Pioneer Dinner honors
Idlette family. P24
Windsor tourney
fetes love of tennis. P16
Vero’s Dancing Stars raise
$292K for Healthy Start. P12
MY VERO Key players say:
Take FPL offer
BY RAY MCNULTY for Vero electric
St. Ed’s football coach: BY LISA ZAHNER
Committed to the kids Staff Writer
If I had a high school-age St. Edward’s football coach Bill Motta. Player wears new “shock bonnet” over helmet to help prevent concussions. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD While the Vero Beach City
son and possessed the finan- Council was still under a self-
cial means to send him to St. Troubled youth behind vandalism at Christ by the Sea imposed gag order at press
Edward's, I'd strongly encour- time regarding Florida Power
age him to do something more BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA odist Church during Holy Vero residents Tara and & Light’s latest $185 million of-
boys there should do. Staff Writer Week said he somehow went Keith Andrew McFarlane Jr. fer to purchase the entire Vero
off track in recent months af- said their son Keith Andrew electric system, key players in
I'd want him to play football. The parents of a teenager ter being sexually targeted by McFarlane III, who was 17 at the electric saga weighed in,
He'd get fitter. He'd get Vero Beach Police have identi- an older man and having dif- the time of the vandalism, all saying the city should go
tougher. He'd also get smart- fied as a suspect in the vandal- ficulties with a girl, becoming had always been “an awesome for it.
er, learning life lessons on the ism at Christ by the Sea Meth- bitter, angry and combative.
field that can't be learned in CONTINUED ON PAGE 9 The deal on the table would
the classroom – lessons about pay off Vero’s $20 million in
teamwork and camaraderie, outstanding electric utility
adversity and perseverance, bonds, relieve the city of $6.6
sportsmanship and success. million in pension liability,
He'd be a better man for it. provide job opportunities for
Bill Motta, the football coach electric utility workers, and
at St. Edward's since 2010, pay exit penalties of $20 mil-
would make sure of that. lion to the Orlando Utilities
"We work hard and we want Commission and $108 million
to be successful on the field, to the Florida Municipal Pow-
er Agency co-op to extricate
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Vero from bad deals entered
into by past City Councils.
Sebastian principal
cleared of sexual At the end of the day, the
harassment charge proceeds would leave the city
with approximately $20 mil-
BY RAY MCNULTY lion in unrestricted cash, plus
Staff Writer
A School District investiga-
tion found “no evidence” to Orchid may double property tax rate Shores to hold line on property taxes
support an allegation made
in March that Sebastian River BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA assessed value to $2,400, un- BY LISA ZAHNER er Shores released a preliminary
High School Principal Todd Staff Writer less the Town Council retreats Staff Writer budget last week that maintains
Racine sexually harassed the from a resolution it adopted at last year’s tax rate, while invest-
school’s first-year athletic di- Homeowners in the affluent its May meeting. Unlike Orchid, its neighbor ing in a major new amenity and
rector, according to a report Town of Orchid may see their to the north that is proposing beefing up clerical staff to han-
made public Monday after- property taxes almost double, The big proposed increase a huge increase in the property dle growing demands.
noon. from $1,250 per $1 million was prompted by the Coun- tax rate, the Town of Indian Riv-
The district’s investigative CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
May 18, 2017 Volume 10, Issue 20 Newsstand Price $1.00 Magic in bloom at
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News 1-10 Faith 61 Pets 60 TO ADVERTISE CALL Pirate fest. P22
Arts 29-32 Games 43-45 Real Estate 63-72 772-559-4187
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© 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero "Coaching," he said, "is about rela- just five from the team that reached the projected starter at quarterback,
tionships." the championship game of the inde- but when St. Edward's travels to Mai-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 pendent Sunshine State Athletic Con- tland for tonight's spring jamboree at
And Motta, blessed with the rare ference last season. Orangewood Christian School, he will
but this program isn't about develop- ability to make old-school values play football under game-like condi-
ing college football players," Motta mean something to young people in Of the 10 others, five hadn't played tions for the first time since he was an
said last week during a spring-practice today's anything-goes culture, relates organized football until earlier this eighth-grader.
session. "The program here is about in a special way to his players. month, though four of them have
developing character, commitment played other high school sports, in- Overall, the Pirates' spring roster
and accountability." Yet, as has been the case too often cluding two that play lacrosse. has one eighth-grader, two freshmen
during his seven years at the private, and four sophomores, so the team will
That's not just talk. seaside school, Motta this year again One of the lacrosse players, though, be as young as it is inexperienced – ex-
I've seen Motta at work – spring finds himself with only a small num- is Michael Villafuerte, a 6-foot-2, cept on the offensive line, where Pay-
drills, summer workouts, in-season ber of students who want to absorb 215-pound defenseman who Motta ton Cleveland and Edward Klinsport
practices. I've watched his teams play. his extensive football knowledge and plans to use as his featured running will be back as seniors and Grayson
I've witnessed his interaction with valuable life lessons. back and as an outside linebacker. Long and Patrick Quaile return as ju-
players. niors.
There are only 15 players on the Pi- Anthony Chiarenza, who, like Villa-
rates' spring roster, which includes fuerte, will be a senior next season, is "We were top-heavy last season,"
Motta said. "We had 18 players, and
12 of them were seniors. We had no
In fact, nine of the 12 seniors on last
season's 7-4 squad, which Motta said
produced "one of my most fulfilling
years here," had spent four years in the
program. Three others were juniors,
but only two of them have returned
this spring.
Making matters worse: St. Edward's
did not field a middle school team
last season because there weren't
enough students who wanted to play.
(The program will be resurrected in
the fall.)
"This is about the leanest it's been
since I've been here," Motta said, add-
ing that academic exams and end-of-
the-school-year functions have forced
him to conduct some practices this
spring with as few as eight players.
"If you have 80 kids and you're miss-
ing eight, it's no big deal," he contin-
ued. "When you have only 15 and
you're missing five, it can be a prob-
But not a new problem.
Expecting St. Edward's to field
teams with rosters large enough to al-
low Motta to run 11-versus-11 scrim-
mages in practice is unrealistic, given
that the Upper School has an enroll-
ment of only 240 – and fewer than half
are boys.
"If we had six players at every grade
level, we'd have 24 players, which
would be a good number for us," Mot-
ta said. "But that's about 25 percent of
the boys enrolled here.
"How many high schools have 25
percent of their male enrollment play-
ing on the football team?"
And as St. Edward's Assistant Head-
master Bruce Wachter points out: Boys
there also have other fall-season ath-
letic options, such as swimming, golf
and cross country.
"It's our preference that kids get in-
volved in something, and our students
do a lot of other things at a competi-
tive level," said Wachter, head of the
Upper School. "We have a lot of mul-
tiple-sport athletes. But, sure, football
could use a few more guys."
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 3
Motta said the administration is do- said of his son, who played for the At- he has had success despite the limi- He knows about commitment, ac-
ing its part – promoting the team on lanta Falcons, and Stork, who played tations imposed by a small student countability, and especially character.
campus, providing first-rate facilities for the New England Patriots. "They body. He makes his players fitter, tougher
and the funding for top-of-the-line have a lot to offer the kids." and smarter. He's also making them
equipment, and allowing him and his "I've had offers," Motta said. "I better young men. And across the past
players to recruit students already en- Although he has opportunities to could do this in a lot of different plac- seven years, he has earned the respect
rolled. pursue other coaching positions – at es. But I love this community and this and admiration of our community.
both the high school and college lev- school. I respect and admire what the
He said the school purchased els, where he'd have enough players administration is trying to do here. I wish more of our sons played for
$10,000 worth of new equipment, in- for a depth chart – Motta continues to Besides, I've made a commitment to him.
cluding state-of-the-art shock bon- do it the hard way at St. Ed’s, where these people."
nets that attach to the exterior of I wish I had one ... so he could.
football helmets and help prevent
concussions. Exclusively John’s Island
"I'm sure there were some people Enjoy beautiful, expansive fairway views and a central location in this
who had doubts," Motta said, "but the exceptionally renovated 4BR+study/4.5BA retreat. Entertain on the
administration has not wavered a bit." lush, tropical poolside terrace with spa and fire pit. Brilliantly designed
by Moulton Layne Architects, custom millwork and finishes adorn the
Though there was some concern stunning 3,812± GSF home. Unsurpassed features include an open
about the small turnout in the wake of living room with fireplace adjoining the sun-filled lanai, gourmet island
losing a dozen players to graduation, kitchen, elegant master suite, study with built-ins, and a 1BR/1BA cabana.
Wachter said the administration never 351 Sea Oak Drive : $2,950,000
considered dropping the football pro-
gram. three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
"As long as there are kids who want
to play and they can be well trained, 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
physically fit and competitively
sound, we'll support it," Wachter said.
"It's part of who we are, and it's al-
ways been a positive experience for
our kids.
"That's the conundrum for us," he
added. "We have great school spirit
here. Our kids like the sport and our
boys get plenty of support from the
student body. We pack the stands for
our games.
"What we need to do is get more
of them out of the stands and on the
Make no mistake, though: St. Ed-
ward's is not a school where the foot-
ball program is going to attract players
from the outside.
The cost is high – annual Upper
School tuition is in excess of $26,000
– and the academic regimen is de-
manding. Financial aid is available,
based solely on need, but even the
best athletes must be students first.
Wachter said about 12 percent of
the school's seniors go on to play
sports in college.
"Bill does a fabulous job," Wachter
said. "The boys work hard and they
compete, but the emphasis isn't all
about football. It isn't all about win-
ning games, though we like when
that happens. He also spends time
with the kids doing community ser-
When it comes to coaching football,
Motta is getting help this spring from
two former NFL players – both were
Vero Beach High School standouts,
both earned All-America honors in
college – who are making sure the Pi-
rates are doing it right.
Motta's son, Zeke, and Super Bowl-
winning center Bryan Stork are serv-
ing as volunteer assistant coaches and
sharing their vast football knowledge
with the St. Edward's players.
"They're out here every day," Motta
4 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Shores budget plaints before the Florida Public Service
Commission. As a result, projected legal
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 fees this year are only $138,000, with that
number going down to $98,000 in the
The stable property tax rate of year ending Sept. 30, 2018.
$1.71 per thousand dollars of non-
homestead, taxable property value is The Town’s postal center costs about
expected to bring in $4.56 million in a quarter-million dollars annually
property tax receipts, to be supple- to operate and staff, and the Shores
mented by the Town’s slice of revenue spends about $160,000 per year to
sharing from various statewide im- maintain the Town cemetery.
posed taxes and fees for a total of $5.65
million in anticipated town revenues. A half-million dollars set aside in a
capital fund for the new Indian River
The Shores’ biggest operating ex- Shores Community Center, which is
pense is the triple-trained Public Safety set to break ground in March 2018, is
Department, which provides police, fire the major addition to the new budget;
and emergency medical services. That $450,000 to pay for the Town’s new
department is budgeted for $4.1 million monopine cell tower is included in the
in the coming year. Revenues from traffic current budget year ending Sept. 30.
tickets and insurance reimbursements
offset that by $128,000, with the balance At the close of the budget year, barring
coming mostly from property taxes. any serious storm-related expenses, the
Town would have nearly $2.7 million in
One major downward trend reflected reserves – roughly $2 million of that for
in the budget is in the area of legal ex- emergencies and the balance in an un-
penses. In the 2014 and 2015 fiscal years, assigned reserve fund. The published
at the height of the legal and regulatory budget does not contemplate how the
battle over Vero’s electric franchise with Town might use or invest the $4.48 mil-
the Shores, the Town spent $631,000 lion in proceeds it expects to receive
and $492,000 respectively in legal fees after closing on the recently-auctioned
with the Tallahassee firm of Holland 5.2 acre oceanside parcel.
and Knight and its rate consultants. In
the current year, the Shores budgeted Town Manager Robbie Stabe said he
$717,000 to continue its legal battles be- did not include any benefit from those
fore deciding to drop litigation and com- proceeds in the budget because they
are non-recurring funds.
The Town’s Finance Committee took
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 5
its first stab at the budget on May 8, ployees and also at increasing the ad- part-time, as to not incur benefits and budget sent to the Town Council.”
and, if anything, expenses would go ministrative staff by moving a part-time pension costs, but Mayor Brian Bare- The Shores budget workshop is set
down based upon its suggested chang- assistant assigned to the Town Manager foot said he stands by Stabe’s request
es. Stabe said the committee balked at to full-time and adding another assis- for the additional support staff at a cost for 9 a.m. June 29, but the Town Coun-
a 3 percent cost of living increase that tant for the Town Clerk. The Finance of $24,000. Stabe said the cost of living cil will have a total of three meetings
had been budgeted for non-union em- Committee wants both assistants to be increase item “will be removed from the on the budget in the coming months
before a final vote on Sept. 28.
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10 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Orchid tax rate cils frequently discussed ways to fund Mayor Robert Gibbons emphasized With 352 "front doors" in Orchid,
emergency beach renourishment but the importance of ensuring the Town and a current assessed taxable value of
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 never took any decisive action. has sufficient funds to respond to an- $411,627,920, the proposed rate would
other beach/dune emergency with- generate $938,512. From that the Coun-
cil’s desire to establish a reserve fund The Town of Orchid is a unique out having to borrow money. Council cil, intends to make the first annual
for emergency beach renourishment residential community in that it has member Howard Thrailkill suggested Matthew storm repair loan payment of
so that the Town will not have to bor- a relatively small population, almost that at least $400,000 would likely be $92,960 and place $360,260 in reserve.
row money for storm repairs, as it did all of whom reside within the gated needed for a future beach renourish-
in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. community of Orchid Island Golf and ment project. The most recent project Because the Council will not have
Beach Club. It has only two full time came in at $375,913. a physical quorum in July, Council
When Matthew passed by offshore, charter officers, the town manager members chose to adopt the resolu-
a stretch of shoreline between Sand- and the town clerk, who carry out ad- After studying several possible op- tion at this time in order to meet the
erling and Wabasso suffered an exten- ministrative tasks, plus a part-time tions, the Council agreed that build- County Property Appraiser's deadline
sive dune wash-out, and the Town was police chief and a part-time building ing the emergency reserve "must be for submitting budget information
forced to take out a $350,000 loan from clerk. The Town largely relies on the the Town's main goal for the upcom- within 35 days after July 1.
the Orchid Island Community Associ- property owners association and the ing fiscal year," and passed a resolu-
ation to fund repairs. club to provide municipal services. tion for a tentative millage increase The big increase, however, could be
from 1.25 to 2.4. revised during town budget hearings
Over the years, previous Town Coun- During council discussions, Vice in September.
The Sept. 6 millage and budget hear-
ings are scheduled to take place at 5:01
p.m. at the Orchid Island Beach Club.
Sebastian principal cleared
leadership – unrelated to her con-
cerns – and are using her concerns to
push their issues forward.”
In her conclusion, Kelly wrote that
she found such behavior “troubling,”
and that it “appears there is a level of
disconnect between Mr. Racine and
a group of teachers,” particularly cur-
rent and former coaches.
“During my interviews, it was clear
several employees seemed to have
feelings of mistrust and resentment
toward Mr. Racine,” she wrote, “but I
was not provided with any informa-
tion during my interviews to indicate
any violation of policy has occurred.”
However, Kelly included in her re-
port a warning: “Retaliation in any
form, as a result of complaints made
in good faith or participation in this
investigation, will not be tolerated.”
Christ by the Sea
church has installed exterior surveil-
lance cameras, and the broken stained
glass windows have been taken to the
Vero Beach studio where they were
created for repair.
The windows were designed in the
1990s by world-renowned stained-
glass artist, the late Conrad Pickel.
Pickel’s son, Paul, who helped make
the windows, said repairs expected
to cost between $10,000 and $15,000
have not begun yet, pending approval
from the chruch’s insurance company.
Melvin said he has been amazed by
the support the church has received
from the community in the wake of
the vandalism, including thousands
of dollars in donations to help defray
repair costs.
Colt Crosby and Karren Walter.
Vero’s Dancing Stars raise
not-so-routine $292K
12 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero’s Dancing Stars raise not-so-routine $292K
Milo Thornton and Shari Tessier. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Georgia Irish and Joe Wynes. Lisa Thompson Barnes and Joe Tessier
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF flashes and the cheers of sign-waving up, pulling off a rather unorthodox two months to prepare.
supporters. Once inside, guests en- dance combination while creating an Neurologist Dr. Roberta Rose
Staff Writer joyed a cocktail reception while pe- air of sexual tension that Foster called
rusing and making last-minute bids “bringing sexy in a tutu,” and earning brought all her gifts to the stage with
Ten local celebrities put on their on silent-auction items before head- a 27. partner George Go, earning a 30 for
dancing shoes and tripped the lights ing into the theater for the sold-out their steamy Tango. Rose even sang as
fantastic with their professional show. Lisa Thompson Barnes, an attorney the couple began their performance
dance partners at the ninth annual with Collins Brown Barkett Garava- and showed her strength from the first
Dancing with Vero’s Stars event at Emcee Hamp Elliott of WOSN glia & Lawn, and Joe Tessier earned a note to the last step. Foster summed
Riverside Theatre to benefit the Indi- kicked off the evening by introduc- perfect 30 for their funky Latin med- up, “This doctor came to slay.”
an River County Healthy Start Coali- ing returning judges Chris Foster and ley, which the judges agreed across
tion. Each year the star dancers shine Dee Rose-Imbro and new judge this the board that the team had mastered Amalfi Grill owner Bob Rose and
ever brighter and this year’s tie for Top year Tania Ortega-Cowan. through technique, technique, tech- partner Marianella Tobar closed the
Dancer brought things to a whole new nique. show with a bolero and West Coast
level, with four sets of dancers receiv- Georgia Irish, Marine Bank vice swing, earning a 24 and leaving Rose-
ing perfect scores from the judges. president, and partner Joe Wynes first Panda Contractors owner Isaac Imbro speechless, a rare occurrence
graced the stage, earning a score of Perez and partner Yvonne M. Miller indeed. Foster filled the “dead air,”
Grand Prize winners Lisa Thomp- 27 for their elegant Viennese waltz. earned a 25, taking the audience back saying “I thought you were going to
son Barnes and her partner Joe Tes- Rose-Imbro noted Irish’s perfor- to the ’50s with an East Coast single be a tame beast but you got outta the
sier took home the coveted Mirror mance was elegant and alluring, in time swing and theatre dance to cage tonight.”
Ball Trophy and, while the glare from complete opposition to her persona “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy.” Rose-Im-
the ball was blinding, so too was the during the introductory videos, add- bro said of the routine, “Sir, you can- The audience adjourned to the lob-
$292,670 raised by the event. Pro- ing, “Motorcycle mama you brought not only swing a hammer, but you can by for wine and an array of shimmer-
ceeds will enable Indian River County the luck of the Irish with you tonight.” sure swing those hips.” ing sweets as Ross Cotherman, the of-
babies to have a better chance at life ficial score tabulator, oversaw the final
through Healthy Start programs. The youngest star dancer to date, The impressive lifts in the inter- tally. In addition to winning the Mir-
Zeke Motta, brand ambassador at pretive contemporary and nightclub ror Ball, the Top Fundraiser torch was
Dancers poured their hearts and Chelsea’s on Cardinal, and his part- 2 medley performed by Indian River passed from last year’s Cindy O’Dare
souls into their routines and fundrais- ner Kaylan Keathley danced a sizzling County Sheriff’s Captain Milo Thorn- to Lisa Thompson Barnes, with an in-
ing – final scores were based equally salsa, earning a score of 24 and a com- ton and Shari Tessier impressed the dividual dollar total of $67,116.
on dancing and fundraising – but ment from Ortega-Cowan “I’d like to judges with their ability to tell a story
all walked away smiling despite the see you channel your inner Channing through movement. They earned a The first runner-up team was that of
blisters and calluses earned through Tatum.” score of 30 and a comment from Orte- Milo Thornton and Shari Tessier and
months of hard work and dedication. ga-Cowan that it was eye-opening to second place went to Georgia Irish
Republican Women’s Club incom- see the artistic side of the well-known and Joe Wynes.
Co-chairs and former star danc- ing president Alla Kramer had the officer.
ers Karen Franke and Adam Chrzan time of her life with a little “dirty But all the performers were win-
teamed up for another year of toe- dancing” with partner Craig Galvin, U.S. Marine Corps veteran Colt ners, knowing in their hearts that
tapping fun, collaborating with Paris called “very spicy” by Ortega-Cowan. Crosby showed his romantic side and each dance step will help Indian River
Productions and the Riverside The- Their rhumba/salsa earned a 24, de- earned a score of 30 for a Rumba with County babies. The IRC Healthy Start
atre team. spite Kramer having suffered a knee Karren Walter that brought tears to Coalition offers a broad spectrum
injury before training began. Rose-Imbro’s eyes and received high of programs and care to optimize
Chauffeured automobiles depos- praise from Foster for its poignancy healthy outcomes for all pregnant
ited dancers onto the red-carpet run- Dancing a salsa/hip-hop hybrid, and technique, especially considering women, infants, young children and
way to the delight of their adoring fans Megan Raasveldt, a real estate agent that Crosby stepped in to fill the shoes their families in the county.
and gave exclusive interviews with with Dale Sorensen Real Estate, and of another star dancer and had just
Tiffany Corr amid paparazzi camera partner Sergio Cisneros heated things PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
14 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Megan Raasveldt and Sergio Cisneros. Kaylan Keathley and Zeke Motta. Alla Kramer and Craig Galvin.
Bob Rose and Marianella Tobar. Isaac Perez and Yvonne M. Miller. George Go and Dr. Roberta Rose.
1 Winners Lisa Thompson Barnes
3 and Joe Tessier.
7 84
1. Karren Walter and Colt Crosby. 2. Kaylan Keathley and Zeke Motta. 3. Georgia Irish and Joe Wynes.
4. Lisa Thompson Barnes and Joe Tessier. 5. Roberta Rose and George Go. 6. Isaac Perez and Yvonne M.
6 Miller. 7. Milo Thornton and Shari Tessier. 8. Bob Rose and Marianella Tobar.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 15
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
9. Dee Rose Imbro, Chris Foster and Ross
Cotherman. 10. Elaine Larsen, Carol Linn, and
Martha Redner. 11. Trevon Barnes, Emily Lavergne
and Noel Thompson. 12. Alexandra Radu and
Scott Nuttall. 13. Sonny and Betty Bishop with
Emily Tremml. 14. Elaine and Bob Jones with
Connie Cotherman. 15. Amanda and Joseph
Robinson. 16. Toni Abraham and Nicki Maslin.
17. Robert and Harmony Rivas. 18. Eric and Rachel
Flowers. 19. J.P. Demsick, Raquel Williams and
Andrew Roman. 20. Andrea Berry and Jon R.
Moses. 21. Dr. Jim and Helen Shafer with David
16 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Match ado: Windsor tourney fetes love of tennis
BY MARY SCHENKEL Kyle Day and Alice Shimmin vs. Merilee Keller and Lee Fentress. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE for one’s country. Needless to say, the
British team was a formidable one:
Staff Writer Carolyn and Graham Neale. Debby and Allan Thompson. Martin Cornish, Simon Curtis, Kyle
Day, Graham Neale, Duncan Riefler,
Despite the fact that most of the founded the Wimbledon Museum. in its original spirit – for the love and Wendy Riefler, Adrian Roberts, Al-
guests at a lovely welcoming reception Membership, which currently stands enjoyment of the game alone.” ice Shimmin, Allan Thompson, Phil
last Friday evening on the veranda of at 376, is open to qualified men and Tovey, Richard Wayman and Nick Wil-
the Windsor Club had only just met women ages 35 and older. In addition SLTC membership qualifications liams.
one another, the camaraderie was in- to arranging national and interna- are stringent and include having
stantaneous, in large part due to their tional matches, the club’s objective is played in the Championships at Wim- Windsor resident Dan Cahill, Tom
shared love of tennis. to “promote the playing of lawn tennis bledon, having won an event at an Fish, Windsor’s director of tennis and
Open tournament or having played father to former top-ranked player
“It’s all about community and cel- Mardy Fish, and Pappalardo assem-
ebrating,” said Joe Pappalardo, one of bled a strong team of players on the
the organizers of last weekend’s 2017 Treasure Coast that included former
Windsor Invitational Tennis Cham- college standouts and professional
pionship, USA vs. Great Britain. The players to represent team USA: Dan
matchup was an inaugural United Cahill, Peter Carr, Chase Donaldson,
States tournament for members of the Jim Fichera, Lyle Grimm, Patrick Hon-
Seniors’ Lawn Tennis Club of Great ey, Merilee Keller, John McConnell,
Britain. Bill Meyer, Bob Milligan, Don Segalas
and Kathy Zanon.
The idea for the event was hatched
by Duncan Riefler, a Windsor member The congenial group enjoyed good-
who has lived in Wimbledon the past natured banter over cocktails and
10 years, where he is a member of the dinner, rehashing the Friday after-
SLTC. noon doubles matches while making
humorous attempts to intimidate one
As Pappalardo remembers it, “We another in advance of the Saturday
played tennis at Windsor and he said, Men’s Singles and Doubles Matches
‘I would love to be able to invite my and the concluding Men’s Doubles on
club to Windsor. Maybe we can be- Sunday.
gin an international series of tennis
matches with seniors from the Trea- “I truly feel that tennis will not grow
sure Coast.’ I said I would love for that from million-dollar campaigns; ten-
to happen; it would be a great celebra- nis will grow from Main Street, local
tion of tennis in a venue that would be clubs like the Seniors’ Lawn Tennis
magical.” Club of Great Britain, local coaches,
local groups of kids in parks, and
“It was hard to orchestrate because schools,” said Pappalardo. He is also
it’s a great distance,” said Riefler, but a board member of the Mardy Fish
they made it happen. “What I think is Children’s Foundation, which offers
missing is there’s a big difference be- year-round tennis lessons to kinder-
tween the way senior tennis is orga- garten thru eighth-grade students in
nized in England vs. the U.S. We are Indian River County through its Kids
a virtual club; we do not have tennis on Court program. Britain was a for-
courts.” midable opponent, winning nine
Doubles to USA’s four and six Singles
Graham Neale, SLTC chairman, to USA’s two. No doubt wheels are al-
gave a brief history of the club, found- ready turning for a rematch.
ed in 1958 as the Veterans’ Lawn Ten-
nis Club of Great Britain by Dennis
Coombe and Tom Todd, who later also
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 19
Michelle Griffin, Diana Mancini and Chris Pensch. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Shelly Satran, Susan Adams and Margaret Mitchell.
Andy Bowler speaks to the volunteers.
Eugene Jelks and Trayshodna Jelks
with children Eliyah and Travion.
Pam DeChellis and Gwen Simmons.
Michelle Barley. Jacquie Thatcher cuts some wood.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Round and round the pros go at VNA Golf-A-Thon
Staff Writer
It was hardly a relaxing day on Ann Cooney, Sue Tompkins, Kerry Bartlett, Kathie Pierce and Ann Marie McCrystal. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Robbie Saxton and Carrie Trooboff.
the links as 12 pros from local golf
clubs hastened about the Vero Beach his host club proud as the winner of “It’s wonderful to support a great Randy Hedgecock and Bela Nagy.
Country Club last Monday, racing to the shootout, with Joe Kern taking organization, and I love working with
play 135 holes in roughly 10 hours second prize. these guys,” said Pat Gorman, who “All of the money goes for charita-
at the 27th annual VNA & Hospice has played every single year. ble care for people who need it,” said
Foundation Golf-A-Thon. Other than the shootout, a few Trooboff.
closest-to-the-pin prizes and brag- “The pros especially are so gen-
Each year, club members con- ging rights among the congenial erous with their time,” said Robbie “And it hits almost everyone at
tribute on behalf of their respective group, there is no award for the day’s Saxton, an Indian River Club mem- some point or another,” added Sax-
pros at what has become the VNA’s low score. They don’t do it for any ber who co-chaired once again with ton. “There are a lot of other pro-
single largest fundraiser. More than personal gain and yet most players Carrie Trooboff of John’s Island Club. grams at VNA other than hospice.”
$331,000 was raised this year to sup- participate year after year. “This is a grueling day for them. We
port VNA programs and services, do have a rookie this time – Ian Kil- “I was a co-chair five years with
including home health and hospice len from Indian River Club – so I’m Bonnie DeWaters,” said Shelli Gor-
care, caregiver support and commu- excited to see how he did.” don, a Quail Valley member. “I’ve
nity health services. always had heart pangs for the VNA.
“It’s been an absolutely gorgeous My mother was in a nursing home
This year’s lineup of gifted pros day; and the volunteers are also just until she passed away back in the late
consisted of: Blue Team – Randy wonderful,” said Trooboff. ’90s and the care that she didn’t get
Hedgecock of the host Vero Beach brought to my attention how valuable
Country Club; Mike Schuette, Rio- More than 100 volunteers help out the VNA truly is. Everyone who works
mar Country Club, and Don Mead- in various ways, from initial mailings for the VNA, either as an employee or
ows, Quail Valley Golf Club; Red to serving as pro drivers or following as a volunteer, is so dedicated.”
Team – Pat Gorman, Bent Pine Golf behind to rake bunkers and replace
Club, Bella Nagy, Sandridge Golf divots.
Club, and Patrick Cerjan, Pointe
West Country Club; Green Team “We try to encourage the volun-
– Casey Cox, Moorings Yacht and teers to dress in the same colors as the
Country Club, Joe Kern, Grand Har- pro teams,” said Michelle Deschane,
bor Golf and Beach Club, and Ken VNA donor relations coordinator.
Weyand, John’s Island Club; White “The golf pros teed off at 7 o’clock this
Team – Ian Killen, Indian River Club, morning. They’re so excited to do it;
Rich Waage, Orchid Island Golf and they just so support our cause and so
Beach Club, and Matthew Challenor, do our volunteers.”
Windsor Club.
Volunteers and supporters con-
verged in the late afternoon to watch
the final shootout which took place
on the 155-yard ninth hole, near the
clubhouse. Many took advantage of
the bocce ball court box where they
could sit in the shade and watch
events unfold.
Randy Hedgecock, who has played
in all but the first Golf-A-Thon, made
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 21
Michael Pierce, Carole Finck and Ned Sherwood. Sarah Connors, Colleen Bonner and Emily Sherwood. Gail Boynton, Shelli Gordon and Dannette Truckner.
Randy Hedgecock drives to win the shoot-out. Matt Challenor, Mike Schuette and Don Meadows. Pat Cerjan.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Magic in bloom at McKee’s Fairy and Pirate fest
BY CHRISTINA TASCON most,” added George Andrade. Babette Dawson with Eva and Emma. fairy houses and, of course, danced
Correspondent Anticipating the high demand of around the May Pole.
dreams on a wishing tree; enjoyed
As Disney’s “When You Wish little ones to have their faces trans- magic tricks by a balloon making “The garden is enjoyed in differ-
Upon a Star” theme song played formed by butterflies and pirate pirate; had fingers painted; enjoyed ent ways by every age,” said board
over loudspeakers, colorful sprites makeup, additional stations were a variety of crafts; constructed member John Schumann, who is in-
and pint-sized Black Beards cov- set up in the Education Center and strumental in coordinating McKee’s
ered every inch of McKee Botanical in front of the Hall of Giants. annual car show. “There is such a
Garden at the seventh annual Fairy variety of things which appeals to
and Pirate Festival. A new feature had Glittering Gyp- different people. This month is an
sies weave a magic strand of spar- event like this and then we have the
The festival has grown to become kling fairy hair into youngsters’ Waterlily Celebration which brings
one of McKee’s most beloved events, locks with a rule to make a wish in photographers, then holiday light
enticing multiple generations of at- when the sparkling strand was lost. celebrations and people who just
tendees who began lining up early enjoy the beauty of the garden.”
to enjoy a variety of activities cen- Also new were dense bubbles,
tered on glimpses of magical fairies made from a bio-degradable soap McKee events often have whimsi-
and swashbuckling pirates. that soared high into the trees like cal themes to attract families and a
compact clouds. Steve Hahn discov- wide spectrum of attendees.
Seven-year-old Chelsea Hopwood ered SmileCloudsUSA, which uses a
and her great-grandparents were fitted stencil over a tank to form the “We have a very creative staff and
first in line, returning for the third bubbles into hearts, birds and other volunteers,” said Hobart. “I also
year to enjoy the joyful festival. shapes, and decided to bring the at- think having a history with cre-
traction to Vero Beach. ators like Waldo Sexton and Arthur
“We came early to find a closer McKee really gives us some creative
parking spot this year,” said Betty “We wanted something new and freedom to do the things that we
Andrade. “Last year we had to park this just seemed perfectly fitted for do.”
so far away we were in the trees. the garden,” said Executive Director
This is our little tradition bringing Christine Hobart, who estimated Following the June 17 Waterlily
her here every year.” attendance at roughly 2,000. Celebration, the Garden will take a
well needed breather as they begin
“She loves the face painting the Children followed Fairy Trail work on the coming exhibitions.
and Pirate Treasure maps; hung
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 23
Mia Moretti, Sky Gambin and Aubrey Link. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Mike and Joanna Marnell with Zoe and Penelope.
Joseph Stern and Robin Stern.
Marybeth Mahoney with Alice and Lexi.
Brian and Hannah Guanch with Naomi and Norah.
Meg Szczesny-Pumarada and Marc Pumarada
with Miles and Mia.
Kimberly and Duane Millar with Avery and Kenley.
24 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Joe Idlette III, Johnnie and Anthony Idlette, and Jennifer Idlette. Jody Idlette, Joe Brown and Alma Lee Loy. Joyce Pride and Crystal Bujol.
Joe Jr. and Bernice Idlette. Jacqueline Idlette Reason and Jade Reason. Chrissy Montgomery and Jonte Reason.
Profiles in courage: Pioneer Dinner honors Idlettes
BY MARY SCHENKEL the 1890s, would eventually spread tage Inc., which operates the host and Nancy Idlette’s eight children
Staff Writer out to support a fruitful family tree venue Heritage Center and Citrus (Joe Jr., Eugene, Lillie Mae and Glo-
whose descendants have had a pro- Museum, paid particular tribute ria Jean are still living) from elemen-
When Joe Idlette Sr. moved to the found impact on Indian River Coun- to Joe N. Idlette Jr. and Bernice, his tary grades through high school.
area from Georgia in 1923, the roots ty. Their offspring were feted last wife of 62 years. Guests arriving to When the new school was built in
he put down with wife Nancy, a local Saturday evening at the 18th annual the sold-out event were entertained 1952 on 45th Street, the school dis-
girl whose father William Cookley Pioneer Family Recognition Dinner. by talented members of the Gifford trict did not provide a moving ser-
moved here from South Carolina in Youth Orchestra, one of many orga- vice; students had to carry their
This signature event of Vero Heri- nizations supported by the family. own books and furniture from the
former 39th Street location. Despite
Jennifer Idlette shared the fam- a general lack of resources, includ-
ily’s earliest history as Georgia ing secondhand books and cast-off
slaves, freemen and sharecroppers, equipment, the school had superb
before reading a wonderful tribute teachers and broad community
story written by former President support. Graduates included gifted
Jimmy Carter about his nanny, Ra- athletes, all variety of professionals,
chel Idlette Clark. She also spoke and even a three-star general.
of the indignities endured by black
families in racially segregated In- “I would like to ask parents,
dian River County, such as not being grandparents, great-grandparents
allowed to try on clothes in stores, to teach the history of our commu-
being denied restaurant and hotel nity so your children will be proud
service, and the nightly 9 p.m. bell, of where they come from,” said Gib-
indicating they had to get off the son.
Joe Jr. and Bernice Idlette’s chil-
Godfrey Gibson, a retired educa- dren – Anthony, Joe III, Keith, Jac-
tor, spoke of the segregated Gifford queline, Jennifer and Jody – and 10
High School he attended with Joe grandchildren have enjoyed a string
30 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Students take note of Windsor’s ‘Composer’ exhibit
BY STEPHANIE LABAFF Elisha McKenzie. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE Barry Shapiro and Laura Kelly. sician uses notes in a composition and
Staff Writer PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE musical instruments in an orchestra,
they complement each other. Le Brun
Vero Beach High School student Eli- “Eli- is composing on canvas with layers of
sha McKenzie was so moved by British sha’s in- color,” explained Carner during the stu-
abstract painter Christopher Le Brun’s terest was sparked dent tour.
music-inspired artworks on display this by the artist’s mu-
season at Windsor that he composed his sical connection,” Discussing the paintings, “Bax,”
own musical interpretation. Six weeks says gallery manager “Middle C” and “Note,” the students
later, at the exhibit’s closing reception, Laura Kelley, who made comments about the “bright
he was invited back to perform his piece says the student’s in- compositions,” “major key” and “up-
for a gallery full of art patrons. spiration to compose beat tempo” while debating what notes
is part of a “ripple ef- the colors represent.
McKenzie, 18, an aspiring artist who fect” that comes “any
plays multiple instruments and hopes time we can bring “Le Brun inspires me. It’s not cha-
to attend Savannah College of Art and students here.” otic; the abstract part of it is actually
Design, visited Le Brun’s exhibit, Com- “This is a visual really profound,” says McKenzie. “Like
poser, in late March when the Gallery show but it has a mu- in his ‘Middle C’ painting; the con-
at Windsor invited the monthly salon sical influence,” says cept of the red is the centerpiece of the
of Vero artist Barry Shapiro. Shapiro re- Shapiro. “It really painting which is also the centerpiece
cently resumed his popular salons that impacted Elisha.” of the piano. It draws in much of the
began when he owned the since-closed Le Brun’s exhibit same tension.”
Lighthouse gallery downtown. linked art and music by showing that,
as the accompanying literature ex- After viewing the art, the students
Shapiro had first met McKenzie two plained, “under the hand of the paint- spent some time improvising on their
years ago when he interviewed the er and composer the raw material of instruments – violins and guitar – to
student for a video for the Youth Guid- noise becomes sound, visual chaos get a feel for what they were seeing.
ance program. The two crossed paths becomes form, and matter aspires to “It’s really nice for the young people to
again while Shapiro was painting a art and music.” improvise or respond. Christopher Le
mural downtown and McKenzie of- That message came through loudly Brun talks much about the sound of
fered to help. for McKenzie. “For me art is just visu- looking, and I think that’s pretty pro-
al music,” says the high school junior, found,” says Kelley.
who hopes to attend Savannah College
of Art and Design and major in digital During the closing party for Le
art and design with a minor in painting. Brun’s exhibit, McKenzie played
Hearing that in addition to paint- original piano and guitar music in-
ing and drawing, McKenzie played spired by Le Brun’s work to a gallery
guitar, keyboard, violin and har- filled with an eclectic group of art-
monica, Kelley saw an opportunity to ists and art patrons. While Le Brun
open the studio again for an evening transcended the canvas and allowed
of experiential arts. the music to take on color and shape,
At that second event, McKenzie re- McKenzie did the inverse, as his mu-
turned with two fellow students for a sic took on the hues of Le Brun’s com-
private tour and jam session. Gallery positions – comparing, for example,
docent Pamela Carner shared Le Brun’s the colors red and orange to the mu-
background and discussed the collec- sical notes C major and A minor.
tion, and afterwards, students took self-
guided audio tours, watched videos and Local sculptor Cathy Ferrell was in
browsed through an illustrated catalog. the audience when McKenzie played;
The students saw the connection she had attended the artist salon with
between painting and music and im- McKenzie and was so impressed that
mediately began to discuss what key she returned for his performance.
each painting would look like if colors “What you have here is genius. He’s
were musical notes, and each brush beyond anything that I’ve ever seen
stroke was a musical arrangement of and to have the opportunity to grow
color and texture. and learn like this is incredible.”
“The name of this exhibition is Com-
poser, and it’s the link the artist sees “Each season we look forward to
between music and art. Just like a mu- opportunities to introduce young
people to art,” says Kelley, who took
over as gallery manager at Windsor
last year. Kelley, who has been in-
volved in art education for two de-
cades, believes exposure to the arts
is imperative to the development of
future artists and patrons. Last year,
students from Saint Edward’s School
and Indian River Charter High School
visited the gallery and sketched and
wrote about their reactions to the art.
The Gallery at Windsor will reopen in
September with a new exhibition.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 31
BY PAM HARBAUGH “misty memory” setting. Girard turned to the 2014 Williams bi- “Suddenly Last Summer.”
Correspondent “We wanted to portray visually how ography “Mad Pilgrimage of the Flesh” “His mother was not nice,” Girard
by famed theater critic John Lahr.
Tackling “The Glass Menagerie” is a the family is fractured, torn apart,” Sel- said. “She was pretty horrible … and
delicate process, but in the end worth by said. “So we took the set and tore it The book is “fascinating,” Girard his father did leave his family.”
every moment, says Peg Girard, direc- apart, separating the spaces and show- said. It gave her insights into each of the
tor of Melbourne Civic Theatre, where ing them as just disconnected pieces. four characters and into Williams’ own There was something else Girard
the drama opens this Friday. Empty window frames suspended in life, which is reflected in his plays. discovered – a “tremendous number of
air, just a portion of the fire escape vis- variations of the script.”
Written by Tennessee Williams in ible. Even the building across the alley Amanda reflects his own mother
1944, “The Glass Menagerie” takes a is depicted as appearing ‘through the and Laura, his own sister. Sadly, it The first script she got from Sam-
look at a highly dysfunctional family mists.’ Lighting helps the separation, was Laura who was lobotomized – uel French (a popular play publisher)
trying to hold together the shards of isolating the actors and helping us to see that was explored in his 1958 play had “British-isms” throughout, so she
their lives. Living in a St. Louis tene- just that moment, just that fragment.”
ment, a desperate mother, Amanda, CONTINUED ON PAGE 32
looks after her grown daughter, Laura, But no matter how impressionistic
who is at best detached from reality. the set may be, the acting must be SEE THESE AND OTHER FINE THINGS AT VERO’S FINEST
They both depend on her grown son, realistic, she said, in order to reveal COLLECTION OF AMERICAN-MADE ART AND JEWELRY
true character.
So, she told the cast to VERO BEACH, FL
Tom, but he has had enough and plans play it straight. 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
to leave.
“I wanted them to relate
While the characters are realistic and to their characters as much
confront each other with raw feelings, as they could,” Girard said.
the setting, as suggested by Williams, is “Delve into these people
nearly gossamer in its impressionistic and learn why they are the
qualities – a fragmented floor, a scrim way they are.”
behind which the family gathers for
dinner, and images of blue roses ap- Kathy Minzenberger, a
pear and disappear, as does the image well-respected actor in this
of a father who abandoned his family. area, takes on the role of
Amanda, one of her favor-
“It opened the door to creative the- ites. She said the character
ater,” Girard said. “So it was pretty has a “full gamut” of emo-
amazing at the time.” tions.
While many theaters disregard Wil- “Amanda is a woman, a
liams’ scenic descriptions and go the mother and a fighter,” she
route of realism, Girard is embracing said. “Very few people, espe-
them. She and scenic and lighting de- cially women, would find it
signer Alan Selby worked to create a hard not to relate to that.”
One of the actions Aman-
da takes to help make their
lives better is to get Tom to
ask Jim, a “gentleman caller,”
to visit Laura. Her hopes are
that Jim will fall in love with
Laura and help pull them out
of their bleak existence.
Another popular actor
around town, Mark Black-
ledge, plays the role of Tom,
the playwright’s alter ego.
Admittedly not a Tennessee Wil-
liams fan, Blackledge said he fell for
the symbolism in this play. One line
he finds especially resonating comes
when Tom tells Amanda how much he
hates his job and how he resents hav-
ing his family depend on him: “For $65
a month I give up all I dream of doing
and being ever.”
“I use that as the cornerstone for his
character,” Blackledge said. “Tom loves
his sister and he loves his mother, but
he abandons them.”
As any director will do, Girard leads
her cast in the discoveries about their
That meant plenty of research before
the first table read.
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38 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
the official payments, they are likely to COLOMBIAN POLICE OFFICERS DESTROY A COCA Those farms are too big to be eligible
keep planting coca. PLANTATION IN A RURAL AREA OF TUMACO for crop substitution programs.
Eduardo Diaz, who heads the crop Local growers are resisting the gov-
substitution program, says an expen- ernment anyway, sending women and
sive plan is still better than continuing children to block roads, encircle eradi-
the drug war. cation crews or worse. A police officer
in Tumaco was shot dead at a road-
“How many billions have we spent block in March, and 12 others were
on eradication over the past 15 years?” captured and held captive by an angry
he said. “And the end result is that we mob last month.
still ended up as the world’s biggest co-
caine producer.” On a recent morning, the head of
Colombia’s anti-narcotics police, Maj.
The government stopped aerial Gen. Jose Mendoza, invited a group of
spraying of coca in 2015 amid fears of
elevated cancer risk from the popu-
lar herbicide glyphosate. U.S. officials
believe the tactic should remain part
of the overall strategy, but Colombia’s
highest court last month essentially
formalized the ban.
The problem is too big for weed
killer anyway, said Kevin Whitaker, the
U.S. ambassador to Colombia.
“Even if we had the same number of
planes we had before, spraying at the
same pace as before, it would take a
couple years to turn that curve,” he said,
while warning that the coca numbers
“are probably going to get worse.”
Colombian authorities say they will
hold the line this year by using more
forceful methods in places such as Tu-
maco, where they say criminal gangs,
not humble peasants, are mounting
“industrial-scale” coca operations.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 39
reporters to see the eradication work off over the Pacific, banked south and to resemble high-denomination peso copters flew in a sweeping arc over miles
and the scale of the new coca fields. flew over vast palm oil plantations. bank notes. On the flip side was a cash and miles of coca. After awhile, one of
Riot police with pepper spray and body Soon the coca fields appeared, right up offer for confidential information lead- the general’s crews appeared below,
armor were sent to protect them, in the border with Ecuador. ing to drug busts. hacking at the plants with machetes in
case of violent protests. the hot sun. From above, they looked like
Mendoza and his troops scattered It was too dangerous to land on the tiny black specks in a great green sea.
The Black Hawk helicopters took leaflets into the air, each one printed farms, the commanders said, so the heli-
40 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Time to close the book on the Big Blue Boondoggle
This is a great time for Vero Beach! We finally have much better financial situation; it allows our “May-
an offer from FPL to purchase our electric system. percent cleaner than the national average. Govern- berry by the Sea” to return our focus to enhancing
The terms are far better than anticipated, and we’ll ment should not be in businesses that the private our local culture.
all benefit from the lower rates, but the best thing this sector can do better at lower cost to residents.
deal does is it ends decades of Vero Beach bondage It’s important to note that the sale of Vero Electric
to FMPA and OUC. It gets us out of the billion-plus- From a ratepayer standpoint, it will be great to fi- is not a sure thing yet. We’re further than we’ve ever
dollar contract disasters entered into by previous nally have relief. According to Dr. Steve Faherty’s cal- been and Vero sits in a very good position, but there
City Councils. culations, the average City of Vero Beach Electric cus- is far more work to be done. A process like this one
tomer has paid $4,430.94 more than a similar Florida could take two years. FMPA could still block this deal
The deal will also end years of our municipality Power and Light customer since April 4, 2011 (previ- if they desired.
stealthily taxing our neighbors without representa- ous Florida Power and Light sales offer).
tion. It raises the white flag on lawsuits and the asso- It’s important to continue to support candidates
ciated bleeding of millions of taxpayer dollars spent Those who live on the island, in larger homes, who aren’t pawns of special interest groups who fear
defending against electric utility related grievances would have paid even more. that progress will destroy our culture, but instead sup-
in Indian River County. port ones who are advocates for limited government
But four thousand dollars over 6 years isn’t small and private industry solutions while simultaneously
It allows Vero to finally close the last chapter on the change. It’s a real amount that matters to real people. maintaining the culture that brought us all here.
big blue boondoggle that has defined every recent Excellent customer service and maintenance at a
local election cycle. Vero Beach has more important lower cost sounds good to me. The last time this deal was close to completion,
issues to focus on like saving our lagoon, fixing park- “Dead Deal” City Council members publicly claimed
ing issues, parks, “condo creep,” Dodgertown, and the Let’s assume for a minute that Vero didn’t receive to favor getting out of the electric business, but prac-
proper vision and planning that maintains our local one penny in cash from this deal. Assume we only get ticed the policy of “deflect, deny, and delay.” They
culture. our obligations to the FMPA and OUC paid off and could do it again.
our bondholders made whole. Assume we gave our
Reviewing the offer, the letter of intent offers $185 infrastructure away, and just removed the chains of Saying that you are “Pro-sale, Pro-lagoon, Pro-Ve-
million total. That includes $108 million to FMPA, $20 FMPA and OUC. ro” does not automatically make it so. We all remem-
million to OUC, $20 million to pay off Vero’s electric ber past actions, especially when we get our electric
bonds, a $10 million one-time lease payment for the Even that deal would be better for the future of bill each month. The voters have spoken twice in
City’s substation property (with the ability to move it Vero Beach. When you add $30 million in unrestrict- referendum that they want this deal done. This deal
to less valuable property), $6+ million for pension li- ed cash, there’s just no way any person who under- is not yet done, but for the first time in years, it’s far
ability cash payments, and $20 million cash. stands finance could oppose this offer (unless their from dead.
motivation is bigger government).
Vero walks away from the deal free and clear of all Pay close attention to this process as it progresses.
of the restrictive encumbrances that have haunted us Accepting this deal lifts the dark cloud that has There will be several votes and approvals. You will
for decades with a pile of cash in reserve to invest in lurked over our community for decades. It will hope- hear the opposition continue to cloak obstruction
our community and lagoon. It frees up a very valu- fully shorten City Council meetings, and repair the under the guise of the public’s best interest. Those
able piece of property for a far better use. reputation our city has for bickering amongst our- messages are meant to confuse voters and they are
selves. This offer does far more than just put us in a the worst kind of political rhetoric.
As customers of FPL, we can look forward to rates
that are 17% lower than what we currently pay, and This is a great time for Vero Beach, and it can only
that is not all. We immediately eliminate the natural get better as we close this Vero Beach Electric deal.
disaster risk for Vero Beach and county ratepayers. It’s a good deal. It does nothing but help Vero Beach.
Let’s make Vero more Vero!
A hurricane that devastated our electric transpor-
tation and distribution infrastructure would cost Val Zudans, MD, is an island resident who serves on
Vero millions of dollars. From a customer service the Vero Beach Planning and Zoning board. He has
standpoint, Florida Power & Light has a 99.98% re- been a practicing ophthalmologist at Florida Eye In-
liability record and emissions standards that are 33 stitute since 2002. His views are his own, and do not
necessarily reflect the views of Vero Beach 32963.
Lab positions include phlebotomists who draw your blood, medical tech-
Last time, we began a three-part series recognizing the many roles and re- nologists, cytotechnologists and histotechnicians who prepare specimens
sponsibilities of hospital employees. We covered physicians, physician as- of blood and tissue under a microscope looking for abnormalities. Some
sistants (PAs), advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNPs) and nurses. hospitals also provide a blood bank where blood is stored and cross-
matched for transfusions. All laboratory staff reports to the director of
Today we continue with additional information about nurses and highlight pathology (a physician).
other medical professionals whose work is to save and improve lives.
NURSES (continued)
Most patient care navigators specialize in helping cancer, cardiac or
In a typical hospital, one-third of employees are nurses. They provide orthopedic patients navigate the healthcare system. From diagnosis
direct patient care staffing: critical care units, ORs, recovery rooms, through treatment, they provide ongoing support and assistance. Naviga-
emergency rooms, catheterization labs, cardiac rehab centers, cancer tors help access needed care and coordinate follow-up tests, treatments
centers, radiation therapy centers; on patient floors specializing in heart, and support. Many patient navigators have nursing backgrounds.
orthopedic, cancer, general medical and surgical patients; and in doctors’
offices and outpatient centers. Some work as hospital executives, quality PHARMACISTS
improvement managers, educators, healthcare recruiters, legal specialists
and in other administrative capacities. The role of the pharmacist in a hospital is different than in a retail store.
Hospital pharmacists work in a multidisciplinary environment with
EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS (EMTs) nurses, dietitians, respiratory therapists, and physicians. Besides mixing
and handling oral and injectable medications, pharmacists are consulted
Often employed by ambulance services, governments, hospitals, fire de- on parenteral nutrition (nutrition administered through an IV) and anti-
partments and police departments, EMTs record vital signs; treat burns, coagulants, monitor antibiotic usage, and adjust medications based on
cuts and fractured bones; deal with respiratory emergencies, cardiac ar- renal (kidney) function.
rest and diabetic shock; and perform CPR. Those with additional training
administer fluids intravenously, give medications and intubate patients. THERAPISTS
Paramedics, the highest ranking EMTs, receive advanced training to read
EKGs, use defibrillators, and access equipment and medications other- In charge of the Rapid Response Team that’s paged overhead when a pa-
wise reserved for use in hospital emergency rooms. tient is at risk for or has stopped breathing, the Respiratory Therapy de-
partment provides breathing therapies for medical and surgical patients.
IMAGING TECHS Other types of therapists working in a hospital or outpatient setting
include radiation, physical, speech, occupational and hand therapists.
Working under the supervision of radiologists (doctors), imaging techni-
cians and technologists perform screenings (mammograms for example), Stay tuned. Next time we’ll conclude with behind-the-scenes depart-
diagnostic testing (X-rays, CT scans, MRIs and nuclear medicine exams) ments that are just as dedicated, valuable and appreciated.
and assist radiologists who perform minimally invasive procedures.
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
welcome. Email us at [email protected].
© 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
46 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
This wedding plus-one conundrum doesn’t add up
BY CAROLYN HAX ma stays in its dressing room oblivious to all the fuss.
Washington Post Yet you’ve presented this as Drama. As something
Dear Carolyn, that isn’t silly and that you can’t just figure out –
and that’s my problem with your “standing firm.”
I am getting married this It should never have mushroomed into a standing-
firm standoff kind of event.
July. My fiance and I at some
So, why did it?
point told my younger sister she This: “My parents and fiance already have a some-
what rocky relationship and this is threatening to
would get a plus-one. She said make it worse.”
Assuming my between-line reading skills are suf-
she was going to bring her best ficiently sharp, your fiance is digging in, in part if not
entirely based on resentment of your parents. Or sis-
friend from college, and I cau- ter. Or both. And your parents are pushing back hard.
Yes, no, close enough?
tioned her at the time that she If so, then you need to stop treating this as a “My
knucklehead sister invited her bestie!” problem and
might want to wait in case she gets a serious boy- see it for what it is: a power struggle between your
family of origin and family of choice. One that’s tak-
friend between then and the wedding. en a turn for the petty.
A bigger problem still is that you’re not calling it
Now my sister is in a serious relationship, and my what is: You’re neither agreeing with your fiance and
telling your parents to back off – not with convic-
parents are pressuring my fiance and me to allow her tion – nor agreeing with your parents and telling
your fiance to back off. Instead you’re peacekeeping
to bring both the boyfriend and her best friend, say- – backing your fiance because it’s harder not to and
asking me if that’s right.
ing I might regret not inviting him if my sister and It’s not, because “right” is about peace of mind:
Consult your values and gut, do what those say, then
her boyfriend get married. take the heat for it.
Easier said than done, but easier done than
My parents and fiance already have a somewhat dodged.
rocky relationship and this is threatening to make it
worse. Am I wrong for standing firm and saying she Especially since your parents could cover the cost,
given how invested they are.
needs to still bring just one?
Of course, for the best friend not to just say, “Hey,
– C. bring Boyfriend in my place, I totally understand” also
is silly. Unless there are airfares involved, I suppose.
Dear ‘C.’,
Probably, but not for the reason you might think. That I’m now four contingencies into an analysis
A guest with a plus-one-plus-one is silly. of one extra guest to a wedding is making the college
But, the idea that a sister qualifies as merely a degree I earned to qualify for this job feel silly.
guest is silly, too.
And the idea that you’d either disinvite the best The thing about silly expectations and silly conces-
friend or exclude the serious boyfriend (just be- sions and silly rule-following, though, is that it’s all so
cause you don’t, what, want one extra plate?) is silly. easy to fix. You add a guest, someone bows out, some-
one chips in extra – meaning, you figure it out and Dra-
Vitamin can
help prevent
colitis flare-ups
48 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘D’-fense! Vitamin can help prevent colitis flare-ups
BY MARIA CANFIELD Dr. Gregory MacKay. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE having a significant impact on their doctor recommending a supplement,
Correspondent quality of life. UC is believed to result as there aren’t many foods which have
flamed, causes symptoms including from an interplay between environ- enough vitamin D to make a differ-
A new study led by researchers from abdominal pain, fever, weight loss and mental and genetic factors that affect ence.
Boston’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medi- fatigue. It’s an often miserable condi- the body’s immune system.
cal Center has concluded that lower tion for its 700,000 American sufferers, Dr. MacKay says that people with
levels of vitamin D in the blood in- Dr. Gregory MacKay, a gastroenterol- UC or Crohn’s disease (another type
crease the risk of flare-ups in patients ogist associated with the Indian River of inflammatory bowel disorder) are
with ulcerative colitis. The study was Medical Center, says ulcerative colitis at a higher risk for a vitamin D defi-
published in the February 2017 issue of is a very complex condition, and is not ciency, and he will often suggest they
the journal Clinical Gastroenterology well understood. “We’re learning more take a supplement of 800 milligrams a
and Hepatology. all of the time. We do believe an imbal- day. (While patients should check with
ance in the immune system is the pri- their doctor or pharmacist, that level is
Through blood tests and biopsies, the mary culprit. This imbalance might re- generally considered very safe.)
researchers took “baseline” measure- sult in the gut bacteria – the good kind
ments of study participants’ vitamin D – being attacked, when the immune In other advice for UC sufferers, Dr.
levels and levels of inflammation while system should be ignoring it.” MacKay says, “It’s important to main-
they were in remission (not having a tain a balanced diet, with fruits, veg-
flare-up). The researchers then fol- The minimum level of blood vitamin etables and a good source of protein.
lowed the participants for 12 months, D found to protect against UC flare-ups And unnecessary antibiotics should
and compared data from those who is at least 35 nanograms per milliliter be avoided, as those drugs disrupt the
remained well and those who experi- (ng/mL). Patients with UC should be good bacteria in our gut.”
enced flare-ups. The researchers found closely monitored for levels of vitamin
that people who had higher vitamin D as part of their maintenance therapy; It’s also known that stress can affect
D levels when their disease was in re- deficiencies will likely result in their the immune system, so reducing stress
mission were less likely to experience a levels to whatever degree possible can
flare-up in the future. be helpful: Getting plenty of high-
quality sleep, exercising regularly, and
UC, a type of inflammatory bowel meditating and engaging in breathing
disorder in which the innermost lin- exercises are other protective factors.
ing of the large intestine becomes in-
There are a number of medications
designed to treat UC – including anti-
inflammatory drugs such as cortico-
steroids, immune system suppressors,
and biologics – medications derived
from living organisms rather than
chemicals. Dr. McKay says it’s criti-
cal that patients are diligent in taking
their prescribed medication. “We can
get the condition under control for the
vast majority of patients,” he says, “and
improve their quality of life.”
He adds that additional studies are
needed to clarify the cause-and-effect
connection between vitamin D levels
and UC flare-ups.
Dr. MacKay’s practice is in the IRMC
Health and Wellness Center, located at
3450 11th Court, Suite 206. The office
phone number is 772-299-3511.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 49
Team effort: Patient-safety push working at IRMC
BY TOM LLOYD another patient, the system automat- nient for patients, it might be fair to ton issue with Grichnik.
ically defaults to the charge nurse or ask what it has to do with safety. “We view falls as a preventable is-
Staff Writer the manager, so … [the patient’s call]
will never be ignored.” Grichnik jumps in to explain. sue,” Grichnik says, “and we analyze
Hospitals are among the most When nature calls, she points out, every single fall. Every. Single. Fall.
watched and regulated entities in The system also tracks each indi- some patients – who should not be That is a part of a rapid cycle im-
the country. Dozens of federal, state vidual call’s response times, which getting out of bed on their own for provement program that I think we
and local agencies are involved in may well help foster new ways of any reason – will very often try any- really started in January.”
hospital regulation and oversight. meeting and exceeding the hospi- way and statistics show that far too
tals goals and drive future improve- many of them will immediately fall Meanwhile, borrowing from the
Together they poke, prod and oth- ments and innovations. and very possibly injure themselves. best in the business, Grichnik adds
erwise examine every aspect of ev- Patient falls are clearly a hot-but- that IRMC is now using the Johns
ery hospital’s day-to-day operations While all that is certainly conve-
including the broad topic of patient CONTINUED ON PAGE 50
Almost all those various agencies
then rate or rank each hospital based
on their findings.
That is just fine with Dr. Kather-
ine Grichnik, who took over as chief
medical officer for the Indian River
Medical Center in January, and reg-
istered nurse Barbara Sills, a 24-year
veteran of the Vero healthcare facili-
ty who serves as nursing administra-
tive supervisor for the hospital.
In April 2016, before she took the
IRMC post, Becker’s Hospital Review
named Grichnik “one of 50 top ex-
perts in the field of patient safety,”
and in her first interview in Vero in
January, Grichnik said her “absolute
passion is the culture of safety.”
Now that her new team – and team-
work is a recurring theme in almost
all of Grichnik’s comments – has had
some time together, Grichnik and
Sills sat down to talk about some
of the ways they help keep patients
safer than ever during an IRMC hos-
pital stay.
New safety measures include an
impressive “nurse call” system, pro-
cedures to prevent patient falls, a
medication management program
and infection prevention.
This nurse call system, says Sills,
“is new to us” and she calls it both
“patient and staff-friendly.”
“Most of our patients,” Sills con-
tinues, “have the ability to differen-
tiate their needs. Is it pain or is it a
need to go to the bathroom or just a
straw for their tea?”
This system, she says, allows the
patient to ask for what they want or
need just by pressing a button with
easy-to-see images on it.
As Sills explains, “If I’m a patient
having some pain and I would like my
nurse to give me some pain medica-
tion, I would press for the nurse and
it would ring through to the nurse’s
phone. If the patient in, say, room 326
is calling for pain medications, the
system is set to say that to the nurse –
and he or she would see that their pa-
tient needed pain medication.
“And if, say, my nurse is busy with
50 Vero Beach 32963 / May 18, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Registered nurses Barbara Sills and Crystal
Golightly with Dr. Katherine Grichnik.
Hopkins fall-risk safety score. Every Grichnik, though she does admit
patient is scored on it almost as soon “there are never 100-percent error-
as they come into the hospital. free guarantees in anything.”
“We’ve also developed [another] As far as infections are concerned,
program,” Grichnik adds. “Should the chief medical officer adds, “We
the patient’s fall risk get to a certain have also had a huge focus since the
level, my office, the supervisor’s of- beginning of the year to help prevent
fice and housekeeping all get a no- infections” in the first place.
tification saying, ‘Room 425 needs a
lowboy bed.’” Something seems to be working.
In April, IRMC received an “A” rat-
The lowboys are much closer to the ing for patient safety from the non-
ground and padding can be provided profit Leapfrog hospital safety study.
around it on the floor to further re- But with other – and some say tough-
duce any injury risk from a fall. er – rankings coming up, Grichnik,
Sills and their IRMC team are work-
Medication errors and infections ing to set new and even higher stan-
also pose problems for every hospital dards for the Vero hospital.
in the country and Grichnik’s team is With a chief medical officer at the
tackling both those issues head-on. helm whose “absolute passion is
the culture of safety,” that probably
“Our [computerized] medication shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.
reconciliation system leaves very,
very little chance for error,” boasts