Philanthropy Day: Vero givers
get just rewards. P12
Water rates to
go up in county. P10
A Thanksgiving column
about hyper-local journalism. P8
For breaking news visit
Hospital District Florida vote: Claims again of irregularities – but not here PSC staff puts
nominates 3 for electric sale
Cleveland board back on track
Staff Writer Staff Writer
The face of the soon-to-be- State-mandated manual recount proceeds smoothly in Indian River County. PHOTOS BY LEIGH GREEN The team that’s worked on
combined Cleveland Clinic and the Vero electric sale to Florida
Indian River Medical Center BY RAY MCNULTY technology, security threats dian River County Supervisor Power & Light for nearly a de-
began to emerge last week as Staff Writer and other issues connected of Elections Leslie Swan said. cade knows better than to get
the Indian River County Hos- to their jobs. “It was all about intrusion- too excited over small victories,
pital District trustees picked a The supervisors of elec- detection systems and how but a staff recommendation
slate of candidates for a seat tions from each of Florida’s The hot topic for the 2018 to prevent hacking. And after published Friday by the Florida
on hospital’s new board of 67 counties meet twice each midterms? all that, it turned out to be Public Service Commission’s
directors. year to discuss the latest top legal, financial and techni-
“We had cyber-security CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 cal personnel is pretty fantastic
Cleveland Clinic must now pounded into our heads,” In- news, just the same.
decide which of the three can-
didates becomes the Hospital After a one-day extension of
District’s single representative the Nov. 15 due date for the re-
on the new 17-member board. port, the staff reversed its pre-
The candidates are real estate vious opposition to FPL book-
broker and former St. Edward’s ing a $116.2 million acquisition
School board chairman Dale adjustment as part of the Vero
Sorensen; ophthalmologist and electric purchase.
City Council member Val Zu-
dans; and retired computer Last summer, the staff object-
services and IT executive and ed to the adjustment, or over-
IRMC board member Mat- payment, saying that the Vero
thew Reiser. case did not present “extraordi-
nary circumstances” that would
In a separate, nearly unani- warrant FPL paying more than
Brightline foes may be nearing the end of the line Judge issues stern rebuke to deputies,
dismisses charges against Vero man
Staff Writer BY FEDERICO MARTINEZ Cox said the deputies gave
Staff Writer questionable, contradictory
Indian River County of- testimony in court and failed
ficials will return to federal Cocaine possession charges to provide necessary evi-
court on Nov. 27 to make what against a Vero Beach man have dence, including video and
will likely be their final legal been dismissed by Judge Cyn- audio footage that mysteri-
stand in the effort to derail All thia Cox, who issued a stern ously disappeared.
Aboard Florida’s plans to run rebuke to three Indian River
high-speed passenger trains County sheriff’s deputies. In dismissing the charges
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Brightline publicly stated they cannot afford to All Aboard Florida’s invitation to sub- the company announced its expan-
keep fighting. mit a proposal for where a new station sion plans.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 could be constructed in the county.
Indian River County Administrator All Aboard Florida officials said last
through Vero Beach. Jason Brown said that if the lawsuit Commissioners decided not to sub- week the company is confident it will
That’s when Indian River and Martin fails, Indian River too will have few op- mit a proposal, voting instead to al- prevail in court this time, too, and looks
tions left. locate another $92,500 to continue forward to working with the various
County officials, who are also part of a fighting through the end of the year, municipalities, including Vero Beach.
lawsuit filed in February, will make their He has not yet given up the fight, including $15,000 for the Nov. 27 hear-
case that the U.S. Department of Trans- however, and said the county has de- ing, according to county records. “All necessary permits have been ap-
portation and the Federal Railroad Ad- clined offers by All Aboard Florida to proved,” said Ali Soule, director of pub-
ministration improperly subsidized All negotiate the issue. Other communities, including Stu- lic affairs and media relations. “We’ve
Aboard Florida’s Brightline trains with art and Fort Pierce, have signaled they already started work on the corridor,
tax exempt bonds, while violating the “This issue remains in litigation,” are ready to work with All Aboard Flor- including laying fiber cable and land-
National Environmental Policy Act. Brown said during a recent phone in- ida by submitting station proposals to scaping.”
terview. “We’re not involved in any ne- the company.
The two counties have already spent gotiations; it’s in litigation.” All Aboard Florida – which an-
more than $7 million on the lawsuits The rail company has prevailed in nounced last week it will change the
and Martin County officials recently Brown and the Indian River County eight other lawsuits filed by Treasure Brightline name to Virgin Trains USA,
Commission went into closed session Coast communities since 2014, when after entering into a partnership with
during an Oct. 20 meeting to discuss businessman Richard Branson’s Virgin
Group – began service between West
Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale in
January and extended service to Mi-
ami in May.
The high-speed rail project ultimate-
ly is set to run from Miami through the
Treasure Coast and Space Coast to Co-
coa before swinging west to Orlando.
The proposed expansion would sig-
nificantly increase the number of trains
passing through Indian River County
where there are 31 at-grade road cross-
ings, many in need of safety upgrades,
county officials have said.
Local objections to the train service
have been based mainly on safety and
quality-of-life concerns.
If Indian River and Martin counties
win their lawsuit, it would be a major
set-back for All Aboard Florida because
it would eliminate most of its funding
earmarked for phase two – though it is
possible Branson’s Virgin Group could
provide an infusion of cash to keep the
train company’s plans on track.
Judge issues rebuke to deputies
against Sean Bresnahan, 25, on Nov.
14, Cox also scolded deputies Andrew
Ward, Quang Le and Richard Henson
for conducting an illegal search and
unlawfully detaining the suspect lon-
ger than necessary.
In a nutshell, the deputies, a trainer
and trainee, stopped Bresnahan for
speeding, found his license and reg-
istration in order, did not give him a
ticket, and then stalled, keeping him
from leaving until a canine unit ar-
rived to seek drugs in his car.
Police cannot detain a citizen in-
definitely, or search his or her vehicle
for drugs, unless they have probable
cause – a legitimate reason to think
that drugs are present – which the
judge said was lacking.
The deputies also never read Bres-
nahan his Miranda rights before ques-
tioning and arresting him.
“No evidence was presented to ex-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 3
plain why the audio/video recording The Indian River County Sheriff’s transmitted to a storage device locat- that they wanted to search me for a
of the traffic stop was unavailable,” Office currently uses video cameras ed in the patrol vehicles, deputies say. speeding ticket.”
Cox stated in her written decision. that are installed in patrol vehicles, Deputies are then supposed to save
“The defendant was detained and not and deputies wear microphones on and download the recordings into a Bresnahan’s case was bolstered by
free to leave until a warning was writ- their uniforms, several deputies ex- server located at the sheriff’s office. the many mistakes and inconsisten-
ten for the traffic violation, but no ef- plained. The video cameras turn on cies noted during the deputy’s testi-
fort was made during the traffic stop automatically when a patrol vehicle’s Bresnahan, who initially pled no con- mony and their written reports.
to prepare the written warning.” lights are turned on. The audio can test to the charges but later changed his
be manually turned on and off by the plea to ‘not guilty,’ said he was relieved In his sheriff’s report, Ward wrote
Cox also noted that the deputies’ deputies wearing the microphones. that the charges were dropped. that he was present when Le asked
testimony was frequently “inconsis- Bresnahan for consent to search his ve-
tent,” and that they could not provide The recorded video and audio are “I’m glad it’s over,” he said. “When it hicle, to which he replied “no.” But dur-
evidence that would justify their ac- happened, I thought that it was strange
tions during the incident. CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
“No evidence was presented of an Exclusively John’s Island
articulable suspicion of criminal activ-
ity supporting a continued detention to Commanding one of the best river views in JI is this magnificent
search for drugs after the defendant’s 3BR+Study/4.5BA residence. Offering 195± feet of direct Intracoastal
information was validated,” Cox said. frontage, mile-wide river views and a boat dock with a lift, it is a boater’s
paradise. The 1.36± acre lot allows the opportunity for future expansion.
Sheriff Deryl Loar and Public Infor- The unique atrium design maximizes indoor/outdoor living and features
mation Officer Eric Flowers did not re- 7,811± GSF, high ceilings, gourmet island kitchen, family room, voluminous
spond to inquiries seeking comment living room, study with built-ins, and private guest bedroom en suites.
about the incident or court action. 21 Dove Plum Road : $4,750,000
Vero Beach Attorney Andrew Metcalf, three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
who represented Bresnahan, said he was health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
not surprised the case was dismissed.
772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
“As far as her ruling, I of course think it
was spot on,” Metcalf said. “It was clear
this officer was really only concerned
with getting to search my client’s car.
“I say this because the officer clear-
ly lost all interest in whether he was
speeding. It was all about searching
the car. Rarely would you see some-
one beachside driving a luxury car de-
tained so a canine unit can arrive.
“The bottom line is if you pull some-
body over for speeding you can only
detain them long enough to write out a
citation,” Metcalf said. “If you don’t write
out a citation, you can’t just keep detain-
ing someone until a canine unit arrives.”
Metcalf said it was also illegal for
Henson to start questioning Bresna-
han before he had been read his Mi-
randa Rights.
According to Indian River County
Sheriff Office reports, Deputy Ward,
who was a deputy-in-training at the
time, and Le stopped Bresnahan at 9:17
p.m. on July 26 after their radar detected
Bresnahan’s pickup truck was traveling
44 mph in a posted 35 mph speed zone.
Bresnahan was traveling eastbound
when he was pulled over at the 8800
block of U.S. 1, in Sebastian.
Ward testified during a Nov. 7 hear-
ing before Judge Cox that after check-
ing Bresnahan’s driver’s license, reg-
istration and proof of insurance, he
decided to just issue a verbal warning
– which he did.
Deputies acknowledged the traffic
stop and eventual arrest were recorded
by police video cameras, but when Met-
calf and Cox askedWard where the video
and audio evidence was, he at first told
them, “I don’t know.” When pressed, he
acknowledged that he had turned the
video over to his training officer Le.
During questioning Le said the vid-
eo had “disappeared” and he had no
idea what happened to it.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 5
Judge issues rebuke to deputies Ward and Le testified that they Under cross-examination, Henson spoke to each other at the scene, but
couldn’t recall which one of them told Metcalf that “I was called because nobody could remember anything
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 called for canine officer Henson. Hen- [Bresnahan] refused the search. I mean, said during the conversations.
son also couldn’t recall who contacted that’s what I was told when I arrived.”
ing testimony Le said he asked to search him or why, but he said the deputies Henson could not recall which deputy Henson testified that he ordered
the vehicle while Ward was in the police were speaking with Bresnahan when explained the reason why he was called. Bresnahan and his passenger to get
cruiser running a check on Bresnahan. he arrived. out of the car because he was going to
All three deputies testified that they
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Florida election irregularities including Palm Beach’s overheated in Florida’s third-largest county, and – not only recounts – was more difficult.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 counting machines and Broward miss- she’s hoping to receive more than $11 This company is awesome. They even
ing a recount deadline by two minutes. million from Palm Beach commission- have a help line we can call when there’s
something totally different.” ers when they embark on their budget- a problem.”
It turned out to be another Florida Swan said she couldn’t comment on approval process in the spring.
the Broward situation “because I really There were no problems this year,
election in which Palm Beach and Bro- haven’t been paying attention to it,” but “You’d have to think she’ll get it Swan said, with voting or the two re-
ward counties made national headlines she knows her much-maligned Palm now,” Swan said. counts, which revealed little discrep-
for disputed results, botched recounts, Beach County counterpart, Susan Bu- ancy with the initial results. Similarly,
equipment glitches and legal challeng- cher, and is very familiar with the anti- Swan had no such problem here. she knew of few complaints from vot-
es – all of which provided late-night co- quated voting equipment used there. Three years ago, she alerted county ers about the process.
medians with plenty of material. officials to the need to upgrade her
That same system was used in In- voting system and asked them to start One reason, she surmised, is that
“We’ve all heard the jokes about dian River County until 2017. setting aside money for the purchase. more voters are opting to vote early or
Florida’s elections,” Swan said, refer- by mail and fewer are casting ballots on
ring to the mocking the state has en- “The biggest problem with those old- She submitted her formal request Election Day. In fact, only 25,423 peo-
dured since the hanging chads of the er machines is that they’re limited: You in early 2017, seeking $1.4 million to ple voted on Election Day, while 25,699
2000 presidential race. “But a big rea- can recount only one race at a time,” purchase new state-certified, more- voted by mail and 23,870 voted early.
son we end up in the national spot- Swan said. “We’ve done it before with secure voting equipment produced by
light is because we’re a large state and that equipment, but only for one race. Election Systems & Software, and the The only puzzling result locally was
a swing state that’s evenly divided. They’ve been dealing with four races county commission approved it. the large under-vote in the U.S. Senate
and a lot more ballots.” and Florida gubernatorial elections.
“We have very close elections.” After putting it out for bid, Swan
Such was the case again this year, Palm Beach was required to complete was able to buy the new system for “All in all, I’m happy with how things
when Florida’s midterms featured a machine recount of nearly 600,000 only $944,000 last year. ES&S now pro- went,” Swan said. “We had a great sys-
high-profile, hotly contested races for ballots and, because of the aging equip- vides voting equipment and support tem in place, a great team at the polls,
a U.S. Senate seat and governor. Both ment’s limitations, didn’t come close to to more than 40 Florida counties. and my staff did a great job.”
required recounts. beating the state-imposed deadline with
Unlike Indian River, where Swan only eight ballot-counting machines. “I was trying to be in compliance She’s even happier she’s not the su-
said the elections and state-mandated with state law, and I knew it would pervisor in Palm Beach or Broward
recounts went smoothly and produced Swan said Palm Beach is the only take some time to come up with the counties, where her peers are again
only minimal changes in vote totals, the county in the state still using the equip- money, so I started early,” Swan said. the butt of Florida election jokes.
aforementioned South Florida counties ment purchased in 2007 from Sequoia “The county put the money aside, and
again served up plenty of controversy, Voting Systems, a California-based it’s worked out great. “I love my job, but I wouldn’t want
company that is no longer in business. theirs,” Swan said of the supervisors in
“Programming the old system was a Palm Beach and Broward. “If I had to
Bucher has repeatedly requested bear,” she added. “We program our own deal with what they’re going through,
funding to update the voting system elections, and just to set up an election I’d probably be in a hospital by now.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 7
Hospital District disputes that might arise with Cleve- selected by my peers,” she said. “I don’t clause in the agreement to drop or oth-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 land Clinic during the first 10 years. vote for popularity. I know how to make erwise change the areas of treatment it
hard decisions. If there’s a situation has promised to continue for the next
mous vote, the District Board picked “The ideal is that this whole thing that arises with this lease and Cleve- 10 years at IRMC. Those service lines, as
one of its own trustees, Karen Deigl, as runs smoothly,” he added. “I’m excited land Clinic may not be not compliant they are called, include maternity care,
well as one community member, at- about the prospect of Cleveland Clinic with one of the fundamental elements, in-patient well-baby and pediatric care,
torney John Moore, to serve on a com- coming. The hospital is the largest pub- I will certainly be one who looks very mental health care, and the treatments
mittee created in the hospital takeover lic asset in town, and how we as a com- closely at it and finds out why.” provided by the hospital’s cancer, heart
agreement, expected to be finalized in munity manage it is one of the determi- and gastroenterology centers.
January or February. nants of success for the community.” The Commitment Integrity Com-
mittee is specifically charged with de- According to the agreement that out-
The Commitment Integrity Commit- Moore has experience with change termining and ultimately resolving, by lines the takeover, Cleveland can elimi-
tee, as it is called, is intended to ensure at the hospital. Appointed by Gov. Jeb discussion or if necessary, arbitration, nate one of those service lines only “in
Cleveland upholds its 10-year, $250 mil- Bush to serve on the Hospital District any breaches on Cleveland Clinic’s the event another healthcare system or
lion commitment to IRMC’s new incar- Board, he recalls the controversy when part of promises outlined as “funda- hospital operates a required service at a
nation, Cleveland Clinic Indian River – in the early 2000s, the district rene- mental commitments.” comparable level to IRMC.” That other
including a vow to maintain several key gotiated a lease with IRMH, Inc., the facility would have to be in Indian River
areas of treatment at the hospital. management company that is about Along with the promised $250 mil- County or within a 25-mile radius of the
to be supplanted by Cleveland Clinic. lion, 10-year capital outlay, those com- hospital, whichever distance is greater.
Moore, whose local prominence “People were saying we were effective- mitments include covering any IRMC
stems as much from his philanthropic ly locking us in forever,” he said. “Ob- entity’s default on a debt listed in the The agreement states that Cleveland
family as from his law practice, is a viously, that wasn’t the case.” hospital’s financial statements. During Clinic would have to first notify the
graduate of Vero Beach High School that same 10-year period, Cleveland Hospital District and give the Commit-
and the University of Notre Dame, Like Moore, Deigl is aware that the Clinic is prohibited from “permitting ment Integrity Committee 90 days’ no-
where he majored in accounting. After seat on the committee is a 10-year or causing a change of control,” such tice before shutting down any service.
a stint with Arthur Andersen in Dallas, term. “Yes, I have made plans to retire, as a sale or transfer of the hospital.
he earned a law degree at the Univer- but not for 13-and-a-half years,” she The committee’s two other mem-
sity of Virginia. He moved back to Vero said with a laugh. Since 2006, Deigl has Cleveland also can’t change the stated bers, who will join Moore and Deigl,
in 1993. His practice focuses on real been president and CEO of the Senior purpose of the hospital’s fund-raising will be chosen by the current IRMC
estate law and estate planning. Resource Association and also over- arm, the IRMC Foundation, which is “to board of directors on Dec. 12.
sees the county’s Go-line bus service, generate contributions to supplement
“My hope is that it’s an absolutely with a combined $7 million budget. the capital requirements of the hospital.” Members serve independently and
do-nothing job,” said Moore in jest: Prior, Deigl was executive director of do not represent either the District or
the committee’s sole focus is to resolve the Hospital District. One critical role the Commitment In- the hospital board. If a breach of Cleve-
tegrity Committee could play would oc- land’s obligations under the takeover
“I’m very, very honored to have been cur in the event Cleveland Clinic uses a
8 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
MY Hyper-local journalism: Getting sidewalk safety problems fixed
BY RAY MCNULTY strates the kind of hyper-local journal- portunity to do this job in such a spe- mental agency responsible for maintain-
Staff Writer ism we also do at Vero Beach 32963. cial community. ing that property and ask why it hadn’t
cleared the intrusive vegetation that, in
For the past 10 years, week in and What follows is not anywhere near Certainly, it’s why island resident some areas, blocked most of the heavily
week out, we’ve tried to provide island the sexiest or most important story I’ve Ralph Sheppard sent us an email last trafficked sidewalk, forcing pedestrians
readers with information they don’t get ever worked on. I have no idea how week, sharing photographs and his and bicyclists to walk or ride on the grass
elsewhere about the electric system, the many of you will be affected, or even concerns about a potentially danger- along the edge of the roadway.
hospital, the public schools, city and care. But it made a difference to at least ous situation on a quarter-mile stretch
county government – the big issues that a few folks – maybe a big difference. For of sidewalk on the west side of State “The people I speak with claim they
impact the lives of all who live here. someone who has spent his entire life as Road A1A, immediately south of The have reached out to the county with no
a newspaperman, that’s no small thing. Moorings, from Spyglass Lane to Is- response,” Sheppard wrote. “I thought
But with another Thanksgiving upon land Drive. He needed our help. maybe I could solicit a response from
us, I’d like to share a story that demon- It’s why I do this job. It’s also why I’m our local newspaper, since you have
thankful to have been given the op- He wanted us to identify the govern- always been so deeply involved with
ALF# 11030 the island and its issues.”
Call Today and Get
Your Birthday Month He came to the right place.
In his email, Sheppard, who lives on
FREE FOREVER!* Harbor Lane, wrote that he walks this
sidewalk every day, along with many
Vero Beach others who live in that area. He said
the vegetation hadn’t been trimmed in
4150 Indian River Blvd. years and, in recent months, the prob-
Vero Beach, FL 32967 lem had become a safety hazard.
“It has continued to deteriorate and is
(772) 742-2466 now presenting a very serious and dan-
gerous condition whereby we are forced
910 Regency Square off the sidewalk, with our dogs and
Vero Beach, FL 32967 strollers, because the vegetation from
the adjoining lot has overtaken any pos-
(772) 742-2475 sible means of egress,” he wrote.
He then referred to the photos, which
*Expires 10/31/18. New residents only. Some restrictions may apply. clearly showed the vegetation block-
ing much of the sidewalk – so much so Like us on pedestrians have worn a dirt path in
the grass, and that path is frighteningly
close to the edge of the highway, where
traffic often travels at more than 50 mph.
“It is criminal that, with all of our
property taxes, we still can’t get some
basic services,” Sheppard wrote. “May-
be the county will wait until someone is
hit by one of the speeding cars on A1A
before they address these concerns.”
When I spoke with Sheppard, he re-
iterated much of what was in his email,
especially the part about “lots of peo-
ple” using that sidewalk and having
“no doubt” in his mind that “someone
is going to get hurt, maybe killed” by a
passing motor vehicle.
“There’s a bike lane, but it’s only 4
feet wide, and you always see drivers
looking at their phones or texting, not
focused on the road,” he said. “I’ve
seen cars drift onto the white line.”
He also mentioned pedestrians who
break off branches by hand as they
try to squeeze through the vegetation,
leaving sharp edges that “can rake your
arm as you walk by.”
The more we talked, the more his
frustration became obvious.
“It’s been bad in the past, but they
never let it get this bad,” Sheppard said,
finally adding, “It’s Vero Beach, the bar-
rier island. But we’re in the unincorpo-
rated county, so I guess we’re the odd
man out. Maybe you can find out why.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 9
I did. Electric sale back on track its own June 5 approval of the sale and Judge issues rebuke to deputies
I started with a call to County Ad- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 the accounting treatment. The staff’s
ministrator Jason Brown, who referred reversal would seem to pave the way CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5
me to Public Works Director Rich Sz- twice the book value for the utility’s for a solid affirmation of the June vote,
pyrka, who, after checking a map, re- assets and 34,000 electric customers. and the sale. have the canine sniff the vehicle.
ferred me to the Florida Department After Bresnahan exited the vehicle,
of Transportation, the agency respon- That extra cash, which makes up the Utilities attorney Floyd Self, who
sible for maintaining the right-of-ways bulk of the $185 million sale price, will represented Indian River County be- Henson said he asked the suspect if
on state roads, including sidewalks. allow Vero to extricate itself from two fore the PSC in 2016 and the Florida he had anything “illegal in his posses-
So I called Barbara Kelleher, the agen- long-term wholesale power agreements Supreme Court in 2017 in the county’s sion.” Bresnahan replied that he had a
cy’s public information officer for the with the Orlando Utilities Commission effort to switch to FPL service once its small plastic bag with some cocaine in
FDOT district that includes our county, ($20 million) and the Florida Municipal 30-year electric franchise agreement his front pants pocket.
and explained the situation. She said Power Agency ($108 million). with Vero expired, said the staff move
she’d check into it and get back to me. was unusual. “Staff rarely reverses its Henson, who has been with the canine
Less than an hour later, Kelleher re- In June, three members of the com- position but it may after an evidentiary unit 16 years, testified that it took “two
sponded with an email that said she had mission disregarded the staff’s opinion hearing, which is what happened here.” minutes” from when he arrived on the
contacted FDOT’s maintenance con- and voted on the side of FPL and Vero scene to when Bresnahan confessed.
tractor, DBI Services, and a work crew Beach, approving the deal. Two mem- If Chairman Graham hasn’t changed
would remedy the problem, possibly as bers, including Chairman Art Graham, his position as well, it could make an During the hearing, Henson argued
soon as the next day. She also thanked echoed the staff’s position and dissented. interesting morning for the staff, as that since he wasn’t “interrogating”
me for “bringing this to our attention.” Graham has been pretty passionate Bresnahan, his questions weren’t sub-
One of our photographers saw a Then, the June decision was ap- about his views. ject to Miranda.
crew on the site Saturday morning. pealed, necessitating a hearing on
When I called Sheppard and told Oct. 18 so attorney Lynne Larkin could But the staff, which has been deal- State Attorney Steve Wilson, citing
him of FDOT’s prompt response, he, present evidence and cross-examine ing with Vero electric for nine full years previous federal cases as support, ar-
too, thanked me – which was nice, but witnesses to try to bolster the objec- now, finally recognized in Friday’s gued that the incident was a “lawful
not necessary. tions her Civic Association of Indian document that Vero’s disgruntled rate- detention.”
It wasn’t just my assignment, it was River County has to the sale. payers in the city, in unincorporated
my pleasure. Indian River County and in Indian Metcalf successfully rebutted Hen-
It’s why I do this job, and why I’m After that hearing, the PSC staff re- River Shores are not going away. son and Wilson’s claims. “This is disin-
thankful to have the opportunity to do viewed everything again and came genuous,” Metcalf said.
it here, as part of a great team of jour- up with its now positive assessment, “Based upon the totality of the
nalists. recommending approval of the sale as unique and unusual facts ... staff “You can ask questions related to
Happy Thanksgiving. negotiated between Vero and FPL. recommends that the Commission the traffic stop, but you cannot detain
should find that extraordinary circum- a person any longer than it would take
Next Tuesday morning, the PSC is stances exist,” the staff concluded. to write a citation, which is something
scheduled to vote on whether to follow they didn’t do until after he was ar-
the staff recommendation and uphold Tuesday’s special call hearing is set rested and in jail. The law says you
for 9:30 a.m. in Tallahassee. can’t just hold someone until you find
10 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Water rates to go up in the county for many in new year
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN sewer lines installed for new homes. got the results of a utility rate study it and materials costs have gone up in
Staff Writer Some people who use large amounts commissioned in 2017. the last 19 years.
The Indian River County Commis- of drinking water and multi-dwelling Raftelis Financial Consultants of Or- The current rate is $400 for a new wa-
sion approved new utility rates at the properties such as trailer parks that lando found most fees are at appropri- ter line; the study suggests upping that to
Nov. 13 meeting, although it must still send unusually large amounts of wa- ate levels to cover operations, upkeep, $2,785. A new sewer line is currently $500
pass a rate resolution, probably in ter into the sanitary sewer system will future expansions and debt service, and the study suggests raising that per-
January, before new rates take effect pay more as well. but several changes were suggested. house fee to $2,875. Both rate changes
March 1, 2019. were approved by the commission.
On the other side of the ledger, reuse Fees to install new water and sewer
This is the first rate change in 19 years. water users will end up paying about a lines to mostly one-off single-family- Commissioners Peter O’Bryan and
The biggest jump in rates will be third of what they pay now. home builders will increase substan- Bob Solari said they wanted to charge
felt by builders who need water and tially – going up as much as 600 per- residents who use large amounts of
The decision to alter some util- cent – since directional boring, labor drinking water more to rein in waste
ity rates came after the commission and promote conservation.
The caps in the four-tier rate struc-
ture were changed so the first 7,000
gallons per month will cost slightly less
and user of more than 7,000 gallons will
see rates go up. Those using over 12,000
gallons a month will pay $9.75 per 1,000
gallons compared to the current $7.70
Utilities Director Vincent Burke esti-
mates the new drinking-water rates will
bring in $1 million more per year, which
will be put in the “renewal and replace-
ment” fund to keep older pipes and
parts in good repair to prevent leaks.
Solari said most of the water wasters
are out-of-town, seasonal island resi-
dents whose sprinklers operate rain or
shine on automatic timers. “Their be-
havior won’t change until the charge is
significant,” he said.
A new fee, “inflow and infiltration
surcharge,” will make trailer park own-
ers, or others with master meters cov-
ering multiple dwellings, pay double
to treat more than 12,000 gallons a
month of wastewater.
Hospital District
agreement is alleged, the committee
has to give written notice to the health
system as well as the boards of the hos-
pital and the district. After that, com-
mittee members and representatives
of Cleveland Clinic – and their lawyers,
of course – are required to meet “on a
regular basis to discuss and resolve the
alleged breach.” If a resolution can’t be
reached within 60 days, the commit-
tee can pursue an enforcement action
with an arbitrator.
A decision to take an enforcement
action requires 3 of the 4 votes. If the
committee votes to bring an action and
prevails, expenses are paid by the Cleve-
land Clinic Foundation and will not go
against the $250 million capital commit-
ment. On the other hand, if the commit-
tee does not prevail in its enforcement
action, Cleveland Clinic’s expenses do
go against the capital commitment.
P. 22
12 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Philanthropy Day: Vero givers get their just awards
Penny Odiorne and Mary Ellen Replogle with Barbara and Jim Mitchell. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
Dr. Heather Kuhl, Charlie Ernst, Isabel Ernst and Sissy DeMaria-Koehne.
BY MARY SCHENKEL needs at local nonprofits. Philanthropist, nominated by the Boys
“It’s really an award not for just a few & Girls Clubs of Indian River County.
Staff Writer Powers has contributed significant fi-
of us. We have over 300 contributors nancial donations and volunteer hours
The Vero Beach Museum of Art annually to our fund and we have over since the very early days of BGC, and
Holmes Great Hall was filled to capac- 100 volunteers who participate in our founded the Society of Angels to as-
ity last Wednesday evening as more events and our philanthropy evalua- sist children with their studies and eti-
than 300 guests gathered to celebrate tions,” said Jacobs, board president. quette.
‘Philanthropy Through the Decades’
at the 2018 National Philanthropy Day The Outstanding Corporate Philan- “I’ve enjoyed working with the Boys
Awards Celebration, presented by the thropist award was presented to Alma & Girls Club,” said Powers, crediting its
Association of Fundraising Profession- Lee Loy on behalf of the Vero Beach growth to longtime board member Jay
als, Indian River Chapter. To ensure Country Club, nominated by Indian McNamara. She gave a shout out to her
impartiality, winners were selected by River State College Foundation. VBCC son Jeff Powers who recently founded
the AFP Central Florida Chapter. has donated close to $1.2 million to Float Hope, which teaches children
nonprofits since 2008, as well as schol- from the three Boys & Girls Clubs and
The event to honor the outstanding arships to IRSC students. from Gifford Youth Achievement Cen-
philanthropic achievements of indi- ter how to swim.
viduals and businesses took guests on “The Vero Beach Country Club kind
an evolutional journey of philanthropy of knocks themselves out to take care of “It’s just a roomful of love,” said Bev
through a historical timeline and video every organization in this community Smith, event co-chair with Jessica
on the founding of 33 area nonprofits. that they can work into their schedule; Schmitt, recognizing the award win-
they are so generous,” said Loy, a VBCC ners and the people doing great work
Referencing the Vero Beach Centen- member since 1948. with them, and thanking the numer-
nial celebration, emcee John Moore ous sponsors involved.
launched into his own humorous oral Virginia ‘Ginny’ Powers was hon-
history of Vero Beach, quipping “it’s ored as the Outstanding Individual
a little different from history as you
might know it.” Jessica Schmitt and Beverly Smith. OTHER NOMINEES
Unsung Hero:
The Outstanding Youth in Philan- Trudie Rainone, recipient of the Out-
thropy award was presented to Isabel standing Volunteer Fundraiser award, Charles Brashears, Langie Mannion, Sheila Marshall, Jim Mitchell,
Ernst, co-founder of Give Back for Spe- was nominated by the Alzheimer and Rebecca Schlitt and Andy Williams.
cial Equestrians, which since 2013 has Parkinson Association of IRC, for her
provided more than $150,000 in thera- generous leadership there as well as Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser:
peutic equine scholarships to individ- with numerous other local nonprofits. Al DeRenzo, Nancy Johnson and Joan Woodhouse,
uals with special needs.
“Everyone is so important here,” said and Karla Spooner and Judy Munn.
“The true reward is seeing first- Rainone, adding she wished she could
hand, the life-changing therapy that cut up the award into a million pieces Outstanding Group Supporting Philanthropy:
we get to help facilitate every day,” said to share it. “We are truly blessed in Employees of the IRC Clerk of the Circuit Court, J.M. Hopwood Charitable Trust,
Ernst. Indian River County to have so many
wonderful, wonderful people; we all Kashi Church Foundation and VNA Golf-A-Thon Volunteers.
The Unsung Hero award was pre- do it together.”
sented to Mary Ellen Replogle, nomi- Outstanding Corporate Philanthropist:
nated by The Arc of Indian River The Outstanding Group Support- Agricultural Services International, Barker Air Conditioning & Heating,
County, for her unwavering 43 years of ing Philanthropy award was pre-
support to special needs adults in the sented to Dale Jacobs on behalf of the Corporate Air, Eye Clinic of Vero Beach and Optical Boutique,
county. Grand Harbor Community Outreach and Studio Gabriel Salon, Spa and Boutique.
Program, nominated by the Veter-
“This community would not be ans Council of IRC. In 17 years, the Outstanding Individual Philanthropist:
what it is if people like you had not all-volunteer group has contributed Jim and Billie Ellis, Sandy and Randy Rolf, and Bill and Marlynn Scully.
given your all, and it is appreciated,” more than $4 million to meet un-met
said Replogle.
14 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Linda Kloss with Al and Carol DeRenzo. Jeff Powers and Ginny Powers.
Eleanor Sexton and Alma Lee Loy.
Janet Baines and Trudie Rainone. Bill and Pat Marine with Doug Marine. Nancy and Jeff Luther with Nancy Hopwood.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 15
Betty and Dale Jacobs. Randy and Sandy Rolf. Sheila and George Marshall. Marlynn and Bill Scully.
Andy and Robin Williams. Pat and Holly Gorman.
Kate Kelley, Kathy Cruice, Joan Woodhouse, Hope Woodhouse and Betsy Fox.
16 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Top chefs please palates at March of Dimes auction
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Tim and Rachel Carroll. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Megan Raasveldt and David Bankston. over 1 pound, what gave their micro
Staff Writer preemie a fighting chance were the
Mex; and truffle ricotta ravioli com- John Moore presided over an impres- medical advancements made pos-
Taste buds were tempted with a pliments of Chef Scott Varricchio, Cit- sive collection of live auction items. sible through research funded by the
tantalizing array of tapas-style tidbits rus Grillhouse. March of Dimes.
last Monday evening at the March of Event co-chairs Rachel and Tim
Dimes Signature Chefs Auction at Guests dined al fresco, enjoying the Carroll, this year’s Ambassador Fam- The crowd felt her emotion, as Car-
Quail Valley River Club. balmy breeze, and between bites pe- ily, shared the tumultuous story of roll shared the sorrow of not being
rused numerous silent-auction items. their daughter London’s struggle to able to hold her newborn until she was
A coterie of connoisseurs tasted Later, the satiated gourmands gath- survive. Rachel Carroll recounted 1 month old, and even then having to
their way through the culinary cre- ered in the newly decorated dining her fear upon learning that she was ask for permission.
ations of eight area chefs, each of room to enjoy Quail Valley’s decadent in preterm labor at 20 weeks, relating
whom had stepped up to the table to chocolate marquis, while auctioneer that with London born weighing just “For 80 years the March of Dimes
support research into the causes and has been a leading organization, sav-
prevention of birth defects, prema- ing lives, supporting innovative re-
ture birth and infant mortality. search, creating new therapies and
becoming a champion for all babies,
Attendees supped on seared ahi especially ours. We just celebrated her
tuna with soba noodle salad by Chef third birthday. Many of the families
Tibor Andrejszky, Citron Bistro; mini have a very different ending,” added
crab cakes by Chef James Andres, Kyle Carroll, acknowledging the support of
G’s Seafood; crab meat and avocado the March of Dimes.
tian by Chef Stéphane Becht, Bistro
Fourchette; braised pork belly by Chef “Help create a world in which ev-
Armando Galeas, The Wave at Costa ery baby has an opportunity to thrive
d’Este; filet mignon sliders by Chef and every family gets the healthiest
Bob Getchell’s, a Boathouse specialty; possible start,” said Moore, imploring
oysters on the half shell a la Chef Ryan guests to be generous during a Fund
Krull, Cobalt; duck confit and foie gras the Mission call-out.
tacos by Chef Kevin Lee’s, Jake’s Tex-
For more information, visit mar-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 17
Bob Lyles with Jeanmarie Hajla and Claire LaPointe. John Moore and Chef Scott Varricchio. Patrick and Julia Hilburn with Kelly and Paul Nigro.
Bob and Wheatie Gibb. Walter and Molly Steinwald with Ken LaPointe.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Whiteout conditions prevail at Cinema de la Mer party
Jessalyn Kilgour, Robyn Flick and Cheryl Sangbush. Richard Davenport, Wendy Wilson, Kayla Provos and Joanne Montgomery. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Dan Shepherd.
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Nearly 300 attendees, who had re- ers with lighted butterfly wings per- of like-minded people, whether they
Staff Writer ceived electronic missives revealing formed and lighted wands twirled. are creatives, film lovers or wine lov-
the secret location just 48 hours be- ers. These are not strangers; these
There was a whiteout at the tarmac fore, enjoyed dinner, entertainment Guests spent the first part of the are just friends you don’t know yet.”
outside the Sun Jet Aviation hangar and the East Coast premiere of the evening milling about, gathering
recently – no snow involved – as a award-winning, independent film in plush screening lounges, visiting Stewart announced that special
flurry of white-clad guests accumu- “SALYUT 7.” neighboring tables and bidding on in-season screenings will be added
lated for the third annual Cinema an assortment of raffle experiences. this year and welcomed the Vero
de la Mer Super-Secret White Party, Stewart explained that all the Attendees either brought picnic din- Beach Outlets as the presenting
hosted by the Vero Beach Wine + flight-centric entertainment was ners or pre-ordered bountiful meals partner. “We’re thrilled to have such
Film Festival. meant to uplift spirits and take ev- from ‘Chef d’Fest’ Ashley Allison. an ‘haute’ partner to dress up the
eryone “up, up and away.” Vero Beach Wine and Film Festival,”
“This event is our gift to the com- “We are inspired by the phenom- she said.
munity, inspired by our mission to Undeterred by high winds which enal success of this un-gala to raise
connect artists with audiences. At grounded the planned hot air bal- money for the film festival. The To celebrate the relationship a
Cinema de la Mer we’re able to bring loon, attendees posed for selfies in funds that we raise at Cinema de special ‘festival within the festival’
together such a joyous collection of ‘mock’ rides in the Re/Max gondola la Mer support us in putting on the wine, film and fashion event will be
like-minded individuals to kick off as flames shot out of the burner. But film festival,” said Stewart. offered. The full festival runs June
the upcoming festival,” said Jerusha the winds were perfect for kite pup- 6-9.
Stewart, VBWFF founder. pets and illuminated kites, which “The night is always magical. It’s
rode on gusts of air, as belly danc- amazing that 300 people can keep a For more information, visit vbwff.
secret like this. This is a community com.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 19
Gail Shepherd, Dr. Darrell Horn and Marie Healy. Dhana Alexis Lawson, Susan Kintner, Sue Sharpe and Liz Petrell. Rusty Cappelen and Camille Cappelen with Stevie Cappelen.
Kerry Firth, Kai Martin and Liz Bowler. Jerusha Stewart and Eric Menger.
Gerri Smith and Bonnie Spear. John Stringer, Barbara Aprea, Melinda Cooper, Denise Campion and Claudette Roche.
Caesar Mistretta, Diane Langevin, Page Franzel and Victor Aprea.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Moorings donors hit $500K ‘home’ run for Habitat
BY MARY SCHENKEL sion of Indian River Habitat for Hu-
Staff Writer manity.
Major donors and committee David Sommers, chair of the
members were lauded at a Moorings Moorings Habitat committee, said
Habitat Appreciation Luncheon last the money will fund three Moor-
Tuesday at the Moorings Yacht and ings-sponsored Habitat homes, for a
Country Club to recognize their 2018 total of 68, plus $100,000 for neigh-
fundraising efforts, which generated borhood revitalization and schol-
almost $500,000 to support the mis- arships. Residents also contribute
hundreds of volunteer hours at the
David Sommers, Fritzi Byrnes, Sheryl Vittitoe and Gary Parker. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
ReStore and building sites. “Without the club’s support over
Sommers said more than $340,000 the years, we couldn’t do this,” he
said. “The club is so generous with
was raised through the Habitat Clas- their moral support, with their time,
sic Weekend and Direct Appeal to the facilities, staff, the food, which
Moorings residents. The Moorings they provide at cost; it is remark-
Club contributed $150,000 under the able.”
Community Contribution Tax Credit
Program, a sales-tax incentive pro- Over the past two decades, the
gram targeting affordable housing committee has raised $6.7 million
organizations. and the club, under the sales-tax
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 21
Pat Allex, Kati Rosato and Katie Nelson. Edd and Jean Hyde. Don and Barbara Gervais with Craig Lopes.
program, has provided $1.7 million, ROSNER
for an overall total of $8.4 million. MOTORSPORTS
“That’s an amazing amount of $27,500 $17,950 $16,950
money,” said Kati Rosato, president 2005 Maserati Spyder Cambiocorsa 1991 Alfa Romeo Spider Convertible 2011 Audi A5 2.0T quattro Premium
of the Moorings board of governors.
Convertible, 32K miles 60K miles Plus Cabriolet, 52K miles
Commenting on the bond cre-
ated between donors and recipients, $110,950 $55,950 $44,950
Sommers added, “when you’re at the 2013 Bentley Continental GT V8 Le 2017 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 Coupe 2012 BMW M6 Convertible
wall raising and you’ve met the fam- Mans Edition Convertible, 20K miles
ily, you know who you’re working for. 9K miles 30K miles
You can see the hope in their eyes.”
$29,950 $35,500 $64,950
He stressed that prospective Habi- 2001 Chrysler Prowler Convertible 2013 Porsche Boxster Convertible 2016 Jaguar F-TYPE R Coupe
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Several leaders in the Moorings
fundraising effort were celebrated: Monday - Friday: 9:00AM - 6:00PM Saturday: 9:00AM - 5:00PM Sunday: By Appointment Only
Shirley Becker, Dick Winkler, Bob
Samuels, John Larsen, Don and Bar-
bara Gervais, Stan and Judy Ziem-
ski, and, for spearheading Moorings
Club efforts, Craig Lopes and Kati
“Every year, club management
and staff throw themselves into the
special effort to make the Classic
Habitat Weekend successful,” said
Craig Lopes, Moorings CEO. “Habi-
tat is the largest and longest stand-
ing of the charities that the Moor-
ings Club supports, and we remain
committed to the Moorings/Habitat
Sheryl Vittitoe, who replaced Andy
Bowler this spring as IRHH CEO,
said whole families have been im-
pacted through the homes and the
scholarships offered to homeowners
and their dependents.
“We are intentionally focused
on transforming family’s lives and
those family’s lives for generations
to come,” said Vittitoe.
For more information, visit irchabi-
22 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Tree’ cheers for everyone’s ‘Favorite’ Riverside festival
BY MARY SCHENKEL on a promise to elicit good cheer with
Staff Writer this year’s ‘Favorite Things’ theme.
Riverside Theatre officially kicked Twinkling lights and tasty delights
off the holiday season last Friday night greeted festival-goers throughout
with their 21st annual Festival of Trees the entire Riverside Campus, which
Gala Preview Party. There was even had been transformed into a win-
a tiny hint of a wintry nip in the air – ter wonderland that continued all
Florida style – to help put everyone in weekend long. The highly-anticipat-
the mood, and they clearly made good ed annual event benefits Riverside
Children’s Theatre programming
Lyn Bufford, Jean Ueltschi and Mary Rogers. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
and scholarships. ful buffet dinner while listening to live
Outside, mesmerizing icicle lights entertainment. The movable feast fea-
tured hors d’oeuvres by Orchid Gour-
dripped from mossy oak trees and met Catering, dinner by Elizabeth D.
palm tree trunks were spiraled with Kennedy & Co. Catering and desserts
little white lights, providing a perfect donated by Wild Thyme Catering.
backdrop for dining under the stars.
Tables were set up all around the Inside the RCT Ann Morton Theatre
Loop, where guests enjoyed a bounti- and Agnes Wahlstrom Youth Play-
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 23
Karan and Mark Morein. Diana Stark and Bob Inhoff. Bob and Wheatie Gibb. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 24
Sharon Bastine and Harry Poole.
house, volunteer designers and local
businesses embraced their Favorite
Things, filling the Festival Forest with
wonderfully imaginative Christmas
trees, whimsical wreaths and elabo-
rate gingerbread houses that looked
good enough to eat. Guests enjoyed
a first chance to bid on the creative
selections and could also get in some
early Christmas shopping at numer-
ous Festival Market vendors.
The party then moved over to the
Grand Festival Hall (Orchid Lobby),
where attendees could shop at ad-
ditional Festival Market vendors
and the always-popular Christmas
Shoppe, relocated from its usual RCT
dance studio location.
The highlight of the evening was
an exceptional Swingin’ Christmas
Concert on the Stark Stage featur-
ing headliner and composer Michael
Andrew and his Swingerhead Band.
Their toe-tapping performance was
preceded by talented RCT Workshop
The festival continued Saturday
and Sunday with plenty of doings for
adults and little ones alike, including
visits with Santa in his Christmas Vil-
lage, crafts, games, “ice” skating, and
performances throughout each day
by RCT students and various other lo-
cal groups.
On Dec. 1 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
RCT students will head to a Santa
Celebration at Vero Beach Outlets to
perform songs from the ‘Emmet Ot-
ter’s Jug Band Christmas’ show which
runs Dec. 6-8 on the Stark Stage at
Riverside Theatre.
For more information, visit riverside-
24 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 23 Alexandra Radu and Scott Nuttall. Muffy and Taylor Metcalf. Robson Diniz and Kerryanne Monahan.
John and Carla Matthews.
Robyn Flick and Heather Sultzman. Jennifer and Ian Killen. Ted and Dawn Michael. Jim and Sandy Johnson.
26 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Middleton charts artistic course through map drawing
BY KERRY FIRTH ‘I restore them
Correspondent digitally and
beautify them, but
Lisa Middleton, the Main Street never retouch or
Vero Beach Studios & Gallery guest repaint the original.’
artist for the month of November,
is mapping out her life day by day – - Lisa Middleton
quite literally.
Lisa Middleton. ton grew up on a farm in Mississip-
“I actually started drawing maps at pi, where she says she and her sister
the age of 14 for my mother. My moth- PHOTOS BY LEIGH GREEN played in the mud and enjoyed the
er, Pat Middleton, is a well-established great outdoors. She also traveled ex-
author and publisher of the Discover tensively with her family, including
America’s Great River Road guides, visits as far afield as Western Europe
providing highlights to the history, and Nepal. She later helped out a
wildlife and attractions along the Mis- friend in the Peace Corps in St. Vin-
sissippi River,” Middleton explains. cent in the Caribbean, spent time
volunteering at an orphanage in Haiti
“She was selling and distributing and visited Australia several times.
books and we introduced one of my
hand-drawn maps to illustrate the Of a riverboat cruise she and her
area she was chronicling. We discov-
ered people loved the historic maps
and there was a real synergy between
the written word and the visual of the
map. From there, requests came in
from private estates, resorts, lakes,
public lands and attractions looking
for maps with my signature vintage
charm and personality.”
Born in La Crosse, Wisc., Middle-
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 27
the farmers markets and art shows. ing. It’s a wonderful genre of art.”
This area in particular has such a Her collection includes hand-paint-
strong and vibrant cultural art base.
It feels like home.” ed original maps, prints, posters, litho-
graphs, giclées and gift prints, as well as
Middleton already has a huge her newest collection of maps on wood,
collection of Florida maps, in- which she feels give the maps an even
cluding the Space Coast, Treasure more rustic, historical look. She hopes
Coast, Gold Coast, St. Johns River to eventually reproduce her maps on
and Florida Keys, and is in the fi- silk scarves.
nal stages of production for a map
of Hutchinson Island. Middleton’s work will be on display
at the Main Street Vero Beach Studios
“It’s been very exciting; there’s & Gallery on 14th Avenue in Downtown
a very special niche for maps. The Vero Beach through Nov. 30.
maps are coming very much back
in vogue; the history maps and the For more information, visit mainstreet-
regional maps. It’s very fascinat- or
mother took down the Yang- While researching an Adorn yourself with our inspired
tze River in Asia she recalls, “the natu- area, she typically uses historical maps collection of fine art jewelry.
ral beauty of that river is inspiring and that are somewhere around 100 to 150
the people we met along the way in the years old as a basis for her own artistic 2910 CARDINAL DRIVE, VERO BEACH • 772-234-6711 • THELAUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM
small villages were inviting and un- map designs to include in-depth his-
forgettable. Travel opens your mind to torical data of the area.
other cultures and lifestyles. I knew I
had to do it for the rest of my life. Map- Middleton has a precious collection
making just seemed like a perfect fit to of historic maps – all properly stored
my wanderlust lifestyle.” and cared for. She does not actually
chemically restore the original maps,
Although she began drawing maps but rather recreates their beauty
as a teenager, she initially pursued through her own creative process;
a very different career choice. After making them easier to read while at
graduating with a degree in liberal arts the same time fashioning historically
from Viterbo University in Wisconsin, accurate works of art.
she took a job as a hospital adminis-
trator and had every intention of ob- “I restore them digitally and beau-
taining a master’s degree in hospital tify them, but never retouch or repaint
administration, before deciding it was the original,” she explains. “It can take
not the life path she wanted. me a month to make a map. I’m break-
ing a lot of rules. I didn’t go to school
“I realized that I was missing out on for art, and was really sad about that,
so much of life, so I left the corporate but I’ve learned how to do everything
job for the flexibility and satisfaction of my own way.”
a small cottage-industry career,” Mid-
dleton explains. Her process includes scanning the
maps at a high resolution, enabling her
“I also knew that I needed to start my to painstakingly make digital correc-
map business before Mom closed hers, tions to imperfections and stains.
so I could parlay on her contacts and ex-
pertise. I found something I loved and Once printed, “I then hand-paint my
I’ve never looked back. I owe so much to own original map, enhanced with deco-
my parents, who showed me how to fol- rative borders and drawings of indig-
low my dreams just as they had. I guess enous plants or animals. It takes about
that comes from growing up in an entre- three weeks to complete the layers and
preneurial family.” layers of watercolor to create the vintage
look. I always add glorious color; every
In 2006 she founded Great River stroke is intentional.”
Arts/Great River Maps, painting and
recreating unique, historic maps, Afterward, when once the paint is
which not only show the topography dry, she retouches any letters that need
of an area but feature its character and it. But, she adds, “I’m trying to celebrate
heritage as well. the history of the maps so I don’t correct
“I try to latch on to idiosyncrasies of
the area and include artwork unique to Since she travels a lot, she often works
that territory,” she explains. from the road and transfers files elec-
tronically to the design team at her home
“Many things can make a map inter- base near Glacier National Park, Mont.
esting. Sometimes many places on the Middleton calls Montana home but is a
map have disappeared. Sometimes a frequent visitor to Florida.
map blends reality with fantasy. I like
to work on maps with history, maps “I’ve been coming to Florida for about
of places and people, because people 10 years now and I love it. I’m even con-
love maps that have stories.” sidering moving here for six months out
of the year, since those cold Montana
Middleton says that while she draws winters are getting to be a bit much for
each and every map personally, “I rely this gal,” says Middleton with a laugh.
on a talented team of cartographers,
architects, colorists and professional “Florida is so much more than just
researchers to help with the process.” beach towns. It’s a very ecologically
diverse state, rich in history and varied
in culture. I can see myself enjoying all
28 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: Get hot on the ‘trail’ of Vero’s fine artists
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA ous media, and of various subjects as dio 3: Sara Shankland creates fine silver abstract pieces. Studio 5: Catherine
Staff Writer you “follow the Art Trail” from studio jewelry, and has taught and worked in Musham’s oil and acrylic work “pro-
to studio (maps are available), explor- drawing, print making, sculpture and vides a glimpse into worlds beyond the
1 Plan now to soak in a day of art. ing the exciting diversity of artists and oil painting. Studio 4: A new resident of ordinary,” expressing the duality be-
You’ll find yourself, intrigued, their works: Studio 1: Boston native Vero Beach, Evan Schwarze, continues tween the seen and the unseen. Studio
and oil painter Paul Davis has been a life-long career as an artist, working 5: Treasure Coast resident Sharon Mor-
absorbed, inspired. Ten dynamic art- painting marine subjects for 55 years. in oils and watercolors, focusing on the gan is an acrylic painter and full-time
Studio 2: Chicago native Shotsi Cain tropical environment. Studio 4: After a artist who has taught art classes at the
ists will open their Vero Beach studios Lajoie works in acrylic, oil and clay. She 30-year a career in interior design, Lisa Vero Beach Museum of Art. Studio 6:
was inspired to explore her creativity Rose works primarily in pastels, cur- A Vero resident since 1991, Heidi Hill’s
next Saturday, Dec. 1, for the much-an- when the VBMA opened in 1986. Stu- rently creating representational and media include clay, acrylic paint and
photography. Her work includes paint-
ticipated Vero Beach Art Club Art Trail ings, pool mosaics, murals, sculptures
and pottery. Studio 7: Dawn E. Miller
“open house” event, which kicks off the says her art came to her “on the tides of
the Severn River in Maryland in private
Art Club’s season. Study works in vari- moments of clarity and alertness that
I had never felt before.” Miller teaches
studio classes and at the VBMA. Stu-
dio 8: Oil-on-canvas artist Ray McLen-
don’s father was one of the original
Florida Highwaymen. After graduat-
ing college 18 years ago, he returned
to Florida and started painting. Studio
8: Fine artist Keri Keene has worked in
a variety of mediums, but her passion
is painting and drawing in pastel. She
learned fundamentals and techniques
from her artist mother, Melody May
Keene. Studio 9: After graduating from
Pratt Institute, Barry Shapiro gained
success as an art restorer, book illus-
trator, and film producer. He paints
in pastels, acrylics and oils. Studio
10: Ginny Piech Street holds a BFA in
printmaking, and works in clay, mixed
media and paper. She says, “One can’t
be passive when one’s hands are deep
in mud.” Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tick-
ets: $25; $30 event day. 772-231-0303.
2 Music by the sea this Saturday
Nov. 24: The “musicians” of the
like-no-other Sebastian Inlet State
Park are typically seabirds and surf.
But right now – September through
May – the Friends of Sebastian Inlet
State Park presents its Night Sounds
Concert Series each month, on the
Saturday closest to the full moon.
Through the series season, the mu-
sic is wonderfully varied: this Sat-
urday it’s the very popular Souljam.
Night Sounds happens at the Co-
conut Point pavilions, south side of
the inlet bridge. Bring family, pals,
fold-up chair or blanket, grab some
foodstuffs at the nearby Surfside
Grill, then relax and enjoy music as
the sun sets and the moon rises, in
one of the most unique and beauti-
ful music venues you’ll come across.
Concert time: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Ad-
mission free with park entry: $8/
per vehicle, multiple occupants; $4/
single occupant; $2/pedestrians, bi-
cyclists. 772-388-2750.
30 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Troops in tanks, waving Soviet flags, rolled
out of Afghanistan in 1989 as Moscow with-
drew from its costly, decade-long war with
mujahideen guerrillas.
Russia has been cultivating ties with BY MISSY RYAN AND AMIE FERRIS-ROTMAN WASHINGTON POST helped Afghan forces defend popu-
the Taliban to increase its influence in lated areas, vast swaths of the country
Afghanistan three decades after Mos- The Kremlin’s flirtation with the Tali- small arms to the Taliban, or at least tol- remain no-go zones.
cow’s humiliating defeat there helped ban is all part of a strategy, analysts say, erated a supply of Russian weapons to
hasten the Soviet Union’s collapse. to protect Russia’s southern flank from the militants from Central Asia. Russia In August, militants temporarily over-
the Islamic State’s emergence in Central has denied the accusations. ran a provincial capital, underscoring
Russian engagement with the mili- Asia and hedge against the possibility the fragility of the Afghan government’s
tants drew attention a week ago when of an abrupt U.S. exit from Afghanistan U.S. officials doubt that Moscow is grip on the country.
the Kremlin hosted a so-called “peace after 17 years of war. trying to help secure victory for the
conference” in Moscow attended by militants, the successors of the mujahi- Against that backdrop, U.S. officials
representatives from the Taliban. The Russian gambit is a relative- deen guerrillas who battled the Soviet fear that the Kremlin’s intervention
ly modest political investment that troops in the 1980s. Instead, the offi- may complicate if not damage the ef-
While neither the Afghan nor U.S. could yet yield outsize dividends as cials said, Russia is trying to strengthen fort to foster peace talks by giving the
governments sent an official delega- Moscow seeks to prove its global heft. its own position without provoking the militants new avenues of support, thus
tion, the conference laid bare the Krem- “Supporting the Taliban in a small way United States – and a few crates of Ka- reducing their incentive to cut a deal.
lin’s effort to reassert itself in Afghani- is an insurance policy for the future,” lashnikovs can facilitate meetings and
stan, and reclaim its role as regional said Artemy Kalinovsky, a scholar of establish relationships without alter- “The Taliban needs to feel the Rus-
power broker. Central Asian history at the University ing the battlefield. sian pressure to negotiate rather than
of Amsterdam. feeling emboldened by another pa-
At the conclusion of the event, Rus- Russia’s return comes as the Trump tron,” said a senior Trump administra-
sian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov As Russia has increased its profile, administration struggles to reverse tion official who, like others, spoke on
was photographed posing next to there have been allegations, unsubstan- a prolonged Taliban resurgence and the condition of anonymity to discuss
members of the Taliban leadership, tiated but persistent, from senior U.S. push the militants toward a deal. While sensitive policy. “That is the concern.”
who, paradoxically, are still on Russia's officials that the Kremlin has provided a more expansive military mission has
terror list. Russia’s inroads with the Taliban rep-
resent a striking turnaround 30 years
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 31
Soviet troops transport
soldiers’ remains in
December 1988.
Soviet troops receive care at an infirmary in 1982. Soviet troops stream out of Kabul in October 1986. Soviet troops near
A Soviet Mi-24 gunship hovers above an oncoming convoy. the city of Jalalabad
in October 1986.
Soviet soldiers prepare to change their position while fighting
Afghan Islamic guerrillas in April 1988.
Soviet soldiers conducting training. Soviet troops haul equipment on the outskirts of Kabul in October 1986. Soviet forces after capturing some Mujahideen.
after the Soviet army was beaten by the stan after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, became immediately clear after U.S. also known as ISIS that had swept
Afghan guerrilla force. Moscow threw its support behind the combat operations officially ended in across Iraq and Syria the year before.
coalition as it battled al-Qaeda and its 2014. As American advisers withdrew, Unlike the Taliban, which was focused
The 1979-1989 war, which aimed to Taliban hosts. militants resumed large-scale offen- exclusively on dominating Afghanistan,
prop up an allied Communist govern- sives. Secured districts quickly fell back the Islamic State had international am-
ment, ravaged Afghanistan, killing an But Russia grew frustrated with the into Taliban hands. Afghan casualties bitions. The group would go on to re-
estimated 1 million Afghans and de- U.S. mission as the years wore on. The surged. cruit thousands from majority-Muslim
stroying the country’s infrastructure United States seemed to be repeating countries in Central Asia.
and farm sector. It also exacted a heavy all of the Soviet mistakes, such as losing In September 2015, militants over-
toll on the Soviets, draining Moscow’s local support through errant airstrikes. ran Kunduz in the country’s north. Together, the events represented
coffers and leaving at least 15,000 of And it was making new ones of its own. The fall of a major city for the first a “first warning call” for Russia, said
their soldiers dead, many of them killed time since 2001 showed the tenuous- Dmitri Trenin, director of the Carnegie
by an Islamist force armed covertly by Officials in Moscow were also con- ness of Kabul’s grip. The city is just an Moscow Center and a former Rus-
the United States. cerned that the United States would hour’s drive south of Tajikistan, a for- sian army colonel. “The Russian mili-
set up permanent bases in their back- mer Soviet state that has remained in tary was very shaken by the mutiny in
Soviet veterans, or “Afgantsy” as they yard. Russia’s orbit. northern Afghanistan [and] by the idea
are known, were seldom given a hero’s of ISIS being there.”
welcome when they returned home. Their perspective changed after “The idea of transition changed the
Instead, they were seen as an embar- President Barack Obama announced way Afghanistan’s neighbors thought Weeks before the fall of Kunduz, 17
rassment, their lack of battlefield vic- his plan for a U.S. withdrawal. After about the U.S. role,” said James Schwem- people were killed in clashes between
tory symbolizing disillusionment with increasing U.S. troop levels to about lein, a former State Department official. Islamists and police in Tajikistan. In a
the Soviet state. 100,000 in 2011, Obama was deter- sign of mounting anxiety about events
mined to leave a minimal force when That same year, militant cells across to its south, Russia had given Tajikistan
When the United States and other he departed office. Afghanistan began pledging allegiance
NATO nations moved into Afghani- to the Islamic State, the terrorist group STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 32
The shortcomings of local troops
32 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
over $1 billion worth of secondhand Mujahideen fighters in the Kunar Soviet ground forces in action while con- Around the time Kabulov’s effort
hardware from its own army, including Province of Afghanistan in 1987 ducting an offensive operation against the was coming together, U.S. intelligence
aircraft, artillery systems and ammuni- officials began to flag increasing re-
tion earlier that year. ambassador to Pakistan who now Islamist resistance, the Mujahideen. ports of the Taliban receiving arms or
takes part in discussions with Rus- funding from the Russian government.
During a visit to the country in 2017, sians interested in Afghanistan, said
Russian President Vladimir Putin Moscow’s influence campaign at its Officials said the U.S. government
pledged to help Tajikistan secure that core was about respect. lacks detailed, reliable intelligence
country’s border with Afghanistan. about what may be occurring, saying
“They believe they were humiliated they had seen only anecdotal evidence
Russia’s determination to shape Af- in 1991, and they want to be back at about weaponry. The intelligence pic-
ghanistan’s future anew first became the table,” he said. “They want to get a ture remains fuzzy, the officials said,
visible in 2014, when a senior diplo- fair shake and will continue to come up because surveillance resources are fo-
mat approached the United States with ideas on Afghanistan.” cused elsewhere and because Russian
with an offer. spycraft makes the task more difficult.
Zamir Kabulov, a chain-smoking for- But U.S. officials acknowledge that
mer KGB agent at the center of Mos- whatever lethal support Russia is pro-
cow’s Afghanistan involvement since viding to the Taliban has had no effect
the 1980s, wanted to know whether on the conflict, in part because small
Washington would agree to secret talks arms are so readily available.
about the country’s future with Russia,
Iran and several other nations. “If it’s 10 Kalashnikovs or 10,000, the
message is: ‘We’re still involved. We
For U.S. officials, diplomacy with a still matter,’ ” a former U.S. official said.
group that included longtime adver-
saries presented difficulties at a mo- Russia’s current campaign, some of-
ment of tension over Moscow’s actions ficials say, is simply to ensure that if a
in Ukraine and Tehran’s support for Taliban takeover of Afghanistan were
militias across the Middle East. NATO to occur, Russia would have an estab-
allies had to be kept in the dark be- lished line to those in charge.
cause they would probably want to be
involved, former officials said. “They think the Taliban has staying
power,” said Barnett Rubin, a former
But the initiative provided a chance U.S. official who has conducted talks
to keep rivals, in the depiction of one with Russian scholars on Afghanistan.
official involved, “more onside than
off.” Russian officials believe the mili-
tant organization has changed and no
Cameron Munter, a former U.S. longer poses a threat to Russian inter-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 33
ests, current and former officials say. contacts, but they worry that a fledg- “It’s how the Russians use perception are engaged in hedging behavior as
And the Taliban, like Russia, opposes ling Russia-Taliban relationship would to their advantage,” one former official they scrambled to protect themselves
a long-term U.S. military presence and give the militants enough confidence to said. “They didn’t have to do much to from a possible breakdown.
hopes to extinguish the Islamic State. resist peace talks. It might also under- have a strategic effect.”
mine the U.S. effort by creating an out- “Everyone in the region has their
U.S. officials, who hold their own pe- size image of Moscow’s ability to shape Richard Olson, who served as top links to the Taliban, so the U.S. needs
riodic meetings with Taliban represen- events on the ground, they believe. envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan un- to pursue a settlement that includes all
tatives, have not opposed the Russian der Obama, said other countries also of those players,” he said.
34 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
A conference that gathered Ameri- ment can then commandeer compa- be an AI “training corps,” a bit like the month that it would sell advanced
can business and military experts in nies and people, as needed. National Guard. The Pentagon would technologies needed “to build a
Austin to discuss the coming revolu- pay for advanced technical education strong defense” to military and intel-
tion in artificial intelligence was a good America may need an “AI czar,” ar- in exchange for two days a month of ligence agencies. But there’s still a cul-
Election Day measure of the challenges gues Ashton B. Carter, former secretary training with government systems and ture clash between Silicon Valley soft-
ahead to maintain the U.S. competitive of defense for President Barack Obama. two weeks a year for major exercises. ware engineers, many of whom see
edge. That’s because no current agency or Members of the corps could keep their themselves as libertarian members
White House office is empowered to regular jobs at Microsoft or Google, of a global community, and defense
Corporate and government leaders coordinate an effort as complicated say, but might be called up in a na- planners, whose overriding priority is
agree that China’s rapid application of as the Manhattan Project, which built tional emergency. to build systems that assure American
AI to business and military problems a nuclear weapon, or the “space race” dominance in any future conflict.
should be a “Sputnik moment” to pro- that put a man on the moon. An awkward problem for America
pel change in America. now is that the employees of the biggest We can see all our national strengths
But mobilizing resources in this way and best AI companies seem reluctant and weaknesses in the AI debate: a
As a top-down command economy, requires political vision and leader- to work with the U.S. government. smart, dynamic private sector but weak
China is directing money and its best ship, which are lacking today in both public leadership; proud military servic-
brains to develop the smart systems parties. After the Edward Snowden revela- es that unfortunately are tied to legacy
that will operate cars, planes, offic- tions, tech companies and their em- weapons systems such as manned fight-
es and information – along with the “China has a national strategy and ployees got nervous about appear- er jets and giant aircraft carriers; a public
transformation of warfare. is executing it. That’s what’s missing. ing too cooperative with government education system that doesn’t prepare
There is no compelling overarching intelligence programs. For example, students well for the tech jobs that mat-
The United States is struggling to re- policy,” argues Paul Scharre, who stud- when Google this year agreed to help ter; a broken immigration policy that
spond to this world-changing challenge. ies AI at the Center for a New American the Pentagon develop battlefield al- doesn’t serve our economic needs.
Security. “It has to be a national effort, gorithms in “Project Maven,” so many
What’s underway is frail and exists especially in terms of talent manage- employees signed protest petitions With the midterm elections over,
mostly on paper. Congress this year ment,” agrees Robert Work, a former that the company had to back out. the country will begin a heated de-
passed legislation calling for a na- deputy secretary of defense. bate about the best candidate to lead
tional AI commission, but so far it’s Microsoft bravely announced last the nation in the 2020 elections. One
just a concept. The Pentagon in June Work argues that a good start would way to assess potential leaders is to
established a new Joint Artificial Intel- ask how they would meet the AI chal-
ligence Center that will spend $1.75 lenge of refashioning our economic
billion over six years, but critics fear it and strategic foundations. A bitterly
will be far short of what’s needed. divided country with a dysfunctional
political system isn’t going to win the
“There is no quarterback” for AI, race anywhere, except down.
says Amy Webb, author of a forthcom-
ing book called “The Big Nine” about Ask yourself who could lead a na-
the top U.S. and Chinese AI compa- tional push to capture the high ground
nies. The United States started with a of technology, and you may come up
technology lead, but U.S. efforts are with the name of the man or woman
dispersed and decentralized. Compa- who should be our next president.
nies have trouble sharing the struc-
tured data that machines can learn on. This column by David Ignatius,
which first appeared in The Washing-
“China is the OPEC of data,” argues ton Post, does not necessarily reflect the
Webb. In a totalitarian society, every views of Vero Beach 32963.
human and social interaction feeds
a vast pool of structured data for ma-
chines to ingest. The Chinese govern-
While these mutations have been linked mostly to breast and ovarian can-
One in nine U.S. men at some point will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. cer, a small number of prostate cancers are also related to them, especially
While it can be a serious disease, most men diagnosed with prostate cancer BRCA2.
do not die from it. DNA repair genes (such as MSH2 [MutS protein homolog 2] and MLH1
Let’s start this series on prostate cancer with a quick review of factors that [MutL homolog 1 ])
cause cells to become cancer. Men with this inherited gene mutation have a condition called Lynch syn-
drome (a.k.a. hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer [HNPCC]) which
DNA, ONCOGENES AND TUMOR SUPPRESSOR GENES puts them at risk for prostate, colorectal and some other cancers.
HBOXB13 (Homeobox B13)
Each person’s DNA contains genetic information passed down from his or This gene is involved in the development of the prostate gland. This rare
her mother and father. Nearly every cell in a person’s body has the same mutation is linked to early onset of prostate cancer, usually at or below
DNA. When cells divide, each new cell needs to be the exact copy of the age 55.
DNA in the old cell. Prostate and other cancers can result if the DNA is not RNASEL (Ribonuclease L)
perfectly duplicated. Formerly known as HPC1, this tumor suppressor gene is supposed to help
Genes in DNA control how cells function. Some genes, called oncogenes, cells die if something goes wrong inside them. If the gene malfunctions,
help cells grow, divide and stay alive. Another type of gene called tumor sup- abnormal cells live longer than they should which can lead to cancer.
pressor genes keep cell growth under control, repair mistakes in DNA and Research to find additional inherited gene mutations related to prostate
cause cells to die at the right time. When DNA mistakenly steps up produc- cancer continues.
tion of oncogenes – and cells grow, divide and stay alive longer than they
should – and tumor suppressor genes don’t keep cell growth under control, PROSTATE CANCER CAUSED BY ACQUIRED GENE MUTATIONS
cancer can develop.
DNA mutations can either be inherited from one or both parents or acquired Possible acquired gene mutations that have yet to be proven to cause pros-
through one’s lifetime. tate cancers include:
High levels of androgens (male hormones), such as testosterone
HERIDITARY PROSTATE CANCER High levels of another hormone, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1)
Inflammation in the prostate
About 5 to 7 percent of prostate cancers are caused by inherited genes. Be- Exposure to radiation or cancer-causing chemicals
low are genetic mutations that have been linked to heredity prostate cancer: Findings, to date, are inconclusive; studies continue.
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always welcome. Email us at [email protected].
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38 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Sandeep Jauhar opens his new linked to bravery: The word “courage” surprisingly recent. In the middle of the 20th century,
book, “Heart: A History,” with the derives from the Latin “cor,” which more than 600,000 Americans were dying of heart dis-
story of a patient – Jauhar himself. means “heart.” ease every year. As it happened, President Franklin D.
Shortness of breath while climbing Roosevelt’s blood pressure was rising in step with the
the stairs to his office led to a slew Shakespeare often referred to the tensions of World War II. By the time American soldiers
of tests and eventually the discov- heart as the locus of romantic love. landed in Normandy in 1944, his blood pressure mea-
ery of a blockage in the main artery Centuries later, in 1982, when Barney sured as life-threatening. But there was precious little
feeding his heart. Clark received the first permanent that could be done for Roosevelt, and he died in 1945,
artificial heart, his wife of 39 years of congestive heart failure.
After relating the story of his own asked the doctors, “Will he still be
heart, Jauhar dials back to 1953, able to love me?” Like the biological Three years later, Congress passed the National Heart
when his paternal grandfather died heart, the metaphorical heart has Act, and the pace of advancement accelerated. The
suddenly one sweltering summer world’s first coronary bypass surgery, Jauhar reports,
day in India. In the morning, he was size and shape. To be big-hearted is was performed in 1967 using veins from the leg to by-
bitten by a snake of an unknown to be generous. Small-hearted peo- pass coronary obstructions. That decade also saw the
type. That afternoon, he was feeling ple are selfish. Hearts can be warm, first decent survival rates for patients with pacemakers.
fine until neighbors arrived bearing cold, gold, stone. In 1977 came the first coronary angioplasty. By 1994 the
the corpse of a black cobra, claiming Food and Drug Administration had approved the use of
it was the culprit. He took one look at Jauhar points out that extreme coronary stents.
the snake, collapsed and died. Some emotional states can lead, quite
were convinced that it was that very cobra that killed literally, to a broken heart. Love- As Jauhar describes them, cardiologists are a decid-
him, but his grandson the cardiologist believes it was less marriages, researchers have edly odd bunch, with a penchant for self-experimenta-
a heart attack, pure and simple, possibly induced by found, can bring chronic and acute heart disease. De- tion. In 1929, Werner Forssmann, a German, famously
the fright of seeing the snake. “My grandfather had suc- pression and stress have been found to be strong risk risked his life when he put himself under local anes-
cumbed to the most common cause of death through- factors for heart attacks. thesia, inserted a catheter into a vein on his arm and
out the world,” Jauhar writes. As a small boy, Jauhar was obsessed with his own managed to thread it into his heart. In the 1980s, An-
heart, in no small part because of his family history. Lit- dreas Gruentzig, a pioneer in balloon angioplasty, had
In these first scenes, Jauhar, who directs the heart fail- tle Sandeep lay in bed monitoring his heartbeat. “I was a coronary angiogram done on himself. “He climbed
ure program at Long Island Jewish Medical Center, sets fascinated by the heart’s dichotomous nature: muscu- onto the cath table at 5 p.m., underwent the procedure,
a tone at once intimate and detached. And over the en- lar, constantly toiling, and yet so vulnerable at the same and then went to pick up his wife, arriving at the de-
suing pages, he is our trusty guide through a compelling time,” he writes. partment’s Christmas party by 7 p.m.,” Jauhar writes.
story about what makes each and every one of us tick. He decided to pursue cardiology, a field so fast-paced
and exciting it was “as if flowing out of the steady beat- Jauhar ends the book as he begins it, as a patient.
Both primer and ode, “Heart” is a fascinating educa- ing of the heart itself.” He sees heart shapes in every- Now 49, he imagines he will eventually repeat the CT
tion for those of us who harbor this most hallowed or- thing from strawberry slices to raindrops on his car’s scan that first revealed coronary plaque to see if it has
gan but know little about it. The heart, we learn, is the windshield. Ever the fluid writer, Jauhar even employs progressed. But, he writes, he is not afraid of what he
first major organ to develop in the human body. It starts the metaphorical heart to describe what it took to face will find, so reassuring is the knowledge that has ac-
beating three weeks into fetal life, even before there is the devastated parents of a young patient who had just cumulated in his field since the day his grandfather
any blood to pump. And it is the last major organ to died: “Once, it was difficult to witness the grief of loved slumped in cardiac arrest to the floor. In the meantime,
stop working. A mechanism of remarkable reliability ones. But my heart had been hardened.” Jauhar has made lifestyle changes – exercising more,
and endurance, the heart beats approximately 3 billion Yet when he began his cardiology fellowship at New eating better, spending more time with his family and
times in a lifetime. The amount of blood that passes York’s Bellevue Hospital in 2001, all metaphors were friends. And even after all these years in the business,
through an average adult heart in a week could fill a suddenly beside the point. “The heart in disease was he still sees heart shapes everywhere.
backyard swimming pool. best understood as a complicated pump,” he writes.
Everything, he was told by one curmudgeonly mentor, HEART
Yet it can all turn on a dime. When the heart stops depends on pressure differences. “He would encourage
beating, death is instantaneous. us to think about blood flow, lung congestion, and even A HISTORY
human affairs in those terms.”
Jauhar, whose previous books include “Doctored” Innovations in cardiac procedures, we learn, are BY SANDEEP JAUHAR | 269 PP. $27
and “Intern,” embraces the notion of the heart as a REVIEW BY KATIE HAFNER, THE WASHINGTON POST
vessel imbued with meaning. He reminds us that it is
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BY NICHOLAS SPARKS 3. Becoming BY MICHELLE OBAMA 3. Dog Man: Lord of the Fleas
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 39
Step over your ‘thin black line’ into God’s embrace
BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT which the collision produced exists all ing, “For those of us struggling to come no one need be alone to pick up the
Columnists over the planet and marks a significant to terms with some difficulty, there is pieces when something hits like an
change for our earth. Many plants and also a thin black line laid down, albeit asteroid from out of the blue. Instead,
Some years ago Nayda Cole wrote animals that had been dominant for not a visible one, perhaps. Be the di- as a sacred trust, we pray for one an-
an article for the Park Ridge Center’s millions of years before the great col- saster cosmic or personal, thin black other about whatever event may be
journal, Making the Rounds, about a lision simply disappeared and were lines are not laid down easily. But troubling, worrying, or frightening
major geological discovery. Appar- replaced by quite different forms. The they do mark a milestone on our jour- us. And over time we have witnessed
ently in the late 1970s the existence of thin black line provides dramatic evi- ney from a dead-end state, to a more adaptation and renewal as God leads
a thin dark layer of clay marking the dence of a catastrophe providing an adapted one.” lives in new directions and grants
boundary between the earth’s Creta- opportunity for adaptation previously new beginnings.
ceous and Tertiary periods was found. not possible. Can you look back across the years
The clay line contained high levels of and note a thin black line laid down at Perhaps our all-time favorite prayer
the element iridium, rare on the sur- Cole concluded her article by say- some critical juncture of your life? If request was the one offered in childish
face of our planet, which suggested so, the thin black line probably marks printing, complete with misspellings. It
that the iridium had been deposited a turning point for you that followed read, “Hello, God. This is Valerie. Rem-
on earth by a collision with an asteroid a hardship or disaster. Was someone ber me.” The simplicity of that prayer
from outer space. The thin black line there to witness the event and to help should not mask our recognition of its
you make necessary adaptations after wisdom. Whenever we fear that a cri-
the impact of that catastrophe? Did sis or catastrophe might overwhelm
someone help you find a new direc- us, we do well to entrust ourselves to
tion after you reached what seemed to one another’s care and God’s care. Our
be a dead end? problems may lay down a thin black
line across the face of our lives, but we
For many years we have been privi- can grow beyond those problems into
leged to take part in a weekly prayer new and fresh and meaningful pos-
group in our congregation. Prayer sibilities by trustingly enlisting God’s
requests are trustingly submitted by help. Ages and stages of our lives come
the congregation and the group prays and they go, but through them all, God
for each and every need offered to remembers us.
us. The beauty of the system is that
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40 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonz feels hip hangin’ with cool cats Opie and Cake
Hi Dog Buddies! an white Ragdoll, looked VERY Cake and Opie I learned Leash Walk Etiquette,
fluffy an bunny-soft. As per and the Cool Cat Stroll.”
Remember a coupla years ago, how “Basic Cat for Dummies,” I ROOLS, I accidently bopped some
nervous I was about innerviewing waited for him to make the catnip off the shelf an accidently “Got any special pals?” I que-
pets of the fee-line pursuasion? Well, first move. Without hesitat- rolled around in it. I was feelin’ Su- ried.
I’m proud to say I’ve Grown as a Dog ing, he approached for the per Meow all afternoon. At Hallow-
an, several cats down the road, I ree- Sniff-an-Size Up. (There’s een, me and Cake were in the big pet “I did,” he said, sorta quietly.
lize we’re all the same, under the fur. not much wagging in the Cat costume parade, just us, anna whole “My BFF was Woody. He was a
World.) “I’m Cake Nathan. buncha pooches. (I was a sheriff and Harlequin Great Dane (that means
So, anyway, this week, I innerv- Miss Kimmie sometimes Cake was a Rasta cat with dreads.) black-an-white). He’d come over to
iewed Opie Nathan an his Dad, Cake. calls me King Tut cuzza my my house when his humans were
Since they’re cats, I was a liddle suh- pawsome posture. But you “We love to chase the laser. It’s a- away. ’Cept when he got to fly with
prized when me an my Assistant can just call me Cake. You’ve MAY-zing! It zips around all over the ’em in a private jet. We played to-
knocked and heard – barking. The met my boy, Opie. Make place, an we kinda go nuts. We’re fast, gether an snoozed together all day
door opened and there was this fren- yourself cumf-tubble.” but we haven’t ever caught it. One of long. I could ackshully walk right
ly Border Collie waggin’ up a storm, these days, though … One time, I was under his tummy. After I had the
standin’ next to a human lady. I began “A pleasure, Cake,” I told starin’ intently at this gecko way up No Kittens Procedure an was feeling
flippin’ through my notebook to see if him. “I can’t wait to hear by the ceiling. I jumped on the dress- Totally Sour Sardines, Woody stayed
I had gotten my schedule mixed up. your famly story.” er to get closer, and I was concentra- right beside me till I was all better.
tin’ so hard, I totally tumbled off. It But then he got old an went to Dog
The pooch trotted up for the Wag- Cake an Eva curled up, an Opie be- didn’t hurt or anything, but I forgot Heaven. I miss him a LOT. I hope Dog
an-Sniff an, before I could apologize gan. “I’m half Ragdoll cuzza my Dad to pretend I meant to do it. SO embar- Heaven an Cat Heaven are next door
for my (probably obvious) confusion, Cake, an half Scottish Fold cuzza rassing. to each other.”
she said, “I know who you are! You’re my Mom, Peaches. Cake an Eva were I thanked them all for sharing their
Mr. Bonzo the Columnist. I’m Eva. already here when Miss Kimmie “Miss Kimmie taught me how to Blended-Famly Story.
I’m Cake’s sister an Opie’s aunt. I can brought me home. I’m named Opie come when she whistles. An I al- Opie asked me to give you some
sit, an twirl an roll-over an play dead. cuz I have red hair like the liddle boy ways do. Unless I’m not in the mood. Important Information from his purr-
Watch!” An whoosh, at the lady’s on that TV show. My human Dad’s I sometimes lie on Miss Kimmie’s sonal experience. One time, when
prompts, she launched into a very Troy. He’s gives The Best. Tummy. face an help her adjust her make-up. he was “Makin’ Biscuits” (you know,
skillful routine: sitting, twirling, roll- Rubs. Ever. He’s on an Exciting Ad- Oooo, an me an Cake’s favrite treat is that funny 2-paw thing all cats seem
ing over an playing dead. Then she venture inna buncha eye-luns called yoghurt, specially strawberry. to do), he accidently scratched Miss
said, “This is Opie’s an my Mom, Miss the Gloppa-ghost. He gets to play with Kimmie. And she got Cat Scatch Fever
Kimmie. She drives the Fur-Ever Res- big turtles an eee-gwah-nuhs. He’s “We also get Leash Walks. At first I’d and hadda go to the hos-pittle. Opie
cue Bus. Madeline’s our Sorta Sister. gonna tell us lotsa stories when he just lie down, which really annoyed felt AWFUL about it. He had No Idea.
She’s elsewhere.” gets back.” Cake, cuz we kept stoppin,’ an he So he wants cats an their humans
couldn’t get his Flow goin.’ But then to Be Aware. It’s real, real rare. Most
I was getting a liddle dizzy, an more “Cool Catnip,” I responded. scratches don’t cause it. But it’s im-
confused, when a meowy voice said, “Our newest famly member is Oli- portant information to have.
“No worries, Mr. B, we’re one big, ver. We just rescued him. He’s a Yor- Till next time,
happy, blended famly. I’m Opie. I’ll be kie. He’s 12. He’s way liddler than us
your Spokescat. My cat Dad Cake’s in – only 8 pounds. Me an Miss Kimmie The Bonz
the back. Our human Dad, Mr. Tom’s took him to get all spiffed up. He’s
at work. Cake calls him Daddy-O.” somewhere restin’ now. Me an Eva are Don’t Be Shy
gonna help him learn stuff around
Opie’s fluffy coat was a coupla here. But we’ll be nice and slow an not We are always looking for pets
shades of gold, with white ruff an rowdy, cuz he’s Real Old. with interesting stories.
toes, an he had gold eyes. I made more “I bet your days are fun,” I ventured.
quick notes, re-grouped, an said, “Totally. Me an Cake really like car To set up an interview, email
“Great to meet you all!” rides, specially to Natural Pet Store, [email protected].
where we get to ride around in our
As we were getting situated, Cake stroller. One time, before I knew the
strolled in. He was a hansome gray
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 41
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 765
A novel event for mixed teams was held from October 31 to November 2, 2016. Four teams A3
played online in three venues. The Bridge Base Online (BBO) team was at the Silver Cloud
Broadway Hotel in Seattle; Lavazza competed at the company’s research center in Turin, WEST A 10 8 7 5 4 2
Italy; and the Chinese Contract Bridge Association (CCBA) and Yeh played in the Beijing J742 EAST
International Convention Center. KQ3
7642 A985
The event consisted of a round robin of 16-board matches. The final result was Lavazza K9
83.64 victory points, CCBA 65.98, Yeh 49.59 and BBO 40.79. J82
The highlight for the BBO team was the participation of Bill Gates, who partnered Sharon 10 9 8
Osberg. Their teammates were Jill Meyers-Bob Hamman and Sheri Winestock-Fred
Gitelman. Q63
This week’s deal was one that Gates played. At his table, North-South were “happy” with SOUTH
three clubs, made with an overtrick.
K Q 10 6
But in the given auction, Meyers bid a game-invitational three clubs, and Hamman went for
game in no-trump. West led the spade two: three, ace, six. East returned the spade nine: A 10 9 4
king, four, heart five. What did Hamman do next?
Declarer could have gotten lucky in clubs, but knew that that was against the odds — 16.96
percent, to be precise. Instead, Hamman played a diamond to the ace and a heart to his 10. J
With hearts 3-3, West had no defense, but she surprisingly led another spade, so Hamman
immediately claimed nine tricks: three spades, one heart, four diamonds and one club. Dealer: South; Vulnerable: North-South
That gave BBO 10 international match points against Lavazza. The Bidding:
1 Diamonds Pass 3 Clubs Pass
3 NT Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
2 Spades
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42 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Emit smoke (4) 1 Test (4)
4 Occident (4) 3 Water heater (6)
8 Halt (4) 4 Peevish complaint (6)
9 Denoting final attempt (4-5) 5 Power point (6)
11 Regal (6) 6 All-male do (4,5)
13 Hit hard (7) 7 Sprightly (4)
15 Design (6) 10 Frightful (7)
16 Occupant (6) 12 Whispered exclamation (4)
18 Dissertation (6) 13 Fleece (9)
20 Sprinkled (6) 14 Compendium (7)
22 Impractical (thinking) (4-3) 17 Fuss (2-2)
23 Squire (anag.) (6) 19 Arm covering (6)
25 XVII (9) 20 Beat (6)
26 Tidy (4) 21 Performer on ice (6)
27 Zone (4) 23 Stylish establishment (4)
28 Roue (4) 24 Yank (4)
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 43
ACROSS 103 Name of an actual book by 63 You can get one even if you The Washington Post
1 Sub order LEO Buscaglia fly out to center field
7 Early U.S. labor organizer STARTING LINEUP By Merl Reagle
11 Dog watchdog agcy. 110 Least 65 Eng. honor
15 Pastoral plaint 113 Comment by STU right 66 Reaction to a UFO sighting THE Art & Science
18 Where the Slaney flows
20 The Man in the White Suit about now 67 Digestion aid of Cosmetic Surgery
117 “You betcha!” 68 Primeval stew
star’s first name SPECIALTIES INCLUDE:
21 Where Fats had chats 118 Not bad 69 Initials of a Patton • Minimal Incision Lift for the
23 Best part of being president, 119 Nonessential amino acid contemporary
120 Dino-cloning need Face, Body, Neck & Brow
according 121 Dips for duds 70 Up-to-date • Breast Augmentations
to LIV 122 They give you the wrong 73 Harry Lime’s creator
25 By ___ 74 Dressing-room fixture & Reductions
26 AMY’s autobiography idea • Post Cancer Reconstructions
28 Hesitates 123 Reveal one’s secrets 75 Supplies the grub • Chemical Peels • Botox
31 Dash units 76 Video-game Bros. • Laser Surgery • Tummy Tucks
32 ’elpful tidbit? DOWN • Obagi Products • Liposculpture
33 Four starters 1 Part of RSVP 77 Boone, briefly • Skin Cancer Treatments
37 Swiss canton 2 Caroline’s stepdad 79 Put away the groceries?
38 Alphabet center 3 Author Deighton 80 Smoking reminder?
40 What MAY is 4 Spring ___ 81 Booth treater
44 Item on TOM’s fridge 5 Letter opening 82 Prefix meaning 70 Down
48 Adapted, as a trad. song 6 Part of IBM 83 Beer dispenser?
49 Capybara’s cousin 7 Crockett and Jones 84 Green and Smith
50 Dyes and spies 8 Part of a general’s name 85 AAA offering
51 FLO’s favorite rule 9 Track actions 89 Niello, e.g.
56 Basset asset 10 Nova ___ 90 Ray of GoodFellas
57 4-hr. movie of ’39 11 In the Heat of the Night town 92 Squeals
59 Fatty spread 12 Atlantic, to Brits 93 ___“Inferno”
60 Rundown on a disinfectant 13 Ending passage 94 Flavor-enhancing powder
label 14 Friend indeed 95 Wyndham Lewis novel, The
61 Rock producer Brian 15 Kickstand, basically
62 Three, to Spee 16 Some math. ___ God
64 “___ be dreaming ...” 17 G.B. gulp 100 Prefix meaning “yellow” or
66 “Unhappily ...” 19 Make crazy, old-style
67 Mickey-and-Judy musical 22 Attacks “gold”
that BOB likes 24 1992 Stallone film, Stop! Or 102 Cara or Ryan
70 A step up from micro 104 Smelly
71 Recipient ___ Will Shoot 105 Part of VSOP, on cognac
72 March time 27 Howards ___ 106 Understanding words
73 Initials on some trucks 28 Lighter fuel 107 Benihana founder Rocky or
76 Old-peach fuzz? 29 Catherine’s place
77 Take a nap 30 Comme ça golfer Isao
78 Maui bird 34 “Kookie” of the TV oldie 77 108 Ill-humored one
80 Offenbach offering 109 Hawaiian city
81 Like MIA’s car Sunset Strip
84 Say it is so 35 Burning briquets 110 Director Pollack, briefly
86 A prefect conclusion 36 The job 111 Ed, Fred, Jed, Ned, and Ted,
87 Swamp land 39 Milhaud’s milieu: abbr.
88 Like NAT 40 Wall, in Gaul e.g.
91 DOM is one 41 Scott of Happy Days 112 Simile center
96 ___ Marie Presley 42 It may hold gold
97 Part of a double negative? 43 Le Guin et al. 114 Lie-telling, e.g.
98 “It’s a ___ deal” 45 Palindromic direction: abbr. 115 Big Burmese, once
99 Creature that scares Indiana 46 Salamander
Jones 47 Stalemate result 116 Get-up-and-go
100 Leachman, to friends 52 Old capital of Mozambique,
101 Parking garage features
___ Marques
53 In addition
54 Keep
55 Anthem start
57 Kin of “criminy!”
58 Conventional ___
62 Dress up
The Telegraph Cleveland ClinicTrained
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44 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
A lonely holiday season without the extended family
BY CAROLYN HAX This disappointment may have come to you from
Washington Post the outside, but your work now is strictly internal and
doesn’t involve your sister – except, genuinely, when
Dear Carolyn: Our extended you’re ready: “I’ll miss the tradition, but I admire you
for having the courage to do what you needed. Car-
family – siblings and kids – has rying the expectations of the entire family for three
decades can’t have been easy for you.
always gathered at Thanksgiving
“Thank you for those 30 years.”
and Christmas. Last week I got a Which beats berating her for the 31st.
Which brings me to the next point: Isn’t fatigue
text from my sister saying she and more than enough to explain “why they would do
that”? You mention grown kids and 30-year traditions
her family would be going away for and widowhood (my condolences), so I hope I can in-
offensively deduce that you’re all in the slowing-down
the holiday and would no longer host Christmas Eve years. Therefore, you have the option to interpret this
as a slowing-down, period, vs. torturing yourself with
at their home. ways to take it personally.
Slowdowns bring their own grief for sure, but they
This came out of the blue and is really upsetting me. have nothing to do with being “rejected,” “left out”
and/or “unwanted.” You can be wanted and accepted
My brother and I have both been widowed in the last yet still affected when the terms of inclusion must
four years and this event was something we looked So you don’t have to feel OK about this anytime
soon, but I urge you to turn your thoughts – as soon as
forward to because everyone attended and it was a lot you’re ready – to inclusion that’s easier on everyone.
Smaller groups, non-holiday times of the year, more
of fun. (My brother has grown children; I do not.) We emphasis on local connections. Whom can you host
for Christmas Eve? Your brother and his kids? Do you
feel surprised and unwanted and don’t understand have friends in your position?
In cosmic gratitude for 30 years of warm inclusion,
the decision. whom can you now include?
Of course it is their right to celebrate as they wish,
and I kick myself for expecting a 30-year tradition to
continue. But I can’t figure out how to feel OK about text, ugh) can feel like a death – as if the tradition itself
was a family member, too.
this. I feel rejected, and I don’t know why they would
So you don’t have to “feel OK about this.” At least,
do that. not now, as you get used to the change. It’s been only
a week.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so painful if I had a family of
It’s also really good that you stuck to the limited “I’m
my own, but I no longer do. Any advice? I haven’t said disappointed” response. As you said yourself, this is
their holiday to plan as they choose, so pushback
anything except “I’m disappointed” to my sister. would be inappropriate. Worse, it could sour your re-
lationship with your sister, which could then retroac-
–Left Out in Minnesota tively tarnish past Christmas Eves.
Left Out in Minnesota: I’m sorry. Change is hard,
changes that subtract time with loved ones are harder,
and changes to long-standing tradition (delivered by
46 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Medicare sees fit to cover ‘necessary’ eyelid surgery
BY TOM LLOYD problem is called blepharoplasty – and
Staff Writer Medicare pays for it if it’s deemed medi-
cally necessary.
People tend to think of eyelid surgery
as purely cosmetic, but it often has an “Blepharoplasty,” says the Mayo
important medical purpose because Clinic, “is a type of surgery that re-
those drooping eyelids can dramati- pairs droopy eyelids and may involve
cally diminish a patient’s field of vision. removing excess skin, muscle and fat.
As you age, your eyelids stretch and the
The procedure physicians like New muscles supporting them weaken. As a
Vision Eye Center ophthalmological result, excess fat may gather above and
surgeon Dr. David O’Brien use to fix the below your eyelids, causing sagging
Dr. David O’Brien.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 47
eyebrows, droopy upper lids and bags days, depending on what their cardi- metic lid surgery are the national av- There will be some bruising for
under your eyes.” ologist says.” erage of $3,500.” O’Brien says. “The about a week after surgery and pa-
fee that’s billed to Medicare is rough- tients will need to come back in 10
“I really enjoy doing these [proce- Non-prescription supplements, in- ly the same. However, there needs to days to have stitches removed, but
dures] because they’re different from cluding flaxseed oil and fish oil, also be a demonstrated amount of vision O’Brien says “patients don’t have a lot
my Lasik practice. That’s very tech- should be stopped before surgery. loss with a peripheral vision test,” be- of pain.
driven. This is a very different type of fore Medicare will pick up its share.
procedure.” And the cost? This is typically not a painful pro-
“The fees that we charge for a cos- cedure.”
“Lasik,” O’Brien continues, “is using
the laser. It’s very quick. It’s very auto- The better vision and more youthful
mated.” With blepharoplasty, “there’s appearance, he adds, can last up to 10
much more of an art to it.” years.
That artistry helps his patients see Dr. David O’Brien is with New Vision
better – and makes them look young- Eye Center at 1055 37th Place in Vero
er, too. Beach, directly across from the hospital.
The phone number is 772-257-8700.
“There’s always a cosmetic com-
ponent [to a blepharoplasty],” says
O’Brien. “Because there are no patients
who say, I want you to fix my vision by
doing eyelid surgery but I don’t want to
look better.”
“Every ophthalmic resident gets
trained as an oculoplastic surgeon,”
O’Brien explains. “We all do lid sur-
gery in our training. Some people
choose to do a fellowship in oculo-
plastic surgery, and in my training, I
did six months of that in addition to
my corneal fellowship. I always en-
joyed lid surgery, so I went and pur-
sued that.”
“I was very blessed to have a gen-
tleman who’s a very well-known
oculoplastic surgeon in Baltimore,
Md., who has a home here in Orchid
– Dr. Marco Doxanas – come here
and for a year, he sat by my side and
we did blepharoplasty cases togeth-
er. So I had a kind of second fellow-
ship with him, which was unofficial,
but it’s the best kind of training you
can have.”
It is training he uses daily to help his
“My typical patient,” O’Brien says
changing gears “is not the 40-year-old
who wants to try to regain the 25-year-
old look. My typical patient is an older
Of course, whatever your age, if you’re
the kind of person who feels queasy at
the thought of someone wielding a scal-
pel or surgical scissors anywhere near
your eyeballs – relax. Odds are you’ll
be sound asleep during a New Vision
“I prefer to do these procedures with
IV sedation in our operating room,”
says O’Brien. “In our surgery center, we
have full control of the patient’s level
of comfort and have access to their in-
travenous state if there are any prob-
lems with blood pressure or heart rate.
[That’s important] because a lot of the
patients I operate on are older and they
have very dramatic drooping of their
upper eyelid skin.”
If patients are of a certain age, they
may be taking medications that will
have to be temporarily put on hold. For
folks taking a daily aspirin, that’s likely
to be 10 days prior to surgery, and “for
Coumadin, it’s typically three to five
48 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Cool’ path to pain relief for bone cancer patients
BY TOM LLOYD Dr. Michael Munz.
Staff Writer
According to the American Cancer
Society, “you should never accept pain
as a normal part of having cancer. All
pain can be treated and most pain can
be controlled or relieved.”
That said, people suffering from
late-stage metastatic bone cancer
might well think relief from often ex-
cruciating pain can only be achieved
through heavy sedation.
Dr. Michael Munz, a neurosur-
geon and spinal surgeon at Vero Neu-
rospine, believes there’s often a better
way – a minimally invasive procedure
with a device called the OsteoCool by
Metastatic bone cancer is a complex
disease. To start with, it’s a kind of
“secondhand” cancer.
When cancer spreads from other
parts of the body such as the breast,
lungs, kidneys or prostate to your
bones, it is called “bone metastasis.”
The Mayo Clinic says “nearly all types
of cancer can spread (metastasize) to
the bones,” causing pain and fractured
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 49
bones, particularly in the vertebrae. strong and the pressure off of all dure is typically done on an outpa- incisions, he continues, “are too small
The Neurological Institute of New those nerve roots. tient basis. to put a stitch in.”
York at Columbia University Medi- Ready for some good news? Munz “There are no stitches or anything,” The OsteoCool needles, the radio
cal Center adds that “these frac- says this minimally invasive proce- Munz explains enthusiastically. The frequency tumor removal and the ce-
tures are not only painful, but they menting of the bone or bones are all
may put harmful pressure on the done through tiny ports and, accord-
nearby nerve roots or on the spinal ing to this Mayo Clinic Fellowship-
cord itself.” trained neurosurgeon, patients who
opt for this approach typically get
It’s that pressure on the nerve roots “great relief of pain.”
and/or the spinal cord that can create
downright debilitating pain. Interventional Oncology agrees.
It says these outpatient procedures
“It may not be possible to cure bone “have been shown to achieve pain re-
metastases,” the American Cancer lief within hours of the procedure.”
Society reports, but adds “there are
still things that can be done to help That’s not the end of the story, how-
you feel as good as possible for as long ever.
as possible.”
As Munz points out, “typically these
“Nowadays,” Munz continues, “what patients need some adjuvant therapy.
we’re doing [to treat bone cancer] is Sometimes chemotherapy and typi-
what’s called augmentative surgery. cally radiation therapy” afterwards,
so he concludes by saying “we work
“What does that mean? with both medical oncologists and ra-
“It means instead of going in and diation oncologists” to monitor all late
removing the whole bone, we can go stage metastatic bone cancer patients.
in and put some needles into the bone
and burn [the tumor or tumors] and Originally cleared for use solely in
then after it’s burned, we put in some the spine, the FDA now permits the Os-
cement.” teoCool system for palliative treatment
Cement? Yes – the same kind used in all the bony anatomy of the body.
to cement a prosthesis to your bone
when hip or knee surgery is done, ac- Dr. Michael Munz is at Vero Neu-
cording to Munz. rospine at 1040 37th Place, Suite 101
In bone cancer cases, that cement in Vero Beach and is affiliated with
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50 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Hard work yields run of success for St. Ed’s cross country
BY RON HOLUB Liam Kavolius, Aidan Taylor make sure that I was safe and happy,
Correspondent and Elizabeth Zoltak. just as much as I wanted to keep them
safe and happy. That just goes to show
St. Ed’s boys and girls cross country PHOTO DENISE RITCHIE you what type of people they are.
teams qualified for the regional meet af-
ter the boys placed second and the girls kids actually running the 5K. week when it was cooler and we could “Four of our top runners from the boys
third at the District 11-1A tournament. We know that training for this sport focus on speed work. team last year graduated, but our juniors
and seniors really stepped up their train-
At the district race, the boys were led presents a constant challenge in this “We also partnered with Vero Spin ing to allow us to be as competitive as
by Liam Kavolius (4th place – 19:44), climate. However, this year everyone (boutique cycling studio @ Village we were. The girls team also graduated
Christopher Fashek (5th – 19:49) and had to cope with a more insidious en- Shops) to provide some cross train- some key runners, and I was interested
Jack Dobson (14th – 20:16). The top vironmental nuisance. ing opportunities. Becoming a good to see how the remaining members of
three for the girls were Elizabeth Zoltak runner does not mean that you are the team were going to respond.”
(8th – 22:37), Elise Mallon (11th – 23:15) “Some goals going into this season pounding pavement each day. That
and Bridget Nelson (20th – 25:48). included safety – especially from the partnership came in handy during This is where improvement from
heat; individual improvement; and the red tide. It allowed us to still get in dedicated individuals led to the suc-
As expected, the competition was a team improvement,” DePalma told a good workout without exposing our cess of the whole. DePalma noted that
lot tougher in the much larger Region us. “We accomplished these goals runners to the poor air quality.” Kavolius, Fashek, Dobson and Aidan
3-1A field. Fashek (57th – 19:57), Kavo- by having morning practices twice a Taylor improved their year-to-year
lius (70th – 20:32) and Dobson (87th – Some outdoor training sessions had district times ranging from 45 seconds
21:40) set the pace for the boys. Zoltak to be moved off the island entirely. to over two minutes. Zoltak became
(35th – 23:01), Mallon (40th – 23:41) Thankfully, the coughing and wheez- the leader of the pack for the girls
and Nelson (74th – 26:27) repeated in ing subsided as the runners prepared and shaved two minutes off her times
identical order for the girls. for the postseason tournaments. from last year. Mallon, a veteran per-
former since middle school, fought off
The cross country season ended DePalma was an assistant with the injuries to stay on the course as much
at regionals, but the trek through the team last year and she knew that both as she could. She nevertheless perse-
season and the achievements in the the boys and girls lost some top ath- vered and was able to beat her times
postseason had to be particularly letes to graduation. She was looking from last year by about 40 seconds.
gratifying for the first-year coach- to fill the void, especially with lead-
ing tandem of Carolyn DePalma and ership. Perhaps unwittingly, her per- DePalma mentioned that help also
Greg Zugrave, not to mention for the sonal circumstances accelerated the came from a different source. “Our
development of team cohesion. newest addition to the team was Greg
(Zugrave). Over the summer I placed
“At one of our first practices I told a little bug in his ear about joining
the team that I was pregnant. The the team, and hoped he would bite.
whole rest of the season they talked His coaching experience (varsity bas-
nonstop about this baby. I think they ketball) at St. Edward’s and his con-
all wanted me to name the baby af- nections within the community were
ter them. But mostly they wanted to invaluable. He always had an inter-
est in running and it was interesting
to watch him become immersed in
the training and performance of the
members on our team.”
“I love to run and I do it a lot – with
my wife Stephanie and quietly at times
on my own in the morning before
school,” Zugrave said. “I jumped at
the chance to help Carolyn and I will
echo her sentiments. These students
were just a pleasure to work with.”