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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2016-04-21 14:57:36



Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 51


ACROSS 73 “Once ___ I die” 9 Designer Lauren 70 Album filler The Washington Post
74 Eskimo on film 10 Baby glad 72 Political power
1 Sally or Talley? 11 In your DNA 75 On
5 Plaque-attack 76 “It’s ___” 12 Seven Days in 76 Refugee-aid org.
pack: abbr. motto?) May actress of the ’40s
8 Boesky type, for 13 Mind control? 77 Other rte.
81 Lake of luck, 14 Captivate 78 “___-hoo!”
short many hope 17 Hurry 79 Tintinnabulated
11 Fix your orbs 19 Bullet train hub, to 80 Actor MacLachlan
15 Arrow poison 82 AA candidate 82 The chief on
16 Doc pal of sleuth 84 Very much Henri
85 Word before TV 21 Johnny Carson The Man from
Jessica U.N.C.L.E., Mr.
18 Acting Julia or toilet sketch, Art Fern’s ___
20 It happens 86 Aussie gems “___ Movie” 83 Post-
22 How orthopedists 87 City of 23 A Dog tonsillectomy treat
24 FDR’s firesides 87 Works by jerks?
excelled in orthopedists? 26 “It’s Magic” is 88 Swamps
college? 90 Pool workout, his music 89 Where to get off
25 City of edict fame 28 Sailing outfit 90 Mellow Mel
27 Orthopedist- perhaps 33 “___ forgiven” 91 Writer Clarke
turned-actress? 92 Strain 36 Mr. Chomsky 93 Delicate purples
29 It may be felt or 93 Promoter 37 “Here today, gone 94 Like a Van Gogh
hard 94 Air bladder to ___” (bumper “Night”
30 Big name in 97 It means “10” sticker) 95 Zola’s J’___
frozen taters 98 Tokyo dough, 38 Figures 96 Arks
31 Wednesday 40 Crystal’s 99 Short-sounding
powder until 1954 “mahvelous” brand of soda
32 U.S.-wide 100 Former Middle inspiration 100 Like too many
33 Showing too 41 New York city or teen mothers
much technique East inits. old African city 102 Dress edge
34 On to success 101 Roof for 44 Down 42 Land of Haarlem 103 Get ___ for (learn
35 Stretch server 104 Sheet music nights: abbr. by doing)
39 Legree, e.g. 43 Rocky peak 106 Bus-rule breaker
41 Works on the abbr. 44 Jungle bungalow Parks
dock 105 Pretty obvious, 45 Susan Lucci 107 Savings for a
of the bay character rainy day
43 With 53 Across, to a bunch of 46 Barrel and 108 Cop show, ___
orthopedists’ orthopedists? organ-pipe Blue
favorite Poitier 110 Troika 47 Type of 109 A TV Huxtable
film? 113 Reaction to this committee 111 Type
46 Class, in Kerala puzzle? 48 Smug look 112 “Outta here! Go
49 Huuuge rm. 114 Cole Porter or 50 Most nerve- on!”
50 Sightsee Jodie Foster wracking
51 Oft-dreamt-of 115 “Say no more” 54 Play about RIB TICKLER By Merl Reagle
building height 116 Copycat Capote
52 Come clean 117 “While” intro 55 Prohibition
about 118 NYSE and 56 Curling device
53 See 43 Across NASDAQ 58 Symbol
57 Affectedly showy 119 Sellers’ info 61 Hullabaloo
59 Ode subject 120 Gunsmoke’s 62 Play for ___ (use)
60 Artery cloggers? Galen Adams 63 Chevrolet and
61 End of many 121 Caustics Chrysler,
British cities for example
64 One-third of a DOWN 66 In the way of
war movie 1 “At the ___ 67 Giant bat of
65 Orthopedists’ Japanese
favorite vacation sounding sci-fi
spot? dumb ...” 68 Credit-check co.
70 Sectional 2 City of Ataturk’s 69 Bounce back
71 Word of disgust tomb from
72 Pike’s Peak st. 3 Spay, e.g. bankruptcy
4 Asian city, alone
or with “New”
5 Thin ___
6 Lucie’s dad
7 Memo start
8 Get ___ (get
more money)

The Telegraph

52 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


In troubled times, lean on friends with crisis skills

BY CAROLYN HAX about them) when they didn’t come through. There
Washington Post were also friends who no-showed, and it didn’t af-
fect my feelings for them. That’s just not who they
Hi Carolyn, were to me pre-nightmare, so I didn’t expect it of
them mid-.
I’m hoping you can answer
I also learned there can be wild cards, people
this because you have some who are just really, really good in a crisis – the ones
who will call you almost daily during your hell even
experience here. My mom is though you heard from them every month or three,
if that, during happier times (and who might even
dealing with an array of medi- go scarce again when it’s all over). They’re the ones
who say just the right thing when you didn’t even
cal problems right now. It’s know what the right thing was until they said it.
The ones who understand the usual laws of friendly
very stressful and scary. Several give-and-take are temporarily suspended, and ask
nothing in return.
friends know what’s up.
They were easily the most instructive people for
I’m noticing, maybe resentfully, that some friends me during an extremely informative time. Their les-
son: Life isn’t linear, people aren’t linear, and so we
inquire after my mom and others just don’t ask. It do ourselves and others a huge disservice when our
expectations are linear. I actually didn’t need my
makes me feel like maybe they aren’t real friends, best friends to be my best people in a crisis. I just
needed what I needed, and having some friends
which is a sad realization at a hard time. I can’t with the crisis skills to provide it was enough. I was
lucky to have them.
imagine not inquiring if the shoe was on the other
Weighing the end of valued friendships is an-
foot. guish you don’t need right now, too. My advice is to
tilt yourself toward the people you find helpful and
Do I just write these folks off? Do I say, “HEY! IT comforting today, and leave it at that. If there’s any
reckoning to be done – something you probably
BUGS ME YOU’RE NOT ASKING ABOUT MY ILL won’t even know until this all plays out — it can cer-
tainly wait. 
MOTHER!” Do I just shrug and assume people are

busy? Help.

. asks, while with another it’s a slap in the face.
So with that in mind, you could talk it out with this
– My Mom Is Sick
friend, shrug and assume with that friend (though
Dear 'My Mom Is Sick': I’d replace “busy” with “awkward” or “afraid to say
All of those are decent answers, depending on the wrong thing”), and write off a third – based on
what you need and what makes sense for each who they are vs. how well their actions approximate
friend and each friendship. what you’d do in their places.
They’re all different, of course; even if you have one
defined group of friends, it’s still just a collection of in- You refer to my experience, so I will, too: I did a
dividual and often very different bonds. little of that sorting myself. Based on our histories,
With one friend it might be forgivable that she never there were some people I counted on more, and that
opened me up to feeling much worse about it (and



You’re looking at a Tricolored Heron quietly stalking mosquito fish
deep within a mangrove forest bordering the Indian River Lagoon.
Seventy years ago, if that heron were standing at the exact same GPS
coordinates, it would have found itself in a high salt marsh environ-
ment with not a red or black mangrove within sight. So what has
changed, and how?

In the 1950’s the first mosquito control district in Florida was formed
by Vero’s forefathers. That was when we started ditching and impound-
ing the once ubiquitous salt marshes to control immense mosquito
populations. Native mangroves lined the waterway at that time but
only in a thin band that protected the marshes from storms. Now they
form large forested wetlands; luckily they are an excellent species to
buffer our developed lands adjoining the Lagoon.

The heron adapted well to its environment, but other species have
not. The Snail Kite has all but disappeared from the Lagoon coast. The
Diamondback Terrapin is now a rare find in these parts. Sportfish such
as the tarpon and snook that once utilized the marshes for a critical part
of their life cycle have a more difficult time doing so in the impounded
wetlands. Fortunately, scientists are studying how our community can
continue to keep the mosquitos at bay while greatly improving the ben-
efits for fish and wildlife in these coastal wetlands.

54 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Plastic surgery is – and isn't – what many think

BY TOM LLOYD Dr. Alan Durkin and Christopher Gurny. PHOTOS: PHIL SUNKEL mental abnormalities, trauma or
injury, infection, tumors or dis-
Staff Writer at Ocean Drive Plastic Surgery, metic surgery,” Durkin disagrees. ease. It is generally performed to
says it’s often difficult to delineate He says there’s not always a clear improve function, but may also be
The “plastic” in plastic surgery which is really which. demarcation between the two. done to approximate a normal ap-
doesn't come from recycled poly- pearance.”
ethylene or polyvinyl chloride. While the UCLA Division of Plas- “Reconstructive surgery,” ac-
tic and Reconstructive Surgery cording to UCLA, “is performed on Meanwhile, the California school
It comes from the Greek word states, “The goals of reconstructive abnormal structures of the body, goes on to state that cosmetic sur-
“plastikos” meaning “to mold” or surgery differ from those of cos- caused by birth defects, develop- gery, “is performed to reshape nor-
“to form.” mal structures of the body to im-
prove the patient's appearance and
It takes four years of pre-med, self-esteem.”
four years of medical school and a
six-year residency to become certi- Durkin sees those lines as more
fied by the American Board of Plas- blurred.
tic Surgery. Despite that long road,
plastic surgery is a rapidly growing “The goal of plastic surgery is to
field. Here in the United States, the make sure that people look the way
number of procedures performed they feel. So, stepping back from
annually has more than doubled in that, if you're a cosmetic patient,
the past decade. then you don't like what you're
seeing in the mirror. If you're a re-
Plastic surgeries are generally constructive patient, you don't like
classified as either “reconstruc- what's happened because of a dis-
tive” or “cosmetic.” The American ease process, injury or something
Society of Plastic Surgeons reports else. But conceptually, those pa-
there were 5.8 million reconstruc- tients are more similar than they
tive surgeries last year and 15.6 are dissimilar. My goal is to get
million cosmetic procedures. people the best possible result in
the safest possible fashion, with the
Despite the country's nearly 3-to- least amount of surgery. To do that
1 preference for cosmetic surger-
ies, Vero Beach’s Dr. Alan Durkin

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 55


out center called “Elite Physiques,” cause there's no 'functional deficit'
complete with private trainers for there.”
discerning exercisers, is also being
offered now. Whether it's reconstructing a
mangled lower lip, repairing dam-
The garrulous and downright ef- age done by malignant melanomas
fervescent Durkin says, “The big- or performing liposuction, tummy-
gest difference between cosmetic tucks, breast augmentations and
and reconstructive surgery, in my botox injections, Durkin's simply
opinion, is what's covered by insur- wants his patients to look in the
ance and what isn't. mirror and like what they see.

“For example, plastic surgery Dr. Alan Durkin is at 5070 Hwy.
for the upper eyelid when the eye- A1A in Vero Beach. The phone num-
lid droops down and covers your ber is 772-234-3700. Christopher
vision, your insurance will cover Gurney is at Elite Physiques at same
that. But they won't cover removing address. He can be reached at 772-
the bags from your lower eyes be- 234-5403. 

through cosmetic or reconstructive face-lifts and breast augmentations
means, it's the same concept. It re- on the cosmetic side. On the recon-
ally is,” he said. structive side, the most common
things we see are malignant mela-
To prove his point, Durkin dis- nomas and breast reconstructions.”
plays a photo of a patient whose
lower lip was severely disfigured by About 70 percent of Durkin's pa-
a dog bite. Technically, that lower tients are women. That, he says, in-
lip was still functional, but it was cludes both surgical and non-surgi-
also badly disfigured. cal treatments.

Was the plastic surgery Durkin To better appeal to that demo-
performed on that patient recon- graphic, Durkin and his business
structive or cosmetic? “At the end partner, Christopher Gurny, just
of the day,” Durkin muses, “there's opened an additional 20,000 square
a very minute difference between feet of pure luxury at their Highway
aesthetic surgery and reconstruc- A1A location.
tive surgery.”
Plush rooms, a borderline deca-
A University of South Florida dent hydro-therapy suite with
graduate who also served a two- multiple “rain head” showers, a
year oncology fellowship at Tam- sophisticated lighting system with
pa's Moffitt Cancer Center, Durkin an adjacent steam room, a team
freely admits that the bulk of his of estheticians and new hardwood
practice could certainly be called floors along with a private operat-
“cosmetic” though he quickly adds, ing room, cater to those looking for
“We're also doing a lot of melanoma pampered treatment. (Durkin also
care; a lot of support for dermatolo- enjoys full hospital privileges at In-
gists in the community.” dian River Medical Center and the
Scully-Welsh cancer center.)
“My most common procedures in
this office,” Durkin continues, “are Meanwhile, a new gym and work-

56 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


'Vest'-ed interest in this ‘designer’ defibrillator

BY TOM LLOYD signer label that can keep you –
Staff Writer quite literally – from simply drop-
ping dead.
You can “shop-til-you-drop” for
clothes by Karl Lagerfeld, Zac Po- For that, you need to seek out the
sen, Giorgio Armani or Ralph Lau- Zoll Medical Corporation of Pitts-
ren. burgh, Pa., and its LifeVest – a wear-
able defibrillator for patients at high
You may even find something risk for sudden cardiac arrest.
“drop-dead gorgeous.”
Vero Beach heart patient Joan
What you won't find is any de- Knapp knows a thing or two about

Joan Knapp with RN Harriett Sparkman.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 57


Zoll vests and so does Indian River gery, angioplasty, stent or conges- In fact, with an expansion of the sic. She asked the man how old he
Medical Center registered nurse tive heart failure.” cardio rehab center now set to be- was and when he said 88, she replied,
Harriett Sparkman at the hospital's gin, some patients have already “You just keep eating your ice cream.
cardiac rehabilitation program. “Patients love us,” exclaims made donations to help defray You made it to 88 eating ice cream
Sparkman, “they really do. They those costs as well. so don't stop now if that's what you
Unlike a surgically implanted donate equipment all the time. want.”
defibrillator, Zoll's LifeVest is worn You see their names all over the Maybe Sparkman's sense of hu-
outside the body. It continuously equipment out there. The hospital mor and sensitivity to human na- That, in a nutshell, is the mission of
monitors a patient's heart to detect has only bought two pieces of the ture play a role. Sparkman's cardio-rehab program:
any life-threatening arrhythmias equipment we have.” Helping heart patients get what they
and, if needed, delivers an electri- She recalls one elderly patient want through exercise, diet and
cal shock to restore the heart's nor- Since there are easily 20 to 30 with a decades-long penchant for medication served with a side dish
mal rhythm. pieces of sparkling new stainless eating ice cream for breakfast. of understanding, compassion and
steel exercise equipment in plain While attending a nutrition class, just maybe a little ice cream.
According to Zoll, the LifeVest, view, Sparkman's claim that pa- he grew a little flummoxed and
the first “wearable” defibrillator on tients have “donated 90 percent of asked, “What else can I eat instead For more information on IRMC's
the market, was “extensively tested the equipment” may be something of my ice cream?” cardio-rehabilitation program, call
for three years in 17 major medical of an understatement. 772-567-4311 extension 2410. 
centers across the U.S.” before re- Sparkman's response was clas-
ceiving FDA approval.

Battery-powered, the vests are
equipped with a series of magnets
and electrodes sewn into the lin-
ing which constantly monitor the
heart. Patients are asked to keep
them on 24 hours a day except when
showering or bathing.

Sparkman says patients “get
them when they’re in the hospital”
and then a couple of weeks after
discharge, they report to her at the
cardiac rehab program.

The vest’s use in the cardio-re-
hab world is actually part of a dual-
pronged process.

The overlying goal is to see if a
combination of exercise, diet and
medication can improve the “ejec-
tion fraction” of patients at the
highest risk for sudden cardiac ar-
rest while preventing potentially
fatal heart attacks in the process.

An ejection fraction – or EF – is
a measurement of the heart mus-
cle's ability to contract effectively
enough to pump oxygen-rich blood
out to the rest of the body.

The American Heart Associa-
tion says “a normal heart's ejection
fraction may be between 50 and 70
while a measurement under 40 may
be evidence of heart failure or car-

Sparkman, however, says she reg-
ularly sees patients with EF rates of
20, 25, 30 and 35.

The good news?
According to Sparkman, “One pa-
tient's EF went from 25 or 30 up to
52 in just eight weeks. It was awe-
Another, says Sparkman, went
from 35 all the way up to 59 in only
five weeks.
Today those patients, like Joan
Knapp, no longer need to wear their
Those kinds of results haven't
gone unnoticed by the participants
in other parts of IRMC's cardio re-
hab program.
“The program,” Sparkman says,
“is for anyone who has had a heart
attack, bypass surgery, valve sur-

58 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Study touts soy's benefits in
protecting against bone loss

Clinical dietitian Dianna DiCosimo. PHOTOS: LEAH DUBOIS

BY MARIA CANFIELD After menopause, women pro-
Correspondent duce less estrogen, a hormone that
helps protect against bone loss.
A recent study suggests women Isoflavones are compounds found
undergoing menopause may be only in plants; they have a chemi-
protected against bone loss and os- cal structure similar to estrogen.
teoporosis by a diet that includes This similarity led the researchers
the types of protein and isoflavones to speculate that isoflavones might
found in soybeans. also have benefits for bone health.
The richest sources of isoflavones
Clinical dietitian Dianna DiCo- are soybeans and soy products.
simo, who works at Indian River
Medical Center, says she strongly The study, conducted at the Uni-
agrees that a diet rich in soy and versity of Hull in the United King-
isoflavones is helpful in the preven- dom, recruited 200 women in early
tion of bone loss. menopause and split them random-
ly into two groups. One group of
Literally meaning “porous bone,” women took a daily supplement of
osteoporosis reduces both the qual- 30 grams of soy protein and 66 mil-
ity and density of bones, increasing ligrams of isoflavones. The other
the risk of fracture. Over the age of group took the same amount of soy
50, osteoporosis affects 1 in 3 wom- protein but without the isoflavones.
en and 1 in 5 men worldwide and is
responsible for an estimated 9 mil- The women took the supplements
lion fractures each year. for 6 months; over that time they

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 59


periodically gave blood samples, so took their soy isoflavones in the pound has been associated with beans; most commonly served in
researchers could look for markers form of supplements, most experts an increased risk of breast cancer, miso soup
of bone loss. One of these markers say food is a better source. thyroid disorders, headaches and
is a protein called βCTX; it signals digestive problems • Tempeh, made from cooked and
“bone resorption,” the process that Vero’s DiCosimo agrees. “There slightly fermented soybeans; can
breaks down bone and releases its are intrinsic factors in food that al- An often-heard recommendation be formed into a patty or used in
minerals into the bloodstream. low the body to utilize these nutri- is 50 milligrams a day; in addition soups, stews or casseroles
ents more effectively. These factors to soybeans themselves, there are
After 6 months, the women whose aren’t found in commercial supple- foods that stand out as good sourc- • Edamame (boiled green soy-
daily supplement contained both ments,” she says. es: beans)
soy protein and isoflavones had sig-
nificantly lower levels of βCTX than Another reason to ingest soy iso- • Soy milk and soy yogurt These foods may be somewhat
those whose daily supplement con- flavones through food rather than • Tofu (bean curd), a food made strange to the Western palate, but
tained only soy protein. This sug- supplements is to avoid the pos- by coagulating soy milk and press- it’s easy to reach 50 milligrams by
gested they had a lower rate of bone sible side effects associated with ing the resulting curds into soft small, supplemental changes in our
loss and consequently a lower risk too-high amounts. Although some white blocks diet. For instance, a cup of soy milk
of developing osteoporosis. of the studies are conflicting, non- • Miso, a thick paste-like sub- is 30 mg, 3 ounces of tofu is 20 mg, a
dietary consumption of the com- stance made from fermented soy half-cup of edamame is 12 mg, and
Lead author Dr. Thozhukat Sathy- half-cup of miso is a whopping 59
apalan, of Hull's department of aca- mg.
demic cardiology, says, "We found
that soy protein and isoflavones are DiCosimo adds that a diet rich in
a safe and effective option for im- calcium and Vitamin D is also help-
proving bone health in women dur- ful in the prevention of bone loss.
ing early menopause. The actions of Foods that are high in calcium in-
soy appear to mimic that of conven- clude dairy products, spinach, kale,
tional osteoporosis drugs." okra and certain fish (sardines,
salmon, perch and rainbow trout).
The average diet in Asia, where Foods that provide Vitamin D in-
rates of osteoporosis and fracture clude fatty fish (tuna, mackerel and
are lower, includes about the same salmon), cheese, egg yolks and beef
amount of isoflavones as the 66 mil- liver. Some other foods come in ver-
ligrams taken by the study partici- sions fortified with calcium and/or
pants. In stark contrast, the average Vitamin D.
Western diet contains an estimated
2-16 daily milligrams of isoflavones. Indian River Medical Center is lo-
cated at 1000 36th St in Vero Beach;
Although the study participants the main phone number is 772-567-
4311. 

60 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Did Hedi Slimane leave a legacy at Saint Laurent?

The Washington Post
and which will grant longevity to this
The rumors have at long last been legendary brand.”
confirmed that Hedi Slimane is leav-
ing Saint Laurent, the house that he Slimane’s tenure was dynamic and
renamed and reinvented. In the four it was lucrative. It was undeniably pro-
years that the designer served as cre- vocative. But did it mean anything?
ative director, Saint Laurent racked
up double-digit, year-to-year growth In the ever-churning fashion indus-
and is now a brand with yearly rev- try, brands are regularly reinvented,
enue of more than $1 billion. Slimane modernized or transformed. But once
produced some of the industry’s most a brand is reborn, the idea of stick-
discussed and debated collections — ing around to nurture its growth over
beginning with his celebration of Cali- time has become nearly obsolete. The
fornia youth culture and indie rock to designers who are brought in to lead
his final Paris presentation that ex- an aesthetic upheaval are increas-
ploited the grotesquerie of 1980s osten- ingly becoming short-timers. The av-
tation. erage tenure is currently about three
years. Can a foundation that is lasting
In announcing his departure, and influential be constructed in so
François-Henri Pinault, the CEO of short a time?
parent company Kering, said: “What
Yves Saint Laurent has achieved
over the past four years represents a
unique chapter in the history of the
house. I am very grateful to Hedi Sli-
mane, and the whole Yves Saint Lau-
rent team, for having set the path that
the house has successfully embraced,

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 61

Slimane’s work at Saint Laurent — dress that on the runway looked like about many of its consumers. judged. He didn’t lift fashion up; but
still widely called Yves Saint Laurent a bedraggled Goodwill find, was, on The clothes that Slimane produced he didn’t bring it down to street level
before he took over — helped spur a closer inspection, extravagantly em- either. His work was somewhere in
renewed interest in grunge. He was broidered, constructed of fine silk during his time at Saint Laurent will between the optimism of high, flow-
adept at taking the uniform of youth and supremely expensive. likely not become part of the broad- ery beauty and the clear-eyed ease of
(at least as it is defined by a particu- er fashion vocabulary — ideas that street style. It lived at the nexus of cyni-
lar population of thin, mostly white, He took classics such as the women’s other designers might use to expand cism, willfulness, indulgence and self-
rock-a-philes) and up-marketing it. A tuxedo — le smoking — or the uni- the possibilities of attire. The house’s regard. And consumers loved it. 
versal motorcycle jacket and cut them namesake gave women now classic
with a narrower silhouette, tweaked garments such as le smoking and the
the proportions and made them sexi- safari jacket. It’s hard to imagine any
er, but with an air of nonchalance. He of Slimane’s creations finding a place
gave the clothes attitude. His attitude. in history. His hyper-skinny cuts have
Yet, if one gave the collections some had significant impact on menswear,
thought, it was possible to suss out but that is a proportion that was real-
the links to the brand’s rich history: its ized during his tenure at Dior Homme
long-standing celebration of youth cul- from 2000 to 2007.
ture, its fondness for the subversive, its
delight in shocking. But Slimane did provoke thought.
He made observers consider what
Despite the exquisite construc- should be declared precious. He
tion, however, the clothes often placed renewed value on youth cul-
looked common. The models in his ture. Instead of calling Paris home
final show – an examination of big base, Slimane lived in Los Angeles
shoulders, tight skirts and skyscrap- and he turned the fashion spotlight
er pumps – looked like desperate on that city — a part that existed be-
strivers. The aesthetic was riddled yond starlets, movies and the red car-
with teasing cynicism. As com- pet — in a way that no other designer
merce, the clothes seemed aimed at has. His penultimate show was an ode
consumers’ worst insecurities. to rock and roll at the Hollywood Pal-
The ones that have them con-
vinced that expensive is always bet- And even more than Balmain’s Ol-
ter and that certain labels can vouch ivier Rousteing, with his army of Ins-
for one’s wealth and status. Slimane’s tagram devotees, Slimane stiff-armed
was not always the work of fashion’s the fashion industry’s keepers of pro-
better angels but it spoke powerfully tocol and traditions. He refused to be

62 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

It's time to kill the genre of 'festival fashion' clothing

The Telegraph

The first time I went to a festival
type event was when Oasis played
Knebworth in 1996. At the time we
were living in the age of Alanis Mor-
risette-level irony, and so obviously
I wore my favorite Blur T-shirt with
some jeans.

I was pretty pleased with myself
until I turned the corner into the
grounds and saw every other sullen
teenager had done the same thing.

My friend and I spent the day mak-
ing eyes at boys in baggy cargo shorts
and bucket hats, in between singing
along to every word that every other
indie act that day (Kula Shaker, The
Charlatans) played. It was heaven.
We possibly had on some blue Rim-
mel eyeshadow, but I can’t honestly
remember being in the least bit both-
ered about my outfit, beyond my
political statement of loyalty to the
other team.

I carried on in this manner, mixing
in my love of live music with clothes
– I had a pile of band T-shirts ready

for any gig, mostly paired with baggy than, say, what bands they should
jeans and velvet blazers dug out of like to see. These people were mostly
my local Oxfam. Later there would fashion journalists (ahem) with pag-
be vintage sundresses and old knack- es to fill, and content to produce, and
ered cowboy boots purloined from the heinous term "festival fashion"
the vintage shops off Brick Lane. was born.

But watching music was about just And I’m sorry about that. What
that, it never occurred to me to worry can I say, with the current onslaught
about my outfit in fashion terms. But of press releases in our in boxes jazz-
then pre-Internet and Instagram, ily entitled "Coachella countdown!"
there was less of a rampant, Verruca we’re all suffering for this mass over-
Salt attitude to what we wore. We just sight. Believe me.
liked the odd thing in Topshop and
got on with wearing it. “Festivals should be about relax-
ing, not looking in a mirror and hav-
Then, of course, at some point later ing copious amount of fun, without
on Kate Moss went to Glastonbury in caring for a single second about what
a pair of hot pants and people started you look like”
to stress out over what to wear, more
And as for Coachella? I’ve been.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 63

Twice. You know what you can’t do at ties are jettisoned in to add a sort of more likely seen in Coachella round- worrying too much about posing and
Coachella? Drink a beer while watch- faux-bohemian polish to their mass- ups – in their overpriced, faux vintage what you’re wearing, then why are
ing a band. That can only happen in market, globally stocked brands, al- floral sundresses and glitzy, laced- you actually going to a music festi-
the designated "beer garden" pens lowing them to beam these images up sandals, their hair perfectly blow val? Overthinking it is not cool.
(this is not a joke). into a thousand festival galleries for dried (HOW in that heat, HOW?), their
your delectation. lips pouting like a Kardashian tribute Looking like a thousand other
The "festival" (where it’s so hot act – look atrocious. women, with their tiered maxi dress-
you can’t really face rocking up until Don’t these women, claiming Talitha es and shrunken denim jackets is not
later in the afternoon when the sun Getty (again) as their style inspiration, A great festival offers the opportu- cool. Festivals should be about relax-
has softened a little) has morphed make you wish for the innocent days nity to let your hair down and have ing, not looking in a mirror and hav-
into a succession of off-site, corpo- of Sienna Miller and her Moroccan fun. So maybe you’ll throw on a load ing copious amount of fun, without
rate-sponsored parties, whereby coin belt? I think we can all agree, that of glitter, work some fancy dress or caring for a single second about what
influencers and minor L.A. celebri- the perma-tanned soccer moms now one of those Morphsuits, but if you’re you look like. 

64 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Wintour of her discontent as 'migrant chic' comment draws criticism

BY EMMA SPEDDING ed and the migrant chic fashion show tor has faced a backlash over trying to she later regrets. Talking about allow-
The Telegraph started and they were both wonderful. make anything to do with the migrant ing documentary makers to follow her
But on the way out I was lost there for crisis chic. around while planning the Met Ball,
Kanye West's Yeezy 3 show at the last half an hour, asking various people to for an upcoming film about the The
New York Fashion Week wasn't with- let me out […] I was really in tears.” Ironically, in another press interview First Monday in May, she confessed
out controversy: models saying they this week, Wintour had confessed that she hadn't always realized the camer-
hadn't been paid, fashion critics say- Perhaps unsurprisingly the edi- she often has a tendency to say things as were watching. "I have learned that
ing the collection was terrible and Kim documentary makers are incredibly
Kardashian and crew wearing match- sneaky people," Wintour said on "The
ing all-white outfits. Now, even Anna Today Show."
Wintour – the Vogue editor-in-chief
normally known for her ability to rise "[They are] very elegant, very kind,
above any drama with her ice-cool ex- and very low key. They just follow you
terior – has been drawn into contro- around until you make a complete
versy after she described the show as fool of yourself and say something you
"migrant chic." deeply regret."

Wintour made her comments in a The film follows how the Costume
TV interview with "Late Night with Institute curator Andrew Bolton and
Seth Meyers" last week – as a passing Anna Wintour prepared for last year's
comment in what was otherwise quite Met Ball around the China: Through
a funny description of getting so lost The Looking Glass exhibition. In one
at the fashion show's Madison Square scene the pair are seen discussing con-
Gardens venue she ended up in tears. “I cerns that the theme could be criticised
got there very early, as I tend to do. They for cultural appropriation. One of the
put me in this huge VIP section and I jokes Wintour perhaps regrets, is when
was the only person sitting there for she examines a silk curtain and asks if
about half an hour," she told the chat it's rayon or silk. When one of her team
show host. “Eventually they did turn members points out it's 100 percent
up and the Life of Pablo concert start- silk, she shrugs "Made in China." Ever
the ice queen. 

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 65


Bonz bonds with Murphy, a real Georgia peach

Hi Dog Buddies! place on their way back from YOUR- Murphy. PHOTO BY LEAH DUBOIS Ah passed with flyin' colors.
up. Ah was still a pupster and, ah “But, last summer, when ah was
First a quick Bark-Out to all you Sea couldn't wait to meet mah Forevah na stop and say Hello. They're always
Oaks pups on another successful Sea Family, but ah was nervous as a poppin' into mah office. Sometimes I much younger, Dad was tryin' to
Oaks Dog Walk. Good job, Poocheroos! long-tailed cat in a room fulla rock- greet patients in the waitin' room. See- teach me to walk right next to him
My English Cocker pal Tess Patota, ing chairs. “ in' me makes 'um feel happy. On break, with no leash. All of a sudden, mah
who's Chairdog of the event commit- ah snooze under Dad's feet while he's Inner Wolf came out and ah Took Off
tee, tells me you pooches raised more I had to laugh. “So what hap- workin' at his computer. Ah'm the O- Like a Flash. Ah was gone for hours
than $2,000 for the Vero Beach Humane pened?” FISH-ul Mascot of IRR and, as you can and hours. Finally, a workman found
Society! Way to Woof! see, ah always wear my work uniiform me somewhere ah wasn't s'posed to
“Mom and Dad were so kind! Ah – my White Lab Coat! Get it?” be and called Security. And I got ar-
Now, then, I can't wait to tell you was fine! AND, ah got a wonderful RESTed! Dad hadda come and bail
about this week's interviewee, Murphy surprise when we got home. Ah have I did. We laughed. me out. Thank Lassie, he convinced
Hatten. She's a sweet, laid-back young an olduh BROthuh! HUMphrey! “Whaddya do when you're off work?” 'um to expunge mah record since it
pooch, almost 2. Murphy's a White Lab He's 3. He's an English Cocker. We “Ah LOVE the Dog Park. The Big Dog was mah first offense. Woof, you bet-
and get this: She works in a DOCtor's have the BEST time! side. Me and other Labs and some tuh believe ah never did THAT again!
office, which is where we yapped. The Great Danes run all ovuh the place.
receptionist led me and my assistant “And, DAD says I'm real smart, Rambo's one of mah Great Dane pals. “Now Dad and Mom take me to
back to Murphy's office, and she came too. Ah'm Crate-Trained and Not Sometimes human puppies are there, that cool Saturday Farmer's Market.
right up for the Wag-and-Sniff. Destructive, which he says is Very too, and I hafta be careful not to bounce Lotsa other pooches go there, too,
ImPORtant. Ah do like getting shoes on 'um. Me and Mom and Dad go for and we're all Mostly Perfectly Man-
“Hey, y’all. Welcome! Ah'm Murphy outta the closet and bringing 'um to walks on the beach in the mornin'. I nered. Oh, and once, at Christmas, we
and this is mah Dad, Paul. He's a peo- the livin' room. But ah NE-VUH chew chase birds and dig in the sand. I dig a were at the Mall and ah got to set on
ple doctor. Mah Mom's Dell. Just have a 'um. Ah have lots of stuffed toys. I spe- LOTTA sand, so Dad hasta hose me off. Santa's lap, all by mahself, and tell him
seat. Ah've nevuh had an INNUH-view cially like the zebra and the muppet, “Oh, and ah take classes, too, at what ah wanted for Christmas. It was
before. Dad says it's just us yappin', which ah also don't chew. When mah PawPrints. That's where ah'm learning mostly big, yummy bones. Ah did ask
and me answerin' questions.” human nieces and nephews come to Manners and Obedience. The best part for a peanut-butter bone, but ah didn't
visit – Katheryn, Elizabeth, Kevin and is the Obstacle course. get that yet. Come to think of it, ah
“That's right, Miss Murphy. It's real Henry – we play and play. Ah go get their "Ah'm great at that, even the tunnels. don't think ah got the Rin-Tin-Tin DVD
easy,” I told her, then added, “I couldn't toys and bring 'um to the livin' room yet, either.”
help but notice that cool drawl.Where'd with the shoes. The girls like to dress me Heading home, I was remembering
you come from?” up, which is real fun. But ah do some- how cute Murphy's drawl was. I could
times get so excited ah Jump Up on 'um, still hear her calling after us, “Y’all
She gave a big, friendly Lab grin. “Ah which Dad says is Not Good Manners. come back now, ya heah?”
was born and bred at a nice place in Ah'm still workin' on that, cuz ah can ac-
Georgia. Mah Dad and Mom just love cidently knock 'um right oveh. Dad got Till next time,
Labs. They'd had a black one and a yel- me uh vibratin' collar to keep me from
low one and wanted a white one. They jumpin' on folks. It sure works. It's just The Bonz
in-VES-tigated and Checked Stuff Out that ah really love People. Ack-shully, ah
and finally found ME, online. Soon as think that's why ah got such a fun job!” Don’t Be Shy
ah was old enough, ah flew down to
Florida to meet Mom and Dad for the “I heard about that. What exactly do We are always looking for pets
first time.” you do?” with interesting stories.

“Wow, Miss Murphy! You flew all by “Ah work with the Indian River Ra- To set up an interview, email
yourself?” diology staff to insure Smooth and Ef- [email protected].
ficient Operation of the office. I'm not
“Sure 'nuf. The airplane humans involved in diRECT patient care or in
were real nice, so it wasn't scary. Mom reviewin' X-rays, Dad does that. But
and Dad picked me up at the air freight lots of patients really like me and wan-

Question: My 8 year-old cat has been ing or pets that are turning purple or blue, environmental irritants that can be triggers ed before heart medications are selected.
breathing funny. I’m worried about him. a thoracocentesis may be needed imme- is essential including strong perfumes and There are many infectious causes of
diately to remove air or fluid as well as to cleaning agents, cigarette smoke, and dust.
Difficulty breathing in a cat can signal obtain diagnostic samples for analysis. difficulty breathing. Many viruses or severe
many different health problems. If stable, Another problem cats face is heart bacterial infections can create a pyothorax
digital x-rays or an ultrasound of the heart One of the more common conditions disease. This can cause fluid buildup in or or a chest filled with a thick fluid.
and lungs help us to determine the cause we encounter is feline asthma. In acute around the lungs, coughing, exercise intol-
of your cat’s symptoms. Bloodwork helps attacks, cats can be at risk of respiratory erance, and collapse. Many heart medi- Feline heartworm disease is also a com-
to signal infection through elevated white arrest. Treatments include sytemic steroid cations can help manage heart disease; mon cause of cough as well as vomiting in
blood cell counts or other abnormalities. In therapy, nebulization, inhaled steroids and however, echocardiograms or x-rays to cats and is underdiagnosed.
crisis situations with very labored breath- bronchodilators. Pets in crisis may need hos- evaluate the heart and electrocardiograms
pitalization and oxygen therapy. Removing to evaluate the heart rhythm may be need- Divine Animal Hospital offers complete
pet care in one location and 24 hour on-
call emergency service.

66 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


The Patio Seafood Tavern: Pianos and lobsters


Last week, we checked back in at The Macadamia Crusted Mahi. PHOTOS BY LEAH DUBOIS Aged Ribeye. Caprese Rustica.
Patio Seafood Tavern – the current in- Shrimp and Lobster Ravioli Scampi.
carnation of the historic eatery in the by broccoli rabe. The fried coconut The Patio Seafood Tavern
Old Downtown – to see how it was do- needed a bit more time in the oven. shrimp with basmati rice and an or- Hours: Daily, 11:30 am till late
ing in what is now its second year. Passing up salads, we went straight ange horseradish marmalade was a
very successful dish. Adult Beverages: Full bar
For our visit, we picked a Tuesday to the entrées. I ordered the shrimp Address:
night because on a visit last year on and lobster scampi ($21), my hus- All around us, meanwhile, diners
a Tuesday, we had found the dinner band had the macademia crusted were enjoying large platters of broiled 1103 21st Street
hour in Vero’s largest restaurant dis- mahi mahi ($24), and our companion lobster, which for $19.95 is certainly Vero Beach
quietingly slow. opted for the fried coconut shrimp one of the better values around.
($19). Phone: (772) 774-8232
But Tuesday at The Patio now has For dessert, we shared a slice of a
two things going for it. The shrimp and lobster scampi en- luscious carrot cake ($7).
tree consisted of four jumbo shrimp
One is that Tuesdays still are Maine and four stuffed lobster ravioli served The service on our visit was atten-
lobster night, when The Patio serves in a creamy garlic sauce atop a bed of tive, and overall we would rate the
beautiful pound-and-a-quarter Maine spinach. Excellent. The dolphin was food a bit better than average – but
lobsters. perfectly cooked and accompanied not inexpensive.

But even more of an attraction With the music (live entertainment
is that Tuesday now is also dueling is also offered on weekend nights), The
piano night, when Johnny Nick and Patio is a fun place to dine. Certainly,
Kent Taylor Brown hold forth playing the turnout last Tuesday had to be en-
requests – which tend to run toward couraging to management.
Billy Joel and Elton John standards
– on their baby grands. Johnny is an I welcome your comments, and en-
excellent piano man, and Kent plays courage you to send feedback to me
saxophone and a variety of instru- at [email protected].
ments in addition to piano.
The reviewer dines anonymously at
When we arrived on a beautiful restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
spring evening, the dueling pianos 32963. 
welcomed us as we stepped out of our
car in the parking lot. We opted for
a table in the outdoor dining area,
where the tunes were still plenty
loud but conversation was possible.
(A number of diners clearly like loud;
the main dining room was even fuller
than the patio area.)

Once seated, our server quickly
took our drink order. Since the spe-
cial menu that night featured a mixed
drink that included Hendrick’s gin,
my husband was inspired to order a
Hendrick’s martini. After a few min-
ute wait, the server returned with
news that the bar was out of Hen-
drick’s, so he joined me in a glass of

For appetizers on this evening,
we decided to start with a favorite
from previous visits, the asparagus
and parmesan tempura ($8), and the
crispy calamari ($9.50).

The tempura, topped with shaved
parmesan and accompanied by a
mustard dipping sauce, is very tasty –
but on this evening a bit chewy. The
long thin strips of calamari steak,
however, had been flash-fried per-
fectly and were extremely tender.
They were tossed with a citrus beurre
blanc, sriracha, capers and tomato.

Our server also brought a basket
of the cheddar-rosemary biscuits ev-
eryone loves. Usually light and flaky,
these biscuits were tasty – but they

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 67


Roam Italy for a fascinating variety of white wines

BY DAVE MCINTYRE Harding and José Vouillamoz (Harper a medium-bodied, earthy white with tories with bubbles, of course. Prosec-
Collins, 2012). If d’Agata’s count is cor- a floral note echoing Riesling and an co is a soft, enjoyable and affordable
The Washington Post rect, then more than a quarter of the appealing bitter almond flavor on the fizz unencumbered by the luxurious
world’s wine grape varieties are Ital- finish. Falanghina, from the region prices and expectations of cham-
Springtime always refreshes my ian. where mozzarella reigns supreme, is pagne, while Franciacorta, made in
curiosity and ignites my wanderlust. an ideal partner for caprese salad or the Champagne style, lends sophisti-
Not that I drop everything and hit the That gives Italian vintners a lot to pizza margherita. cation.
road, but I start rummaging through play with.
my wines looking for something dif- Let’s not forget the islands. Sicily’s Let the wine travels begin. 
ferent to quench my thirst. No more “The trump card for Italian wine grillo is terrific with seafood seasoned
bold reds or full-bodied whites. I want producers is their potential to make with olives and capers. And Sardinia’s
something light, something different. world-class wines that exhibit aroma vermentino seems to capture the es-
And that often means something from and flavor profiles altogether different sence of the Mediterranean. Its citrus
Italy. from those well known to the wine- and sometimes tropical flavors are
buying public,” d’Agata writes. “In accented by herbal notes of wild sage,
Traveling up and down the boot other words, Italy’s native grapes and rosemary and thyme, plus a salinity
courtesy of my corkscrew gives me op- wines offer jaded wine-loving con- that suggests the sea breeze cooling
portunities to taste an amazing vari- sumers something new and interest- the island vineyards.
ety of wines — red, white or sparkling. ing, at times even something wild and
Italy has more wine grape varieties wacky." Italy can help us celebrate life’s vic-
than any other country, and many
of them have not been successfully Italian white wine varieties are es-
grown elsewhere, for some reason. pecially fascinating. Unfortunately,
ask consumers to name an Italian
Ian d’Agata, in his superb reference white wine and most would probably
book, “Native Wine Grapes of Italy” think of pinot grigio, which translates
(University of California Press, 2014), into plain English as “boring.” (There
counts 377 varieties he describes as are exceptions, of course. Look for pi-
“native,” meaning they originated not grigio from the mountain vine-
there or are identified almost exclu- yards of Alto Aldige in northern Italy.
sively with Italy. But pinot grigio is just the Italian name
for the French pinot gris.)
Some may have been carried west-
ward by the ancient Greeks or Phoeni- A little sleuthing in finer wine shops
cians, but over the centuries they have will uncover some delicious and exotic
thrived in Italy but not elsewhere, gems ideally suited for lighter cuisine
qualifying them as native in d’Agata’s we tend to favor in warmer weather.
reckoning. The number is almost
certainly fluid as DNA recognition of Piemonte, the region of robust Baro-
grape varieties improves; some variet- lo and Barbaresco reds from the neb-
ies may yet be identified as an Italian biolo grape, counters with a racy, deli-
name for a well-known foreign grape. cately floral white wine called Roero
d’Arneis. Garganega may be Italy’s
But consider this: There are near- stealth white: The grape’s name rarely
ly 1,400 wine grape varieties grown appears on labels, but it plays top fid-
worldwide, according to the most au- dle as the grape of Soave from the re-
thoritative book on the subject, “Wine gion around Venice.
Grapes,” by Jancis Robinson, Julia
In the Marche, verdicchio produces

68 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Vero & Casual Dining

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 69

Vero & Casual Dining

Happy Hour Bar Menu & Drink Specials Thai & Japanese Cuisine Live Music and Jazz
5 - 6:30pm (Bar only) ~ $5 Martinis Tues – Thurs, 6 pm - 9 pm
Open Monday ~ Saturday from 5pm Beer, Wine, Sake & Fri & Sat, 6 pm - 10 pm
1920 14th Ave • Downtown Vero Beach Full Liquor Bar
(772) 226-5254 • $2 Off Martini Tuesdays
Dine in & Take Out

Mon - Sat 11:30am - 3 pm


Nightly 4:30 pm -10 pm

713 17th Street|(17th Shoppes Center)

70 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Vero & Casual Dining


Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 71

Vero & Casual Dining

72 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


College lacrosse success is the goal for St. Ed’s Murphy

BY RON HOLUB "My first coach said Kevin Murphy. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE

Correspondent it takes a special try were also on the sports menu for “I wouldn’t say I enjoyed cross
Murphy in high school. He and his country because I’m not the best run-
Persistence paid off for St. Ed’s se- kind of crazy to be a brothers Matt and Liam were serious ner. I can show you a good way to lose
nior Kevin Murphy when he began his taekwondo athletes pre-Florida, but a cross country meet.”
search for a college with a lacrosse net goalie... they were unable to find a competi-
in need of protection. It was the sport tive outlet when they arrived. A freshman-year void between
he tried at a relatively young age and I've kind of lived by swimming in the fall and lacrosse
it grew into a love affair when he en- “So that fell off the radar for us,” in the spring needed filling. “I didn’t
tered high school. that ever since." Murphy explained. “Matt took up really like that because I had a lot of
swimming and he is now swimming extra time that I really didn’t manage
Following his mother’s career path, – Kevin Murphy at Franklin & Marshall College. Since well,” Murphy said. “I did better when
Murphy was born in Aiken, South he jumped into the pool my parents I had something going on, which al-
Carolina, and lived there through sec- was really cool. I ended up reconnect- threw me in there, too. As it happens ways meant I was able to manage my
ond grade. He moved to Louisville, ing with an old coach and that’s I how I’m not as good as my brother, but time better.”
Kentucky, for several years before I found Berry. I’m excited about play- it’s something I like to do. The people
coming to Florida and St. Ed’s in time ing there next year.” and coaches were very nice and I re- So as a sophomore Murphy tried
for eighth grade. ally enjoyed it.” out for the soccer team and became
Murphy plans to tend goal for the a starter that season despite having
“I was introduced to lacrosse in Vikings like he did for the Pirates. It He was a varsity swimmer for four never touched a soccer ball before.
third grade, but I didn’t start playing took some time to find the right fit on years and became one of the athletes
on a real team until fifth grade at my the field, and a major adjustment was shared with the cross country team “I’m not really sure about what I
old school,” Murphy recalled. “When required before he finally settled in. over the past two seasons. want to study in college,” Murphy
I moved here it had never been the said, “I’ve been coaching club lacrosse
main sport for me. Then it really took “When I started playing in fifth “They are smaller teams and not (younger brother Liam’s team) for a
off and I’ve loved it ever since.” grade I was a midfielder because the most popular sports at school,” few years. I really enjoy helping kids
that’s where everyone starts,” Murphy Murphy said of swimming and cross and passing on the knowledge I have.
Murphy will graduate soon and his said. “I realized quickly that I wasn’t country. “So by combining them we
next academic destination is Berry very good at middie. My older brother were able to expand both rosters and “I’ve thought about teaching in
College in Rome, Georgia – a pictur- Matt had played goalie so I tried that. help these teams thrive over the past middle school, but my end goal is
esque setting midway between At- At first I thought I was really bad.” two years. coaching lacrosse. I almost enjoy
lanta and Chattanooga. It will be a coaching more than playing.” 
smooth transition in terms of mas- “I’m right handed in everything,
cots. He will leave as a Pirate to be- but then just messing around one day
come a Viking. More significantly, an I put the stick in my left hand and it
exhaustive email search resulted in an felt natural. So I just went from there
extraordinary reunion. and I’m a left handed goalie, but that’s
the only thing I do left handed.”
“It’s kind of interesting,” Murphy
said. “I started my college search in the Playing goal in lacrosse can be a
summer before my junior year. I went lonely and challenging task, however
around for weeks looking at different Murphy’s personality is a perfect fit.
colleges. Then I decided to reach out “My first coach said it takes a special
and contact the lacrosse coach from kind of crazy to be a goalie,” Murphy
my fifth- and sixth-grade team.” told us. “I’ve kind of lived by that ever
since. Making a save can be really
“I found out that he had moved on lucky sometimes.”
to coach at Center College in Ken-
tucky, but his email there was no lon- Soccer, swimming and cross coun-
ger active. I did a little more research
and discovered that he was at Berry
College. I emailed him and a month
later I was on campus for a visit. It

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 73


You have the power to make the world a better place

BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT tion of the acquisition, the harnessing can be grabbed. It has to be granted. It posal? What are you capable of achiev-
Columnists of, and the usage of power. has to be earned. People to whom oth- ing with the power you hold? Suppose
ers turn for approval or advice, those you enhanced your referent power, by
Power. Do you think much about Years ago a classic study on power who have desirable qualities, those developing your unique qualities that
it? Some people seem to think about was undertaken by two social psy- whose character is admired, those others could admire and emulate, then
it quite a lot – who has it, who doesn’t, chologists, John French and Bertram who inspire the respect and loyalty of how much good might you and others,
how to get it, how to keep it. Why is Raven. They were researching how others have referent power, apart from together, be able to accomplish?
power so important? Well, power is people exert power over others and any other form or source of power
ability, capacity, faculty, motive force, by what authority. They came up with they may hold. Fascinatingly, referent Perhaps we are all more potentially
the means to get things done. Power these five primary power forms: le- power has sometimes been called the powerful than we know. Let’s put our
can mean control. So yes, power is a gitimate power (the power held by “X-factor” because it is a bit mysteri- power to work. In the words of one
desired commodity. In fact, as some virtue of rank, job title or place in a ous. It can’t be predicted to occur here who has inspired many: Let’s do all
analysts have pointed out, the study of hierarchy); reward power (the power or there. It’s entirely dependent on the good we can, by all the means we
human history is really the examina- to influence through the granting of the cluster of qualities any individual can, in all the ways we can, in all the
benefits, money or prestige); coer- holds that others revere. Kind teach- places we can, at all the times we can,
cive power (the power to influence ers have referent power. Wise friends for all the people we can, as long as
through threat of punishment, arrest, have referent power. Loving grand- ever we can. 
loss of job or loss of reputation); expert parents have referent power.
power (the power that comes in know-
ing something significant that others Often we people of faith are encour-
don’t know but need to rely upon); and aged to be a bit leery of power. We are
finally, referent power (the power of encouraged not to grasp and claw for
interpersonal social influence). it. We are shown the folly of power-
mongering and power-coveting. But if
When we learned about this cat- power is the means to getting things
egorization of power forms recently, done, then power is not innately bad
we were particularly intrigued by the or wrong, though we might be well-
fifth form: referent power. Referent advised to assess its form and be cau-
power is a subtler sort of power than tious in its application.
the other four and may not be readily
visible. It’s not the sort of power that What forms of power are at your dis-

Patricia Powers Keller

Patricia Powers Keller, former
resident of John’s Island,
passed away on Thursday,
March 24th, one week after
her 95th birthday, in Green
Valley, AZ. Born March 16,
1921 in Denison, Iowa, she
was the daughter of Judge
Leon W. Powers and Blanid Lally Powers. She attended
local school Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart in
Omaha, Nebraska, and studied at Saint Mary’s College
at Notre Dame, Indiana, before moving to New York
City to attend Katherine Gibbs Secretarial School. She
married Ensign J. A. Keller in June, 1944, and together
they had eight children.
Patricia was pre-deceased by her son Paul Powers
Keller, who died at age 24, and by her husband, known
as Jack, at 83. Following a Mass of Christian Burial
at Saint Katharine Drexel Parish in Wolfeboro, New
Hampshire, she will be buried at Lakeview Cemetery.
Survived by seven other children, nine grandchildren,
and three great grandchildren, she was a beautiful
and charming woman, much loved by her family and

74 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


ONGOING 21 Vero Beach High School Performing 25 qualifying rounds $10; tickets to main draw and other local charities. $100 includes continen-
Arts Dept. presents Masterworks, 7 singles and doubles Apr. 26 to May 1, $20. Sea- tal breakfast, lunch and prizes. 772-584-1087
Riverside Theatre: Sister Act on the Stark p.m. at VBHS PAC. $6-$12. 772-564-5537 son tickets to everything $100. Children 18 and
Stage thru May 1. 772-231-6990 under free. 917-770-0843 23 Education Foundation Charity Shoot,
22 Night Sounds Concert Series features a clay shooting competition, 10 a.m.
Vero Beach Museum of Art: Oscar Bluem- St. John’s Wood, 6 p.m. at Sebastian 23 Help Kids Kick Cancer Superhero 5K, at the Windsor Gun Club at Indian River Trap &
ner: Selection from the Vera Bluemnar Kouba Inlet State Park Coconut Point pavilions. Stan- 7:30 a.m. at South Beach Park to ben- Skeet followed by lunch. $150. 772-564-0034
Collection thru May 22, John Baeder’s Ameri- dard park admission. (321)984-4852 efit the Maya Matters’ Foundation, with medals
can Roadside thru May 15 and Nature Illumi- for all finishers, refreshments, children’s activi- 23 Gifford Youth Achievement Center
nated: Landscapes and Still Lifes by Heade and 22|23 Comedy Zone Experience ties and goody bags. 772-569-7364 speaker series presents A Conversa-
his Contemporaries thru June 5. 772-231-0707 on Waxlax Stage at River- tion with Iyanla Vanzant, NY Times best-selling
side Theatre, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. $16 -$18. 23 Earth Day Celebration and Arbor Day author, life-coach and TV personality, 4 p.m. at
McKee Botanical Garden: Roar of the Dino- Free music at Live in the Loop. 772-231-6990 Observation hosted by City of Sebastian Vero Beach High School Performing Arts Center.
saur exhibit thru May 1. 772-794-0601 Natural Resources Board, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at $35 - $75. 772-794-1005, Ext. 224
22-24 Teen One Acts at Riverside Riverview Park in Sebastian, with entertainment,
Polo Sundays at BG Polo, gates open at 1 Children’s Theatre, 7:30 vendors, K9 demonstrations, Chalk Art contest, 24 Great Duck Derby, Noon to 4 p.m. at Cap-
p.m. for 2 p.m. matches thru May 1. 772-999- p.m. Fri. & Sat.; 1:30 p.m. Sat. & Sun. $12 adults; Fat Tire Bike Challenge and Scavenger Hunt. Free. tain Hiram’s to benefit Treasure Coast
3709 $6 children. 772-231-6990 Community Health, with 7,500 ducks dropped into
23 Exchange Club of the Treasure Coast’s the lagoon for a race to the finish with cash prizes
APRIL 22 to May 1 - The Mardy Fish Children’s annual Champions for Charity Golf Tour- to winners. Duck adoptions range from $5 for one
Foundation Tennis Championships at nament, 8:30 a.m. shotgun start from The Club at to $200 for 55 ducks. 772-571-1989
The Boulevard Tennis Club, tickets to Apr. 22 to Pointe West to benefit CASTLE Family Services
24 American Guild of Organists, Treasure Coast
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword Page 51 (CAVEAT EMPTOR) Chapter Recital, 4 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal
in April 14, 2016 Edition 5 HOLM 2 ORDER Church in Vero Beach on April 24th at 4 p.m. featur-
4 GROAN 3 MINERVA ing TCCAGO members and scholarship students
8 SARDINIA 4 GRANT performing, followed by a reception. Donations ac-
9 EMMA 5 OVERLAP cepted toward organ scholarship fund. 772-696-0806
11 RUTHLESS 7 MAHLER 27 Junior League of Indian River County
12 GRAPPA 13 PILLAGE honors 22 women in four categories at
14 SUPPLE 14 STYLISH its Woman of the Year luncheon, 11:30 a.m. at
16 JEALOUSY 15 LINNET Oak Harbor Club. $100
20 RHEA 18 USHER 28 Silver Resource Association’s Silver
21 HEIGHTEN 19 ASHEN Tones Chorus Concert, featuring the
22 STEER music of Andrew Lloyd Webber, 7 p.m. at First
23 HANG Presbyterian Church with reception following.
$15 advance; $20 at door. 772-469-3148
Sudoku Page 50 Sudoku Page 51 Crossword Page 50


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This directory gives small business people eager
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607 Tulip Lane in Pelican Cove: 4-bedroom, 4.5-bath home with dock and boathouse close to the
Intracoastal offered for $2,750,000 by Matilde Sorensen of Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc.: 772-532-0010

76 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Pelican Cove dream house must be seen to be believed

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA lar 2-story, riverfront residence filled precursor of what is to be found be- easy beverage delivery when enter-
Staff Writer with light, wonderful living and en- yond the threshold. taining. This area provides sink, cabi-
tertaining spaces, numerous luxury net storage, ice maker and fridge, and
Within the sought-after commu- amenities – and it’s just minutes to A broad foyer leads into the great includes a capacious, high-ceilinged
nity of Pelican Cove is lovely, oak- the Intracoastal. room, which includes a formal din- wine cellar with glass door.
shaded Tulip Lane, a charming, sin- ing area and a cozy living room with
gle-street neighborhood lined with The brick paver entrance walkway wood-burning fireplace. The hand- Just past the dining room is a spa-
gracious, elegant homes. The leafy, leads past a pair of stone columns, some tray ceiling features crown cious family room and chef’s kitch-
sun-dappled lane imparts a sense of each topped with a beautiful metal molding, recessed lighting and ceil- en, perfectly designed for maximum
serenity, and here, at 607 Tulip Lane, and glass light in the form of a pine- ing fans. conversation opportunities between
beneath oak and palm, is a spectacu- apple – a traditional sign of welcome relaxing family and friends and the
and hospitality, and an appropriate A counter pass-through connects bustling Chief Cooks. Foodies will
the wet bar with the dining room for

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 77


fall in love with the fabulous kitchen
with its top-of-the-line, professional
appliances, Wolf gas oven, range with
huge, custom-built hood, built-in mi-
crowave and sub-zero fridge.

The incredible wood-top island
with deep rinsing sink provides lots
of workspace, plenty of room to pull
up stools for informal meals-on-
the-go or – if there are children or
grandchildren in the family – even
to tackle that homework. Two sleek
hanging light fixtures further il-
luminate the island, and beautiful,
white custom cabinetry features
warm, lighted glass-top shelves for
plenty of stylish storage.

The family room lets onto its own
loggia, and the entire family room/
kitchen space boasts a vaulted, white
wood-beamed cathedral ceiling with
recessed lighting.

A hallway leads from the kitchen/
dining room into a pass-through


Subdivision: Pelican Cove
Year built: 2007

Frame/concrete block
Lot size: 110’ X 150’

Home size: 4,000-4,500 sq. ft.
Bedrooms: 4

Bathrooms: 4 full; 1 half
Additional features: Cathedral
ceilings; ceiling fans; marble,
granite and oak countertops;
stereo system w/ceiling speak-

ers; central vac system; ex-
tensive use of cypress wood
for exterior trim; metal roof;
hurricane shutters; impact
windows and doors; lightning
rod protection system; under-
ground utilities; 35-KW whole
house generator system w/1,000
gallon in-ground propane tank

Listing agency:
Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc.

Listing agent:
Matilde Sorensen, 772-532-0010

Listing price: $2,750,000

78 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


“The Trusted Name in Real Estate Since 1949” pantry, and a laundry room which ers opening to a private loggia with a
offers more-than-expected counter water view, the master bedroom pro-
REDUCED! and storage space. From there, it’s a vides a quiet sanctuary in which to re-
couple of steps down into the good- lax and recharge in luxury. The lady of
sized workshop, and, beyond, to the the house will quickly fall in love with
2-car, east garage. the huge walk-in, walk-though room
(the word “closet” simply doesn’t do
The home’s first-floor west wing it justice!). This dreamy space offers
contains the incomparable master plentiful custom storage, including a
suite: With cathedral ceiling, soft, pale large center island over which glows
green walls and screened, glass slid-


New CBS construction. Impact windows, custom Direct intracoastal waterfront home w/dock. 5 BR/5.
cabinets, SS appliances, wood floors. Private pool. 5BA. Over 10,000 SF U/roof. Custom Built.
$3,895,000 (#167165)
$780,000 (#167458) Jim Knapp 772-913-0395

Dawn Lightle 772-559-7312


Deepwater intracoastal home. Magnificent SW water Choice location for this lakefront villa. Den +3
views. 4BR/4.5BA. 132’ frontage. Pool, dock. BD/4BA. Custom upgrades. Terrific kitchen, pool.
$1,090,000 (#167554)
Jim Knapp 913-0395 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395

OAK HARBOR – St. James Island OAK HARBOR – Caldicott House

Rarely available lakefront pool home. 2BR + den, 2.5 Impeccably renovated in 2012 by Barkley Int’l.
BA. Fireplace, high ceilings. Spacious kitchen. 2 BR/2.5BA. Many luxury upgrades & features.
$474,900 (#165811)
Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 $349,000 (#166070)
Jim Knapp 772-913-0395

2901 Ocean Drive, Vero Beach, FL 32963
772-231-6509 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 79


an elegant crystal-drop chandelier. Three wide, double French doors
The en suite features dual sinks, a open onto the great room lanai, ideal
for entertaining, with a built-in sum-
sumptuous, big-enough-for-two, deep mer kitchen and BBQ and plenty of
green tiled shower with rain forest seating and table space. The gas-
shower head, TV hook-up, and an eye- heated pool and unscreened, brick
catching, elevated garden tub, with paver pool deck lead across the lawn
white tile surround and back splash. to the canal and a glorious view of the
Intracoastal only a few yards beyond.
From the master suite, an interior For boaters, the home’s piece de re-
hallway leads into the west, 2-car ga-
rage, which is air conditioned.

80 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


sistance could well be the 60-foot, of coffee, and the sunset, relaxing
deep-water private dock with three with a glass of wine.
lifts and an impeccably maintained
boathouse. Although the wooded, 26-homesite
neighborhood feels pleasantly se-
From the foyer, a staircase leads cluded, residents have only to exit out
directly up into the inviting second onto A1A and it is a convenient ride to
floor family room/den, which boasts the central beach shopping and din-
a wet bar and wine cooler, and opens ing area, where a plethora of restau-
onto a broad covered balcony that rants and shops await. A few blocks
looks out over the front entranceway west is Riverside Park, with tennis
and its lush landscaping. Two of the and racquet ball courts, a jogging trail
three second-floor guest suites share and Vero’s two cultural anchors – the
a large, full bath with double sinks. widely acclaimed Riverside Theatre
The third has its own full bath and a (an Equity house) and the nationally
walk-in closet. All three have double respected Museum of Art. The city
French doors letting onto a large rear and its surroundings offer numerous
balcony. From here, one can enjoy boating, fishing, biking and golf op-
both the sunrise with a morning cup portunities as well. 

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 81


Mortgage rates hit lows not seen in nearly three years

BY KATHY ORTON three months about the direction Fueled by low rates, mortgage ap- The refinance share of mortgage
Washington Post of the economy seems to be spilling plications soared, according to the activity accounted for 54.9 percent of
over into home purchase sentiment,” latest data from the Mortgage Bank- all applications.
Mortgage rates continued to fall Doug Duncan, chief economist at ers Association.
this week, pushed down by jitters over Fannie Mae, said in a statement. “Helped by a persistently strong job
the global economy and oil prices. The market composite index – a market and low rates, applications for
According to the latest data re- measure of total loan application vol- both conventional and government
Earlier this week, the International leased Thursday by Freddie Mac, the ume – jumped 10 percent from the home purchase loans increased last
Monetary Fund became the latest or- 30-year fixed-rate average slipped to previous week. The refinance index week,” Mike Fratantoni, MBA’s chief
climbed 11 percent, while the pur- economist, said in a statement. “The
chase index grew 8 percent, its high- purchase index was at its second-
est level since October. highest level since May 2010.” 

ganization to express concern about 3.58 percent with an av-
the global economy, joining the Fed- erage 0.5 point, its low-
eral Reserve and the European Cen- est level since May 2013.
tral Bank. These worries have led (Points are fees paid to a
many observers to predict that home lender equal to 1 percent
loan rates will remain low for the of the loan amount.) It
near term. was 3.59 percent a week
ago and 3.67 percent
Although low mortgage rates a year ago. The 30-year
would help affordability in the fixed-rate has dropped 43
housing market, reservations about basis points since the start of
where the economy is headed seem the year.
to be having an effect on home buy- The 15-year fixed-rate average
ers. Last week, Fannie Mae released slid to 2.86 percent with an average
its latest home purchase sentiment 0.5 point. It was 2.88 percent a week
index, which fell to its lowest level in ago and 2.94 percent a year ago. The
the past year and a half. last time the 15-year fixed rate fell
this far down was also in May 2013.
“Growing pessimism over the last The five-year adjustable rate aver-
age dropped to 2.84 percent with an
average 0.4 point. It was 2.82 percent a
week ago and 2.88 percent a year ago.
“Demand for Treasuries remained
high this week, driving yields to
their lowest point since February,”
Sean Becketti, Freddie Mac chief
economist, said in a statement. “In
response, the 30-year mortgage rate
fell 1 basis point to 3.58 percent.
This rate represents yet another low
for 2016 and the lowest mark since
May 2013.”

82 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Julia Roberts drops price for
Hawaiian retreat to $21.95M

BY SAVANNAH STEPHENS said. “There are almost no limits to
Washington Post this property, which is rare here.”

Julia Roberts has dropped the The property includes a main
price of her oceanside retreat in Ha- home and a guesthouse, which have a
waii. The property was built in 1917 combined seven bedrooms and four
on one of the largest private sections bathrooms.
of land in Hanalei Bay, Kauai, along
200 feet of beach. Roberts, 48, is one of the highest-
paid actors in Hollywood and one
Roberts is listing the former sugar of the industry’s biggest box office
plantation at $21.95 million, down draws. Over the years, she has starred
from $29.85 million when it first went in such hits as “Pretty Woman,”
on the market last year, according to “Steel Magnolias” and “Erin Brockov-
ich,” for which she won an Academy Award. Her latest movie “Money
“This property is only one of three Monster,” which also stars George
Clooney, will be released in May.
that have a two-acre lot on the best
beach on the island, if not the whole She is married to cameraman Dan-
island chain,” said Neal Norman iel Moder and has 11-year-old twins
of Hawaii Life Real Estate Brokers, Phinnaeus and Hazel and an 8-year-
which has an HGTV show of the old son, Henry.
same name.
Roberts’ reasons for selling the
The 3,792-square-foot house can be property stem from her busy sched-
expanded to up to 9,000 square feet of ule. Her family, Norman said, “simply
living space on the lot, Norman said. wasn’t using it enough.”
Roberts decided to keep the house
unchanged when she purchased it “The property has been listed for
in 2011, but a new buyer would have quite some time and they are mo-
plenty of options for the area. tivated to sell,” he said. “A special
person will love the property . . . You
“A buyer might like the campy na- can stand on the lawn leading out to
ture [of the current house] a lot, or this encompassing dream beach but
people would see the value of the lot, also see mountains. It’s an incred-
or the potential to remodel,” Norman ible space.” 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 83


Suit: Banks illegally raked in excess interest payments

Washington Post

For years it was widely considered ments exceeded any small interest owe $1,227.68 interest. Yet her typi- andrappa of Bondurant Mixson &
a massive, government-sanctioned rate break upfront. cal monthly interest charge was just Elmore in Atlanta, said the suits
rip-off of home-mortgage borrowers. $613.84. Wells Fargo’s payoff state- reveal that the four lenders “took
Then it was banned by the Consum- In a series of legal moves last week, ment was not in the format approved hundreds of millions of dollars in
er Financial Protection Bureau. And attorneys representing FHA borrow- by FHA, she said, and was “both mis- illicit profits” by not following the
now it’s the subject of class-action ers sued Bank of America, Wells Far- leading and confusing” and did not rules, and “those funds need to be
suits that accuse four large banks of go Mortgage, U.S. Bank and SunTrust properly advise her of her options. returned to plaintiffs” and to other
illegally collecting millions of dol- Mortgage for allegedly failing to prop- borrowers who have been victims
lars in excess mortgage-interest pay- erly disclose the extra-interest policy One of the attorneys represent- across the country. 
ments from their customers. to clients paying off loans originated ing the plaintiffs, Naveen Ramach-
before the deadline. All four banks,
The source of all the controversy: according to complaints filed in fed-
The Federal Housing Administra- eral district courts in Florida and
tion’s long-time policy of allowing Georgia, violated FHA rules by us-
banks to charge homeowners a full ing payoff disclosure forms that were
month’s worth of interest when they not approved by FHA and did not ad-
went to pay off their FHA-insured equately advise borrowers on how to
loans – even after they had paid back limit or avoid extra-interest charges.
all the principal they owed. The approved FHA disclosure ex-
pressly informs borrowers that “it is
To illustrate: Say you were prepar- to your advantage” to schedule clos-
ing to pay off your mortgage balance ings either at the end of the month or
in full on May 3. Under the govern- by the first business day of the month.
ment’s policy, lenders were permitted
to charge you interest on the paid bal- The net effect of the allegedly im-
ance though May 31, collecting it at proper disclosures, the suits charge,
the closing May 3. It was the equiva- is that large numbers of borrowers
lent of being charged for a full tank of paid more in interest than they could
gas, even though all you pumped was have and that the four banks collect-
three gallons. ed substantial sums in post-payment
interest illegally on FHA mortgages.
The official rationale for the con-
troversial policy was that mortgage- All four banks declined comment
bond investors expected full months’ on the suits when I contacted them
worth of interest payments on FHA last week.
loans, not partial payments.
Real estate industry estimates of
Unless borrowers paid off their excess FHA interest charges over the
loans on the first of the month, the past decade and a half have ranged
lender could charge them interest for into the hundreds of millions of dol-
the full month. But FHA was alone in lars per year. In 2003 alone, according
its stance on this. Neither of the two to one estimate from the National As-
giant mortgage players, Fannie Mae sociation of Realtors, FHA borrowers
and Freddie Mac, forced consumers paid nearly $587.4 million in excess
to make extra interest payments on interest.
loans to please Wall Street. Nor did
the Department of Veterans Affairs One of the plaintiffs in the class-
do so on its home mortgages. FHA of- action suits, a homeowner in Flor-
ficials also argued that because lend- ida who allegedly was overcharged
ers have the opportunity to charge by Wells Fargo, claimed in her suit
additional interest, they typically that the bank informed her in a loan
quote more-favorable interest rates payoff statement that she would
on FHA loans – 0.10% to 0.15% lower –
compared with non-FHA loans.

Last year, after the Consumer Fi-
nancial Protection Bureau ruled that
FHA’s policy amounted to a prepay-
ment penalty prohibited by federal
law, FHA rescinded the policy for new
borrowers taking out loans on or af-
ter Jan. 21, 2015, but kept it in place
for an estimated 7.8 million home-
owners who had FHA loans dating
to previous years. At the same time,
the agency conceded that the savings
FHA borrowers supposedly received
from its policy were illusory, and that
“in most cases” the extra interest pay-

84 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: April 7 to April 13

The barrier island real estate market remained strong last week, with 13 transactions recorded including
two for more than $1 million.

The top sale of the week was of a riverfront property in Riomar Bay. The home at 502 River Drive was
placed on the market Nov. 25 with an asking price of $2.775 million. The home sold on April 11 for $2.6

The seller in the transaction was represented by Barbara McCarthy and Jenn Kite of Dale Sorensen Real
Estate. The purchaser was represented by Matilde Sorensen, also of Dale Sorensen Real Estate.


$1,950,000 $685,800
RIOMAR 1801 OCEAN DRIVE 11/2/2015 $775,000 $1,950,000 4/12/2016 $385,000
BERMUDA BAY 103 RIVER OAK LANE 12/21/2015 $474,950 $735,000 4/11/2016 $800,000
$895,000 $900,000
MARBRISA 106 S CARMEL COURT 9/11/2015 $1,019,000 $424,000 4/7/2016 $550,000
OCEAN OAKS EAST 2203 E OCEAN OAKS LANE 12/22/2015 $849,000 4/7/2016 $645,000
BAYTREE OCEAN VILLAS 8388 CALAMANDREN WAY 11/23/2015 $1,019,000 4/7/2016 $250,000
FLORALTON BEACH 835 REEF ROAD 5/18/2015 $639,000 4/5/2016


SAWYER PARK 2523 OCEAN DRIVE, #2 11/27/2015 $725,000 $725,000 4/11/2016
RACQUET CLUB OF VERO 3939 OCEAN DRIVE, #311 11/15/2015 $350,000 $330,000 4/11/2016
OCEAN TOWERS 2743 OCEAN DRIVE, #39E 10/13/2014 $315,000 $315,000 4/8/2016
JOHN’S ISLAND 777 SEA OAK DRIVE, #710 10/27/2015 $595,000 $575,000 4/8/2016

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 85


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Riomar, Address: 1801 Ocean Drive Subdivision: Bermuda Bay, Address: 103 River Oak Lane

Listing Date: 11/2/2015 Listing Date: 12/21/2015
Original Price: $1,950,000 Original Price: $775,000
Recent Price: $1,950,000 Recent Price: $735,000
Sold: 4/12/2016 Sold: 4/11/2016
Selling Price: $1,760,000 Selling Price: $685,800
Listing Agent: Charlotte Terry & Barbara Parent Listing Agent: Matilde Sorensen

Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Matilde Sorensen Matilde G. Sorensen

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Subdivision: Ocean Oaks East, Address: 2203 E Ocean Oaks Lane Subdivision: Baytree Ocean Villas, Address: 8388 Calamandren Way

Listing Date: 12/22/2015 Listing Date: 11/23/2015
Original Price: $895,000 Original Price: $1,019,000
Recent Price: $849,000 Recent Price: $1,019,000
Sold: 4/7/2016 Sold: 4/7/2016
Selling Price: $800,000 Selling Price: $900,000
Listing Agent: Janyne Kenworthy Listing Agent: Kay Brown

Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Premier Estate Properties

Clark French Kay Brown

Premier Estate Properties Premier Estate Properties

I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S


Pristine, direct riverfront 3BR/2.5BA with amazing views Beautiful 4BR/3BA on desirable corner lot, move-in ready Custom built 4BR/4BA home, w/in-law suite and separate
of the Intracoastal Waterway, move-in ready, 4 car garage w/fireplace, screened patio/pool, walk to beach access den/office, bordered by water on two sides, 3 car garage
$695,000 $429,000

Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.

direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |

86 Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Marbrisa, Address: 106 S Carmel Court Subdivision: Floralton Beach, Address: 835 Reef Road

Listing Date: 9/11/2015 Listing Date: 5/18/2015
Original Price: $474,950 Original Price: $669,000
Recent Price: $424,000 Recent Price: $639,000
Sold: 4/7/2016 Sold: 4/5/2016
Selling Price: $385,000 Selling Price: $550,000
Listing Agent: Nancy & Joe Jones Listing Agent: Gene Kane

Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc.

Nancy & Joe Jones Gene Kane

Berkshire Hathaway Florida Alex MacWilliam, Inc.

Subdivision: Sawyer Park, Address: 2523 Ocean Drive, #2 Subdivision: John’s Island, Address: 777 Sea Oak Drive, #710

Listing Date: 11/27/2015 Listing Date: 10/27/2015
Original Price: $725,000 Original Price: $595,000
Recent Price: $725,000 Recent Price: $575,000
Sold: 4/11/2016 Sold: 4/8/2016
Selling Price: $645,000 Selling Price: $505,000
Listing Agent: Matilde Sorensen Listing Agent: Cliff Norris

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: J I Property Exchange, LLC

Charlotte Terry Not provided

Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Not provided

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 21, 2016 87


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Racquet Club of Vero, Address: 3939 Ocean Drive, #311

Listing Date: 11/15/2015
Original Price: $350,000
Recent Price: $330,000
Sold: 4/11/2016
Selling Price: $295,000
Listing Agent: Jane Johnson

Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc.

Jane Johnson

Alex MacWilliam, Inc.

Subdivision: Spindrift Condo, Address: 1026 Flamevine Lane, #303

Listing Date: 11/27/2015
Original Price: $459,000
Recent Price: $459,000
Sold: 4/7/2016
Selling Price: $440,000
Listing Agent: Mac Thompson

Selling Agent: Seaside Realty of Vero Beach

Mac Thompson

Seaside Realty of Vero Beach

Subdivision: Ocean Towers, 2743 Ocean Drive, #39E

Listing Date: 10/13/2014
Original Price: $315,000
Recent Price: $315,000
Sold: 4/8/2016
Selling Price: $250,000
Listing Agent: Don Frederick

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Dorothy Hudson

Alex MacWilliam, Inc.

Subdivision: Ocean Club, 4410 Highway A1A, #209

Listing Date: 9/11/2015
Original Price: $163,000
Recent Price: $175,000
Sold: 4/1/2016
Selling Price: $169,000
Listing Agent: Gretchen Hanson

Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida

Gretchen Hanson

Berkshire Hathaway Florida

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