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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-10-18 23:43:07

10/19/2017 ISSUE 42


Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 51

down the runway for Autumn/Winter Why it’s time to dust off your denim shirts
2017. Christopher Kane too called on
the color red, pairing a red vinyl coat BY EMILY CRONIN
with tailored trousers and pointed The Telegraph
boots all in a similar shade.
Fashion editors are not im-
And the recent round of shows mune to “I have nothing to
were testament to the staying power wear”-itis. Standing in front of
of monochromatic dressing, with my open wardrobe yesterday,
both Joseph creative director Louise nothing seemed right. A Breton-
Trotter and Victoria Beckham send- striped top? Not for a third day
ing full lilac looks down the runway this week. A gray V-neck T-shirt?
for Spring/Summer 2018. Too casual. A white silk blouse?
Too dry-clean-only. And then
Whether you’re a newbie to tonal I saw it: a denim shirt, the an-
dressing or not, here are five tips to swer to my fashion ennui.
help you get it right ...
Denim shirts are true ward-
Add a print robe workhorses. These rug-
Throwing a print into the mix re- ged, button-front pieces started
ally brings a tonal look to life. While out as utilitywear for men, but
wearing all one shade makes for a somewhere along the line wom-
sleek ensemble, a jazzy pattern (ani- en borrowed them and haven’t
mal prints lend themselves particu- given them back yet.
larly well to this) will not only add
another dimension to your outfit, but That’s because denim shirts
will also grant it a more casual edge. (or chambray shirts, their
softer cousins) fuse useful-
Incorporate metallics ness with a sense of romance.
Metallics also offer an effective way Cowboy spirit, preppy Amer-
to break up a monochromatic outfit. icana, Elvis ... there’s some-
Think grey and silver, camel and gold thing so satisfying about
or brown and bronze. A little shim- a garment that manages to
mer goes a long way, and the mini- invoke all of those references in
mal addition of a pair of shiny boots, one tidy indigo package.
a lurex cardigan or a metallic bag will
do the trick. And there are so many ways to
wear them. If you’re looking for a
Use neutrals to tone down punchy hit of Western style, you can find it
combos a denim shirt with embroidered de-
tails, mother-of-pearl snap buttons
What better way to fight the autum- and flap pockets. For a Jackie Ken-
nal blues than by wearing a bright nedy-in Hyannis Port feel, layer your
color head to toe? But doing so doesn’t slim-cut denim shirt over a mono-
mean you have to neglect your favorite grammed polo-neck and tuck it into
neutral pieces. Use your trusty gray, white denim jeans with a woven
navy and camel items to counterbal- leather belt.
ance bolder colors.
For a more seductive look, à la Ri-
This needn’t mean breaking away hanna, wear yours oversized, tugged
from your color scheme either. Wear- askew at the neckline and with one
ing electric-blue? Slip in something too many buttons undone. “They
navy. Wearing daffodil-yellow? Add look sexy, and they’re one of those
something beige. effortless things that never gets old,”
says denim retailer Donna Ida.
Mix different textures
Experimenting with different mate- In the end I couldn’t wear my
rials will prevent your outfit from look- denim shirt because it was missing
ing one-dimensional. Try pairing a a crucial button – which just goes to
silky skirt or midi dress with a chunky show how useful it is to be the type
mohair jumper, or layering a cable knit of person organized enough to keep
underneath a wool pea coat. The con- spare buttons in her sewing kit.
trast in textures will mean that even
if you’ve opted for the same hue head Should the shirt you dust off need
to toe, you’ll be able to distinguish be- more intensive ministrations, take it
tween the different layers. to a tailor, who can update a men’s
style with more modern, feminine
Use accessories to break it up proportions – either roomy and boy-
It’s all in the details. Adding shoes or ish (the way Alexa Chung likes them)
a bag in a contrasting color to a tonal or cut slim, with a seam down the
look is a nice touch that won’t make it back (Katie Holmes’ approach). Then
any less impactful. Similarly, a belt in it’s up to you whether you’d like to
a clashing color is a welcome addition, ride off into the sunset or just have
particularly if you’ve opted for floaty something a little more interesting
monochromatic layers that might oth- to wear to work tomorrow. 
erwise mean you lose your waist. 

52 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


The Tides: Great food along with unrivaled service

BY TINA RONDEAU Colorado Boneless served over a light blueberry lentil dahl.
Rack of Lamb. The lamb was topped with an orange,
Columnist honey and cinnamon reduction sauce,
PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD and garnished with homemade mango
Last Tuesday, we did something that chutney.
won’t be possible a few weeks from now. Grilled Berkshire
Pork Chop. The dish was lightly spiced, with both
We decided in mid-afternoon that North African and South Asian influ-
it would be great to dine at The Tides ences. I thought it worked perfectly.
that night, so we called and were lucky
enough to succeed in obtaining a last- My husband’s roasted half-duck was
minute dinner reservation. nice and crispy, and was served with
whipped potatoes, buttered and oh-so-
Don’t even think of trying that at this tender haricot verts and glazed carrots,
venerable island restaurant once “The with an orange cranberry sauce. He gave
Season” gets underway. A beachside fa- it high marks.
vorite for many years, The Tides is heav-
ily booked days in advance during the For dessert, I had an excellent crème
winter. brulee ($10) and my husband concluded
with a double espresso ($6). Dinner for
Even on an early-in-the-week evening two with a modest bottle of wine, if you
in October, it was crowded. But when we have dessert, will run approximately
arrived, we were warmly greeted and $160 before tip.
escorted to a cozy corner of one of the
tastefully refurbished interior dining As we were dining, Chef Leanne Kelle-
rooms. A very personable server, Anas- her emerged from the kitchen a couple of
tasiya, quickly took our wine order. times to greet regulars. Her food is great,
but it isn’t the only attraction that keeps
For appetizers on this evening, I de- diners coming back. The Tides for years
cided to order the grilled pear salad ($12) has had far and away the best front-of-
and my husband opted for one of the the-house team in town.
specials, the pan-seared sea scallops
($16). Über-host Claudia Arens, who directs
the dining room staff, spent the evening
My salad consisted of caramelized going from table to table, making sure
pears atop a bed of romaine, radic- all were well taken care of. Assisting her
chio and Belgian endive, topped with was Valerie Martin, host at Maison Mar-
candied walnut confetti and gorgon- tinique during its glory days when her
zola crumbles, with a champagne Dijon late husband presided over the kitchen.
dressing. Refreshingly delicious.
Even the servers treat diners as long-
But my husband’s perfectly seared lost friends. At one point, Kenny (who
jumbo scallops were a thing of beauty, was busy with a section some distance
served over a goat cheese polenta cake away) rushed over to say hello and
and accompanied by a basil pesto and proudly tell us of his son being promoted
a tomato jam. I had to steal a couple of directly from fifth to seventh grade.
bites. Sumptuous.
This solicitous service, which almost
Then for entrées, I went for one of the makes you feel like family, is part of what
evening’s specials, the bourbon crusted distinguishes this very special place to
boneless rack of lamb ($44), and my hus- dine. If it sounds like we love The Tides,
band decided to try the roast Maple Leaf we are pleased to be in the company of
Farm duck ($36). its legion of fans.

My dish consisted of nicely sliced I welcome your comments, and en-
medallions carved from lamb chops courage you to send feedback to me at
[email protected].

The reviewer is a beachside resident
who dines anonymously at restaurants
at the expense of this newspaper. 

Wild Alaskan Halibut. Pan Seared Hours:
Day Boat Scallops. Nightly from 4:30 p.m.

Beverages: Full bar

3103 Cardinal Drive
Phone: (772) 234-3966

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 53


Gizmo alert: Do screw-cap wines require a new device?

The Washington Post

When I first read about Coravin’s of 18 billion bottles of wine marketed said in an email. Greg Lambrecht.
new screw-cap toppers, my first worldwide in 2016, 11.5 billion, or 64 Here’s how it works: If you happen
thought was, “Oh no, something else percent, were sealed by cork, while the cap can be reused for up to 50 ex-
to clutter my wine gewgaw drawer.” 4.5 billion, or 25 percent, were under to already own a Coravin, which costs tractions.
screw cap. Plastic and other closures from $200 to $350, to use it on screw-
Like most wine lovers, I have a accounted for the remaining 11 per- capped wine bottles, you will need to Lambrecht said the new stop-
kitchen drawer overflowing with cent, but were declining in market buy a set of six stoppers for $30. Re- pers will be especially useful on top
corkscrews, cork pullers, foil cutters share while corks and screw caps move the screw cap from your wine wines from Australia and New Zea-
to remove the paper covering and ex- were increasing. and replace it immediately with the land, such as Tolpuddle chardonnay
pose the cork so that I can use a cork Coravin stopper. You can then use from Tasmania or Felton Road pinot
puller, at least one vacuum pump Greg Lambrecht, the creator of your Coravin to penetrate the stopper noir from Central Otago. And like the
and an assortment of rubber stop- Coravin, says the growing acceptance and extract some wine. You could of Coravin itself, they might give res-
pers for preserving opened wine, and of screw-cap closures created a mar- course just put the screw cap back on taurants flexibility to offer different
glass stoppers from expensive Ger- ket for a Coravin method of sampling the bottle – and in my experience, this wines by the glass.
man wines that I’ve kept even though these wines while preserving them. keeps a good wine fresh for several
they never really fit snugly on other “One of the most common requests days, even without refrigeration. But At home, I can see the cap being
bottles. we received from consumers after the Coravin offers additional reassur- useful for preserving that last wine of
launching the Coravin was to find a ance by injecting the inert gas to pro- the evening, when I want just a glass
These compete for valuable space solution for the 25 percent of wines tect the wine. According to Coravin, a without feeling the need to drink the
with useless bottle stoppers with ce- bottled under screw cap,” Lambrecht wine will last up to three months, and rest of the bottle the next day. But to
ramic grape clusters on top and the be honest, what I really see, even after
all-too-cute wine charms that never considering the issue further, is my
seem to be around when I’m having a cluttered gewgaw drawer. 
dinner party.

Anyway, back to the Coravin. This
is the device introduced four years
ago that promised to revolutionize
wine drinking by allowing collectors
to sample their rare wines without
extracting the cork and exposing the
wine to oxygen.

The Coravin inserts a needle
through the cork and extracts some
wine, replacing it with inert argon
gas that coats the surface of the wine
remaining in the bottle, protecting it
from oxygen. The rest of the wine can
be sampled days, weeks even months
later without fear of it oxidizing. It’s a
wine nerd’s dream gadget, allowing
us to stretch our enjoyment of prized
bottles over several nights or even

While intended for collectors, the
Coravin quickly became a darling of
sommeliers, who could offer expen-
sive, rare wines for diners willing to
splurge on a taste or a glass but re-
luctant to plunk big money on a full

But screw caps? They became pop-
ular with winemakers about 15 years
ago because inferior corks were ruin-
ing too many wines with the moldy
smell known as cork taint.

A few wineries have experimented
with screw caps on top wines, and
Chehalem winery, in Oregon, has dem-
onstrated that its wines age well under
screw cap. Yet natural cork remains
the closure of choice for higher-end
wines. Screw caps are more for wines
designed for early consumption.

That may be changing. According
to an article earlier this year in Drinks
Business, a British trade website, out

54 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 55

A Modern Diner with fresh local ingredients

A Roger Lord and Chuck Arnold Restaurant

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reservations strongly suggested

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Vero Beach

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56 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 57

Market Hours: Mon-Sat • 10am - 9pm


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58 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 59


Rather than hostility, promote love and praise

BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT on your anger.” The wisdom of that all, when we are busy immersing our- administered hostility test as a way to
Columnists advice is being validated by medi- selves in loveless animosity and lifeless diagnose our likelihood for physical
cal science in some pretty amazing bitterness. and spiritual health risks. We could ask
The New Testament is composed of ways. As Rev. King Duncan has noted, ourselves … Who am I unwilling to for-
27 books. In terms of sheer volume, the psychiatrists at Duke University con- So this may be a good time for a self- give? What situation so angers me that I
weightiest section is the one devoted cluded after a thirty year study of the regularly rant and rave about it? Where
to 21 letters written to early Christians. health and habits of over two thousand do I feel I have been deeply wronged
The letters functioned as encour- people, that those who have ongo- and deserve a long-awaited apology?
agement, instruction, guidance, and ing feelings of hostility towards others What unfairness really galls me? If you
warning. In other words, the letters have an increased risk of illness and can readily answer some of these ques-
provided necessary commentary on early death. Those who scored in the tions, perhaps you are hosting some
belief’s application to everyday life. top fifth for hostility in a personality damaging hostility. Maybe you have let
inventory were four times more likely the sun go down on your anger a few
Isn’t it interesting that right from the to have died during the thirty years of too many times.
start, people of faith apparently had the study than those who scored in the
some difficulty sorting out how to put bottom fifth. If that is so, then the advice from an-
their beliefs into practice? We are cer- other of the biblical letters to the little
tainly no different today. The fact that And of course, not only is hostility church of Philippi may offer an alter-
Christianity has splintered into 38,000 destructive to us physically, but as the native focus. It says, “Finally, beloved,
denominations worldwide speaks for Letter to the Ephesians would have us whatever is true, whatever is honor-
itself. Christians still differ in under- understand, it is damaging to us spiri- able, whatever is just, whatever is pure,
standing how to live out the “Gospel tually, as well. How can we maintain whatever is pleasing, whatever is com-
truth.” a relationship with a God we claim is mendable, if there is any excellence and
the very source of love and life, after if there is anything worthy of praise,
Yet the plain language of some of think about these things.” If you thought
the New Testament letters to strug- about those things, focused on them,
gling churches and their members has supported them, and enhanced their
something to offer us even today in our prominence in your life and your world,
search for helpful guides for faithful wouldn’t your hostility quotient decline
living. Much of the simple, frank advice to safer levels? 
which the letters contain is clearly still
relevant, as evidenced by the fact that
many of its phrases have been retained
in our modern vernacular.

Consider, for example, the well-
known counsel from the Letter to the
Ephesians, “Don’t let the sun go down

60 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


ONGOING a.m. at Riverside Park to raise awareness and 21|22 Sebastian River Junior 26 Vero Beach High School Performing
funds for breast cancer research, education, ad- Woman’s Club’s Haunted Arts Dept. presents Orchestral Spook-
Downtown Vero Beach – monthly 5 to 8 p.m. vocacy and patient services. 772-562-2272 House: Terror on Main Street, 7:30 p.m. at 1036 tacular Concert, 7 p.m. at VBHS PAC. 772-564-
First Friday Gallery Strolls. Main Street (by Sebastian United Methodist 5497
21 IRC Veterans and Family Picnic, Noon Church); not suggested for small children. $8.
Vero Beach Museum of Art - DeWitt Boutelle to 4 p.m. at Gifford Park, Vero Beach 26-31 Sebastian River Junior Wom-
after Thomas Cole: The Voyage of Life thru Jan. hosted by Veterans Council of IRC, American Le- an’s Club’s Haunted House:
7 and Masters of American Photography thru gion Post 181 and Vietnam Veterans of IRC, with 22 Space Coast Symphony Jazz Orchestra Terror on Main Street, 7:30 p.m. at 1036 Main
Jan. 14. BBQ, music and children’s activities. BYO lawn presents Big Band Favorites, 3 p.m. Street (by Sebastian United Methodist Church);
chairs. 772-538-7347 at VBHS PAC with music of the 1920s, ‘30s and not suggested for small children. $8. sebastian-
‘40s. $20; students free. 855-252-7276
Riverside Theatre - Oktoberfest Nights, 21 Howl-O-Ween Dog Costume Pawrade
weekends 6 to 9:30 p.m. with music, German and Expo, 2 p.m. registration; 4 p.m. 22 Reformation Hymn Festival, 4 p.m. 26 to November 2 - Samaritan Center
food and beer. Pawrade at Dogs for Life. 772-567-8969 at Our Savior Lutheran Church, com- Soup Tureens display in the Vero Beach
memorating 500 years of the Reformation. Free. Museum of Art Atrium. 772-231-0707
Christ by the Sea Pumpkin Patch, 10 a.m. to 21 Family Fall Festival, 2 to 6 p.m. at Sum- 772-567-2253
6 p.m. daily, with pumpkins, gourds, gourmet mer Crush Winery in Ft. Pierce to ben- 27 Half-Haunted Halloween, 4 to 7 p.m.
foods and pies, thru Oct. 31. efit Senior Resource Association – BBQ, live mu- 23 Signature Chefs Auction, 6 p.m. at at Environmental Learning Center,
sic, games and cash bar. $15. Quail Valley River Club, with culinary with nature nightmares and spooky sounds, live
OCTOBER creations by local chefs and unique auction music and canoe trips. Costumes optional. dis-
21 Black & White Masquerade Ball, 6 p.m. items to benefit March of Dimes efforts to pre-
20-28 Leo, A Ghost Story at Riv- at Vero Beach Country Club to benefit vent birth defects, premature babies and infant
erside Children’s Theatre. Exchange Club of Indian River Foundation proj- mortality. $250. 561-290-0905. 27 Downtown Friday Street Party hosted
772-231-6990 ects to combat child abuse - cocktails, dinner, by Main Street Vero Beach, 6 to 9 p.m.
dancing, live and silent auctions. $100. Exch- 24 to November 12 - Riverside Theatre on 14th Avenue. Free. 772-643-6782
21 Dan K. Richardson & William L. Ma- presents Hank Williams: Lost Highway,
rine Golf Classic to benefit Scholarship a musical tribute on the Stark Stage. 772-231- 27 ‘Getting to Know You’ reception, 6:30
Foundation of IRC, 8:30 a.m. shotgun start at 21 Run Vero’s Frightening 4K, 6 p.m. from 6990 p.m. at Grand Harbor Beach Club host-
Grand Harbor Golf Club. 772-569-9869 South Beach Park - Halloween-themed ed by Gifford Youth Orchestra to meet GYO mu-
race followed by free 6:45 kids race and festivities 26 Concerts in the Park: Dave Mundy & sicians. $60. 772-213-3007
21 ELC EcoTalks Speaker Series: Myths & to benefit IR Elite Youth Track Club. 772-569-7364 Soulfege, 5 to 7 p.m. at Vero Beach
Amazing Facts about Manatees, 11 a.m. Museum of Art. $10 & $12. 772-231-0707 28 City of Vero Beach Recreation Depart-
at Environmental Learning Center. 21 HALO’s Hoedown, 7 p.m. at Indian ment’s 59th annual Halloween Parade
River County Fairgrounds to benefit 26 Read, Write & Brew, 6 to 9 p.m. at & Costume Contest, 9:30 a.m. lineup at Vero
21 American Cancer Society Making H.A.L.O. No-Kill Animal Rescue - live country mu- American Icon Brewery to benefit Edu- Beach Women’s Club; 10 a.m. walk north along
Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk, 9 sic and dancing, BBQ, live and silent auctions. cation Foundation of Indian River County. 772- 14th Avenue to Community Center for children’s
$75 & $100. 772-589-7297 564-0034 costume contest (up to age 17) and goodie bags.
Free. 772-567-2144
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword Page 47 (SPACE EXPLORATION II)
in October 12, 2017 Edition 1 ATTIC 2 AUTUMN 28 Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, 10:30 a.m. at
4 MYSTIFY 2 TOAST Indian River Mall to benefit SafeSpace,
8 TRAINER 3 CANTEEN with walkers donning red stilettos to stand
9 ERICA 4 MIRROR against domestic violence. 772-223-2399
11 PRUNE 6 IMITATE 28 Rotary Ring of Fire Chili Challenge, 4 to
13 OFTEN 7 YEARLY 9 at Riverside Park hosted by Sunrise
18 INTERNATIONAL 12 RETREAT Rotary - entertainment and 7 categories of com-
21 ENEMY 14 FRIENDS petition. 772-643-6343
23 PATTERN 16 WARREN 29 Cat-a-comb Café, 12 Noon to 3 p.m.
24 SHEEN 17 SLOGAN at Humane Society of Vero Beach and
19 RHYME IRC, celebrating Halloween with a light brunch.
20 NAIVE 772-388-3826

Sudoku Page 46 Sudoku Page 47 Crossword Page 46


Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753

This directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the beachside community an opportunity to make themselves known to island readers at an affordable cost. This is the
only service directory mailed each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a listing in the Vero Beach 32963 Business Directory,

please contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.


110 Island Plantation Terrace #301 in Palm Island Plantation: 4-bedroom, 3-bath, 3,480-square-foot home offered
for $1,295,000 by Janyne Kenworthy, Realtor, Treasure Coast Sotheby’s International Realty: 772-696-5110

62 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Florida meets British West Indies in Palm Island home

Staff Writer

Enjoy relaxed coastal living from
a bird’s-eye view in the penthouse at
110 Island Plantation Terrace in the
ocean-to-river community of Palm
Island Plantation. Resort-like living
at its best awaits in this 3,480-square-
foot, luxury condominium with four
bedrooms and three baths.

With only two units per floor, pri-
vacy is at a premium. “These condos
are all concrete block construction
with structural pilings, which gives
them a lot of structural integrity,”
notes Steven Owen, Westmark Enter-
prises vice president. The floors are
poured concrete with all block walls
between the units to ensure sound-
proofing between units.

A private elevator opens into the
large foyer and double doors lead to
the light-filled, airy, formal living
area with floor-to-ceiling windows
and 10-to-12-foot ceilings that com-
plement the British West Indies archi-
tecture characteristic of Palm Island.

“The plans themselves are very

open, not typical of a condo,” Owen side. We tied all that into a large con-
explained. “When you walk in, you do building with the same kind of
get more of a feel of a single-family unique British Colonial architectural
home the way it opens up with large style that we do on all of our single-
rooms, high ceilings and spacious family homes at Palm Island.”
balconies on both the east and west
The neutral palette adds a quiet

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 63


and restful ambiance amid the sand
and sea. Two private outdoor spaces
offer sunrise and sunset views to en-
joy early morning coffee listening to
the call of tropical birds as they fish
along the river and evening cocktails
as waves crash along the shoreline.

Just off the formal living area, the
master suite dominates the eastern
side of the penthouse. This quiet, sun-
lit retreat features floor-to-ceiling win-
dows leading out to a private terrace.
The richly appointed master bath pairs
subtle green hues with beige tiles add-
ing to the solitude. Walk-in closets, his
and her sinks and a water closet finish
the master’s domain.

On the opposite side of the living
room, the formal dining room pro-
vides ample space for entertaining.
For more casual get-togethers, the
gourmet kitchen and breakfast area
overflow into the living area. Granite
countertops, a wine refrigerator and
built-in desk make good use of this
elegant space.

Along the hallway leading to the
guest rooms, a wet bar and laundry
room provide added privacy for visi-
tors staying in the bedrooms with en
suite baths.

The den provides a quiet space to
contemplate or take in the sunset
from the private porch. “This room
could also be a fourth bedroom,” ac-
cording to Janyne Kenworthy, a Re-
altor with Treasure Coast Sotheby’s
International Realty. “Most people
want that extra room, which can be
an office, a guest bedroom or be a
full-fledged fourth bedroom.”

“Palm Island builds a beautiful
home,” added Kenworthy. “They
build a quality product. You get the
best of everything: ocean-to-river liv-
ing with access to the beach and the
Indian River Lagoon. This unit has
been very lightly used, and the pri-
vate cabana is a huge plus.”

You’ve only to take a quick walk
across the street to dig your toes into
the sand. The Beach Club offers ev-
erything needed to enjoy a relaxing
day at the beach. Cool off in the pri-
vate cabana when you need to get out

64 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


of the sun. The cabana is equipped
with a sitting area, private bathroom,
and kitchenette or you can lounge
under the covered area outside the
cabana and watch swimmers frolic in
the oceanfront pool.

Palm Island Plantation is known
for its authentic British West Indies
residential design and lush tropical
landscaping. The amenities in the
gated, 58-acre, ocean-to-river com-
munity create a resort-like ambiance.
The Beach Club offers a heated pool


Palm Island Plantation

Year built: 2003
Lot Size: 75’ x 152’
Home size: 3,480 sq. ft.
Construction: Concrete Block

Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 3
Additional features: guard-
gated community, tennis and
beach clubs, boat slips, beach-
side cabana, 2-bay under-
ground garage, private elevator,
sunrise and sunset balconies,
shutters, spa tub, laundry room,
gourmet kitchen, wet bar, wine
cooler, central vacuum, speak-
ers throughout and trash chute.
Listing Agency: Treasure Coast
Sotheby’s International Realty
Listing Agent:
Janyne Kenworthy,
Listing Price: $1,295,000

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 65


and spa with private cabanas; the Fit- ronmental Learning Center is just
ness Center has a pool, steam rooms, around the corner. Located in Indian
fitness equipment and a Har-Tru ten- River Shores, it’s a short drive to shop-
nis court; and the River Cabana offers ping and dining in Vero Beach along
12 boat slips, deep-water docking and Ocean Drive and the mainland. Enjoy
a river deck offering easy access to the cultural events at Riverside Theatre
Indian River Lagoon. or the Vero Beach Museum of Art,
both located among the oaks of Riv-
Palm Island Plantation abuts the erside Park. 
historic Jungle Trail, and the Envi-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 67


Before forking over money for a home inspection ...

BY ILYCE GLINK AND SAMUEL J. TAMKIN In a short sale, the seller negotiates us from your question that the tax when the IRS reviewed the sale doc-
with the lenders or lien holders to liens might have been federal in- uments, the IRS was willing to take
Washington Post see if they will accept less than the come tax liens as opposed to mort- only $25,000 to allow the sale to go
full amount owed in exchange for gage liens and that you didn’t want to forward. The IRS would still have the
Q: We placed a contract on a home releasing the lien on the home. Many give the seller additional time to ne- right to lien the seller’s other proper-
that should never have been listed in lenders agreed to take less than what gotiate a reduced payment amount ties and go after the seller in other
the first place, since it had more than they were owed and some equity line with the IRS or other lien holder, if it ways, but the IRS was willing to get
$150,000 in tax liens. Am I entitled to of credit holders would hold out for wasn’t the IRS. some money now and allow the sale
a refund of my inspection fee of $450 something rather than release the to proceed.
since the seller’s real estate agent did lien they had on the home. Recently, Sam worked on a deal in
not perform her due diligence in list- which the seller of a property owed But all this sort of negotiation takes
ing this home? In your situation, it would seem to the IRS more than $100,000; and
According to the contract, if the
seller is unable to cure title defects LUXURY HAS A NEW ADDRESS FROM THE MID $400S
and obtain a policy of title insurance
within 14 days after the defect is dis- Allow yourself to be inspired by the Bermuda and West Indies architectural style of
covered, the buyer can terminate. GHO Homes’ newest floor plans and elevations featured in Lily’s Cay.
This contract was terminated and
the contract became null and void. Located at the intersection of 41st Street and Indian River Boulevard, Lily’s Cay is just minutes
The contract also stipulates that the from five-star restaurants, trendy beachside boutiques, golf courses, medical care, theaters,
buyer can be reimbursed from the museums, galleries and more!
seller for the cost of the title search. MOVE-IN READY HOMES AVAILABLE
But my question is whether I can also
get reimbursed for the cost of the 772.342.0061 y
home inspection.
Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to this
A: In response to your issue, the advertisement and to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be
listing broker is not responsible for model or other homes built of similar design.
and does not have an obligation to
search the title on a home. The list-
ing broker does not have a legal duty
to know what items may or may not
affect the title to the home. Having
said that, the listing broker will cer-
tainly want to know whether a home
will sell or can sell if it has serious is-
sues, and a tax lien of that size would
certainly qualify as a serious issue.

We have yet to meet a listing bro-
ker who is willing to put the time and
effort into trying to get a home sold
knowing that the issues involving the
home will make it impossible to sell.

When a homeowner lists a home
with real estate tax liens, federal tax
liens, state revenue tax liens or litiga-
tion liens, the home may still be sal-
able, but the seller may have to take
additional steps to get from the con-
tract state to the closing table. And
the steps may vary depending on
what liens are attached.

Let’s start with real estate tax
liens. These liens may be for unpaid
real estate taxes. If the sales price of
the home is sufficient to pay off the
mortgage and the unpaid real estate
taxes, you will be able to close. If the
money is not enough to close and the
mortgage lender is unwilling to take
less money than what it is owed, the
sale will fall through.

Digressing just a bit, in the years
since the Great Recession, many sell-
ers and buyers became acutely aware
of short sales. A short sale is where
the sales price is too low for the sales
proceeds to pay for all of the closing
expenses and the liens on the home.

68 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Oct. 6 to Oct. 12

The barrier island real estate market took a breather during the Columbus Day holiday week, with only four
transactions recorded.

The top sale of the week was of a penthouse unit in a condo at 4121 Ocean Drive, directly across the street from
Conn Beach. Unit 302, a three-bedroom residence with expansive ocean views, was placed on the market Jan. 25 for
$1.2 million. The asking price was subsequently reduced to $925,000. The condo sold on Oct. 6 for $900,000.

The seller in the transaction was represented by Rita Curry of Dale Sorensen Real Estate. The purchaser was
represented by Paula Rogers of Paula Rogers and Associates.


INDIAN TRAILS 500 SUNDANCE TRAIL 8/23/2016 $749,000 $718,500 10/12/2017 $700,000
SEASONS 9220 SEASONS TERRACE 5/5/2017 $635,900 $620,000 10/6/2017
OCEAN CORP 720 PIRATE COVE LANE 3/1/2017 $786,575 $739,000 10/6/2017 $900,000
CHELSEA CONDO 4121 OCEAN DRIVE, #302 1/25/2017 $1,200,000 $925,000 10/6/2017 $210,000
OCEAN CLUB 4410 HIGHWAY A1A, #101 8/9/2017 $295,000 $295,000 10/3/2017
HARBOR INN 2140 SPYGLASS LANE, #112 6/5/2017 $350,000 $350,000 9/29/2017
BILLOWS 1180 REEF ROAD, #B7 8/24/2016 $595,000 $550,000 9/29/2017
OCEAN CLUB 4410 HIGHWAY A1A, #205 6/16/2017 $225,000 $225,000 9/29/2017

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 69


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Seasons, Address: 9220 Seasons Terrace Subdivision: Ocean Corp, Address: 720 Pirate Cove Lane

Listing Date: 5/5/2017 Listing Date: 3/1/2017
Original Price: $635,900 Original Price: $786,575
Recent Price: $620,000 Recent Price: $739,000
Sold: 10/6/2017 Sold: 10/6/2017
Selling Price: $585,000 Selling Price: $700,000
Listing Agent: Sam Robbins Listing Agent: Shane Reynolds

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Sam Robbins Rita Curry

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Subdivision: Indian Trails, Address: 500 Sundance Trail Subdivision: Billows, Address: 1180 Reef Road, #B7

Listing Date: 8/23/2016 Listing Date: 8/24/2016
Original Price: $749,000 Original Price: $595,000
Recent Price: $718,500 Recent Price: $550,000
Sold: 10/12/2017 Sold: 9/29/2017
Selling Price: $710,000 Selling Price: $530,000
Listing Agent: Sally Daley Listing Agent: Judy Hargarten

Selling Agent: Daley & Company Real Estate Selling Agent: The Moorings Realty Sales Co.

Sherrie Coleman Terri McConnell

Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC The Moorings Realty Sales Co.

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$899,000 $575,000 $324,900

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70 Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Ocean Club, Address: 4410 Highway A1A, #101 Subdivision: Harbor Inn, Address: 2140 Spyglass Lane, #112

Listing Date: 8/9/2017 Listing Date: 6/5/2017
Original Price: $295,000 Original Price: $350,000
Recent Price: $295,000 Recent Price: $350,000
Sold: 10/3/2017 Sold: 9/29/2017
Selling Price: $295,000 Selling Price: $329,500
Listing Agent: Cheryl Burge Listing Agent: Erika Ross

Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: The Moorings Realty Sales Co.

Cheryl Burge Erika Ross

Berkshire Hathaway Florida The Moorings Realty Sales Co.

Subdivision: Ocean Club, Address: 4410 Highway A1A, #205 Subdivision: River Club, Address: 1614 Weybridge Circle

Listing Date: 6/16/2017 Listing Date: 4/5/2016
Original Price: $225,000 Original Price: $687,000
Recent Price: $225,000 Recent Price: $729,500
Sold: 9/29/2017 Sold: 10/2/2017
Selling Price: $210,000 Selling Price: $694,220
Listing Agent: Cheryl Burge Listing Agent: Janyne Kenworthy

Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Dolf Kahle Janyne Kenworthy

Premier Estate Properties Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / October 19, 2017 71


time, and you might not have been describes the situation you were fac- the contract, and you had the rem- tion fee, you didn’t need to proceed
willing to wait and see what hap- ing, you were right to terminate and edies provided to you under the con- with the purchase. Likewise, if you
pened or if the lien holder was will- move on; but you don’t have the right tract as well. had the inspection but didn’t like the
ing to negotiate with the seller and under the contract to get anything results of the inspection, you could
if the seller was unwilling or unable more from the seller other than what While those remedies may not have terminated the deal at that time
to come up with the money needed is under the contract. have been as good as you would have but you would not have been entitled
to allow the closing to occur. If this wanted and you are out of pocket to a refund on the inspection fee. 
The seller was not in default under the $450 you spent on your inspec-

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