Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 51 Highlights and lowlights from 2018 Cannes Film Festival HeKidlui m ThaNnedwieton
EmCililaarke PaHriislton
Style CSheloveigny LuNpyiotang’o What were they thinking? JeCnnoifnenrelly MCaoriotinllard
CBlaatnechett KriSstteewn art DePaedpuikkaone KriSstteewn art
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ BeHllaadid JuliaMnoneore CSheloveigny KenJednanller
AlesAsmabndrorasio IrinSahayk
52 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Scampi Grill: Trattoria is hard to beat, inside or out
BY TINA RONDEAU Mimmo’s Ultimate Vongole.
On a delightful Vero spring evening,
we dined on the patio of the Scampi Grill
for the first time since it moved into its
new home on 20th Street.
When the weather is right – neither too
chilly nor too steamy and humid – this
may be the best way to enjoy this vener-
able trattoria, as the tree-shrouded patio
has a very open feel and conversation
is much easier than in the main dining
On this visit, I decided to start with the
calamari fra diavolo ($11.95) and my hus-
band somewhat skeptically ordered the
escargot special ($12.95).
This is a far cry from your classic
French escargot appetizer. Executive
Chef Alessandro Amelio prepares the
snails out of the shell, tops them with
shitake mushrooms, spinach and feta
cheese, and finishes them in a white
wine lemon sauce.
Yellowtail Venteo.
Escargots with Feta Cheese. Tripletail with Risotto. Duck Sausage Pasta.
Amazingly, this combination of tastes lic, and the tender sliced octopus – tossed This was so good that instead of choose an old favorite – and whether you
works wondrously. My husband pro- with roasted garlic, roma tomatoes, ba- reaching over with bread to mop up dine inside or out – it’s hard to beat the
nounced it a great alternative to the tra- sil, wild mushrooms, roasted pancetta the sauce from my husband’s clams Scampi Grill.
ditional preparation. and finished in a spicy ragu sauce – was (though I did steal a couple of those
a big winner. beauties), I mopped up my own appe- I welcome your comments, and encour-
The calamari, of course, were excel- tizer. I loved this dish. age you to send feedback to me at tina@
lent – sautéed with roasted garlic, Ital- A tremendous evening.
ian herbs and olive oil, tossed in a mildly But you can’t always dine al fresco, Then for entrées, I went the surf route
spicy marinara sauce. so on our most recent visit on a blus- and chose the seafood mix – jumbo The reviewer dines anonymously at
tery, rainy evening, we were shown shrimp, clams, calamari, lump crab restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
Then for a main course, I selected to an inside section of the restaurant meat and morsels of fish prepared with 32963.
the ultimate vongole ($21.95), and my lined with booths. roasted garlic and Italian herbs, and
husband decided to try a relatively On this visit, my husband opted to finished in a creamy saffron sauce over Hours:
new menu item here, the octopus pap- start with the steamed clam appetizer linguine. Monday through Saturday,
pardelle ($22.95). ($12.95), and then have one of the eve-
ning’s specials – locally caught Atlantic The seafood was very tender and tasty. 5 pm to 9 pm
The sautéed Rhode Island little neck triple tail – as his entrée. You can also have this dish finished in a Beverages: Beer & Wine
clams served over linguine were sea- I decided, however, to go with one marinara sauce, or a white sauce.
soned with just the right amount of gar- of the Scampi Grill’s summer specials, Address:
which on Wednesdays offers a choice My husband’s triple tail was a thing of 815 20th Street, Vero Beach
Pecan Carrot Cake. beauty. The firm, white filets were crust-
of six appetizers and then either a ed in almonds, served over a delicious ri- Phone:
PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD surf or turf dish as your entrée sotto, and finished in a white wine lemon 772-563-9766
($22.95). sauce. Mighty good eating.
For my starter, I picked
the baby artichokes On both of these visits, we finished the
“Francese” – tender baby evening with espressos.
artichokes lightly egg-
battered with Italian herbs, The summer specials – which vary
and finished in a lemon caper from night to night – are tremendous
bargains. You get the same great prepa-
butter sauce. ration as regular menu items at a sizable
Whether you try one of the specials or
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 53
You’re not doing anything wrong when it comes to wine
BY DAVE MCINTYRE the wine as it warms up. You’ll notice
more flavors. Full-bodied whites, such
The Washington Post as some chardonnays or the “orange”
or “amber” wines fashionable today,
Are you tired of being wine shamed? are often at their best just barely cool-
There are plenty of people who will er than room temperature. (Secondary
tell you what you’re doing wrong with advice: Don’t drink the wine too fast.)
wine. News articles, supposedly in-
tending to make you feel more com- Reds should be served at “cellar”
fortable in social settings involving temperature, not room temp. A prop-
Bacchus’ largesse, instead scream, er wine cellar is kept around 57 de-
“YOU’RE DOING IT ALL WRONG!” grees (compared with 40 degrees for
refrigerators and 70 degrees or more
A quick Google search comes up with for modern houses). So stick your bot-
clickbait headlines such as “8 Wine Mis- tle of red in a bucket of ice and water
takes You Might Be Making.” Like the fa- for about 20 minutes.
miliar “You’re holding the glass wrong”
refrain. “The Most Common Wine Mis- At restaurants, don’t be shy: Pull your
takes Everyone Makes” warns at the bottle of white out of the bucket and
start, “You’re probably making mistakes leave it on the table if it’s too cold, and
with your wine that lead to big disap- plunk your red in the ice bath instead.
pointment once the bottle is opened.”
(Makes me want beer instead.) Invest in good-quality stemless wine
glasses. After the recent state dinner
Who needs that sort of criticism? hosted by President Trump for French
We are judged on so many things in President Emmanuel Macron, the In-
life. Wine should not be one of them. ternet went ballistic over a photo of
the bromancers toasting each other.
Here are a couple suggestions as to Trump, a noted teetotaler, was holding
how you can enjoy wine confidently, his glass of whatever by the bowl, sup-
without looking over your shoulder to posedly a sure sign of a wine rube. The
see if someone has arched a disapprov- sophisticated Macron, in contrast, held
ing eyebrow. his glass properly by the stem. Of all the
things history will evaluate Trump by,
Serve wine at the right temperature. the way he holds his glass should not be
We tend to drink white wines too cold one of them. And never mind that other
and red wines too warm. That’s be- photos showed Macron clutching his
cause we pull whites right out of the glass by the bowl.
fridge, around 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
That temperature may make the wine We hold our glass by the stem or foot
seem refreshing at first, but isn’t that for two reasons. It facilitates swirling,
like cold water? We want fruit and acid- which helps release the wine’s aro-
ity, nuance, etc. That comes with mod- mas. It also avoids getting our oily fin-
erately cool temperatures. If you keep gerprints on the bowl, which makes it
wine in the fridge, take it out about harder to appreciate the wine’s color
30 minutes before you want to drink and clarity, and which could warm
it. If you doubt this, pay attention to
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 55
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56 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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58 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Secret to his Succes? Maximizing St. Ed’s resources
The Brandon Succes story from day PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD guys. His scoring average that first but Succes relegated any idea of that to
one through graduation at St. Ed’s is one year in limited action with the varsity the back burner, at least for the moment.
of steady improvement in every critical senior I’m really glad that I came here. I was 2.3 points per game. He practically
aspect of high school life. don’t regret it for anything.” doubled that annually over the next “I will be going to Florida Interna-
three seasons. His point production tional University in Miami. I’m going to
Any mention of his name conjures up Even with a commitment to take ad- climbed to 5.4 as a sophomore, 10.2 as major in information technology and
the image of a silky smooth basketball vantage of his new opportunity, it took a junior and 17.0 as a senior. follow in the footsteps of my dad. I will
player, and by his senior year he had a while to reverse course academically. go into computer programming, or soft-
undoubtedly earned that distinction. The same was true in athletics, where The 6-foot, 2-inch 185-pound guard ware engineering, or something along
It didn’t happen overnight, however. basketball was always his first love. His posted double-digit points in every that route.
Instead, it was a more of a steady climb brother Nick transferred to St. Ed’s at game but two this past season. He shot
that can be measured directly on the the same time as a junior and instantly nearly 50 percent from the field and led “I’m debating about whether to play
stat sheet. became an established part of the var- the team in steals and assists. Succes basketball. I’m not really too sure about
sity basketball team. Brandon decided was voted to the All-District team by it. I love basketball more than anything,
Academically, the rise was equally to do something innovative. the Florida Athletic Coaches Associa- but at the same time I want to focus on
dramatic. By his own admission he was tion, and was Second Team All-State in academics. I haven’t contacted the coach
not the best student coming to St. Ed’s “I was encouraged to try different the Sunshine State Athletic Conference. or anything like that. If I do play basket-
for his freshman year. Throughout el- sports and so I said why not,” Succes told ball it will be as a walk-on. It’s something
ementary and middle school in Port St. us. “I decided to try football my fresh- A resume like that normally paves the in the back of my mind right now.
Lucie the classroom situation was often man year and that was my first time ever way for interest from college coaches,
chaotic and not at all conducive to ei- putting on pads and cleats. But it wasn’t “I really enjoyed playing at St. Ed-
ther teaching or learning. Succes may really my thing. ward’s. This past season wasn’t the best
have even contributed to that dysfunc- (8-18), but we really played hard and it
tion more than he was victimized by “I found out that football was never brought us closer together as a team.
it. A change of scenery was desperately really in my blood. I had many chances Coach (Greg) Zugrave took me under
needed. to quit, but stayed until the end of my his wing and taught me everything he
sophomore year – and never came back. knows. He helped me be a better player
When he was informed by his parents I decided that I should start taking bas- and a better person.
that he was enrolling at St. Ed’s, Succes ketball more seriously.”
recalled that, “I had never even heard of “Being at St. Edward’s opened a lot of
the school. I wasn’t too psyched about Succes already knew that being seri- opportunities that I will carry on for the
going to a private school, let alone a ous was working for him. After a brief rest of my life.”
school that I didn’t even know. stint on the JV team as a freshman,
he was soon playing with the older
“I came here freshman year and met
a lot of new people, and that started
to change the way I looked at school. I
hadn’t really taken school as seriously
as I probably should have up to that
point. But at St. Edward’s I found that the
teachers really do care about you.
“My freshman and sophomore years
went by, and then I told myself that I re-
ally wanted to take school seriously now.
When my junior year came I started ap-
plying to colleges.
“There are only 250 kids (in the Up-
per School) and not a lot of people have
such a great opportunity. Now that I’m a
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 59
Bonz says lively Olive loves the spot-light
Hi Dog Buddies! Keekoh, got sick, Mummy looked for Olive paddle boarding. Swimmin’s way
a puppy. A girl with Not Too Many fun, too. But my Absolutely Most
This week I innerviewed another Spots. I WASN’T her first pick.” “Oh, Woof, yes! Even though Mum- Favorite Thing we do together is
aMAZing pooch who leads a really fun, my’s a pro-FESS-er at FIT, I’m pretty RUN. We do a ton of 5Ks. EVERY-
excitin’ life. Olive Caza is a Dalmatian “WHAT?” I blurted. sure I have more degrees than her: body knows me an her. She retired
and one of the most ek-ZUBER-ent “It’s true. Too many spots. Mum- lemme see, there’s basic beginner, in- from marathons before I arrived,
dogs I’ve ever met. my wanted my sister, Tara Lapinski, termediate an advanced obedience but I’ve run some half-marathon
and she wudda got her, too, ’cept the certifications; AKC Canine Good Citi- practices with her. My personal
She ran right up for the Wag-and- breeder decided to keep her. But there zen; the K-9 Offleash course; three lev- best is 16 miles, which Mummy
Sniff. “Oh, Mr. BONzo, you’re finally were still other puppies with not so els of Agility; an I’m an official Therapy says is ‘not too shabby.’ I love run-
HERE. I’m SO excited. I’ve been wait- many spots as me. I was s’pose to be a Dog AND Service Animal. ning along when Mummy rides
ing an waiting! Not that you’re late or Show Dog cuz I’m Practically Perfect. her bike. I’m onna special leash
anything. I’m just really EEEger is all.” Then they found this Tear Duct Issue, “Me an Mummy have done some attached to her pants which
which meant no show ring for me. So modelin,’ cover shots an stuff. We also
She was super pretty, sleek an shiny, the breeder put me On Sale. Well, FI- work at Holmes Regional hospiddle keeps me at a safe distance.
with long legs an tail an, of course, lotsa NALLY, Mummy decided ‘What the once a month, seein’ patients an dok- Sometimes my Serious Boyfriend
spots, even one spot smack in the mid- Woof,’ she’d take me, spots an all. An ters and nurses in pediatric oncol- Kai runs with us. We met when
dle of her forehead shaped like a heart! now she’s glad she did.” ogy and orthopedics and women’s, if Mummy was pooch-sitting him
“So what was it was like when you they’d like a frenly liddle visit. In class at our place. He’s a handsome
“This is my Mummy! Her name’s first got here.” I learned how to gently put my front Ridgeback-Catahoula mix. A real Hot
Annie. My Daddy’s David. So come’on. “Keekoh was like a big sis to me. I fol- paws up onna bed or put my head Dog. I run with my Daddy, too. He’s a
We can sit right HERE, OK? You’re gon- lowed her everywhere. When she went against a human for hugs an kisses.” Crossfitter. We’re all ATH-leets.”
na ask me stuff, right?” to Dog Heaven, I was droopy for a long “Woof, Ooo-leeve, I’m impressed! An
time. When I’d only been here for, like, a I had been noticing how happy my inspired! I gotta get Out There more.”
“Exactly, Miss Olive,” I said. This was week, we found this liddle kitten on the Assistant was to get hugs an kisses Way too soon, it was time to go.
gonna be fun. bridge, abandoned. Mummy tried to from Ooo-leeve. “Oh, Mr. Bonzo, one more thing,”
find her a home but nobuddy wanted she said, smiling. “What does a Dal-
“Cool Dog Biscuits! Oh an I should her. So we kept her. Mummy named her “I also visit the library at FIT when matian say after dinner?”
mention, first off, my Mummy’s Zohra. At first, I thought she was a puppy the stoo-dunts are studyin’ and res- “Umm, what?”
French, so we say my name Ooo-leeve, like me. She’s black an white, like me, an tin’ during mid-terms an have a lotta “Thanks! That really hit the spot!”
not AH-love.” we got along great right away. Now we Stress,” she continued. “We sit on the We were both laughing as I left.
know she’s called a cat, an I’m called a floor an play, an I give ’em my famous “As Mummy would say, Merci et a
“Ooo-leeve. Got it,” I said. “So tell dog, but we feel like sisters. We hang out hugs-an-kisses. It helps ’em de-stress, bientôt!” she called.
me about your Forever Family, how an play an stuff. She’s around here some- which is Very Important. Heading home I was thinking, If I
you got together.” where. At Christmas, we wear festive red had a liddle sister, I’d want her to be
collars with bells, an Zohra sings this “Me an Mummy love stand-up like Ooo-leeve.
“K.Well, Mr. Bonzo, we almost didn’t. short, liddle Christmas song, to the same Till next time,
I’m from a breeder in Georgia. All us tune as the human one, ‘Deck the Halls.’
littermates were named after Olympic It’s huh-LARRY-us. Wanna hear it?” The Bonz
champions: You know, humans who “Totes!”
are really, really good at sports. My lit- She stood up. Don’t Be Shy
ter name was Picabo Street.” “It goes:
‘Wreck the tree an blame the Doggie, We are always looking for pets with
“Huh?” I said cleverly. Fa la lala la interesting stories.
“She’s a human who won a gold La la la la!’”
medal for puttin’ long stick-thingys Cat humor. Who knew? We both To set up an interview, email
on her shoes an zooming down a big laughed. “That WAS huh-LARRY-us!” [email protected].
hill with snow on it. Anyway, I didn’t I told her. “I know you do a lotta stuff
keep my litter name, Thank Lassie. So, with your Mom, right?”
anyway, Mummy’s a Serious Distance
Runner, and she runs real early, when
it’s still dark. So she wants a Brave, Fast
Dog to run with her for Cump-nee an
Safety. I’m ackshully her third Dal-
matian. When her other Dalmatian,
60 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ONGOING School PAC, with works by Kenneth Fuchs and 3 Treasure Coast Chorale presents ‘On the Harbor Golf Club, with tropical buffet, auctions and
Shostakovich, highlighted by violinist Suliman Road Again’, 7 p.m. at First Baptist Church. dancing to Gypsy Lane band. $125. 772-492-3933
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Paul Outer- Tekalli performing Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto. Suggested $10 donation. 772-231-3498
bridge: New Color Photographs from Mexico 855-252-7276 9 to Aug. 11 - Summer cooking classes at
and California, 1948-1955 thru June 3. 7-10 Vero Beach Wine + Film Festival, McKee Botanical Garden: June 9 Intro to
28 Memorial Day Observation, 9 a.m. at with portion of proceeds ben- Indian Vegetarian Cooking; July 7 You’d Better Be-
MAY Veteran’s Memorial Island Sanctuary. efitting Suncoast Mental Health Center: All week Leaf It; July 14 Getting to the Root of the Matter;
– WOW Wine Lounge, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at River- July 21 Healthy Cooking for Children; July 28 Glu-
25 Main Street Vero Beach’s Downtown 30 Mental Health Association presenta- side Park & film screenings at multiple venues; ten Free Deliciousness; Aug. 4 Cooking for Diabe-
Friday Street Party, 6 to 9 p.m. on 14th tion on “Improving your whole health 6/7 – Vino Veritas Vintner Dinner at Costa d’Este tes; Aug. 11 Healthy Desserts. 772-794-0601
Avenue. Free. 772-643-6782 one small step at a time” in recognition of May & Charter HS students screen Rocky Horror Picture
as Mental Health Month, 12 Noon at Garden Show, 8:30 p.m. at Heritage Center; 6/8 – Fierce Fe- 10 Hearts, Flowers and a Fish, a program
25|26 Riverside Theatre Boots & Club of Vero Beach. Free but registration re- males w/producer Molly Smith, 12:30 p.m. at Riv- of German lieder (art songs), 4 p.m. at
Brews at Howl at the Moon, quired. 772-569-9788 erside Theatre; Cinema Uncorked Opening Nights St. John of the Cross Catholic Church, featuring
7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop free Awards Bash, 6:30 p.m. at RT; 6/9 - Student Film soloists Sandra McNiff, Kerry Newell, Vyki Sabo,
country music at 6:30 p.m. $12 to $22. 772-231-6990 JUNE Screening/Awards, 10 a.m. & “West Bank Story” Dan Kroger and Gary Parr. Free. 772-584-9744
screening, 2 p.m. at VB Theatre Guild; “Andre-The
26 Live Like Cole Foundation Charity Golf 1|2 Riverside Theatre Summer Fun Voice of Wine” screening & VIP reception, 12:30 15|16 Madagascar, Jr. presented
Tournament, 8:30 a.m. shotgun start Comedy Zone, 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m. at VBMA, Hollywood + Wine Grand Tasting, by Riverside Theatre Educa-
at Grand Harbor Golf Club followed by barbeque p.m., with Live on the Loop free entertainment 3 p.m. at WOW; Dining with Directors, 6:30 p.m. at tion, Fri. 2 p.m. & 7 p.m.; Sat. 2 p.m. & 5:30 p.m.
lunch to raise funds for Cole Coppola Memorial and games at 6:30 p.m. $12 to $18. 772-231- American Icon Brewery; Hot Havana Nights, 8 p.m. at RT Anne Morton Theatre. $10. 772231-6990
Fishing Pier and other local projects. $150; $50 6990 at WOW; 6/10 – Sip See Savor Gospel Brunch, 11
luncheon only. 772-453-2760 a.m. at AI Brewery, Fete Finale Wrap Party, 3 p.m. 15|16 RiversideTheatreSummerFun
2 25th annual Blue Water Open Charity at WOW. Comedy Zone, 7:30 p.m. &
26 46th Annual Sebastian Inlet Sportfish- Fishing Tournament presented by Sebas- 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop free entertainment
ing Association (SISA) Fishing Tourna- tian Exchange Club to benefit local child abuse 8 Treasure Coast Wind Ensemble British In- and games at 6:30 p.m. $12 to $18. 772-231-6990
ment, 4 to 5 p.m. weigh-in at Capt’N Butcher’s. prevention charities and scholarships, lines in 6 vasion concert, 7 p.m. at Vero Beach High
321-258-8808 a.m., 5 p.m. final check-in at Capt. Hiram’s. 772- School PAC, with soloist Jacob Craig at piano. 16 Waterlily Celebration of state’s larg-
783-5822 Free; donations appreciated. est collection of waterlilies, lotus and
26 to Sept. 16 - Vero Beach Museum of aquatic plants, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at McKee Botani-
Art - Insight Astronomy Photographer 2 Have Pianos, Will Duel, featuring Dr. Ray 8|9 Riverside Theatre Summer Fun Howl cal Garden – photography contest exhibit, plant
of the Year exhibition. 772-231-0707 Adams and Jacob Craig joined by students at the Moon Experience, 7:30 p.m. experts, repotting demos and sale of vintage gar-
from Indian River County High Schools, doors & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop free entertain- den accents. Standard admission. 772-794-0601
27 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra sea- open at 5:15 p.m. before 6 p.m. concert at Unity ment at 6:30 p.m. $12 to $22. 772-231-6990
son finale 3 p.m. at Vero Beach High Spiritual Care. $10 suggested donation. 772- 16 Veterans Outreach Golf Tournament
538-1181 9 Tropical Night Luau to benefit Youth Guid- hosted by Veteran’s Council of IRC, 8
ance Mentoring Academy, 7 p.m. at Grand a.m. shotgun start at Sandridge Dunes course fol-
lowed by lunch and awards to help fund replace-
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN ment of veterans transport busses. 772-299-8736
in May 17, 2018 Edition 1 INCAN 2 IDLED
4 TROLL 2 COCKERSPANIEL 16 Inaugural 25th Anniversary Classic Golf
8 LICENCE 3 NONPLUS Tournament, 1 p.m. shotgun start at
9 NAVAL 4 THEONE Bent Pine Golf Club to support Treasure Coast
10 DWELLINGPLACE 5 OWNUP Community Health and celebrate 25 years TCCH
11 INSIST 6 LIVEANDLETDIE has been serving the community. $130/$500
12 SHODDY 7 SLEEPY foursome. 772-571-1986
18 EXILE 13 HEARTEN 16 Party at the Pantheon hosted by Vero
19 MATADOR 14 ENAMEL Pride, 5 p.m. at Heritage Center to
20 LOYAL 16 ENEMY celebrate LGBTQ+ community with professional
21 NEEDY 17 SURLY entertainment, DJ dance party, food, libations,
door prizes and god/goddess inspired costumes.
Sudoku Page 42 Sudoku Page 43 Crossword Page 42 Crossword Page 43 (FLIGHTS OF FANCY) $55.
Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753
This directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the beachside community an opportunity to make themselves known to island readers at an affordable cost. This is the
only service directory mailed each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a listing in the Vero Beach 32963 Business Directory,
please contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.
4720 Hwy. A1A Unit 9 at Surf Club: 4-bedroom, 4.5-bath, 3,200-square-foot oceanfront townhome
offered for $2,895,000 by Premier Estate Properties broker associates
Clark French, Cindy O’Dare and Kay Brown: 772-321-0683
62 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 of 2 remaining Surf Club developer units offered for $2.9M
BY STEPHANIE LABAFF Club is one of only two remaining de-
Staff Writer veloper units.
The surf’s up at the Surf Club, a new Terraces, balconies and a covered
luxury oceanfront community, de- beachfront lanai optimize the oppor-
veloped by Water’s Edge Estates, LLC tunity for outdoor living. The property
and designed by architect Gregory is accessed through a private courtyard
Anderson. that creates an intimate space to relax
after spending a day on the beach. The
The 11-unit project features two- design accommodates a variety of in-
story, oceanfront townhomes and the door and outdoor living spaces.
home at 4720 Hwy. A1A Unit 9 at Surf
To the right, upon entry into the
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 63
courtyard, a private staircase leads to
a carriage house above the two-car ga-
rage, further defining the living areas.
With a private bath and balcony, the
generous guest quarters enable visitors
to enjoy their stay without getting un-
derfoot. Replete with engineered oak
flooring and a kitchenette with granite
countertops and refrigerator, the space
will make guests feel pampered while
providing them with welcome privacy.
Within the confines of the court-
yard, a splash pool, summer kitchen
and gas fireplace create a spot to host
dinner parties in a private outdoor
setting, lounge over coffee or doze by
the pool in the afternoon.
Anderson used traditional British
West Indies architectural features to
complement the ocean and its en-
virons. Exposed rafter tails, smooth
white stucco, herringbone railings,
French doors, and numerous transom
topped doors and windows allowing
for optimal light all add to the carefree,
elegant air of this beachside home.
Across the courtyard, the double-
door entry opens to a spacious layout
with an uninterrupted view of the
ocean. The foyer sets the interior’s
welcoming tone, with detailed mill-
work and finishes that are carried
throughout the house, including tray
ceilings, cypress loggia ceilings and
poplar molding.
To the left, a quarter-turn wooden
staircase leads to the second floor, and
to the right a set of French doors lead to
an area that can function as a mother-
in-law suite with a private bath and
separate entry that leads to the court-
yard; or the suite can serve as a formal
living room, a library or an office.
The central corridor with a reef
64 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
shellstone floor leads to a powder adds an intimate touch.
room and elevator before opening into The chef’s kitchen is equipped with
the combined living space at the back
of the home, which is furthest from the Thermador appliances, custom cabi-
road and overlooks the ocean. Here, netry, stone countertops and an is-
the main living and dining areas are land with breakfast bar seating.
adjacent to the island kitchen, creating
a casual living space that opens onto The stone patio abuts a gener-
the oceanfront patio through a wall of ous green space that meets the sand
glass doors. An elegant gas fireplace dunes covered with sea oats. A new
seawall protects the property and the
ocean is reached via private, gated
beach access.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 65
SEAGROVE EAST 5/5.5 $2,995,000 SOMERSET BAY Penthouse 3/3.5 $1,295,000 SOMERSET BAY 2+Den/3 $1,100,000 NEW PRICING
Karen Smith 772-559-1295 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 203932 Karen Smith 772-559-1295 HISTORIC JUNGLE TRAIL 3/3 $998,000
Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 201699 Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 201573 Alex MacWilliam IV 772-473-6972 201593
OLD RIOMAR 4/4.5 $950,000 Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 SHADY OAK FARMS 3/2 9.73 Acres $710,000 SUNNY SANDS 3/3 $685,000
Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 Karen Smith 772-559-1295 180620 Mike Sexton 772-321-7495 204722 Michele Ritchie 772-532-7288 204016
Karen Smith 772-559-1295 193859
NEW LISTING OAK HARBOR St Margaret’s 3+Den/3 $599,000 SOUTH BEACH 3/3 $574,000 NEW PRICING
GALLEONS 3/2.5 $650,000 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 201853 Roger Smith 772-473-0086 201551 BAYTREE OCEANSIDE 2/2 $569,000
Karen Smith 772-559-1295 John M Stringer 908-377-1626 202101
Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 204694
NEW LISTING NEW PRICING OLD SAVANNAH 3+Den/2 $479,000 OAK HARBOR Hamilton 2+Den/2.5 $395,000
BEACHWALK 3/2 $560,000 RIVERWIND 3/3 $499,000 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 177068 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 195655
Karen Smith 772-559-1295 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 180295
Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 204533
NEW LISTING OAK HARBOR St Elizabeth’s 2/2 $324,900 DUNMORE Riverfront 2.26 Acre Lot $275,000 OAK HARBOR Camden House 3/2.5 $225,000
GRAND HARBOR River Club .27 Acre Lot $379,900 Roger Smith 772-473-0086 204131 Alex MacWilliam, IV 772-473-6972 193818 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 193326
Pilar Rose 772-473-8673 204643
Integrity • Service • Professionalism • Results 2911 Ocean Drive Vero Beach 32963 2901 Ocean Drive Vero Beach 32963 Celebrating 69 Years as “ e Trusted Name in Real Estate”
Remembering the Fallen this Memorial Day 2901 Ocean Drive Vero Beach 32963
772 . 2 34 . 8 500 772.231.6509
772 . 2 31 . 6 509
66 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The upstairs living area can be verted nickel-board ceiling, engi-
accessed via the home’s elevator or neered oak flooring and walk-in clos-
finely finished main staircase. The et. The elegant master bath features
second-floor landing opens into the twin custom sink vanities, designer
luxurious master suite with an in- fixtures, a water closet, soaking tub,
spacious shower with rainfall shower
Tour our beautiful new Ace 3 model! head and water closet.
TWO LAKEFRONT MOVE-IN READY HOMES! The master suite’s private covered
TAKE ADVANTAGE OF GRAND OPENING PRICES! balcony with ocean view, herring-
bone railing and cypress ceiling carry
LOCATED AT 4331 BASELINE DRIVE IN THE BOULEVARD VILLAGE the high-quality detail and elegance
& TENNIS CLUB IN VERO BEACH into the outdoor areas, a delightful
space to enjoy the sunrise as it emerg-
For more information or to schedule a tour, call Cathy at 772.342.0061 es each morning over the blue-green
waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
772.342.0061 • GHOHOMES.COM
The laundry room and elevator are
Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents required situated between the master and en-
by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design. suite guest bedrooms. A covered bal-
cony overlooks the pool and court-
yard from the guest suite. The room is
reached through the upstairs loft with
pocket doors separating the spaces
and creating a private sitting area.
“Surf Club has been a big success,”
says Premier Estate Properties broker
associate and co-listing agent Cindy
4720 HWY. A1A UNIT 9
Neighborhood: Surf Club
Year built: 2016
Home size: 3,200 sq. ft.
Construction: Solid as a rock,
built on deep-set concrete and
steel piers out of steel-rein-
forced concrete and concrete
block, finished with stucco and
lap siding in the British West
Indies style.
Bedrooms: 4
4 full baths and 1 half-bath
Additional features: Central
vacuum, impact-resistant win-
dows, Thermador appliances,
summer kitchen, private court-
yard, indoor and outdoor gas
fireplaces, heated splash pool,
elevator, second-floor laundry
room, granted beach access,
detached 2-car garage, private
courtyard, detached carriage
house and private oceanfront
Listing agency:
Premier Estate Properties
Listing agents: Clark French,
Cindy O’Dare and Kay Brown:
Listing Price: $2,895,000
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 67
David Walsh real estate brokerage sold to Century 21
O’Dare. “Buyers love the look and BY STEVEN M. THOMAS According to Kremser, Walsh was 21st Street in March, with the intention
floorplan. The direct ocean views Staff Writer shopping his business around, look- of doing business while looking for an
are phenomenal, and the homes are ing for an exit strategy that would be existing brokerage to acquire.
filled with light. As an added plus, Vero Beach broker David Walsh good for him and his agents. As part
stores and shops are within walking has sold his real estate company for of that process, he investigated the Shortly afterward, someone at the
distance.” an undisclosed amount in a deal that possibility of converting to a Century Century 21 corporate office noticed
closed last Wednesday. 21 franchise. the converging interests of Walsh and
Surf Club sits on a two-and-a-half Affiliated and put the two companies
acre site with 400 feet of direct Atlan- They buyer was Century 21 Affili- At the same time, Century 21 Affili- together.
tic Ocean frontage. The property is ated, which is the largest franchise ated was looking for a way to get into
within walking distance of a guarded in the Century 21 system, with 113 the Vero market. The company opened “It happened fast after that,” Krem-
public beach at Jaycee Park, shopping branch offices, mostly in the Mid- a small office in the Regus Center on ser said. “David Walsh & Associates
and dining in Vero’s charming village west.
by the sea. CONTINUED ON PAGE 71
The franchise expanded to Florida
The Municipal Marina, Vero in 2016. It has six offices in the state,
Beach Dog Park, and cultural at- in Tampa, Clearwater and now Vero
tractions Riverside Theatre and the Beach.
renowned Vero Beach Museum of
Art in Riverside Park are a few min- Patti Kremser is director of opera-
utes away by car. tions and broker for the Florida offic-
es. She said Walsh, whose business
John’s Island, Quail Valley, Riomar is known for its busy property man-
and The Moorings country clubs are agement group, had 13 agents at the
all nearby, no more than a 10-minute time of the acquisition.
drive away.
“We have added four more agents
and plan further expansion,” Krem-
ser said. “We want to increase our
residential sales across the board
in Vero and the surrounding com-
munities, including luxury property
sales on the island.”
68 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: May 11 to May 17
The real estate market on the barrier island continued its strong Spring run last week with 15 transactions,
including four for more than $1 million.
The top sale of the week was of a waterfront residence in John’s Island. The home at 177 Island Creek Drive
was placed on the market Feb. 16 for $4.2 million and went under contract 10 days later for $3.8 million.
The sale closed May 16.
Both the seller and the purchaser in the transaction were represented by John’s Island Real Estate.
$750,000 $1,000,000
CASTAWAY COVE 1260 ADMIRALS WALK 1/9/2018 $1,175,000 $750,000 5/11/2018 $3,425,000
ORCHID ISLAND 417 INDIES DRIVE 3/5/2018 $4,350,000 $1,175,000 5/11/2018 $416,000
$475,000 $835,000
WINDSOR 10795 CHARLESTON DRIVE 4/4/2017 $899,000 $3,750,000 5/15/2018 $325,000
$350,000 $1,900,000
ISLAND CLUB OF VERO 805 ISLAND CLUB SQUARE 6/12/2017 $1,995,000 $445,000 5/15/2018
VEROMAR 606 DATE PALM ROAD 2/27/2018 $899,000 5/15/2018 $410,000
VERO BEACH ESTATES 501 CAMELIA LANE 2/15/2018 $350,000 5/16/2018
WINDSOR 10600 FIFE AVENUE 2/16/2018 $1,995,000 5/16/2018
OCEAN DRIVE S BEACH 930 PIRATE COVE LANE, #8 3/13/2018 $595,000 $595,000 5/11/2018
SOUTH PASSAGE 803 SPYGLASS LANE, #803A 3/16/2018 $460,000 $460,000 5/15/2018
SEA OAKS 1335 WINDING OAKS CIRCLE E, #1005 1/17/2018 $250,000 $250,000 5/15/2018
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 69
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Windsor, Address: 10600 Fife Avenue Subdivision: Windsor, Address: 10795 Charleston Drive
Listing Date: 2/16/2018 Listing Date: 4/4/2017
Original Price: $1,995,000 Original Price: $4,350,000
Recent Price: $1,995,000 Recent Price: $3,750,000
Sold: 5/16/2018 Sold: 5/15/2018
Selling Price: $1,900,000 Selling Price: $3,425,000
Listing Agent: Betsy Hanley Listing Agent: Betsy Hanley
& Laurin Pohl & Laurin Pohl
Selling Agent: Selling Agent:
Windsor Properties Windsor Properties
Laurin Pohl Wendy Barin
Windsor Properties Windsor Properties
Subdivision: Veromar, Address: 606 Date Palm Road Subdivision: Orchid Island, Address: 417 Indies Drive
Listing Date: 2/27/2018 Listing Date: 3/5/2018
Original Price: $899,000 Original Price: $1,175,000
Recent Price: $899,000 Recent Price: $1,175,000
Sold: 5/15/2018 Sold: 5/11/2018
Selling Price: $835,000 Selling Price: $1,000,000
Listing Agent: Sally Daley Listing Agent: Scott Oberlink & Heidi Levy
Selling Agent: Daley & Company Real Estate Selling Agent: Orchid Island Realty
Joan Cook Heidi Levy
Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Orchid Island Realty
I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S
Beautiful, custom built 3BR/5BA+office, scenic lake view, Lakefront 3BR/3.5BA plus office, over ½ acre prime lot, Beautifully maintained 4BR/3BA lakefront home, Eleuthra
fireplace, screened lanai, heated pool, gated community 2 master suites, fireplace, pool, gated/guarded community model, gated community w/pool, fitness center, tennis
$1,129,000 $855,000
Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.
direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |
70 Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Marbrisa, Address: 530 Marbrisa Drive
Listing Date: 3/27/2018
Original Price: $747,000
Recent Price: $747,000
Sold: 5/17/2018
Selling Price: $747,000
Listing Agent: Becky Rossway
Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida
Gina Hodges
RE/MAX Associated Realty
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 24, 2018 71
was a good fit for us and we are a good becoming part of Century 21. They “We will rebrand and expand that owned and operated broker offices
fit for them. are very excited about joining us, and office,” Kremser said. and more than 111,000 independent
we are very excited about getting into sales professionals.
“Walsh wanted to make sure his the Vero Beach market.” Founded in Orange County, Cali-
agents were taken care of, with fornia, in 1971, Century 21 is the The Century 21 Affiliated fran-
good opportunities for training and The new Century 21 Affiliated world’s largest residential real estate chise, which started up in 1978, has
growth, and we are impressed with branch will operate out of Walsh’s ex- franchise sales organization, with about 2,400 agents, including 220 in
the agents and their enthusiasm for isting premises at 800 20th Place. approximately 7,400 independently Florida.