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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2016-12-01 16:11:41



Jones Pier historic site
set for repairs. P9
A1A repaving
on for 2019. P10

Pro tennis tournament
moving to Grand Harbor. P11

Shores could all Zorc seeking to
be on FPL power revitalize local
School District
by next summer

Staff Writer Staff Writer

With a new Vero Beach City Dr. Gerry Pierone with Dr. Burton Lee III, who passed away last week at the age of 86. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE Newly-elected school board
Council in control, a previ- member Laura Zorc may be
ously rejected $30 million deal Burt Lee’s lifelong dedication to medical excellence the district’s best hope for re-
to sell Vero Electric customers vitalizing the School District
in Indian River Shores back BY MEG LAUGHLIN her late husband’s oncologist, oncologist was doing here. My and reversing a trend toward
on track, and new legal coun- Staff Writer Burt Lee, eating dinner at the second thought was to figure deteriorating grades and facili-
sel coming on board, Florida Ocean Grill in Vero Beach. out how to thank him for keep- ties. The district’s last overall
Power & Light hopes to have Several years ago, Gail De- ing my husband alive way be- report card showed it’s about a
a contract inked with city of- Gioia, who moved to Vero “My first thought,” said De- yond what was predicted.” point below the state’s average,
ficials within months. Beach from Bennington, Ver- Gioia, who is a registered nurse which is very average indeed.
mont, was surprised to see in Vero, “was to wonder what But, at the time, says De-
If that timeline – which be- such a prominent New York “I don’t want our kids to just
gan with a 4-1 vote last Tues- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 pass. I want us to be above av-
day to pursue the partial sale – erage,” said Zorc, who brings
holds, the 80 percent of Shores enthusiasm, determination
electric customers now served and considerable experi-
by Vero could be on FPL’s sys- ence with educational issues
tem in time for their summer to her new $34,000-a-year
electric bills. job. “I want to be an innova-
tive school board member.
Responding to the decision We can’t keep doing the same
last week to resuscitate the thing over and over again and
sale, the Shores Council con- expect different results.”
vened this Tuesday to formal-

MY WWII Pacific combat vet, 91, Betsy DeVos, winter
VERO recalls ‘hell that was Okinawa’ Windsor resident,
named to Cabinet
BY RAY MCNULTY when six of the seven letters
Staff Writer he had written to his buddies BY MICHELLE GENZ
were returned unopened. Staff Writer
Edwin Sagurton, a 20-year-
old Army private hospitalized “They came back marked Betsy DeVos with President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence. If Betsy DeVos didn’t
in the Philippines while his ‘KIA,’” Sagurton said. “All six make it back to Vero for
outfit was engaged in fierce were killed in action.” the seasonal Windsor Club
combat on the Japanese is- welcome-back party, she
land of Okinawa, knew some- The seventh letter reached a
thing had gone terribly wrong buddy who had survived, but CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
had lost three of his limbs.


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2 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Burt Lee morial Sloan-Kettering – 29 as attend- to treat Boris Yeltsin’s mother in Sibe- without Burt Lee,” said Bush’s Secre-
ing senior physician and chief of the ria. His medical staff remembers his tary of the Treasury Nick Brady, who
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Lymphoma Division – he and Ann warning to them en route: “No vodka fondly recalled a variety of vacations
moved to Washington, D.C. in 1989 until we finish.” with Lee, including Islamorada fishing
Gioia, she was too shy to approach when he was appointed White House trips with Bush.
him, and it would be years before she physician to George H.W. Bush. For decades after Bush 41 left the
completed her mission. When she fi- White House, the president and Lee “When we played golf, Burt would
nally did this past September, Lee, 86, It was Lee who dove under the ta- stayed in touch as close friends, and say that as a physician he was very
was suffering from complications with ble in Japan during that famous tele- Lee held a reunion in Vero every few disciplined, but it was not something
bladder cancer that would soon end vised scene when Bush passed out in years for the White House medical that translated to his chipping,” said
his own life. his dinner plate. Lee crawled to Bush, staff of five nurses. Brady.
amid the legs and linen, loosening his
He died at his Riomar home last Fri- shirt and pants to examine him and “Dr. Lee was our beloved and dedi- The treasury secretary and doctor
day, Nov. 25, with his wife of 50 years, discover that the president was se- cated friend, the most giving physi- had been friends since Yale, graduat-
Ann Kelly Lee, and his three children verely dehydrated. cian we have ever known,” said retired ing together in the class of 1952. Lee
by his side. White House nurse Paula Trivette, a had come to Yale from Phillips Ando-
It was also Lee who took a clandes- lieutenant colonel in the Army. ver Academy and hoped to become
After 32 years as a physician at Me- tine jet flight in the middle of the night a physician. But, he said, he couldn’t
“The world will be a less joyful place score high enough in organic chem-
istry to get into Columbia Medical
School where he wanted to go and
almost gave up, before his grandfa-
ther Charles Auchincloss hatched a

“Dear boy,” Lee recalled his grand-
father saying, “we need to hire a Yale
lab instructor to be a live-in tutor for
the summer.”

“The draw was that my grandfa-
ther’s brownstone on 70th and Park
was air-conditioned,” said Lee.

But, even with the tutor, who was
quite happy with the cool tempera-
ture and deluxe surroundings, Lee fell
one point short of the required score
to enter Columbia med school. It took
his wife Polly, soon to be the mother of
their three children, to get him in.

“She went to the hospital where the
admissions chief was a patient and
went in his room and begged him to
take a chance on me,” said Lee.

As a result, he entered Columbia
University College of Physicians and
Surgeons in the fall of 1952, which he
always called “P’n S.”

When he was in VNA Hospice a
few weeks ago, Lee’s grandson Sam, a
third-year student at “P’n S” and one
of five grandchildren, called him to
talk about classes.

After they hung up, Lee, always self-
deprecating, muttered, “Ten times
smarter than I ever was.”

But by all accounts Lee was a star
student in medical school, with an
uncanny sense of diagnosing patients
(whom he never called “patients” but
“people”) based on physical examina-
tions, observations and conversations
with them and their families.

After medical school, he interned at
Bellevue Hospital in New York, over-
seeing the care of dozens of patients
in rows of metal beds in drafty rooms
with open windows. From there, he
went to Marine boot camp at Parris
Island, and then worked as a doctor
at an Army hospital in Stuttgart, Ger-
many, where he lived with Polly and
their three children, Chip Lee, Jackie
Antoine and Roz Naylor.

He later described his first wife as
“my best friend until things fell apart,”

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 3


and his second wife Ann, whom he White House physician to President mitment to the ethics of the medical Mount Gay rum and grapefruit juice
met three years after his divorce, as Bush and served on the HIV-AIDS profession, I speak out against sys- and hibiscus on the dinner table re-
“someone I was crazy, madly in love Commission. After the White House, tematic government sanctioned tor- minded them of decades of vacations
with.” he ran a biotech firm in Boston then ture and excessive abuse of prison- in the Bahamas with Ann’s three kids,
started a cancer center in Greenville, ers during our war on terrorism,” an Debbie Gilette, Wendy Hall and Lee
After his military stint, Lee was of- South Carolina. After 9/11 he became opinion piece he wrote for the Wash- Judson, who lived with them when
fered a position at Memorial Sloan an outspoken opponent of torture ington Post began. they were growing up, and Burt’s
Kettering in New York. One of his fel- and wrote op-eds against it. three kids who spent vacations and
lows, Paul Hetzel, now an oncologist In the late 1990s, he and Ann summers with them.
in Springfield, Mass., described Lee “Because of my devotion to coun- moved to a quiet oak-lined street in
as “someone who could read a pa- try, respect for our military and com- Riomar, where a nightly ritual of a CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
tient better than anyone I know.”
Exclusively John’s Island
He also said Lee taught him anoth-
er hugely important lesson: “Never Nestled along John’s Island Sound is this desirable 4BR/5.5BA waterfront
be afraid to question something you residence showcasing exceptional water views of unspoiled islands.
don’t think is right.” Graceful arches, custom millwork, beamed ceilings and architectural
detailing grace the 6,217± GSF retreat. The expansive great room with
Among the high-profile patients fireplace opens onto the lush, poolside terrace, perfect for entertaining.
whom Lee advised was the Shah of Features include a gourmet island kitchen adjoining the family room with
Iran. But Lee’s recommendation of dining area, private master suite, wet bar, 2-car garage and a boat dock.
immediate spleen surgery was not 261 Island Creek Drive : $3,850,000
followed and later became the sub-
ject of arguments over whether that three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
might have saved the shah’s life. health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership

He also advised Jacqueline Kenne- 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
dy Onassis, his sister’s close friend, to
get aggressive treatment for her non-
Hodgkin’s lymphoma – to “throw the
kitchen sink at it.” But she, instead,
chose a less grueling treatment.

In 1980, unknown court reporter
Louis DeGioia came to Sloan-Ket-
tering with lymphoma and was as-
signed to Burt Lee. As with all of his
“people,” Lee was a great listener and
very serious.

“He spent an amazing amount of
time with my husband and kept him
alive and healthy way beyond what
we had been told was possible,” said
his widow, Gail DeGioia.

“I was at Memorial when we were
conquering blood and lymph can-
cers that had been terminal. It was
a heady time to be there,” said Lee,
who wrote or co-authored over 140
research papers advancing the treat-
ment of blood cancers and AIDS.

Lamenting that doctoring was be-
coming too much about money, Lee
treated farmers who gave him pro-
duce as payment and others who
could pay nothing – among them a
teenager on Medicaid with lympho-
ma, who later became a Wall Street
Journal reporter.

Years later, that reporter, Lucette
Lagnado, wrote a piece about Lee
that began, “In one of his famous
paintings, Norman Rockwell de-
picted a kindly physician treating an
obviously frightened little girl who
is holding a doll. Using his stetho-
scope, the doctor pretends to check
the doll’s heart, but it is clear that his
real interest is the health of the child.
I could well have been that girl, while
the doctor, with his imminent com-
passion and insight, reminds me of
Burton Lee, the physician who has
taken care of me since I was 16.”

From MSK, where Lee also be-
came heavily involved in the treat-
ment of AIDS patients, he became

4 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Burt Lee supporter of hospital leadership, Lee Pierone asked. “His strong personal- Laura Zorc
took on the hospital in the past few ity is matched with a deep commit-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 years when he disagreed with what ment to decency, human rights and CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
was happening. dedication to medical excellence. I
Friends who have spent time with consider it to be a high honor to be Zorc formed Florida Parents Against
the Lees are quick to say how Ann, al- Well-versed in what makes a suc- Dr. Lee’s doctor and friend.” Common Core in 2013, which now
ways elegant and kind, took great joy cessful cancer center, he repeatedly boasts 20,000 members, and became
in making Burt happy. warned hospital leadership: “A can- When asked to speak, Lee said, “I enough of a force that Gov. Rick Scott
cer center is not a beautiful building; thought I was a very dedicated doctor tried to make common cause with her
In Vero Beach, Lee served on the it’s the doctors and staff who work but I come up $10 short compared to by appointing her to the 10-member
Hospital District as a volunteer there, and I don’t know how you will Gerry Pierone.” “Keep Florida Learning” state com-
trustee from 1999 to 2014, deciding attract the number of quality oncolo- mittee.
with six other trustees how to direct gists and surgeons you need in order But many who know Burt Lee, and
tax dollars for healthcare for those to have a full-fledged cancer center.” who have watched him in action, She was not impressed with the
who couldn’t pay. Such work came would disagree, including Gail De- committee’s work – “I was there as the
naturally to him after years of mak- He also worried aloud that the Gioia, who finally sent a written mes- token anti-Common Core person, but
ing speeches to prestigious national hospital board of directors was too sage to her husband’s doctor after 27
medical boards about the need for quick to endorse hospital leader- years. NEWS ANALYSIS
doctors “to take care of the poor.” ship positions, and repeatedly chal-
lenged them to quit acting as if they Meeting a friend of his one night everything had already been decided”
As chairman of the District board, “were being spoon-fed chocolate ice at The Patio restaurant in downtown – but she learned a lot about the leg-
Lee had a reputation for taking on cream” when the CEO wanted some- Vero, she scribbled on a cocktail nap- islative process and made valuable
contentious subjects that others were thing. kin: “Dr. Lee, Thank you for the eight connections, including an open line
reluctant to tackle. additional wonderful years I was able to Commissioner of Education Pam
Lee also served on the board of the to have with my husband, Louis De- Stewart.
Dr. Tom Spackman, who served Whole Family Health Center, an out- Gioia, because of you.”
with Lee on the District for years growth of an AIDS clinic founded by Her connections in the Senate are
and also was chairman, called him “a Dr. Gerry Pierone in Fort Pierce in the A few days later, the friend took the impressive too: “Joe Negron endorsed
curmudgeon in the best sense of the mid-1990s. At a recent dinner honor- crumpled napkin with the message me and he is our new president of the
word – an opinionated, fair-minded, ing Lee, board member Chuck Cun- to Lee who was, by then, under hos- Florida Senate,” Zorc said. “Both he
tough guy.” ningham described Lee as “never soft pice care. Tears streamed down his and Sen. Thad Altman contributed to
but always sensitive.” face when he read it. my campaign.”
“Burt Lee was totally committed to
having the District do the right thing Pierone said that Lee had fre- “I can’t imagine anything more Zorc’s relationship with local par-
for needy patients and the taxpayers, quently “pulled us out of the fire” and meaningful,” he said. ents is stellar. She was vice president
and I’ll miss him a lot,” said Spack- “saved us” when the nonprofit faced and is now president of the Indian
man. financial problems. And, anyone who had the great
pleasure of knowing this compas-
After years as an unquestioning “How can one not love Burt Lee?” sionate, wry, articulate, brilliant doc-
tor knows this to be true. 

12 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Shores electric the same, Town Manager Robbie Stabe the firing of the city’s utility attorney agreements with Vero; the Shores’
said Monday. The 20 percent of town Robert Scheffel “Schef” Wright, how- agreement expired on Nov. 6 and the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 residents already on the FPL system ever, pointing out that Wright has county’s 30-year deal is up in March.
would not pay the temporary sur- brought home big wins for Vero before
ly re-approve town residents pitching charge. the Florida Public Service Commis- The council went ahead and fired
in $3 million over three years’ time sion. Wright with Mayor Laura Moss, Vice
via a surcharge on electric bills to The Vero Council’s vote to move Mayor Harry Howle and newcomer
make the numbers in the deal work. ahead with the partial sale came after The PSC has repeatedly validated Councilman Lange Sykes voting for
That participation had previously more than three hours of discussion, Vero’s claims of a so-called “perma- termination in a 3-2 decision.
been given the go ahead, but since with newly elected Councilman Tony nent” right to serve its entire territory,
FPL’s offer was rejected on Aug. 16 Young agreeing to vote yes only af- regardless of whether it has valid fran- Sykes pushed hardest for the termi-
and expired on Aug. 25, Mayor Brian ter assurances that the sale proceeds chise agreements or whether those nation, citing a “lack of confidence” in
Barefoot said the council needed to would be used in a way that would customers want a different electric Wright’s ability to execute the $30 mil-
affirm the decision. not harm the 31,000 customers who service. lion sale that he, as a hired consultant,
would remain on the Vero Electric had strongly advised against.
The terms for town residents who system. That matters to Vero because both
would be taken over by FPL remain the Shores and Indian River County Wright was hired to lead Vero’s legal
Young could not get on board with have refused to execute new franchise team when Florida Municipal Power
Agency officials said they would not
work with the city’s previous attor-
neys, John Igoe and Rick Miller.

Wright has built a career represent-
ing municipal electric utilities and
their unfettered right to serve areas
assigned to them, despite charging
virtually unregulated rates and si-
phoning money into cities’ general

Since Shores officials have agreed to
place their appeal of an October PSC
ruling in abeyance if the city makes a
good faith effort to work toward the
partial sale, Vero likely won’t need a
regulatory specialist like Wright on the
bench right now.

Howle and Sykes said they want to
bring on a transactional attorney to
get the deal closed now, while the pro-
verbial iron is hot.

FPL attorneys are working on a for-
mal letter of intent to purchase the
Shores’ customers, which is scheduled
to be brought back to the Vero City
Council before Christmas.

After that is voted on and signed by
Mayor Moss, both sides can hammer
out the details of a purchase and sale

In that phase, FPL and city staff will
address the technical issues involved
in separating the transmission and
distribution assets for a successful

If the Shores sale moves forward as
expected, FPL’s Amy Brunjes said, the
power company hopes it can work
with the new, more amenable council
to devise a way to purchase the entire
electric system.

That effort has been stalled for near-
ly two years.

The clock the council is working
against is a very real one, with time
possibly being up next November
when Howle must run for re-elec-

If the deal to sell the Shores cus-
tomers, or to sell the whole system, is
less than solid at that time, it’s certain
that obstructionists and Indian River
Neighborhood Association backers
will run one or more anti-sale can-
didates against Howle, hoping to re-
claim a three-vote City Council ma-
jority. 

14 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Children’s Home Society honors Quail Valley Charities

Sabrina Sampson and Marta Schneider. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Mike McGee with Kelly and Kevin Donovan. Bob Schneider, Janet Baines and Rodger Pridgeon.

Trudie Rainone, Kerry Bartlett and Cathie Naerebout. Carol Fischman and Wanda Lincoln. Stephanie and Rev. Tim Womack.

BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF son. “This year, the award was pre- Sampson. board, and it’s the people who are
Staff Writer sented to Quail Valley Charities in “It makes you feel so good to know there day to day. They’re the ones
honor of all the group has helped to who save the children. We can give
At an intimate gathering last accomplish.” that all those children out there resources, but we can’t be there to
Monday evening at the home of are better because of what we do,” save those people.”
Children’s Home Society advocates Since its inception 14 years ago, said Quail Valley Charities Execu-
Bob and Marta Schneider, repre- Quail Valley Charities has provid- tive Director Martha Redner. “This Children’s Home Society cur-
sentatives of Quail Valley Charities ed roughly $4.5 million in grants means so much; it hits you right in rently has 15 divisions and assists
were presented with the 2016 R. Da- to numerous nonprofit organiza- the heart to know that what we do nearly 100,000 children and fami-
vid and I. Lorraine Thomas Child tions and programs with a focus on affects everyone.” lies in Florida; placing 72 children
Advocate of the Year Award, the or- children and their education. More in permanent homes since July 2016
ganization’s highest honor. than $200,000 has been donated to “This community brings together alone. They serve roughly 10,000
CHS in support of its group home for people who are a team. We become children across the Treasure Coast.
The annual award is bestowed di- girls in foster care, summer enrich- a team; we become more than we
visionally to an individual or group ment programs, Smart Horizons could be singly. We see the need; “We couldn’t do that without the
that contributes time, talent and en- and online education programs. we work together. We are pleased to support of organizations like Quail
ergy; is known and respected in the And for the past two years, QVC partner with Children’s Home Soci- Valley Charities, John’s Island and
local community as an advocate for has funded the Teen Life Choices ety because we know that through United Way. Funders in this com-
children; and demonstrates a posi- program, educating teenagers in the years they will continue to be munity have been very support-
tive moral character. The tribute Indian River County about healthy that consistent force that makes a ive of us and our programs. This is
was established in 1982 by avid sup- lifestyles. difference with children,” agreed why we are able to continue serving
porter Dave Thomas, the founder of Quail Valley Charities Week event all the children that we do,” said
Wendy’s, who had himself been ad- “Community support is what chair Wanda Lincoln. Sampson.
opted as a child. helps us to serve kids that would
otherwise be homeless, have no- Commenting on the work being Upcoming CHS fundraisers in-
“The ideal selection for child ad- where to go or wouldn’t have oppor- done by CHS staff and supporters, clude the Jan. 23 Play Bridge for the
vocate is one who has an excep- tunities. Quail Valley Charities has Lincoln added, “We can raise the Children event at the Vero Beach-
tional record of contribution to the demonstrated an unwavering com- money, but the real work is done in Country Club, and the Feb. 25 Reach
well-being of children,” said CHS mitment to our community’s teen- the trenches by the people who are for the Stars Dinner Party at the
Executive Director Sabrina Samp- agers and young adults,” shared there on a day to day basis that re- Corporate Air hangar at Vero Beach
ally make the difference. It’s your Airport. 

16 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Triathletes rise (early) to the Capt. Hiram’s Challenge






1. Capt. Hiram’s River Challenge Triathlon.
2. Sean Alcorn and overall female winner
Sarah Manierre. 3. Overall male winner Buddy
Verderber with his father, Bud. 4. Officer Tegpreet
Singh, with Anjani CIrillo and John Lacenere.
5. Hannah McClintock runs the last few steps
with Joe Wendler. 6. Ben Elliott, Sam Vash and
Richard Waugh. 7. Dalton and Dalton Gornto
cheer on the racers with mom, Destiny, and
grandmother, Lynn. 8. Will Collins. 9. Brice Bass

5 of Monticello. 10. Chad Solomon of Vero Beach.

11. Matt Price with Blake, Kenle and Michael Harris.


Roughly 200 hearty triathletes were
undeterred by the early-morning
chill last Sunday as they dove into
the water at the start of the fourth
annual Capt. Hiram’s River Chal-
lenge to “Get off your ass and save
some seagrass.” A quick towel-off
after the quarter-mile swim and
participants were on to the next two
phases of the event, a 12-mile bike
ride and 5K run along Indian River
Drive. Event proceeds benefited the
Coastal Conservation Association,
Environmental Learning Center
and Ocean Research and Conserva-
tion Association in their efforts to
safeguard our ecologically diverse
6 Indian River Lagoon. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 17



9 10

18 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Glasses raised to Stouthouse’s artistic mission

BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF through arts and culture. cluding tickets to Riverside’s upcom-
Staff Writer “Stouthouse invited guests to have ing production of Chicago, artwork,
wines and jewelry. Added into the
The arts were on tap at Walking Tree one on us at Walking Tree Brewery,” mix were an art exhibit by recent art-
Brewery at a “Have One on Us” event said Quentin Walter, artistic director ist in residence Kyle Baker, music by
Saturday evening, which was aimed at of the nonprofit. “We’re trying to raise Geoffrey Myers, Lava Action and belly
brewing up interest in Stouthouse and awareness and educate people that dancer Norma Barbee.
its mission to provide an expanded Stouthouse is not a brewery.”
artists’ residency in the home, pre- Weldon Stout, a professional
serve its stained-glass installations Guests sampled glasses of stout, stained-glass artist and Walter’s late
and enhance community diversity enjoyed hors d’oeuvres, purchased husband, designed the house and the
chances for a 50/50 raffle and bid on future plans for a proposed expansion
items offered in the silent auction, in-

Betty Kleopfer and Jill Phillips. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE

Richard Ramirez and Cynthia Bluewater.

before his death in 2013. He envisioned
a quiet retreat where artists could cre-
ate in a nurturing environment, unen-
cumbered by the worries of maintain-
ing a roof over their heads.

The home features six of Stout’s cus-
tom stained glass works as well as the
Seth Thelonious Alvin Foster Art Col-
lection, featuring the works of more
than 130 fine artists collected by Wal-
ter. Pieces include oils, pastels, photo-
graphs, fiber art, costumes, ceramics
and sculptures by contemporary art-

To date, the studio, whose use is by
invitation only, has provided a creative
haven for a musician, a writer and an
artist. Artists are asked to stay at least
six months to allow time for growth,
but the number in residence at any
given time will never exceed four. The
goal is to provide ample space for art-
ists to contemplate their craft in soli-
tude, experiment in new directions
and complete major artistic projects.

Plans are in place to add a
3,800-square-foot, three-story sustain-
able art studio to Stouthouse, which is
located on a secluded one-acre piece
of property. It provides just the right
amount of privacy among native veg-
etation to allow fellow artists to focus
on their work in a supportive and col-
laborative environment.

Stouthouse will be open on Feb. 11
during the Sebastian Art Studio Tour. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 19


Kyle Baker, Quentin Walter and Angela Morgan. Grayson Conroy, Diane Rose and George Ireland. Jeff and Allison Fabick.

J.J. Wilson and Anne Mazlish. Larry and Andrée Lavack with Susan and Bob Johnson. Sandy and Carol Lynn Peterson.

20 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Guests raise the woof at H.A.L.O. 10th b-day bash

Ryan Jones, Steven Hirano and Sara Jones. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Jan Howington, Jacque Petrone and Margaret Wall. Deb Jenkins, Jamie Abrams and Sheila King.

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA Welcoming guests with enthusi- blue pit/boxer mix who escort Kait- Bahamas with long shiny black ears,
Staff Writer astic tail-wagging and nose bumps lin Holland said loves cats and kids. was holiday-ready with a glimmer-
was a team of on-leash official pooch Two other enthusiastic greeters were ing collar. Board member Rebecca
Festively decked out in elegant black greeters and their H.A.L.O. escorts. Nemo, a handsome brindle pit/basset Grohall explained that H.A.L.O. has
and white, the Heritage Center was Each pup, its coat shiny and immacu- mix, with his escort Hailey Nottage, a strong relationship with an animal
filled with music and conversation late, was dressed for the festivities in a and Bubbles, a 12-year-old Australian rescue in the Bahamas that helped re-
recently as stylishly dressed people snazzy, sparkling neck piece. The irre- shepherd sporting pillow-soft angel locate several canine victims of Hur-
and pooches mixed and mingled at sistible bunch included Maple, a Staf- wings, escorted by H.A.L.O. employee ricane Matthew, Baby among them.
H.A.L.O.’s 10th Anniversary Party, cel- fordshire terrier mix, with her trainer/ Anna Carlson. All were perfect party
ebrating the decade-long success of escort Jeff Boling, who said “My 7-year- participants – friendly and well-be- Guests shared lively cocktail-hour
the No-Kill Animal Rescue and Adop- old daughter Kalista loves her.” haved. chat and inspected the numerous
tion Center. beautiful gift baskets, life-sized ani-
There was also 5-year-old Zoober, a Baby, a young dachshund from the mal portraits and other silent- and

Holidays at the Museum





24 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Sophie North, Annabel Robertson, Austin and Ginny Hunt. The children’s run at the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot. Danielle Montgomery with Randy and Josie Holtzclaw.

Turkey Trot carves out funds to feed less fortunate

BY MARY SCHENKEL fectionately known as the Turkey shine against the cloudy morning, ers, many accompanied by their four-
Staff Writer Trot, the event has become a beloved as parents and grandparents herded legged companions, participated in
Thanksgiving tradition, uniting as their little ones into place for the start the adult race, with awards presented
Close to 2,000 participants, volun- a community to help brighten the of the children’s quarter-mile fun run to the top three in each category. The
teers and onlookers started off their lives of fellow residents who are less to the Memorial Island Bridge and festive family affair draws runners
Thanksgiving morning with fam- fortunate. Organizers expected that back. Onlookers waved and cheered from all over the United States, from
ily and friends at the ninth annual the event would fund roughly 54,000 as adorable youngsters gave it their infants pushed in the stroller division
Thanksgiving Day Trot Against Pov- meals. all. They later proudly showed off to seniors keeping pace with partici-
erty 5K Run/Walk, to benefit United their participation medals. pants half their age.
Against Poverty (UP, for short). Af- This year’s bright yellow event T-
shirts were like brilliant rays of sun- A record 1,600 runners and walk- Quite a few wore Thanksgiving-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 25


themed outfits and hats, with one Isadora, Terry and Zoe Silvester with Lily McFarlane. Major Croom and Liam Moylan. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE TURKEY TROT PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 26
man even getting a jump on Christ-
mas with reindeer ears and Rudolph’s About 20 members of the Vero prepared on the spot by Catering by Anna and Charlie Carden with Jackson.
red nose. Chris Loy, visiting from Beach Amateur Radio Club volun- Adrienne Drew. Drew and her fast-
Gainesville, ran unencumbered by his teered at 16 stations along the course flipping crew postponed their own New this year were two large “grat-
full turkey outfit, impressively placing route. “We monitor for safety and Thanksgiving to prepare 2,200 sau- itude boards” – one with information
third overall. to give direction,” explained Earl sage links and 2,000 pancakes from about all the lives being positively
Krueger. “It’s good practice for us for gallons of batter prepared by Marsh impacted by United Against Poverty,
Janet and Terry Silvester drove all hurricanes and disasters.” Landing. and one where participants could
the way over from Fort Walton Beach, write their own messages of thanks.
enjoying a family reunion with their The yummy reward for partici- “We started at 4 this morning at the
Virginia-based son Scott, who has a pants and volunteers alike was a deli- shop and about 5:30 here,” said Drew. “We’re going to keep them in the
condo at The Moorings. Four grand- cious breakfast of cinnamon-scented “And we have four parties tonight; it center,” said Annabel Robertson, UP
children also participated – Scott’s sweet potato pancakes and sausage just keeps going.” executive director. “It gives us an op-
two children and another two visiting portunity to show our gratitude for
grandchildren from New York. all the community does for us.” 

“The kids are the fourth generation
coming here,” said Janet Silvester. “My
dad started coming in 1974 and we’ve
been coming ever since. Vero Beach is
just our favorite place to come.”

As people gathered behind the start
line, emcee Hamp Elliott of 93.7 The
Breeze spoke briefly about United
Against Poverty and its mission to
transform lives by giving those who
need it a hand up, not a handout. “All
people who are in that situation want
to get out of it as soon as possible,”
stressed Elliott.

“Thanksgiving is one of the most
important times of the year for think-
ing about our neighbors and giving
back,” said UP founder Austin Hunt.
“It’s become a family tradition.”

26 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



Amber Bieber, Donny Mauldin, Kim Oglethorpe and Mike Rhue. Jonathan Vendryers and Amy Dingler. Lindsay and MIchael Naffziger.

1105 NauticalWay, VERO BEACH

Grace Thomas was the overall female winner.

uxuryLP 772-231-4880 $1,235,000
roperties RIVER CLUB Beautifully appointed lakefront pool home w/luxury finishes throughout. Lavish
outdoor living at its finest: porches/pool/spa/outdoor kitchen & fireplace. Spacious lvg/dining
w/wet bar ideal for entertaining. Tammy Bogart, REALTOR 772-696-1855 (177788)

2058 Indian Summer Ln ,VERO BEACH

Tara and Lily McFarlane.

2016 Thank You $699,000
SEASONS Stunning courtyard home in Seasons at Orchid. 3,000+ SF of luxurious upgrades.
treasure coast for voting us the Wolf gas stove and an infinity edge tub to name a few of the appointments. A premium lot
with a spectacular view! Andrew Gonzalez, REALTOR 772-633-7512 (177738)
WINNER #1 Real Estate
Company Ana and Andie Beindorf.
in Indian River
and St. Lucie

28 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Buy Christmas gifts from island shops. Win big prizes.

’Tis the season to start your Rachel Bassakes with children Noah and Ana. Ocean Drive the following Satur- will pay a holiday visit to the island
Christmas shopping, and ’tis also day, Dec. 17 – all culminating in the (see full “Christmas on the Island”
time for our annual editorial urg- calling “Christmas on the Island.” Red Ticket cocktail party and raffle schedule on Page 30).
ing Vero Beach 32963 readers to do “Christmas on the Island” will be at Costa d’Este on Saturday, Dec. 17.
more of their gift-buying right here All of the holiday events are go-
in the shops of our beachside com- a three-week series of events – high- What is this Red Ticket raffle? ing to be covered in this “Christmas
munity. lighted by the Vero Beach Christmas Why, it’s an opportunity for shop- on the Island” section, which will
Parade this Saturday night, and the pers to win thousands of dollars in run weekly through Christmas. We
For nine years, we have been ask- 3rd annual Christmas Stroll down prizes simply by buying gifts from plan to run dozens of photographs.
ing every reader to buy one extra two dozen participating island mer- And to give you even more money
gift from the many great shops here chants. Kind of a buy-a-gift, win- to spend on presents, Vero Beach
on the beach. Many of you have re- a-gift opportunity (see story about 32963 is also running a special
sponded, and judging from the the prizes and a list of participating 32963 Holiday Photo Contest.
friends and neighbors we saw walk- merchants on Page 31).
ing along Ocean Drive with shop- Send photos that you think best
ping bags last weekend on Small But that’s not all there is to capture Christmas on the island to
Business Saturday, we are hopeful “Christmas on the Island.” You can [email protected], and
this holiday season is going to be start getting in the holiday spirit as the best photo of the season will win
the best one yet for our island mer- early as tomorrow (Friday) at a Com- a $200 first-prize gift certificate. We
chants. edy Zone Winter Nights show at the also will give $50 gift certificates for
Riverside Theatre. And the follow- any photos submitted that we wind
But this year, we are taking this ing week, you can still get tickets for up publishing on Dec. 8, Dec. 15 or
Christmas shopping message a step “Elf Jr.” at the Riverside Children’s in our final “Christmas on the Is-
further. In partnership with the Theatre, or a special holiday Howl land” section Dec. 22.
Oceanside Business Association at the Moon at Riverside.
(OBA) and Vero’s Beachside Retail- As the 2016 shopping season
ers Co (VBRC), we are urging all Then on Saturday the 17th, in ad- starts, merchants across the coun-
Vero Beach 32963 readers to join in dition to the big Red Ticket cocktail try are cautiously optimistic.
a variety of seasonal activities we’re party and drawing at Costa d’Este,
the Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales But 32963 readers have the abil-
ity to turn a good holiday shopping

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 29


season into a great one. A couple ex- Allison Livingston assists shopper Susie Smith at Veranda. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Dolly Thomas.
tra purchases at Bloomingdale’s or Jayna and Chris Hester. Erica and Michael Weiler.
Macy’s are not going to make much Paul and Cheryl Kenney.
of a difference. But by choosing to
shift more of our Christmas shop-
ping to beachside merchants, we
can make this a great year – possi-
bly even a record year – for the local
retailers that are such a key part of
our community.

We are not doing this because the
beachside merchants are all adver-
tisers. Sure, a couple dozen 32963
shops that we care about advertise
in Vero Beach 32963 – and we are
mighty appreciative of their sup-

But whether they advertise with us
or not, these are our friends and neigh-
bors, and we all have a stake in the
health and vitality of our beachside
business community.

One way to keep the island economy
perking along is to support local busi-
nesses. Maybe you think it’s not your
responsibility. Maybe you could not
care less about the prizes.

Well, the underlying message in all
this, of course, is shop locally. Collec-
tively, the people fortunate enough to
live in 32963 can make a difference.
Let’s think of shopping locally as our
Christmas gift to our barrier island. 


Christmas on the Island Schedule

COMEDY ZONE WINTER NIGHTS Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, Elves,
Dec 2nd & 3rd, 7:30 & 9:30PM, Micky & Minny!
Riverside Theatre
$18 Premium Reserved Seating Dec 16th-18th
Riverside Theatre
Dec 3rd, Festivities Begin 5:15PM
Parade 6PM Dec 17th, 4PM Cocktail Party at
Costa D’Este, Free Hor D’Oeuvres,
ELF JR. & HOWL AT THE MOON Cash Bar & Grand Prize Raffle
Dec 9th & 10th, 7:30 & 9:30 Beachside
Riverside Children’s Theatre
Howl At the Moon Riverside COMEDY ZONE WINTER NIGHTS
Dec 16th & 17th, 7:30 & 9:30PM
Dec 10th, 12-5PM $16 General Admission,
Live Music, Sales & Refreshments $18 Premium Reserved Seating






only at...
The Red Ticket Raffle is an oppor-  Petite Shop
tunity to win an amazing prize simply  Maus & Hoffman 3401 OCEAN DRIVE
by purchasing one or more Christmas  Stringer Gallery 772.234.8522 • LEIGHJEWELERS.COM
gifts at any of a dozen beachside shops.  Cooper & Co.
A feature of Christmas on the Island,  Treasure Lane Boutique CERTIFIED GEMOLOGIST • JEWELRY & WATCH REPAIR
sponsored by the Oceanside Business  I’ll Never Tell
Association and Vero’s Beachside Re-  Posh
tailers Co, the raffle began the week-  Kemps
end of Black Friday and Small Business  Sigrids
Saturday.  Patchingtons
 Pineapples
The raffle will continue until Satur-  Lily Pad
day, Dec. 21, with a ticket given out for  Casp Baby Mommy & Me Boutique
every $100 spent at a participating is-  Sara Campbell
land merchant.  M. Maison
 Frances Brewster
The spectacular grand prize in the  Maledetti Toscani USA
Red Ticket Raffle is a two-night stay at  A Pampered Life
Costa D’este, including dinner at The  Polished
Wave, a Spa Package and a shopping  Allure
spree along Ocean Drive. The total val-  GT Rhodes
ue of this prize is $2,400. The drawing for the raffle winner will
take place on Saturday, Dec. 17 at 4 p.m.
Second prize is a beachside shopping at the Costa d’Este Resort and Spa. Tick-
spree with a value of $1,350. et-holders must be present to win. 

The island merchants participating
in the Red Ticket Raffle are:

 Dede’s
 The Beach Shop


34 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Just for ‘You’: Fox and friends launch anthology

Staff Writer

Sit a slap-happy set of adult twins figures, but also a number of local Front: Linda Hengerer and Suzanne Fox (seated). Back: Cynthia Hurst, Rosemary Dronchi, Gene Lee,
down over drinks on the terrace of residents. Within the writing an- John Mackie, Rebecca Loar, Sue Holbrook and Barbara Brooks. P HOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
the Vero Beach Hotel and see how thologies – one on mystery writing
many sequels they come up with to and one on historical fiction – three has coached or edited locally.
their first book, “The Mentor That contributors are among the dozens, Helping others get published has
Matters.” if not hundreds, that Suzanne Fox been a mainstay of Fox’s career. So

The Moment That Matters. The
Muppet That Matters. The Mous-
tache That Matters?

Exhaustion has clearly set in for
Suzanne Fox, longtime Vero au-
thor, editor, book critic and writing
coach, and her brother Andy Fox, a
former investment adviser to pen-
sion and retirement funds. Finally,
Tuesday evening at the Vero Beach
Book Center, after more than of
year of meticulous planning, the
pair launch their new anthology
publishing project, Stories of You
Books. Along with the first “M” that
matters, they will be presenting two
other collections, first-person nar-
ratives on the process of writing.

All three books include not only
national and internationally known

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 35


has getting herself published; the three channels – they controlled the into seven languages.” Publishers Weekly (and at one point
latest novel she has been laboring narrative. But through social media She went on to write a women’s for Vero Beach 32963), she also be-
over even as this project took shape it has become a world where many came involved in the local chapter
is nearly finished. And it will be her people have a voice in the narrative fiction novel, “Harper’s Moon,” pub- of American Association of Univer-
fourth. Fox had her two first books and that’s what we want to reflect.” lished by Berkley Penguin Putnam sity Women, or AAUW, and ran oc-
published within six weeks of each under another pen name, Suzanne casional workshops as fundraisers.
other: a memoir with Simon and From a business perspective, an- Judson. She has also published es-
Schuster, and a Harlequin romance thologies make sense because each says and poems in a number of With the first three books ready
novel. contributor becomes a marketer of journals. for retail, Fox and Fox are looking
the product. to do more anthologies involving
For the Stories of You Books, she After 25 years in Manhattan, restorative research, like the one on
has found not only beginning writ- “You’re effectively collaborating in 2002 Fox moved to Vero Beach historic hotels. For that series, she’s
ers eager to contribute for free, but with a large number of writers and where her parents had relocated. come up with a new brand: Stories
world-famous voices including Pu- their existing social media,” Fox She found a place on the faculty of of Whew.
litzer Prize-winning biologist and says. “It gives me a partnership – the museum’s education depart-
author E.O. Wilson; Emmy Award- even an international partnership ment and taught an estimated 50 The project’s launch is Tuesday
winning TV writer Ken Levine; and – of people spreading the word. And writing workshops. Producing a at 5:30 p.m. at the Vero Beach Book
poet and Time magazine “Hero for to the readers, they can say, ‘Wow, steady stream of book reviews for Center. 
the Planet” designate Peter H. Raven. look at that list of contributors.’”
Among the local contributors are “I’ve seen every side of this busi- COLLECTION OF AMERICAN-MADE ART AND JEWELRY
John Mackie, an ex-police officer ness,” she says. “I’ve always wanted
turned mystery writer, currently to be a publisher, but several things THEL AUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM 2910 CARDINAL DR.
living on Vero’s barrier island; Bob had to happen. One was to find a VERO BEACH, FL
Zielsdorf, another island resident business model that doesn’t involve 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
who wrote a book based on 400 love investing huge amounts of time and
letters to and from his wife, Fran; resources into single books, be-
and Rosemary Dronchi, the now-re- cause if they’re not profitable, my
tired owner of Park Place Salon who capital is used up three books later.”
has written two works of historical
fiction based on her Italian ances- As for the two-person organiza-
try. Sebastian-based business au- tion that has launched Stories of
thor Laura Steward appears in “The You, they could easily put together
Mentor that Matters,” as does Susan a book on working with your twin.
Mazza, a leadership counselor with
a huge Twitter following. “We as twins have a lifelong
bond,” she says. “I have been the
Another Vero resident, C.J. Madi- quintessentially creative artsy one
gan, designed all three books. where he has been the more ana-
lytic financial one. But we share in
In late 2017, the team will also be- an interest in books and personal
gin generating custom anthologies legacy and the impact every person
for organizations and families. has in the world.”

“Organizations are trying to do Raised in a small New Jersey town,
that in new ways, for example with Andy Fox went on to study at the Uni-
social media asking for people’s versity of North Carolina at Chapel
stories,” Fox says. “They may know Hill, and now lives in Pinehurst, N.C.
how to create brochures, videos Suzanne Fox double-majored in art
and TV ads. But they may not have history and English at Douglass Col-
somebody who understands the lege. She worked in Manhattan in
very intricate process of book de- investment marketing before enroll-
sign. That’s not a skill set most or- ing at Columbia. Earning her MFA
ganizations have.” in 1990, Fox returned to Columbia
to run the admissions office for the
One such book, an anthology of writing department.
narratives from hospice workers
and volunteers, is set for publica- Her first book, “Home Life: A Jour-
tion next year. ney of Rooms and Recollections,” a
memoir of the houses she’d lived in,
They will also consider antholo- was published in 1998; it was excerpt-
gies pitched by other editors, so long ed in Glamour magazine, earned a
as they fit the Stories of You model. mention in Elle and was an editor’s
choice in the Chicago Tribune. It was
Meanwhile, the Fox team will a draining project, she says, and she
continue to generate anthologies wanted to follow it with something
following their own interests. A lighter. With a friend at Harlequin
book on historic hotels is planned sending her boxes of romance novels,
for release next summer. she got the notion to write one her-
self. “They’re short, they can be very
Book-sellers say anthologies, comic, and you can actually have a
once a bedside staple, are enjoying voice.” She wrote one, including the
a resurgence in popularity. steamy sex scene her editor asked for,
and sent it “over the transom” – with-
“An anthology is a dialogue in out an agent – to Harlequin. They
some sense, rather than a mono- bought it.
logue. It allows us to bring together
very diverse viewpoints. That is re- “I love that book,” she says with a
ally important to us,” says Fox. “The laugh. “I read it, it cracks me up and
old idea that one person has a bully I cry in the end. It was translated
pulpit in their book, that was our
culture. One half-hour of news on

36 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


State of the state: Film fests focuses on Florida

BY ELLEN FISCHER Miami investor Neli Santamarina, theater, as when the short play “Re-
Columnist who runs the larger gallery Raw Space cess Time!” – which Thomas co-wrote
at Edgewood next door, Thomas has – was staged in August. And Monday,
This weekend marks the debut of a turned Project Space into variously he has organized an evening of live
mini-festival of films shot in Florida, an art gallery, as when it first opened music and art with two New York
and it’s just the latest cultural gather- with a series of show from Thomas bands here for Miami’s Art Basel, plus
ing whipped up by Vero native Jared and two co-founders; a performance a Vero composer of electronica.
Thomas. art studio, as when artist Taylor Be-
atty publicly took the portraits one First, though, the launch of a
Thomas, the young founder of the night of random recruits through so- month-long series of noted indepen-
downtown gallery Project Space 1785, cial media and then turned them into dent films, directed by nationally
has become something of an acciden- a later show; an intimate black box known filmmakers and made in and
tal impresario. In collaboration with about Florida.

Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m., Jared Thomas. P HOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
is Amy Seimetz’s “Sun Don’t Shine.”
Jim Jarmusch’s “Stranger Than Para- was awarded the Prix du Jury at the
dise” screens on Dec. 9 and Dec. 10; 2016 Cannes Film Festival. It was re-
and Kelly Reichardt’s “River of Grass” leased in the U.S. just this fall.
rounds up the series on Dec. 16 and
Dec. 17. Thomas notes that before there was
Hollywood, there was Jacksonville,
A 2011 graduate of Indian River Fla. That in the early 1900s was the
Charter High’s visual and performing first movie studio town for the New
arts program, Thomas has an insider’s York-based motion picture industry.
interest in the craft of filmmaking. With the exception of Miami and Or-
Since opening the gallery in January lando, today Florida is not a destina-
of last year, Thomas has worked with tion for most filmmakers.
New York-based filmmakers, mostly
at entry-level jobs but on increasingly Unless you hail from Florida, as
well-known films. Seimetz and Reichardt do.

Last summer he was part of a four- Or if you are attracted to Florida’s
person team with the art department
for “American Honey.” That movie


December 3, 2016

3:00 – 6:00 PM

Be among the first to
get a signed copy of the

definitive book
on A.E. Backus.

Tropical Light:
The Art of
A.E. Backus

has been eight years in the
making. Masterfully written
by art historian, Natasha Kuzmanovic, the book will be released
to the public on Saturday, December 3.

Join the Friends of the Museum for a lecture by the
author at 3 PM, followed by a book signing and reception.

In honor of the book launch and the holidays, all museum store items, excluding
original artwork and the new Backus book, will be 20% off during the event.

AE Backus Museum
500 N. Indian River Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34950 • 772.465.0630

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 37


cultural dissociation, as Jarmusch ap- COMING UP: SINGALONG GETS A HANDEL ON HOLIDAYS
pears to have been.
BY MICHELLE GENZ they bring from home or pick up on ar- says it’s been a huge hit in Melbourne
As Thomas puts it, “It’s a state that Staff Writer rival, they will join together in Handel’s and he’s hoping to make it a tradition
maybe is not necessarily polarized, Christmas classic, backed up by the or- in Vero, too.
but it has a reputation, for better or 1 It’s a bouncing dot short of a ka- chestral musicians.
worse. And I think both sides are ac- raoke oratorio: Space Coast Sym- And since there won’t actually be
curate.” This is the ninth Messiah singalong lyrics crawling across a screen, partici-
phony Orchestra’s annual Singalong staged by Space Coast and they’ve pants can either bring their own score
Amy Seimetz, who grew up in the all gotten a great response. Anyone or use those provided that night. The
Tampa Bay area, shot “Sun Don’t Messiah is taking place in Vero this can participate in the free event, but concert is free.
Shine” there; the film’s memorable many who show up have sung the
dénouement takes place at Weeki year. Saturday at 7 p.m., hundreds of Messiah many times before. Aaron
Wachee Springs. Starring Kate Lyn Collins, the orchestra’s artistic direc-
Sheil and Kentucker Audley as two singers are going to divide up into sec- tor, will be conducting the singers. He
lovers with an awful secret to hide
(and dispose of), the movie premiered tions at the Vero Beach High School 2 If, like me, you call Miami City
in 2012 at the South by Southwest Ballet your own, you’ll be proud
Film Festival in Austin, Texas. Performing Arts Center – soprano,

“It’s simple but powerful, and it’s alto, tenor and bass. Then, with scores CONTINUED ON PAGE 38
filmed in Florida,” says Thomas.

“Anyone who has ever been here
knows there are unique things about
this state,” says the Vero native. “I
don’t think anybody is indifferent to
Florida. It’s a state that has a reputa-
tion, for better or worse.”

Take, for example, Jim Jarmusch.
His 1984 film “Stranger Than Para-
dise” takes viewers on a haphazard
road trip from New York to Florida
by way of Cleveland. John Lurie and
Richard Edson star as Willie and Ed-
die, two young men of little means
and fewer prospects. Budapest-born
Ezster Balint plays Eva, the young
woman with whom both men are in-
trigued; she ultimately becomes the
reason Willie and Eddie hit the road.

“Stranger Than Paradise” was Jar-
musch’s first major film; now consid-
ered an indie classic, it was awarded
the Camera d’Or at the 1984 Cannes
Film Festival and was named Best
Film at the National Society of Film
Critics in the following year. Vero
Beach Museum of Art’s film studies
instructor Warren Obluck included
the film some 15 years ago.

“River of Grass” was the 1994 debut
film of director Kelly Reichardt. Like
the film’s protagonist, Cozy, Reich-
ardt‘s father was a cop in Dade Coun-
ty. And while Reichardt never crossed,
in Cozy’s words, “that straight line
that Dad called the law,” she did use
her experience of police work in South
Florida to flavor her movie.

In it, Lisa Bowman plays lonesome
housewife Cozy, who falls for a ne’er-
do-well named Lee (Larry Fessen-
den). The two soon find themselves
running from the law after a house
break-in goes wrong. The trouble is,
neither of them have enough cash to
make a proper getaway.

Project Space 1785 is in a shopping
at the corner of Old Dixie Highway
and 18th Street near downtown Vero
Beach. Tickets for the series can be pur-
chased at ProjectSpace1785.BigCartel.
com. There will be a limited amount of
tickets available at the door. 

Exclusively John’s Island


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Luxurious Finishes, Screened Lanai w/ Fireplace, Library Desirable 2BR/2BA Cabana, Game Room, 3-Car Garage
Custom Millwork, SW Exposure, Moulton Layne Architects
171 Terrapin Point : $7,750,000 636 Ocean Road : $7,250,000 255 Llwyd’s Lane : $3,800,000


Beautiful 4BR/5.5BA Residence, Pool/Spa Tranquil & Private, Fully Furnished 3BR/3BA Retreat Private, Unique Homesites Along Indian River, Dock
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Screened Porch, Vaulted Ceiling Island Kitchen Desirable .41± Acre Lot, No-Thru Street Near S. Gate 80 Stingaree Point (1.14± Acres) : $1,600,000
100 Stingaree Point (1.08± Acres) : $2,000,000
581 Sea Oak Drive : $2,350,000 331 Sabal Palm Lane : $1,590,000

Desirable & Updated 3BR/2BA South Village Cottage Handsome 3BR/2BA End Unit Oceanside Condominium Desirable 2BR/2.5BA South Village Townhouse
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461 Village Lane : $895,000 700 Beach Road #260 : $869,000 431 Silver Moss Drive #105 : $410,000

772.231.0900 :
luxury estates : condominiums : homesites : townhouses : cottages

It’s your lifetime. Spend it wisely.

46 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Here’s why readers stop buying daily newspapers

For those who wonder why the cir- What the world worries about From The Economist
culation of daily newspapers is falling
precipitously, last Friday’s issue of the Populism has rarely been so popu-
Press Journal provided yet another lar, and Western democratic and inter-
clue. national institutions look increasingly
A major front-page article in the
Press Journal – front page (!) – was A recent survey of 25 countries by Ip-
headlined “Law enforcement officials sos MORI, a pollster, reveals the wide-
give tips for holiday safety.” spread discontent on which populists
prey. In Britain and America 60% and
Well, if this was on the front page in 63% of respondents said their country
place of a news story, these tips must was on the wrong track. In perpetu-
be important. So what was the top ally disgruntled France, that figure is a
piece of advice? whopping 89 percent.

You should be patient and allow ad- The underlying causes of this dissat-
ditional time for trips, so you won’t isfaction vary by country.
have to speed.
Unemployment is the main worry in
Wow, there’s a tip worth the price of France, but not in Britain or America,
the newspaper. where immigration and terrorism dom-
inate. Germans, who will hold elections
The article then went on to offer the next year, fret about poverty and in-
following suggestions that the editors equality.
must have presumed would never have
otherwise occurred to Press Journal Those who vote for populist parties
readers. and politicians often focus on single is-
sues at the expense of other problems.
• Don’t leave your car unoccupied In Britain, less-educated white voters,
with the motor running or with kids who are suspected to have voted in
inside. droves for leaving the European Union,
may find they suffer the most from an
• Lock your vehicle, and make sure alternative settlement rather than full
gifts aren’t in plain view. membership.

• Refrain from drinking and driving. And convincing those who fail to see
But the one we really liked was the the benefits of the status quo can be dif-
Press Journal’s tip for the best way to ficult. In France, the proportion of peo-
finish your shopping, leave a store, ple who worry about unemployment is
and safely return to your car in the five times the actual rate of the unem-
parking lot. ployed. In Britain, anxiety over immi-
“Inspect under and around your gration is more than three times higher
car,” the article said, “to ensure no one than the percentage of the population
is hiding.” who are immigrants.
Inspect under your car? You can’t
make stuff like that up. Telling voters that things they worry
Well, if we see anyone peering under about are bad, but not as bad as they
their car at the Mall this weekend, we think, is unlikely to win over a skeptical
will know we are in the company of a public. 
Press Journal reader. 

BACTERIAL VS. VIRAL ing for a further intervention to stop un- WHAT IS A PATIENT TO DO?
INFECTIONS, PART II necessary use of antibiotics, particularly • If you have a sore throat, ask your doc-
for patients with acute bronchitis or sore tor for a strep test. If your test is negative,
TREATMENT throats, who are not likely to benefit from chances are you don’t need an antibiotic.
The discovery of antibiotics in the 1940s taking them. • Symptoms for both bacterial and viral re-
to treat bacterial infections was one of the spiratory infections can be quite similar.
most important breakthroughs in medical WHY ARE ANTIBIOTICS OVER PRESCRIBED? Track your symptoms to help your doctor de-
history. However, bacteria are very adaptive, • Patient demand termine if your infection is bacterial or viral.
and the overuse of antibiotics has made
many strains of bacteria resistant to antibi- The problem of overprescribing is patient • Bacterial infections (treatable with anti-
otics. demand. Patients go to the doctor with biotics) usually present with a high fever.
the idea that the solution to their problem Symptoms of strep throat include a red or
OVERUSE OF ANTIBIOTICS CAUSING RESIS- comes in the form of a pill. They ask for swollen throat with white patches on the
TANCE antibiotics because they assume that will tonsils and back of the throat.
In September 2013, the Centers for Disease make them feel better. • Viral infections (not treatable with anti-
Control and Prevention (CDC) declared anti- biotics) are often characterized by the pre-
biotic resistance a serious health threat. • Antibiotics save lives sence of low grade fever and sore throat.
As recent as February 9, 2016, the Journal Antibiotics have saved countless lives from • If your doctor determines you have a viral
of the American Medical Association (JAMA) infections ranging from pneumonia to sex- infection, antibiotics will not help. Instead,
reported that most antibiotics prescribed in ually transmitted diseases. It’s understand- get rest; increase your intake of fluids like wa-
the United States are for treating acute respi- able that patients and doctors continue to ter, tea and fresh juices; and focus on eating
ratory tract infections. However, roughly half turn to them as a solution. However, over- foods high in vitamin C and zinc, garlic and on-
of these prescriptions are given to treat diag- use is one reason antibiotics are becom- ions to boost your immune system and cold-
noses for which antibiotics have no benefit. ing less effective, making infections harder fighting power. Your body will do the rest.
to treat. The chances of resistance increase
Overprescription of antibiotics for sore when antibiotics are not used long enough For more information, visit
throats and mild respiratory infections is or are taken for the wrong reasons, allow- and/or
a continuous issue. Researchers are call- ing bacteria to survive and adapt. This in
turn has given way to an increasing amount Your comments and suggestions for future topics are
of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. always welcome. Email us at [email protected].

© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved

48 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


In February 1941, as the armed forces 19th – the one, he says, in which the foundries, shipyards and factories. In ers and creditors, or a more inflationary
of Nazi Germany, fascist Italy and impe- United States harnessed its unrivaled 1861, Hahn writes, Congress “enacted a system favored by chronic borrowers
rial Japan gobbled up great chunks of resources to forge a new kind of empire. modest tax on incomes over $800 and and debtors – ended in defeat for the
the globe, Time-Life publisher Henry What happened afterward was simply … passed the Legal Tender Act, which latter. As labor unions formed, with de-
Luce penned an editorial that resonates an extension of what came before. authorized the circulation of … nonin- mands for higher pay and better work-
to this day. Calling upon Americans to terest-bearing Treasury notes, known ing conditions, the new corporate elite,
accept their unique responsibilities and Hahn, a recent addition to the his- as greenbacks.” Hoping to move troops led by the likes of Andrew Carnegie and
God-given destiny, he wrote: “Through- tory department at New York University, quickly and to populate the western ter- John D. Rockefeller, had little trouble
out the 17th Century and the 18th Cen- where I hold a part-time appointment, ritories with small farmers rather than persuading the courts and even the
tury and the 19th Century, this conti- views the American experience as a con- slaveholders, the government promised White House to call in federal troops to
nent teemed with manifold projects and tinuum of an imperialist ideology dating 160-acre homesteads to families willing arrest strike leaders – and protect strike-
magnificent purposes. Above them all back to our British forefathers. Expan- to work them, and encouraged railroad- breakers – in the name of safeguarding
and weaving them all together into the sion of one sort or another, he insists, building projects of staggering size and private property and restoring law and
most exciting flag of all the world and of is part of our national DNA. Whether often dubious value. By war’s end, Hahn order. And when Congress occasionally
all history was the triumphal purpose clearing Native Americans from their says, “a new class of finance capitalists” roused itself to pass a bill designed to
of freedom. It is in this spirit that all of land, obtaining close to 800,000 square had arisen for these purposes, known break up monopolies, corporate lawyers
us are called, each to his own measure miles from France in the Louisiana Pur- popularly over time as Wall Street. could count on the fiercely pro-business
of capacity, and each in the widest hori- chase, or defeating Mexico in a one-sid- Supreme Court to gut the legislation.
zon of his vision, to create the first great ed fight that added Texas, California and Hahn paints the latter half of the 19th
American Century.” much of the Southwest to the American century as an era of unchecked corpo- As the 19th century gave way to the
map, the pursuit of empire – or Manifest rate expansion and imperial conquest. 20th, all was in place.
Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Ste- Destiny – became a unifying force, sup- It hardly mattered which political party
ven Hahn would respectfully disagree. ported by merchants looking for new held office in Washington – though it America had become a nation with-
Freedom has long been among the markets, slaveholders dreaming of new was mainly the GOP – because the re- out borders, Hahn asserts. Taking a
most elusive of our national goals, far possibilities in far-flung places like the sults barely differed. Following a brief page from William Appleman Williams
from triumphant, he argues in “A Nation Caribbean and small farmers seeking no moment of hope, newly freed Southern and previous revisionist historians,
Without Borders,” a massive and mas- more than a plot of land to till. slaves found themselves abandoned to Hahn speaks of an American imperi-
terly account of America’s political and their former oppressors in the name of alism based on economic rather than
economic transformation between 1830 The problem, Hahn says, is that the sectional reconciliation and economic physical domination. Unlike England,
and 1910. As to the first great American young United States lacked the capac- stability. In the trans-Mississippi West, for example, the United States didn’t
century, Hahn is certainly partial to the ity to govern and develop the land it which Hahn views as the key region of have to plant its flag – its troops and
acquired. The watershed moment, in this era, Native Americans were pushed administrators – in far-flung regions of
his view, was the Civil War. Without aside to make way for the settlers, rail- the world. All it needed, given its grow-
slighting the momentous changes roads, gold miners and extractive indus- ing commercial dominance, was a lev-
(and missed chances) generated by tries that fueled the industrial revolu- el playing field, or “open door,” backed
the conflict in terms of slavery, free- tion. Hahn rightfully spends a lot of time by a navy to keep the sea lanes open
dom and Reconstruction, Hahn opens on Indian removal, viewing it as a criti- and an occasional acquisition (Hawaii,
a wider lens. Before the war, the Unit- cal element in the drive for an empire the Philippines) or intervention (Cuba,
ed States was an agrarian nation with a stretching physically to the West Coast Mexico) to ensure its superiority.
weak central government and political and commercially to the great Pacific
power dispersed among the states and trade routes beyond. Hahn describes his book as telling “a
localities. Its ruling elites had come familiar story in an unfamiliar way.” It
from the merchant and slaveholding In Washington, meanwhile, massive is much more than that. Attempting a
classes. There was no national cur- lobbying efforts backed by naked cor- synthesis of a century’s worth of Amer-
rency, no central bank, no transcon- ruption led Congress to turn over more ican history is a daunting task. Writing
tinental railroad, no firm connection than 100 million acres of public land to one as provocative and learned, if at
between the political and economic private railroad, coal and iron interests. times predictable, as this one is a tri-
sectors that we take for granted today. A new class of cattle barons emerged, umph, nothing less. 
powered by open-range grazing policies
The war changed all that. To recruit that allowed them to feed their herds on A NATION WITHOUT BORDERS
and supply an enormous army, Presi- the way to slaughterhouses hundreds THE UNITED STATES AND ITS WORLD IN AN AGE
dent Abraham Lincoln, along with Con- of miles away. The “money question” –
gress and the federal courts, assumed whether the nation should embrace a OF CIVIL WARS, 1830-1910
unprecedented authority, including the national currency backed by hard specie BY STEVEN HAHN
power to suppress dissent. Huge gov- like gold, the favorite of powerful lend- Viking. 596 pp. $35
ernment contracts were awarded to
Review by David Oshinsky,
The Washington Post

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