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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2016-04-21 14:57:36



Vero electric needs $14 million in
repairs and updates. P9
Flooding problem on
Little Orchid Island. P10

Shores Council could choose
site for a cell tower on Friday. P7

For breaking news visit

Sea Oaks proudly Man goes out to
unveils revamped make cell calls,
beach clubhouse then found dead

Staff Writer Staff Writer

Nearly three years to the A 48-year-old man visit-
ing his family in Indian River
day after members of the Sea Shores on March 30 was found
dead in the CVS parking lot on
Oaks Board raised the idea of A1A seven hours after leav-
ing his father’s home to go “to
renovating the community's make some conference calls.”

No. 1 asset – its Beach Club Public Safety Chief Rich
Rosell confirmed that the
– the finished product was fi- man apparently drove from
his father’s home in The Estu-
nally set for its grand unveil- ary, an area with poor cellular
coverage, to the CVS location
ing Tuesday night at a gala – which is closer to the Village
Spires where there is a cell
to which 500 residents and tower – to use his cell phone
to conduct some business.
guests were invited.
“This was a terrible tragedy,
The $3.8 million project, and our thoughts and prayers
go out to this family. However,
which took 12 months to An aerial shot of Palazzo Di Mare, aka the “barcode lady’s house,” up for auction on April 30. PHOTO BY PHIL SUNKEL there is no way of knowing
if the decedent’s inability to
complete, included a total re-
modeling of Sea Oaks' Geor- CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

‘Barcode lady’s house,’ 2 others to be sold at auctionsgian-style clubhouse, enlarg-
ing and improving the gazebo

and beach bar, repaving the BY STEVEN M. THOMAS are scheduled to be auctioned Luxury Auctions will put the
patio area around the ocean- Staff Writer
at the end of the month. lavish south island estate Pala-

front swimming pool, and a Concierge Auctions, which zzo Di Mare on the block.

redesign and upgrade of the Three luxury oceanfront auctioned off Splendida Dimo- Commonly referred to on

clubhouse's two kitchens to homes with interesting stories ra and two Ocean Park condos the island as “the barcode la-

enable more efficient service. – and on the market at various in Vero last year, will offer two dy’s house,” Palazzo Di Mare

"It's not just our biggest time in recent years for a total homes for sale on Friday, April is owned by Sharon Nichol-

CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 asking price of $45 million – 29. The following day, DeCaro CONTINUED ON PAGE 7

Some investors buying intoVero Arts Village dream Jones gets 5 years; back
to Vero for murder trial
Staff Writer

The idea of an Arts Village BY LISA ZAHNER
near Vero’s Old Downtown – Staff Writer
where artisans would live and
work in the same house, mu- FORT LAUDERDALE – For- Jones in Fort Lauderdale courtroom. PHOTO BY PHIL SUNKEL
rals would adorn buildings, mer Vero Beach banker Mi-
and a sculpture garden, water chael David Jones, who faces
wall and performance plaza first-degree murder charges
would become focal points of for the killing of 26-year-old
a neighborhood with bicycle
Cindy O’Dare in front of a house she bought. PHOTO BY LEAH DUBOIS

April 21, 2016 Volume 9, Issue 16 Newsstand Price $1.00 Wine & Wickets
highlighted by
News 1-10 Faith 73 Pets 65 TO ADVERTISE CALL golf croquet. P12
Arts 33-38 Games 49-51 Real Estate 75-88 772-559-4187
Books 48 Health 53-59 St Ed’s 72
Dining 66 Insight 39-52 Style 61-64 FOR CIRCULATION
Editorial 46 People 11-32 Wine 67 CALL 772-226-7925

© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Vero Arts Village Ross Power, who helped launch what rina, longtime real estate broker for about a block and a half from her ini-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 is today a successful arts village in Mi- Gloria and Emilio Estefan, who owns tial acquisition. Of her three adjacent
ami, is one of them. a motel on the island here and a small properties on 18th Street, a two-level
trails and a shade tree corridor – on shopping plaza on Old Dixie down- former apartment house off the street
the surface has a lot of appeal. In a recent conversation, Power town where she recently opened a gal- has been gutted with hopes of convert-
rattled off names of people who have lery called Raw Space at Edgewood. ing it into an artist loft, O’Dare said.
And while many are skeptical that bought properties in the proposed
the vision, nicely detailed in a plan re- Vero Arts Village, including Michael Prominent island real estate bro- “I love the area and think the arts vil-
leased in February, will ever become a Rechter, a South Florida entrepreneur ker Cindy O’Dare also has purchased lage is a great idea,” she said. “Ross is a
reality, several South Florida entrepre- who has revitalized a number of com- buildings in the area. She said she mover and shaker who knows how to
neurs are putting their money where mercial properties in Vero and just got bought her first property in the neigh- get things done. He was instrumental in
their dream is – purchasing properties approved by the city to open a brewery borhood at 1926 19th Avenue about revitalizing the Design District in down-
in the proposed Arts Village area in and restaurant in the old diesel power three years ago not knowing an arts vil- town Miami. We are lucky to have him.”
hopes of turning a shabby neighbor- plant adjacent to the arts village area. lage would be proposed.
hood into a revitalized one. The quality of the plan produced by
Others include Don and Suzanne After she heard about the arts vil- architects and urban designers with
Miami artist and real estate investor Broyles, landscape nursery owners lage concept, O’Dare assembled three the Treasure Coast Regional Planning
from Homestead, and Neli Santama- clustered properties at 1925 18th St., Council is another plus for the arts vil-
lage concept. It details attractive ideas
for murals, signage, public perfor-
mance areas and historically evocative
building types in the Edgewood neigh-
borhood, which is bounded by State
Road 60 on the north, 20th Avenue on
the west, 14th Avenue on the east and
18th Street on the south.

The game plan is for the city to al-
low new low-key retail and commer-
cial uses in this somewhat dilapidated,
mainly residential section as part of a
“Cultural Arts Village District” that will
be supported by the city but funded by
private dollars.

The proposed arts village area has
a mixed building stock with multi-
family housing, modest single-family
homes, houses old enough to border
on historic, some ramshackle struc-
tures and some commercial property.
Buildings range from old-time Florida
cracker-style houses and Spanish co-
lonial revival to art deco and modern
1960s housing. Absentee property
owners are also part of the dynamic,
said Tim McGarry, Vero Beach city
planning and development director.

“Edgewood is downtrodden and it
reminded me of the neighborhoods
that I have helped revitalize,” said
Power, who has a studio in the pro-
posed district at 1916 20th Avenue.
He noted it was a 1934 two-bedroom
home with carriage house.

The proposed arts village would
be more residential than the existing
downtown arts district, which leans
toward commercial.

Vero Beach City Manager James R.
O’Connor said the arts village concept
could bring about an expansion of
what’s happened in the city in the last
four to five years, with multiple galler-
ies and restaurants opening downtown,
a few blocks from the proposed village.

“The elements to address are the
economic viability and what people
are demanding,” O’Connor said.

Power said he hopes to assemble a
team of 12 people to work on the first
mural in the arts village in a few months.

“We’re going to get this mural project
off the ground and expose our logo and
commitment,” Power said. “We want
something sophisticated and fun.”

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 3


The city is buying into the concept One of the biggest improvements Hoffman said she envisions every- McGarry, said uses such as arts infor-
– but not with money. O’Connor said was Sailfish Brewing, which has thing from an ice cream shop to a drug mation centers, art studios and cof-
the city has not earmarked any infra- thrived since it opened three years store to a fresh market in addition to art feehouses could easily be allowed in
structure improvements such as new ago at 407 N. 2nd Street. “It draws an studios and galleries in the arts village the area, but that some business uses
sidewalks or paved trails specifically eclectic crowd,” Benton said of the would not fly.
for the proposed arts village, but the brewery in the Edgartown district. Hoffman also sees the district as
City Council did recently adopt an playing host to festivals, outdoor the- “That’s where the rubber meets the
arts village report and directed staff to Sailfish’s success could signal good ater and concerts, with sponsors, do- road,” McGarry said.
work with the Cultural Council of In- things for the brewery and restaurant nors and grants helping pay for the
dian River County on the idea. arts village investor Rechter plans for public improvements. “You want to retain the residential
the former diesel power plant. character and not overdo it with too
Spending money to create the arts Vero Beach’s top planning official, many businesses.” 
village is up to the private sector.
Barbara Hoffman, executive director
of Cultural Council, said there’s some Exclusively John’s Island
movement on that front. She said she’s
aware of at least three couples who A fresh ocean breeze greets you upon entering this impressive 6BR/6.5BA
would like to buy properties with the oceanfront “smart home” offered with premium furnishings and located on a
hope of converting the houses into private, cul-de-sac street. Commanding breathtaking pool and panoramic ocean
places that would include art uses. views, this 11,311± GSF retreat affords 125’ of ocean frontage, double-height
living room, luxurious first-floor master wing, gourmet island kitchen, summer
Artist Linda Barnett was crafting one kitchen, upper lever guest suites and 2nd master suite, elevator, and convenient
of her handmade greeting cards in her access to the south gate, tennis and squash courts. 5 Sea Court : $10,900,000
downtown Vero Beach shop recently
when she took a moment to voice her three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
support for the proposed arts village. health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership

“It would be a most remarkable 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
addition to Vero Beach culture,” said
Barnett, who works in the Rosewood
Artisan Boutiques at 1443 19th Pl.

Many share that sentiment.
Neil Sickterman, a local landscape
designer and volunteer with the arts vil-
lage leadership team, said he could see
art enthusiasts walking from the more
busy art gallery area in downtown for a
“jaunt” into the arts village to check out
more galleries and see artists at work.
For those who doubt the viability of
the plan, there is a nearby model. Sup-
porters point to the Edgartown neigh-
borhood in Fort Pierce, adjacent to that
city’s busy, attractive waterfront.
As a result of creating the “Edgartown
Settlement Zoning District,” Fort Pierce
has witnessed a once-blighted area of
old structures undergo about $1.5 mil-
lion worth of property and construc-
tion investments and spring to life, said
Kori Benton, a Fort Pierce city planner.
“The district revitalized property
prices,” Benton said. “The reaction
was favorable. The stakeholders start-
ed buying into it.”
Benton said Edgartown district prop-
erty owners tapped into city incentives,
such as historic preservation tax ex-
emptions and matching grants for fa-
cade improvements.
Don’t expect the recently-proposed
Vero Beach version to happen over-
night. In Fort Pierce, the downtown
waterfront charrettes and community-
wide historic preservation meetings
began in 2008, with the first Edgartown
neighborhood meeting occurring in
July 2010 and the district’s final adop-
tion in 2012, Benton said.
New property uses that were ad-
opted include wine-cigar bars, craft
beer brewery, bed and breakfasts, arts
studios and art manufacturing busi-
nesses, pedicabs, child care and even
retail sales, Benton said.

4 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Sea Oaks Beach Club flooring has a wood-like look. The up- house 1,100 residents and renters dur- Association, said before the construc-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 stairs bar also received a facelift. ing the winter. Roughly 30 percent of tion crews arrived last year.
the community's residents live there
draw; it's an asset that gets used by In addition, the stairwell was wid- on a year-round basis. "We think we're a good alternative to
everyone who lives here, and it's go- ened, giving the main entrance a big- John's Island, Windsor, The Moorings
ing to be around for 20 years," said ger, brighter feel. Although Sea Oaks is marketed as a and Orchid Island. But we have to con-
Keith Miller, chairman of Sea Oaks' tennis community, only about 50 per- tinue to maintain and improve our com-
Beach Club Modernization Commit- Handling the renovations were cent of the residents play tennis. mon property," he added. "This project
tee. world-renown interior designer Thom will enhance the look and feel of the
Filicia, the Vero Beach architectural In 2008, the Tennis Club and Com- community. To have a new Beach Club
"Clubs that keep their facilities up firm of Edlund, Dritenbas, Binkley & munity Center area underwent a reno- also adds value to everyone's unit."
to date tend to flourish," he added. Associates, and Summit Construction. vation and expansion, which included
"Those that don't often struggle. This the construction of a fitness center According to Heffern and Mullins,
was something we needed to do to re- "We can now offer both fine din- that has become one of Sea Oaks' more many of those who voted against the
main competitive in this market." ing and casual dining overlooking the popular amenities. 2008 improvements also voted against
ocean," said Jeff Mullins, the former the Beach Club project. Some of them
Casual dining is now available at Duke University basketball All-Amer- As was the case then, some Sea Oaks opposed the increase in dues. Some
the new gazebo and expanded bar ican, Olympic gold medalist and NBA residents also opposed the Beach Club wanted the work done in increments.
area, which includes shaded seat- All-Star who moved to Sea Oaks in improvements, which required a $3 Some wanted the gazebo to remain as
ing for 100 people. The concrete pool 2001 and serves as co-chair of its mar- million loan that increases each unit's it is.
deck has been replaced with pavers. keting committee. monthly dues by $20. Despite the op-
The pool-area restrooms are now air- position, however, property owners "When you're dealing with more
conditioned. "There's always been a lot of traffic voted 342 to 202 (62.9 percent) to ap- than 1,000 people, you're going to get
around the pool, and the revamped prove the project in April 2014. a difference of opinion," Miller said.
Also, the exterior color of the club- gazebo and beach bar provide more "There were some people opposed
house, which was built in 1983, has seating for outdoor dining and a re- The cost of the project rose from from the beginning. There are some
been changed from coral to pink. laxed social gathering place. $2.9 million when the vote was taken who are still aren't happy that we did
to the final $3.8 million price tag. it. But everyone seems to have ac-
Inside the clubhouse, both the for- "This completes the upgrades of all of cepted it.
mal dining room upstairs and casual our facilities and makes Sea Oaks more "We see this as something we had to
dining room on the main level were attractive in the market, especially to do to remain competitive with other "Most people here liked the idea,"
completely redecorated. The new tile the younger buyers we need to reach." island communities for the next gen- he added, "and they're going to love
eration of buyers," Dick Heffern, pres- what we've done when they see it." 
Sea Oaks has 615 units – single-fam- ident of the Sea Oaks Property Owners
ily homes and condominiums – that

Jones headed back to Vero to the Indian River County Jail as soon the county without permission the day, as were Vero Beach Police Chief
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 as possible, now that all of his Broward day after Duve’s murder, when detec- David Currey and Capt. Kevin Martin,
County matters are concluded. tives tracked him to a Fort Pierce hotel. the officers in command of the de-
Sebastian River Medical Center nurse partment during the search for Duve,
and Moorings resident Diana Duve, Prior to moving to Vero to work for Last month, a Fort Lauderdale jury which tragically turned into a grisly
was sentenced last Friday to five years PNC Wealth Management, Jones had found Jones not guilty of the domestic murder case for detectives to unravel.
in prison for violating probation on a been charged with aggravated stalking battery of yet another girlfriend.
prior aggravated stalking conviction. for threatening to kill his Fort Lauder- This June will mark two years since
dale girlfriend. As part of a plea deal, Assistant Public Defender Shane Duve’s death by manual strangulation.
Jones, who appeared in court in he got five years’ probation in lieu of Manship and his colleagues, who as-
gray-and-white striped prison garb jail time. sisted with Jones’ defense in Broward, After she went missing on June 20,
and handcuffs, received 591 days’ are now expected to begin preparing 2014, Vero Beach Police put out a re-
credit for time served since his 2014 ar- He had his probation transferred in earnest for the upcoming murder gional “be on the lookout” alert for
rest. After sentencing, Judge Lisa Por- from Broward to Indian River County trial. Duve, with a note that she might be
ter ordered that he be transferred back so he could continue to work for PNC with Jones. Duve was last seen leaving
as a financial planner. He was arrested Assistant State Attorney Brian Work- What-a-Tavern in Royal Palm Pointe
for the probation violation of leaving man, who is prosecuting the murder with Jones around 1 a.m. that Friday
case, was on hand for the hearing Fri-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 5


morning. Police eventually found tified Friday that he searched hotels in Harrelson of the Vero Beach Police De- permission of Jones’ probation officer,
Duve’s body in Melbourne in the trunk the vicinity of the cell phone location partment to come and get him. who also testified last week.
of her own car, and through cell phone data, and found Jones in a room at the
location data obtained via search war- Hampton Inn. At that time, late on Sun- Kmetz and Harrelson both testi- Jones’ defense attorney frequently
rant, located Jones in Fort Pierce. day, June 22, Cooper detained Jones and fied to arriving at the Hampton Inn objected to evidence that was being
called Det. Bradley Kmetz and Lt. Matt and finding Jones and his gold Honda presented, and she did in fact get some
Ft. Pierce Police Det. Sam Cooper tes- there, outside the county without the


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6 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Jones headed back to Vero Indian River County, seemed uncon- Tragedy as man found dead report, with a suggestion that Clark
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 vinced by the theory that Jones rented may have been the victim of heat
the room for someone else. She said CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 stroke.
of the counts of violation of probation a hotel room qualifies as a “tempo-
dismissed. The two counts that stuck rary residence” and that the hour that make a cell phone call from his home The high temperature for the Vero
were from the night of June 20, when Jones checked in – after 10 p.m. – and played any part in his death,” said Beach area on March 30 was 79 de-
Jones checked into the Hampton Inn the hour that he was found there by Town Manager and former public grees.
using his own Florida Driver License officers – also after 10 p.m. – would safety chief Robbie Stabe.
and was clearly shown on surveillance make it reasonable to presume that Indian River Shores detectives are
video footage at the front desk, and Jones was sleeping there, outside Indi- “Hopefully, we will successfully still lacking a key piece of informa-
June 22, when officers found him in the an River County, without the permis- implement whatever is necessary to tion, the medical examiner’s report,
hotel room. Porter said the evidence sion of his probation officer. provide adequate wireless service to and according to Rosell, as of press
from those two instances was “more the entire Town as soon as possible,” time, “The cause of death is still in-
than sufficient” to revoke Jones’ proba- Jones was called as a witness for the Stabe added. conclusive and we are waiting on the
tion and sentence him to prison time. State, raising his right hand in hand- toxicology report to come back.”
cuffs to take the oath to tell the truth, According to an incident report of-
Harrelson testified to seeing Jones’ but he six separate times invoked the ficers completed on the death, Ran- Public safety sources say Clark was
hotel billing record on the computer Fifth Amendment when asked ques- dall “Randy” Clark was found dead parked on the south side of the CVS
screen at the Hampton Inn and to tions about his probation status, and in his white Jaguar around 6 p.m. building nearest the Tracking Station
not only obtaining printouts, but also about agreeing to obtain permission after leaving his father’s house at beach, which is the least busy por-
taking a photograph of the portion before leaving the county.  10:30 a.m. The Shores said the case tion of the parking lot.
of the screen that showed the special has been taken over by the Medical
instructions Jones gave at the desk, Examiner’s office as an unattended The deceased man’s parents, Ran-
asking hotel staff not to tell anyone death. dall and Suzanne Clark of The Estu-
he was at the hotel and not to transfer ary, have a listing for a land-line tele-
any phone calls to his room. The de- The manager and pharmacist from phone, and Vero Beach 32963 tried
fense attempted to present a theory CVS performed CPR on Clark to no to reach them for comment, but the
that maybe Jones rented out the room avail. published telephone number goes
and paid cash for four nights so that directly to a fax machine.
someone else could use the room. Officers reported Clark appeared
to have been dead for some time A search of publications both in
Judge Porter, while dismissing two when they arrived on the scene a few Florida and in California, where Clark
of the counts for lack of direct evi- minutes after the call came in at 6:08 lived with his wife and children, re-
dence that Jones was indeed outside p.m. vealed no local obituaries had been
Clark’s body was drenched in sweat
and his skin was already “cool” to His wife, Isha Clark, a pediatrician
the touch, paramedics noted in the in the Palo Alto area, did not return a
phone call. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 7


Shores Council could choose cell tower site on Friday Luxury homes to be auctioned

BY LISA ZAHNER presentation to be given at 9 a.m. Fri- riers would need to make changes to CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
Staff Writer day in the council chambers at Town other elevated structures outside the
Hall. The 19-page presentation is Town limits. The Town cannot force son, widow of William Nicholson, co-
After residents concerned about available for viewing and printing on them to do that,” Stabe said. founder of Retail Grocery Inventory
having a cell tower near or in sight of the Town’s website Service, now called RGIS, a leading
their homes packed a Town Council under “Latest Cell Tower Update.” More than 90 petition-signing resi- inventory control company.
meeting, the Shores sent its consul- dents from Bermuda Bay have put
tant back to perform an exhaustive After all the extra analysis, de- the Town on notice they’re prepared Sharon Nicholson bought the 4.84-
study of several suggested tower sites: spite the very emotional resistance to retain an attorney to fight the tow- acre tract where Palazzo Di Mare is lo-
In the final analysis, the Town Hall site to erecting the tower near homes, er going up on the Town Hall prop- cated, adjoining the northern edge of
apparently still is the Shores’ best bet Edwards’ recommendation has not erty. On the other side, a group of Round Island Park, in 1994. She spent
for providing good cell service. changed substantially from three residents from John’s Island and The seven years building and decorating
weeks ago: The Town Hall site is best. Estuary have already hired beachside her ornate mansion, which has ap-
Rick Edwards of CityScape Con- attorney Michael Haire to keep from proximately 23,000 square feet of liv-
sulting on March 28 recommended Town Manager Robbie Stabe sum- having the tower in their line of sight ing space under air and some 28,000
the Town locate the tower on the marized Edwards’ findings. “The at the Bee Gum Point location. under roof.
Town Hall property or near the Pub- Town Hall site is the only one where
lic Safety complex, based upon his we would only need a single con- The Town Council is expected to According to a 2013 Wall Street Jour-
signal studies. Opposition erupted cealed facility with the top array at vote on a location Friday; the next nal article, the house supposedly was
from the portion of the crowd who 110 feet, 100 feet, 90 feet and 80 feet step will be developing a plan to be inspired by F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel
live in adjacent Bermuda Bay. Those to be constructed either near Town marketed to major cell phone carriers. “The Great Gatsby,” in which several
residents wanted alternative sites – Hall (wooded area) like a very heavily luxurious waterfront homes on Long
specifically the Bee Gum Point site branched pine tree or built as part of Once a commitment is obtained Island are described.
at the end of Fred Tuerk Drive – in- the Public Safety building (blended from AT&T, Verizon and others to
vestigated more deeply. in to look like it were built as a part put their equipment on the cell tow- “The home has 32-foot-tall ceilings,
of the existing building),” Stabe said. er, Datapath Consultants, which will a stained-glass bar, a soundproofed
Edwards did just that, as well as be building the tower and sharing movie theater and a 14-car garage.
looking at various sites in John’s Island, “While the ‘Bee Gum Point’ location proceeds with the Town, can pro- There’s also a solarium, a sky deck,
and published his study results in a is still considered a possible location, it ceed with final design and permit- a guesthouse, two elevators and a
would need to be higher and the car- ting efforts.  swimming pool with 14-carat gold in-
lays. The house is fronted by 205 feet
of private beach,” the article said.

Real estate agent William P.D. Pierce


8 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Luxury homes to be auctioned enhut castle in Indian River Shores. olson is tired of the long, drawn-out Foglia made the house a clean-lined
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 Sharon Nicholson first offered the drama of trying to sell her home. yet richly textured showplace of do-
mestic beauty and practicality.
of Coldwell Banker Residential Real Es- estate for sale in 2007, listing it for auc- “There is a very low $12.9 million
tate’s Miami Beach office, who had the tion with a starting bid of $33.5 million. reserve,” says Daniel DeCaro, owner of The 4-bedroom, 5-bath pool home
home listed for $19,900,000 when the She withdrew the house shortly before DeCaro Luxury Auctions. “The prop- has 4,200 square feet of air-condi-
Journal article was published, said the the auction, which never took place. erty has been listed, off and on, for the tioned space and 5,500 square feet
house would be worth more than $100 past 10 years and the owner is ready under roof. There is 94 lineal feet of
million if it was on the ocean in Miami. The following year, she listed the now to take a more aggressive ap- ocean frontage on an accreting beach
house with the South Florida office of proach toward achieving a sale.” that gets wider each year.
Palazzo Di Mare has loomed large the Corcoran Group for $24,900,000.
on the Vero Beach real estate scene That listing was withdrawn in 2009 and DeCaro says he founded his busi- Foglia sold the home for $3.5 million
since it was built – literally and figura- since then the house has been listed and ness in 1980 and does about 35 auc- in August 2015. Just two months later,
tively. Until the recent completion of delisted multiple times, with three dif- tions a year with an average selling the new owner listed it for sale with
a 40,000-square-foot home nearby, it ferent brokerages, at prices that gradu- price around $7 million, and that most Clark French and Cindy O’Dare, bro-
was one of the two biggest homes in the ally declined from $24.9 million to $17.5 of the homes he auctions do sell. ker associates at Premier Estate Prop-
32963 area – rivaling in size the Wack- million, the most recent asking price. erties, asking $3,995,000. That price
He said no bidders have signed up was later reduced to $3,795,000, the
The auction scheduled for 11 a.m. yet for the April 30 auction, but that is most recent listing price.
on Saturday, April 30 suggests Nich- not unusual, as bidders typically sign
on the dotted line shortly before a lux- Concierge’s second April 29 offering
ury home auction takes place. is located at 360 N. Blue Wave Lane on
the ocean in Ocean Pearl. The luxuri-
He admits, however, that “interest ous Mediterranean-style home sits on
is not what we would have expected. a 1.54-acre lot with 136 lineal feet of
Somebody is going to get a good deal. ocean frontage.
If someone bids close to $12.9, they
will probably get the house. I think . . . The house, built in 1994, has 13,522
[Nicholson] is ready to sell.” square feet under roof with 6 bedrooms,
8.5 baths, a 4-bay garage and resort-style
“It is a magnificent property. Where swimming pool.
else in Florida can you get a house
like this on five acres, beach to bay According to marketing material,
with a dock, for $12.9 million? If this the “serene and secluded residence
house was in Naples it would be worth captures the “spirit of an exotic tropi-
between $60 and $80 million. I am cal beach resort, cloaked in gorgeous
amazed something like this is avail- greenery . . . Island-inspired flair harmo-
able for this price,” DeCaro said. nizes with the seascape in the creative
vision of Architects Schlitt & Brenner,
Concierge’s two listings, which will P.A. and the exacting standards of cus-
be offered in absolute, no-reserve auc- tom builder Barth Construction. The
tions on Friday, April 29, have a com- end result is a seamless blend of beauty,
bined high-list price of $12.5 million. fine craftsmanship, and comfortable
luxury. There is an elevator, Crestron
The house at 980 Crescent Beach smart-house technology, and an auto-
Road in Castaway Cove is a masterpiece matic back-up generator that can pow-
of residential design developed by Joe er the entire residence.”
Foglia, builder of the 40,000-square-
foot house that eclipsed Palazzo Di The house has been listed for as
Mare to become the largest home on much as $8.9 million. It sold in 2014 for
the island last year. $5,450,000 to the same buyer that owns
980 Crescent Beach Road. That buyer
Foglia purchased the outdated Cast- listed it for sale with French and O’Dare
away Wave 1 oceanfront property on a in October 2015, at the same time the
.76-acre lot in 2014 for $2,150,000 and, Castaway Cove property was listed. The
by his estimate, put more than $1 mil- most recent listing price is $6.5 million.
lion into a dazzling renovation. Com-
bining traditional materials, includ- The owner of the two properties is
ing limestone, white oak and polished listed on county property records as Em-
plaster, in a modernist design to cre- poria LLC, which French describes as “a
ate a style he calls island transitional,

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 9


holding company for a local family that and be prepared to close within 30 days.
owns multiple properties inVero Beach.” Concierge Auctions has been on

French says the family is selling the the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing
two properties because “they were not U.S. companies for the past two
using the estates that were originally years, ranked No. 1826 in 2015 with
purchased as overflow homes for visit- 3-year growth pegged at 218 percent
ing family and friends.” and $13 million in revenue.

Laura Brady, president of Concierge Brady says the luxury auction model
Auctions, says there has been strong works well in good markets and bad
interest in the two properties. She ones, and that the company conduct-
expects there to be between five and ed 80 auctions in 2015 in 30 states and
eight bidders for each home. 10 foreign countries.

French agrees, calling interest “very Despite the mythology surrounding
high. The opportunity to purchase two “the barcode lady’s house,” William
extremely high-quality homes directly Nicholson was not the inventor of the
on the ocean for the buyer’s price is barcode. That honor belongs to Nor-
compelling.” man Joseph Woodland, who worked
on the Manhattan Project that devel-
Brady says having her auctions the oped the atomic bomb during WWII.
same weekend Palazzo Di Mare is of-
fered is a good thing. “The attention After the war, the 27-year-old col-
that all three auctions will bring to lege dropout was sitting on the sand
Vero Beach will benefit all properties. in front of parents’ house in Miami
Additionally, our properties are selling Beach when he dragged four fingers
without reserve and are not directly through the sand and suddenly visual-
comparable to theirs.” ized a Morse Code-like system of wide
and narrow stripes that could be used
Registration for the Concierge auc- to keep track of grocery story items.
tions closes on April 26, according to
French. Brady says buyers must pro- The Nicholsons founded their busi-
vide a $100,000 deposit for each house ness in 1958, and made a fortune capi-
they plan to bid on prior to the auction talizing on Woodland’s invention. 

Vero electric needs $14 million
in deferred updates and repairs

BY LISA ZAHNER when Vero put its lines underground,
it was not customary to house them in
Staff Writer conduit. That’s the practice now, but the
old buried lines were unprotected and
A much-anticipated Vero electric have begun to fail on a regular basis.
rate sufficiency study is out and the
bad news is that Vero’s reliability is Vero’s typical outage time in 2012
“trending down” and the power sys- was 57 to 58 minutes, but in 2014 that
tem needs more than $14 million in same typical outage time was 62 to
improvements over the next five years, 111 minutes. There’s no one reason
plus more staff to run the utility. for outages; they are due to a variety of
breakdowns in the transmission and
The good news is City Manager Jim distribution system – things that have
O’Connor thinks the city can do all been patched together or replaced as
that without raising rates – but the city they broke over the years, instead of
might need to borrow money. being replaced.

Consultants Power Services pre- “Over the next five years, $14 million
sented the study results to the city’s is an achievable number,” O’Connor
Utilities Commission last week, along said. “I think we can do that within the
with a five-year plan to catch up on rate structure that we currently have.”
new equipment and components that
Vero put off buying when managers The $14 million is above and be-
thought the utility would soon be sold yond what the city would pay to de-
to Florida Power & Light. commission Big Blue and re-house or
move the substation off the riverfront.
Now, O’Connor said, the city needs to
return to managing the utility as “a going With regard to staffing, Power Ser-
concern,” meaning that ratepayers will vices looked at similar electric systems
foot the bill for capital improvements across Florida and Vero had the high-
designed to last years or even decades. est number of customers per trans-
mission and distribution employee,
One aspect of the system that increas- with 756 customers per employee.
ingly tends to fail is the underground ca-
ble system that exists on the barrier island The range in other utilities was 250
and in certain other neighborhoods. customers per employee to 614 cus-
tomers per employee. 
Consultants explained that back

10 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


MY Flooding problem on Little Orchid Island gets attention

BY RAY MCNULTY but I don't have an answer. There's a new home built two lots to the south. there's anything they can do that will
Staff Writer nothing I can do." He was frustrated by the damage the make everybody happy.”

When Little Orchid Island resi- And, in fact, there might not be any- standing water has done to the soaked As Webster explained, there have al-
dent John Webster first called me last thing the county can do – nothing short and softened road. So he picked up his ways been drainage issues along Cathe-
month, he didn't much believe our of installing a sewage system that would phone, if only to have someone listen. dral Oaks Drive, where homes on the
conversation would do any good. be costly and take years to complete. west side of the street back up to the In-
"I know it's a tough problem, and dian River Lagoon and residents rely on
Why would he? Webster, though, had grown weary there might not be a solution," Webster wells and septic systems, but drainage
He already had taken his complaint after more than a year of seeing pic- said of the soggy mess along the tree- didn't become a problem until last year.
to the county offices, where an engi- turesque Cathedral Oaks Drive, where lined, tenth-of-a-mile-long, 10-foot-
neering inspector supervisor told him, he has owned a home since 1978, cov- wide street off Live Oak Drive, not far That's when his neighbor, Kathryn
"I know all about it and it's a problem, ered by large puddles and occasional- from the Environmental Learning Cen- Brown, a seasonal resident who lives
ly flooding created by the run-off from ter on Wabasso Island. "I don't know if two lots to the south ofWebster, knocked
down the small house she owned and
built a larger one – construction that
required changing the elevation of the
property to meet the county Health De-
partment's well and septic standards.

Webster estimated that roughly 4
feet of fill was brought in, and he said
the raised elevation has turned a mi-
nor drainage issue into a significant
run-off problem. Webster’s neighbor,
Sheila Clancy, shares his concerns.

"This road has never been done
right, probably because it's such a
small road with so little traffic, but the
water just sits there and the road is in
pretty bad shape," Clancy said.

That's no exaggeration.
I've been out to Cathedral Oaks Drive
twice in the past couple of weeks. The
problem is real.
And that's exactly what I told Rich Sz-
pryka, the county's assistant public works
director, who responded immediately.
Not only did Szpryka drive up to
Cathedral Oaks Drive to examine the
problem – he went there twice, once
meeting on the street with the resi-
dents before meeting them again in
his office last week – but he also did
something that surprised Webster.
He showed that he cared.
"Frankly, I never expected to get this
type of response from anyone in gov-
ernment," Webster said, adding that
Szpryka told him a county building
ordinance prohibits the drainage of
water from one property onto anoth-
er. "He might not be able to fix it, but
at least he's trying. I honestly believe
he'll do the best he can."
With a very tough situation.
"I've got to figure out a solution," Sz-
pryka said. "There's not going to be an
easy one. There might not be one at all.
I'll do whatever I can, but there might be
nothing I can do. And I told them that."
Webster and Clancy aren't expecting
a miracle. They said they're impressed
with Szpryka's concern and efforts.
They said they hope he can come up
with a solution but understand that, if
one comes at all, it won't be quickly.
"But it's nice to know,” said Web-
ster, “that somebody cared enough to
listen." 

12 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Fore! Golf croquet highlights Wine and Wickets

Kevin and Elizabeth McGill, Ed Filusch, Carolyn and Jay Antenen. PHOTOS: PHIL SUNKEL

BY MARY SCHENKEL home equipment, but these were nar-
Staff Writer row competitive-sized hoops; wickets
in American vernacular.
The expression may actually be
derived from the game of cricket, The delightful afternoon was orga-
but participants in an inaugu- nized by Cathy Filusch, a John’s Island
ral Wine and Wickets event last Club member and president-elect of
Tuesday at the John’s Island the Education Foundation of Indian
West Club frequently found River County board of directors.
themselves in a bit of a sticky
wicket as they attempted to “We’re always looking for some-
master the game of golf cro- thing different to do as a friend-raiser
quet. Most had played basic that also ties back to our mission,” ex-
croquet before using the wide plained Education Foundation Execu-
wire hoops of family-friendly tive Director Cynthia Falardeau. “It’s
all about community and building re-


Wanda Lincoln and Richard Chadwell. Erin Grall and Michael Bielecki.

14 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Cynthia Falardeau, Danny Huneycutt and Cathy Filusch Carolyn Antenen with Jim and Justine Kovacs.

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 courts cut down to size to enable mul-
tiple games to be played at once. Many
lationships for our schools.” took to the courts wearing the tradi-
Golf croquet has seen a recent tional whites while sipping civilly on
wine; taking a break now and then to
surge in popularity, particularly at lo- also nibble on fruit and cheese.
cal golf clubs which have the space
for large courts (105-feet by 84-feet), Participants were given expert in-
grounds keepers to keep the lawn flat struction from the club croquet pro,
and smooth, the purchasing power for Danny Huneycutt.
high-quality equipment, and members
with enough time on their hands to “He is the national champion in
master the game. both singles and doubles,” said Filusch,
speaking of Huneycutt’s ranking as the
But Tuesday’s games were played USCA (United States Croquet Associa-
strictly for fun on regulation-sized

Sue Scully and Joe Olekszyk. Funded by a grant
from the JICSL, the
tion) 2015 American Croquet National program provides
Champion. “It’s growing all through summertime school
the nation. Everybody’s turning to cro- readiness instruction
quet golf.” to eligible students
enrolled in the Volun-
“I think this is such a fun thing to do,” tary Pre-K program to
said Wanda Lincoln, watching with a help them transition
big smile even as her ball was blasted into kindergarten.
out of bounds by another player. “That means we’ll have
more children prepared
“There’s been such enthusiasm for for kindergarten when school
this,” said Falardeau. begins the second week of August,”
said Falardeau. “Last year it increased
“The John’s Island Foundation and kindergarten readiness to 85 percent;
the Service League (John’s Island the state average is 65 percent. We’ve
Community Service League) have reduced the summer slide from nine
been longtime supporters of the mis- weeks to one week.”
sion. What we’re most excited about is The Education Foundation also re-
our STEP into Kindergarten program.” cently received a grant from the John’s
Island Foundation to give iPads to 50
non-verbal children at the Wabasso
“It’s a project called Speak Up,”
Falardeau said.
“We’re giving them a voice through
an iPad and we’re also preparing
them for a better future.” 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 15


Cathy Filusch, Joyce and Mack Singleton and Karen Fox.

Patrice Stowe and Gail Kinney.

Kim Stubbs and Gail Moloney.

16 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Over the ‘moon’: Celebrating progress on literacy

BY MARY SCHENKEL mill out of junkyard scraps. Barbara Hammond and Ray Oglethorpe.
Staff Writer Kamkwamba, author of “The Boy

William Kamkwamba was not Who Harnessed the Wind,” was the
just tilting at windmills when he re- inspirational guest speaker at The
solved to attack a very real adversary Learning Alliance Gala last Monday
in his native village near Malawi, Af- evening at the Vero Beach Museum
rica. Confronting the issue of pover- of Art. Roughly 250 teachers, school
ty head-on, Kamkwamba, aged 14 at administrators, philanthropists, vol-
the time, embarked on a seemingly unteers and community leaders had
quixotic task – constructing a wind- been invited to celebrate “The Power
of the Moonshot Moment Journey:

Lucinda Gedeon with Art and Mary Ellen Scutro. Martinna and Charlie Dill. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE

2018 and Beyond.” ship with the IRC School District, led
Guests gathered in the Buck Atrium by former Superintendent Fran Ad-
ams and current Superintendent Mark
for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, where Rendell; philanthropic support led by
they were entertained by the wonder- generous founders; and collaborations
ful African musicians and dancers with numerous other agencies and
of Ozilly Connections before moving nonprofits.
into the Holmes Great Hall for dinner
catered by Elizabeth D. Kennedy & Co. Hammond shared that she recently
had occasion to look up the word ab-
Now 29, Kamkwamba’s thirst for racadabra and found that it means,
knowledge led him to the local library “with my words I create.”
after famine struck his village and he
was forced to drop out of school. See- “What we’re learning is that if we
ing windmills in a book, he was in- are willing to put a wish out there
spired to “create magic” by building and declare our intentions, that we
“electric wind.” Villagers called him can create the things that we thought
crazy, but his ingenuity and determi- were impossible. This journey is a
nation won out. His first makeshift lifelong journey and the power is in
windmill provided enough energy to this room right now. The magic is
run four lightbulbs and two radios, right here.”
but that was just the start. Subsequent
windmills and a solar-powered water “It does take a village to make the
pump that brought the first water to change that we are doing right now,”
his village ensued, followed by world- said VBMA CEO Lucinda Gedeon.
wide fame, numerous appearances, a “We at the museum are so, so pleased
TED Talk and a documentary about to partner with The Learning Alli-
his life. In 2014 Kamkwamba gradu- ance and the School District and the
ated from Dartmouth College. other literary leaders. We’re part of
the process, all of us in this room.
Just like Kamkwamba, whose Working together, anything goes.”
dreams of a better life put him on a
path to a journey beyond even his wild- “We in Indian River County have
est imaginings, the dreams of three taken on the responsibility of fixing
parents have since developed into a the problem. We’re focused on fixing
county-wide initiative now drawing big, big problems,” said Oglethorpe.
the attention of an entire nation. He, Hammond and Woody recently
made a presentation in Washing-
A video presentation highlighted ton, D.C. to leading educators and
the many accomplishments over the researchers around the country, and
six-year journey toward the Moonshot he said the response was tremen-
Moment goal of achieving 90 percent dous. “I’m so proud of this commu-
literacy by third grade by 2018 through nity for not allowing these children
effective TLC leadership, led by co- to fail. We really do have a chance
founders Barbara Hammond, Liz to become the literacy capital of the
Woody and Ray Oglethorpe; a partner- United States.” 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 17


Warren and Virginia Schwerin. Molly Hart and Mike Griffin.


Herb Fitz Gibbon with Kjestine and Peter Bijur.

Cindy Emerson, Caroline Barker, Adam Faust and Diane Fannin.

William Kamkwamba and Liz Woody Jennifer Croom and Hope Woodhouse.

Gil Peirce, Laura Shucart, Bradley and Ann Jones, and Erica Peirce.

18 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Access to art expands thanks to ‘Circle’ of friends

BY MARY SCHENKEL Becky Torbin, Linda Phillips and Laura Moss. Judy Balph, Mariam Michael, Leah Tompkins and Bonnie Wilson. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Staff Writer Nancy Edmiston and Susan Smith.
Mackie Duch and Lee Albro. Bernadette Longden, Joanne Kudzma and Diane Rose.
At their final meeting last Wednes-
day afternoon, members of The Cir-
cle, a small but growing collection of
women who provide financial sup-
port to the educational outreach
programs of the Vero Beach Museum
of Art, voted to spread their funding
out over several initiatives this year.
Circle members annually contribute
$250 or more to supplement museum
programs geared toward children and
adults who might otherwise have lit-
tle or no access to the arts.

Having narrowed the field of final-
ists to four through a series of site vis-
its and earlier votes, the group opted
to fully fund the Arts Integration and
Cultural Literacy Program in part-
nership with Indian River Academy;
a new STEAM (Science, Technol-
ogy, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics)
Program giving elementary school
teachers the tools to integrate STEAM
subjects in their classrooms; and the
Fellsmere Adopt-a-School Program in

Lucinda Gedeon, Shanti Sanchez, Dawn Miller and Marshall Adams.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

partnership with Fellsmere Elemen-
tary School.

The remaining funds are being
granted toward the cost of Art for
Health’s Sake, a three-part initia-
tive that includes Afternoon at the
Museum in partnership with the Al-
zheimer & Parkinson Assoc.; Artful
Engagements in partnership with
the Senior Resource Association; and
the Intergenerational Art Program in
partnership with Teen Challenge and
Hibiscus House.

“We have $38,310 in grant money
to spend tonight. Even more exciting
than that is our new total from when
we first started, which is $192,429,”
said outgoing chairwoman Susan
Smith. “Our membership is at a new
high of 127 and we already have new
members signed up for next year.
We’re moving ahead and our mem-
bership is growing.”

As votes were being tallied, Smith
recognized Lee Albro and Mackie
Duch, long-standing members of
the steering committee who were re-
tiring, thanking them for a job well
done. She then turned the meeting
over to new chairwoman Nancy Ed-
miston, who thanked Smith for her
leadership before introducing the
2016-17 steering committee: Laura
Moss, Holly Lentini, Cindy Binder,
Becky Torbin, Jan Calfee and Mariam

“Even though I’ve been visiting the
museum since 1990, I really didn’t
appreciate the full extent of the mu-
seum’s involvement with the commu-
nity until I became a volunteer here.
And most especially until I became a
member of The Circle, when I really
began to understand the breadth and
depth of that involvement with the
community,” said Edmiston. “It’s an
impressive organization and I’m very
proud to be a part of it.”

Edmiston invited VBMA CEO Lu-
cinda Gedeon to speak to the group,
crediting her for spearheading that
community engagement through her
strategy, vision and leadership.

“I have such admiration for each
and every one of you and gratitude
for your commitment to education,
because that’s what this is all about,”
said Gedeon. “We have seen this body
of women come together to say the
community matters; everybody in the
community matters. What we’re say-
ing is the arts, culture, all of it make
life worth living; it makes life vibrant.
The arts are important and you bring
that to the world by virtue of your par-
ticipation. I can’t thank you enough.”

Gedeon also commended the mu-
seum’s wonderful staff, boards, vol-
unteers and membership, adding, “It’s
been a fabulous, fabulous 12 years.” 

20 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Ducks Unlimited raises big bucks for conservation

Staff Writer

The money raised at the Ducks Un-

limited Indian River Chapter’s annual

benefit dinner last Monday at the Quail

Valley River Club, will help fund the T.M.

Goodwin Waterfowl Management Area

in Fellsmere, the 3,870-acre St. John’s

wetland restoration project that they 34
manage in collaboration with the Flor-

ida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Com-

mission. Although many equate the

organization solely with bird hunts, the

group is actually deeply involved in the

conservation, restoration and preserva- 1
tion of local wildlife wetlands.

The mood at the event was outdoorsy

and casual, with the aroma of barbeque

wafting through the air.

“We have had a roast pig in the smoker

since nine o’clock this morning and are

just pulling it out now,” said Executive

Chef Joe Faria during the cocktail hour.

“That has been a tradition for this group

for the last five years we have been do-

ing it.” 2 5
His menu was a carnivore’s dream,



1. Meghan Skirvin and Josh Frasier. 2. Chris
Marine, George Tadrowski and Steve Owen.
3. Hamilton Arden and David Nolte. 4. Nicky
Szapary and Chef Joe Faria. 5. Robson Diniz,
Chuck Martineau, Darryl Jacobs and Edward
Jacobs. 6. Chad Smith, Jarrod Owen and Jared
Smith. 7. Tom Lockwood and George Hamner Jr.
8. Jordan Hutchinson, Frank Guettler, Adam

8 Hutchinson and Anthony Guettler. PHOTOS: LEAH DUBOIS

M HASTERS OF featuring red stag deer and southern Vice Chair David Nolte. “Counties can
THE OUSE fried quail, in addition to the pork. “We buy land but the key is managing it.
finish it with a dessert buffet and we also There is a famous saying in Ducks which
772.231.4222 • 2801 Ocean Drive, Suite 302 pass little ice cream bars as something is, ‘Conservation without money is just
Vero Beach, FL • www.HGHowleArchitects.com772.231.4222  2801Ocean Drive, Suite 302  Vero Beach, FL 32963  ww fun,” added Faria. conversation.’ ”

The local chapter is considered one of But hunting was also on the minds of
the Top 100 wetland conservationists in many attendees who purchased raffle
the U. S., an honor given to the top fun- tickets for a host of prizes, the ultimate a
draisers out of the 2,600 chapters in the Beretta 12-gauge shotgun.
nation. Ducks Unlimited International
was founded in 1937 and this chapter, Steve Owen commented that as his
formed roughly 40 years ago, boasts al- twin sons were growing up, hunting had
most 1,000 members. always been a great way to spend time
with them, noting that Jarrod enjoyed
“Ducks Unlimited is raising money hunting more than Jake. “Jarrod and I
for wetlands all over the country,” said both love quail and duck hunting and

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 21


just enjoy hanging out with the guys. We hunters are conservationists and are how to shoot a gun properly and the im- given us,” said Long. “It’s beautiful even
hunt up in Fellsmere at the Stick Marsh very respectful of nature. If you look at portance of being conservationists, too.” if you don’t shoot. You can take a cam-
and go up to Missouri once a year,” said the makeup of our organization, it’s a era and take pictures. It’s just wonderful
Owen. very unusual group because you have Sissy Long, a DU member, said she first thing in the morning and the dawn
people from all walks of life and all ages. usually hunts with friends and her hus- starts breaking and the ducks start fly-
“It’s a very interesting group com- We try to raise the young ones – we call band, but her first memories were of go- ing. It’s just a beautiful way to be one
prised of environmentalists and duck them green wings – by teaching them ing out with her father. with everything.” 
hunters,” said Tom Lockwood. “Most
“It’s just being a part of what God has

22 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Rain can't dampen spirits at Relay for Life event


2 35

67 89


1. Kristi Challenor, Jeanne Fallis, Zac Courtenay, Blane Perez and Heather A small but enthusiastic group of survivors, caregivers and supporters braved the elements Friday
evening from 6 p.m. until midnight, donning galoshes and ponchos for Relay for Life of Indian River
Berlin. 2. Amber Gwinnup, Jenny Davis and Alla Kramer. 3. Scully Welsh Beaches, the first of three county relays to benefit the American Cancer Society. Following opening
ceremonies, with guest speakers Alla Kramer, Dr. James Grichnik and survivor Susan LeDuc, pur-
Cancer Center participants. 4. Crystal, Dante and Anthony Ventresca, with ple-clad survivors were cheered on as they took the traditional first lap along the winding, tree-lined
paths of Riverside Park. Money raised at Relay for Life events supports cancer research, education
Julie Norris and April Baker. 5. Angela Waldrop, Steven Zeuner and Elizabeth and prevention programs. Relay for Life of North Indian River takes place Apr. 22 at Sebastian River
High School, and Relay for Life of Indian River is on Apr. 29 at Vero Beach High School. 
Sorensen. 6. Sandy Webster with guest speaker Susan LeDuc. 7. Jose

Martinez, Noah Williams and Blaze Loutfi delivering bouquets to caregivers.

8. Richard Basso, Sheryl Coppel-Sallow, Fran Basso, Spring Hanna, Larry

Macke, Eileen Mehta, Curt and Sylvia Swanson. 9. Elizabeth White with

daughter Addison. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE

24 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


You gotta believe! New Boys & Girls Club sparkles

BY CHRISTINA TASCON afternoon. Board members, funders
Staff Writer and staff were joined by city and county
officials, community members and oth-
It took two years from conception to ers who helped make the dream a reality
fruition, but the doors to the Boys & Girls for the official ribbon-cutting ceremony
Clubs of Indian River County’s remark- and tours of the spacious new facility.
able new 14,000-square-foot expansion
facility, adjacent to the existing Vero The impressive new building sits on
Beach Boys & Girls Club on 17th Avenue, the site of a county jail turned city recre-
were formally opened last Wednesday ation center and storage facility. The ex-
tension more than doubles the adjacent

Bill Munn, Bruce Hammonds, Judy Munn and Elizabeth Thomason. PHOTOS: LEAH DUBOIS

Jessica Schmitt and Allie Martinez. there,’ ” said Vero Beach Club Director
Toccara Byrd. “We started writing letters
12,000-square-foot facility and includes to Ms. E. [Thomason] to see if we could
the Jake Owen Performing Arts Cen- get it done. What I didn’t tell them is that
ter, featuring a music room and dance although I believed in them, I did not
studio, two large classrooms, a gymna- believe we could make it happen. This
sium and plenty of outdoor recreational shows our kids that all they need is one
space. idea and to work really hard to make
something happen.”
“On this piece of property there was
an old building that was not being Board co-chairman Bill Munn said he
used anymore,” said BGCIRC Execu- was happy that 125 children can now
tive Director Elizabeth Thomason. “The come off their wait list, keeping them
county was looking to sell the property off the streets and moving in a positive
and our board co-chair, Jay McNamara, direction.
and Louis Schacht, who was board chair
of St. Francis Manor, went to the county “We have a lot of people to thank,”
commission and asked them to add the said Munn. “Because the county leased
property to each of our current leases so us the land for $1 per year and our do-
we could expand and take in 125 more nors have completely paid for the build-
children.” ing, all of the fundraising money we now
receive can go directly to our programs.”
The tight 3-to-2 vote to lease the 3.8
acres enabled the expansion of both Munn also praised Edlund, Driten-
neighboring properties – the new build- bass and Binkley Architects, MVB En-
ing for the children and additional gineering and Proctor Construction for
residential housing for the low-income “coming in on time and under budget”
seniors at St. Francis Manor. The demo- to finish the project.
lition and construction of the BGC facil-
ity, funded through a $4 million capital “I call them the A-Team because work-
campaign, took one year to complete. ing with them was pure joy. Everything
should go so easily,” added Thomason.
“I am reminded of the day I was talk-
ing to some teens here and they said, Munn said the need for after-school
‘You know we need that building over programs in Indian River County was
great, citing that 60 percent of house-
holds are single-parent homes and more
than 40 percent of school-aged children
live in households under the $20,000
poverty level.

“This building isn’t just about bricks
and mortar and money,” said Munn.
“I want you to remember that on this
property there used to be a jail that
held adults that strayed in life. All of
them were children at some point who
learned the wrong things as they grew.
We have taken a jail and turned it into
chance and opportunity for the children
to learn to become meaningful adults
who will contribute to the community
and have a better life.” 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 25


1 2 3
5 6
4 8 9



1. Sherm Hotchkiss, Elizabeth Thomason, Bill
Munn and Toccara Byrd. 2. Greg Kimbrough and
Toccara Byrd. 3. Jaquan Pledger, Dr. Mark Rendell
and Davison Louissaint. 4. Boys and Girls Club
kids Elena, Ryker, Garbriella and Brianna. 5. Bill
Munn gives a thank-you speech. 6. David Gonzales,
Anthony Borzello and Cory Kouns. 7. Karla and John
Spooner. 8. Capt. Kevin Martin, Chief David Currey
and Jim O’Connor. 9. Todd Howder, Todd Krajewski,
Don Tolliver and John Binkley. 10 David and Rae
Kelly with Sherm Hotchkiss.

26 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Holman diamond glitters for Robinson tribute game

Staff Writer

Historic Dodgertown was energized Player Brad Kunz high-fives little leaguers. PHOTOS: LEAH DUBOIS Manatees pitcher Eric Hanhold.
with memories last Friday evening at
the third annual Jackie Robinson Cel- works display at the conclusion of the seven United Way 2015-16 Campaign
ebration Game at Holman Stadium to game, which saw a 4-0 win by the Mets. co-chairs, took the opportunity to thank
benefit the United Way of Indian River the community for donating more than
County. The game pitted the Brevard Opening ceremonies began with $3 million to the current campaign.
County Manatees against the St. Lu- Minor League President/CEO Pat The United Way hoped to raise another
cie Mets, but more importantly honored O’Conner welcoming guests and recog- $25,000 that night from game tickets
the 69th anniversary of Robinson’s 1947 nizing April 15 as a very special day – the and T-shirt sales.
debut with the Brooklyn Dodgers as the
first African-American player in the Ma- Once players took to the field, fans
jor Leagues. Robinson led by example settled in to once again enjoy a beautiful
throughout his outstanding career, al- night of baseball in their beloved Hol-
ways demonstrating courage and gra- man Stadium. As the beer flowed and
ciousness in the face of diversity. the smell of grilling hot dogs filled the
air, nostalgia was as prevalent as cheers
Afternoon lightning alerts had officials for the teams.
worried that they might have to cancel
the game. But Mother Nature must be a “We wish that Peter O’Malley and Ter-
baseball fan because she cleared away ry Seidler were here because they’re the
the thunderclouds just minutes before reason that Dodgertown is open right
organizers opened the gates, enabling now,” said Craig Callan, Dodgertown
more than 4,600 excited fans to come vice president. “We always look for-
pouring in for the celebration. Not only ward to any opportunity to have the lo-
was it a perfect night for a ballgame, fans cal people come out and enjoy Historic
were also treated to a spectacular fire- Dodgertown.”

The Manatees mascot waves to kids on the sideline. “It’s awesome to be back here and
watching a game,” said Randy Hamrick
day Robinson broke the color barrier Jr., a pitcher for the Ottawa Champions
and integrated Major League Baseball of the Can-Am League, whose father
for the first time. played here with the Dodgers. Robin-
son had also played in Canada – on the
“It was not only good for baseball, but Dodgers’ International League squad –
it was good for the country. It changed where he proved himself before being
the world in a better way and so we cele- brought to the Majors.
brate that wholeheartedly tonight,” said
O’Conner. “When they got rid of Dodgertown it
kind of hurt because my dad and I al-
He and Florida State League President ways used to come and watch games
Ken Carson then introduced Jackie Rob- together. Dodgertown was our thing. It’s
inson Foundation scholarship recipient nice to have some teams back in here
Edmond Charette, who told the crowd, playing again,” said Hamrick.
“As a scholar it gives me the opportunity
to be part of the Jackie Robinson legacy. “This is such a special event, not
As of 2015-16 the foundation is support- only for Vero Beach and minor league
ing 226 scholars and has donated $4.5 baseball, but what Jackie Robinson
million this year.” did all those years ago changed the
face of the game. To be able to be a
Pregame ceremonies also included part of this celebration means a lot to
a proclamation by Indian River County us,” said O’Conner. 
Commissioner Bob Solari designating
the date as Jackie Robinson Day. Janie
Hoover and Sue Thompkins, two of the

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 27


The Manatees fell short during Friday’s game.

Manatees batter Ned Yost.

Mike McCullers, Kyle Schacht and Randy Hamrick.

Manatees players share team spirit with little Edwin Maysonet is greeted by little leaguers
leaguers from all over the county. at the start of the game.

Michael Kint, Jeanie Graves-Hoover and Sue Tompkins. Chris Pensch, Jennifer Frederick and George Blythe.

Mallory Padgett, Emma Romans and Shannon Baggett. Charles Julian, Bob Edmiston and Thomas Edmiston.

28 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


‘Coupe’ du jour: Classic cars highlight Wheels & Keels

Staff Writer

Adaptability is the name of the Vince DeTurris, Gavin Ruotolo and George O'Malley. PHOTOS: PHIL SUNKEL Missi Rothenberger with Sean and Samantha Kowalski.
game when it comes to outdoor
events, something organizers of the Edward’s School and the “keels” cleared up as attendees began to ar- Stu Keiller and Charlie Pope.
sixth annual Wheels & Keels Collect- remained docked or trailered at rive. Watching as owners polished
ible Car and Boat Show discovered the Moorings. Attached golf carts the rain off their beauties, Ruotolo granddaddy of them all, a 1926 Ford
last Saturday. As in previous years, formed efficient trolleys to continu- said with a pragmatic shrug of his Model T. On the water, the Blue Mist,
the show was to be held on the ally ferry folks from one venue to the shoulder, “They know we live in Flor- built in 1917 and designed as a per-
beautiful first fairway of the Moor- other. ida and we can’t control the weather. sonal commuter craft to ferry a fam-
ings Yacht and Country Club. How- If it wasn’t for all the volunteers and ily from Long Island to Manhattan,
ever, when heavy rains put a kibosh Early showers put a slight damp- the staff at the Moorings we could was attracting lots of attention.
on that idea, Plan B was quickly put er on the show, but then the skies never put this together. We have ap-
into place. proximately 24 volunteers plus all “There were three made; this is
the staff at the Moorings Yacht and the last one on the water,” said own-
“Yesterday we realized we couldn’t Country Club.” er Allen Zwickel, who has turned it
use the Moorings Club. We couldn’t into a live-aboard. “It’s my house.”
put cars on the grass and we had too The Wheels & Keels Show, support-
many cars to use the parking lot at ed by Hemmings Motor News & Mo- Proceeds from this year’s show
the Moorings. Saint Edward’s was tor Trend, and sponsored by, among will benefit the Youth Sailing Foun-
gracious enough to let us use their others, Porsche of Melbourne and dation of Indian River County, The
facilities,” said Wheels and Keels McLaren Palm Beach, was judged by Arc of Indian River County, the Indi-
Foundation President Gavin Ruoto- a dozen experts under the guidance an River Rowing Club and the Navy
lo. of Chief Judge Joseph Vicini. The SEAL Trident House, a quiet refuge
task could not have been an easy in Sebastian for families of returning
In the end, they used both venues. one considering the enviable assort- or deceased SEALs.
Friday evening’s dinner and auction ment of classic, sport, exotic and an-
continued as planned at the Moor- tique cars and luxury boats. “All these people brought their
ings, and on Saturday the “wheels” cars out and sat through the rain; I
took over the parking lot of Saint Some of the older vehicles on dis- give them a lot of credit,” said YSF’s
play included a 1937 Packard Coupe, Chris Pope. 
1931 Bentley Roadster, 1929 Dodge
Brothers Senior Roadster and the

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 29


Trace and Peggy Della Porta, Pat Cappo, Ray Della Porta and Anthony Delia. Bo and Catherine Prillaman Louise and Mac Campbell with Liz and Lucy Cartland and Kate Anderson.

30 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Nice catch! CCA bash lures a boatload of anglers

BY CHRISTINA TASCON Mallory Leach, Lange Sykes and Carolyn Sykes. “We do a very good job of having a
Staff Writer seat at the table to discuss the econom-
of fishermen fighting for fishermen.” extreme danger to that popu- ic impact of our constituency,” said
The Vero Beach Country Club was In addition to conservation, the or- lation and are working with Sykes. “We are doing a lot of great work
awash with anglers last Thursday at the FWC to come up with a less to promote and protect recreational
the Treasure Coast Coastal Conser- ganization supports greater fishing stringent ban. fish management on a state level here.
vation Association’s Annual Banquet rules leniency, which Wilson calls a And of course, CCA is working as a na-
and Auction. The recreational anglers “hot button issue” for the anglers. For “The CCA supports the FWC tional organization as well.”
and boaters, commercial fishermen instance, the Florida Fish and Wild- quite a bit and constantly as-
and fishing guides in attendance all life Commission currently limits Red sisting us. We are working with The evening was also a fun way for
support CCA in one common interest Snapper catches to six days each year. them as well on education and members to connect and be remind-
– keeping waterways clean and full of The CCA does not believe there is an outreach,” said FWC Lt. An- ed of why they joined CCA in the first
marine life through conservation. thony Zamonis at the event. place. The plethora of fishing gear and
boats out front had the anglers itching
During the cocktail reception, CCA Another area of concern is the pol- to get back on the water and drop a line
members and their families wandered lution caused by water releases from
through three rooms filled with raffle, Lake Okeechobee into the Indian River. Skip Lyshon and Will Dyer.
silent- and live-auction items, each
with a thematic connection to boat- “Right now we are lobbying against to catch the next big fish.
ing and fishing. Everything from Path- water being pumped in from the center “I love fishing,” said young Will Trip-
finder boats to a $19,000 Yamaha 300hp of the state to our waters creating pol-
boat motor were on display, with excit- lution. Without the lagoon we will have son, who came with a slew of family
ed fishermen circling the tables. nothing here,” said Wilson. members. “My grandpa brought me a
fishing rod when I was just 2 days old
“Everything we do is based on the Lange Sykes, vice president of CCA and said ‘this boy’s going to be a fisher-
lagoon; it’s our waterway,” said Jason Florida and president of the Treasure man.’ And I am.”
Wilson, this year’s banquet chair. “This Coast chapter, spoke at the dinner to
is for the Oyster Mat Projects and espe- bring members up to date on various Tripson was grinning ear-to-ear af-
cially for conservation of the Treasure issues. Sykes has been lobbying on be- ter winning two fishing poles in the
Coast Indian River. It’s an organization half of the CCA and their grassroots night’s raffle and it was a sure bet he
mission to preserve marine resources, would be on the river that weekend.
claiming the recreational sector is a
bigger economic driver than the com- Money raised also helps fund legal
mercial sector. expenses, court fees and operational
expenses. Although the organiza-
tion is predominantly run by volun-
teers, there are six paid staff mem-
bers to keep the behind-the-scenes
work on track. 

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 31


2 1



1. Susan Blaxill-Deal and Scott Deal with Dr. Ted Perry. 2. Cassie and Jeff Schlitt. 3. Joe and Denise Corr.
4. Mike Sexton, Will Tripson and Rob Tripson. 5. George Hamner with Helen and Charlie Johnson.
6. Jason Wilson, Sean Harvey and Tommy Hammond. 7. Andy Zamonis, Chester Clem, John Mitchell
and John Dalbora. PHOTOS: LEAH DUBOIS

32 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

9 14




16 17

8. Andrew and Nikki McNally with Megan Harvey. 9. Terry and Ana Southard with Kevin Neubauer.
10. Brian Shambo with Brittany and Corey Madon. 11. Heather Auchter, Brianna Bergamino and Jen Neubauer.
12. Jane and Steve Pomfret with Steve Seagraves. 13. Stephanie McCorkle and Derek Beard. 14. Rob Atkins,
Amy Gross and Kim Atkins. 15. Mike Lue, Mimi and Mike Amato and Tina and Dan Beard. 16. Ryan and
Jamie Bloss. 17. Dennis Koerner and Sharon Sexton.

34 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Riverside’s ‘Sister Act’ is superior entertainment

BY ELLEN FISCHER Dan'yelle Williamson shakes not only its discipline, but also
Correspondent as the main character its Mother Superior’s sense of purpose.
Deloris Van Cartier. Deloris transforms the nuns’ choir into
Riverside Theatre’s rollicking produc- a hip-shaking singing act that packs the
tion of “Sister Act” is bound to entertain. PHOTOS BY PHIL SUNKEL pews and saves the convent from bank-
Set in the late 1970s, there’s never a se- ruptcy. In return, the nuns’ example of
date moment, thanks to its high-energy as familiar to theater-goers as “Cosi fan selflessness brings about devil-may-
singing, disco dancing, stage magic and tutti” or “The Barber of Seville” is to ha- care Deloris’ transformation. Oh, and
glittering finale. The whole is punctu- bitués of the opera house. the bad guy gets vanquished, too.
ated by synchronized light shows (the
work of scenic designer Peter Barbieri Jr. Here goes, anyway: A spunky African- The musical has the general idea and
and lighting designer Jack Mehler) that American lounge singer named Deloris a few scenes in common with its cine-
take their vertigo-inducing cue in part Van Cartier runs afoul of her gangster matic forebear. Of course, dialog in the
from the flashing dance floor of “Satur- lover when she inadvertently witnesses movie is replaced by songs in the play,
day Night Fever.” a murder. Fearing for her life, she runs written by longtime collaborators Alan
to the police, who hide her in a convent Menken, the composer, and Glenn Slat-
Based on the 1992 comedy film of until she can testify in court. At the con- er, who wrote the lyrics. The script was
the same name, “Sister Act” the musi- vent Deloris’ wildly unorthodox behav- written by Cheri and Bill Steinkellner.
cal premiered at the Pasadena Play- ior does not tip the sisters off to her true
house in Pasadena, California, in 2006. identity; according to her cover story, Conspicuously missing from the mu-
An original production opened in Lon- she is Sister Mary Clarence, a transfer sical is the intimidating figure of Vince
don’s West End in 2009; a 2011 revi- from a “progressive convent.” LaRocca (played in the film by a grim
sion on Broadway (the model for the Harvey Keitel), who is the reason lounge
current Riverside Production) ran for The real nuns soon follow her ir- singer Deloris finds herself in a con-
561 performances. The show has since repressible example, bringing a new- vent in the first place. Although you just
been seen in Europe, South America found boisterousness to the cloister that know beforehand that Whoopi Gold-
and Asia, and has been translated into
German, Spanish and Japanese, among
other languages.

By now the storyline of “Sister Act” is

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 35


berg as Deloris will not wind up dead were problematic on another level.
at the end, the film has its moments of One line tossed off in Act One by De-
high anxiety: When will mob boss Vince loris was in response to Officer South-
catch on to Deloris’ hideout? What will er’s request that she disguise herself.
happen then? “You mean I gotta go incognegro?”
The predominantly white audience
The musical is having none of that. at Riverside on opening night roared
Like Deloris’ remake of the convent with appreciation at this; I squirmed.
choir into a Vegas-ready act, the the- Thinking about it the day after, I find
ater version throws away all pretense the line unworthy of Deloris, who
of having a story to tell. If Mother Su- might not know what “postulant”
perior wanted to put butts in pews, means but wouldn’t stoop to a min-
Broadway wanted the same in its seats. strel-show malapropism like that.
At least Mother Superior did point out
in Act Two that the church had a nobler Deloris’ sister nuns, giggly optimist
mission to bear in mind. Not that any- Mary Patrick (Melissa Joy Hart), choir
one listened. director Mary Lazarus (Diane Findlay)
and nun-in-training Mary Robert (Lau-
Broadway also seems to have thought ra Giknis) are modeled after the charac-
a less villainous boyfriend might have ters in the movie. Mary Patrick is plump,
broader appeal than Keitel’s Vince. It her face contorted into an invariable
also made him black. Renamed Curtis rictus; Mary Lazarus is a cawing, mid-
Jackson in the musical and played here dle-aged pessimist who looks like she
by Philip Michael Baskerville, Curtis is was weaned on a pickle; and innocent
more suave than menacing; more fash- Mary Roberts is so painfully shy that she
ion plate than Mafioso. I did not think seems to want to sink through the floor.
for a moment that Curtis would actually
hurt Deloris, although his solo number, The trio and their sister nuns let “Sis-
“When I Find My Baby,” makes it per- ter Clarence” know exactly what she is
fectly clear that he wants to “waste that in for in “It’s Good to Be a Nun.” Later
girl” and “make her meet her maker.” on, Giknis’ lovely voice is allowed to
shine in her solo, “The Life I Never Led.”
His gang are comical bumblers who That number was an oasis of heartfelt
stand by as one of their number, Ernie feeling in the glittery uproar of Act Two.
(Billy D. Hart), is shot to death by Curtis.
That leaves nephew TJ (Justin Keyes), Mary Martello as the Mother Supe-
Joey (Fran Prisco) and Pablo (Tony rior lends some gravity to the play; her
Castellanos) to aid their boss, however solo “Haven’t Got a Prayer” comically
unhelpfully, in bringing Deloris to her reflects on the disruption around her.
doom. In their big number, “Lady in Ron Wisniski is Monsignor O’Hara, a
the Long Black Dress,” the clueless Lo- lumbering bearer of the Good News. He
tharios imagine how they will wheedle wore the cope well.
the nuns into letting them in the front
door, in more ways than one. Act Two pulls out all the stops, with
each ensemble number attempting to
As the mover and shaker of events, outdo the last. Just when you think the
Dan’yelle Williamson is perfectly cast as costumes can’t get more over the top, or
Deloris Van Cartier. She has a fine, big the singing and dancing more ecstatic,
voice and more than enough wattage they do. It is a tribute to the cast that
to keep the City of Philadelphia (the set- they can ramp up the excitement with-
ting of the play) humming through all out quite exhausting the material – or
two-and-a-half hours of the show. the audience.

As police officer Eddie Souther, Kent Costumes for this visual jolt of
Overshown is a mild-mannered desk adrenaline are by New York-based de-
sergeant who yearns to be Deloris’ signer Gail Boldoni. Director Richard
knight in shining armor. He gets his Stafford doubled as choreographer,
wish – in his imagination, at least – in and ensemble member Kristyn Pope
his Act One solo “I Could Be That Guy.” was the dance captain.
That number, which included an en-
semble of dancers and some delightful Riverside Theatre co-produced this
quick-change magic, was an opening presentation of “Sister Act” with Phila-
night favorite. delphia’s Walnut Street Theatre, where
the show will travel in late May for a
The play is full of one-liners, some two-month run. At Riverside, it plays
more successful than others. A few through May 1. 

36 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Band on a run: High-energy East Harbor rocks Vero

BY ELLEN FISCHER With covers that span Bob Mar- Josh Dobson with his band,
Correspondent ley to Maroon 5 and Eminem, their East Harbor. PHOTOS BY LEAH DUBOIS
interactive and enthusiastic perfor-
They say timing is everything when mances connect with their twenty-
it comes to music, and the same can something counterparts as well as
be said for great opportunities in life. inspire an older contingent to get up
on the dance floor.
In the case of Vero Beach-based
band East Harbor, its timing in both “The energy and charisma of this
couldn’t be better. The four young band is contagious,” says Amanda
men who comprise this upbeat mu- Saunders, manager of Cork on Mira-
sical brotherhood all began teaching cle Mile. “These guys are way beyond
themselves music at young ages in their years in talent.”
different parts of the world. Each par-
ticipated in school-based and local Lead singer Josh Dobson, who
band projects on their own. Then, as turned 21 last month, attributes the
luck would have it, they found each group’s broad appeal to high-energy
other through friends and auditions, songs and a lively stage presence.
and discovered they shared a passion “We love to make people move,” says
for performing as a cover band. They Dobson. “Stage sway is key.”
were also looking to be part of a group
that could create, record and share a Born in Ontario, Dobson’s youth
distinctive, contemporary sound. was divided between his mother
Lori’s home in Arizona and his dad’s
East Harbor’s combined talents are home here in Vero; Terry Dobson is
appealing to audiences of all ages a singer and guitarist who has per-
and have made them a coveted hire formed for years around town.
this season at venues like the coffee
and wine bar Grind and Grape, Cork It was Terry Dobson who gave
Wine and Sake Bar, and Orchid Is- Josh his first guitar at the age of 7.
land Brewery. He taught him how to pick out the
chords to rock classics while his
mom sang along and showed him

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 37


how to harmonize. At 10, Josh started an interest in music theory and com- Keyboardist, back-up vocalist and rock, the songs show technical prow-
piano lessons. By high school he was posing, and has contributed to East guitarist David Gonzales was born ess in layering lyrics and harmo-
performing with his dad around Vero Harbor’s original tunes. Kouns gives in Guam, and moved with his par- nies with atmospheric guitars, clear
– they billed themselves as The Duel- private lessons at Melody Music. ents and two siblings to Virginia be- piano and tight percussion, with-
ing Dobsons. fore settling in Vero Beach in 2008. out overpowering the well-pitched,
James “Robby” Staggs, lead gui- Having loved classic rock and jazz highly stylized vocals.
At the urging of his step-mother, tarist for the group, was 14 when he as a child, Gonzales taught himself
Kristin, Dobson signed up to be a began teaching himself the guitar. to play music when he was only 11. “I think that part of our success in
contestant on NBC’s “The Voice” in He would listen to groups like Linkin At Oslo Middle School, he studied the creative process has been that
2013. When his father drove him to Park, Blink 182, Guns ‘n Roses and piano, bass, drums and cello. By the we each appreciate what the other is
the initial audition round in Georgia, Led Zeppelin, and learn their songs time he was in high school he was al- doing musically because we all play
Josh was shocked to see himself make by ear, recreating the guitar sounds ready playing at open mic nights and several different instruments,” Gon-
it through that round. Continuing and stylings of legendary rock-band booking gigs. zales explains.
through the arduous competition pro- lead guitarists.
cess, he was ultimately sent home. But Also interested in music produc- “Yeah, it’s pretty cool when your
in 2015, an undeterred Dobson audi- Throughout high school, Staggs tion, Gonzales has recorded and pro- drummer comes into practice and
tioned for the judges of Fox’s “Ameri- expanded his musical interests into duced four albums using the soft- says, ‘I’ve got the bass part figured
can Idol” in Minneapolis. He passed playing the drums and piano with at ware program Bandcamp. out for the new song,’ ” adds Staggs.
the first rounds, making it to the cov- Vero Beach High School. Staggs ex-
eted Hollywood Week. His luck fizzled celled in both his music classes and East Harbor has been busy record- With a growing following, a genu-
there, but Dobson says he learned a his academic classes, and earned a ing original works and recently fin- ine support of one another, and a
great deal from the competitions. full music scholarship to Indian Riv- ished its first EP. (Recorded at West mutual egging-on creatively, this
er State College; he recently received Palm’s Iceman Studios, the tracks are brotherhood of music seems des-
Drummer Cory Kouns grew up his associate’s degree. on East Harbor’s website, www.east- tined for great things, together and
watching his mother sing with a lo- individually. The band has hopes of
cal Vero band. With a brother who Staggs and Dobson perform as an playing larger venues in Orlando,
worked as a DJ, it was no real sur- acoustic duo every Thursday at Cork. In the vein of progressive indie Miami and beyond.
prise when Kouns, at 11, showed an
interest in his middle-school band “Music has an incredible way of tak-
program. Gravitating to the drums, ing you places,” Kouns explains. “Emo-
for two years he worked to acquire a tionally, personally and also physically
basic knowledge in percussion and – we could be playing clubs around the
believes that helped him easily tran- world one day. But for now, we’re hap-
sition to guitar in the eighth grade. py playing together right here.”

Kouns has continued to study East Harbor is appearing April 22
bass, guitar and drums. He also has at Orchid Island Brewery, April 24
at Captain Hiram’s, and April 29 at
Grind & Grape. 


SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 2016 Sponsor:
10 AM – 3 PM Marilyn Watkins Private Foundation

ALL FREE • ALL DAY Business Partner Sponsors:
8050 A1A Vero, Edward Jones, Leah Muller Interiors,
2016 CONGRESSIONAL ART COMPETITION Hutchinson’s Floral Design and Morningstar Personalized Apparel

RIVERSIDE PARK DR. • VERO BEACH, FL 32963 Business Patron Sponsors: Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Real Estate,
(772) 231-0707 • Collins, Brown, Barkett, Garavaglia & Lawn, Chartered,

Orchid Island Dog Spa, Palm Beach Parking, The Hartley Press,
RCL Development, USI Insurance, and VeroChem

38 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Coming Up: SunFest, ‘Joplin’ tribute, Melbourne festival


1 In less than a week, SunFest re-
turns to South Florida – five ac-

tion-packed days of partying with 50

bands, featuring some of the best talent

in the country. More than 175,000 visi-

tors are expected at the event, which

began in 1982 along West Palm Beach’s

waterfront. This year’s lineup offers

standard nods to the pop charts with

mainstream performers like Meghan

Trainor, Train and Jason Derulo. But

festival planners also nailed down

some major talent from other realms.

Alabama Shakes, a genre-bending

band even the group itself has dif- SunFest begins April 27 in West Palm Beach.

ficulty pigeonholing, will be playing 'A Night with Janis Joplin is coming
to the Kravis Center Saturday.
Sunday night. Saturday night, the

Grammy Award-winning band The

Roots will be pumping out its soulful

jazz and hip-hop sound with legend-

ary percussionist Questlove. And all

weekend, sprinkled around the three

stages, are acts out of the 1970s and

’80s including Salt-N-Pepa, the di-

vas who did “Push It Good.” And new

Internet sensation Scott Bradlee de-

livers his viral Postmodern Jukebox,

reinventing new hits by having them

played in period styles.

Alabama Shakes’ latest release “Sound

& Color” has the group’s longtime fans

excited by its unique edge, as newcom-

ers to the band’s music take note of the

twist on traditional R&B and heart-

wrenching soul.

Singer Brittany Howard emits emo-

tion in every note and guitarist Heath

Fogg adds his own rich depth – you

never know what new corner each song

will take. The Shakes are sure to be a

highlight of SunFest, not to be missed

even if staying up late has you sleeping ageable, it’s always good to buy passes 3 The nationally
in advance. You can even upgrade and acclaimed Mel-
at your desk Monday morning. access the VIP air-conditioned bath-
If you’ve heard The Roots on “The bourne Art Festival will

Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” be held this weekend

playing covers and background for Fal- in the historic down-

lon’s bits, you’ve had a taste of their ge- 2 Kravis Center is hosting the na- town district. The fes-
tional tour of "A Night with Janis
nius – but only a taste. Taking hip-hop tival begins Saturday The Melbourne Art Festival is this weekend in the downtown district.

and adding real instrumentals without Joplin" Saturday. By and large it is a with a 7:30 a.m. 5k that

digital enhancement has elevated this concert of Joplin hits featuring Mary sends 1,000 runners

eight-man group to a level grassroots Bridget Davies as the powerhouse rock over the Melbourne Causeway. Fol- lis. He’s playing the Sunrise Theatre’s

jazz lovers rave about. vocalist, with a running biography as lowing the run, artists' tents will line black-box stage Friday night. A blues

Music aside, SunFest is as much an the backdrop. It follows Joplin's highs the lenght of Melbourne's New Have guitarist in the tradition of the Allman

experience as it is a series of concerts and lows until her death of a heroin Ave., along with entertainment, food Brothers Band and his old friends

packed into a three-quarter-mile strip overdose at 27. Singing her heart out and activities. Acts such as Professor Derek Trucks and Warren Hayes, the

of Flagler Drive. There are food ven- from San Francisco to Woodstock, Jo- Pennygood's Mighty Flea Circus on Atlanta native has toured every state

dors, with plenty of beers on offer and plin inspired the rock musical's writer/ Saturday will keep things lively on the and much of Europe in his long ca-

three floating rum bars, in addition to director Randy Johnson with hits like main stage. Sunday will finish out with reer. “Rolling Stone” called his playing

family-friendly activity areas and a fine "Me and Bobby McGee" and "Piece of the sounds of Zosa, a phenomenal Led “feral,” adding that his “non-stop gig-

arts show. My Heart." Davies, whose imperson- Zeppelin tribute band. ging” – 150 nights a year – had “sharp-

SunFest begins Wednesday, April 27 ation is widely regarded as brilliant, was If you want to avoid the crowds ened his six-string to a razor’s edge.”

and ends May 1 with a fireworks show nomiated for a Tony for her 2013 per- and enjoy an evening more on the Tickets are only $20 in advance, $25

at 9 p.m. Tickets are available online, formance on Broadway. This is the next scale of a college dorm lounge, con- the day of the show. The concert starts

and while the crowds are mostly man- to last performance of the tour. sider the southern rock of Tinsley El- at 8 p.m. 

40 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

INSIGHT COVER STORY At Geisinger Health System in Penn-
sylvania, hospital officials want to
keep their customers happy. So when
patients are upset about a long wait in
the emergency department, or a doc-
tor’s brusque manner, or a meal that
never arrived in a patient’s room, Geis-
inger is doing more than apologizing.

It’s offering money back on their
care, no questions asked.

The hospital system is the first in
the country to adopt what has long
been a basic tenet of retail business:
customer refunds.

This focus on customer satisfaction
is a relatively new concept for health
care, in which doctors have typically
called the shots. And it’s one that Geis-
inger’s staff questioned when president
and chief executive David Feinberg
came up with the refund idea last fall.

But the novel approach is in keeping
with health care’s shift to improve the ex-
perience of patients. Under the Afford-
able Care Act, government payments are
increasingly tied to the quality of care
and patient satisfaction as opposed to
the quantity of services provided.

“We want to make sure we not only
have the right care that is high qual-
ity and safe, but we also want to make
sure our care is compassionate, digni-
fied and delivered with a lot of kind-
ness,” said Feinberg, who took over
Geisinger last May after running the
UCLA health system.

One 49-year-old patient received a
$210 refund in February after an ap-
pointment left her in tears. “Pt felt like
they didn’t care and did not have her
best interest at heart. Pt. stated she
came to Geisinger b/c she trusted us,
she has no trust now,” according to the
financial authorization for the refund.

Karen Hull was upset, too, and not
just over the chicken panini that took
hours to be delivered after her suc-
cessful surgery in January. Several
weeks earlier, the Geisinger Medical
Center finance department had blind-
sided the 46-year-old dental hygienist
with a call for a “down payment” on
her operation, for a herniated disc that
had caused crippling pain.

“I remember thinking, it’s not like
I’m going to skip out on my back sur-
gery,” she said. She wound up paying
$100 toward her $2,375 co-payment.

After she got home, she asked for a
$150 refund – an amount that reflect-
ed her distress but didn’t make her
look “hoggish.”

Hers was among the 74 requests
that Geisinger received between Oc-
tober and mid-March. In response to
those requests, the system refunded
or waived charges of nearly $80,000,
officials said. Only co-payments and
deductibles can be considered.

When Feinberg first announced the
program, which began as a pilot and
then was expanded to all patients sys-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 41


any reason in demanding money back
have not proved warranted. And Fein-
berg maintains that the refund process
provides Geisinger with valuable infor-
mation, spotlighting areas that need
improvement. The amounts, which are
limited to a patient’s maximum co-pay
or deductible, have ranged from $20 to
a few thousand dollars.

“We have a built-in secret-shopper
program, and the patient is telling us
when we get it right,” he said. Most
feedback has been positive. Refunds

Geisinger Health System will give re-
funds to patients who are unhappy with
any aspect of their hospital experience
Right: Geisinger’s president and chief
executive David Feinberg.

temwide in early April, other industry in a health coverage plan it offers. The on refunds through longer-term rela- represent “families who had to wait in
executives told him it was “a dumb refund program is in place only at the tionships with the insurance custom- the emergency room for too long, or
idea,” he said. But there is less skepti- Pennsylvania facilities. ers, Connolly said. were treated by a doctor in an abrupt
cism now given how the feedback al- manner, or the nurse got too caught
ready has boosted patient satisfaction “They can make the math work,” Skeptics’ worries that greedy pa- up in what she was doing and forgot to
scores, a key metric the federal govern- compensating for short-term losses tients would abuse the system and cite hold someone’s hand,” he said.
ment uses to pay hospitals.
Maureen Bisognano, president
Industry executives at a recent health- emerita at the nonprofit Institute for
plan meeting were “blown away” af- Healthcare Improvement, agrees.
ter hearing the CEO’s presentation,
recalled Ceci Connolly, president and “If you went out to get a consultant
chief executive of the Alliance of Com- to teach you how to improve patient
munity Health Plans. The organization experience, it would be a lot more
represents 22 health plans and provider than [$80,000],” she said. Plus, the
groups, including Geisinger. system’s approach gives it real-time
feedback “right at the moment of care
“It is sad and ironic that a business that about what needs to be fixed.” Most
has decided to listen to its customers important, she said, it sends a message
and be responsive and even occasion- to patients that Geisinger trusts them.
ally refund some money is considered so
out-of-the box,” Connolly noted. ProvenExperience, as the program is
called, allows patients to get refunds in a
At least one other system – Universi- variety of ways. The quickest is through
ty of Utah Health Care – is looking into a specially designed mobile app – a free
a similar program. one – on which patients can rate their
experience and put in for a refund for
In recent years, hospitals nation- services that took place beginning last
wide have sought to make care more November. Requests are typically pro-
customer-friendly, with staff retrain- cessed in three to five business days.
ing and new programs. Yet Geisinger’s
move is perhaps the boldest innova- At the same time, any of Geisinger’s
tion by a system long known for rein- 30,000 employees can reach out to pa-
venting medical care. A decade ago, for tients who feel their service or experi-
example, Geisinger introduced a 90- ence is “not good.” Employees can pro-
day warranty for surgery patients. vide “service recovery” with free lunch
or dinner vouchers, parking passes
Its size and its integration of hospi- or gift certificates for the hospital gift
tals, doctor practices and insurance shop. That is also how the system deals
helps to make that possible. It is one with unhappy Medicare patients. The
of the country’s largest health sys- uninsured can get financial credit on a
tems, with 10 hospitals serving more case-by-case basis, officials said.
than 3 million residents in Pennsyl-
vania and southern New Jersey, and Though the ultimate goal is to im-
it claims more than 500,000 members prove patient experience, “the money

42 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 INSIGHT COVER STORY Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

piece gives us skin in the game,” said At a more fundamental level, he
neurosurgeon Jonathan Slotkin, who said, it is a cultural change for doc-
helped design the program. tors who were trained to treat rela-
tionships with patients as “sacro-
The top refund requests reflect is- sanct and precious” – and certainly
sues common to many hospitals, different from selling shoes or sofas.
including complaints about poor
communication with the staff, park- “People don’t respond to change
ing, noisy hospital rooms and billing well,” said Anthony Petrick, who heads
issues. Some requests come directly bariatric surgery at Geisinger.
from Feinberg, who visits regularly
with patients throughout the system But he and others said they also
and jots down his cellphone number understand that as patients pay an
ever-greater share of the cost of their

Neurosurgeon Jonathan Slotkin, center,
meets with Karen Hull and her husband,
Shaun, before her spinal-cord surgery.

when he hands out his business card. To improve communication, all em-
Feinberg said Geisinger is already ployees are getting new training to en-
sure they always introduce themselves
making improvements, starting with to patients, ask permission before per-
a new corporate chef to come up with forming procedures and tell patients
better menus at each hospital. Other what is coming next.
changes will take a bit longer.
Within Geisinger, some staffers are
To address emergency-room back- afraid that there will be repercussions
logs, he is working on a plan to elimi- if a patient wants money back.
nate all wait times within three years.
That may involve new online registra- “If a patient of mine asks for a refund,
tion and ER waiting rooms that could be does that reflect I am a poor-quality
turned into clinical space where doctors physician? I have those own internal
would treat non-emergency patients. fears myself,” Slotkin acknowledged.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 43


care, hospitals need to understand was successful, but her stay was ca- get out of bed and walk down a long Walsh she wouldn’t have to pay the re-
that they are customers who must be lamitous. hallway. She remembers one particu- maining $785 of her deductible. Walsh
treated with dignity and respect. larly rude aide. On her last trip, there hopes hospital staffers have learned an
At Geisinger’s Wyoming Valley Med- was urine on the seat and no toilet pa- important lesson.
Kim Walsh didn’t even know she ical Center in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Walsh per. She called her husband in tears.
could get money back. The phar- was assigned a room with no toilet. “I would have rather been treated
macist, 51, had undergone thyroid She had to use a public bathroom, The hospital’s patient-advocate rep- well and paid my 800 bucks,” she
surgery in December. The operation which meant asking staff for help to resentative was appalled and assured said.” 

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46 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Obama has ignored our European allies for too long

The following column by Jim Hoagland, long- satellites and other states since the end of the Cold Americans are exposed to the same troubling cur-
time Washington Post foreign correspondent and War. And the countries of Central and Eastern Eu- rents of epochal change, as the world switches zeit-
commentator, is particularly timely on the eve of rope are in no rush to surrender long-suppressed geists. We move from three decades of a perhaps
President Obama’s visit to Europe later this week. nationalism to greater integration. naively optimistic welcoming of globalization to
the abrasive realities of an age of backlash.
The sick man of Europe today is Europe – both Add in the threat that Prime Minister David Cam-
the idea and the continent. President Obama’s eron’s ill-advised referendum on Britain’s member- An ugly populism focusing on foreigners as the
long-standing benign neglect of our closest allies ship in the E.U. will end in a “no” vote this summer, most important source of society’s ills runs through
is dangerously out of date, as he will discover on and you have a strategic disaster in the making. politics on both sides of the Atlantic.
his trip to Britain and Germany.
It is now embarrassingly clear that economic Far-right parties in Hungary, France, Poland,
Once-shining triumphs of European coopera- performance in Europe has been uneven during Britain and elsewhere demand that national fron-
tion and integration have been tarnished by inad- the glory days of globalization. Germany adapted tiers be sealed instead of flung open. Foreigners
equate responses to terrorist attacks in the streets and prospered; France stood still and has suffered must be turned away or surveilled and interrogat-
of Brussels and Paris, the unsteady handling of politically and economically. The disparity be- ed.
a flood tide of Middle Eastern and North African tween the two nations has robbed the E.U. of the
migrants, and the growing threat of a rebirth of effective “French-German motor” of leadership Cheap imported goods, once eagerly accepted,
the angry nationalism in Europe that sparked two that once drove integration. are now seen as destroying livelihoods at home.
world wars in the 20th century. Our era of backlash does not distinguish between
Germany feels lonely in this unsought solo lead- globalization’s excesses and its successes. Stoking
Americans have never found it easy to under- ership. Its heavy-handed push for austerity for the the fires of U.S. isolationism for political gain is to
stand the European Union beyond knowing that Greeks, Italians and others has opened deep fis- insult the future and to misunderstand our role
it was created to ensure that France and Germa- sures in European unity. abroad.
ny would never go to war again. This was accom-
plished by forming a loose continental confed- Our raucous presidential campaign shows that Donald Trump portrays the vast flow of people,
eration practicing joint trade as well as economic, goods, capital and ideas across fading borders as
diplomatic and other policies. And until recently, having turned the United States into a destitute
we didn’t have to go much further than that. wasteland unable to afford the forward deploy-
ment of U.S. forces that did so much to suppress
But the confederation’s failure to develop the in- regional rivalries and bellicose nationalism during
stitutions – and leaders – it needs has been stripped the Cold War and beyond.
bare by the Old Continent’s agonizing new dilem-
mas, which are being stoked at home and from Trump goes as far as suggesting that Japan
abroad. should be encouraged to develop a nuclear arsenal
rather than spend U.S. dollars helping to protect
Syria’s savage war on its own citizens, Turkey’s that country. This is isolationism on steroids.
duplicity on refugees and Saudi Arabia’s financial
support for fundamentalist religious movements In interviews with the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg,
inside European countries have helped undermine President Obama voiced his own frustration over
the region’s stability. And Russian President Vladi- allies becoming “free riders,” indirectly lending
mir Putin’s aggression against eastern Ukraine has support to Trump’s wilder claims and complicating
plunged Europe back into deep continental inse- Obama’s scheduled farewell visits to two key Euro-
curity. pean partners.

But the crisis the E.U. faces is rife with unintend- The U.S. presence in Europe has in fact enabled
ed consequences of the union’s own making. Americans to serve quietly but consistently as hon-
est brokers among our European allies, keeping
Its decision-making machinery, always clunky, historic regional tensions low. The same is true in
has been rendered hopeless by its rapid expansion East Asia. That is a noble mission that needs to be
to 28 members in the push to absorb former Soviet upheld, not disowned. 

ORGAN DONATION: most all patients died within 60 days. Dr. Denton Cooley of the Texas
“GIFT” SOMEBODY A BRIGHTER FUTURE Heart Institute performed 17 transplants, including the first heart-lung
transplant. Fourteen of his patients were dead within six months.
Organ donation is a rare and wonderful gift. The thought that a 1971-76 Cyclosporine discovered in 1971. Its immunosuppressive
human being can actually save other human beings, end their suffer- activity was realized in 1976. Cyclosporine decreased morbidity and
ing and enable them to live again is awe-inspiring. enabled the routine transplantation of organs that until then had only
been done experimentally.
But unfortunately, far more people need a transplant than are 1981 First successful heart-lung transplant took place at Stanford
willing to donate an organ. At this moment, more than 123,000 peo- University Hospital in California.
ple in the United States are waiting for an organ. And the United Net- 1984 By 1984 two-thirds of all heart transplant patients survived for
work for Organ Sharing (UNOS), which administers the nation’s organ five years or more. With organ transplants
procurement and transplantation network, adds one more person to
the waiting list every 12 minutes. becoming commonplace, limited only by donors, surgeons moved
on to riskier fields, including multiple-organ transplants.
These people are waiting for a kidney, liver, heart, lung or other
organ. About 21 people a day – 6,500 a year – die before an organ Today, organs that can be transplanted include: liver, kidney, pan-
ever becomes available. creas, kidney/pancreas (at same time), heart, lung, heart/lung (at
same time), intestine, and vascularized composite allografts (VCAs),
Most organs come from deceased donors. A smaller number of such as face and hand transplantation.
organs come from healthy people. More than 6,000 transplants from
living donors are performed each year. Since a healthy person only In 2015, over 25,000 people received organs in the United States.
needs one kidney, most of the living donor donations are of kidneys Hospitals in Indian River County partner with TransLife, one of four
federally-designated Organ Procurement Organizations (OPOs) that
HISTORY OF ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION serve Florida, to coordinate organ donation and transplantation.

1954 First successful transplant, a kidney transplant, performed be- Organs are matched using several characteristics, including blood
tween identical twins at Brigham Hospital in Boston, Mass. Since they type and size of the organ needed. Also taken into account is how
were genetically identical individuals, no immunosuppression was long someone has been on the waiting list, how sick they are, and the
necessary. distance between the donor and the potential recipient.
1963 First successful human lung transplant performed by Dr.
James Hardy at University of Mississippi Medical Center. To learn more about organ donation, go to
1967 First successful heart transplant performed by Dr. Christiaan and 
Barnard in Cape Town, South Africa. The patient survived 18 days.
1968-69 More than a hundred heart transplants performed, but al- Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always wel-
come. Email us at [email protected].

© 2015 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved

48 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


For would-be biographers, Orson Welles is the co- earlier, the studio, Universal, took over “Touch of Evil” tragedy that he lacked the gift of working conceptu-
lossus on the horizon that grows larger – and more after a sneak preview audience panned it, trimmed it ally, to conceive his work in his head. His inspiration
incomprehensible – the nearer you approach. Get heavily and released it on the bottom half of a double came from what he saw in front of his eyes; his genius
too close and all you see is the pedestal, part of an bill. And “Chimes at Midnight” was the victim of dis- depended on being able to improvise and interact
inscription or maybe a toe. Biographers also have putes by the several sources that financed it: The legal with the material.”
to contend with the fact that Welles was a gifted and haggling over who had the distribution rights pre-
artful liar, capable of dropping hints that he was the vented widespread public exhibition and release on In the theater, the rehearsal process allowed for a
product of an affair his mother had with King Edward DVD until very recently. certain amount of reworking the show on the fly and
VII, that when he was 9 years old he had dined with even in mid-run, but once a film has started shoot-
Hitler or that he had had an affair with Eva Perón. Callow is not one to psychoanalyze Welles. He ing, a director can’t make radical changes of direc-
thinks it “better to accept him as a phenomenon, un- tion, and even the editing process has its limitations.
Given the difficulty of seeing Welles steadily and paralleled, a law unto himself – because he accepts Welles himself admitted, “If I’m on a picture too long
seeing him whole, it is no surprise that the best bi- no other law.” And as such, he could be undermined I get bored. Then I can cause problems.”
ographies have approached him piecemeal: Last by his own weaknesses.
year, Patrick McGilligan’s “Young Orson” devoted Callow’s acting experience also gives him an in-
800 pages to just the first 25 years of his life. And this Callow, an actor with long experience both on sight into something else that troubled Welles. When
year we have “One-Man Band,” the richly detailed stage and in movies, provocatively asserts that he was directing a play or film in which he appeared,
and immensely readable third installment of Simon Welles was not by nature a filmmaker: “It was his unlike such actor-directors as Laurence Olivier,
Callow’s projected four-volume biography. It covers Welles typically had others read his lines during re-
the years from the late 1940s through the mid-1960s, hearsals. Callow asserts that “Welles was fundamen-
which were bracketed by two Shakespeare films: tally insecure as an actor.”
“Othello” in 1952 and “Chimes at Midnight” in 1965.
In 1955 came Welles’ audacious staging of “Moby- On “Chimes at Midnight,” Jeanne Moreau, play-
Dick” in London, which received rave reviews and ing Doll Tearsheet to Welles’ Falstaff, wondered why
which Callow says Welles considered “the best thing Welles kept making excuses to postpone shoot-
he had ever done in any medium.” And in 1958 he ing their scenes together. Once he told her that he
made “Touch of Evil,” “every frame” of which, Callow couldn’t find his makeup kit. When she spotted it, a
asserts, “celebrates the art of film.” makeup assistant warned her not to tell Welles: “He
has stage-fright. He hid it himself.”
But it was also the period when his reputation took
its severest hits. In 1952, the New York theater critic What makes Callow’s biography so exciting is that
Walter Kerr called Welles “possibly the youngest liv- he’s not willing to reduceWelles to a formula: misunder-
ing has-been.” Welles was stung by the epithet, and stood genius, for example, or self-destructive egotist.
it stuck. Much has been written ever since about the
man who, after triumphs in New York theater and on Plenty of epithets have been applied to Welles.
radio, went to Hollywood to make the film master- Micheál MacLiammóir, who gave Welles his start in
piece “Citizen Kane,” but never again regained those professional theater in Dublin in 1931 and played
heights. “Welles had committed an unforgivable crime Iago to Welles’ Othello in the film, cited his “courage
in American eyes: he had failed, but refused to give … imagination, egotism, generosity, ruthlessness,
up,” Callow says. “He was just irritatingly there, a con- forbearance, impatience, sensitivity, grossness and
stant reminder of the disappointment he had caused.” vision.” More fancifully, Jean Cocteau called him “a
giant with the face of a child, a tree filled with birds
Callow’s biography aims at correcting that image of and shadows, a dog who has broken loose and gone
Welles, emphasizing the significant artistic achieve- to sleep in the flower bed.” 
ments of this period and the reasons why they were
undervalued. The two major movies, “Touch of Evil” ORSON WELLES – VOLUME 3: ONE-MAN BAND
and “Chimes at Midnight,” for example, were both se- BY SIMON CALLOW
riously mishandled in distribution. As RKO had done Viking. 466 pp. $40
with Welles’ “The Magnificent Ambersons” 16 years
Review by Charles Matthews,
The Washington Post


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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 49


10 5 2 764 J983
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 763 A Q 10 8 5 K42
52 A9 J764
Harry Vardon, the groundbreaking English golfer, said, “More matches are lost through AQ964 532 10 8
carelessness at the beginning than any other cause.”
If you are about to compete in a bridge tournament or for money, it would be a good AKQ
idea for you and your partner to practice on a couple of deals just before start time. J9
K Q 10 8 3
It is easy for declarer to be careless near the beginning of this deal. How should South KJ7
play in three no-trump after West leads a fourth-highest club six to the 10 and jack?
Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
North’s three-club rebid was New Minor Forcing. He was hoping his partner could show
three-card heart support. However, when South indicated only a doubleton heart, North The Bidding:
signed off in three no-trump.
South starts with eight top tricks: three spades, one heart, three diamonds and one club 1 Diamonds Pass 1 Hearts Pass
(at trick one). He can get the extra winner from either red suit — but which should he 2 NT Pass 3 Clubs Pass LEAD:
attack first? 3 Diamonds Pass 3 NT All Pass 6 Clubs

Most players would realize that taking the heart finesse is too dangerous. If it loses, East
will return a club through South’s king and into the jaws of West’s ace-queen. Here,
West would take four tricks in that suit to defeat the contract.

Instead, many declarers would play a diamond to dummy’s ace and return a diamond to
their king — and suddenly find that they could no longer make the contract. East would
gain the lead in one red suit or the other.

South should take a safety-finesse, covering dummy’s diamond nine with his 10. Here,
declarer would end with an overtrick. But even if West could take the trick, the contract
would be safe.

50 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

7 Pale brown (4) 1 Canyon (6)
8 Runofthemill (8) 2 Point out (8)
9 Industrious (8) 3 Under (7)
10 Assist (4) 4 Pier (5)
11 Fine (7) 5 Fable (4)
12 Flood (5) 6 Form of dance (6)
15 Units of land (5) 13 Woodland flower (8)
17 Trudge (7) 14 Get ready (7)
20 Bread quantity (4) 16 Garlic segments (6)
22 Visible (8) 18 Icecream dessert (6)
23 Conduct (8) 19 Mediterranean herb (5)
24 Fabric join (4) 21 Dread (4)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

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