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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-05-18 11:54:53

05/18/2017 ISSUE 20


Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 51

How Cristóbal Balenciaga shaped the fashion world

BY LISA ARMSTRONG alleled understanding of how fabric predestined. His mother was a seam-
works,” says Cassie Davies-Strodder, stress, and he began work as an ap-
The Telegraph curator of 20th- and 21st-century fash- prentice tailor when he was 12. A
ion at the V&A. “But seeing the way he couple of years later, the Marchioness
In 1919, 10 years after a pushy erst- cut patterns has been a revelation. de Casa Torres swooped down, began
while cabaret artiste called Coco Cha- to commission him and not long after,
nel had launched a small millinery “He was fascinated by the space be- dispatched him to Madrid to learn tai-
shop in Paris, Cristóbal Balenciaga, tween the body and a garment – what loring from Spain’s greatest.
a taciturn Basque, opened his first the Japanese, with whom he was ob-
boutique, in San Sebastián, northern sessed, call ma. He perfected a way to Chanel’s analysis of Balenciaga was
Spain. create loose, sometimes voluminous by no means a rogue view. Christian
pieces that somehow fitted perfectly to Dior referred to him as “the master
Ostensibly so different, yet united the body. There’s often an oddness to of us all.” Hubert de Givenchy, whom
in their push to liberate women from his work that makes it unforgettable.” Balenciaga helped financially to set
what they both saw as the undigni- up a maison opposite his own on the
fied pomp and vulgarity of the over- This talent for combining majestic avenue Georges V in the late 1950s,
wrought Edwardian era, between drama with minimalism, long before worshipped him. “Not even the Bi-
them they would exert the most potent minimalism became commonplace in ble,” Givenchy declared, taught him
and enduring influence over fashion, fashion, was at the heart of his genius, as much as Balenciaga, whom he fre-
style and taste of the 20th century and rooted in both his nationality (flamen- quently consulted about his work.
beyond. It was Chanel, however, who co ruffles, matador jackets, lace and
became the personality. crimson became leitmotifs throughout André Courrèges, Emanuel Ungaro,
his career) and his upbringing. Paco Rabanne and Oscar de la Renta,
Quick-witted, seemingly able to de- who at the start of his career worked
liver aphorisms to order, unabashed By the 1950s and ’60s, it all came for Balenciaga as an illustrator, Nicolas
about her unconventional love life, together creatively for Balenciaga. He Ghesquière, who revived Balenciaga in
she was the mirror image of the more popularized bracelet-length sleeves the early 2000s, have all acknowledged
tortured Balenciaga – but no less ad- (the better for showing off dainty wrists him as an inspiration.
miring of him for that. In fact, she was and jewelry), invented a stand-up col-
uncharacteristically reverential, de- lar that elongated necks (Carmel Snow, Then there are what Davies-Strodder
claring him “the only couturier in the editor of Harper’s Bazaar, claimed he calls the outer ripples – Phoebe Philo at
truest sense of the word. The others are created it specially for her), and, look-
simply fashion designers/” ing to Japanese kimonos, pioneered a CONTINUED ON PAGE 52
dipped collar that highlighted the back
If she meant that he created from of the neck – a curiously erotic zone, as
the first stitch up, she was right. Like any geisha knows – and made women
Chanel, who was also born in the dy- look like swans.
ing days of the 19th century (she earlier
than he, although she liked to pretend The effect was a forerunner of the
otherwise), Balenciaga strove con- shrobing beloved of today’s street-style
stantly to make clothes that worked on brigade (copied from cutting tech-
a 20th-century woman’s body. Experi- niques by Demna Gvasalia, current
menting with construction (one dress creative director at Balenciaga, and by
in the exhibition has just a single seam), extension, from Cristóbal himself).
he stripped away fripperies, until by the
mid-1950s, many of his designs could “At first women appeared as if they
be slipped on and off over the head. had escaped from a cataclysm wearing
someone else’s clothes,” wrote the ever-
Costanza Pascolato, the impeccably astute Cecil Beaton of Balenciaga’s de-
chic 77-year-old Italian-born Brazilian constructions. “But the provocatively
Instagram star, who wore a Balenciaga covered forms and loose-fitting sacks,
wedding dress in the 1960s, recalls, “It in fact the silhouette of today, were all
was so simple it felt almost sporty.” The inventions of this lone mastermind.”
apparent effortlessness was, of course,
supremely laborious. “When you think that he was born
into an era of heavy, oppressive, late-
Shaping fashion as we know it Victorian clothes, it’s astonishing how
The V&A’s forthcoming exhibition modern Balenciaga became,” observes
(Balenciaga: Shaping Fashion) worked Davies-Strodder. “Unlike Dior, who
with artist Nick Veasey to convert an was unashamedly nostalgic, at his
articulated lorry into an X-ray studio peak, Balenciaga relentlessly looked
to photograph some of its outfits. The forward.”
results provide a forensic insight into
hidden details, such as the weights He wasn’t interested in making
sewn into the shoulder panel of a 1960s women look sexy, however. His house
silver-beaded sari-style evening gown models were notoriously plain, and
(one was bought by Elizabeth Taylor) Balenciaga’s instruction that they look
to ensure it draped just as the master haughty didn’t help. Magazine editors
envisaged. were dismayed at his insistence that
“Thanks to the number of design- they photograph his clothes on his
ers who come to study the Balenciagas monsters, as they were known, and re-
in the V&A archives, I always knew he taliated by showing them headless.
was a virtuoso tailor with an unpar-
Destined to become a designer
Balenciaga’s career seems almost

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 55


Meet the ‘Wine Whisperers,’ fancy grape fixers for the elite

BY ELIN MCCOY Ltd., works differently. She’s an indepen- Matt Wilson 10 million pounds. Stuart Rose, former
dent private wine adviser who sourc- executive chairman of British retailer
Bloomberg es wines that individual clients want Susie de Paolis Marks & Spencer Plc, credits de Paolis
through merchants she knows person- with “saving his wine life.”
Last year, one of Matt Wilson’s wine ally — and trusts. One of the founders of Peter Thustrup
clients asked him to orchestrate a din- Her first step is creating a database
ner in Las Vegas, with a $100,000 wine merchant Armit Wines, she went out on of every wine a client owns, show-
budget. Easy for Wilson; he rounded her own in 2001 and has since garnered ing its current value, when it should
up such rarities as 1961 Hermitage La a stellar reputation. She handles about be drunk, what there is too much of,
Chapelle, 1985 La Tache, and 1834 Ma- 20 wine collectors at any time; some and what great vintages are missing.
deira. But he also had to convince chef have cellars worth 5 million pounds to Right now, she’s combing a client’s list
Eric Ripert of Le Bernardin to give the to decide which bottles should be sent
16 guests a cooking lesson and pre- to the cellar in his new country house.
pare the dinner. Ongoing advice starts at 5,000 pounds
and goes up, depending on the size of a
Wilson, who launched Napa-based wine portfolio.
Company Fine Wine last fall, is what
I call a “wine whisperer,” a category of As with other types of personal ad-
white-glove wine fixers for the ultra- visers, some specialize. David Beck-
wealthy that’s growing rapidly. Some with of New York-based Grand Cru
call themselves personal wine advis- Wine Consulting, for example, satis-
ers. Others, such as Wilson, function fies the dreams of some of the biggest
more like private wine merchants. All Burgundy collectors around. Beckwith
offer a range of services to help cash- has 20 clients, mostly in finance, real
rich, time-poor aficionados manage estate, and the law, on yearly retainer
their wine lives. ($2,000 a month and up). His most dif-
ficult request from a client was plan-
Disorganized cellar? They’ll take an ning three nights of dinners with wine
inventory of your collection and tell you at three different restaurants in San
which bottles are ready to drink. Sebastian, Spain.

Don’t know what you should buy? Some specialize in certain parts of
They’ll find out what kinds of wines you the world. Charles Curtis, the former
like and be your personal shopper. head of wine in Asia for Christie’s auc-
tion house and a certified Master of
Panting for a rare bottle? They have Wine, handles a dozen or so projects
the inside connections to get it. and clients a year through his consul-
tancy, WineAlpha. Most of his clients
Need to know what wine to order at a live in Asia, though he’s just added a
restaurant? Call their cellphones. Texan. “They may need help selling
a million dollars worth of wine from
And if you crave a lunch with a reclu- their cellars,” he said. “And they often
sive winemaker, they’ll organize it— want a sounding board. Should I buy
and maybe even accompany you. this? Is it a good price?”

Most wine whisperers operate on The number of Asian collectors is
word-of-mouth recommendations. exploding, and many want advice on
There’s no single business model for how to buy in London, Curtis said. His
how they work, and the range of ser- Master of Wine status reassures them
vices they offer aren’t set in stone. Some of his expertise, as does his status as a
will bid for you at auction; others won’t Uniform Standards of Professional Ap-
touch a paddle. praisal Practice appraiser. Annual fees
range from $12,000 to $40,000.
“You have to be flexible,” explained
Wilson, who helped found Soutirage, Peter Thustrup, based in France, is a
a similar type of firm in Napa, before rare wine dealer who tutors beginning
going out on his own. “Everything collectors in how to collect and live with
depends on what a client wants.” He wine, giving advice not just on what to
counts 25 billionaires among his cli- buy, but how to use wine in business
ents, who include Joe Schoendorf, a and social life. He takes on about 25
partner at venture capital firm Accel, clients, each of whom plan to spend a
and David Viniar, former chief finan- minimum of $100,000 on wine in the
cial officer at Goldman Sachs Group next 12 months, and he bases his fee on
Inc. who is now on its board of direc- a percentage of what they spend.
tors; both also serve on Company Fine
Wine’s advisory board. Just about every week, I hear about
some new wine adviser scheme. Before
Wilson has an inventory of older you hire one, know what you want your
wines to offer his clients (he just spent adviser to do, and have specific ideas of
$1.3 million on Bordeaux), and wraps what you like to drink and how much
services into the price for those they you want to spend. And don’t forget to
buy from him. Most wine advisers make sure the adviser’s business is fi-
charge an annual retainer and will take nancially sound. 
on short-term projects for a negotiated
fee, a good starting point for establish-
ing a relationship.

London’s Susie de Paolis, of De Paolis

56 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 57

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58 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 59

Vero & Casual Dining

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60 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Bonz gabs with Gabby, a Southern bulldog belle

Hi Dog Buddies! your story.” “So Momma and Daddy
“Ah still get a little emotional when ah
This week I had a great yap with a officially adopted me. Ah
Southern girl, very sociable – Gabby talk about it, but ah’m happy to share,
Taylor – big brown eyes, bee-oo-tiful to remind all pooches with good homes walked through that very
walnut-colored coat that (for some rea- and Forevah Families how fortunate
son) humans call blue, an full of South- we are. Ah don’t remember much about door (she pointed a paw)
ern Hospitality. Gabby’s a rescue Staf- mah puppyhood, ’cept bein’ scared
fordshire/bulldog mix who has one of all the time. Even now, ah’m scared of for good on Thanksgiving
those hackles-raising, close-call stories men, ’tiI ah get to know ’em. Ah kept
with, thank Lassie, a happy ending. havin’ puppies and more puppies that Day 2013. Wooff! did I have
always got taken away from me. An
Soon as my assistant rang the bell, I had my ears totally cut off. Ah have a lot to be thankful for. I
we heard lotsa toenail clickity-clicks lotsa scars all over but ah don’t remem-
and excited barking. A lady opened the buh how I got ’em. I do remembuh bein’ got this totally fun family:
door and two pooches bounced over around other pooches who were always
for the Wag-and-Sniff, woofing and real mad at each other. It was like a bad at first, it was Cletus, Bis-
wiggling, in a frenly way. Along with dream that went on and on forevah.”
Gabby was a black and white pooch, cuit, Foots and Rascal –
same look as Gabby but a little shorter. I had already noticed Gabby didn’t
The lady was telling them to “be polite have any real ear flaps, just holes with all Beagles. They took me
and don’t jump up!” a little fluff around ’em. I tried not to
stare. I knew she’d had a really pawful in right away. To tell the
“Welcome to our home, Mistah former life.
Bonzo! Ah’m Gabby Taylor. This heah’s truth, ah akshully feel
mah Momma Debra, and mah little “At some point,” she continued, “a
sistah Smiley, she’s a Pocket Pit. Mah buncha us got arrested by the Dog like ah’m a Beagle, too, an
Daddy’s Scott.” Catcher and, because we were breeds
that humans call pit bulls, we were put Momma and Daddy ne-
It was easy to see why Smiley got her in cages and scheduled to go through
name: her face was white and her mouth The Door That Dogs Never Come Back vah tell me ah’m not. Ah
was outlined with black all around, From.”
which gave her a nice smiley face all the like doin’ Beagle-y stuff, Gabby, the bulldog mix. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD
time. She was bouncing about, trying to I shivered. Every dog knows about like sniffin’, climbin’,
snuggle into her Momma’s lap. The Door. diggin’, and woofin’.

“It’s a pleasure, ladies,” I said, as we “Well, thank Lassie, mah Momma Biscuit, Foots an Rascal are in Dog “Ah KNOW, right? Ah have,
got settled in the living room. Gabby had friends who worked with a place
was giving my assistant lotsa frenly called Furever Bully Love Rescue. Heaven now, so it’s jus me, Smiley and like, a thousand followers, from all
slurps, hoping to share the comfy They swooped in and rescued us Just
chair, till her Momma reminded her In Time. After that, ah was in a few Cletus. We play all the time. We walk ovah the world – Argentina, Scotland,
about the interview. foster homes. Mah Momma agreed to
foster me just till ah finished my heart- in the woods with Momma and Dad- Australia, Russia even. There’s Sebas-
“Oh, right! ’Scuse me. Ah jus LOVE worm treatment. WELL, turns out mah
humans. Ah wanna make sure y’all feel Momma was a Foster Failure. See, Mis- dy, an play on the beach down in Fort tian Cabot, he’s a Beagle. An Titus and
welcome. Are y’all comf-tubble? Can tah Bonzo, even though ah’m called a
I get ya’ll anything? You’ll have to for- pit bull, and humans think I’m awful Pierce. People always stop to talk to me Haley, they’re pit mixes, like me. Ah
give Smiley, she’s only been with us a cuzza how ah look, I’m not mean at
coupla weeks. She just wants to make ALL. Ah’m a total girl. I wear blue bun- and give me pats on the head. There’s try to spread the word about myself an
sure she doesn’t hafta go back.” ny ears at Easter and I have the coolest
pink sunnies. Ah would nevah, ever even one gentleman, from Ireland, mah fellow pits. Plus, ah find it broad-
“I totally understand. I think we’re THINK of biting your face off. It simply
all set, Miss Gabby. I’m eager to hear wouldn’t be civilized. who writes me PO-ems. ening to learn about other canine cul-

“I guess you could say mah Offi- tures.”

cial Mission is to be an amBASSador Heading home, I was feeling glad

for us nice frenly, loving pits, an show that so many humans adopt rescue

humans not all of us are mean. Like pooches. And thinkin’ that Gabby’s

me, for example: Momma says ah’m teeny little earflaps are actually kinda

a Perfect Southern Girl. I always greet adorable. They sorta remind me of

visitors at the door. Ah’ve NEVah met Princess Leia.

a strange-ah. When our human niece

and nephew, Haley and Jarrod, come Till next time,

visit, we have the BEST time! At Hal- The Bonz

loween, they were Zombies an ah was Don’t Be Shy
a Stegosaurus with a caveman on my
back. We are always looking for pets
with interesting stories.
“I sleep with ’em, too.” She giggled.
“They don’t even mind that ah snore.
But THEN, Momma told EVrybody on

mah FACEbook page, and I was SO em-

barrassed.” To set up an interview, email
“Your own Facebook page! That’s [email protected].

Cool Kibbles!” I interjected.

64 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


East End townhome offers sophistication and sunshine

BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF will miss the most. “Every morning
Staff Writer I pull up the curtain, and there’s the
sunrise. It’s beautiful, and it’s peace-
From the luxury two-story town- ful, and it’s different every day. You
home at 1019 Gayfeather Lane, you see people doing tai chi or yoga on the
get a front row seat as the sun rises beach, and it just brings a nice sense
over the Atlantic Ocean and a chance of peace and calm to the day.”
to enjoy the backdrop of the ever-
changing weather over the ocean. Built in 2015 by Vic Lombardi, own-
er of Water’s Edge Estates, LLC and
That’s what the owner of this designed by architect Gregory An-
4-bedroom, 4.5-bath beach house derson P.A., the East End townhouse

development is located at the “east of the sun and wind,” says Anderson.
end” of Gayfeather Lane just south of “The owner added a breezeway con-
Humiston Park. necting the two-car garage to the
house, which serves as a means to
Anderson designed the townhomes access the home during inclement
with a coastal feel in mind, creating weather and adds a layer of privacy to
a space filled with warmth and light the courtyard.”
from the moment you step through
the courtyard doors into your own A wide hallway runs perpendicular
private haven. Water trickles in the to the front of the house with entry-
large heated spa, and there’s plenty ways at both ends. An office and pow-
of space for cookouts among the lush der room open onto the central cor-
tropical foliage. ridor that leads to a combined living
space with gourmet kitchen, dining
“The courtyard adds some space and family room featuring floor-to-
and creates intimate areas to get out

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 65


ceiling views of the ocean through
glass transoms and French doors,
which open to an oceanfront patio.

“When you walk in and turn the
corner, you see straight through to
the ocean. You get a feeling of space
and light,” says the owner. “I’m on the
south end, so I get the southern light
which is really important. It feels
brighter throughout the house.”

The owner fondly recalls watch-
ing a rocket launch from the patio
one night. “We just sat on the patio
and enjoyed a cocktail while waiting
for the spectacular show in our own

Inside, detailed millwork, built-
in cabinetry, walnut flooring and a
gourmet kitchen add sophistication
to the easy-living beach house. The
layout is perfect for family gather-
ings on lazy summer days and balmy

“The owner bought the townhouse
before it was totally built. It’s the little
details she added that make a dif-
ference,” says Berkshire Hathaway
HomeServices Florida Realty listing
agent Anne Wallace.

The chef’s kitchen is equipped with
a Wolf gas range, a convection steam
oven and wormy chestnut counter-
tops that are as practical as they are

A staircase and elevator lead to the
sleeping areas on the second floor. The
master bedroom offers ocean views
through French doors leading out onto
a balcony, ideal for catching some sun
or listening to the sounds of the sea.

The elegance of the master bath-
room is a welcome respite from the
sand and sun. The marble floors, his
and her sinks, walk-in closet, soaking
tub, generous shower with rainfall
shower head and water closet create a
spa-like experience.

“The inverted ceiling adds volume
to the space, and the finishings and
fixtures are superior,” says Berkshire
Hathaway HomeServices Florida Re-
alty agent Dan Downey, who is co-
listing the property with Wallace.

The laundry room buffers the mas-
ter suite from the guest rooms, add-

66 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


MOVE-IN READY • WALK TO THE BEACH! ing a level of privacy to the two back
bedrooms overlooking the private
courtyard. Attention to detail carries
through into the en suite bathrooms
with tile work accents and quartzite.

Across the courtyard, a private
staircase leads to the guesthouse
above the detached 2-car garage.
With a private bath and balcony, the
spacious suite offers plenty of space
for guests to enjoy their stay without
getting underfoot.

“We were able to create separate
spaces by having the guesthouse
above the garage. The design pro-
vides a variety of indoor living spaces
and flexibility as to the uses, from
accommodating guests to home of-
fices,” explains Anderson.

Privacy walls and setbacks maxi-
mize ocean views and create a single-
family home feeling. The townhouse
is an end unit, taking advantage of
the Southern exposure in the tran-
quility of this home with a sunny dis-


Walk to the beach from this custom home located at 720 Pirate Cove Lane on Vero’s barrier island. This 3 bedroom, Neighborhood: East End
2 bath new custom home features upgraded cabinets, counter tops, GE Profile appliances, designer flooring, ceiling Year built: 2015
details, paint and trim packages, a spacious great room, open dining room, gourmet kitchen with huge island, den,
Home size: 3,500 sq. ft.
cabana bathroom, two large bedrooms, a glorious master suite and private swimming pool. Construction:

$769,575 • Call Patti Croswell at 561-568-4848 or email [email protected] to schedule a visit today! concrete block, steel
Bedrooms: 4
772.257.1100 GHOHOMES.COM
Bathrooms: 4 and 1 half-bath
Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct Additional features: Gated
representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. community, central vacuum,

Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design. spa bath, walnut flooring, Wolfe
gas range, heated spa, elevator,

second-floor laundry room,
detached 2-car garage, private

courtyard, detached guest
suite, end unit and private

oceanfront patio.
Listing agency: Berkshire
Hathaway HomeServices

Florida Realty
Listing agent: Dan Downey and

Anne Wallace, 772-231-1270
Listing price: $2,995,000

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 67


East End is located in the Central ily reached by golf cart, and the Vero
Beach area within walking distance Beach Museum of Art, Riverside The-
of a guarded public beach, Humiston atre, a 10-court public tennis com-
Park, shopping and dining. Seasonal plex, Quail Valley Club and a bridge
live concerts and parades are eas- to the mainland all are nearby. 



South Carolina home. 4 bedrooms,
3.5 bath with beautiful view points.

Custom built, 11 years old.
Reasonably priced at $425,000

Gene Billero, Broker

Billero & Billero Properties
772-532-0011 | [email protected]

68 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: May 5 to May 11

If two weeks ago was one of the busiest ever for the barrier island real estate market, last week might have
been one of the slowest, with only one transaction recorded.

The top sale of the week was of a home in Ocean Oaks West. The property at 2261 West Ocean Oaks Circle
was placed on the market June 30, 2016, with an asking price of $1.1 million. The price was subsequently
reduced to $800,000. The sale closed on May 12 for an above-ask $817,000.

The seller in the transaction was represented by Matilde Sorensen of Dale Sorensen Real Estate. The
purchaser in the transaction was represented by Hollie Billero Buldo of Billero & Billero Properties.


$475,000 $500,000
BETHEL BY THE SEA 506 CONN WAY 3/28/2017 $650,000 $475,000 4/28/2017 $690,000
SEAGROVE WEST 335 RIVERWAY DRIVE 9/29/2016 $679,000 $525,000 4/28/2017 $410,000
$475,000 $835,000
VEROMAR 3575 OCEAN DRIVE 6/12/2014 $895,000 $720,000 4/28/2017
SEA OAKS 1755 N ORCHID ISLAND CIRCLE 12/6/2016 $449,000 4/28/2017 $790,000
SHORES 110 ISLAND SANCTUARY 9/23/2016 $895,000 4/28/2017 $285,000

JOHN’S ISLAND 400 BEACH ROAD, #152 2/4/2016 $245,000 $245,000 5/4/2017
GALLEONS CONDO 1070 REEF ROAD, #205 3/20/2017 $795,000 $795,000 5/4/2017
SEA COVE 1616 OCEAN DRIVE, #204 3/31/2017 $399,000 $399,000 5/4/2017
HARBOUR SIDE II 1821 MOORINGLINE DRIVE, #PHF 5/20/2016 $340,000 $305,000 5/4/2017
SEA OAKS 8840 S SEA OAKS WAY, #102 1/24/2017 $475,000 $457,777 5/3/2017

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 69


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: River Club, Address: 1108 Baywood Drive Subdivision: Castaway Cove, Address: 1060 Tobago Terrace

Listing Date: 2/17/2016 Listing Date: 12/1/2016
Original Price: $925,000 Original Price: $929,000
Recent Price: $895,000 Recent Price: $889,000
Sold: 5/3/2017 Sold: 5/1/2017
Selling Price: $855,000 Selling Price: $860,000
Listing Agent: Elizabeth Sorensen Listing Agent: Lori Davis

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Dennis Miller Beverlee Pulling

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Subdivision: Galleons Condo, Address: 1070 Reef Road, #205 Subdivision: Village Spires Devel, Address: 3554 Ocean Drive, #PH4N

Listing Date: 3/20/2017 Listing Date: 4/4/2017
Original Price: $795,000 Original Price: $799,000
Recent Price: $795,000 Recent Price: $799,000
Sold: 5/4/2017 Sold: 4/28/2017
Selling Price: $790,000 Selling Price: $780,000
Listing Agent: Erika Ross Listing Agent: Andrew Harper

Selling Agent: The Moorings Realty Sales Co. Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida

Daina Bertrand Beth Livers

The Moorings Realty Sales Co. Berkshire Hathaway Florida

I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S


Lakefront 3BR/3.5BA plus office, over ½ acre prime lot, East of A1A! Beautiful 3BR/3BA home across from one of Prime lakefront building lot with golf course view, gated
2 master suites, fireplace, pool, gated/guarded community Vero’s best beaches, CBS, screened pool, gated community community with clubhouse, golf, tennis, marina, beach club

$899,000 $725,000 $395,000

Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.

direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |

70 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Vero Beach Estates, Address: 764 Azalea Lane Subdivision: Seagrove, Address: 1775 Sand Dollar Way

Listing Date: 3/7/2016 Listing Date: 10/25/2016
Original Price: $789,900 Original Price: $630,000
Recent Price: $649,000 Recent Price: $599,900
Sold: 5/4/2017 Sold: 5/1/2017
Selling Price: $615,000 Selling Price: $585,000
Listing Agent: Rachel Leyda Listing Agent: Jonathan Arsenault

Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Rachel Leyda Erika Ross

Berkshire Hathaway Florida The Moorings Realty Sales Co.

Subdivision: Veromar, Address: 3575 Ocean Drive Subdivision: West Passage, Address: 1001 Bay Road, #101

Listing Date: 6/12/2014 Listing Date: 1/19/2017
Original Price: $679,000 Original Price: $699,000
Recent Price: $720,000 Recent Price: $679,900
Sold: 4/28/2017 Sold: 4/28/2017
Selling Price: $690,000 Selling Price: $650,000
Listing Agent: David Haynes Listing Agent: Erika Ross

Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: The Moorings Realty Sales Co.

Beth Livers Erika Ross

Berkshire Hathaway Florida The Moorings Realty Sales Co.

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