Artwork reaffirms bond
among veterans. P20
‘Reading Rocket’
returns to Vero. P14
School leader’s contract
renewed despite poor reviews. P10
For breaking news visit
MY VERO Petition drive
shows support
BY RAY MCNULTY for electric sale
Vero High grad killed in
naval helicopter accident
At 5:20 p.m. on July 31, after Elite cutting flights after Labor Day, Pg 8. Handicapped parking no problem at airport, Pg 9. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD BY LISA ZAHNER
his stunned and devastated Staff Writer
parents had been assured by New luxury condo development in the Shores
doctors at the University of Vero Beach residents have
California-San Diego Medical launched a quixotic grass-
Center that their son would roots petition drive against
not recover from the massive an attempt by the Florida In-
injuries he had sustained the dustrial Power Users Group
day before, the life-support (FIPUG) to derail the sale of
system was turned off. Vero’s electric utility to Florida
Power & Light.
Fifteen minutes later – 23
hours after being struck by a Zaqary Sanders, a techni-
jettisoned fuel tank during a cian at Vero Councilman Val
training exercise, 12 years af- Zudans’ medical office, set up
ter his graduation from Vero an internet petition at www.
Beach High School – Navy He- and to date nearly
licopter Aircrewman 1st Class 900 people have signed.
Jonathan Clement was gone.
The petition is addressed to
BY STEVEN M. THOMAS an River Shores and plans to dential stories atop a ground- FIPUG, which objects to the
Staff Writer build four buildings that will floor garage – will be nearly price Florida Power & Light
each house between three and identical to the condo Zana would pay for Vero’s electric
Prominent island developer six luxury condo units, de- is building on Ocean Drive system under the agreement
Yane Zana has purchased the pending on what size homes across from Conn Beach, with approved June 5 by the Florida
4.7-acre oceanfront tract just buyers want. preconstruction prices ranging Public Service Commission.
north of the Carlton in Indi-
The buildings – three resi- CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 By some calculations, FPL
is paying $116.2 million more
In the room were his mother New artificial reef to be Builder hopesVero will
and father, two brothers, sister, sunk in ocean next week approve sale of former
and a few of his closest Navy offshore from Windsor Dodgertown Golf Club
buddies, all of whom were
heartbroken as they watched BY SUE COCKING BY RAY MCNULTY
Clement, only 31, take his final Staff Writer Staff Writer
Indian River County plans The Lakeland-based build-
“It was,” said Clement’s fa- to sink a new artificial reef er who wants to buy and de-
ther, Chris, “a surreal moment.” next week about three and velop the former Dodgertown
a half miles offshore from Golf Club property said he’s
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 optimistic the Vero Beach City
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 Council will approve his plan
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Old Dodgertown golf course Hulbert said he could break ground into what he described as an “urban with trees, park-like fields and reten-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 within the next 12 to 18 months. market” development that would con- tion ponds, all enclosed by fencing.
tain retail stores, restaurants, hotels, of-
at Tuesday night’s meeting, now that “Typically, the due-diligence pro- fice space and plenty of green space. O’Connor said in June that the sell-
he has removed the residential part of cess takes about six months, and we’re ing price would be “north of $2 million”
the project. probably looking at a year or so to get His initial proposal in June included but probably less than $2.5 million.
the necessary permits,” Hulbert said. a small section of townhouses, but, af- Hulbert said he will offer $2 million.
“I’ve done what they’ve asked me to “But that’s out of my control.” ter council members showed no inter-
do, and I can’t imagine anyone doing est in residential construction on the “We think that’s a fair price and
anything better with that property,” He said he doesn’t anticipate any property, he replaced them with more we’re taking a big risk,” Hulbert said.
Mark Hulbert said. “I’m tired of danc- further objections from the council, commercial buildings. “We want to do something different
ing. I’m ready to get to work.” but added that he won’t be surprised there – something Vero Beach doesn’t
if some homeowners in the nearby Hulbert said he did not want to in- have [and] something the city would
If the council approves his plan and residential neighborhoods oppose the clude the townhouses, but did so to like to see.”
instructs City Manager Jim O’Connor commercial project. “play it safe,” because it’s easier to cal-
to begin negotiating the sale of the city- culate “what residential construction The city bought the land for $9.9 mil-
owned, 35-acre parcel, located imme- “There are always a couple,” he said. will bring.” lion in 2005, near the peak of the real-
diately west of Historic Dodgertown, Hulbert wants to transform the prop- estate boom, but it recently appraised
erty, which has sat idle since the nine- The development would be designed for only $3.5 million. O’Connor said
hole golf course was closed in 2004, in a pedestrian-friendly, open-air style the city should be prepared to lose
money on the deal.
Vero Beach still owes between $5.5
million and $6 million on the loan it
took out to buy the land.
Electric sale petition
than the utility is worth, but FPL says
the transaction will not impose a fi-
nancial burden on its existing 4.9 mil-
lion ratepayers.
FIPUG claims to represent multiple
large commercial electric custom-
ers, including big-box retail stores and
manufacturing plants, which draw
power from FPL’s system.
The group’s attorney, Jon Moyle, says
he wants the PSC to take another look
at recouping those millions from Vero
customers via a temporary surcharge,
or from somewhere else other than his
members’ pockets.
But Sanders says “many of FIPUG’s
members already enjoy the benefits of
being an FPL customer, and stand to
gain even more when Vero Beach cus-
tomers join FPL.”
His petition reads, “We the under-
signed Vero Beach electric system
customers request that the Florida
Industrial Power Users Group drop its
protest at the Florida Public Service
Commission and allow the Vero Beach
electric system sale to be completed.”
In addition to the 900 online signa-
tures, Sanders says he has 248 signa-
tures on paper petitions and intends
to collect signatures through Septem-
ber. The PSC has scheduled hearings
on FIPUG’s objections for Oct. 10 and
11 in Tallahassee.
“We had tables outside of both of
the FPL open houses. We also had local
business owners that are on Vero Elec-
tric offer to collect petitions for us,”
Sanders said. “People are outraged.
When you are paying $50 to $100 more
for electricity than your neighbor
across the street that has a similarly-
sized house, it's extremely frustrating.”
The sale is sure to be a major is-
sue in the November Vero Beach City
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 3
Council election, but customers out- letters and emails expressing their disturbing that a group, which is not the circulating petition will be represen-
side the city limits in the unincorpo- support of the sale. Graham, a well- subject to paying Vero Beach electric tative of the community’s overwhelming
rated county and Indian River Shores known fan of municipal-owned elec- rates, is so very interested in subvert- desire to be done with these obstructing
cannot vote for pro-sale candidates, tric utilities, led the opposition to al- ing the sale of our utility as struc- actions made by a powerful, far-off, lob-
no matter how passionately they want lowing FPL to book the $116.2 million tured,” said Mayor Howle. bying group in Tallahassee.
to become FPL customers. acquisition adjustment.
“The next PSC hearing [in October] is “My hope would be to get 3,500 rate-
“Many people, especially those in “The recent appeal submitted by FI- an ‘evidentiary hearing’ which typically payer signatures to be presented to
unincorporated parts of the county, PUG is not entirely unexpected when wouldn’t allow public comment without the PSC. That would be approximately
have thanked me for starting the pe- you consider their history of appealing the express permission of the Chair- 10 percent of the ratepayers in the city
tition because it gives them a voice,” many FPL and PSC actions . . . [but] it’s man. We hope, public comment or not, and county,” Howle said.
Sanders said.
Exclusively John’s Island
Activist and former Vero council-
man Charlie Wilson has taken aim at Located just steps to the beach is this beautiful 3BR/3.5BA courtyard home.
another challenge to the sale, the one The 4,620± GSF retreat enjoys a lushly landscaped pool with quaint sitting
filed by attorney Lynne Larkin on be- areas lined with herringbone brick pavers. Features include custom millwork,
half of the Civic Association of Indian marble floors, living room with fireplace, dining area, family room adjoining the
River County. kitchen and a gracious master suite. A two-car garage with bonus storage
(possibility to convert to additional living space) completes the picture.
Larkin is protesting the $185 mil- 171 Coquille Way : $2,650,000
lion deal on several grounds, includ-
ing what she claims was a lack of ad- three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
equate public input into the process. health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
Wilson, in a complaint to the Flor- 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
ida Bar Association filed on Aug. 7,
says Larkin fabricated information to
boost her chances of having standing
with the PSC to object, and that she
had no right to file the objection.
The two-page complaint with 15
pages of backup documents ques-
tions Larkin’s credibility, as well as
that of the 900 members Larkin says
she represents.
Items B and C of Wilson’s complaint
point out that “Ms. Larkin can show
no evidence of a meeting of the Board
of Directors or the membership where
a vote was taken to authorize her to
file a protest which resulted in great fi-
nancial harm to the City of Vero Beach,
its citizens, and its ratepayer. Ms. Lar-
kin made numerous assertions in the
petition that she knew to be false, in-
cluding the number of members and
other erroneous facts outlined in the
backup provided.”
Wilson said he hopes going to the Bar
might get some results with the PSC.
“Before even considering the issues in
the Larkin complaint, the [main] issue
is standing, and it is clear that Ms. Lar-
kin made false claims to achieve stand-
ing before the PSC – an action resulting
in considerable damages to the City of
Vero Beach. In my opinion she should
be disbarred and held liable for legal
fees and possible damages.”
On Aug. 21, Wilson plans to ask the
Vero Beach City Council to initiate
some sort of appropriate legal action
against Larkin.
Larkin said on Monday, “I've not
seen anything, so I can't comment on
it specifically other than to say that if
such a complaint was filed, it certainly
goes to show the type of harassment
levied by the (pro-sale) cabal at anyone
who demands answers and account-
ability regarding such a momentously
important transition for the City.”
Meanwhile, Vero Mayor Harry
Howle has asked ratepayers to bom-
bard PSC Chairman Art Graham with
4 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Artificial reef be transported to the site on a barge Sportfishing Association said they'd than conduct pre-flight inspections
and lowered by crane onto the bot- like to see manmade fishing reefs con- of Navy helicopters. He was also a res-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tom by McCulley Marine Services of structed near the inlet. Between 1997 cue swimmer, trained to pull downed
Fort Pierce. The $30,000 project cost, and 2014, the county sank 10 struc- pilots from the sea, and a door gun-
Windsor that will become a haven for he said, will come from the county's tures about 12 nautical miles offshore ner, tasked with protecting his aircraft
fish and other marine creatures, and is budget, plus contributions by Harsh- in about 70 feet of water. Materials from hostile fire.
expected to attract large numbers of man's friends. include concrete light poles, culverts,
scuba divers and anglers. railroad ties and bridge decking. Though Clement never engaged in
Alan's Reef will be the latest addition actual combat, he went on two de-
Alan's Reef will consist of 10 hollow, to a collection of manmade structures Harshman's widow Jane is thrilled ployments to the Persian Gulf aboard
pyramid-shaped structures made of in the recently-permitted Orchid Island the new marine habitat will honor her the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Abraham in
lime rock and concrete that will cover Artificial Reef Complex – a 2.5-square- late husband. 2010 and 2012, patrolling the strategic
an area of sand bottom about 200 feet nautical-mile zone stretching 5 to 8 Strait of Hormuz.
in diameter, arranged roughly in a V- miles south and 3 miles offshore of Se- "I am amazed they actually went
formation in 50 to 55 feet of water. bastian Inlet. ahead and did this for him," Jane Then, while stationed in Japan in
Harshman said. "I mean, who has a late 2012, Clement was deployed to the
The site lies about 5.5 nautical miles The inaugural reef was Strike Zone, reef named after them?" disputed waters of the South China Sea
south of Sebastian Inlet. Deployment deployed last year ago a short dis- aboard the U.S.S. George Washington,
is scheduled for Aug. 22, depending on tance north of Alan's site and named She said she expects her grandson a nuclear-powered carrier sent to the
weather conditions. for a Melbourne marine retailer that Colin, an avid angler, and the rest of region as a show of American strength.
helped with the project. It's made up the family will go fishing on the reef.
“It's a multipurpose, multiuse reef, of 14 similar modules arranged in a “I was in the Air Force for four years
[that will be used for] recreational fish- bulls-eye pattern over an area 200 feet The GPS coordinates for the center and my brother was a Marine Corps
ing, diving, dive training for first re- in diameter. of Alan's Reef are: 27 50.12658 north; aviator for 28 years; I know military avi-
sponders, and education,” said James 080 21.63936 west. ation is dangerous,” Clement’s father
Gray, Indian River County's coastal Gray said plans call for up to 60 new said from his Vero Beach home. “Those
engineer. artificial reefs to be put down in the My Vero guys are out there on the sharp end of
complex over the next decade or so the stick. Bad things can happen.
Named after Palm Bay businessman including a rubble reef constructed CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
Alan Harshman, an ocean advocate, from approximately 900 tons of con- “I’ve spent the last 11 years wonder-
community volunteer and member crete from the Wabasso Fishing Pier, The elder Clement, a project man- ing how I would react if I got that call.”
of the Sebastian Inlet Sportfishing As- a catwalk beneath the 510 Causeway ager for the Hill Group builders in Vero
sociation who passed away last year, damaged by Hurricane Matthew, that Beach and an Air Force veteran, knew That call came minutes after mid-
the modules will have smaller rocks is scheduled to be sunk next year. his son had placed himself in harm’s night July 31 – from his daughter, Re-
embedded in their concrete surface way when he joined the Navy in 2007. becca, who had moved to California
that came from the Harshman fam- Indian River County's artificial reef and was living in her brother’s condo.
ily's backyard. program began in the mid 1990s af- As an aircrewman in a combat-ori- Through tears, she told her parents
ter members of the Sebastian Inlet ented squadron, Clement did more that Clement had been in an accident
Gray said the heavy structures will on the base, suffered massive head
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 5
trauma and was taken to the hospital. ementary School – and brothers, Chris a fuel tank detached from an HH-60H the hospital and released the same day.
“And she said the injuries weren’t Jr. and Matt, were jetting to San Diego, Seahawk helicopter while it was on the The incident, which occurred at
where they were greeted by a military ground at Naval Air Station North Is-
survivable,” Clement’s father said. “My detail that took them to the hospital and land and landed on them. 6:30 p.m. on July 30, was not disclosed
knees buckled. As a parent, it was the explained what had happened. by the Navy, which cited an obligation
worst news you can get.” The other sailor, a petty officer 2nd to publicly announce only combat-
According to news reports, Clement class the Navy did not identify, sustained related casualties. The story wasn’t
Within hours, Clement’s parents – his and another sailor were injured when only minor injuries. He was treated at
mother, Laura, is a teacher at Citrus El- CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
6 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero “It took a Herculean effort,” Clem- Joe Zack, who spoke fondly of Clement burial at Crestlawn Cemetery on Satur-
ent’s father said. “You’re talking about at an on-base memorial service held day morning.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 more than 1,000 pounds.” two weeks ago in San Diego.
“It’s been really hectic, making all
reported until six days later, when the After nearly 30 minutes at his son’s “In our business, it’s all about trust the arrangements, especially with so
Navy Safety Center released the infor- bedside in the hospital’s intensive care and relationships,” Zack said, pausing many people coming in from out of
mation to the website. unit, Clement’s father was asked by throughout his eulogy to regain his com- town,” he said. “This thing was quite
a member of the squadron to come posure. “In my squadron, I expect pro- a jolt, and I’m sure it’s going to hit me
A Navy spokesman said the incident out into the hallway, where the corri- fessionalism, honesty and teamwork. even harder when all this is over, but
was under investigation, but Clem- dor was lined with men wearing flight Jon embodied each of those qualities.” it helps knowing how much life Jon
ent’s father said he already has spoken suits, utilities and military uniforms. crammed into his 31 years.”
with the injured sailor, who is from In a video tribute produced by one
Jensen Beach and will attend the fu- “They all had sad faces, but they of the squadron member’s wives, Clement’s dad said his son was a ra-
neral service Saturday in Vero Beach. were there for him,” Clement’s father the Firehawks took turns describing bid fan of the NFL’s Washington Red-
said. “This was a big loss for all of us.” Clement, using words like “charismat- skins. He enjoyed sailing, whitewater
Clement’s father said the helicopter ic,” “confident,” “selfless,” “energetic,” rafting, archery, double-deck pinochle
had returned to the base after a train- It was a big loss for the Navy, too. “funny” and “positive,” saying it was and karaoke. And he was a devoted
ing mission in which the crew prac- Clement was in his 12th year in the “impossible to get him down.” “Parrothead” who loved Jimmy Buf-
ticed shooting missiles at targets off Navy, where he had been assigned fett’s music.
the San Diego coast. to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron He was also thoughtful, so much so
85, an elite unit nicknamed the “Fire- that he would volunteer to teach ar- Clement, who was single, was plan-
“The exercise is designed to simu- hawks,” for the past 13 months. He had chery, one of his favorite hobbies, to ning to spend 20 years in the Navy,
late an operation where you land the received the Enlisted Naval Aircrew the children of Gold Star parents. then move to the Florida Keys, buy
helicopter, refuel it and do a crew Warfare Specialist and Enlisted Aviation a sailboat and find a way to use it to
change, all while the bird is running,” Warfare Specialist badges, as well as five A account has been make a living.
Clement’s father said. “The two pilots Navy and Marine Corps Achievement created in his honor – the Jon Clement
hadn’t gotten to the aircraft yet, and awards, a Good Conduct medal and a Memorial Fund was launched with Then came that fateful and fatal ac-
Jon and the other crew member went Sea Service Deployment ribbon. money collected by members of his cident.
out to do the inspection. “He had finally made the big leagues,” squadron – and donations will go to
his father said. “Everybody liked him the Special Liberty Project’s Gold Star “If Jon had died in a blaze of glory
“That’s when the tank, filled with and respected him. We’ve got 15 guys Corps Mentoring Program. in a battle fighting against al-Qaeda, it
280 gallons of aircraft fuel, somehow from his squadron coming to Vero wouldn’t hurt any less,” Clement’s fa-
jettisoned from an aircraft’s pylon.” Beach for the funeral.” Clement’s father said he and his wife ther said. “The only difference is that
Clement took the brunt of the impact, Among the 15 is expected to be Fire- are still reeling from their loss, and there’s no Silver Star or Medal of Hon-
and four men were needed to get the hawks squadron commander Cmdr. they’ll probably seek grief counseling or, but that doesn’t mean anything to
tank off him. in the weeks after their son’s memo- me. I’m proud that he was serving his
rial service at Community Church and country.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 7
New Shores luxury condos set of building plans he and his engi- will be 64 feet wide, as large as a single- even though the Alloy project never got
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 neers developed for the Ocean Drive family oceanfront house on a 100-foot- off the ground. While his penthouse
condo, where the concrete shell is now wide lot, with one-level living in a main- units are half a million more expensive
from $1.545 million for a second-floor complete and can function like a mod- tenance-free, amenitized community. than Alloy’s, his entry-level homes are
2,500-square-foot unit to $3.995 mil- el home for the new development. You get all of that for between $3.5 and only half the cost and he is targeting a
lion for a full-floor penthouse unit. $4 million. wider slice of the luxury buyer demo-
The favorable market conditions graphic, offering six price points be-
This is the second high-end condo Zana is in a hurry to capitalize on are “That really doesn’t exist anyplace tween $1.54 million and $4 million.
project planned for this location.The first twofold. First, the U.S. economy and else in Vero Beach,” he added.
one, called 8050, never got off the ground, island real estate market are in good And he is selling a proven prod-
but Zana has already sold two units and shape. Second, “reasonably priced” The 4.7-acre site with 300 linear feet uct in a project that is underway. If
began to clear the site this week. newly-built oceanfront inventory is al- of oceanfront originally was part of a someone signs on the dotted line this
most non-existent in Vero. 39-acre ocean-to-river tract assem- month, they can plan on moving into
In addition to the four 26,000-square- bled from grove land in 2004 as the their new home within 2 years, maybe
foot condo buildings, the community – Only one $2.8-million townhome real estate boom was heating up and a little sooner. With the Alloy project
which has been named Blue at 8050 – will remains at Surf Club and other new sold to an out-of-state developer. the wait-time was open-ended with
include a clubhouse with fitness center, oceanfront homes on the island range at least a 3-year lag between the first
70-foot lap pool and putting green. from about $5 million to $10 million. By the time the developer had plans contract and completion.
and permits in place, the market had
Zana is fast-tracking the project “Of particular interest to us is the cooled off, and the land has been sold At the Ocean Drive condo, Zana sold
to take advantage of favorable mar- void in the market in the $3- to $4-mil- several times since then. the top floor as a 5,000-square-foot
ket conditions. He plans to go verti- lion range for new construction ocean- penthouse and expects to sell all the
cal in January, starting with the two front product,” Zana says. “We believe In 2014, Alloy Development, a part- top floors and probably some on the
southern-most towers, once permits the double residence condominium nership between Vero Beach business- two floors below at the new project as
have been secured from Indian River homes fulfill for the first time in a very woman Katherine McConvey and New full-floor units.
Shores and the Florida Department of long time this element of the market.” York architect Jared Della Valle, paid
Environmental Protection. He proj- $7,250,000 for the oceanfront part of the Half-floor condos, which Zana calls
ects a 14-month build-time with units A full-floor penthouse unit at Blue parcel Zana and his partners now own. corner units, will be 3-bedroom, 3.5-
ready for occupancy early in 2020. Two at 8050 will have 5,000 square feet of bath, 2,500-square-foot homes, with
have already been reserved. living space, and with covered terrac- Della Valle designed an 18-unit mod- two-car, climate-controlled garages.
es, the square footage jumps to 6,600. ernist condominium project with pre-
If sales meet expectations, Zana plans to Penthouses will also come with a pri- construction prices ranging from $3 The condo buildings will be in the
start the second two towers in mid-2019. vate, climate-controlled four-car ga- million to $3.5 million that drew rave Anglo-Caribbean style and all units
rage under the building. reviews but never attracted buyers. will have private elevators, high-end
To accelerate the process and reduce fixtures, finishes and materials, and
his costs, Zana is using the complete “I know the demand for that product Zana started looking at the property wide-open ocean views.
is out there,” Zana says. “Those units in May and closed on it June 15.
Zana is confident his condos will sell,
8 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BY RAY MCNULTY the dates and schedule for its holiday
Staff Writer season flights later.
Elite Airways will discontinue its Elite currently offers flights to and
non-stop service connecting Vero from Portland on Sundays and Thurs-
Beach to White Plains, N.Y., and Port- days. The airline offers flights to and
land, Me., after the Labor Day week- from White Plains on Mondays and Fri-
end, but says it plans to resume those days.
flights “near the end of the spring,” the
company’s president said last week. Elite’s seasonal service between Vero
Beach and Asheville, N.C., will contin-
Elite president and Chief Execu- ue into early November.
tive Officer John Pearsall said the air-
line also will temporarily offer limited The Asheville flights will be discon-
service along those routes during the tinued through the winter months
Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. and also are expected to resume in the
“The service to and from White
Plains and Portland was seasonal, any- The Vero-Asheville service is of-
way,” Pearsall said, adding that cus- fered on Sundays and Thursdays,
tomer demand for those flights “de- with scheduled departures from Vero
pends on the time of year” and “isn’t as Beach at 3 p.m. and from Asheville at
strong in the fall, for sure.” 5:15 p.m.
According to Elite’s website, season- Pearsall said no changes are planned
al service connecting Vero Beach and for Elite’s year-round service between
Portland ends Sept. 2, one day before Vero Beach and Newark, N.J., the air-
the last regularly scheduled flights be- line’s most popular route with flights
tween Vero Beach and White Plains. offered on Thursdays, Fridays, Sun-
days and Mondays.
Pearsall said the airline will announce
“We love the Vero Beach market,”
Pearsall said.
August 28, 2018
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 9
Vero airport says handicapped parking not a problem
BY RAY MCNULTY Chief David Currey, who, when asked the proper placard or license plate in The ADA requires one handicapped-
Sunday about the situation, admitted, any public parking space. accessible spot for every 25 parking
Staff Writer “This is the first I’ve ever heard about spaces up to 100. The ratio then drops
or even been asked about it.” That includes the two-hour parking to one for every 50 – up to 200, when it
The Vero Beach Regional Airport limits on the spaces in downtown Vero decreases to one for every 100.
currently has eight handicapped- In fact, it wasn’t until confronted with Beach and the Central Beach business
accessible parking spaces outside its questions from Vero Beach 32963 last district. Thus, theVero Beach airport, with its
passenger terminal – one more than week that City Manager Jim O’Connor current parking capacity, is required to
required by the federal Americans began exploring the possibility of in- “I can’t recall anyone coming in provide at least seven handicapped-
with Disabilities Act for the facility’s stalling signs to inform the airport’s visi- and saying they had parked in a regu- accessible spaces.
238-vehicle lot capacity. tors that the short-term lot’s three-hour lar spot with a handicapped-parking
time limit doesn’t apply to the handi- placard and got ticketed for being over “We try to accommodate all of our
Only one of those spaces, however, capped-accessible parking spaces. time,” Currey said. “So, we’re not just passengers, whether they’re disabled
is in the airport’s two long-term park- allowing it at the airport. We’re doing or not,” Scher said. “If someone physi-
ing lots. In a text message last weekend, this across the board.” cally can’t walk to the terminal from
O’Connor wrote that he “had not where they’re parked, we’ll make ar-
So, what happens when more than planned for more signs,” but that he There are 52 spaces – including one rangements for them to park closer, if
one driver with a handicapped-park- “will look to see how many it will take.” handicapped-accessible spot – in Lot possible. Or, if it’s available, we’ve got a
ing placard or disabled person license A, the long-term lot that, according to golf cart we can use to transport them
plate is traveling out of town, perhaps He said in an earlier conversation the airport’s website, allows parking to the building.
on an Elite Airways flight, and needs to that disabled drivers whose vehicles for up to 14 days. There are 82 spaces
park for more than the three hours al- display handicapped-parking placards and no handicapped-accessible spots “We’ll do what we can to help.”
lowed in the short-term lot? or tags are “encouraged” to use the des- in Lot B, were vehicles may park for up Before Elite returned commercial
ignated spaces in the airport’s short- to 21 days. airline service to Vero Beach three
“They can use the handicapped- term lot, which is noticeably closer to years ago, there were no parking re-
parking spaces in the short-term lot,” the terminal than the long-term lots. The short-term lot has 97 regular strictions. Passengers were allowed to
said Todd Scher, the airport’s assistant parking spaces, plus seven handi- park in any space they could find.
director. “We don’t enforce the time O’Connor and Currey discussed the capped-accessible spots, four of which Last year, though, the airport spent
limits on the handicapped spots. The matter in a phone conversation Mon- are on the west side of the terminal. One more than $180,000 to add a second
time restrictions don’t apply there.” day morning. Afterward, Currey con- is in front of the east side of the building. long-term lot (Lot B) and, upon its
firmed that the city doesn’t enforce the completion, placed a three-hour limit
Scher added: “That’s probably not time limit on handicapped-parking The other two designated spaces are in what is now the short-term lot.
clear to people.” spaces – or on any vehicle displaying adjacent to the entrance for C.J. Can-
non’s Restaurant.
It wasn’t clear to Vero Beach Police
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10 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
School Board renews Rendell’s contract despite poor reviews
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN Vero Beach 32963 had to file public math, science or English test in one of school year, I see 4,504 students who
Staff Writer document requests to find out what the county’s 26 schools – hardly a stel- are struggling to read and write.”
board members think of Rendell, lar grade.
The School Board has extended whose performance measures are the Zorc’s concerns belie Rendell’s claim
Superintendent Mark Rendell’s con- same as the district’s five-year-strate- Laura Zorc, who gave Rendell his low- in his self-evaluation claim that “we
tract through 2020, with almost no gic-plan measures and thus also reveal est score of 2.25, was critical both of the have improved student performance
public discussion and without letting what board members think about the level of educational achievement and of in every tested subject area except 7th
the public see individual board mem- county schools’ performance. the “culture and climate” in the schools. grade Civics.” Rendell awarded him-
bers’ evaluations of the man in charge self a 4.25 for his overall performance.
of a nearly $300 million annual bud- Board member’s evaluations of Ren- English Language Arts scores on the
get, not to mention the education of dell ranged from 2.25 to 4.5 on a scale Florida Standard Assessment for third Zorc and board member Charles
17,800 students. where 5 is perfect, and averaged 3.44, through eighth grade are stagnating Searcy both were critical of the “cul-
which is equivalent to scoring 69 on a or declining, Zorc said. “When I look ture and climate” in the schools. Ren-
at these numbers for the 2017-2018 dell had claimed that discipline refer-
rals are down 14 percent, indicating an
improvement in classroom behavior,
but Searcy said teachers have been
told not to write discipline referrals.
“Teachers are pleading for support
with student discipline,” Zorc said.
Searcy, who gave Rendell an overall
grade of 2.6 – an F grade on any test –
awarded the superintendent a 2.0 for his
handling of personnel issues and failure
to attract “a high-quality workforce.”
“Many teachers and CWA (Commu-
nications Workers of America) employ-
ees do not trust administration and the
superintendent. Retribution is an on-
going concern in the district,” Searcy
said. “Trust is nearly non-existent.”
School Board Chairman Shawn Frost
saw things differently. In his evaluation,
he wrote that Rendell has done a fine
job “cutting through the noise where
possible and correcting mispercep-
tions,” and gave the superintendent a
4.0 as a communicator. Frost’s overall
evaluation of Rendell was a 4.25.
Rendell got his highest mark from
Tiffany Justice, who gave him a 4.5.
She said that criticism of Rendell is
Board member Dale Simchick gave
Rendell a 3.6.
The lack of public awareness of the
upcoming contract renewal and of
board members’ opinions of the super-
intendent was due to Frost’s efforts. He
quashed public knowledge of Rendell’s
performance review.
The renewal only appeared on the
July 31 agenda, where the decision to
extend his contract was made, because
Searcy protested its absence and in-
sisted that it be mentioned in the pub-
lic document. Even then, there was
no backup material, such as copies of
board member evaluations.
Fellow board members couldn’t
see each other’s evaluations and the
public had no access, chilling School
Board discussion and eliminating the
possibility of public comment.
After voicing mild disapproval of
Frost’s actions, the School Board went
ahead and unanimously voted for
Rendell’s contract extension, with no
discussion of the contract details.
Bridget Lyons, Jay Krier,
Marie O’Brien and Barry Tatem.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Lifesaving lessons make a splash with kids at Swim Day
Bruce Sabol and Katie Marleau. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Lyndsey Alexander. Connor and Lacey Heinbockel.
BY KERRY FIRTH big splash and gave local children the
Correspondent opportunity to learn safe swimming
techniques while enjoying poolside
Boating and water safety instruction fun.
turned into jubilant child’s play at the
second annual Swim Day held at the Children were taken on an imagi-
Gifford Aquatic Center last Saturday nary boat ride to Hawaii. “Make sure
morning. your life jacket fits because you never
know when the weather may change,”
Sponsored by the Graves Thomas said instructor Dawn George as she
Injury Law Group, the event made a showed the children how to put on
Ianna Davis, Zariah Green and Zakiah Green.
their lifejackets and secure the straps. early age. Formal swimming lessons
“You should wear it all the time like a reduce the likelihood of childhood
seatbelt if you can.” drowning by 88 percent.
When the imaginary trip turned This is the second time attorneys
ugly and the boat capsized, the group Joe Graves and Matthew Thomas have
moved to the enormous pool where sponsored the Swim Day, after having
they learned about survival and rescue been approached last year by Indian
techniques. River County Sheriff’s Dep. Teddy
Floyd. Attendees received free admis-
“So many children are in boats and sion, a towel, swim goggles, a swim
on field trips, and they don’t know cap and a backpack.
what to do if something happens,” said
Katie Marleau, Gifford Aquatic Center “We were looking for a way to bridge
recreation facility supervisor. “Often the gap between law enforcement
an inexperienced swimmer will get in and the public,” said Floyd. “There’s
trouble, and another weak swimmer so much bad press out there about
will jump in and try to rescue him. Un- law enforcement. We thought that
fortunately, that sometimes results in by inviting kids to swim with cops
two drownings instead of one.” they would not only learn the basics
of swimming, but they’d view the
Instructors showed the children police as friends. I’ve even been out
the ‘Reach and Throw’ technique there rounding up neighborhood kids
of lifesaving that focuses on finding who didn’t have transportation and
something they can reach out to the driving them here. This is a fabulous
distressed swimmer to grab onto, or community event and we are very
something buoyant they can throw to thankful for the generosity of Graves
the swimmer to float on until help ar- Thomas Law Group.”
After the rescue lesson, the chil-
Florida continues to rank highest in dren received basic swim lessons
the nation for drowning deaths of chil- before enjoying some pool time.
dren under the age of 4. And according The day ended with a high-energy
to the Red Cross, 61 percent of children splash party complete with a live DJ.
don’t know how to swim. Surrounded Squeals of joy and boisterous rounds
by water, Florida is also rife with pools, of laughter confirmed that learning
lakes and waterways, so it’s imperative to swim was a blast.
to teach children how to swim at an
14 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Reading Rocket’ home after spreading word on literacy
Staff Writer
The Learning Alliance’s Moonshot Moonshot Reading Rocket bus. Marie O’Brien and Barry Tatem spent PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Reading Rocket rolled into the Brack- time in each community spreading
ett Library at the Indian River State Annual Review Book, a video of the the word that to improve literacy, here to welcome back the Moonshot
College Mueller Center Campus last 2017 Moonshot Nation Road Trip, a communities need to work together. Rocket, a visible symbol of how we
Tuesday leaving a trail of stories in its Brightspot award for TLA’s Moonshot feel about early literacy and children
wake. The literacy lab made its way Academy, and yet another Pacesetter The ambassadors lay the seeds to reading on grade level.” Adding to
home after a 2,700-mile journey to award recognizing them as literacy grow the Moonshot Moment initia- National Grade Level for Reading Di-
participate in the Grade-Level Read- leaders. tive into a nationwide early literacy rector Ralph Smith’s challenge that,
ing Week in Philadelphia. and reading quest using “Voices: A “Literacy is not a spectator sport. You
Giving new meaning to the phrase Community Tapestry of Stories,” an gotta get off the bleachers and onto
Members of the community and “Wheels on the Bus,” the Rocket made interactive tapestry-making proj- the playing field. We not only got off
Moonshot Community Action Net- stops in Philadelphia; Wilmington, ect aimed at improving third-grade the bleachers but we’ve taken it on
work leaders were invited to help Del.; Roanoke, Va.; Charlotte, N.C.; reading proficiency as a way to start the road.”
welcome the rocket home during a and Savannah, Ga. Moonshot Am- the conversation.
Moonshot Moment Literacy Move- bassadors Jay Krier, Bridget Lyons, Later, Casey Lunceford, provost of
ment Rocket Return Reception. Lyons explained that the work of IRSC Mueller Center, explained how
Guests enjoyed lunch as the road- George Ella Lyon – Kentucky’s 2015- early literacy affects post-secondary
weary literacy warriors shared sto- 2016 poet laureate – and her poem education; Susan Adams, IRC county
ries about the people they met during “Where I’m From” inspired the proj- commissioner, noted the importance
their adventure and viewed a video ect. At each stop, the ambassadors of literacy to the community; Erin
featuring highlights of the journey. posed the questions: “Where are Grall, District 54 state representative,
you from?” “What is your name?” discussed the importance of early
During the conference, the Learn- and “What are your dreams?” Par- literacy; and Tiffany Justice, School
ing Alliance (TLA) brought home ticipants designed a panel to add to Board member, gave a rundown of
awards for the TLA arts-literacy proj- the collaborative tapestry that will the ongoing collaboration.
ect “Voices: A Community Tapestry line the reflection pond in Washing-
of Stories,” the Moonshot Moment ton, D.C. at the Mall on International Judi Miller, Big Brothers Big Sis-
Literacy Day in 2019, according to ters CEO, explained the reason the
O’Brien. Moonshot Moment has attained such
remarkable progress. “In 2011 Big
The team also collected interviews Brothers Big Sisters was one of liter-
for “Moonshot Nation,” a podcast, ally hundreds of nonprofit agencies
book and documentary which will in Indian River County, and we were
serve as a platform to share stories all working very independently on in-
from Campaign for Grade-Level dividual goals. Then Moonshot Mo-
Reading communities as they tackle ment came along, and it coalesced us
the literacy crisis. toward one single critical goal – read-
ing proficiency by third grade.”
After an update from the Moonshot
Ambassadors, MCAN leaders gave an “The Moonshot Movement is a col-
introspective of the Moonshot Mo- lective effort to create more hopeful
ment Literacy Movement from their futures for our children. I believe the
perspectives. impact of the Moonshot Moment has
survived and blossomed all these
O’Brien invited Fran Adams, re- years because we deeply understand
tired School District of Indian River that the youngest in the community
County superintendent, and the need our voice and they need our
“mother of Moonshot Moment” to action. I’m challenging you today to
discuss the trajectory the Moonshot expand our reach so that the impor-
Moment has taken since the collab- tance of early literacy permeates the
orative launched in 2011. culture of everything,” said Adams.
“Today I’m here to celebrate you as To learn more about The Learning
a community because I feel like we Alliance and the Moonshot Moment,
live in a community that supports visit or moon-
children,” said Adams. “I’m also
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 15
Fran Adams, Dr. David Griffin and Tiffany Justice. Michael Bielecki and Erin Grall with children Aleska and Gunther. Helene Caseltine, Peter O’Bryan and Elizabeth Thomason.
Kelly Baysura and Barbara Hammond. Laura Moss and Andrea Berry. Susan Adams with son James Henry Davey.
Patti Fuchs and Judi Miller. PHOTO: STEPHANIE LABAFF
16 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Pulp’ culture vultures revel in Night at Citrus Museum
BY KERRY FIRTH Indian River Citrus refers to a geo- Larry Beltz, George Geiger and George Hamner. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Correspondent graphical area that stretches 200
miles along central Florida’s east
Homegrown citrus farmers coast. “It’s actually illegal for grow-
flaunted fresh Florida smiles as ers outside of that area to use the
they talked about the citrus indus- name.”
try’s history, growth and status in
today’s environment last Thursday The Spaniards planted the seeds
evening at Night at the Indian Riv- from which the Florida citrus indus-
er Citrus Museum at the Heritage try would grow. “Citrus is not native
Center and its adjacent Indian River to Florida but was brought over to
Citrus Museum. Florida by the Spanish explorers in
the late 1800s. Settlers dug up the
During the open house, first-time hearty roots of the trees planted by
visitors with a thirst for knowledge the Spaniards and grafted a sweeter
squeezed all the information and variety creating the delectable In-
folklore they could from museum dian River citrus,” said Stapleton
docents and descendants of local as she highlighted aspects of local
citrus families. Florida history.
“This is a friend-raising event,” George Hamner of Indian River
explained Heather Stapleton, Cit- Exchange Packers shared vintage
rus Museum and Heritage Center Indian River citrus labels from his
executive director. “Citrus is more family’s private collection. “At one
fascinating than anyone can imag- point there were over 500 different
ine and there are so many residents growers, and each one may have
who have never taken the time to had its own label. Some families
visit us. There is so much history had more than just one,” said Ham-
packed into this tiny museum.” ner. “They were placed on the end
of wooden packing crates and are
According to Stapleton, the term
very diverse. They depict the way life ness since 1920, and I grew up eating
was in the early years. These days we delicious fruit. It’s nice to see this in-
print our labels directly on cardboard dustry memorialized as it’s as much
shipping boxes and since there are a part of Florida history as anything
only about six packing houses left, we else.”
don’t have the variety of design.”
One could almost smell orange
Citrus farming and shipping were blossoms wafting through the air
significantly diminished by canker as guests enjoyed complimentary
disease that wiped out a majority citrus-infused beer from Orchid Is-
of the groves. At the same time, real land Brewery and dessert from Sean
estate values in Indian River County Ryan Pub as they listened to the Just
rose, and many of the barren groves Add Music (JAM) Band play bluegrass
were sold to developers. It was the music and viewed Keri Keene’s Old
perfect storm for the demise of an Florida artwork.
On Aug. 17, the Heritage Cen-
“There aren’t many growers any- ter will overflow with wine during
more as the land is so valuable for the Seller to Cellar FINAL Reunion
real estate,” said Janie Graves Hoover. Show. For a schedule of events, visit
“My family was in the packing busi-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 17
Joe Chiarella, Katherina Paliwoda and Janie Graves Hoover. Louis Schacht and Ted Combs. Janice Piston and Kim Piston.
Greg and Katie Reader. ‘Just Add Music.’
Kathy and Wayne Hayes with Tom Broomall and Heather Stapleton.
Laurie Cooper, Deen Copeland and Kai Martin.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Go, mango! Sebastian businesses sizzle at Grill Out Night
Beth Mitchell and Britney Melchiori. Susan Cortes, Gloria Tausch and Susana Hurt. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Pete Anderson and DeeDee Smith.
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF spired by Light up Night, which began nesses to be creative and come up with Music blared, new shops were discov-
Staff Writer more than 25 years ago, according ways to serve that fruit to the public. It’s ered, Mariner Pete flew in and visited
to Mitchell. “For the businesses it’s a Mango Madness this year. That’s cer- with children at Marine Bank, Pareido-
After the storms rolled through last great way to show customer apprecia- tainly a local fruit,” explained Mitchell. lia Brewing Co. brewed up their special
Friday afternoon, more than 30 busi- tion, but it’s also a way for the commu- Mango Wheat beer and the Sebastian
nesses fired up their grills for a night nity to learn about the businesses that Raffles, games and discounts were Police Department’s COPs mobile
of Mango Madness during the eighth are out there. Hopefully, people will offered to thank consumers for stop- (Community Outreach Program) fea-
annual Sebastian River Area Chamber learn about what’s available in terms ping by. Families strolled down the tured Miracle, the star potbellied pig
of Commerce Grill Out Night. of goods and services to keep it local streets stopping to find out what vari- who was on hand to accept praise for
and do their Sebastian shopping here.” ous businesses had to offer from as far her debut in the department’s Law En-
“It’s the middle of summer, and north as the Sebastian River Medical forcement Lip Sync video, Piggypop.
while it appears that things have Local businesses celebrated every- Center, where a large crowd gathered
slowed down like they do every year, thing mango ̶ enticing patrons to stop for the full buffet served by the hospi- Mother Nature did her part to end
it’s a great time of year for our busi- by and taste mango Italian ice, man- tal’s leadership team, all the way down the evening on a high night, putting on
nesses to open their doors to the com- go salsa, mango-themed appetizers, to the Tax Collectors office. a powerful display of pinks and reds as
munity and show customers their mango cocktails, mango sweets and the sun began to set bursting with the
appreciation,” said Beth Mitchell, Se- more. Not mad about mangoes? Not to “Any time that you have an orga- orange blush of a mango.
bastian Chamber president. “We’ve worry ̶ there were plenty of other op- nized event like this, the community
had a tremendous response to this tions available along the way. benefits,” said Mitchell as friends and The Sebastian River Area Chamber
low-key Friday night Sebastian party neighbors clustered in groups catch- of Commerce will host the 25th Annual
over the years.” “Getting their grill out adds a sum- ing up and debating over their favorite Lifestyle & Media Auction on Sept. 14 at
mer touch to it. We select a special fruit mango dishes while children played Pareidolia Brewing Co. Visit sebastian-
The summertime event was in- every year and challenge our busi- cornhole and gobbled up hot dogs. for details.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 19
Kim Bohall, Cathy DeMott and Donna Jones. Bruce McMann, Rachel Williams, Shawn Hoyt and Dustin Kyle. Kyle Gestewitz and Kason.
Kevin Barker, Georgia Irish and Bob Kenney. Nicholas Santos and Martha Ospina. Ginny Heeter.
Anna Brooks and Matt McGill. Susan Viola and Patty Giannetta. Steven Schlitt and Sherry Carrigan. Officer Tegpreet Singh and Chief Michelle Morris
of the Sebastian Police Dept.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Artwork reaffirms ‘Unbroken’ bond among veterans
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF cil and the Cultural Council of Indian
Staff Writer River County.
The Next Generation Veterans hon- Veterans who served in World War
ored those who came before them II through to the wars in Iraq and
during a tribute to service members Afghanistan gathered to raise funds
who served in the Vietnam War last to construct the Next Generation
Wednesday evening at the Heritage Veterans’ monument “Words from
Center. The evening was hosted in War.” The monument was designed
partnership with the Veterans Coun- by world-renowned monument artist
Ross Power, according to Bruce Cady,
“Battleflag” by Brockton Williamson, the son of an Iraq Veteran.
Veterans Council director of opera- self-esteem and generate well-being.”
tions. The central theme of the evening
Through the veterans’ partner- was based around the documen-
ship with the Cultural Council, a tary film “A Bond Unbroken,” which
call for artists was sent out, and chronicles a reunion 40 years in the
Vietnam War-era-themed art cre- making. Retired members of the Viet-
ated by local artists was auctioned nam-era U.S. Navy SEALs discovered
off. Pieces included the winning en- their combat interpreter, Nguyen
try by Grace Dooley entitled “Men Hoang Minh, is still living. Reunited,
of War,” along with works by local they discover that the bond forged all
artists, including veterans and ci- those years ago during the conflict is
vilians. One rather patriotic collage as strong as ever. The SEAL commu-
of army men was submitted by the nity created a fund to see to Minh’s
child of an Iraq War veteran. care for the rest of his life.
The Cultural Council has ear- Film director Mary Ann Koenig,
marked funds raised for pro- producer Rick Dobbis and Ret. Navy
gramming specific to veterans to SEAL Captains Pete Peterson, Rick
promote reintegration and raise Woolard and Ron Yeaw chatted with
awareness about the experiences the audience about the impact Minh
and the struggles of this segment of made on their lives and his contribu-
the population. tions to the war effort.
“The connection between the “He probably had more SEAL op-
arts and the military has always erations, and more SEAL experience
been strongly rooted in shared his- than any SEAL has ever had,” noted
tory that we have as a people and a Peterson. “A number of Navy SEALs
nation,” noted Barbara Hoffman, have told me that Minh saved their
Cultural Council of IRC executive lives. I think there are a lot of us that
director. As examples she points to don’t know that he saved our lives. He
the music of “America the Beauti- had such situational awareness. We
ful,” the painting of Washington were able to operate in a way that was
crossing the Delaware, photographs much less risky because of the infor-
of U.S. Marines raising the flag on mation Minh had.”
Iwo Jima, and deployed soldiers
strumming guitars for respite and The bond forged in combat lost
solace. none of its potency over the years
and is a fitting representation of the
Hoffman continued, “Art defines camaraderie and support created
our human experience and every among the veteran community in In-
solemn or joyous occasion we have dian River County, whether it’s from
in our national family and individ- the veterans themselves, the com-
ual lives. munity at large or through the sup-
port of art-based programs.
“For service members, veterans
and their families, participation in To learn more about the Cultural
the arts ̶ whether for expressing, ed- Council, visit and
ucational, recreational or therapeutic for information about the Veterans
purposes ̶ is proven to build resil- Council of IRC visit veteranscouncilirc.
ience, enhance coping skills, increase org or
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 21
Sam Kouns, Barbara Hoffman and Bruce Cady. Marty Zickert and Laura Moss. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF Patrick Williamson, Tony Young and Curtis Holden.
Rick Woolard, Pete Peterson, Ross Power and Pat Geyer. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 22
Mary Ann Koenig and Ron Yeaw. Carroll and Roberta Oates.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 Lynne Edgar. Carl and Ellen Rantz.
John Michael Matthews, Pete Peterson and Carroll Oates.
Melanie Tarnoff, Nicole Moran and Leah Cady. Scott Carson and Quentin Walter. Ellen and Wayne Sobczak.
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24 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Paint, we got fun! Lougheed follows her passion
Staff Writer
Sheila Lougheed says: “If Georgia Although dismayed when their PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
O’Keefe and Jackson Pollack ever re- daughter’s artistic tendencies didn’t
produced, I would be their child.” subside, both parents lovingly support-
Lougheed’s vibrant, ebullient paint- ed her, while trying, subtly, to steer her
ings do reflect the influence not only toward a more traditional career path.
of her own endearing, exuberant per-
sona, but also O’Keefe’s erotic rhythm
and Pollack’s spontaneity and applica-
tion of layers.
Born and raised in Danbury, Conn.,
Lougheed is a tall, colorfully elegant
woman with an asymmetrical tousle
of recalcitrant silvery curls and an ir-
repressible sense of humor inherited
from her Irish father.
Her earliest memory of wielding a
paint brush was at age 2, when her dad
was fixing up their first house. “I found
some red paint and thought, ‘I should
So the toddler confidently set to
work painting – the barn, the garage,
the bathroom – and wondered why her
dad didn’t share her enthusiasm. “I was
just – enhancing,” she remembers with
a laugh.
“When I was 3, I was watching my what it means but isn’t it wonderful?’”
dad get a haircut. The barber had Lougheed lost her mom shortly before
painted a lot of cartoon characters on moving to Florida in 2014.
the shop walls and my dad said, ‘See
what a good artist HE is – and he’s got A graphic arts course at West Con-
to cut hair to make a living.’” necticut State College was “the closest I
ever came to art school.” Although her
Undeterred, she matter-of-factly re- college career was cut short to “make a
plied, “Well, I’m an artist!” living,” she put her art skills to work at
Danbury Hospital, eventually becom-
As a second-grader in Catholic school, ing an art therapist.
Lougheed and her classmates were told
to draw a picture of what they wanted to While Lougheed was pursuing a
be. “I didn’t know we were expected to master’s degree at the College of New
draw a nun or priest, or teacher or fire- Rochelle, her world took a frightening
man. I drew a cartoonist for Mad Maga- turn: only in her 30s, she was diag-
zine. My mother got a call from the con- nosed with colon cancer. She under-
cerned nun.” went lengthy, aggressive chemothera-
py treatments. During most of her 30s,
Her always perfectly-turned-out she says, “I was so sick.”
mom did have to put her foot down to
get her tomboy daughter to wear dresses Making the ordeal worse, her pre-
to school. But her loving support never viously unstoppable father had been
ceased. “She always, always tried her taken gravely ill and was undergoing
best to understand my work. She was dialysis.
so proud of me. She’d tell her friends,
‘My daughter did this! I don’t know For a while, the doctors held out lit-
tle hope for Lougheed, and she strug-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 25
credible, passionate, original and fresh,
he says. “She loves to experiment; she’s
not afraid to make a mess, and make
something of the mess. She’s taught me
as well, kept me on my toes.”
This spring, hearing that the Foo-
saner had reopened, Lougheed de-
cided to call Funk to see if she was
still interested. Gathering her courage
with determination and another bag
of Doritos, she called. Funk was de-
lighted and chose nine of Lougheed’s
florals and six abstracts. For the formal
reception at the Foosaner, “I bought
every white flower I could find. David
catered it. It was beautiful.”
gled to accept the probability that she teacher at the Foosaner, encouraged
wouldn’t see her 40th birthday. her and suggested flowers as a theme.
“When you think you’re going to die, “I don’t want to paint flowers,”
you go out and buy shoes in every col- Lougheed protested, but she took her
or. You eat whatever you want. Noth- mentor’s advice. She gave the project
ing scares you. Nothing matters.” her all, and, after a year and a half, the
collection was ready.
She laid her paints aside.
But David Holzbach, Lougheed’s Then came the bad news. “Carla
Danbury Hospital co-worker, was quite calls me and says, ‘We’re closing.’ Well,
taken with the outgoing young woman I immediately took to the couch with a
and had kept in touch. Although under- bag of Doritos and the dogs.”
going chemo, and frequently violently
ill, she accepted when Holzbach asked But not for long. Lougheed decided to
her out on New Year’s Eve. She recalls revive a passion related to her Irish heri-
her aunt’s advice that, under the cir- tage. Back in Connecticut, Lougheed
cumstances, “if he asks you on a second had taught step dancing. One evening
date, he’s a keeper.” He did, and he was. during a break, she watched auditions
During a 1993 trip to Florida to visit for the Danbury Celtic Cross Pipes and
her parents, Holzbach asked Lougheed’s Drums, as the director grew increasing-
father for her hand in marriage. Sadly, ly frustrated with the drummer appli-
her father passed away before seeing the cants who couldn’t maintain the beat.
couple wed the following year. He called Lougheed over and thrust the
With the support of family and drumsticks into her hands. “You can
friends, they made it through the long keep a beat. So, dance with the sticks,
cancer ordeal. On her 40th birthday, instead of your feet.”
with Lougheed proclaimed cancer-
free at last, they journeyed to the South Then and there, the step-dancing
Pacific, traveling to Tahiti in the artis- artist became a bass drummer, per-
tic footsteps of Gauguin. And, at last, forming with the band throughout the
Lougheed started to paint again, begin- Northeast. One of her most popular
ning to make a name for herself in the paintings was an unplanned but joyful
Northeast, with several gallery exhibi- rendition of a bagpiper in full regalia,
tions, including two in New York City’s entitled “Then Danny Led the Band.”
Broome Street Gallery in Soho.
Moving to Sebastian, Lougheed Later, Lougheed tried out for the Vero
quickly assimilated into the local art Beach Pipes and Drums. Jacob Craig,
community, and began taking classes the band’s Pipe Major and director of
with well-known Dutch artist Frits van music at First Presbyterian Church,
Eeden, whom Lougheed calls a mod- quickly realized Lougheed would be a
ern day “Dutch Master.” After her third great fit, even after she told him, “If you
class, Van Eeden invited her to work in want Janis Joplin, I’m your gal.”
his studio under his supervision. “I im-
mediately burst into tears,” she recalls. Some of her most interesting projects
Lougheed thrived under van Eeden’s have developed through her friendship
mentorship, calling it “the best four with Craig, an artistic kindred spirit.
years of my life. Can you imagine that This year, during Lent, Lougheed set up
gift? Almost every day, to absorb all her easel at the back of the sanctuary
that energy and creativity from a true and spontaneously painted her inter-
genius? My whole world opened up.” pretation of each Sunday’s sermon. The
One day, Lougheed got a call from works were then displayed at a recep-
Carla Funk, executive director of Flor- tion on Easter Sunday.
ida Institute of Technology’s Foosaner
Art Museum. Could Lougheed prepare “She is singularly the most creative
an exhibition? Van Eeden, a longtime person I’ve ever met,” Craig says. “Her
output is incredible, and she attaches
meaning, intention and value to ev-
erything she does.”
Van Eeden describes his student with
a torrent of praise: she’s impressive, in-
26 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: Summer Nights serves up a ‘Buffett’ buffet
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA who’ve logged close to 15 years of
Staff Writer professional performing, all over the
state and aboard cruise ships. Brock
1 It’s becoming a summer tradi- is a “multi-instrumentalist” with a
tion of sorts in Vero Beach, for smooth voice, backed by acoustic
guitar, foot drums and bassist vir-
folks who like to have some let-your- tuoso Justin Mandell. It’s said their
sound and intensity “can compete
hair-down weekend fun with lots of with a full four-piece party band.”
Be there, enjoy a mix of Top 40 rock,
music, food and adult beverages. Yes, country, and dance music, and find
out for yourself. Taking the stage at
it’s Riverside Theatre’s music-centric 7:30 p.m. is Hypersona, a full-throttle
rock and dance band that promises
Summer Nights Series. This month’s “no style is off limits.” Saturday after-
noon at 3:30, the acoustic duo from
theme is “Cheeseburgers in Para- Fort Pierce, Live Bait, will bring their
unique blend of songs from many
dise,” a perfect match for the free Live genres. Multi-instrumentalists they
certainly are: Will on vocals, guitar,
in the Loop concert band: none other bongos, Cajun, harmonica, melodica,
and Dave adding vocals, guitar, flute,
than longtime favorite Jimmy Buf- harmonica, melodica, ukulele. Will
and Dave are fond of saying they’ve
fett tribute band – the Landsharks – got a little something for everyone,
“whether you’re into Otis Redding or
2 Oranga Tanga at Kilted Mermaid this Friday. the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Peter Tosh
or Charlie Daniels.” Hypersona re-
putting us in that Cayo Hueso state 2 The Kilted Mermaid is known to turns to the stage at 7:30 p.m. to take
of mind. Inside, it’s the Howl at the locals as a funky, eclectic neigh- you into the night. 772-388-8588.
Moon Dueling Pianos Experience,
with a pair of daring and skilled pia- borhood pub with a chill atmosphere,
nists burning up the ivories for your
listening pleasure. This week’s musi- and good local music, which totally
cal combatants will be Rob Volpe and
Rhoda Johnson. You can listen, sing fits the Mermaid’s vibe. This Friday,
along, even dance, and help pick the
tunes. Try to stump them. Few have 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., you’ll hear and see
done it. Dueling Pianos: 7:30 p.m. or
8:30 p.m. the unique stylings of Oranga Tanga, a
band with an interesting story. Origi-
nally six longtime musician pals (“a
half-dozen musical weirdos,” they
called themselves) who had never
played together as a band, they tried
it in 2008 and surprised themselves
by becoming successful. In 2014, one 4 Doing what it does best, the Clas-
sic Albums Live Tour will per-
of their members died, and the other
five began a new chapter with a new form “The Beatles White Album” on
name – Oranga Tanga. Come see and the King Center stage in Melbourne
hear them for yourselves. You won’t this Saturday. Classic Albums Live
be bored. Saturday, same time same performs across North America and is
place, it’s Rowan’s Irish Rebels, bring- known for recreating classic albums,
ing songs from the Emerald Isle and live on stage, note for note, cut for cut,
the pubs thereon. 772-569-5533. promising absolutely no “gimmickry
and cheesy impersonations,” but rath-
3 What’s cookin’ musically at er, according to the company’s found-
Capt. Hiram’s, not too far down
er Craig Martin, relying solely on the
(or up) the road in Sebastian, this music, performed by “the world’s best
weekend? On Friday at 3:30 p.m., it’ll musicians.” Expect such unforgetta-
be the Brad Brock Duo, which, says ble cuts as “Back in the U.S.S.R.,” “Ob-
its website, is a “2-man full band duo” La-Di, Ob-La-Da,” “Dear Prudence,”
“While My Guitar Gently Weeps” and
the rest. Show time: 8 p.m. Tickets:
Come in and let us create a masterful blend of function start at $29.75. 321-242-2219.
and esthetics for the kitchen of your dreams.
5 By popular demand, Hot Pink
f e at u r i n g : returns to the Historic Cocoa
Village Playhouse this weekend with
the unforgettable music of Queen.
(All together now … “Scaramouch,
Scaramouch, will you do the fan-
dango”) This Cocoa-based, five-man
Established 18 Years in Indian River County rock band plays original stuff as well
Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM as ’60s, ’70s and ’80s covers. But their
• The Treasure Coast’s most Comprehensive, Professional Showroom
Queen show is what really rocks the
• Extensive Collection of Styles and Finishes to Meet Your Budget
• Under New Ownership • Remodeling specialists house. The last time Hot Pink brought
(772) 562-2288 | the music of Freddie Mercury’s band
3920 US Hwy 1, Vero Beach FL 32960
to this venue – last January – tickets
sold out in a hot second. So make
your move. Show times: Friday and
3 Brad Brock Duo at Capt. Hiram’s Friday. Saturday, 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m.
28 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
was supposed to be a million miles gest robotic science project, which was ten-billion-dollar paperweight sitting NASA officials have increased over-
from Earth by now, peering deep into identified by the astronomy commu- out there,” said astrophysicist Grant sight of Northrop Grumman. About a
the universe and back in time to when nity back in 2000 as its top priority. Tremblay of the Harvard-Smithsonian dozen NASA employees are embedded
stars were first assembling into galax- Center for Astrophysics. full-time at the contractor’s Redondo
ies. But its launch is still years and bil- The U.S. aerospace industry, which Beach, Calif., facility and more NASA
lions of dollars away, and mission suc- is dealing with a wave of retirements, Unlike the Hubble Space Telescope, experts rotate through regularly.
cess depends on many delicate things needs to prove to national leaders that the Webb cannot be repaired in space.
going exactly right. The telescope un- it remains as competent as when it put It will be placed more than four times Thomas Young, a former NASA of-
fortunately has some screws loose. people on the moon. The same compa- farther from Earth than the moon. ficial who chaired the review board,
nies that build civilian space telescopes is adamant that the project should go
And washers. And nuts. also build spy satellites. Earlier this year, Many young scientists have been forward, but with greater care: “There’s
Technicians discovered that rogue a classified Defense Department satel- counting on the Webb for research es- got to be an all-out effort to try to find
screws fell off during a test this spring. lite code-named Zuma was lost after it sential to advancing their careers. But any additional embedded problems.”
This was among several forehead- failed to separate from a rocket boost- they also understand that it has to be
smacking errors and design flaws er. That satellite was built by Northrop done right. Northrop Grumman, one of the U.S.
that have put off until March 2021 the Grumman, the Webb telescope’s prima- government’s largest contractors, has
launch of the telescope, which has so ry contractor. “We know once this thing goes into expressed confidence that it can pres-
far cost taxpayers about $7.4 billion space, we can’t fix it,” saidVictoria Scow- ent NASA with an operational telescope.
and now has an estimated price tag An independent review board report croft, an astrophysicist at the Univer-
of $9.7 billion. this summer declared that the Webb is sity of Bath in Britain. “We would much “Mission success is the cornerstone
The Webb’s problems have rattled potentially vulnerable to 344 different rather wait for a telescope in space that of everything we do. Getting it right is
many powerful constituencies. NASA “single-point-failures”– an extraordi- works than not have one.” the most important thing,” said Scott
is embarrassed and dismayed by the nary number for any mission. That Willoughby, program manager for the
human errors that have snarled its big- means if a single metal strut fails, or a NASA is reviewing its science programs, Webb telescope at Northrop Grumman.
single cable gets snagged, “we have a Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA’s top science “No, we don’t need a culture change.We
official, told The Washington Post. need people to understand how hard it
is. We need people to know that we’re
“How prevalent are human errors?” going to get it right.”
Zurbuchen said. “How many more mis-
takes are there?”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 29
The Webb is designed to see the and close to allow light from targeted the European Spaceport atop an Ari- Md., and then at NASA’s Johnson Space
oldest light in the universe. It can also objects to reach the telescope’s sensors. ane 5 rocket. Center in Houston, before being flown
detect the atmospheres of planets be- to Northrop Grumman in Redondo
yond our own solar system and look The telescope will be shipped from The telescope and its instruments Beach. That’s where the telescope will
for the chemical signatures of life, California to French Guiana via the sailed through testing at NASA’s God- be mated with the sun shield and the
such as an abundance of oxygen. Panama Canal, and will launch from dard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, subsystems that provide propulsion,
electricity and other functions, and are
In doing this, the Webb will probe collectively known as the spacecraft bus.
two of the most fundamental ques-
tions: Where did we come from? And In April, Northrop Grumman put
are we alone? the sun shield through a shake test,
simulating vibrations twice as intense
The telescope’s 6.5-meter-wide, seg- as expected during launch. When the
mented mirror needs to be kept cold test was over, technicians counted 20
so that it can observe infrared light. screws loose out of 1,000 of them that
It needs to be kept in the shade by a are needed to batten down a thin ma-
sun shield, roughly the size of a tennis terial covering the sun shield.
court, that must unfurl in space.
These screws, half the width of a
Many of the Webb’s components dime, are designed to fit into a locking
had to be invented from scratch – the nut. But the end of the screws could po-
vast segmented main mirror, the ori- tentially scratch or tear the sun shield
gami-like sun shield, the cryocooler covering. Somewhere in the process,
that keeps the ultrasensitive instru- technicians had decided to add a wash-
ments just a few degrees above ab- er to keep the screws from protruding
solute zero, the array of thousands of so far. They did not realize this could
microshutters, each thinner than the
width of a human hair, that will open STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 30
30 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
impede the locking function, and some The gold-covered primary mirrors of the In 2010 an independent review
screws came up a thread short. James Webb Space Telescope at NASA’s chaired by John Casani, a veteran
Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. project manager at the Jet Propul-
In another error, the wrong solvent sion Laboratory, said that “lack of ef-
was used in cleaning thrusters. And the The Telescope’s Sunshield. fective oversight” by NASA “resulted
wrong kind of wiring led to excessive in a project that was simply not ex-
voltage. Those three errors – the screws, ecutable.”
the solvent, the wiring – set the project
back 1½ years and about $600 million, The following summer, the House
the review board concluded. Appropriations Committee recom-
mended canceling the mission en-
The Webb traces its origins to 1993, tirely.
when a panel of astronomers pro-
posed that NASA build an infrared “That’s when we had to take a cold
space telescope with a mirror four hard look and ask ourselves, is this
meters (about 13 feet) in diameter, at
an initial estimated price tag of $500 “At every meeting the goal posts
million. But then-NASA Administra- were shifting,” said planetary astrono-
tor Dan Goldin pushed for something mer Heidi Hammel, who plans to use
more audacious. the Webb for her research. “You could
see the costs weren’t being handled
“Why do you ask for such a modest properly.”
thing? Why not go after six or seven
meters?” Goldin said in a speech to as- The telescope’s costs began to cut
tronomers in San Antonio in 1996. into funding for other NASA astrono-
my projects. An article in the journal
John Mather, a NASA senior scientist Nature dubbed the Webb “the tele-
and champion of the Webb, said the scope that ate astronomy.” The Webb
telescope could have been made small- program has cost more than a half-bil-
er and simpler, but that would have re- lion dollars every year since 2011.
sulted in a less sensitive observatory.
“It’s not just another thing a little bit
better than Hubble. It is dramatically
different,” said Mather.
NASA settled on the 6.5 meters at an
estimated price tag of $4 billion. The
launch date slipped from 2007 to 2011,
and then to 2013.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 31
worth going to the mat for scientifi- set for 2018, then reset several times to tions and data analysis. So far, there community. If it fails, it will be seen as
cally?” Hammel said. “And the answer the current 2021 goal. is no sign that lawmakers could try to a tragedy for science and for the many
is ‘yeah.’ It was worth it.” pull the plug on the telescope. people who devoted much of their lives
Congress must now reauthorize the to this space observatory.
The Webb had powerful political Webb, which is on the verge of breach- “This is a mission at the very edge of
support from then-Sen. Barbara A. Mi- ing an $8 billion cost cap imposed in what’s possible,” NASA’s Zurbuchen said. And critics will say, plausibly, that
kulski (D-Md.). The telescope survived 2011. The current estimate of $9.7 bil- this was a telescope too big to fail and
its dark period and the launch date was lion includes the future costs of opera- If the mission succeeds, it will be a too complicated to work.
triumph for NASA and the astronomy
32 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BY MICHAEL SCHUMAN close ties with the U.S. have outlived purpose of shipping finished products or local brands if U.S. companies face
their usefulness. (such as iPhones) to American con- stiffer barriers to doing business in
A financial adviser I know, Frank As- sumers. Restricted access to the U.S. China than they already do.
torino, says nothing destroys wealth But both countries will undoubtedly would force Chinese and foreign com-
like divorce. find that breaking up is hard to do. panies to reorder their supply chains The U.S. could also forfeit invest-
in a host of sectors, from electronics to ment. As China’s major companies ex-
That’s a warning China and the U.S. Open access to the U.S. market has clothing to toys, dealing a serious blow pand globally, they’ll become far bigger
should keep in mind as they intensify been a cornerstone of China’s growth to Chinese manufacturing. investors overseas (much as Japanese
their trade war. since the 1980s. It’s true that China’s firms did in the 1980s). Facing a hostile
domestic market is now so large that It would also dent China’s hopes of environment in the U.S., Chinese busi-
If they continue down the road they’re exports are less critical, but the U.S. becoming a global hub for cutting- nesses would likely direct that capital
on, an economic separation between the economy is still $7 trillion larger than edge products. Without competitive elsewhere.
world’s two largest economies is a real China’s – a difference equivalent to the access to the American market, at least
possibility. And the costs could hughly national output of Brazil, France and some of the capacity that could’ve According to the American Enter-
exceed any marital spat in history. India combined. been built in China would have to be prise Institute, Chinese investment in
located elsewhere. the U.S. plunged by half in 2017 from
Sure, there’s always a chance that No ambitious Chinese company the year before; AEI scholar Derek
Donald Trump and Xi Jinping could could claim to be truly global without The costs would be high for the U.S., Scissors blames a combination of a
renew their friendship and hash out a U.S. presence. That’s why Chinese too. Homi Kharas of the Brookings In- state-driven reduction of certain Chi-
a deal. But if they follow through on automaker Zhejiang Geely Holding stitution projects that by 2030, China nese outbound spending and tougher
their threats – which they so far have – Group Co. recently opened a Volvo fac- will account for 22 percent of global scrutiny of Chinese deals by the U.S.
practically all products traded between tory in South Carolina, even though it consumer spending by the middle
the two countries would face punitive has ample opportunities to sell sedans class, compared to just 7 percent for The biggest danger of a U.S.-China
tariffs. Meanwhile, Washington is final- at home. the U.S. Those new Chinese shoppers split, however, might not be econom-
izing tighter restrictions on foreign in- might be lost to European, Japanese ic. Arguably, one reason China’s rise
vestment, obviously aimed at blocking A good chunk of what China exports has so far been generally peaceful is
Chinese firms from U.S. acquisitions. to the U.S. is assembled locally, with the that its economy is so integrated with
the world’s preeminent military, po-
Add in China’s existing barriers to litical and economic power. If those
foreign business, which could well in- ties wither, outright conflict could
crease amid the dispute, and what you become more likely.
get is something that was unthinkable
only a few months ago: China and the Of course, any separation may not
U.S. could dissolve the bonds of trade be final. Starbucks Corp. is probably
and investment that have made them in China to stay. But over the past four
highly intertwined and interdepen- decades, the two countries have built
dent for so many years. a life together that has brought untold
benefits to consumers, households
The world hasn’t seen a divorce of such and shareholders.
global consequence since Henry VIII.
Recklessly spiraling toward divorce
Some might say the marriage was puts all that at risk. Recovering the lost
an unhappy one to begin with. Many wealth could take a lifetime.
Americans see China as an unreliable
partner who cheats and steals. And This column written for Bloomberg
many Chinese policymakers – who does not necessarily reflect the views of
have lately embarked on a grand quest Vero Beach 32963.
to replace foreign products and tech-
nology with local substitutes – think
Today, hospitals have the ability to keep people alive for extend-
ed periods of time, even in hopeless situations. If you ever are If your physician believes a cure is no longer possible and that
near death due to an illness or injury and are unable to speak for you are dying, decisions may need to be made about the use
yourself, do your loved ones know what extent of tests and treat- of emergency treatments to keep you alive and whether to use
ments you would want or not want? Who would be authorized to artificial means to prolong life. Decisions that might come up
speak on your behalf? at this time relate to:
This, the first in a series of five articles, will explain what advance Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
care planning is and give an introduction to the types of near- Ventilator use
death decisions that sometimes need to be made. Future col- Artificial nutrition (tube feeding) or artificial hydration
umns will present more detailed information about specific tools, (intravenous fluids)
documents and considerations. Comfort care
Advance care planning involves learning about the types of deci-
sions that might need to be made about medical treatment near Many states have their own advance directive forms. If you spend
the end of life, considering those decisions ahead of time, and a lot of time in more than one, prepare an advance directive us-
then letting others know about your preferences. An advance ing forms for each state and keep a copy in each place. Some
directive is a legal document that expresses your values and de- states want your advance directive to be witnessed; some want
sires related to end-of-life care, and lets others know what type your signature notarized. In Florida, documents have to be wit-
of medical care you want and do not want. It goes into effect nessed but not notarized.
only if you are incapacitated and unable to speak for yourself. Your help locating the right forms or more information, call the
And you can change it at any time. Eldercare Locator at 1.800.677.1116 or go online to www.elder-
WHAT IS INCLUDED IN AN ADVANCE DIRECTIVE? While this is a difficult topic, by thinking about it and letting oth-
ers know how you feel now, you and your loved ones will be bet-
An advance directive involves two elements – a living will and ap- ter prepared for the future.
pointment of a healthcare surrogate to be your spokesperson. Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always wel-
Some of the issues to consider include do not resuscitate (DNR) or- come. Email us at [email protected].
ders, organ and tissue donation, dialysis and blood transfusion. You
choose which procedures you would want performed and in what © 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
circumstances, depending on how you want decisions to be made.
34 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The history of the United States challenges today, or are both sides fated to repeat the who became a household name in the West, a figure
and China is marked by bizarre coincidences, some errors of their ancestors? at Madame Tussauds wax museum, and an early in-
serendipitous, others tragic. In the mid-19th century, vestor in U.S. real estate and railroads.
both nations were convulsed by bloody rebellions. In The main lesson from Stephen R. Platt’s wonder-
the 1950s, political campaigns on both sides of the ful new book on the conflict, “Imperial Twilight: The Platt also explodes the chestnut that the war was
Pacific – McCarthyism in America and an anti-Amer- Opium War and the End of China’s Last Golden Age,” fought to open China to the benefits of Western civi-
ica campaign in China – sought to demonize each is that little, if anything, is fated. In the end, people, lization. He recounts the years-long efforts of British
other. Twenty years later, mutual fascination and re- not impersonal forces or economic classes, make drug smugglers William Jardine and James Mathe-
alpolitik brought the two nations together, triggering history, Platt argues. If there’s a lesson from that pe- son to lobby the British government to use the Royal
an economic boom in China that raised more people riod for today, it is that leaders matter, as does a deep Navy to force China to open more ports of trade to
out of poverty than ever before in history. As Chair- understanding of the interests and the history of the facilitate more drug dealing.
man Mao Zedong once observed, “Out of bad things other side.
can come good things.” Platt accomplishes all this while telling a fast-paced
The Opium War is seen in China as the original sin story that focuses on the individuals who made the
Today, as the United States and China lurch toward of Western imperialism. The story told in the People’s history. Platt’s cast of characters includes Americans,
a trade war and America confronts an opioid epidem- Republic of China is of Britain preying with its war- Britons, Parsee Indians and Chinese, and he makes
ic stoked by imports of Chinese-made fentanyl, eerie ships on an innocent, tottering China with the aim them come alive. Platt does especially well depicting
parallels have emerged from 150 years ago, when the of facilitating Britain’s opium trade. It is a story of the Chinese, portraying them not as one-dimension-
superpower at the time, Britain, launched a war over black and white, in which the Chinese people are the ally arrogant xenophobes but as profoundly human.
trade with China to defend the rights of British drug blameless victims of the West. In China’s catechism, From successive emperors Qianlong, Jiaqing and
smugglers to sell narcotics to the Chinese. Are there the Opium War signifies the beginning of “a century Daoguang, down to officials and advisers, we see
lessons from the Opium War that could inform our of humiliation” during which China was bullied by them debating how to respond to the challenge pre-
the West, ending only with Mao’s glorious revolu- sented by opium. Should China, like the scholar Bao
tion. Shichen argued, shut off foreign trade completely? Or
should it, as a high official named Cheng Hanzhang
Platt’s book upends these stereotypes, showing countered, better enforce the emperor’s edicts
first that the drug trade to China constituted an effi- against the drug? Should opium be legalized, like a
cient partnership between Westerners and Chinese. governor-general named Lu Kun wanted? Should the
The vast majority of opium that arrived on Western crackdown target opium addicts or, as Lin Zexu, an-
ships off China’s coast before 1839 was moved into other governor-general, contended, the foreigners
China by Chinese with the support of bribed Chi- who brought the drug to China’s coast?
nese officials. Platt also shows that China was any-
thing but closed to Western influences. Yes, starting Platt details how the British, too, were torn about
in 1740, the Qing court restricted trade with the West opium. Even as Britain’s drug smugglers agitated for
to Canton, then the third-biggest city in the world be- war against China, a campaign back home to abolish
hind London and Beijing. the drug trade gained supporters among abolitionists
But Western goods were the rage among China’s who had just succeeded in outlawing slavery. British
elite. Western furs, glass, clocks and clothes con- industrialists also railed against the drug trade, see-
noted status – much as they do today. The trade was ing it as an impediment to selling British textiles and
also enormously profitable. Tariffs from the trade other goods to the Chinese.
bankrolled both the imperial court in Beijing and the
British government, becoming especially critical to But in the end, war erupted – not because it was
Westminster during the Napoleonic Wars of the early preordained, Platt argues, but because of factors that
1800s. Profits, too, enriched not only British and Chi- could have been avoided.
nese businessmen, but Americans and traders from
the Indian subcontinent as well. Platt notes that IMPERIAL TWILIGHT
some of the first American fortunes were made in the
China trade at a time when the world’s richest man THE OPIUM WAR AND THE END OF CHINA’S LAST GOLDEN AGE
was a brilliant Chinese merchant named Houqua,
presents 1. The Sunflower Girl 1. The Russian Hoax 1. The Lost Continent (Wings of
OCHRE COURT 2. The Burning Maze (The Trials
2. Quick and Dirty 2. The Best Cook in the
A Gilded Newport World BY RICK BRAGG of Apollo #3) BY ICK RIORDAN
3. The Things That Matter 4. The Lost Continent (Wings of
Kensington Books 3. The Girl Who Takes
Saturday, Aug. 18th 3 pm 5. The Marauder's Map Guide to
BY DAVID LAGERCRANTZ 4. The Genius of Birds
BY NELSON DEMILLE 5. The Plant Paradox
5. The Other Woman BY STEVEN R. GUNDRY, M.D.
392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 35
Edgar Laplante as his preferred hard liquor when- even now.
alter ego Chief White Elk. ever possible, took cocaine just as often and On one occasion, the
enjoyed sex with both women and men. When in funds,
In an earlier biography, PaulWilletts chronicled the life this lifelong con artist swaggered like a Park Avenue mil- great Chief White Elk boldly
of mid-20th-century England’s most raffishly bohemian lionaire, gave serious folding money to beggars and al- waltzed into Salt Lake City,
writer, Julian MacLaren-Ross. It might seem a stretch ways stayed in the best suite in the best hotel. Bilking the where he rapidly enthralled
for him to take up an American con artist of the 1920s, innocent was simply a way to underwrite his Gatsbyish not only the local grandees
but Edgar Laplante’s impressive career was international excess. What really mattered was the rush of living on the but also Burtha Thompson,
in scope and included Canada, Britain and continental edge. whose mother belonged
Europe. In Italy alone, he persuaded a besotted contessa “King Con” begins in 1917 when Laplante impersonates to the Klamath tribe. Soon
to “lend” him over a million lire – “double the jackpot of Tom Longboat, an actual Onondagan marathoner and thereafter, the chief and
the Italian national lottery” – slept with her, of course, two-time Canadian Olympic runner. Later, he becomes his Indian princess were
and then talked her beautiful 27-year-old stepdaughter Chief Harry Johnson, then Chief Tewanna. Like other married at the capitol: The
into becoming his fiancee, even though he was still biga- professional grifters, Laplante regularly hopscotched governor of Utah gave away
mously ¬married to two other women. from one town to the next, clearing out whenever expo- the bride, Salt Lake’s mayor
sure threatened, sometimes changing his name. Still, he officiated at the ceremo-
Astonishingly, he accomplished all this in less than a usually preferred to call himself Chief White Elk. To prove ny, a huge military band
year, while dressed, most of the time, in beaded buck- what Native Americans could accomplish, the chief played the wedding march,
skins topped off with a feathered war bonnet. Though boasted about his fluency in nine languages and some- some 5,000 excited specta-
born in Rhode Island to Quebecois parents, the auda- times in as many as 21, claimed to be a medical doctor, tors looked on in awe, and
cious Laplante actually spent much of his life pretending alluded to a close friendship with King Edward VII and store owners showered the
to be an Indian. admitted that his several Texas oil wells had made him happy couple with cars and
fabulously wealthy. As Laplante recognized early on, “the jewelry. Willetts imagines
His career in flummery and flimflam was launched bigger the lies he told, the more avidly people seemed to Laplante’s pride in having
when he left reform school at age 14 to work as a Coney embrace them.” Alas, such brazen trumpery succeeds achieved all this “within
Island pitchman, then joined Dr. W.H. Long’s Big Indian just seven days of arriving
and Medicine Show. In those days, Laplante’s spiel went in Salt Lake.”
something like this:
More often than not,
“Ladies and gentlemen ... I am here this evening not legitimate organizations
only to entertain you but to relieve suffering humanity of would hire White Elk as a
its aches and pains. I call your attention to this bottle I fundraiser – and there’s no
hold in my hand, containing one of the greatest gifts to doubt that Laplante could
man. This famous Indian herb medicine is made from a be amazingly effective in
formula handed down from generation to generation by bringing in vast amounts
my forefathers, who were chiefs of the Osage Indians. Did of cash, even though he
you ever hear of an Osage Indian having rheumatism?” skimmed as much as he
could. Eventually, however, his chicanery attracted the
“Poise, mental agility, and a poker face,” writesWilletts, attention of the Bureau of Investigation – predecessor to
“were Edgar’s key assets,” though it didn’t hurt that he the FBI – and the fake Indian deemed it prudent to shift
was also handsome, charismatic and, by all accounts, a his operations to Europe, first dumping Burtha. Still only
mesmerizing orator. Along with these gifts, Laplante pos- 34, he booked a first-class passage to England. Decked
sessed a superb baritone voice and frequently performed out in his colorful regalia, the chief naturally drew admir-
sentimental songs on the vaudeville circuit. He drank ing glances at the Cafe Royal in London and, later, at the
Cafe du Dome in Paris, where he seems to have rapidly
acquired fluent French. For a while he oversaw publicity
for a touring group of Arapaho, who featured in the early
blockbuster film “The Covered Wagon.” In Nice, though,
Laplante finally found the live one he’d been searching
for: the Contessa Milania Khevenhüller-Metsch. In short
order, the contessa and her stepdaughter Atta fell under
his spell. In one year he managed to soak them for the
2018 equivalent of nearly $59 million.
The last third of Willetts’ book describes Laplante’s
extraordinary celebrity in Mussolini’s Italy and must be
read to be believed. At that time, he traveled with an en-
tourage, his calling card was engraved “His Highness, the
Prince, Chief White Elk,” and he claimed to be partly de-
scended from Bourbon and Austro-Hungarian royalty.
Even when finally unmasked, Laplante managed to
wriggle out of being convicted of much of anything. He
eventually returned to the United States, where his later
operations never matched those of his heyday, but he
was still grifting when he died in 1944 at the age of 55.
As I’ve only hinted, this Jazz Age impostor’s life makes for
quite the story, and in “King Con,” Paul Willetts knows
just how to tell it.
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38 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Want to stay healthy while flying?
‘Air’ on the side of caution
BY KATE SILVER lot and aviation safety organizations close to someone who is sick. “They thrombosis, sitting in one place for
The Washington Post on optimizing human performance really need to be within about one or a long period of time can contribute
and enhancing safety. He shared this two rows of someone who is actively to it. “If you were on a train for eight
Quay Snyder flies more than 130 advice for travelers on how to make coughing and not actively suppress- hours, you’d have the same risk,” Sny-
times a year on commercial flights. wellness a priority while flying. ing that cough to be at risk for respi- der says. On long flights, he suggests
As an aerospace medicine special- ratory transmission,” he says. walking up and down the aisle or
ist, pilot and flight instructor, he feels Separate fact from fiction when it doing exercises in your seat to move
perfectly safe in the air. But after comes to contagion. Snyder is quick Choose a window seat. Snyder opts your toes up and down and flex your
each flight, to put his wife’s mind at to point out that travelers are not for the inside seat, when possible. calf muscles.
ease, he’ll call her to say he has ar- more likely to get sick on an airplane He says that’s because airplanes are
rived without incident. “I joke with than they are in other spaces. In fact, designed so that the air flow comes If you’re sick or recently under-
my wife,” he says. “I give her a call he says, they may be less likely to down from the top of the cabin and went surgery, visit a travel medi-
and I say: ‘I’m starting the most dan- catch a virus. That’s because air is exits from vents on the floor by the cal professional before flying. A
gerous part of my journey – I’m driv- exchanged more frequently on the window, so when you choose the number of health problems can be
ing home.’” plane than it is in typical offices and window seat you benefit from that air exacerbated by altitude, including
school buildings, and filters on air- flow. “That’s a relatively safer place, lung, heart and intestinal ailments.
His point: Commercial airline trav- planes remove about 99 percent of even though the overall environment Those who struggle to breathe on
el is rarely dangerous. One person has germs from the air. To catch a virus, is safe,” he says. the ground may find it more diffi-
died in the U.S. on a commercial air- he says, you need to be sitting pretty cult in the air. Same goes for heart
line in the past nine years, compared Wipe down flat surfaces. Germa- problems. And the plane’s pressure
with nearly 40,000 a year who die in phobes cringe at the idea of touching changes can cause gas and bloating,
vehicle crashes in this country. Sny- a tray table that’s been touched by which might be a problem for some-
der’s job, in the field of aviation med- countless passengers before them, one who has recently undergone
icine, is to help people stay healthy and for good reason. Snyder advises gastrointestinal surgery. Snyder says
while flying. As president and CEO of travelers to pack wipes (with at least it’s a good idea to make an appoint-
Aviation Medicine Advisory Service, 62 percent alcohol) and use them to ment with a travel medicine special-
based in Centennial, Colo., he assists wipe down tray tables, arm rests and ist to address any potential concerns
pilots with health problems, advising seat belt buckles. before flying.
them on how be to in top condition
while in the air and on how to main- Keep your medications – and a list Drink lots of liquids (except alco-
tain their FAA medical certification. of those drugs – handy. Your carry-on hol and coffee). Snyder says that the
He also consults with professional pi- is the best place for toting any medi- humidity level on an airplane is low,
cations you might need during your which is why travelers sometimes
trip. That way, even if your plane is become dehydrated. Counteract it
delayed or your luggage is lost, you by increasing your water intake, and
still have them close at hand. avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine,
which are diuretics. He points out
Get moving. Deep vein throm- that dehydration isn’t the only reason
bosis can happen when a blood clot to avoid those little bottles of liquor
forms within a vein. While airplane on the plane. Altitude makes alcohol
travel itself doesn’t cause deep-vein go to your head quickly, because less
oxygen is getting to your brain. Alco-
hol can also disrupt sleep and worsen
jet lag, Snyder says.
Use common sense. Before you
travel, get a good night’s sleep. Eat
a healthy meal. Drink lots of water.
Exercise. Manage your stress. All of
the tips that physicians – and moms
– give year-round are also the kind of
advice you should heed before hitting
the skies.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 39
8752 KJ9 A Q 10
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist J A52 10 4 3
K Q J 10 865 A932
Fran Lebowitz said, “No animal should ever jump up on the dining-room furniture unless 8763 A J 10 4 952
absolutely certain that he can hold his own in the conversation.”
My cat Max once jumped onto the only empty chair at the dinner table, knowing he 643
could hold his own in eating. I thought it was funny, but one of my guests did not. KQ9876
At the bridge table, sometimes jumping is correct, even necessary. In this deal, South’s KQ
second-round jump to three hearts was game-invitational. North did well to pass. Four
hearts and three no-trump would surely have failed. But what about three hearts after Dealer: North; Vulnerable: East-West
West opens with the diamond king?
The Bidding:
When partner leads a high honor at trick one, third hand is expected to make an attitude
signal (unless the dummy’s holding in the suit makes it redundant). Here, holding the SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
diamond ace, there would be a natural reaction for East to jump enthusiastically with his 1 Clubs Pass
diamond nine. However, that would surely kill the defense. West, trusting his partner, 1 Hearts Pass 1 NT Pass LEAD:
would continue with another diamond. 3 Hearts Pass Pass Pass K Diamonds
Instead, East should ask himself from where five tricks might come. Looking at the
dummy should make it clear that two or three spade tricks will be needed, and there
might be no time to lose. At trick one, East must discourage with his diamond two.
Then, West should shift to the spade eight, top of nothing. East will win as cheaply as
possible and return his diamond three. West will take that trick and lead the spade two,
lowest from three remaining cards. East now knows to take two more spade tricks to
defeat the contract.
40 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Missive (6) 1 Unashamed (7)
8 Small fish (6) 2 Asian dish (4-3)
10 Whirlwind (7) 3 Rot (5)
11 Transparent (5) 4 Place to cook (7)
12 Geek (4) 5 Wrath (5)
13 Beneath (5) 6 Prize (5)
17 Holy books (5) 9 Silent (9)
18 Centre (4) 14 Drunk (3-4)
22 Abrupt (5) 15 Receptacle for 7 (7)
23 Spread (7) 16 Educated (7)
24 Fawlty Towers waiter (6) 19 What to put on 7 before
25 Distant (6)
putting in 15 (5)
20 Salt water (5)
21 Trainee (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 41
ACROSS 100 Specialist in faults 54 Lenient The Washington Post
1 Girls’ names meaning 101 Cotillion celeb 57 Part of a circle
102 Another stinking adjective 60 Reef skeletons PRONOUNS ON PARADE By Merl Reagle
“flowers” 103 Of a military branch: abbr. 62 Grp. that grabbed Patty
7 Emulated Enya 104 ___ polloi
11 Ritual washing of hands 105 “___ in itself” (filling) Hearst
17 IT 107 Linda Ellerbee’s ___ It Goes 64 M over 2, plus 3
20 Type of show, 110 ___ majesté 66 Leg, to Legs Diamond
band, or army 112 Ex-Virginia senator 68 Giraffe relatives
21 ME 116 Really laughed 69 Wells’s blond race
23 Some mushrooms 71 High Noon star, to friends
24 It means “foot” 118 THEM! 72 South America’s
25 Rel. of “now hear this” 121 Antiseptic surgery pioneer Rio de ___
26 Alleviates 122 THEM 75 1950s Arkansas governor
28 Pew break 123 One from the heart
29 Opposite of masc. 124 Spud’s buds Faubus
31 And whatnot, briefly 125 Fixes a squeak again 77 Weighty dict.
33 Sweeping stories 80 Hunting for birds’ homes
35 Coll. arts degree DOWN 81 Info-gathering mission
36 As written 1 Hightail it 82 Feature of Lauren Hutton’s
37 SHE 2 Wambaugh’s
40 Back again former dept. teeth
41 Military ranks: abbr. 3 Of the creation 85 Spanish article
43 Writer Kesey of a world 87 Either Chaney
44 Choice: abbr. 4 1970s Dodger pitcher Doug 88 Chinny host
45 Requiring a macron 5 James Garfield’s middle 91 Writer buried in Baltimore
47 Dessert in the sky 94 Kenya’s capital
48 HIM AND HER name 97 Axel, in Beverly Hills Cop
52 Beat 6 Are, in Arles 98 The Matterhorn’s canton
53 Econ. yardsticks 7 Motorcycle leaps, e.g.
55 Prophets 99 Happening
56 Of ancient Portugal 8 Bellinis and Cellinis 101 Our Gang cutie
58 Witch 9 Sodium hydroxide, briefly 102 Sneer (at)
59 Special, as 104 Steppenwolf author
a committee 10 Taunt 106 First name from Laugh-In
61 La-la preceder 11 Actor Herbert 108 House of Windsor’s former
62 Like some wines 12 Celebes oxen
63 1920s hotel-lobby style 13 Pretzel brand, ___-Thin name, ___-Coburg-Gotha
65 Make unclear 14 YOU, YOU, YOU 109 Warwick hit,
67 HE & SHE 15 YOURS, MINE AND OURS “Walk ___”
70 City in Egypt or Illinois 16 “The light that never was,
71 Part of CST 111 Mix
73 Alias ___ or land” (Wordsworth) 113 The shape a
74 Follies guy 17 Golden State Fwy. officer runner’s in?
76 Clam named for a beach 18 Helen Keller’s first word 114 Remaindered-book holders
78 Mindy’s friend’s world 19 Bathroom floor-layer 115 Oyster community
79 Blake or Plummer 117 Like some wines
81 Arrange anew: abbr. 22 Is against 119 Italian three
83 Common acknowledgment 27 Region of SW Poland 120 Conductance unit
84 Disney’s Darby ___ and the 30 Sci. that watches
Little People rainforests
86 US 32 Sober pickles?
89 A bit daffy 34 Animation frame
90 Acidity measuring fig.
91 Polite wd. 36 IT
92 Olympic org. 37 The F-16, e.g.
93 “___ saved is ...” 38 Meadow
95 Booker T’s group 39 Fished, in a way
96 THEM 40 Winter affliction
41 WE
42 Scale abbr.
46 ___ dancers
47 Golf grp.
49 Spanish painter
50 Pretended courage
51 Old Nick
52 Available
The Telegraph
42 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Take my mother-in-law’s acquired stuff … please!
BY CAROLYN HAX Which you can use the figurines to depict in a But don’t lose sight of what this is about. Her
Washington Post room-size battle diorama! reaction says it well: It’s about feelings, not stuff.
As it has always been. Stuff acquisition showed
Hi, Carolyn: Here is an assurance that is probably not very everyone who you were or wanted to be, and
My mother-in-law has spent reassuring: handing things down said you lived on in people’s
much of her life accumulating hearts and homes in some small way. Pride and a
collectibles, heirlooms and furni- Your dilemma is underway across three entire sense of connection – they won’t be denied, even
ture with the rationale that she generations right now, give or take a few outliers: when the figurines have to be.
will give them to her children and an older generation of avid collectors, a younger
grandchildren someday. Her four grandchildren are generation of avid stuff-renouncers and a middle So, make sure that when you say no to (most of)
still in high school. She’s decided that “someday” is generation wondering when it volunteered to play this stuff, you’re mindful of the feelings. Be kind and
now and is getting upset that her family isn’t jump- messenger between the two. complimentary. Ask for stories behind things. On oc-
ing at the chance to own figurines or her great-aunt’s casion, find some small and/or useful things to accept
china set, much less my husband’s bedroom set from – even if it means replacing something you already
the 1970s. own just like it. And, ask her to hold certain items for
The thought that none of us will take all of her when the grandchildren have homes of their own. It’s
things even when she’s gone is causing her genuine OK to knick some knacks down the road.
angst. Unfortunately, donating doesn’t bring her joy,
and she’s gotten very upset with me when I donate If she asks you to hold them? “I would, if I had
outgrown or unused items she’s given us. I know this is the space. So do you want to store it for them, or
an increasing problem for many of us, the “sandwich would you rather donate it?”
Is there any hope for middle ground? Our house has Be her partner in “Kids these days … ” confi-
small closets and no storage, and my husband has a dences, too, to the extent you can do so sincere-
tenuous relationship with his parents. ly: “I know, this china was a status symbol for so
long. (It’s lovely, by the way.) Now status is in us-
– A Loving Daughter-in-Law Who Will Never, ing less and traveling more … and please don’t kill
Ever Use Christmas China the messenger!”
– A Loving Daughter-in-Law Who Will Never, Ever Some tokens excepted, you’re still saying no to it
Use Christmas China: You’re in a no-win position; I’m all, of course, which means there’s a risk through-
sorry. out that your mother-in-law will see through you
far enough to resent you.
Ultimately, though, your responsibility to her
feelings is to respond to her kindly – not to do
what she wants or expects.
44 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Exciting LASIK surgery advances come into focus
BY TOM LLOYD A much easier and much less con-
Staff Writer fusing way to learn about the wide
range of laser eye surgeries available
Going online to read about LASIK in 2018 is to talk to a seasoned profes-
eye surgery will bring an instant ava- sional like New Vision eye surgeon
lanche of acronyms to your screen. Dr. David O’Brien.
You’ll find LASIK, LASEK, PRK, AST, After all, O’Brien had his own vi-
IOL and a host of other procedures all sion corrected by LASIK eye surgery
on the same page and you might just some 21 years ago and was pioneer of
need a Greek-to-English dictionary laser surgery in Vero Beach.
to decipher some of them.
Despite all the options mentioned
“As usual, my wife knew best
and called 9-1-1.”
Dr. David O’Brien.
“Thanks to my amazing above, LASIK – the letters stand for “Being involved in clinical trials
stroke care team, I’m back laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis gave us access to [the newest laser]
on the shooting range.” – is by far the most commonly per- technologies,” O’Brien says. “We kept
formed laser eye surgery for myopia getting new iterations before they
At 46 years old, Adam Goodner experienced a stroke. Luckily, his wife (nearsightedness), hyperopia (far- were FDA-approved. We used them
recognized the signs and insisted on getting him to the hospital right sightedness) and various astigma- in those clinical trials, and then
away. She knew that the sooner a patient is treated, the better the tisms. In most cases, the procedure stopped using them until they were
chance of regaining pre-stroke health. After successful treatment, can be completed in as little as 15 approved.”
Adam returned to work at the Sheriff’s Office and was even promoted minutes – for both eyes.
to Captain in the Patrol Operations Division. When the FDA did approve vari-
The doctors that took care of Adam are all fellowship-trained in Greek scholars might recall that ous lasers for surgery, O’Brien and
endovascular surgical neuroradiology and now lead the Interventional “Kerato” means “corneal” and “mi- New Vision already had amassed
Neurology and Stroke Team providing 24/7 coverage at IRMC. leusis” means “cutting” or “carving” valuable experience in their use, and
but, happily, there isn’t any carving they have continued to upgrade their
• Ayman Gheith, M.D. involved. No surgical blade of any equipment constantly.
• Akram Shhadeh, M.D. kind is used in LASIK surgery.
• Vikas Gupta, M.D. There are, in fact, two separate lasers
Learn more about Adam As O’Brien puts it, “we use lasers ex- involved in LASIK surgery: an ultra-
and the Interventional clusively,” and as it happens, very few fast “femtosecond laser” which gen-
Neurology Program at IRMC eye centers have the experience with erates an energy burst every one qua-
by visiting lasers that O’Brien and New Vision drillionth of a second, and an “excimer
or call (772) 448-8600. have – 23 years’ worth, to be exact. laser” that uses ultraviolet light to va-
porize tissue from the eye’s surface.
O’Brien got a head-start on many
doctors by participating in FDA clini- The two lasers combine to reshape
cal trials of laser surgery devices and eye’s cornea (the clear, round dome
techniques. at the front of the eye) improving the
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 45
way the eye focuses light rays onto E-I-E-I-Oh? Two studies challenge dairy fat’s bad rap
the retina.
BY TOM LLOYD harmful after all and actually has some effects of dairy fat on cardiovascular
While the Federal Trade Commis- Staff Writer significant benefits. health.
sion says “millions of people have
had LASIK surgery to correct their vi- The debate about the health risks – or Like anyone in a medically-related That 9,000-person study, recently
sion with great success,” it also points benefits – of dairy fat has been going on field, Vero Beach registered dietitian and rediscovered in a dusty basement at
out that not everyone is a good candi- for a while, with the USDA, the Depart- nutritionist Samantha Lynch has a read- the University of Minnesota, yielded a
date for the surgery. ment of Health & Human Services and a ing list that seems to go on forever. mixed verdict.
majority of cardiologists coming down
O’Brien wholeheartedly agrees. on the side of diary fat being harmful. Most of the time it’s just-released aca- On the one hand, participants low-
“You have to have good judgment in demic studies. But last month it meant ered their cholesterol levels by an aver-
your patient selection,” he says. “Peo- But now, two studies – one new and going back in time some four decades age of 14 points by going on a low dairy-
ple who aren’t good candidates should one recently unearthed – have emerged to review a long-forgotten controlled fat diet – which seems to indicate that
not have this procedure done.” to support the idea that dairy fat is not so clinical trial sponsored by the National diary fat is bad. But “the low-saturated
“For me,” O’Brien continues, “peo- Heart, Lung and Blood Institute on the
ple who have very high corrections CONTINUED ON PAGE 46
[needed] that will require a deep laser
ablation of the cornea to change the
shape appropriately or if they have
very dry eyes,” should be treated with
alternative surgeries such as AST, or
Advanced Surface Treatment, in-
stead of LASIK.
AST utilizes “the latest in custom,
wavefront optimized excimer laser
technology … [that creates a] cool ul-
traviolet light and produces no heat,”
and can correct most visual problems
while leaving cornea intact, accord-
ing to New Vision.
“Although the healing process is
slightly longer with AST versus LASIK,
the end results are equally good and
the re-treatment rate is very low.”
Re-treatment rates is another area
where O’Brien and New Vision seem
to shine. While the FTC claims that
“10 percent of LASIK patients in the
U.S. require a second surgery, called
re-treatment to restore the desired vi-
sion correction,” O’Brien notes, “my re-
treatment rate is less than 1 percent.”
That’s important because most
LASIK-type surgeries are not covered
by insurance or Medicare and the pric-
es can range from $4,000 to $12,500.
O’Brien says that at New Vision, the
price for LASIK surgery is “typically
$4,800” and points out that, in the
statistically unlikely event a patient
does need re-treatment, he will do it
at no charge for up to a year after the
first procedure.
If you ask O’Brien what the future
of LASIK and all those other laser eye
surgeries will be, he has a ready an-
swer and it doesn’t involve re-invent-
ing the wheel.
“I think that, really, when I go to
our academy meetings,” O’Brien says,
“what you hear people talking about
is management of the ocular surface.
It’s not sexy. It’s not a super new X-ray
laser that’s going to give you even fur-
ther results. What people are focusing
on now is how we can take an excel-
lent procedure and really perfect it.”
Dr. David O’Brien is with New Vi-
sion Eye Center at 1055 37th Place in
Vero Beach, directly across from the
hospital. The phone number is 772-
46 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 45 It is also because Lynch is aware of the milk, you’re getting more vitamin D Samantha Lynch.
many benefits of dairy products. than you would if you’re having skim
fat diet did not reduce mortality,” ac- milk. So you can absorb your nutri- PHOTO DENISE RITCHIE
cording to the New York Times. “In fact, “When a person comes in, I usually ents and vitamins much better using
the study found that the greater the recommend low-fat dairy,” says the ge- full-fat or even a low-fat product as op- er her “middle-of-the-road” approach
drop in cholesterol, the higher the risk of nial Lynch. “I’m not necessarily recom- posed to a fat free.” to dairy fat – even though that kills the
death during the [five-year long] trial” – mending a fat-free or a full fat. I usually dream of unlimited Haagen-Dazs sun-
which makes it seem like dairy fat might go in between, because there are some Because of the mix of risks and ben- daes or wedges of French brie.
be good. benefits.” efits, Lynch says, “I usually recommend
the 2 percent dairy products, and I al- Of course, before changing your diet,
Soon after the old study came to One the one hand: “We know there ways go for grass-fed because the lipid it is best to consult with your physician
light, Medical News Today reported on are some great benefits to a lower-fat profile is different there.” to see if he or she agrees that at least a lit-
a brand-new study from the Friedman diet that has some diary fat in it because tle dairy fat in your diet might be a good
School of Nutrition Science and Policy at [that fat helps you] absorb more of the Of course, studies like the recent thing.
Tufts University in Boston that was pub- food that you’re consuming throughout one from Tufts can be difficult – if not
lished in the American Journal of Clini- the day. Especially as we age we can’t impossible – for laymen to read on Samantha Lynch’s office is at 4445
cal Nutrition. absorb nutrients as well,” and those par- their own. Sentences like this would Hwy. A1A, suite 239 in Vero Beach. The
ticular fats help the body absorb more probably stop most of us in our tracks: phone number is 772-584-1835.
Strikingly, Medical News Today con- nutrients. “In multivariable models, circulating
cluded, “whole-fat dairy does not raise pentadecanoic, heptadecanoic, and
cardiovascular risk. Conversely, some On the other hand: “As we get older,” trans-palmitoleic acids were not sig-
fats present in certain dairy products Lynch continues, “we have less of this nificantly associated with total mor-
might even keep stroke and heart dis- enzyme called lactase in our gut. We tality, with extreme-quintile HRs of
ease at bay.” make less of it and that’s the thing that 1.05 for pentadecanoic (95% CI: 0.91,
digests lactose. So people become more 1.22), 1.07 for heptadecanoic (95% CI:
Lynch says she sits somewhere in the lactose intolerant as they get older. And if 0.93, 1.23), and 1.05 for trans-palmi-
middle of what will likely now become you have a full-fat dairy product, it takes toleic (95% CI: 0.91, 1.20) acids.”
an even more hotly contested debate. longer to digest, so people have more is-
That makes sense, in part, because she sues with it.” Lynch, however, has both a bachelor’s
is keenly aware that dietary guidelines and master’s degree in course work ac-
can and do change. And then there are fat-soluble vita- credited by the Academy of Nutrition
mins to consider. and Dietetics, has been in practice for
For example, not that many years ago, 10 years and is licensed by the state of
heart patients were advised to eliminate “For instance, they fortify milk with Florida. To her, the language of a clinical
butter from their diets entirely and re- vitamin D,” Lynch explains, “and there trial is like a “Dick and Jane” book to the
place it with margarine – until research- are not a lot of food sources of vitamin rest of us.
ers determined that the trans fats in D. The fat-soluble vitamins are A, D,
margarine were worse for the heart than E and K. If you’re getting vitamin D So it makes sense to carefully consid-
the butterfat. in your milk, and you’re using full-fat
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48 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonz salutes Sarge for his service and selflessness
Hi Dog Buddies! been a good dog. I’d tried to be as helpful sorta limped. Then, one day,
and o-bee-dee-unt as I could, but I got
This week I innerviewed Sarge O’Neal, dropped off just the same. The lady told runnin’ in the yard, I went
a sturdy, good-lookin’ pooch with a real Mom I knew some commands and she
important job. He looks sorta Lab-ish, thought I’d been a vet’s service dog. I did totally lame. Mom took me
but he’s ackshully a mix of Giant Schnau- the usual Sit, Stay, Down, Come routine
zer, Coon Hound, German Shepherd an for Mom. She looked kind, an she gave to the vet, who discovered I
Terrier. me a liddle Pity Pat. But when the lady
asked if she wanted me, Mom said she had an old knee injury that
He came right up for the Wag-an-Sniff, just didn’t know. The lady whisked me
introduced his Mom, Debbie, an greeted away, an Mom left. It was a real Down- got worse, and I hadda have
my assistant with welcoming slurps. ward Dog moment.
When we were all comf-tubble in the liv- surgery. Mom sold Thom-
ing room, I got out my notebook. “Later I found out that Mom had
planned to get some lunch then keep as’ Harley to pay for it. The
“So where should I start?” he asked. lookin’ for a puppy, when something
“Just tell about how you found your said to her, ‘Go back and get your dog!’” vet was super nice, but I
Forever Family an what your life’s been
like.” “Shut the doghouse door!” couldn’t run or jump, an I
“It’s kinda complicated. Before I “I know. Weird, right? I dunno what it
joined the family, my future Mom and was, but she came right back to the shel- hadda stay in my crate for,
my future brother Brandon had lost their ter and said, ‘I want Sarge.’ A different
huz-bun and dad, Thomas. It was a very shelter lady told Mom she’d heard I could like, WEEKS. It was Soggy
sad time for them, an it was extra hard, do something with keys. The lady tossed
too, cuz Brandon (he’s 28) has aw-tism, her keys on the ground an I picked ’em Dog Biscuits.
which means he needs lotsa special TLC. up an put ’em on the counter. An Mom
“Mom couldn’t do it by herself, so she rescued me, Thank Lassie!” “Anyway, I got all better.
decided to get a trained service dog. But “Talk about perfect timing! What was
she found out it’d cost lots of munny, it like with your new family?” Then, one day, we were
a buncha thousands, which she didn’t “When Brandon saw me he got so ex-
have.” cited, he squealed an started running in Harbor Freight, where
“Woof!” I exclaimed. “I didn’t ree-lize to me. Mom was like, ‘Oh, No!’ cuz she
that.” thought I’d get excited, too, an bark or Brandon loves to sit in
“PLUS, there was a 2-year wait. So she jump up or run away. But somehow I un-
decided to get a shelter puppy and train nerstood that takin’ care of Brandon was the pontoon boat. Alluva
it. The first shelter didn’t have any pup- gonna be my Special Job. I donno how I
pies, so she went to the Port St. Lucie Hu- knew, I just did. So I bumped him gently sudden we heard some-
mane Society, but they were outta pup- to distract him and slow him down, so
pies, too. She noticed a coupla older dogs we could get to know each other. Then I one sayin,’ ‘Sarge, is that
way at the back and wondered why they looked at Mom to see what she wanted
got brought to the shelter. One of ’em me to do next. She had accidently found you?’”
wasn’t barking, just sitting quietly. The the perfect pooch to help her an Bran-
shelter lady said he’d been dropped off don. I’m ackshully his pooch. I keep him “What?”
the day after Christmas and was going walkin’ and active. I’m with him at the
through a lifestyle change.” Special Olympics, too. And I help Mom “It was my first owner. the Sarge,
“Woof! The day after Christmas. pick up stuff and carry stuff, like Bran- He was a Purple Heart BsYeGrOvRDiOcNeRAdDoFOgR.D
That’s harsh,” I said. “I get a feeling, um, don’s laundry an the Christmas decora- vet, which means he PHOTO
was that you, Sarge?” tions last year.” was brave an fought for
“Yep. I was confused. I thought I’d “That’s a pawsome story, Sarge.”
“But there’s more. Mom had noticed I his country an got wounded.
I looked at Mom for the OK, then I started put myself between him an other pooch-
waggin’ like crazy. He was so happy. He es if he’s gettin’ crowded. Mom calls us a
told Mom his fren Nikki was an Official Motley Crew.”
Dog Trainer and had trained me since I Heading home, I was thinkin’ of all
was a puppy, so I’m a Bone-uh-fied Ser- the stuff that fell into place so Sarge and
vice Dog. But she got sick an couldn’t his Forever Family could find each other,
help him take care of me anymore an and he could keep usin’ all his amazing
that’s why they hadda take me to the skills to benefit his humans. Pretty in-
shelter. Later, Nikki came to visit us, an I spiring, doncha think?
was so excited to see her. She gave Mom
a list of all my commands, so now I’m Till next time,
even more helpful.”
The Bonz
“Whaddya do for fun?”
“I love swimmin’! One time, I was Don’t Be Shy
swimmin’ in the ocean, an Mom’s fren
was snorklin.’ I accidently bumped him We are always looking for pets
an, dog! he just shot outta the water. I with interesting stories.
buh-leeve he thought I was a shark. My To set up an interview, email
Dog Beach buddies are Murphy, a shih
tzu; an my girlfren, Koda. Our other [email protected].
pooch pal has two wheels for paws, so I
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 49
On any budget, statement jewelry can transform your wardrobe
The Telegraph
I am a great believer in
wearing a piece of colorful
and fun jewelry, particularly
in the summer. It focuses the
beholder on something other
than my tired face! I admire
Iris Apfel, whose bold style is
unmissable, but I don’t have
that sort of confi-
dence or desire look at Pebble, The Tal-
to stand out – instead I look for isman Gallery and Pip-
fun pieces which will work with pa Small.
my eclectic summer wardrobe.
To be honest, Matil-
I recently took my granddaugh- da was really more in-
ter Matilda to see the Masterpiece terested in the horse
exhibition in London. We spent a bronzes on the Slad-
very happy afternoon ogling the jew- more Gallery stand,
elry in particular. The size of some of but we had a very hap-
the precious stones was spectacular py time followed by tea
and together we marveled at what it and carrot cake and a visit
must be like to wear such beautiful to Zara around the corner, where we
treasures; we chose a tiara from SJ indulged in a little retail therapy.
Phillips and a particularly magnifi- Don’t be put off by the fact that
cent emerald drop from Moussaieff some of the collections seem aimed
to wear in our dreams. Anna Wintour at the relatively young. The jewelry is
famously wears lovely, multi-colored great fun for summer wear and can be
Georgian collet necklaces, modern brought out year after year, or given
copies of which can be found on Etsy. to a granddaughter, which is probably
For beautiful semi-precious pieces what I shall eventually do with several
of the pieces I have bought. After all,
there definitely won’t be a tiara com-
ing her way, I’m afraid!
50 Vero Beach 32963 / August 16, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Are these covers a mark of fashion’s new diversity?
BY VICTORIA MOSS stir: This may just measures. Mag- on the newsstand.
The Telegraph be the most diverse azines, in gen- Equally, while these covers should
selection of wom- eral these days,
Ever since Vogue immortalized the en cover stars in don’t sell very rightly be celebrated, it will be inter-
mightiest magazine month in the magazine history. much no mat- esting to keep an eye on what hap-
2009 documentary, the importance Which is encour- ter who is on the pens next month, and the one after
of the September magazine offerings aging if slow prog- cover. Their pow- that, and that ... Is this just new sea-
has been lain bare. It is the open- ress from an in- er, broken up by son posturing – or something more
ing gambit for the new fashion offer, dustry which has online offerings meaningful? As Kenya Hunt, deputy
where titles stake their claim on who historically func- and Influencers editor of ELLE UK, pointed out, mag-
and what will be relevant for the win- tioned under the who frankly don’t azine mastheads are still overwhelm-
ter season. narrow-focused need their support, ingly white.
assumption that is on the wane. This
It’s usually the weightiest book “black doesn’t appeal for a broader Until the entire fashion industry is
in the year, which means its where sell.” audience may end more inclusive behind as well as in
each makes their serious advertis- up being too little front of the camera, magazine pages
ing money. In short, it’s a big deal. Chastened too late. The proof of won’t reflect a true cross section of
Which is why the latest crop of cov- times, howev- purchase will be society. But let’s hope this is the start
ers have caused a righteous er, call for new of a wider shift, and not just a one
season wonder.