School District plans to expand
vocational classes. P6
Controversy grows
over oceanside parcel. P8
Shores settles discrimination
and sexual harassment lawsuit. P10
Hospital hires For breaking news visit
a replacement
for ousted No. 2 MY Rail crossing
VERO plans disregard
our local input
BY MEG LAUGHLIN / MILTON R. BENJAMIN Photos taken over the Memorial Day weekend at Sexton Plaza, Conn Beach and Humiston Park. BY LISA ZAHNER
Staff Writers Staff Writer
BY RAY MCNULTY use that many. I don’t need to. ing and ride my bike all over,
In the news-you-hope-will- Staff Writer Not if you look at the photo- and I see this regularly at the Long-awaited construction
slip-by-unnoticed category, In- city beaches,” he said, asking plans for the railroad tracks
dian River Medical Center last This is one of those situa- graphs taken Sunday and sent that I not use his name. “It that will carry All Aboard Flori-
week sent out an email at 4:25 tions where a picture – several to me Memorial Day morning just looks bad.” da appear to have been crafted
on the Friday afternoon pre- of them, actually – is worth a by a Central Beach resident in a void, according to Indian
ceding a holiday weekend an- thousand words. who had seen enough. It looks, well, trashy – which River County officials, who
nouncing it had hired a person is exactly what it is. say engineers failed to take
to replace former hospital chief But, I promise you, I won’t “I know it’s a busy weekend, into account a vast amount
operating officer Steven Salyer, but I get up early in the morn- CONTINUED ON PAGE 9 of important data provided to
whose short tenure ended in them about the thoroughfares,
mystery last December. buildings and the community
surrounding the planned fast-
In the email, the hospital train corridor.
said that Camie Patterson –
a healthcare executive with County Public Works Direc-
more than 20 years of expe- tor Chris Mora and his staff
rience – was selected after last week printed out large-
a search process that lasted scale copies of the 98 pages of
several months, and would blueprints, known as the 100
join Indian River Medical percent design plan, provided
Center in late July. to local governments by All
Aboard Florida. About 30 peo-
Patterson in 2014 became
Vero hopes to finally
Algae farmed here unload onetime golf
used in smoothies course at Dodgertown
and spa treatments
Staff Writer Staff Writer
As Steve Schlosser begins a A spirulina mask applied at Costa d’Este. The old Dodgertown Golf A new commercial Realtor is marketing the vacant land to developers. PHOTO BY PHIL SUNKEL
tour of his Vero Beach ocean- Course has languished for
front algae farm, his hand- more than a decade now, 35
shake is a testimonial to his acres of vacant land eating
product: He doesn’t wince a hole in the Vero Beach city
anymore. Years ago, at age 50, budget to the tune of about
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
All Aboard Florida plan eight in the City of Sebastian. out on the plans for Downtown Vero have to be torn up and re-done,” Da-
CONTINUED from PAGE 1 Trains will barrel through 26 of the Beach that a planned median would vis said, pointing to drawings of safety
prohibit left-hand turns out of the Indi- gates. “And when that happens, we, the
ple, including anti-train activists and 32 crossings at 110 miles an hour. an River County Chamber of Commerce county, will have to pay for it. That’s go-
county andVero public officials, showed Three crossings – 14th Avenue, 26th parking lot, which also serves traffic ing to cost the taxpayers money.”
up to discuss the plans. All Aboard Flor- Street and 8th Street – are marked with from the Heritage Center, Pocahontas
ida also sent a handful of people from a maximum speed of 90 mph, while Park and shuffleboard courts, as well as Davis showed this troublesome de-
out of town to mix it up with the locals crossings at Roseland Road, plus 4th the Vero Beach Community Center. tail to Councilwoman Pilar Turner,
and advocate for the project. Street and 1st Street in the south coun- who was on hand to review the plans,
ty, are designated “low speed,” mean- Davis was also upset that the cross- and later to Councilman Harry Howle,
Plans only depict the anticipated ing trains will only flash through at 79 ing gate and signal plans did not take who looked at the plans and listened
construction needed for crossings – mph. into account any of the road-widening to worries expressed by local residents
not for general corridor safety along the work the county has planned for the about everything from decreased
miles of track in between the crossings. At least eleven crossings will need next few years. property values to how the potential
The county as a whole has 32 crossings an added median – or an extension bisecting of the community might in-
– eight within the City of Vero Beach, of an existing median – and those will “We gave All Aboard Florida all that terfere with emergency vehicles carry-
16 in the unincorporated county and need to be reviewed and permitted by information on any roads that we’re set ing people to and from the hospitals.
the county or city government. to widen, but they didn’t include that,
so when we widen the road, all that will About 10 or so drawings down from
Commissioner Wesley Davis pointed where Davis was looking at Downtown
Vero, Commissioner Tim Zorc was es-
pecially concerned about several of
the plan documents that in his opin-
ion did not provide adequate safety
features for students heading to and
from school. He and Mora shared their
dismay that county officials would
now need to navigate All Aboard Flor-
ida’s comment process to try to get
those inadequacies addressed.
“The drawings we are looking at
were for the 45th Street crossing area,”
Zorc said. “The drawings were clear-
ly missing safety enhancements for
sidewalks relating to Gifford Middle
School that were not located on the
plan, which was a big disappointment.
Over 18 months ago, we provided All
Aboard Florida with the safety en-
hancements for that crossing but they
chose not to include them.”
Neither the County Commission
nor Vero’s City Council has reviewed or
commented on the design plans as gov-
erning bodies yet. The plans were de-
livered electronically to county and city
officials on May 5, and Mora said last
week he was unclear what the deadline
was for the county or the public to raise
concerns and make comments.
With regard to the multitude of
“utility conflicts” identified in the
plans, where crossings interfere with
pipes, poles and lines, Mora said the
county is required to move any water
or wastewater pipes that are in the
way, provided they are located within
the designated 100-foot wide corridor
that is under the railroad’s domain.
Utility conflicts involve not only wa-
ter and sewer lines, but also natural
gas, electric and fiber-optic telecom-
munications lines that run throughout
the county.
Mora and Vero Public Works Direc-
tor Monte Falls both had separate
meetings scheduled with the Federal
Rail Administration and All Aboard
Florida officials last Thursday, but nei-
ther had responded at press time to
requests for comment on the outcome
of those meetings. Mora retired last
Friday after 30 years of service to the
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 3
Old Dodgertown Golf Course Kevin McCarthy, based in Palm Beach York City area. The flights have been McCarthy said unloading empty acre-
CONTINUED from PAGE 1 Gardens, has a more ambitious agenda. successful, with Elite’s jets mostly full, age is challenging.
He is gearing up a marketing campaign and the company said it is considering
$600,000 annually. But the grassy aimed at developers who might be in- additional flights and destinations. “Land is always the last recovering
white elephant – which Vero paid terested in light industrial, retail, hotel part of the cycle,” McCarthy said. “[But]
nearly $10 million for in 2005 – might and/or multi-family housing uses. “It’s a unique location. With the airport we’re seeing activity in the northern
be scratched off the city’s land inven- growing and Dodgertown [next door], reaches of South Florida. Develop-
tory list in a distress sale later this year. Plus, having scheduled air service at that brings lots of people,” McCarthy said. ment tends to creep up the coast. We’re
Vero Beach Airport now adds more rel- at that cycle and phase.”
The city’s new high-powered real evance to the site, McCarthy said. Elite Not much has happened to the land
estate broker, Colliers International Airways last winter began offering sev- since the city bought it. Vero Beach Airport Director Eric
South Florida, is spreading the word eral weekly flights to the metro New Menger said he thinks the site would
among developers that Vero Beach “It has remained vacant open space,”
wants to unload the former golf course O’Connor said. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
that conjures up romantic memories
of Dodgers spring training baseball. Exclusively John’s Island
Built in the 1960s by then-Dodger This impeccable 5BR/4.5BA retreat is nestled on a private .52± acre corner lot
ownerWalter O’Malley because his black and showcases scenic lagoon-like views of beautiful Lake Reams. Stately details
players weren’t allowed on other golf and custom finishes grace this 6,103± GSF home overlooking the pool with
courses in Vero at that time, it is located lush tropical landscaping. Additional features include a gracious living room with
on the southeast corner of 43rd Avenue fireplace, gourmet island kitchen adjoining family room, luxurious master suite,
and 26th Street adjacent to the Historic handsome library with fireplace, guest suites, custom built-ins, bamboo floors, new
Dodgertown sports complex and across roof, covered verandah, and 2-car garage. 205 Coconut Palm Road : $3,000,000
the street from Vero Beach Airport.
three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
“The nine-hole course, named pickleball : croquet : water sports : vertical equity membership
Dodgertown Golf Club, opened in
1965 and was available to the Dodger 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
players, as well as the public,” ac-
cording to “As an
avid golfer himself, O’Malley could be
found with Dodger players and execu-
tives on the links in his free time. To
best aid his game, he personally over-
saw the design of the course and the
placement of its sand traps!”
While the course was a success for
O’Malley and his team, the former
links property has been a major-
league loser for the city: Vero Beach
bought the land for $9.9 million in
2005, but now it’s appraised at about
a third of that amount – $3.5 million
– and it soaks up substantial month-
ly maintenance costs along with the
$50,000-a-month debt service.
Tim McGarry, the city planning and
development director, said Vero Beach
overpaid for the land because the pur-
chase came near the height of the real
estate bubble. The city wanted the
property to serve as open green space
at a time when Vero Beach was going
through a growth phase, McGarry said.
It seemed then that the city was
poised to become more dense and ur-
ban, but many of the subdivisions talk-
ed about at that time were never built.
City Manager Jim O’Connor said
the city still owes a little more than $5
million on the property. Besides ser-
vicing that debt, the city also spends
more than $10,000 a year to mow and
maintain the property while not re-
ceiving a nickel in property taxes from
the city-owned land.
Through the years, the city has float-
ed several golf-related ideas for the site
– such as a par-3 golf course, driving
range, lighted pitch-and-putt course,
or flying disc golf course – as well as a
motocross track and skate park.
But Colliers Senior Vice President
4 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Old Dodgertown Golf Course Algae farm Steve Schlosser. PHOTO BY PHIL SUNKEL farming it in space. I found a professor
CONTINUED from PAGE 3 working on that out in California and
CONTINUED from PAGE 1 The algae’s national distributor, E3Live, asked him to send me some.”
be ideal for commercial or mixed use, buys thousands of pounds at a time,
which he hopes would be a driver in his wrists were so stricken with arthri- Schlosser says, billing it as “the world’s The professor sent him a few dollops
growing the scheduled airline service tis that he was getting cortisone shots first and only fresh-frozen live spirulina.” of live spirulina in a little glass Coke
at the airport. to ease the pain. bottle, the cap taped over with duct
Schlosser is a retired Rockwell en- tape. Days later, it arrived at Schloss-
A small convention center or a small It was then that his love of algae first gineer who oversaw a staff of 600 who er’s Fort Lauderdale home, as fresh as
hotel would be good use, he said, be- bloomed. replaced analog phone lines with digi- any pile of slime could look, and more
cause there’s a need for rooms to serve tal. When he took an early retirement, importantly, still alive. Schlosser set
an influx of students at the neighbor- Within weeks of eating a daily dose his pastime options were increasingly up an aquarium on the kitchen coun-
ing FlightSafety Academy, which trains of the pond scum known as spirulina, limited by a nagging problem: his ach- ter, tossed in the algae and waited.
pilots. In addition, parents of youth Schlosser found he was pain free. “My ing hands. Researching anti-inflam-
ballplayers participating in Historic swelling went down immediately. I matories, he came across spirulina, Happily, Schlosser watched as the wa-
Dodgertown baseball games and train- haven’t been to a doctor since I started a well-known supplement in powder ter did what every pool owner dreads: it
ing camps also typically need lodging. eating this,” he says. and tablet form. But few were discuss- turned green, then greener, the sort you
ing using it straight out of the pond. wouldn’t dip a toe into. Soon there was
On the southern portion of the golf The kitchen-counter operation that enough algae growing that a coffee filter
course property, Menger would like to supplied Schlosser with his morn- Then he read about a spirulina grow- dragged through the water could catch
see mixed-use development with two- ing blob of algae has four years later er in France that marketed the product 10 tablespoons or more.
or three-story buildings that would grown into a multi-pond operation at fresh. “They said that eating it fresh
include housing on the top level so Florida Tech’s Vero Beach Marine Lab was a great anti-inflammatory but they Schlosser harvested his crop and
people could both live and work there. on the barrier island. couldn’t send it to the states because of got to work on recipes. “You’d be sur-
restrictions,” Schlosser recalls. “Then I prised: It’s about as mild as butter,” he
And he would like some of the green Now CEO of Florida Algae, Schlosser saw that NASA was experimenting with says. Nothing like the mucky-tasting,
space retained for bike path. and two partners have placed Spirul- heat-treated powder form.
ina Ice, their nutrient-dense, extrava-
“What I don’t want to see is a whole gantly priced superfood – $35 a pound “I just started experimenting, add-
bunch of new houses,” said Menger. – in 200 juice bars and 80 health-food ing it to stuff, and right away my swell-
stores around the country. ing went down.”
McCarthy hopes to entice a buyer
within six months. “We’re talking with In Vero, the spirulina, fresh or frozen, Word started to spread through Riv-
developers in every discipline. These is wholesaled by White Rabbit Acres, erside Park, his Fort Lauderdale neigh-
things tend to take a little time.” an organic farm west of town. Retail- borhood, home to “a lot of old hip-
ers include Michael Haggerty, who de- pies” with high demand for alternative
Menger said he thinks there is more veloped his flavored Pond Yum frozen nutrition. “Pretty soon I had two or
of an interest in buying land now that pops – including one dipped in choco- three aquariums going, and my wife
the economy is rebounding. late – for his new downtown café, Plan- said, ‘That’s it.’ So we moved it out to
et Yum, located at the northern side of a couple of ponds in a greenhouse in
Upcoming road improvement projects the Pocahontas building. the front yard.”
on 43rd Avenue and 26th Street, which
frame two sides of the property, make the Haggerty also uses spirulina in his Soon, word drifted down to the chef
site more attractive, Menger said. smoothies, as does LovJuice and La at Miami’s famous South Beach hotel,
Tabla, two popular Vero juice bars. The Standard. “The chef contacted me
“That will help the value and acces- through a mutual friend of my wife,” he
sibility for that property,” he said. The algae even shows up in spa treat- says. “I took some down to him and met
ments at Costa d’Este resort, where its with him and he put it out there. And
McCarthy questions the $3.5 mil- skin-softening properties are backed up he called me the following Monday and
lion appraisal, saying the true value of by Schlosser’s wife, Fiona. She remarked said, ‘Whatever you can produce, I want
the O’Malley’s old golf course is more on her husband’s hands after soaking for it.’ That was three years ago.”
than that figure. But in the end, the hours a day in spirulina tanks and is now
market is king and will determine the developing a line of skin care products. Vero’s spirulina is now in all five of
purchase price.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 5
The Standard hotels, including in L.A. more lucrative for Schlosser. In a joint ics. Currently in the approval process The company has leased 10 acres
and New York. venture with the U.S. Department of with the Food and Drug Administra- at White Rabbit farm to increase the
Agriculture, Florida Algae’s Vero op- tion, if the algae comes to market, scale of the test project, and is look-
“They’re making martinis out of it,” says eration is growing an algae that could Florida Algae could get the contract ing at a 100-acre tract west of I-95 if
Schlosser. “They call them spirutinis.” be used as a supplement in cattle to produce “hundreds of thousands the algae is approved for use in cat-
feed to reduce the use of antibiot- of pounds,” says Schlosser. tle.
As successful as spirulina has been,
another algae may end up being far
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
School District plans to expand vocational classes
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN also with an industrial or professional means well-paying jobs likely will be schools must choose from a set menu.
Staff Writer certification that gives them a jump- available for graduates. A school district’s choice is further
start into the workforce or college.
Indian River County School District “Expanding our career and technical constrained by the college offerings
Superintendent Mark Rendell wants Each high school offers 10 three-year programs, what used to be called ‘voca- in the area and the partnerships it can
to expand the number of vocational career tech programs, with some over- tional’ programs, will provide another form with local institutions. Indian
classes offered at Vero Beach and Se- lap. Both offer biotechnology, digital curriculum offering for our students,” River State College is the local School
bastian River high schools, adding design, nursing/home health aide, cu- he said. “We already have some very District’s career-tech partner.
HVAC, electrical and plumbing to the linary arts and automotive. In addition, strong programs and if we are able to
existing career tech curriculum. Vero offers carpentry, digital video, ac- provide additional programs focused “All programs have to align with and
counting, business management and on industrial arts, it will not only ben- track into Indian River State College
That makes sense, since district data drafting, while Sebastian River has pro- efit our students, but will directly ben- associate-of-science or bachelor-of-
show career tech classes are wildly pop- grams in GIS (geographic information efit our community.” science degrees in order to get federal
ular. systems), network support, entrepre- money,” Arnett said. The state also has
neurship, criminal justice and welding. If voters see fit to renew a special changed its funding formula to reward
In fact, a majority of high school stu- four-year property tax this summer, classes that are geared toward achieving
dents, including many college prep kids, Kristine Burr, director of the career Rendell plans to use part of the rev- an industrial or professional certificate.
take a career tech class. At Sebastian tech program at Sebastian River High enue to fund the HVAC, electrical and
River High School, 1,147 out of 1,779 School, said the school’s most popular plumbing shops he has in mind. All full-time career tech students are
students – or 64 percent – take a career three-year programs are nursing, auto- funded at the base rate of $4,300 each,
tech class. At Vero Beach High School, motive and culinary arts. Gina Hodges, The new classes would be “self-sus- but an additional $430 can be earned
1,473 – or 52 percent of the 2,806 stu- director of the Vero Beach career tech taining” after the initial investment is if a student is awarded an industrial or
dents – do likewise. program, said nursing, carpentry and made to equip and house the shops, he professional certificate, and the money
digital video are the top three there. said. must go back to the successful class.
And a large percentage will gradu-
ate with career technology degrees – Rendell said the impetus for adding Dr. Michael Arnett, who oversees Cash-starved school districts follow
nearly 40 percent this year at both high HVAC, electrical and plumbing classes the career tech program, explained dur- the money, selecting classes that result
schools. to the career tech curriculum comes ing a tour of the Sebastian River High in students passing a professional cer-
from businesspeople who have told School classes that the state – which dis- tification.
Those students went through a him there is a shortage of qualified burses state and federal funds – largely
three-year program and will graduate workers in the building trades, which controls the career tech program. It de- “Schools used to offer only a few
not only with a high school degree, but fines the course offerings, he said, and programs with certifications. The shift
in funding has forced educators to go
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 7
to certified fields, making the school year including the Special Olympics in Hospital hires new COO in an effort to reduce patient waiting
responsive to industry,” Arnett said. November, where the students make CONTINUED from PAGE 1 times and improve performance.
food for 2,000 people.
“I have one employer interested in the chief operating officer of two hos- The terse announcement of Patterson’s
CNAs (certified nursing assistants) Just as Indian River County data show pitals that are part of the Indiana Uni- selection made no mention of the previ-
who wants to hand out the certificates most students, including academic versity Health system, but held that ous chief operating officer, Steven Salyer.
and hire the whole class,” Sebastian’s track students, take career tech class- position for less than a year before
Kristine Burr said. Champion Home es, national data show high schools leaving. For the past year, she has had This past December, Indian River
Healthcare is the employer and Director no longer have two clear tracks, voca- the position of “coach” with a health- Medical Center CEO Jeff Susi stunned
Helen Perrotta said, “Those young men tional or academic, leading to a trade care consulting firm, Studer Group. the medical community by announc-
and women come out of both school or college. Instead, the two tracks have ing that Salyer – widely credited with
nursing programs so experienced and mixed and formed synergies. A third of During her time with Studer Group, the significantly improving operations at
capable, I hire as many as I can.” the dual credits earned nationwide, ac- Indian River Medical Center announce- IRMC during his 19 months as chief
cording to the National Association of ment said Patterson coached hospitals operating officer – had “resigned.”
Wylie Green’s entrepreneurship State Directors of the Career Technical “in enhancing employee engagement,
class at Sebastian is actually a business Education Consortium, are earned by patient satisfaction, and leader devel- Nobody believed the resignation was
within the school called “Shark Wear,” career tech students. opment.” Patterson, who has degrees in voluntary – and nobody believed Susi’s
a T-Shirt and printing business. It is not both healthcare administration and ac- explanation that Salyer’s departure was
only self-sustaining, but has provided Career tech programs also help keep counting, earlier served as COO of a hos- totally his own idea, and that he had
students with $60,000 in scholarships kids in school. A recent study by the Con- pital in Greenwood, South Carolina. decided “he needed a fresh start.”
over the last 14 years, Green said. sortium shows the graduation rate for
black and Hispanic students enrolled in In her bio on the Studer Group web- The surprise termination of Salyer
“When students come to me and say career tech programs is 83 percent com- site, Patterson says that while running was all the more perplexing because
this organization wants a T-shirt, I tell pared to 58 percent for those in general the hospital in South Carolina, she in- his previous employer, the parent
them, ‘Make it happen,’” Green said. education programs. Student reading creased patient satisfaction scores to company of Sebastian River Medical
“They have to figure out the staffing, and math scores improved when they the 90th percentiles in inpatient, outpa- Center, had agreed to accept a finan-
the concept, the delivery and answer were placed in a career tech setting. tient and the Emergency Department. cial settlement in a suit seeking dam-
for the project’s rights and wrongs. ages for his jump to IRMC, contending
I don’t have to tell them what to do. Many students wouldn’t go on to The Emergency Room has been a he had violated a non-compete agree-
They are focused and ready to work post-secondary degrees if not for the particularly intractable problem area ment. The amount IRMC paid in that
when they come in here.” jump-start in earning power a career- at Indian River Medical Center, which settlement has never been disclosed.
tech program gives them, the Consor- just now is completing the process of
Rick Appel, who runs the culinary tium study shows. Within two years of dumping an outside management firm Neither Susi nor Salyer has had any-
arts program at Sebastian, has a stu- high school graduation, 78 percent of and taking over direct employment of thing additional to say – and the pre-
dent restaurant and catering service career-tech-concentration students go physicians and management of the ER vailing belief remains that when Salyer
that’s so busy it has to turn down busi- back to school to seek higher degrees. “resigned,” one more huge financial
ness. It caters events throughout the settlement by the hospital with a de-
parted executive sealed his lips.
8 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Shores rezoning controversy has long history behind it
BY LISA ZAHNER al family real estate business now with tion parking lot is frequently full dur- but County Administrator Joe Baird
sister Linda, appeared before the Town ing season, and many residents prefer has promised to furnish the eventual
Staff Writer Council to explain the arrangement the pleasant walk through this open buyer and developer of the property
his parents Ed and Marguerite Schlitt space. On the Indian River Shores own with a license agreement allowing
A move to rezone a five-acre ocean- made, selling land now appraised at website, it presently says that this land some sort of dune crosswalk or walk-
side parcel plodded forward last week, more than $7 million to the county for is officially a walking path through way to the ocean.
but the Indian River Shores Town a mere $200,000, at a time when resi- town property.”
Council must weigh some complex dential lots in Pebble Bay were fetch- The fenced property has two gates
history when it makes the final deci- ing $110,000 each. As part of a land swap whereby the along A1A. One of those gates has for
sion about whether to allow town- Town transferred title to 40 acres on many years – no one knows exactly
homes or condos on land that has his- “The intent was to provide public the mainland that the Town owned how long – had a sign permitting Town
torically been traipsed over for beach access, including the continued access and the county wanted, the Shores residents to use the land for beach ac-
access by Town residents. for the residents of Pebble Bay. Ed and took ownership of the five acres just cess. Attorney Clem said last Wednes-
Marguerite Schlitt were part of the orig- north of the Tracking Station. At the day that the sign, and the historic use
Ordinance 528 to rezone the A1A inal developers and strongly believed time, the property was zoned for rec- of the property, does not give Pebble
property to allow for up to six units in providing beach access. Marguerite reational use, but when it was ac- Bay residents any grandfathered-in le-
per acre passed the Town Council by Schlitt still resides in Pebble Bay,” Ste- quired, the Town opposed it being de- gal right to beach access.
a 5-0 vote on first reading despite the ven Schlitt wrote to Vero Beach 32963 clared a park, because that would have
protestations of about a dozen long- about the issue. meant it would be open to the general Instead, he said use of the property
time residents, some of whom shared beach-going public, not just to Shores needs to stop because it could present
fond memories of sunny beach days “The County sold the parcel to the residents. a potential liability to the Town if, per-
trekking across the parcel in question Town, with a stipulation of a first right chance, someone was struck by a car
long ago with toddlers in tow – tod- of refusal if the Town ever decided Councilman Mike Ochsner asked while crossing A1A to get to the beach.
dlers that are now grown with children to sell it. The Town now plans to dis- why the issue of any future permitted
of their own. pose of the property at an estimated use of the property was not taken up It was strongly suggested by Vice
amount of $7.7 million for a profit of at the time it landed in the Town’s lap, Mayor Jerry Weick to Town Manager
Around the time the Pebble Bay $7.5 million. but there was no great explanation. Robbie Stabe that the sign, which ef-
community and Pebble Beach Villas fectively invites residents to trespass,
were developed, the Schlitt family sold “The residents of Pebble Bay Estates “To the best of my knowledge, we be taken down post-haste.
the parcel to Indian River County, with have protested the sale of the prop- never addressed the zoning or the use
the caveat that it be used as a park. erty which would end their nearest of the property,” Town Attorney Ches- Pebble Bay resident Judy Orcutt,
access to the beach. The Tracking Sta- ter Clem said. “It didn’t really matter. who also serves as an alternate on the
Steven Schlitt, who runs the region- The Town owned the property and we Town’s Planning Zoning and Variance
controlled it.” Board, last month presented a propos-
al to that board to convert the parcel
It didn’t really matter, that is, until a to a passive or “pocket park,” which
few months ago when the Town Coun- would mean open green space, but
cil voted to have the parcel appraised. not necessarily any recreational facili-
ties the Town would have to maintain.
Those opposed to the sale and de- Orcutt’s proposal was rejected as the
velopment of the property have spec- planning board voted to recommend
ulated there was language in the sale the Town Council move ahead with
documents precluding the Town from the rezoning for multi-family develop-
off-loading the property to a develop- ment.
er to generate cash. But Clem said the
way the title was passed to the Shores, Orcutt and several of her neighbors
it came with no provisions that it be raised not only the beach access issue,
set aside for public use. “There are no but also their concerns about how up
restrictions on the property,” Clem to 30 units on that parcel would in-
told the council last week. crease traffic on A1A. She urged the
Town to complete some sort of traf-
The five-plus acres between Pebble fic study before taking final action on
Beach Villas and Reef Lane does not the rezoning, and also said the Town
include the actual dune or shoreline,
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 9
should inform all the nearby residents the process of rezoning the land for
in writing before the final decision. sale and development, but the ordi-
Town officials told Orcutt a traffic nance allowing for medium-density
study was premature, but that it would multi-family housing on the parcel
be part of the site plan approval pro- is scheduled for a final reading and
cess for any proposed development. vote at the next Town Council meet-
ing June 16.
Pebble Bay Resident Debbie McK-
ay tried to appeal to the council’s Clem assured residents that though
sense of legacy, telling it this deci- the medium-density zoning would al-
sion is their chance to preserve the low up to six units per acre, the Town
last remaining Town-owned swath Council could still tamp that down,
of oceanside land. “You are the stew- and that the Town has control over
ards of a non-renewable resource. what restrictions are placed on the
You would be changing it from some- property since the Town owns it. He
thing that can be used by all to some- said development could be limited to
thing that can only be used by some.” 10 units for the entire parcel, for ex-
ample, but noted that any lowering of
Residents opposing the re-zoning the density would affect the price the
have said they plan to hire attorney Town could get from a potential buyer
Michael O’Haire to represent them. or developer.
They pleaded for the council to slow
Trashing Vero’s beaches In many cases, once the wooden bins
CONTINUED from PAGE 1 are full, beachgoers simply dump their
trash on the sand alongside them.
The photographs showed beachside
trash bins overflowing with garbage at “And we don’t mind that,” O’Connor
Sexton Plaza and Humiston Park, both said, explaining that the bins are usually
of which saw heavy traffic over the holi- located near the steps leading from the
day weekend. beach.
“I’m sure the same thing is happening “We’d rather they dump it there, as
at the other beaches, especially this week- opposed to leaving it out on the beach
end,” the resident said. “What bothered where the breeze can blow it toward the
me is that this is what people see as they’re water and the tide can carry it out to the
leaving the beach, and it’s bad optics. ocean.”
“If you’re a visitor from out of town,” Still, the sight of overflowing trash
he added, “you’re not going to leave bins with garbage spilling onto the sand
with the best impression.” is an eyesore – something that should
embarrass all of us.
Maybe I don’t get to the beach
enough, but, to be frank, I was shocked What’s the solution?
and appalled by these photographs, More trash bins? Larger containers?
which depict a scene you’d expect to see Adding an evening pickup?
in Fort Lauderdale or Miami. “We’ve added bins in the past, and we
might need to add more, but we don’t
This is NOT what you expect to see want to go to a dumpster-type thing,”
in Vero Beach, where people take great O’Connor said. “We want the smaller
pride in their small-town community, re- bins that can easily be picked up to
spect the area’s natural beauty, and go to empty.
great lengths to distinguish our patch of “Also, nearly 60 percent of the people
paradise from the South Florida sprawl. who use our beaches don’t live in the
city,” he added. “If we went to dump-
But pictures don’t lie. ster-type containers, you might encour-
And for the record: Vero Beach City age people to come over and use them
Manager Jim O’Connor, who broke to dump their household trash.”
away from his holiday to take my call, Besides, from purely an aesthetic
didn’t offer up any excuses – just an ex- standpoint, does anyone want to see –
planation and a willingness to address or smell – a dumpster full of trash as we
the problem. leave our beaches?
He said the city has contractors who Adding an evening pickup sounds
empty the beachside trash bins twice good, until you realize it would make
each day, once in the early morning and the early-morning pickup unnecessary.
again in the mid-afternoon. City work- It also would cost more.
ers clean the bathrooms and empty the So unless folks want to start bring-
trash containers there. ing Hefty bags to the beach and taking
“We’ve gotten complaints like this be- their trash home with them, O’Connor
fore, and we’ve addressed them by add- seems to be doing the best he can, add-
ing another trash bin,” O’Connor said. ing more bins as they are needed.
“The problem is, it takes only one party “I have no axe to grind, no agenda,”
to fill them up. said the Central Beach resident who
“If you go by Jaycee Park at 4 or 5 in sent the photographs. “I live here, and it
the evening, particularly on a weekend, bothers me when I see this. “
you’ll probably see a couple of the bins These pictures should bother all of us.
overflowing.” Something needs to be done.
10 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Shores settles discrimination, harassment case
BY LISA ZAHNER with the Federal Equal Employment been settled, as attorneys had been terms of the agreement, but a Joint No-
Staff Writer Opportunity Commission after be- working to come up with a resolution tice of Settlement filed with the Flori-
ing fired in April 2013 from her job as throughout last week prior to a sched- da Southern District Court on Friday
After nearly two years of litigation, a triple-trained firefighter, paramedic uled trial this past Tuesday. “The Town states, “The parties will promptly file a
the Town of Indian River Shores has and law enforcement officer with the entered into the settlement at the ad- Notice of Dismissal pursuant to Federal
settled a federal discrimination and Shores. That complaint process, in vice of and in cooperation with its in- Rule of Civil Procedure 41, indicating
sexual harassment lawsuit with a for- which the Town denied allegations and surance carrier, in the interest of its resi- this action is dismissed with prejudice
mer female public safety officer, just staunchly defended its policies and its dents and to avoid further disruption to and each party will bear their own costs
four days before the Town’s current and officers’ conduct, led to Haynes’ law- its operation, and expressly denies any and requesting that the Court retain ju-
former employees were set to account suit against the Town in 2014. liability,” Stabe said over the weekend. risdiction for thirty (30) days.”
for accusations spanning 15 years.
Town Manager Robbie Stabe con- Stabe said he had “no details yet” and Haynes, who according to court re-
Samantha Haynes filed a complaint firmed Friday evening that the suit had would not comment on the monetary cords had been working as a paramedic
at Indian River Medical Center after sev-
ering ties with the Shores, alleged that
she was treated differently and unfairly
because she was a woman. She cited
harassment of an overtly sexual nature,
coupled with a double standard with
regard to conduct and career prospects.
She also claimed that she was discrimi-
nated against due to what she says was
a diagnosed medical condition involv-
ing very heavy monthly bleeding.
The Town, in its responses to Haynes’
suit, consistently denied Haynes’ allega-
tions and, according toTown officials, the
Shores’ legal team was prepared to vigor-
ously defend the Town and its officers.
Should the case have gone to trial,
it would have brought back numerous
high-ranking officers who have retired
from the Shores’ force. In the 2012-2013
timeframe, the Shores offered bonus
incentives to senior officers eligible
for retirement and several employees
took the Town up on the offer. The ac-
cusations go so far back that one of the
incidents cited supposedly involved a
decorated officer who is now deceased.
Because Haynes called into question
the way decisions were made about dis-
ciplinary measures and promotion, de-
fending the allegations could have also
involved testimony from Stabe, who
was a supervisor and Chief at different
times during Haynes’ employment be-
fore taking the job of Town Manager.
Shores Public Safety Director Chief
Rich Rosell, who was hired in February
2015 and relocated from New Jersey to
take the helm of the department in
late March of last year, came onboard
nearly two years after Haynes termi-
nation and thus was not involved in
any matters pertaining to the lawsuit,
except dealing with the cloud hanging
over the department as the trial date
Even if none of Haynes’ allegations
were proven to be true, or to rise to the
level of discrimination or harassment
after a trial, the airing of the embar-
rassing and sometimes very personal
details Haynes had included in her
complaint might have been detrimen-
tal to the Town and to public confi-
dence in its public safety officers.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ProStudents: Cortez Brown’s brilliant idea realized
BY MARY SCHENKEL Cortez Brown with 5th grade students from Indian ProStudents developer Cortez Brown. Academic teachers Anita Mead-
River Academy, (back) Sarah, Zachery and Christian; ows, Jacqui Flynn, Kelly Hudson and
Staff Writer and (front) Chelsea and Eddrick PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE faculty. McGilberry’s mother, Rhon- Cynthia Roth will teach the students
da, is a longtime teacher at Beach- in Singapore Math, literature-based
Bright, athletic and with a thor- my own community since it needs land Elementary School. McGilberry, reading, Tinkering with STEM, histo-
oughly engaging smile, Cortez Brown so much help,” says Brown. “I real- who will be returning from Europe ry and geography. Lonnie Scott, who
approaches life with an optimistic ized that I wanted to do something about the same time Brown leaves for graduated St. Edward’s and Sewanee
enthusiasm that he hopes to convey genuine, that I truly enjoyed. I enjoy medical school, will transfer in the with Brown, will direct the program’s
to students at Indian River Academy academics and I love sports so you fall from IRSC to FSU. sports aspect.
(the school was Highlands Elemen- combine those two and it’s with that
tary when he attended). premise that I spoke with Mr. Mersky “Thomas will be the day-to-day St. Edward’s offers a number of
about the idea.” guy while I’m away,” says Brown. other camps during the summer, but
Brown has developed a summer “He’s been dedicated to this program this is a stand-alone. “This ProStu-
learning program that will take place Mike Mersky, St. Edward’s Head since last year around this time and dents really is dedicated to them and
this June at Saint Edward’s School of School, was completely on board, he helped get seed money for the pro- their academic success; and they get
called ProStudents, specifically tar- putting the resources of the school gram. He pitched the idea to the In- to have fun while they’re doing it,”
geting boys and girls from that Title behind the program and providing dian River Community Foundation.” says Jennings.
1 School in one of the county’s most the structure of the academics.
impoverished districts. McGilberry obviously did a good The students were selected by In-
In his junior year Brown enrolled job – the ProStudents program is dian River Academy Principal Diane
Twenty-five students, rising fifth- in an independent study course on made possible by a grant from the Sa- Fannin and her faculty, and the par-
and sixth-graders, will take part this building an effective summer learn- meth Family Fund at the Indian River ents had to attend four ProStudents
year, with a goal of adding rising ing program. “My independent study Community Foundation. meetings in order to qualify.
fourth-graders in the future. professor, Nicky Hamilton, has been
developing programs for the commu- Greg Zugrave, St. Edward’s Upper “It requires a significant amount
Brown’s story is an inspirational nity for years. She made me create a School history department chair and of activity from parents,” adds Jen-
one, built on the solid foundation of a literature review – basically what you the school’s basketball coach, will di- nings. “It’s not like they’re just send-
loving, single mother of two who has do in graduate school – she had me do rect the programming. ing the kids off to St. Ed’s. They’ve
nurtured his aspirations of becoming it as a junior in college.” had to really participate in their own
an orthopedic surgeon, specializing “The teachers under him for this pro- level of commitment.”
in sports medicine. Brown, who was That summer he also interned at gram are all Lower School teachers,”
headed to Florida State University Yale School of Medicine’s Child Study explains Monica Jennings, director of Parents will pay a nominal fee
College of Medicine on June 1, has a Center where the director, Linda Marketing and Communications. “It’s of $100 for the four-week, 9 a.m. to
younger sister who is a dual-enrolled Mayes, connected him with people in a nice collaboration between divisions. 3 p.m. camp, where children will
junior at Charter High School and the New Haven area who had estab- This is an opportunity for them to work strengthen their academic skills in
IRSC with plans to study nursing. lished similar programs and could together as well.” the morning and engage in plenty
help him determine best practices. of sports activities in the afternoon.
Brown attended Oslo Middle Breakfast, lunch and transportation
School and spent his freshman year The program he has worked on for are provided, and students have sub-
at the Charter High School before the past two years is now ready to mitted an academic baseline to en-
transferring to Saint Edward’s, where launch – but Brown won’t be here to able improvements to be tracked.
he graduated in 2012. In May he grad- see it happen.
uated from Sewanee: The University “The thing that really strikes me is
of the South with a B.A. in biology. “But I’m missing it for a good rea- that this is not just something he is do-
son – to go to medical school. That’s ing for his resume to get into medical
While there he played football, ran been my dream since attending St. school,” Jennings says.
track, was a dorm proctor and a mem- Ed’s. But the camp isn’t for me; it’s
ber of the Honor Council and student for the 25 kids. As long as they have “He is deeply committed to this;
government. He also took an interest a great time that’s all I really care this is not just a one-time deal. He
in the community off campus. about.” wants to watch these kids come up
through their academics and their
“We were surrounded by the poor- Thomas McGilberry, Brown’s athletic ability and really be able to
est county in Tennessee, but we really friend since middle school and his see the needle move.”
didn’t go outside our bubble,” says ambassador in the endeavor, will li-
Brown. aise between children, parents and “I was looking at the grades of the
kids and talking to Ms. Rodriguez, the
Determined to help, he founded fifth-grade teacher here, and she was
and was president of the Sewanee saying they’re going to be starting col-
Multi-Cultural Health Society, col- lege in 2023,” says Brown. “I’ll be fin-
laborating with the Morton Memo- ishing my fellowship in orthopedics
rial United Methodist Church. They around that time. So we’re going to
helped provide food to more than 300 both be moving through our own aca-
people every second Saturday, while demic experiences at the same time.”
also studying the habits and diseas-
es, such as smoking and diabetes, “He’s a really busy guy, and the
that impact the Appalachian culture. fact that he’s pulled the right people
in to be able to keep it going was
Convinced that he could possibly really impressive to me,” adds Jen-
have accomplished even more if he nings. “It’s a sign of a good leader;
had experienced a stronger academic to be able to know who to bring in.
foundation in his early school years, Anybody who can run an organi-
Brown decided to develop a program zation has to have good folks with
to improve the academic skills of them along the way and he’s man-
children in the Vero Highlands area, aged to really fine-tune that. I ex-
where he still has family. pect this to go on for years.”
“I thought I would rather change
14 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Think positive! Roundtable helps Kids at Hope
Andrew Weintraub, Richard Baptiste, Karen Deigl and Gerry Thistle. Bart Gaetjens, Deryl Loar and Samantha Saucier.
BY CHRISTINA TASCON John Walsh and Keith Touchberry. PHOTOS: LEAH DUBOIS group is comprised of community
Correspondent leaders who meet to discuss the
problems and possible solutions to
The Executive Roundtable of In- situations facing local children and
dian River County held its first fun- adults. Founded in 2011, the organi-
draising event – An Evening with zation is finally getting into its long-
John Walsh – last Tuesday at Indian distance groove with the addition
River State College’s Richardson two years ago of Executive Direc-
Center. Walsh, host of CNN’s “The tor Aimee McPartlan and its 501(c)3
non-profit status.
Patricia Collins and Robin Dapp.
“It’s a tremendous organization
Michelle Malyn, Michael Kint and Meredith Egan. which blends a unique collection
of community leaders to resolve
Hunt with John Walsh,” recounted our common core issues and to get
the tragic 1981 abduction and mur- kids and families access to key deci-
der of his son Adam and spoke about sion makers,” said Board Chairman
turning that life-altering experience and Fellsmere Chief of Police Keith
into something positive in honor Touchberry. “Kids at Hope is the first
of his son. Walsh helped establish of many programs we hope to estab-
child protection legislation and the lish.”
National Center for Missing and Ex-
ploited Children and has advocated Now nationwide, Kids at Hope was
on behalf of all victims on his show developed in Arizona by a group of
“America’s Most Wanted.” teachers, social workers and other
youth-oriented agencies to help
Roughly 100 guests attended the at-risk kids turn their lives around
event to show their support of the through positive reinforcement in
Executive Roundtable and its flag- their homes, school and community.
ship program, Kids at Hope. The
Locally the program was first ini-
tiated at Gifford Youth Achievement
Center and is currently also used at
Dodgertown Elementary, Vero Beach
Elementary, the Alternative Center
for Education and the Boys & Girls
Club of Indian River County. After
observing its success, ERIRC hopes
to institute Kids at Hope at five more
locations each year.
In addition to teaching children
to think positively about themselves
and their future, the program helps
them to develop goals and then plan
out how to meet those goals.
“We don’t just ask the kids what
they want to be when they grow up,
but also what schools they need to
go to, what grades they must have to
get there,” said McPartlan.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 15
Milo Thornton with Rachel and Eric Flowers. Assistant Principal Emilio Gonzales and Principal Liz Tetreault with Dodgertown Elementary students.
Vern Melvin, Michelle Morris and Bob McPartlan. Gina McGirt, Carrie Maynard and Christina DeFalco. Lalita Janke and Leslie Spurlock.
“Kids at Hope has really been
about uniting community mem-
bers; the teachers and staff, and
the families to show our support for
students, and help them develop a
belief system in themselves that
each kid is talented and capable of
success, with no exceptions,” said
Dodgertown Principal Elizabeth
The program continually show-
ers students with encouragement
through posters, positive language,
goal reinforcement and mentoring.
It also holds Tunnel of Hope events
where leaders of the community,
teachers and parents joyously high-
five and cheer the students on to let
them know they are not alone on
their path.
A special moment in the evening
took place as Dodgertown students
proudly recited the Kids at Hope
pledge of positivity, which they say
every morning.
When asked what they liked about
Kids at Hope, the children shouted
out words such as “supportive,”
“fun” and “happy.” One little boy
summed it up best, saying: “It puts
a smile on your face.”
16 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Trey Smith, Andrew Kennedy, Ron Edwards, Emily Tremml, Rick McDermott, Jeff Hurwitz, Kevin Barry and John Huryn. Mackenzie Marsocci, Karissa Mokoban, Tara Li, Olivia Oriaku and Valerie Burke. PHOTOS: PHIL SUNKEL
Sweet ’16! Pride and joy at St. Ed’s Commencement
BY MARY SCHENKEL at Saint Edward’s School. cent were accepted to the college of ual is what you want others to see ev-
Staff Writer Proud families, friends, faculty and their first or second choice, includ- ery day,” said Mersky. He spoke of our
ing seven Ivy League schools. In ad- country’s desperate need for leaders
Eager to begin the next phase of staff gathered Saturday to applaud dition to academics, the class has who can act as role models, make de-
their lives, yet with the trepidation the students whose accomplishments also excelled in athletic and cultural cisions with thought and help others
that comes from leaving the famil- include five National Merit Finalists achievements. to reach their full potential. “My hope
iar, the 53-member class of 2016 filed and 21 Advance Placement Scholars. is that many members of the Class of
onto the stage of the Waxlax Center They have performed roughly 8,560 “It should be known that every 2016 will rise to the occasion and fill
for the Performing Arts to take part community service hours and four member of this class has had a lasting that dearth of leadership we’re cur-
in the 43rd Commencement Exercise have already established themselves and positive impact on our school, rently experiencing in our society to-
as nonprofit CEOs. More than 90 per- making St. Edward’s a better place. day.”
Whether in the classroom, on the
field or courts, on the stage or out in Upper School math teacher Shaun
the community, this stalwart class Hurley, chosen by the senior class to
has truly made a difference,” said As- be the guest speaker, offered advice
sociate Head of School and Head of based on his own personal experi-
Upper School Bruce Wachter. “Class ence of overcoming a learning dis-
of 2016, as you contemplate the ex- ability diagnosis to go on to graduate
citement that awaits you and are with a 4.0 GPA master’s degree in civil
ready to move on to your colleges and engineering.
universities near and far, I urge you,
as I did at Senior Walk several weeks “It’s a decision, period, that’s it. If
ago, stop, take it all in and enjoy. Re- you want something bad enough and
member that the beauty of life is in are willing to put in the work, abso-
the journey and not the destination.” lutely nothing can stop you. Decide
what you want, make the decision
Attorney and Board of Trustees and just go after it,” Hurley advised.
Chairman Kevin Barry spoke of the “Just don’t panic if things don’t go as
importance of thanking their parents you planned. If a better path presents
and their teachers for providing them itself, feel free to take it without feel-
with such a special education. “At St. ing bad.”
Edward’s you have the chance to do
it all, and when you embrace those Valedictorian Kishore Chundi,
opportunities, you become so well who will be attending Yale Univer-
rounded as a result. Your St. Edward’s sity, spoke about recognizing the
experience has prepared you well for fragility of life while also embrac-
the challenges and opportunities ing life’s twists and turns. “But it is
that lie ahead,” said Barry, reminding important to note that we always
them to “play nice in the sandbox” have control over who we are. In
and to keep life’s basic values in mind fact, those same circumstances that
while pursuing their passion. can change what we are often define
who we are. We must be cognizant of
Head of School Mike Mersky reit- and emphasize with the pains, anxi-
erated that theme, offering practical eties and sufferings of our fellow hu-
tips such as being a person of value man beings.”
to others and accountable for your
actions, regardless of the situation. Salutatorians Nishanth Chalasani
“Your approach attitude and de- and Josh Hurwitz spoke about the
meanor are always on display wheth- importance of using time wisely and
er you know it or not. Hence, make presented a bench as the class gift to
sure your presentation as an individ- serve as a timeless reminder for years
to come.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 17
Bruce Wachter, Kishore Chundi and Mike Mersky Nishanth Chalasani and Josh Hurwitz. Kishore Chundi, Shaun Hurley and Fahad Ahmad.
Brian Carter and Family. Dr. Kerryane Monahan and her home room students. Karissa Mokoban accepts the Saint Edward’s Cup Award.
Olivia Blakeman, Joan Magano, Rachel Blakeman, Richard Magano and Maddy Blakeman.
Scott, Nicole and Sue Alden.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Summery celebration in full swing at Cobalt White Party
Jill Shevlin, Rebecca Chesley and Kelly Holm. Mario and Kim Amelio. PHOTOS: LEAH DUBOIS Herb Myers, Sherrey Maher and Marta Pelemis.
Lenny Zanca and Donna Williford.
Vero matched similar celebrations
held in Palm Springs, the Hamptons,
Chicago and Los Angeles, with fash-
ionable white attire taking center
stage Saturday evening at the Vero
Beach Hotel & Spa’s Cobalt White
Party at its Heaton’s Reef Bar & Grill.
Roughly 300 white-clad guests en-
joyed a delicious buffet, tropical
cocktails and dancing to some high-
energy entertainment on the beach-
Richard and Lori Smith with Chris and Todd Emmershy and Susan Malinowski.
WHITE PARTY PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 20 they posed for photos with the lovely
water maiden.
Jim Tyner and Marilyn Beaucher.
“A Memorial Day White Party is
side patio to celebrate the onset of all about putting on white, mingling
summer. with others, being outside and cel-
ebrating summer,” said Christopher
A soft breeze kept things cool even Huarte, general manager of the hotel.
as a steel drummer and DJ John heat- “Some people do come here just for
ed things up, enticing guests to dance the party, but for our hotel guests who
the night away. Others looked on did not know about it before they ar-
while sipping champagne and a spe- rived, it is a little added fun for them
cial “White Out” Rum Chata cocktail to enjoy.”
topped with coconut shavings.
With the hotel completely booked
Surprise guests included a sexy En- for Memorial Day weekend, Haute
rique Iglesias impersonator who had said he anticipated about half their
the ladies swooning, and Treasure guests would attend the White Party.
Coast Mermaid Bridgette Earney, who He estimated about 50 percent of par-
made the men’s hearts skip a beat as ty attendees were from Vero Beach,
with many of them staying at the
hotel so they wouldn’t have to drive
home after the festivities.
White Parties in urban cities might
be glitzier and studded with celebri-
ties, but they weren’t likely to have a
more relaxing ambience, against a
backdrop of waves lapping the shore-
line at the upscale yet comfortable
“The environment here is just beau-
tiful right by the ocean,” said local
resident Donna Williford. “We have
come to this party a couple of times
before. Now that season is over we can
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 19
finally relax and start participating in Mario Amelio attended with wife Kim the pork-belly sliders,” said Amelio. she said her purse was too small, and
some of the top-notch things that Vero and a tableful of friends who all com- “We met right here on this spot the next thing you know we were mar-
has to offer that everyone else gets to plimented the dishes prepared by Ex- ried.”
enjoy. This year they really stepped it ecutive Chef Daniel Traimas. five years ago today,” said Vero Beach
up a notch from last year, too, with de- resident Albert Fort, having an es- “This place is very special to us. We
licious filet, shrimp and seafood.” “It’s excellent so far, they just pecially enjoyable time at the party have come to every White Party except
brought us cobia ceviche which they with wife Lilliana. “She asked me to for one year since then,” said Lilliana
Johnny D’s Market & Bistro owner are passing around and my friend got hold a bunch of stuff for her because Fort, as the two smiled at each other.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
WHITE PARTY PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 Missy and Randy Peters. Lorrie Fahey, Rebecca Beehler and Barbara McCauly.
Liliana and Albert Fort.
Tammy Adams, Bruce Galvin and Sheila Milton.
Treasure Coast Mermaid Bridgette Earney Parrish McGee and Theresa Brown.
with Sylvie and Aliana Lemaitre.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Big time: Vero’s Gutierrez creates on grand scale
A trip to the home of artist Tony Guti- been embellishing his foam paintings At 7 feet high and 9 feet wide, it is easily ger, a French painter who developed
errez is one you are not likely to forget. with tens of thousands of straight pins. the largest painting in the room. his own brand of cubism back in 1909.
Tucked in a tiny neighborhood off Sixth Gutierrez won’t say if Léger is a possible
Avenue on Vero’s mainland, his unas- One of Gutierrez’s recently complet- “I’ve done some maybe a little bit big- influence, but he does remember see-
suming apartment complex looks like ed works uses nothing more than black ger,” he says. ing his paintings.
the last place you’d expect to find a con- acrylic paint on white-primed canvas.
temporary artist’s studio. Making a sweeping motion with his “I remember my aunt used to get
arm, he demonstrates the gestural qual- these magazines, and I used to see
Behind the front door is a narrow ity of his painting style. those paintings all the time,” he says.
hallway that opens into an unexpect-
edly spacious main room. The eye is “I really like to paint them this big. I He does admit to being an autodi-
immediately pulled to a huge black- think you can express very well in this dact, and a stubborn one at that.
and-white abstract that dominates size.”
the studio. Boldly claiming wall space “Since I was a kid I used to paint and
next to it are two shield-shaped paint- The painting has been divided into do all kinds of stuff with my hands,” he
ings; across from them, a painting that a composition of rectangles, some of says. “I went to art school once, maybe
spans five canvases of differing sizes which are slightly off-kilter; a wash for one week, but I just wanted to do my
commands its own visual territory. of black paint around the rectangles’ own thing.”
edges makes their overlapping shapes
Near the center of the room stands appear to hover slightly above the pic- Gutierrez, 36, was born and raised
an easel with a work in progress. Com- ture plane. Circles and arcs that ap- in Santiago. Both his father and grand-
posed of acrylic pigment, expanding pear within the rectangles’ confines father were electrical contractors who
polyurethane foam, and sand on can- are shaded to appear like the holes in did work for Chile’s telephone compa-
vas, the 3-D painting is unique among Swiss cheese. Within the holes, organic nies. Their house was within easy walk-
its fellows. At its center is a mysterious forms – part flower petal, part human ing distance of Chile’s National Muse-
symbol surrounded by linear pattern- anatomy – gently swell. um of Fine Art, and he visited often.
ing and planet-like objects. It looks like
an old-fashioned TV test pattern from The look of the piece brings to mind “I was always going in and out, in and
an alternate universe. the later abstract work of Fernand Lé- out,” he says.
Scattered here and there around the
room are musical instruments; a gui-
tar is casually propped on a chair, a
set of bongos rests on the floor nearby.
Hanging from pegs on the wall are two
notched quena flutes and an Andean
pan pipe, souvenirs of Gutierrez’s native
Chile. He plays all of the instruments
well and sometimes appears in a local
band with his friend and fellow artist
Greg Ingerson.
It was Ingerson who suggested that
Gutierrez try painting with expanding
foam. The stuff comes in spray cans
and is a quickie gap-filler for do-it-
yourself home repairs. Like Gutierrez,
Ingerson is fond of geometric abstrac-
tion, although the latter has lately
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 23
“five or six big pictures” that he’ll use to
try to find a gallery in the fall. He says
one or two galleries in Miami have al-
ready offered him a contract, but he
doesn’t want to commit to an exclusiv-
ity just get.
Another goal is to do a collaborative
painting with Ingerson.
“We want to work on one of those,”
he says, pointing to a half-dozen 5-by-
8-foot stretchers. “I’m going to do
something, whatever I want to do. Af-
ter that, Greg’s going to go over and do
his thing.
“We’re going to call that painting ‘Fu-
sion,’” he adds. “I can’t wait to see it.”
The museum is especially rich in stractions have a rhythmic signature
Spanish paintings of the 17th through all their own.
early 20th centuries. At the time he
was into the Old Masters, attracted, he The symbols he calls “runes” in
says, to the colors and shapes. When some of his paintings look as if they
he discovered the work of Picasso, he could come from street art or tagging.
was drawn to it for the same reason. While he hasn’t done graffiti, he did
work on some 20 street murals around
As with Léger, Gutierrez skirts the Santiago.
question of whether he gained inspira-
tion from Picasso. When he left Chile at 21 and came to
the U.S., his first destination was the
“It’s kind of weird,” he says. “I can West Coast – for the surfing. He soon
draw a line, and from that line I just draw realized, however, that California is a
one after another one. Then something very expensive place to live, especially
more comes out of my head, and I just in tourist spots like Laguna Beach. His
do it right there.” next stop, Chicago, was too cold.
Gutierrez does not make prelimi- His subsequent visit to Florida led
nary sketches for his compositions. He him to Vero Beach. He has lived here
says the picture flows naturally from his now for 14 years, and has his own resi-
brain to his hand and onto the painting dential irrigation business.
“It’s a good business to be in,” he
A drafting T-square leans against a says. “It gives me time to paint and
wall in his studio, but it is hard to tell do other things. You need time for
when it comes into play. Instead of yourself.”
sterile perfection, his geometric ab-
This summer, he intends to paint
24 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: Glass masters … and artistic quilts
BY MICHELLE GENZ Photographer Greg Hills’ art will be on
Staff Writer display at Gallery 14.
1 The Vero Beach Museum of Art
is trotting out its best crystal this
weekend for an exhibition of studio
glass from the museum’s permanent
Among the artists featured is Harvey
Littleton, who died at 91 in December
2013 and for many years kept a stu-
dio on U.S. 1 between Vero and Fort
Two of his works were the first ex-
amples of studio glass purchased by
the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Widely known as the father of stu-
dio glass, Littleton offered the first
college course in glassblowing in
1962 at the University of Wisconsin.
His students included Dale Chihuly,
who also has a piece in the show. Paula Chung’s “Hand I” is apart of the new
exhibitions at the Ruth Funk Center.
In the half-century that followed,
other techniques were developed be-
yond traditional glassblowing, and the 2 At the Foosaner Museum in the portraits are hung like a mosaic and now is a cruise ship entertainer, along
Eau Gallie arts district of Mel- include paintings he’s done of people with working comedy clubs. Also on
museum exhibits examples of those from whatever city he’s showing in. the ticket is Doug Almeida, a native of
Queens whose bread and butter is cor-
methods, too. bourne, the exhibit “Population” has And at the Ruth Funk Museum of Tex- porate presenter for some of the coun-
tile Arts, there’s a great exhibit to see if try’s largest financial planning firms.
Masters of Studio Glass will be up just opened by California artist Ray you’re rusty on your elements. Quilters
have taken the periodic table as inspi- Comedy Zone shows include a con-
through Sept. 11. Turner. His 600 small, oil-on-glass ration and made art quilts. Along with cert outside the theater. Friday night
finding inspiration from the elements, the band is Wiley Nash and Saturday
the artists were asked to expand on the it’s Big Coque. Both bands do a mix of
usual cloth and thread, and use other blues and rock. Music starts at 6 p.m.;
surfaces and stitching materials. the comedy sets are at 7:30 and 9:30.
That last requirement officially broad- 5 Weird Al Yankovic is playing
ens the definition of studio art quilt. The at the Kravis Center Saturday
museum called this a signature exhibi-
Client 1st Advisory Group tion for the international organization night. His pop-music parody has
welcomes Studio Art Quilt Associates, a group of
3,000 art quilters, some of whom cre- won him four Grammys and he’s sold
Shaun P. Fedder ated the current exhibit.
as Managing Partner more comedy albums than anyone
Also at the Funk, the sixth exhibit in
Client 1st is the result of a proud merger between a series called “A View from Within,” else. That, despite the fact that he
Client 1st Advisory Group and Capital Investment Advisors - in which quilters create works from
medical imagery of the human body. started out in high school as an ac-
serving Indian River County for over 15 years. The current show features two col-
laborating artists, Paula Chung and cordion player with a bad case of
Karen Rips. Rips will be giving a gal-
lery talk July 23. bashful. He’s calling this his Manda-
tory World Tour. Two years ago, with
his hit “Word Crimes,” a play on Rob-
in Thicke’s “Blurred Lines,” he earned
his mandatory one-per-decade spot
on the Billboard Top 40 chart. It was
his fourth; the only other artists who
3 At our own arts district’s gallery can match that are Madonna and Mi-
stroll Friday, Gallery 14 will be
chael Jackson.
featuring the underwater photos of
the Tasmanian-born Greg Hills, a for- 6 Thursday, June 9, at Melbourne’s
King Center, the golden-oldies
mer Royal Australian Navy helicopter
pilot. And they just welcomed a new Happy Together Tour returns with a
artist to the coop: Beth-Anne Fair- roster of musicians from a number of
child, who’s been showing her oils at back-in-the-day bands, including Paul
Melbourne’s Fifth Avenue Art Gallery. Revere and the Raiders, Three Dog
Night and the Turtles. Make sure your
4 It’s a Comedy Zone weekend appetite is large because this concert
again at Riverside Theatre, with
sounds supersized: The tagline on the
736 Beachland Blvd. Vero Beach, FL 32963 Ron Feingold as headliner. A Phi Beta King Center web page reads “59 Bill-
(772) 231-3122
Kappa graduate in psychology with board Top 40 Solid Gold Hits in One
a master’s degree in counseling, he Concert!”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 25
Author Unger shines light on her dark thrillers
BY MICHELLE GENZ That control extends to her daughter my voice, which is the novel.” Unger was 29. Now it was time to pub-
Ocean’s media experiences. After graduation, though, she didn’t lish, and she wasn’t sure how to begin.
Staff Writer So she took a trip to Key West to visit a
“Her input is heavily curated,” Un- just hole up in a loft and write. Instead, friend, and it was there that she met
Best-selling author Lisa Unger has ger says. “She’s never even watched real she followed her father’s advice and got her future husband, at the legendary
been nurturing her dark side since she television.” “an actual job” working in the public- Hemingway hangout, Sloppy Joe’s.
was a writing major in college, working ity department of a publishing house.
on the first of more than a dozen psy- Despite her mom’s best intentions, She was successful, but as her responsi- “It was this big moment, love at first
chological thrillers. though, Ocean seems to have inherited bilities grew, her time for writing dimin- sight, and he proposed six months later.”
a dark imagination, too. “She’s got these ished. “I reached a point in my mid-20s
For the past decade, she’s also been appetites,” Unger says. “She is drawn to where I wasn’t writing at all. The only The two sold their homes, quit their
nurturing a daughter, Ocean, somehow the darker book.” thing I ever wanted for my life, I wasn’t jobs and moved to Florida. “That was a
finding time in her novel-a-year regi- doing,” she says. “I thought, You’re going huge, go-for-broke move. It was a very
men to mommy-blog about her experi- It’s not so hard to imagine the two to look back in five years, 10 years, and heavy moment: What am I if not this?”
ences including how to manage breast- cuddling up on the couch together read- say you never even tried.’ I couldn’t live
feeding on a book tour, how to dissuade ing the latest “Dead City” book, a tween- with that, the slow fade to nothing. So I With her husband Jeffrey as her office
a 3-year-old from napping with a plastic lit series about mother-daughter zom- wound up getting very serious. I dedi- manager, she never had to answer that
bucket on her head, and how to write on bie hunters that is their current favorite. cated myself to this thing.” question. She’s been on the treadmill of
a plane when you only have a crayon. writing, publishing and publicizing ever
And when they analyzed the new She wrote in every moment she could since. “I’m already working on the 2018
Ocean won’t be along when Unger movie, “The Jungle Book,” they came grab, “getting up early, staying up late, book. I have an idea that’s percolating
makes an appearance Monday at the away agreeing it was pretty intense. “It’s staying in on weekends, writing on the and it’s finding its way out.”
Vero Beach Book Center. She’ll be sign- the darkest thing she’s seen,” says Unger train. You don’t make excuses for why
ing her just-released novel, “Ink and the mom. “That was a mean tiger.” you didn’t write, you just sit down and “It’s harder not to write than write, it
Bone,” while Ocean stays with a sitter at you’re a writer.” truly is. If there are a couple days that I’m
their home in Clearwater Beach. That’s Those conversations about movies not writing for whatever reason, I’m not
probably just as well; the plot involves and literature were typical of the ones In a year and a half, the novel she right with the world.”
the disappearance of a little girl whose Unger had with her own mother, a li- started on a napkin at 19 was finished.
image keeps popping into the mind of brarian, voracious reader and “lover of Lisa Unger appears at the Book Cen-
a 20-year-old woman. Tormented by an stories – I definitely got that from her,” ter Monday at 6 p.m.
urgency in the visions but unsure what Unger says.
to do, she goes to visit her psychic grand-
mother in upstate New York. There, the Though her dad, an engineer, was
very town itself becomes a character – “anti-movies,” says Unger, her mother
and how could it not, with a name like adored them. “She used to take me with
The Hollows? her, like, really young. She probably
thought, ‘Ninety percent of this is going
Thick with the threads of human re- over her head.’ But maybe it wasn’t.”
lationships, Unger’s novels use those
connections as a safety net for her char- And then there were her mother’s
acters when her plots have led them to novels, a torrent of them, their access
the brink. limited only by her reading skills.
“I wouldn’t even say they’re scary, “We had these giant bookshelves,
they’re suspenseful,” says Melissa Wade, and nothing was ever censored. If I
a longtime staffer at the Book Center could read it, it was mine. Nobody ever
who has read all 14 of Unger’s books, in- stopped me.”
cluding “Ink and Bone.” “They keep you
on the edge of your seat.” Those books folded in with what Un-
ger calls her “ferocious curiosity” that
Unger’s fans are all over the world. Her made her not only want to pursue “that
books have been translated into 26 lan- noise in the basement,” but also human
guages, and several have earned men- psychology.
tions in national media as recommend-
ed reading. And her essays, largely about “What makes us who we are? Is it na-
her family life, have been published in ture or is it nurture, or some impossibly
the New York Times and the Wall Street complex helix of both those things?”
Journal, along with national magazines. asks Unger. “What turns some of us into
psychopaths and others into heroes?”
“A lot of people turn to writing mys-
tery thrillers because it orders the cha- By high school, she was committed to
os,” she says. “We have that dark imagi- becoming a writer. Unger started out at
nation and it’s a way of metabolizing New York University, then, at the advice
it onto the page. There’s a beginning, of her writing professor, transferred as a
a middle and an end and some type sophomore to the New School for Social
of justice is served and understanding Research. “Classes were tiny, which al-
gleaned. Not so in the real world; there’s lowed me to be incredibly nimble” with
a lot of ugliness that can’t be resolved.” what she studied, she says. Her profes-
sors were known poets and playwrights,
As for her readers, they get scared for and she was encouraged to engage with
pleasure, yes, but only in a controlled the community at large, teaching poetry
environment, she says. “They want to to second-graders, and visiting home-
be afraid in safe circumstances. They less shelters on a research project.
want to feel the relief of the closed book.
Closed and containable.” “The experience was extremely dy-
namic and multilayered,” she recalls.
“It really informed my writing and it al-
lowed me to have a broad exposure to
different forms of writing until I found
26 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Rollins-bound Bespolka cherishes ‘amazing’ St. Ed’s
BY RON HOLUB “St. Edward’s has a really great lacrosse Megan Bespolka. difficult being back in our house be-
program,” Bespolka said. “I’ve met some cause we had so many memories. We all
Correspondent of my best friends and had some of my PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE wanted something new.
best memories playing on this team. It
There is no doubt that Meg Bespolka has definitely been the highlight of my something that can never be adequately “We had been to Vero Beach because
made the most of her short year and a time here. The coaches and my team- measured: Were we as a community my grandmother lives here.We knew the
half at St. Edward’s before graduating mates have been amazing. able to help Bespolka, her parents and area and thought that it would be a good
last Saturday. She is quite personable siblings heal to some small extent in the move. Cameron loved it here. He was re-
and proved to be adept at fitting in well “Everyone is welcome regardless of aftermath of a horrible family tragedy? ally into birds and nature (see cameron-
across the board – whether it was as a what level they played at before. It was for information on the
student, an athlete or a friend. a really nice mix and completely dif- Bespolka was part of a multiple birth, charitable trust set up in his name).
ferent coming from my last school (in and her triplet brother Cameron died in
This fall she will take those same qual- England). That was a really serious team an avalanche while her family was vaca- “I think everyone was excited, but
ities to Rollins College near Orlando. with a lot of girls who wanted to play in tioning at an Austrian ski resort in De- there were some reservations because
Some two years after her family moved college. cember 2013. Cameron was 16 years old. we were leaving behind family and
from England to Vero Beach, Bespolka friends. We really didn’t know anybody
has come to appreciate what this area “It was a little different feeling here. I “We were going through a difficult here, but it worked out for the best.”
has to offer. had more of a leadership role and that time, so we decided that a change would
was actually a nice change.” be good for us,” Bespolka said. “It was The sadness for this grief-stricken
“I’m really excited to be going to Rol- family will linger forever, but we can
lins College,” she told us. “I applied to a Bespolka was born and raised near only hope that the move to Vero Beach
lot of schools and I thought about going London and was an avid lacrosse and has helped in some small way.
back to England, but I decided to stay tennis player when she lived there.
because I really like it here and this is Those sports run concurrently in the Her brother Nick also graduated from
where I want to continue my education. spring at St. Ed’s, so she decided to focus St. Ed’s last Saturday and will attend the
on lacrosse. However, she realizes that University of St. Andrews in Scotland.
“I will major in art history and maybe lacrosse may dry up after college, with Her sister Sienna will be a sophomore in
minor in French or psychology. And I’m tennis eventually serving as the go-to the fall.
actually going to be playing on the varsi- recreational sport.
ty lacrosse team. They have a really good “Nick is going to be really far away
Division ll team and I’m looking forward Her obvious athleticism resulted in an and I’m going to miss not having him
to playing at a high level in college.” invitation to join the cross country team around,” Bespolka said. “He’s a funny
as a senior. That worked out pretty well guy who knows how to make everyone
The lacrosse part is no surprise. Be- when she emerged as one of the best laugh. Sienna is going to find the house
spolka hit the field running when she ar- runners on the girls team. much quieter with the two of us gone,
rived at St. Ed’s, and was a super-charged but it’s nice to know that she will come
engine on offense for two seasons. She All of that aside, we should all con- and visit me in college.”
had 24 goals, 3 assists, 11 draw controls sider something of much greater signifi-
and 33 ground balls in 11 games as a se- cance than the grades she worked hard Bespolka did an interior design in-
nior. for or the athletic success she achieved – ternship just before graduation and will
volunteer at St. Ed’s water camp for part
of the summer. She would also like to
get back to England to see family and
friends before school starts.
She said, “I would just like to thank
my parents (Kevin and Corinne) and the
St. Edward’s community for everything
they’ve done for me. The St. Edward’s
community has just been amazing. I
am really glad that we decided to come
28 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Eye say! New Lasik techniques produce better results
BY TOM LLOYD O’Brien now measures the curvature
Staff Writer of the cornea at 22,000 different loca-
tions on the eye.
Every carpenter knows the phrase Dr. David O’Brien with patient Jon Mann. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
“measure twice, cut once,” but Dr. Da- Earlier incarnations of Lasik surger-
vid O’Brien, who works in a different ies measured the cornea at only 160-
profession, goes much further, mea- 200 locations.
suring thousands of times before mak-
ing an incision. O’Brien’s face lights up as he contin-
ues to explain. “Think of the cornea
O’Brien does his cutting on some- like a mountain,” he says. “It falls off at
thing far more precious and infinitely a certain rate. In other words, there’s
more delicate than any stack of two- a certain steepness to it. That shape
by-fours. As a fellowship-trained re- is called the prolate and that prolate
fractive surgeon, he operates on the shape allows people to have excellent
human eye and in the newest genera- night vision when it’s idealized.”
tion of “laser assisted in-situ keratomi-
leusis” – or Lasik – surgery, his specific However, in previous generations
target is the eye’s cornea: the clear cov- of Lasik surgery, stretching back to
ering on the front of the eyeball. the 1990s, O’Brien explains, “When
we made incisions in the cornea, it
Lasik surgery is performed to correct would allow the cornea to splay open
vision problems, including nearsight- and flatten really aggressively in the
edness, farsightedness, astigmatism center. The optics of that weren’t very
and presbyopia. good, frankly.”
With the help of the newest genera- In fact, O’Brien continues, “when
tion of the FDA-approved “WaveLight the pupil would dilate, people [with
Topography-Guided Custom Ablation flattened corneas] would get these
Treatment” software and the “Allegret- aberrations. Light rays would come
to Wave Eye-Q Excimer Laser System,” through at different angles causing a
lot of scatter. Lights would have tails
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 29
and halos and starbursts.” Lasik surgery is performed fect” vision but O’Brien says otherwise.
Those problems were widely pub- to correct vision problems, He cites baseball’s legendary home run
including nearsightedness, hitter, Roger Maris, as someone who
licized and as O’Brien admits, earlier farsightedness, astigmatism “could see the stitches on a fastball and
Lasik procedures “didn’t address all of how it was spinning” as it approached
the nuances of the cornea.” and presbyopia. the plate and speculates Maris’ vision
was likely 20/12 – and it seems topog-
The newest topography-guided ap- from myopia and many NEI doctors drive to their post-op exam.” raphy-guided Lasik may be able to help
proach is, he says, “simply a much bet- feel the condition may be aggravated Despite O’Brien’s enthusiasm, he some people achieve that type of vi-
ter way of measuring the whole corneal by the eye fatigue brought on by be- sion.
surface” and it is producing some re- ing in front of computer screens for too cautions this particular technique is
markable results by keeping or main- many hours each day, so Mann’s prob- not for everyone. He firmly states that Then there’s the matter of money.
taining the cornea in its optimal shape. lems may have been work-related. screening would-be patients is “the “I charge $4,800 total. That covers
most important thing” he does. your pre-op examination, your surgery
“I’ve had it done myself. My wife has Whatever the root cause, Mann is and your follow-up for a year,” says
had it done. Multiple family members enthusiastic about the results so far. He People with highly irregular cor- O’Brien – which may be something of
and most of our staff [at New Visions] had the procedure on a Thursday and neas, those who’ve suffered serious eye a bargain.
have too. We believe in this.” by Saturday he was driving again. By lacerations or those with cataracts, he “The average patient,” O’Brien says,
Tuesday he was back at work with Trea- says, are not usually good candidates. “will have paid for their Lasik over the
New Visions Eye Center invested sure Coast Computers. “During the course of about seven years [by elimi-
some $1.2 million in the hardware and process, I didn’t feel a thing,” he says. “I get a lot of referrals from area doc- nating] the cost of glasses, frames and
software needed to perform these new tors,” O’Brien confides, “because I’m contacts over that period.”
topography-guided Lasik procedures. O’Brien says, “the magic number” not afraid to tell a patient: No, you’re “From an infection standpoint, sur-
The first ones were done here in early for complete post-surgical recovery not a good candidate for this.” gery is safer than contact-lens wear,” he
May. is about three months but he adds adds. Many contacts-wearing patients
that “generally speaking, people The rewards for those who have “abuse them,” he says. “They sleep in
In that first week, O’Brien performed will see well enough the next day to the procedure, however, can be “life- them. They don’t care for them. They
nearly a dozen such surgeries. (In total, changing,” according to O’Brien. wear them too long, and they wear
he has performed more than “11,000 them at inappropriate times.”
Lasik procedures.”) Many people think of 20-20 as “per- After a successful Lasik procedure,
patients don’t have to deal with any of
Jon Mann, a 34-year-old Port St. Lu- those issues anymore.
cie resident who works in Vero Beach Dr. David O’Brien is with New Visions
at Treasure Coast Computer Services, Eye Center at 1055 37th Place in Vero.
was one of O’Brien’s first patients after The phone number is 772-257-8700.
he began using the new equipment.
Mann suffered from nearsighted-
ness or myopia. The National Eye Insti-
tute reports that upwards of 30 percent
of the U.S. population may now suffer
30 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
FDA-OK! New treatment for prostate cancer approved
BY MARIA CANFIELD the FDA of a system that uses this
Correspondent type of ultrasound, is encouraging
news for men diagnosed with local-
Recent research from the UK con- ized prostate cancer.
cludes that using a form of ultra-
sound in the treatment of prostate Dr. Hugo Davila, MD, a urologist
cancer is as effective as surgery or who has recently joined Florida
radiation therapy, but with fewer Cancer Specialists’ Vero Beach and
side effects. This research, coupled Sebastian offices, says the Europe-
with the October 2015 approval by an data collected so far suggest ul-
trasound may be an effective treat-
Dr. Raul Storey and Dr. Hugo Davila. PHOTO: LEAH DUBOIS
ment if the cancer is not considered perienced long-term incontinence,
to be “aggressive.” and about 15 percent experienced
erectile dysfunction. With surgery,
The treatment is called high-in- the incidence of those distressing
tensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). side effects is higher, though exact
It focuses ultrasound waves on the numbers are difficult to tabulate as
cancerous tissue, causing it to heat definitions of the side effects vary.
to about 200° Fahrenheit; this in-
stantly kills the cancer cells with- Dr. Davila says data on the effec-
out affecting healthy tissue. As it tiveness of HIFU treatments will
is a minimally invasive procedure, be collected by U.S. researchers in
an overnight stay in the hospital is the next few years and, depend-
usually not needed. The recently- ing on the results, it may become
approved HIFU system is called the a more standard practice. He says
Sonablate 450 and was developed that there are no HIFU treatments
by SonaCare Medical, a company currently available in the immedi-
based in North Carolina. ate area, but the method is in use at
university hospitals in other parts
The London study was led by of Florida. An Internet search shows
University College Hospital. The that the Sylvester Comprehensive
researchers followed 625 men with Cancer Center of the University of
localized prostate cancer who were Miami Health System is among the
treated solely with HIFU, which was first medical centers in the United
approved in Europe in 1999. The States to offer HIFU as a treatment
results showed that 93 percent of for prostate cancer.
the men were still cancer-free after
five years. Less than 2 percent ex- The prostate is a small walnut-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 31
shaped gland that produces semi- tate, alternatively freezing and While doctors are not sure what the risk of breast cancer (BRCA1 or
nal fluid. It is estimated that there thawing the tissue, killing can- causes prostate cancer, the Mayo BRCA2).
will be over 180,000 new cases of cer cells (and, unfortunately, some Clinic lists the following risk fac-
prostate cancer diagnosed in 2016, healthy tissue as well). tors: • Obesity. Obese men diagnosed
accounting for about 11 percent of with prostate cancer may be more
all new cancer cases. According • Immunotherapy uses the body’s • Age. The risk of prostate cancer likely to have advanced disease,
to recent data, approximately 14 immune system to fight cancer cells. increases with age. making it more difficult to treat.
percent of men will be diagnosed In 2010, the FDA approved an im-
with prostate cancer during their munotherapy called sipuleucel-T • Being black. Black men have a Dr. Davila and Dr. Storey can be
lifetime. It’s a cancer that can be (brand name Provenge) for the treat- greater risk of prostate cancer than reached at Florida Cancer Special-
successfully treated, especially if ment of advanced, recurrent pros- do men of other races. For reasons ists. The Vero office is located at 1880
detected early. Nearly 99 percent of tate cancer. that are unclear, prostate cancer is 37th St.; the phone number is 772-
men diagnosed with prostate can- also more likely to be aggressive or 567-2332. The Sebastian location
cer are still alive five years after di- • Chemotherapy may be an option advanced in black men. is 13060 US Highway 1, Suite A; the
agnosis. for prostate cancer that has spread phone number is 772-589-0879. The
to distant parts of the body, or which • Family history. Risk increases if website for Florida Cancer Special-
In its early stages, prostate can- didn’t respond to hormone therapy. there is a family history of prostate ists is
cer may not cause any signs or cancer, or of genes that increase
symptoms, so it’s important for
men to discuss screening options
with their doctor. More advanced
prostate cancer may cause trouble
urinating, decreased force in the
urine stream, blood in the semen,
discomfort in the pelvic area, and
erectile dysfunction.
The type of treatment chosen de-
pends on a number of factors unique
to the individual patient, including
his age and overall health, how fast
the cancer is growing, if it is local-
ized or has spread, and anticipated
tolerance of potential side effects.
Immediate treatment may not be
necessary for men with very early-
stage prostate cancer; doctors will
sometimes recommend active sur-
veillance, also known as “watchful
Dr. Raul Storey, an oncologist with
Florida Cancer Specialists, says he
does not consider HIFU to be the
first line of treatment when pros-
tate cancer is diagnosed: “There
are other FDA-approved treatment
options that are well studied, with
a great deal of long-term data about
their effectiveness and side effects.”
Treatment options include:
• Radiation therapy, which uses
high-powered energy to kill cancer
cells. There is radiation that comes
from outside the body (external
beam radiation) and internal radia-
tion (brachytherapy), in which rice-
sized radioactive seeds are placed
in the prostate tissue.
• Hormone therapy, including
medications that either stop the
body from producing testosterone
or block testosterone from reaching
cancer cells. Hormone therapy is
often used to shrink the tumor, in-
creasing the likelihood that radia-
tion will be successful.
• Surgery, which involves remov-
ing the prostate gland (radical pros-
tatectomy), some surrounding tis-
sues and a few lymph nodes.
• Cryosurgery (also called cryo-
ablation), in which small gas-filled
needles are inserted into the pros-
32 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
These healthy foods will
give you a good gut feeling
BY CARRIE DENNETT and if that environment doesn’t pro-
vide the fiber it needs, your microbes
Washington Post will instead dine on the thin layer of
mucus that protects your intestinal
If you ever feel like it’s you against lining, potentially leading to a “leaky
the world, consider how your gut mi- gut” and all number of health prob-
crobiota feels. Your genes and your lems. So nurture a stable and diverse
environment interact constantly, and community of intestinal critters by of-
your gut is the largest meeting point. fering them a fiber smorgasbord from
On security duty is your microbiota, a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole
the collection of about 100 trillion grains and pulses (beans and lentils).
bacteria and other microbes that live These foods are rich in “prebiotic” fi-
in your intestines, especially your ber, or dietary fiber that escapes di-
large intestine (the colon). As sci- gestion in the small intestine but is
entists look for explanations for the fermented by the types of bacteria
roots of chronic disease as well as the you want to have hanging around in
connections between nutrition and your colon.
health, the answer may be in your gut
— and what you feed it. Although many plant foods con-
tain fermentable, prebiotic fiber,
The microbiota-inflammation these are some of the richest sourc-
connection: One reason that the state es: artichokes, asparagus, bananas,
of your intestinal ecosystem has a plantains, barley, rye, wheat, alliums
profound effect on your health is that (garlic, leeks, onion), brassicas (broc-
one layer of cells is all that separates coli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts), ji-
your immune system from the con- cama, lentils, chickpeas, red beans
tents of your gut, and inflammation and soy products. If you aren’t eating
is our immune system’s main weapon a lot of fiber-rich foods, increase your
against foreign invaders. intake slowly. Some prebiotic fibers
can cause flatulence if you eat too
A healthy, balanced gut microbiota much, too soon. They can also pro-
promotes a strong immune system voke symptoms in some people who
and lower levels of chronic inflam- have irritable bowel syndrome.
mation. An unhealthy microbiota has
been linked to obesity, asthma, aller- Good food for your microbiota also
gies and autoimmune disorders such comes from resistant starch, which
as celiac disease, Type 1 diabetes, in- is found in whole grains as well as in
flammatory bowel disease and rheu- cooked and cooled pasta, rice and po-
matoid arthritis. Increasingly, chronic tatoes. Some people find that it’s eas-
inflammation is also thought to be a ier to boost intake of resistant starch
root cause of cardiovascular disease, than fiber.
Type 2 diabetes and some forms of
cancer. Seeding the microbial garden:
Properly fermented foods are teem-
Care and feeding of your microbi- ing with beneficial, health-promoting
ota: Because everything we eat comes microbes, or probiotics. When you eat
into contact with our microbiota, a these foods regularly, they may help
diet high in refined, heavily processed maintain or improve the population
foods will send our microbiota out of of good microbes in your gut. Eat pro-
balance. The relationship between biotics in the form of fermented dairy
food and the microbiota is a two-way products such as unsweetened yogurt
street: The food we eat affects the and kefir (fermented milk), fermented
composition of our microbiota, and soy foods such as tempeh and miso,
the composition of our microbiota or fermented vegetables such as sau-
affects how we digest and absorb our erkraut, pickles and kimchi. Look for
food. “live food” or “contains live cultures”
on these products.
The connection between what we
eat and the health of our microbi- Encouraging diversity with the
ome is complex, but a plant-based right fats: Diets high in saturated fat
diet with lots of fiber and regular are harmful to microbiota diversity,
consumption of fermented foods so opt for plant-based sources of
nourishes and stimulates beneficial monounsaturated fats such as olive
bacteria, which over time can shift oil, avocados, nuts and seeds. Anoth-
the balance of your microbiota in a er way to reduce saturated fat is to in-
healthier direction. clude more plant-based meals in your
week, a la Meatless Monday.
Why fiber is your friend: Your mi-
crobiota adapts to its environment,
34 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
In spring 2012, the National Geographic Channel By the time the NGS board hired Gary Knell, for- and editor, highlighted again and again how the
was about to premiere Diggers, a reality show about mer head of National Public Radio, to replace long- NGS’s traditional focus on science, exploration, and
a couple of amateur sleuths who look for buried ar- time CEO John Fahey in January 2014, the Diggers discovery was being overtaken and undermined on
tifacts using metal detectors. flap had blown over, but the cultural tensions were cable TV by more titillating topics such as sex and
still simmering. drugs, paranormal activities, and true crime.
During the promotional rollout, the National
Geographic Society told David Lyle, chief executive Among other things, the internal strife was gen- He lambasted the society’s leadership for subsi-
officer of the network at the time, that concerns had erating bad publicity. On a blog,, dizing its “good works” with “tabloid trash,” often il-
been raised about the show. In the real world, scoff- Alan Mairson, a former National Geographic writer lustrating those critiques with a photo of Murdoch
laws sometimes rifle roughshod through delicate ar- laughing.
chaeology sites while brandishing the devices. Might CEO of 21st Century FOX James Murdoch
Diggers inadvertently make the situation worse? Knell agreed with some trustees that the network’s
editorial direction had gone awry, but he also knew
Lyle assured everyone at the society that the show that the highly profitable network, not the august,
was categorically anti-looting. To stave off its critics, yellow-bordered magazine, was the NGS’s lifeblood.
Diggers eventually went out and hired several archae-
ologists to serve as minders and chaperones on set. In the months that followed, Knell came to believe
the brand was suffering from a split personality. It
“If we were making that show for Discovery, we was one thing on TV, another thing in print, and
wouldn’t have had to do any of that. Why did the soci- some beastly hybrid online. As much as any particu-
ety care? A couple of people at a couple of universities lar programming, he determined, the dissonance
wrote letters,” Lyle says. “They hated getting letters.” was what was hurting business.
For years a culture clash had been brewing within For example, various sales teams were approach-
the cloistered, sober halls of the National Geograph- ing potential advertisers separately and with very
ic Society, a social club-turned-nonprofit organiza- different pitches. Knell suspected the internal fric-
tion founded in Washington in 1888 and devoted to tion would further jeopardize National Geographic
the mission of increasing and diffusing geographic during an existential fight for relevance.
So in May 2015, a little more than a year into the
Some NGS executives were irritated by the reality- job, Knell decided to clear the air. He organized an
TV shows that had come to dominate the network, off-site retreat for the society’s 20 trustees to discuss
which was majority-owned by Rupert Murdoch’s the future of the organization. He invited several
News Corp. The worry was that the lowbrow shows business partners to attend. “The two-day retreat
were damaging the society’s credibility and up- was held at the U.S. Institute of Peace – which you
standing reputation. Behind the scenes, they had at- shouldn’t read anything into,” Knell says. “There was
tempted to quash several projects before they aired. a good feeling in the room.”
The TV people kept fighting back.
Among the key guests arriving for Knell’s retreat
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 35
were a handful of top executives from 21st Centu- Carey, then the company’s chief operating officer, But while these commentators focused on Ru-
ry Fox, which had split from News Corp. in 2013. and James Murdoch. pert’s political views, it was James who drove the
For years, the NGS and Fox had worked together, deal. “[He] came and spent time with the trustees,”
running the National Geographic Channels, a lu- The youngest of Rupert’s three children from his says Jean Case, chairman of the society’s board. “We
crative family of four domestic and foreign cable first marriage, James, 43, has spent much of his ca- became sufficiently convinced that his passions in
brands, of which Fox owned 70 percent and the reer abroad, from Hong Kong to London, oversee- these areas are very real.”
society owned the rest. Crucially, Fox sent Chase ing various outposts of the family’s far-flung media
empire. Along the way, he served as CEO and later Known among business associates as the most en-
as non-executive chairman of BSkyB, the European vironmentally progressive of the Murdoch clan, he
telecommunications giant, of which his family’s and his wife, Kathryn, run Quadrivium, a nonprofit
company owned a controlling stake. foundation dedicated to a range of causes, including
scientific education and the protection of oceanic
In 2011, as a phone-hacking scandal engulfed the fisheries and other natural resources. According to
company’s U.K. newspapers, James returned to New biographer Michael Wolff, Rupert sometimes refers
York, where the company is based. In July 2015 he to James as his “tree-hugger son.”
took over for his father as CEO of 21st Century Fox.
(He and Rupert Murdoch declined to be interviewed The $725 million investment was his first major
for this story.) move as Fox CEO. The deal has received strong sup-
port from his older brother Lachlan, Fox’s executive
From a certain perspective, the powwow at the chairman, who is an avid rock climber and under-
U.S. Institute of Peace couldn’t have gone better. water photographer.
In September, the National Geographic Society an-
nounced it would sell all of its media holdings – in- In addition to the media assets, Fox picked up Na-
cluding its flagship magazine, its TV channels, and tional Geographic’s travel business, which arranges
its book publishing division – along with a handful tours to places such as the Galápagos Islands, and
of ancillary businesses, to a new, for-profit company. its licensing division, which lends its name to every-
thing from bird feeders to backpacks to bedsheets
Fox would pay the society $725 million and be- and coffee beans. The success of the brand will likely
come majority owner of the new venture, dubbed hinge on the financial performance of the TV net-
National Geographic Partners. The society would work – and its ability to navigate a market that’s be-
hold on to 27 percent and control half the seats on ing shaken by the unbundling of cable packages and
the new board. rapidly changing viewing habits.
By taking a step back from the media business, While some observers are still concerned that the
the NGS would be free to focus on its philanthropic Murdochs will drag the National Geographic brand
activities supporting scientific exploration, conser- down-market, the TV network is undergoing a radi-
vation, and education. And by paying the society a cal makeover in the opposite direction.
substantial sum, 21st Century Fox would gain tight-
er control over the expression of the National Geo- Fox is investing hundreds of millions of dollars to
graphic brand in print, on TV, and on the Web. reinvent it as a more highbrow destination – a kind
of HBO for science and adventure programming. “It’s
Not everyone saw this as good news. Various ob- better shows, it’s bigger talent,” says Courteney Mon-
servers fretted that Rupert Murdoch’s conservative roe, CEO of the TV network. “The shift is right for the
worldview, particularly his boisterous skepticism time. But, first and foremost, it’s right for the brand.”
about global warming, might warp National Geo-
graphic’s editorial mission even more than the ama- National Geographic has been a staple of mid-
teur treasure hunters. On Twitter, Greenpeace called dlebrow American culture for almost a century. By
the marriage “bad news for nature lovers.” 1926 the magazine had 1 million paying subscrib-
ers (or members, as they have long been known),
Critics circulated mock versions of future Na- according to Explorers House: National Geographic
tional Geographic covers, with headlines ranging and the World It Made, by Robert Poole. As a non-
from “The 10 Most Reagan-esque Animals” to “The profit, the NGS poured surplus revenue back into its
Joy of Coal.” operations, giving rise to an erudite, university-like
culture, replete with generous employee perks and
fierce bureaucratic skirmishes.
In the 1980s the magazine’s subscriptions and
newsstand sales hit a peak of about 10.9 million
monthly readers, but after 1990 they began to de-
cline. (Today it has a U.S. circulation of roughly 3.3
million, according to the Alliance of Audited Media.)
Hoping to make up for falling print revenue, the
NGS invested in everything from Hollywood movies
to world-music albums to IMAX theaters to mobile
games. Most of these media forays struggled.
At one point the society teamed with Paramount
Pictures to co-produce K-19: The Widowmaker, a
submarine action flick starring Harrison Ford and
Liam Neeson. The movie, which had a $100 million
production budget, generated only $65 million in
global ticket sales, according to Box Office Mojo.
In 2006 the society paid an undisclosed sum –
which one former executive says was upward of
$100 million – to acquire Hampton-Brown, a leading
publisher of English-as-a-second-language educa-
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38 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
tional material. The move used a sizable chunk of The National Geographic Channel went on-air in Lyle as its new CEO. A gregarious Aussie, he’d spent
the organization’s endowment (which by 2009 was the U.S. in 2001. Between the society’s brand recog- the past several years in Los Angeles, running the
hovering at less than $200 million) yet never gener- nition and Murdoch’s leverage, the network quickly Fox Reality Channel.
ated significant profits. spread across the U.S. and around the world – it now
reaches 440 million homes in 171 countries. By the The National Geographic Channel began crank-
The media investments that did succeed – like the end of the decade, according to a Harvard Business ing out a slate of relatively low-cost reality shows.
society’s 2005 hit documentary March of the Pen- School case study, the TV division was generating For the first time, the channel scored several pop
guins – failed to translate into sustainable business tens of millions of dollars in profit annually for the culture hits, including Wicked Tuna, in which teams
models. NGS. of salty New Englanders chase down Atlantic tuna;
and Doomsday Preppers, about gun-toting survival-
Cable TV was the exception. Throughout the 1960s, Even as it grew more profitable, sprouted addi- ists preparing for Armageddon.
National Geographic produced nature documentaries tional channels (including NatGeoWild), and thrived
for broadcast TV networks, starring the likes of Jacques overseas, the network was getting trounced in the Ratings grew, and so, too, did the net operating
Cousteau. When cable took off in the early ’80s, the U.S. by Discovery. In 2011 the network brought in profit at the National Geographic Channel, which,
NGS considered starting a channel but ultimately according to Lyle, jumped from $72 million in fiscal
decided against it. That left the door open for the Dis- year 2011 to $133 million in 2014.
covery Channel, which started in 1985 and has since
grown into a rich and formidable crosstown rival. On several occasions, the society’s standards and
practices department attempted to alter or kill a se-
In the mid-’90s, the NGS reconsidered cable. ries in development. Lyle says that in the spring of
Launching a network from scratch requires a hefty 2012, on the eve of the premiere of Wicked Tuna,
investment, in the ballpark of several hundred mil- the NGS tried to shut down the show over concerns
lion dollars. Aware of the risks, National Geographic about overfishing. Emergency meetings were held. In
met with various potential partners and eventually the end, the show proceeded on the condition that
hooked up with Murdoch. the channel create public service announcements
highlighting the vulnerability of tuna populations.
The negotiations took nearly a year, according
to Rick Allen, a former National Geographic execu- Lyle says another fight broke out in 2013 over Kill-
tive. In the end, the society secured several controls, ing Kennedy, a movie based on the book by Martin
including separating TV rights, which went to the Dugard and Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly. There was
channel, from digital rights, which stayed with the nothing overtly partisan about the TV adaptation,
NGS — and setting up a society-staffed fact-check- which starred Rob Lowe as John F. Kennedy. Even so,
ing operation to vet shows before they aired. Lyle says, a certain faction already concerned that
the channel was becoming overly Foxified objected
“The analogy I gave my colleagues at the time was to the show because of the O’Reilly connection.
that we’re playing pickup basketball with Shaquille
O’Neal,” Allen recalls. “Shaq is 340 pounds. We’re The issues got hashed out, and Killing Kennedy
180. He doesn’t have to try and hurt us. All he has to aired, generating significant ratings. The TV execu-
do is lean on us, and we’re in trouble.” tives bristled at the interference. “Without the rev-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 39
enue from the channel,” Lyle says, “they wouldn’t representatives from Fox routinely inquired about into what was arguably a more hostile environ-
have been able to pay the power bill to keep the buying out the society’s 30 percent stake in the net- ment than the Antarctic wastes, the “death zone”
lights on.” work. “It was a conversation every year,” Giannetti on Everest, or anywhere else the NGS routinely
says. For a long time, the NGS resisted. dispatched photographers – namely, the modern
As the years passed, Fox’s desire to control the media marketplace.
NatGeo brand grew more urgent. According to Ste- Following his appointment as the society’s new
phen Giannetti, a former executive at the network, CEO in January 2014, Knell found himself staring CONTINUED ON PAGE 40
40 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The forecast didn’t look good. And buyers. The channel’s development hours. Quantity over quality. We’re
the more Knell dug into the NGS busi- slate is brimming with boldface inverting that.”
ness model, the more concerned he names. Alex Gibney is producing a
grew. How, he wondered, would an miniseries about the global water National Geographic’s ambitions
independent nonprofit organization crisis. Brett Morgen is making a bi- are likely to put the network on a
keep up in an age of shifting distribu- opic of Jane Goodall. Scott Rudin is crash course not only with Discovery,
tion channels, migrating ad dollars, developing a series about the events but also with HBO, Netflix, and Ama-
and diminishing returns for legacy leading up to the nuclear meltdown zon. “The audience doesn’t necessar-
media brands? in Chernobyl. And Darren Aronofsky ily go where the dollars are spent,”
is creating a series called One Strange Lyle says. “The part you don’t know
Knell believed that to survive, the Rock. is whether your ratings will increase
various factions within National Geo- proportionally.” The society is happy
graphic needed to unite. The place to Each series will be backed by hefty with the network’s direction now, he
start was TV. marketing and production budgets. says, but what will programming look
Under the previous regime, the net- like in five years should the strategy
In the summer of 2014, Lyle stepped work spent about $300 million a year fail?
down. Afterward, National Geograph- on roughly 450 hours of program-
ic announced that an internal candi- ming. Monroe will now expend $400 With overall cable ratings declin-
date, Monroe, was taking over. A mar- million on 150 hours. “Our strategy ing in the U.S., media conglomerates
keting executive, Monroe had arrived before was more of a volume play,” are looking overseas to find new au-
at the network a couple of years earlier she says. “It was a lot of low-cost diences. NatGeo wants its strategy
from HBO, where she’d spent more to appeal to audiences from Central
than a decade creating campaigns for America to Europe to Asia: “Big shows
hit shows such as Sex and the City and in our genres – science and adventure
The Sopranos. – should translate around the world,”
Monroe says. “The hope is that these
A new programming vision began to become big, global franchises for us.”
take shape. The shifting strategy was
informed, in part, by the commercial The digital, print, and TV teams
success of Cosmos: A Spacetime Od- are now all under the same roof and,
yssey. The 13-part documentary se- in theory, working toward the same
ries, which aired in 2014 and starred goals. “There were people in certain
astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, quarters who were holding their nos-
was produced by Family Guy creator es about what was happening on the
Seth MacFarlane and ran across sev- television side,” says Declan Moore,
eral networks owned by Fox, including CEO of National Geographic Part-
NatGeo. Cosmos applied rich, Holly- ners. “It’s a lot easier for them to lean
wood production values to a wonky, in if they see more thoughtful, infor-
scientific subject. Viewers and adver- mative programming.”
tisers loved it.
The strategy will get its first major
In January 2015, Monroe got a call test this fall. In November the net-
from Peter Rice, chairman and CEO at work will air a new miniseries called
Fox Networks Group. “He said, ‘What if Mars, produced by Ron Howard, Mi-
we blew up what we are doing?’ ” Mon- chael Rosenberg, and Brian Grazer.
roe recalls. “ ‘You worked at HBO for a The magazine will publish a package
long time. What does the HBO version of stories about Mars. The book di-
of National Geographic look like?’ ” In vision will publish a Mars book. The
April of that year, Monroe presented a Web team will go hog-wild with Mars
new, upscale version to the network’s content. Monroe jokes that National
board. James Murdoch sat in on the Geographic Expeditions will begin
meeting. “It was universally em- booking tours to the red planet.
braced,” says Monroe.
Months after the deal was an-
In May, Murdoch attended the off- nounced, James and Lachlan Mur-
site retreat in Washington where, for doch remain actively engaged in
the first time, he met with the society’s Fox’s prized new asset. Every year the
trustees. Whatever reservations the magazine’s photographers congre-
National Geographic Society harbored gate at the society’s headquarters for
in the past about selling more of its an exhibition of their work. This year
assets to Fox quickly dissolved. Four the Murdoch brothers attended the
months later, Fox and the NGS an- seminar and mingled, admiring the
nounced the sale. shots of camel silhouettes and light-
ning-struck villages.
A round of layoffs at the society
soon followed. Knell believes that if In November the magazine pub-
the NGS hadn’t made the deal with lished an issue devoted to climate
Fox, things would only have gotten change. Susan Goldberg, editor
worse. He sees better times ahead. since 2015, says that afterward she
“21st Century Fox is a visionary com- received a congratulatory note from
pany,” he says. “We were able to mini- Murdoch, saying he’d “gathered his
mize some of our risk, and Fox got a family around” to read through the
brand they can really expand and important issue. She says he’s made
back.” only one editorial suggestion to her.
“James is an environmentalist,” Gold-
In March, inside a private dining berg says. “He said, ‘I wish we could
room at New York’s Park Hyatt hotel, do more stories about why people
Monroe unveiled the new program- don’t believe science.’ ”
ming strategy to a crowd of media
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 41
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sight into local history and culture.
Uniworld Boutique Cruises are billed
as even more upscale and all-inclusive
(tips, too), with white-gloved waiters
and butlers along with the promise that
you will “live like royalty.” When Your
Highness isn’t waltzing to Strauss in
Vienna, there are onboard yoga class-
es and, on some ships, heated pools.
Uniworld’s popular eight-day Castles
Ask local travel agents what Vero While itineraries can change at a can upgrade to apartment-sized suites along the Rhine (Basel to Amsterdam)
residents are booking for European moment’s notice as water levels in the with balconies, or at least French bal- starts at about $4,000 per person.
vacations, and you’ll inevitably hear rivers range from drought to flood, and conies (a large door with a rail – not a
“river cruises.” many popular ports have the ships platform – immediately outside). Further shattering the notion that
berthed side-by-side several deep in river cruising is no more active than
“Viking River Cruises are very popu- inelegant raft-ups, travelers are any- Viking’s best-selling 15-day Grand visiting cathedrals and snoozing in a
lar,” said Sarah Garrett of Garrett Trav- thing but deterred. European Tour visits four countries deck chair, Uniworld has partnered
el in Vero Beach. (Holland, Germany, Austria and Hun- with high-end tour operator Butter-
In fact, the phenomenal growth of gary) between Amsterdam and Buda- field & Robinson on cruising/biking
“Uniworld Boutique River Cruises,” the category has gone hand-in-hand trips. The program lets passengers
said Mark Jenkins, AAA spokesman for with a frenzy of shipbuilding. Viking pedal along the Danube bike path be-
the Auto Club Group, which has a Vero River Cruises, the largest of the Eu- tween Budapest and Passau, Germany.
Beach office. ropean lines, has a fleet of more than
50 “Viking Longships,” with seven Backroads, another active-vacation
This style of vacation has become launched this year alone. Carrying 195 company, is working with AmaWater-
the fastest growing segment of the passengers in 95 staterooms and suites, ways on biking and walking cruises
travel industry, exploding 700 percent the typical Longship integrates many along the Danube, Rhine and Seine.
over the last 15 years. In 2016 alone, cruise-ship-style touches – lobby atri- These eight-day trips start at $4,700.
more than 500,000 North Americans um, glass-topped upper deck, spacious As with the Uniworld bike trips, you
are expected to explore Europe such contemporary dining room – within determine how much – or little – land
rivers as the Rhine, Rhone, Danube, the limits of shallow draft and low you cover, and the ship is always with-
Main, Seine, Elbe and Po. bridge clearance. Open-seating dining, in easy reach.
free Wi-Fi and an onboard organic herb
The appeal is obvious – gliding along garden show how Viking is working to While the lines compete on many
the continent’s waterways and visiting leave the stuffy, old river boat behind. levels, luxury one-upsmanship is to-
towns and cities of all sizes without day’s key strategy.
dealing with daily luggage transfers or While standard staterooms measure
unfamiliar hotels and restaurants. Ev- a compact 135-150 square feet, you Consider, for example, Crystal Cruis-
erything is right on board. es’ Mozart. Launching in July, this is
the first entry into river cruising by this
So what if you probably could walk ultra-luxe ocean-going line. A refit of an
between the stops faster than the ship existing river cruiser, Mozart packs an
does? These trips are decidedly lei- indoor pool, spa, steam rooms and sau-
surely – “serene” is a common adjec- nas as well as numerous dining venues
tive – and traditionally so low key that into an all-suite/butler-included for-
passengers are likely to doze off. mat. Summer and early fall 10-day trips
on the Danube start at about $4,000 per
River cruises are on the pricey side person. Crystal plans to deploy six more
($400 per person per day isn’t uncom- similarly amenity-laden river cruisers
mon), and have long been limited and over the next several years.
regimented in terms of cabin and din-
ing options. But unlike the mega-cruise Have you recently returned from a
ships that ply the oceans, these river trip? We would like to tell your story,
boats count their passengers in the and share your insights and adven-
low three digits, not thousands, which tures with your neighbors. Send us an
makes “intimate” another popular ad- email at [email protected].
jective. Those who book these cruises,
particularly older travelers, typically
return again and again, not only to ex-
plore different rivers, but also to see
them during each season, with Christ-
mastime increasingly popular.
42 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Trump and Clinton would (mostly) do what they say
By Albert R. Hunt | Bloomberg Sometimes presidents follow cam- promises, could be expected to start dential powers in responding to an
paign commitments that are politi- deporting 11 million undocument- "unusual and extraordinary threat."
A number of Republicans rational- cally risky. President Bill Clinton ful- ed workers. He says he'd do so over
ize Donald Trump's proposals on im- filled his promise to ease a ban on two years without specifying how he Under a Trump administration,
migration and trade as just political gays in the military, which at the time would cover the astronomical costs. Wall Street and environmental regula-
show. Similarly, some free-trade Dem- was not popular. He would also try to start building the tions would be rolled back: He could
ocrats suggest that Hillary Clinton's wall along the U.S.'s southern border, be expected to tap industry-friendly
protectionist stance is merely rhetoric. And some presidents need to be though it would cost much more than regulators and get Congress to starve
dragged into breaking an unwise prom- he estimates and he won’t be able to funding for the affected agencies and
They are deluded. Academic re- ise. It took George H.W. Bush almost compel Mexico to pay for it. obtain some legislative changes.
search and recent history show that two years to abandon his no-new-taxes
newly elected presidents try to hew pledge. The 1990 budget deal, with tax On trade, international and do- Trump's foreign policy isn't clear to
closely to their campaign commit- hikes, had two effects: it helped usher mestic laws would limit his ability most, though he seems to have given
ments. in the economic good times of the to make good on his vow to impose little thought to the subject as his pro-
1990s and cost Bush politically. huge tariffs on Chinese or Mexican nouncements are mostly generic: Oth-
"New presidents actually believe goods. He could try to circumvent er countries need to bear more of the
they have a mandate, feel empow- Trump, who has railed against these restrictions by invoking presi- burden for their own defense. There
ered," says Shirley Anne Warshaw, politicians who don't keep their are some unconventional views: He
a presidential scholar at Gettysburg has spoken of his admiration for Pu-
College. "There is no reason to think it tin. The president can take military
would be any different this time." action against a perceived threat and
Trump might not be shy in doing that.
Thus, politicians and voters should
assume that a President Trump would In the case of Clinton, some Wall
start deporting millions of undocu- Street backers say her proposals and
mented immigrants and building a tougher rhetoric on banks are just
wall along the Mexican border, threat- a political response to Sanders, her
en China with a trade war, roll back Democratic rival. Don't bet on it. But
regulations concerning Wall Street you can bet that she'll push hard to
and the environment and make nice raise taxes on the wealthy.
with Vladimir Putin.
On trade, there is a view among
The assumption should be that some of her policy and business sup-
a President Clinton would seek to porters that she really is a free trader
boost taxes on the wealthy, initiate a and that her opposition to Obama's
plethora of new social programs that Pacific trade pact and her pledge
fall well short of what Bernie Sand- to renegotiate the North American
ers has advocated and stymie the Free Trade Agreement are just politi-
proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership cal gesturing. In reality, she wouldn't
trade accord. back down and the TPP is dead if it
isn't enacted in a lame-duck session
There was some skepticism wheth- after this year's election.
er, as candidates, Ronald Reagan and
George W. Bush were serious about Trump lacks a lot of policy specif-
their huge tax-cut proposals. They ics, but both he and Clinton have laid
were. Or whether Barack Obama real- out a road-map of where they want to
ly would push to overhaul the health take the country. Voters should take
care system. He did. them seriously.
Brain Attack, Part IV: receive aspirin or another antiplatelet medi- creased pressure on the brain, such as restless- © 2015 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
Treatment for Stroke cine. In some cases, the clot causing the symp- ness, confusion, trouble following commands
toms is removed with a medical device (rather and headache. Other measures will be taken to
If you think you or someone else is having a than dissolved with medicine). keep you from straining from excessive cough-
stroke, call 9-1-1 right away. ing, vomiting or lifting, etc.
EMERGENCY If the bleeding is due to a ruptured brain an-
Although hemorrhagic strokes account for only eurysm, surgery to repair the aneurysm may
Your emergency treatment starts in the am- 13 percent of strokes, they cause 30 percent of be done. In some cases, medicines may be
bulance. The emergency medical technicians deaths from stroke. Hemorrhagic strokes oc- given to control blood pressure, brain swelling,
(EMTs) may take you to a Primary Stroke Center cur when an artery in the brain leaks blood or blood sugar levels, fever, and seizures.
to ensure you receive the quickest possible diag- ruptures (breaks open). The leaked blood puts
nosis and treatment. At the hospital, healthcare too much pressure on brain cells, which dam- If a large amount of bleeding has occurred
providers will ask about your medical history and ages them. High blood pressure and aneurysms and symptoms are quickly getting worse, you
about the time your symptoms started. Brain (balloon-like bulges in an artery that can stretch may need surgery to remove the blood that
scans will show what type of stroke you had. and burst) are examples of conditions that can has built up inside the brain and to lower pres-
cause a hemorrhagic stroke. sure inside the head.
The two types of hemorrhagic strokes are: PREVENTING ANOTHER STROKE
With an ischemic stroke (the most common INTRACEREBRAL HEMORRHAGES, which
type of stroke), the artery that supplies oxygen- occur when an artery in the brain bursts, flood- Since one in four stroke survivors has another
rich blood to the brain becomes blocked. Blood ing the surrounding tissue with blood; stroke within five years, it’s important to follow
clots often cause the blockages that lead to SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGES, which your physician’s recommendations regarding
ischemic strokes. refer to bleeding in the area between the brain medications, diet, exercise and other healthy
and the thin tissues that cover it. lifestyle habits.
Measures will be taken to stabilize your vital
signs, including giving you medicines. If your Treatment includes efforts to control bleeding, REHABILITATION
stroke is diagnosed soon enough, usually within reduce pressure in the brain, and stabilize vital
three hours after the start of symptoms, you signs, especially blood pressure. Rehabilitation can include working with speech
may be given a clot-dissolving medicine called therapists, physical therapists and/or occupa-
tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA), which can You will be closely monitored for signs of in- tional therapists.
increase your chances of recovery. You may also
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are
always welcome. Email us at [email protected].
44 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
One afternoon in the mid-1970s I wandered into the to hand over my money, fearful that the price might Eleventh. He is the principal hero of Boyles’ narrative.
Cornell University campus store and made my way to suddenly be raised or that someone else would swoop Honorable, kindly and driven, he believed fervently in
a small alcove where used books were sold. I really down and carry off my new-found treasure. I then bor- the democratic spread of knowledge to all classes.
should have been at my carrel in Olin Library, dutifully rowed a grocery store cart to wheel the oversized vol-
hunched over Gregory the Great’s “Moralia,” a 4,000- umes back to my room. I still own those books, even Supporting Hooper was another American, the
page commentary on the book of Job. Needless to say, though their spines have slowly crumbled away, such brash, direct-marketing genius Henry R. Haxton. Ini-
that much biblical exegesis could be dispiriting even deterioration – called red rot – being sadly typical of tially, the pair worked closely with Charles Moberly
to the most zealous grad student in medieval studies, the Eleventh’s aging leather. Bell, born in Egypt, where he had also spent most of
which I then was, though my real, and secret, academ- his early life before becoming, at age 43, de facto edi-
ic ambition was simply to read all the world’s great and Denis Boyles doesn’t mention red rot or, for that tor of the Times of London. It wasn’t exactly a plum
influential books. matter, the minuscule type of the smaller-sized cloth- job. The newspaper was then losing vast sums of
bound edition of the Eleventh, but “Everything Ex- money and could barely stay afloat, especially since
That ambition explains why my heart leapt when, plained That Is Explainable” doesn’t overlook much the shareholders tended to regard it as simply a cash
among the shabby titles in the Cornell store’s alcove, else. Boyles’ account of how this classic reference work cow. Hooper offered Bell a deal he couldn’t refuse: If
I noticed 29 leather-bound volumes of what turned came to be published in 1910-1911 makes for enthrall- the Times would lend its name to the sets of the Bri-
out to be the Eleventh Edition of the Encyclopaedia ing business history. tannica’s Ninth Edition he was then trying to sell, he
Britannica. The set was marked $25 and, after a quick would share the profits. For a while the arrangement
count to be sure it was complete, I raced to the cashier Let me stress that word “business.” Except for worked to the benefit of everyone. But just when the
chapters titled “The Single Organism” and “Offens- Eleventh was entering its final stages of preparation,
es,” Boyles – a veteran journalist – doesn’t spend a lot Hooper was betrayed.
of time on the actual contents of the EB. He points
out a few of the more eccentric or charming entries In effect, he and his dream-encyclopedia were dou-
(e.g., “loincloth”), laments the racism of certain ar- ble-crossed during the struggle between magnates
ticles and praises the editorial genius of Hugh Ch- Cyril Pearson and Alfred Harmsworth (Lord North-
isholm, who directed the nearly decade-long project cliffe) to take over the Times. Forced to search for a
and oversaw 1,507 contributors in the production of new partner with a cachet comparable to that of the
more than 44 million well-chosen words. Boyles also great newspaper, Hooper discovered that Cambridge
repeatedly stresses that the Eleventh proved so suc- University might be amenable to accepting his money
cessful because it doesn’t just contain thousands of in return for its imprimatur. First, though, editor Ch-
disparate articles on all kinds of subjects but was in- isholm’s work needed to be vetted by a select three-
stead conceived as a single whole, a genuine “circle man committee. Happily, the trio’s chairman – who
of knowledge – the meaning of “encyclopedia” – so quickly became an enthusiastic supporter of the new
that the entries are interconnected, thoroughly in- Britannica – was none other than M.R. James, the
dexed and, above all, written with the authority and great antiquarian scholar now chiefly remembered as
panache characteristic of scholarship in the late Vic- the author of the best ghost stories in English.
torian and Edwardian age. World War I destroyed all
that forever. Slightly more than a century since its original pub-
lication, the Encyclopaedia Britannica’s Eleventh Edi-
In fact, a boundless, very American chutzpah is pre- tion can now be found readily and freely available
cisely what brought the Eleventh into being. While online. That’s certainly convenient, but any real devo-
its London editorial offices were staffed by graduates tee will want to have the actual set on his or her own
of Oxford and Cambridge, the key strategists and fi- shelves. Just watch out for red rot.
nancial players were largely outsiders. Chief among
them was the businessman Horace Everett Hooper EVERYTHING EXPLAINED THAT IS EXPLAINABLE: ON THE
(1859-1922), once a stationer in Denver, who originally CREATION OF THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA’S CELEBRATED
moved to England to sell leftover sets of the Britannica’s
Ninth Edition, then to spearhead the supplements that ELEVENTH EDITION, 1910-1911
made up the Tenth Edition, before devoting all his en- BY DENNIS BOYLES
ergy and much of his bank account to underwriting the Knopf. 442 pp. $30.
Review by Michael Dirda, The Washington Post
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 45
We all discover in time how hope and history rhyme
We’ve come to love a beautiful in our world – or even in our own lives? friend can care for friend through thick Trust that you may draw upon their
poem called “Doubletake” by Irish History is of the past. We have a per- and thin, even at the cost of personal capacity to heal. Believe in healing
poet Seamus Heaney. It seems to be comfort and self-sacrifice, is a form of wells.
this poet’s way of conveying a con- sonal history, of course, perhaps some miracle. Believe in miracles.
viction that hard, painful and unjust mixture of hardship and joy, challenge Finally, there is a fourth thing we
as this life may appear to be (and fre- and success. But each of us also has Second, belief demands the accep- think must be believed if our history
quently is), hope is justifiable because hopes for what may yet come. Perhaps tance of cures. In other words, when and our hopes are to rhyme and carry
every so often we see goodness of such our hope can complement our his- things go wrong, we must trust that us to the far shore we long to reach.
tremendous magnitude that we can tory, even enrich it and complete it. nothing is irreparable. When dreams That fourth thing is that Someone
only stand in awe and wonder before Maybe hope will temper history and grow tarnished or dim, they are not is listening, watching, caring and
it. Here are a few lines from Heaney’s allow us to reach the further shore of irretrievable. When harsh words are dreaming right along with us. If we
poem: “History says, don’t hope on our dreams if we can, as the poet sug- spoken, or relationships feel strained, can believe in Someone bigger than
this side of the grave. But then, once in gests, simply believe. Such powerful or downturns are encountered, res- ourselves, then when our own re-
a lifetime … hope and history rhyme. belief, he implies, must encompass toration is not impossible. Believe in sources are depleted and the sails are
Believe that further shore is reachable four things. cures. empty, we can entrust ourselves to
from here. Believe in miracles and the ungovernable wind of God’s love
cures and healing wells.” First, belief entertains the possibility The third thing we must believe that steers a steady course. If we can
of miracles. Miracles are the wondrous, in is healing wells. We must believe believe that God loves us in ways be-
A brief review of 20th century histo- marvelous, utterly inexplicable things that the life we’ve been granted pos- yond our knowing, at a depth beyond
ry and its record of war, famine, geno- of life. Simply finding someone to love, sesses an endless capacity for refresh- our comprehension, with a power be-
cide and terrorism might indeed lead for example, out of all the millions of ment and renewal. Look to the people, yond anything we can conceive, then
us to conclude that history says “don’t people in the world, we might say is places, ideas, and convictions that we can live trustingly, even now, as if
hope.” But then again, as the poet sug- wondrous. That parents and children serve as your healing wells. They are our hopes and our history will rhyme.
gests, might hope and history rhyme? can live together and grow together the sources from which you may draw
Now that’s an intriguing thought, isn’t and care deeply and passionately for again and again, without fear of their Life may not be perfection, but it can
it? Rhyming implies resonance, fit, one another’s welfare is amazing. That running dry or growing stagnant. be poetry.
complementarity, paring and connec-
tion. Can hope and history be so joined
46 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Dynamic duo! Bonz gets a kick out of Lily & Jack
Hi Dog Buddies! Voices, “GET DOWN, JACK! NO what we get to do NOW!
This week I yapped with Lily and Jack Go to the dog park with
Pritchard and even got to ride in their My assistant just laughed
golf cart. At the front door, me and my and patted Jack on his curly Mommy in our golf
assistant were greeted by Lily, a pretty topknot, which didn’t help. I’ll
little Silky Terrier. have to talk to her about that cart! Come’on!”
“Well, hello there, Bonzo, honey!” Their Dad has just
she said, coming right up for the Wag- “I LOVE company, Mr. Bon-
and-Sniff. “Ah’m Lily Pritchard and this zo. I’m so excited you’re here. come home for a sand-
heah’s my Mommy, Sarah. We are just I’m learning so-o much stuff.
TICKled you’re gonna interview me Well, tryin’ to. But there’s a lot- wich, so Miss Lily stayed
and mah goofy step-brother, Jack. He’s ta words! Stay! Sit! Come Here!
in his crate because he just goes CRAzy Get Off the Couch! Don’t Jump with him. The rest of us
when we have company. Or when’s its UP! That’s the hardest one. Did
dinnah time. Or when we’re goin’ for you hafta learn all that stuff piled into the golf cart. It
a walk, or a ride. Or he sees a squir- when you were a pupster?”
rel. Why, he used to grab the Spanish wasn’t far to their neigh-
moss outta Mommy’s flower pots. And “I sure did. But don’t worry. You’ll get
take tissues outta Daddy’s pockets and it. I know it doesn’t seem like it now, borhood dog park, and
petooie little pieces all ovah the place. though,” I told him, remembering my
He’s only 9 months old, ya know, still a puppy days and how I had the hardest Jack introduced me to
puppy. Anyway, Ya’ll come on in. I’ll in- time remembering the difference be-
troduce you.” tween Sit and Down. Even now I have some super pooch pals:
to remind myself, “SIT means only ca-
“Thank you, Miss Lily,” I said. We boose down and DOWN means tummy Lily & Jack. PHOTO BY LEAH DUBOIS There was Lucky, a Mal-
followed her to where Jack was, in his down.” tese; Missy, a bulldog
crate, wagging to beat the band.
“Jack,” Lily said, “Mommy’s gonna mix.
“Jack, this is Mistah Bonzo! ’Member, take off your leash if you PROmise to
I told’ja he was gonna come and inter- stay heah, and not go gallopin’ off. both come from?” “She sits with her own-
view us for the PAYpuh? Now, Mommy’s Think you can do that?”
gonna put your leash on you, so you “Ah’m from South Carolina,” she said. er, all calm,” Jack told me. “We call her
gotta behave, you heah?” “I think so,” Jack said, wiggling in ex-
citement. (“So that’s where that southern drawl Steady Eddie. And there’s Jax, he’s a Lab-
Jack got so wiggly as his Mom ap-
proached with his leash I thought he’d His Mom carefully unhooked the came from,” I thought to myself.) radoodle. Looks like a lion. And Homer,
just wiggle the crate right across the leash. For a nanosecond he stood still.
room. When he came out he stood still Then he shot across the room, jumped “And Jack,” Lily continued, “he came he’s a poodley mix. And this is Casey,
long nough so I could tell he was a fine on his Mom’s chair, then over my assis-
lookin’ poocheroo, curly black hair, tant’s chair, then down. from Upstate New York. Mommy really he’s a Standard Poodle. He’s The Boss.”
great ears, pawsome long snout and
that terrific Poodle posture. “JACK!” Lily and her Mom said to- wanted a poodle, so they searched all Casey was way taller than Jack, nice
gether. Loudly.
“I’m real happy to meet’cha, Mr. over and found Jack. Daddy (his name’s black coat. “He’s right about that!”
Bonzo,” he said, straining to jump up “Oh, right!” he blurted, and hopped
on my assistant by way of greeting. Lily into his Mom’s lap. He wasn’t ackshully Graham) went all the way up there to Casey grinned.
and their Mom both said, in Very Stern a lap dog and his legs were hanging all
over the sides, but she gave him a treat get him, just for Mommy. Wasn’t that “And I’m the baby of the park,” said
anyway. “He gets a treat just for being
cute,” Miss Lily said with a smile. just the sweetest thing?” Jack, proudly.
“Tell me, Miss Lily, where did you “Indeed it was,” I agreed. Too soon, it was time to go. Head-
“Did you know our Daddy can FLY. ing home, I was picturing Lily in her
He teaches other humans to do it, too. doggles, flying through the clouds next
That’s what he’s doin’ right now! And, to her Daddy. Wow! That’s one for my
Bonzo honey, I have ackshully flown Bucket List.
WITH him. Up in the a’uh! I’ve been in a
Cessna 170 and a Piper Arrow! Ah even Till next time,
have mah own doggles!” The Bonz
“Shut the doghouse door!” I ex-
“Ah KNOW! Daddy says he’s been a Don’t Be Shy
Fleet Commander, in charge of 1,200
humans and multimillion-dollar op- We are always looking for pets
erations worldwide, and now he’s out
walking us and carryin’ a Poop Bag. But with interesting stories.
he totally loves us. I’m definitely a Dad- To set up an interview, email
dy’s girl and Jack’s a Daddy’s boy.” [email protected].
“Mr. Bonzo!” Jack called. “Guess
Over the years, we have learned we have way to Divine Animal Hospital. Apparently more than a hundred sutures. Everything selves for reacting like a team and getting
to be ready for just about anything at any the happy guy was still swimming when his was really touch and go. Zack here to us. Accidents happen.
given time. rear leg got in the way of the boat’s propel-
ler. It was bleeding like crazy. But I am pleased to tell you Zack went This is what we do. Something like this
Recently, three young, energetic boys home four days after surgery and healed scenario happens all the time. We are
were getting ready to go fishing. A Labra- Our doctor instructed the panicky boys fully within a month. Class 4 Laser was a pleased to be available 24/7 for pets and
dor Retriever, Zack, was hanging out with on how to put a tourniquet in place before valuable therapy in expediting the healing their families. There are many Saturdays
the kids.The boys had some trouble getting bringing him to us. We intercepted Zack process. He zipped out the door with his in the lives of Vero Beach residents where
the their boat’s motor started, but finally with a gurney, and wasted no time getting owners as if he had not missed a beat. you cannot go back for one quick second,
got it going. Then something went very Zack ready for surgery and things just took but can only move forward. Just give us a
wrong. off from there. Zack had lost a lot of blood. We are pleased to have had a team in call. We will guide you from there and be
We had to do a transfusion. Zack needed place and ready to receive this emergency. waiting to receive you.
We got a phone call that Zack was on his And the family is pretty proud of them-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 47
10 4 2 9763 85
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 10 6 3 8542 K97
J952 AQ K 10 7 6
Satchel Paige, who was arguably the first great African-American baseball pitcher, A87 J32 Q 10 9 4
said, “Work like you don’t need the money. Love like you’ve never been hurt. Dance like
nobody’s watching.” SOUTH
When you dance, you can go slowly — perhaps doing a fox trot. Or you can move AQJ
quickly — maybe performing a fandango. 843
It is often similar at the bridge table. Should defenders fight actively for tricks, or should
they sit back and wait for declarer to furnish them with winners? Dealer: South; Vunerable: Both
Defenders should listen to the bidding. Does it sound like the opponents are strong, The Bidding:
perhaps stopping in game after a couple of slam-tries? If so, try to win tricks quickly.
Or did they squeeze every last drop out of the cards, perhaps bidding one spade-two SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
spades-three spades-four spades-pass? Then, defend passively. In addition, take the 2 NT Pass 3 Clubs Pass
dummy into account. If it is balanced, there is usually no hurry to cash winners. But if 3 Spades Pass 4 Spades All Pass LEAD:
it is unbalanced, threatening to give declarer discards on a good side suit and ruffs, 2 Diamonds
speed is of the essence for the defense. Into which category does today’s deal fall?
If I had been North, I would have raised to three no-trump with that strong doubleton,
but that contract would have failed also.
Against four spades, West leads a diamond and East takes dummy’s queen with his
king. What next?
With such a balanced dummy, East should go passive, returning a diamond to get the
entry off the board (or switch to a trump). Now the contract must fail. An active club shift
by East backfires if South plays low from his hand.
48 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Edible tuber (6) 1 Melancholy (4)
8 Materialise (6) 2 Undiplomatic (8)
9 Small fly (4) 3 Depict (7)
10 Accumulated wealth (8) 4 Bare (5)
11 A few (7) 5 Composition (4)
13 Wide (5) 6 Coach (8)
16 Sweep (5) 12 Salary (8)
17 Quill (7) 14 Logical (8)
19 Divert (8) 15 Fabric (7)
21 Just (4) 18 Pastries (5)
23 Overlook (6) 20 Jog (4)
24 Association (6) 22 Raucous (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 49
ACROSS 62 Monk’s title DOWN (Henry IV: Part II) The Washington Post
64 Part of A.D. 1 ___ Lanka 69 Sargent / York of
1 Wise (up) 67 Frequency of TV 2 It means “badly”
8 Rather and 3 Gator follower Bewitched
watching? 4 Ransacking 70 First slayee
Rostenkowski 68 Mine openings 5 Actress Sharon 71 “___ thief, always
12 Broadway Joe 70 Song query
16 Eddie’s and poet Allen ...”
to a multiple- 6 Involve 72 Hawaiian isle
Hooterville co- personality Dick 7 Utmost 73 Old draft status
star Tracy villain? 8 A word to the 80 Does charades
19 Glowing 74 Cobb salad 81 Reasoning Rand
20 Major money ingredient Defiant 83 Brown of renown
21 Cathedral town 75 Beyond the 9 Mt. McKinley’s 85 Underworld
of Italy Valley of the
22 Akin: abbr. Dolls star home overlord
23 With 28 Across, Williams 10 Baseball fan’s 86 Actress Christine
tuneful reason 76 Kotter portrayer 87 Pekoe server
why this year’s 77 Fidel friend, weather wish 88 Donut shapes
Nativity display formerly 11 Theater’s Jule 89 Off-base?
will be a bit 78 Sizable bird 12 Match, as socks 90 Fax, e.g.
lacking? 79 Honeymoon in 13 Finally 91 They do it for
25 Romanian Vegas star 14 Friend of Falstaff
“racketeer” 81 Court’s Arthur 15 Jigsaw bit money
26 Night or right 82 Antler sporter 16 Wipes the slate 96 Facilitator
preceder 84 With 95 Across, 97 Nebula shape
27 One of two song for Ed clean 98 “Will You Still ___
names on a Norton’s wife? 17 Modern fastener
Worcestershire 89 Slithery biter 18 Brass and bronze Tomorrow”
sauce bottle 92 Lying scuzzbag 24 Famous Henry’s 99 City in NW Syria
28 See 23 Across 93 Hamilton’s hue 101 Nova Scotia,
31 Cutting out 94 Co. VIP number
35 Bleaching vat 95 See 84 Across 29 Fridge gas once
36 Ham’s chewables 97 Quite a hunk 30 ___ fell swoop 102 Before the
37 Ollie’s non- 100 Waist wrapper 31 Daytona Beach’s
puppet pal 102 “So they’ve told deadline
38 The Sound me!” region: abbr. 103 Big name in
of Music 105 Baby’s bad act 32 Shot through the
screenwriter 106 Prudent harmonicas
Ernest 108 ___ avail chest? 104 Sandy place
40 Tivoli’s Villa 110 National Velvet 33 Give a hoot 107 Bell sounds
d’___ horse and others 34 Photographic 109 Human Bean
42 Iberian 112 With 118 Across, 111 Scopes Trial
hibernators tune for a heavy origs.
43 With 50 Across, vocalist? 39 Temperamentally focus
tune about a 115 Bro or sis 41 Child of Woody 113 Crux
tubby New 116 Theater co. 114 Fri. party
Yorker? 117 City near and Mia 119 Owns
45 Car in 1960s rock Stockton, Calif. 44 Start of a 120 Bi minus one
songs 118 See 112 Across 121 Slippery customer
46 Flapper’s 123 Rock booster? Linotype string 122 Compass pt.
accessory 124 Tiant or Valdez 46 Acting Arthur
47 Cinema Solo 125 Buddhist sacred 48 Birdlike ANAGRAMMIES REVISITED By Merl Reagle
49 Gob’s assent mountain 51 Pakistani
50 See 43 Across 126 Dahl et al.
58 Scratch, e.g. 127 Felix’s kin? language
59 Qatari capital 128 Pronto, in the ER 52 Fourth little
60 Colombian city 129 Foam-ball brand
61 Org. that name piggie’s take
monitors air 130 Antiseptic 53 “You agree with
muck that?”
54 Must, in Kidspeak
55 Horse’s vote?
56 ___ creek (in
57 Where Carson’s
Carnac was from
58 Clinic name
62 Specs holder
63 Sliced again
65 Last letter
66 Old Fords
67 “God send ___!”
The Telegraph
50 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
On the wedding menu: Stress … dished out by mom
BY CAROLYN HAX press her with the cost-effectiveness of eggplant. You
Washington Post don’t reason with the unreasonable. Instead, just be
the anti-stress. “Oh, Mom.” [hug optional] “It’ll be
Dear Carolyn, beautiful. Thank you for all you’ve done.” Be other-
wise impervious to tears.
I’m getting married soon and
Have Plan B ready, though – to pay for the food
am a vegetarian. Our menu has yourself
one meat option and one vege-
tarian option, as well as appetiz-
ers (a mixture of meat and veg- Dear Carolyn,
gie), sides and dessert. My fiancé How do we deal with my siblings who celebrate
and I feel this is sufficient. their kids with parties that everyone is expected
But my parents are paying, and my mother is brought to attend? Birthdays until 18 or 21 in some cases,
to tears every time we talk about the wedding because eighth-grade graduations, high school graduations,
she thinks some of her friends will be offended without a celebration for one nephew every time he gets a de-
two meat options for an entree. As a vegetarian, I’m al- gree/goes to another college (he’s going to be a doctor,
ready not thrilled to be serving meat at all, and I’ve tried so there are a few), going-away parties when they are
to explain that another entree will cost a lot. spending six weeks in an exchange program, com-
She insists that she’s paying, so it’s fine, but we’ve been ing-home party when they return, etc., etc., etc.When
through this before with wedding plans. She asks for kids from the same household have events near each
something more expensive and then complains about other, they have separate parties.
the overall cost. (Note that many of my friends aren’t be- With eight nieces and nephews, we are so done!
ing invited because her friends are so numerous and her wedding. And, while there are still some holdouts in But not going costs us hostility that extends to our
the “vegetarians are exotic weirdos put on Earth to
family is being given preference over my father’s). judge me” camp, I feel confident they aren’t as legion nieces and nephews because the parents have taught
as your mother apparently fears.
Am I being too rigid? I feel like her friends will be fine them to expect everyone to come celebrate them.
Were I to guess, though, I’d say these points are
if they have to eat a vegetable or two. beside the point. Your mother sounds worked up in – Anonymous
general – about costs, the passage of time, being the
— Anonymous center of attention, not being the center of attention
… and has fixed on the undead entree as the Stick
Dear 'Anonymous': With Which to Beat You. Dear ‘Anonymous’:
You can’t say this, but I can: Your mother is being There are only two answers, go or don’t go – and
ridiculous. (I can still only say the printable version.) Regardless, the best way to deal with it isn’t to im- “so done” cuts it to one: Don’t go. (Except, of course,
To ask omnivores to eat a vegetable is a lot less when you want to.)
radical than to ask a vegetarian to serve meat at her Settle in to ride out the complaints. Your time is
yours, not theirs, so treat it as such.