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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-12-13 15:08:11

12/13/2018 ISSUE 50



52 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Scully Endoscopy Center has powerful new diagnostic ability

BY TOM LLOYD That outside interest, Gitin
Staff Writer continues, is because “manometry
testing is not available everywhere.
When the $6.1 million Scully There are only a few places locally
that have the ability to do this, which
Endoscopy Center at Indian River is why I think we’re very lucky to have
the foundation get this for us.”
Medical Center opened its doors for
Manometry testing uses a
the first time this past January, the specialized endoscope: a thin,
flexible, pressure-sensitive tube that
place was packed. can – in most cases – pass easily
down the esophagus and measure
Today, according to the rhythmic muscle contractions
that occur when patients swallow,
gastroenterologist Dr. Yakov Gitin, providing real-time video images for
doctors to study.
there’s something other than a ribbon-
So how are people with problems
cutting ceremony bringing people swallowing able to swallow that tube?
“Oh, that’s a great question,” Gitin says.
in – some newly acquired and highly- “We had somebody today that couldn’t.
Most people don’t have any problems,
specialized diagnostic equipment. [but] there are some exceptions.”

That new equipment is used for The vast majority of patients,
Gitin says reassuringly, are able to
what’s known as manometry testing. participate in the procedure.

As Gitin explains, “manometry That’s a good thing, because, as the
Washington Post reports, upwards
testing is the way you figure out why of 9 million Americans suffer from
a range of swallowing disorders
people can’t swallow.”

Or why they have chest pain. Or acid

reflux. Or a host of other problems.

“We just got [this equipment] a

couple months ago,” Gitin continues,

“and now that it’s up and running,

we’re very, very busy. Almost every

day we have patients scheduled. We

also have other gastroenterologists Dr. Yakov Gitin and Don Willems.

in the area asking us to do this PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE

procedure [for their patients].”

Happy Holidays

from everyone at

7766 Bay St., Suite 11 We
in Bay Street Center accept
Sebastian, FL insurance

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 53


class teaching hospital Beth Israel swallowing problems, Gitin points
Deaconess and Boston University out that with manometry testing,
for his internship, residency and “you can have a longer look and have a
fellowship work. much more accurate determination of
what’s going on with the esophagus.”
Gitin is quick to lavish praise on his
colleagues in general, and registered Specifically, says Gitin, “it allows
nurse Don Willems in particular. us to determine which part of the
esophagus is responsible for the
“Don,” Gitin claims, “does 90 problem,” so the proper treatment
percent of the work [involved in can begin.
manometry testing]. He is the guy
who talks to the patients and walks Dr. Yakov Gitin is with the Scully
them through the procedure. He Endoscopy Center at the Indian River
is the guy who acquires all the Medical Center. His office is at 3450
information for us to read.” 11th Ct., Suite 206. The phone number
is 772-299-3511. 
While simple X-rays used to be
the standard diagnostic test for

collectively called ‘dysphagia,’ and ulcers, and even the side effects from
these difficulties become more and certain blood pressure, heart and
more prevalent with age. antidepressant medications can all
play a role in this problem.
At least 1-in-5 older adults, says
the Post, and nearly 40 percent of Manometry testing, Gitin claims,
all nursing home or assisted living allows physicians to properly
facility residents have some form of diagnose the specific problem and
dysphagia. then recommend the best available
Until quite recently, accurately
diagnosing – and properly treating – “Certain conditions are easy to
dysphagia was tricky, at best. Some 50 treat. Others not so much,” according
separate muscles and countless nerves to Gitin.
are involved in moving food or liquids
from the mouth to the stomach. Born in Uzbekistan, Gitin moved to
Salt Lake City, Utah, where he went
Head, neck or chest injuries, to medical school. He then went on
ca ncers, food a l lergies, inf la mmat ion, to Harvard Medical School’s world-

54 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Fish oil tales: Two major studies yield ‘complex’ results

BY TOM LLOYD Dr. Jose Rivera.
Staff Writer
Do omega-3 fish oil pills really help
your cardiovascular health?

In the wake of two huge, in-depth
studies released just last month, the
answer is no they don’t. And, yes,
they do.

It’s confusing.
About the only thing both sides
of this issue seem to agree on is that
Americans now spend upwards
of $1 billion each year on fish oil
Dr. Jose Rivera of the Steward
Medical Group and Coastal
Cardiovascular Associates steps in to
referee the debate.
Board-certified in cardiovascular
disease, nuclear cardiology and
echo-cardiology, Rivera says the
VITALS study, funded by the National
Institutes of Health, was “really
large” with some 26,000 people
participating over a 5-year period,
while the REDUCE-IT study followed
some 8,000 patients – also a large
number for this type of research – for

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 55


3 ½ years, and that the findings of the supplements are not subject to FDA “is I prescribe it. I don’t like over- So, before hitting the store or
two research efforts are complex. rules and, frankly, no one really knows the-counter [supplements] because the Internet for fish oil, it might be
what’s actually inside those bottles, there are not that many regulations” wise to talk with your primary care
In fact, the results appeared to let alone how “pure” it is. Or isn’t. governing what manufacturers use to physician or your cardiologist to ask
confuse both the New York Times make their pills or fill their capsules. for his or her input.
and the Washington Post. Rivera agrees. “What I do,” he says,
Bottom line: If you already have
On Nov. 10, the Times led off its story heart disease, fish oil may well help.
saying these studies concluded that If you don’t have heart disease, you’re
omega-3 pills in healthy adults did little probably better advised to skip the
to prevent cardiovascular disease. pills and simply add more seafood to
your dinner menu.
That same day, the Post opened its
report by saying “two major studies Dr. Jose Rivera is with Coastal
released Saturday provide evidence Cardiovascular Associates. His office
that medications derived from fish oil is at 7754 Bay Street, Suites 6 & 7 in
are effective in protecting people from Sebastian. The phone number is 772-
fatal heart attacks, strokes and other 589-3000. 
forms of cardiovascular disease.”

The devil, not surprisingly, is in
the details. Including the words
“medications” and “healthy adults”

The Harvard Medical School says
“fish oil supplements have been
promoted as an easy way to protect
the heart, ease inflammation and
lengthen life,” but adds “if you are
taking them on your own because
you believe they are good for you, it’s
time to re-think that strategy.”

The Mayo Clinic agrees.
It says “doctors had long believed
that the unsaturated fats in fish,
called omega-3 fatty acids, are the
nutrients that reduce the risk of dying
of heart disease. However, more
recent research suggests that other
nutrients in fish or a combination of
omega-3 fatty acids and those other
nutrients may actually be responsible
for the health benefits from fish.”
That stance also gets a nod from the
National Center for Complementary
and Integrative Health at NIH which,
in May of this year, said “research
indicates that omega-3 supplements
don’t reduce the risk of heart disease.
However, people who eat seafood one
to four times a week are less likely to
die of heart disease.”
In other words, it’s eating fish, not
swallowing fish oil capsules, that can
help your heart.
Unless, that is, you already have
heart disease.
According to Rivera, the REDUCE-
IT study focused on people who
already had heart disease. Fully
70 percent of its participants had
suffered a prior heart attack or
stroke, and for that group, he says,
“high doses of purified EPA, which is
the omega-3,” produced what Rivera
calls “a huge improvement” in their
cardiovascular health.
But there’s yet another devil of a
detail in that sentence.
Rivera is talking about “purified”
omega-3, a product like the
prescription-only Lovaza or Omtryg,
not the rows of fish oil pills on the
shelves of your local drugstore or the
ones commonly bought online.
Over-the-counter and online

56 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

The fashion experts’ guide to Christmas occasion dressing

BY KRISSY TURNER, LISA ARMSTRONG, irony or, indeed, shame. pale pink even more than I love white; (they look better if you’re petite, too);
CHARLIE GOWANS-EGLINTON, VICTORIA MOSS, Oh, bah humbug to you too, all I’m you can tone or clash pink with every soft is generally more flattering than
other color); plain fabrics or subtle hard, tight shapes; chiffon packs like a
CHLOE MACDONNELL AND BETHAN HOLT saying, in the edited words of John Len- prints (polka dots or stripes) are far more dream (as does this one from Cefinn);
The Telegraph non, is for us to give peace and dressing versatile than loud splashy patterns midi is an amazingly handy length
up a chance. which, depending on the shoes you
For me, the point of no return for that team it with, always hits the right note
basic sort of slovenly style during the There are so few opportunities, really, regardless how formal or casual the
festive season came a couple or so years where one can unabashedly inject glitz, occasion is.
ago with adverts for something called sequins and hair accessories, why opt
a “slanket.” Part fleece, part monstros- for a penguin-intarsia knit? Why shame It’s also a variable: make sure your
ity of modern textile engineering, it elderly relatives with elf-print leggings? midi stops at the slimmest part of your
signaled the complete evolution from Banish the novelty bauble earrings and lower leg, just below the knee or just
Sunday best to Sunday slob fest. toss out the tinsel scrunchies: this year above the ankle; a lot of evening coats
we’re making the festive season fashion look too mother of the bride, a velvet
It was, I suppose, merely the apex of a again. – VM jacket (not too tight) makes a brilliant
movement whereby grown adults felt it very useful alternative. Big earrings are
acceptable to wear an infant’s sleep suit The Foreign Adventure the international party-goer’s oxygen
in public (rebranding it a “onesie” didn’t I travel a lot for work these days. tank, breathing new life into outfits and
make it any less peculiar). Those trips often entail complicated taking up minimal space.
evening dress codes – sometimes you
Yet, given the extraordinary unicorn- only get the full measure of what the Full disclosure: I haven’t yet worn
influenced iteration I saw hanging in hosts intended everyone to wear once my turban anywhere other than a yoga
Marks and Spencer last weekend, I fear you arrive to the party. Other times, you class, but I’m plucking up courage: the
the end is not yet nigh for the conversion didn’t even know there was going to be 20-somethings and 80-somethings
of Christmas morning into an episode a party until the day before – I always I’ve seen in them look amazing. I pack
of a particularly weak comedy movie pack something in reserve. a steamer, but still lean toward fabrics
where a gleaming white-toothed, What I’ve learned: black adds 10 that won’t crease too much – my one
preening, impossibly good-looking years to me even if it takes off 5 pounds gripe with this Raey dress, which is
family turn themselves out in matching (a theory which, by the way, I contest) dreamy in every other way. Just don’t sit
“holiday” pajamas. With no hint of a soft, icy pastel can stop traffic (I love down in it. – LA

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 57

The three parties in one night Boden has a crimson velvet dress The cozy bar Christmas Eve cifically festive hair accessory to make
challenge with an asymmetric hem that would A quiet mulled wine at your local the look relevant to Christmas 2018 and
look great worn with satin slingbacks, bar to pass the time before putting out offer that all important talking point ice
What is it about this time of year while on the pricier end of the scale your stocking, how high stakes can it breaker. – BH
that makes everyone from your best Peter Pilotto has a silky two-piece in be? Well, very, I learned on Christmas
friends to former colleagues suddenly burnt orange that gives a nod to the Eve seven years ago when drinks with The ritzy New Year do
feel they need to see you over a glass of jolly season but isn’t going to look my best friends turned into the night What I find to be the usual perception
something “bubbly”? Come Nov. 1, it’s dated once the last of the Christmas I met my now-boyfriend. Whereas of a job in fashion is at odds with the
as if there’s a friendship apocalypse decorations have finally been taken most of the festive season is spent reality: I spend far more time in my local
approaching with a flurry of text mes- down. – CMD in the company of your nearest and
sages and posh email invites. Staying dearest who will love you no matter CONTINUED ON PAGE 58
in to binge watch “Chef’s Table” in what you’re wearing (hopefully), the
your new cashmere onesie is tempt- bar is prime ground for encounters
ing, but trust me, you’ll feel much with those for whom you may want
more smug come the day after Christ- to do some subtle peacocking, be that
mas knowing that you’ve earned the potential partners, ex-partners or that
right to hermit status. mother who always seems to catch
you at the school gate on days when
My No. 1 rule when it comes to you haven’t quite got round to coordi-
party-hopping is to wear something nating a winning 8 a.m. look.
memorable. Minimal time calls for max So this is my recipe for being more
impact, a brief this sequinned dress Cameron Diaz in “The Holiday” than
from Kitri nails. Its two-tone colorway Bridget Jones. Firstly, it’s about mas-
and wrap style make it surprisingly tering a knit which is cozy and spe-
flattering whilst the lower heel on cial without erring anywhere near
these velvet mules from Mango means Christmas sweater, think chic bead-
you won’t have to try and fit a box of ing or a restrained smattering of
Compeed into your bag. sparkle. Then it’s down to the vibe at
your establishment – a dog walker-
For a casual lunch, I’d wear a friendly place will call for little more
chunky knit over it, then unpeel later. than your best jeans and boots while
Keep accessories to a minimum, if a zhuzhier bar justifies a slinky slip
any, and yes that extends to novelty dress or pleated skirt.
antler ears. For evenings that include Finish it off with a jolly but not spe-
a more refined element, perhaps
dinner with your in-laws, opt for
more luxe materials like velvet or silk.

58 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 57 es I wear to work, but in a black-tie fab-
ric, like silk, velvet or chiffon. A print is
bar and living room than I do drinking more forgiving than a block color, and
free champagne at galas or awards also easier to re-style for daytime wed-
ceremonies, and own far more repeat- dings or cocktail dress codes.
wear navy sweaters than I do black-tie
dresses. Since I don’t get too much wear Platform sandals may look high, but
out of them, the really smart dresses they’re so much more comfortable than
that I do own need to be all-rounders a pair of stilettos (though don’t risk it
that will work for weddings, those rare if you’ve got weak ankles) and I find
dressy work dos, and New Year’s Eve a chunky shoe more flattering than a
parties, so that I don’t feel I’m wasting dainty one.
money on a wear-once frock.
Finally, for those that think control
My criteria don’t change year on year: under garments are a patriarchal con-
sleeves to the elbow or longer, hemline struct of female oppression: for me, be-
below the knee, defined waist – not dis- ing able to eat a pie (pastry all around,
similar in cut to the more casual dress- mind, not just a lid) without looking five

months pregnant in friends’ pictures is but if ain’t broke …
freedom indeed. Vive la Spanx. – CGE Statement earrings are ideal for jazz-

The make an impression at the in- ing up my top half for the festive table,
laws’ and my trousers are elasticated ergo
perfect for five courses in total. I’ll wear
My Christmas day look has an alarm- a silky cami underneath a knit, and
ing amount of boxes it needs to tick will keep my matching velvet blazer in
in order to suit my varied day. I need the car should my aunties-in-law have
to be mobile (3-year-old nephew and further upped the glamour since last
cousin to play with circa 7 a.m.), mod- Christmas (cue Wham …) – KT
est (Christmas dinner with my Catholic
grandmother), roomy (I have two big The chilled out one at home
meals to eat, not complaining though) I love a silky something as much as
and suitably glam (I also have two sis- the next materialistic flake, but with
ters keen on getting dressed up). This my home under the dictatorship of an
rules out skirts and dresses (danger- 18-month-old megalomaniac with an
ous when you’re sat on the floor adding unrelenting penchant for launching
four AA batteries to a talking dog), and food missiles, it’s not really worth the
jeans, since I plan to eat a lot. bother.
But that doesn’t mean to say that
All this is before I even get to my boy- machine washable can’t be chic. I
friend’s family for my second round, need something which won’t be an-
which presents another dilemma in noying if I need to crouch down, carry
itself: It’s a lot more formal than my the litter, sorry, child, around and that
own, with around 25 family members will endure the walking of a small
attending. terrier or two. I’ll also be mostly in
draughty Victorian properties, so lay-
Dinner will be at his grandparents ers (a yummy chunky grey cardigan,
home, so I’ll need to be suitably dressy ideally) are also key. This Tyrian (vis-
and (somehow) look naturally effort- cose, put it on a delicates wash) Tibi
less, while still being casual enough so number is gloriously Regal which sets
I don’t look OTT indoors. See? No mean a strong tone for other family mem-
feat for one single outfit. I can safely say bers to take note of. It also has these
I think I’ve mastered it. Although I may clever drawstrings on the waist, which
have a few eyes rolled at me when I rock means you can expand or contract it
up in a riff on last year’s outfit – a black
velvet jumpsuit with white sneakers,

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 59

21 Stylish party buys to buy now

as much as you fancy.
I’ve been too often caught out by im-

practical footwear and ended up hav-
ing to borrow a patterned pair of Wel-
lington boots, but these dreamy Mother
of Pearl boots say “make merry then
trudge around the playground without
having to change.” Heroic.

My back up option (probably post
lunch when my daughter has ruined
this), will be one of the two $60 Marks
and Spencer dresses I’ve bought in the
same design (different prints), because
I am obsessed with their excellent
roominess and midi length plus jolly
ruffled drop hem. – VM. 

60 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Italian Cousin: Family vibe adds to eatery’s appeal

BY TINA RONDEAU Seafood Linguini.
When someone says neighborhood
Italian restaurant, I think of a red-sauce
joint serving reasonably priced, simple
food in an unpretentious atmosphere.
And for the past five years, nobody has
been doing it better at the northern end
of our readership area than the Italian

The Cousin has been packed almost
from the day that Chef Gus took over the
space on U.S. 1 in Sebastian from wife Mi-
chelle Hennessey, a former Vero Top Chef
who shut down her own highly successful
restaurant to spend more time with her
young son.

The restaurant has a warm Italian vibe,
and with Chef Gus popping in and out of
the kitchen, and Michele frequently on
hand hugging and kissing regulars, the
atmosphere makes you feel like part of a
large family.

When our party of three arrived there
last Friday night, we were quickly shown
to a nice table. Our attentive server, Don-
nie, brought a basket of wonderful warm,
crispy Italian bread and a dish of deli-
cious dipping sauce, and took our order

And our companion absolutely loved the ing. But it is clearly the best neighbor-
spaghetti with light, moist meatballs. hood Italian place in Sebastian, and if you
haven’t checked it out in the five years it
On previous visits, we have enjoyed has been there just south of the Sebastian
the veal parmesan ($26.95), the linguini business district, it’s never too late to drop
in a white clam sauce ($19.95), and the in on your Italian Cousin.
chicken cacciatore ($18.95).
I welcome your comments, and
The portions are large here – as you encourage you to send feedback to me at
would expect in a neighborhood Italian [email protected].
restaurant – but even so, we found room
for dessert, an excellent lemoncello cake. The reviewer dines anonymously at
We finished our meal with a perfect restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
espresso. 32963. 

Eggplant and Prices are very reasonable, with many
Spinach Parmesan. entrées priced from $12.95 to $19.95
(including soup or salad). Dinner for two
with a couple of glasses of beer or wine
should run in the $60 to $70 area before
tax and tip.

This isn’t white-table-cloth Italian din-

for wine. ($18.95), and our companion Tiramisu. Hours:
On this visit, we decided to forego ap- ordered the spaghetti with Monday through Saturday,
meatballs ($14.95).
petizers – we previously have enjoyed 4 pm to 9 pm.
the stuffed clams with bacon, spinach, My ravioli came
artichokes and cheese and the Prince Ed- in a pesto cream Beverages: Full bar
ward Island mussels served in a chardon- sauce topped with
nay-lemon-basil broth – and started with skewered shrimp Address:
salads. and toasted pine 480 U.S. 1, Sebastian
nuts. It tasted as
Our companion and I had the Cousin good as it looked. Phone:
salad tossed with gorgonzola vinaigrette, My husband’s ziti 772-589-1412
and my husband opted for the Caesar dish consisted of
salad with anchovies. very tasty chunks of
sausage, grilled onions
Then for entrées, I decided to have and peppers, all in a light
one of the evening’s two specials, the marinara sauce. Just right.
ravioli with shrimp ($24.95). My hus-
band chose the grilled sausage ziti

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 61


BY DAVE MCINTYRE prosecco or California fizz costs $10 to (Jaume Serra Cristalino and Segura your achievements and honor those
$20, so celebrations can happen any Viudas are top-value brands), and cavas who have left us, try to register and re-
The Washington Post day. What better way to greet friends closer to $20 can successfully imitate member those flavors for celebrations
who come for pizza night, book club champagnes that cost twice as much. throughout the next year. After all, ev-
First of a two-part series on sparkling and mah-jongg than with a festive glass ery day can be special. 
wines of bubbly? Italy offers franciacorta, a champagne-
method wine that is fairly hard to find in
Chances are – especially because Here are pointers to help you choose the United States and is often as pricey
you’re reading this – you will enjoy a among the vast array of sparkling as champagne. Italy’s best bargain,
glass or two of sparkling wine this holi- wines. though, is prosecco. It’s a gentle fizz
day season. from the Veneto region around Venice
The main reason champagne is the made in the tank-fermented method.
And chances are – even though you ne plus ultra of bubbly is the way it is Many proseccos are all about the
are reading this – that might be the made, with a second fermentation bubbles, but the better ones show bright
only time this year you drink bubbly, occurring in bottle to give the wine its red-fruit flavors. They can be a worthy
outside of a wedding, a birthday cele- sparkle. This method is used around the introduction to any meal.
bration or some other special occasion. world, and often noted on the label as
the “champagne method,” “traditional So, as you purchase and enjoy your
The vast majority of champagne and method” or “methode traditionnelle.” sparkling wines to toast and cel-
other sparkling wines sold in the United ebrate this holiday season, to mark
States are purchased and consumed in Other wines are artificially
December. We associate champagne carbonated in the tank following the
with celebration and luxury, a result alcoholic fermentation. Italy’s prosecco
of marketing efforts by champagne is the most successful of this style.
houses dating back to the Belle Epoque Really cheap American fizz seems to
era of Parisian excess in the late 19th inject more headaches into the wine
century. This is the month we celebrate, than bubbles.
until the New Year’s resolutions kick in.
Then there are other styles of
Of course, champagne is the cream sparkling wine. Crémant wines
of the crop when it comes to sparkling are made in France, but outside of
wine. It is expensive; we tend to call any the Champagne region, using the
wine with bubbles “champagne,” be- traditional method. They are typically
cause that reinforces the idea of indul- made with regional grapes, giving
gence and excess – which, in turn, of- them regional character: chenin blanc
fends our collective American fear that in the Loire; riesling or pinot blanc in
enjoying the here and now will some- Alsace; chardonnay in Burgundy.
how deprive us of pleasure or virtue in
the hereafter. My favorites are Crémant de
Bourgogne (Burgundy), which is
When we stop equating bubbles usually 100 percent chardonnay
with champagne, and therefore luxury and most closely resembles fine
and extravagance, we open up a world champagne, and Crémant de Limoux,
of possibilities. (And believe me, from southwestern France, which
champagne producers would be very offers great fun and value for the price.
happy if we stopped referring to the
cheap carbonated swill a lot of us drink Cava is Spain’s claim to bubbly fame
as “champagne.”) and is arguably the best value in fizz.
You can get decent cava for under $10
A bottle of Spanish cava, Italian

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62 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 63

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64 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 65

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66 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Bonz says this sweet Sheltie is one pretty Penny

Hi Dog Buddies! “Well, THAT didn’t last learning Tap Signals.”

This week I met a charming liddle long. Now, I have a schedule. “Woof, that’s pawsome. Whad-
poocheroo, Penny Wood, a Shetland
Sheepdog. (Think miniature Collie.) An if Mom an Dad forget, I dya do when you’re off duty?”
She’s very deli-cut an feminine, only 18
months old, but she’s going to school bang on the umbrella stand “I’m ALWAYS alert to help Dad,
for a Very Important Job.
to remind ’em it’s Pottie Time. of course. We play a lot. Dad
She trotted right up for the Wag-an-
Sniff. “Hi, Mr. Bonzo. I feel like I know That works great. It also works throws the Frisbee and I grab it
you already cuz we always read your
columns in Vero News. I’m Penny Ann when I just wanna go out and midair and return it. When I get
Wood the Ninth. My pooch Dad an
Mom were Tyffani’s Little Rascal an chase lizards. I corner ’em and pooped, I bring it back and lie on
Akiro-n-Willow’s Zesty Zoe.”
we stare at each other. Then it. Then there’s treats. My FAVrite is
“Shut the doghouse door,” I gasped.
“Oh,” she laughed. “Just call me Pen- they run away.” banana. An peanut butter. When
ny. This is my Mom an Dad, Milly an
Dave.” “Um … that’s good. So, tell we go for walks, I get to wear my
We got all comf-tubble. Penny sat
on the floor next to her Dad. “I under- me about going to school.” red collar an practice my Perky
stand you’re in special school,” I said.
“Yes, but when I was a liddle fluffmuf- “Well, my Dad has what Trot.”
fin, I was just gonna be a regular pet.”
“So, what happened?” humans call a Service-Relat- “You’re coat is so silky,” I ob-
“Well, see, Mom an Dad really like
Shelties. That’s what humans call us ed Disability. He can’t hear served. “Who’s your groomer?”
Shetland Sheepdogs. Also, Toy Collies.
Liddle kids call me Lassie. So when stuff too well. He needed a “Dad an Mom! Since I’m a Ser-
they were shoppin’ for their next dog,
they found me at a North Carolina special trained dog, called an Penny PHOTO: LEIGH GREEN vice Dog an all, I have to make
kennel. I was still too liddle to leave Aw-duh-tory Dog, but I was a good impression by bein’ Well
my litter, so they hadda come back lat- already a Basic (Fabulous) Pet, Groomed. At All Times. I consider
er. I was worried they’d forget. Thank
Lassie, they didn’t. I loved ridin’ in the and we didn’t know whether I myself an Extension of Dad. I en-
car to my Forever Home. I had my own
comfy crate an everything! could do it. Biscuits! Good for you!” joy my baths. An I get vacuumed so my
“Natchrully, Mom an Dad wanted to
teach me the basics ASAP, ’speshly Pot- “So they checked with this Cool Kib- “Thanks, Mr. Bonzo! So now I’m in coat is perfect.”
tie Training. So Dad’d get up at 1 a.m.,
when I was happily snoozing in my bles dog school, Dogs for Life. They a smaller class, me an two pals, Swag, “Seriously?”
crate, dreamin’ about peanut budder
and my squeaky hedgehog, an, basi- train service dogs. An also regular he’s an Australian Sheepdog; an Spen- “Yep. Dad does my nails, too. What
cally, drag me out of it, place me in the
backyard an then stand there lookin’ ones like me. And we found out that cer, a Jack Russell mix. We’re learning he does is, he puts a liddle peanut
at me hopefully. But I didn’t HAFF to
go pottie at 1 a.m. SOMEtimes, when a regular dog that’s to be Aw-duh-tory Dogs. Dad has to budder on the hand that holds my

already in a regular famly has the right, learn stuff, too, so we’re like a team. We paw, and puts the clippers in the other

um, the right, oh, poo, I always forget totally stick together.” one. So, while he’s gently trimmin’ my

the word. The right – oh, I remember “How long do you go to school?” I nails, I’m lickin’ the peanut budder off

– TEMPER-mutt. So the human in inquired. his hand. It works great.”

charge, Miss Shelly, hadda see if I had “It’s about a year in human. I’ve Heading home, I was thinking how

that. I didn’t even know what it was. I been going for 6 months. We’ve just pretty Penny had totally found her

was nervous. Would I make it? Could started Level 3. I’ve already learned a Purpose as a Dog, like my author pal

I help Dad? Woof, was I relieved when lot. Mom an Dad are proud of me. An Tucker said. I wonder if my groomer

she told my Mom an Dad I DID have Miss Shelly says I’m doing very good. has peanut budder.

the right temper-mutt.” She says Shelties learn as well as Gold- Till next time,

“That is SO Cool Kibbles!” I told her. ens an Labs cuz I’m a herder. So I guess

“What’s a temper-mutt?” I kinda herd Dad. The Bonz

“I dunno. But I have the right one. “I have a special vest just for work.

Anyway, I was accepted and went to a When I’m wearin’ it, I’m All Business. I

basic class first. I passed the Dog Park have a card to show I’m certified. I go Don’t Be Shy
test, an even got an aWARD. Look! It shopping with Dad. I ’speshully like
means I’m polite to humans an fellow PetSmart an Pub-licks. (They got lotsa We are always looking for pets with
pooches an follow the rools.” stuff!) At a rest-runt, I lie politely under interesting stories.
the table. At home, when somebody To set up an interview, email
Her Dad showed us a nice, framed

award certificate that said “Canine knocks, or the phone rings, or the tea

Good Citizen.” kettle whistles, I pat Dad with my paw. [email protected].

“Woof, Penny. That is Crispy Dog He says ‘Show me,’ an I do. I’m also

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 67


Living sermons: Letting our actions do the talking

BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT that people responded more readily to 2) Serve faithfully. We aren’t neces- little more as God loves by being more
Columnists encouragement in exploring matters sarily guaranteed success when we do generous with forgiveness, acceptance,
of faith than they did to being told ex- our best on God’s behalf, but our sin- support, and encouragement.
Fred Craddock was a formidable actly what they should believe or do. In cere effort is more important than each
presence in the world of preaching for general, you could say Craddock was an and every result. Keep at it. 6) Let God be God. We aren’t respon-
decades. As the Distinguished Profes- advocate of an inviting, respectful, ma- sible for everything. We aren’t power-
sor of Preaching and New Testament ture, responsible and authentic prac- 3) Speak the truth. Temptations ful enough or smart enough or perfect
at the Candler School of Theology at tice of faith. abound to shade the truth to our ad- enough to fix everything. That doesn’t
Emory University, he was influential vantage, but truth has its own extraor- let us off the hook, though. The privi-
in shaping both the preaching style of So what does that have to do with us? dinary power. Stick to the truth. lege of being human lies in gladly em-
a generation of clergy and the content Well, whether we are formally preachers bracing the many gifts and abilities
of their sermons. or not, we all represent our faith every 4) Pray daily. Our relationship with we’ve been granted and putting them to
day in our workplaces, our homes, and God needn’t be static and remote. work, despite our limitations. Be proud
Craddock was a master storyteller among our friends and family mem- Prayer is a dialogue that allows us to of what you’ve been given to work with,
who believed the preachers’ job was bers. All of us preach about our deepest speak from the depths of our hearts and humble enough to admit you’re no
not so much to force-feed a particular convictions through how we live and and await God’s transformative re- match for God.
viewpoint as to allow their listeners to act as well as through what we say. If we sponse. Join the conversation.
draw their own conclusions from the are just a little uncomfortable with ac- 7) Don’t just talk about your faith,
relevant stories, ideas and experiences knowledging that, then maybe receiv- 5) Love generously. God almost cer- live it. What if your life were the only
the preacher shared. He was convinced ing guidance from Professor Craddock tainly loves both those whom we love testimony to faith that someone else
on how to be an effective preacher, mi- and those whom we hate. Try to love a ever had the opportunity to witness?
nus any grandiosity, could be helpful. In an era when attendance at worship
Here are seven suggestions Craddock services and membership in faith com-
once offered for making our faith more munities is diminishing, it’s not far-
meaningful and inviting to others, by fetched to imagine that our lives may
letting our lives do the talking. indeed be the only “sermons” others
will ever hear. Here’s hoping our lives’
1) Live simply. We are probably all sermons will be everything Professor
aware of times when we’ve complicat- Craddock imagined they could be: in-
ed life and strayed from its essence. Get viting, respectful, mature, responsible
back to the basics. and authentic. 

68 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


ONGOING Fort Pierce Jazz and Blues Society, 7 p.m. at Em- Group and refreshments. Free with donation of 21-23 Holidays at McKee, 6 to 8
erson Center. Free. 772-778-5249 pre-K or early-reader book. p.m. at McKee Botanical
Garden, with holiday lights and decorations, vin-
Vero Beach Museum of Art - 150 Years of 14 Women by Women Art Exhibition: A 15 Christmas Cantata, 4:30 p.m. & 7 p.m. tage band organ, model train display and visits
Painting & Sculpture from the Permanent Col- Tribute to the Power of Women open- at Christ by the Sea, with full mix choir, with Santa. Standard admission. 772-794-0601
lection thru Jan. 13; Made in Germany: Con- ing, 6 to 9 p.m. at Raw Space Gallery, with dance soloists, 35-piece orchestra, living manger, litur-
temporary Art from the Rubell Family Collec- performances and live music. 772 584 5003 gical dancers and dramatic narration. 772-231- 22 20th Street Jazz Band at Sebastian Inlet State
tion thru Jan. 6. 1661 Park Night Sounds concert series, 7 p.m. at
14|15 Riverside Theatre Comedy Coconut Point pavilions. Park entry fee. 772-388-2750
Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge tours, Zone’s Winter Nights, 7:30 15 Vero Beach Centennial Boat Parade, 6
8 to 10 a.m. Wednesdays through March. Free; p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop free en- p.m. from Royal Palm Point. 23 Run Run Santa 1-Mile, 7:30 a.m. from
RSVP required. 772-581-5557 X 2 tertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990 Pocahontas Park, with ALL participants
18 Holiday Concert presented by Sebas- running in provided Santa suits. 321-412-1830
DECEMBER 15 Paddle Dash (postponed from earlier tian River Middle School Choral De-
date due to red tide) to benefit Keep partment, 7 p.m. at First Baptist Church. Free. 27-29 Wintergreen Night Lights,
13 Silver Tones Holiday Concert, Christ- Indian River Beautiful Lagoon Friendly Lawn pro- 772-564-5185 5 to 8 p.m. at the Environ-
mas on Broadway, 7 p.m. at First Pres- gram, with Paddle Races and a Corporate Paddle mental Learning Center, with live entertain-
byterian Church hosted by Senior Resource As- Battle; races begin at 8 a.m. from MacWilliams 20|21 Christmas Road Trip, pre- ment, crafts, holiday-inspired crafts, games and
sociation. 772-569-0760 Boat Ramp and Park. 772-226-7738 sented by City of Vero reserved seat pontoon and canoe rides. Details/
Beach Recreation Department’s Aerial Antics costs at
13 Florida Humanities Series presents 15 AAUW Holiday Party, 3 p.m. at West- Youth Circus, with 200+ performers ages 3 to 25, lights. 772-589-5050
‘Christmas and All that Jazz’ with the minster Presbyterian Church, with en- 6 p.m. at Vero Beach High School PAC. $7 & $8.
tertainment by Vero Beach High School Choral 772-567-2144 28|29 Riverside Theatre Howl at
the Moon Kiss 2018 Good-
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword Page 49 (VIOLENCE ON TV) bye Party, 7:30 p.m. & 8:30 p.m., with Live on the
in December 6, 2018 Edition 1 LIEDER 2 LATEST Loop free entertainment at 6 p.m. 772-231-6990
8 TOPIC 3 EXCHANGE 28-30 Nights of Lights Celebration,
9 EXACTLY 4 BOAT 6 to 7:30 p.m. at McKee Bo-
10 SERVANT 5 RATIO tanical Garden, with holiday lights and decora-
11 TORN 6 DRYING tions, vintage band organ and large-scale model
12 SAD 7 HEATS train display. Standard admission. 772-794-0601
15 IDEA 16 ENTERED 30|31 Ballet Vero Beach presents
18 END 17 GRACED the original production,
21 RANK 19 DRINK Nutcracker on the Indian River, 8 p.m. Sun., 2
23 RECITES 20 ASPECT p.m. Mon. at Vero Beach High School PAC, fea-
25 CHICKEN 22 NOISE tures a local take on the original ballet. $10 to
26 VERSE 24 SKIM $75. 772-905-2651

Sudoku Page 48 Sudoku Page 49 Crossword Page 48


Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753

VERO BEACH CANINE COUNTRY CLUB, INC This directory gives small business people eager
to provide services to the beachside community an
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an affordable cost. This is the only service directory mailed
Open 7 Days 6750 73rd Street each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the
Vero Beach, FL 32967 Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a listing in the Vero Beach 32963 Business Directory, please
contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.


1135 Bowline Drive in The Moorings: 4-bedoom, 2 -bath, 2,559-square-foot home offered for $1,550,000
by Michael and Kimberly Thorpe, Treasure Coast Sotheby’s International Realty: 772-532-5233

70 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Waterfront Moorings home ideal for a young family or retirees

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA in its walls and shutters, while the
Staff Writer lush, well-tended landscape provides
a peaceful, private setting.
Relaxed and luxurious waterfront
living is yours in this well-appointed, Windows on either side of the dou-
single-story residence at 1135 Bow- ble front doors extend to the floor
line Drive in The Moorings. Sitting and flood the foyer with ambient
at the apex of a wide, pavered horse- light. This spacious, welcoming entry
shoe drive, surrounded by spacious is designed as its own semi-enclosed
stretches of lawn, this lovely home room, currently furnished with a
reflects the soft hues of sun and sky small desk and a whimsical chan-
delier, both featuring the crisp na-

vy-and-white theme that continues cious family room/dining room to the
throughout the 4-bedroom, 2-bath, piece de resistance – the soul-soothing
2,559-square-foot waterfront home. view through a glass wall that takes in
the Indian River Lagoon, your deep-
(All the furnishings are negotia- water dock, and, just across a stretch
ble, and beautifully complement the of sparkling water, a shoreline of
home’s sunny seaside villa personal- other elegant riverfront homes. Here,
ity. Should new owners favor other seabirds, dolphins and manatees play
colors – no worries – the interior as palms sway against the blue in the
walls, ceilings, millwork, fans, cabi- soft sea breeze.
netry and pale porcelain tile floors,
all in shades of white, will enhance Skillful placement of comfortable,
any color palette.) stylish furniture and area carpets de-
fine family room and dining room,
From the pleasant foyer, with its within a light and airy space beneath
vaulted ceiling, look across the spa-

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 71


the high, vaulted ceiling. Overstuffed
sofas, chairs and love seat in the fam-
ily room, and a pair of plump bas-
ketry chairs in the dining room offer
ample opportunities to sit, relax and
savor the wonderful, water view.

An eye-catching feature of the din-
ing room is a closet that has been ar-
tistically transformed into a recessed
wine bar, its walls a deep blue, from
which a striking, round, star-burst
mirror glows.

The all-white kitchen extends
from the dining room, separated by
a 3-stool breakfast bar and custom,
built-in shelf unit. Illuminating the
breakfast bar is a scene-stealing duo
of oversized, upside-down basket-
woven pendant lights. Kitchen coun-
tertops are luxe white quartz, and
the plentiful cabinetry is soft-close.
Other pleasing aspects of this styl-
ish chef-friendly kitchen include a

72 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


5-burner gas range; roomy side-by- lots of storage – very country French. occupies the home’s south end and pavered patio, currently furnished
side fridge, dishwasher; disposal; Next to the pantry is an equally provides a cool and restful retreat, with table and chairs for intimate, al
and white subway tile splash, and of the palest of pale blue walls as clean fresco dining, or simply enjoying life
course the ever-changing river view. sunny laundry room with kitchen- and crisp as sea air. There are two along the river: a morning cup of cof-
matching cabinetry, quartz counter- closets, one a walk-in, and oversized fee or an evening glass of wine as you
Just off the kitchen is sunny pantry tops and a wide, stainless-steel sink. sliding glass doors open to your own take in a waterfront sunset.
with a wonderful, big window and
The carpeted master bedroom suite

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 73


The home’s north end houses two at all crowded. It also offers a pair ern, with quartz countertops, sub- entertain. Open the wide sliders for
additional guest bedrooms and a of roomy closets, and sliding glass way tile accents, double, rectangu- inside-outside flow. The lanai, heated
full bath. The corner bedroom re- doors accessing the pool and patio lar sinks, along with a new tub and pool and patio, broad lawn and dock,
ceives ambient light from two sides; with those breathtaking river views. glass-front shower. spacious living room/dining room,
the second currently accommodates The recently renovated bathroom and easy-access kitchen equal great
one full bed and two singles and isn’t these rooms share is sleek and mod- This beautifully landscaped, wa- flexibility for large parties or more in-
terside retreat is a perfect place to

74 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


timate gatherings. and boutiques, and even closer to St. VITAL STATISTICS
Perfect for retirees, a working Edward’s Upper and Lower schools 1135 BOWLINE DRIVE
on A1A. The excellent Riverside The-
couple, or family with a child or atre (Equity) and nationally regarded Neighborhood: The Moorings Yacht and Country Club
two, 1135 Bowline Drive is only a few Vero Museum of Art, Riverside Park Year built: 1979
minutes away from Vero’s charm- and the 5-acre Vero Dog Park are also
ing beachside village, with its won- nearby.  Completely renovated: 2018
derful restaurants and pubs, resorts Construction: Frame with HardiePlank siding
Lot size: 107 feet by 223 feet (more than half an acre)

Home size: 2,559 square feet under air
Bedrooms: 4 • Bathrooms: 2

Additional features: Impact glass doors and windows; new metal roof;
porcelain tile floors; soft-close cabinetry; 80 feet of waterfront; quartz
countertops throughout; gas cooking; large pantry; furniture negotiable;
shades and blinds furnished; 2 central HVAC units; 7 ceiling fans; irriga-
tion sprinkler; vaulted/cathedral ceilings; private deep-water dock with
water and power; heated pool; new paver driveway; 2-bay garage w/
abundant storage; security patrol; interior/exterior security cameras

Listing agency: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s International Realty
Listing agents: Michael and Kimberly Thorpe, 772-532-5233

Listing price: $1,550,000

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 75


Big buzz as Lutgert unveils luxe Surfsedge subdivision

BY LISA ZAHNER the two-night reveal. “We are super
Staff Writer happy with the buzz in the commu-
nity and the feedback we have been
The Lutgert Companies and Dale Howard Gutman, Matilde Sorensen, Dale Sorensen, Megan Raasveldt and Mike Hoyt. PHOTO BY LEIGH GREEN getting. We are in for all the site-work
Sorensen Real Estate debuted the up- permits (city, FDOT, FDEP, stormwa-
coming 24-home Surfsedge subdivi- tion on Wednesday and then about 40 ter, etc.) and hope to have those in
sion at two well-attended events at the area brokers showed up to look over place in January.”
Vero Beach Hotel and Spa last week. the site plan and gather information
at a broker event on Thursday. Construction drawings for the
Surfsedge will be developed by buildings are in progress, Hoyt said,
Naples-based Lutgert on a 5.2-acre “The idea of the VIP event was not adding that he hopes they will be
oceanside site across A1A from Peb- to get 60 buyers in a room, but to get
ble Bay, just north of Pebble Beach 60 influencers who would then go out CONTINUED ON PAGE 79
Villas and Tracking Station Park. The and talk about Surfsedge and what
company purchased the land from they had seen,” Raasveldt said.
the Town of Indian River Shores at
auction for $4.4 million in April 2017 One thing that has brokers buzz-
and is in the final stages of permitting ing about Surfsedge, Raasveldt said,
its plan for 12 single-family homes is a unique rooftop terrace on the
plus 12 luxury condominiums with south end of the multifamily build-
ocean views. ing. Though spectacular, panoramic
views of the Atlantic might be enough
Lutgert vice president and Surf- of a draw to the top of the condo build-
sedge project manager Mike Hoyt – ing, the terrace will feature cozy seat-
who grew up in Vero Beach – said he ing and fire pits, plus a hot tub and a
hopes to start site work on the project dog-walking area because Surfsedge
in February, as soon as he has “wran- will be a pet-friendly community.
gled all the permits.”

There will be three single-family
home models, ranging from 2,971
square feet to 3,513 square feet in size
and from about $1.7 million up to $2
million, depending on the model and
lot a buyer chooses.

Likewise, there will be three condo “All of the residents, both in the
floor plans, ranging in size from 3,020 single-family homes and the condos,
square feet to 3,290 square feet. The will have an elevator key to access the
condominium residences start at $2.5 rooftop terrace,” Raasveldt said.
million and go up to $3 million.
Residents also will have access to a
Dale Sorensen’s Megan Raasveldt high-end fitness center and commu-
brought the property to Lutgert’s at- nity swimming pool, as well as the
tention and has signed on to market dune crossover to the ocean. Town-
the community, which she said is de- home buyers who need more storage
signed for carefree living with great area than their two parking spaces
amenities. can purchase one of four 20-foot tall,
air-conditioned garages for $65,000
Raasveldt said she was delighted and have ample room for up to four
with the turnout both evenings at vehicles.
the Vero Beach Hotel and Spa, where
about 60 people attended a VIP recep- “It was a great event,” Hoyt said of

76 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Nov. 30 to Dec. 6

The barrier island real estate market came back to life last week with 11 transactions closing, including three for more
than $2 million.

The top sale of the week was of an oceanfront townhome in Central Beach. The property at 1019 Gayfeather Lane in
East End was listed Aug. 9 with an asking price of $2.55 million. The sale closed on Nov. 30 for $2.215 million.

The seller of the property was represented by Anne Wallace and Dan Downey of Berkshire Hathaway Florida. The
purchaser was represented by Joseph Liguori of Premier Estate Properties.


$2,400,000 $2,000,000
JOHNS ISLAND 60 DOVE PLUM ROAD 8/25/2017 $2,100,000 $2,400,000 11/26/2018 $900,000
JOHNS ISLAND 575 COCONUT PALM ROAD 5/12/2018 $1,050,000 $2,100,000 11/27/2018 $825,000
$1,050,000 $687,500
PELICAN COVE 965 TULIP LANE 6/1/2018 $725,000 $1,050,000 12/3/2018 $490,000
$500,000 $385,000
VERO BEACH ESTATES 656 BOUGAINVILLEA LANE 9/17/2018 $429,900 $899,000 11/30/2018
PELICAN COVE 601 E CAUSEWAY BOULEVARD 7/21/2018 $725,000 12/6/2018 $268,000
BETHEL BY THE SEA 619 CONN WAY 10/9/2018 $500,000 11/30/2018

OLD ORCHID 9680 W MAIDEN COURT 8/6/2018 $399,900 11/30/2018


SEA OAKS 8785 W ORCHID ISLAND CIRCLE, #204 8/17/2018 $650,000 $650,000 11/30/2018
HARBOUR SIDE SOUTH 1850 BAY ROAD, #1D 12/15/2017 $329,000 $299,000 12/3/2018
JOHN’S ISLAND 400 BEACH ROAD, #143 5/22/2018 $290,000 $275,000 12/5/2018

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 77


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Pelican Cove, Address: 965 Tulip Lane Subdivision: Vero Beach Estates, Address: 656 Bougainvillea Lane

Listing Date: 6/1/2018 Listing Date: 9/17/2018
Original Price: $1,050,000 Original Price: $1,050,000
Recent Price: $1,050,000 Recent Price: $899,000
Sold: 12/3/2018 Sold: 11/30/2018
Selling Price: $900,000 Selling Price: $825,000
Listing Agent: Beth Livers Listing Agent: Mara Puerner

Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Sally Daley Mara Puerner

Daley & Company Real Estate Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Subdivision: Johns Island, Address: 60 Dove Plum Road Subdivision: Johns Island, Address: 575 Coconut Palm Road

Listing Date: 8/25/2017 Listing Date: 5/12/2018
Original Price: $2,400,000 Original Price: $2,100,000
Recent Price: $2,400,000 Recent Price: $2,100,000
Sold: 11/26/2018 Sold: 11/27/2018
Selling Price: $2,175,000 Selling Price: $2,000,000
Listing Agent: Johns Island Real Estate Listing Agent: Johns Island Real Estate

Selling Agent: Johns Island Real Estate Selling Agent: Johns Island Real Estate

Johns Island Real Estate Johns Island Real Estate

Johns Island Real Estate Johns Island Real Estate

I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S


Beautiful custom built 3BR/5BA+office, scenic lake view, Private riverfront estate lot, tranquil & wooded setting, Meticulously maintained 3BR/2BA CBS home, Bermuda model,
fireplace, screened lanai, heated pool, gated community approx 120 feet of water frontage, existing dock in place screened lanai & pool, gated community with beach access
$1,129,000 $599,000

Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.

direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |

78 Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Subdivision: Pelican Cove, Address: 601 E Causeway Boulevard

Listing Date: 7/21/2018
Original Price: $725,000
Recent Price: $725,000
Sold: 12/6/2018
Selling Price: $687,500
Listing Agent: John Makris

Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty

Robin Raiff

EXP Realty, LLC

Don’t get nervous, call Scott Tree Services

CELL: 772-473-7150

OFFICE: 772-569-3874

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 13, 2018 79


available for review by the end of Jan- be complete enough to allow verti- cessful residential projects, dating
uary. cal construction to start late summer back to the 1960s when it developed
2019,” Hoyt said. Naples’ Park Shore oceanfront com-
After those are approved, Raasveldt munity. The company has completed
said, “we can start [writing pre-con- Lutgert will set up a modular sales more than two dozen major luxury
struction sales] contracts, hopefully center onsite early next year. That will residential projects in Florida and
right after the first of the year.” be followed by a model home. North Carolina 

“The bulk of the site work should Lutgert has a long history of suc-



Gated, natural gas community with parks and lush landscaping
surrounding Lake Sapphire - the beautiful lake the community
is named after and inspired by.
Lake Sapphire is located on 5th Street SW between 43rd Avenue
and 58th Avenue convenient to shopping and centrally located
to take advantage of everything Vero Beach has to offer!

4624 5TH ST SW, VERO BEACH • MON - SAT: 10AM - 5 PM • SUN: NOON - 5 PM


Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a
developer to a buyer or lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design.

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