Shores town manager
calling it quits. P7
Vero Wine & Film fest
has sparkling lineup. P24
Drug doctor’s explanations
failed to persuade the jury. P10
For breaking news visit
MY VERO Youth Sailing seen tacking toward a Riverside site Mental Health
BY RAY MCNULTY BY RAY MCNULTY approve the construction of that’s probably the best loca- leader retiring
Staff Writer a community sailing center tion, but the City Council is
Orthopedic practice takes on the lagoon-front property charged with doing what we BY MICHELLE GENZ
big hit from arrest, death Vero Beach Mayor Harry currently occupied by the mu- believe is in the best interests Staff Writer
Howle said last weekend that nicipal power plant, adjacent of the city,” Howle said. “And
Local spine specialist John- he believes “there’s no real to the 17th Street Bridge. the fact is, that’s a prime piece Dr. Robert Brugnoli, whose
ny Benjamin was arrested on chance” the City Council will leadership at the Mental
drug charges on Oct. 12. The “From a sailing standpoint, CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 Health Association turned
next day, Vero Beach orthope- the agency around when it
dic surgeon Chris Talley went was at the brink of collapse
to the hospital feeling seri- five years ago, has informed
ously ill. the agency he intends to re-
tire at the end of this year.
Six months later ...
Benjamin was found guilty Brugnoli, a native of Staten
by a jury in West Palm Beach Island, N.Y., who holds doctor-
on April 27 and faces the possi- al degrees in clinical and school
bility of spending the rest of his psychology on top of master’s
life in prison. The next day, Tal- degrees in school and com-
ley died from complications munity psychology, has served
related to pancreatic cancer. mental health needs in Indian
Their connection: The two River and St. Lucie counties for
surgeons shared the same work more than 30 years.
address – at the Pro Sports/Pro
Spine offices on 37th Street, Recruited in 1987 by what
west of the Indian River Medi- is now the Behavioral Health
cal Center – for nearly two de- Center, he moved to Vero
cades. Beach after brief posts in Day-
The two tragic departures tona and with the V.A. in Mi-
have created a challenge that ami. He eventually went into
Peter Wernicki, the orthope-
dic surgeon who founded the CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
practice in 2000, could never
Orchid Island Brewery Former Norris brokerage booms as part
seeking to move into of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
city building in a park
BY LISA ZAHNER BY STEVEN M. THOMAS has turned out to be a block-
Staff Writer Staff Writer buster success.
The owner of Orchid Is- Two years after longtime In the first quarter of this
land Brewery wants to move island real estate brokerage year, the small island office
his operation from Portales Norris & Company was ac- was among the top three out
de Vero just off Ocean Drive quired by Berkshire Hatha- of hundreds in the 17-state
to the City of Vero Beach’s way, the ownership change Berkshire Hathaway Home-
May 24, 2018 Volume 11, Issue 21 Newsstand Price $1.00 Major construction
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero who, until last fall, had shown no signs By then, Benjamin had been in- against him – stunned the Vero Beach
of any serious illness. Only days before dicted by a federal grand jury and community, especially those working
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 flying to Baltimore in October to be was preparing to go to trial – another in the Pro Sports/Pro Spine offices.
examined by specialists at Johns Hop- surreal situation, considering his cre-
have imagined. kins Hospital, he had performed four dentials. “Chris and I were partners; Johnny
“For Chris to get sick and Johnny to total joint replacement surgeries and and I weren’t,” Wernicki said. “Johnny
attended a Vero Beach High School For those who don’t know: Benjamin, just leased office space from me and
get arrested within 24 hours, then for football game. also 53, was a nationally renowned spine we shared overhead. We had a really
Chris to die and Johnny to get con- surgeon who had worked with NFL, good arrangement for a long time, but,
victed within 24 hours ... Let’s just say “He wasn’t feel great, but he thought NBA and Major League Baseball play- over the past couple of years, we had
it has been a rough six months. he just had the flu,” Wernicki said. ers, as well as college athletes, boxers some business-related disagreements.
“Then, after going to the hospital, he and mixed martial arts fighters, and had
“There was no way to see any of this thought he had something he’d re- been profiled by the CBS Evening News, “Still, I didn’t see this coming.”
coming,” he added. “Somebody said it cover from. Then, as time went on, we ESPN and other major news outlets. Wernicki recalled one the day, when
could be made into a movie.” found out that wasn’t the case. the practice’s office manager inter-
Though there were rumors of fi- rupted him and said, “There’s some-
But who’d believe it? “It wasn’t until the first of the year nancial difficulties, his arrest – and body here you should talk to.”
Talley was only 53, the father of two that we knew how bad it was.” the details included in the allegations Actually, it was a couple of some-
teenagers and a respected orthopedist bodies – federal Drug Enforcement
Agency agents who showed up with a
warrant to search Benjamin’s office.
“It was a shock to all of us,” Wernicki
said. “But they were very professional
and very polite. They never searched
any of our offices or asked to see our
files or records. They assured us there
was no involvement with the practice,
that it was something Johnny did on
his own.
“It was kind of scary, though,” he
added. “The detectives told us, ‘We’ve
had you under surveillance for a year,’
and they knew everything about us.
That was a bit creepy.”
As for any negative impact the arrest
and conviction might’ve had on the
practice, however, Wernicki said only a
few patients have asked about Benja-
min’s legal troubles.
“We billed ourselves as Pro Sports/
Pro Spine, but when this stuff hap-
pened with Johnny, the news media
did a good job of not associating us
with him,” Wernicki said. “So, I don’t
think it has hurt our practice.”
Certainly, it didn’t hurt as much as
losing Talley, who was Wernicki’s ju-
nior partner, the practice’s lone total
joint replacement surgeon and a be-
loved member of the Pro Sports/Pro
Spine family.
Wernicki said he was working atVero
Orthopedics when he decided to start
his own practice in 2000. Only months
later, he brought in Talley, who earned
his medical degree from the University
of Virginia, completed his orthopedic
residency at the University of Florida
and, after finishing a sports-medicine
fellowship in Oklahoma, joined the
Duke University Orthopedic Team in
North Carolina.
Talley, whose then-wife was from
Vero Beach, relocated here 18 years
ago and partnered with Wernicki. He
proved to be the perfect fit.
“Chris and I got together, and every-
thing worked out the way both hoped
it would,” Wernicki said. “After the first
couple of years, we decided to focus
on what we liked to do. He liked doing
total joint replacements and I didn’t
really enjoy them, so he started doing
all of them.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 3
He paused briefly, then continued: Brewery seeks to move liam Park which is adjacent to and just Councilman Tony Young and several
“Chris was my only partner. He was CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 north of Riverside Park – is currently residents who spoke at the public po-
a gifted and talented surgeon who rented on a full-day or partial-day ba- dium at last week’s City Council meet-
never stopped learning and always picturesque River House community sis for more than 200 private, club and ing opposed the idea. They professed
strove for perfection. He was also a center and event facility on the lagoon organization events per year, said Rec- to love the brewery, but said they feel it
good guy. – a novel idea that is not meeting with reation Director Rob Slezak. doesn’t belong in a city-owned build-
unanimous public enthusiasm (see ing in the middle of a park near where
“I miss him a lot,” he added. “He’s Op-Ed article, Pg. 34). Orchid Island Brewery owner Alden kids play baseball.
going to be tough to replace.” Bing says he would continue renting
River House – located in MacWil- out the space, just as he does in his Shared parking, with the ball fields,
But that’s what Wernicki hopes to do. current location.
Marcus Malone, a physician who CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
specializes in physical medicine, phys-
ical rehabilitation and pain manage-
ment, joined Benjamin’s team in 2015
and has taken over that practice, but
he does not perform surgery.
“From what I can see, he’s do-
ing a very good job,” Wernicki said of
Malone, who has renamed the practice
“Elite Rehab,” which continues to lease
office space from Pro Sports.
Nobody, though, is doing Talley’s
job. In fact, operating without a total
joint replacement surgeon, Pro Sports
has been referring patients in need of
those procedures to other practices.
For now.
“I know a lot of people have been
asking what’s going to happen to us,
now that we’ve lost Chris and Johnny,
but our plan is to rebuild the practice
and make it even better in the future,”
Wernicki said.
“It won’t be easy to fill Chris’ shoes,
but we’re actively searching for an or-
thopedic surgeon who excels in total
joint replacements,” he added. “The
thing is, we’re a sports medicine prac-
tice – we’re the orthopedists for the
two high schools and Historic Dodg-
ertown – so whoever we bring in must
be willing and able to do that kind of
work, too.”
Wernicki said he’s grateful for the
condolences and support he has
received from other local orthope-
dic practices, which have offered to
help him get through this difficult
“I received numerous phone calls
from competitors, and they’ve been
very generous and concerned,” he
said. “That’s very Vero Beach.”
Some of those competitors, Wer-
nicki said, also offered him an op-
portunity to join their practices. But
he declined – because he didn’t want
to abandon his Pro Sports staff, par-
ticularly his longtime nurse (Sheila
Samarco), office manager (Amanda
Mullikin) and physician’s assistant
(Worth Keville).
Wernicki still struggles with Benja-
min’s bad choices, calling his criminal
behavior a “waste of his talents.” But
the disgraced spine surgeon has only
himself to blame.
Talley did nothing to deserve his
cruel twist of fate.
“One I’m mad about,” Wernicki said.
“One I’m sad about.”
Sounds like the closing line from a
4 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Brewery seeks to move O’Connor to sit down with Bing and the MHA into the well-run organiza- Vero, the clinic is in a building recent-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 draft some proposed terms. tion that it is. He really has the pas- ly purchased through a donor. The
sion for what he does and that comes Our House clinic, as it is known, is on
neighboring dog park and River House A contract may come back to the through in everything he does.” Ponce De Leon Avenue downtown.
users all competing for the same spac- council for consideration as early as
es, might also be a concern. They note June 5, but O’Connor said Bing will Mersky says a search committee Brugnoli’s engagement with the
the area already has a sometimes-rau- also need to submit a site plan ap- is already looking for a new leader. Mental Health Association began in
cous bar nearby in the Riverside Cafe. plication for any improvements or Brugnoli says he would be willing to 1987, shortly after he arrived in Vero.
alterations he wants to make to the step in if necessary until such a per- Sharon Glenn led the organization
Vero native Janie Gould said from building. son is found. then and wanted to launch a support
the podium that she needed some group for people with depression. She
time to absorb the idea that a private Mental Health Association The Mental Health Association’s pres- came to Brugnoli, who volunteered his
business, let alone a brewery, would CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ence in the county dates to 1978, though expertise. The group still exists today,
be permitted to take over a city- the current walk-in clinic, on 37th Av- offering support for those with mood
owned parks building and the sur- private practice here and consulted for enue not far from Indian River Medical and anxiety difficulties.
rounding outdoor area. St. Lucie County schools through 2012. Center, was not built until 2007. From
the beginning, its purpose has been to Brugnoli took a fulltime job at the
Bing remarked that in many places At the end of that year, he took on fill in the gaps in the area’s emotional Mental Health Association in late 2012,
in the world, Germany in particular, his most visible role, as president and and behavioral health services. replacing fired clinical director Irene
the biergarten is a de facto commu- CEO of the Mental Health Association, Acosta, who for the year she worked
nity center and public meeting place. brought in to stabilize an agency in With a staff of six therapists and a there lacked a license to practice and
crisis. In what will be a six-year tenure, psychiatrist, the Vero agency provides turned out to have served jail time in
River House is protected by the city he will have done just that, after ush- evaluation, crisis intervention and re- another county for the same issue, it
charter, so it cannot be sold outright. ering in a new board, recruiting staff ferrals at a walk-in clinic that is free to was revealed by Vero Beach 32963.
It also cannot be leased without a ref- and restoring fiscal viability. Indian River County residents. Other
erendum of the city voters. services, including group and indi- Within weeks, another counselor,
“He was the right person for the vidual therapy, family and children’s Michael Fitzgerald, was accused of
But City Attorney Wayne Coment right job,” said Karen Mersky, a Ph.D. counseling, addiction services and multiple instances of inappropriate
says it’s perfectly OK for Vero to ex- clinical psychologist in private prac- pharmaceutical treatment, are provid- touching of a patient. He turned out
ecute a concessions lease with Orchid tice who has served on the associa- ed on a sliding fee scale. And of late, to have been hired despite having lost
Island Brewery, similar to the way it tion’s board since that crisis. She has classes have been added in such areas his license for three years for having
leases city-owned space to the Seaside chaired the board for the past three as stress management, mindfulness sex with a patient in Tampa.
Grill, a breakfast and lunch place at years; her term ends in September. and academic skill building for stu-
Jaycee Park. dents with attention deficit disorders. In December 2012, the then-CEO
“He has been fabulous,” said Mer- who oversaw Acosta and Fitzgerald,
Mayor Harry Howle, Vice Mayor sky. “He has worked tirelessly to grow The agency also runs seven-day-a- Kris Sarkauskas, was forced to resign
Lange Sykes and Councilman Val Zu- week drop-in clinics in Indian River, along with the board that backed her,
dans voted to direct City Manager Jim Martin and Okeechobee counties. In after three organizations – United
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 5
Way, the McCabe Foundation and the were restored, was still losing money. vate clubs like Quail Valley and John’s Association will likely be his last, he
tax-levying Hospital District – threat- A new board was installed, its 12 Island also contributed. said – an effort to address the mental
ened to withhold half of the nonprofit health needs of students in light of re-
agency’s $1.2 million in funding. members donating $100,000. The Since then, the Mental Health As- cent school-based mass shootings.
Hospital District kicked in another sociation has operated largely in the
When Brugnoli took Sarkauskas’ $100,000; the McCabe Foundation black, Brugnoli said. Brugnoli received the directive at a
place, he was charged with running gave $50,000; and United Way donat- February Hospital District meeting,
an organization that even when funds ed $30,000. The charitable arms of pri- As it turns out, one of Brugnoli’s lat-
est undertakings with Mental Health CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Mental Health Association Youth Sailing Keiller said the YSF will study both Vero Beach a wonderful new amenity
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 sites – one is just south of the Riverside that would open up the lagoon to hun-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Cafe and Fire Rescue Station, the oth- dreds and thousands of people,” adding,
when Trustee Ann Marie McCrystal er is south of the tennis courts – and “Most of our activity would not be back
followed up Brugnoli’s customary of property. present its findings to the council. into the park, but out into the shore. We
six-month fiscal presentation with a “It’s too valuable for that use, or just need a base to operate from.”
question: What can we do to help the “We will do a detailed feasibility study
children after Parkland? even a park,” he added. “We have a and site plan,” Keiller said.“Provided the The YSF first approached the coun-
rare opportunity to replace an indus- feasibility study yields a positive result, cil in March 2017, when it presented
Looking at research on violence pre- trial area with something that could we will come back to you with a specific its initial plan to build a sailing cen-
vention and at evidence-based pro- be wonderful for the city and resi- request to grant us a long-term lease for ter on the power plant site, where it
grams addressing the problem, Brugnoli dents of our community. the land to build the Vero Beach Com- hoped to create what Keiller called a
found one he believes will address issues munity Sailing Center.” “maritime recreational park.”
that can lead to anger and behavioral “As far as I’m concerned, we’re not
problems. Jeanne Shepherd, Brugnoli’s going to put the sailing center there.” The sailing center would be an- The council’s response was less than
clinical director, is writing the grant chored by a 10,000-square-foot build- enthusiastic, so the YSF returned this
that McCrystal asked for. Howle was doubling down on his re- ing and include ramps, floating docks past March with its Plan B – to build a
marks to representatives of the Youth and parking designed to provide easier sailing center on a “sliver” of the power
“We’ll submit an Impact 100 grant Sailing Foundation at the May 1 City public access to the lagoon for smaller plant property immediately north of
proposal in November,” Brugnoli said. Council meeting, where he said any watercraft, such as Opti sailboats, kay- the 17th Street Bridge. The group’s cur-
plan for the group to build on the pow- aks and paddleboards. rent facility is just south of the bridge.
As for retirement, Brugnoli intends er plant site was “kaput.”
to spend more time playing golf, a pas- The two-story building would serve It was at that meeting that Council-
time he took up a couple of years ago. Instead, the council voted 4-0 to as the YSF’s headquarters and provide manVal Zudans suggested theYSF con-
He expects he’ll continue playing gui- further consider leasing city-owned classrooms, storage and maintenance sider possible sites at Riverside Park,
tar with friends – after a stressful day, land to the YSF at one of two alterna- areas. The center also would be avail- which the group did before Keiller ad-
he recently told the District Board, he tive sites across the lagoon in River- able to other boating interests, such as dressed the council earlier this month.
himself has dropped in to the drop-in side Park, even though those locations the Coast Guard Auxiliary, Vero Beach
clinic and strummed his way through would present greater navigational Power Squadron and the Vero Beach In the interim, the YSF received two
the music therapy group. challenges to the group’s sailors. Lifeguard Association. $100,000 donations to “kick start” the
building fund, Keiller said, providing
“We probably won’t be big travelers,” YSF Executive Director Stu Keiller Under the YSF’s proposal, the group the “momentum” the group needs
he says of himself and his wife Reva.“We told the council the group continues would build the facility, donate it to to accelerate its plans for the sailing
have young grandchildren here in town. to prefer the power plant location, the city and maintain it using volun- center.
There’s going to be plenty to do.” which he called “our Plan A” and “our teers and private contributions.
dream,” but he said the Riverside Park “This is the right time to move for-
sites would be acceptable. Keiller said the YSF wants to “give ward on the sailing center,” Keiller said.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 7
“If we wait five or 10 years, we may not council,” Winger said, “as it is danger- tractive, at best,” Winger said. “It needs to have bigger plans for the power
have the same opportunity again.” ous and would make getting out on the to be hidden. Right now, it is under the plant property.
water extremely cumbersome.” 17th Street Causeway.”
Council members Laura Moss and “We don’t have a waterfront, like
Lange Sykes also voiced support for He also expressed concern about Howle agreed, saying, “sailboats aren’t they have in Fort Pierce and Stuart,”
building the center at Riverside Park, the aesthetics of having a sailing cen- pretty when they’re sitting around,” but Howle said. “I’d like to see us do some-
which is already a recreation hub. ter, particularly the boat storage area, he was hopeful a new center would have thing there that will become a destina-
Putting it there also preserves the at Riverside Park. a sizable storage area. tion with commercial and recreational
development possibilities at the ad- offerings.”
jacent power plant and sewer plant “A sailboat yard is cluttered and unat- Even if it doesn’t, the council appears
properties, which have the long-term
potential to be a game-changer for Shores town manager calling it quits after 28 years
the city.
BY LISA ZAHNER “I was faced with a decision – do I er-ending governmental mandates
However, former Vero Beach Mayor Staff Writer ignore my doctor’s advice and tough it placed on municipalities, changes in
Dick Winger opposes building the out and risk my health? Or do I recog- communication requirements, infor-
sailing center at the park, preferring When Indian River Shores Town nize that just shy of 28 years of service mation technology and website re-
that the YSF’s operations base remain Manager Robbie Stabe announced last is enough and retire?” Stabe said. quirements, etc., it has become more
on the lagoon’s western shore by the week that he’ll be stepping down in late and more difficult for one person to
17th Street Bridge. July, he was the third key Shores official When he was Public Safety Direc- manage so many projects/issues with
to call it quits this spring. Mayor Brian tor, Stabe had a stressful job, but he got such a limited staff,” he said.
A U.S. Sailing Certified Instructor, Barefoot and Chief Building Official regular time off. As Town Manager, not
Winger said the current location has Jose Guanch also have resigned. so much. A long weekend has had to Constant changes and crisis man-
the deep water necessary for larger suffice as a vacation and that seems to agement leave little time for planning,
sailboats, offers better winds and pro- Stabe’s announcement came on have taken a toll. Stabe said. “Instead of looking ahead
vides easy access to a large expanse of May 17, five years plus one day after he and anticipating potential future
water that can be sailed from the 17th officially shifted from Public Safety Di- Stabe said the breadth and depth of needs of this community, there sim-
Street Bridge to The Moorings. rector, which is a combination police the job of Town Manager has changed ply aren’t enough hours in the day to
and fire chief job, to Town Manager, drastically from what it was when he effectively and efficiently manage the
He also warned that sailing under taking over for Richard Jefferson. took it on. day-to-day operations of the Town.”
the 17th Street bridge can be “ex-
tremely hazardous” for younger sail- Stabe, 55, is leaving on doctor’s orders. “The position has rapidly evolved CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
ors, depending on wind direction, in- over the last five years. With the nev-
tercoastal traffic and tide.
“The YSF would be extremely un-
wise to go for this proposal from the
8 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Shores town manager retiring the toughest part of giving up his job. sea-foam green real estate office on es, resources, resources,” online and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 “I have established excellent work- Ocean Drive that was Norris & Com- in person.
pany for many years.
Projects that have topped his list ing relationships with all of my em- Nationwide, Berkshire Hathaway
are rebuilding Old Winter Beach Road ployees, but it’s more than that. When “The success of the office has ex- HomeServices has more than 1,200 of-
and creating a new Community Cen- you work together for nearly 28 years, ceeded our expectations,” says Carol fices and 43,000 sales professionals. The
ter. Looking ahead, public safety la- you establish friendships too. The Hill, regional manager for Berkshire Florida Realty franchise, which is owned
bor negotiations are on deck and employees of this Town are amazing. Hathaway HomeServices Florida Re- by Lennar, includes 45 offices in central
the Shores is ramping up for what’s They truly pour their hearts and souls alty, which bought the business in and south Florida and 1,800 agents.
expected to be a moderate building into everything they do for our resi- February 2016.
boom. The Town cell tower is another dents and I am very thankful for and “They have an office in Sunrise that
work in progress, though it should be proud of all of them. Income, transaction sides, market is dedicated to helping the branch of-
operational soon. share and agent count are all up since fices” with marketing, technology and
“As the Town Manager, I have got- the acquisition – in some cases dra- other services, says Prezioso.
Stabe began his career with the ten to know many of our residents matically.
Shores on Oct. 9, 1990, as a Public on a more personal level,” Stabe said. When the acquisition took place,
Safety Officer. He was the first officer “I have been blessed and it has truly Comparing figures from the fourth people from the Sunrise office de-
ever assigned as a full-time criminal been both an honor and a privilege to quarter of 2015, right before the acqui- scended on Ocean Drive and stayed
investigator for the agency. serve the Town of Indian River Shores sition, with the fourth quarter of 2017, for weeks, helping the agents and
for more than half my lifetime.” Prezioso says transaction sides were managers learn the Berkshire Hatha-
“I held every position, including ser- up some 38 percent, while dollar vol- way back office systems and other-
geant, lieutenant and then captain,” Stabe said he’s proud of the way the ume jumped just a hair under 40 per- wise get up to speed.
said Stabe, who earned his Bachelor of Shores Town Council manages taxpay- cent, from $39,747,706 to $55,614,000.
Arts Degree in Organizational Manage- ers’ money, and that he’s grateful to the “Carol Hill was here for a month,”
ment from Warner University in 2002. leaders he’s worked with and for. Agent count is up as well, from about says Grove.
38 to 44, and market share has grown
Prior to being promoted to chief in “To former Mayor Brian Barefoot, across the board, according to Prezioso. Hill continues to visit the office sev-
June 2012, Stabe said one of the high- Mayor Tom Slater and the Town Coun- eral times a month to check on opera-
lights of his career was graduating cil, though I didn’t always see eye to “The Vero office has arrived,” Hill says. tions and offer assistance and addi-
from the 229th Session of the FBI Na- eye with each of you, I respect your The changes began with a phone tional training.
tional Academy in Quantico, Virginia, positions and know that our citizens call in 2015, when Hill reached out to
in June 2007. appreciate how you represent them,” Norris & Company owners Gina Grove “The training is extraordinary,” says
Stabe said. and Jane Schwiering to see if they were Schwiering. “There are seminars, in-
Stabe also has good memories of di- interested in selling. Hill had done her person training and webinars agents
rectly serving the public as a 29-year His parting advice to councils and research and knew the brokerage was can dip into anytime.”
paramedic. “I had the pleasure of sav- managers going forward is this: “It is a successful, well-run business and
ing a number of lives during my ca- my hope that you never lose sight of wanted to see if she could scoop it up Another plus that came in with
reer,” he said. the valuable group of people I have had for her company, a franchise of the na- Berkshire Hathaway is a steady stream
the privilege to assemble to serve our tional Berkshire Hathaway HomeSer- of referrals from other Berkshire of-
“Some of my most memorable in- citizens and that you take good care of vices enterprise. fices that have helped boost business.
clude a baby I delivered, a Town cou- them as true assets to the Town.” “We had received many such calls
ple that I pulled from a very serious over the years, had many suitors, but “We started getting referrals on our
car accident, and when I performed Berkshire Hathaway were never interested,” says Grove. first day,” says Schwiering.
CPR on one of our Public Safety Vol- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Once they met Hill, though, and
unteers who had collapsed during an considered the details of the deal she The benefits of the training and re-
ocean rescue training exercise and we Services south region, measured by was offering, they decided the time for ferrals to agents at the Ocean Drive
were able to bring him back.” increase in agent commissions. change had arrived. office can be inferred from their suc-
“Going ahead with the acquisition was cess. In 2017, Debbie Bell was the No.
Stabe said running the Shores is “We were thrilled by that,” says Car- a fantastic decision,” says Schwiering. 2 individual agent among 1,800 Flori-
“truly a team effort,” and that leaving ol Prezioso, managing broker at the Prezioso says the chief thing Berk- da Realty agents in terms gross com-
his long-time colleagues is going to be shire Hathaway brought was “resourc- mission income, and the office’s Sand
and Land Team – which includes Ma-
ria Caldarone, Ashley Harris and team
leader Beth Livers – was the No. 2 team
in the company.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 9
Grove and Schwiering are still ac- “It is still fun to come to work,” “She will have to take our keys if she tain sense. Many people know and
tive broker-associates at the office, says Grove with a big smile. “In fact, wants to get rid of us,” Schwiering says. love Vero, but it has managed to keep
listing and selling houses and con- it is more fun because now Carol its small-town appeal. The real estate
dominiums, and consulting with the [Prezioso] has to handle the prob- “Vero Beach has been a very inter- market here is very vibrant and we are
two Carols on management matters. lems.” esting discovery for our company,” excited about the future.”
says Hill. “It is a hidden gem in a cer-
Major construction project underway on Old Winter Beach Rd.
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN The most intense work is at the west- 13,000 pounds of dirt from washing into The project also includes laying
Staff Writer ern end, where 36 inches of water col- the lagoon each year, according to Adams. more than a half mile of 16-inch pipe
lected during Hurricanes Matthew and in the public right of way to carry re-
The major construction project cur- Irma, said project manager Amy Adams. When the project is complete, storm- use water.
rently underway on Old Winter Beach “At 40 inches, a car is floating away.” water runoff laden with sediment and
Road has multiple goals. other pollutants will go through a “train John’s Island plans to build a nearly
The western stretch of the road will of treatments,” Adams said. Pipes filled 5-mile pipeline to move county “re-
It is intended to solve road flooding be raised 2 feet to remedy the prob- with accordion-like fabric will filter grit claimed” wastewater to the 1,650-acre
problems, block stormwater runoff into lem with standing water. It will also and solids before discharge in a ditch. gated community to help irrigate two
the lagoon, and put in place a section be moved 20 feet to the south because golf courses and landscaping around
of pipe that will carry reuse water from part of it is on property that belongs to Five stormwater catchments will con- single-family homes and condos.
the mainland to the Johns Island Water River Club, a community on the north tain “floc logs” made of alum-like sub-
Management system. side of the road. stances that act as sponges to soak up The line will start at the county’s
phosphate and nitrogen, nutrients that 3-million-gallon “reuse” water tank, at
The project will also put the road, Moving the road, with its adjacent can trigger algae blooms in the lagoon. 77th Street near Old Dixie Highway, pass
which was erroneously laid out partly sidewalks, ditches and pipes, south The logs’ nutrient load will be measured under the lagoon 80 feet below the la-
on private property when it was built in will impact landscaping in front of The before disposal every six months, help- goon floor, run along Old Winter Beach
1923, in the right place, moving it south, Shores. A new 8-foot-wide sidewalk will ing the town meet state requirements to Road to State Road A1A, and then turn
closer to The Shores community. run right along the property line and reduce lagoon pollution. south along the highway before empty-
numerous plants, including a banyan ing into a lake in John’s Island.
The $1.5 million project, which got tree, will have to be removed. The filtered storm water will even-
underway this month, is slated for tually empty into a settling pond, nev- Laying the Old Winter Beach section
completion by December. The project Town Mayor Thomas Slater said, “I er reaching the lagoon, “which is the in conjunction with the roadwork will
extends a half-mile from Jungle Trail fought for that tree,” but it had to go. important thing – saving the lagoon,” avoid the need to tear up the new side-
to A1A. said Town Manager Robbie Stabe. walk to lay the pipe later.
Raising the road will prevent about
10 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Jury didn’t buy drug doctor’s story that he was set up
BY BETH WALTON in prison denied knowing the drugs third co-defendant in the case, were a man who abused his privilege and
Staff Writer found in his baggage at the Melbourne the first suspects linked to the fentan- profession for monetary gain with lit-
airport last year were supposed to be yl-laced painkillers found at the scene tle regard for human life.
Johnny Benjamin, the former Vero oxycodone. of a Palm Beach County woman’s 2016
Beach spine surgeon recently convict- overdose death. The doctor, however, maintained
ed on federal drug charges, told the Someone must have planted them, his innocence and testified at his trial
jury that convicted him he believes he he testified under oath at his trial last Both men took plea deals in exchange last month. He was then convicted on
was set up. month. The doctor, who has since been for consideration of leniency at sen- five of the seven felony counts against
stripped of his medical license, pointed tencing and helped federal agents build him, including conspiracy to distrib-
The jurors clearly didn’t buy it. the finger at Zachary Stewart, his co- a case against the doctor. ute a controlled substance resulting in
According to court transcripts ob- defendant and longtime friend turned death. He remains in federal custody
tained by Vero Beach 32963, the once- medical sales associate. Benjamin, investigators say, was and is set to be sentenced in July.
respected doctor who is now facing life the source of illicit pills being sold
Stewart, along with Kevan Slater, the throughout the Treasure Coast. He was In his testimony, Benjamin had an
explanation for every piece of evi-
dence used against him.
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency
secretly recorded video of Benjamin
and Stewart outside the ProSpine
Center Clinic in Vero Beach.
That footage shows the doctor taking
thousands of counterfeit oxycodone
tablets and putting them in the trunk
of his car, investigators claim. But the
brown bag Benjamin is seen putting in
the trunk of his car was filled with snack
cakes, not tablets, the doctor explained.
Benjamin also denied it was his
voice on a phone call taped by agents
with DEA in which Stewart and anoth-
er man – allegedly Benjamin – discuss
the overdose death and the sale of the
potent, addictive narcotics.
“That is an approximation of my
voice, but that’s not a conversation I
ever had,” Benjamin told jurors from
the witness stand.
During his testimony Benjamin went
to great lengths explaining his self-pre-
scribed throat cancer treatment – the
medication he said he thought was in
his bag at the airport.
Shortly after his 35th birthday Benja-
min went through six weeks of radiation
treatment, but then decided to take his
care into his own hands, he said.
He uses drugs, which typically are
administered intravenously, in pill
form. He crushes the tablets and gar-
gles with them to target his throat di-
rectly, or he blends the potent cocktail
inside an antioxidant-rich shake.
Benjamin said he developed his
own treatment after radiation nearly
killed him. He said he did not want
the people in his community to know
about his illness.
The guns that investigators found
in his safe were a hobby and means of
personal protection. They had nothing
to do with the illicit drug trade, he said.
“Were all those guns to protect you
from the drug bad guys that were
gonna kick in your door and rob you
of your drug profits?” the prosecutor
asked during cross examination.
“No, sir,” Benjamin responded. “We,
fortunately, don't have any drug bad
guys in Vero Beach.”
Front: Maggie McNabb, Saryah Blaha
and Jessica Griffin. Back: Maddie
Stromak and Sarah Castillo.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Laurel Awards gala celebrates cultural leadership
BY MARY SCHENKEL PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 what it is today.” cultural and entertaining programs
Staff Writer “This has been part of our hearts; for our community. This award really
Mark Wygonik, Alicia Quinn and Oscar Sales. belongs to them.”
Arts and cultural enthusiasts gath- both Bill and I have thoroughly en-
ered at Riverside Theatre last Wednes- PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF joyed our time with Riverside The- The Willie C. Reagan Award for Edu-
day evening for the 2018 Cultural atre,” said Marlynn Scully. cational Leadership was presented by
Council of Indian River County Laurel fundraising arm. Their philanthropy its namesake to Shanti Sanchez, Vero
Awards Presentations, recognizing in- extends to many other charitable, cul- The Alma Lee Loy Award for Vol- Beach Museum of Art’s School, Youth
dividuals and businesses that support tural and community endeavors, in- unteer Leadership was presented to and Community Impact Programs
the arts through philanthropy, volun- cluding the Scully-Welsh Cancer Cen- Bonnie Pendleton by prior recipients manager for her outreach efforts, li-
teerism, education and leadership. ter at Indian River Medical Center. Susan and Ed Smith in recognition aising with the school district to facili-
of her Emerson Center volunteer ef- tate the integration of literacy and arts
Arriving guests enjoyed a cocktail “Leadership is doing what needs to forts, particularly the Emerson Center into all classroom subject areas.
reception and hors d’oeuvres, while be done, when it needs to be done, the Humanities Speakers Series. Susan
perusing a Lobby Gallery display of 150 way it needs to be done, whether you Smith shared observations by Rev. Sanchez said it was during her first
works from nine local galleries. Once like it or not, or whether they like it or Scott Alexander, pastor of the Unitar- teaching experience that she “fell in
in the auditorium, the award presen- not,” said Moses. “Richard Stark was ian Universalist Fellowship of Vero love with the creative challenge of the
tations were interspersed with enter- the epitome of that and so are Bill and Beach, who said of Pendleton, “Bon- learning process,” and stressed the
tainment directed by Mark Wygonik. Marlynn Scully. We couldn’t have be- nie is just wonderful; she’s so great importance of ensuring that every
come what we have become without with people, well organized and coor- child can thrive and that parents and
“Tonight you will be seeing a sam- their generous support and their ef- dinates 50 volunteers throughout the teachers are given the tools to make
pling of the arts and culture that sets forts.” season.” that happen.
our community apart,” said Barbara
Hoffman, Cultural Council executive Bill Scully fondly remembered Dick Pendleton, who inherited her par- Chris Beals, owner of ABC Printing
director, before introducing attorney Stark saying, “It’s a real honor to be ents’ love of “music, birds, flowers and for 43 years, was presented with the
John Moore, the evening’s emcee. here on the Stark Stage, getting the hard work,” gave a shout-out to the John J. Schumann, Jr. Award for Busi-
Stark Award, when I knew this man roughly 75 volunteers who “year-in ness Leadership by prior recipient
“William and Marlynn Scully both and – what a wonderful man he really and year-out do all the work necessary Keith Kite, for his support of the non-
have demonstrated exceptional lead- was. It sends goose-bumps down my to provide outstanding educational, profit community. Kite noted that the
ership in promoting the cultural arts back.” Crediting Allen Cornell, Moses area’s colorful streetlight banners were
and have encouraged, involved and and a host of others, he added, “There’s designed, created and printed with
motivated others to do the same,” said an awful lot of people who have done ABC Printing’s help and guidance.
Jon Moses, Riverside Theatre manag- a wonderful job to make this theater
ing director, who, with Diana Stark, Beals praised his wife and staff
presented them with the Richard A. members, saying they were the reason
Stark Award for Cultural Leadership. for the award, before adding, “And re-
member; whenever possible, buy lo-
The couple has supported River- cal.”
side since 1999, including as founding
members of its Patron Producers pro- In closing, Patrick Farrah, board
gram. Bill serves on the board of trust- chair, said that it has been a tough
ees and numerous other committees year in the legislature for arts fund-
and Marlynn is a long-time member ing, adding, “The message couldn’t
of the Friends Committee, its major be more clear; arts funding must be a
local matter.”
14 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Diana Stark with William and Marlynn Scully. Bonnie Pendleton, Rev. Scott Alexander and Jean Panuto.
Heidi and Lorne Waxlax with Deborah Flynn.
Marie Stiefel and Suzan Phillips. Becky Holland and Mark Holt with Sally and Chris Beals. Ed and Susan Smith.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 15
Don and Willie Reagan with Barbara Hoffman. Lucinda Gedeon, Shanti Sanchez and Brady Roberts. Margaret Goembel, Diane Wilhelm and Carla Boardman.
Marlene Evans Putnam and Donna Lindsay. Jacob Craig and Patrick Farrah.
16 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Time pays: Kiwanis rewards students’ volunteerism
BY MARY SCHENKEL Al Sammartino, Kim Toperzer, Katie Toperzer, Gavin Wunderlich and Lynn Phillips. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Shabeen Raza, University of Florida;
Staff Writer SRHS graduates Gavin Wunderlich,
tion projects at local nonprofit orga- “All in all, we’re very proud of every Florida Gulf Coast University and Katie
Members of the Kiwanis Club of Vero- nizations and the homes of those in one of you that we picked. I’m hon- Toperzer, Florida Institute of Technolo-
Treasure Coast presented scholarships need, and undertaking food drives for ored to be here and present you with a gy; and Charter HS graduates Madeline
totaling $15,000 to a dozen students elementary school children. check,” said Sammartino. “I hope you Stromak, University of Florida; Savan-
graduating this year from Vero Beach come back and let us know once in a na Williams, Flagler College; Brianna
High School, Sebastian River High “Most of these, over 85 percent of while how you’re doing; we’d love to Aversa, University of North Florida; and
School and Indian River Charter High these young men and women, gradu- hear from you so send us a note.” Deanna Rose Kreinbring, University of
School at a celebratory luncheon last ated with a two-year college degree al- Florida.
Wednesday afternoon at the Vero Beach ready. They just saved their parents well Scholarships were awarded to VBHS
Yacht Club. over $100,000 for two years. And most graduates Tahja Brooks, Florida Atlantic Board president Kevin Brown
of them worked over 500 service hours. University; Jared Lamothe, University thanked the parents in attendance as
“We made a decision many years ago Seriously, I don’t know when you kids of Central Florida; Destiny Patterson, well as the Kiwanis members, and re-
to honor the kids who put in over 300 slept,” said Sammartino, noting that in University of South Florida; Isabel Mor- minded the graduates “this is just a little
community hours,” said Al Sammar- addition to their school work and volun- by, Florida State University; Emmalyse pause as you continue your journey, so
tino, Kiwanis Scholarship chair for the teer time, many also held down jobs. Brownstein, New York University and continue the good work and we wish
past 12 years. you the very best.”
Young people get involved as volun- Their small but exceptionally in-
teers through Key Clubs at the local high volved club was founded 45 years ago
schools and through a group, unique to and is open to women as well as men.
this Kiwanis Club, called Youth in Ac- Members meet Wednesdays at Noon at
tion, co-founded in 1995 by Sammar- the Vero Beach Yacht Club. The schol-
tino and Richard Schlitt and sponsored arship money was primarily raised
in part by local churches. through sponsorships and participa-
tion in their annual Kiwanis Golf Tour-
Students earn community service nament fundraiser.
hours working on service projects such
as spoil-island and beach cleanups, For more information, visit veroki-
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 17
Paula Aversa, Brianna Aversa, Stacie Lembacke, Savanna Williams and George Fetterolf. Tahja Brooks, Carolyn MacEvoy, Kevin Brown and Kim Brooks.
Jerry Lamothe, Jared Lamothe, Herb Hinkle, Emmalyse Brownstein and Natalie Brownstein. Robi Robinson, Destiny Patterson, Isabel Morby, Stephanie and Dave Morby.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
$700K opens college doors for grateful students
Sam Keiffer, Alexus Woods, Mary Johnston, Olivia White and Emerick Gilliams. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Jason, Jacob, Jason Jr, and Michelle Shaver.
BY KERRY FIRTH award for all their hard work is my fa- year out comes up with a half-million tory and a master’s in social studies
Correspondent vorite night of the year,” said Camilla dollars or more for our young people. education. He is currently giving back
Wainright, Scholarship Foundation This group is our hope for a better to- to the community as a seventh-grade
Students of distinction arrived at executive director. “Their scholar- morrow.” civics teacher at Oslo Middle school.
the Sebastian River High School full ships range anywhere from $2,000 to
of confidence and pride for the 53rd $25,000 based on their grades, com- Joan Cook, president of the founda- “The gift I received from the
annual Scholarship Foundation of In- munity service and needs. They may tion, spoke directly to the students, foundation helped me achieve my
dian River County Awards Ceremony. also be getting Bright Futures assis- reminding them that the impact of dreams,” he said. He recounted the
A total of 112 scholarships totaling tance and grants, but we fill in the kindness, particularly from strang- difficulties of paying for college with
$699,500 were awarded to 55 stu- gaps.” ers, can never be underestimated. limited resources, sharing that de-
dents, affording them an opportunity spite his parents being hard-working
to fulfill their dreams of attending “This organization has always been “How incredible is it that people individuals, coming up with an addi-
colleges and universities. near and dear to my heart,” said Mi- you’ve never met are going to help tional $20,000 per year for college ex-
chael Stutzke, who received a schol- you pay for college?” she asked. She penses was nearly insurmountable.
The scholarship recipients, from arship from the foundation 48 years further encouraged them as they “The Scholarship Foundation helped
all the local public and private high ago and recently retired from teach- head off to college to pursue their finance my education and allowed
schools, will attend 18 different col- ing at Sebastian River High School. education and careers, to follow their me to attend the school of my choice.
leges in nine states. Since 1955 the “Their gift to me literally changed dreams and draw from within to de- My advice to you is to identify what
foundation has awarded more than my life. We are so blessed to live in termine what makes them kinder and is important and go for it. Capitalize
$11.8 million in need-based scholar- a community that is able to do what to be their best possible selves. on the opportunity that is presented
ships to 2,920 deserving Indian River this foundation does. You’d be hard tonight. This gift is opening the doors
County students. pressed to find any community in Kadin Campbell, 2013 SRHS gradu- for your future. You’ve been shown
the United States that year in and ate, attended the University of Florida the door, so get going!”
“Seeing these kids receive their thanks to a foundation scholarship,
where he received a bachelor’s in his-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 19
Joan Cook, Ted Herget, and Sheila McDonough. Fred and Susan Mazza with Sherrie and Jamie Coleman. Kaylee Coleman with Gaye Ludwig and Sarah Mazza.
Allan Ross and Gavin Ross.
Vince Boyle and Camilla Wainright. The 2018 Scholarship Foundation Award winners.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Hurricane Hangar Party promotes storm ‘Red’-iness
BY MARY SCHENKEL Diane and Greg Wagner. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE chair Glynn Tremblay. The folks at the help given to a large Haitian
Staff Writer the hangar planned to be ready. family whose roof had been blown
“If you haven’t heard, there’s a into a tree during Wilma.
Even though Indian River County possibility of something forming As attendees wandered about the
didn’t feel the full brunt of last year’s next week in the Gulf,” said event various informative exhibitors, stu- “The father looked at me and said,
storms, members of the American dents from the Charter High School ‘Can I buy a mattress?’ There were
Red Cross Florida’s Coast to Heart- modeled Red Cross uniforms from eight or 10 of them sleeping on one
land chapter want everyone to be the early 1900s through to today, bed,” said Tremblay. “We gave him
prepared – because as we’ve seen including one once worn by the the money and he gave me a big
time and again, hurricanes can be grandmother of Sarah Tippet Ruwe, hug. I was hooked for life.”
unpredictable. executive director of the chapter.
Outside, people enjoyed live music He thought people would be sur-
At their annual Hurricane Hangar from Collins and Company, while prised at the many other services
Party last Friday evening at the Cor- noshing on refreshments. – all free – offered by the Red Cross
porate Air Hangar, Red Cross staff on a regular basis. They even of-
and volunteers were joined by local There was also a silent auction fer free smoke detectors and their
exhibitors to provide information on of donated items, eliciting bids to installation (call 772-562-2549 to
ways people can prepare and protect benefit the local Red Cross chapter, make an appointment), because
themselves and their families. which serves residents of Indian again, they’ve seen the devastation
River, St. Lucie, Okeechobee and wrought by house fires.
Colorado State University re- Highlands counties – 24/7, 365 days
searchers are forecasting a slightly per year. “We go to hundreds of fires in In-
above average Atlantic hurricane dian River County alone. We help
season, predicting 14 named storms Tremblay, who joined the Red the families, get them a place to
– with three of seven expected hur- Cross as a volunteer in Connecticut, stay,” said Tremblay. “They did it
ricanes to reach major strength. The said he came down to Vero to help for me, back in ’82. I was burned out
National Hurricane Center predic- out during Wilma and stayed. As of my house; I almost lost my fam-
tions will be released by the end of the volunteer lead operations man- ily. So that’s one of the reasons this
the month, but it’s not too soon to ager, Tremblay has seen first-hand holds on to my heart.”
prepare. the assistance offered when fami-
lies are displaced and spoke about For more information visit red-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 21
Sarah Tippet Ruwe, Ben Trautman, Brenda Doblinger, Mike Rose and Glynn Tremblay.
Jim Anderson, Joanne Nowlin and James Hagen. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 22
Betty Ebey, Gayle LeGore and Bob Livingston.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 Cpt. Milo Thornton, Grace Meinhofer, Lee Bergman, Tommy Augustsson, Mark Cannon and Leonard Markir.
Ali and Ernst Furnsinn. Rebecca Forriana and Tommy Byrd
Casey Marwine, Eric Fritzsche, Laura Moss and Kyle Cosentino. Melissa Remole, Vero Beach Mayor Harry Howle and Darrell Remole. Jessie Smith, Dep. Teddy Floyd and Rachel Ivey.
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24 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
A toast to Vero Wine & Film fest’s sparkling lineup
BY MICHELLE GENZ “I’m still here!” she declares. “And
Staff Writer people are still asking!”
The Vero Beach Wine and Film At least she has help now – a paid
Festival is edging further away from staff assistant and an intern. Even
its 2016 premiere and, though it can with those additions, the massive
hardly be called an institution yet, organizational effort it takes to
the festival’s hard-charging founder stage the four-day festival has her
and organizer, Jerusha Stewart, is in whirling dervish mode with two
publicly declaring her own staying weeks left to go.
By June 7-10, Stewart, a Hawaiian-
born, Stanford-educated attorney
Jerusha Stewart and Bob Stanley.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 25
who arrived in Vero six years ago, Festival Lineup of Events teller because he’s just so captivat-
will have pulled together vintners, ing and funny and self-deprecating.”
filmmakers and ticket-buyers to • Thursday, June 7: opening night dinner at 6:30
people a panoply of sites and screen- The dinner is included in the fes-
ings. Thursday through Sunday, film • Friday, June 8: pre-party at Riverside Theatre at tival’s premier pass ($495) and costs
screenings continue all day long at $135 on its own. Seating is limited;
various venues. 6:30, opening night part at the Wow Tasting Lounge the dinner is typically a sell-out,
Stewart says.
Along with that sparse staff, at her • Saturday, June 9: VIP tasting reception at
side are a contingent of volunteers “I’m expecting that dinner to ex-
and board members, wine experts Vero Beach Museum of Art plode.”
and filmmakers, many returning for
their third year. Among them: Mol- • Sunday, June 10: gospel brunch at American Icon The next day, Friday, June 8, the
ly Smith, an executive producer of not-to-miss event, in Stewart’s esti-
“La La Land”; Jeffrey Lyons, nation- Brewery & Fete Finale wrap party at the mation, is the opening night party at
ally known film critic in print and the Wow Tasting Lounge – a giant tent
on PBS; and George Taber, a former Wow Tasting Lounge set up in Riverside Park. Five hun-
Time magazine reporter now living dred people are expected to crowd
in Vero Beach, whose book “Judg- Art of French Cooking, specializes into the tent. Rex will have an encore
ment of Paris” was the first to be in organic blends from Sonoma Val-
written about the event that inspired ley vineyards. The opening night CONTINUED ON PAGE 26
the movie “Bottle Shock.” dinner starts at 6:30 Thursday, June
7, and includes a talk by Rex.
The celebrity vintner this year,
charged with pouring at the festi- “He’s a very unusual winemaker
val’s Vino Veritas Vintner dinner in that his focus is on ‘clean’ wines,”
at Costa d’Este Resort, is Deerfield Stewart says, explaining some of
Ranch Winery’s Robert Rex. He was Rex’s theories on lowering hista-
just named Winemaker of the Year in mines and sulfites in wine. She and
a prestigious competition at Florida 11 others from Vero met Rex in late
International University, in which March at the Vero festival’s sister fes-
28 tasters judged 630 wines from tival in Sonoma.
200 wineries. Rex, who majored in
chemistry at UC Berkeley and taught “He literally takes you on a tour of
himself to cook by working his way your palate,” she says. “You feel as if
through Julia Child’s Mastering the you’re at the knee of a master story
26 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 25 producing region. Andre’s nephew, film buffs not to miss a full-length
Mark Tchelistcheff, is the film’s di- documentary called “Rumble: The
seminar on wines made with grapes rector and is flying in from Berlin for Indians Who Rocked the World,”
from before and after the Califor- the occasion. He’ll be joined by Rob- screening Saturday at Riverside The-
nia fires. Vero’s Bob Stanley, former ert Rex and George Taber. The event atre beginning at 10 a.m. The movie
begins at 12:30 p.m. – convenient to honors Link Wray and other Native
host of a local TV wine show, will be the 3 p.m. grand tasting in the Wow American performers who influ-
hosting a blind tasting poured into tent nearby. enced a range of American musical
black glasses, “so you can’t tell if styles. Hard Rock Casino and Resort,
it’s red or white,” says Stewart. Others may opt to cross town for owned by the Seminole tribe, has
another Stewart recommendation: donated a $750 prize to be raffled; it
Pre-party that night, the ac- “West Bank Story,” a live-action short includes an electric guitar.
tion is inside Riverside Theatre that won an Academy Award in 2006.
with Cinema Uncorked, when Its director, Ari Sandel, will lead a Another is the Florida premiere of
films, not wine, take center panel discussion after the screening “Her Magnum Opus,” a narrative fea-
stage, and the weekend’s awards at the Vero Beach Theatre Guild. That ture directed by Marta Renzi about an
are announced by the film jury. starts at 2 p.m. Saturday. aging mentor and the people she in-
That starts at 6:30 p.m. Film crit- spired who continue to visit her in her
ic Jeffrey Lyons will announce the Later on Saturday, filmmakers waning years. That screens at 4:30 p.m.
winner of this year’s Life Worth Liv- gather downtown at American Icon at the Museum of Art. “It’s a film meets
ing Legend award. Stewart won’t Brewery to socialize with fans in the dance, a visual feast,” Stewart says.
give hints as to the winner, but she radically transformed former die-
admits they won’t have the local ties sel power plant. That event, dubbed The other film Stewart says not to
of the prior winners, Gloria Estefan Dining with Directors, costs $40 and miss is “Push,” a documentary about
and Burt Reynolds. starts at 6:30. Grant Korgan, a nanoscientist and
Saturday, June 9, at lunchtime adventure athlete who was paralyzed
is the VIP tasting reception at the Sunday, things wrap up with a $30 from the waist down when he burst-
Vero Beach Museum of Art, with the gospel brunch from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., shattered a vertebra. He went on to
premiere screening of “Andre – The also at American Icon. The festival’s become the first person to reach the
Voice of Wine.” Narrated by Ralph wrap party, dubbed the Fete Finale, South Pole in a sit-ski. The film, part
Fiennes, the documentary tells starts in the Wow tent at 3 p.m. of the festival’s Best of Sonoma series,
the story of the aristocrat Russian screens at the Theatre Guild on Fri-
émigré Andre Tchelistcheff, who As for other films scattered day, June 8 at 10 a.m.
brought his European knowledge throughout the weekend, Stew-
of wine to Napa Valley and helped art has accommodated Vero’s love The full festival schedule and ticket
transform northern California into of shorts – film shorts, that is – by prices are available at
an internationally respected wine holding four different sets of them
in various locales. She also urges
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 27
Coming Up: ‘Blaze’ fires up Downtown Friday Street Party
BY MARY SCHENKEL there with Hyo Kang, who is now on the be performing on this trip, Suliman fre-
Staff Writer faculty of Yale School of Music, and ob- quently performs with his sister, pianist
tained his master’s from the Cleveland Jamila Tekalli. Rounding out the concert
1 Weather permitting, Johnny and Institute of Music, where he studied offerings are Atlantic Riband, a piece
the Blaze, a favorite local band under Joel Smirnoff, former CIM presi- by Kenneth Fuchs inspired by the S.S.
dent. Tekalli has performed throughout United States’ record-breaking maiden
at various venues around town such the world and was the top prize winner voyage; and Shostakovich’s stirring
in 2015 Seoul International Music Com- Symphony No. 5, which he described
as Waldo’s, Grind + Grape and River- petition and prize winner in the Sen- as “a Soviet artist’s creative response to
dai, Lipizer and Szeryng International just criticism.” Call 855-252-7276 or visit
side Theatre’s Live at the Loop, will Violin Competition. Although she won’t
once again have people dancing in the
streets at the May 25 Downtown Friday 3 Suliman Tekalli performing May 27 at
VBHS Performing Arts Center.
Street Party, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., along 14th
Ave. hosted by Main Street Vero Beach.
Band members Johnny Herron, Pete
Jorgensen, Dave Williams, Gary Brown ROSNER
and John Wunsch will keep young and
old on their toes – or just tapping them
– playing a mix of Motown and classic
rock. Downtown Friday is family- and
dog-friendly, and best of all free, so grab
your lawn chairs and make a night of it.
2 The wonders of the universe will
be on display beginning May 26 at
the Vero Beach Museum of Art with the
opening of the exhibition Insight As-
tronomy Photographer of the Year. The SPECIAL $20,000 NEW ARRIVAL $50,990 NEW ARRIVAL $56,000
2012 BMW Z4 sDrive28i 2017 Audi TTS 2.0T Quattro 2018 Ford Mustang Shelby GT350
exhibit will include roughly 50 photo- Premium Plus S tronic Coupe 4K Mi
Convertible Coupe 4K Miles
graphs, chosen from the thousands of
entries submitted earlier this year to
London’s Royal Observatory Green-
wich for the Insight Astronomy Pho-
tographer of the Year 2018 competition,
held in association with Insight Invest-
ment and BBC Sky at Night Magazine.
Billed as “the biggest international
competition of its kind, annually show-
casing spectacular images shot by as- NEW ARRIVAL $19,490 NEW ARRIVAL - $129,000 NEW ARRIVAL $51,000
2004 Ford Thunderbird Deluxe 1952 Jaguar XK-120 2014 Jaguar XK Portfolio
trophotographers worldwide,” winners Convertible
Convertible 34K Miles Convertible 5K Miles
are selected by a juried panel from sub-
missions in nine categories: Skyscapes,
Aurorae, People and Space, Our Sun,
Our Moon, Stars and Nebulae, Galaxies
and Young Astronomy Photographer
of the Year (under age 16). The celestial
marvels will remain on display in the
Holms Gallery through Sept. 16. For
more information, call 772-231-0707 or NEW ARRIVAL $49,900 NEW ARRIVAL $125,000 NEW ARRIVAL $36,500
2014 Maserati Quattroporte Sport 2017 Mercedes-Benz AMG SL 63~X30 2015 Mercedes-Benz E 400
visit Cabriolet Convertible 31K Miles
GT S Sedan 15K Miles Package Convertible 11K Miles
Space Coast Symphony Orchestra,
3 under the direction of Conduc- 48 Years
In Business!
tor and Artistic Director Aaron Collins,
closes out its ninth season with what
they’re billing as a “Big Epic” concert,
featuring works by Tchaikovsky, Fuchs
and Shostakovich. The concert takes
place at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 27, at the RESERVE YOUR SPOT FOR NEW ARRIVAL $16,000 SPECIAL $14,500
AIR-CONDITIONED SUMMER 2007 Mercedes-Benz E 350 4MATIC 2008 Mercedes-Benz E 350 4MATIC
Vero Beach High School Performing STORAGE WITH 24 HOURS SECURITY
Wagon 31K Miles Sedan 50K Miles
Arts Center. Talented violinist Suliman
Tekalli will perform Tchaikovsky’s Vio- Sales: (772) 469-4600
2813 Flight Safety Dr., Vero Beach, FL 32960
lin Concerto in D major, now instantly
recognizable as a result of its use in
movies and television, including in the
popular Amazon series, Mozart in the
Jungle. A Daytona Beach native, Tekalli HOURS:
entered the Julliard School’s bachelor’s Monday - Friday: 9:00AM - 6:00PM Saturday: 9:00AM - 5:00PM Sunday: By Appointment Only
degree program at age 17, studying
30 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
old woman named Elaine Herzberg
walked her bicycle across Mill Avenue, ture for all new vehicles sold in the makers as early as next year. BMW, Fiat Those companies say their costs are
a divided highway just north of down- U.S. by 2022. It says this will prevent a Chrysler, and China’s NIO all plan to falling, and also that more expensive
town Tempe, Ariz., and was hit head- total of 28,000 crashes and 12,000 inju- use it. models are feasible because consumer
on by a Volvo SUV traveling at about 40 ries by 2025. ownership is an outmoded concept –
miles per hour. Late last month, Shashua took a most cars will eventually be part of a
Shashua wants to go much further. Bloomberg reporter for a ride in the shared fleet of robo taxis rented by the
The death would have been an ordi- In 2015, Mobileye began selling more fully autonomous prototype – the first mile.
nary tragedy – 6,000 pedestrians were sophisticated systems that can take time the company demonstrated it to
killed by cars last year in the U.S. alone over highway driving duties. Tesla Inc.’s a journalist. This, he argued, was what Shashua is determined to deliver a
– but for one thing: The driver was a Autopilot was the first such system, a road-ready autonomous car might driverless car on the relative cheap.
piece of software created by Uber Tech- and Mobileye now supplies hardware actually look like. He dismissed Waymo His prototypes, a half-dozen Ford Fu-
nologies Inc. This was the first known and software that powers Cadillac’s Su- and Uber’s efforts as science projects sions now testing in Jerusalem, part of
fatality caused by a driverless car. per Cruise, Nissan’s ProPilot, and Au- crammed with expensive radars and a planned fleet of 30 cars that will arrive
di’s Traffic Jam Assist. Shashua is also other sensors, plus the tens of thou- in California later this year, have no ra-
The ride-hailing app company and developing a fully self-driving package sands of dollars’ worth of servers and dar or lidar (basically radar, but with
its main chip supplier, Nvidia Corp., that Mobileye will begin offering auto- chips stuffed in their trunks. lasers). The only sensors are 12 digital
suspended testing indefinitely, and the
U.S. National Transportation Safety
Board announced it would conduct an
investigation. Uber is cooperating.
In Jerusalem, Amnon Shashua be-
gan his own tests. Shashua, a 57-year-
old Israeli, is a professor at Hebrew
University of Jerusalem and the chief
executive officer of Mobileye.
Mobileye makes a “driver-assist”
system roughly the size of a computer
mouse. Stuck behind a car’s rearview
mirror, the device’s camera and cus-
tom chip allow it to predict when a
driver is about to hit something and,
if necessary, the system slams on the
car’s brakes.
Mobileye sells its chips to auto sup-
pliers for about $55 each – you’ll pay
around $1,000 at the dealership for the
full system – and they’re already on the
road in 27 million cars worldwide.
The other feature that distinguish-
es the company is its outspoken ap-
proach to safety. Shashua has made
addressing safety concerns central to
his marketing.
At the end of March, after Tempe
police released a dashcam video show-
ing what the car had seen just before it
killed Herzberg, Shashua fed the video
into the Mobileye system to see how
his computer vision system would re-
act. As he wrote in an article on Intel’s
website under the headline “Experi-
ence Counts,” his software correctly
identified Herzberg as a pedestrian.
In an interview at Mobileye’s head-
quarters a month later, Shashua said
Uber and its main competitors –
most notably Alphabet Inc.’s Waymo
– were “making something that kind
of works.” He argued that Herzberg’s
death was “avoidable.”
If there’s something gross about us-
ing a tragedy as an opportunity for
self-promotion, there are reasons to
take Shashua seriously.
Mobileye has roughly a 70 percent
share of the driver-assist market, and
in 2016 the National Highway Traf-
fic Safety Administration reached an
agreement with industry groups that
will make the systems a standard fea-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 31
‘THERE’S A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN very complicated,” Shalev-Shwartz
SOMETHING THAT KIND OF WORKS warned as cars and trucks sailed past,
packed close together at 50 mph. It
AND SOMETHING THAT WORKS’ would have been a difficult situation
for a human, and it seemed hard to
cameras hidden around the car’s body. of-the-art AI than computer vision. To- Next, those data are fed into a neu- see how Clara would find her way in.
Mobileye eventually plans to add day, massive data sets can teach soft- ral network, which is then trained so “We are waiting for the right moment,”
ware to distinguish obstacles in a few it can reliably identify similar items it Shalev-Shwartz said, then paused.
some low-cost radars and lidars, but weeks. hasn’t seen before, even if they’re com- “Hopefully.”
only as backup if a camera fails. In- ing at you fast on a freeway.
stead of running on a trunk-size bank Mobileye’s engineers, mostly stu- Paradoxically, driverless cars pres-
of servers and chips, the prototype re- dents of Shashua’s from Hebrew Uni- Drivers, Hayon says, unconsciously ent a threat on top of the prospect
lies on just four of the same low-cost, versity and MIT, started by assembling “compose a story” that includes not that they’ll transform into robotic
custom-made processors in Mobileye’s lists of road features the cars needed just data (car, right lane, 45 mph) but a death machines. They may simply
current driver-assist system. Consum- to identify. sense of past and future. You can guess bore us to death. Carmakers, anxious
ers, Shashua says, will pay less than the car is in the right lane and slowing to avoid collisions, have designed their
$8,000 for the whole thing. A team of more than 2,000 work- down because it’s going to make a right algorithms to be extra careful, which
ers in Sri Lanka pores over hundreds turn, meaning it’s likely to slow down a means AI drivers tend to take a lot
Mobileye’s competitors have gener- of thousands of miles’ worth of video lot more and may require you to hit the longer than humans, and trips may in-
ally been testing their machines in sub- collected from open roads. (“Ground brakes or try to swerve around it. The clude lots of sudden stops.
urbs with wide, well-marked roads and truth,” as it’s known in the AI world.) challenge is to feed in enough data to
orderly traffic patterns. Shashua has make sure the computer can make the “One of these vehicles driving in
been testing in Jerusalem, a city with The team’s big challenge is to im- same guess. Mountain View is nice,” Shashua said,
narrow, medieval roads and a driving prove its software’s ability to read referring to Google’s hometown and
culture charitably described as asser- road signs and other cues to identify On a warm spring day in Jerusalem, the site of Waymo’s early testing. “Ten
tive. “There’s a big difference between “free space”– parts of the road that are a Mobileye prototype car called Clara thousand will likely obstruct traffic. So-
something that kind of works and open to the car. Ground-truth workers flicked on her left turn signal and pre- ciety won’t want these vehicles, not be-
something that works,” he says. “I don’t draw boxes on their computer screens pared to merge onto Jerusalem’s main cause they’re not safe, but because they
think the public understands this.” around signs, sidewalks, bike lanes, north-south freeway, Begin Boulevard. are not useful.”
and other areas off-limits to vehicles, Our backup driver for the trip was Shai
Driverless cars have to do two basic then draw on the road to show where Shalev-Shwartz, the vice president for Human driving instructors and our
things: see what’s on the road and then the car can and can’t go. technology who wrote the software parents try to convey the importance
react to that information. Shashua has that takes what the computer sees and of decisiveness in negotiating the high-
worked on the first problem, computer Each scene has so many elements decides what to do with it. Shashua way, but there are situations in which
vision, since the 1980s, long before it that annotating a minutes-long clip can rode in the back seat. no amount of coaching can help.
found its way into cars. take all day. “It’s like writing a big vo-
cabulary book,” says Gaby Hayon, a top “Merges and lane changes are very, Consider, for instance, the double
No field is more influenced by state- Mobileye research executive. merge, which happens when two high-
ways converge. Since cars are merging
from opposite sides, there’s no clear
right of way or prescribed set of rules to
dictate what you should do other than
survive. Drivers survey the road and
use their intuition to figure things out.
This makes it a good application
for deep learning. Engineers teaching
AI software can train it to run through
many possible paths in a scenario to
figure out what’s most effective.
In 2016, Shalev-Shwartz fed a com-
puter 100,000 or so double-merge
scenarios, and out came a function
to handle double merges. Great, he
thought, and set up a simulation to test
his function overnight. The first morn-
ing, there was only one accident after
about 100,000 more simulations.
He tweaked the rewards so the acci-
dent would no longer occur and went
home. The next morning, he found
another virtual crash. He fixed that,
and there was a third accident, then a
fourth and a fifth.
This was especially disturbing be-
cause simulations are inherently more
predictable than real-world driving.
What would happen if this algorithm
were let loose on a real highway?
“Deep learning generalizes very nicely
on typical data that is similar to what it
has seen,” Shalev-Shwartz says. “It has
a really hard time generalizing rules
based on things that it has never seen.”
In all likelihood, it will be the weird,
one-in-a-million corner cases that
32 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 INSIGHT COVER STORY Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 31 Then in May 2016, a Tesla driver
switched on Autopilot while on a high-
cause accidents in a world with lots of MOBILEYE CEO AMNON SHASHUA way in Florida. A truck coming from
autonomous cars. A driver on LSD, for the opposite direction turned in front
example, or a kangaroo on the road, or keep their hands on the wheel. “I went of him and its white body, blending
a woman walking a bike where a com- there, I had the meeting, and I con- with the sunlight, confused the Mo-
puter doesn’t expect her. vinced him. He promised it wouldn’t bileye camera. It failed to stop the car.
be hands-free.” The driver, who apparently had his eyes
According to a report by the tech off the road, hit the truck at almost 75
news site The Information, Uber’s Two months later, in late 2015, mph, and died instantly.
software correctly identified Herzberg Musk unveiled Tesla Autopilot. He
as a pedestrian, but failed to stop the told customers to keep their hands on Tesla has since tweaked its Autopilot
car. Citing anonymous sources, the the wheel. But nobody seemed to lis- system so drivers who ignore warnings
article said executives believed they’d ten, and Tesla’s cars didn’t always stop to keep their hands on the wheel can
improperly “tuned” their algorithms, a them. Within months, YouTube was full no longer use the feature for the re-
fancy way of saying the software didn’t of videos of Tesla drivers falling asleep, mainder of the drive. As Shashua saw
work and no one is sure why. playing Jenga, or riding in the back it, Tesla’s public statements blamed the
seat. Mobileye camera. That angered him
That’s because of what’s known as
the black box problem. An AI algorithm
can’t tell us why it picked a particular
approach to a given problem, nor can
it tell the people who programmed it
why a particular corner case caused a
model to fail.
Inevitably, even with the best sys-
tems, there will be fatalities. Mobileye
knows that better than almost anyone.
In 2013, Shashua struck a deal with
Tesla CEO Elon Musk to install an ad-
vanced version of its driver-assist sys-
tem in every new Tesla, enabling the
cars to steer themselves on highways.
To make sure Tesla didn’t oversell
the system’s capabilities, Shashua vis-
ited Musk at his factory in Fremont,
Calif., and urged him to make sure
the system would force customers to
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 33
because the system had never been de- ware’s moment-to-moment decisions, ize the basic rules of the road that guaranteed to be crash-free. Really, the
signed to detect crossing traffic. Soon an effort to make sure cars don’t do human drivers internalize with expe- Responsibility-Sensitive Safety system
after, he says, he canceled the partner- anything reckless even if they haven’t rience, such as what constitutes a safe is meant to allow society to adjudicate
ship. encountered a situation before. The following distance. blame when a crash happens. Did the
company’s Responsibility-Sensitive car’s sensors screw up, or was the fault
The incident helped prompt Mobil- Safety, which it first proposed in a re- Mobileye calls this a mathemati- the driver’s? The answer is critical for
eye to create a fundamental set of do’s search paper last year, tries to formal- cal model to guarantee safety, but, the driverless industry’s survival.
and don’ts that supersedes its soft- as Shalev-Shwartz says, no system is
34 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BY BOB JONES Marina and the Orchid Island Brewery facility, and those would require a level The Orchid Island Brewery currently
The recent City Council actions relat- “concession” at the River House facility. of investment that would not likely drive operates at least five days per week from
a significant return on investment. midday to late at night. It was acknowl-
ing to privatization of recreation, parks VERO BEACH CITY MARINA edged that a long-term lease would be
and public resources seem totally out In my judgment, the only way to in- required to justify the investment re-
of touch with what has drawn many of The overarching challenge facing crease the city marina’s profitability suf- quired by the lessee. This level of opera-
us to Vero and Central Beach. The City the Vero Beach City Marina is deferred ficiently to attract private investment tion and commitment would not seem
Marina and River House are the lat- maintenance and upgrades due to the would be through non-maritime use, to qualify as a “concession” based on
est examples of projects that have not $339,000 debt service on the City’s $4.6 in particular restaurant, retail and/or any reasonable definition of the word.
been thought through properly. million purchase of the Lost TreeVillage high-density residential operations. It
Corporation property (office building, is my view that Central Beach residents Equally importantly, the Council has
For the past three years, my wife Pam the dry storage facility and marina). are deeply opposed to such changes not taken any steps to gauge public sup-
and I have been full-time residents of that would increase traffic and parking port for a commercial alcohol-serving
Vero Beach and own a home in Cen- If that were not part of the picture, challenges in this community. operation at that City-owned location. I
tral Beach on Date Palm Road one half based on the 2017-2018 Vero Budget, suspect it will be overwhelmingly nega-
block up from Indian River Drive. the Marina generates a net operating As such, I urge the City Council to ter- tive due to traffic and parking challenges.
income of $541,000 on about $1.7 mil- minate the city marina RFI process, find
We discovered Vero in winter of 2013, lion in revenue – a respectable 31% re- a way to pay off the South Facility loan Further, availability of River House
having traveled down the Intracoastal turn; 42% if you exclude lower margin and begin funding deferred upgrades. to community events likely will largely
Waterway in our sailboat from our fuel and anchoring services. cease because of the operating hours
home in Annapolis intending to con- In two to three years, the Marina Di- of the Pub. Finally, entering into a
tinue southward and winter in the Ba- There is strong repeat seasonal de- rector can solve these problems while commercial discussion with a single
hamas. We were fortunate to get a slip mand for marina services and good continuing to generate positive operat- party is a clear violation of require-
at the City Marina, and one week led to off-season use of the facility. Further, ing cash flow. Once the marina is up- ments that other interested parties be
a month, then four months – and we transient boaters spend considerable graded, it may be possible to increase allowed to bid.
never made it under the Barber Bridge. money in Vero during their yearly vis- transient slip rates somewhat, and the
its, and many choose to live here once marina should provide positive net I strongly urge like minded resi-
Prior to discoveringVero, we had nev- their cruising days are over, as we did. cash flow to the community. dents to reach out to the City Council
er even talked about moving to Florida. requesting that they end these two
Now we can’t imagine living anywhere It is seductive to think that privatiza- ORCHID ISLAND BREWERY specific proposals and take steps to
other than Central Beach. tion could solve the marina’s challeng- RIVER HOUSE ‘CONCESSION’ understand City residents’ appetite
es, but that thinking in the case of our for privatization well before proceed-
Reasonable people differ about city marina is flawed and I fear it will Even more troubling is the non-trans- ing with any further projects.
the future of our community, but the lead to undesirable change. parent attempt to lease out River House
Council is not following the right pro- to a specific for-profit entity in clear vio- Where it makes sense and is done
cess concerning privatization in gen- There are only modest opportunities lation of the charter for that property. properly, many of us will enthusiasti-
eral as well as with regard to specific to expand the marina and dry storage cally support privatization proposals
properties. Well before any discussion – the 13th Avenue Post Office prop-
with potential private companies in- erty sale and Walking Tree Brewery
terested in operating or owning pub- are good examples. In my view, River
lic entities, the City needs to build a House and the City Marina are not.
consensus as to what our community
wants, or perhaps more importantly, The author, Bob Jones, is a resident
what it does not want. of Central Beach. This column does
not necessarily reflect the views of Vero
Getting the process backward is Beach 32963.
what happened with regard to the Lei-
sure Square privatization attempt and
is now underway with regard to City
If and/or when you get sick or injured, there are many people EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS (EMTs) © 2018 VERO BEACH 32963 MEDIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
ready to help you. During this series we’ll review the roles and re- Often employed by ambulance services, governments, hospi-
sponsibilities of some of the most significant healthcare workers. tals, fire departments and police departments, EMTs record vital
PHYSICIANS signs; treat burns, cuts and fractured bones; deal with respiratory
In the United States, physicians can be doctors of medicine (MDs) emergencies, cardiac arrest and diabetic shock; and perform CPR.
or doctors of osteopathic medicine (DOs). While medical training Those with additional training administer fluids intravenously,
is virtually identical for both, osteopathic medical schools empha- give medications and intubate patients. Paramedics, the highest
size the body as being an integrated unit of mind, body and spirit. ranking EMTs, receive advanced training to read EKGs, use defi-
Physicians may be designated as primary care providers (PCPs), brillators, and access equipment and medications otherwise re-
medical specialists, general surgeons or surgical specialists. Most served for use in hospital emergency rooms.
insurance plans consider internists, family physicians, pediatri- Two of the most recent additions to hospital staff are the roles of
cians and obstetricians/gynecologists to be PCPs. According to hospitalists and patient care navigators.
the type of insurance you have, you may need a referral from your HOSPITALISTS
PCP to see a specialist. A hospitalist is a physician who dedicates his or her practice
PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS (PAs) solely to the care of the hospitalized patient. In the hospital
Physician assistants are licensed healthcare professionals who 24/7, hospitalists are available at a moment’s notice. In addi-
practice medicine as part of a team with physicians in clinics, hos- tion to caring for chronic medical problems and acute medical
pitals or other health care facilities. They are authorized to make illnesses, they can request and coordinate consults from spe-
medical decisions independently, obtain medical histories, per- cialists and contact your primary care provider to give updates
form examinations and procedures, order treatments, diagnose and your discharge summary, as needed.
diseases, prescribe medication, order and interpret diagnostic PATIENT CARE NAVIGATORS
tests, refer patients to specialists and assist in surgery. A navigator usually specializes in helping cancer, cardiac and
ADVANCED REGISTERED NURSE PRACTITIONERS (ARNPs) or orthopedic patients navigate the health care system. From
Advanced registered nurse practitioners provide services similar diagnosis, through treatment and providing ongoing support
to those of a physician. They examine patients, take medical his- and assistance, navigators act as a patient’s (and family’s) go-
tories, maintain patient records, identify health risk factors, pre- to person as questions come up, assistance in accessing care is
scribe medications, make referrals and treat health conditions. needed and for follow-up coordination. Many patient naviga-
With a focus on wellness and disease prevention, most ARNPs tors have nursing backgrounds.
provide health education and counseling to help patients avoid Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always wel-
emergency room visits and hospitalizations. come. Email us at [email protected].
38 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
“Dumb son of a bitch” and “damn fool.” These in- just two months into War- the Republican Party. It also
sults did not come from President Trump about any ren’s tenure (before he had makes Simon’s task more chal-
of his many political adversaries. Rather, they are even been officially con- lenging. His efforts to probe
the words of President Dwight Eisenhower privately firmed), after a sharply di- Eisenhower and Warren’s re-
excoriating Chief Justice Earl Warren, whom he him- vided Supreme Court pre- lationship reveal that their
self had appointed to the Supreme Court in 1953. viously failed to decide the differences were often more
Eisenhower’s antipathy challenges the conventional case. Simon deftly explains of approach than ends and
image of the relationship between these two highly the core legal issues and represented a debate over
respected moderate Republicans. It serves as a point debates, and reveals how
of departure for James F. Simon’s illuminating and Warren skillfully brought the immediate vs. incremental
engaging account of their rivalry and a pivotal period court to unanimity and wrote change.
in the history of civil rights and civil liberties. the groundbreaking opinion.
Simon shows sympathy
“Eisenhower vs. Warren” is the latest of several Hoping to avoid alienat- for the political pressures
books that Simon, a legal historian and former dean ing white Southerners, Eisen- Eisenhower confronted as
of New York Law School, has written document- hower provided only the bar- president and his skill at
ing enmity between a chief justice and a chief ex- est support for the decision, navigating them. He ac-
ecutive. Unlike earlier quarrels, such as Franklin D. noting that he was “sworn to knowledges that Eisenhow-
Roosevelt’s famous showdown with Charles Evans uphold the constitutional pro-
Hughes over the New Deal, the fight between Eisen- cess in the country. And I will er wielded federal power
hower and Warren has received less attention. Simon obey.” He offered even less en- on civil rights issues when
exposes a fundamental difference between the rela- dorsement for arguments on he could, noting his role
tionship of Eisenhower and Warren and that of their the implementation decree for in desegregating the mili-
New Deal predecessors. In the earlier conflict, Roos- Brown and the justices’ other tary, easing tensions over
evelt sought to push the boundaries of change while efforts at enforcing desegrega- tion. Warren was school segregation in Lit-
Hughes fought for restraint. By contrast, Eisenhower deeply frustrated with Eisenhower’s unwillingness to tle Rock, and advocating for the
resisted progress while Warren pursued it. speak out more vigorously in support of Brown and Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960. Yet in charting
its implementation. the rivalry, Simon makes clear that he favors War-
Eisenhower and Warren were born less than six ren’s thinking and philosophy.
months apart but had very different paths into the Their relationship frayed further as the court took Simon’s veneration of Warren also creates some
Republican Party and Washington. Tracing their a firm stand in a series of cases protecting the civil noticeable blind spots. While carefully charting War-
routes to power, Simon underlines how neither had liberties of individuals accused of subversion dur- ren’s early career, the author spends very little time on
the traditional qualifications or experience for the ing the Red Scare. In narrating this tension, Simon his key role in the internment of Japanese Americans
positions they attained. Eisenhower, a retired gen- pays close attention to the internal dynamics of the as California’s attorney general and governor. Simon
eral, had worked in public service for most of his life court, especially Warren’s strained relationship with does not suggest, as many other scholars have, that
but had never held elected office before entering the the mercurial Felix Frankfurter, who was a strong ad- Warren’s regret over his support for internment had
White House. Warren was a lawyer and had served vocate of judicial restraint. an impact on his abiding commitment to expanded
as California’s attorney general and governor, but individual liberties and his recognition that vulner-
had never been a judge before he put on the robes While Simon hints that the friction between Eisen- able groups needed heightened protection. If one
as chief in the nation’s most powerful courtroom. hower and Warren dated back to their fight for the of Simon’s goals is to track Warren’s evolution, then
Simon explores how each embraced his new posi- Republican presidential nomination in 1952, he a more in-depth look at internment would have il-
tion and revealed his natural acumen for politics and shows that after Brown, their battles intensified. luminated it, especially since it was an issue that also
commitment to moderation and consensus, even as What is perhaps most striking is that, with the excep- divided the Supreme Court before he arrived.
they came to demonstrate it in fundamentally differ- tion of a few veiled comments in news conferences
ent ways. and oblique statements in their memoirs, Eisenhow- EISENHOWER VS. WARREN
er and Warren kept their frustrations with each other
Their differing approaches came into sharpest private. The tacit agreement to keep their animosity THE BATTLE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES
focus surrounding Brown v. Board of Education in out of the public eye reveals just how different Wash-
1954. The arguments in the landmark case occurred ington politics was in the 1950s, especially within BY JAMES F. SIMON | LIVERIGHT. 427 PP. $35
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 39
32 K 10 8 4 AQ76
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 43 K 10 9 5 AQ62
10 9 8 6 4 2 K75 3
Robin Hood was well known in England for stealing from the wealthy and giving to the Q63 K9 J742
poor. But in his spare time, he and his merry band played bridge. David Bird has put
together a third collection of their adventures, “Arrow Through the Heart” (Master Point SOUTH
Press). The book contains many illustrations by Marguerite Lihou and 113 instructive J95
deals. Bird specializes in this type of entertaining bridge fiction. J87
In this deal, Robin Hood (South) was battling against Friar Tuck (East) and Much, A 10 8 5
the son of a local miller (West). What happened in three no-trump after West led the
diamond 10? Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
Hood had only five top tricks: three diamonds and two clubs. He could expect to get a The Bidding:
third club trick, but it was sensible to attack the majors first.
Declarer, after taking the first trick in his hand, ran the heart eight. What happened next? 1 Clubs Pass 1 Hearts Pass
1 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass LEAD:
This deal was played early one morning, with the players sitting cross-legged on a 10 Diamonds
coarsely woven blanket laid on the ground in Sherwood Forest. But Friar Tuck was wide
awake. Hoping his partner held the club queen, he won with his heart queen and shifted
to the club knave, as the jack was called in England until well into the 1970s.
South took the trick with dummy’s king and played another heart. East won with his ace
and led a second club. Declarer had little choice but to duck in his hand, so West took
the trick and returned a diamond. South won and, with a shrug, hoped he could guess
spades to get a ninth trick. However, East claimed two spade tricks to go with two
hearts and one club already taken. It was the only winning defense.
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40 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Invent (6) 2 Debonair (6)
4 Tales (6) 2 Dizziness at height (7)
9 Aim (7) 3 Skedaddle (5)
10 Lodge or hut (5) 5 Praise (7)
11 Live (5) 6 Scales constellation (5)
12 Currant bun (7) 7 Nightfall (6)
13 Goods, delivery (11) 8 Social gathering (3,8)
18 On edge (7) 14 Propose (7)
20 Armistice (5) 15 Impartial (7)
21 Oily stone fruit (5) 16 Hearsay (6)
22 Facial feature (7) 17 Northern lapwing (6)
23 Pivot (6) 19 Spiral (5)
24 Small village (6) 20 Eighth Greek letter (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:The Telegraph
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 41
ACROSS 79 A molding 16 Disney’s middle “epic”
1 Hill-climbing 80 Actor’s ancestor? name 95 War, in France
83 Quick cut 96 Significant
gear? 84 Golfer’s 17 Old Greek belts 97 A way to go it
4 Log of chocolate 18 Curl of hair 98 Merl relative
7 Eurasian area of ancestor? 20 Tooth topper 100 Sock end
87 Mr. Graf, the 25 Chorus morsel 101 Actress Woodard
conifer forests 27 Roving 102 Weaver Marner
12 Word in L.A.’s signature hound? 32 “Okey-doke!” 103 Wedge birds
88 Kendall or Kyser 33 Bacchanal’s cry 104 Playwright Joe
police slogan 89 Detroit’s Della 36 Horse course 106 Unscripted mot
19 Busy, like a 90 Greek peak 38 “___ bodkins!” 107 Film critic Jeffrey
91 Not ___ 39 Type of singing 109 Wet blanket?
gumshoe 40 Dream 111 For them, one
21 Wiser, perhaps (mediocre) 42 British fellow
22 Christmas 92 Pealed 43 Jackie and war is over
93 “Take yer paws 112 Jules, to Jim
chanteuse Jimmy 114 Italian’s 3
23 Tells off me, ya ___” 44 “___ ya wanna 115 Pronoun for
24 Film director’s 96 Filly at five
play rough, eh?” Sean Young
ancestor? 99 Lilting farewells 45 Year, in Lisbon
26 Actor’s ancestor? 103 Ascends 46 Cram The Washington Post
28 Pews 105 Gadot of Wonder 47 TV actor’s
29 Old music note, TRAIT NAMES By Merl Reagle
Woman ancestor?
or a 108 Parker and 48 1960s do BRADLEY H. REINER, DMD
drink backwards 49 Entree full of orts
30 Marianne and Parsons 51 Author Kosinski HAGEN V. HASTINGS, DMD
Michael 110 Comedic actor’s 52 Armand
31 Absorbed look Family, Cosmetic & Laser Dentistry
34 Rummage-sale ancestor? Hammer’s oil co. Caring Dentistry for the Entire Family
condition 113 Actress’s 53 Lofts for artists
35 Rose beetle 54 Nuclear
37 Actor Novello ancestor?
39 Worry beads? 116 Organ effect headache
41 Kids’ soccer 117 Another and 56 Regret
assn. 59 Olympic
45 “___ is my that’s it
witness” 118 Midnight Cowboy swimmer Evans
47 Rustic rearers 62 Civil War general
50 Rossellini’s Open character 65 Disdainful
___ 119 ___ in the Sun
51 Author’s 120 Elixir, perhaps comments
ancestor? 121 European steel 67 Gluck and Reville
55 Wednesday 69 Endeavor
smudge city 70 Crower
56 Novelist’s 122 Like ketchup 71 Sea of Cortes
ancestor? 123 Successful
57 A lot of lot content?
58 Deliberating pilferings, on 73 Sandinista leader
group a diamond: abbr.
60 “Alas!” DOWN Daniel
61 Fatso star 1 Ugarte in 75 “___ be in
63 Third place Casablanca
64 “Joe Hill” singer 2 Shaquille’s last England”
65 Arctic grass 3 Actor’s ancestor? 76 Wee worker in a
66 Early potato chip 4 Slip-guard in the
marketer tub colossal
68 Henri ending 5 ___ golf clubs company
70 Herb indigenous 6 Do a blacksmith 77 Old comics
to San job section
Francisco? 7 Mellow Mel 78 Predicament
72 “___-hoo!” 8 Bitter-juice plants 81 Born
74 Agitate 9 “___ delighted!” 82 As part of a
76 Jobs of a lifetime 10 Carnival crew wager
11 Court decree 85 Liza lyricist
12 Interest rate abbr. 86 Faxed
13 Cheer 87 Kingdom of Moo
14 Mine varieties dweller
15 “But I haven’t a 91 Dimwit
thing ___” 92 Title anew
94 Beatty-Hoffman
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42 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
New grandparents didn’t plan for sons’ guilt trip
BY CAROLYN HAX ish (and they really really ought to stop).
Washington Post So there could be many different motives
Hi, Carolyn: My husband and behind their pressure tactics – indeed, each son
could have a different one – just as you have your
I, 68 and 61, were thrilled to be- reasons for staying put that have nothing to do
with your emotional tie to your grandkids.
come grandparents two years
A simple “Please stop – moving is not realistic,
ago. We are enjoying our first so your asking us repeatedly is salt in a wound”
is where I suggest you start, because people with
years of carefully planned retire- boundaries will accept that.
ment in our home on the East “Ought to” is the phrasing of an optimist,
though, so you may need to address everyone’s
Coast. motives to have your best chance of being heard.
The problem is our sons, who live in two of the That includes, potentially, calling out a globe-
trotter son who talks about the grandparent
most expensive real estate markets on the West time his child is missing but then walks his walk
somewhere else.
Coast, are constantly pressuring us to move closer
Say it not with anger or pointed fingers but
to them. They are breaking my heart to pieces by with the facts at hand: “You say you want X, then
do Y and push us to do X for you. Which we’re
telling me, “You know you are missing out on your happy to as much as we can! But there are limits,
and if you want more of us, then you’ll need to
grandchild’s life.” do your part, too.”
The thing is, I was painfully aware of this con- Fearing you’re in the wrong can stand in the
way of such matter-of-fact reckoning, so be
sequence the day they both drove away from their assured: It is not selfish to choose a home you
know and can afford over costly and stressful
home! My husband and visit them as often as we unknowns. It’s not selfish to run your own life.
can (not easy on a fixed income), however, it just Ultimately you might have to declare the topic
off-limits (and on-limits again, should you ever
never seems to be enough. need your sons’ help), but that still beats their
beating you down.
Although I am flattered they want us closer, they If they are generally fine with things but feel
guilty for not seeing you more, or if they think
have traveled all over the country/world, but not once they’re doing you a favor by reminding you often
how much you’re missed, then that’s disingenu-
to visit their “beloved grandparents.” Are we being ous or presumptuous, respectively (and they
really ought to stop).
selfish to not want to forgo our retirement, return to
If they are comfortable enough with the ar-
work and downsize/relocate to appease our children? rangement that they’re unwilling to make sacrific-
es of their own to see you more but hope they can
– Gramma enhance their lives of choice by pressuring you to
make sacrifices to see them more, then that is self-
Gramma: If they really wish you lived closer and
miss you terribly, then that’s a beautiful thing,
but the pressure is no way to show it (and they
ought to stop).
44 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Speak up: Erectile dysfunction is very treatable
BY TOM LLOYD than half of them suffer from it.
Staff Writer As the Huffington Post reports, “ac-
Despite a TV advertising binge that cording to the Cleveland Clinic, as
started around 2004 and still contin- many as 52 percent of men experience
ues today for prescription pharmaceu- erectile dysfunction, with it affecting
ticals such as Viagra, Levitra and Cia- 40 percent of men age 40 and 70 per-
lis, most men in this country still don’t cent of men age 70.”
like talking about erectile dysfunction
– even to their doctors. Newly-arrived Indian River Medi-
cal Center urologist Dr. Carrington
That’s a bit of problem, since more Mason sheds some interesting light
on this male reluctance and how it is
Dr. Carrington Mason.
overcome. of blood vessels, high blood pressure,
“The majority of times that a man high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome,
Parkinson’s disease, or hormonal and
comes to see a physician about men’s thyroid disorders.
health,” Mason say, “it’s because
there’s a woman encouraging him to Again, the plain-speaking Mason
do it.” puts that into even simpler terms.
“Certainly, in an area like Vero Beach,
In a more serious tone he adds, “If you’re going to have, just by virtue of
you’re experiencing erectile dysfunc- age, a higher instance of erectile dys-
tion, speak to your healthcare provid- function – [but] you’re also going to
er about it. Because the doctor can’t have comorbidities that go on,” and
fix what they don’t know about and need to be diagnosed.
they probably need to also ask a few
other questions to make sure that it’s “If you’re taking nitroglycerin tab-
just erectile dysfunction that is really lets or something like that, certainly
the issue.” you don’t want to take … [Viagra or
similar medications] because the
That, according to Medical News hypotensive effect can certainly be
Today, is good advice. The publica- troublesome.”
tion points out that “it is always worth
consulting a physician about persis- And, he says, don’t waste your time
tent erection problems as they could looking for so-called “herbal” alter-
be caused by a serious medical condi- natives. “There is nothing that I have
tion,” such as heart disease, narrowing found herbally that will consistently
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 45
give you an erectile response. There Outpatient knee replacement surgery has arrived
are some things that can cause some
sort of agitation of the nervous sys- BY TOM LLOYD ing and go home later that same day. three days,” and until this past January,
tem that is rumored to, but there’s no Staff Writer That’s a huge change from the not- “most of my patients were in the hospi-
proven herbal material that will treat tal just overnight.”
erectile dysfunction.” In January of this year, the Centers too-distant past.
for Medicare & Medicaid Services re- According to Vero Beach orthopedic Now that hospital stay can be less
Getting back to science, the actual moved total knee arthroplasty (knee than one day.
mechanics of an erection are relatively replacements) from its formerly iron- surgeons George Nichols, “historically
simple. clad list of in-patient-only procedures. for joint replacements, maybe 30 years Determining who qualifies for these
ago, patients would come in to the same-day knee replacements, howev-
The Urology Care Foundation de- As a result, some patients who need hospital and they’d be in the hospital er, is still a work in progress.
scribes the process this way: “When to have their knee replaced can now five or six or seven days. Over the past
you are not sexually aroused, your have the procedure done in the morn- 10-to-12 years, we’ve been shortening “It’s interesting because there are no
penis is soft and limp. During sexual that up. You’d be in the hospital maybe written [Medicare] guidelines as to who
arousal, nerve messages release chem-
icals that increase blood flow into the CONTINUED ON PAGE 46
penis. The blood flows into two erec-
tion chambers made of spongy tissue
(the corpus cavernosum) in the penis.
The ‘smooth muscle’ in the erection
chambers relaxes, which lets blood
enter and stay in the chambers. The
pressure of the blood in the chambers
makes the penis firm, giving you an
erection. After you have an orgasm,
the blood flows out of the chambers
and the erection goes away.”
But what if – for whatever reason –
the pills don’t work?
“The main message I usually try to
deliver when I talk about erectile dys-
function is to let people know there’s
more to treatment than just the pills,”
Mason says. “And when the pills don’t
work, there are other things that do
work – and something works for ev-
erybody. There is a solution, as long
as people want to see the solution. We
can get this taken care of.”
Like, for instance, by employing pe-
nile implants.
As the Mayo Clinic reports, “to-
day’s implants are devices [surgically]
placed inside the penis to allow men
with erectile dysfunction to get an
erection. Penile implants are typically
recommended after other treatments
for ED fail. The two main types of pe-
nile implants, semirigid and inflat-
able, work differently and each has
various pros and cons.”
Mason says today’s improved im-
plant procedures “take 35 to 40 min-
utes to do, whereas it used to take
about an hour-and-half to two hours
to do.
“It’s all done as an outpatient. You
go home and you’re operational with-
in three to six weeks. It used to be that
it was much more long and drawn out,
with a hospitalization, but it’s just not
that way anymore.
So there are options and there are
solutions. All a man really needs to do
is get the courage to find a doctor like
Mason and have that frank discussion
– even if his wife has to drive him to
the office.
Dr. Carrington Mason is with the In-
dian River Medical Center. His office
is at 3450 11th Court, Suite 303. The
phone number is 772-794-9771.
46 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
it’s OK for and who is not,” says orthope- the patient’s age, weight, body mass in- will increase five-fold within 12 years, enough statistical evidence to compare
dic surgeon Dr. Richard Steinfeld. dex or a lack of at-home support. jumping to 3.5 million per year. the outcomes to pre-2018 procedures,
The American Academy of Orthopae- In other words, if Nichols or Stein- Indeed, by 2030, NIH estimates “20 but both these Vero surgeons seem en-
dic Surgeons partially defines who’s eli- feld does recommend a same-day percent of all Americans – about 70 thusiastically optimistic.
gible for the outpatient procedure when knee replacement for you, you’re likely million people – will have passed their Meanwhile, whether it’s a same-day
it says “there is a small subset of patients healthier, more fit and younger than 65th birthday and will be at increased stay or longer, the most important ele-
that could appropriately receive outpa- the average knee replacement patient risk for osteoarthritis,” by far the lead- ment in any joint replacement, accord-
tient total knee arthroplasty.” in this country. ing medical problem leading to the ing to the Hospital for Special Surgery, is
New York’s Hospital for Special Sur- “The largest growing segment of peo- need for knee replacements. the doctor’s level of experience.
gery says these outpatient knee ple who need knee replacements are Outpatient knee replacement It bluntly states “it’s especially im-
replacement candidates “must not 80-year-olds,” Steinfeld says. – as radical as it may sound – portant to choose a highly-expe-
be in excellent health with no “They’re the 50- to 70-year-olds. could be just the beginning. rienced orthopedic surgeon who
underlying medical prob- So, you have some people that “Most of us think that with- specializes in joint replacement
lems or comorbidities. They are not on Medicare or in the in a year – April of 2019 – not surgery,” and Nichols and Stein-
must have no history of early phase of Medicare. There only will hip replacements feld certainly fit that description.
heart or lung disease.” are a lot of very healthy, active probably be approved but Nichols has been practicing
Other factors that can nix people who would be prime can- shoulder replacements as well, here in Vero since 1984, while
a same-day knee re- didates for something like this.” and then maybe even an ap- Steinfeld has nearly 20 years of ex-
placement are And when Steinfeld says proval to [do operations] perience under his belt.
“largest growing seg- outside of the hospi- tal
ment,” he’s not exag- surgery centers. Dr. George Nichols is
gerating. It’s a definite with the Indian River
Currently, ac- trend towards Medical Center with
cording to the working folks to offices at 1155 35th
CDC, some an outpatient Lane, Suite 302. The
700,000 knee setting.” phone number is
replacements It’s been 772-794-1444. Dr.
are per- less than six Richard Steinfeld is
formed each months since with the Orthopae-
year, and the outpatient knee dic Center of Vero
University of replacements Beach at 1285 36th
California Ir- were approved Street, Suite 100.
Dr. Richard Steinfield. PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE vine projects by Medicare, so Dr. George Nichols. The phone number
that number there is not nearly is 772-778-2009.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 47
Are you a ‘spiritual’ person? Test your holy habits
BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT be a “spiritual” person? people, to opportunities, to challenges. of others – and they acknowledge their
Columnists We recently discovered an article by Three: Spiritual people see options, own worth, too.
Are you a spiritual person? Accord- Perry Garfinkel (“The 7 Habits Of High- not problems. They rarely get stuck or Seven: Spiritual people worship where
ing to researchers who monitor such ly Spiritual People,” Huffington Post) find themselves immobilized by doubt. and when the spirit moves them. They
things, many of us these days declare which seems to suggest that spiritual They believe that the outcomes to the aren’t necessarily reliant upon a desig-
ourselves to be spiritual, though not re- people can be recognized by their habits, world’s struggles and their own efforts nated holy setting or a particular institu-
ligious. The spiritual-but-not-religious seven of which are particularly revealing are rife with promise. tion to provide the site and the means for
crowd would contend that organized of a person’s spiritual nature – and ac- their worship. Any number of thoughts
religion does not have a monopoly tually Garfinkel’s article adds an eighth Four: Spiritual people are capable of and events might prompt an outbreak of
on spiritual matters and spiritual ex- habit for good measure. We think Gar- walking a mile in another’s shoes. They prayer, of awe, of gratitude.
periences. We would have to agree, of finkel makes a great start in outlining the have the capacity to recognize that de-
course. And perhaps it is also true that richness of spiritual life when he identi- spite our differences, we humans all Eight: Spiritual people laugh a lot.
religious folks are not always particu- fies these eight central spiritual habits. have a great deal in common. And so Gladness tends to bubble up in them.
larly spiritual. So what does it mean to Here’s our take on his list: spiritual people are capable of empa- And why not? A life graced with a spiri-
thy, even for situations they have not tual focus is a life richly savored and
One: Spiritual people are givers rather experienced themselves and for people thoroughly enjoyed.
than takers. Life is in so many ways an ex- they’ve barely met.
change. We give some and, by necessity, The spiritual life is wide open to us all,
we take some. But where does the bal- Five: Spiritual people count blessings and it beckons us to receive its rewards.
ance lie? Generous givers gain the price- in small wonders. Without waiting for Why not try adopting these eight holy
less reward of seeing their valuable assets a miracle, a grand epiphany or an ‘aha’ habits and see what happens?
(material or spiritual) grow by bringing moment, spiritual people are willing to
joy to more lives than their own. give thanks for every marvelous little gift
that comes their way. From a baby’s first
Two: Spiritual people say yes more smile to a flaming sunset, spiritual peo-
than they say no. Former U.N. Secre- ple notice and appreciate each wonder.
tary-General, Dag Hammarskjöld, ex-
pressed this positive response to life so Six: Spiritual people give compli-
well in his famous prayer: “For all that ments generously and accept them with
has been, thank you. For all that is to humility. This is a matter of appropriate
come, yes!” Spiritual people say yes to self-regard. Spiritual people readily rec-
ognize the precious and unique value
Richard Leighton Armitage
Longtime island resident, Richard Leighton Armitage, died May
13 at the age of 84, following a long battle with cancer. After a Naval
deployment in the Pacific during the 1950s, he became a keen traveler
and lived on four continents.
Richard was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1933 and attended
Behrman High School. He graduated from Purdue University in 1955
and received a Commission in the United States Navy. He served aboard the USS Brush as
Chief Engineer between 1956 and 1958.
He then joined Union Carbide Corporation and worked as a Chemical Engineer all over the
world until his retirement in 2001.
A lifelong lover of the Classics (briefly including serving as classical music reviewer for this
publication and forming a string quartet in Vero), Richard became an accomplished painter
in retirement. He enjoyed a wide range of interests that varied from baseball to finance and
boating to history. He also loved to exercise and managed to continue his fitness routine long
into his illness.
After retiring, Richard doted on his family, which included his wife of 59 years, Margaret, his sons
Al and Michael, his sister Ann Benson and his grandchildren Brent, Hannah, Leighton and Nick.
48 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Meghan’s wedding dress was bridal gown of the year
BY CAROLINE LEAPER employed by Parisian house Givenchy.
The Telegraph In an act of true diplomacy, though,
Markle requested that flora from all 53
British designer Clare Waight Keller countries of the Commonwealth be in-
has secured the fashion commission cluded in the embroideries on her veil -
of the year, designing the silk cady plus a California Poppy or two, to sym-
wedding gown that Meghan Markle bolize the state flower from her place
wore as she married Prince Harry in of birth, California.
Windsor last Saturday.
“Ms. Meghan Markle’s wedding
Markle, now to be known as the dress has been designed by the ac-
Duchess of Sussex, is thought to have claimed British designer, Clare Waight
requested sketches and samples from Keller,” Kensington Palace confirmed
several of the U.K.’s leading design in a statement. “Ms. Waight Keller last
names, leaving everyone guessing what year became the first female Artistic
she would be wearing right up until the Director at the historic French fashion
moment she left her hotel, Windsor’s house Givenchy.
Cliveden House, Saturday morning.
“Ms. Markle and Ms. Waight Keller
Yet as she departed in one of the worked closely together on the design.
Queen’s vintage Rolls Royces, we got The dress epitomizes a timeless mini-
our first glimpse of the white, bateau mal elegance referencing the codes
necked, stiff satin gown that she had of the iconic House of Givenchy and
ultimately picked – a clean and clas- showcasing the expert craftsmanship
sic number by Givenchy creative di- of its world-renowned Parisian cou-
rector Clare Waight Keller, a complete ture atelier founded in 1952.”
outsider whose name has barely been
mooted in the mix. “It is truly an honour to have been
given the opportunity to closely col-
Choosing Waight Keller, 47, was a laborate with Meghan Markle on such
surprise move from Meghan. Despite a remarkable occasion,” Waight Keller
being British, the designer currently is said in a statement released just mo-
ments after she had finished adjusting emphasize the iconic codes of Given-
the bride’s 5-meter-long silk tulle veil chy throughout its history, as well as
on the steps of the chapel. “We wanted convey modernity through sleek lines
to create a timeless piece that would and sharp cuts.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 49
“It has been an immensely rewarding the decision Queen Victoria had made was only three days before the wedding one of the first guests to arrive at St.
experience to get to know Meghan on a in 1840 to promote the nation’s skills that this happened, so I was relieved.” George’s Chapel Saturday, which ef-
personal level, one I will forever carry with her bridal gown. The closest royal fectively ruled him out. If he had done
with me. The House of Givenchy joins reference to Meghan’s look, perhaps, British couture house Ralph and it, he would be behind-the-scenes,
me in wishing her and Prince Harry ev- would be Princess Margaret’s Norman Russo was the front-runner for almost with the bride.
ery wish of happiness in their future.” Hartnell gown from 1960. the entirety of Meghan and Harry’s
engagement. It became an early fa- Another key question that caused
In an interview given back in March The understated aesthetic that vorite after Meghan wore a $75,000 much speculation among fashion
2016, Meghan had described Caro- Meghan chose is, however, an entirely dress of their design in her engage- commentators was what color would
lyn Bessette Kennedy’s minimalistic modern choice for an entirely modern ment photographs, which were re- the bride choose to wear. This being
gown, worn in 1995 when she married bride. Its simplicity should not be mis- leased on Dec. 21. Markle’s second marriage, it would
John F. Kennedy Jr., as “everything read as plain-ness – six meticulously generally have been considered inap-
goals.” A bias cut silk satin slip by Nar- placed seams form the silhouette of Founders Tamara Ralph and Michael propriate for her to wear white. Ca-
ciso Rodriguez, it was timelessly chic, the dress. As she exited the car, the Russo famously specialize in high- milla, Duchess of Cornwall, for exam-
and entirely devoid of embellishment. scale of the skirt could be appreciated, octane glamour, and are a favorite ple, chose a soft mint-hued dress coat
It clearly provided a reference for what and suddenly the entire thing chimed among Hollywood stars from Angelina when she married Prince Charles in
she came to choose today. perfectly with the setting. Jolie to Gwyneth Paltrow – a look with April 2005. Yet in embellishment-free
obvious appeal to Markle. At the label’s satin, her optic white (really, it couldn’t
The shunning of lace is almost un- “Even though St. George’s Chapel is most recent catwalk show
in January, have been whiter) looked sophisticated
heard of at a royal wedding – the Duch- within the walls of Windsor, it is still they presented a bridal ensemble with – perhaps if it had been a delicate lace
ess of Cambridge, by comparison, wore the size of a cathedral. I think she likes a skirt that
took four people
200 hours dress, we would have considered it to
an exquisitely hand-embroidered lace straight dresses, but if she goes for to hand-ruche, its embellishments in- be more of a girlish and ‘blushing’ look
gown by Alexander McQueen in 2011, something like that then I think it will cluding more than 3,000 Swarovski associated with a first-time bride.
and was keen to emphasize the “best have quite a bit coming out the back, crystal leaves and 40,000 pearls.
of British” materials, in reference to because you need it for the width of the Just as we saw with the Duchess of
aisle and the height of the room.” Roland Mouret, a personal friend Cambridge’s bespoke Alexander Mc-
of Meghan’s, was also a favorite name Queen gown in 2011, copies of the
According to Holford, Markle will right up until the last moment – in- new Duchess of Sussex’s dress will un-
also have likely shown her dress to the deed the bride-to-be wore a navy wool doubtedly start being run off for brides
Queen in the last few days. “The Queen crepe dress of his design Friday night, who want to get the look. And just as
doesn’t need to approve the dress accompanying her mother, Doria Rag- with Kate’s, this is a look that will now
but it’s lovely if she does,” Holford ex- land, to dinner at Cliveden House. go down as a template for modern
plained. “There isn’t a protocol in place, brides around the world, as well as a
but it’s considered polite for the bride to Mouret was exceptionally tight- future classic. Clare Waight Keller, too,
ask. I wasn’t there for the conversation, lipped in the run up to today. “Mm- is a name now bound to be inked into
but Autumn told me that the Queen had mmm, I don’t want to say. It’s … there the fashion history books.
seen the dress and that she approved. It is no comment on that. She’s a friend.
And that’s … I can’t say.” He was
50 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Markle dons daring Stella McCartney dress for reception
BY CHARLIE GOWANS-EGLINTON, appropriate feel that contrasted with the seems that this newlywed was keen to
The Telegraph modesty of her first gown, in keeping pay homage with her second dress.
with the church service.
When Meghan Markle stepped out Kennedy’s simple Narciso Rodriguez
onto the steps of St. George’s Chapel According to rumors, many design- slip dress would have been far too mini-
at Windsor Castle last Saturday, she ers created dresses for this evening’s mal – and shown far too much skin – for
finally answered the question that has reception, to allow the bride the luxury a royal wedding dress. But the fluidity
plagued journalists for months: Who of choosing according to her mood on and minimal aesthetic are clearly mir-
would be the designer chosen to de- the night. Other possibilities mooted in- rored in Stella McCartney’s gown.
sign the royal wedding dress? The an- cluded Ralph & Russo, the label behind
swer surprised many, not least because the ornately-jeweled dress she chose for Even Meghan’s sleek low bun drew
the chosen fashion house, Givenchy, the engagement photos, Erdem, Jenny parallels to Kennedy’s oft-referenced
is French (though the designer at the Packham and Roland Mouret, whose look. London-based hairstylist George
helm, Clare Waight Keller, is British). dress she wore for dinner with her moth- Northwood was on hand to deconstruct
No, many were surprised at the incred- er the night before the wedding. the bride’s up-do for the evening, opting
ibly simplicity of the gown. for a low bun with a few loose strands of
If her choice of a French label for hair pulled loose to frame the face.
When Meghan Markle left Windsor her main wedding dress was contro-
Castle to drive to the evening reception versial, choosing British here should The evening reception was the chance
at Frogmore House, those wishing that prove popular. But with the best of for a royal bride to relax and celebrate
the royal wedding dress had boasted British fashion at her fingertips, did with friends and family, away from the
more lace, more sparkle, just more Meghan play it too safe? gaze of the public. In 2011, the Duchess
were to be disappointed again when of Cambridge swapped her elaborate
the bride chose a lily white halterneck Certainly, the setting of Frogmore lace gown by Sarah Burton for Alexander
gown made of silk crepe by the British house was a more intimate one than the McQueen for a pared-back satin alterna-
designer Stella McCartney. cathedral-sized chapel of the ceremony. tive and a light jacket, her hair loose.
The simplicity of a dress like this might
But while the dress was modestly high not make the impact of a more ornate Meghan’s choice of McCartney could
at the front, it was cut low across the style, but this bride is known for her love also communicate something bigger
back and bared the Duchess’ shoulders of understated style. As previously refer- than the dress. The newlywed has worn
and arms for a more modern, evening- enced, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy’s 1996 the label, which is famously animal-
wedding gown as “everything goals,” it friendly and doesn’t use leather or fur,
twice since becoming engaged to Harry.
McCartney also designed mother-of- ish society bride. In marrying Prince
the-bride Doria Ragland’s outfit for the Harry, she leaves behind her home in
evening, a scarlet long-sleeved silk cady America. But in choosing her wedding
dress. This could be a sign that the new dresses and nodding to those arbiters
Duchess intends to align herself with of elegance and style Kennedy and Au-
fashion labels that push for sustainabil- drey Hepburn, she is showing us all the
ity and ethical production in fashion – Duchess she is going to become.
but don’t compromise on style, either.
But while the dress might have been
While the wedding dress must meet bare of any color or embellishment, it
the scale of the day, and try to capture hid a secret. If you looked closely, you’d
the hearts of the public, the evening find a dash of color – the bride’s tradi-
gown offers a chance for royal brides to tional ‘something blue’ was hidden
be themselves. Perhaps this is the dress underfoot, on the painted soles of her
that Meghan would have chosen if she Aquazzura shoes.
didn’t happen to be marrying into the
Royal family.
There will be those who damn this
dress as too simple, too basic for a royal
bride. But Meghan Markle is no Brit-