Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 51
Pierre Bergé: Yves Saint Laurent was the last great couturier
BY HENRY SAMUEL only have to look in the street; women Yves Saint Laurent at Yves Saint Laurent’s
don’t know it but they all have some- his desk in 1976. famous Mondrian
The Telegraph thing from Saint Laurent.” dress.
codes,” he says. “Freedom is about al-
“Fashion dies, but style remains,” By contrast, Bergé believes that the lowing people to do what they want. Bergé won’t be drawn on the recent
Yves Saint Laurent once observed, in talking point fashion of today – such as Uniqlo and Zara brushes with ready- departure of Saint Lauren’s chief de-
a clear prediction his creations would Madonna’s bondage-inspired Given- to-wear design, but crucially with a signer, Hedi Slimane, except to say:
stand the test of time. chy concoction at this year’s Met Gala price-to-quality ratio that corresponds “He is a very close friend, who I love
– is far from a revolution. “I have a lot totally with the way people live their and admire very much.”
It is a claim hard to refute from of respect for Beyonce and Madonna, lives today. You buy something for not
the man credited with inventing the but that has nothing to do with fash- much, it doesn’t last long, you throw But he appears less convinced than
modern woman’s wardrobe. ion, and certainly nothing to do with- away and buy another. It’s the same for most by Slimane’s ode to the ’80s in
out Saint Laurent. It’s marketing, that’s everything today.” his swan song at Paris Fashion Week.
But now the late king of Haute Cou- not the same at all,” he remarks. “As for “I hate nostalgia. Fashion cannot be
ture’s business and life partner, Pierre Cannes, I’m in the habit of saying: It’s He sees the cult of the celebrity de- nostalgia, fashion is conjugated in
Bergé, is about to take Saint Laurent’s hard to know what is more ‘borrowed’ signer and all the tumult over chang- the present tense. That’s why all these
canonization to another level by (fake), the dress or the starlet. It’s bluff es in top designers as “dangerous.” couturiers who do revivals of various
opening two museums in autumn and phoney marketing.” decades don’t interest me,” he says.
next year – one in Paris, the other in “Turning designers into stars, in-
his beloved Marrakech – to honor the Indeed, Bergé is unequivocal in cluding Saint Laurent, has been to- As for Saint Laurent’s new creative
French designer’s plethoric oeuvre pronouncing Haute Couture “dead,” tally idiotic. In Saint Laurent’s time, director, Vaccarello, Bergé says he was
spanning four decades. saying the “art de vivre” to which it the product was what counted most, “touched” he had come to see him in
catered from its 19th century found- we didn’t turn a couturier into a foot- person that morning – and respects
In terms of exhibits, the curators ing father, English designer Charles baller or rock singer. Marketing never Saint Laurent owner Kering’s decision.
are spoiled for choice given the 5,000 Worth, to Dior and Saint Laurent is entered this house,” he says.
Haute Couture garments and 15,000 now a bygone age. “Today, the fashion So does the house continue to live
accessories painstakingly archived houses supposedly continue to turn up to Yves Saint Laurent’s legacy?
at the Foundation Pierre-Bergé-Yves out haute couture, but they don’t have “They don’t do haute couture whereas
Saint Laurent, from the seminal customers, because I don’t call Rus- Yves Saint Laurent did, so there is no
Smoking to the Mondrian dress. sian prostitutes customers,” he says. comparison possible,” is all Bergé will
“They continue to offer it in the belief say.
“We have kept everything,” Bergé it will sell ties and perfume – that’s
says from the Avenue Marceau man- their right but I don’t believe it and “That is the truth.”
sion that the designer worked in for 30 think it is condemned to die out.”
years, today home to the Foundation.
Bergé believes only three companies
On an upper floor, a space-age con- have understood today’s fashion: Zara,
servation room keeps Saint Laurent’s H&M and Uniqlo. “I don’t even know
myriad creations at carefully con- the bosses but they’ve got it right. There
trolled temperatures and humidity. is no longer a need for fashion design-
Dresses that leave its confines spend ers giving people orders on what they
a month in quarantine upon return, should wear, and tying them to dress
starved of oxygen to kill off the dread-
ed clothes moth. Visitors are required
to don hospital-style protective white
blouses and shoe covers to avoid con-
With so many pieces to choose from,
what are the most ground-breaking?
“You can’t separate them out, but his
male suits that he dressed women in
were revolutionary,” he says.
With everyone from Jane Birkin to
Susan Sarandon wearing an hom-
age to Saint Laurent’s famous 1966
Le Smoking on the red carpet at this
year’s Cannes festival, was the de-
signer aware at the time of how revo-
lutionary his dinner jacket was and
would continue to be? “It is the one
piece of clothing that is 100 percent
masculine, so to get a woman to wear
it was quite something,” he says. “At
the same time, if a woman is to wear
a masculine piece of clothing, she
has to develop her femininity and her
weapons of seduction.”
All of Saint Laurent’s work was a
feminist statement, Bergé insists. “He
accompanied the social revolution
going on in the world at the time to-
ward women’s equality, for example,
and it is wonderful that he did so. You
52 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Kirsten Dunst’s stylists on the retro inspiration at Cannes
BY ROBIN GIVHAN Croisette in fairytale Versace. ing with the actress for several years Hallworth duo mined retro Cannes
The Washington Post But for consistency at Cannes, no have also been behind the style evo- footage and designer archives. Here
lutions of Jennifer Aniston and Reese they reveal the backstory behind each
There were some seriously high- one got it better than juror Kirsten Witherspoon. of Kristen Dunst’s looks.
octane fashion moments at this Dunst. From a modern take on the
year’s Cannes Film Festival – Bella skirt suit to glittering gala gowns, she The duo worked for months on a se-
Hadid in a dress which seemed to reprised her role as worth watching ries of special collaborations with de-
confound the laws of physics, Kate style wise. signers to ensure that Dunst’s Cannes
Moss making a triumphant red-car- look was “a nostalgic homage to a
pet return in vintage Halston, and Working behind the scenes to make grand time in Hollywood and a way
Amal Clooney breezing along the Dunst’s Cannes style spotlight a suc- things used to be done.”
cess were stylist sisters Nina and
Clare Hallworth, who as well as work- To make that ambition a reality, the
The yellow Dior dress created with
a little help from their mum
“We believe in an old-school ap-
proach and so does Kirsten,” says
Nina. “Clare and I did a lot of research
and we knew that we wanted Dior for
Cannes. It seemed most fitting. We
found The Diorama dress from Mr.
Dior’s Autumn-Winter 1947 couture
collection and we knew that Kirsten’s
nostalgic sensibilities would do jus-
tice to reinterpreting his earlier work.”
The pair approached Dior, who
loved the idea. “From the moment we
approached them, they immediately
started sending fabrics, sketches. It
was a true Dior Couture experience
– grand, romantic, exceptional and
months in the making. Our mother –
who trained in textiles and grew up in
the North of England coveting Dior’s
New Look – selected the fabrics at
Kirsten’s request.”
On Kirsten choosing an up-and-
coming label for her first Cannes look
“Aouadi was intriguing because he
has a bit of that rebel spirit, bucking
safe simple fashion for elaborate de-
tails that harken to a different time.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 53
We are all on the same page, Kirsten’s signed by Mr. Ferragamo at a time dur- your page without that familiarity of an immediate request for two looks
style looks back and reinterprets to ing the war when leather was scarce. the established fashion houses and as the show was in progress, so per-
look forward … creating a narrative He used bamboo, straw and fishing that is very exciting. Michael van der fect were they for Kirsten,” remem-
that is all her own.” line; scarcity didn’t stand in the way of Ham presented the same old-school bers Nina. “Kirsten wanted to move
creativity and ingenuity ruled the day. artistry we were craving, a true cou- about easily, chic and self-assured
These styles were worn by Garbo, Lo- ture dress with all the layers of love from yacht to yacht. The more mas-
ren, Monroe and Hepburn.” in every stitch – hand-made, labored, culine look divined Coco’s aesthetic
perfect … ” and Kirsten had an ease about her
that night that was palpable. Her jew-
On the elegant skirt suit plucked elry from Fred Leighton was grand but
from the Chanel catwalk subtle, the entire look was youthful
and confident.”
“We saw that suit coming down the
Chanel runway in Havana and made
On the Marc Jacobs dress covered The white Dior dress with the feel
in dancers of Lauren Hutton in her heyday
“That dress was for an evening “The white dress was one of a trio
event, covered in ballerinas so we we had made, but it was the one that
called it ‘The Tiny Dancer.’ It was was the most unexpected and quintes-
made for Kirsten as she has a long sentially Christian Dior. They used the
history with Marc Jacobs and he cap- original archival pattern and his cre-
tured the spirit of what she wanted ative talisman – the Lily-of-the-Valley.
immediately.” The tulip skirt, the corset, traditional
fabric and the handmade lilies in three
Retro-inspired accessories made different forms were all exceptional.
her daytime looks unique We removed the crinoline which gave
it a softer, more negligent feel evocative
“Every detail counted in Kristen’s of Lauren Hutton in her heyday and
look,” says Nina. “Her Oliver Peoples worn so confidently by Kirsten that it
glasses were classic in Blond and Black. seemed to transcend eras.”
The shoes were mostly original Salva-
tore Ferragamo designs from 1935 to The dress created by British de-
1947 and felt improbably modern. As signer Michael van der Ham
was her bamboo bag. They were all de-
“Sometimes there are artists that
come onto your radar and they are on
54 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The 40 things every woman should know about fashion over 40
BY SHANE WATSON woman should know about fashion. Your sunglasses
The Telegraph As a rule you want to go less mean
It’s time to grade up ... and edgy, and more glamorous.
The one thing Cameron Diaz will Your shoes LAPD. Bono. Billy Idol … These are
never wear again (“No way,” accord- Do not go quietly into the navy all looks to avoid, as is Tony Blair, in
ing to an interview in the latest issue mid-heel pump, or the plain loafer, or some very hot country, wearing white
of Harper’s Bazaar) is … a tube top. the really useful (so comfy) sneaker. linen.
This is Good to Know. But as fash- You can always do a fun shoe and dis-
ion tips for the post fortysomething play a well-turned ankle. More to the Your smile
woman go, it’s disappointing. Most point a shoe is where you score your I know that sounds creepy. But
of us over-forties last wore a tube top fashion points when you are past Sex the sulky, not bothered expression
on a holiday in Greece two decades Pistols T-shirts and floral coronets which you may think cool (see Victo-
ago. (which you are). ria Beckham) will in your 40s start to
look sour and a bit “my back is killing
When glamorous women make Your hair me.” Perk it up.
age-appropriate dressing statements The just-got-out-of-bed, beach-
(part of the deal once they hit 40), you bleached hair days are on the way It’s time to watch out for...
hope for something more relevant to out. Conditioner is everything now. Your knees
our daily lives: ideally a list of crack- And whatever you do, don’t over trim. Everyone goes on about arms. It’s
ing tips that will cut through all the A bob at this stage could put a decade your knees that will let you down.
confusion. on you, instantly.
Forty is nothing, now, by the way. Make up, but not foundation So boring to be told to ditch black
It’s the new 50, and Fiona Bruce is 52. Watch out for the plaster-textured because it’s draining on older skin.
You barely have to make any adjust- complexion which occurs when Happily it’s not quite true. Mat dull
ments, but it’s a bit ostrich-like to women panic they need coverage but black is draining. But lush black is
pretend everything stays the same haven’t got their glasses/replaced the fine (for a few more years, especially
forever, and this is as good a point as light in the bedroom. if it’s glossy satin or velvet) so long as
any to take stock of your options – go- you ramp it up. Splashy earrings, red
ing forward. lipstick.
So: 40 things every fortysomething
Popcorn-colored highlights
Only because you will start to look
like every other graying fortysome-
thing in the Western world. Why do
you think J-Law and Taylor Swift have
gone punky bone-white blonde? Be-
cause safe blonde is the color of mid-
dle age, that’s why.
Going braless Denim
Just saying, it works for some, but You are never too old for the latest
don’t cling on to the free spirit ideal jeans if you look good in jeans. Same
at the expense of a sloppy silhouette. goes for leather trousers (but you
Sorry. need the legs).
Teeth Shortish puffy sleeves
I like rough teeth. I missed Bowie’s Quite flattering on the older arm,
after the refurb. But there is no doubt contrary to rumor, especially if not
that yellowing teeth are not youthful. too puffy and not too short.
Some youthful things you Haltertops
needn’t put away No words.
Wearing bikini tops under clothes Clogs
in summer Wore them in ’76 and you are wear-
ing them again.
Sounds mad. But it does inject a
certain carefree, barefoot vibe. (Don’t Say No to Girly and Cute Plaits
try this at work, obviously; works best Just because.
when you are gardening.)
Espadrilles and flip flops Hair bows. Bows on shoes. Bows on
Similar result. But, as of now, must be shirts and dresses.
worn with a pedicure. The unwashed
look is no longer a runner. (This applies Anything involving a bib
equally to men. David Beckham post-
match easily tips over into Rhys Ifans
the morning after a very late night.)
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 55
We’re all tempted by overalls, espe- will always look better on her daugh- Same for hats Tips over into blowsy any day now.
cially those of us who have very happy ter Poppy. Used to wear them to weddings Wear snake print instead.
memories of the ’70s/ Bananarama. (fab!). Now look like the mother of the
And obviously, Cate Blanchett gave Embroidery on backs bride’s mother. Very high heels
them a go the other day – but in our Probably. Also numbers. All good until you get the bulging
opinion it doesn’t work. A jumpsuit Chiffon snake pit foot. The only solution is go
(quite different!). Less cute. Cut off denim shorts Sometimes OK in small doses. But lower.
You can wear denim cut-offs for- definitely one to watch. You were
Dolly prints ever. What you want to avoid is those Kate Moss, you are now Abigail at her NOTE: I may say Elle Macpherson
As in Scottie dogs or bananas or very tight and high-cut daisy dukes Party. (now 52) has broken all of these rules
strawberries. that your teenage daughter is cur- in one day on the school run – so rule
rently trying to get away with. Leopard print 40. It is different for everyone.
Mary Janes
Some are not so strict on this one. Then again … don’t stop going to
I say anything Alice in Wonderland the Kid’s shops
does, leave well alone.
You just never know. Kirsty Wark is
Waisted full skirted summer 61 and she is frequently dressed in a
dresses bit of Topshop as well as the groovier
shores of Me + Em.
Other than tailoring, and definitely Instant Small Cheats (that work
lace as in broderie anglaise and gui- from fortysomething forever)
A splash out scarf
Pie crust collars Pashmina dimensions, good look-
No no no. Anything Di would have ing and bold. Sling it on over any-
worn, nyet. thing plain and you get instant cool
points, plus color.
Leave It To the Kids, obviously Some silver shoes
Victim jeans Or gold. Just a bit of a Oooh, so not
As in Uber ripped and shredded or quite so boring then.
covered in sew-on patches and em-
broidery. A bare 7/8th
Lower calves and ankles on show at
Maxi all times, very rejuvenating.
The whole maxi thing is a bit of a
lottery. It CAN work, but too folksy, Switching the black leather biker
too floaty, too flouncy, too ’70s am- ... for the olive green one and then
bassadress, all can add roughly 10 the suede jacket.
years. Never ever go for long sleeves
and a long hemline. Or denim. The No Ways that sneak up on
you (and all you can do is keep
The extreme ethnic purchase of checking)
the moment
Now it’s those hand-embroidered I had a black satin dress that I
pompom-tied jackets they have in looked fine in until precisely the age
Zara. It’s also traditional Ukrainian of 48. Thereafter: Horrible. All-black
Vita Kin blouses and dresses which dresses. It’s almost like a chemical
may look great on Pandora Delenv- reaction, and it’ll hit you right out of
ingne’s friends (she sells them), but the blue.
56 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Scoozi serves up delicious Southern Italian fare
BY TINA RONDEAU sauce, and the very interesting roasted
Columnist Brussel sprout salad ($10) with sprouts
crisp on the outside, tender on the in-
In the years that we have been din- side.
ing at the many Vero restaurants of
Roger Lenzi, we have enjoyed many For main courses, we also have en-
fine meals. joyed the shrimp oreganato ($20) –
shrimp topped with oreganato bread
Some of his restaurants, like Avan- crumbs, baked, and finished with a
zare, have been wild successes; others luscious lemon oregano sauce over
have sprung up, blossomed for a short sautéed spinach – and orecchiette with
time, then disappeared. But what they sausage and broccoli rabe ($18).
all have had in common was creative
dishes offered at a reasonable price – We concluded our most recent meal
and that is certainly true of the curi- with an excellent crème brulee ($6).
ously named eatery, Scoozi, that Lenzi
opened six months ago in the Old Scoozi has a full bar and a good
Downtown. selection of very reasonably priced
wines. Not all the dishes here are Si-
While most of the many Italian res- cilian haute cuisine (though we have
taurants in Vero (including Avanzare) found the seafood entrées excellent).
have a northern feel and menu, Scoozi With a variety of different kinds of
is a throwback to the so-called “red parmigiana, and a dozen pasta en-
sauce” joints that sprung up in every trées priced from the mid-teens, many
city where you found the Southern Ital- of Scoozi’s dishes are more like “soul
ian immigrants who flocked to Ameri- food” for Italian Americans.
Fresh Green Tomato For a change of pace from the more
Sauce with Linguine.
Grilled Veal Chop.
Crispy Eggplant Stack. PHOTOS BY LEAH DUBOIS
Yellow Tail Snapper over
Squid Ink Linguine.
ca in the last century. cials, the monkfish puttanesca ($22), same manner as the yellow tail snap- formal Italian restaurants found in
Walking into Scoozi is a bit like being my husband went for the fire-grilled per. Sure, they responded – and it was abundance in Vero, this throwback
swordfish ($24), one of our compan- delicious atop squid ink linguine with Southern Italian eatery – with good
in time warp. With black-and-white ions opted for the pork chop Siciliano an heirloom tomato sauce. food at decent prices, and a $12.50
photos of the singers of yesteryear ($16), and the other picked the linguine summer menu from 5 to 6 nightly -- is
lining the entryway walls, the dining and clams ($18). The linguine and clams was also a worth a visit.
room has red-and-white tablecloths, nice dish, but the pork chop Siciliano
candles on the table, and Sinatra and My monkfish was served over lin- was a thing of beauty – a large herb I welcome your comments, and en-
the Rat Pack providing mealtime musi- guine in a tomato-based puttanesca rubbed pork chop, extremely tender courage you to send feedback to me at
cal accompaniment. sauce with capers, lots of olives and and flavorful, served with lemon garlic [email protected].
anchovies. A well-seasoned Southern spinach and roasted lemon garlic po-
On a recent weeknight, our party of Italian dish. tatoes. The reviewer dines anonymously
four arrived shortly after 7:30, and was at restaurants at the expense of Vero
ushered to a nice window table looking My husband’s perfectly grilled On previous visits, we have tried Beach 32963.
out on Scoozi’s outdoor dining patio – swordfish is normally served over ar- a variety of appetizers including the
a festive area reminiscent of the trat- tichoke hearts, garlic, caper, olive, Arancini ($10), a crispy Sicilian rice Scoozi
torias along Mulberry Street in New chopped tomato and basil sauté, but ball stuffed with sausage and fresh
York’s Little Italy. he asked if they could prepare it in the mozzarella with Sunday gravy dipping Hours:
Monday through Saturday,
For starters on this evening, we
shared an order of fried calamari ($10), from 5 pm
and the burrata, fig and speck ($12).
The perfectly fried calamari were Adult Beverages: Full bar
served with a very tasty tomato dip-
ping sauce, and the creamy burrata Address: 1920 14th Avenue
– accompanied by fig jam and speck
ham – was presented with some house- Phone:
made rosemary focaccia. A good start. 772-226-5254
Then for entrées, I settled on one
of the evening’s Sicilian seafood spe-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 57
The trickle-down effect of winery acquisitions
BY DAVE MCINTYRE Copain winery.
The Washington Post
There have been some dramatic spree; the acquisition of Copain brings In contrast, Jackson Family Wines access to additional vineyard sources
acquisitions in the wine business the its portfolio to 50 wineries. looks for producers who “have tre- owned by the company, as well as ad-
past several months. mendous pedigree and prestige but ministrative and sales support.
Constellation, a publicly traded are inefficient producers and are un-
Most recently, Jackson Family Wines company, saw immediate gains from der-represented in the market,” com- That support was attractive to Adam
purchased Copain winery, a highly re- the Meiomi purchase, crediting strong pany president Hugh Reimers told me. and Dianna Lee when they sold their
garded boutique Sonoma County pro- sales of the brand for a 22 percent in- Siduri winery to Jackson Family Wines
ducer of syrah, pinot noir and chardon- crease in profits during the third quar- Jackson Family’s late founder, Jess last year. When I interviewed Adam
nay. In April, Ste. Michelle Estates, the ter of last year. The Prisoner Wine’s Jackson, created the popular Kendall- Lee shortly after the sale, he expressed
parent company of Washington state’s five labels — the Prisoner, Saldo, Cut- Jackson brand that defined chardon- optimism that the quality of his wines
Chateau Ste. Michelle and Columbia tings, Blindfold and Thorn — sold nay for many consumers in the 1990s. would continue to improve. He would
Crest wineries, purchased Patz & Hall, more than 170,000 cases last year, ac- And he always enjoyed poking a stick also be free of the administrative work
another Sonoma County specialist in cording to Wine Spectator magazine. at the moribund three-tier system that takes so much time for small-busi-
chardonnay and pinot noir. That’s double the production in 2010 that in many states gives distributors ness owners, and he looked forward to
when Huneeus Vintners purchased inordinate power over producers, es- traveling less and leaving sales efforts
Contrast those transactions with the brand from its founder, Dave Phin- pecially small wineries. So he estab- to the Jackson network.
two mammoth buys carried out by ney, for a reported $40 million. We may lished his own distribution network.
Constellation Brands, one of the wonder, with so much more wine be- Lee did note one aspect of corporate
world’s largest wine companies. Also ing sold under a popular brand, can Joining the Jackson Family Wines ownership different from being inde-
in April, Constellation purchased the quality be sustained? portfolio not only gives small produc- pendent: “I do have a lot of meetings,”
Prisoner Wine from Huneeus Vintners ers financial security, it also gives them he said.
for a reported $285 million. And last
year, Constellation paid a whopping
$315 million for the Meiomi brand of
pinot noir, a transaction that did not
include a winery or vineyards.
This may just sound like a lot of mon-
ey changing hands, but these sales af-
fect how the wines are made and ulti-
mately how they reach us through the
distribution system.
Both Ste. Michelle Estates and Jack-
son Family Wines have a reputation
for buying well-regarded wineries and
maintaining the quality. Ste. Michelle
Estates also owns Oregon’s Erath win-
ery, as well as Conn Creek and Villa Mt.
Eden in Napa Valley. And in partner-
ship with Marchese Antinori, the com-
pany bought Napa’s venerable Stag’s
Leap Wine Cellars in 2007. Jackson
Family Wines has been on a buying
58 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero & Casual Dining
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 59
Vero & Casual Dining
Thai & Japanese Cuisine Live Music and Jazz
Tues – Thurs, 6 pm - 9 pm
Beer, Wine, Sake & Fri & Sat, 6 pm - 10 pm
Full Liquor Bar
$2 Off Martini Tuesdays
Dine in & Take Out
Mon - Sat 11:30am - 3 pm
Nightly 4:30 pm -10 pm
713 17th Street|(17th Shoppes Center)
60 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero & Casual Dining
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 61
62 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ONGOING Johnson Education Center Auditorium. Free; 11 Youth Guidance Tropical Night Luau, 7 p.m. at Community Church of Vero Beach. $20;
no registration required. 772-242-2293 p.m. at Grand Harbor Golf Club, with students and under 18 free. 855-252-7276
Vero Beach Museum of Art: Nature Illumi- tropical Caribbean night buffet, 3-drink tickets,
nated: Landscapes and Still Lifes by Heade and 9 2016 National Philanthropy Day Nomina- music by Gypsy Land Band and auctions. $125. 20 Scholastic Summer Reading Tour, 1 to
his Contemporaries thru June 5. 772-231-0707 tions Workshop, 8 a.m., Northern Trust 772-226-3098 4 p.m. at the Vero Beach Book Center,
Bank. 772-205-7650 with costumed characters, children’s activities
JUNE 17|18 Riverside Children’s The- and crafts. 772-569-2050
9 Hurricane Preparedness Luncheon fea- atre presents Disney’s
3|4 Summer Nights Comedy Zone turing Meteorologist Steve Weagle, Aladdin, Jr. at Anne Morton Theatre. $6 & $12. 24 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
Experience with comedians Ron hosted by IRC Chamber of Commerce, Noon at 772-231-6990 presents Land, Air, Sea: An Armed
Feingold and Doug Almeida on Waxlax Stage Riverside Theatre. $25. 772-567-3491 Forces Tribute, 7 p.m. at First Presbyterian
at Riverside Theatre, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. 17|18 Summer Nights Comedy Church of Vero Beach. Free. 855-252-7276
$16 -$18. Summertime games and free music 9-12 Vero Beach Wine and Film Fes- Zone Experience with
at Live in the Loop. 772-231-6990 tival, with Daytime Screenings comedians John Carfi and Brian Thomas on 24|25 Riverside Children’s The-
at Heritage Center and Vero Beach Museum of Waxlax Stage at Riverside Theatre, 7:30 p.m. atre presents Disney’s
4 Donuts with Dad, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Art, plus Thurs. Kickoff Night with Vino Veritas and 9:30 p.m. $16 -$18. Summertime games Aladdin Kids at Anne Morton Theatre. $6 &
Vero Beach Book Center, with donuts, juice, Vintner Dinners at Citrus Grillhouse and Costa and free music at Live in the Loop. 772-231- $12. 772-231-6990
coffee and children’s activities. 772-569-2050 d’Este; Fri. Cinema Uncorked Opening Night 6990
Bash at Riverside Theatre; Sat. Winemaker & 24|25 Howl at the Moon Experi-
4 23rd Annual Blue Water Open Offshore Filmmaker Panels, Costa d’Cinema Grand Wine 18 Veterans Outreach Golf Tournament, ence, a high-energy music
Charity Fishing Tournament, with awards Tasting at Costa d’Este, Bordeaux & Brews at 8 a.m. shotgun start at Sandridge Golf show to sing, dance and howl along with featur-
at Capt’n Butcher’s Waterfront Resort to ben- Orchid Island Brewery, Vero After Dark at Proj- Course followed by lunch. $60. 772-563-7183 ing rock, pop and dance hits from the 80’s, 90’s and
efit Sebastian Exchange Club programs for ect Space 1785; Sun. Bubbly Sunday Brunch at today, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. on the Riverside
the prevention of child abuse. $250 per boat. Osceola Bistro and Fete Finale at Blue Star Bras- 18 Waterlily Celebration, 8:30 a.m. to Theatre Waxlax Stage, with free music at Live on
772‐783‐5822 serie. Details at 2 p.m. at McKee Botanical Garden, the Loop outdoor stage. $16 - $22. 772-231-6990
showcases the state’s largest collection of wa-
8 ‘Plastic is Forever’ designer and conserva- 11 5K Run/Walk Race Summer Reading terlilies in bloom plus repotting demonstra- 25 Vero Beach Air Show Food Fest co-
tion advocate Barbara de Vries will speak Kick-Off, 7 a.m. registration/8 a.m. tions, a waterlily photo contest and plant sale. ordinated by Buggy Bunch featuring
in recognition of World Oceans Day, 5:30 p.m. race at Brackett Library hosted by IRC Library Standard admission. 772-794-0601 Blue Angels pilots, officers and enlisted person-
at FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute System and Friends of IRC Library, followed nel and Air Show civilian performers plus 30
by Fitness and Literacy Fair. Free event. 772- 19 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra food trucks and entertainment, 5 to 9 p.m. at
770-5060 presents Bright Lights of Broadway, 3 Riverside Park. Free.
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 25|26 Vero Beach Air Show
in May 26, 2016 Edition 1 COP 1 CAPITULATE featuring the U. S. Navy
3 PEA 2 PENNANT Flight Demonstration Squadron Blue Angels,
5 RITE 3 PICK Aeroshell Aerobatic Team, Shockwave Jet
7 PANIC 4 ARMADA Truck, Mike Goulian, Kyle Franklin/Dracula,
8 MADRID 5 RADIATOR Greg Shelton, Ed Vesely and the SB2C Hell-
10 TSAR 6 TRITE diver, Wing Walker Ashley Key and Misty Blues
11 ADJACENT 9 STIPULATED All-Woman Skydiving Team at the Vero Beach
13 LETTER 12 RESPONSE Regional Airport to benefit Veterans Council of
14 TOECAP 15 CAPRICE Indian River County, and Exchange Clubs of In-
17 THESPIAN 16 CARESS dian River, Treasure Coast, and Vero Beach for
19 OPAL 18 EERIE prevention of child abuse. Gates open 9 a.m.;
21 CRINGE 20 RING flying starts at Noon. General admission $25
22 IDIOT adults; $15 children ages 5 – 12; reserved seat-
23 HERE ing $45; Barnstormer Chalet $99.
24 SAG
25 END
Sudoku Page 50 Sudoku Page 51 Crossword Page 50 Crossword Page 51 (SPOONERISM ANTHOLOGY)
Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your service to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753
This directory gives small business people eager
to provide services to the beachside community an
opportunity to make themselves known to island readers
at an affordable cost. This is the only service directory
mailed each week during season to all 11,000+ homes
on the Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a
listing in the Vero Beach 32963 Service Directory, please
contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.
1990 Ocean Ridge Circle in Oceanridge: 3-bedroom, 4-bath, 3,727-square-foot oceanfront
offered for $3,200,000 by Matilde Sorensen of Dale Sorensen Real Estate: 772-532-0100.
64 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Majestic oceanfront perch delights with priceless views
BY SIOBHAN MCDONOUGH from the ground floor to the main
Staff Writer floor and step into this oceanfront
home, you get the feeling you’re on a
Approaching the tall, elegant and very smooth-sailing cruise ship. This
solid house at 1990 Ocean Ridge is due to the fact that the main floor
Circle on the barrier island, you see (which happens to be the second lev-
14 windows, two front doors with el) – with living room, dining room,
windows and two French doors, and breakfast nook, kitchen, den, office
know immediately this home in the and master bedroom – is set high off
Oceanridge gated community is a of the street, offering an up-close and
bright one where one can think clear- personal view of the ocean. Also, ac-
ly, feel good internally and be grateful cess to second- and third-floor balco-
for the privilege of having sweeping nies reinforce the sensation of being
views of the Atlantic Ocean without on a luxury cruise liner, one that at
even stepping foot on the beach. every turn captures the beauty of the
ocean, its expansive blue elevating
When you walk up the elegant your spirits.
curved main staircase with limestone
banister or take a ride in the elevator The house is beautifully built, with
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 65
custom millwork and crown mold- Sorensen for $3,200,000. There’s also “The Trusted Name in Real Estate Since 1949”
ing and travertine and hardwood a covered lanai on the ground level
floors on different levels giving the which makes easy access to the pri-
3,727-square-foot home that extra vate beach a wonderful asset to own-
“oomph.” The curved stairway to the ing this home.
front doors is so grand and welcom-
ing, it creates a sense of mystery and “From the moment you enter this
excitement in a visitor entering this spectacular home you are immediate-
lovely home. ly in awe of the sweeping ocean views
that can be enjoyed from nearly every
Built in 2014, the three-story house room,” said Matilde Sorensen, broker
with three bedrooms, four baths, and co-owner of Dale Sorensen Real
den and office is listed with Matilde Estate.” It’s truly a beautiful home of
Direct intracoastal waterfront home w/dock. Updated stunning 4/4.5. Walk to beach.
5/5.5 Over 10,000 SF U/roof. Custom Built. $2,295,000 (#170810)
$3,895,000 (#167165) Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388
Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 Barbara Parent 772-633-3027
Beautiful ½ acre waterfront lot with dock. 3/3.5 CBS courtyard home on a beautiful lake
Cleared and ready to build. front lot. Open plan w/almost 3,400 Sf living space.
$975,000 (#164909)
Roger Smith 772-473-0086 $725,000 (#168219)
Roger Smith 772-473-0086
New look to this 3/3 CBS pool home. Live in Indian Rarely available lakefront pool home. 2 + den/2.5.
River Shores rated as the safest city in Florida. Fireplace, high ceilings. Spacious kitchen.
$499,000 (#165538) $474,900 (#165811)
Roger Smith 772-473-0086 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395
2901 Ocean Drive, Vero Beach, FL 32963
66 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
exceptional architectural style, fin-
ishes and quality.”
Upon entering, you notice strong
architectural details, including col-
umns and the light-filled 20-foot by
19-foot living room. Access to a large
balcony is offered through sliding
glass doors. Next to the living room is
a dining room that one can imagine
hosting fun dinner parties in.
The kitchen has a handsome look
to it with plenty of countertops, ex-
cellent appliances and nice touches
including mosaic tiles embedded in
the backsplash. Another large-scale
mosaic is located on the front of the
house, easily visible to those walking
up the steps.
The breakfast nook affords more of
those lovely views.
A 19-foot by 14-foot master bedroom
has access to the second-story balcony
and spiral staircase leading to a private
beach. The master bathroom is actu-
ally two luxurious retreats, one for him
and one for her. Hers features a glass-
enclosed shower with multi-jets, toilet
room, sink and vanity. His has a multi-
jetted shower, bathroom and sink.
There are his and her closets.
Subdivision: Oceanridge
Year built: 2014
Lot size: .62 acre
Waterfront: 90 lineal feet of
frontage on the Atlantic Ocean
Home size: 3,727 under air
square feet, 6,180 under roof
Bedrooms: 3 with option for 4
Bathrooms: 4
Additional features: Panoramic
ocean views; fine architectural
details; balconies; elevator; cov-
ered lanai, 4-plus car garage
Listing agency:
Dale Sorensen Real Estate
Listing agent:
Matilde Sorensen, 772-532-0100
Listing price: $3,200,000
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 67
Also on the main level is a 13-foot The ground level provides access
by 12-foot den with ocean view, and to the elevator, covered lanai and a
a similarly-sized study/office with four-car garage with abundant stor-
views of the western sky. Another age space.
room can be used as a huge supply
area and the laundry room is also “The expansive design and layout
spacious and bright. afford plenty of room to entertain
guests or relax at this sun-filled and
On the top floor are spacious liv- inviting seaside retreat,” Sorensen
ing quarters offering the ultimate in said.
privacy. There’s a large kitchenette,
family room and two bedrooms; the Oceanridge is a gated community
west bedroom is 17 by 13 feet; the east conveniently located across the street
bedroom, 12 by 11 feet. from Saint Edward’s School, and near
the Moorings Yacht & Country Club.
68 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: May 19 to May 25
It was another banner week for the barrier island real estate market, with 21 properties sold including four
for more than $1 million.
The top sale of the week was of a new home in a new enclave in Riomar. The estate at 860 Old Oak Lane
was placed on the market Nov. 23 with an asking price of $2.4 million. The sale closed on May 23 for $2.35
The seller in the transaction was represented by Matilde Sorensen of Dale Sorensen Real Estate. The
purchaser was represented by Kay Brown of Premier Estate Properties.
$400,000 $375,000
VEROMAR 705 DATE PALM ROAD 5/2/2015 $1,350,000 $389,900 5/25/2016 $1,100,000
RIOMAR 716 RIOMAR DRIVE 1/5/2015 $595,000 $1,249,000 5/25/2016 $565,000
$525,000 $505,000
SANDPOINTE 1610 SANDPOINTE PLACE W 4/10/2015 $1,099,000 $575,000 5/25/2016 $1,031,500
$875,000 $815,000
BETHEL BY THE SEA 605 HOLLY ROAD 2/12/2016 $875,000 $525,000 5/24/2016 $775,000
$595,000 $550,000
CASTAWAY COVE 1101 INDIAN MOUND TRAIL 4/6/2016 $349,000 $1,099,000 5/24/2016 $220,000
$379,000 $287,500
ORANGE PARK ESTATES 716 IRIS LANE 11/2/2015 $950,000 $850,000 5/24/2016 $850,000
$1,695,000 $1,575,000
ORCHID ISLAND 90 CARIBE WAY 3/25/2015 $875,000 5/23/2016
BERMUDA CLUB 1155 GOVERNORS WAY 11/25/2015 $575,000 5/20/2016
SUMMERPLACE 1970 W SAND DOLLAR LANE 11/6/2015 $250,000 5/20/2016
SEAGROVE WEST 165 RIVERWAY DRIVE 2/12/2015 $299,000 5/20/2016
ORCHID ISLAND 805 PEMBROKE COURT 11/11/2014 $875,000 5/19/2016
ORCHID ISLAND 424 INDIES DRIVE 1/27/2016 $1,695,000 5/19/2016
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 69
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Riomar, Address: 716 Riomar Drive Subdivision: Castaway Cove, Address: 1101 Indian Mound Trail
Listing Date: 1/5/2015 Listing Date: 4/6/2016
Original Price: $1,350,000 Original Price: $1,099,000
Recent Price: $1,249,000 Recent Price: $1,099,000
Sold: 5/25/2016 Sold: 5/24/2016
Selling Price: $1,100,000 Selling Price: $1,031,500
Listing Agent: Debbie Bell Listing Agent: Sally Daley
Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: Daley & Company Real Estate
Christine Barry Mara Puerner
Berkshire Hathaway Florida Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Subdivision: Orchid Island, Address: 805 Pembroke Court Subdivision: Orchid Island, Address: 424 Indies Drive
Listing Date: 11/11/2014 Listing Date: 1/27/2016
Original Price: $950,000 Original Price: $1,695,000
Recent Price: $875,000 Recent Price: $1,695,000
Sold: 5/19/2016 Sold: 5/19/2016
Selling Price: $850,000 Selling Price: $1,575,000
Listing Agent: Joan Cook Listing Agent: Bob Niederpruem
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Orchid Island Realty, Inc.
Heidi Levy Heidi Levy
Orchid Island Realty, Inc. Orchid Island Realty, Inc.
I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S
Nature lover’s paradise! 4BR/4BA estate on 1+acre lot, East of A1A! Inviting 3BR/2BA, screened lanai & pool, Custom built 4BR/4BA home, w/in-law suite and separate
riverfront pool w/spa, 2 docks, access to Intracoastal HGTV touches throughout, gated community, beach access den/office, bordered by water on two sides, 3 car garage
$1,190,000 $534,900
Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.
direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |
70 Vero Beach 32963 / June 2, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Orange Park Estates, Address: 716 Iris Lane
Listing Date: 11/2/2015
Original Price: $875,000
Recent Price: $850,000
Sold: 5/24/2016
Selling Price: $815,000
Listing Agent: Mara Puerner
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Sally Weld Lurie
Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Subdivision: Orchid Island, Address: 90 Caribe Way
Listing Date: 3/25/2015
Original Price: $875,000
Recent Price: $875,000
Sold: 5/23/2016
Selling Price: $775,000
Listing Agent: Bob Niederpruem
Selling Agent: Orchid Island Realty, Inc.
Bob Niederpruem
Orchid Island Realty, Inc.