Virgin Trains operating losses
top $200 million. P10
Lagoon Council
awards $1 million. P12
Moore moves rapidly to fill
key school admin positions. P11
Court cases from last For breaking news visit
year’s sex trafficking
sting drag on slowly Cleveland Clinic
gains a star in
BY RAY MCNULTY federal ratings
Staff Writer
Adapted from a slide shown by Andreas Duvay of his vision for Centennial Place. BY MICHELLE GENZ
One year after more than Staff Writer
160 men were arrested in In- Centennial Place: No word yet on how much this
dian River County during a might cost, or where the money would come from The latest hospital ratings
highly publicized but legally from the Center for Medicare
troubling sex trafficking sting, BY NICOLE RODRIGUEZ residents, two key questions mate for the build-out of the and Medicaid Services are out
the fate of most of those cases Staff Writer remain unanswered. spectacular concept he pre- and local hospitals did not shine
rests with Florida’s Fourth Dis- sented to the city a couple of in the one-to-five-star ratings.
trict Court of Appeal, which As plans to transform Vero’s How much is a riverfront weeks ago that would bring
will determine whether law defunct power plant and ag- entertainment hub likely shops, restaurants, docks, a The hospital with the noisi-
enforcement videos recorded ing sewage treatment plant to cost? And where will the boathouse and a hotel to the est rooms at night? Lawnwood
at two local massage spas may at the base of the Alma Lee money come from to imple- 35-acre site along with other Regional Medical Center. Slow-
be used as evidence. Loy Bridge into a vibrant ment the vision? features. Estimates for how est response to call buttons?
Centennial Place wow local Sebastian River Medical Cen-
The slow-moving appeals Miami-based designer An- CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 ter. Best odds of getting a sec-
process also has placed on dres Duany has no cost esti- ond CT scan you didn’t need?
hold a federal class-action Indian River Cleveland Clinic
lawsuit filed against the city Hospital. Consistently clean
of Vero Beach by a Fort Pierce- bathrooms? None of the above.
based attorney who claims the
way police conducted video So goes the info now up on
the Hospital Compare Star
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Rating website – but the data
High-stakes battle for CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
2 School Board seats
Home-health nurses
BY FEDERICO MARTINEZ accused of theft from
Staff Writer elderly remain free
The battle over two School BY LISA ZAHNER
Board seats up for grabs this Staff Writer
year is shaping up as a high-
stakes fight between two rival No real progress has been
political factions that could made since prosecutors plead-
determine control of the board ed in court two months ago
and the very soul of the Indian to speed up the trial of two
River County School District. home-health nurses accused
of stealing more than a half-
The board is currently ruled million dollars from an el-
by a 3-2 voting block consist- derly John’s Island couple, so
ing of Board Chairman Laura a jury can hear the case while
February 13, 2020 Volume 13, Issue 7 Newsstand Price $1.00 G’day for gourmands
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Sex trafficking sting when he filed the lawsuit in May – have been “subjected to public humil- ished in the aftermath of this opera-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 nine days after County Judges David iation by incessantly published pho- tion and enjoyed the publicity.”
Morgan and Nicole Menz both ruled tographs and references in the press
surveillance violated spa customers’ the videos were inadmissible in court and media” and “suffered emotional While Florida law places limits on
Fourth Amendment right to privacy. – but he said Monday he now has as upset, depression, loss of self-esteem how much governmental agencies are
many as 12. and other damages as a result of this liable for in civil damages – $200,000
“The federal court has stayed the unlawful, unconstitutional conduct” per person, $300,000 per incident –
proceeding, pending the Fourth Dis- He expects more to join the lawsuit by the police. Jefferson said there is no cap in civil
trict’s ruling on the videos,” said island after the appeals court rules and the rights cases.
resident Brad Jefferson, the attorney class is certified. The photos of the accused were post-
representing the plaintiffs. “Until the ed for months in rogues galleries on TC- “The city has insurance,” he said.
stay is lifted, I’m not allowed to move “I’m not sure how many plaintiffs, the website of the local Gan- The city hired the Orlando-based
forward. As soon as that happens, we’ll end up with,” Jefferson said. nett newspaper. law firm of Dean, Ringers, Morgan &
though, we’ll file our request for certi- “More than 140 people experienced Lawton. William Lawton, a top civil
fication as a class with the judge.” some violation of their right to privacy. The suit also claims the police’s ac- litigation lawyer, is expected to serve
Once we get the class certified, we’ll tions “were taken without regard for as the lead attorney.
Jefferson had only one plaintiff represent all of them.” the risk of public defamation” of the Jefferson said he didn’t believe his
accused men, and that the police “rel- lawsuit would impact the criminal
In the lawsuit, the plaintiffs claim to cases or the appeal filed by the State
Attorney’s Office after Morgan and
Menz suppressed the police videos.
In fact, State Attorney Bruce Colton
said Monday the civil lawsuit had “no
effect” on his decision to pursue the
“I’m aware of the suit, but we’re not
a party to it and doesn’t impact what
we’re doing,” Colton said. “It’s a federal
question that will be answered in fed-
eral court.”
As for the appeal, Colton said at-
torneys for both the prosecution and
defense must file their briefs with the
Fourth District in West Palm Beach
this week. Then, the court will sched-
ule oral arguments.
Based on past cases, Colton said it
could take the appeals court three to
12 months to issue its opinion.
Thus far, 64 of the men arrested
in this county during the prostitu-
tion sting have accepted the State
Attorney’s Office’s offer to enter a
diversion program that, when suc-
cessfully completed, results in the
misdemeanor solicitation charges
being dropped.
The diversion contract requires the
men to pay more than $700 in fees,
complete an online course on prosti-
tution and human trafficking aware-
ness, and undergo six months of pro-
bation-like supervision.
Defendants aren’t required to ad-
mit guilt, but they must enter a “no
contest” plea that prosecutors hold
in abeyance until all the conditions of
the deal are met.
Colton said 31 of the men have suc-
cessfully completed the program.
Vero Beach attorney Andy Metcalf,
who represented 35 of the accused
men, said about half of them took the
diversion deal, which, he points out,
wasn’t offered until July – after the lo-
cal judges tossed the spa videos and
put a serious dent in the state’s cases.
“I completely understand why some
of these guys took the diversion offer,”
Metcalf said. “But the clients I have
left are not going to quit, and I plan to
keep going, too.”
He said he has advised his clients
to delay taking civil action until the
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 3
appeals court rules on the videos. again but has privately indicated to tendent, David Moore, who took over Jones, a former district employee,
“I don’t blame these guys, because Republican leaders that she will seek school leadership in December. is popular with teachers who are an-
to retain her District 5 seat. gry with Zorc and other current board
they’re very upset, but I’ve told them Justice did not respond to calls seek- members who voted to reject pay rais-
that there’s plenty of time for that,” If she does run, she will have to fend ing comment. The deadline for filing es and insurance benefits sought by
Metcalf said, adding “there are a lot of off a strong challenge from former In- as a candidate is May 11. the teachers’ union last fall.
reasons people are mad – and a lot of dian River Shores Mayor Brian Bare-
it is because of that gratuitous press foot, who filed as a candidate Feb. 4. Neither Justice nor Barefoot partici- Many teachers and other school
conference after the arrests. pated in the Republican debate held staff have voiced support for Jones on
Barefoot has indicated he would Feb. 6 at the Grand Harbor Clubhouse. her Facebook page. Zorc said she is
“This thing has destroyed marriag- most likely align himself with the Zorc
es, cost people their jobs, ruined repu- block to back the new reform superin- Zorc has acknowledged that her CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
tations – it changed forever all of these battle with Jones will be difficult.
guys’ lives,” he continued. “Do you
do that to people for a second-degree
School Board
Zorc, Vice-Chairman Mara Schiff and
board member Jacqueline Rosario.
The three women have frequent-
ly thwarted the political efforts of
board members Tiffany Justice and
Teri Barenborg during the past year,
as when the pair supported former
school superintendent Mark Rendell
before he was ousted.
The balance of power could change
because Zorc is being challenged for
her District 3 seat by longtime edu-
cator Peggy Jones, who is politically
aligned with Justice and Barenborg.
The primary election will be held
Aug. 18. If there are only two candi-
dates vying for the same seat, who-
ever wins the primary wins the seat,
according to the Indian River County
Elections Office.
Zorc and Jones, who recently faced
off in a Feb. 6 political debate hosted
by the Republican Party of Indian
River County, both downplayed the
board division in comments to Vero
Beach 32963.
“I think overall we are working in
unison,” said Zorc. “You will never
agree 100 percent of the time but that
is sign of a healthy board because peo-
ple aren’t rubber-stamping everything
brought before us.”
Jones also vowed not to get caught
up in political agendas.
“When I get elected, I hope to as-
sist in clarifying the direction of the
board,” Jones said. “When I vote on
any item, it will always come back to
one major thought – how is this help-
ing our students, our teachers and our
schools? It will not be based on any
type of political split.”
But Jones and Zorc have a history
of politically butting heads. Most no-
tably, Zorc was an outspoken critic of
Rendell, who resigned under pressure
last May. Jones, a former neighbor of
Rendell, was a strong supporter of the
former superintendent.
Adding to the intrigue of this year’s
board election, Justice is also up for
re-election. She has not filed to run
4 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
School Board dent’s academic growth comes down Hospital ratings ownership by Cleveland Clinic Florida.
to one major component – the teacher The surveys showed more patients
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 in the classroom. We must value our CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
teachers and all employees because it were disappointed in every measure
trying to mend those fences. takes every one of us to ensure a safe the ratings are based on is not particu- as compared to the national average,
“What I am working on currently for and enriched learning environment. larly current. It comes from at best a with significant drops in their opinion
year ago, and at worst, five years ago. of the cleanliness of their rooms – 15
our teachers is to find additional fund- “I filed because I wish to serve this percent lower than the national aver-
ing to increase teacher pay across the wonderful community. The one thing That means the effects of Cleveland age. Lawnwood was even worse, at 18
district,” Zorc said. “Gov. (Ron) DeSan- I promise is I will work hard every day Clinic management on the former In- percent lower than the national aver-
tis has vowed to make Florida one of for our students, teachers, schools and dian River Medical Center weren’t fac- age. Sebastian River scored 11 per-
the highest teacher-pay states in the community.” tored into most of its scores. At Sebas- centage points lower than the average
country. As a local leader, I have been tian River, on the other hand, much of nationwide.
supporting his efforts. Zorc said her first term largely has the data its scores were based on was
been spent fighting Rendell’s maladmin- accumulated on the watch of its lat- Asked whether their rooms were “al-
“In the meantime, we need to find a istration and trying to stabilize a district est owner, Steward Health, which took ways” quiet at night, 13 percent fewer
way to fill in the funding gap.” whose finances were in shambles. She’d over in May 2017. patients at Indian River answered
like another term to focus on addressing “yes” when compared to the national
The board is facing several chal- the needs of students and teachers. In the overall star rating, Indian Riv- average. Sebastian fared better in that
lenges in the next couple of years, in er gained one star and now has three measure, while Lawnwood was worse.
addition to teacher pay, including a “When I got on the board, I entered out of a possible five. Steward’s Sebas-
shrinking general fund and imple- a very toxic environment that was cre- tian River stayed the same with two As for Sebastian River Medical Cen-
menting changes to improve equity in ated through the man in charge,” Zorc stars; Lawnwood earned only one star ter, the patient surveys were taken for
the district as mandated by a 52-year- said. “He had an elitist leadership style out of five, the same rating as last year. the first time entirely on the watch of
old federal desegregation order. that trickled down throughout the en- Steward Health. Patients who filled out
tire district. Safety and effectiveness of care re- the surveys were unsatisfied at a rate
During the candidate debate, Jones mained above the national average at higher than the national average in
emphasized her 20 years’ experience “Morale was at an all-time low. Now Cleveland Clinic Indian River. But pa- every measure, and in seven out of 10
as an educator. that we have the district on the right tient experience remained below av- measures, they were more displeased
path, I have initiatives/goals over the erage as measured by patient surveys, than patients at Cleveland Clinic.
“I have met with many organiza- next four years.” earning two stars out of five. Sebastian
tions and talked with many people,” River and Lawnwood fared even worse Along with noise and cleanliness,
Jones said. “My platform is based on Zorc said those goals include im- on the measure, both getting a single the measures had to do with how
what they have indicated are their proving academic success across the star. quickly they got help when they asked
concerns. I believe all employees will district for all students, advocating for it, how well their doctors and nurs-
feel supported because there will be for dual enrollment opportunities at At Indian River, those patient sur- es communicated with them, whether
clear direction that represents the ex- IRSC, and improving vocational, tech- veys were taken over the course of a they were given adequate information
pectations of the community. nical and certification programs of- year that included the first quarter of about their medication before taking
fered at the high schools.
“Most research indicates that a stu-
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 5
it, whether they understood the care March 30, 2019, said they would defi- said they would definitely recommend scans. Emergency room wait times were
they would need once they were dis- nitely recommend the hospital to oth- their hospitals to others. also better than the national average for
charged, and whether they would rec- ers; 57 percent of Lawnwood’s patients hospitals with very high ED volumes, of
ommend the hospital to others. said they would recommend the Fort On the plus side, timeliness of care which Indian River is one.
Pierce hospital; and 54 percent of Se- improved at Indian River over last year’s
At Indian River, some 69 percent of bastian River’s patients gave a thumbs below average rating, with a particularly Sebastian River had a problem with
patients who responded to the sur- up. Nationally, 72 percent of patients good score in the measure for stroke appropriately treating sepsis and sep-
veys taken from April 1, 2018, through patients quickly getting results of brain
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Hospital ratings teams are working collaboratively on Hospitals around the country have But McGee and Shepherd, both ar-
best practices” to bring the rate in line complained about methodology used rested in early 2018, remain free on
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 with low rates at Martin and Weston. to arrive at the one-to-five star quality- bond with lax release conditions as
of-care rating system, and a leader of they await trial on charges that could
tic shock, with a rate of only 42 percent, “We continuously measure and iden- the Hospital Association of America carry up to 60 years in prison.
as compared to 65 percent at Indian tify areas for potential improvement immediately issued a demand for CMS
River and 67 percent at Lawnwood. and work to implement solutions,” said to take down the latest ratings and wait The nurses are accused of stealing
Samples, adding that the lag in data re- for changes to methodology promised $543,000 from John’s Island residents
In terms of death rates, Indian River flected in the ratings means “many of last August. Alfred and Michelina “Aline” Martinel-
was the only local hospital that had our quality improvements over the past li, using the couple’s money and credit
rates worse than the national aver- year are not recognized here.” “We strongly believe that today’s . . . to pay for gambling junkets, stays at
age and in only one category: COPD, a ratings do not advance the goal of pro- the Plaza in Manhattan and other ho-
chronic lung disease. The data, which Psychiatric treatment components of viding the public with accurate, pur- tels, cruises, luxury items, jewelry and
tracked COPD deaths within 30 days hospitals are also measured on Hospi- poseful information about quality of clothing from Neiman Marcus and the
of hospitalization, was collected from tal Compare, and both Cleveland Clinic care,” said Tom Nickels, executive vice Ralph Lauren store, plastic surgery
July 1, 2015. through June 30, 2018, Indian River and Lawnwood have such president of the American Hospital As- procedures and even the rental of a
prior to the Cleveland Clinic takeover. centers. Of the two, only Cleveland sociation, in a statement. Rolls Royce Ghost.
Clinic Indian River’s Behavioral Health
Lawnwood had a worse-than-aver- Center had higher unplanned readmis- CMS hasn’t buckled, though, and in- Alfred Martinelli – retired CEO of
age readmission rate for patients with sion rates than the national average. tends to leave the star ratings in place. the Penn Central Corporation – died
COPD and a worse-than-average re- on Jan. 17, 2018, just shy of his 90th
admission rate overall. That includes readmission to any Nurses accused of exploitation birthday, leaving his 88-year-old wid-
hospital within 30 days of an inpatient CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ow Aline as the key witness against
Indian River also showed a very high stay there. That data comes from mid- Shepherd and McGee.
rate of duplicate CT scans of the abdo- 2016 to mid-2018. the 88-year-old victim in the alleged
men – 32.5 percent, nearly five times crime is still alive. Aline Martinelli, who court records
the national average, based on data Indian River also showed a very low say “resides in a nursing home and
from June 2017 to July 2018. Sebastian percentage of patients getting records Sophia Monae Shepherd (aka So- is disabled,” asserts that neither she
River’s rate of double scans in the same on discharge, as well as having records phia Brown) and Chiquita Lashae Mc- nor her late husband authorized the
period was 18.6 percent, down from forwarded to their doctors, both of their Gee have been charged with serious women’s extravagant expenditures.
30.5 percent in 2015-2016. Lawnwood’s treatment while hospitalized as well as felonies – exploitation of the elderly
rate of double scans was 4.9 percent. instructions on follow-up care. Indian for $50,000 or more, and scheme to On Aug. 22, Assistant State Attorney
River showed 6 percent and 7 percent re- defraud a financial institution. Lev Evans filed a motion asking Judge
Cleveland Clinic Florida spokesman spectively, as compared to 75 percent on Dan Vaughn to put the women’s cases
Scott Samples noted the data timeframe both measures at Lawnwood’s psychiat- on a fast track to trial in early 2020 un-
for double scans and said that “regional ric center, called Lawnwood Pavilion. der a provision in Florida Statutes that
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 7
allows the court to expedite cases in- ducted separately, the lawyers said it pool – would be built adjacent to the The money for infrastructure im-
volving elderly victims. made sense to collaborate on deposi- power plant building. provements could be covered by some
tions and other trial preparation. of the proceeds from the electric util-
When that motion was finally heard “Duany is known for some very, very ity sale in 2018, Falls said. The city has
on Dec. 4, Vaughn said he would rule Indian River Shores Public Safety of- wonderful projects, but they’re usually more than $20 million remaining in
in writing on the scheduling matter ficers investigated the case, but Chief very, very expensive projects and my the bank from the $183.3 million deal
within a few days, but Evans said he’s Rich Rosell said he had no comment at concern all along has been, how will with Florida Power & Light.
seen no such order. this time on the delayed prosecution. the project be cost feasible?” County
Commissioner Tim Zorc said. “It’s great Duany will recommend to the coun-
He plans to ask Vaughn again next Centennial Place to have a wonderful plan, but if it’s not cil that county taxpayers also shoulder
week to impose an expedited trial CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 financially feasible, that’s a concern.” some of the potential maintenance
schedule on the defense attorneys. and other infrastructure costs.
much revenue leasing or selling parts The city is hoping to decide on a fi-
Since the December hearings, no of the property to developers would nal plan in early May. “The site needs to be jointly paid
new notices scheduling depositions bring have not yet been calculated, ei- for by the county and the city,” said
of potential witnesses have been filed ther, Duany added. The plan so far is for the city to pay Duany, who expects the site to be
by the defense. for infrastructure upgrades at and used heavily by county residents.
“It’s much too early,” he said. near the property and either lease or
McGee’s attorney, Assistant Pub- Duany’s concept includes three res- sell portions of the land to a develop- County Administrator Jason Brown
lic Defender Dorothy Naumann, told taurants; a waterfront boardwalk and er, or multiple developers, who would said city officials have not formally asked
Vaughn she has been prioritizing walking paths throughout the property, build the project in return for revenue the county about chipping in to fund the
cases involving defendants who were which would contain a small lake;Youth from selling or leasing space to shops, project, but he is not fond of the idea.
incarcerated. Naumann, part of the Sailing Foundation headquarters; boat restaurants and other users.
defense team for convicted killer Mi- docks; wedding chapel; beach volley- “The city needs to fund and main-
chael David Jones, had been on Mc- ball courts, skateboard park and play- If the project is done right, taxpayers tain city infrastructure,” Brown said.
Gee’s case for months but at the De- ground area; and small retail buildings. would likely only pay for infrastructure
cember hearing said she had just met The former power plant would be improvements, such as stormwater “It seems that the city has this desire
her client. Naumann suggested that converted into a landmark conference upgrades and maintenance of recre- to continue trying to charge county resi-
she could possibly be ready to go to center that would contain a great hall ational space at the site. dents for city services for city infrastruc-
trial in August or September. with meeting rooms, as well as a bar ture,” Brown added.“I believe that’s a pa-
and rooftop dining. A 140-room hotel That design, along with financial rochial view of providing services. I don’t
Shepherd is being represented – with lagoon views and a swimming details, will then go to voters in No- believe the city should think of county
by private defense attorney Robert vember, who will have the power to residents as outsiders who are just milk-
Stone, who was more amenable than approve or reject the project. ing the city’s services. County residents
Naumann to getting the case on track contribute to the city’s economy.”
for trial this spring – possibly in April Vero officials want to ensure any
or May. Though the trials will be con- development won’t drain city coffers, City officials have not considered a
City Manager Monte Falls said.
8 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Centennial Place If the City Council doesn’t waver in “The politics have to be solved at the “Right now, we’re still in the process of
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 its decision and sends a clear message level of the council,” Duany said. what the public wants to be built there.”
it wants the land developed, Duany
special taxing district for nearby prop- plans to recruit the best of the best “Once we get a decision on what is go- Selling off the former postal annex
erty owners or developer incentives among development companies to ing to be the final plan for the property, site – which is also part of the rede-
such as tax breaks, they said. create and manage the commercial then we’ll look at best implementing velopment area but lacks a waterfront
spaces voters choose to have, he said. that plan and what would be the alterna- view – to, say, popular grocer Trader
tives we have to choose from,” Falls said. Joe’s could net the city $1 million to $2
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 9
million for upkeep of recreational ar- leasing most of the land would gener- The Youth Sailing Foundation, for its 100-year building and then operate it
eas of the project, Duany said. ate the most revenue. part, is hoping to lease property on the and also have funds available in es-
site to build a permanent headquar- crow to maintain it,” Keiller said. “So,
Leasing some areas, such as the There is also a scenario where the city ters, the foundation’s Executive Direc- we would be turning over a major
Youth Sailing Foundation headquar- could sell part of the land is to a hotelier tor Stu Keiller said. piece of recreational infrastructure to
ters and restaurant space, could cover who would build a hotel and commit to the city and agreeing to operate it and
maintenance costs and make financial covering the costs to convert Big Blue “Our proposal is to build a $2.5 mil- maintain it.”
sense, Duany said, adding he believes into a conference center, Duany said. lion world-class sailing center with a
10 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Virgin Trains operating losses top $200 million
BY GEORGE ANDREASSI company and is now projected for late 75 percent in its second year of opera- lion passengers per year, the report
Staff Writer 2022. tion and revenues were up by 25 per- says.
cent, the report says.
Virgin Trains USA racked up operat- Critics argue Virgin Trains’ viability VTUSA hopes to extend service to
ing losses of more than $200 million remains in question because of the ButVirgin Trains’ performance lagged Tampa, with tracks running alongside
in its first two years running passen- passenger rail service’s difficulty cov- well below projections made in a Nov. state highways.
ger service in South Florida, with 2019 ering operating expenses on top of the 30, 2017, bond offering, when the com-
ticket revenue falling far short of pro- costs of repaying $2.7 billion in bonds pany predicted ridership would reach Vero Beach, Fort Pierce, Stuart and
jections. financing the Orlando expansion. 2.3 million in 2019 and revenue would Cocoa are also vying for train stations,
hit $62 million. but the potential costs and how they
Virgin Trains lost $80.9 million on “Their passenger revenue has been would be divided have not yet been
existing operations from Jan. 1 through poor, and they have not met projections,” The company does not undertake determined.
Sept. 30, 2019, at the same time as the said Indian River Shores Vice Mayor Bob to update or revise its forward-looking
company undertook construction of Auwaerter, a retired financial analyst.“But statements even if it becomes clear “If they could get the taxpayers to
new high-speed railroad tracks linking the real story here is how this railroad is they will not be realized, says VTUSA’s chip in, that would make their day,”
South Florida and Orlando Interna- not making any money operationally, let Dec. 31, 2019, Monthly Revenue and said Indian River County Commis-
tional Airport. alone paying for interest. Ridership report. sioner Tim Zorc. “I think they have to
look for creative ways of paying for this
If the bleeding continued at the same “They’re not even making enough VTUSA expects to eventually attract infrastructure because of their burn
pace through Dec. 31, 2019,VTUSA’s op- money on their operations to service 2 million passengers per year by build- rate of cash.”
erating loss for the year would amount their debt right now,” Auwaerter said. ing new stations in 2020 at Port Miami,
to $107.8 million, reports show. The “When you have a company financed the world’s busiest cruise port, as well “I don’t know how you stem that
company lost $109 million on opera- mostly with debt, they have to have as the cities of Aventura and Boca Ra- big of a hole,” Zorc said about Virgin
tions in 2018. positive operating cash flow in order to ton, the report says. Trains’ operating losses. “It’s like it’s
service that debt, to pay initially the in- the Titanic and it’s leaking cash flow.”
VTUSA plans to run 34 passenger terest and, down the line, pay the prin- Government grants and contribu-
trains per day through Indian River cipal.” tions would cover $90 million of the Virgin Trains USA never represented
County at speeds up to 110 mph when $120 million cost for the three stations, its project to investors as a sure thing.
service begins between Orlando and In a yearend revenue and ridership the report says. The company’s Nov. 16, 2018, prelimi-
South Florida. report, Virgin Trains boasted carrying nary prospectus for an initial public
1 million passengers in 2019 and tak- Virgin Trains anticipates establish- offering of common stock, which was
The start date for that service has ing in $22.1 million in revenue. ing a station at Disney World shortly halted in February 2019, listed 30 risks
been moved back repeatedly by the after starting service to Orlando and that could derail the passenger rail
VTUSA increased ridership by about quickly attracting an additional 1 mil- system.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 11
Moore moves rapidly to fill key school admin positions
BY FEDERICO MARTINEZ day-to-day operations of school prin- contract with the union. The contract The other three new positions will
cipals, “something we currently don’t requires that vacancies which provide be posted, and applications accepted,
Staff Writer have,” Moore said. an opportunity for promotion must be Moore said.
posted and the union notified of the
Superintendent David Moore is Up to now, principal oversight was positions, she added. Board Vice-Chairwoman Mara
moving rapidly to remedy problems supposed to be handled by the curricu- Schiff and board member Teri Baren-
he found when he arrived at the In- lum and instruction department. But Moore told the board he did not be- borg supported Moore’s reorganiza-
dian River County School District in that department is overburdened and lieve his actions violated its contract tion plan. But they made it clear that
December. can’t adequately respond to the needs with teachers because the two admin- they weren’t happy that the two jobs
and concerns of principals, Moore said. istrative positions in question are new weren’t posted before they were filled.
The pace of change has stirred up and not subject to the same promo-
opposition, but the School Board is “Our principals need support, tion requirements. “I don’t believe this is going to be-
backing Moore. immediate support,” Moore said.
“There’s a lack of consistency. We need CONTINUED ON PAGE 12
Despite some misgivings, the board consistency and accountability of
last month unanimously approved the what’s happening in our school build-
superintendent’s reorganization plan, ings daily.”
which creates five new positions and
brings major changes to the district’s Overall, Moore’s reorganization in-
troubled human resources department. cludes the creation of five new posi-
tions, including an assistant superin-
“I realize that we are moving at a more tendent of curriculum and instruction,
accelerated pace than originally planned,” and an executive assistant to that new
Moore told the board on Jan. 28. “But we administrator.
have a level of unhappiness within the
district and a trust that needs to be estab- Other new positions include an as-
lished with the community. sistant superintendent of strategic
planning and support services, a data
“One of the things that alarmed me analyst and project manager, and an ex-
when I first arrived is the high level of ecutive assistant in the public informa-
frustration in HR and how it operates tion office, who will be responsible for
and functions. We need to overhaul and handing public information requests.
recreate systems in the department.”
For the deputy superintendent po-
To that end, Moore has created and sition, Moore hired Scott Bass, who
filled a new deputy superintendent served as superintendent of Glades
position to oversee the HR depart- County School District for the past
ment, which he said has been plagued four years. Bass recently applied for
by “small town politics.” the Indian River County District su-
perintendent position, which was giv-
Problems in the department festered en to Moore.
under the leadership of previous super-
intendent Mark Rendell and became Richard Myhre, who currently serves
glaringly apparent in December when a as executive director of the Florida De-
new assistant superintendent of human partment of Education, was Moore’s
resources and administration, Benja- pick for assistant superintendent of
min Osypian, resigned in frustration, curriculum and instruction.
after less than three months on the job.
The teachers union and some board
Osypian was hired last fall by Inter- members objected to Moore hiring the
im Superintendent Susan Moxley to two men without posting the jobs or
reform the HR department but found considering other candidates.
entrenched problems he was not able
to deal with. Liz Cannon, the president of the
district’s teachers union, said Moore’s
Under Moore’s plan, the new deputy actions are a violation of the district’s
superintendent will also oversee the
12 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Lagoon Council awards $1 million to 10 restoration projects
BY SUE COCKING Founded in 2015 as a special district ties, universities, cities and nonprofits ed to get about $74,000 for a communi-
Staff Writer in Florida, the influential panel of rep- – already had obtained matching funds ty-based habitat restoration project that
resentatives from five counties, two to go with money awarded by the coun- will convert mosquito impoundments
The Indian River Lagoon Council water management districts, and the cil or were waiting to receive them. along the lagoon into fish nurseries. The
met last week in Sebastian to dole out Florida Department of Environmental impoundments will be managed to al-
$1 million for projects aimed at clean- Protection received 31 proposals for The Indian River County utilities de- low juvenile snook and tarpon to swim
ing up and restoring the ailing Indian partial funding for projects designed partment was approved for more than in and out, mixing with adult popula-
River. Among the 10 grant recipients to improve habitat and water quality $200,000 toward a $5.8 million septic-to- tions and improving fish stocks.
were the Indian River Land Trust, Indi- and employ new science and innova- sewer conversion for some 200 parcels
an River County Department of Utility tion to tackle lagoon problems. along the St. Sebastian River intended to The Kashi Church Foundation of Se-
Services and Harbor Branch. keep sewage out of the lagoon. bastian is expected to get about $90,000
Many of the proposals – from coun- toward a $300,000 project to abandon
The Indian River Land Trust is expect- 12 septic tanks on its 80-acre property
and hook up 16 facilities to the county
sewer system.
Harbor Branch Oceanographic In-
stitute will get $94,000 for a research
study to test for the prevalence of mi-
crocystin – a toxin from blue-green
algae that can cause liver failure in
people – in lagoon waters from Jensen
Beach to the St. Lucie Estuary.
School admin positions filled
come a regular practice with you,”
Barenborg told Moore. “It cannot be-
come a common practice with me.”
Schiff also expressed concern that
Moore’s reorganizational plan in-
cluded the elimination of the district’s
equity department. She reminded
Moore that the board is committed to
working with the NAACP to comply
with a 52-year-old federal desegrega-
tion order that requires the district to
address equity issues.
Moore said improving equity is not
going to be the responsibility of a single
small department but rather an ongoing
district-wide responsibility. He recently
announced that all administrators and
departments will be evaluated monthly
on their efforts to improve equity and
those results will be shared publicly.
“I don’t want to create silos” where
departments are working in isolation,
Moore explained. “I’m asking the board
and community for their trust. These
changes need to be made immediately,
in order to move the needle forward.”
NAACP President Tony Brown said he
initially had some concerns about the
changes, but after speaking to Moore is
taking a “wait and see” approach.
“Let’s give the man a chance and see
how the plan unfolds,” Brown said.
The district will pay for the new
positions by eliminating five existing
jobs, including several administrative
assistant positions and a groundskee-
per position that have been vacant in
some cases for years, Moore said.
He said the change will save the dis-
trict a total of $76,450.
Maureen Bauchman,
Kate Freeman and
Sharon Baumgardt
14 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society gala: ‘Red’ all about it!
Pam Payne with Jason and Beth Scheibel. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Dr. Hugh and Ann Marie McCrystal with Tom Segura. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
Ralph Turner with Drs. Kathy and Jim Grichnik.
Maria Segura and Jane Segura. Dick and Sally Daley with Michele and Dr. Charles Mackett. Dr. Raul Storey and Erika Albertini.
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Dr. Cary and Patrice Stowe with Susan and Ben Bailey. over 90 percent. But for the families
Staff Writer of those 10 percent, it is not good
cause of people like you. Let’s fight lost her husband Richard and their enough.”
Donors saw red last Monday eve- cancer in this room here tonight. Your 5-year-old son John to leukemia,
ning as they gathered to support the donations will save lives by fund- was honored for her selfless philan- Noting that Post is among the first
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society at the ing the development of treatments to thropic endeavors. to support a $100 million initiative
annual Paint the Town Red gala at the fight blood cancers.” toward changing that statistic forev-
Quail Valley River Club. “She gives to a diverse number er, Scheibel said, “Thank you, Helen,
Event chair Beth Scheibel, diag- of causes, but her focus has always for your continued generosity over
Splashes of red in feathered center- nosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in been health-related charities. She, the years. It is because of people like
pieces highlighted the purpose of the 2016, said that without LLS advance- like many in this room, have been you that a cure for cancer will be a
elegant affair – that someone is diag- ments, “I would not be here tonight. touched and hurt by loss due to reality in the near future.”
nosed with blood cancer every three Most of the new advances over the blood cancer,” said Scheibel.
minutes in the U.S. It is the mission past year have been directly fund- Tom Segura, whose strength and
of LLS “to cure leukemia, lymphoma, ed by the LLS, and because of these “Helen has made a commitment to determination in fighting multiple
Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and breakthroughs, thousands of patients advance treatments for children di- myeloma is an inspiration to others,
improve the quality of life of patients have been given life back and hope for agnosed with leukemia. In the past was named this year’s Honored War-
and their families.” the future.” 70 years, the chances for survival rior.
for a child diagnosed with leuke-
The Gypsy Lane Band kept things Honorary Chair Helen Post, who mia have risen from 4 percent to just Jane Segura, his youngest daugh-
lively as guests perused auction items ter, gave an emotional recollection
over cocktails before settling down for of her father’s battle with the dis-
a gourmet dinner and later a live auc- ease, which began shortly after his
tion presided over by John Moore. retirement from Merrill Lynch.
“What would the war on cancer look “When someone is diagnosed with
like if the LLS did not exist?” asked cancer, their entire family is diag-
Luke Webb, a leukemia survivor and nosed. That’s the cruel truth about
chair of the Vero Beach LLS advisory cancer,” said Jane Segura. “All of our
council. perspectives are forever changed
when we hear someone is diagnosed.
Webb said that through the $1.3 Cancer changed my dad, but it also
billion donated to cancer research, changed everyone in our family. We
the LLS has helped advance 46 of were all diagnosed, and we all had to
the 53 therapies approved by the fight. Now we can tell you that the
FDA since 2017. fight is worth it.”
“That has only been possible be- For more information, visit
16 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 Dr. Jonathan and Lauren Braue with Dr. William McGarry. Rafael Ospina with Kim and Kevin English.
Helen Post with Allan and Barbara Bixby.
Sara Chandler, Sue Scully and Julie Webb. Chuck and Marybeth Cunningham with Kathy and Tino Arizpe. Joseph and Amanda Robinson with Carolyn Riordan and Taylor Boaks.
Peter and Mary Moor. Kevin and Heather Brown.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 17
Pansy the Poodle hosts reception at Windsor Town Hall
Coo and Jamie Murray. Betsy Horn and Peg Gibson. Margaret Carr-Harris and Kim Franco. Maria Whittle and Roxanne Leighton.
BY MARY SCHENKEL Karen Richardson with Pixi, Dr. Angela Cail and Cynthia Bardes with Pansy. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE mals, which they frequently use to
treat post-surgical wounds such as
Staff Writer brain, spine and nasal cavities in or- it will provide them with options and from bites from other animals, or
der to deliver a definitive diagnosis. realistic expectations.” fractures.
When Pansy, the globe-trotting
star of the Pansy the Poodle chil- “It’s not always what the owner The hospital also has a hyperbaric In addition to diagnostics, Cail said
dren’s book series, became seriously wants to hear,” said Cail, “but at least chamber made specifically for ani- their endoscopy machine is frequent-
ill with pancreatitis, she traveled to ly used to retrieve foreign objects from
the Treasure Coast Animal Emer- pets’ stomachs.
gency and Specialty Hospital on
66th Avenue in Vero Beach, where “This is such a nice tool to have, be-
founder/owner Dr. Angela Cail and cause even though it’s under anesthe-
her staff tended to her ills with plen- sia, it’s non-surgical,” said Cail.
ty of TLC.
She shared that her own dog has
The experience was such a good had it done because “he eats every-
one that Windsor resident Cynthia thing. This is like a lifesaver for pets
Bardes, Pansy’s mother and the that eat things.”
books’ author, invited her pet-loving
neighbors to meet Cail at a reception Future goals include obtaining
at the Windsor Town Hall. such additional equipment as a CT
scanner and, because there is not
“It’s something everyone in Vero one in the entire state of Florida, cre-
should know about; it’s fabulous. ating a local blood bank facility.
I was very impressed with every-
thing,” said Bardes.
She added that at one point, miss-
ing her little pup, she made a sur-
prise visit and found a tech cradling
the dog in her arms.
“They love what they’re doing;
we’re so lucky.”
They offer fully staffed 24-hour
emergency care, including emergen-
cy surgical and internal medical ser-
vices, as well as digital radiology, an
in-house lab, ultrasound, endoscopy,
and some advanced diagnostic and
treatment tools.
Cail stressed that their services are
meant to augment treatments pro-
vided by family veterinarians, noting
“we work very, very closely with our
local vets; we’re all very good col-
With three full-time, two part-
time and two to three relief doctors,
plus anywhere from eight to 10 full-
time technicians, Cail said, “we al-
ways have a doctor and technicians
on staff every single day of the year,
every hour of the year. We don’t get
called in; we’re there.”
The hospital has an MRI for pets,
which they primarily use to examine
18 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Haiti Partners’ ‘Stories of Gratitude’: Tributes to class acts
BY MARY SCHENKEL Dale and Betty Jacobs. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE ated and her mother committed sui- know and it really doesn’t matter how
Staff Writer cide, but from eighth grade through much you have. It matters who you
“Each month as a board, we reflect high school, Slamans was given the are.”
In a country where 50 percent of on this noble work being done. Haiti’s gift of a quality education at the Milton
school-aged children do not attend children, as all children, don’t have a Hershey School, a boarding school for Slamans said Haiti could be labeled
school, the Haiti Partners Children’s say in how they come into this world, orphaned and underprivileged chil- as an island with mountains of de-
Academy and its partner schools are a when they come into this world and dren, which now boasts a $13 billion spair; violence, poverty, political strife
wonderful anomaly, currently provid- in what manner,” said Slamans. endowment. She would later become and illiteracy.
ing 1,200 children with a quality edu- “When I was 13 years old, I was given its curriculum supervisor for Social &
cation. a gift so profound I knew that when I Emotional Learning, and she and hus- “But at the Children’s Academy,
received it, I would never, ever be able band Andy were full-time house par- which I feel is one of the wonders of the
“We’re really blessed to have this to repay it.” ents there for 14 years. world, these mountains are conquered
family of supporters,” said John Engle, and overcome daily,” said Slamans,
director of Haiti Partners, at the recent As a child, her father was incarcer- Slamans said that Hershey, who only adding that parents and teachers alike
Stories of Gratitude Luncheon at the had a fourth-grade education, also are invested in its innovative education
Quail Valley River Club, which was gave the greatest gift a child can re- and collaborative community model.
generously underwritten by Elke Fet- ceive – an acknowledgement that they
terolf. “We’re really grateful.” matter. “It’s really counter-culture to any-
thing that Haiti has ever known,” said
Engle said the Vero Beach-based “I thank all of you and the Engle fam- Slamans of families who are discover-
nonprofit, founded just over 10 years ily for this unwavering belief in lifelong ing relationship skills, gender equal-
ago, now has hubs of support around education and your dedication to the ity, respect, empathy, cooperation and
the world. world’s most vulnerable children,” said hard work. “My favorite part of all of
Slamans. this is safety, joy and laughter are com-
“So thank you to all of you who are ing from some of the poorest and least
making this possible. Thanks to sup- “What mattered most to Milton Her- educated people on earth.”
port, thanks to incredible engagement, shey was the formation of our charac-
great things are happening,” said En- ter. He knew that a strong character On March 12, Haiti Partners will
gle, before introducing guest speaker foundation could break the cycle of hold its Educate and Celebrate fund-
Deanna Slamans, author, educator poverty. Because at the end of the day, raiser at the Grand Harbor Club.
and board member. it really doesn’t matter how much you
For more information, visit haitipart-
Now open Sunday 11 to 3
2207 7th Avenue, Miracle Mile West Plaza
(772) 778-8919 •
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 19
Maddie Higgins, Cynthia Callander and Gail Rodgers. Merline and John Engle with Deanna Slamans. Janie Gould with Paul Janensch and Susan Grandpierre.
Sandy and Robi Robinson with Gail Prauss. Adam Bolinger, Jean Cravens and DJ Cabrera. Roz Allen, Deborah Downs and Helena Pierson.
Elke Fetterolf, Patti Carlson, Cindy London and Barbara Petrillo.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
G’day for gourmands at Hibiscus’ ‘Taste of Australia’
Staff Writer
More than 200 guests were wined Robin and Brenda Lloyd. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE lent-auction items geographically ing to improve the lives of abused,
and dined during the recent Hibis- arranged in Perth, Melbourne and abandoned and neglected children
cus Children’s Center’s Wine & Dine have a brighter future.” the Great Barrier Reef. and teens.
Taste of Australia at the Grand Har- Guests were greeted with a friend-
bor Club to benefit the Vero Beach- Koalas, kangaroos and crocodiles At the Vero Beach facility, more
based Hibiscus Village. Happily, ly “G’day mate!” as Outback Aussie- were on hand, lending an authen- than 1,000 youth, ages 13 through
there was no jet leg involved during attired attendants welcomed them tic flare, and tables were adorned 17, have received the medical, edu-
this culinary adventure, which took to take a ‘walkabout’ through si- with Aboriginal prints painstak- cational and mental health coun-
gourmands on a trip Down Under, ingly matched to floating candles. seling needed to move beyond their
pairing the flavors of Australia’s And Charter High School students trauma. In addition to providing a
dishes with its wines. performed throughout the evening, long-term residence in the 40-bed
adding light music to the ambiance. group home environment, Hibiscus
“The Hibiscus Indian River Guild offers career preparation and train-
has planned another terrific event Guests ate their way from one de- ing, including culinary and graphic
tonight,” said Matt Markley, Hibis- licious station to the next in a pro- design, and other life skills training.
cus CEO. “It’s a wonderful evening gressive tasting of Australian fare
featuring great food and wine, but such as beef- and pork-wrapped “We appreciate your renewed
most importantly, our supporters pastries with vegemite, an Aussie commitment to Hibiscus Children’s
come together to help ensure the favorite made famous by the Men at Center,” said Markley. “Because of
youth are receiving the critical ser- Work song “Down Under.” your generosity, if a child is removed
vices they need to succeed – men- from their home tonight because of
tal health counseling, medical and Also on the menu: a tasty barra- abuse or neglect and there’s no fam-
dental, educational and GED ser- mundi fillet [Asian sea bass], roast- ily member or friend to step forward
vices and career planning. Hibis- ed Peri-Peri quail, Australian lamb to take them in, they will come to
cus is grateful to our volunteers and chops and a red berry pavlova for Hibiscus, and they will always have
supporters for helping our youth those with a sweet tooth – all paired a home. Hibiscus never closes. Our
with wines meant to enhance the unofficial motto is every child, ev-
flavors of each authentic offering. ery day for a better tomorrow.”
Event proceeds support the mis- For information, visit hibiscus-
sion of Hibiscus, which is celebrat-
ing its 35th anniversary of help-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 21
Raquel Tilton, Marina Lockwood, Marilda Maxwell and Camila Bau.
Wivi-Anne Weber, Roni Fuster and Mackie Duch. Linda and Mike Levine.
Armund and Marie Ek. Sylvester and Lori Clarke.
Matt and Karen Markley with Linda and Mel Teetz.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 Tim and Mitz Pfeifer with Bill Fitch.
Pam Huber with Mike and Jan Harrell.
Henriette Churney and Carole Casey. Larry and Diane Wilhelm. Lucas Acosta and Christopher Liddell. George and Elke Fetterolf.
Susan and Bob Kintner, Janet and Bob Andes, Kathy and Michael Connolly.
Established 18 Years in Indian River County
(772) 562-2288 |
3920 US Hwy 1, Vero Beach FL 32960
24 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Love Your Lagoon: Eco-conscious efforts paying off
Staff Writer
More than 150 Indian River Lagoon John Cusick and Lucinda Gedeon. John Hilton, Eleanor Sexton, Alma Lee Loy and Charlotte Terry. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
advocates gathered for the ninth annu-
al Love Your Lagoon fundraiser at the creases, so do factors that adversely af- scientists, practitioners and agencies lagoon established as an estuary of na-
Oak Harbor Club last Friday evening fect its health, including urbanization, to discuss issues specific to the lagoon. tional significance; the Harbor Branch
to benefit the Harbor Branch Oceano- freshwater releases, contamination, Oceanographic Institute Principal In-
graphic Institute Foundation. water quality, loss of habitat and a de- Gov. Ron DeSantis joined an impres- vestigators; and former Senate Pres.
cline of fisheries. sive group of past honorees as the 2020 Joe Negron, for passing legislation to
The heart of life on the Treasure Leadership and Achievement Award protect the lagoon.
Coast, the lagoon is one of the most Proceeds from the evening sup- recipient. Past recipients include the
biodiverse estuaries in the Northern port the Graduate Research Fellow late environmentalists Nathaniel Reed Jason Andreotta, district director of
Hemisphere, encompassing 40 per- program and the annual Indian River and Alto “Bud” Adams Jr.; Vero’s first the Southeast District of the Florida
cent of Florida’s east coast and home to Lagoon Symposium, which generates lady, Alma Lee Loy; Florida Oceano- Department of Environmental Protec-
more than 4,300 species of plants and awareness and funding for research graphic Society executive director, tion, accepted the award on behalf of
animals. of critical issues facing this essential Mark Perry; Mary Rice, Ph.D., who DeSantis.
waterway. The multidisciplinary sym- first cataloged all lagoon species; Di-
“Our very first event was launched posium annually draws more than 600 ane Barile, who advocated to get the “Just 48 hours after being sworn into
in 2012 in response to the major and office, Gov. DeSantis signed executive
unprecedented harmful algal bloom
in the Indian River Lagoon,” said Katha
Kissman HBOIF president/CEO. “The
board at the time wanted to find a way
to raise funds to heighten awareness
about what was happening with the
Indian River Lagoon.”
The lagoon also has economic rami-
fications, generating more than $7.6
billion per year. As the population in-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 25
Cyndi Permenter, Katha Kissman and Debbie Dutton. Laurent and Texa Cherubin with Amanda Nickeson and Matt Ajemian. PHOTOS & STORY CONTINUED ON PAGES 26 & 27
Valerie Paul with Diane Barile and Barbara Arthur.
George and Marie Frazza with Stephanie and Jeff Pickering. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Wayne and Linda Phillips. Earl Simpson and Susan Hofstetter.
Christina and Steve Burton with Colette Dooley and Greg O’Corry-Crowe.
26 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 25 Jim Sullivan, Tim Moore and Malcolm McFarland. Peter McCarthy and Hunter Hines.
Lyn Adams and Katha Kissman with Jon and Marg Putzke.
Ed Lippisch and Jacqui Thurlow-Lippisch with Karen and Gary Goforth.
Rene Miller-Xavier, Matthew Quinan, Erin Shilling, Kirstie Tandberg and Nick Francis.
February 15-16, 2020 l 10:00AM - 4:00PM
Catered Lunch Available l $2 Admission
2526 17th Avenue, Vero Beach, FL 32960
Sponsored By Bougainvillea Circle Garden Club of IRC
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 27
order 1912, which set forth ambitious Andreotta noted that as a champion “Ladies and gentlemen, the list goes tonight to accept this award,” said An-
environmental goals,” he said. “Top of the protection of natural resources on and on. I feel like every time I look dreotta.
among them is the historic $2.5 billion and water quality in Florida, one of the around the governor is making an-
in Everglades Restoration funding and governor’s recent accomplishments other major announcement about the The 2020 Indian River Lagoon Sym-
in funding for water resources protec- was the state’s acquisition of 20,000 environment in our own backyard. I’m posium: Reassessing IRL Biodiversity
tion, including the Indian River La- acres of critical habitat in the Ever- very, very proud to work for Gov. Ron will be hosted at FAU Harbor Branch in
goon.” glades. DeSantis and it’s an honor to be here Fort Pierce, Feb. 13 and 14. For more in-
formation, visit
28 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Childcare Resources’ ‘Starfest’
honors stellar supporters
Barbara Morgan, Linda Lemmon, Madeline Long and Laura Guttridge. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
BY MARY SCHENKEL come academically ready for kinder-
Staff Writer
“We know that when children feel
“I appreciate all you stars being emotionally safe, they will become
here and supporting Childcare Re- socially ready, and then they’ll be pre-
sources,” said Suzi McCoy Schriner, pared to take on anything they need
co-chair with Janet Gefaell of the to academically thereafter,” said Bow-
Starfest Luncheon last Monday. A man, before introducing guest speak-
second luncheon was held Tuesday. er Becky Bailey, Ph.D., the creator of
Conscious Discipline.
Shannon McGuire Bowman,
Childcare Resources executive direc- “I travel all over the world; this
tor, thanked everyone and particu- is what I’ve done for 40 years,” said
larly recognized Sandy Kahle, Sherry Bailey, who visited the Childcare Re-
Waddell and Cathy Marshall, who sources School that morning. “In all
founded the nonprofit 25 years ago so my years, in all my travels, I’ve never
that more parents could afford high- seen anything close to what you’re do-
quality, early childhood education. ing.”
“Because of your investment and Remarking that we develop through
your support, Childcare Resources relationships, Bailey stressed that safe
is doing more today than we’ve ever relationships require that we self-reg-
done before,” she said. ulate.
Programming last year touched “When we feel calm, appreciated,
roughly 3,000 children through their valued, we are pretty helpful people,”
own school and at contracted cen- said Bailey. That is not the case when
ters, as well as through teachers’ Pro- we feel overwhelmed, underappreci-
fessional Development workshops, ated or undervalued. She said an in-
coaches and a Credentialing pro- dividual’s emotional state dictates not
gram. only their own behavior, but can also
affect the behavior of others, especial-
Bowman said they will soon ex- ly children.
pand the school by 2,500 square feet,
which will allow them to add 20 more With Conscious Discipline, she
students, adding “the demand for our said, “we’re working backwards. We
services is great. We have 249 chil- want to help ourselves and children
dren on our waiting list today.” learn to change their state first and
their behavior second.”
She noted that countywide, only
about 50 percent of children who To do so means regulating our emo-
showed up for kindergarten this year tions and physiology, so that we can
were ready, and that the ones who manage our behavior. Bailey said the
weren’t ready are unlikely to catch up. goal of Conscious Discipline, a brain-
based model, is to help teachers and
“What if focusing on young chil- adults expand their own windows of
dren, their parents and teachers of tolerance, so that they can then teach
young children could change the next that skill to children.
generation of children in our com-
munity? That’s why we’re doing ev- “Conscious Discipline gives chil-
erything that we’re doing at Childcare dren and adults the ability to set and
Resources,” said Bowman. achieve their goals, and when they
find themselves off track, they have a
Their belief is that teaching chil- path to come back to,” said Bailey.
dren to learn self-regulation skills,
so they can develop their social and For more information, visit child-
emotional skills at a young age, is just or consciousdisci-
as important as preparing them to be-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 29
Karla Spooner, Janet Gefaell and Suzi McCoy Shriner. Sally Spilman, Kathy Marshall and Judy Munn. Nancy Murphy, Betsy Douglass and Elke Fetterolf.
John O’Steen, John Hendricks and Donald Proctor. Cathy Curley, Patsy Howe and Joy Lambert. Pat Pritchard, Janet Tribus, Barbie Horton and Kacy Mitchell.
Becky Bailey and Shannon McGuire Bowman. Susan Donovan and Laura Willis. Matilde Sorensen and Sharon Baumgardt. Michelle Nicastro and Nora Michell.
30 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
On a high at Parlor Concert thanks to supreme soprano
Susan Neves (seated) with pianist Macri Simone. Roman and Joan Ortega-Cowan. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Dr. Robert and Marcia Loewinger.
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA which this afternoon concert took place president Joan Ortega-Cowan and ar- with shouts of “Brava! Brava!”
Staff Writer – the spacious, airy and light-filled great tistic director Roman Ortega-Cowan, While Neves sipped water, Simone
room of an exquisite private home on the diva and her accompanist, Venice-
The stunning voice of dramatic so- the island, graciously made available born Macri Simone, descended a curv- delighted the audience with an inter-
prano Susan Neves rose to the lofty- for this very special event. Three curved ing stone staircase. mezzo from “Cavalleria Rusticana.”
beamed ceiling and filled a spectacular rows of crisp white-clothed chairs were
‘concert hall’ before an intimate audi- set up on the pale marble floor before a Neves, who just recently returned Among the attendees was Neves’
ence of opera aficionados and support- magnificent ebony Bosendorfer grand from Teatro Lirico di Cagliari in Italy, husband, Ian Campbell, who sang as
ers of Vero Beach Opera at its annual piano occupying ‘center stage’ in front has a long association with the VBO, a tenor before transitioning to opera
Parlor Concert last Sunday. of an elegant stone fireplace. including a performance as Berta in management; for three decades serving
this season’s opening “The Barber of as general director and artistic director
Parlor scarcely describes the venue in Following introductions by VBO Seville.” Her repertoire, says her bi- of the San Diego Opera. Campbell will
ography, includes “some of the most be narrating the VBO’s Feb. 22 Best of
challenging roles written for soprano,” Broadway and Opera concert.
which she has performed in many of
the world’s most famous opera houses As VBO vice president Dr. Robert
including, of course, the Metropolitan Loewinger waited ‘in the wings’ with
Opera. two large bouquets of roses, delicious
plates of hors d’oeuvres were being
Although Neves shared that she had readied by the staff of Wild Thyme and
been battling a cold, she wasn’t holding champagne was poured.
back as she performed a program that
included works by Cilea, Tosti, Verdi When the glorious “Sound of Mu-
and some of the Broadway music she sic” favorite, “Climb Every Mountain,”
“grew up on” as a native New Yorker, by concluded the program, and the well-
Rodgers and Hammerstein. deserved standing ovation ended at
last, music-centric conversation filled
The program choices wonderful- the air, with Neves happily chatting
ly displayed her dramatic and vocal with good friends made over many
range, from giddy love in full bloom to years. Glasses were filled, refreshments
love lost, soaring joy to tragedy, Ado An- noshed and a wonderful afternoon of
nie to Mother Abbess, and the appre- opera drew to a close.
ciative audience frequently responded
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32 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Outlets’ all in on Rotary’s Craft Brew and Wingfest fun
Staff Writer
Sponsors and supporters of Sunrise Beth Hager, Guy Clifton, Marty Lewis and Lisa Fortunato. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 34 Juanita and Richard Baker.
Rotary Vero Beach got a taste of good
things to come at a VIP at VBO par- PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL IPA. Red Buoy Brewers featured a por-
ty last Friday evening at Vero Beach ter, an IPL and a blond ale; while the
Outlets. The Something is Brewing Rotarian.” by artisan brewers.” Boil Over Boys served up a blood or-
event was a precursor to the nonprof- “It’s an entirely volunteer event,” Friday’s small-batch brewers in- ange blond ale, Belgian triple, pump-
it’s main fundraiser, the ninth annu- kin saison and raspberry gose.
al Florida Craft Brew and Wingfest, said Kevin Rollin, chair of the plan- cluded State of Sunshine Brewing
taking place from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. ning committee, adding that they which, in addition to a honey bell Over on the food side, Counter
this Saturday, Feb. 15, at Royal Palm were expecting the largest crowd wheat and a grapefruit and blood Culture served up Italian grits with
Pointe. to date at the Saturday event. “The orange lager, offered a refreshing blackened shrimp and Girls Night
thing that makes this event unique is spiked seltzer with a hint of blueber- Out (a group of Rotary members and
Vero Beach Outlets, this year’s pre- nearly one-third of craft brews (Sat- ries. Treasure Coast Brewmasters friends) featured stout marinated
senting sponsor, offered its location urday) will come from home brewers featured an Ursprung Festbier, and meatballs. The Kitchen Belle, an in-
for the VIP party, setting up an enor- and brew pubs. Their brews are not Doggie Drool offered an IPA and a home caterer, served shrimp on grit
mous tent, at which tapas-style tast- commercial, not available in stores. kölsch. Fat Drum Brewing served up
ings from local restaurants were of- They’re rare and extraordinary brews a chocolate coconut stout and a fruity
fered on one side and home brewers
the other; with the Tom Jackson band
centered between them. Beth Hager,
VBO marketing director, said that
after being approached to become a
sponsor, “I went to a Rotary meeting
at Sunrise, and what a great group of
people. So, we became the presenting
sponsor and I ended up becoming a
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 33
cakes, and the Italian Grill dished up presented chicken parmesan rolls, Florida Craft Brew and Wingfest will music, chicken wing competitions
sausage and peppers. Varietals and and Carrabba’s Italian Grill served enable Sunrise Rotary to continue (and sale) and delicious craft brews
More catered to the oenophiles in the chicken Marsala bites and lobster providing funding to local charities (full glasses sold individually or
crowd, serving a selection of wines ravioli. Sweetening the deal, Sweet and $5,000 scholarships to deserving sample multiple brews with tasting
alongside cheeses and charcuterie. Kiss Ice Cream Shop had a selection students. bracelets).
Chelsea’s Gourmet offered pork rib of luscious homemade gelato.
lollypops over slaw, Hurricane Wings Admission is free to the Feb. 15 For more information visit www.
Proceeds from the VIP party and Brew and Wingfest, which includes
34 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 32 Nicki Maslin with Tony and Callie Schnur. Jason and Kelly Fykes with Stephanie and Carl DiLella.
Robin Pelensky, Pam O’Donnell, Bob McCabe and Sue Melton.
Darlene and Bill Halliday. Wylie and Cindi Green.
Amy Flinn and Amanda Flinn. Tracy Carroll and Judith Lennox.
36 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Fauna-loving folks make the (green) scene at Gardenfest
Chelsea King with Petra King and Mallorie Springer holding Archie. Emily McDonough and Barbara Sotos. Connie Derman with Margery Sparks and Elaine Straw.
Brittany Wood and Keko Ekonomou. Jan Ahearn and Svetlana Martell.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 37
Joan Creech with Mary Lou Pfeiffer and Faith LaBossiere. June Emens and Marie Nece. Sid and Christine Kirchheimer. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 38
Margaret and John Hutchins with Moose and Archie.
Gardenfest, hosted by the Garden Club of Indian River County, bloomed with possibilities
recently, despite some drizzly weather Saturday that at least the medley of flora soaked
up happily. Fortunately, Sunday dawned with bright sunshine, bringing festgoers out in
droves. The weekend gardeners’ extravaganza provided attendees with a wide variety of
plants, flowers, orchids, trees, pottery, furniture and garden art. Now in its 19th year, the
annual event supports the nonprofit’s mission to protect and conserve native plants and
natural resources, provide scholarships and enable club members to continue their civic
beautification projects. Next up, is the Feb. 15-16 Antique Show hosted by the Bougainvil-
lea Circle at the Garden Club. For information, visit
38 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 37 Jerry and Jacqueline Carlon with Denise Courtemanche.
Cathy Cipolla and Marianne Doherty. Kathleen Carney with Ameline Juckiewicz. Diane Barefield and Cindy Geiger.
40 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Poignancy prevails in Riverside’s lovable ‘Lost in Yonkers’
BY PAM HARBAUGH Vincent Crocilla, Emily Berman
Correspondent and Bergman Freedman.
With its remarkably intimate pro- PHOTOS BY ANGEL UDELHOVEN
duction of “Lost in Yonkers,” River-
side Theatre proves a straight play HEAR
belongs on a mainstage as much as a IT
lavish musical. LIVE
Riverside’s production of the 1991
play, which won playwright Neil Si-
mon his only Pulitzer Prize, draws the
audience into the funny and poignant
tale of two boys, Jay and Arty, forced
to live with their stern German Jewish
grandmother, whose painful life has
taught her that tears are for the weak.
Whether in the room or not, Grand-
ma Kurnitz looms. One dares not rest
their head on the back of the chair for
fear the doily will get out of place. The
notion of turning on a fan in the mid-
dle of a sweltering day is anathema to
her. Loud voices, displays of affection
and boys acting like boys are verbo-
ten to the woman. The only sweetness
she dispenses are the items she sells
in her candy shop.
But the boys, 15-year-old Jay and
13-year-old Arty, must live there. Their
JENNIFER HIGDON Dance Card February 18, 2020
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 41
Shami McCormick. ARTS & THEATRE
still calls for that snap of Simon wit But there is also a sly dichotomy.
and warmth of Simon heart. Here, di- It is a second-floor apartment, direct-
rector Chris Clavelli lets both shine.
A brightness persists in the somber ly above the candy store. Discolored
face. A hope lingers that change will wallpaper, once pretty and romantic,
come, that hope will break through filled with images of rose bouquets, fill
the sadness. Intermission comes the walls. An old photo of a man and
and you want to see what happens. woman hangs from one wall. Vintage
You are invested in these people and furniture, worn with decades of use, sit
cheer them on. in the rooms. A dining table and chairs,
where a family once gathered is nestled
Clavelli’s vision is well served by his into an alcove. This is a place where a
cast and designers. large family was raised. Now, it’s the
home of the old and lonely woman and
Scenic designer Ray Recht brings the her daughter, Bella, who matured only
apartment close to the stage’s edge and into adolescence.
fills up the stage opening with the same
severity that holds Kurnitz together. CONTINUED ON PAGE 42
father had turned to a loan shark to the Park” and “The Odd Couple.” In
pay medical bills for their mother, who the ’80s, he reinvented himself with
died from cancer. Now the father, a a surprising autobiographical trilogy,
salesman, has an opportunity to hit starting with “Brighton Beach Mem-
the road and make good money. oirs.” Through all his characters and
situational plotlines, it was “Lost in
Yes, this is unlike what so many Yonkers” that resonated so with crit-
people may expect from Neil “Doc” Si- ics and audiences.
mon. A prolific writer, he made a name
for himself as a comedy writer in the But no play is foolproof. Despite its
’60s, with such classics as “Barefoot in complex characters, “Lost in Yonkers”
Bergman Freedman
and Joans Cohen.
42 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ARTS & THEATRE Steve Perlmutter, Vincent Crocilla
and Bergman Freedman.
PLEASE JOIN US ... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 41 trayals of the two brothers.
Jonas Cohen delivers the right mix
Chinese Export Porcelain Workshop Shami J. McCormick creates a pow-
A Sharing of Information for Collectors and Novices Alike erful portrayal of Grandma Kurnitz, of humor and mild threat in his role of
making her both imperious and bro- Uncle Louis. A tough guy with a heart
Tuesday, ken. Quite the opposite character of gold, he brings the best laughs of the
February 18 is Bella, who is also broken but has show as well. Those start immediately
a deeper strength than her mother. when he seems to be breaking into the
4 to 6 pm Played with affection by Emily Ber- apartment and the boys, sleeping on
man, Bella is the ray of hope. She is the couch, yell out “Who’s there?” His
3201 Cardinal Drive • Next to Chelsea’s Market especially compelling in the scene in answer, “Uncle Louis,” is hysterical.
772 213 8069 • which she confronts her mother with
a shocking truth. He turns off the lights, looks out
the window to check the street, and
Vincent Crocilla as Arty and Bergman says he’s got to stay here for a few days
Freedman as Jay are warm and funny while his apartment is being painted.
and most entertaining in their roles as He warns his nephews to watch out
brothers. This is an ensemble piece and, for Grandma Kurnitz because “she
as such, each person has equal weight. could tell if there was salt missing
These two young actors step up and de- from a pretzel.”
liver energetic, engaging and warm por-
Steve Perlmutter is warm and car-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 43
Emily Berman, Bergman Freedman, ing as the father, so worried about
Vincet Crocilla and leaving his sons with his mother. Ca-
rine Montbertrand is funny and sweet
Carine Montbertrand. as Aunt Gert, a woman who struggles
for breath as she talks.
Stefanie Genda’s costume design is
period perfect and especially thematic
with Bella’s lighter and rosier dresses,
which suit her lighthearted nature.
Todd Wren’s lighting design is atmo-
spheric and works so well with Recht’s
“dramatic spaces,” those offstage ar-
eas like the bedrooms, the bathroom
and the street, designed to lend a larger
sense of the actual world in which the
play takes place.
Craig Beyrooti’s sound design is al-
ways so very excellent. This is a large
stage with a large house (where the
audience sits). The actors need mi-
crophones, yet need to sound natural.
Beyrooti always mines gold at this
highly nuanced and intricate aspect
of play production.
“Lost in Yonkers” shines so well at Riv-
erside. It’s funny, poignant, warm and
all around just so very lovable. There’s
something about live theater; when it is
this well produced, it can’t be beat.
“Lost in Yonkers” runs through Feb.
23 at Riverside Theatre, 3250 Riverside
Dr., Vero Beach. Tickets start at $35.
Call 772-231-6990 or visit Riverside-
44 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
COMING UP! Judy Collins brings her brilliance to Emerson
From history and natural science to art
and music, Vero residents have it all
this week.
1 It begins this weekend with
an Emerson Center concert by
none other than legendary Judy Col-
lins, the award-winning singer-song-
writer with the pitch perfect voice
and dreamy interpretations of tunes
such as “Both Sides Now” and “Bring
in the Clowns.” Remaining tickets are
$40 to $60. The more expensive tick-
ets, which go up to $105, are sold out,
but you never know … sometimes
tickets get turned back in. Another
Emerson Center show which is rap-
idly selling out is “The Rocket Man
– a Tribute to Elton John.” This is a
tour starring Sir Elton’s official body
double, Rus Anderson, who performs
with an array of spectacular costume
(a must for any Elton John tribute).
Remaining tickets range from $30 to
$40. The Emerson Center is at 1590 1 Judy Collins at Emerson Center this weekend.
27th Ave., Vero Beach. Call 772-777-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 45
9321 or visit
2 Learn more about one of Ameri-
can history’s most revered wom-
en in “Across a Barrier of Fear: The
Life of Eleanor Roosevelt.” The one-
woman show starring Jane Van Boskirk
runs one day only, Sunday, at the Vero
Beach Theatre Guild. The performance
is sponsored by the Vero Beach Ameri-
can Association of University Women.
Written by Sharon Whitney, the play 3 Joshua Bell at Community Church
of Vero Beach Monday.
explores how a woman, who grew up
privileged, yet neglected, and with a
sense of noblesse oblige, became a po- with the Academy of St. Martin in the
Fields. The concert is part of the Indian
litical force as the wife of her distant River Symphonic Association’s current
season. It begins 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb.
cousin, Franklin D. Roosevelt. The play 17, at the Community Church of Vero
Beach, 1901 23rd St. Call 772-778-1070
begins 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 16. A special or just show up and hope someone has
turned in a ticket. For more information,
reception with refreshments will be visit
held an hour before, at 1 p.m. Tickets
are $40 general and $20 students. Pro-
ceeds will support scholarships, grants
and programs for women and girls in
Indian River County. The Vero Beach
Theatre Guild is at 2020 San Juan Ave. 4 What grander way to raise money
for deserving organizations than
Call 772-492-1851, 772-562-8300 or
visit and click Saturday’s biennial Windsor Charity
on the “News & Events” tab. Polo Cup. This signature event always
includes the who’s who in Vero Beach
3 Certainly, people are holding onto and beyond. This year, the event will
their tickets like they’re made of
benefit the Boys & Girls Clubs of Indian
gold, but maybe a couple will be turned 2 “Across a Barrier of Fear: The Life of Eleanor Roosevelt” River County, the Literacy Services of
at Vero Beach Theatre Guild this Sunday.
in for Monday’s concert of virtuoso vio- Indian River County and the Humane
linist Joshua Bell as he directs and plays CONTINUED ON PAGE 46
46 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Riverside Park Dr. Live seating is sold out.
Tickets to the simulcast seating in the Le-
onhardt Auditorium are $70 for museum
members and $80 for non-members. Call
772-231-0707 or visit
6 The Christ by the Sea United Meth-
odist Church will present “Songs
from Stage & Screen” Sunday afternoon.
The show features Tim Rockwell, Tania
Ortega-Cowan, Edmund Nalzaro and the
trio of pianist Marcos Flores, bassist Pete
Hengen and percussionist Gully Shell.
The youth guest artist is Diana Flores. The
concert begins 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 16, at
Christ by the Sea UMC, 3755 Highway
A1A, Vero Beach. Tickets are $25 general
4 Windsor Charity Polo Cup this Saturday. and $10 youth. Call 772-231-1661 or visit and click on Events tab.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 45 5 The Vero Beach Museum of Art
presents journalist and editor Wil-
Society of Vero Beach & Indian River
County. So slip into your swankiest style liam Middleton late Monday afternoon.
and make way for this heady event.
Gates open at 10 a.m. The champagne A featured speaker in the International
reception starts at 11:30 a.m. Lunch at
noon. Opening ceremonies at 1:45 and Lecture Series, he will speak on “The En-
match starts 2 p.m. The event ends 5
p.m. It all takes place this Saturday, lightened Patronage of Dominique and
Feb. 15, at Windsor, 3125 Windsor Blvd.,
Vero Beach. Tickets begin at $75. Call John de Menil: Paris, NewYork and Hous-
772-388-8377. For more information,
including suggestions on attire, visit ton.” The de Menils were a fascinating
couple who were patron saints to many
important artists. They are the ones who
gave Mark Rothko his life’s dream “The
Rothko Chapel,” which is in Houston.
The talk begins 4:30 p.m. Monday, Feb.
17, at theVero Beach Museum of Art, 3001
5 William Middleton speaking at Vero Beach Museum of Art Monday afternoon.
C Rlosing eCeption Friday, February 14, 6-8pm Members Free | Not-Yet Members $20
MISS: Feb 14-16
500 North Indian River Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34950
772-465-0630 •
50 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
On China’s border with Kazakhstan, er terminal, a “dry port” built from Earth’s biggest land mass. In this new The BRI is China’s signature, indeed
a new Silk Road city has sprung up scratch in 2014. The transport hub is space, the obstacles of the recent past all-encompassing, foreign policy – the
with such speed that Google Earth has intended as a critical link in what Chi- – the Iron Curtain, China locked in its “project of the century”, as Xi calls it.
scarcely begun to record the high-rises na’s president, Xi Jinping, has called Mao-made autarky, even the physical But what exactly is it? Is it mostly aid
that now float on a winter mist above the “Eurasian land bridge.” Among its impediments of the Himalayas, the In- or trade? Is it a Chinese Marshall Plan?
the steppe. investors is China’s COSCO, one of the ner Asian deserts and the melting Arctic Does it have real substance or is it just
world’s shipping giants. It is run by DP itself – are of diminishing consequence. a branding exercise for China’s inter-
What once would have been flat- World, Dubai’s port operator. national rise? And why is the land part
tered to be called a hard-scrabble The physical and psychological dis- called a belt, and the sea part called a
border town is now home to 200,000 Last year the dry port handled tance between Europe and East Asia road?
people, giant outdoor video screens 160,000 TEUs (a unit equivalent to a is shrinking as the sparsely populated
extolling the glories of a new Silk Road, 20-foot container). Hicham Belmaa- expanse at the heart of Eurasia is be- The World Bank has an elemental
and restaurants serving sashimi and chi, its Moroccan manager, expects ing wrangled, through new infrastruc- definition of the BRI: “a China-led effort
European wine. Khorgos has become that to rise to 400,000 in 2025. ture, to manageable size. That, at least, to improve connectivity and regional
China’s gateway to Central Asia, and is how Chinese planners see it. And, co-operation on a trans-continental
all the way to Europe. Khorgos is in the middle of no- taking the historical view, if there is a scale through large-scale investments.”
where: Eurasia’s pole of inaccessibility, surprise, it is that the transformation
A twin town is going up in Kazakh- the point on Earth farthest from any is not being made in the West’s image That is a good summary as far as
stan. A duty-free mall already strad- ocean, lies not far away. Now, beyond or according to its rules. it goes, and helping poor countries
dles the border for Kazakhstanis to get it, a vast new Eurasian supercontinent build infrastructure is an important
deals on booze, perfume and cut-price is forming. The promise is not just of Asia is coming to Europe, not the component. The global need for new
Chinese goods. But the key features, railways through Central Asia to Eu- other way around. infrastructure is immense. The Asian
just across the border, are the giant rope but of gargantuan plans – some Development Bank (ADB) estimates
gantry cranes more usually seen in the already realized – for pipelines, roads, The Silk Road’s renaissance has been that Asia alone needs to invest $26 tril-
world’s ports. high-speed rail and fiber-optic cables. turbocharged as part of a Chinese ex- lion between 2016 and 2030, or $1.7
pansion that has come to be known trillion a year, if it is to maintain eco-
The Khorgos Gateway is a contain- It is reshaping the geography of the as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).