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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-10-18 23:43:07

10/19/2017 ISSUE 42


New charter schools blocked
from coming here. P10
Volunteers form
‘United’ front. P22
Driver gets 11 years for

fatal Jungle Trail crash. P8

For breaking news visit

A toast to a visionary: Hulk of old power plant becomes stunning brewery

BY MICHELLE GENZ Huge old diesel-powered generator, which once produced electricity for Vero, is now backdrop to American Icon bar. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD ernous 12,000-square-foot
Staff Writer brick shell is now a stun-
ningly designed dining and
The raising of pints to drinking destination on
Michael Rechter as Ameri- eastbound S.R. 60, the main
can Icon Brewery opened downtown thoroughfare.
for business this week in
Vero’s historic old diesel It was Rechter who two
power plant is a testament years ago signed on to
to the ambitious Fort Lau- build out the hulking red
derdale developer who brick structure that for 90
calls Vero his second home. years has been a hallmark
of Vero beach’s downtown
Rechter’s grand-scale vi- and for the last 30, a blem-
sion, his good taste and ish on its revival. Built in
his pockets, deep enough 1926 as Vero’s first munici-
to fund the $6 million redo pal building, it was added
with cash, have powered a to the National Register
project that could prove to of Historic Places in 1999,
be as transformative to the even though its only oc-
Vero downtown as the ad- cupants were hoards of pi-
dition of two luxury hotels geons in its rafters.
was to the beachside busi-
ness district in 2008. It took Rechter, whose be-
lief in Vero commercial real
The once-decrepit cav-

U.S. Civil Rights Vero doctor accused of big-time drug trafficking City Council set to
Office opens probe take up electric sale
of school district BY BETH WALTON contract on Tuesday
Staff Writer

Staff Writer doctor was behind bars this Staff Writer
week days after federal agents
The U.S. Department of Ed- filed a complaint detailing Dr. Johnny Benjamin, surgeon at Vero’s Pro Spine Center. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD The Vero Beach City Coun-
ucation’s Office for Civil Rights his alleged involvement in a cil is set to meet in special ses-
has opened an investigation cross-country counterfeit drug sion Tuesday morning to con-
into whether the Indian River trafficking operation they say sider the much-anticipated
County School District dis- led to the overdose death of a contract for the full sale of the
criminated against black stu- Palm Beach woman. Vero electric system to Florida
dents, acting on a complaint Power & Light.
filed more than two years ago. Dr. Johnny Benjamin Jr.,
51, was due in court on Fri- Both city officials and FPL
The federal agency, which is day, Oct. 20. His bond was said Monday that the docu-


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© 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


American Icon Brewery opens traffic through downtown galleries, southwest corner of the building. The two others put before the city, one for
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 shops and restaurants. huge engine is the lone remaining gen- an artisan distillery, and the other for
erator of five that once produced the an arts center.
estate has done much to revitalize a siz- That economic shot-in-the-arm electricity for the town of Vero Beach.
able chunk of Vero’s U.S. 1 corridor, to started Tuesday, when one of 17 taps Of the three, only Rechter’s included
see the potential in the historic down- in the shape of the torch on the Statue Rechter first toured the plant a de- an option to assume all issues of diesel
town – and have the wherewithal to of Liberty was pulled for American cade ago, just as he began buying up contamination, problems he believes
fund such an undertaking by himself. Icon’s first paid-for pint. The taps are commercial buildings in Vero Beach. are at the brink of clearing up after
ingeniously tucked into the face of When it finally became available for recent tests showed the chemical con-
As Rechter’s brewery bubbled to life a huge decades-old diesel-powered purchase from the city last year, disen- taminants had dissipated. (Three such
this week, the hopes for downtown generator that now serves as the back- tangled from a nasty lawsuit that arose tests are required before the property
were soaring again. drop for the bar. after a failed development attempt, gets the all-clear.)
Rechter scrambled.
With a capacity for several thou- Gutted, scrubbed and painted red Rechter bought the property for
sand guests each month and a seven- and black – its historic colors – the He put together an impressive pro- $500,000 in June 2016. Multiple archi-
day-a-week staff of 80, the brewery generator has been fitted with un- posal for the brewery, which he then tects were involved in the design for
could spew out much-needed foot derground pipes running from seven viewed as a $1.6 million project. His the brewery. The interior was left to
30-barrel fermentation tanks at the proposal was far more detailed than Asheville, N.C.-based Alchemy Design
Studio. Rechter chose the firm’s owner,
Traci Kearns, for her work with Ashe-
ville’s nationally-known Wicked Weed
Brewery. It was Rechter’s favorite of the
dozens he visited across the country.

Kearns, who has worked in Finland
and Asia, created a clean-lined, in-
dustrial-themed design for the plant.
It leaves the towering century-old red
brick walls exposed, with interior walls
painted in carbon gray or faced with
overlapping shards of wood. Two walls
are papered in a blow-up of a vintage
aerial photograph, overlaid with his-
toric images of the plant’s interior.

The re-do includes a spectacular
mezzanine seating area, bordered by
a steel railing and open to the brewery
area’s gleaming stainless tanks below. A
dumb-waiter will carry food and drinks
to upstairs patrons, including those us-
ing a 25-seat private meeting room fit-
ted with audio-visual equipment.

To access the second level, guests
can climb a dramatic steel staircase il-
luminated by a huge light fixture cus-
tom made by an Asheville artisan. Or
for a bird’s-eye view of downtown, they
can ride a north-facing glass elevator.

Just beyond the elevator is a mer-
chandise room, with American Icon-
branded T-shirts, hats, and other mer-
chandise, a reminder that the plant is
expected to draw plenty of tourists.

At the same time, the form and func-
tion of the diesel plant makeover re-
mains true to small-town Vero: infor-
mal and multi-generational, accessible
to blue-collar and blue blooded alike.

Three brews were ready for the soft
open Tuesday; by the weekend there
should be five, including a porter.
Within a few months, all 18 beers will
flow at $5 to $7 a pint, along with af-
fordable wine by the glass. The menu
offers amped-up bar food like maple-
sambal duck wings, Vietnamese pho,
and short-rib sliders.

The food component is being man-
aged by Ken Dodd, food and beverage
manager of Rechter’s Integra Hospi-
tality, which owns Vero Bowl and Stix
Billiard Club in Majestic Plaza. Rechter
owns that plaza as well as Indian River
Plaza next door.

While the sound system, stylish de-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 3


sign and menu will doubtless expand closure of the sale, so we want to get it out the detail of the $185 million of- commitment to remove all electric
the cool factor of the downtown res- right," he said. fer by FPL to purchase the entirety of utility infrastructure from the river-
taurant scene, Rechter will quickly re- the Vero electric system and its 34,000 front and to construct a state-of-the-
mind you that American Icon’s focus is Indian River Shores Town Manager customers. art, storm-hardened substation diag-
the beer. Locally he will compete with Robbie Stable also said that the way onally on a portion of what's known
Walking Tree Brewery near the airport; the delay was explained to Mayor Brian The document is expected to con- as the Old Postal Annex property on
Sailfish Brewery in Fort Pierce, and to a Barefoot when he was invited to attend sist of two parts, with a long list of defi- the southwest corner of 17th Street
lesser degree, the small Orchid Island the Oct. 24 meeting, "This will only nitions of terms used throughout. and Indian River Boulevard.
Brewing on the beach. But Rechter’s make the contract more ironclad."
goal is much broader – he hopes his The initial, main section would Rounding out the document would
brand will go statewide, at minimum. The contract, which FPL says will mirror FPL's letter of intent, includ-
contain "no surprises," formally spells ing recent changes reflecting FPL's CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
For that, he hired Alex Postelnek, for-
mer lead brewer at Fort Lauderdale’s Exclusively John’s Island
Funky Buddha Brewery, often counted
among the top in Florida. Postelnek, Affording maximum privacy is this beautifully renovated 4BR/3.5BA retreat
who has been living in Vero since Au- sited on .35± acres. Enjoy sparkling pool and Lake Reams views throughout
gust, advised Rechter on everything this 5,402± GSF home complete with custom millwork, classic architecture
from layout and equipment to the “ri- and ample natural light. The gourmet island kitchen adjoins the dining area and
diculously expensive” chemical-resis- family room with vaulted ceiling. Features include a living room with fireplace,
tant floor tiles in the brewing area. luxurious master suite with office and a new spa-like master bathroom,
handsome den, spacious guest bedrooms and lush tropical landscaping.
Overseeing the beer-making and 295 Coconut Palm Road : $2,750,000
recipes is Jesse Robles, former head
brewer at Florida Beer Company, a very
large contract beer operation in Cape
Canaveral. Both Postelnek and Robles
trained at Siebel Institute in Chicago.

The seven fermentation tanks and
15-barrel brewhouse leave room for
a canning or bottling line down the
road. In the meantime, the new-
ly poured loading dock will allow
trucks to load kegs of beer to deliver
to Rechter’s American Icon Fort Lau-
derdale location – a gastropub with
liquor license but no brewing facili-
ties – opening soon.

As Rechter gave a tour of the Vero
brewery bustling with last-minute
preparations, he was interrupted by a
team of fire inspectors. “Congratula-
tions,” called out one in the team of
men passing through the beer room
wide-eyed. “You passed.” 

Vero electric contract

ment would be ready for review by three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
council members in their agenda pack- health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
ets prior to the special call meeting.
772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
The council review of the contract
was originally scheduled to have tak-
en place this past Tuesday, but a last-
minute addition to the contract forced
the one-week delay. Vero City Manag-
er Jim O'Connor said that in the wake
of Hurricane Irma and the subsequent
no-name storm that flooded coastal
areas, language was added to the con-
tract to clarify procedures and respon-
sibilities of FPL and the city while the
contract is pending.

"Just working through the last-min-
ute details such as if a storm hits within
60 days of closing or issues like this and
definitions of terms," O'Connor said.

FPL declined to elaborate on the
need for the revisions. But O'Connor
put a positive spin on the delay. "We
feel this is actually going to bring us

4 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Vero electric contract Another $108 million will go to Jack Latvala, who recently declared OUC had wanted to invoke a higher
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 the Florida Municipal Power Agency his candidacy for Governor. $50 million penalty also contained in
to compensate the remaining co-op the contract, but FPL in a side deal put
be numerous exhibits, potentially hun- members for any additional long- Latvala has spoken out harshly forth financial inducements tempting
dreds of pages of legal detail spelling term risk arising out of Vero's exit against the FMPA and, where May- enough to get OUC to agree to accept
out the engineering, regulatory, finan- from the organization's wholesale field lacks the political clout to push the lower penalty. This big save in Au-
cial and operational logistics of turning power projects. her failed bills through the legislature gust by FPL allowed the deal to move
over the system and its records from in Tallahassee, Latvala’s bite matches forward without costly mediation and
municipal ownership to the enormous When Vero signed on with FMPA, his bark. litigation.
investor-owned utility. the city pledged its good credit as
well as its utility revenues in perpetu- Shortly after last November’s elec- FPL has also agreed to offer em-
In anticipation of construction of ity as collateral for some the agency’s tion ushered in Mayor Laura Moss ployment to all qualified Vero electric
the new substation, all work on de- financial obligations and the massive and Councilman Lange, who joined employees who seek jobs with the
commissioning Vero's Big Blue power bond debt it floated to purchase and with Vice Mayor Harry Howle to form company during the transition period.
plant ceased over the summer. FPL maintain its power generation hold- a 3-to-2 pro-sale majority on the City There are still some union squabbles
will lease the facility from the city until ings. Council, the FMPA’s newly minted to be worked out with that arrange-
the new substation is operational and CEO Jacob Williams visited Vero. ment, according to Teamsters leaders
connections can be made to power FMPA’s recalcitrance in negotiating who represent Vero’s workers, as FPL
down all the equipment on the plant a workable exit for Vero was one of Despite just arriving from the Mid- employees belong to a different union.
site. Then FPL will complete the dis- the main factors that stymied a sale west, Williams was able to read Flori- Some express concern that good-pay-
mantling process at its own cost. over the past eight years. da politics well enough to know it was ing technical jobs that match Vero’s
time to broker a deal and solve the generous salaries may not be available
If everything shakes out as planned, But consecutive years of lobby- FMPA’s Vero problem. on the Treasure Coast, necessitating
the electric sale is projected to leave ing by hired guns paid with county the uprooting of families.
Vero Beach taxpayers with $30 mil- tax dollars, plus increasing efforts to Moss and O’Connor have fostered
lion in cash after all current obliga- regulate and scrutinize the FMPA’s a good working relationship with Wil- But on the flip-side, the sale will end
tions are settled. Contract provisions operations and fiscal practices, com- liams and his upper echelon of attor- the flagging morale which city officials
would also relieve Vero of its pension bined with a scathing state audit and neys and advisors who, once sworn say has plagued the utility since sale
liabilities for electric utility workers hearings in Tallahassee combined to enemies, have said they will work efforts began in earnest in 2011, mak-
going forward. help bring FMPA to the table. diligently on the Vero sale as long as ing it tough to hire good workers.
they’re not distracted fending off as-
Out of the sale proceeds, Vero will The effort to “let Vero go” reached saults from Tallahassee. Once approved by the Vero Beach
place enough funds in escrow for critical mass in 2016 when, through City Council, the sale and purchase
principal, interest and fees to defease connections with state Senator Deb- On top of that massive six-figure agreement must also be reviewed
its outstanding $24 million in tax-free bie Mayfield, Vero and Indian River payoff to the FMPA, Vero will pay $20 and signed-off on by the Florida Pub-
utility bonds once they are callable. Shores electric customers made an million in penalties to Orlando Utili- lic Service Commission, the Federal
influential friend in powerhouse for- ties Commission to end its bulk pow- Energy Regulatory Commission and
mer lobbyist and Republican Senator er contract with OUC more than five
years early.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 5


the North American Electric Reliabil- ecution of new membership pacts, there be a delay, some of the financial will move ahead with a Plan B – a
ity Corporation. sans Vero. goalposts of the deal may need to be partial purchase of the Indian River
recalculated. Shores portion of the Vero utility for
In addition, the 19 stakeholder FPL and city officials hope all of an agreed-upon price of $30 million
member cities of the FMPA must vote this can be accomplished in time for Most controversial provision in for just less than 9 percent of Vero’s
unanimously to allow Vero to exit the a closing somewhere between Octo- the contract provides that should customer base. 
co-op, which will necessitate the ex- ber and December of 2018. Should the deal implode and not close, FPL



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6 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Vero doctor arrested Among other things, prosecutors code words for marijuana and oxyco- “Believe me, I’ll tell them, they will
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 allege that on Oct. 5, Benjamin, un- done. They arranged a pick up on a re- be happy to hear that actually,” the
der the surveillance of the DEA, pur- corded line. The surgeon allegedly said doctor allegedly responded. “But, once
set at $820,000. The Pro Spine Cen- chased thousands of fake oxycodone he wanted five racks, or 5,000 pills, to again, that’s the reason we’re running
ter surgeon is a registered controlled pills laced with fentanyl with the in- start. it the way we’re running it. Because at
substance prescriber in Indian River tent to distribute the drugs up north. some point someone is going to have
County and holds staff privileges at Fentanyl is a powerful, addictive nar- According to the complaint, Ben- a problem, someone is going to do
the Indian River Medical Center, ac- cotic. Misuse and over prescription of jamin said he “could get a bunch of something stupid and when it does it
cording to the Department of Health. the drug has become a serious prob- them gone in ‘New York’ and ‘Philly’ needs to be so (expletive) far away …
lem in the United States, resulting in where no one could connect the dots,” There is no way it can ever come back.”
Benjamin was arrested by Indian thousands of deaths. court documents allege. The price of
River County Sheriff’s Office deputies the pills was to be $4 apiece. The next day agents followed Ben-
late last week at his island home after In court filings, federal agents paint jamin to the Melbourne airport where
federal agents claimed he had threat- a picture of Benjamin that starkly Federal agents then watched as he was caught as he was going through
ened one of their confidential infor- counters the surgeon’s reputation in Benjamin met with the informant be- security with several bottles of pills
mants and stole his cellphone during the Vero Beach community. hind the Pro Spine Center Oct. 5 for a and a ticket to Philadelphia. Benjamin
a heated exchange in his office. transfer of the pills. The doctor took told officials he needed them for his
Their Oct. 13 complaint describes a brown paper bag and put it in the neck cancer.
Agents with the U.S. Drug Enforce- a physician selling and attempting trunk of his Mercedes, they say.
ment Agency have been investigating to manufacture counterfeit drugs for When airport police asked for a
Benjamin, and the informant – who profit with little regard for human life The two then moved their conversa- prescription, Benjamin allegedly re-
had a recording device – was at his of- or the law. tion inside the doctor’s office. There, turned to his office and wrote himself
fice undercover. Benjamin allegedly advised the CI not a script, the complaint notes. But air-
The filing begins with a confidential to sell locally and to use others to pick port security declined to return the
Benjamin was initially charged with informant (CI) telling Benjamin that it up the drugs. Benjamin, the complaint medication, saying that while the doc-
strong armed robbery and theft for was the doctor’s pills that led to a Sept. says, told the informant he would be tor was away, they did an investigation
snatching the phone. But prosecutor 1, 2016, overdose death of a middle- delivering the counterfeit pills to peo- and didn’t believe the drugs were used
Ryan Butler of the State Attorney’s Of- aged Palm Beach woman. ple in the northeast. to treat cancer.
fice also filed paperwork charging the
doctor with drug trafficking, and the According to the complaint, Benja- Later, the CI warned the doctor the The informant and the DEA set up a
DEA has since assumed responsibility min responded “that she was just an- pills were no good. According to the final undercover meeting with Benjamin
for the case. other ‘page in a large stack,’ and did complaint, he said that some people at his office last week, but according to
not seem too concerned about the ended up in the hospital after taking the federal complaint, something went
The doctor could face life in prison death.” them. The informant wanted to make wrong with the audio recording device.
on the federal drug charges. sure Benjamin told his customers to
Later, the two talked about Benjamin proceed with caution. Benjamin typed on his computer
purchasing some “trees” and “blues,”

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 7


that he had been stopped by airport Benjamin began researching syn- monitoring of Benjamin if he is able to tional programs, according to budget
police, and wanted to know if the in- thetic opioids at his spine clinic office post bond. She also ordered random documents.
formant was responsible, according to in 2016, the informant told investiga- drug testing and prohibited the physi-
court records. tors. He was interested in manufactur- cian from prescribing medication.  Warrior said she filed the complaint
ing pills himself, and the two reportedly in June 2015, “because, at the time,
The informant told investigators purchased a pill press machine in 2013. Probe of school district the desegregation order seemed dead
that the doctor threatened him with CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 in the water, yet the issues addressed
a throat-slitting gesture before saying Customs and Border Patrol data in it – and by this time, other issues –
“to not run and hide because they will from last year show that Marsha Ben- responsible for ensuring equal access continued to plague students in our
just come after you, your mom, your jamin received from China “parts and to education, finally decided to take the school district. I was not a member of
sister and your kids.” chemicals typically utilized to service case in September. It is seeking to de- the NAACP at the time and therefore
a pill press machine and facilitate the termine whether the local School Dis- had no standing in regard to the de-
He then took the informant’s cell- manufacturing of counterfeit pills,” trict violated Title VI of the Civil Rights segregation order.”
phone and hid it inside a jar of pea- the federal complaint notes. Act of 1964, which prohibits schools
nuts. The informant left the office and from discriminating on the basis of The Indian River County School
was able to safely return to the custo- Records from Sanilac County, Michi- race, color or national origin, OCR At- Board has been under a court order
dy of the DEA. gan, show Benjamin also was con- torney Scott Sausser said in a letter. to desegregate its schools since 1968.
nected to an October 2016 incident in- The order was amended in 1994, lay-
Later that day, deputies went to volving the alleged felonious delivery The complainant, Dr. Jacqueline ing out eight areas for improvement.
Benjamin’s home on Painted Bunting and manufacturing of marijuana and Warrior, is currently local-branch The School Board recently petitioned
Lane and arrested the doctor, claiming maintaining a drug house. That case NAACP education chairperson. the U.S. District Court in Miami to lift
he stole a cellphone using the threat of was moved to circuit court and the re- court oversight of three areas, claim-
force or intimidation. cords are now suppressed. If the investigation determines ing African-American non-teaching
the School District was discriminat- and teaching staff ratios are sufficient
Benjamin denied knowing anything Vero Beach defense attorney An- ing against black students, follow-up and that building facilities have been
about the phone or any of the other drew Metcalf took on Benjamin’s case steps range from a “transition plan” to equalized for black and white students.
charges subsequently filed. Friday. He declined to comment about correct discriminatory practices to a
allegations facing his client, but said cut off of federal funding. The local NAACP was named the
The federal complaint also alleges he has known the doctor for 20 years. plaintiff or representative of African-
Benjamin received counterfeit drugs The local School District will receive American school-district parents, staff
from overseas in the mail and was test- “He has been a pillar of our commu- about $24 million in federal funding and students in the 1994 amended or-
ing product by sending urine samples nity and has an impeccable reputa- this year, about half related to food der. It is fighting the School District’s
to Selecta Laboratories in Miami. tion. We’re going to defend him vigor- programs and the other half to educa- claims, seeking to keep the desegrega-
ously,” Metcalf said. tion order in force in its entirety and
Subpoenaed laboratory records show
Benjamin requested three urinalysis Circuit Court Judge Cynthia Cox CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
reports – all of which returned positive signed an order Oct. 12 requiring G.P.S.
traces of fentanyl.

8 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Probe of school district hostile environment,” Sausser added. conversations with the complainant,” il Rights letter sent to the district, they
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 Warrior’s complaint alleges that the an OCR spokesperson said. “Addition- state that this is a neutral ‘fact finding’
ally, OCR has long possessed the tools investigation. Isn’t this what we all want
asking the District Court to strengthen hostile environment is district-wide. of compliance reviews and directed – facts versus personal opinion? Under
oversight and monitoring. Although the investigation is nar- investigations for the purpose of pro- the current climate there is a great deal
rowed to one incident, the OCR may actively looking into and addressing of mistrust with how things are being
In September, the Office of Civil conclude there is a wider discrimina- broad, systemic compliance issues.” handled; so for me, a neutral third-party
Rights dismissed half of Warrior’s tion problem. investigation is very welcome.”
complaints which were also covered Superintendent Mark Rendell and
in the desegregation order, and then “OCR applies a ‘systemic’ approach four of the five school board members The School District declined to
narrowed the remaining two. OCR At- to investigations where the individual did not respond to a request for com- provide Vero Beach 32963 with cop-
torney Scott Sausser cited the “Case complaint allegations themselves raise ment. ies of the documents requested by
Processing Manual,” which states if systemic or class-wide issues or the the OCR, claiming they are exempt
another federal, state or local civil investigative team determines a sys- School Board Member Laura Zorc until a finding is made. 
rights enforcement agency is looking temic approach is warranted through said, “Reading through the Office of Civ-
into the same issue, the OCR is not ob-
ligated to investigate it. Driver gets 11 years for fatal Jungle Trail crash

The OCR will investigate “Whether BY BETH WALTON sustained in the February 2016 crash wearing a seatbelt and was likely drunk
the district discriminates against Af- Staff Writer – the 24-year-old Melbourne Beach at the time of the crash, she said.
rican-American students on the ba- resident pleaded not guilty to felony
sis of race by punishing [them] more Just minutes after Zackary Hillegass charges of vehicular homicide and The attorney’s pleas for leniency
harshly under discipline policies on was cut from his overturned SUV after vehicular manslaughter while driving didn’t work. It took the jury just one
gang-related activities and symbols,” it crashed on the Jungle Trail, police under the influence. hour to convict Hillegass on all charg-
Sausser said. say he took responsibility for his ac- es related to the crash. Facing a maxi-
tions. Standing on the dirt road sur- The historic road, often used by mum of 15 years behind bars, he was
It will also investigate “whether veying the wreckage, he admitted to island pedestrians, bikers and off- sentenced by Circuit Court Judge Cyn-
the African-American students at the drinking and driving. He said it was all roading enthusiasts for recreation, thia Cox to 11.5 years in prison and 3.5
(Vero Beach High School Freshman his fault. has poorly marked speed limits and years of probation.
Learning Center) were subjected to a is dangerous for motorists, Assistant
racially hostile environment by other But in the courtroom on Oct. 11 Public Defender Dorothy Naumann In addition to some $177,000 in
students following a March 2016 in- – a year and half after his friend and argued on his behalf. court fees and fines, Hillegass’ driver’s
cident involving the dissemination of backseat passenger died from injuries license was permanently suspended.
flyers about the KKK and, if so, wheth- The deceased passenger was not He was ordered to attend alcoholic
er the district failed to respond appro-
priately upon receipt of notice of the


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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 9


support meetings upon his release the side of the road. There had been told the traffic homicide investigator Hillegass, convicted on a felony bur-
and a class for people who drive un- a lot of rain, and a large puddle had that he didn’t remember driving on the glary charge when he was 18-years-
der the influence. He also must com- formed near a sharp corner. Jungle Trail that day, that he suffered a old, was on probation at the time of the
plete 60 hours of community service head injury in the crash and spent two crash. The alcohol found in his system
– some of which must include speak- The driver momentarily slowed and a half days in the hospital. the night of accident amounted to his
ing to high school students about the down before speeding toward the third probation violation, said Assis-
dangers of drunk driving. water, the commercial pilot recalled. He said he doesn’t like to drink and tant State Attorney Michelle McCarter.
“The vehicle sped up so fast that it drive and didn’t think they had been
September Jacobson, the victim’s couldn’t have gone any faster,” he ex- drinking that afternoon. He said he like- He previously failed a drug test and
aunt, cried as she spoke during the plained. “The vehicle drove into the ly had some alcohol the night before. had been in trouble for public intoxi-
sentencing hearing. She showed the puddle to splash us.” cation, she said. “This defendant had
judge photos of her nephew, Donovan The three were traveling to Wabas- many chances,” McCarter told Judge
Clements, and said his death tore her Hillegass declined to testify during so to pick up their friend from work. Cox at sentencing. “He needs to face
family apart. Clements, who was 46 court proceedings, but a recorded in- When he wasn’t ready to leave, they de- the consequences of his actions.”
years old at the time of the crash, was terview between him and White was cided to head back north so Clements
in a coma for nearly two months, she played for the jury. could make it to his job in time. Some- Standing at his public defender’s
said. He never woke up. time that afternoon, they stopped at a side, Hillegass blinked back tears as he
Two months after the crash and just convenience store to buy beer.
Clements also had drinking prob- weeks after his friend’s death, Hillegass CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
lems, but he was on his way to get
help, Jacobson told the judge. “Instead
of going to the treatment center, he
went on a joy ride with his friend.”

“There is not a day that I don’t miss

During the two-day trial, Deputy
Michael Ruiz, then an officer with the
Indian River County Sheriff’s Depart-
ment, said Hillegass admitted wrong-
doing shortly after investigators ar-
rived at the scene. “This is all my fault,
I shouldn’t have been drinking,” he
was overheard saying. “I was driving
the car. Dammit man, (expletive).”

Clements, also of Brevard County,
was trapped in the backseat. Blood
was pouring out of his mouth. Emp-
ty cans of Bud Light, Rolling Rock
and Natural Ice beer were scattered
throughout the car. The scent of alco-
hol was overwhelming.

A third passenger, Matthew Wright,
39, stood shocked nearby. “I can’t be-
lieve this,” authorities say Wright told
investigators at the scene. “He was
driving too fast. I told him not to drive
so fast.”

Wright was not located by the
State’s Attorney’s Office in time to tes-
tify at the trial. Instead, a host of law-
enforcement officers were called to
speak on the state’s behalf.

The three had been barreling down
the winding dirt road at speeds estimat-
ed to be as high as 50 mph, said Florida
Highway Patrol Corporal T.B. White.
The vehicle spun out of control, hit a
tree, and landed, flipped on its side,
near a large, murky puddle.

The speed limit on the Jungle Trail
is 30 mph with a suggested rate of 15
mph on its sharp curves.

The car narrowly missed hitting an
island family enjoying the roadway in
their golf cart. Summerplace resident
Michael Hoover, 45, testified he and
his wife were travelling on the Jungle
Trail with two toddlers, a 5-year-old
girl and a dog when they say they saw
the SUV heading their direction.

The family’s oldest child and their
lab mix had been running alongside
the cart, and the parents quickly got
everyone strapped in and pulled to

10 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


New charter schools blocked from coming here

BY KATHLEEN SLOAN lier had overturned the local School riculum here, would not follow the plications that its proposed schools
Staff Writer Board’s decision to veto Somerset’s federal desegregation order that has would be open to all students in In-
bid to form an elementary and middle been in place here for 50 years, and dian River County, Somerset failed
The School Board, after a two- school here that “replicated” its high- had sketchy financial controls in to sufficiently specify how it would
year legal battle that cost it $50,000, performing dual-language charter place. comply with the requirements of the
has succeeded in blocking Somerset schools in Miami. desegregation order to achieve racial
Academy from setting up two charter “The School Board painstakingly balance reflective of the community
schools in Indian River County. The appellate court, in a 3-0 ruling pointed out how Somerset’s applica- or otherwise offer a viable student and
written by Judge Carole Taylor, found tions patently showed that Somerset’s employee recruitment plan to address
The 4th District Court of Appeals the School District provided convinc- intended budget was financially unre- the federal desegregation order re-
last week unanimously reversed the ing evidence that Somerset would alistic and untenable,” the ruling said. quirements,” the court ruling added.
State Board of Education, which ear- not replicate the dual-language cur-
“Although Somerset stated in its ap- School Board chair Charles Searcy,
one of those who originally voted to
block Somerset, said: “It didn’t make
sense to allow them in. I don’t remem-
ber the details now, but the pieces
didn’t come together. It smelled funny
to me.”

“I researched the school and Som-
erset is very successful,” said School
Board Member Laura Zorc, who was
not on the board when the decision to
appeal was made. “One of their major
strengths is school diversity. We’re sti-
fling school choice when we should be
welcoming them here.”

The School Board originally rejected
Somerset’s application October 2015.
Somerset appealed the decision to the
State Board of Education, which sided
with it in a March 2016 decision. The
School Board the appealed the state
board’s decision to the 4th District in
April 2016, where the case sat for a
year and a half.

In an information request, the School
District said about $50,000 was spent on
legal fees through June 2017. 

Jungle Trail crash

told the judge he was sorry just mo-
ments before his sentencing. He said
he comes from a family of alcoholics,
that he is trying to better himself and
has been attending Alcoholics Anony-
mous in jail.

His attorney said she encouraged the
jury trial. She saw no reason for him
to come to the court with a guilty plea
when there was no offer for a mitigat-
ed sentence. She said the arguments
she made during the trial were not an
indication that Hillegass wasn’t taking
responsibility for what has happened.

Hillegass told the judge that the
pain of killing Clements lives with him
every day. “A piece of me disappeared
when he disappeared and I’m the one
that did it,” he said. “Whatever I get
here I do deserve, but he was a very,
very close friend to me and I really
made a very bad choice and I regret
everything that happened.” 


12 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Vero Heritage’s ‘Evening in Paris’: C’est magnifique!



1. Christianne Barger and Isabel Power. 2. Katherina
3. Tamara Zaharczuk and Todd Darress. 4. Bob
Stanley, Jerusha Stewart, and Dave Juisto. 5. Alex
Soares and Heather Stapleton. 6. Patti Gibbons with
Sue Manganiello. 7. Josh Binafif Sr. and Tanya Darress.


4 BY STEPHANIE LABAFF including vintage Parisian couture be-
Staff Writer fitting a stroll along the Seine.

“I’m always a big promoter and ad-

Guests enjoyed An Evening in Paris vocate for historical buildings and or-

sans the hassle of a transatlantic flight ganizations in Vero,” said Zaharczuk,

at a soiree last Wednesday evening to speaking of how she got involved. “I’m

benefit Vero Heritage Inc., the non- a hopeless romantic and should have

profit that operates and maintains the been born in the 20s.”

Indian River Citrus Museum and the Heather Stapleton, special events co-

Heritage Center, where the event took ordinator for the Heritage Center, said

place. Tamara Zaharczuk, owner of the successful event had surpassed

3 5 The Parisian Hostess, collaborated on their expectations, noting, “We had a
the inaugural affair, which featured full house and more than 20 vendors.

all things Parisian, including can-can We’re looking forward to doing this

dancers, a vintage fashion show and again next year.”

French cuisine. Alex Soares, executive director, said

The historic landmark facility was that in addition to fundraising, the

transformed into “Gay Paree,” com- event was a way to introduce young

plete with an illuminated Eiffel Tower. people to the organization and to

Chandeliers and twinkling festival hopefully create a whole new history of

lights amid draped cloth billowing experiences.

overhead and velvet-covered chairs “We’re a historic building but we

6 with diamond buckles contributed to want to be relevant to the commu-
the ooh-la-la sparkle and set the stage nity,” said Soares. “We have a lot of

for a fête fit for La Ville-Lumière. people who have a lot of history with

Wine glasses in hand, guests wan- this building, but we have future gen-

dered down the Avenue des Champs erations that will also be potential sup-

Elysées, perusing vendors who offered porters. We want to keep the building

a variety of must-have items, from vin- open. We like to say ‘we’re making his-

tage clothing and handcrafted jewelry tory now.’”

to essential oils and scarves. Entertain- As guests began to depart at the end

ment featured a lively performance by of the evening, it was clear that the

Moulin Rouge Dancers from Power Francophile converts had welcomed

Entertainment Productions. After- the opportunity to fully embrace the

ward, Zaharczuk and her Fashionistas Parisian attitude: Mangez bien, riez

blew a flurry of coquettish kisses as souvent, aimez beaucoup! (Eat well,

7 they showcased items from her shop, laugh often, love abundantly.) 

14 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Chris Hatton, Jeff Powers, Karen Davidson and Lori McCloud. Roslyn Barnes with Alicia. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Robin Carroll, Holly McClain, Scott Barlow and Heather Hatton.

‘Float Hope’ kids lap up chance to display swim skills

BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF 13, donned goggles and swim caps the important life-skill. The program learn how to swim since she was 5
Staff Writer before mounting the starting blocks uses competitive swimming as a and was now excited about compet-
for their respective events, compet- stepping stone for youngsters to gain ing in the meet’s 50-yard backstroke
Members of the Treasure Coast ing in freestyle, backstroke, breast- confidence and discipline while also event.
Swim Club, sponsored by the non- stroke and butterfly. teaching them how to win and lose
profit Float Hope of Indian River with dignity. “I’ve learned a lot of strokes that I
County, finally got the chance to dive The organization began working didn’t know before,” shared 10-year-
into action during an inaugural Float in March with participating children “There’s a pocket of children in old Trinity Woolfork, as she waited to
Hope Invitational Swim Meet last at the Fellsmere, Sebastian and Vero the community that just don’t have compete.
Friday evening at the North County Beach Boys and Girls Clubs, later the same opportunities that other
Aquatic Center. adding the Gifford Youth Achieve- kids have,” explained Warren Fuller, “These children have been giv-
ment Center, ‘floating hope’ by gift- Float Hope board member. “In my en the opportunity to learn how to
Spirits were high as more than 70 ing children who would not other- mind, we’re teaching the kids differ- swim. Swimming skills are some-
swimmers, ranging in age from 5 to wise have an opportunity to learn ent things in life. It’s swimming, but thing that will benefit them for a
they also learn discipline and com- lifetime,” said Angelia Perry, GYAC
cibo ~ vino ~ famiglia ~ amici mitment. It’s not about them being executive director. “Swimming rein-
Olympic swimmers; it’s about what forces the notion that hard work and
5 CourEsxepser~ie$nc2e9th~efNroewm 5pm they learn along the way. That hard stick-to-it-ness pay off. A couple of
work produces good results.” weeks ago they didn’t know how to
Entrees swim. They stuck with it and tonight
Jeffrey Powers, Float Hope presi- they get to show those skills off.”
Flounder Picatta • Shrimp Gorgonzola dent, said that a year ago 72 of the 75
Bolognese Lasagna • Veal • Chicken competitors would have sunk to the “Jeff Powers proposed swimming
bottom if they had been put in the as a way for the kids to learn to swim
Liver & Onions • Beef Wellington • Ribs water, adding, “No one could swim a but to also develop organizational
lap and now all of the kids swimming and leadership skills and ultimately
398 21st Street • Miracle Mile tonight will swim at least one lap.” have a sport that will last a lifetime
Dinner Monday through Sunday and perhaps get them into a very
“I wanted to learn how to swim. It good college,” said Elizabeth Thom-
from 5pm was hard and I was scared, but now ason, B&GC executive director. “We
I’m not afraid,” shared 8-year-old Al- have some children, especially the
exa Avelar, who previously couldn’t younger kids, who were so afraid of
swim at all. the water they would cry. And now
you can’t get them out of it. This is a
Another was 12-year-old Ashley gift that could save their life.” 
Box, who said she had wanted to

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 15


Mack Miller and Danielle Dellilo. Allea Freeman and Hannah Osteen.

Jeff Powers and Elizabeth Thomason. Jackie and Vera Smith (rear) with Jahzara Farmer, Brooke Miller and Katie Adams.
and Williomna and Chardonay Lee.

Lizeth Martinez cheers on the swimmers!

Roylisa Ragin wins!

16 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Wildlife of the party at Birding Fest and Art Show

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA organizations are committed to pro- Florida’s wildlife and habitat, with pe- osia and grandmother Mary Hively
Staff Writer tecting and preserving. rennial favorites being the ubiquitous beamed as Doug DeRosia shared that
pelican, storks, roseate spoonbills, since last November his daughter, a
The Pelican Island Preservation Soci- The highlight of the weekend took scrub cattle and marine life. scientific illustrator who also identifies
ety and the Pelican Island Audubon So- place Friday evening at a Mini-Gala fea- and monitors the county’s sea turtle
ciety kicked off the third annual Indian turing the grand debut of a picturesque Vero Beach Mayor Laura Moss, noted nests, had arisen at 5 a.m. every morn-
River Birding Festival and Nature Art mural by artist Deanna DeRosia, and photographer Dr. Ed Smith and Mary ing to accomplish the work.
Show last weekend at Audubon House, gave guests a first peek at the juried Na- Schenkel, Vero Beach 32963 Society
nestled near the Indian River Lagoon in ture Art Show, curated by Debby Avery. Editor, had the difficult job of judging PIAS President Richard Baker, Ph.D.,
a wondrous natural environment that is the show. Top winners: Best of Show, acknowledged the hard-working event
home to many of the flora and fauna the Guests enjoyed beverages and nib- “Early Morning Paddle” by Grace volunteers, giving a special shout-out
bles as they examined and discussed Amore Savage; 2D First Place, “Sailfish to VP Donna Halleran, who appar-
the artists’ diverse interpretations of on the Line” by John Richardi; 3D First ently only knows one speed – full out.
Place, “Roseated Spoonbill” by Lor- Kim Prado and Georgia Irish escorted
rie Goss; and Photography First Place, another indigenous bird, Pelican Pete,
“Twilight Glare” by Valerie Mayton. representing event sponsor Marine
Bank and Trust. Other sponsors were
Introducing DeRosia, Audubon Linus Buick and Walking Tree Brewery.
teacher and photographer Juanita Bak-
er related that she and the young artist PIPS Treasurer Tim Glover said the
worked for months identifying the 70 PIPS/PIAS partnership “worked very
species of the indigenous birds, ani- well, especially because this is National
mals and plants that DeRosia featured Wildlife Refuge Week.”
on the 12’-x-47’ work along the west wall
of the facility’s broad breezeway. The weekend activities included
several birding and photo tours and a
Baker said the fifth-grade classes that Pelican Island cruise. Audubon’s new
visit Audubon House weekly had loved gift shop, the Pelican Nest, will have its
watching the mural come to life, and grand opening 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 28
looked forward to the appearance of – just in time for the holidays.
each new creature.
For more information, visit pelican-
Proud parents Sheryl and Doug DeR- 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 17


Debby Avery and Donna Halleran. Charles Blake and Lorrie Goss. Doug and Sheryl DeRosia.

John and Jean Ricardi. Steffan and Eva Lundberg. Nancy Kicherer with Jeremy and Katheryne Nix.

Mural artist Deanna DeRosia with Richard and Juanita Baker. PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL

Georgia Irish and Judy Orcutt. Nancy Irvin and Tim Glover.

18 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Sebastian River Art Club fetes 80 years of creativity

Mary Rahmig, Judy Burgarella and Edie Dawson. PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL Virginia Paddock and Linda Weeks with Becky and Rick Daza.

BY MARY SCHENKEL After welcoming guests, current offshoot of the Vero Beach Art Club, by the SRAC will offer a free class from 9
Staff Writer president Judy Burgarella paid trib- artists who wished to gather closer to a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 26. Their popular
ute to the late Rosalee Taylor Hume, a home. The club officially became the Little Gems show, featuring miniature
Members and supporters of the Se- founding member and the namesake Sebastian River Art Club in 1972. works of art perfect for holiday gift-
bastian River Art Club gathered last of the club’s scholarship fund. A noted giving, will be held from 3 p.m. to 6
Saturday afternoon at the SRAC Art artist and sculptor, Hume created the “We’re a friendly group of people p.m. Nov. 16, with 100 percent of sales
Center for an 80th Anniversary Cel- iconic Paul Kroegel Statue at River- who like to share our knowledge and benefiting the local food pantry. The
ebration – complete with cake and view Park in Sebastian. our talents with the community,” said Art Center, located on the Sebastian
plenty of goodies, a free raffle of a Burgarella of the roughly 170 mem- City Hall campus, is open Tuesdays,
dozen pieces donated by members, “The founders were maybe about a bers. “We have classes, workshops, art Thursdays and most Saturdays 11 a.m.
and an 80th Anniversary Art Show dozen people who came together and shows, fundraisers; we raise money for to 3 p.m.
of members’ works, which will run they met in each other’s homes,” said the food pantry with our Little Gems.”
through the end of the month. Burgarella. She added that the group For more information visit sebastian-
began meeting in 1937, possibly as an In recognition of October as Na- 
tional Arts and Humanities month,

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Monika Kings and Richard Ramirez.
Bob Burgarella and Jean Archibald.

Dana Herrell and Laurie Scanlon.
Vicky Lada and Judy McNamara.
Donna and Ray Woodall with Claire Tebo.

20 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Pineapple Party gets juices flowing at Hallstrom

BY MARY SCHENKEL Mary Frances Womack, MaryAnne Egan and Pat Kroger. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD month renovation necessitated after
Staff Writer a chunk of plaster in the parlor came
“We love the Hallstrom House and their work, children’s activities and crashing down.
Organizers of the third annu- we love having this event; not liking face painting, a silent auction and
al Pineapple Party at the historic the rain though,” said Womack. pineapple ‘swan’ carving demon- “The challenge was it had to be
Hallstrom Farmstead didn’t let last strations. Jonathan Turner of Jones plastered and we wanted to make
Saturday’s intermittent showers A couple of antique cars graced Turner, the landscape firm that sure it was anchored,” said John
dampen the day as a steady stream the front lawn and tents in the manages the Hallstrom Farmstead Woods. “The original plaster was
of visitors came to view the stately backyard were set up for visitors to and other historic properties, ex- horsehair and we couldn’t do that
home and grounds where Swedish enjoy music by Blue Cypress Blue plained how to grow pineapples and anymore, but there were some tech-
horticulturist Axel Hallstrom estab- Grass and Goin’ Vinyl while chow- gave out ornamental plants. niques that were available that a few
lished his pineapple plantation in ing down on pulled pork and chick- people were aware of. So getting the
1909. Members of the Indian River en. Other tents housed members of The landmark 100-year-old house plaster and the people who knew
County Historical Society have lov- the Vero Beach Art Club displaying reopened Aug. 1 following a six- how to do it was the challenge.”
ingly maintained the home since
1999 when it was bequeathed to Local resident Jerry Ripple was
them by Axel’s daughter, Ruth Hall- up to the challenge and, after they
strom. discovered the ceiling in the dining
room was also beginning to bow,
“Three years ago, a relative of the fixed the ceiling in that room as
Hallstroms in Fort Pierce had some well with, as Woods described it, “a
offshoots of the original pineapple technique that will last us, we hope,
plants and asked if we wanted some for another 100 years.” In addition
of them. So we went down and got to the ceiling, beveled glass to re-
them,” said event coordinator Mary pair a broken window needed to be
Frances Womack, pointing to a bed shipped from England.
of plants that now includes the orig-
inals and newer ones contributed by Hallstrom House is open for tours 1
members. p.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays and the last
Saturday of the month. For more in-
formation, visit 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 21


Laurie Cassidy and Mary Wilcox. MaryJo Park studies the pineapples.

Kelly Thompson and Julie Milliman. Jadelyn Milliman.

Amy and Tim Brooks with children Brody, Skylar and Gunner.

Pam Smith with daughter Savannah. Anna and Dick Lanam.

22 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Volunteers form a ‘United’ front for Day of Caring

BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Gino and Theresa Disisto with children plete their tasks. community with a team of volun-
Staff Writer Dominic and Angelina. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD The school district stepped up teers numbering houses and mail-
boxes on nearly 20 homes, noting,
The United Way of Indian River their involvement this year, with “One lady was sick and she said
County joined forces with more School Superintendent Mark Ren- when the emergency people came
than 1,000 volunteers last Satur- dell and school board member Tif- to pick her up they passed her home
day morning at the annual Day of fany Justice organizing more than because she didn’t have any num-
Caring, raising awareness about 300 students, parents and district bers on the house.”
the needs of the community while employees to take part.
completing more than 70 projects A few streets away, 15-year-old
for fellow residents in need of a “I love that the kids are involved. Vero Beach High School student Ali-
helping hand. The hands-on work It starts when you’re young and you cia Maneiro helped make repairs on
they accomplished will continue to watch your parents and friends who the Old Macedonia Church.
have a positive impact long after the are involved in the community and
last nail was hammered and paint- you see the impact you can make,” “This is my community and I love
brushes were put away. said Katie Kirk, Day of Caring com- this church,” she said. “It’s more
mittee chair. than 100 years old. When people
The morning kicked off with a come out and help it shows me that
breakfast at the Freshman Learn- Teams headed out to erect and people actually care. Everybody
ing Center, where Marine Bank and repair mailboxes, paint, number comes together and tries to help
Trust President/CEO Bill Penney houses and assist with yard work at people in need no matter their na-
announced on behalf of his fellow locations around the county. Some tionality.”
Team Marine co-chairs that the students completed projects at in-
2017-2018 campaign fundraising dividual elementary schools and a “What I love about Day of Caring
goal is $3,040,000. group of about 70 students put to- is that you get to see a whole bunch
gether 1,000 care kits for the home- of different people from different
“This is without a doubt the larg- less, which local law enforcement places in the community coming
est Day of Caring that we’ve ever officers hand out when they en- together and working on different
had,” said Michael Kint, United Way counter folks living on the streets. projects,” said Kirk, summing up
of IRC CEO, as workers left to com- the unity of everyone working for
Joe Idelette made his way up and the common good. 
down several streets in the Gifford

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 23


Caitlin Puppo and Sydney Mihailoff. Rick and Susan Hahn.

Dylan Negvesky, Connor Harrington, Carissa Schroeder and Albie Kirk. Michael Kint and Bill Penney. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 24
Roger and Michelle Dion with children Quinn and Reese.

24 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 23 Will Grimison and Pat Warner.
Percy Perry, Alicia Maneiro, Theresa Baxter and Earl Staley.

Katie Kirk and Bonnie Brown. Rachel Serra and Brianna Finnegan.

Melissa Ogonoski and Margo Lind. Heather Clark and Brooke Flood.

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26 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Bespoken for: Sawyer creates wondrous wall art

BY ELLEN FISCHER ingtonia palms, olive trees and blue suits, then you may wonder when the In Vero, it may prove a good market-
Columnist agapanthus in designing her part of it. term is used to describe hand-painted ing strategy, tapping into her mother’s
She incorporated the pattern of foli- wall décor. broad circle of friends as well as her
Artist Thomasina Sawyer likes to age into her scheme, as well as the re- local fan base.
say that good things happen for her curring figure of a stunning crowned Sawyer laughs and says, “I don’t
“by mistake.” Take, for example, bird known as the hoopoe that visits know if other people use the word Stephanie Keating and her sister
the serendipitous series of events 18 the garden to nest. ‘bespoke’ for it. But my work is very Barbara Keating, Sawyer’s aunt, have
months ago that inspired her hand- tailored to the client’s home.” written a trilogy of historical romance
painted wall covering business, Hat- The set of six wall panels spanning novels that begin and end in Kenya:
field and Keating. 24 feet lead to the home’s salon from its She adds, “I feel there is the same “Blood Sisters,” “A Durable Fire” and
entry hall. They feature stylized foliage, amount of personal integrity in my “In Borrowed Light.”
Sawyer, who visits Vero Beach often birds and bees set against a background custom bespoke wall paneling as there
to see her mother, author Stephanie of golden ochre and taupe. is in my painting or my drawings. It’s Kenya is where the Keating sisters
Keating, was working on a formal gar- all coming from the same place.” where raised, and where Sawyer spent
den design for the owners of a chateau For Sawyer, an autodidact who be- her early childhood.
in the south of France. Her ideas for gan painting more than 30 years ago, Vero Beach comes into this saga
the garden, as well as her charmingly it’s all in a day’s work. because Sawyer, whose parents have Sawyer says that the sisters instilled
rendered watercolor plan for it, in- had a home on the barrier island for in their own children the idea that the
spired her clients to commission Saw- “Doing a garden to me is like doing three decades, found the perfect busi- world was theirs to travel and enjoy.
yer to create a garden-themed decora- a painting. For me they are part of the ness partner here in Alyssa Hatfield
tion inside their home. same thing.” Kantzler, who has a degree in archi- “It works for me,” says Sawyer.
tecture from the University of Florida The latter part of Sawyer’s child-
That’s when her “Golden Series” And so it was that Sawyer, who lives and experience in real estate sales hood was spent in the Seychelles,
happened – by mistake. and works in London and the south and management. Mauritius (where her grandparents
of France (the latter at her extended retired), the British West Indies and
Sawyer painted “a whole bunch of family’s home, where she has a stu- Together, the women created Hat- then Europe, where she went to sec-
samples” envisioning the theme of dio), decided to begin a business in field and Keating. Kantzler acts as the ondary school. “After that, by mistake,
the décor, where it was to be installed, bespoke wall coverings: commis- business’ manager and agent; Sawyer I sort of fell into the fashion business,”
and how much of that space it would sioned works of art on fabric, paper, provides the talent. Sawyer opted to she says.
encompass. The chateau’s Mediter- wood and glass that are installed use her mother’s name because Hat- A summer job at a modeling agency
ranean garden features a collection of semi-permanently on a client’s walls. field and Sawyer sounds “too much in London stretched into a decade-
striking plants – Sawyer used Wash- like the Hatfields and the McCoys,” long career that included three agen-
If you only know the word “bespoke” she says. cies; she managed a division in the
in the context of custom-made men’s

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 27


largest of them. Although Sawyer began painting in
Working in the fashion industry earnest in her 20s to scratch an artistic
itch, her urbane London friends liked
“suited the organized part of my brain her work – figural compositions with
very well,” she says. a touch of the surreal – well enough to
begin buying it. She had her first solo
“But all during that time I was show in Paris at about the same time
painting at home by myself. One week that a gallery in New York took her on.
I’d be at fashion shows in Paris or Mi-
lan and then I’d go home and contin- She continued to exhibit in Europe
ue on my painting.” as well, and enjoyed prestigious art-
ists’ residencies in Spain and India.
Her interest in art began in Kenya, Her African upbringing and her self-
where she “gobbled up” her mother’s taught status, however, made her
collection of art books on everything think of herself as an art world outsid-
from Old Master paintings to Picasso. er. Eventually she tired of the gallery
The glossy pages reflected a culture
quite different from the one she expe- CONTINUED ON PAGE 28
rienced “hanging around in the bush.”


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28 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Coming Up: Riverside is
‘Hank Williams’ country

BY SAMANTHA BAITA to his death. Of the show, Anthony De-
Staff Writer Curtis in Rolling Stone wrote, “I was
genuinely surprised, even stunned, by
1 Although the forceful, clear-eyed and moving
he couldn’t depiction of his life in ‘Hank Williams:
Lost Highway.’” The show runs through
read music, and Nov. 12.

died at only 29,

Hank Williams

is considered

one of the most

significant, in-

fluential Ameri-

can singers and

songwriters of the 20th century. This

Tuesday, the award-winning tribute to Dr. Patrick Hennessey ‘Big Band Favorites.’

the country star, “Hank Williams: Lost

Highway,” opens at Riverside Theatre. 2 “This is going to be one swinging
concert,” promises veteran jazz
Williams’ numerous hits included 35 on

Billboard’s Top 10 Country and West- band leader Dr. Patrick Hennessey.

ern chart, among them “Your Cheatin’ Three decades of Big Band-era hits

Heart,” “Hey, Good Lookin,’” and “I’m will fill the hall as the Space Coast

So Lonesome I Could Cry.” Symphony Jazz Orchestra presents

The Mount Olive, Alabama, native “Big Band Favorites” at the Vero Beach

liked to say, “If a song can’t be written in High School Performing Arts Center

20 minutes, it ain’t worth writing.” His this Sunday at 3 p.m. Many of Central

songs have been covered and become Florida’s top jazz musicians will per-

hits in various genres by many artists, form numbers from legendary band

who consider him an icon and a major leaders Glenn Miller, Benny Good-

influence, including Elvis Presley, Bob man, Artie Shaw, Duke Ellington and

PHOTOS BY: GORDON RADFORD Dylan and the Rolling Stones. Eventu- others, with Stetson University’s Hen-

ally fired from the Grand Ole Opry be- nessey wielding the baton. Jazz vocal-

system, which she calls the “treadmill because it’s that struggle with yourself. cause of his alcohol abuse and unreli- ist Lisa Kelly will perform several Big
of what your CV looks like.” But somehow that goes out the window
when you’re working with a client.” ability, Williams’ short, self-destructive Band favorites. Tickets are $20 in ad-
Today, Sawyer divides her time be-
tween her personal fine-art work and That, she says, “is like a really nice life ended Jan. 1, 1953, when he suffered vance, through the orchestra website
the work she calls applied art: her conversation; I’m not under any pres-
wall décor. sure, other than to come up with heart failure en route to a concert gig. or at Marine Bank & Trust; $25 at the
something stunning.” 
“My personal work is more difficult, “Hank Williams: Lost Highway,” follows door; and free for 18 and under or with

his career from its start on Louisiana student ID. Remember, “It don’t mean

Hayride to the Grand Ole Opry triumphs a thing, if it ain’t got that swing.” 


30 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Breathe easier – there’s new hope for asthma patients

BY TOM LLOYD Dr. Michael A. Layton.
Staff Writer
If you suffer from asthma you are far
from alone.

The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention says upward of 26 million
Americans have this disease and those
numbers appear to be rising rapidly.

Perhaps worse, the CDC admits, “we
don’t know why” those numbers are
climbing so much and so fast.

Dr. Michael A. Layton of Riverside
Pulmonary and Internal Medicine
and the Sebastian River Medical Cen-
ter doesn’t have the answer as to why
asthma cases are becoming more
common. But he does have a new and

Alair Broncial Thermoplasty Catheter.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 31


startlingly effective treatment for those some insurers, bronchial thermoplasty third time we do both upper lobes.” qualify.” In fact, any number of im-
with severe asthma who don’t respond now enjoys both the FDA’s and Medi- Asked why all three sessions aren’t plantable devices may rule someone
well to medication. care’s seal of approval as well as that of out.
most insurance companies. rolled into one, Layton explains, “We
That treatment is called “Bronchial do it over three different procedures Still, for any of those 26 million
Thermoplasty” and it just might be a Bronchial thermoplasty, Layton ex- is because we don’t want somebody to Americans who suffer from asthma
real live, honest-to-goodness lifesaver. plains, is performed in “three differ- have respiratory compromise and end and are finding their corticosteroids
ent procedures and they are normally up having to come [back] into the hos- are not working well enough, a conver-
“We are the first hospital on the three weeks apart. When we do the pital, so we only do part of the lung at sation with their primary care physi-
Treasure Coast to provide this service,” procedure, we are going to apply ther- a time.” cian or an experienced pulmonologist
Layton beams. “There are service cen- mal energy to the airways. Anything like Layton may open more doors – and
ters in Orlando and physicians in Fort that stimulates airways has the poten- Bronchial thermoplasty is not for ev- airways – and lead to a better quality of
Lauderdale and maybe one in Jupiter, tial to cause problems, so we only do eryone. life.
and then as far north as Jacksonville, a part of the lung at any one time. We
but we are the only provider hospi- do about a third the first time,” specifi- “It’s not for children,” Layton freely Dr. Michael A. Layton is with River-
tal” for bronchial thermoplasty on the cally the right lower lung. “The second admits. “It is only approved for patients side Pulmonary and Internal Medicine
Treasure Coast. time we do the left lower lung, and the who are 18 years of age and above. And, at 12920 U.S. 1, Suite A in Sebastian. The
if somebody has a pacemaker or an phone number is 772-388-8322. 
Layton quickly adds, “We’ve been AICD or a nerve stimulator, they don’t
doing this here now for at least three or
four months.” He briefly pauses check-
ing his mental calendar and almost
bashfully admits, “probably a little lon-
ger than that.”

What exactly is bronchial thermo-
plasty, and why is it so exciting?

It’s exciting because, as the Mayo
Clinic reports, “serious asthma attacks
mean you’re likely to need multiple
trips to the emergency room over the
course of your life,” and “a very severe
asthma attack can lead to respiratory
arrest and death.”

The CDC calls asthma a lifelong dis-
ease that can severely limit quality of
life – or even worse – put an end to that

The National Institutes of Health
agrees, calling asthma “a chronic lung
disease that inflames and narrows the
airways.” While prescribed medica-
tions such as corticosteroids can often
relieve that inflammation, they don’t
always work for everyone.

Bronchial thermoplasty is also ex-
citing because of the results it has pro-

According to Layton, “79 percent
of people [nationwide] who have the
procedures done report an increased
quality of life from their asthma.”

Want more numbers? Layton has

“There is an 84 percent reduction
in the need [for patients] to go to the
emergency room” with breathing
problems after undergoing the proce-
dures, explains Layton. And “there is a
66 percent reduction in days lost from
work or the activities of daily life by us-
ing bronchial thermoplasty.”

Even five years after having the pro-
cedures, Layton points out, “there is a
34 percent reduction in severe asthma

How does it manage that?
In a bare-bones description, bron-
chial thermoplasty uses radio frequen-
cy-generated heat, delivered through a
highly specialized bronchoscope and
catheter, to reduce the smooth muscle
mass of the airways inside the lungs.
That, in turn, opens up airways and al-
lows freer, easier breathing.
Once deemed “experimental” by

32 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


How to prepare for an autumn full of healthy eating

BY CASEY SEIDENBERG fall, we are gathered around college time indoors, so getting rid of unwant- heavier meats.
The Washington Post football games, eating bowl after bowl ed items and reducing clutter is a no- 4. Shop at farmers markets to get a
of chili with scoop after scoop of gua- brainer. The spring harvest brings us
My family is a seasonal cliche. This camole on top. bitter greens such as arugula to detox- sense of what is in season. Based on
spring, we went on a spring-cleaning ify our liver from the fats and heavier these seasonal foods, begin taper-
frenzy and scrubbed out our garage, There are scientific reasons for these foods we ate all winter, also making us ing your intake of raw vegetables and
closets and pantry, giving away out- seasonal platitudes, and it is no sur- feel lighter. broadening the variety of root vegeta-
grown items and using up every can prise that during each season nature bles you cook, such as beets, parsnips,
of beans and box of pasta we could. provides us with the foods our bodies As we begin to feel the crisp, cool carrots, butternut squash and sweet
During the summer, we moved on to need for optimal health. air of fall and winter, our bodies start potatoes.
eating corn, tomatoes and watermelon to crave fewer raw salads and more
almost every night. And now that it is In the spring, people generally want cooked, warming foods such as soups, 5. Use a variety of healthy fats such
to feel lighter after the heaviness of stews, meats and avocados. The fall as coconut oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil,
winter weather, sweaters and so much harvest begins with an abundance walnut oil and ghee.
of apples, which are high in fiber and
pectin to help cleanse the intestines 6. Eat whole grains such as brown
and support digestion, specifically the rice, quinoa, millet and barley. They
digestion of fat. are full of dietary fiber for healthy di-
gestion, iron for blood health, B vita-
Ten ways to prepare and eat for the mins for energy and the antioxidant
fall season: vitamin E for cellular health.

1. If you didn’t jump on the spring- 7. Make a homemade, nutritious
cleaning bandwagon, dig through your stock to use in soups, stews and sauces.
pantry and refrigerator and discard ex-
pired items. 8. Add warming spices to your dishes
such as ginger, cinnamon, cumin, car-
2. You will probably use your oven a damom, mustard seed and fennel.
lot more often than you did in the sum-
mer, so clean it. 9. Add wintergreens such as Swiss
chard, collards, kale and spinach to
3. Gather recipes that are more ap- soups, smoothies and pasta dishes.
propriate for fall such as soups, stews,
chilies, curries, root vegetables and 10. Hearten your smoothies by add-
ing almond butter, raw cacao and
hearty greens such as kale. 

34 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



Jalal is an Iraqi telecommunications himself a diplomatic passport from net worth ranges from $1 million to Some take a longer-term view of the
executive with fluent English and a Dominica and tried to claim diplomat- $100 million is growing at 15-20% a potential economic benefits, offering
Harvard degree. His wife is a surgeon. ic immunity on the grounds of being year, he reckons; for them, a few hun- passports to entrepreneurs who will set
Well-off by any standards, they have the island’s permanent representative dred thousand dollars is a bargain for up a local company and create a mini-
always loved to travel, and have a par- to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Or- the perks bestowed by an extra nation- mum number of jobs. The required
ticular fondness for Lake Como in Italy. ganization. He is now in custody in St. ality. investment ranges from upwards of
But their Iraqi citizenship has often Maarten, a tiny Dutch territory in the $10,000 (to become a Thai resident,
caused them visa problems. Caribbean, facing extradition to Italy. Instability is boosting demand: for instance) to more than $10 mil-
more South Africans are looking for lion (fast-track residence in Britain).
So, a few years ago, Jalal (not his real One a meritorious executive look- second passports, for instance, be- In some countries the original invest-
name) and his wife applied to become ing to overcome travel barriers erected cause the number of visa-free desti- ment can be withdrawn after several
nationals of a second country: Anti- with others in mind, the other a want- nations they enjoy with their own has years.
gua. ed man: both are customers of the shrunk under the prickly government
passports-for-cash business. of Jacob Zuma. So is terrorism: citizens Caribbean nations are particularly
After ten months of form-filling and of some rich countries (especially the accommodating. The islands’ colonial
“due diligence” (background checks Christian Kälin, chairman of Henley U.S.) want a different passport when past means that they tend to have wide
and the like), they put several hun- & Partners, a consultancy, estimates travelling or working overseas. visa-free access; their small size means
dred thousand dollars into property that several thousand people spend a that rich countries haven’t felt the need
and a development fund on the Carib- combined $2 billion or more a year on Supply has risen to meet this de- to restrict their citizens’ access; their
bean island, and in return got pass- adding a passport or residence permit mand. Between 30 and 40 countries poverty means they need the cash.
ports which entitle them to visa-free to their collection. The largest sources have active economic-citizenship or
travel to 130 countries, including most of customers are China, Russia and the residence programs, says Kälin, and St. Kitts and Nevis helped pioneer
of Europe. Middle East. another 60 have provisions for one in the business over a decade ago, after
law. the removal of European subsidies
Francesco Corallo went one better Demand is rising fast, says Eric Ma- clobbered its sugar industry. It has
in the Caribbean, for very different jor, who helped pioneer the industry Some demand a straight cash dona- since sold more than 10,000 passports
reasons. An Italian businessman on an while at HSBC, a bank. The number of tion, others investment in government at $250,000 or more a time – a sweet
Interpol most-wanted list, he bought clients from emerging markets whose bonds or the purchase of property.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 35


earner for a pair of islands with 55,000 notably Malta and Cyprus. Cyprus ad- failed to get a program off the ground particularly in micro-states, where
people. vertises “EU citizenship within a few a few years ago, Montenegro – which oversight of officials running schemes
months,” with all the perks, including could join the EU by 2022 – has just is typically flimsy.
Neighboring Dominica pumps Europe-wide health care, and with no relaunched it. St. Lucia recently joined
out passports at an estimated rate requirement to live on the island or the fray, offering a passport and visa- St. Kitts is trying to regain credibility.
of around 2,000 a year for as little as pass history or language-proficiency free travel in return for various invest- Under international pressure, the gov-
$100,000 a time. Vince Henderson, tests. The tax benefits are alluring, ment opportunities. ernment recalled thousands of pass-
Dominica’s U.N. ambassador, de- too. The price is fairly steep: 2 million ports and issued new, more detailed
scribed the scheme as a “lifeline” after Euros, to be invested in securities or But the industry is troubled by its ones that made it harder to conceal the
the island was hit by Tropical Storm property. The program explains why “optics.” Iranian sanctions-busters holder’s identity. That drastic action
Erika in 2015. In 2017, $148 million of so many Russian- and Chinese-owned have been caught with St Kitts pass- was prompted by Canada’s decision
the country’s budget of $340 million villas are popping up across the island. ports in their pockets; Jho Low, a sus- to rescind visa-free travel for Kittitians
will be raised by the citizenship-by- pect in the huge corruption scandal and Nevisians (it has since withdrawn
investment program. Malta is cheaper: at least 650,000 around a Malaysian fund, had one too, the privilege from Antigua, too). Keen
euros, with another 25,000 euros per say American investigators. to show it is changing its ways, St. Kitts
Antigua’s prime minister has said its spouse or child. But it is also more rig- hired an international risk-manage-
passports-for-cash program helped orous. The vetting process takes a year “Processing more than a few hun- ment firm to audit its program.
it avoid defaulting on its debt. Pacific or more, and around a third of applica- dred a year in such small, resource-
islands are also touting for business tions are said to be rejected. A single constrained countries is sure to result Small-island schemes are not alone
in the hope of patching up weather- contribution can exceed what the av- in slippage in terms of who you ac- in attracting the wrong sort of head-
beaten public finances. Vanuatu even erage Maltese pays in income tax over cept,” says a consultant familiar with lines. Rich countries tend to offer resi-
throws in goodies with its passports, a lifetime. The government has ap- the Dominica program. dency instead of (or as a first step to)
including a free shell company and a proved more than 1,400 applications. citizenship. The largest of those, Amer-
bank account. The program limit (in theory) is 1,800. The OECD has identified citizen- ica’s EB-5 program, has a checkered
ship-for-sale schemes as a possible history. It gives several thousand for-
The industry’s biggest leap forward Around half a dozen other countries loophole in the fight against interna- eigners a year the right to live and work
was the entry into the game in recent are looking to get in on the act. Having tional tax evasion. Anti-corruption
years of European Union countries, officials worry they may foster graft, STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 38

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38 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


in the country if they invest $1 million ference is increasingly one of degree,” rights attached. These days it is part The most energetic and eloquent
– or half as much in a “targeted” high- says Jason Sharman, a professor of of the business of serving “high net- proponent of this line of argument is
unemployment zone – and create at international relations at Cambridge worth individuals.” Dimitry Kochenov, a constitutional-
least ten jobs. University: since the global finan- law expert at Groningen University
cial crisis, half of all OECD countries Providers range from international who works closely with Kälin’s firm,
Several projects have been exposed have started selling some sort of visa, consultancies such as Henley, Kälin’s for instance on a global quality-of-citi-
as frauds. The use of EB-5 by Jared residency or citizenship permit. In company, to banks with big private- zenship index. A tousle-haired Russian
Kushner, President Donald Trump’s Britain, the more the investor shells wealth operations, including UBS as known for his quick wit, bow ties and
son-in-law, to lure Chinese investors out (up to a maximum of 10 million well as HSBC. More recent entrants garish trousers. Kochenov is a “rock
into his family’s development proj- pounds), the faster the track. include big accounting firms, such as star” of the citizenship-by-investment
ects has also tainted the program. KPMG and BDO, and law firms. world, says Stéphanie Laulhé Shaelou,
Some senators want it scrapped. Con- As the passport industry has grown, a fellow academic.
gress is due to decide soon whether it has gone upmarket. It used to be As it goes upmarket, the industry is
to extend it. dominated by small firms hawking rebranding and euphemizing. In 2014 At a recent IMC conference in Ge-
their wares through classified ads in some of the big firms formed a trade neva, Kochenov’s zeal was unmistak-
Rich countries are keen to draw a business magazines or developers association, the Investment Migration able as he chaired the opening ses-
sharp line between themselves and selling beach houses with residence Council (IMC), which holds events and sion. “We are piercing tiny holes in
overt citizenship-sellers, but “the dif- publishes weighty reports designed to the fences erected by nation states,”
increase credibility in the eyes of regu- he proclaimed. “Our industry’s simple
Ryan and Melissa Weaver, Agency Owners lators and the media. goal is to re-unite the world, and we
should be proud to profit from it…We
Ryan Weaver Insurance Inc. is a locally owned It insists it is not in the “passports help people cross barriers and contrib-
and operated independent agency. Located in the for sale” business, but in “CBI” (for ute to the societies of their choice.”
CenterState Bank Building, just off of Miracle Mile “citizenship-by-investment”) or, even
and across from Classic Car Wash in Vero Beach. more legitimate-sounding, “investor The citizenship brokers contend
migration.” Consultants talk of “facili- that hostility towards flogging pass-
tating global talent mobility.” ports is born of reflex nationalism;
some people just can’t abide the con-
Some of the rebranding effort has cept of global citizenship.
gone into developing an intellectual
justification for selling passports. Kä- Buying a short cut to citizenship,
lin argues that ideas about what forms they argue, is no different to splashing
the basis of citizenship have constant- out for speedy boarding or a first-class
ly evolved. To view it as being purely bed on a plane – and more socially
about ius soli (“right of the soil”, ie, for useful, since it shovels cash towards
those born in the territory) or ius san- poor countries. Why shouldn’t a pass-
guinis (a blood link) is outdated. port be just another commodity, if
neither the government issuing it
Kristin Surak, a migration specialist nor those already carrying it have no
at the School of Oriental and African problem with that?
Studies, University of London, notes
that the European Union Observatory But the complex sentiments
on Democracy’s citizenship database about nationality are currently mak-
lists 27 grounds for acquiring citizen- ing themselves felt through tighter
ship. Why shouldn’t ius pecuniae be regulation. The European Commis-
among them? It has been in the past: sion says it will look more closely at
German and Italian merchants who passport-selling. It blessed the Mal-
contributed to empire-building were tese and Cypriot schemes, but with
granted British citizenship in the 18th reservations. Malta won approval

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 39


after promising to ensure applicants to be discreet, for instance by keeping For the industry, though, the pros- a wider trend in our favor.” He’s prob-
would be forced to establish a “genu- their other passport in a safe-deposit pects are good. Kochenov is encour- ably right.
ine connection” with the island. box in Hong Kong – the Chinese are aged by the spread in Europe, the Gulf
big buyers of most schemes. They and elsewhere of “inter-citizenship”, When there is trouble in the world,
Tighter regulation also is hitting snap up around 80% of America’s where citizenship of one country al- there will be demand for extra pass-
Chinese demand. Although China EB-5 permits. Demand for these is lows free movement across a larger ports; where there is strain on govern-
does not allow its citizens second said to be softening. bloc. Kälin reckons that “we’re part of ment finances, there will be supply. Nei-
passports – those who buy them have ther looks like it’s about to dry up. 

40 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



Think the sale of Vero Electric to ofVero Electric actually becomes a done A local insurance agent, Howle does to cast a bullet vote for Harry Howle.
Florida Power & Light is a done deal? deal is to preserve the current 3-to-2 not need a City Council seat in lieu of Casting a vote strategically for only one
pro-sale majority on the City Council. a job or a hobby. He serves to make a council candidate maximizes the like-
Well, we’d sure like to hope so, but difference, and to make sure the city is lihood of Howle being re-elected.
we are more inclined to ascribe to one That means re-electing Harry Howle. well-run.
of those legendary Yogi Berra apho- Howle has been, and we expect will For voters philosophically opposed
risms -- “It ain’t over until it’s over.” continue to be, rock solid on the electric As strongly as we recommend Howle to voting for just one candidate when
sale issue. He understands the impor- for re-election, we warn voters not they are entitled to vote for two, our
The city’s attorneys and FPL’s legal tance of getting Vero out of the electric to vote for former mayor Jay Kramer. hope is that Winger’s seat is filled by
team are running late in getting a for- business. He is acutely aware that the When holding office, Kramer did ev- a person with substantial financial
mal contract, for the sale of the entire rate disparity hurts the city’s 34,000 cus- erything in his power to undermine knowledge and the background to
electric system at an agreed-upon price tomers to the tune of nearly $20 million attempts by Vero to divest its electric help shepherd Vero through a chal-
of $185 million, to the City Council for per year. utility. He has been out of City Hall lenging transition period when the
its consideration and approval. Howle has shown himself to be a fis- for a year now, and the Vero has gotten city shifts away from its dependence
cal conservative who makes common- along very nicely without him. In seek- on transfers from the electric utility.
With an election coming up, the sense decisions. He conducts himself ing a return to public life, one cannot
clock is ticking, and we are getting in a businesslike manner and general- help but worry he has something else But be cautious if you decide to
more nervous by the hour. ly stays above the petty council squab- mischievous in mind. make a second choice. As Yogi once
bles and personal attacks that have said, “You’ve got to be very careful if
This past year’s Council majority of recently become an embarrassment. We would urge our readers who are you don’t know where you are going,
Mayor Laura Moss, Vice Mayor Harry eligible to vote in the Vero election because you might not get there.” 
Howle and council member Lange
Sykes has done a commendable job in Brightline derailment caused $400K in damage
getting this sale very close to the finish
line, but it now seems increasingly un- Here’s a bit of news that will be report obtained by Vero Beach 32963 opportunities to make the mishap
likely the three will be able to put the fi- highly reassuring to those worried reporter Rusty Carter. public. Less than two weeks after the
nal seal on the deal before election day. about All About Florida high-speed derailment, Florida’s House of Repre-
trains blasting through Vero Beach. Brightline test train 26211 was sentatives held a workshop on high-
Moss and Sykes still have a year to run heading into West Palm Beach’s re- speed passenger rail. Myles Tobin,
on their terms, but on Nov. 7th Howle The Federal Railroad Administra- pair facility following a signaling general counsel for All Aboard Flori-
will be up for re-election. tion has confirmed that one of the compatibility test. As it entered the da, testified during the workshop, but
line’s brand new Brightline locomo- railyard, axles 3 and 4 derailed. made no mention of the derailment.
That puts the Council’s fragile 3-to-2 tives derailed earlier this year in-
pro-sale majority in jeopardy. side the company’s railyard, causing The report notes that the layout Two weeks later, the Florida Sen-
more than $400,000 in damage. of the track “was not ideal” and as a ate’s Transportation Committee held
With six candidates running for result created what it termed a “very a hearing on high speed rail safety
Howle’s seat and the one being vacat- All Aboard Florida, needless to sharp effective track curvature at the legislation. Rusty Roberts, vice presi-
ed by council member Dick Winger, it say, never made the incident public, pod.” It also laid blame on a switch dent of All Aboard Florida, testified
is not impossible that the forces who though it did file a report with the point, which the report said “was and he too was mum on the accident.
for eight years have done their best to Federal Railroad Administration on new with very rough surfaces” that
thwart the sale could wind up back in the day of the accident. Here’s what could create substantial friction. Kind of gives you a warm fuzzy
the majority in less than three weeks. happened, according to a copy of the feeling, doesn’t it. 
All Aboard Florida had several
Particularly worrisome is that some of
the candidates who have been most res-
olute in trying to thwart an electric sale
are on the ballot, pretending the deal is
done and there is no turning back.

Don’t believe them.
The best hope to ensure that the sale

IT’S MEDICARE OPEN ENROLLMENT TIME coverage. In addition to paying your Part B premium as usual, you © 2017 VERO BEACH 32963 MEDIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
may have to pay an extra premium for the plan. Unlike Original
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Medicare’s prescription plan, Part D, is optional. Generally, if you
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WHAT IS MEDICARE ADVANTAGE (PART C)? For more information, go to For free one-
Medicare Advantage plans work like managed care plans, i.e., on-one assistance, go to or call 1-800-
you must use doctors, hospitals and providers that are part of the 963-5337. 
plan’s network. Care is delivered through a health maintenance
organization (HMO) or preferred provider organization (PPO) ap- Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
proved by Medicare. Most plans include Part D prescription drug welcome. Email us at [email protected].

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42 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Would you hire this guy? forward-thinking sketches on geology, his writing is certainly graceful, it is its characters snapshotty, or “frozen.”
The candidate is hopeless with dead- geometry, light, anatomy, astronomy, never needlessly ornate. But make no “I think not,” pipes up Isaacson in an
lines and alternates between undis- biblical history, military strategy, hy- mistake: He knows his stuff, crowd- endearingly rebellious turn. “Look
ciplined meandering and grandiose drodynamics, flight, neuropsychology, sourcing, with extreme diligence, an longer at the picture. It vibrates with
hyperactivity. When he isn’t sketch- ophthalmology and countless other array of art, historical, medical and Leonardo’s understanding that no
ing birds, he’s making fruitless plans topics, his few surviving paintings other experts to arrive at a vigorous, moment is discrete, self-contained,
to reroute rivers, build cities or create wouldn’t be the masterworks that they insightful portrait of the world’s most frozen, delineated, just as no bound-
absurd flying machines. When he does are. Nor would we know so much about famous portraitist. Da Vinci groupies ary in nature is sharply delineated.”
focus on a project, it’s with a febrile in- this peculiar, haunted, wonderful man won’t find startling revelations here. You go, Walter! Don’t let those tweedy
tensity, drawing, say, page after page who was, in so many ways, centuries Isaacson’s purpose is a thorough syn- types push you around.
of triangles or sadistic war machines. ahead of his time. thesis, which he achieves with flair.
More disturbing, he habitually dissects If Leonardo’s life reads like a wide-
corpses – humans, pigs, whatever’s at He comes to life in all his remark- He seems drawn to da Vinci’s own screen epic, that hasn’t escaped Hol-
hand. He’s restless, moving with pro- able brilliance and oddity in Walter reportorial instincts. The artist often lywood’s attention. Paramount has
teges and hangers-on from one town Isaacson’s ambitious new biography, carried a notebook tied to his belt for bought the rights for a movie adapta-
to another, leaving contractual agree- “Leonardo da Vinci.” Isaacson’s pre- his observational sketches as well as tion of Isaacson’s book with Leonardo
ments unfulfilled. vious biographical subjects include his questions, lists, fantasies and jokes. DiCaprio playing his namesake. Here is
A risky prospect at best, this mercu- Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein He moved easily among not just artists Machiavelli (oh, please let it be Joaquin
rial Leonardo from Vinci. and Steve Jobs – restless, driven men and musicians (he played the lyre and Phoenix), lip muscles of his own in full
Then again, he did create arguably who, like Leonardo, had bisected per- the flute) but scientists, doctors and enigmatic, conniving overtime, work-
the two most iconic works of art in sonalities: one half solitary pioneer, engineers, peppering them with ques- ing his connections with Cesare Borgia
Western history: the Last Supper and the other half inspirational team tions and sometimes collaborating and Leonardo. Here’s Francis I, king of
the Mona Lisa. His drawing of Vitru- leader. For all of them, the unifying with them. France (Russell Crowe or Hugh Jack-
vian Man is the classic representa- element was an insatiable, lifelong ap- man?), finally offering to the artist in
tion of the Renaissance spirit. And if it petite for knowledge. Isaacson, ever seeking the human his final years the no-strings-attached
weren’t for those thousands of pages of aspects of the icons he studies, sieves patronage he’s always sought, and cra-
Tinkering and touching up his work off as much gelatinous mystique as he dling Leonardo’s gray-bearded head as
for years upon years, Leonardo took can from the obscuring label of “ge- he expires. Or not. But it’s a good story,
quality over quantity to an extreme. nius.” Charmingly, he ends his book and Ingres couldn’t resist it in his paint-
He hauled the Mona Lisa around with with worthy lessons to be learned from ing the Death of Leonardo.
him, sometimes strapped to a mule, for Leonardo. Among these are “be curi-
14 years, adding a minute speck of new ous, relentlessly curious,” “seek knowl- Where the historical record is a little
paint here or there until the 30-some edge for its own sake,” “start with the scant, the imagination kicks in – and
layers of brush strokes over a special details,” “go down the rabbit holes.” Leonardo wouldn’t have had it any
lead white undercoat on wood vanished Not listed, but surely helpful, would other way. Enjoying his own reportorial
into that spookily three-dimensional be “possess a one-in-a-billion innate sfumato, Isaacson writes: “As always
visage with eyes that follow and a sup- visual talent” that early on astonished with Leonardo, in his art and in his life,
pressed smile that teases and taunts. Verrocchio, the Florentine artist with in his birthplace and now even in his
Leonardo’s obsessive dissections of lip whom Leonardo apprenticed. Isaac- death, there is a veil of mystery. … As he
muscles were key, as were his studies of son’s vote of confidence in the rest of us knew, the outlines of reality are inevita-
the eye, to his virtuoso sfumato, a tech- is uplifting all the same. bly blurry, leaving a hint of uncertainty
nique of working shades and colors into that we should embrace.” 
one another to form indistinct bound- It’s fun when Isaacson occasionally
aries that feel psychologically subtle discovers that despite or because of LEONARDO DA VINCI
and alive. his research, he’s got some opinions By Walter Isaacson
of his own, thank you very much. The
In “Leonardo da Vinci,” Isaacson’s esteemed art historian Kenneth Clark, Simon & Schuster. 624 pp. $35
approach, true to his background, is for instance, although finding the Review by Alexander C. Kafka
fundamentally journalistic. No intel- Last Supper “the keystone of Europe-
lectual peacocking for him, and though an art,” considered the movement of The Washington Post


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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 43


St. Edward’s seniors Paul Siegl, Anirudh Mysore, Trey Meadows and Anthony Chiarenza. PHOTO BY: GORDON RADFORD

St. Edward’s golfers drive into districts on a roll

BY RON HOLUB strong performance at the district tour- Seniors Meadows, Mysore and Chi- Meadows and Chiarenza. Mysore went
Correspondent nament opener this past Tuesday in arenza and sophomore Battista have one round better and said his favorite
Hobe Sound. been on the team for Mohr’s entire moment was his season-best 76 - good
The boys on St. Ed’s varsity golf team three-year coaching tenure. Sopho- for 8th place overall at regionals.
wisely picked the final match of the “This is a culminating year for a lot more Ryan Niederpruem is a second-
regular season to play what head coach of our boys,” Mohr said. “Four of the six year varsity golfer; senior Paul Siegl is a Siegl joined the group this year and
Scott Mohr said was their best golf of the guys on the team are seniors. It’s won- newcomer to the team this year. said the chance to play some golf and
season. It couldn’t have come at a better derful to see them grow up, so to say. have fun with the guys was all he
time as Senior Night was celebrated at They are really embracing leadership “The seniors were eighth-graders in could ask for.
Bent Pine Golf Club after the match. roles and they are looking forward to my first year teaching at St. Edward’s,”
the next steps in their education and Mohr said. “So I’ve been with these “Meadows, Chiarenza and Mysore
Anirudh Mysore shot a 36, GP Battis- their lives. guys for my entire five years at the are my team captains this year,” Mohr
ta 38, and Trey Meadows and Anthony school. These are the first kids I taught told us.
Chiarenza identical 39s in the Pirates “This is my third year coaching and and dealt with extensively. I know the
victory over John Carroll. The timely four have been with me all three years. students in this grade better than any “They are three very different stu-
excellence hopefully foreshadowed a It’s been a great group of kids to work other. I’m so thankful for every minute dents and different athletes, but they
with. I’ve been really fortunate.” that I’ve had with them.” all have a passion for golf. They show it
in different ways, but it brings us all to-
The seniors shared some of their gether. They have been such great lead-
thoughts as they prepared for the ers for me and the team.”
John Carroll match. Meadows plans
to play Division 1 golf at McNeese The season-long 18-hole individual
State University and major in busi- averages were Meadows 76, Mysore
ness or journalism. Chiarenza says 78, Chiarenza 79, Battista 85, Nieder-
he will major in business and minor pruem 85 and Siegl 89. This team has
in marketing at the University of Ten- already shown in convincing fashion
nessee. Mysore and Siegl remain un- that a regional repeat is possible. That
decided on exactly where they will means more lasting memories are
focus on a business curriculum. still out there for the taking. Standing
in the way are the usual suspects in
The team made it to the regional the form of Pine School, the district
tournament last year and that feat pro- tournament host school, and always-
vided the most outstanding high school pesky Benjamin.
golf memories to date for Meadows,
Chiarenza and Mysore. Slipping past “With the district playoffs upon us
nemesis Benjamin in the district tour- it’s unbelievable how the season flew
nament to make regionals was cited by by between the storms and weather,”
Mohr said. “But we are in great shape
and looking forward to competing.” 

44 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Bonz makes 3 new amigos: Dylan, Sadie and Coco

Momma’s knitting Dogs For Life. I love
was the Last Straw.
Hi Dog Buddies! They decided to get Sadie, Coco, and Dylan Beebe. helping humans,
me my very own so every Saturday
This week I had the best time yap- puppy so I wouldn’t PHOTO GORDON RADFORD me an Momma visit
ping with three labs, Dylan, 9; Sadie be alone. So they people at The Bren-
Mae, 7; and Coco, 5. They came in got me a baby sister,
an assortment of Official Lab Colors: Sadie, a liddle fluff- nity.”
Dylan, black; Sadie, golden; an Coco, ball from a ken-
chocolate (of course). Right from the nel called Siever’s “What’s that?”
first Wag-and-Sniff, it was a total Retrievers. I loved
woof, wag an slurp fest. bein’ a Big Brother. “It’s an assisted liv-
I took care of her
Dylan introduced his sisters an his and taught her ing an memory care
Momma Laurie Beebe, an explained pooch stuff. An I
his daddy Andy was at work. stopped chewin’ place, Momma says.
stuff up!”
“So, who’s the Spokespooch?” I We say hello to the
asked. “Pawsome!” I said.
Dylan and Coco started wrestlin’, residents, an I give ’em
“ME!” said Dylan. an Sadie said, “Dylan’s The Best Big
“ME!” said Sadie. Brother but, a couple years after I got liddle nose bumps an
“ME!” said Coco. here, I started thinkin’ it’d be fun to
“Let’s just play it by our ears,” I sug- have a liddle puppy around to play a few slurps (real soft
gested. “You’re oldest, right, Dylan? with an take care of, so Momma an
“Yup. Momma an Daddy got me Daddy got me one. They saw an ad for an polite). They talk to
when I was a pupster. We were livin’ Coco in the paper, an when we saw her
up near St. LOO-is. It was way fun. in the fur, we knew she was IT!” me an give me pats. It
Daddy took this cool pickshur of my Dylan and Coco were pullin’ on ei-
whole litter, all 14 of us inna row, and ther end of a toy bone, rolling around makes ’em happy, an
it won a CONtest and got put on the an play-grrrrin’.
cover of the Orvis CATTA-log!” “That is one tough toy,” I observed. in it makes me happy too,
His Momma showed us the pickshur. “True,” said Sadie. “Dylan’s 85 the snow,” said Sa- cuz I can help Others.
It was Totally Cool Kibbles! pounds; Coco’s 65; an I’m 75. We’re die. “When we moved here, we missed I get recertified every
“It gets real cold up there,” Dylan real strong. Momma an Daddy hafta the snow a lot, ’til we saw the pool! year.”
continued. “We played in the snow, get us special toys. They’re rated to Dylan and Coco are in it every day. “Woof, Miss Sadie, that’s Really Im-
an I watched a lotta ‘Animal Planet’ show how much playin’ it takes to rip Dylan even used it for THER-uppy portant Work!”
on TV. There was one little problem, ’em to bits. Our yellow bone’s lasted when he had hip surgery. I myself pre- “I think so, too. But it’s not like a
though. Whenever Momma an Daddy an entire year. That’s amazin’! Hey, fer Yoga, the Downward Dog in par- Service Dog. I can’t go in stores an
went out an I hadda stay home, I got Dylan,” she called, “show Bonzo our ticular.” She demonstrated. restaurants. But it’s still an Important
Separation Anxiety: that’s when you yellow bone.” Contribution.”
get Really Upset an think your hu- Dylan trotted off an returned carry- “We also go on walks. We have Heading home, I was thinking about
mans are Never Coming Back, so you ing a bone-shaped toy with a big ring our own color-coordinated collars Dylan an Sadie an Coco having a ball,
start chewing stuff. Mostly everything on each end, well-munched but intact. an leashes, an we use Gentle Lead- playing an hangin’ out together. Made
you can reach. “Cool Dog Biscuits!” I said, as Coco ers across our noses, so we won’t me think it might be pretty fun to have
“Finally, Momma an Daddy got grabbed one end, an she an Dylan pull Momma over on her caboose. a puppy of my own to play with. Sha-
tired of havin’ to fix stuff and replace continued ruff-housin’. “Whaddya do We have designated positions, Dylan rin’ MY toys. Eatin’ MY kibbles. Slee-
stuff and sweep stuff off the floor. for exercise?” an Coco on the left, me on the right. pin’ in MY fluffy bed. Getting pats an
I think the time when I discovered “Up North we’d go on hikes, an play Dylan HASTA be farthest left. If any- tummy rubs from MY Mom an Grand-
one tries to walk on his left, forged- pa an Grandma.
daboudit! We sometimes walk with On second thought. Nah.
our neighbors Bailey Zangre, a Ger-

man Shepherd, and Lenny Zangre, a The Bonz
Black Lab.

“An Dylan loves the Animal Chan-

nel.” Their Mom flipped on the TV, an Don’t Be Shy
Dylan immediately started watching.
When a buncha kittens came on, he
rushed up to the screen and started We are always looking for pets
barkin’ like mad. The kittens didn’t with interesting stories.
pay any attention. To set up an interview, email
[email protected].
“An guess what?” Sadie said. “I’m a
trained Therapy Dog, took classes at

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 45


Here is one of Jeff Foxworthy’s redneck jokes: “If you think the last four words of the WEST 10 EAST
national anthem are ‘Gentlemen, start your engines,’ you might be a redneck.” K 10 J 10 6 9763
Q8653 876 942
When you are a bridge declarer, you try to play smoothly and make your contract. Like a 98743 AQ
race car driver, you try to steer around bumps in the road. A SOUTH Q432
In this week’s deal, which bump should South avoid in three no-trump after winning the AKJ7
first trick with dummy’s heart 10? K52
K J 10 9 5
In the auction, after North opened with a weak two-bid, South sensibly used the
artificial two-no-trump inquiry. He planned to pass if partner rebid three spades to Dealer: North; Vulnerable: North-South
show a minimum. Here, though, North replied with three no-trump. In the old days, this
guaranteed a suit headed by the ace-king-queen. However, as that happened so rarely, The Bidding:
nowadays this rebid indicates a maximum with a suit headed by at least the ace-queen-
jack. (Note that four spades fails if East leads a club, West shifts to a diamond and SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
West gets a club ruff.) 2 NT Pass 2 Spades Pass
3 NT All Pass LEAD:
South understandably wanted to score four club tricks, but just in case the break was 5 Hearts
bad, he carefully covered dummy’s six with his jack. West now made a very sneaky play
— she shifted to the spade 10!

South never believed West could be underleading the king, so he won with dummy’s
ace and successfully ran the club eight, underscoring his key play at trick two. Declarer
took another club finesse, then cashed his remaining winners in that suit and hearts.
Finally, he led the heart jack and was lucky that he had to score his diamond king.

46 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



1 Late (7) 1 Beginnings (7)
5 Inexpensive (5) 2 Expel (5)
8 Thoughts (5) 3 Be worth of (7)
9 Inundation (7) 4 Snare (6)
10 Global (13) 5 Short-legged dog (5)
11 Clandestine (6) 6 Everlasting (7)
13 Pill (6) 7 Flower part (5)
17 Hedonistic (4-9) 12 Gather (7)
20 Alluring beauty (7) 14 Minor illness (7)
21 Alike (5) 15 Completely (7)
22 Paces (5) 16 Cherished (6)
23 Indecisive (7) 17 Indications (5)
18 Heroes (5)
19 Avoid (5)

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 47


ACROSS 82 Prize founder 4 Greek crosses Little Red Hen’s The Washington Post
86 Stuck 5 Shearing plea
1 “Oh no,” to Ohm 88 Chamber effect 77 Maine, the ___ SUBLILMINAL CHESS By Merl Reagle
4 Darjeeling break 90 Afros and candidate Tree State
11 Arena feature, 6 Fuel finale 78 Organic BRADLEY H. REINER, DMD
beehives 7 Pins-and-needles compound (or
often 93 Agenda heading “unaccompanied” HAGEN V. HASTINGS, DMD
15 “Alas!” 94 “Whether ’tis ___ feeling backwards)
19 Refuges from sun 8 ___ instant 79 Popular Jewish Family, Cosmetic & Laser Dentistry
...” soap opera? (6) Caring Dentistry for the Entire Family
or rain (4) 95 Radio-TV jargon (pronto) 83 Too thin
21 Birth of a notion 9 Merged film co. 84 Competitive zeal
22 Gusto (8) 10 Language ending 85 Bird or birdbrain
23 It’s up in lights (5) 98 Exile isle 11 Individual 87 Bridge coup
24 Ishtar tried to 99 Proposition vote 89 Bird’s or baby’s
101 Cameo style numbers sound
seduce him (4) 102 Chinese concept 12 Head Norse? 91 Porosis preceder
26 They have bad 103 Japanese lettuce, 13 Velvet Fog’s first 92 Palindromic
habits perhaps name 95 Brave, clean, and
27 A new 104 Problem child? 14 1969 moon lander reverent grp.
106 Earvin’s nickname 15 Emerald City 96 Roman 111
homophone? 108 Champagne 97 Mary and
28 Timing abbr. princess Murray’s boss
29 ___ Lena cooler (or a fat rap 16 Letterman’s times 100 Winged giant
star?) 105 Uncut, in a way
(affectionate term 111 Country pops (6) 107 January birthstone
for an old boat) 113 Burma’s first P.M. 17 Actor Davis 109 Certain musical
30 Labor leader 115 Perform without 18 Cultural prefix chord
Eugene ___ 20 Followers of 110 Infant in a
31 Every last bit 117 Operator info: celebrated
33 Go ___ (fight) abbr. “N-O”? surrogate-mother
35 German article 118 Kirlian 25 Plane prefix, case
36 A revived version phenomenon 111 Rotelle, e.g.
of 122 Off the boat formerly 112 Fur company
37 Drove slowly 124 Soc. or league 28 Sum things wrong founder
40 Test of a sort 125 Collegian Bush, 31 Feats on ice 114 Aeries
42 Sashimi lover’s e.g. 32 OPEC member 116 Plains abode
sash 127 Main monk 34 Gambling (4) 119 Lusitania sinker
44 What -ation 128 Open, Closed, or 35 Salon buy 120 Way to go
means Bus. Hours (6) 38 It had Ham in it 121 “... a poem lovely
47 CSA defender 130 With 135 Across, 39 Bit of goo as ___”
48 Aleutian island a British pub 41 Crazy, in a phrase 123 40 Across
50 Pot pie morsel request (9) 43 Brest beast specimens
52 Waffle brand 133 Drink to excess, 44 Early recitation 124 Grimm heavy
55 Roebling feat, old-style 45 Rider’s prop 126 Santa makes one
1869-83 (4) 134 Rent 46 Thousand-pager, 127 ___ Good Men
59 Lamaze has one 135 See 130 Across 129 Debtor’s letters
61 Workers’ ___ 136 War god usually 130 Smaller, as some
(type of insurance) 137 The fat of the 49 Lieutenant on dicts.
62 Saint, in Rio lamb 131 Slangy seagoer
63 “... ___ happy 138 Hurled anew Perry Mason 132 Song-ending
new year” 139 1992 Kentucky 51 Nicola of shout, in Sonora
64 Artist’s colors Derby
65 Typist’s asset winner Lil E. ___ Cremona
67 At General Mills, it 53 ___ the dogs
“stands for DOWN 54 Laudatory lit
goodness” 1 Clear ___ (not 56 Page for polit.
69 Role for Clark
71 Emerg. call clear) cartoons
72 Near-obsession 2 Jurist Salmon or 57 Ora pro ___
77 Cent preceder Samuel (pray for us)
80 Cease, at sea 3 Mt. Sinai, in the 58 Anna Christie
81 Acceptable: slang
Bible star, 1930
60 Singer John
64 Rub the right way
66 Hang loosely
68 Bury
70 Poet Doolittle
73 Africa’s ___ Coast
74 Brewery vessel
75 Capricious
76 Answer to the

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48 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Should addicted daughter be allowed to see her sons?

STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST If I choose to let the boy’s mother back into their B.: The recent arrest isn’t the only sign she’s
lives, there have to be boundaries. Her attitude is not ready to own her actions; any criminal-
Dear Carolyn: My wife and that she’s better (for now) so let’s just forget all the court regular who still blames others for
I adopted our grandsons, 10 crap that’s happened in the past. I can’t tell you “push[ing] her away from her family” has a
and 12, due to our daughter’s how many times we’ve witnessed this cycle. I just few more dots to connect.
long history of drug addic- don’t want to continue to bear witness to a life less
tion and arrests spanning lived. Advice? So you have great reasons not to want to
over 13 years. She is again bear further witness, or “forget all the crap,”
working and has set up house – B. or trust your daughter with much of anything.
with another man. She wants
to regain visits with the boys, To be fair, your daughter has great reasons
but I am resisting getting of her own to want to see her kids.
back into the cycle of visits on a lot of different
levels. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to choose
She states that we’ve pushed her away from who gets the last word: You’re adults, so your
her family, but less than three months ago, she reasons and hers are secondary.
got pulled over for speeding and tried to pass
herself off as her sister. The arresting officer What counts is the health of these kids, so
caught her real name and she just went to court that’s your last word. If your grandsons can’t
for obstructing government operations. This is afford the risk, emotionally speaking, of be-
the fourth time she’s done this to her sister. She ing exposed to their mother’s chaos, then you
is still in drug court over possession of meth say no to your daughter and withstand the
with intent to deliver and another charge. heat for it.
The boys have lived with us since they were
2 and 4, as kinship foster children and then as If the kids would instead benefit from a
our adopted sons. While I’m certain the boys carefully supervised reintroduction to their
love their mother and she loves her children, I mother, then that’s what you undertake and
can’t dismiss all the damage she has done, which withstand the heat for, because that’s what it
includes setting up a meth lab in our home and means to be their parents.
using meth when she was carrying her firstborn.
I see her now as the boys’ biological mother and I urge you not to assess this on your own.
not as my own daughter. The boys have different Given the boys’ history, and the teenage waters
fathers, neither of whom has ever stepped up and you’re soon navigating, a relationship with a
contributed to his son’s well-being. good family therapist could be anything from a
convenient reference to the beacon that guides
these boys to safety. If you don’t have one yet,
then please ask their pediatrician for names.

Remind yourself as needed: Doing right by them
was – and still is – the only right thing to do. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 49

Is Gucci’s fur ban a watershed moment for fashion?

The Telegraph

By its very nature, things change now become so sophisticated that ment bizarre because whatever you at targeted shows where we knew the
fast in fashion but if you had cast an anyone desiring the warmth or glam- think about fur, you can’t deny that it designers had used fur,” said Ed Win-
eye over the catwalk images of Gu- our of the fur look can easily achieve it is one of the most natural, biodegrad- ters, the group’s co-director. The BFC
cci’s SS18 collection, shown at Milan with the faux stuff. able materials there is.” said it would not dictate to designers.
fashion week in September, then you
would never have guessed that just But Gucci’s announcement last week At last month’s London fashion “It’s not modern,” was Bizzari’s
weeks later the Italian fashion house represents a truly watershed moment. week, the activism group Surge caused crystallized reasoning for Gucci’s
would be announcing a ban on fur. This is one of the most storied fashion chaos at some shows with anti-fur pro- move away from fur. And no fashion
houses in the world for which using fur tests urging the British Fashion Coun- label worth its salt would ever want
Here was a full mink coat in the style has long been second nature and with cil to ban the use of fur on the catwalks. to be considered anything other
beloved by glamorous Italian grande its origins in Italy where women proud- “We wanted to make a bold statement than modern. 
dames and Margot Tennenbaum alike, ly wear their furs well into spring.
there was a jacquard cardigan with fur-
trimmed collar and wrist details while Some of the most successful It
another look comprised a glittery red items using fur of recent seasons
jacket with white yeti fur sleeves. If you have come courtesy of Gucci de-
adored fur, then you would have been signer Alessandro Michele’s eccen-
offered plenty of options. tric, vintage-influenced aesthetic in
which a mink coat is a vital wardrobe
But last week Gucci’s President and tool. His Princetown loafers were
CEO Marco Bizzari announced that first lined with kangaroo fur (sourced
the label would be eliminating fur from culls of the wild population in
from its collections, starting from the Australia) and now with lamb. On
SS18 collection’s arrival in shops. Gu- the website today are an array of fur
cci will join the Fur Free Alliance and coats from a tiger-embroidered mink
also announced that it will auction to a purple astakhan jacket.
the remainder of its items which in-
clude fur and donate the proceeds to But will other fashion houses, who
Italian animal rights charity LAV and we might once have thought of as un-
the Humane Society. touchable as Gucci when it comes to
their use of fur, follow suit? The de-
After more than 20 years of PETA cision is part of an ongoing focus by
protests against Gucci’s kangaroo-fur Kering – the group which owns Gucci
loafers and seal-fur boots, Gucci has as well as Yves Saint Laurent, Alexan-
finally pledged to join Armani, Ralph der McQueen and Bottega Veneta- on
Lauren and Stella McCartney in the sustainability, with reducing envi-
ranks of fur-free fashion houses,” says ronmental impact amongst the other
Ingrid Newkirk, founder of PETA. “The goals which Bizzari has discussed. So,
writing was on the wall: Today’s shop- it seems likely that some of those other
pers don’t want to wear the skins of names might not be far behind Gucci.
animals who were caged, then electro-
cuted or bludgeoned to death. Until all But Mark Oaten, CEO of the Interna-
animal skins and coats are finally off tional Fur Federation, is “confident”
the racks of clothing stores worldwide, in the longevity of the fur market
PETA will keep up the pressure on the which is worth $30 billion a year glob-
clothing and fashion industry.” ally. “Last week’s decision from Gu-
cci is surprising because we’ve seen
The fur issue has been a subject of an upward trajectory in fur sales,” he
incessant and impassioned debate told the Telegraph, highlighting Ko-
in fashion for a long time. Recently, rea, America’s East Coast and London
there has been a growing sense that as particular hotspots for fur sales.
offering fur and being a major luxury “I also find the environmental argu-
player are no longer mutually inclu-
sive qualities; Stella McCartney has
managed to become a key fixture on
the Paris fashion week schedule with-
out showing any fur or leather while
earlier this year Yoox Net-a-Porter-
one of the world’s leading luxury
e-tailers- stopped selling fur after a
survey of 25,000 clients revealed that
more than half of them supported the
move. “Acting as an industry-wide
catalyst for change is a goal for Yoox
Net-a-Porter group,” reads one of the
main motivations outlined in the
business’s sustainability report.

Meanwhile, fabric technology has

50 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Five tips for doing tonal dressing in a sophisticated way

The Telegraph

Tonal dressing – by which we mean
either wearing multiple shades of the
same color at once (think lemon, but-
tercup and saffron), or sporting the
same hue top to toe (think white on
white) – is a popular dressing tactic
right now for a number of reasons.

1) Adhering to a very specific color
palette immediately makes you look
polished and pulled together, without
you having to spend any extra time
getting dressed.

2) Tonal dressing offers a color
matching hack. Does dove-gray look
good with charcoal? Without a doubt.
Does navy go with sky-blue? Un-
equivocally, yes.

3) There’s something quietly cool
about sporting multiple pieces in the
same shade. The commitment to one
color hums of a subtle sartorial confi-

Max Mara creative director Ian
Griffiths showcases tonal color pal-
ettes season after season, sending
a succession of covetable red looks

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