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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-12-13 15:08:11

12/13/2018 ISSUE 50


No referendum is planned
on island Publix. P10
A1A speed limit to

be lowered in Shores. P8
Virgin Group partnership seen
a big plus for Brightline train. P8

MY VERO For breaking news visit

BY RAY MCNULTY Harbor Branch
trial delayed by
Should Vero put a price on judge’s recusal
public parks and beaches?

When I want to show offVero Beach in front of residence of Robert Jaffe, who last summer roped off an area in front of his seawall. PHOTO BY LEIGH GREEN BY FEDERICO MARTINEZ
Beach and impress visitors Staff Writer
with the beauty and charm of County sues to establish public access to Summerplace beach
my adopted hometown, I take District Court Judge Sher-
them to the picturesque plac- BY KATHLEEN SLOAN the Summerplace subdivision The state law took power wood Bauer Jr. unexpectedly
es that justify calling it “our Staff Writer north of Wabasso Beach Park, away from local governments recused himself from a high
seaside slice of heaven.” the first suit of its kind in the to simply declare beaches stakes fight between Florida
Indian River County filed state since a new law affecting public through the “customary Atlantic University and the
Those places include Riv- a lawsuit Nov. 30 seeking to beach access took effect July 1, use doctrine,” putting in place leaders of the Harbor Branch
erside Park, the Conn Beach establish public access to a according to County Attorney a requirement for a court rul- Oceanographic Institute Foun-
boardwalk and the city’s three 2,000-foot stretch of beach in Dylan Reingold. dation moments before open-
beach parks, all of which are CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 ing arguments were scheduled
among the most picturesque to begin over control of a $72
stops on any tour of our com- million endowment.
“I spent Wednesday after-
They’re also a big part of our noon studying the case and
small-town, coastal quality of at about 4:37 p.m. discovered
life – something on which we that there is a strong appear-
can’t put a price. ance of a conflict of interest,”
Bauer explained to attorneys
The Vero Beach City Coun- and representatives from both
cil, however, wants to try. sides who appeared in court
on Thursday.
Starting Jan. 1, the city will
allow people to reserve and “I am good friends with one
rent the covered pavilions at of the witnesses, (former FAU
Jaycee, Humiston and South President) Frank Brogan, who
Beach parks, charging non-
residents more to do so. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 The Strand about to
emerge as the newest
Longtime harbormaster out as complaints community in Shores
about troubled Vero City Marina mount
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING Grabenbauer soon will be Vero Beach Harbormaster Tim Grabenbauer to retire in February. Staff Writer
Staff Writer sailing off into the sunset.
The developer building 21
The Vero Beach City Coun- After a meeting with City Key West-style townhouses at
cil doesn’t seem able to agree Manager Jim O’Connor in The Strand – a new 36-acre
on what course to chart to fix the wake of the Nov. 22 coun- waterfront community just
the troubled city marina, but cil meeting where a long, un- north of Palm Island Planta-
one thing has become clear: happy and inconclusive dis- tion in Indian River Shores –
Longtime Harbormaster Tim cussion about the marina’s

December 13, 2018 Volume 11, Issue 50 Newsstand Price $1.00 Jake Owen puts
his hometown in
News 1-12 Faith 67 Pets 66 TO ADVERTISE CALL the spotlight. P14
Arts 33-36 Games 47-49 Real Estate 69-80 772-559-4187
Books 46 Health 51-55 St. Ed’s 32
Dining 60 Insight 37-50 Style 56-59 FOR CIRCULATION
Editorial 44 People 13-31 Wine 61 CALL 772-226-7925

© 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Vero City Marina The top floor of the marina’s main Several of the stall panels remain During a conversation with a ma-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 building is rented as a private resi- stacked against the exterior wall, and, rina resident in the boaters’ TV lounge
dence; the main floor houses a boaters’ say residents, still-uninstalled panels (“We put our own TVs in,” he said),
woes took place, Grabenbauer said laundry, lounge and restroom facilities are languishing inside. another boater, Kathie Grove, entered.
he will retire in February, when he will on the north and south ends. Each end “I can’t even get a drink of water. The
have logged 22 years with the city. contains a men’s and a women’s 3-stall While funds have been designated for water fountain’s still broken,” she
bathroom and shower. these essential repairs, the project has announced gloomily. Apparently, it
A short time later, the marina direc- moved at a glacial pace, though Gra- hasn’t worked in months.
tor position was posted on the city’s The south restrooms are currently benbauer said on Dec. 4 that the north
website – “full-time, $75,000 annually.” open, although, according to a marina restroom plumbing is going in and The lounge, too, looked a little sad –
resident, a toilet seat in the women’s “they’re putting in drywall right now.” and empty. The live-aboard explained
Grabenbauer has taken increas- side remained broken until a private that several tables, chairs and shelves
ing heat over the marina’s dilapidated individual purchased and installed a With 100 or so boats currently using had been removed, hopefully to be
condition in recent years, and the lat- new one. the marina dockage and facilities, and replaced at some point. “Where’s the
est delays in repairing one of two rest- high season approaching, the loss of furniture?” he wondered, and added
rooms and completing other projects The north restrooms are in much half the restrooms and showers could that one of the two pump out boats
seem to have been the last straws. worse condition, with a “Closed for hardly have come at a more inconve- was not operating.
Renovations” sign stuck to the door. nient time.
Grabenbauer said he is preparing to
replace the out-of-service boathouse
pump-out equipment, funding for
which he obtained, in part, through a
Clean Vessel Act grant via the FDEP.

As for the next couple of months,
Grabenbauer said, “I’ll do my job to
the best of my ability ’til I retire.” 

My Vero


And that’s just the beginning: Recre-
ation Director Rob Slezak said the city
likely will do the same at other parks,
including Riverside and MacWilliam
parks, especially if the reservation sys-
tem is well-received by the community.

“The Recreation Department is
being asked to pay for itself,” Slezak
said of the new rental and higher-fee
policies, which eventually will extend
to all – or at least most – of the city’s
parks and recreation facilities.

It was two years ago that a then-new
City Council told Slezak to explore
ways his department could gener-
ate revenues to help cover the costs of
maintaining and operating its facilities.

The reason?
“Recreation was bleeding money,”
Mayor Harry Howle said. “We spend
more than $500,000 a year just to
maintain our parks and recreation
facilities, and we needed to do some-
thing to offset the costs.
“Rather than put that cost solely
on the city taxpayers,” he added, “we
want to see if we can generate revenue
by charging for or, in some cases, rais-
ing fees to use our facilities.”
The concept of monetizing recre-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 3


ation came to a head last summer, enue, which Councilwoman Laura That’s why the city charges to use two-table pavilions. The cost for non-
when the city considered leasing its Moss continues to push for and might the fountain at Royal Palm Park. residents of the city will be $50 for sin-
money-losing Riverhouse at MacWil- someday get, possibly as part of any That’s why the city has raised rates gle-wide pavilions and $75 for double-
liam Park to Orchid Island Brewery future deal to sell the former Dodger- for its summer camps. And that’s why wide pavilions.
owner Alden Bing. town Golf Club property to the county. the city will start allowing folks to re-
serve and rent covered pavilions at its He said weekend rentals could gen-
The Recreation Commission re- Until then, though . . . beach parks. erate as much as $200,000 annually.
fused to recommend the plan to the “The Recreation Department was That revenue would put a serious dent
City Council, and the controversy asked to find ways to pay for itself,” Slezak said the cost for city residents in the costs of maintaining and repair-
convinced Bing to withdraw his pro- Slezak said, “and that’s what we’re try- will be $25 for single-wide, one-table ing the structures.
posal to move his brewery to the park. ing to do.” pavilions and $50 for double-wide,
Instead, the city continues to rent a CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
recently renovated Riverhouse, which
was damaged by Hurricane Irma in Exclusively John’s Island
2017, for private functions.
Sited on .72± acres on a cul-de sac, this beautiful 4BR+Study/4.5BA home
But the facility continues to operate enjoys spectacular sunrise, pool and water views. Impressive features include
at a loss, as do most of the Recreation custom finishes, 5,383± GSF, detached guest cabana and a gracious living
Department’s offerings. room with fireplace, which flows effortlessly onto the expansive lanai creating
one cohesive space. Generous living areas include an expansive kitchen
That’s not surprising, nor is it nec- with breakfast nook and bar, formal dining area, master suite with ample
essarily a bad thing, given how much storage, den/study, two guest en-suites, and an oversized two-car garage.
parks and recreational amenities en- 121 South Shore Circle : $2,395,000
hance a community’s quality of life.
three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
It’s the price of being a special place health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
to live.
772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
More than a few of my realtor friends
have told me they often drive through
Riverside Park, past Memorial Island,
the Riverside Theater and Vero Beach
Museum of Art, when working with
prospective homebuyers, particularly
those from out of town who are not fa-
miliar with Vero Beach.

They’ll also cruise along Ocean
Drive, sure to point out the easy access
to our free-of-charge beach parks.

Fact is, Vero’s parks and other recre-
ational amenities benefit the entire com-
munity, including those who live outside
the city – especially those who live in the
unincorporated parts of the county.

According to Slezak, more than two-
thirds of the people who visit Vero
Beach’s parks and utilize the city’s rec-
reational facilities are not city residents.
Yet, the costs of operating and main-
taining those parks and facilities have
been borne solely by city taxpayers.

“City residents are paying for these
amenities, which are used mostly by
county residents,” Slezak said. “For
a long time, the thinking was always:
People coming into the city to use
these facilities will spend money here
and pump money back into the city.

“Besides, recreation has always
been a quality-of-life thing,” he add-
ed. “It’s something good for the city.”

But not only the city.
So I asked Slezak: With so many
county residents also enjoying the
perks of Vero Beach’s parks, shouldn’t
the county contribute something to
cover the city’s costs?
He laughed.
“Oh, it comes up, but the conversa-
tion never gets very far,” Slezak said.
“You can understand why.”
The county has 27 of its own parks,
including 10 on the island, to operate
and maintain, as well as boat launches,
docks, ball fields and the fairgrounds.
Certainly, the city could use a larger
share of the county’s tourist tax rev-

4 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


My Vero erings, birthday parties and other so- and put a ‘RESERVED’ sign on it, let- here this morning. I feel bad. I’ve
cial functions,” Slezak said. “Now, they ting other people know it’s not avail- wasted a lot of money and time.”
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 can reserve them in advance, instead able,” he added. “We’ll try it and see
of having to get there at the break of how the community responds, but I Bauer said the two-year-old case
“We do get requests from people dawn to make sure they get one. think people will like the convenience. will be turned over to Judge Lawrence
who want to use them – people willing Mirman, who will set a new date for
to pay to reserve them for family gath- “When someone reserves a pavilion, “This could become a thing.” opening arguments.
we’ll give them a permit, then go out How much of a thing it becomes,
however, is more than a little uncer- The trial was scheduled after both
tain – because the pavilions can be sides agreed in August that they
used for free on a first-come, first- had reached an impasse after eight
served basis if they’re not reserved. months of negotiations over who
For that reason, Slezak also has ap- should have control of the $72 million
proached local philanthropists, busi- endowment, which the Foundation
nesses and community organizations has long used to make grants for sci-
that might be interested in purchasing entific research related to the Indian
naming rights for recreational facili- River Lagoon and the world's oceans.
ties, including the pavilions.
“There’s some interest there,” he The Foundation came to be in 2007,
said, adding “we try to provide rec- when Harbor Branch’s laboratories
reation for all, and we don’t want to and research realm were acquired by
discourage people from using our FAU.
amenities by raising fees and charging
too much. But we’ve been asked to try John Seward Johnson Sr., the son
some things.” of Robert Wood Johnson, one of the
And maybe they’ll work. three founders of the Johnson & John-
But if they don’t – if not enough peo- son Corporation, founded Harbor
ple agree to pay to play, if the county Beach in 1971, with the help of inven-
doesn’t eventually kick in a few bucks tor Edwin Link.
to help, if the city must continue to
pick up the tab – parks, beaches and Johnson and Link envisioned an in-
other recreation amenities still need dependent institute which would use
to remain a priority. oceanographic research, innovative
They’re a big part of our small-town, engineering and deep-sea exploration
seaside quality of life, and you can’t to preserve the environment and pro-
put a price on that.  mote greater scientific understanding
of the ocean.
Harbor Branch
The Fort Pierce laboratory soon be-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 came a leader in its field, entering the
elite company of Woods Hole, Scripps
has spoken at a family member’s fu- and other top oceanographic research
neral and at my daughter’s wedding,” institutes and attracting scientists
Bauer said. “On occasion, we have from around the world.
had dinner together.
After Johnson Sr.’s death, however,
“I want to apologize to everyone finances at the nonprofit began to fal-
ter. Expenses outran income in part
because the institute had acquired
costly research ships and submarines
and suffered extensive damage in the
2004 and 2005 hurricanes.

Johnson Sr.’s heirs were less sup-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 5


portive than he had been, and there Oceanographic Institute Board of Di- million to the university, which incor- ment and grant-making, determined
was no longer an open checkbook to rectors. porated the research institute into its to protect John Seward Johnson Sr.’s
fund Harbor Branch’s many research academic structure. endowment and use it for the purpose
programs, including extensive studies To save Harbor Branch, its board of he intended. The new foundation
of bottlenose dolphins in the Indian directors agreed to let the storied in- At the same time, the old board be- board also maintained control over an
River Lagoon, according to Michael stitution be acquired by FAU, turning came the new Harbor Branch Oceano- annual $2 million stream of revenue
O’Reilly, chair of the Harbor Branch over land, buildings, laboratories and graphic Institute Foundation board
other assets valued at more than $90 and refocused its energies on invest- CONTINUED ON PAGE 6



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6 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Harbor Branch Board of Directors, which feared that tution, but the “dry” part of the beach Jaffe did not respond to a request for
without independent oversight, funds may be property of a private land- comment, but a visit to Summerplace
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 placed in trust by Johnson Sr. and li- owner. However, if it can shown that on Monday showed that a rope barrier
cense-plate revenue could be diverted the beach has a history of unfettered which had been placed on the beach
from the sale of ocean-themed Florida to other uses than marine research. public use, then the landowner cannot in front of Jaffe’s property this summer
license plates created to support ma- According to University Press, FAU in block off his portion of sand. had since been removed.
rine research. 2012 had "requested a $50,000 dona-
tion from [the Foundation] ... to help The suit was filed because Robert Before the law was passed, Indian
The arrangement that divided Har- build its football stadium." Jaffe, who lives in Summerplace, at- River County had not declared any
bor Branch’s assets and functions into tempted to block access to the dry part of its 22 miles of beaches public.
two parts appeared to work well for a The nonprofit filed a lawsuit in beach in front of his seawall after the Although most of the land is in front
time. FAU acquired new prestige as a March 2017 to block the university’s law took effect, according to county of private property, owners have will-
research university and increased op- takeover attempt, which the suit officials. They say this is the first time ingly allowed public access after mil-
portunities for its students, and the called "a blatant power grab," relying in Indian River County’s known his- lions of dollars have been expended in
foundation’s work thrived. on a 2007 Memorandum of Under- tory that there has been a dispute about beach nourishment projects.
standing between the two parties that public beach access.
Focusing exclusively on maximiz- stipulated the Foundation’s distribu- The county gave “notice of intent”
ing investment returns and making tions would be made at the “sole dis- The county’s “Complaint for Decla- to file suit on Oct. 2, as required by
impactful scientific grants, the Foun- cretion” of the board for purposes of ration of Recreational Customary Use” the new law, by holding a public hear-
dation during the past 10 years grew defraying expenses, retiring debt and names 22 properties, including Jaffe’s, ing after giving 30-day prior notice to
its endowment from $40 million to benefiting the institute.  and gives the owners 45 days to “inter- Summerplace property owners. Jaffe
$70 million and channeled more than vene,” Reingold said. No other Sum- did not attend the public hearing.
$28 million to marine scientists, ac- Summerplace beach merplace owners are known to oppose
cording to figures in an annual report CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 public access, and many of them have Evidence that will be presented in
released in November 2017. offered testimony in favor of keeping court was previewed at the public
ings to settle disputes about public the beach accessible, officials said. hearing. Included were maps dating
But the dispute began when during beach access. back nearly 100 years, photographs
budget negotiations in 2017, Daniel Nineteenth Circuit Judge Paul dating back to the 1930s, and written
Flynn, vice president of Research at The “dry sand” part of the beach Kanarek has been assigned the case. affidavits from county staff and prop-
FAU, proposed the Foundation merge above the “mean high water mark” is If he orders that the beach is public, erty owners – all intended to establish
its staff, accounting, legal representa- at issue. The “wet part” of the beach is then the county also asks he grant that the 2,000-foot stretch of beach
tion and other administrative func- declared public by the Florida Consti- “permanent injunctive relief” to force has been used by the public “without
tions with the university to save a pro- Jaffe to remove any barriers. dispute and without interruption for
jected $416,00 annually. many years,” the standard for custom-
Jaffe has 20 days to reply to the injunc- ary use. 
The move alarmed the Foundation’s tive-relief summons, served on Dec. 3.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 7


Laura Riding Jackson House moving to college campus

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA ary gatherings and the popular annual Indian River State College, via Pro- ferings, as well as its community out-
Staff Writer “Poetry and BBQ” fundraiser. vost Casey Lunceford, was one of the reach efforts. It is anticipated the house
most enthusiastic suitors of the historic and its programs will draw a fitting de-
After going through a worrisome pe- Uncertainty about its future arose in house: The college’sVero Beach campus, mographic to the campus, especially
riod of uncertainty during the past 18 mid-2017, when new ELC leadership in- he said, offers a convenient location, young people interested in poetry, lit-
months, the historic Laura Riding Jack- formed the Foundation that the house plenty of space, sufficient parking and erature and history.
son House has found a new home: a would have to be moved to make way a venue compatible with the home's
grassy acre and a half on the Vero Beach for a proposed multimillion-dollar ex- many historic and literary associations. The home’s future site, said Lunceford,
campus of Indian River State College. pansion project at the Center. will be on the west side of the Mueller
“It's ideal,” he said at the time. “We like campus, behind and between the Brack-
The agreement between the Lau- Because no timeframe was given for the educational aspect. The west side of ett Library and the Schumann Center. In
ra Riding Jackson Foundation and when the house had to be relocated, our campus is very open and natural. Ac- its new, more convenient location, the
IRSC became official Nov. 27 when and the 5-year lease was coming up cessibility is not a problem. We have the house will continue and expand its mis-
the college’s Board of Trustees unani- for renewal that December, the Foun- space, and we'd be glad to host it.” sion as a literary gathering place for poet-
mously signed off on it. Both entities dation board found itself scrambling ry programs, classes, workshops, discus-
are thrilled with what they view as a to figure out what to do next – when Talks progressed and, in July, Lunc- sion groups, speakers and special events.
strong, synergetic partnership. to move the house, where to move the eford confirmed that “we are in the
house, how to move the house. process of preparing a “memorandum A lot of work lies ahead before the
The 108-year-old house is signifi- of understanding.” move can take place, and no time-
cant as an example of traditional Flor- After a January 2018 story in Vero frame has been established. “We have
ida ‘cracker’ architecture and because Beach 32963 revealed the home's After the college’s Board of Trustees to get our ducks in a row,” Stiefel says.
it was the longtime home of renowned plight, Foundation president Marie Sti- approved the plan last week, Lunce-
20th century poet and literary entre- efel scheduled a meeting to gather ideas ford and college director of communi- The Foundation board is consider-
preneur Laura Riding Jackson. and options from the public. Support cations Suzanne Seldes met with Stief- ing various fundraising possibilities –
for the house turned out to be over- el and Foundation board members to grants, events and other avenues – to
The house was moved from its origi- whelming and multiple relocation pos- share the good news. raise the estimated $150,000 that will be
nal Wabasso location to the nearby En- sibilities were suggested. “We have felt needed to disassemble the century-old
vironmental Learning Center campus alone – but we're not,” Stiefel said at the Lunceford and Seldes say they are structure, move it from south of the Wa-
25 years ago. There it became home to time. “There is so much support: it is a looking forward to finding ways the basso Causeway to the college campus,
writing classes and workshops, liter- tribute to the people of Vero Beach.” home's literary and historical aspects and reassemble it on the new site. 
can enrich the school's educational of-

8 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



BY RAY MCNULTY The change to FDOT’s plan was re-
vealed only a month after residents,
Staff Writer cyclists and local government officials
packed a conference room at Vero
State transportation officials have Beach’s Holiday Inn Oceanfront for a
agreed to reduce the speed limit along a public workshop at which Pessoa pre-
2.3-mile stretch of State Road A1A in In- sented a revision to the agency’s initial
dian River Shores to accommodate the proposal.
7-foot-wide, buffered bike lanes request-
ed by local residents, cycling enthusiasts The audience applauded most of
and government representatives. Pessoa’s presentation, which included
removal of most of FDOT’s planned
The upgrade will be part of the Flori- sidewalk along the east side of A1A,
da Department of Transportation’s $7.3 but it clearly wasn’t satisfied with the
million resurfacing project, which will agency’s decision to only widen the
cover nearly seven miles of the seaside roadway’s shoulders instead of install-
highway from Tides Road (north of ing designated bike lanes.
Vero Beach’s Jaycee Park) to Coco Plum
Lane (near Wabasso Beach). The gathering, which included
State Senator Debbie Mayfield of Vero
In an email sent last week to Phil Beach, questioned FDOT’s reason-
Matson, staff director of the county’s ing and strongly urged Pessoa to push
Metropolitan Planning Organization, hard for the 7-foot-wide, buffered bike
FDOT Project Manager Donovan Pes- lanes the agency now prefers.
soa wrote that the agency’s design
team investigated the community’s re- Cyclists said A1A was the county’s
quest and determined “it was appro- most heavily traveled bike route and
priate” to reduce the speed limit from warned of the dangers of riding along-
50 mph to 45 mph between John’s Is- side traffic traveling at 50 mph – es-
land Drive and Island Club Manor. pecially in unmarked bike lanes, even
on shoulders widened from 4 feet to 7
Pessoa explained that the character- feet.
istics of the two-mile stretch through
the town’s northern tier were “con- “We can talk to the people at traffic
sistent” with those of the sections of engineering and see what we can do,”
roadway to its immediate north and Pessoa told the crowd.
south, where the posted speed limit al-
ready was 45 mph. Apparently, FDOT got the message,
though Pessoa wrote in his email that
“The change will allow the bike there were “still steps in the design
lanes to be signed and marked as a process that need to take place to
designated bike lane,” he wrote, refer- make this change official.”
ring to a recently adopted FDOT pol-
icy that prohibits bike lanes from be- Matson didn’t anticipate any hic-
ing installed on roads where the speed cups, saying the agency has become
limit exceeds 45 mph. far more receptive to – and willing to
act on – community input. 


BY FEDERICO MARTINEZ to show a profit since beginning opera-
Staff Writer tions in 2016, and construction of the
company’s West Palm Beach to Orlando
Global giant Virgin Group acquired route will cost an estimated $2 billion,
just a 3 percent stake in the Brightline with all of the funding not yet secured.
high-speed rail enterprise last month,
but the partnership is expected to pro- Under those circumstances, gain-
vide the train company, now renamed ing access to cash from Richard Bran-
Virgin Trains USA, access to billions son’s worldwide conglomerate seems
of dollars along with a range of other like a smart strategic move. But the
benefits. company’s partnership with Virgin
also is intended to help achieve other,
The renamed rail company has failed long-term goals, such as eventually

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 9


expanding high-speed railway ser- loyalty program,” company officials
vices to other states, said Ben Porritt, wrote in documents filed in November
vice-president of corporate affairs for with the United States Securities and
Virgin Trains. Exchange Commission.

“Virgin is a globally recognized Long-term, the partnership between
brand,” Porritt told Vero Beach 32963. Brightline and Virgin includes plans
“The partnership could help to pro- to expand high-speed rail services to
vide access to millions of customers Southern California and Las Vegas,
with the potential for increased rider- where Virgin owns hotels, casinos and
ship from other Virgin branded travel other entertainment businesses, ac-
and hospitality businesses, including cording to the SEC documents.
Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Hotels and Vir-
gin Voyages.” In the meantime, the immediate
goal for Virgin Trains USA is to acquire
As an example, company officials enough money to complete construc-
cite Virgin Voyages, an embryonic tion of the West Palm Beach to Orlan-
cruise line that is currently building do route, Porritt said.
the first of four planned 2,770-passen-
ger cruise ships. The first ship, which Virgin Trains USA is hoping to sell
is expected to begin voyages in 2020, $1.15 billion in bonds to help pay for
will be based in Port Miami and its that construction. The bonds must be
passengers are seen as likely train pa- sold by the end of December, and so
trons, before or after their voyages. far there has not been a sale.

Presumably both Virgin Trains and In addition, Indian River County
Virgin Voyages will promote the idea has a lawsuit pending that challenges
of linking an Orlando theme-park ex- the company’s right to use the bonds
cursion with a cruise, while also purs- on the project. Oral arguments for the
ing Orlando visitors as likely cruise lawsuit were heard Nov. 27 in Wash-
passengers. ington, and U.S. District Court Judge
Christopher Cooper has said he will
“We believe there are significant op- announce his decision by Dec. 31.
portunities to grow our ridership by
directing customers of other Virgin Officials for Virgin Trains USA have
branded companies within our mar- said that even if the county won the
kets on to our rail system, including lawsuit and the company was forced
by using the planned cross-platform to forfeit the bond proceeds, alterna-
tive funding will be sought. 

10 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Orchid doesn’t plan referendum on an island Publix

BY RAY MCNULTY “The residents want to know more,” where they will act as judge and jury. Opponents cite increased noise,
Staff Writer he added. “They want more specificity. The same is true for the LPA. traffic, crime, light intrusion and po-
So they’re looking for a question-and- tential environmental damage that
Publix’s plan to build a supermar- answer session, where they can fully un- Those hearings, however, will not be say would accompany the proposed
ket-anchored strip mall in the south- derstand what Publix wants to do here.” scheduled until Publix’s plans – current- development of the seven-acre parcel
eastern corner of Orchid will impact, ly under review by the town’s outside on the north side of State Road 510,
perhaps dramatically, the seaside Orchid also is required by law to planner – are finalized. immediately west of Jungle Trail.
town and its neighbors. conduct a pair of quasi-judicial pub-
lic hearings – one by the town’s Local “We can’t decide until we have a full “We’re aware there’s opposition, but
It will change, for better or worse, the Planning Agency, then another by the presentation of the final plans and a you can find opposition to almost any-
look and feel of State Road 510 from the Town Council. hearing, anyway,” Ofstie said. thing these days,” Ofstie said. “And the
Wabasso Bridge to Wabasso Beach, and naysayers are usually louder than the
alter to some degree the quality of life in And those sessions, along with any Ofstie said it’s too early to gauge the people who are in favor of something.”
the communities along that corridor. other hearings that could be sched- sentiment of the town’s residents.
uled in the interim, might be enough When the town approved the com-
It also could affect the area’s proper- to give the Town Council a clear un- “I’ve heard from some people – a mercial zoning of the parcel nearly 30
ty values. That’s why, with so much at derstanding of the will of the people. couple, anyway – who have voiced years ago, the mayor said, officials ex-
stake and the potential for far-reaching their opposition to the proposal,” he pected “mom-and-pop shops” would
ramifications, the Orchid Town Coun- But what if they don’t? said. “Most of the people I’ve talked to, be built there, “but there just hasn’t
cil must proceed wisely when weighing What if Orchid’s 450 townspeople, after however, say they’re undecided and been any appetite to do anything like
the pros and cons of the proposal. Publix’s final plan is presented, appear to waiting to see the presentation.” that on the property.”
be divided on such a weighty issue?
At the very least, the council’s five Should the Town Council members Ofstie said the site plan Publix sub- “When Publix first approached us last
members, need to be sure they’re rep- call for a referendum, either to decide mitted to the town in October is avail- spring, they told Noah: ‘This is what we
resenting the will of the townspeople. the matter or provide them with a able to the public at Town Manager want to do. If you guys hate the idea,
mandate? Noah Powers’ office. we’ll just walk away now,’” Ofstie ex-
“The community association already “I don’t think we would do that,” Of- plained. “I asked several people, prob-
is trying to set up a meeting with Publix stie said. “It’s the council’s responsibil- Residents of the town’s neighbor- ably 15, and 13 of them liked the idea.”
representatives, probably in early Janu- ity to make a decision on the issue.” ing communities, especially those
ary, strictly for informational purposes,” State law requires council members who live at Old Orchid and Seasons at “We understand there are pros and
Orchid Mayor Harold Ofstie said, refer- to remain neutral until the conclusion Orchid, have launched an email cam- cons,” he added, “but I’m highly con-
ring to the Orchid Island Golf & Beach of the quasi-judicial public hearing, paign in opposition of Publix’s plan to fident we will give it a fair and careful
Club’s homeowners association. build a 31,000-square-foot supermar- hearing.” 
ket and 6,000-square-foot retail build-
ing with space for five stores.

12 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


The Strand person for the townhome developer, The Strand Beach Cottages and The Strand Beach Cottages LLC
The Strand Beach Cottages LLC. The Lennar, which will build the single- signed a contract to purchase the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 homes have been listed, pre-construc- family homes that will be priced up townhome section of the project a year
tion, with Matilde Sorensen since last to $2 million, are purchasing finished ago.
says construction will begin before the summer. lots from The Patten Company, a na-
end of the year. tional real estate development firm There will be 5 townhouse buildings
“There has been quite a bit of in- that bought the tract for $5 million in with both one-story and two-story
The townhomes, priced from about terest in the development,” says So- June 2017 and got an overall site plan units. The homes will have luxury fin-
$800,000 to $1 million, will occupy 4.9 rensen. “We have two reservations approved by Indian River Shores last ishes and features that include stone
acres at the front of the development, with deposits and 12 other buyers very summer. and hardwood floors, 11-foot ceilings,
adjacent to A1A. The Strand also will interested. I expect that momentum to and high-end millwork.
include 47 single-family homes that continue.” Patten hired Jon M. Hall, a surveying
will be built on the remaining 31 and site development company with The one-story townhouses will have
acres, which extend back to the Jun- While there will be no clubhouse in offices in Orlando and Daytona Beach, 2,328 square feet of air-conditioned
gle Trail. the community, the townhomes come to clear and prepare the property for living space, with 2,872 square feet un-
with memberships paid for by the de- construction, and site work is nearly der roof. The two-story units will have
“We have been pushing hard to veloper in the nearby Grand Harbor complete at the development. 3,078 square feet under air, with 4,131
get out of the ground,” said a spokes- Beach Club. square feet under roof. Both models
will include three bedrooms and at-
tached two-car garages.

“We expect the first four units to be
finished in about seven months,” says
the developer. “It will be quick because
the site work is already done.”

The Key West-style townhouses
were designed by Vero Beach architect
Jeff L. Ray of Atelier d'Architecture.
They will be built by Phoenix Homes,
a luxury homebuilder that has done
extensive work on the island, building
houses at Old Oak Lane, Tarpon Flats
and other developments.

Lennar signed a contract with Pat-
ten in August and will be building
all of the single-family homes in The
Strand, according to Chris Leimbach,
vice president of sales and marketing
at Lennar Palm Atlantic, a division of
the mega-builder that operates be-
tween the Space Coast and Fort Lau-

“We will be offering one- and two-
story homes with four floorplans
ranging from about 2,600 to 4,000
square feet,” says Leimbach. “The
houses will have three-car, side-entry
garages with up to five bedrooms and
four baths.

“We are in the permitting process
now for a model home that will be
done by next summer. In the mean-
time, we plan to list homes in the MLS
and offer pre-sales beginning in early
2019. We’ll an in-house sales office at
the model and will cooperate with lo-
cal brokers. Typically more than half
our sales are joint efforts, where local
brokers bring the buyers.”

Leimbach says the “homes will have
a lot of very nice design features with
coastal flair.”

The Lennar homes do not include
Grand Harbor memberships, but the
fact that no clubhouse is planned will
help keep HOA fees moderate, accord-
ing to Leimbach.

“The location and community in it-
self are the amenities,” he says.

“It is a truly exciting community.
When I stop by to see how things are
going, it is hard for me to leave. The
essence and beauty of the location are
compelling. We think it is going to be a
home run.” 

James Puglise,
Ashlynn Puglise,
Mike Weakley and
Aislynn Puglise


14 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Vero Nation! Country star puts hometown in spotlight

Chris Lane.

Joe Diffie. PHOTOS: LEIGH GREEN Jake Owen, Pearl Owen, Erica Hartlein. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 16

BY KERRY FIRTH $100,000 was raised through four live outdoor concert at the Indian River is here to support my foundation and
Correspondent auction items. Fairgrounds. Opening acts included the charities we help. Some of you
performances by Joe Diffie, Chris may not know this, but Dish Network
There’s nothing like a hometown Amid a roar of applause, Owen ex- Lane, and Morgan Wallen. is live streaming this performance, so
superstar to bring out the best in pressed gratitude to the community smile, sing and dance! We’re putting
Vero Beach. Jake Owen, Vero’s native- for their support, and PGA golfer Ken Personalizing some of his favorite Vero on the map tonight. Let’s show
born, Platinum-certified recording Duke presented Owen with a check songs, the high-energy entertainer them the Vero Beach spirt!” Owen ex-
artist, drew enthusiastic fans from for $30,000 from his Ken Duke & even changed a few lyrics to reference claimed.
around the country when he visited Friends Pro Am Tournament. Flash- familiar Vero locations. At one point,
last weekend, bringing along a few of ing his million-dollar smile, Owen Owen invited Daly onstage to sing Singing isn’t Owen’s only talent. A
his friends to join him for three jam- wooed the crowd with easy banter a soulful rendition of “Knocking on gifted golfer, Owen was awarded the
packed events. Monies raised at the and shared the spotlight with some Heaven’s Door.” To the delight of the prestigious “Arnie Award,” named af-
event will benefit charities funded by up-and-coming artists. awestruck crowd, all his other celeb- ter the celebrated Arnold Palmer, to
the Jake Owen Foundation. rity friends soon joined them onstage. recognize his hosting of charitable
In a touching tribute, Owen dedi- golf tournaments such as this week-
On Friday evening, event spon- cated his song “Journey of Your Life” In honor of his generosity to the end’s Jake Owen Celebrity Pro Am
sors were treated to a VIP reception to lifelong friend and beloved Vero community, Indian River County Golf Tournament at the Vero Beach
and intimate performance at the Beach resident, Ace Cappelen, who Commissioner Bob Solari and Asst. Country Club.
Vero Beach Country Club. Several recently passed away. County Administrator Michael Zito,
hundred guests, many with personal surprised Owen with a proclamation The Jake Owen Foundation was
ties to Owen, mingled with celebri- “Ace’s grandson, Ryan, and I have designating December as Jake Owen founded in 2010 to provide financial
ties such as NASCAR driver Kevin been friends since kindergarten,” said Month. Owen graciously accepted, support for children with cancer and
Harvick, pro golfers John Daly and Owen. “I spent countless hours with expressing his pride in being part of other childhood diseases through St.
Ken Duke, and country music sensa- Ace, who taught me valuable life les- such a philanthropic community. Jude Children’s Research Hospital,
tions Chris Lane and Morgan Wallen. sons along the way. This song is for as well as youth-oriented charities in
Bidding was fast and furious at the you Ace. We know you are watching “As a child I came to this fairground Vero Beach.
silent auction tables and more than over us from heaven.” when the fair was in town to ride the
rides, play the midway games and For more information, visit jake-
Saturday night Owen kicked it up a hang with friends. Now, this crowd 
notch - thousands of notches - at his

16 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 Laurie and Rick Wykoff.
Eric and Teresa Hartlein.

Steve Owen Jr. with Mitzi and Steve Owen. Matilde and Dale Sorensen. Kathy and Jay Campana.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 17


David and Rhonda Dykal with Tom Bach and Kathy Worcester. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 18
Ken Duke, Randy Hedgecock, John Daly and Michelle Duke.

Leslie and Casey Steil. Colt Ford.

NASCAR champion Kevin Harvick on David and Ellen Lane.
stage during the charity auction.

18 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



IRC Commissioner Bob Solari presents a proclamation to
Jake Owen designating December as Jake Owen Month.

Morgan Minton, Caroline Kelly, Mollie Keeler and Isabelle Bowles.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 19


‘Amaze Me’: Hibiscus’ Wonderland-themed gala charms

BY MARY SCHENKEL PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 20 Despite the lighthearted motif, In addition to a large assortment
Staff Writer the subject of the fundraiser was of silent-auction items and a live
Dennis Hunt and Helen Robertson. anything but. It prompted guests auction featuring a dinner by Chef
Guests went down a delightful to be generous in their support of Leanne Kelleher, owner of The Tides
‘rabbit hole’ last Saturday evening were at each place setting, and wine the nonprofit, which provides shel- Restaurant, event emcees Anna Va-
at the Wonderland-themed Hibis- glasses had little tags saying ‘Drink ter and guidance to abused and lencia Tillery and Beckett Horner
cus Winter Gala at the Moorings Me.’ There was nothing to say ‘Eat neglected children and teens. Last presided over a ‘Call of the Heart.’
Yacht and Country Club to benefit Me’ but guests needed no such en- year, the Hibiscus Village in Vero,
the Hibiscus Children’s Center. couragement to dine on the delicious which can accommodate 40 resi- “You raised a tremendous amount
fillet and crab cake dinner, with a dents at a time, served roughly 150 of money at this gala last year. What
Co-chairs Petra King and Rose- chocolate marquis for dessert. teens, whose average length of stay Hibiscus was able to do with that is
mary Smith took their vision for the was three months. to fortify the Village,” said Markley,
event to the creative talents of Pink noting that it enabled them to put
Pelican Florist in Sebastian, who “Hibiscus is a dynamic, evolving on two new roofs and to purchase
brought the concept to life with a agency that is probably the only one generators for emergencies.
décor that would have made “Alice’s of its kind on the Treasure Coast,”
Adventures in Wonderland” author said Hibiscus CEO/President Matt The focus this year was on trans-
Lewis Carroll beam with happiness. Markley, who began in June follow- portation.
ing the retirement of Paul Sexton.
“All the work paid off,” said Smith “It is an amazing organization. We “One of the things we always need
with a smile. provide everything; all the care that is vans. Transportation is a big deal
a child needs. We are their tempo- at Hibiscus Children’s Center,” said
In addition to lush greenery rary parent.” Markley, noting that because the
adorned with hanging teacups, vans are continually utilized, the
there were wonderful Wonderland Markley said they are working on fleet needs to be replaced regularly
characters, including Alice, the a strategic plan that will involve the to ensure the safety of its residents.
Mad Hatter, White Rabbit, Queen input of a whole wealth of people,
of Hearts, Mirana the White Queen, from the board and guilds to law Donors responded generously be-
Tweedledum and Tweedledee, and enforcement and the community to fore closing out the evening danc-
lots of adorable Live Flowers. In a determine, “Where should Hibiscus ing to the outstanding Gypsy Lane
word – magical. be five years from now?” Band.

Following the theme, small keys For more information, visit hibis- 

20 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 19 Wivi-Anne Weber, Marie and Armund Ek, Leanne Kelleher and Claudia Arens.
Co-chairs Petra King and Rosemary Smith with Wonderland characters Alice, the Mad Hatter and the White Rabbit.

Susan Appel, Shirley Becker, Diane Catenaci and Alice Brady. PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL Linda Teetz, Peter and Jan Calfee with a ‘Live Flower.’

Elke and George Fetterolf with Linda Kastner. Carole Brown, Marcello Lagreca, Tricia Wynne and Ken Wynne. Suzanne and Lee Bertman with Maya Peterson.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 21


Mike and Kim Thorpe with Pam and Clay Price. Kim Wallace with Blake and Danielle Miner and Jilene Nevor. Barbara and Dan Gomez with Julia Nedimyer.

Barbara and David Crosby. Barbara and John Cosgrove. Marilyn Murto and Warren Schauer. Molly and Luke Webb.

Mike and Jan Harrell. Robin and Brenda Lloyd. Matt Markley and Dave Wilson. Nancy Briggs and Sally LaPorta.

22 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Wunderbar time for all at ‘Holidays at the Museum’

BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF in Germany exhibition and wanted
Staff Writer to turn the museum into a German
Christmas market,” said Pam Som-
A Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas mers, VBMA Youth and Family Pro-
market) popped up at the Vero Beach grams manager. “Each room is like a
Museum of Art during the 37th annual tent where you would buy an orna-
Holidays at the Museum event, influ- ment, but instead, the families are
enced this year by the ‘Made in Ger- making them.”
many: Art Since 1980 from the Rubell
Family Collection’ on display through A stilted wooden soldier straight
Jan. 6. out of the “Nutcracker” greeted arriv-
als to the museum, engaging them in
“We were inspired by the Made the ‘height’ of comedic entertainment

Desiree White, Emma Nagy, Samantha Brown, Morgan Barclay, Chelsea Campbell and Jasmyn Foisey.

as he teased pint-size visitors from on estimated 3,000 visitors who partook of
high. the family-oriented festivities.

Once inside, attendees to the free Families visited the art studios in
event were transported to a market- the education wing where youngsters
place overrun with kinder (children) could create decorations, ornaments
whodashedfromoneactivitytothenext and nutcrackers – wrapping Popsicle
along the ornament-bedecked hall- sticks with yarn to make Gods-Eyes,
ways. Activities abounded throughout using wood, paper and straws to create
every area of the museum, where more holiday-themed ornaments, and build-
than 60 volunteers helped to corral the ing nutcrackers out of clothespins.

24 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


PHOTOS & STORY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 22 Pam Sommers and Barb Dorvee. Beannie Silverstein, Sofia Selm and Audrey Selm.
Tanashia Jennings, Alejandra Ieppert and Sophia Gibbs.

Oscar Sales with children Sebastian and Alyssa.

The Beachland Shark Singers, Imag-
ine South Vero Tangerines, Osceola
Singers, Rosewood Magnet and Trea-
sure Coast Strings delighted audi-
ences with traditional holiday music
performed from the stage in the Leon-
hardt Auditorium.

In the atrium, ballerinas from Dance
Space were the featured holiday per-
formance and across the way in the
Holmes Great Hall, the Indian River
Charter High School Orchestra, Vero
Beach Classical Ballet, Studio C Dance
Company, Vero Beach Karate Associa-
tion, and Liberty Magnet Eagle Sound
& Ensemble performed before appre-
ciative onlookers, who enjoyed a seem-
ingly endless supply of cookies and ci-
der provided by the VBMA Friends.

Other amusements included face
painting, a scavenger hunt, gallery-
themed games and shopping in the
Museum Store.

The Made in Germany exhibition,
on display through Jan. 6, features
paintings, sculptures and photogra-
phy by contemporary German Artists
collected by Don and Mera Rubell. The
next exhibition – Victorian Radicals:
From the Pre-Raphaelites to the Arts &
Crafts Movement – begins Feb. 9.

For more information, visit vbmu- 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 25


Brian and Jackie Freestone with Sophie and Ingrid. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF

Emily Onderdonk and Samantha Bayron. Anna Frankenberger.

Emma Simpson. Cynthia Boyzo with Amador.

26 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Message of hope resonates at Women’s Refuge banquet

BY KERRY FIRTH PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 28 and shielded him from the worst.” sage and purpose of the Women’s
Correspondent Severely injured, Gregory eventu- Refuge, founded in 1997 by Donna
Donna Robart with Diane Ludwig. and Ted Robart. Their live-in facil-
Rebekah Gregory, a survivor of a ally woke up from a coma; her life ity offers troubled women a place to
horrific terrorist bombing, shared That’s where he was when the bomb focus changed forever. It would take find peace and sanctuary within a
a story of hope, gratitude and pur- exploded. I found out later that be- 67 surgeries for skilled surgeons to Christian-based healing environ-
pose at a recent Christmas Banquet cause I placed him in that position, it piece her back together, but they ment, and their support programs
hosted by the Women’s Refuge of literally saved his life. I took the force couldn’t save her left leg. offer emotional and spiritual coun-
Vero Beach. Close to 300 guests ar- of the bomb on the back of my legs seling.
rived at the Oak Harbor Club in fes- “After experiencing pure evil, I’ve
tive holiday attire to hear her inspi- come to appreciate all the good and “I had a vision of opening the ref-
rational talk and enjoy an elegant love in this world,” she said. “I used uge 25 years before it actually hap-
dinner, complete with musical ac- to take everything for granted, but pened,” Robart explained. “I was
companiment by the Vero Beach after 56 days in the hospital and 18 praying and the Lord showed me
High School Symphony Orchestra. months in a wheelchair, I live each the plan. I thought it would be in
and every day to its fullest. God ob- Romania, because I had lived there
Gregory, a young wife and mother viously isn’t finished with me and for eight years.”
whose life was forever changed on I’ve got a lot of good to do before He
April 1, 2013, captivated her audi- calls me home.” After stopping in Vero Beach for a
ence, relating that she and her then few months, she said she met, fell in
6-year-old son Noah joined the Gregory and her husband re- love with and married her neighbor,
crowds at the Boston Marathon to cently founded Rebekah’s Angels, a Ted. “One month later we opened
cheer on a friend. foundation funding treatment for up the refuge here in Vero Beach.”
children with PTSD. She explained
“My son and I were just 3 feet that her son struggled with PTSD Bolstered by the optimistic mes-
away from the first bomb that went in the aftermath of all he witnessed sages of hope and healing, guests
off,” said Gregory. “My son had got- that terrible day, but that as a result reached into their hearts and wal-
ten tired of watching the runners so of proper treatment early on, he is lets to help support others on their
I asked him to sit down at my feet, thriving as a sixth-grader today. paths to recovery.
leaning his back against my shins.
Gregory’s message of hope, sur- For more information, visit wom-
vival and love mirrors the mes- 

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28 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Kit Fields with guest speaker Rebekah Gregory and Jeanine Harris.

Greg and Angela Nelson. Michael and Brittany Schlitt.

Peggy Ribaudo with Lynne and Bill Lerch and Stella and Sal Santoro.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 29


Pat Marine with Shane and Tara Wright. Carolina Garcia with Daphne Reichard and Aloha Vance. Chuck Bradley with Judge Cynthia Cox and Jermey Gable.

Colleen and Chase Anderson.
Ashley Brown with Bonnie Brown.

Glen and Cheryl Deal.

30 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Pianist tickles ivories and
hearts at benefit concert

Alon Goldstein and David Amado. John and Jean Beckert.

BY MARY SCHENKEL nursing homes, also founded the Em-
erald Coast Music Alliance, to share
Staff Writer classical music with under-served
World-renowned pianist Alon Gold-
stein captivated a capacity audience “I’m very passionate about every
last Wednesday at An Intimate Eve- piece that I play and I love also to
ning of Beautiful Piano Music at the share a few thoughts, perhaps anec-
Orchid Island Beach Club. The sev- dotes about the music,” said Gold-
enth annual Atlantic Classical Orches- stein. Of the first piece, Three Sonatas
tra Benefit Concert Series was hosted by Scarlatti, Goldstein said that Scar-
by the Vero Beach Friends of the ACO. latti called his 555 sonatas exercises.
“They are exercises in transparency,
Having heard Goldstein’s outstand- precision and accuracy and above all
ing performance this past April, when imagination,” said Goldstein, chal-
he joined the orchestra for Prokofiev’s lenging the audience to count the
Concerto No. 3, many were eager for a number of times his hands crossed in
chance to hear him again. the third sonata – impossible; it was
In her welcome address, Jean Beck-
ert, chair of the Vero Friends, thanked Of Beethoven’s Sonata No. 14 in C
sponsors and recognized Jean McMul- sharp minor, what has become known
lan, ACO co-founder with husband as the “Moonlight Sonata,” Goldstein
Andrew, Music Director Laureate, who said Beethoven wrote the piece em-
was unable to attend. ploying several unique aspects – us-
ing the ‘otherworldly color’ C sharp
John Corbett, ACO board chairman, minor, structuring it in a ‘sonata quasi
reminded that the orchestra will be una fantasia’ format and instruct-
performing this season at the Com- ing that the whole first movement be
munity Church of Vero Beach, adding played without dampers. “He’s look-
that the new venue offers great acous- ing for something that’s never been
tics, ample parking and an increased tried,” said Goldstein.
seating capacity.
After playing a piece he transcribed
“It’s an extraordinary institution for solo piano from Bernstein’s “The
and an extraordinary group of musi- Masque” from Symphony No. 2, based
cians. It really is a treasure,” said Mu- on the poem “The Age of Anxiety,”
sic Director David Amado of the ACO. Goldstein mesmerized the audience
He remarked how impressed he is that with Schubert’s technically demand-
despite only playing a few months of ing “Wanderer Fantasy” in C major.
the year, their gifted musicians can
come together and play huge pieces Goldstein described it as “one of the
compellingly. “I’m very grateful that most difficult and revolutionary piec-
all of you understand the level of that es of the first half of the 19th century.
gift and the importance of that gift.” Ladies and gentlemen, this is one of
the glories of the piano literature and
Introducing Goldstein, Amado de- it’s a great privilege to share with you.”
scribed him as being a generous and
talented musician. “He is a person that “I’m breathless!” said Beckert after-
you want to be with; he is a person that ward. “Me too,” said Goldstein with
you want to create this wonderful mu- a big grin, as the audience rose for a
sic together with.” standing ovation.

Goldstein enthralled the audience For information on the upcoming
as much with his engaging personality season, visit atlanticclassicalorchestra.
as with his virtuoso performance. The com; to learn more about Goldstein,
award-winning pianist, who regularly visit 
gives free performances at schools and

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 31


Marilyn and Edward Kindy. PHOTOS: LEIGH GREEN Warren and Virginia Schwerin with Jeanne and Jim Manley. Den Kopani and Jean McMullan.

Anne Lanier, Pam Cooper and Sue Yahraes. Linda and Mel Teetz with Nancy Cruce. Alan Goldie, Ginger Alexander, Dr. Bill McHugh and Ann Wheeler.

Leah Scott, Raz Allen, Beth Thomas and Brenda Allen. Beverly Taylor with Scott and Lynn Bayman and Nancy Paul.

32 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Two St. Ed’s swimmers make repeat splash at regionals

BY RON HOLUB lengthy era of success that he shared over. This year Botero was
Correspondent with a group of swimmers he was to-
gether with since middle school. For the lone senior and only two
Senior Tomas Botero and seventh- Stern, this was another step in a bud-
grader Alexandra Stern were repeat ding swimming career that could sophomores were among a
performers for St. Ed’s at the regional eventually see her competing at the
swim meet this year, with Botero ad- state level. middle school-dominated
vancing to the state meet for the third
consecutive time. The entire varsity program at St. roster of 17 boys and girls.
Ed’s has entered a state of flux, with
For Botero, this marked the end of a essentially a new generation taking However, if committed to

this sport and willing to

dedicate long hours to train-

ing and instruction, young

swimmers in St. Ed’s varsity

and aquatics programs can

strive to become among the

best in the area.

Explaining his approach

this year, head coach Ste-

phen Fenning told us, “Our

dual meet season wasn’t Alexandra Stern and Tomas Botero. PHOTOS: LEIGH GREEN

something that we were

concerned about because we had a sixth grade and I’ve been swimming

small team with a lot of young kids. with the varsity since then. I’m in the

Instead we focused on several multi- pool Monday, Wednesday and Friday

team meets and the invitational that mornings from 5:30 to 7. Then every

we went to in September at Westmin- afternoon Monday through Friday

ster Academy in Fort Lauderdale. We from 4 to 7 and Saturday mornings

just went into those meets and tried to from 8 to 10.

improve our times.” “The whole year you are working

On the plate this season was a taste hard and two weeks before a race you

of what team competition is like, but start tapering. You’re not doing such

overall it was downplayed for most of long sets or sprint work.”

the youngsters in favor of individual Stern, meanwhile, is making prog-

development. That was not the menu ress based on her results in consecu-

for Botero and Stern, they were in a tive regional trials. A year ago she was

different lane entirely. Both special- 21st in the 200 and 17th in the 500. In

ized in the 200 (yard) and 500 free- 2018 she advanced to 15th at 2:11.44 in

style. the 200, and 9th at 5:36.25 in the 500.

Botero finished 22nd in the 200 and “I’ve been swimming for six years

23rd in the 500 at the state meet two and it’s always been a lot of fun,” said

years ago. Last year he missed a seed- Stern. “I really like doing it, especially

ing in the 200, but moved up to 17th in after school when I’m really stressed.

the 500. Last month at states Botero “I’m practicing Monday through

improved to 11th in the 500 with a Friday afternoons and some Satur-

time of 4:37.07, less than eight seconds days. The first time I was really ex-

off first place. He was 18th in the 200 cited about going to regionals, and I

at 1:44.64. was again this year. After making it to

Those are the facts and figures. regionals I really want to go to states.

Botero explained how he reached I tried to make it this year, but I defi-

that level. “I’ve been at St. Ed’s since nitely want to make it next year.” 


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34 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Artist Barone embraces the ‘constant struggle’ of painting

BY ELLEN FISCHER schedule that involved lots of travel, Rita Barone. women’s prayer retreats there and
Barone was ready for a change of pace. worked alongside the nuns doing kitchen
Columnist She took time off to plan her daughter’s PHOTOS BY LEIGH GREEN chores.
wedding and, as an adjunct teacher,
How do you start your day? With a taught a few college classes. Then came beach scenes, were sold by a friend who One day, she says, the nuns told her,
cup of coffee, a meditation, a prayer? a change of place: the Barones moved owned an art gallery in the town. “You have healing hands.”
Rita Barone can check all those boxes to Skaneateles, N.Y., a sleepy lakefront
and, in addition, the one marked ‘paint community just a half hour from Today Barone makes light of her They fairly insisted that Barone get
a picture.’ An abstract artist, Barone Syracuse. initial efforts. “Painting was a sort of a nursing degree, and foresaw a job for
is currently showing her work at the therapy; I didn’t think too much about her at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Syracuse,
Center for Spiritual Care in Vero Beach It was there that Barone began to paint; it,” she says. which was founded by their order. It
through Dec. 28. her subjects, rosy-cheeked children and all happened as the sisters predicted,
Skaneateles was also home to the except instead of a nursing degree,
And although she had two paintings Stella Maris Retreat Center. Owned Barone received a diploma in respiratory
juried into the Backus Museum’s by the Sisters of the Third Franciscan therapy. She worked at St. Joseph’s for
competitive exhibition in Fort Pierce Order of Syracuse, Stella Maris became several years until her husband retired
earlier this year (her pastel, “Evening a spiritual home for Barone, who led from his job as a glass plant manager. In
Watch,” was awarded a first-place 1998 the couple moved to Vero, where
ribbon), her display at the Center for Peter’s parents had retired years before.
Spiritual Care, titled “Between the After settling into her new home, Rita
Lines,” is “basically the first show I’ve got a job at Martin Memorial Hospital in
ever had.” Stuart, where she continued her medical
career for another 13 years.
For Barone, deciding to paint
abstractly after a long hiatus, in which When she decided to get back into
she did no artwork, was not easy. art again in 2011, Barone signed up
for a painting class at the Vero Beach
She describes the act of painting as “a Museum of Art, with Deborah Gooch.
constant struggle,” resulting in pieces
others might scratch their heads over. “In her class I started to paint my
little girls in white dresses. On my
“People will say, ‘What is it?’ They second canvas she said, ‘You already
don’t seem to understand. And yet I know how to do those. Start doing some
joyfully get up every morning to put abstracts.’” Barone admits to having
paint onto canvas, because it has been a little afraid of Gooch who, she
become part of me.” says, demands a lot of her students.

Born and raised in Chicago, Barone “My first attempts at abstract
received a liberal arts degree from painting were atrocious,” says Barone,
Syracuse University. After marrying her who cites the difficultly of conjuring up
husband, Syracuse-area native Peter a composition on a blank canvas. Then
Barone, she worked as a high school there is the problem of color; which
teacher for a short time. Overhearing ones to use? Unrelated to anything
one day that a coworker was going back other than her interior landscape,
to school for an MBA, Barone decided to Barone’s palette is limited only by what
get one too. she decides to put on canvas.

Her first marketing job out of In her early attempts, Barone often
school was based in Syracuse, with found that composition and color might
a manufacturer of explosion-proof click in one part of a painting, while
lighting fixtures. She then worked as a everything around it was a jumble.
product manager for Bausch & Lomb in
Rochester, N.Y., where she launched the In any painting, says Barone, “you
first tinted contact lenses. have little bits and pieces that you like.
But Deb taught me the lesson that you
After several years of a rigorous work

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 35


can’t fall so in love with a little section of shy, very introverted. The whole idea of
the painting, that you fail to develop the this painting, I think, is representative
whole canvas. It’s a process of putting of things I felt when I was growing up.
in, and taking out. Turning the canvas That’s what I like about abstract art; you
upside down, repositioning it, stepping can put yourself into it, but anybody
back, and waiting to see what happens.” else would see something completely
different,” she says.
When everything works together,
“it’s like pulling a rabbit out of a hat – Barone mentions her just-begun
Voila! How I got there, I don’t know.” series of paintings, none of which are in
the current exhibition. They are subtle
In addition to painting in her home works; atmospheric grounds with mere
studio, Barone takes part in open traces of composition upon them.
painting sessions at Gooch’s private
studio with abstract colleagues Elise “To me there’s a sense of being in
Geary, Regan Kenyon, Susan Bouma, this nothingness. So it is spiritual. It’s
Tim Sanchez and, of course, Gooch. definitely spiritual. I think all my works
are prayers,” she says. 
Adds Barone, “And George Pillorge.
I wanted to do pastels because he does made by mixing red oxide with varying
pastels.” amounts of white. In a couple of places,
strokes of black can be seen behind
Standing in front of her most recent filmy passages of paint.
acrylic painting in the show, Barone
remarks, “It’s a little Twombly.” As in “I start with some form of color
Edwin Parker “Cy” Twombly Jr., the palette, and often put black in, but the
late, Rome-based American painter black often gets covered up,” she says.
known for scribbling and smudging
his large canvases with calligraphic There is a bit of recognizable subject
abandon. Twombly, along with his 20th matter in the painting. On the left side
century American contemporary Robert of the canvas, the rudiments of a figure,
Motherwell and 19th century English seated with hands demurely placed in
landscape painters John Constable her lap, faces the viewer. On the right is
and J.M.W. Turner are, Barone says, her a tall, thin form that might suggest to
“icons.” some a music stand, a skyscraper or –
“windows,” says Barone.
Barone’s “Inside Looking Out” is
a 36-inch square canvas in colors of “I think when I was growing up I
khaki beige, red and a fleshy rose – always felt like an outsider. I was very

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36 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Coming Up: Rec Department’s ‘Christmas Road Trip’ … enjoy the ride!

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA performers between 3 and 25, from creative and dedicated
Staff Writer the department’s popular Leisure
Square gymnastics and performing instructors. This year’s
arts programs. The show is always
unique and always completely original show is “Christmas
– a truly wonderful show to share
1 A much-loved and eagerly with family during the Christmas Road Trip,” which will
anticipated holiday tradition season. According to the show promo,
the script itself, the choreography, incorporate dance,
the props, backdrop and programs,
continues this coming Thursday and are all the work of the exceptionally aerial acts, gymnastics

Friday, Dec. 20 and 21. For almost a and acrobatics in

quarter of a century, the Vero Beach the heartwarming

Rec Department has presented a story of three sisters

marvelousperformingartsproduction, and their Christmas-

the cast made up of a couple hundred magical adventures

on a road trip to

their grandparents’

home for the holiday.

“Christmas Road

Trip” will take place at

3the Vero Beach High Kenny G at King Center Dec. 16.

School Performing

Arts Center. Time: 6

p.m. both evenings. Tickets: adults, $8; contemporary jazz chart. Time: 7 p.m.

children and seniors, $7. 772- 567-2144. Tickets: start at $48.50. 321-242-2219.

2 Brush up your Sweet Tooth: 4 Riverside Theatre Comedy Zone’s
“Willy Wonka” is on stage at Winter Nights this weekend:

the Henegar in Melbourne now From the often intimidating, you’re-

through this Sunday, Dec. 16. Roald all-alone-up-there life of the stand-up

Dahl’s “Willy Wonka,” according to comedian to the often intimidating,

Wikipedia, is a musical that combines you’re-all-alone-up-there life of the

parts of Dahl’s 1964 book “Charlie and middle school teacher. Oh, yes he did.

the Chocolate Factory,” with parts of On the double-bill this weekend are

the 1971 movie “Willy Wonka and the a couple of transplanted Floridians,

Chocolate Factory,” and adds newly Mike Rivera and Rico Sita. Rivera

created material. “Willy Wonka” started performing comedy in

tells the sugar-shock-inducing tale of college and sharpened his act in San

young Charlie Bucket, who visits the Francisco Bay comedy clubs. Then,

weird and mysterious Willy Wonka’s possibly recalling how deadly dull his

weird and mysterious chocolate own civics classes were, he decided

factory just as Wonka is conducting a to use his skill for the betterment of

contest. Wonka tells the pack of eager student-kind and set out on a 13-year

young contestants that he’s hidden gig as a middle school civics teacher.

golden tickets in five of his irresistible He made a major positive impact and

(scrumdidilyumptious) candy bars. now teaches in Pinellas County (by

Whoever finds the tickets will win day). Sita is a New York native who

a tour of the factory and a lifetime moved to Florida because, he says,

supply of candy. Musical, sugar-coated “no one has ever heard of that before.”

mayhem ensues. Times: Fridays and One time, at a party, someone told

Saturdays, 8 p.m.; Sundays, 2 p.m., Sita he was hilarious, so he decided to

through Dec. 16. Tickets: $19 to $29. try stand-up. Then, he says, a terrible

321-723-8898. thing happened. The audience loved

him and he was hooked. His act draws

3 The music of a sax is like no other: on his life: being married, being bald,
beguiling, emotional, smoky,
having a child, having a business,

mellow. And in the hands of saxman being VERY sarcastic. And, of course,

extraordinaire Kenny G, well … You’ll his fear of Florida’s State Bird – “the

want to mark your calendar for this Palmetto Bug.” Arrive early for the

Sunday, Dec. 16, when the award- “pre-party” party, “Live on the Loop,”

winning R&B, pop and Latin-infused with foodstuffs from the outside bar

jazz saxman will take the King Center and grill; and free live music under

stage to perform career hits and the fabled Riverside oaks: Friday it’ll

holiday songs. The show promo notes be classic rock-n-roll with the Bobby

that, during his almost four-decade Owen Band; and Saturday brings soul

career, Kenny G’s “combination of rock from Rocket City. Times: Live

unparalleled instrumental chops and pre-party music: 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

indelible melodies” has scored sales Comedy Zone Winter Nights: 7:30 p.m.

of more than 75 million-plus records and 9:30 p.m. Doors open: 7:15 p.m.

worldwide and more than a dozen Tickets: side seats: $12; table seating:

ascensions to the top of Billboard’s $16-$18. 772-231-6990. 

38 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Among the presidents, prime minis- Union collapsed and the United States nanciers have been fanning out across in Syria has given Putin perhaps the
ters, kings and princes who have visit- emerged as the undisputed superpow- the region, striking billions of dollars’ single biggest boost, burnishing his
ed Moscow over the past year to meet er in the Middle East and North Africa, worth of deals, reviving old relation- credentials as a decisive and effective
with Russian President Vladimir Putin a resurgent Russia is back. Under the ships and forging new ones from Libya leader who delivers what he set out
are some of the United States’ closest personal direction of Putin, Russia is to the Persian Gulf. to achieve: the survival of President
allies, who once might have been ex- stepping into the vacuum left by the Bashar al-Assad.
pected to devote their travel time to disengagement of the Obama admin- At the center of it all is Putin, whose
Washington. istration and the unpredictability of strongman image resonates with the re- It also positioned Putin at the nexus
the Trump one to challenge the United gion’s authoritarian rulers at a time when of the Middle East’s overlapping con-
There’s a new power rising in the States’ dominant role in the region. doubts are growing about Washington’s flicts, leveraging Russia’s influence far
Middle East, and it needs to be wooed. commitment to the Middle East. beyond Syria’s borders to include all
Russian oilmen, arms dealers and fi- the countries with a stake in the out-
Three decades after the Soviet Russia’s 2015 military intervention

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 39


come of the war – foes such as Israel ships with some of the United States’ cow four times in the past year. He has Russian plane in Syria in September,
and Iran, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, Syria dearest friends. visited Washington twice since Trump which Moscow blamed on Israel. But
and Turkey. As a result, he has frequent- became president. phone calls between Putin and Netan-
ly been on the phone with U.S. allies Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin yahu at the time played a part in tamp-
such as Turkey and Israel – nearly three Netanyahu, who called Trump a “true It’s unclear whether Putin and Ne- ing down the worst of the animosity,
dozen times with the leaders of those friend” of Israel, has spoken 11 times tanyahu’s rapport will survive build- diplomats say.
two countries just in the past year. on the phone with Putin over the ing tensions between Israel and Iran
past year and only three times with in Syria and also Lebanon, where the Turkey, a longtime U.S. ally and
Apart from Syria, Russia has shown Trump, according to a tally of the calls ¬Iranian-backed Hezbollah militia has NATO partner with a centuries-old his-
little inclination to wade into most of reported on Putin’s and Netanyahu’s expanded its influence. They have spo- tory of rivalry with Russia, has been
the region’s myriad conflicts, such as websites. Netanyahu has visited Mos- ken only once since the downing of a drifting deeper into Moscow’s orbit of
the Yemen war, the Arab-Israeli peace influence as their cooperation in Syria
process and the dispute between Qa- From left, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Turkish expands and relations with the United
tar and its neighbors. But Putin has President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and French President Emmanuel Macron attend a news States have become strained.
welcomed anyone who wants to visit,
making Moscow a must-stop destina- conference in Istanbul after their October summit on Syria. According to a count of their interac-
tion for leaders with a problem to solve. tions, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip
Putin greets the Erdogan in the past year has spoken 20
“Putin is effectively working as the Saudi crown prince times on the phone with Putin and sev-
psychoanalyst of the region,” said Ma- at the Kremlin in en times with Trump. Erdogan’s decision
lik Dahlan, a Saudi who is a professor Moscow during to purchase Russia’s advanced S-400
of international law and public policy Mohammed’s missile system, which Moscow says will
at Queen Mary University of London. World Cup visit. be delivered next year, offers one exam-
“The Russians are happy to hear all ple of how their burgeoning relationship
sides, and anyone who wants to speak, Putin and Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al- could challenge the cohesion of NATO.
they’re happy to listen.” Sissi in 2014 during a tour of a Russian navy
cruiser in Sochi. Russia has also been warming up to
The U.S.-allied leaders who have Lebanon and Iraq, both U.S. allies and
traveled to Moscow this year include recipients of U.S. military aid. In Iraq,
Saudi Arabia’s King Salman, who gave Moscow has completed arms deals with
President Trump a lavish welcome in the government, invested in a strategi-
Riyadh last year but then chose Mos- cally significant oil pipeline linking the
cow over Washington for his first and so Iraqi region of Kurdistan to Turkey and
far only official overseas visit – the first opened an intelligence-sharing center
visit ever by a Saudi monarch to Russia. with the Iraqi military in Baghdad, sig-
naling its return to a country lost as an
The emir of Qatar unexpectedly flew ally after the United States toppled Sad-
to Moscow to meet with Putin on the dam Hussein.
eve of his visit to Washington in April,
earning a rebuke from the Trump ad- Lebanon came under intense U.S.
ministration. The crown prince of Abu pressure earlier this year to rebuff a $1
Dhabi, a close U.S. ally, declined an in- billion arms deal offered by Russia that
vitation to Washington this spring, dip- would have ended a decades-old U.S.
lomats say. But he traveled to Moscow and Western monopoly on supplying
in June, his seventh trip in five years, aid to the Lebanese army, according to a
signing a “strategic partnership” agree- Lebanese government official who spoke
ment with Putin. on the condition of anonymity because
he was not authorized to discuss the
Most recently, Egyptian President subject. Late last month, however, Prime
Abdel Fatah al-Sissi in October made Minister Saad Hariri accepted a dona-
his fourth visit to Moscow – compared tion of “millions of Kalashnikov bullets”
with one to Washington – and also from Russia, which will be given to the
signed a strategic-partnership agree- internal security forces, his office said.
ment with Putin in the Russian resort
town of Sochi, marking a significant Putin recognizes that many of the
shift of a U.S. ally toward Russia. Middle East’s problems cannot eas-
ily be solved, Russian officials say. Be-
The meetings are providing Putin coming too deeply entangled in the re-
with new levers of influence just when gion’s disputes might expose the limits
the United States is drawing down forc- of Russian capabilities, which they ac-
es in the Middle East, in part to counter knowledge lag far behind those of the
Russian and Chinese expansion else- United States.
where. His hearty greeting at the Group
of 20 summit in Argentina with Saudi “The Russians understand their lim-
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman its very well. I don’t think Russia wants
illustrated the personal rapport Putin is to replace America everywhere, and it
establishing with regional leaders. would be very costly,” said Yury Bar-
min of the Russian International Af-
Those visits are also translating at fairs Council. He sees much that is ad
times into substantive policy. An agree- hoc and opportunistic in Russia’s pur-
ment between Russia and Saudi Arabia suit of influence.
to cut oil production, resulting from
King Salman’s Moscow visit last year, To the extent that Russia has a mili-
has given Russia new weight in world tary strategy for the region, he said,
energy markets. it is focused on the Mediterranean.
Russia has secured long-term basing
When not hosting visitors, Putin is rights for its forces in Syria, including
often on the telephone, usually sorting an expanded naval base at Tartus, giv-
out problems relating to Syria but, in
the process, cultivating close relation- STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 42

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42 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


ing Russia its strongest presence ever Presidents Hassan Rouhani ington competed for the loyalties of tries, including Qatar, Bahrain and the
in the Mediterranean. of Iran, Recep Tayyip Erdogan regional powers and Middle Eastern United Arab Emirates.
of Turkey and Vladimir Putin countries had to choose sides, analysts
Moscow has also been extending its of Russia perform a three- say. Even with Russia’s extended com- A total of about 60,000 Russian troops
reach into Egypt, a U.S. ally since the way handshake before their mitment in Syria, its presence in the have served in Syria at some point in
1970s. After the Obama administration meeting in Ankara, region is “nowhere near as robust” as the past three years, according to fig-
suspended some arms sales to Egypt in it was during the Cold War, when Rus- ures published by the Defense Ministry.
2014 over human rights abuses, Russia Russian companies have signed bil- sia maintained thousands of troops in Though that is a higher number than
stepped in to sell fighter jets and attack lions of dollars’ worth of deals in oil Egypt as well as Syria, said Bruce Riedel what Russia had previously acknowl-
helicopters. That has been followed by a and gas ventures in markets as diverse of the Brookings Institution. edged, the troops serve rotations and
deal giving Russia the right to use Egyp- as Saudi Arabia, the region’s ¬mega- the total number at any given time is
tian military bases and a commitment producer of oil, and Iraqi Kurdistan, The United States maintains about thought to be far smaller.
to hold regular joint military exercises. one of the newest and smallest oil pro- 45,000 troops in the Middle East, ac-
ducers. Russia’s state-owned nuclear cording to the Heritage Foundation, Russia has boasted of a surge in re-
In neighboring Libya, another for- energy firm Rosatom has contracts to mostly on bases in Persian Gulf coun- gional sales of its weapons, newly tried
mer Soviet ally, Russian military offi- build nuclear reactors in five Middle and tested on the Syrian battlefield. But
cials have established a close relation- Eastern countries, giving Moscow a this increase is part of the overall growth
ship with the Libyan warlord Khalifa long-term foothold in their infrastruc- in the region’s purchases of arms, and
Hifter while signing oil deals with the ture and transportation networks. the United States is also seeing a big
U.N.-backed Libyan government, po- increase in exports to the Middle East,
tentially positioning Moscow to play This is not a return to the era of the said Ben Moores, who tracks Russian
a role in any future peace settlement Cold War, in which Moscow and Wash- weapons sales for the IHS Markit de-
among Libya’s warring parties. fense consultancy.

“Very generally, the Mediterranean Russia has nearly doubled its weap-
has been of strategic importance to ons exports to the region over the past
Russia for a long time,” Barmin said. five years, with $24 billion worth of
“Russia sees that region as a crucial area orders due to be fulfilled over the next
for hard power, for countering NATO.” decade, Moores said. By comparison,
U.S. sales have increased by almost
Elsewhere, Russia’s role has largely as much, and U.S. firms have booked
focused on business deals, which serve more than $81 billion in deliveries due
the dual purpose of compensating for over the equivalent period.
the impact of U.S. and European sanc-
tions on Russia and cementing its role In an October address to a forum of
as a regional influencer, said Carole Na- regional leaders in Bahrain, Defense
khle, an energy expert at Britain’s Surrey Secretary Jim Mattis sought to dispel
University. the notion that the United States was

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 43


disengaging from the region and that going to continue to stay committed the go-to power for a region consumed more powerful, more capable and more
Russia could step in to replace it. here, and in no way are we walking by crises and unsure of Washington’s re- relevant than the United States,” he said.
away from this.” liability, said Riad Kahwaji, who heads “It’s not how much power you have. It’s
“I make clear Russia’s presence in the Dubai-based Institute for Near East how you use it. The United States has
the region cannot replace the long- Yet even as the United States main- and Gulf Military Analysis. all these troops and bases, and Russia
standing, enduring and transpar- tains a vast economic, military and has a fraction of that. But Russia uses its
ent U.S. commitment to the Middle technological advantage over Russia, “Russia has managed to create the power more effectively.” 
East,” he said, adding later, “We are increasingly it is Russia that is seen as perception in the Middle East that it is

44 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



Anger has long been seen as a par- they stopped talking to a friend or fam- the right degree, and at the right time, ing Thanksgiving or over the holidays,
ticularly dangerous emotion. ily member after the 2016 election. and for the right purpose, and in the is not just a different point of view, but,
right way, that is not within every- how can you have that point of view
Poets and theologians in the West So how have we come to this moment? body’s power, that is not easy.” and still value me?
have long warned of anger’s social dev- “What I think exacerbates anger, or
astations. Homer sang of a rage “black at least is part of the heart of the prob- “Anger is a really interesting emo- “If you’re in the middle of a narcissis-
and murderous, that cost the Greeks lem, and part of the complexity of the tion,” says Alan Lambert, professor tic rage kind of reaction, sometimes it
incalculable pain” in “The Iliad.” The problem, is social media,” says Mark of psychology and brain sciences at feels like the only way I can express this
Roman Stoic Seneca called anger a Smaller, past president of the Ameri- Washington University in Saint Louis, rage is to make somebody feel the way
“hideous and wild” emotion that “drags can Psychoanalytic Association and who studies anger in politics. I feel,” Smaller says. “In other words,
the avenger to ruin with itself.” Roman an expert who studies online bullying the narcissistically injured person may
Catholics have considered it one of the and the rise of incivility. “A major finding across several de- want somebody else to feel that kind of
seven deadliest of sins. “We never had that particular lighter cades of research in social science is pain or injury, too. And with the avail-
fluid of social media available as a con- that, the most common and robust trig- ability and access to guns, that rage can
Such traditional warnings are part of duit, as a flame creator, in the history of ger of anger is perceived injustice,” says easily get transformed into potentially
the reasons many Americans today feel global politics,” says Koehn, author of Professor Lambert. “It can sometimes violent behavior. And, yeah, we’re liv-
a deep sense of unease, perceiving that “Forged in Crisis: The Power of Coura- trigger other emotions, but anger is al- ing in very scary times because of that.”
the nation is now descending deeper geous Leadership in Turbulent Times.” ways central to that kind of perception.”
into what many call a politics of rage. “We’ve never seen that before, so it can In the midst of this moment of rage
It threatens what observers have for spread so quickly, and the boundaries But the issue isn’t necessarily the kind in American politics, the most success-
centuries seen as America’s boundless of decorum and acceptability are be- of anger rooted in righteous indignation ful public figures seem to be those who
optimism, its particular civic faith that coming so nonexistent.” against injustice, but the explosive ex- most artfully can express and evoke hu-
the future can be better and that Amer- And social media companies and pression of“narcissistic rage,” experts say. man rage.
icans have a duty to make it that way. content providers, experts note, have
created platforms in which outrage is "In a certain way, narcissistic rage is Today there’s no one playing the role
“For all her material comforts and good for business. anger that is deregulated from a social of a public “countervailing force” who
ubiquitous technological devices, Amer- The ancient thinker Aristotle saw a context,” says Smaller, now a practicing provides a leadership rooted in op-
ica is a profoundly uneasy place today,” place for anger in politics. “Anybody therapist. “Now it’s personal, and trans- timism, says Koehn, the professor at
says Jeff Deist, president of the Mises can become angry, that is easy,” he formed into a personal injury, which we Harvard Business School.
Institute, a libertarian think tank in Au- wrote in “The Art of Rhetoric.” “But to call in our business a narcissistic injury.”
burn, Ala. “This results directly from be angry with the right person, and to “In the past, there were people who
what we can only call the politicization “And it’s often hard to solve that inju- were really preaching, literally preach-
of everything – from where you live and ry,” he continues. “So what we’re seeing ing, about the dangers of anger, and
what kind of work you do to whom you today in political discourse, and in dis- offering another way to approach posi-
date to whether you get married.” course amongst family members dur- tive change,” she says, citing the mes-
sage of Martin Luther King, Jr., and
Such a “politicization of everything” other leaders throughout history.
is a malady is creating self-segregating,
politically homogenous communities “And from my vantage point,” Koehn
throughout the country, where even says, “who is the force arguing now for
neighborhoods are becoming red or blue. calm, reason, forgiveness, nonviolence
– you know, against the dangers of an-
Politics has been straining more ger and mass outrage?” 
friendships and marriages, surveys say.
Republican pollster Frank Luntz was A longer version of this column by
troubled to find in one of his surveys Harry Bruinius originally appeared in
exploring political dialogue that about the Christian Science Monitor. It does
a third of the 1,000 voters surveyed said not necessarily reflect the views of Vero
Beach 32963.

PROSTATE CANCER A prostate MRI is done to find out if cancer has spread outside © 2018 VERO BEACH 32963 MEDIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
the prostate into nearby tissues.
Part IV, Diagnosing Prostate Cancer PROSTATE BIOPSY
The actual diagnosis of prostate cancer can only be made with
If certain symptons or screening tests suggest you might have a prostate biopsy. A biopsy is a procedure in which small sam-
prostate cancer, your doctor will order further diagnostic tests ples of the prostate are removed and then looked at under a
and procedures. microscope by a pathologist. A core needle biopsy, usually per-
formed by a urologist, is the main method used to diagnose
Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) has a multitude of uses: Traditionally, TRUS has been used to “see” the prostate gland.
 To create a computerized black and white image of The doctor inserts a thin, hollow needle through the wall of
the prostate called a sonogram. A small probe placed the rectum and into the prostate. When the needle is pulled
in the rectum gives off sound waves that enter the out it removes a small cylinder (core) of prostate. Most urolo-
prostate and create echoes that produce the image. gists take about 12 core samples from different parts of the
 To look at the prostate when a man has a high PSA prostate.
(prostate-specific angigen) blood test level or has an A new type of technology known as fusion MRI ultrasound bi-
abnormal DRE (digital rectal exam) result opsy gives doctors greater accuracy in finding and targeting
 To guide needles into the correct area of the prostate cancerous lesions in the prostate.
during a prostate biopsy NEW: FUSION MRI ULTRASOUND BIOPSY
 To measure the size of the prostate gland, which can Fusion MRI ultrasound biopsy, developed by the National In-
help determine the PSA density and may also affect stitutes of Health, is now available in a few sites across the
treatment options country. The technique fuses MRI and ultrasound images, and
 As a guide during some forms of treatment such as identifies the most suspicious part of the lesion. This new tool
brachytherapy (insertion of radioactive implants directly helps locate hard-to-find and aggressive prostate cancers. This
into the prostate) or to monitor cryotherapy (use of information enables doctors and patients to make better in-
very cold temperatures to freeze and kill prostate formed decisions about diagnostic tools to use, treatment op-
cancer cells) tions, and whether to continue with active surveillance or plan
TRUS is rarely done independently. It is mostly used as a guide for more radical interventions. 
for biopsy, brachytherapy and cryotherapy. Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
welcome. Email us at [email protected].
For this test, a strong magnet (high-power 3.0 tesla MRI), radio
waves and a computer make a series of detailed pictures of
areas inside the body. It is not necessary to insert a probe into
the rectum during the MRI procedure if using a 3.0 tesla MRI.

46 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


His name summons up the image as presidents employ speech- comments. Chapter 10 ends with the words he used re-
of a casually but well-dressed scholar writers, using his ideas, his peatedly in his lectures to young audiences: “Remem-
slumped in a wheelchair, glasses slip- previously written material, ber to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try
ping down his nose, hands crossed his style, always subject to his to make sense of what you see and wonder about what
in his lap where a carer has arranged vetting and approval. makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however dif-
them, legs in carefully creased trou- ficult life may seem, there is always something you can
sers tilted at an angle, shoes awkward- “Brief Answers to the Big do and succeed at. It matters that you don’t give up. Un-
ly askew on the footrest. In contrast Questions” came out seven leash your imagination. Shape the future.” Those were
to his frozen body, his slightly waxen, months after his death and words he himself lived by for many years.
collapsed face was in constant motion, put to rest concerns that it
cheek muscles and eyes squinting rap- would be just a mishmash Most of the chapters, but particularly Chapter 6, “Is
idly to trigger the communications sys- of recycled material. To an- Time Travel Possible?” and Chapter 10, “How Do We
tem that linked him to the world. Those swer 10 “big questions,” his Shape the Future?,” are vintage Hawking – with the
who knew him well had learned to read colleagues and friends have straightforward, engaging style of “A Brief History of
his facial expressions: yes, no, anger, joy, Time” and “The Universe in a Nutshell.” Chapter 1, “Is
mischief, disgust, his look of “hurry up fleshed out what Hawk- There a God?,” lays out the reasoning behind Hawking’s
and get on with it” that appeared in the ing had succeeded in writ- unbelief in more detail than he has done before. What
photograph on the cover of his funeral ing and the choices he had is not addressed here is the bigger question he asked
program. He struggled to keep his eyes made from his archive. at the end of “A Brief History of Time” – not how the
wide open, but his grin could light the They have added transi- universe might exist without a creator, but “Why does
universe. tional passages and ad- the universe go to all the bother of existing?” He later
justed wording and syntax to keep the style and tone commented that if he knew that, “then I would know
This was Stephen Hawking. He died in March at consistent. Paragraphs that originally targeted an audi- everything important.”
age 76, having survived 55 years with motor neurone ence of academic scientists have been translated into
disease after initially, at age 21, being told he had only the language of the rest of us, and some of Hawking’s Chapter 3, “Is There Other Intelligent Life in the
two years to live. “Survived” is not an adequate word. science ends up being easier to understand here than Universe?” is arguably the most interesting of all. Part
He rode his wheelchair in the mainstream of the con- in his earlier works. The book begins with essays by Ed- of the answer involves tracing the story of life on our
temporary world, inspiring millions with his stubborn die Redmayne, who played Hawking in the film “The own planet from the earliest context in which it may
courage. He published opinions that influenced and Theory of Everything”; by Kip Thorne, Hawking’s sci- have arisen, through genetic evolution, to “a new phase
sometimes angered people around the globe. He re- entific colleague and one of his closest friends; and by of evolution” in which information is not transmitted
peatedly warned of disaster for the human race unless Hawking himself. It ends with a moving afterword by genetically but handed down through speech and writ-
we control artificial intelligence and colonize space. his daughter, Lucy. ing, and finally to the current possibility that human
At the time of his death he was still collaborating in “Brief” had become a Hawking trademark since beings may redesign themselves genetically.
ground-breaking scientific work having to do with how his 1988 bestseller “A Brief History of Time,” but these
the universe began, whether we live in one of an infi- “brief answers” are not really all that brief. There are The chapters are written in the first person, as
nite number of universes, whether black holes irrevo- no shocks here, no pulling the rug out from under though entirely penned by Hawking. No, he did not
cably devour precious information. his previous assertions, as he so often had done. The write this book alone in his final months, painstaking-
chapters include the science in which Hawking was en- ly, word by word using the twitches of his cheek and
During his last year, Hawking was also reexploring gaged as early as his first years as a graduate student at his computer program. But the words are mostly his,
his personal archive – his lectures, memoirs, academic Cambridge in the 1960s, and as late as the weeks be- and the ideas and spirit of the book are definitely his,
and nonacademic writing. He was choosing what to re- fore his death, as well as the human rights and future- full of self-deprecating wit and the fun he had taking
vise and incorporate into a book called “Brief Answers of-humanity issues about which he was no less than readers and audiences with him on the scientific ad-
to the Big Questions.” passionate. Hawking was often accused of being out of ventures he loved. 
his depth with matters outside of cosmology, and his
Hawking died before he could complete the book, co-authors have done a remarkable job of backing up BRIEF ANSWERS TO THE BIG QUESTIONS
but he came near enough for his scientific colleagues, his pronouncements with further information, as he
friends and family to decide they could and should fin- must have hoped to do himself. They wisely chose to BY STEPHEN HAWKING | 230 PP. $25
ish it for him. Hawking had for some time been asking include verbatim many of his favorite, most-repeated REVIEW BY KITTY FERGUSON, THE WASHINGTON POST
others to write some of his lectures and articles, much

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 47


KQ73 J982 A 10 5
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 6 K J 10 3 Q54
10 7 5 3 94 QJ2
The winner of the 2016 Yeh Online World Bridge Cup was Lavazza, who played in Turin, A843 KQ5 9762
Italy. The team partnerships were Emanuela Calandra-Norberto Bocchi, Bénédicte Cronier-
Agustin Madala and Sylvie Willard-Giorgio Duboin. Winning points sometimes seems SOUTH
random, but if you keep pressuring the opponents, things usually work out — as in this deal 64
played between Lavazza and the Chinese Contract Bridge Association. A9872
Madala (South) opened one heart in fourth seat with a hand that fails the Rule of 15: In J 10
fourth chair, open if your point-count plus spade length equals at least 15; otherwise, pass
out the deal. Over West’s takeout double, Cronier (North) responded two no-trump (the Dealer: West; Vulnerable: North-South
Truscott convention) to show a maximum pass with at least four-card heart support. South
took a shot at the vulnerable game. The Bidding:

West made an inadvisable lead: her trump. Now declarer drew trumps, knocked out the SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
club ace and had 10 tricks: five hearts, two diamonds, two clubs and a diamond ruff in the Pass Pass Pass
dummy. 1 Hearts Dbl. 2 NT Pass LEAD:
4 Hearts Pass Pass Pass 6 Hearts
Probably, if West had led the spade king, Madala would have made the contract, playing
West for a singleton heart because of her takeout double.

At the other table, over West’s double, South bid two clubs, which he intended as the
Reverse Drury convention, showing a maximum pass with heart support — he did not see
West’s double! Over the double, two clubs was natural. South rebid two diamonds, and
North invited game with three hearts, which South, expecting at most three hearts opposite,
passed. Declarer also took 10 tricks, but Lavazza gained 10 international match points.

48 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

1 Coiffeur (6) 1 Divide in half (6)
4 Get in line (5) 2 Welsh snack (7)
8 Types (5) 3 Hamlet’s home (8)
9 Radioactive material (7) 4 One of four in litter (4)
10 PM’s team (7) 5 Upper crust (5)
11 Paws (4) 6 Personal hostility (6)
12 Flow out (3) 7 Set of rooms (5)
14 Agitate; prison (4) 13 Loudly conceited (8)
15 European capital (4) 16 Powerful cat (7)
18 Moose (3) 17 Fix; go (6)
21 For every one (4) 19 Australian animal (5)
23 Towards land (7) 20 Strike out (text) (6)
25 Liquor (7) 22 Chocolatey drink (5)
26 Tongue of fire (5) 24 Mate (4)
27 Kingdom (5)
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 49


ACROSS 99 Chinese unit of weight 48 Idyllic spots The Washington Post
1 Throw or threw 100 Give the wrong final answer, 49 In ___ (late with payment)
5 Frost prefix 50 Bond foe POLITENESS QUOTIENT By Merl Reagle
10 Letters on CDs for example 51 One of five, briefly
15 Govt. org. that helps 102 Stimulate 54 Scary drug
103 It comes after aster 58 Mystery craft
entrepreneurs 104 Affliction ending 60 Beer ingredients
18 Prizm or Probe 107 Pilot’s worry: abbr. 61 Joan Baez classic,
19 Egg-shaped 109 Certain subway
111 Knife for Nanook “Diamonds ___”
(or, to applaud?) 112 Wonder words 63 Blood relative
20 Builds 113 In addition 65 “This ___ the time
22 Dance royalty 114 Min. div.
24 Meeklings? 115 Amazement or place”
26 Syrup source 118 Adjective for novels like The 66 Peter Schickele’s alter-ego
27 Expensive pot 67 Little animal
28 Golf event Three Musketeers 68 Dallas univ.
30 Aujourd’___ 121 Area well-known to 70 Seven, in Seville
72 Indubitably
(today, in Tours) students? 74 Squirrel’s find
31 United rival 125 Cheerleading groups 75 Negating word
32 Woman’s hat 126 So long 78 Part of AM/FM
34 Bluegrass genus 127 Ped ___ 80 ___ Na Na
35 Ranch paper 128 Flying course? 82 Robt. ___
36 Electrical unit 129 Gallic noggins 83 Samurai
37 18th-century essayist 130 Salon job 84 Geographical giant
40 Shipping co. 131 Sea swirl 86 Creates
41 P and Q followers 87 Pecan, pine, pistachio e.g.
43 Lovable older relatives DOWN 90 “Because, Brigitte!”
45 Eastwood film, 1 Tops for bottles or batters 92 Bug or suffix
2 Heavenly highlight 93 Marlowe and Morris
___ Billy 3 Start of a Supremes hit 94 Lacking a large body of
47 Country pleasures 4 Waits at a record store?
52 Heidi backdrop 5 “How come, Henri?” water
53 Young rapper briefly 6 Bring into balance 95 Choice: abbr.
55 Actress Joanne 7 Title character Norma 97 Piercing tool
56 Verbal nouns 8 It comes in handy if 98 Pea or potato leek
57 Here, to Hernan 101 Betsy and artist Bob
59 Everest guides you’re a lookout: abbr. 105 On ___ (secretly)
62 Attractive 9 A fabulist guy 106 Copy
63 Tobacco preparation 10 Placate 108 Up ___
64 Slain 11 Leg area
65 Charged particle 12 Medit. island (good as usual)
66 Home of Arthur the 13 “Steady ___ goes” 110 Puncture opening
14 Temper 113 River of SE France
aardvark? 15 Take to court 115 Overly scientific,
69 Incompetents 16 ___ head against
71 Theme of this puzzle as writing
73 Daisy’s bike the wall 116 Make (one’s way)
76 Dickens 17 “... ___ you can do 117 Envelope-pushing
77 Speculations 119 Hairy Hollywood heavy
79 Summer déjà vu for your country” 120 Chewed Mideast stimulant
81 ___ vin 21 Know-it-all 122 Palindromic ex-leader
82 Water pitcher 23 Status follower 123 Head of a dog?
84 British P.M., 1908-16 25 Hill and Houston 124 Mike Myers movie, So I
85 Spheres 29 Pointers on animals?
86 Typewriter rollers 32 Binary two Married an ___ Murderer
88 Money Dept. 33 Trick of the mind
89 Nat’l Poetry Month 35 Frank Herbert epic
91 ___ disadvantage 37 Alley assn.
93 Preparatory classes 38 Florida tourist mecca
96 Bayer rival 39 Teacher’s surprise
98 Blacksmith 42 Labels
44 Gergen, to Clinton
46 From Here to Eternity star

The Telegraph

50 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


His silent treatment won’t work if you’re not there

BY CAROLYN HAX seek help. I have three small children and a house- Life Is Too Short: No, it’s not. You haven’t tried di-
Washington Post vorce. I’m not saying you should have, just that you
hold to care for – he helps out at home only when haven’t.
Dear Carolyn:
I’ve heard “life is too short” a lot and if he feels like it, and usually nothing too tax- Generally I avoid pointing out things people hardly
lately. It makes me think I’ve wast- need to be told – I don’t explain there’s such a thing
ed significant time, energy and ing. I also am the sole provider for my household. So, as adoption, for example, to people struggling to con-
money in a 23-year relationship ceive, because duh – but the blind spot in your letter
that has caused me so much pain I work full-time and have a full-time household with seems so vast I feel compelled to make an exception:
and exhaustion.
My husband is difficult and controlling. Both ten- little support. Divorce is a valid legal and emotional remedy for 23
dencies come directly from his family: His mother is a years of pain and buffer against 23 more.
controlling narcissist. I may have the opportunity to move for my job.
When I was younger, I thought I just needed to Life is too short? Maybe. I say life is too long to jus-
improve and that would relieve some of his anxiety, I think perhaps physical distance from his family tify spending its duration with an apparently capable
selfishness and control issues. It was not until I had partner who doesn’t contribute emotional support,
children that his tendencies really caused me to ques- might work. Does it ever help in these situations? It is income or proportionate domestic effort – you don’t
tion what I was doing. even mention love, anywhere – and who does con-
We live close to his family, all of whom have – on the only thing I haven’t reasonably tried. tribute selfishness, stress, poor boundaries, a nasty
several occasions in recent years – given me the silent family and weekly meltdowns/name-callings/silent
treatment, called me names and generally caused me –Life Is Too Short treatments.
a lot of stress. After therapy, I’ve been able to estab-
lish good boundaries with his family. And I’ve tried I’m glad you found therapy helpful, and I’m glad
in many different ways to talk with my husband to your boundaries with his family have held. But allow
make him understand what I am going through. me to suggest that wasn’t a solution unto itself, but in-
Since his family is his norm, he doesn’t fully compre- stead was Part 1 of a difficult but overdue long-life/
hend. short-life overhaul.
He now has meltdowns on a weekly basis that in-
clude the silent treatment and sometimes name-call- Please explore Part 2 in private consultation with a
ing. I respond calmly most of the time, because I just very good lawyer, and in therapy again, solo. (If he mi-
have to accept him for what he is, since he refuses to raculously relents, then he goes solo, too.) Read “The
Gift of Fear” by Gavin de Becker. Don’t skimp on self-
and child-preservation, or safety, especially given a
possible relocation. Assume he’ll make this as tough
on you as he can. But ask yourself: If you were your
child, would you want to grow up in this home? 

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