Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 51
How Manolo Blahnik’s Hangisi shoes became an icon
The Telegraph
From the 1935 Hermès shoe in a time that most of the indus- don’s Old Church Street became Hangisi has floated above normal ac-
Kelly, to Fendi’s 1997 Ba- try was buzzing about ‘It’ bags. Pro- about the Hangisi in the weeks that cessories trends and was instantly
guette bag, it usually takes enza Schouler’s PS1, the Mulberry Al- followed and thousands of blue shoes deemed timeless.
several decades for a fashion exa and the Cèline Luggage tote were were sold.
accessory to become ingrained all launched at around this time, yet Fashion influencer Olivia Palermo
in our consciousness enough to Blahnik’s Hangisi was the stand-out Typically, this kind of hype fizzles ‘did a Carrie’ in 2014, wearing the
be dubbed iconic. Yet for Mano- item at pavement level and copied a out after a year. ‘Icon’ status isn’t se- blue Hangisi at her wedding to Jo-
lo Blahnik, who has been designing thousand times over, too. cured until the must-have item has hannes Huebl, and showed how they
shoes since 1969, it is one of his rela- reached saturation point, gone away can be worn again and again post-
tively recent creations that has pro- Blahnik took his new Hangisi heels for a while, and resurfaced a few de- wedding with everything from suit-
vided his business with a global cash (originally made in black, pink and cades later with a fabulous nostalgia- ing to jeans.
cow, and that his name has become green for his spring/summer 2008 col- filled re-launch (the Chanel 2.55 is
synonymous with. lection) and developed an exclusive perhaps one of the industry’s most The new, limited edition incarna-
sapphire blue color for Carrie. They famous and successful ‘re-births’ tions, which launch today, feature
His Hangisi shoe – that brooch became her ‘something blue,’ as fans and has sold consistently as a classic love scrawlings, deconstructed Cos-
topped satin style – is now 10 years watched her accept Mr. Big’s proposal since Karl Lagerfeld relaunched it in mopolitan cocktail prints and an
old. Where did that time go? Blahnik – instead of a ring, he offered a Hangi- 2005). embroidery depicting a Manhattan
first sketched the high-heeled version si, sparkling thanks to the 144 crys- street map. The final phase of ce-
of the pump in 2008, taking his inspi- tals in the buckle. Every other phone But sales of the Hangisi have re- menting the iconic status of a prod-
ration from the footwear worn by Na- call at Blahnik’s flagship store on Lon mained steady without faltering. By uct, as Mr. Blahnik clearly knows, is
poleon I, Empress Josephine and Pau- tapping into the bridal market, the to make it collectible.
line Bonaparte, no less. It has since
been made in 100 different colors and
materials and 7 heel heights – Blahnik
is celebrating the anniversary today
by launching a few more, naturally.
The shoe became an instant ‘It’
52 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Want an easy wardrobe upgrade? Try dégradé
The Telegraph
We’ve had color blocking and color
clashing but for autumn/winter 2018,
fashion designers are ditching playing
with primary and secondary colors for
tertiary instead. In particular, they’re
fusing these more subtle hues using
dégradé, an effect where similar colors
aren’t demarcated but instead gradu-
ally shaded together. It’s akin to when
your two-scoop order of a raspberry
and vanilla ice cream slowly starts
melting into one. In its sartorial form,
it’s almost as delicious.
The first recorded use of the word as a
dying technique occurred in 1841 when
special printing blocks called ‘rain-
bowed’ blocks were to used on textiles.
Elsewhere, in embroidery individual
threads were dyed beforehand in grad-
ed colors then used to add effects on ev-
erything from purses to trimmings on
dresses during the 19th century.
Dégradé, also sometimes called om-
bré, was and still is regularly used in cou-
ture but this season it also appeared in
many guises on the ready-to-wear run-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 53
ways. At JW Anderson egg yolk oranges that would look great with a chunky The Italian fashion designer Val- hued chiffon gown from Givenchy.
flowed into sunny-side-up yellows knit or even a white tee for more casual entino Garavani takes a bow with Upgraded dégradé, 2018
on silky two pieces, while at Lanvin festive gatherings. the Canadian supermodel Yasmeen
midnight black gradually turned into Ghauri in a gown bedecked with tulle Sies Marjan created head-to-toe
midnight blue on column-shaped full- If that still sounds too complicated dégradé roses at the end of his au- dégradé looks for his autumn/win-
length gowns. on the gradient scale, there are plenty tumn/winter couture show in 1991. ter 2018 show with everything from
of accessories that nod to the trend. Try bucket shaped hats to slinky dresses
Sies Marjan, a New York based design- Fendi’s square-shaped sunglasses in Lilac meets Parma Violet, 2010 getting the dégradé treatment.
er, has developed somewhat of a reputa- gold and pink, or Jimmy Choo’s pointy
tion for his clever chromatic aesthetic, flats in silver and pink glitter while a Zoe Saldana may not have won an
and for autumn/winter ’18 upped his graduating scarf from Johnstons of El- Academy Award in 2010 for her role in
use of dégradé across a myriad of looks. gin in cashmere can’t fail to please. “Avatar” but she topped many of the
A faux fuzzy coat flowed from raspberry best dressed lists in this parma violet
to pistachio, twisted whirls of mercurial Tracking the trend ...
hot pinks and blues appeared on sleeve- Deluxe dégradé , 1991
less dresses while silky trouser suits
merged jade and the palest of blush.
Elsewhere at Blumarine, shimmer-
ing sequins faded from silver to ivory
while Acne Studios created more of a
boho feel with gradient-hued knitwear.
Anything that fades from dark to light
or vice versa is going to have a widening
effect, so those who prefer their clothes
to make them appear taller and slim-
mer would do well to look to Isabelle
Fox who used the technique vertically
on her ‘Veronica’ silk dress to create an
elongating line.
Another easier way of incorporating it
into your wardrobe is to just choose one
piece. Roland Mouret’s draped back top
in blue and gray would look chic paired
with dark trousers, while Reiss’ blue and
lilac metallic skirt is one of those pieces
54 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Kobe beef at a Japanese outpost of celebrity Chef Nobu
On a visit to Japan, it Salmon and Vegetables Grilled Seabass. Pescatore.
seemed like the thing to do Tartar.
was try real Kobe beef. Not Cassis and Chocolate
the Australian wagyu, nor Porcini and Mushroom Millefeuille.
the American wagyu misleadingly Soup.
passed off by many restaurateurs as (also an A5 from Japan, but from a differ- While this wasn’t inexpensive
“Kobe-style” beef. The real A5 Kobe was grilled fish served with a Yuzu ent breed of cattle) that we sampled at Cit- (nothing in Japan is), and I suspect there
beef from the Tajima breed of cattle miso sauce and ginger. While Chef rus Grillhouse a few years ago. are a half-dozen chefs in Vero as talented
raised in the prefecture of Hyogo. Nobu’s signature dish is black cod with as those who actually preside over the
a miso sauce, the fish on this occasion In this case as at the Citrus, the beef many global restaurants that have sprung
And for a two-fer, what better place to was seabass freshly caught, we were was so rich and buttery you wouldn’t from the entrepreneurial inclinations of
try it than at a Japanese outpost of celeb- told, off the Japanese island of Shikoku. want an Angus-prime-sized portion. The Chef Nobu, I now have checked genuine
rity Chef Nobu Matsuhisa? Perfectly seared. largest Kobe offering on the Itoh menu A5 Kobe beef off my bucket list of culinary
was 150 grams. experiences.
To achieve this, our guide helped us Then came the piece de resistance – 100
book a reservation at Itoh Dining by Nobu grams of Kobe beef served in a half-dozen Finally, we finished with a cassis and And I’ve had my Asian food fix. Next
– an unpretentious restaurant in a tradi- bite-sized chunks with a wasabi and pep- chocolate millefeuille. A great end to a week: Back home in Vero.
tional Japanese townhouse in the geisha per sauce. Cooked to perfection with a decadent meal.
section of Kyoto. couple of garlic chips on top, it struck me I welcome your comments, and encour-
as being just a tad leaner than the Ku- age you to send feedback to me at tina@
Once we had made it down a dark al- roge steak
leyway, we were ushered into a surpris-
ingly bright, modern restaurant. To our The reviewer dines anony-
surprise, we were invited to take two of mously at restaurants at
the 10 chairs at a long counter in front the expense of Vero
of the teppanyaki-style grills where all Beach 32963.
the action takes place. What a treat!
Rather than ordering a la carte, we de-
cided to go with the six-course prix fixe
The first course we were served con-
sisted of autumn salmon and vegetables
tartar, with dill and botargo. The veggies
used in this dish came, we were told, from
farms near volcanic Mount Fuji. Extreme-
ly flavorful.
Next came a bowl of porcini and mush-
room soup. I love mushrooms, and this
was a wonderful mushroom soup. The
third course was pescatore – a mix of Jap-
anese noodles and seafood.
The fourth
Kobe beef.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 55
Drinking a 172-year-old wine: How does it taste?
Staff at Liberty Hall Museum discovered
wine dating back to 1796 in its cellars.
BY ELIN MCCOY tuguese Cork Association, and wine spe- “I knew wine deteriorated in hot bottles, and convinced Kean they could
cialists from Christie’s were gathered at conditions, so I thought the wine in be worth something.
Bloomberg the warehouse to oversee the opening the demijohns would all be spoiled by
and recorking of the demijohns, and spending so many years in the attic,” Enter Christie’s. When the auction
In a chilly wine warehouse in the check to see that the wine was still alive admits Kean. “I was prepared to give house heard about the discovery, an
Bronx, a famous Portuguese winemak- and kicking. them to staff members to use for mak- excited Vos, Christie’s Madeira expert,
er pried ancient corks from 5-gallon ing lamps.” visited and put in an auction proposal.
glass demijohns of 19th century Madei- But surprise! The liquid in four of the “There’s not a lot of old Madeira avail-
ra. Was the wine inside still drinkable? demijohns turned out to be old bour- Luckily, a young museum docent able,” he says. “And you could say it’s
Madeira ages longer than other wines, bon, not Madeira. Edwin Vos, Christie’s Googled up information about old Ma- the most underrated fine wine in the
but 150-plus years? head of wine for Europe and a Madeira deiras and some of the names on the world.”
expert, first thought it might be rum. The
I won’t keep you in suspense. Amaz- bourbon will go under the hammer, too.
ingly, the answer was yes. Smooth and round, the one I tasted was
excellent, but not nearly as complex and
One demijohn held a dry sercial Ma- delicious as the Madeiras.
deira from 1846. Dry, spicy, tangy and
rich, it had piercing acidity and fresh, So how did these bottles get saved
spicy aromas that lingered even in an from oblivion?.
empty glass. Another from the same era,
a medium-dry apricot-colored verdel- Liberty Hall, originally constructed in
ho, smelled like apricot, tobacco and 1772, was expanded to a 50-room family
rose petals, and still had an opulent, residence by the prominent, politically
multi-layered fruitiness that made you active Kean family, which owned it from
want to take another sip. And both are 1811. When John Kean Sr. inherited it 12
more than 170 years old. years ago, he began turning the building
into a museum, which he now heads.
The wines are from a collection of
18th and 19th century Madeiras dis- Last year, during a renovation, they
covered last year during a renovation discovered one of the largest collections
of the Liberty Hall Museum in New of 18th and 19th century Madeira in the
Jersey. And on Dec. 7, Christie’s will United States in the attic and behind a
offer them along with some regular- wall in a dirty, cobwebbed cellar. It in-
sized bottles of Madeira dating from cluded about 42 demijohns and a couple
1796, at a sale in New York. of dozen bottles of Lenox Madeira, im-
ported by the late Robert Lenox in 1796,
Francisco Albuquerque, winemaker and probably hidden during Prohibition.
for the Madeira Wine Company, along Some were empty, some were not.
with cork experts from Apcor, the Por-
56 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 57
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58 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 59
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60 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ONGOING 24 Poetry, Wine and All that Jazz, 7 p.m. 1 Candy Cane 3K Run presented by Run Vero, recovery from injuries caused by a distracted motor-
at Heritage Center, with poetry read- 5:15 p.m. followed by Oceanside Business As- ist, 6 p.m. at Orchid island Bikes and Kayaks.
Vero Beach Museum of Art - 150 Years of Paint- ings, live entertainment, auctions, wine and sociation Christmas Parade, 6 p.m. on Ocean Drive.
ing & Sculpture from the Permanent Collection hors d’oeuvres to benefit Stouthouse: Where 2 Schacht Groves Farm Festival, 11 a.m. to
thru Jan. 13; Made in Germany: Contemporary Artists Create. $125. 772.589.8826 1 Christmas Banquet featuring Boston Mara- 3 p.m. with children’s crafts and activities,
Art from the Rubell Family Collection thru Jan. 6. thon bombing survivor Rebekah Gregory, hayrides, packinghouse and grove tours. Free.
24 Souljam at Sebastian Inlet State Park 5:30 p.m. at Oak Harbor Club, with dinner, live
NOVEMBER Night Sounds concert series, 7 p.m. entertainment and auction to benefit Women’s 2 Holidays at the Museum, 1 to 4 p.m. at
at Coconut Point pavilions. Park entry fee. 772- Refuge of Vero Beach. 772-770-4424 Vero Beach Museum of Art, with student
22 Thanksgiving Day Trot Against Poverty, 388-2750 performances, children’s activities, tasty treats
7 a.m. children’s 1/4 race, 7:30 a.m. 1 Sebastian Christmas & Holiday Parade, 6 and a visit from Santa. Free. 772-231-0707
5K at Riverside Park followed by sweet potato 30 Sebastian River Area Chamber of p.m. along Indian River Drive from Main
pancake breakfast and awards to benefit United Commerce Light Up Night, 5:30 to Street to Riverview Park for visits with Santa. 2 Concert by Russian-born soprano Elena Mind-
Against Poverty. 8 p.m. at various businesses in Sebastian and lina, performing music from Rachmaninov
Roseland, with food, prizes and giveaways. 1 A Legacy of Love, a drag show to benefit the to Gershwin, 4 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church.
24 Ballet Vero Parents & Friends presents 772-589-5969. People Care Center, 6 p.m. cocktails; 7 p.m. Free; $10 donation appreciated. 772-562-9088
its 11th annual production of The Nut- show at Vero Beach Theatre Guild, celebrating 30th
cracker, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. at Vero Beach High 30 & December 1 - Riverside Theatre anniversary of World Aids Day. $30. 772-321-9394 4 Friends of the Library Fashion Show and Fun-
School PAC, featuring a cast of 83, including 2 Comedy Zone’s Winter Nights, 7:30 draising Event, 11 a.m. at the Indian River
guest artists from the Orlando Ballet and 4 spe- p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop free en- 1 Celtic Angels Christmas Concert, 7 p.m. at County Main Library, showcasing Library Friends
cial needs children. $14 to $22. 772-360-8577 tertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990 Emerson Center, with Celtic Angels, Celtic Gift Shop apparel and accessories, with 25 percent
Knight Dancers and music by Trinity Band En- discount on items, raffles, refreshments and free
24 Holiday Open House at Vero Beach DECEMBER semble of Dublin. $19 to $49. 772-778-5249 gift wrapping. $5. 772-226-3080 x 4550
Book Center, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. with
children’s activities and visits with Santa. Free. 1 Vero Beach Art Club Art Trail, a ticketed open 1 Book signing for cyclist and former Vero Beach 4 Atlantic Classical Orchestra benefit concert
772-569-2050 house of ten local member studios from 10 32963 journalist Alan Snel, author of “Long Road hosted by Friends of the ACO, featuring
a.m. to 4 p.m. $25; $30 event day. 772-231-0303 Back to Las Vegas: How Las Vegas and the Golden famed pianist Alon Goldstein, 4:30 p.m. at Or-
Knights healed a journalist’s wounds,” chronicling his chid Island Beach Club followed by cocktail re-
ception. $125. 772-460-0850
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
in November 15, 2018 Edition 1 OBOE 1 BENEATH 5 Winter Wonderland Concert of holiday
4 REDUCE 3 EWER songs featuring Dave DeLuca, 6 p.m. at
9 LANTERN 4 RENTED North IRC Library. Free. 772-589-1355
11 CLAY 6 CRAZE 6 A Night in the Garden, 5 p.m. at Garden Club
12 FEARLESS 7 BLOCKBUSTER of IRC to benefit Gifford Youth Orchestra, with
14 BEHOLD 8 MEASUREMENT hors d’oeuvres, music, silent auction and mingling
15 LETTER 13 FLATTERY with the ‘stars’ of the GYO. $50. 772-213-3007
20 BRIM 17 ADJOIN 6|7 Holiday Madrigal Dinners pre-
22 EVADE 19 LLAMA sented by Sebastian River Middle
23 OPINION 21 KIDS School Choral Department, 7 p.m. (doors open
24 CANYON 6:15 p.m.) at Westminster Presbyterian Church.
25 STEM $20. 772-564-5185
Sudoku Page 50 Sudoku Page 51 Crossword Page 50 Crossword Page 51 (LIGHT OPERA)
Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753
This directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the beachside community an opportunity to make themselves known to island readers at an affordable cost. This is the
only service directory mailed each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a listing in the Vero Beach 32963 Business Directory,
please contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.
531 Bay Drive in Riomar Bay: 5-bedroom, 4,984-square-foot, riverfront home with 5 full baths and
2 half-baths, offered for $3,950,000 by Jane Schwiering and Lucy Hendricks, Realtors,
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Realty: 772-559-8812
62 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Riomar Bay home has star quality – and views to match
Staff Writer
“Lights, camera, action!” can be
heard echoing through the halls of
the two-story, riverfront home at 531
Bay Drive in Riomar Bay. The gra-
cious, stately home built by Ralph
Profeta has an interesting past.
“A movie was made in the house
many years ago,” says Dr. Edwin Nigh-
bert, referring to the 1980 film, “There
Goes the Bride” starring Tom Smoth-
ers, Twiggy and Jim Backus (known
for his role on “Gilligan’s Island” as
Thurston Howell, III). Depicted as
the familial estate of the bride, much
of the film was shot inside the house
and at locations around Vero Beach,
with iconic shots of the Vero Beach
Airport, the Driftwood Inn, and the
Old Riomar Bay Yacht Club, among
But for Nighbert, the home’s star
quality is nothing compared to the
view. “I can’t walk out in the back and
be tense. It’s impossible.” That could
be because of the glowing sun as it
sets each night or the galaxy of ce-
lestial stars shining brightly over the
river at night. Or perhaps it’s the cast
of marine mammals and birds – peli-
cans, herons, bottlenose dolphins,
manatees and otters – that perform
every day on the river.
Often referred to as a point lot, the
property has 275 feet of water front-
age with a long view of the river and
the Merrill P. Barber Bridge beyond.
“It’s easy to access with that little
canal out to the Indian River. It’s an
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 63
ideal setting,” Nighbert notes.
The Nighberts were drawn to Vero
Beach as part of the original Kentucky
Club condominium nearly 40 years
ago. Later, as their family grew, they
needed a larger home. Having men-
tioned in passing that they were con-
templating the purchase of a house,
unbeknownst to them a friend made
an offer on the property on their be-
half, recalls Nighbert of the series of
events that led up to them purchasing
the home 16 years ago.
The solidly-built house was de-
signed to accommodate a large fam-
ily, according to Jane Schwiering,
co-listing agent with Lucy Hendricks,
Realtors, Berkshire Hathaway Home-
Services Florida Realty.
Noting the exceptional finishes
and custom millwork, including or-
nate ceiling medallions and parquet
flooring, Hendricks adds “this house
has a lot of options for different spac-
es. The bedrooms are grouped in a
manner that lends itself to creating
a suite with a sitting room, space for
live-in help or a nursery.”
A feeling of peace prevails when
driving across the small bridge lead-
ing to the pair of small islands that
encompass the Riomar Bay neighbor-
hood. The first house one sees is this
Bay Drive home with a Hollywood
past, set back from the roadway.
A circle drive, side-entry, three-car
garage, and brick-paved motor court
set the tone for the understated front
portico with the lion door-knocker.
Inside a curved-wall foyer with wall
niches on either side of the door-
way transitions into the formal liv-
ing room at the center of the house,
where soaring ceilings open the
64 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
space to dramatic views of the river dishware. Guests can come and go
through two sets of French doors with through patio doors or enjoy river
transoms reaching the second-floor views as they dine.
ceiling, allowing an abundance of
natural light to flow through. Adjacent to the dining room is a
private sitting room/library with
A double-sided fireplace adds cozy built-ins, the perfect spot to curl up
warmth between the living and din- and read a book or watch boats come
ing room and a wet bar across the way and go from the Quail Valley River
creates an inviting space to entertain Club Marina. Toward the front of the
guests. house, a cheery breakfast room is
conveniently located near the kitch-
The west wing of the house en- en and is large enough for any size
compasses three distinct spaces: sit- brood.
ting room, dining room and kitchen.
The formal dining room has pock- The kitchen is an extension of fam-
et doors for private dining and a ily spaces, fully equipped with beau-
built-in breakfront to house formal tiful granite countertops, tons of
storage, an island and double ovens. room, nursery or a place for a live-in
A generous laundry room and powder caretaker.
room are conveniently located just off
the kitchen with access to the breeze- Back at the center of the house, a
way that leads to the three-car garage wooden staircase lined with elegant
and workshop. wainscoting leads to the upper level,
where the landing offers a seating
On the east side of the house, the area for reading or enjoying a glass of
autonomy of the bedroom and sec- wine while watching the sunset over
ond family room make it the per- the river.
fect space for a ground-level master
suite. The extra room is an extension To one side of the landing, the
of the large bedroom through a Jack master suite is situated to create a
and Jill bathroom creating a flexible private retreat for the homeown-
space that could be used as a sitting ers. This inclusive space houses the
master bedroom, an office, walk-in
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 65
closet, sumptuous bathroom and a to their grandchildren’s delight. The
private balcony. boat dock and lift are situated at the
side of the property so as not to de-
The spa-like master bath is a study tract from the view but provide easy
in elegance with cultured marble access to the river.
countertops, columns, a water clos-
et, bidet, dual sinks and soaking tub “Riomar Bay is such a wonder-
that create a haven for the master and ful address,” says Schwiering. “Be-
mistress of the house. tween the two bridges and in such
close proximity to Quail Valley
An upstairs laundry and bedroom River Club.” Quail members can
off the master suite and two bedrooms walk across the bridge and head in
with private baths on the opposite side through the back gate.
of the house complete the upstairs.
For the Nighberts, the memories
The pool area can be accessed from are bittersweet. While it’s time to
any of the communal living areas on downsize, they’re looking forward to
the first floor. The Nighberts reimag- one last Christmas in their home on
ined the backyard, adding an infin- the river. “It’s how you live in it and
ity pool and kiddie splash area much
Neighborhood: Riomar Bay • Year built: 1969
Lot Size: 1/3 of an acre • Home size: 4,984 sq. ft.
Construction: Concrete block, frame with stucco
Bedrooms: 5 • Bathrooms: 5 full baths, 2 half-baths
Additional features: impact glass, double-sided fireplace, den, office, spa
bath, two laundry rooms, gourmet kitchen, ice machine, wet bar, infin-
ity edge pool, splash pool, fenced yard, three-car garage, storage room,
riverfront, dock and boat lift with Intracoastal access.
Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Realty
Listing agents: Jane Schwiering, 772-473-6048,
and Lucy Hendricks, Realtors, 772-559-8812
Listing price: $3,950,000
66 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 REAL ESTATE Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
the memories you create,” reflects cart ride to Quail Valley River Club,
Nighbert. Riomar Country Club, Riomar Beach
access, the City Marina, Riverside
Riomar Bay is a riverfront communi- Park, Riverside Theatre, Vero Beach
ty conveniently located between Vero’s Museum of Art, Vero Beach Dog Park,
two bridges with easy access to beach- and shopping and dining on Ocean
side and mainland locations. Drive.
It’s just a short walk, bike or golf
Sales Center Open Monday - Saturday 10 am - 5 pm and Sunday 12 - 5 pm
Vero Beach • 4333 Baseline Drive Vero Beach • 1605 Baseline Drive
3 Bed, 2.5 Bath, 2-Car Garage, 1,950 square feet 3 Bed, 2.5 Bath, 2-Car Garage, 1,950 square feet Vero Beach • 4335 Baseline Drive
3 Bed, 2.5 Bath, 2-Car Garage, 1,950 square feet
$338,000 $318,000
772.257.1100 • GHOHOMES.COM
Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents required by section 718.503,
Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 67
Buyers may benefit from cooling down of housing market
BY KENNETH R. HARNEY ers, reported last week that the aver- ing in your neighborhood. Some cit- Top of the list: Speak to multiple re-
age annual percentage rate quoted ies with moderate housing costs are alty professionals to get a good handle
Washington Post to shoppers was 5.27 percent. Buyers seeing price increases, homes selling on where your local market is relative
with good scores between 680 and 719 above list and tightening inventories. to the national cool-down. If you’re
Don’t call it a “buyer’s market.” were quoted 5.42 percent. According to Redfin, nearly 40 percent a seller, the key to your transaction
Don’t call it a “correction.” But the of homes in Buffalo are selling above will be getting your list pricing right.
fact is that a sobering change is taking Although rates in the 5’s may sound list at median prices 8.5 percent higher If you’re a buyer, take your time but
shape in the housing market – an un- reasonable to people who bought or re- than last year’s. In Richmond, 29 per- keep in mind: If you shop diligently,
mistakable cooling trend that defies financed a home a decade ago, they are cent of homes are selling above list. this fall could be a smart time to catch
an economy that is showing impres- disturbingly high to millennials and a deal – a marked-down price on the
sive growth, has the lowest unem- other young buyers and magnify the So what does this mean to you as a house you really want.
ployment rate in years and the highest affordability challenges they already potential seller or buyer?
home-equity levels on record. face. Higher rates are also daunting to
the millions of owners who have mort-
Anyone thinking of selling or buying gages with rates in the mid-3 percent
a home shouldn’t ignore it. Doing so to 4 percent range. Rather than pursu-
could cost you money, time and maybe ing a move-up or downsizing purchase
a great opportunity. – requiring a new mortgage at today’s
rates – many of them prefer to hunker
Call it a rebalancing. For years since down on the sidelines, further reduc-
the end of the financial crisis, pric- ing sales activity.
es in most markets have increased
steadily – by single digits annually S● ellers are cutting their list prices.
in most places, double digits in cities According to research by realty bro-
such as Seattle, San Francisco, Denver kerage Redfin, 28.7 percent of prices of
and others that have vibrant employ- homes listed for sale in major markets
ment growth plus persistent and deep during the month ending Oct. 14 saw
shortages of homes for sale. Sellers reductions. That is the highest share
were in the saddle. of homes with price drops recorded
since Redfin began tracking this met-
That was then. This is now: ric in 2010. One of the key reasons for
S● ales of existing and new homes the cuts: Demand by shoppers is down
have been sagging for half a year. Ac- by more than 10 percent compared
cording to data from the National As- with a year earlier. Consumer psychol-
sociation of Realtors, resales have been ogy is shifting, as well: A national sur-
dropping since the spring compared vey by Fannie Mae released last week
with year-earlier levels. At the end of found that the net share of Americans
the third quarter, resales were 2.4 per- who believe it is a good time to buy has
cent below their level at the end of the fallen to just 21 percent, while the net
same quarter in 2017. That is despite share who say it is a good time to sell is
growing inventories of homes avail- 35 percent.
able for sale in some areas, reversing
the boom-time pattern of bidding wars There are other signs of cooling un-
that pushed prices to record levels and derway that could be cited, but you get
drove buyers batty. the point.
M● ortgage rates hit their highest level
in nearly eight years in early Novem- The cycle has moved from seller-ad-
ber – 5.15 percent for a conventional vantage to at least mildly buyer-advan-
30-year fixed-rate loan – according to tage in many parts of the United States.
the Mortgage Bankers Association.
Lending Tree, an online network that Bear in mind, of course, that the
pairs mortgage applicants with lend- cooling trend nationwide may not
mean the same things are happen-
68 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Nov. 9 to Nov. 15
The barrier island real estate market held steady in mid-November with 7 transactions reported last week,
including three for more than $1 million.
The top sale of the week was of an oceanfront home in Central Beach. The residence at 3756 Ocean Drive
was placed on the market Sept. 13, 2017, for $5.475 million. The price was subsequently reduced to $4.5
million. The sale closed on Nov. 13 for $4.125 million.
The seller of the property was represented by Matilde Sorensen of Dale Sorensen Real Estate. The
purchaser was represented by Joseph O’Neill of Coldwell Banker Paradise.
VEROMAR 705 EUGENIA ROAD 7/24/2018 $515,000 $515,000 11/15/2018 $2,150,000
TOWN & BEACH ESTATES 835 IRIS LANE 10/1/2018 $720,000 $720,000 11/15/2018 $1,325,000
RIVER CLUB 1331 RIVER CLUB DRIVE 3/8/2017 $2,700,000 $2,250,000 11/15/2018 $629,000
SEAGROVE 1760 CYPRESS LANE 8/31/2018 $575,000 $575,000 11/13/2018
MOORINGS 1985 WINDWARD WAY 1/23/2018 $1,499,000 $1,499,000 11/9/2018
SABAL REEF CONDO 1150 REEF ROAD, #B22 8/9/2018 $675,000 $675,000 11/13/2018
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 69
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Veromar, Address: 705 Eugenia Road Subdivision: River Club, Address: 1331 River Club Drive
Listing Date: 7/24/2018 Listing Date: 3/8/2017
Original Price: $515,000 Original Price: $2,700,000
Recent Price: $515,000 Recent Price: $2,250,000
Sold: 11/15/2018 Sold: 11/15/2018
Selling Price: $493,100 Selling Price: $2,150,000
Listing Agent: Janyne Kenworthy Listing Agent: Matilde Sorensen
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Michelle Clarke Gena Grove & Andrew Harper
Berkshire Hathaway Florida Berkshire Hathaway Florida
Subdivision: Moorings, Address: 1985 Windward Way Subdivision: Sabal Reef Condo, Address: 1150 Reef Road, #B22
Listing Date: 1/23/2018 Listing Date: 8/9/2018
Original Price: $1,499,000 Original Price: $675,000
Recent Price: $1,499,000 Recent Price: $675,000
Sold: 11/9/2018 Sold: 11/13/2018
Selling Price: $1,325,000 Selling Price: $629,000
Listing Agent: Mara Puerner Listing Agent: Daina Bertrand
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: The Moorings Realty Sales Co.
Carolyn Lange Debbie Bell
Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Berkshire Hathaway Florida
I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S
Elegant 3BR/3.5BA condo w/lake view, private elevator, East of A1A, 3BR/2.5BA Mediterranean style townhome, Meticulously maintained 3BR/2BA CBS home, Bermuda model,
fireplace, underbuilding 2 car garage, gated community one block to the ocean, 1st floor master, 2 private courtyards screened lanai & pool, gated community with beach access
$879,000 $535,000
Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.
direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |
70 Vero Beach 32963 / November 22, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Don’t get nervous, call Scott Tree Services
BILL BARRY Subdivision: Town & Beach Estates, Address: 835 Iris Lane
SERVICES CELL: 772-473-7150 Original Price: $720,000
Recent Price: $720,000
OFFICE: 772-569-3874 Sold: 11/15/2018
OAK TREE SPECIALIST Selling Price: $695,000
TREE CARE, MOVING & CLEARING Listing Agent: Joe Kovaleski
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Joe Kovaleski
Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
[email protected]
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ANCHOR THE MOORINGS .41 Acre Lot/ $1,695,000 VERO ISLES 4+Ofc/3.5 $1,549,000 RIOMAR DRIVE 4/3 $1,295,000 OLD RIOMAR 3/3 $1,275,000
Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 211104 Cheryl Gerstner 772-539-2100 207286 Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 Carolyn Lange 772-473-7982
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Cheryl Gerstner 772-539-2100 210372 Lyndal Greene 772-766-5025
CASTAWAY COVE 4/3 $579,000 Candace Kennedy 626-399-2826 204069 OLD ORCHID 4/3 Pool $497,500
Carolyn Lange 772-473-7982 211717 Cheryl Gerstner 772-539-2100 209235
Kit Fields 770-312-5165 207654 Kit Fields 770-312-5165 210918 Kit Fields 770-312-5165 210868
VERO SHORES 3/2 $215,000
Karen Smith 772-559-1295
Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 211598
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