56 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Hormones can hurt seniors’
appetites... and here’s YY
BY MARIA CANFIELD “Many older people also
Correspondent have a decreased sense
Loss of appetite is a common of smell and taste; food
problem in elderly adults, and it can
have serious consequences, includ- simply doesn’t taste
ing unintentional weight loss and
undernutrition. Many chalk it up as as good, and there’s
a normal part of aging, but a study
from the United Kingdom concludes less desire to eat.”
increased production of a hormone
called peptide YY may be to blame. – Dr. Haake
Indian River Medical Center’s Fe- its cause is not limited to hormone
lice Haake, DO, a diplomate of the production levels. According to Dr.
American Board of Obesity Medicine Haake, there can be physical causes
and a member of the Obesity Medi- such as congestive heart failure, dia-
cal Association (OMA), says that the betes, gastrointestinal complaints
role of peptide YY in appetite is a and COPD (or the medications taken
well-studied area, with strong evi- for those and other disorders). Emo-
dence of a significant link. tional factors such as depression and
grief can also play a role. Dr. Haake
If challenged to name a human says “many older people also have a
hormone, peptide YY is likely not the decreased sense of smell and taste;
first to come to mind – but we have food simply doesn’t taste as good,
all felt its effects. Produced by cells and there’s less desire to eat.”
in the small intestine, it is released
after eating and tells our brain that If you – or someone you care about
we are full. – is having a problem with reduced
appetite, here are some tips that may
Researchers from Plymouth Uni- help:
versity in the United Kingdom en-
rolled 31 healthy adults in their Eat small meals throughout the
study, six of whom were over the age day – 4 or 5 is optimal. Try to include
of 80. Participants fasted for several protein in every meal.
hours before eating a meal that con-
tained around 660 calories. The re- To keep from feeling full early,
searchers then measured their lev- avoid liquids with meals, or take
els of peptide YY over a three-hour only small sips.
period, and found that those aged
80 or over demonstrated a higher Eat your favorite foods any time
production of the hormone than did of the day. For example, if you like
the younger participants. The older breakfast foods, eat them for dinner.
adults also reported reduced hunger
and found the food less pleasant to Liquid dietary supplements can
eat. The results were published in be an important tool to encourage
the journal Appetite. appetite. Brands include Carnation
Instant Breakfast, Boost and Ensure.
Previous research suggested so- You should drink these between
called “anorexia of aging” – a term meals, not as a meal replacement.
for this loss of appetite – may be
caused by a reduced production of Be as physically active as you
ghrelin, a hormone called the “ap- can. Sometimes, taking a short walk
petite increaser.” Produced by the an hour or so before meals can help
stomach, it signals hunger to the you feel hungry.
brain. The Plymouth University
study did not bear that out; there Try varying the texture of the
was no difference in levels of ghre- foods you eat.
lin between the younger and older
adults. However, Vero’s Dr. Haake Socialization can spark the de-
says that larger studies have sug- sire to eat. Eat at least some of your
gested that a lowered level of ghrelin meals with family or friends.
may be one cause for loss of appetite
in older adults. Dr. Haake recommends keeping
a food log as a way of making sure
Anorexia of aging is estimated to enough calories and protein are be-
affect up to 20 percent of seniors and ing consumed. For those who are
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 57
Dr. Felice Haake. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE technologically adventurous, she
likes the free app “MyFitnessPal”;
it’s available for both iPhone and An-
droid smartphones. A pen and paper
method will also work fine; just be
sure to track everything you eat and
(as close as you can) its associated
calories, protein carbohydrates and
fats. “The very act of logging what
you eat will make you more con-
scious of getting the right amount of
protein-rich foods,” Dr. Haake says.
Anorexia of aging can have a sig-
nificant negative impact on the qual-
ity of life of seniors, as well increase
the risk of illness. It’s important that
those suffering from the condition
are evaluated by their doctor, and
that an individual care plan be de-
veloped to guarantee the intake of
adequate amounts of food. Says Dr.
Haake: “There may be something
that can be changed, like a medica-
tion. Or there could be a condition,
like diabetes, that needs to be better
controlled.” She says in some cases
the involvement of a dietician is
Dr. Haake is a Family Practitioner
and Medical Bariatrician affiliated
with the Indian River Medical Center.
Her office is located at 880 37th Place,
Suite 105 in Vero Beach; the office
phone is 772-562-9707.
Announces his move to a new location
Now located at
1040 37th Place Suite 201 Vero Beach, FL 32960
For information and appointments
Please call 772-492-7051
Serving our community with 20 years of care
and combined 36 years experience
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58 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
New cholesterol drugs: Promising but (very) pricey
Staff Writer
Two new cholesterol-busting drugs been lots of patients who have had ad- agrees. It points out that while statins Dr. Alan Rosenbaum. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
are now on the market, but they both verse reactions from statins.” “have been shown to prevent repeat
come with drawbacks. heart attacks in people who have al- ready had one, and first heart attacks
The Harvard Medical School in a wide range of at-risk individuals,”
More than 75 million Americans there is a smaller subset of patients for
– roughly one-third of the country’s
adult population – have a low-density
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol prob-
lem. They have too much of it, accord-
ing to the Centers for Disease Control.
For the past 30 years, doctors have
successfully treated the vast majority
of these patients using a class of drugs
called “statins.” Some of the most fa-
miliar names on that list are Lipitor,
Pravachol, Crestor and Zocor. But
now there’s a new class of LDL-reduc-
ing drugs on the market that offer an
alternative to statins.
Dr. Alan Rosenbaum, an adult car-
diovascular disease specialist at the
Indian River Medical Center, says,
“There’s been very good response
clinically with proven lower car-
diovascular events with patients on
statins long term, but there have also
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 59
“There’s been very good nal of the American Medical Associa- reach cholesterol treatment goals but cancelled-out its hoped-for benefits.
response clinically tion this November showed patients their high prices – and a lack of data That said, there is no denying that
with proven lower using PCSK9-inhibitors achieved “the so far on the cardiovascular outcomes
lowest average level [of LDL] in a major – raise questions about their cost-ef- PCSK9-inhibitors show great promise.
cardiovascular events trial,” only 968 patients participated. fectiveness.” Anyone who has been unable to
with patients on statins And, the study was funded by Repatha
long term, but there have manufacturer Amgen. Moreover, HealthImpactNews.com lower their LDL cholesterol levels with
also been lots of patients reports, “a study published in the New statins, diet and exercise and who has
who have had adverse At the very least Rosenbaum calls England Journal of Medicine in April the means to pay upwards of $14,000
reactions from statins.” that study’s sample size “way too shows that Praluent causes higher in- a year for monthly injections of these
small,” and adds, “We need 10,000 or cidence of many of the same side ef- new drugs should consult his or her
– Dr. Rosenbaum 20,000 [patients in] large, multi-center fects as statins.” cardiovascular specialist for more in-
trials” to get a more accurate picture. formation.
Pfizer canceled its own PCSK9-
The National Institute for Health inhibitor program in October when Dr. Alan Rosenbaum is with the In-
and Care Excellence concurs. “PC- a clinical trial involving 27,000 pa- dian River Medical Center. His office is
SK9-inhibitors,” it says, “have been tients showed that many had devel- in the new Health and Wellness build-
clinically proven to help more patients oped antibodies to the drug, which ing at 3450 11th Court, Suite 102. The
phone number is 772-778-8687.
whom statins “don’t lower [LDL] cho-
lesterol enough,” and that “some peo-
ple can’t take a statin because of side
effects like muscle pain, liver damage
or the development of diabetes.”
Rosenbaum says that between 10
percent and 30 percent of patients
taking statins may experience some
of those side effects, while Harvard
takes the middle ground, putting that
figure at 20 percent.
About 15 months ago, Rosenbaum
and his colleagues were given another
option for treating high levels of LDL
when the Food and Drug Adminis-
tration approved two new, injectable
cholesterol-busting drugs known as
The pharmaceutical giant Amgen’s
drug “Repatha” and another drug
called “Praluent” both target a spe-
cific protein inside the liver – propro-
tein convertase subtilisin kexin 9, or
Knocking out this protein, accord-
ing to researchers at Harvard, can
“dramatically reduce the amount of
harmful LDL cholesterol circulating
in the bloodstream. Lower LDL trans-
lates into healthier arteries and fewer
heart attacks, strokes and other prob-
lems related to cholesterol-clogged
However, the Wall Street Journal
points out both Repatha and Pralu-
ent carry a price tag of about $14,000
a year.
By comparison, an annual supply of
generic statins costs about $140 – or 1
percent of the cost of the new drugs.
Not surprisingly, as the Tampa Bay
Times reported this November, al-
most all health insurance companies
are refusing to pay for the new drugs.
While Rosenbaum calls the PCSK9-
inhibitors “an ingenious discovery,”
he, too, appears at least a little cau-
tious about fully embracing them.
While a study published in the Jour-
60 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
IRMC adding heightened security and customer service
BY TOM LLOYD Todd Schwanke. know the hospital,” and, presumably, from the streets,” compounding the se-
Staff Writer many of the patients as well as visitors curity problems faced by hospitals.
The emphasis, according to Schwan- to the Vero Beach facility.
Starting next Monday, visitors to the ke, “will be on customer service,” and So, perhaps an ounce of prevention –
Indian River Medical Center will be he points out that his team of ambassa- While it might seem somewhat in the form of enhanced customer ser-
greeted with what the hospital hopes dors is largely made up of familiar faces. counterintuitive to link customer ser- vice projects and visitor badging – will
will be an upgrade in customer service “I would say 90 percent of my staff has vice to security, there does appear to be be worth more than a pound of cure.
as well as enhanced in-house security. been hired from within, so they already a strong link between the two.
The going rate for this particu-
The Vero hospital’s new initiatives Security Magazine, a trade publica- lar ounce of prevention is roughly
will include “service ambassadors” tion for both cyber and physical-plant $300,000, which is what Schwanke esti-
stationed in the main lobby as well as security professionals, points out in mates these new programs will cost the
at the entrances to both the emergency its October 2016 issue that “between hospital annually.
department and the patient pavilion, illnesses, family tension and medical
and, for the first time since August 2013, bills, hospitals are already harbors for Meanwhile, back to the badges. Ac-
a “visitor badging” program will be put stress, and nothing escalates a stressful cording to Schwanke, “The badges
into use. situation into a dangerous one faster we’ll be handing out to visitors will be
and more unnecessarily than poor cus- heat sensitive and time sensitive. After
Todd Schwanke, the newly designat- tomer service.” a period of 24 hours [the badge] will
ed Security and Service Ambassador fade and will actually say ‘Stop.’ That
Manager, says after supplying a photo Moreover, the New York Times re- will alert not only our employees but
ID – or posing for a quick webcam pic- ported earlier this year that since 2012, also our security” about how long the
ture – visitors will be issued a high-tech “healthcare institutions have reported visitor has been in the hospital.
paper badge while the ambassadors a 40 percent increase in violent crimes
assist with directions and even maps with more than 10,000 incidents na- The “soft opening” for the new ser-
showing the way to visitors’ desired tionwide.” vice ambassador and badging program
destinations within the hospital, in- is slated for Dec. 5, and by the next day
cluding patient rooms, the medical re- The International Association for Schwanke expects both to be fully op-
cords department and doctors’ offices Healthcare Security and Safety adds erational. He adds that the hours at the
both in and outside the building. that gang activity, illicit drug dealing main lobby entrance will boosted by
and domestic disputes involving hos- two hours each day going from 7 a.m.
pital personnel do sometimes “spill in to 7 p.m., to the new 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 67
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 69
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70 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 71
Howdy, pard! Bonz meets Max’s best bud Uber
Hi Dog Buddies! lotsa snakes out there.” Uber and Max. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
“Woof!” I exclaimed. “I guess I pic-
This week I yapped with a real, Honest- nose-bumped, ran all over the place. serious, scary stuff. Well, Bonz, I
to-Snoopy ranch dog, Uber Richter. He was tured a ranch dog as, sorta, well, I mean Chased geckos!We share our food and water did every pooch thing I could think of to
in town visiting his Best Friend in the World, not so … er … ” dishes, nap together. We go out on the lanai help her, mostly just being right there with
Max Shepherd, whom I had previously met. every morning and hang out. Sometimes her. She’s much better now. I think that was
Uber and Max had been BFFs out in Colo- “Small, right? I git that lot. I may not Auntie Gail chases me around the house. probly the most important thing I ever did,
rado for 7 people years, ever since Uber was be big, son, but I got Guts! And Heart! That’s a-hoop-and-a-holler. And yesterday, ya know?”
a fluffball puppy. Then Max hadda move to Plus, ah’m Big-Boned. Mom and Dad Max took me to the ocean. I’d never set
Florida. And they hadn’t seen each other in had a friend with a Doxie like me and eyes on it before. Dog that is one big dish “I do know,” I told him sincerely, thinking
2 whole people years. And THEN, Uber and just fell in love with the breed. So they o’ water. I’ve been swimmin’ before, but about my own Mom. Then it was time to go.
his Mom and Dad came to visit Max and his ordered one! And got ME! Straight THAT water stayed put. THIS water chased
Mom and Dad, Gail and Dan, for Thanksgiv- from the Lone Star State! Take about me! No woof! Those little ol’ birds were fun “I could listen to your stories all day,
ing, and they hadda re-YOON-yun. yer luck! I loved ranch life right away. though. And I met this nice little Havanese.” Uber! Thanks so much! Have a pawsome
My favorite thing back at the ranch Thanksgiving! Take it easy, Max,” I added.
Uber was right there at the door for the was the Cat Round-Up.” “Sounds like you travel a lot.”
Wag-and-Sniff, friendly as anything. “How- “Bet yer boots! I got this super tricked- Heading home, I was smiling, picturing
dy! You must be The Bonz! Max told me all “Beg pardon?” out stroller. I go where Mom and Dad go. If I Uber and the nightly Cat Round-Up.
about ya! Proud to make yer acquaintance! “There wuz a whole mob o’ cats can’t go, they don’t go. We’ve been all over the
Come’on in. Auntie Gail’s in the kitchen. This on the ranch: Minnie and Whiskers, West: the Grand Canyon, the national parks, Till next time,
here’s my Mom and Dad, Margie and David.” Mazzie and Scooter, they were hard Santa Fe, Sedona. Vegas is one of my favor-
workin’ ranch cats, kept the critters ites. I mean (all due respect), have you SEEN The Bonz
Then he hollered, “Hey, Max! Git yore away. Yessir, every night, 10 p.m. the legs on those showdogs! The Wynn, Cae-
fluffy caboose on out here. The Bonz is here!” sharp, I’d round up all them cats, herd ‘em sars Palace, the Bellagio, it’s real dog friendly Don’t Be Shy
into the garage, where they slept. They got out there. Me and Mom love gamblin’, cuz
Uber’s a Mini-Wirehaired Dachshund: used to it. They’d start wanderin’ in around I’m one lucky dog! I specially enjoy black- We are always looking for pets
black, nice long sniffer, a beard, a kinda wild 9:30 and sit in a row just lookin’ at me. Then, jack, know all the dealers and pit bosses. with interesting stories.
topknot, and fluffy eyebrows! He says they at 10, it was Cat Round-Up! Good times. “We sure do have a heap o’ fun, but,” he
remind his Mom and Dad of Andy Rooney, a “Since ah’m a hound an all, when I catch paused, “there was this time when Mom To set up an interview, email
human who usta talk on TV, and had bushy a good scent I just, pretty much, GO! Once got cancer, and went through some real [email protected].
eyebrows. (I Googled.) He also shared that me an Dad were on this looong ranch road
his Mom had once dyed his topknot purple. when I caught a scent, and off I went, fol-
lowin’ the ol’ sniffer, about 160 yards into
As we were getting settled, Max strolled the sagebrush. Turned out to be this de-
in. He nose-bumped Uber and turned to ceased critter. Dog, Dad was impressed. But
me. “Good to see you again, young fella,” he he hadda watch me real close cuz, once us
said, then stretched out on the floor. hounds pick up a scent, we git to concentra-
tin’ and can git in Big Trouble.”
Did I mention, Max is a cat. “I’ll bet! How did you and Max meet?”
“Back atcha, Max. You’re lookin’ good!” “My folks and his folks were friends in Col-
I replied. “So Uber, tell me about yourself. orado so we met when I was just a young’n.
Where are you from, originally?” Max is a good bit older’n me, and he kinda
“Well, my ancestors were from Germany, took me under his paw. We hit it off right
but ah’m a Texas native. Mom and Dad had away. He taught me a lot. But now we live in
a ranch in Colorado and they were thinkin’ New Mexico, so I’m indoors a lot more, no
about getting’ a big ol’ dog who could han- wide-open spaces, no cats to herd.”
dle ranch life, ‘specially all the critters you “Bummer,” I sympathized. “So what was
run into.” it like, you and Max seeing each other after
“Er, what kinda critters?” 14 (dog) years?”
“Well, there’s the cows, of course. And the “It was like we’d never been apart. We
horses. Then ya got yer coyotes, yer bears,
yer mountain lions. And the snakes, yep,
78 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
rooms are carpeted and feature ceil- The master bath is spacious and
ing fans and white plantation shut- fabulous, with pink/beige marble
ters, as does the guest bath. floors and countertop, split sinks, wa-
ter closet, elegant cabinetry, a mirror
The wonderful master suite was ex- wall, white molding and a white bead-
panded in 2009 with the addition of a board ceiling with recessed lighting.
master bath, lavish walk-in closet and The shower is a striking stand-out, all
outdoor storage. A beautiful tropical classic glass block; and the vast, cus-
wood floor grounds the master bed- tom walk-in closet boasts four walls
room, which is open on the north side of closet space and a nice, big storage
to the enclosed porch, providing a drawer island.
view of the water – an agreeable start
to anyone’s day. Another smart design detail is the
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 79
narrow row of dark brown tile an- IntegrIty - ServIce - ProfeSSIonalISm - reSultS
nouncing the slight step-down into
the Florida Room/enclosed porch, “The Trusted Name in Real Estate Since 1949”
which extends across the rear of the
home. This space is perfect for relax- NEW
ing at either end of the day – with a LISTING
mug of coffee or a glass of vino – and
steps away. Roll-out awnings offer Custom built country estate on 36 acres. High Exquisite custom riverfront 2007. 5/5.5. Fine Exceptional riverfront built 2007. 3/4.5, 3 car
storm protection here. One end of end luxury appointments. Over 3,700 SqFt. millwork. Elevator. 4+ garage. Generator. Dock.
the porch has been enclosed with garage, heated saltwater pool. IPE dock.
double French doors, creating an of- $1,800,000 (#177666) $3,895,000 (#167165) $2,450,000 (#175387)
fice space which opens into the mas- Alex MacWilliam IV 772-473-6972 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395
ter bedroom. This area could easily Barbara Parent 772-633-3027
serve a variety of purposes to suit
any owners’ tastes – study, library, RIOMAR BAY II MOORINGS – The Anchor VERO BEACH ESTATES
exercise room. Fabulous double Lot. 240’ on the water. With Outstanding, picture perfect, waterfront pool Central beach, 1st time on market!
Traditional 4000 SF. Guest cottage.
The pool deck/patio, yard and dock direct access to intracoastal. 3/3.5/den. home on .59 acre. Dock with boat lift.
provide all sorts of activity and en- 2,380,000 (#176989) $1,850,000 (#176903) $1,195,000 (#177511)
tertainment possibilities. The invit- Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388
ing, free-form pool was resurfaced Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 Patty Valdes 772-473-8810
and retiled in 2012. Here the grassy
landscape features several varieties RIOMAR RIVERSIDE PARK OLD SAVANNAH
of palm. Rows of low evergreens lead Elegant beach house. Nothing quite like it! Tantalizing Central Beach pool home. Newly Immaculate 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 bath pool home.
toward the deep water seawall. remodeled kitchen. Wonderful outdoor Fireplace. Generator, shutters, 3 car garage. Gated Comm.
Great for entertaining.
There is an inviting fire pit and a $1,749,000 (#177208) $689,000 (#177298) $549,000 (177068)
wonderful summer kitchen/cabana, Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 Patty Valdes 772-473-8810 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395
VITAL STATISTICS 2901 Ocean Drive Vero Beach, FL 32963 • 772-231-6509 • www.alexmacwilliam.com
2066 WINDWARD WAY 4755 South Harbor Drive Vero Beach, FL 32967 • 772-907-6028 • www.grandharborproperties.com
Neighborhood: The Moorings
Year Built: 1972, extensively
upgraded 2009
Lot size: 110’ waterfront X 162’
Home size: 2,701
Construction: single-story, CBS
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2.5
Additional features: Vaulted/
cathedral ceilings; custom
closets; ceiling fans; recessed
lighting throughout; window
treatments included; awnings;
built-in BBQ; irrigation sprin-
kler; deep water boat dock
with lift; cement tile roof 2004;
granted beach access; 2-car
garage; city water and sewer
Listing agency: The Moorings
Realty Sales Company
Listing agent: Teri McConnell,
Listing price: $1,350,000
80 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
with gas grill, bar, fridge and tile ities. And, with outdoor lighting, events
countertops; also a handy enclosed under the night sky will be magical.
shower, utility shed and a special
storage room, outfitted to neatly con- Moorings residents have access to
tain all sorts of fishing gear and other The Moorings Yacht & Country Club,
water-related equipment. featuring Pete Dye’s signature course,
Jim Fazio’s Hawk’s Nest champion-
The original dock has been replaced ship course, nine tennis courts, fit-
with virtually indestructible Trex ness center, spa, yacht club and sev-
composite and was further strength- eral dining venues. And it’s only a few
ened this year. It offers a kayak ramp minutes to Vero’s charming beach-
and room to dock two boats, a 6,000 side village, with its shops and res-
lb. lift, electric and water hook-ups, taurants. Nearby is Riverside Park,
and a fish-cleaning table. What more home to the renowned Riverside The-
could a boater or fisherperson ask? atre (Equity) and the prestigious Vero
Beach Museum of Art, as well as a va-
With its open design and breezy in- riety of events and festivals through-
side-to-outside flow, this waterfront resi- out the year.
dence has broad entertainment possibil-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 81
Homeowners’ tax breaks
unlikely to be extended
BY KENNETH R. HARNEY Recession, 3.6 million owners nation-
wide remained underwater as of mid-
Washington Post year: Their home values were less than
their mortgage balances, according to
Could it be a grim and grinchy De- the analytics firm CoreLogic.
cember for thousands of homeowners
facing ongoing challenges with their David Berenbaum, chief executive
mortgage payments and property val- of the Homeownership Preservation
ues? Could popular deductions for Foundation, a nonprofit that helps
mortgage insurance premiums and financially challenged owners work
energy-efficient home improvements out their mortgage problems, told me
abruptly vanish? that his group is expecting 300,000
“hotline” calls for help from troubled
That’s the way things are shaping up owners in 2017, and that fully one-
in the closing weeks of the post-election quarter of them are underwater. In
lame duck congressional session. Re- Maryland, Illinois and New Jersey, 40
publicans controlling the tax-writing percent of owners requesting help re-
committees in the House and Senate main underwater, he said.
say they have no plans to extend expir-
ing tax-code provisions such as mort- In a letter to Sen. Johnny Isakson
gage-debt forgiveness for financially (R-Ga.), a member of the tax-writing
troubled owners, mortgage-insurance Finance Committee, Berenbaum said
write-offs used by moderate-income that “failure to extend the mortgage
first-time buyers and deductions for debt forgiveness tax provisions will
purchases of energy-saving windows, reduce the options available to these
insulation and other improvements. distressed homeowners” and have “a
chilling effect on short sales.”
All three benefits terminate Dec. 31.
Unlike previous years, when Congress Congress’ failure to extend the
extended them, this year is different. deduction for mortgage insurance
There is strong sentiment, especially premiums would be another blow to
in the House, that a comprehensive homeowners.
overhaul and simplification of the tax
code should be the priority, rather than Under current rules, married own-
piecemeal, end-of-the-year extensions ers filing jointly with adjusted gross
of special-interest provisions that com- incomes no higher than $100,000
plicate that objective. ($50,000 for single filers) can write off
premiums they pay on their loans. On
The failure to pass what are called incomes up to $109,000 ($54,500 filing
“extenders” would be especially pain- singly), they can deduct lesser amounts
ful for large numbers of underwater using a phase-down schedule.
owners who are unable to complete
short sales, loan modifications or fore- In a letter to the Republican and
closures before the year’s end. Many of Democratic leaders in both houses
them could face crushing tax demands last week, three major trade groups –
from the IRS – or be forced to declare the Mortgage Bankers Association, the
insolvency or file for bankruptcy. National Association of Home Build-
ers and the National Association of
Under the federal tax code, when Realtors – called for retention of the
a creditor cancels a taxpayer’s debt, current deduction, along with mort-
the IRS treats the amount forgiven gage debt forgiveness. On a $200,000
as income, taxable at ordinary rates. home, they said, moderate-income
But in 2007, as foreclosures and short buyers are now able to deduct between
sales began to explode across the $600 and $1,000 using this provision –
country, Congress enacted a tempo- money that is often important to their
rary exemption for homeowners who family budgets.
received cancellations of mortgage
debt as part of their loan-modifica- Energy savings through home im-
tion deals with lenders. That excep- provements are also on the chopping
tion has been extended periodically block. Currently, owners can write off
by Congress ever since. expenses on insulation, high-perfor-
mance windows, hot water heaters and
Over the years, it has provided cru- the like with a $500 lifetime cap. Come
cial relief to thousands of owners, Jan. 1, they won’t.
many of whom fell behind on their
loans because of job losses and medi- Bottom line: The outlook is dim for
cal bills. And although the total vol- all three of these popular tax benefits.
ume of short sales and foreclosures has Although December legislative mir-
declined since the height of the Great acles happen, the odds this year are
long. Don’t bank on them for 2017.
82 Vero Beach 32963 / December 1, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Right place, right time for Miracle Mile Hampton Inn
BY RAY MCNULTY Developer Keith Kite. The Kite Team of Coldwell Banker
Staff Writer Commercial.
Local developer Keith Kite remem- “I’m not sure why November was
bers when he first mentioned building so good, but we’ve seen an increase
a hotel at the Miracle Mile intersec- of around 20 percent over last year’s
tion of Sixth Avenue and 20th Place – bookings, and we have a very strong
on the site of the old Rita’s Italian Ice. booking into April,” he added. “So I’m
very pleased with the hotel’s perfor-
People didn’t believe it was possible. mance.”
“They didn’t think you could build
a hotel there,” Kite recalled, “and In fact, the Hilton-affiliated Hamp-
make it fit.” ton got off to a noticeably better start
Kite, though, has done more than than Kite’s Marriott-affiliated Spring
build a 90-room Hampton Inn & Hill Suites on Indian River Boulevard,
Suites on the 2.7-acre parcel on the across from Grand Harbor.
south side of one of Vero Beach’s busi-
est shopping and dining areas. He “With the Hampton, we hit the
has filled a gaping void. right time with the economy,” said
Since the Hampton opened its doors Kite, who is managing partner of the
in April 2015, guests have flocked to 83-room Spring Hill Suites, which
the hotel in greater numbers than Kite opened in 2009. “With the Marriott
expected, and he predicts business property, we opened slowly because
will be even better this winter. the economy slowed, but we’ve been
“Our October bookings were doing well the last two years.”
helped by the hurricane, because of
the evacuation of the island, and I’ve The Hampton, he said, has won a
been pleasantly surprised by Novem- Hilton award for its strong start, but
ber’s numbers,” said Kite, the hotel’s he’s not at all surprised the hotel is
developer and managing partner of doing well – because of its close prox-
imity to downtown Vero Beach and
both the bridges to the barrier island.
“It’s also right there at Miracle Mile