella Patricia Stay

RE/MAX Alternative Realty Melbourne Beach Properties,Inc

Subdivision: Holmes Subd Sec 1, Address: 660 Anderson Ct

Listing Date: 12/15/2017
Original Price: $524,000
Recent Price: $524,000
Sold: 1/26/2018
Selling Price: $519,000
Listing Agent: Tim Parker

Selling Agent: Vanderveer Properties

Monica McKune

Keller Williams Realty,Brevard

Subdivision: Waterway Estates 3rd, Address: 429 Cardinal Dr

Listing Date: 11/6/2017
Original Price: $449,000
Recent Price: $449,000
Sold: 1/31/2018
Selling Price: $435,000
Listing Agent: Juliet Qureshi

Selling Agent: 85 & Sunny Real Estate,PA

Juliet Qureshi

85 & Sunny Real Estate,PA





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