Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 51
nomic growth, eradicate poverty and beneficent power and an alternative thing thicker: industrial zones and other, it was a response to the global
respond to climate change. locus to the West. economic corridors with manufactur- financial crisis of 2007-9, which re-
ing, logistics, construction and more. moved a large source of demand for
But above all, the Chinese Commu- Those who buy into it receive mu- Chinese goods.
nist Party is using the BRI to reshape nificence from Beijing. Those who do Soon after, Xi presented the mari-
a world order more to its liking. The not will not. It is a way to help knit to- time component in the Indonesian The lesson was that in future, China
focus is economic engagement and gether continents through improved capital, Jakarta. A “21st century mari- had to make its own markets abroad.
clever diplomacy. Leaders in Beijing infrastructure and a catch-all phrase time Silk Road,” a network of port cit- At a third level, it represented an inter-
ink BRI projects with countries for to make anything China does abroad ies in the South China Sea, the Indian nationalization of Chinese industrial
strategic or political reasons. look unthreatening. Crucially, it is Xi’s Ocean and the Mediterranean would policy. Faced with overcapacity in steel,
own baby: as much a political project tie China closer by sea to these re- cement and more, a party-state whose
Often, these are hidden by the sheer to reflect well on the emperor as an gions. Xi has unveiled further dimen- legitimacy hangs on creating jobs and
commercial anarchy that the BRI has economic one. sions to the plan: a “polar Silk Road” to investment could hardly shut down ca-
engendered. Yet for China’s leaders, it develop Arctic shipping routes; a “dig- pacity, as Western countries might do.
represents a prototype for an emerg- Xi launched the initiative in two ital Silk Road” of undersea cables, 5G Instead it must try to export it.
ing geopolitical bloc at a time when speeches in 2013. The first – in Astana telecoms and cloud computing; and
the rules-based order is under shaky (now Nursultan), the capital of Kazakh- even a “space information corridor” Lastly, at a time when the West ap-
American management. stan – presented the policy’s overland to open up satellite- and space-launch peared to be stumbling, both in terms
component, the “Silk Road economic capabilities. of growth and global leadership, here
The notion of a new order, baldly belt.” It links China to Central, South- was a bend in the historical road. Ev-
stated, might alarm. So a more benign East and South Asia, and on to Europe. The debates about the BRI began erything was contingent, but China’s
idea puts the BRI in a broader histori- from the outset. At one level, it merely moment had come and needed to be
cal context: the tributary system of old. The word “belt” has that curious extended a trajectory China had fol- seized — more Leninist opportunism
China sits at the center of the world, name to imply something more than lowed for some time, meshing with its than Marxist determinism.
bringing its wealth and power to bear, mere transport, energy or other nodes. major resource suppliers worldwide,
first on its near-abroad, and linking Rather, an interconnected network of as well as its European markets. At an- The BRI is about all these things and
people into the concept of China as a infrastructure would grow into some-
52 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
more. Xi calls it a decades-long project, Beijing in 2017, convened to spread ing institutions to provide the finan- egy claims that the BRI is “predatory
while some estimates put spending on awe and wonder at China’s generos- cial firepower. economics;” to borrow money from
schemes both built and intended at $6 ity, there was already disorder under China is to fall into a well-laid trap. In
trillion. But sift through deals actually heaven. By the time of the second, From a Communist Party perspec- December Adam Boehler, the head of
built or signed for, and the initiative is last April, more disciplined guidelines tive, cultivating political relationships, the new U.S. International Develop-
far smaller than some of the wilder fig- were published about lending, the en- and what the party likes to call“people- ment Finance Corporation, told the
ures imply. Yet it is so broad and amor- vironment and more. to-people” ties, bends the world, bit by Financial Times that China’s overseas
phous it is meaningless to say you are bit, to China’s will. As Bruno Maçães, investments were “100%” like a house
for or against it. Any investment that Projects may fall short economi- a former Portuguese foreign minister, of cards, because of heavy debts, badly
China undertakes abroad can be, and cally for another reason: their priority puts it in “The Dawn of Eurasia,” the built infrastructure, corruption and
is, lumped into it. is strategic, above all, securing critical spillover effects from infrastructure, lack of transparency.
supplies of natural resources, to drive trade and finance into politics, culture
Even inside China, where the party economic growth at home. Shang- and security are not “a bug in the proj- That is an overstatement. Certainly,
ensures unstinting praise for the BRI, hai now gets half its natural gas from ect,” but its most fundamental feature. China applies dodgier lending criteria
a surprising vagueness reigns. No au- Turkmenistan. Such pipelines neatly than do members of the Paris Club of
thoritative figure is published for what get around the “Malacca Strait dilem- Above all, the BRI is the world’s major sovereign lenders. Yet there is no
is invested where. The best guess is ma:” seaborne supplies of oil and gas greatest branding exercise. A foreign nefarious master plan. Indeed, that is
that $400 billion of financing, in grants that could easily be choked off in time country or leader usually signs up to part of the problem. Nearly every ma-
but especially in loans, has been or of war. the brand in the form of a vague mem- jor project meets bumps along the way.
is about to be spent in more than orandum of understanding lauding Out of sight, deals often get renegotiat-
160 countries with three-fifths of the Elsewhere, strategic benefits might “win-win co-operation.” ed, with lower interest rates and longer
world’s population. come from developing ports and ce- grace periods and repayment terms.
menting dominance in the global After that, it is very hard to be dis-
In real terms, that dwarfs the Mar- shipping industry. They could be step- loyal. Praise the plan and you will be China knows flexibility serves its im-
shall Plan ($130 billion in today’s mon- ping stones to China one day project- rewarded. Criticize it, and not only age best. It offers development money
ey) that America advanced to revive ing naval power far from home – with have you offended China. You have and diplomatic support not available
Europe’s war-ravaged economies. big implications for Japan, South-East offended the cosmos, or at least the elsewhere. If there is to be an Ameri-
Asia, India and other countries that “Silk Road spirit” of “peace and co-op- can-led pushback, it must work by at-
But the economic benefits of proj- depend on the world’s busiest sea eration, openness and inclusiveness, traction, too, by offering developing
ects often fall short of the claims lanes. mutual learning and mutual benefit.” countries better options than China
made. A vast, bottom-up push to sell does. The new connectivity must work
the BRI brand and pay lip-service to By rolling out infrastructure across This branding, with sanctions, is well for client states.
Xi has produced hare-brained and the Eurasian land mass, China be- powerful and it works. But tot every-
duplicate schemes. Many provincial comes the indispensable power in an one buys it. The harshest criticism In January 2017, a train quietly
enterprises “going out” for the first emerging supercontinent. Crucially, comes from the incumbent super- pulled into the sidings on the outskirts
time had no experience of operat- the state directs giant enterprises to do power, whose global dominance the of London. Its containers had started
ing abroad. At the first BRI Forum in the national bidding, and state bank- project is challenging. their journey just 12 days earlier in
America’s National Security Strat-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 53
eastern China, less than half the time the inland Chinese city of Chongqing, is being built in Khorgos with $600 for instance – and light manufacturing
than had they gone by sea, at less than building its business model on rail de- million of investment from the pro- migrating from higher-cost China.
half the cost by air, travelling through livery via Khorgos to the Netherlands. vincial government of Jiangsu prov-
Khorgos. The route is rapidly becom- ince 3,700 kilometers to the east. The Coming the other way, BMW sends
ing more popular. In part because of HP’s move, trains hope is to attract businesses that serve several trains a week to China, its big-
from China to Europe have risen from the through-trade – packaging and gest market. Yet, for all this new con-
HP, the American computer giant, three a week in 2013 to over 25. An in- putting price tags on retail products, nectivity, much still can, and does, go
has moved its computer factories to dustrial zone and distribution center wrong. ■
54 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Throughout the dense text of the settlement favorable to Israel against starting point for a return to nego- at least, its far eastern suburbs) would
peace plan that President Trump an- the will of the Palestinians will set the tiations within a US-led international be the eventual Palestinian capital; the
nounced two weeks ago is a stark but un- stage for more bloodshed and bitter- framework.” Not exactly a “no.” Palestinians would get duty-free port fa-
stated question to the Palestinians: If you ness. What’s the alternative? cilities at Haifa and Ashdod; economic
reject this deal, as bad as you think it may Saudi Arabia was less emphatic, but a assistance would double Palestinian
be, what are you going to get instead? Trump’s leverage is that many lead- supportive statement from Riyadh said gross domestic product over the next 10
ing Arab states are giving what’s close “the Kingdom reiterates its support for years and reduce poverty by 50 percent,
The phrase “take it or leave it” doesn’t to tacit support to the proposal and all efforts aimed at reaching a just and and “Palestine” would absorb 10 Arab
convey the sharp edge of Trump’s de- its promise of eventual normalization comprehensive resolution to the Pales- towns along the border (though most
mand. between the Arabs and Israel. If Arab tinian cause.” Israelis would probably welcome this
leaders begin taking additional steps, reduction in their Arab population).
He is telling the Palestinians that such as inviting Israeli trade or cultural Egypt and Jordan already have peace
after three decades of rejecting better delegations, the pace of normalization agreements with Israel. And given to- Two details symbolized for me the
offers than this one, they’re in danger will accelerate – deepening the dilem- day’s reconfigured Middle East, it’s regional ploy Kushner is attempting:
of being abandoned by the Arabs, who ma for the Palestinians. worth noting that Israel has a deepen- He proposes a “regional security com-
may finally decide to move on and nor- ing diplomatic and intelligence rela- mittee” that would include the United
malize relations with Israel even if the Here’s how one Trump administra- tionship with Russia. States, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt,
Palestinians say no. tion supporter of the plan puts it: “If Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
the Palestinians reject it, the Arabs may Though it has Trump’s name on it,
Palestinians bitterly reject the plan, for just say: ‘These guys are crazy. Let’s the plan is entirely the work of Jared That sounds like a Middle East ver-
understandable reasons. It ratifies their move forward.’ ” Kushner, the president’s son-in-law. sion of NATO, an outlandish pipe dream,
defeat. It demands concessions now in Whatever the merits or demerits of the you might think, but maybe not in to-
return for quasi-statehood later. It en- The United Arab Emirates released plan, it’s remarkable that Kushner has day’s anti-Iran mobilization. Kushner
dorses most of Israel’s historic demands a supportive statement, saying that it managed to keep secret details of what also proposes to throw money around
and almost none of the Palestinians’. “appreciates continued US efforts to traditionally has been the most leak- a region that needs it: $27.8 billion for
reach a Palestine-Israel peace agree- prone project in diplomacy. the West Bank and Gaza, $7.4 billion for
The plan does include a “concep- ment” and calling the plan “a serious Jordan, $9.1 billion for Egypt, $6.3 bil-
tual” map of a future Palestinian state, initiative that addresses many issues Kushner didn’t get many conces- lion for Lebanon.
but it’s shorn of the west bank of the raised over the years.” The UAE de- sions from Israel, but he got a few. Israel
Jordan River and dotted with Israeli scribed the proposal as “an important would stop building new settlements The bottom line for the Trump peace
settlements – with Israeli control of wa- during negotiations; East Jerusalem (or plan, like so many other issues these
ter rights, air space and other usual es- days, is that it all depends on the No-
sentials of statehood. For a people who vember presidential election.
prize dignity, this proposal is inescap-
ably a mark of shame. The Palestinians won’t sit at Trump’s
negotiating table for now. But what
“We say a thousand no’s to this deal,” would they do if he were reelected, and
said Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Pal- an Israeli cultural mission was sitting
estinian Authority. He reversed Trump’s in Riyadh?
hyperbolic promises by calling the plan
“the slap of the century.” The peace plan is a squeeze play, and
like so many things, it’s ultimately about
Palestinian antagonism is under- raw political power.
standable, but what alternative would
they and their supporters propose? A version of this column by David Ig-
natius first appeared in The Washing-
That’s an urgent question for Israe- ton Post. It does not necessarily reflect
lis, Americans and Arabs who fear, as the views of Vero Beach 32963.
I do, that Trump’s attempt to impose a
swelling. PA can present as osteoarthritis or as a form
of inflammatory arthritis such as gout.
© 2020 VERO BEACH 32963 MEDIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Of the 100-plus types of arthritis, below are kinds that If blood cannot reach the long bone of the upper
affect the shoulder. arm (the humerus) due to joint dislocation or bone
Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint dis- fracture, cells in the shoulder bone die. If the bone
ease, is the most common form of shoulder arthritis. collapses, a form of arthritis called osteonecrosis or
Usually the result of past trauma and/or wear and avascular necrosis of the joint can develop. Bone
tear that occur with aging, it most frequently starts cell death can also be caused by taking steroids at
during middle age and progresses slowly with pain high doses or drinking too much alcohol. Osteone-
worsening over time. OA develops when cartilage crosis is a progressive disease that can gradually
that acts as cushioning erodes, causing bones in the evolve from an asymptomatic disease to mild pain
shoulder to rub against each other. Other symptoms and eventually cause severe pain.
include joint pain, tenderness and stiffness. The rotator cuff connects the shoulder blade with
Rheumatoid arthritis, an “inflammatory” type of ar- the top of the arm through a collection of tendons
thritis, is an autoimmune condition in which the im- and muscles. Injuries, such as a rip in the tendons of
mune system attacks healthy tissue, including the the rotator cuff, can lead to a form of shoulder ar-
joints. Symptoms include inflammation, stiffness that thritis called rotator cuff tear arthropathy. Symptoms
is usually worse in the morning and lasts longer than include intense pain and muscle weakness.
flare-ups associated with OA, and pain as well as ten-
derness, warmth, rheumatoid nodules (bumps under Psoriatic arthritis occurs in some patients with pso-
the skin in the shoulder or arm area), fatigue, weight riasis. Persistent inflammation from psoriatic arthritis
loss and/or fever. Over 50% of patients with RA even- can lead to joint damage.
tually develop shoulder involvement. As a systemic Ankylosing spondylitis is a form of arthritis that
disease, patients who have RA in one shoulder will primarily affects the spine, although other joints,
likely have it in the other as well. RA tends to run in including the shoulder, can become involved. It
families and occurs more frequently in women. causes inflammation that can lead to severe,
Post-traumatic arthritis can develop in individuals chronic pain and discomfort.
who experience injury that results in one or more Gout is a type of arthritis typically found in the big
shoulder fractures and/or dislocations. This type can toe joint caused by excessive amounts of uric acid in
cause fluid buildup in the shoulder joint, pain and the body. Infrequently, it occurs in the shoulder
when crystals of uric acid form in and around the
joint, causing inflammation and pain.
56 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Of all the groundbreak- cializing in divorce cases in late 1930s Nicholson, perhaps the finest actor of his generation,
ing movies made during the Los Angeles. But his latest case spirals ranges from crudely comical to intensely tragic. Gittes’
brief burst of creativity and out of control when his aggrieved cli- self-assurance and cynicism are a front for a deeply
originality known collec- ent, a society woman named Evelyn vulnerable man with an instinctive code of honor.
tively as the New Hollywood, Mulwray, turns out to be an impos- Dunaway at first seems like a classic femme fatale but
none is more memorable tor and her supposedly cheating emerges as a damsel who desperately needs rescuing.
than Roman Polanski’s “Chi- husband winds up dead. Gittes finds In the end Gittes only abets her demise.
natown,” released in 1974. himself a pawn in a conspiracy of
On the set Nicholson was easy to work with and end-
An existential detective powerful interests who are buy- lessly patient, just so long as he could leave in time to
story bathed in shades of film ing up cheap land in the arid San catch his beloved L.A. Lakers. He was one of the few
noir, “Chinatown” is more of a Fernando Valley and then illegally leading men who could wear a bandage over his nose
who-are-we than a whodunit. diverting public water to irrigate for most of a movie and still seem sexy and tough. Hus-
Besides Polanski’s master- it and multiply its value. Aided by ton was chilling as the sinister plutocrat behind the
ful direction, it boasts one of the real Mrs. Mulwray, he discovers land swindle, who has the movie’s most darkly reveal-
the most admired screenplays that the corruption extends far be- ing line: “You see, Mr. Gittes, most people never have to
in movie history, by Robert yond public money and water and face the fact that at the right time and the right place,
Towne; a fabulously nuanced they’re capable of anything.”
star performance by Jack Nich- threatens the lives of her and her
olson; and a grand theme: the daughter. Evans, who died in October at age 89, was a seduc-
fatal fragility of good intentions tive-voiced, seven-times-married swashbuckler who
in an evil world. It’s also wick- Towne’s original screenplay presided over some of the most successful films of the
edly entertaining. The only mys- was literate, finely detailed, and late ’60s and early ’70s, including “Rosemary’s Baby”
tery is why no one’s tackled it in full of unexpected twists and (1968), “Love Story” (1970) and “The Godfather.” Per-
a full-length book before. turns. His characters were three- haps his most crucial contribution to “Chinatown” was
dimensional – “based on life,” as commissioning a resonant, trumpet-crowned musical
Now comes Sam Wasson, a veteran writer of Holly- he once put it, “not other movies.” theme from composer Jerry Goldsmith reflecting “the
wood tales with a novelist’s eye for complex characters But for all its genius, the script was also confusing ache, the longing, dying but sweetly pleading, love a
and a natural storyteller’s feel for scenes, dialogue and and over-plotted, and lacked a coherent ending. Evans happy memory drowning in truth.”
richly revealing details. recruited Polanski, who ruthlessly supervised Towne’s
rewrite. Polanski also insisted on a darker, more appro- Poetics like those constantly blossom throughout
Wasson grounds his account in the intriguing people priately brutal conclusion. Wasson’s narrative, adding beauty and charm, though
who made “Chinatown”: Polanski, Towne, Nicholson Polanski was a brilliant filmmaker but a spiritually his prose occasionally overheats.
and the mercurial Robert Evans, who oversaw the mak- maimed human being. Raised in prewar Poland, his
ing of the movie while head of production for Para- pregnant mother murdered by the Nazis at Auschwitz, He doesn’t shy away from nailing his characters’ fa-
mount. Using these four gifted and complicated men Polanski found his trauma compounded 25 years lat- tal flaws and flagging trajectories. Polanski’s twisted,
at the zenith of their talents and their egos, Wasson, in er when his beautiful wife, actress Sharon Tate, eight sadomasochistic libido eventually led him to rape and
“The Big Goodbye,” weaves a tale in a voice that is inti- months pregnant, was slaughtered in their Beverly Hills sodomize a 13-year-old girl, causing him to flee the
mate and sympathetic, yet critical. home along with four others by followers of Charles United States – a crime whose horror he has never fully
Manson. “The certainty of loss had corrupted his every acknowledged. Towne and Evans both fell victim to
The making of “Chinatown” begins with Towne, who longing, and his resultant sadness summoned up the cocaine addiction and their own supreme arrogance.
before 1973 was mostly known for his brilliant rewrites worst in him,” Wasson writes. Only Nicholson remained relatively unscathed. He has
of “Bonnie and Clyde” (1967) and the resonant climac- Polanski not only helped fix the screenplay, he been nominated for Academy Awards 12 times as an
tic scene of “The Godfather” (1972). But he hit his peak brought a deliberate and melancholy sensibility to the actor and won three.
with “The Last Detail” (1973) and “Chinatown,” both making of the movie. “Filming took time, not because
of which were written for Nicholson, his best friend he didn’t know what he wanted, but because he did,” THE BIG GOODBYE
and former roommate from the corn-flakes-for-dinner writesWasson. And he coaxed great performances from
days when both men were starving young actors strug- Nicholson, Faye Dunaway and veteran film director CHINATOWN AND THE LAST YEARS OF HOLLYWOOD
gling for a foothold in the old studio system. John Huston.
BY SAM WASSON | 382 PP. $28
Nicholson plays Jake Gittes, a private detective spe- REVIEW BY GLENN FRANKEL, THE WASHINGTON POST
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 57
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist A632
Oscar Levant claimed, “I once said cynically of a politician, ‘He’ll double-cross that bridge J4
when he comes to it.’”
We are studying how not to double-cross partner with our reply to his takeout double. A
simple bid indicates 0-8 points, a single jump promises 9-11 and a cue-bid of the opener’s WEST EAST
suit shows 12 points or more. So what about a double or triple jump in a suit? 2
K Q J 10 A3
Since the cue-bid is artificial and, in a way, unlimited, this liberates the wild leaps to describe AKQ87
specialized hand-types that occur rarely. Q 10 9 974
Both jumps suggest something like 4-7 high-card points with a surprisingly long suit. The 10 9 6
double jump promises a six-card suit and a triple jump a seven-bagger. The South hand is a
minimum for his three-spade advance, and North’s raise is on the light side. 85432
West cashes two diamond tricks, then shifts to the heart king. How should South continue? SOUTH
Q 10 9 7 6 4
West was tempted to make a takeout double over three spades, but the vulnerability was Dealer: West; Vulnerable: East-West
unfavorable. Note that five diamonds doubled goes down two, which would be fine at a
different vulnerability. The Bidding:
Declarer must concede a trick to the spade ace, so has to eliminate his heart loser. The only SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
way to do that is to take three club tricks. South wins the third trick with dummy’s heart ace, 3 Spades 1 Diamonds Dbl. Pass
plays a club to his king (the honor from the shorter side first) and returns a club to dummy’s Pass 4 Spades All Pass LEAD:
jack. When that holds, declarer discards his last heart on the club ace and plays a trump. A Diamonds
58 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Pale purple (5) 1 Abrupt (4)
6 Imitate (5) 2 Save (6)
8 Minute fragment (8) 3 Loom (6)
9 Row (4) 4 Wall paint (8)
10 Vigorous scuffle (6) 5 Dimension (11)
12 Nonsense (6) 7 Outcome (11)
13 Consider (6) 11 Total mess (8)
15 Good name (6) 14 Extent (6)
16 Culinary plant (4) 15 Peppermint sweet (6)
17 Jewel (8) 18 Set of three (4)
19 Subject (5)
20 Connect (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 59
ACROSS 96 Bergman film about a 51 Popular basket fiber The Washington Post
1 Blend in sardine factory? 53 Satisfied responses
6 Club in a Manilow hit 54 Lube need NOEL, NOEL By Merl Reagle
10 Homeo’s finale 100 Boys Town state: abbr. 58 Fastener during a flight
16 Couple of guys at a 102 Problem of some 59 A bird or a bit of fun Give Yourself a Valentine’s Gift,
60 Not sweaty The Possibilities Are Endless....
Hollywood fund-raiser? maniacs 62 Small weight
20 Tenant’s infinitive 103 See 90 Down 64 Like some stocks: abbr. SPECIALTIES INCLUDE:
104 Author Fleming 65 City near Kansas City • Minimal Incision Lift for the
21 Realization after days of 105 Second shot 66 Hard ___ (illegible)
downpours? 108 “The Swedish Nightingale” 68 Tutu’s continent: abbr. Face, Body, Neck & Brow
110 Sixteen oz. 72 Twists all around • Breast Augmentations
23 Reveal 112 Folk group, often 74 No longer vivid
24 Lane of fame 115 Lacerated 75 Famed Lennonist & Reductions
25 Against 117 Person out of Lucknow 76 Debonair David • Post Cancer Reconstructions
26 Veil fabric 119 Wheel Roseanne from the 77 South America’s • Chemical Peels • Botox
28 Dreyfus Affair crusader • Laser Surgery • Tummy Tucks
hospital? “backbone” • Obagi Products • Liposculpture
29 Have ___ 123 If ___ (in case it’s called for) 78 Word before “toe” • Skin Cancer Treatments
(eat between meals) 124 Danny Kaye movie that tells 81 Early utopia
82 Florida flyer
32 Italian pronoun the inside story? 83 Fair-ball boundary
34 Troubles 125 Missteps 84 Visionary
36 CD follower 126 German admiral 85 “Now I see why”
37 Uncle from Sonora 127 Type of pain, maybe 87 D.C. PBS affiliate
38 Most popular scent among 88 Rare goose
DOWN 90 With 103 Across, a pickup
detectives? 1 Half an African capital
42 Bill dispenser, familiarly 2 ___ down place
45 Old Greek colonnades 91 ___ throw away
47 Synchronize (makes simpler)
48 He goes through 3 “Yeah, OK, sure,” 93 Food
97 Great weight
your mail for example 98 Copycat
49 Where to buy a good polo 4 Beta Kappa opener 99 Chant
5 Khaki kin 101 Bruce Wayne as a child?
mallet and tell-all book? 6 Bone immobilizer 105 Tim of Reservoir Dogs
52 Huck’s friend 7 Most favorable conditions 106 Eucalyptus-leaf lover
55 All ___ (fascinated) 8 For each 107 Gentleman Jim star, 1942
56 Scuffle 9 Common solvent 109 She fell for Aeneas
57 Caterpillar hair 10 Remington et al. 111 Herbert of The Pink Panther
58 Gets a load of 11 Mazel ___ 113 Ill-mannered
61 Give off 12 Four corners st. 114 Addams Family cousin
62 Gerard or Hodges 13 Southern miss? 116 West addition
63 Not for the 14 Doing fabulously 118 Shortened,
15 Some clams
faint-hearted, as chili? 16 Milk org. as a dict.
67 Homophone of a car 17 Fargo’s loc. 120 Drink from a bowl
68 Sine or cosine preceder 18 Clamor 121 Substitute for a woman?
69 Bus. watchdog 19 Home of the Wildcats: abbr. 122 Green Party prefix
70 Kid of jazz fame 22 Bridge coup
71 Décolleté 27 Brief freedom?
73 Guy who produced the first 30 Product promenade
31 Dove’s home
wild west show in Little Italy? 33 MIT, for one
77 Early rescue vessel 35 Sign eliciting seatless gripes
38 Desert denizen
78 Mitchell’s plantation 39 Warm up
79 Azerbaijan neighbor 40 Say
80 TV host-motorcyclist 41 Just made
82 He’s a downer? 42 Zeniths
83 Tie up 43 1988 comedy, Married to
86 Brit. gold coin
87 Groom? ___
89 Simple organism 44 Site of many stars’ homes
92 Shoe size 46 Itty-bitty bones
94 Conger chaser 50 No longer working: abbr.
95 Cross-dressing film director
Wood et al.
The Telegraph Proudly caring for patients over 27 years.
3790 7th Terrace, Suite 101, Vero Beach, Florida
Ralph M. Rosato
60 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
There’s no welcome wagon for widower dad’s girlfriend
BY CAROLYN HAX over to visit, we want to visit with him, not her. Lost and Grieving: I am so sorry about your mom.
Washington Post But, you don’t. You don’t “get her just to stay
I don’t know how to get it through to him that away from us.”
Hi, Carolyn: My mother passed That’s really it. It’s your dad’s choice, he chose
in December 2018 of stomach we are still grieving, and just because he is not, we her and the only reason his choice “alienated him
cancer. It is very hard for me and from family” is that you – and your sister – chose
my sister to understand my dad have the right to feel the way we do. His relation- to prioritize indulging your distaste for his friend
dating so soon after Mom’s death. over staying close to your father.
We don’t like this person. I have ship has alienated him from family, and that’s sad. For all I know, everything you say about the
known her for 15 years, she’s a neighbor and she is neighbor is true; maybe she is awful, maybe she
a nasty, sneaky and manipulative person. How do we get her just to stay away from us? targeted your dad while your mom was dying. For
I kept telling my mom, “Don’t trust her,” and I argument’s sake, let’s call these facts.
think Mom was trying to make peace with God and – Lost and Grieving They still don’t change the answer: She is your
kept saying, “She’s OK.” father’s companion now, he gets to decide whom
After Mom’s death, this person kept coming over; he dates and when, he decides how he grieves
we can never visit with just my Dad who lives and how long. The only say you have in any of
across the street. We did not have her memorial till these things is to take them or leave them as-is.
February 2019, and my sister believes he was al- I know too well the depth of the grief a mother’s
ready seeing this lady. death can bring. I feel for both you and your sis-
My sister and I want Dad to understand we don’t ter.
really care that he is dating, but there is a reason I merely don’t agree you get to decide how any-
you do not “date in the office,” because you have all one else handles their grief. Or whom someone
the same friends. dates, or how soon. Or what’s “appropriate.” Each
It can cause a lot of neighborhood conflict and marriage, to the end, has its own rules.
taking sides. Your mother may have seen what was coming,
My sister was very upset because this woman accepted it and tried in her way to prepare you
knew Mom and hadn’t the respect to wait an ap- for it.
propriate time to move in on Dad. Would that make accepting your dad’s choices
He has not really dealt with his grief; his way is to any easier? If so, then please let it. And watch
get rid of everything that reminds him of Mom. He is “Fleabag,” especially Season 2, which I suspect
very stubborn and we try to explain that if we come will hit gratifyingly close to home.
62 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Latest imaging tech gets to ‘heart’ of diagnosis, treatment
BY TOM LLOYD Dr. Mistyann-Blue Miller.
Staff Writer
To some people, their personal im-
age is very close to their heart.
To Dr. Mistyann-Blue Miller, an in-
terventional cardiologist who joined
Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospi-
tal last fall, getting accurate, detailed
images of other people’s hearts is far
more important.
Specifically, Miller is talking about
intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and
optical coherence tomography (OCT).
“Ultrasound and light energy,” Mill-
er explains, are among the tools “we
use to look into the coronary arteries.”
“We use it a lot in different settings,”
Miller explains. “In cardiology, we use
it to do ultrasounds of the heart, when
we do the probe on the chest to look at
your heart function and your valves,
but we also employ it in the cardiac
cath lab, which is where I do all my
procedures. We do our standard an-
giograms and sometimes we want to
take a closer look at the arteries. We
can use [intravascular] ultrasound to
do that.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 63
Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) image. HEALTH
ing methods. She adds that “we can’t cedure. A stent, which looks like a tiny of people … [are treated] with drug-
use it with every patient,” because it coil of wire mesh, supports the walls eluting stents,” Miller says.
requires the use of dye that some pa- of the artery and helps prevent it from
tients can’t handle. re-narrowing after the angioplasty. The imaging, testing, diagnostic
and procedural advances in cardiac
“There are studies that show OCT Like most things in modern medi- care – some of which have taken a half
gives us even better resolution than cine, stents have been improved since a century to develop (IVUS) while oth-
ultrasound does, [and] can help guide they were first used in 1986, and as ers (OCT) came much faster – are a big
what we do in the cath lab and how we Miller points out, “we use drug-eluting part of what attracted Miller to the
treat patients.” [stents] almost exclusively here, now, practice of interventional cardiology.
and I would venture to say that is prob-
Having access to both technologies, ably true around the world.” Dr. Mistyann-Blue Miller is an inter-
according to Miller, “is hard to beat.” ventional cardiologist with Cleveland
In a drug-eluting stent, the bare Clinic Indian River Hospital. She sees
Miller then turns back briefly to metal mesh is coated with slow-re- patients primarily on referral from pa-
talking stents. lease medications that help keep the tients’ general cardiologists. Her spe-
artery open. “There’s still very rare in- cialties include stenting, angioplasty
Most people who have an angio- stances where bare metal stents prob- and valve replacements.
plasty procedure to clear an artery ably make more sense, but a majority
also have a stent placed in the un-
blocked artery during the same pro-
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) image.
If you get the feeling this young Har-
vard-educated doctor who grew up in
Miami is a big fan of this imaging tech-
niques, you’d be right.
“IVUS gives you real-time informa-
tion. In the lab, you can look at the in-
side of the coronary arteries to see if
there’s any plaque build-up, which is
atherosclerosis. You can see how much
there is. You can see if there’s a lot of
calcium, which is like a hard rock in-
side arteries, and you can determine,
if someone needs a stent, how big the
stent should be and how long it should
be,” she said.
The American College of Radiology
is just as enthusiastic about this spe-
cialized use of ultrasound technology.
It says “ultrasound does not use ioniz-
ing radiation, has no known harmful
effects, and can provide clear pictures
of soft tissues that are not well seen on
X-ray images.”
But now, as often happens in medi-
cine, there’s something newer and
possibly even better: optical coher-
ence tomography.
OCT is an alternative imaging tech-
nology that uses a single optical fiber
that emits infrared light (as opposed
to the ultrasound waves in IVUS) to
image the coronary artery. OCT al-
lows for better image resolution, but
this comes at the expense of tissue
Miller is fan of this technology, too.
She says “it uses near infrared lights
to look inside the coronary artery, and
it gives us a much better resolution,
much better picture” than other imag-
64 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Report cites rampant burnout among doctors, nurses
BY WILLIAM WAN individual doctors and nurses. “What of research on clinician burnout. They cide. The suicide rate among physicians,
this report is saying is that this is a sys- found that between 35 percent and 54 for example, is twice that of the gen-
The Washington Post temic problem that requires systemic percent of nurses and doctors experi- eral population and one of the highest
solutions,” said Cassel, a former presi- ence burnout. Among medical stu- among all professions.
Imagine a healthcare system in dent of the American Board of Internal dents and residents, the percentage is
which doctors and nurses are so ex- Medicine. “You can’t just teach doc- as high as 60 percent. Healthcare workers are especially
hausted and beaten down that many tors meditation, yoga and self-care. We prone to burnout, the report found, be-
of them work like zombies – error- need big, fundamental changes.” Symptoms, they said, include emo- cause of the workload, pressure and
prone, apathetic toward patients and tional exhaustion, cynicism, loss of chaos that they deal with each day. As
at times trying to blunt their own pain The committee’s experts – which enthusiasm and joy in their work and the country’s healthcare system has
with alcohol or even suicide attempts. included doctors, nurses, health ex- increasing detachment from their pa- become increasingly dysfunctional, the
ecutives and leaders in bioethics, tients and the patients’ ailments. The bulk of that dysfunction has landed on
That is what America’s broken neurology and pharmacy – spent 18 problem has been linked to higher rates them – resulting in long hours, mount-
healthcare system is doing to its months wading through mountains of depression, substance abuse and sui- ing paperwork and bureaucratic hur-
health workers, according to a 312- dles, fear of malpractice lawsuits and
page report released last Wednesday insufficient resources.
by the National Academy of Medicine,
one of the country’s most prestigious The problem often starts with a well-
medical institutions. intentioned, perfectly reasonable law,
explained co-author Vindell Washing-
The report found that as many as ton, chief medical officer at Blue Cross
half of the country’s doctors and nurs- and Blue Shield of Louisiana. That is
es experience substantial symptoms turned into a regulation, which is inter-
of burnout, resulting in increased preted and made into a policy, often tak-
risks to patients, malpractice claims, ing the most conservative path possible
worker absenteeism and turnover, as for legal protection.
well as billions of dollars in losses to
the medical industry each year. “At every step, the original intent gets
a little misinterpreted or picks up an un-
“It’s a moral issue, a patient-care is- expected effect,” Washington said.
sue and a financial issue,” said Chris-
tine K. Cassel, professor of medicine at A law about patient privacy, for ex-
University of California at San Fran- ample, becomes a quirk on a doctor’s
cisco, who co-chaired the committee terminal that ends their sessions ev-
of experts that wrote the report. ery few minutes, requiring them to
repeatedly log in throughout the day
It is alarming and tragic, she and – adding frustration and burden to
other committee members noted, that their days.
the system is hurting the very people
we have put in charge of healing us as Complex regulations on hospital re-
a society. imbursement gives rise to a long list
doctors must tic through in physical
In recent years, as the medical exams, even as they try to figure out
community has grown increasingly what’s ailing a patient, so hospitals can
alarmed over the problems of burn- charge based on the exam’s complexity.
out, the proposed solutions have fo-
cused on increasing the resilience of “The problem is we’re not workers
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 65
in a factory making widgets,” Wash- Burnout is also expensive. One With each doctor affected by burn- work of their burned-out colleagues.
ington said. study cited by last Wednesday’s re- out, the estimated average cost to the That financial incentive is impera-
port, for example, found it costs the medical industry in America is rough-
“It’s incredibly inefficient, and the medical system $4.6 billion a year. ly $7,600. Those numbers did not in- tive, because alleviating burnout will
workload is unsustainable,” said Lisel- Some of that cost comes from doctors clude the costs of increased medical require significant buy-in from federal
otte Dyrbye, a doctor and researcher at reducing their hours, quitting their errors, malpractice lawsuits and other regulators, insurance companies, med-
the Mayo Clinic. “The system is built for jobs or leaving medicine altogether. doctors’ having to pick up some of the ical schools and the country’s health-
billing and not taking care of patients.” care systems.
66 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Let’s count the hand diseases that can afflict seniors
Sen. Krysten Sinema.
BY FRED CICETTI It is rare for Dupuytren’s to affect called the carpal tunnel. If this nerve bumps at the end joints of your fin-
Columnist the thumb and forefinger. Usually, is compressed by swollen tissue, you gers and thumbs. These are Heberden
the ring finger and pinky feel the re- may feel pain, weakness or numbness Nodes. Overgrowths of bones over
Q. I have Dupuytren’s contracture. It sults. Sometimes, the middle finger in the hand and wrist. This common the middle joints of the fingers are
runs in my family. I think you should may be involved. Dupuytren’s Con- condition is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Bouchard’s Nodules.
write a column about this because it af- tracture often affects both hands, but
fects older people. usually not equally. This syndrome is suffered by work- As joints wear down, small bone
ers who make repetitive movements spurs develop and make the joints ap-
A. Thank you for this suggestion. It Ganglia: Ganglia (ganglion cysts) with the wrist extended. So, carpen- pear bumpy. A bone spur is just extra
got me researching hand disorders, a are benign, gelatinous lumps that ters using screwdrivers and people bone that is usually smooth, not spur-
subject that has many colorful names usually are found on the back of the who do a lot of work on computer like. You can get these growths on
for some nasty afflictions. Here are wrist. However, they also appear on keyboards are more likely to suffer other places in your body such as the
some of them: the front of the wrist and on the backs from this condition. shoulders, hips and feet.
of fingers. Ganglia are the most com-
Dupuytren’s Contracture: At its mon masses found on hands. Women DeQuervain’s Tendinitis: DeQuer- In addition to the above are hand
worst, Dupuytren’s Contracture can are three times more likely than men vain’s Tendinitis is an irritation and deformities with descriptive names
turn a hand into a claw because the to get ganglia. swelling of the sheath that surrounds such as Trigger Finger, Swan Neck,
fascia – the connective bands of tissue the thumb tendons as they pass from Duck Bill and Boutonnière.
inside the palms – shrink and make These cysts usually are painless. the wrist to the thumb. A tendon is a
the fingers curl inward. The condition, If they do act up, the fluid can be re- cord or band of inelastic tissue con-
in its milder form, creates small lumps moved with a needle. You may have necting a muscle with its bony attach-
or bands. Dupuytren’s Contracture heard of a folk remedy for crush- ment. The swelling can cause pain
isn’t usually painful. ing ganglia by putting your hand on along the thumb side of the wrist.
a table and hitting the cyst with a
Dupuytren’s is more common in old- heavy book. This is not a good idea; The pain is usually intense when
er adults, men and whites from north- you may hurt yourself and it’s unreli- grabbing objects or twisting the wrist.
ern European background. able. Besides some ganglia disappear In diagnosing DeQuervain’s, a doc-
without treatment. tor may perform a Finkelstein test in
This condition is hereditary. And it which the patient makes a fist and then
may be linked to alcoholism, diabetes, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: The me- bends the wrist away from the thumb.
epilepsy and smoking. dian nerve runs from the forearm into
the hand through an area at the wrist Heberden Nodes and Bouchard’s
Nodules: Osteoarthritis can create
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 67
The modern rules of newsreader dressing
The Telegraph
When Bradley Jackson, played by mate expert on newsreader style. crophone can rip them quickly.’ East, it’s also a fine balance of prac-
Reese Witherspoon, is transported “But there has definitely been a shift; For Ellie Crisell, who has worked ticality and individuality. “It’s been
from small town reporter to co-anchor we’re now trying to dress like our- trial and error. It used to be all about
on the biggest news program on the selves and wear things we actually on Newsround, the BBC news chan-
fictional UBA network in Apple TV+’s like.” Which is an especially positive nel and now presents BBC South CONTINUED ON PAGE 68
“The Morning Show,” she has just two development given that BBC staff
days to get screen ready. One of the first must source and pay for all their own
orders from big cheese Cory Elison clothes, quite an undertaking when
(Billy Crudup) is to “screen test looks you’re fronting 180 shows each.
that appeal to her demographic.” Cut
to a scene where he’s giving her a pep And before you scoff something
talk as she browses the rails of Berg- about clothing’s irrelevance in a
dorf Goodman for her new wardrobe. setting where grave world events
They eventually settle on a ‘pantsuit are being addressed, Nugent says
nation’ vibe for Jackson (a reference that viewers are fascinated by what
to the movement of women who sup- she’s wearing, no matter what’s
ported Hillary Clinton during the 2016 on the news agenda. “Hilariously,
election by wearing trouser suits). you can be breaking big, emotional
global stories and you’ll still be in-
While news presenters and their undated with people asking where
editors would maintain that their you got your blouse. Some days I’ll
ability to deliver great stories and put something on and I’ll just know
interviews – plus maintain impec- that I’m going to get questions, espe-
cable calm in the live news environ- cially if it’s in the stores at the mo-
ment – is the No. 1 demand of their ment,” she confides. “I’ve been told
roles, there’s also a recognition that that lots of people actually switch on
image is vital. So much so that over to see what we’re wearing. You know
the years, a very particular news pre- you’ve got it right when you either
senter ‘look’ has bedded in. get lots of enquiries, or when no one
comments at all.”
The most extreme version of news-
reader style is exemplified in “Bomb- Nugent says that although Em-
shell,” a new film starring Charlize manuelle Alt, the editor of Vogue
Theron, Nicole Kidman and Margot Paris famed for her nonchalant
Robbie which is released this week, blazer and denim combinations, is
telling the story of the Fox News pre- her style icon, there are still certain
senters who exposed the channel’s constraints which TV places on her
CEO Roger Ailes’ extensive history of wardrobe choices which means she
sexual harassment. can’t go the full Alt. “I re-wear loads
and loads. I now have a decade’s
“The look fits within that whole worth of clothes but lots of them do
concept of women as Barbie dolls,” quickly get ruined by all the make-
the film’s makeup artist, Vivian Bak- up, the cables and clips. I love a silk
er, told the New York Times, while shirt – but the spiky clip from the mi-
New York magazine noted that it
is “conspicuously unnatural.” In-
deed, in the U.S., the transforma-
tion required to be Fox-worthy has
even been given its own unofficial
verb; getting ‘Foxified’ will require a
very bouncy blonde blow dry, a very
bright bodycon dress and unimagin-
ably smooth skin.
If “Bombshell’s” brilliantly-pitched
costumes portray the ultimate reduc-
tive cookie-cutter take on newsreader
style, then thankfully there are some
more cheering antidotes which show
that there is now room for the women
beaming the news into our homes to
exhibit some degree of flair.
“There used to be a sort of rule that
everyone should get the same bob –
and a suggestion that perhaps your
career would be better if you did,'
says Sally Nugent, who as a present-
er on “BBC Breakfast” is a consum-
68 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 67 scious of the influence which her pre- Aniston, and not really like a typical The inspiration for Aniston’s char-
senters’ looks have and as such makes news anchor. Her V-neck knits and acter was ABC News anchor Diane
jackets and at the start of my career I sure she sources pieces which view- tailored trousers are gorgeous.” Sawyer, who has crafted a signature
just had a selection of pastel shades ers can buy if they want. But, equally, look which is ultra-chic (lots of re-
on rotation, but you grow in confi- she’s becoming more aware of the Nugent is right – Aniston deployed fined black, beige and white sepa-
dence and I don’t think newsread- conversation around sustainability her off-screen personal stylists Nina rates) while also equipping her to
ers do that look as slavishly as they so is always looking for eco-conscious and Clare Hallworth to put together pack a capsule wardrobe at a mo-
once used to. When I was present- labels and positively encourages re- her looks for the show and she wore ment’s notice if a story breaks.
ing Newsround we had a stylist, but wearing. “It’s important nothing jars lots of Dior, which she wears in real
that was a different audience, you on the screen,” she notes. She has life, too. The look is luxe and exqui- The Aniston/Sawyer approach is
couldn’t wear gray suits.” a quartet of watchwords which she sitely pared back, with lots of black subtle, elevated and sophisticated
swears by: smart and professional, as tailoring and greige cashmere. “She’s in contrast to what Nugent calls the
She understands the pull of the well as approachable and welcoming. esteemed and probably the most ‘piece of Lego’ look most often asso-
quintessential newsreader bodycon intelligent person in the room. We ciated with newsreaders and which
dress, and will on occasion wear All these considerations make it a wanted her clothes to look strong and we see in “Bombshell.” For Nugent
them herself. “When you watch the wonder that any newsreader manages precise. So the tailoring alterations, and Crisell, it’s ultimately about
news, it’s a 2D picture: You have to to exert a sense of personal style, but the length of her shoe, the length of striking the right tone. “I don’t want
think carefully about structure and a new muse for this approach comes her pants, the fit of her trouser. She to look too sexy; you have to think
shape. Anything fussy or with lots in the form of Alex Levy, Jennifer An- was impeccably dressed. She was carefully about skirt length and
of cloth or garish patterns is just not iston’s character on “The Morning believable as someone at the top of things like that,” says Crisell. “I’d be
going to translate, so bodycon works Show” (for which she won a Screen her field,” Clare Hallworth told En- lying if I said I didn’t want to look
because it’s smart, ladylike and gives Actors’ Guild award in January). tertainment Weekly of the strategy attractive though – I try to be neat,
a clean silhouette – but I can’t say I al- “I’m obsessed and fascinated by her for Aniston’s wardrobe, which also polished but not distracting. You’re
ways feel that comfortable in it.” And look,” says Nugent, who’s seen a few includes Chopard watches, Celine a vessel for the news, but it is sweet
it’s essential to check how something episodes. “She’s dressing like Jennifer tailoring and Max Mara coats. when men write in saying they want
translates on screen: “I always watch to buy something I’m wearing for
back. Last week I had this new shirt their wife.”
with a keyhole detail which I really
didn’t think you could see was there, Does Nugent wish she could slip
but I realized that when I’m on TV, I into a suit like her male counterparts
push my shoulders back and sit up re- and be done with it? “I might if you
ally straight so I had a huge gap.” asked me that at 4:20 a.m. on a Thurs-
day morning,” she says with a laugh.
The “Good Morning Britain” pre- “But actually I really enjoy it. It’s such
senters benefit from the expertise of a privilege to be doing my dream job,
Debbie Harper, their head of styling and it’s fun to dress up.”
and makeup, who says she is con-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 69
Why wearing color is proven to have good mental benefits
BY CAROLINE LEAPER pact we have on those around us, too. Pastels and pale blues can prompt psychologist and author of “The Psy-
The Telegraph Wearing eye-catching clothing can a release of the hormone oxytocin to chology of Fashion.” “But grief, or feel-
prompt others to pay compliments, calm us, while bright hues stir dopa- ing down, old, fat, or disinterested in
Why not wear something that you and start a discussion, all of which mine to lift our moods. Hot reds and ourselves – those are feelings that can
enjoy and that makes you feel good can boost your mood, or distract you oranges deliver adrenaline, which be linked to what’s in our wardrobes.
about yourself? from feeling down. speeds up our metabolism, while What we wear is a big part of our iden-
darks slow us down and will drain tities, so objects of clothing can be-
On the red carpet in 2020, shades of “Every color has a purpose, an in- our energy more quickly. come symbols of hope, or despair.”
tangerine, fuchsia and emerald have fluence and a power to change the
dominated, creating uplifting images way we look and feel about ourselves Of course, no one is suggesting that The results of wearing ‘happy fash-
to be shared on social media, as well as, and the way others view us too,” ex- wearing zingy green will solve all of ion’ really can be transformative.
boosting the wearer’s mood no end. plains Standish. “Seeing colors [on your problems, or that a flouncy pol-
ourselves or others] can trigger a neu- ka dot skirt could cure a serious case “Think about how our spirits are
“In the months of winter, our bodies rological response; putting on a shade of anxiety and depression. lifted at the first signs of bright green
can become deprived of light and some that harmonizes with your skin tone shoots at the beginning of spring, and
people suffer from seasonal affective and personality has a positive effect, “When someone has clinical de- the joy of seeing the bright yellow of
disorder, which is a type of depression,” and your whole appearance can in- pression, they’re not usually interest- the daffodils,” she says. “In winter,
says Jules Standish, color counselor stantly be transformed.” ed in their appearance at all,” agrees the landscape is “black and white”,
and author of “How Not to Wear Black.” Professor Carolyn Mair, cognitive bleak and fairly colorless, hence our
“Many years of research has proven the need to wear lots of colors to keep
effects of light and dark on our well- our immune systems strong and our
being. Our reaction to seeing inspiring, moods positive to counteract the dark
bright, harmonious things is mood- days and lack of sunlight.”
lifting, which in turn has a physical
effect, improving blood pressure and You don’t have to buy something
strengthening the nervous system.” new. Take stock of what you already
own in your wardrobe, acknowledge
Standish says that seeing ourselves afresh what the pieces are that make
wearing more stimulating colors and you smile. And if that means wearing
prints will trigger a neurological re- a yellow T-shirt or a scarlet sweater
sponse, transforming both our ap- with your navy suit for work tomor-
pearance, our personality and the im- row, so be it.
70 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The Oscars 2020: Best and Worst Dressed
The much-anticipated 92nd Academy BEST BEST
Awards took place Sunday. The event is BEST BEST
considered to be the most prestigious when BEST BEST
it comes to celebrating talent in Hollywood.
Here is how the stars dressed for Tinseltown’s
biggest and glitziest night.
America Ferrera Beanie Feldstein Billie Eilish
Brie Larson Caitriona Balfe Charlize Theron
Cynthia Erivo Florence Pugh Geena Davis
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 71
Idina Menzel Janelle Monaé Julia Louis-Dreyfus Kaitlyn Dever Margot Robbie Mindy Kaling
Natalie Portman Penelope Cruz Regina King Renee Zellweger Sandra Oh Scarlett Johansson
Aurora Gal Gadot Kristen Wiig
Maya Rudolph Mara Rooney Saoirse Ronan
72 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BY TINA RONDEAU Gloria Estefan’s kitchen, when you visit,
Columnist you are in for a great meal at The Wave.
In the mood for a steak? For the past I welcome your comments, and en-
half dozen years, Wednesday has been courage you to send feedback to me at
Steak Night at the Costa d’Este Beach [email protected].
The reviewer dines anonymously at
While I tend to think of Cuban spe- restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
cialties and great paellas when some- 32963.
one mentions Gloria Estefan’s chic ho-
tel on Ocean Drive, The Wave’s Steak Ribeye.
Steak Diane.
Night – when it features a choice of siz- Filet Mignon. brought to Flan.
zling filets, rib eyes and strip steaks – the table siz-
has earned a reputation of its own. companions chose the bistro steak zling on a red-hot stone. This Bread Pudding.
Diane ($37) and the 14-ounce black- is great in that you do not wind
Word has gotten around to the point ened ribeye ($49). I decided to try the up eating a steak already turn- Hours:
that you want to have a reservation, as 12-ounce strip loin steak ($38), and my ing cool from the air condi- Tuesday through Saturday,
fortunately we did when our party of husband went for the 7-ounce center tioning when you are only half 5:30 pm to 10 pm nightly
four arrived at 7:30 last Wednesday. cut filet mignon ($46). finished. But at the same time,
the steaks are still cooking. I Beverages: Full Bar
We were quickly seated at the only All the steaks were well-seasoned, would recommend asking for Address:
remaining open table overlooking the which made them very flavorful. your steak to be prepared a speck
Costa d’Este pool, and our server David Sauces served with the steaks include rarer than your usual preference. 3244 Ocean Drive
took our drink order and returned with a red wine demi glaze, chimichurri, Phone: 772-410-0100
a selection of tasty bread. Bearnaise and au poivre, and one of One side dish also is included
our guests raved about the brandy with each of these steaks, and
For starters, the Steak Night menu mushroom sauce poured over the our table shared the truffle
offers as a first course choicce of a steak Diane. mashed potatoes, the
Caesar salad, a beef steak tomato with buttered asparagus, the
blue cheese, or Cuban-style black bean I should note that the steaks are roasted wild mushrooms
soup. Three members of our party opt- and the wilted baby spin-
ed for the excellent Caesar with ancho- Strip Loin. ach with garlic. Excellent.
vies, and one of our guests went for
the soup – a quite hearty ren- An additional option we
dition of this Cuban staple. noted a couple of other tables
Then it came time taking advantage of is the
to divvy up the ability to create your
steaks. Our own surf and turf.
You can add black-
ened jumbo shrimp
to any of these steaks
for $12; seared diver sea
scallops for $13; and half
of a Maine lobster for $18.
We concluded a wonderful
meal with flan ($8), ice cream
($6), bread pudding ($10) and a
couple of espressos ($5 each).
I would be remiss as a paella
lover in not noting that in addition
to a Steak Night, Costa d’Este also has
a Paella Night (Thursday) featuring
several different paellas. We have very
much enjoyed those as well.
But whether you are in the mood for
a steak, seafood, a paella or perhaps
one of the excellent Cuban dishes from
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 73
Many restaurant wine lists intimidate even dining pros
BY DAVE MCINTYRE Most of the others were similarly MANY WORDS IS THE ONE TO CALL by the server to whatever the staff uses as
opaque. I did not recognize any of the THE WINE so that we can have a conver- shorthand,” she tweeted.
The Washington Post wines. A few Google searches confirmed sation wherein you, a genius wine per-
that the list featured small-production son, tell me, a humble moron, what the As some restaurant professionals
The language of wine can be intimi- natural wines. So even knowing that words mean,” Rosner wrote. pointed out, servers might repeat a
dating. Wine lovers have our own vo- the burgundies would be chardonnay diner’s order to ensure they understood
cabulary, complete with foreign words may not tell me much of what the wines The back and forth included several it. If they come across as correcting the
that can be difficult to pronounce. We would be like. suggestions for improving wine lists, diner, is that a reflection of the server’s
boast of tasting a cornucopia of fla- such as using bold font for key words, demeanor or the diner’s insecurity?
vors that seem mystical and obscure Rosner did not identify the restau- adding bin numbers or other clues that
to normal drinkers. And we can spot a rant, nor did she respond to an email would help customers avoid the “mum- On the other hand, if Rosner, a “profes-
wine novice if they hold their glass by requesting further comment. But her ble and point” approach to ordering sional restaurant eater,” feels intimidat-
the bowl instead of the stem, say “RISE- tweet unleashed a maelstrom of com- wine. Rosner seemed eager for any ap- ed by wine lists and her interactions with
ling” instead of “REEZ-ling,” or describe ment and criticism, and her replies over proach that might offer a diner a clue. sommeliers, she most likely represents a
a wine merely as “smooth.” the next two days provided lots of fodder large proportion of restaurant customers
for discussion. Plenty of people agreed “Virtually every time I ask about a who do not eat out nearly as often. And
Most of us want to share our enthusi- with her take, but others accused her of bottle, at virtually any restaurant, I take that means wine professionals – includ-
asm and love of wine; others, unfortu- anti-intellectualism as well as plain old a shot in the dark about whether to refer ing sommeliers and wine columnists
nately, judge. ignorance about wine. to it by its varietal, appellation, cuvee, – have not done a good job of breaking
color – and almost always I’m corrected through wine’s language barrier.
All this leads to the stereotype of the “This isn’t about knowledge, it’s about
wine snob lording knowledge over the communication,” she replied, barely
rest of the world. And of course there’s able to contain her exasperation at the
the snooty sommelier who intimidates “word soup” of a typical wine list.
diners with an impenetrable wine list
and an imposing demeanor. Most som- Alice Feiring, a writer and cham-
meliers I’ve met take great pains to dispel pion of natural wines, chimed in,
that stereotype, but the negative image agreeing that the list was opaque and
seems to be alive and well. “grossly overpriced. They just tell you
the name of the wine, or its vineyard
In a recent Twitter rant, Helen Rosner, or specific appellation,” Feiring said.
food writer for the New Yorker, excori- “You’d need to be post-doctoral wine
ated a restaurant for its head-scratching to get through this one.”
wine list. “I am an actual professional
restaurant eater and I still have no . . . New York Times restaurant critic
clue which of the many many words on a Pete Wells described the restaurant list
wine list is the one word I’m supposed to in question as “a nice one” and “a pre-
say to indicate that this is the wine I want lude to a conversation.” He acknowl-
a glass of,” she wrote. edged, however, “there ought to be a
better way to strike up a conversation
She posted a photo of part of a list with customers.”
offering white wines from France’s
Loire Valley, Burgundy and Alsace. The Many of Rosner’s tweets focused on
first two listed were “Didier Chaffar- the discomfort of diners when faced
don ‘Chnaploïd’ ” and “Le Haut Planty with a wine list.
‘Gwin Evan’ ” – not very helpful if you
aren’t familiar with those producers “I am absolutely thrilled not to rec-
and their wines. ognize a single . . . word on your wine
list, I just want to know WHICH OF THE
74 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Fine Dining, Elevated
Exciting Innovative Cuisine
Award Winning Wine List
Unparalleled Service
Reservations Highly Recommended Proper Attire Appreciated
Zagat Rated (772) 234-3966 Open 7 Days
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experience the costa vibe...
daily happy hour mojito monday rhythm & waves
1/2 off appetizers $8 specialty mojitos fri & sat | 8 - 11 pm
$4 draft beer live entertainment
$5 house wine taco tuesday $10 speciality martinis
$5 house wine & $4 draft beer
$6 house cocktails $6 margaritas light bites & sweets
$4 tacos
4 - 6 pm
early-bird dinner wednesday steak night sunday brunch
sunday - thursday a la carte a la carte brunch menu
5 - 6 PM specialty steak menu 11:30 am - 3 pm
endless cocktails
two courses thursday paella night $18 mimosas
$20 per person $22 bloody marys
selection of paella dishes
call 772.410.0100 for more information or visit
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 75
Mon -Sat from 5pm 2EaErlny55NrD-%eig5Coh:i3nffht0ilenypgm!
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76 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 77
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78 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 79
Bonz has a blast with Harvey, Hadley and Nora
Hi Dog Buddies! was ackshully the Flower Girl Dog. Ob- BFF Hadley. I get
viously, Mom couldn’t resist. I mean,
Harvey, Hadley an Nora Banack live not to brag, but check me out: looks, along with every-
in the country, down this loooong, class, talent, personality. So, here I am. I
winding lane, kinda woodsy, with lotsa enjoy socializing. Harvey an Hadley are body. All in all, I’m
cool places to run around. Super Crispy pretty much home bodies. But I gotta
Dog Biscuits! If I wasn’t workin,’ I coul- MOVE! I ’specially LOVE going to the pretty laid back.
da hung out an just played an played. dog park. Gramma says I’m the def-uh-
NITION of ‘Runnin’ With The Big Dogs,’ But, when there’s
Anyhow, after the wag-n-sniffs, we cuz that’s zackly what I do. The Liddle
got settled in the livin’ room an Nora Dog Section is too boring for me.” a Full Moon, I
did the intros. She was a compact liddle
black-an-white pooch, super frenly, Harvey, who’d been dozing on the HAVE to sleep
with alert ears, great POSS-chur an one couch next to my assistant, raised his
of those bushy, flip-over-the-back tails. big, handsome head. “This liddle lady outside. I’m not
I thought she was a Husky puppy. pretty much does whatever she wants.
Like hiding shoes. An one Christmas certain why. I’m
“Didja find our place OK, Mr. Bonzo? (remember this, Nora?) she sniffed
It can be a liddle confusin.’ So, this is all the presents under the tree, an un- just drawn to it.
Harvey Forrest Banack, he’s a Chocolate wapped ’em till she found hers.”
Lab. He’s 8. He got his middle name cuz Maybe that’s
we all think he’s a lot like that the guy in “Hey, you’re ’SPOSE to unwrap pres-
the MOO-vee, Forrest Gump. ents, right?” Nora said. “I was HELPING!” what my pooch Hadley, Harvey
“This is Hadley, she’s the oldest, 13 We laughed. “Nice to meet you, ancestors did.” and Nora.
in human. She’s a mixture of Chihua- Bonz!” Harvey said. “Perhaps,”
hua an Pekingese. Humans call them JONES
Cheeks, which is kinda funny, in my “Likewise, Harvey. What’s your story?” I commented.
opinion. She’s the MAY-tree-ark of the “I’m from the Midwest. I was too
famly. An me, I’m Nora, I’m almost 7. young to remember, but I found out I “It’s miss-TEARY-us!”
I’m always gettin’ mistaken for a small was taken from my owners as a puppy,
Husky but I’m NOT.” for some reason, an went to live on a Hadley, who had gone to take a short “Quite understandable. What
beautiful farm in Indiana, where my
“I thought so, too,” I admitted, pickshur an story were put on The Line nap, re-entered. She was small an dain- are your favrite treats?”
scratching out my Husky puppy note. so I could find a Forever Famly. Gram-
ma an Mom saw it, an filled out this ty; charming; soft gold color; adorable “Well, we all like bones. Only the safe
“I’m ackshully an Alaskan Klee Kai.” really long apple-cation to see if they
“I’ve never heard of that. It’s a great qualified to adopt me. Finally, they got semi-mushy face; an fluffy ears. kinds, of course. I don’t ackshully eat
name!” approved, an I was flown down here
“Yes, I KNOW!” she smiled. “It means (with a Nanny, to make sure I was OK). “How do you do, Young Man,” she ad- mine right away. I stash them. An be-
‘small dog’ in Eskimo. The AKC calls “Dog, was I EVER! I ackshully went
us Husky Lite. This is our Gramma Mi- to college. Well, Mom did, atta school dressed me. “I hope I look presentable. I lieve me, Nora an Harvey know better
chelle. Grampa Rusty’s workin.’ This is called Eff. Ess. You. Woof, that was SO
Harvey’s an my Mom, Sydney. Hadley’s FUN! Mom’s a Horse Person, so, in be- have this marvelous stylist!” than to even try to nab one. I am Very
Mom is Brittany. She’s elsewhere. So, I tween studyin’ I went to lotsa horse
guess you wanna know how we all got shows, did a lotta tail-gaitin’; met a “You look enchanting, Miss Hadley,” I Serious about guarding the perimeter.
here, right? I’ll start.” buncha Cool Kibbles horses an pooch-
“Ready when you are,” I said, pencil es. Myself, I’m a simple, down-to-earth told her with great sincerity. “So, tell me Oh, an I also love spaghetti.”
poised. pooch. Now Mom works here, so I swim
“My breed’s still pretty new. My Mom in the pond, take walks, chase bunnies, a bit about yourself.” Heading home, I was thinking how
an our liddle sister Natalie saw one of hang out with Grampa Rusty or my
my fellow Klee Kai’s in a wedding. She “As you know, I’m a Cheek. I was liv- different Harvey, an Hadley an Nora’s
in’ at a pet store, when Gramma an my backstories were, an what happy lives
Mom, Brittany, happened to pass by an they’re living, each bringin’ something
spotted me inna cage in the window. a liddle different to the famly. I was also
I Hugely Disliked being there (to put thinking I’d like to try spaghetti. I know
it mildly) an tried to catch their eye. other dogs beside Hadley like it, cuz
When they looked at me, I gave them I saw it in a movie once. I think you’re
my best ‘GET ME OUTTA HERE!!’ look. s’pose to slurp it. Maybe Gramma will
It worked! They took me home that make me some.
very day, thank Lassie! Now I have the
most excellent life! At first, when Mom Till next time,
was gettin’ me use to the house, she
placed me in a cage for a while. How- The Bonz
ever, this reminded me of the pet store: Don’t Be Shy
I freaked out, an climbed all the way up
the side, like a cat, tryin’ to escape. So We are always looking for pets
that was it for the cage. Truth be told – with interesting stories.
no offense – I do prefer the company of To set up an interview, email
humans, I expect due to my experience
at the pet store.” [email protected].
“None taken,” I assured her.
80 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Grace of God is more powerful than our mistakes’
BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT are or where we are on life’s journey. life as a free gift of a gracious God, determine the future, by engaging in
Columnists Are you living in such a way, now, the first we question we ought to ask constant comparisons to others, by
that life is good, that your feel you’ve ourselves is, “How then, shall we becoming desensitized to life’s won-
What makes life good, or mean- made it mean something, and that live?” der and beauty, and by settling for
ingful or worthwhile? We frequently it’s all worthwhile? what simply works rather than what
hear people try to answer that ques- How are you utilizing the gift of life excites and pleases.
tion when they or their loved ones are If you ask yourself questions like granted to you? How are you tend-
ill or dying, maybe because when the that periodically, then you are in ing life, experiencing its blessings, These perceptive insights into
chips are down, people want to be good company. From among the honoring its value? Most of us, if we tragic life mistakes could be Spara-
clearer about what counts and what earliest of biblical writings we find stop to think it over, would probably cino’s “thou shalt nots.” Don’t make
doesn’t. But, of course, the question commentary upon what human life be able to name a few guidelines we these mistakes, she seems to say, and
can be addressed no matter who we is supposed to look like and how we follow to help us with the job of liv- your life will offer more possibility
are to live it. Faithful people have al- ing right. The Ten Commandments, and more opportunity. And of course,
ways had an interest in living right. for example, are a good start. But she’s right.
In fact, it has been said that once we interestingly, only a couple of those
acknowledge we’ve been granted commandments are phrased as be- But what if we’ve already made
havioral mandates (“thou shalts”). some of these mistakes? If our lives
The remainder are phrased as pro- seem to have fallen to ruin around
hibitions (“thou shalt nots”). Which us, are our opportunities gone? Is the
implies that it’s just as important to condition irreversible? Well, fortu-
avoid making serious mistakes as it is nately, many of us find that faith is
to produce positive results. more than wishful thinking. It allows
us to place life-restoring trust in One
Someone recently showed us an who is capable of making all things
article by Bianca Sparacino called new – One who can help to give even
“How to Ruin Your Life” that seems the most imperfect life a fresh start.
to underscore that conclusion. There
are mistakes we make that are so se- So watch out for the mistakes that
rious, she says, that they may seem can derail you, but remember that
to ruin everything. For example, ac- no matter where you’ve been, what
cording to Sparacino, you can ruin you’ve done, or how life has dealt
your life by trying to follow oth- with you, the grace of God is more
ers’ expectations without regard for powerful than our mistakes. It’s al-
your own happiness, by choosing ways possible to begin again and do
the wrong people for your closest re- it right – finding a life that is good,
lationships, by allowing the past to meaningful, and very much worth-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 81
ONGOING 14-16 The Music Man, presented by 15 Windsor Charity Polo Cup, benefiting 15 Classic Car Show hosted by Viet-
the Vero Beach High School Boys & Girls Clubs of IRC, Literacy Services nam Veterans of IRC, 10 a.m. to 3
Riverside Theatre: Lost in Yonkers on the Performing Arts Dept., 7 p.m. Fri. & Sat.; 2 p.m. of IRC and the Humane Society of VB & IRC, gates p.m. at Elks Lodge to support local veteran
Stark Stage thru Feb. 23. Sun. at VBHS PAC. $10 & $15. 772-564-5537 open 10 a.m., 11:30 junior player demo, 12 p.m. assistance programs and housing. Spectators
pavilion luncheon, 1:45 p.m. opening ceremonies free.
Vero Beach Museum of Art: From Homer to 15 TC Jazz Society presents the M&M and 2 p.m. match.
Hopper exhibit thru May 31. Latin Jazz Ensemble, 12:30 p.m. at 15 Asbury Short Film Concert, 1:30 or
the Vero Beach Yacht Club, with proceeds ben- 15 Florida Craft Brew & Wingfest, 11:30 7 p.m. at Vero Beach Museum of Art
McKee Botanical Garden: Ocean Sole Africa efitting the Jazz Scholarship Fund. 772-234- a.m. to 4 p.m. at Royal Palm Pointe to hosted by Asbury Shorts founder/director Doug
Exhibition thru May 31. 4600 benefit charities supported by Sunrise Rotary. LeClaire. $25. 772-231-0707
King of the Hill Tennis Tournaments: 6 p.m. Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
Tuesdays thru March 3 at the Moorings. in February 6, 2020 Edition 1 CON 1 CABINBOY
13 Indian River Symphonic Association 9 MEGATON 5 REGAIN
presents the Russian State Symphony 10 NOSETOTAIL 6 TUTU
Orchestra with pianist Polina Osetinskaya, 7:30 12 NAG 7 WANT
p.m. at Community Church of VB. 772-778-1070 15 OAKS 11 LAW
29 GIN 24 ARID
13 Concerts in the Park featuring Fred Good- Sudoku Page 64 Sudoku Page 65 Crossword Page 64 Crossword Page 65 (CLICK!)
night, 5 to 7 p.m. at Vero Beach Museum
of Art. BYO chair. $10 & $12. 772-231-0707
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This directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the beachside community an opportunity to make themselves known to island readers at an affordable cost. This is the
only service directory mailed each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a listing in the Vero Beach 32963 Business Directory,
please contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.
10735 Charleston Dr. in Windsor: 5-bedroom, 5.5-bath, 4,620-square-foot home offered for $3,495,000
by Beth Livers and Maria Caldarone, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Luxury Division: 772-559-6958
84 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Idyllic home overlooks Windsor’s picturesque golf course
BY STEPHANIE LABAFF the sunny, seaside village of Windsor
Staff Writer while helping her parents and grand-
mother search for a home in South
The 5-bedroom, 5.5-bath, two-sto- Florida. Designed by New Urbanism
ry Anglo-Caribbean home at 10735 pioneers Andrés Duany and Eliza-
Charleston Dr. in Windsor holds a beth Plater-Zyberk, Windsor features
host of memories for Dan and Mau- pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods
reen Cahill who, along with their five anchored around a town center.
children, spent countless vacations
in their beloved Florida home. The charming Anglo-Caribbean
architectural design is a hybrid of
Maureen Cahill stumbled across Spanish and British architecture
found in the Caribbean and St. Au- creates connection,” says Dan Ca-
gustine with a hint of Charleston and hill of the laid-back but social ambi-
Savannah blended in. Traditional ance. “There are no rules. There are
features include exposed rafter tails, no tee times. It’s not just the physical
lush courtyards, high masonry walls, structure of the community and our
breezeways, terraces, balconies and house. It’s the culture.”
“People are drawn to Windsor
“Windsor is a place of elegant mod- because it’s such a small enclave,”
esty, rather than pretension. There’s a says Beth Livers, Berkshire Hatha-
level of density, which means homes way Home Services Luxury Division.
achieve their sense of size and priva- “They’re tired of being in the hustle
cy via architecture,” said Duany in a and bustle.”
New York Post interview.
The understated elegance of the
“A great community encourages Cahills’ home, with attention to de-
connection. The layout of Wind- tail and fine craftsmanship apparent
sor encourages people to gather. throughout – triple crown molding,
They’ve created a culture that also coffered ceilings, built-ins, board
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 85
and batten panels – is typical of the yard. A 62-foot-long pool sits at the
quality homeowners have grown center with a fountain and idyllic,
to expect from homes designed by grass-covered bridge at the far end.
Clemens Bruns Schaub and built by
Huryn Construction. At the rear of the house proper the
teak and marble wet bar and loggia
Strolling up a few brick-paved covered dining space are perfect for
steps, you reach a dark wooden door. evenings under the stars and on the
Through that doorway, a veritable opposite side of the pool are a hot
“secret garden” awaits with a hallway tub and summer kitchen ensuring all
of arches creating a colonnade with your needs can be met poolside.
views of the recently renovated Rob- A covered seating area with a wood-
ert Trent Jones 18-hole golf course. burning fireplace creates a cozy spot
to while away stormy winter days.
“The outdoor space is magnificent. This breezeway also allows protected
It’s a great family house. They have access to the detached two-car ga-
everything they need right here,” rage and second-floor carriage house
says Livers. where guests can enjoy complete
autonomy with their own private
Once the door closes behind you, entrance. With a kitchenette and en
it’s as if you’ve entered a magical
space in the lushly landscaped court-
86 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
suite bath, it’s the perfect place for two distinctly separate spaces.
long-term guests or live-in help. Light from the sun-filled court-
At the rear of the courtyard is a yard flows into the house through an
bungalow the Cahills use as an office abundance of floor-to-ceiling doors
and sometimes guesthouse when and windows. Sheer curtains bil-
extra space is needed, with the 16th low in the breeze, softening the con-
hole of the Windsor golf course pro- temporary lines of the interior while
viding an engaging view. Brazilian walnut wood floors add
A doorway near the courtyard en-
tryway opens into the gourmet kitch- A gas-burning fireplace is the focal
en. Honed black granite countertops point in the formal living area with a
contrast with lighted, white custom bifurcated staircase – two separate
cabinets. The double wall oven with stairs lead to a shared landing behind
warming drawer and wine cooler en- the fireplace and then ascend in op-
sures feeding the Cahills’ brood isn’t posite directions – one leading to the
too great a task. master suite at the rear of the house
and the other to a pair of en suite
The formal dining room opens into bedrooms at the front of the property,
the living room and family room –
Neighborhood: Windsor
Year built: 2000
Construction: Concrete block with stucco
Architecture: Anglo-Caribbean
Lot size: 88 feet by 89 feet
Home size: 4,620 square feet
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 5 full baths and one half-bath
Pool: 62-foot heated swimming pool
View: 180-degree golf course
Additional features: Guard-gated community; gourmet kitchen; granite
countertops; custom cabinets; Brazilian Walnut Ipe wood floors; two fire-
places; courtyard; cabana; carriage house; two-car garage with golf cart
bay; wet bar; hot tub; and summer kitchen
Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Luxury Division
Listing agent: Beth Livers and Maria Caldarone, 772-559-6958
Listing price: $3,495,000
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 87
creating distinctly separate spaces. REAL ESTATE
The master suite opens onto a
with the ideal Florida sunset.
generous wraparound balcony with Even though they are selling their
sweeping views of the golf course and
courtyard. beautiful Windsor home, Vero hasn’t
seen the last of the Cahills. Their
It’s the perfect place to read and youngest child is graduating from
relax or enjoy a glass of wine paired college, so they find they can’t spend
as much time here as they did when
88 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
their children were younger. But, says ury sporting and beach community village store, town hall, two world- the equestrian center, gun club, fit-
Cahill, “When we’re ready, we’ll be established in 1989 by the Hon. Hila- class restaurants, and guest suites ness center, beach and golf clubhous-
back.” ry and W. Galen Weston. At the heart draw the community together. es, The Weston Guest House and The
of the 416-acre village, a post office, Gallery at Windsor.
Windsor is an ocean-to-river lux- Amenities include croquet, tennis,
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 89
Mortgage rates hit 3-year lows but may head higher soon
BY KATHY ORTON dict rates will rise in the coming week. index – a measure of total loan applica- ity decreased in January. The MCAI
“The coronavirus scare that spooked tion volume – increased 5 percent last slipped 0.2 percent to 181.9 last month.
The Washington Post week. The refinance index jumped 15 A decline in the MCAI indicates lending
markets over the last week appears percent, while the purchase index went standards are tightening, while an in-
Fixed mortgage rates sank to their to be waning,” said Michael Becker, a down 10 percent. crease signals they are loosening.
lowest level in three years on fears branch manager at Sierra Pacific Mort-
about the economic impact of the coro- gage in Lutherville, Md. The refinance share of mortgage ac- “Mortgage credit availability was most-
navirus. tivity accounted for 64.5 percent of ap- ly unchanged to start 2020,” Joel Kan, an
Meanwhile, borrowers taking advan- plications. MBA economist, said in a statement.
According to the latest data released tage of lower rates propelled mortgage
last Thursday by Freddie Mac, the 30- applications higher. According to the The MBA also released its mortgage “Similar to December of 2019, the de-
year fixed-rate average tumbled to latest data from the Mortgage Bank- credit availability index (MCAI) this cline came from the reduction of low credit
3.45 percent with an average 0.7 point. ers Association, the market composite week that showed credit availabil- score, high-[loan-to-value] programs.”
(Points are fees paid to a lender equal to
1 percent of the loan amount and are in
addition to the interest rate.) It was 3.51
a week ago and 4.41 percent a year ago.
The 30-year fixed rate hasn’t been
this low since October 2016. But it re-
mains well above its all-time low of 3.31
percent set in 2012.
The 15-year fixed-rate average fell
below 3 percent for the first time since
November 2016, dropping to 2.97 per-
cent with an average 0.7 point. It was 3
percent a week ago and 3.84 percent a
year ago. The five-year adjustable rate
average rose to 3.32 percent with an
average 0.2 point. It was 3.24 percent a
week ago and 3.91 percent a year ago.
Rates’ three-week swoon has been
driven primarily by concerns over a po-
tential slowdown in economic growth
from the coronavirus outbreak. But
now that those fears have started to
abate, mortgage rates are expected to
go back up.
“Rates officially touched their low-
est levels in three years late last week,
but key readings on the manufacturing
and services industries, as well as pri-
vate payrolls data, bested industry ex-
pectations and boosted investor senti-
ment (last) Wednesday,” said Matthew
Speakman, a Zillow economist.
“But, much like last week, the cen-
tral story that drove bond prices, and
thus mortgage rates, was the ongoing
developments around the coronavirus
outbreak in China. Optimism has risen
in recent days after rumors of a medica-
tion and news that China’s central bank
could cut its key lending rates in order
to support economic growth that has
languished as a result of the outbreak.”
The yield on the 10-year Treasury re-
bounded after nose-diving to 1.51 percent
two Fridays ago. In less than a month, it
had fallen from 1.88 percent, mainly on
fears surrounding the coronavirus out-
break. But by last Wednesday, the 10-year
yield was back up to 1.66 percent.
The reason the 10-year yield matters
is because its movement tends to mim-
ic the path of mortgage rates. When
yields rise, rates often move higher., which puts out a
weekly mortgage rate trend index,
found half the experts it surveyed pre-
90 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The home you bought’s a money pit. Can you sue the seller?
BY ILYCE GLINK AND SAMUEL J. TAMKIN It was difficult finding inspectors We closed a month later over La- and I have to have inserts installed if
The Washington Post where this home was located, so I bor Day weekend. We closed before the I want heat during the winter (one of
was limited in who would respond. weekend to have the holiday weekend the fireplaces is sucking all of the heat
Question: This past July, I went to an The home inspection went fine. The to move in. We did our walk-through right out of the house and making my
open house. This house was done to the inspector noted there appeared to be before closing without anything out of HVAC work double time).
nines (or so it appeared). I put in an of- mold in the crawl spaces that would the ordinary other than a wasp nest that
fer that weekend for the full list price have to be remediated. The shower in had formed in the bedroom window. Answer: Your house sounds like a
and an escalation clause to ensure I the basement didn’t drain well, but money pit. We’re so sorry you’re going
was in the running. My offer was select- that wasn’t of concern to him. And he Shortly after I moved in, I called a through this, but the issues you raise
ed, and we proceeded with the home noted the water heaters would have to plumber to adjust the water temperatures are helpful in an era where home flip-
inspection and termite inspection. be replaced within five years. on the water heaters. When the plumber ping has once again become sport.
came to adjust the temperatures, he not-
ed the water heaters were too old and they It’s interesting that you started
had to be replaced if I wanted hot water. your story by stating the home you
Also, our area has hard water and a wa- were buying was “done to the nines.”
ter softener would be needed to protect It’s so much easier (and cheaper) to
them. In addition, he found there was paint (or paper) over a home’s flaws
still cast-iron piping in the crawl space, rather than address actual issues;
and it was leaking sewage. and it seems to fool a lot of people, in-
cluding professional home inspectors
I had him replace both water heat- who should have known better.
ers and the cast-iron pipe and install a
water softener at a total cost of around When touring a house, Sam usu-
$20,000. A couple of months later, I ally likes to start in the basement.
smelled an awful odor in my kitchen. That’s how he can tell whether a
I went into the basement and found a seller put money into the guts of the
major sewage leak and backup in the home as opposed to just those areas
bathroom and adjoining room. The that are visible, like the living room
plumber came out and found that all or kitchen. It’s nice to have granite
the pipes were clogged and that snak- countertops and new appliances, and
ing them would not work. They would it’s also nice to have new bathroom
have to be flushed out; but in doing fixtures and cabinets, but Sam likes
that, they made the situation worse. to see whether a seller has tackled
My insurance is covering the repairs to the mechanicals or structural issues,
the home, but a simple plumbing issue including replacing the air-condi-
has taken up so much of my time and tioning system, water heaters, pipes,
finances that I’m at the point of selling windows, furnace, electrical supply,
the house if one more problem arises. water supply, sanitary sewer line and
other components many other people
Do I have any recourse to make the overlook when buying a fixer-upper.
seller responsible for these repairs? He
allegedly spent a year fixing this house Sam has had dozens of clients buy
that was in foreclosure. Shouldn’t he homes that have been renovated, up-
have made sure the pipes were up- dated or gutted where sellers have
dated and clean (or cleaned out) before made rooms look pretty but haven’t
putting the house on the market? touched any of the fundamental
items in the home. And those buyers
My belief is that when you buy any almost always find themselves facing
house, you should repair from the bot- expensive repairs and upgrades.
tom up, and he evidently failed to do
so. I’ve also had electrical problems; Some buyers seem to think that
none of the fireplaces are up to code, just because a seller is good at staging
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 91
a home, they can automatically as- REAL ESTATE
sume the mechanicals are up to date
as well. But sellers have no obligation owned by homeowners who can’t af-
to update or renovate a home or do ford basic maintenance to the prop-
more than they are legally required erty. So everything falls to the way-
to in the contract. If the water heat- side, as they attempt to keep up with
ers are old when you purchased the their mortgage payments. You should
home, or the pipes are old, the seller have been even more skeptical about
has no obligation to update or up- the property upon finding out it was a
grade them, just as you had no obliga- foreclosure flip.
tion to buy the home.
On the other hand, we sometimes
We are sorry your home inspector find it suspicious when a plumber
did not identify more of these issues comes to a new home and automati-
to you. Over the past 20 years, Sam cally starts to tell the homeowners they
has seen inspectors rely more and must replace everything. While this
more on checklists and less on giv- may be true in some situations – like
ing general information to buyers. when you do not have hot water – we
It seems to us that many inspectors also have seen some contractors abuse
who rely only on checklists will go this situation. Maybe everything does
down only the list of items on those not really need to be replaced today.
specially created lists and not deviate
at all, no matter what the actual con- How would you know? A second
dition of the house. opinion. When Sam’s clients have
gotten second opinions from con-
A good home inspector should turn tractors, it frequently turns out the
every knob (including tub and sinks), first contractor was trying to take ad-
test every light socket (to make sure it vantage of the homeowner.
is grounded), go into the crawl spaces
and inspect the attic. An inspector do- As far as going after the seller, we are
ing a proper inspection should have not sure what you can go after the seller
told you the hot water was not work- for. You did not say the seller lied to you
ing or was not getting hot enough. or should have disclosed things the
seller knew were wrong with the home.
The other red flag is you knew the You can sit down with an attorney who
home was in foreclosure. Homes has experience with seller disclosure
that go into foreclosure typically are issues and see if you have a case. But if
not, we hope you can still find a mea-
sure of peace with this property.
92 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Jan. 31 to Feb. 6
The barrier island real estate market started February with a solid week. Nine transactions were reported,
including two for more than $1 million.
The top sale of the week was of a home with both golf course and lake views in the Orchid Island Golf &
Beach Club. The residence at 398 Indies Drive was listed Sept. 5 for $1.795 million. The sale closed on Jan.
31 for $1.7 million.
Both the seller of the property and the purchaser were represented by Nancy Hardy of Premier Estate
$1,795,000 $1,325,000
ORCHID ISLAND 398 INDIES DR 9/5/2019 $1,795,000 1/31/2020 $775,000
ANCHOR THE MOORINGS 113 SPRINGLINE DR 10/23/2019 $1,300,000 1/31/2020 $755,000
$775,000 $315,000
CASTAWAY COVE 1025 OLDE DOUBLOON DR 1/30/2020 $775,000 1/31/2020 $312,000
BAYTREE OCEANSIDE 8416 OCEANSIDE DR, #F31 8/19/2019 $899,000 $759,000 1/31/2020
PARK SHORES OF VERO BEACH 300 PARK SHORES CT, #300C 11/1/2018 $339,000 $339,000 1/31/2020
SILVER PALMS 4154 SILVER PALM DR, #5 12/16/2019 $335,000 $335,000 1/31/2020
OCEAN CLUB 4450 HIGHWAY A1A, #405 8/30/2019 $300,000 $290,000 2/3/2020
VISTA DEL MAR 5400 HIGHWAY A1A, #G17 12/26/2019 $255,000 $255,000 1/31/2020
FOUNTAINS CONDO 5725 HIGHWAY A1A, #2 10/21/2019 $279,000 $220,000 2/3/2020
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 93
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Castaway Cove, Address: 1025 Olde Doubloon Dr Subdivision: Anchor The Moorings, Address: 113 Springline Dr
Listing Date: 1/30/2020 Listing Date: 10/23/2019
Original Price: $775,000 Original Price: $1,300,000
Recent Price: $775,000 Recent Price: $1,300,000
Sold: 1/31/2020 Sold: 1/31/2020
Selling Price: $775,000 Selling Price: $1,325,000
Listing Agent: Beth Livers Listing Agent: Cathy Curley
Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Beth Livers Claudia Johnson
Berkshire Hathaway Florida Berkshire Hathaway Florida
Subdivision: Park Shores of Vero Beach, Address: 300 Park Shores Ct, #300C Subdivision: Baytree Oceanside, Address: 8416 Oceanside Dr, #F31
Listing Date: 11/1/2018 Listing Date: 8/19/2019
Original Price: $339,000 Original Price: $899,000
Recent Price: $339,000 Recent Price: $759,000
Sold: 1/31/2020 Sold: 1/31/2020
Selling Price: $315,000 Selling Price: $755,000
Listing Agent: Jean Moseley & Don Little Listing Agent: Linda & David Riley
Selling Agent: Billero & Billero Selling Agent: ONE Sotheby’s Int’l Realty
Jean Moseley & Don Little Stacey Morabito &
Debbie Noonan
Billero & Billero
Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S
Rare opportunity, east of A1A! 4BD/3.5BA in small private Spectacular top floor oceanfront 3BR/4.5BA condo, ocean Beautiful 4BR/3BA pool home, cul-de-sac location, large
enclave of nine homes, short walk to shops & restaurants views from all rooms, 2650 sf, 440’ wrap around terrace private rear yard, hurricane impact windows & doors, pool
$884,000 $795,000 $534,000
Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.
direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |
94 Vero Beach 32963 / February 13, 2020 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1289 Island Club Square West, Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Vero Beach FL 32963
• Under Market Priced Subdivision: Ocean Club, Address: 4450 Highway A1A, #405
• 4 Bed + Den, 3.5 Bath, Pool & Spa
• Beautiful Kitchen Listing Date: 8/30/2019
• Perfect for All Stages of Living Original Price: $300,000
$825,000 • MLS 227530 Recent Price: $290,000
Sold: 2/3/2020
300 Harbour Dr., #309A, Selling Price: $282,500
Vero Beach FL 32963 Listing Agent: Kimberly Taylor
• Moorings Villa
• 2 or 3 Bed, 2 Bath Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
• 1 car Garage / Pool Behind Unit
• Mint Condition / Impact Windows Carolyn Mac Evoy
$430,000 • MLS 228906
Mac Evoy Real Estate Co
9335 W. Maiden Court
REDUCED Vero Beach, FL 32963
• Old Orchid
• Idyllic Community
• 2 / 2 + Den, 2 Car Garage
• Close to Beach and Evac. Route
$389,000 • MLS 522471
Subdivision: Silver Palms, Address: 4154 Silver Palm Dr, #5
[email protected] Listing Date: 12/16/2019
Original Price: $335,000
Gene Billero, Broker Recent Price: $335,000
772.532.0011 Sold: 1/31/2020
Selling Price: $312,000
Listing Agent: Charlotte Terry & Kate Weeks
Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc.
Not Provided
Not Provided
Check out our comprehensive inventory of homes now at GHOHOMES.COM/INVENTORY
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9351 Orchid Cove Circle, Vero Beach 455 Pittman Avenue, Vero Beach
2 Bed, 3 Bath, 2-Car Garage, 2,199 square feet TACOMA • BENT PINE PRESERVE
5800 Palmetto Preserve Rd, Vero Beach 3 Bed, Den, 3 Bath, 2-Car Garage, 2,514 square feet
Call Lisa Krynski at 772.521.0954 3 Bed, Den, 3 Bath, 2-Car Garage, 2,522 square feet
Call Cathy Garofalo for an appointment: 772.342.0061
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Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents
required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design.