Island woman to lead U.S.
bridge team. P9
Teel seeks
full inquiry. P8
My Vero: Operation
Safe Streets necessary. P6
Changes needed in Vero Beach convenience and check cashing store, which detectives say man left with Corona box filled with $143,000. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD SfroauutdhsFclhoerimdae
how School Board comes to Vero
gets info on budget Hopes rising over outlook for Vero Electric sale
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN BY LISA ZAHNER da Municipal Power Agency, avoiding costly litigation over Staff Writer
Staff Writer Staff Writer have improved the chances of the disputed $50 million exit
closing a sale of Vero Electric penalty demanded by Orlan- In the early morning hours
Indian River County School A series of meetings over to Florida Power & Light. do Utilities Commission. one Saturday in June, detec-
Board member Laura Zorc the past two weeks, including tives watched as Erick Alberto
thinks the school district bud- one executive-level session in According to Vero Beach “Based on recent conver- Gonzalez Rosario left a Vero
get process should be much Orlando involving the Flori- City Manager Jim O’Connor, sations, I think a solution is Beach convenience and check-
more transparent, but she did the city may even wind up cashing store on U.S. 1 near
not get much backing from CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Wabasso carrying a Corona
her fellow members. box. It didn’t contain Mexican
“We’re voting blind” on the
nearly $280 million budget, When the detectives pulled
Zorc said. Some $120 million over Rosario’s car a few min-
of the budget comes from lo- utes later, police discovered the
cal property taxes. Corona box was stuffed with
$143,000 in cash – just-laun-
Superintendent Mark Ren- dered money, they say, that was
dell conducted four work- partial proceeds from a multi-
shops on the budget, but Zorc million-dollar workers’ comp
said they“were so rushed there and insurance fraud scheme.
was no time for suggestions.”
She noted that department Rosario, 33, was arrested
heads did not give reports on and is now in the Indian Riv-
how and why money for their er County jail with his bond
departments is to be spent. set at $300,000. He is charged
with multiple counts of fraud
Zorc said she met weekly
with Assistant Superinten- CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
dent of Finances Carter Mor-
Sale of FIT Marine Lab property Executive turnstile
has potential to be big win-win spins once again at
IR Medical Center
BY LISA ZAHNER pand Tracking Station Beach Looking north: The FIT Marine Lab property adjacent to Tracking Station Beach Park. BY RUSTY CARTER
Staff Writer Park, but the parcel and an Staff Writer
adjacent sliver of valuable
The County Commission oceanfront land the county For the fourth time in as
has submitted a proposal to already owns might end up many years, Indian River Med-
purchase the defunct Florida being part of a bigger deal. ical Center is in the market for
Institute of Technology Vero a chief operating officer.
Marine Lab property to ex- In addition to more park-
Camie Patterson’s resig-
August 10, 2017 Volume 10, Issue 32 Newsstand Price $1.00 High drama and
gymnastics at
News 1-10 Faith 53 Pets 24 TO ADVERTISE CALL Aerial Antics. P15
Arts 19-23 Games 39-41 Real Estate 55-64 772-559-4187
Books 38 Health 25-28 Style 43-45
Dining 46 Insight 29-42 Wine 47 FOR CIRCULATION
Editorial 36 People 11-18 CALL 772-226-7925
© 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero Electric sale next month. “We are optimistic about possibly the most elusive, would be But negotiations have been stalled
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 closing the full sale in late 2018 pend- Vero’s exit from its long-term entan- since the spring of 2013, only spring-
ing three key milestones and barring glements with FMPA, the state elec- ing back to life in the past six months
achievable without court,” O’Connor any issues that are unforeseen at this tric co-op – ties that it will take at with a new, $185 million offer that
said. time,” Brunjes said. least $108 million to sever. would leave Vero with up to $30 mil-
lion in working cash after debts, li-
He confirmed that a productive “First is the execution of the Pur- “Lastly, and certainly not least, abilities and exit penalties are paid to
meeting took place on July 25 involv- chase and Sale agreement. Our goal are the necessary approvals from 19 the FMPA and Orlando Utilities Com-
ing the city, FPL and FMPA, and add- for this is early September. FMPA cities. FMPA is working closely mission.
ed, “Bottom line we feel that positive with us and with Vero and we are so
progress is being made to close the Second are the regulatory approv- pleased about this,” Brunjes said. That deal hit a snag this summer
deal by the fourth quarter of 2018.” als: Florida Public Service Commis- when OUC notified the city that it in-
sion and the Federal Energy Regu- FPL and Vero first talked about the tended to invoke the larger $50 mil-
FPL Regional Manager for External latory Commission. Assuming the possibility of a utility sale after the lion exit penalty in Vero’s wholesale
Affairs Amy Brunjes said last Friday contract is signed in September, we 2009 city council election. By 2011 electric contract, instead of the $20
that FPL expects a formal sale and will make these filings before the end parties were working from a formal million penalty that Vero and FPL’s
purchase agreement to be executed of the year,” she said. offer and hopes were high about clos- lawyers had banked on. Vero gave
ing the deal. OUC notice that it wanted to begin
The final piece of the puzzle, and pre-trial mediation proceedings on
the dispute.
“A mediator has not been selected
yet due to discussions to work out the
issue without court,” O’Connor said
last week.
Should a full sale of the system not
be possible, FPL and the city have
stated that they would revert back
to previous plans to sell just the Vero
Electric customers in the Town of In-
dian River Shores for $30 million.
Brunjes was set to brief the Vero
Beach City Council Tuesday on de-
velopments, and said the parties in-
tended to work right up to that pre-
sentation to bring Vero officials the
absolute latest and most accurate
FIT property sale
ing, grills, pavilions, playground
equipment and direct access for
emergency vehicles, the county’s pro-
posal includes the idea of public out-
reach and environmental education,
“similar to the previous Florida Insti-
tute of Technology use for the Marine
Laboratory property.”
There were no details about who
would operate or staff this facil-
ity, which would “display and exhibit
educational materials and other re-
sources related to sea turtles, ocean-
front lighting, beach renourishment,
coastal ecology, etc,” but Brown said
the facility could also “provide a per-
manent central site for the county-
wide sea turtle program that moni-
tors thousands of nesting sites daily
during nesting season.”
Conditioned upon two apprais-
als and some environmental as-
sessments, the county offered $1.5
million for the 4-acre FIT parcel,
appealing to any desire that Florida
Tech might have for the land to re-
turn to public hands – hoping that
aim might outweigh the goal of
greater economic gain.
To prove the county can afford the
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 3
purchase, Brown included a schedule larged, more valuable, true ocean- more attuned to the property’s value Florida Tech spokesman Wesley
showing that, as of the close of the front residential enclave and a new, and to what the influx of cash could Sumner told Vero Beach 32963 last
2016 fiscal year, the county had $106 improved and possibly larger Track- do for Florida Tech, its students and month that the university has re-
million in unrestricted reserves. ing Station Park. its long-term goals. ceived multiple bids on the 4-acre
property, which is located behind
Another possible bidder for the Former Florida Tech President An- While Catanese came to Florida the 7-11 on A1A, adjacent to Tracking
FIT property is Naples-based Lut- thony Catanese had denied the uni- Tech from a state-funded school, Station Park, and has an appraised
gert Companies, which purchased versity had any interest in selling the Florida Atlantic University, McKay value of $2.1 million.
the nearby 5.2-acre oceanside parcel land to developers, but county offi- has been with Florida Tech, a private-
auctioned off by the Town of Indian cials say the new president, T. Dwayne ly funded institution, for 14 years in Staff writer Rusty Carter contribut-
River Shores earlier this year for $4.8 McKay, who took over in July 2016, is various executive capacities. ed to this report.
Exclusively John’s Island
The county obviously wants a
good portion of the FIT property Enjoy beautiful, expansive fairway views and a central location in this
for itself, to achieve its park-related exceptionally renovated 4BR+study/4.5BA retreat. Entertain on the
goals, but Assistant County Admin- lush, tropical poolside terrace with spa and fire pit. Brilliantly designed
istrator Mike Zito said it could also by Moulton Layne Architects, custom millwork and finishes adorn the
be a win-win situation if Lutgert out- stunning 3,812± GSF home. Unsurpassed features include an open
bids the county. living room with fireplace adjoining the sun-filled lanai, gourmet island
kitchen, elegant master suite, study with built-ins, and a 1BR/1BA cabana.
Zito toured the Florida Tech prop- 351 Sea Oak Drive : $2,950,000
erty along with executives from Lu-
tgert. Should Lutgert end up with three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
the property, he said county officials health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
would possibly entertain the idea of
a “Windsor-Golden Sands-type deal” 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
with the developer.
Windsor, a luxury community that
wanted to expand its oceanfront de-
velopment, owned two non-contigu-
ous beachside parcels separated by
the old Golden Sands Park. Windsor
paid the county $1.1 million to swap
parcels and then built the county a
beautiful new Golden Sands Park as
part of the deal.
What might Lutgert want that the
county owns? The long triangular-
shaped strip of land that lies between
its recently purchased 5.2-acre parcel
and the Atlantic Ocean.
The county owns the dunes and
the beach that separate Lutgert’s
land from the ocean and acquisition
of that strip by Lutgert would mean
its planned development would be-
come much more valuable ocean-
front property, with beach access for
each home or each building, should
they develop a multi-family commu-
nity instead of a single-family com-
Lutgert Senior Vice President Mike
Hoyt, who is managing the Indian
River Shores project, would not say
whether Lutgert submitted a bid to
FIT or, if so, how much it was. “I re-
ally don’t want to comment on land
that we do not own,” Hoyt said Mon-
day afternoon. “But I will say that we
reviewed the property.”
Hoyt said Lutgert is making prog-
ress on plans for the new luxury
community, and that decision-mak-
ers are “getting close” to determin-
ing whether to build single-family
homes or multi-family condos or
townhomes. Just last week Lutgert
retained Dale Sorensen Real Estate
for exclusive marketing rights to the
planned community.
In summary, the outcome of
this potential county/Indian River
Shores/Lutgert deal could be an en-
4 Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
South Florida fraud scheme ida fraud and money laundering racket operations – is established for the sole received a total of $5.5 million from
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 has now made its way to the Treasure purpose of acquiring minimal work- similar check-cashing stores in less
Coast – a scheme that exposes the dark ers’ compensation and employer’s li- than eight months.
and money laundering. An associate, underbelly of the construction industry. ability insurance, he writes.
Maynor Hernandez, 29, was arrested Had the insurance company based
later and faces similar charges, in ad- Detectives allege the $143,000 they Typically, the fraudulent policy will EAR Construction Services’ premium
dition to allegations of racketeering. found in the Corona box was obtained cover a small number of laborers doing on a payroll of $5.5 million, a policy
illegally through a shell business es- low-risk work, even though the shell would have cost around $888,360, the
Both men have pled “not guilty” and tablished to defraud workers’ com- company may have no employees ac- affidavit states. Instead, since only one
requested a jury trial. They face maxi- pensation insurance providers and tually performing construction work. employee was listed on the policy, Ro-
mum penalties of 30 years if convict- conceal illicit funds. sario was billed just under $4,800.
ed. The men will be tried at the Indian Because a certificate of workers’ com-
River County Courthouse but no trial In an affidavit to the court, Robert pensation coverage in Florida does not EAR Construction Services was es-
date has been set. Wolfkill, a detective with the Florida include the names of workers insured, tablished by Rosario in October 2016,
Department of Financial Services, ex- unscrupulous subcontractors make it according to the affidavit. The busi-
Authorities believe the men’s activities plains the scheme. appear their employees are working for ness address listed is a single-family
are evidence that a popular South Flor- the shell company and so are insured. home on southwest Citation Avenue
A shell company – a registered busi- in Port St. Lucie.
ness that has no significant assets or These subcontractors, who are actu-
ally paving a road or building a shop- Rosario told detectives that Hernan-
ping center, funnel millions of dollars dez helped him incorporate the busi-
in checks for the employees they are ness and obtain the insurance policy,
“renting” to the shell company, which the affidavit states. He said Hernandez
turns the checks into cash, pays the paid him $1,500 a week to cash checks.
workers, and provides the contractors
with “proof” of liability insurance and “He advised his company is not a
workers’ comp to show when they are real company, they have no office, no
bidding a project. employees and conduct no real work,”
Wolfkill writes.
Because these subcontractors are
not paying workers comp and liability Rosario is a multi-state criminal of-
insurance, they are able to win jobs by fender with numerous convictions
submitting much lower bids than le- and an outstanding arrest warrant
gitimate subcontractors. from the Port St. Lucie Police Depart-
ment, the affidavit notes.
Similar schemes have successfully
been identified and dismantled in Mi- Hernandez, of Pompano Beach, is
ami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Lee part of family that also has a checkered
and Orange counties, Wolfkill tells the past, the detectives said. The Broward
court. County Money Laundering Task Force
has identified and arrested “multiple
The investigation in Indian River members of a criminal network” in-
County was triggered in March when volving the Hernandez family, the af-
detectives checked on the amount of fidavit states. Previous investigations
money flowing throughVero check cash- show its members established at least
ing stores by querying a state database. three construction shell companies
since 2014 to launder money through
Money service businesses, such as workers’ compensation fraud.
check cashing stores, are often used
to transfer funds from subcontractors Hernandez confessed to assisting
to shell companies to avoid detection, with the opening and operations of
and these businesses are required to EAR Construction Services through
report their transactions to the state. Rosario, according to the court re-
cords. He said he obtained insurance
Wolfkill was probing the work of a with the help of a co-conspirator and
Broward County contractor known that he charges 6 percent of payroll to
to rent labor from shell companies in “rent” the policy, the affidavit notes.
order to launder money and commit
workers’ compensation fraud, the af- He told detectives that he moved his
fidavit states. He worked alongside a operations from Miami-Dade and Bro-
detective with the Broward County ward counties to Indian River because
Sheriff’s Office Strategic Investigations it is “quiet” here, meaning the scam is
Money Laundering Task Force. not as well-known as in South Florida.
The contractor is not named in court Lev Evans, assistant state attorney
documents, but one of the contrac- for the 19th Judicial Circuit Court, is
tor’s payees, EAR Construction Ser- one of the prosecutors gearing up to
vices Corporation, had cashed some try the case. He would not talk about
$2.6 million in checks over the course the specifics, citing obligations to the
of four months at One Stop Shop, a Florida State Bar.
business that provides check-cashing
services at 8108 U.S. 1 in Wabasso. “There are two sets of victims in
workers’ compensation fraud,” Evans
The amount far exceeded the pay- said. “The most immediate ones and
roll that would have been anticipated the ones that complain are the insur-
based on its workers’ compensation ance companies. They don’t want to
policy, which named just one worker, be paying out on claims where they
the affidavit states. never took a premium on the worker.”
Further investigation showed EAR But Evans said workers too are victims.
Construction Services, a business Many times, laborers employed by
registered to Rosario in October 2016 scamming subcontractors are undoc-
at a Port St. Lucie residential address, umented immigrants in the country
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 5
illegally who may be pressured to not tinely handles insurance fraud cases, He has retained the legal counsel of His lawyer, Dorothy Naumann, said
report injuries by the threat of expo- ranging from disability payouts to Michael Ohle, a private defense attor- shortly after his arrest that she had
sure. In cases of insurance fraud, a automobile accidents, Evans said. ney with offices in Fort Pierce. Ohle did spoken to his mother and met with Ro-
worker who does report his injury may “Cases involving fake corporations not respond to a request for comment. sario in jail. He was respectful, friendly,
not actually be covered. are more sophisticated and rare.” quiet, she said. “They seem like good
Rosario’s bond is set at $300,000. He is people. He’s presumed innocent.”
The State Attorney’s Office rou- Hernandez’s bond is set at $400,000. being represented by a public defender.
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
MY ‘Operation Safe Streets’ necessary despite mixed reviews
BY RAY MCNULTY with law enforcement officers, Trump outstanding warrants and other local deputies or called in by members of
Staff Writer said, "We cannot accept this violence scofflaws, and confiscate illegal drugs the community," Loar said. "We had
one day more." and firearms. 59 reports of shots fired from June 1
The late, great author Thomas Wolfe through July 31."
was right: You can't go home again. Nor can we, here in Indian River Thus far, Loar's efforts have not pro-
County, my home for most of the past duced Chambliss' killer, but, from Feb. It was in March, however, that an
When I visited family and friend up 15 ½ years. 20 through the end of last week, they exchange of gunfire between the sher-
north last month, I didn't even try – have resulted in 118 arrests on felony iff's SWAT team and a suspected drug
but not for any of the reasons Wolfe It was shortly after an off-duty depu- and/or misdemeanor charges, stem- dealer left an innocent, 21-year-old
wrote about in his highly acclaimed, ty, Garry Chambliss, was fatally struck ming mostly from illegal drugs and guns woman dead.
posthumously released novel. by a stray bullet while standing out- but also from outstanding warrants.
side a house in Gifford in February that In an ironic twist, Loar said that par-
I can't go home again because the Sheriff Deryl Loar vowed a crackdown Drugs – particularly cocaine, mari- ticular mission wasn't directly related to
"Wonder Years"-like, suburban com- on crime in that community. juana and pills – have been seized, "Operation Safe Streets." Yet, because
munity in which I grew up in the 1960s along with six firearms. Many of the of Alteria Woods' death and the media
and '70s now exists only in my mem- "Indian River County has experi- arrests were made during traffic attention it attracted, that episode has
ories – nostalgic images of a special enced too much violence," Loar said stops. During some of the stops, only become the face of the crackdown – es-
place that bears no resemblance to in a news conference held three days citations were issued. pecially to those who believe her death
today's crime-ridden, drug-infested, after the Chambliss shooting, adding, resulted from overzealous policing.
cops-versus-thugs war zone. "I can assure you that the patrol efforts "It was kind of a blitz," Loar said of
will be stepped up in this community. the crackdown, which included the "Some members of the commu-
Maybe you've read about it. Enough is enough. ... It's my pledge to use of extra patrols by deputies in nity have made it the face of the op-
Just two weeks ago, in fact, President make sure that the streets of Gifford marked cars, detectives in unmarked eration," Loar said. "But the operation
Donald Trump traveled to my childhood will be safe again." cars and K-9 units. was going to continue, regardless of
hometown – Brentwood, N.Y. – to con- that incident, and it's still ongoing,
demn the brutality and barbarism of the Armed with public outrage over the And, for the most part, the opera- though we have backed off a bit for
MS-13 gangs, and promise increased veteran deputy's senseless death and tion in Gifford, which Loar described manpower reasons.
federal support to help local police com- the support of Gifford community as our "busiest zone for criminal activ-
bat these domestic terrorists. leaders, Loar then launched "Opera- ity," has been a success. "You're going to see it continue in
Speaking in an auditorium filled tion Safe Streets," an initiative to round some form, not only in Gifford but wher-
up at-large felons, people named in "We're still dealing with about three ever we see a need for increased patrols."
shootings a week, either observed by
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 7
For the record: A grand jury last trust him, and I know that he's going Streets" and want to live in a safe, While Loar's crackdown has taken
month exonerated the SWAT team to do the right thing." crime-free community. drugs, criminals and a few guns off the
members who fired their weapons dur- streets, it also has made his deputies'
ing the March 19 drug raid in which Six months later, Brown said he still "I'd say 90 percent really like what jobs more dangerous.
Woods was killed. trusts Loar and supports the crack- we're doing," Floyd said. "The 10 percent
down, though he has heard reports who don't are mostly the ones doing the Two weeks ago, while two deputies
Loar said he hoped the grand jury's of incidents in which "overzealous" bad stuff. Unfortunately, you never hear conducted a traffic stop in Gifford, an
findings would satisfy those who ques- deputies were unnecessarily harsh in from the people who aren't complaining. unidentified bystander fired two shots
tioned the SWAT team's tactics, but he handling stops. at them. The gunman has not been
knows some will continue to believe "There are certain elements within found, and Loar described the inci-
the officers were too eager to shoot. "I've seen some good and I've seen the community who don't want the dent as an "ambush-style shooting,"
some bad," Brown said. "I've heard law, or they think they should get to though the deputies weren't hit.
And just so you know: Loar said he some good comments and I've heard decide when the law is applied," he
and his command team were discuss- some bad comments. I've received added. "That's not going to happen. "This year has been exceedingly
ing a crackdown in Gifford before good reports and bad. Most of the time, We've got to protect the community." dangerous for our local law enforce-
the Chambliss shooting because the it depends on who's telling the story. ment," Loar said in a statement after
Sheriff's Office had noticed "criminal Floyd said tensions created in the the incident.
activity reaching a pretty high crescen- "But something needed to be done," wake of Woods' death have eased
do" in that area. he continued. "Things were getting out since the grand jury report, but he's Asked last week about the increased
of hand and we needed to try some- still working to "heal the community" danger as a result of "Operation Safe
"Nobody will believe that, but even thing. Sometimes, you try things and and "bridge the gap" between resi- Streets," Loar said his deputies have
if Deputy Chambliss hadn't been shot, it's not perfect. Mistakes are made, and dents and law enforcement. become "more cognizant" of their
we still would've had Operation Safe you can't always put it on the sheriff. surroundings because "the bad guys
Streets," Loar said. "After the shooting, There are levels beneath him. To that end, Floyd said the Sher- are fighting back more."
however, there was an outcry from the iff's Office is planning to offer a "citi-
community to do something right away." "It's one of those damned-if-you- zen's academy" at which community Still, Loar believes he's doing what's
do, damned-if-you-don't situations, members can be educated about law necessary, what's right and what the
During Loar's Feb. 20 news confer- and you have to look at it in its entire- enforcement and various aspects of good people of Gifford want him to do.
ence, Tony Brown, president of the lo- ty," he added. "We, as a community, the deputy's job.
cal NAACP chapter, echoed the sher- also have to do some introspection. "We've slowed down the criminal
iff's "enough is enough" sentiment We have some issues." "We're hoping to get started within activity, and we'll continue to do so,"
and backed the promised crackdown a month or so," Floyd said. "We've he said. "There's still work to do out
on crime – especially violent crime – Veteran deputy Teddy Floyd, the been reaching out to the community. there. We're not going to let the peo-
in Gifford. sheriff's community outreach and This is a chance for the community ple down."
crime prevention specialist, said an to reach back and learn about what
"Our community is in crisis," Brown overwhelming majority of Gifford we do. People need to know there's a He can't let the bad guys win.
said then. "He has the prescription ... I residents support "Operation Safe heart behind this badge." I've seen what happens when they
8 Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
School District budget chick disagreed with Zorc’s contention neys do inferior work, and that it was we could be putting into classrooms.”
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 that the School Board was voting blind. too late to look into it for this budget. In the end, Zorc voted along with
“You can’t say blanketly we are voting
rison to try to fill in gaps and learn blindly,” Simchick said. “It’s you who Employee travel costs are also too the other board members to move the
what she could, but said the meetings are uncomfortable. Micro-managing is high, Zorc said, which drew no com- budget for the 2017-2018 fiscal year
were mainly an exercise in frustration. something a board member can do . . .” ments from fellow board members. forward but said her ‘yea’ vote was
she said, not completing the sentence. provisional. She wants her sugges-
“If I wanted more detail, Mr. Mor- “Each thing I bring up is not going tions for savings discussed in detail
rison said (he would have to ) ask Dr. Zorc, who previously worked in fo- anywhere,” Zorc said. “I was elected to before the final budget goes to public
Rendell if I can ask him (Morrison) that rensic accounting, said she “tried to oversee the budget and policy. It’s not hearing and then to the board for a fi-
question. Then I would have to wait audit” particular line items, such as fair to the taxpayers or to their kids. nal vote on Sept. 7.
three weeks to get the information. It’s the category “non-labor discretion- There is so much in [the budget] . . .
very unproductive. By the time I get it, ary.” That budget heading is a catch-
I haven’t had time to look at it [before all found in 24 school and 20 depart- EMERGENCY ROOM DOCTOR DUDLEY TEEL
meetings where the budget is discussed ment budgets totaling $7.3 million in SEEKS FULL INQUIRY INTO WIFE’S DEATH
or voted on]. It should not be this diffi- expenditures that “don’t come before
cult, especially if we’re elected officials.” the board,” Zorc said. BY NICK SAMUEL A taser was not used and it’s unknown
if the deputy had time to warn Susan
Instead of depending on Morri- In other words, the school district Staff Writer Teel to drop the knife, Loar said. When
son to try get information about how plans to spend over $7 million in this asked about the possibility of shooting
money is being spent, Zorc asked that one category without providing elect- Former Riomar resident Dr. Dudley the woman in the leg, Loar said, “We’re
department heads give presentations ed officials or the public with any de- Teel has hired an attorney to investigate not trained to shoot the leg.”
to the School Board next year, which is tails of where that money is going. the death of his wife Susan Teel, 62, who
the way the County Commission vets was shot by Indian River County Sher- Loar hasn’t commented on the num-
its budget. Zorc also suggested the district iff’s Deputy Jonathan Lozada July 26 at ber of times Susan Teel was shot, but Ru-
could save money on legal fees. the couple’s home in the 600 block of bin said three shell casings were found at
“I think it would be very enlighten- Carriage Lake Way, Vero Beach. the scene. Information on where bullets
ing,” agreed School Board Chairper- School Board Attorney Suzanne struck her has not been released.
son Charles Searcy said. D’Agresta does a good job, she said, Teel and his attorney Guy Rubin
but contracting private-sector legal held a press conference at the St. Lu- Dr. Teel said he and his wife were
After protesting that each depart- services instead of hiring an in-house cie County Courthouse on Friday to married for 40 years and that Susan was
ment went through a “zero-based- lawyer is more expensive. D’Agresta announce the investigation. wonderful. He said they had just moved
budget process,” examining each line is paid a $264,000-a-year base fee into the home on Carriage Lake Way.
item, Rendell conceded, “We can alter and other School Board attorneys get Rubin said there was never any in-
the process in the future so there is about $160,000, she said. dication Susan Teel, who was 5-feet-2 “We spent lots of time together, sat on
more board involvement.” inches and 118 pounds, was a threat to the back porch, had coffee and watched
Simchick and School Board Vice anyone other than herself. the birds,” he said at the news confer-
School Board Member Dale Sim- Chairperson Shawn Frost said other ence. “She would go to the gym and
school boards claim in-house attor- Officials said at the time that Susan work out and I would go walking. We
Teel, who was depressed and threat- would get back about 1:30 and go play
ening suicide, lunged at Lozada with a golf and go out to dinner that evening.”
butcher knife.
“We were the happiest we had ever
“We’re not here today asking for been,” Dudley Teel said. “Then, she
criminal charges against the deputy,” got into this spiral of depression, sec-
Rubin said at the Aug. 4 news confer- ondary to some of the incidents that
ence. “What we’re asking for is fair- happened at the home.”
ness, transparency and integrity.”
He declined to elaborate on the in-
He said he and his client don’t know cidents, but said Susan Teel had been
yet if a civil lawsuit is coming. taking anti-depressants for a year.
Rubin said an incident July 24 where
“We’re not going to put the cart be- Susan Teel’s son, James Teel, attacked
fore the horse,” Rubin said. “We’ll let her at her home was probably a major
the facts play out, see what the evi- factor in her inconsolable depression.
dence is and make a determination.”
Sheriff Loar previously said depu-
According to Sheriff Deryl Loar, Dr. ties had been called to the home sev-
Teel found his wife in the bathtub cut- eral times within the past few years,
ting her wrists with a razor knife short- with some incidents involving other
ly before 8 p.m. on July 26. family members.
Loar said the Sheriff’s Office be- The Teels lived at a home on Lady
lieves Dudley Teel contacted his Bug Lane from 1984 until 2003, ac-
daughter, Sara Gordon, who was not cording to court records. They had
at the home, and asked her to call 911. four children: James Teel, Sara Gor-
don, Emily Riegger and Connor Teel.
In the 911 call, which was released July
27, Gordon told a dispatcher “My mom Dudley Teel has been an emergency
just tried to kill herself.” She also said room doctor on the Treasure Coast for
that her mother might be intoxicated. more than 30 years, Rubin said. He
was issued a medical license in 1984,
Lozada arrived at the scene within has worked for the Indian River Medi-
three minutes and spoke to Dr. Teel, cal Center and currently works for the
who told him Susan Teel was upstairs Sebastian River Medical Center, ac-
trying to harm herself. cording to court records and the Flori-
da Department of Health.
“He ran upstairs with the intention
of saving her life,” Loar said. “When
the deputy entered the bedroom, she
became combative.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 9
Island woman leads U.S. team at World Bridge tourney
BY RAY MCNULTY the cards just don't come your way. Last September, however, Jenkins' to do it, it was just about playing some
"Bridge is in the middle," she add- longtime friend and former bridge bridge and having a good time."
Staff Writer partner, Sheri Winestock of Las Vegas
ed. "Anyone can beat anyone on any (via Canada), called and asked if she'd Then the No. 1 seeded team lost dur-
You might be surprised to learn that a given hand, but, over the long run, the be interested in playing in the U.S. ing the round-robin phase, creating an
Vero Beach woman will be representing better player is usually going to win." Bridge Championships. opening for Jenkins' team to play its
the United States when the 43rd World way to the world championships.
Bridge Federation Team Champion- Over the years, when she wasn't on "We started off talking about play-
ships begin Saturday in Lyon, France. hiatus, she has played across America ing bridge again, just for fun, then she "We got lucky," she said of her first
in regional and national tournaments, brought up the team trials," Jenkins said, trials experience and qualifying for her
But you shouldn't be. earning a reputation as a serious com- referring to the U.S. championships by first trip to the world championships.
The Vero Beach Bridge Center is petitor. But she hasn't played much their generic name. "When we decided
among the top 10 most active bridge since moving to Vero Beach in 2005. Men's and women's teams from
clubs in America.
What is surprising, though, is that CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
Castaway Cove resident Bronia Jenkins,
who will captain the United States' No.
2 team in this month's biennial com-
petition, doesn't play as much bridge
as you'd expect of a world champion-
ship contender – or at least she didn't
until March, when she severed her
Achilles tendon while playing tennis at
Quail Valley.
"I couldn't really do anything else,"
Jenkins said, "so I practiced more on-
line with my bridge partner."
Before that, Jenkins, who learned
to play 30 years ago during an intern-
ship while pursuing a mechanical en-
gineering degree at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, hadn't played
as much as she would've liked.
In fact, during one 14-year stretch
– while working as a foreign exchange
options trader in London, New York
and Connecticut, and raising her two
now-teen-aged children who attend St.
Edward's – she actually stopped play-
ing entirely.
"I had zero time," she said.
But even when she wasn't playing,
Jenkins, 48, never lost her love for what
she called a "fascinating game," one she
said she'll never completely master.
"I've been playing a long time, and I
play at a very high level, but I don't play
enough," Jenkins said. "I'd like to play
more. To be super competitive, you
need to play more. Bridge is a game
you can continually get better at.
"As much as I've played over the
years, I still constantly make mistakes,"
she added. "I can still always look back
and see something I could've done
differently. There's so much that goes
into it: strategy, tactics, probabilities,
statistics, table presence . . .
"That's why I enjoy the game so much."
Jenkins, who was born in France
and grew up in Montreal and San Di-
ego, said she always has enjoyed play-
ing cards and board games.
"In chess, everything is out there on
the board and the better players are
going to win every time," Jenkins said.
"In poker, there's some skill involved,
but there's a lot of luck, too. You can
be the better player, but, sometimes,
10 Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Island bridge player IRMC executive turnstile hospital’s website, Patterson, 46, has Indian River Medical Center Board,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 accepted a similar position at Mana- said news of Patterson’s departure
tee Hospital in Bradenton. IRMC CEO came as a “complete surprise.”
eight zones will compete in the two- nation was officially announced last Jeffrey Susi was on vacation when the
week tournament. Thursday. She spent just 13 months in resignation was made public and un- Her resignation comes amid ongo-
the position. available for comment. ing financial challenges at the hospital
The women's teams will compete and a resulting effort to link up with
for the Venice Cup, while the men's After Cindy Vanek resigned in Au- “I am so thankful for the opportu- another hospital system, preferably a
teams will vie for the Bermuda Bowl. gust 2013, her successor, Dan Janicak, nity to have been a part of IRMC and nonprofit. IRMC is looking for a part-
was ousted a month after doubling his the support I received here which al- ner that can infuse capital to upgrade
"We'll be playing against the best workload by adding COO duties to his lowed me to make a difference,” Pat- the aging facility. That task is expected
in the world, so this is very exciting," role as Chief Financial Officer. terson said in a prepared statement. to cost $185 million.
Jenkins said. "You can't become a The announcement also included a
world champion unless you play in Then Janicak’s successor, Steve Saly- comment from Susi: “For all her work Hospital District Board member
the world championships, and I've er, was pushed out in December 2015 and dedication, we thank her and wish Tracey Zudans also said she was sur-
thought about being a world cham- after 19 months at IRMC. her and her family well.” prised to hear of Patter’s resignation,
pion since I started playing bridge." “particularly because of her excellent
According to a statement on the Dr. Michael Weiss, a member of the reputation in the community and
such a short tenure.”
District Board member Allen Jones
said it was his understanding that
Patterson was recruited for the job at
Manatee Hospital.
“Why wouldn’t she take it?” he asked
rhetorically. “Manatee is bigger. Its
Emergency Room gets 71,000 patients
a year. Indian River gets 60,000. I can’t
see any other reason she would leave.
I’m sorry to see Camie go. I thought
she was terrific.” Jones said he was un-
aware of any counter-offer from IRMC.
Patterson’s new employer is part of
Universal Health System. The release
noted the company operates more
than 200 health care facilities.
Patterson’s immediate predecessor as
COO had a similarly brief stay at IRMC.
Salyer spent 19 months in the po-
sition. Shortly before his departure,
he was party to a now settled lawsuit
between the hospital and Salyer’s pre-
vious employer, the then owner of Se-
bastian River Medical Center.
The suit was based on a non-com-
pete agreement signed by Salyer that
prohibited him from working for a
competitor within 100 miles of Se-
bastian. Despite that agreement, Susi
hired him and then, a year and a half
later, fired him.
Former hospital board member
Paul Nezi blames Susi for the high
rate of executive turnover.
“I met with Steve Salyer right after
he came to the hospital,” Nezi re-
called. “I told him he would be fired
within 18 months.”
A similar fate befell Janicak, who
added chief operating officer duties
to his chief financial officer role fol-
lowing Vanek’s resignation in 2013.
“Janicak presented a great turn-
around plan for the hospital,” Nezi
said. “Then he was fired.”
“Susi’s probably not going to retire,
even though it’s been announced,” he
Susi previously announced he
would retire at the end of 2017. Since
then he suspended that firm date,
saying he would stay on through the
transition to new leadership. Now it
appears that transition will include a
new chief operating officer.
P. 15
12 Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Deandra Pound and Freddie Woolfork with Jervon, Angela and Shi. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Viviandra and Trevin Phinizee.
Back to School Bash gives kids tools to succeed
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF help cover the costs of special mate- care about you. I want you to return County Sheriff’s Office, Lt. Eric
Staff Writer rials needed at the secondary level. the favor by doing well in school. Flowers wished everyone a happy
My hair is getting white, and that and safe school year, adding, “Edu-
“Education is what? Education is Additionally, nonprofit agencies means there’s going to come a time cation is everything. It’s so impor-
RED HOT!” shouted Freddie Wool- dispensed information, bicycle hel- when we are dependent upon you, tant that you study and pay atten-
fork, Gifford Youth Achievement mets, Safe Kids literature and per- the youth of our future, to step up to tion because it will get you places.
Center director of public relations sonal items, while the Gifford Youth the plate and take charge.” I wouldn’t be standing here today
and facilities operation, pumping Orchestra performed. if it weren’t for education. You can
up the crowd of children gathered Margaret Ingram is a familiar face grow up and be whatever you want
for the 19th annual GYAC Back to Isabella Cruz, an incoming 5th- around the GYAC campus, working to be and education is the key to do-
School Bash last Saturday morning. grader at Dodgertown Elementary with children in her Science Insti- ing that.”
School and GYAC participant, ea- tute after having taught for 35 years
With the Aug. 14 back to school gerly picked out her own backpack in the school district. The beloved “This is so impressive; that the
date fast approaching, more than and one for her sister, sharing, “We and respected educator shared a few community will rally around to help
900 pre-kindergarten to 12th-grad- come every year. I’m excited to get pearls of wisdom with both parents everyone,” said School Superinten-
ers received backpacks filled with ready for school.” and students, proffering that both dent Mark Rendell. “We’re not rely-
much-needed school supplies, need to be engaged for an effective ing on the government to do this.
thanks to donations from business- Community leaders were on hand learning experience to occur. This is something coming from in-
es, churches and individual donors. to encourage youngsters to take ad- side our own community. We know
vantage of the endless possibilities “For the children to have a posi- as a school district that not all of our
GYAC held a month-long school offered through education. County tive and successful school year they kids have the tools, materials and
supply drive to help alleviate some Commissioner Joe Flescher chat- need to follow these ABC’s – Atti- supplies they need when they come
of the burdens on parents strug- ted with students about their favor- tude, Behavior and Conduct.” To the to school so this is a way to help all
gling to make ends meet. For some, ite subjects: math, science, history parents, Ingram challenged, “Apply of our children have what they need
just getting food on the table is and, of course, lunch. Basic Common Sense (ABC’s). Get when they come to school.”
challenge enough; a school supply involved in your children’s life and
list can be overwhelming. Back- “Today we’re going to give you school. Send them to school with a Following the GYAC Bash, chil-
packs were filled with paper, pens, tools for the nourishment of your good attitude. Become involved in dren splashed about in the Gifford
pencils, rulers, folders, crayons, mind; the tools that will allow you the school; check their homework, Aquatics Center pool at the Feed
binders, construction paper and to go through school in the right check to see if they are reading and the Lambs Splash, before heading
calculators. For high school seniors, way. You’ll get a nice backpack most of all talk to them.” to Gifford Park for a Calvary Chapel
a drawing was held for gift cards to filled with stuff that will let you picnic Mash.
be a wiser, smarter individual,” he On behalf of the Indian River
said. “The people in the community
14 Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Joe Flescher, Angelia Perry and Jon Teske. Gifford Youth Orchestra musicians Tatiana, E.J. and Alexandria.
Harriet Jenkins and Mary B. McKinney help Demarcus pick a backpack.
Mary Gilmartin helps Baylee with a fingerprint. Natalie Magadan and Alisa Wilson with Rebecca Magadan. Lt. Eric Flowers and Freddie Woolfork.
Muriel Cobb, Rosanne Socci, Sarah Pinelli and Dawn Allen.
Eve Carswell helps Moses with a new bike helmet.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 15
High drama and fantastic gymnastics at Aerial Antics
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF ment, wowed audiences with assort- impact of the program. The sisters
Staff Writer ed gymnastics, dance routines and both began camp at the age of 4 and
daring aerial acts. haven’t stopped tumbling yet.
The Gonzalez Activities Center
gymnasium at Saint Edward’s School “We had a really, really, really good Administered by the Recreation
was ablaze during three packed per- year at camp this year. All the weeks Department at the Centerstage Acro-
formances of the 43rd annual Aerial were full, so we had a lot of kids per- batic Complex at Leisure Square and
Antics Youth Circus production. Last forming; close to 250,” shared Patty sponsored in part by the Florida Divi-
weekend’s Fire & Ice-themed show, Howard, assistant recreation direc- sion of Cultural Affairs and the Flor-
presented by the City of Vero Beach tor. Howard and her sister Liz Mat- ida Arts Council, the program has a
Recreation’s Performing Arts Depart- thews, the performing arts instructor, long history of providing a healthy
are prime examples of the supportive
Amelia Gerthoffer. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Tamya Mosley.
Kiersten Tate, Riley Marsh and Hayley Carter.
Taryn Sovine. Mali Cobb.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
outlet for local children.
Performers ranging in ages from
3 to 33 blazed their way across the
stage, demonstrating the various
skills acquired through the gym-
nastic program and Aerial Antics
Summer Camp. Coaches and senior
artists were a constant presence on
the floor, giving cues and making
sure every single performer got their
chance to shine.
Audible gasps followed by thun-
derous applause could be heard
from cheering parents, grandpar-
ents, family and friends as each
new act was given a chance to show
off their tumbling, choreographed
dance routines and aerial acrobatics
on the trapeze, hoops and silks, as
they performed to everything from
“Great Balls of Fire” to “Frozen.”
“We try to do something totally
different every time,” explained
Howard. “Our theme this year was
Fire and Ice; all the music either had
fire or heat or ice and cold. We had
lots of good aerial routines this year.
The kids were phenomenal.”
The show closed with a “Fireworks”
display like no other, as members of
the Performing Arts Company and
Troupe glided through the air in a
finale befitting a professional three-
ring circus, featuring acrobats inter-
twined with silks and dancers tum-
bling in a poetically choreographed
Charter High School senior Madi-
son Torrent is one of many whose
lifelong love of gymnastics was de-
veloped through the city’s programs.
Torrent was enrolled as a toddler in
Mommy and Me classes and pro-
gressed to tumbling, gymnastics
and aerial acrobatics.
“I fell in love with gymnastics
and haven’t stopped,” shared Tor-
rent. “It’s the thrill of the show that
keeps me going. It’s really fun to get
up there. It’s super high and scary at
first, but you’ve gotta be brave. It’s
worth it.”
The 17-year-old hopes to partici-
pate in club gymnastics at the Uni-
versity of Florida when she heads
off to college next fall. Dedicated
to honing her skills, she even prac-
tices at home in her garage. But she
notes that it is not just the physical
aspects that keep her involved year
after year.
“The whole family feeling of it is
amazing,” said Torrent. “Everyone
knows each other and I’ve been with
my team for years. It’s really helped
me to learn how to work with other
people and I feel like I’m more confi-
dent coming out of this.”
The annual Aerial Antics Holi-
day Drama takes place Dec. 3 at the
Vero Beach High School Performing
Arts Center.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 17
Class action! RT Star party celebrates school spirit
Jon Moses and Diane Parentela. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Cynthia Falardeau and Adam Schnell. RT Stars Back to School Party.
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF transportation, vision screenings, tants. Unable to correctly guess the programs the county has to offer.
the Tobacco Free Partnership of In- number of public schools in the It’s a way of getting kids, parents and
Staff Writer dian River County’s SWAT team (Stu- county (27), he did know that Aug. 14 teachers excited about going back to
dents Working Against Tobacco) and is the first day of school this year. school. We’ve added more entertain-
With summer drawing to an end, a Riverside Theatre programs. ment this year just to make it more
galaxy of stars gathered at Riverside “Today was a composite,” ex- exciting.”
Theatre last Saturday to celebrate the “I’m surprised at how many people plained Jon Moses, Riverside’s man-
upcoming school year at RT Star’s third were interested in the vision screen- aging director, noting that more than The afternoon closed with the sixth
annual Back to School Party hosted by ing and transportation,” shared 1,500 people attend the annual event. annual Riverside Dance Festival pre-
the Education Foundation of Indian Falardeau. “We are able to offer on- “It showcased all the programs that sented in partnership with Ballet
River County and Riverside Theatre. site vision screening using goggles Riverside Theatre has throughout Vero Beach, featuring a wonderful
funded through the John’s Island the year for kids, parents and teach- Ariel Rivka Dance performance on
“We are excited to partner with Riv- Foundation and follow up with vision ers along with all the services and the Stark Stage.
erside Theatre; it’s a wonderful part- services with Dr. Stephen Kepley for
nership,” said Cynthia Falardeau, Edu- students that don’t qualify for assis-
cation Foundation executive director. tance, through the generosity of the
“It brings the community to Riverside Grand Harbor Community Outreach
to learn about their showcase of pro- Program.
grams. It also provides a forum to con-
nect families with school and com- The big yellow school bus was a
munity resources. It’s a win-win for huge draw as well. The air-condi-
everyone, in the spirit of building unity tioned buses have seat belts and use
in the community.” propane, a clean, quieter, more effi-
cient fuel.
The morning began with close to 100
teachers attending a breakfast and pep “Many of the children have never
rally which also featured a preview of been on a bus before, so they are ex-
Riverside’s Touring Troupe produc- cited to get on one,” explained Jenni-
tions. fer Idlette, director of transportation.
“We have fantastic drivers who have
“The Education Foundation is a an essential job; making sure the
great organization that supports the children get to and from school safely
schools. I came out to support them to- every day.”
day. The teacher breakfast was a great
way to kick off the school year,” said Entertainment also included limbo
Diane Parentela, a kindergarten teach- and getting dressed for school con-
er at Osceola Magnet School, who has tests and a game of “Are You Smart-
taught in the district for 29 years. “RCT er Than A Fifth Grader?” pitted five
has three programs they are offering to elementary-school students against
bring out to the schools; they are show- Kelly Baysura, executive director of
casing them today. It’s a nice way to see elementary education; Bruce Green,
what they have to offer and start think- assistant superintendent of technolo-
ing about how I can incorporate that gy, assessment and human resources;
into what I do in my classroom.” Tiffany Justice, school board mem-
ber; and a student ringer brought in
Children made their way through for extra brain power.
a variety of hands-on activities, face
painting, a bouncy slide, games, live The children broke a tie for the
iRascals and Touring Program perfor- win with the correct answer to: What
mances, a DJ Dance Party and con- country gave the Statue of Liberty to
tests, collecting stars at each booth to the United States? (France).
earn an RT Star button after complet-
ing their star-studded maps. Justice turned the tables on emcee
Hamp Elliott, who had thoroughly
Meanwhile, parents gathered in- enjoyed heckling the adult contes-
formation about school lunches and
20 Vero Beach 32963 /August 10, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Good, fellas: The guys have it this Riverside season
BY MICHELLE GENZ Allen Cornell, Joe Truesdale, and Jordan Lippert. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE ‘Million Dollar Quartet’
is more of a spontaneous
Staff Writer Rebekah Baumgartner and Allen Cornell. Before that are two interaction of these guys
more main-stage shows when they came together
Riverside Theatre may want to add likely to please the pa- this one time.”
a cigar bar to its just-opened outdoor trons with pickup trucks.
cocktail bar, with a testosterone-tar- “Hank Williams: Lost That famous session
geted season that spans rockabilly, Highway” opens the sea- took place in December
strippers and football. son in late October, fol- 1956, at Sun Record Stu-
lowed by “Million-Dollar dio in Memphis. Owner
For the second year, Riverside The- Quartet,” the tale of the Sam Phillips had called
atre is staging a play amid its usual chance recording session in his latest artist, the
lineup of musicals. And lineup is the of four massive country then-unknown Jerry Lee
operative word in “Lombardi,” a play and rockabilly legends. Lewis, to help out on pi-
about a week in the life of legendary ano on a track Carl Per-
football coach Vince Lombardi who The two shows, while kins was recording (Per-
in the mid-1960s led the Green Bay featuring similar music, kins’ most famous hit
Packers to a championship. The play “are very different sty- was “Blue Suede Shoes”).
is based on the 1999 book by Pulit- listically,” says Cornell. As the session got under-
zer Prize-winning Washington Post “The Hank Williams way, Elvis Presley, then
journalist David Maraniss, “When piece has more of a nar- 21 and a former Sun artist, dropped
Pride Still Mattered: A Life of Vince rative thread. You really by to say hi and decided to join in the
Lombardi.” follow Hank’s journey of jam. Meanwhile, Johnny Cash had
how he became a legend come to listen to Perkins; he grabbed
The story of great leadership has along the lost highway. a guitar, too.
particular meaning today, says Riv- In the middle of the jam, Phillips
erside CEO Allen Cornell, who will called the local paper’s entertain-
be directing the play. “I think a lot ment writer. He came out with a UPI
of men would be interested in com- photographer. The story and photo
ing to the theater to see this,” he says. ran the next day under the headline
“Most importantly in this day and “Million-Dollar Quartet.”
age, it’s about who are the winners The stage musical written about
and who are the losers and what does that afternoon premiered at Dayto-
it take to be a winner.” na’s Seaside Music Theatre ten years
ago, opening on Broadway in 2010.
Cornell has cast Richie Zavaglia in Riverside’s production will be di-
the lead role. Along with bearing a rected by Keith Andrews, who direct-
physical resemblance to Lombardi, Za- ed “The Full Monty” here in 2012.
vaglia’s own Italian heritage led Cornell There might have been a quintet
to select him. “He was in a play I direct- had that serendipitous studio session
ed several years ago, and I thought of taken place three years earlier, be-
him. He’s really a fine actor.” That play fore the stunning early death of Hank
was “Breaking Legs” in 2009.
“Lombardi” opens Jan. 30, perfect
timing for a ticket as a stocking stuffer.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 /August 10, 2017 21
Williams. His story is told in “Hank times on Broadway, that’s one of the You’ll ‘Love’ the top talent
Williams: Lost Highway,” a tribute to reasons we haven’t been able to do at summer chamber concert
the country-and-Western legend who it,” says Cornell. So far, the lead roles,
died at 29 on a snowy New Year’s Eve including Rose, who Cornell calls the BY PAM HARBAUGH classics and headed by two extraordi-
in the back seat of a Cadillac. Wil- “stage mom monster,” have yet to be Correspondent nary young artists growing in acclaim.
liams, cited by Bob Dylan as a major cast. “We have a list of leads,” says
influence, is known for hits includ- Cornell. “For actors at that level, any- With a world made weary by politics, The concert will have two perfor-
ing “Hey Good Lookin’” and “I’m So thing can happen in their lives this it’s time to come together. And there’s mances, Thursday evening in Vero
Lonesome I Could Cry.” far out.” no better way to make that happen than Beach and Friday evening in Mel-
with “Summer of Love,” a chamber bourne. It features cellist Francisco
The Broadway show deeply im- “Gypsy” will be directed and cho- concert chock-full of romantic-themed Vila-Haas and pianist Steven Lin per-
pressed critics. Anthony DeCurtis of reographed by Riverside veteran Jim-
Rolling Stone called the musical “ex- my Brennan. CONTINUED ON PAGE 22
hilarating” and said he was “stunned
at the forceful, clear-eyed and mov- The other big seller so far is “Mama RED, WHITE AND BREW
ing depiction of his life.” Mia!” And that is likely not because it
appeals to men; its chick shtick has Your craft beer deserves a hand crafted glass.
Key in the Vero cast is David Lut- driven droves of women to see it in Ours is the only hand-pressed pint glass
ken; he co-created and performed in both stage and film versions. made in the USA. . . thicker, sturdier,
“Woody Sez” at Riverside as well as and retains cold much longer.
in the original Broadway cast. “He’s The third jukebox musical in the Let’s drink to that!
an old friend and one of the most Riverside lineup, this one threads to-
talented acting musicians I’ve ever gether the songs of the Swedish pop SEE THESE AND OTHER FINE THINGS AT VERO’S FINEST
known,” says Cornell. “If anyone can group Abba. There is a plot as well, COLLECTION OF AMERICAN-MADE ART AND JEWELRY
find the truth in Hank Williams’ mu- a paternity who-dunnit with the
sic, he can.” setting a destination wedding on a THEL AUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM 2910 CARDINAL DR.
Greek island. VERO BEACH, FL
Both shows are in the same vein 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
as one of Riverside’s best-sellers last Don’t feel left out yet, dudes. There
year – “Ring of Fire: The Music of are a couple more options for the XYs
Johnny Cash,” another jukebox musi- in Riverside’s smaller Waxlax stage.
cal honoring a country legend. That For the subset who live and breathe
play ended with a local tragedy: the Barbra Streisand, there is “Buyer and
show’s star and director, Jason Ed- Cellar,” a 90-minute one-man com-
wards, died of a heart attack here edy about Streisand’s real-life base-
in Vero just two days after the show ment, which is apparently crammed
closed. He was 62. to the gills with her myriad posses-
sions, meticulously merchandized
Despite the popularity of “Ring of as if in a mall. That image, which
Fire,” Cornell says the two upcoming appeared in a Streisand coffee table
tributes are coincidence, that book- book, inspired the lone actor to fan-
ing the shows was the result of rights tasize minding that store.
becoming available.
And finally, for the classic man, a
Cornell says so far, it’s the strip- musical comedy mystery with mul-
per’s story that is reeling in the re- tiple endings based on Charles Dick-
served seats. Never mind that the ens’ unfinished last novel: “The Mys-
strip-teasing in “Gypsy” was a cen- tery of Edwin Drood.” With book,
tury ago; the musical, based loosely music and lyrics written by Rupert
on the 1957 memoir of Gypsy Rose Holmes, Broadway’s “Drood” has
Lee, is regarded as one of the all-time been trimmed to a cast of 12 to fit into
greatest Broadway musicals. the intimate Waxlax. For that, direc-
tor and choreographer DJ Salisbury
“Gypsy” was first envisioned by worked directly with Holmes. While
producer David Merrick and Ethel the version the two collaborated on
Merman, who starred in the original has been staged a couple of times,
version. With a book by Arthur Lau- the Riverside production may be “the
rent and music by Jule Styne, the mu- most serious regional theater stab at
sical launched songwriter Stephen this point,” says Cornell.
Sondheim’s career and has always
been considered one of Broadway’s “I’m hoping Rupert will make it
greatest. Riverside hasn’t staged it for down to see the production,” Cor-
“a million years,” says Cornell, but nell says of the British pop star and
when he saw the movie version on TV frequent Streisand collaborator, best
last year with Rosalind Russell, his known for his hit “Escape (the Pina
favorite Rose, it sparked his interest Colada Song).”
to stage it again.
“He contacted me when he knew I
The last Broadway revival in 2008 was interested, and said, ‘If I can be
starred Patti LuPone, who included of any help, let me know.’”
songs from the show when she and
Mandy Patinkin performed at the Here, too, Cornell has an eye to the
Vero Beach Museum of Art in 2011. A gentlemen. While the play should
West End production in 2015 was re- draw lovers of murder mysteries and
corded and broadcast on PBS in the Victorian England, in another con-
U.S. in 2016. The show was staged by cession to the large production, some
the all-volunteer Vero Beach Theatre of the audience seats will be incorpo-
Guild in 2015. rated into the set.
“‘Gypsy’ has been revived so many “It’s a pub,” says Cornell. “There’ll
be drinks served.”
22 Vero Beach 32963 /August 10, 2017 ARTS & THEATRE Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 Cellist Francisco Vila-Haas
forming Bach, Beethoven, Dvorak, chamber group. The two met a year
Saint Saens, Davidoff and more. ago at a young artists showcase in New
York City. “I heard him play and I im-
“There’s a big message there that mediately wanted to bring up the idea
music knows no boundaries,” said Vila- of playing together,” Vila-Haas said. “He
Haas. said ‘Of course.’ That’s how these con-
certs came about. They’ve been a year
That has certainly proved with the in the making.”
case with both Vila-Haas and Lin.
Despite the long waiting period, the
Born in Ecuador, Vila-Haas moved concert rehearsals will be the first time
with his family to Melbourne, Florida, the two play together. The two sought-
when he was 8 years old, the same age after musicians carved time out of their
when he started the cello. Born in Cali- busy professional schedules to make
fornia, Lin grew up in Taiwan. this happen.
Currently, Vila-Haas is the princi- Speaking from his home in Denmark,
pal cellist for the Aalborg Symphony Vila-Haas said “This is the time of year
in Denmark. Lin is the pianist with the
DITTO Ensemble, a popular Korean
Naomi R. Cohen Foundation.
Pianist Steven Lin Lin was only 10 years old when
the Juilliard School awarded him
a full scholarship to study with
Yoheved Kaplinsky. That led to
his debut with the New York Phil-
harmonic in Avery Fisher Hall.
He was only 13 years old.
His growing list of awards in-
cludes those from the 2013 Van
Cliburn International Piano
Competition and the 2014 Arthur
Rubinstein Piano Competition.
Lin has performed world wide,
been featured on PBS and cur-
rently travels Asia with the DIT-
TO Ensemble, which, in Korea, is
“at the same level of fame as any
(summer) when you try out different pop group,” Vila-Haas said.
and new projects … I thought what Like Lin, the award-winning Vila-
better and more relaxed place than at Haas has performed frequently as a
home.” soloist with orchestras throughout the
Like any professional musician, mov- world. He also helped build the Festival
ing around has been a part of life for International de Musica de Esmeraldas
both Vila-Haas and Lin. which is held in Ecuador.
After graduating from Eau Gallie The program for the concert on
High School, Vila-Haas moved north Thursday and Friday includes Bach’s
where he studied at the Boston Conser- “Cello Suite No. 1,” which includes
vatory. From there, he moved to Bloom- Bach’s “Prelude,” both a challenging
ington to attend Indiana University to and uplifting piece. Lin will perform
study with legendary cello teacher, the Beethoven’s lively “Waldstein Sonata,”
late Janos Starker. considered one of the most thrilling
Studying with Starker became a soul- piano sonatas. Both works demand deft
shifting experience for Vila-Haas. It musicianship.
was so important, he said, that he ap- “Summer of Love” concert is presented
proached Starker’s estate to purchase by the Space Coast Symphony. It begins
his teacher’s bow, which Starker got 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 10, at the First
from his teacher. Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach, 520
Bows are just as important as the cel- Royal Palm Blvd., Vero Beach; and 7:30
lo itself and are frequently quite dear. p.m. Friday, Aug. 11, at the Eastminster
Moreover, many serious string musi- Presbyterian Church, 106 N. Riverside
cians play on rare instruments owned Drive, Indialantic, FL. Tickets are $25 at
by a foundation. In Vila-Haas’ case, the door and $20 in advance. It is free to
while he owns his E. Tubbs bow, he per- those 18 years and younger with student
forms on a 1790 Vincenzo Panoramo ID. Call 855-252-7276 or visit Space-
cello loaned to him by the Saul B. and
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 /August 10, 2017 23
Coming Up: Local flavor adds to ‘Summerfest’ menu
BY SAMANTHA BAITA unique, non-stop “swingabilly” sound. to worry, there’s a full bar, fire-grilled Musical-wise, this Friday brings a tru-
Staff Writer Saturday, you’ll hear Category 5 and the sammies and treats you can purchase. ly unique band, Kilt the Messenger, a
Storm Horns (guitar, bass, sax, trom- Music is from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. five-person group mostly out of Mel-
bone and trumpet) playing R&B, classic bourne, with one member, Annie Pa-
1 The Symphony of the Americas’ rock and swing. No ticket is required to 3 The Kilted Mermaid on Old Dixie nuk, from Vero. Padnuk is a bagpiper
dazzling 26th Anniversary Sum- come out and enjoy the music. Riverside in Vero’s Art District has an eclec- who, with her bandmates, plays what
brings in a different band, with a dif- they have dubbed “Celtic punkabilly.”
merfest comes to Christ by the Sea Unit- ferent sound, each night – rock, island It is, as you might imagine, a blending
music, folk rock, blues, country, blue- of the iconic Celtic sound with rock
ed Methodist Church in Vero Beach this grass, rockabilly, you name it. No cool- tic ambiance, a quirky, pleasant vibe, and punk. They’ll play from 8:30 p.m.
ers or “outside food” is allowed, but not to 11:30 p.m.
Sunday as part of the event’s one-month and live music almost every night, of-
summer tour throughout Florida and ten featuring talented local musicians.
the Americas, and the not-to-be-missed While you enjoy the tunes, check out
event is even more exciting because the tapas and the robust beer list.
Vero’s own Vero Beach High School
Symphony Orchestra will perform one
piece with the Summerfest Chamber
Orchestra. Over the years, delighted
audiences have come to expect inter-
nationally applauded musicians and
exquisitely performed concert pieces
under the direction of Maestro Brooks-
Bruzzese, Symphony of the Americas
artistic director, and this season’s Sum-
merfest won’t disappoint: performanc-
es will include works by Vivaldi, Men-
delssohn, Vaughan WIlliams, Piazzolla,
Moncayo, Ravel’s beloved “Bolero” and
premieres by Italian composer Lorenzo
Turchi-Floris. Guest musicians include
Turchi-Floris, piano; Valentin Mans-
urov, violin; David Pedraza, viola; and
Alessio Nebiolo, guitar. Overall, more
than 10 countries are represented by 20
musicians on stage at Summerfest con-
certs. Summerfest is hosted by the Cul-
tural Council of Indian River County.
Its purpose, according to the symphony
website, is “linking the artistic and cul-
tural traditions of the world with those
of Florida,” and it stands among the top
cultural projects funded by the State
of Florida’s Division of Cultural Affairs
International Cultural Exchange Grant
Programs. The concert begins at 3 p.m.
Tickets are $35 and include a post-con-
cert reception with the musicians.
Professor Pennygoode and
the Mighty Flea Circus.
2 Riverside Theatre’s tres popular
Live in the Loop free, outside con-
certs continue this Friday and Saturday
with a pair of bands and another op-
portunity to – as Riverside suggests –
hang out, rock out and/or chill out; not
a bad suggestion after melting through
a long, hot summer day. Live in the
Loop is nicely set up right on the the-
atre campus, and all you have to do is
bring your lawn chair. This Friday, Pro-
fessor Pennygoode and the Mighty Flea
Circus comes to town with their own
24 Vero Beach 32963 /August 10, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonzo says cheerful Rocky’s one happy camper
Hi Dog Buddies! to find a job. I’m the Camp Haven Un- rescue who’d ruled her former home dogs get scared cuz of I’m lots bigger.
official Therapy Dog. Don’t tell, but I get and now ruled her big new home. Well, So I scooch way down for the Wag-and-
This week I yapped with Rocky Jan- paid Under the Table. (Mostly snacks an here I was alluva sudden, this curious Sniff.”
ke, a big, easygoing Goldendoodle who people food from the residents.) puppy, disrupting her life. I’d sniff her
works with his Mom at a place called an chase her cuz I wanted to play, but “That’s thoughtful,” I commented.
Camp Haven. I was thinking, since it “Woof! That’s very Important work!” I she was Not Amused. It was kinda a “I try to be, speshly here at work. I
was a camp, there’d probly be a lake an, exclaimed. cat-tastophy.” help humans become more respon-
maybe, canoes an marshmallows, but sible. Mom tells ’em it’s their turn to
there weren’t. It was this long building “True. Anyway, my human sister An- “So, how’d you figure it out?” walk me so I can exercise and Do My
with lotsa doors in a row and the office jali saw pictures of Goldendoodles an “Mom put YumYum Upstairs and me Doodie. Sometimes they don’t want
up front. fell in love with our breed. I mean, who Downstairs. There’s a gate at the top to. But Mom’s firm. She tells ’em I’m
wouldn’t, right? Speshly when we’re so I can’t go up. An I don’t wanna, any- their responsibility during my walk.
We knocked. This real frenly lady pupsters. So Anjali told Mom and Mom They also get to learn Patience cuz, as
opened the door, and there Rocky was, way. And YumYum totally Mom says, I’m a ‘Potty Dancer.’ It’s just
tall, giant paws, thick gold coat an a Rocky Janke, Goldendoodle doesn’t wanna be any- that I hafta find The Right Spot, an it’s
snazzy red bandana. He came right up where near me. She some- not always easy, it takes time. But the
for the Wag-and-Sniff. picked out a puppy. It was s’pose to be times peers ominously at humans always come back feelin’ hap-
for her, but Anjali’s kids Alex, Ian an me through the banister, pier. When Mom’s in her office talkin’
“Welcome to Camp Haven, please Luke wanted to keep it. Mom was duh- when I’m snoozing on my to people, I can tell whether they’re
come on in. I’m Rocky Janke and this is termined to get her own Goldendoodle, couch. Okey-Dokey or not. It’s an Instink. An
my Mom, Lalita.” so she searched an searched an discov- if they’re not, I let ’em know. Not in a
ered a piksure of ME on Craigslist. My “Another thing I had mean way, just firm, like Mom.
“Great to meet you both,” I replied. “I owner had lost his job an couldn’t keep to learn: See, me an this “My special human friend here is
hafta admit, I was piksurin’ a different me. Mom and Dad (he’s Walter) went other pooch grew up on our Program Director Jermey. He just
kinda camp. I can’t wait to hear all about to Loxahatchee to see me an, well, ev- a farm. We were outside started taking some really strong med-
you, an I appreciate your time.” erything worked out great. I was just 7 all the time. Didn’t even icine called KeyMo, which he hasta
months old.” know what Inside was. take for a long time (even longer in Dog
Rocky smiled. “It’s my pleasure. We Did Our Doodie outside, Time). It isn’t easy At All. So I’m gonna
are an unusual camp, as you can see. So “Woof,” I said. “It’s a good thing your too. Didn’t have to ask do my doggonedest to keep him All
where would you like to start?” He got niece and nephews kept that other permission or notify any- Cheered Up by leaning against him a
comftubble next to me, on the floor. pooch.” body first. So, when I got lot and stuff like that. An doing a good
to Mom and Dad’s house, job helpin’ the humans who live here.”
“Well, first off, tell me how you found “Fer sure. There was just one tiny I looked all around an Heading home, I was thinkin’ about
your Forever Family.” problem. Mom an Dad already had there wasn’t any ground or how Rocky cheers up the humans at
a pet. YumYum. An Only Cat. She’s a handy bushes or anything, nothing that Camp Haven, and promised myself
“Mom had a German Shepherd looked like where I usta Do My Doodie, I’d do an even better job cheerin’ up
for a long time. When it went to Dog just a buncha square flat things. (Later I my Very Own Mom when she’s feelin’
Heaven and she got through being found out it’s called tile). Well, I thought Gloomy.
real sad, she decided she wanted an- that must be where I was ’spose to go. So
other dog. But, cuz she’s working here I did. But it wasn’t. Took me a little while The Bonz
all the time, she ree-lized she needed to figure it out. Mom an Dad helped.”
a pooch who’s more easy-going than a “I expect they did,” I smiled. “What’s Don’t Be Shy
German Shepherd.” life like Downstairs?”
“Fun! We have a big family an when We are always looking for pets
“What DO you do here?” everybody’s here it’s real exciting. But I with interesting stories.
“We help homeless humans who wan- remain calm. When things get too loud,
na work and not be homeless. They usu- I go somewhere quiet, like my couch. I To set up an interview, email
ally have PROBlems, and while they’re even have a blanket with big paw prints [email protected].
livin’ here, they learn how they can not on it, like mine. I also enjoy restin’ in the
be so sad an hopeless, how to Plan an Be shower, cuz it’s nice an cool.
Responsible, an also how to get ready “On my leash walk, sometimes little
26 Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Raves for new CAR T-cell blood-cancer treatment
BY TOM LLOYD Dr. Raul Storey. a patient’s blood, separates and repli- capability to have memory. It remem-
cates existing T-cells and quite literally bers things.”
Staff Writer PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE re-programs them to hunt down and
attack what’s known as “CD19 protein” If T-cells can be programed to attack
Physicians in general – and oncolo- cording to the New York Times, “on- cells, a type of white blood cell that can CD19 protein cells, they can very likely
gists in particular – don’t tend toward cologists have learned how to manage trigger both leukemia and lymphoma. be “taught” to seek out other cancer-
hyperbole. these acute reactions and, so far, no causing anomalies, Storey says.
long-term problems have been detect- In its current incarnation, this par-
So, when respected researchers and ed.” ticular form of immunotherapy is not Still, if and when CAR T-cell therapy
oncology experts at institutions such intended for use in treating cancers does become available to the general
as the Nationwide Children’s Hospital More importantly, the Times points with “hard” tumors such as breast, public, it won’t be cheap.
of Columbus, Ohio, the Fred Hutchin- out, this particular innovation in can- prostate and lung cancers, but Storey
son Cancer Research Center in Seattle, cer treatment has produced a strato- expects that, too, may change quickly. The Times estimates the cost will be
and the Leukemia and Lymphoma So- spherically high 82.5 percent remis- in the $300,000-per-patient range.
ciety of West Palm Beach start using sion and/or cure rate in early testing. In his eyes an immunotherapy ap-
phrases like “the most exciting thing proach is only common sense. It har- Nonetheless, Storey is confident in
I’ve seen in my lifetime” and “a para- According to Storey, it could very nesses one of the biggest assets hu- saying, “This is the future.” Then he
digm shift in treating cancer” to de- well make things like high-dose che- mans have. pauses and says, “No, this is the pres-
scribe a new cancer therapy, it’s prob- motherapy treatments a thing of the ent. This is happening. We’re using
ably time to take notice. past in the not-too-distant future. “Your immune system,” Storey it and it’s working. We just need to be
plainly states, “is really smart. It has smarter and put more effort into ap-
Dr. Raul Storey, a WebMD five star- Given the drug advisory panel’s un- the capability of changing and of be- plying these kinds of techniques or
rated hematologist and oncologist with usual unanimous endorsement, the ing activated by anything that is recog- modalities to treating cancer and re-
Florida Cancer Specialists in both Se- FDA could approve this new therapy nized as foreign or abnormal. It has the fining the process in order to provide
bastian and Vero Beach, certainly has. – developed by pharmaceutical giant more benefits and fewer side effects. …
Novartis and the University of Penn- This is the starting point for the future
“It is fantastic,” Storey exclaims. “It’s sylvania – as early as next month. of treating cancer.”
innovative. It’s like brand new. This is
like the new kid on the block.” Essentially, CAR T-cell therapy takes Reminded that he would be out of
a job if CAR T-cell therapy and sub-
That new kid Storey and the folks in sequent variations succeed, Storey
Columbus, Seattle, West Palm and so doesn’t miss a beat, saying, “I don’t
many other places are so excited about care. If we can cure cancer I’ll change
is called “CAR T-cell therapy.” careers. I don’t mind. If we can get rid
of cancer I don’t mind changing ca-
The Oncologic Drug Advisory Com- reers at all.”
mittee for the FDA shares Storey’s
sentiments. Just two weeks ago it Although not available now – and
unanimously endorsed this first-of- only as a part of certain highly regu-
its-kind cancer treatment which uses lated clinical trials if the FDA does give
a patient’s own immune cells to fight its approval next month – it might still
a variety of blood cancers such as leu- make sense for anyone with a family
kemia and certain types of lymphoma, history of cancer to keep an eye on this
including non-Hodgkin lymphoma. groundbreaking treatment and to ask
their doctor for any new information
According to a front page article as it becomes available.
in the Washington Post, the advisory
panel concluded this new therapy’s Dr. Raul Storey is with Florida Can-
benefits “far outweigh its potentially cer Specialists. In Vero Beach his office
dangerous side effects.” is at 3730 7th Terrace, Suite 101. The
phone number is 772-581-0528. He also
Those side-effects include “cytokine has offices at 13060 U.S. 1 in Sebastian.
release syndrome,” which can cause The phone number there is 772-589-
fever and flu-like symptoms as well as 0879.
seizures and even delirium, but, ac-
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on the Miracle Mile. Take a Tour Today! 772-562-8491
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2100 10th Avenue l Vero Beach, FL 32960
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 27
Doc stocks new endoscopy center with high-tech goodies
BY TOM LLOYD (rapid on-site evaluation) equipment First on her list is a fixed fluoroscopy been wheeled off to other parts of the
Staff Writer and video GIEs (gastro-intestinal en- or real-time projection X-ray imaging hospital, leaving the endoscopy team
doscopies). unit to replace the current portable with no available fluoroscopes. Bolted
Now that ground has been broken versions now in use. The image reso- to the floor, the new unit won’t wan-
on the new Scully Endoscopy Center Fortunately it’s a language Canipe lutions on the current portable units, der off to parts unknown.
at the Indian River Medical Center, speaks fluently. according to Canipe, are “nowhere
gastroenterologist Dr. Ashley Canipe near as good” as what’s available from Then there’s that table you probably
is working on a task that’s every bit as “We want to make this [suite] a the newer fixed fluoroscopy units. wouldn’t want to eat off.
time consuming as laying the brick state-of-the-art interventional GI and
and troweling the mortar. pulmonary room that’s comparable to Canipe adds there have even been “We’re also getting a new fluorosco-
any major academic center, and a ter- times when the portable units have py table,” exclaims Canipe, “which is
Canipe is in the midst of equipping tiary care center,” says Canipe.
the new center with the high-tech CONTINUED ON PAGE 28
equipment it will need to give patients
at the Vero facility the best possible
care and treatment.
It’s an odd shopping list that in-
cludes “tables” you wouldn’t want to
eat off of, things that go “boom” in
the day (or the night), a type of “im-
age streaming” that no one on Netflix
would be likely to order, as well as a
piped-in carbon dioxide system.
“We want to make
this [suite] a state-of-
the-art interventional
GI and pulmonary
room that’s compa-
rable to any major
academic center, and
a tertiary care center,”
says Canipe.
Specifically, Canipe is focusing
her attention on the center’s new in-
terventional endoscopy/pulmonary
suite. And while she stops short of
admitting to being a full-fledged “te-
chie,” she does say “usually people
who do interventional endoscopy
[like me] are drawn to the newer tech-
nologies because that is a lot of what’s
involved in what we do.”
With the volume of endoscopic pro-
cedure performed at IRMC increas-
ing, in Canipe’s words, “exponentially
over the past couple of years,” lining
up the proper equipment for the new
endoscopy center is a top priority.
The language of gastroenterology
tech toys is often a language of acro-
nyms from ERCPs (endoscopic ret-
rograde cholangiopancreatography)
and MRCPs (magnetic resonance
cholangiopancreatography) to ROSE
28 Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
a huge improvement from the stretcher floor is with all the different wires.”
we’re using right now. Capable of tilting In other words, in the new suite all
in all different directions while the pa-
tient lies on top of it, the new table will those cables and wires will be off the
allow Canipe and her colleagues to bet- floor and suspended overhead, creating
ter manipulate the angles and direction what Canipe says will be “a more reli-
of their scans. able, versatile and safe work space with
boom technology.”
Next there’s the “boom” – or cleaning
up the cable clutter. Next on Canipe’s list is an in-room
cytology station.
“Everything,” says Canipe, “will be
hanging from the walls and able to be Cytology is the study of individual
moved, based on hydraulics, up, down, tissue cells. Currently once a tissue
sideways [which will] get everything off sample is taken, Canipe says, hospital
the floor. Right now, there are literally pathologists have to wheel in “a little
wires everywhere and we have trouble cart that has a microscope on it” to
lining up our monitors and everything examine the samples and provide the
we need to because of how cluttered the aforementioned “rapid on-site evalua-
Dr. Ashley Canipe.
The new suite will have a built-in safer and patients have less gas and
cytology workstation and the abil- bloating after a procedure,” but cur-
ity to stream those images directly to rently that gas is stored in large tanks
monitors where proceduralists like inside the suite which she admits “is
Canipe can view them in real time. It’s probably not the safest or the best
not what most folks would call “must- idea.”
see TV,” but to Canipe and fellow GI
physicians Dr. Charles Eberhart, Dr. In the new suite, says Canipe, “CO2
Bruce Grossman, Dr. Joseph Zerega will be piped in, just like the anes-
and Dr. Gregory MacKay, it will a big thesia gases,” and accessed from an
improvement. outlet in the overhead booms: “That, I
think, is a huge improvement.”
Then there’s that carbon dioxide
thing. Add upgrading endoscopes and up-
grading gastroscopes and it’s clear the
CO2, according to Canipe, is better overall “scope” of Canipe’s mission
than oxygen at insufflating (inflating) means she’ll likely be at this project
the stomach or other areas of the gas- until early 2018 when the new Scully
tro-intestinal tract she and her col- Endoscopy Center is slated to open.
leagues need to examine.
For more information, call the IRMC
According to Canipe, CO2 is “much endoscopy center at 772-299-3511.
30 Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
António Guterres, who took over ed. And famine, while still a devastat- proved governance and crisis interven- ventive intervention might have avert-
as United Nations secretary-general ing by-product of man-made instabil- tion so that by last year, when drought ed the loss.
early this year, acknowledges that the ity, has largely been eliminated within again struck, the crisis did not escalate
world community has made encour- poor yet stable countries. to famine levels. In other words, with everything the
aging progress in improving people’s 21st century offers, we should be do-
lives over recent decades. Just two examples: Malaysia re- Still, Guterres, the former prime ing even better.
duced poverty levels from about half minister of Portugal and past head of
Since 1990, extreme poverty has de- the population in 1970 to under 10 the U.N. refugee agency, is dissatisfied. Consequently, Guterres has taken
clined by well more than half; more percent in 2000, allowing the coun- The rate of that progress is too slow, he the helm of the United Nations more as
children – notably girls – are going to try to focus on eradicating poverty repeatedly asserts, and conflicts are al- a disrupter than a tweaker. He is mov-
school and staying there longer; and by 2030. And Ethiopia, devastated by lowed to set back too many countries ing forward with a reform agenda that
fearsome diseases are being eradicat- drought-caused famine in 1984, im- and destroy too many lives when pre- aims to peel away decades of accumu-
lated bureaucratic practices, shift from
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 31
top-down to bottom-up management fore the 193-member General Assem-
of humanitarian and development bly of U.N. nations. Looking at U.N.
programs, and empower local political rules and regulations, he said, “one
leaders and U.N. representatives at the might think some of them were de-
expense of higher-level bureaucrats. signed to prevent, rather than enable,
the effective delivery of our mandates”
And Guterres is doing this at a mo- to secure global peace and prosperity.
ment when the United States, which
has spearheaded U.N. activities since One thing Guterres has going in his
the world body’s creation in 1945, is favor: He is not alone with his impa-
pulling back from its global leadership tience to see the world community ac-
role and cutting its U.N. funding. celerate the rate at which it addresses
humanity’s core challenges and im-
So far, the Trump administration is proves more people’s lives.
showing signs of strong support for
robust humanitarian assistance, U.N. For some senior U.N. officials, it is in
officials say, but less enthusiasm for fact the progress the world has made
maintaining levels of support for long- since U.N. member countries adopt-
term development programs. ed a set of basic development goals
in 2000 that has given a taste of what
Still, in some ways the new U.S. can be accomplished. That, they say,
stance fits with the Guterres goals of has fed a growing determination to do
greater efficiency and agility, and of en- more, faster.
abling U.N. member states, in particu-
lar poor and least-developed countries, “The secretary-general is impatient
to do more for themselves. with progress because he has experi-
ence with the urgency of achieving
But what sets apart the Guterres vi- progress,” says Thomas Gass, the U.N.’s
sion for U.N. reform is that it is present- assistant secretary-general for policy
ed not as a necessary evil in an era of coordination and inter-agency affairs,
tightening resources. Rather, it is a nec- referring to Guterres’s decade as high
essary and positive element of the effort commissioner for refugees.
to accelerate the attainment of those
universal goals, such as ending extreme “But he’s not the only one who is im-
poverty and avoidable infant mortality, patient,” he adds. “I think the member
and educating all the world’s children. states have seen what they have already
accomplished, there is a sense of a win-
“This is an institution that over its 70 dow of opportunity to go farther and ac-
years of existence has not been able to complish more, and that is energizing.”
reform itself, but now with Guterres we
have at the top someone saying that The measurable progress the world
changing how we do things wouldn’t made in accomplishing basic goals like
just be a nice thing, but is in fact essen- reducing extreme poverty and hunger
tial if we want to continue the progress was part of the impetus for the even
in development,” says Ursula Mueller, more ambitious Sustainable Develop-
the U.N.’s new assistant-secretary- ment Goals adopted in 2015 – aiming
general for humanitarian affairs. among other things to “end poverty
and hunger” by 2030.
Even as a candidate for the U.N.’s
top job, and then upon taking the Guterres is seeking to use those am-
helm in January, Guterres has not bitious goals to make the case for his
shied away from designating a top- reform agenda.
heavy and clogged bureaucracy as
part of the problem. “The clock is ticking,” he said this
week in issuing the annual report on
The U.N. “needs to be nimble, effi- progress toward reaching global goals.
cient, and effective. It must focus more “The rate of progress in many areas is
on delivery and less on process, more far slower than needed to meet the tar-
on people and less on bureaucracy,” he gets by 2030.”
said after taking the oath of office be-
The report shows that despite im-
The clock is
ticking, there
is no time
to lose.
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34 Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 INSIGHT COVER STORY Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 31 help coordinate efforts, but at the end of
the day it’s the national governments that
pressive gains in reducing poverty, are responsible for their own programs
hundreds of millions of people are and development progress. We are re-
still destitute. Between 2000 and 2015, sponsible for achieving these goals.”
global maternal mortality declined
by 37 percent and the mortality rate Guterres says there is“no time to lose”
among children under five fell by 44 to make the changes necessary to facili-
percent. Still, in 2015 some 303,000 tate more rapid progress on the U.N..’s
women died during pregnancy or 2030 goals, and many U.N. officials and
childbirth, and nearly 6 million chil- outside experts concur that he is right
dren under age 5 died. about that, for a number of reasons.
Moreover, while overall develop- For one, a new secretary-general,
ment assistance increased, bilateral as- like a president, tends to benefit from a
sistance to the world’s least-developed honeymoon period to get things done,
countries actually fell by nearly 10 per- some say. Others note that unforeseen
cent – suggesting a potential onslaught crises tend to come along to throw
of donor fatigue. things off course.
Guterres has some ideas for address- “When Ban [Ki-moon] came in, no
ing the gaps and speeding up progress. one knew then that the Syria crisis
One is a “funding compact” that would would burst on the scene and end up
pair sustained and even increased dominating directly and indirectly so
spending for development programs much of the international agenda,”
with commitments from receiving en- says U.N. deputy spokesman Farhan
tities, including countries, to achieve
greater efficiency, “value for money,”
and verifiable reporting of results.
Another proposal is to empower
U.N. country representatives in the
field by shifting greater authority to the
experts on the ground and away from
the U.N.’s centralized bureaucracies.
Some U.N. agencies and countries
have been cool to these ideas, but others
– particularly the least-developed coun-
tries the changes are designed to benefit
– have shown enthusiastic support.
“There are a lot of silos and overlaps
in the U.N. agencies and at the coun-
try level, and the secretary-general’s
reform process is designed to address
that,” says Masud Bin Momen, the
Bangladeshi ambassador to the U.N., Haq, referring to Guterres’s predeces-
who is also chair of the General As- sor. “I think [Guterres] knows he needs
sembly’s Least Developed Countries to strike while he can.”
(LDC) Group.
Then there is the “window of oppor-
In what is very likely music to donor tunity” that Gass, the assistant secre-
countries’ ears, he adds that “the role of tary-general, says has been opened by
the U.N. is to help with strategies and what he sees as a period of “extraor-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 35
dinary multilateralism” that he dates to wait for the U.N. to reform itself. He vidual’s right to pursue fulfillment. tions to help them along, and that
from the emergency response to the insists that other entities – public and “The reform effort is part of it, but puts positive pressure on the reform
2008 financial crisis to the adoption private, from countries to business, efforts,” Gass says. “But this broad and
of the 2015 Sustainable Development universities, and groups of teachers and the larger global community’s pursuit very diverse push forward towards
goals and the Paris Climate Accord. farmers – are already pressing ahead to of what is really a universal plan to im- these universal goals is not going to
achieve the goals of eliminating poverty prove people’s lives won’t wait for the wait to see whether the U.N. reform
But Gass cautions that the world, in and hunger and enhancing every indi- reform of the U.N. system,” he says. happens or not.”
its impatience for progress, is not going
“Everybody wants better institu-
36 Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Here’s a really crazy idea: Let’s agree on the facts
BY ALBERT R. HUNT | BLOOMBERG Separately, they are planning initia- “You’re not going to balance the bud- ing fifth of taxpayers and $373 to the
tives to address intergenerational pov- get with corporate tax reform,” Ballmer next highest quintile.
Steve Ballmer, the former chief ex- erty. One conclusion Ballmer draws said.
ecutive of Microsoft, knows more than from the data he has seen so far is that The numbers also make it clear
a little about numbers. He’s looked government investment in improving The data show that of all govern- why there was such an uproar over
carefully at government spending and opportunities for less fortunate Ameri- ment revenue raised in 2014 (the lat- the recent Republican efforts to dis-
arrived at an unexpected conclusion. cans “is much lower than I would have est year for which complete state, lo- mantle Obamacare.
thought.” cal and federal figures are included),
“Government spending is more effi- corporate income taxes contributed Of the $157 billion Americans spent
cient than I thought,” he said in a tele- The data USAFacts assembles – a only a little over 7 percent. in 2015 on nursing home costs, over
phone interview. As for the 24 million searchable compendium of information 55 percent is picked up by Medicaid or
Americans employed by government at that’s all available elsewhere – should As Congress debates tax changes, it Medicare, with only a quarter paid by
all levels, he says, “I look at that and say, help inform public-policy debates. is instructive to look at how the ben- private insurance. Three-fifths of the
‘yeah, yeah’ and most of that is good: efits from current deductions tilt to beneficiaries of Medicaid are children
firemen, policemen, soldiers, teachers.” Take tax reform. USAFacts makes it the affluent. or people with disabilities.
easy to see that liberals who argue that
The tech billionaire has launched a there’s gobs of gold to be mined by The home-mortgage deduction, It’s interesting to browse USAFacts
new product, USAFacts, an interactive sticking it to rich people and corpora- depicted as the lifeblood of middle- for numbers known to health-care
website that compiles data to analyze tions may be deluding themselves. class mobility, provides an average of professionals but jarring to casual
how taxpayer money is actually spent. only $84 a year for the middle-earn- observers. Consider these: 19 percent
Still a work in progress, it assembles of Americans are at risk for depres-
information from myriad government sion, 16 percent for binge drinking
sources at the federal, state and local and 30 percent for obesity.
level into one accessible place.
More familiar is data showing that
Ballmer doesn’t bring an ideologi- violent crime has been cut in half over
cal or policy agenda to the project. the past quarter-century.
He’s trying to capture the spirit of the
late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, But there are surprises there, too. If
who famously observed, “Everyone is you think violent crime is most per-
entitled to his own opinion, but not to vasive in the big cities of the North-
his own facts.” east, you’re wrong. It’s the South that’s
the worst danger zone; in 2015 it had
Credible data is essential to policymak- 407 violent crimes per 100,000 people
ers. There may be a strong case for rein- compared to 313 per 100,000 in the
ing in the growth of federal entitlements Northeast.
like Social Security and Medicare, but
data shows that it can’t be done through Ballmer has enlisted scores of geeks,
resort to the politician’s standard pledge economists and statisticians who con-
to dismantle bloated bureaucracies. tinue to develop more useful stuff. For
example, they’re doing state-by-state
“Actually, transfer programs are run comparisons and plan to expand into
very efficiently, with not a lot of over- global factual perspectives.
head costs,” Ballmer said.
It’s an interesting start, paid for by
A particular interest of the former Mi- Ballmer with the hope that agreement
crosoft CEO and his wife, Connie Snyder, on facts might create common ground
is economic opportunity and mobility. on policy. In the current climate, that’s
taking on quite a challenge.
“Hepatitis” means inflammation of the liver. While hepatitis is We’ll begin this series with an emphasis on hepatitis A, B and C.
usually caused by a virus, toxins, certain drugs, some diseases Then we’ll conclude with hepatitis D and beyond.
and heavy alcohol use can also cause it. The most common
types are hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), hepatitis
A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C are diseases caused by three dif-
THE LIVER ferent viruses. Although the viruses may cause some similar
symptoms, their modes of transmission can affect the liver in
Your liver is the largest solid organ in your body. Protected by your different ways.
right ribcage in the upper part of your abdomen, it is a reddish- Hepatitis A
brown meaty organ that sits just above your stomach, below your Typically appears as an acute, or short-term, infection that
lungs and beside your pancreas, gallbladder and intestines. your body is naturally able to fight off after a few weeks. Once
the virus goes away, you are immune to getting it again. A vac-
Weighing about three pounds and feeling rubbery to the touch, cine is available.
the liver has two large sections – the right and the left lobes. Its Hepatitis B
main function is to filter blood and remove toxins. It also helps Can begin as an acute infection, but in some people, the vi-
the body break down and digest food by producing bile. Bile rus remains in the body, resulting in chronic disease and long-
from the liver breaks down fat from your food so it digests prop- term liver problems that can lead to serious damage to the
erly and your body can absorb nutrients. liver, including cirrhosis and cancer. A vaccine is available.
Hepatitis C
The liver holds around 13 percent of the body’s blood supply Like hepatitis B, can begin as an acute infection, but in some
and performs approximately 500 different functions. people, the virus remains in the body, resulting in chronic dis-
ease and long-term, serious liver problems. A vaccine is not
One of the most important functions is to keep blood clean and available, but a promising new drug that can potentially cure
free of toxins. It also creates nutrients for the body, provides pro- hepatitis C is now on the market.
teins for blood plasma and helps keep your immune system strong.
Made up of cells called hepatocytes, the liver absorbs nutrients If a person has had one type of viral hepatitis in the past, it is
and detoxifies your blood by eliminating harmful substances. still possible for him or her to get other types of hepatitis.
Liver disease can occur as an inherited condition, or be caused Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
by various factors that lead to liver damage such as viral infec- welcome. Email us at [email protected].
tions, alcohol use or obesity.
38 Vero Beach 32963 /August 10, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Whether you learned about it from against the ravages and sexual depre- the British racist Houston Stewart astrology, tarot reading and all “com-
watching “Raiders of the Lost Ark” or, dations of Slavic vampires. Chamberlain, who blustered that “he- mercial” uses of the supernatural.
even earlier, from reading Louis Pau- roic Aryans” sought “higher knowledge In fact, he feared that these could be
wels and Jacques Bergier’s European Kurlander groups all these – as well and creativity fueled by their superior used to manipulate the public in ways
bestseller “The Morning of the Magi- as the Nazi obsession with the Holy ‘racial soul,’” while “monstrous Sem- outside his control. Even professional
cians,” who doesn’t now know that Hit- Grail, witchcraft, Luciferianism, World ites” were “civilization-destroying ma- magicians were legally compelled to
ler and Nazi Germany were obsessed Ice Theory, anti-gravity machines, as- terialists who lacked the capacity for demonstrate how their tricks were ac-
with the occult? trology and pagan religions – under the transcendence.” complished. Still, Hitler and his inner
rubric “the supernatural imaginary.” circle continued to firmly support “sci-
In “Hitler’s Monsters: A Supernatural He begins his study with Jörg Lanz Throughout, Kurlander under- entific occultism.” In the mid-1930s, for
History of the Third Reich” Eric Kur- von Liebenfels, champion of Arioso- scores the dangers of insane national- instance, Rudolf Hess hoped to create a
lander, professor of history at Stetson phy, “an esoteric doctrine that proph- ism. Georg Kenstler proclaimed – with Central Institute for Occultism.
University, carefully tracks the fringe esied the resurgence of a lost Aryan horrific consequences – that German
movements and lunatic beliefs that civilization peopled by Nordic ‘God territorial superiority required “Leb- As late as 1942, Hitler could de-
swept through Germany in the late 19th Men.’”¬ According to Lanz, in 1909 he ensraum,” or “living space.” Walther clare himself a “supporter” of World
and early 20th centuries. In particular, gave some issues of his magazine Os- Darré affirmed the ultra-patriotic, al- Ice Theory. “Glacial cosmogony,” as it
he documents the intense interest in tara to a pale, shabbily dressed young most mystical association of “Blut und was also known, maintained that “icy
parapsychology, New Age fantasies and man named Adolf Hitler. Of course, the boden,” or blood and soil. Erik Hanus- moons had crashed into the earth,”
so-called “border science.” Some Nazi future Führer may have just wanted sen, the country’s “most flamboyant causing floods and geophysical dam-
leaders firmly believed that the Aryan the magazine for the pictures, since it clairvoyant,” helped convince “millions age, but also bringing “living kernels”
race descended from the aliens who was illustrated with – shades of Frank of Germans that they were the ‘Chosen from outer space that would evolve into
established Atlantis, that Satan was Frazetta! – “muscular Aryan cavaliers People’ and that the downfall of 1918 Aryan superbeings. According to SS
really a good guy and that werewolves defending scantily clad blonde women would be reversed by Hitler’s ability to chief Heinrich Himmler, perhaps the
actually protected clean-living Teutons from the advances of hideous-looking make ‘the impossible possible.’” most ardent Nazi occultist, these Ur-
‘ape-men.’” Aryans possessed paranormal powers
As Kurlander stresses, Hitler’s rise to and extraordinary weapons, one dimly
As the author of “The Theozoology, power resulted from multiple factors recalled as Thor’s thunder hammer.
or the Science of Sodom’s Apelings and – Germany’s military defeat, onerous Himmler would send an expedition to
the God’s Electrons,” Lanz frequently war reparations, economic chaos – but Tibet to search for traces of this pri-
referred to “lesser breeds” as “Tschan- esoteric mumbo-jumbo clearly played mordial civilization.
dals,” a derogatory term taken from the its part. He examines the popularity
Hindu codes of Manu. Manu? In Ger- of the extremist horror writer Hanns In general, the Third Reich embraced
man theosophical circles it was com- Heinz Ewers and parses the racist im- crackpot doctrines “that buttressed its
monly believed that India and Tibet agery of expressionist films such as racial, political and ideological goals.”
preserved the hidden enclaves of an- “Nosferatu ” and “The Cabinet of Dr. These goals eventually included con-
cient Atlanteans or even living Secret Caligari.” Hitler apparently studied centration camps, monstrous human
Masters. One lunatic named Guido von Ernst Schertel’s “Magic” as a self-help experiments and the “Final Solution.”
List “proved” that Baldur, Jesus, Bud- manual, underlining personally useful
dha, Osiris and Moses were all pure- passages, among them “He who does Eric Kurlander has written a scholar-
blooded Aryans. Witches were simply not carry demonic seeds within him ly book that reveals – to borrow Joseph
Earth mothers and practitioners of a will never give birth to a new world.” Conrad’s phrase – the fascination of the
traditional Indo-Germanic religion Such a channeling of demonic power abomination. But he also shows how
that Judeo-Christianity tried to eradi- or “mana” has always been central to swiftly irrational ideas can take hold,
cate. (This is similar to the long dis- occultism. The psychologist Carl Jung even in an age before social media.
credited thesis of Margaret Murray’s would even assert that Hitler was a
1921 book, “The Witch-Cult in Western medium, a “mouthpiece of the gods of HITLER’S MONSTERS
Europe.”) With growing frequency, the old.” A Supernatural History of the Third Reich
Jews were deemed the most pernicious
Tschandals. Kurlander paraphrases It may seem paradoxical that once By Eric Kurlander
firmly in charge, Hitler turned against Yale. 422 pp. $35
Review by Michael Dirda
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 /August 10, 2017 39
Alan Stein, a basketball coach and fitness trainer, said, “A winner works hard to achieve K 10 8
success. A loser works hard to find a shortcut.”
At the bridge table, a winner works hard to count winners and losers. In most trump-suit
contracts, counting losers is best; on others, tallying winners makes it easier to see the AJ874
right line; but on all deals, it is optimum to do both.
In this deal, how many losers and winners does South have in four hearts? How should he KQJ9
play after West leads the spade king? 62 10 7 4
A 10 7 4
In the auction, I think North was right to start with a takeout double. Yes, if South does K52 5
not have a five-card or longer major, a two-club overcall could work out better, but that
aims at a small target. The double is more flexible. East’s jump to three diamonds was KJ983
pre-emptive. With at least a limit raise, he would have responded two no-trump. (Note that
some pairs invert these meanings over a minor, so that if the opening side has the values Q 10 9 6
to try to make three no-trump, the stronger hand, the opener, will be the declarer.) South
bid what he hoped he could make. SOUTH
Declarer could see four losers (two spades and two diamonds) and nine winners (one 852
spade, seven hearts and one club). His only chance was to establish dummy’s club suit
so that it would provide a 10th trick. However, he needed all three of dummy’s trumps as AQJ9743
entries. The play went: spade ace, club ace, club ruff, heart to dummy’s eight, club ruff
high, trump to dummy, club ruff, heart to the king, cash the club jack (discarding a spade Q6
or a diamond), claim. Success!
Dealer: West; Vulnerable: Both
The Bidding:
4 Hearts 1 Diamonds Dbl. 3 Diamonds
Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
K Spades
40 Vero Beach 32963 /August 10, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
7 Illusion (6) 1 Boring (8)
8 Charm (6) 2 Conflict (6)
9 Trial (4) 3 Small falcon (7)
10 Riches (8) 4 Fables (5)
11 Eternally (7) 5 Go after (6)
12 Disorganised (5) 6 One-tenth of a decade (4)
15 Barrier (5) 13 Bones (8)
17 Soft toffee (7) 14 Light (7)
20 Game bird (8) 16 Talkative (6)
22 Quarry, target (4) 18 Seem (6)
23 Fort (6) 19 Committee (5)
24 Cause (6) 21 Warmth (4)
The Telegraph
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nine appear just once
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 /August 10, 2017 41
ACROSS 61 Criticizing as 12 Pride of Mr. 71 Marks with
worthless Universe chimney dirt
1 One who
makes and sells 63 Medical grp. 13 Hosp. unit 73 Smug one
fashionable 64 Summer ermine 14 Cousins of ant 74 Russia or Idaho
dresses and 66 Signs up for
hats for women 67 Fabric store lions city
15 Levin et al. 77 Straight talk
8 Irritable bargains 16 Ending for black, 80 Unfruitful
19 From within, in 72 Like card tables 81 Waist nipper
74 Simple brown, or burn 83 Woman of the
Latin 75 Setting of Martin 17 Beneficiary of a
20 Singer who Doones
Scorsese’s After lawsuit, at times 84 With 90 Down, A
survived the 1906 Hours 18 Plants grass
San Francisco 76 Misjudges, in a 20 Whole Different World
quake way 22 Erased actress
21 Gluey 77 No basis for 24 Vergil verse 85 Nervous moment
22 Short on discrimination 26 Shots (at) of silence
schooling 78 Vincent’s brother 27 Principle 86 A bettor opening
23 Roman emperor 79 Chuck Yeager, 29 TV host Perkins 87 Foreign-wd. type
who saw a e.g. 88 Golfer Tom
flaming cross in 80 Washing-up pot and 89 Certain bass note
the sky 81 Making ex-White House 90 See 84 Down
25 Double-curve crosswords, aide Fitzwater 92 The pauper, not
shapes for one 30 Whirled, as water the prince
26 Reenacts 82 Maturing agent 31 Frigg’s hubby 93 “Give Peace A
28 No smoking in the 83 Knight’s weapon 33 Mountainside Chance” video
office, for example 84 Supports a kid? debris participant
29 Manx thanks 85 17-syllable poem 34 The Wizard of Oz 94 Casablanca’s
32 Sea swallows 89 Appellation in lyricist country: abbr.
33 Dorm sound Handel’s Messiah 35 Heavily satirical 96 Werner Erhard’s
34 Claimed, in a way 91 Announcer’s 36 “And he was self-awareness
39 Followers of The signoff never ___ heard program of the
King 95 Shoe parts from again” 1970s
40 Director’s cut? 98 Deejay employer 37 Prophet at Delphi 97 Peter, Paul, and
41 Ornamental flower 99 Appear, to 38 ___ lion, beast Mary: abbr.
stand Shakespeare slain by Hercules
42 Symbol of 100 Star of Show Boat 40 Music for 7 The Washington Post
redness on stage and 41 Actor Curt
43 Railroad that screen 44 Radial, e.g. WORDCURRENTS By Merl Reagle
Jay Gould 101 Certifies 46 Un ___ (a little)
and Cornelius 47 32-quart units
Vanderbilt fought DOWN 50 Recommended
over choice
44 Group that slides 1 Dallas player, 51 Talk loudly
stones on ice at for short 53 Lopped lousily
the Olympics 54 Chant
45 Sharpened, as a 2 Part of Alec 55 Viragoes
razor Guinness’s name 56 Alpine home
47 Ken’s friend in Star Wars 57 Broom room
48 Inasmuch as bigwig
49 Hiver opposite 3 Rummy player, 59 Boris
50 Wine region often contemporary
52 The Big Easy, in 62 Kind of real estate
shorthand 4 Under an alias deal,
53 Error 5 Slingshot missiles for example
57 Court cutups 6 Tie (up) 63 Wading bird
58 A Walk on the 7 From Eden to Nod 65 Waterproof cover
Wild Side author 8 Robert Frost 67 Disaster aid
Nelson 68 1992 GOP
60 Barometer unit poem, convention site
Fire ___ 69 Credit union
9 The Council of promise
___ 70 Larceny
10 To laugh, to Lalo
11 Bandage maker
The Telegraph
42 Vero Beach 32963 /August 10, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
What is it about ‘No thanks’ that you don’t understand?
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST of the many ways to end a choices, we are met with re-
conversation, including, sistance in the form of direct
Hi, Carolyn: You’ve said that if needed, responding to rudeness and name-calling.
“No, thanks” is a complete re- what you wish they’d said
sponse. But what happens when instead of what they actu- Should we let this go? Go
that response isn’t accepted? ally said. “Thanks for un- to the parents as a group?
derstanding. Hey, are you Engage one parent or both?
I have friends who won’t take going to finish those fries?” For what it is worth, we all
“no” or “I’m tired” or “I want to feel that one parent would
spend time with my dogs” for an Really. It “never ends be responsive, while the
answer. If I don’t have a prior there” only with your par- other will take great offense.
commitment, they don’t see any ticipation. If you’re a pleas-
reason I shouldn’t join them, and er by nature, then force – Anonymous
they pressure me to do so. So I end up making up yourself against that grain.
lies to get them off my back. Watch as the world doesn’t Anonymous: Welp –
I love the idea that “No” is a complete sentence end; it gets easier after that. there’s your behavior prob-
but it never ends there. lem. That one parent who
Dear Carolyn: Good won’t accept his or her kids
– Anonymous friends have twin boys the might be at fault.
same age as our oldest boy,
Anonymous: This is a problem with your 11. The boys have all known So. One of you talks to
boundaries – both setting and enforcing them. each other since birth. the potentially receptive
People do not get to decide for you whether it’s a parent, citing specifics.
good time to go out. They just don’t. So you have These two boys are diffi- Parents need to hear how
to make clear you won’t let them. cult, at best, to be around. their kids behave in their
This is new – within the past absence – good and bad.
You can do this by spelling it out – “I’m actu- two years – and many of us
ally the one who decides whether I do something” in our great community no Speak for yourself,
– which is so absurdly obvious that it’s likely to longer want to spend time though, not the group,
come across as inoffensive to all but the thinnest- with these kids. lest you send the message,
skinned. Interrogative version: “Aren’t I the one “We’ve all talked behind
who decides whether I want to do something?” We’re not sure bringing your back.” Please also
When someone tries to answer it for you: “That this up with the parents frame your words as more
was a rhetorical question.” will get us anywhere, and we also don’t know who “kids in a bad place” than
should bring it up. While we try to redirect poor be- “bad kids,” because 11 is still so young.
You can also say, “Please don’t press. You’re ask- havior, or engage the kids in discussions for better Even receptive parents might get defensive, but
ing me to say no four times instead of just one.” I hope for the twins’ sake they don’t.
And you can just end the conversation in one
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 43
Meet the woman who has created a Google for fashion
The Telegraph
Sometimes an idea seems so simple grounds,” “dominatrix,” “virginal” or ieri increasingly use it to launch and and an investor
that most people can only see pitfalls. “futuristic,” or create your own mood- sell their collections. New designers in and thebusi-
That’s what happened when Alexan- boards. “It’s all the sites I love but com- pay $250 a month to feature on the inter alia). With
dra Van Houtte first pitched tag-walk. bined into one,” says Van Houtte. platform – a tiny sum given the poten- her dashing tortoiseshell mane, and
com to what turned out to be her tial exposure. charmingly tough air of resilience,
toughest crowd: her family. Her vision Van Houtte’s grit was comprehen- Van Houtte’s an inspiration for any-
was to build an online resource that sively tested when she worked as a styl- After less than a year, she has one who’s fallen out of love with
stocked every look from every show ing assistant for five years for some of eight full-time employees at her of- their current job. “I was 27 and I was
in the four main fashion capitals, and the most demanding publications in fice in the Palais Royal in Paris, and destroyed by styling,” she beams.
additionally, group them into themes the business, including Italian Vogue investment from Carmen Busquets, She looks anything but destroyed
and trends. She saw it as a weapon for and Numéro Magazine. “One time my fashion’s most prominent fairy god- now.
people working in the industry, but in boss was shooting on a celebrity and mother (Busquets was a founder of
less than 12 months it has become a I had to call in every black dress that
magnet for anyone interested in fash- had been on the catwalks in Paris,
ion. “My parents kept saying, ‘This is so London, Milan and New York during
obvious, surely it’s been done already,’” the past three seasons.” She grimaces.
the ebullient 28-year-old recalls. “It took me a week just to find all the
pictures let alone secure the clothes. I
They were partially right. There was had 72 rails of LBDs by the end.” That’s
a gap – and it was already partly served when tagwalk began germinating.
by websites such as “It would have saved me hundreds of
and which, partic- hours of work.”
ularly in the latter’s case, exhaustively
mines shows around the world, in- Van Houtte came to hate styling.
cluding Tblisi, Seoul, Berlin and Brides “There are so many people wanting
(yes, really) Fashion Week. to get into the business and ultimately
everyone’s chasing the same hand-
A few professional catwalk photog- ful of outfits.” But if an education at
raphers also grouped pictures by mood Benenden, Princess Anne’s old alma
and trends. But no one offered the ser- mater in Kent doesn’t toughen you up,
vice free. Houtte soon discovered why. a bi-lingual existence between Paris,
It took her the best part of six months, Switzerland, Nottingham and Beijing,
working seven days a week, to gather where she studied Mandarin, does.
all her images – some 9,000 in all – and
then “tag” them. Then she had to start Watching power ebb away from the
all over again for the following season. traditional monthly magazine shoot,
There are currently 98,000 pictures on she decided to reboot her career. “It, including accessories, doesn’t matter how lavish the set,
street-style and resort shows. “We’re nothing can compete with the influ-
going deeper each season,” she says. ence of some Instagrammers. By the
time the monthlies get round to pub-
Despite its quantity of material, for lishing their pictures, everyone’s seen
its 30,000 (and counting) regular users, the Gucci dress a million times and is an exercise in simplic- moved on.”
ity. Type the appropriate search words
and in less than a second, 520 or so It took her the best part of six
pictures might pop up. Stripes, yellow, months, working seven days a week,
florals vinyl, checks, shine … whatever to gather all her images – some 9,000
the season’s recurrent buzzwords are. in all – and then “tag” them.
It’s rapidly becoming an indication of
the topics and names that are trend- is another challenge
ing. These aren’t necessarily the ones to the existing system. Because of its
promoted by mainstream sites. “What agnostic approach to brands, small
people tell us they especially like is fledglings such as jewelry line Aligh-
that they’re being introduced to de-
signers they might never have thought
of,” says Van Houtte.
I test this out and tap in navy blue.
Sure enough, the first three pages bring
up Dior, Ferragamo, Versace, but also
Creatures of Comfort, Gabriele Col-
angelo and Au Jour Le Jour. Tagwalk
doesn’t take advertising, so there’s no
prioritizing one label over another. It’s
all done by algorithms and it can get
really specific. Key in “florals on dark
backgrounds” or “florals on light back-
44 Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Why polka dots are the print of the summer
The Telegraph
Wearing a certain print can speak the slighter you proved at Wimbledon last month, in lure of a polka dot dress – and good air
volumes. Leopard is vampish, florals are, the smaller the dot monochromatic black and white, dots conditioning.
ladylike, zebra stuck in the ’80s. But should be, and vice versa. can pack a punch.
what of the polka dot? It often gets a Making of a lady
bad rap, and admittedly, in certain Black and white spots might be Tracking the trend In the 1990 film “Pretty Woman,” Ju-
incarnations, can be a tad ‘little girl’s classic, but if color is more your bag Portrait of a print lia Roberts’ My Fair Lady moment came
tea party’ for grown-up women. But in then there are plenty of options to Hungarian artist József Rippl-Rónai’s at the Polo. A brown polka dot dress and
the right hands, polka dots can strike choose from. As Kusama discovered, 1889 painting, Lady in a White Polka matching trimmed hat completed her
that tricky balance between modern red looks particularly striking, and Dot dress, speaks for the longevity of style transformation, leaving her per-
and elegant. Uterque have a candy-floss pink cot- a print still popular today. Even earlier fectly dressed to stomp the divots at the
ton shirt if the blue silk isn’t for you. examples exist – Monet’s Luncheaon Polo.
And apparently, fashion’s tastemak- Otherwise, softer shades – think bur- on the Grass, 1865, and Bazille’s Family
ers have thought so since at least as gundy and bottle green, or the brown Reunion, 1867, both show elegant polka The Royal touch
early as the 1860s, when Impressionist in which Julia Roberts looked so smart dot gowns. The Duchess of Cambridge doesn’t
painters Claude Monet and Frédéric in “Pretty Woman” – will soften the often experiment with print, and
Bazille spotted ladies’ dresses with print a little for everyday. The polka pin-up when she does, it’s usually a delicate
unmistakable polka dots on their can- Perhaps not what you’d normally put floral – which is why the graphic Dol-
vases. In 1921, a polkadotted ballgown For those who find florals too fussy, on to dash round Waitrose, but Mari- ce & Gabbana polka dot dress that
made the then-illustrated front cover there’s something refreshingly clean lyn Monroe’s stylish portrayal of the she chose for last month’s Wimbledon
of American Vogue, and in the 1950s, about spots – they’re graphic, but girl next door in 1954’s “The Seven Year tournament was such a stand-out look
Marilyn Monroe not only wore polka better suited to occasionwear than Itch” taught women everywhere of the for the royal.
dots on the silver screen, but also off it stripes. Bold rather than pretty, polka
– photographs of Monroe in a polka-dot dots lend themselves to tailored sil-
bikini look fashionable to this day. houettes just as easily as frilly ones
– and as the Duchess of Cambridge
Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama’s love
of all things dotty hasn’t just graced art
galleries; in 2012, Louis Vuitton tapped
Kusama for a collaboration that saw the
French fashion house’s signature bag
shapes reinvented in poisonous toad-
stool spots, and their Fifth avenue store
covered with monochrome polka dots
that could be seen from blocks away.
Not that polka dots always need to be
quite that loud. A spotted shirt under a
navy suit will liven up workwear, and a
dotted silk scarf can be tied at the neck,
onto the strap of a handbag or into the
hair for a dash of print. If you do opt for
an all-over print, pay attention to scale –
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 45
How to avoid common vacation fashion faux-pas
BY OLIVIA BUXTON SMITH of explaining to everyone that “it’s not landed in colder climes.
The Telegraph dandruff, it’s sunburn’’ (again, just us?). According to, 24 per-
Clarins do a very good dry oil that you
Packing for a summer vacation is not can use on your body and your hair. cent of us have claimed to have felt cold
as straightforward as it sounds. Wheth- on vacation as a result of not packing
er you’ve opted for hand luggage, and the right gear. So even if it’s just the
have therefore had to bid farewell to sweater you had tied around your waist
some of your favorite beauty products, or the khaki jacket you had slung over
or hold luggage, and so have seized the your shoulder on the plane, you’ll be
opportunity to load up on dresses you thankful for it when it means you can
almost definitely won’t wear (just us?), eat dinner outside comfortably.
deciding what you’re going to wear for
a week or two ahead of time feels un- 5. Approach souvenir buying with
natural. So you’d be forgiven for the caution
odd rogue stow away item.
Some 22 percent of vacation makers
According to a survey of 18,000 va- admitted to having fallen into the trap
cationers conducted by, of wearing a souvenir T-shirt. But, while
more than 65 percent of us have suf- in the past we might have warned you
fered some sort of wardrobe malfunc- to steer clear of tourist garb at all costs,
tion while we’re away. with logo T-shirts and kitsch accesso-
ries (see Louis Vuitton’s collaboration
Here are those which the survey iden- with artist Jeff Koons) taking center
tified as the most common – and how to stage this season, there’s never been a
avoid them next time you jet off ... more apt time to experiment with an
it’s-so-tacky-it’s-almost-chic T-shirt.
4. Consult the weather forecast
Do your research. You might be in So while you’re taking that Leaning
for a bit of a surprise if you arrive on Tower of Pisa or Taj Mahal snap, have
vacation without so much as a light- a snoop around for wearable souve-
weight knit in your bag, to find you’ve nirs while you’re at it. Just don’t go
2. Keep it simple
Opt for simple pieces – think cot-
ton midi dresses, and wide-leg trou-
sers with oversize shirts – in natural,
breathable fabrics, and then chuck a
shawl into your straw tote in antici-
pation of the odd cloud or air-condi-
tioned museum.
1. Invest in the right shoes 3. Protect yourself top-to-toe
Of the thousands of people quizzed It sounds obvious, but given that 25
on their sartorial slip-ups, 36 percent percent of people said they’d forgotten
admitted to wearing inappropriate to take a hat abroad with them, resulting
footwear. Heels might wield excel- in a burned head, perhaps it’s not.
lent elongation powers, but they A straw hat to ward off the sun’s
don’t fare well on cobbled Medi- rays is a vacation essential. So wheth-
terranean streets. er you’re partial to a floppy wide-
Flat espadrilles (or those brimmed style, or see yourself as more
with a slight heel if you so de- a fedora wearer, make sure you invest.
sire), chunky sandals and sleek An SPF for your hair is also advisable.
sneakers will see you through a Not only will it help prevent your color
week in the sun in style, and will from fading and ends from splitting, but
also allow you to peruse market stalls it will also mean you avoid the dreaded
without fear of toppling over.
burnt scalp that
leads to a
46 Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
New England Eatery: Next best thing to being there
BY TINA RONDEAU get rid of any residual sand – and the Lobster Roll.
Columnist dish is accompanied by a cup of drawn
butter for dipping. Yummy.
With apologies to Lord Tennyson, in
the dog days of summer, a displaced The whole belly clams, fried nice and
New Englander’s fancy seems to turn to crispy, were even more
thoughts of fresh Maine steamers, fried wonderful on this vis-
clams and lobsters. it than usual. Abso-
lutely the best around,
Since there is little likelihood that and the $21.95 portion is
my Boston-born husband and I are large enough to satisfy
going to make it up to Ipswich, Ken- even the hungriest
nebunkport or Bailey’s Island this New Englander’s
summer, we did the next best thing craving for these
and headed up A1A to the New Eng- beauties. You can
land Eatery in Melbourne Beach. get a smaller por-
tion for $18.95,
This roadside restaurant is now its but as my husband
third decade of providing refugees says, “Who’d want to do
from New England with the seafood
Surf & Turf. Boatyard Combo.
dishes they crave. In the winter, as you that?” bun that courage you to send feedback to me at
might guess, it is generally packed with [email protected].
snow birds – but this extremely casual Our com- has been
eatery does a pretty darn good business The reviewer is a beachside resident
in the summer as well. panion also Fried Clams. toasted until who dines anonymously at restaurants
at the expense of this newspaper.
When we arrived shortly before 6 raved over her fried the sides are gold-
p.m. last Saturday, the restaurant was Hours:
already near full. shrimp dinner. The lightly breaded en brown. Sunday to Wednesday,
For starters on this visit, my husband deep fried jumbo shrimp were very The last couple of times we have or- 11 am to 9 pm
(of course) ordered the New England Thursday to Saturday,
clam chowder ($4.95), which he rates tender and tasty, topped by three large dered it at the New England, the bun
about the very best in this area. I de- 11 am to 10 pm
cided to start with the mahi chowder fried onion rings. has been perfect and the plentiful bite- Beverages: Full bar
($4.95), a spicy tomato-based soup, and
our companion asked for the two to be On other recent visits, we have sized lobster chunks sweet and savory. Address:
mixed half and half – a combination 5670 S. Highway A1A,
she favors. enjoyed the broiled Nantucket trio In many years of visiting this restau-
Melbourne Beach
Then for entrées, I ordered the Maine ($21.95) – which consists of a flaky fi- rant, we have never been disappoint- Phone: (321) 723-6080
steamer appetizer ($15.95), my husband
(of course) chose the whole belly clams let of cod, sea scallops and shrimp – as ed. If you are craving Maine steamers,
($21.95) and our companion went for
the fried shrimp dinner ($15.95). All well the New England Eatery’s lobster fried whole-belly clams, a lobstah roll,
were accompanied by a choice of sides.
roll ($16.95). scrod or any Down East seafood fix –
The two dozen soft-shell steamer
clams couldn’t have been fresher. The classic lobstah roll, as true aficio- with no early prospect of making it to
Small, tender and sweet, they are
served in their own broth – you swirl nados know, consists of steamed lob- the Massachusetts or Maine coast –
the freshly dug clams in the broth to
ster meat (claws and knuckles), tossed you are likely to leave the New England
sparingly in mayonnaise with a bit of Eatery happy.
diced celery for a little crunch, a dash of
lemon, and a buttered split-top hotdog I welcome your comments, and en-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 47
The French connection in South American wines
BY DAVE MCINTYRE from the late 1990s remaining fresh focused international style. over four or five decades, I think we can
and complex as they age. The 2007 was “Today we have more concentration achieve it,” says Caro’s winemaker, Fer-
The Washington Post my favorite. nando Buscema. For Caro, evolution over
on elegance and finesse instead of pow- the first two decades hasn’t been a change
We usually turn to Chile and Argen- About a three-hour drive from San- er,” Pasquini says. “That means com- in style so much as an effort to find the
tina for affordable, quaffable wines. Yet tiago, in the Millahue Valley, is Viña Vik plexity in the nose before intensity, and best vineyards to produce the style of
both are capable of producing high-end – a futuristic winery set on nearly 11,000 balance in the mouth before power.” wine the Catenas and Rothschilds envi-
vino that can stand among the best in acres in a horseshoe-shaped valley about sion. “The key is in the vineyards, and it
the world. And they’ve looked to Bor- 40 miles from the Pacific. Bodegas Caro is a joint venture of Cat- takes a lot of time to understand where to
deaux, the very image of Old World wine ena Zapata, famous for pioneering Men- grow the right grapes,” Buscema says.
sophistication, for help. While other Chilean wineries empha- doza’s wine renaissance and leading the
size tradition, Vik opts for modernity. exploration of high-altitude vineyards. “Our focus now is on Altamira, south
Chile is known for red wines from the Many Chilean wines boast of their un- Its partner is Domaines Barons de Roth- of Mendoza,” Buscema told me. “We be-
smoky, peppery carmenere grape, and grafted vines, unaffected by phylloxera, schild (Lafite), the parent company of lieve we can make really elegant wines
Argentina for fruity malbec. Both are even though there’s no real way to tell if Bordeaux’s Chateau Lafite Rothschild. there. But it took us nearly 20 years to
traditional varieties prominent in Bor- wines from ungrafted vines taste better. Like Cheval des Andes, Bodegas Caro reach that conclusion.”
deaux blends in the 1800s but fell out of Vik’s vines are all grafted to ensure even was established in 1999, and with a long-
favor after the phylloxera root louse epi- quality, using six different rootstocks in term perspective. New World innovation, meet French
demic decimated European vineyards various parts of the vineyard, and they patience. The result is delicious, with
in the latter part of that century. manage walk the tightrope between “We want to make the most elegant more to come.
power and elegance. wine in Argentina, and if we persevere
When the Bordelais replanted their
vineyards, they favored cabernet sauvi- Across the Andes in Argentina’s Men-
gnon, merlot, cabernet franc and petit doza region, malbec replaces carmenere
verdot, grafted onto American rootstock as the focus of Bordeaux history. When
immune to the louse. By then, however, Pierre Lurton, director of Chateau Che-
carmenere and malbec vines had been val Blanc in St. Emilion, came to Men-
exported to South America, where they doza in the late 1990s, he wanted to re-
thrived on their own rootstock; vinous create the style of Bordeaux in the 1850s,
time capsules waiting to be unlocked. when malbec made up about 40 percent
of the average red Bordeaux blend.
On the outskirts of Santiago, Almaviva
– a joint venture between Concha y Toro, Obviously, few people alive today have
one of Chile’s largest wineries, and Bar- tasted that style, and the terroir of the
on Philippe de Rothschild, which owns high-altitude vineyards in the Andes
Chateau Mouton Rothschild and other foothills differs wildly from maritime
wineries in Bordeaux – is celebrating its Bordeaux. But malbec’s prominence in
20th anniversary this year. Mendoza offered a unicorn of sorts — a
chance to re-create history.
From the initial 1996 vintage, Alma-
viva has been a blend dominated by Lurton founded Cheval des Andes,
cabernet sauvignon, with a healthy dol- a joint venture between Cheval Blanc
lop of carmenere providing a Chilean and Terrazas de los Andes. Today, Che-
signature. val is a blend of malbec and cabernet
sauvignon, with other Bordeaux variet-
The wines are aging well. I tasted 12 ies playing smaller roles. Winemaker
vintages, from the initial 1996 through Lorenzo Pasquini says Cheval, like Viña
the not-yet-released 2015. All were de- Vik, has moved away from the power-
licious, with even the early vintages
48 Vero Beach 32963 / August 10, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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