Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 51
ACROSS 103 Rita Hayworth daughter, 55 Ferrara family The Washington Post
1 1971 John Wayne film Yasmin ___ Khan 58 ___ of (amazed by)
59 Indians of SW California
8 C to C, e.g. 104 Notorious Columbia Pictures 61 Mamie’s guy
14 One of Donald’s nephews mogul Harry 62 Starting from
18 Waker-upper 64 Entrepreneur’s govt. friend
106 In the least 66 Go ___ winner
19 Hen hunter 108 Mornings 67 “That’s still not it!”
20 In ___ (doing poorly) 109 Puppeteer Bil 68 Close ... very close
23 Dawdle 112 Reacts to solving this 70 Outfit
25 Render? 71 Funeral oration,
26 East or West follower puzzle? old-style
27 Do some illegal fixing 114 Eagle, to Caesar 74 Turn income into outgo
29 Irish county, city, 117 Like computer math 77 RMN’s VP
119 Certain veggie-lover’s pride 79 Conclusion start
or bay 121 Behind bars 81 Part of RSVP
30 ___ crow 122 Turkish mountain 83 Fairness factor,
31 Donut-shaped 123 Klatsch in sports
32 Composer Schifrin 124 Hoofers’ clickers 84 Try again
34 “Hot air” 125 Write down symbols 85 Oscar Madison, e.g.
35 Either Holbein 126 Skirt needs, 87 Record anew
37 Mountain guide? in Hawaii 89 “Result” of a penalty-free
38 Beale and Bourbon, for
DOWN football play
example 1 Vacation isle 90 Hockey score
40 “Over, please” 2 One of the Ages 92 Using capitals and small
43 “May ___ of service?” 3 Opulent ovoid
44 Great seats 4 Child’s namesakes letters, in editing shorthand
46 Communiqué from Gilligan 5 So far 94 Falls in two countries
48 City just E of Oakland 6 Containers at a 97 Shul teacher
49 Jokesmiths 98 Land-based radar
52 Father of the Reo Royale gaudeamus 100 Take a ___ (try)
54 “What’s in ___?” 7 Fab rival, ___ Plus 102 The blue crew
56 Bible book 8 Short ___ (winded) 105 Type of toxin
57 Mendelssohn’s Concerto in 9 Welsh dogs 107 Playing marble
10 Play length, sometimes 108 Red Sea gulf
Opus 64 11 Chug-___ 110 Pro ___
59 Alley pickups? 12 Corrupt 111 Annoyingly dull sort
60 Picture 13 The Crash of ’79 author 113 Record book datum
63 Popular diet bread 14 Toque, for one 114 Petri dish layer
65 Hand protector 15 Applications 115 ___-majesté
66 Clumsy carpenter’s cries 16 Israeli airline 116 Underground army
69 Bettor’s raison d’être 17 He stunned the world on 118 Milestones, e.g.: abbr.
120 Overall: abbr.
72 Born April 12, 1961
73 Jardinieres 21 Larger of two reproductive BABY TALK By Merl Reagle
75 Adding place
76 Potent Yule parties cells
78 Removable locks? 22 Wolfe’s forte
80 Secret 24 Feels blindly
82 Observers 28 Silver and gold, but not
86 The heat of the moment
87 Last name of first female US bronze: abbr.
31 Part of an airport lineup?
attorney general 33 Tic-tac-toe line
88 Work as a judge 35 Noon adjective
91 Worthless mineral matter 36 Rhyme scheme
93 Lethal weapon 37 Inspire
95 Arledge of TV lore 39 In a sec
96 Old Tokyo 41 Sucker deal
97 Huggable toys 42 Defunct flyer
99 Family girl 44 Arctic goose
101 Music notes
102 Nose-in-the-air type 45 Tavern tune
47 ___ in January
50 The Jazz, for one
51 Shadow over L.A.
53 Minute measures
The Telegraph
52 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Don’t place unnecessary burdens on your precocious child
BY CAROLYN HAX The reason for this is within the sub-realities of de-
Washington Post velopment. It’s painful to watch a front-runner child
who has been encouraged to “train for the future”
Dear Carolyn: – whose one spark or another has been attentively
fanned and coached and tutored, and whose iden-
My son is almost 9 and loves to tity is built on that talent – wrestle with the universe-
altering reality of watching the rest of the pack catch
chat, with his friends mostly. He up.
pronounced 99 percent of the words The other extreme is painful, too, where the child
remains a standout but feels trapped and isolated by
perfectly, including their context, a life of narrow pursuit.
since age 2. That tells me his speech Maybe this isn’t what you meant by “turn his
speaking power into an asset for him in future.” But
section of the brain developed faster. it tripped me up hard because your child’s precoc-
ity has no bearing whatsoever on the answer to his
Now his teacher complains he chats during the class classroom disruptions. Which is:
and does not calm down easily. I am working on it in 1. Set clear limits.
2. Enforce them kindly and firmly.
collaboration with the teacher. 3. Encourage him to roam freely within those lim-
its, and roam joyfully with him.
How and where should I train him to turn his That’s it. Unless it comes to:
4. Develop Plan B if your child’s needs aren’t be-
speaking power into an asset for him in the future, by ing met – anything from developmental screening
(for the “does not calm down” thing) to a school with
teaching him the parameters and quality of talk? more generous recess.
So the only answer to the “how and where should
–Working on It I train him” question is to encourage him every day,
at each opportunity, with an eye to balance and a
Working on It: How wonderful for your son that he up great at/immersed in/preoccupied for an entire healthy tolerance for trial and error, to be true to
is precocious. childhood by X and drop it one day for Y. Abruptly himself and respectful of others. Any parent, any
and for good. child, any gifts.
Please don’t make so much of it that it becomes a
burden to him. It is good to feed kids’ interests and talents. Of
course you hand instruments to budding musicians.
Kids develop at different rates, that much we’re
all told. Within this reality there are smaller reali- But there is a fine line between feeding their in-
ties, such as, a kid can excel at some things and lag terests and co-opting their talents in service of your
in others; a kid can roar out of the gate at something own pride.
(or everything) and prove over a lifetime to be the
bearer of special gifts; a kid can be an early standout The way not to cross it is to banish “future” for now.
at speaking, reading, music, sports, whatever – and You sign him up for X because he loves it, not be-
by 11 or 16 be overtaken by mid- to late-bloomers cause visions of X scholarships dance in your head.
and absorbed as one of the crowd. A kid can grow
54 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Beware of ‘alternative’ cancer treatments online
BY TOM LLOYD business in “alternative” cancer
Staff Writer treatments being touted and sold
The Internet can be a dangerous
place for cancer patients. That makes the usually genial and
optimistic oncology and hematology
Even though medically approved expert Dr. Raul Storey of Florida Cancer
and legitimate “cancer treatments Specialists turn downright somber.
and therapies today are safer and
more effective than ever,” according “There’s just so much out there,”
to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Storey says with a sigh, “and the
Center, there’s still a burgeoning problem with the marketing on the
Internet is that everybody can say
Dr. Raul Storey.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 55
whatever they want and it doesn’t have der the pseudonym “Vitamin B-17.” to support any benefit from a coffee plants,” but what he says he can and will
to be data-supported.” In September, the FDA announced enema in oncology,” he says, let alone do – with the help of the Florida Cancer
the other products listed above. Specialists team at over 100 locations
Specifically, he points to certain that a U.S. District judge in Miami statewide that includes pharmacists,
root- and herbal-based products sold had issued a preliminary injunction Storey says he understands why doctors, nurses and researchers – is to
online. “For an example, if you’re halting sales of laetrile products by people are curious about possible find out if those so-called miracle cures
taking chemotherapy and then three Internet sites, including World alternative treatments, but he does have any dangerous – or even lethal –
you start taking a plant or a root or Without Cancer Inc. and Health have one suggestion: Talk to your side effects.
something, remember that everything World International Inc., of Bay doctor first.
in our body gets metabolized in the Harbor, Fla., about 135 miles south of That’s information well worth having
liver or the kidneys. Vero Beach. “Before spending your money on any before you start taking anything
alternative approach to cancer,” Storey purchased online to treat your cancer.
“When you start taking a root Other alternative cancer treatments says, “see what he or she thinks. I’m not
that keeps the liver and the kidneys sold online include hydrochloric acid, going to get mad at you for asking about Dr. Raul Storey is with Florida Cancer
busy working on eliminating and wormwood, so-called “medicinal other forms of treatment. I want the Specialists. In Vero Beach his office is at
excreting that root [and its chemical mushrooms” and coffee enemas. best for you.” 3730 7th Terrace, Suite 101. The phone
compounds], then the chemotherapy number is 772-581-0528.
drugs you’re getting will remain That causes Storey to let out a laugh. Storey freely admits, “I don’t know
in your body even longer and that “There’s no evidence and no data about plants. I haven’t been trained in
increases the chances of you having
side effects.”
Despite that and other dangers – since
the National Cancer Institute projects
an estimated 1.7 million new cases of
cancer will be diagnosed in the U.S.
this year, while 609,640 Americans will
die from the disease – there’s an ever-
growing market for non-conventional
cancer cures.
And while NCI and Storey stop short
of calling these online treatments pure
quackery, they do break them down
as being either “complimentary” or
Storey – and the Mayo Clinic
– actively embrace a number of
“complimentary” treatments.
In fact, the Rochester, Minn.,
institution has published a list of
10 such complimentary treatments
including acupuncture, aromatherapy,
hypnosis, massage, meditation and
music therapy for which, it says, “there
is growing evidence” they provide
tangible benefits to patients.
Storey wholeheartedly agrees. He
cites the American Society of Clinical
Oncology in saying acupuncture – in
conjunction with modern Western
medical treatment – can help decrease
anxiety, help with depression and assist
in recovery, and he says he’s also seen
positive results from yoga, Tai chi and
meditation in his own patients.
That said, a patient who chooses
some of the “alternative” cancer
treatments available online may have
an altogether different prognosis.
Perhaps the most infamous
alternative cancer “cure” ever was
First touted as a remedy for cancer
in the 1950s, Laetrile is made from
amygdalin, a compound found in
apricot pits and bitter almonds. And
as any Agatha Christie fan likely
knows, when your digestive system
begins to break down amygdalin it
creates cyanide – the deadly poison
featured in a half-dozen of Christie’s
murder mysteries.
Laetrile has been banned in the U.S.
since 1963 but has since re-emerged on
the Web where it can be purchased un-
56 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
New ‘hydrogel’ makes prostate cancer treatment safer
BY TOM LLOYD Center-trained urologist and robotic
Staff Writer surgery specialist, SpaceOAR is a
synthetic polyethylene glycol hydrogel
Dr. Hugo Davila of Florida Healthcare that is injected into patients to gently
Specialists is excited about a new tool “move” the prostate gland away from
available to treat prostate cancer – other organs and internal structures –
the SpaceOAR hydrogel system by including the rectum, the bladder, the
Augmenix. penile bulb and the sphincter – before
beginning external beam radiation
According to Davila, a Moffitt Cancer
Dr. Hugo Davila.
treatments to destroy cancer cells are irradiated along with the cancer.
inside the prostate. Davila provides an example. “The
Why? Because the radiation used sphincter is the door that opens and
to kill the prostate cancer cells is closes when you want to empty your
powerful and can sometimes damage bladder and sometimes that can be
those sensitive tissue structures if they affected by radiation.”
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 57
That can lead to a lifetime of the gel was used and an even more fairly recent – as anyone who was Another [newer blood test] is called
incontinence for the patient. So, Davila impressive 78 percent maintained diagnosed with prostate cancer just a the PHI [or] Prostate Health Index and
continues, “the idea of the OAR gel is their sexual function (erections) three few years ago is doubtless aware, the a third test is the PCA3, which is a urine
simply to move [the prostate] away years after radiation treatments. standard test then was the Prostate test that allows us to identify who is at
from the other internal structures.” Specific Antigen (PSA) test which, it risk of having prostate cancer.”
Statistics like that make the turns out, was wildly inaccurate.
That’s especially important since, as gregarious Davila smile broadly. “I’m And the best news of all for men?
Davila puts it, urologists are “always very happy to be a urologist because “Today,” says Davila, “we have Davila predicts the day will soon
looking to improve treatment without we are a surgical specialty that is many options that provide a better come when prostate biopsies – actually
increasing the side effects,” but as always looking for new approaches assessment of prostate cancer than snipping off a piece of the prostate to
procedures change, precautions must and new techniques and things that the PSA. One of them is the 4Kscore. examine under a microscope – will
also change. we can provide to our patients to It’s a blood test that has allows us to also be a thing of the past.
improve outcomes and quality of life.” identify even better the patients who “I think we’ll get to the point where
“One of the things that radiation are at risk for having prostate cancer. we’ll replace the biopsies. I think
oncologists are doing now is what we And speaking of new – or, at least, between MRIs and blood tests we’ll
call the hyper-fragmentated radiation get to that point in the near future,” he
treatments,” Davila explains. “They says. It could be in five or 10 years, or it
start with low dose [radiation] and as could be much sooner.
they progress in the treatment, they In Davila’s eyes, the diagnosis and
keep increasing the dose.” treatment of prostate cancer has
never been better with more proven
Increased radiation levels heighten options available. As an accomplished
the potential for damage to those robotic prostatectomy surgeon, he is
other nearby organs and internal keenly aware that an important part of
structures surrounding the prostate, his job is to inform his patients about
but in the clinical trial prior to its FDA those many options, and his easy-
clearance, SpaceOAR patients suffered going conversational manner makes
significantly fewer such problems. information and choices easier for his
patients to grasp.
Or, as the FDA itself put it, “the Dr. Hugo Davila is with Florida
ability to protect the rectum [and Healthcare Specialists. He has offices
other structures] from radiation may in Vero Beach at 3730 7th Terrace, Suite
allow for radiation dose escalation to 101 and in Sebastian at 8005 Bay Street.
increase cancer kill rates and entail The phone number is the same for both
fewer radiation treatment sessions.” locations: 772-581-0528.
Indeed, a whopping 65 percent
fewer patients experienced clinically
significant urinary problems when
58 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Causes of stomach aches … and ways to prevent them
BY FRED CICETTI as cereals, breads and pastries; fatty with pelvic inflammatory disease or a * Vomiting blood
Columnist foods such as fried chicken and anything urinary tract infection may experience * Blood in your stool
in cream sauces and gravies; any pain in this area. * A swollen and tender abdomen
If you are having recurring carbonated beverage. * Shortness of breath
abdominal pain, you should see a The lower right abdomen is where * Dizziness
doctor immediately. This kind of Abdominal pain is often caused by inflammation of the colon may cause * High fever
discomfort can be a symptom of a overeating. Sometimes an infection is pain. Appendicitis pain may also spread
serious ailment. However, if you’re responsible. But pain may be a symptom to this region.
talking about the kind of stomach of something that requires emergency
aches we all get occasionally, there treatment; there are quite a few organs in If you feel pain in the lower left
are some things you can do to prevent your abdominal area. The location of the abdomen, you usually have a problem
them. pain is informative to your doctor. at the end of the colon.
* Eat small meals more frequently. Pain near your navel can be a sign Don’t rely on self-diagnosis based
* Make sure that your meals are well- of appendicitis or something wrong in upon these pain guidelines.
balanced and high in fiber. your small intestine. Abdominal pain has a way of moving
* Drink plenty of water each day. around. For example, gallbladder
* Exercise regularly. Stomach problems are found in the pain can move to your right
* Limit foods that produce gas. upper middle section of the abdomen. shoulder. And, abdominal pain
The following are gas-generating Persistent pain in this area may also can be caused by the lungs and
foods: legumes, especially dried beans signal a problem with your gallbladder, heart. Or, it may be caused by
and peas, baked beans, soy beans, lima pancreas or the upper part of your muscle strain.
beans; dairy products such as milk, small intestine.
ice cream, cheese; vegetables such as The following are some of
cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, It’s unusual to feel pain in the upper the danger signs associated
cauliflower, cucumbers, sauerkraut, left abdomen. Pain in this area may with abdominal pain. If you
kohlrabi, asparagus, potatoes, rutabaga, be caused by a problem in the colon, experience any of the following, get
turnips, radishes, onions; fruits such stomach, spleen or pancreas. immediate medical attention:
as prunes, apricots, apples, raisins,
bananas; foods containing wheat such Intense pain in the upper * Sudden and sharp pain
right abdomen is often related to * Pain that radiates to your chest,
inflammation of the gallbladder. neck or shoulder
* Severe, recurrent or persistent pain
Pain in the lower middle abdomen * Pain that worsens
may be caused by the colon. Women
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 59
Every party dressing dilemma you may have – solved
The Telegraph
It’s quarter to seven on a Wednesday acceptable now as heels and if you dress
night and, at any other time of the to make yourself feel good, you’ll always
year, you’d be happily heading home appear more confident.
for dinner in front of Netflix. But,
because it’s a random midweek Look for something glamorous and
evening in early December, you find playful with plenty of decoration for
yourself with other, more confusing theatrical drama. I love the Jimmy Choo
plans. It’s time to “freshen up” for the Gianna for its buckles that look like
office Christmas party and put your jeweled brooches, and the Bing, which
head in totem-pole formation with is a mule with a sharp silhouette and
Janine from accounts and Sandra jeweled diamanté strap. The sharpness
from sales to get a glimpse in what is the equivalent of a tuxedo, with added
appears to be the company’s only sparkle.” – Sandra Choi, creative director
communal mirror. at Jimmy Choo
The unique combination of I’m a freelance designer so have
bad office lighting, an awkward worked from home for most of the year.
commuter bag and having 10 minutes How can I make an impact amongst
to get ready after a really important
meeting, can send even the most CONTINUED ON PAGE 60
astute dresser into a spin.
Maybe it isn’t even your own office
Christmas party. As career types have
diversified, so too have the festive
social engagements we might go to.
You could be struggling to shop for
the first black-tie gala you will attend
(a dress-to-impress situation), or
perhaps you’ve worked from home
all year and want to remind your
colleagues and clients that you are,
well, dazzling.
There are solutions out there. Look
at Natalie Dormer or Eva Chen, first
out the gate in sequins this year and
both wearing flattering, not-tacky
midi and maxi dresses with defined
waists. See Victoria Beckham and
Adwoa Aboah, showing the two sides
of statement suiting – will you choose
a fabric with a full-on print or a subtle
sheen? Or take Alexa Chung, saying
more is more, with embroidery, bold
earrings and a corsage necklace.
So, whether you’re confused by an
invitation, unsure of how much glitter
to pile on, or just hoping to find some
suitable party flats to see you through
a packed social calendar, consider this
your ultimate party dressing guide ...
I don’t want to get sore feet from
dancing in heels this year, but can you
convince me that flats look as good?
“Great shoes are about the design,
the detailing and the styling – it’s not
about heel height. Party flats are just as
60 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 59 I’ve got 10 minutes to get my hair selecting a classic silhouette and
ready to party after a full day at work. a popping color, to make sure that
the colleagues and clients I haven’t What should I do to it? your sequins look modern and more
seen in ages? expensive than they really were. A
“If you’re heading straight from sequin wrap dress is very Studio 54
“A wow party top, like this sequin work to the party, adding hair and it’s a flattering cut. You can wear
and feather number by new cocktail accessories is your quick solution – the wrap open over jeans and shirt for
dressing label 16Arlington, will look much faster than trying to re-blowdry a more casual party look, too.”
incredible with simple black trousers. or straighten it at your desk, and will
It’s a piece that will break the ice, transform any flatness. Pull a section – Haeni Kim, founder of fashion label
as the colleagues you thought may of your hair to one side and add some Kitri
have forgotten what you look like sparkling crystal hair slides, or a
suddenly spot you and rush over to pearl barrette for a simple on-trend I hate being cold at parties. What’s
pay compliments. Ditto anything by look. For something more dramatic, the right coat to wear with my dress?
Danish designer Stine Goya. Pick one layer multiple sets of hair slides or
of her brocade suits for a statement look choose a velvet headband with some “Layering up has become a key
that you can wear again. I’d pair that height for a style that’s gorgeous. stage in my plan to ‘get party ready’
jacket with jeans, or the trousers with a and it always needs to be a topper that
white T-shirt on ‘lesser’ occasions. On a I tell clients to think about hair will add to the outfit, rather than just
budget? I think Warehouse’s party dress accessories as jewelry – a barrette keep me warm.
collection (particularly the asymmetric or hair slide can easily dress up your
foil patchwork dress) has maximum look in the same way that a necklace Look for a length that hits below
impact for minimal spend.” might. But, I think, it’s less obvious, the knee, as it will cover your dress
so hair jewels can actually look more hemline and means there is less
– Caroline Leaper special.” opportunity for a fabric clash. A coat
in a straight shape, like a Crombie
– Jennifer Behr, accessories designer or Pea, or a wrap style are always
classics. Gem colors such as emerald
I’m on a budget, but I don’t want to or amethyst will elevate a simple black
wear the same dress as everyone else outfit, and leopard print will always
at the party. What do you recommend? work hard – one of the best I ever
bought was a vintage leopard print
“Try smaller, independent brands coat, which I’ve had for 20 years now
or vintage shops for a unique look. and still wear with everything.
Sequins are an option that will never
date and if you find the right style, you Layers are the key to staying really
can wear them all year round rather warm, so consider a fitted velvet blazer
than just in December. I’d recommend or embroidered jacket over your dress,
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 61
reality typically entails a 20-minute is to buy once and buy well. Party I’ve got to go straight from a pitch
queue at the cloakroom in order to season needn’t be about buying meeting to the office Christmas party
hide a stuffed canvas tote before something new and sparkly every with no time to change. What can I add
anyone sees you. year, in fact most of its core ‘trends’ on to my look?
(sequins, velvet, satin, brocade, silver,
If you’re planning to bring a bigger black and navy) come back annually Jewelry can transform any outfit
bag, you need to think about its without fail. and is the simplest way to create a
hardware. You can get away with new look in seconds. I would add a
a heftier load if its dangling from a That said, if you’re looking for splash of color with gemstones like
delicate, sparkly chain, rather than something new but more eco-friendly Green Onyx or Pink Quartz, or adding
the fat leather strap that is the marker than most, Mother of Pearl launches its a great diamond piece will always do
of a casual bag. new evening wear collection today, with the trick for the festive season. It is as
a ‘mission to paint the town’ green. The easy as adding a good lipstick; you
The drawstring party pouch is pearl trimmed jackets look particularly can have your earrings or a necklace
a great solution this season, as special and will really, honestly, never in your handbag and add it in the cab
it’s deceptively small, but roomy go out of style.” on route to the Christmas party. My
inside. Attico’s pink sequin pouch little tip is to make sure your pieces
is 8.5 in. wide and made from silk, -Caroline Leaper do not get scratched or bent in transit
and Monsoon’s velvet and sequin – keep them in separate pouches or in
shoulder bag is less than $30. If you the original boxes they came in while
really do need to carry a lot, try rattling around in your bag.
Ganni’s beaded drawstring backpack
for a chic disguise.” – Monica Vinader, jewelry designer
– Caroline Leaper
before adding that warmer coat over
the entire look. If you know you are
going to be outside for any length of
time, I highly recommend the Marks &
Spencer HeatTech opaque tights, too.
Pair with one of their vests and you’ve
got an entire bodysuit of warmth under
whatever you choose to wear.” - Erica
Davies, stylist
Clutch bags always annoy me. Can I’m going to a charity gala and need
you suggest something that I can to buy a black tie gown for the first
actually fit my things into? time. What are your tips for finding
one that suits me?
“For some unknown reason,
designers seem to think that “Black tie is not as strict of a dress
the amount of stuff we’ve got to code as people often think – it can be
cart around with us decreases in either an elegant, stand-out jumpsuit, a
December. The goal may be to sashay midi to full length dress, or an evening
into the room proudly clutching a tuxedo. Don’t be scared to be bold,
spangly minaudiere that fits only but don’t ever opt for something that
a debit card and a lipstick, but the doesn’t feel like you.
I prefer to accentuate one part of the
body, rather than various parts, and
always choose a bold, single color over
wearing a print. I love caped styles since
they give an extra bit of drama, and
styles with elevated evening details like
– Daniela Karnuts, founder and
designer of evening wear label SAFiYAA
I don’t want to wear plastic
sequins. Can you suggest something
sustainable to wear instead?
“The best thing you can do, I think,
62 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
First Bites: Ono Luau, featuring Hawaiian fare
Can two young guys who half
a short lifetime ago were
classmates at St. Helen’s
successfully bring the
dishes and drinks
of Hawaii to
Vero Beach?
Poke Tacos.
That’s the
challenge facing
surfer dude Zak
Schmitz and David Island Prawns.
Bedford, two twenty- PHOTOS BY LEIGH GREEN
somethings who a couple of Hawaiian Passion
Acai Plate.
weeks ago opened Ono Luau
with ponzu sauce.
in Vero’s old downtown. Then for entrées, I tried a half-rack of
This is the first venture the imu ribs ($18.95), my husband ordered
the teriyaki salmon ($18.95), and our
into restaurant ownership companion went for the macademia nut beer with a pineapple taste from the Maui
crusted dolphin ($19.95). Brewing Company.
for the pair – Schmitz worked
The ribs, slow smoked in banana leaves Service: Service was very attentive, but
at Kountry Kitchen and and bamboo shoots, then charred on the the restaurant was far from crowded.
wood grill with guava barbecue sauce,
Bedford at the Lemon Tree – had a smoky taste and the meat fell off Prices: Prices for starters range from
the bone. But neither my husband nor our $4.95 to $8.95, with entrées running from
and while these two young companion thought their seafood dishes $10.95 to $22.95.
were anything special.
entrepreneurs certainly Initial impressions: Ono Luau is an
Drink: While Ono Luau offers a variety extremely ambitious undertaking for two
aren’t starting small with of creative Polynesian drinks, it has at this eager young restaurateurs. Can they pull
point an absurdly limited wine selection: it off? Time will tell.
the large space previously a choice of pinot grigio or pinot noir. What
it features is a medium-bodied wheat I welcome your comments, and
occupied by the Osceola encourage you to send feedback to me at
[email protected].
Bistro, neither seems at all Mojito.
daunted by the enormity of the The reviewer dines anonymously at
restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
task ahead. 32963.
Headline news: For better or worse, Hours:
Daily 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
this is not your father’s Trader Vic’s. Chef
Beverages: Full bar
Zak, who trained at the Culinary Institute
of America, is attempting to bring 2045 13th Avenue,
authentic island tastes to Vero. But getting Vero Beach
the dishes right is clearly a struggle, and
at this stage, Ono Luau does not project
much of a Polynesian ambience.
Look & Feel: The attractive iron entry
gates of the old Osceola Bistro have now Zak’s Luau Pork ($14.95).
been replaced by a bamboo fence, which The slow-cooked chicken, turned on
from the outside, hides the fact that the the wood grill until it was golden brown,
lush courtyard garden of the Osceola was topped with a guava barbecue sauce.
– once Vero’s prettiest, most elegant al The chicken was moist, had a nice smoky
fresco dining area – isn’t so lush anymore. taste, and was very flavorful.
The Hawaiian Islands are beautiful, and My husband’s pork was slow cooked in
Ono Luau could use some beautifying. banana leaves with black Hawaiian sea
Food:On our first visit, we started with salt, and came to the table wrapped in a
an order of poke tacos. This consisted of banana leaf pouch. It was very much like
chunks of poke – the popular Hawaiian Cuban pulled pork. All entrées are served
marinated raw tuna – stuffed into taco with rice and a choice of sides.
shells, which were set atop smashed On a second visit with a companion,
avocado and drizzled with a touch of we tried two appetizers: the poketacos
wasabi ($8.95). Very tasty, with just a bit again (not as good as the first time)
of a kick. and pork potstickers (also $8.95).
Then I ordered the Huli-Huli Chicken Stuffed with pork and cabbage and
($12.95) and my husband had Bruddah deep fried, the potstickers were served
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 63
Books to delight the wine lovers on your gift list
The Washington Post
Now that the grape harvest which I called in his hotel weaves a fascinating story that mixes
is in and the 2018 wines “the best introductory book on wine to room minibar personal exploration with cultural
are peacefully fermenting come along in years.” while reporting enlightenment.
and aging in the cellar, it’s from the Middle East.
time for this year’s crop of The magnum edition is an expanded The result of his subsequent quest is By searching for the origins of wine,
wine books. Here are three version of the original, and it’s beautiful. “Tasting the Past: The Science of Flavor Begos brings its past to us in the here
delightful new reads that Puckette and Hammack are masters & the Search for the Origins of Wine” and now. Along the way, he helps us
will be welcome gifts for of infographics, and they present the (Algonquin, $27). understand how that wine we tasted
your wine-loving family essential information anyone needs on a long ago vacation still resonates
and friends. to know about grape varieties, wine Don’t let the unfortunate subtitle in our memory, our palate and our
regions and those indecipherable scare you. Begos veers off into sensory cultural identity.
Wine fiends – those terms on wine labels in a simple and science once in a while, but when
of us who spend an visually appealing way. he escapes the laboratory and starts
inordinate amount of our trekking the mountain vineyards
time, energy and money Kevin Begos jumped in, with the zeal of Israel, Georgia and elsewhere, he
thinking, drinking and of a seasoned journalist, after he was
talking about vino – will entranced by an Israeli wine he found
be thrilled to know that
Terry Theise has written a
new book. “What Makes
a Wine Worth Drinking:
In Praise of the Sublime”
(Houghton Mifflin, $25)
is Theise’s latest effort
to explain that ineffable
quality of transcendent
wines that transport us in a spiritual
way but often leave us at a loss for words
to explain our fascination to someone
content to get a $7 buzz from a plain old
Theise’s annual catalogues of the
wines he imports from Germany,
Austria and Champagne through
Skurnik Wines and Spirits of New
York have become cult classics of
wine writing. They led to his first
book, “Reading Between the Wines,”
published in 2010. “What Makes a Wine
Worth Drinking” is less memoir and
more think piece, but Theise’s fans, as
well as those just meeting him for the
first time, will revel as he leads us on an
existential tour of wine.
Just don’t be looking at your watch.
As a tour guide, Theise has a Dr. Who
quality about him, and a corkscrew
is his TARDIS. We never know what
adventure is coming on the next page.
He frequently turns off his mental
GPS to take us on a detour to some
thought-attraction a little out of the
way, which may lead even further afield
before ultimately delivering us to our
destination. For Theise, it’s all about
the journey.
Novices who may not yet be ready
for Theise’s time-bending tour of the
vinous galaxy will enjoy the down-
to-earth treatment of “Wine Folly:
Magnum Edition,” by Madeline
Puckette and Justin Hammack. They are
the creators of the popular Wine Folly
website and authors of 2015’s “Wine
Folly: The Essential Guide to Wine,”
64 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 65
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66 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 67
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68 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonz meets Tucker, who writes pawsome dog ‘tails’
Hi Dog Buddies! DNA – possibly terrier with into how we dogs think.
one or two scoops of poodle.
This week’s column is a liddle differ- Me an my newborn siblings “On the road, Dad’s the one
ent: I was assigned to attend an Author were heartlessly stuffed in a
Event at the Vero Beach Book Center. No box an dropped off outside who gives these presentations,
Woof. the Denver animal shelter.
It was cold an we were still cuz there’s usually more hu-
“Why?” you ask. Cuz the author is a blind as bats. (That harrow-
dog: Tucker Cameron. He’s a ghost writer ing start became the inspira- mans than dogs attending. Plus,
for his Dad, W. Bruce Cameron. Tucker’s tion for my novel, ‘The Dogs
written a buncha dog books. The most of Christmas.’ But I digress.) he’s way better at signing books.
famous is “A Dog’s Purpose,” which you Anyway, my future human
probly heard of. The New York Times (a sister Georgia Lee runs an- I tend to smudge ’em.”
paper like ours, but a liddle bigger) had other, no-kill shelter in Den-
it on the Bestseller List for 7 Dog Years, ver an, thank Lassie, she scooped us up “What was it like, makin’ the
and it’s also a hit (4-hankie) movie. and saved our lives. You see, being new-
born, we still needed Mommy Milk, and MOO-vie?”
“The story’s VERY inspirational. It’s there was a mother pooch at her shelter
about this loveable, devoted dog who who’d just weaned her own puppies an Tucker “Totally PAWSOME! Mom’s a
wants to know his Purpose in Life, an had extra, so she shared with us. After screenwriter, and, of course, me
finds it by being reincarnated (yep, I all this time, I still remember how warm
Googled) as different dogs, with dif- an soft she was, an how she snuggled us an Dad wrote the book, so we
ferent humans, over 50 human years. an licked us like we were her very own
Along the way, he learns, and shares, puppies. And how we all fell asleep with were out in Hollywood a lot. It
Life’s Greatest Lessons, such as ‘true love happy tummies. She took care of us ’til
never dies,’ and ‘our real friends are al- we were ready to find Forever Families. was aMAZing. We worked with
ways there for us, if we know where to
look.’” “Well, Georgia Lee has this amazing Here’s how he described meeting his the producer, director and the human
gift for matching pooches with humans
There were lots of humans at the and, somehow, she knew me an her Dad first dog. ‘I was probably 8 years old, and dog actors. I had to keep reminding
Book Center, grown-ups an kids; an would be a perfect match. Even though
Road Runner, a rescue Shih Tzu from he was in California at the time (we’re playing in the back yard, when my Dad that we were there to work, cuz he
the HALO shelter. While Tucker’s Dad bi-coastal), she said ‘no problem!’ and
was talkin’ to the humans, I was ushered delivered me to him and Mom (Mom is dad opened the gate and in rushed a kept tumbling around with the dogs. I
back to The Special Room Behind the Cathryn Michon).
Bookshelves to innerview Tucker. I felt 9-week-old Labrador puppy. I fell to my even had a role in the movie myself,” he
Very Important, an a liddle nervous. I “We all survived ‘Puppy Training in a
know we’re fellow writers, but still ... High Rise,’ and I’ve been in charge of the knees and spread my arms and that dog added casually.
house ever since. Once in a while, there
Tucker was middle-size; creamy/gold; are small differences, but Dad always leaped into them as if we had loved each “No WOOF!”
free-style hair-do. Very cordial. Trotted comes around. For example, one day
right up for the Wag-n-Sniff. “Hey there, he ree-lized he’d been paying more for other our whole lives.” “Yep. I had a walk-on in one of the dog
Bonz! Glad you could make it. I’m Tuck- my food than his. So he went out an got
er Cameron. It’s a pleasure.” The Dry Stuff. THE DRY STUFF! Well, “Woof! I see what you mean.” I was park scenes. An I was READY! Hey, you
the first time I stuck my nose in the dish
“Likewise! You’re my first author! I re- I’m like, ‘What the fluff is THIS?’ An he’s moved. know Hollywood. You gotta be on top of
ally appreciate your time!” like, ‘Why didn’t you TELL me you could
TALK before?’ An I’m like, ‘There’s never “Dad kept on lovin’ dogs, an he was your game every single second.”
“Not a problem. I’ll start yappin’ an been a problem before.’ So that was that.
you just jump in with questions. Hows also comPELLED to tell stories. He’s I didn’t, but I nodded. He lowered his
that?” “My Dad REALLY loves dogs.
been a writer his whole life and he’s voice.
“First off, I’ll just say I am of suspect written a buncha of non-dog books, “I’m really 8 years old, but I SAY I’m 6.
too. He’s really hilarious, for a human. I think I can pull it off, don’t you?”
He writes stuff like, ‘How could you not “Oh, absoLUTEly. You look MARvel-
adore an animal who senses when your ous!”
day is not going well and tries to cheer Heading home, I was thinking that we,
you up by dumping a sodden tennis ball as fellow dogs, should always remem-
in your lap?’ ber: “Every dog happens for a reason.”
“So when did you ree-lize YOU’RE a
writer, too?” Till next time,
“Being around Dad all the time, I
started thinkin’ like him. An he started The Bonz
thinkin’ like me. I come up with cool
story ideas an share ’em with him.
We’ve written a lotta books for grown- Don’t Be Shy
ups an liddle humans: ‘A Dog’s Jour-
ney,’ ‘The Dogs of Christmas,’ ‘A Dog’s We are always looking for pets with
Way Home,’ ‘Max’s Story,’ ‘Ellie’s Story,’ interesting stories.
‘Molly’s Story’ an lots more. I’m happy To set up an interview, email
I had a paw in makin’ Dad the success
he is today. My favorite book is ‘A Dog’s [email protected].
Purpose.’ It really gives humans a look
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 69
Let us love as God loves – indiscriminately
BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT volunteer in India, one of his sisters fense of all her children? She refused to the world is quick to note, and which are
Columnists went around the world as a holy-roll- admit to distinctions between her sons frequently accompanied by judgments
er preacher, and his brother thought that would elevate one’s significance to of worth, have no meaning at all to a
Do you remember Billy Carter, he was going to be president of the her. She loved them both – equally. mother who cares for each son equally
President Jimmy Carter’s brother? In United States. “Which one of our fam- and deeply, and whose hearts beats
Jimmy Carter’s book, “An Hour Be- ily do you think is normal?” he Of course, as John Buchanan noted,
fore Daylight,” Carter says that when quipped. with love for both. Her love does
his campaign for president began in when he commented on this years lat- not take into account any of the
1976 Billy seemed to enjoy entering Of course, despite having a er, the contrast between the two sons criteria and categories the world
the spotlight as a somewhat shock- somewhat unconventional fam- was clear to everyone and made great uses in its assessments of value.
ing character whose deliberately out- ily, Jimmy Carter won the presi- news copy. Jimmy was bright, focused,
rageous statements were frequently dency in that election cycle, and proper, an Annapolis graduate, nucle- We dare to hope that God loves
quoted as serious comments. Once he later enjoyed sharing a story ar submarine officer, successful farm- like that. We cling to the belief
during the campaign when a reporter about his inauguration day. It er, governor, and now president of the that there is such an amazing
remarked that Billy was a little odd, he seems that as the formal inaugu- United States. Brother Billy, on the oth- grace in the great heart of God
replied that his mama, Miss Lillian, ral ceremony concluded and his er hand, was hard drinking, irreverent, that it overlooks those marks of
had been a 70-year-old Peace Corps family left the reviewing stand to seemingly unfocused, not-so-proper, distinction the world is all too
walk down Pennsylvania Avenue and rather eccentric. quick to see.
to the White House, a reporter ap-
proached Miss Lillian and asked: “Miss But those sorts of distinctions, which Of course, if we were to love as
Lillian, aren’t you proud of your son?” God loved, the world might look differ-
She tartly replied, “Which one?” ent to us. There would be no young or
old, no rich or poor, no male or female,
Sometime later, when Billy’s new we would simply honor one another
beer business had planned its ribbon equally as God’s children. We would
cutting ceremony, Lillian was asked if love indiscriminately without credit-
she intended to attend. She quickly re- ing the external distinguishing char-
sponded, “I attended Jimmy’s inaugu- acteristics that currently divide us.
ration didn’t I?” We could be asked if we were proud of
someone supposed to be nearest and
Isn’t there something marvelous dearest to us, and reply with perfect
about Miss Lillian’s almost fierce de- sincerity, “Which one?”
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70 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ONGOING p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop free en- 1 A Legacy of Love, a drag show to benefit 2 Holidays at the Museum, 1 to 4 p.m. at
tertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990 the People Care Center, 6 p.m. cocktails; Vero Beach Museum of Art, with student
Vero Beach Museum of Art - 150 Years of 7 p.m. show at Vero Beach Theatre Guild, cele- performances, children’s activities, tasty treats
Painting & Sculpture from the Permanent Col- DECEMBER brating 30th anniversary of World Aids Day. $30. and a visit from Santa. Free. 772-231-0707
lection thru Jan. 13; Made in Germany: Con- 772-321-9394
temporary Art from the Rubell Family Collec- 1 Vero Beach Art Club Art Trail, a ticketed open 2 Concert by Russian-born soprano Elena
tion thru Jan. 6. house of ten local member studios from 10 1 Book signing for cyclist and former Vero Mindlina, performing music from Rach-
a.m. to 4 p.m. $25; $30 event day. 772-231-0303 Beach 32963 journalist Alan Snel, author maninov to Gershwin, 4 p.m. at First Presbyte-
Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge tours, of “Long Road Back to Las Vegas: How Las Ve- rian Church. Free; $10 donation appreciated.
8 to 10 a.m. Wednesdays through March. Free; 1 Candy Cane 3K Run presented by Run Vero, gas and the Golden Knights healed a journalist’s 772-562-9088
RSVP required. 772-581-5557 X 2 5:15 p.m. followed by Oceanside Business As- wounds,” chronicling his recovery from injuries
sociation Christmas Parade, 6 p.m. on Ocean Drive. caused by a distracted motorist, 6 p.m. at Orchid 4 Friends of the Library Fashion Show and Fun-
NOVEMBER island Bikes and Kayaks. draising Event, 11 a.m. at the Indian River
1 Sebastian Christmas & Holiday Parade, 6 County Main Library, showcasing Library Friends
30 Sebastian River Area Chamber of Com- p.m. along Indian River Drive from Main 1 Celtic Angels Christmas Concert, 7 p.m. at Gift Shop apparel and accessories, with 25 percent
merce Light Up Night, 5:30 to 8 p.m. Street to Riverview Park for visits with Santa. Emerson Center, with Celtic Angels, Celtic discount on items, raffles, refreshments and free
at various businesses in Sebastian and Roseland, Knight Dancers and music by Trinity Band En- gift wrapping. $5. 772-226-3080 x 4550
with food, prizes and giveaways. 772-589-5969. 1 Christmas Banquet featuring Boston Mara- semble of Dublin. $19 to $49. 772-778-5249
thon bombing survivor Rebekah Gregory, 4 Atlantic Classical Orchestra benefit concert
30 & December 1 - Riverside Theatre 5:30 p.m. at Oak Harbor Club, with dinner, live 2 Schacht Groves Farm Festival, 11 a.m. to hosted by Friends of the ACO, featuring
Comedy Zone’s Winter Nights, 7:30 entertainment and auction to benefit Women’s 3 p.m. with children’s crafts and activi- famed pianist Alon Goldstein, 4:30 p.m. at Or-
Refuge of Vero Beach. 772-770-4424 ties, hayrides, packinghouse and grove tours. chid Island Beach Club followed by cocktail re-
Free. ception. $125. 772-460-0850
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 5 Winter Wonderland Concert of holiday
in November 22, 2018 Edition 1 REEK 2 EXAM songs featuring Dave DeLuca, 6 p.m. at
4 WEST 3 KETTLE North IRC Library. Free. 772-589-1355
9 LASTDITCH 5 SOCKET 6 A Night in the Garden, 5 p.m. at Garden
11 KINGLY 6 STAGPARTY Club of IRC to benefit Gifford Youth Or-
13 SLOGGED 7 SPRY chestra, with hors d’oeuvres, music, silent auc-
15 SCHEME 10 HIDEOUS tion and mingling with the ‘stars’ of the GYO.
16 TENANT 12 PSST $50. 772-213-3007
20 DUSTED 14 OMNIBUS 6|7 Holiday Madrigal Dinners pre-
22 BLUESKY 17 TODO sented by Sebastian River Middle
23 RISQUE 19 SLEEVE School Choral Department, 7 p.m. (doors open
25 SEVENTEEN 20 DEFEAT 6:15 p.m.) at Westminster Presbyterian Church.
26 TRIM 21 SKATER $20. 772-564-5185
Sudoku Page 42 Sudoku Page 43 Crossword Page 42 Crossword Page 43 (STARTING LINEUP)
Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753
(772) 978-9817 (772)234-0262
Open 7 Days 6750 73rd Street 4893 Hwy. A1A, Vero Beach, FL 32963
Vero Beach, FL 32967 Pelican Plaza Next to Village Beach Market
This directory gives small business people eager
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each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the
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in the Vero Beach 32963 Business Directory, please
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120 Green Turtle Way in John’s Island: 6-bedroom, 7-bath, 8,240-square-foot waterfront home on
1.05-acre lot offered for $5.85 million by John’s Island Real Estate Company: 772-231-0900
72 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Enjoy waterfront serenity in sublime Gem Island home
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA Sitting gracefully back from the
Staff Writer curving, tree-shaded street, on a
meticulously landscaped property,
Past a vanguard of soaring royal this 6-bedroom home with 6 full
palms, a broad drive leads to the baths and 2 half-baths is a true is-
courtyard and main entrance veran- land hideaway that boasts 120 feet of
dah at 120 Green Turtle Way, one of frontage on the picturesque John’s
the most impressive homes on Gem Island Sound.
Island, a gorgeous waterfront para-
dise, hidden within the exclusive The house was designed by its one
John’s Island community. and only owner, and takes full advan-
tage of its tropical waterfront loca-
tion, with a open, sweeping floorplan; ing into a broad gallery that connects
soaring volume ceilings; broad arch- the home’s two wings; and its lofty
ways; numerous bay windows; and barrel ceiling the visitor’s first look at
colors informed by water, air and sky. the magnificent white millwork that
is a major design element throughout
Prepare to be impressed as you step this elegant abode.
into the foyer, its marble floor extend-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 73
The home’s most breathtaking
interior space is the living room, a
masterpiece of millwork, from floor
to high ceiling. In gentle contrast to
the white millwork, the walls here
are pale seafoam green, the ceiling a
clear sky blue.
A trio of arched French doors
across the east wall opens to the
wrap-around covered terrace and
pool deck, and offers a view across
the lush lawn to the dock and quiet
water where dolphins and mana-
tees are a common sight; a fireplace
flanked by arched, built-in display
shelving makes another powerful
design statement as it anchors the
south wall.
From the living room, a columned,
wall-to-wall archway opens into the
dining room, with its elegant coffered
ceiling, beautiful crystal chande-
lier, taupe wall covering and double
French door that open to the terrace.
The dining room flows into a chef’s
kitchen, which features an abun-
dance of custom, cream-hued cabi-
netry; 5-burner gas cooktop; warm-
ing drawer; high-end appliances;
granite-topped counters and large,
2-level island, with 7-stool breakfast
bar; two sinks; and lighted glass-front
shelving. Another welcome kitchen
feature is a well-located work desk
with storage.
Off the kitchen is the spacious,
light-filled “breakfast nook” with a
beguiling bay window view of vener-
able oaks that shade the home, and a
French exterior door to a separate pa-
tio with its own fountain, where you
can sip your first coffee, peruse the
paper and catch the morning sun.
Also adjacent to the kitchen is
the spacious family room, with its
beautiful bay window and three sets
of French doors to the porch and
screened lanai.
The open concept kitchen, family
room and breakfast room are con-
figured for maximum flow of guests,
food and conversation. This wing
also accommodates a utility/laundry
room with lots of counter and storage
space; a linen closet and utility closet;
74 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
as well as an en-suite guest bedroom. display. To feel totally pampered, you scented candle or two, a mystery nov- room, exercise studio, and a flexible
Off the front hallway is a covered need only step out of your stressful el perhaps. room with attached full bath that can
day and into the master bathroom. serve your needs as a study, office or
exterior walkway to the 3-bay garage. Have a lovely, long soak in the Ja- This dreamy bathroom includes additional bedroom.
The south wing houses the luxuri- cuzzi tub, ensconced in its marble separate vanities, hers with a dress-
surround beneath a bay window. You ing table, a large, marble shower, and Completing the south wing is an-
ous master suite in which, again, the might wish to add a glass of wine, a two water closets. The suite contains other en suite bedroom.
extraordinary artistry and impec- an L-shaped walk-in closet, dressing
cable detail of the millwork is on full Off the screened lanai is the charm-
Vero as you’ve imagined it.
Allow yourself to be inspired by the Bermuda and West Indies Move-In Ready
architectural style of the floor plans and elevations offered in Lily’s Cay. Inventory Homes
Now Available!
Located at the intersection of 41st Street and Indian River Boulevard, Lily’s Cay
is just minutes from the very best that Vero Beach has to offer. All homes include
saltwater pools and screened enclosures from the mid $400s.
Call Cathy Garofalo at 772.342.0061 or visit our sales center at
1498 Lily’s Cay Circle in Vero Beach open Mon. - Sat. 10am - 5pm
and Sun. Noon - 5pm
772.342.0061 | GHOHOMES.COM
Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer.
For correct representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a
developer to a buyer or lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 75
ing guest cabana, a delightful suite ed by a hallway with two full bath- style and entertaining possibilities Neighborhood: Gem Island
where everyone will love to stay. The rooms in between, one accessed from is the home’s abundance of outdoor Year built: 2000
cabana includes a bedroom and liv- the hall. living space. With the covered ter- Construction:
ing room with bay window, connect-
Enhancing the indoor/outdoor life- CONTINUED ON PAGE 78 Concrete block/stucco
Lot size: 1.05 acres
Home size:
6,278 square feet under air
Bedrooms: 5 w/den or 6
6 full baths, 2 half-baths
Additional features:
Open concept; 3-bay garage
with attic space; screened lanai;
summer kitchen; 120-foot wa-
terfront on John’s Island Sound;
heated pool with fountain; cus-
tom millwork; impact windows
and doors; hurricane shutters;
T-dock with power boat lift; at-
tached guest cabana with living
room; recessed lighting; gas
fireplace; exceptional tropical
landscaping; concrete tile roof
Listing agency:
John’s Island Real Estate
Listing price: $5.85 million
76 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Nov. 16 to Nov. 22
Thanksgiving Week brought a lull in the barrier island real estate market with only
three transactions closing, including one for more than $1 million.
The top sale of the week was of an oceanfront condo in the Colony Club. Unit 303 at
1508 Ocean Drive was placed on the market Aug. 24 for $1,395,000. The sale closed
on Nov. 16 for $1,388,888.
The seller of the property was represented by Bob Faller of Berkshire Hathaway
Florida. The purchaser was represented by Patty Valdes of Alex MacWilliam Inc.
CACHE CAY 26 CACHE CAY DRIVE 3/12/2018 $500,000 $469,900 11/19/2018
ATLANTIS 2246 MAGANS OCEAN 10/3/2018 $624,900 $624,900 11/19/2018
COLONY CLUB 1508 OCEAN DRIVE, #303 8/24/2018 $1,395,000 $1,395,000 11/16/2018
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 77
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Cache Cay, Address: 26 Cache Cay Drive Subdivision: Atlantis, Address: 2246 Magans Ocean
Listing Date: 3/12/2018 Listing Date: 10/3/2018
Original Price: $500,000 Original Price: $624,900
Recent Price: $469,900 Recent Price: $624,900
Sold: 11/19/2018 Sold: 11/19/2018
Selling Price: $420,000 Selling Price: $575,000
Listing Agent: Cliff Norris Jr Listing Agent: John Hoover
Selling Agent: Cliff Norris Real Estate Selling Agent: Illustrated Properties LLC
Cliff Norris Jr Peggie Hollinger
Cliff Norris Real Estate Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC
Subdivision: Seagrove, Address: 1760 Cypress Lane Subdivision: Sea Oaks, Address: 1295 Winding Oaks Circle East, #802
Listing Date: 8/31/2018 Listing Date: 3/15/2018
Original Price: $575,000 Original Price: $250,000
Recent Price: $575,000 Recent Price: $250,000
Sold: 11/13/2018 Sold: 11/5/2018
Selling Price: $535,000 Selling Price: $237,500
Listing Agent: Megan Raasveldt Listing Agent: Susie Wilson & Susan Windham
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Susie Wilson Real Estate PA
Not Provided Janice Jolly
Not Provided Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S
Beautiful custom built 3BR/5BA+office, scenic lake view, Lakefront 3BR/3.5BA plus office, over ½ acre prime lot, Beautiful 4BR/3BA great room floor plan, upgrades galore,
fireplace, screened lanai, heated pool, gated community 2 master suites, fireplace, pool, gated/guarded community impact glass windows, 3 car garage, minutes to the beach
$1,129,000 $855,000 $459,000
Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.
direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |
78 Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
race and porch, large, screened lanai, John’s Island is only minutes north
summer kitchen, swimming pool and of Vero’s charming seaside village,
beautiful pool deck, lush lawn, boat with its many pubs, restaurants, re-
dock and generous 120 feet of wa- sorts and shops; Riverside Park (on
terfront, the new owners will likely the Intracoastal Waterway/Indian
spend at least as much time outside River); the prestigious Vero Beach
as in. Here you’ll discover your true Museum of Art; and the nationally
tropical paradise, a sanctuary where respected Riverside Theatre (Equity).
your closest neighbors include leap- There’s also a large, riverside dog park
ing mullet, gentle manatee, playful on the island, city marina and many
dolphins and myriad water birds. fine beaches.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 29, 2018 79