Shores cell tower project
inching forward. P10
Timber Ridge tennis
set to get upgrades. P9
Shores expected to work out
compromise over beach access. P8
For breaking news visit
MY VERO Too few teachers
for ‘special ed’
BY RAY MCNULTY yields poor result
Vero Beach Musallah
draws little attention
My guess is, most of you BY KATHLEEN SLOAN
don't know there is an Islamic Staff Writer
prayer center in Vero Beach.
An outside consulting firm
And why would you?
Muslims in our commu- hired to evaluate “special ed”
nity are so small in number
that their entire congregation services in the Indian River
gathers for worship in an ad-
joining, two-unit suite – with School District found the dis-
one entrance for men, an-
other for women – in a nonde- trict has 30 percent fewer teach-
script strip mall on Oslo Road.
They do almost nothing to ers for struggling pupils than
call attention to themselves,
with most opting to wear similar districts and 40 percent
modern attire in public and
dress in traditional Muslim fewer teacher assistants.
garb only on holidays and for
other religious occasions. The result: District Manage-
They go virtually unnoticed
as we go through our day-to- ment Council of Boston found
day lives.
But do Vero Beach's Mus- a “wide” achievement gap be-
lims go unnoticed because
they're so small in number tween regular students and
and do almost nothing to call
these students with mild dis-
abilities, non-readers, English-
Trial finally set over
historic diesel plant Workers processing your recyclables at Tropical Recycling’s processing plant in Fort Pierce. PHOTO BY PHIL SUNKEL language learners and at-risk
BY MICHELLE GENZ Where do recyclables go after you put them in the blue bin? students as well as traditional
Staff Writer
special ed students. The differ-
Even as the final hurdles ence was as high as 44 percent-
were cleared this month for
the city of Vero Beach to com- age points for 3rd graders and
plete the sale of its historic
diesel plant, a long-anticipat- BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA The material goes first to to Fort Pierce and processed 52 points for 7th graders – both
ed civil trial involving the city Staff Writer the Indian River County land- in a huge building that was a well above the state average.
and the plant’s former tenant
fill where it is weighed. After citrus packing house before Schools here, however,
By now, Indian River Coun- that, the paper, plastic, glass standing vacant for 20 years. have nearly 40 percent fewer
ty residents have settled into and metal is trucked south CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
the mixed-stream recycling
program, and are dumping Helping the poor and homeless
all their approved recyclables pedal their way back to a job
each week into one of the big,
bright-blue, wheeled bins. But
where does all that stuff go?
What actually happens to it? BY ALAN SNEL
How does the mixed stream Staff Writer
get unmixed? Who buys it?
Who get the proceeds? Local bike club member Jake Piper just
Tropical Recycling is the happened to be at The Source, a minis-
West Palm Beach-based com- try that helps the poor and homeless in
pany responsible for process- Indian River County, when he heard that
ing and marketing the 1,500 a woman starting a new job had her bicy-
tons of stuff that is hauled off Red Ledford at Orchid Island Bikes & Kayaks. PHOTO BY LEAH DUBOIS CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
in those blue bins each month.
June 23, 2016 Volume 9, Issue 25 Newsstand Price $1.00 Paddle power:
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Special ed’ pupils Management Council to perform an ally and mentally disturbed students My Vero
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 evaluation. is increasing and teachers also need
training in that area. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
serious incidents with these so-called In its first preliminary report after
“exceptional students” than the state four months of study, the consultants The consultants recommended the attention to themselves? Or do they
average. But black pupils are “dispro- recommended the School District district more clearly define the services do almost nothing to call attention to
portionally” disciplined, according to “develop the capacity of general edu- it offers for struggling students, from the themselves because they're so small
the consultants, and are almost four cation teachers to ensure all students most inclusive to the most restrictive. The in number?
times more likely to be suspended receive academic support from a con- continuum ranges from normal general
than other students in this category. tent-strong teacher,” implying some education with no additional assistance "The numbers make a difference,"
teachers don’t know their subject. to hospital or homebound services. said Dr. Taher Husainy, a local neurol-
When Mark Rendell was hired as ogist and president of the Indian River
district superintendent last year, the One way to do this is through coach- Then the district should target Islamic Center. "When you're part of
School Board asked him to make ing, but currently coaches only “work staffing allocations based on student a larger group, you're less likely to be
an examination of Exceptional Stu- with the willing” teachers, the consul- needs, with Individual Education Plans taken advantage of. But there are only
dent Education practices a priority. tants said, reaching only half as many precisely defining the number of hours about 100 of us here.
In response, Rendell hired District teachers as they might. of assistance each student needs along
with the size of groups in which assis- "So in situations like this, it's better
School board member Claudia tance may be given. to be cautious," he added. "It's easier to
Jimenez said the number of emotion- stay to yourself and avoid harassment."
It was two Sundays ago at an Orlando
nightclub that a 29-year-old Fort Pierce
man – the NewYork-born son of Afghan
immigrants – proclaimed his allegiance
to ISIS and shot 100 people, killing 49 of
them before police killed him.
And in the aftermath of that terror-
ist attack, many local Muslims fear un-
deserved retribution from people who
blame all Muslims, or at least their reli-
gion, for Omar Mateen's deadly rampage.
"Every time something like this
happens, we get a black eye," said
Husainy, who moved to Vero Beach in
1982. "You watch the news on TV, you
hear what people say about Muslims
and you see the anger – not here, but
around the country – and it makes us
concerned. Just the way some people
look at us can be intimidating.
"But we don't condone the vio-
lence," he added. "Contrary to what
you might hear, Islam is a religion of
peace, and there is no justification for
murder. Unfortunately, there is a lot of
misinformation out there.”
Husainy said he was unaware of
any harassment of – or threats made
against – local Muslims in the wake of
the Orlando shootings, and no threats
or violence against Muslims have been
reported to the Sheriff’s Office, ac-
cording to Sheriff’s spokesman Lt. Eric
Flowers. However, there have been
news reports of Muslims being verbally
abused at Fort Pierce's two mosques.
"In the tense days since the shoot-
ing, a few non-Muslim residents have
started to yell obscenities at people
going in and out of the Islamic Center
of Fort Pierce ... where Mateen attend-
ed," the Washington Post reported in
Sunday's editions.
Fort Pierce-area Muslims "worry
about what might come next at a time
when some of their neighbors support
Donald Trump and applaud his call to
ban travel into the United States for
anyone of the Muslim faith," the Post
story said.
In 2014, federal officials identified
Moner Mohammad Abu-Salha, who
grew up in the Vero Beach area and
attended Oslo Middle School and Se-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 3
bastian River High School, as the first Shell gas station at the intersection of However, the rise of ISIS in the Middle convince their neighbors that they, too,
known American suicide bomber in 14th Avenue and 16th Street. "Some- East, along with the growing debate are Americans who abhor terrorism?
the Syrian civil war. body lost a son or daughter, brother or about banning Muslims from enter-
sister, and we feel bad. It's no good. ing the country and Trump's push for "That's a tough job," said Husainy, one
Abu-Salha left the U.S. in 2013 to religious profiling, has left American of the few local Muslims who attended
join a rebel group affiliated with al- "Muslim or Christian or whatever, Muslims feeling uneasy. the vigil at the Community Church of
Qaida, and was only 22 when he drove we need to live together," he added. Vero Beach two weeks ago. "When I get
a truck filled with explosives into a "There is one God for everybody." So how do Vero Beach's Muslims, the chance to speak to different groups,
restaurant full of people in the govern- more than half of whom are under age I do it as often as I can, but there haven't
ment-held city of Idlib. Many of the local Muslims immi- 50, combat the negative perceptions been a lot of opportunities.
grated to the U.S. decades ago, and held by some in our community and
According to news reports, the FBI their children are American-born. “There needs to be more dialogue.”
in 2014 investigated the relation-
ship between Abu-Salha and Mateen, Exclusively John’s Island
who both prayed at the mosque in
Fort Pierce and the musallah in Vero Nestled along picturesque Indian Lake is this exquisitely redesigned 4BR retreat
Beach. Mateen was interviewed twice, with cabana. Serene pool and lake views, custom millwork and hardwood floors
but agents were unable to verify the grace the open concept 4,028± GSF home. Mahogany accents compliment the
information he provided. soothing, light color palette, including the gourmet center island kitchen with
premium appliances, custom cabinetry, breakfast nook and side garden. Additional
"I don't have an answer," Husainy features include a spacious living room with fireplace adjoining the kitchen, private
said of questions raised by two Ameri- master suite, large yard and 2-car garage. 601 Indian Harbor Road : $1,980,000
can terrorists having attended the
same small-town mosque and musal- three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
lah. "It's puzzling." health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
It's also alarming. 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
Local Muslims can't help but worry
that some of their neighbors might
see the Islamic centers as breeding
grounds for terrorists.
Husainy said two local Muslim wom-
en were victims of hostility in the months
following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. One
had her car window smashed. The other
was shoved to the ground and verbally
abused while shopping at Wal-Mart.
Both were wearing hijabs.
Since then, there have been no
threats, no significant harassment, not
even verbal abuse. And Husainy said
Vero Beach's Muslim community is
hoping the Orlando massacre – which
followed mass shootings by Muslim
gunmen in San Bernadino, Calif., in De-
cember and Chattanooga, Tenn., a year
ago – doesn't stir up trouble for the in-
nocent people with whom he worships.
"Most people who aren't Muslims
don't know a lot about it, and too many
of them get their information from the
wrong sources," Husainy said. "They
get misinformation from people who
magnify and sensationalize and use
falsehoods to create a perception of
good versus evil. Some people, be-
cause of what they've seen or heard,
think Muslims want to destroy Amer-
ica. That's not true at all.
"Muslims come to the U.S. to live,
raise their families and enjoy life," he
added. "Those who don't like it here
have the option to go back."
What's especially troubling, Hu-
sainy said, is that some people believe
American Muslims know who the
terrorists are and know what they're
planning, but they don't report what
they know to the police.
"There's a presumption that people
who don't know, should know," Hu-
sainy said. "But how? These last few
incidents, how would we know?"
"We hate when this happens," said
Rehman Azad Jkms, who moved to
Vero Beach 20 years ago and owns the
4 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Where do recyclables go? A series of screens lifts out the cor- Owner of Tropical Recycling, Brian Katz in Indian River County, just not in the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 rugated cardboard, while smaller mixed-stream bins.”
items continue their journey along tic bags, bike tire tubes, appliances,
After refurbishing and rewiring the the conveyor belt. Smaller screens re- clothing,” Katz shakes his head. “Pub- Mixed into the recycling stream, plas-
plant, Tropical purchased sorting and move other paper while plastic, metal lic education is so important.” tic bags can cause major problems and
compacting equipment, and enlisted cans and glass fall back onto the belt. cost a lot of money for time and repairs.
expert Michael Miles to make it opera- A glass breaker allows the glass to That task lies heavily on the shoul- Fonvielle says plastic bags and wraps
tional. shake out into its own bin, while the ders of County Recycling Education “get wrapped around the moving gears
cans and plastics continue their ride. and Marketing Coordinator Stephanie and jam up the machinery. In order to
Seeing the plant in operation for the An electromagnet then separates the Fonvielle. “People think that, because remove them, Tropical Recycling has
first time is an eye-opening experience. steel cans and other iron and steel something is recyclable, they can put it to shut down the entire operation and
items from the aluminum, which is in the mixed-stream container. There carefully remove the bags by hand.”
Entering the warehouse-like build- separated in another process, leaving are items, like plastic bags, electron-
ing, one is immediately dwarfed by only the plastics. ics and appliances that we can recycle In addition to damaging the equip-
floor-to-ceiling stacks of baled recy- ment, contaminants can also degrade
clables. On a recent tour, Brian Katz, Throughout the process, strategical- the materials to the point where they
owner of Tropical Recycling, led the ly placed workers continue to pull out cannot be marketed.
way past a wall of bales, beyond which trash items. The final machine makes
were mountains of unsorted, mixed bales of plastic, paper, cardboard or Having been in the business for
stream materials – about half is paper metal, typically weighing a ton and years, Katz has well-established mar-
of some sort: office paper, newspaper, ready for transport to market. ket contacts – both foreign and domes-
cartons, cardboard – then there are tic – in place. Each month, he checks
steel and aluminum cans, plastic con- Based on detailed waste stream current market prices and sells the
tainers, glass bottles and jars. analyses, a mixed recyclables stream recyclables. Most plastics and metals,
should contain only about 5 percent he says, are sold domestically, while
This is the tipping floor, where col- trash, which goes into the landfill. In paper tends to go all over the world –
lection trucks dump their mixed recy- reality, however, says Katz, this per- to markets in China, India, Europe and
clable loads. With a claw or grapple, the centage is usually higher, because South America.
materials are placed on a conveyor belt, numerous other items find their way
which carries them up to the first sort- into the stream, in spite of the allowed After the state passed the 1988 Solid
ing station, where workers with thick, and NOT allowed items being clearly Waste Management Act and Indian
protective gloves and masks extract listed and pictured in color on the top River County’s recycling program be-
plastic bags, coat hangers and other of each household recycling bin. gan, the county marketed its own re-
prohibited items, which can seriously cyclables. Back then, glass bottles and
damage the machinery and bring the “We’ve found fire extinguishers, jars, a particularly troublesome recy-
operation to a literally grinding halt. ax heads, angle iron, car parts, metal clable, were color sorted, at the landfill,
flashlights, door handles, tools, plas- into green, brown and clear, and typi-
cally recycled back into containers.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 5
In today’s mixed stream process- The state of Florida has set a goal County recycled less than 40 percent Katz says his company and the
ing, glass is broken and sent to pro- of 75 percent recycling by the year of its trash, but the new program is County have a revenue-sharing agree-
cessors who use optical sorters to 2020. Fonvielle says the county began pushing the numbers up: In March ment, but declined to give details. He
separate the colors. The product, says single-stream recycling in an effort to 1,941 tons of material was recycled in continues to fine-tune the operation,
Katz, is used for road aggregate, fill, meet that goal. the county, compared to 1.152 tons in and plans to offer tours of the Fort
countertops or fiberglass. March 2015. Pierce facility in the near future.
Up until recently, Indian River
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Historic diesel plant trial velopers dispute that rent should have cording to the city, B-B Development new buyer, assuming the deal goes
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ever started, saying the lease called for should have started paying rent in through next month.
payments to begin only after the city 2008, at the end of the grace period,
is expected to begin Friday. finished cleaning up environmental but no rent was ever received. The developers’ earlier allegation
Filed nearly three years ago, the suit contamination at the plant. of fraudulent misrepresentation is no
Soon after the “no further action” longer at issue; the city won a summa-
and countersuit involve more than The city says the reason developers designation, work began in earnest ry judgment on that count in late Feb-
$1 million in renovations for which stopped working on the project was not on the plant, shoring up its façade, ruary from Circuit Judge Cynthia Cox.
developers claim the city should re- contamination but the tanking economy. removing out-buildings and replac-
imburse them. For its part, the city is ing windows. In their offices next The other count, for breach of con-
asking for $70,000 it says the develop- For decades huge generators housed door to the plant, Barth and Croom tract, still stands.
ers owe in back rent. in the brick building burned diesel staged a catered cocktail party to an-
fuel to supply the city with electric- nounce their plans: a two-level com- Cox has since recused herself from
At issue is a 45-year lease signed in ity. In addition to removing lead paint plex of shops, offices and restaurants, the case, as have the rest of the judges
2001 by B-B Redevelopment Team, and asbestos, the city was supposed revealed in a video to invited officials in the 19th Circuit due to the appoint-
originally owned by local builder Phil to reduce diesel-related toxins on the and business owners. ment of Janet Croom, plaintiff David
Barth and attorney Charles Block, and property to levels considered safe. Croom’s wife, as a judge in the same
now owned by Barth and builder Da- By the time work stopped on the court.
vid Croom. Government certification of the project, B-B had sunk more than $1
cleanup’s completion was never re- million into the project, the develop- The upcoming trial will be held in
The city claims B-B owes rent from ceived, the tenants claim. ers claim. They now want to be reim- Vero but will be heard by 18th Circuit
November 2008 through the date the bursed by the city for those improve- Chief Judge John Galluzzo of Oviedo.
suit was filed, November 2013. The de- Instead the city was given a desig- ments. They claim they couldn’t lease The 18th Circuit includes Seminole
nation of “no further action required” the building until the cleanup was and Brevard counties.
in 2005, when contamination levels complete.
were low enough for the state to agree Meanwhile, the city is looking for-
to a plan to let nature clear the rest – a Last summer, B-B’s own environ- ward to closing on the pending sales
process called “natural attenuation.” mental study found levels of petro- contract with the plant’s new buyer,
That designation came with the ca- chemical contamination had some- Fort Lauderdale developer Michael
veat that the city continue to monitor how risen again to unacceptable Rechter. He has agreed to assume re-
test wells on the site. levels, strengthening the company’s sponsibility for monitoring the con-
claim. tamination and future cleanup, if
The city maintains that designa- needed.
tion meant the $600,000 cleanup was The city in turn hired its own con-
adequate to begin construction, and sulting to re-test the property, and it Rechter plans to turn the historic
by its judgment, the clock started too found contamination. Responsi- building into a craft brewery, for which
to run on the lease’s three-year rent bility for that cleanup will fall to the the city granted a required zoning
grace period for the developers. Ac- change earlier this month. The deal
should close next month.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 7
Getting a leg up with bikes the first Wednesday of every month at gear-shifting, said bike club member its evidence room. United Against Pov-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 the bike store fixing discarded bikes so Mike Vincent, the club’s point man for erty stores the fleet of fixed and dis-
the two-wheelers can hit the road again. the bike rehab program. carded bikes at its facility.
cle damaged in a crash. The bike was
the woman’s primary transportation, The bike shop’s owner, Malcolm Al- “It’s a very rewarding thing. We’re Bike Walk Indian River County
which she needed to get to work. len, launched the bike rehab program hanging out together, working on the worked with Vero Cycling at an event
five years ago with Sheriff’s Deputy bikes. It’s like a drug. The more you do in May to provide bike lights, helmets,
Piper, a member of the Vero Cycling Teddy Floyd. In 2011, the deputy asked it, the more you want to do it,” said reflective vests and safety instruction
club, had some recently rehabbed bi- Allen how much it would cost to fix a Jack Courtemanche, a Vero Cycling to The Source’s clientele.
cycles in his truck, so he dropped off bunch of discarded bikes. club member. “We’re giving people
a lady’s bike at The Source, where staff their lives back.” Pumping up the community ser-
members passed it on to the woman Allen said he would do it for free, and vice and restoring broken bicycle has
so she could pedal to work, Piper re- the old bikes began getting recycled. In some cases, the volunteers will helped get bike club members state-
called recently. cannibalize old bikes for parts and wide notice.
For the next four years, Orchard Is- use those parts to get other discarded
That’s just one of the dozens of an- land Bikes & Kayaks would get broken bikes back on the street. In other cas- Aaron won the 2015 citizen advo-
ecdotes about poor and homeless bikes from Floyd that shop mechanic es, store owner Allen will donate parts cate of the year from the Florida Bi-
people getting an important leg up in Ledford would get rolling again be- to help fix the broken bikes. cycle Association for his work leading
the form of free rehabilitated bicycles tween November and Christmas. Bike Walk Indian River County, while
from a partnership between Vero Cy- With the added manpower, about 20 club member Tad Diesel won 2015 vol-
cling, Orchid Island Bikes & Kayaks, Allen figures his shop rehabbed to 30 discarded bikes are now repaired unteer of the year.
the Indian River County Sheriff’s Of- about 50 to 60 bikes a year. monthly, with various groups helping get
fice, The Source and groups such as the two-wheelers into the hands of the Allen’s Orchid Island Bikes & Kayaks
United Against Poverty. “They were doing a great job getting homeless and the impoverished who use won the 2015 Florida Bicycle Associa-
recycled bikes back into the commu- bikes as their sole form of getting around tion’s bike business of the year, a state-
"The bicycle can make or break get- nity with virtually no help or support Vero Beach and Indian River County. wide honor, while Indian River County
ting or keeping a job, or getting medi- from anyone,” said Hugh Aaron, chair- Commissioner Bob Solari, an active
cal care," said Chris Desizlets, a case man of Bike Walk Indian River County, Robin Diaz, The Source executive bicyclist, earned the 2015 FBA elected
manager at The Source. a nonprofit group advocating for safer director, said the bicycle for a home- official of the year honor.
conditions for cyclists and pedestrians. less person means the same as you
“I feel good about it,” said Red Led- having a car. "It's their independence, Vero Cycling also helped Indian River
ford, a bike mechanic at Orchid Is- “Until this year, their program was their freedom." County become the first county in Flor-
land Bikes & Kayaks. “I enjoy hanging seasonal,” he said. “In essence, it was ida to be designated a “Bicycle Friendly
out with the cycling club and helping a Christmas program.” The County Commission gave per- Community” by the League of Ameri-
them fix the bikes.” mission for bike club members to sal- can Bicyclists. And the League designat-
Then, about a year ago, the Vero Cy- vage old bikes from the county’s Oslo ed Orchid Island Bikes & Kayaks as the
Vero Cycling club members spend cling club got involved. Road dump center. And the Sheriff’s county’s only gold-rated bicycle friendly
Office even kicks in leftover bikes from business.
Some 15 members of the bike group
volunteered throughout the past year
to fix wheels, patch flats and adjust
8 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Shores expected to work out
compromise over beach access
BY LISA ZAHNER law, O’Haire said the Town’s expressed
concerns about liability are fallacious.
Staff Writer
“There have been a number of ref-
Indian River Shores appears to be erences to the use of the property be-
pushing ahead with plans to market ing questioned, and that it presents a
a stretch of Town-owned land on A1A public safety and liability problem. I
for development, despite objections don’t think history has shown this to
from neighbors. But residents who be the case,” O’Haire said, adding that
for decades have traipsed across the the Town as a municipality is covered
property to the beach likely will be by the legal principle of “sovereign im-
able to retain that convenience. munity,” which limits what a litigant
can obtain in a liability judgment to
The rezoning of the 5.5-acre par- no more than $100,000.
cel between Pebble Beach Villas and
Surf Lane in Indian River Shores was Not wanting the rezoning and po-
approved unanimously by the Town tential development of the parcel to
Council, which ultimately hopes to erupt into yet another threat of litiga-
sell the property appraised at $7.7 mil- tion, as occurred over the cell phone
lion for development, despite the wish tower, Mayor Brian Barefoot said he
of some residents that it be turned wants to work with neighboring resi-
into a park. dents to address concerns about the
potential loss of historically enjoyed
At the time Pebble Bay and Pebble beach access.
Beach Villas were being developed by
the Schlitt family, Ed and Marguerite “There is no hurry, and no developer
Schlitt sold the parcel to Indian River is waiting to proceed,” a Town memo
County for a fraction of market price, last week stated, giving notice that
with the understanding that home- the council plans to discuss an ease-
owners in the Schlitts’ newly developed ment for beach access when it comes
communities would enjoy passage to together again for its July 28 meeting.
and from the beach across the land.
The council’s proposal on the ease-
The Town purchased the property ment has yet to be seen, but Schlitt
from the County as part of a land- said Monday that he’s pleased with
swap deal, but Town officials never this step. “It’s huge progress and a big
changed the park land designation. win for the people who live in Pebble
Some previous town manager put up Bay,” Schlitt said.
a fence with gates and signs declar-
ing “Pedestrian Beach Access” during Part of the reason for the ill feelings
daylight hours. about the rezoning is the conjecture
that has swirled around about why
Town Attorney Chester Clem told Town had the land appraised earlier
the Town Council last month that the this year after decades of allowing it
signs and assumed right by residents to lay fallow. Opponents of the sale
west of A1A to cross the property posed speculated there must be a developer
a public danger and created a potential waiting in the wings to buy the land.
liability for the city. If someone cross- The property is, after all, the only un-
ing the highway was struck by a car, the developed chunk of oceanside prop-
Town might be sued for in some sense erty in the Shores.
encouraging a dangerous activity.
Barrier island broker and develop-
Steve Schlitt, son of the couple er Clark French’s name has come up
who donated the land, said that af- more than once, and was mentioned,
ter Clem’s opinion, the signage was hypothetically, by Barefoot at a May
swiftly removed, as was any reference Town Council meeting.
to the beach access amenity on the
Town’s website. Schlitt spoke out twice French, who deals in high-end real
at meetings about the issue, urging the estate projects up and down the bar-
Town to honor the intentions of the rier island, was surprised to hear his
deal struck with Indian River County name invoked. He said if a developer
officials so many years ago. is driving the process, it’s not him.
Property owners in Pebble Bay and Nothing in any event will happen at
Pebble Beach Villas who oppose the the site overnight.
rezoning and development of the
parcel retained long-time barrier is- Any offer to purchase the property
land attorney Michael O’Haire to rep- would need to come back to the Town
resent their interests and speak on Council for approval, as would any site
their behalf at a series of town meet- plan for single-family or multi-family
ings. Sounding primed for an esoteric residences on the parcel. Variances, if
battle of wits with Clem about tort sought, would need to be approved,
as would plans for parking and land-
scape buffers.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 9
Major upgrades promised for Timber Ridge tennis club
BY RAY MCNULTY significant improvements were made the membership to grow and for the the fact that it had clay courts. I love
to the courts or the lighting. club to thrive, and we're going to do clay and always wanted a club like that.
Staff Writer what we can to make that happen."
Van Deinse said the club now has "We also loved the fact thatVero Beach
The new owner of the once-popular about 120 members, most of whom Van Deinse said he began exploring was such a great tennis town," he added.
tennis club at Timber Ridge said he play in the morning. Night play is rare. the possibility of buying a tennis club
knows what he's getting into. Also, Lozano and Osorio have moved last year, and that his online search Van Deinse said his two sons, Jo-
their academy to The Boulevard Ten- turned up only five for sale. Of the five, seph and James, are both U.S. Tennis
"I'm hesitant to say too much right nis Club, where they lease courts. two were in Florida. Association Futures-level players and
now, because I've heard all about the teaching pros who have earned their
promises people have made in the "We're going to focus on the cur- "There was one on the Gulf Coast MBAs. They will join him at the club
past," Tom Van Deinse said after closing rent membership and build from the and this one," he said. "We came down this summer.
last week on his $800,000-plus purchase inside out," Van Deinse said. "We want to see this one in November and loved
of the club, built in the 1980s and locat- CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
ed on Oslo Road. "And I'm sure the pre-
vious owners had the best of intentions.
"But this isn't anything new to us,"
he added. "We've done this with a
number of clubs before. We have a his-
tory of taking over places and building
them up, and we're excited about the
possibilities here.
"We're prepared to make the neces-
sary investment."
Van Deinse, 56, a longtime northern
Michigan teaching pro who has man-
aged several tennis clubs and, along
with his wife, Betsy, owned a gymnas-
tics club in Traverse City, said he plans
to resurface the 12 Har-Tru clay courts,
install better lighting for night play, re-
place windscreens and make improve-
ments to the clubhouse and pool area.
The 3,500-square-foot clubhouse
includes a fitness center, pro shop, bar
and office. Three other courts at the rear
of the seven-acre complex might be
converted to hard courts to accommo-
date juniors or even a tennis academy.
"The first thing we need to do is get the
courts in shape, so we'll put a ton of mon-
ey into that," saidVan Deinse, who taught
tennis for 17 years at The Homestead re-
sort in Glen Arbor, Mich. "We're about an
inch short of clay on every court.
"Then we've got to do some house-
keeping," he added. "We had a really thor-
ough inspection of the property done,
and there's a nice list of issues we need to
address – even some electrical problems.
So we've got a lot of work to do."
He said he will spend "more than
$100,000" to prepare the facility for a
"grand opening," which he hopes to
schedule for September. The club will
remain open during the renovations.
Van Deinse, who recently bought
a home in Millstone Landing at the
south end of the county, purchased the
Timber Ridge club from a group com-
posed of Veronica Cantu, Loyra Coro-
nel and the Mexico-based Lozano &
Osorio Tennis Academy, which began
operations here in 2012.
The academy's owners, tennis
pros Jorge Lozano and Marco Osorio,
spruced up the property and saw the
membership climb to more than 200,
but that number dwindled when no
10 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Timber Ridge upgrades Cell tower project inching forward in Shores
BY LISA ZAHNER hired to permit and build the tower. place transmitter equipment on the
He said he, too, will be offering lessons. Staff Writer Stabe reported to the Town Coun- tower is needed to make the project
As for the cost of a yearly membership, viable.
Van Deinse said he's still working on the Better cell phone service for In- cil that site walks of the location on
exact numbers, but he expects them to dian River Shores is likely at least a Town property near the Public Safe- Stabe said the carriers have shown
be somewhere in the neighborhood of year away, but now that a location ty Department Complex have been “strong interest” in contracting for
$1,200 for singles and $1,800 for families. has been chosen for the stealth tower completed, and that the “final survey space on the tower, which would be
"I was looking for my next project," disguised as a huge pine tree, Town should be completed next week.” the lone tower between the one at Sea
Van Deinse said, "and when I found Manager Robbie Stabe said steady Oaks on A1A in the unincorporated
this place, I knew it would be perfect." progress is being made by the firm He said Datapath Tower is negoti- county, and the one atop the Village
He also knows, however, that the lo- ating with the major cellphone car- Spires condominium on Ocean Drive
cal tennis community has heard such riers, as the carriers’ commitment to in Vero Beach.
talk before.
The 115-foot “monopine” tower,
depending upon the manufacturer
and model selected, carries a price
tag of nearly a half-million dollars for
design, permitting and construction.
The stealth tower will be covered in
foliage crafted of a Fiberglas-like ma-
terial in an effort to disguise its func-
Datapath had originally agreed to
pay half the $600,000 cost of an un-
adorned tower, and Town officials are
still working out the final cost details,
including how much Shores taxpay-
ers will have to pony up.
After the tower is operational, the
Town will receive a portion of the fees
paid by cell service providers to oc-
cupy space on the tower.
Depending on the type of anten-
nae required for cell and data trans-
mission, the monopine tower should
be able to support five or six different
More than a decade in the works,
the effort to erect a cell tower in the
Shores has been contentious, with
blocs of residents feuding over whose
backyard the tower would be built in.
Previous town councils repeatedly
shelved the project to avoid potential
The current council and staff have
worked closely with residents, in-
cluding representatives of 90 Ber-
muda Bay homeowners who signed a
petition against the cell tower being
on town property, trying to mollify
The one thing most Shores resi-
dents finally agree on is that the town
absolutely needs better cell service
for public safety and daily personal
and business communications. Re-
altors say the lack of reliable service
makes properties in the Shores less
attractive, countering cries from resi-
dents adjacent to the cell tower site
who complain their property values
will decrease once the tower is up
and in view.
Datapath and Town staff hope to
come back with a “final implemen-
tation plan” with a timetable by the
end of June.
Pond-ering perfection at Waterlily Celebration
BY CHRISTINA TASCON “We repot around March,” said Stol- most exciting new endeavors is to cre- new breed might be named after
tze, standing hip-high in a pond while ate their own variety of waterlily. them, Daehnick laughed and said,
Correspondent explaining easy-to-manage waterlily “Most likely everyone will put a
repotting techniques to the interested “We are looking to do a little hybrid- name in the bucket and we will pull
Thousands are drawn to McKee crowd. “You can order them through- izing,” said Daehnick, who is working it out and get it that way.”
Botanical Garden each summer out the year but I probably would not on the project with Stoltze. “We are
when the vibrantly colored waterlil- order them in the winter simply be- playing a little bit with that; deter- Local architect George Bollis,
ies are in bloom, and this year is no cause they would be in their decline mining which plants do the best for who has passed down his own tal-
exception. Visitors stand alongside and you want them to fully experi- us and which ones bloom the longest ent and love of photography to his
the ponds and gaze in awe, many ence spring.” through the winter to make that the granddaughters Mia and Rebekah
attempting to capture the moment Arrington, beamed with pride in the
through photos or by painting one of Daehnick and Executive basis of our selections.” Hall of Giants seeing that the girls
the 150 varieties on display. At this Director Christine Ho- When it was sug- had swept the Youth photo category.
past Saturday’s 12th annual Water- bart said one of their gested that the
lily Celebration, which also marked “Grandpa only got a second place,”
the 15th anniversary of the reopen- MCKEE PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 said Bollis. “I thought they were go-
ing of McKee, roughly 1,000 admir- ing to do OK but I did not know they
ers of the “jewels of the pond” came PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE were going to whup it. I am particu-
to view the largest collection of wa- larly proud of my granddaughters
terlilies in the state. today.”
Photographers had been coming “We look for good composition
to the garden for weeks hoping to and the lighting but also we want
capture an image and win an award to see if the subject matter is ap-
in the annual Waterlily Photo Con- parent or the background is full of
test, competing in four categories clutter,” said Pat Rice, one of the
– competing in Color, Black and judges. A professional photogra-
White and Manipulated, in adult pher, he spends a good deal of his
and youth categories. The ultimate own time at McKee. “I also try and
ego boost, a special People’s Choice force myself to look at the sides, for
award, was won by Shelley Stang. the unobvious things too like the
dragon flies. I love to see the vision
Horticulturists and backyard gar- a lot of these people have. If you are
deners also came to watch repotting an amateur and not a professional,
demonstrations and ask questions it doesn’t a mean you can’t make a
of resident experts Director of Hor- great image.”
ticulture Andreas Daehnick, McKee
gardener Nikki Stoltze and Aquatic Photos of the waterlilies, contest
Systems and Resources President winners and information about
Pat Faehnle. summer activities may be viewed on
their website,
14 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Gardener Nikki Stoltz leads a class on waterlily repotting. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE The waterlily photo contest in the Hall of Giants.
Rick Kelly. Marlene Evans
Victor and Larisa Eads with granddaughter Jaden Gianotti.
Kathy and John Schumann.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 15
Tributes and well wishes as Joe Baird calls it a career
Ester Rymer, Alma Lee Loy and Jackie Solari. Karl Steen with Ace and Joyce Cappelen.
BY CHRISTINA TASCON Bob Solari, Joe Baird, Jason Brown and Wesley Davis. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE back-to-back hurricanes of 2004.
“Joe Baird leaves us in a tremen-
Correspondent his virtues and touching on his no- ing the county in a good place finan-
toriety for being a hard-nosed, strict cially and especially credited his ex- dous place going forward,” said So-
After having served the communi- manager. pertise and the long hours he put in lari. “He helped us through and got
ty for 35 years, Indian River County during the days after the devastating us out of the great recession. The
Administrator Joe Baird bid farewell Many commended Baird for leav- way I see it right now, Indian River
to staff, co-workers and members of County is poised to take advantage
the community who all wished him of tremendous opportunities that
well at a retirement party last Fri- are there because of the foundation
day evening in the Jackie Robinson Joe Baird has left for us.”
Room at Historic Dodgertown.
“You don’t see very many peo-
County Commissioner Bob Solari ple like Joe that are responsible for
started things off, joking that Baird’s other people’s money that have the
employees now suffered from PTSD
when remembering staff meeting CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
flashbacks. But he noted that despite
Baird’s reputation as a stern manag-
er, it was clear that his staff enjoyed
working with him and respected
his dedication toward keeping the
county budget streamlined and in
the black.
“Three weeks ago I had to read this
long two-page proclamation, and
evidently Dori Roy [Baird’s 12-year
assistant] got proclamation envy.
Now for the first time in Indian River
County’s history, we have a three-
page proclamation,” said Solari to
laughter from the crowd.
Dodgertown Vice President Craig
Callan presented Baird with a com-
memorative baseball bat on behalf
of President and CEO Peter O’Malley.
He also read from a note O’Malley
had written which said, “You deserve
a warm and enthusiastic expres-
sion of appreciation for the leader-
ship you have demonstrated on the
behalf of all the residents of Indian
River County. You are a true profes-
sional and you will always have my
respect and gratitude.”
Other testimonials followed, with
friends and county officials good-
naturedly ribbing Baird, praising
16 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Paul and Jo-Ann Berg with Jerry Weick. Dan Gaines with Myra and Dr. Michael Weiss.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 end of the month when he will be re- Chris Mora, Tim Zorc and Jeanne Bresett.
placed by county Budget Director Ja-
sheer respect for it that Joe did,” said son Brown, whom he has supervised ple on the job” said Baird. “I have
County Commissioner Wesley Da- for the past 18 years. had a great staff. I will really miss
vis. “He has been the hawk.” them the most and I am so proud of
“He set the bar very high so I have this community too.”
“People see him saying no and be- a high standard to live up to,” said
ing tight with the budget but they Brown. “He left us in very good shape Baird says he has a list of places he
don’t see how much he really cares in the county but it is always tough wants to travel to, including a visit
about the county,” said Dori Roy, to follow someone who is so highly to his mother in Scotland and his
adding that Baird was an excellent respected. But he has put together a brother in Canada.
boss who cared about his employees great management team.”
and the community.
“You really meet a lot of great peo-
Baird officially leaves office at the
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 17
Jesse Roland, Arjuna Weragoda, Cindy Corrente and Earl Masteller. Joe Earman, Jeff Smith, John Huryn and Mark Justice.
Brian Burkeen, Maria Resto, Karen Rackard and John King. Carole Jean Jordan, Marty Zickert and Brenda Bradley. Laura Zorc with Kitty and Stuart Kennedy and Rececca Miller.
Myra Ferguson and Wanda Scott. Bela Nagy and Bobby Bird.
Brian Lewis, Ashima Wild, Adie Ward and Robert Paugh.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Paddle power: Racers help fund youth campers
BY MARY SCHENKEL UP THE RIVER PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 20 “We’re looking to fund 30 students,”
Staff Writer added Atherton, noting that schol-
Kayakers begin the race. PHOTOS: LEAH DUBOIS arship children are often referred to
The weather was perfect and the them through the Hope for Families
enthusiasm level high Saturday morn- Later on everyone headed back to “We’re raising money to help un- Center and administrators at Title
ing for Up the River with a Paddle: A Pareidolia for after-race activities – in- derprivileged kids to attend summer 1 schools. The cost of the one-week
Race to Empower Local Youth. cluding a few cold ones for the adults. camp. This is our first year and we ecological adventures, which are
Owner Pete Anderson was justifiably got a little bit of a late start,” said Amy each limited to 10 children, is $150
Check-in took place at the host ven- proud of their Wahoo Coffee Porter, Speak, one of the event’s organizers per child. Campers visit spoil islands
ue Pareidolia Brewing Co., just yards which just won a gold medal in the along with AFLOC Founder Kristen and local sites such as Round Island,
from Riverview Park in Sebastian and porter category at Tampa’s Best Flor- Beck, board President Susan Ather- ORCA (Oslo Riverfront Conservation
the glistening Indian River Lagoon. ida Beer Competition, the oldest and ton, Debbie McManus and Kathleen Area), St. Sebastian River State Park
Monies raised through registrations, biggest in the state. Even more im- Brown. and Donald MacDonald Park.
raffle tickets, donations and contri- pressive, one of the judges said theirs
butions from Pareidolia, the Sand- was almost named Best Beer Overall A generous contribution from part- “We have our Junior Guides helping
wich Shack and Grill and Paradise Ice – out of 500 competitors. time resident Ann Trupiano will fund out; they’re 13- to 18-year-old teens
Cream – which each donated a por- eight children, but more is needed. certified in Wilderness First-Aid and
tion of their day’s proceeds – will help outdoor leadership,” said Atherton.
provide scholarships for eligible chil- “They become camp counselors to
dren to attend this summer’s AFLOC the little kids at the camps, which go
(A Florida Outdoor Center) Adventure on all summer. Besides outdoor ac-
Camps. tivities, such as kayaking and outdoor
survival skills, they have account-
Friends and family members made ability partners and they learn how to
their way out to the Sebastian City journal every day.”
Docks to cheer on their favorites as
the paddlers made their way around Their main goal is to get children
a triangular 3-mile course before outdoors. Beck is in complete agree-
youngsters worked off some energy ment with Richard Louv, author of the
with their own race in shallow water. book “Last Child in the Woods: Sav-
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 19
ing Our Children from Nature-Deficit developing properly. When you’re doors, which can lead to other prob- time. “They develop their own games,
Disorder.” outside, you’re focusing on lots of little lems. critical thinking, problem solving and
things all around you and that natu- build self-confidence. That’s not hap-
“The average person in the United rally makes the eyes develop the way “There are more cases of ADD and pening today; their lives are so struc-
States spends less than eight minutes they were designed to be.” ADHD because we’re putting them in a tured. We want to get people to love
a day outside,” said Beck. “Little kids box and not letting them burn off their our environment, because if they love
are being prescribed glasses more of- She also believes that children are energy,” said Beck. At the camps, she it they’re going to take care of it.”
ten today because their eyes are not not exerting themselves enough out- said children are given lots of free play
20 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Paige Franklin, Kristen Beck, Hunter Franklin (front) and Connor Bowman.
Susan Atherton and Amy Speak.
Debby McManus, Pete Anderson and Kathleen Brown.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Far out! Astronaut Scott makes space for jazz
Staffe Writer
On a sweltering Friday evening not Capt. Winston Scott. PHOTOS BY LEAH DUBOIS Capt. Winston Scott
far from Cape Canaveral, Capt. Win- with his band, Cosmic
ston Scott waited for the signal from was also his entrée into Miami’s vi-
his cohorts before blasting off into the brant nightlife. Even in his teens, his Jazz Ensemble.
unknown. playing earned him gigs with nation-
ally-known acts including Betty Wright
A former astronaut, Scott is a master and Kool and the Gang.
of improvisation. That skill served him
well on a spacewalk wrangling a drift- After college, when jazz took a back
ing satellite back to the shuttle. seat to his fascination with engineer-
ing, Scott found music gave him a con-
And he can certainly shoot from the nection to new places. As he began
hip when it comes to public speaking, military life on the move with his wife
important in his position as a senior Marilyn, who teaches computer sci-
vice president of Florida Institute of ence at Florida Tech, church choirs and
Technology. It is a role that has brought
him numerous times to Vero Beach.
Before his most recent audience, he
hurtled not through space or a speech,
but through a spectacular riff of jazz.
Scott is a professional trumpet player,
the leader of a top-flight band he calls
the Cosmic Jazz Ensemble, which earli-
er this month played for the Eau Gallie
Arts District’s First Friday celebration.
Scott, a former Navy test pilot, flew a
nine-day mission on Endeavor in 1996
and a 16-day mission the next year
aboard Columbia. Together, he logged
more than 10 million miles in space,
including three spacewalks.
In his youth, though, it wasn’t space
miles he soared through, but the mu-
sical explorations of Miles Davis, John
Coltrane and Thelonious Monk. Jazz
was his passion at Florida State Univer-
sity, where in 1968 he was one of only
three African-Americans in the school
of music. “And the only guy,” he notes.
That foundation in music has served
him all his life. Today, along with play-
ing professionally with his band, Scott
teaches a select group of advanced jazz
students at Florida Tech, and also plays
in the faculty band.
Music for Scott was his calling card
to the then-barely integrated FSU. It
jazz bands welcomed his talent. Even in Houston, after being select-
In Monterrey, Calif., while earning ed for the astronaut program, his co-
workers found out he had a music de-
a master’s degree in aeronautical en- gree and egged him into playing again.
gineering at the Naval Postgraduate “I got out my trumpet and oiled it up,
School, he took on the full-time role of and it sounded horrible. But the more
directing a 100-member concert choir, I practiced the better it sounded. That
including a 20-member band for which was 20 years ago, and I’ve been playing
he arranged and wrote out music. ever since.”
“I finally had to limit it,” he says. “I Following his retirement from the
enjoyed it, but it was a lot of work.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 23
Flutist Richard Ford ARTS & THEATRE
with Capt. Winston Scott.
Navy in 1999, Scott went back to FSU out of the office. “Have you still got a B ed outside with bayonet rifles. Scott’s daughter Mary is a journalist
as vice president of student affairs. He average?” FSU also introduced him to engi- with two master’s degrees and works
returned to Cape Canaveral in 2003 to with an AIDS research group. She has
serve as executive director of the Flor- Scott did. Three days letter, he got his neering. He wedged calculus and phys- applied to a doctoral program in public
ida Space Authority, an advisory board letter of acceptance. ics into an overload of courses hoping health at Emory.
to Florida’s governor and legislature. to double major, but then FSU closed
While there, he taught as an adjunct at To this day, Scott is struck by Ledue’s its engineering college. Scott’s son, also named Winston, is
Florida Tech and in 2008 became dean fairness – a white teacher going out on flying F-18s aboard the USS Harry Tru-
of the College of Aeronautics. a limb for a black student in 1968. With a music degree, and burdened man, about to become a commanding
with student loans, Scott needed a grad- officer. Two months ago when he was
Soon after he moved back to Bre- “He went beyond being fair – he uate school to get the engineering de- interviewed in the online Guardian
vard County, he started going to open didn’t have to make that phone call. gree he needed. He found it in the Navy. newspaper, the Truman was anchored
mic nights at Heidi’s, a well-known jazz That call got me into FSU and broad- off the coast of Saudi Arabia, sending
club in Cocoa Beach. Sitting in with ened my horizons and introduced me “They gave me the tests and I did its jets on bombing missions over ISIS-
bands at first, he eventually pulled a to other things.” really well,” he recalls. “The Navy was held territory.
group of musicians together as the wining and dining me with steak din-
Cosmic Jazz Ensemble. If Scott’s horizons were ever narrow, ners and showing us films and field “I’m very proud of him,” says the se-
they were kept in sharp focus by his par- trips to the Jacksonville Naval Station. nior Scott.
And since 2010, he has directed a ents. His father was one of the first two I said, ‘I’m sold.’”
student jazz ensemble, the Florida African-American postal carriers in Mi-
Tech Jazz Syndicate. ami; his mother went to school at night
to become a high school office manager.
“This is complex music by sophisti-
cated musicians. It requires a high level Though neither went to college, they
of musicianship,” he says. drilled their children on the impor-
tance of education. They also pushed
Scott points out that engineering them to be leaders, and that push be-
students often show a keen interest in gan at the Macedonia Missionary Bap-
music. But for him, the sequence was tist Church, founded in 1895 in Coco-
reversed. nut Grove where the family lived.
Scott’s talent for music was already Scott’s father was a deacon; his
clear at Coral Gables High School, mother played piano for the choir;
where he was one of some 200 students Winston and his brother often joined
to switch from the all-black Carver in with their instruments.
High in the mid-1960s, when integra-
tion finally came to Dade County. “Our parents always had us up in
front of audiences. We were kids who
There, his trumpet playing flour- had to participate. If there was a Christ-
ished. He also learned bass guitar. His mas play, we were in it. If there was a
senior year, he formed a rock band speech to give, we would memorize it
called Sir Winston and His Court. His and give it.”
bass player, Will Lee, went on to play
with Paul Shaffer on the “Late Show By 12, Winston was “acting super-
with David Letterman.” Will Lee’s fa- intendent” of the church youth group
ther was the late Dr. William Lee, dean that met before each evening service. “I
of the University of Miami School of conducted the whole thing,” he recalls.
Music, who tried to recruit Scott with
offers of a scholarship. That meant knowing Roberts Rules
of Order, and for that Winston was
Scott’s dream, though, was to go well-prepared. “My father had the
away to school. book,” he says. The family would hold
pretend meetings to make motions
It was his band director, Bill Ledue and vote over things like hot chocolate
(later the director of the Orange Bowl for breakfast; each would have to know
Parade and half-time show), who sug- exactly how to respond.
gested Scott apply to FSU. He did,
but wasn’t accepted, and he was too That sense of orderly process never
embarrassed to tell Ledue. “Finally I left him, even in his days of student
couldn’t stall any longer. I told him I activism, where he once missed an
wasn’t accepted. And he said, ‘Come exam to attend a demonstration –
with me.’” but not without asking the professor
first. FSU was known as the “Berkeley
Scott took a seat outside Ledue’s of- of the South,” with protests over civil
fice and watched through the glass as rights, women’s rights and the Viet-
Ledue dialed the phone. nam War. Scott himself took part in
the occupation of the FSU president’s
At one point, Ledue popped his head office – with the National Guard post-
24 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: Other-worldly art at the Vero museum
BY MICHELLE GENZ opens Saturday. And the always en- ever Vero Beach Wine
Staff Writer gaging museum members’ reception and Film Festival, we’ve
is Tuesday at 5 p.m. still got a hometown
presence on the big
1 In the middle of the not quite 2 A major talent in the Latin comedy screen at Majestic The-
three-year presidency of space world is in Fort Pierce this week- atre next week. The Met
Live Encore includes
buff John F. Kennedy, NASA admin- our own Deborah Voigt
as host of Bartlett Sher’s
istrator James Webb had an idea. He end: Former boxer-turned-comedian production of the co-
medic operetta “L’Elisir
summed it up in a two-paragraph Joey Medina plays at Sunrise Theatre’s d’Amore.” First simul-
cast from the Metro-
memo to his staff: Why not start an Comedy Corner Saturday. Medina had politan Opera in 2012,
the production screens
art collection of works related to the his own Showtime special – “Joey Medi- here Wednesday and
again next Saturday at 10 a.m. Tickets
space program? na: Taking Off the Gloves” – and starred for the summer-long Encore presents
are $12.50.
That memo ended up with artist in Paramount Pictures’ “The Original
James Dean, then a NASA employee. Latin Kings of Comedy” along with
With the help of the National Gallery Cheech Marin and George Lopez, the “Out of this World” exhibit on display, starting
Saturday, at the Vero Beach Museum of Art.
they started commissioning works – at top-grossing Latin comedy DVD ever.
$800 a pop. Among the takers: Nor- For a while he had his own morning
man Rockwell, who gave the project drive-time radio show in Los Angeles. paign manager when he ran for gov-
ernor of Massachusetts. He is a former
“Behind Apollo 11.” He would ulti- He’s even directed his own screenplay, fellow at Harvard University’s Kennedy
School of Government.
mately be joined by Alexander Calder, “El Matador,” which won Best Film, Best
Andy Warhol, James Wyeth and Robert Director and Best Acting at L.A.’s 2002
Rauschenberg. Fifty years later, the col- Chicano Film Festival. 4 Two book signings at the Vero
Beach Book Center next week of-
lection includes some 3,000 works. Of Medina headlines an evening that 5 Saturday night at Vero’s Kilted
Mermaid is western North Caro-
those, most are in the collection of the includes Miami’s Dougie Almeida – fer polar-opposite appeal, I’m guessing:
Smithsonian. But 700 are in the hands and he’s a former heavyweight kick- Wendy Wax’s “Sunshine Beach” and Ben lina’s Nikki Talley, an alt-country sing-
of NASA at Cape Canaveral. boxer. The show starts at 8:30 p.m. Coes’ latest thriller, “First Strike.” er-songwriter who performs her lovely
It is from the NASA collection that Saturday. Tickets are $15. Wax, a native of St. Petersburg, delivers melodies with husband Jason Sharp.
the Vero Museum of Art’s 71 works a bit of classic summer reading; the pull- Her last album, “Out from the Harbor,”
were drawn. The “Out of this World: 3 With the projectors put away from out quote is “There’s nothing that a coat was recorded and released in Asheville.
the enthusiastically attended, first-
The Art and Artists of NASA” exhibit of fresh paint and a few glasses of wine The pair keep up a rigorous touring
can’t fix.” The story is about a beachside schedule and we’re lucky to host them.
hotel being renovated by three women. It’s a very different visual on Friday
You get the picture. The women are all in night at Kilted, but an equally entertain-
various stages of love and loss when, uh- ing group nonetheless: Ormond Beach’s
oh, a decades-old murder reveals itself. Bath Salt Zombies, which performs its
“Sunshine Beach” is the latest in Wax’s freak folk sound in Victorian outfits and
“Ten Beach Road” series. She’ll be black-light makeup.
making an appearance in Vero Tuesday And I would love to recommend Kilted
at 6 p.m. Mermaid’s Thursday night Beer School,
Then, next Wednesday at 7 p.m., Ben but there’s no point – it’s sold out ev-
Coes presents “First Strike,” the latest in ery time. It’s the third year in a row that
his series of international thrillers about they’ve held the series of 10 one-hour
Dewey Andreas, a former Special Forces classes that include a flight of beers at ei-
soldier discharged for crimes he didn’t ther $10 or $15, depending on the brews.
commit. Coes has a background in poli- They are hosted by various craft beer ex-
tics and speechwriting, working first perts. It’s a shame they’re limited to 35
in the Reagan White House, then for T. people because at this point, with Vero
Boone Pickens and California Gov. Pete about to explode with new breweries,
Wilson. He was Mitt Romney’s cam- they should be required curriculum.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 25
Emily at the Bolshoi: Ballerina living the dream
BY MICHELLE GENZ with the New York City Ballet, pre- Emily Slawski. Slawski was taking hip-hop classes
Staff Writer miered in 1960 – billed as “an eight- at Vero’s Dance Space studio when at
minute display of ballet bravura and PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE the end-of-the-year recital, she saw the
If Vero’s ballet fans find it thrilling technique.” advanced ballet class perform. “Can I
to watch the Bolshoi Ballet in simul- right after that I went on pointe,” she do that too?” she asked her teacher.
cast, imagine how Emily Slawski felt Though she had never danced the recalls. “It was so cool to be dancing the
performing on the same stage – and piece professionally, she knew the same thing at the Bolshoi.” Slawski went on to study the Va-
with the legendary artistic director Yuri work. “It was the very first variation ganova method with Janna Kirova, a
Grigorovich in the audience. I ever danced, when I was tiny, tiny – Slawski was actually not so tiny: She Russian-trained teacher in Melbourne
was 9 years old when she started bal- who once danced with the Kirov Bal-
Slawski, 20, daughter of a Sebastian let, four or five years older than when let. Slawski’s parents, Ron and Marika
paint contractor and the student of In- most professional ballerinas began Slawski, shuttled her back and forth to
dian River Charter High School’s Hedi their training. lessons at Kirova studios in Melbourne
Khursandi, now dances with the vener- and Miami.
able Royal Swedish Ballet.
She also took classes at Vero’s Char-
Plucked by the company’s artistic ter High, where Khursandi heads
director from the corps de ballet, she the department of dance within the
performed in Moscow with Dmitri Za- school’s Visual and Performing Arts
grebin, a prominent company soloist program. Between the two programs,
nominated for the Bolshoi-based Ben- she was training 15 hours a week, and
ois de la Danse prize. often competing or auditioning out of
town on weekends.
“I was so shocked,” says Slawski.
The two danced Balanchine’s “Tchai- For several years, Slawski had a role
kovsky Pas de Deux” at May’s gala con- in the tour of the Rockettes’ “The Nut-
cert of the Benois de la Danse. The pro- cracker,” her mother accompanying
gram included dancers from some of the her to performances in Tampa, Cleve-
world’s top companies competing for a land, Buffalo and New York City.
prize considered the Oscars of ballet.
Hers was a role created by the great Slawski was only 16 when she won a
Balanchine ballerina Violette Verdy spot in the well-respected Royal Swed-
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26 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 ARTS & THEATRE Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 25 Emily Slawski with
Danielle Foege.
ish Ballet, becoming the youngest The performance in Moscow capped joyed it,” says Slawski. “I loved being
dancer in memory in what is Europe’s the first full season of dancing since her really busy and working and fighting.
oldest ballet company. injury and came at a particularly cha- I felt like I really accomplished some-
otic time for Slawski and her partner. thing.”
The only child of Ron, a Sebastian
painting contractor, and Marika, who “We had a total of maybe six re- Two weeks later, on June 1, Slawski
was born in Sweden, the bilingual hearsals, which is like nothing,” she took the stage at the Kennedy Center
Slawski was home-schooled so as to says with a laugh. After first studying in Washington, D.C. for five perfor-
make time for her ballet. a video, they rehearsed at the com- mances over four days. Then it was on
pany’s studios in Stockholm. Then, the to Los Angeles, where the company
Twice, she won full scholarships to pair had to fly to Copenhagen, where a performed for another run.
American Ballet Theatre’s summer representative of the Balanchine Trust
programs in New York City. She turned worked with them for three days and The ballet was “Juliet and Romeo,”
down a year-round scholarship – her gave them his blessings, a requirement choreographer Mats Ek’s contempo-
parents couldn’t bear to have her so of any dancers wanting to perform the rary take on the Shakespeare clas-
far away. works of Balanchine. Then it was back sic, the same ballet for which she had
and forth between Moscow and Stock- been pegged to dance the principal
Then, at 15, she danced the role of holm at a pace that would make even a role of Juliet. Instead, she danced with
Clara in a production of “The Nut- dancer dizzy. the corps de ballet. But the experience
cracker” in Melbourne. Her partner seemed no less broadening.
was a 33-year-old principal dancer “That week was really insane,”
from the Royal Swedish Ballet. Slawski says. The two had to integrate “I feel like I’m 30, I’ve done so much,”
both the Copenhagen rehearsal time she says.
The following summer on the fam- and the Moscow competition with
ily’s annual trip to Sweden, Marika their regular season in Stockholm. During her two-month vacation at
Slawski contacted that dancer and ar- home in Sebastian, Slawski is guest-
ranged for Slawski to take a company “And Dmitri had a main role,” she instructing summer intensives at her
class. That triggered an invitation to says. After a performance in Stock- former studios, this month at Charter
audition for the company. To the fam- holm, they left early the next morning High, and in July at Melbourne’s Space
ily’s amazement, she was accepted. for Denmark, rehearsed two days and Coast Ballet.
flew back to Stockholm for another
Soon after she joined the Stockholm performance. The next day, they flew And before she returns to Sweden
company, she was singled out for the to Moscow for three days, and came in mid-August, she’s determined to
principal role in a new ballet. But be- back to Stockholm for a performance squeeze in some decidedly tutu-free
fore she could officially be cast, she in- that same night. activities with her dad.
jured her back. Though she was largely
sidelined until last year, she was nev- “I don’t think I’ve ever been so ex- “Fishing, golfing, bowling – I want
ertheless granted a lifetime contract, hausted. But to be honest, I quite en- to do all of them,” she says. “All of the
paid whether she dances or not. things that nobody else I know wants
to do.”
28 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Kids with Type 1 diabetes have low levels of vitamin D
BY MARIA CANFIELD share with your family. risk of adult-onset Type 1 diabetes
Correspondent A recent study from the Univer- by as much as 50 percent. The find-
ings, if confirmed in future studies,
This is one in an occasional series sity of Pennsylvania School of Nurs- could lead to a role for vitamin D
about children’s health issues. We ing found that low levels of vitamin supplementation in preventing this
know that many of our readers are D are common in children with serious autoimmune disease.”
grandparents keenly interested in the Type 1 diabetes.
health and well-being of grandchil- “It is surprising that a serious dis-
dren. We hope this series will provide How this deficiency relates to the ease such as Type 1 diabetes could
useful health information you can cause and/or consequences of the perhaps be prevented by a simple
disease is still being sorted out. and safe intervention,” said Kas-
sandra Munger, a research associ-
Many medical authorities say the ate in the Department of Nutrition
at HSPH and the lead author of the
Colleen Symanski. PHOTO: LEAH DUBOIS Harvard study.
precise cause of Type 1 diabetes is Symanski, co-owner of A Healthi-
unknown, but Colleen Symanski, a er Me, a health and fitness studio on
registered nurse, health coach and the barrier island, believes vitamin
certified diabetes educator, says, D levels should be monitored in all
“Some studies have shown ade- children.
quate levels of vitamin D, which is
actually a hormone rather than a An earlier study conducted in
vitamin, may help regulate the pro- Great Britain in 2008 found sig-
duction of insulin in the pancreas, nificant evidence that vitamin D
which could in turn help keep blood supplements were associated with
glucose levels in better control, pos- a reduced risk of developing Type 1
sibly preventing the development of diabetes. Lead author Christos Zip-
type 1 diabetes.” titis, a pediatrician, reviewed five
earlier studies and concluded that
Research conducted at Harvard children who were given vitamin D
School of Public Health and pub- supplements of roughly 400 IUs per
lished in the American Journal of day were 29 percent less likely to
Epidemiology in 2013 supports Sy- develop Type 1 diabetes later in life
manski’s statement. A long-term than those who were not given the
study of more than 900 members supplements.
of the military found that “having
adequate levels of vitamin D during In the University of Pennsylva-
young adulthood may reduce the nia study documenting low levels
of vitamin D in children with the
disease, researchers analyzed data
from 197 children and adolescents
from the Diabetes Center for Chil-
dren at the Children’s Hospital of
Philadelphia. Non-fasting blood
samples were taken to measure vi-
tamin D (technically called serum
concentration of 25-hydroxyvita-
min D) and blood glucose levels;
other variables were obtained from
medical records. The study was
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 29
published in Diabetes Research and bones). She says “very low levels of
Clinical Practice. vitamin D can cause low levels of
calcium in the blood, which can
Senior author Terri Lipman, Ph.D., increase the risk of bone fractures,
Professor of Nursing of Children tingling and numbness, and muscle
and Assistant Dean for Commu- weakness.” There is also scientific
nity Engagement at Penn Nursing, evidence that vitamin D plays a
says, “To our knowledge this is the role in preventing some later-in-life
first study that has been adequately chronic diseases, including those
powered to examine the associa- involving the immune and cardio-
tion between” vitamin D and Type vascular systems.
1 diabetes in children and adoles-
cents. “These data suggest the need In 2008, the American Academy
for monitoring of vitamin D in all of Pediatrics revised its guidelines
youth with this disorder.” on daily vitamin D intake from 200
to 400 IUs; in part due to the preva-
Type 1 diabetes was previously lence of sunscreens, which prevent
known as juvenile diabetes, because the body from making vitamin D
it is usually diagnosed in children when exposed to the sun.
and young adults; however, people
of any age can develop the disor- There aren’t many foods in which
der. Only 5 percent of people with vitamin D is found naturally, and
diabetes have this form, in which some aren’t particularly kid-friend-
the body does not produce insulin. ly – beef liver, oily fish, cod liver oil,
Insulin is a hormone made by the mushrooms – so a chewable supple-
pancreas; it helps glucose (a type of ment is generally recommended.
sugar) enter the body’s cells, where Swiss cheese and egg yolks are a
it can be used for energy or stored good source of vitamin D, as are
Yogurt, orange juice,
milk and cereal are just
some of the foods
fortified with vitamin D.
for future use. Type 1 diabetes is a foods fortified with vitamin D, such
permanent condition; once the cells as milk, cereal, orange juice, yogurt
of the pancreas that produce insu- and margarine. The National Insti-
lin are destroyed by the disease, tutes of Health provides a consum-
they will never make insulin again. er-friendly Fact Sheet on vitamin D;
it includes information on health-
(In Type 2 diabetes, the body ful eating and dietary supplements.
makes insulin, but doesn’t use it The Fact Sheet can be found at
the right way. That form of the dis- w w
ease is tied to family history, being VitaminD-Consumer.
overweight, and an inactive life-
style. It is treated through medica- Symanski urges parents and grand-
tion, healthy eating, and exercise; parents to promote healthier eating
in some cases it can be reversed, and more outside playtime. “Let’s un-
meaning medication is no longer complicate eating and physical activ-
needed, as long as lifestyle changes ity through balance; our bodies were
stay in place.) meant to move and to eat foods close
to their natural source,” she says.
Most commonly associated with “For children with diabetes this is
milk and sunlight, vitamin D helps even more important. We have excel-
to ensure the body absorbs and lent health care professionals, locally
retains calcium and phosphorus, grown foods, and outdoor opportuni-
both critical for building bone. Ve- ties available to us.”
ro’s Symanski says that vitamin D
is important as we age and helps to A Healthier Me is located at 2855
prevent or delay the onset of osteo- Ocean Drive, Suite C-2 in Vero Beach;
porosis (weakening of the bones) Ms. Symanski’s phone number is 772-
and osteomalacia (softening of the 231-5555.
30 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Why UTIs are 10 times more common in women
BY TOM LLOYD pointing to simple anatomy to explain
Staff Writer the problem.
Have you have ever wondered why Because a woman’s urethra is much
women are much more prone to uri- closer to the anus than a man’s, bac-
nary tract infections than men? teria such as Escherichia coli (E. coli)
have a relatively easy time invading the
Urologist Dr. Hugo Davila of Flori- urethra.
da Cancer Specialists, the Sebastian
River Medical Center and the Indian Once inside the urethra, those bac-
River Medical Center joins the Ameri- teria travel up to the bladder. As Da-
can Academy of Family Physicians in vila points out, “it’s [only] about four
centimeters from the main entrance
Urologist Dr. Hugo Davila. PHOTO: LEAH DUBOIS
of the urethra to the bladder.” persistent urges to urinate, passing fre-
If the infection isn’t treated it can in- quent but small amounts of urine and
a burning sensation when urinating.”
fect the kidneys, causing Pyelonephri-
tis, an even more serious problem. Other symptoms may include urine
that appears cloudy or has an unusu-
“Ninety to ninety-five percent of all ally strong odor accompanied by pel-
these infections are E. coli,” explains vic pain.
When UTIs re-occur, it is often be-
Women, according to the Univer- cause patients whose symptoms go
sity of Maryland Medical Center, “are away stop taking their antibiotics
10 times more likely” to develop UTIs before completing the full course of
than men, and “more than 50 percent treatment. An infection from a differ-
of women will have at least one UTI ent strain of bacteria can also start the
during their lifetime that will require whole process over again.
treatment with antibiotics.”
“Up to three UTIs per year is consid-
Making matters worse, about 30 per- ered normal, especially if [women] are
cent to 40 percent of UTIs will re-oc- post-menopausal,” Davila explains.
cur within six months and they don’t
always come with obvious signs and That’s right. The likelihood of get-
symptoms. ting a UTI actually increases with age.
According to the Mayo Clinic, That’s because, according to Davila,
“When symptoms do present them- after menopause, a decline in circulat-
selves, they’re likely to include strong, ing estrogen in a woman’s body can
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 31
cause changes within the urinary tract HEALTH At the same time, women should
that make it even more vulnerable to be aware that, according to the Uni-
these infections. E. coli bacteria found in a urine sample. versity of Maryland, “people who
are allergic to aspirin should not
Up for more bad news? Having sex consume large quantities of cran-
can also introduce bacteria into a wom- berry juice.” Also, cranberry juice,
an’s urinary tract, though the ever- like grapefruit juice, may interact in
upside-looking Davila largely brushes harmful ways and even counteract
that risk off by reminding women that certain medications.
simply urinating after intercourse can
all but eliminate that scenario. Dr. Davila can be reached at Flori-
da Cancer Specialists. His Vero Beach
Indeed, far from trying to drum up office is located at 1880 37th St. The
business for specialists like himself, phone number is 772-567-2332. His
Davila says a woman’s primary care Sebastian location is 13060 US High-
physician is likely the best bet to treat way 1, Suite A and that phone num-
UTIs in the vast majority of cases. ber is 772-589-0879.
The biggest exception to that, he
says, is if a woman is having more than
three (UTIs) in a year and keeps having
them. Then, he says, “she needs to see
a specialist.”
Meanwhile, when asked about the
oft-quoted folk medicine claim that
cranberry juice and blueberries can
inhibit or prevent UTIs, Davila points
out, “There was a study done by the
University of Michigan and they found
that [cranberries and blueberries] were
no better than a placebo.”
Women, according to the
University of Maryland
Medical Center, “are
10 times more likely”
to develop UTIs than
men, and “more than 50
percent of women will
have at least one UTI
during their lifetime that
will require treatment
with antibiotics.”
Still, Davila adds with a smile, “they
don’t have any side-effects – or the side-
effects are minimal, so if . . . [women
think cranberries or blueberries are]
helping, they should go ahead.”
32 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Zika: More potentially devastating than you thought
BY LENA H. SUN Cases of microcephaly are starting to emerge in Colombia, laboratory tests confirm. small group of Zika-infected women, a
Washington Post majority of those infected in the third
tions. But none of these infants’ moth- defects branch at the Centers for Dis- trimester delivered healthy babies with
Pregnant women who become in- ers had symptoms of the disease during ease Control and Prevention, and one no apparent abnormalities. A majority
fected with the Zika virus are at risk of pregnancy and were not reported as of the authors of the report. of the women who contracted Zika in
having babies with the severe birth de- part of the government’s monitoring. the first or second trimester were still
fect known as microcephaly, regardless She noted that the 12,000 pregnant pregnant at the time of the report in
of whether they have symptoms of the Only about 1 in 5 people with Zika women reported to have Zika are only early April.
disease, according to a new report. infections show symptoms. The most the ones with symptoms. That means
common symptoms are fever, rash, “a lot more” pregnant women infected Other research has found that preg-
The findings, part of the first com- joint pain or red eyes. with Zika, who don’t have symptoms, nant women infected with the Zika vi-
prehensive look at the Zika outbreak in could be at risk, she said. rus during their first trimester face as
Colombia, one of the countries hardest “This is really adding weight to exist- high as a 13 percent chance that their
hit by the mosquito-borne virus, add to ing data that asymptomatic infection But the report did offer a glimmer of fetus will develop microcephaly.
the growing body of evidence about the is also associated with microcephaly,” reassuring news.
potentially devastating consequences said Margaret Honein, chief of the birth The Colombia data is preliminary,
of Zika. Researchers found that among a Honein said. Still, “this report has
somewhat reassuring news about in-
The report in the current issues of the fection in the third trimester,” she said.
New England Journal of Medicine said “While we’re not seeing birth defects,
nearly 66,000 people, including 12,000 we do need to do continued monitor-
pregnant women, were reported to ing and follow-up on the infant out-
have Zika virus infections in Colombia comes.”
from August 2015 through early April
2016. Researchers are planning to moni-
tor pregnant women in several cities
Cases of microcephaly are starting to in Colombia to understand how the
emerge in Colombia. From Jan. 1, 2016 babies develop and evaluate them for
through April 28, 2016, four infants various potential developmental prob-
were born with microcephaly and had lems besides microcephaly and brain
laboratory-confirmed Zika virus infec- abnormalities, she said.
34 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
On small video screens inside their ter a brief discussion with their head- zen working at the U.S. Embassy in cal of strikes can carry unintended and
cockpits, the U.S. pilots spotted their quarters in Qatar, they got their reply: Baghdad. deadly consequences.
target, an Islamic State checkpoint just “You’re cleared to execute.”
south of the Iraqi city of Mosul. “I am Raja’a Zidan al-Ekabee . . . ” the In his final months as president,
This was one version of what war had email began. Obama has touted his toughness even
In grainy black and white, they become in the last years of the Obama as he has worried openly about the
could see the enemy manning the bar- administration: The pilots made two President Obama came to office toll American airstrikes take on inno-
ricades and a guard shack. As they pre- strafing runs over the checkpoint, promising to end the United States’ long cent civilians. Earlier this month in an
pared to launch their attack, the pilots their machine guns cutting through and costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Air Force Academy commencement
noticed a potential complication: Two the two cars. Then they unleashed a Instead of sending tens of thousands of speech, he rattled off to cheers from the
cars approached the checkpoint and 500-pound satellite-guided bomb that ground troops to distant battlefields, he cadets and the crowd the names of nine
stopped. The drivers appeared to be engulfed the area in dust, fire has increasingly relied on aerial drones, al-Qaeda and Islamic State leaders who
talking with Islamic State fighters. attack planes and small numbers of were killed or captured on his watch.
As they returned to their base, the Special Operations forces. Instead of us-
Other cars moved through the check- pilots offered an in-flight assessment ing the military to try to rebuild broken A few weeks earlier, in response to a
point, but these two vehicles remained of their mission: guard shack flat- societies as his predecessor did, Obama question from a University of Chicago
on the side of the road. Five minutes tened, two vehicles destroyed and four has directed his commanders to focus law student about the morality of the
passed. Then 10. Nearly 40 minutes had enemy fighters dead. “There are no ap- on killing the enemy. U.S. drone campaign, the president re-
gone by, and the two vehicles still had parent civilian or other collateral con- flected on the “tragedy of war” and the
not moved. cerns,” their report concluded. But as the checkpoint bombing out- need to protect innocent lives.
side Mosul demonstrates, even such
Running low on fuel and time, the The first sign that they had made narrowly defined missions can be “We anguish over this in a very seri-
pilots concluded that the people in a horrible mistake came in the form morally fraught. Even the most surgi- ous way,” he said.
the cars were allied with the militants of an email, sent two weeks after the
and asked for permission to strike. Af- March 2015 airstrike, to an Iraqi citi- The White House is on the verge of
releasing a long-delayed accounting of
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 35
how many militants and civilians it has as many as 20,000 Islamic State fighters “They don’t pass the straight-face commanders there. He recently com-
killed, primarily with drones, in coun- and caused only 41 civilian deaths. Mili- test,” said retired Col. Christopher Ko- pleted a study on civilian casualties for
tries where the United States is not at tary analysts and human rights activists lenda, who led troops in Afghanistan the George Soros-funded Open Society
war. The list will include airstrikes in said those figures are absurd. and served as a senior adviser to U.S. Foundations.
countries such as Libya, Pakistan, So-
malia and Yemen. Since the U.S. military began bomb-
ing in August 2014, it has not made a
It will not include deaths in Iraq or single condolence payment in Iraq or
Syria. Nor is it likely to mollify critics Syria, military officials said. The burden
who say that Obama’s largely defen- is on Iraqis and Syrians to seek compen-
sive, low-American-casualty approach sation for American mistakes, but for
puts too many civilians at risk and too those who lost relatives, there is often
often feeds resentment that benefits no clear way to even lodge a complaint.
U.S. enemies.
Ekabee’s email was a desperate at-
The report will mean little to Iraqis tempt to catch the attention of the
and Syrians in places such as Mosul, U.S. military’s vast bureaucracy. She
Ramadi and Raqqa, where the tragic wanted the Americans to know that
consequences of American mistakes their pilots had destroyed her car and
are often easily ignored and American killed multiple civilians.
precision bombs sometimes do not
seem very surgical or precise. The email passed from the U.S.
Embassy staff to the U.S. military
In nearly two years of fighting in Iraq command in Baghdad and then on to
and Syria, U.S. officials say they have killed investigators in Qatar. In it, Ekabee de-
scribed fleeing her home in Mosul and
paying a driver to smuggle out the car
she had left behind.
Her 2011 Kia Sorento, she wrote, was
stopped at an Islamic State checkpoint
near the Iraqi village of Hatra when a
“missile of the international air forces
struck the checkpoint.”
Inside the Kia, along with the driver,
were three women and two children.
The car was traveling with a GMC Sub-
urban when the bombs and bullets hit,
causing both vehicles and the people
inside them to “burn entirely,” she said.
Ekabee had planned to sell the Kia
to support her six children. She did
not know the people the driver had
brought with him on the trip.
“Please kindly approve the request
of compensation for my car because I
have already lost my house, which was
seized and looted by Daesh,” she con-
tinued, using the Arabic slang for the
Islamic State. “This car was all I have.”
In a later email, she attached photos
that her relatives in Mosul had taken of
the Kia, riddled with bullet holes and
burned beyond recognition.
In Qatar, American investigators
replayed the footage from Hatra on a
large, high-definition debriefing screen
at their headquarters. They watched on
the screen as the pilots made their first
pass, blasting the checkpoint, the Kia
and the GMC with machine gun fire.
Six seconds before the pilots made
their final machine gun pass, the inves-
tigators spotted three people rushing
out of the burning GMC and one person
fleeing the Kia. It was hard to tell wheth-
er they were men, women or children.
Only by pausing the image and
measuring the shadow height of the
figures did the investigators deter-
mine that one of the human-shaped
forms was probably a child. “The small
signature is visible for approximately
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38 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
one second,” the investigators wrote in “Only the drivers could organize it,” In March 2015, Raja’a Zidan al- and this time was making the journey
their report. At that point, the machine Ekabee said. “Normal people couldn’t. Ekabee’s car was destroyed by with a black GMC Suburban, driven by
gun rounds, which took three to four You needed agreement from the au- a U.S. airstrike at a checkpoint a friend. On this trip, he also was carry-
seconds to reach their target, were al- thorities in Mosul.” in Mosul, Iraq. Below is a photo ing close relatives.
ready in the air. of her Kia Sorento she sent to
The driver made the trip out of Mo- the U.S. Embassy along with “I think this time his family decided
The 500-pound bomb followed a sul as often as two times a week, de- an email saying that Americans to flee permanently,” Ekabee said.
few seconds later. Through a cloud of livering cars and ferrying fleeing resi- had blown up her car in an air-
smoke and flames, the investigators dents out of the city. He told Ekabee strike, killing the driver she had The trip to Baghdad, where one of
noticed one person moving in the back that he had developed his own survival hired and five of his relatives. Ekabee’s relatives was waiting for the
of the burning Kia. strategy. He never carried young men. car, was meant to take a day. The fol-
State fighters would let people through lowing morning, there was still no
The report identified a “commu- “Just women, children and families,” if they looked old or sick or if they need- word from the driver.
nications error” during the hurried Ekabee said. If possible, he brought ed medical attention, he told Ekabee.
conversations between the pilots and along an elderly woman. The Islamic When Ekabee tried to call his cell-
their headquarters before the strike, He often traveled with other cars phone, an automated message told
but the Air Force general overseeing her that it had been turned off. Eka-
the inquiry concluded that the mis- bee, who has been living in the Kurd-
take “did not affect the final outcome” ish-controlled city of Duhok since flee-
or cause the civilian deaths. ing Mosul in 2014, asked her relatives
in the city to visit the driver’s home.
No one was punished as a result
of the findings, but investigators did There, they found funeral tents for
make one notable change to the final the driver, his grandmother, aunt, sis-
casualty count. The attack at the Hatra ter and her two children. The six had
checkpoint had killed the four enemy been killed by the American airstrike,
fighters initially identified by the pilots their bodies so mangled by fire and the
and the four civilians who had fled the blasts that their remains had to be car-
cars, they concluded. ried away in shopping bags, Ekabee’s
relatives said.
Ekabee first learned that something
had gone wrong when she tried to call Images of the flattened checkpoint
the driver whom she had paid $1,500 to and mangled cars played on Iraqi tele-
smuggle her car into Baghdad. Negotiat- vision.
ing the Islamic State checkpoints around
Mosul was a dangerous business. A provincial government official
in northern Iraq told Ekabee that the
family of a lieutenant colonel with the
Iraqi police had been burned alive in
the GMC Suburban.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 39
“What happened to me, you can’t of anonymity because he still has fam- colonel said. “The people of Mosul ask me for any details about the fami-
even imagine,” the colonel said last ily trapped in Mosul. buried them.” lies,” she said.
month in an interview with The Wash-
ington Post. He said his 9-year-old After the strike, his commander, Ekabee was instructed by a lawyer More than a year passed with no re-
daughter; two sons, ages 10 and 16; fearing that the colonel might commit at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad to ply from the U.S. military. A few days
his wife; and the driver were killed in suicide, took away his weapons and take the pictures of her burned Kia after The Post asked about Ekabee, she
the attack. He spoke on the condition ordered two policemen to stay with and her ownership documents to the was informed via email that “a thor-
him. “I never received the bodies,” the U.S. Consulate in Erbil. “They didn’t
40 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ough investigation” had determined If U.S. military officials had called killed – more than double the num- looked into 178 allegations of civilian
that the U.S. military had blown up Ekabee, she could have pointed them ber in the U.S. report. deaths and, relying almost exclusively
her car. to the police lieutenant colonel, who on gun-camera video for confirmation,
said he never made a formal com- “This email means that the lives of found 129 of them not to be credible.
But the U.S. military was not obli- plaint with American officials. “I only innocents are cheap,” Ekabee said,
gated to compensate her for the loss complained to God,” he said. “and that they don’t want to be re- The remaining 49 were either found
because it was destroyed in “combat sponsible for their mistakes.” to be credible or are still being inves-
activity,” the email stated. Ekabee could have helped them tigated. “We don’t have the traditional
reach the driver’s relatives. The Hatra strike also points to an- means of doing interviews, knocking
Col. Patrick Ryder, a spokesman for other problem: Nearly two years into on doors, forensics testing – the kinds
U.S. Central Command, said in an in- If they had called her, U.S. mili- the U.S. bombing campaign, there are of things you would do,” Ryder said.
terview that the military could make tary officials also could have learned still no real channels for Iraqis and Syr-
condolence payments to relatives of that their investigation of the Hatra ians to seek redress when their civilian As a result, many mistakes in Iraq
the civilians killed at the checkpoint attack, which concluded that there relatives are accidentally killed or in- and Syria are never even recognized as
but that no one has stepped forward were four civilian deaths, was incor- jured in American attacks. such.
to request compensation. rect. According to Ekabee, the colonel
and government officials in Nineveh At the height of the U.S. occupation Massoud Hameed said his brother,
“We don’t know the identities of the province, at least 11 civilians were of Iraq, someone like Ekabee could sister-in-law and their three children
deceased at this point,” he said. have filed a complaint at one of the were killed on Nov. 24 when an air-
hundreds of combat outposts scat- strike hit their home near Bashiqa, a
tered around Iraq. In Afghanistan, small village in northern Iraq. He com-
plained to his parliamentarian, who
where it’s harder to travel, the mili- said he contacted the U.S. Embassy.
tary established a Dari- and Pashto-
language website and text messaging “I demanded compensation,” said
service to help Afghans alert them to Salim Jumah Mohammed, the law-
civilian deaths. maker. “I demanded the coalition
should not bomb civilians.”
In both war zones, preventing mis-
takes and making condolence pay- The deaths were reported in the
ments were once considered not only Iraqi media and logged by Airwars.
a moral imperative, but a critical piece org, an organization that tracks civilian
of a broader American strategy aimed
at rebuilding fractured societies and casualties in Iraq and Syria. The U.S.
winning the support of the population. military confirmed that it carried out
To that end, the United States paid out a strike that day in Bashiqa but said it
hundreds of millions of dollars to Iraqis has not received any complaint that ci-
and Afghans who suffered losses. vilians were killed.
The commanders’ focus also helped Obama has touted his approach
drive down the civilian death toll. In in Iraq and Syria as a more humane,
2009, the United States was causing one efficient and effective alternative to
civilian death for every six airstrikes, large-scale occupations of the George
according to U.N. data and a recently W. Bush administration. Such mili-
released report on civilian casualties tary operations cause more deaths
by the Open Society Foundations. By among U.S. forces and civilians,
2014, the rate had decreased to one ci- Obama has said.
vilian death for every 11 airstrikes, ac- “Our military engagement as a gen-
cording to the United Nations. eral matter is far more focused on dis-
rupting and defeating a specific ter-
Because so few American troops are rorist network and therefore inflicts
operating in Iraq and Syria, U.S. mili- far less damage than invasions and oc-
tary officials say it is difficult to con- cupations,” said Ben Rhodes, a deputy
duct thorough civilian casualty inves- national security adviser.
tigations. So far, the military said it has
Since the Hatra strike last year, the
U.S. military has increased the inten-
sity of its bombing campaign with the
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 41
goal of cracking the Islamic State from the U.S. military, the big question is: She worries that the driver’s relatives house as a jail. More recently, her rela-
the air. Until recently, U.S. command- What will be left behind after the Unit- blame her for their loss and seek retri- tives told her it was serving as a guest
ers in Iraq had to get approval from ed States stops bombing? bution. “I was afraid that they would quarters for foreign women who had
U.S. Central Command in Tampa if an pray for God to take revenge against come to Iraq to marry Islamic State
airstrike was considered likely to pro- Ekabee and her family offer one an- me,” she said. “The driver is the only fighters.
duce civilian deaths. swer. She, her husband and her chil- son in his family, and he has four sis-
dren are crammed into a small, bare ters. He’s doing his job, smuggling cars, Before her Kia was destroyed, Eka-
“Now we don’t,” said Col. Steve apartment in a Duhok neighborhood in order to provide food for his family.” bee planned to sell it and use the mon-
Warren, a U.S. military spokesman in known as “Nineveh City” for the thou- ey to support her children and send
Iraq. The new threshold of potential sands of displaced Iraqis who have fled She wonders what has become of her eldest son to school. “This car was
civilian deaths that can be authorized there from Mosul and surrounding her six-bedroom house and her gar- the only hope I had to provide a decent
from Baghdad is classified. “It’s gradu- Nineveh province. den in Mosul. “If I try to describe it, I’ll life for my children,” she said. “Now
ally increased,” Warren said. cry,” she said. we have no hope. We lost our city, our
house and the only money we had.”
U.S. attack planes and drones have Initially, the Islamic State used the
begun pounding the Islamic State’s oil Her husband insists that the United
infrastructure, cash storage sites and States isn’t doing enough to drive the
supply lines. “We want to hit them Islamic State from Mosul. “America’s
every time they come into the open,” been sleeping,” he said. “They’ve
said a senior administration official done nothing. The coalition with all
who spoke on the condition of ano- their power can get them out. Half the
nymity to discuss military plans. “We people are willing to die just to liber-
want to make it hard for them to use ate Mosul. They don’t have a life. They
the roads or rivers to move fighters, might as well be dead.”
weapons or money.”
Ekabee is more resigned than angry,
The approach is producing battle- convinced that the American military
field gains. The Islamic State has lost and Obama’s cure for her city is as bad as
45 percent of the territory it once held its current disease. She has seen the pic-
in Iraq and 20 percent in Syria, accord- tures of Ramadi after its liberation ear-
ing to the White House. Less clear is lier this year by U.S. air power and Iraqi
whether the military success will make troops. Today, that city is essentially un-
it any easier to address the sectarian inhabitable – little more than rubble and
grievances and governance problems leftover Islamic State land mines.
that have fueled the chaos in the coun-
try since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003. “We expect the same destruction in
Mosul we’ve seen in Ramadi,” she said.
For the Obama administration and “But this is our fate. What can we do?”
42 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Failing to address the challenges of an aging society
BY ROBERT J. SAMUELSON | WASHINGTON POST ey to live comfortably, or not?” Among to an age group that is more satis- form of higher debt, higher taxes and
retirees, 75 percent said “yes” compared fied financially than any other? This lower government services (squeezed
President Obama earlier this month with 67 percent of non-retirees. is what Bernie Sanders proposed with by rising Social Security and Medicare
urged an expansion of Social Security across-the-board Social Security in- spending, $1.6 trillion in 2016).
benefits, thereby, reminding everyone There are several reasons for this. creases that would cost $1.2 trillion
(and particularly future historians) that First, expenses in retirement are of- over a decade when fully phased in, Generational fairness seems anath-
he failed to deal with one of the largest is- ten lower than expected. It’s frequently estimates the Committee for a Respon- ema to today’s “progressives.” Al-
sues facing the country: an aging society. said that retirees should have 80 per- sible Federal Budget. though there is a case for targeting
cent of their pre-retirement income Social Security increases to the poorest
“It’s time we finally made Social Se- to maintain their lifestyles. A study by Sanders would pay for this expan- beneficiaries, this expansion ought to
curity more generous, and increased Peter Brady of the Investment Com- sion with stiffer taxes on the upper be financed with modest reductions in
its benefits so that today’s retirees and pany Institute suggests that 60 percent middle class and wealthy. Hillary Clin- benefits for the wealthiest recipients.
future generations get the dignified re- may be adequate. Many costs (work ton and now Obama have jumped on As important, the long-run costs of the
tirement that they’ve earned,” he said expenses, mortgage payments) disap- the bandwagon, though they’ve been programs ought to be reduced by high-
in Elkhart, Ind. pear or drop sharply. vague about precisely what benefits er eligibility ages and still-lower bene-
Second, retirement incomes may be or taxes they would expand. Donald fits at the top, all introduced gradually.
Actually, it isn’t. higher than reported by government Trump has pledged not to cut benefits.
Obama perpetuates the popular but statistics. According to Biggs, many What’s missing in the skimpy dis-
outdated myth that, by and large, the el- withdrawals from IRAs or 401(k)s aren’t If taxes are raised, there are more cussion of these issues – it’s hardly a
derly are a poor, needy group. That they counted as income for largely technical worthy uses for the added revenue debate – is candor.
deserve more financial help.The 65-and- reasons. The total, he says, may exceed than higher across-the-board Social
over population exceeds 46 million. $200 billion a year. That’s more than Security benefits. The most worthy Only the president can challenge
Some fit this description. Most do not. $4,300 for every American 65 and over. would be reduced budget deficits, outdated ideas. Obama didn’t do so.
Various statistics on income and What justifies increasing payments which shift the costs for today’s gov- He has not used the “bully pulpit” to
wealth can be adduced to prove, de- ernment onto today’s youths in the educate the public about the demands
pending on one’s political purpose, of an aging society: the pressures on
that the elderly are well-off or almost government budgets; the need for
destitute. What’s more instructive is Americans to work longer, accommo-
how the elderly view their own finan- dating greater life expectancy; the con-
cial situation and how this compares flicts between generations.
with other age groups. The evidence is
conclusive: The elderly do better. None of this will escape historians,
NORC at the University of Chicago who will – in the future – observe the
conducts a respected opinion poll powerful economic, social and politi-
(the General Social Survey) that asks, cal effects of an aging society.
among other things, whether people
are “satisfied,” “more or less satisfied” It will affect their verdict on the fail-
or “not at all satisfied” with their finan- ure of Obama and congressional Re-
cial situation. In every year since 1973, publicans to reach a “Grand Bargain”
the elderly have been the most satis- on the budget, a failure reflecting both
fied by a wide margin. Republican resistance to higher tax-
It’s no contest. Other surveys are sim- es and Democrats’ unwillingness to
ilar, says Andrew Biggs of the American make meaningful reductions in Social
Enterprise Institute. A recent Gallup Security and other “entitlements.”
poll asked, “Do you have enough mon-
The historians will ask: Why didn’t
we better prepare for a predictable fu-
ture? Obama’s record does not provide
a flattering answer.
MEDICAL ALPHABET SOUP QUIZ 3: 4. ALS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis swelling, redness, warmness and engorged
MEDICAL DISORDERS superficial veins. Life-threatening if clot detach-
A progressive neurologic disorder that causes es and travels to lungs.
muscle weakness, atrophy, difficulty speaking,
Thanks to TV, magazines, newspapers and the Internet, swallowing and eventually inability to breathe. 9. ED Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)
medical jargon once limited to healthcare insiders is be- There’s no current cure. Lou Gehrig died from
coming more recognizable to the general public. and physicist Stephen Hawking has ALS. Half of men between the ages of 40 and 70 will
probably experience ED to some degree. Can be
Give yourself one point for each acronym/abbreviation 5. CHF Congestive Heart Failure related to high blood pressure (hypertension),
you know. (sometimes called Heart Failure) high cholesterol, diabetes, hormonal problems,
surgery, injury, anxiety, depression and/or rela-
MEDICAL DISORDERS Occurs when the heart is unable to pump suffi- tionship problems.
ciently to maintain blood flow to meet the body’s
1. AAA Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm needs. Symptoms include shortness of breath, 10. GERD Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
excessive tiredness and leg swelling. A common,
Occurs with the lower part of the aorta (the potentially fatal condition. Occurs when stomach acid flows back into the
major blood vessel that supplies blood to the
body) becomes enlarged. If ruptures, can cause food pipe (esophagus). Backwash (reflux) irritates
life-threatening bleeding. Treatment can vary
from watchful waiting to emergency surgery. 6. CLL Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and can damage the lining of the esophagus. Usu-
A type of cancer that starts from white blood cells
(lymphocytes) in the bone marrow. Mainly affects ally manageable with lifestyle changes or medica-
older adults, accounts for about one-third of all
leukemias. Often grows slowly. tion; some need surgery.
2. AF Atrial Fibrillation (also called “AFib”) To be continued…
An irregular, often rapid, heart rate that occurs 7. COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease SCORING © 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
when the two upper chambers of the heart beat A+ (10 correct) Astonishing
out of sync with the two lower chambers. In- A lung disease that causes obstructed airflow A (9 correct) Impressive
creases risk of stroke, heart failure and other B (8 correct) Brilliant
heart-related complications. from the lungs. Increases risk of heart disease C (5-7 correct) Well done
D (3-4 correct) Take notes when your doctor gives instructions
and lung cancer. Symptoms include breathing Under 3 correct Don’t worry, be happy
3. AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome difficulty, cough, sputum production and wheez-
An infectious disease caused by the human im- ing. Most often caused by exposure to cigarette
munodeficiency virus (HIV), spread by unpro-
tected sex, contaminated blood transfusions, smoke.
hypodermic needles and from mother to baby.
There is no current cure or effective HIV vaccine. 8. DVT Deep Vein Thrombosis Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
The formation of a blood clot within a deep vein, welcome. Email us at [email protected].
usually in the legs. Symptoms may include pain,
44 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
U.S .Chief Justice
Warren Burger in 1971.
After President Richard Nixon tapped Judge War- Rehnquist court, beginning in 1986, and the Roberts how the book frames perhaps the Burger court’s two
ren Burger to replace outgoing Chief Justice Earl War- court, beginning in 2005. Graetz and Greenhouse ar- most enduring arenas of controversy: abortion and
ren in 1969 and then appointed three more justices gue that on a wide array of issues – from presidential affirmative action. With the former, the book empha-
during his first presidential term, many legal liberals power to corporate power, from the establishment sizes the Burger court’s refusal to expand upon Roe v.
feared that this cohort would systematically over- clause to the equal protection clause – it is impos- Wade, which invalidated broad laws restricting abor-
turn the Warren court’s most esteemed precedents, sible to understand the conservative shifts enacted tion in 1973, by requiring governmental entities to
including Brown v. Board of Education and Miranda by the Rehnquist and Roberts courts without first provide indigent women with the financial resources
v. Arizona. But a curious thing happened next: The comprehending the body that initiated the rightward necessary to secure abortions. With the latter, the
dreaded day of reckoning never materialized. This trajectory. As the authors contend, “Warren Burger’s book acknowledges its historic decision upholding
surprising outcome was captured in an influential Court played a crucial role in establishing the conser- race-conscious admissions practices in 1978, but be-
1983 volume of essays on the Burger court subtitled vative legal foundation for the even more conserva- moans that the opinion’s diversity rationale “allowed
“The Counter-Revolution That Wasn’t.” Justice Lewis tive Courts that followed.” disappointed white applicants to claim that their re-
F. Powell Jr., who served with Burger for 15 years, am- jection was illegal because it was based on race” and
plified this perception in a speech to the American In recent decades, law professors have treated thus “bestowed on future courts a basis for eliminat-
Bar Association in 1986, the final year of Burger’s ten- the Burger court as the nation generally has treated ing affirmative action altogether.”
ure: “There has been no conservative counter-revo- disco, lava lamps, acid-washed jeans and other cul-
lution by the Burger court. None of the landmark de- tural detritus from that bygone era: The less said, Clearly, the authors wish that the Burger court
cisions of the Warren court was overruled, and some the better. Graetz and Greenhouse’s work serves as went further in addressing these momentous ques-
were extended.” an important corrective, demonstrating that the tions. Yet it seems mistaken to portray the court’s in-
Burger court demands far more sustained scrutiny terventions primarily as either moving the nation in
Michael J. Graetz and Linda Greenhouse’s ambi- and analysis than legal scholarship has generally af- a rightward direction or somehow promoting an in-
tious and engaging new book seeks to dislodge this forded it. Readers interested in the Supreme Court’s choate version of Federalist Society dogma. Indeed,
conventional account of the Burger court. Even if role in American society during the second half of the legal liberals who read this volume today – in the age
that institution did not explicitly overrule key Warren 20th century will gather significant insight from this of Citizens United and the dismantling of the Voting
court contributions, Graetz and Greenhouse contend book’s elegant, illuminating arguments. Rights Act – could find themselves in the improbable
that the dominant assessment of the Burger years se- position of feeling nostalgic for the Burger court’s
verely understates the legal transformation that oc- The authors eschew a purely court-centric nar- old-time religion.
curred during this period. “The Burger Court dramat- rative by deftly situating the institution within the
ically diminished the scope and impact of the Warren country’s larger political milieu. For instance, to the Still, even when the book’s arguments may not ful-
Court precedents: they survived, but only their fa- extent that Burger as an individual is remembered at ly persuade, they invariably provoke serious thought
çade was left standing,” the authors conclude. While all nowadays, it is generally as “the Chief Justice from on how legal decisions made in our nation’s relatively
Brown’s prohibition on racial segregation technically central casting,” on account of his shock of white hair, recent past could have assumed a radically different
remained good law, they note, the Burger court cur- rich baritone and grandfatherly mien. But Graetz and form. As the Supreme Court’s ninth seat has now sat
tailed its import by placing geographic limitations Greenhouse helpfully remind us that Burger did not unoccupied for roughly four months since Justice
on busing and by refusing to invalidate expenditure sit idly by, simply waiting to be discovered; instead, Antonin Scalia’s death, contemplating the possibili-
plans that left inner-city schools underfunded. Simi- he actively auditioned for the role. As a judge on the ties that appear on the judicial horizon has seldom
larly, the authors observe that, while police officers U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia presented a more urgent task.
were formally required to inform arrested suspects of Circuit, Burger delivered a series of speeches and ar-
their Miranda rights, the Burger court hollowed out ticles linking the nation’s rise in violent crime to med- THE BURGER COURT AND THE RISE OF THE JUDICIAL RIGHT
the decision by introducing major exceptions. dlesome judicial decisions that rendered it difficult BY MICHAEL J. GRAETZ AND LINDA GREENHOUSE
to convict even obviously guilty criminal defendants. Simon & Schuster. 468 pp. $30.
Instead of comparing the Burger court only with “Justice is far too important to be left exclusively to Review by Justin Driver,
its institutional predecessor, the authors also exam- the technicians of the law,” Burger lamented in 1967, The Washington Post
ine the institution in light of its two successors: the noting that the Warren court’s criminal-procedure
opinions had become “common talk in the best clubs
and the worst ghettos.” These remarks – including
the none-too-subtle racial tint – perfectly anticipated
the anti-Warren-court rhetoric that Nixon wielded to
help propel himself into the White House.
For all its considerable virtues, the book some-
times strains to construe the Burger court as a re-
lentlessly conservatizing force instead of the more
heterodox institution that it actually was. Consider
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 45
At age 58, Ann Patty found herself in an unex- college level, explores not just Latin but also her best a beginning Latinist.”
pected predicament. After years as a harried work- personal search for meaning and purpose in her Her second year of study emphasizes literature
ing mother whose long career as an editor included new life.
publishing V.C. Andrews’s “Flowers in the Attic,” and introduces her to the poet Catullus, “a man of
Patty had recently retired only to realize that “an Patty had always been a collector of words, begin- his time, entirely sexist.” After a whole course of
abundance of free time could become a source of ning with “benevolence,” which she first heard as a Catullus comes one of the “next generation of Ro-
dread.” What, she wondered, “was I going to do with seventh-grader and recalls: “I don’t think I had ever man poets,” Propertius, followed by Horace (“com-
my still driven, anxious self, ever closer to the void heard such a sonorous four-syllable word used in monly considered the best of the lyric poets”), and
yawning before me?” Her answer was to fill it with speech before. I wanted that word …” on to the “devilishly witty” Ovid, “who makes Latin
something she had always loved: “words, grammar, dance” and whose poetics reminded her of a song
books, language.” Only this time she was going to But there was more to her new quest, and why by Chubby Checker – not likely a comparison schol-
find the “roots of my word home.” She was going to she wrote a memoir about it. As she explains, her arly classicists might make. Eventually, she also gets
learn Latin. reasons included “not only to fight off hebetude to Virgil, calling him “the undisputed grand master
— from the Latin hebetudo, from the verb hebeo, of Latin poetry.”
“Living With a Dead Language: My Romance With meaning ‘to be dull, sluggish, inactive’ — but also
Latin,” Patty’s memoir of finding renewed passion to avoid becoming my mother,” who never found Further classes include concentration in Ro-
by beginning a serious study of the language at the “a pursuit more fulfilling than crossword puzzles” man epigraphy and history. “The Romans had
after her children left home, and died when too what scholars call ‘the epigraphic habit,’” Patty
young. notes, and makes the most of this pleasant habit
by heading each chapter with an epigraph (in Lat-
From the beginning of her pursuit, Patty is clearly in, translated to English) tied to its content. Her
happy to be back in the classroom, where she “rec- own philosophical meanderings – touching on the
ognized the smell immediately: chalk dust and transformations aging brings, the power of friend-
books and anticipation, the smells of learning.” She ships, the value of slowing down – are peppered
energetically dives into the Latin language initial- throughout the book.
ly, and literature and Roman history in later years
of continuing concentrated study, giving her the For Patty, her study of Latin is “another form
equivalent of an undergraduate Latin major on the of meditation … another way of slowing down, of
one hand and a whole new community of people turning off the engine. I have to translate Latin …
and interests on the other. slowly, mindfully, meditatively – checking for em-
bedded bits of meaning. Not a bad prescription for
She offers readers a blessedly brief but often any of the many tasks of life.
funny overview of the complications of this now
dead but still lively language — including declen- “Living With a Dead Language” is a delightful
sions, gender, number, case, inalienable possession mix of grammar and growth, words and wonder.
and the seemingly oxymoronic historical present. Patty and her book are both full of life, epitomiz-
Although the grammatical concept of the ablative ing the Latin phrase ad astra per aspera — to the
absolute “arrived like a deep freeze” in an already stars through difficulties. Those readers who never
bleak winter semester, she comes to like the very encountered Latin may overlook this book, but, to
idea of the construction (which seems next to im- use the Roman poet Horace’s phrase, consider let-
possible to explain). She was taken with “the way ting carpe diem be your catchphrase, or even carpe
it could wrap up entire epochs in two words, then noctem: Seize the day or seize the night and read
move on: It felt like a no-fault divorce from the this book.
main sentence, rather like mine from my second
husband, whom I now refer to as my own Ablative LIVING WITH A DEAD LANGUAGE: MY ROMANCE WITH LATIN
Absolute.” (Aside: Does anyone who studied Latin BY ANN PATTY
decades ago still remember the even now tension-
producing names of the cases: nominative, geni- Viking. 242 pp. $25.
tive, dative, accusative, ablative, vocative?) Even Review by Evelyn Small,
Patty, after years of study, still considers herself “at
The Washington Post
1. The House of Secrets 1. Images of America: Vero 1. I Am Helen Keller BY BRAD MELTZER
2. The Worst Class Trip Ever
2. Bill O'Reilly's Legends and BY DAVE BARRY
Lies: The Patriots 3. I Am Amelia Earhart
2. All Summer Long
3. The Romanovs 4. Return to the Isle of the Lost
3. Flight Patterns
4. Valiant Ambition 5. I Am Abraham Lincoln
4. The Last Mile
5. Destiny and Power
5. The Nest
WENDY WAX BEN COES 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
presents presents
A Novel A Novel
Tuesday, June 28th at 6pm Wednesday, June 29th at 7pm
46 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Is the end in sight for (often invisible) resort fees?
BY CHRISTOPHER ELLIOTT "What most travelers want is to know the price per have a financial impact on the lodging
night, plus taxes. Everyone knows that this is just business.
The Washington Post
smoke-and-mirror marketing." Rosanna Maietta, a spokeswoman for
An alarming rise in mandatory resort – Steven Grasso, president of North American Traveler the American Hotel & Lodging Associa-
fees is pushing the Federal Trade Com- tion, says resort fees benefit hotel guests.
mission (FTC) to consider a change to fees for more than a decade, but earlier whispers that the hotel industry is
its four-year-old policy on the contro- this year, they found a friend in Wash- pushing for counter-legislation that “Our industry prides itself on offer-
versial surcharges. ington when Sen. Claire McCaskill would explicitly permit hotels to charge ing an array of amenities and services
(D-Mo.) introduced the Truth in Hotel resort fees. If either of these bills were to ensure guests have what they want
In 2012, the federal government’s Advertising Act of 2016, a proposed law enacted, they would override any poli- and need from their travel experience,”
consumer protection agency allowed that would prohibit hotels from adver- cy decisions made by the FTC. she says. “We work especially hard to
hotels to add required fees to their tising a room rate that doesn’t include make sure they feel comfortable with
room rates as long as the surcharges all mandatory fees. The bill also gives There’s a lot at stake for hotels. Al- their purchasing decisions. That’s why
were disclosed before the room was the FTC the authority to enforce the though there are no reliable numbers the hotel industry provides guests full
booked. But it created a loophole that prohibition and state attorneys general on revenue from resort fees, they are disclosure for mandatory resort fees
allowed properties to quote a low ini- the power to bring a civil action in fed- thought to generate hundreds of mil- charged up front.”
tial room rate online and then add the eral court against violators. lions of dollars a year for the industry.
mandatory fees later in the process, Removing the ability to quote an ini- Maietta says a survey by Axis Re-
which consumer advocates argued was At the same time, there have been tially low rate would almost certainly search that the association commis-
unfair and deceptive. sioned in April suggests that consumers
value resort fees. More than half of the
Now, the FTC may be ready to signal respondents said that they preferred
that it agrees – that resort fees as they the fee to be “broken apart separately”
are currently advertised are unfair and from the room rate, and 8 in 10 said
deceptive. The agency is poised to an- they were willing to pay the extra resort
nounce a policy shift that would require fees “if the amenities are worth it.”
resort fees to be included in the initial
price quote – according to multiple Sara Rayme, a spokeswoman for the
sources who spoke on the condition of American Gaming Association (AGA),
anonymity because they were not au- which represents casino hotels, says
thorized to speak publicly – a move that their guests asked for resort fees be-
would effectively end resort fees as we cause they didn’t want to pay separate-
know them. It’s a position that even the ly for extras such as Wi-Fi, pool usage,
hotel industry seems to be warming to. gym and spa access, and bottles of wa-
ter. “Resort fees simply bundle together
The FTC declined to comment. such amenities, up front, for the con-
Resort fees, which typically cover sumer,” she says. “As a result, resort fees
amenities that were previously includ- have provided a much more transpar-
ed in the price of hotel rooms, such as ent experience for the customer.”
the use of an exercise facility or busi-
ness center, have been a long-standing Rayme said that the AGA is not pur-
irritant for hotel guests. In the first six suing any resort fee legislation “at this
months of 2016, the fees have jumped 8 time.”
percent to an average of $19.52 a night.
The markets with the biggest increases: In addition to intense pressure from
the Florida Keys (24 percent), followed consumer advocates, one of the key
by Myrtle Beach, S.C., (22 percent) and drivers of the FTC’s change of heart
Miami (20 percent). may have come after Rep. Suzan Del-
“This was quite shocking to me be- Bene (D-Wash.) sent a letter to the
cause resort fees are already so high,” FTC in January, asking it to review the
says Randy Greencorn, who tracks re- agency’s authority to determine that
sort fees on his site, Resortfeechecker. mandatory hotel resort fees are a de-
com. “I did not think there was room ceptive and unfair trade practice, as
to grow.” prohibited by Section 5 of the Federal
But there is, and one of the triggers Trade Commission Act. In its reply,
may have been a hearing last year by FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez ad-
the Transportation Department’s Advi- mitted that it does have the authority
sory Committee for Aviation Consumer to challenge “on a case-by-case basis”
Protection, in which an agency repre- specific instances of deceptive and un-
sentative affirmed that the fees were fair pricing practices.
allowable and could be added to the
cost of a room, as long as it was done Experts say that’s what travelers
before the booking was complete. Ho- want: decisive action by the govern-
tels viewed this as a green light to not ment’s consumer protection agency. “I
only continue charging the fees but to have seen these fees pop up in recent
aggressively increase them. years, starting with Las Vegas and now
The FTC’s decision would mark the spreading all over the U.S.,” says Ste-
latest chapter in a lengthy fight be- ven Grasso, president of North Ameri-
tween the hotel industry and consumer can Traveler, a tour operator based in
advocates. Customers have fought the Boston. “What most travelers want is
to know the price per night, plus taxes.
Everyone knows that this is just smoke-
and-mirror marketing.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 47
Don’t need community? Maybe others need you
Small town or big city – what’s your and hard work to form a community.” how much space is devoted to exhort- their blemishes and failings, their gifts
preference? If people are people wher- Smaller settings usually force us to do ing the new Christian communities to and graces. But we think that is part of
ever you go, maybe it doesn’t matter. the hard work necessary to form a real demonstrate forbearance and mutual why our families, our churches or syna-
Yet, the feeling of living among people community, no matter how aggravat- appreciation. He worked hard to convey gogues, and our service groups are so
in one locale or another can be very dif- ing that may be. to early Christians the conviction that important to us. Within such groups we
ferent. How do you account for it? distinctions among them were insig- come to see that we need each other.
A wonderfully sensitive observer nificant beside the call to unity. “There That’s a perspective on the world that
Part of the difference, we suspect, is of human existence once wrote that is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no we might otherwise cheerfully ignore.
that larger communities allow us se- “community” is the place where the longer slave or free, there is no longer Membership in a small community
lectivity of our companions. Among person you least want to live with al- male or female; for all of you are one in does not let us forget it.
a great multitude of folks, we can be ways lives. And while we suspect that Jesus Christ.” And even if we’d like to see
pretty well assured we’ll be able to lo- this remark was made somewhat fa- another person as irrelevant to our lives And so when we meet people who tell
cate some others who are pretty much cetiously, there’s a ring of truth to the and our plans, we cannot. Says Paul, us they don’t need to belong to a faith
like us – people who share our love of observation. A real community, one “The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I have group because they can be spiritual on
Italian food, let’s say, or our peculiar which includes us all, is likely to har- no need of you,’ nor again the head to their own, we sometimes encourage
taste in music, or our political convic- bor one or more folks we’d rather have the feet, ‘I have no need of you.’” them to reconsider. Perhaps they don’t
tions. And there, safe in our enclave of excluded. We’re stuck with those we currently feel the need of the commu-
sameness, we may feel secure and af- find troubling, and they are stuck with The fact is, smaller groupings of nity of others. But, maybe the others
firmed, but we’re likely to remain un- us. This is the curse of community, but people, people who comprise a com- need them! We humans are made to be
challenged, and maybe we’ll even be- maybe also its source of blessing. munity, are more or less forced to rec- connected in significant ways. And isn’t
come a little bored. ognize their interdependence, despite it nice to be needed?
In the Apostle Paul’s letters, consider
In smaller settings, on the other
hand, we don’t have as great a possi-
bility of finding and forming a group
of people who are just like us, which
leads to a challenge. As writer, Philip
Yancey points out, “Anyone can form a
club; but it takes grace, shared vision,
48 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bailee meets and greets, and she’s oh, so sweet
Hi Dog Buddies! tian – H.A.L.O., Thank Lassie! “Travel much?” I in-
Meanwhile, my Mommy
No matter how many times I hear had been trying to figure out quired.
the stories, I’m always amazed the way something really different to
Dog Fate brings just the right humans get for my Daddy, Robert, for “I like riding in the
together with just the right pooches. No a birthday surprise, so she
Woof! It’s the doggonedest thing! went to H.A.L.O. And there car. When Mommy and
we were. We were sorta shy
This week’s interviewee is a good but we tried to be all friend- Daddy go away, I get
example. I met Bailee Chandler at her ly and cute and stuff, lots
workplace. Her Mom has special shoes of wiggling and licking and boarded at Courtney’s
and other things that help humans’ squeaky puppy noises. Mom
feet to not hurt. (I always thought if picked ME. My brother got a place, which is ackshully
they had two more feet, like us pooch- good home, too.
es, it’d be much easier for ‘em. I don’t pretty nice. But I’d rather
know how they can even balance on “And here’s the really Cool
just two.) Kibbles part: Mommy and have Mommy and Dad-
Daddy went to Subway and
Anyway, Bailee’s the Official Powell she gave him his Big Birthday Surprise: dy here all the time. I cry
Shoes Greeter and Attitude Adjustment a cake – and ME! WELL, the second he
Specialist. So, soon as me and my as- saw me he got So Happy he picked me whenever they go away. I
sistant walked into the office, there she up and started talkin’ to me and cud-
was, pretty, ginger-colored short hair, dlin’ me and then he got up to take don’t like to be left alone.
amber eyes, white sox and bib, looked me home to play. Mommy said, ‘Wait!
sorta Labrador-y, and came right up for There’s still Cake!’ But Daddy was re- I guess it’s from back
the Wag-and-Sniff. ally excited, so off we went. Mommy
was excited, too, ‘cuz her surprise was when we were uh-BAN-
“Welcome, Mr. Bonzo. Come meet a success. And Daddy got to eat the
my Mommy, Althea.” She led us up- cake later.” dunned. I can’t be left
stairs to the office.
“That’s a great story, Bailee!” I told Bailee. PHOTO BY LEAH DUBOIS out in the house when
“So, tell me how you found your for- her. “So what’s your day like?” Mommy and Daddy are
ever family,” I said, pencil poised.
“It’s pawsome, Mr. Bonzo. I work here water and I gallop around at work cuz I Tear Stuff Up
“It was seven years ago. I was just a greeting clients and helping ‘em relax,
teeny puppy: Me and my brother were if they’re stressed. One time, a man trying to catch it. And I swim with my due to Separation Anxiety. So, when I’m
dropped off somewhere, we didn’t was getting special shoes cuz he had
know where we were. There were lots Di-Uh-Beedees and he went into what big sister Jasmine. But I don’t like Baths. not working, I get in my big crate with
of cars and scary trucks driving around. Mommy called Di-Uh-Bed-ick Shock.
Mommy said later it was a Truck Stop I could tell something was wrong, so I Or Rain. It freaks me out. I start shak- my fluffy blankets, pillow and toys. It’s
and that we’d been uh-BAN-dunned. licked his hand and stayed with him ‘til
That means your humans go away and Mommy got help.” ing and whimpering. So Mommy puts super comfy. But I just love my family,
leave you alone and don’t come back.”
“Wow!” I exclaimed. “Whaddaya do my special pink, long-sleeve hoodie on ya know?”
I shook my head, thinking about how for fun?”
often that happens to us pooches. Cats, me and I feel Much Better. It’s like a soft, “Absolutely,” I said.
too. I don’t understand it. “We go to the doggie beach in St.
Lucie County. I play in the water and pink Hug. “And the Best Part is, after a long day,
“Well,” Bailee continued, “somehow socialize with the Humans. I love play-
we got saved by some humans from ing in the hose, too. Daddy sprays the “Dolly’s my beach buddy, she’s a when I’m all pooped, I can snuggle with
that animal rescue place in Sebas-
Schnoodle. And my neighbor, Shea. Mommy and Daddy and go to sleep,
And Jasmine, of course. She’s a cheer- cuz I know they’ll always be there when
leader (they do lotsa jumping up and I wake up!”
down and yelling) and sometimes she Heading home, I had to smile, pic-
dresses me up like a cheerleader! turing Bailee snoozing in her pink
“I’m also a Big Chicago Bears fan. hoodie, with her head on her Special
And I just love NASCAR. Dale Earnhardt Fluffy Pillow.
Jr. is one of my Most Admired Humans.
I watch the races with Mommy. And Till next time,
I know how to sit and to put my paw The Bonz
up to get into my harness. I have tons
of stuffed toys, and a nice backyard to Don’t Be Shy
play in, but I’m not into roughhousing.
I’m all about snuggling and smooching. We are always looking for pets
I guess I’m a Girly-Girl. I love All Things
Cushioned. I used to sleep in bed with with interesting stories.
Mommy and Daddy, but I got too big. To set up an interview, email
Anyway, my own bed is Very Fluffy, and [email protected].
I have a Special Soft Puppy Pillow.”
I am new to the area. I had not even we both went back to bed. He seemed immediately left for the hospital. The Happie his life. Happie had to stay in the
been in Vero long enough to have had to feel better but his tummy seemed doctor greeted me at the door. She and hospital for two days but when I would
‘Happie” my Chinese Crested established enlarged. Shortly thereafter he start- her technicians got busy examining Hap- go visit him, it was obvious he had made
with a veterinarian when I had the dread- ed repeatedly vomiting and retching. pie. She did an ultrasound and spotted a some great friends.
ed emergency situation we all hope we I picked him up and his abdomen was foreign object.
never have to experience. painful, enlarged and tight like a drum I am grateful that I saw the article
when touched. Happie had chewed and swallowed about the difference in services offered
Happie had been lethargic all day and one of my tennis socks. It was causing at local animal facilities, and the ability
I attributed it to the heat and humidity. I panicked, of course, and then re- a complete obstruction. The surgery of the Divine Animal Hospital to take
At approximately 2:30 in the morning membered the article I had read about was successful and I am grateful I acted care of all different emergencies under
Happie jumped out of bed and started Divine Animal Hospital and their 24/7 immediately. I was told waiting until one roof. I am pleased to have had the
vomiting. I cleaned everything up and availability. I made the phone call and morning most probably would have cost “Divine experience.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 49
6532 J 10 8 7 —
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 6 AJ5 8742
10 9 7 4 A63 KQJ
Eric Hoffer, a philosopher and author who died in 1983, said, “The hardest arithmetic to AKQJ 10 9 4 876532
master is that which enables us to count our blessings.”
Many bridge players find the hardest arithmetic to master is counting winners and AKQ94
losers. Since the numbers are not that high, it shouldn’t be beyond anyone. It just K Q 10 9 3
requires a willingness to spend the time to do it. But anyone who succeeds becomes a 852
tough player immediately. —
In this week’s deal, how should South play in seven spades after West leads a trump? Dealer: South; Vunerable: East-West
The auction suggests that the author was looking at all of the cards! However, as I The Bidding:
mentioned last week, when you have a two-suiter and find a fit in the first suit you bid,
upgrade your hand. Here, South should see the slam potential if North has both red-suit SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
aces. But as Blackwood will not help, South starts with a four-club control-bid. Then, 1 Spades Pass 3 Spades Pass
after three more control-bids confirm that North does have those two aces, South leaps 4 Clubs Pass 4 Diamonds Pass LEAD:
majestically to the grand slam. 5 Clubs Pass 5 Hearts Pass 2 Spades
7 Spades Pass Pass Pass
West, anticipating declarer’s need of ruffing winners, sensibly starts with a trump.
(South must have a club void.)
Declarer has six side-suit winners (five hearts and one diamond), so needs seven trump
tricks: four winners on the board and three club ruffs in his hand.
South takes the first trick on the board and ruffs a club high. He continues with a heart
to the ace, another club ruff high, a diamond to the ace, and a third club ruff high. Then
he draws trumps and claims. It is a textbook dummy reversal.
50 Vero Beach 32963 / June 23, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
5 Determined (6) 1 Disconnect (6)
8 Toxin (6) 2 Ramshackle (8)
9 Joy (4) 3 First course (7)
10 Mockery (8) 4 Small shovel (5)
11 Sets alight (7) 5 Silverywhite metal (4)
12 Rhythm, metre (5) 6 Shapeless mass (6)
15 Insignificant (5) 13 Ballot (8)
17 Digit (7) 14 Cradlesong (7)
20 Grateful (8) 16 Breathe out (6)
22 Errand, duty (4) 18 Take on, affect (6)
23 Vow, affirm (6) 19 Following (5)
24 Flowers (6) 21 Naked, bare (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph