Additional airlines interested in
flying to Vero airport. P8
Who will be named the
new property appraiser? P10
Will undocumented immigrants
continue to get free E.R. care? P7
MY VERO For breaking news visit
BY RAY MCNULTY County overrules
attorneys to keep
Surprise! Indians don’t battling Brightline
need permit for a Tiki hut
Before you say GHO Homes BY LISA ZAHNER Former Shores Mayor Brian Barefoot an- BY FEDERICO MARTINEZ
President Bill Handler should’ve Staff Writer nounced last week at a town council meet- Staff Writer
known better, given that his ing that FPL is gearing up to close the sale
company is one of the most Three weeks ago, Vero Beach Mayor Harry before Christmas should the vote go as ex- Indian River County Com-
experienced builders in Indi- Howle signed more than 300 closing docu- pected. missioners have committed
an River County, you need to ments, and the paperwork was placed safely another million dollars to fight
hear the whole story. in escrow awaiting this Tuesday’s vote of the Vero City Manager Jim O’Connor con- Virgin Trains USA, formerly
Florida Public Service Commission on the firmed that the city staff is planning to turn known as Brightline, and are
You need to know that the $185 million sale of the city's electric utility over the utility to FPL on Monday morning, proceeding with a federal
Palm Beach-based contractor to Florida Power & Light. Dec. 17 after a tentatively scheduled closing lawsuit against the company
Handler and his wife hired to – even though their own attor-
build a Tiki hut in the backyard CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 neys warned them a court vic-
of their Summerplace home tory will not keep high-speed
assured them he was fully li- trains from running through
censed and needed no county- Vero Beach.
issued permit to do the job.
Commissioners voted 4-1 on
You also need to know why Nov. 21 to reject a multimil-
no permit was necessary. lion-dollar offer from Virgin
Trains USA to have the county
Hardly anyone knows, the drop its pending lawsuit op-
Handlers’ contractor told me posing the company’s plans.
last week, about a Florida Oral arguments for the lawsuit
Building Code exemption that begin Nov. 27 in Washington.
allows members of the state’s
Seminole and Miccosukee “I agree, overall, it’s not a
tribes to build chickee/Tiki perfect agreement; but as the
huts without first acquiring outside legislative counsel to
local building permits, pro- Indian River County, I recom-
vided the structure doesn’t in- mend that the commission
clude plumbing, electrical or of IR County vote in favor of
concrete features.
New School Board declines to rubber Council puzzler: What to do about City Marina
stamp Rendell’s demotion of CFO
up to what they want in a
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN Rendell. Shortly after being BY LISA ZAHNER first-class mooring, fuel ser-
Staff Writer sworn in on Nov. 20, the board's Staff Writer vice and storage facility to
three new members and re- serve residents and tourists.
The new, post-election School turning member Laura Zorc When it comes to the Vero
Board seems more prepared refused to rubber-stamp Ren- Beach City Marina, the only After that, some coun-
than the prior board to keep an dell’s demotion and transfer of thing City Council members cil members want to lease
eye on Superintendent Mark agree on is that it isn’t living
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero Electric era near end? confirm rapid forward movement. whole week, if not the 17th, maybe the tomers will receive a final bill for their
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 “FPL is continuing to work through 18th or the 20th.” power usage up to the closing date,
then a prorated bill from FPL from that
at the law office of Carlton Fields at- what is needed to close on the sale of Hugely grateful, and humbled to day forward. “Some customers might
torney Nat Doliner in Tampa. the electric system, pending a posi- have his signature on the historic clos- receive a bill from Vero and from FPL
tive vote by the Florida Public Ser- ing papers, Howle on Monday was still on the same day, FPL has a different
There are just a few last-minute de- vice Commission,” Gatewood said. partially in disbelief. “If the closing way that they do their meter reading
tails to iron out, O’Connor said Mon- “In anticipation of the PSC’s approval happens that week, it will be the best and billing and their billing cycles.
day. The big question mark is the PSC of FPL’s petition and absent any un- Christmas present I could ever get. But
vote, which at press time was expected foreseen circumstances, we expect to I’ll go with what Dr. [Steve] Faherty al- “If the closing happens on the 17th,
to go Vero’s way after a highly favor- complete the sale of the electric sys- ways says, I’ll believe it when I get my FPL trucks will be rolling through Vero
able recommendation by the commis- tem and welcome Vero Beach’s 35,000 first FPL bill.” that day,” O’Connor said.
sion staff. customers to the FPL family by the
end of the year.” Those bills could come before the Those FPL drivers will be welcomed
FPL spokesperson Sarah Gatewood ball falls on 2018. by nearly 35,000 ratepayers eagerly
would not say concretely that a Dec. Howle confirmed that he’s on stand- awaiting their arrival, ushering in re-
17 closing is planned, but she did by to travel to Tampa for the closing. O’Connor said the city has done two lief from what many call oppressive
“They’ve told me to be available that test runs on handing off the meter- electric rates that drain the larger
reading duties from Vero to FPL. Cus- community of about $20 million an-
nually in excess power costs.
Utility activist Glenn Heran will be
one of those cheering when he sees
the FPL rigs.
Heran traveled to Tallahassee to
watch Tuesday’s PSC vote in person
because he just had to see it through
– that once-subversive pro-sale move-
ment that he and a handful of others
started more than a decade ago when
Heran and Faherty launched a road-
show of sorts, touting the benefits of
selling the utility in front of every civic
club and homeowners’ association
that would hear them out.
The sale terms in the papers Howle
signed relieve Vero of all of its utility
debt and long-term wholesale power
contracts, with at least $30 million in
residual cash. As a major added bonus,
in time, the Big Blue electric plant site
on the Indian River will be returned to
green grass and waterfront vistas.
“If the vote goes as planned, after
11 years, all I’ll be able to say is thank
God,” Heran said.
My Vero
“I’ve been doing this for 20 years,
and we’ve had to go to court a lot,”
said Mario Lequerique, president of
Palm Beach Tiki, which has a direct
connection to the Seminole tribe
and built the Handlers’ open-sided,
thatched-roof, wooden hut just inside
seawall behind their oceanfront home
in October.
“A lot of city and county building
officials aren’t familiar with the Semi-
nole exemption, and they don’t know
that, when no local permit is needed,
no local license is required,” he added.
“That’s what I was trying to explain to
the guy up there.”
That guy was David Checchi, a con-
tractor licensing investigator for the
county’s building department, which
on Nov. 16 sent a “notice of violation”
to Lequerique, citing his company for
“unlicensed contracting.”
Checchi launched his investiga-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 3
tion earlier this month, after his of- nole Chief Joe Dan Osceola is a mem- requirement when the Seminole ex- lar tribal exemption – one that he
fice received an anonymous email ber of its board of directors – Indian emption is used, anyway.” claims removes any licensing require-
alerting building officials to the Tiki River County contends the company ment – and he might be right.
hut. The complaint, which included must be licensed to build chickee/Tiki Lequerique admitted there was a
photographs of the structure, was huts off the reservation. “brief lapse” in the company’s license In 1990, the federal government
sent to Vero Beach 32963 as well, and earlier this fall, explaining that some signed an agreement with Native
likely came from one of the Handlers’ Lequerique disagreed. required courses had not been com- American tribes, allowing them to
neighbors. He said that while his company was pleted. “But we straightened that out build their traditional chickee huts
fully insured and held a specialty li- over the past couple of weeks,” he said. without acquiring local building per-
“That’s usually how we find out cense for thatching in South Florida’s mits – an exemption that was awarded
about these things,” Checchi said, three counties, “There’s no licensing Besides, Lequerique argued, there’s
adding that complaints about Tiki also a federal law that provides a simi- CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
huts are rare in this county.
Even rarer, though, are contractors
claiming the tribal exemptions al- Exclusively John’s Island
lowed under Florida law.
Rarely on the market! This exceptionally renovated 2BR/2.5BA Gatehouse
“This is not unique in Florida,” said enjoys the amenities of a single-family home. The private cour t yard design allows
Roland DeBlois, the county’s environ- for intimate indoor/outdoor living. The 1,520± SF residence features beautiful
mental and code enforcement chief, architectural detailing, custom finishes and millwork, wood floors, French
“but I’m not aware of another situa- doors leading to lushly landscaped private terraces, and a convenient location
tion where we’ve run into it.” within steps to the beach and pool as well as a short walk to all Club amenities.
550 Beach Road Gatehouse #125 : $1,200,000
That’s why Checchi and DeBlois –
they worked the case together – spent three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
a fair amount of time researching all health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
aspects of the exemption before citing
the Handlers for hiring an unlicensed 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
contractor, violating county zoning
ordinances governing setbacks and
not getting the plans approved by the
Florida Department of Environmental
According to DeBlois and Checchi,
who did a field inspection of the prop-
erty and said the Handlers were “very
cooperative,” the Tiki hut was built too
close to the seawall.
“David went out there and found
that the Tiki hut was only a foot or two
from the seawall,” DeBlois said. “Our
position is that it should be set back at
least 5 feet from the seawall. We could
force them to take it down and relo-
cate it farther from the seawall, but
there’s some uncertainty because the
seawall isn’t the property line.
“Their property line actually goes
out beyond the seawall, onto the
beach,” he added. “In the past, howev-
er, when dealing with issues like this,
we’ve always used the seawall as the
property line.”
If necessary, Handler said he’ll move
the hut to comply with the county
“If we’re wrong, we’ll address it,”
Handler said. “We don’t want any
problems with the county, but we’re
still not sure what’s going on. It looks
like we’re caught in the middle of
They are.
The Handlers are caught in the
middle of a legal dispute between the
county and Palm Beach Tiki, which
Lequerique said will contest the cita-
tion rather than pay a $500 fine.
“Our lawyer will be there,” Leque-
rique said, referring to a Jan. 28 hear-
ing in front of the county’s Code En-
forcement Board.
Although Checchi’s investigation
revealed Palm Beach Tiki qualified for
the tribal exemption – because Semi-
4 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero Brightline sion that the proposed settlement ad- provide a new source of cash for the
dressed almost all of the issues listed project.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 in the county’s lawsuit, including en-
vironmental, noise pollution and cost The 3-hour commission meeting
as part of the reparations for the na- the proposed settlement agreement,” concerns. Rejecting the company’s of- was filled with drama and tension
tion’s mistreatment of the tribes in the Steve Ryan, the attorney the county fer leaves attorneys very little room to as all five commissioners took turns
1800s. hired to represent it in the federal law- argue their case, he said. explaining why they did – or didn’t –
suit, wrote in a prepared statement. support the proposed agreement.
“The federal law doesn’t require li- The statement was read to commis- He also pointed out that the $1.15
censing, and federal law trumps state sioners by county attorney Dylan Re- billion bond sale the county's lawsuit Commissioners Tim Zorc and Pe-
law,” Lequerique said. “The problem ingold. aims to stop will already have taken ter O’Bryan expressed support for the
is that local building officials want to place by the time the case is settled, agreement. Both men argued that the
ignore federal law, so here we go again. Like Ryan, Reingold encouraged meaning that the rail company will county has already spent about $3
the commission to carefully consider likely have the funds it needs to extend million on the pending lawsuit. They
“Another county, another hearing,” Virgin Trains USA’s offer to pay mil- service from West Palm to Orlando, said if the county rejected the offer
he added. “It’s always the same story.” lions of dollars to improve railroad in- even if the county wins in court. and ended up losing the lawsuit, Vir-
frastructure, including installation of gin Trains USA would be under no
While Lequerique plans to fight more than $2 million for safety fencing It will be at least two months after obligation to help the county pay for
the fine for unlicensed contracting, and up to $8.2 million in maintenance the Nov. 27 hearing before the judge fencing, maintenance or other rail-
he said he would relocate the Tiki hut upkeep over the next 14 years. Virgin makes a ruling on the lawsuit, Rein- road infrastructure costs.
if the county requires the Handlers to Trains USA also promised to build a gold said.
do so. station somewhere on the Treasure Solari and Commissioner Joseph Fle-
Coast, a concession not included in Meanwhile, the bonds have already scher argued that the train would pose
“If there’s a problem, we’ll move it,” earlier proposals. been issued and Virgin Trains USA has a safety threat and not provide any fi-
he said. “If we’re in the wrong, we’ll stated it will begin selling the bonds – nancial revenue for the community.
fix it.” “Brightline has made it very clear which are expected to sell quickly – in
to us – and we believe this – they have December. “This isn’t about whether we have a
What Lequerique won’t do anymore made the most concessions they’re 50-50 chance of winning our lawsuit,
is accept jobs in our county – un- going to make to this community as “They will go sell the bonds in De- or a 10-percent chance,” Solari said.
less they’re big enough and lucrative part of this deal,” Reingold said. “And, cember, regardless,” Reingold said. “This is about a moral obligation to do
enough to justify it. going forward after the oral arguments “There is no injunction preventing what’s best for our community.”
happen, if the deal gets rejected, I them from doing so.”
“We go up and build a 10-by-10 hut, don’t think there will be another, bet- Heightening the tension was the
and look at what this has turned into,” ter deal presented by them as part of a When commissioners asked what announcement that Martin County
he said. “I have enough work; I don’t settlement.” would happen if they won the law- Commissioners had just voted 4-1 to
need to waste time with this kind of suit, Reingold said it would be too late accept the Virgin Trains USA proposal.
stuff. There are too many issues. I Reingold cautioned the commis- to matter. It’s unlikely that the buyers The company had earlier told Indian
don’t need the headache.” would be asked to return the bonds River and Martin officials that the
and the company ordered to return agreement would be voided unless
My guess is the Handlers don’t, ei- the money. both counties gave their approval.
During the past five years Brightline Vice-Chair Susan Adams appeared
has prevailed in eight other lawsuits to be the deciding vote. At first Adams
filed by Indian River County and other said she was going to vote to accept
municipalities with the aim of stop- the proposed agreement, but added
ping the train from operating through that she wasn’t sure if she could vote
the Treasure Coast. to support it “at that moment.”
Reingold, who was asked by the com- “I don’t think, realistically, that we
mission to explain the Virgin Trains can stop the rail expansion from hap-
USA agreement offer, received an an- pening,” said Adams, whose comments
gry tongue-lashing from Board Chair- were greeted by a loud chorus of boos
man Bob Solari during the meeting. from many of the approximately 100
Solari made it clear before the meeting residents in attendance. “I just don’t
started that he was strongly opposed to have a good understanding of it.”
the offer.
When the vote came, O’Bryan voted
“Stop talking, stop it,” Solari yelled to accept the agreement, Solari and
at one point when Reingold was at- Flescher voted no and Adams, after
tempting to clarify a question asked several moments of hand-wringing,
by another commissioner. “You’re just also voted no. Zorc then decided to cast
our legal counsel. We are the policy- a no vote, because he said he wanted to
makers here, not you. That’s our job. support the majority opinion.
Our job is to make policy.”
New School Board
Officials for Virgin Trains USA say CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
they have been granted the necessary
permits to move ahead with their ex- Chief Financial Officer Carter Morri-
pansion efforts and have already start- son.
ed construction. Even if the county
won the lawsuit and Virgin Trains USA In July, Rendell accused Morrison
did have to forfeit the bonds, company of transferring $2.3 million from one
officials have said they would seek al- school district fund to another with-
ternative funding. out his knowledge. Though evidence
showed secretive inter-fund transfers
They seemed to do just that recently were common at the district and known
when Brightline announced a new to Rendell – allegedly used as a way to
partnership with global corporate gi- hide money from the teachers union
ant Virgin Group, at the same time as and charter schools, or to fund expen-
it announced the train project’s new
name. The agreement, which makes
Virgin Group a minority investor, will
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 5
ditures not approved by the School and the school district has refused Earlier this month, the district's to demote Morrison from assistant su-
Board. Morrison was put forward as the to clarify his status or whereabouts, custodian of records, Brenda Davis, perintendent of finances and human
sole culprit and an outside lawyer was claiming the investigation into Mor- said the investigation was concluded, services to the far less important posi-
brought in to conduct an investigation. rison's actions exempts the district but the results had not been released tion of transportation coordinator.
from fulfilling public records requests, to the public by the time the new
Morrison has been missing in ac- as typically required under Florida's School Board had its first meeting. Rendell attempted to slip the action
tion since the July 31 meeting where Sunshine Law. through in a way that would not draw
Rendell made his public accusation, At the Nov. 20 meeting, Rendell tried
6 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
New School Board Allen, Norton & Blue to investigate lating good cause,” implying Rendell After fishing around for management
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 Morrison and represent Rendell in might file suit against his own board. proposals for a while, the City Council
the conflict. Wahl said having one at- had the purchasing department put out
scrutiny, placing the transfer on the torney represent the accuser and in- “It looks like we can postpone [Mor- a Request for Proposals (RFP) for com-
consent agenda where it was buried vestigate the accused was an obvious rison’s transfer-demotion], but not panies wishing to lease the marina.
among a slew of other items to be ap- conflict of interest. change the outcome,” Chairman Zorc
proved in a mass motion without dis- said, after hearing D’Agresta’s direction. That effort resulted in two worthy
cussion. But new board member Mara Wahl questioned the prior School proposals, including one from a com-
Schiff plucked the demotion from Board’s laxness in not taking control But the new board members were pany formed by a coalition of well-
obscurity, pulling it from the consent of the Morrison investigation, since not so ready to concede. Schiff said respected, established Vero families.
agenda and making it a separate item Rendell could be implicated in the she wanted to examine the “integrity Spearheaded by members of the Ken-
that would be discussed by the board questionable accounting. of those processes” used to justify de- nedy citrus family and Proctor Con-
in public. moting Morrison. struction, the group pitched a deal to
Teachers union President Liz Can- undertake the much-needed capital
That move drew attention to what non said during public comment that Barenborg said another investigation repairs, manage the marina and pay
Rendell was trying to do in the wake of the investigation into Morrison “re- should be conducted “by an auditor the City of Vero Beach $300,000 annu-
the investigation, but discussion was vealed no wrongdoing,” and praised who really understands school budgets ally to lease the marina property.
put off until the Dec. 11 board meet- his good treatment of staff mem- and what is going on,” the additional
ing after Schiff and fellow new board bers and improvements to employee cost worth it to stave off “greater ex- The marina currently grosses about
members Jacqueline Rosario and Teri health insurance benefits. pense,” implying Morrison could bring $450,000, which pays the facility’s
Barenborg said they had not received suit if he was treated unfairly. debt and expenses – and pads the
the investigation report until an hour Tiffany Justice was the only board city’s general fund to the tune of about
before the meeting and had not had member who backed Rendell’s au- Morrison did not return a phone call $100,000 in a good year. When capital
time to study it. thority to do what he wills with Mor- requesting comment. projects are on the to-do list or there’s
rison. storm damage, the city often pumps
Rendell's attempt to remove Mor- City Marina much or all of that $100,000 back into
rison as CFO was questioned by the Her questions to D’Agresta revealed marina upgrades and repairs.
public as well. Claudia Wahl, a parent the board can only override Rendell’s CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
of district students, said the investiga- transfer-demotion by stating “good Mayor Harry Howle says the city
tion was “tainted.” cause,” narrowly defined as the em- the marina to a private company on needs to negotiate a better deal that
ployee being under-qualified for the a long-term basis, some favor hiring will provide more than $300,000 an-
Last summer, the School Board's job, certainly not the case with Mor- someone to take over the manage- nual rent. The other bidder, which
attorney, Suzanne D’Agresta, hired rison. ment and upkeep, and some want to manages marinas all over the coun-
Wayne Helsby of the Orlando law firm give the existing staff one more chance try, also wants a chance to come back
D’Agresta warned the board could to get the marina shipshape. with a more attractive proposal.
face a “legal challenge for failure to take
the recommendation without articu-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 7
Due to rules governing city procure- The local Vero families would also be WILL UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS
ment, Vero can’t just go off and negoti- given a chance to sweeten their offer. STILL GET FREE CARE AT THE E.R.
ate terms with several bidders at once, AFTER CLEVELAND CLINIC TAKEOVER?
so despite the desire to improve the Councilwoman Laura Moss cau-
marina immediately, the council vot- tioned the council that the city’s re- BY MICHELLE GENZ patient has lived in the county six
ed to tweak the previous RFP to allow cent flurry of activity in soliciting bids Staff Writer months.
for a management-only option. to privatize city facilities and then tak-
ing no action has caused interest in Within Cleveland Clinic’s otherwise Hospital District chairwoman Ma-
Attorney Bruce Barkett, who rep- the bidding process to flag. generous financial aid policy, a little- rybeth Cunningham said earlier this
resents the Kennedy/Proctor group, noticed requirement of legal U.S. resi- month it’s an issue that attorneys from
said his clients are not interested in “We’re getting the reputation of be- dency is getting closer scrutiny as the Cleveland Clinic and the Hospital Dis-
management only. One advantage ing lookie-loos,” Moss said, explaining health system’s takeover of Indian River trict are discussing.
the group brings to the table is hav- that it takes a great deal of time and re- Medical Center inches toward imple-
ing Proctor Construction available to sources to put together complex pro- mentation. The requirement of U.S. residency
make marina improvements, and they posals to meet the city’s criteria, and for financial assistance is spelled out
want to be able to recoup the cost of some bidders feel like they are wasting As it stands, the policy indicates on the Cleveland Clinic Foundation
renovations via a long-term lease. their time. low-income immigrants without green website and several other places, but
cards or other documentation would it apparently went unnoticed here un-
City Manager Jim O’Connor said Councilman Val Zudans has said it not be eligible for free care at the soon- til Vero Beach 32963 brought it to the
the matter puts him in a precarious doesn’t hurt to float RFPs to see what to-be Cleveland Clinic Indian River, attention of several trustees following
position moving into high season with comes back – even if the city ends up apart from emergency room treatment a District meeting in late September.
Harbormaster Tim Grabenbauer and deciding not to privatize the program when life or limb is threatened and sta-
the current marina staff. “What if the or facility. bilization is mandated by federal law. That was just days before the Dis-
Harbormaster decides to retire after trict Board’s affirmative vote on the
this?” O’Connor said. In the short term, Vice Mayor Lange Currently, there is no requirement takeover deal.
Sykes, who said he uses the marina of legal U.S. residency to receive
He proposed looking at the pos- frequently to purchase fuel, demand- free or reduced-cost care at IRMC. At a Sept. 27 roundtable discussion
sibility of bringing a consultant or ed that the city complete some of the The Hospital District does not ask over the Cleveland agreement, Trustee
management company to manage the very basic repairs and maintenance the question on its application for a Ann Marie McCrystal expressed her
marina in the short term and identify for which money has already been ap- care card, and only asks whether the concern to attorneys over the discrep-
issues and needed repairs. proved. For example, Sykes said, the ancy between the Clinic’s policy and
city bought paint and painting sup-
O’Connor said it would take about plies but the marina stands partially CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
three weeks to put out a new RFP, after painted.
which city staff would contact qualified
firms and give them time to respond. O’Connor said he would handle the
immediate issues.
8 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Care at the Emergency Room bate all over the nation. What do you box to check to avow they have lived in about 4.2 percent of the population.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 do with folks who are here illegally the district for six months. Areas with agriculture-based econo-
and require health services?” asked at- mies can expect to have a higher rate
the Hospital District’s. torney Bill Boyles, who leads the legal Again and again, Hospital District of undocumented residents.
“I’m thinking about the future. I’m team helping the District navigate the staff and trustees stress a “care for all”
merger. policy aimed at reaching even the most In Indian River County, that area
thinking about the people who will socially isolated or ostracized people. is Fellsmere, where a large Hispanic
not qualify. Heretofore, they come to Under the application for a District population historically has worked in
our hospital and they’re taken care “care card,” the last sentence reads: The Hospital District, along with citrus and other kinds of farming.
of in an equitable manner,” she said. “All residents of Indian River County many other health agencies including
“What is going to happen there?” could be eligible for the District Indi- the Redlands Christian Migrant Associ- At the roundtable discussion last
gent Care Program regardless of age, ation, does not ask if clients are “legal” September, McCrystal brought up a
Cleveland Clinic will write it off as gender, race or migratory status.” U.S. residents. As a result, it is difficult young nurse who had spoken up at
non-payment, replied a chorus of at- to assess how many undocumented the Cleveland Clinic presentation two
torneys and trustees. Along with proof of earning 150 per- residents of Indian River County may days earlier. “She said she had relatives
cent or less of federal poverty guide- be using the Hospital District’s care. who were here illegally. She asked the
“But is that bill going to come back lines, care card-holders are asked question, ‘Who will take care of us?’
to us?” persisted McCrystal. “Is it a to show proof of having lived in the “I wish we knew how many people And Cleveland Clinic told her, ‘We will
queue? I’m an OR nurse, I have to ask county six months. That proof can in- we’re talking about,” said McCrystal. “We take care of you.’”
this. Are they going to say, ‘We’ve had clude utility bills, a rent receipt or even have no idea, because we don’t ask.”
five those of this month and we’re not postmarked junk mail. Provisions are “This is a topic of conversation that
going to take anymore?’” made for homeless people who “re- In 2014, statewide, there were an is still under discussion,” said Cun-
side” in a vacant lot; there is a simple estimated 850,000 undocumented ningham two weeks ago. “Before clos-
“What we’re talking about is the de- immigrants, according to the Pew ing, we will know.”
Research Center. That breaks out to
Additional airlines seen interested in flying to Vero Beach
BY RAY MCNULTY see the numbers, that Elite has been shown they’re willing to pay higher airlines, such as Allegiant, which also
Staff Writer profitable here, and they’re looking to fares for the convenience of flying out serves the Orlando/Sanford airport.
see if there’s an opportunity for them.” of and into their local airport, where
Nearly three years after Elite Air- wait times are short and parking is free. “We’d be a good option for a number
ways began offering commercial, non- Elite officials have said repeatedly that of airlines,” Menger said. “A lot has to do
stop jet service between Vero Beach Vero Beach has become the airline’s most “Elite has proven that fares can be a with their network plans and how we’d
and Newark, N.J., the company’s suc- successful market, from which it offers little higher, because people are will- fit in. All we can do is reach out and give
cess here has created a buzz heard year-round flights to and from Newark ing to pay more to avoid driving to them the data. The big thing, right now,
throughout the industry – so much so and seasonal service to Asheville, N.C.; the airports in Orlando and West Palm is that we’re developing relationships.”
that other airlines have taken notice. White Plains, N.Y.; and Portland, Maine. Beach,” Menger said. “Other airlines
are noticing that, too.” The goal, Menger said, is to expand
Some of them are now exploring According to the airport’s website, service to markets beyond those of-
the possibility of adding Vero Beach to most flights are operating “at or near Though nothing is imminent, and fered by Elite – not to compete with
their route systems. 100-percent capacity” through the he doesn’t expect anything to hap- Elite, which began offering commer-
winter months and “consistently in pen in the next six months, Menger cial flights here on Dec. 10, 2015.
“We’ve been talking to different air- the 80 to 90 percent range” during the said he has spoken with officials from
lines all along, but now they’re seeing slower summer months. airlines of all sizes – as large as Delta, He said surveys commissioned by
what Elite is doing here and it has gotten American, United and Southwest, and the airport revealed that many trav-
their attention,” Vero Beach Regional Not only has theVero Beach commu- as small as Southern and Via. He also elers here would welcome service to
Airport Director Eric Menger said. “They nity supported Elite’s service, Menger has had conversations with discount markets in the Midwest.
said, but air travelers here also have
10 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Who will be named to fill property appraiser vacancy?
BY LISA ZAHNER praiser’s job for nearly four decades of his term until January 2021, giving The first person outside the Prop-
Staff Writer died battling an extended illness – not Long the strategic advantages of in- erty Appraiser’s Office to come up
of a sudden tragedy. The work of gov- cumbency in the next election. was an obvious one, former County
Gov. Rick Scott was preoccupied in ernment must go on, but too much of Commissioner and auctioneer Wes-
recent weeks with his bid to become Nolte’s term has elapsed to mandate But as news spread that Nolte had ley Davis, who challenged Nolte in
a U.S. Senator, so word on the streets a special election. So it appears there passed away in hospice care and his the 2016. But after losing a bitter GOP
is there’s no big rush to fill the Indian will be a gubernatorial appointment. primary to a popular incumbent, it’s
River County property appraiser’s of- NEWS ANALYSIS unknown if Davis would have his
fice in the wake of David Nolte’s death. Which governor – Scott or Ron De- party’s support.
Santis? Who knows. friends mourned, pragmatic party
Nolte’s funeral was two weeks ago, leaders floated names removed from Vero-based private property apprais-
but the vacancy was not a huge shock. Nolte made it known that he want- Nolte’s immediate circle who could er Steve Boyle Jr. is another option, but
The man who held the property ap- ed his loyal deputy, Sissy Long, to be step into the job. he would need to assure taxpayers he
elevated and serve out the balance had no conflict of interest based on his
link with the Boyle & Drake real estate
appraisal and consulting firm.
CPA Glenn Heran, best known for
his decade-long quest to get Vero
Beach out of the electric business,
considered applying, but decided
against it. Heran said he’s not ruling
out a run in 2020, but that right now,
his family’s rental property compa-
nies are a full-time job.
Whoever is appointed, it will be
good to have someone new in charge,
despite the sad circumstance of Nolte’s
death. It’s tough to support the posi-
tion that anyone should hold office
for 38 years – which was the length of
Nolte’s reign as appraiser.
Additional airlines
“We still strongly support Elite Air-
ways, and we’d like to help them with
growing their network,” Menger said.
“At the same time, we would love to
find another airline that would fit in
here and open up other markets that
would complement Elite’s service.”
Menger said Elite officials are aware of
the city’s interest in attracting other air-
lines to Vero Beach. Likewise, he knows
Elite is exploring other markets.
Adding a second airline almost cer-
tainly would require city officials to
expand the airport’s current terminal
building, especially if the new airline’s
fleet includes larger jets, such as 737s.
Elite uses smaller jets that seat 50 or
70 passengers.
“Right now, we have seating for 70 to
80 people in our secure waiting area,”
Menger said. “With a 737, we’d proba-
bly need 120 to 180 seats, so we’d need
to find more room. It’s like widening a
road to accommodate more traffic.”
Menger said the airport’s existing
runway and taxiway system is large
enough to handle a second airline,
even one that uses larger jets.
“We already have 737s flying in and
out of here,” he said, “but they’re pri-
vately owned.”
12 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Tri’-ing hard to save lagoon at Capt. Hiram’s Challenge
Woman’s Triathlon winner Megan Buchanan. PHOTOS: LEIGH GREEN Lindsey, Jeffrey and Kere Minton.
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF cheered along the way by friends PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
Staff Writer and family members tooting horns, Bill, Zeke and Cathye Motta.
shaking cowbells and waving signs
Triathletes rose with the sun of encouragement. Once all the
recently to answer a challenge to race warriors had crossed the fin-
“Get off your ass and save some ish line, everyone gathered for an
seagrass!” at the sixth annual Capt. award ceremony with live music
Hiram’s River Challenge Sprint Tri- and breakfast.
“Our goal is to put on a fun and
Symbolically, the No. 3 repre- unique race. We have an awesome
sents harmony, wisdom and un- venue,” said Sam Vash, race direc-
derstanding. All three qualities tor. “The race showcases all of our
also are representative of the goal amenities as far as living on the
of the three-sport triathlon – to Treasure Coast, highlighting Se-
raise awareness of the perils facing bastian. We’re giving back to the
the Indian River Lagoon and raise river and creating a fun environ-
funds to benefit a trio of organiza- ment for people.”
tions looking out for the lagoon’s
best interests. The local environmental non-
profits selected by Capt. Hiram’s to
At the start of the race, a record- benefit from the triathlon were the
breaking 225 athletes, ranging in Coastal Conservation Association,
age from 13 to 72, plunged into the the Environmental Learning Cen-
icy waters of the lagoon from the ter and the Ocean Research and
resort’s Sandbar to compete in a Conservation Association.
1/4-mile swim, before hopping on
bikes for a 12-mile ride and con- Ed Donner was overall winner,
cluding with a 5K run along Indi- with a course record-setting time
an River Drive. Participants were of 54:39, and Megan Buchanan was
the top female finisher at 1:03:25.
14 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Record-breaking male competition winner Ed Donner. Virginia Doolittle.
Jamie Guth.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 15
Cynthia Thompson, Dr. David O’Brien and Linsey Stevens. Marsha Moulder (front) with Ana Vuyovich and Nikki Vuyovich.
Kelsey Abel, Lauren McLean and Ronnie Smith.
16 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
All fun and games at St. Helen’s Harvest Festival
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF those with a sweet tooth. Ellan Rice, Millie Del Grosso and Scott Rice. Karli Rule with Helayna Smith. PHOTOS: LEIGH GREEN
Staff Writer “It doesn’t get more hometown Jennifer Stein.
The 54th annual St. Helen’s Har- than this,” said Gerri Smith, as she
vest Festival reaped a bushel of fam- delivered freshly made donuts to
ily fun during the four-day event on a patron. Pointing to Karen Egan,
the grounds of Historic Dodgertown. hawking cake walk chances, she add-
There was even more to cheer this year ed “there are so many people here
with Centennial Celebrations tak- that have been coming for years. Mrs.
ing place for both St. Helen’s Catholic Egan used to get my mother to volun-
Church and the City of Vero Beach. teer and now she has me doing it.”
As attendees meandered down the It’s a family affair for event chair Me-
midway, they snacked on carny foods lissa Frandsen, who said she has been
while enjoying all the festival had to coming to the festival since before she
offer. Little ones rode the carousel could walk.
with wild abandon, zipped down the
super slide and took a spin on the tea- “My grandfather, Frank Zorc, made
cups, while bigger thrill-seekers expe- some of the first games for the festi-
rienced zero gravity and got lost in the val,” she said. “My parents brought me
house of mirrors. when I was little and now I bring my
People could also play an assort-
ment of old-fashioned carnival games, Frandsen said the festival had its
could show off their football and base- origins when one of the parish priests
ball athletic skills, or their muscles as wanted the church to host an event
they attempted to ring the bell at the that would connect the church, the
Strong Man’s booth. Handcrafted school and the community. It has con-
items were snapped up at the Lady tinued to grow over the years and, if the
Bug Boutique and a cake walk enticed crowds streaming down the midway
were any indication, the connection
they made is still going strong.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 17
Dr. Marc McCain. Mia Maldonado and Will Lockwood. Charlie Hynes.
Festival chair Melissa Frandsen, center, with members of her family and members of the games committee.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Broadway bonanza at fabulous ‘Friends Fall Luncheon’
Baerbel O’Haire, Devin Reed, Deanie Wolf, Mary Soufleris and Liz Cilento. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Betsy Kittel, Charlotte Shea, Connie Fowler and Mary Ellen Brophy.
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Gloria Anderson and Rosemary Haverland. followed by a lush Key lime chiffon later that evening to hear a repeat
Staff Writer cake. performance of the sold-out show.
Centerpieces of brilliant yellow Afterward, vocalists Brent Bar- “The theater enriches everyone’s
sunflowers burst with beauty and rett, David Burnham and John Cu- lives; it’s a wonderful asset to the
delight as harbingers of a spectacu- dia wowed everyone with a musical community,” said Haverland. “We’re
lar afternoon at the Riverside The- trip down memory lane, showcas- so lucky to have the theater and Alan
atre Friends Fall Luncheon high- ing iconic musical numbers such as Cornell bringing all of these great
lighted by a performance by the “New York, New York” and “That’s names to Riverside Theatre. It takes
Broadway Tenors. Entertainment.” a lot to get these productions going.”
With a nod to Broadway, the décor The crooners had guests wanting The women of the Friends Com-
also included playbills tucked into to hum along as they sang one musi- mittee raise more than $500,000 an-
the centerpieces, vivid reminders cal tune after another, each accom- nually to supplement operating costs
of the bright lights of Times Square. panied by projections and videos on through the luncheon, Supper Club,
Rosemary Haverland, event sponsor the screen. Beautiful cornfields rus- VIP Premiere Gala and, as of this
and Friends Committee chairwom- tling in the wind matched the lyrics year, the Festival of Trees.
an, credited the idea for the creative as Cudia sang “Oh, What a Beautiful
display to event chair Gloria Ander- Morning” from “Oklahoma!” and the The Supper Club on Feb. 18 will
son. Before the performance, guests power of Burnham was electrifying feature Broadway and TV star Laura
enjoyed a light luncheon catered by as he sang “Over the Rainbow” as a Benanti, and the March 19 Premier
Elizabeth Kennedy & Co. featuring tribute to “Wicked.” Benefit Gala will feature an Evening
quiche Lorraine and tea sandwiches with Jay Leno.
The program was so well received
that a number of the ladies returned For more information, visit river-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 19
Robin Ryan, Ray Griffiths and Sandy McManus. Julie Brauer, Eva Chapman and Anne Cronin. Mary Lou Christy, Maria Sommers and Clare Sommers.
Barbara Leigh, Oscar Sales and Bobbie Holt. Stephanie Hurtt and Sue Barrow. Tess Munoz, Michelle Nicastro, Kiana Lozano and Brigit Kelly.
Barbara Hammond and Jennifer Watson. Cindy Rounsavall and Laura McDermott. Chris McGuire and Robbi Peirce. Leslie Bergstrom and Karen Loeffler.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Par’-fection! Orchid golf tourney came up aces for ELC
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF nament director Tracy Parsons and
Staff Writer John Meyers, assistant manager of
competitions, returned for the fes-
An ebullient crowd of Orchid Is- tivities.
land Golf & Beach Club members
gathered at the Beach Club to cel- Ted Hutton, chair of the Orchid
ebrate a job well done, reveling over Island host committee, noted that
their successful hosting of the U.S. the event’s enormous success was a
Senior Women’s Amateur Champion- credit to the collaborative efforts of
ship this past October. USGA tour- club members, club staff and the En-
vironmental Learning Center, which
Ted Hutton and Rob Tench. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF
had been chosen as the tournament’s As attendees chatted over cocktails
charitable beneficiary. and a poolside barbecue, Steinwald
asked how many had visited, volun-
The host committee had held the teered or served on the ELC board.
considerable size of the check a secret She garnered an affirmative from the
– contributing to the crowd’s under- vast majority.
current of energy and suspense.
“We are a 64-acre island-based na-
Hutton said that when he first ap- ture center in the lovely Indian River
proached Molly Steinwald, ELC ex- Lagoon and we have a lot going on,”
ecutive director, and then board chair said Steinwald, visibly moved by their
Bill Clemens, he told them he couldn’t generosity. “We are extremely excited
guarantee that they would receive any about fulfilling a vision where all peo-
funds. ple live in harmony with the natural
world. We’re able to continue to strive
“We did budget for $25,000; that was toward that mission by your support
really what we hoped to do. And I’m and we’re deeply, deeply grateful.”
very pleased tonight to announce that
we substantially exceeded that,” said “Our plan for the future is a game-
Hutton, before presenting Steinwald changer for this community,” Barr
and current ELC board chair Don Barr added. “We have a great hospital that’s
with a check for a whopping $145,270. getting better, we have an art muse-
um, we have a theater and now, at the
“Ninety percent of the money that other end of the island, we’re going to
we had to raise came from our fami- have a nature center that is going to
lies. The extreme generosity of the Or- really wow people. We’re going to ad-
chid members never ceases to amaze vocate for the lagoon and partner with
me. What you did was extraordinarily other people, making things happen
special, and I think we can all take at the state, local and federal level to
great pride in what you’ve done,” said protect it.”
“We are the strongest we’ve been
Orchid Island had taken a big swing in a very long time,” said Steinwald.
and, in golfer’s lingo, made a birdie on “Things have really blossomed, and
every hole. Their success, in turn, will this type of thing [pointing to the siz-
make an enormous impact on the ELC able check] really shows that’s the case.
goal of encouraging everyone to be- I’ve been here just over four years and
come active stewards of the environ- I am more confident and more hope-
ment. ful and more amazed by the current
organization and where we are, and its
The cause is one that is near and future vision.”
dear to the members of Orchid Island
Club, which is recognized as a certi- For more information, visit orchi-
fied Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary. or dis-
Not only is the ELC a neighbor, it also
shares a like-minded concern for the
health of the Indian River Lagoon.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 21
Rich Waage, Tracy Parsons and John Meyers. Peter Marrocco with Penny and Don Kelly. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 22
Bob and Maureen Baus with John Souza.
Rob Tench, Ted Hutton, Molly Steinwald and Don Barr. JoAnn Daniel, Ann Smith, Ruth Martin and Nancy Ofstie.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 Vaughn and Nancy Bryson with Carole and Phil Coviello.
Bob and Carol Lincoln with Terry Souza.
Jim and Patti Gaede.
Carol Hankins and Rosemary Haase.
Betsy Sams and Nancy Milsten.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 23
Stephanie Hahn.
Augustin Gutierrez.
Vince Love.
David and Barbara Crosby.
24 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Author Series spellbound by secret agent’s ‘Cover’ story
BY MARY SCHENKEL Michele Rigby Assad, Sven Frisell and Mona Endicott. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE working as an undercover intelli-
Staff Writer gence officer.
“We all know that the literacy that of Assad, yet they are united in
Former CIA agent Michele Rigby level of the child is directly related resolute determination. Originally “First of all, I have to say how
Assad captivated a packed audience to the literacy level of the adult in from Haiti, Petit-Homme was in- very much I am inspired by your
at the Literacy Services of Indian their life,” said Servos. “The vision troduced to Literacy Services by her story,” Assad told Petit-Homme. “I
River Author Series event, held at of Literacy Services is to put an end sister. can’t even tell you how fascinating
the Windsor Beach Club and spon- to generational illiteracy.” it is to hear people from all walks
sored by the Endicott Family Foun- “In the beginning, I was so shy,” of life talk about how intimidated
dation. Guests heard from student Car- said the delightful Petit-Homme, they were or how fearful they were,
lendy Petit-Homme, whose life path remembering her first meeting two and yet how they pushed through it.
Assad is the author of “Break- could not be more dissimilar than years ago with tutor Lorna Stengel. And that’s really what it’s all about.”
ing Cover: My secret life in the CIA “Since then, we’ve been speaking,
and what it taught me about what’s reading and learning vocabulary; Assad noted that just as Literacy
worth fighting for.” The book docu- we’ve been working on stories and Services changed Petit-Homme’s
ments her time as an undercover doing activities.” life, she and husband Joseph had
counterterrorism agent in Baghdad interventions that changed the
and other Middle Eastern locations. Through those efforts, Petit- course of their lives. It was a pas-
Homme obtained a full-time job at sion for mission trips and travel that
Welcoming everyone, Michelle a nursing home and is working to- brought her to Georgetown Univer-
Servos, Literacy Services board ward a GED. “I’m so glad that I came sity and eventually to the CIA.
president, thanked event organizer to the library and became a student
Sven Frisell and sponsors before at Literacy Services. Without them I She said she initially struggled
giving a brief overview of the non- would not be able to speak English, with what she called ‘imposter syn-
profit. This past year, more than to get a new job and a new friend. drome.’ “How in the world did I
150 volunteers provided free tutor- And now, believe me, nothing can make it into the CIA? I can’t believe
ing to 300 local residents struggling stop me.” that I got the golden ticket to go into
with reading, writing and English. this place that no one ever gets to
Roughly 75 percent of students are Introducing the keynote speaker, see, to do things that are secret.”
from other countries. Jessica Schmitt, Literacy Servic-
es executive director, said Assad She spoke about being among the
joined the CIA in 2002 and, along- few to make it through the exten-
side husband Joseph, spent 10 years sive and stressful training only to
learn that as a woman, “it was not
thought that we could actually do
the job that we were trained to do.”
A self-described overachiever,
Assad proved them wrong, using
the same traits thought to be a dis-
advantage to take control of the
situation. Assad shared fascinating
stories of her time in Baghdad, the
only place she’s allowed to speak
about, beginning with the day she
“got to go face-to-face with my first
Signed copies of “Breaking Cover”
are available at the Vero Beach Book
Center. To become a Literacy Services
volunteer, visit literacyservicesirc.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 25
Michelle Servos with Don and Sandy Mann. Jessica Schmitt, Margie Zunk and JoAnn Hitt. Wanda Lincoln, Trudie Rainone and Louise Porter.
Lorna Stengel and Carlendy Petit-Homme. Evelyn Mayerson, Winnie Mortenson and Betsy Hartnett. Barbara and Dick Detwiler.
Bill and Linda Beardslee with Peter and Simone Walker. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 26
Alan and Chris Ryall with Kathleen and Philip Joachim.
26 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 25 Floy Turner and Julie Boliver. Alan and Jayne Drucker.
Donna Remsnyder, Scott Brown and Valerie Leffew.
Lou and Bruce Murphy with Jan Waldner. Susan Hale with Rene and Alice Donars Elke and George Fetterolf.
Lynn and Barry Wiksten. Phil and Sally Altavilla. Mary and Mike Fuller. Doreen and Dr. Garrick Kantzler.
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28 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero Vino Wine & Food Fest was a fundraiser to savor
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF wanted to add another recipient of the
Staff Writer funds this year,” said event chair Susan
Rane, commenting on the addition of
Oenophiles gathered at the Heri- Little Birthday Angels. “We are excited
tage Center recently for the second an- about being able to provide funds for
nual Vero Vino Wine & Food Festival, both of these awesome organizations.”
hosted by the Unity Spiritual Center of
Vero Beach, with proceeds benefiting Glenn Ferdinand is credited with
the Boys & Girls Clubs of Indian River conceptualizing the festival as a way
County and Little Birthday Angels. to thank the Boys & Girls Clubs for pro-
viding assistance to his grandchildren
“Last year was a great success and we after they were uprooted and came to
Sandy Friedwald, David Kimball, Heather Burns and Pudgie Delohery. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Laura Moss with Norman Wells and Dr. Deborah Brown.
Ryan and Melissa Weaver, Agency Owners live with him when Hurricane Katrina and essentials to homeless students in
Ryan Weaver Insurance, Inc. is a locally owned devastated New Orleans. area schools.
independent agency that has been serving “Glenn brought his grandchildren to Guests didn’t have to be cogno-
Indian River County for over 12 years. the Boys & Girls Club in Indian River scente of vino to fully appreciate the
County because he worked full-time. bountiful selection of domestic and
All lines of commercial or personal insurance available. It was a great experience for them,” international wines provided by Grind
shared Rane. + Grape. Wild Thyme Catering laid out
OLD DOMINION a generous spread of delectable tidbits
INSURANCE COMPANY “These fundraisers are critical to to complement the wine selections
helping us reach our goals,” said Eliza- without overpowering them and, for
A member of Main Street America Group beth Thomason, BGCIRC executive di- the literal icing on the cake, a table was
rector. laden with tempting desserts by Sweet
855 21st Street – CenterState Bank Building Creations.
2nd Floor – Vero Beach She noted that they recently added
a teen director and a career counselor People were also kept busy musing
(772) 567-4930 • [email protected] who works with members in conjunc- over a selection of silent-auction items, tion with the school district to ensure nabbing wine-centric gift items from
they’re on track for graduation. Addi- the pop-up shop, listening to relaxing
Conveniently located just off of Miracle Mile, tionally, they are getting ready to build mood music by the Stellar Jazz Quartet
across from Classic Car Wash on US-1 a stand-alone club in Fellsmere. and taking on amusing new personas
in a photo station.
“It’s going to be a very busy year for
us,” said Thomason, thankful for the Upcoming fundraisers for the two
support. nonprofits include the March 6 Angel
Dinner to benefit Boys & Girls Clubs of
The second beneficiary, Little Birth- IRC and the April 6 Crushin’ It fundrais-
day Angels, provides birthday celebra- er at Summer Crush Winery to benefit
tions for homeless children on the Little Birthday Angels. For more infor-
Treasure Coast. They host monthly mation, visit or littlebirthday-
themed birthday parties at local shel-
ters, complete with gifts and all the
trimmings, and provide birthday gifts
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 29
Barbara Petrillo and Tammy Bursick. Sherry Pinero, Debbie Robinson and Lisa DeFrances.
Robbie and Sandy Robinson with Sherri Philo.
Bobby Alaimo and Africa Garcia. Elizabeth Thomason and Susan Rane.
Tommy Kines and Jane Carvelli with Kim and Mark Wieleba.
30 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
New round of giving takes shape at ‘The Circle’ tea
Diane Wilhelm, Sue Sharpe, Carla Boardman and Gerri Smith. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Deb Schmidt, Ann Tharpe, Aileen Houget and Shelley Atwood.
Staff Writer
“This year we celebrate our 10th Susan Fowler, Leslie Zimmer and Pam Larrick. Becky Torbin and Jan Calfee.
anniversary as a giving circle,” said
Cindy Binder, steering committee Robyn Orzel, VBMA director of de- by staff and docents in conjunction funding for Holidays at the Museum,
chair of The Circle, a philanthropic velopment/associate executive di- with the school district. the Children’s Art Festival and other
cadre of women who support the rector, gave a brief overview of this exhibit-related family events; the Al-
Vero Beach Museum of Art’s Com- year’s funding opportunities. Other programs under consid- zheimer’s and Parkinson’s Associa-
munity Impact programs. Members eration include a new Program for tion partnership and the Senior Re-
and prospective members gathered “The biggest change that was made Veterans that is part of the Art for source Association partnership.
to kick off the upcoming season at a was in our school programs; we had Health’s Sake initiative; an Art for
delightful afternoon tea at the Marsh a lot of school programs,” said Orzel. Health’s Sake Internship, which New members are welcome. For
Island Clubhouse. Programs have now been condensed could evolve into a teaching artist more information, call Robyn Orzel
into what is called Museum Explora- position; in-house training for every- at 231-0707 ext. 106 or visit vbmu-
Binder shared that the group has tions, with eight ‘tours’ developed one involved in Art for Health’s Sake;
grown from an initial 61 members,
who donated $15,250 to one VBMA
Educational program, to last year’s
133 members, who donated $41,500
to three Community Impact pro-
grams. To date, the Circle has donat-
ed more than $275,000.
Circle members annually contrib-
ute $250 or more and, after volun-
teers conduct site visits and narrow
down choices, recipients are chosen
by members at a spring Cocktail Re-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 31
Connie Murphy, Cindy Binder and Carol Hancock. Lucinda Gedeon and Nancy Edmiston. Marian Michael, Carole Kaplan and Holly Lentini.
Suzanne Bertman and Debbie Garber.
Susan Kintner and Kate Walsh.
Lynn Hunter and Eileen Connelly.
Nora Koontz and Joanne Green.
32 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Turkey Trot’ stuffed with runners, fixin’ to fight poverty
BY MARY SCHENKEL gan to arrive. Everyone does their part loping happily by their sides. such a large part of the way the word
in the collaborative community effort, Well before the race began, Chef gets out. It’s one of the reasons we
Staff Writer from the George E. Warren Corpora- have ‘Tom’ that people can take pic-
tion, which led the generous spon- Cassandra & Company’s Cassandra tures with,” said Robertson pointing
Several thousand people poured sorship pack, to the always efficient Valdez, assisted by Dale Leatherman to the enormous Tom Turkey balloon,
into Riverside Park bright and early Runners Depot race coordinators, the and their daughters, Lia Nacian and sponsored by Vatland Honda. “We’re
Thanksgiving morning for the 11th pre- and post-race banter of Treasure Belle Leatherman, had begun cooking really appreciative of that. We’ve had
annual Thanksgiving Day 5K Trot and Space Coast Radio’s Hamp Elliott, upwards of 3,000 aromatic sweet po- him out and about around town for
Against Poverty. Affectionately known and the numerous contributors to the tato pancakes from gallons of batter the last month.”
as the Turkey Trot, participants in the post-race breakfast, sponsored by Na- whipped up by Marsh Landing, and
hugely popular event come to share tional Bank of Commerce. about the same number of sausage First-place Turkey Trot winner was
their good fortune by helping to pro- links. Bailey Yoerin of Vero Beach at 16:26.23;
vide a happier holiday for the hun- “Thank you for coming out to women’s first-place winner was Syd-
dreds of individuals and families as- do some good before you eat your “I’m doing it to inspire my daughter ney Settle of Kentucky, at 18.35.91.
sisted by United Against Poverty. Thanksgiving dinner,” said Annabel to give back to the community,” said
Robertson, UP executive director, be- Valdez. “There are people out there The mission of United Against Pov-
There was a joyful air of camarade- fore she and Phillip Keeling, executive who do not have families; do not have erty is to “inspire and empower people
rie, as close to 2,000 runners and walk- coordinator, led the crowd in a chick- food.” living in poverty to lift themselves and
ers – many in Thanksgiving or tur- en dance – turkey style. their families to economic self-suffi-
key-themed headwear and costumes “It grows every year. It gets bet- ciency.” They recently entered Phase
– were joined by hundreds more of Just prior to that, young gobblers ter and better because we learn from II of a multimillion-dollar Lifting
their friends and family members in under age 6 had garnered cheers from our mistakes,” said Robertson with a Lives out of Poverty capital campaign
what organizers say is now the largest onlookers as they eagerly showed off laugh. “It’s a great race, a great cause, that will enable the organization to
5K Run/Walk on the Treasure Coast. their best racing attempts in the al- a great community tradition.” consolidate all of its programs, plus
It’s a true family affair, from babies ways adorable children’s ¼-mile race. some from collaborating partners, in
pushed in strollers to seniors keeping A ‘social media’ photo area near the their New UP Center, a 46,000-square-
pace with participants half their age. As the theme from “Rocky” blared stage also held a ‘What I’m thankful foot building just east of the Indian
from speakers, the more serious run- for’ chalkboard, which Robertson said River County Administration Center.
An army of volunteers had arrived ners took off like a shot, trailed by they will photograph and add to their
in the pre-dawn hours to get every- a huge line of joggers and walkers, collection. For more information, visit United-
thing in order before the crowds be- many with four-legged companions
“Our hope with a lot of this is to pro-
mote social media, which is becoming
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 33
Top female racer Sydney Settle. Charlotte Terry and Ana Beindorf. Overall winner Bailey Yoerin. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Barbara Butts and Natalise Snead. Ron Mashburn with his daughter Erin Chappelear.
34 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 33 The Paschold family at the UP Thanksgiving Turkey Trot. Marni Howder, Morgan Young and Michelle Griffin.
Jessalyn Kilgour, Milo Thornton and Jordan Lippert.
David Thompson with Leslie, Nicole Martin with daughter Tenley Martin.
Annsley (front) and Clifton Bigwood.
36 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Sounds exciting! Moreira thinks big with New Deco Orchestra
Staff Writer
Musician and bandleader Manny
Moreira, a Vero Beach transplant,
hopes to herald a return of the
sophisticated elegance of the Art
Deco era through his New Deco
Orchestra. Moreira is the founder
and artistic director of the orchestra,
which will make its local debut on
New Year’s Eve, heralding in 2019
with a ‘Diamonds are Forever Party
of the Century’ at the Heritage Center
in celebration of the Vero Beach
Moreira has been pushing the
boundaries since his birth, when
he made his own unscripted debut.
As his Brazilian-born parents were
traveling from their country to the
United States, his mother’s water
broke somewhere over Cuba. They
were forced to deplane in Miami,
where Moreira, their third child, was
born. The family decided to reside in
Miami for several more years before
eventually moving to New York.
Moreira says music was always a
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 37
‘New DAeRcToSi&s aTHbEiAgTsRhEow. It’s
centerpiece of his life, noting “my not just a gig; it’s a full-on Center and its adjacent Citrus
house was full of music. My father was multimedia thing. It really is an Museum.
a conservatory-trained musician.”
event in and of itself.’ In addition to a three-act musical
Moreira began strumming a plastic performance and dancing to Moreira
guitar at age 7, garnering a little help Manny Moreira and his New Deco Orchestra, the
from Sebastião Tapajós, a young elegant black-tie event will feature
Brazilian man who at the time was a champagne reception and
living in the basement of the family Chef Ashley Allison’s Crave Bar,
home. culminating at midnight with a ball
drop and fireworks.
“My father was trying to get him on
the ‘Ed Sullivan Show.’ He played the I’ve done to prepare,” says Moreira. Proceeds from the Centennial For more information about
most moving version of ‘The House As a result of his multiple years of New Year’s Eve party will benefit the New Deco Orchestra, visit
of the Rising Sun’ I’ve ever heard, Vero Heritage Inc., the nonprofit To purchase
and it was on a nylon-string guitar,” experience as a performer, producer organization that manages and tickets to the New Year’s Eve party, call
Moreira recalls. A classically-trained and director of global corporate maintains the historic Heritage 772-770-2263.
guitarist, Tapajós would eventually events, Moreira had amassed an
record more than 50 albums. impressive network of top-level Adorn yourself with our inspired
talent that he could call on to launch collection of fine art jewelry.
Moreira admits that, in his 7-year- his vision. As a way of cultivating
old mind, he had hoped Tapajós investors, he eventually put together 2910 CARDINAL DRIVE, VERO BEACH • 772-234-6711 • THELAUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM
would have preferred playing the a show at the Highline Ballroom in
fancier Silvertone guitar he had snuck New York.
out of his brother’s room instead.
Moreira had his first introduction
During his formative years, Moreira to Vero Beach as a performer in the pit
says he had thoughts of becoming an at Riverside Theatre, showcasing his
astronaut until he discovered that he talents in productions of “A Chorus
could actually make money playing Line,” “Saturday Night Fever” and,
music. most recently, “Smokey Joe’s Café.”
“After a gig at a house party the “I got a vibe in this town that spoke
drummer gave me $7,” Moreira to me of an appreciation of the arts
recalls, chuckling over his first big unlike anything I had experienced in
payday. a long time,” he says.
Moreira attended Five Towns It was during a phone conversation
College in New York for a year, but with Anne Shuttlesworth, Riverside
left after deciding to further his Theatre’s music director, that she
musical education independently. He proposed he relocate to Vero Beach.
studied with a variety of professionals At the time he was lamenting New
including acclaimed jazz guitarist York’s cold weather as he chipped ice
Pat Martino, attended night classes off of his 120-foot driveway. It wasn’t
at the Julliard School and later also the first time she had attempted to
studied theater at the Royal Academy lure him to our balmy shores, but this
of Dramatic Arts in London. time he was finally ready.
For the past 30 years, Moreira “The minute I pulled up in the
has worked as a guitarist, singer, parking lot and shut the engine off, I
producer, arranger and composer, said, ‘Send for my cat and the rest of
and has amassed an extensive roll- my gear. I don’t care if I ever see the
call of national and international Northeast again.’”
performances in venues from New
York’s Lincoln Center to London’s The pieces have since all fallen into
Ronnie Scotts Jazz Club. place for his dream – 10 pieces, that is.
His New Deco Orchestra promises a
He has worked with the likes of multimedia stage show with a revolving
Ann-Margret, Helen Reddy, Eartha cast of performers. An immersive
Kitt and Carol King, and even had a experience, their music includes every
hand in the Broadway musical “On genre and spans tunes from the 1930s
Your Feet!,” the story of Vero’s adopted through the music of today.
musical phenoms, Emilio and Gloria
Estefan. “We cycle through decades. The
DNA of the show is expectancy;
Moreira played guitar in the pit for it’s really about keeping people off
the Tony Award-winning Broadway balance. They never know what
musical “In the Heights” as well as the is going to happen next,” Moreira
Grammy-winning recording of that explains. “When you walk into the
show. Other Broadway credits include room, you get the sense that you’ve
“The Who’s Tommy,” Elton John and walked onto the set of a post-modern,
Tim Rice’s “Aida” and “Smokey Joe’s film-noir movie.”
Café,” and on television he was a
guitarist on the Nickelodeon series He plans to take people on a musical
“Dora the Explorer.” journey using chiaroscuro – an effect
of contrasted light and shadow – to set
All the while though, never far the tone and add to the experience.
from his thoughts, was the dream
of creating and conducting his own “New Deco is a big show. It’s not just
orchestra. a gig; it’s a full-on multimedia thing.
It really is an event in and of itself,”
“I’ve always had the idea for this, says Moreira.
but I think I needed to do everything
38 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: Emerson goes emerald with soaring ‘Celtic Angels’
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA ning of warm and wonderful family
Staff Writer entertainment. I suggest securing your
tickets pronto to avoid being left out
1 Heavenly holiday music from the in the snow. In addition to the angelic
Emerald Isle: Back at the Emer- voices will be the spectacular, heart-
pounding choreography of the world-
son Center by popular demand, it’s the class Celtic Knight and Angel Dancers,
featuring (yea!) Patrick O’Mahoney
internationally acclaimed “Celtic An- of Riverdance; and the terrific Trinity
Band Ensemble of Dublin. The pro-
gels Christmas Concert.” This quintet gram includes Celtic Christmas songs,
of charming and gifted Irish women
takes the stage this Saturday, Dec. 1, to among them “Christmas in Killarney,” Series. For Mindlina’s Russian tour
“The Wexford Carol,” “Once Upon A last fall, which featured newly dis-
launch our holiday season with an eve- Time In Ireland” and “Oichie Chiuin” covered songs of late 19th/early 20th
(Silent Night), sung in Gaelic (the Celts’ century Russian composer, pianist
native tongue); and, of course, many and conductor Nikolai Tcherepnin,
Christmas classics – “It Came upon critics applauded her interpretation
the Midnight Clear,” “O Holy Night,” of the challenging program, and her
“I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day” “vocal technique, sophisticated musi-
among them. Time: 7 p.m. Tickets: $39 cality, and outstanding artistic talent
and $49. Students with ID, balcony that transformed each song into a dra-
seats: $19. Hearing aids and elevator matic scene.” Mindlina holds a doctor-
available. 772-532-9184 or www.thee- ate from State University of New York at Stony Brook, and teaches voice and
violin at her private studios in New York
2 From Rachmaninoff to Gershwin: and Stony Brook. The Sunday program
Russian-born, American-trained will include music by Rachmaninoff,
Sviridov, Fauré, Hahn, Lee Hoiby and
soprano Elena Mindlina will perform Gershwin. Time: 4 p.m. Admission:
Free. A donation is always appreciated.
in concert at First Presbyterian Church 772-562-9088.
in Vero this Sunday, Dec. 2, a presenta-
tion of the church’s 2018-2019 Concert
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42 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
This artist’s rendering
depicts NASA’s Mars
2020 rover.
In three years, a new explorer will Jezero Crater tery. The very notion of alien life is bare-
touch down on the Red Planet. Wheels Northeast Syrtis ly more than an educated guess buoyed
churning, machinery whirring, the rov- by wild hope.
er will amble across the rusty terrain, MARS
looking for rocks to send back to Earth They are hopeful.
– rocks that could prove there once was Columbia On Earth, microscopic life is inescap-
life on Mars. Hills able. Biology began here almost 4 bil-
lion years ago, when the planet was still
It is the first time in history scientists whether someone else is still out there, and aspiring PhDs, an 18-year-old col- being bombarded by debris left over
have had a real shot at addressing one waiting to be found. lege freshman and an 80-year-old re- from the formation of the solar system.
of humanity’s deepest questions: Are tired accountant – to assess which plan Today, tiny, tenacious organisms are
we alone? “I want to know,” said Matt Golombek, was best. For days they debated, fu- splashing in the hot springs of Yellow-
a NASA scientist charged with guiding eled by curiosity and weak coffee, con- stone National Park, flying in clouds,
Last week, they decided where to look. the search for a landing site. “Don’t you? scious that the outcome of their meet- freezing in Antarctica, lurking up to a
There were three choices: a former I want to know what’s there. I want to ing could influence NASA and shape mile and a half beneath the ground.
hot spring NASA has visited once be- know how big an accident we are.” history, acutely aware of what they still If it could happen here, why not there?
fore; a dried-up river delta that fed didn’t know. Mars has been visited by more than
into a crater lake; and a network of That hunger for knowledge is what two dozen satellites and rovers, which
ancient mesas that may have hidden drew hundreds of people to the recent So much about Mars remains a mys- showed it was not always the desert
layers of underground water. workshop – veteran space explorers world we see today. Dormant volca-
After heated three-day debate at a noes and frozen floods of lava dem-
workshop in Los Angeles last month, onstrate that the planet once had an
NASA’s top science official chose Jezero active interior that drove tectonic activ-
Crater – the site of a former delta and ity. Empty channels, gullies and lakes
lake – as the spot to explore. His choice suggest that liquid water once lapped
will set the stage on which generations at the surface – which might mean a
of scientists probe the mysteries of our thicker atmosphere existed to keep the
existence. water from boiling away.
This rover, scheduled to launch in But then disaster struck. Less than
2020, is just the first phase of a mul- a billion years into its history, most
tibillion-dollar, four-step sample re- experts say, the planet’s molten core
turn process. To put pieces of Mars stopped churning. This led to the de-
in the hands of scientists will require cline of carbon-belching volcanoes
a lander to retrieve the samples; a and the loss of Mars’s protective mag-
probe to bring them home; and then netic field. Cosmic radiation and en-
an ultra-secure storage facility that will ergetic particles from the sun stripped
keep Earth life from contaminating the away the planet’s atmosphere, causing
Mars rocks – and vice versa. any water on the surface to evaporate.
Yet the discovery of fossils in those Goodbye, ocean; so long, lakes; fare-
samples could illuminate the origins well to moist soils and bubbling volca-
of life here on Earth. It could hint at
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 43
nic vents – all the kinds of places that GUSEV CRATER JEZERO CRATER SYRTIS MAJOR
Delta DETAIL Jezero
life likes to live. Crater
Now Mars is seen as a “failed plan- LANDING
et,” a frightening alternate-reality ver-
sion of the world we inhabit. LANDING DETAIL
“It’s Earth where the Earth environ- AREA The towering mesas
contain rocks that are
ments went away,” Bethany Ehlmann, LANDING thought to contain
AREA carbonate and olivine,
a planetary scientist at Caltech, said at two kinds of minerals
DETAIL of interest in the
the workshop. “So the question is, why? Columbia Crater rim search for alien life.
And when?” And, most momentous of 1 MILE Hills
all, “Did life have a chance to get going 3 MILES This smooth area
is scattered with
before then?” megabreccias –
debris from an
Those questions can be answered ancient meteor-
ite impact that
only by bringing Mars rocks back to could provide
clues to Mars’s
Earth, most scientists say. A human in early history.
a top-tier lab would be able to analyze Northeast Syrtis is a region of volcanic
rock that may once have harbored
the samples atom by atom, revealing underground water.
tiny structures a robot couldn’t see. NORTHEAST SYRTIS
The detection of even a few ragged SUBTERRANEAN SANCTUARY
molecules left by a microbe would be “Sedimentary rocks tell us the histo-
ry of what’s been happening at a site,”
historic. Knowing that biology arose said Tim Goudge, a geologist at the
University of Texas at Austin. “It’s re-
on two neighboring planets would corded in the layers, and you can read
them like a book.”
suggest that life is common through-
Jezero also contains minerals that
out the universe. The environment are associated with life on Earth, such
as carbonate, as well as clays called
where the Martians are found – be it The Comanche outcrop Mudstones
a hot spring, a river delta or an under- is thought to contain formed from STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 44
ground refuge – might provide a clue carbonate, a mineral sediments that
were slowly
to where life on Earth originated. often associated with spilled into the
And the knowledge that a world Earthly life. lake may contain
carbonates and
could harbor life and then fail would even biologi-
cal remains (if
underscore our own unbelievable good biology ever
fortune. The conditions for Earthlings’
But windswept sand
continued existence may not always be formations known as
“ripples” pose a hazard
so assured. to the rover here and at
other sites.
“We have to get those samples,
Jezero Crater is the site of an ancient
and they have to be the right ones,” delta that fed into a crater lake.
Golombek said. JEZERO CRATER
FAILED PLANET rocky outcrop
surrounded by that’s just not characteristic of NASA.”
silica deposits If any version of sending a rover 50
similar to those
produced by million miles through space can be
organisms on called “conservative,” landing in Jeze-
Earth. ro Crater might be it. It most closely
resembles the kinds of environments
Option one for the mission was a This site near Mars’s equator was where ancient fossils have been uncov-
field of Yellowstone-like hot springs explored between 2004 and 2010 ered on Earth: deltas, where sediments
explored by the rover Spirit between from vast watersheds accumulate and
2004 and 2010. Here, beside a rocky by the rover Spirit. are preserved.
outcrop called Home Plate, the now-
defunct rover uncovered strange, fin- COLUMBIA HILLS
gerlike structures made of silica, a
mineral associated with water and life. FORMER HOT SPRING
But the rover wasn’t equipped with in-
struments capable of detecting com- Ruff’s only reply: “What if we’re right?”
plex organic compounds, so the mys- “If one of the drivers of exploring
tery of these structures went unsolved. Mars is to answer this question, ‘Are we
alone?’ and we find a place that could
Seven years later, Spirit instrument address that question and we turn away
operator Steve Ruff received an unlikely from it because it’s not guaranteed that
epiphany via volcanology journal: Sci- we’re going to find it, I think that’s just –
entists had discovered an otherworldly ” He paused, searching for a term that
geyser field in the Andes that contained wouldn’t offend any of his colleagues.
structures just like the ones on Mars. At “A conservatism,” he said finally. “And
the site, called El Tatio, heat-loving mi-
croorganisms produce silica deposits
in filaments, mats and spires.
“This is the place that is the most
Mars-like of any setting I’ve ever been,”
Ruff said.
But revisiting a site might mean
there’s less to learn, many scientists
worry. And what if Ruff is wrong about
the silica structures?
44 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 INSIGHT COVER STORY Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 43 tory instruments on Earth might not
be able to detect it. Scientists are more
smectites that are known to “entomb” A 58-foot-tall Black Brant IX This 2001 image shows accustomed to looking for life in sedi-
organic material. sounding rocket launches from the Mississippi River Delta. mentary rocks like those at Jezero.
NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility
But the site is strewn with rippling in Virginia on Oct. 4, the first Then Emily Lakdawalla, a geologist
sand dunes – a potentially fatal hazard test of the Mars 2020 mission’s and senior editor for the Planetary So-
for a rover. Advanced Supersonic Parachute ciety, posed a question that loomed
Inflation Research Experiment, over every site being considered.
“They scare the bejeezus out of me,” or ASPIRE.
said Ray Arvidson, a scientist at Wash- “What if the samples don’t get re-
ington University in St. Louis. On a A view of the delta in the turned?” she said. “Are we allowed to
mission to Mars, there are no reboots. Eberswalde crater on Mars. think about that?”
Ehlmann, the Caltech scientist, has There was a pause as people con-
spent years gazing at maps of the me- templated the possibility. NASA has
sas at Northeast Syrtis. It’s a distinctly not yet funded any of the three follow-
Martian environment, which could be up missions that are required for sam-
home to uniquely Martian life. ple return.
“This would be a chance to go be a Golombek took the microphone.
geologist there,” she said. “I want to “We’ve decided to ground rule that
look at the rocks, to understand them, out for this conversation,” he said. “It
unravel the story they tell.” all depends if you’re an optimist or a
pessimist, right?”
The site appeals to many scientists be- For the moment, he urged his col-
cause of the diversity of ancient rocks it leagues, be optimists.
contains. Debris from ancient meteorite By the final morning of the workshop,
impacts, called “mega breccias,” would there was no consensus on the best spot
be some of the oldest rocks sampled from to land the rover. Some scientists said
any planet in the solar system. Rocks a their minds changed with every presen-
billion years younger could reveal how tation, their opinions ping-ponging as
Mars became the world it is today. they heard compelling evidence from
supporters of each site. Others had be-
The area also boasts minerals, like come more entrenched in their posi-
carbonates, that suggest it once har- tions.
bored an underground aquifer – a po- But last week, Thomas Zurbuchen,
tential refuge for organisms seeking NASA’s associate administrator for sci-
protection from their planet’s harsh
and erratic climate.
But if subsurface life was sparse,
even the most sophisticated labora-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 45
ence, announced that he had selected its two main science goals. initial mission, which will last 1.5 Mar- project science team for Mars 2020 said
Jezero for the diversity of its terrain. “Getting samples from this lake- tian years (or about 2.8 Earth years). that an extended mission connecting
The crater is not far from an area known Jezero to Midway – carrying the rover
Each type of rock at the site – from delta system will revolutionize how we as “Midway,” which shares many char- across steep mountain ridges, crowded
clays that could preserve signs of think about Mars and its ability to har- acteristics with Northeast Syrtis. rock fields and perilous windswept ter-
ancient organisms to volcanic rocks bor life,” Zurbuchen said. rain – might allow scientists to obtain
that hint at Mars’s planetary evolu- At a recent workshop to assess the the best samples of both.
tion – should help the rover achieve Zurbuchen noted that Jezero offered potential landing sites, members of the
opportunities for exploration after its
46 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
We aren’t stagnating, after all. But it’s not true that no one else had in any one year are so small that most transfers (government benefits) income
Unless you’ve been hibernating in gains. If the bottom 99 percent experi- people don’t recognize them. Instead, for each quintile, from poorest to rich-
the Himalayas, you must know of the enced stagnation, their 2015 incomes they feel they’re marching in place. The est. The year 2000 was chosen as the
recent surge in economic inequal- would be close to those of 1979, the demands on their income – for hous- base to dispel any notion that income
ity. It’s not just that the rich are getting study’s first year. This is what most ing, food, college tuition, vacations gains occurred in the 1980s or ’90s.
richer. The rest of us – say politicians, people apparently believe. and much else – swamp tiny gains. Interestingly, the relative gain for the
pundits and scholars – are stagnating. poorest quintile was about twice the in-
The top 1 percent have grabbed most The study found otherwise.The poor- Certainly, what’s occurring today is crease of other quintiles (again: a quin-
income gains, while average Ameri- est fifth of Americans (a fifth is known less impressive than the great gains of tile represents a fifth of the population).
cans are stuck in the mud. as a “quintile”) enjoyed a roughly 80 the 1950s and 1960s, when there was
Well, it’s not so. That’s the message percent post-tax income increase since a flood tide of new technologies and Although higher incomes could – in
– perhaps unintended – from the Con- 1979. The richest quintile – those just products: television, modern applianc- theory – reflect generous tax cuts, that
gressional Budget Office, which reports below the top 1 percent – had a similar es (washers, dryers), jet travel, air con- doesn’t appear to be the case. In 2015,
periodically on the distribution and gain of nearly 80 percent. The middle ditioners and antibiotics, to name a few. the richest 1 percent paid an average
growth of the nation’s income. It re- three quintiles achieved less, about a 50 federal tax rate of 33 percent, close to
cently found that most Americans had percent rise in post-tax incomes. Some economists legitimize the stag- the 1979 rate of 35 percent.
experienced clear-cut income gains nation thesis by selective studies and
since the early 1980s. These seem small, but over four de- their use of language. For example, for- With income inequality rising, it’s
This conclusion is exceptionally im- cades, they’re meaningful. It’s doubtful mer treasury secretary Lawrence H. not surprising that richer groups have
portant, because the CBO study is ar- that most Americans would prefer to Summers has used the term “secular actually provided an increasing share
guably the most comprehensive tabu- revert to the world as it was in 1979 – a stagnation” – which was coined in the of federal tax revenue. In 2015, the
lation of Americans’ incomes. world without smartphones, the Inter- late 1930s – to describe today’s economy. richest quintile of Americans paid 69.5
Most studies of incomes have glar- net, most cable television or laparo- percent of revenues, up from 55.1 per-
ing omissions. Some examine only be- scopic surgery. Glance at the table. It shows that mod- cent in 1979. The share of the top 1 per-
fore-tax income; others, after-tax. Many est income gains were widespread. cent (included in the richest quintile)
don’t include some government ben- Why then the belief in stagnation? went from 14.1 percent in 1979 to 26.2
efits – for example, food stamps, Medi- One plausible theory is that the gains For the period 2000 to 2015, it gives percent in 2015.
care or Medicaid (health programs for the average gain in after-tax and after-
the elderly and the poor). Others ex- (Note: Because President Trump’s tax
clude employer-paid health insurance, bill wasn’t passed until 2017, the CBO
which is a big item. The CBO study cov- study doesn’t include its effect. Neither
ers all of these areas. does this column. Still, it would cut tax-
It confirms that the rich have cata- es for wealthier Americans.)
pulted ahead of most Americans, in-
cluding many with six-figure incomes. All the numbers seem complex and
The richest 1 percent of U.S. house- confusing. Piercing the statistical fog is
holds had average pretax incomes of essential to anchor our debates in re-
$1.855 million in 2015. The growth has ality and not in journalistic or political
been astonishing. From 1979 to 2015, mythology. It may seem that, except for
pretax incomes of the top 1 percent the fortunate few, hardly anyone is get-
jumped 233 percent. That’s more than ting ahead.
a tripling. (All figures are corrected for
inflation.) That’s convenient rhetoric, but it just
ain’t so.
This column written by Robert J.
Samuelson of The Washington Post
does not necessarily represent the views
of Vero Beach 32963.
Most prostate cancers are a cell type called ad- Risk increases with age.
PART II, RISK FACTORS enocarcinoma. This type of cancer grows in the
tissue of a gland, such as the prostate gland. Race
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer Prostate cancer has two types of growth: African-American men
among men in the United States, and the sec- Aggressive, or fast growing – tumor can � Are at higher risk for getting prostate
ond leading cause of male cancer death (after grow quickly and may spread to other cancer.
lung cancer). areas of the body, such as the bones � Are more than twice as likely to die
But while 2 to 3 percent of men die from pros- Nonaggressive, or slow growing – tumor from prostate cancer.
tate cancer, about 60 to 70 percent of older either doesn’t grow, or grows very little � Get prostate cancer at younger age.
men who die of other causes are found at au- over time � Tend to have more advanced disease
topsy to have some degree of prostate cancer A small percentage of prostate cancers grow when it is found.
that never affected them, and that they may and spread quickly; most prostate cancers � Are prone to have a more severe type
not have even known about. grow very slowly. of prostate cancer.
LOCATED AND WHAT DOES IT DO? In the U.S.: � A man is at increased risk if his father,
The prostate gland, which is about the size of 164,690 new cases estimated (2018) son or brother had prostate cancer.
a walnut in younger men and increases in size 29,430 deaths estimated (2018) � A man may have inherited prostate
with age, is part of the male reproductive sys- 6 in 10 cases are diagnosed in men age 65 cancer if three or more first-degree
tem. It is located below a man’s bladder, the or older (rare before age 40) relatives (father, son or brother) or
organ that collects and empties urine, and Average age at diagnosis – 66 two close relatives on the same side
in front of the rectum, the lower part of the 2.9 million men diagnosed with prostate of the family had prostate cancer.
intestines. Running through the center of the cancer are still alive today � About 5 to 7 percent of prostate
prostate is the uretha, the tube that carries cancers are caused by inherited
urine and semen out of the body through the Source: American Cancer Society genes.
penis. Just behind the prostate are the semi- Your comments and suggestions for fu-
nal vesicles that make most of the fluid for se- RISK FACTORS ture topics are always welcome. Email us at
men. The prostate gland makes some of the Gender [email protected].
fluid that is part of semen. All men are at risk of developing prostate
48 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
When Harvard played Yale on bust that routed them. to bring down”; Calvin Hill, Yale’s multitalented run-
Nov. 23, 1968, in historic old Har- It was a tough year, and ning back, “bigger and stronger than most linemen, yet
vard Stadium, the result certainly Colt places the football faster than all but a few defensive backs,” soon to join
was not the greatest football game in that context, the Dallas Cowboys as one of the most accomplished
game ever or the most important, but as he writes: and respected players in the pro game; and Frank
but it was, as George Howe Colt Champi, Harvard’s second-string quarterback, “a bald-
writes in this compelling and af- “As time went on, it ing, bespectacled young man from the working-class
fectionate account of it, “one of would be remembered Boston suburb of Everett, [who] was self-conscious and
the most unbelievable football as … a rare moment of unobtrusive to the point of invisibility.”
games” in the sport’s long history. grace in a tragic and
Both teams came into it undefeat- turbulent year. At an in- But, as Colt then adds, “you didn’t notice him – un-
ed and tied for first place in the Ivy tensely polarized time, til he threw a pass.” Champi’s right arm was a cannon,
League, although Yale, a certifiable in which the country although he “had thrown only twelve passes for the
powerhouse, was a heavy favorite. seemed irrevocably di- varsity all year” when he was sent onto the field “with
Indeed, with 42 seconds remain- five minutes left in the [first] half and Harvard trailing
ing and Yale ahead 29-19, the out- vided – dove vs. hawk, by 22 points.” The starting quarterback, George Lalich,
come seemed inevitable. Instead, black vs. white, young couldn’t get the team moving early in the second half,
in 42 seconds that no one who was vs. old, student vs. so John Yovicsin, Harvard’s coach, pulled him in favor
there ever will forget, Harvard mi- administrator, hip- of Champi. Champi got off to a slow start, but he came
raculously scored 10 points. The pie vs. hard hat – the alive, and brought his teammates with him: Champi
headline in the next day’s Harvard tie between archri- “had entered the kind of exalted state that Dowling
Crimson – maybe the best sports vals seemed a kind seemed always to inhabit – the kind of state in which
headline ever written – read simply: of truce. Indeed, the time seemed to slow down, the kind of state that a later
“HARVARD BEATS YALE, 29-29.” generation of athletes would describe as being ‘in the
teams had unwit- zone,’ the kind of state Champi hadn’t been in since his
I know because I was there. Nei- tingly combined to senior year in high school. He would never be the char-
ther Harvard crimson nor Yale blue create something ismatic type, but there was no doubt who was leading
courses through my veins – I am an like a work of art that this team.”
alumnus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel would take its place
Hill – but I was at Harvard for the academic year 1968-69 in the iconography of the era.” As a Yale player put it many years later: “You just got
on a Nieman Fellowship, awarded each year to a dozen That’s placing a lot of thematic weight on a game be- the feeling that the universe had shifted somehow and
American journalists in the hope that using the univer- tween two schools whose teams were well below the best that something significant – portentous – was taking
sity’s vast resources may help them improve their pro- in the nation, but I think Colt is right. That afternoon was place. Some kind of weird force that had descended
fessional skills. I studied American literature and biog- magical at a time when a bit of magic was badly need- upon the stadium.” Thus it was that, with no time left
raphy, the first step in my long career as a book reviewer. ed. As it happens, Ivy League football was just about on the clock and Harvard down 29-21, Champi hit
I have often thought, though, that the best thing about to vanish from the front pages of the national sporting Gatto with a touchdown pass and then hit 6-foot-2 end
that wonderful year was the ticket the Nieman office universe, so the game was a last hurrah of sorts. It was Pete Varney for the game-tying two-point conversion.
gave me (and several others in my class) to The Game, as played by young men of exceptional decency and deter- Pandemonium reigned, even in the press box, where
the annual matchup had long been known. mination, as Colt portrays them, most of whom were not we Nieman Fellows had been given seats and where we
WASP aristos of Ivy League cliche but sons of middle- violated the hoary rule of sports, “No cheering in the
Fifty years have passed and my memories of that and working-class families for whom Harvard and Yale press box.” Coming to the end of this terrific book, I felt
game are almost as vivid as they were when I walked were the first rungs on the ladder upward. like cheering all over again.
home after its uproarious conclusion. Many other half- One by one, Colt portrays them in sympathetic and
century anniversaries from 1968 coincide with that one: admiring terms: Brian Dowling, theYale quarterback and THE GAME
the assassinations of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and captain, brilliantly gifted but “a throwback: a soft-spoken
Robert F. Kennedy, the dreadful Democratic National straight arrow who never sought the limelight, though it HARVARD, YALE, AND AMERICA IN 1968
Convention in Chicago and, at Harvard itself, the trash- often sought him”; Vic Gatto, the Harvard running back
ing of Harvard Yard by student radicals and the police and captain, all 5 feet 6 inches of him, “exceptionally BY GEORGE HOWE COLT | 386 PP. $28
strong, with a low center of gravity that made him hard REVIEW BY JONATHAN YARDLEY, THE WASHINGTON POST
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2. The Meltdown (Diary of a
at 6pm Mercy BY DAVID BALDACCI Miracle of New Orleans
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Penguin Random House Books
5. Every Breath BY INA GARTEN
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 49
10 7 6 5 4 AJ9 3
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist Q7 10 6 5 AKJ92
Q65 AJ4 K 10 3
Bill Gates, former CEO and chairman of Microsoft, has become a very keen bridge player. Q52 A K J 10 8764
He was part of the Bridge Base Online team in the 2016 Yeh Online Bridge World Cup.
This featured four teams playing a round robin of 16-board matches in three venues: Beijing, SOUTH
Turin and Seattle. KQ82
In this deal, Gates (East) took a great view in the bidding, but did not find the winning 9872
defense. 93
Against two diamonds, Sharon Osberg (West) led the heart queen. Gates overtook with Dealer: East; Vulnerable: Both
his king, cashed the heart ace and continued with the heart jack. After West discarded a
discouraging spade four, what should East have done next? The Bidding:
Gu Ling (North for the Chinese Contract Bridge Association) would have done best to SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
overcall one no-trump. After losing five heart tricks, she could have taken the rest, aided by 1 Hearts
the club finesse. When she made a takeout double, Gates did well not to rebid two clubs. Pass 1 Spades Dbl. Pass LEAD:
If he had, South would have passed, and West probably would have rebid two hearts. That 2 Diamonds Pass Pass Pass Q Hearts
contract would surely have gone down one.
When East passed, Lin Rongqiang (South) advanced with two diamonds.
After three rounds of hearts, East shifted to the diamond three. Declarer took West’s queen
with dummy’s ace, played a spade to his king and ran the diamond nine. East took his two
trump tricks and exited with a heart, which squeezed West. When she discarded a spade,
South had four spades, two diamonds and two clubs.
The killing defense at trick four was East’s singleton spade. The curious may work it out —
my word limit has been reached.
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50 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Narrow inlet (5) 1 Smooth talker (7)
4 Radiators (7) 2 Go in (5)
8 Perform (3) 3 Red sauce (7)
9 Cat (3) 4 Baloney (6)
10 Daft (5) 5 Legal defence (5)
11 Parade (5) 6 Age (3)
12 Mythical beast (7) 7 Glow (5)
15 Impulse (4) 13 Approach (4)
17 Formula (6) 14 Sphere (3)
19 Tillable (6) 16 Make anew (4)
22 Challenge (4) 18 Prisoner (3)
24 US politician (7) 20 Daydream (7)
26 Worth (5) 21 Voter (7)
28 Giant (5) 23 Zeal (6)
30 Row (3) 24 Locations (5)
31 Barrel (3) 25 Pick-me-up (5)
32 Motorbike attachment (7) 27 Furious (5)
33 Duck (5) 29 (A) bit, touch (3)
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph